A Different Kind of Magic.

by KarmaSentinal

First published

An unexpected encounter sparks an unexpected change.

Blueblood fled Tirek's initial attack, but his escort was caught in the middle of the Everfree Forest; he barely managed to escape into the woods where he was discovered by the local inhabitant, Zecora. As the days turn into weeks and with no sign of normalcy manifesting, the prince begins questioning his new routine, and that of the zebra in his life.

Can something more than magic thrive in their little corner of the Everfree Forest, or will both of their secrets be the cause of their downfall?

For the May Pairings 2022 Contest.

Commissioned the cover art from the talented Scope, and it looks lovely! You can find him on: Twitter, and Deviant Art

Chapter 1

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There was a stench in the air that made the pony trudging through the undergrowth of this forsaken forest all the more intolerable. Yet, he pushed on no matter how much he might complain or curse for the alternative is much worse than some scratches, dirt, or the potential of being eaten by one of the locals- the loss of his magic.

As the last true heir of the Blueblood line, and descendant of the greatest unicorn ruler, Princess Platinum, he had a certain if unspoken duty to survive if only for the preservation of this old Equestrian legacy.

“For aunty and country…” he mumbled to himself.

He winced as his hoof sunk further into the muck, and felt something rub against his once pristine white hoof, but it mattered little in the grand design the future had laid for the young prince as the world he knew was consumed by a magic eating monster - another black rose from his aunts dresser.

How he wished his aunts could be here with him as he struggled to not use his magic else that monster might find him. It already got his escorts, and through sheer luck and cowardice he’d managed to slip away into the overabundance of bushes and barbed flowers as it sucked the magic from their very bodies. Flight was too strong and even though the sun and moon remained frozen in the sky he could still hear that sickly laughter spilling from the sides of its mouth, and shuttered as he looked behind to make sure it was all in his head.

Only the watchful eyes of the forest were there, watching and waiting to see what this strange pony of power was doing in the forest granted to them by the Old Ones.

This routine continued for a long time as the hanging sun and moon remained where they had been dragged to before their caretakers lost control, but the rightful inhabitants of the forest knew it was night- they followed the unceasing pony as his pace sputtered to a near crawl. This wasn’t by choice as the prince heir been on the move nonstop since fleeing that wretched being, and his hooves had grown stiff and sore from the constant excursion. This was the most physical activity the poor stallion had to endure in recent memory, save making preparations for the Grand Galloping Gala every year despite the terrible taste it always left.

He may act according to his station, but even the young prince could only tolerate so much.

Throbbing pain in the frogs of his hooves and bone splitting torment of his worn legs hindered his progress for many steps, yet he stumbled forward hoping to find anything that could be used for shelter, but it was as if the very forest was against the outsider. The forest was deprived of noise save for the crass crushing of hoof breaking sticks, or the stiff curses he gave out as he the pain was enough to bring tears to his very eyes, but the fear of being found was the sole conditioning needed to walk till he dropped.

He would change direction, but not of his own accord for he would burst through a bush only to find a wall of them on the other side forcing the aching stallion to change direction and follow the row of bushes until the same thing happened further down the new path. The prince knew he was being directed, but to where he hadn’t the wildest idea, but splitting hooves be damned if he were going to drop now in defeat! Even underneath the sickly canopy of skinny branches and dead leaves the half sunlight still lit his way only, they only added tears for his beloved aunts as he could only guess what had happened to them in the castle.

“Another sorrowful reason for my needed survival. A royal that can still perform feats of magic will be needed in the future.” He told himself this to further separate himself from the guilt nibbling on his very soul. It made the physical pain appear to test his resolve rather than be inflicted because of his lack of character.

It was by the fourth change in direction did the pain finally subdue the prince, and with a soft groan (being all he could muster) collapsed onto the moist ground covered in sparse patches of moss barely able to grow on the damp mud. The cold affected Prince Blueblood very little as the physical exhaustion and pain from an unknown amount of travel overran every feeling in his body, and he could do little more than groan trying to alleviate some of that discomfort.

‘Oh Equestria, my love, see your son where he lies, for he will remain!’ The prince thought as his classical upbringing brought with it a comfort from a simpler time from his youth; an era so to speak, when all the unicorn had to worry about was learning the tutored knowledge provided to him, and acting in a way that not only conveyed his inherited right, but proved he would be a worthy successor of the family name.

Laying in the mud didn’t grant the young prince any sense of pride a noble like himself should have, for what pride was there to keep when one is to die in the mud alone? Reflection can be both a wondrous and terrible thing for the wandering mind in its final moments…

“It had always been depicted as a painless, and often quick affair, yet I can feel everything but the comfort of its embrace.” Or so the young prince assumed as the toll of his force marched through one of the most treacherous terrains in Equestria.

In olden times before the breakup of the realm into provinces governed by the elected mayors of their respective largest city, the country was divided amongst the noble houses with his own taking ownership of the lands around the old capital- this very forest. It was why he had chosen to flee through the Everfree using old maps that depicted the ancient roadways once used for trading with the rest of the country, but somehow it didn’t occur to the young prince that many magically disciplined guards might attract the beast.

They had all paid for that carelessness, and now his prestigious line is coming to an end in the very center of their domain, but the fact saddens him little as he found some humor in the symbolism of it- ended by the very thing he sought to rule. His upbringing had many such examples of this metaphorical symbolism to draw comparisons from, and in these troubling times of uncertainty found the parallels a mild comfort as he laid in the cold mud. The tired prince had to busy himself because the usually talkative forest was silent, and growing up around the castle had taught the unicorn to fear the quiet for it could mean a number of things often dangerous to an heir apparent.

He raised his head and even noticed that earlier breeze was missing as he maneuvered his ears listening, but even the unspeaking trees held their voice as they waited for the inevitable build up the forest was creating. No longer was the mud the ideal place to rest, and with great strain the prince pried his cold, and matted fur out of the mud just to stagger a short distance before collapsing into its embrace once more. The nonstop flight through the forest had exhausted him far too greatly to be of any real threat to the first creature that should stubble upon him, and even the trepidation of that inevitable encounter couldn’t shake his refusal to use magic.

Prince Blueblood should have strived to survive, and use what magics he could summon in his defense, but the fear of that monster centaur finding him ruled that option out for good; instead he found himself crawling along the mud, and even as he found the slimy cool sensation jarring for one of his social standing, the idea of covering his body in the mud if it might conceal him from potential predators grew in popularity.

It never happened of course.

‘Where are they? Where are they!’ Blueblood shouted to himself as he slowly crawled along the ground, failing to note he had missed the gradual transition from mud to rough forest floor. He looked up, and sighed when the trees had moved during his crisis and further blocked out blood orange sky as if to further isolate him from the wider world.

‘The forest is trying to get me.’

The forest was in fact trying to get the unicorn, for it tolerated little that wasn’t born, or molded to live within its unlawful ground.

He tried to rise to his hooves once more, and this time managed to ignore the pain long enough to move about eight hooves away before his cracked, and now bleeding hooves forced him back to the ground. The shock and pain elicited a yelp from the prince, and he forced himself to crawl along the ground once more. Exhaustion mixed with pain ended any chance of continuing and with fear in his heart, he forced himself off the dangerously path into the thicket of prickling bushes to conceal himself for a moment.

Blueblood didn’t have to look to know he was bleeding for he could smell it and feel the tender area along his back and sides marking the bushes’ assault against him. For this meant the more terrible creatures lurking would become aware of his presence in due time making his peril all the more dangerous. It was during this mental worry when he heard that snap.

Now he was alert. Blueblood’s heart was beating dangerously loud as if to make up for his lack of breathing while urging him to flee was too strong, and he desperately fought to keep still and hidden. So frightened was the young prince, he didn’t even move his ears while trying to listen for the danger…

‘It’s closer!’ He mentally scolded himself as he the faintest squelching of a limb sinking into the mud told the forest around it was there now.

The need to use his magic was great, but that fear of being discovered kept him still and from cursing the predicament of being hunted by one of the local beasts; Tirek or a monster, which was better he wanted to ask himself, but agreed both were equally just bad for his health. He almost gasped as the squelching of limbs trekking through mud faded to the crunching of gravel and compacting dirt as the creature was obviously following his trail, and it would be a matter of when he was discovered and eaten.

OH! How he dreaded what the future brought, for he was tired, his cracked hooves throbbed from the earlier excursion, but above all he was terrified of using his magic else the mad centaur come rampaging through the Everfree for him. The best he could do was stay put and pray to Harmony and its workings he would escape notice. So he remained still listening as the creature advanced further along the path that led ever nearer, that he began worrying if he might die from heart palpitations then any actual attack.

The prince was so worried of potentially being caught that he had missed the stillness returning to the forest until another branch, a bit closer this time snapped in two causing the Blueblood to slip up and cry out in fear. It was too late when he noticed the grievous error, and was nearly set to run with the most unusual voice called out to him, zapping any will of his to flee- the terror had faded.

“Please be mellow, and don’t bellow. I came to say hello.”

The voice was unlike anything Blueblood had ever heard in his life and carried an air of confidence he believed his aunts could only possess, for the mare(based on the voice) traversed these wild lands with no regard for her own safety. Surely, the radiance that carried each syllable preluded an unseen skill of great ability only derived from a great lineage.

“Yes. Hello.” he stiffly responded as a bit of fear for the forest still remained. His heart began beating faster when voice answered back with a much softer pitch than before, just barely above a passing whisper. The mystery mare had still managed to hear his pathetic greeting.

"Hello indeed, and good tidings. Now, shall we seek shelter, or will you keep hiding? If you don't wish to come, I will abide, but I would greatly prefer to be inside."

He couldn’t help but ponder her strange, song-like speech for he had never heard anything of the like before, and this new wonder intrigued the poor prince long enough to earn an impatient stump from the mare and a declaration she would take leave if he continued his folly. Not wanting to let this wonder escape spurred the battered, and exhausted prince into action, forcing the unicorn to bloody his coat more as he failed to maneuver through the barbed bushes in his plight to see the strange mare. He always had a weak spot for mares one often found in common society, for the ones of his standing were blander than the castle’s color scheme of white and off white. Yet, her song-like questioning blinded Blueblood from asking important questions along the lines of ‘Why was she in the middle of the Everfree Woods alone?’

Blinded by his fascination with this mysterious mare, the prince crawled through the bushes earning a great many more cuts than before, yet he felt none of them as he kept his eyes open, and muzzle up trying to peer through what little openings he could for a glimpse.

He found none, but squealed in surprise when his hooves broke the thorny divide and felt a slim pair of rough hooves wrap around his cracked and blooded hooves. With some effort he felt himself being dragged forward and this time he lowered his muzzle so his horn would penetrate the thicket first…

“Forgive me! I’d assume you were well, but I failed to account for how you fell. Tonight let me make amends for my carelessness, your wounds I shall mend. Quickly though! The beast within these woods does stalk, and no longer will I dally with talk. ”

Blueblood had barely looked up to see this strangely hooded, but confirmed mare before she turned toward the path he had originally traveled down. To his continued shock and amazement the very forest left her alone and appeared to welcome her as she trotted by- vines and flowers reaching toward her like they might for the morning sun. This inaction didn’t last long as an instinct urged the injured stallion to follow the mare, and in this unnatural forest of lawlessness, the prince found the idea intriguing rather than the standard back in Canterlot. All the mares that might have/had chased him amounted to little more than store cutouts with two lines to describe their personality…

‘Waaiiittt.” He whined as he picked himself up, and desperately tried to keep up on cracked hooves.

With a prospective guide leading the way, the prince’s journey through this extremely independent, and arguably unhinged gathering of trees on the entire continent progressed as smoothly as an injured pony on the run could make. In between his limping, and haggard breathing Blueblood did what he could to steal glances of his agile, thin framed guide forging the trail some four pony lengths ahead, and the mystery this mare represented- an elevated being sent to save his poor soul.

Whoever this pony is, Blueblood knew his gratitude for the mare would never be enough even if she decided to turn down any offered show of this appreciation. His upbringing insisted he correct the debt thrusted upon him if only to prevent becoming indebted to a foreign party; this sense of preservation screamed for the prince to figure a way out of his debt, and yet he wanted to wipe the slate clean for his own personal reason then a fear of owing somepony a few favors.

He wanted to thank the mare for saving his life, and possibly learn of the origin of this mysteriously captivating creature.

“Ease your worried thoughts, for we are near my abode. Splintered hooves are no good to you or I, but I commend you for keeping with your guide. it’s not easy keeping stride.”

Very similar narrations had slipped off his guide’s lips with an ease he never heard before, but how could they not?

Her song-like speech had an airy quality to them that might ruffle a few pegasi feathers for how easily she seemed adapted to the sky, or nature itself. His painful hooves throbbed, but he continued ignoring them as he watched with wild fascination as the mare made the very forest part for them simply by walking, and they in return, would gradually alter themselves to allow this marvel of a pony to slip through.

She never needed to ask nor force a bush aside leaving the hurt, but mesmerized prince stunned at the compassion they two entities had for the other to breed this mutual respect- he was envious. The only pony he might stretch a limb out for to make such a comparison would be his ‘cousin’ and he meant that loosely, Cadenza, yet she too was aligned with the guiding light that consumed all royalty. The flame would eventually come for him as well in the end, but somehow he had avoided that terrible fate presently, and pondered his own demise in the spaces between the schedule that led him. Until this very moment, the prince hadn’t felt the need to worry about factual matters, and even now he felt a sort of glee as he mind and soul drifted toward the cloaked mare in front of him once more.

Now, she had stopped next to large tree and laid her forehead upon its flaking grey bark in a manner Blueblood recognized as a pony fed up with the constant distractions of one's own life, but her posture reflected none of this stress.

“The tree urges caution, for hunted we remain. In turn I urge speed, that we may avoid even greater pain.” She warned him as she looked to her right and like before, proceeded down the opening that wasn’t there before. “Hurry on, be quick! We’ve tarried too long, and our path grows strict.”

Blueblood followed as best he could, and was genuinely grateful not only for her assistance, but the forest for allowing him to pass mostly unmolested. She would almost phase between each bush, or around each tree with so little movement his guide appeared to be trotting through them. As a unicorn he knew this wasn’t true, but the way she spoke and treated woods left many questions open to interpretation. Their trek off the path and into the actual woods didn’t feel any faster, but he wisely kept his concern to himself knowing she could disappear from sight and leave him to his fate.

Nopony would know where the prince is, or if anypony even cared to know when the walking disaster of a centaur roamed Equestria. So he tried to take his mind off of such thoughts and decided to engage with his guide in hopeful conversation.

“As a pony of my upbringing, I need to apologize for putting the burden of myself onto your back, but I am eternally grateful all the same and will repay my debt in due time.” He stated with as much regal a pony could given his level of exhaustion and pain, and to his, liking she responded without a hint of annoyance or anger.

“You and I are not so different.” His guide started and paused to listen to the forest around them before continuing at a reduced pace. “ For my upbringing made me less indifferent to another’s plight, for who am I to seek flight? I very well might be the one grounded all for leaving you astounded. That my friend, will only lead to dead ends.”

The way she spoke left Blueblood more complexed with each syllable, and it wasn’t because of the rhyming way she spoke, but the strong urge to speak truths. Even in rare moments he could speak to one of his aunts, they were always guarded and never forthcoming with their emotions to any but the one’s known as the Elements. He’d always felt a ping of jealousy for the treatment they received as none of his attempts to bond with his morning loving aunt bore any fruit save to muddy her opinion of himself further.

He gave up after the Gala where he tarnished one of the Element’s gowns for the evening, and both of the sisters had scolded him for it. It was a painful lesson to learn, but his father and mother had been right in leaving the princess alone to their own deeds while they focused on their own. So, call him eager to hear more of this truth she preached for good reason.

“If I can be so brash as to suggest this is a normal day for you? You move and act with little regard to a forest many would die from fright after setting hoof in, let alone becoming lost. ” he haggard a response just as his guide began once again forcing him to breathe between his gritted teeth as she picked up the pace.

"Ahhh, but for an otherwise dull day it is already quite strange. Usually I must wait for the rainy season for such an interesting exchange." She sung her response, but this time turned her head to look back at the struggling prince, and from the brief action he caught his first true gleam of coat coloring- a black muzzle all alone in a sea of ashen grey.

His mind sprinted with this exciting new detail for he had never seen a color combination back in Canterlot, and the very uniqueness of it allowed his mind to wonder, and wonder it did. This escape gave the injured unicorn a chance to focus on something more important than his splintered hooves for a time. How long, Blueblood couldn’t tell for the sun and moon still hanging in the air where his aunts had left them before…

“Where are we going?” he suddenly blurted out once he realized he hadn’t the foggiest where he was being led to, and only now did the mysticism surrounding the strange mare began to falter. Even as the mare sang an answer in that rhyming scheme she used, Blueblood felt none of the mystic behind it.

The trek finally came to an end after an unknown length of time when the hooded mare slowed to a trot, and with careful instructions commended the prince to follow her every move as they entered a thicket of bushes not unlike the one he had hid in before. The big difference here was how the very thorns felt dull to the touch as they rubbed in between his fur and onto his bare skin, and to his amazement came out the other side without any further injury.

Blueblood stood still as he took in the glade before him, and began noting its signs of habitation: a house carved inside a living tree, small garden, a drinking well, and maintained surroundings. The mare trotted into the opening with no regard for any potential attack, and once she reached the door did she turn around and waved him forward with her black and ash grey hoof.

Having grown up in perhaps the wealthiest house in Equestria and close proximity to the princess had left the prince accustomed to a high maintenance lifestyle that was a stark contrast to what he was witnessing now. Though he wasn’t opposed to a significant downgrade unlike his fellow nobles, for he had developed a very lenient view on the conditions of the less privileged, but it was the type of house that worried him. He knew a few tall tales of rogue magic users during his short time on this planet, and there was no way his guide could hide the fact she was a witch.

“A witch! I’m saved by a witch!” he worriedly thought as he hobbled his way toward the door.

Chapter 2

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“Wake up! Wake you sleepy dolt, and act like a grown colt. The day is rushing us by, and any longer will be flushing it away.” Zecora declared as she nudged her semi awake guest into consciousness, earning a meager hoof smack from the large stallion.

“I’m awake, but I ache, so please cease your quaking.” Blueblood mumbled back, and was rewarded with a high shrill of delight and hoof clapping.

“Oh! What a surprise, do you know what this implies? You and I are mates, destined by fate.”

“I.err..no..what!?” He squealed in adjective horror as he threw the itchy blanket off his body so he could better roll off the bed. His seriousness was greeted with another tranquil laugh full of merriment as the strange mare quickly retreated behind the massive cauldron, never once hiding the mischievousness from her eyes he had recently begun noticing.

“All in good jest, by that I swear. The day might be young, yet you haven't even begun. Many things seek our time, so let us hit the grime.”

Blueblood relaxed after listening to her rhyme, and lightly sighed as he went to retrieve the discarded blanket. Since his arrival and boarding with the strange mare known as Zecora he he’d refused to use any magic out of fear it would draw the mad centaur; with his hooves still recovering, but well enough to walk offered to accompany this ‘zebra’ as she called herself by providing another back to carry even more herbs, wild vegetables, and various little things she took delight in. Not in a long while had she lived with another, and drew delight from the daily interactions, or the prince guessed by her increasingly playful mood.

“Alright Zecora, let me finish making the bed and I’ll join you outside.”

“Do what you do Cardinal Rose, but don’t dally instead rally in the valley!” She shouted before he heard her comforting steps heading toward the small indention hidden behind a lone cloth, and began withdrawing three baskets.

The sun and moon still hung in the air, and the pair decided they would keep count of the days by adding one whenever they rose from their slumber- 11 times since Zecora took him in they had awakened, with 12 times they had laid themselves to sleep.

The count could be off for he had no watch, and there was no clock save the mare’s structured need to brew potions everyday near a set time, so at least they knew when it was nearing three in the afternoon. Another concern less important than telling time was if she knew who he was, but besides prodding questions seemed oblivious to his title, so he offered her his real name, and not the one he assumes as head of the Blueblood Family.

To his luck, she took to it with speed and questioned less of his family for more about him instead.

‘That I could work with.’ He had told himself as he wished to keep his identity a secret, and besides his parents, Celestia, and a well hidden birth certificate nopony else knew of the seldom used name.

He’d reached the fairly wide, but deep bowl they used for bathing water and began scooping some of that water with his hooves, splashing it on his muzzle and cheeks. He repeated this action twice more before taking the provided towel hanging on the wall, and began drying his face like he had done so as part of his new routine; he even dampened his mane this time if only to loosen some of the mats that had developed since his incursion through the Everfree Forest.

This was only possible because of the single shard on the wall that acted like a mirror, but the prince gave up on his mangled mane after the second mat bested him, and besides what did it matter when he would only get dirty once more. Sacrifices were being made except for one. he refused to let his teeth be un-brushed even if it meant using the naturally made toothpaste Zecora boosted having made, and that was no exception. The morning ritual only lasted about 15 minutes now, but back in Canterlot he wouldn't spare time nor expense to achieve the desired look- appearance meant everything.

“Should I grab the other basket, Zecora?” he shouted, turning to find his companion already missing. Blueblood didn’t have to wait a second more when she replied in her song like rhyming she had all three.

With nothing left, he strolled over to the lone hook by the door and removed the cloak Zecora had loaned him, claiming it would offer protection not only from the elements, but the pricks of thorns to. Outside in grove, the changes were gradually becoming more noticeable each time they woke up, and the prince strangely felt proud knowing his own two hooves helped in the terraforming from swamp-esque land into a semi large vegetable garden.

Food would become more scarce or so Zecora proclaimed when they first stumbled upon one of her favorite spots to gather berries only to find all the bushes had been ripped from the very ground. This was all Zecora needed to enlist his aid to gather as many seeds as they could so they could be planted in this hidden grove, and this day would be no different. He never had to look for the zebra for she always stood in the direct center of the grove, and there she stood with three woven, but brittle baskets on the ground before her.

“Is something the matter, Zecora?” He called out, and noted the deep look of thought etched into her face as she faintly hummed an unknown tune.

The prince had quickly learned to stand still and wait for the mare while she lost herself in whatever it was that captured her mind, and some previous short exposition they’d shared revealed she never had the luxury to just think. Now that he was here, he guessed she felt more confident knowing he was nearby, and this was only a guess he told himself, but that strange feeling from before was swelling inside at the possibility his very presence gave the mare the opportunity.

That he was helping a pony just by being himself.

“Vegetables. There was another patch further north, but from here to there is more than just air. The forest has been passive of late, but we mustn’t tempt fate.” Zecora declared as she retrieved one of the baskets leaving the prince with the other two as had become another new normal.

They took the northernmost path out of the glade where they followed its length until it bent just a bit too much toward civilization, and from there the two forged a new trail through more trees. Just like all the times before, Blueblood watched how the planets would sway enough to avoid hindering the motivated mare, and by extension himself as they had grown used to the stallion’s presence or so Zecora informed him about three days ago. A small change, but one the unicorn welcomed with opened hooves at being accepted (in limited capacity) by the forest.

Their trailblazing led them through a section of the forest that vaguely resembled one they’ve visited the other day, but Zecora assured him that this was in fact very new and mostly unexplored save for passing next to it before. This admittance earned his interest as Blueblood assumed her to have explored the whole forest before his arrival, yet her own confession, and rigid posture confirmed her trepidation to this unknown destination. He wisely followed her lead and kept his questions to himself for the remainder of their journey, even going the extra step to mimic her movements in the chance he might learn some mysterious secret.

His hooves still hurt, but had healed well enough to travel some distance without needing to stop and rebandage, only encouraging Zecora to seek his companionship on these ‘outings’. He would have further lost himself in mindless thoughts if the mare hadn’t halted in the path.

“Cardinal Rose, can you feel how the air stills? How it shakes my very will? Perhaps we are more unwelcomed then some, so let us leave before anything comes.”

Blueblood said nothing. He barely moved as he stared in worried awe at his companion’s fearful remarks, for these weren’t meant as caution, but to act as a warning. It took the zebra’s wonderous flank bumping into him to shake free from his worries, yet no snide comment from the mare only worried him as she hastened her retreat forcing him to backpedal as well.

“Alrig..hold on Zec..wait!” he shouted that last part, and watched as the mare went still with freight. He seized the opportunity and grabbed the mare’s withers and spun her around so they could stare into each other's eyes. “You speak of worries and fears, yet all I see is your rear. Tell me what terrifies a mare like yourself, so I know more than just myself.”

His rare use of rhyming shook Zecora from her fear enough to blink, and observe the stallion for the first time, taken back by the change that had come over him. Here she gathered her thoughts and in short informed him of the signs that were there and they should take care; no more was spoken as her tone and posture was enough for Blueblood to accept this change in course and began leading them back down the path they came from with a great pace. Zecora made no effort to assume the lead, just grateful for the stallion's understanding.

Mimicking the time before, they kept to themselves out of fear any noise would attract whatever had spooked the zebra, but that didn’t stop them from trotting with a great need to leave.

This time Blueblood noticed the forest was acting against them as he was forced several times off the path they had just trailed to blaze a new path deeper into the thickets that was accompanied every tree in the bucking forest. He was trying to be understanding of the forest’s wishes, but found it frustratingly difficult to be receptive when the mare following him was almost pressing herself against his right flank in a demonstration of true fright. He lost track of whether that shaking was coming from Zecora or himself as they continued the trek set forth by the forest when they finally heard it, and the pair froze.

They refused to move or speak as their ears swivel left and right when another brief scrapping of wood against bark came from their left followed by a low growl to their right. This hide and seek of sounds continued to the pair’s increasing terror for the forest seemingly left them to their fate for the thick bushes and massive trees appeared less numerous and sickly. It was in between the new openings that they spotted something on all fours sprinting by, but the prince didn’t know what it was.

“Something ran by on all fours, but that’s all I saw.” he whispered to his companion who had taken the opportunity to stand literally beside the unicorn, her early fear had been replaced with her familiar stoic attitude.

“I must apologize to you, dear friend, for when we set off I’d imagine everything was fair. Never did I expect we’ll soon be ensnared.” Zecora whispered, but it mattered little as the trap had been sprung.

“And I had grown rather fond of our wooden neighbors. I had even considered extending an invitation to them, how unfortunate.” Blueblood made the comment while trying to pinpoint the source of the growls and yips.

Zecora did the same, but his words were strange and reminded the mare of his proper upbringing he spoke so little about. From the moment she’d found him till this very moment, his appearance had roughed up and by the Forest Spirit she had become drawn to the stallion as the years of proper hygiene had left the unicorn in peak condition. It was the so few words he spoke of his life that allowed the zebra to construct her own ideals to fill in the gaps…

“Look out!” Zecora cried as a small timber wolf leaped from a bush next to her, but years of survival teachings had molded a strong creature of the woods.

Blueblood had barely tilted his head toward Zecora when she had spun around on her forelegs and gave the wolf a mighty kick, sending the creature flying against one of the nearby trees. This spurred its packmates into pouncing and before they knew it another one flew out from their left, and only a push from Zecora saved the prince from its snapping jaws. Blueblood hit the ground as Zecora jumped backwards to avoid the new wolf’s jaws, and grasping the fallen basket, threw it at her wooden foe. It shattered, but stalled the wolf long enough for the prince and zebra to regroup just as a third wolf appeared from their right. Working in tandem, Blueblood captured the third wolf’s attention by throwing his own basket at the creature, which it expected this and swiped the offending projectile to the ground.

The two ponies looked at each other and took a step back, having no need for speech to convey their intent. The two wolves mimicked the pair in reverse with each taking a step forward to match their pace, forcing the pair to take two more steps back. The wolves took two more while growling deep piercing sound that Zecora recognized from her foalhood days with her mother before the separation. The attack was obvious, but hearing the growl left now doubt this pack was near starving not only for their flesh, but what mana they might possess, yet even if they should claim victory they would be disappointed. Her friend had been drained of his mana, and she had been bore without the power they sought.

So focused on the two before them, they failed to recall the one Zecora had bucked earlier into a tree, and it chose this time to remake its appearance in the most profound way. Instead of joining his packmates it chose to try the same tactic once more, but this time it used the noise of the other wolves to mask its approach until it was too late to react. In one swift motion that resembled a cragadile leaping from the water, the timber wolf exploded from the bush next to the startled pair and locked its brittle jaws around the zebra’s shoulder.

Her cry stabbed the unicorn right through the heart as he started turning with wide eyes as his savior turned companion fell to the ground. There was no time to process the attack when the other two began their advance with the one on the right going for the down zebra as the one of the left rushed him; Zecora’s cries in pain triggered something within the unicorn, like a spell had been casted, the world slowed down no faster than a scene change at a play back in Canterlot. Nothing from his early and even teen years had left Blueblood feeling this…

‘Empowered.’ He thought as the two wolves barely touched the ground with their front paws.

Something had clicked and only now after a lifetime of tutelage did he feel the overwhelming desire to act upon his lesser instincts his parents referred to them, and they only taught him so he could understand how to keep them buried and under control- until now.

“Enough.” The word left his month more from its own accord than his own, but the strength behind it was impossible to hide as the world sped up once more.

This time the wolves lost their resolve as their faces began glowing in a richly orange just before Blueblood shot the fireball toward them, engulfing the two in their entirety. What cries of surprise and pain that had escaped alerted their packmate too late as Blueblood turned to a wolf backing up toward the bush and trees with a trail of blood and drool hanging from his jaws. It had barely turned to flee when another fireball shot forth and exploded against its back, sending burning shards into the very bushes and trees that had given them up so easily.


Zecora raised her head in shock as the forest next to her began catching fire as her unicorn companion lowered his still sizzling horn next to her wound. She didn't hear his command before she flinched in pain at the searing heat upon her wound, but the moment it appeared it was gone.

“ By my mentor's ghost their toast! One little mistake and I would have been a roast!”

“I know Zecora.. I’m sorry…I didn’t know what to do, so I cauterized your wound. Just until we can get you home.”

“Home? Yes, of course. Let us leave before the forest plots our next discourse. Many questions I have to ask…” She flinched as Blueblood helped her back onto her hooves, before leaning next to him for physical support.

“I would be very suspicious if you had no questions to ask, but I beg of you, much will be explained once we get home. I promise you that much.”

“ I will heed your advice, so please, no need to tell me twice.” Zecora agreed as they hurriedly began fleeing the spreading flame.

Who knows what matter of creature a forest fire might draw, and wisely so, the pair didn’t want to find out.

Zecora and Blueblood made terrible progress, but the forest itself seemed terrified of the pair, for their path laid barer than it had ever been, and no manner of creature decided to test its luck against the pair. The prince was silent in speech and thought at the ramifications of his magical use of force back there, and how she would view him going forward.

Most of his thoughts were of the mare kicking him out in fear he would alert the centaur to her lair, but it was the ones of never seeing her again that struck the loudest chord with the unicorn. Very few ponies were privy to his true nature, and even if it was under false pretext, Blueblood had felt a joy to be Cardinal Rose for a change and not Blueblood the 16th.

These thoughts and the mare's equally own silence added to the already tense atmosphere, and was greatly relieved to start smelling the familiar dampness of Zecora’s grove.

Even as they traversed the familiar ground, their sprites remained bound. Tethered if you will to the events of not long ago as magic, a force once so common as breathing was treated like a plague that would only bring ruin.

“As you enter, you’ll find the ingredients needed to make things right. Just follow my instructions for a bit, and soon after we may finally release a sigh and end this plight.”

He didn’t respond verbally, but his quicken steps alerted the zebra of his answer all the same.

Carefully leading the zebra in, Blueblood rushed to his bed and helped Zecora settle on the side that hadn't been mangled before following her instructions as they began flowing out of her muzzle. He nearly tripped twice and almost knocked over three jars and pots in his frantic pace to gather what his companion desired, but he eventually collected the assortment of jars and a fine length of cloth to use as the dressings.

Even in pain, her instruction was clear and precise. Blueblood made no mistake as he opened and closed various containers to mix the powers, and salves to create a green paste which he applied by hoof over the open, and cauterized wound, earning him a surprising husky growl from the zebra as the paste went to work. He didn’t even wait for her word as he lifted the bandage in his magic and began applying it over the paste.

Zecora was shaken from her pleasure, and watched the dressing with rapid fascination the whole time until the wound was bandaged and Blueblood ceased the magic.

“I’m very apologetic...no. I feel terrible you had to learn it this way, Zecora, but my cowardice caused somepony I have grown to care for great injury and pain.” He started, speaking in the practiced speed that would give his speech the most clarity to articulate his turmoil. “It is shameful for me to admit it aloud, let alone to another pony, but I was terrified he would sense it, and this time there would be another soul for him to defile.”

With his peace spoken, Blueblood sat on the floor next to the bed that comforted the injured zebra, waiting for some retaliation he deemed was owed for how could you keep magic a secret when there was a monster trying to eat it? The very notion was selfish at the least, and deadly at worst for it could expose the caring mare to the horrors of a world gone mad, so when Zecora did try to speak the unicorn nearly looked away to avoid those innocent, and caring eyes to spare himself their hurt.

“You have magic…” She whispered, and her tone made it difficult to decipher her mood for her eyes and body did little then lie there and stare at him. To see the mare look so helpless made the guilt boil over and he almost found himself crying…

Almost. Installed since his youth was a near ritualistic mantra all Blueblood’s were forced to obey for the sake of the family, and even now in this little grove in the Everfree Forest the prince knew he had to obey, and would obey. This need to fulfill his family’s laws were what kept him firmly seated in place to stare the mare down if needed, yet his eyes held no anger or personal grievous toward his savoir then he had respect for himself. It simply didn’t exist. It was this respect and worry for the mare that kept Blueblood wanting to talk and reveal what he had been afraid of sharing since she brought his terrified muzzle back to her grove.

“I was fleeing from the monster when you happened upon me, my escort was attacked, but I snuck away as they fought and pleaded to the beast. I hadn’t used magic since out of the rooted notion he would sense its aura, and discover myself, but recently you as well.”

“An escort? Prey tell, and please don’t despair, for this is not yet a nightmare. You were scared for your life and rightly so. This doesn’t change the fact you saved me from certain woe. Speak, and be free.”

Blueblood didn’t know what to say at first, shaken by the encouraging words he felt undeserving of, and yet he watched Zecora in the hopes it might betray some hidden motive or hatred, but when he couldn’t find any did the unicorn finally lower his guard. Carefully he approached the bed, and once he was close enough, laid his muzzle at the end so he could stare into her eyes, and she into his while they borrowed the other's warm breath.

“Fewer ponies than my own hooves know me by my real name, Cardinal Rose.” He began and let Zecora take in the implication of that revelation before moving forward. “I mentioned being from Canterlot, which is true. I live, and work there, but not for the court making maps…I’m a noble.”

“A noble?” She mouth the word, and this time her eyes did widen a little bit.

“I’m Celestia’s nephew, Prince Blueblood.” He blurted the statement not wanting it lingering on his tongue any longer than it needed to be. A stark contrast to a mere couple of months ago when he relished in the opportunity to spring his lineage upon the unexpected for a cheap thrill, but this was different. There was no thrill in this name drop, or reaction of the mare he’d grown to cherish for her honesty and genuine personality.

To his eyes, Zecora appeared on the verge of a panic attack when he did the unprecedented and reached out to clasp her hooves with his own. For both of them the strange touch calmed them by giving the pair something different to focus their anxieties during this turbulent time. For Blueblood, he had just opened himself to a pony, and not even Celestia nor his family could claim to know the stallion more than this mare, and that was all within a little over a week. For Zecora who was use to living on her own since the passing of her mentor, to feel the unsolicited touch from another pony, let alone a handsome stallion momentarily eased her shock as she looked into the eyes of this unicorn she had taken into her home, like she had just noticed him for the first time.

“It appears we have much to discuss, my princely friend.” Zecora finally stated, not even bothering to rhyme, and Blueblood was quick to pick up on it.

“You didn’t rhyme.” he noted with surprise for the sudden drop in her speech pattern.

“I don’t have to rhyme all the time, but I chose so out of respect for somepony close to me.”

He wanted to, but didn’t ask as his foalhood training alerted him to the mare’s somber tone, and swallowing the curiosity for a later date only nodded. Instead, he almost felt spurred on by some outside force and to his own amazement scooted his muzzle a little closer to Zecora’s, who for a moment looked scared out of her whits before relaxing and doing the same.

Another eight or so days passed after that night, making his total stay with Zecora rapidly approaching an entire month. He was at peace. The guilt from how this was achieved lingered in the background of his mind like a reflection in a mirror, or the scars Zecora would forever brandish, but in another selfish display the unicorn continued tilling a small patch of the grove he had cleared out two days ago.

By forcibly being removed from the Canterlot’s political environment, Blueblood the 16th, or Cardinal Rose as he wished to be known, felt no obligation to project himself anymore than a unicorn making improvements to the living area he shared. Zecora was healing nicely, and to her displeasure wasn’t in any condition to assist in the more laborious work, but to some relief could still brew her potions with little hindrance. She hadn’t started her main work as of yet since she decided to brew a generous pot of the ‘Forest Tea’ she claimed was an original blend of her own design, and to Cardinal Rose’s delight was offered a small cup as well.

He took the drink with a smile and a ‘thank you’ before he took a seat next to the recovering mare.

It had been almost two days since the sun and moon began moving once more, and it was assumed the threat had been dealt with, further removing another worry from the pair only to replace it with a more serious concern of their own making. They had continued on with their new routine as if the sun and moon still hung side by side to avoid addressing the problem they both knew needed to be discussed- Cardinal decided to stallion up and start them off.

“We have to discuss this eventually, Zecora.” He started, and quickly took a sip of the tea to avoid having to continue. Thankfully the zebra knew this and with the band aid removed was eager to talk.

“Aye. We are but two hopeless souls trying to ignore the fire, but by doing so, we will only come down to the wire. That is the expression, no?” the unicorn nodded and she continued. “ These weeks were stranger than the stories my pony friends have claimed, and I will tell you Cardinal, those mares make the Everfree look tamed.”

“These weeks, while strange, were the greatest experience I’d ever been privileged to have. Back in Canterlot, to speak, let alone act how I’ve acted would only spur their mouths to action for nothing more than to stir excitement for their dull lives. I would shame my family and make Aunt Celestia look worse for it. That's why I never revealed my title until that night.”

“And why I spoke so little of my own foalhood, for what soul would believe a crazed forest witch?” He couldn’t help himself but to chuckle seeing Zecora contort her face to highlight the silliness of her statement.

In the end they fell silent, intent to sip their tea and listen to the returning sounds of the forest, another habit the pair had found themselves enjoying as of late. This new ritual provided the pair the perfect chance to bond and forget about their discussion that always started, but somehow would never finish only to be brought up the next day. Just like Cardinal Rose had brought up moments ago, but like his companion, was quick to forget in favor of moving onto something else.

Their tea break lasted another two cups worth, and Cardinal was returning with their third cup when he made the comment that would end their hesitation to speak about what’s been bothering them since the sun lowered and the moon rose high into the sky two days ago.

“I can't wrap my mind around this blend, it is something else Zecora. whatever herbs, or plants you’ve used I don’t want to know.”

“Well then.. maybe if you are well, and willing…” She took another sip of the tea, and this time turned toward the stallion until he took the hint and set his cup down to return the gesture.

“Yes?” He asked, unsure of her sudden nervousness. She set her own cup down and in a bold display grabbed one of his hooves.

“Perhaps..just maybe, I could make this brew for you every morning if you so desire?”

The lack of rhyme alerted the stallion to the seriousness of her question first before the implication behind the question was fully processed. He would have recoiled trying to provide himself with additional time to dissect the question, but her hoof firmly held him in place as she waited for some remark or counter proposal. In a way it had been the main concern the pair had since the return of day and night, and the moment to make a choice had arrived…

“I would like that very much.” he whispered. Her grip around his hoof tightened, but it was her eyes that drew the stallion’s gaze as they sparkled brighter than the private fountain he had enjoyed back in Canterlot Castle, and this ease the unicorn back into that earlier peace.

The future will come for them eventually, but until then they would continue enjoying listening to the forest as it went on with its business. The knowledge they could remain near each other was enough to forget about the future and focus on the present just a little longer.

Chapter 3

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Entering, the mare strolled into the room and stopped just two pony lengths way in front of his desk, and clipped her hooves together as per tradition bred into her family since the early tribes days of Equestria.

Blueblood the 16th looked up from the small stack of parchments to address the unicorn that always found himself in his office- 7:30am sharp. The mare shared a matching white coat just like her lord, but differentiated herself by tying her mane back into a similar fashion some of the nobles tied their tails, this recent trend of ‘ponytails’ as they are referred to have taken a life of their own that remind the prince heir of hats!

She even integrated a silk ribbon into her mane in a modest display of her own station. Yet, it mattered very little to Blueblood on the condition she continued doing her assignment as required.

“My liege! There was another attack by the southern wall last night around the changing of the guard. No other section reported an attack all night except on the southern wall where they were seen for the last two days. Me lord, if I'm so bold to suggest something?”

“You may.” Blueblood agreed, a little eager to hear what the mare had to say.

“My liege, I suspect the timberwolf packs are choosing their targets. They remember. They’re not the mindless beasts we’d assumed, and it might not just be them. It could be the whole forest!”

She would have continued, but stopped at the raised hoof of her lord, and with restraint forced herself to stop and stand at attention until he dismissed her.

“It would appear so Bright Sheet, and that is to be expected unfortunately. Up the guard change by an hour for the next two days. We’ll see what the wild packs do before randomly choosing which section will be relieved first until further notice.” Blueblood instructed, and waited to see if the mare would try to argue with him, and nearly smiled when she bit her tongue and nodded.

“Yes, me lord. Shall we start today or wait until nightfall to implement the changes?”

“Tonight. We shall let the nightshift grab their sleep for now, but start waking them around 4pm. That will allow them plenty of time to make what preparation they feel needed.”

“Yes, me lord.” The mare nodded once more.

Her rising anger was increasingly becoming difficult to control, and the prince knew this by prior warning before interviewing the aggressive mare for the position. She was blinded with pride, but excelled with punctuality and her ability to gather the data in a manageable report. Thankfully, there already was an understanding between the two about what would happen if she failed this assignment as well, keeping her from ‘speaking her mind’ as often.

“And Bright Sheet? What of the common folk? Are they adjusting to the Everfree Forest?” The mare stood taller and recounted what the prince had known all along. Satisfied with the report he dismissed his assistant for the next few hours, or until it came time for the evening report, whichever came first.

Once she had closed the door and her hoofsteps could be heard growing dimmer, did he lean back into the wooden chair that had been crafted and enchanted from several of the felled trees from forest fire many months back, and slumped into it with exhaustion. Every morning started out with Blueblood waking up with the morning sunrise in preparation to start the day by reading several papers from Equestria, followed by any written concerns, letters of gratitude, or his personal favorite- yesterday's reports in written form of course.

With Bright Sheet gone for the time being, it was only a matter of time another pony would seek his time, and no sooner had he thought it, did a lite knocking chimed through his chamber, ending what little will he had to rest. Maybe tomorrow.

“Enter” he gave the command, and was happily surprised when saw who it was.

Slipping through the obscenely large wooden door strolled a mare he recognized all too well carrying a small thermos by a strap, and when she noticed the prince watching, the stripped beauty gave a wink and a warm giggle. Blueblood rose to meet her half way, taking the offered thermos with his magic, setting it carefully on the desk.

“You don’t need to worry about me, not that I don’t appreciate it, but won’t you sleep in for once?”

“The trip wasn’t necessary as long as I have four hooves, but the gesture is more than enough for one willing to move.”

“And I will also restate that you don’t have to do this every morning Zecora.” The prince said as he plucked a spare chair by the wall closest to them and placed it in front of the desk.

“I will stress it is of no issue. A promise is a promise, and one I intend to never miss, unless of course your taste grows stale. In that case, how about an ale?”

She was joking of course, poking fun at the unicorn’s expense who still found mild embarrassment from the attention, but that was a loving trait of his. For a stallion of his position (as he referred to himself), Cardinal would display his more loving side when they were alone, and the understanding he allowed only her this glimpse sent her heart fluttering! Thoughts and actions were the foundation they were building on and to her word, the zebra had continued to make that special 'forest blend' of tea, just as Cardinal kept his promise to hold her hoof when time allowed.

It was the little signs of affection that Zecora appreciated the most because they are gestures she never considered experiencing.

"Ale is acceptable love, but I would sorely miss this wonderous scented brew." To emphasize the point Blueblood/Cardinal grabbed the thermos, and in one motion removed the cap before taking a hearty gulp.

His eyes went wide. Zecora giggled. The thermos was swiftly returned to the desk.

"Is it good? My new apprentices were sure it would set the mood. My doubts are high, but never enough to tell them goodbye."

"Apprentices? Zecora, it tastes like dirt and leaves, and in fact..." Cardinal retrieved his handkerchief from the top left drawer of the desk with the intent of spitting the gunk he felt infesting his mouth. " It is! Look at it!"

He tried showing the mare who in turn swatted the handkerchief from her sight as she averted her gaze. He acted astonished while she acted disgusted before they gave up their parts in favor of more hoofholding. Cardinal began asking more about her mysterious apprentices when a loud cry from outside caught their attention, and grew louder as it morphed into the clops of multiple hooves running. He couldn't even stand up when the door flew open to reveal an orange filly standing on her rear legs with two other fillies standing behind her.

"THAT'S HOW YOU OPEN A DOOR!" The pegasus filly shouted while her companions congratulated her.

"Ya'l been practicing Scootaloo!"

"Where did you learn to do that?"

The three fillies excitedly chatted amongst themselves as Cardinal and Zecora watched with a mixture of feelings: the stallion feeling mostly shock and confusion while the zebra radiated with pride. Cardinal leaned in to whisper something to Zecora, who listened with keen interest, and grew more excited as she listened much to her partner’s concern.

“This home of stone and mortar is understaffed on a good day, so who would watch them as they play?”

“Zecora...” Cardinal began already knowing where this was leading to as he unintentionally gave birth to the idea, and now looked toward the laughing fillies with trepidation. “...what of their parents? We can’t just take fillies on a whim.”

Zecora’s joy turned into full on laughter quickly catching the fillies attention who quickly galloped over to the pair with various expressions etched into their muzzles. The yellow earth filly appeared the most level headed as she seemed to be considering the stallion with a critical eye as the unicorn and pegasus sought Zecora attention.

“Miss Zecora!”

The two fillies happily cried as the zebra leaned to give them a quick nuzzle, and while they were occupied, it left Cardinal alone to deal with the questioning earth filly who appeared no closer to making up her mind on the stallion. They might have remained in this stalemate if the feminine coughing from their right hadn’t grabbed their attention in that moment.

“Fillies. May I introduce sompony dear me, and that is no jest I hope you can see. This is Cardinal Rose.”

The three fillies turned to the stallion who now felt himself straightening out as they judged the poor unicorn with a new sense of uncertainty, but with years of practice he kept his proper pose and waited for them to make the first move. He didn’t have to wait long before the earth filly from before voiced her concern.

“Are you sure he's al’ight? He looks…”

“...like a mare and not a stallion.” the unicorn filly interjected, and her statement actually stung a little bit, but Cardinal remained stoic as he let them continue.

“Rainbow Dash looks more like a stallion than his guy!” The pegasus yelled, earning weird looks from her friends, and a bemused smile from Zecora who seemed to be enjoying this exchange.

“Excuse me fillies, but wouldn’t that kind of talk be considered very rude?” Cardinal decided to approach this situation delicately more because of his own inexperience with foals than any other factor.

The fillies were caught off guard by his sudden question, and all three even turned to Zecora looking for guidance on what to do. He was a bit insulted, but that feeling was quickly forgotten as he watched her interact with the rambunctious foals in a way that left him feeling..happy.

“So who is the pretty colt teacher? He seems like the real stuck up ones Rarity likes so much.”

“That’s my sister Scootaloo!”

“And you can keep her Sweetie Belle, I can’t help it if she has bad taste when it comes to colts.”

“Ya know Scoots, I feel like your taste ain't much better if you get my meaning.” The earth filly leaned in with a smirk on her muzzle, and this made the brash pegasus recoil.


“One time what? What colt are you talking about?”

“Her gamer coltfriend of course.”

“HE’S NOT MY COLTFRIEND!” The one named Scootaloo cried in desperation, but only further encouraged her friends to tease their friend.


The two mares began chanting as they skipped in a circle around their friend who grew increasingly charged and tried her best to get them, but her failure only spurred them on. Blueblood the 16th, or Cardinal Rose as he’d been increasingly using rose from his seat and trotted over to the three fillies who stopped the moment they saw the unusually large unicorn moving toward them, and used this to speak.

“Ladies, please refrain from this needless chastising if not for yourselves, then out of respect for the sanctity of my office.”

“Maybe we should take this elsewhere, hun? Preferably, somewhere with less dull and more fun?”

“Hun?” The three fillies parroted the word when the unicorn filly, Sweetie Belle, if he heard correctly screeched excitedly while jumping in place.

“Are you Mister Zecora!?” Everypony stopped. Most with shock on their muzzles while the only mare softly giggled at the question, but that didn’t stop her from moving close to nuzzle Cardinal’s cheek.

This sent the fillies into another round of excited bouncing before they rushed him with a flurry of questions they wanted answers to. He was unprepared to deal with their levels of energy, and needed a moment to gather himself before answering any questions which were many. The small herd left the room, and into one of the only completed wings of the old castle, making their way to the room that served as their cafeteria for the time being. Something about these fillies left the prince heir feeling relaxed, and in a rare public display even wrapped his tail around Zecora’s tail earning himself another nuzzle from the mare. The fillies were none the wiser as they asked their questions and marveled at the previously restricted areas, made open by the princes’ command.