> Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse > by Postwarmonkey50 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New York Coordinates 0508, Earth 2022 From above, the skies were dark and dark clouds had covered the skies. From below the skies, was a ruined city. Not just any ruined city, the ruined City of New York. Coming into view, was a large carrier ship, flying towards the ruined city of New York. The ship had been guarded by many robots walking to and fro on the top of the ship. A ship…that had the mark of the Foot Clan on it. From within the ship, new and improved Foot Bots walked to and fro from their respective hallways, marching in large platoons. And from within the bridge, watching from the observation deck, was a man decked in armour with blades, but appeared to be more high-tech with his eyes glowing with red energy. Slowly approaching was a tiger like man known as Tiger Claw, bearing dark armour and a much more sophisticated high tech arm. Bowed to the Shredder. “Tiger Claw,” said Shredder, knowing his second in command had approached him “What have you to report?” “Lord Shredder,” said Tiger Claw whilst his head was lowered “The last of the Resistance in New York has fallen. We currently have them on the run.” “And the information and equipment that they have stolen?” said Shredder. “They are still in possession of them, but they will not have them for long.” Said Tiger Claw. “Excellent.” Said Shredder “Report back to me once you have tracked them down.” “Yes, Lord Shredder.” Said Tiger Claw before he stood up and walked way. “Soon.” Said Shredder whilst looking outside “Very soon. The Resistance will fall. And None will stand in my way.” ************************************************************************************************ From below the streets, near Antonio’s pizza, a large group of people were running past and through the ruins of the street, trying to get to where they needed to in a hurry, whilst also trying to avoid any security probes at the same time. As they hid, one appeared out of the shadows and kept watch at the skies. He was a nineteen-year-old American young man, who folks would say he looked like a Duke. He panted from exhaustion and was sweating from the running. “This is crazy.” Said the boy, “We’ll never be able to make it to the rendezvous point to evacuate from the city like this.” “We don’t have a choice, Roland.” Said a female voice. Which is revealed to be a turtle. But not just any turtle, a female turtle. “Every minute we delay, the more all of existence will be in danger.” “I know Venus, and we’re heavily outnumbered as it is.” Said Roland. “We should get moving.” Said a GI Joe named Tunnel Rat whilst holding what appeared to be a metallic briefcase with important data and content inside “We’re almost at the rendezvous point. And I don’t think Heavy Duty will be patient enough to wait for us.” “Agreed.” Said Roland as he looked up, then sideways, and said “Coast is clear.” Roland, Venus, Tunnel Rat and a few Resistance Fighters continued to down from one spot to another, until they finally spotted the sewer lid. Venus and Roland quickly opened it whilst signaling Tunnel rat and a few others to quickly go down in the tunnel, which they did. They followed the sewer trail until they followed the abandoned subway. “Surprised that they haven’t collapsed this part of the city yet.” Said Tunnel Rat. “They were close,” said Roland “But thankfully they thought there were no survivors, and Azmuth was able to invent a device to shield us for a few hours.” “I still can’t believe Shredder found a way off-world.” Said one of the Resistance soldiers. “The Plumbers were a threat to him too.” Said Venus “It was only a matter of time before they were wiped out too.” “Up ahead.” Said Roland as he pointed at the end. Once they got there, they were in what appeared to be the Turtles’ old lair. Nostalgia began to wash over Roland for seeing this. But he had no time, not when time is too short. They quickly looked around for one of their comrades. “Yo Heavy, you here?” said Tunnel Rat a bit loudly, trying to get his friend’s attention. From out of one of the doors, Heavy Duty appeared, along with a few GI Joes from the E Division, namely Ballistic, Harpoon, Mayday, Black Dragon, Sgt. Savage, Quick Stryke, Metalhead, Freight and Lieutenant Stone. “Bout time you showed up.” Said Heavy Duty. “We could’ve been here sooner,” said Venus as Tunnel Rat signaled the Resistance to keep watch on the subway levels. “But Shredder recently doubled its forces when they discovered what we stole.” “And it’ll be worth it.” Said Lieutenant Stone “If there’s any chance at all to save the Multiverse, then we’ll need to take that chance.” “And…” said Roland, gaining their attention as he had a saddened look on his face. He looked at them with a tear in his eye and said “Are they…?” Mayday knew what he was talking about and also had a saddened look on her face. She walked over to him and said “Yes, they’ve been taken back to Headquarters. They’ll get a proper burial.” She handed Roland a picture. As he took it, it was a picture of him, along with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. She held the photo and wiped his tear. “Sorry for the loss dude.” Said Metalhead “We know how much they mean to you.” “They were able to find what we’re looking for and they knew the risks.” Said Lieutenant Stone “So make sure they didn’t pass on for nothing.” At the same time, Harpoon looked at the metallic briefcase and said “It’s all secured.” “Then let’s head back to base.” Said Lieutenant Stone. When all of a sudden, the Resistance soldier comes running in and shouts “We got incoming!! The Foot found us!!” They looked at the entrance shocked, with Lieutenant Stone holding Roland’s shoulder, gaining his attention. “Listen Roland,” said Lieutenant Stone “You’d better get out of here, pronto, we’ll hold them off.” “Absolutely not!!” said Roland “We’ve already lost too much!! We can’t lose more!!” “We know the risks, remember?!!” said Stone “Now get going!!” Roland wanted to protest, but knew that they were right. Having not choice, he nodded in agreement. “Tunnel Rat, Heavy, go with them!!” said Stone “Make sure they get to safety!!” “Yes sir!!” said Heavy Duty “Let’s go kids!!” Heavy Duty, Tunnel Rat, Roland and Venus quickly ran to where their transports would be, whilst at the same time, Lieutenant Stone and his team stood prepared, whilst the Resistance soldiers stood guard at the door where Roland and the others have escaped through. “Alright crew,” said Lieutenant Stone “Time to show them why E Company is the most feared. One last time.” And within an instant, the Foot Bots, highly combative robots, appeared and attacked head on, with the GI Joes from E Division fighting with all they have. The GI Joes of E Company gave their all in fighting them. Ballistic kept firing his dual pistols to take them down whilst using melee combat. Harpoon uses his hydro surge water cannon to shoot them down. Mayday used her special pistol to shoot a few down whilst using her hand to hand combat skills to bring them down. Black Dragon used his nunchucks to bring the robots down before pulling out his sword to cut them down. Sgt. Savage used his grenades to blow them up and uses his heavy machine gun. Quick Stryke uses his graplin hook as a weapon to melee them away whilst using his gun to shut them down. Metalhead uses his sonic guitar to smash them away, as well as his guitar’s sonic blast to blast them away. Fright uses his mace to smash them to pieces whilst using his knife to jab them, whilst Lieutenant Stone shot one Foot Bot after another, even using his combat skills to help them out. Some of the Foot Bots that got passed them had made their way to where Roland and his team escaped, but the Resistance Fighters made sure they didn’t get past them. ‘Keep going Roland.’ Thought Lieutenant Stone ‘We’re all counting on you.’ ************************************************************************************************* At the same time, Heavy Duty, Tunnel Rat, Roland and Venus had made it towards the garage, where their transport, the Shell Raiser 2.0 is waiting. At the same time, another teenager at Roland’s age was busy taking a final look. He had wrist claws like the Shredder, but he’s on their side. “Obaki,’ said Roland ‘How’s it going?” The boy named Obaki, who had an American face, walked over to them and said “Transport’s ready. We just need to get out of here, and fast.” “Why, what are…?” said Roland before he was cut off. “This place is going to blow.” Said Obaki. “What?!’ said Venus ‘Why?!” “Before you got here, Stone set up a bomb to make sure that in case the Foot found us, they’d buy us enough time to escape.” ‘Stone, what have you done?’ Thought Roland. “There’s no time to sit around, we gotta move, now.” Said Heavy. They quickly got into the Shellraiser, with both Roland and Venus operating the controls. They immediately launched at full throttle and drove with great speed down the tunnels, leading straight towards the other side of the city. At the same time, the GI Joes from E Company continued to fight but would soon be overwhelmed. Stone looked at his watch and saw that there was now five seconds left. “Joes!!” shouted Stone “It’s been an honor fighting alongside all of you!!” The moment it hit zero, the entire place exploded and everything began to fall apart. Farther down the tunnel, the four passengers felt the tremors of the explosion. “Looks like it went off!!” shouted Tunnel Rat. Obaki saw the fires coming from the tunnel and shouted “We gotta hit double time!!” “On it!!” shouted Venus as she immediately activated the Shellraiser’s boosters, causing it to drive at massive speed. Soon it popped out of a building and drove down the street. They continued to drive and saw half of New York sinking, considering that the lair covered half of the city’s sewers. “Exit up ahead!!” said Heavy Duty. They continued to follow the road and drove straight out of the city. Roland watched on the cameras as they left the city. He lowered his head, thinking of more comrades that they had lost in the cause. ‘It won’t be in vain old friend.’ Thought Roland to himself. Soon enough, they drove the Shellraiser 2.0 out of the city and to safety. *********************************************************************************************** After many hours of driving, with Roland deciding to sleep a bit whilst Venus took over the driving, they were close to their hideout, which was none other than the O’Neil farmhouse. However, what was different was a large wall that was around it, which somehow kept it hidden from prying eyes. “Roland, wake up.” Said Venus whilst she bumped her brother, waking him up as she said “We’re at the checkpoint.” They stopped their vehicle, and saw two Plumber soldiers and two GI-Joes walking up to them. Roland opened the window and looked out. “Identify.” Said the one Plumber that looked like a Robot. “Roland Yoshi. 721493627” replied Roland. “Alright, let them through.” Said one of the GI-Joe soldiers. “Tell them we’re here.” Said Roland. “Yes sir.” Said the GI-Joe soldier. As they drove, the soldier contacted someone and said “Sir, they’re here.” They continued to drive through the dirt road and the large plot of farmland. They stopped near a few vehicles before climbing back out. They continued to walk down the road and eventually caught sight of the farmhouse. But as they walked, Roland could see many faces all around them. Roland looked to his right and saw both Leomon and Ogremon having a discussion, with Tai and Davis looking over their Digi-Vices to make sure that they were working. Further down, working on their vehicles and weapons, were Dominic Toretto, Hobbs and Deckard Shaw, as if they were preparing for the inevitable. Further down, he saw Garnett standing against a tree whilst crossing her arms, whilst Bismuth was busy forging swords for the remaining Arashikage warriors and monks. On his left, he saw the GI Joes. Roadblock, Flint and about eight GI Joe soldiers were looking over their weapons whilst Jinx, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow meditated to prepare for battle. He also saw two new Ranger Teams that he heard about but never personally met them, aka, the Beast Morphers and Dino Fury Rangers. He even saw Ben 10 talking to a large platoon of Plumber soldiers that were left. But before he could go any further, he saw Night Shine, standing near what appeared to be graves. “Tunnel, Heavy,” said Roland, gaining their attention “You two join your fellow Joes. We’ll be at the farmhouse shortly.” “You got it.” Said Tunnel Rat before they left. Roland felt Venus holding his right shoulder and asked “Are you sure?” “I’m sure.” Said Roland. Both he and Venus walked over to where Night Shine was standing. But as they were getting closer, they walked passed a sign that said “Remember the fallen.” When they got there, there were many graves that were dug in. Each of them…with names that they were all familiar with. They were… THE FALLEN OF NEW YORK Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Karai “Miwa” Hamoto, Shinigami, Keno, Slash, Leatherhead, Dr. Rockwell, Pigeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, Bandit Raccoon, Ray Fillet, Hokum Hare. THE FALLEN OF EQUESTRIA’S HEROES Princess Twilight, Pony Applejack, Pony Rainbow Dash, Pony Rarity, Pony Fluttershy, Pony Pinkie Pie, Spike the Dragon, Sandbar, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, Starlight Glimmer, Blade, Tempest Shadow, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dog, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Sapphire Night, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, Angel, Buffy, Gabby, Bright Eyes. And now Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Roland gripped his fists in anger as a tear had fallen from his eye from seeing this. Venus held onto his hand for support. But then Roland looked to his right and saw Night Shine, standing in front of the grave of his fallen family; Shine Boy, Gamer, Shine Girl and Love Shine. He walked over to him to see him still having his head lowered. “You still holding up?” said Roland. “What do you think?” replied Night Shine in a cold tone. “Right.” Said Roland. “You know we could’ve used your help out there.” “Like my brother helped you?” said Night. “Look, I don’t know how long you’re going to be mad at me and I don’t care.” Said Roland “We didn’t think Shredder would come back and be this powerful. We were outmatched because we didn’t know he gained five different power sources to make himself stronger.” He took another step forward and said “And what would you care about Shine Boy? You never liked him because you thought he was soft. Yet I don’t know how the heck he could still love you after everything you put him through. Guess you never did care about him after all.” Night Shine instantly pointed his blade against Roland, but the young ninja didn’t flinch. He just stood there. Night Shine had an angered look in his eye, but he instead shed a tear. “Don’t you dare go there.” Said Night Shine. Suddenly, Night Shine felt a different blade under his chin, and this time it was from Obaki, bearing his wrist blades. Both Roland and Night Shine looked at him. With Obaki responding with “You’re not the only one who lost family.” Night Shine merely grunted and walked away. Obaki looked at the others and said “Come on, they’re waiting for us.” The three of them headed to the house, where both Ninjor and Tommy Oliver, both discussing certain events. They saw Roland, Venus and Obaki approaching them. “You made it. Good.” Said Ninjor. “They’re waiting for you inside.” Said Tommy. “Flash and Beetle back from patrol yet?” asked Venus. “They should be here shortly.” Said Ninjor. “In the meantime, head inside.” Said Tommy. The two of them entered the house and moved towards the basement. When they walked down, they saw that there were tons of computers and monitors all over the place, along with a small cube that provided as a power source. And from below, it was none other than the Caped Crusader, Batman, the half human half machine Cyborg, and the brainy Galvin of Galvin Prime, Azmuth, all working on the technology together. Cyborg looked at the stairs and saw three familiar faces coming down. “Glad you two could make it.” “We were trying to pay our respects.” Said Venus “But Night Shine was his usual dark moody self.” “Still moping?” said Cyborg. “Afraid so.” Said Obaki. “I know the losses have been hard.” Said Batman “But I would’ve thought that he’d have rallied by now.” “You know as well as anyone that trauma tends to linger, Bruce.” Said Azmuth whilst tinkering. “I know all of us raided many of the Foot’s warehouses and research stations,” said Venus “But what did we have need for the parts for?” “As you all know, Shredder destroyed everyone who could’ve stood up to him,” said Batman “But we all know he won’t stop from there. He’ll continue to find a way to destroy everything in his path and if we don’t stop him, he’ll destroy all life throughout the Multiverse.” “Only the worlds inhabited by the Turtles.” Said Obaki “Last time the Utrom Shredder was back, he nearly succeeded in wiping out the worlds that the Turtles had inhabited by trying to destroy the Prime Turtles.” “Not anymore.” Said Azmuth “From the Intel you gathered, the Shredder realized that there were many others other than the Turtles who were a threat to him. Namely Ben, the Justice League, the GI Joes and so on, because all of them have fought alongside them.” “But there’s no one left to stop them.” Said Roland. “Which is why the only hope we have is to go to different worlds and warn them of certain events that would happen.” Said Batman “We found a world where your comrades had beaten the Shredder and he died there long ago.” “Which ones?” asked Venus. “Coordinates 0806.” said Cyborg as he looked over the Coordinates “On Earth 2015” “We did a thorough search.” Replied Azmuth “They made sure Shredder’s body was destroyed, until his former followers tried to resurrect him from the dead, which didn’t work and they made sure he stayed dead.” “So if anything,” said Cyborg “Once we get there, we’ll be able to ask them for their help, cause from what we found on the drives, it’s worse than we feared. What he’s really planning.” Batman finished putting the last piece together in the portal, then looked at the others and said “The portal’s ready.” Azmuth plugged in the last power source and said “And so is its power source.” Cyborg held the lever, saying “Activating…now.” The moment he pulled the lever, the portal’s machinery slowly started to hum, with Azmuth saying “It’ll take fifteen minutes for the portal to open. After that, you’ll only have minutes to go through it before it collapses.” However, at the same time outside, Garnett suddenly raised her head and looked at the horizon. “They’re coming.” Said Garnett. Flint, who was walking by, overheard them and was shocked. He quickly ran to the house and climbed onto it. When he got to the roof, he pulled out his sniper and looked through the scope. And far ahead, he saw a handful of Foot Carriers, along with tons of Foot Gunships coming their way. He lowered his sniper and was shocked to see what was coming. “All hands front and center!!” shouted Flint, causing everyone to look at him in shock “We got incoming Foot Carriers and Gunships inbound!! Ten miles!!!” From within the house, the ones near the portal heard Flint, and at the same time, Flash quickly appeared and said “We got a problem. Our position’s compromised. The Foot’s found us.’ “The portal isn’t ready.” Said Azmuth. “We’ll try to stall them.’ Said Roland as he pointed at them “No matter what, get that portal ready!!” Roland, Venus and Obaki quickly ran up the stairs and made their way towards the door. When they got out, they saw many of the people going all over the place to get ready for battle. ‘Fire the cannons!!’ shouted one of the Plumbers as they fired the cannons onto the incoming Gunships trying to make their way, but more continue to come. The moment when the gunships were close enough, they had already deployed platoons of Foot Bots onto the ground and have already started to attack. “Activate Beast Powers!!” shouted the Beast Morpher Rangers, allowing them to transform. “Dino Fury Key!! Activate!! Link to Morphing Grid!!” shouted the Dino Fury Rangers, allowing them to transform as well. Both Ranger Teams began to engage the Foot Bots as they acted as the first wave of defense. ‘Come on!!’ shouted Roland as he, Venus and Obaki attacked. Roland jumped up and knocked a few Foot Bots away, with Obaki using his wrist blades to cut the robots to pieces, with Venus using her Tessen Blades to block and slice the Foot Bots. Night Shine jumped from spot to spot, using his weapon to strike down the bots. Ogremon and Leomon attacked using their weapons and abilities to knock them away. Veemon digivolved into X-Veemon and flew around to bash against the Foot Bots, with Agumon digivolved into War Greymon and used his Mega level abilities to blew them away. Dom Toretto used his weapons to bash them away, with both Deckard and Hobbs using their martial arts and military skills to overcome most of them. Garnett and Bismuth attacked and fought them head on. At the same time, attacking them head on, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Jinx and the Arashikage ninjas attacked and used their martial arts skills to overcome their adversaries. Whilst at the same time, the Plumbers, the GI Joes stood in line formation and aimed their weapons at the Foot Bots. “Plumbers!! Hold your position!!” shouted Ben. “GI Joes!! Give it everything you’ve got!!” shouted Roadblock. “Fire!!” shouted both leaders, allowing them to shoot at the incoming Foot Bots trying to make their way towards the house, whilst Ben transformed into Diamond Head and helped fight alongside his allies. They fought at their hardest, especially since the Foot had sent a couple of Chrome Domes down to fight. War Greymon and X-Veemon continued to fight the bigger robots, with Blue Beetle coming at the defense and blasted most of them away. That was, until one of the caught Blue Beetle off guard and slashed him, making him collapse hard onto the ground. War Greymon and X-Veemon were able to avenge him by destroying the Chrome Domes. But it was short-lived when many Foot Bots pounced on the two Digimon as they crashed. Davis and Tai quickly went over to help them. But the moment when they got there, the Foot Bots blew up, destroying the four of them in the process. Roland saw this, and was shocked to see that even though they put up a spirited defense, they were losing. He quickly ran back to the house and shouted through the small window “How much longer?!!” “Ten more minutes!!” shouted Cyborg. “We don’t have ten more minutes, we need to hurry!!” shouted Roland before he went back to fight against the next few Foot Bots with a Flying Starfish Maneuver. More and more Foot Bots appeared, but they wouldn’t give up. Ogremon used his club to smack many of the Foot Bots away, until a large one appeared from out of nowhere and crushed Ogremon, which shocked Leomon, as well as angering him. “Fist, of the Beast King!!” shouted Leomon as he used his power to destroy Dominic continued to use his spanners to knock them away, with both Flint, Heavy and Tunnel Rat providing cover from above. But from out of nowhere, one of the Elite Foot Bots got the jump on him and struck him down, whilst at the same time, one of the gunships that got shot ended up hurtling towards the building, crashing into Tunnel Rat, Heavy and Flint at the same time before it blew up. Many of the Arashikage fought with all their might, but all of them were easily overrun and struck down, but Storm Shadow, Jinx and Snake Eyes refused to give up, driving themselves harder to fight. But no matter how hard they tried, the Foot Bots just kept coming. As they fought, one by one, the Beast Morpher Rangers fell in battle as they were caught off guard and didn’t react in time to defend themselves. Flash kept running around, trying his best to break the robots down into scrap, but no matter how hard he tried, they just kept coming, even with his speed. When all of a sudden, he got tripped by one of the Elite Foot Bots that caught him off guard. But just before he got up, he looked up and was shocked to see an Elite Foot Bot, before striking him down. Obaki continued to fight on all fronts, trying his best to slice them to pieces. Just before a Foot Bot was going to strike him from behind, Venus came just in the nick of time with her Tessen Blades whilst using them as a throwing knife, before pulling out to assist him. Roland soon came along and pulled out his own Samurai sword, given to him by the Arashikage Clan long ago. At first, things have gone well, until the three of them felt a presence that made all three feel the chills up their spines. The three friends slowly turned to the wall and standing right above it, was none other than the one enemy that they had hoped they would never face. “Shredder.” Muttered Roland with squinted eyes. “So this is where the rabble of Rebellion have been hiding.” Said Shredder as he stared down at them, before he jumped of the wall and landed on both his feet. He looked directly at them and said “Rats in the middle of a burning field.” Many who were fighting had noticed the Foot Bots had moved away, and saw Shredder. Immediately, everyone begun to take position. With Roland motioning to the Dino Fury Rangers to regroup with Tommy, which they did. Some of the remaining heroes stood to the left and some stood their right. “Once I am finally disposed of all of you,” said Shredder “Nothing will stop me from gaining my grand prize.” “We will not let you Shredder!!” shouted Leomon “Fist of the Beast King!!” Leomon unleased his power, until to their shock, Shredder had sliced it in half with his left wrist. “I am not amused.” With a quick dash, he struck Leomon, shocking the lion Digimon with wide eyes as he stammered. Shredder slowly stood up right, with Leomon collapsing onto the ground and turning into dust. “Not even the mightiest of lions can stand against the blade.” Said Shredder. “Take him down!!” shouted Hobbs as he, Roadblock and Deckard began to shoot, with Shredder blocking them with his blades. At the same time, many tried to attack from all around, trying to catch Shredder off guard, whilst Tommy, Ninjor and the Dino Fury Rangers stayed behind and stood their ground. Roland was the first to attack as he swung his weapon left and right, with Shredder blocking him left and right before swatting him away. Both Venus and Obaki attacked from both sides, but even Shredder was able to overpower them. Both Hobbs and Roadblock attacked Shredder and used hand to hand combat and wrestling moves to fight him. Roland got back up and saw Shredder had just struck down both Hobbs and Roadblock. Deckard also fought with everything he had, with Jinx, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow joining in as they used their advance swordsmanship skills against their opponent. Roland decided to try again and attack. Shredder saw Roland coming in and attempted to strike back, only for Shredder to block him with both his arms. “Once I eliminate all of you, the Resistance will finally fall, and none will attempt to stop me!!” declared Shredder. “For even you must realize…the end is here.” “Never.” Said Roland “There will always be hope.” Roland continued to fight via sword, but was kicked away before Shredder turned around and struck down both Deckard Shaw and Jinx with one strike before Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow attempted to engage in combat. Roland skid on the ground close to the house, he looked through the window and saw the portal was slowly beginning to glow. “Vic…,” said Roland. “Five more minutes!! Almost there!!” shouted Cyborg. Roland looked and saw both Bismuth and Garnett fighting too, until Shredder struck them down, turning them back to their states, causing Shredder to crush them before they could do anything. Having enough Ben turned into Four Arms and attacked, with Night Shine attacking using his machete as well. Shredder dodged left and right to avoid Ben’s attack, until he suddenly grabbed the Omnitrix on Ben’s chest, ripping it off and making him turn back to normal, with Shredder striking him down. Night Shine attacked from behind, trying to get a few good hits, until Shredder punched Night Shine in the throat, took his machete and struck him hard, making Night Shine grunt in pain before falling over. Thankfully Venus quickly grabbed him and moved towards Roland whilst at the same time, Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes attempted to attack one more time. Just when they struck, Shredder blocked them from both sides. “Both of you are beneath me.” Said Shredder “And like the Hamato Clan.” Shredder then struck the both of them down, putting an end to the legacy of the Arashikage clan for good. “You deserve to fall by my hand.” Said Shredder before he moved on. Back with Roland, Obaki, Venus and Night Shine regrouped with him. “This is getting ridiculous!!” said Obaki “We can’t beat him, he’s too powerful!!” “We need to do something!” said Venus “Otherwise the future will be doomed!!” The soldiers of the GI Joes and Plumbers attacked head on, but Shredder soon overpowered them like they were nothing. Having no choice, the Dino Fury Rangers attacked head on and did their best to use their weapons and abilities to keep him distracted. “Come on!!” shouted Obaki “We need to see how far the portal has gone!!” Obaki and Venus ran, until Night Shine stopped Roland, gaining his attention. “Before you go,” said Night Shine “I know that the other me will be hard to convince, and that my siblings will have a hard time trusting him. But…” He gave Roland a couple of letter and a holographic orb. Roland knew what they were and made him look at him. “Let them see this. They’ll listen.” Said Night Shine. “Promise me.” Roland took a deep breath and accepted them and said “I promise.” They heard screaming and saw that the Dino Fury gold, green and black rangers fell in battle whilst the others were struggling to be part of the fight. Roland allowed Night Shine to stand and held his Machete. “I’m gonna remember this rookie.” Said Night Shine with a smirk, before charging towards Shredder. Roland quickly made it to the house and went to the basement. As soon as they made it down, they saw the portal was slowly coming together. “Anytime now!!” said Obaki. Cyborg looked at his computer and said “Activating…now!!” Within a split second, the portal opened, revealing its destination. “This portal will take you straight to Bellwood.” Said Azmuth “It won’t go to New York and Canterlot City!!” “Then we’ll make do with what we have.” Said Venus. They heard screaming outside, and saw that Night Shine had crashed against the house, meaning the Shredder was getting close. Both Cyborg and Batman looked at one another. They both nodded and made their way towards upstairs. It was then revealed that the last of the Dino Fury Rangers had fallen. But just before Shredder could look at the house, he was blasted away by Cyborg. Soon he and an armoured Batman stood at the ready, with Ninjor standing by their side as he drew his sword, with Tommy Oliver getting ready. “Dragon Zord!!” shouted Tommy, turning into the Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger. Shredder stood at the ready and said “How many times have we fought? In case you have forgotten, I have already slain all of your comrades. How can you best the likes of me?” “Why don’t we find out?!” shouted Tommy as he and the others attacked head on. At the same time, Obaki, Venus and Roland were talking with Azmuth once he gave them what they needed. “Once you get there,” said Azmuth “Use the device to call both me and Maxwell Tennyson. Tell them the situation.” “By why not go to the ones we should warn?” asked Roland. “No, it is too soon.” Said Azmuth “When I programmed the portal, it will take you to that world, but it’ll be around that time that girl you knew, Wallflower, used the memory stone to erase the good memories of Sunset’s friends.” “So that means we’ll have to wait until after they’ve gone through the music festival.” Said Obaki. “Precisely.” Said Azmuth “Until that time comes, you will need to build up your supplies and arrive when the time is right.” “But what will stop Shredder from coming after us?” asked Venus in worry. “Not to worry, I already took precautions.” Said Azmuth “The data you provided has already been erased, and once you go through, the portal will be destroyed. Shredder could take a long time until he finds a way, until then, you will need to rely on your training and gather others to your cause when the time is right.” They then heard screaming outside. Roland quickly looked out of the window and saw both Cyborg and Ninjor had already fallen, with Batman and Tommy Oliver on the last of their legs, barely being able to hold on. Roland looked back and said “It’s time to go, now.” “We’ll go first,” said Obaki “We’ll meet you there.” Both Obaki and Venus quickly jumped through the portal, with Roland walking over to Azmuth. He stood on both his knees and was partially in tears. “Azmuth…” said Roland “I know I can be a pain. But…it’s been an honor.” Azmuth smiled too and said “The honor’s all mine.” He pressed the button, causing the Self-Destruct sequence to commence. Roland gave Azmuth a quick hug, and then released him. Roland then ran to the portal and looked back one last time before jumping through. “Good luck…” said Azmuth with a smile of his own “To all of us.” At the same time, both a wounded Batman and Tommy Oliver crashed onto the stairs. Both of them looked at Shredder, who stood near the two of them. “No matter how hard you fight, you will fall like rats.” Said Shredder “Once I’m done with you, you’re finished.” Tommy only smirked and said “You’re already too late Shredder.” “Because you lost.” Said Batman. Before Shredder could respond, the house suddenly exploded, launching Shredder backwards as it took both Tommy and Batman with it. After the explosion, Shredder stood up and saw the house was destroyed. He gripped his fists and them screamed to the heavens in rage. ************************************************************************************************* Outside of Bellwood Coordinates 0806, Earth 2015 Moments later, the portal opened, allowing Obaki, Venus and Roland to jump on through right before it closed. The three of them panted, for they were able to escape by the skin of their teeth. “That was too close for comfort.” Said Venus as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “Where are we?” said Obaki. But as he turned around, he saw a sign that he recognized. “We’re outside Bellwood?” Thankfully, the device Azmuth gave Roland worked. He placed it on his wrist and looked through the remote. “Yeah, and not just that.” Responded Roland before he looked at them and said “We made it. Coordinates 0806. Earth 2015. And according to the date, it’s right around the time Wallflower used the Memory Stone.” “Just like Azmuth said.” Said Obaki. Roland sighed whilst turning his device off. “I still don’t like taking this long. I’d feel better if we did this now.” “I don’t like it either Roland,” said Venus “But like Azmuth said, we need to bide our time and build up our resources. Only then will we be able to gather the others for help.” Roland sighed and said “Let’s get this over with.” Roland pulled out a device that belonged to the Plumbers, whilst it was also connected to two individuals that they needed aid from. He pressed the button, allowing it to send its signal. From two separate locations, two individuals saw the signals from their personal communicators and saw a signal addressed to them. Within mere moments, a certain Rust bucket arrived and stopped near them, whilst at the same time, a small creature, the Azmuth from this universe, teleported and saw a certain old timer coming out. “Azmuth?” said the old timer “Did you call me here?” “Of course I didn’t Max.” said Azmuth “I thought you called me here.” “Actually…we did.” The two of them looked to the direction and saw three individuals. Max and Azmuth saw a Mutant Turtle with them and were surprised, for this one seemed familiar. Then Azmuth and Max saw the device on Roland’s arm, which they were surprised to see. “Where did you get that device?” demanded Azmuth. “He’s right.” Said Maxwell sternly “Only high level class Plumbers are allowed to bear that.” However, Roland instantly hugged the both of them, taking them by surprise, and thought it was strange. When he parted, they saw Roland had a saddened expression in his voice. “Max…Azmuth…” responded Roland with sadness in his voice, with Obaki and Venus standing next to him, whilst he said “We need to talk.” The two of them wondered what they were talking about, but seeing the device, and the state the three of them were in, it must’ve been a desperate situation. Trusting his gut, Max decided to hear them out, whilst he looked at Azmuth, and the look from the Galvin’s eyes, he agreed. The two of them gestured to follow them to the Rust Bucket. Once they boarded, they drove off to a secluded spot. For what they were going to find out, is a matter of life and death for the Multiverse. And once they filled them in…their mission has only begun. > New Enemies and Allies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 year later, shortly after the Music Festival From the top of the rooftops of New York, things have been quiet during the night. Even if a city tends to be the busiest than any other, today was a bit of a slow day. Or so they thought. For on the rooftops, four familiar Turtles and two humans were currently going on patrol. Leonardo and Raphael continued to jump from rooftop to rooftop, with Donatello and April in tow, whilst at the same time, Mikey skated on his skateboard and Casey skated on his skates whilst trying to improvise at the same time. “Yeah boy!!” shouted Mikey as he was having the time of his life. “Goongala!!” shouted Casey as he performed his own tricks. They soon made it to the water tower and stopped there for a break. Some panted from the parkour and maneuvers they had to perform whilst going from building to building. “Not bad.” They looked up and saw both Shinigami and Karai sitting on top of the tower, with Karai holding a stopwatch and Shinigami holding a few energy drinks for the group. “Thirty seconds. Better than last time.” Said Karai “Hey girls,” said April whilst smiling “Good to see you.” “Good to see you too.” Said Karai as she and Shinigami jumped from the water tower and landed in front of them. “Hey, where’s the Dazzlings?” said Casey. “They said they wanted to visit the Rainbooms at Canterlot High,” said Shinigami “Said that they and the Shadowbolts wanted them to have some girl time with them.” “They could use a break.” Said Karai before turning to them “And you guys are still trying to stay in shape.” “Well we gotta be faster if we wanna be the awesome ninjas.” Said Mikey in his show off manner before he got slapped behind the head from Raph. “Mikey’s goofball attitude aside,” said Donnie “He does have a point about being faster if we wanna stay in shape.” “Still, it’s been a bit too quiet lately.” Said Raph. Shinigami chuckled before she gave Raph his energy drink and said “Since when do you complain about having some peace?” “Only when there’s nothing to do but train.” Said Raph. “Even though we’re at peace, doesn’t mean we can’t stop training.” Said Karai. “She’s right.” Said Leo as he looked ahead “And it’s got me thinking about a lot of things lately.” “About what Leo?” asked Casey. “When we first started out, we fought against Shredder, the Foot, the Krang, the Triceratons. We fought them and we eventually won, even a few Equestrian Magic related problems from our friends.” He looked down and said “But ever since we were at Batman’s world, it made me open my eyes. The foes there were more dangerous than the ones we fight and they didn’t operate by the rules from our universe. Little did we know we bit off more than we can chew, even visiting worlds from out counterparts were almost too much for us.” He looked back at them and said “And since we helped our new friends and allies face against new foes like Princess Lewej, Ripley, Cobra, VILE, SH1FT3R, Meta Humans, even enemies of Crash, the Crystal Gems, the Digidestined and the Power Rangers’ enemies, made us realize that there are foes who are stronger than the previous enemies we face. That’s why we can never let our guard down.” “Leo’s right.” Said April “We always underestimated our enemies and we were always at each other’s throats because of our disagreements. But in the end, we’re at our strongest when we work together.” “As long as no one’s being a hothead and accuses someone again.” Said Mikey, making Raph groan out loud when Mikey brought up a certain topic. “Will you stop bringing the Batman thing up already?!” shouted Raph. “Well he does have a point, Raph.” Said Casey “You didn’t even give him a chance. Sure he may have been a jerk, but we got to know him better. Besides, Princess Twilight trusts him ever since she told us about it, and that’s good enough reason for us.” “Besides Raph,” said Karai “From what you told us, Batman did that to see how you fared in a fight, plus there’s a little something called getting on one’s good side. It took you a while to learn to trust some of the Mutanimals and me, even a few others.” “Plus you should learn to relax a bit more.” Said Shinigami “Though we wished we were there with you.” “No kidding.” Said Karai “If he’s really that skilled, I could tell how much he’s masking and hiding things. And in the end, he proved you wrong.” “Yeah, just like the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts and Bandit did.” Said Donnie. “And a few other good friends we made.” Said Mikey. That’s when they heard Leo’s T-Phone going off. He picked it up and said “Hello?” “Leo, it’s Keno.” said Keno. “Go ahead, what’s up.” Said Leo as he put his phone on speaker so that everyone could hear. ******************************************************************************************** From the other side of the city, Keno was on one of the rooftops whilst looking through his binoculars. “I was in the middle of patrol when I spotted someone hacking into a couple of ATM’s throughout the city.” Said Keno as he kept his eye on the mysterious figure. “Hacking ATM’s?” said Donnie “Is it some kind of hacker?” “No, but he was in the middle of hacking a few certain accounts and making a few secret transfers.” Said Keno “And according to this, it’s about half a billion.” “Seriously?!” said Mikey as he suddenly got excited “Think of all the pizzas we could buy!!” But as Keno rolled his eyes, he heard a smack over the phone, which he guessed was Raphael who smacked Mickey behind his head. “Thanks Raph.” Said Keno. “No prob,” said Raph “Where’s that guy taking it from?” “It’s one of the reason I called.” Said Keno “It looks like he’s hacking into the Foot’s account.” “What?!” shouted everyone. “Karai,” said Keno “Is it possible that Shredder had tons of other businesses?” “He did,” said Karai “He had other businesses so that he could make money in order to train more foot soldiers, long before he replaced them with robots.” “What could someone be using Shredder’s old account for?” asked Casey. “No idea.” Said Keno “But I was able to call the Mutanimals ahead just in case. Slash figured that we could try to corner the guy and find out why he’s doing this. Rockwell agreed, and he suggested that you guys be part of this too.” “Sounds like a plan.” Said Karai “If someone’s hacking into Shredder’s old account, we need to find out why.” “Wait,” said Keno “The guy’s on the move. Probably to another ATM.” ******************************************************************************************** “Alright, sit tight and keep track, we’ll be there soon.” Said Leo. “You got it, we’ll meet you there.” Leo hung up and said “Come on team, let’s go.” The group quickly ran towards Keno’s location. But unknown to them, someone, or something, had been watching them from the shadows, and now is tailing them from afar. ******************************************************************************************** At the same time, the mysterious cloaked figure went to another ATM. The figure suddenly held the right side of her face. “I still don’t like the idea of sneaking around.” Said the figure, which sounded like a female “Are you sure about this?” “Trust me, I am.” Said a familiar voice, which was none other than Max Tennyson, aka, Grandpa Max “If what you and your friends told me is true, then there’s a slight chance he might try to find a way to hack into the Foot’s old account in order to help fund his operations. Everywhere else is secured, but you’ll have only one more to secure in order for him not to hack anywhere.” “But what if we end up bumping into them?” said the female. “If what you said about your friends are true, then they’ll show themselves.” “I just hope they don’t go all mistrusting like they did with a certain Dark Knight.” Responded the female in a deadpanned tone. “Then he’ll handle it. From what you told me he can be quite the negotiator.” The female couldn’t help but give a soft smile and said “He really is.” She then spotted another ATM, and said “I’m close to the last one, will contact you once I’m done.” The figure slowly approached the ATM whilst also looking around. She pulled out what appeared to be a USB drive. But just before she could plug it in, a shuriken appeared from out of nowhere as it struck on the machine, taking her by surprise. But what really surprised her, was the Hamato symbol on it. “They’re here.” “Alright, whoever you are.” Said a familiar voice. The figure turned around and were surprised to see what she realized were familiar faces whilst getting ready for a fight. Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo bear arms with their signature weapons, with April bearing her Tanto and Tessen, with Casey his Hockey Stick, Keno his batons, Karai with her Shikomizue sword and Shinigami with her Kusarigama. The Mutanimals did the same. Slash armed himself with his mace, Leatherhead took a stance, Rockwell floated like a monk, Pidgeon Pete with his blaster, Mondo Gecko with his skateboard, Bandit Raccoon standing on Leatherhead’s right shoulder, Mona Lisa with her sword, Ray Fillet took a stance and Hokum Hare also stood in position, whilst Beebop did a pose and Rocksteady readying himself to charge. “You got till the count of three to tell us what you think you’re doing!!” shouted Raph as he was prepared for a brawl. The person continued to stare at them, for her, it had felt like she was seeing ghosts from her past. She looked at each and every one of them. She couldn’t help but shed tears as a small smile was on her face. This confused some as they noticed. “Wait,” said Casey “Is he…crying?” The person wiped her tears and said “Sorry, something in my eye.” “Hmm,” pondered Rockwell and said “From the sound of her voice, she is a woman.” “And she was smiling too.” Said Mondo when he caught wind of her facial expression. “I’m fine.” Said the person “Just a little overwhelmed is all.” “You sure,” said Mikey “You wanna talk about it?” “Don’t talk to the enemy.” Said Raph sternly. The person saw Raph and frowned. She then crossed her arms and said “You know Raph, you’re gonna have to be a little nicer to your own brother there.” Everyone was taken aback by what the person said. “Wait, she knows comrade Raphael?” said Rocksteady. “What are you, a spy?!” shouted Raph as he pointed his sais at her. “Like you thought the Rainbooms were spies whilst you mistrusted them?” said the female person before she scoffed and said “It’s the thing with Batman all over again.” Now, all of them were taken aback by that, especially the Turtles, Casey and April, for only they and the Rainbooms knew about that. “Look here pal,’ said Raph “You got till the count of three to tell us who you are, or we’re going to do this the hard way!!” “Oh, that’s really threatening,” mocks the person “Especially coming from a certain turtle who still sleeps with a night light and a teddy bear because of his fear of cockroaches.” When suddenly “Hey, you leave mister Binkie out of this!!” Raph instantly realized what he said in shock and covered his mouth, whilst everyone stared at him in shock. Casey suddenly snorted and chuckled slightly a bit, with Mikey, Karai, Shinigami, Mondo, Beebop, Ray Fillet and Hokum. “Wait,” said Casey as he wanted to make sure he heard her right “You…you actually sleep with a teddy bear?” Raph wanted to retort, until Slash said “Yep, he does.” That set half the group off, causing the said group to laugh out loud as they couldn’t believe what they heard. Leo and April just gave Raph an odd look by that bit of information. “Alright, that’s it!!” shouted Raph as he was now greatly embarrassed “You’re going down!!” “Oh, what are you going to do?” asked the stranger “Prove yourself a force beyond reckoning? Let me ask you this…” The stranger had a troubled look on her face from underneath the mask, with Leo seem to notice. That’s when she pulled the one card no one had expected. “Your father, Hamato Yoshi, had dabbled with a foe, beyond reckoning.” said the female, before she squinted her eyes and said “Where is he? Now?” Some widened their eyes in shock and gasped in that, with Raph widened his eyes, then ended up yelling in rage. Raph charged head on with his sais, but the person kept dodging left and right, avoiding his blows. She suddenly held an elastic band out, which made Mikey notice. The moment when Raph struck, the person fired the Elastic that struck his butt, making him yelp and looked back. “Hey, I used to do that during our fifth year of training.’ Said Mikey. The person suddenly moved her body and hips, as if she was dancing, which Beebop noticed. When Raph struck again, she used her hips to knock him against the dumpster. “Hey, she used my moves.” Said Beebop. Then from out of nowhere, she placed her finger inside her mouth. Just when Raph tried to strike again, she grabbed him and placed her finger in his ear, making him yelp in shock and disgust. “Oooh, the wet willy.” Said Casey whilst cringing “Classic bully 101.” The person backflipped and dodged Raph, only to fail to realize that Raph’s sai had hooked onto her cloak, tearing it off in the process, with the person landing on her two feet whilst Raph turned around. “Will you stop dodging me and fight…!!!” However, to his shock, and everyone else’s, this person was no ordinary human, but a turtle. A Mutant Turtle at that, wearing the same knee and elbow gear as the turtles, only difference, she was wearing a Cyan colored mask. And it wasn’t only a mutant turtle, she was a female mutant turtle. “Whoa, babe central.” Said Mondo as his tongue got out. “Sorry Mondy, but you’re not my type.” Said the female turtle, before she smirked and said “Although I can’t say the same for Lyra and Bonbon. They really like you.” Mondo was surprised by what she said, with Donnie saying “Whoa…you’re…” “One of us?” said Mikey as he motioned himself and his brothers. “You could say that.” Said the female turtle. “So…who are you?” said Hokum. “My name is Mei Pieh Chin.” Said the female turtle, until she smirked and said “Or as Mikey would call me, Venus.” “Oooh,” said Mikey “I like that name.” “Really?” said Raph with a flexed eyebrow. “Pff, and why not?” said Venus as she motioned their Salamandrian friend “You named your girlfriend after one of Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings of a specific woman a while back.” Raph blinked his eyes in surprise at first, but then said “Okay, good point.” Leo on the other hand noticed the Hamato symbol on her belt buckle. “Wait, you’re Hamato?” “I am.” Said Venus “I was trained by my father, just like you were.” “Wait,” said Karai as she realized something “My father and Shredder were the only ones I know who survived the ordeal, there weren’t anyone else there.” “It’s…complicated.” Said Venus. Leo, deciding to play the peace talker, placed his swords away and said “Alright then, start at the beginning. How do you know our father?” Before Venus could respond, she suddenly looked up and was shocked by what she had saw. “Oh, no.” said Venus as she took a step back, the others were confused by what she did. “What, don’t wanna tell us the truth?” said a suspicious Raph. “Not you. Them.” Pointed Venus. The Turtles and their friends turned around and saw what she was pointing at. For on the top of the building, were strange metallic looking figures. “Whoa, that’s new.” Said Keno as he held his batons ready. Then one by one, the metallic figures dropped from the buildings and landed firmly on the ground, as if they had joined an assembly. They soon surrounded the turtles and allies. There was at least a whole legion of them. Half on the ground, and half on top of the buildings. “Whoa,” said Beebop “What are they, new kinds of robots?” “No,” growled Leatherhead “Foot Bots.” He pointed at the symbol at the center of their chests. “Whoa,” said Donnie “They’re not like any other Foot Bot I’ve seen before.” “You think Tiger Claw or Stockman upgraded them?” said Shinigami. “That’s not possible,” said Karai “Tiger Claw’s gone underground and we haven’t heard from him in a while. And Stockman would make robot copies of himself.” “Doesn’t matter.” Said a smirking Raph whilst pulling out his sais “As long as we get to smash some bots, I ain’t complaining.” “Don’t underestimate them.” Said Venus as she pulled out her bladed Tessen, taking April by surprise by the weapon “They’re not just programmed with Ninjitsu moves.” “Why, what else do they have?” asked Pidgeon Pete. “They also have built in weapons.” Said Venus “Along with programmed forms of fighting like Karate, Jujitsu and Kung Fu.” “Whoa, kind of like my dad’s Dojo.” Said Keno. “Great,” said Raph sarcastically “Any more shocks you wanna give us?” “They also have human brains from every martial artist around the world.” Said Venus. “What?!!” exclaimed everyone. “My word, she’s right.” Said a shockened Rockwell “I can feel their minds inside.” “Same here.” Said April as she was just as shocked. “Meaning they used to be human.” Said a frightened Mikey. “Not anymore.” Said Venus. She looked at Leo and said “Leo, I know you’re always the order guy, but don’t underestimate them. Instead of fighting harder, try to fight smarter.” Leo pondered this for a moment, then looked at her and gave a confirmed nod. Leo stood in position, as did many others. “Ninjas!! Take them down!!” shouted Leo before they charged. The Foot Bot Lieutenant pointed towards the Turtles, allowing the Foot Bots to charge forward. Both sides began to clash with the Foot Bots, trying to use skill upon skill. Leonardo blocked both Foot Bots, but was able to catch them off guard and cut them in half. He did a backflip on one robot, jumped on another and sliced the previous one in half. But as he did, he could see the brain from within. “Holy…she’s right.” Said Leo “They really used to be human.” Raph used his sais to throw them against the two Foot Bots’ heads, then jumped in the air, grabbed them and use his sais to throw them against two more. One of the Foot bots kicked Raph in the left, leg, another a gut blow, then a third kicked him away against the wall. He was able to recover, and saw the said bots cornering him. “Man, those guys are tough.” Said Raph, but then smirked as he held onto his sais and charged whilst saying “But I’m tougher!!” Donnie twirled his bo-staff and hit them left and right, jumped over and struck one flat on the ground. But just as he was about to swat another away, a Foot Bot instantly pulled a sword from its hand and used it to break Donnie’s bo-staff in half. “Oh, come on!!” shouted Donnie. Venus used her Tessen to fight and landed next to him. “You know, after all this time fighting, I’m surprised you never considered using a metal bo-staff, I mean it worked for Robin and Nightwing!!” Donnie was surprised by this and said “How did you…?” “You wanna talk, or do you wanna continue to kick butt!!” said Venus as she gave him a metal bo-staff, surprising him as she said “You always remind me to keep this just in case you keep breaking your toy stick.” “It’s not a…!!” shouted Donnie before he ducked in fright from an incoming attack. Donnie grabbed it and began to make short work out of most of them. When he took down his group, he looked at his with wonderment. “Hey, not bad.” Mikey jumped around from one spot to another, laughing to his heart’s content. Until he saw them having blasters in their hands, making him scream in panic and ran around trying to avoid them, which serves as the perfect distraction for April to attack and use her Tanto blade to cut two of them down, whilst she also used her Tessen, then used her psychic abilities to knock all of them away and crash them against the wall, with Karai shifting into her snake form and attacked them from both sides, then switched back to her human form to cut them to pieces. Shinigami backed her up using her Kusarigama. “Booyakasha!!!” shouted Mikey as he used a wrestling move to use a body slam on them. Keno used his batons to beat the Foot Bots around. Before four more could strike them down, Keno used a smoke bomb to disorient their sensors, with Keno shouting “Yo Case!! Your turn!!” “Goongala!!!” shouted Casey as he skated along and used his hockey stick to hit his pucks, allowing them to explode and blow up the Foot Bots. Slash charged towards the Foot Bots and punched one in the face hard, backhanded another, then used his mace to smash them to pieces. Leatherhead roared and charged towards the next group of Foot Bots whilst he grabbed a few and tossed them away, whilst he bit one and chewed it to pieces. Pidgeon Pete flew around and used his blaster to shoot at the Foot Bots on the rooftops whilst also avoiding their laser arrows at the same time. Rockwell floated around and used his psychic abilities to levitate and threw them around, until six more Foot Bots arrived to attack from behind. “Cowabunga!!” shouted Mondo as he skated around and used his skateboard to knock one’s head off, tripped another and grabbed the third one by dragging its feet, whilst Bandit jumped up on each of the bot’s backs and ripped the wires out in order disable them. “My thanks Bandit.” Said Rockwell whilst looking behind. “No problem doc.” Said Bandit before darting towards the next. Beebop skated around and used his dancing moves to fight against the Foot Bots. “Can’t stop this bot boy.” Said Beebop as they tried to strike the thieving warthog down, but he moved too fast. And during those movements, he used belt to shoot his lasers at them, striking them down in the process. Ray Fillet used his strength to overcome many of the bots, whilst Hokum jumped around to avoid their blasters, but because he was so fast, none of the bots noticed that he planted explosives on their backs, blowing them up in the process. Mona used her combat skills and sword to cut them down and destroy them in the process. “I have to admit,” said Mona “For primitive automatons, they fight well!” Rocksteady charged through many of the Foot Bots and crushed them with his horn whilst saying “Da!! They make old Foot Bots look like baby toys.” As they were distracted, Venus quickly went over to the ATM and plugged in her USB, causing the screen to show different firewalls being in place. After it was done, the screen said “Complete”. Allowing Venus to quickly pull out the USB and headed straight back to the fight. After much fighting, the group panted from exhaustion. “Whoa dudes.” Said Mikey whilst rubbing his forehead “That was tough.” “Indeed.” Said Leatherhead “These new Foot Bots are truly formidable foes.” “But who do you think made them?” said Casey “You don’t think it’s most of Shredder’s former goons, do you?” “Not a chance.” Said Karai “None of his old gang could be capable of doing something like this.” “If you ask me dudes and dudettes.” Said Mondo “I think the one who might have the answer is the babe, Turtle.” They looked at Venus whilst she placed her weapons away. “Alright then,” said Leo as he and the others approached her “Clearly, you’re not with them, but why were you going…?” “Look, I’d love to play twenty questions with you,” said Venus “But we’ll do that later, cause we need to get going.” “Where to?” asked April. “Think about it.” Said Venus “You lot have experience fighting Foot Bots too. But who else do you know has experience with them that fought alongside all of you against the Shredder?” Mikey was the one who instantly figured it out, making him gasp and said “Oh no.” “What Mikey?” said a confused Casey. “Don’t you get it?!” said a panicked Mikey “The Foot Bots we fought were the advance force, the rest of them are heading for Canterlot City.” That’s when it dawned at all of them too and realized in shock. “Aw sewer apples!!” exclaimed Raph “They’re going after Sunset and the others!!” “And the Dazzlings are there too!!” said Shinigami. “Along with the Shadowbolts, Juniper, Wallflower and the others!!” said April. “We gotta get there now!!” said Keno. “Back to the lair!!” said Rockwell. “No need.” Said Venus “Our rides are here.” They looked and saw at least three different vehicles, all of them high tech and fast coming along, taking the group by surprise. “Figured we’d spice things up a bit.” Said Venus whilst smirking. “Awesome.” Muttered Donnie. “Alright, Casey, Leo and I will drive.” Said Venus “Some of you take the weapons.” “Let’s go guys!!” said Leo as all of them climbed into their designated vehicles and drove off. ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, in Canterlot City, a certain large group of friends, the most popular group in Canterlot High, known as the Rainbooms, were having a girls’ day out at the mall. Thankfully, it was Friday, so the girls now have an excuse to go to the mall and hang out. When they heard the Dazzlings were coming to visit, they decided to invite the Shadowbolts, Wallflower and Sapphire, considering it’s been a while since they hung out. Thankfully Juniper was also available so now she has a chance to spend some time with them. Sunset however…let’s just say when she went home, she decided to play a video game. But she was so distracted, she almost forgot to meet the others at the mall later today. She had used her motorcycle to get to the mall, but she rushed from the parking lot whilst she ran towards the entrance of the mall. “I can’t believe I got distracted.” Said a frantic Sunset “That’s the last time I decided to play video games whenever there’s a get-together at the mall.” She soon ran inside and continued to search all over the place. “I hope I’m not…” “Whoa!!” Sunset suddenly bumped into someone, causing both to fall on their behinds and rubbed their foreheads. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry about that.” Said Sunset as she was able to stand on all fours to get up. “That’s alright,” responded the voice “It happens to a lot of us. Plus I should’ve paid more attention.” The moment she took a good look at him, she widened her eyes in surprise, as the assailant did the same. The two of them continued to stare at one another with widened eyes, with confusion, awestruck and surprise. “Uh…hi.” Responded the boy meekly. “Uh…yes…hi…um.” Responded Sunset as her face had grown a bit red whilst the boy stood up. He gently reached his hand for her, which she shyly accepts, allowing him to pull her up and was able to stand. “Again, sorry for bumping into you.” Said the boy as he rubbed the back of his head. “No, it’s alright.” Said Sunset “Sorry about that.” “Normally this is the part where I say something completely cheesy,” said the boy “But then again I don’t want to sound like that Zephyr Breeze guy.” Sunset was surprised that he knew him. “You know him?” “Only by reputation.” Said the boy. “Some call him a loser, some call him an idiot. But I came up with a nickname for him when I see him try to talk to a lady.” “What’s that?” “A rip off version of Johnny Bravo.” Sunset suddenly burst from laughter from that name, for the way Zephyr had been acting, was so true. After she calmed down, the boy presented his hand to her and said “Name’s Roland.” “Sunset Shimmer.” Responded Sunset as she shook his hand. “Speaking of which.” Said Roland “The next time Zephyr shows up. Tell him this…” He whispered into her ear, in order for her to say what she needed. She widened her eyes in shock and reeled back and said “Whoa, isn’t that a little extreme?” “Trust me, he’ll get the message.” Said Roland. “If not, then tell him that an old friend of his sister will have a say in it.” Sunset was a bit puzzled, but nodded. Not sure why he wanted her to tell that to Zephyr, even though he’s Fluttershy’s brother, he’s very annoying. So for Rainbow’s sake, she’ll do it. “Now then,” said Roland as he looked around, then he spotted something with a smile and said “There we go.” He walked over to the smoothy stand and ordered two smoothies, which Sunset wondered what he was doing. After he accepted the smoothies, he walked back to her and gave her one. Which surprised her at first, but she accepted it. “Consider this a treat from me,” said Roland “And as a way to apologize for what I did.” “Oh, uh…” said Sunset whilst blushing “You don’t have to do that.” “I know.” Responded Roland as he walked next to her, then whispered “But I want to.” Without thinking, he kissed her by the cheek, taking her by surprise with widened eyes and a blushing face. “See you around.” Responded Roland before he left. But once he was far enough, he suddenly blushed bright red and said “Why the heck did I just do that?!” He was suddenly contacted by ear communicator. “Go ahead.” He said, with him hearing muttering from the ear. “The Rainbooms are in the mall, and it’s only a matter of time that they’ll be here. Venus already told me that they’re on the way. In the meantime, let’s get ready.” As Roland quickly left, Sunset still stood there with a surprised look and a blush on her face. She instantly and slowly sucked on her smoothie through her straw and walked away, still in a surprised daze. **************************************************************************************************** At the same time, the rest of the Rainbooms and Fugatoid were waiting for Sunset. The girls continued to pass the time whilst they wait. Rarity applied her makeup, Applejack ate an apple, Rainbow Dash paced around impatiently, Fluttershy was attending Angel, Twilight was reading a book with Fugatoid looking at what she was reading, and Pinkie Pie was, well, being Pinkie Pie whilst eating her cupcakes. “Ugh,” groaned Rainbow as she was getting impatient “What’s taking her so long?” “Will y’all relax Rainbow,” said Applejack “Sunset will be here.” “Yeah, she probably just lost track whilst playing video games again.” Said Pinkie Pie. “She does have a habit of doing that.” Said Rarity “She seriously needs to learn to break the norm every once and a while.” Rainbow snorted at this and said “Like you do with what you do every day?” Rarity scoffed and said “You’re one to talk, sports girl.” “She’s kinda got you there Rainbow.” Said Spike. As Pinkie munched on her second Cupcake, Fluttershy spotted a certain someone. “Oh look, there she is now.” Said Fluttershy. They all saw Sunset walking towards them. At first, they wanted to greet her, but they were surprised by the look of her face. She was blushing, in a daze and sucking a smoothie. “Whoa, what happened to her?” said Rainbow. “Um, Sunset?” asked Fluttershy the moment Sunset was close enough. Sunset shook her head and said “Oh? Girls!!” Sunset tossed the now empty smoothie away and smiled sheepishly whilst rubbing the back of her head and said “Sorry I’m late, I kinda lost track of time.” “The video games again?” asked Rarity, with Sunset nodding “Darling, you seriously need to try other hobbies.” “Yeah,” said Pinkie “Remember the painting you did a while back? Why not do those.” “Well it has been a long time.” Muttered Sunset. “So Sunset?” asked the smirking Rainbow “Why were you blushing earlier?” Before Sunset could answer… “Hey girls.” They looked to their right and saw the rest of their entourage coming. Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk, aka, the Dazzlings. Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat, aka, the Shadowbolts. “Sorry we’re late.” Said Lemon Zest “Trying to find parking near the mall is murder.” “Which we could’ve avoided and gone sooner if you weren’t distracted again.” Said Sugarcoat in a monotone voice. “Hey!!” exclaimed Lemon Zest as she looked at Sugarcoat. “Can I help it if the new rock album was out!! I just wanted to stay ahead of times!!” “Though they are starting to get a little behind ever since Post Crush released their new album.” Noted Sonata. “And that a certain pair wasn’t being paranoid over a certain individual and being jerks about it.” Said Aria as she eyed two certain Rainbooms. Both Twilight and Sunset looked down in regret and guilt, with Indigo saying “Oh come on, Aria, don’t be like that. You know very well they were paranoid ever since the whole Mean Boom and time thingy incident.” “First of all, the Mean Boom thing was months before the concert,” said Adagio “And second, Post Crush was responsible because they were obsessed about having the perfect performance.” “And Michelangelo did tell you that they were no threat, and you did promise to listen to him.” Noted Fugatoid. “Exactly.” Said Sour Sweet “You two really need to learn to listen to people more often, otherwise it’s Pizza Face all over again.” “Look, we’re not proud of what happened okay.” Said a guilty Twilight. “We really did learn our lesson.” Said Sunset. “Like you two ‘learned’ your lesson with Pizza Face and Cozy Glow?” said Sunny Flare “Even after you promised to listen to Mikey?” “At least we weren’t as bad as Applejack when we were at Gotham and met Batman.” Countered Twilight. “Will ya’ll just stop bringing that up.” Muttered Applejack whilst she had her head lowered. “Hey girls, why the bad vibe here, take it easy.” Said Sonata. “She’s right.” Said Pinkie Pie “We’ve all been stressed out enough over what happened to us during the past year and few months. And we agreed to have a good time and have a great get together, no negative emotions whatsoever.” “She does have a point.” Said Juniper Montage as she came along “All of you have been through enough trauma, both physical and emotional. So try to relax and take a break for once.” Some took a deep breath as Sour Sweet said “She’s right. Things have been a bit out of hand lately.” “And we could use a proper brake.” Said Aria. “So what should we do first?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Ooh, how about we all get something to eat first at the mall’s diner.” Said Pinkie “We can take the one near the entrance to the mall.” “Hey, good idea.” Said Indigo “I heard they got the best burgers and fries in town.” They soon made their way towards the diner, but unknown to them, watching from the roof and glass window, were a handful of Foot Bots watching the Rainbooms and friends from above whilst scanning them at the same time. One of them signaled the rest, before disappearing to attack them before they knew they were there. **************************************************************************************************** An hour later, the girls were done with their food at the diner. “Boy, those place had some good eats.” Said Sonata as they left. “Though it is kinda annoying that you kept asking for a taco.” Said Sugarcoat in her monotone voice “You do know that there are other foods besides tacos, right?” “That’s what we’ve been trying to tell her ever since we got into this world.” Said Aria whilst rolling her eyes. “What?” said Sonata “They’re delicious.” Applejack rolled her eyes and said “She’s just like Mikey when it comes to pizza.” “Although they do eat different foods every now and then.” Said Fugatoid “Like ramen.” They looked at Fugatoid surprised, with him saying “Leonardo told me.” “He can make ramen?” said a surprised Twilight. “Sword fighting wasn’t the only thing he learned from Master Splinter.” Replied their cyborg friend. “Remind me to ask him to teach me to make some.” Said Rainbow, making the others look at her. “What? Ramens are really good and they’re quite the best dish.” “More than that pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough?” asked Applejack with a flexed eyebrow. “Well, second best.” Replied Rainbow. “Hey there girls.” The sound of a familiar voice, made Rainbow and a few girls groan, for there was only one person that they didn’t like; Zephyr Breeze. “I see all of you are hanging at the mall.” Said Zephyr whilst rubbing his messy hair “Any of you want to hang out with the Breeze master?” Rainbow groaned as she wasn’t in the mood for this, until Sunset had her arms crossed and made a flexed eyebrow whilst saying “Oh look, it’s the rip off version of Johnny Bravo.” The girls were taken aback by this, especially Fluttershy, causing half of them to laugh at that. “Hey, who are you calling a rip off?!’ said Zephyr as he felt like he was insulted. Sunset, remembering what Roland said, walked up to him. The moment she was up close, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him forcibly towards her, taking everyone by surprise. “Let me give you one piece of advice.” Said Sunset with squinted eyes. They heard her whispering to Zephyr about something. The moment she was done, he quickly backed away and said “Okay, okay, I’ll stay away!! You don’t have to get that personal.” Zephyr quickly moved away before a scene would occur. Sunset turned to the others and they were surprised by what just happened. “Whoa,” said Adagio “What did you say to him?” Sunset sheepishly rubbed the back of her head saying “You don’t wanna know.” Rainbow came over and hugged Sunset, saying “Thanks. You’re a real lifesaver.” When all of a sudden, they heard a very loud explosion outside, gaining everyone’s attention. “What in tarnation?!” exclaimed Applejack. “What in all things fashion was that?!” exclaimed Rarity. “From the sound of things, they came from outside.” Said Spike. “Let’s investigate.” Said Sour Sweet as she and the others ran out. Pinkie then broke the 4th Wall and whispered “Time for the big fight.”, before running off to help the others. **************************************************************************************************** The moment they got outside, all of them were taken aback when they saw many people running around screaming as a handful of cars were on fire. They couldn’t believe that there was so much damage outside. “Whoa, what happened here?!” said Indigo, until they all saw Pinkie shivering rapidly. “Oh no,” realized Sunset “Don’t tell me. The big doozy?” “Y-y-y-y-yup.” Said Pinkie Pie. “What kind of doozy are we talking about?” asked Lemon Zest. “Probably because of that.” Said Sonata. And out of the fire, large platoons of robots appeared, walking towards the Rainbooms, then stopped a few feet away, forming a phalanx formation. “Whoa,” said Juniper “Are those robots?” Fluttershy suddenly saw a familiar symbol, gasped and said “Not just any robots.” They saw her pointing at the symbol, and to their surprise, it was a familiar looking symbol they thought they’d never see again. “No way, Foot Bots?!!” exclaimed Rainbow. “But I thought Shredder’s Foot Clan was finished.” Said Spike. “They were.” Said Adagio “Karai told us we destroyed the last of the Shredder’s factories that made him his robot foot ninjas.” “Though they do look a bit different.” Said Sonata when she noticed something was new about them. “Doesn’t matter that they’re new,” said Indigo “We can take them.” “But we don’t have our weapons with us.” Said Juniper Montage. “Yeah, we left them at home.” Said Pinkie Pie. “Citizens.” Said one of the robots, taking the girls by surprise before taking a few steps forward “It would be wise to surrender. If not, then we shall…” When all of a sudden, a shuriken was struck against the Foot Bot’s head, making it explode before collapsing. The girls were surprised by this, until from out of nowhere, five individuals jumped in, wearing outfits they’ve never seen before. “No citizens here.” Said one of the males. “He’s not wrong.” Said the middle one before looking at the girls and said “Citizens implies that we pledge our allegiance to a centralized authority. We sometimes see ourselves as an anarchy collective.” “Huh,” said Spike before he pondered, then said “Can’t argue with that.” “Oh my, look at those outfits.” Said Rarity as she looked at them. “Huh,” said Pinkie Pie as she looked at them “Come to think of it, their outfits almost look like a combination of Azrael and the League of Shadows, but they’re white and different, and they have the Hamato symbol on them.” The girls saw the Hamato symbol, that much is true, but what surprised them was what Pinkie had shared with them. “Wait, how did you know about them?” said a curious Sunset. Pinkie then suddenly pulled out a random memory stick from her hair and said “Oh, I hacked and downloaded all the files of Batman’s enemies and allies from his computer whilst Raph and Applejack were scolding him whilst they were having a hissy fit, thinking that we didn’t care about going back home to our families when we were stuck in their dimension.” She placed the memory stick back into her hair, as the newcomers were surprised, whilst the rest of the Rainbooms looked at their party friend with flabbergasted looks and dropped jaws as their brains had just been shattered. Twilight then ran up to Pinkie and grabbed her shoulders. “How the heck did you hack his computer?!!” shouted Twilight as she shook her party friend “He told me his computer was un-hackable!!” “Eh, I guessed.” Said Pinkie Pie whilst she shrug her shoulders after Twilight stop shaking her. Twilight on the other hand had her left eye twitching rapidly at that response. Rainbow on the other hand had an odd smile on her face as she pointed at Pinkie and said “Respect Pinks. Respect.” “You girls,” said one of them, gaining their attention “All of you make sure that the civilians are safe.” “But also try to kick butt at the same time.” Said the other one smiling underneath. “But they don’t have their weapons with them.” Said Spike. “Eh, we can take em.” Said Rainbow, feeling confident. When the middle one suddenly said “You mean like you lot did when you thought when you could take the Joker when a certain hothead and country gall rushed in without thinking?” They were taken aback and shocked by what he said. “How did you know that?!” responded a shocked Sunset. “Story for another time.” Said the one next to him, who happens to be a leader, but then suddenly had a duffle bag with the others doing the same, whilst he said “As for your weapons.” They tossed them to the Rainbooms and their friends. Spike was the first one to open them, and to their shock, their weapons were in there. They looked at them, with the one in the far right saying “You really need to learn to store your weapons.” “Wait,” said Applejack “How did y’all know about our weapons.” The middle one said “Well, Juniper’s Uncle stored her Nordachi Sword for her at a display case at his house for just in case, the Dazzlings kept theirs in their tour van, the Shadowbolts kept theirs stored at a sporting display case. As for the Rainbooms…” He did a slight breathing in through his teeth, as he knew it was going to bite him when he tells them sooner or later, but… “Twilight’s mom was using her Kamayari Sickle Spear and pretends to be a ninja at her backyard, Zephyr Breeze was fooling around with Fluttershy’s Fukedake Blowgun and kept hitting Angel Bunny with the tranquilizer darts, Limestone was busy smashing stuff using Pinkie’s Bakuhatsugama sickle with weight chain, Granny Smith uses one of Applejack’s Shuko hand claws as a back scratcher whilst Big Mac used the other one to plough the field, Rainbow Dash’s mom uses her Naginata Spear as a twirling baton and showing off, Sweetie Belle uses Rarity’s Kama Sickles as a cake slicer and Sunset…hides her Kunai daggers in her underwear drawer.” And true to their response, Sunset blushed red in embarrassment, Rarity gasped in shock as she had wondered why there was a slight trace of frosting on her sickles, Rainbow Dash’s left eye twitched rapidly, Applejack slapped her forehead hard as she couldn’t believe her own grandmother and brother would do something so idiotic, Pinkie widened her eyes and wondered why her weapon looked like it had just recently bashed something, Fluttershy gasped and held her mouth shut with both her hands as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and Twilight also twitched her right eye as she couldn’t believe what her own mother was doing. “You…” said an embarrassed Sunset as she pointed at the one in the middle, whilst she had a stern and angry gaze “You were in my…” “I’m not proud of it.” Said the middle one immediately. “Look, I’d love to play twenty questions with all of you, but right now, we got ourselves a situation to handle here.” At first, they wanted to discuss things, but given their situation, they didn’t have time to discuss this. Immediately, the Rainbooms, the Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings and Juniper Montage readied their weapons for combat. Whilst at the same time, the five strangers pulled out their weapons. The one in the far left pulled out his two long samurai swords that appeared to be merged as one whilst holding a kunai with chain. The one in the left, pulled out two mounted wrist weapons that resembled to Deadshot, as well as a pair of specialized knuckles. The one in the middle pulled out what appeared to be a broadsword, but it’s hilt had a dragon on top whilst the handle that almost looked like a handle from a motorcycle, which some thought it was an interesting design. The one on the right had a samurai type of sword, but the handle was the same as the one in the middle’s. And the one in the far right had a metal wolf hand claw sword. “Whatever you do,” said the stranger in the middle “Don’t underestimate them. They’re not the same Foot Bots you fought with just Ninjitsu moves.” “Why, what do they have?” asked Sunset. They saw the new Foot Boots were drawing out spears, swords, sais and daggers, whilst also drawing out shields. “They have built in weapons for one thing.” Said the one in the far right “They’re also programmed with other forms of fighting like Karate, Jujitsu and Kung Fu.” “Whoa, programmed with more moves.” Said Twilight surprised. “Anything else you wanna add?” asked Indigo. The one the middle kept their focus and said “They also have human brains from every single martial artist from around the world.” “What?!!” gasped the girls from what they heard. “Oh my, you are correct.” Said Fugatoid as he scanned them “They do indeed have organic brains.” “Who could’ve done this?” said Fluttershy in horror. “Story for another time,” said the one next to Silverbolt “We need to finish the fight here before they plan to hurt innocent civilians.” Seeing that there was no time to talk, they kept their stance. “Warriors!!” shouted the one in the middle “Take them down!!” As they charged towards their targets, the Foot Bots did the same as they too charged straight towards their targets too. However, the middle one stopped whilst he looked back and saw many civilians. Fearing that they would get hurt. He quickly ran back to them and directed them to safety. “Quick, all of you!!” shouted the young mane “Get to safety now!! It’s not safe here!! Go!!” Everyone did as he asked and quickly ran, whilst he also went to make sure everyone else was safe. Sunset caught a glance at this and saw how he was quickly directing them to safety. Sunset jumped and slide onto the ground to avoid any heavy attacks whilst she used her Kunai Daggers to slice and jab a few Foot Bots, right before she threw a handful of them, hitting them directly centered to their heads before collapsing, whilst at the same time, Fugatoid protected her with his built in weapons. Fluttershy used her Fukedake Blowgun to deflect and whacked most of the Foot Bots whilst also giving them a kick. Suddenly the one with the samurai type sword landed next to her and handed her a large pouch. “Got you something.” Said the stranger, which she accepted as she saw there were new darts in there. “Use it on them. Trust me.” Fluttershy did as she asked and used her Blowgun to blow them towards the Foot Bots, causing them to explode. “Wow,” said Fluttershy as she was surprised that they worked “Thanks.” “No problem, Flutter Butterfly.” Said the boy before darting off, which surprised her when he said the name. But not want to be distracted, she continued her fight. Pinkie Pie bounced around using her Bakuhatsugama Sickle to slice and dice a few robots, before she used her Weight chain like a lasso and whipped them. But at the same time, she jumped backwards and reached for her party sprinkles, then tossed them hard, allowing it to blow up a few Foot Bots at the same time. Applejack used her Shuko hand claws to slice a few robots left and right. Though she had a hard time blocking the Foot Bots and their swords, she quickly jumped up whilst pulling her one claw off of her hand, then punched the ground so hard, they flew in different directions. Rarity used her Kama sickles to block and slice a few bots whilst at the same time used her diamond discs to shield herself, then used them to slice them in half. Rainbow Dash used her Naginata Spear to block the Foot Bots’ attacks and moved her body fluently, but also twirled and sliced them in half before using her superspeed to break them to pieces. Twilight used her Kamayari sickle spear to block and slice them in half, whilst she also used her magic to lift them up and tossed them at one another, allowing them to defeat them. Sour Sweet used her Surujin chains like whips and whacked most of them, whilst quickly jumping over and used the chain to rip them apart the moment she landed, with Indigo using her Guandao Spear to block their laser fire and directed them towards the other bots before she sliced them to pieces. Sunny Flare used her Katar daggers to dodge a few Foot Bots whilst slicing and dicing them at the same time whilst she moves her body fluently. Sugarcoat uses her Chigiriki Mace to deflect many of the robots whilst using her flexibility, and the moment they have an opening, she uses her mace from the end of her chain to swing them around and bashed at least two of them. Lemon Zest uses her Kanabo Clubs to bash the Foot Bots left and right, but then held one behind whilst using the other one to block two of their attacks, and the moment she spotted an opening, she twisted around and whacked both of their heads off at the same time. Juniper uses her sword to twirl it for a bit, then used her sword to block two Foot Bots attacking her, but thanks to her footing and self-defense lessons from her uncle when she worked at the studio, she moved on the ground as if she was ice skating, allowing her to cut four Foot Bots down. Adagio held her stance whilst holding her Nordachi sword, allowing her to charge forward the Foot Bots. She jumped in the air and twirled whilst the Foot Bots were shooting lasers at her, but she dodged them with ease. Once she landed, she darted left and right so fast, she cut down four bots, threw a shuriken against the fifth’s head and kicked it so hard, it send it flying against the wall. Aria moved her Tri-baton chuck as if it were a bo-staff, spinning it around fast whilst she prepared herself for the Foot Bots. She moved her body left and right whilst bashing the attacking Foot Bots. She jumped in the air, performing what one would call a “Monkey jumps over fence” maneuver. She jumped over again, but used her weapon to latch onto a Foot Bot and tossed it hard onto the ground, then used it to break its robotic head off. Sonata used her Tonabas to block at least two of the Foot bots, then lifted them in the air, before jumping and delivered a strong double kick to both of them. She used her Tonabas to punch a few left and right, then delivered a strong kick to them. The one with the metal wolf hand claw sword used his weapons to slice and dice the Foot Bots left and right, even jabbed one of his claws into one of the Foot Bot and ripped its wires out. Then he sliced it’s head off and kicked it like a soccer ball, allowing it to strike against the eighth’s head, before it collapsed. The one with the silver/red samurai sword used his sword and ignite it to turn into a fire sword, then used it to make a ring of fire around himself, then unleashed it to a handful of Foot Bots that tried to attack him. The one with the kunai with chain swung it around and hit the Foot bots in all directions, until he placed it away and separated the samurai swords, making it a dual one as he went on the offensive. The one with the mounted weapons and knuckles fought just as hard. He punched left and right, blocked rapidly with both his arms when two Foot Bots tried to punch him, whilst more tried to attack from all around, but with his mounted weapons, he made short work of them when he spun around. However, he heard a loud noise from above, which made him look. He was shocked to see what was coming. “Oh crud,” said the guy before he turned to the others and shouted “We got incoming!!” Everyone looked above and to their shock, there were over fifteen large gunships arriving, with Foot Clan symbols on their sides. “There’s more?!” exclaimed Rainbow. “How in tarnation did they get ships?!” exclaimed Applejack. Each of those Gunships deployed over two platoons of Foot Bots, as if they had just come out of an assembly line. “Aw, how could it get any worse?!” exclaim Pinkie Pie. When all of a sudden, eleven more gunships arrive, dropping large ball like objects from above. The moment it landed, the balls open up, revealing legs in order to stand up, mounted lasers from its arms and a head that automatically appeared and marched with them. Which shocked the others. “Pinkie!!!” shouted the others as they looked at her with annoyed expressions. “Oh. Whoopsie.” Said a sheepish Pinkie Pie. When all of a sudden, they heard loud honking. They saw three vehicles coming in as their mounted weapons destroyed the Foot Clan gunships that crashed in different directions. The vehicles automatically stopped in a line, and with swift motion, The turtles and their allies immediately jumped out and armed themselves. “Yay, our friends are here!!” said Pinkie with wide smiles, whilst the others were happy to see them too. Leo pointed his katana at the Foot Bots and said “Ninjas!! Take them down!!” Soon their mutant and the humans of New York attacked and fought alongside the Rainbooms and their friends as the battle intensified, whilst at the same time, the leader of the mysterious group continued to direct citizens away from the battlefield. Twilight jumped over and landed next to Leo and said “Leo, what the heck is going on?!” “No idea!!” said Leo before he sliced a Foot Bot “We were on patrol when the Foot Bots showed up. Then she told us that they were going to attack you guys next!!” “She who?!” said Twilight when she jumped and delivered a roundhouse kick. Then she saw the female turtle fighting with some of the girls. “Whoa.” Said Twilight surprised “Another turtle? And she’s a girl?” “Her name’s Venus.” Said Leo “That’s what she told us. She told us after we beat some of the Foot Bots back at New York that the rest were coming after all of you.” Sunset appeared after she had done a somersault and landed near them. “Well we have fought them in the past a few times against Shredder and his minions!!” Beebop then landed next to Sunset and said “But who the heck else could make them. They’re way too advance to even be Stockman’s robots.” But as they continued to fight, one of the Foot Bots fired what appeared to be a bomb from its left wrist. Mikey shouted “Incoming!!” But the bomb missed them and landed next to a scared little girl, whose name was Water Lilly. She whimpered in fear when she saw it, especially since it was ticking rapidly. “My baby!!” shouted the woman, which gained Pinkie and a few others’ attention. Pinkie gasped and said “Water Lilly?!!” The leader overheard and looked at it in shock as the bomb rapidly beat, and then exploded as anyone from a viewpoint would see. Everyone dreaded the worst of the fate of the little girl. But when the smoke cleared, they saw that the mysterious leader was the one who was injured instead, with his entire back being scorched by the explosion. He painfully got up, groaning and grunting in pain, whilst at the same time, he held Water Lilly in his arms, shielding her from the explosion. She looked around and was confused, but was a little frightened over what happened. The leader, at the same time, removed his mask and hood, revealing to be none other than Roland, whilst at the same time, held onto Water Lilly’s shoulders, worrying for her safety. “Hey, are you okay?” said Roland as he had his left eye closed as he could barely cope with the pain. Water Lilly at the same time looked at the gentle face whilst being a little puzzled, but then she looked at his back and saw how he was hurt, then looked back at him. And at such a young age, she realized that he saved her life, but was also concerned for his wellbeing. She slowly hugged him, whilst he slowly hugged her back, with Water Lilly’s mother doing the same thing. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be alright.” Said Roland. Whilst at the same time, many were relieved that the little girl was okay. Sunset on the other hand, was greatly surprised when she saw the leader’s face, and it was none other than… “Roland?” said Sunset as she felt her heart beating and her throat drying for upon seeing him. But as she focused on Roland, she didn’t notice one of the larger Foot Bots grabbing a car and tossed it in her direction. Roland looked at her directions and immediately noticed. He darted towards Sunset and had his sword drawn. Sunset thought he was going to attack her until his sword glowed green. Roland twirled his blade, jumped in the air and shouted “Ryujin no ken wo kurae!!!” Sunset saw Roland in the air and with one major swift, he used his blade to cut the incoming car in half. But before it could be made contact, Roland used the laser grapples from his wrists to grab both the cars and tossed them back towards the Foot Bots, making them explode the moment the cars had hit upon contact. Roland landed swiftly in front of Sunset as she kept staring at him with her cheeks reddened. He slowly turned around and looked at her. “You, okay?” asked Roland, which Sunset bashfully nodded her head. At the same time, Venus approached with a case and a small canister, which snapped Sunset out of it as she surprisingly saw another female turtle in the mix. “You okay there Roland?” said Venus as she sprayed Roland with a type of foam. “Barely,” said Roland whilst he grunted from the pain as the foam began to do its work. “What’s the status.” “Just like you said.” Said Venus “They sent an advance force in New York to take care of the Turtles and their allies, whilst they sent an entire invading force to Canterlot City just to get rid of the others.” “They were after us?” said Sunset “Why?” “Think about it.” Said Venus as she looked at Sunset “You guys fought alongside the Turtles against the Shredder when you first encountered him in New York, the battle against the Triceratons and when he got mutated into Super Shredder, so it’s obvious that all of you were deemed targets to eliminate.” “Then it’s a good thing all of you showed up.” Said Sunset, but at the same time, everyone gathered having cleared most of the Foot Bots. When all of a sudden, three more platoons arrived and surrounded them. “You gotta be kidding me!!” shouted Raph “They’re still at it?!!” Roland looked at Venus and said “You got my gear I asked?” “Right here.” Said Venus as she opened it, revealing a certain type of outfit and a type of sword that had a motorcycle handle on it for some reason. Roland smirked and said “Perfect.” He picked up the case and suddenly tossed the clothes in the air, gaining their attention. But at the same time, Roland instantly jumped in the air and was out of his old clothes, whilst at the same time, he instantly put on his clothes whilst in the air, until he finally landed as he crouched whilst he caught his sword. The moment Roland stood up, he was all decked out. He was wearing black combat boots with the top covered in metal plating. He was wearing black pants with metallic shin and knee guard. He wore a black shirt underneath, whilst at the same time, was wearing a black swallowtail jacket. But at the same time, was wearing arm guards to protect his wrists, but he also looked back at the others. All of them had stunned looks that he had changed his outfit so quickly. “Oh my.” Muttered Rarity as she fanned herself “His ensemble. It’s magnifique.” Roland looked ahead of the battle, and saw many of the Foot Bots and their larger companions were beginning to surround them. Roland couldn’t help but smirk at this. “Well then. Looks like it’s my time to shine.” He took a few steps forward from the group and said “Why don’t you guys take five and enjoy the show?” “Have you lost your mind?!” shouted Donnie. He looked back at them whilst still having the smirk on his mouth and said “Trust me. And boys…play the beat.” One of them instantly pulled out a jukebox and played a new CD. As the song played, Roland continued to move forward and drew out his sword, which was written ‘Hamato’s Blade’ on the side. “Alright you mama jammers.” Said Roland “Who among you here brought the Marshmallows?” He twirled his sword and stabbed it into the ground and shouted “Cause I’m bringing the fire!!” He suddenly revved his sword up, causing it to hum and instantly ignite itself with flames on both sides, surprising a few in the process. One the music began to play, Roland instantly charged towards them, with the Foot Bots doing the same to him. But the moment he was close enough, Roland made his move. Roland performed an Ex Streak, allowing three of the Foot Bots to fly in the air. He jumped in the air and slashed the robots four time simultaneously before they scattered to pieces. Roland pulled a Foot Bot towards him using his grapple, allowing Roland to slice the Foot Bot in half. Four of the Swat Bots attempted to attack from behind. But before they could even get the chance, Roland darted towards them and used his grapple from both his wrists and fired them both at the same time, pulled them and slammed them hard into the ground, shattering them in the process. Six more Foot Bots attempted to attack Roland from the air whilst using their jetpacks to fly in the air and attempted to shoot him their mounted lasers. Roland instantly rolled to avoid their attacks, then instantly dashed towards them with great speed. Before they could react, Roland sliced the two of them in half before they exploded. Before the robots could take another crack at him, he’s instantly pulled out what appeared to be two pistols and rapidly shot at them, breaking them apart in the process. He was able to land and dart towards one of the Foot Bots. He jumped onto the Foot Bot’s shoulders, then ended up making it spin whilst Roland used his pistols to shoot the Foot Bots around him that attempted to try and attack him whilst he cheered for a bit at the same time. When he jumped off, he placed his pistols away and performed a roulette spin, allowing him to pull out his blade and performed a cyclone before slicing one of the Foot Bots in half. He used his grapple to grab one of the larger Foot Bots, then smashed its head hard onto the ground. Two more larger Foot Bots arrived, with Roland noticing. He pulled out both his pistols, and somehow combined them, turning them into a rifle. He cocked the weapon, allowing it to be charged up as if it were a Power Ranger’s weapon. The moment he pulled the trigger, releasing a charged shot, destroying the two larger Foot Bots and ended their existence. He placed his pistols away and charged towards the next group of Foot Bots whilst drawing his blade again. He twirled his sword and cut at least six Foot Bots down. He jabbed his blade into the Foot Bot’s chest, until Roland turned the handle, causing the blade to glow, allowing Roland to swing his sword, destroying the Foot Bot, but also four more. When he noticed a handful of Foot Bots were stunned, Roland decided to have some fun. He used his tech to summon a holographic camera that looked like it came from the fifties, whilst he pointed at the stunned bots and said “Oh yeah!! Looking Good baby!! Make love to the camera!! Woo!! Work it!! Yeah!!”, before he turned it into an emp bomb, allowing him to toss it at them and making them shut down. Four more Foot Bots attacked from behind, until Roland ended up jumping in the air and landed on one of the Foot Bots, whilst using his grapple to shoot through one, and grab the other. He spun them around, hitting other Foot Bots as if the one he caught was a chained mace. He pulled one to him, allowing Roland to grab the Foot Bot’s head, and crushed it with his hand. He made the Foot Bot move around whilst he laughed and taunted other Foot bots whilst cutting them down with his sword. Roland jumped and skid on the ground whilst holding onto the one Foot Bot as he kicked two more away. Roland then stood up and kicked it away, knocking more Foot Bots away. The turtles, Rainbooms and their friends watched in awe the way he fought, even the people who were supposed to be evacuated were surprised to see him fight. “Whoa.” Said Mikey “He’s good.” “But isn’t he kind of showing off?” asked Lemon Zest. “He does fight seriously.” Said Venus “But this is new actually.” “So it’s obvious he had some training whilst he was traveling.” Said one of the hooded figures. More Foot Bots appeared and tried to strike Roland down, but he used his sword to give one big strike, slicing all four of them in half at the same time. He looked behind and saw the last of the Foot Bots and Larger ones tried to attack, but then Roland jabbed his sword to the ground and revved it, causing it to be set ablaze. He pulled the sword out and made a stance. But at the same time, his eyes suddenly glowed green, making his flames to green fire, which surprised the others. “Ryujin no ken wo kurae!!!” shouted Roland, allowing him to deliver a massive swift strike from his blade, sending a large flaming energy to the Foot Bots, engulfing them in the power and destroying them in the process. Once the music stopped, Roland couldn’t help but smirk and slowly turned around whilst placing his sword away. Everyone stared at him in stun shock and silence. “Aw, is it over already?” said Roland when a random Foot Bot stood up. But before the Bot could react, Roland took out his pistol and without looking, he shot the robot’s head off, causing it to collapse. “And I was just getting warmed up.” They were silent for a moment. Until the people outside of the mall cheered at the display. Even the Rainbooms and their friends were greatly impressed over this. “That…was…AWESOME!!” exclaimed Rainbow like a fangirl. “You were Pow! Bam! Slash!! And you even have that cool gadgets at your disposal. And that one liner ‘Alright you mama jammers. Who among you here brought the Marshmallows, Cause I’m bringing the fire!!’, that was so cool.” “I have to admit,” said Karai whilst she placed her sword away “His moves are impressive.” “More like showing off.” Said Raph whilst crossing his arms after placing his sais away. “At least I’m not a jerk!!” retorted Roland. “What?!!” shouted Raph. Then he stomped on over to Roland and said “Care to repeat that you little…?!!!” When all of a sudden, Roland turned around and had a mask of a giant cockroach on it, whilst waving his arms in the air and shouted “Booga-Booga-Booga!!!!” Raph ended up screaming like a little girl and fainted from that surprise, causing Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, the Dazzlings, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Mikey, Venus, Casey, Keno, Shinigami, Mondo Gecko, Bandit Raccoon and Hokum Hare to laugh out loud when they saw his misfortune, even Roland laughed when he took off the mask and tossed it away, as did Sunset as she couldn’t help herself. “Ah, classic.” Said Roland after he wiped a tear away. But then he looked to his right and saw Water Lilly with her mother. He then walked over to her, wanting to make sure that she was okay. Once he was close enough, he looked at her mother, which she nodded that she can speak to her. She placed Water Lilly on the ground, allowing her to walk over to Roland, whilst he stood on his one knee just so they could make eye contact. “You okay there?” said Roland “Sorry if you got scared.” Roland rubbed Water Lilly’s head, which caused the said girl to blush and giggle. To ease her worry, he took something off of his neck, which appeared to be a necklace of some kind, with the symbol of the Star on it. “This here is the Northern Star.” Said Roland whilst showing it to her “The story goes that as long as it shines in the night sky, it’ll always guide you back home. And if you see it, you’ll know that the future can look very bright.” He placed it around Water Lilly’s neck, making said girl look at it, then looked at him with a blush and smile. She slowly hugged Roland, with the boy returning the gesture. “Be safe little one.” Said Roland. Water Lilly suddenly kissed his cheek, which made him smile at that. Water Lilly’s mother picked her daughter up, with Roland standing too. The mother hugged the boy as a way of saying thanks. She then left to take the rest of the kids home. The others watched the display. “Oh my.” Said Fluttershy “He’s really good with kids.” Roland once again grunted as he stretched his back a bit. Venus and the four hooded figures came to him, with Venus saying “You, okay?” “Still a bit in pain.” Said Roland. “We’ll need to get you a proper patch job.” Said one of the hooded ninjas. After Raph got back up, Leo decided to be the calm one, walked over and said “Alright, now that things are quiet. Mind telling us who you all are?” “Leo’s right.” Said Karai “We trusted you so far and you did help us out. It’s only fair that we know you guys too.” “We’ll explain.” Said Roland “But first thing’s first.” Roland pulled out what appeared to be a Plumber’s badge, which surprised the Rainbooms and Turtles, for they recognize that. He activated it, causing Grandpa Max to show via hologram, which took them all by surprise. “Roland, what’s the status?” said Grandpa Max. “We were able to freeze most of the Foot Bots’ assets in case they showed up.” Said Roland “But…the Foot Bots made their appearance. And we had no choice but to reveal ourselves.” Grandpa Max turned around and saw the others. “So I see.” “Wait,” said Sunset as she approached and said “Grandpa Max, you know him?” “I do.” Said Grandpa Max “And I’m sure all of you have a lot of questions. But not here. I’ve already sent a cleanup crew to clean up the bots in New York and will be there to clean up the ones at Canterlot City soon. In the meantime, transport to bring you guys over is on the way. The Utrom council will be waiting too. I’ll see you all soon.” After that, communications had been cut, whilst at the same time their transport arrived. “Aw, yeah.!!” Exclaimed Mikey. “Road trip!!” exclaimed Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata at the same time. Everyone soon began to board the ship, with Roland being the last one. Sunset walked next to him with a blush. She then said “Thank you. For saving me.” Roland looked at her and smiled, whilst saying “You’re welcome.” After they boarded, the doors to their transport closed, allowing them to take off and fly straight to Bellwood, hoping to get the answers what they’ve been looking for. > Alternate Origins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though it had been many hours since their fights in both New York and in Canterlot City, both parties were wondering what this was about. Who was Venus, Roland and their group bearing the symbols of the Hamato Clan? Why were there new Foot Bots that were twice as dangerous? How did Grandpa Max know them? There were too many questions and they needed answers. “Dude, how the heck does that guy Roland know about Grandpa Max?” asked Mikey. “I have no idea,” said Leo “But one thing’s for sure. Something big is about to go down.” “Wait, I’m a bit lost…” said Sonata as she raised her hand. “Which you sometimes are.” Retorted Aria. Sonata glared at Aria, but then asked “How did you know this Grandpa guy?” “It was about some time ago.” Said Twilight “Bishop contacted us and told us of Alien activity in Bellwood. We were teleported there and met a teenager named Ben Tennyson. He was wearing a device called the Omnitrix. It was created by an alien scientist who sent it to earth for safe keeping. Ben accidentally found it when he was ten. The Omnitrix merged with him and he somehow gained the ability to turn into any aliens on the list, but he only started with ten, hence the name Ben 10. Until in time he discovered that there were more aliens he could turn into.” “He even has different teammates to help him out.” Said Sunset “There’s his cousin Gwen Tennyson. She studied magic for years and also found out that she’s part alien. Then there’s Kevin Leven, who has the power to absorb any matter and use it as a second armour to fight bad guys. Then there’s also Rook, an alien from the planet Ravana. Then there’s also his grandfather/leader, Max Tennyson. He’s a legend among the organization known as the Plumbers.” “Plumbers?!” said Mondo as he laughed a bit “Seriously? What the heck kind of dumb name is that?” “Do not joke about them Mondo.” Said Mona Lisa “The Plumbers were known to be the Galaxy’s Intergalactic police force, comprised with every alien throughout the galaxy. They were weary of us because of our people constantly fighting them, as well as Lord Dredge’s race, the Triceratons and the Sludge Puppies.” “Sludge Puppies?” said a confused Indigo Zap. “Oh, aliens comprised of mud.” Said Mikey. “We should know, they have a cousin who happens to be one, but can shapeshift into a human.” “That’s right.” Said Mona “The Plumbers fought them to a standstill, until a Sludge and a human fell in love. The Sludge could shapeshift into a human, allowing them to be together. There were a few disagreements, but they were able to make it work.” “Wait,” said Juniper “If the Plumbers are also enemies of the Triceratons, why didn’t the Plumbers come to help us?” “From what they could tell,” said Donnie “The Triceratons had sent a large force to keep them occupied so that they didn’t interfere with their plans.” “And last I heard, they were at odds with Mona’s race.” Said Raph. “And what of this cousin who happens to be a sludge?” asked Rockwell. “She joined law enforcement,” said Pinkie Pie “She’s the first ever Sludge Puppy to become a Plumber, graduated top of her class and got promote four times. No wait, five!! She became a Commander.” “And if her kind could join,” said Mona “We felt we could do the same, so we reached out to the Plumbers and wished to join them too. It was a long road of trust, but they were able to accept us. My Commander is personally helping them train the new recruits.” “And I guess this Grandpa Max is a Plumber?” asked Sunny Flare. “More than that,” said Casey “The dude’s a freaking legend. He’s turning sixty seven and he’s still a major awesome warrior.” “Given the way you’re describing him I can believe that.” Said Sugarcoat with her usual bluntness. At the same time, Donnie, Leo and Mikey, even Raph, were having their own conversations with Roland. “I gotta say dude, you really got the moves out there.” Said Mikey. “I’ll say, that was quite the impressive swordsmanship I’ve ever seen.” Said Leo “Especially that technique you used” “It’s called Ryujin no ken wo kurae.” Said Roland “Which means ‘Take my Dragon blade’. It’s a rare technique that allows your sword’s power to be intensified and be able to cut any strong armour and metal in half. It takes a lot of Chi energy to summon it.” “Though you didn’t need to use it when you did something to your sword earlier.” Noted Rockwell. Roland pulled out his sword and showed them. “This sword is almost like any type of katana. Which some called it, the ‘Hamato’s blade’. But as you can see, I added a feature that allows you to twist the holster, allowing the edge of the blade to be heated in order to cut through metal as well. The hotter it gets, the stronger it gets.” Donnie held onto the sword and looked it over, whilst also saying “Fascinating. How did you come up with that idea?” “Little something I learned from Raph.” Said Roland. Raph was a little surprised by this, even the turtle brothers. “Really?” asked Leo. “Yeah,” said Roland “That one time he came up with that idea when he faced a spiritual version of Fish Face during his spirit quest.” The four were taken aback by this, but none were more taken aback than Raph, for no one knew about what they faced. The only ones they did tell to were Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami and the Rainbooms. “Alright then, enough with the riddles.” Said Raph “You still haven’t explained much of who you were.” “Keep your shell on Raph.” Said Roland “You’ll get your answers, but only until we get to Grandpa Max. He knows the situation and he’s the one who calls the shots. Or do you really want to tick him off like you did when you encountered Dr. Animo a while back?” Raph was once more taken aback by this, but remembered the last time he angered Grandpa Max, and that’s something he doesn’t want to do again. One of the hooded figure sometimes kept staring at both Rainbow and Fluttershy, as if he really wanted to tell them something, but he kept it a secret until they reached their destination. At the same time, some of the Rainboom members began to get to know Venus. “So you’re also a turtle?” said Fluttershy. “I am.,” Said Venus. “You look a bit different than the Turtles,” noted Rarity “But I have to say darling, you simply have a remarkable figure.” “Thanks.” Said Venus with a slight blush. “Y’all were pretty impressive too.” Said Applejack “Y’all weapon is almost the same as April’s. Only in a different design.” Venus took out her weapon and said “Some fans come in different shapes and sizes. I just felt compelled into accepting them. It was as if it was speaking to the real me.” “I know the feeling.” Said Rainbow as she looked at hers “I didn’t know why Splinter gave me this when I first trained, but after a while I got used to it, as if it was just as awesome as me.” Venus couldn’t help but roll her eyes and smirked at that. “So uh, quick question?” said Beebop “Where’s this base located?” “Underground of Bellwood.” Said Sunset. “Then why are we going into space?” asked the master thief whilst pointing out of the window. Everyone looked outside of the window and were surprised to see that they were indeed in space. “Whoa,” said Indigo with stars in her eyes “We’re actually in space.” “But why?” said a confused Spike “I thought we were going to the Plumber base?” “We are,” responded one of the hooded figures “It should be straight ahead.” They looked out of the window again, and true to behold, it was indeed a base of some sorts, but it was a massive space station, which took them all by surprise. “Whoa,” said Casey “Did they build a new base?” “Nope, it’s the same one, but they moved it to space.” Said Roland, which caused many to look at him. “Ben will explain once we get there.” ***************************************************************************************************** Very soon, their transport landed in the Plumbers’ hanger bays. The ramps opened and lowered themselves, allowing Roland and his team to move down first, with the Rainbooms and many of the guests in tow. Everyone minus the Turtles, Fugitoid, Rainbooms, Casey and April, looked around in awe and amazement of what they were seeing around them. But what was more surprising, was the aliens going back and forth. “Whoa,” muttered Ray “I’ve never seen so many.” “You get used to it.” Everyone turned around and saw four familiar people walking over towards them. Which happens to be none other than Ben Tennyson, his cousins Gwen, his partner Kevin, and his partner Rook. “Sup Turtles and Rainbooms.” Said Ben. “Ben, long time no see.” Said Sunset as she came over and gave Ben a fist bump. “And Gwen, darling, so good to see you again.” Said Rarity as she gave Gwen a hug. “Good to see you to Rarity. It’s been a long time.” Said Gwen after she broke the hug. Casey greeted Kevin and held his hand in a grip. “Nice to see you again Kev.” “Right back at ya case.” Said Kevin “Still kicking butt?” “Like always.” “Ah, Fugitoid. Wonderful to see you again.” Said Rook. “You too Rook.” Said Fugitoid. “And I see a fellow Salamandrian is with you.” Said Rook when he noticed Mona. “Ah yes,” said Fugitoid “Out companion joined us a while back and have stayed with us ever since.” “And I see all of you have brought some friends over.” Said Ben. He motioned the Rainbooms and Turtles’ friends who looked around in awe. “Oh yeah, they’re with us.” Said Pinkie Pie “We’re more of a packaged deal.” Ben nodded in confirmation, then looked to the others and said “So what’s been going on since we last saw each other?” “Things have been pretty normal a while lately,” said Leo “But we just got under attacked by Foot Bots.” “Those ninja robots you guys encountered a while back?” asked Ben. “That’s the one.” Said Raph. “Ben.” Said Roland, which Ben recognized “We’ll be going to Grandpa Max.” “Ah, not so fast.” Said Gwen “Go check the infirmary. You know the rules.” Roland groaned and said “Fine.” Roland, Venus and their team soon left, with Rainbow asking “Do you have any idea who they are Ben?” “Not really.” Shrugged Ben. “They were working alongside Magister Tennyson and Azmuth for a short while,” said Rook “But they didn’t say anything, only to keep it secret. And only be shared when the time is right.” “Given the Foot Bots,” said Applejack “Ah think now would be a good time to talk about it.” “Agreed.” Said Ben “Come on, let’s go.” They were about to leave the hanger, when all of a sudden “Wait, is that my ship?!” The Rainbooms and Turtles stopped and looked surprised, for what Fugitoid pointed at, was none other than Fugitoid’s old ship. “Whoa, not just your ship,” said Mikey “Your past self’s ship.” “Does that mean…?” said Raph as he was curious. “We’ll explain later…” said Ben as he motioned them to follow them. They soon left the hanger and walked down the hall, with many of the guests in tow. “So Ben,” said Donnie “Since when did you guys build a base in space?” “We didn’t,” said Ben “This is the same base you lot entered a while back.” “Whoa, it is?” said Mikey “What happened?” “You guys remember Rook’s Master from his home planet?” said Ben. “Vividly.” Responded Twilight bitterly whilst rubbing her left shoulder. “My shoulder still sometimes hurt from thinking about it.” Rook explained as he said “A while ago, he came back and sought revenge. He tried to destroy the Plumber base, but due to recent events, he ended up launching the base in outer space. We arrested him, but the damage was done. Seeing that we could no longer return the base to its original standing ground, we agreed that the base would remain in outer space. Now we monitor threats on both sides.” “Fascinating.” Said Donnie. “And at least this place has a proper view. It is, as one of your old friends would say…prodigious.” The others couldn’t help but chuckle on that, for that’s something their old friend Izzy would say. “Guys?” said a familiar voice. When they looked ahead, to their shock, it was none other than Team Shine, comprising of Shine Boy, Gamer, Shiner Girl, Love Shine, and the tall brooding guy Night Shine, or as he’d prefer to be called, Luke Bedding (Cause he hates the name Night Shine). “Team Shine?” said a surprised Rarity “What are you doing here?” Shine Boy shook Leo’s hand and said “We were busy on a mission, until we got a call to come straight here the moment, we were on our way home.” “Wait,” said April whilst looking at Ben “You guys know them?” “Sure do.” Responded Ben. “Team Shine helped many Plumber operations in our campaign against criminals.” Said Rook. “Turns out Lewej, Ripley and Gladitron are top of the Plumbers and Galactic Authority’s most wanted list.” Said Gwen. “Would’ve also gone smooth if Night Shine bothered to be a team player.” Responded Kevin. Night Shine growled at him, for he hated being called that, with Kevin saying “Well it’s true, don’t get snippy on me.” “Still same hothead since last we saw comrade Luke?” asked Rocksteady. “Sometimes.” Said Gamer. “Any idea who else is here?” asked Twilight. “We were about to ask you the same thing.” Said Shine Girl. “They mentioned about us going to the debriefing room.” Said Fluttershy. “Then let’s get going,” said Shine Boy “Don’t want the old man to get cranky because of our timing.” “If we do, then that means we get less chance of him serving us centipede gumbo.” Responded Night Shine. Many shuddered and shivered from that, with Adagio asking “Are you serious?” “Trust me,” said Gamer “The guy has weird tastes.” **************************************************************************************************** They soon entered the room, they saw Grandpa Max talking to Azmuth whilst he and a few Galvin tinkered away with a device, whilst different colored looking tubes were next to him. “Grandpa Max, they’re here.” Said Ben. Max looked at them and said “Glad all of you could make it.” “We were surprised that you also wanted to see us Mr. Tennyson.” Said Twilight as she and the others stood near the old timer. Leo then turned to the others and said “Everyone, this is Ben 10 and Gwen’s grandfather, Max Tennyson, and the alien with the engine is a Galvin scientist named Azmuth.”. Leo turned to Max and said “Max. These are our friends back home. The Mighty Mutanimals, the Shadowbolts, Juniper Montage, the Dazzlings, Karai, and Shinigami.” “Glad all of you could make it.” Said Max “We wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important.” “You mean other than the new Foot Bots that attacked us?” asked Pinkie Pie. “It’s tied to that.” Said Azmuth whilst tinkering onto the device. “What is that?” asked Donnie. “A dimensional Generator.” Said Azmuth “We’re going to use it to call over a few people in this meeting, seeing that they’ll be involved in this too.” “Whoa,” said Twilight “Where did you get that?” “Remember that weird sales alien we met a while back?” said Ben. “Vividly.” Said Applejack in a bitter tone, thinking about that alien made her think about the Flim Flam Brothers. “He had a device that made me travel to another dimension by accident.” Said Ben “Rook and I reached out to him, but the device he had was damaged after he came back from his trip. Thankfully he forwarded the plans to Azmuth, so he was able to build a new one from scratch without any problems.” “Oooh, who are you inviting over to the party?” asked Pinkie Pie in excitement. “Two dimensions and a group of friends that all of you might know.” Said Azmuth “Namely Zordon’s rangers and Equestria and another dimension that no one talks about.” Some of them were surprised, with Sunset asking “Wait, you know Equestria and our friends from Angel Grove?” Azmuth peaked out of the generator and smiled whilst saying “Who do you think helped the Morphing Masters built the Morphing Grid and helped the Pillars made the Elements of Harmony?” Everyone was stunned when Azmuth mentioned them. After tinkering a few things here and there, he was able to finish and closed the generator’s panel. He turned to them and said “That should do it.” “You think they’ll arrive?” asked Ben. “We both had already sent out messages to the Utrom Council and the other dimensions,” said Max “They’re only waiting for our signal.” Mikey gasped and said “Are you going to invite Crash Bandicoot and the others too?! I love those guys!!” Pinkie and Sonata were excited too, but then Max said “I’m afraid not. We did send out a signal, but they said no. Same with the other dimensions and that city filled with Beast Men.” “Aww.” Sighed the three Goofballs, for they really wanted to see them again. “Be prepared everyone.” Said Azmuth before he pushed the button on the generator. The generator fired four beams, allowing four portals to open further from each other. Once the portals were stabilized, the first handful of individuals walked out. From the first portal, came the Utrom Council. Namely King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Pawn, and a new Utrom they haven’t seen before. From the second portal, came Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, Trini and Tommy, aka, the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. From the third portal, came Princess Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6, along with Blade, Starlight and the Young Six. And from the fourth portal, came Batman and Nightwing. “Wait, King is here too?” said Pinkie Pie as she was surprised to see him. “And who’s the other Utrom?” Princess Twilight looked around and was surprised to see where she is. She looked ahead and were surprised to see a certain group. “Leo?” said Princess Twilight surprised. “Wow, this is a great surprise.” “Princess Twilight?” said a surprised Sunset Shimmer. However, the rest of the Mane Five and Rainbooms were suddenly shocked to see one another, causing them to move towards one another and looked at them straight in the eye. “Okay, this is just weird.” Said Applejack. “Y’all got that right.” Responded Pony Applejack. “Wow,” said Rainbow Dash “Even in another world I look awesome.” “Well hey, you’re not so bad yourself.” Said Pony Rainbow Dash whilst hovering and observing her human counterpart. “Oh my darling,” said Pony Rarity “What a beautiful dress you have.” “Why thank you,” said Rarity “And you simply must tell me who did your lovely mane.” “Oh my, um, hello there.” Said Fluttershy whilst greeting her pony counterpart. “Hi there, I’m Pinkie Pie. Really? That’s my name too. Do you love parties? I love parties!!” responded both Pinkie Pies at the same time with wide grins on their faces. “Oh great, there’s two times the madness now.” Muttered Raph. “At least I can tell the difference between the two,” said Mikey before he muttered “One of them being the only ones who actually believe me.” Suddenly Pony Pinkie got into his face and said “Will you stop bringing that up!!” “Actually,” said Pinkie Pie as she grabbed her pony counterpart and said sternly “I’d like to have a word with you.” Pinkie suddenly grabbed Fluttershy and her pony counterpart and brought them to a corner. Some watched as Pinkie scolded her and Fluttershy’s pony counterpart for not believing Mikey and turned their backs on him. Princess Twilight then looked at herself and said “That’s strange. I thought we would be turned into humans.” “That is strange.” Said Starlight. “Not exactly.” Said Azmuth, gaining the Princess’ attention. “Oh? Who are you?” asked Starlight. “My name is Azmuth.” Said the scientist. “I am a Galvin from Galvin Prime and the creator of the Omnitrix.” “Oh,” said Princess Twilight as she remembered him now “I know you. Sunset told me about you when she last visited. I’m quite surprised that there are more beings whose intelligence are the highest.” Spike then asked “So what did you mean by not being strange?” “What I have used was just an ordinary gateway.” Said Azmuth “The one you’re referring to is a concealment Gateway.” “There’s a difference?” asked Spike. “Of course.” Said Azmuth “Normal Gateways are when you open a portal to any dimension, but still retain your original form as you travel between realms. Concealment Gateways allow you to change your appearance whenever you travel to any of the world’s dominant species. Whilst inhibitors are placed on your abilities, your forms will change to fit into the world’s society.” Princess Twilight, Starlight and Spike were surprised by that revelation. “So that’s why we kept changing forms the moment we crossed into different worlds.” Said Spike.” “That’s ingenious.” Said Princess Twilight whilst scratching her chin “I’ve been asking over and over why the mirror kept changing our appearances whenever we travel. But I never considered that there were two different types of gateways.” “When it comes to science or magic, one tends to keep an open mind.” Responded the Galvin. The Mane 5 on the other hand were amazed when they saw that they were in space whilst they watched from the window. “We’re actually in outer space?!” exclaimed Pony Rainbow Dash as she looked outside. “Awesome!! Somepony pinch me.” When all of a sudden, Mikey came along and pinched her flank. “Hey!!” yelped Rainbow as she automatically kicked Mikey, causing him to fly across the room and landed in front of his brothers. “Really Mikey?” said Leo with a flexed eyebrow. “What, she said to pinch her.” Said Mikey. “I don’t think she meant literally.” Said Donnie. At the same time, Zack looked around and said “Whoa, so this is what it feels like to be on an alien ship.” “We’ve been on an alien ship before Zack.” Reminded Trini. “Yeah, but not an alien ship that wants to kill us.” Responded Zack. Tommy noticed his friends, allowing him and his fellow Rangers to walk over to them. ‘Sunset, Leo, good to see all of you again.’ Said Tommy as she shook their hands. “Good to see you and the others again too, Tommy.” Said Sunset. “We haven’t seen all of you since we helped took down Rita a while back.” Said Leo. “So how’s it going down in Angel Grove?” asked Sunset “Is Rita still giving you guys trouble?” “Not anymore.” Said Jason “Not since Lord Zedd came to power.” “Lord Zedd?” responded the two different leaders. “He’s a new threat that came to Angel Grove a while back.” Said Kimberly “When Rita failed to destroy us on our last battle, Lord Zedd came along and took power. But not before imprisoning her and banishing her to space. But we even hit a few snags along the way.” “What happened?” asked Leo. “I ended up losing my powers.” Responded Tommy. “What?” said both the leaders at the same time as Sunset asked “What happened?” “After the spell on me was broken,” said Tommy “I discovered that the Green Ranger Power was only temporary, so now the Green Ranger powers are gone for good.” “I assumed you left the team?” asked Leo. Tommy couldn’t help but smile and showed them a new Morpher, whilst saying “Not exactly.” “Whoa,” said Sunset “A new Morpher?” “That’s right.” Said Tommy “Whilst I was away and took a break before deciding to go back home, Zordon and Alpha suddenly teleported me to their Command Center, and ended up creating a new White Ranger power. I even have a Zord called the Tiger Zord. Once that was done, I ended up becoming the Leader of the Power Rangers.” “That’s great Tommy.” Said Leo with a wide smile. Sunset playfully slapped his shoulder and said “Way to really step up.” At the same time, Mikey went over to the Young Six to see how they were doing. “So, you three doing good?” said Mikey. “Sure have Sensei Michelangelo.” Said Ocellus. “I hope you three have treated Bright Eyes with respect?” said Mikey. The lot winced at that, with Gallus walking up and said “Look, we admit, we’re not proud of certain events. How we treated Ace and how our teachers didn’t trust Bright Eyes and the new students despite different circumstances. But we’ve been trying to make up for our mistakes and stood up for Bright Eyes when Headmare Twilight and her friends went too far. But in the end, we made things right and we’ve been on the straight and narrow ever since.” Mikey eyed them suspiciously, then smiled and said “Glad you learned your lesson. But next time, be more open minded and not being jerks.” “We promised.” Said the Young Six. At the same time, Princess Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack walked over to Batman and Nightwing. “Batman,” said Princess Twilight, “It’s good to see you again.” “Good to see you to Princess Twilight.” Said Batman with a normal smile. “Despite the circumstances.” “I know what you mean darling.” Said pony Rarity “One minute I was busy minding my shop, and the next thing I knew, we were summoned to come here.” Pony Applejack noticed Nightwing and said “Who’s this feller?” “This is Dick Grayson.” Said Batman. “But like my superhero identity,” said Batman’s former sidekick whilst rubbing the back of his head and said “Call me Nightwing.” “Whoa,” said Pony Rainbow Dash in excitement as she said “So you were once the first Robin that Batman took in to be his partner until you two had a falling out, left and became your own superhero called Nightwing?!” The said ponies looked at Pony Rainbow surprised whilst Nightwing looked at her with a flexed eyebrow. “Uh, yeah…” said Nightwing as he was a little confused. “How did…?” “She was spying on us.” Said Batman, which surprised the others. “Rainbow was hiding among the clouds and spied on us. And her tail was sticking out of the cloud so it was obvious to know who it was.” Pony Rainbow chuckled sheepishly whilst rubbing her hoof at the back of her head. “I heard from Sunset that they ended up in your universe?” said Princess Twilight. “They did.’ Said Nightwing, but then nervously rubbed the back of his head and said “Although…” “Raph and Applejack had a grudge against me.” Said Batman plainly. “Really?” said Pony Applejack “Why would they do that?” “Raph resented Batman because they beat him in a fight and Applejack resented him because he called her dumb.” Said Nightwing “That and Bruce kinda used them.” “What?” said pony Rarity “Darling, whyever did you do that?” “I was merely testing them to see how they fought.” Said Batman “When they fought their skills in Ninjitsu is formidable.” “But they still had a few kinks to work out.” Said Nightwing “Meaning they still had a lot to learn.” “Plus when they mentioned about the Krang’s Mutagen,” said Batman “I saw how they mutated most of the criminals from Arkham, so I wanted to observe and see how dangerous they are.” “Ah, like Shadow Spade,” said pony Rarity as she realized what he was getting at “To focus on attention to detail, and to see if they measure themselves to be on your level.” “Precisely.” Said Batman. “How do you know how he fights?” asked pony Rainbow Dash. “I watched him train and fight when he and his friends were in Equestria.” Said pony Rarity. “Although Applejack didn’t think so and she held a grudge, even at me when I kept secrets.” Said Nightwing. “Really now?” said pony Applejack as she didn’t like the sound of her counterpart not trusting Batman enough “Ah outta have a word with her later.” At the same time, the Utrom council approached the Turtles and Rainbooms once they came together. “Turtles.” Said Bishop “It is good to see all of you again.” “Good to see you too Bishop.” Said Donnie. “And King is here too?” said Twilight “I thought he was busy looking after one of our friends’ counterparts from their world?” “He was summoned here too.” Said Queen. “Qui,” said Pawn “If King was summoned, zen ze situation must be dire.” Mikey then noticed a new Utrom with King, nearly resembling Fugitoid from the 03 Universe. “Huh, who’s that?” They looked at the new Utrom, with Rook saying “That there is G’Alavad. Or in case you wonder, the new Knight.” The others were surprised to hear this, with Raph being suspicious and says “Really?” “There is no need to cast suspicion Raphael.” Reassured Bishop “After Krang Subprime had been put away, we Utrom tried our best to rehabilitate him, but he proved that he was beyond help. Until one day, King came and decided that to complete the council, we needed a replacement. So he recommended G’Alavad. He had helped your turtle counterparts from time to time, and so he chose to join our ranks as the new Knight.” “And we can also assure you, he is very well mannered.” Said Queen. They then saw both King and the new Knight walk over to Batman and Nightwing. “So you must be Batman, otherwise known as Bruce Wayne.” Said King, though Batman just kept staring at him, not wanting to take any chances. “I understand your mistrust.” Said King “We are beings from different worlds and you do not know us. We are even well aware of your encounter with the Rainbooms and the Turtles. And we can assure you that though we come from different worlds, we are on the same side. We both fight for Justice and peace and wish for the safety of others. We both have the same goal. You may not trust us, but we trust you. All that we ask for is a chance.” King extended his robotic hand, with Batman kept staring at them. After a few seconds from his glare, Batman chose to shake King’s robotic hand. “When I first met the Rainbooms and Turtles, I was at first suspicious.” Said Batman “But if they can trust you, then so can I.” “Excellent.” Said Knight “And if you wish, we’d be more than welcome to help upgrade your arsenal with our technology. If you will allow us that is?” “I’m up for it.” Said Nightwing “I’ve been meaning to upgrade my equipment anyway.” Leo decided to walk over to Grandpa Max and asked “Mr. Tennyson. What’s this all about?” “Our guests will be here soon to explain the situation.” Said Max. “We’re here.” Said Jen. They saw Jen walking in, with Roland, Obaki and Venus in tow. The Equestrians minus Sunset were surprised to see Venus. “Whoa, another Turtle?” asked dragon Spike. “And appears to be female.” Said Blade. “Did the others had a sister that we never knew about?” asked pony Rainbow Dash. “We’ll explain things in a moment.” said Roland before he and his group sat down. “Sorry it took so long,” said Jen “Turns out the medics took a bit longer cause he was overdue for a checkup.” “Given how he saved a little kid’s life, I can’t blame em.” Said Lemon Zest, remembering how the boy saved the little girl from certain death. Roland looked at Azmuth and asked “Were you able to decrypt it?” “Yes, the decryption is complete.” Said Azmuth “We will begin once you’re done explaining.” Roland nodded and sat down on a large crate with his head lowered, with Obaki choosing to stand and Venus sitting next to him, whilst the other three hooded figures were standing near him. He partially looked up and saw everyone was around him. He closed it again and said “I don’t even know where to begin.” Grandpa Max came and held his shoulder, which made him look at the old man, showing some encouragement in his face. “Try from the very beginning.” Said Grandpa Max. “Alright, but first thing’s first.” Said Roland, then he looked up and said “Paradox, you there?” Within a split moment, Paradox appeared, whilst holding a handful of glowing canisters in his hands. “Indeed.” Said Paradox “Sorry it took so long.” “Paradox!!” said the Rainbooms and Turtles as they were surprised to see him. “Wait, you guys know him?” asked Sour Sweet. “They sure do.” Said Ben “Paradox was a normal scientist who was experimenting with a time portal. Until it malfunctioned and got sucked through it. He was trapped inside the timestream for a while and he ended up learning about it and used it to travel through time. He occasionally comes to help us or asking us for help whenever there’s something that could affect the timeline.” “But what’s with the Steampunk makeover?” asked Indigo Zap. Jen filled in as she said “Paradox was forced to take a more active role because the entire timeline got thrusted into a time war.” “And we were kinda involved in it.” Said Ben. “Same with us.” Said Pinkie on behalf of her and her friends, which surprised the others. “What’s in those canisters?” said Donnie when he noticed the canisters. “First thing’s first.” Said the Professor as he used his power to lift them. “Catch.” He tossed the Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, Spike, Dog Spike, the Turtles, Casey, April and Fugitoid a canister each. However, the moment they caught them, the energy from within suddenly merged with them. When it was done, they quickly let them go. “Whoa, what was that about?” asked Dog Spike. “Those energy that combined with you, appear to be your past selves.” Said Paradox. The others were shocked to hear this. “What?” shouted Donnie “Have you lost your mind?! It could have disastrous consequences.” “Ah, but you forgot about the Balance effect.” Said Paradox. “Balance effect?” said the ones who touched the canisters. “Indeed.” Said Paradox. “As time is rewritten to undo a certain event, there will be two individuals who exist in the same timelines. One from the original, and one from another timeline. As time is fixed, two cannot exist in the same plain of existence. However, there is also something called the Balance effect. Your past self instantly turns into energy and merges with you. You will still retain your memories and experiences, and the said individual will exist as the only one.” “Whoa,” said Mikey excited “You mean that since our past selves are able to merge with us, restoring balance in the timeline, we don’t have to worry about our past selves being destroyed and us ceasing to exist?” “Precisely.” Said Paradox. “Fascinating.” Said Fugitoid “I have studied the timeline multiple times, but never have I thought about another alternative that not even I have thought of before.” The said people were relieved to hear that and also excited about it too. “Now then,” said Paradox “Roland, I believe they deserve to know the answer?” Roland agreed, for this has gone on long enough. He took a deep breath and said “My name is Roland Hart-Burnett. But I suppose I could go to my other name. Roland Hamato.” The Turtles, April, Casey, Karai and Rainbooms, even Princess Twilight and dragon Spike were surprised to hear that name. Casey was the first to ask out of caution and said “You…wouldn’t happen to be related to Hamato Yoshi now, would you?” “He’s, my father.” Responded Roland. The ninjas from New York and Canterlot City in the room had their jaws dropped by that revelation. “That’s impossible.” Said Karai as she stepped forward “My father only had one child, a daughter. I don’t have a brother.” “Yeah, what she said.” Said Mikey, whilst he and his brothers agreeing as they remembered how they ended up in the past by accident when they first met Shen. “Plus you don’t even look like him.” “He is from another dimension.” Said Roland “Besides, I got my looks from my mother’s side of the family, nearly resembling to her father.” The others were surprised by this, with Twilight asking “Wait, you’re from another dimension?” “That’s right,” said Roland “From coordinates 0508, on Earth 2022.” “Ooh, like the day this story first began.” Blurted Pinkie Pie. “I know, right.” Said Pony Pinkie Pie. Everyone in the room was confused by what the two of them said, but decided to let him continue. “Whoa, another dimension?” said Mikey, until he got excited and said “Do you guys have free pizza where you came from?!” And within a split second, Raph slapped Mikey behind his head. When all of a sudden, out of instinct, Roland stood up, grabbed Raph’s tongue, pulled it out and bonked his head hard, making the hotheaded turtle bite his own tongue. “OW!!” bellowed Raph as he held his mouth shut, which surprised the others. He looked at Roland angry and said “Why you little…!!” Before Raph could move, Roland looked at him with his own harsh stare, making Raph stand stiff still. The way he looked at Raph…that was the exact same look Splinter gave him when he was younger. “Show. Your brother. Some…respect.” Said Roland as he pointed at Raph, making the turtle take a step backwards. The others were surprised by this, even his look. “No way,” muttered Donnie “He really is Master Splinter’s son from another dimension.” “Yeah, he’s totally got the same stare he does.” Said Rainbow as she noticed. “Wait.” Said Mikey, gaining their attention, then he walked over to him with a suspicious eye and asked “What other proof do you have that we’re brothers?” Roland groaned and rolled his eyes, for he couldn’t believe he was doing this. He gestured Venus to play that one specific song, causing her to go over to a nearby portable music player and played the song. (Bear with me on this one) Roland stood up and stood next to Mikey, with the party turtle surprised as he knew that song. When all of a sudden, Roland began to dance, and Mikey followed suit. Everyone was surprised to see how well synced they were. When the music was over, both Roland and Mikey did a pose. Mikey took a big gasp and with great excitement, zipped over and hugged Roland, shouting “We really are brothers!!” Some were a little amazed by that, with Leo saying “Wow Mikey, first shadow puppet skills and this? When did you have the time to do that?” “I always wanted a hobby.” Said Mikey. “I thought making dozens of Pizza flavors was your favorite hobby.” Said Keno. “That’s a food hobby,” said Mikey “This is my dance hobby.” Roland sat back down, with Karai saying “If we have the same father, then we both came from different mothers, meaning we’re…” “Half siblings, yeah.” Said Roland. “So who’s your mother?” asked Fluttershy. “Her name is Alison R. Hart-Burnett.” Said Roland “But most of you know her from a different name.” “What’s her name?” asked Sunset. “Lady Jay.” Responded Roland. “Wait, Lady Jay?” said Adagio as she immediately picked it up “As in the GI Joes, Lady Jay?” “That’s the one.” Said Roland, surprising the ninjas. “Wait,” said Shinigami “How did they meet?” “Shortly after Shredder took Miwa away.” Said Roland. “She accompanied Snake Eyes, for he was planning to visit him. When they arrived, they found him crying after he lost everything. They stayed by his side for a while and Splinter chose to honor Chen’s wish by going to America. Lady Jaye chose to stay with him. They fell in love for a while and a year later, I was born. But at the same time…” “He adopted four baby turtles.” Said Raph with his eyes rolling “We already know this.” Venus cleared her throat, gaining their attention. She then said “Five…baby turtles.” They pondered, and then it clicked as the turtles stared at her in shock. “You?!” exclaimed the Ninjas from New York, with the Ninjas from Canterlot High just as surprised. “That means…” said Mikey slowly, then he gasped and smiled widely and immediately darted over and hugged her and exclaimed out loud “We’re siblings!!” Venus couldn’t help but role her eyes and smile whilst patting her brother from another dimension’s head. “And as the story goes, then he encountered the Krang.” Said Roland “He and the turtles all mutated, but my mother, fearing what would happen, took me to safety.” “Father took Leo and the others to safety,” said Venus “But my mutations came a bit late. I ended up being dragged to the middle of the ocean and ended up floating all the way to China, where the Shaolin Monks found me, adopted me and trained me in the ways of not just Ninjitsu, but other forms of martial arts too.” “Whoa,” said Keno in surprise “You got trained by the Shaolin monks?” “As well as the Hamato Clan,” said Venus “It turned out half of them survived Shredder and his Foot Clan’s attacks.” “We didn’t meet until the day Casey came into the picture.” Said Roland. “Whoa,” said Mondo “So you ended up missing like fifteen years of your life with your brothers. That’s harsh dudette.” “And what about you?” said Bandit “What happened after your mom took you to safety.” “Mom spent her time trying to look for dad, but couldn’t find him.” Said Roland, but then he looked down in sadness and said “But she also spent a long time looking for me.” “Looking for you?” said Starlight. “I was kidnapped when I was five years old.” Said Roland. The others were surprised by this as Gallus asked “By who?” “The Shredder.” All of them were taken aback by this. “Shredder had a very twisted idea on how to train his ninjas before switching over to robots.” Said Roland “He captures and kidnapped tons of kids and puts them in his own type of prison. And for the past year, they beat you, poison you, whipped you, burn you, break your arms and your legs, waits for you to heal only for them to do it all over again. He repeats that for an entire year, until he finally breaks you and indoctrinates you to serve under his whim so that he could train you with no resistance.” All of them were horrified by this, even some shredded a few tears. “And if you want proof.” He stood up and pulled his shirt up and lowered a side of his pants and showed him his left thigh, which had ten cut marks and a burnt skull on the side, which shocked them. Karai recognized it and said “The mark of the Foot Clan’s Elite Guard. Shredder had that idea a long time ago, but by the time I turned five, he dismissed the idea.” “I ended up escaping when I turned six.” Said Roland, “That’s when my mother and Snake Eyes found me. We escaped, and helped many other kids who hadn’t been turned to serve the Shredder. But…Snake Eyes’ master came along and offered to train me. I ended up being under his tutelage and became a master fighter when I turned eight. Every bit of my childhood was…gone. Like the old me didn’t exist anymore.” “Whoa, major bummer dude.” Said Casey. “That’s when I met Mikey.” Said Roland “Then I ended up meeting the rest and my father. My mom found him and she was overjoyed. They tried to make it work, but because of Splinter’s fear of the surface and my mom being called to duty by the Joes, they were forced to go their separate ways. I chose to train with my brothers until I was twelve. Then one day I got a letter…no more mom.” They were shocked to hear that the Lady Jaye from his world was gone. “I felt lost for a long time,” said Roland “And by the time I turned sixteen, I needed to clear my head, that’s when I first went to Canterlot High and met the Rainbooms. Sunset had begun to tear folks apart through lies, but I saw through them and showed it to everyone. At first, she wanted to get rid of me, but instead I tried to help her, see from right and wrong. And before she could put on the crown, I stopped her, telling her that this isn’t the way. She wanted to get rid of me again, but somehow…she didn’t. Because she realized I became her first friend. I chose to stay at CHS and chose to help those in need, same way I did for the Dazzlings. And around that time Princess Twilight came, that’s when we went to New York…and that’s how we met the Turtles.” Many were surprised to hear his story, even how all of them met differently. “Fascinating.” Said Donnie “Different worlds, different possibilities.” “Where in every world,” said Rockwell “Each of them have different outcomes, where instead of one thing happening, another began instead.” “And though some worlds stay the same,” said Twilight. “The differences would be the individuals alongside them.” Said Sugarcoat in her monotone voice. Lemon Zest looked at Obaki and Venus and asked “So what about you two?” “Obaki joined later on in our group when he showed some potential.” Said Venus with a straight face. “As for me, about a month before father perished, I traveled to New York to find him. That’s when I bumped into Roland whilst he was on patrol. He took me to the lair and he introduced me to the Turtles. They realized I was the fifth Turtle that went missing and they welcomed me there.” “Except for Raph,” said Roland “He always did have trust issues.” “I can relate to that.” Said Bandit, which Raph growled on the other hand, even if it was the truth. “We continued to be friends for the next few years.” Said Roland. Then he looked down in sadness and said “Until recently.” “What happened?” asked Pony Applejack. Roland had an angered look on his face as he said “The Shredder.” They were shocked by what he revealed, even some gasps. “What?!” said Leo “But I thought Shredder died in your world too.” “In our world he survived.” Said Roland, much to their shock. “I don’t know how, or how it’s even possible. But he somehow got back and was de-mutated. He looked exactly the way he looked before the fires burnt his face when he stole Karai from our father.” He showed them a hologram of Shredder via a small device he pulled out, but in a new look they’ve never seen before, which surprised everyone in the room. “And since that time, whilst we were partially trying to live our lives and also trying to help others in need, he was slowly biding his time.” Said Roland whilst he explained, as well as some new Foot Bots. “He found a way to different worlds and got what he wanted. Then he secretly gathered his allies and constructed new Foot Bots, with new fighting forms and also brains from different martial artists.” Roland turned the hologram device off and said “Then about a few years later, that’s when he struck.” “And we beat him, like we do to a ton of bad guys.” Boasted Rainbow. However, the look on his face said otherwise, which they caught on. “We didn’t, did we?” asked a concerned Sunset. “No, we didn’t.” said Roland, much to the others’ worry. “When the Shredder attacked, he attacked us with a power that none of us had ever seen before. He was too powerful to face. Anyone who did…they didn’t survive. We fought hard…but to no avail. He attacked us on both worlds when he opened a portal and personally brought us all to New York to fight him.” Roland than looked at them as he had to bear a saddened look. “The Mane Six, Spike, the Turtles and the Rainbooms, along with Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, Beebop, Rocksteady and the Dazzlings…” said Roland, but then he lowered his head as if the hurt was still fresh “They were the first ones to fall.” The ones he mentioned were shocked and horrified by what Roland revealed, especially their allies, with Grandpa Max and Azmuth looking away, confirming what Roland had told them. “Wait, Shredder…killed us yo?” said Bebop in shock. Roland still looked hurt as he said “Not just them.” They then dreaded what he meant. “What do you mean?” said Leo. Roland looked at them and said “He didn’t just stop from there.” That’s when Roland revealed more, which took them all the hardest. “Starlight Glimmer, the Young Six, the Pillars of Equestria, Tempest, Blade, Princesses Celestia and Luna, Sapphire Night, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, Angel, Buffy, Gabby, Bright Eyes, Team Shine, the Mighty Mutanimals, Shadowbolts, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush…” But what he said, stunned them the next. “Ben 10 and his team, Usagi and his home dimension, Batman and his team, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, Carmen Sandiego and her group, the Spy Racers, Creepie, the Crystal Gems, the Digidestined, the GI Joes, along with every single Power Ranger throughout History, anyone of them that could’ve helped us were all destroyed.” All of them were greatly horrified by what he revealed, with Zack saying “Did you say every single Power Ranger throughout history?” Roland gave him a serious look and said “Every. Single. Power Ranger throughout history.” The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were greatly horrified by this. For not only them, but every single Ranger for future generations were also wiped out. “And…” said Roland “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and the Rock N Beats. They were the last ones to…to…” Roland held his mouth as he wanted to break down, but he had to stay strong. However, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were horrified by what he revealed about the fate of their little sisters and fan and friends. “What you see here,” said Venus “Roland, Obaki and myself…we’re the only ones left.” Many were horrified by what he revealed, even Team Shine had a hard time grasping of what Roland had revealed. Some sat down as they nearly wanted to collapse in horror. “That monster.” Muttered Karai. “I can’t believe he went farther than he already did.” “That’s why we’re here.” Said Obaki “We really need your help.” “How?” said Twilight “From what you told us, the Shredder wiped us out, how can we help?” “Because we were able to buy ourselves some time.” Said Venus “Before we came here, we were able to get what data we could from the Shredder’s mainframe and got what we came for. As far as we could tell, they were still occupied on his world whilst we would decrypt the data.” “What data?” said Pinkie Pie. “This data drive Roland brought.” Said Maxwell as he pointed at it whilst Azmuth was working on it. “After he got here, I immediately began to decrypt on it.” Said Azmuth “My other me decrypted it so that only I could. Once we do, we can figure out the Shredder’s plan and try to prevent it whilst trying to find a way to defeat him.” “And how’s the decryption going?” asked Gamer. “We were able to decrypt half of it so far.” Said Azmuth “And from what it revealed, was what gave Shredder his power. Five different ones in fact.” “And during that time,” said Roland “We were able to gather a few good people who excelled at their training. Three of them that some of you might know.” Some were confused by this. The third hooded figure removed his hood. And the Turtles, Rainbooms and New York allies immediately recognized, especially Rarity. “Amethyst?” muttered Rarity as she felt herself blushing. “Yo, Amethyst, long time no see.” Said Mikey as he casually walked on over and extended his hand. Amethyst managed a smile and shook Mikey’s hand and said “Good to see you to Michelangelo. It’s been too long.” The second removed his hood, and a certain party girl was surprised to see a familiar face. Making her gasp in joy as she instantly darted over and hugged him. “Invictus!!” exclaimed the happy Pinkie Pie. “Hey Pinkie.” Responded the boy whilst rolling his eyes, but couldn’t help but smile at her affection. “Friend of yours?” asked Shine Girl. “Sure is.” Said Pinkie “Victy and I were old friends back in kindergarten all the way to elementary. But then he and his family were forced to move when his dad got another job out of state. We ended up becoming pen pals and wrote to each other by e-mail once a week.” “And whenever Pinkie had the chance,” said Invictus “She would somehow miraculously track me down and surprise me during Summer Vacation, even the holidays. She was the one who got me out of my funk when I was little after being bullied. But thanks to her, I found a reason to keep on going. You could say I owe my little party balloon big time.” Pinkie couldn’t help but blush and said “Aw, Victy.”, before giving him a hug and nuzzling her face against his. Some couldn’t help but find it very amusing. The third one moved close to both Rainbow and Fluttershy, which confused the two. “What?” said Rainbow. The third hooded figure showed a present, then ended up getting pied in the face, which shocked the two of them. Rainbow wiped the pie from his face as the guy was laughing. “Why you little…” said Rainbow as she was about to hit the dude. “Rainbow no.” said Fluttershy, until she looked at him and said “That was very mean. You’d better apologize.” The guy laughed and said “Ah, Flutter Butterfly and Skidashie. Always full of fire and spirit.” The latter blinked at the names, making them look at each other. “Skidashie?” muttered Rainbow. “Flutter Butterfly?” muttered Fluttershy. Then it clicked for both of them. “Wait…” said a surprised Rainbow as she and Fluttershy looked at him. “Only one person used to call us that.” Said Fluttershy. The second figure removed his hood, revealing his black hair with a silver line as well as two pairs of silver colored eyes as he smiled and said “Who loves you baby?” “Silverbolt!!” exclaimed the two girls in excitement as they rushed over and gave him a hug. “Wait, you guys know him?” asked Gamer. “Know him?!” said Rainbow in her excited tone “He’s a really old friend of mine and Flutters.” “The three of us went to Cloudsdale Elementary together.” Said an equally excited Fluttershy. “That’s right.” Said Silverbolt “We’ve been friends for a really long time and did everything together. That was until I moved away. Plus I didn’t know their numbers so it was kinda hard for me to keep in contact. But that was until after the Friendship Games I bumped into them.” “We even tried to catch up for lost time.” Said Fluttershy. “So how did you bump into Roland?” asked Rainbow. “After we went home after the whole uh, memory stone incident,” said Silverbolt “Roland and I bumped into each other and he asked us to be part of the group. He even trained me, Invictus and Amethyst.” “You trained them?” asked Leo. “That’s right,” said Venus “Roland happens to be a master sensei. He was not only trained in the art of ninjitsu, but also karate, jujitsu, kung fu, Krav Maga and a few animal related martial arts.” “Whoa, that’s wicked dude.” Said Casey. “But aren’t you a little young to be a master sensei?” asked April. “Yes, yes I am.” Responded Roland. “Can’t argue with that logic.” Said Pinkie Pie. Azmuth’s generator suddenly beeped. Allowing him to walk over and activate it. “Azmuth?” said Max. “Apologies.” Said Azmuth “But Roland wanted a handful of individuals over.” “How so?” asked Indigo Zap. “Because it’s something they’ve encountered before.” Said Roland “And once they hear this, then it’s a reason to worry.” Once Azmuth was done, three more portals opened, allowing eight individuals to come through. One was wearing a red and blue suit, with an S on his chest. The third was a tall and strong woman, which some of the guys couldn’t help but gawk over. The fourth was an African American wearing a black and green suit, bearing the mark of a lantern of sorts, with another Caucasian male bearing the same outfit. The fifth was a man in red with a yellow lightning bolt in the middle. The sixth was the same, but he had yellow lightning bolts on his wrists, his waist and also around his gloves. The seventh was another strong woman, but she had wings. And finally, the eight was a green man wearing blue boots, a blue cape and red straps around his chest. Many were surprised by the individuals, but Batman knew them all too well. “Where in blazes are we?” asked the African American. He then noticed another next to him and said “Hal?” The one called Hal looked at the one and said “John? What’s going on here?” “Wait, Wally?” said the one in red addressing the other. He looked at the other and said “Uncle Barry? What are you doing here? Last I heard you were busy time traveling trying to stop Reverse Flash.” “Took care of him a while back, but I had a bit of trouble finding my way back.” Said Barry “Somehow, I made it here. Wherever here is.” The one with the S noticed Batman and said “Batman?”, and walked over to him, with the rest of the leaguers going with him. “What’s going on here?” Wally blinked in surprise and said “No way. Princess Twilight and her friends?” The said ponies were surprised and happy to see them again as they came forward. “Good to see all of you.” Said pony Fluttershy. “All of you too.” Said Wonder Woman as she gently petted pony Fluttershy. But then she noticed Fluttershy and the others. "And it is wonderful to see all of you again." "You can say that again." said Rainbow Dash. "Still, we had one heck of an adventure." said Pinkie Pie. Superman looked at Batman “So what are we all doing here?” “He brought us here actually.” Said Batman when he pointed at Roland. “Him?” said Barry “How so?” ************************************************************************************************ After a brief explanation, the League were shocked to hear this. “Great Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman. “So there’s a guy that wiped us all out?” said Wally “But how?” “If you don’t believe me,” said Roland “Martian can link my mind and show you if you need more proof.” Martian Manhunter was a bit unsure about this, until… “J’onn” said Roland, gaining the Martian’s attention. He then spoke in his language “I wouldn’t ask you this if I didn’t trust you.” Martian widened his eyes and was surprised that he knew the language. Within mere moments, J’onn used his mind to link everyone with Roland’s. That’s when they saw it. How Shredder had survived, how he observed from the shadows, how he obtained massive power and used them to strike. The Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Turtles, the Shadowbolts, the Mighty Mutanimals, the Pillars, their allies from both the human world and Equestria, Ben 10 and his team, Usagi and his home dimension, Batman and his team, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, Carmen Sandiego and her group, the Spy Racers, Creepie, the Crystal Gems, the Digidestined, the GI Joes, along with every single Power Ranger throughout History, were all dead and Shredder roared in victory. Once it ended, everyone was horrified to see the Shredder come to power and wiped them out. They looked at Roland as he said “Now you see why he needs to be stopped?” Everyone looked at one another in concern. For if the Shredder in his world destroyed them in the other world, then all of them would be in terrible danger. “Have they made their appearance in your world?” asked Superman. “They did recently.” Said Donnie “The Foot attacked us in New York.” “And us in Canterlot City.” Said Juniper Montage. “And if they’re here.” Said Obaki “That means Shredder’s made a new one from scratch and is sending his advance forces through.” “But what’s he after?” asked Jason. “I’m gonna take a guess here.” Gamer walked up pulling out a marker and board. “Knowing power hungry dictators, Shredder wouldn’t be satisfied with worlds and dimensions. He then would want to rule the next thing- multiverses and alternate realities.” “Precisely, and during our time going over the encryption.” Said Azmuth “We came across a stone like this.” He then pointed the Red Stone behind him that was glowing, emitting a different type of energy, which surprised everyone when they saw it. “This stone was in one of my vaults on Galvin Prime.” Said Azmuth “I asked Ben Tennyson and his group to accompany me and help retrieve it, considering that the security system wouldn’t respond to my commands. Once we retrieved it, we studied it and discovered it had dimensional properties.” “Wait,” said Twilight “Dimensional properties? As in travel through them. I thought the Utrom tech could be used.” “You must remember Twilight Sparkle,” said Bishop “There are many ways to travel to different dimensions. Some with technology, some with magic. Like the mirror portal all of you used a while back.” “That’s right.” Said Princess Twilight “When we faced the Triceratons we used Krang Technology to travel to different dimensions. And the mirror portal, the one on the island and a handful of others are the only ones that can be used for travel.” “If they have the stone,” said Shine Boy “What’s Shredder planning to do with it?” “He plans to use it to travel to one specific location.” Said Roland. “Right before we erased his entire database, I saw where he wanted to go.” “Where to?” asked Wally. And then Roland said two words. “Earth Prime.” The Justice League, Barry and Hal, minus Wally, John and Hawkgirl were shocked to hear this as they looked at one another, which the others noticed. “What the heck is that?” asked Rainbow Dash. Batman, then looked at the Superman, to which he nodded. He walked to the center and spoke to all of them. “Long ago before there was thought.” Said Batman, remembering what an old adversary told him “There was a single planet. One Earth, with a single history. But with the coming of man came the illusion of Free Will. And with that Illusion, came Chaos. With every decision we make, we literally create another world.” The others were fascinated by this as he said “History branches in two. Creating one Earth, where we made a choice. And a second, where we didn’t’. That’s the secret of the Universe. Billions of people, making billions of choices, creating infinite Earths. Some so similar to each other you can spend an entire lifetime searching for a distinction. Others so radically different, that they defy comprehension.” Everyone in the room were surprised by this, with Keno asking “I assume that you lot had that kind of experience?” Some of them looked uneasy at one another, with some deciding to tell them. “A few months before Darkseid was defeated and both Wally and John were away on a mission,” said Superman “We encountered a different Luthor from another world, where he was not only the leader of the Justice League, but also the only surviving member.” “Wait, Luthor, a good guy?” said pony Rainbow Dash in disbelief. “That just feels wrong.” Admitted pony Applejack. “Believe me, the feeling was mutual.” Said Superman. “They were taken over by group of criminals, calling themselves the Crime Syndicate.” Said Martian Manhunter “They consisted of Ultraman, Owl Man, Superwoman, Power Ring, Johnny Quick, and the late J’edd J’arkus. They ruled their world with fear and the Government pretended to ignore them in order to maintain some minimal order, but they refused to be ignored. And they realized that they couldn’t make a move on them because of their fear. And the only thing that keeps them from overthrowing their government, is the threat of a nuclear response. So Luthor came here asking for help.” “Turns out Luthor came here to hide a pure energy called a Quantum Trigger, a single source of pure energy.” Said Hal Jordan “They wanted to use it as part of a bomb, capable of destroying their own planet.” “Destroy their own planet?!” exclaimed Donnie “Have they lost their mind?!!” Wally looked at Fugitoid, who noticed the robot looked sad and asked “Is the robot okay?” “Sorry about that,” said Roland “The bomb thing kind of reminded him of his mistake.” “Like what?” asked John. “He created a blackhole generator as an alternate energy source,” said Roland, which surprised Fugitoid that he knew about it “But then the Krang, enemies of the Utrom, came along and paid for his device. He ended up giving in to his greed. And in turn, the Krang ended up using his device to destroy their enemy’s homeworld. And since that time, their enemies demanded that he made them weapons but he refused, he didn’t want his invention to fall into enemy hands again. So they killed him. But before he died, his robot assistant saved him by placing his brain inside of it, thus the professor was able to live on. Since then he tried to make up for his mistakes.” The Leaguers were surprised, which Fugitoid looked down in guilt. Barry came over, held his shoulder and said “You don’t have to feel that way. We all know what it’s like to make mistakes. The only thing we can do is move on and try to help make the world a better place.” Fugitoid was able to smile and said “Thank you.” Roland looked at the others and said “continue.” “We were able to take the fight to them,” said Barry when he went back to the group “But the government was still afraid to fight back. So we eventually took the fight to their moon. But it turned out, one of their members, Owl man, wanted to try something insane.” “He was going to take the bomb to Earth Prime,” said Wonder Woman “He wanted to detonate and destroy it. And if he succeeded into destroying it, he’d end up destroying all of reality.” All of them were surprised by this, with Mikey saying “Man, and I thought the fight to the Turtle Prime world was tough.” “We tried to go there, but we were somehow locked out of it.” Said Superman “But Luthor deduced that we needed a speedster to open it.” “So the Flash helped?” asked Casey. “No, Batman said that I was too slow and that I couldn’t reach my top speed.” Said Barry, which baffled the others. But then he gestured and said “Wait and hear the rest.” “So Johnny Quick was able to help open a portal.” Said Batman “I took the fight to Owl man and were able to defeat him by teleporting both him and the bomb to an ice planet, where it blew up there instead. When I got back, I tried to tell Johnny to stop vibrating. But then as he stopped, he was a frail hundred year old man.” The others were surprised by this, even Wally. “What happened?” asked Leo. “It turned out that every speedster is connected to the Speed Force.” Said Barry “But if we use too much of it, we ended up paying a much greater price. If we overuse it, we’d end up aging rapidly and turn into dust.” Everyone was shocked by that revelation, even Rainbow as she suddenly felt herself afraid and looked at her geode, even if she wasn’t connected to the speed force. “And it turned out Batman knew it was going to happen.” Said Barry. Everyone looked at Batman surprised except for Roland, with him saying “Batman knew it was going to happen because he also studied the Speed Force. And if Barry had used it, he would’ve died too. So in a way he saved Flash’s life.” Everyone in the group were still surprised by this, with Wally saying “It nearly happened to me too when I wanted to stop Luthor. But thanks to my friends I was able to come back.” “Now you see the importance of why I called you here.” Said Roland as he stood up and looked at everyone. “I came here to warn all of you of what his plan was.” Said Roland “Shredder has gone great lengths to reach that world and ensured that what he is planning will become a reality. That’s why I came here and asked for your help. But if you don’t want to be part of it that’s fine. Just know that all of you will be part of something bigger. Shredder’s already gone to each of your dimensions and recruited all of your enemies to their cause. And he will stop at nothing until the Multiverse is wiped out. But like I said, it’s your choice.” Everyone looked at one another, contemplating of what they should do. Then they looked back at him. Princess Twilight was the first to take a step forward, with her and her friends with determination. “Normally we would never leave Equestria undefended. But if what you said it’s true, then our world will still be in danger. We’ll go with you to stop him.” “Same goes for us.” Said Sunset on behalf of herself and the Rainbooms. “Count us in.” said Leo on behalf of him and his team and friends. “It’s not even a question.” Said Slash on behalf of him and the Mighty Mutanimals. “We’ll help too.” Said Juniper Montage on behalf of her and the Shadowbolts. "As will we." said Shine Boy on behalf of Team Shine. “We’ll help too.” Said Sandbar on behalf of himself and his friends. “The Utrom will provide any assistance we can.” Said King on behalf of himself and the Utrom Council. “Same for us.” Said Superman on behalf of himself and the Justice League. “Same here.” Said Tommy on behalf of himself and the Rangers. “Like we’re going to say no.” said Ben on behalf of himself and his team. “Then it’s settled.” Said Venus. “First thing’s first.” Said Batman “From the glimpse we saw Shredder, he appeared to have obtained large amount of power. If he did, it would explain how he defeated our counterparts so easily.” “Good point.” Said Leo “If we can find a way to depower him, we could have a better chance at beating him.” “Do we happen to know what kind of power he took?” asked Nightwing. “Thanks to the device we encrypted we already have the answers.” Said Max. “He gained five different power sources that gave him his power and made him unstoppable.” Said Roland. “Five different power sources?” said John Stewart. “Like the Green Lantern Corps who’s source of power is will and their main power battery from Oa,” said Azmuth, gaining the Green Lanterns’ attention “So too has the Shredder’s.” “Who are you?” asked Hal. “A visitor from another dimension.” Said Azmuth, who simply smirked and said “And the one who taught your Guardians everything they knew, how to create their power, even had a hand of helping create the Speed Force and Themyscira when the Amazons needed a sanctuary.” The Green Lanterns, Flashes and Wonder Woman were shocked and surprised by his revelation. “Anyway.” Said Roland “Shredder gained his power sources from five different locations. One of them is something that both Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer have knowledge over.” “We do?” asked the pony and pony turned human. “Yes.” Said Roland “You’ll know it as Grogar’s Bell.” Both of them gasped as Princess Twilight said “Grogar’s Bell? As in the, Grogar’s Bell?” “You know what it is?” asked Ben. “As well as who.” said Sunset “Long ago before Equestria was founded, Grogar was an ancient Necromancer who was also known as the king of monsters. He led the monsters and controlled every creature. And with the power of his bell, his powers were greater than what any had ever witnessed.” “So how was Grogar defeated?” asked Wonder Woman. “A Unicorn named Gusty the Great.” Said Princess Twilight “She took away his bell and used it against him by stripping him of his own power and sealing him away for all eternity.” “That’s right.” Said Roland. “The second one came from a crystal only known by Homeworld and the Diamonds.” “I know of it.” Said Azmuth “Homeworld once asked me to help them construct a power to help them create their own colony worlds. But I told them on the condition that they would use it on uninhabitable planets only. And after what happened to the Crystal Gems on Earth, I warned them that the next time they did that, I would have no choice but to destroy their planet.” “You’d really do that?” said Wally surprised. “Trust me, he would.” Said Roland “You don’t want to mess with him when he’s in a bad mood. Anyway, the third one is powers from the Dark Code from the Digital World.” “Wait,” said Gamer “As in home to our friends the Digimon and their partner Digidestined?” “That’s right.” Said Roland. Shine Boy then whispered to Team Shine “We’re gonna have to contact Gennai, Izzy and the others about this.”, to which they nodded in agreement. Roland then looked at the Power Rangers and said “The fourth one is from the Dark Grid.” Tommy suddenly felt a chill in his spine, and said “You don’t mean…?” “Drakkon’s source of power.” The Rangers paled and that with widened eyes and shock. Both the Justice League and the Rainbooms, their pony counterparts, Turtles and allies were confused by this. “Who in the hay is Drakkon?” asked pony Applejack. Tommy was reluctant, but he gestured Roland if he could, to which he nodded, allowing Tommy to speak. “All of you are familiar with parallel versions?” asked Tommy. “We have some…experience.” Said Superman cautiously, remembering the time when he and the Justice League fought the Justice Lords. “In another world, after I became the White Ranger.” Said Tommy “Rita Repulsa came back and somehow corrupted me again, and combined it with the Green Ranger power she brought back, I became an unstoppable menace and became Drakkon. Drakkon’s first act was to kill Jason, Alpha and Zordon, enslaved Billy to be his chief engineer, turned Kimberly into his queen and Zack and Trini into the resistance. He even killed Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. He took over the Morphing Grid, turning it into the Dark Grid, and created Ranger sentries, thus making his world into his own personal domain.” “Great Hera.” Said Wonder Woman as she and many others, except for Batman, were surprised by this. “He then attacked our dimension.” Said Kimberly. “We fought the best we could. But…” she then trailed off and didn’t want to think of that nightmare again. “Drakkon ended up murdering Tommy.” Said Jason, shocking everyone in the room. Night Shine spat out some coffee he was drinking and looked at him with a flexed eyebrow, before saying "You look great for a dead guy." "We're getting to that." said Zack. “With Tommy gone, he began to focus on the other Rangers throughout not just timelines, but dimensions as well.” Said Billy. “Some were defeated, some joined his cause and many tried to put up a spirited fight, but they didn’t stand a chance.” “We were able to unite all the Rangers.” Said Trini “But then a miracle happened.” “I somehow got resurrected and challenged Drakkon to a fight.” Said Tommy “We succeeded into defeating him, but as his world slowly began to fall apart, I offered him a chance of redemption, but he refused. I had no choice but to leave him behind when all of us got back. We thought the Dark Grid was gone for good.” “And if this Shredder guy somehow got his hands on it,” said Zack “Then every world out there is at risk and in danger.” “All the more reason to tell Zordon about this.” Said Tommy. Then he looked at Roland and said “What else does he have?” “From their world,” said Roland as he pointed at the League “The full power of both the Mother and Father Box.” The League were shocked to learn of this. “How the heck did he get that from Darkseid?!” said a shockened Wally. “Shredder killed him for it.” Said Roland. Now the League was greatly concerned for this. “We’re going to have to contact both Mr. Miracle and Big Barda for help.” Said Martian Manhunter “Barda is the only one who knows the designs of the mother and father box inside and out.” “We’re going to need a ride too.” Said Wally “No offense, but we can’t just go around jumping in random places, we’re going to need a mode of transportation where we can be properly prepared.” “And luckily I have what you need.” Said Azmuth whilst activating a remote from his belt. He pointed at the window and said “And it’s right out there.” When they looked outside, they were shocked to see the ship in front of them. All of them were amazed to see it. “When Roland came here for help,” said Azmuth “I asked the Galvin and other engineers from all over the galaxy to help travel to different dimensions. It has its own dimensional warp drive. It also has other things for travel. Kitchen, Training Room, Laboratories, Hangers, Garages and everything you’ll need to build up a proper arsenal.” “That and also other forms of entertainment that can help one pass the time.” Said Ben when he whispered to the group. “Mind opening the portals back our dimensions?” asked Tommy. “Wait, you’re leaving?” said a perplexed Leo. “If what Roland says it’s true,” said Superman “Then Shredder is a much more dangerous foe than we could ever imagine. And if he’s really going to Earth Prime, then we’re going to need all the help we can get on this.” “And once we do, we will join you.” Said Wonder Woman. “Very well.” Said Azmuth as he instantly handed the individuals from their own dimensions their own devices. “These devices will allow you to go to and fro from your dimension to the next. Once all of you have concluded your business, you will automatically be on board the ship.” “Then we shall depart and make preparations.” Said Bishop as everyone from their own dimensions. Princess Twilight then thought about something and said “We’ll go back to our dimension too. We’ll need to inform Princess Celestia about this too. Once we’re done, we’ll join you via mirror portal.” “You sure It’s a good idea?” asked Venus. “What do you mean?” asked Princess Twilight. “Only you, Starlight, Blade, Brightstar and the Young Six came through the portal and experienced yourselves as humans.” Said Obaki, “Except for…” He motioned to the rest of the Mane 6, which left them surprised and realized this too. They’ve never been human before, so it would be their first time doing this. “You know, he does have a point.” Said Starlight. “Well forget it.” Said pony Rainbow, which they were surprised by her claim “There’s no way we’re going to let you go on your own. We already didn’t come with you on your last adventure, heck no way we’re doing it again!!” The others nodded in agreement, until… “Besides,” said pony Rainbow Dash as she suddenly smirked and said “If my other me looks awesome, then I wanna look just as awesome too.” Everyone rolled their eyes, typical Dashie. “Alright then, opening portal now.” Said Azmuth, allowing the Equestrians to go back. Fluttershy suddenly came over and stood on her knees, gaining Princess Twilight’s attention. “Yes Fluttershy?” asked Princess Twilight. “Well, um…it’s good to see you again.” Said Fluttershy. When all of a sudden, Fluttershy slowly scratched behind Princess Twilight’s ear, surprising the princess, and suddenly found herself smiling and humming. ‘Hmm, this is amazing.’ Thought Princess Twilight to herself whilst Fluttershy scratched underneath her chin. She suddenly heard loud snickering. When she opened her one eye, she saw the Rainbooms and the rest of the Mane 6 desperately trying to hold in their laughter whilst they couldn’t believe what was happening before them. She then suddenly looked to one of her hind legs and to her shock, it was tapping, as if she was a dog or something. “Okay now,” said Princess Twilight as she quickly retracted from the animal loving human whilst feeling embarrassed “I think we’ll get going now. See you.” The pony Princess quickly went through, with the others following suit as they were planning to make fun of her in the future. “But wait,” said Twilight as she realized something “If we’re going to leave, we’re going to have to tell everyone. We can’t miss out school.” “Not to worry,” said Paradox “Time will be slow, so all of you won’t miss out much. But in the meantime if all of you are planning to travel, I suggest prepare everything you need for the trip. It’s going to be, for all of you, one big adventure.” “You got it Paradox.” Said Kevin “We’ll see you soon.” After Paradox left, Sunset looked at the others and asked “Let’s get back to Canterlot City guys. We’ve got a lot of packing to do.” “Road Trip!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie as everyone left. Roland stood up and walked over to Obaki and Venus, whilst Sunset kept a glance at Roland and felt herself blushing, but shook it off and moved on once they were out of sight. Roland sighed and said “Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing telling them.” “Do not think that way Roland,” said Rook as he stood next to him “You didn’t know that Shredder would eventually make his move.” “He’s right.” Said Jen “We didn’t know the Shredder would come this soon.” “And now that he made his move, we will need to step up our time table.” Said Max. “Which is why I’ve called half the plumbers and have them come with us. The ship’s large enough to store enough teams and enough soldiers per design.” “And I’ll be coming with you.” Said Azmuth “Once everyone brings me the data needed on what Shredder had absorbed, I can work on a device that can exterminate his powers, leaving him vulnerable.” “But we know he’s not going to make it easy,” said Roland “Not since he recruited everyone’s enemies to work for him.” “Still,” said Gwen “It was a surprise that he convinced Vilgax and the Incurseans of all aliens to work for him.” “Still, we can’t go in unprepared.” Said Max. “Whilst we go out to the other worlds to find more of those keystones, I’ll give the ones the Ninjas and Rainbooms helped in the past to give us all a call and see if they’re available to help us out.” “In the meantime, let’s get to work.” Said Roland as he and the others left. ********************************************************************************************* “So you can see why this is urgent.” Said Leo. After they got back, they immediately called Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna, along with Principle Cadance and Captain Shining Armour to them and informed them of the situation. They were all horrified to have learned of what happened to them in the other world and what the Shredder has planned. “I know you don’t want us endangered,” said Sunset to them “But if we don’t go right now, there won’t be a home for all of us to go back to.” “That’s right,” said Leo “Which is why we need to do this. We’re the only one who has knowledge on how to fight him.” The head of the schools and police station were weary of this, but given what they saw and faced, they understood why they needed to go. Principle Celestia stood up and walked over to them whilst placing both her hands on Leo’s shoulder. “If you think this is the right call, we will not stop you. But the moment all of you are in trouble, we will be there to help. Deal?” “Deal.” Responded all of them. “We’ll need to cover you lot in the meantime.” Said Vice-Principle Luna. “Agreed,” said Principle Cadance “We’ll make sure that your parents think that all of you are on a special class assignment that needs to be out of town just to be safe.” “I’ll make sure mom and dad know about this too.” Said Shining Armour “I don’t want them to worry.” “Thanks shiny.” Said Twilight as she hugged her brother. “We’ll see you soon.” “Be safe out there Twiley.” Said Shining Armour whilst hugging her sister. They quickly left to get their things ready whilst Celestia and the others immediately went to work. ********************************************************************************************* “So you can see why this is urgent.” Said Princess Twilight. In Canterlot, Twilight had called an emergency meeting that gathered the Royal Sisters, Tempest, the Pillars and the leaders of other kingdoms. All of them were shocked and horrified to learn of this new threat that wiped them out in the other world and is planning to do so again. “Princess Celestia,” said Starlight Glimmer “We know that you don’t want us to go to the other world or it might bring unbalance to another world, but if we don’t do this, then all life throughout other worlds will be threatened.” “She is correct your highness.” Said Blade “We need to take the fight to them, or else everyone, not just Equestria and the human world that would suffer, but every world out there.” The leaders contemplated over this whilst looking at one another, even the Pillars were concerned about this new threat. Celestia stood up and looked at the others. “Twilight Sparkle.” Said Princess Celestia, “Normally we would be against this sort of idea. But given the circumstances of what you have revealed and the true threat, we will allow this.” “Indeed.” Said Princess Luna “We need all of you to go forth and face this threat. If we are to have a future, we need to ensure every creature’s survival.” “We’ll gather as many allies as we can to help.” Said Princess Celestia “Once the time is right, we will join you.” “As will we.” Said Starswirl the Bearded, “If this Shredder is indeed powerful, then we need to be prepared, otherwise we’d march in blindly.” “Thank you, Princess Celestia.” Said Twilight. “Smolder, you go with them too.” Said Ember “If Shredder’s a true threat, then you’re needed out there too.” “You got it.” Said Smolder as she and the rest of her friends agreed. “Then let us make haste, for time grows short.” Said Princess Celestia before Twilight and her friends left. “Sister,” said Princess Luna “Are you sure it is wise for all of Twilight’s friends to go with her? She alone has experience in their world, and her friends are not ready for this.” “I know Luna,” said Princess Celestia “But if what this Roland says it’s true, then all life would cease to exist. We encountered the Shredder and Krang from one world and both of them are buffoons. But from what they witnessed through telepathy of this Shredder, he is unlike any foe they have ever faced. If they are truly to succeed, then they will need each other, now more than ever.” “I hope they will succeed together.” Said Princess Luna “We do not need another Mount Aris incident.” Princess Celestia looked down saddened, and said “I wished we had done better. But I have faith that they will bring out the best in themselves.” They soon left with the leaders and plan out their next strategy. ********************************************************************************************* The next morning, in front of CHS, the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings, the Shadowbolts, Wallflower Blush, Sapphire Night, the CMC and their friends the Rock N Beats have gathered at the front of the school with their weapons and belongings, whilst at the same time, the Turtles, Mutanimals and their New York Friends arrived with their things too. “Alright, we’re all here.” Said Leo whilst holding his backpack. “Now all we need to do is to wait for Princess Twilight and the others.” At the same time, the mirror portal activated. Within moments, the Mane 6, Dragon Spike, Starlight, Blade, the Young Six, Gabby and Bright Eyes arrived. However, two more individuals arrived. One who was none other than Tempest Shadow, and the other one who looked like Sunburst. “I know it’ll be strange at first,” said Princess Twilight to the ones who didn’t travel via mirror portal “But all of you will get used to this soon.” They saw the rest of the Mane 5 trying to walk on two legs, but all of them were struggling greatly. “Darling, how in Equestria do you ever walk on these?” said pony Rarity whilst trying to keep herself balanced. “You get used to it.” Said Princess Twilight. “Really?” said Spike whilst smirking and chuckling, “Cause the way I saw it you panicked and complained about not wanting to walk on two legs.” Princess Twilight shot Spike a glare, making her assistant be quiet. Mikey took a good look at them, then whispered to his bros, April and Casey “You know, looking at them, I can tell the difference.” “Really, how?” asked Casey. “The outfits for one thing,” said Mikey “I mean come on, those look familiar.” They took a good look at them, with April saying “Now that Mikey mention it, I haven’t seen them in those outfits since they first visited New York.” “And Princess Twilight doesn’t wear any glasses.” Said Donnie. “You think it would’ve been weird if our Twilight decided to go for an eye surgery or something.” “Mikey,” said Donnie “Even if she could, it’d be dangerous. The odds of one’s eyes getting fixed are always a million to one.” “I’m just saying,” said Mikey “I mean if our Twilight did, and we were in the middle of a fight, she wouldn’t worry about losing her ability to see when she loses her glasses.” Some wanted to say something, but then realized it, and Raph saying “Surprisingly, Mikey does have a point.” And finally, Team Shine arrived with their things. “Alright, we’re all here and set.” Said Shine Boy. “Supplies are fully stocked, equipment is ready, sleeping quarters picked,” said Gamer as he went through the list. “We’re all set.” At the same time, all of them saw a handful of transports from the Plumbers arrived from orbit and landed near them, allowing the ramps to be lowered. Ben and Roland were the first ones to climb out and stood near them. “Alright everyone, it’s time.” Said Roland. “Next stop, great adventures into the unknown.” Said Ben. Everyone immediately climbed aboard their respected transports, allowing them to leave orbit and made their way towards their ship. As they approached, everyone noticed that the side of the ship was called, the “Hamato’s Hope”, which seemed fitting. The transports soon landed inside the hanger, allowing everyone to disembark, with Grandpa Max and the others waiting. “Alright Mr. Tennyson, we’re all set.” Said Fugitoid. “Good.” Said Max before he looked at one of the officers and said “Take them to their rooms and tell the boys to prepare for more to come.” “Yes sir.” Said one of the Plumbers as he guided their passengers to their rooms. “And Fugitoid.” Said Azmuth “Once you’re done, you’re more than welcome to join me in the lab. We have much work to do.” “Indeed Azmuth, I shall be there at once.” Said Fugitoid before he left. “Bridge, this is Tennyson, prepare for departure.” Said Max to bridge control. The ship soon turned around and faced in the direction of space, whilst at the same time, opened a dimensional portal, allowing the ship to fly towards it. From within, everyone was watching from outside of the window and saw them flying into a dimensional portal. Leo took a deep breath, and said “Here we go.” Within mere moments, the ship had successfully flown into the portal, allowing it to close behind them. One thing’s for sure, they’re now part of something bigger. The battles for their world were one thing. But the war for the entire Multiverse, has only just begun. > To the Prime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been an hour since all of them had left their world and right now, all of them are taking a tour throughout the ship. “We can’t thank you enough for the rooms Roland.” Said Sunset Shimmer on behalf of her and the rest of the group. “Got that right,” said Casey “They’ve got tons of space and their own bathrooms.” “And they’re so fancy.” Said Rarity as she pretended to be dramatic “It’s like spending in a fancy hotel.” “Well they wanted to make it as comfortable as possible when they first designed it.” Said Ben. “And it’s worth every penny.” Said Kevin. “Now that you’re settled in your rooms,” said Roland “Time for the tour.” But then he suddenly turned and faced Caitlyn whilst pointing his finger at her, taking them by surprise as he gave her a stern look. “And you had better learn to control yourself and not snitch to anybody.” Said Roland, “Or do you want a repeat of what happened the last time when you got Mikey, Keno and the CMC in trouble? Got it?” She quickly nodded yes, but then she saw him looking at her phone, making her turn it off and put it away whilst sheepishly smiling. Roland then continued with the tour. “What was that about?” asked Zach. “Remember, he was also involved in your adventures in our world.” Said Venus “Let’s just say he was pretty mad at Caitlyn for squealing.” “Especially at you three for not trusting your sisters.” Said Obaki as he pointed at Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow, making them wince at that and felt really sheepish over it, but thankfully they were able to come to terms with it and realized that they were growing up and that they wouldn’t always be around for them. They first arrived at the Cafeteria whilst they showed them. “Here we have the Cafeteria, where we can go on breaks or midnight snacks before or after missions.” Said Roland. “They even added a special feature where they scan your tongue and food will pop out.” “Whoa, really?” said Twilight surprised. “Yeah, in fact.” Said Roland as he motioned a hover robot to hover near her. “Stick out your tongue.” She was puzzled at first, but decided to try it out. It scanned her tongue, and once it was done, it created a burger right in front of her. Which surprised everybody. Out of curiosity, she took a bite, and her eyes lit up. “Oh my gosh.” Said Twilight after she swallowed it, “This tastes exactly like the burgers from Burger Frenzy.” “It scans your tongue and creates any kind of food you want.” Said Ben. “It also help that you don’t have to worry about making a mess when it comes to eating food.” Said Kevin. “Ooh, ooh, my turn!!” exclaimed Mikey in excitement. He had his tongue scanned, and the scanner scanned his tongue, causing his favorite pizza to appear. He grabbed it and scarfed it down. “Best Pizza ever!!” exclaimed Mikey “Let’s do it again.” Unfortunately, the moment he stuck out his tongue again, he was immediately electrocuted and collapsed onto the ground, surprising everybody. They looked at Gwen, who couldn’t help but smirk. “We also had to make sure it’s Mikey proof so he doesn’t scarf down everything in his path.” Said Gwen. “Now that’s the smartest thing you guys ever made.” Said Raph with a grin. They then walked to the next room, which looked like a large empty dome on the inside. “And right here is the training room.” Said Rook. “Looks a bit bare in here.” Said pony Rainbow Dash. “Rook, if you’d be so kind?” said Roland. “My pleasure.” Said Rook as he walked towards the panel. “In this room, you can add anything inside.” Said Rook as he typed on the control panel. “Whether different environments to different simulations. And thanks to latest Plumber technology, we create a lifelike hologram inside to create any enemies you desire to fight. You can even set them on different levels when you’re in combat with opponents whenever you wish to challenge yourself.” “Ah, just like the training room in my ship, brilliant.” Said Fugitoid with joy on his robot face, “I’m glad to see the schematics that both Azmuth and I have been working on has been extremely helpful.” “Indeed,” said Rook “They’ve already set up rooms like this at Plummer HQ and other training academies.” They then took them to the laboratories for both science and technology, which caused the eggheads, namely Donnie, Sci-Twi, Gamer, Fugitoid and Rockwell to gawk in marvel of what they were seeing. “In this room,” said Obaki “Is your everyday laboratories. You can work on chemicals and technology that can help win an advantage over any of our enemies, even new ones on the table if need be.” “And also what we need to help counter Shredder.” Said Azmuth as he arrived on his hover craft. He looked at Princess Twilight and said “And Princess, did you and your cohorts bring what I asked?” “Oh, yes I did.” Said Princess Twilight as she pulled out a large book. “Everything about Grogar’s Bell is in here. How to activate it, how to use it and how it functions.” “Very good.” Said Azmuth “Once you’re done with the tour, I would like you to join me in the labs. Every bit of information would be very helpful. And if the others from other worlds can deliver, I will be able to work on the same details for the others into a united force.” “Very well Azmuth.” Said Princess Twilight “We’ll come back soon.” Next up, came another room that they were excited to see. Tons of band instruments, video games, TV, and various forms of other entertainment that everyone might enjoy. “In this room, is the entertainment room.” Said Venus as he pointed at the very large room. “It helps everyone to relax after missions.” They went to the next room, showing the medical centers. “This here is the medical center.” Said Silverbolt, “Here, everyone will be treated when they have minor or serious injuries, as well as prescription pills for those with minor or serious problems.” “You guys really thought of everything, huh?” said Leo. “Trust me, after the times we get into trouble, we’re always unprepared.” Said Ben. “Indeed, the Plumbers ensured that everything is ready without any problems.” Said Rook. As they walked down the hall, everyone noticed a room that was busy with construction. “What room’s that?” asked Raph. “Remember that stupid space story Leo likes to watch?” Said Venus. “Hey!!” said Leo as he felt offended, “Space heroes is a great show!!” “Yeah, from the nineties.” Said Roland as he looked at the lead turtle, “Seriously dude, watch something that everyone can actually enjoy, like, I don’t know, Galaxy Wars?” They looked at him surprised as Karai asked “You actually watch that?” “It’s got more action than the others.” Said Roland, “Especially since Forge Luca took it to the next level when it involved clones and the biggest plot twist that no one ever suspected.” “Oh yeah,” said Shine Boy “That was actually pretty intense.” “I know right?” said Shine Girl “Even the forbidden romance was amazing.” “Too bad one of the characters got turned into a bad guy.” Said Love Shine. “Anyway,” said Roland “What they’re building is a teleporter. That in case any transport can’t pick us up whenever we’re in the middle of a firefight, we can automatically transport ourselves to the ship and back.” “Oooh,” said Pinkie Pie whilst it caught her interest “Kind of like the same teleportation technology that the Justice League use?” “Exactly.” Said Roland as they continued. “Unfortunately it isn’t finished yet. They still need a few days of work on that.” They soon arrive at the hanger whilst he said “And finally, the hanger. In case we needed a small ops or launching a full invasion.” “Hey, is that our rides?!” said Mikey surprised. And to their surprise, their vehicles were also among the many vehicles in the hanger. They looked at Roland whilst he said “Grandpa Max called ahead for permission. And seeing that your rides are here, you can upgrade your vehicles with the technology here. And if you need help, just ask Kevin, he’s an expert at putting stuff together.” “That I am.” Said Kevin whilst boasting. “Just make sure you don’t throw a hissy fit when your car blows up again.” Retorted Roland, causing many to laugh, much to Kevin’s dismay. “Whoa,” said Scootaloo as she looked at the vehicles “You guys really have a nice setup.” “How many people can be on the ship?” asked Sweetie Belle. “The ship is designed to carry over a hundred thousand people.” Said Invictus, which surprised the group. “At the moment we only have about a hundred engineers, a hundred crew and three hundred Plumbers on board.” Said Silverbolt, “Once Grandpa Max reaches out to the others, we’ll be able to expand the numbers.” “I’m also worried about one thing.” Said Princess Twilight. “What is it, Twilight?” asked Leo. “Roland mentioned that this Shredder also recruited all of our enemies.” Said the worried Princess. “You don’t mean…?” “He could bring Stockman, Tiger Claw, Fishface and Don Visio and the Purple Dragons in, considering they know how to operate in gangs.” Said Donatello. “Don’t forget Lewej, Ripley and Gladitron.” Said Gamer “They caused a lot of trouble both on Earth and the Digital world the last time we tangled with them.” “What about most of our space enemies?” said Mikey. “Hmm,” pondered Fugitoid “It could be possible that Armaggon, Lord Dregg and Newtralizer onto the table.” “What about Krang Prime?” said Casey “We hadn’t seen his ugly mug since we sent the Triceratons packing.” “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Said Roland. “If there aren’t any unsuspected surprises that might catch us off guard before we even realize it.” Said Sugarcoat. “She does have a point.” Said Sour Sweet “Every time whenever we plan something, something unexpected always happens.” “Yeah, but soon we’re going to have an army large enough to take on Shredder.” Said Indigo Zap with determination. “Numbers don’t win a battle.” Said Sugarcoat in her bluntness “The Shredder wiped us out in Roland’s world, and there will be a chance that we could end the same way if we’re not careful.” “She does have a point.” Said Shine Girl “We’re going to have to step up our game a bit if we’re going to make it.” Before any of them could say anything further… “All hands, prepare to drop out of dimensional drive.” “Looks like we’re here.” Said Silverbolt. “Everyone to the observation deck.” Said Roland. Everyone left for the observation deck. *************************************************************************************** After they arrived, everyone watched as they orbited the planet. “So we’re here?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Looks that way.” Said Gamer. “Though, why is everything in black and white?” said Love Shine in confusion. Everyone noticed that the world appeared to be grey. “Aw, if it’s grey, then it must be really sad.” Said pony Pinkie Pie. “That’s why we’re here to cheer it up.” Said Pinkie Pie with a glee. “Wait,” said Leonardo when he got a good look to that world “It can’t be.” “Wait,” said Sunset as she widened her eyes in realization “Now I know this world!” “You do?” asked Kevin. “According to what navigation said,” said Grandpa Max, “The stone let us to this place. It’s coordinates are unknown, but it’s also known as Earth 1983.” “Aka, the world of Turtle Prime.” Said Roland. “Turtle Prime?” said half the folks in confusion. “This is the world where everything us turtles have been involved have been born from.” Said Donnie, “Each world is different from our ones.” “You could say they make Batman look like a pushover.” Said Mikey. “Yeesh, that serious?” said Scootaloo. “So, what’s the game plan?” said Leo. “Well, seeing that we’re in uncharted territory, we’ll go in together.” Said Leo. “Except for the Rock N Beats and the Mane 6.” Said Roland. “What?!” exclaimed the named group. “You’re benching us?!” said pony Rainbow Dash. Suddenly, both Venus and Obaki covered for Roland. “What he means is, you five aren’t experienced with your new bodies yet and it might take a while for you to learn them.” Said Venus, “Hence why you need to stay here so we can help you get more used to it.” “And you kids aren’t ready to face this version of the Turtles.” Said Obaki “Leo and the others may be fair, but their counterparts on the other hand, not so much.” Rainbow suddenly spoke whilst rubbing her jaw out of instinct, “Tell me about it. I still feel the pain in my jaw every time whenever I think about the last time, I faced that version of Raphael.” “Plus we figured you lot could use the training from the professionals like the Young Six and the CMC.” Said Silverbolt “They know what to expect and they traveled to different dimensions before.” “What do you guys think?” said Invictus. “Well, considering what we nearly went through when we last fought with them,” said Rarity in worry, “I think it’s a good idea for them to remain behind.” “That is if you lot don’t mind.” Said Silverbolt. “Now that you mention it, we could use a little more practice.” Said Sandbar. “Alright then,” said Roland once he was able to collect himself, which seemed to have caught Night Shine’s attention. “Silverbolt, Invictus, Amethyst, seeing that you three are highly skilled, feel free to teach the others.” “You got it.” Said Invictus “We’ll even give them some gadgets along the way.” “Gadgets?” said the kids in confusion. “Even though you’re skilled with weapons, there will be a chance that you’ll end up losing them.” Said Silverbolt as he showed them his wrists with his mounted weapons and his utility belt, “I use this in case I lose my weapons in battle. Sometimes even the smallest of tools can help you make a big difference.” “Ain’t that the truth.” Said Gamer “They always save our bacon tons of times.” “And whilst you’re at it.” Said Roland as he looked at the Mane 6, Starlight and Sunburst. “Princess Twilight, Sunburst and Starlight will go to Azmuth and help him out about Grogar’s bell.” “Good thing we were able to bring the book with us.” Said Sunburst, he then suddenly felt sheepish and said “But would it be okay if I learned about my body function too?” “I don’t see why not.” said Roland. “So how exactly is this going to work?” asked pony Applejack. Pony Fluttershy gulped and said “It’s not going to be painful, is it?” “Don’t worry,” said Venus “Azmuth knows what to do. He walked a mile in other aliens’ shoes before, so he whipped up a device that would allow all of you to easily learn how to use your new bodies properly, as if they will be second nature to all of you.” “Very well then.” said Princess Twilight, before Grandpa Max showed up. “We’ll monitor things from our end.” Said Max “The moment things get heated, we’ll send whatever help we can.” “Appreciate it Grandpa.” Said Ben. “Alright then team, let’s get going.” Said Leo once everyone else leaves for their respective ships. Fugitoid, the Turtles, April, Casey and the Rainbooms approached the ship they hadn’t seen in a long time. “Ah, the Ulixes.” Said the professor, feeling the nostalgia. “It feels like it was only yesterday that we flew in this.” “So the old gal flies again.” Said Casey. “Alright then,” said Roland, gaining their attention “You guys will be leading this, considering you’ve been here before. So you and Venus will be team 1. I’ll be team 2, taking Sonata, Adagio, Karai, Shinigami, Wallflower, Sapphire, Blade and Tempest with me. Team 3 will be Ben 10 and his group, the Mutanimals, Rocksteady, Bebop, and Muck Man will be team 4, whilst Keno and Obaki and the Shadowbolts will go with Team Shine.” “Sounds like a plan.” Said Gamer, “Where should we meet?” “Leo and the others can lead us there,” said Roland “Considering that they’ve been to the Turtle Prime World before.” “That we can do.” Said Donnie. “Just hope they don’t plan to attack us again.” Said Fluttershy in worry. Venus reassured Fluttershy whilst she said “Don’t worry, you’ve got nothing to worry about. As long as we stick together, we’ll be able to make it through.” The teams soon boarded their own modes of transportation and took off, with the Ulixes leading the way, with Team Shine’s ship and three others in tow. But as they flew, Mikey looked out of the window and said “You know, we never did get a proper look on the ship on the outside.” Everyone decided to take a good look on it too and they were surprised to see how it looked almost up closely. “You have to admit, that’s actually pretty cool.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Though I wish it had more color instead of grey.” Said Rarity as she looked at it. “At least it’s not in green and white.” Said Pinkie. The others looked at her and said “What? That color is a huge giveaway. Besides, we’re not the Plumbers.” “She does have a point.” Said Sunset. “Prepare yourselves everyone,” said Fugitoid “We’re entering the atmosphere.” ******************************************************************************************** They soon flew through the atmosphere and flew above the skies. Everyone looked around and saw everything was black and white, as if they were in a very old movie. “This place still gives me the creeps.” Said Casey. “Remember, this is the original world where our worlds came from.” Said Fugitoid. “We know Fuge,” said Sunset “But I’m afraid this isn’t for a social visit.” Back at the ship Roland flew in, the passengers onboard continued to slowly prepare themselves for anything just in case. At the same time, Blade kept glancing to Tempest, and he found himself blushing for some reason. “Bit for your thoughts?” said Roland, gaining Blade’s attention, whilst noticing a smirk and said “Bet you never realized that she looks more attractive as a human, especially one well-built and taller than you.” “Just be quiet and fly the ship.” Said Blade as his face continued to be more red. “You know,” said Tempest as she stood next to Blade, much to his surprise, for she really was taller than him. But she also blushed with a smirk and said “I never realized you also look good as a human.” Blade felt himself blushing hard, until Shine Boy contacted them and said “We found a clearing up ahead. Might be a good spot to land and hide our ships just in case things get dicey.” They soon landed their ships individually in a circle formation. Once all of them exited, they immediately cloaked their ships and continued to set forth. They looked around and saw everything was in black and white. Lemon Zest shivered and said “This brings back memories.” “You mean other than the fact that we nearly got wiped out of existence when we fought against that Ch’Rell guy when he tried to kill the Prime Turtles?” said Bebop. “That’s the one.” Said Sugarcoat. “Da, worse experience ever.” Said Rocksteady. “Still, I can’t believe we were this close into kissing our bacon goodbye.” Said Mondo “Thankfully the other Turtles got clever and freed the Prime Turtles.” “Don’t remind us of them.” Said Donnie in a dry tone. “Working with them was a nightmare.” Said Sci-Twi. “Come on, don’t be like that.” Said Venus, “Mikey and Pinkie are also like that and yet they’re fun to hang out with.” “Yeah, the only reason you lot didn’t tolerate them was because you were in the middle of a crisis instead of a social visit.” Said Obaki. “Which is kind of ironic now that you think about it.” Said Ben. “What do you mean?” said Gwen. “I think what Ben is trying to say that whenever one visits normally, they tend to get along, but when it comes to facing a crisis, just one misstep and mistake and everything tends to turn to chaos.” Said Rook. “Yeah, like Applejack and Raph when we first met Batman.” Said Mikey, which made the two frown. “Or that time Leo didn’t trust us Mutanimals when we first tried to work together.” Said Pidgeon Pete whilst Leo rolled his eyes. “You know, in a weird kind of way, it is kind of ironic.” Said Gamer. Suddenly, April gets a migraine whilst holding her head, causing Roland to notice and quickly signal them to stop and pointed at April, which they noticed she was sensing danger. “April?” said Leo as he held his sword for just in case. “Guys,” said April “They’re close by. I can feel it.” “Where?” said Raph as he readied his sais. When all of a sudden, a random shuriken went straight for Raph, until he was caught off guard when he saw a random hand catching it in midair. He saw Roland catching it, whilst also pointing and saying “Right there.” Everyone looked up and lo to behold, the Turtles from Turtle Prime were present, standing from the top of the building in different poses, holding their weapons and had that batman vibe on them. “That’s the Turtles from Turtle Prime?” said Gamer. “Wow, they’re even darker than Luke.” Said Love Shine, making Night Shine growl at him. “Alright you mugs,” said Raphael Prime whilst twirling his sais “You gots till the count of three to give yourselves up or the only thing you’ll face is…” That’s when Michelangelo Prime blinked and bumped against Raphael Prime and said “Hey wait, don’t we know dose clowns?” The Turtles Prime took a good look at them. After recognizing some of them, Donatello Prime said “Hey wait, aren’t those them colorful yahoos and girls from the other dimension?” The Prime Turtles jumped from the rooftop and landed in front of them whilst placing their weapons away. “So you lot are back again, huh?” said Leonardo Prime. “Last time I remembered there were more turtles of you and them. Though last time I checked, there weren’t doubles of you girls, or them new visitors. Plus if I remembered correctly, we told you lot to lay off of the dimension hopping business.” “Yeah, uh, sorry about that.” Said a sheepish Princess Twilight “We’re not here for a social visit.” “But in case you want to know.” Said Mikey as he came over to the Mutanimals first. “The new ones you see before you are the Mighty Mutanimals. Slash, Leatherhead, Rockwell, Pidgeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, Bandit Racoon, which is just a name, Ray Fillet, Hokum Rabbit, and Muckman.” He zipped over to Ben 10 and his team whilst saying “This here is Ben Tennyson, though folks sometimes call him Ben 10. His cousins Gwen Tennyson, though some call her Gwendolyn. This here is Kevin E Leven. Though he sometimes like to be called Kevin 11. These three are the strong guy Manny, the speedy one Helen, and the fiery one named Allen. And the one here is called Rook Blonko, but we just call him Rook.” Then he zipped over to Team Shine next and said “And finally, we have Team Shine here. We have Shine Boy, his lady Shine girl, his little brother Gamer, his bud Love Shine and uh…” He stopped in front of Night Shine, who looked at him with a stink eye, which he then went over to the Turtle Primes and said “That guy’s Luke. Just don’t call him Night Shine, he hates that name.” The Prime Turtles flexed their right eyes at that, whilst Prime Leonardo looked at Roland and the others and said “What about those three?” “This here is Obaki. That there is Roland. Those two are best buds.” Said Mikey, then he finally motioned to Venus and said “And this is Venus. And guess what…she’s, our sister.” The Prime Turtles were a little surprised by this as Michelangelo Prime said “Wait, we got a sister in another dimension?” “That’s a new one.” Said Donatello Prime. “So why are you mugs here?” said Raphael Prime whilst aiming his one sai at the newcomers. “It’s a bit of a long story.” Said Leo. “Fine then. Start talking.” Said Leonardo Prime. ***************************************************************************************** After much explaining… “So let me get this straight,” said Raphael Prime “In another world, Shredder killed us and all of our allies, these three are the only survivors, they helped you deal with Shredder’s new goons, then asked for your help, and now this Shredder somehow got to our world where he hopes to find a way to wipe out the entire Multiverse, and not just the Turtle worlds?” “That’s pretty much it, yeah.” Said Shine Boy. “It would make sense.” Said Donatello Prime “If the Shredder from your counterparts’ world failed to destroy our world to only focus on your worlds, then it would make sense to go to the source of reality, where all worlds are affected.” “Would explain them other folks who are here.” Said Michelangelo Prime. “Wait, what others?” said Donnie. “Don’t know,” said Leonardo Prime “But them goons left this behind when we beat some of them.” They tossed what appeared to be a robot’s head and a piece of armour. Taking the group by surprise. However, none were more surprised than Team Shine and Team Tennyson. “No way.” Said Ben as Kevin took an inspection. “Vilgaxian Drones.” Said Kevin, then looked at the others whilst saying “Vilgax is here.” “And if the Gem Knights are here.” Said Gamer when he took a good look at the armour “Then that means Lewej, Ripley and Gladitron are here too.” “Looks like you were right.” Said Keno “This Shredder really did recruit the others’ enemies.” “Did you also happen to see any of their Foot Bots yo?” said Keno to the Prime Turtles. “If you mean them fancy looking robots with the Foot Symbol on em?” asked Raphael Prime “Yeah, they’re here too. And some funny looking cat too.” “Tiger Claw?!” exclaimed the Turtles and Rainbooms. “He’s here too?!” said Karai. “If you mean that cat guy with a red eye and wearing red, yeah, him.” Said Michelangelo Prime. The others looked one another, with Roland saying “That would be the Tiger Claw from my world. When Shredder came back, he helped regrew his arm and tail, but also gave him a robotic eye to step up his game in combat. But be warned, he’s not like the Tiger Claw you know.” “He’s that bad?” said Sonata in worry. Roland looked down and said “He personally beheaded Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Wallflower and Sonata with a hardened heart and hatred and he kept their geodes as if they were trophies to him.” They widened their eyes in shock and horror, even Pinkie and Sonata were shocked, whilst Wallflower nearly fainted and Fluttershy clasped her mouth shut in horror whilst shedding tears. Raphael Prime looked at Roland and saw the look in his eye. He went over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder, saying “If they mean that much to you, then I promise you we’ll help you avenge him.” Roland then presented his hand to shake, which Raph Prime returned. “So, where do we go first?” asked Applejack. “We’ll head towards Hudson Street.” Said Donatello Prime “That’s where we spotted them.” “Then that’s where we’re going.” Said Twilight. “Alright teams, let’s go.” Said Leo as he and everyone else jumped towards the rooftops and went from city to city. As they jumped, Gamer looked around, then back to the others and said “You know, in a weird way, it kind of reminds me of those old comics I read. With familiar backgrounds and everything.” “Any year specific?” asked Mikey as he jumped alongside Gamer. “1984 if I’m guessing right.” Said Gamer. “Definitely feels that way.” Said Shine Boy as he jumped around. “Kind of reminds me of the Knight Avenger.” Said Obaki. He looked back at the others and said “Basically, in my dimension, after we bumped into Batman, we kinda made a comic book that’s almost based on him. Though we wanted to start out on something new.” “Huh, good to know.” Said Mikey. “Alright, cut the chatter, we’re almost there.” Said Leo whilst she was jumping ahead. After they got to one of the buildings, the Prime Turtles were the ones to arrive there first and look from the rooftops. “There, that the rest of them?” asked Michelangelo Prime. Everyone stood next to them and watched from the rooftops. They watched many Foot Bots walk in formation down the streets. But among them, were many Gem Knights and Vilgaxian Drones. “Whoa,” said Mondo “So those guys are the Gem Knights and Drones you talked about?” “Based on their crude designs, I’d say they are.” said Rockwell. “Are the Gem Knights really that tough?” asked Bandit Raccoon. “They are.” Said Shine Boy “But these guys are nothing in comparison of Lewej and Ripley. Especially their general Gladitron.” “And what about this Vilgax?” asked Mikey Prime, “Is he really that much of a threat?” “Do not take him lightly.” Said Mona Lisa “Vilgax is by far the fiercest warmonger that ever came to be. Even Lord Dregg, Triceratons and Krang dared not to face such a foe. He destroyed many innocent worlds, including the Crystal Sapiens.” “In other words, Diamond Head’s people.” Said Ben when he looked at the others. “The only few humans who were able to defeat him were both Maxwell Tennyson and his grandson.” Said Mona. “Yeah, but it turned out I bit off more than I could chew.” Said Ben “It took us with a ton of teammates to fight him.” “Yeah, even we had a hard time beating him.” Said Helen as she spoke for herself, Manny and Allen. “So what,” said Indigo Zap “We going to take them?” “It’s too risky.” Said Lemon Zest. “If we go down there, we’ll end up raising an alarm within the streets that would alert them, and maybe Shredder, to our location and if they find us, they’ll know what we’re up to.” Said Sugarcoat. “She does have a point.” Said Leonardo Prime. “So where are we going?” asked Applejack. “Our best bet would be Hell’s Kitchen.” Said Donatello Prime “Plenty of alleys there.” “We might find a small patrol there too.” Said Gamer “If we can somehow get a hold of one of the Foot Bots.” “We might be able to try and track their movements and what they’re doing.” Said Donnie. “Then we’d better double time it back, and fast.” Said Karai. Many of them instantly went to Hell’s Kitchen, jumping from rooftop to rooftop to make their way towards their destined target. They soon arrived and were standing on the rooftop whilst looking over. Leo signaled the Mutanimals, Dazzlings, Shadowbolts, Wallflower, Sapphire, Blade, Tempest and Ben 10’s team to remain on the rooftops whilst the Turtles, their Prime counterparts, Team Shine, Rainbooms, Roland, Venus, and Obaki jumped from the rooftops to hide behind the alleyways. Once they quickly hid, most of them peaked from them and lore and behold, they saw six Foot Bots, with one looking slightly taller, revealing to be its squad leader, scanning and looking around for something. “What are they looking for?” asked Rarity. “No doubt looking for one of them stones.” Said Applejack. “But why here?” said Twilight “Clearly they won’t find it in a place like this.” “Remember, New York is a big city,” said Shine Boy “They’re scanning for any potential place to find their target.” “So how do we take them out?” said Pinkie Pie. As some of them were debating on what to do, Roland on the other hand, looked at each of the Foot Bots and it’s leading bot, he instantly calculated on how to take them down. He took out his pistol, but suddenly placed a silencer on it. He also pulled out one of Sunset’s Kunai daggers, which surprised her when she saw what he did. “What are you…?” said Sunset in a whispered tone. “We could always…” said Shinigami before Roland suddenly darted towards them. “Roland.” Whispered Leo when he and the others saw him darting towards the Foot Bots. Before any of them could react, Roland’s calculation began to take form. He aimed his pistol to the right, shooting the first Foot Bot and taking it offline. The second noticed him, but Roland took him out next. The third was about to attack, but Roland killed it too. He did an automatic twist and jabbed the kunai dagger right into the fourth Foot Bot’s chest and shoved it away. He darted towards the squad leader Foot Bot and twisted its arm to its back, making it bend over. As he was behind it, he aimed his pistol over at the fifth and shot it down, then aimed his pistol at the one to the right and took it out too. Roland instantly jumped over the leading Foot Bot and kneed it in the head, allowing him to shoot at it three times at the chest, making it collapse on the ground with a metallic thud. Roland took a few breaths before turning to the others. To say all of them were stunned were exaggerated when they saw him easily take them down in ten seconds. He walked back towards the group as they exited from hiding, whilst at the same time, stood near one of the robots and pulled out the kunai dagger from its chest. He pulled out a cloth and cleaned it before handing it back to Sunset. “Sorry about taking it.” Said Roland “Don’t like to take stuff that isn’t mine, nor leaving them a mess and not cleaning it.” Sunset took her dagger back, whilst Leonardo Prime looked at the robots. Then back to Roland and said “Impressive. You took them down without making any noise or raining the alarm.” Soon the rest of the group from the rooftops landed and regrouped with the others. “Aw, but I wanted to trash some robots.” Said Indigo with a pout. “Hey, don’t worry, you’ll get the next one.” Said Keno whilst patting his girlfriend on the back. Rockwell looked at the robots and said “Interesting takedown.” “It was obvious of why he took them down like that and not messy like us.” Said Mikey. “It is?” said the others. Before Mikey was going to say anything. “Mikey,” said Roland, gaining his attention and gently spoke to him “First, observe your surroundings, think really hard, and then give the answer.” Mikey was a little curious about why he said that, but decided to do so. He looked around and was deep in thought. He first looked at the unique way the robots were destroyed. Then it suddenly clicked. “Oooh, now I get it.” Said Mikey. Then pointed out “We needed the robots intact so that our team brainiacs on the group would be able to hack into them to find out more of their plans, so he only focused on taking out the power cores in order to shut them down and not be able to raise any silent alarms, that way their memory cores would still be intact and our brainiacs can work on hacking into their systems to not only track Foot Bots, but also their objectives and where they think the next stone is located in this world.” Roland gestured to Mikey with a grin, whilst everyone else were greatly surprised by this by what he said. Venus couldn’t help but chuckle and said “That’s my little brother.” She petted his head whilst Mikey merely chuckled by the affections, he got from her. “Donnie, Rockwell, Twilight, Sugarcoat, Gamer, Gwen, Fugitoid.” Said Roland to the smart ones of the group, whilst pointing at the robots and said “You’re up.” The genius members of the groups immediately went over and started to hack the said robots, with Donnie and Gamer going over the lead robot. At the same time, the others began to look over at the robots. “Still hard to believe that these are the new Foot Bots.” Said Juniper whilst she was looking over them whilst adjusting her glasses. “This Shredder that you’re all facing really is different from the ones we fought before.” Said Leonardo Prime whilst picking up one of the robots. “That’s an understatement.” Said April “When Shredder came along, his Foot Clan were ordinary Ninjas.” “She’s not wrong there.” Said Karai “But after we encountered the Krang, they made robots that looked like our Foot Soldiers.” “Indeed.” Said Shinigami whilst she crouched and looked at one of the robots “These robots were modified, built stronger, equipped with its own arsenal of weapons that would help last longer in a fight.” “No kidding.” Said Sour Sweet “These robots gave us a hard time when we first fought them. We were fortunate that we regrouped, otherwise we would have been overrun.” “So they’re a little tougher,” said Raph “Not like we faced anything worse than that. I mean Equestrian monsters, Equestrian magic, new mutans, Cobra, VILE, crazy scientists, aliens, supervillains and so on, but we always got on top in the end.” “We just got lucky Raph,” said Leo “We were thankful enough we encountered plenty of our allies to help us out.” “Indeed.” Said Blade “Although that does not mean we have to rest on one’s laurels.” “Agreed,” said Tempest “Any foe we keep facing in the past are deemed dangerous for a reason.” “We never faced other villains before,” said Sapphire, “But fighting these things? I can see why you lot had trouble facing them the first time.” “Well they may be advanced fighters,” said Sonata “But they don’t develop instincts like we do.” “She does have a point.” Said Aria. “But they can adapt,” said Fugitoid “I wouldn’t be surprised if they developed a prediction algorithm that could cause them to adapt to our fighting style.” “You know I think they actually did that once.” Said Mikey “But that was long ago.” “Yeah, right before you dismissed and called your brother Lame-o-nardo.” Retorted Obaki. Mikey and Donnie winced at that, with Raph growling, not wanting to remember that again. “Okay, back to the bots.” Said Sour Sweet “We know they have built in weapons like full-fledged ninjas. They even know how to adapt to their surroundings.” “And they’re more coordinated.” Said Sunny Flare. “They nearly used half of every one of our tactics during a battle.” Said Slash. “They even know when to adapt both distance and close combat.” Said Pidgeon Pete. “The Krang performed much barbaric means,” said Leatherhead, “But what this Shredder is going. He has gone too far this time.” “Then what are we waiting for,” said Bandit Raccoon “Let’s find these guys and bring the fight to them.” “We need to find them first.” Said Muckman. They saw the Egghead group going through the data. “Any luck darlings?” asked Rarity. “Indeed miss Rarity,” said Fugitoid “And most of them aren’t good.” “According to this, they’ve already sent an advance force in this world.” Said Rockwell. “From what we can tell, they haven’t been able to send anything to Shredder yet,” said Donnie “More likely they were sent as a scouting group.” “They were merely being sent to find what they were looking for.” Said Twilight “Once they do, they would send an entire Battalion to occupy an entire city.” “Or destroy it.” Said Leonardo Prime “We’re not gonna let that happen.” “Any idea where we are supposed to go?” said Night Shine. “We’ve almost got it.” Said Gwen “But we should send most of the robots back to our ship in the meantime.” “Why the heck would we do that?” asked Indigo Zap. “It’s obvious that we needed to take the robots back with us so that we can further study it to find out if there are any weaknesses cause if we don’t, the next time we might not be so lucky when fighting them.” Said Sugarcoat. “Girl does have a point.” Said Gamer whilst going through his holographic console “But first thing’s first, we might wanna disable their tracking devices just in case.” “They look like this.” Said Fugitoid as he displayed a hologram of them. Rainbow decided to use her superspeed to go through the robots, then went back with a handful of them in her hands and said “These them?” “That’s about it.” Said Gwen. Rainbow once again used her speed to grab the robots and take them back to the ship, then came back and said. “Wow, I’m impressed.” Said Roland, “It took you about eight seconds.” “Eight seconds?!” said Rainbow surprised, “Sweet, that means I’m getting the hang of this.” They then heard a loud ping, when they looked, they saw Gamer had gone through the computer and had found their location. “Alright, I got their location.” Said Gamer. “Where are they located?” said Sapphire. “According to this,” said Donnie when he looked back “They’re located at New York City central park.” “Then that’s where we’re heading.” Said Sunset. “Let’s go guys.” Said Leo, allowing them to make their way to the rooftops once more. They ran on the top of the rooftops and sped all the way with posthaste. ********************************************************************************************** Very soon, the group arrived at New York Central Park. But they were staring from the edge of the building. Some were surprised to see what they were seeing. Towering machines being placed all over, hundreds of Foot Bots and Drones and Gem Knights all over the place. “Holy chalupa.” Said Donnie. “That’s a lot of bad guys.” Said Ben. “That’s enough to destroy half the city.” Said Love Shine. “I gotta hand it to em,” said Raphael Prime “This Shredder knows how to invade a city.” “How are we going to fight them?” said Sonata. “Ooh, how about a four way slice.” Said Mikey. The others looked at him confused as some said “What?” “You know, four slices, like a pizza, and making sure that they don’t get past our touch cheesy defenses.” Said Mikey. Everyone was baffled by what he said, but before any of them could comment. “So what you’re saying is,” said Roland “We form four different teams and surround them.” “Attack from all directions in order to catch them off guard.” Said Venus. “And we make sure that none of them escape or report in before anyone could figure out what we’re up to.” Concluded Obaki. “Precisely.” Said Mikey. Now all of them were really taken aback and baffled as they looked at the three. “How the heck did you…?!” said Raph, until Roland, Venus and Obaki gave him a dry look with flexed eyebrows. Raph then sighed and said “You’re right, dumb question.” “So who will go where?” said Shinigami. “We’ll have to attack on all fronts for this.” Said Roland as he made a holographic map in order for them to see. “The Turtles will attack from the North and the Prime Turtles will attack from the South. The Mutanimals will go to the East whilst the Rainbooms go to the West.” Said Roland. “Team Shine will be with me and the Prime Turtles.” “The Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings, Blade and Tempest will go with me and the Rainbooms.” Said Venus. “Fugitoid, Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, Wallflower, Sapphire, Keno and Juniper will go with the Turtles and me.” Said Obaki. “And Ben’s group will be with us.” Said Roland. “A sound plan, but we’d still be outnumbered.” Said Karai. “Then it is a good thing we came along.” They looked behind them and to their surprise, were none other than the Utrom Council, Sal Commander, Traximus, Zeno and Max Tennyson. “Grandpa?” said Ben “What are you doing here?” “After Rainbow Dash brought the robots to the ship, we immediately brought it onboard.” Said Grandpa Max. “But when we looked through the Intel, we realized that they had gathered a small army.” Said Patelliday. “Which is why we are doing the same.” Said Sal Commander. “You brought the army with you Commander?” said Mona Lisa surprised. “I have.” Said Sal Commander “When the council were informed, they were indeed troubled, so they sent a large Task Force to help with the problem whilst they gather their armies, should there be need of a battle.” “Commander G'Throkka informed us of what was happening,” said Traximus “So we, after you helped myself and Zeno out with the Triceraton Empire, we owed you ours and the future of our people’s lives. We are in your dept to see this through till the end.” “We also decided to help.” Said King “Thankfully the Utrom from Dimension X and our Home planet of your counterparts, we were able to combine our forces into a sizeable Task Force. So we will help in any way we can.” “That’s good.” Said Obaki “We were worried that we wouldn’t be enough.” “So these are your friends?” said Prime Leonardo as he looked at them. “Interesting bunch.” “So you four are the originals.” Said King. He shook Leonardo Prime’s hand and said “It’s an honor to meet you. Even from our dimension your exploits are well known.” “Alright, now that we’re all acquainted,” said Raphael Prime “I think it’s high time that we take care of business down there.” “Agreed.” Said Grandpa Max. “So who will go with who?” “The Plumbers will go with my group.” Said Roland. “The Salamandrians will go with the Mutanimals, the Utrom will go with the Turtles, and the Triceratons will go with the Rainbooms.” Roland could hear a silent “Yes” from the background, whilst he noticed that it came from Sour Sweet. He couldn’t help but smirk, for he could see her blushing when she saw Traximus. “Then let us be underway.” Said Sal Commander. *************************************************************************************************** From every direction of Central Park, the teams quickly made their way through different directions. The teams were going all around the park in order to surround the Foot Bots, Gem Knights and Drones. Especially any of their enemies that might be leading them. Once all of them were in position, all of them contacted one another. “This is the Southern Team, we’re ready.” Said Roland as he, the Prime Turtles, Team Shine, Ben 10’s team, Grandpa Max and the Plumbers were ready for a full on assault. “This is the Western Team, we’re all ready.” Said Venus as she, the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings, the Shadowbolts, Blade and Tempest, along with Traximus, Zeno and the Triceraton Forces were standing by. “This is the Eastern Team, we’re ready.” Said Slash as the Mutanimals were ready, along with Sal Commander and the Salamandrians “Northern Team is a go.” Said Obaki as he, the Turtles, Fugitoid, Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, Wallflower, Sapphire, Keno, Juniper and the Utrom Council and Utrom Troopers were in position too. “Alright everyone, let’s do this.” Said Roland. “And Commander G'Throkka? Would you like to do the honors?” “Oh, it would be my pleasure.” Said the smirking Commander as he stood up, revealing himself to the Foot Bots and Gem Knights. “Warriors!! ATTACK!!!” “RAKKA RAKKA!!!” shouted one of the Salamandrians as the Mutanimals, Sal Commander and the Salamandrians attacked. “Intruders!!” shouted one of the Vilgax Drones “Initiate Counter attack!!” The Foot Bots, Gem Knights, Vilgaxian Drones and Bioids attacked in full force. Slash smashed a few of them with his hammer and fists, Leatherhead roared and pounced on a few Gem Knights, Rockwell used his psychic abilities to launch them away in a different direction, Mondo Gecko was skating around and using his new gloves to punch a few Bioids away whilst skating around, with Pidgeon Pete using the blaster he was holding with his feet to blast a few Drones away from the skies. Mona Lisa punched, and kneed a few Foot Bots away. Some of them blocked her blade with her own, but she was able to make short work of them. At the same time, Sal Commander stood by her side using his sword and tail mace to make short work of them, especially with the help of his wrist blaster. “You were correct when we last spoke,” said Sal Commander “These warriors are truly formidable.” “They nearly defeated us had Venus not saved us.” Said Mona Lisa. “Then our troops will enjoy their new challenge.” Replied the Commander. Bandit Raccoon in the meantime pounced on one bad guy after the other and disabled their wires. Ray Fillet sliced them with his spear, Hokum Rabbit jumped from one place to another, planting explosives on them before they blew up. Muckman used his power to wash the bad guys away with garbage, Bebop used his dancing skills to blow up a few robots whilst Rocksteady bashed them to pieces. As the fight was going on, everyone saw the explosions from afar. “Alright then, let’s do this!!” shouted Roland as he was the first to lead, with Obaki following suit, as well as Venus. Everyone began to attack on all sides. From the Southern Team Roland used his pistol to shoot a few bots from left to right, whilst using his sword to slice them up. Leonardo Prime used his katanas to cut them to pieces, Raphael Prime jumped to the air and tackled a few bots from above, Donatello Prime jumped and rolled in the air a few times whilst bashing a few Gem Knights in the way, with Michelangelo Prime using his nunchucks to bash them away. Shine Boy jumped from the air and used his bo-staff to bash them left and right whilst deflecting blaster rounds. Shine Girl used her small staff and maneuvered around them. Gamer used his blade to slice them to pieces, with Love Shine smashing them, whilst at the same time, Night Shine empowered his blade with his black fire and sliced them to pieces like knife against butter. Ben transformed into Diamond Head and sliced them to pieces whilst covering the Plumbers. Gwen used her magic to blast them to pieces, Kevin took a piece of steel and transformed his body, allowing him to be resistant to blaster fire and punched a few away. Rook used his Proto-tool to blast a few away, Helen used her speed to disarm them whilst Manny smashed them, with Allen burning them from the skies, whilst Grandpa Pax and Patelliday led the Plumbers to shoot many of them down. From the Western Team The Western Team attacked with full force. Venus used her bladed Tessen to slice them. Sunset used her Kunai daggers to slice a few whilst throwing them at the same time. Rainbow Dash used her speed to quickly go around them whilst using her Naginata Spear to slice them. Rarity used her Diamond shields to block their attacks whilst using her Kama Sickles to slice them, Fluttershy used her Fukedake Blowgun to block and bash a few away whilst using her new darts to blow them up. Pinkie Pie used her sprinkles to disorient them whilst using her Bakuhatsugama sickle with weight chain to bash them. Twilight used her magic to throw them aside whilst stabbing them using her Kamayari Sickle Spear. Applejack used her superstrength to punch them away whilst cutting them using her Shuko hand claws whilst Spike helped by chewing out most of their wires. Adagio, Aria and Sonata teamed up using a new technique they’ve been working on to deal with larger forces. Sour Sweet used her chains to swing them around whilst using her daggers. When she chained a few Foot Bots, she literally ripped them in half when she pulled her chains, though she lightly blushed and smiled whilst she saw Traximus bash them away with his amazing strength, with Zeno backing him up whilst pounding a few Gem Knights. Sugarcoat twirled the chain from her Chigiriki Mace and twirled it around her whilst hitting a few drones away, before she vaulted over and used her chain to pull them and threw them in another direction. Lemon Zest used her Kanabo Clubs to bash a few Bioids left and right, whilst she jumped and twirled in the air before she delivered a strong kick, sending one of them flying, whilst Sunny Flare used her Katar Daggers to block and slice a few Drones, whilst she kneed one in the gut, elbowed it and jabbed the dagger behind its back. Just as a drone was about to attack from behind, Indigo threw her Guandao Spear, taking it down whilst she ran and jumped whilst pulling it out. “Watch your back!!” said Indigo as she assisted Sunny. Blade used his sword to slash a few robots whilst Tempest used her fists to make short work of them whilst the Triceratons helped smashed a few robots along the way. From the Northern Team The Northern Team attacked just as fiercely. Obaki used his wrist blades to slice them from left and right. Leo used his dual katanas to slice the robots in half. Donnie used his bo-staff to bash a few robots, then used it to hoist himself up and used the blade from within his spear to slice the next one in half. Raph used his sais and fists to bash some bots, then jumped in the air and tackled them over. “Booyakasha!!!” shouted Mikey before he used his nunchucks to bash them in the heads before kicking a few over, tornado style. Fugitoid uses his onboard weapons to blast a few Vilgaxian Drones away, whilst Casey skated by and shouted “Goongala!!” before he swung his puck and blew up a few Bioids. April used her fan and blade to slice a few Gem Knights, whilst using her psychic powers to blast them away. Karai used her blade to cut them down, whilst she kept shifting back and forth with her snake ability just to rip the Foot Bots’ power cores out. Shinigami used her Kusarigama to slice a few bots and kicked some away before rushing back to assist Karai. Wallflower jumped and kicked a few Gem Knights away whilst she used her Daburu Hidden Knives to stab a few Foot Bots and deflected the Vilgaxian Drones’ weapons. Sapphire backed her up whilst she used her Kama Hoko Yari Spear by using the paint brush side to block their sensors whilst using the spear to slice them in half. Keno performed acrobatic skills to kick and bash a few robots away using his Escrima Sparring Sticks whilst he backed up Juniper Montage as she cut a few Foot Bots down using her Nordachi Sword to cut a few down. “Good thing Nightwing taught me a few acrobatic moves when I last time saw him.” Said Keno “He was right, this really does help your body.” At the same time, King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Pawn and Knight fought the Foot Bots whilst the Utrom Troopers helped them out by giving them cover fire. So far, the attack had been working. Everyone began to get closer and closer to the center of the Foot Bot’s command center. Soon, everyone regrouped to the center, where some of the Foot Bots were still at work. “There they are!!” said Mikey. “Do you think they found it?!” said Twilight. “There’s no time to waste!!” said Gamer. “Let’s get it before…!” said Obaki before he was cut off when a laser was fired into a long line to keep them from passing them. “Little cubs, always think they’re grown predators.” Said a voice. When they looked up, they saw a familiar face, wearing some sort of attire that represents the new Foot Clan. “When they failed to realize, the Predator outranks everyone.” Said the face. “Tiger Claw.” Growled Roland. “Whoa,” said Mikey “Is it just me or does he have an upgrade?” “No robot hand.” Said Mondo Gecko. “No eyepatch but a robotic one.” Said Fugitoid. “And has a normal tail.” Said Pinkie Pie. “This Tiger Claw is definitely different.” Said Casey. “Even though he’s different, don’t underestimate him.” Said Leo as they were cautious. “Please, we can take him out easy.” Boasted Raph. “Like you thought Bane was easy?” said Obaki, which made Raph growl. “You punks have some nerve trying to attack our dimension.” Said Raphael Prime. “Now you’re going to regret ever setting foot in our dimension.’ Said Leonardo Prime. “Please.” Said Tiger Claw whilst rolling his eyes “You barely survived against Ch’Rell when he fought you to a standstill, what makes you think you can beat us this time?” As they were focused on him, Mikey widened his eyes a bit, for how did he know about it. He pondered it for a split second, before going back to paying attention to him. “Because we’re together with more this time!!” Said Applejack. “And we’re here to stop you from what your Shredder is planning!!” said Rainbow Dash. “And besides,” said Ben “We’ve beaten your robot cronies, so send more, we’ll make sure that they’re all trashed some more.” They heard a couple of chuckles. It nearly threw them off, but they remained focused. Then two being appeared. One was a large alien being appeared next to them, with another what appeared to be a Knight of sorts. And on Tiger Claw’s right, was a female decked in armour and a male who was by her side. “Still as overconfident as ever.” Said the large being. “Vilgax?!” said Ben surprised. “Never figured I’d ever see you again Joseph.” Said Max when he saw both Joseph Chadwick and Sir Morton. “It was very foolish of you to come here, Shine.” Said the female. “If it isn’t Lewej and Ripley.” Said Gamer in a sarcastic tone. “I’d say it’s good to see you again, but then we’d be lying.” Said Love Shine. “Why are you even siding with the Shredder Lewej?!” demanded Shine Boy “You never worked alongside anyone except use them for your own selfish benefits!!” “And if you plan to wipe out all life, you’d be wiped out too!!” shouted Shine Girl. “As the humans on your world would say; Totally worth it.” Said Lewej. “And if you think we came alone, think again.” Said Ripley. Appearing in front of them were many enemies. In front of them, were Team Shine’s enemy, Gladitron. Whilst appearing all around him were Kraab, Rojo and her crew, Vulkanus, Clancy, aka, Bug Man, Dr. Animo, Thumbskull, Acid Breath, Frightwig, Albedo, Charm caster, and two bounty hunters, Sixisix and Sevenseven. Everyone were surprised to see some familiar faces, with Keno saying “Wow, never thought I’d meet alien robots.” Casey then recognized a few and said “Wait, is that General Griffin and Skonk?!” “And Dr. Abigail Finn?!!” said Fluttershy surprised. To their shock, they were, for they were standing in front of the others. Roland then noticed them wearing Forever Knight armour, with Roland, seeing that he knew them, said “Wow, Griffin, Skonk and Dr. Abigail, being alien haters and monster hunting wasn’t bad enough for you?! You had to sign up with the Forever Psychos and Shred head’s group too?!!” “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the likes of you are destroyed.” Said Griffin. “And I’ll make sure I’ll expose every single one of you as the monsters you are.” Said Dr. Abigail. “You brought that to yourself you crazy witch!!” shouted Mikey. “He’s right,” said Fluttershy “You tried to capture a monster and take her away from her cubs!! You were going to make orphans of them!!” “And we already had to deal with a crazy general who treated all aliens like monsters without giving them a chance or turned into the proper authorities!!” said Gwen. “Besides, there’s a reason why they’re all hidden!!” said Donnie. “Monsters, Aliens and the lot would be constantly hunted and chaos would ensue on the world!!” said Shine Boy. “And besides, didn’t you read the news?!!” said Allen “Aliens now live among the humans in Bellwood, soon the world would be part of the alien galactic community, and you’re destroying everything what other heroes stood for!!” “Shut up!!” shouted Skonk. “We will have our revenge, and we’ll start with all of you!!” Roland whispered to Leo. “You, Sunset, Slash, Leonardo Prime, Shine Boy and Grandpa Max try to get inside and find out where that stone is located. We’ll keep them busy. And take Donnie, Twilight, Fugitoid, Gamer and Dr. Rockwell with you.” Leo nodded in agreement, whilst motioning the said groups to go with him. “Warriors, take them down!!” shouted Venus as they began to lead the attack, whilst Leo and his group immediately left to get inside their mobile base to see if what they’re looking for is there, whilst at the same time, the troops from different groups would keep the remaining Foot Bots and Aliens busy. Ben turned into Four Arms and immediately attacked Vilgax head on, with Leatherhead, Ray Fillet and Bebop following in pursuit. Vilgax jumped off of the rail and fought them head on. Vilgax and Ben exchange blows, until Leatherhead jumped from behind and bit the alien warlord’s shoulder, whilst Ray Fillet used his spear to slash against him, with Bebop delivering a sweeping high kick against his face. Lewej used her gem powers to float down and fire, but Shine Girl jumped up and bashed her against the head. She then blocked both April and Rarity as they attacked her from all around. Karai used her snake form to wrap herself around Lewej, with Adagio delivering a strong punch to the face, Rarity tripping her from behind, but she quickly recovered and fought back. Ripley pulled out his blade and attacked, with Night Shine, Raphael and Blade attacking head. Raphael punched and jabbed with his sais whilst Ripley countered them. He then fought Blade as the two of them clashed. “You fight well.” Said Ripley with a smirk “You should join us.” “I made that mistake with the Storm King and Dark Codex a long time ago. I refuse to let it happen again.” “An unwise an...” He was sucker punched by Night Shine, whilst also clashing blades. “You talk too much.” Said Night Shine as he delivered a knee to the gut, with Raph tackling Lewej from behind. Gladitron attacked with his blaster and mace. Love Shine and Gladitron traded blows, whilst Applejack tackled from behind and grabbed him from behind the waist, tossed him up in the air, only for Sour Sweet to use her chains to grab him and threw him hard whilst she was in the air, with Traximus grabbing him from the leg and threw him hard, whilst he was able to catch Sour Sweet. “Impressive.” Said Traximus “You have certainly improved last we saw.” “Well,” said Sour Sweet as she twirled her ponytail for a bit whilst blushing a bit “I have been keeping up with my training.” They saw Gladitron ready for more. She looked back and said “To be continued.” “Agreed.” Said Traximus as she and Sour Sweet continued with their attack. Roland, Obaki, and Venus fought with all their might against Tiger Claw. As Tiger Claw fought with his blade and blaster, Roland fought using his dual pistols to shoot whilst he jumped over, pulled out his sword and struck, only for it to be blocked, Obaki used his claws to strike left and right, only for him to be kicked away, Venus used her Tessen bladed fan, but was still not being able to crack through Tiger’s defense. The Utrom Council members, King, Queen and Bishop faced down Griffin, with Casey siding with them, wanting to have payback to the general. “Even after we tried to show you the error of your ways, you have failed humanity.” Said Bishop. “I will do whatever it takes to make sure alien filth like you are wiped from this world.” Said Griffin. “You truly have lost your way, General.” Said King “We helped your kind build its defenses to defend those who would be deemed threats, yet from what I’ve seen, it’s you who are the threat here.” “And we will see to it that you pay for your crimes.” Said Queen. The three of them engaged in combat against Griffin, who proved to be quite the formidable form. “You truly are fools, I have learnt a lot since our last…” said Griffin before he was electrocuted from behind. Revealing to be Casey Jones as he gave a hard swing against the General’s head. “That was for trying to dissect me, yo!!” shouted Casey as he charged at the General. At the same time, Rook, Pawn and the new Knight fought against Skonk, who had an axe to grind against aliens. “All of you have robbed everything from me!!” shouted Skonk “And I will make you pay for it!!” “For the last time, we are not the Krang!!” shouted Rook as she shot her blasters. “Qui, you are ze deluded!!” shouted Pawn as he shot back. “You have lost your way, Skonk!!” shouted Knight “We too were robbed when one of our own betrayed us!! But you are blinded by your own grief you fail to see what was right in front of you!!” At the same time, Mikey and Pinkie fought Dr. Abigail. Though she may not have Tranquilizer darts, she is pretty handy with a blaster. “You brats costed me everything!!” shouted Dr. Abigail “I will make sure that all of you pay for what you did to my career!!” “Is that all you care about?!!” shouted Mikey “You were the one who wouldn’t stop hurting that poor monster!! She was just trying to protect her young, like any parent would!!” “You even tried to threaten my friends!!” shouted Pinkie “No one threatens my friends!! Not even you!!” Pinkie threw her sprinkles at Dr. Abigail, causing her to be disoriented, allowing Pinkie to use her chain and snatched the doctor’s leg, allowing her to pull the bad doctor towards her. Mikey slide on the ground and kicked her in the air, allowing Pinkie to give her a strong roundhouse kick. At the same time, Dr. Animo used his helmet to control the frog to try and snatch the shy girl and athlete, but they were able to jump out of the way. “You pests are as annoying as that Tennyson brat.” Said Animo. “No matter, as soon as I’m through with you, I will harness your DNA and use your power for my own!!” Rainbow kicked one of Animo’s mutant bugs away, then shouted “How many times do we have to tell you, we’re not aliens!! You’re as dense and stupid as that Skonk guy!!” Fluttershy faced a few bugs and used her darts to knock them out. Fluttershy then jumped and landed in front of Animo. Said girl looked at him in anger. “AAAARGH!!” screamed Animo in fright “Scary animal girl!!” “Nobody uses these animals for freak experiments!!” shouted Fluttershy, causing said girl to beat the tar out of him the moment she tackled him over. Rainbow, along with Mikey and Pinkie (After knocking out the good doctor), watched as Fluttershy beat up Animo. “Wow,” said Mikey “She’s really letting him have it.” “I think she’s still mad when we last time bumped into him,” said Pinkie “When she found out what he does to animals, she really lost her cupcakes.” “Tell me about it.” Said Rainbow “She really put that guy in the intensive care unit.” “I know right,” said Mikey “Remember what she did to that Poacher guy whilst we were helping the GI Joes?” They all shuddered at that. At the same time, Raphael Prime and Sugarcoat were busy trying to get past Kraab. He would sometimes throw Grenades at them and use his claw blaster to try and shoot them. “Tennyson had always been evenly matched against me,” said Kraab “The least you could do was give me a proper challenge.” Sugarcoat used the chain from her Chigiriki Mace to wrap it around Kraab’s claw, allowing her to pull it down, whilst Raphael Prime attacked from behind and jabbed both his sais into the Kraab’s back, causing him to short circuit and be disabled before he crashed onto the ground. “At least we’re not cocky and overconfident when it comes to fighting bad guys or we’d end up losing and fall flat on our backs like you did.” Said Sugarcoat. “Well said.” Said Raphael Prime as he pulled out his sais. Whilst the fighting was going on outside, Leo, Sunset, Leonardo Prime, Shine Boy and Grandpa Max were watching their surroundings as they made their way to the command center. Grandpa Max placed a hacking module on the keypad, allowing it to hack the door and open it. Grandpa Max aimed his blaster, with Leo holding one of his Katanas at the ready. They saw the coast was clear, allowing Leo to motion them to move in. With that in mind, Donnie, Twilight, Fugitoid, Gamer and Dr. Rockwell went inside, with the others following suit as they were able to close the door behind them. After they got inside, they immediately went over to the console and look it over. “Fascinating,” said Donnie in fascination “This technology is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” “Indeed,” said Dr. Rockwell, “The Foot Clan from the other dimension are more organized that we realize.” “And their technology are more sophisticated than we anticipated.” Said Fugitoid. “Think you guys can hack this?” asked Leo. “It’ll take some time.” Said Twilight as she pulled out her spider bot that she made back at Dakota city when they helped Static, “But we’ll be able to hack this.” “In the meantime, watch our backs.” Said Gamer as he also took out his laptop in order to hack it “We don’t want any…” The doors suddenly burst opened, revealing a large platoon of Foot Bots and Vilgaxian Drones, armed to the teeth. “Trouble on our backs.” Said Gamer, then face palmed whilst saying “Of course they’d suspect we’d come in here.” Leo (pulling out his dual katanas), Sunset (pulling out her Kunai daggers), Leonardo Prime (pulling out his dual katanas), Shine Boy (pulling out his retractable bo-staff) and Grandpa Max (whilst aiming his blaster rifle), stood in front of the brainiacs of the group whilst arming themselves too. “Never mind them,” said Leonardo Prime “You lot do what you can to hack through that device, we’ll deal with these chumps.” “Take them down!!” shouted Sunset, causing them to attack head on. Sixisix continued to fly around the air and used his missiles to shoot at his targets. Rook used his blaster to blast the missiles right out of the sky, allowing both Lemon Zest and Aria to attack from both sides. The alien chattered in its own language. “You know, you really shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.” Boasted Lemon Zest “Because we can’t understand a single word you’re saying.” Sixisix pulled out his pistols and shot them from all around. Lemon Zest used her clubs to deflect them, whilst Aria was able to jump from behind and uses her Tri-Baton to wrap it around Sixisix’s neck. She pulled him, which left him unbalanced. “Rook, take the shot!!” shouted Aria. Rook was able to fire the shot, allowing Aria to jump up, causing the shot to hit his jetpack. Sixisix flew out of control straight towards Lemon Zest. “Batter up!!” shouted Lemon Zest, allowing her to strike Sixisix in the head, making his helmet shatter before he collapsed onto the ground. Rook and Aria regrouped, with Rook saying “You two are quite skilled. I am very pleased to fight alongside you.” “The feeling’s mutual.” Said Lemon Zest with a smirk whilst she held her club over her shoulder, with Aria smirking as well. Donatello Prime, Sonata and Sunny Flare were busy fighting Sevenseven, who decided to fight in close quarter combat. Sonata and Sunny blocked and sliced a few times, with Donatello Prime having just as much trouble. “Gotta hand it to him,” said Donatello Prime “He really knows how to fight.” “For realsies.” Said Sonata, “We gotta try to take this guy down.” “I got it covered.” Said Sunny Flare as she charged forward. Sevenseven ended up pulling out his pistols and began to shoot, but Sunny ended up darting back and forth whilst she charged. ‘I gotta remember to thank my coach and Leo for teaching me how to be light on my feet.’ Thought Sunny to herself. She tossed one of her Katar Daggers, allowing him to disable Sevenseven’s weapons. Sonata was able to jump and use one of her Tonabas to knock him sideways, allowing Donatello Prime to jump from behind and give a hard whack onto Sevenseven’s head, knocking him out cold. “Knows how to fight,” said Donatello Prime as he held the bo-staff over his shoulder, “But easily beaten like a chump.” “No kidding,” said Sunny Flare as she picked up her dagger “The Rainbooms are much more of a challenge than that.” “For realsies.” Said Sonata, knowing the feeling. Kevin, at the same time, was able to absorb a piece of the Foot Bot’s armour. After his body was encased, he charged towards one of Rojo’s crew. As one of the crewman kept firing, the blast kept bouncing off of Kevin thanks to his armour. The moment he was close enough, he punched her in the ribcage, then the gut, then kicked the side of her leg and gave her a strong uppercut. After knocking her out cold, Kevin looked at himself over. “Got a hand it to the Foot Bots,” said Kevin “They produce strong armour.” Indigo charged towards one of Rojo’s second member. He used her Guandao Spear and deflected her blast. Then she jumped in the air and did a spinning somersault. When she got close enough, she struck her blade, allowing her to disable her suit and knocking her out. “Aw yeah!” exclaimed Indigo “Now that was awesome!!” Tempest fought Rojo head on with fist to fist. At first, Tempest had trouble because of her human body, but thanks to her military training, she was able to stand a better chance. “You’re quite the opponent.” Said Rojo “You should consider joining us.” “I made that mistake once.” Said Tempest sternly. She threw a smoke bomb into Rojo’s face, disorienting her, until she was caught off guard as Tempest delivered a hard uppercut, making Rojo fly in the air and crashed on the ground hard. As she groaned, Tempest walked over to her and said whilst holding the side of her hip “Never again.” Albedo used his version of his Omnitrix to turn into Ultimate Spider-Monkey, shooting webs and trying to take them down, whilst at the same time, Patelliday was shooting at the traitorous Galvin, whilst Pidgeon Pete used his blasters to distract him whilst Hokum Rabbit looked for an opening. “You weak-minded fools will never defeat a superior intellect like mine!!” shouted Albedo as he kept tossing heavy objects. “Is he always this talkative?” asked Pidgeon Pete. “I believe young Ben Tennyson can tell you stories about him.” Said Patelliday before he fired his blaster. Hokum waited for the perfect move. And just when Albedo turned around, Hokum jumped up high in the air and kicked Albedo hard. Seeing that there was an opportunity, Patelliday used his stun blaster to knock him out cold, whilst Pidgeon Pete shot Albedo’s Omnitrix, causing him to return back to normal. Hokum was a little surprised and said “He was a kid?” “Not really.” Said Patelliday “He used to be like Azmuth, but according to his file, he believes he is more intelligent and believes that Ben was unworthy to wear it and thinks that it was Ben’s fault for being in his form and takes credit that he didn’t earn.” “So in other words, he’s an overconfident alien, thinking he’s better than anyone else and blames others for his mistakes and likes to hog the glory for himself?” said Pidgeon Pete. “Precisely.” “Dang.” Said Hokum whilst he adjusted his hat “And I thought a handful of folks I know had extremely bigger egos than this.” At the same time, Gwen, whilst fighting in her Anodite form, fired her magic against Charmcaster, whilst Shinigami used her own magic to try and get past her. “You really are a challenge,” said Charmcaster, “Too bad you’re not in my league.” “As are you.” Charmcaster looked behind and saw her Uncle. “Uncle?!” exclaimed Charmcaster. “You’re nothing but a weak child, playing with things you do not understand.” Said her uncle, “You are forever a disgrace. I cannot believe that your father asked me to look after you.” Charmcaster got angry and was about to attack, until she felt something really heavy hit behind her head. She then collapsed, revealing to be Shinigami, who knocked her out with her weapon. Both her and Gwen approached Charmcaster’s uncle. “That was a little overboard, don’t you think Lucy?” asked Gwen. Charmcaster’s “Uncle” suddenly morphed into a sixteen year old girl with a grin on her face. “Sorry about that,” said Lucy “I sometimes get a little too deep.” “Although I must confess, you really outdid yourself.” Said Shinigami whilst smiling, “I’m impressed.” “Thanks new bestie.” Said Lucy as she hugged Shinigami. At the same time from inside HQ, then infiltrators were having some trouble. Leonardo jumped in the air and performed a spinning kick whilst slicing a few of the robots to pieces. Sunset rolled and fought with her Kunai Daggers, but once she was in position, she threw them with all her might, destroying a few in the process. Leonardo Prime fought with his fist and sword, ploughing through as if they were nothing to him, Shine Boy used his acrobatic skills to jump around and kicked a few away whilst using his retractable bo-staff to knock a few away. Grandpa Max was standing his ground and using his blaster to give the others cover fire. “How’s it going over there?!!” shouted Grandpa Max. “Having difficulty trying to getting past their mainframe!!” said Fugitoid whilst he was hacking. “And trying to get past security protocols!!” shouted Gamer. “Indeed, we are having some trouble getting through!!” shouted Dr. Rockwell. Donnie noticed something and said “Wait, we’re almost through!! Twilight!!” “I’m on it!!” said Twilight as she hacked through the terminal. At the same time, right outside, Clancy kept unleashing his bugs whilst he flew around, which left Allen, Muck Man and Keno surrounded. “Man, this guy is in serious need of therapy and an exterminator.” Said Allen. “I agree,” said Muck Man, “There’s only so much a man can take.” “Wait, I have an idea,” said Keno “Try to make me an opening, I think I can take him down.” “You got it.” Said Allen as he and Muck Man attacked head on. Allen used his fire to burn them a path towards the way, with Muck Man using as much of his garbage to try and clear a path for them. Once he had a clear shot, Keno darted straight towards the bug faced freak. He jumped up and used his sparring sticks to hit him left and right, then to the gut, whilst delivering a very strong spinning kick against his face, but then used his sticks to knock the bug out cold. Keno landed on both his feet whilst both Allen and Muck Man regrouped with him. “Nice one.” Said Allen as she fist bumped Keno. “Indeed,” said Muck Man “You certainly made short work of them.” “Let’s just say my time with the turtles taught me a lot of things.” At the same time, Mondo Gecko rode around in his skateboard, dodging Thumbskull’s attacks to and fro. “Ha!! Too slow bra!!” said Mondo whilst dodging Thumbskull. Until Thumbskull was able to get a punch in, making Gecko land on his back. He then groaned “Oh…major wipeout.” Thumbskull grabbed Mondo, lifted him up and said “You talk too much. You think you could honestly beat me?” “Wasn’t trying to bra.” Said Mondo with a cheeky grin “I was merely a distraction.” Thumbskull was a little surprised, until he saw Manny coming along. He constantly beat him over and over, until he was finally able to give him a punch strong enough to knock him out. “Nice work.” Said Manny. “You really know how to get their attention.” “Got taught by some of the best peeps bra.” Said Mondo “Sometimes we all need friends to help inspire us.” “I hear that.” Said Manny before the two fist bumped. Frightwig uses her hair tentacles to try and grab her targets, but Michelangelo Prime, Wallflower and Juniper kept jumping around, trying to dodge them. But at the same time, Juniper and Wallflower used their weapons to slice some of her hair tentacles before they had a chance to reach her. “No one messes with my hair!!” shouted Frightwig as she kept trying again. “And I thought I had hair issues whenever I try to groom myself.” Said Juniper. “Tell me about it,” said Wallflower “Not to mention the hard work one does.” “You two make sure you keep her distracted,” said Michelangelo Prime, “I got her right where I want her.” As the girls kept Frightwig busy, Michelangelo Prime suddenly jumped in between and used his nunchucks to wrap her hair up, causing her to be trapped in them. “Now!!” shouted Michelangelo Prime. Both Juniper and Wallflower immediately charged forward, jumped up and both of them gave her a hard punch to the face, causing her to fall over unconscious. Whilst she was done, they quickly used her hair to tie her up so that she doesn’t plan to escape. As Michelangelo Prime placed his Nunchucks away, he said to the girls “You know, for an introverted botanist and a movie jock, you girls really know how to fight and throw a punch.” “Well, it was thanks to our friends we learned a lot of new things.” Said Wallflower sheepishly. “And it will also help me learn how to move like a ninja when I one day study to become an actress the right way.” Responded Juniper. At the same time, Acid Breath kept using his, well, Acid Breath to melt everything in his path, causing Helen to use her speed to dodge the former circus freak, whilst Sapphire and Bandit used their agility to quickly jump out of the way. “Geez,” said Bandit after they landed “And people say my breath stinks.” “Too bad there aren’t any mouthwash strong enough to give him a proper breath.” Said Sapphire. “We’ll need to find a way to seal his mouth somehow.” Said Helen. “We’ll try to keep it busy,” said Bandit “You figure out what we’ll need to cool it off.” As Sapphire and Bandit charged, Helen blinked by what Bandit had said. “Wait, cool off?”, she then gasped and said “That’s it!!” She quickly used her speed to rush back to their transports. When she arrived, she looked at her transports, but couldn’t find it. Then she went to Fugitoid’s ship and looked through, until she found a cryogenic liquid. “Perfect.” Said Helen before she grabbed it and rushed right on out. Bandit and Sapphire kept jumping about, whilst Acid Breath growled and said “Will you hold still?!!” “Sorry,” said Bandit “But if you read your animal books, Raccoons don’t ever stand still for nobody!!” “And even though artists need to stand still when painting,” said Sapphire “We also need to move when it comes to art!!” Then Helen came along and shouted “And you’re breath is really bad!! So you need to cool off!!” Helen threw the canister with all her might, causing it to explode on impact, causing the liquid to cover him. As he screamed, he was instantly encased in ice, making him unable to move. “Wow, nice one Helen.” Said Sapphire. “Thanks.” Said Helen. “But uh, won’t that stuff kill him?” asked Bandit as he tapped onto the frozen Acid Breath. “Don’t worry,” said Helen “I tampered with it a bit before I came here.” At the same time, both Zeno and Rocksteady were fighting against Vulkanus, trying to match strength for strength. “Rocksteady admits one thing,” said Rocksteady as he and Zeno were exchanging fists with Vulkanus, “Bad alien know how to fight.” “I got plenty more of those where that came from!!” shouted Vulkanus. “Too bad you’re not at full strength!!” shouted Zeno as he grabbed Vulkanus’ arm and yanked it off. “What the?!” exclaimed Rocksteady. “He has a robot body!!” said Zeno as he tossed the arm away “Tear it to pieces!!” The two of them charged and ended up ripping his robot body to pieces. Once that was done, Zeno pulled him out, revealing his tiny body. “Aw, not again!!” exclaimed Vulkanus before crossing his arms. “Bad alien really tiny baby alien?” said a confused Rocksteady. “From what I heard,” said Zeno as he looked at Rocksteady “When he last time faced Ben Tennyson, he ended up getting his body blown up. His head survived, but the rest of his body was reduced to a larva like state. His kind has a special regenerative ability, but it takes time for them to be restored.” “As turtle friend would say, that’s freaky.” Said Rocksteady. “Tell me about it.” Said Zeno. “I’m still hanging around here!!” said Vulkanus, feeling insulted as if they acted, he wasn’t in the same room. Both Sal Commander and Mona Lisa continued to fight Newtralizer as they exchanged blaster fire and blows. Even though with his built in weaponry, Newtralizer was still a dangerous foe to be reckoned with. Newtralizer growled and said “Even in this dimension, you continue to hunt me G'Throkka!!” “You are a traitor to the Salamandrian Empire K'Vathrak!!” shouted Sal Commander “You betrayed me to our enemies when we fought together, and you will pay for your betrayal!!” The Salamandrians continued to exchange blades with one another. That was, until Roland came from out of nowhere and kicked the Newtralizer sideways. The Newtralizer growled as he looked at Roland. “Do not interfere in Salamandrian matters!!” shouted Newtralizer. “You already did that the day you came to Earth.” Said Roland before he pounded his fists together “Now this is personal!!” The two of them continued to exchange fists, until Roland pulled out dust and blew it against his opponent’s eyes, making him scream in pain, which allowed both Sal Commander and Mona Lisa to finish him off by knocking him out. “Our thanks, fellow warrior.” Said Sal Commander. Roland bowed and said “My pleasure.” He stood up and said “In case you wonder, it’s how we show respect to other warriors. Just in case there might be a misunderstanding.” “Ah yes,” said Sal Commander, remembering that day “Our apologies for that misunderstanding.” At the same time, from within the Command center, the fighting continued to intensify. Leo, Slash, Sunset, Leonardo Prime, Shine Boy and Grandpa Max were able to finish off most of them, which allowed them some breathing room. “How are we looking here?!” exclaimed Slash. Gamer then disconnected his computer, looked back to them and said “We got what we came for, let’s go!!” They soon ran out to rejoin the others and help them turn the tide of the battle whilst they try to get outside. The moment they got outside, half of their enemies were beaten and unconscious whilst some kept on fighting, whilst at the same time, many of their allies, the Utrom, the Salamandrians, the Plumbers and the Triceratons were able to beat their armies about halfway, meaning they were making some good progress. “Guys!!” shouted Leo when most of the heroes regrouped. “We got what we came for and erased their data before we left!!” said Donnie. “That’s great!!” said Ben. “Now all we have to do is…” said Fugitoid before he was suddenly blown to bits, leaving only his head. “Oh dear.” “Fugitoid!!” exclaimed the others in shock, before they heard another scream after he was being pulled. They saw Roland being engulfed with electricity as he cried out in pain, then being pulled back at least a few feet away from them. But then he was on all fours whilst he was being engulfed with electricity, curtesy of Gladitron, whilst he was holding a mace of some sorts and electrocuted him in order to make him submit, which shocked the rest of the group. “Roland!!” exclaimed some of them when they saw him in that position. Whilst at the same time, Lewej, Ripley, General Griffin, Dr. Abigail, Skonk and Vilgax regrouped a foot away from him, whilst their remaining troops were carrying the other villains via portal of their own. “Now then,” said Vilgax “Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to surrender what information you have on you, and we might spare him. If not….” Gladitron caused the hammer to generate more energy that made Roland hurt more, which caused many of them to hesitate. Roland saw this, he wasn’t going to let this happen. He had to do something. He then knew what he had to do, and in this case, he didn’t have a choice whilst he saw that they were going to make up their minds. Leo sighed in defeat and said “Do what he…” When all of a sudden, Roland slammed his fist onto the ground, making a sudden crack, taking everyone by surprise on both sides. He did the same using his right fist. Then planted his right foot onto the ground and growled, as if he was trying to resist whilst attempting to do something. He forced himself up with great force whilst groaning from the electricity. “Wait,” said Gladitron as he was partially surprised by what he was seeing “What are you…?” Within a split second, Roland gripped both his fists and screamed in rage, whilst at the same time, he was engulfed what appeared to be fire from his fists, wrists, shoulders and back, shocking both sides when they saw what he was doing. Roland then looked at Gladitron with his eyes set aflame. “What the…?!!” exclaimed Gladitron when he saw Roland, especially since he was moving towards him in a slow manner. “Stay back!!” But Roland didn’t listen, as he still kept on going, growling like a monster as he made his way towards Gladitron. Gamer on the other hand, squinted his eyes and said “It can’t be.” “What is it?” said Shine Girl when she heard Gamer. “That power,” said Gamer “I felt like I’ve seen it somewhere before.” Roland still made his way towards Gladitron. Decided to go for the offense, Gladitron tried to strike Roland with his mace, but Roland ended up catching his wrist and looked straight at him. “ROLAND SMASH GLADITRON!!!” shouted Roland. And with one swift movement from his arm, Roland punched Gladitron so hard, he ended up flying a few feet away, but landed on both his feet whilst skidding on the ground. He looked at Roland as the latter charged straight towards him, but at the same time, ended up grabbing a nearby rock, causing him to use the sudden power to turn it into an axe. He threw the stone axe with all his might, but so too did Gladitron with his mace, causing both weapons to collide. When they bounced from one another, both Roland and Gladitron grabbed their weapons and they clashed once more, causing sparks to fly from both sides as they collided. Before Gladitron could react, Roland headbutted him in the head, allowing Roland to grab his mace and smacked him so hard, he ended up flying upwards for a few feet, with Roland jumping after him, grabbed him by the leg and threw him hard into the ground, with Roland catching up and delivered an elbow slam onto his chest. As Roland got up and held his stone like axe in his left hand, he stomped on the ground hard, making Gladitron lift himself up in the air, along with the mace. Roland ended up grabbing it and used it to bash Gladitron hard, making the warrior crash against a large rock, which surprised the others when they saw someone actually giving Gladitron a beating. Gladitron struggled to stand up straight whilst he looked at Roland. Roland on the other hand, whilst he kept his stare, but then stared at the weapons in his hands. He suddenly tossed them away and charged straight towards the warrior. He tackled Gladitron against the rock, and before he could react, Roland began to punch Gladitron hard in the face. Then he punched left, right, southeast, northwest, southwest, northeast, then grabbed his head and kneed it hard, before punching him twice in the face. Roland continued to punch Gladitron senselessly as both sides watched the beatdown he was giving him. Gladitron was close to his knees, until Roland kicked him hard, making him crash onto the ground. Roland then walked over to Gladitron. The said warrior was groaning in pain, but it wasn’t going to stop him as he lifted his head. But Roland grabbed a robot’s head whilst walking over to him. “You little…” said an injured and angered Gladitron whilst lifting his head, “I will not be intimidated by an…” But before Gladitron could react, Roland bashed the robot’s head against Gladitron’s head a couple of times whilst shouting “THIS!! ISN’T!! YOUR!! TO!! CONQUER!! ANYMORE!!” He gave another bash, causing the said warrior to be knocked out and collapsed. Many were shocked to see Roland giving Gladitron a beating. He tossed the robot’s head away, then looked at General Griffin sharply. He then used his own rope dart as it pierced through Griffin’s shoulder, making him shout in pain. Roland then took a grip on the rope dart. “GET OVER HERE!!” shouted Roland as he ended up pulling not just General Griffin, but Skonk as well. Roland used a clothes’ line to knock the general out, but grabbed Skonk by the throat and looked at him directly. “Let go of me you freak!!” shouted a strained Skonk. “You know, I’m actually glad that your family’s dead.” Said Roland, which shocked Skonk and the others by what he said. “So that none of them would be alive to see the kind of monster you’ve become!!” “I just wanted to wipe out the alien filth that destroyed my family!!” “And what of your sister?” Said Roland, which took him by surprise. “Did you know the day that you wanted to blow up New York, she went into labor that day. But she chose to go to New York. She gave birth to fraternal twins. She name her one son after you. But then again what would she said if she found out that you were a monster.” Skonk then paled, not realizing his sister had been there that day. “But then again you won’t remember of being one.” Said Roland. Roland then grabbed Skonk’s head and said in backwards “*Erase and permanently alter memories*” Skonk then screamed in agony and pain as his mind was being altered, which shocked many by what he was doing. Once he was done, Roland released Skonk, making him fall on top of Griffin. He grabbed Gladitron and tossed him back to Vilgax and the others. “We’ll be keeping the stone and humans.” Said Roland. “But know this, next time we meet, I won’t show mercy next time.” Getting the message, Vilgax and the others quickly left through the portal before things could get worse. Roland panted a few times during his heated moment whilst everyone else stared at him stunned. When all of a sudden, he clutched onto the side of his chest, feeling like he was having a heart attack whilst collapsing onto the ground and had a seizure too, which shocked the others. “He’s having a seizure!!” shouted Gamer. Venus and Obaki quickly got to action. As Obaki held Roland’s arms behind his back, Venus pulled out what appeared to be a mask with chemicals attached to it. She planted the mask onto his face, causing to hum and gurgle at the same time, which seems to be having an effect. The fire on his body immediately died out, making him return back to normal as he was partially conscious. After she removed the mask, she looked at him whilst the others gathered. Venus instantly slapped Roland, which caused the others to wince at that. “What were you thinking?!!” shouted Venus as she held onto his shoulders after Obaki let him go, “Do you have any idea how dangerous it was, you could’ve died!!” “You know very well I didn’t have any other choice.” Said Roland in a stern tone, even in his weakened state “They were going to get the stone and we’d be back to square one. I wasn’t going to let that happen again. Especially not after what they did to Fugitoid.” They saw the Utrom Council carrying Fugitoid with him. Sunset came over and stood on her knees whilst looking at her friend in concern and said “Are you alright Fugitoid?” “Oh, I am fine Sunset Shimmer.” Said Fugitoid whilst showing a smile on his face “My body may have been destroyed, but thankfully my brain and head are still intact.” “Do not worry Professor.” Said Traximus “We’ll have you fixed up in no time.” “Thankfully we have the technology to make Fugitoid a new body, as well as making a few upgrades.” Said Rook. “I’ll be more than happy to help you build a new body again Fugitoid.” Said Twilight. “I’ll gladly help.” Said Gamer “It’d be nice to work with someone who’s also into science like I am.” “Roland would help too, but…” said Obaki whilst he looked at Roland. Rook came over and scanned Roland. She looked back and said “He’s body is stable, but he’ll need to take it easy for a bit.” “So now that the punks are out of our dimension,” said Leonardo Prime “Where is this stone located?” Twilight held a drive and said “I have it right here. I would ask Fugitoid to help, but uh…” “Oh, I got it.” Said Ben as he used his Omnitrix to turn into Upgrade. He used his ability to hack into the drive. After going through it, he said “According to the Drive, the stone is located at Bleeker Street. In front of a…pizza joint?” “Of course.” Said the Turtles, Rainbooms, Shadowbolts and New York allies whilst shrugging their shoulders. ************************************************************************************** Soon the group arrived and unearthed the stone that was buried near the Pizza Place on Bleeker Street. Leo was able to dig it out, allowing him to pull the stone out, revealing it to be the color magenta as it was radiating energy. “Oooh, pretty.” Said both Mikey and Pinkie at the same time. “The stone has been secured.” Said King. “But we would still need to secure it so that Shredder cannot detect it.” Said Queen. “I’m sure I can work on something.” Said Donnie. “We, will.” Said Roland as he was able to stand and gaining their attention. “We’re in this together, meaning we’re going to need all the great minds on this. Donnie, Rockwell, Twilight, Gamer, Sugarcoat, Gwen. We’re going to need all your help on this.” “A chance to work with other geniuses?” said Gamer with a smirk “I’m game.” “Excuse me,” said Fugitoid, gaining their attention “May I be a part of this as well?” “After we build you a new body rust bucket.” Said Kevin. “And thankfully, with Plumber Tech and some of your tech, we’ll be able to get you spic, spam and lickety split in no time.” Said Lucy. “Much appreciated.” Said Fugitoid. After Leo gave them the stone, he went to the Prime Turtles and said “Thanks for your help out there. We really appreciate it.” “Least we can do.” Said Leonardo Prime. “Now get out of our dimension already before we start to get mushy here.” “One more thing.” Said Venus as she came over, giving Leo Prime a small device. The Prime leader looked at it, then to Venus with a flexed eyebrow. “There will be more fights ahead. If we need any help, we’ll give you a call.” “You’d better.” Said Raphael Prime “I still want some payback on that Shredder punk for letting his foot attack us.” “See you around.” Said Obaki whilst they left. As they walked, Mikey took a good look on Roland. He couldn’t help but feel a certain vibe. Not the stabbing them in the back kind of vibe, but something very different. ************************************************************************************** Sure enough, everyone was back on the ship, with Leo saying “I assume that since you helped us, you’re willing to join?” “Of course.” Said Sal Commander “After recent events, we’re not sitting this out.” “We’ll help in any way we can.” Said Traximus. “Aw, yeah!!” exclaimed Mikey “Welcome aboard guys!!” “The pleasure is ours Michelangelo.” Said King. “Now then, let’s get you all fixed up.” Said Kevin as he took Fugitoid whilst being accompanied by a handful of Galvin, who were more than willing to help out whilst the medics took Roland for a quick check up on his state. “Speaking of which,” said Juniper “How do you think the others are doing?” “Oh yeah, I almost forgot about our friends’ counterparts and the kids.” Said Bebop. “Da, had to stay behind to help them out.” Said Rocksteady. ******************************************************************************************** Pretty soon, they arrived near the room where Princess Twilight was about to walk in. “Oh, you guys made it.” Said Princess Twilight “How did it go down there?” “We nearly got our butts kicked.” Said Pidgeon Pete. “But thankfully we gained an advantage and new allies.” Said Bandit. “We were lucky to get the stone too.” Said Twilight. “Bad news though,” said Sapphire “Roland was right, Shredder really did gather everyone else’s enemies there.” “We bumped into both Team Shine and Ben 10’s enemies.” Said Wallflower. “So where’s Roland and Fugitoid?” asked Princess Twilight. “Fuge’s body got blown up so they went to build him a new body.” Said Mikey. “Thankfully his head is still intact.” Said Donnie. “And they took Roland to the infirmary to see if he’s okay.” Said Twilight “So how do you think the others are adjusting?” asked Rarity. “Let’s find out.” Said Princess Twilight “I was just about to go in and see how they were doing.” When they opened the door, they were surprised to see how well Princess Twilight’s friends have adapted. Pony Rarity was sowing her clothes like an expert, though to their surprise, she can use her unicorn magic. Pony Pinkie had adapted well, especially with her 4th wall breaking shenanigans. Pony Rainbow Dash did an obstacle course combined with her flight. Pony Applejack was adjusting to her body as well as she used her body strength. Even pony Fluttershy was adapting to it well when she was helping a few animals that got on board. “Hoo-wee.” Said pony Applejack as she and the others got together “Now that was one heck of a workout.” “I know right,” said pony Rainbow Dash “Who’d thunk that the kind of training we received would actually work.” “Wow, you lot sure have adapted well.” Said Karai. “We sure have.” Said pony Pinkie Pie. “I don’t know why you struggled so much Twilight,” said pony Fluttershy “Turns out learning the basics was really easy.” Princess Twilight giggled sheepishly at that as she couldn’t believe her friends had learned that quicker than she did. “Right.” “Oh, y’all are back?” They looked to their left and saw the Rock N Beats, CMC and Young Six, along with Brightstar and Lancer, coming over, with Invictus, Silverbolt and Amethyst leading the way. “We sure are.” Said Rainbow Dash. “So how’d the training go?” asked Rarity. “Surprisingly it went really well.” Said Apple Bloom. “Yeah,” said Clover “With the extra gear we’d be able to stand a chance in the middle of the field.” “Though we also have to learn to fight smarter, not harder.” Said Patch. “That’s good to know.” Said Sunset. “Think we should go over to see how Fugitoid and Roland’s doing?” asked Lucy. “Sure, they must’ve been done by now.” Said Ben. The others soon leave and made their way to the said latter. ******************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, from within what appeared to be a flying Fortress, bearing the symbol of the Foot Clan, the Shredder, stared out of his window whilst his Foot Bots had gathered in the masses. He kept his steely stare, until a certain bald man stood next to him. “So, Shredder.” Said the man. “What do you want, Luthor?” said the Shredder, looking at the man, revealing to be Luthor. “Just wanted to see if production is going well.” Said Luthor. “It is.” Said Shredder whilst looking outside. “You have done well supplying your technology to help build my armies faster. Now we have twice as many to ensure that we will not be beaten so easily.” “Indeed.” Said Luthor. “And I also just came to tell you, that our engineers are already building up your ships for space travel as you ordered. It will take two weeks to amass a fleet as you ordered.” “I do not care how long it takes to have them built,” said Shredder “I only care for those who stand in my way to fall on their knees.” “Oh, I know Shredder.” Said Luthor, then grumbled “You were not the only one who demanded things from me.” “I can assure you that I am not Brainiac, Luthor.” Said Shredder as he overheard him. “The difference between me and a simpleminded machine…” Shredder immediately displayed his claws and held them underneath Luthor’s chin, which caused the bald villain to be afraid, with the Shredder moving his face closer and said “I actually kill my enemies with my bare hands rather than let some foolhardy AI control other machines to do their bidding.” “Uh, yes, of course.” Said Luthor, trying to sound calm. Shredder placed his claws away and said “And what of the others…of your reputation?” “If you must mean the people the Justice League fight.” Said Luthor after clearing his throat “Some of them have joined, but the others are too spineless to join. I was hoping that you could…” “Very well.” Said Shredder. “I will talk to them…personally.” That’s when Tiger Claw appeared, with both Team Shine and Ben 10’s enemies. “My liege.” Said Commander Tiger Claw after he bowed. “You were correct. The last three rebels, the turtle and the two human cubs have survived and come to their world, but they were not alone.” “Then I can assume they went to the Turtles and their allies’ for help?” asked Shredder. “Yes, my lord, as you predicted.” Said Commander Tiger Claw. “So, it was only a matter of time before he came running to them.” Said Shredder. “There is more.” Said Vilgax “They’ve already gathered Team Shine, along with Ben Tennyson and his team.” “And it’s only a matter of time before the rest of their allies join the fight.” Said Lewej. “Hmm.” Muttered Shredder. He looked at them and said “What of the others’ enemies?” “A slow progress,” said Ripley “But they’re getting there.” “And Gladitron?” asked Shredder. “He took a beating, but he’ll be on his feet soon.” Said Lewej. One of the Foot Bots then arrived and said “My liege, we have brought the ones you requested to be here.” “Send them in.” Within mere moments, whilst struggling to move, the Foot Bots brought a handful of prisoners in. But they weren’t just any prisoners. From one side, were the enemies of Equestria, aka, Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow (But in their Equestrian forms) and the Dark Turtles, along with a fully resurrected Sombra. On the right were the Purple Nightmares and the four elementals, who served Kavaxas. But they were not the only ones, for among them were Xever, aka, Fishface. Tiger Claw, Rahzar and Doctor Stockman. They were shoved forward and landed hard on the platform. “What is the meaning of this?!” shouted Chrysalis. “You have till the count of three…” threatened Tirek before. “So…you’re here at last.” Everyone looked up and saw the Shredder, descending from the steps, bearing down his eyes on them. “S…Shredder…” muttered Stockman as he was afraid, even Xever couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Whilst at the same time, both Tiger Claw and Rahzar bowed to the Foot Ninja Master. “Oh great,” said Cozy Glow with a roll in her eyes “Another goofy…” Before she could utter a word, he immediately darted forward and grabbed her by the throat, strangling her in the process. He brough her closer to his face and stared down at her. “I am not that weak minded version of myself, little girl.” Said the Shredder in a threatening voice “You will do well to remember that.” He shoved her backwards, making her drop onto the ground as she scurried backwards and scared out of her mind. “Hmm,” muttered Chrysalis “You are indeed not the Shredder I know.” “You are a different Shredder.” said the elemental water warrior. “Indeed.” Said Shredder. “As you may not have guessed, I come from a world where I have already destroyed all my enemies and now seek the one domain to rid of all their filth once and for all.” He gestured to the handful of allies around him, “As you can see, many have begun to slowly join my cause. All who seek the destruction of all.” He looked at them and said “And from what I have gathered, all of you are from both worlds, who too are enemies. Therefore, I will make a proposition.” “And what might that be?” said Dark Mikey. “I merely ask all of you to join me.” Said Shredder. “Uh, excuse me,” said Cozy “But uh, we’re already employed by…” “That goat can fester in his cave all he wants.” Said Shredder “I on the other hand offer an army where he could not.” He walked away and said “If you join me, then you will have what you need to finish what you started and destroy your enemies. But only…if you join our cause.” “Sorry,” said Sombra as he attempted to turn down Shredder’s offer like he did with Grogar, “I don’t do our, I only do mine!!” When all of a sudden, Sombra was struck in the eye by a whip of ancient magic, causing him to scream in pain whilst holding his left eye and shocked the rest in the group. The whip was then held by none other than Commander Tiger Claw, which shocked Tiger Claw, seeing his other self. “Be silent, mule!!” bellowed Commander Tiger Claw, “You are in the presence of the mighty Shredder, conqueror of worlds!! He could kill you with a single strike if he wishes!!” Shredder then extended his hand whilst it glowed in a color they’ve never seen before. And from out of nowhere, all of the villains were grabbed by giant skeletal hands whilst four spikes each were around their necks, which frightened everyone in the room. “My trusted Commander speaks truth.” Said Shredder. “I could easily absorb all of you into my being. And I should, considering all of you have failed to subdue your worlds years ago!!” “We could’ve conquered them easily if it weren’t for those blasted ponies!!” shouted Chrysalis. “Or maybe, you’re just weak.” Said Luthor as he made himself known. “You?!!” exclaimed a shocked Chrysalis. “Wait, you know him?” said a confused Cozy Glow. “Oh yeah, now I remember you,” said Dark Mikey “You’re that bald guy who got trapped in Equestria with your enemies and the two of you worked together till things went south.” They looked at him surprised, with Dark Mikey saying “Grogar told me.” “That’s right.” Said Luthor. He walked over to Sombra first and said “The only reason you lost was because you were overconfident, arrogant. You say you destroyed the source of their power, but you failed to realize that you have underestimated your enemies. And before you think you have another chance. Let me tell you this. Your physical body was destroyed when you attempted to take over your so called empire. You were resurrected with your horn, but now that’s destroyed too. So my magic wielding associates were able to bring you back via your spirit.” He leaned over with a smirk and said “And guess what? If you die again. You will be erased permanently, forever.” Now Sombra looked shocked by that statement. He walked over to the others and said “And your problems are, you say you’re the strongest beings yet you couldn’t best anyone or gain valuable allies to destroy them. And now look at you, the strongest beings reduced to mere weaklings. A washed up queen, a powerless man horse, and a little girl who’s so deluded, she might need a doll to suck on it like a pacifier.” “What?!!” shouted Cozy Glow as if she had been insulted, until she felt the spikes on her neck and was now even more afraid. “And unlike all of you in this room, we have much more powerful forces here that could easily destroy you without a single thought.” Within mere moments, more villains appeared, which surprised the Equestrian villains. At the same time, one of them came with what appeared to be an insect of sorts, with Shredder grabbing it and walked over to Sombra. “And if anyone attempts to defy me.” Said Shredder, causing the worm to instantly fly towards Sombra. The Equestrians watched in shock as they saw the worm taking over Sombra as it went into his mouth whilst he screamed in pain and lowered his head. He lifted it up and looked in a daze. “I am at your command, master.” Said Sombra. Shredder looked at the others and asked “No further objections?” They immediately shook their heads, allowing Shredder to free them as they collapsed. They had no choice but to bow to him. He smirked and said “Tiger Claw. Take them to our little… ‘reeducation room’. Show them who the true master is.” “At once, Lord Shredder.” Said Commander Tiger Claw as his guards took the captured Equestrians, Canterlot City and New York away and straight towards the room, with him smirking as he walked back to the window and looked ahead as the other villains left him alone for his thoughts. ******************************************************************************************** Later in the day, after Fugitoid was fixed with a new body and parts and weapons and with Roland recovering well, they decided to have lunch at the Cafeteria. Where they decided to have some small talks. “So, what was that power from earlier?” asked Leo. “It’s called Warrior’s Rage.” Said Gamer. “Warrior’s Rage?” said the group confused. “Wait, Warrior’s Rage?” said Love Shine “I thought it was a myth?” “Given what we’ve seen, evidentially not.” Said Shine Girl. “So what’s Warrior’s Rage?” asked Mikey. “I know what it is,” said Shine Boy “Warrior’s Rage is a special ability that any warrior gains when they’re training under deities. Mostly the Greeks, because once upon a time, they had the mightiest warriors there.” “The Spartans?” guessed Twilight. “That’s right.” Said Gamer “When you use that ability, it increases your strength up to three hundred Spartans, as well as develop an immunity from the elements and your body tends to be partially set aflame to increase your strength.” “Unfortunately it also has a side effect.” Said Roland when he decided to fill them in “If you tend to use it, your mind is tended to be reduced to a barbaric brute, where you will attack anyone who would attempt to trying and reason with you.” “That would explain the beatdown you gave Gladitron.” Said Slash. “And from what we’ve witnessed,” said Dr. Rockwell “It also causes strain to your body, hence the partial heart attack and seizure.” “Too bad I don’t have a device that could keep my mind in check whilst I use that ability.” Said Roland. “Maybe we can help with that.” Said Donnie. “Indeed.” Said Dr. Rockwell, “It would be quite amusing to see what we can create.” “I’m down with it.” Said Gamer. “Oooh, me too.” Said Twilight. “So what’s going to happen to Skonk?” asked Sunset Shimmer. “The Utrom has looked at his mind,” said Knight “His mind has been completely altered, such as his hatred for aliens and the death of his family had been wiped, but it was also tampered so that he could remember that they were in a car accident.” “But doesn’t it feel wrong?” asked Fluttershy in concern. “Don’t worry,” said Venus “He won’t remember his encounter with us. His mind has been carefully wiped so that he wouldn’t get any brain damage.” “How did you do that anyway?” asked Mondo. “I learned that from Zatanna.” Said Roland. “She’s a powerful Sorceress from the Justice League.” Said Obaki “She casts spells whilst talking backwards. It’s very handy if anyone can learn how to master it.” “But I’d never use it or abuse it, same with the rage,” said Roland “I only used it as a last resort.” “Given what we’ve seen,” said Wallflower “I think that’s for the best.” “Too bad I don’t have something to keep my mind sane whilst using it.” Said Roland. Gamer then pondered, for that was going to be quite the challenge. When all of a sudden, Magister Patelliday walked up and said “Excuse me, Rarity?” “Oh, Magister Patelliday.” Said Rarity “What can I do for you?” “Nothing,” said the Magister “I just came to tell you that I just got a call from janitorial services, complaining about the stinky mess you left behind in the girls bathroom.” Within a split second, Rarity’s face instantly went red in embarrassment. “What?!!” exclaimed Rarity. “That’s a lie, I do not know what you are talking a…!!” When all of a sudden, Patelliday shouted in a girl’s voice “Psyche!!” And within a split second, Patelliday transformed via mud form into a girl, revealing to be Ben’s cousin Lucy. “You should’ve seen the look on your face!!” Lucy laughed out loud, with Ben, Kevin, Casey, Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Keno, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, pony Pinkie Pie, pony Rainbow Dash and both Spikes to laugh out loud whilst Roland and the others rolled their eyes. “Lucy!!” scolded Gwen whilst Rarity fumed in anger. “It’s not funny!!” shouted Rarity “I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life!!” Roland then turned around and said “I thought the most embarrassing thing in your life was the pudding pie incident?” Suddenly, the girls of both the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts gasped out loud, whilst Rarity blushed in deep embarrassment, whilst covering her face and said “Please don’t bring that up.” “Uh, the what now?” said Karai. “I’ll tell it, considering no one noticed me back then.” Said Wallflower with a sigh. “See, it was about during everyone’s freshman time, It was the first time that Crystal Prep and Canterlot High, long before Cinch molded CPA to be like her, that everyone came together and started an annual baking contest, where everyone would make their favorite desert. Pinkie’s favorite dessert…” “Ah,” said Roland, interrupting her “She doesn’t have any favorites.” “She doesn’t?” said half the group. “Put it this way,” said Roland with a smirk, “Like her counterpart, four years ago, she set up a channel on a website, but she forgot the password for it. When it gave her a prompt, it said, quote, “your favorite pie”, and she ended up having a four year long existential crisis.” That got half of them, even Team Shine and Ben 10, Wallflower and Sapphire to laugh hard, whilst Pinkie Pie blushed in embarrassment over that. After they cleared things up, Wallflower continued. “Anyway,” said Wallflower “As she was putting together her favorite dessert, she used the most outrageous ingredients no one had ever seen.” “Like what?” asked Applejack. Pinkie presented them a list of ingredients, which took them by surprise. “Why would you add something like that?!” exclaimed Kevin. “Well duh,” said Pinkie “To make my treats extra delicious.” Fluttershy then wondered out loud “I wondered why her doughnut fillings were extra creamy and tasty.” Wallflower continued and said “When it was announced that it was almost ready, Rarity came along, cause she was voted to be pie queen, cause of her exquisite taste. Only problem was, she was showing off her dress. When she was about to taste Pinkie’s dough of the pie, she tripped on her dress whilst she was using her eyeliner for the final touch. She leaned against the container, but the eyeliner fell in. Because of it, combined with the eyeliner, it ended up creating a chemical chain reaction, causing the pudding to blow up, injuring half the students in the room. From that day on, because of it, Rarity was forever known as the Diamond Pudding Bomb Queen and she didn’t shake the name until about a month before the Fall Formal.” Everyone was taken aback by this, until they heard both Keno and Casey laughing very hard. “I wondered why you looked familiar!!” exclaimed Casey in laughter. “That was so funny!!” laughed Keno. “Wait,” said April with a flexed eyebrow. “You two know about that?” “Are you kidding?” said Keno. “Half the schools in the country knows about that incident.” Said Casey. Rarity’s face went even more red of embarrassment and covered her face whilst Amethyst quickly comforted her by giving her a hug. But Leo decided to change the subject. “So we got the second stone,” said Leo “Now all we need is to find the others and make sure Shredder doesn’t get his hands on them.” “Agreed.” Said Shine Boy “And what of the data Azmuth needed?” “Sunburst, Starlight and I were able to give whatever information we could to Azmuth.” Said Princess Twilight “He’s already added the data to his device.” “And what about the others?” asked Bandit “Any word from them?” “They’re still gathering what they could from the artifacts and powers the Shredder absorbed.” Said Roland “It’s going to take some time for them to get what we need.” “And the others?” asked Blade. “We were planning to send out a message to the others,” said Donnie “But we don’t want to risk Shredder tracking us down whilst we do so.” “Donnie, Twilight, Gamer, Sugarcoat, Gwen and myself were able to create a new ways of communications, one that’s unrecognizable and that Shredder won’t be able to track.” Said Rockwell. “We’ve already sent out a call to the GI Joes, even the Spy Racers from our dimension, but so far nothing.” Said Love Shine. “That goes the same for the Digidestined.” Said Shine Girl. “We’re even having a hard time trying to find Carmen Sandiego and her friends.” Said Gwen. “But we haven’t heard anything from Batman and the Justice League.” Said Obaki. “Same goes for the Power Rangers.” Said Venus. “There is some good news though,” said Shine Boy “We were able to get in contact with Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems. It’ll take them a while to be here, so we should be prepared in the meantime.” “That’s great.” Said Sunset. “It would be wonderful to see the Crystal Gems again.” Said Rarity. “Trust me, you guys will like em,” said Mikey “And I think pony Rarity will like them too.” “I’ve heard about them through Sunset,” said Princess Twilight “I can’t wait to meet them too.” “In the meantime,” said Roland as he was done eating. “Once everyone is done eating and resting up, we’ll pop over to the training room. Knowing the Shredder, he won’t back down from this.” “Agreed.” Said Leo “Let’s go.” “And whilst we’re at it, we can teach Princess Twilight’s friends some ninja training too.” “Huh?!” exclaimed the rest of the Mane 6. “He’s right.” Said Princess Twilight. She looked at them and said “And I know you girls will have problems, but trust me, it’ll be worth it. I was skeptical too, but I was able to succeed with your counterparts.” “Plus it’ll be a great way for us to bond too.” Said Pinkie Pie. “I’m okay with that.” Said Pony Pinkie Pie as she got excited too. “We’ll start simple,” said Leo “We’ll have the Rainbooms train their counterparts, then the rest of us will train them too.” Roland stood up and said “I’ll join you in a moment, I gotta report to Grandpa Max.” “See you at training.” Said Venus as everyone left. Roland walked down the hall until he grunted and leaned against the wall whilst coughing, what appeared to be purple goo. To his shock. He quickly looked at his gauntlet and saw that the energy almost died down. He quickly took out a vial that was made of pure energy, the Quantum Trigger, a better substitute. He pulled out the current one from his gauntlet, which instantly melted, allowing Roland to place the Quantum Trigger in it, allowing the gauntlet to power up and work overtime, returning him back to normal. He sighed in relief, seeing that it was able to suppress something from within him. He continued to walk whilst he tried to regain his composure. But on the same hall, someone came and picked up the goo with his two fingers and looked at it. The person was none other than Night Shine, who then looked back and saw Roland disappearing down the hall. At the same time, as Mikey walked, he then said “Guys, I don’t know if I should bring this up, but I’m getting a weird vibe from our new friend.” “From Roland?” said Sunset “About what?” “Like, I don’t know, like he’s hiding something.” Said Mikey. “Like what?” said Leo, showing interest this time instead of the past. “Not hiding something bad like ‘I’m secretly going to stab you in the back’, but like ‘I’m so ashamed and afraid that all of you will never accept or trust me’, kind of hiding something.” The others looked at one another with flexed eyebrows. “Like what Mikey?” said Shine Boy. “I don’t know,” said Mikey “But I can’t point my finger at it.” “Eh, don’t worry,” said Raph “We’ll get to it when we get there.” “And if he does, he’ll tell us when he’s ready.” Said Fugitoid. “I hope so.” Said Mikey “The last thing we need is another incident.” “Agreed.” They soon walked down the halls and to the training room, for they know perfectly well, their hunt for the stones and saving their worlds have only just begun. > Crystal Clear to the 80's > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days had passed since their adventures to Turtle Prime World, so far nothing has happened. Roland on the other hand was busy looking through the stones they had as they were connected. He began to look through the Multiverse map, trying to find where the next stone might be. He took a sip of his coffee and ate a muffin whilst looking through the map. “Hard at work?” Roland looked from the corner of his eye and saw Leo, Sunset, Princess Twilight and Shine Boy coming in. “That’s right.” Said Roland as he looked back. “I’ve been up since six in the morning.” “Uh, isn’t that pushing a little bit?” asked a concern Sunset. “I just want to make sure we find it.” Said Roland. “Plus you’re not going to believe this.” ************************************************************************************************* Yesterday Roland was on his way to bed and “Yo, Roland!!” Roland saw Rainbow Dash rushing to him. “Rainbow? What’s wrong?” asked Roland. “You’re not going to believe this.” Said Rainbow as she pulled out what appeared to be a tablet. “After we got back, I found this tablet placed there.” He took the tablet and looked at it. “It says that it’s from a spy called Patch Stripe.” Said Rainbow, “He said that Shredder was able to recruit our enemies from both our world and Equestria. Just like you said.” Roland looked at her and realized what she said whilst he said “There’s a mole in Shredder’s group.” ********************************************************************************************* “A mole?” said Leo surprised “As in a spy?” “From what Rainbow told me, yeah.” Said Roland. “Who did they recruit?” asked Sunset. “From what the tablet said, from Canterlot City,” said Roland “The Purple Nightmares, those elemental warriors working for Kavaxas.” “What?!” exclaimed Sunset, “They’re in on this too?!” “They are,” said Roland “Along with Fishface, Tiger Claw, Stockman, and, you’re not gonna believe this, Rahzar.” “What?” said Leo “I thought he was dead after we dealt with Kavaxas.” “Not anymore it seems,” said Roland. Then he looked at Princess Twilight and said “You’re not gonna like this either.” “What?” asked Princess Twilight. “But apparently they also recruited Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, the Dark Turtles and Sombra.” “WHAT?!!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight even louder. “So it’s true,” said Shine Boy “Shredder’s certainly not taking any more chances if he’s recruiting our enemies.” “And it’s only a matter of time before they recruit the enemies of all our friends.” Said Sunset in equal worry. “Which is why I was able to send out a coded message to the others so that they’d be in the loop of this.” Said Roland. “Speaking of which, any word from them?” asked Shine Boy. “Nothing yet so far.” Said Roland whilst he closed the tablet and placed it into his pocket. “In the meantime, we should focus on training. After that, they can hit the showers. And maybe the turtles need a bath.” “Excuse me?” said Leo. “Come on Leo, after all the times you guys spent in a sewer, you lot could use a bath. Remember back at Usagi’s world?” “Oh yeah, right.” Muttered Leo. “What happened at Usagi’s world?” asked Sunset. “Long story short, when we were in disguise and helped Usagi, the patrol’s leader caught our scent and identified us as intruders because we smelled weird.” “But wait, we sometimes go in the sewer and we turned out okay.” Said Princess Twilight. “That’s because you guys clean yourselves up after you guys help them out.” Said Roland. “That and when Rarity constantly made you guys shower.” “So that’s why Rarity always makes us shower after we get back to our hotel.” Muttered Sunset. “So, shall we?” asked Roland. “Sure,” said Sunset “Seeing how you fought on the battlefield, we’d like to see how well you spar.” “Just…be careful around Raph.” Said Leo. “Oh don’t worry,” said Roland with a smirk “I got something in mind.” ******************************************************************************************* Later in the training room, where they displayed a very large Dojo, everyone was hard at training, sparring with one another, trying to gain an advantage. Roland on the other hand took partial notes seeing them whilst he prepared his weapon too. He saw Mikey sparring against Raph. Knowing how it was going to turn out, he saw Raph delivering a punch to Mikey’s chest, making him stagger backwards. “Mikey!!” called Roland out, gaining the turtle’s attention. “Rotate your shoulder to the left for a successful defense!!” Mikey nodded. When Raph attempted it again, Mikey was able to rotate his shoulder, which allowed him to dodge Raph, then ended up grabbing his arm and tossed him over, leaving him surprised. “Whoa,” said Mikey “That actually worked!!” “Work on this!!” shouted Raph as he was about to tackle Mikey over. Roland then took his cloth and tossed it against Raph’s face, blinding him in the process and making him fall over with a loud crash, gaining everyone’s attention as they stopped and saw that. “Alright, cool your jets there hot turtle soup,” said Roland whilst taking off the cloth from Raph’s head whilst the hotheaded turtle scowled. “This is supposed to be a sparring lesson, not a battle brawl. You want an actual fight, save it for the enemies out on the field.” “Yeah dude, you really need to chill out.” Said Ben. “I am calm!!” exclaimed Raph. “More like you wanted to tackle Mikey over because he was able to do a successful defense.” Said Venus. “Plus you need to learn to fight smarter, not harder.” Said Obaki. “He does have a point, Raph.” Said Casey. As Raph growled a bit, Lucy popped in and said “Hey guys, don’t look now, but we’ve got visitors.” Within a moment, a few familiar faces came in. One of them was a boy in his senior, bearing a gem by his belly, to which many recognized. “Hey guys.” Said the familiar boy. “Steven!!” said the Turtles (minus Raph) and the Rainbooms as all of them came over and hugged the boy and his friends. “Glad you guys could make it.” Said Leo. “Like we’d ever miss it.” Said the young woman with white hair who was shorter than Steven. “When we got the call, it sounded very urgent.” Said the taller one who one would almost mistake for a ballet dancer. “So naturally we came over as quick as we could.” Said the one in the same size as Steven, but in green. “Uh, you mind introducing us here?” said Indigo, who felt very confused. “Oh, right, sorry.” Said Twilight. “Everyone, meet the Crystal Gems.” Said Rarity. “The boy here is Steven Universe.” Said Sunset, “His father is a human and his mother was a Crystal Gem. His mom was known as Pink Diamond, but then she went undercover as Rose Quartz. When she was fascinated on how Earth was, she wanted to protect it from her home, so she faked her death and lived on Earth in peace. Then she met his dad. But when she gave birth, she sacrificed her physical form and now her gem is connected to Steven.” "And this is Garnet," said Karai, "She's a fusion gem of both gems named Ruby and Sapphire. Both of them were under duress, until they were able to fuse together. In fact, both of them fell in love and with that, combined with their fusion, they chose to stay this way. She sort of became a mother figure for Steven, taught him from right to wrong, and she has the ability to see the future." “This one here is Pearl.” Said Rarity, “She was once Pink Diamond’s servant, but chose to rebel with her and she stayed by her side for a long time. At first, she was very lonely after Pink was gone, but she ended up with a new family.” “And this one is Amethyst.” Said Twilight, “She was supposed to be a soldier for Pink Diamond, but after the Crystal Gem’s so called defeat, she came out late. She wandered for a long time, until Rose found her and accepted her in the team.” “And this one here is Connie.” Said Applejack, “She’s the first human friend of Steven who used to wear glasses, until he somehow healed her eyes and now, she can see without them. She even learned how to fight thanks to Pearl. She and Steven are also very close.” “This rad gal here is Bismuth.” Said Rainbow Dash, “She’s like the totally awesome weapons maker of the Crystal Gems. Any weapon they used, she was the one who made it. She’s like, totally awesome.” Bismuth laughed and said “Thanks for the praise my Rainbow friend.” “And this here is Lapis.” Said Fluttershy, “She was trapped in the mirror and was also very shy and scared of joining, but after she got to know them more, she was more comfortable around them and chose to stay with them.” “And this is Peridot.” Said Pinkie Pie, “She used to work for Yellow Diamond, but chose to rebel and stay with them.” “Yes,” said Peridot nervously “It was a bit scary at first, but it also felt really invigorating.” Leo introduced the Crystal Gems to the others. “Crystal Gems.” Said Leo “Meet our friends. The ones over there are Princess Twilight and her friends, the Rainbooms’ counterparts from Equestria, along with their friends, Starlight Glimmer, Blade and Tempest, as well as the Dazzlings, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.” “And these are the Shadowbolts,” said Donnie “These are Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap.” “The ones over there are the Mighty Mutanimals.” Said Mikey “These are Slash, Leatherhead, Rockwell, Pidgeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, Bandit Raccoon, Ray Fillet, Hokum Rabbit, Bebop, Rocksteady and Muckman.” “These are also our friends from two different cities.” Said April. “That’s Wallflower Blush, Keno, Sapphire, Juniper Montage, Angel, Buffy, Burne Thomason, Tiffany, Trisha, Yoshi, Chen, along with Zach and Caitlyn.” “These here are Team Shine.” Said Karai. “That there’s Shine Boy, Shine Girl, Gamer, Love Shine and Luke.” “These are also Ben 10 and his friends.” Said Shinigami “That’s Ben, and his cousin Gwen. There’s Kevin. And these are their alien compatriots, Rook, Helen, Manny, Allen and the one who brought you in was Lucy.” “Wow, new faces.” Said Amethyst. She then noticed six others and asked “Who are those guys?” “Oh, that there’s Roland,” said Mikey as he listed them off, “The one over there is Silverbolt, an old friend of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. There’s Invictus, an old friend of Pinkie Pie’s. The one over there is Roland’s friend Obaki. The one over there is our sister from another dimension named Venus. And that there’s Amethyst Majesty, the boy who has a crush on Rarity.” “Mikey!!” exclaimed Rarity whilst blushing. “Really?” said Steven “How did that happen?” “Long complicated story.” Said Rainbow Dash whilst rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “And if I might ask,” said Peridot before she pointed at Raph “Why is Mr. sourpuss in a bad mood?” “Oh, I know that look.” Said Bismuth whilst rolling her eyes. “He’s sour because he lost a match again.” “Technically it was a sparring match.” Said Garnett whilst she adjusted her glasses. “I didn’t lose!!” shouted Raph. “Sheesh, chill out Raph.” Said Connie “It’s not a contest, it’s a sparring match. And in matches, you train so that you can think of ways to improve yourself on the battlefield. You can’t keep relying on old tactics that would result everything to fall apart.” Raph scoffed and said “What would you know?” “Uh, maybe because she was taught by a master swordswoman who fought against Homeworld for a millennium?” Said Steven whilst pointing at Pearl. “He does have a point.” Said Pearl. “And it doesn’t hurt to learn new things.” Said Obaki. “And that’s why we need to better up our game.” Everyone looked to see Shine Boy walk up carrying a maroon mechanical staff. “New staff?” Kevin asked. “This is my CDA staff. Our friend Andromon made it for me as a birthday present.” “What does CDA stand for?” Obaki asked curiously. “Chrome Digizoid Armor. It’s the strongest metal in The Digital World. Check this out.” Shine Boy pushed a couple buttons as his staff converted to a war hammer, then a Battle ax, a rocket launcher, then finally back to a staff. “Sweet.” Kevin grinned. “But you still have your old staff?” Ben asked. “Indeed. There’s always the possibility this could fail during combat or if possible, break. Besides, this old baby and I won so many battles together.” Shine Boy held up his original staff. “Smart thinking.” Gwen nodded. “Well you know what they say. The weapon is as good as the arm that wields it.” “As well as the person who wields it does no harm unless attacked.” Said Obaki, who high fived Shine Boy. “So then,” said Roland to the Crystal Gems “I assume you…” “Hang on there. I’m not done yet.” Said Raph. “I want a rematch.” The others groaned, knowing he wasn’t going to let this go. “Dude, just drop it already.” Said Love Shine. Roland on the other hand, knew Raph wasn’t going to let this go. However, when it comes to bets and honoring that bet, he has no choice. Which Roland smirked. “Tell you what Raph.” Said Roland, gaining the hothead’s attention. “How about a little wager. You go against me. If you win, I’ll cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner and clean your room for a week.” They were surprised that he would offer that, even Raph. He thought about it, and ended up smirking about it too. “Alright then,” said Raph “If you win, which you won’t?” Roland walked over to him, the two clashed heads, and he kept a stare on him and said “Then you will do exactly what I tell you to on the next mission. No quarreling, no whining, no complaining, no questions asked. Deal?” Raph kept his smirk whilst saying “Deal.” The two fist bumped, knowing a match was going to happen. Many began to feel excited as they would see Raph and Roland would fight, to see how well they handle themselves. “So Garnet?” asked Amethyst “Who do you think will win.” “I’m not saying anything,” said Garnet, much to Amethyst’s disappointment, “But I can tell you this. One of them will be given their just desserts.” Both Roland and Raph were in the middle of the sparring mat, whilst Roland performed a few moves to remember the basics, whilst Raph stretched a bit. Roland then took out something from the counter and said “Catch.” He tossed something to Raph, allowing him to catch it. He looked and saw that it was a mouthguard. He looked at Roland with a flexed eyebrow. “What?” said Roland “First rule when it comes to sparring, always make sure you wear protecting gear in your mouth. You don’t wanna lose your teeth in the middle of a sparring match, do you?” Raph merely shrugged and did what Roland said and placed the mouthguard in his mouth. However, he was surprised when Roland pulled out a blindfold whilst he said “Let’s make things interesting.” He wrapped it around his eyes and made sure it was sealed tight, whilst he placed both his arms behind his back, preparing for a fight. Raph smirked and thought to himself ‘This is going to be easy.’ He charged towards Roland and delivered a jump kick, only for Roland to move to the left, surprising some to see his lightning fast reflexes. He kept dodging Raph’s punches, then playfully slaps him behind his head, making the hotheaded turtle growl in anger. He charged again and tried to kick Roland by the legs, but Roland used his other foot to block it, then dodged another attack. Which only angered Raph. “Stop dodging and fight me!!” shouted Raph. Some got worried, then Roland did a stance whilst holding his right arm out. Shine Boy perked up and saw the stance. Raph attacked again, and this time, Roland pictured something in his head. The moment Raph tried to strike him, Roland quickly parried left, blocked right and delivered a hard kick to the gut, making Raph back up and holding it in pain. The Turtles, Rainbooms and Team Shine were surprised to see Roland land a hard hit. But Raph wouldn’t give up. Raph attacked again, with Roland picturing something in his mind again. Before Raph could deliver a punch, Roland wrapped both his arms around Raph, then kneed him hard in the gut. He twisted Raph around and delivered a hard left elbow strike. Raph nearly fell over, and was surprised to feel a scratch on his forehead, which surprised some. Roland did his stance once more. As Raph attacked again, Roland pictured something in his head once more. Raph tried to deliver a kick, but then Roland grabbed him by the leg and delivered a strong gut puncher, making Raph squirm as he staggered backwards. He then moved both his arms and rammed him in both the chest and gut, making him staggered backwards and could suddenly barely stand, which surprised some. Roland once again pictured in his mind to finish his opponent off. Raph once again charged, only for Roland to move a few degrees, grabbed Raph by the leg and elbowed him in the chest, making Raph grunt out loudly. Roland kicked the back of Raph’s leg, making him fall hard on his back. Before Raph could react, Roland instantly punched both his chest and gut, making Raph grunt out of breath whilst he spat out his mouthguard, with Roland then doing a stance, whilst at the same time, Raph collapsed on the ground unconscious. Many were shocked and surprised to see the skills Roland displayed, whilst at the same time, he removed his mask and asked Raph “You done?” Raph got angry and got up, ready to attack, but before he could react Roland retracted his fist, causing a chi energy in the form of a dragon to appear, which shocked everyone. And with one hard punch, Raph flew straight towards the wall, hit it and collapsed onto the ground, making him groan in pain. “Yeah, you’re done.” Said Roland. He then walked over to Raph. However, to their surprise, Roland’s arms and hands begin to glow with Chi energy as he chanted. “Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. E. Sai. Nyu. Rai. Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen!” He placed his hands on Raph, and within seconds, he was instantly healed. Raph ended up gasping for air for a bit, then instantly got up. He looked at himself and he was alright. Then suddenly got angry again, then said “Alright you…!!” But just as he turned around, he saw Roland leaning against the wall and puking in what appeared to be a bucket for just in case. Obaki and Venus came over and helped him a bit. But when they helped him up, they were shocked to see a bit of blood. The others came over to see if he’s okay. “Whoa, you okay dude?” asked Rainbow. Peridot suddenly pulled out a device and scanned him. After she was done, she looked back to them and said “His body is merely suffering stress and trauma, but he should be fine within the hour.” “What was that technique?” asked Leo. “Which ones?” said Roland. “All three, duh.” Said Mikey. “Mikey!!” said the Turtles. “Oh come on, like all of you weren’t half as curious over what he used.” Said Mikey. “The first technique all of you saw is known as the Kyokushin Form.” Said Venus. “He learned it from Case Walker.” “Wait,” said Ace surprised “As in Casey ‘The Headcase’ Walker?!” “Who’s he?” asked Patch. “Only like one of the best caged fighters there is!!” said Rainbow in excitement. “He’s the undefeated champion and won over forty two fights!!” “That’s the one.” Said Roland. “The other you saw was known as the Dragon’s Fist.” Said Obaki. “But that’s impossible,” said Gamer “Only the highest level of grandmasters can use that technique.” “I’m a quick study.” Said Roland. “As for the one I used. That was Chi hands. It’s like the healing hands, but it requires a massive amount of Chi to heal not just injuries, but broken bones and torn muscle. The downside further, it also requires a bit of your lifeforce.” “That’s a dangerous technique,” said Karai “Ninjas only use them if absolutely necessary.” “I know the risks.” Said Roland. “Your friends have a right to be concerned.” Said Pearl. “Power like that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Otherwise disasters might follow.” Roland couldn’t help but smirk and said “You mean that time Steven misused his power to age himself when he accidentally turned himself into a baby?” Steven ended up blushing bright red and cleared his throat, whilst the others looked surprised. “Wait, seriously?” chuckled Raph “You turned yourself into a baby?” “Not on purpose!!” exclaimed Steven “I just haven’t gotten used to controlling my powers yet.” “You know you didn’t have to do that to impress your girlfriend, right?” Now both Steven and Connie blushed hard at that. But before any of them could react… “All hands, report to the bridge, we’re approaching our next destination.” “That’s our cue.” Said Leo. “Come on guys.” Everyone soon left the room, with Roland saying “Remember our bet, Raph.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it.” Said Raph, steamed that he lost the bet, but reluctantly agreed with it. ******************************************************************************************* Everyone soon arrived at the bridge, where Grandpa max was showing them another world, they’re in, whilst Roland told the Crystal Gems what happened. “So this Shredder…wiped us all out?” said a shocked Steven. “They did I’m afraid.” Said Roland. The Crystal Gems, Connie and Steven were shocked to hear this. “Oh, now that’s a major bummer.” Said Amethyst. “More than that, this is really bad.” Said Peridot. “To think that this Shredder has the ability to wield a power to wipe out everyone, even the Diamonds and Homeworld.” “He is clearly an enemy not to be underestimated.” Said Garnet “Agreed.” Said Pearl “We will need to warn homeworld ahead of time for just in case.” After they were done discussing things, they stood near Grandpa Max to be debriefed. “This is the next world you’re going to.” Said Grandpa Max. “Whoa, looks a bit cartoony.” Said Pinkie Pie as she took a good look at it. “For realsies.” Said Sonata. “So what world is this?” asked Leonardo. “Let’s see,” said Roland “According to this, we’re at coordinates 1412, which lead us to Earth 1987.” “So what’s so special about this place?” asked Sour Sweet. Roland took another look, and blinked in surprised. He then moaned and said “Oh, no.” “What?” said half of the folks with flexed eyebrows when they saw him act like that. “Uh, I know where we are.” Said Roland as he slowly turned around with a dreaded look on his face. “But uh…you’re not gonna like it.” “Come on, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Said April. “So where are we yo?” asked Casey. “I can’t say.” Said Roland “But uh…I’ll give you a hint.” “Ooh, love guessing games.” Said Pinkie Pie, which the girls rolled their eyes at that. “So where are we?” asked Rainbow. Roland then cleared his throat, raised his fist in the air and shouted “Turtle Power!!!” Within a split second, everyone blinked their eyes at that and groaned very loudly whilst some facepalmed at what he was talking about, whilst confusing Ben 10, Team Shine and Steven Universe’s team. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Muttered Raph. “You’ve been to this world before?” asked Amethyst. “Unfortunately.” Said Dr. Rockwell. “Are they really that bad?” asked Amethyst Majesty. “Extremely.” Said April O’Neil. “Those guys are the worst.” Said Bandit “Always goofing around, acting like we’re in some kids show, would always crave for pizza twice as much as our Mikey, and they won’t shut up and act like a bunch of stupid kids either.” “Well I’m sure that they’re not that bad.” Said Ace. “Trust us Ace, they are.” Said Apple Bloom. “Look, I know all of you don’t like them, and I agree with you,” said Roland “But if they have a clue on where the next stone is, then we need to get down there, pronto.” “Uh, and I think for good reason.” Said Ben as he pointed at the screen. When they looked at the screen, they saw many monsters attacking all over the city. But what shocked them, was the corrupted forms of gems. “Corrupted gems?!” exclaimed Pearl. “But how did they get here?!” exclaimed Steven. Sunset thought about something, then looked at Garnet. “Garnet?” said Sunset, gaining the gem’s attention “Did the Crystal Gems somehow have different groups? Same with Homeworlds forces?” Garnet widened her eyes and said “Oh no.” “What is it, Garnet?” asked Fluttershy. “Allow me,” said Peridot, seeing that she read the history of the battle. “When Homeworld wanted to unleashed their weapon to corrupt and destroy Rose Quartz, the weapon was focused on both the Crystal Gems and Homeworlds forces. However, they also realized that the Crystal Gems also have taken over different territories that they were holding and the Diamonds’ armies were attacking all over.” “Oh no, the other divisions.” Said Pearl “We were so focused on the battle around us, we completely forgot about the ones from all over Earth.” “But wait,” said Twilight “Wouldn’t the world have known about them?” “The Utrom told us that the Krang captured them and wanted to use them as their own personal soldiers.” Said Grandpa Max. “And I can guess who.” Said Mikey as he pointed at the screen. To their surprise, they saw a handful of Krang Droids, but more advanced weaponry. And right in front of them, were two Krang that they had hoped to never see again. “Subprime and Bixolio?!” exclaimed the Turtles and Rainbooms. “How in tarnation did they get here?!” exclaimed Applejack. “Doesn’t matter.” Said Obaki “Right now, the people down there need our help.” “Head to the teleporter.” Said Grandpa Max “We were able to get it fully operational, so all of you are clear for teleportation.” “Agreed,” said Leo as he turned around “Let’s go guys!!” But as they ran off, what they didn’t know, was that after watching things play out, Subprime, Bixolio and a large squadron of Krang and Foot Bots moved through a makeshift portal, allowing them to travel to the other side. ******************************************************************************************** Pretty soon, everyone arrived via teleporter, however, some of them went over the corner and threw up whilst others felt a bit woozy. “Oh, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” Said Twilight. “A few of us do,” said Roland “Steven and the Crystal Gems are proof enough, same with the Unicorns that could teleport.” “He’s not wrong.” Said Princess Twilight “It’ll take some time for you to get used to it.” “Don’t worry, I had trouble on my first try too.” Said Steven after everyone was done. “Alright, now that we’re all here,” said Slash “We should try to find the turtles from this world. Once we find them, we’ll help them with their problem and we’ll get started on working a plan.” “So where do we begin to look?” asked Pinkie Pie. But right as she said that, a large explosion was heard, and they saw at least a couple of buildings were on fire, whilst many of the Corrupted Gems were all over the place. “Uh, how about over there?” asked Rainbow Dash whilst she pointed at that direction. “Let’s go!!” said Leo as they charged towards the destruction. *********************************************************************************************** (To most of the readers, I’m going to call the characters of this universe by adding the numbers next to their names just for you to tell which is which.) At the same time, April O’Neil of this world, (Or as I’d like to call her, April 87) was doing a live feed as she said “This is April O’Neil from Channel 6 news! Large unidentified creatures are attacking New York. Law Enforcement requires all citizens to evacuate at a ten mile radius before…” “Look out!!” exclaimed a woman as she tackled April 87 out of the way before she got crushed by an incoming object. The woman who saved her revealed to be the Irma of this world (or Irma 87 as I’d call her), who saved April as she said “Are you alright April?” “I’m fine, thanks Irma.” Said April 87 as she and Irma 87 stood up and looked at the destruction. “This is crazy, where are the Turtles?!” From out of nowhere, a random Turtle fell near them against a car, which was none other than the Michelangelo of this world (Or Mikey 87). “Whoa,” said Mikey 87 “Did someone get a number on that pizza truck?” “Michelangelo?!” said April 87 as she and Irma 87 immediately came over. “What happened?” Mikey 87 shook his head to snap himself out of it, then said “No idea April. One moment my bros and I were chowing down on pizza on one of the rooftops, next thing we knew, these large creature dudes started to attacking us.” “But where are the others?!” asked Irma 87 out of panic. They heard another scream and saw Donatello (Or in this case Donnie 87) crashing against April’s van. “Present.” Said a groaning Donnie 87. At the same time, Raphael and Leonardo (Or Raph 87 and Leo 87), both of them were struggling to fight against the large monstrous Corrupted Gems. They tried their best, but both of them were grabbed and tossed aside near Donnie 87. “Oh man, this is hopeless!!” exclaimed Raph 87 “No matter how hard we try, whenever we take some of them down, more of them show up!!” “What’ll we do?!” said April 87. “I don’t know,” said Leo 87 “We’re going to need some backup on this one.” “Did someone say, backup?!” The Turtles and friends turned around and to their surprise, saw many familiar faces, standing by the ready to take the fight to them. “Guys!!” exclaimed the Turtles. “I never thought I’d say this, but boy am I glad to see ya.” Said Raph 87. “You guys, sit tight.” Said Mondo “We’ll take it from here.” “Don’t have to tell me twice, brah.” Said Mikey 87. “Princess Twilight,” said Leo “You, your friends, the CMC, the Young Six and Rock N Beats make sure that they’re okay.” “We’re on it.” Said Princess Twilight as she and the others quickly went over to make sure that they were okay. Both Leo and Sunset pointed their weapons at the corrupt gems. “Ninjas, take them down!!” said the pair before all of them charged. Leo used his katanas to slice the creature’s claws before Raph jumped up and stabbed both of his sais in the creature’s back, making it roar as it reared its head. Mikey delivered a nunchuck uppercut, whilst Donnie deployed the blade from his spear and stabbed the creature’s head, causing it to turn into dust, allowing Steven to quickly come in and put the gem in a bubble. April used her telepathic power to raise a few of them in the air, allowing Casey, Karai and Shinigami to move in and make the kill, with Fugitoid and Keno backing them up, making it turn into dust whilst Amethyst was able to place the gems in her bubbles. Sunset used her Kunai daggers to distract one of the Corrupted Gem monsters, whilst Fluttershy used her new ammo and blew them through her Fukedake Blowgun, causing them to explode and further disorient the creature, allowing Rarity to run up and used her diamond shields as stairs that allow her to run up and used both her Kama sickles to jab them in its back, making the creature roar as it reared its head backwards, allowing Adagio to move in and use her Kusanagi sword to pierce through it, allowing the creature to turn into dust, which gave Pearl the chance to catch it with her own bubble. Pinkie Pie jumped around and used her sprinkles and tossed it against three of the monsters, making them disorient. Twilight and Rainbow Dash jumped on the backs of the first two, allowing them to jab their weapons into their backs, making them roar in pain, whilst Applejack used her claws, combined with her superstrength, to toss the third in the air, allowing Aria and Sonata to come from above and used their weapons to bash the third so hard, it made them coming down on top of the other two hard, once both Twilight and Rainbow jumped out of the way, making the three explode and allowing Garnet to capture their gems using her bubbles. Slash and Leatherhead began to wrestle against the larger creatures that tried to tackle them over, but both of the monsters roared when Pidgeon Pete came along and blasted them using his blasters, which allowed Mona and Ray to gain an opening and attacked head on, cutting the creatures that turned them into dust whilst Peridot came along and trapped the creatures with her own bubbles. From the smaller monsters, Bebop used his dance fighting moves to punch and kick them whilst Rocksteady tackled them over, but not before Lapis quickly flew by and placed the gems in bubbles, but then caught more of them after Doctor Rockwell, Mondo Gecko, Bandit Raccoon, Muckman and Hokum Rabbit took care of a few more. Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat used their chains to wrap it around the monsters after Lemon Zest used her clubs to beat them senselessly. Whilst at the same time, both Indigo Zap and Sapphire charged straight towards them and used their spears to jab through them, turning them to dust, whilst at the same time, Wallflower and Sunny flare stabbed their weapons behind the creature before Juniper came and delivered the killing blow, turning it into dust. At the same time, Bismuth was able to capture them in her bubbles. Starlight was about to shoot her bow, until the creature swatted her away, causing both her quiver and bow to break. When she landed, she was shocked to see them. “No!!” said Starlight when she saw the state, they were in. “Here, brought one just in case!!” said Roland when came over and gave Starlight a new quiver filled with advanced arrows and a folding bow. Starlight grabbed both of them and strapped the quiver on. When she fired her arrows, the arrows exploded as it knocked a few creatures. “I was able to upgrade them for you just in case!!” said Roland before he pulled his sword out “I’ll help fix your bow later.” “Thanks!!” said Starlight with a smile whilst she continued to support from the side. Roland dashed towards one of the corrupted gems with Silverbolt next to him, allowing both of them to use their guns and began shooting. The corrupt gem blocked the shots, which allowed Roland to pull out his sword, jump in the air and then thrusted the sword onto it’s back, making the creature roar, allowing Silverbolt to use his charged up tungsten knuckles and delivered a hard punch, causing the creature to turn into dust and reduced to a gem, allowing Bismuth to come by and place it in a bubble. Venus, Amethyst Majesty and Invictus charged towards a couple of corrupted gem warriors. Venus tied the ropes around her two Tessen. She threw them, allowing them to act like boomerangs as it wrapped around them. When they came back, she grabbed them and jumped over them, allowing her to pull them hard, instantly tying up the gems. Both Invictus and Amethyst Majesty thrusted their weapons hard, causing them to evaporate in an instant, with Steven coming along and placed it in a bubble. Obaki and Connie were charging together towards a crab like corrupted gem. Obaki used his claws to dart back and forth, cutting up the legs in order to throw it out of balance, with Connie striking from above, taking it out in the process, with Garnet coming along and placed it in a bubble. Blade used his lightning attacks, combined with his sword, to cut and electrocute a few gems, with Tempest grabbing one of the corrupted gems with her bare hands, lifted them up and smashed them hard onto the ground, turning them into dust, whilst also allowing Amethyst to come along and placed them in a few bubbles of her own. Blade looked at Tempest and said “I forgot how attractive you keep getting whenever you do that.” Tempest couldn’t help but blush, but then smirked and grabbed him by the shirt collar and planted her lips fully onto his, taking him by surprise, but also succumbed to it and returned the gesture. Amethyst saw this and groaned, whilst saying “Get a room you two.” Gamer charged towards a few corrupted gems whilst he drew his blade. As they saw him coming and were prepared to strike back, Gamer suddenly placed his katana away and pulled out what appeared to be explosives. He tossed them onto the ground after running past them. The moment they turned around, the explosives launched them in the air, allowing Shine Girl and Love Shine to strike, turning them into ordinary gems, allowing Pearl to swoop in and place them in her bubble. Shine Boy and Night Shine attacked at the same time against a larger corrupt gem that was the size of a truck. Both of them looked at one another and nodded, then looked back at it, allowing them to charge. Both of them used their Shine and Night powers, charged up their fists and punched it so hard, it turned it into dust, allowing Peridot to place it in a bubble. “Wow, very impressive.” Said Peridot when she was impressed by their strength and power. “Reminds me of the Bug Alliance that tried to destroy the Aquilian race on Orion’s Belt!” Said Night Shine with a smirk whilst he and Shine Boy charged. “You and I remember Orion’s Belt very differently!” Said Shine Boy. Ben turned himself into Four Arms and fight alongside Manny so that the two of them could deal with the heavier gems, with Lucy and Gwen doing their best to try and contain the regular ones. Allen uses his flames to trap them in a flame circle, whilst Helen used her speed to dart back and forth to bring the ones that were scattered closely. Once they were close enough, Kevin stood in front of Rook. “You sure this will work?” asked Rook. “Trust me!” Said Kevin when he was looking at him. Rook unleashed his blaster at full power, allowing Kevin to absorb it, amplifying its power and then shot at the group of corrupted gems with full blast, allowing them to be destroyed, with Bismuth and Lapis immediately placing them in bubbles. ************************************************************************************************** After a hard battle, everyone regrouped at the center, with Gamer looking at the monitors from his wrist. “According to this,” said Gamer, “Half of the corrupted gems have been defeated and placed in the Crystal Gem’s custody. But the other half got away.” “Probably went back with Krang Subprime.” Said Twilight. “I will contact the Utrom Council and tell them of this recent development.” Said Fugitoid before he quickly contacted the council. “Yeah!! We kicked butt!!” said the retro Turtles, but then winced in pain. “Hey, we did all the work, you were the ones being lazy!!” said Raph. “Uh, Lazy?!” said Raph 87, feeling insulted, “We fought them just as hard, but they keep coming back!! Plus we had our shells kicked before we had a chance to get back up!!” “Sure you were.” Said Donnie with sarcasm. “Although,” said Leo 87 once Princess Twilight and pony Rainbow Dash helped him up, “Why are you guys here? Does it have something to do with the Krang?” “You might say that.” Said Leo. “Then let’s grab ourselves a couple of pies before going to the lair dudes and dudettes.” Said Mikey 87 “We got a lot to talk about.” “After we get you, guys healed up first, and then pizza.” Said April 87. Irma 87 looked at the newcomers and said “Whoa, are you guys friends of the Turtles?” “Uh, you might say that.” Said Sunset. “And you are?” said Twilight. “Oh, I’m Irma, nice to meet you.” The Turtles, Rainbooms and New York allies stare at her in shock. “Wait, that’s Irma?!” whispered Casey a bit loudly. “And she’s a grown up here too.” Whispered Mikey. “Is she an alien in disguise?” asked Rainbow. She instantly darted over and pinched her, making her yelp and looked back, only for Rainbow to be back to the group and said “Nope, she’s human.” “Whoa, this is weird.” Said April. “No kidding.” Said Donnie. “What?” asked Irma 87. “Nothing.” Said the Turtles, not wanting to go to that subject. “So come on dudes. Pizza time.” Said Mikey 87, “We don’t want to get to another scene without pizza.” The retro Turtles immediately darted off, with the others groaning. “Nice to see they haven’t changed much.” Said Apple Bloom in a deadpanned tone. Peridot on the other hand, observed the whole scene. Then asked the others. “If I might ask?” “Oh?” said Rarity as she and the others looked at her, “What is it Peridot.” “Do they often act this way?” “Unfortunately.” Said Scootaloo whilst rolling her eyes. Peridot pondered for a few moments, then asked “And did they happen to say something ridiculous along the way, like about not doing violence and said that it’s a kid show?” asked Peridot. The others were confused by this, as Donnie asked “Yeah? But what’s that got to do with…?” “And do they always tend to act goofy whenever they fight or talk to other folks?” “They sure do.” Said Pinkie Pie. “And more importantly,” said Peridot “Do they also tend to be annoying most of the time.” “Y’all really need to ask that?” said Applejack, mighty miffed at the dumb question. “Well, given the analysis.” Said Peridot “It’s obvious what’s wrong with them.” The others were now greatly confused by this, until Roland groaned and said “They’re cartoon characters.” “Precisely.” Said Peridot. “Wait, what?” said Rainbow Dash. “Why on earth would you think that?” said Rarity. “Well think about it,” said Peridot “You lot mentioned that you met other versions of yourselves. One world where everyone is edgy and serious. And this one happens to be cartoon characters who act goofy. Trust me, I’ve seen cartoons and studied them and know them inside and out.” Some wanted to say something, but then they gawked after realizing it, with Mikey saying “Holy Chalupa, they are cartoon characters.” “So that’s why they’re so annoying.” Grumbled Twilight. “You’re grumbling about a cartoon?” said Obaki whilst flexing an eyebrow “And this coming from a girl who still watches Pup Buddies?” Twilight greatly blushes in embarrassment whilst the others chuckled at this. “Well they may be frustrating, because all of you don’t understand them.” said Steven “But you don’t need to understand them. You just have to go with it.” “Go with it?” said an annoyed Raph. “Well, yeah,” said Steven “All of you have been in different worlds a few times, right? Well, you have to remember, in different worlds, they won’t play by your rules. The only way you can make it is by playing by their rules.” “He’s got a point,” said Venus “Remember Batman’s world?” The Rainbooms and Turtles winced at this, but they knew they were right. Even if they didn’t want to be part of this, they had no choice, considering the situation they’re in. Raph groaned and said “Fine, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it.” “As long as you control yourself.” Retorted Venus, which Raph growled at before all of them followed the Turtles. ********************************************************************************************** From at the Turtle Power’s lair, everyone began to explain everything to the Turtles, April, Irma and Master Splinter from their world. “And that’s why we’re here.” Said Princess Twilight. Needless to say the group, minus Splinter, were shocked to hear this. “Whoa, that’s a total bummer dudes and dudettes.” Said Mikey 87. “Sorry you had to go through all that.” Said Leo 87 when he looked at Roland, who nodded silently. “So this new Shredder is a lot worse than ours?” asked Irma 87. “The only one I know who was a lot worse than Shred head was the one that nearly destroyed us along with our prime counterparts.” Said Raph 87. “But why are all of you here, besides the Shredder?” asked April 87. “We’re also here because of this.” Said Venus as she pulled out the stone, they took with them just in case. “We’re trying to find more like this.” “Not to mention they’re also keys to enter Earth Prime.” Said Donnie. “Earth Prime?” asked Donnie 87. “That’s right,” said Shine Boy “This world is unlike the Turtle Prime world. From what the Justice League told us, it’s the source of all reality, where only one Earth existed, but from every decision they make, they literally create another world.” “Like if Master Splinter never got mutated and we didn’t either?” asked Mikey 87 out of curiosity. “Precisely.” Said Sunset “And that’s why we’re here. If Subprime is here, that means Shredder won’t be far behind.” “Hmm,” pondered Splinter 87, then looked opened his eyes and said “It seems that the winds of fate, had turned to our direction.” He stood up and said “All of you being here, is no mere coincidence. I had sensed in the cosmic plain, that the very fabric of our reality and the reality of other dimensions, is in danger, and if this Shredder is unlike any Shredder that every one of our counterparts have faced, then all life is at stake.” He turned to his sons and said “And my sons, as what they described of your behavior when you last visited their world, now is not the time for foolishness, for you must respect their rules as they try to respect yours.” “But sensei…” said Leo 87. “This is no argument to debate Leonardo,” said Splinter in a serious tone “Do as they ask, or everything we had grown to love and care, will be destroyed.” Though they were reluctant, they realized he was right, for if this Shredder is unlike theirs, then they need to take this seriously. “Hai sensei.” Said the 87 Turtles. “We really appreciate the help.” Said Fluttershy. “So, what is our plan of action, as most teenagers would say?” said Dr. Rockwell. “Hmm,” said Donnie 87 as he stood up whilst looking at the stone. “These stones carry not only unlimited energy, but also a hint of radiation.” He looked at the others and said “Have any of you used a Geiger counter to track anything?” “You mean for radiation?” asked Twilight “I also onetime used them to reconfigure it and track Equestrian Magic in our world.” “So how’s that going to help?” asked Raph. “If we can find a way to reconfigure a few Geiger counters and test them to see if we can track something like this,” said Donnie 87 “Then maybe we can also use them and place them at the radio antennas all over the city, then we’ll be able to get a stronger signal to track them anywhere on earth, or even below and above.” “By Jove, that could actually work.” Said Rockwell. “We’ll need to fetch as many as we can and reconfigure them.” Said Gamer. “I have plenty in my van.” Said April 87. They looked at her with flexed eyebrows, with Bandit saying “You just happen to have that many, in your van?” “I did an interview with a few chemical and nuclear power plants.” Said April 87, “And it turned out they didn’t want to use them anymore, not since they replaced them with newer models.” “Then let’s go get em, boys!!” said Mikey “The sooner we get things done, the better!!” “Alright then, let’s get to work.” Said Leo. Soon everyone got up and got to work. “Anything unexpected happening Garnet?” asked Steven. Garnet used her powers, then she ended up smirking and said “All I will say is that we are going to get a very unexpected surprise.” The Gems merely shrugged at that and left to quickly fulfill their tasks. ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, from underneath New York, in the Technodrome, Krang was ranting over and over of what happened. “What the heck happened up there!!” shouted Krang “Who the heck would send those stupid blasted things here to take over a dimension that I was banished to!!” “Oh, for Kranging sake, will you stop whining!!!” Krang turned around and to his dismay, it was none other than Krang Subprime and Bixolio, along with a handful of their Krang Bots. “Oh, no, not you.” Moaned Krang, “It’s bad enough that you banished me to this dimension long ago, but now you’re further here to rub in my face because of my past failure?” “Oh, shut up already!!” said Subprime “You tried to wipe out the dimension we’ve been trying to mutate, you had that coming for a long time. And you failed to take out those Turtle and Rainboom chumps, twice.” “Is this the one you told me about?” said Bixolio. “He is.” Said Krang Subprime “And as to answer your question of who those crystal creatures belong to. That would be mine.” “What?!” exclaimed Krang. “Who do you think brought them here?” said Subprime “And in case you wonder who they are. Let’s just say, I found a dimension where these creatures were their own humanoid beings, until the Diamonds in all of their idiocy, decided to corrupt them. For them, they’re idiots. Me, I scored a jackpot of an army!!” “They weren’t easy to control,” said Bixolio “But we were able to find ways to control them.” “And speaking of embarrassing failures, where is your Shredder?” said Krang Subprime. “I’m over here you worthless brain puddles.” They saw Shredder 87 walk in and said “I have already performed a brilliant plan to stop those blasted puny brained Turtles. And once that plan is complete, nothing will stand in our…” When all of a sudden, portals began to open all around them, surprising them. When all of a sudden, new Foot Bots came out and surrounded them, surprising Subprime, Bixolio, Shredder 87 and Krang. “What the Krang?!!” exclaimed Subprime. And soon another portal appeared. A handful of Foot Bots bearing armour and weapons walked out and stood side by side as if they were guards. And from the portal, appeared the Shredder, with his menacing gaze. “What?” said Shredder 87 surprised “Another me?” Within a split second, Shredder dashed towards his cartoon counterpart and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him towards his face. “I. Am nothing. Like you.” Said Shredder, before tossing the cartoon version of him hard against the wall. “How is this possible?!” said Subprime “There’s no way you’re that fast. No Shredder is.” “Oh, I am no ordinary Shredder, Knight.” Said Shredder, which shocked Subprime. Shredder walked over to him and said “I am here for your services, and nothing else.” “Oh please,” scoffed Subprime “I don’t work for…” Shredder displayed his claws as it cackled with Electricity, shocking the traitorous Utrom turned Krang. “Oh, believe me.” Said Shredder as he leaned over to Subprime face to face. “You’re in no demands to deny me. Old friend.” Subprime looked at Shredder, however, the moment he took a proper look at the eyes, he instantly recognized him. “No…no it can’t be.” Said Krang Subprime “You’re supposed to be…” “Not. Any. More.” Said Shredder, because laughing, as the entire cave echoed from his maniacal laughter. > Mini-Booms and Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From within the lair, the Rainbooms (minus Pinkie and Twilight), Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, April, Karai, Shinigami and Sapphire, were busy training the CMC, the Young Six and the Rock N Beats, along with Bright Eyes and Teddy in the lair, whilst everyone else was out throughout the city, trying to place the new modified Geiger counters all over in order to track down their next target. “Yamea!!” shouted Karai to stop the training session, allowing them to take a break. “Nice job there Scoots.” Said Rainbow, whilst rubbing Scootaloo’s head. “I’ll say,” said Applejack as she patted her sister’s back “Keep practicing that left shoulder of yers.” “Ah’ll try mah best Applejack.” Said Apple Bloom. “So Twilight,” asked Sunny Flare “How’s things going over there?” “The Geiger counters are almost in sync.” Said Twilight as she looked over the monitors that mapped the entire planet, “Once the last one’s in place, the computers will automatically scan the planet for any sign of the next stone.” “At least we remembered to bring the computers from the ship,” said Sunset “The ones in this dimension are outdated.” “Well Peridot did say that this dimension was like an 80’s cartoon.” Said Sonata. “Sonata does have a point.” Said Sour Sweet. “So how long will it take for the guys to finish?” asked Fluttershy. “They said that they just need to make sure the devices are well hidden and then they’ll come back once they’re in place.” Said Sugarcoat. “Anyone else getting hungry?” asked Smolder. “Pizza time!!” They saw Pinkie coming in and carried a bunch of boxes of pizza. “Wow, that was fast.” Said Teddy. “But how…?” “It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.” Said everyone in the room. “Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity “Why don’t all of you kids and Spikes go to the kitchen and fetch some plates.” “Okay.” Said the kids as all of them left for the kitchen. “So who wants the first slice.” Said Pinkie as she opened a couple of boxes. “But shouldn’t we wait for them?” asked Shinigami. “Relax girls,” said Rainbow “There are plenty over here. We’ll save some for the others when they get back.” The girls shrugged and each grabbed a slice and took a bite each. “Wow, these pizzas are great.” Said Pinkie, until her pinkie senses was going off whilst she was shaking. “Wow, now that was a doozy.” “What’s going to happen?” asked Indigo Zap. “I don’t know, but I bet it’s…” said Pinkie before she hiccupped. But then she suddenly felt dizzy as she held her head whilst going “Oooh, I feel funny.” The rest of the girls began to feel the same way as all of them also felt dizzy…and began glowing. At the same time, just as the kids came into the room with plates in their hands. “Rarity,” said Sweetie Belle “We got the plates and…” The kids and Spike, along with dog Spike, gasped at what they saw and dropped their plates. ***************************************************************************************************** At the same time, in the middle of the city, Roland was busy setting up the last Geiger counter on the tower, with Wallflower at the bottom and checking the data pad. Once he had it in place, he closed the container to make sure it stays secured. “How’s it look?” asked Roland whilst contacting her. “Looks good from here, come on down.” Said Wallflower. Roland climbed down and once he was a the bottom, the two of them began to talk whilst waiting for the others. “So…” started Roland “How are things with you and Sapphire?” “Oh, we’re doing great.” Said Wallflower. “We keep having trouble trying to meet with one another, but we try our best to make time.” “That’s good.” Said Roland. “But uh…do both your parents approve of this?” “What do you mean?” asked Wallflower with a flexed eyebrow. “Sometimes they tend to disagree and try to drive them apart.” Said Roland. “Trust me, I’ve seen this kind of thing before. The last thing I want is for you to be kicked out or anything.” “Oh, don’t worry, both of them approve.” Said Wallflower. She then blushed and said “Truth be told, it felt weird having a relationship out of the blue,” said Wallflower, “But the both of us have so much in common. And we both look forward to where this will go.” “Yeah,” said Roland “Once you’re done with school, you two go to college, after that, you’ll be able to open a business together that focuses on both your garden and flowers, you two will be living together in your apartment and then when you two wanted to become parents, you…” Roland then saw Wallflower blushing madly at this when he babbled out loud. “Whoops,” said Roland before he chuckled sheepishly, “My bad.” “I…never thought about it that way.” Said Wallflower. Then asked “What if she doesn’t?” “Sometimes we got to take the leap of faith.” Said Roland. He smiled and said “Believe me when I say, I think you and Sapphire are meant for each other.” “Thanks.” Said Wallflower with a sheepish blush “I appreciate it.” She shook off her blush the moment the others came together, with Princess Twilight and the others in tow. “How does it look?” asked Princess Twilight. “Everything is set on our position.” Said Roland. “Same here.” Said Donnie “With everything in place, we’ll be able to get the readings soon.” “Once we do, we’ll need to make our way to the stone and fast in order to make sure that Shredder or Krang don’t get it.” Said Donnie 87. “Come on guys,” said Leo 87 “We’d better get back before.” Leo suddenly heard his phone ring and picked it up. He saw that it was from Spike, surprisingly since he knows how to use it. “Hello Spike? Wait what, what’s going…hold on, I’ll put you on Speaker.” He pressed the button, causing Spike to say “You guys better get back here quick!! Something horrible has happened!!” “Spike, what’s going on?!” said Princess Twilight as she got close. “Never mind that, just get over here!!” said Spike before he hung up. “This sounds serious.” Said Obaki. “Come on guys, let’s go!!” said Leo as he quickly led everyone back to the lair. *************************************************************************************************** Everyone soon quickly made it back to the lair, with Leo saying “What is it Spike?” “Did Shredder find us?!” said Princess Twilight. “Did we find another one of the stones?!” said Shine Boy. “Did we get free pizzas?!” said both Mikey, before both Raph slapped behind Mikey’s head. “No, much worse.” Said Spike. “What could be worse?” said Shine Girl. “That!!” shouted Spike, Dog Spike and the kids at the same time as they pointed at something. From what they saw, were the Rainbooms, the Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings, April, Karai, Shinigami and Sapphire, all of them who had turned into toddlers and cried whilst their clothes were too big to fit them. Everyone gasped at the sight. “Holy cupcakes!!” shouted pony Pinkie Pie. “Holy Chalupa!!” shouted Mikey. “What the shell?!” shouted Donnie. Garnett then said “Told you all of you were going to get an unexpected surprise.” ***************************************************************************************** A short while later, the 87 Turtles had called both their April and Irma over and thankfully had toddler clothes with them. As they placed the clothing on them, and Roland collected their clothing to gather them in a safe spot, everyone quickly went over what happened. “Thanks again for the help April and Irma.” Said Leo 87. “No problem, guys.” Said April 87. “Though it was a bit weird when you called us to find out if we had any kid clothing.” “But now we know why.” Said Irma 87 as she gushed over them “They’re so adorable.” Roland came back and said “Okay, for safety’s sake, the Rainboom’s geodes are placed in containers and Obaki is doing their laundry.” They gave him confused looks whilst he said “He really likes to do laundry. Says he likes to make clothes comfortable and smell really nice so that folks can feel good about themselves.” Bright Eyes then inspected her clothes and said “So that’s why my clothes feel extra comfortable.” The others on the other hand, tried to make sense of things. “How the heck did this happen?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight. “I don’t know.” Said Spike “One moment Pinkie came in with pizza and I was on my way back to the kitchen to get a plate for myself. And when I got back, they were turning into Toddlers.” “Did they happen to have anything on them when this happened?” asked Shine Boy “Anything at all?” “Well they were holding pizza.” Said dog Spike. Gamer picked up one of the pizzas and used one of his gadgets to scan the contents of the pizza. “Whoa,” said Gamer “That explains so much.” “What?” said Donnie when he walked over to Gamer whilst holding Toddler April. “See for yourself.” Said Gamer as he showed him. Donnie looked over, and after seeing them, he said “Fascinating.” “What is it, Donnie?” asked Gwen. “From what I’m seeing,” said Donnie before he looked at the others “These pizzas seems to contain a few assortment of chemicals inside.” “Which caused them to be reverted back to them being kids.” Said Gamer. Suddenly, the 87 Turtles, Irma and April groaned as Raph 87 said “Oh no, not again.” “Wait, again?” said everyone else in the room. “Wait,” said Mondo Gecko as he realized something “This happened to you guys before?” “Unfortunately.” Said Leo 87 whilst he groaned. “It’s the same chemical that turned us into toddlers before.” “Seriously?” said Connie surprised. “But just to point things out brah,” said Mikey 87 “My Leo got turned into a kid twice, and that time my Donnie and Raph got turned into toddlers were from a different effect. It was a real bummer dude.” “A while back, Krang gave a reverse growth serum to one of our enemies, Captain Cruelec,” said Donnie 87 “He disguised himself at a pizza place and sprayed it on a couple of pizzas. Before Raph and I could eat them, we saw how both Mikey and Leo turn into kids.” “And boy were those two a nightmare.” Groaned 87 Raph. “Hey!!” exclaimed Raph 87’s brothers. “But after a while we were able to find the pizzas they ate, found the chemicals and countered them the moment we made the antidote, resulting to turn our brothers back to normal.” “So wait,” said Casey “You guys aren’t afraid that they might try something like this again?” “No way bro,” said Mikey 87 “One thing bad guys don’t do, is do the same trick twice.” “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!!” shouted Raph. “Do your enemies try the same plan to destroy you and the others?” asked Raph 87. Raph was about to retort, until he groaned and grumbled “Point taken.” “And even if they did, we’d never try the same place twice,” said Mikey 87 “Why do you think we constantly go to different pizza locations?” “That’s pretty clever actually.” Said Keno. “Can we just focus on what’s important here?!!” exclaimed Wallflower, which surprised the others. She then whimpered whilst pointing at Sapphire and said “I got a baby for a girlfriend.” “You’re not the only one!!” exclaimed Keno when he saw them in this state. “Everybody calm down!!” shouted Slash with a hint of roaring, starling many. “He’s right.” Said Leo, “Going after Shredder and his goons can wait. Right now, our top priority is to get our friends back to normal so that we can return ourselves to full strength.” “And let Shredder and his goons get the next stone ahead of us?!!” shouted Raph. “We can’t just leave them like this Raph!!” said Mikey. Raph then saw Toddler Sunset, holding his leg and looked at him with puppy eyes. At first Raph wanted to move, but seeing that he owes Sunset after helping him out a few times, he groaned and said “Fine. I can’t stand to see them like this either.” “And until then,” said Rockwell as he used his psychic powers to lift the pizzas and placed them in protective bags to make sure that no one else touches them “We shall focus on creating the antidote for them.” Donnie 87 said “Good thing I placed my notes in my file cabinet just in case.” “Wait, seriously?” said a surprised Amethyst Majesty. “Yeah, in case something like this happens.” Said Donnie 87 “We may as you guys put it, goof around, but we also take some topics seriously.” “That’s clever.” Said Donnie, before mumbling, “For once.” Donnie 87 took out his file and looked through the list and said “Okay, these are the ingredients needed to make the antidote. Only problem is, we’re missing about 3 different chemical compounds. There’s about three places we can go. Otsuka Chemical Co, Estech Specialty Chemicals and Lensing Fibers Inc.” “We’ll need to divide the teams to go to get them.” Said Obaki. Gamer walked up and said “I’ll work on an antidote with Rockwell and the two Donnies.” “I’ll stay too.” Said Ben “Thankfully I have an alien at my disposal that can help. Gwen can help too.” “Plus we’re also going to need some extra help looking after the uh…kids.” Said Pearl as she was somewhat uncomfortable, remembering the time they had to help Steven when he was a baby and when he accidentally turned himself into one. “Connie can stay behind to look after them because of her medical knowledge,” said Roland, then he looked at Steven and said “Steven, you and your group will have to go to Otsuka Chemical Co.” “You got it.” Said Amethyst as she saluted before they left. “Kevin, Rook, you and the others go with them, make sure they have some backup.” “On it.” Said Kevin as he and the others left. “Blade, Tempest, Juniper,” said Venus “You guys, Juniper, Bandit, Bebop, Rocksteady, Muckman, Ray and Mondo will go to Estech Specialty Chemicals.” “We won’t let you down.” Said Juniper as the others left. “Team Shine, you and the others are gonna have to stay behind and look after the kids.” Said Obaki. “What? Why?” said Love Shine. “Because we’re going to need all hands on this.” Said Roland “Plus one of us needs to fill in Luke, considering he’s still out there.” “I’ll go look for him.” Said Bright Eyes. “We’ll go with you too.” Said Lancer as he, Teddy and Ace volunteered. “I’ll make sure that they stay safe.” Said Starlight as she left with the kids. “Just be careful out there you three. And listen to Starlight whilst you’re out.” Said Venus. “We will.” Said the three as they left with Starlight “And make sure you tell Sandbar and the others about this!!” said Roland. After they were gone, Roland looked at the others and said “In the meantime, I’ll go to Lensing Fiber Inc, see what I can find.” “Wait,” said Princess Twilight “Maybe my friends and I can come with you.” “Yeah, same with us.” Said Melody and the rest of the Rock N Beats. “Absolutely not.” Said Roland, which surprised them. “Oh come on, you’re going to bench us on this?!!” exclaimed Pony Rainbow. “Yeah, besides our friends are turned into toddlers!!” said Pony Applejack. “And you’re going to need some backup.” Said Patch. Venus and Obaki looked in concern and at one another. Roland sighed and reluctantly said “Fine, just don’t get in my way.” Roland walked with Princess Twilight and her group following. Team Shine noticed this, with Shine Girl saying “What was that all about?” “I have no idea.” Said Love Shine. “I don’t get why we have to stay behind.” Said Raph. “Duh, Raph.” Said Mikey “Because the Rainbooms, even if they’re toddlers, trust us.” They saw how the Rainbooms, the Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings, April, Karai, Shinigami and Sapphire huddled close to them. “You know he does have a point,” said Donnie when he thought toddler April was adorable. At the same time, Zach, Caitlyn, Buffy, Gabby, Angel, Burne, Trisha, Yoshi and Chen arrived when they received a call. “We got your call,” said Caitlyn, “So what’s…?” They were shocked to see the current state of the Rainbooms, with Zach saying “Uh, never mind.” ************************************************************************************************* As the teams went out in different locations. Two of the teams were able to infiltrate the facilities and got the Chemicals. At the same time, Roland, the Mane 6, Spike and the five members of the Rock N Beats were going from rooftop to rooftop, trying to make their way towards Lensing Fiber Inc. As soon as they stopped to take a breather, with Roland looking down on the streets to find any signs of trouble. “So, what’s the plan once we get there?” asked pony Applejack. “I’m going to find the chemicals,” said Roland, “You lot make sure that we’re not going to get ambushed.” “Oh darling, no need to be like that,” said pony Rarity “I’m sure we can all help.” “Right,” said Pinkie Pie, “And the more friends are there, the quicker we’ll find what we’re looking for.” “Right.” Mumbled Roland. “Oh, don’t be such a downer Roland,” said Sweetheart, “Besides, our friends back at the lair is counting on us.” “Yeah, the quicker we get there, the sooner the others will be restored.” Said Patch. “Trust us when I say Roland,” said Princess Twilight, “We need to work together in order to get through this.” Something inside Roland snapped when she said the trigger word. Trust. Trust. Trust. It kept going over and over again and again. He gripped his fists every time whenever he hears it. “Trust?” muttered Roland. Then he looked down and said “Trust, huh?” “Uh, you okay there?” asked pony Applejack. Roland then stood up and went over to Princess Twilight, only to her slight surprise, he was upset. “You and I have a very, different definition when it comes to trust.” Responded Roland harshly, which surprised Princess Twilight. “I mean what’s your plan anyway once we get to the chemical lab? Are you going to try and steal them whilst using your friends to distract anyone as if they were expendable deadweights?” Princess Twilight was taken aback and said “I’d never do that!!” “You did back at Mt. Aris.” Retorted Roland. Everyone was shocked to hear that. “You always did have trust issues, I mean look at you,” said Roland “The so called Princess of Friendship herself, couldn’t even trust her own friends enough to help shoulder her problems without asking for their help or without giving them a yes or no answer.” “What’s that supposed to mean?!” said Princess Twilight. “Every time, and I mean, every single time,” said Roland “Whenever something happens, you try to solve them yourself because you didn’t trust your friends enough. Heck, you didn’t even trust Starlight to make her own decisions, especially when she was trying to be friends with Trixie, but you kept getting in the way because you didn’t trust her!!” “Trixie constantly kept boasting about her tricks!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight, “Then she came back to Ponyville, wearing an Alicorn Amulet and took over the town!!” “And who’s fault was that?!” shouted Roland, which startled Princess Twilight. “You lot are the reason she became like that!!” “How is that our fault?!!” said Princess Twilight. “Trixie constantly boasted about her abilities, and ended up bringing an Ursa Minor into our town!!” “Hey, that wasn’t her fault.” Said Roland, “Snips and Snails were the ones who brought that Ursa Minor to Ponyville, because you lot kept belittling her and they were dumb enough to believe Trixie and brought that thing in!! So if it’s anyone else’s fault, it was dumb and dumber. Well, dumb and dumber and those three idiots!!” As Roland pointed at pony Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity, the latter were shocked by what he said. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” shouted pony Rainbow. “You three constantly kept heckling her every time whenever she was trying to perform!!” said Roland. “We just tired of her bragging.” Said pony Applejack. “And her boasting.” Said pony Rarity. “She’s a magician!!” said Roland, “A street performer, it’s their job to brag about their skills, you can’t heckle someone just for doing their job!! But if you lot had just been patient with her and put a sock in it, she wouldn’t have showed you three up and she wouldn’t have brought the Alicorn Amulet to have revenge on you in the first place!!” The three ponies turned humans pondered that and had shockened expressions upon realizing that, it was their fault, even Princess Twilight was surprised by that. “And you.” Said Roland whilst pointing at pony Rainbow Dash, which took her by surprise, “You’re also a hypocrite, you know that? Cause oh sure, whenever someone else brags, it’s all silent stairs. But whenever you brag, you’re miss big shot around here.” “Because I am the best at what I do!!” retorted Rainbow. “You mean like you bragged that you could kick that dragon who did it’s hundred year nap near Ponyville a whilst back when you grumbled and complained about Fluttershy all day?” retorted Roland back. Rainbow winced at that, with Roland saying “You constantly keep bragging how cool you are. But you know what’s not cool, you constantly disrespect other creature’s hobbies and jobs and hurt their feelings, but then again, I guess that’s what both you and the Wonderbolt have in common, you’re both lazy, unprofessional and stupid.” “What?!!” exclaimed Rainbow in shock and anger. “And it’s also your fault too.” Said Roland whilst pointing at Rarity. “My fault?!” said Rarity. “Yeah,” said Roland “You constantly keep saying how everything they do is uncouth. What are you, a Canterlot citizen? You are not, nor will you ever be on that level. Not to mention you kept on insulting Daring Do, even met her once, and you just didn’t want to read it and purposely spite her for your own amusement. Well at least she doesn’t focus making outfits to make people look fat. Or should I say, fatter!!” “What?!!” said Rarity as she was appalled by what he said. When suddenly, “Why Rainbow Dash and Rarity, whyever are you so upset. It’s just my honest opinion of things that don’t interest me and that I don’t care about, what’s wrong with that?” “Well it’s okay if you don’t like them,” said Rainbow “But if you knew how much it meant to me to be part of the best flyers that I dreamed of when I was a filly…” Then Rarity said “And if you knew how much hard work, I placed into all of my work and craft at my own expense without giving them a piece of my mind through all the harsh criticisms they give…” Then they both shouted “Then you wouldn’t be so mean and cruel about…?!” The two of them stopped and blinked in surprise, with Roland flexing his eyebrow. Making the two of them look down in shock. “Not so fun now, is it.” Said Roland, “But then again, it was miss Princess of Dumb Ideas who paired you two.” Princess Twilight was taken aback and said “I don’t make dumb ideas!!” Roland looked back at her and said “Oh yeah, then what do you call pairing up Rainbow Dash and Applejack, two of the most competitive ponies in all of Equestria to teach a bunch of kids to camp in a competitive manner instead of working together? Or pairing up Rarity and Rainbow Dash that resulted them in breaking their friendship instead of figuring out what they have in common before pairing them up.” He looked back at the latter and said “And I would’ve thought you’d be willing to do it, considering you owe one another.” Both pony Rainbow and pony Rarity blinked in surprise. “You,” said Roland when he pointed at pony Rainbow Dash, “You owe Rarity when she helped made your dress for the Grand Galloping Gala, when you left her stranded in the middle of the desert when you went to fetch Applejack, and when she helped you clear your name when you got framed for Spitfire’s disappearance.” Pony Rainbow wanted to retort, but blinked in surprise, realizing she does owe her, making her groan in frustration. “And you,” said Roland when he pointed at pony Rarity, “You also owe Rainbow Dash when she helped you get your Cutie Mark, when she saved your life after you burnt your butterfly wings because you wanted to show off…” “Show off?!” exclaimed pony Rarity, “I wanted to show everypony how fabulous I looked.” Roland then gave a deadpanned tone, then said “No offense Rarity, but all that makeup you had on you made you look like a peacock working at a makeup factory.” Pony Rarity neighed in shock in response to that, which surprised the others. “Also, and in an uncouth language, the butterfly wings made you look fat.” Pony Rarity gasped in shock at that, even the others were shocked too, for Rarity hated the three letter F word. “More importantly,” said Roland, “You also owe her for ruining their trip to Manehattan when you made her and your friends worked like slaves.” She gasped again at that and said “I did not!!” “Yeah, you did.” “Since when?!” “Two words; Suri Polomare.” Pony Rarity winced at that, forgetting that she did make them do that. Pony Pinkie then pondered for a moment and said, “You know, he kinda does have a point, Twilight.” Twilight growled at that, then said “Name another.” “Let’s see,” said Roland as he listed them off, “There was ditching Moondancer, when you thought that friendship was a waste of time, trying to take Nightmare Moon on your own, believing Zecora was evil before giving her a chance, changing the Parasprites’ diet that made them eat half of Ponyville, giving into Discord’s trap that made him flip their personalities, stressing over a stupid friendship report, dressing up like a vigilante to make Rainbow jealous, giving the CMC the love Poison and blocking them from the library without hearing them out why they did Gabby Gums, trying to show everyone Chrysalis was a fake without proof or evidence, trying to save the Crystal Empire on your own, told Pinkie about the Mirror pool, casting the spell that caused your friends’ cutie marks to be switched…” “Okay, I get it!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight as she was frustrated, with everyone else surprised by how many mistakes she made. “The point is, you never think any of these things through.” Said Roland, “This is exactly what happened when you faced Tirek alone. You fought him, and then you nearly brought all of Equestria to ruin.” “I would’ve figured something out!!” said Twilight. “No you couldn’t.” said Roland, “If you had just told your friends the truth about what the Princesses had planned, then all of you would’ve come up with a better plan and Tirek wouldn’t have used them as leverage to get what he wanted.” “I know my responsibility!!” said Twilight. “Is it really your own responsibility?” questioned Roland, “Or is it, a responsibility that coward, Princess Celestia is trying to force on you?” Everyone gasped at what he said about Celestia, even Twilight was shocked by what he said. “And she’s all talk, all that business about friendships and families.” Said Roland. “But who the heck is she to lecture you or anyone, about friendship and family. She chose to become immortal and lock herself away in that dump of a castle and gave up on all of her friends and family entirely!! Ever since the day she took both you and Sunset in to be her students, she’s done nothing but discouraged the two of you into making you do what she wanted, and on the so many rare occasions that she decided to help, and did so little, she may as well have chosen to do nothing at all!!” One more they were shocked by what he said, with Twilight shouting “How dare you?!” “Then tell me?” said Roland, “On who’s watch did Princess Luna succumb to her own darkness? Whose inactions have caused all of her enemies to go so unchecked, that they nearly destroyed all of Equestria?!!” He then walked toward her and said “And sometimes you can’t take no for an answer. For if others kept trying to dissuade you it was because you know nothing. And if others were reluctant to contribute, it was because you were naïve! A thousand times you could’ve died and taken; Harmony knows how many you would’ve taken with you!! Let me tell you something Twilight Sparkle, life is not a fairy tale, and there are no happy endings!!” Roland continued to move towards her and said “And you know what, I don’t know why everyone else even bothered to try and help you. Because did you know that Princess Celestia was the only one whoever believed in you, whilst everyone else, even Luna, Cadance and Spike, along with your own friends and family thought she was crazy, sending a mentally unstable book loving filly trying to do a grown up’s job.” “How dare…” “No, this is where you zip it, okay?! The Ninja Master is talking! What if somebody had died? Different story right, cause that’s on you. And if you died, that would be on them. None of them need that on their conscious. And I would’ve thought after everything you and your friends had ever done and built, had meant something to you. Cause the Twilight Sparkle they knew, would never have used her friends like that, would never had resorted to barbaric tactics to complete a mission and all for what? To be teacher’s pet.” He leaned closer to her and said “And the way I’m seeing, you’re no better than Discord, Chrysalis and Tirek. And more importantly, you’re not as smart as you think.” Princess Twilight was shocked by what he said. When she got angry, he said “Oh, I mean yeah, sure, ninety percent of the time when it comes to magic and science, you’re smart. But you’re not smart enough to realize that you’re still a rookie when it comes to making friends and not everyone will always agree with your methods and not everyone will always agree with your plans. And you can’t always get everything you want and have them do things your way, you know that right?” Twilight then wanted to retort, but was shocked, and looked down in guilt. “It’s just like the friendship report, you can’t always except everything to work out the way you always do, otherwise you’d end up screwing things up before things go your way.” He then said in a mocking tone, “Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned I’m a prissy little unicorn who refuses to make friends and learn anything about friendship, especially from those who had friends longer than I have whilst I remained in Canterlot to be a freaking loser by having ponies walk all over me like a gutless doormat!!” Twilight was taken aback by his attitude. “And I think you and Celestia finally do have something in common. You’re both lousy teachers!!” Many gasped at that, with Roland saying, “The difference between her and Master Splinter, at least he does a better job at teaching rather than spoon feeding them like Celestia did.” “And then came Cozy Glow.” Said Roland, making the Mane 6 and Spike wince, “Mikey had a bad feeling about her since the day he first met her, and yet all of you ignored him, thinking he was crazy, when you’re friends with the biggest goofbag on the planet!!” When Roland motioned Pinkie, she gasped at that, whilst her hair was partially deflated over what he said. “Cozy Glow was this close, this close, into taking over Equestria,” said Roland, “And because you lot didn’t listen to Mikey, Equestria’s magic would’ve been lost forever!!” “But the way he was acting, he wasn’t very subtle about it!!” shouted Princess Twilight. “It’s Mikey we’re talking about!!” said Roland “Subtlety had never been his strong suit!!” Some of them remembered and realized he did have a point, with Princess Twilight saying “Plus we couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth, because he acted crazy and it was hard for us to believe him!!” “You mean how everybody thought you were crazy when you stressed out over a stupid report and how everybody didn’t believe you before your brother’s wedding?” retorted Roland whilst crossing his arms. Princess Twilight was taken aback by this, and before she could say anything, she began to remember how Mikey acted crazy and nobody believed him, then she slightly gasped and remembered that she was in the exact situation he was, where everybody thought she was crazy and nobody believed her. “And after she was defeated,” said Roland, “When Bright Eyes took over, Mikey said that she’s okay. But in the end, you didn’t trust or believe him, again. And you ended up being paranoid and did the same thing to every other student.” “We just didn’t want what happened to our school to happen again!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight. “And nearly got it shut down when the students began to leave.” Said Roland, “Starlight told you guys to let it go, but you refused to. At least Starlight was able to forgive and let go over what happened, because she’s not a coward like you six.” They all gasped at that, but Roland then said, “But then again, all of you are nothing but major disappointments.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” said pony Applejack. “I seem to recall you saying that family means everything,” said Roland to pony Applejack, “Yet you ignored and sent Apple Bloom away when you found out she and her friends were Gabby Gums. You could’ve just asked why she did all that, but instead you gave her the cold shoulder. And that time when you were supposed to have taught the students, you ended up getting competitive and ended up nearly got them killed. But instead of admitting your mistake, your pride got in the way.” He glared at her and said “Did you forget that it was because of pride that got your grandfather to disown and abandon your mother in the first place? Pride, is the enemy, and you ended up being the succubus for it.” Pony Applejack was taken aback by this, with her eyes looking down in guilt. “Oh come on,” said pony Pinkie Pie, “Don’t be so…” “Be what? A grump?” said Roland. “Oh, I have a pretty good reason why I’m always such a grump. Cause if you had tried to take things seriously instead of treating everything like it’s some big joke, then no one would even have bigger problems than they already do. But no, you’d rather go around being a dump of a town’s party planner, going around planning and throwing parties that No one asked you to do!!” Pony Pinkie suddenly whimpered as her hair went straight and flat. “And you.” Said Roland to pony Rarity, “You may act like you’re a generous soul, but you can be just as selfish. Using your friends to make clothes that you stupidly gave away, constantly whining over the dumbest thing. So instead whining, do actually something about it than constantly making clothes that nobody cares about.” Pony Rarity gasped at what he said, then he turned to the frightened pony Fluttershy and said. “And will you stop being a wimp for once for five minutes and actually try to be a little brave?” said Roland, “Cause the way you’ve been acting, it’s no wonder every pony in Equestria treats you like a gutless doormat.” Pony Fluttershy whimpered as she hid behind Pinkie Pie. “Hey, that’s e…!!” said pony Rainbow Dash, before Roland cut her off. “And you,” said Roland whilst pointing at Rainbow. “You have the nerve and audacity to blame a handful of others mistakes when you’re the one who caused them? And you had the gall to yell at a little filly for smiling who didn’t even do anything to you. That’s so like you Rainbow, acting all high and mighty, thinking that you’re important and so much better than anyone else, but really, you’re nothing more than an insensitive jerk and blamed others whenever something went wrong. So instead of being a stupid selfish hotheaded jerk, pointing hooves at folks as always when you should accept the fact that you’re nothing but a major screwup who can’t do anything right! Some loyal friend you are.” Rainbow looked like her face was recently slapped whilst her eyes were pooling with tears. “And if you had your wings right now, I’d rip them off right here and right now.” Said Roland, scaring Rainbow. But then… *WA-POW!!!* They gasped at what they saw. Rainbow was on the ground, holding her swollen cheek, and looked at Roland, who cracked his right hand knuckles, saying “But this will have to suffice.” “Roland!!” said Princess Twilight. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but…!!” “Oh what, you suddenly think that you care about your friends when you’re not trying to please your teacher, as usual?” said Roland. “But…” said Princess Twilight before she was cut off. “I believe you once told Spike back at Canterlot, that you didn’t need friends, and what good are they anyway, remember?” said Roland, which surprised Twilight that he knew about that. “And that you told Pinkie Pie you’d be better off without friends like them?” He squinted his eyes and said “Don’t worry. Give it a hundred years.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” said Princess Twilight. “Oh, you still haven’t figured it out, did you?” said Roland. “The moment when you became an Alicorn, you also ended up being immortal too like Celestia and the others. That means that you will end up outliving everyone. Your parents, your friends, your brother…even Leo and the others.” Princess Twilight was taken aback by this, then he said, “And whilst you may be a princess, you will end up losing the ones who made you who you are. So you can rule on your throne for how many years, whilst everyone and everypony you’ve ever known and loved. Will be dead and gone, forever.” Princess Twilight widened her eyes in shock, then slowly looked down, never even considered that, whilst everyone else was shocked by what he said. But he wasn’t done. The next group he began to stare harshly most of all; the Rock N Beats. “And you lot.” Said Roland, making the group wince, “I still can’t believe you’d treat one of your own like garbage when he tried to warn you about that human hating fish girl. Oh yeah, sure, Ace made one mistake and suddenly you think anything else he’ll say will get you in trouble.” “How were we supposed to know he was being serious this time?!” said Patch. “At least I’m not the one who kicked him in the mud puddle and called him an idiot showoff.” Both Melody and Patch winced at that, remembering how badly they treated him. He then leaned over to Patch and said in an eerie threatening tone, "And what did you say to the others after what you did?" She then felt a little scared, but swallowed and said, "That he deserved it?" SMACK!!! The Rock N Beats, Mane 6 and Spike were shocked by what happened. For Roland...slapped Patch, making her hold her left cheek as she was horrified. "Did you deserve that?" said Roland. "Believe me, if I really had my way..." He produced a blade from underneath his wrist and aimed it at her neck, which shocked her as she was scared, with him threatening "I'd kill you myself without a second thought. But then again, I'm not Rihona. But if you do not tread lightly...then you'll truly see a wolf released from its cage." He shoved her backwards, making Patch quickly hide behind her friends out of fear. “And I would’ve thought that all of you would help Ace, considering that all of you owe him.” Said Roland. The Rock N Beats were confused by that as they looked at one another, then to Roland. “Seriously?” said Roland in a deadpanned tone. He then looked at Clover as he said, “Remember when you wanted to show your garden to everyone, only for a bunch of bullies to ruin it?” Clover winced, remembering that day. “Ace was the one who snuck at your garden and spent the entire night trying to restore your garden, so that you’d win the prize money for your mother.” Clover was shocked by that revelation, not realizing it was Ace who helped her. “And you,” said Roland to Half-Note, “Remember that day when you wanted to enter the singing competition, but you couldn’t because you temporarily lost your voice? Ace was the one who made a fool of himself, trying to win the contest for you, so you could meet your favorite Idol.” Half-Note was surprised by this and didn’t know how to respond to it. “And you,” said Roland to Patch, “I can’t believe you had the gall to call him an idiot show-off because of one mistake, and after he defended you whenever you got bullied. What was it they kept calling you? Oh yeah, Ugly Freak.” Patch widened her eyes in shock, and had forgotten how Ace had defended her that day. “And then there’s you,” said Roland to Melody, “I would’ve thought that you’ve appreciate what Ace did for you.” Melody was confused by what he meant. Until… “Remember about a year ago before you guys met the Rainbooms,” said Roland, “That day when your sister was in an accident and that she could’ve died without a liver to help her regenerate?” Melody was surprised by this, for she never told anyone, whilst everyone else around her were just as shocked. Said Roland then he took a step forward and said, “But guess who was the donor, who offered to give your sister a liver?” Melody looked down a bit, as if trying to process this. And in mere moments, she widened her eyes in shock and looked at him. “Yeah, Ace was that donor.” Said Roland, much to their shock. “He saw how devastated you and your mom were and he wanted to help you. He offered to volunteer, but the doctor told him if he was going to go through this, he was going to die. But he said to him, in his own words, that all he cared about was making you happy, and if it meant seeing you smile again, then it would be enough for him.” He took a step back and said “But I guess that didn’t matter to you, did it?” Melody then remembered the day she and Patch kicked Ace as he collapsed on the mud puddle. And in that brief moment, she saw him clutch where his… She widened her eyes in shock and clasped her mouth shut as tears began to fall on her knees, for he never told her or anybody. Even Sweetheart was just as shocked to hear this as she nearly fainted, with Clover holding onto her. Spike then spoke and said “Hey now, come on. That’s a bit harsh don’t you think?” “Says the gutless dragon who didn’t want to speak his mind.” retorted Roland. Spike blinked in surprise and said “What’s that supposed to mean?” “You heard me,” said Roland “Every time whenever Twilight does stuff like this, you didn’t want to speak up or speak out against her because you were afraid, she was going to kick you out. You could’ve stopped her multiple times, you could’ve told her the truth and you could’ve tried to talk some sense into her, but you never listen. So meaning it was also your fault as it is hers.” Spike was taken aback by what he said. But what Roland said next, stung him the most. “Oh yeah, and one more thing, and it’s been a very, long time coming but didn’t pay attention because you’re a baby dragon; I know you still have this little fantasy that Rarity would finally fall in love with you. Well I got some news for you bub; it’s never going to happen!!” That, hit Spike right in the feels as he looked hurt and shed tears whilst looking down, with everyone else shocked by what he said. “You know what,” said Roland in disgust whilst he looked at the Mane 6, “The Elements of Harmony made a mistake picking you lot. Cause if it were up to me, I’d pick someone who actually sticks to their elements, and what did they get in return?” He then pointed to each of the Equestrian turned humans and dragon. “A country hicked bumpkin, who’s not that bright when it comes to fixing problems and sometimes lying to herself because she’s too stubborn and fat with pride to admit when she made a mistake. A selfish, arrogant and brainless rainbow headed Pegasus who keeps belittling and making fun of and don’t care about other ponies’ talents and doesn’t care about anyone else but herself. An overpompous princess who’s so filled with vanity and envy whilst hiding behind her kit full of makeup and a thousand excuses. A wimpy yellow Pegasus who’s constantly scared of her own shadow. An annoying pink, crazy, party obsessed lunatic who doesn’t know the meaning of the word restraint, an immature mentally unstable book loving filly with a massive case of OCD trying to please others, a puny baby size boneheaded dragon who doesn’t realize the damage he caused and didn’t do a proper job in helping, stopping or advising the Princess of Friendship.” Then he turned to the Rock N Beats. “Whilst being accompanied by a bunch of snot nosed brats!!” Everyone was stunned and shocked and hurt by what he said, with Roland walking away and said “You know what, why don’t you go back home and be further screwups. That’s all you’re good for anyway.” Pony Rainbow Dash got angry, though whilst shedding tears, said “Oh, and you’re any better?!!” “No, I’m not!!” shouted Roland as he stopped and looked back at them. “But at least I’m honest with my feelings, know the difference between right and wrong, don’t take anything for granted and I’m not a coward when it comes to admit making mistakes.” He walked away, but the moment he was farther away, he instantly had a hurtful expression whilst mumbling “Just like the mistake I’m making for yelling at you.” He then jumped to the next building and continued on, whilst leaving the others behind with hurtful expressions. Whilst from afar, someone was watching them from one of the water towers via binoculars, revealing to be Night Shine, who lowered them and squinted his eyes as he saw what happened. “Mr. Luke?” He looked down to see Bright Eyes looking up at him. “You know, not many people call me that. And you’re smart not to call me Night Shine in front of me.” He slid down a lamppost next to Bright Eyes. “So, Bright Eyes, was it? Whatcha need?” “The Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, April, Karai, and Shinigami were turned into babies. And I told them I’d bring you back to the lair.” Night Shine looked back to Roland’s direction before looking at Bright Eyes. “I gotta see this. Let’s go.” The two of them headed off to look after the friends turned babies. ********************************************************************************************* After the much yelling, Roland was far enough from them, until he gasped and clutched to his chest, and coughed up purple goo. He looked at his gauntlet and noticed it was lowered, before fully restored. “Dammit. I gotta be more careful.” Muttered Roland. “I really wish I didn’t do that. But I don’t have any other choice.” “Trouble in paradise?” Roland looked around and saw, not to his surprise, a certain creature of Chaos. “You.” Growled Roland when he eyed a certain Draconequus. “Oh,” said Discord intrigued, “You know me?” “Yeah, though I wish I didn’t.” said Roland as he stood up and moved forward. “Oh, come now. Don’t be like that.” Said Discord, “After all, a creature of Chaos like myself tends to make friends.” “Or enemies.” Said Roland, “Which I question why you’re still not imprisoned.” He stopped and turned around to look at Discord. “I mean you did betray your friends to Tirek, and if it were up to me, I’d…” “Oh, what? Put me in a stone prison?” said Discord whilst rolling his eyes. “No.” said Roland, “I’d kill you myself.” Discord was taken aback by this. “You were given plenty of chances to redeem yourself, but everything’s just a sick game to you. You never take things seriously and it will always bite you on your flank in the end.” “I took things seriously when I went to rescue my friends with Starlight Glimmer and a handful of others.” Protested Discord. “And speaking of which.” He leaned over with a stern glare, “I don’t appreciate you yelling at them like that. If I were you, I’d apologize to them?” “Or what?” said Roland. “Oh, I don’t know.” Said Discord as he was right into his face, “Then you’ll see just how serious I really can be.” “You’re in no position to make any demands from me Discord,” said Roland “Or should I call you…Grogar.” Discord was shocked by what he said. “How did you…?” “Oh, I know plenty.” Said Roland, “Especially the fact that you knew all this was going to happen and didn’t bother to lift a talon to stop it. And what were you thinking, uniting Tirek and the others? I thought you would’ve learned your lesson, but you’re still the same stupid freak who couldn’t care about anyone else but himself.” He took a few steps forward and said “And the so called bell you told them? That’s how Shredder gained his power. He followed you and used it for his own advantage. Meaning you were responsible for his path to power. And in the end, you ended up becoming his first victim.” “I was merely…” “What, trying to give Princess Twilight the confidence she needed to be a ruler?” said Roland. “There are plenty of ways to give one confidence. This, isn’t one of them. I thought you cared about Fluttershy. But clearly you never did care about her at all. And how would she feel, if she found out her friend betrayed her trust. Again.” Discord got angry and said “Why you…!!!” But just as he snapped his claws, it automatically rejected him and electrocuted him, making him scream in shock and collapse on the ground. He looked at Roland stunned, with Roland revealing he had an amulet around his neck, surprising Discord in the process. “Is that…?” said Discord. “That’s right,” said Roland “You didn’t actually believe I came unprepared, did you? I was also trained by them and the difference is, whilst you play with Chaos, others take that role very seriously.” He placed the amulet away, then crouched and looked at Discord right in the eyes. “And know this well, Discord.” Said Roland sternly, “If you, ever, show your mug around here again, if you, ever, mess with our plans, or if you, ever, attempt to do this for the fun of things ever again.” Roland squinted his eyes with a deadly glare and said “I’ll make sure that everyone in Equestria knows exactly who was the one responsible for resurrecting Sombra and united all of Equestria’s worst villains.” Discord was taken aback by this threat, and this time, for the first time, he was shocked by what Roland had said. No longer needed to say anything else, Roland stood up and walked away, with Discord shaking in fear. “Sweet mother of Chaos,” muttered Discord “He’s terrifying.” Discord snapped his fingers and teleported away. Roland was far enough and suddenly contacted someone. “The pieces are in play, you’re up.” Said Roland. Roland then opened a portal with one of his devices. He placed a call and said “Principle Celestia. I need a favor.” He walked through and headed for a different destination. ************************************************************************************************ At the same time, the Mane 6, Spike and the Rock N Beats, all sat down, hurt and miserable. “I can’t believe it.” Said Melody, “All this time, Ace saved my sister. And I ended up treating him like…” Sweetheart held her sister close, and said “I know. None of us knew.” “I called him an idiot showoff,” said Patch, feeling guilty, “He defended me when no one else did.” Pony Rainbow on the other hand, lamented and shouted in frustration “Who the heck does he think he is?!! I’m not a coward, I’m not selfish…I…I…!!” She then groaned and sighed in defeat “Oh, who am I kidding, he’s right.” She sat right next to pony Rarity and held her legs together. She looked at pony Rarity and said “Rarity. I’m really sorry for what I did to you. Or what I said about your talent and job. I’m your friend and I ended up belittling your passions and dreams. Roland was right about me…I am a screwup.” Pony Rarity then sighed and wiped her tears and stained mascara and said “Don’t be hard on yourself darling, I’m the one who made so much selfish decisions without even realizing what I was doing in the first place. I was so focused on what I wanted, I didn’t think of anyone else’s.” “Twilight, are you okay?” asked pony Fluttershy when Princess Twilight was quiet for so long. Twilight was silent for a few moments, and said “Roland was right. I’m such a hypocrite.” “Twilight…” said pony Applejack, only for Twilight to cut her off. “I spent such a long time, doing the opposite of what everyone was doing.” Said Princess Twilight, “I silenced Mikey because I thought he was annoying and crazy and yet I did the same thing during the Friendship report and my brother’s wedding. I even broke a promise to listen to Mikey when he said Bright Eyes was okay, and yet I casted nothing but suspicion on her.” “You weren’t the only one Twilight.” Said pony Applejack, “We’re just as guilty of mistrusting Bright Eyes and every other student because of what happened.” “And because of my poor decisions,” said Princess Twilight “I ended up making so many mistakes and thought none of you had any good ideas. I should’ve told you about Tirek. I should’ve trusted you more during our trip to Mt. Aris. Rarity didn’t know Capper was a con-artist and Rainbow didn’t know Tempest was this close into tracking us, and instead, I ended up blaming them for what we went through. I’m the Princess of Friendship, and yet I didn’t do anything to prove that I deserved the title.” She lowered her head and said “Why did Princess Celestia have to pick me? Why couldn’t it have been somepony else?” “Trust us, I ask myself the same question in a similar situation.” “Same here.” The Mane 6 and Rock N Beats looked at the direction in shock and to their surprise, it was both Ben 10, who had turned into Jet Ray, and Steven Universe. “Oh,” said Princess Twilight as a handful of them wiped their tears away. “Hey guys. What are you doing here?” “We were already finished with our tasks in getting the chemicals, so we came to check up on you.” Said Steven, “And Ben decided to pop over to see how things are going.” “Rough day?” asked Ben when he turned back to normal. “You…might say that.” Said Melody. “What happened?” asked Steven. After a brief discussion, the latter caught on what happened. “Wow, that’s rough.” Said Ben. “Still, Roland was right.” Said Princess Twilight. “I ended up being the opposite of my element. We keep messing things up.” She wiped a tear away and said, “Why did Celestia pick me to be her student? Why did she make me an element bearer, or us? Why did she make me a Princess?” She sighed and said, “I guess we’re just not cut out to what we’re meant to be.” “Same here.” Said Melody, “We treated one of our own like trash, and we took him for granted too. We did apologize, but we still felt guilty.” “He did everything for us.” Said Patch, “And we ended up spitting it all in his face.” “Some friends we are.” Said Clover. Ben and Steven looked at one another. Then back to them. “You know, it might come as a surprise to you, but I felt the same way when I first got the Omnitrix.” Said Ben when he looked at the Mane 6 and Spike, gaining their attention whilst he looked at his Omnitrix. “When I first got this, all I did was treat it as a toy. I didn’t take things seriously and treated like it was nothing. But after a few weeks, after when I got this, I realized that if I make a mistake, someone could die. And if we messed up a situation, everyone could die. I then decided to treat everything as a big joke, and when the time came, I’d be able to do what I have to do.” He looked at them and said “I also made some bad choices in my life. Back before Kevin was my friend, he was a criminal. He lured me into what he wanted to do, and he ended up using the power of my Omnitrix against me. I also had to take responsibility for what I did. But there will always be more enemies out there who will either hurt the innocent, or try to steal my Omnitrix and use it for their own personal gain. Most times I got way over my head, I ended up being a jerk to a few of my friends and pushed my loved ones away from me. Most times I kept asking myself why I even bothered with it if I never found it in the first place? And a while ago, we fought a villain named Malware, I kept using an alien called Feedback. But then I got cocky and Malware literally ripped him from me, destroying him too. I felt like I lost a piece of myself. It was because of my overconfidence and cocky attitude that I got myself in this mess in the first place.” “I was the same way,” said Steven, gaining their attention. “When I first learned about my powers, I got thrusted into a war between myself and Homeworld. I ended up taking over my mom’s responsibility. I never wanted to be part of it either. And felt it was too much pressure on me. That I was scared that if I failed, then everyone and everything I ever loved and cared about would be destroyed. I was even overcome with so much stress, I ended up being corrupted and turned into a monster. After that, I was so hurt and traumatized I didn’t want to be part of anyone or anything ever again. And it also became too much pressure for me for not only protecting humanity, but also trying to help my friends find a way to restore their friends who were corrupted by Homeworld’s power.” They were surprised to hear this, with Princess Twilight asking, “What did you two do?” “We chose to embrace it and proved everyone wrong.” Said both Ben and Steven. “I worked hard to earn everyone’s trust and to show them that I was worthy of wearing this.” Said Ben, “Plus, if it weren’t for my Grandpa Max and my Cousin Gwen, I wouldn’t be here. Overtime I gained plenty of friends that helped me out in every situation. Sure I had trust issues when we faced enemies, but we learned to put it aside for the greater good of others. Cause if we don’t, then we’d end up failing those we were sworn to protect, and we never forget the lessons we learned.” “And if it weren’t for my dad and Connie to help teach me from right to wrong, I would’ve been in a bigger mess.” Said Steven, “Even Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst never gave up on me when I was struggling. I made mistakes that nearly got everyone else hurt, but they were able to help me get past my mistakes.” “And trust me,” said Ben, “We know what it’s like to be judged that way. Constantly.” “What did you do?” asked Princess Twilight. “We proved them wrong.” Said Ben, “We proved that we’re not the same people we were anymore when we first started out. We continued to try and help those in need and focus more what’s in front of us, rather than behind us.” “And my dad once said that if life were like porkchops, we wouldn’t have hotdogs,” said Steven, which confused them, but then he said, “It means that if you take everything for granted, if you fail to see what’s right in front you, that being perfect is unknowable. It’s impossible, but it’s also right in front of us. And in the end, you’ll fail to realize that what you have will be gone forever.” Steven extended his hand to Princess Twilight and said “So prove to others that you’re not the same Princess anymore. That you vowed to help those in need. And promise yourself that you’ll never let fear and trauma hold you back from what’s really important.” “And in the end, you’ll see that everything is worth it in the end.” Said Ben. Princess Twilight looked at Steven for a moment, then lowered her eyes, then ended up smiling and looked at him with determination. “You’re right.” Said Princess Twilight as Steven helped her stand up. “We can’t erase our mistakes, but we can focus on the present, the right here and now. And right now, Sunset and our friends need our help.” She looked back at the others and said “So let’s prove those who doubted us wrong. And do it for them.” The Mane 6 feel inspired and stood up, even Spike, along with the Rock N Beats, with determination in their eyes. She looked back at both Steven and Ben with smiles and said “Thank you. Both of you.” “It’s what friends do.” Said Steven. “We’d better get going to the lair.” Said Ben, “We’ll see you there.” “Alright,” said Princess Twilight as she looked back, “Come on guys, we’ve got work to do.” They all darted towards the ledge and headed towards Roland’s location, with Ben and Steven going back to base. ********************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, outside of Lensing Fiber Inc, Roland had just arrived and began to sneak around. However, he noticed something was off. “That’s strange, no security.” Said Roland as he took a peak. But to his surprise, he saw the guards were turned into crystalized statues. And when he took another peak, to his shock, he saw Krang Bots and Foot Bots guarding the perimeter. “That’s not good.” Said Roland. “I’d better get going before…” But the moment he exited from cover, he was instantly shot in the shoulder with an arrow, taking him by surprise as he took a step back. He looked around and saw there were four Foot Bot archers standing above one of the buildings. “Since when did they have archers?!” exclaimed Roland. Within a split second, tons of Foot bots arrived, armed to the teeth. Roland sighed and had to reveal himself. “Guess we’re doing this the hard way then.” Said Roland as he removed the arrow from his shoulder and tossed it onto the ground before charging towards them. Roland vaulted over a Foot Bot and kicked another away, allowing him to punch and backhand the next two Foot Bots. He pulled out his knife and jabbed it in the robot’s gut and vaulted over that one. Roland grabbed the Foot Bot’s Guandao spear and punched it away, allowing Roland to use it and cut down at least a handful of Foot Bots, but before he twirled it and jabbed it through another. He grabbed the next Foot Bot’s sword and used it to block another, allowing Roland to kick it away and jabbed it through it’s back. Roland ducked a Foot Bot that tried to kill him using its Kamayari Sickle Spear, but he was able to get behind it and snapped its neck before pushing it away. He was grabbed from behind by another Foot Bot, but Roland head butted it using the back of his head, allowing him to dodge another Foot Bot that tried to kill him using a Naginata Spear, only to destroy its own. Roland headbutted the Foot Bot, whilst blocking another and punched it back. Roland saw another Foot Bot coming and use it’s own weapon to kill it, then snapped another’s neck. He pulled out his long knives and gutted a few down, until he was sucker punched by two more and electrocuted by another, making him collapse on the ground. When Roland looked up, he saw many of the Foot Bots and Krang Bots were surrounding him. “Okay, maybe I bit off more than I could chew.” Said Roland. He sighed and said “And I really hate to say it. Maybe I could’ve used their help after all. After a long apology.” “About time you said that!!” Roland perked up and looked, and lore and behold, there stood the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats (Minus Ace and Lancer). The Krang Bots turned around and saw them. “Krang,” said one of the Krang Bots, “It is the one called Princess Twilight and her pony friends from Equestria.” “As well as children, who are trained by the turtles and Rainbooms called Turtles and Rainbooms.” Said another. “Krang,” said the third “Shoot first and ask questions later.” The Krang Bots immediately began to fire. “Scatter and take them down!!” shouted Princess Twilight, allowing them to quickly split up. Both Melody and Sweetheart charged towards where Roland was whilst they readied their weapons. Melody threw her Chakrams as they acted like boomerangs whilst taking them down, whilst Sweetheart used her Chain claw to grab a Foot Bot and use it as a mace to knock many away. Roland was able to get up and use his pistols and began to shoot a few down, with both Melody and Sweetheart regrouping with him. “Thanks for the assist.” Said Roland as he shot a few down. “Consider this even for saving my sister.” Said Melody. “We need to take them down!!” said Roland, “They’re trying to steal the chemicals!!” At the same time, Patch overheard and was shocked to hear that. Then she looked to her right and saw what appeared to be a manifest on the table. She motioned Half-Note to follow her, which she did and ran to another direction. At the same time, Princess Twilight used her spear to block and slice a few Krang Bots along the way, whilst Spike jumped up behind a Foot Bot and literally pulled the wires using his mouth, causing it to shut down. Pony Rarity kept ducking and hiding, trying to avoid the blasters, until she saw what appeared to be metal pipes of sorts. She grabbed them and used them to bash a few of the Foot Bots around. She looked at them and said “Not really my style. But I think I’m getting the hang of this.” Pony Fluttershy kept ducking and avoiding, whilst also whimpering a bit, until she panicked and grabbed a Krang Blaster. She accidentally ended up shooting all over the place, hitting a few bots. She then suddenly got a crazed look on her face and began to shoot like crazy. Pony Pinkie jumped all over the place, splattering cupcakes all over the robot and Krang’s faces, making them blind, whilst she used what appeared to be a random chain and whacked them around. Whilst Roland pulled out his sword and assisted Clover Bloom, pony Rainbow Dash and pony Applejack kept punching and kicking a few Foot and Krang Bots, thanks to the partial training they got from the turtles on the ship. “You gotta admit,” said pony Rainbow as she kept on going. “Out of all the things we did in Equestria over the years, I’d never imagine we’d be doing something like this.” “This is what ah call a workout!!” said pony Applejack, “Ah can see why mah double tends to have a workout whilst doing this!!” As the fight went on, a few Krang and Foot Bots were able to climb aboard a few trucks and quickly drove off. “No!!” shouted Roland as they saw the Krang get away. He kicked a piece of rubble and said “They had the chemicals we needed!!” The others soon regrouped, with pony Rainbow saying “That’s just great!! We lost the one thing we needed to help our friends!!” “Not necessarily.” They looked at another direction and saw both Half-Note and Patch. One holding a manifest whilst the other was holding a case filled with chemicals. “What’s all this?” asked Princess Twilight. “Well, whilst the fighting was going on, we figured that the Krang and Foot Bots would get away with the chemicals so we got to work.” Said Half-Note. “I saw a manifest nearby and looked it over.” Said Patch. “It was a list of Chemicals that they stole. Thankfully I knew the ones Donnie was looking for, so I looked it over to see which was which, and luckily for us, it was in the truck.” “And I also knew what the chemicals looked like.” Said Half-Note, “As well as what their containment and element case looked like, so naturally I was able to quickly find it and luckily for me, it was on the top shelf.” Everyone were surprised by this, with the both of the chuckle sheepishly. “I used to help around in my dad’s business,” said Patch, “I developed his organizing skills.” “And I also studied a ton of chemicals and the periodic table of elements.” Said Half-Note, “It’s a hobby.” “Huh,” said Roland with an impressed tone, “Nice job.” He then looked down in guilt, then said “I…well…” They noticed he had a hard time trying to say it. “What I said back there was unforgivable. And wrong.” Said Roland. To their surprise, he bowed to them, the only way of showing a ninja some proper respect. “I have no excuse for what I said back there. I’m sorry.” He soon felt a hand on his shoulder, looked up and saw Princess Twilight. “I’ll admit,” said Princess Twilight, “What you said back there was…well…I don’t know how to describe it. But…you were also right. What we did back in the past…we’re not proud of any of them either.” “Truth be told,” said pony Applejack after she took her hat off, “Even after Cozy, we weren’t fair with Bright Eyes. We were the reasons she ran away, because we let our past failure get to us., because our students were the ones who had to save the day.” “But truth be told,” said pony Fluttershy, “We forgot that were saved before. Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, Discord. We didn’t see Chrysalis coming and we ended up being captured.” “Plus, we also have to remember,” said pony Rarity, “That even though we were chosen to help protect Equestria, we can’t always be there forever.” “Plus,” said pony Rainbow as she really hated to admit it, “What I did to everypony, even Bright Eyes and my own friends wasn’t fair, and that it was very wrong. I was scared out of my mind that something like that would happen and…I ended up being a coward. I even made fun of my friends’ jobs and hobbies, and accused a filly that Mikey said was okay…and I broke that promise to listen to him.” “We all did.” Said pony Pinkie Pie, “Some friends we are. What’s the point of being friends if we can’t move on from what we did to each other and our own friends. Even I kept forgetting my lesson of not trying to force things on ponies.” Princess Twilight sighed and said “We already apologized, but thinking about it, we do owe them much more than an apology. And an apology I needed to make to Mikey, but didn’t get the chance.” “Same with Ace.” Said Melody on behalf of her and her friends. “But…” said Spike as he was confused, “Why did you treat us with hostility?” Roland stood up and sighed whilst saying “Let’s just say some things happened and…mistakes were made. But it’s what your counterparts did.” “What did they do?” asked pony Fluttershy. “I…I can’t.” said Roland as he had a hurtful look and a painful memory that came back. “We understand,” said pony Applejack, “Y’all can tell us when yer ready.” Roland was able to manage a smile and said “Thank you. And Twilight?” Princess Twilight looked at him, with Roland saying “You don’t need to please or prove to anyone. You need to do what’s right for you, and no one else. So stop thinking about what others expect from you and start what you think.” Princess Twilight pondered this for a moment, then she looked at him and smiled, whilst nodding, agreeing to give his advice a try. Roland placed his sword back in its hilt and said “Come on, we got friends to restore.” Everyone soon moved with haste, for the friends turned Toddlers, needed help and fast. ******************************************************************************************** At the same time, as everyone took care of the friends turned toddlers, the geniuses were still working on the antidote, but the groups had to take separate testing just to be sure, thankfully Night Shine and the ones that went to look for him had also come back. “You know,” said April 87 as she took care of toddler Rainbow and Sunset, “Compared to how the guys were when they were turned to toddlers, these girls are pretty tamed.” “I’ll say,” said Mikey 87 as he played with toddler Sonata, “And they’re pretty fun too.” “I’m just glad they’re not having their geodes on them.” Said Shine Girl. “No kidding,” said Love Shine, “Taking care of toddlers combined with their raw powers is a nightmare.” Within a split second, Roland, the Rock N Beats and the Mane 6 and Spike walked in. “We got the next bit of chemicals for the antidote.” Said pony Rainbow Dash. “That’s great.” Said Donnie as he stepped out of the lab. “But we also have a problem.” Said Melody. “Turns out the Krang and Foot bots tried to steal most of the chemicals from the lab.” Said Patch. “That’s weird,” said Mikey as he played with toddler Pinkie, “What do they want with that?” “Knowing them, probably trying to create more Mutagen.” Said Raph. “Okay, lab raid aside,” said Donnie 87, “We’re almost done with the antidote. Roland, I’m going to need you to use that chemical to work on part of the formula.” “You got it.” Said Roland as he entered the lab, with the Rainbooms in tow. However, the Rock N Beats looked at Ace after he had just finished talking with Lancer and Bright Eyes. Melody was the first to walk over to Ace, which gained his attention. “Oh, hey Melody.” Said Ace. However, he noticed that she had a look on her face, something he never saw before. “Uh, is something wrong?” At first, she was hesitant, but she slowly held his shirt and lifted it, which startled Ace. But what Melody saw, there was indeed a scar, which showed where he was operated on for his liver. She was shocked by what she saw, then looked at her. “It’s true.” Said Melody. “You did save my sister’s life.” Ace was taken aback by this, realizing she knew what she was inclining. “Why would you do that?” said Melody as she began to shed a tear, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Ace didn’t know how to respond to it. But he gave in whilst sighing and said “Because I knew how much you loved your sister.” He looked at her and said “Whenever I see you smile, that’s when I’m also happy. In fact, some of the songs I wrote, I was inspired by your smile, and I felt…I dedicated some of the songs to you without any of us even realizing it. But when I saw how your sister wasn’t going to make it, you were devastated. And when they couldn’t find a donor in time, I immediately jumped the gun. All I ever thought about was making you happy, so you could be reunited with Sweetheart. But I made the doctor promise not to say anything. And if it meant she were to live and you being happy. I’d be worth it.” Melody was surprised by what Ace revealed, causing her to shed more tears. She instantly hugged him and muttered “Thank you. Thank you.” Ace hugged her back, with the rest of his bandmates coming together and hugged him, thanking him for what he did for them in the past. ************************************************************************************************ Whilst Roland was working on part of the antidote, Roland looked at the Mane 6, Spike, and the Rock N Beats. He sighed and said. “Girls,” said Roland, gaining their attention whilst they also heard the guilt in his voice. “I…I’m sorry for how I acted and scolded you earlier. It…was beyond cruel of…” “Ah know.” Said pony Applejack. “Y’all don’t have to apologize, not after that.” “Truth be told, darling,” said pony Rarity “You were right, what happened during a few events in our past were our fault and we behaved poorly.” “And from the sound of your voice,” said Patch “I’m guessing that our counterparts…” “There…were a few things that happened a while back.” Said Roland with a sigh. “We…aren’t friends anymore, long ago.” “Bad experience?” asked Pony Rainbow Dash, which earned a nod from Roland. “Roland,” said Princess Twilight, gaining his attention as she stood next to him. “I don’t exactly know what happened between you and our counterparts. But we can assure you, we’re not them. We’re not the same as them.” “Sure a few bumps on the road, but who hasn’t?” said pony Pinkie Pie. “But the point is,” said Princess Twilight “Part of a good friend knows when to admit their mistakes before hiding it from others. You don’t have to keep pushing people away like that. You still have us.” “That’s right,” said Pony Fluttershy “Why not give us a chance to get to know us?” “I wish I could make it up to you girls for what I said back there.” Said Roland. “Well, how about training most of us to be ninjas?” Said pony Rainbow Dash. The others looked at her surprised, with Roland saying “Are you sure?” “Heck yeah,” said pony Rainbow “We never adventured with Twilight much, and what better way to bond with her more as a Ninja.” “And the others?” asked Roland. “We talked and reached an agreement,” said pony Applejack, “We want to train alongside and fight alongside her.” Roland stood up from his chair and smiled a bit, then said “I’ll train you. But you have to promise to pay attention, alright?” The Mane 6 nodded, allowing them to walk over and give him a hug, which he happily returned. The kids were glad to see this, with Clover looking around and asked “Hey, where’s Melody and Ace?” Roland then noticed something, smirked and pointed in the direction he was pointing at. To their surprise, they saw Ace and Melody, kissing one another. “Whoa, didn’t see that coming.” Said Spike. “I think my sister is thanking Ace in her own way.” Said Sweetheart with a smirk. “Let’s…give them some privacy.” Said Rarity. They heard a ding, showing the chemicals being partially complete. “Alright, that should do it.” Said Roland “I’ll take it to Donnie so that they can finish the mix.” Roland left, with the others following suit, minus Ace and Melody. *************************************************************************************** After working on the formula, the antidote was ready. “Alright, good news.” Said Donnie 87 “The antidote’s ready and we can give them to our friends.” The others cheered at this, for this was the best news they had all day. “Now,” said 87 Donnie whilst holding a syringe “All we have to do is inject this and…” “Hold it!!” shouted Roland as he stopped them, surprising them whilst he said “You can’t give babies injections!!” “Dude, do you hear yourself?!” said a surprised Pony Rainbow Dash. “You don’t get it, they’re toddlers!!” said Roland. “So?” said Spike. That’s when Ocellus understood what he was trying to say. “Oh right, of course, Roland’s right.” “What?” said Smolder as she didn’t get it. “Toddlers their age don’t know their surroundings.” Said Ocellus “They’re still new to the world. If you tend to give them injections and seeing something so pointy, scary and painful…” Now immediately all of them caught on. “Oh my gosh, I almost forgot, they could get traumatized.” Said Princess Twilight. “And anything would further traumatize and hurt their psyche the moment they’re restored.” Said pony Rarity. “I know the feeling.” Said Patch as she thought about the traumatizing thing she went through for a while. “And rectal is out of the question.” Said Melody. “But how else are we going to give them the antidote?” said Donnie whilst holding toddler April. That’s when Mikey snapped his fingers and said “I got it!!” “No!!” said the turtle brothers. Mikey then huffed at their denial. He then remembered Roland always listened to him for some reason. Not wanting to pass this opportunity, he whispered to Roland. With the latter widening his eyes and smiled and said out loud. “You’re a genius Mikey!!” “Huh?!” exclaimed everyone in the room. Roland instantly went to pony Pinkie Pie and whispered to her in her ear. She immediately perked up and said “I can do that!!” She instantly ran out of the lair, which confused the others. Then a split second later, she came back with tons of apple juice boxes. “Uh, Pinkie?” asked Starlight “What’s with the Juice boxes?” That’s when 87 Irma understood what they were planning. “Of course.” Said Irma in realization. “I’ve seen this before. When doctors want to give toddler’s their medicine, they place them inside juice boxes.” “Oh yeah, right on.” Said 87 Mikey as he realized it “No child can resist juice from juice boxes.” “And we should know,” said Apple Bloom in embarrassment, “Happened to us too.” “Then what are we waiting for bros,” said Mikey “Let’s get pouring.” ********************************************************************************************* They all poured the antidote inside the juice boxes. Once it was done, Venus held the tray and said “Who wants some juice?” Immediately their friends turned toddlers immediately went excited and reached for them. The toddlers went over to Venus and took their juice boxes and immediately started to drink it. “Wow, it actually worked.” Said Leo 87. “Told ya so.” Said Mikey “Never underestimate the power of juice boxes.” “Got that right dude.” Said Mikey 87 before they high fived one another. Once they were done drinking, they suddenly began to glow. “Yes, it’s working.” Said Ben. “Oh, thank goodness.” Said Steven. “And not a moment too soon.” Said Pearl in relief. As the change was about to happen, Gwen immediately realized something. “Uh, guys?” said Gwen. “Yes Gwendoline?” said Rook as he and the others looked at her. “You do realize that they’re going to be back to their normal bodies, right?” “Uh, yeah, isn’t that a good thing?” said Leo. Suddenly, it dawned on both 87 Irma and April. “That means their clothes won’t fit anymore.” Said Irma 87. “And they’ll literally grow out of it.” Said April 87. “But if they do,” said Leo “Then that would mean…” Within a split second, all of them realized it and were shocked to know of that conclusion. “Oh my.” Muttered Fugitoid. They heard ripping sounds, but soon enough, the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, Karai, April, Shinigami and Sapphire were all back to normal. “Ugh, what happened?” said a groggy Applejack whilst rubbing the back of her head. “I don’t know,” said Pinkie “Last time I remember we were feeling tingly, then I blacked out.” “Ugh, same here.” Said Rainbow. The girls noticed the guys. “Oh hey guys,” said Sunset “What’s...?” But then they noticed that all the guys’ faces, except Roland’s, were red and all of them covered their eyes, Wallflower feeling like she was going to get a nosebleed from embarrassment, some shielded their eyes, whilst Night Shine took out his phone and casually took a picture of them, with the rest of Team Shine giving him incredulous looks. “What?” asked a confused Fluttershy. “Uh, how do I gently put this…” said Roland as he was feeling greatly nervous “But…you see.” “You guys are in the buff.” said Connie. “Yeah, what she said.” Said Roland. The girls were confused, looked down, widened their eyes and gasped in shock whilst blushing bright red. At the same time, whilst Splinter was meditating, the girls delivered a loud shriek, scaring 87 Master Splinter as he fell over. He slowly stood up and mumbled “This is why I have sons instead of daughters.” ***************************************************************************************************** Half an hour later, and an embarrassing ordeal, the girls were now fully dressed, but all of them were extremely embarrassed. Fluttershy kept hiding behind her hair whilst Slash, Connie and Garnett comforted her, trying to calm her down. “Hmph,” said Rarity as she adjusted her dress whilst blushing “I’ve never been so humiliated in my entire life.” “This is so embarrassing.” Muttered Sci-Twi as she adjusted her glasses. “You’re telling me,” said Sunset, equally embarrassed “I come from a land of magical ponies and we don’t even wear clothes.” “I can’t believe this!!” exclaimed an extremely flustered Rainbow Dash “Our second adventure in another dimension and we get turned into toddlers!!” “Well it was bound to happen sooner or later,” said Pinkie Pie “Considering that there are many Fimfiction stories written about us being turned into kids, especially that one Fanfic where we get turned into babies by some evil man and stole our geodes just to become powerful whilst Principle Celestia, Vice-Principle Luna and Spike tried to figure out how to help us.” The girls were silent about this and gave Pinkie some deadpanned expressions, but they continued on. “This is worse than that time we got captured by Pizza Face by using mind controlled pizza!!” said Applejack. “Or that time we wore those NV’s made by Dr. Cortex” said Adagio. “And we didn’t even notice it was his, especially when it has his logo in it!!” shouted Aria. “For realsies.” Said Sonata. Roland on the other hand placed a needle in Sunset’s arm, making her yelp after he pulled it out. After Roland quickly bandaged it, he looked her blood over with his scanner. “Well on the plus side and very good news, the chemicals are removed from your systems, so you don’t have to worry about any side effects.” Said Roland. “But still, after this, you lot are going to the infirmary just to be sure.” “Still,” said Indigo as she enjoyed some of the kisses from Keno, for he was really happy to see her, “How the heck did we get turned into kids?” “Apparently all of you got turned into kids when you guys ate the pizzas.” Said dog Spike. “Wait,” said Sour Sweet in confusion “How the heck did that happen?” “What Spike means is that your pizzas contained a small amount of chemicals that caused you guys to be affected and turned you into kids.” Said 87 Donnie. “The pizzas were contaminated?” said a confused Lemon Zest. “Wait?” said Sunny Flare as she looked at Pinkie “Pinkie, where did you get that pizza?” “Oh, whilst I was on my way back, I got it for free.” said Pinkie. “Wait, you got free pizza at the pizza joint?!!” exclaimed Mikey 87. “Not fair!!” said Mikey out loud. “Oh, I didn’t get to a pizza restaurant,” said Pinkie “See, whilst I was on my way back to the lair and whilst half of our friends were outside on patrol placing funny looking sensing devices all over the city, I got approached by a pizza delivery guy, telling me that I was the lucky customer, and because they were so generous, they offered anyone free pizza. So I accepted the pizza and brought them back to the lair so that we can share them.” “Wait,” said Sapphire “Some guy just came along? Who was he?” “No idea, he was wearing a funny looking mask that looked like a cartoon version of the Kuro Kabuto.” She said in her bubbly tone. That’s when all of them blinked widened their eyes. Raph’s left eye twitching. “Pinkie?” said a slowly angered Raph “That guy wouldn’t also happened to have metal blades on his wrists now, wouldn’t he?” “Yep, and he told me they were pizza cutters.” Now the jaws were dropped and some of their eyes twitched. And at the same time, everyone shouted… “Pinkiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!” “What?” said a confused Pinkie Pie. “That guy was the Shredder of this world, you dope!!” shouted Gamer. “And you took food from him and fed it to your friends in the lair?” said Shine Boy whilst flexing his eyebrow. “Uh-huh.” Said Pinkie. “You’re an idiot.” muttered Night Shine after he face palmed himself. “Uh-Huh.” Said Pinkie Pie again whilst being absent minded about it. But Raph on the other hand… “Of all the stupid things you did Pinkie, this is the worst!!” shouted Raph as Pinkie got scared and started to shed tears “Not only did you waste our time with this, but you stupidly took the pizzas from the Shredder!! The Shredder!! You no good low down stupid little…!!!” Raph suddenly screamed in pain as his arm got dislocated. For the person who did that, was none other than Pinkie’s sister, Maud Pie, which shocked everybody when they saw her. For how she got here, nobody knows. Maud grabbed Raph and made him look at her face to face. And for the first time ever, Maud’s blank neutral face expression was no longer shown, but in anger and pure rage, which shocked everyone, for no one, not even Pinkie Pie had seen it. “Nobody. Hurts. Or yells. At. My. Sister.” Said Maud as she punched Raph so hard, he was launched from one spot to the next, making him crash against the wall, then land on the ground hart. Everyone stared at her in shock, with Roland calmy saying “Uh, Maud. You, okay?” Maud then slowly turned around, and was back to her usual monotone self. “I’m fine.” Said Maud “Needed to blow some steam.” Roland then walked over and gave Maud a hug. “What are you…?” Roland then stroked her hair in a calm manner and hummed a lullaby. She seems quiet for a few moments, then Roland looked at her and said “Feel better?” Maud had her usual expression, but then gave a small smile and said “I’m good.” Everyone was surprised, especially Pinkie with her jaw dropped. “How did you do that?!” exclaimed Pinkie. Then she suddenly remembered and said with a snort giggle “Oh, duh. You’re friends with her too in your world.” “You’re not off the hook Pinkie,” said Maud, making the said sister wince “I didn’t like it when Raph yelled at you, but he was right that you taking food from a stranger, and a poorly disguised one. After we help the Turtles from this world, you and I will be having a serious talk about taking food from strangers.” Pinkie looked down sad, for she was in trouble, until Sunset walked up. “Maud?” said a confused Sunset “What are you doing here?” “I had just finished my homework when I suddenly got a call.” Said Maud “Apparently your friend here called me and most of CHS and CPA here when he said something happened. Naturally we were concerned so we rushed over.” “Wait, everyone from our schools are here too?!” said a surprised Rainbow. “Where are they?” asked Fluttershy. “They’re currently at the ship waiting,” said Maud “But I came down here because I wanted to make sure Pinkie was okay.” “Wait, who are you?” said a confused Leo 87. Maud looked at Leo 87 and said “I’m Pinkie’s older sister, Maudelina Daisy Pie. But just call me Maud.” “Wait, sister?” said Mikey 87 surprised. He looked at Pinkie, then to her. “Uh, sorry dudette, but I kinda don’t see it.” “I get that a lot.” Said Maud “You could say I’m sort of opposite of her. Where my sister has high enthusiasm, I’m more of a calm collective type. Plus I don’t share the same kind of enthusiasm as insanely as my sister does.” “Huh,” said Raph 87 “You learn something new about siblings every day.” “But how was Roland able to convince Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna?” asked Rarity. “When he mentioned you were in trouble, they didn’t want the Meanboom situation to haunt them again, so they asked those who could wield Ninja Weapons and know how to fight to come help. Cranky Doodle on the other hand was very stubborn about it.” “Isn’t he always?” asked Scootaloo with a flexed eyebrow. “But how did he change his mind?” asked Apple Bloom. “He was able to make a convincing case and gave us permission.” Said Maud. “Really?” said Sweetie Belle surprised with a flexed eyebrow. That was until Maud said “Not really, Roland threw him out of a window.” *************************************************************************************************** From outside of Canterlot Highschool, everything was quiet and everyone was going about their business, until Cranky Doodle got tossed out of the window and screamed whilst he was falling out. However at the bottom, near what appeared to be the loading area for the Cafeteria. “For the last time, we did not order a large box of marshmallows!” said Granny Smith loudly. “You know ma’am, you could’ve told me that, before I unpacked and opened the box.” Said the delivery guy. And then Cranky fell in the box filled with marshmallows. *************************************************************************************************** Everyone was shocked and aghast by that, then the Rainbooms shouted “You threw him out of the window?!!” “No!!” said Roland, until “I shaved his head, gave him an atomic wedgie, and then, I threw him out of the window.” Everyone’s jaw dropped at that revelation whilst Night Shine laughed out loud at that, with Roland said “What?! Teacher or not, he had that coming!! When I showed him your situation, he didn’t believe me and thought they were photoshopped!!” “Again?! Seriously?!!” exclaimed Caitlyn loudly. “Pff, Photoshopped,” muttered Roland, until he spoke out loud to them “He wouldn’t know photoshopped if he shopped for actual photos from a shop!! Plus, he doesn’t even know how to use a camera since they came out in the 70’s!!” “But you didn’t have to hurt him.” Said Fluttershy worried. “Hey, I’m not the only one who was satisfied by that.” Said Roland whilst crossing his arms. “Really?” said Twilight with a surprised tone and flexed eyebrow, “Who else?” “Well…” *************************************************************************************************** Both Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna were surprised to see Cranky being thrown out of the window. Celestia turned around and walked away. “Sister, are you simply going to ignore this?!” exclaimed Vice-Principle Luna loudly. “If we didn’t say anything, it didn’t matter.” Said Principle Celestia. “Are you serious?!” exclaimed Vice-Principle Luna. “I am,” said Principle Celestia “And maybe it would also teach him a lesson of not to interfere when the girls are in trouble and needed help.” Vice-Principle Luna suddenly gave a deadpanned stare and said “You’re still mad at him, because he didn’t want to wear the bunny costume for the kids on Easter, aren’t you?” Principle Celestia merely smirked at this whilst the two of them walked. *************************************************************************************************** Everyone in the room was shocked to hear this, with Pinkie saying “Wow, didn’t see that coming.” “Dudes, your principle sounds scary.” Said Mikey 87. “That’s nothing,” said Obaki “You should see Vice-Principle Luna when she doesn’t have her morning coffee on a good day.” Suddenly, everyone who attends at CHS, suddenly shivered at the thought when they remembered seeing her that way. “Not something we want to remember.” Said Sunset Shimmer. The computers suddenly beeped, gaining their attention as they moved towards it. “What’s going on?” asked April as everyone gathered near the computer that both Donnie and his counterpart were looking at. “Well based on what we’re seeing here,” said Donnie 87, “The computers have detected the stone we’re looking for.” “And according to this, it’s in Dimension X.,” said Donnie. “Wait’ it’s back in Utrom territory?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Not really,” said Leo 87, “The Dimension X in our universe is much different from yours. This one houses the worst of the monsters, mutants and criminals inside.” “Yeah,” said Mikey 87, “We once sent Shred head and Krang there and trapped them.” “Yeah, only problem was, he came back stronger than ever.” Said Raph 87. “And if the stone is in there,” said Donnie 87, “That means Shredder is trying to recruit them to fight in his army.” “Well then let’s get going!!” exclaimed Rainbow as she suddenly had a flustered look on her face, “I wanna get back at that guy and make him pay for what he did to me!!” “Us too!!” shouted the girls who were turned into toddlers too, with the same flustered looks on their faces. The others were frightened by the display, as Slash said “Uh, maybe we should get going?” “Indeed,” said Rockwell, “The last thing we need is the female of our group go crazed with violence.” “Let’s saddle up guys,” said Leo, “We got a stone to catch.” “And get revenge!!” said the girls. “We get it already!!” shouted everyone else in the room. Soon everyone left and headed towards the Technodrome to find the stone, and Shredder better pray not to come in contact with them, it will end very badly. > Dimension X (Turtle Power Style) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere around New York, from what appeared to be underground caverns, ten large vehicles drove down. One was the Party Wagon, driven by the Turtle Power Turtles, with both April 87 and Irma 87 onboard as they were looking over the monitors. Following behind was the Shellraiser and Party Wagon, being driven by the Rainbooms and Turtles and their allies, with Team Shine in their own vehicle, to which Shine Boy called it, the Shine Pickup. Whilst following behind were large plumber vehicles, being driven by Ben 10 and his group, with many others onboard. However, the Rainbooms (Who rode with the Turtles) still felt a bit embarrassed over what happened. “Will you just relax already.” Said Roland. Sunset then grabbed him and said “How would you feel if you were turned into a toddler and ended up being indecent in front of others?!” “Hey,” said Roland as he told them, “I got turned into a robot by a bald nose haired scientist, I got turned into a worm by a bucktoothed kid with a couple of fairies, I got turned into a gorilla when I helped Fun Time Rush, I got turned into a giant humanoid shark by a demented piranha liked scientist, I got turned into a frog when I tried to help a princess and a prince when they got cursed by a witch doctor near the Bayou, and I got turned into a haggis. Being a baby is mild comparison.” Everyone did a double take on what Roland had just said, even the ones that heard him over the radio whilst they blinked twice, with Rarity saying in disgust and feel like she was going to throw up. “You got…turned into…a haggis?” “Yeah, bleeding and slurping and smelled like a thousand expired meats.” Said Roland. Everyone was disgust as they immediately changed their attitude, with Rainbow saying, “Okay, so you had it worse than we did.” “How the heck did you get turned into a haggis?” asked a confused Mikey. “I was fighting alongside a hero, who had an earthworm for a head, who fought against a mad scientist who had a monkey’s body for a head.” Said Roland. Everyone looked at him surprised with an eyebrow so flexed, it would’ve peeled right off of their faces. Roland groaned and waved his hand whilst saying “Long story.” “How much further till we get down there?” asked Leo. “Not much farther now.” Said Donnie 87, “We were lucky enough to mark these caverns and know the way very well.” “And we’d better hurry dudes and dudettes.” Said Mikey 87 “According to our Bebop and Rocksteady, the Shredder’s already opened a portal to dimension X.” “Wait, your, Bebop and Rocksteady?” asked Bebop. “Didn’t our counterparts rejoined their Shredder and fought alongside Utrom Shredder?” asked Rocksteady. “Oh, those guys went legit once we got back to our dimension.” Said Mikey 87, “But Shredder asked to come back again. And it turns out, they’ve been secretly our spies through and through ever since our Dregg came along. And after we beat him, they’re still spying for us.” “Wow,” said Aria, “For once those two were smart enough to actually do something useful.” “They’re trying to keep up the ruse.” Said Leo 87, “Though we don’t know how much longer they can last. They think Krang might be onto them.” “Then we’d better double time it, and fast.” Said Leo, allowing everyone to launch themselves at full throttle. ***************************************************************************************************** Within moments, everyone came to a stop. Though a quarter of the group chose to volunteer to go forward, the rest had to wait behind for the signal before they could launch their attack. Roland, Leo, Sunset and Princess Twilight led the way as the others followed. Roland signaled them to stop, which caused them to duck for cover. They quickly took a peak and saw the Technodrome. “There’s the Technodrome.” Said Silverbolt. “Wait, I’m confused.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Excuse me?” asked Invictus. “Well, last time we saw the Technodrome, Ch’Rell upgraded it into an actual death machine.” Said Rainbow, “I would’ve thought that they kept it that way.” “Guess it didn’t sit well for this world’s Shredder.” Said Applejack. “Nope,” said Raph 87, “Bebop and Rocksteady told us that they restored it back to normal before going back.” “Hey look, over there.” Said Twilight as she pointed next to the Technodrome. They saw a large portal opened, which must be this world’s Dimension X. What surprised them was that there were many different creatures exiting from it, especially all of them going through another portal, leading to who knows where. And right next to those portals, was none other than Shredder’s Foot Bots. “Oh no,” said Rarity, “Shredder’s forces did come here.” “But what would they want with more of them?” asked Fluttershy. “Knowing Shredder, he’s probably trying to build up more of his forces.” Said Raph. Donnie looked at the tracker and said “Well according to the Tracker the stone is still in there. So we still have a chance.” “We’ll need to make a move now.” Said Gamer, “Try to stop the Shredder from getting any more of this world’s monsters to build up his army.” “Agreed.” Said Leo as he drew his swords, “Get ready everyone.” “Rock N Beats,” said Roland, “Stay close to Blade, Starlight and Tempest, they’ll know what to do. Princess Twilight, make sure your friends stay with you at all times. They may already know a few hand to hand drills, but not full combat just yet.” “Got it.” Said the group as they got ready. “Let me give them a welcoming gift.” Said Silverbolt as he attached what appeared to be a rocket and attached it to his wrist gauntlet. He aimed at one of the Foot Bot’s tanks and fired, causing the shot to destroy its target within an instant, and taking them by surprise. “What the Krang!!” exclaimed Subprime. “Who dares?!!!” “There!!” exclaimed Krang whilst he was pointing. Within a split second, the Turtles and their human allies, the Turtle Power Turtles, Rainbooms, Roland and his group, the Mane 6, the two Spikes, Rock N Beats, Starlight, Blade and Tempest appeared, ready for a full on fight. “Oh, it’s you.” Said Bixolio whilst rolling his eyes, “Why am I not surprised?” “Maybe because we always kick your butts, yo!!” said Casey. “I see you stooped yourselves low asking these idiots for help.” Said Keno. “They can’t do anything right.” “Oh yeah?!” shouted Krang as he got steamed up, “Well show you!!” “You blasted Turtles and your foolish friends may have stopped us before!!” said Shredder 87, “But now we have the advantage here!!” Within mere moments, two Legions of Foot Bots, Biotroids, Foot Bots 87, Krang Hover Drones, Dimension X Rock Monsters, Mutants, Corrupted Gems and Incursions appeared, readying their blasters and weapons and aimed it at them. “Okay,” said April, “That’s a lot of bad guys.” “No kidding.” Said Spike as he and his dog counterpart tried to prepare themselves. However, everyone smirked as Pony Rainbow Dash said “Oh yeah, well the jokes on you, we have an advantage too.” Within a split second, the vehicles arrived upon their signal, and within a split second, the Dazzlings, Shadowbolts, Mighty Mutanimals, Young Six, the rest of Team Shine, Ben 10’s team and the Crystal Gems arrived. But not just them, many of CHS’ students, who were trained in the ways on Ninjitsu and wielding weapons of their own, also came out and stood alongside them. Some of them which Shredder 87 recognized. “Bet you never expected to see us again!!” pronounced Sandalwood as all of them were ready. “Oh, great, it’s you lot.” Said Shredder 87 sarcastically. “But the more of you are here,” said Subprime with a smirk, “The more chance we have to crush all of you.” “Uh, you said that before.” Said Venus, “Like that time you tried to destroy the Turtles before you took over New York.” “Or that time you tried to destroy them when they tried to stop the Triceratons from acquiring the Black Hole Generator.” Said Roland. “Or that time you tried to destroy the Utrom Council back at Dimension X.” said Obaki. “Oh,” said Mikey as he remembered, “Or that time we teamed up with our counterparts to stop them from blowing up both our dimensions.” “Or that time he thought he could stop us when we were at Batman’s world.” Said Pinkie Pie. “Or that time he thought he could stop us when he teamed up with Ch’Rell.” Said Spike. Half the group blinked in surprise at that, with Casey saying “You know, surprisingly, they do have a point.” Now Subprime was mad. “Oh yeah!! Well we’ll show you!!!” “Listen up,” said Roland, “Let’s do a Mach nine three.” “Oh yeah, Divide and conquer strategy.” Said Obaki with a smirk. “Divide and conquer?” said Leo. “In other words we’ll attack in different directions.” Said Roland. “Half the team will attack up front, the other half will split up and attack from all sides.” “Now that’s a plan I can get behind.” Said Raph as he readied his sais. “But we’ll need someone to help shut down the portals.” Said Roland. He looked at Ben and Micro Chips. “Ben, Micro Chips, Rockwell, Donnies from both worlds, we’re going to need you to shut down the portal to cut off their reinforcements.” “We can do that.” Said Micro Chips, “But are you sure Ben can help?” “Don’t worry,” said Ben as he showed his Omnitrix, “I got just the alien to help with that.” Venus said to the selected group. “Gwen, you and the others try to flank left. Crystal Gems, to the right.” “Got it.” Said Gwen and Connie all together. “Half of you,” said Roland whilst he pointed at half the CHS students, “Go with the Crystal Gems, they have more experience dealing with this. Gloriosa, Timber, you’re leading them.” “You can count on us.” Said Gloriosa. “Flash, you take the other half with you and go with Ben’s team.” Said Obaki, “Sapphire, Wallflower, Sandalwood, Lyra and Bonbon, you guys back the geniuses up.” “You got it.” Said Sandalwood as they got their weapons ready. Everyone readied their swords, with Leo pointing his sword at the enemy. “Everyone!! Attack with full force!!” “Ninja Power!!” shouted Leo 87. “Cowabunga!!” shouted Mikey 87. “Destroy them!!” shouted Krang Subprime. Soon, everyone from both sides began to attack whilst the group lead the attack on all fronts, with a few Plumber vehicles following behind. “Ninja power?” asked a confused Leo as he charged alongside Leo 87. “Well I wanted to say Turtle Power,” said Leo 87, “But seeing that there are more mutants and humans with us, I figured I changed it just this once.” Leo shrugged this before they further engage in combat. As the main group attacked head on. Gwen, the rest of Ben’s team, along with the Young Six, half of CHS and the Mane 6 began to go around to attack from the left. Whilst at the right, the Crystal Gems, Blade, Starlight, Tempest, the Rock N Beats and the other half of CHS charged from there. Leo jumped in the air and used his Katanas to slice a few Foot and Krang Bots in half, with Leo 87 jumping in the air and performed a twister movement, allowing him to slice the robots in half. Both Raph and Raph 87 threw their sais together, striking their respective Foot Bots by their heads, allowing them to jump up, grabbed their sais whilst at the same time, they threw them against a squadron of Krang, smashing them to pieces. “I see that you practiced.” Said Raph to his counterpart. “I figured I’d take a different approach.” Said Raph 87. “Good,” said Raph as he smirked whilst Leo and his counterpart with him. “Because we’d like to take a different approach too.” Both Leo and Raph tapped into their amulets and attacked head on, leaving a blazing, wind and water trail, which shocked their counterparts. “Huh, that’s new.” Said Raph 87. Mikey and his counterpart used their nunchucks to bash a few of the rock monsters away, until Mikey said, “If anyone’s going to rock this house, it’s going to be me!!” Mikey clapped his hands so hard, all of the rock monsters shattered like they were made of building blocks, which surprised Mikey’s counterpart. “Dude, how did you do that?” asked Mikey 87. “We got our powers after we stopped Wallflower from being an Equestrian Magic Monster.” Said Mikey, which confused his counterpart. “Uh, long story.” April jumped around using her Tessen and tanto blade to slice a few robots, then used her psychic powers to blast them away. “Goongala!!” shouted Casey as he fired his pucks at a few rock monsters, making them explode, with Keno jumping in whilst he vaulted over and kicked a few Krang droids away, and used his sparring sticks to smack a few Foot Bot 87’s. Karai shifted into her snake form and ensnared a few Biotroids before tossing them against a few Krang Hover Drones, before shifting back to her human form and sliced a few to pieces, with Shinigami backing her up as they fought together. Fugitoid opened a new cannon and began to blast them to pieces. “Oh my,” said Fugitoid when he was surprised by the firepower. “This new arm cannon is amazing.” “It’s called a Buster Cannon!!” said Roland as he covered the doc, “I learned it from a scientist who built a robot who had the ability to turn his cannon into different forms when he fights a few bad guys!!” “Very ingenious.” Said Fugitoid as he marveled the cannon, until he ducked from a blaster fire. “Uh, shoot first, marvel later.” Said Fugitoid before continue firing his weapon. Slash charged forward and used his mace to smash a few corrupted gem warriors who tried to get in his way, with Leatherhead roaring and charging towards Biotroids and tore their arms off before swatting them away. Pidgeon Pete flew around and grabbed a few Krang Blasters and used them to blast a few Krang and Foot Bots from the air, whilst at the same time, tried to take down the drones to ensure that the ground forces got to cover, whilst Mondo Gecko used his skateboard to skate around and tried to dodge any attacks. “That’s right bra, can’t hit what you can’t hit!!” shouted Mondo as he laughed. Mona Lisa jumped around using her blasters to shoot any Krang Droids, whilst using her sword and hand to hand combat skills to block, punch and slice any Foot Bots that attempted to get physical. As two Biotroids appeared from behind, Ray Fillet instantly used his harpoon spear to jab through one, lifted it up and used it to smash the one next to him. Alopex used her speed to slice and dice the Krang Bots all around her. “This is for turning me into a monster!!” shouted Alopex as she sliced a few more. Rocksteady roared as he used his strength to charge down a few Biotroids, whilst Muckman used his garbage powers to wash a few Krang away in their own filth, with Bebop using his dance skills to dodge and blast them. “Alright little dudes, it’s on you!!” exclaimed Bebop as both Hokum Rabbit and Bandit Raccoon jumped from Bebop and landed on a few drones, destroying them in the process. Sunset Shimmer used her Kunai Daggers to throw them, striking down a few bots. However, during the fight, she found out she ran out of daggers, until she noticed her satchel to carry her daggers was blinking. “Dagger retrieval, commencing.” “What the?” said Sunset, until to her surprise, all of her Kunai Daggers were instantly teleported into her satchel. “Do you like it?!!” said Gamer as he appeared next to Sunset, “Before we got here, I took the liberty of upgrading your satchel and kunai daggers. Now every time whenever you run out or lose them, they instantly teleport into your satchel!!” “Wow, that’s amazing!!” said Sunset. “You can thank Roland, he came up with the design!!” said Gamer as he darted off whilst Sunset was surprised to hear that, but ended up smirking and pulled out her Kunai and charged forward. Fluttershy continued to jump around, avoiding Krang Blasters before blocking and kicking them away, whilst at the same time, she pulled out her Fukedake Blowgun and shoot her new explosive darts towards the Krang Drones, blowing them up in the process. Pinkie jumped around, giggling with glee as she avoided them, whilst using her sprinkles to blow some of them up, before using her sickle part to slice them whilst using her weighted chain to bash them away. Applejack jumped from the air and used her Shuko Hand Claws to jab two Foot Bots onto the ground, before she cut down a couple of Krang Bots and did a double kick against two Rock Monsters, then jumped in the air and on the back of a Biotroid, and constantly jabbed her claws into its back multiple times, causing it to malfunction and collapse onto the ground. Rarity, on the other hand used her Crystalkinesis to create a shield that allowed her to charge forward towards a few Krang Bots that tried to shoot her. She jumped in the air and created diamond discs, throwing them like shurikens, slicing them to pieces, before pulling out her Kama Sickles and jabbed them into the Krang’s heads, allowing her to slice and dice and kick more Foot Bot 87’s away. Rainbow Dash used her superspeed to dodge the incoming blaster fire from the Krang Bots, and thanks to her timing, she was able to dodge them left and right and sliced at least a squadron’s worth. A handful of Foot Bots attacked from behind and jumped in the air to ambush Rainbow, until they were stopped in the air and tossed aside by none other than Twilight, before she used her own Kamayari Sickle Spear to twirl it around and sliced a few herself. “Thanks Twi!!” said Rainbow when she dashed towards Twilight, then dashed away to continue the fight. “Anytime Rainbow!!” said Twilight before she continued with the fight. Adagio charged forward, with Aria and Sonata by her side as the two decided to do a three man attack, or in this case, three woman. Adagio was up front whilst slicing and dicing the Foot Bots in front of her, whilst Aria used her Tri-baton chuck to bash them, with Sonata following her lead as the two of them continued to fight their way through. Meanwhile, near the portal, Donnie and his counterpart, along with Rockwell, Micro Chips and Ben arrived at the console that keeps the portal opened. They immediately began to work. “According to this,” said Donnie, “The portal is directly opened to dimension X!” “Which means we gotta shut it down!” said Donnie 87. “But we can’t,” said Rockwell as he suddenly looked at a scanner, “According to this, what we seek lies in there!!” “Then we’ll need to find a way to calibrate the portal to bring it here so that we can try to attempt to close it!!” “Let me try something!!” said Ben as he activated his Omnitrix and turned into Grey Matter. He jumped onto the controls and looked it over. “Wait, why did you turn into something small?!” said Donnie 87. “Don’t underestimate its size,” said Donnie, “He’s turned into a Galvin.” “Indeed,” said Rockwell, “Galvin are known to be the smartest creatures in the galaxy.” “Alright then,” said Ben/Grey Matter as he rubbed his hands “Let’s get this show on the road.” He jumped on the keyboard and looked things over whilst the geniuses try to assist him. At the same time, the Plumber Vehicles were driving around by none other than April and Irma 87, who thankfully can drive them thanks to the quick course they were given, with Tiffany, Trisha and Buffy driving the others, whilst Angel, Zack, Caitlyn and Carter used the Plummer Vehicle’s weapons to shoot many of the Rock Monsters, corrupt gems and Biotroids as best as they can, with some of the Plumbers in the vehicles out at the windows and doors doing what they can to provide cover. “You doing okay there Irma?!” contacted April 87. “I’m having a blast!!” exclaimed Irma 87, “I may not have gained my driver’s license, but his is so much fun!!” “Now’s not the time to celebrate!!” said Tiffany, “We need to split up and cover both the guys and the eggheads to close that portal to their version of Dimension X to cut off their reinforcements!!” “Any ideas?!!” said Trisha. “April, Irma!!” said Buffy whilst she was driving, “You two cover the eggheads!! We’ll continue to help the others!!” “We’re on it!!” said April 87, “Let’s go Irma!!” “I’m right behind you!!” said Irma 87. The two of them drove off in the direction of the ones to shut down the portal, whilst the others continued to drive around to try and give the others some cover. From the left side, the left side of the group began to attack. Max pulled out his Plumber assault rifle and began to shoot at the Foot Bots trying to attack him. Gwen came along and used her Judo skills to knock and kick away many Foot Bots 87’s, whilst using her magic to ensnare the Rock Monsters and tossed them away. Kevin dodged a Foot Bot, only for him to grab it and use its alloy to armor himself up, allowing him to punch and bash his way through. Rook used his Proto Tool to blast a few Krang Bots, whilst at the same time, turned his weapon into a melee and attacked two Biotroids, allowing him to bash and smash them along the way. Lucy used her sludge ability to cast an ocean of sludge to wash the Foot and Krang Bots away in order to give them some breathing room. Manny uses his pistols from all four of his hands to shoot as many of the Foot Bots and Krang Hover Drones down. And the moment he was close to a few Rock Monsters and Biotroids, he placed them away and used his brute strength to punch them to pieces. Allen flew around on a flaming rock and used his fire abilities to roast a few of the Corrupt Gems that were surrounding them, whilst Helen used her speed to plant bombs on the Biotroids and rock monsters, allowing them to blow up in the process. The Young Six darted forward to the Krang Bots, whilst at the same time, trying to avoid their blasters at the same time. Sandbar darted forward, using his Tanto blade to block their blasters and slice them left and right. Gallus charges forward and uses his dual swords to slice and dice them whilst he’s running. Yona charges around and uses her mace to smash them, she even personally grabbed two of them with her bare hands and smashed them to pieces, with Sandbar fighting and watching her at the same time whilst he was in a lovestruck state. “Sweet Celestia I love that, Yak.” Said Sandbar before he charged to the next Krang Bot. Smolder ran along and used her Kusari Fundo and swung it around. She jumped in the air and used it to wrap it around a corrupt Gem. She used the corrupt gem as a heavy object, pulled it and spun it around as fast as she can, allowing her to throw it hard against a Foot Boot squad. “Now that’s an impressive workout.” Said Smolder with pride. “Too bad my brother and Dragon Lord Ember aren’t around. They would’ve loved this.” Ocellus ran around, using her Bladed Tessen to slice and dice the Foot Bots all around her, whilst she danced around like a ballet dancer, dodging their attacks, and performed admirably. April on the other hand, noticed this and was amazed. “Wow, Ocellus!!” said April surprised, “You’re really graceful with that fan there!!” Ocellus giggled nervously and said “Thanks.” Silverstream used her Double Claw Staff and twirled it around, smashing any Foot Bot 87’s that tried to attack her, and used her claw to ensnare a Krang hover drone and tossed it so hard, it took the others down like a pair of bowling pins. “Strike!!” cheered Silverstream when she saw them go down. Bright Eyes used her nunchucks to bash a ton of Foot Bots away as she twirled it around whilst her brother Teddy protected her from behind and used his Hamato Warhammer to bash them away whilst they stood back to back. “Never figured we’d be doing this again!!” said Teddy. “Tell me about it!!” said Bright Eyes, “And truth be told I don’t mind doing this with you from time to time!!” “The feeling’s mutual!!” said Teddy as the two of them smirked and continued to fight. Princess Twilight darted along and used her Kamayari Sickle Spear to twirl it around, trying her best to defend herself. Pony Fluttershy ran around, trying her best to avoid the Krang Blasters, whilst unknowingly the Foot Bots kept getting shot by them. Pony Rarity somehow, kept dodging and was trying her best not to get dirty, as well as using some self-defense maneuvers. Pony Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared in front of a few Krang Bots. “Surprise!!” exclaimed Pony Pinkie Pie when she gave them a present and darted away. The Krang looked at the present, until Pony Pinkie popped out of it and shouted “Double surprise!!” She instantly threw pies in their faces, causing her to rapidly throw her pies as if she was a machine gun whilst she laughed. Pony Rainbow Dash used both her fists and legs to fight against a few Foot Bot 87’s, whilst pony Applejack used her lasso to tie a few up a Biotroid, and used it to ram against many Krang Bots and Foot Bots whilst she swung the Biotroid around at the same time, whilst Spike jumped around and tried to distract the Krang with Dog Spike, allowing the CMC to charge in, with Apple Bloom using her Tanto Sword, Sweetie Belle using her 10 Nekode Fingernail Claws and Scootaloo using her 2 Balisong Butterfly Knives. Flash Sentry charged and used his 2 Mambu Duo Swords to slice a few Foot Bots up, Big Macintosh did the same thing using his 2 Tang Machete Swords. Bulk Biceps used his 2 Ninjitsu boxing gloves to punch a few Foot Bots and Foot Bot 87’s away, with Derpy backing him up using her hand and foot spikes. Lyra and Bonbon were back to back using their Ninjaru Flutes. Maud stood still, and used her strength to punch the rock monsters to pieces whilst using her Tekko Brass Knuckles. Crimson Napalm jumped in the air and jabbed a few Foot Bots using his 2 Sai Daggers, with Cherry Crash using her 2 Akatsuki 3-bladed Scythe to tear the Krang Hover Drones a new one. Vinyl Scratch used her 2 Shuriken Star Wheels and threw them like a frisbee to slice a few Krang Hover Drones and caught them, whilst Octavia 2 Jitte Daggers to watch her back. Trixie used her smoke bombs to distract the Foot Bots 87’s, right before she uses her Bisisto Axe to finish them off. Valhallen used his 2 Pramatisu scissor daggers to pierce through a Biotroid, before tossing it aside, with Wallflower jumping from behind on top of another Biotroid and uses her 2 Daburu hidden Knives to jab it in the back, allowing Sapphire to arrive and finish it off with her Kama Hoko Yari Spear/paint brush. On the right, the rest of the group began to attack. Blade charged forward and used his sword to slice a few Foot Bot 87’s, whilst he used his lightning abilities to electrocute many Krang Hover Drones. Tempest used her fists to punch a few Krang Bots and kicked a few Foot Bots out of the way, until she saw two Biotroids and smirked, causing her to charge and beat the two of them down without ease. Roland saw this after he had shot down a few bots. “Whoa,” said Roland, “She’s a formidable fighter as both a pony and a human.” Starlight on the other hand stood her ground and used her arrows to destroy as many bots as she could. But as she saw a squad of Krang Hover Drones attacking, she pulled an arrow she didn’t know. But she didn’t have time to think, causing her to shoot. But as it was halfway, it exploded and released miniature arrows, destroying the squadron in the process. “Whoa,” said Starlight as she was amazed. She looked back at her arrows and said “How many more tricks do they have?” The Crystal Gems scattered and tried their best to even the playing field. Steven used his shields to block the Foot Bots whilst Connie came along and helped him slice them to pieces. Garnet used her gauntlets to punch the Biotroids using her advance strength, along with the Rock Monsters. Pearl used her trident to shoot a few Krang Hover Drones down, whilst at the same time, used her spear to slice plenty of Foot Bots to pieces as they tried to attack her. “Wow, I have to admit, these Foot Bots can give one a workout.” Said Pearl, “If they weren’t busy trying to kill us.” Amethyst used her whips to ensnare a few Krang Hover Drones, spun them around and threw them with all her might against a Krang Squad, destroying them in the process. Bismuth had shapeshifted her hands into weapons that would allow her to smash a few rock monsters along the way, Lapis used her Hydrokinesis to wash the Rock Monsters away as they were no match for the water, whilst Peridot, with her newly built limb-enhancers to shoot down any Foot Bots. “Oh, this new enhancers are amazing!!” exclaimed Peridot in happiness. “Note to self, thank the Plumbers for borrowing their tech.” Team Shine scattered all around trying to take down as many as they could. Shine Boy used his CDA Staff to deflect many of the Krang Blasters and redirected them to take down a few Foot Bot 87’s. Shine Girl twirled her small staff and tossed them like a boomerang. As it took a few Foot Bots down, she was using her martial arts skills to take down as many as she could, before she caught it in mid-air. Gamer used his sword to slice through a few Foot Bots, until he jumped in the air and threw small discs at a few Foot Bots, electrocuting them in the process. Night Shine used his dark powers to ensnare a few Biotroids, allowing him to pull out his Machete Blade and used his dart ability to slice them to pieces, with Love Shine using the power of his suit to pick up heavy rocks, throw at a few Krang Bots, taking out a few of them in the process. Juniper darted ahead and used her sword to slice a few Bots to pieces. Ace used his sparring batons to bash a few Foot Bots before they could get their hands on them, whilst Melody was backing him up as she sliced a few Krang Bots using her chakrams. Then suddenly kissed Ace’s cheek before going off into battle, taking Ace off guard whilst he blushed, but kept on fighting. Patch darted forward and jumped in the air and plunged both her butterfly swords into two Foot Bot 87’s as they collapsed, whilst Sweetheart jumped in the air and used her Chain Claw to wrap up two Biotroids. The moment when she landed on one foot, one knee and both fists, Clover, Half Note and Lancer jumped in on Sweetheart in order for them to jump in the air and used their Tang Sword and Bamboo sword to bash them over, whilst Lancer used his Naginata blades to pierce through the third one that was behind it. Aloe and Lotus used their nunchucks to keep the Foot Bots back, whilst a new girl that no one had ever seen before, used her Kamayari spear to jab and threw plenty of Krang Bots away. Blueberry Cake used her bamboo bo-staff to make short work of a few Foot Bot 87’s. At the same time, Gloriosa Daisy and her brother Timber Spruce worked together side by side to help each other out. Gloriosa smashing a few robots with her Kuduchi Mallet, whilst Timber used his Shuang Gou swords. Mystery Mint used her Katana blades to slice a few robots whilst running, with Snips and Snails distracting a few rock monsters as it tried to chase them, with Thunder bass backing them up before they could crush them. As they were busy, Roland saw April 87 and Irma 87 going over to the controls of the portal that Donnie and the others were trying to access. He looked back at his group. “Venus, Obaki, Silverbolt, Invictus, Amethyst Majesty!!” shouted Roland, gaining their attention, “We need to get to those controls to back up Donnie and the others!!” “Let’s do this!!” shouted Obaki as all of them immediately ran over. “Sandalwood, you’re with me!!” shouted Roland, with Sandalwood agreeing and ran alongside them. At the same time, the geniuses tried to shut down the portal. “Any luck with the portal controls?!” said Donnie. “I’m almost in!!” said Ben/Grey Matter. “We got company!!” shouted Micro Chips. They saw many of the Foot Bots were charging towards them in order for them to keep them from closing the portal. As they were approaching, some of them were driven over by two vehicles. At the same time, the Plumbers got out of the vehicles and began to shoot in order to give them some cover. April 87 climbed out of the vehicle and said “Are you guys, okay?!!” “We are, now that you’re here!!” said Donnie. “Our goose was nearly cooked before you guys got here!!” said Micro Chips “Keep them busy for another few moments!!” Rockwell. “April, behind you!!” shouted Donnie 87. April 87 looked behind her and saw a few Foot Bots attacking, and before they could land a punch, April ended up blocking a Foot Bot and punched it away, jumped in the air and delivered a strong roundhouse kick at two more, then gave an uppercut at another, grabbed a bo-staff and spun it around, bashing at a few more, blocked it and smacked a few a couple of times. When she stopped, she panted and looked at the others, which surprised the geeks. “Where the heck did you learn how to fight?!” exclaimed Donnie. “I took some lessons.” Said April 87. Before another Foot Bot could attack, Master Splinter 87 came along and bashed the robot away with his staff. “Did one of those lessons also taught you on how to be aware of your surroundings?” said Master Splinter 87. Another tried to attack, until it was shot to pieces by Invictus. “Look who’s talking!!” retorted Invictus. “Let’s give them some cover!!” shouted Roland as they drew their weapons before all of them attacked. Roland shot a few down using his pistols, then he placed them away and pulled out his sword and sliced a few to pieces. Obaki used his claws to back him up whilst he jumped in the air and ploughed them down. Venus used her Tessen blades to slice them and dice them, Silverbolt used his fists and wrist guns to keep them at bay, with Invictus using his sword and big pistol to blow them away whilst Amethyst Majesty used his weapon to push any attackers. After much hacking at the portal. “Alright, we’re in!!” said Ben/Grey Matter. “Shut it down!!” said Micro Chips when a Foot Bot attacked. Micro was suddenly saved by Sandalwood, who used his shield to block and bash it away using his Hamato shield. “Don’t worry, I got your back!!” said Sandalwood as he fought his way through. “Shutting the portal down…now!!!” said Donnie as he flipped the switch. Within mere moments, the portal shut down, allowing them a huge advantage. “Leo, we shut down the portal!!” said Donnie when he contacted his brother, “We were able to cut off their reinforcements!!” “Roger that Donnie!!” said Leo when he heard his brother, “Everyone, push forward towards the Technodrome!!” Everyone pushed to the Technodrome and literally fought at their doorstep, with Shredder 87 shouting “Shoot them down you fools!!” “Show no mercy!!” shouted Krang Subprime whilst at the same time, a cannon leaded with mutagen was being prepared to fire. “Funny,” said Roland the moment he was close enough. “I was going to do the same thing!!” Roland attacked head on against the duo. He seemed to be having the edge fighting against them, even beaten them to both a pulp. “How?!!” exclaimed Krang Subprime, “How are you beating us!!” “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Said Roland as he attacked head on. Whilst Zach and Caitlyn, the moment they climbed out, saw a Mutagen cannon being prepared. “Oh no, they’re going to shoot!!” exclaimed Caitlyn. “I got it!!” shouted Zach as he took a blaster and took the shot. But at the same time, Roland got bashed by Bixolio as he was flung against the same cannon, which shocked Zach and Caitlyn. Causing the moment the blast went to the glass container holding the Mutagen… “Get out of the way!!” shouted the two siblings. Roland responded too late as he was doused by the Mutagen. “Roland!!” exclaimed Roland’s team, which shocked the others when they saw what happened. But at the same time, the Young Six and the CMC regrouped with Zach and Caitlyn, whilst at the same time, pony Rarity came running and tried to hide for cover, and she whimpered a bit when her boots were getting dirty. “For crying out loud Rarity, stop complaining!!” shouted Sandbar. “We’re in the middle of a fight and y’all are complaining about getting dirty now!!” shouted Sweetie Belle. “Oh, I detest violence!!” said Rarity as she whined, “And nothing you can say will ever…” When all of a sudden, a piece of pony Rarity’s hair was shot off, causing it to land on the ground fizzled, which shocked the CMC and the Young Six. Pony Rarity was just as shocked by what she felt and witnessed. “Mah…my hair…they shot my hair!!!” Rarity looked at them with fury in her eyes and screamed “YOU SHOT MY HAIR!!!” She looked at both Zach and Caitlyn, who were using plumber weapons to fire back, and walked over to them. Just as Zach was about to use what appeared to be a Mini-Gun… “GIVE ME THAT!!” shouted Rarity as she grabbed the mini-gun. Within a split second, as the gun charged up, Zach and Caitlyn immediately screamed “TAKE COVER!!!” Some saw and immediately ducked whilst pony Rarity fired the mini-gun and began to blast every Foot Bot, every Krang Bot, every Krang Drone, every rock monster, every Krang Gorilla bot and ever Foot Bot 87’s before they had any chance to react. Pony Rarity kept moving it back and forth, shooting at any Krang Bot that comes in the way whilst she screamed in rage whilst she continued to shoot. Within a minute, she had run out of ammo, and all of the Foot Bots, etc., were all destroyed. Everyone slowly lifted their heads as some stood up. Whilst slowly looking at pony Rarity with shocked looks on their faces, with pony Rarity panting and seething through her teeth as her eyes were twitching and had a rage look in her eyes. With Zach and Caitlyn slowly coming to her side and took the mini-gun away as Caitlyn attempted to calm her down. Everyone couldn’t stop looking at her over the display of what happened. “Uh…wow.” Said Amethyst. “Nice shot.” Said Gallus as he couldn’t believe his teacher did that. “Dudes,” said Mikey, “And I thought both our Fluttershy’s are scary.” “Mikey,” said Raph, “For once, I completely agree with you.” “Let’s get to Shredder first!!” “Surround him!!” shouted Leo as everyone ran up and tried to stop him. Eventually they had Shredder and Krang Subprime cornered. “Roland!!” shouted Venus as she, Obaki the Turtles, April, Casey, Mane 6, Zach and Caitlyn ran along to see if he was okay. They saw that he was still covered in Ooze, but nothing happened. “Oh no, I mutated Roland!!” panicked Zach when he couldn’t believe what he had just done. Things were quiet, when all of a sudden, Roland emerged, but all normal as he spat the Mutagen out of his mouth sideways. “Nice going, doofus.” Said Roland when he looked at Zach sternly. The group were shocked to see that Roland was normal and didn’t mutate. “Y-you’re not mutating.” Muttered Twilight. “How?! Huh?! What?!” bellowed Rainbow as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “How?!” exclaimed Donnie. Roland was able to shake it off, whilst Venus carefully helped him. “Put it simply.” Said Roland as he looked at April, which gained her attention. “Your mom wasn’t the only one who got experimented on by the Krang.” April was both taken aback and shocked at the same time, even the others. “Garr. You blasted turtles and friends!!” shouted Shredder 87, gaining their attention, “You were supposed to be beaten!!” “That’s where you’re wrong Shred head!!” shouted Raph. “We’ll always kick your butt no matter what!!” shouted Raph 87. “Plus, you’re going to pay!!” shouted Adagio. “You turned us into toddlers!!” shouted Twilight. “And the indecency that followed along with it!!” shouted Rarity. “Wait,” said Shredder 87, “You lot ate the pizzas?!!” “No thanks to a certain friend of ours.” Muttered Sour Sweet as half of them looked at Pinkie Pie, who looked down in guilt. “The pizzas were meant to go to the blasted turtles.” Said Shredder 87 “And not some Nancy pansy sissy girly girls who are one hundred percent weak and wear clothes that make them look fat and care about animals that should be eaten that go to ridiculous parties and waste their times in high school being the ugliest broads in existence!!” There was dead silence as the guys stared in shock by what Shredder 87 said. “Oh boy,” said Mikey “He shouldn’t have said that.” The girls all looked at Shredder 87 with dark looks as rage had consumed them. “What?” said 87 Shredder. The girls all growled and moved towards him whilst cracking and pounding their fists. Shredder saw the girls coming towards him. “No, back, stay back, don’t make me shred you!! I will not tolerate you moving towards me!!” shouted 87 Shredder. Pony Pinkie Pie suddenly came into view and said “You might wanna look away. This is about to get ugly.” Pony Pinkie Pie somehow moved the camera away, whilst the boys watched. All of them could hear 87 Shredder scream for mercy as the girls were beating him to a pulp, whilst the guys winced and closed their eyes and mouth, for this was really starting to get ugly. However… “Subprime!!” They saw Blade had cornered the Krang commanding officer and presented his blade against him. “I will ensure to make you pay for what you did to me!!” said Blade. “I don’t even know you!!” shouted Krang Subprime. “Hey, doofus!!” shouted Roland, gaining his attention as Roland shouted “You mutated him when he was just a pony you idiot!!” Subprime looked at him, and then recognized him. “Oooh, so you’re subject E.” said Subprime, “The first animal we ever tested on.” “You took everything away from me!!” shouted Blade. “But now I will make sure you suffer for what you did.” “Oh, I don’t think so.” Said Subprime with a smirk, “And you know, I thought I recognized you. You have such a familial resemblance. You look so much like your sister.” Blade was surprised to hear this. “How did you…?!!” “Oh, didn’t you know?” said Subprime, “After my brother’s failed attempt to take over your world, I decided to pop back there. And tried to find one who had the same genetic marker you did. And wouldn’t you know? We found a perfect match.” Blade was shocked to hear this, even Tempest, with Blade shouting “What have you done with her?!!” “Oh, I’ll do you one better.” Said Subprime, “I’ll show you.” He pressed the button onto his wrist, revealing a large door opening, whilst everyone, even the Rainbooms after they were done beating up Shredder 87, looked at the doors opening. At first it was silence, until a loud roar was heard. Slowly emerging from the doors, was a monstrous beast that one would mistake for a troll. It roared at its new prey. But when Blade took a good look at her… “Melody?!!” The Equestrians and Turtles gasped, for right in front of her, was none other, than Blade’s sister, Melody. She opened her mouth and fired an energy beam onto them, forcing them to scatter away from her. As she chased them, Subprime was suddenly grabbed by Shredder’s Foot Bots, along with Bixolio, making them opened a portal and dragged them away before it closed behind them. Melody continued to attack them as she swung her arms and stomped her feet onto the ground. “Melody, snap out of it!!” shouted Blade before he dodged her attack. “I can’t believe what Subprime did to her, yo!!” shouted Casey. “Yeah, Melody was such a brave and sweet old lady, just like Granny Smith!!” said Mikey, before turning to pony Applejack, “And in case you wonder, that’s a compliment.” “Mighty thanks.” Said pony Applejack before they dodged her attack. Roland saw the fight going on, but he was still lacking a bit of strength. He knew they weren’t going to last long. But for the sake of everyone else, he had to try. For Blade’s sake. He pulled out what appeared to be a large syringe of sorts, and thought of an idea. He injected the syringe and draw a bit of his blood. He walked over to April and did the same thing. “Ow, hey!!” said April, but then saw Roland going over to the Mutagen. He drew some of the Mutagen and ended up shaking it, causing it to change into a different color. Instead of orange, it turned into Aqua Blue, which surprised April. Roland walked over to Slash, knowing how strong her is. “Hey big guy,” said Roland, gaining Slash’s attention. “I need you use a fastball special by tossing me to her.” “What?!” exclaimed Slash, “Why?!” “Just do it!!” said Roland. Slash complied and did what he asked. He grabbed Roland and spun so fast, he threw Roland straight to the air, which surprised everyone. Roland ended up landing on Melody’s back whilst holding the Syringe. With one swift motion, he jabbed the syringe into her neck, allowing him to inject it. Melody roared at that whilst Roland jumped off and landed close to the Rainbooms. “Uh, Rainbow?” said Roland, gaining the speedy athlete’s attention. “You mind getting a blanket from one of the trucks?” “Why?” said Rainbow. Roland looked at her and motioned his clothing and pointed at Melody. Rainbow instantly clicked and realized what he was saying. “Oooh. Right. Gotcha.” Rainbow instantly ran to the truck and came back with a blanket whilst giving it to Roland as he walked on over. Within mere moments, Melody turned back to normal and was on the ground, with Roland being there and covered a blanket over her. Blade instantly went over to see if she was alright. “Melody!!” said Blade as he held onto her, “Are you hurt?” “Ugh, Blade?” said Melody as she sat on her knees. “What happened?” The Turtles, Mane 6, Spike, April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami and Sunset however, were shocked to see something different about her. “Dudes, is it just me, or does she look a bit younger?” said Mikey. “Hmm, from the looks of it, she appears to be about a year younger than Blade.” Said Donnie when he theorized this. “I wonder…” said Roland, then he looked at Princess Twilight and said “Twilight, do you still know that transformation spell?” “I do, why?” said Princess Twilight. “Try to have them reveal their Equestrian forms.” Curious, Princess Twilight did just that on the two Equestrians. When the smoke faded, Blade looked like his usual mutant self. However, to his surprise, Melody didn’t gain a body like his, however, she did show that she was a year younger than Blade. Everyone else was just as surprised by the outcome, whilst at the same time, the two of them turned back into humans, with Blade falling on his knees in guilt. “Melody…I’m so sorry.” Said Blade as he nearly cried, “I couldn’t protect you…again.” Melody hugged her brother whilst she was using the blanket to cover herself. “It’s alright Blade. You’re not responsible for something beyond your control. I’ll always be your sister, just like you’re still my brother.” Blade ended up hugging her back, knowing that he didn’t mean to cause her pain. “Okay then,” said Raph 87, “So now that we beat the bad guys…” “Don’t forget about the part where Kraang’s ex buddy escaped.” Said Mikey 87. “I can’t believe that Krang Subprime and Bixolio is here too.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, didn’t the Utrom lock them up when we teamed up with the other Turtles after beating Ch’Rell?” “We’ll need to tell Bishop about this.” Said Karai. “And knowing them, they’re not going to be happy when they find out their prisoners had escaped.” Said Shinigami. “So how are we going to find them?” asked Apple Bloom. “I think they were forced to work for this Shredder guy.” Said Scootaloo. Everyone looked at her surprised, with Sweetie Belle saying, “What makes you say that Scootaloo?” “Well,” said Scootaloo as she thought about it and recalled of what happened, “During our fight, I saw that Kraang Subprime and Bixolio were going to run. But before I could call anyone, I saw the Foot Bots grabbing those two. They looked scared and panicked for some reason, then one of the Foot Bots opened the portal whilst they dragged him away. And from the looks of it, whoever broke them out probably forced them to work for the new Shredder.” The Turtles, Rainbooms, Mane 6 and allies looked at one another, some with concerned faces. “So some of our enemies were willing to work with Shredder,” said Leo. “Whilst some of them are forced to?” said Sunset. “This is definitely a new development.” Said Donnie. “Kinda makes sense.” Said Mikey. “What do you mean?” asked Raph. “Well think about it,” said Mikey, “Most times whenever we fight bad guys, some of them willingly join because they had a grudge against us, and some who didn’t want to fight us anymore because they knew they’d be outmatched. But this Shredder on the other hand, he’s going around willingly recruiting others who have a grudge against not just us, but also our allies. I mean think about it, we fought alongside all of them all over the world and dimensions against Cobra, Rita Repulsa, the Dark Masters, Team Shine’s enemies, VILE, all of Ben 10 and the Justice League’s villains. And seeing that Shredder recruited Bradford and the others, whilst also forcing some like Stockman to work for him, who’s to say he didn’t do the same thing with all of ours and their enemies in order to fight us whilst we try to find a way to stop them by trying to find a key to Earth Prime?” Everyone, sans Roland, Venus and Obaki, stared at Mikey in dumbfounded shock, even Ben 10, Team Shine, the Plumbers, the Crystal Gems and the 1987 individuals standing there. “Dude.” Said Casey, “You’re scary when you think of something like that, you know that?” “If that’s the case,” said Leo once he shook of his shock, “He might’ve forced our enemies to work for him.” “Whilst our enemies is willingly working for him.” Said Shine Boy. “Same goes for ours.” Said Ben. “And what about the corrupt Gems?” said Pearl in concern. “It’s like the Turtles said,” said Peridot when she came over, “The Kraang had mutated and terraformed this world for a thousand years. So during that time, they must’ve rounded them up and tried to find a way to use them as their foot soldiers.” “And how many corrupt Gems did we gather?” asked Bismuth. “An entire region’s worth.” Said Garnet. “If I remember, and I always do, there were over twenty regions all over the world to make sure that Homeworld wouldn’t take the world as their own.” “Then we need to hurry,” said Blade once he got up with Melody. “We need to find the next key.” “And we’re in luck.” Said Donnie 87, “The next stone happens to be somewhere in this area.” “Then we’ll need to convince Shredder to talk to us.” Said Leo 87. “You mean the one that’s limping away?” said Venus as she pointed at Shredder 87. Everyone instantly turned around and saw Shredder 87, trying to slip away, which made him instantly look at the others. “Aw, crud.” ****************************************************************************************************** Soon enough, everyone was outside, interrogating Shredder 87 whilst Kraang was tied up whilst he couldn’t pilot his robot body. “Alright then pal,” said Rainbow Dash, “You got the count of three to tell us what we need to know, or so help me you’re in for another beatdown.” “Ha!!” said Shredder 87, “Try as you might, you will never break me!!” “Is he serious?” muttered Casey, “The dude just got beat up by a bunch of girls, how can he still refuse to talk?” “Well he is a cartoon character from the 80’s.” said Keno, “They’re always tough nuts to crack.” “Then I’ll have to deliver some…” said Night Shine before he cracked his knuckles and said “Drastic measures.” “That’s not going to work,” said Leo when he came in, “This Shredder may be a bonehead, but if he’s like our Shredder, he won’t be so cooperative in helping us out.” “Then how do you suggest we make him talk?” asked Shine Boy. “Oh, I have a way to make him talk.” Said Roland with a smirk, gaining everyone’s attention. “What do you have in mind?” asked Princess Twilight. Roland suddenly pulled out a cupcake that had a smiley face on it. Not just any cupcake, a cartoon cupcake, one that Team Shine recognized. “Is that.” Said a surprised Gamer. “It can’t be.” Said Shine Girl. “Oh, sweet nibblets.” Muttered Night Shine. “I’ve been saving it for a very, special occasion.” Said Roland. “You want to take a lunchbreak now?!” said a disbelief, Raph. Roland ignored him and ate the cupcake. At first it was nothing, until they saw him itching and twitching and groaning and began to feel as if he was being molded into clay, which shocked the others. “Whoa, Roland, what’s wrong?!” exclaimed Leo. Then suddenly, Roland was engulfed in a large puff of smoke. Everyone looked in concern, wondering what had happened to Roland. Even Krang and 87 Shredder were curious of what he did. But what emerged from the smoke, was something they did not expect. He was turned into a pony, much to everyone’s baffled states and shock. “Uh,” said Love Shine “Why did you turn into…” Suddenly, Roland pulled out a stereo and pressed play, causing music to play, and shocked everyone what he had in mind. “Tell me he’s not…,” said Raph. Too late… Everything around him turned into a cartoon environment and he started to do the craziest thing (This is not the actual song or lyrics, just wanted you to hear the melody so that all of you can get the same idea) (Roland whilst skipping on the grassy field) If the sun was oh so shiny And the fields were oh so green (Roland swinging his hips with his front hooves under his chin on a bridge above a river) If the rivers sparkled bright because it looks so clean (Roland frolics with cute animals) What if all the creatures, big and small Wants to make friends with all of you? (Hugged Bebop and sharpened Rocksteady’s horn) What if warthogs are cuddly and the Rhino got a pedicure. (Roland hugging a surprised Ray Fillet) What if you could hug a sting ray (Without getting electrocuted) (Roland jumped on the rocks that turned into jelly) What if rocks were made bouncy (Cause they’re made of jelly) (Roland holding a cake that looked cute) This tasty cake had a smile (Because it tastes so sweet) (Roland turned all of Krang’s Foot Bots to jelly beans) What if the robots were oh so sweet (Cause they’re made of jelly beans) (Roland happily skipping) The magic, of friend, friendship The true magic of friendship (Roland bouncing on his flank) The magic, of friend, friendship It will set you free (Roland shaking his tushy before looking at them and winking) The magic, of friend, friendship The true magic of friendship Everyone stared at him shocked and dumbfounded as they couldn’t believe what he was doing. (Roland jumping towards them) And we all will have our chance to shine!! (Dancing around a surprised Applejacks) What if honesty’s sweet, like apples? (Dancing around glee smiling Pinkie Pies) And have some laughter to brighten your day? (Standing both Rainbow Dashes’ shoulders) What if Loyalty’s like a Rainbow? That shines so bright in the sky!! (Stood near both Rarities) Generosity shines like diamonds (Stood near both Fluttershies) And Kindness is gentle like butterflies (Lied down on both Twilights) We embrace the Magic of Friendship (Hugged both Starlight and Sunset) And the courage to forgive (Stood near the greatly surprised Team Shine) We’ll go spread some love to those who don’t have none to give in turn (Stood near Crystal Gems) Whilst the sun and moon, that shine so bright, will light up in the sky (Dancing around with many copies of himself, but the guys couldn’t take the cuteness, and the girls (even the tough ones) were slowly smiling with widened glees) The magic, of friend, friendship The true magic of friendship The magic, of friend, friendship It will set you free The magic, of friend, friendship The true magic of friendship And we all will have our chance to shine!! Roland, in his cuddly form, skipped over to Shredder 87 and sat on his lap, startling the ninja villain. “So could you please tell us what we need to know, Mr. Shredder?” asked Roland in a cute tone, “Cause if you don’t…” Roland danced all around Shredder and sang. I’ll sing to you non-stop and you’ll slowly go insane!! Your brain will turn to rainbow wrapped in gumdrops. Could you please tell us, or you’ll have sugar in your eyes. Oh please, oh please Shredder, please tell us now, or I’ll sing again. (Roland bounced on his tushy all around whilst being cute and the girls couldn’t stop fawning over him, whilst the guys felt like they were going insane) The magic, of friend, friendship The true magic of friendship The magic, of friend, friendship It will set you free The magic, of friend, friendship The true magic of friendship And we all will have our chance to shine!! Donnie began to scream and shouted “I can’t take it anymore!!” “It’s like they’re inside my head!!” shouted Raph as he kept seeing mini Roland ponies and tried to smack it away at the same time as if they are in his head. Suddenly, a loud scream was heard, and it was none other than Shredder 87, as he had finally lost it. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you!!” shouted Shredder 87 “The stone is on top of that rock spire next to the Technodrome!! You can’t miss it!! Now please stop with the singing!! I can’t take it anymore!!!” “Thank you.” Said Roland in a cute tone, causing him to skip over to the spire in a cute manner. Within mere moments, he was back whilst he skipped and brought the stone to them. He held the stone on top of his head. “Ladies want the stone?” said Roland with a glee of a smile. “Aaaaaawwwwwwwww.” Cooed the girls as they saw the cuteness from Roland whilst Sunset accepted the stone. “Ugh,” groaned Raph, “When is this going to wear off?” However, no one paid attention as the girls took their pictures with Roland in his pony form. “So… are we going to have to live with this?” Asked a disturbed Raph. “Congratulations. You volunteered to let it sleep in your room.” Night Shine smirked. “What? Why you-?” “Ahahah! No fighting!” scolded Venus as she stood between the two. “I know how to change him back.” Said a reluctant Shine Boy as everyone, even the girls (now that they were done with the pictures), looked at him. “The only thing that can break him out of this is if he does something gross.” “Something gross?” said Applejack in disbelief. “Are y’all serious?” said pony Applejack. “Trust me, he is.” Said Gamer. Obaki suddenly realized something and looked at Mikey. “Hey Mikey, you still got that disgusting pizza you made?” “What pizza?” asked a confused Mikey. “The one you tried to make for your brothers.” “Oh yeah.” Said Mikey as he pulled the most disgusting pizza out, (cue BO foghorn noise). “Ewe!!” exclaimed everyone, minus Obaki and Venus. “Why would you have that repulsive thing with you?!!” exclaimed Rarity. “Duh, in case of an emergency!!” said Mikey. “When did y’all make that?!” exclaimed Apple Bloom. “I tried to make it since before the Pizza Face incident.” Said Mikey. Suddenly, it dawned to Donnie as he widened his eyes in shock. “Wait,” said Donnie as he felt like he was going to puke. “You mean…to tell me…you had that thing with you…for more than a…!!!” “Yeah, why?” said Mikey with a flexed eyebrow as he knew what they were going to ask. Everyone also caught on as they stared in disbelief, causing many to feel like they were going to puke and felt like they were going to lose their lunch. “That…is…DISGUSTING!!!” exclaimed both Rainbow Dash and her counterpart. “Out of all the grossest things you’ve ever did Mikey, this is by far the most disgusting thing you ever did!!” said Raph, “And that’s coming from us from living in the sewers!!!” “Okay, enough talk.” Said Obaki as he grabbed the disgusting pizza and walked away. At the same time, he suddenly he went over to pony Pinkie Pie, causing him to instantly put his hand in her hair, and pulled out a cupcake, which shocked the party pony turned human as he walked away. “How did you know that?!!” exclaimed pony Pinkie Pie. “Hey, Roland.” Said Obaki playfully, gaining the friend turned pony’s attention. Obaki bent over and presented a cupcake whilst saying “Would you like a cupcake?” “Yummy!!” exclaimed Roland as he instantly darted over. He closed his eyes and leaned forward whilst showing out his tongue. But before he could reach the cupcake, Obaki instantly swapped it for the pizza, causing Roland to lick it, which made everyone cringe and were disgusted by what happened. Roland backed away and smacked his lips a couple of times with his eyes closed. When suddenly, his eyes bulged, his mouth bulged whilst holding his hooves over his mouth. Within a split second, he darted over to a nearby rock and threw up hard. Really hard, as if an ocean of barf was coming out of his mouth, with everyone cringing in disgust, causing them to quickly go over and throw up too. After they were done, everyone regrouped, and so did Roland, who was now turned back to normal. “Well, that went well.” Said Roland as he tried to wipe his mouth. “About time.” Said Raph 87, “I don’t think I could stomach the cuteness any further.” “I think we all lost our lunch the moment we saw what Obaki made him do.” Said Scootaloo, causing everyone to voice in agreement. “You know,” said Mikey as he thought out loud, “That was actually a lot of fun.” “Yeah, maybe we can have that same cupcake and have fun too” said Pinkie, with her counterpart nodding in agreement. “NO!!” shouted everyone in the room. Night Shine stood by her munching on popcorn. “More for me I guess.” Venus looked at him and said “Where did you even get that?”, which he only shrugged and continued to eat his popcorn. Roland however, looked at Shredder 87. Realizing that he still needed to be taught a lesson, suddenly took out a piece of pizza and walked over to him. “You know,” said Roland, “We never did thank you for the free pizza. Here’s our appreciation.” Roland stuffed the pizza in Shredder 87’s mouth, causing the said villain to swallow it, surprising everyone of what he just did. Shredder tasted it afterwards. “You know. It’s not that bad.” Said Shredder. Suddenly, he began to glow, making him grunt and said “Wait, what’s happening?” Shredder shrunk down in front of them until he was a toddler. Then he began to cry, but not as a baby, but with his full voice. Roland then suddenly snickered and began to laugh. “Roland!!” said Venus. “That was so mean!!” said Fluttershy. “Oh please,” said Rainbow whilst she crossed her arms, “After what he did to us, I’m not complaining.” “But, why are you laughing?” asked a confused Spike. “I know he’s a baby and all,” said Roland between laughter, “But I can’t take him seriously with that voice.” Everyone heard the sound of his voice as he continued to cry, which caused everyone to snicker and laugh the same way. “Okay, now that’s funny!!” said Casey. “On that we can agree.” Said Caitlyn. “So, Kraang.” Said Zack as everyone stared at the Krang piloting his robot body, “What are we going to do with you?” “Oh, don’t worry.” Said Roland as he suddenly took out a guitar, which surprised everyone. “I got something special for him.” He then began to play a tune on the guitar, which sounded familiar to some. “Huh,” said Carter, “I didn’t know he could play the blues.” Roland then began to sing. There was a dude Named Kraang Ugly looking dude And wore no pants (Everyone couldn’t help but snicker at that) Then came a gator From outta nowhere And bit, old Kraang head, in da butt with a chomp!! Krang suddenly felt something had bitten him. When he looked behind, to his shock, it was a giant alligator, which surprised everyone around him. He ended up running away with the giant gator chasing him, with everyone watching So off he ran like a frightened hairless bunny With a gator on his tail about to eat the Kraang man The gator then ended up jumping up and grabbed the krang with his mouth, shocking everyone. Then he chewed him up With a jaw so big Got chewed up really good (Gator began to chew up Krang) Then he spat him back out Right into the air (The gator spat him out, causing Krang to fly in the air) Everyone looked at Roland shocked. So I tell you now!! And it ain’t no dirty lie!! That was the end!! I say that was the end!! Of the stupidest, dimmest, worthless, failure, and surprisingly a good baker!! Kray-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hang!!! Roland hummed a bit with his tune, and then smirked. Everyone stared at him in both dumbfound and shock. “What. Was. That?” said Raph, clearly both shocked and surprised at the same time. “That my friend, was the power of the blues.” Said Roland. “Never, underestimate the power of the blues.” “Uh…duly noted.” Said a surprised Princess Twilight. Mikey on the other hand, went over to Kraang and said “Yeah, in your face boy!!” Kraang suddenly grabbed him and pulled him close. “You have to listen…we’re all in danger.” Muttered Kraang, which confused Mikey. “He’s just as dangerous as ever!! He’ll stop at nothing to destroy us all. Just like he did to us when we were in the Turtle Prime world.” As Kraang passed out from the pain, Mikey was a little surprised by that and looked at him with a flexed eyebrow. What did he mean by that? A mystery for another time. ********************************************************************************************** At the same time, everyone was standing on the roof, bidding farewell to the Turtles of the Turtle Power world. “Thanks again for your help.” Said Leo. “No problem.” said Donnie 87. “Yeah, bros.” said Mikey 87, “We had an awesome time with ya.” “Despite the ladies’ uh…unfortunate situation.” Said Raph 87, which caused the latter to blush over the embarrassing ordeal. “And it was really nice to meet all of you.” Said April 87, “I have to admit, you guys are pretty fun to hang out with.” “You got that right, sister.” Said Pinkie Pie as she hugged her, with her counterpart doing the same. “You’re also really fun and oh so super nice.” Said Pony Pinkie Pie. “And it was really nice to meet you, Irma.” Said Casey. “Despite uh…” “You guys were freaked out because my counterpart turned out to be an alien in disguise.” Said Irma 87, with the others being surprised about it. “Roland told me, so I can understand why you lot were hesitant at first.” “Still,” said April, then smiled and said “And if you want, and whenever we have time to visit, I’d like to know the real you. It would be fun having to hang out with you. Even this world’s April.” “I’d like that very much.” Said Irma 87. “We all do.” Said April 87 as she and Irma 87 were hugging April. Venus gave them a small device and said “And if we need any more help, we’ll be sure to give you guys a call.” “Thanks,” said Leo 87 as he accepted the device, “And we promise to take things a little bit more seriously. I mean we’d be in a different dimension and we’d have to play by their rules, right?” “Now you’re catching on.” Said Leo before the two turtles fist bumped. “Alright then guys, it’s time to get going.” Said Gwen. “Safe travels everyone,” said Splinter 87, “May the winds of fate continue to blow in your favor.” Ben contacted his grandfather and said “Grandpa Max, you can go ahead and beam us up, we’re ready.” Within a split second, everyone was teleported to the ship. “I really like those guys.” Said Irma 87, “Despite them being serious, they can be a fun bunch.” “Especially Pinkie Pie,” said Mikey 87. “Come on guys,” said Leo 87, “If what they said is true, then we’ll need to get ready.” “Right.” Said everyone before they left the roof and headed back down. *************************************************************************************** Roland was now getting his stuff ready, with the ones who got turned into toddlers walking in. “We’re here!!” said Pinkie Pie. “Good, now get in there so we can get started.” Said Roland. “Are you sure that’s…?” said Sunset before she and her friends suddenly trembled and shivered and were shrunk down, turning into toddlers again. “Oh, right, I forgot.” Said Roland as he slapped his forehead. “The after effects.” Then they got turned back to normal again, thankfully clothed. They suddenly glared as he said “Well I did tell you to come to the infirmary just in case.” ***************************************************************************************** An hour later, after Twilight was finished, everyone gathered and rubbed their arms a bit. “Okay, according to the machines, and a little bit of tough love science,” said Roland, “I can guarantee that all of you are chemical free.” “Thank goodness.” Said Sour Sweet as she and the others were relieved, “I don’t want to go through another embarrassing ordeal.” “Although,” said Rarity as she pointed at him, “Why didn’t you close your eyes when we were exposed?” “Please,” said Roland whilst he rolled his eyes, “I’m also a trained doctor and surgeon, I’ve seen bodies before.” “You’re a trained doctor and surgeon?” asked Karai as she and the others were surprised. “I got taught by the best doctors in the world, including a certain one from the GI Joes.” “Wait, you mean Lifeline?” asked a surprised Sunset. “Yeah, the guy really knows his stuff.” Said Roland. “He was going to be one of the best doctors in the country. He even wanted to be part of the DWB, Doctors Without Borders. But before he could, that’s when the Joes recruited him. One minute he was studying Gross Anatomy. Next thing he knew, he’s busy sewing up roughriders between Iraq and Afghanistan.” “Oh my,” said Fluttershy surprised, “He had such a good future.” “Meh, we can’t always get what we want.” Said Roland. “He also told me that no matter what a body looks. Young or old, small or big, gross or dismembered, we can’t falter when helping someone. For it we tend to hesitate without thinking, you’ll end up being consumed with pressure, anxiety and fear, and in the end one mistake, would determine their fate.” They were surprised by the lesson Lifeline gave him. He looked at them and said “Trust me, when it comes to medicine or patching someone up, Lifeline takes that job very seriously. Same with me. Which is why I volunteered to be everyone’s medical officer. When it comes to everyone’s health, I outrank everyone.” The girls were surprised by this, and found it admirable that he cared about everyone’s health and safety. “Speaking of which,” said Roland as he pointed at Rarity, “You might want to stop with your ice cream binging and switch to a healthier comfort food. Cause uh, I don’t want you to stress any further.” He looked around and whispered to her, “But all that ice cream is going straight to your posterior.” Rarity gasped at that and quickly looked at the mirror and noticed her glutes. She yelped and covered her backside with her hands whilst she felt extremely embarrassed about it. “You could let Rainbow train you, seeing as she’s fit.” Said Roland, then he playfully rolled his eyes and said “Of course, then yours will be as flat as hers.” “What?!” said Rainbow as she was literally in his face. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Well there’s nothing wrong with it.” Said Roland whilst he smirked, then he said something that caught her off guard and looked at her slyly. “In fact, I think it’s a cute one.” “Y-you idiot!! Why did you think that made me feel better!!!” shouted Rainbow as her face was red in complete embarrassment, causing Roland to laugh out loud as she hit both her fists on his back whilst the rest of the girls couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. “Alright then, embarrassing someone aside,” said Roland after they were done laughing, “Let’s all head to the lab, Azmuth says he wants to see you.” Everyone soon left the med lab whilst Rainbow pouted and still blushed from the embarrassment. However, from around the corner, Night Shine was keeping an eye on Roland. He looked at his phone and saw the video of him yelling at the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats. However, when he faced them, he then noticed something off. He zoomed in the picture to take a closer look. And there it was…Roland’s eyes were for a split second red, instead of brown like his mother’s. Something was definitely up with him, and from one way or another, he’s going to find out. So he walked away, leaving to figure that mystery out for another day. ************************************************************************************************* After they were done, they went to the lab where Azmuth is. When they looked for him, they saw the Galvin hard at work with his device. “We’re here Azmuth, like y’all asked.” Said Applejack. “What are you up to?” asked Ben. “Answer me this,” said Azmuth as he was looking through the device, then looked at them, saying “Rainbooms. Your source of power comes from your Geodes, correct?” “That’s right.” Said Sunset, unsure of where he was going with this. Suddenly, Azmuth flipped the switch and said “Hold still.” Within a split second, before anyone else could react, the device shot it’s ray at the Rainbooms, making them yelp in shock as it struck them. They glowed for a few moments, but when the glow died down, and so too did the machine, the Rainbooms noticed nothing has happened to them. “What in tarnation did y’all do?!” exclaimed Applejack. “Twilight,” said Azmuth, ignoring the farmgirl, “Could you please be so kind enough to place your geode on the table?” Twilight was confused by this, but complied as she did so. “Now, lift that object up please.” Twilight was confused, thinking that it wouldn’t work without her geode. But nonetheless, she gave it a try. She raised her right hand and pointed it at the large crate. When she concentrated, her hand began to glow, and so too did the object. To hers and the others’ shock, she was able to lift it without her pendant. “What the shell?” said Donnie. “Azmuth, what did you do?” asked Leo after Twilight placed the object down. “Simple really Leonardo.” Said Azmuth whilst their attention was diverted to him. “Whenever all of you use your powers, it comes straight from your geode, especially limited, correct?” “That’s right.” Said Princess Twilight, “But where are you going with this?” “From what Roland and most of you told me and from what I’ve witnessed whenever you fight your enemies, they tend to overpower you and were able to take away your source of power that leaves you powerless,” said Azmuth “Like that time with your encounter with Khan and Fishface, if I’m not mistaken?” “Ugh, don’t remind me.” Said Rainbow whilst crossing her arms “It was really embarrassing.” “So, after thinking about it, I’ve been working on a solution.” Said Azmuth “Thanks to Princess Twilight’s knowledge of Equestrian Magic and my device, I was able to devise a way to take the power of your geodes and transfer them to all of you. And once it does, I’ve also ensured that no matter how many times you use your powers, it will not be drained so easily.” The girls perked up and were surprised by this, with Rainbow saying in excitement “You mean to tell me that we don’t have to worry about losing our geodes when we’re in the middle of a fight anymore?!” “This is only temporary until the Shredder is beaten.” Said Azmuth “We don’t want any of you to be too overpowered and irresponsible, unlike a certain Omnitrix wielder.” “Oh come on!!” exclaimed Ben “I said I was sorry!!” The girls got excited and took off their geodes, whilst at the same time, could use their powers without worrying about a limiter on them. “This is amazing!!” said Rainbow Dash, “Now we don’t have to worry about losing our geodes whilst we’re in the middle of a fight!!” “But you’ll still have to wear them.” Said Roland, which confused Rainbow, “Remember, we don’t want them to know that we changed the game plan. So best let them think you still get your powers from your geodes before they catch wind of this.” “So in other words like wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Said Applejack as she took her geode and placed it around her neck, “That does sound like a good idea.” “Alright then,” said Donnie as he came back, “We were able to store the next stone, so it should be safe.” “That’s good.” Said Grandpa Max. He looked at Azmuth and said “I assume you were able to come in contact with Homeworld?” “Indeed,” said Azmuth, “They were very helpful in what we needed for our fight ahead, so we were able to get what we came for.” “Alright then,” said Grandpa Max before he contacted the bridge and said “Bridge, time to get us out of this dimension.” Their ship turned to another direction and within a split second, jumped via dimensional gate. *************************************************************************************************** Later that day, the Mane 6, Spike and the Rock N Beats, minus Ace and Lancer, walked down the hall to meet up with Roland. “I can understand that Roland called them because your friends also want to be Ninjas Princess Twilight,” said Sweetheart, “But why did he call us too?” “Who knows,” said Patch, “Maybe we could do some extra training too. I’ve been wanting to try some new combat moves lately.” “You’ll get your chance.” They looked and saw Roland waiting for them. “So what lessons are we going to take!! I can’t wait to get started.” Said pony Rainbow Dash in excitement. “We’ll get to that. But for now.” Said Roland as he typed on the console. When they looked into the simulation room, they saw that it had been turned into a bowling alley and an arcade, which surprised them. They looked at him whilst he had a remorseful look on his face. “It’s…my way of apologizing the way I acted.” Said Roland, “Plus I figured…we could bond a little whilst we play and strategize. That is…if you want to.” They looked at one another and thought about it. They ended up having some smiles of their own and looked at him. “Well, we could use a break.” Said pony Applejack. “Then let’s do it.” Said Roland. Soon they walked in with Roland watching. He had a sad look once more and took out a picture of him when he was a young boy and a little girl next to him. He then remembered something. Could you promise me to be more human. If not for your sake, then for others too. Maybe then…you wouldn’t feel so lonely anymore. He swallowed a bit, as if he wanted to cry. He placed the photo away and regained his composure. For today, they take a break. But tomorrow, the real work would soon begin. **************************************************************************************************** At the same time, both Bixolio and Subprime, no longer in their suits, were tossed onto the ground whilst they looked at the Shredder. “Please…” said Subprime, “Have mercy.” “Oh do no worry, I will be merciful for only today.” Said Shredder, “But tomorrow, the both of you will serve me. For make no mistake, if you do.” He grabbed the both of them and held them close to his face and said “I will ensure that both of you will end in a painful death.” As they quaked in terror, the screen froze, showing that they were still afraid, and Shredder kept his stare at them. > 90's Brawl/Mikey's Closure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An hour before the Rangers arrived Meanwhile, back at Angel Grove, Tommy was filling Zordon and Alpha in over what they had just learned. “And that’s the whole story Zordon.” Said Tommy. “Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye!!” said Alpha, “This is truly terrible, Zordon.” “Agreed,” said Zordon, “If what this Roland said is true and this Shredder somehow gained the power to harness into the Dark Grid, then the future of all Rangers could be at risk.” “No kidding,” said Zack, “We already had trouble with Drakkon and his armies when he killed Tommy and tried to take over the timeline to where every single Ranger Team ever existed. No way we’re going through that again.” “We still need to find a way to stop them.” Said Jason, “Our friends, the Turtles and their allies are already gathering, and thankfully they gave us the coordinates to teleport there.” “Very well.” Said Zordon. “Tommy, you, and the others will go with the Turtles and the Rainbooms to assist them in battle. If the Shredder truly is recruiting their enemies, then there’s no doubt that he recruited Lord Zedd and possibly Rita Repulsa to their cause.” “You got it Zordon.” Said Kimberly. “Alpha,” said Zordon, “You will go with the others and assist them in any way you can. I will try to contact the other rangers from across time and dimensions and warn them of a new threat.” “You can count on me, Zordon.” Said Alpha as it walked over to the others. “Go now, and may the power protect you.” Said Zordon. “Let’s go guys.” Said Tommy, allowing them to activate their teleportation devices, allowing them to teleport somewhere else. ********************************************************************************************* A few days after their adventures in the Turtle Power’s world, Roland kept his promise to take the time to train the rest of the Mane 6, but now, both Venus and Obaki were watching them as they were fighting against training robots. But they were also wearing new outfits that would help them, and just like Princess Twilight, her friends have the same weapons as the Rainbooms, whilst the Turtles (minus Donnie), Rainbooms, April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and some of their New York friends were watching, as well as some of the students of Canterlot High. Pony Rainbow Dash was using a Naginata Spear and practiced her moves with it. “You know, other me is actually doing a good job at her weapon.” Said Rainbow Dash. Pony Applejack was using a pair of Shuko Hand Claws to slice through a few robots. “Mah counterpart is also really focused on this.” Said Applejack. Pony Fluttershy was taking down a few objects using her Fukedake Blowgun, as well as trying to dance around them. “Oh my, even my pony counterpart looks like she can hold her own.” Said Fluttershy. Pony Rarity used her Kama Sickles to make short work of the training robots trying to attack her. “Oh my, even my counterpart has so much grace in her step.” Said Rarity. Pony Pinkie Pie was giggling and swinging around her own Bakuhatsugama sickle with weight chain as she jumped around and made quick work of them. “Wow, even my counterpart is doing okay.” Said Pinkie Pie. At the same time, Roland walked in to see how they were doing. He stood next to Princess Twilight whilst he was amazed to see how well they were doing. “Wow, they’re really fast learners.” Said Spike “I know right,” said Princess Twilight, “I can’t believe that they’re learning this fast.” Spike couldn’t help but smirk and said “And you’re also jealous that they learned how to cope as fast as you could, right?” He then saw Princess Twilight pouting whilst she crossed her arms, which he couldn’t help but chuckle from that. “Say, where’s the others?” asked dog Spike. “Oh,” said Spike as he filled in his doggy counterpart, “Roland is with Gamer. After their adventures with the other Turtles, the two of them had an idea and they’ve been cooped up at the lab non-stop. Mikey’s also training, but he’s training with Silverbolt and Invictus.” “Really?” said Dog Spike, “But why not with us here?” “Don’t know, they didn’t say much.” Said Spike. “Shine Boy went to Homeworld with the Crystal Gems to see if they can arrange the other Diamonds to gather reinforcements. They’ll be back soon.” Pretty soon, the five out of six of the Mane 6 were done training and panted from the training. “You guys did great.” Said Obaki. “Yeah, you guys learn a lot faster than Princess Twilight did.” Said Venus. “No sweat.” Said pony Rainbow Dash. “Although…” said Donnie, “Why didn’t you let us help train them?” “You mean like you did for Mikey?” said Venus. They were surprised about it at first, with Obaki saying “And we’d rather not have them be mocked instead of letting Jagwar beat them to death.” “Oh, come on!!” said Rainbow Dash, “How the heck were, we supposed to know!!” “And yet you didn’t.” said Casey. Even though it had been a long time ago, what they did to Mikey still haunt them. “I can’t believe you guys would ditch Mikey like that!!” said April. “Yeah yo, what were you thinking?!” said Casey. “He didn’t even deserve that!!” scolded Shinigami. “Mikey constantly rubbed his victory in our faces!!” said Raph. “And you thought it was a good idea of watching him get beat up to death?” said Keno in disbelief. “Guys,” said Flash, gaining the Turtles and Rainbooms’ attention, although, he had a much sterner look on his face, same with the CHS students and the Shadowbolts, “Did you forget that you guys owed him?” “Excuse me, us owe him?” said Rainbow in disbelief. Maud then walked up and had a list, and read “The Krang, Pizza Face, Mom Thing, the Wasp, the Memory Stone, Cozy Glow, and finally the Meanbooms, since he was the only one who believed you were innocent, tried to defend you and clear your names.” “And at least he wasn’t stupid enough to fall for INK CLONES OF YOURSELVES!!” shouted Bulk Biceps. The Rainbooms and Turtles blinked in surprise, and realize he did have a point. “And I thought we were once jerks.” Said Sour Sweet. “Yeah…” muttered Applejack in shame. “Though truth be told,” said Sunset, “Even though we apologized to Mikey and whilst he was recuperating. We…” “We were rejected by everybody.” Said Donnie. “Rejected?” said a confused Princess Twilight. “How?” “Well…” said Twilight, “Shortly after Mikey won, we received…the worst backlash, ever.” ********************************************************************************************* The Rainbooms tried to book their band, but somehow, they kept on being declined and denied of every events. Even Principle Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had forbidden them of playing in the school and gave them a month’s detention. ********************************************************************************************* Sunset went to her locker and were shocked when the words “Meanset” were written on it. ********************************************************************************************* Fluttershy trying to take care of the animals at the shelter, but they wouldn’t talk to her, nor did they want to face or do anything with her, which left her disheartened. ********************************************************************************************* Pinkie Pie who was constantly rejected and banned from ever throwing parties, even crushed her cupcakes, even Maud forbade her from ever baking in the house ********************************************************************************************* Applejack, who was ignored by her siblings and didn’t want to work with her, Granny, who forced Applejack to sleep in the barn. ********************************************************************************************* Rarity, who people no longer wanted to order any clothing from her and would boycott her business, and every time whenever she showed them, they kept tearing them up, and lose her popularity because of her supposed selfishness. ********************************************************************************************* Rainbow, who tried to catch up with her sports teams, but they all ditched her, even wanted to threaten to remove her captain status. ********************************************************************************************* Twilight, who nearly got dumped by Timber Spruce and didn’t want to do anything with her, with Gloriosa telling her to leave and was banned from coming to Camp Everfree, even Spike didn’t want to talk to her. ********************************************************************************************* Donnie would sometimes visit the Might Mutanimals to help them, only for Leatherhead to grab him by the face and toss him out, even April didn’t want to talk to him. ********************************************************************************************* Raph tried to feed Chompy, but got bitten by the finger every time, Mona didn’t want to spend time with Raph, even Casey didn’t want to go on patrol with him. ********************************************************************************************* Leo, who isolated himself in the dojo and kept beating himself up over not doing anything to convince anyone and didn’t have faith in Mikey when he trained him, and he didn’t want anyone else to bother him, not even Master Splinter. ********************************************************************************************* “It really hurt.” Said Fluttershy whilst she whimpered, “We’ve never dealt with this much cruelty before.” “Yeah,” said Pinkie Pie, “Nobody wanted my parties, nobody wanted Rarity’s dresses, and everyone else…just as bad.” “So, what changed their mind?” asked pony Rainbow Dash whilst she looked at them. “Well, after two and a half weeks, we had enough,” said Rainbow Dash, “So we asked the first group we found.” ********************************************************************************************* “Scootaloo, wait!!” said Rainbow. Scootaloo looked at Rainbow, but then was mad and looked away, same with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. “I don’t want to talk to you, Rainbow.” Said Scootaloo. “Will you just stop!!” said Rainbow as the rest of the Rainbooms showed up, wondering what was going on. “What’s going on? Why is everyone ditching us?” Sweetie Belle looked sternly and said “You really haven’t figured it out, have you?” Apple Bloom showed them the footage of them ditching Mikey, how he was nearly beaten to death and that they were smiling about it, which shocked the girls. “Wait!!” said Applejack in shock, “Is that…?” “Yeah, of you girls ditching Mikey.” Said Apple Bloom when she placed her phone away. “In fact, every one of our friends from both Canterlot High, half the city and our friends from New York knows!!” said Scootaloo. “Mikey constantly kept…,” said Applejack. “We know!!” shouted the CMC in anger, which surprised the Rainbooms. “Look,” said Twilight, “We didn’t know the fight was set up!! We didn’t even know that Jagwar planned to kill Mikey!!” “Well, y’all should’ve been better than that!!” said Apple Bloom. “Y’all could’ve gotten over it, but y’all didn’t!! It was just like after the Spring Fling!! Ah would’ve thought that y’all would’ve been less stubborn and more honest, but y’all are nothing but a big liar!!” Applejack was shocked by what her sister said. “And you’re no different Rarity!!” said Sweetie Belle, “I thought you were a generous sister, but you’re still selfish than ever before since the Battle of the Bands and during the Sisterhood social!!” Rarity was a little hurt by Sweetie Belle. “And I thought you were loyal Rainbow,” said Scootaloo in disgust, “But from what I’ve seen? You’re no better than Gilda and Lightning Dust, cause you break everything you touch!!” Rainbow was shocked and taken aback by what her honorary sister said, which left her hurt. “But you know what?” said Apple Bloom, “Ah’m actually glad that y’all are being scorned, cause now y’all have earned what Mikey didn’t; karma.” “And all of you definitely had this coming for a long time!!” said Sweetie Belle over not just with Mikey, but with everything else. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle left at the same time. However, Scootaloo looked at them sternly. “Mikey was the only one who defended all of you when you got framed because of Sapphire and your ink clones.” Said Scootaloo, “But you guys never believe him, and all of you promised to listen to him. No, you Pinkie promised. And you broke it.” Everyone was shocked by what she said, even Pinkie as her hair deflated, realizing that she broke her own promise. “And until you lot learn never to take things for granted,” said Scootaloo, “We don’t want anything to do with you anymore.” Scootaloo then walked away to rejoin her friends, whilst the Rainbooms stood there, hurt, and heartbroken, that even their sisters had abandoned them, whilst all of them were hurt and realized that they were right. ************************************************************************************************ “We really regretted of what we did to Mikey that day.” Said a disheartened Rarity. “And everyone was right,” said a teary-eyed Pinkie Pie, “We’re horrible friends. To each other and others.” “It took us about a week to get everything squared with the others and made things right with Mikey.” Said a saddened Applejack. “And for everyone to forgive and trust us again.” Said Twilight. “As long as you girls learned your lesson.” Said Princess Twilight. “Indeed,” said Pony Rarity, “We regretted of not listening to Mikey about Cozy Glow, and not trusting Mikey when he told us Bright Eyes is a good pony. Which is why we also wanted to make things right the next time we saw him.” “But we never got the chance to.” Said Pony Fluttershy. “And the next time y’all want to help teach one a lesson,” said Pony Applejack, “Make sure that it doesn’t involve fighting. When we wanted to teach Rainbow a lesson, we staged a few things, but we’d never endanger her or anypony else.” “Oh, don’t blame them,” said Obaki, as some were taken aback by what he said, until… “It’s not their fault they didn’t take things seriously when it counted.” They gasped at that, with Sunset saying “What’s that supposed to mean?!” “You were supposed to be friends.” Said Obaki, “You were supposed to be better than that. It was your job to help those in need, no matter how bad the situations were, one that you lot never took seriously and from the looks of it, one you don’t, now.” “You think it’s just a game to us?!” said Twilight. “What do you think?” said Obaki. “Mikey, constantly rubbed things in our faces.” Said Rainbow. “How did you expect us to react?!” “Like his friend.” Said Obaki, “Ones that would choose to look past that no matter how selfish they were, that’s what heroes do. It’s not about taking care of yourselves; it’s about taking responsibility for others. And if you lot had cared, you wouldn’t have abandoned him, when he needed you the most.” He then glared at them and said “But like I said, you didn’t take anything seriously.” “We were taking it seriously!!” exclaimed Applejack, with the Rainbooms nodding agreement. “Right,” said Obaki unimpressed. “Cocky (surprising Rainbow), whining (Rarity gasping), blubbering (Fluttershy flinching), goofing off, (surprising Pinkie Pie), Twilighting (surprising Twilight), hissy fit (surprising Sunset), and staring into space (pointing at Applejack).” The Rainbooms were shocked to hear what he said to them. “You were supposed to have helped him, but instead you abandoned and turned your back on a friend.” “But…” said Rainbow as she wanted to protest. But then Obaki said something completely unexpected. “The same way you abandoned and turned your backs on Sunset when you guys thought she was Anon a Miss?” The Rainbooms were shocked and taken aback by that statement, even most of the students from CHS, along with the CMC, however, the rest of their friends were just as surprised when he brought that up. “But then again I wouldn’t be surprised,” said Obaki, “Considering you gave birth to her.” “That was our sisters!!” said Applejack. “Indeed!!” said Rarity, “They’re the ones who created it.” “They only created Anon a miss after the way you lot kicked out and ignored your siblings when they wanted to spent time with you and that you could’ve used that opportunity for them to spent time with Sunset so that they could get to know her and befriend her,” said Obaki, who then pointed at Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow and said “The fault lies with you three, just as much as it did to them.” The three were taken aback and speechless over that, which shocked the others when they found out how she was created in the first place. “What…but that’s not fair!!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “You neglected your sisters and pushed them away when they wanted to spent time with you, automatically pointed fingers at Sunset when she was innocent and you abandoned Mikey when he needed your help when he realized he made a mistake,” said Obaki, “Tell me, if that’s fair.” However, unknown to them at the same time, Shine Boy was about to enter, but then he heard them arguing, so he quickly hid behind the corner and overheard their conversation. “He’s right,” said Venus, “Besides, it’s Mikey we’re talking about, he couldn’t help the way he was. He only acted that way because he was happy that he actually, won something, even if it was an accident. I mean you seven were supposed to be better than that.” “We just got sick and tired of his bragging.” Said Rainbow. “Oh sure,” said Venus rhetorically, “When someone else brags, it’s all silent stairs. But when you brag, you’re suddenly an expert.” “Because I am!!” said Rainbow before Venus was nose to nose with her, which surprised the Rainbow haired girl. “This coming from a girl who got easily overpowered and captured by a bunch of thugs from the Purple Nightmares and a couple of mutants and supervillains?” retorted Venus. Rainbow winced at that and looked away sheepishly, with Venus looking at both Fluttershy and Pinkie. “And I can’t believe you two of all people didn’t defend Mikey. You defended him before, so why not again? You two were just as bad as your counterparts.” Both Pony Pinkie and Pony Fluttershy winced at this and looked down in guilt, knowing that’s true. “It’s just…” said Pinkie as she was sad, “He was just so mean…” “Not as mean as you were when you called Sunset a secret stealer and took her smile away in front of everyone else in school.” Said Venus, which made Pinkie wince and her hair partially deflated, which confused Shine Boy. “And it felt like he betrayed us when he rubbed in our faces.” Said Fluttershy. “Even what he said was the truth?” said Obaki. Everyone looked at him surprised whilst he said “Mikey’s boasting aside, he did have a few good points about all of you, well minus Leo and Sunset’s situation since what he said was uncalled for and what he said about Raph is true for obvious reasons.” Raph growled at that, but with one poke from behind his neck by Venus, Raph instantly stood stiff as a board and he couldn’t move whilst he almost felt like his bones were going to crack. Obaki walked over to both Donnie and Twilight. “He did have a good point about you two for using your heads instead of your bodies.” Said Obaki, then he looked at Twilight and said “Or do you wish me to remind you of you having the athletic body of a twig, even when you keep getting F+ on your Physical Education grades?” Twilight winced at that, whilst her eye rapidly twitched, for bringing up the one grade she didn’t want to think about. “The reason why you two lost was because you both were strategizing in the middle of the fight.” Said Obaki, “It’s fine if you strategize when you’re in the middle of a battle, but when you’re in a fighting tournament, that’s different.” As the two of them were confused, Obaki looked at both Casey and Keno. “Tell me, you both have seen fighting tournaments, correct?” “Of course, we have.” Said Keno. “Do you think in the middle of a fighting tournament?” “Of course, not yo,” said Casey, “That’s just a disaster waiting to happen. Cause when you think during a fight, you hesitate, and when you hesitate, you’ll end up getting your butt kicked faster than you can say, Pizza.” “Exactly,” said Obaki as he looked at the two eggheads, “When you’re in a fighting tournament, you must first learn about your opponent, and when you do, you strategize on how you fight, and then fight them in the tournament. Cause in a tournament, you won’t have time to think.” He then looked at Scootaloo and asked “Tell me, you watched Top Gun Maverick, right?” “Oooh, I love that movie!!” said Scootaloo excited. “Did he think in the middle of a flight?” “Of course not,” said Scootaloo, “He didn’t do things by the book, because he knows his enemy won’t follow the same rules. That he shouldn’t hesitate when flying.” “And what did he say?” asked Obaki. “Don’t think, just do it.” Said Scootaloo. “It’s kind of the same thing when I play soccer. I try not to think because it interferes with my soccer.” “You don’t think when you play soccer?” asked a confused Sweetie Belle. “Of course not,” said Scootaloo, “Because if I think during a match, I’ll end up hesitating and if I hesitate, I’ll end up making myself an open target that the opposing team will notice and take advantage of. That’s why we plan before, we go in a match.” Obaki pointed at Scootaloo whilst he looked at both Sci-Twi and Donnie whilst saying “And there you go.” Both the eggheads were surprised by this, whilst he said “You clearly didn’t think that part when you were in the tournament. I first watch my opponents fight, then I tried to plan and strategize, and when it’s my turn to fight, then I implement the plan, it’s called being observant. That’s why when you fight, you shouldn’t think, you should just do.” Obaki crossed his arms and said “But then again, when you’re not on the battlefield, you two Eggheads never did think things through in certain situations anyway.” “What’s that supposed to mean?!” said Donnie. Obaki looked at Donnie and said “Remind me again who was the one that made a love potion that affected the Rainbooms, only in a different manner?” Donnie widened his eyes in shock and had an embarrassed look, but not as embarrassed as the Rainbooms when they lightly blushed and looked away. “Uh, what did they do?” asked Slash. “What they nearly did.” Said Obaki, “And I believe you know the term, ahem, ‘Do it like they do on the discovery channel’?” Some did a spit take and were shocked to hear that and looked at the Rainbooms, whilst the latter were red in the face and were greatly embarrassed about it, with Team Shine being surprised and Night Shine suppressed his chuckles. “And then there’s you,” said Obaki when he looked at Twilight. “When you made a chemical that turned you into a monster and shrunk yourselves out of existence?” “I remember that.” Said Amethyst Majesty as he looked at them sternly, “Not to mention I was the one who had to help clean up their messes.” “It…it wasn’t that bad.” Said Twilight. “Not that bad?!” yelled Amethyst Majesty, causing Twilight to cringe. “Wait, what did she do now?” asked Pony Rainbow Dash. “Put it this way,” said Amethyst Majesty, “A while back before Fugitoid came crashing back down on the planet and joined the fieldtrip when Abacus Cinch wanted revenge on the girls, she asked Sunset and Princess Twilight for help. Then they experimented on a mouse by dousing it with chemicals. Next thing you know, it ended up biting them, infecting them with chemicals. And every time whenever they got angry, aroused, or stressed, they end up going all Saddle Rager and trashed the whole science lab, which got out of hand when the mouse bit the rest of the Rainbooms, which turned them into monsters too.” “Wait, that was you three?!!” exclaimed Flash as the Canterlot High Students were shocked to hear this, even the others, with Night Shine struggling to keep it in. “Wait, how did the mouse escape from the cage?” asked Micro Chips. “It didn’t,” said Amethyst Majesty, “They chose to douse the mouse with chemicals outside of its cage.” Everyone gawked at that, with Night Shine laughing a bit. “Wait,” said Donnie, “You ended up experimenting on a mouse outside of its cage? Have you lost your mind?!” “Well, I didn’t know it was going to escape and bite people!!” said Twilight. “You decided to mix chemicals that was highly untested without running a simulation first, then you chose to douse the mouse with the said chemicals outside of its cage when you were supposed to do it inside of it.” said Amethyst Majesty, then said loudly “What did you think was going to happen?!!” Twilight cringed at that, with him saying “And don’t get me started on the shrinking incident before your yacht trip,” said Amethyst Majesty, “Seriously, what were you thinking, drinking the potion, and convincing Sunset to do the same instead of asking her to help keep an eye on you just in case. And then you continued to shrink because of a slight miscalculation. Which, by the way, I told you, you should’ve tested it on an inanimate object first. And you're lucky that Flash found the two of you before things got any worse.” Twilight rubbed her arm in embarrassment, whilst Derpy said “Pff, and people think I mess things up.” which caused Night Shine to laugh extremely hard as he nearly fell over. “And don’t get me started on a certain AI robot you built that nearly killed us all.” Said Obaki. Twilight cringed at that, for that was one event she wished she could really forget. “Why else did you think your parents grounded you and the schools banned you from ever experimenting there again without supervision until you could learn to be responsible?” said Amethyst Majesty, “Cause every time whenever you get your hands on a chemistry set or a piece of robotic machinery, it always ends in disaster!!” “He does have a point,” said Sugarcoat, “You did cause tons of property damage and taxpayer dollars to pay for the damages that you caused that your parents weren’t any proud of.” “She’s right,” said Amethyst Majesty, “What happened in those three scenarios was all your fault you know, you dunce. They told you; you should’ve tested and ran the simulations first. But did you listen? Oh, dear no, not the ‘pretentious genius’ Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight looked down in shame as she began to process this. Venus went over to Applejack as she also felt the same way Obaki did. “You’re not exactly innocent in this either,” said Venus, “Your narrowmindedness and not thinking things through is what kept getting you into trouble in the first place. Not to mention you keep starting fights in the first place.” “Ah don’t start fights!!” said Applejack. “Oh really?” said Venus with a flexed eyebrow and crossed arms, “Remember when you assumed that Rainbow lied to you, and that time when you started the fight with Rainbow and Rarity at the Battle of the Bands? You could’ve tried to talk things through, but instead you bickered like a child, you even held a grudge over little things that you never even considered talking instead of throwing a temper tantrum when things don’t go your way. You’re so narrowminded that you failed to see the bigger picture, and you assumed Sunset was bad again instead of talking things through, it was even written in her eyes. Not to mention, Rainbow wasn’t the only one who was selfish and nearly ruined your friendships, you were just as much to blame, because you let your stubborn pride get in the way. And you complain about Mikey boasting, well what have you been doing whenever you sell your apples and said they were better in front of the Peach family.” “Because they…” said Applejack before she was cut off. “It’s just a bunch of stupid fruit.” Said Venus, which Applejack and a few gasped at that. “And you wonder why most folks didn’t want to buy anything from the market whenever you two sell stuff, because you constantly argue more than anyone, not to mention you constantly debate with the Peach family because of your stupid pride.” Venus then said “You need to learn to use your head more than just brute strength. Otherwise, you’d be no better than the enemies you fight. For are you an Honest person who tries to help others tell the truth, or are you a prideful oaf who tends to act like a mule?” As Applejack tried to process of what she said, Obaki walked up to Rainbow next. “And you’re no different either.” Said Obaki, “Every single time, they tell you not to be cocky and yet how many times did you keep getting your butt kicked!!” “I would’ve won that round!!” retorted Rainbow, “I was just…having an off day.” “Oh, sure,” said Obaki rhetorically, “And how would you have won, by running around in circles, hoping to make him dizzy? It’s a tournament, not a soccer match. See, this is why everybody at CHS has labeled you the cockiest person, because everyone knows you’re extremely competitive, and also a show-off.” She was taken aback by this, whilst CHS’s students nodded in agreement of that statement. Obaki leaned forward with squinted eyes and said “Or do I need to remind you of that contest between you and Applejack about being in the most clubs?” “Well, she started it.” Said Rainbow. “Excuse me?” said Applejack feeling insulted, “Y’all were bragging about being in it more than ah am.” “I wasn’t bragging!!” said Rainbow, “I was telling the truth!! I really am in five clubs. The Soccer Club, the Floor Hockey Club, the Swimming Club, the Basketball Club, and the Volleyball Club!! Why? Because I’m the Captain of every single team in CHS!! I had to join them to inspire new recruits and the current players for future sports!!” “Uh, you do realize that all that is just in the sports club, right?” Said Scootaloo when she pointed a few things out. “And you’re also in the videogame club, and in the fashion…” Rainbow instantly shut her mouth, however, Silverbolt caught on and said “Wait…you’re also in the fashion club?!! Huh…so that’s why you and Applejack had Photo Finish taking photos of you two in that club.” Silverbolt showed them photos of the two of them in fashion getup, which caused everyone to gawk at that what they were seeing. “No way.” Said Raph as he couldn’t believe this whilst he looked at them. “Hey, you promised you wouldn’t say anything!!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, “Think of my good name and reputation!” Silverbolt looked at her with a flexed eyebrow and said “You’re a lazy narcissistic soccer player, working for a minimum wage at the sports store and writes self-insert fanfiction about you and Daring Do. Good name? Really?” Rainbow blushed in embarrassment whilst she slapped her forehead and muttered “I knew I should’ve kept quiet about it.” “And seriously AJ?” said Obaki when he turned to face her, “When they said, ‘Fencing Club’. It didn’t actually mean an actual fence; it was another fancy word for sword fighting. Even a dead brained monkey would know that!” Applejack winced at that and blushed in embarrassment, remembering how Sunset and the Fencing Club Members chewed her out over bringing an actual fence. “You know,” said Obaki, “When your parents encouraged and cheered you on, it gave you the confidence you needed to play sports, yet overtime you developed an ego and ended up bragging and thinking that you were better than everyone else until it blows in your face. And being a Kunoichi isn’t just about fighting and skills, it’s also about discipline, humility, restraint, and respect. A few things you obviously don’t have.” He even shows her a picture of her using her superspeed whilst fighting. “And from what I’ve seen using your superspeed, even a dead brained monkey can see that you don’t know how to fight.” “What?!” exclaimed Rainbow, “There are plenty of folks out there, who would disagree with you.” “And how many times did they beat you when you kept using the same tactic.” Said Obaki, “Roland and I know about six different speedsters who can fight twice as better than you can, which they made you look like a dancer, and they can do the job twice as better than you can in a world that doesn’t share your same rules.” Obaki squinted his eyes and said “And in that kind of world, kicking a black and white leather ball whilst using soccer tactics as a fighting technique is a joke!!” Rainbow widened her eyes in shock, as if it hit her right in the feels whilst she looks away and down whilst crossing her arms. Venus then went over to Fluttershy, but gently, considering she knows how sensitive she can be. “And I know you didn’t want to fight the panda guy,” said Venus, “But you should’ve put up more of a fight.’ “But…” said Fluttershy, “He’s a panda. He’s…” “Not the same kind of animal that you look after.” Said Venus. “Look, I know you’re a gentle soul and it’s admirable, but not all the animals share your same kind of sentiment. Do you wanna know why the animals follow you constantly?” “Uh, because she’s really kind to them?” asked Spike. “Because of her geode?” asked dog Spike. “No,” said Venus, “Because they see you as the Alpha Male.” Fluttershy blinked in surprise about this, with Venus continuing. “The reason for that was when you interact with them, they felt an attraction to you, meaning they see you as their alpha, their leader. But there will also be others who will challenge the alpha for current leadership. And if you keep getting trampled by animals stronger than you, then they’ll end up treating you like a doormat.” “But…that can’t be true.” Said Fluttershy in worry. “No?” said Venus. She then whistled, causing Angel Bunny, Winona, Opal, and Tank to step forward, even Spike and Ray. She stood on one knee and asked them, “Tell me, do all of you follow Fluttershy because of her kindness, or her ability to understand animals?” Winona barked a bit, with Spike saying “He says no.,” Opal meowed next, with Tank and Angel Bunny speaking in their own language. Spike then says “They said that they follow you because they see you as the Alpha. So, it was kind of your kind nature and also your ability to understand them, that you’re also the only one who understands them and the only one who wants to help them, and that…Angel says that he constantly picked on her because he wanted her to be assertive and be brave like she did when she faced against the Purple Dragons and so on.” Fluttershy was surprised to hear that, with Venus standing up and looking at her. “There will come a time that there will be animals who will challenge you. Cause when push comes to shove, sometimes the cuddle tactics don’t work. When it comes to facing an animal, you have to bare your teeth, to show them that you’re not afraid to stand up for what’s right. So, when the next time you face an animal like opponent, try to stand up to them, to show them that you are strong.” “I’m…not sure I’m comfortable with it.” Said Fluttershy in a worried tone whilst rubbing her hair. “Nothing in life is.” Said Venus. “But remember, not only do the animals follow you because of your kindness, fairness, and your geode, but because they see you as the Alpha Male. And sometimes the Alpha needs to defend them, otherwise someone would get hurt.” Fluttershy looked down a bit to think about it, whilst at the same time, Obaki would have a few words with Rarity. “And you,’ said Obaki, “You wanna talk about Mikey having it coming, after the way you treated him?” “Well, he didn’t have to rub it in our faces!!” protested Rarity. “Even what he said was the truth?” retorted Obaki, “All because you were afraid of a little dirt? I mean, what the heck are you complaining about, ever since you became a Ninja, you got dirty before. Fighting Shredder’s goons, Shredder himself, fought aliens and monsters on different planets and dimensions, even fighting against other enemies along your allies. You constantly complain about a little muck, and yet how many situations did you get over it and not let vanity get the better of you?” Rarity wanted to retort, but looked down and realized he did have a point. “You know, I can’t believe you’d put your own pride an image first instead of your own family and friends.” Said Obaki. Rarity gasped at that and felt insulted. “And don’t take my word for it, take theirs.” He pointed to everyone, who also felt sheepish at that, but knew it was true, Rarity looked a bit down whilst feeling like she got hurt at the same time. Obaki then went to Pinkie Pie. “And you,” said Obaki, “You always goof around and annoy people to death with your constant chattering. Cause maybe if you had taken things seriously, maybe everyone wouldn’t be this cold to you.” “You think I don’t take this seriously?!” said Pinkie Pie incredulously. “Uh, newsflash,” said Obaki, “Ninety percent of the time when you face a crisis, you never, take things seriously, little miss, ‘I wanna constantly throw parties before by thesis got hurt’. And more importantly.” He leaned over and squinted his eyes and said “Remind me again, who was the one stupid enough to take food from a poorly disguised villain that turned you and your friends into toddlers?” “He does have a point, Pinkie.” Said Wallflower whilst crossing her arms sternly because of what happened to Sapphire. “And the indecency that followed!!” said Sour Sweet in a sour tone, but then replied sweetly when she mumbled in an embarrassing tone “And in front of boys no less.” Pinkie looked down a bit with saddened eyes, with Obaki saying, “This is why, I stopped liking the Rainbooms in the first place.” The Rainbooms were taken aback by this, as was everyone else on the ship. “What?” said Rarity, “Why not?” “Yeah, we’ve made sweet music and did everything together.” Said Rainbow. “How come you don’t like us?” asked Fluttershy. Obaki was silent for a few moments. But eventually said, “Okay then, I’ll tell you.” “Oh boy.” Muttered Venus as she held head, knowing where this was going, and what Obaki said in one big breath. “All of you are the worst people I know,” he began, “You constantly point fingers at others and yourselves and assumed that all of them had turned on you, the seven of you have been friends for a long time and constantly watched your backs, and this is how you repay them? And to add insult to injury, you had the gall to blame a few folks that wasn’t their fault to begin with, and you’re sometimes dense, you never pay attention, and when you say that you want to spend time with them, you say ‘Oh, I’ll do it later’ but later never comes. And what really bugs me, is the fact that all of you think you’re the perfect group of friends, when all you lot do is screw up and expect others to fix your mistakes. I mean yeah, sure, I make mistakes just as much as the next guy, but at least I’m honest about it. I don’t go around making a big deal of how everything is perfect in your life and making excuses thinking that you know people, well you don’t, you acted like spoiled brats. Darn it all of you are so pretentious!! And all of you delude yourselves, thinking that your big stars, even though you’re not. And it’s no wonder AK Yearling didn’t bother to write to you girls, even she knows that gaining stardom is not easy. And what I really hate the most, is how you keep saying how friendship is important, how some folks needed friends and that they needed help. Well, what have you all done to help, I work with Roland in many soup kitchens all over the country feeding the poor and befriending folks, never see you over there, you want to help, get off of your high horse. And BTW, having powers doesn’t make you superheroes, oh wait, all of you aren’t superheroes, because you don’t take things seriously. Well, who the heck are all of you to talk down to anyone?! You constantly let yourselves be fooled by misunderstandings, which doesn’t come near as your failure as a friend, how the heck are the friends you met that you never bothered to catch up with them?! And you know what, I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren’t a bunch of bores. That’s the worst of it, girls, you’re just a bunch of selfish, stubborn prideful bores.” Obaki let out a breath and tried to calm down. However, the Rainbooms were hurt by the comments, which surprised everyone else too. He immediately turned around and went to the door, but then he stopped near Sunset and looked at her. “And I would’ve thought that you’d help him,” said Obaki, “Considering that you know how it feels for a friend to be abandoned by his own. I mean you do kind of owe him.” “I would’ve helped him…” “And yet you didn’t.” said Obaki when he cut her off. “And why is that, I wonder?” “That’s because…” said Sunset before she was cut off again. “Why,” said Obaki, “Because he was too much of a goofbag to help?” Sunset winced at that, until Obaki was face to face with her and said “And given the fact how many times you screwed up over the years, I wouldn’t exactly call you a good character witness.” Obaki then scoffed and said before walking away, “No wonder Princess Celestia didn’t make you a Princess when she thought you were a failure.” Everyone gasped at that, even Sunset but silent. Soon Obaki left the room, whilst Rainbow on the other hand was fuming. “Who the heck does he think he is?!” said Rainbow, “We didn't deserve that. We're famous heroes!!” “You're also famous jerks!!” said Kevin, which gained their attention as he walked over to the Rainbooms, with him saying “And if you weren't such jerks, maybe your friendships wouldn't have been nearly destroyed and everyone wouldn't have shunned you in the first place!!” Kevin walked towards the door, with half of the Rainbooms feeling bad. “Oh, what, you're suddenly an expert in Friendships and Feelings?!” said Rarity whilst fuming a little. “No,” said Kevin before he turned to them and said, “But I am an expert in boastful, overconfident, selfish, whining, cocky, ungrateful, egotistical jerks.” He soon left with, with Ben and Gwen chasing after him. “He’s not wrong.” Said Night Shine, gaining their attention, “And I should know, I put jerks in their place all the time.” He soon walked away to join them. CHS looked at the Rainbooms and noticed that they looked hurt. They wanted to leave, but they chose to stay, and maybe train them to take their mind off of things, whilst Venus had one last thing to say to the Turtles. “And you three should’ve known better,” said Venus, “Cause word of advice? Stop trying to think you’re better than everyone else. Just focus on helping those in need instead of abandoning them. Cause the old Toretto rule, you don’t turn your back on family.” The Turtles winced at that, for their friend Tony and their friend Dom did tell them that. “Look,” said Raph as he tried to speak “We did it because we thought it was…” “What? Necessary?” said Venus in a cold tone. “Necessary, implies that you didn’t have any other option. What you guys did to Mikey? That wasn’t necessary. And you know it.” She also soon walked away, with the three Turtles lowering their heads in shame. Shine Boy were surprised when he saw this. What Obaki and Venus to his friends had him thinking multiple questions. They learned their lessons, why are they hurting them? Do they want to save the multiverse? Or just watch them fail? Unless… Saving the multiverse WASNT their objective! What if they’re with Shredder and destroying their team from within? No. He couldn’t think that. There’s no proof. Shine Boy looked at a picture of him, Leo, Twilight, and Karai from their hangout. “This doesn’t change anything.” He told himself. “They’re my friends. And always will be. I don’t care what wrong they’ve done. I won’t let those guys put them down and weaken our bond! Even if it means I have to kill myself to help them.” As he walked into the training room to talk to the Rainbooms, Venus realized Shine Boy had overheard them. But it didn’t matter, what was said what needed to be said. So, she continued on to her room. However, at the same time, Roland saw it through his camera phone, which made him sigh, for he figured that Venus and Obaki would act like this again, and they thought what he did would be out of line. ********************************************************************************************* At the same time, after Mikey, Silverbolt and Invictus took a break from training, Gamer and Roland were busy working on their latest project. “I have to admit,” said Gamer, “I was curious of why you asked me to help you with this, but I have to admit, this is pretty ingenious.” “Thanks.” Said Roland as he was adding some finishing touches. “Although…” said Gamer as he was being trailed off. “What?” asked Roland as he took his glasses off. “Okay, two things.” Said Gamer as he revealed what looked like a large enough figurine, “One, I know why you’re building it, but did it had to be so small. Two…why do we need these if the Rangers are going to bring in their Zords?” “To answer your first,” said Roland, “It would be too big and I wanted it to be a surprise. Plus, we’re using the Atom’s shrinking invention to help build this better. And to answer your second, yes, their Zords are amazing, but they keep easily getting their butts kicked, even if they do put up a spirited fight, and from what the Rangers told me, if Lord Zedd’s monsters are that powerful, they’ll need some backup, even if the Rainbooms do have their own Zords, they’ve never faced Zedd’s monsters before.” “True,” said Gamer, “But there’s still one problem we need to solve.” “If the pilots are compatible with one another.” Said Roland. “No need to worry, I got just the six candidates for the job.” “You do, who?” asked Gamer. Before he could answer, within a split second, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers arrived via teleportation, which surprised Roland and Gamer at the same time. “Finally, we made it.” Said Zack, “I thought we’d never get here.” “I thought you’d join us after we told you about the new Shredder?” said Gamer. “We would, but teleportation travel takes a long time to travel.” Said Billy. “And yet, you lot didn’t have any trouble when you teleported to the Justice League’s world?” said Roland whilst crossing his arms with a flexed eyebrow. “Technically, that was an accident when Zedd tricked me into teleporting the fake Alpha to the Command Center.” Said Zack. “Anyway,” said Roland, “I’m glad you lot could make it.” “Wish it was under different circumstances.” Said Trini. “Agreed,” said Roland before he contacted someone over his earpiece. “Grandpa Max, the Rangers are here.” “Alright then, have them meet us at the Command center,” responded Grandpa Max, “We’ll start briefing in a moment.” “Roger that.” Said Roland before looking at the Rangers. “Alright then, let’s go.” ********************************************************************************************* Soon enough, everyone (After the CHS students and Shine Boy cheered the Rainbooms and Turtles up) had gathered at the command center to talk about certain events. “Alright, let’s go over this again, just to be sure.” Said Grandpa Max. “We know that the Shredder has gone to great lengths into recruiting as many of our enemies as possible.” “And build up one large army.” Said Princess Twilight. “And with the information provided by Scootaloo,” said Grandpa Max as he placed his hand on Scootaloo’s shoulder, to which she smiled with pride, “We know that he forced some of our enemies out of the woodwork to work for him.” “Bishop also provided us with some clues,” said Fugitoid as he plugged his finger into the computers and showed them. “Apparently, Subprime and Bixolio weren’t the only ones who were recruited by force. They also captured Tiger Claw, Fishface, Stockman and if I’m not mistaken…” “Even Rahzar.” said Mikey. “But how did he come back?” asked Casey “They found a way to resurrect him.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “The spy also told us that Shredder recruited a few of Batman’s allies’ enemies, most of them being able to resurrect anyone from the dead via spirit form using powerful sorcerers. Same thing they did with Sombra and the Dark Turtles. The same ones who also captured Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow.” “And no doubt they also recruited the Purple Dragons and Purple Nightmares.” Said Leo. “As for those willingly.” Said Shine Boy, “We know he recruited Lewej, Ripley, Gladitron and they willingly joined their cause, same with Vilgax and every other alien in Ben 10’s rogue gallery.” “Not to mention the Corrupt Gems.” Said Bismuth. “We only managed to get half of them to our side, but the other half were taken before we could get to them.” “So now there’s also another question to everyone’s minds.” Said Leo. “Who else did Shredder recruit or force joined them?” said Raph. “Lord Zedd might be willing to work with the Shredder.” Said Tommy, “And from what Zordon told us, same thing to other enemies of the Rangers from future generations.” “So, let’s go over who might be willing and not so willing to join.” Said Ben. They placed images of both Batman and the Justice League’s enemies. “There’s a chance that the villains would also be willing to join the Shredder.” Said Obaki. “Or paid them,” said Pinkie Pie, “Given how many of their enemies somehow ended up in our world and were paid to kill us.” “Pinkie has a point.” Said Applejack, “Many of them varmints would do anything for money, like the Flim/Flam brothers.” “Dudes, you forgot two other major baddies.” Said Mikey. “Like who Mikey?” asked Gwen. “Hive and Static’s enemies from Dakota.” “Okay, Static’s enemies we know,” said Donnie, “But who’s Hive?” “I read them.” Said Twilight, “Hive is an organization of zealots who blindly follow a madman named Brother Blood. You could say he’s almost equal to one of Batman’s enemies, Ra’s al Ghul.” “What about the Digidestined’s enemies?” said Apple Bloom. “Doubt it.” Said Gamer, “From what Tai and the others had said, they destroyed most of them long ago.” “Unless they find a way to bring them back.” Said Night Shine. “I bumped into the last group of rangers known as Beast Morphers. They mentioned of how their enemies found a way to resurrect Goldar. Especially Lord Zedd when the Dino Fury Rangers fought them.” “So, it’s a possibility.” Said Steven, “Question is, which one?” “Well, if I know Ripley,” pondered Shine Boy, “I seriously doubt he’d revive Devimon again. So, it’s safe to say he’s ruled out.” “I have a few in mind.” Said Roland, “We’ll have to consult this with Izzy and the others when they get here.” “VILE would no doubt join.” Said Sunset. “But last time I heard, ACME captured the entire faculty and their agents.” Said Twilight. “Not exactly.” Said Grandpa Max as he showed them the footage. “When Roland mentioned about Carmen Sandiego and her friends being killed too, I reached out to ACME and told them what he told me. They were stunned at first, but they also showed us that about a few months before you lot went to the Starswirl music festival, ACME captured and sent VILE to prison. Only a month after you went to the music festival, an army of Foot Bots attacked the facility and sprung them from their imprisonment, even gathered all of VILE’s agents and resources. As far as they know, they disappeared.” “When I last time talked to Player, he told me he had been trying to reach Carmen for some time to tell her,”, said Donnie, “But so far they haven’t found her yet.” “What about COBRA?” said Raph. “They were forced to join,” said Patelliday, “From what all of you told us, Cobra Commander is too arrogant to take any sides, or join them, hence why he would stab anyone in the back. Same goes for SKAR.” “SKAR?” said a confused group. “They’re also a terrorist group,” said Roland, gaining their attention as he showed them the holograms of them, “You could say they’re sort of like rivals to Cobra in every way. They only consist a handful of members and have many mercenary groups under their payroll. But their leader, a man known as Iron Klaw.” He showed them a hologram of Klaw, “No one knows what he looks like, but he is rivaled with Cobra Commander in every way. Though where Cobra tends to be open, Klaw is more of a secretive type.” “And I assume you know them in your dimension?” asked Shine Boy. “That I do.” Said Roland, “I fought alongside the GI Joes, but from E Division, or to which Metalhead calls, E for Extreme. And in case you wonder, no, he’s not a robot.” He showed them holograms of the E Division Goes. “These are Ballistic, who later became known as Eagle Eye, Harpoon, Mayday, Black Dragon, Sgt. Savage, Quick Stryke, Metalhead, Freight, and their leader, Lieutenant Stone.” “Huh,” said Rainbow as she crossed her arms and took a good look at them, “You know, I think I heard of them. Nicky once told me that there was a special group that handled another different terrorist division that also gave Cobra a hard time for world domination.” “Then there’s also the Spy Racer’s enemies.” Said Roland. “Wait, what?” said a surprised Sonata, “I thought all of them were beaten the last time we fought them?” “She does have a point.” Said Aria. “Because a lot of them have resources through illegal means.” Said Obaki, “Plus combined with Shredder and the others’ tech, they’ll be twice as dangerous.” “Least we know now who will be on the table.” Said Zack. “Agreed,” said Jason, “If we’re here, that means Lord Zedd won’t be far behind.” “Or Rita Repulsa.” Said Venus, which shocked the others, “Apparently Shredder sprung her from her imprisonment and the two of them are serving under him.” “Okay, this is very bad.” Said Trini in worry. “Agreed.” Said Billy, “We’ll need to try and step up our game.” “Magister Tennyson?” said the Bridge Commander, “We’re about to enter the next world.” “Alright, we’ll be there.” Said Max before turning to the others, “Let’s go.” Everyone left the Command Center and went to the Bridge. ********************************************************************************************** Shortly, everyone who was at the command center had arrived at the bridge, the pilot said “Exiting dimensional jump in three…two…one.” The ship had arrived above the planet’s orbit. “Alright, we’re at the next earth.” Said Max. “According to the thing-a-ma-bob,” said Mikey, “We’re at coordinates 1209, near Earth 1996.” They looked at him surprised, with Mikey said “I watch a lot of Sci-Fi movies and learned a thing or two.” “Uh, dude, you do realize that those are fake whilst this is real, right?” said Ben. “Eh, tomato, temato.” Said Mikey before he rejoined the others. “I have no idea what that means.” Said Roland in a manly accent, causing everyone to look at him in confusion. “Pff, sorry, I couldn’t resist. Anyway, since we’re going over there, who should volunteer to come along and who should stay. Obviously, the Turtles and Rainbooms will go with myself, Venus, Obaki, Amethyst Majesty, Silverbolt and Invictus, but who else will come along?” “Well…” said Ben before he was cut off. “We’ll search for the city on the North side for the Stone.” Said Grandpa Max. “We’ll search the South,” said Steven, “We’ll be able to cover more ground that way.” “CHS’s students can split up and be with both teams. That way they’ll be able to handle any kind of situation.” Said Roland. “Good idea.” Said Grandpa Max, “We could use the extra help we’ll need.” “Can we go with you sis?” asked Apple Bloom. “We never hung out with the Rangers before.” Said Scootaloo. “Plus, you did say we needed more experience.” Said Sweetie Belle. “Same with us.” Said Ace as he spoke for him and his friends. “Alright,” said AJ, “But stick with us at all times.” “Will do.” Said Apple Bloom, until she smirked and said “At least in case y’all need a diaper change.” This caused the former girls turned babies to blush in complete embarrassment. “We’ll never live this down, will we?” said Rarity. “Nope.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Angel,” said Roland to Angel Bridge, Carter, Tiffany, Trisha, Buffy, and Zack, “You guys will be our eyes and ears from the skies. If we run into trouble, you know what to do.” “You got it.” Said Zack. “Alright everyone, to the teleporter,” said Grandpa Max, “We have a mission to do.” Everyone left to the teleporter to their next mission. That was until… “Excuse me, sir?” said one of the Plumbers, gaining their attention the moment they stopped, with one of them looking at Roland. “We found the one you’re looking for.” “Oh?” said Roland. The doors opened and a familiar face came that the Turtles, Casey, and April had not expected, for she resembled that of a fox. “Alopex?!!” exclaimed the Turtles. “Wait,” said Applejack, “This is the one y’all were talkin’ about?” “The very one.” Said Roland. He looked at her and said “Sorry we brought you here. I know the last thing you wanted was to be around different strangers…” “Save it.” Said Alopex, showing no hard feelings, “I know you meant no harm. But when you mentioned Tiger Claw, I couldn’t pass the opportunity to come along.” “Wait, you brought in Alopex?” asked Leo. “I figured we could use all the help we can get on this.” Said Roland. However, Fluttershy walked over to Alopex, which the latter noticed and saw Fluttershy had an apologetic and worried look on her face. “Is there something I can…?” However, she was caught off guard when Fluttershy slowly hugged her, which surprised the fox. “I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through.” Said Fluttershy, “You didn’t deserve any of that. You were just an innocent little girl who lost everything. But you don’t have to be alone. I’m here for you when you need it.” The fox was still taken aback by this, but she found herself hugging Fluttershy and slowly shed a tear as it fell. “And I figured that the Rainbooms and Mane 6 can help her make friends and be more open to others.” Whispered Roland, which surprised the group. “Um…thank you.” Said Alopex when they broke the hug. “If you want to talk about it, I’ll listen. I-If you let me.” Said Fluttershy. “I’ll…think about it.” Said Alopex nervously. “But…would it be alright if I started with you? I’m not sure about the others though.” “I understand.” Said Fluttershy. “Hey there,” said Rainbow, gaining her attention, “I heard you’re fast. I’m fast myself. And if you want, we can always have a race.” Alopex could see her competitiveness, which she couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll think about it.” “Alright then, let’s go.” Said Roland, allowing the others to leave to go on their mission. ********************************************************************************************* In the labs of Shredder’s ship, Ripley was monitoring separate bits of data in a container when he heard the door open and a voice, he was able to recognize. “Ah! Ripley! It has been a while!” Ripley didn’t turn around yet he smirked. “Lord Zedd. It’s been a long time.” He then turned around. “Looking as repugnant as the day he touched the Zeo crystal. So, Shredder recruited you too?” “Yes. Shredder promised that he could help me defeat the Power Rangers and due to the constant failures of my henchmen, I accepted his offer. When Goldar told me how Shredder almost destroyed them, I was inclined to accept.” “At least you have minions to blame and your enemies have power coins.” Lord Zedd turned to Ripley. “Ah yes! The warrior of light. So, like Zordon, Zion found a worthy successor. And he’s gathered other teammates. I’d almost consider him child’s play if it wasn’t for the fact that he has harnessed the Shine Power!” “Shine Power? I haven’t heard of that in ages!” The two turned to see Rita walking in. “Repulsa.” Ripley greeted. “It has been a long time, Ripley sweetie! How’s your uncle?” “As cruel as always. Unfortunately, he could not join us in our conquest.” “Too bad. It wouldn’t be the first chance I had to work for him before he turned down my offer, thinking he didn’t need it.” Rita then saw the data in the glass. “What are those things?” “They are bits of data from evil Digimon who were defeated by these brats called the Digidestined.” Ripley explained. “Lewej has collected them from our battle in the Digital World. Unfortunately, I don’t have the data to revive the one called Devimon again. Despite being stronger than before with the mutagen, he failed.” “So, you’re trying to find a suitable replacement for him?” Zedd guessed. “I am preparing for the choosing with Tiger Claw when the time is right.” Ripley sneered. “As much as I hate to take orders from anyone other than my uncle, I will obey the Shredder for now.” Just then, Lewej came up and wrapped her arms around Ripley. “And besides, it’s been fun to create havoc for those Shine twerps, hasn’t it, love?” “Yes.” Ripley smirked as the two laughed maliciously. “You two are so evil it’s very romantic!” Rita laughed while Zedd on the other hand turned away growling. ******************************************************************************************* At the same time, from Shredder’s flagship, Shredder watched from afar as he saw his Foot Bots being prepared. That was, until he grabbed someone with his right hand. He slowly looked and saw that Dr. Stockman looked scared whilst Shredder held onto his shirt. “Do you have something to report?” said Shredder before he released his hand from him. “Uh, yes sir.” Said Stockman as he looked through the manifest, “Your Foot Bots have received their new weapons per your request. And we’ve successfully integrated the other weapons to the Gem Knights and Vilgax’ drones, the same goes for the Krang Drones. The Corrupt Gems are also being equipped for just in case.” “What of the Equestrians?” asked Shredder. “They’re sort of a hardcase sir,” said Stockman, “But rest assured, your Commander Tiger Claw is keeping them in line. If what the two of you did to this Sombra fellow wasn’t enough, nothing will be.” “And the Justice League’s enemies?” “They’re being prepped for future battles sir, and they surprisingly agreed to join your Clan.” “And what of the Purple Dragons and the other factions?” said Shredder. “Though they were hard to convince,” said Stockman, “But thanks to your uh…partners from the Justice League’s universe, they were able to make them accept your offer. Although…” “What?” said Shredder whilst glaring at Stockman, to which the doctor flinched. “Sir, permission to speak freely?” asked Stockman. Though the doctor was quiet, he knew this Shredder was far different than the one he served, so he chose to stay quiet. However, Shredder motioned him to speak. “Though it is a good idea to gather more to your, ahem, arsenal,” said Stockman, “I have concerns for the others, and I speak from experience.” “Such as?” “Well sir,” said Stockman, “Lord Zedd and Rita are powerful, but they have a habit of betraying others. Or at least that’s what the records revealed from what Subprime retrieved.” “Yes, I am aware of what they did to the Machine Empire.” Said Shredder, “However, the ones in this world I was able to make an offer they couldn’t refuse, and they agreed to my demands.” Shredder looked at Stockman and said “Who else?” “There’s also Hive and the villains from Dakota, but they were also willing to join.” Said Stockman as he looked through the list, “Also, I’m surprised you were able to recruit Lex Luthor and the others. Last time I encountered them, they’re not so keen on working with others.” “I know what they’re capable of.” Said Shredder, “I made sure to put them under my control, whether they realize it or not. Even Luthor couldn’t pass an opportunity to travel to different worlds to get what he wants.” “I see.” Said Stockman as he was nervous. “And what of the Digidestined?” said Shredder as he partially looked at Stockman. “Oh, it’s highly unlikely sir.” Said Stockman, “From what Ripley and Lewej told us, they destroyed most of their enemies. Although…” “Although what?” said Shredder as he now fully looked at Stockman. “Well, Digimon are based on data, correct?” said Stockman, “Well, we believe there may be a way to bring any of their enemies back. Although…given some of their reputations, we will need to pick carefully who we will bring back. There are many of them that cannot be trusted and have a way of, well, betraying those around them, like Myotismon, whom if records served, betrayed his own henchman when he wanted to take over both the Digital World and the Real World. The Krang still have records of them if you wish for us to go it over.” “Go over this with my Commander,” said Shredder, “He will pick worthy candidates for the cause.” “Yes sir.” Said Stockman as he looked at the list, “Then there’s also VILE, SKAR and COBRA. Both secret organizations, only problem is, they would rather focus on their own means rather than follow your orders.” “Oh, believe me doctor.” Said Shredder as he produced his claws, “I have ways to make them heel.” “And finally,” said Stockman as he looked over the list of the last potential cohorts. “If you remember the so-called Spy Racers, they also have many enemies and resources.” “We shall bring them in too.” Said Shredder, “And see if you can find that fool who opened the Viper Kai dojo.” “Of course, Shredder.” “My liege.” Said a Foot Bot as it came over and bowed to Shredder, “Lord Zedd and Rita have been brought in per your command.” “Send them in.” said Shredder before the bot bowed and walked away with Stockman following it back to his lab. At the same time, both familiar evildoers walked in. One carrying a staff with a “Z” on top, and the other wearing an outfit that many would think would be going overboard, whilst they were also accompanied by what appeared to be a gargoyle of sorts. “So, this is the ship of the Shredder.” Said Lord Zedd. “And an interesting one at that.” “Just be careful,” said Rita reluctantly, though she was still mad at Zedd for banishing her in the canister, she felt to warn Lord Zedd ahead of time, “This Shredder is not like any we faced in the past. And are you sure you want to only bring Goldar into this?” “I left the others behind to watch our base because I don’t trust them with a mission that would be soon to come, so I will not take any chances.” Said Zedd. The two of them saw Shredder as the said leader turned to them and stared at the two. “So, you must be Shredder.” Said Lord Zedd, “Though I must confess, I never thought I’d meet the man who wiped out all of the Power Rangers in his dimension.” “They were merely obstacles that were in my way.” Said Shredder, “And I’ll gladly do it all again to rid of them.” “On that we can agree.” Said Lord Zedd. “If you too are an enemy of the pathetic power brats, then I will gladly join your side.” “Same here.” Said Rita. “Very well.” Said Shredder, “Feel free to look around the ship to see if there’s anything you need to make your creatures.” “Oh, oh, can I come along.” They looked and saw Cozy Glow waving at them with a smile. “Ugh,” groaned Rita Repulsa, “Why should we even consider adding you into the mix?” “Excuse me?” said Cozy Glow. “Oh, and you’re deaf too.” Said Lord Zedd. “We don’t need a baby coming along, begging for a pacifier when things don’t go their way!!” “I don’t act like a baby!!” exclaimed Cozy Glow in an angered tone. “Oh, really?” said Rita as she showed her the footage of her attitude. Then said to her, “And we rest our case, for everyone has seen the real you.” “A big baby who whines and complains about everything.” Said Goldar. “I am not a baby!!” shouted Cozy Glow. “I am cute, and lovable!!” “You’re a pestering annoyance.” Countered Lord Zedd. “And big offense,” said Rita as she nearly gagged, “But that cuteness is a hideous look for you.” “Besides, we don’t need an immature baby cramping our style.” Said Goldar. “No offense Cozy Glow, but he does have a point.” Said Tirek when he and the Equestrian villains came in. “You can barely keep a straight face without whining all the time.” Said Dark Donnie. Cozy Glow ended up screaming in frustration, until “ENOUGH!!” Shredder grabbed Cozy Glow by the throat and pinned her against the wall and displayed a thousand blades all around him and pointed directly at her. “P-Please Master Shredder!!” said Cozy, “Just give me a chance to prove myself!!” Shredder squinted his eyes as he looked at her, whilst she was quivering in fear. He soon retracted his blades and let her go, whilst she collapsed onto the ground and still quivered whilst looking at him. “You get. One. Chance.” Said Shredder. “And if you fail…I will tear you down. Piece. By. Piece.” Shredder walked away to attend to important matters to attend to, with Cozy still quivering in fear, until Dark Mikey whispered to both Chrysalis and Tirek. “Hey, you two wanna know something?” “What?” said an annoyed Chrysalis. “How come that goat dude didn’t do a much better job at nearly making that filly wet herself than this one did? He’s doing a much better job at it.” Said Dark Mikey. The latter was confused as they looked at one another, with Tirek saying “You know what? He does have a point.” ************************************************************************************************** Within mere moments, at the same time on one of the buildings in New York. The group soon opened their eyes and looked around. “Whoa,” said Mikey, “Where are we?” Raph smacked behind Mikey’s head and said “You dope, we’re…” However, Raph noticed that he looked different this time. Though it gave him a slight sense of déjà vu, he looked like a… “Aw, come on!! Not again!!” exclaimed Raph. “We’re Cartoon characters again!!” Everyone looked at themselves and he was right, they were cartoon characters again. “Didn’t we turn into retro cartoons already!!” said Raph. “Better than today’s animation.” Muttered Kevin over the radio, which Night Shine gave a sarcastic laugh when he heard him. “Not really.” Said Pinkie Pie as she looked at herself, “From the looks of it, we look a bit more different this time, ten years older it seems.” Kimberly looked all over herself. “Does this version of me look big?” Trini looked at her friend, “You look alright to me.” “Huh,” said Billy as he looked at himself, “Now that I see it, we look like we’re in the cartoons of the 90’s.” “That’s because we are!!” Everyone yelped as they jumped back, for appearing right near them, was none other than strange looking creatures. However, Team Shine immediately recognized them. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Muttered Love Shine. “Oh no!! Not them!!” Night Shine twitched. However, Roland also recognized them. “No way. Yakko?! Wakko?! Dot?! Is that you?!!” The said characters gasped and said “Roland!!” They jumped up and gave a big kiss on his face. “We haven’t seen you in ages!!” said Yakko. “You should visit more often.” Said Wakko. “Wait,” said a surprised Princess Twilight as everyone else was baffled, “You know them?!” “He sure does,” said Yakko, “He once came to our world a long time ago. By accident that is.” “He was also in the middle of training too.” Said Wakko. “That’s right.” Said Roland. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Yakko, Wakko and Dot. Or as they like to call themselves…” “The Warner Brothers!!” exclaimed the two brothers. “And the Warner Sister.” Said Dot. “You could say they’re sort of like Pinkie Pie on a good day.” Said Roland, which surprised them as they looked at the two Pinkie Pies, which the two shrugged their shoulders at. Yakko looked at Roland and said “So, what are you doing here?” “We came here looking for another stone.” Said Roland, then whispered “Earth Prime.” The three of them blinked, with Dot saying “Oooh, so you need some help?” “In a manner of speaking,” said Roland, “But you’ll have to explain things to them. We just got out of a dimension where we helped the turtles from the 80’s.” “Oooh.” Said the latter. The three of them jumped off and spoke to the groups. “Well, welcome to the nineties.” Said Yakko, “Or in this case, Earth 1996, where everything was just starting out, from between us, to folks like Batman, Superman and the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.” The groups were surprised to hear that. “Wait, there’s a Batman, Superman, and Power Rangers in this world?” asked Gamer. “Well, the nineties were the beginning of a few unexpected surprises.” Said Wakko. “True.” Said the CMC and Rock N Beats, remembering well how the nineties were like. “So, to explain to all of you,” said Dot as she pulled out a random chart from out of nowhere and explained to the surprised latter, “All of you are sort of like in the world where the Turtle Power Turtles came from. And soon, all of you will meet this version of the turtles too.” “Wait,” said Wakko as he also pulled out a chart, pulling out a chart that showed the Rangers in live action, which surprised them, “The Rangers were live-action when they first started out, so how come they’re in animation form?” “Well,” said Dot as she explained like a professor, “You have to remember, even though the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers existed since the nineties in live action, both Batman and Superman also started out in the nineties and they were in animation form, which the Turtles and Rainbooms have visited that Batman before…” She pulled out a book and showed them “Well, according to the story called Equestria Batgirls.” Said Dot, before whispering to the audience and said “Written by Wildcard25, BTW’s.”, before tossing the book away, unaware that it hit Night Shine. “Ow!!” he called out. “But how come these guys weren’t made live-action characters like the Turtles from the 90’s?” asked Yakko. “It wasn’t in the budget,” said Dot, “Plus, Postwar didn’t know how to describe them, considering it’s his first time writing a crossover story.” The three turned to the baffled group, with Dot saying “The point is, in this world, all of you are still in your current forms, just in the form of the 90’s, so that all of you can adapt well in this world.” The groups were completely clueless, with Mikey saying “Oooh, that makes so much sense.” “Yep-a-Rooney.” Said both Pinkie Pies. “And to introduce you lot…” said Roland, before he stopped and said “But you already know Team Shine.” “We sure do.” Said Yakko. “Hi Team Shine!!” said the Animaniacs, causing the latter to mutter. “Wait,” said Leo as he and the others looked at the latter shocked. “You lot know them?!!” “Long story.” Said Team Shine at the same time. “Any who…” said Roland as he introduced the others. “This here is Venus and Obaki, my brother and sister, along with our teammates, Silverbolt, Invictus and Amethyst Majesty. The three kids over there are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They’re known as the CMC, or the Canterlot Movie Club.” “Oooh, as in a group that watches a movie several times and notices any other details that no one has ever seen before?” said Dot. “That’s right.” Said the CMC. “Over there are the Rock N Beats,” said Roland, “Consisting of Ace, Melody, Patch, Clover, Half-Note, and Sweetheart.” “Pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Said Wakko as he suddenly had multiple hands appear, surprising them, but shook them nonetheless. “You already know the Turtles and allies.” Said Roland. “You kidding, who doesn’t?” said Yakko, which surprises the group. “Wait, there are versions of us here, too?” said Keno in surprise. “There sure are,” said Wakko, “Or at least from what the fandom had allowed.” “But they don’t have them around.” Said Dot when she pointed at the Mutanimals. “They’re called the Mighty Mutanimals,” said Roland, “That there’s Slash, Leatherhead, Dr. Rockwell, Pidgeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, Bandit Raccoon, Ray Fillet, Hokum Rabbit, Alopex, Bebop, Rocksteady and Muckman.” Roland then pointed at the Rangers, “That there’s Tommy, Jason, Trini, Kimberly, Zack and Billy.” “Hi there!!” said the three of them. “These folks are from Equestria.” Said Roland. “That’s Princess Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Blade, Tempest, Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona, Smolder, Ocellus, Bright Eyes and Teddy.” “Huh, they look a lot different.” Said Dot, “What generation are they?” “Four.” “Wow, great improvement.” Said Yakko. “And they are Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap.” Said Roland. “They’re also known as…” “HELOOOOOOOO, NURSE!!!” exclaimed the Warner Brothers in excitement. “Eh?” went the said girls. Within a split second, the brothers gave them a big kiss, surprising everyone in the process. After they broke the kiss, some of the girls began to spit, some to wipe their mouths and some to blush heavily. The two of them began to pant like dogs when they looked at them, until Dot came from out of nowhere and smashed her brothers with a mallet. “Boys.” Said Dot whilst rolling her eyes. “No control.” Said Shine Girl in agreement. “I can’t believe we got kissed by a cartoon character.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Who wouldn’t?” said Roland, causing the said girls to look at him surprised, with him then saying “I mean, come on, look at you.” The said girls suddenly blushed at this, but then shook their heads and cleared their throats to focus on the task at hand. “So,” said Roland, “Do you happen to know where we can find the Turtles in this world?” “Not really, since they’re always moving.” Said Dot after she instantly placed her brothers in a briefcase, which baffled them again. “But you can find Master Splinter though.” “Oh?” said Roland as it peaked the others’ attention. “Where?” asked Leo. “He’s busy playing chess with a friend at the park.” The others were surprised, as well as concerned at the same time. “Uh…” went half of them. “His friend’s blind.” Said Dot, which the others now realized. She then also looked at Roland and asked “Say, Roland?” “Yeah?” “Did you make use of that cupcake we sent you?” asked Dot, which shocked the others. “That’s right.” Said Roland. “It came in handy when we interrogate the villain from the 80’s.” Dot laughed and said “No one from the 80’s can stand up to the power of the 90’s.” She then said “Also, did you remember that song you did?” “Yeah?” “Could you…do that again…for old time’s sake?” pleaded Dot. Roland rolled his eyes, but smiled and said “Anything for you Dot.” Roland suddenly threw a smoke bomb, causing three more of him to appear, whilst they were wearing different costumes and shocked everyone. Everyone was surprised by what they saw, with Raph clapping his hands with a smile. “Wow, that was actually pretty good.” Said Raph, which caused the others to do the same. Roland was then back to normal, the spoke to Dot and said “Hey Dot, look, sorry we must cut this short, but we have to go now. We’re not exactly on the clock. But once we have enough time, I’ll come back for a visit. How’s that sound?” “I can live with that.” Said Dot as her brothers mumbled in her suitcase. She then suddenly went over to Pinkie Pie and her counterpart, giving them the same cupcakes, to which they smiled with glee, accepted it, and hid them in their hairs. “See you around, Rolly!!” said Dot. “Ah, you forgot something.” Said Roland. “What?” said Dot. Roland instantly grabbed her and kissed her full on the lips, surprising everyone in the process. The moment he broke it, Dot ended up being giddy and bounced away. Roland couldn’t help but chuckle. “They still got it.” Said Roland. He turned to them and saw they looked surprised. “What?” he said in confusion. “So, she’s the one you got the cupcake from?” said Spike. “That’s right.” Said Roland. “She said she was going to give me one…in exchange that I had to do her a favor.” “What’s that?” asked Jason. “I had to take her on a date.” Everyone gawked in shock. “You dating her?!” said Gamer in shock. “Surprised me too.” Said Roland. “And how was it?” asked a curious Mikey. Roland ended up smiling and said “Surprisingly, I had a lot of fun.” “Eh?” replied everyone. “Yeah, turns out Dot’s not so bad once you get to know her.” Said Roland. “Okay, enough talk,” said Raph, “Can we go already!!” “Keep your pants on dude.” Said Roland. Everyone looked confused at that remark. Raph then replied “I don’t wear pants!!” “Then why are you wearing underwear?” said Roland as he walked over to Raph. “What underpants?” said Raph. “This one.” Said Roland. “What are you…?” said Raph, until he felt a painful tug and shouted “On top of the SPOKEEEEE!!!” And felt something over his head, and to their shock, it was literally underwear over his head, and Roland gave him a wedgie whilst saying “That underwear.” “How the heck did you even wear underwear?!” said a surprised Mikey, “You’re not even wearing anything underneath!!” That was a mistake, cause the moment he said that, everyone suddenly got disgusted and shivered, with Rarity deadpanned and said “Thank you Michelangelo, for implanting an image in my head that I will never get out of my head for the rest of my life.” “Uh, I hate to break up the unrated imagery moments,” said Silverbolt, “But we’re already behind schedule as it is.” “He’s right.” Said Leo, “Come on, guys!!” Everyone soon quickly darted off to find Splinter, as well as hope into trying to find the turtles of this dimension. ***************************************************************************************** At the park, where there was no one in sight, a blind man was playing chess with none other than the Master Splinter of this dimension. “Ha,” said the blind man, “You’ve really gotten better since last time.” “Well,” said Master Splinter, “I have been practicing, and it’s also good to watch you play. You always have been good with the hand of fate.” “I’ll take your word for it.” Said the blind man. “Well, I’d better get home now. My daughter would probably worry about me.” “Be sure to give her my well wishes.” Said Splinter. “Will do.” Said the blind man as he walked away. Splinter chuckled a bit until… “Excuse me, Master Splinter?” Splinter froze for a second, before slowly turning around, and seeing a young man, aka, Roland, standing near him. “Oh,” said Splinter, “Hello young man. Uh…how can I…?” “I know it’s you Master Splinter,” said Roland, “You don’t have to worry. I’m here because…we need your help.” “We?” asked Splinter. And from within a moment, Roland’s team, the Turtles and Allies, the Mutanimals, the Rainbooms and Dazzlings, the Equestrians, the Rock N Beats, the CMC, the Shadowbolts, Team Shine, and the Rangers. Splinter was surprised by not just the people, but the Turtles among them. But they were not his sons. They were different. “Hmmm,” said Splinter whilst he stroked his beard. “Let us talk.” “Not without the other turtles.” Said Obaki, “They need to hear this too.” Splinter was quiet for a moment, then said “Very well. But I shall go with you. I know where they are.” “Lead the way.” Said Venus. Everyone soon followed Splinter, with Mikey whispering, “Huh, you know, maybe it’s a good thing I was taking pictures.” “Pictures?” said Leo in confusion. “Of what, Mikey?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Well think about it,” said Mikey, “Whenever we go to different dimensions, we sometimes meet other turtles every now and then. We know what we look like in Earth 1987 and Earth 2003, as well as the Turtles where their Splinter’s name is Lou Jitsu. So, it might also be important to take notes to see what everyone else looks like. I mean we already saw what we look like in Equestria and our Earth.” “Huh,” said Casey, “You know, he does have a point. My one in the 87 world was lame, and my counterpart at 2003 was awesome, so I’m curious to see what I look like in this world.” “Same here.” Said April. “Yeah, and it would also be good research for both Twilights,” said Mikey, “Like what was the thing you said during Spring Break?” “That it would give us the time to study the physical laws of novel dimension?” said both Twilights. “Exactly.” Said Mikey. “Huh,” said Donnie, “For once, Mikey gave an idea that I actually like.” “Donnie!!” said April. “What? I’m just saying.” Said Donnie. However, unaware to our heroes, someone was following them from behind and chuckling evilly. ****************************************************************************************** They were soon at what appeared to be an abandoned skateboard park, with everything looking quiet around them so far. “So where are they?” said Leo. “Right…there.” Said Master Splinter. They heard loud laughing whilst one was launched in the air with a skateboard before going back down, surprising everyone. They quickly went over and to their surprise, it was this world’s turtles. They saw two turtles that looked like Raph and Mikey, skateboarding whilst trying to compete with one another, with their world’s version of Leo and Donnie cheering them on. “Whoa,” said Casey, “It’s them.” “Wait,” said Rainbow Dash as she squinted her eyes, “Is it just me, or do they look like big guys wearing costumes?” “Glad I wasn’t the only one.” Said Pony Rainbow Dash. “Now that you mention it.” Said Keno, “They do look a lot different. They’re not the same size as you.” “And look,” said Pinkie, “They also have initials, but instead of belt buckles, it’s on their straps.” They all noticed that, with Raph saying “Oh, great.” “Well, at least it’s not belt buckles.” Said Sour Sweet. “And…is that Venus over there?” said Obaki. They all saw another Venus there, watching her brothers fooling around, with her shaking her head at their tomfoolery. “Okay, that’s really freaky.” Said Venus. “And you know, it’s also got me wondering.” Said Mikey. “What is it Mikey?” said Raph in an annoyed tone. “How come there’s a Venus over there, and one with us,” said Mikey, “But when we encountered our counterparts last time, we didn’t encounter another Venus.” The others blinked in surprised, with Donnie asking “You know what, he does have a point.” “Come.” Said Splinter as they walked. They soon stopped close enough, with Splinter tapping his staff on the ground and said “Yamea!!” The turtles stopped and looked at Splinter, whilst Mikey 96 crashed against Raph 96 for not paying attention where he was going. “Mikey!!” shouted Raph 96. “Oh, major wipeout.” Groaned Mikey 96. “Master Splinter,” said Leo 96 as he and the other turtles were approaching, “What are you doing…here?” The turtles of this dimension looked at their counterparts surprised. “Whoa, am I seeing things?” said Mikey 96. “Because I see two of us.” “Whoa, double turtle.” Said Leo 96. Raph 96 looked at the Rainbooms and said “What’s with the broads?” “Broads?!” exclaimed the Rainbooms in shock, until Venus 96 slapped Raph 96 behind the head. “Raphael.” Said Venus 96 sternly, “Where are your manners? Show some respect to the women of the group.” “Whoa,” muttered Casey, “This Venus has a Chinese accent instead of an American one like our Venus.” “My sons and daughter.” Said Splinter, “These people and turtles you see before you, are from another dimension.” “Whoa, another dimension.” Said Mikey 96, “That’s totally rad.” “They are telling the truth,” Said Venus 96, “I can sense their chi from a world beyond our own.” “Hmm,” said Donnie 96 as he squinted his eyes at his counterpart, “Now that you mention it, they do appear slightly shorter, mostly because they are the same size as any teenager.” “And now that you mention it,” said Donnie, “From the look of your size, you’re almost the size of a full adult.” “Their masks look totally different too.” Said Mikey. “Okay, so all that aside, why are you guys here?” said Leo 96. “One word,” said Roland, “Shredder.” “Shredder?!” exclaimed the Turtles, before Leo 96 said “Are you sure?” “Yes, but not the Shredder you know,” said Venus, “But the Shredder from far beyond.” “Hmm, I sense that you have much to tell.” Said Splinter. “Yes, but let us do this in private.” Said Roland. “I think not.” Everyone looked at the top of the hill and saw an entity standing there, with his Z like staff. “Lord Zedd.” Growled Tommy. “That’s Lord Zedd?” said Leo as the others got a good look at him. “Yeah, sure is.” Said Jason. “He doesn’t look so tough.” Said Raph as he readied his sais. “Yeah, let’s get him.” Said Raph 96 as he did the same, causing the two of them to charge towards Zedd. “Guys, wait!!” said Zack as he tried to stop them. Within a split second, Lord Zedd spun his staff, and aimed it at the two charging Turtles, causing lighting to shoot out, striking both hotheaded turtles as it sent them both flying towards their comrades, before crashing near them. “Okay, bad idea.” Groaned Raph. “Ditto.” Replied Raph 96. “Ugh.” Groaned everyone. “Don’t y’all ever learn?” said Apple Bloom. “No wonder the others don’t trust you so much.” Said Scootaloo. “You have a lot of nerve to show up, Zedd!!” said Kimberly. “It’s bad enough you spread your tyranny on our world, but now on others, too?!” said Trini. “We’ll go wherever we wish to destroy your pathetic power brats.” Said Zedd, but then he noticed the Turtles and Rainbooms, before looking at Rita, “So these are the ones that have been causing you trouble?” “They’re the ones.” Said Rita. “It’s true.” Said Goldar, “We never forget the horrible colors anywhere!!” The Rainbooms growled at him, feeling like the exact moment when they beat the snot out of Shredder 87 for what he did. “Well then,” said Lord Zedd, “We’ll just see about that!! You may have bested Rita Repulsa and her monsters, but you have never faced the likes of me and me alone!!” “Hey!!” said Rainbow, “We beat that ugly witch of an empress alongside our friends, and we can certainly beat you!!” Zedd laughed at this and said “Such arrogance, and overconfidence!! And you call yourself the Element of Loyalty, just as the rest of your pathetic friends are unworthy to wield the Elements of Harmony!!” They were surprised that he knew about them, with Zedd saying “And unlike you, my pawns know not when to disobey me.” “Better than the elements be with them, then being a pawn for evil!!” said Shine Boy. “And you must be Shine Boy,” said Lord Zedd, “Ripley told me so much about you, a young brat and his brother, who are unworthy of wielding powers beyond their feeble imagination!!” “We’ll see who is really worthy here!!” shouted Night Shine. “Yes, we shall.” Said Lord Zed before he snapped his fingers. Within a split second, there were many monsters that appeared around them. Some zoo based, some machine based and some alien based, which surprised everyone. “And now for the main force.” Said Lord Zedd, before looking at Rita, “And you can be thankful that I upgraded them to be fierce warriors.” “Ugh, yes Zedd.” Said Rita. Within a split second, both summoned their forces. “Attack out putties!!” shouted both Lord Zedd and Rita. Within mere moment, every Putty in their disposal, along with Foot Bots, arrived and surrounded the lot, taking everyone by surprise. “Whoa,” said Leo 96, “Never saw them before.” “Must be the guy’s earlier monsters before the Space one’s.” said Mikey 96. “We must quickly dispose of them before they hurt innocent people.” Said Venus 96, “Agreed.” Said Tommy before he and his team got into position, “It’s morphing time!!” TIGER ZORD!! MASTODON!! PTERODACTYL!! TRICERATOPS!! SABRETOOTH TIGER!! TYRANNOSAURUS!! Soon, Tommy and the others had turned into their Ranger forms, with half of them surprised to see Tommy’s look. “Whoa, nice suit.” Said Rainbow. “Indeed darling,” said Rarity, “It really works for you.” “Thanks.” Said Tommy. “We’d better contact the others.” Said Roland, then he contacted Zack and said “Zack, you copy, what’s the status of the others?” “They’re under attack.” Said Zack as she and the others watched from the monitors. “Zedd and Rita’s minions are attacking them all over the city!!” Venus looked at the others and said “Looks like we’re on our own.” “Goldar is Zedd’s top henchman! Be careful!” Jason warned. Everyone walked up ready to fight before Night Shine held up his machete. “I’ll deal with monkey butt! You guys deal with the putties and Footbots!” “Say what?” Casey glared. “DONT ARGUE! JUST GO!” Everyone hurried off as Night Shine faced Goldar who laughed. “You think you can defeat me, human? I am centuries older than you! Stronger, faster, all around- “ BAM! Next thing Goldar knew, he was sent flying on his back. As he reconnected his jaw, he growled at Night Shine who cracked his knuckles. “You talk too much.” He hissed as he pointed his machete at Goldar who got up. “You wanna get serious? FINE!” Goldar bellowed as they locked blades. “Everyone, take them down!!” said Leo as all of them charged in different directions. Leo ran around cutting down a few Foot Bots whilst kicking a few Putties away. Donatello used his Bo-Staff to knock back tons of Putties all around him. Raph used his fists to beat the tar out of them whilst Mikey used his nunchucks to even the odds. “You know, in a strange way I can tell the difference between the two putties!!” said Mikey. “Because one of the wears a Z?!” said Raph rhetorically. “That, and that they’re a little stronger than the others.” Said Mikey. Leo punched another Putty and said “Mikey does have a point!! They really do have enhanced strength!!” April ran around using her Tessen Fan and Tanto Katana blade to cut down some foot bots and used her psychic blasts to knock a few putties away. Casey charged and used his photon pucks to disable the Foot bots, whilst he used his hockey stick and taser to beat two of Zedd’s monsters. Karai used her blade to cut them down whilst using he snake form to strangle and contain one of the monsters before Shinigami came along and kicked the monster sideways. Fugitoid used his blasters to blast many of the Putties away whilst Keno backed him up. “You know, Michelangelo does have a point!!” said Fugitoid, “These ones are far more deadly than Rita Repulsa’s monsters!!” “Doesn’t mean we’ll let them win!!” said Keno before he did a split kick. Slash bashed against a few Foot Bots before he and Leatherhead charged and took down one of Rita Repulsa’s large monsters. Dr. Rockwell used his psychic powers to launch many of the putties away whilst Pidgeon Pete used his blasters to give everyone some cover fire. Mondo Gecko rode around in his skateboard to punch at least a Putty or two, whilst Mona Lisa uses her blade to slice down a few Foot Bots before blasting a few putties. “I never thought I’d ever face Lord Zedd and Rita’s armies again!!” said Mona Lisa. “Wait, you fought them before?!!” exclaimed Raph. “Indeed,” said Mona, “There were a handful of races that resisted them!! My people are among them!!” Bandit Raccoon jumped on one of the Foot Bots and disabled it whilst jumping on one of Lord Zedd’s creatures, making it flail around trying to shake Bandit off, only for Ray Fillet to back him up by whacking the monster in the face with his spear, whilst Hokum jumped from behind and kicked it from the back. Alopex used her speed to slice and dice the Foot Bots around her, Bebop used his stealth tech to bash a few bots around, then jumped in the air and used his energy mohawk to slice a few in half whilst shouting “Can’t touch this!!”, with Rocksteady using his hammer and sickle to slice away many of the Putties as Muckman used his garbage to wash the Foot Bots away with a single strike. Sunset ran around and used her Kunai Daggers to slice them, whilst at the same time, jumped in the air and threw them, striking down a few Foot Bots. Fluttershy jumped around and used her Fukedake blowgun to blow a few darts, disabling the foot bots in the process. Pinkie jumped around, using her Bakuhatsugama with weight chain to slice them up whilst throwing her confetti bombs, making the creatures disorient, whilst Applejack used her Hand claws to slice many of them in half. Rarity used her sickles to block and counter attack, whilst at the same time, used her diamond shields as discs and launches them against the Putties. Rainbow Dash uses her speed to zigzag between baddies and uses her Naginata spear to make short with of them, with Twilight using her sickle spear to watch her back, as well as using her magic to lift them up and toss them away. Adagio jumps around, using her Kusanagi sword to block the attackers, whilst Aria watched her back using her tri-baton chuck and Sonata with her Tonabas. Roland darted ahead and pulled out two of his pistols and began to shoot a few of the Foot Bots down, with both Obaki and Venus jumping from his shoulders, as Obaki pinned two Foot Bots down whilst using his wrist blades and Venus performing a tornado move using her bladed Tessen against a few Putties. Silverbolt charged up his Hamato Knuckles and punched many of the Putties away, whilst using his wrist guns to shoot many of the Foot Bots down, with Invictus charging and using his Katana to slice many Putties in the way whilst he pulled out his heavy pistol and blew them to pieces, with Amethyst Majesty using his weapon to make short work of them. Now it was the Equestrian’s turn to fend off their targets. Princess Twilight used her Kamayari sickle spear to make short work of a few Putties. “So, this is what they’re like from Princess Celestia’s description.” Said Princess Twilight, then she turned to the girls and said “Remember your training, girls!! Don’t falter!!” Pony Applejack used her Shuko hand claws to slice them to bits, with pony Rainbow using her Naginata spear to trip and slam a few robots to the ground. “No worries Twi!!” said pony Applejack as she kicked a few robots away. “We got each other’s backs!!” said Rainbow as she jabbed her spear and tossed a random Foot Bot away. Pony Rarity used her Kama Sickles to make short work of a few of Rita’s putties whilst pony Fluttershy used her Fukedake blowgun to blow up a few Foot Bots. “Though I will admit, I am not up for violence,” said pony Rarity, “But I will admit, working out hard does wonders for the body.” “Um, woohoo?” said pony Fluttershy weakly as she didn’t like it either, but she still wanted to support her friends. Pony Pinkie Pie danced around silly with her Bakuhatsugama as she used the chain to wrap and slice the robots at the same time, with Pinkie saying with glee “If being a ninja was this much fun, I would’ve become one years ago!!” Spike and his doggy counterpart continued to distract the Putties and Foot Bots, whilst Starlight used her bow to fire her upgraded arrows, causing many explosions. Starlight suddenly flipped her hair and said “Oh yeah, now that felt good.” Blade sliced the robots left and right, before charging up his sword and destroyed the Putties, with Tempest enjoying beating them up. “I must admit!!” said Tempest as she moved and about, “These Putties are tons of fun to beat!!” “Makes you wonder what would’ve happened if Storm King hired them instead of his usual army!!” said Blade as he covered her. Sandbar ran ahead and pulled out his Tanto blade. He jumped in the air and spun like a ball, slicing a few Foot Bots to pieces before jumping up and delivered a strong roundhouse kick against a random Puttie. Gallus jumped around and delivered a few spinning kicks whilst using his blades to block and slash at many of the Foot Bots at the same time, whilst Silverstream backed him up when she used her double claw staff as a vault pole by jumping over them and used the claw part to slice a Foot Bot in half whilst she spun the staff around to send them flying. Yona darted forward as she used her strength to plough through the Foot Bots as if she were a battering ram whilst using her mace to bash them away, with Smolder jumping from behind and decided to charge in. “Smolder!!” called out Roland, gaining her attention, “Remember what I showed you!!” Smolder remembered and did a firm nod. She then began to spun her Kusari Fudo. She began to send it flying as if it were a rope dart. She bashed one Foot Bot to the other, whilst also doing the same thing with the Putties. Even if it weren’t a knife, she did good work with it. “Wow, nice one Smolder.” Said Sandbar when he backed her up. “Thanks,” said Smolder, “This is actually fun.” Ocellus used her Tessen fan to cut the robots down, with Bright Eyes helping her out using her Nunchucks. Whilst at the same time, her brother Teddy jumped in the air and smashed the robots to pieces thanks to his Hamato Warhammer. As for the Turtles from Earth 1996… “Hello there.” Said Leo 96 as he dodged a few putties and foot bots. “Over here.” He said as he dodged. “Show me what you got.” He said before he dodged and pulled out his swords. “My turn.” Said Leo as he sliced and diced left and right. “With a one!! And a two!!” said Leo as he did a spin kick on the Foot Bots. Donnie 96 dodged a Foot Bot’s hammer and grabbed it and said “Swipe!!”, before coming from behind and said “It’s hammer time!!” He smashed the robot’s head into pieces, whilst he saw three-foot bots coming in at the same time whilst he pulled out his bo-staff. “You like baseball?!” said Donnie 96 before he struck them and said “Strike one!! Strike two!! You’re out of here!! I love that game!!” Raph 96 blocked both Foot Bots and punched both of them in the gut and pulled out their wires at the same time. “Oh, what do we have here.” Said Raph 96, before he grabbed them and spun them around as if it was a heavy wrecking ball. “Batter up!!” Raph 96 threw the Foot Bots against the putties, making them all crash against one another. Mikey 96 goofed around whilst he blew a raspberry at them. “Hey now fellow compadres. Forecast for the day…” Mikey 96 pulled out his nunchucks and began to perform his tricks and swatted as many putties and Foot Bots along the way. “It’s gonna be raining putties with a side of foot!!” said Mikey 96 before he laughed and ventured on. Venus 96 stood there, meditating whilst standing as the Foot Bots surround her. “Wise man once said, when overcome with many negative emotions, one must be still and let it wash over them like a river over stone.” The Foot Bots attacked, causing Venus 96 to move around and dodge them at the same time, before bashing and tripping them all. Once she was done, she dusted her hands and said “Though they said nothing about moving like a playful frog.”, before she giggled. The CMC noticed them fighting. “Huh,” said Apple Bloom, “I was half expecting them to act like the Turtles from the Turtle Power world.” “Yeah,” said Sweetie Belle, “But they goof and fight seriously at the same time.” Scootaloo kicked a robot away, “And from the looks of it, they make fighting look all kinds of fun.” “No argument there.” Said the other two before they got jumped by a few Foot Bots, only for Master Splinter to jump in and help them. “Do not be distracted.” Said Splinter, “For one must be aware of their surroundings, even during battle.” “Hai, Sensei!!” said the CMC before they rushed off to the next group. Ace used some acrobatic skills that he learnt as he jumped in the air before throwing a handful of shurikens, striking down many of the Foot Bots, before he pulled out his 2 sparring batons and began to beat a few Putties along the way. Melody backed him up when she vaulted over him and kicked a Z Puttie sideways, whilst she used her Chakrams to block and slice them. Suddenly, Ace presented her a type of rope, confusing her. “Do you trust me?” asked Ace with a smile, to which Melody smiled too and handed the weapons to him. He began to tie them together and sure enough, created a newly type of rope dart. Melody grabbed it and spun it around like a lasso, causing many of the Foot Bots to be struck down. However, Ace began to feel mesmerized the way she was moving her hips whilst she was doing that. Ace couldn’t help but blush and whistle, gaining her attention as she looked at him with a flexed eyebrow. “Wow,” said Ace, “Who’d thunk that you could move so well.” Melody couldn’t help but blush, and ended up smiling whilst looking away, but quickly shook it off whilst she continues with her fight. Patch charged and used both of her butterfly swords to slice down many of the Foot Bots whilst delivering a double kick against two of Lord Zedd’s putties, whilst Half-Note backed her up using her Tang Sword whilst she acted like she was a samurai at the same time. Sweetheart used her chain claw with precision and ease as she moved it fluently around with her body, whilst Clover Bloom backed her up using her bamboo sword to whack many of the Putties away as if they were moles from whack-a-mole, whilst Lancer used his Naginata blades to charge a few of the bots down and pinned them hard onto the ground. Apple Bloom attacked head on using her Tanto sword as she quickly cut down a few Footbots left to right. Scootaloo backed Apple Bloom up using her butterfly knives and made quick work of the Putties around her, with Sweetie Belle using her fingernail claws, but ended up using Tiger Style martial arts that Roland taught her. She ended up performing the tiger style fighting whilst using her claws. “Whoa, that was amazing!!” said Sweetie Belle, but continued with the fight in order to stay the upper hand of them. Sour Sweet swung her 2 Surujin chains around and easily took down a few Putties, with Sugarcoat using her Chigiriki mace to wrap at least two of the Footbots and threw them against a few more as if they were bowling pins. Sunny Flare jumps over a few putties before she struck down a few Footbots with her Katar Daggers, with Lemon Zest backing her up using her Kanabo Clubs and Indigo Zap skidding on the ground and jabbed her Guandao spear through a few robots as if they were kebabs. Shine Boy vaulted over a few Foot Bots and used his Bo-staff to bash the putties away, as well as delivering a strong roundhouse kick. Shine Girl jumped on a Putty and used her legs to throw one against a few more whilst using her small staff like it was nothing. Gamer drew his sword as the Foot Bots began to attack at full speed, with him standing still as he sliced them left and right. Love Shine punched his way through many of the putties, whilst using his strength to smash the ground, sending many of them flying, whilst Night Shine continued his fight with Goldar. “You’re just a little brat who can’t defeat me!!” said Goldar, until Pinkie suddenly appeared and whispered something in his ear, with Goldar saying “I am far superior than you, Night Shine!!” Suddenly Night Shine had a vein on his forehead and gritted his teeth whilst black flames was generated from his eyes, causing him to dart forward with great speed using his fire, allowing him to use his blade to knock Goldar hard against the wall. “Don’t…ever…call me that.” Said Night Shine through his teeth. Jason charges towards the first few Putties and jumps over them, before he gave them a punch and a kick. A Foot Bot attacked from behind, only for Jason to back kick and roundhouse kick it at the same time. Two more Footbots attacked with their drawn weapons before Jason blocked and double punched them away, before giving a roundhouse kick to a Putty. Jason jumped in the air whilst spinning. The moment he landed; he kicked all three Putties away at the same time. He then saw more Footbots appearing. “Alright, my turn.” Said Jason as he said “POWER SWORD!!” Jason summoned his sword and began to slice and dice through the robots. Trini blocked and delivered a high kick towards one of the Putties whilst she moved backwards. She blocked two Footbots and tossed them away, before she jumped over another Putty and punched it hard onto its Z chest, causing it to explode. She then performed a sweep leg and kicked another Foot Bot away, before she flipped a Putty over and made it crash into another. “Time to kick it up a notch.” Said Trini before she shouted “POWER DAGGERS!!” She summoned two daggers and cut down many of the Foot Bots before she moved to the Putties. Billy fought against his share of Putties and Footbots. He blocked one Foot Bot before kicking it away, whilst blocking a Putty and punched it away. A Foot Bot vaulted over in order to get the drop on him, but Billy kicked it away before it could make a move. He jumped over the fallen Foot Bot and did a split kick at two of the Foot Bots. “Wow, these robots are tough.” Said Billy. “POWER LANCE!!” Billy summoned his lance and took down more Putties and Foot Bots. Kimberly dodged a Foot Bot that attempted to kick her, only for it to kick a Z Putty instead, making it shatter in the process. She kicked the Foot Bot away, punched and kicked Rita Repulsa’s putty away, as well as Lord Zedd’s putty. She then kicked the Foot Bot away. She then saw three of the Footbots taking out their laser bows. She dodged their arrows whilst using her acrobatic skills. She landed and looked straight at them. “Alright then, I can do that.” Said Kimberly. “POWER BOW!!” She summoned her bow and used her own arrows to take them down from afar. Zack on the other hand moved his body fluidly before he made his move. He kicked one Foot Bot away, vaulted over a Putty on the left and punched the one behind it. He punched one Foot Bot away and elbowed another Putty from behind him. As he attempted to kick a Foot Bot, it grabbed his foot, only for Zack to backflip over the one behind him. He jumped in the air and kicked the Foot Bot away, before he used a double kick against Rita’s Putty and Lord Zedd’s putty. He turned around and saw many more Footbots on the attack. “Alright then, time to even the odds.” Said Zack. “POWER AXE!!” Zack summoned his axe and slammed it hard onto the ground, causing a rock wave and sending many of them packing. Tommy on the other hand, summoned his sword, Saba. “Alright Saba, let’s get to work.” “Right you are, Tommy.” Said Saba. Tommy jumped around and gave a few Putties a good kick left and right, whilst blocking a few Footbots that tried to attack him, so he uses Saba to slice them left and right. He jumped over and gave two Footbots a split kick, whilst he grabbed a random Putty and threw it hard against the other. “Grr, this is getting tiresome!!” said Lord Zedd as he used a random blast, sending half the folks away, with Roland crashing against the wall whilst Mikey on the other hand was suddenly blasted a few blocks away. “We’re outta here!!” said Goldar before they teleported away, whilst the rest of their forces scattered. “Aw, crud, they got away!!” said Raph. “But the rest of their forces are scattered.” Said Jason, “We need to make sure the innocent people are safe.” “I’ll head over there with Leo.” Shine Boy spoke up as Leo looked at him confused. “I’m not sure if that’s-“ said Obaki before he was interrupted when Shine Boy shot a small glare at him. “I’m not asking. I’m telling you.” And with that, Shine Boy led Leo away from the group as Obaki wondered what that was about. Roland slowly stood up and looked around, and then remembered whilst looking ahead in shock. “Mikey.” Muttered Roland. But just as he stood up, he groaned in pain whilst grabbing his head and leaning against the wall. He struggled to regain his focus whilst also gave a small cough…causing purple ooze to come out. Once he was done, he slowly looked up. He gritted his teeth and slowly looked up, whilst he suddenly had an angry look on his face, with his eyes briefly flashing red before being back to normal. He turned to them and none of them noticed Mikey was missing. “We’ll need to split up and try to take down any more of Lord Zedd and Rita’s forces.” Said Tommy. “Then let’s go.” Said Leo. Everyone began to split up, however, Roland stopped the Rainbooms. “Wait,” said Roland, “What about Mikey?” “There’s no time,” said Sunset, “We need to…” Roland was suddenly in front of them as he had his sword in his hand, whilst looking at the Rainbooms angrily, which surprised them. “You are going after Mikey.” Said Roland sternly before he thrusted his sword into the ground hard, causing it to crack, which surprised them as he said “And it’s not a request.” “Now see here, darling….” Said Rarity before a random Frisby and threw it against her head, making her wince in pain and shouted “Ow!!” It was revealed Roland holding it, with Roland saying “What was what you said to the others when you saw Mikey getting beat up? Oh yeah, you had that coming.” They were surprised by this, with Roland saying in a very dark tone, “You owe him, remember? The Memory Stone…Pizza Face…” He looked at Sunset and said “…Cozy Glow…” Sunset winced at that, with him looking at the others and said “…and my favorite, the Meanbooms?” Now all the girls winced at that. “You girls owe him, remember, and I’m surprised he didn’t call that in.” said Roland. “Look, we really were sorry, okay?” said a frightened Rainbow, “We didn’t know things like that were going to happen.” Roland however, didn’t share that kind of look with them. “Did you forget the oath you took when you joined the Hamato Clan?” The Rainbooms blinked in surprise by this, with him saying “The Ninja Clans takes their laws very seriously, especially the Hamato Clan. Long ago, they decreed that no matter what happens, whether boastful, arrogant or all of the above, one should help a fellow clan member by guiding him back to the path, and also be loyal to them to a fault.” He took a step forward with his dark look, which frightened Fluttershy as she hid behind Pinkie. “What you did to Mikey,” said Roland with venom in his voice, “You betrayed that very code. What you did wasn’t just dishonorable and unacceptable, it’s also unforgivable. And they punish those who break their laws. Do you wish to know what they are before Master Splinter removed them long ago?” He stooped at least ten steps away from them, but when they saw his angry eyes, they were scared of it. “Punishable by whip…or punishable by death.” The Rainbooms were shocked by what he said, before he pointed at them one last time. “So, I will give you a warning, and only warning.” Threatened Roland in a dark tone. “Uphold the ideals of the Hamato Clan…” Roland placed his hand on his pistol, showing that he wasn’t playing around, “Or there will be consequences.” The Rainbooms were a little startled, with Roland saying “Remember, you lot made a deal with Splinter since the day all of you came and asked him for help. And I’m going to make sure that you lot, honor it.” He suddenly grabbed Sunset by the throat and pulled her close to his face, which shocked the rest. “And the next time you promised to be nice and try to be a better person. I expect to see results.” Said Roland before he let Sunset’s neck go after he pushed her backwards. “R-Roland.” Said Sunset in an uneasy tone, “C-calm down.” “Oh, I am calm.” Said Roland as he stood near them, “And if I’m not calm…” Suddenly, Roland’s eyes went from brown to purple, the whites of his eyes went black, with black veins appearing. “You’ll be the first to know.” The girls were shocked by what they were seeing, with Roland turning around and walking away, leaving them stunned for a few moments from what they were seeing. As soon as he was far enough, he groaned and whined in pain whilst clutching onto his head, before coughing up purple ooze, but in a partial larger dose. He leaned against the wall with his hand against it. You can’t fight me Roland looked up in shock, knowing that voice. You cannot resist me You know that better than most Roland looked around in fear, whilst still clenching onto his head. You made the deal You know you have to pay the piper “Get out.” Muttered Roland. You know, you cannot escape me You know you cannot outrun me For you know the old saying; You think distance will make you feel better But in the end… Roland turned and to his horror, saw what looked at a dead version of himself… I always return His dead self was suddenly in front of him as it screeched like a demon with eyes and mouth glowing very brightly, making Roland suddenly yell in pain as he clutched onto his head. Then he collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. He looked around and saw everything was normal. But then he saw his gauntlet, beeping, showing that it was close. He then adjusted the power, causing the gauntlet to work overtime. Roland panted himself to calm down, for it happened again. And he couldn’t stop it, and for his anger toward the Rainbooms, it was because it was surfacing…it was coming…he didn’t have long. He needed another solution. He quickly stood up and headed to a different location. He didn’t have time to think, he needed to help the city, fast. ***************************************************************************************** Shine Boy and Leo walked a bit aways before Leo finally spoke up. “What was that all about?” “I wanted to talk to you alone.” Leo froze, knowing the real reason. “If this is about everything Obaki told us, it’s true. I haven’t trusted many of our friends in the past and I’m sorry if you hate me now.” Shine Boy stood before the lead turtle. “I don’t hate you, Leo! This. Changes. Nothing! You are still my friend and nothing will ever change that! But you shouldn’t give in to the guilt! As far back as I have known you, you have shown more open to people who have wronged before. Like when you and Sunset helped Davis when he felt inferior as a leader. Luke told me that. And you accepted Josh and Keramon despite Tai not trusting them and even helped forgive Tai when he saw the errors of his mistake. You’re learning, Leo. There will be parts in our lives where we repeat our mistakes and failures, but by picking yourself up and correcting those mistakes.” “What can I do?” Asked Leo. “Prove Obaki and Venus wrong. Prove you are better than the times you ignored Mikey or scolded Everyone from Fugitoid to the Shadowbolts and that you are the Sensei Splinter made you! And if you feel down, come to me. I can try to help you.” Taking a deep breath, Leo showed a small smile of relief. “Thanks, Shines.” “Hey, we leaders gotta stick together, am I right?” Shine Boy smiled as he and Leo locked hands. “But what about Obaki?” Leo asked. “Let me worry about Roland. You just focus on leading the others. If I find anything shocking, I’ll let you know right away.” “Okay.” Leo nodded. “Cmon. Let’s go back to the others.” ***************************************************************************************** Whilst the others were dealing with the problems all over the city, the Rainbooms were looking for Mikey all over New York. “Mikey!!” shouted Sunset. “Mikey!!” said Twilight whilst she looked around. Pinkie appeared from a random airduct and said “Mikey?!” “Mikey.” Said Fluttershy in a soft tone whilst nearing a duck pond. “Mikey!!” shouted Rarity. “Mikey!!” shouted Applejack. “You Mikester, you out there?!” said Rainbow from near a pizza place cause, come on, it’s Mikey. They heard a loud groan, making them look in the other direction, and it was none other than Mikey, sitting up from what appeared to be a garbage container. “Oh, major wipeout.” Said Mikey whilst he was rubbing his head. “Mikey!!” exclaimed the Rainbooms as they went over to him whilst also helping him out of it. “Are you okay?” asked Fluttershy as she helped him stand. “Yeah, I’ll live.” Said Mikey, but then shook his head and said “But the rest of the city won’t be.” “Whatever do you mean, darling?” said Rarity with a flexed eyebrow. “I saw a bunch of Foot Bots carrying what looked like a bomb that could wipe an entire city.” Said Mikey, which caused the girls to gasp at that. “Where’d they go?!” asked Sunset in worry. “They went that way.” Said Mikey as he got up. “Come on, we gotta stop em!!” “But we need to…” said Twilight before Mikey cut her off. “No time!!” shouted Mikey as he was around the corner, with the others having no choice but to follow him. Soon enough, they arrived at the top of the roof, where Mikey was pointing and saying “There, right down there.” They then saw a large Unit of Footbots guarding a perimeter, with four of them, to the Rainbooms’ shock, were carrying a large bomb with them and made their way to a specific spot before typing in a code. “Oh no.” said Fluttershy in worry. “If that thing goes off, millions of people will get hurt.” Said Applejack in worry. “What’ll we do?” said Rainbow in worry. Mikey on the other hand, watched the whole thing, and looked at every corner, as if his inner strategist was going over it. He looked left and right, and then it immediately clicked. He turned to them and said “I got it!!” “You do?” said the Rainbooms. “Here’s what we’ll do.” Said Mikey as he whispered to all of them of what the plan is. He explained every single detail of what each of them should do. And after explaining everything, he said “So, what do you think?” The girls were surprised by this, though the look on their faces told Mikey a different story, which he suddenly got mad and said “What? My plan won’t work?!!” “Uh, no actually,” said Applejack, “We’ll try it your way.” “You will?” said a surprised Mikey. “It is out best option.” Said Twilight. “And we did Pinkie Promise we’d listen to you this time.” Reminded Sunset. “That’s why I have the ‘You owe me since Pizza Face, Cozy Glow, the Meanbooms and ditching me to face Jagwar, and I’m calling it in,’ card!!” said Pinkie as she pulled out a business card and showed her the exact words of what she had said. The girls were surprised by this, even Mikey was surprised by this, with him taking the card and looked at it, with him looking back at her and said “You don’t miss out any details, do you?” “Nope.” Said Pinkie Pie before she did a smile with a *squee* sound. “Alright Mikey,” said Sunset, “We’ll try things you’re way.” ********************************************************************************************** As the Footbots were busy setting up a few things, one of them felt a pebble against its head, causing the said Footbot and a few others to turn to the culprit. “Hey, ya dummies!!” shouted Mikey, “Bet you can’t catch me!! Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya!!!” Within a split second, all of the Footbots, especially the ones that set up the bomb went after Mikey, causing him to run away screaming as they went around the corner. As they ran, the Footbots saw that there were seven paths to be taken. The leader suddenly devised that each would have 25 per group, allowing them to split up in order to find it. ***************************************************************************************************** The first group arrived at their destination. At first, things seemed pretty quiet, until one of them got taken out by a random dart. They looked and saw it was Fluttershy, who was smiling sheepishly at them. “Um, I don’t suppose you’ll come quietly and talk things over?” said Fluttershy. The Footbots aimed their blasters, with her going “Yeep!!” She then suddenly remembered Mikey saying “Close your eyes real tight and fire at least three of your darts at random spots, that way they’ll jump off and hit the Footbots, which will make them shoot at each other.” Fluttershy instantly took out her blowgun, shut her eyes real tight and fired three darts at random places. However, all three darts had it at the precise mark, making them bounce on certain surfaces, causing the darts to pass by at least nine Footbots at their wiring before the darts stopped. The nine Footbots suddenly malfunctioned and began to shoot and beat up the rest before they could have a time to react. Once that was done, the malfunctioning Footbots then went at each other. When that was done, the last one collapsed onto the ground whilst still sparkling. When everything was suddenly quiet, Fluttershy slowly opened her right eye slightly, Fluttershy suddenly blinked in shock. For all the robots were down as they sparkled. “Huh,” said Fluttershy as she said “What do you know, that actually worked.” Suddenly the one robot’s head exploded, making her yelp loudly and shield herself. She looked at the fallen robots and said “Maybe I should get going.” Fluttershy quickly left to regroup with the others. ******************************************************************************************* The next group of Footbots all hurried over to their next target, which was none other than Pinkie Pie sitting playfully and waving her legs as if she was a happy child. “Oh, hi footsies!!” said Pinkie as she waved at them, “Anybody interested in a cupcake?” The Footbots began to shoot, causing Pinkie to yelp and quickly ducked behind cover. “A simple no would’ve sufficed!!” shouted Pinkie. However, she suddenly spotted a random bowling ball in front of her. “Seriously?!” said Pinkie, “Who throws out a good bowling ball?!” She then remembered what Mikey said. “When you find a bowling ball, charge up all that magical mojo into it, make it into a makeshift bomb. Just concentrate really hard and act as if they’re bowling pins.” Pinkie then ended up smiling with glee and grabbed the bowling ball. “Well, I’ve never charged anything up with my powers other than my confetti.” Said Pinkie, “Then again, I did do it to that one apple, but that didn’t count because of Dashie.” Pinkie then began to focus all of her power through the ball. After all the focus that she, ahem, attempted to muster, her power began to slowly surge through the bowling ball. She then smiled with glee and had a determined look on her face. “Hey Footies!!” shouted Pinkie before she appeared and shouted again “Batter up!!” She then rolled the ball as it began to glow brighter and brighter, and the moment it was close enough, the ball exploded, causing the said ball to explode, destroying many of the Footbots in the process. Pinkie was surprised, then began to have a big grin. She giggled with glee whilst jumping like a little schoolgirl. “It really works!!” said Pinkie, “Mikey really came through!! I’m gonna throw him a thank you for a great plan party!!” Pinkie then ran off to join the others. ***************************************************************************************** The next group of Foot were cornered at another part of their destination, until Applejack had appeared. “Alright y’all varmints!!” shouted Applejack, “Let’s do this!!” She attacked the Footbots, and were able to take a few down, but she had to hide from cover again. “Dagnabbit!!” shouted Applejack, “How in tarnation am ah supposed to get past em?!!” She then remembered what Mikey said, “AJ, if you’re near any fire escapes, use your claws to cut the bottom, then they’ll fall on top of em.” Applejack then said “What the hay did he mean by that, there aren’t any…” She looked around and to her surprise, there were plenty of fire escapes all around them. She looked at that, then to her claws. “Well, Mikey said that ah needed to use mah claws.” Applejack then darted towards the first fire escape and cut the bottom, then the next, then the next, then the next. Within a split second, the entire fire escapes from both sides collapsed, causing them to crash on top of the Footbots. When AJ turned around and saw the mess, she whistles whilst impressed and pressed her hat backwards. “Well ah’ll be.” Said Applejack, “Mikey was right. And…” She then looked down and said “Roland and Obaki was right. We should’ve had more faith in him.” She then left and said “Ah failed Sunset before during Anon a miss, and again at the memory stone, and to Mikey with Jagwar. Ah’m not gonna make the same mistake again.” ********************************************************************************************** The next Footbots were looking for Mikey, until they stumbled upon Rarity. “Alright you ruffians!!” shouted Rarity, “Let a lady show you how to truly fight!!” Rarity charged and were able to take a few down, but then hid when they began to fire lasers. “Oh, I remembered when the Footbots we fought only carried melee weapons instead of blasters.” Complained Rarity. Then she spotted a few accessories on the ground. “Why would they throw out such fabulous…” said Rarity before she clicked and remembered what Mikey said. “Rarity, if you see anything that looks like a good piece of accessory, tie them around your sickles. Remember when we fought Captain Boomerang with the Justice League, well you can do the same with this one!!” Rarity then instantly grabbed it and tied the sickles together. Once she was done, it nearly looked like a makeshift boomerang. She then threw it at the Footbots, until it missed. But the moment it did, it suddenly flew back, causing the heads of the Footbots to be sliced off, making them collapse in the process. She instantly caught it and was also surprised by this. “Wow, Mikey was right about one thing, this really is a good piece of accessory.” She then flipped her hair and said “Sorry not to stick around boys, but I’ve got some friends to catch up with.” She soon ran off around the corner. ********************************************************************************************** The next Footbots were looking for Mikey, until they stumbled upon Rainbow Dash. “Alright then, who wants some!!” said Rainbow before she charged with her speed and took them down. That was, until a Footbot grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up. “Man, this is getting very annoying!!” groaned Rainbow, then she blinked when she remembered what Mikey said. “Rainbow, the moment you find any plastic bags, tie them around your shoes to protect them, cause you’re gonna need it to ice skate on robot oil so that you can easily take them down.” Rainbow blushed a bit, but then looked around, noticing no one was looking. So, she did what he said. She quickly got loose and grabbed a couple of bags, then threw a ninja star at one of the Footbots, allowing the oil to be spilled all over the ground. She then tied the bags around her shoes and began to stake. She began to move flawlessly and moved like a ballerina, yes you heard me, a ballerina, whilst she easily dodged their attacks and used her spear as a hockey stick to bash off a few of their heads, and then struck them, allowing her to get a couple of bullseyes. After she was done, she was back on solid ground and looked back, and to her surprise, they actually worked. “Whoa,” said Rainbow, “I can’t believe that worked.” She then took off the bags and saw her shoes were at least clean. “I gotta try this ice-skating thing more often.” Said Rainbow, before she blushed and said “Uh, the hockey part, not the figure skating.” She then used her superspeed to dash on out of there. ********************************************************************************************** The next Footbots were looking for Mikey, until they stumbled upon Sunset Shimmer. “Okay then,” said Sunset as she stood in position, “Time to…” That’s when she noticed a large rope nearby, then she remembered what Mikey said. “Sunset, if you happen to find a large rope somewhere, tie then around your kunai daggers, that way you’ll be able to use them as a rope dart.” “I’ll admit I’ve never did that before.” Said Sunset as she then got worried and felt cornered with the Footbots, “But there’s a first time for everything.” She grabbed the rope and tied them around the ring of her kunai daggers. She then held the rope and began to think. “I always wanted to do this.” Said Sunset as she began to spin the rope with the dagger on it around. She then began to use her newly made rope dagger to swing it around and was able to kill a few Footbots, but then she did a trick with the rope dart that she saw in a movie once, and was able to make quick work of them. Once she was done, she held the rope dart in position. Then she looked at it, stood normally and looked at it. “You know, this isn’t bad.” Said Sunset, “Maybe I could ask Leo if it would be alright if we carried secondary weapons. Cause the rope darts are awesome.” She then folded up her new weapon and ran towards the others to regroup. ********************************************************************************************** The next Footbots were looking for Mikey, until they stumbled upon nowhere, with Twilight hiding behind one of the dumpsters, then she remembered what Mikey said. “Twilight, if you see a large garbage container, use it as a battering ram to take them down, and once you take a few of them down, try to teleport around to strike them down.” “But I don’t know how to teleport.” Said Twilight to herself. “You’re your counterpart aren’t, you, just do it!!” She blinked in surprise, hearing that voice, and tried to think, until… “Don’t think, just do it!” She remembered how what Obaki said echoed in her head, and he was right, for now would be a good time to try. She took a breather and used all her magical might to push the container straight towards the Footbots, allowing it to take down half of them. “Come on Twilight, you can do this.” Muttered Twilight, “I know I didn’t do much of a good job when I first got it, but now I need to use it fully, my friends need me. So just do it, do it, do it.” She then opened her eyes sharply as they glowed. Within a split second, she teleported. She teleported and took down the Footbots one by one, with a slice, with a punch, with a kick and a roundhouse kick. After she was done, she took a breath and relaxed before she looked around and to her surprise, she took down the Footbots. “I…I did it.” Said Twilight, before she had a big smile and squealed in excitement whilst shouting “And I finally teleported!! This is amazing!! I gotta get back to the others!!” She ran back to the others to regroup. ********************************************************************************************** Soon the Rainbooms got together as all of them were relieved that they weren’t hurt. “Boy, that was a close one.” Said Applejack as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “Yeah, I can’t believe Mikey’s plan worked.” Said Rainbow with glee, “This is awesome!!” “Yeah, we really should…” said Sunset before she realized something, “Wait, where is he anyway?” That’s when Twilight clicked and said “Wait, what about…” “The bomb!!” exclaimed the Rainbooms as they ran towards where he was. But the moment they got there, they saw the bomb had fizzled and popped, whilst slowly shutting down, with Mikey sitting on it with a smirk. “Hey Rainbooms!!” “What, huh, Mikey?!” said Twilight in disbelief. “How did you turn it off?!” said Rarity. “Well,” said Mikey, “I could say that whilst we were able to lure all of the Footbots away, I quickly snuck back and looked at the bomb. And after going over it, I realized it uses a strong mechanism and other components to make it work, so after when going over the wires, I realized it was both the red and ground wires and carefully disabled it, thus deactivating the bomb.” Then he got up and walked over to them and said “But then I got bored, so I decided to rip everything out of it. Can you believe that they can make a powerful bomb, but weak sauce in defenses?” Mikey tossed the random stuff he had in his hand, with the Rainbooms flabbergasted over what just happened. “Wha, but…How did you?!” said Applejack. “Well, tech isn’t my thing, remember?” said Mikey, “Donnie does machines, I’m the party dude.” “Huh,” said Rainbow, “You know something, I can’t argue with that logic.” “So, now that we’re done,” said Mikey, “Mind if we head back to the others.” “Uh, sure thing.” Said Sunset as everyone quickly left. ****************************************************************************************** Soon, everyone began to regroup above one of the buildings near the town square, whilst Roland looked at the Rainbooms, and they know the look, which is if he wanted to know if they looked after Mikey, with them nodding. Though he was grateful, he had an apologetic look, to which they noticed. They understood that he was only looking out for Mikey, like any older brother would look after the young, though they were concerned of why his eyes turned for a brief moment red. “What’s the status with the others?” asked Roland. “Grandpa Max reported in that everyone’s cleared the city of Rita and Lord Zedd’s forces.” Said Donnie. “They’re back at the ship for the moment, trying to find if any more of our enemies are hiding, whilst also trying to” “I still can’t believe Rita and Zedd are working together.” Said Zack. “Why’s that a surprise?” asked Leo. “Last we heard,” said Tommy, “After Rita failed on her last battle with us, Lord Zedd was fed up and banished her to space in what appeared to be a container of sorts.” “My money’s on Shredder bringing them together.” Said Jason. “Our thoughts exactly.” Said Shine Boy. “Which isn’t good news.” “How come?” asked Trini. “Lewej and Jewel know Lord Zedd.” Said Shine Boy, “He was able to give them the power and taught them on how to create their own armies, and in return, they would help him with his evil empire, hence why he gained the power and became the monster you know today.” “I heard of Lewej and Jewel.” Said Tommy, “Zordon told us they were the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy besides Lord Zedd and Rita.” “Don’t forget the Machine Empire and Divatox.” Said Pinkie Pie out of the blue. “So,” said Leo 96, gaining everyone’s attention, “Now that it’s all said and done, can someone explain to us what’s going on?” “We’ll be glad to explain everything.” Said Venus. “But not out in the open,” said Leo, “We need to talk somewhere discreet where no one is watching us.” “Agreed,” said Master Splinter, “For when the crane and the monkey plan, they must not let the dangers of other predators overhear them. Come, let us go.” Everyone soon left for the sewers, meanwhile, at another location. “I can’t believe those Power Brats are twice as strong,” said Rita, “Especially with twice the enemy.” “And Lewej wasn’t kidding about Night Shine,” said Goldar, “He truly is a warrior to be reckoned with.” “Well, we will not allow them to stand in our way.” Said Lord Zedd, “Soon, we shall have this world to our knees one way or another.” “Don’t worry Lord Zedd,” said Cozy Glow as she casually flew in, “We can handle them no problem.” Lord Zedd then pointed the tip of his trident at Cozy’s neck, much to the filly’s fright. “See that you do.” Said Lord Zedd, “Otherwise, in case Shredder does not get the chance, then you shall go through me. And I will show you on how the true emperor of all evil works.” Lord Zedd departed with his putties, with Cozy clearing her throat and muttering, “If the turtles could be easily fooled, then the turtles of this world would be fooled no problem.” ********************************************************************************************** At the same time, everyone continued to move through the sewers, with Rarity saying “I must admit, the sewers look a lot different from the ones back in our world.” “Yeah, no kidding.” Said Sweetie Belle, before her face suddenly went green and said “Although…I’m glad none of them have that.” Everyone saw more garbage, dead rats and so on, causing everyone, even the Turtles to feel a bit nauseous of seeing this. Mikey then smirked with a devilish idea, whilst also whispering to Obaki, causing the latter to catch on and smirked the same way. As they walked, they suddenly saw a shadowy figure, that looked like a dragon, roaring in the light, causing half the folks to scream in fright and some armed themselves. Roland then looked behind and did a deadpanned expression, he cleared his throat and shined his own light to reveal the culprits. Which was none other than Mikey and Obaki, making shadow puppets and roaring sounds, whilst looking back at the group shocked. Everyone gave the two different looks. Some glared, some deadpanned, some looked at them with flexed eyebrows and some slowly shaking their heads for pulling a prank at a time like this. The two of them suddenly placed their arms behind their backs and giggled sheepishly and bashfully at the same time. *********************************************************************************************** Soon enough, the lot of them arrived at the 1996 Turtles’ lair. “Whoa,” said Mikey as he looked around whilst also taking pictures, “So this is what our counterparts’ lair looks in this dimension.” “No kidding.” Said Donnie. “Although,” said pony Rarity, “I do wish they could do a better job at cleaning up after themselves.” “Then are you willing to put on a frilly outfit just to clean it?” joked Sugarcoat in her usual tone, which Rarity didn’t know how to respond to that. “It’s not much bros from another dimension,” said Mikey 96, “But it’s home for us.” “Now then,” said Master Splinter as he motioned the 96 Turtles to sit next to him whilst he looked at the others whilst they also sat down and tried to make themselves at home. “Start from the…” “Sorry we’re late guys.” Everyone looked and saw another man and woman walking in. “Yeah, we were just…” The two of them were shocked to see more people in here, with Mikey 96 saying “Hey April, hey Casey!!” The groups looked at the two surprised, especially Casey and April. “Huh,” said Casey, “You know, I kinda like what he looks like.” “The other April’s pretty too.” Said Mikey. “Uh, who are they?” asked Casey 96. “That’s what we’re here to find out.” Said Leo 96, “You two care to join us?” “Yeah, sure.” Said April 96 as she and Casey 96 walked over to their group and faced everyone. “Now then…from the beginning.” Said Master Splinter. Soon the groups began to explain everything to them. ****************************************************************************************** “And that’s why we’re here.” Said Leo. Needless to say, Splinter, April, Casey, and the Turtles of Earth 1996 were completely stunned by the revelation. “Whoa, dudes.” Said Mikey 96, “Major bummer over there.” “Almost sounds like something out of a horror movie.” Said Leo 96. “I have looked into their minds,” said Venus 96, “All of them are telling the truth.” “Indeed.” Said Splinter in agreement, “If what you say is true, then it will be our responsibility to help in any way we can.” “So, what do we need to do to kick Shred head’s butt?” said Raph 96. “First thing’s first.” Said Roland as he showed them a hologram of a certain stone. “We need to find these.” “Hmm, a gateway to the source of all reality.” Said Splinter. “The spirits of the Hamato Masters have told me of this during my travels to the spirit realms. If what you say is true, then we will need to find them as soon as possible.” “And thankfully we can help.” Said Donnie 96, “We got some sweet tech from the Power Rangers.” Everyone was baffled by this, with Tommy saying “Wait, us?” “Not really.” Said Leo 96, “The Space Rangers.” They were confused by this, with Roland decided to fill them in. “Remember when you were confused when the Turtles knew some of you?” said Roland, with the Rangers nodding, “Well, in another dimension, all of you have passed down your legacy to other Rangers. After you lot passed it down, Tommy went to College. And if I had to guess, it implies to this world too.” “That makes sense.” Said Gamer, “If I had to guess, and this world is the same as the other, then the Rangers here became Space Rangers to fight evil beyond the stars.” “And how do you lot know them?” asked Scootaloo. “Cause we met the Space Rangers a while back.” Said Leo 96, “Long story short, one of their enemies came, hypnotized us, and tricked us to be their minions. Thankfully they were able to snap us out of it. They gave us some of their tech to track anything unexpected down.” “If that’s the case,” said Billy, “Then we’d better get started.” “Follow me, fellow compadres.” Said Donnie 96 as he led the geniuses to the lair. “Max, this is Leo.” Said Leonardo as he contacted the others, “We’ve made contact with the Turtles, but we also made contact with Lord Zedd and Rita.” “This is bad, which is why their numbers have been doubled.” Said Grandpa Max. “We’re already trying to come up with some of the tech to help track the stones down.” Said Leo. “We’ll try to work on something on our end too.” Said Max. “We’ll be in contact soon, Leonardo out.” Said Leo before he cut communications and left with the others. ********************************************************************************************** After their meeting, Mikey began to hum his phone ringtone whilst he was about to fetch some supplies for his pizza, until… “Oh, hello Mikey.” Mikey stopped and looked up, and saw Princess Twilight and the others, holding bags of what looked like ingredients for pizza. “Oh, hey, what’s up?” said Mikey. “I was just about to get supplies for pizza. But I see you girls have beaten me to the punch.” “Actually, Sunset and the others asked us to bring the ingredients.” Said Pony Rainbow Dash, much to Mikey’s surprise. “Oooh, are they here?” asked Pinkie when she popped by and saw the bags. Then took them and said “Thanks.” “Also, Mikey…” “Yeah?” asked Mikey as he put his phone away. “We…never had the chance to apologize to you.” Said Princess Twilight. “Huh? For what?” asked a confused Mikey. “I know we said that we apologized and you forgave us since the whole thing with Cozy Glow,” said Princess Twilight, “But…” “But when Bright Eyes took her place, y’all told us she was alright and didn’t sense anything off about her.” Said pony Applejack, “But we ended up ignoring ya, again.” “Indeed,” said pony Rarity, “Because of our own paranoia, we ended up suspecting other students too, which made them quit and leave.” “And I wasn’t any cool for accusing Bright Eyes, just for smiling.” Said Rainbow. “Yeah, seriously.” Said Mikey as he still couldn’t believe it, “And people thought I was the dumb one.” Pony Rainbow winced at that, with pony Fluttershy saying “We weren’t in our right minds. It took Master Splinter to help us realize we made a mistake, and when he showed how his paranoia got the better of him the first night all of you encountered Shredder.” “Oh yeah.” Said Mikey as he rubbed his shoulder, remembering the painful training he went through. “Also,” said pony Rarity, “We learned from Sunset that you lost your trust and faith in not just your brothers and friends from New York, but from both us and our counterparts.” “Yeah,” said pony Pinkie Pie, “I know they accused you of being a goof, but then again that’s what everyone thought about me, of being a goof and not taking things seriously. Both Fluttershy and I should’ve been like our counterparts. We should’ve defended you.” “Though I can’t believe they didn’t help you with Jagwar.” Said pony Fluttershy. “Well, to be fair that one was on me, big time.” Said Mikey. “Still.” Said Princess Twilight, “I don’t know if it will ever be enough. But we just wanted to say…we’re sorry. About Cozy, about Bright Eyes, all of it.” “I don’t accept your apology,” said Mikey, which caused the Mane 6 to look down in remorse, until Mikey smiled and said “Because you girls have nothing to apologize for.” The Mane 6 looked at Mikey surprised. “I know I still have a long way to go,” said Mikey, “I may be a skilled Ninja and somewhat wise, but even I’m not perfect and make mistakes. I’ll probably make more in the future, but that’s all part of growing up. I’ll always be a goofball, but that’s what makes most of us unique. Like you once said, we’re not flawless and we’re a work in progress.” Mikey walked up to Princess Twilight and hugged her, surprising the Princess of Friendship. “So yeah, you’ve got nothing to apologize for.” Princess Twilight couldn’t help but smile and hug Mikey, to which the rest hugged him too. They broke the hug and said “Well, I gotta get going. I’ll see you lot again.” Mikey walked off to join the Rainbooms in the pizza making, with the Mane 6 smiling, knowing that they were able to make things right. ******************************************************************************************** A few hours later, Mikey sat down near a table and looked through his phone whilst humming a very catchy tune. When all of a sudden, Applejack and Sunset brought some pizza and offered the first slice to Mikey, which was surprising. “Figured since y’all are the expert in pizza.” Said Applejack. Mikey tasted the pizza and hummed in approval. “Nice job, girls.” The Rainbooms soon sat around Mikey, with them eating their pizzas. Mikey then asked “So what’s the occasion?” “Oh, it’s just our way of saying thanks for helping us and leading us against Shredder’s Foot Bots.” Said Pinkie. “Oh yeah, cause we’re awesome ninjas!!” said Mikey as he said ninja in a singsong note. “And…” said Sunset as she rubbed the back of her head, “Another way of apologizing.” “Over what?” asked a confused Mikey. “Jagwar.” Muttered Rarity, with Mikey wincing. “Oh yeah, that.” Said Mikey. “Though…to be fair, that was on me.” “But it still didn’t excuse us for abandoning you.” Said Sunset. “And we…couldn’t forgive ourselves if we did.” Mikey looked down, and pondered in thought. Then he said “To be fair…after what happened back then, I wanted to quit the team, but I didn’t.” The Rainbooms were surprised by the revelation, with Mikey saying “Remember when a healer came along and brought me back up to full strength whilst all of you were uh…getting down on the dumps?” “Uh, yeah.” Said an uneasy Applejack. “Well,” said Mikey as he tried to remember, “During my healing, we had a bit of a…interesting conversation.” *********************************************************************************************** Everyone was in the next room, whilst a healer was gently placing him on the healing table, whilst a healer, whilst donning a healing mask, stood over him, with the others watching Mikey, with guilt looks over their faces. “We’ll uh…see you later Mikey.” Said Sunset in a guilty tone as she and the others left. “Are you ready?” asked the healer. “Yeah, I guess.” Said Mikey as he partially grunted in pain. As the healer began his work, he noticed that Mikey was looking miserable. “Are you well?” asked the healer, “Emotionally I mean.” Mikey sighed and said “I can’t believe this. My friends turned their backs on me.” “Well, from what I have overheard from my Daiyou.” Said the healer, “You did constantly boast and rubbed your victory in your friends’ faces. Which in turn left them bitter and annoyed.” Mikey looked down in sadness and realize it “Yeah. But still…” “And to be fair,” said the healer as he cut Mikey off whilst continuing to concentrate on his healing powers, “They didn’t know Jagwar was planning to kill you in order to restore his so-called honor, when it was a tournament, and not a battlefield, or a contest. There’s an old saying, ‘A soldier is focused on the battlefield, but they do not see the dangers from the shadows until it’s too late.’, which means that they didn’t see the dangers ahead until it’s too late. We may be strong, but we are not invincible. It makes one mortal, which is what makes them a warrior, or a hero.” Mikey looked at the healer and said “Whoa, deep bro.” The healer chuckled and said “I may not look much, but I have seen the outside for a long time before I became a healer.” Mikey then sighed in sadness again. “Still, no matter how hard I try, I always screw up, whether on purpose, or unintentional, or when I realized I made a mistake.” “We’ve all been there.” Said the healer. “But what will you do, if you think you’ll just mess everything up?” “I don’t know.” Said Mikey as he was on his back, waiting for the healer to help heal his serious injuries, “Maybe I should just leave. Maybe then I won’t be able to screw things up any further.” “Well, you could.” Said the healer, “Or you can choose to be better.” Mikey looked at him confused and said “Be better?” “Indeed.” Said the healer, “For you are not the only one who went down that path, making a mistake that nearly costed you everything. And you know a certain someone who’s mistake was so bad, he lost everything.” “Wait, do I know someone like that?” asked Mikey confused. “Of course.” Said the healer. “A certain young ninja master from when he was your age, also had an adopted brother. Both of them were inseparable. But then overtime, the adopted one was sunk deep into the darkness. His jealousy over a woman that chose the young master over him, and which turned into hatred when he found out about his birthright. The young ninja master was overconfident, thinking that nothing could beat him and would sometimes boast. In the end…he lost his wife and his daughter was taken.” Mikey gasped with widened eyes, realizing whom he was talking about. “Master Splinter.” Muttered Mikey. “Precisely.” Said the healer. “He was just like you, and in the end, it costed him everything. He could’ve also lived in despair, let the cruelty of life swallow him, could’ve also followed a path of vengeance to avenge the ones he lost. But he didn’t. Do you know why?” The healer looked at Mikey and said “He chose to be better.” Mikey continued to listen to the healer whilst the healer did his job. “He chose to honor the Hamato Clan by surviving,” said the Healer, “And he chose to honor Shen’s memory by moving to America, hoping to start over. But then certain obstacles come in the way, and he and all of you, ended up being what you are. And he tried to teach that lesson to you.” The healer went for Mikey’s legs once he was done with Mikey’s arms. “Your brother Leonardo understood Master Splinter, because he chose to obey. You and your brothers on the other hand. I won’t say much about you, considering what I’ve seen, but look at the others. Donatello, only focuses on the mind, which in turn would weaken his body. Your other brother, Raphael, he constantly lets his anger overtake him for no apparent reasons because of his own insecurities. Which is why, he will never be ready to be a full-on Ninja Master. For he is impatient, hot tempered, and Leo is better than him. When it comes to fighting, they are evenly matched, but Leo has more focus and follows the Hamato’s code, whilst Raph lets his anger blind him until it was too late.” “But I’m not like Master Splinter.” Said Mikey. “Exactly.” Said the Healer, which confused the turtle. “One cannot be like the other. For this is how it always ends. Follow the path of another, and you will end up being your own downfall.” He looked at Mikey and said “Which is why, you and your brothers, must be the Ninjas you choose to be, not those who came before. Who they were, is not who you will be, for you must be better.” The healer then focused on Mikey’s other leg, “Did this happen once before? About fighting like one’s opponent?” “Yeah, it did.” Said Mikey as he remembered. “Raph wanted to fight like our enemies because they don’t hold back and he takes things too seriously. Master Splinter and Leonardo constantly tells him that if we do that, then we’d be no better. As Ninjas, when in times of peace, never forget the possibilities of war. In times of war, never forget compassion.” The healer chuckled, saying “Truly, part of your master’s wisdom lives on.” Mikey smiled, with the Healer saying “And I know a few others too. Remember Batman?” “Hey, how’d you know?” asked Mikey. “Trust me, everyone in the Multiverse knows about that specific Batman.” Said the Healer. “He too underestimated many of his enemies, and he’s somewhat overconfident. But in the end, he always learns from his mistakes, and tried to be better. Not as a fighter, a detective, or a vigilante…but as a human being. And you two have something in common. You may not have his brain, but you have his heart. And through that fierce exterior, no one had cared so deeply about their fellow man, as Bruce Wayne…just as you care about them, no matter how much it hurt.” Mikey was surprised by the healer’s revelation. The healer looked at him and said “Just as you can’t expect your friends to bail you out whenever you make a mistake that could cause them to act this way. That’s the harsh truth about life, you can’t always expect everything to go your way, and nobody can hit harder than life. It’s also about how you get hit, how much you can take, handle it, and keep moving forward. If you want to be who you want to be, you need to be willing to take the hits. Only cowards tend to blame others.” The healer soon focused on Mikey’s chest. “Let me tell you a story, about a man named Nelson Mandela.” Said the Healer. “When he was young, he saw how his country was driven apart, through fear, paranoia, greed and so on. So, like many other youths, he tried his best to fight for the rights of others, to show as people, we have more in common than we realize. But overtime, he was captured and sent to prison. He was in that prison for thirty years, they treated him harshly, called him names, treated him like garbage and so on. But after he was released, he then began to run for office with the help of many others. In time, he became the leader of the country. A lot of folks thought that he would seek revenge on them, but he didn’t. Do you know why?” Mikey listened with interest, with the Healer saying “Because he chose to forgive them.” Mikey was surprised by this. “He was beaten, tormented, abused and many others, but he chose to forgive them.” Said the Healer, “For one, what would be the point. If you let a bully affect your heart, then you will end up becoming a bully and inflict the same pain to the other.” The Healer looked at Mikey and said “His bodyguards thought that he would decline others, but Mandela told them that Forgiveness liberates the soul. It removes fear and anger. That is why, it is such a powerful weapon. And if he had not left his anger, bitterness, and hatred behind, he would still be in prison.” The Healer then said “What everyone else did, they took their anger, hatred and bitterness and created a prison of their own making. Which is why they are trapped like this. Only you can set them free from their own prison.” Mikey felt really moved by the Healer’s words as he looked ahead. He could’ve sworn he saw Master Splinter, who smiled and nodded, showing that the Healer was telling the truth. “How…,” began Mikey, “How do I know it will work?” “You don’t.” said the Healer, “All you can do is try. Nelson tried, and it worked wonders for him and his people in the end. For all it takes, is a single spark of courage, to ignite the flames of hope.” After the healer was done, Mikey stood up and stretched. The Healer presented him his mask, which Mikey watched. “Be what others cannot.” Said the Healer, “Be the Pillar of Forgiveness, and never give up.” Mikey looked at the mask, then smiled with determination and accepted his mask whilst putting it back on. “You’re right.” Said Mikey. “I don’t know what will happen. All I can do is try.” The Healer placed his hand on Mikey’s shoulder, and said “Good luck out there, Michelangelo.” “I will healer dude. I promise.” Said Mikey, before he left to look for his friends. And maybe have a normal talk. *********************************************************************************************** “I took that dude’s words by heart.” Said Mikey with a fond smile, “And I’ve tried to keep that up ever since.” The girls were surprised by this, with Mikey saying “So every time whenever I get chewed out over an accident or that weren’t my fault, I chose to forgave them. Cause what’s the point of staying angry over some things that we never knew were going to happen and were beyond our control.” Mikey looked down with a saddened expression and said “I know I still have flaws, and I’ll probably have more in the future. I just don’t know how to make it work like you girls.” They were taken aback by that statement, with Rarity saying “Whatever do you mean, darling?” “Well, you girls have flaws too.” Said Mikey, “Sunset can sometimes be mean and have a hot head. Fluttershy’s sometimes too scared of her shadow, Pinkie tends to be overbearing and overboard, Applejack can sometimes be more stubborn than a thousand mules, Rarity tends to whine and complain a lot, Rainbow’s ego can be as big as Canterlot City and Twilight can sometimes be a boring egghead…” At first, they wanted to be mad and make a comeback by that statement, until… “And yet look at all of you,” said Mikey, “You make your friendships work, even when you’re different and nobody else can see that. Like Princess Twilight once told Starlight, the very differences between all of you is what makes your friendships strong. And I have to say it’s very beautiful. Cause the way I see it, you’re not friends, cause you’re more than that, you’re like sisters.” They were surprised once more by what he said, which Mikey suddenly had a saddened face. “That’s why I acted that way, cause I also felt important like you girls and my brothers. And at least you girls have each other and accept one another despite your faults, and I look up to you girls more than anything. But me…I just wanted to say…I’m sorry.” The girls were a little surprised by this, but Mikey continued… “I’m sorry I tend to take things overboard. I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job at supporting and helping you girls. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the Meanbooms. I’m sorry that I kept rubbing things in your faces ever since the whole Nexus thing. I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job at being, well, mature…and…” Mikey then shed a tear, which surprised the girls. “I’m sorry I’ll never be as brave as you, or be like you girls. At least you guys have each other, and that’s what really counted. But me?” said Mikey, before he wiped a tear and said “I don’t have anything. I’ll always be a poor excuse of a goofball.” They were surprised to hear this from him whilst Mikey wiped another tear. At first, the Rainbooms felt bad about ditching Mikey and not believing him when things counted. But now…now they felt really terrible. They then realized that what Obaki and Venus had tried to tell them, and now they took it all for granted. Now they understood Mikey a bit more. Applejack walked over to Mikey and sat next to him, same with Fluttershy, who hugged him by his side and shed a few tears too. “Oh, Sugarcube,” said Applejack as she adjusted her hat, “Ah’m sorry. Ah had no idea y’all felt that way.” “We really should have paid more attention,” said Rarity, then looked down in sadness and said “Just like I should’ve paid more attention to my sister.” “Let me guess, Obaki and Venus gave you two a hard time?” said Mikey, which surprised them, with him saying “Shine Boy told me.” “Also,” said Rainbow as she looked down in sadness, “When you bragged about winning the Nexus, I was annoyed that you kept rubbing it in our faces. And I ended up ditching you. And after everyone somehow found out…my parents did the one thing I never thought they’d do.” “On what, grounding you?” said Mikey. However, they saw she was completely silent whilst she looked down, which shocked Mikey and Fluttershy. “Wait, I was just kidding, you were actually grounded?!” “Why is that so surprising?” asked Rarity. “Rainbow’s parents never ground her,” said Fluttershy, “Not even that time she accidentally set her mother’s garden on fire.” “Flutters!!” exclaimed Rainbow in embarrassment “Eep!!” squeaked Fluttershy, which made her hid under the table. “Uh, why did you…?” said Mikey, before he instantly changed the subject and said “You know what, I don’t even wanna know.” “Wise choice.” Said Rainbow. “Anyway…shortly after everyone began to shun us…” ************************************************************************************************ Rainbow came home from school and said “Hey mom, hey dad. I’m…” But when she got there, she saw her parents had stern looks on their faces. “Uh, is something wrong?” asked Rainbow. “Oh, something is wrong.” Said Bow Hothoof as Windy showed Rainbow footage of them abandoning Mikey. “What the…?!” exclaimed Rainbow as she was shocked by what she was seeing. “How did you…?!” “It doesn’t matter.” Said Bow sternly. “Honey, how could you?” said Windy. “Hey, Mikey constantly bragged about being the best and we wanted to teach him a lesson about karma!!” said Rainbow, trying to defend herself. “And you thought letting him get beat up to death was the answer?!” said Bow. “How were we supposed to know something like that would happen?!!” “You should’ve known better honey!!” said Windy. “And from the looks of things, this isn’t the first time you did this to your friends.” “Exactly,” said Bow, “You complained about Mikey bragging? Yet how many times did you brag about being better at something!!” “I am!!” said Rainbow. “Except when it comes to your friends.” Said Bow. “All of you just watched your friend get beaten to death, because you had a grudge over someone else bragging.” “You clearly turned your back on your friend without thinking about the consequences, or the people you would hurt.” Said Windy. “Look, we didn’t know Jagwar rigged the fight, okay?!” said Rainbow, “If we had known we would’ve helped him!!” “And yet you didn’t.” said Bow Hothoof. Who then sighed and said “When we encouraged you to be the best, we should’ve taught you discipline too, but clearly, we were too caught up in excitement to even notice. Mikey was the one who defended you, and yet you took it for granted.” Rainbow was at a loss for words, for this was the first time her parents were talking to her like that. “You clearly let your ego get out of the way without thinking about the consequences, or the people that you'd end up hurting.” said Windy Whistles. “Well I...” said Rainbow, but Bow Hothoof cut her off. “Your actions with your friends nearly costed the life of another.” said Bow Hothoof. “This stops now.” “He's right young lady,” said Windy Whistles, “You are grounded!!” Rainbow was shocked by what her mother had said, “No Daring Do, no afterschool Soccer, only when you're on school time, and your little ego thinking that you're better is done, and you will not say anything otherwise until you learn not to abandon your friends!! Understand?!!” “But, but...,” said Rainbow. “To. Your. Room.” said Bow Hothoof as he pointed at her bedroom. Rainbow felt her eyes watering, then lowered her head whilst walking to her room in defeat. ****************************************************************************************** Everyone was surprised by that ordeal, but not as surprised as Fluttershy were. “Goodness darling,” said Rarity, “I have no idea that your parents would be capable of doing that.” “Yeah,” said Rainbow whilst she lowered her head. “Now that I think about it.” Said Rainbow as she thought about after a few hours of being grounded. “I didn’t get what the big deal was. I kept telling myself that what they said wasn’t true. But then I remember the moment of Mikey bragging about being the best. That’s when the realization hit me, and to my shock. Him boasting…I began to see myself, constantly boasting and realized I made a mistake, which resulted you girls nearly turning your backs on me. I kept seeing myself messing things up over and over. The Spring Fling, the Battle of the Bands, Anon-a-miss, the Memory Stone, the Meanbooms. I turned my back on my friends and they did the same to me.” Rainbow sighed in sadness, “I ended up being a hypocrite. I did the opposite of what I am. I’m supposed to be the loyal one, and yet, I kept being selfish, I was even a jerk to Sunset after we beat her at the Fall Formal.” “Wait, you were? Why?” asked Mikey whilst he was confused. “About…a few weeks after the Fall Formal,” said Rainbow, “Applejack and I kept treating Sunset like dirt, even after we promised Princess Twilight to look after her. Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity were the only ones to give her a chance to earn their trust…but we didn’t.” “But let me guess,” said Mikey, “It sounded right on paper, but it still left you and Applejack hurt after what she did?” “Yeah, that.” Said Rainbow as she, even Applejack looked down in guilt. “Though, I’m surprised that Princess Twilight didn’t make you lot Pinkie Promise to look after her.” Said Mikey, “That’s the first thing I would’ve done.” The Rainbooms blinked at that, with Pinkie saying “Hey yeah, you’re right, she didn’t make us Pinkie Promise to look after her.” Sunset face palmed herself, for she couldn’t believe Princess Twilight didn’t think about doing that in the first place. “Also, after I served my grounding, I went for a jog and…I also wanted to give up.” Said Rainbow, which surprised them, “But then I met someone along the way…” ******************************************************************************************* Rainbow continued to jog down the road, but after going as far as she went, she took a few breathers, but then she suddenly took her water bottle and threw it out of frustration. She crouched and held her head, thinking about what she did to Mikey by mocking him, when she was no different. She was nearly left vulnerable and didn’t want anyone to see her nearly shedding a tear. Until… “Rough day?” Rainbow shockingly looked up and saw a random jogger, holding her undamaged water bottle. He walked over to her and handed it to her back. “Uh, yeah, you might say that.” Said Rainbow as she accepted it back. “You wanna talk about it?” said the jogger, “I’m willing to listen.” Rainbow was unsure, but told him the whole story as they stood near the pit stop chairs. After the story, he said “I see.” “Yeah,” said Rainbow, “I know Mikey won out of dumb luck, but he didn’t have to boast and rub it in our faces. We thought that Jagwar wanted a rematch, we didn’t know he was going to kill him. If we had known he was planning to kill him, we would’ve still helped.” “And yet you didn’t.” said the Jogger. “You should’ve helped.” “I know,” said Rainbow, “Would’ve too if he hadn’t boasted so much.” “Hmmm,” said the Jogger, “I seem to remember a certain rainbow haired Athlete who also tends to brag about everything 24/7.” Rainbow looks at him with a glare, with him pulling out his phone, saying “Hey, don’t give me that look, I read what I read on MyStable.com. That and the recent video of you lot turning your backs on him.” Rainbow was surprised of where he heard it, then groaned in frustration as she lowered her head. “Don’t remind me.” Said Rainbow, “Everyone hates me and my friends. I thought the Meanboom thing was bad but…we ended up being no different.” “How long have they hated you?” “Three weeks now.” Said Rainbow. “Two weeks during my grounding. Then after from what Scootaloo and the others told us, and that was a week ago. We’re trying to make things right with Mikey, but no matter how hard we tried, we’re getting nowhere.” “And I assume that you’re getting the same taste of bitter medicine when a certain friend of yours was defeated after you lot stopped her.” Said the Jogger, which surprised her. “Again, on MyStable.” “How much stuff is on there?!!” exclaimed Rainbow. “Uh, you don’t wanna know.” Said the Jogger. “Anyway,” said Rainbow, “When I lost at the tournament, I lost because I got cocky. And when Mikey bragged, I was angry and jealous. And when Jagwar came back and challenged him, I thought it was sweet someone putting him in his place. But we didn’t know the fight was rigged and that he was going to kill him. After we won, we apologized…but somehow everyone else found out and we were scorned by everyone.” “And you ended up being grounded too.” Said the Jogger. “Yeah…,” said a disheartened Rainbow. “But then I realized, him bragging, which nearly got him killed. It…happened to me too a couple of times too, and I got in how many times trouble, and nearly got me and my friends killed. I’m such a hypocrite. Maybe I should just quit.” “Quit what?” asked the jogger. “Quit being a ninja, quit being a soccer player, quit being a band member. And…quit being a friend.” Said a disheartened Rainbow Dash, nearly wanting to shed a tear. “I don’t deserve any friends. Not after all the times I messed up.” The jogger looked ahead and sighed, then looked back at her whilst leaning against a nearby post. “Quit, don’t quit.” Began the jogger slowly, “Be a team player, don’t be a team player.” This gained Rainbow’s attention as she looked at him. “You were taught by a wise man, who tried to teach you not to let your overconfidence get the better of you. And when someone else won, you felt jealous, thinking that the victory should go to you. If you hadn’t won, then that’s fate’s way of saying that you’re not ready to do things on your own, just as your friend’s brother wasn’t ready. Because of his temper and impatience.” He leaned over and said “And the scorn that you are now facing…that is the exact same way one of your friends received when she was reformed because of her past as a bully, if I’m not mistaken.” Rainbow was a little surprised by it, realizing he was right. “I mean take a look at that apple tree over there.” Said the jogger, which Rainbow looked, “It may look ready to bear its fruit, but one thing one should know, is that one can’t force itself to blossom when it suits them, nor bear the fruits it wants before its time.” Rainbow looked at the man as he said “It takes time and patience.”, said the jogger, “There are some things we can’t control. And no matter what you do, for you may wish for a peach or a pear, but you’ll only get an apple. And it will be the way you want it, if you choose to guide it, to nurture, it, to believe in it.” He stood up as he said “Think about it. If you were to trade places with your friend, and if you did win, you too would have bragged. And when the said enemy wants a rematch, and you needed help…well…” Then Rainbow clicked in shock and said “They would’ve abandoned me too. Then I would’ve…” “Precisely.” Said the jogger as he walked over to a lake. Rainbow was stunned for a moment, but chose to follow him. “But, you didn’t. For what happened, happened.” Said the Jogger, “For one meets his destiny on the road it takes to avoid it.” He looked at her and said “And you let your jealousy get the better of you. That’s why it’s considered a sin. But you did not see it. For you see…” He gestured to the water that was making ripples, “Your mind is like the water. When it’s agitated, clouded by anger, jealousy, ignorance, and many others, it becomes murky, and very difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle…” He tapped the water, causing it to be still, and the two of them see their reflection, “The answer becomes clear.” He stood up and said “You may be skilled, but there are some obstacles in the way. One of them, is the thing holding yourself back.” He gestured to the water, and that’s when Rainbow realized; the only thing holding her back, was herself. “And you know,” said the jogger, “You are not the only one who lets jealousy get in the way of family and friends.” Rainbow looked at him confused and said “What do you mean?” “How well do you know your old testaments?” asked the Jogger. She signaled she knows a bit. “See, there was this one boy, Joseph, who was born with a special gift. For when he dreams, it can somewhat predict the future. The father praised him, and gave him a special gift. But the brothers, they grew jealous, resented him, hated him even. He was just an innocent boy, not knowing how things worked. But to them, it felt like he was bragging to them. Then in the end, because of their jealousy, the brothers did the unthinkable.” He slowly looked at her and said “They sold him into slavery.” Rainbow was shocked by that, with the jogger continuing, “He was taken to a faraway kingdom and sold to be a slave. He worked his hardest, but then, during his work, he helped out a Captain of the guard, and was praised for what he did. Then in time, the king had a dream that disturbed him, and thanks to Joseph, the helped saved the kingdom. That was, until his brothers came, wanting grain. But he was angry of what they did. Then he was pretending to not know them. Then during that time, their youngest was there. That’s when the brothers revealed that they didn’t want to make their father suffer, and that they were forced to live with that guilt for twenty years. Joseph was stunned, the shadows in his heart broken. And instead, he forgave them.” Rainbow was again surprised, the jogger looked at her and said “Then there was a man from another country, who tried to fight for the rights of others, but was arrested, placed in a tiny cell for thirty years. He was released and soon became the country’s leader. But instead of hating them, he chose to forgive them, for what would be the point of hating, it never solved anything. But he did say one thing, Forgiveness liberates the soul, that’s why it is a strong weapon. And the poem he once read about not giving up.” Rainbow was confused by this, but the jogger closed his eyes and recited the poem to her. (Jogger) Out of the night that covers me Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning’s of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul. Rainbow was surprised and stunned by what the jogger had said, with the jogger saying “It’s about not giving up. Joseph could’ve chosen to give up and not forgive his brothers. Nelson, the leader, could’ve chosen to give up. Heck, even Mikey would’ve chosen to give up. But they didn’t. Because from one, what would be the point, and two, anger can cloud one’s mind of what’s truly important. Their families and friends.” He walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, saying “There’s also an old saying; Yesterday, is history. Tomorrow, is a mystery. But today, is a gift. That is why, it’s called the Present.” Rainbow felt something stirring in her, as the jogger said “Just because one thing happens, doesn’t mean you should let it affect you. One must learn to be better, to prove that you’re not gonna let something get in the way of that.” The jogger hugged her, surprising Rainbow, with the man say “So do not let what happened in the past affect you. I know how guilt can eat one on the inside. That is why, you must never let the cruelty of life get in the way, become better than the bullies, and show them what you can do.” Rainbow suddenly shed tears and cried in his arms whilst she was hugging him back. After ten minutes, the jogger released her, with her wiping her tears. “Feel better?” Asked the Jogger. “Yeah,” said Rainbow after a sniff or two. “I do. Thanks.” “So,” asked the jogger, “What are you going to do?” Rainbow looked down, then had a determination look on her. “I’m not gonna let my past define me, I’m going to make things right with Mikey, and everyone else.” “That’s the spirit.” Said the Jogger. “I’d better go.” Said Rainbow, but then she smiled and said “And…thank you.” Rainbow soon continued her jog, with a determined look on her face. ******************************************************************************************* “And I tried my best to be loyal ever since.” Said Rainbow, which left the others surprised by this. “Goodness Rainbow.” Said Rarity, “The way the man spoke to you…” “He really did try to help me.” Said Rainbow as she looked at Mikey. “Anyway, when you mentioned about not being us. Truth be told…I always wanted to be like you.” Everyone was surprised by what she said, but none were more surprised than Mikey, “You’re always free. You’re never afraid to be who you are, whether fearful or joyful. You’re really brave enough to be yourself. Something we’re not. That I’m not. I always brag about being brave, and yet how many times did I get my butt kicked? I try my best not to be cocky, but I ended up doing that because I ended up being competitive.” Mikey placed his hand on Rainbow’s gaining her attention and said “I think we can be competitive when it comes to video games. Not combat.” Rainbow chuckled and said “You know what? I’m okay with that.” “And you know what,” said Mikey, “Whenever I hang out with you guys. I sometimes picture you guys as my sisters.” They were a little surprised by this as Mikey said “You’re never afraid to speak your mind and you sometimes try to set me straight. Just…not when it comes to fighting to the death.” They blushed at that, as Pinkie said “And we sometimes think of you as a brother.” “You did save us a few times too.” Said Fluttershy. “And…” said Mikey as he looked down a bit and said “If you want. If I get out of line…I wouldn’t mind you girls trying to talk me out of a few things. I know Venus is my sister in another world. But I feel better whenever I’m with you girls. Faults and all.” The girls couldn’t help but feel touched about this, with Sunset walking over and said “I think we can do that…for our honorary brother.” The girls couldn’t help but hug Mikey, whilst he hugged him back. From around the corner, Roland was smiling, glad to see that the Rainbooms and Mikey formed a special bond. However, he frowned and looked ahead. ********************************************************************************************* Roland watched afar as the Rainbooms and Turtles mocked and abandoned Mikey whilst he filmed the whole thing. ********************************************************************************************* He broadcasted it to all their friends and families from two cities, which in turn shocked everyone by what they saw. ********************************************************************************************* He watched as everyone shunned them for what they did. He then muttered whilst walking away and said “How’s that for karma?” ********************************************************************************************* Mikey left the healer with a smile on his face as he went back to his friends. The healer took his mask off, revealing to be Roland in disguise before walking away. ************************************************************************************************ Roland showed Rainbow’s parents of what she did, which shocked the both, with Roland telling them what they needed to do. At first, they weren’t comfortable with this, but seeing that she developed an ego, they should’ve done a better job at disciplining or restraining her. Later today, after Rainbow was grounded, she sat in her room with her head lowered, thinking about how her actions nearly costed a friend’s life. At the same time, both were outside with Roland, with both of them feeling down. Bow and Windy suddenly looked hurt and lowered their heads, with Bow saying “That was really hard.” “Yeah, I didn't think it would hurt so bad.” said Windy. “It usually does.” said Roland, “But a little tough love will make them better people later.” “You think?” asked Windy. “It worked on you two, didn't it?” said Roland with a smirk, which caused the two to smile a little too. ************************************************************************************************ The jogger watched Rainbow leave with a smile, until he frowned and removed what appeared to be a mask, revealing to be Roland before taking off. ********************************************************************************************* Roland merely shook his head. Though he didn’t approve of Venus and Obaki going behind his back, but Roland on the other hand. He took out what appeared to be a Batarang with a note of instructions on it, and on it was a list of people he was supposed to talk to. He sighed as he looked ahead. “I didn’t want this.” Muttered Roland as he hated it, but he had to, to make sure that this doesn’t happen. He soon walked away and headed towards one of his computers in order to scan the entire city to find what they’re looking for. > An Apple and Diamond's shine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not long after the teams returned to the ship to resupply, Sunset sat all by herself in the mess hall and got a falafel to eat. Only she wasn't feeling very hungry. Despite reforming things with Mikey, she still felt hurt from everything Venus and Obaki told them before the mission before their fellow students. She felt like all her hard work to redeem herself and regain everyone's trust has been destroyed. Again. She kept pushing her food back and forth until she heard a voice. “Penny for a moment of your time?” Sunset looked up to see Shine Boy standing there holding a bag of churros and a cup of coffee. “Sure.” she sighed. After he sat down, Shine Boy held his bag to Sunset. “Churro?” “No thanks.” Sunset mumbled. Taking a churro for himself, Shine Boy took a deep breath, knowing what was bugging her. “Sunset, You shouldn't let what Venus and Obaki said put you down. -” “But they're right.” said Sunset sadly, “I'm just a hypocrite. I try to make up for all the terrible things I've done in the past, but no matter what I do, I've made no progress. Somebody ruins all my hard work because they never believe I've changed. Anon-a-miss. the Memory stone. Sometimes I feel like I'm better off dead.” Shine Boy quickly grabbed Sunset's arm and looked at her in the eye. “Don't think like that! Don't ever. EVER. Think like that! We've all made mistakes. They shouldn't define who we are!” Sunset was quiet for a moment, but Shine Boy took a deep breath and began to sound melancholy as he let go of Sunset. He took a deep breath and began to sound melancholy as he let go of Sunset. “Sunset, I've seen that you've been struggling lately. The weight of your troubles is heavy, but hear me now. Everything is going to be okay. It's okay to be sad. it's okay to feel the weight of your emotions. Remember your path of redemption, along with Starlight, Karai, Blade Swipe, Kevin, Tommy and even Ken. Remember how initially each of you were weighted down by the guilt of your past transactions. But you all persevered, found your inner strength, and emerged a hero. You can find that strength within yourself again, Sunset. It's okay to be angry. These recent battles with Shredder's ever-growing forces were relentless ones. And our anger fueled us in our desperation. But we didn't let it consume us. Use that anger to keep pushing forward and to keep fighting. It's okay to be confused. Our recent battle with Zedd and Rita left us with more questions than answers. But we kept searching, exploring, and eventually we found the answers we sought. Keep searching, keep exploring, and the answers will come.” “But how can we even work together if no one will ever trust us again?” Sunset whimpered. “They do trust you, and you guys already did sort things out.” Said Shine Boy, “And it's okay to be scared. Those times when we fought Devimon, Milleniummon, or even when we fought Dragaunus, we were scared. But we didn't let that fear beat us. We used that as our motivator to stay sharp and to stay alive. Use that fear to stay for whatever comes next as we try to save the multiverse. It's okay to feel lost. Our journeys as fighters were each a maze, full of twists and turns. But we kept moving forward, kept following our instincts, and eventually found the way out. Keep moving forward Sunset trust in yourself, and eventually you'll find your way. It's okay you don't know what to do. Every battle each of us had fought was full of uncertainties, and we were often caught off guard, but we didn't let that uncertainty stop us. We trusted ourselves and in our training and in each other. Trust in yourself and you will know what to do when the time comes. So, Sunset, it's okay to be yourself. You don't have to pretend to be something you're not of put on a fake smile all the time. Just like when we have our sense of doubt and fear on the battlefield. It's natural to have those feelings in real life. Everything's gonna be okay. Sometimes, to find your way, you'll have to get a little lost first. The road ahead may be a little tough, but this is all temporary and it'll eventually pass.” Sunset stood up and walked up to Shine Boy who stood up and embraced him. “Thanks, Shine Boy, I'll try to do better. But I’m probably gonna head to my room. I doubt the school wants to be anywhere near me after everyone heard how I abandoned Mikey twice. First it was Cozy Glow then it was Jagwar. I made it up for him, sometimes I think it wasn’t enough.” “Sunset, no matter how experienced we are, we all make mistakes. But think about those times your friends left you. And how you could've given up on them or at all. And this changes nothing! Keep fighting. keep pushing forward. And know you have the strength to overcome any obstacle no matter what anyone says. And always remember, Sunset, Even if your classmates shut you out forever, You're still loved.” Sunset still looked unsure as she began to head out when Shine Boy heard something. “We need to talk.” He looked to his right and saw Roland looking at both Venus and Obaki sternly, whilst also violently pulling them. Curious, he followed them. Soon, they were in a secluded room, and he could hear them arguing. “Have you two lost it back there?!!” said Roland. “This isn’t the plan!!” “What, we were just…” said Obaki, before Roland cut them off. “No, you were laying down your own personal feelings in front of everyone instead of in private!!” said Roland. Shine Boy was surprised by this, then muttered “In private?” “You know very well the orders Wayne gave us on the list,” said Roland, which shocked Shine Boy, did they just say Wayne? As in Bruce Wayne, aka, Batman? “He asked us to go through certain names through certain members because he had files on them ever since they got there. And seeing that he saw them in action, he asked me to speak to them, but in a private setting, and the reason we do that, was to remind them that the last time they had that kind of mindset, it nearly costed them everything. Or did you guys forget what Applejack and Raph did when they were stuck on Batman’s world?” “How the heck can you agree to follow his lead?!” said Obaki, “After everything the others put you through?! And what they did to Mikey?!” “I’m aware of that!!” said Roland. “Well, we were just trying to help.” Said Obaki before Roland grabbed him by the throat, surprising Shine Boy. “I’ll ask for help when I want help.” Growled Roland as he looked at Obaki dead in the eye. “Go behind my back again, like that stunt you pulled back at the training room, or so help me, you’ll be joining them!!” Roland threw Obaki hard onto the ground, with the latter coughing. “Batman was the one who trusted me to do this, remember?” said Roland, “Or did you forget that?” “We’re just looking out for you, Roland.” Said Venus in concern after Obaki stood back up. “You haven’t been the same since back at what Sunset said to you at the Music Festival. About what she said about your mother, and about…” “Don’t.” said Roland. Shine Boy then saw the anger, and the hurt on his face, and…on the verge of crying. “Don’t you, ever, mention her name. No one, is worthy of saying that name. Not even you two. She meant everything to me, and what Sunset said…I knew it was a mistake to talk about my past to anyone.” “Well…” said Venus as she now had second thoughts, “Then maybe we should tell them the truth. Tell them why…” “No.” said Roland. “They can never know.” “But…” “End of discussion.” Said Roland before he left, with Venus and Obaki still looking with concern. Shine Boy on the other hand overheard everything. He had a surprised look on his face. “Batman asked him do all those things?” said Shine Boy to himself once he was far enough. “But…why? What could he gain out of all of this.” He walked ahead, thinking about where to go next. ********************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, from atop one of the buildings, Lord Zedd and Rita were watching over the city, with Goldar behind him. “Bah,” said Rita, “This entire place sickens me.” “Well, look at the bright side.” Said Cozy, “This is New York. It’s gloomy, dangerous with crime, noisy and partially polluted, and not the place where you two constantly get your butts kicked by the Power Rangers.” Within a split second, she was tossed against a pile of garbage bags and cans with a crash. She got out of it with a grumpy look and spat out a banana peel. “As much as it sickens me to admit,” said Goldar, “She does have a point, your evilness. This place is far better than the likes of Angel Grove.” “We are aware.” Said Lord Zedd. “Still, we are in a world where we lost against the Rangers. And we can’t even bother to talk to our other selves, not without messing with time again.” “Uh,” said Cozy, “Didn’t you already did that by turning them into kids, twice?” Lord Zedd backhanded her as she flew into the garbage pile again. She came back out and spat out a milk carton instead. “She does have a point, master.” Said Goldar as he hated to admit it, “We tried to turn them into kids twice, but somehow they always find a way to come back stronger.” “He does have a point, my lord.” Said Rita Repulsa, “How are we going to get rid of them?” Just then, a portal opened up next to Zedd and Rita as a white humanoid dog like creature came out of it. “Ah! Finster. Perfect timing!” Zedd smirked. “My emperor. Empress.” Finster greeted with a bow. “Did you find who I asked for?” “Yes, my lord. I brought her as you’ve instructed.” Finster nodded. Rita looked confused. “Her?” “Since my return, I’ve had a certain someone take care of some things in another solar system.” Zedd grumbled. Rita smirked just as a female with scorpion attire merged from the portal. “Ah! Scorpina! Welcome back!” “I am at your service, my Lord and Empress.” Scorpina bowed before the two. Zedd then turned to Finster. “Your services are not needed anymore, Finster. Return to the palace!” “As you command.” Finster left into the portal before it closed. Zedd then turned to Scorpina. “I had to relieve you of your duties in the outer region, Scorpina, because I have been bargained with The Shredder who can not only rid us of the Power Rangers but their allies as well.” “The Shredder? The one who stole the green power coin and used it?” Scorpina recalled. “Well, this Shredder is from an alternate universe but yeah he’s just as antisocial.” Rita remarked before Zedd continued. “He had defeated the Rangers in his timeline and wants to do the same here. You see, he wants to conquer the multiverse. We’ve formed an alliance with him and others he’s gathered so far. You and Goldar will serve him just as you serve me and Rita.” “It shall be done, Lord Zedd.” Scorpina nodded before she got up to smile at Goldar. “Just like old times.” “Yes!” Chuckled Goldar, happy to work with his partner again. “Welcome aboard!” Cozy Glow waved. Scorpina raised her brow at the pony. “Who’s that?” “Oh, that’s just Cozy Glow. Ignore it and it’ll go away.” Goldar waved off as Cozy Glow glared at him. “So…how should we proceed?” asked Scorpina. “Simple,” said Zedd, “We gather as much materials we need to make the biggest monster ever. But not just one, a legion’s worth. Something that Xandred did during his time. Or that’s at least what Shredder said.” “In the meantime,” said Rita Repulsa, “We shall unleash our Putties all over the city to cause as much damage as we can.” “On the contrary.” They all turned and saw Shredder’s second in command, Commander Tigerclaw, appear from out of nowhere whilst holding his sword. “Ugh, what do you want?” said Rita Repulsa. “We all have seen your putties in action, and they are formidable forces.” Said Tiger Claw. “But Shredder was somehow able to summon more minions to your cause to cause thrice as much damage.” “Oh?” said Rita as she and Zedd looked interested, “Like what?” Tigerclaw took out a gun and used it to open a portal. Within mere seconds, different sets of minions walked out, surprising them. “What you see before you, happens to be minions that represent from each different faction of evil that tried to take over the Universe since your downfall.” Said Tigerclaw, “We have Tengu Warriors, Maggots, Ooze men, Cogs, Piranhatrons, Quantrons, Stingwingers, Batlings, Ghouls, Cyclobots, Demon Warriors, Putrids, Kelzaks, Tyrannodrones, Tripods, Krybots, Blue-Head Krybots, Orange-Head Krybots, Hidiacs, Chillers, Rinshi, Grinders, Moogers, Loogies, X Borgs, Bruisers, Royal Guards, Vivix, Kudabots, Basherbots, Foxbots, Robot-Ranger Clones, Tronics, and Hengemen.” Lord Zedd walked over to them and hummed. He watched all of them as if they were in an assembly line. “Most impressive indeed.” Said Lord Zedd as he looked through them. “They will certainly do.” “What do you propose we do, master?” asked Goldar. “We perform what the humans call a Pincer move,” said Lord Zedd, “In other words a divide and conquer strategy.” “Hmm, I like that.” Said Rita Repulsa, “We’ll keep the heroes occupied on different parts of the city, and whilst we divide and conquer, we shall be able to find what we’re looking for.” Lord Zedd looked at Tigerclaw and asked “How many of them?” “Each of them are about a hundred.” Said Tigerclaw, “Plus combining them with your Putties and new monsters. That would make about four thousand in total.” “Now we’re talking.” Said Goldar, “With this many troops, we can take over and destroy the city with ease.” “Still, let’s not let the Rangers and their putrid friends know about our presence.” Said Lord Zedd, “We shall send them throughout the city to take up positions. Once we do, then we shall give the order to strike. To divide and conquer if necessary.” ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, from within the Alliance ship, The Turtles 96 and Splinter looked around the ship and were amazed. “Whoa, this ship is totally bombing.” Said Mikey 96. “Yeah, the tech here is amazing.” Said Donnie 96. “Meh, bit boring if you ask me.” Said Raph 96. “Look at it this way, Raph.” Said Leo 96, “We’ll be able to teleport ourselves to a different location. That way we’ll be able to help anyone in need.” “If Lord Zedd and Rita have not already attacked the city yet.” Said Venus 96. “We appreciate all of you for bringing us onboard.” Said Master Splinter. “It’s the least we can do.” Said Gwen. “Plus, with the extra security here, we’ll have better luck on finding it.” Said Kevin. “If you would please excuse me,” said Master Splinter, “Is there a place for me to meditate?” “I would be more than glad to take you there.” Said Rook as he led Master Splinter away from the group and to a quiet place to meditate. “Still,” said Silverbolt whilst crossing his arms, “What’s our next move? Obviously we can’t wait around.” “Not only will Shredder be looking for the stone,” said Invictus, “But he could attack this city at any minute and the people have no way to properly defend themselves.” “Too bad New York’s not like feudal Japan during our time traveling days,” said Mikey 96, “We could’ve used the army.” “Wait,” said April surprised, “You guys time traveled?” “Long story.” Said the Turtle Brothers. “It was also before I came along.” Said Venus 96, “I went to New York to aid Master Splinter when my teacher told me to leave for New York to find them. I was surprised to see that they were my brothers.” “Still,” said Amethyst Majesty, “It wouldn’t hurt to have eyes and ears on the ground.” “Well, they’re not like the Dino Knight Rangers.” Said Mikey, causing some to look at him oddly, “Oh, they’re the next Ranger groups after Beast Morphers.” “Do we have any idea on where they need to strike?” asked Rarity, “Just so that we could also be a step ahead for once.” “We could try that.” Said Raph. “Or!”, said Leo as he cut Raph off, “We can get in a few more hours of practice before we move out. Just in case we might run into something very unexpected. Raph glared at Leo, but knew he had a point before he sighed. “Or we could do that.” As they went off, Master Splinter was alone in the meditation room and closed his eyes whilst he meditated. He began to clear his mind and within mere moments, he was in a different plain of existence. “Splinter?” Master Splinter opened his eyes and saw an old friend from long ago. Venus’ master, which was none other than… “Chung, my old friend.” Said Splinter as he stood up, “It has been far too long.” “Too long my friend.” Said Chung, “What can I do for you?” “I am in need of your help.” Said Splinter, “A great evil has come to our world and seeks to destroy everything we held dear. “I have felt it my friend.” Said Chung, “I had sensed powerful forces from another dimension has arrived. Both good, and evil.” “They came here, seeking an artifact that would allow them to go to the source of reality,” said Splinter, “To stop the Shredder from destroying everything. That is why I came to this place, to ask you for your help.” “Hmm,” said Chung as he closed his eyes in thought. He looked at Splinter and said “Normally we would not meddle in others’ affairs. But hearing the reason, they have agreed to help. In fact, in their possession, they have what you are looking for.” “Where?” asked Splinter curiously. “Follow me, and I shall show you.” Said Chung as he led Splinter to what he was looking for. ******************************************************************************************** From atop one of the buildings, Lord Zedd, Rita, Goldar, Scorpina and a few monsters of their choice stood at the edge of the building, watching the public walking by. “Look at them, walking around like the pathetic ants they are.” Said Lord Zedd. “How should we proceed, master?” asked Goldar. Lord Zedd chuckled and said “Unleash its destruction!!” Lord Zedd was the first to fire his power, destroying a nearby building, which caused the hundreds of citizens to run in fear, with Rita and the others following suit as they destroyed more buildings and vehicles and people that were running scared. And at the same time, every minion over the years attacked, which caused more to run away in panic. After a few explosions, not just the Putties from both Lord Zedd and Rita’s, but every single evil entity attacked all over the city, which caused more to run in panic. Meanwhile, back at the ship, the alarms were raised, causing everyone to run around and in alert at the same time. Everyone was soon gathered in the room, and all of them gathered near the room where Grandpa max were. “Grandpa, what’s going on?!” said Ben. “Trouble.” Responded Max. Everyone saw many creatures attacking all over the city, trying to destroy it with the destruction happening from all around. “Whoa, who are they?” said Mikey, “It’s obvious about the putties, but I don’t recognize the other monsters.” “Oh no.” said Roland, gaining their attention. “It’s worse than I thought.” “What is it?” asked April. “Shredder not only recruited Lord Zedd, Rita and Galvanax, but he recruited every single villain in Power Ranger history. All those monsters you see attacking, they’re their minions and creations.” Everyone was shocked to see all of them. “There’s like, so many, bra.” Said Mondo Gecko. “We’ll have to divide different teams.” Said Max, “Focus on evacuating the citizens and stopping them at the same time.” “Agreed.” Said Leo. “My team, April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, Rainbooms, Team Shine, Roland, Tommy, and their groups, we’ll focus on Lord Zedd and Rita. The rest will move out of the city and try to help as many people as they can!!” “Then let’s get going.” Said Ben, “I’m itching for a fight.” “Let’s go!!” said Kevin as everyone ran to the teleporter. ************************************************************************************************ From one part of the city, many different monsters and minions were tearing up the place. However, the first group to arrive near the park was Steven Universe and his group. “Let’s go guys!!” shouted Steven as he and the others attacked. Steven jumped around, using his shield to block his enemies and used his bubbles to blow them away. Connie uses her sword to slice and dice a few of the Ooze men and Putties away. Garnett used her armored glove fists to bash many of the Tengu forces away, with Pearl backing her up using her spear against many of the Cogs along the way. Amethyst jumped up and used her whip to wrap up a few Piranhatrons up, spun them around and threw them against a bunch of Quantrons. Peridot uses her limb enhancers to blast a few Stingwingers in the air, with Bismuth smashing a few Batlings with her hammer hands and Lapis using her water to wash away the Cyclobots. In another part of town, Ben and his group landed at what appeared to be a shopping center. “Let’s do this!!” said Ben as he and the others charged. Ben turned into Four Arms and began to bash his way through a few Putrids, before turning into Diamond Head to do some real damage. Gwen uses her magic to ensnare and turn the Tengu warriors into birds, with Kevin absorbing the Cogs’ weapons, and uses it against them as he bashes them through. Rook uses his blasters to blast through many Kelzaks all over the place, with Manny backing him up and pulling out his four pistols and began to shoot down as many Tyrannodrones and Triploids. Allen flew around and uses his flame powers to burn down any Krybots along the way. Helen uses her speed to mow down many Hidiacs, with Lucy using her sludge powers to splatter the Chillers. ********************************************************************************************** From another part of the city, near what appeared to be a park, the largest attack spots ever, the CMC, the Young Six, the Rock N Beats and a few others, were teleported there to help the people, causing them to attack in full force. Angel used her sparring sticks to bash through a few Putties, Carter uses his mutant power to turn into a falcon to grab a few Z Putties and dragged them away into the air in order to do some real damage. Trisha uses her nunchucks to take down a few Tengu warriors, Zack uses a hockey stick to whack a few Ooze Men, with Caitlyn backing him up using a Plumber Blaster to blast a few Cogs away. Wallflower uses her 2 Daburu Hidden Knives to block a few Quantrons, whilst Sapphire backed her up against a few Piranhatrons, with Juniper using her Nordachi sword to cut down a few Stingwingers. Apple Bloom used her Tanto Sword to cut down a few Batlings, with Sweetie Belle using her Fingernail Claws to cut down a few demon warriors whilst she pounced at the same time, with Scootaloo running and sliding underneath a Cyclobot, grabbed its leg and landed on its shoulder, allowing her to jab her Butterfly knives into its head, making it collapse at the same time. Sandbar blocked a Putrid before kicking it away, Yona charged a couple of Kelzaks over with her great strength before flattening them onto the ground. Ocellus took a stance and waited for the Tyrannodrones to attack. But the moment they were close enough, she opened her eyes sharply and twisted her body back and forth dodging them, whilst at the same time, she used her fan to slice and dice them. At the same time, Smolder jumped from behind and used her Kusari Fundo to whack a few Triploids away whilst she spun her body around, moving to flow with the chain. Gallus used his dual blades to cut down many Krybots around him, with Silverstream using her double claw staff to back him up against a few Blueheads and Orange heads. Bright Eyes uses her nunchucks to bash against a few Hidiacs, with her brother Teddy backing her up as he uses his Hamato Warhammer to smash a few Chillers to pieces. Ace uses his sparring batons to bash a few Rinshi warriors whilst jumping in the air and double kicking more of them away. Melody stayed by his side and used her 2 Chakrams to block a few Grinders, before throwing them like a discus as they flew around and sliced a few to pieces. Patch uses her two Butterfly knives to slice a few Moogers as she runs back and forth with her athletics, thanks to Rainbow’s training. Half-Note uses her Tang sword to block, deflect and sliced a few Borgs and Loogies away, with Sweetheart backing her up using her chain claw to pull a few Vivix before kicking them away, with Clover Bloom using her Bamboo sword to knock a few Kudabots away as Lancer backed her up against a few Fox Bots using his 2 Naginata blades. ********************************************************************************************** From the Statue of Liberty, many dark forces were trying to take it over, but the Shadowbolts, Dazzlings and a few others were there to put a stop to it. Sour Sweet uses her Surujin chains to wrap up a few Putties and uses them to bash against the Z Putties, making them explode. Sugarcoat uses her Chigiriki Mace to make a few Tengu warriors trip, and made them crash onto the ground. Sunny Flare jumps up in the air and tackles a few Cogs from the air whilst slicing them at the same time. Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap were standing back-to-back, using their Kanabo Clubs and Guandao Spear to block and fight back a bunch of Piranhatrons and Quantrons. From below, Blade and Tempest were fighting side by side with one another, blocking the Ghouls for some reason, whilst from atop, Starlight was using her bow and arrow to shoot down a few Stingwingers that were trying to attack from the air. And left from Blade and Tempest were the Dazzlings. Adagio uses her Kusanagi sword to slice a few Batlings away, with Aria jumping over her shoulder and uses her Tri-Baton to smash a Cog onto the ground, with Sonata using Adagio to help flung herself onto a few more Cogs as she uses her Tonabas to bash them to pieces. *************************************************************************************** From the New York Zoo, Princess Twilight and her friends were busy trying to keep the animals safe, per pony Fluttershy’s plea, with the Turtles of Earth 1996 backing them up. Princess Twilight jumped over and uses her Kamayari sickle spear to slice a few Putties, with pony Fluttershy standing in front of the animals and using her Fukedake Blowgun to shoot the Putties right at their Z chests, causing them to explode afterwards. Pony Pinkie Pie however, uses her Bakuhatsugama with weight chain to whack a few Tengu warriors, until she pulled out her party cannon. “Surprise!!” shouted pony Pinkie Pie as she uses her cannon to blast a few Tengu warriors away. Then shouted “Double surprise!!”, before throwing a bunch of pies, causing them to explode on impact. “You made exploding pies?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight. “For fighting purposes only!!” said pony Pinkie Pie. “Ah’m surprised y’all didn’t use them during the Storm King’s invasion!!” said pony Applejack. Applejack darted towards a few Cogs and uses her claws to slice them to pieces whilst moving back and forth. Rainbow darted towards a few Piranhatrons and twists hear Naginata spear to jab one and pin it on the ground, whilst vaulting over and kicked the next one. Rarity uses her sickles to slice and dice a few Quantrons to ensure that nothing happens to her friends or the animals. Meanwhile, from within the other side of the Zoo, the Turtle 96 team tries their best to defend the people and animals from inside. Leo 96 taunted the Stingwingers to attack him, which they did, causing him to jump in the air and twisting around, allowing him to slice down the Stingwingers. Donnie 96 posed with his bo-staff, and the moment the Ghouls were close enough, he spun it and struck them down in full force. Raph 96 used his fists to punch down many Batlings, with Mikey 96 and Venus 96 beating many Demon warriors that try to surround them. As all that happened, Casey 96 was busy trying to evacuate as many citizens as possible. *************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, at one of the bridges in New York, many minions were in the way, smashing anything that’s in their way, with the Mighty Mutanimals trying to stop them. Slash was busy using his mace to bash many Cyclobots around him, and said “These aren’t like the Footbots, but they’re a ton of fun to smash around!!” Leatherhead roared whilst rearing his head backwards before charging and tackles many Putrids over, whilst biting another before tossing it away. Dr. Rockwell hovered in the air and used his telepathic abilities to lift and throw as many of the Kelzaks away just for an advantage. Pidgeon Pete was flying around using his Krang blasters to blast a few Tyrannodrones and Triploids away. Mondo Gecko was riding around his skateboard, trying to distract the Krybots as he planted explosives on them, with them later blowing up whilst Mona Lisa fought head-to-head with many Blueheads and Orangeheads and soon overpowered them. Bandit Raccoon uses his agility to jump around and distract many of the Hidiacs and Chillers, before Ray Fillet was able to move in for the killing blows. Hokum Rabbit was running around, jumping onto one Rinshi to the next as they collapse onto the ground, with Alopex using her speed to cut down many Grinders around her. Bebop uses his dancing abilities to punch, kick and blast a few Moogers away, with Rocksteady tackling many Loogies, Borgs, and Bruisers away, whilst Muckman uses his garbage abilities to blast away Vivix and Basherbots *************************************************************************************** However, the biggest presence was at New York Town Square, where Lord Zedd and Rita and a few others were going on and about their business, with many forces behind them, until further away, Roland’s team, the Turtles, and their allies, the Rainbooms, and Team Shine and the Rangers arrived via teleportation, and stood ten feet away from them, with the bad guys spotting them and getting ready for a full-on fight. “Get ready Ninjas.” Said Leo as he had his katanas ready, with the others getting their weapons ready too. “Let’s do this, guys.” Said Tommy as he got ready. “What do you say girls?” said Rainbow as she took out her Morpher, “You ready, too?” The girls couldn’t help but smile as they got theirs ready too. “Go for it, Tommy.” Said Rainbow. “Right,” said Tommy before he and the others stood in formation and got ready. “It’s Morphin time!!” HONESTY!! TIGER ZORD!! GENEROSITY!! MASTODON!! LOYALTY!! PTERODACTYL!! LAUGHTER!! TRICERATOPS!! KINDNESS!! SABRETOOTH TIGER!! MAGIC!! TYRANNOSAURUS!! EMPATHY!! Pretty soon, the Rangers and Rainbooms morphed and were ready for a full-on fight. Everyone stood ready, with Lord Zedd pointing his Z Trident and said “Foolish brats. None can stand against the power of Lord Zedd.” “We’ll see about that!!” said Raph. “Ninjas, Rangers, take them down!!” shouted Leo, allowing everyone to charge, with many of the minions charging too towards the heroes. Leo went for the Putties and sliced them left and right, whilst kicking a few away at the same time. Raph jumped straight from the air and tackled a ton of Z Putties over, before punching the Z on their chests that made them explode. Donnie used his bo-staff to whack many Tengu warriors around him, with Mikey kicking away a few Cogs. “Dudes, these guys are tough!!” said Mikey, “No wonder the Rangers from before had a hard time fighting them!!” April uses her fan and Tanto blade to cut many Piranhatrons around her, and then used her psychic abilities to blast them away. Keno uses his two Escrima sparring sticks to bash many Quantrons away, whilst Casey used his exploding pucks to launch and explode a few of his own. Fugitoid uses his blasters to blast many Stingwingers from the sky, whilst Karai and Shinigami backed him up whilst fighting against Ghoul warriors. Roland sprinted along, with Silverbolt by his side, as the two of them use their guns to shoot down the Batlings and demon warriors, whilst Invictus and Amethyst Majesty jumped over and landed near the demon warriors and use their weapons to cut them down. Venus did a somersault and double kicked a few Cyclobots around her, whilst Obaki pounced and sliced a few more to pieces. Shine Boy fought many Putrids around him, as well as Gamer trying to back him up. Shine girl fought many Kelzaks, even the red ones. “Who the heck thought it was a good idea to make these things red?!” At the same time, Love Shine and Night Shine fought against the Tyrannodrones and Triploids. The Mighty Morphin Rangers fought against the Krybots, Blueheads and Orangeheads. Billy somersaulted over an Orangehead and kicked a Bluehead away, before he landed and twirled his Power Lance and knocked many Krybots away. Trini uses her Power Daggers to slice many of the Krybots before she delivered a powerful kick to a Bluehead that tried to attack her. Zack uses his Power Axe to slam onto the ground, which sent many of the Krybots flying, whilst he uses it to slice down two Blueheads at the same time. Kimberly struggled her fight against an Orangehead, until she uses her Power Bow to slam it away, before using it to fire upon the incoming Krybots. Jason and Tommy fought back-to-back against the many Blueheads and Orangeheads that had them surrounded, with Jason using his Power Sword and Tommy using Saba. “Whoa, Roland wasn’t kidding, these guys are tough.” Said Jason. “No wonder the other Rangers had trouble taking care of them.” Said Tommy before delivering a strong kick to another Bluehead. Sunset fought using her Kunai Daggers to slice down many Hidiacs, before throwing some of them to destroy a few Chillers. Fluttershy uses her Fukedake Blowgun to blow up a few Rinshi, before punching and kicking them away. Pinkie Pie jumped around using her Bakuhatsugama with wight chain to smash tons of Grinders and wraps them around with her chain and throws them sideways. Applejack uses her Shuko Hand Claws to cut down many Moogers. “Never thought ah’d fought these varmints again.” Said Applejack. Rarity uses her Kama Sickles to cut down many Loogies and uses her Crystalkinesis to cut down and block many Borgs and Bruisers in order to gain an advantage. Rainbow uses he superspeed to cut down many Vivix minions and shouted “Aw yeah, come get some!!”, before darting off to help Twilight as she uses her magic to lift up many Basherbots and threw them away before any of them could do anymore damage. “Grrr, you brats are more trouble than you’re worth!!” shouted Lord Zedd. “Time to finish you off!!” Within a split moment, during the battle, Lord Zedd, Rita, and a few others joined the fight, as everyone struggled to stay in the fight. However, during the fight, Sunset suddenly struggled and stood on one knee. “Wha…what’s going on.” Muttered Sunset, “I’m losing power. I’ve got to keep it together.” Her Ranger power suddenly began to malfunction, which caused Shine Boy to notice in shock when he saw what happened. Sunset was able to get her Ranger form back, only for Goldar to appear and slash at her, causing her to crash against the wall and collapse. As she struggled to get up, the rest of the Rainbooms, along with Amethyst Majesty, Silverbolt and Invictus to cover them. “You good?” said Amethyst. “I’ll live.” Said Sunset. Applejack looked at Goldar and growled “You little…!!” “No Applejack,” said Invictus, “We need to stay focused here. We need to…” “Ah got this!!” said Applejack as she charged. “No, wait!!” said Silverbolt, but it fell under deaf ears. She tried to keep striking at Goldar, but he blocked left and right whilst laughing. “You’re supposed to be the strong one?! Pathetic!!” Goldar shot his lightning attack, causing Applejack to dodge. However, because of it, it went straight for Venus, causing her to scream in pain before the area around her exploded, resulting her to be launched against the wall crashed, which resulted her to collapse unconscious. “Venus!!” cried Roland and Obaki. Applejack saw and was surprised, until Invictus jumped over and kicked Goldar away, with the others trying to attack and “What are you doing?!” said Invictus. “He hurt, Sunset!!” said Applejack. “Which is why we need a plan instead of rushing in!!” shouted Invictus, but failed to notice Lord Zedd behind him. “Invictus, watch out!!” Invictus turned around and was too late to dodge, for with great force, Lord Zedd struck down Invictus, making him launch backwards and crash near a bunch of crates. “Victy!!” exclaimed Pinkie when she saw her friend taking the worst hit. Lord Zedd smacked Applejack backwards, making her crash against Fluttershy, catching her off guard. When she stood up, Lord Zedd was about to finish her off. Silverbolt noticed in shock as he ran over. “Time to finish you off!!” shouted Lord Zedd as he fired his attack. “Flutters!!” Silverbolt blocked the attack, making him scream in pain, taking the worst hit, leaving him burnt and shredded clothes. He slowly collapsed face first onto the ground. “Silverbolt!!” exclaimed Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash when she saw their friend fell. “Enough of this!!” shouted Lord Zedd. “Goldar, we need a distraction!!” “On it your eminence!!” said Goldar as he used his power to make everything explode around them, which allowed Lord Zedd and the others to retreat to find what they’re looking for. Suddenly, all around them, all the minions everyone fought had disappeared. From the 90’s turtles, they were surprised by this. Until… “Oh, please help!!” They turned and saw a pony of sorts, which was none other than Cozy Glow. “You have to help me!!” said Cozy, pretending to be distressed. “Whoa, what happened?” said Mikey 96. “My friends ran into trouble, but it’s on the other side of town, you have to believe me!!” “Then lead the way,” said Leo 96, “We never leave a friend hanging.” Cozy soon led the Turtles of Earth 1996 away, but smirked as she had something planned. ****************************************************************************************** Back with the heroes, everyone regrouped and tried to get things under control, with the wounded being treated of their wounds, and others helping Silverbolt, Invictus and Venus, for all three of them had been injured during the fight. Shine Boy came over to Sunset as she had a frightened look on her face, with Shine Boy holding her shoulders. “Hey, are you okay?” said Shine Boy. Sunset instantly hugged Shine Boy as she was partially shaking in fear. “It’s okay…it’s okay.” However, he secretly dug into her pocket and took out her Morpher. For something was wrong, and he needed to get to the bottom of things. After the battle, with Lord Zedd and Rita teleporting to a new location. The others were wounded, with Venus, Silverbolt and Invictus down for the count. As Applejack struggled to get up, Obaki suddenly grabbed her by the shirt collar as he pulled her to his face. “You idiot!!” shouted Obaki at a stunned Applejack, “Do you have any idea what you’ve done!!” Roland helped Leo up as he patch him up using his syringe for the job, whilst looking at him for what he was doing. “Because of your reckless move and abandoning formation,” said Obaki, “Our entire plan to take them down backfired, which resulted our butts to be kicked, nearly getting us killed, which resulted you injuring three good fighters, and nearly getting Fluttershy and Sunset killed!! You worthless piece of…” Suddenly, Love Shine came in, separated the two whilst and shouting “That’s enough!! We’re already neck deep enough in wounded as it is, we don’t need to drive further wedges apart here!! We were able to defend the city and that’s it!!” Obaki merely huffed as he went over to help Venus, whilst Applejack saw the three of them being down, and Fluttershy crying as she thought she was a goner, whilst she and Rainbow held onto Silverbolt as he was unconscious. Applejack, whilst stunned and shock, instantly stood up and ran away. “Applejack, wait!!” said Rarity as she ran after them. Roland, seeing that this was now his chance, ran over to another location to track them. However, feeling worried, Shine Boy and Sunset went along to see if they’re alright. However, a certain someone, by the name of Amethyst Majesty, saw them running and was worried about Rarity, causing him to run after them as well. ********************************************************************************************* Once she was far enough, Applejack had finally stopped after a tenth building. She stood against the wall and panted for a bit. However, what Invictus had said to her, really hit her in the gut. She ended up whimpering and sat down with her back against the wall and hugged her legs. She shed a few tears and kept it lowered, not bothering to look around her or notice her surroundings. Rarity had managed to catch up with Applejack, and looked at her country gal friend in concern. “Applejack?” said Rarity. “Go away.” Muttered Applejack. “No darling, I won’t.” said Rarity as she stood on her knees and held her close “Not this time.” Applejack slowly hugged her back, but still kept her head lowered, silently sobbing. Right around the corner, Sunset and Shine Boy had just managed to catch up with them, but were around the corner. “I’m so sorry darling.” Said Rarity “You didn’t deserve what he said to you.” “He was just so…” muttered Applejack “So…” “I know.” Responded Rarity. “Thought I might find you here.” They looked up, and saw Roland sitting on top of the water tank, but he kept his face neutral. At first, Sunset wanted to talk, but Shine Boy stopped her, gaining her attention, which he shook his head, for he knows the look in Roland’s eye, as do many. They continued to watch as Roland jumped off and were now on the same level as the two. However, unknown to them, a certain someone, who cares deeply about Rarity, spied on them from afar. “If y’all are here to scorn me, don’t.” said Applejack whilst she and Rarity stood up. “I’m not here to do that.” Said Roland “What he said was way out of line. Although…” He had that face as if he felt like he was going to regret it. “He did have a point about not thinking things through.” Both of them gave him a glare, with Sunset being concerned, but Shine Boy kept Sunset at bay. “You wanted to stop Shredder’s goons; I get that.” Said Roland “But you chose to rush in there without thinking. And look what happened. Half of our friends got hurt and we barely escaped with our lives.” He then crossed his arms and said “It’s the thing with Batman all over again.” “Ah knew what ah was doing!!” shouted Applejack. “You or your stupid pride?” said Roland. “It’s that kind of selfish thinking that nearly costed you your friendship with the others in the first place.” “How am ah selfish?!” said Applejack. Roland knew this was going to be hard, but he had to keep on trying. “Let me recap for you,” said Roland as he spoke in a calm manner “Before Sunset Shimmer came along, you lot have been friends since before the Freshman Fair. You grew up and did everything together over the years, hence why you guys trusted one another.” He then leaned against the wall and said “But when she came along and began to broke apart your friendships, you ended up being played. I mean you and Rainbow have been friends for how long, and yet you thought she ditched you? Over what, a stupid bake sale?” “We were raising funds…” said Applejack before she was cut off. “And yet you didn’t even bother to reach out to her.” retorted Roland. “Like I said, your stinking pride.” He walked past her and said “A friend. A real, friend, wouldn’t just accuse one. If any of my friends didn’t show up for something important, I would’ve called them and want answers. Cause maybe Rainbow got sick and couldn’t make it, maybe she got injured and had to be taken to a doctor, maybe there was a misunderstanding, didn’t you even think to consider that?” Applejack wanted to say something, but realized what he said was true, which made her lower her eyes in guilt. “And that kinda goes for you too.” Said Roland when he pointed at Rarity. “Me?!!” exclaimed the Fashionista as if she had just been insulted “How am I selfish?!” “You thinking that Pinkie Pie would plan a party without her friends and thought she didn’t appreciate you?” Rarity winced at that, remembering those exact words she had said when they met Princess Twilight. “I mean come on; you know how Pinkie is.” Said Roland “She’d never do that to you. She always looks forward of coming to you, hence why she kept sending invites to your locker.” Rarity was a bit surprised by that, but remembered that he was from a different universe so he knew how she was thinking. “Besides, Sunset was the one who may have started that rumor, but you lot were the ones who ruined your own friendships.” Said Roland “Then Princess Twilight came along and had to do clean your mess up and did the dirty work for you. Is it literally her job to hold your hands as if you were freaking toddlers fighting over a carton of milk?” The two of them shook their heads, with Sunset surprised by what he was doing. “Then came the Battle of the Bands.” Said Roland. “Yeah, sure, Rainbow may end up having an ego over the band, but it helps boost her confidence, you of all people should know that. You could’ve at least tried to talk to her, be a voice of reason, and instead you ended up starting a fight with Rainbow that ended up making things worse.” “Ah was just tired of her bragging.” Admitted Applejack. “You ended up being in her face about it.” Said Roland. “And don’t get me started on Rarity when it comes to clothing, which both of you are to blame.” “Excuse me?!” exclaimed Rarity “How is that my fault?!” “Well for one thing, the leather jacket may look good on you, but adding metallic tassels, seriously? You looked like a walking wind chime. Which, BTW, is the worst fashion trend, ever.” Rarity gasped at that, with her saying “I just wanted to look fabulous!!” “If it had been leathering straps, then Photo Finish and her band wouldn’t have sabotaged your outfit and performance in the first place. I mean adding something metal to it? That’s something a person with extremely poor fashion sense could come up with.” Again, Rarity gasped at that whilst she was fumed and angry, with Shine Boy whispering to Sunset “Is he serious?” “He is.” Whispered Sunset back. “Uh, okay, I mean I may dress up like this to protect my secret identity and protect the innocent, but even I know that’s dumb.” Said Shine Boy. “And then things got worst at the finals.” Said Roland, then looked at Applejack. “And you may not care what you wear, but others do. I know fashion isn’t your thing, but if you actually cared about your friend, you would’ve supported them for it, not brushing it aside. And in case you didn’t notice, you were performing in front of a live audience, not some smelly farming hobos at a family reunion who wouldn’t know proper attire if a pig would decorate them with mud.” Some were surprised by what he said, but he didn’t stop as he looked at Rarity next. “And you constantly kept fussing over what outfit to wear, you didn’t even bother to notice the situation you were in.” “I was trying to make a creative contribution to the band!!” exclaimed Rarity. “For the band or your own image?!!” shouted Roland, which made her wince. “You can obsess about your wardrobe in your own time, but not when you’re in the middle of a freaking world at stake conquest. You’re so focused on Rule 9.” They were a bit confused by this, with him saying “The ten rules of bands, everyone knows that.” He then listed them down for them. “Rule 1, start a band. Rule 2, hold auditions. Rule 3, selecting instruments. Rule 4, write lyrics and songs. Rule 5, practice hard, whilst also have timing and being en-synced. Rule 6, record songs and hear if there can be improvements. Rule 7, find a place to audition. Rule 8, check your equipment. Rule 9, create the perfect wardrobe for the concert. And finally, Rule 10, the most important rule of all, have fun.” He crossed his arms and said “You’ve gone through rule 1 to 4, but you kept on skipping and botching up Rule 5.” Then he focused on both of them as he said “And you were so obsessed into that, you never even bothered to ask Sunset to join the band. She really wanted to be part of the band, to show the school she wasn’t that same person anymore, and you refused to do that. Some friends you are.” They then looked away, thinking that it was unfair that they didn’t ask Sunset to be part of the band as a way of showing the school that she really had changed. But then their expressions soured as he said “And then there was Anon a miss…” Sunset winced at that, which Rarity immediately shouted “Which we wish others could stop bringing that up!!” “Why? You’re the ones who didn’t believe Sunset and left her crying down in the hall in the first place.” Responded Roland harshly. The two of them winced in guilt at that, with Shine Boy whispering “What’s he talking about?” Sunset then whispered “In CHS there was a cyber bully that called itself Anon a miss. It posted embarrassing secrets of my friends. Then my friends automatically accused me because they thought I posted them. I begged and pleaded that I wasn’t the one but they didn’t believe me, then they ended up abandoning me, thinking that I was the one responsible. Which turned out to be their sisters the whole time.” Shine Boy was shocked and appalled by this. Which he whispered harshly “Why the heck would they do that?!” “Because they were jealous that they were spending time with me instead of them.” Said Sunset sadly. “But the only reason they spent time with me was because I told Applejack that I didn’t have any family back at our world, or even a home to go to. So, they wanted to spend time with me to cheer me up, and yet that didn’t matter to them.” Shine Boy didn’t know who he wanted to be angry at. The rest of the Rainbooms for automatically accusing their own friend, or their own sisters who humiliated them and framed Sunset for it. But instead of being angry, he took a deep breath and sighed it out, for what was done was done and there was nothing they could do about it. But he knew he’d discuss with them about it later. “Besides, didn’t you think about checking at the bottom of the webpage to see if she was Anon a miss?” The two of them were surprised by this, even Sunset. Roland facepalmed and said “Seriously?” He showed them a website and showed the bottom of the page whilst saying “Whenever we create a new website, they always display the username at the bottom. And it had Apple Bloom’s handle name on it.” Sunset and Shine Boy face palmed. For Sunset, she couldn’t believe that she didn’t think of checking at the bottom. For Shine Boy, he couldn’t believe that they were this dense into not checking it. He placed the phone away and said “And I thought you were the honest one and not a liar. You could hear from the sound of her voice or the look on her face, even the tears in her eyes to see that she wasn’t the culprit. And I thought your grandmother taught you better, because she’d tell you, that if a friend says she’s innocent, then she’s innocent.” He then walked close to her and said “And if I recalled correctly? Didn’t you one time said that you wished Sunset had disappeared forever?” Applejack then sweated nervously at that, with Sunset and Shine Boy shocked by what she had said during that time. Roland then said “Both your parents would be ashamed and disgusted if they could see you right now.” Applejack was appalled by what he said, but then he added the icing at the top by saying “And you know what, I think I know another reason why you’re called Piggly wiggly, because you’re extremely pigheaded when it comes to hearing folks out or giving them a chance!!” Sunset clasped her mouth shut in shock, even Shine Boy was taken aback by this. Applejack widened her eyes in shock and got red with anger, even Rarity was shocked by what Roland had said. “And you,” he pointed at Rarity “You could also tell if she was telling the truth. I mean you read that stupid detective book about Shadow Spade, where she could also tell the difference, and yet you were so selfish and focused on your own image, you barely notice anything else.” Rarity was also taken aback by this, but lowered her head in shame. Roland shook his head and said “And I would’ve thought that you’d never trust your sister again after she nearly ruined your career when she thought you ruined her play, a play which was dull and boring by the way. Seriously, that girl has no imagination whatsoever.” He then looked at the angry Applejack whilst saying “If you hadn’t ignored your own sister, she wouldn’t have resorted to this. If you had just told her why you were spending time with her, she wouldn’t have started that Anon a Miss page in the first place. Fishface was right, you really did neglect your own sister. If you lot keep undermining their confidence or keep ignoring them, they’re gonna end up strictly hate you.” Applejack paled by what he said to her, even Rarity was taken aback by this, along with Sunset. Shine Boy begins to think if what he’s doing is taking things a bit too far. “And then there was the Mean Boom incident.” Said Roland, which made them wince “Like I said, you’ve been friends with each other for how long and yet you still think that they would be mean and cruel, and didn’t you noticed how off they looked? Thinking that they would never do such a thing? Plus, didn’t you noticed how pale your copies looked? Even I could tell the difference. And when Mikey and Bright Eyes came to tell you, you didn’t want to listen to them. I get it, you were mad, but part of a good friend is to know when to listen. They tried to tell you, but as usual, your stupid pride got in the way. The way I see it, if you’re like that, you don’t deserve to be friends.” The two of them gasped at that, even Sunset gasped whilst holding her mouth. Now Shine Boy was really getting worried. “Plus, you even started a fight with the Peach family. Over what? A bunch of stupid fruit? And you wonder why nobody in Canterlot High liked you when you first met them. Then also the memory stone…” Both of them, even Sunset winced at that, with Roland saying “Look, I get it, you had your memories erased and you thought she was still a bully, but when she showed that she wasn’t being bully but honest, you still didn’t believe her. And she wasn’t the only one, you didn’t believe Fugatoid, you didn’t believe Bebop and Rocksteady, heck, you didn’t even believe Leo and the others, despite what all of you had been through. Seriously, does your friends’ words mean nothing to you? And didn’t Princess Twilight teach you guys to be more forgiving rather than having a grudge?” He then said “And then there was Equestria World. Both of you wanted to work in that dump, but instead things got a turn for the worse. Seriously AJ? You saw what Vignette did do Rainbow; didn’t you even think to bother to bring proof to Rarity? Even a dead brained monkey would know that.” Applejack winced at that, for she had never thought about it. Roland looked at Rarity sternly. “And you? Did you honestly think Applejack would get jealous over some stupid fashion show when she was focused on protecting her friends? You could’ve just given her a chance but no, you had to believe some dumb broad with no imagination or fashion sense whatsoever.” “I thought she hired me for my vision!” said Rarity. “Newsflash Rarity,” reminded Roland “This isn’t your little fantasy land where you think others would love your fashion. This is real life, and in real life, no one cares what you make. There will be criticisms, there will be folks who would want to steal your ideas, there will be those who will threaten by, and they will hurt you. Or did you forget that business with Suri and how you tricked and guilt your friends into working for you like slaves a while back? Plus, if you hadn’t rejected Amethyst, he wouldn’t have already been neck deep in the darkness.” Rarity winced at that, remembering how Suri nearly destroyed her career when she copied her ideas and that she tricked her friends to be her slaves and guilt them into working for her, especially of how she treated Amethyst. “Normally I’d scold you for you being seasick.” Said Roland to Applejack “But that was on you for being dumb enough not to carry your medicine for seasickness or go to the ship’s clinic. And I thought Snips and Snails were the dumb ones.” Applejack blushed in embarrassment at that, for he wasn’t wrong there. Until he brought up the one subject, she didn’t want to hear again. “And then the thing with Batman.” “Will y’all just stop bringing that up!!” shouted Applejack “Ah…!!” “And don’t even blame Mikey again!!” said Roland when he cut her off “He didn’t know that you guys would be sent to another dimension. But he had to stop the Krang’s machine, because if he didn’t, New York would’ve entered ground zero and thousands of innocent lives would be lost.” He then walked close to Applejack and said “Plus you were in a different dimension. And in a different dimension, like a foreign country, they won’t always play by your rules. Remember how hard it was for Princess Twilight to adjust when she first got here?” Rarity and Applejack did remember that, even Sunset when she first met her. “Plus, I know you don’t like secrets being kept,” said Roland “But you of all people should know that sometimes it’s necessary, to keep secrets. Like your mutant friends and your Equestrian Magic. Plus, the only reason you didn’t like Batman because he called you dumb. Which, I’m starting to think that he’s right.” As AJ looked at him shocked, Roland stepped forward and said “Did you forget, that ever since the day you and the girls joined the Turtles, both of you share the same problem? Meaning, that the Kraang, who were their enemies, are also your enemies. And by your enemies, meaning they were your responsibility. And during your enemies’ stay in Batman’s dimension, they mutated his enemies, that would’ve put all of Gotham on their knees, which the Kraang would’ve used to invade your home. So, all that time Batman had trouble trying to get you home? Well, he couldn’t do that, because he was busy cleaning up the mess you and the others made, instead of taking responsibility for it. It’s called putting your own needs aside, and think about others.” He then crossed his arms and slightly turned whilst saying “But then again, you never could handle being responsible.” “Ah’m responsible enough.” Retorted Applejack. “Like you, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were responsible for Sunset’s rehabilitation when Princess Twilight asked you to do?” retorted Roland back. Applejack winced at that, then Roland leaned against the wall and said “Look, I’ll grant you that he did attack you guys without giving you a chance to explain and that some of the things he said and did went too far, crossed the line and also wasn’t fair.” He looked at them and said “But you’re the one who chose to resent him without giving him a chance or to talk things out.” “Ah just wanted to get back home and made sure mah family was safe!” said Applejack. “Oh, and what, they didn’t?!” motioned Roland as he gestured to Rarity and the others. “They also wanted to go back home, but they also know that they can’t just rush right in, because if they did, they’d end up doing more harm than good. Remember when you encountered Joker? If you’d lead Apple Bloom alongside you and she went to face that monster alone…” “Ah’d never do that!!” exclaimed Applejack in a panic. “Well of course not.” Said Roland “But you’d feel terrible, wouldn’t you?” Applejack looked down in sadness and said “Yeah, ah would.” “And yet, you didn’t show that to your friends.” Said Roland “And you had the gall to call them selfish? Not to mention I’m not the one who constantly starts the fight like you did back at the Battle of the Bands. And you sided with Raph of all people, the guy who was a jerk to half of your friends because of the handful of mistakes and choices they made.” He stood back up and said “And I thought that you of all people, would appreciate to live and fight another day.” He walked over to them and said “You know, there’s more to fighting the good fight than just charging in with raw power and fists. And Batman wouldn’t have need to try to track your enemies the hard way with his so called, gizmos, if he wasn’t too busy saving your sorry butt from being killed. Twice.” “Did she really?” whispered Shine Boy. “She and Raph did. Constantly.” Whispered Sunset whilst lightly groaning at the same time. “Look, I get it.” Said Roland as he continued “You were ticked at Batman the way they treated you. You may have wielded Equestrian Magic and you may be skilled fighters, but you’re also kids, teenagers, who are way over your heads when it comes to facing bad guys. When I first met the Batman from my world, all he did was boss me around and it’s hard not to take it personally. But…” He then harshly placed both his fingers against Applejack’s chest, which made her wince as he said “I. Never. Disobeyed. An order. And it’s also what kept me alive. And didn’t Granny Smith also tell you to listen to your elders and superiors, even if you weren’t family?” Applejack looked down in guilt. Then Roland looked at Rarity and said “And like I said. You can gawk over a dress and a piece of glass in your own time, but not when you’re in the middle of facing a worldwide crisis.” Then he brought up another sensitive topic. “And I know you two had already been through enough from what you did to Mikey. But let me ask you this…” He leaned forward and said “What would’ve happened if it were Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle in his place?” The two of them looked at him in shock. “What would’ve happened if the two of them had boasted because they won and they ended up fighting a bully,” said Roland, “What would’ve happened if you lot didn’t help them and they were beaten to death. If that were to have happened, their blood would’ve been on both your hands.” Once he was done, Roland looked at both Rarity and Applejack, with looks on their faces that screams ‘You’re point?’ “The point is, every single time. And I mean, every, single time,” started Roland “Whenever something happens, like misinformation, misunderstandings, or being accused, you lot automatically revert back to your original mindset from the days before the Fall Formal and accuse one another, thinking that someone wouldn’t like you anymore, thinking that they would lie to you when they would never do that, or that they would never be mean to you, after everything you guys have been through? I get it, you were tricked, brainwashed, mind warped, misled and being used, but that’s still no excuse in pointing fingers. You’re not just friends, you’re family, or are you lot going to throw it away again and abandon one another, just like you abandoned Sunset when you accused her of being Anon A Miss because of the webpage. Does your friends’ words mean nothing to you anymore?” The two of them looked down in guilt, with Roland coming towards Applejack first. “You also had plenty of opportunities to help others, to prove you’re more than some stereotypical country gal that others take for granted and think you weren’t smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong and would always help others out no matter how bad and selfish they were. But, you’re too fat with pride, or too, gutless to even consider doing that. But then again, what would I expect from a bunch of flawed hormonal and gullible high schoolers that are prone to fall into being judgmental, especially the female ones.” “ROLAND!!”. Roland turned around before he was suddenly punched in the face, whilst being startled on the inside, to see Shine Boy, giving him a stern but calm stare, whilst Amethyst Majesty, who had followed them, standing there with his fist in his hand, indicating that he punched Roland in the face after the way he talked to Rarity like that. “I think that’s enough.” Roland looked at Shine Boy for a few moments, then sighed out his frustration. But then he looked at both AJ and Rarity, who looked like they were going to burst in tears. Roland looked hurt by what he said, but regained his composure, which Shine Boy noticed. “This discussion is far from over.” Said Roland in a calm manner “And don’t even think about backing out and making things right. Remember, you two still owe me after I turned you and the others back to normal when you got turned into toddlers, so I’m calling it in. In the meantime, think before you do anything else.” Roland walked away, with Shine Boy in tow in order to speak with him privately. Sunset watched as both Applejack and Rarity had guilt and hurt looks on their faces, but instead of intervening, she left them in order for them to ponder their thoughts, but not before she teleported back to the ship to think. *********************************************************************************************** Soon enough, both Shine Boy and Roland were on a separate rooftop. “Hey!!” said Shine Boy once they were in a secluded spot, “Don’t you walk away from me!!” Roland soon stopped, where they were alone. “What the heck was that about?!” said Shine Boy, “First it was of your friends with the Turtles and Rainbooms in the training room, and now this?!” “It’s none of your business.” Said Roland as he tried not to look at Shine Boy. “With all due respect, Roland. I’m making it my business.” Said Shine Boy. “When you came to us for help, we accepted it because of the Shredder, not for you and the others to take your anger and frustration out of.” “I’m just trying to remind them that the last time they did something like this, it nearly costed them everything.” “And you think yelling at them will make them see things clearly?!” said Shine Boy sarcastically. “Or putting them down?” “Oh, I suppose I could.” Said Roland, “If what I said wasn’t the truth.” “What you said to them was out of line Roland.” said Shine Boy, “Sure they made mistakes, but you didn't have to yell at them and scold them like that.” “Well what choice did they give me?!” said Roland whilst he looked at Shine Boy. “The moment when there's a white lie, a misunderstanding, an accusation or a mistake, they kept turning their backs on each other!!” “I understand that is frustrating. But sometimes anger clouds the mind and makes people do stupid stuff. Also, I have some friendly advice. If you keep people wallowing in the past of their own mistakes, they will live in the fear of messing up.” “I’m aware of that.” Roland pointed out. “Well, if we lose someone because of fearing of repeating their mistakes, it might be because they were put out by your scolding.” However, Roland merely looked at him and said “Not everybody can easily forgive and let go as fast as you and Starlight can, Tony.” Shine Boy then took a loud breath as he stared at Roland. “Alright. Go on. Make us feel bad. Make us fail and die all over again. And then what? You’ll run to another version of us, who are probably better than us. Then you grill them for their mistakes and they get killed by doubt too. Thanks to you. Then you go to another. And another. And another. With the same result. Until you find yourself with nowhere to go and only then do you realize you just handed Shredder the multiverse. I only hope you wise up before then. And if you have a problem with my friends, then you have a problem with me!” Before Roland could answer Shine Boy bolted off. He suddenly had a flashback to when the Turtles and Rainbooms were dead in his timeline and Shine Boy mourned for them. He angrily grabbed Roland by the collar. ”They were my friends!” he yelled. “They have been my friends and they will always be my friends! I don’t care why they hated each other! You just don’t understand.” Roland then shook it off. “Alone,” muttered Roland, “That’s all I ever need.” “Even the wisest can see that something is very wrong.” Roland was surprised to hear a familiar voice and turned around, and saw none other than Master Splinter. But not the Splinter from his dimension, but the one from the Turtles. Though Roland was glad to see him, he wasn’t in the mood. “I don’t want to talk.” Said Roland. “Maybe,” said Splinter, “But a friend/mentor of yours had told me of what had happened, so he gave me a special artifact that would allow me to enter the physical realm to interact and speak more often, rather than in a limited state. Kind of like a few creatures from the Overworld, if I’m not mistaken.” Though Roland was surprised, Splinter continued to speak. “Shine Boy did have a point you know.” Said Master Splinter, “What you did was indeed out of line. They may have made mistakes, but that is what makes them individuals. To quote from a movie I once watched, ‘The thing about perfection is that it is unknowable. It is impossible, but it is also, right in front of us all the time’, In other words, a true ninja master does not become a master by being perfect, they make mistakes during their training and trials. And once they know that, only then can they truly move on.” “And if they often repeat their mistakes?” asked Roland. “If you are referring to about Sunset,” said Master Splinter, “As a Princess from an alternate dimension once stated, sometimes some mistakes and lessons needed to be learned more than once before they can stick with you.” “Yeah, and look how well that turned out.” Muttered Roland as he crossed his arms, trying to put on a brave face. Splinter then thought about something, and said “Normally I do not often become a messenger. Do you happen to know someone, known as Ladybug?” Roland’s hand slightly flinched, which Splinter noticed, meaning he was getting close. “She seems to be very worried about you,” said Splinter, “And very concerned for you. And slightly mad at what you have been doing instead of talking about it.” Roland scoffed, thinking that Splinter was bluffing. “She also says, that if you do not tell someone how it really feels,” said Splinter, “She’ll, ahem, kick your cute little tushy from beyond.” Roland widened his eyes in shock as his cheeks went red. Suddenly, his face began to go slowly from slightly red to really red whilst he snarled, then he growled, and then he shouted in anger that nearly an entire block heard him. Once everything was silent, Splinter asked “So…ready to talk?” *********************************************************************************************** Back on the ship as everyone began to regroup, Sunset went to her room as Flash Sentry saw her. “Sunset, do you-” Before he could finish, Sunset briefly shut her door. “wanted to join us in hanging out in the lounge?” he mumbled in worry before walking away. Meanwhile, Shine Boy carried a clipboard and his coffee trying to focus on his work, but was still worried about everyone who was hurt from Obaki and Venus' harshness. He still couldn't prove anything if whether or not those two were wolves in sheep's clothing or not. Just then, Carter passed by him. “Hey, Shine Boy, wanna join a majority of us in the lodge to hang out?” Shine Boy stopped without turning around. “Can't. I have work to do, Carter.” “There's gonna be pizza. It's kinda our victory celebration.” Shine Boy still didn't turn around. “Let me go get the others. Maybe we'll come later.” Shine Boy then walked away, unaware that he past Venus, who looked back at him, sensing his worry. Sunset soon sat down on her bed, with her head resting in her hands, feeling slightly miserable. “Who am I kidding.” Said Sunset, “What Roland said was true…we’re really aren’t that good friends. We keep judging, we keep accusing. Why couldn’t things be that simple?” “It never is.” Sunset was startled as she instantly looked up, and saw a man wearing a hood over his head, with his mouth still visible. Sunset could’ve sworn his robes nearly resembles that of that Assassin game she played, but the hood was designed differently, nearly matching Batman’s. “Who are you?” asked Sunset, not wanting to stand up. “Call me Jacob.” Said Jacob with a gentle smile. “I’m a bit of an…explorer, and adventure throughout different worlds you might say. And I couldn’t help but notice the distressed look you have on your face. Mind telling me what’s wrong? I’m willing to listen.” Sunset wasn’t sure to trust him, but she could sense comfort from him, warm even, something she had never felt before. She sighed and told him of her life’s journey and where it led up. And word for word, Jacob listened to every word she said. After she was done, he nodded in understanding. “I see.” Said Jacob with his arms crossed, “So that’s why you’re like this.” “No matter how hard I tried, it always feels in vain.” Said Sunset. “I tried so hard to make up for my mistakes, to show them I wasn’t that person anymore, but it was never enough.” “And why was it not enough?” said Jacob. “Could it be because of your own problems?” She looked at him a little surprised, and said “I don’t have a problem.” “You’re right, you have four of them.” Said Jacob. Before Sunset said anything, Jacob continued as he said “The problem is, when we begin our training, or start our journey, we are never immune to our nature. Our temper, our impatience, our quick judgement, and tolerance sometimes get in the way of what's truly important. We try the best of our abilities to help those in need, to protect those we love, yet, we are sometimes victims of those said emotions.” “Because of the path you chose, yes, you wanted power, but you were only focused on others bowing, serving, and groveling at your hooves, rather than the weight, duty, and responsibility of a kingdom. Many failed to realize that one can only earn the title, if they are sure they are committed to it. And there were many others who walked the same path you did.” He began to list those who walked the same path she did. “What did the Dazzlings want? They wanted to be adored by people. Your Twilight? She wanted to understand the balance of magic in this world. Gloriosa Daisy? She wanted to protect a place that she held dear to her heart and that her family tried to protect. Juniper Montage? She wanted to be famous, because she wanted people to like her, because she was afraid to be herself. Wallflower Blush? She wanted to get noticed and didn’t want to be invisible. Sapphire? She wanted to be a renounced artist. Vignette? She wanted to have a perfect parade that matched her vision. And Post Crush? They wanted to have a perfect audience.” Sunset was a little surprised about what each of them had desired. Jacob sat near Sunset and said “The only problem with all of them, were that all of them were completely out of balance, and they took their ideologies too far. And that’s when those emotions kick in.” He started with Wallflower, “When you found out Wallflower was the one responsible for taking the good memories away from your friends, your temper got the better of you, you would lash out to those who didn’t mean to hurt anyone, hence why everyone had a hard time trusting you after you were reformed.” Jacob looked up and said “Although, to be fair, Wallflower, in her introverted mindset, thought you were mean to her on purpose, and she ended up using the stone for petty revenge. Plus, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it was all a misunderstanding.” He then started with Mikey, “When Mikey tried to warn you about Cozy, your impatience with him got the better of you and you lashed out at him. You were able to tolerate Pinkie Pie for a long time, and yet you didn’t show the same for him. And as you know very well, subtlety had never been Mikey’s strong suit. Nor is it his thing. For Leonardo’s the leader, Raph’s the muscle, Donatello does machines, whilst he is the party dude. And yes, he could’ve been subtle, but that’s like trying to ask Rainbow Dash to wear a frilly dress and Rarity to wear a hillbilly outfit.” Sunset ended up snickering, picturing Rainbow, and Rarity in those outfits. He started with Sapphire, “You only painted what your heart desired, yet Sapphire instantly got jealous. When she created the Meanbooms, you were too quick to pass judgement, thinking that your friends were suddenly mean. I mean, you’ve known them for a long time, and yet you suddenly think they would turn on you?” Jacob rolled his eyes and said “Then again, she shouldn’t have tried to cheat her way through a contest in the first place. All forms of artists are all equal.” Finally, he started with Pinkie Pie, “Then there’s Pinkie Pie. You were frustrated and took your anger out behind her back because you kept missing out wanting to see Post Crush. She only did that because she wanted to build fond memories with you, and that she loves you to pieces, so that one day, ten years from now, you’d realize how good of a life you really had. Though then again, she should’ve been more specific about it.” He sat down next to her and said “Sure you may have planned things out, but not every plan works out, for there will always be obstacles coming in one’s way. For one thing I learned long ago, is just because you’ve overcome your current trial and defeated your current enemy, doesn’t mean you should lower your guard. There will always be more difficult trials ahead, there will always be another out there who are worse than the last. There will always be those who will try to tear down everything we fought and built, no matter how hard we try to suppress it. And sure, you may encounter one hardship after another, but that shouldn’t stop us from achieving our goals in life. Your frustration doesn’t control you, for you control it. I mean, isn’t that what a ninja is being about, having discipline and patience?” “I suppose.” Said Sunset as she looked down. “Plus, you don’t seem to know about a lot about the lessons of Jing, have you?” “I have.” Said Sunset, “There’s positive Jing when you’re attacking, and negative Jing when you’re retreating.” “And neutral Jing, when you do nothing.” Said Jacob. “There are three?” said Sunset a little surprised. “Technically there are eighty-five, but let’s focus on the third.” Said Jacob. “Neutral Jing is the key to any ninja and leader; it involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike. For example, picture when Mikey talked about Cozy Glow constantly, but instead of listening to what you’re seeing, listen to what happens from within.” “Within?” “That’s right.” Said Jacob, “Instead of letting your frustration get in the way, you should focus your mind and body, and listen very carefully. When one spouts nonsense, their heartbeat tends to act fast, their breathing is rapid, and their mind is jumbled. But when one speaks the truth, then you can sense the heartbeat, and their chi, through their eyes. In fact, Mikey has already mastered it.” Sunset looked at him in disbelief. “When he first met Cozy, he felt something off about her.” Said Jacob, “For because of Neutral Jing, one is able to see the aura from another, and can look deep into their souls. And from deep within, that’s when he saw that she was not what she seemed to be. Like on the first day when you and the others met Mikey, for he could see that you have both light and darkness in you. You may have changed, but there’s always a little bit of darkness within us, one that plagues us. That is why they train to let themselves go of any distraction; of everything they fear to lose. For if they can do that, then they have achieved enlightenment.” He looked at her and said “Anger can sometimes be the downfall of another, and one must never let it get in the way of what’s truly important.” “What would you know?” asked Sunset as she partially looked away. “More than you can imagine.” Said Jacob. He looked ahead whilst lowering his head. “I was born in another world that had been ravaged by war. I was forced to fight when I was a child.” Said Jacob as he began to tell his story. “And during that time, my temper, impatience, ignorance, lack of judgement and lack of tolerance got the better of me. And…I ended up losing everything.” Jacob looked down as he explained. “I watched helplessly as I watched my entire team get slaughtered whilst trying to defend a city from an impending invasion. I watched my father get buried alive in a collapsing building, only for him to be fished out and killed on the spot. My brothers and I watched helplessly as we watched our mother, being stabbed, and murdered right in front of us. I arrived too late to save my friends, kids like me, who wanted to make a difference as they were gutted on the floor. Whilst over one hundred of my family members, like uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, and other relatives…” Jacob gripped his hands and said “I watched helplessly as their heads were placed on pikes like they were some messed up version of Barbecue, whilst their bodies were placed in a pile and burnt like they were nothing but garbage.” Sunset looked at him horrified, but what horrified her more, was when he said “I was only thirteen years old.” Jacob looked ahead and said “Because if I had been patient, if I had just been open minded and not rushed into battle…I could’ve saved them. But because of that, I lost everything. My anger ended up taking the better of me, and turned me into a monster of vengeance. I traveled to different worlds and killed billions upon billions. My enemies tried to break me, but the only thing they created was a monster. And yet, the guilt remained. I may have slaughtered the ones responsible, but it didn’t grant me peace. So, in the end, I did what I had to do, and again when I lost more.” “What, become a monster like I did last time?” said Sunset rhetorically. “No, cupcake,” said Jacob, “What I did since I was eight years old when I one day lost my best friend and first love of my life, when she died trying to save me.” Sunset once again looked at him in shock. “You decide to be fine until the end of the day or the week or the month.” Said Jacob, “You look in a mirror and decided to train yourself to smile, because it’s all you can do, because you’re alive and you still have what little piece of your humanity you have left, and try to live your life the fullest to the next day. Then the day after that, you do it again. And again. And again. And again. Until you ended up being so used to it, you forgot what you were sad about, what drove you into that saddened state in the first place, what really was the one that ended up taking everything away from you. If you want to laugh, you laugh, if you want to cry, you cry. Then when the time comes, you let it out, because you ended up having a chance to spend your life to the fullest with the friends you make and have until your time comes. In the end, the only thing we can do is to live. Survive. And let go.” “So, what, fake it?” said Sunset. “I call it being professional.” Said Jacob. “Try to do it right, with a smile, because you’re a pillar of inspiration.” Sunset was surprised by that, with Jacob suddenly wrapping his arm around her and hugged her, taking her by surprise as he said “Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. The only one who holds you back is not others, but yourself, because you brought two things that everyone wished they could do. You brought them hope and happiness.” Sunset ended up slowly being in tears, and within a split second, she sobbed and hugged Jacob tightly, with Jacob fully hugging her, showing his full support, and to show her that she isn’t alone, not as long as life goes on. ************************************************************************************************ Jacob ended up placing Sunset in bed, so that she could rest a little bit. He stood up and watched in pity, for she had been through a lot. He then felt a presence behind him and turned, and right there, was none other than Paradox with his usual monotone face. “I figured you might come here.” Said Paradox as he walked over to Jacob. “Hello old friend.” Said Jacob, “It’s been a long time.” “Are you sure it was wise to come here?” said Paradox, “You know very well what the Lords of Order and Chaos would do if they find out you’re here.” “Eh, they can stuff it.” Said Jacob. “I came by to see how he was doing, and I’m very disappointed. How the heck could you make him scold the others like that?” “The boy merely asked for help, Jacob.” Said Paradox, “And Batman was the one who ended up making him do those things.” “One of these days Wayne’s paranoia is going to get him killed.” Muttered Jacob before looking at Paradox, “He tried to care and yet he’s doing the opposite of what he was supposed to do.” “The boy was merely misguided Jacob,” said Paradox, “He came to me, Batman, and Dr. Fate’s help. We were the only ones to help him.” “And didn’t you even try to stop him?” said Jacob. “Batman’s method would no longer work.” Said Paradox, “For from what Doctor Fate had said, things will work out.” “Oh, they did,” said Jacob, “Because I changed the playing field.” “Jacob.” Said Paradox, “You know very well we cannot intervene with certain events.” “Like I care, Paradox.” Said Jacob, “Besides, like you tried to intervene and stopped Eon from constantly messing with the timeline?” “Ahem, point taken.” Said Paradox when he coughed and looked away. “Besides,” said Jacob, “Like Shine Boy said, they need to work together, and they can’t do that when their minds are clouded by their judgement and past mistakes. There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves, remember? Our destinies aren’t written in stone, for they have to find it on their own. Sunset continues trying to find hers, and the same goes for the others. Now Roland needs to do the same.” “I hope you are right, Jacob.” Said Paradox. “I’m always right.” Said Jacob. “Besides, I was right to trust you when I made you Lord and Master of Space and Time.” “Indeed.” Said Paradox. “Shall I drop you off somewhere?” “That would be nice,” said Jacob, “I’ve got some business to attend to.” Paradox then teleported Jacob away, whilst Sunset continued to sleep. ************************************************************************************************** At the computer room, Alpha 5 was pushing a couple buttons as Max Tennyson was looking over a few things when Shine Boy entered. “Hey Alpha? Could I ask you something?” “Sure, Shine Boy. What can I be of assistance for?” Shine Boy held up Sunsets Equestria Morpher. As he hugged her, he snuck into her pocket and grabbed it. Sunset was too depressed to notice. “Could you analyze this please to make sure it works?” “Um sure.” Alpha said curiously as he accepted the Morpher and began analyzing it. “Does it have something to do with Sunset losing power during our fight with Zedd and Rita?” Max asked. Shine Boy nodded. “It does. I want to make sure that it’s functional next time.” “Where is Sunset, anyway?” Max asked. “I’m…. Afraid she’s gone to her room for the night.” Alpha handed the Morpher back. “Hmm. Theoretically, it should not have short circuited during the fight. I wonder what could have happened?” “I think I know.” Shine Boy played the footage of Obaki and Venus grilling the Rainbooms earlier. “Aye Yi-Yi-Yi!” Alpha cried. “So, it is happening.” Max glared. “Ben and Steven had told me about Roland doing the same thing to Princess Twilight and her friends as well as the Rock n Beats. I don’t know what is going on with those three, but I don’t accept their attitudes.” “If Sunset is losing her confidence, it would threaten her connection to the morphing grid. And sooner to the elements of harmony!” Alpha worried. “I have a theory, but I cannot say unless I’m sure.” Shine Boy pondered. “Agreed.” Max said. “We will have to keep it to ourselves until we learn the reason for this. So far, we’ve been able to collect all the stones as well as warn every version of the Turtles we’ve met about Shredder, so we’ll have to put a lid on it.” He then handed a sheet to Shine Boy. “Here’s tonight’s worksheet.” “Thank you.” Shine Boy said. “I’ll get started right away.” As he turned away, Alpha asked. “Aren’t you joining the others in the lounge to celebrate?” “I don’t think so.” Shine Boy breathed. “It’s not much of a celebration if everyone isn’t invited.” When all of a sudden, Gamer popped in and said “We gotta go!! Lord Zedd and Rita are on the move, the others are already closing in on their position!!” “Let’s go then!!” said Shine Boy as he and Gamer ran down the hall. As he left, Max turned to Alpha. “Let him be. He’s more concerned about keeping our hope alive to stop Shredder. We should do the same.” “Zion chose a great successor.” Alpha sighed as he continued to work. ***************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, on one of the rooftops, AJ, and Rarity, with Amethyst Majesty holding her, with Rarity sniffling a bit. “The nerve of him.” Said Amethyst Majesty whilst he held onto Rarity. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Rarity.” “But he’s right.” Said Rarity, “We’ve been horrible friends. How could I be so careless. I abandoned my friends when things happened instead of thinking otherwise. I should’ve been better.” “Y’all…ain’t the only one.” Said Applejack, “Ah was the first one to point out that she was Anon a miss without even considering that she was being framed and also the victim. Ah should’ve never accused her of being bad when our memories were erased. Ah shouldn’t have said otherwise when we were at Equestria world. And he was right, ah didn’t take their word, despite what we’ve been through together.” Applejack held her head and said “Why couldn’t ah believe her? Why didn’t ah believe them? How could ah have been such a fool?” “Sometimes it’s hard to trust someone.” They turned in shock and saw a familiar face, but he looked…older. Rarity somehow recognized him. “Wait, I know you.” Said Rarity, “You’re the Tommy Oliver from another world, the one who helped us since the Ninja Steel Rangers helped us.” “I am.” Said Older Tommy. “You know him?” asked Amethyst Majesty. “He fought alongside us when the Ninja Steel Rangers were trapped on our world by accident.” Said Applejack, “He also has five different Ranger powers.” “One, I’m afraid.” Said Older Tommy, “My other Ranger powers were destroyed when I tried to save my son when he was kidnapped.” They were a little surprised at first, with Older Tommy sitting close to them. “So, mind telling me what happened?” Older Tommy heard them out of what they said, with him nodding after he was done listening. “Sorry you lot had to go through with it.” Said Older Tommy. “Roland was right.” Said Applejack, “We’re horrible friends.” “We kept failing over and over again…why does it always happen to us?” said Rarity with Amethyst holding him close. “Trust me, I know what it’s like, same with the other Rangers.” Said Older Tommy. They wondered what he meant by it before he sat down. “After I got reformed, I felt like I couldn’t be near anyone.” Said Older Tommy, “I know Rita Repulsa used me for her own selfish schemes, but what I did to my friends by hurting them as the Green Ranger. It left me with a dark mark. But my friends never gave up on me, even when some of them stepped down from being Rangers, they didn’t stop caring about me. I was skeptical from time to time, same with Jason, but I proved to others over and over that I could make it through, with them by my side.” He looked at them and said “When Andros, the Red Space Ranger, wanted to rescue his sister, but his team knew it was a loss, since Dark Specter put her under his control. He kept putting his own needs before the mission. The needs of others had to come first before we took our own, otherwise if we don’t, someone else would die in their stead. And Leo, the Red Lost Galaxy Ranger, put his own needs first by going after his brother and defying their destiny. But during his travels, he really had to learn the true meaning of sacrifice.” Older Tommy looked away and said “And when the rest of the Time Force Rangers from the future came to stop their enemies, they met Wesley Collins, who lived a rich life and kept taking things for granted. Who was laid back and didn’t care about anyone else but himself. Even his friend, Eric was like that. Wes tried to be his friend for years, but Eric didn’t want anything to do with it. But Wes reminded him that the both of them had fought hard to change their paths and they succeeded.” “Then came my students.” “Students?” asked Rarity. “I became a teacher at a school.” Said Older Tommy. “Afterwards, I took in three students. One of them, Connor, was hot tempered, never considering what he did was hurting others. When Trent came along, he became the White Ranger by accident, and the gem corrupted him into doing horrible things. Even after he was freed and tried to prove himself, Connor still didn’t trust him, especially since he kept a secret that his father was our previous enemy, Mezagog. But he did it to protect him, as what any child would. But I gave Trent a chance, because I knew what it was like to be controlled and wanting to make up for my mistakes. I trusted him with my life, same with the others, but Connor was hard to convince.” He looked at them and said “And during the SPD Rangers, one of them, Sky, was the son of a man who was also a Ranger, but died during the field of duty. He constantly pushed others and became ill tempered, because he wanted to prove himself, but unfortunately he still had a lot to learn. And when Anubis Kruger, their leader, tested him, Sky failed and was made the Blue Ranger, much to his dismay. And every now and then, he kept making one mistake after another, and no matter how hard he tried, he still wasn’t worthy. But during his time serving under another, he soon learned what it meant to be a leader, a Red Ranger.” “And during the RPM Rangers, Doctor K created the Venjix Virus to escape her confinements that the people had forced her to be at. Just when she wanted to try to stop it, they took her away. They blamed her, but the true fault lies to the ones who forced her into that life. The Rangers may have tried to help clean up her mistakes, but she tried to make it up to them every day. Even the Samurai Rangers had trouble.” “They did?” asked Rarity. “That’s right.” Said Older Tommy, “When Antonio, Jay’s friend and also another Ranger, came to help them, they didn’t want him to get involved or risk his life, but he knew the risks, which is why he was very brave to come forward. Jay also remembered the promise they made and they kept it. Kevin was skeptical into trusting him, saying that what he did wasn’t the samurai way, but he failed to realize that like life, samurais find a way to adapt and evolve, it’s what makes them unique. But he later accepted it, realizing that he also made a few mistakes, same with Mike.” He looked at them and said “The point I’m trying to make, is that whatever comes our way, we can’t always predict or know what will happen. We may be Rangers, but we’re not perfect or invincible. We’re people just like anyone else. People who make mistakes just like everyone else. Whenever we face threats, there will always be unexpected threats from around the corner. Sometimes there will be misunderstandings and sometimes there will come a time where we will be at each other’s throats, but we also have to realize that as Rangers, we can’t put our own needs first for selfish desires, no matter how good your intentions are.” The two of them looked down, with Amethyst Majesty holding Rarity’s hand. “So don’t let what others say to you bring you down.” Said Older Tommy, “Prove to them that you’re not like you used to be, or that no matter how hard you get knocked down, you always get back up, no matter how hard they push you.” Both Applejack and Rarity thought about it, then began to look determined. “Y’all are right.” Said Applejack, “We may have made mistakes, but we don’t let that define us of who we are.” “We may make mistakes, but there will always be a way to solve them and try to rectify them.” Said Rarity as she and Applejack stood up, with Amethyst Majesty in tow. Applejack looked at Older Tommy and said with a smile “Thanks Tommy. Y’all really are a good person.” “I have a kid of my own, so I know what that’s like.” Said Older Tommy. The three of them smiled, with Amethyst saying “We should get going, the others are waiting for us.” “Right.” Said the two of them determined as they left with great haste. After Amethyst Majesty, AJ and Rarity left, older Tommy watched them leave and had a smile on his face. “Wise words, Oliver.” Older Tommy turned around in shock, and saw Jacob standing before him. “I can see why you’re the greatest Ranger. But just because the current generation are now Rangers, doesn’t mean your journey is far from over.” “Who are you?” said older Tommy. “A friend.” Said Jacob. “I know what Roland had asked you to do. And I can tell you that what he did was wrong. And I think you know it too.” Older Tommy slowly nodded and said “I’ll admit, what the kid did was out of line, especially since what he was instructed to do. But it was smart of him to ask me to help, even if what he did was out of line.” “Do not worry, I already have things set in motion.” Said Jacob. “But right now, the others will need your help. But the power you currently have is not enough. I know how much you sacrificed when your son was taken. It takes a greater person beyond himself to make such a sacrifice. I too would’ve done anything to have kept mine safe.” “I know.” Said Tommy, “But what can I do? I sacrificed my other powers to save him. I only have the Green Ranger Power now.” Jacob smiled and suddenly extended his left hand, causing Tommy’s Green Ranger Power Coin to fly out of him, to which shocked Tommy. Jacob smiled and closed his hand, causing a massive energy to glow around his fist. When it died down, Jacob looked at older Tommy whilst he was cautious as Jacob slowly approached and stood in front of him. “Not anymore.” Jacob opened his left hand, and to older Tommy’s shock, not only did he reveal his Green Dragonzord Ranger power coin, but his White Tigerzord power coin, his Red Zeo Ranger power coin, his Red Turbo Ranger power coin, and his Black Dino Ranger power coin, but more energized. Jacob then opened his right hand, causing a brand new Morpher to appear, one that resembled his Mighty Morphin Morpher. “How…?” said older Tommy in shock. “Who do you think created the Morphing Grid?” said Jacob, which shocked older Tommy. “But…Zordon…the Morphing Masters…” stammered older Tommy. “They’re my students.” Said Jacob, which shocked Tommy again. “What you see on my left, are your power coins, yes.” Said Jacob, “But they are reforged into something new, from the power of the heart of the Multiverse, energizing them, but that they would only work for you, and only you, and that these powers, will never be taken from you again. And on my right, a brand new Morpher, which is known throughout the cosmos, as the Grand Master Morpher, which will energize your coins ten times powerful, making you more powerful than any evil that have existed throughout the Ranger line.” Older Tommy was stunned by what he was seeing, and said “But…why?” “Tommy.” Said Jacob, “I know how much you’ve given and sacrificed for the sake of the world, and that you have been a teacher to many Rangers over the decades. But that doesn’t mean we can just rest on our laurels. The world may have new rangers every now and then, but the world will always need a Tommy Oliver, the one who had helped many over the years, a duty to uphold where others have forgotten. Now it is time for you to continue the role of teacher once more.” Jacob presented the Morpher and the coins to older Tommy, to which the latter looked at them, and to Jacob. “After all,” said Jacob with a smile, “Once a Ranger…” Tommy took a good look at them. He then smiled and looked at Jacob. “Always a Ranger.” Tommy accepted the power before him, and left to continue his duty. ******************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, after calming down, Roland sat down and told Master Splinter everything. “I see.” Said Master Splinter as he stroked his thin beard, “So that is why you were on this path.” “I didn’t want to do this, but…” said Roland before he groaned in guilt, saying “I’m always so used to know what the right thing to do is. But now, I’m not even sure anymore. I…don’t want them to lose each other…like I lost mine.” “I understand that you wish to prevent this,” said Splinter before he stood on one knee and held his shoulder, “Your heart was in the right place, but your method was out of line. You clearly wished to help them your way, but you felt you needed to hear one who is more skilled and mor worthy of being a leader. And because of that, you have lost your sense of purpose and your will to think for yourself. And because of what you are doing, you’re becoming a hypocrite by doing what you were trying to prevent.” Roland looked down in guilt, whilst also saying “What should I do?” “As Venus said, tell them the truth.” Said Master Splinter, but then saw the uneasy look on his face and said “Or maybe…someone whom you are close to? Someone that you owe your life and think of as a brother as well?” Roland then widened his eyes and took something out, an object of sorts. He then thought about it long and hard before gripping his other hand. He slowly stood up and said “I know who to talk.” “Do you?” asked Splinter. “Yes,” said Roland as he turned to the master, “I always sought to him for guidance. Maybe…he could do the same for me.” Splinter smiled and said “Then ask him. Sometimes one’s friend can help during the most unexpected times. And once you do…try to make amends to those you hurt through your words.” “I…understand.” Said Roland before looking to him and smiled. “Thank you Splinter. It’s…it’s really good to see you. You’re much more of a wiseman than the one in my dimension. Thrice even.” Splinter chuckled and said “I do try. Safety and peace with you, Roland.” Both Roland and Splinter bowed to one another. But the moment Roland stood back up, Splinter had vanished. Roland then sighed, and said “After this mission. I know what I need to do.” But before he could move, he saw someone leading the 96 Turtles away. Or in this case…a certain filly. With Roland squinting his eyes and said “But first thing’s first.” ********************************************************************************************** At the same time, everyone else continued to fight against Lord Zedd and Rita’s putties and monsters. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were knocked aside and landed nearby. Two of the Putties tried to grab them, until Amethyst, Applejack and Rarity came from out of nowhere and kicked them away. “Applejack!!” exclaimed Apple Bloom in excitement. “Rarity!!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle, feeling the same. “Y’all alright?!” said Applejack. “Never better.” Said Apple Bloom as she and Sweetie Belle stood up. “Then let’s teach these ruffians the true meaning of being a Ninja!!” said Rarity as she got her sickles ready. They attacked and were able to help turn the tide of the fight. Rita saw that the fight wasn’t turning to their favor, “Gah, this can’t be!!” “How can a bunch of incompetent children stand up to the likes of us?!!” Mikey then landed close by and pointed one of his nunchucks at Lord Zedd. “You reign ends here, Ed!” Mikey declared. His words made Zedd crossed. “ITS ZEDD, YOU INCOMPETENT SHELLBACK! Z!” He then fired lightning from his staff while Mikey dodged it. “E!” He fired another one Mikey dodged. “D!” Mikey barely dodged a third strike before getting hit by a fourth. “D!” Mikey flies back from the blast and crashed onto the ground. “Ugh. Touchy.” He groaned. Zedd then grabbed Mikey in what looked like a hug. “Come here, little turtle! Let me give you a little HUG!” He teased as he began squeezing Mikey to death. “MIKEY/MICHELANGELO!” Everyone gasped. Mikey screamed in pain as Zedd continued to squeeze him tight. Suddenly, Zedd felt a stab on his shoulder and turned to see Shinigami stabbed him with her chain. Before he could react, Raph jumped in and stabbed him with his sais. “Nobody!” “Hurts!” Donnie slashed at Zedd’s knee with his blade in his staff. “MIKEY!” Leo jumped in and kicked Zedd, causing him to release Mikey who Shini caught before he hit the ground. The others came together and helped him up. “Ugh,” muttered Mikey, then looked at them and said “Thanks guys.” “Consider us even, little brother.” Said Raph whilst smiling. “You little brats!!” said Zedd, causing the others to instantly stand ready, “I’m going to…” From out of nowhere, an assailant jumped in and kicked Zedd away as he landed right next to Rita. He got up angrily and said “Who dares?!!” When they looked at the mystery assailant, they saw what they didn’t expect, not even Tommy could believe it. The older version of Tommy Oliver. “What the…?” said Jason as he and the others couldn’t believe what they were seeing. “Whoa, there are two Tommie’s?” said Mikey. That’s when it dawned on April. “Wait, that’s the Tommy that fought alongside us when we fought alongside the Ninja Steel Rangers.” After Lord Zedd got up, he and Rita were surprised to see an older version of Tommy. “What the?!” exclaimed Rita. “What is this?!” exclaimed Lord Zedd. “Zedd and Rita.” Said Older Tommy as he stared down at them. “Been a long time. Now matter in what dimension, you still cause trouble wherever you go, even destabilizing the balance of any world you go to.” “We go wherever we wish, you pathetic power mule!!” said Lord Zedd, “As long as there is good and decent in any world, I will ensure their destruction, no matter what.” Tommy merely scoffed and said “You still talk a big game, Zedd.” Said Older Tommy. “And what makes you say that?” said Rita Repulsa in a mocking tone. “Because in my world, the two of you were destroyed by the power of good.” Said Older Tommy, “And because of that, even though there came new pathways for evil, there are also new Rangers, each of them willing to take the mantle and continue to protect the world and universe from the likes of you.” “Ha!! Like you?” said Zedd rhetorically. “And how do you plan to stop us?” Older Tommy ended up smirking whilst saying “With this.”, and revealed to them something in his hand and showed them, which shocked both Zedd and Rita at the same time. “A Grand Master Morpher?!!” exclaimed Lord Zedd. “That can’t be!! It’s just a myth!!” said Rita in equal shock and surprise. “A what?” said a surprised Tommy. “Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye!!” exclaimed Alpha from the comms, “It cannot be!! According to Zordon, the Grand Master Morpher happens to be the most powerful tool in the morphing grid!!” Everyone stares in surprise, with Older Tommy saying, “Time to show you, what I can really do. It’s Morphing Time!!” Tommy took the Morpher and displayed it for everyone to see. “BLACK RANGER!! DINO THUNDER POWER UP!!” The Morpher showed Tommy’s power coin from his time as a Dino Thunder Ranger. When he transformed, it showed him in that ranger suit, which surprised the others. “Whoa, that’s awesome!!” said Zack. “Let’s dance.” Said Older Tommy, “Brachio Sabre!!” Tommy pulled out his saber and attacked both Lord Zedd and Rita as he struck his sword against them. The two of them landed on their feet, but both of them were angry. “That does it!!” said Zedd, “I don’t care how powerful you are, you’re toast!!” Both Zedd and Rita charged both sides and used their staffs to try and struck him all around, but so far, to no avail. Everyone saw how older Tommy kept deflecting their attacks as he moved his saber like an expect. Suddenly, both Rita and Zedd tried to strike from both sides, with Older Tommy grabbing them with his bare hands, surprising everyone in the process. “Now for one of my own.” Said Tommy, before yelling “SUPER DINO MODE!!” He was suddenly energized, with the spikes on his armor growing slightly whilst showing he was roaring like a dinosaur. He pulled the staffs and grabbed both Zedd and Rita at the same time, spun them around and threw them sideways, making them crash hard. “Whoa,” said Zack, “I didn’t know you’d be that skilled.” Tommy on the other hand was fixated on his older self, for he never realized he was this strong. Lord Zedd growled and stood up, now still holding his staff. “You will regret doing that.” “Then let’s change the game a bit.” Said Older Tommy before he used his Morpher again. “SHIFT INTO TURBO!! RED LIGHTNING TURBO POWER!!” Within a split second, he turned into the Red Turbo Ranger, which surprised the others again. “Whoa, that’s new!!” said Billy. “Let’s do this!!” said Older Tommy as he pulled out his Lightning sword. He jumped in the air and struck from there, whilst at the same time, Zedd blocked Older Tommy’s attack, but the two of them continued to try to strike at each other, until Older Tommy used his speed to quickly zoom all around and sliced Zedd all over and kicked him away. He charged towards Zedd and had another sword. “Double Lightning sword!!” shouted Tommy as he jumped up in the air, performed a twister move whilst his sabers glowed and struck Zedd, making him spin in the air before collapsing hard onto the ground. Everyone stared at Older Tommy dumbfounded, with him landing on both his feet. He then placed his swords away and looked at himself. “Whoa, that guy wasn’t kidding.” Said Older Tommy to himself, “The Grand Master Morpher really is powerful.” He then heard a noise and used his speed to dodge an incoming attack, which was from none other than Rita Repulsa. “Don’t think that just because you’ve got an upgrade, you think you can stand up to the likes of us!!” shouted Rita. “Then let’s kick it up a notch.” Said Older Tommy, “Something that the Machine Empire faced, but you never did.” Tommy motioned his arms and used his Morpher again. “IT’S MORPHING TIME!! ZEO RANGER FIVE RED!!” Within a split second, Older Tommy turned into the Red Zeo Power Ranger, and attacked Rita head on. Older Tommy used his blade to deflect her attack whilst twisting his blade as if it were an extension of his abilities, he was even able to push her farther back. He charged towards her and jumped in the air. “Zeo flying power kick!!” Older Tommy kicked Rita so hard, he sent her flying against another building with a loud crash, surprising the others. Within a split second, Lord Zedd attacked once more, with Older Tommy using his saber to block Zedd’s attack left and right, allowing Older Tommy to jump backwards and took a stance. “I don’t know how you got the legendary Zeo powers!!” shouted Lord Zedd, “But it will not be enough to stop the likes of me!!” “Then let’s change the game plan!!” said Older Tommy, before motioning his arms and used his Morpher again. “TIGERZORD!! WHITE RANGER POWER!!” “No!!” exclaimed Lord Zedd as he tried to attack, but Older tommy saw him coming and kicked him away, whilst transforming in the air and landed, turning himself into the White Tigerzord Ranger. “Give it your best shot!!” said Older Tommy, standing in position. “Whoa, talk about seeing double!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “I know, right?!” exclaimed Pony Pinkie Pie as well. Lord Zedd attacked head on whilst Older Tommy used his Saba to deflect and strike from all around to avoid Lord Zedd’s attacks. Lord Zedd tried to strike, but Older Tommy jumped in the air whilst performing a roundhouse kick, then crouched whilst kicking in at the chest, then another kick to send him staggering. Lord Zedd jumped in the air to get an advantage, unfortunately for him, Older Tommy had the same idea. As Lord Zedd was in the air, Tommy performed a twister move and sliced Lord Zedd in the chest and kicked him hard, sending Zedd flying and was wounded. As Rita stood up and grunted in anger, she saw Older Tommy was standing right near her. “As for you, Rita.” Said Older Tommy whilst pointing at her, “I’ve got a little surprise for you, something you never thought you’d see again, and something you never thought you’d face ever again.” Tommy motioned his arms and used his Morpher again. “DRAGONZORD!! GREEN RANGER POWER!!” Within a split second, Older Tommy morphed into the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, which shocked Rita, as well as the others, especially Tommy. “Whoa,” said Tommy, “Talk about a blast from the past.” Rita growled and said “I knew I shouldn’t have given you that power!! It rightfully belonged to me!!” “Not anymore.” Said Older Tommy, “Let’s finish this!!” Older Tommy charged and jumped twice in the air as he kept kicking Rita whilst she moved backwards. Once she was further from him, Older Tommy pulled out his Dragon Dagger and used it to strike her left and right. However, as she was a bit further from him, he saw his blade glowed. “What the…?” He then heard Jacob’s voice, saying “Consider this a gift from me.” Within a split second, his Dragon Dagger, turned into a Dragon Sword, much to everyone’s surprise, and also shocked Rita. Seeing it as an opportunity, Older Tommy said “Time to finish this!!” Older Tommy charged his sword whilst slowly spun it around, saying “Dragonzord!! Dragon Blade!! Dragon Blade Slice!!” With one quick strike, Older Tommy sent Rita packing as she flew backwards and landed hard next to Zedd. Everyone was shocked and surprised to see this, which caused everyone to gather around Older Tommy. However, Tommy got there first and removed his helmet and had a surprised look. Older Tommy looked at him and did the same thing. The two of them looked at each other for a bit, causing Older Tommy to chuckle. “I can’t believe I used to have a ponytail back at the day.” Said Older Tommy. “You kidding?” said Tommy, “I can’t believe I never thought of having a hairstyle like that.” The two of them began to chuckle, which caused the others to do the same too. “Man,” said Tommy in disbelief, “I can’t believe that I’m going to be five different Rangers.” “Trust me,” said Older Tommy, “If our worlds are alike, then one day you’ll be able to wield it like I did. And you’ll be able to do amazing things too.” Tommy then pondered, and asked “What was it like…fighting against Drakkon?” “It was a nightmare.” Said Older Tommy, “He was a tough opponent to beat. I would’ve gone back in time to help him, but the Morphing Grid was already fragile enough as it is. But I’m glad to see that no matter in what world, we’ll always be there for the Earth and our friends.” “So…what’s our, my life going to be like?” asked Tommy. Older Tommy smiled and said “Let’s just say our future will always be bright, and we’ll always be Rangers, to be there for those in need. Just promised me one thing.” Older Tommy placed his hand on his younger self, “Keep fighting the good fight, and never give up.” Tommy couldn’t help but smile and accepted his hand. “I promise.” They suddenly heard growling and saw both Rita and Zedd standing up. “This isn’t over!!” growled Lord Zedd. “You think you may have won,” said Rita with a smirk, “But we still have another trick up our sleeve!!” Lord Zedd held out a type of object and said “Grow monsters, grow!!” “Grow monsters, grow!!” shouted Rita. Both of them threw their object/staffs in the other direction, and within a split second, every one of their monsters and putties grew into large beings, which shocked everyone. “Okay, that is so not good.” Muttered Mikey when he saw what was happening. **************************************************************************************************** “Right this way, quickly!!” said Cozy Glow as she was faking that someone was in danger as she led the Turtle 96 Team. “They’re just around…” However, when she got there, to her shock, she saw that the Footbots, Putties and corrupted Gems were all destroyed. “How did…?!” exclaimed Cozy before she felt her suddenly kicked away and crashed against the wall. She slowly got up and to her surprise, she saw that the Turtle 96 team had their weapons drawn and aimed right at her. “Nice try, shorty!!” said Raph 96. “Yeah, how dumb do you think we really are?!” said Mikey 96. “What?!” exclaimed Cozy as she was suddenly caught right out of the blue, “How did…?!” “From me.” She turned sharply to the direction of the voice, which was none other than Roland when he made himself known. “Who are you?!” demanded Cozy. “Who I am is of no importance,” said Roland, “But if you really must know, I was the one who told the Turtles of this world about you.” “Wait, you knew?!” said Cozy. “Of course, I did.” Said Roland. “I knew you from another world. You attempted the same thing back in my home dimension. And like you, she didn’t succeed.” “But let me guess,” said Cozy as she suddenly smirked, thinking that her counterpart got away. “My counterpart escaped to plan her revenge?” “No.” said Roland before he leaned close to her ear and whispered “I ended her by snapping her neck.” Cozy widened her eyes in shock, with Roland standing back up. “You think you know everything there is to know about friendship,” said Roland, “Yet you scoffed and spit on everything on not just Twilight and her friends, but everything that the founders of Equestria stood for. You only cared about the ‘power’ aspect, and your inability to understand them.” “Because…” said Cozy before Roland cut her off. “Friendship is power, blah, blah, blah,” said Roland whilst mocking her, “Learn a new tune already!!” Roland sighed and said “Equestria filled with great heroes, all who wish to work together to combat a single great evil. But, it’s also filled with cowards, each doing their part to ruin their world. That’s why you don’t scare me, because deep down at your very core, you are a coward too.” “Coward?!” screeched Cozy in anger, “I nearly brought Equestria to its knees!! I nearly destroyed their magic, on my own!!” “Pff, yeah right, by using Tirek?” said Roland, which Roland looked at her and said “You’re just a rotten cupcake compared to the other villains.” Roland walked in a circle around her whilst he listed down the villains and enemies of Equestria. “The Pony of Shadows and Nightmare Moon? They wanted to bring eternal night and darkness. Discord? He wanted to bring Chaos just for fun. Chrysalis? She tried to steal all the love for herself and leaving her subjects to starve. Sombra? He wanted to enslave not just the Crystal Empire, but the world. Tirek, he let his power-hungry ambitions drive him to nearly taking all the magic. And the temp villains. Starlight and Sunset attempted to try and take over and control what they couldn’t understand.” He looked at her sternly and said “And you merely copied their ideas.” Cozy was appalled that he would say something like that. “You copied from Tirek by nearly taking Equestria’s magic.” Said Roland, “You copied from Chrysalis by lying behind a fake smile and personality. You copied from Discord, thinking that everything you did was for fun. And you also copied from the Storm King. You merely wanted to be the big bad. And you think by gaining friends, you think you’d become more powerful. But when you said you wanted to make friends without the elements of harmony. That isn’t friendship, that’s forced enslavement, puppets, that you wanted to use for your own selfish gain. You’re nothing but a little shrimp, who only cares about herself.” Roland looked at her whilst he stood on one knee. “And from what I’ve seen,” said Roland, “You’re no friend, you’re not even a good villain. You’re Equestria’s biggest joke.” “Pff, shows what you know,” said Cozy smugly, “But I was able to trap them in Tartarus with the only key so that they would never escape!!” “True.” Said Roland before he smirked, “But did you know that they were able to escape Tartarus, before, magic was restored?” Once again, Cozy was surprised by it. “The problem with you and every other villain,” said Roland, “You keep underestimating your enemies, your overconfidence and arrogance kept being your downfall. And just like you, your cutie mark is a chess piece, but one of those pieces are a pawn, and that’s what you are, a pawn meant to be sacrificed for something that’ll never happen.” Roland squinted his eyes and said “And the problem with you sociopaths, you never know when to shut up.” Cozy growled and said “All of Equestria would’ve been mine if it weren’t for them. If it meant breaking a few eggs, then so be it.” “Are you trying to shock me? Intimidate?” said Roland, “That falls short, when the so-called Empress of Friendship, had to use underhanded tactics and sneak around because she was too much of a wimp on a full-on fight.” Cozy growled and was right in his face and said “If you knew how my counterpart had fought? You wanna see what I can do?” Roland merely looked at her, with the Turtles preparing for a fight. However, Roland sighed and stood up sharply, shocking Cozy as she was on her haunches as Roland gave her the most death scary stare he had ever given to someone. “I. Am not. Princess Twilight. Nor am I Princess Celestia.” Said Roland sternly. “I fought against evils far beyond your imagination. I won’t go down quietly from the likes of you.” Roland walked towards her as she crawled backwards. “And whilst you may not care about the loss of your family, your friends, your home, and the life that you once had. I’m certain that everyone that you ticked off over the years, will be very upset.” Cozy was then cornered as he said “Do you want that, on your head, too?” Cozy sat there, starting at him for a few moments, then lowered her head. She suddenly turned around and walked away, with her shedding tears and breathing through her teeth. “Just a bunch of empty and pointless words.” Said Cozy, “You’re no different from my deadbeat parents after all.” Cozy soon disappeared, with the Turtles 96 watching, and Roland sighed. “You gonna be okay?” asked Leo 96, “Not yet.” Said Roland before looking at them, “I gotta clean up a mess I made.” They then heard a loud explosion and looked ahead, causing them to see large monsters and Putties attacking New York, with Roland standing with the Turtles and said “But first, we gotta stop this.” > Shine Intervention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone was shocked to see so many monsters all around them, with Pinkie exclaiming “There’s so many of them!!” “What’ll we do?!” said Applejack. “Guys!!” said Sunset as she just arrived, “What’s going on?!” “Ed and Rita have just created a ton of monsters all around!!” said Apple Bloom. “We gotta stop em!!” said Raph. “Not a problem.” Said Tommy as he looked at everyone, for he knew that they would want to see this. “You guys wanna see something cool?” “Go for it!!” said Mikey, knowing what was going to happen. “What are they going to do?” said Princess Twilight. “Go for it, Jason!!” said Tommy. “Right!!” said Jason as he raised his hand in the air. “The sword and the power of thunder!!” Lightning suddenly began to strike as the Rangers had begun to summon their Zords. “MASTODON!! LION!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” They sat the Mastodon approaching, but when the lightning struck, it transformed into a lion, much to their surprise. “Whoa, that’s new.” Said Sunset surprised. “PTERODACTYL!! FIREBIRD!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” They saw the Pterodactyl approaching, but when lightning struck on it too, it transformed into a firebird. “So majestic!!” said Rarity. “TRICERATOPS!! UNICORN!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” They saw the incoming Triceratops, but like the previous, when lightning struck, it transformed into a unicorn. “Whoa, now that’s awesome!!” said Rainbow surprised. “SABRETOOTH TIGER!! GRIFFON THUNDERZORD POWER!!” They saw the Sabretooth Tiger approaching, but as lightning struck on it as well, it transformed into a Griffin. “Awesome!!” said Sandbar. “TYRANNOSAURUS!! RED DRAGON!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” They saw the Tyrannosaurus coming in, but finally, as lightning struck, it turned into a red dragon. “Now that’s a dragon!!” exclaimed Smolder in surprise. “WHITE TIGERZORD!! TIGER MODE!! BATTLE READY NOW!!” They saw the Tigerzord coming in, and were surprised to see what was before them. “Now that’s a cool Zord!!” said pony Rainbow Dash when he and his brothers saw it coming in. They saw the Dragon Zord flying in as it roared majestically. Followed by the Lion, Griffon, Unicorn and Firebird Zords, all moving/flying together, side by side. They then saw the Dragon Zord slowly transformed as it looked humanoid, striking a pose after it landed. Soon enough, the rest began to transform as well. The Griffon and Unicorn Zords turned into legs and merged with the dragon Zord, with the Firebird Zord forming around its waist. The Lion Zord began to split into a chest, arms, and head, completing its armor. “MEGA THUNDERZORD, POWER UP!!” shouted the Rangers. Tommy jumped up to the Tigerzord and went inside the cockpit. “TIGERZORD!! WARRIOR MODE, NOW!!” The Tigerzord transformed to and was prepared for a fight. “Hey, Jason.” Said Older Tommy, gaining his attention. He walked over and presented his Dagger to Jason. “Feel like piloting it for old times’ sake?” Jason looked at the dagger, then to Older Tommy and said “Oh, you’d better believe it.” He accepted it, causing Tommy’s shield to go to him, which he now donned. “Whoa, I didn’t know you could do that.” Said Karai. “There’s a lot we’d prefer to keep for ourselves.” Said Older Tommy. “I summon the Dragonzord!!” said Jason. He used the dagger to summon the Dragonzord, by using the dagger as some kind of flute, and within mere moments, the Dragonzord appeared and roared in all its glory. “Whoa.” Said the kids as they were amazed by the sight of it. Inside the Tigerzord, Tommy smiled as he saw his old zord marching up. “Welcome back old friend.” “Let’s do this!!” said Jason as he and the others went to their Zords. “Man, I wish we could join.” Said Rainbow. “You can actually.” They saw Roland running in and held something for the Rainbooms, taking them by surprise when they saw him holding miniature versions of their Zords. “How did…?!” said Sunset surprised. “No time to explain,” said Roland, “But I will say I gave your Zords some upgrades. Now they’ll be just like the Thunderzords.” “How?” asked Applejack. “You’ll see.” Said Roland as he handed them their Morphers. “Well, what are we waiting for?” said Rainbow in excitement, “Let’s do this!” Sunset nodded, and at the same time, the girls were in position. “It’s morphing time!!” The girls morphed into their Ranger forms too. “HONESTY!” “GENEROSITY!” “LOYALTY!” “LAUGHTER!” “KINDNESS!” “MAGIC!” “EMPATHY!” The girls were then in their ranger forms, with them feeling the nostalgia. However, Sunset suddenly grunted as her power was suddenly struggling to stay online, one which Roland noticed. ‘Oh no.’ thought Roland. For he never realized that Obaki had done much more damage than he thought. “Now what?” “Time to summon your Zords.” Said Roland, “But each of you have different Zords when you use the Power too. Each of you can feel it, then reach out, and give it your all.” Sunset nodded and did what Jason did. “The sword and the Power of Thunder!!” “HONESTY! CANINE!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” Applejack’s Zord came along, but just as Roland foretold, Applejack’s Zord turned into a Canine Thunderzord, which surprised the farm girl from what she was seeing. “Whoa nelly!!” exclaimed Applejack. “GENEROSITY! FELINE!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” Rarity was surprised to see her Zord turned into a Feline Thunderzord, with her seeing how majestic it looked. “Oh my.” Muttered Rarity. “LOYALTY! TORTOISE!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” Rainbow saw how her Zord got turned into a Turtle Thunderzord, and was amazed by what she was seeing. “Sweet!!” “LAUGHTER! ALLIGATOR!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” Pinkie saw how her Zord got turned into an Alligator Thunderzord, which caused her to squeal in excitement. “KINDNESS! RABBIT!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” Fluttershy gasped and made a squee when she saw her Zord got turned into a Rabbit Thunderzord. “MAGIC! FLYING OWL!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” Twilight’s Zord turned into the Owl Thunderzord, which surprised her as she said “Wow, I’m impressed.” “EMPATHY! FIERY PHOENIX!! THUNDERZORD POWER!!” However, it didn’t come, which Roland noticed, as he realized how bad it was. Thinking quickly, he pressed the button on his wrist really quickly, causing her Zord to arrive and turn into a Fiery Phoenix. Sunset was surprised to see her Zord turn into a Fiery Phoenix Thunderzord. “Amazing.” Said Sunset surprised. “Now, combine them as one!!” said Roland. They then focused, allowing their Zords to combine. Sunset’s Zord turned battle mode like Jason’s Zord, however, it formed into something different, a center, if you will. At the same time, the rest of the Zords transformed as well. Applejack’s Zord formed the right arm, Rarity’s formed the left, Rainbow’s formed the torso and back, Fluttershy formed the chest, Pinkie’s formed the legs and Twilight’s formed the head. Soon, they all combined until they turned into something new. “Mega Rainboom Thunderzord, power up!!” said the Rainbooms when they powered up their Zord. Soon enough, they saw their Zords engage the larger monsters, with Leo saying “Will they be enough.” Everyone saw the Zords fighting against all of Lord Zedd and Rita’s monsters. Tommy commands his Zord as he shouted “White Tigerzord Blade, go!!” The Tigerzord uses its blade to cut down many of the giant monsters. Then the Tigerzord uses its fireballs to shoot down a few more that tried to surround him. The Megazord uses its large sword to cut down more of the monsters, whilst also delivering a strong right hook at the same time. The Rainbooms also use their Megazord to back them up as they use their own weapon to slice them down, as well as the onboard laser shield and blade. “Whoa, this Megazord is awesome!!” said Rainbow, “Way better than our previous one!!” “I know!!” said Pinkie Pie as he could barely contain her excitement, “This is going to be oh, so fun!!” “Alright, enough chatter, we got ourselves a bunch of varmints to take down!!” said Applejack. “Right!!” said the others as they were also onboard with this. “What the?” said Sunset as she saw something glowing on the console. She tapped the button, causing their Zord to summon a type of shield. “Whoa, that’s new.” “We have incoming!!” shouted Rarity as a few monsters began to attack on their side. She instantly took the controls and used it to block the monster. “Whoa!!” said Twilight in surprise, “Good thinking Rarity!!” Rarity blinked in surprise, but couldn’t help but giggle sheepishly and said “I meant to do that.” The fight continued to go on, with Lord Zedd chuckling, saying “I think it’s time we showed them our true weapon.” Lord Zedd pressed the button on his wrist, when all of a sudden, the area began to shake, taking everyone by surprise. “Whoa, what’s going on?!” exclaimed Leo. When all of a sudden, from out of the buildings, more larger monsters appeared, but they weren’t the usual standard monsters, but were none other than… “Kaijou?!” exclaimed Roland. The Kaijou clashed against the Zords, making the pilots grunt as they nearly lost control of their Zords, but they try their best to stay in the fight. “Where in Equestria did they come from?!” exclaimed Sunset. “What are those things?!” exclaimed Apple Bloom. “Kaijou.” Said Venus, “They’re monsters from another world that tried to invade another Earth, but when we were there we were able to stop them and pushed them away. And if Shredder had recruited them…” “Oh, this is really bad, bros.” said Mikey 96. Suddenly, they saw massive beings appear, which was none other than Goldar and Scorpina joining in. “Surprise!!” said Goldar, causing them to attack. “And that’s even worse!!” exclaimed Bright Eyes. “What’ll we do?!” exclaimed Mikey. “Um, panic?” said Pony Fluttershy. “That’s your answer to everything Fluttershy.” Said pony Rainbow Dash. “Then it’s a good thing I came up with a Contingency plan.” Said Roland and contacted Gamer and said “Hey, Gamer. Time to release Operation Jaeger.” “Heck yeah!!” exclaimed Gamer, “Let’s do this!!” He then whistled to Team Shine, the Turtles, their 96 counterparts, the Mane 6, and the CMC. He then smirked and said “Time to take this to the next level.” ************************************************************************************************ The Rangers and Rainbooms battled with all their might against the larger monsters, and with their built-in weapons, they were able to stand a much better chance in doing so. However, they ended up being surrounded by more of the giant monsters and Moogers, and the Kaijou weren’t giving them the chance to fight. “This isn’t good!!” said Saba. “You can say that again!!” said Tommy. Sunset tried to help the others redirect her Zord, but she once again struggled as her power was slowly going to fail her. “We’re gonna need some serious backup.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Then it’s a good thing we came prepared.” Everyone then heard loud thumping, causing them to face in the southern direction. And from far ahead, they saw six massive robots, probably slightly taller than the Zords, were matching straight towards them. One by one, they saw the robots marching side to side. “Shine Goliath online and operational.” Said Shine Boy as he, Gamer, Shine Girl, and Love Shine were controlling their Jaeger. “Hamato’s fury, moving forward.” Said Roland as he, Venus, and Obaki were piloting their Jaeger. “The Shell Goliath’s on the move, boy!!” said Mikey as he, Leo, Donnie, and Raph were piloting their own Jaeger. “The CMC’s Blade coming at ya!!” said Scootaloo as she, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were piloting their own Jaeger. “Girls?!” exclaimed Rarity when she looked at the monitors. “Oh boy, this won’t end well.” Said Rainbow in worry. “Equestria’s Harmony approaching.” Said Princess Twilight as she and her friends were piloting the Jaeger together. “The Shellback’s got your back!!” said Leo 96 as he and his team were piloting their Jaeger to battle. Everyone on the ground, even the ones in the Zords were all amazed to see the six different Jaegers walking towards the battlefield. “You’re call, Leo.” Said Shine Boy. “Alright everyone, take them down!!” said Leo, causing them to charge towards the action. “GREEN TIME!” The 96 Turtles cheered. “Where the heck did they get more Zords?!” exclaimed Rita when she saw them attacking. “Never mind that!!” shouted Lord Zedd, “All units, attack!!” The Kaiju monsters turned to their direction and attacked. The moment they did, the monsters all clashed with the Jaegers, causing them to wrestle against one another, one trying to oust the other. Everyone on the ground cheered as they saw the fight going down, for this was an exciting event for all of them to watch. “This varmint’s sure is tough!!” said Pony Applejack. “Yeah, well we’re tougher!!” said pony Rainbow Dash. “Let’s kick its butt!!” The Mane 6’s Jaeger kneed the monster in the gut, causing it to grunt in pain, before being elbowed by it. Pony Pinkie Pie saw something that caught her attention from the corner of her eye and gasped in delight. “Hey, let’s try this!!” said Pony Pinkie Pie as she shouted whilst pressing a button “Engage arm cannon!!” “Arm cannon, engaged.” Suddenly the left arm morphed into a canon, with Princess Twilight suddenly getting the same idea. “Everypony!!” shouted Princess Twilight, “Aim for the monster’s belly!!” They motioned the robot to aim at its gut, with the Mane 6 shouting “Fire!!” They began to fire multiple times, whilst slowly piercing through the monster’s belly, and within a split second, tore its body in half and tossing it away at the same time. “That was awesome!!” shouted pony Rainbow Dash. “Focus Rainbow!!” said Princess Twilight, “We need to help the others to take these things down!!” “Got it!!” said pony Rainbow Dash. At the same time, Roland’s team’s robot continued to engage two of the Kaiju monsters. Even during their struggles, they were able to put up a fight, until one of the Kaiju caught them by the arms, with the other slowly charging. “Oh, no you don’t!!” shouted Roland as he and his team motioned their robot to jump, causing them to kick it right in the face, before being able to miraculously jump onto the Kaiju’s head, then jumped off. “Engaging Wrist blades!!” shouted Roland as he pressed the button. “Wrist Blades, engaged.” Roland’s team’s robot displayed two wrists blades from its wrists, allowing them to slice the Kaiju in half. The one that tried to ensnare them tried to attack, but Roland’s team was fast and motioned the robot to use its left wrist to slice its neck, then plunged the right one right into its chest, killing it instantly and pulled the blade out, before moving onto the next one. From the CMC, they struggled to fight the robot, but thanks to Scootaloo, they were able to put up a spirited defense using boxing moves that she and the others had seen in the last movie they watched. “Good thing all of us watched Rocky Balboa.” Said Scootaloo. “And y’all have to admit, it was quite a good story.” Said Apple Bloom. “You can say that again.” Said Sweetie Belle. “Watch out!!” shouted Scootaloo. The three of them were able to block the next Kaiju as it tried to attack them. The CMC suddenly saw a button up front, causing them to be surprised, then smirked to one another and pressed the button at the same time. “Engage rocket fists!!” shouted the CMC. “Rocket fist, engage.” The CMC’s robot’s right fist began to clench, causing small hatches to open around the fist, turning them into rockets. With one swift motion and great strength, they punched the Kaiju extremely hard, causing its head to turn sideways. “Engage, plasma fists!!” shouted the CMC. “Plasma fists, engage.” The right fist suddenly turned bright. The moment the Kaiju turned around, the CMC punched its face so hard, it literally melted off, making it collapse onto the ground. “Yeah!!” exclaimed the CMC in excitement before going onto the next one. Both the Turtles from two different worlds decided to work together as they fought the robots together. “I gotta admit, this is pretty awesome!!” said Raph. “I know right!!” said Raph 96, “Now I can finally pick a bigger monster at my size!!” “Let’s clear the way before we get to the others!!” said Leo. “On it!!” said everyone. Then suddenly, all of them shouted at the same time, “Engage, rockets!!” “Rockets, engaged.” Their shell backs suddenly opened up, revealing tons of missiles on the inside, allowing all of them to shoot down any straggling Kaiju monsters and many of Lord Zed and Rita’s giant monsters. “Alright, we’ve cleared the way!!” said Leo. “Now let’s kick their butts!!” shouted Leo 96 as all of them charged straight towards the remaining ones. From Team Shine, they were using their robot’s abilities to combat them. “I’ve gotta admit Gamer, this is some of your best work!!” said Love Shine. “Well, I had a little help.” Said Gamer. “We have so got to keep this when we get back!!” said Shine Girl. They then were being blocked by another pair of Kaiju along the way. “Focus you guys, we’re almost through!!” said Shine Boy. “Deploy, Shine Shield!!” “Shine Shield, engaged.” Team Shine’s robot blocked a few of the Kaiju beasts attempting to attack them. “Yo, bro!!” said Gamer with a smirk, “Check this. Deploy, Shine staff!!” “Shine staff, deployed” Within a split second, the Jaeger deployed its own staff, causing it to hold it in position. “Alright Shine Boy and Shine Girl!!” said Gamer with a smirk, “It’s all you!!” The two of them, with the aid of the others, directed the staff to block the Kaiju and used the weapon to constantly bash a few of them around. Even jabbed the tip of the bo-staff into its chest and sent it flying when they threw it over their heads. They then saw another approaching. “Yo, Love Shine, you’ll love this feature.” Said Gamer before smirking and said “Engage double guns!!” “Double guns, engaged.” Within a split second, the Shine Goliath deployed two minigun blasters from its hands, causing them to aim it directly towards a few of the Kaiju. “Oh, yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about!!” exclaimed Love Shine as he cheered in excitement. The Shine Goliath fired with all their might as the rounds had begun to pierce straight through them, destroying them in the process. Team Shine was surprised by the firepower their Goliath had obtained. “That. Was. Awesome!!” said Love Shine. “No time to celebrate, we got a battle to win!!” said Shine Boy. Once the Kaiju were beaten, the Jaeger teams helped the Rangers and the Rainbooms fight the remaining monsters, whilst Ben suddenly appeared as Way Big. “What,” said Ben/Way Big as he looked at the audience, “Like I’m gonna let them have all the fun?!” He charged and punched a few giant henchman and monsters over. At the same time, Lord Zedd saw that they were close to being beaten, causing him to growl and said “They really are a thorn in my side!!” “Told you so.” Said Rita Repulsa. “Oh, shut up!!” shouted Lord Zedd. “Come, we are leaving.” “But what about the stone?” said Cozy Glow nervously. “Silence!!” shouted Lord Zedd before he used his power to teleport them all away. At the same time, the last of the monsters were brought together, with the Rangers, Rainbooms and Jaegers standing in position. “Alright everyone, let’s finish this!!” said Tommy. “Right!!” said everyone as they got ready. The monsters growled and were now suddenly scared. “FIRE!!” shouted everyone as they fired at full blasts, causing them to destroy the last of the monsters. “That’s it, this is too much for us, we’re outta here!!” said Goldar. “Right behind you.” Said Scorpina. Everyone cheered when they saw how the monsters were defeated. “Alright Everyone, well done.” Said Tommy as the Zords and Jaegers did their poses. “Rangers and friends. Victory is ours.” *************************************************************************************************** After their defeat, everyone was back onto the ground. As everyone was celebrating, no one noticed that Sunset grunted in pain, causing her to instantly depower as it was shut down, which both Night Shine and Roland took notice of. However, Sunset suddenly looked shocked and depressed. Something that Twilight noticed, whilst not noticing that Sunset’s Morpher had been switched off. “Sunset?” asked Twilight in worry. “Let’s just…regroup with the others.” Said Sunset as she quickly rejoined the others. From afar, Night Shine noticed, growled, and punched a nearby tree in anger. Roland on the other hand, felt disappointed. And he then realized right here and there…Splinter was right. Until he felt a hand and looked to his right and was shocked to see an…anthropomorphic wolf? But a child. “Please…” she said, “Don’t do this…you have to make this right…for them.” Roland suddenly grunted as he held his head, and saw…faint flashes for some reason. Memories of…the Rainbooms. The friendships they had. Even…with Sunset. He collapsed onto his knees and hands. He then…wait…shed uncontrollably his tears. And then he thought about what he had said. “What have I done?” ***************************************************************************************** The time had come for everyone to say goodbye, with Splinter handing the stone to Leo. “Here. As promised.” Said Splinter. “Thank you, Master Splinter.” Said Leo. “Who’d thunk that it was in the spirit realm this whole time?” said Shinigami. “Guess if you want to hide something important, you put it in a place where not even Shredder would go.” Said Donnie, whilst Bishop handed the Turtles of Earth 1996 a device. At the same time, the Rangers shook older Tommy’s hand. “Thanks again for your help,” said Tommy, “We don’t know what we could’ve done without you.” “Eh, I’m sure all of you would’ve kicked butt.” Said Older Tommy as they shared a laugh. “So, what’ll you do now?” asked Kimberly. “Well, seeing that Shredder has somehow gathered all past Rangers’ enemies, I’m going back to my dimension and send out a distress signal for everyone to gather back at Angel Grove. After that, I’ll try to gather as much Rangers and their allies as I can to help us in this fight. For no Ranger, whether in different parts of time or dimensions, should ever fight them alone. We’re all in this together.” Tommy used his device to open a portal back to his home dimension. He looked at the others with a smile and said “May the power protect you all.” Older Tommy was about to walk through, until he spotted Roland, hiding behind a tree and to his surprise, he was shedding tears. He had an instant look of regret and horror. Tommy could truly see Roland regretted his actions. And he knows that look. He smiled, knowing that Roland would tell them the truth when he’s ready. He soon walked through the portal before it closed before them. “This device will allow you to come to us, should we have need of your aid.” Said Bishop. As he handed them a dimensional portal device. “We most certainly will, bra!!” said Mikey 96. “Like we’d ever pass up an invitation.” Said Raph 96. “In the meantime, we gotta get going.” Said Shine Boy. “Alright, Grandpa Max, we’re ready.” Said Leo, causing everyone to be teleported. “Come, my sons.” Said Master Splinter, “We have much work to do.” The lot of them left to gather what they can, for the fight ahead of them is just beginning. ********************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, April was looking around the room. “Donnie? D!” She called. “Donatello!” She then passed Night Shine leaning on the wall. “Hey, have you seen Donnie anywhere?” “Probably can’t show his face around you anymore.” April was taken aback at Night Shines remark. “What?” “Don’t play dumb!” Night Shine snapped. “It’s amazing that any of the Turtles and Rainbooms would be around any of you after you grilled them for that happened months ago!” “Look. I get it! It was an accident! I was just surprised, Okay?” April stated. Night Shine just scoffed. “Oh sure. Was that your excuse for when your dad got mutated? ACCIDENTALLY?” April was once again taken aback from that as Night Shine continued. “They took responsibility for it. Went after every mutagen canister and even promised to cure him. And what do you do? You walked away from the only people who gave a damn about you when no one else did!” “Just stop!” April felt her anger rising. “Or what! You’ll disintegrate me like you did to Donnie? Just because of some stupid alien crystal! Or when Donnie went Gaga over Batgirl! Face it, O’Neil! They may be guilty, but you are just as SELFISH!” “SHUT UP!” April slammed Night Shine to the wall with her ESP. As he groaned, Night Shine just smirked. “You gonna do it this time? Or do you need an Aeon to help?” Suddenly, a kunai landed between the two. April released Night Shine and fell to her knees in despair. Night Shine looked to see it was Karai who threw the kunai as she glared at him. “That’s enough!” She hissed. Night Shine just scoffed and stormed off. “Just remember your mistake before you grill others!” As he passed Karai, he growled at her while she responded by hissing at him. She then hurried to April and hugged her. Just then, Bright Eyes entered and saw the two and hurried over. “What happened?” “Luke.” Karai mumbled as April just whimpered. Bright Eyes could only watch the corner that Night Shine turned into in shock. Not far, Roland saw the whole thing and could only clenched his fist in regret. But now he got angry. Really, angry. He walked down the hallway, looking for Obaki and Venus. He found the both of them in Venus’ room and barged in. The two of them stood up and saw Roland was furious. “What are you…?” said Venus. Within a split second, Roland had punched Obaki so hard, he literally broke his jaw and crashed right against the wall and collapsed, which shocked Venus as he quickly went over to Obaki. Roland stood there, towering over the two of them. “This…this is all your fault!!” shouted Roland. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done!!!” The two of them couldn’t say anything. For Obaki, because his jaw was broken, and Venus, because she was afraid, for she had never seen him angry. “Because of you two, Sunset’s almost lost all of her confidence in the mission and fighting the bad guys!!” shouted Roland. “The Morphing Grid’s starting to lose their connection to her, and it’s only a matter of time before the power of Harmony does the same!!!” He then gripped his eyes and said. “And I also knew it.” He looked at them in anger. “I knew it was a mistake to ask Batman for help. I knew it was a mistake to ask you for help. More importantly…” said Roland, before leering over them, “I knew it was a mistake to bring you two along with me when I should’ve done this on my own. I should’ve stood by those who made me who I am today.” He then looked at them in disappointment and said “From here on out, I do things on my own and my way. What I should’ve done this long ago.” He then walked to the door, with Obaki speaking through his broken jaw. “Don’t do this…” said Obaki, “We’re brothers.” Roland then looked at Obaki in disappointment. He then ripped off a medallion that had their picture in it, grabbed Batman’s list and Batarang and crushed it, before tossing it in front of him. “Not anymore.” Said Roland, “And you really are no better than your father.” He then looked at Venus, who had a hurt look on her face. “And I know how much you’re hurting, which is why if you’re smart enough, you’d abandon this plan and do the right thing.” He turned his back on her and said “When you’re ready, come on by. I’ll be waiting.” Roland then walked out of the door, with Venus in partial tears and Obaki, looking helpless. ************************************************************************************************* Later in the training chamber, after their mission on Earth 1996, the rest of Team Later in the training chamber, after their mission on Earth 1996, the rest of Team Shine were doing their usual stuff. Love Shine was bench pressing without his armor on, Shine Girl was hitting a couple target droids, and Gamer was playing a small game of Solitaire drinking a can of root beer. Just then, Shine Boy entered and plopped on a chair. Gamer looked up. “Hey Bro. Everything okay?” Shine Boy gave his little brother a fake smile. “If by okay, you mean watching Roland grilling and destroying Applejack and Rarity, then I’m just peachy.” He then got up and poured himself some coffee. “What do you mean?” Shine Girl asked as she wiped her sweat with a towel. “Sunset and I just saw Roland grilling the two for not listening. Then, he scolded them for all the times they’ve abandoned Sunset Shimmer and junk.” “What do you mean all the times they abandoned her?” Love Shine asked as he kept lifting weights. “I only know about the time when Wallflower used that memory stone thing which was when the Turtles got their medallions.” “Apparently, there was another time. A couple Christmas’s ago, before we celebrated at the Shroom lodge, there was this MyStable page called Anon a miss that exposed peoples embarrassing secrets. And guess who was suspect number one?” “You mean-?” Gamer looked up. “Yep. Sunset.” “But why?” Shine Girl double taked. “It was shortly after Sunset became a better person after her bully hungry for power days. And you’re not going to believe who was responsible in the first place.” “Something tells me it’s not Old man Phillips.” Love Shine huffed as he lifted the bar. “It was the CMCs.” Shine Boy took a drink of coffee while his team gasped and Love Shine threw his weights in frustration. “WHAT?” “You mean Applejack could know whether you’re lying about taking the last bagel but couldn’t know her own sister framed someone?!” Gamer outbursted. “Guys.” “And little miss Loyalty Rainbow Dash just abandoned her?” Love Shine cracked his knuckles. “Guys!” “Even Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, the kindest and optimistic people I know, just left her?” Shine Girl glared. “GUYS!” The three stopped as Shine Boy slammed his mug on the table trying to keep his cool. “The three confessed and apologized, they were suspended for months, the site is long gone, and Sunset forgave them! It was also two years ago! We just got to let it go!” As he got up, he spoke more calmly to his team. “Besides, we all had our missteps. Remember Arlo?” Love Shine lowered his head hearing that. He remembered his friend who was bullied for being overweight. Despite being there for him regardless of being threatened to stay out of it, Arlo committed suicide after much abuse. Even though Shine Boy gathered enough evidence against the bullies, Love Shine hunted them down and almost killed them. Luckily, Shine Boy stopped him and the bullies were sent to boarding school after that. But the pain of his friend still hurt. “Or Mr. Henderson?” Gamer flinched at the mention of the teacher in his school who picked on boys who he deemed weak because of his love to wrestle. One night, Gamer caught him at school grounds and used his training to overwhelm Mr. Henderson. After he broke his arm, Mr. Henderson begged for forgiveness, but Gamer wanted him to pay for being a jerk. Luckily, Shine Boy came in and stopped Gamer from doing any more damage. Gamer revealed he recorded the whole thing and publicly humiliated Henderson, who is now under probation before he could ever teach again. He can still use his arm, but he wouldn’t be at full strength anymore. “And The Gigavolt incident.” Shine Boy finished, remembering when he was framed and almost fell into depression. “But the thing is we move on and learn from our mistakes.” “Don't forget there are idiots who refuse to let mistakes like that go.” They turned to see Night Shine leaning next to the door as he walked up to them. “I know, Luke. It's just that Rolland shouldn't bring everyone down if he expects us to stop the Shredder. I just usually give a coaxing and pep talk and everyone was motivated. His talks are just gonna divide us because we'll be unable to have confidence and lose!” Shine Boy clenched his fists. “I'm afraid he's already giving everybody lectures.” Night Shine grabbed a bottle of Root beer and opened it as he explained. “Back in the Turtle Power Turtles' world, when the Mane 6 and Rock N Beats went with Rolly to get the ingredients for the Rainbooms, I followed while you guys were babysitting. And after leaving a 'heartwarming' message on that Burne guys' car, I heard Rollbar raising his voice. I snuck in and heard him grilling the groups about what they did. From not listening to Mikey about Cozy Glow or listening to Ace about that human hating fish gal. Then, I felt something about our El Capitan. Something off. I saw his eyes glowing red. I could feel a darkness in his heart and soul.” Love Shine spoke up. “Whoa. Back up! Are you saying Roland might be lying to us and is helping the Shredder destroy us from within?” “No. He's telling the truth. He has that same hate when he talks about Shredder. I'm just saying I noticed his grudge on those guys is just as black as I saw with them.” “It would explain why he benched them in Turtle Prime.” Shine Girl recalled. Shine Boy finished his coffee and set his mug on the table. “I'm gonna try talking to him. We got to band together if we're gonna save the multiverse.” Night Shine nodded. “Yeah, you do that. I'm gonna keep an eye on Roll head. Just keep in mind. He keeps going drill sergeant on him or he tries to kill us, he's mine, regardless if he claims we need him.” He then threw his now empty bottle, drew his machete, and sliced up the bottle. He then sheathed his blade and walked out. Shine Boy took a deep breath. If getting Roland under control was gonna be hard, so was restraining his older brother. However, just as Night Shine opened the door, Roland suddenly stood there, which surprised Team Shine. At first, Night Shine wanted to walk past, but suddenly felt Roland holding his shoulder gently. As Night Shine looked, he saw that Roland had a look of regret on his face, which he noticed, seems Shine Boy was able to get through to him for some reason. “I owe you guys and explanation.” Said Roland, then he looked at the rest of team Shine and said “All of you.” The rest of Team Shine wasn’t sure, not after what they heard from Shine Boy, but the look on Roland’s face, made Shine Boy realize that he wanted to be honest with them. He nodded his head to Night Shine, signaling him to come back inside, which he did out of reluctance. Roland closed the door behind him and activated the console. The others were concerned about this. “This stays between us.” Said Roland, “No one else needs to know this. Not yet anyway.” Roland grabbed himself a chair and sat down near a few other seats, with Shine Boy, Love Shine, Gamer, and Shine Girl sitting around him, whilst Night Shine was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed whilst keeping an eye on Roland. Roland sighed and said “I don’t know where to begin.” “Start by telling us this,” said Gamer as he leaned forward, “Why are you so hard on the others and bringing up their mistakes?” “Yeah, when we met you asked us for our help,” said Love Shine “But we can’t do that if you keep brining past mistakes up like that? So, what gives?” Roland suddenly took out a picture and looked at it. Shine Boy caught a glimpse and to his surprise, it was of Roland and the Team Shine in his world, and all of them seemed to have celebrated Both his and Serenity’s anniversary. He placed the picture away and said to Shine Boy “Remember when I said that the moment whenever there was a white lie, misunderstanding, accusation or a mistake they kept turning their backs on each other?” “I remember.” Said Shine Boy. Roland took a deep breath, and looked at them and said “You’ve been friends for a long time, right? What are the most important aspects of friendship and the important traits of a ninja?” “Easy,” said Gamer “For a friend, be honest with one another, be loyal to a fault, laugh together in dark times, be kind to one another and be generous to those who have nothing.” “And for a ninja,” said Love Shine “Speed, stealth and honor.” “And the most important part.” Said Roland. “There’s another?” said Gamer confused. Roland then said “Trust. One of the most important parts, is trust. My father always said that a true warrior does not fight unless attacked and never believe what you see if something feels off and always trust your instincts instead of mistrusting.” Team Shine looked at one another, and realized that he does have a point, but then were caught off guard as he said “It was because of mistrust that caused their downfall.” Shine Girl raised a brow and said “What do you mean?” “Remember when Ace tried to warn the others about the fish lady…” “Rihona.” Said Night Shine. “Yes, thank you.” Said Roland, which the others nodded. “In my world, she captured me and beat me to a pulp.” The others were taken aback by this as he said “I was onto her from the start the moment we first met her, but when she found out, she kidnapped me and wanted to kill me, to make an example out of me for her hatred towards humans. Ace was with me at the time. I told him to quickly go get the others for help.” “And did they?” asked Gamer. “No, they didn’t.” said Roland, which surprised half the team. “When he tried to tell them, they thought he was going to get them in trouble again and thought he was making it up. And the worst part, when he told them that I was in trouble, Melody and Patch’s exact words were, ‘Roland can get himself out, he’s a bigger idiot showoff than you are’.” They were surprised by this, even Shine Boy. “I mean…” said Roland as he stammered a bit, then said “How could they say something like that? I’ve been nothing but good to those kids ever since I trained them, even helped saved their karate program. I even bonded with them and saved their lives a couple of times, even defended them when nobody else did. And for them to say it like that.” Shine Boy could see how crushed he looked, like any kid would if a hero would talk about them like that, or if the situation were reversed. Roland lowered his head and said “And after Mikey and the others told the kids separately about trust, Ace told Mikey I was in trouble, and immediately they came to help me. And when the fight started, Rihona was about to kill me whilst I was tied up and…” Roland clenched his eyes shut and said “Ace saved me by jumping in the line of fire and was killed right in front of me.” And by their reaction, Shine Girl covered her mouth with both her hands in shock, Gamer and Love Shine were shockened, even Shine Boy. Night Shine on the other hand looked at him with a flexed eyebrow. “After the battle, everyone was horrified by what happened, even when he died in my arms.” Said Roland. He then looked away and said “And when Mikey scolded them, saying that it wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t ignored him. I heard everything what he said, and…I ended up losing it. I yelled at the Rock N Beats for what they did, and told them that they were a disgrace to the ninja code, I even broke their instruments in front of them and said that Ace’s death was now on their hands. A week later, they were so distraught they broke up the band, didn’t say another word to one another, went their separate ways and I developed a hatred for them ever since.” Now both Shine Boy and Night Shine could see the pattern as they looked at one another, then back to Roland. “What about the Mane 6?” asked Shine Boy. “That one was a lot worse.” Said Roland. “After the whole Mean Boom incident, Blade and Bright eyes went back home. Unfortunately, even after Blade tried to defend her, pony Rainbow Dash didn’t believe her, she believed she was still a bad guy in disguise, even said that she deserved to be locked up in Tartarus.” Gamer and Love Shine groaned at that, with Gamer grumbling “Dang it Rainbow…” “Bright Eyes was so heartbroken she ran away and never came back.” Said Roland. “But it got worse from there.” “Other than a distrusting Pegasus?” said Love Shine rhetorically. “Bright Eyes told her mother,” said Roland “But even after she scolded the Mane 6, Rainbow still didn’t believe her. She continued to say hurtful things. Bright Eyes became broken. Then shortly after that she…” He closed his eyes again, as if the heartbreak was fresh in his mind, then he looked at them and said “She committed suicide.” All of them were horrified to hear that, even Shine Boy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Bright Eyes’ mother was so outraged that her only daughter was gone,” said Roland “She gathered half the ponies and burned the School of Friendship to the ground. Princess Twilight was heartbroken that what she worked hard for was turned to ash, and she and the others hated Rainbow for what she did, all because she kept accusing the other for what she didn’t do. In the end, Princess Celestia personally stripped Rainbow of her Element of Loyalty, and Rainbow’s friends refused to talk to her, or even helped her when she lost both her Wonderbolt status and her job managing clouds. She became an outcast ever since.” Team Shine were surprised to hear of the fate with the Mane 6 from his dimension, with Roland saying “After I heard what happened, I did the one thing, even I was horrified by what I did.” “What did you do?” asked Shine Girl out of concern. “I clipped her wings permanently.” “By Clip…?” said Love Shine. “I literally ripped her wings off, okay?!!” shouted Roland. Team Shine was horrified by what he revealed. Roland then shuddered in his breathing whilst looking down. “I loved both Ace and Bright Eyes. Both of them…in a weird way…felt like they were my own kids. So full of life, laughter, and joy. Something I haven’t felt in a long time. I really cared about them.” He then gripped his fists and said “But what the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats did to them that caused them to go down in certain events, even after breaking a promise they made to Mikey when he said she was okay. I could never, forgive them for that.” “So that’s why you didn’t want to be partnered up with the Rock N Beats and the Mane 6.” Said Gamer. “And a grudge.” Said Love Shine. “I also had a grudge with Leo, Raph, Donnie and the Rainbooms.” Said Roland. “Wait, what?” said Gamer, “Why?” “Remember when Jagwar came back to challenge Mikey for a rematch?” “Yeah, and they stupidly ditched him when he asked for help.” Said Love Shine in a bitter tone. “Well, he did boast and annoy them.” Said Night Shine. “Oh, come on, that’s not fair and you know it!!” Said Gamer whilst he looked at Night Shine. “It’s Mikey we’re talking about, he couldn’t help the way he was. He was just happy that he actually won something in his life when he felt like his family outshined him, even if it was an accident.” “Plus, they should’ve known about Jagwar.” Said Shine Girl, remembering what her mentor told her about him. “He’d do whatever it took to win and he’d even cheat or kill anyone to get what he wanted.” “And they thought they’d teach Mikey a lesson about Karma by mocking him and having him being beaten to death?” said Love Shine in disbelief. “There were plenty of ways to teach him a lesson about humility. What they did back there, wasn’t one of them.” Night Shine merely grunted as he partially looked away. “They can be really thankful Mikey chose to forgave them, because if he didn’t…” said Gamer, but then shook his head when he didn’t want to think about it. Shine Boy then asked “What about it?” “In my world, Mikey quit the team.” Said Roland, much to their shock. “He was so angry and bitter that not only did his own family abandon him, but his own friends too. How family was supposed to help them despite their differences and mistakes and they didn’t. He even called them out for not being loyal. They even lost all the faith and trust they had from the CMC and the Young Six. So, he ran away and traveled to a different dimension.” He looked at Team Shine, and they saw that angry look. “Let’s just say…I didn’t take it too well. I beat my brothers to a pulp and the Rainbooms. My inner darkness took over and I whipped them on their backs, leaving them permanently scarred to show them how angry and disappointed I got. I even told all of their friends from both New York and Canterlot City for what they did. In the end, everyone scorned and abandoned them.” Though they were shocked by what he did, Gamer asked “But…what about Mikey?” “After a month I decided to look for him.” Said Roland. “He and I were spiritually connected when we both trained together. Just before I left, that’s when the Rainbooms and the others arrived. I didn’t want anything to do with them, but they begged to come along, so that they can make things right with Mikey. I reluctantly agreed.” He looked at them and said “When we found Mikey, he was thrust into a war between two factions known as Cybertronians. On one side were the good guys, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime. The other were the bad guys, the Decepticons, led by Megatron. After we helped them, Leo, and the others, along with the Rainbooms begged Mikey to forgive them and give them another chance to make things right. Though reluctant, Mikey forgave them. However, that didn’t mean that they were friends again, and never will be. And he still didn’t believe or trust them. He fought alongside me, but not the others.” They were surprised by what he revealed. “Poor Mikey.” Said Shine Girl. “And…did they…?” asked Shine Boy. “No.” said Roland, much to their surprise, “He still didn’t forgive or trust them, even until before they died.” “So…why are you also being so hard on Applejack and Rarity too?” said Shine Girl, wanting to change the subject. “They’ve been friends for years, and yet every single time whenever something happens, they keep turning their backs on each other.” Said Roland. “Take the whole Anon a miss thing for example, they automatically blamed Sunset because they thought she’d do something like that. But she’d never do that. Then the memory stone bit and they didn’t believe her. Then the Mean Booms. Like I said, they know each other, and none of them would ever do that. I mean seriously, since when did Applejack lie about anything when she’s always honest, since when was Fluttershy ever cruel, despite knowing each other for years? But then again what would I expect from a bunch of gullible High Schoolers, especially the female ones!!” He turned to Shine Girl and said within an instant “Uh, no offense Shine Girl.” “None taken.” Said Shine Girl with a sigh and said “High School always were a nightmare to a ton of folks.” Everyone except Night Shade shuddered with a though whilst Roland rubbed the back of his head a bit. A root beer was suddenly before him. He looked and saw Night Shine offering him one, but still kept an eye on him, which was understandable. Roland accepted it and opened it and took a sip. “Being a good friend is noticing when something is actually wrong.” Said Roland as he calmly explains things “Sometimes you have to read between the lines and notice when a friend has an issue, whether or not they admit it or are even aware of it.” He pointed a certain topic about when a certain princess first went to Canterlot High. “Take the time before the Fall Formal for starters.” Said Roland “Princess Twilight had to personally make the others make up over minor things, despite being close friends for years. Oh sure, it clearly meant more to all of them, fair enough. However, they all have been close friends for years and not once did they think to talk it out. Just one mistake, even if it was major to them, is enough to destroy it with no hope of making up. Even if it was important to them at the time, they’d think that after a few days or so, most of them would get over it and make up on their own. And a good friend knows when to listen instead of just brushing off or ignoring them like that.” Team Shine pondered over this, with Love Shine saying “You know, he does have a point.” “Not to mention they didn’t want to give the CMC a chance to prove themselves when they wanted to be ninjas because their own sisters kept ignoring them. Cause by pushing them away and not be part of it, they’re only furthering undermining their confidence.” “They just didn’t want to get hurt, that’s all.” Said Gamer. “They were already hurt.” Said Roland, which caused some to flex their eyebrows. “What their sisters did by ignoring them and neglecting them hurt them more than any weapon could. They didn’t see it because they didn’t want them to.” “But you can?” said Shine Girl with a flexed eyebrow. “Yes,” said Roland “Because I know what it’s like when the people you love don’t believe in you. When they let you walk away. Remember how hard it was for the CMC to trust Sunset after she got reformed and how hard it was for them to earn everyone else’s trusts back after the whole Anon a miss fiasco?” They remembered from what the CMC told them when they first met, then Roland said “All I’m saying is, if Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash continues to treat them like they always do, they’re gonna end up strictly hating them.” Gamer and Love Shine nodded at this, but then Roland sighed and said “And that can also be a major problem for them too.” Shine Boy was confused by this and asked “What do you mean?” Roland sighed and said something that he really needed to get off of his chest, to tell them the full version of what happened between after the events of the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands. “After when Sunset got defeated, Princess Twilight could see how guilty she looked, even if it had to take the power of harmony to help her realize that. She asked the girls to look after her, to teach her about friendship, to help give her a chance to earn their trust, and she made them promise to look after her. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, the kindest and enthusiast of the group, were willing to give her a chance, but Rarity wasn’t fully on board with this, and Rainbow and Applejack refused to.” “Wait, what?” said Shine Girl as she and the others were surprised. “Why?” “I believe Lucas already provided that answer.” Said Roland, with Night Shine looking at him with a flexed eyebrow. “What? We know you hate being called what the media called you, but when I look at you, you look like a Lucas. Which is a very distinguished name.” Night Shine suddenly shrugged his shoulders a bit after some thought. “What answer?” asked Love Shine. “That there are some idiots who refused to let mistakes like that go.” Said Night Shine to remind them. “Though she didn’t have any other choice,” said Roland, “She made a mistake of entrusting the Rainbooms to look after her.” “But that’s…” said Love Shine before he cut him off. “Let me stop you there for a moment. If I were to ask, anyone else, to look after a friend to help them, I would believe them.” Said Roland, before he scoffed at the certain group. “But Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity? They made the promise, with Pinkie and Fluttershy, in front of the Princess, to look after Sunset, but the moment when she left, they ended up immediately breaking her promise and trust. Then, even after Sunset realized her mistakes and tried to apologize to them, they acted like complete jerks to her, whenever she tried to make it up to them and fix their mistakes. But my most favorite part? Was when they constantly gave her the cold shoulder and refused to help her whenever she wanted to prove herself. So much for being honest, generous, and loyal.” “How do you know so much about it?” asked Shine Girl. Roland took something out of his pocket, but the moment he showed them a locket type artifact, Shine Boy was shocked when he recognized it. “Is that?” said Shine Boy, “How…?” “I swiped it from a certain magic dog and an over cocky boy who could turn into a dragon.” Said Roland “Shredder also killed them. But don’t worry, it ran out of power almost half a year ago. It’s nothing but a trinket now.” Roland placed the trinket away and looked down and said “They’re nothing like their counterparts. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity’s counterparts are always willing to give another chance to help those in need, and yeah, they can be stubborn and selfish at times, but not to this extent. Cause I understood, that Sunset hurt them. I understood, that she drove everyone apart. I understood, that they didn’t trust her. But what I didn’t understood, is why they didn’t accept her apology, be better and give her a chance to earn it. Cause Sunset may have given the gun, but they were the ones who took the shot.” Roland then had a saddened look on his face as he said “Optimus once told me that everyone possesses the capacity for change, because he can see the good in others when everyone refused to. I thought the latter would’ve shared that.” Roland then took a breath and said “Plus the Rock N Beats and Mane 6 weren’t the only ones I had a grudge with.” “Who else?” said Shine Boy, even though he didn’t like the idea of Roland disliking folks, he knew he had to dig deeper to find the problem in order for him to get it off his chest. “Princess Twilight, Raph, Sunset and Sci-Twi.” The three were taken aback by this, with Shine Girl saying “Why do you have a grudge against those four?” “Back at the Music Festival when Sunset got stuck in a time loop because of the Time Twirler,” said Roland, “One of their friends, Sapphire, made friends with a girl named Frankie. However, because of the whole Mean Boom thing, what Cozy Glow did and because of the time-loop, the three of them were extremely paranoid, thinking that any new friend they would make would be a bad guy to stab them in the back. But last I checked, the three of them weren’t any different either.” “For Sunset, we can understand,” said Gamer “But why Raph, Princess Twilight and Twilight Sparkle?” “Before we get to the reason why I disliked them since the Music Festival, I’ll tell you more about the others.” Roland began to think who he should start first, starting with Sci-Twi “Let’s just say, I know how Equestrian Magic kept leaking into their world.” Said Roland. “You do? How do…” said Gamer, as he suddenly stopped and realized something, whilst face palming his forehead and said “Right, you experienced the same thing too with them. So, who was responsible?” “Sci-Twi.” Said Roland. Gamer flexed an eyebrow, and said “How is that possible?” “When she became Midnight Sparkle,” said Roland “She created the rifts between their world and Equestria.” “And Sunset was able to seal them.” Said Love Shine. “Not all of them.” Said Roland, which surprised them. “Remember the first thing Twilight destroyed? And the one tiny crack that came along with it?” Some pondered it, until Shine Girl’s eyes lit up in realization, and said “The Canterlot High Statue.” “Wait, that’s where the leakage was coming from?” said Gamer in disbelief. “Why didn’t they detect that?” “Even I don’t have a clue.” Said Roland whilst shaking his head. “I knew she was curious because of the events at the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands, but she should’ve known better than to stick her nose into other people’s business, because…” “Because a curious teen from messing with dangerous forces, they won't understand and get them and everyone else around them from getting in deep trouble.” Said Gamer. “Exactly.” Said Roland “She could’ve tried to talk to them, but she didn’t. No thanks to Cinch for turning half the students against her and tormented her from the shadows.” “And what about Raph?” said Love Shine. “He keeps getting angry over the stupidest things.” Said Roland “Insulting his brothers, always jeopardizing their missions, not to mention he always belittles and de-trusts those who got mutated. He hurt Fluttershy’s feelings, he insulted Bandit Raccoon and he thought that Batman was a thrill seeker.” He leaned forward and had a serious expression, “There is nothing thrilling about fighting crime. It’s a life and death situation, where you put your own life on the line, determined to stop those who would hurt others for their own greed and amusement. If you make one mistake in the battlefield, then that mistake will haunt you for the rest of your life.” He looked down and said “I know that feeling all too well.” He pulled out twelve different DOG Tags, surprising them whilst saying “Jake Davenport. Velvet Heart. Daria Kim. Rhythm Beat. Al Rostein, Summer Breeze, Bea Jocasta, Platinum, Ronald Jones, Fast Track, Mike Phillips, and Dusk Light. I lost my entire team to the Shredder. A lot of them only fought crime for the thrills, and in the end they all paid the price for it.” He placed the DOG Tags away and decided to continue. “Not to mention the difference between me and him, I don’t take my family for granted like he does. And the worst part, when Sunset yelled at Mikey, he was actually proud of that. What kind of a brother would treat his own like dirt? Brothers should learn to love and care for each other, despite their differences. Some think Mikey is crazy, but the difference between me and them, I actually listen to him and hear him out. I can tell the difference between someone telling a lie and telling the truth. But Raph…he’s a disgrace to the Hamato name and family.” He looked at them with a serious expression, whilst saying “I did everything I could in my power, to protect the people I loved. Whilst he…he threw his own father away.” “Come on, that’s not fair and you know it.” Said Shine Boy. “I’m not the only one who blamed him for what happened to Splinter.” Said Roland. He looked at Shine Boy and said “The others don’t want to admit it, but they do blame him. He could’ve jumped in and saved him, but he didn’t. In my world, I couldn’t be there, because I was busy trying to rescue both Venus and Obaki when they were kidnapped by Cobra forces, who wanted to reverse engineer them to be their elite soldiers. I couldn’t be at two places at once. But I wished for that every day of my life.” Shine Boy began to understand him a little better, but it wasn’t enough, he had to keep pushing, even if Roland didn’t realize what he was doing. “And Princess Twilight?” asked Shine Girl. Roland sighed and said “I know she’s the Princess of Friendship and she did some good, but sometimes she can get way over her head when it comes to a crisis. I mean come on, look at her, the so called ‘Princess of Friendship herself’, couldn’t even trust her own friends enough to shoulder her problems without asking for their help or without giving them a yes or no answer. I mean, I get it, the entire trip to Mt. Aris were a few close calls, but superhero secret, first plan, never works. Not to mention the Princess is the queen of dumb ideas.” “Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad.” Said Love Shine. “Oh yeah?” said Roland “Then what do you call putting Rainbow Dash and Applejack, two of the most competitive ponies in all of Equestria to teach a bunch of kids how to camp in a competitive manner instead of working together, or paired Rarity and Rainbow together to show the students how to bond without even asking them if they had anything in common.” Some blinked at this, and were surprised, with Shine Girl saying “Wow, that really is dumb.” Roland sighed and said “Not as dumb as the others.” “Such as?” said Shine Boy, now interested in learning too whilst Roland listed it down for them. “Ditching her friend Moon Dancer when she thought friendship was a waste of time, trying to take Nightmare Moon on her own, believing her Zebra friend Zecora was evil before getting a chance to know her, changing the Parasprites’ diet that caused them to eat half of Ponyville, stressing Rarity out when she wasn’t satisfied with her dresses, chose to follow Pinkie Pie around and got hurt trying to figure out how her sense worked, casting a ‘Want it, need it’ spell that caused half of her town to go bonkers, gave the CMC a love poison instead of a love potion, made a sloppy case trying to expose the fake Princess Cadance, told Pinkie about the Mirror Pool that made clones of her, trying to stop Sunset without having any knowledge about the human world, changing the Vampire Fruit Bat’s diet that turned Fluttershy into a bat monster, and the icing on top of the cake, that she tried to steal a magic pearl behind everyone else’s back whilst using her friends to distract the queen as if they were expendable deadweights.” They, minus Shine Boy, and Night Shine, were surprised by this. “She made that many mistakes?” said Gamer in disbelief. “Wow, and she gave some of them a hard time.” Said Love Shine. “Plus, she tends to act rationally without thinking.” Said Roland “Princess Celestia was the only one who ever believed her whilst everyone else, even Luna, Cadance, and Spike, along with her own friends and family thought she was crazy, sending an immature, mentally unstable book loving filly with a mass case of OCD to do a grown up’s job. I mean what would happen if someone were to have died. Different story, I know, but then that would be on her. And if she were to die, it would be on them.” He leaned back and said “I mean, I would’ve thought that after everything she and her friends had gone through, everything she and her friends had ever built, had meant something to her. Cause the Twilight Sparkle they knew, would never use her own friends like that, and would never have resorted to use barbaric methods that would’ve caused too much trouble. And for what? To be teacher’s pet. When she went out, others expected her to continue to spread the magic of friendship. But the way she acted, she wasn’t any better than Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek. And how the heck can I trust her, if she didn’t trust us enough to help carry her burden.” Team Shine looked at one another. He did have a point, for Trust had always been important in a team or family, yet despite the good Princess Twilight had done, she didn’t trust her friends enough to help carry her burden when it comes to life threatening crisis. Shine Boy also knew what it’s like, for people not trusting him after he got framed. “And what about Sunset?” said Shine Boy. Roland scoffed at that as he tossed the empty root beer bottle away. Only to get tossed another one by Night Shine. Night Shine pretended to not care, but he was listening, also doing the same thing Shine Boy did, but in a different way. “Her teacher took her in and loved her like her own daughter.” Began Roland after he took a sip “Then she tried to help her make friends so that she wouldn’t be alone anymore. She did it for her. And how did she repay her? She ran away from the only home she had ever known, turned her back on everything what she and the founders of her kingdom stood for, drove wedges between people that she didn’t know, risking exposing Equestria to their world and the neighboring dimensions. Why? Because she bawled like a big baby that her mentor didn’t make her a princess, because she wasn’t ready.” He looked at Shine Boy and said “All she cared about was power over the lives of others. There was more to being a princess than just some title and being bowed upon. It’s about leadership and responsibility and also the burdens that you carry. That if you make one mistake, you’ll end up costing the lives of not just an entire team, but also millions who live in a kingdom. I mean, look at you, you never asked to be a leader, and yet here you are, leading your team because you chose to accept it and the burden that followed.” Shine Boy nodded his head, but continued to listen. “Anyway,” said Roland “She also deliberately wielded the Element of Magic, the artifact that Twilight made, thinking that it was hers. But the Power of Harmony rejected her because it could sense darkness into her heart and turned her into a monster just to teach her a lesson. She didn’t care who she had to hurt to get what she wanted, they were innocent people who didn’t do anything to her, and she treated them like dirt.” He looked at the others again whilst saying “Plus I didn’t ignore my teachers and needed magical artifacts to make me a better person, unlike her, I did that myself. Her friends and the power of Harmony made her who she is, she on the other hand did the fool and screwing up thing, all by herself.” “But she’s not that same person anymore.” Said Shine Girl, “She’s changed.” “Right.” Said Roland. “She said she’s changed. Maybe she’s not the same power-hungry tyrant anymore, but she’s still hurting people. Just ask Sci-Twi, Wallflower and Mikey.” Roland took another sip and said “Take Sci-Twi for instance. Sunset yelled at her because she was using Equestrian magic that put them in danger, because she knows of the consequences, yet she used it for her own selfish gain. And she could’ve talked about it, but because of her attitude she got angry.” “She was stressed, it could happen to anyone.” Said Love Shine. “But she could’ve kept it under control.” Said Roland “And she wonders why she didn’t become a Princess. A true Princess is supposed to have discipline, restraint, learn to trust her subjects and believe that protocols would succeed. They don’t go around manipulating, yelling, and tormenting others for the sake of power, just because they didn’t have the balls to be patient enough to see things through.” Team Shine were a bit silent at first, but then Night Shine, though reluctantly, said “You know he does have a point.” “And then there was the time with Wallflower and Sapphire.” Said Roland. “Oh, come on, that wasn’t Sunset’s fault.” Said Gamer. “All she did was turned off the light because she wasn’t paying attention and was more focused on her friends. She didn’t mean to make her to snap. Plus, Sunset only stopped Sapphire because she caught her cheating during the art contest.” “Yeah, tell that to Wallflower and Sapphire.” Said Roland. “Wallflower, because of her Introverted mindset, thought that Sunset did it on purpose and was mean to her. And Sapphire wanted to get back at Sunset, because she thought she’d ruin her chance to be the best artist. Sure, she didn’t have to cheat, but you know how desperate folks are. Not to mention Sunset’s friends keep getting caught in her crossfire. How many did they have to pay through her mistake? That they would do anything to hurt her, through them?” Before they pondered, Roland continued. “And that time with Cozy Glow.” Said Roland “Yeah, Mikey could’ve been subtle about it, but they’ve known Mikey for a long time. Subtlety has never been his strong suit.” Team Shine looked at one another and nodded, for he did have a point, Mikey was never subtle about anything. “And right before they headed out, Mikey tried to warn them. Cozy then pulls a fast one, and Sunset ended up yelling at him, and called him a Goof Bag. My own brother, a goof bag. Yeah, he may be like that, but at least he’s honest about it, and did she forget that she pulled that same kind of tactic when she was a bully? She pretended to be nice to the teachers, but treated others like garbage. She could’ve defended Mikey and backed him up despite the fact that she owed him after the whole memory stone and pizza face fiasco, but guess what, she didn’t care.” Said Roland coldly. “She didn’t care. Cozy needed someone to get Mikey off her back, and she, ended up becoming her scapegoat. And if she had listened, she wouldn’t have nearly been banished to the ether.” “But Cozy tricked them.” Said Love Shine. “No,” said Roland as he cut him off “Her arrogance and ignorance is what nearly caused her downfall, for she ended up deceiving herself. She sees enemies and monsters when they are but misunderstood people who were led down the wrong path and only wanted friends, she sees immature goof bags and annoying pests when they’re nothing but friends who only wanted to help, spend time, and protect her, because they love and care about her. Mikey wasn't the first, and wasn't the last that she wrongfully hurt when she lashed at them because of her temper and cruelty. And not all of them, are as easily forgiving as her friends are.” They were a little surprised by this, with Roland saying “Not to mention Sunset Pinkie Promised that she would listen to Mikey from now on, but she broke it, twice. She didn’t want to listen to him when he tried to warn them about the Meanbooms, and when he told them that Frankie was okay.” He leaned backwards and said “Which brings me back to the music festival.” However, Shine Boy signaled him to breathe and calm down first, which is exactly what he did. “In my world, after Frankie got there,” said Roland “She and Sapphire, even myself, tried to convince them that she’s okay, even Mikey and Pinkie, but Raph, Sunset and Sci-Twi didn’t listen and still didn’t want to believe them. Leo and the others would’ve too if Mikey didn’t convince them. But during their time there, the three of them still followed them around. Then after Karai and the others arrived, the others had enough, even I stepped in. I knew Frankie because we’re old friends, even both our moms.” “Both your moms were friends?” said Love Shine surprised. “That’s right.” Said Roland. “Before my mother joined the GI Joes, she and Frankie’s mom were in the army Rangers together. When my mom died when I was ten, her mom got injured and got sent home. Sure, she could still walk and all, but her doctors told her she endured post-traumatic stress, so they sent her home.” “Makes sense.” Said Shine Boy, although he had a feeling and dread where this was going. “I told them that I trust Frankie with my life and told them of our moms’ history.” Said Roland, “I told them of our background. And you know what Sunset, Sci-Twi and Raph said?” He looked at them and nearly wanted to shed a tear and said “That they were probably lying too and said that they were probably abusers, deadbeats and drunks.” Shine Girl gasped and clasped her mouth shut, Gamer and Love Shine’s jaws dropped. Shine Boy…he didn’t have the words, even Night Shine, though he had a murderous look in his eye for some reason. “I really got angry that day.” Said Roland. “I punched Sunset in the face and wanted to rip her to shreds. Not only did she insult both our mothers, she made Frankie cry. Even the others were outraged by what they said and realized they took it way too far.” He looked at them and said “Applejack personally took both Sci-Twi and Sunset’s geodes and broke them in two, Rainbow broke Sunset’s instrument and tossed them at her feet, which resulted her to kick both Sunset and Sci-Twi out of their band. And since then, both of them were branded the ‘Monsters of Canterlot High’. Sci-Twi ended up staying in her room, and Sunset went back to Equestria, heartbroken that her friends abandoned her, but also regretted of what she said to me and Frankie. And it was too late for her to apologize.” “And…what about Raph?” asked Gamer out of caution. “All the times Raph bragged about quitting.” Said Roland, then he looked at them and said “Leo literally kicked him out and broke both his sais, telling him that he has dishonored the Hamato name and is forever banished from the Clan and the family, and that their father would be ashamed and disgusted with him. Instead of striking out on his own, he ended up living in the junkyard. He lost his fighting spirit ever since. Even Mona and Chompy refused to go near him, along with Slash.” Team Shine were all stunned in silence. With Roland finishing his root beer and saying “Don’t you see? They fell long before Shredder came along. Cause if there’s one thing they taught me, is that a good leadership relies on strength. I tried the best I could, but all of them always ended up causing trouble, always voicing their own unnecessary Paranoia, and what did that amount to? Nothing, but utter chaos. Nobody could agree on anything or move on from their own idiocy. And that’s the reason, why they fell.” “I see.” Said Shine Boy. “But still, did you have to keep bringing up their mistakes like that?” “Do you have any idea, how many times they keep repeating their mistakes?” said Roland whilst looking at them. “The Mane 6, Judged Zecora without giving her a chance or to know her, they judged Princess Luna because she got corrupted with darkness. Even Princess Twilight didn’t trust Starlight. Oh, I mean yeah, sure, she mind-controlled her friends, but only because she panicked and Twilight wasn’t specific on what the lesson was. Not to mention the map called Starlight alone to solve a problem, and yet she still didn’t trust her. And like any of us, or even Celestia, would trust her, after everything she did? But then again, she and Celestia have a lot in common; they’re both lousy teachers.” Roland scoffed and said “At least father did a better job at trying to teach instead of spoon feeding them. Not to mention, unlike a certain farmgirl and fashionista, I don’t brush off, neglect, or ignore my siblings like they did. At least I do a better job at trying to protect and look after them, plus I have more faith and trust in them, cause if they don’t, how do they expect everyone else to.” He leaned forward and said “And as for Sunset, miss rinse and repeat.” “You have to remember that old habits die hard.” Shine Boy mentioned. He used his gauntlet and played them a recording of the conversation Sunset and Mikey had, about how Cozy pretended to be heartbroken, how Sunset yelled at him and called him a Goof Bag. Then Mikey retaliated by calling her Meanset Shimmer whenever she loses her cool and lash out to people like she did with Sci-Twilight back at the Friendship Games. Then it ended with her saying You’re about to see just how mean I can get. They were surprised to hear her like that. “Yikes,” said Gamer “No wonder Mikey called her that.” “And I thought Raph was a hothead.” Said Love Shine. “But what’s that gotta do with…?” said Shine Girl before he cut her off by playing another, of both Sunset and Wallflower. “What did I do to you?! Seriously, I don’t even know you!!” “Exactly!! You may have everyone fooled, but you’re still the biggest meanie!!” “You’re about to see just how mean I can get.” They were surprised by that last line, which meant what Roland said was true; Sunset really did repeat her mistake. “And now you know why I have a problem with that.” Said Roland. “Every single detail, she keeps getting serious, she’s no nonsense, she always wants everyone to focus even when it doesn’t matter, she’s hotheaded, a sore loser, makes impulsive boneheaded and unthought decisions and she always gets angry whenever she stresses over nothing. She feels responsible for bringing magic, but the leakage was Sci-Twi’s idea. But she’s not gonna get anywhere in life if she keeps pushing her friends away. And if she keeps going on like that, it’s going to cost her friendship with everyone.” Roland looks down and said “And what’s the point of learning lessons if they’re just going to repeat it again.” He looked at Shine Boy and said “And about their fear of repeating their mistakes? They already did that situation before Bright Eyes went to Canterlot High and before the Music Festival.” He looked down and said “That’s why I yelled and them and stuff. I do this to remind them that the last time they did a few things like that, it nearly costed them everything, all because they didn’t trust one another or followed their gut. Then I knew Steven Universe and Tommy Oliver would talk to them to cheer them up. Then after seeing them in action, I realized that they did learn, we apologized to one another and made a promise that they would never do something like this again.” Team Shine were a little surprised by this, with Love Shine saying “How did you know they’d…” “Because I told them to.” Said Roland. Now they were shockened and taken aback by what he just revealed. “Wait,” said Shine Boy as he instantly realized it. “You planned this from the very beginning.” “Coming here to ask for your help to stop the Shredder was one of the main reasons I came here.” Said Roland. He sighed and said “Ever since the whole memory stone fiasco, I’ve been in the shadows, helping them.” He then began to list things off. “When Melody’s sister, Sweetheart was in an accident, about a day after the Memory Stone incident, I posed as a doctor, trying to save her.” “You did?” said a surprised Gamer, “Why?” “In my world, she was in the same accident. She needed part of a liver in order to save her. Ace wanted to offer his because his was the same blood type as her, but the Doctors refused, saying it was too dangerous. They didn’t get the liver in time, and Sweetheart died that day.” They were shocked to hear this, with Roland continuing where he left off. “I posed as a Doctor after Ace was turned down. I asked him to come with me and he donated a piece of his liver. It eventually grew back thanks to my healing syringe, but I gave that liver to Sweetheart and I saved her.” “But why would Ace offer his liver?” asked Love Shine. “Because he loved Melody.” Said Shine Girl surprised as the signs were there. “He wanted to make her happy by saving her sister.” The rest of Team Shine realized this, and were surprised, for that would explain why Melody and Ace hung out with one another more often. “And during that time when Ace wanted to expose Rihona, I was from the shadows and helped them expose her and saved them when a few of her assassins tried to kill them. Needless to say, they were never seen again.” He then listed another of what he did. “I was also able to reach out to Master Splinter in the spiritual realm and posed as a random ghost watcher, and convince him to convince Princess Twilight and her friends to not let their Paranoia get the better of them and to let Bright Eyes forgive them and give them another chance.” Then he said something that caught them completely off guard. “After Mikey beat Jagwar, I posed as a healer to heal him of his injuries and scars.” “Wait,” said Love Shine surprised, “You can also heal scars?” “That’s right.” Said Roland, “I studied a lot of mystical magics.” He continued where he left off. “During that time, Mikey talked about how he wanted to quit the team and that he didn’t want anything to do with them. But during his healing, I told him what the Daiyou told them about how he didn’t help his son and, in the end, he ended up resenting him. And that he should follow Nelson Mandela’s example. That instead of hating, he forgave them, despite his torture and torment. I even read him a poem that Invictus wrote, about not giving up. Mikey ended up being moved by my words. And he chose to be better. Hence why he forgave them.” They were greatly surprised by this; however, they noticed his change of face. “But deep down, I was still angry at them for what they did, and decided to teach them a lesson about what happens when Karma tends to strike back at them.” “What do you mean?” asked Shine Girl. Roland revealed a great secret. “Who do you think told their friends at Canterlot City and New York of what they did to Mikey that resulted in them getting shunned?” All of them were greatly shocked. “You were the one?!!” said Love Shine, “Why?!!” “Like I said,” said Roland, “To teach them a lesson.” “But that’s no way to…!!” said Shine Boy, until Roland stood up and was right in his face. “It’s still no excuse for what they did!! The Rainbooms and Mikey’s brothers were supposed to be better than that!!” shouted Roland. “The Rainbooms were the guardians of Friendship!! They were supposed to have helped him!! It was their responsibility to help them, no matter how different, boastful, annoying, cruel, and how bad their histories were, one that their counterparts never took seriously!! And from the looks of it from what I had seen since the Memory Stone fiasco?!! Neither did they. And Raph thought Batman was a thrill seeker?” “And you think keeping them in their regret is supposed to make them feel better? Yes, they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, but if you keep bringing them down instead of helping them improve their mistakes, You’re no BETTER THAN SHREDDER!” Shine Boy snapped, shocking his team while Night Shine reached for his machete. He glared at him and said “And what did the Rainbooms and Turtles do ever since they started out? They should’ve been better, but as usual, their immaturity and judging teenage hormones whilst being selfish and fat with pride got in the way, all because they couldn’t face the truth.” “And that being?” said Shine Boy. “That the world’s not some fantasy to live in.” said Roland, “That not everything is black and white. That life is never fair. The only thing that mattered the most is trying to help those in need by being there for them and making sure that things are set in motion before somebody else comes along and ruins things for everyone else. And the way I see it, they’re no different than the Meanbooms. Mikey was the only one who tried to clear their names, and he saved them a couple of times and they owe him. And they took all of that for granted.” After that intense word exchange, Roland calmed down and sat down, with Shine Boy sitting down and kept an eye on him. “And the reason why I kept bringing things up and remind them of their mistakes.” Said Roland. “Before the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, Anon-A-Miss, the Memory Stone incident, Equestria World, Juniper, Wallflower, especially Batman, was to remind them that the last time they did that with that kind of mindset, they ended up destroying their friendships all on their own.” Shine Boy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Then he said “So you planned all of this, because…” “Yes.” Said Roland “I’m trying to keep them from making the same mistakes my friends did in my world, to ensure that their friendships still remained strong, and to help them realize that if they keep going back to their usual mindsets, it will end up costing them everything. I really wish it didn’t have to come to this.” “What do you mean?” asked Gamer. “I was following orders.” Said Roland. “Who?” asked Love Shine. Roland sighed and said “Paradox, Batman and Dr. Fate.” They were surprised by this, with Roland saying “During that time when they went to help Static, I went to Batman and told him everything. So, he brought me to Dr. Fate, even Paradox somehow found his way there. After telling them, Bats told me what do to. I didn’t want to at first, but when Batman gives an order, you do it.” “That sounds like him.” Muttered Shine Boy. “I really didn’t want to do any of this,” said Roland “But Paradox and Dr. Fate said that things are already set in motion and I can’t change it no matter what. But if it meant that the others would stop mistrusting and would learn to move forward like Starlight did, I had to do it.” “That would explain a few things.” Said Night Shine “But what about the red eyes?” Roland knew what he was talking about. He took off a glove from his left hand and showed them. On it was a large cut on his palm. Shine Boy took at it. But then widened his eyes in shock and said “You didn’t.” “Yeah,” said Roland in shame “I made a deal with a demon.” All of them were taken aback by this. However, Night Shine burst out laughing. “You. Idiot!” he chuckled. Roland looked at him with a stink eye and said “How would you feel, if your parent got killed right in front of you when you were eight years told trying to defend you, and when you literally lost all hope, a monster came along and took advantage of your vulnerability?” Night Shine glanced at him, with Roland saying “Difference between you and me? At least you have parents to go back to. And I'm an idiot? The only one who was an idiot was your counterpart, considering he got Shine Boy killed.” They were taken aback by this. However, Gamer dreaded where this was going, and asked “If I may ask…how did we die?” Roland didn’t know how to respond to this, so he pulled out a disc and displayed a holographic screen and played the first footage. It was about Love Shine and they saw many deceased warriors, which to their shock, was none other than Tai and the others, whilst their Digimon were slowly turning to dust all around them. It showed how Roland and half of both the Titans and Ben 10’s team, along with Team Shine, were retreating when Shredder had taken over the Digital World for his own accord. “Fall back, we need to fall back!!” shouted Nightwing before he was killed by one of the Foot Bots. They saw Gamer was able to open a portal, whilst shouting “Portal’s open, let’s get out of here!!” They all jumped through the portal, whilst Roland fought alongside Love Shine. “Love Shine, we gotta go!!” shouted Roland. “Forget it, you need to get Serenity and Shine Girl out of here!!” shouted Love Shine, whilst they saw how they were carrying the injured Shine Girl and Serenity (Much to Team Shine’s shock). “Forget it!!” shouted Roland as he went over to Love Shine “I’m not leaving anyone behind!!” Love Shine grabbed him and said “This is not the time to argue!! Just go before…!!” Love Shine grunted as if he was in shock. The two looked down and shocked that he got impaled, (much to the rest of Team Shine’s shock). When he looked back, he saw Krang Subprime was the one who made the move. “Going somewhere?!” said the former Utrom. “You monster!!” shouted Roland. Before he could move further, he saw Love Shine holding him, gaining his attention. He saw, to his shock, that Love Shine pressed the self-destruct button on his armour. The two of them looked at one another, with one of them having a pained expression. “It’s time to get serious Roland.” Said Love Shine. “If you’re staying, I’m staying.” Said Roland “Brothers forever, remember?” Love Shine could only smirk and said “Get your sourpuss of an expression out of here, it’s hurting my eyes.” Within a split second, Love Shine tossed Roland so hard, he hit both Shine Boy and Gamer as they got through the portal. The three of them instantly got up as they saw Krang Subprime lifting Love Shine towards him as a handful of others were around the injured Team Shine member. “Any last words before you join your loser turtle and Rainboom friends?” said Subprime with a smirk. Love Shine only looked at him with a smirk whilst showing his armour’s gauntlet, making the Krang Commander look at him. “Boom.” Responded Love Shine as his armour instantly glowed. May were shocked by what they were seeing, with Krang Subprime shouting “Oh Krang!!” Within a split second, Love Shine blew up, taking Subprime and many other villains with him. To say that Love Shine was shocked was an understatement when he saw how he died, even the rest of Team Shine, though Night Shine kept glancing at it. However, there were two others that Shine Boy were more concerned about. “What about Serenity?” asked Shine Boy. “She didn’t make it.” Said Roland, much to their shock. “She died of her injuries cause she was very severe. That’s not even the worst part.” “What could be worse than that?!” said Shine Boy incredulously Roland looked at him in sorrow and sympathy and said “Serenity was expecting a child. You were going to be a father too.” Shine Boy was taken aback by this, even the rest of Team Shine. Shine Boy nearly collapsed in shock, but the others ensured he would be okay. The next up, he played Shine Girl’s death. In this footage through Roland’s eyes, they saw Team Shine, along with half of the injured Titans, including Static and Gears, were trying to flee, for they appeared to be running inside what appeared to be a facility, and Shine Girl was holding onto an important component that was needed for something important. “Shine Boy, we got the component for Gamer!! Get ready for an immediate pickup!!” Roland immediately used his explosive to blow the side of the building. When they looked outside, they saw many of the GI Joes’ Airforce units trying to distract them whilst at the same time, Shine Boy’s transport arrived. It opened from the back and shouted “Come on, let’s go!!” Roland turned to Static and Gears whilst saying “Get the Titans across first!!” They complied and took them across. Just as he was about to jump, he heard a gunshot, he saw Shine Girl, stumbling and appeared to have multiple wounds (shocking Team Shine), making her collapse, revealing to be Tiger Claw, holding a blaster. “Nowhere to run, little cubs.” Said Tiger Claw. They saw Roland’s eyes going red whilst he screamed in rage. He charged towards Tiger Claw, though whilst he kept shooing, it had no effect. Roland beat the tar out of Tiger Claw and ended up grabbing him and threw him out of the buildings. With his eyes back to normal, he quickly got to Shine Girl, who was coughing and wheezing. “We need to…get out of here.” Muttered Shine Girl. “Shine Girl, I…” said Roland whilst shedding tears. “Don’t despair Roland.” Said Shine Girl “None of us had saw this coming. But for all our sakes. Don’t let your anger consume you. Trust your heart, like I…I…taught…” Within moments, she died in his arms, which Roland lowered his head, but he knew he didn’t have time. He quickly jumped across and rejoined the others, allowing them to quickly leave. Roland gently placed her on the ground. Night Shine looked away, Gamer sobbing over his dead friend and Roland holding him, for another member was gone. Shine Girl was shocked to see how she died, even the rest of, minus Night Shine, of Team Shine. Roland then played another recording, this time, it was of Gamer. But as the footage played, to their shock, they saw Gamer, badly wounded as he made his way towards the computer, but what shocked them the most, was the fact that Shredder’s forces had found the Shine Pad as everything was in flame. But inside were a handful of GI Joe soldiers, along with the Spy Racers, Carmen Sandiego, and her group, along with the Ninja Steel Rangers, who were injured and trying to keep up the fight. “Gamer, what’s going on in there?!” shouted Roland “Outside perimeters are being overrun!!” “It’s worse over here.” Said Gamer as he grunted in pain “I’m sorry…but Shredder’s already found us.” “What?!” shouted Roland “No, Gamer, get the heck out of there!!” “There isn’t time.” Said Gamer “Batman needs the Intel. If I don’t…everything we worked hard for will be at risk.” “Then I’m coming to get you!!” shouted Roland. “No,” said Gamer “Like I said, it’s already too late.” Gamer heard screaming and looked behind. He had seen both Tony Toretto and Carmen had been slain by one of Shredder’s robotic generals. Gamer quickly took out the data drive and plugged it into the Shine Pad Computer. He began to quickly download all of the data of Shredder’s plans and sent it straight to the other said. “There,” said Gamer “Successfully sent it to the batcomputer. The rest is up to Batman now. Good luck, to all of us.” The General pointed his blaster at Gamer, and within an instant, blasted him whilst the imagery went black. Gamer was shocked to see his fate as he couldn’t believe what happened. The next one…was the worst one. The next footage, was of Shine Boy’s. They saw that Roland, Obaki, Venus, Shine Boy, Night Shine and half of the Justice League and Batman’s team all struggled to fight, whilst at the same time, to Team Shine’s shock, were the Shadowbolts, the Mighty Mutanimals, Wallflower, Sapphire and Juniper Montage, all dead all over, failed to stop the Shredder. They saw how the Shredder was fighting them and were shocked to see that he was making short work on half the league, especially against Superman, whom he personally jabbed his blades through his chest and tossed away as if he was nothing. Roland, Venus and Obaki were injured, same with Shine Boy and Night Shine. “We have to get out of here!!” shouted Venus. “We can’t!!” shouted Obaki “Not if we want that component!!” He pointed at one of the components that was on one of the upper consoles. “There’s no time, we have to go!!” shouted Venus. “But…!!” said Roland. “She’s right!!” shouted Batman as he came along, all injured. “We need to get out of here, or we won’t survive another day!! Justice League, fall back!!” Roland looked at Shine Boy and Night Shine and shouted “Shine Boy, we need to get out of here!!” One by one, the surviving members, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Dr. Fate, a damaged Red Tornado, Red Arrow, Icon, The Atom, Nightwing, Guardian, Cyborg and Blue Beetle used special devices that turned into pods, allowing them to eject out of the facility. Venus and Obaki followed suit. “But what about Shredder’s device?!!” shouted Night Shine. “You heard him, there’s no time!!” shouted Shine Boy. Obaki and Venus were the last ones to evacuate. Just as Roland was going to evacuate with Shine Boy, Night Shine suddenly jumped out and darted towards the component. “Luke!!” shouted Roland. Night Shine ran towards the component, dodging Shredder’s attacks until he was finally able to get the device and ripped it out, causing the device to be depowered. Shredder roared in anger and smacked Night Shine, causing him to crash hard against the wall. Night Shine struggled to get up whilst Shredder slowly approached him. Roland tried to come to his rescue, but got grabbed at the throat as Shredder lifted him up. He then looked at Night Shine and said “You will pay for your insolence!!” Shredder raised his right arm in the air and was about to jab his blade through Night Shine *SNICKT!!* However, that was not the case. Night Shine, somehow watched in shock and terror. Roland, with widened eyes and horror, as he had prayed from within his subconscious that he wished it wasn’t so (But not as shocked as team Shine were). For standing between him and Shredder, was none other than Shine Boy, who had saved his brother from a grim fate. “Tony?” muttered Night Shine. Shine Boy, gave him one last look whilst in pain and used his device by planting it on Night Shine. “No, no. Tony!! No!!!” shouted Night Shine as he was being launched. “Hmph.” Said Shredder “It makes no…” He screamed in pain as his arm was cut off, revealing Roland had freed himself and freed Shine Boy from Shredder’s blade. He quickly grabbed him and used the pod to escape. With Roland holding Shine Boy and kept his eyes shut. Roland turned them off, with Team Shine were horrified what had transpired, whilst Night Shine gripping his fist in anger. “And like I told your counterpart,” said Roland “Why would you even care, I mean you never did love your brother anyway.” Night Shine immediately walked towards Roland, with Roland standing up, causing the two of them to be face to face with one another whilst Night Shine’s right hand begins to ignite a bright black flame, causing the rest of Team Shine to quickly stand up and break the fight, but Roland signaled them to stop. “I came here, out of respect and all of you deserved the truth, Luke, because all of you had been good to me shortly after I met you.” said Roland as the two looked at them sternly “But if you wanna go at this another way Night Boy? I'm game.” At first Night Shine wanted to make a move, but deep down, he was actually impressed. No one had the stones to stand up to him, or even stand this close to him and looked at him right in the eye. Night Shine only huffed, for in a way, Roland had gained his respect. He walked back to his position whilst his black flaming hand dies out, then gestured to him and said “Continue.” Shine Boy placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder. “You’ll have to forgive Luke. I don’t know how much you’ve learned from his counterpart, but he laughs at other people’s…. Poor decisions we’ll say. As the embodiment of darkness, he can’t be overwhelmed by evil and everyone who has he deems an idiot.” Roland nodded. “Duly noted.” He then continued. After Roland and Team Shine, minus Night Shine, sat back down, Night Shine asked “What made you do that?” “After I lost my mom,” said Roland “I wandered through the streets until a stranger came along. He told me he saw my suffering and he pitied me. He told me that he would give me the power to slay the people responsible for what happened to my mother. All I had to do was to sign a contract. I read it and I had to give him my soul if I agreed. But I changed the deal and told him that for everyone I killed, he gets to keep their souls. He accepted it and I signed it by blood pact.” He looked at Shine Boy and said “Many years later, about a year before I went to Canterlot High, you came along. You were on your first solo mission and both you and Snake Eyes tried to stop me, even used a special power you had to make me see what I had done. I literally broke down in tears when I realized what I had caused. But by the time during the Meanboom incident, the darkness in me was too strong.” He showed them the gauntlet on his arm and said “Gamer developed this tech to keep the demon inside of me at bay and said that only members of Team Shine can remove it if it’s absolutely necessary. I didn’t care, I just felt finally freed.” He then looked at a photo of him and his friends. He nearly broke down again and said “Everyone I cared about is really gone. I really have lost everything. My childhood, my parents, my family, my friends, my team, my home, my life, my honor, my clan.” He looked at the cut and said “Even my humanity and sanity.” Roland said with a croaking voice “Listen, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I just…” Roland covered his face with his hands. And out of instinct, Shine Girl quickly got up and hugged him, with Gamer doing the same. Love Shine walked over and patted him on the back. Shine Boy could see that Roland had been through so much and he suffered every day. Now he understood him better, and understood why he did all this. Shine Boy sighed and said “I think understand you better now. You’re only doing this because you don’t want them to suffer the same fate as your friends from your world.” He looked at him once the others broke their hug whilst Roland looked at him whilst saying “But you have to remember, the Turtles, Rainbooms and everyone else, they’re not the friends from your world, but are from the one they came from. Even though they make the same mistakes over and over, Each time just proved the strength of their friendship and family bonds. They become more together than apart. Plus, every time whenever you get angry, I can tell you have a hard time telling them if they’re your friends or not.” “And you’re also a bigger idiot.” Said Night Shine. “Luke.” Scolded Shine Girl, but Roland motioned him to go on. “You wanted to make sure that all of them wouldn’t become them,” said Night Shine as he looked at him “But you lashing out at them and accusing them without giving the other a chance and without giving them the benefit of the doubt, not to mention you constantly bringing up their mistakes. That makes you an even bigger hypocrite.” Roland lowered his head in shame. Shine Boy then placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder and said “Which is why we’re going to help you.” Roland looked at him surprised, whilst Shine Boy smiled. “If there’s one thing that life taught me,” said Shine Boy “The people around you that you love, even your friends, can be your greatest teachers. Your heart was in the right place, but your methods were a bit out of line.” “But, what if they…?” said Roland in a worried tone before he was cut off. “Then we’ll find a way, together, we always do.” Said Shine Boy “Hope can be the greatest weapon; we just have to find a way to wield it right. You came to us, because you had hope we’d succeed where the others failed. All I’m asking is that you trust to help you.” Roland couldn’t help but smile and said “There’s a good reason why I always liked you lot.” Gamer was then curious, and asked “If you felt that way about the Rainbooms, Turtles and others, what do you think of us. Team Shine, I mean.” Roland couldn’t help but chuckle and said “When I first met you lot, I couldn’t stand you lot, especially whole superhero tights schtick.” “Tights? these are sweatpants, dude.” Shine Boy jestered. “Least we don't do cheesy heroic poses.” Gamer added. His expression warmed a bit and said “But overtime we became friends. We became brothers in arms. You even made me an honorary Team Shine member.” He looked at Gamer and said “We always had fun, tinkering a few techs here and there, even made our first AI to help us in battle.” Gamer was a little surprised and smiled a little, then Roland chuckled and said “And you kept wanting to name it fluffy for some reason because of its blinking eyes.” The others couldn’t help but chuckle over it, with Gamer blushing in embarrassment. “Well, I am working on my own robot.” “Love Shine always picked me up whenever I felt rock bottom.” Said Roland “He always had a great way of motivating folks to help them through their tough times.” Love Shine couldn’t help but smile at that. “Shine Girl always gave me great advice.” Said Roland “When I wanted to try dating, she always encouraged me to try new things, to help me see the bigger picture in life. It was because of her I felt love again.” Shine Girl couldn’t help but smile at that too. “And Luke?” said Roland as he couldn’t help but smile “He’d constantly punch me in the face every time I did something stupid. Then he would’ve helped me. He always did have the right motivation to help.” Night Shine couldn’t help but shrug his shoulders and look away. “And you?” said Roland as he looked at Shine Boy “You were always there for me whenever I needed it. When I was going through some tough times, whenever I tried to pick myself up, whenever I felt like I lost hope, you were always there. You always knew what to say. Hence why I always look to you for guidance.” Roland couldn’t help but have a softened expression on his face whilst smiling and said “Hence why I wanted you to lead us. Leo, Sunset, Princess Twilight, Slash, and a few others, all of them may have been good leaders of their own teams. But you’re the pillar that holds us together.” Shine Boy couldn’t help but feel flattered by that statement. “Which is why I wanted to ask.” Said Roland as he extended his hand “Would you please be my teacher? Help teach me from right to wrong? Like your counterpart did for me?” Shine Boy couldn’t help but smile and held his hand whilst saying “I’d be honored.” They let go as Roland said “Still don’t know how I’m going to convince Batman and the others though.” “Leave that to me.” Said Shine Boy whilst assuring Roland “I promise we’ll get through this.” Roland couldn’t help but stand up and give Shine Boy a hug, which he returned. The others couldn’t help but hug him too. Night Shine on the other hand walked over to him and presented his fist, which Roland returned a fist bump to him. “There's just one thing that bothers me,” said Gamer once they broke the hug “Why are you also so hard on Caitlyn?” “You're not gonna like it.” said Roland. “Try us.” said Love Shine. Roland took a deep breath, and said “In my world, she exposed Team Shine's secret identities to the public.” “WHAT?!!” exclaimed Team Shine (minus Night Shine) “She got her job in journalism.” said Roland. “But she was so desperate into keeping her job, she ended up selling you guys out. And as a result, you lot were forced to be on the run, from both your enemies and your government. Your lives were pretty much ruined, even Serenity.” Shine Boy was shocked to hear that. “Shortly after you lot were exposed, Serenity’s mom was killed by a villain who was trying to lure out Shine Boy, especially since Serenity’s father had military background who died on the field of duty. After they defeated him, Shine Boy gave Serenity a choice, and in the end, she chose to go with him. She didn’t blame Shine Boy, just Caitlyn, cause in the end she made her choice and proved that she would do anything, even selling out her own friends, just to keep her job and money.” “That doesn’t sound like Caitlyn at all!” Gamer argued. “Okay I get it! She ratted out on Mikey and Keno when they secretly trained the CMCs, but she learned from it!” “I know, which doesn’t make any sense.” Said Roland. “I’ve been hearing that over and over and I kept replaying it in my head, wondering why she’d do it, which didn’t add up. Then during the invasion of New York, in her dying breath, she told me that she exposed you lot because he forced her to.” “He who?” said Love Shine “Her boss.” “No, it wasn’t.” said Roland “I could see the look in her eyes, the fear in them to. As if someone terrifying had forced her to act that way through the shadows, to break the teams up. She even told me that he was responsible for the others.” “Others?” said Shine Boy as he pondered it. Then it hit him, whilst also saying “You don’t think whoever she was talking about was responsible for the others to fall apart in your world?” “It’s a possibility.” Said Roland “But who, I still don’t know.” “Something’s definitely going on.” Said Love Shine “If whoever’s responsible for who made Caitlyn do all those things, then this person could’ve been around for a long time.” “Right, since everyone thought the Shredder died in his world.” Said Gamer “But how could he have known all this?” “A mystery for another time.” Said Shine Boy “Until then, we need to be ready for the next mission.” The others nodded in agreement. Before Roland left, Shine Boy stopped him. “And Roland,” said Shine Boy, making the said ninja look at him “Remember what I said.” “I promise.” Said Roland. “Good.” Said Shine Boy “And you know what you need to do now, right? For both AJ and Rarity.” Roland nodded and soon left with Shine Boy, to prepare for their next mission. “Also, about Obaki and Venus.” said Roland. “Don't be too hard on them, they were just trying to protect me, even if the truth did hurt.” Shine Boy looked at Roland with a flexed eyebrow. “After you saved me,” began Roland, “I wanted to start over, so I went to Canterlot High. I met the Rainbooms and befriended them, even Sunset during her bullying days. I got through to her and we became friends. But...after the whole thing with the Shredder, everything fell apart. Friendships was slowly broken, friend turned on friend, and in the end...they all turned their backs on each other. Even me, and I didn't even do anything. They even treaded Obaki differently because of his birth family.” “Birth family?” “Before you say anything, let me say this.” said Roland. “After Shredder took Karai, he got married and she gave birth to an actual son. But instead of treating him with love and respect, he was put in the same prison as I was to be turned into a monster. The son's mother begged and pleaded for him to stop, for this isn't the way. Then Shredder did the unthinkable. He killed the mother right in front of the son, and me. The son was devastated and hated his father from that day on. We both escaped, we went through everything together. And he became what Shredder couldn't for Splinter, he became my brother.” It then dawned to Team Shine of whom he was talking about. “Obaki.” muttered Gamer. “They treated him with hostility, and he had been bitter towards them ever since. And from that day on, after the Music Festival, everything good in my life just...went away.” They didn't know how to respond to that, with him saying “At least you lot are lucky. At least you all have parents and friends to go back to. Me on the other hand. I lost everything. And the reason why I'm so hard on them, was because their counterparts took their families and friends for granted, and I did it because the last time they thought like that, they lost everyone. I just...didn't want them to lose them and each other. Like I did. And I felt that if I could do one thing right, that would be enough for me. Even till my end.” Shine Girl was shocked when it instantly clicked. “You want to die.” “I got nothing else to live for anyway.” said Roland. “That's not true.” said Love Shine as he protested. “He's right,” said Gamer, “There are plenty to live for. You don't have to be alone anymore. You can start over, make new friends. They're not the friends you knew. You can try to be there for them.” But then Roland said, “I don't need friends.” They were taken aback by what he said, with him lowering his head, with a hurt so bad, he nearly wanted to cry, but couldn't, which Shine Boy took notice. “I... it's better this way.” said Roland as he walked away with his head lowered and his heart filled with so much ache. That's when Shine Boy understood. The reason why Roland was like this, was because through his whole life he suffered and lost so much. He was only hard because he didn't want them to lose anyone like their counterparts did. But to hear it from him, he now knew why he closed his heart and hardened it. “Oh Roland.” said Shine Boy as he secretly wiped a tear away, and said “You have no idea how wrong you are.” And from around the corner, a certain rainbow haired girl was listening over, she nearly chocked by what had been revealed, trying her best not to give herself away. But then she moved away with her head lowered. *********************************************************************************************** At another hallway, the Turtles were walking down the hall, with Mikey notice the looks on his brothers’ faces. “Okay, before we go on,” said Mikey, “What’s gotten into you three?” The brothers were silent, then Leo said “Look, Mikey…we’re really sorry for not being there for you when you needed us the most.” “Yeah…even though you mess up, you’re still our brother.” Said Donnie, “And the way we’ve been acting, we should’ve known better.” “So, things just happened. So what?” Mikey shrugged. “We’re terrible brothers! That’s what!” Raph sighed. “It’s no way to be a family. Always turning away when you need us.” “How can we still be together after all the times we’ve abandoned you let alone ignored your warnings?” Donnie pouted. “But you’ve been better about it after the Meanbooms.” Mikey recalled. “And how long until we slip up again?” Leo breathed. At last, Mikey had enough. “Will you guys stop beating yourselves up!? I don’t know what Obaki and Venus told you, but you have worked hard to keep us together! Okay, I get it! I could’ve left the team after that fiasco with Jagwar, but I didn’t! Besides, Leo helped me train even if he wanted me to get pounded along with the Young Six. Is this the same brothers who never gave up to the Kraang? The same brothers who never stopped to convince Karai that Sensei was her father not Shredder? The brothers who didn’t run away from Shredder after he murdered dad? Who didn’t give up on curing April’s dad when she left us? Heck, I bet we’d be in some Mutant Apocalypse and yet we would find our way back to each other. I know I’ll keep making mistakes even if I’m proven right more times than all the pepperoni counted on a slice of pizza, but we stay together no matter what! Even if someday, we go our separate ways, we’ll always find our way back! So, no more beating ourselves up for past mistakes!” Leo, Donnie, and Raph were all jaw dropped at what they just heard. After taking a deep breath, Mikey smiled. “So, are you going to stand there like zombies or are we going to hug it out?” In an instant, the four brothers hugged it out for a bit, Mikey spoke up. “So, are we going to the lounge now with everyone else? I heard there’s pizza there.” “Oh yeah. That.” Donnie said, worried about the CHS students who heard Obaki and Venus. “Well, we might as well get it over it.” Raph sighed before Mikey pointed his finger. “Upupup! None of that!” As they began walking over, Leo patted Mikey on the shell. “Thanks Mikey.” “Hey. No matter what, we’re still bros.” “Glad to see you finally get along.” They instantly turned around and saw a cloaked figure, the same figure that spoke with Sunset earlier, named Jacob Drake. “Easy there, name’s Jacob, and I’m on your side.” Said Jacob. “Yeah, then why are you sneaking through the shadows?” asked Raph suspiciously. “I could ask you the same thing.” Joked Jacob, which caused Mikey to laugh a bit at that. “But seeing you lot like this…I’m glad to see that you were able to settle your differences. Well, almost, but close enough.” Leo however, noticed that being around him, was a sense of safety. Something that he hadn’t felt in a long time. He looked at his brothers and motioned them to stand down, allowing them to place their weapons away. “So why are you even here?” asked Leo. “Wanted to see for myself how capable all of you are.” Said Jacob. “Let’s just say ever since your first adventures together…you’ve gained the attention of the higher ups.” “Higher ups?” said Donnie in confusion. However, when he motioned to them, they were all shocked to realize what he meant. “I know that ever since that all of you had been on this adventure,” said Jacob, “All of you have accomplished a great deal, helping those in need, whether in New York, or in different cities or in different dimensions. But from what I’ve seen, ever since the day all of you have met the Rainbooms, all of you have gone to many adventures, saved many lives. Even though all of you are different, what you’ve accomplished together, can be great.” They couldn’t help but smile at that, with Jacob suddenly looking concerned, “But remember, there will always be those along the way who will try to tear apart what you have. For just because all of you were able to overcome one problem, doesn’t mean that you should lower your guard so quickly. And I think you know what.” Raph sighed and said “Obaki and Venus.” “That’s right.” Said Jacob. “Look, we didn’t mean to take it out on each other, okay.” Said Leo, “It’s just…” “I know. You did the best you could and you thought you should’ve tried harder” Said Jacob. “Just as Splinter should have.” They looked at him surprised, with Raph saying “What’s that supposed to mean?!” “I’ve seen it before.” Said Jacob, “Plus I have brothers of my own, so I know how it works.” “Wait, you have brothers?” asked Donnie. “Yeah. Their names are Nathan, my oldest. Then the second oldest, Billy. Then third born, and also Twins, Arnold, and Tyler. The fifth oldest, Damian, and I’m the sixth child,” said Jacob whilst he showed them a picture of what they looked like before putting it back, “But even though I’m the youngest, I was the only one who was responsible and tried to help others set things right. We also have kids of our own. And my kids were a lot like yours, but also different.” “How so?” asked Leo. “Long story, if you have time that is.” Said Jacob. “We’ve got time.” Said Mikey, who was interested in hearing what he has to say. “I have two kids, Amadeus and Nicolette,” began Jacob, “Then a year later, we had another son, James. When Amadeus and Nicolette were five, I asked them to go and make friends. And overtime they were slowly starting to gain friends. But James on the other hand, he didn’t want any friends, and the more he saw Amadeus and Nicolette hang out with them, the more jealous he got.” He looked at them and said “And remember that whole Anon-a-miss fiasco?”, which made them wince, but nodded, “James did the same thing”, which left them surprised. “James framed Amadeus for something he didn’t do.” Said Jacob, “Which caused his friends to abandon him. But when he went to the last group of friends, he begged and pleaded that it wasn’t him. One of them was a gifted truth seer, and she realized he was telling the truth. After they gathered the others, they pieced together who it was, and to their shock, it was none other than James. Amadeus confronted him about this, the two of them argued, and they nearly killed each other.” The brothers were shocked to hear this. “I confronted both of them about this, and they ended up putting me in an impossible position. And seeing that it was worse, I had no choice but to kick both of them out and disowned them whilst sending them to different boarding schools.” “Whoa, that was kind of harsh.” Said Raph. “Surprisingly, I agree with Raph.” Said Donnie. “But then about three months later, I stumbled upon a memory that I wanted to forget.” Said Jacob, “Something that happened between me and my brothers long ago. I then called both of them back. Though Amadeus came and we were able to work things out, James didn’t, because he thought we abandoned him. I showed both my kids an old footage from long ago, something that my brothers and I tried to forget. As I call, painful trip down memory lane.” Jacob displayed a footage of him and his brothers, all of them who were resting after it looked like they were trying to escape, then it looked like two of them were arguing, causing one of them to refuse to help them. “Fine,” said Billy in a huff as he crossed his arms, “Good luck healing yourself then.” “Hey!!” said Nathan, as he turned to Jacob, “Jacob, help me out here.” “He’s right though, you know,” said Jacob, “You never take anything seriously whenever we’re fighting out there. I’m the only one who has to be responsible.” “Whoa, it was that bad?” said Donnie as he and the others looked at him. “Yeah.” Said Jacob. “And this is where it gets worse. The worst thing to happen to us.” “Oh, responsible, huh?” said an angry Billy whilst walking over to his brother, “Well where were you when mom needed you when she was alone, huh? Because we were the only ones who had to throw our futures and our whole lives away, just to be there for her!!” “Hey, I didn’t ask to be taken away, alright?!” said Jacob, “They forced me to be a weapon in order to fight some idiotic war that had been lost for nearly a hundred years!! All that talk about responsibility, duty, honor, and sacrifice!! You lot have no idea what it’s like to have the fate of the entire Multiverse resting on your shoulders!!” “Oh, that must’ve been really hard!!” replied Damian in a mocking tone, “Traveling to different worlds!! Getting to see the cool sights and the people who lived in it?!” “Wait, that’s what this was about?!” replied Jacob in disbelief. “That’s what it’s always about!!” replied Arnold harshly, “You always have to pretend that you’re some kind of big shot, who has to live up to our family’s legacy!!” “Well, who else is going to do it?!” replied Jacob. “How about the rest of us!!” said Arnold. “Yeah, we’re Mekro’s descendants too!!” replied Tyler. “I’m the one with the Chosen Artifacts!!” reminded Jacob, “Meaning the decisions are mine to make. Cause whilst all of you were taking a six-year nap, I had to go out and do the dirty work to avenge our family!!” “That’s not fair, Jacob.” said Tyler in disgust. “Wake up Tyler!!”, responded Jacob harshly, “Nothing, in life is fair!! I had to learn the hard way whilst all of you could live normal lives and ended up leaving me in the dust!!” “You are not, the only one who have suffered, Jacob.”, responded Nathan, “We didn’t even know how bad the situation was!! We never even had the chance to say goodbye to our own mother!!” “Yeah man,” responded Billy, “You had no right to keep that from us, that was not your decision to make!!” The Turtles were surprised by this, but they noticed how Jacob had an extremely regretful look, knowing what’s going to happen next. “What would you care?” responded Jacob in anger, “I was the one who had to pick up the slack where you lot failed. And you know the worst part…you lot knew I was kidnapped and you didn’t tell anyone. Not our mother and not even Sarge. You lot wanted me dead for years.” The Turtles were shocked and surprised to hear that, that his own brothers didn’t do that. “And you know what else isn’t fair?” continued Jacob, “All of you get to spend time with dad. You knew what he looked like, you grew up knowing him, and I didn’t. I can’t even remember what his face looked like.” Jacob then walked away, but before looking back at his brothers and said “You can burn and die for all I care.” The turtles were shocked by what he had said, with Jacob turning the recording off. “When…when was that?” asked Raph, for he couldn’t believe what he saw. Jacob sighed and said “It was taken about an hour before my second oldest brother Billy died.” They were shocked again to hear this. “Then it was Damian, then Nathan and Arnold, then Tyler,” said Jacob, before looking at them as he finished with “And myself a few weeks later.” They were again shocked, with Mikey asking “But wait…” “We were resurrected a year later.” Said Jacob, which they went ‘ah’ and nodded in understanding. “But the last thing that went through our heads were the fight we had. The pain, the regrets, the torment.” He looked at them and said “That’s why since that day, ever since what happened, we vowed we would never, ever, let something like that come between us again. And we also had to remind ourselves that, besides our wives and kids, we were the only family we have left.” “Only family?” said Donnie in confusion. “We had many other family members.” Said Jacob, “We had parents, but we also had uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, and other relatives. All of them were butchered and slaughtered by our enemies when they tried to break us. And they’re all gone.” The Turtles were shocked to hear this, with Jacob saying “You lot had a loving father to go back to, but he was taken before his time, and Tang Shen was sort of like a mother to you, but she was taken and killed by the Shredder. And now you lot have a sister out of it, Karai. And in time, you gained new friends and family along the way.” Jacob stood near them and looked at them right in the eyes and said “Don’t ever make the same mistakes my brothers and I did, and never take them for granted. For when all this is over and you look back at this someday, and in the end you’ll realize, how good of a life you had. Promise me.” The Turtles looked at one another as they had very concerned expressions on their faces, they looked back and saw he was about to leave. “Wait.” Said Mikey, causing Jacob to stop. “Your other son, James. What happened to him?” Jacob partially looked at him, and they could almost see the guilt on his face. And said something that none of them ever thought he would. “He committed suicide a few weeks later.” The Turtles were shocked once again to hear this, with Jacob turning away and walked away before disappearing around the corner. The turtles then looked down, with guilt looks on their faces, with Leo holding Mikey out of instinct. But then they looked at one another, with Leo suddenly smiling and motioning them to the cafeteria, to which the others smiled and nodded. They then left for the Cafeteria to celebrate. *********************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, in Shredders flagship, Zedd was explaining to Shredder what had happened. “I underestimated those Turtles and Rainbooms. They’re more resourceful than I expected. I assure you, Shredder, I will not make the same mistake twice!” “See that you do, Zedd.” Shredder glared. Cozy Glow flew next to Zedd. “So sorry you failed to destroy our enemies, Lord Zedd.” Zedd began to glow red and shout at the pony. “I DIDNT FAIL, YOU PUTRID PONY! YOU FAILED! YOU ALL FAILED JUST AS YOU HAVE FAILED BEFORE!” He stomped towards a surprised Tirek and Chrysalis while Vilgax glared at him and Ripley snarled. “I wasn’t even there!” Tirek protested. “Don’t blame us for your incompetence!” Chrysalis hissed. “SILENCE!” Zedd snapped. This caused Chrysalis to scream as she tackled Zedd. “Nobody silences Queen Chrysalis and LIVES!” Zedd growled as he tried to pry her off. “ENOUGH!” Suddenly, Shredder stood between the two and held Chrysalis by the neck. “Step out of line again and you will be the LATE Queen Chrysalis! Do you understand me?” “Yes…. Master.” Chrysalis surrendered before Shredder dropped her then looked towards a frightened Cozy Glow. “Cozy Glow. Step forward.” Cozy took a few steps forward, frightened out of her mind. “You have failed me child.” Said Shredder, “You claim you could get the job done, and yet you failed to destroy the Turtles of the 1996 Dimension.” “It wasn’t my fault!!” said Cozy, trying to defend herself, “It was Roland’s fault!! He...!!” “SILENCE!!” shouted Shredder when he smashed his hand onto the throne, which frightened her even more. Shredder instantly dashed towards Cozy and grabbed her by the neck, whilst at the same time produced his claws from his wrist and aimed it at her face, whilst his eyes were glowing blood red at the same time. “I warned you what would happen if you failed me.” Growled Shredder as he squinted his eyes. Cozy gulped and muttered, “W-what are you going to do, Master Shredder. You wouldn’t kill a cute and lovable pony, would you?” Shredder glared at her, but then he did the unexpected. “No.” said Shredder as he dropped her on the floor. “You’re more useful to me alive than dead. However, I have spoken to Zedd of what type of punishment would be suited for you.” He squinted his eyes and said “And he would be more than glad to…help improve your age.” “Improve my age? What are you talking a…” said Cozy before she blinked in shock, realizing what he meant, “Oh no. No, No-no-no!! You can’t let him do this to me!! You can’t!!” Shredder snaps his fingers, causing Cozy to be ensnared by her hooves. He turned around and motioned to Zedd to do what he wished. Zedd began to laugh evilly and said “Oh, but I can and I will too.” “Please!! Don’t do it!!” begged Cozy, “Don’t change me into this!!” “I think it’s time the grownups had a talk!!” said Lord Zedd as he aimed his Z staff at Cozy, firing a lightning at the filly, causing her to be encased in a weird cocoon. She grunted in agonizing pain as the cocoon morphs her body. Shredder's henchmen watch in amusement, Rita Repulsa laughs during the process, Chrysalis and Tirek watch in smirk. The cocoon then breaks apart and Cozy moan when it breaks apart. Her eyes widen as she looked at the reflection from the nearby mirror. She looked at her grown body in a panic state. Cozy gasped and looked at Lord Zedd. “Oh!! How could you?!” “Aw, they grow up so fast!!” said Lord Zedd in a mocking tone, which got him to laugh, along with the other villains, whilst Cozy moaned in frustration. “Finally,” said Chrysalis as she smirked with a mocking tone, “It’s about time for you to grow up for once.” “And you’ll get to experience being an adult.” Said Dark Donnie Smugly. “Not so ‘Cute’ and ‘Lovable’ now, are you?” said Tirek with a smirk whilst pointing at her. They all laugh at Cozy’s punishment, whilst she was getting angry at the same time. “Oh, shut up!!” shouted Cozy, “It’s not funny!!” “Hmm, you know, you’re right.” Said Dark Raph, “It’s hilarious!!” Everyone laughed again, whilst Cozy was fuming and leaving the room. “Just you wait,” said Cozy in a dark tone, “I’ll get you for this Mikey. And your human friend, too.” *********************************************************************************************** Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow were walking down the hall. But when they were around the corner, Shine Boy was waiting for them, which surprised them. “Oh, Shine Boy.” Said Rarity, “What can we do for you?” Shine Boy then thought about what Roland said about Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack that he needed to get off his chest, and he remembered from a split second, he turned off his mask’s camera so that he could personally hear this. Then turned it back on without them noticing. He signed and stood near them. “Was it true?” asked Shine Boy, “You refused to help Sunset after you promised Princess Twilight that you’d help her?” The three of them were surprised to hear this, but Shine Boy reassured them as he said “Look, I’m not angry or anything. I understood she had a rotten history and that all of you had bad history with her too. But…why? Why didn’t you help her?” The three of them looked down in guilt, with Applejack saying “Look, back then, Sunset lied to us, drove us all apart, and nearly destroyed us using the crown.” “What she did.” Said Rarity, “It left us all bitter that she did all those things behind our backs.” “And…I guess part of us…still resented her.” Said Rainbow. “We wanted to…but.” Shine Boy sighed and said “Look, I understand what she did was unforgivable, and it’s hard to forgive someone. Believe me, I’ve been there.” The latter looked at him surprised, “From my childhood to during my career as Shine Boy, I had a hard time forgiving bullies who picked on me. And after I got framed for a crime I didn’t commit, it was also hard to forgive and trust my teammates when they turned their backs on me, even after everything we’ve been through together. And it also may come as a shocker, I had a hard time forgiving my brother because of the way he is ever since he became the embodiment of darkness.” Shine Boy crossed his arms and said “It was also harder and harder to be around him every day. When I was little, I looked up to him more than anything, but ever since the powers we were granted, he became cold and distant, and his attitude towards others, even to you lot, didn’t help with matters at all.” Shine Boy looked out of the window and said “But…I remembered the promise I made to my mother. She told me that in case anything was to happen to them, I’d look after him, considering I’m the responsible one in the family. And she reminded me that despite the arguments and grudges, I can’t bring myself to do it, because he’s family. And you don’t turn your back on them, even when they did.” He walked towards the window and continued to stare out in the open “And after I got framed for something I didn’t do; it was hard for me to forgive my teammates who turned their backs on me. I wanted to hold a grudge against them, and I could’ve turned my backs on them after what they put me through. But my teammates never gave up on me, even when I violently turned them away. When they tricked me to come out of hiding, I wanted to continue to hold a grudge. But then a few things came into mind.” He listed them down via his fingers. “First of all, what would be the point, it would never change anything. Two, if I constantly remind everyone, even myself of our past mistakes and failures, I’d not only hurt others, but myself as well. And third, if I continued to do this, then I’d be no better than the people I fight, the bullies I encountered or my friends that turned their backs on me. Instead, I chose to forgive them, I chose to be better. And…between all of us for Roland’s sake.” He turned to them and said “When I first met him, he seemed okay, but when I overheard Obaki and Venus scold you and the others, and Roland yelling and lecturing others, I thought they’d be up to no good, trying to tear us apart from the inside, but I didn’t have any proof, nor did I want to jump to any conclusions. But when he came to me and Team Shine to the training room, I saw that look before. Pain, regret, misery, loneliness, the loss of hope. I’ve seen that plenty of times before.” Shine Boy leaned against the wall and said “What he did today, by telling us the truth of why he was like this, I understood him better. What he did…took a lot of courage to come forward with this. Though it wasn’t enough, what he did was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen. Cause now I understood a man, who was in a world where your counterparts made mistakes and didn’t learn anything, which is why he was so hard on all of you.” “Though I will admit, I was a little surprised about the whole Anon-a-miss fiasco, I was more surprised about what happened between the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands.” Said Shine Boy, which made them wince. “You guys treated her with nothing but hostility ever since Princess Twilight left. You lot gave your word to help Sunset and yet you refused to. Your counterparts from Equestria were able to help others and they were also stubborn and selfish, but not to that extend. You didn’t give Sunset a chance to earn your trust because you constantly reminded her of her past, and you didn’t even want to make her part of the band. Both Pinkie and Fluttershy were the only ones who were willing to give her a chance, I don’t understand why you lot wouldn’t do it.” They wanted to say something, until “Roland also said this.” He played them a recording that he saved. “Let me stop you there for a moment. If I were to ask, anyone else, to look after a friend to help them, I would believe them.” Said Roland, before he scoffed at the certain group. “But Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity? They made the promise, with Pinkie and Fluttershy, in front of the Princess, to look after Sunset, but when she left, they ended up immediately broke her promise and trust. Then, even after Sunset realized her mistakes and tried to make it up to them, they acted like complete jerks to her, whenever she tried to make it up to them and fix their mistakes. But my most favorite part? Was when they gave her the cold shoulder and refused to help her whenever she wanted to prove herself. So much for being honest, generous, and loyal.” Shine Boy ended the recording, with the latter looking guilty. “Pinkie and Fluttershy were the only ones willing to help her, because they never break a promise.” Said Shine Boy. “And she wasn’t the only one; Twilight, Mikey, they gave both of them a chance. Roland also said that he understood that what Sunset did hurt you, broke your trust and drove you apart, but what he didn’t understood was that why you three wouldn’t give her a chance to earn it or at least attempted to try. For what happened back then, it wouldn’t change anything, and worse, you’d be as bad as the person who started the mess. And as my brother harshly would remind us, that, quote, ‘you’re idiots for not letting things like that go’, end quote.” Shine Boy looked at the window again and said “And as my mentor once told me after I became Shine Boy again, I can choose the kind of man I wanted to be. I chose to be better, to help others.” Shine Boy walked to them and said “But you also have to realize, Sunset didn’t have any family or friends in your world, nor could she go back to Equestria to face Celestia, because she chose to stay behind. Both Pinkie and Fluttershy helped her, and she became happy. But you three had a hard time trusting her, even after all the good she tried to do, you and everyone treated her harshly, even when she was trying to make up for her mistakes. And most times kept remind her of her bad history, even after everything she tried to prove.” Shine Boy then looked at them and said “Look, my advice to you lot, what I tried to tell Roland. Will you grow up? Stop blaming others for your pain? Will you try to be a guiding beacon where others refused to? And whatever you do, don’t keep telling yourselves and your family and friends and future family that love and friendship is conditional, because it is not, it never is and it never will be.” The three of them looked down in guilt once more, with Shine Boy saying “Just…think about it, okay? Also, I’m sorry for what all of you had went through, but you’re not the only victims who got tricked, lied, deceived, and were treated harshly by everyone. I should know, I was one of them.” The three of them kept their heads lowered, with Shine Boy saying “But more importantly, don’t let what Obaki and Venus said hurt you. If you’re not sure, then go face the others. Then you’ll see.” He left whilst the others were pondering in their thoughts. ************************************************************************************************ The Rainbooms, minus Sunset, all went to the lounge to the celebration, however, the girls still felt somewhat guilty. “I can’t do this!” Fluttershy trembled. The Rainbooms, minus Sunset, were struggling about joining their classmates and teammates in the lounge, especially after being scolded by Obaki and Venus earlier. Applejack and Rarity were especially upset about Roland mentioning Anon-a-miss and their other mistakes. “I know, Fluttershy.” Rainbow tried hiding her guilt. “But we need to do something to show we’re better than those times. I mean, we made it up to Mikey about the Meanbooms and Jagwar.” “Then why do I feel just as guilty?” Applejack sighed. “Let’s face it. We’re poor examples of our so-called elements! And now we’ve betrayed everyone’s trust and I wouldn’t be surprised if they want nothing more to do with us.” “We’ve even betrayed Mikey’s trust!” Pinkie bawled. “And all we ever do is repeat every mistake we’ve made.” Rarity shed a tear. “Maybe Sunset had the right idea about shutting out in her room.” Twilight trembled. “Problems cannot be avoided forever.” The girls turned to see a certain samurai rabbit walk up to them. “They will find their way back to you until you actually solve them.” “Usagi.” The girls gasped. “Greetings, my friends.” Usagi smiled. “Sorry for my delay. Roland took a while to find me before explaining the situation to me.” He then looked around in curiosity and asked “Where is Sunset Shimmer?” The Rainbooms looked down as Applejack answered. “Probably shunned herself to her quarters like we probably should after everything we’ve done.” “My ears are open if you wish use it to tell me all that has happened.” Usagi assured. They explained everything to Usagi. It took about five minutes, but they were able to bring him up to speed. “And that’s where we are.” Fluttershy sobbed. Usagi gently hugged her as she cried and shut his eyes and took a deep breath and spoke. “I see. Well, all I can say is that the ship will not sail if the anchor is lowered to the ocean.” “Huh?” Rainbow asked. “It’s a metaphor.” Pinkie pouted. “Indeed. What it means is that you cannot let anyone weigh you down with these mistakes you have done. I know my biggest mistake was not being able to save my master in combat. But I continue to press forward as the ronin I am today. The pain and regret I felt that day may never leave me as long as I live, but I do not let it weigh me down. I use it as a motive to fight for my honor and justice. If they are your real friends, they would forgive you for what happened. If not, then you must continue to learn from your mistakes and prove to yourself that you are better.” The Rainbooms showed they were moved by Usagi’s words, but still looked unsure. Usagi let Fluttershy go and held her hand. “Come. Let us go join them.” “But what about Sunset?” Twilight asked. “For now, we should let her be. Sometimes we need to let someone be alone to calm down. And remember, no matter what happens, I will always consider you all my friends.” Usagi smiled to the Rainbooms who slowly smiled back and he led them to the lounge. From within the lounge, everyone began to celebrate their victory at Earth 1996. It was a good day. Both the fight, as well as getting the crystal they needed for travel. They then heard a door open and saw the Rainbooms, minus Sunset, walking in, having somewhat guilty looks as well as somewhat frightful. Everyone in the room was silent at first, until Fluttershy meekly asked. “Um…” said Fluttershy as she was the first to start. “Do…you have room for more?” They were silent at first, with Applejack saying, “Look, what we did in the past was unforgivable. And wrong. We have no excuse for what we did back then. We’re sorry.” Flash was the first one to step forward. At first he had the same expression, but then he smiled and said “Eh, don’t be like that.” The girls were surprised and curious at the same time. “To be fair,” said Flash as he explained, “We weren’t any different back then either. When we were driven apart long before the Fall Formal, we ended up accusing one another too, we even held an unnecessary grudge too. But we also learned an important lesson. Nobody’s perfect. We shouldn’t have pointed fingers either and took it out on all of you too.” “Not to mention to quote from what an Assassin said from a video game,” said Micro Chips whilst he adjusted his glasses, “As we share the glory of our victories, so too must we share the pain of defeat and mistakes.” “Yeah dudettes,” said Sandalwood with a smile on his face, “Like a river, we tend to be driven apart, but in the end we find a way to reconnect. That way, we grow closer and stronger…together.” “Yeah, and like any Wondercolt,” said Lyra, “No matter how hard we’re knocked down.” “We always get back up.” Said Bonbon as he finished Lyra’s sentence. “Indeed.” Said Trixie, “The Truthful and Honest Trixie messed up many times, but it was because of a few friends, namely all of you, who showed us all a different way. Even Trixie admits she makes mistakes a ton of times. But as my old fortune from my fortune cookie once said, “Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn’t mean that they’re lost forever.”, sometimes we all need help.” Princess Twilight stepped forward and said “And like I told everypony back at my world. We’re not flawless, for we’re still a work in progress. We’ll always make mistakes in the future, but we find a way to forgive one another. Even if it takes a few special friends, or masters from the afterlife, to tell help us in the right direction.” The Rainbooms couldn’t help but smile at that. “So…forgiven?” asked a hopeful Fluttershy. “Hmm, we could.” Said Flash, “On one condition.” “What’s that?” asked Twilight. Flash then said “We’re missing a Pinkie Pie style party.” Pinkie couldn’t help but gasp in delight as she instantly jumped up and dashed ahead whilst going all Pinkie Pie style for the party, with her pony counterpart joining in, with the Rainbooms joining in the celebration. However, Rarity stopped and thought of something, something that she remembered Roland telling her. She then turned around and walked away. Applejack stood on front of Princess Twilight and said “Thanks fer accepting us again, Sugarcube.” “It’s the least all of us can do.” Said Princess Twilight. But then she noticed two individuals who were missing. “Hey, where’s Sunset and Rarity?” “Come to think of it,” said Applejack as she looked around, “Ah haven’t seen Sunset since we got back on the ship.” *********************************************************************************************** Roland soon walked into a different room, which was an observation deck. He then looked to his right and saw both Applejack and Rarity, staring out in the open whilst they sat down. Roland sighed, for he knew he needed to get this off of his chest. “Girls.” Said Roland. But he noticed that they didn’t say anything. They kept staring out of the window. “Look, I know that I’m the last person you wanted to see. Even…after everything I’ve said. But just know that…I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. It’s just that…I don’t want to see you girls driven apart, cause the last time things like that happen, you lot were nearly killed as a result. And…it’s also what drove you girls apart.” He stood on his knees and continued. “I know that I shouldn’t have said those things.” Said Roland whilst he lowered his head, “You’re not like the ones in my dimension. You try to make up for your mistakes, and no one’s perfect, not even me. I let that illusion blind me to what was truly important. I should’ve told all of you of what happened back in my world, and someone like me should’ve shown you respect, as well as have been honest with you from the very start. And for that…I am sorry.” Things were silent at first, until he heard the both of them get up and walked over towards him. They stood near him, but he didn’t lift his head, not after what he said to them. Applejack was the first to speak. “What y’all said was really hurtful.” Said Applejack, “But…there was some truth too. Y’all were right. Pride clouded our judgement. We should’ve invited our siblings to our sleepover, we should’ve tried to help them bond with Sunset, to see what they did have in common. We shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so quickly about Sunset being…you know.” “And…we constantly let one thing after another happen,” said Rarity, “We constantly let the little things get to us or in our way. And no matter how hard we try, there’s always another thing that would threaten to tear us apart. And after everything. Anon a miss, the Meanbooms, Mikey, a few other things. We should never have been that way. And you were right. We’re only teenagers who are in way over our heads when it comes to trying to do the right thing.” “And…it still wasn’t right…for what I said to you.” Said Roland. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could make it up to you. And I’ll work long and hard to earn your trust.” “Well for one, y’all can stand up.” Said Applejack, which made Roland wince, but complied nonetheless. After he got up, he still couldn’t look at them. But the two of them slowly lifted his head. And he could suddenly see that they have sad faces. “Also…” Within a split second, the two of them instantly hugged Roland, which surprised him. Their hugs were a little tight, but he didn’t care. “We’re so sorry for what you went through.” Said Rarity. He was suddenly surprised by what they said, which made them break their hug. “How…?” “Shine Boy.” Said Rarity as Applejack held up her phone, showing footage of him confessing to Team Shine, which shocked Roland. ******************************************************************************************* Roland was busy talking to Team Shine as he confessed everything. Then it showed at the center of Shine Boy’s mask was a small camera. From the other side, someone was watching Roland spilling the beans. The two someone were Applejack and Rarity, who both had shocked looks on their faces as they looked at each other in concern. ******************************************************************************************* Roland couldn’t help but chuckle and said “He never could stop looking for the truth, I’ll give him that much.” “We had no idea you’d be this way because of it.” Said Applejack in concern. “Ah can’t believe our counterparts took things too far.” “Indeed.” Said Rarity, “No wonder you had a hard time trusting all of us.” “Still.” Said Roland as he looked down in guilt. “What I did. Was very wrong. I have no excuse. I’m sorry.” “It’s alright, y’all were just followin’ orders.” Said Applejack, until she looked away whilst glaring and said “Though ah’m gonna have a few words with Bruce the next time we see him.” “Still.” Said Roland, “I wish I could make this right.” “You can.” Said Rarity, “Because we’re going to help you.” “Wait, what?” said Roland surprised. “See…” said Rarity as she felt like she couldn’t find the right words, but Applejack was able to help out. “We promised to help Sunset and we failed twice. Even nearly lost mah sibling and Mikey.” Said Applejack, “We won’t do that again. That much we can promise.” “Make that three.” They turned around and to their surprise, Rainbow was also there. Who also had a look of regret and stood near them. “I…wasn’t exactly that fair either.” Said Rainbow. “I’m supposed to be the loyal one, and because of my action, I ended up nearly ruining my friendship with Mikey and the others. Some friend I am.” “How did…?” said Roland as he was completely baffled. “I…” said Rainbow as she thought about it, “Snuck through the ventilation system when I saw you had that look on your face and it looked like you wanted to confess something. I was actually surprised by what you said.” Rainbow looked at him sternly at first. “Normally, I’d be mad at you for the whole revealing students of what we did to Mikey.” Roland looked down in guilt, but Rainbow ended up smiling and said “But you ended up helping me and gave me the best piece of advice I’ve ever heard. And I hate to say it, I can be really stubborn at times, but I guess that’s why you have different but unique friends. They help you out and help remind you not to take things too far.” Roland wasn’t sure at first, but then asked “You girls sure about this?” “Absolutely.” Said Rainbow, “Though you went out of line, your heart is in the right place. And I guess…we also owe you for helping us out by trying to fix what you broke.” “And Granny Smith always said,” said Applejack, “You break something, you fix it. And anything you try to fix; you should be proud of.” “Yet, I feel nothing but shame.” Said Roland as he was nearly on the verge of tears, but held it in. “It’s quite alright darling.” Said Rarity, “If any of us had been in the same situation you were in. I’d imagine we’d be an even bigger mess.” “So don’t you fret.” Said Applejack, “We’ll make sure that yer on the right path.” Roland couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to hug them, but he wasn’t sure if he had earned the right. However, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity proved him wrong by hugging him when they noticed how he hesitated for a moment. He smiled and accepted the hug by returning it back in turn. After they broke it, he then thought about Rarity and Amethyst. He then did what he should’ve done. “And Rarity,” said Roland, gaining her attention, “A piece of advice?” She wondered what it was, until he said “About you and Amethyst.” She blushed a little, but then he did what she didn’t expect. “I know you didn’t want to go out with him, not because of his actions or past,” said Roland, “Because you were scared that you’d break his heart, or him break yours.” She was surprised by this, with Roland standing in front of her as he continued. “I know how terrifying it is, to ask someone out, worrying every day that you might hurt someone or break their heart at the same time.” Said Roland, “But love can help you see that it’s not so bad.. It might be scary at first, but if you were able to take that leap of faith, then you’ll be able to see how beautiful it can be. He might feel the same way, thinking that he might not be good enough for you, that he would be so scared that he would hurt you. When he was corrupted with power, he felt extremely guilty over what he had done. That’s why whenever he has the chance, he would try to make things right with you.” Roland placed his right hand on her shoulder as he was nearly finished. “Love this rare can only come once in a lifetime.” Said Roland, “Don’t ever let it hold you back. I was there once, and I ended up losing it, big time. Put away that fear. Go see Amethyst. Follow your heart. You only can follow your heart once.” Rarity was surprised by this advice. She looked down for a bit, thinking that Roland had a point, for she wasn’t exactly fair to Amethyst, but seeing that he feels the same fear she did, she felt…yes, she should talk to him. She looked at him and nodded in agreement. Both Rainbow and Applejack were surprised by this, Rainbow ended up whispering to her, “Okay, seeing him like this…I actually like him better this way.” “Same here.” Said Applejack, for now seeing Roland in a new light like this after the talk and a burden that had been lifted. Now he’s a lot more likable. *********************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, in one of the rooms, Amethyst was busy checking his equipment. Once he was done, he sat on his chair and sighed whilst looking out at the horizon of space. He was enjoying the quiet until. “Amethyst?” The boy turned to the door, and to his surprise, he saw Rarity standing there, which was a look of…concern? “May I come in?” Amethyst didn’t know what this was about, but if it was important… He motioned to his bed, which allowed the two of them to move over and sat down together. “You okay?” asked Amethyst. “What happened back at the…” “It’s been resolved.” Said Rarity, which caused Amethyst to flex an eyebrow whilst looking at her, “Applejack, Rainbow and I found out why Roland was like this. And…he had plenty of reasons of why he didn’t fully trust us or were cautious of us. And from what I’ve seen…he needs help.” “I…see.” Said Amethyst as he thought that what he thought about Roland was wrong. “Though, they were also right about a few things.” Said Rarity. “I’ve been friends with them for a long time, and yet I sometimes keep forgetting that they would never do the opposite. Like during our time we separated, I thought the worst of my friends, despite that we had been friends for a long time. And that…I should’ve helped Sunset after we freed her from her demon self. I…should’ve been better. And I took it for granted. And after many times what happened, we still didn’t believe her. He was also right about one thing; a friend’s word should actually mean something. And…we didn’t.” Rarity sighed and said “But that doesn’t mean I should just sit aside and did nothing. I did nothing after we broke off our friendship, I did nothing when Sunset needed help, I did nothing during Anon a miss, I did nothing during the memory stone debacle. That is why I made a promise to myself, that I would never let something like this happen again. Not just for Roland and our friends’ sake…but my own as well.” Amethyst Majesty was silent about this, with him listening to every word. Rarity looked at him and said “But one thing I do not understand, why were you hostile with Twilight back at the training room?” Amethyst Majesty sighed at that, for he didn’t know how to respond to it. “Before we get to that…you may not know this…” said Amethyst, he was hesitant, but he swallowed that bit of fear and said “I had a crush on you since our sophomore year.” Rarity was surprised by this, with him continuing. “When I first saw you, I thought, how could a girl like her be so beautiful. Then when I saw how you designed your outfits and how generous you were.” He looked at her and said “And remember when those bullies ripped my jacket? You were suddenly there, asking me if you could fix it. I told you, you couldn’t, cause it was impossible. But then the next day…you came back. With my jacket fixed. I was overwhelmed with joy.” “Really?” asked Rarity, though she was surprised that he remembered that day. “The…jacket had a lot of meaning to me. It was a gift…from long ago.” Said Amethyst Majesty. He then looked at her and said “And the way you made it so beautiful. And I knew from that day on, you were the one for me.” He looked ahead and said “Overtime I saw how you’ve grown, helped those in need.”, then he lowered his head and said “And I was actually heartbroken, when I saw how you and your friends broke off your friendship. I knew it was Sunset, but I didn’t have any proof and I thought you’d never believe me.” He looked at her and said “But after you got together, I saw the evils you faced. The Dazzlings, Midnight Sparkle, at Camp Everfree. Not only you were generous, you were really brave, and you fought with grace and passion. And that’s when my heart couldn’t stop beating from watching you fight.” Amethyst sighed and said “When you got turned into a monster, I was terrified for you. That you would end up like that and you’d end up hurting your loved ones. That’s why I went to Twilight’s lab in secret, for it turned out, before she doused the chemicals, she e-mailed them to her computer, and through it, I was able to look through the chemicals, even secretly took their blood, even yours, to make an antidote and helped you. I was really happy that I was able to help you lot. And when Twilight stupidly created the AI, it nearly killed everyone, you included. That’s why I was angry at Twilight, because she got you hurt. And I felt so…helpless.” He looked down and said “That’s why I asked my family to train me in Ninjitsu. I trained during summer vacation, and I was able to reach where I could. But then one day, back at Equestria World, I wanted to go ask you out. But then I saw you talking to Applejack. And I thought…” “You thought I was romantically interested in her.” Finished Rarity. “Yeah.” Muttered Amethyst. “I…I was heartbroken, thinking that you’d never go for someone like me. But what I did to you. It was beyond unforgivable. And I ended up becoming a monster.” “Darling,” said Rarity as she scooched over and held his hand, “It’s not your fault. The Umbra from Sombra’s old power was the one who manipulated you into doing what he wanted, you were just as much a victim as any of us combined. Though…I wish I noticed your feelings sooner.” The two of them were silent, but they still held one another’s hand, until one of them was able to speak. “Rarity,” said Amethyst, gaining her attention as they turned to one another. “I know we may have had a rough start in the past. But please, all I’m asking is…will you give me a chance? To give us a chance?” Rarity looked at him for a moment, and was hesitant, causing her to stand up and walked a few paces forward. “I…I don’t know…” said Rarity, “This…this is new to me. I’ve…never been in a relationship before.” Amethyst Majesty looked at her for a moment, before a normal smile was formed, causing him to stand up. And did unexpected…he sang. He moved towards Rarity, causing the latter to look at him as he stood halfway from where he was. He slowly moved towards her as she bashfully blushes. He was so close to her; he soon held her hands. He held her close and ended up dancing with her, to which she suddenly felt enchanted and followed, to which she couldn’t help but blush, and slowly smiled whilst still looking at her. He continued to dance with her as he held her close. As soon as the song ended, he ended up singing another one for her. He slowly then stood one side and sang for her, then moved around until he stood close to her, even held her close. Soon he danced with her again, as if they were in the middle of a show. The two of them soon held one another close, as he spun her around for a bit, then tilted her backwards, which made Rarity’s blush deepen as she held his head with a smile on her face, and Amethyst Majesty still held her close, with the two of them slowly standing up. “Rarity, I know we had a bit of a rocky start,” said Amethyst, “But…could you give me a chance? Could you give us, a chance?” Rarity looked a bit hesitant. “I don’t know. It’s…still new to me. I don’t know…” “Hey,” said Amethyst as he said to her, “To quote what Scootaloo said, don’t think, just do it.” Rarity remembered and thought about it, whilst saying “Don’t think…just do it.” “That’s right.” Said Amethyst with a smile, “Don’t think…” “Just do.” Said Rarity with a smile of her own. The two of them suddenly moved close towards one another. “Don’t think.” “Just do.” “Don’t think.” “Just do.” Within a split second, they engaged their lips, with the both of them still holding one another in their embrace. They slowly broke the kiss, with the both of them blushing and smiling. “I’ve waited so long to do that.” Said Amethyst Majesty. Rarity giggled at that. Then she thought about something and said “Could…you spend the night with me?” Amethyst couldn’t help but blush and said “I’d like that.” The two of them then left Amethyst’s room and closed the door behind them. > Turtles count it off!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From within the ship, everyone was trying to relax and unwind for a bit, especially after that exhausting mission that they had gone through on the Turtle 96 world. And ever since Roland had confessed to Team Shine and a handful of others, he felt some of his burden lifted. And during that time, they had tried to help him try to turn his life around. And seeing that they had some free time, they decided to watch his progress and try their best to help him, and he to them, like he should have done long ago. He was able to tell Grandpa Max and his group the truth. He and his staff were actually stunned by what he revealed, but given his sake, they promise to keep his secret. Grandpa Max promised to get him the help he needed. One by one, he was able to spend time inventing things with Donnie and Gamer, trained with Raph and Night Shine, with Night Shine keeping an eye on him, but nodded once to show that he was making some progress. He trained with Leo, Shinigami, and Karai as the two of them slowly moved into motion, with Shine Boy watching and nodded whilst smiling as he approved. He played video games with Mikey, with the latter laughing at their antics. With the Mane 6, he was able to help them adjust to the human world, even showing them a few things that could help them all out in the long run. He even helped the Rock N Beats record their first album, after much trying, they made their first successful album. Roland chose to sit aside and watch them enjoy themselves, until they hugged him, which surprised him as they were showing his thanks, with the latter smiling at this. As for the Rainbooms… He baked a ton of goods with Pinkie Pie, with the latter seeing how good it was, with the two of them smiling at their teamwork. He helped baked pies with Applejack as she told him of her family, with Roland chuckling over Big Mac’s accident at the barn and Granny being her crazy and sometimes usual self. He helped Rainbow with her athletics training, with the latter giving him a thumbs up and a smile, to which he smiled whilst he was grateful. He helped Fluttershy take care of her animals when she went to check up on them on the animal shelter, to which the latter was very grateful for the extra help. He helped Rarity design a few outfits, with the latter observing, and when she wanted someone to model for her, he agreed, to which she really enjoyed. He even helped Twilight with a few chemicals and math problems along the way. With Sunset however…she was still in her room. She sometimes practices her training on her own in her room, which was thankfully large enough. However, she still kept being distant from everybody. He wished he could help her…but he didn’t know where to start. The rest he slowly spent time with, and he was able to apologize to those he hurt. It was slow…but it was progress. ************************************************************************************************ Later near one of the hallways, Love Shine was drinking coffee when he saw Donnie walking up to him. “Hey, D.” He then noticed an upset look in his face. “Everything okay?” “I had just talked to April. She was constantly apologizing to me for everything. At first, I thought Roland grilled her too for her past mistakes. But it wasn’t him.” “Was it Obaki?” Love Shine guessed. “No.” Donnie frowned. “It was Night Shine.” “WHAT?” Before Donnie could continue, Love Shine stomped away. ************************************************************************************************ Meanwhile, at the mess hall, Shine Boy was with Leo, Karai, Ben, Mikey, Shini, Twilight, Spike, Mondo, and Leatherhead next to the food-a-Matic. “I think you'll guys like this.” He said before letting the machine scan his tongue. Soon, it opened with steam pouring out as Shine Boy reached in. “This is something my mom made when we were kids.” as the steam cleared, he was holding a plate full of hamburger bun halves with tomato soup, beef, and cheese on top. “Behold! They're called Pizza wiches.” “Whoa.” Mikey wowed. “Why didn't I think of that?” “Go on. Try one.” Shine Boy offered. Everyone grabbed a pizza wich and took a bite. Soon, their eyes widened with enjoyment. “Mmmm!” Mikey wowed before stuffing the rest of his in his mouth. “So delicious!” “I haven't had something this good since pizza gyoza!” Shini smiled. “Yeah. they're definitely up there.” Karai grinned. “This is amazing!” Leo admitted. “Agreed!” Ben added. “Same!” Twilight grinned. “Yum!” Spike licked his lips. “Bodacious!” Mondo thumbed up. Leatherhead grinned after swallowing his pizza wich. “This is definitely one of the most delicious foods I have ever tried! Could I have another please, Shine Boy?” “I made enough for seconds. Go right ahead, Leatherhead.” As Shine Boy held the plate up for everyone to take another, he saw Sunset walking by looking down. “Hey, Sunset! Wanna try a pizza wich?” Sunset faked a smile. “Thanks, Shine Boy. But... I'm afraid I'm not really hungry.” As she walked out of the mess hall, everyone looked confused as Spike spoke up. “What was that all about?” “You know, she's been pretty distant since we came back from the 96 worlds. I hope she's okay.” Twilight worried. “You and me both.” Leo stated, equally worried. “You don't think she's still upset about what Obaki and Venus told them?” Shini guessed. “That might be part of it.” Everyone looked at Mikey who looked concerned. “When we were separated and had to deal with Rita and Zedd's forces, she along with the other Rainbooms made pizza for me to apologize for the time I had to fight Jagwar again.” “It was Roland's order.” Twilight recalled as Mikey continued. “Yeah. And she might be feeling like she failed to make up for her evil mistakes because no matter how hard she tried to redeem herself, someone's always doing something to ruin her good name. Anon-a-miss, The Memory Stone incident, The Meanbooms, Cozy Glow, and so much others.” “I think you hit the nail, Michelangelo.” Shine Boy sighed, knowing the real truth. “I really wish those two would quit putting everyone down while we're trying to save our homes.” Ben huffed. “I know right?” Karai agreed. “Couldn't this wait until AFTER we save the multiverse?” “Apparently not.” Leo sighed, secretly believing what Obaki said. Shine Boy then said “That reminds me, I need to check up on something.” After Shine Boy left, he then secretly contacted Roland and said “Hey, Roland?” “Hey Shine, what's up?” “Mind of I ask a favor, it's important.” “Anything for you.” ************************************************************************************************ In the hanger where the vehicles were stored, Kevin was working on his car with Gamer, Billy, and Alpha helping out. As they worked, Kevin was telling them about Obaki and Venus’ lecture to the Turtles and Rainbooms before they went to the 96-world. “They really said that?” Billy asked surprised. “Yeah. As much as I wasn’t too keen they did that, I halfta agree with Ben that that was going a little too far.” Kevin huffed. “Socket wrench.” Billy handed him the tool as he spoke. “Well, it maybe illogical that they repeat the same mistakes, I kinda share the same kind of guilt that I don’t ever want to feel again.” “What do you mean, Billy?” Gamer asked underneath the car. “Well, Rita used her Dramole monster to capture our parents during visitors day. While the others fought the putties, Rita mind controlled me to steal the Dragon Dagger and give it to Goldar and then ransomed our Parents for our Power Coins only to be double crossed. Even though we were able to repower Tommy’s Green Ranger powers and get our coins and parents back, I still felt guilty for almost costing us big. I guess that was why I got a B when we fought the Grumble Bee.” “Billy, you were mind controlled. It wasn’t your fault.” Alpha replied at the driver’s seat. “And yet I feel just as guilty.” Billy sighed. “Saying that to someone who’s been bad most of his life?” Kevin grinned. “While I’m not too keen about the Rainbooms repeating mistakes or not trusting Mikey, I’m not exactly perfect either.” “Though I remember seeing Sunset struggling to stay morphed during our fight with Rita and Zedd?” Asked Billy. “Yeah. Probably the reason why she’s been avoiding everyone ever since we got back. I don’t like it.” Kevin glared. Gamer hid his face as he worked, remembering everything Roland told him and Team Shine. After he finished, he wheeled out from under the car. “Okay. That outta do it.” “Okay, Alpha. Start her up. Remember, easy on the gas.” Kevin instructed as he shut the hood. “Right, Kevin.” Alpha started the engine. However, his foot was on the accelerator causing the car to speed forward. “Aye-Yi-Yi!” Kevin, Gamer, and Billy dove out of the way in the before Alpha stopped it and turned off the engine. He then sheepishly peaked out of the window. “It worked.” His only response was Kevin tossing his rag on Alphas head. “Aye-Yi-Yi.” ************************************************************************************************ It wasn’t long before he found Night Shine in the arcade. Right when he turned around, Night Shine was thrown into another machine. After reconnecting his jaw, he looked up to see Love Shine cracking his knuckles glaring. “Really? I was struggling with that game already.” Love Shine grabbed Night Shine by his jacket. “You idiot! You Moron! What gives you the right to grill April like that?” “I was just proving that I can play Roland’s game.” Night Shine huffed. “By putting everyone else down before him?” Love Shine snapped. “By reminding these brats that they’re not angels themselves!” Night Shine countered. “They should remember what they’ve done before lecturing those guys about abandoning Mikey or failing Equestria or WHATEVER Roland and Obaki lecture them on and on about!” “And how many more people you have to lecture yourself? Wallflower? Sapphire? Casey? Caitlyn? Huh? How many more before you doom the multiverse as well?” Night Shine was unfazed. “You forgot to add Flash Sentry abandoning Twilight during the Battle of the Bands. BAM! There was a huge hole in the wall as Night Shine slid out ready to fight. “Oh! You gonna be serious, Brandon? I want to ease some attention!” Love Shine extended his photon blades. “I’m gonna rip out your JAW!” The two charged at each other and were about to attack when who should push them back but Jason. “ENOUGH!” The red power ranger demanded. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” “Just proving my point.” Night Shine hissed before walking away. Jason turned to Love Shine who retracted his blades. “Everything okay?” “Not really.” Love Shine sighed before he punched the wall and walked the other way. *********************************************************************************** Meanwhile, both Roland and Shine Boy met in a private hallway. “So, what's up?” asked Roland. “First thing's first.” said Shine Boy. “How are things going with...you know.” Roland sighed and said “I'll admit, it's still hard. But...I was able to make it up to AJ, Rares and Rainbow. After they found out through you, we understood and bonded a bit. I was able to bond with Pinkie and Fluttershy. And after I apologized to the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats, I also bonded with them. Twilight was okay, same with Donnie and Shinigami. But...the others I'm still trying.” Shine Boy nodded, knowing that he at least made some good progress. For ever since Roland told him and Team Shine, they've been trying to help him on the right path, trying to be a better person. And after much argument, Venus agreed to change her ways too, though Obaki was a bit reluctant, but it was still a work in progress. “So, what's up?” said Roland. “It's about Sunset.” said Shine Boy. “I think what Obaki said to her had hurt her more than anyone else had ever realized.” “Oh yeah, back at the training room.” said Roland. He the sighed and said “I told Obaki and Venus to stay out of my business, and that Batman trusted me to do it. But this...this isn't what I wanted. I was trying to remind them through their stubbornness that the last time they thought like that, they nearly lost everyone.” Roland sighed and rubbed the back of his head, “I can't believe I was so stupid enough to go ask him for help.” “You were only looking for guidance.” said Shine Boy, “Which was understandable, considering he was one of your teachers.” “And I ended up being dependent on it.” said Roland. “Just like Master Splinter told me back at the 96 worlds....” “Wait, Splinter spoke to you?” asked a surprised Shine Boy. “He did.” said Roland before he smiled, “And he was a lot better from the one in my dimension.” Shine Boy nodded in understanding, “Anyway, he said that because I was so dependent on hearing their advice, I ended up losing my own ability to think for myself, to help those in need the way I wanted to. But instead, I followed another's. He even said that though a teacher can guide their student, the student needs to learn to rely on his own words, his own choice, and his own decisions, rather than continuing to follow orders blindly.” “Looks like Splinter taught you well.” said Shine Boy. Roland sighed, and said “Do you think I should tell her the truth, too?” “Normally I wouldn't make one tell another,” said Shine Boy, “But if it were up to me. I think she deserves to know the truth. I can understand what her counterpart did was wrong. But to quote a certain god of war I encountered by accident; we must be better.” Roland then nodded, agreeing with that statement. “Shine Boy, you there?” said Grandpa Max. “I’m here, Max.” said Shine Boy. “We were able to reach out to Batman’s group,” said Patelliday, “We’re sending them through, now.” “Alright, we’re on the way.” Said Shine Boy, before looking at Roland and said “Come on, let’s go.” “Before that…” said Roland. He then breathed and said “I really hope I can help Sunset.” Shine Boy held his shoulder and said “Don’t give up hope. She’ll get the help she needs. But it needs to be from you, and no one else.” Roland nodded and said “I understand.” The two of them was then off, going towards the hanger to wait for the Justice League. ************************************************************************************************ Soon, the Turtles and Rainbooms, along with the Mane 6 were at the hanger. Team Shine, minus Night Shine, were also there, with Gamer calibrating the portal. “Alright, portal should be opening…now.” Said Gamer. Within a split second, a portal opened. The first one to walk through was none other than Superman, along with the Leaguers that volunteered, aka, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, aka the Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aqua Man, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatanna, Hawk Girl, Green Lantern John Stewart, Wally West, aka, the Flash, Captain Atom, Red Tornado, Mr. Miracle, and the Atom. “Nice of all of you to drop by.” Said Ben. “He’s not the only one.” Everyone looked to their right and saw the Titans walking in, aka, Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, Blue Beetle, Static, Rubberband Man and Gear. However, among them was another man, which was none other than Virgil’s father, which surprised Shine Boy. “You invited Virgil’s dad too?” whispered Shine Boy to Roland. “I figured he’d help as a psychologist alongside Black Canary, considering he knows how to talk to people.” Whispered Roland, which Shine Boy nodded, remembering from what Leo told what Static had told him. But then Roland smiled and whispered “And he wasn’t the only one.” However, surprisingly they weren’t alone. For alongside them were many dogs and two cats. For alongside them was Krypto the Superdog, Ace the Bathound, Streaky the Cat, Stretcho Mutt, former cat villain Snooky Wookums, and the Dog Star Patrol (Consisting of Brainy Barker, Bulldog, Hotdog, Mammoth Mutt, Tusky Husky, Tail Terrier, and Paw Pooch). Fluttershy gasped at the sight and ran over to them, whilst giving Krypto and Ace a hug at the same time, with the animals going near her to say hi. The others were surprised too. “Whoa, who are they?” said Mikey. “We already know Bathound and Snooky.” Said Donnie, “but who are the others?” Fluttershy then turned to the others and said “Everyone, I’d like you to meet the pets I met and helped a while back. This is Superman’s dog, Krypto, this here is his friend, Streaky the Cat. And these are the Dog Star Patrol. There’s Brainy Barker, Bulldog, Hotdog, Mammoth Mutt, Tusky Husky, Tail Terrier, and Paw Pooch.” “Aw, they’re so cute.” Said April, but then noticed another dog, but in blue. “But who’s that?” The said dog barked, with Fluttershy saying “Oh, this here is Stretcho Mutt. He has the ability to stretch his body.” “Oh, kind of like Elongated Man and Plastic Man.” Said Wally/Flash, gaining their attention, with him saying “Long story.” “I know them,” said John Stewart/Green Lantern, “They once helped the Green Lantern Corps out on several occasions.” “Uh, how are we going to understand them?” asked Keno. “I can help with that.” Said Gamer as he came over with small chips. “These will be designed to be connected to your collars. That way, you’ll be able to speak our language.” He first went over to Krypto and placed his chip behind his collar, to stay hidden for just in case. After he was done, he said “Alright Krypto, you’re up.” Krypto cleared his throat and said “Testing, testing, one, two three.” The others were surprised by this, with Shine Girl saying “Wow, good call Gamer.”, with the latter blushing whilst smiling, whilst at the same time, placed the same chips behind the other dogs. “Huh,” said Superman, “So that’s what you sound like.” “Oh, you bet I do.” Said Krypto as he hovered over, “You have no idea how many times I wanted to speak to you like this. I had a translator, but the boy looking after me, Kevin, had to use it so that he could understand me.” “Same with Audrey.” Said Streaky, “And then again, she wasn’t prepared to hear where Krypto was actually from.” “Static, good to see you.” Said Leo as he walked over. “Same here Leo.” Said Static as he and the others greeted them. However, Static noticed that, though Sunset was happy to see them, she seemed less…enthusiastic about it. He couldn’t explain why…but he saw that feeling before. “It is good to see the friends again.” Said Starfire in excitement as she hugged Pinkie and Fluttershy. “Good to see you girls again.” Said Fluttershy. Dog Spike walked over to Raven and said “Good to see you too, Raven.” “You to Spike.” Said Raven before she stood on one knee and petted Spike. “Whattup party people?!” said Beast Boy. “We’re onboard and ready for a throwdown!!” said Cyborg. “Great to see you guys.” Said Mikey as he high fived them. “And Beetle, great to see you.” Said Rainbow. “We haven’t seen you for a long time.” Said Twilight. “Yeah, sorry about that.” Said Blue Beetle, “Someone had to look after the Tower whilst they were away.” “Hey,” said Raph as he noticed someone was missing, “Where’s the others?” “She-Bang’s back at Dakota watching over things whilst we’re here.” Said Static. “Plus, Snowstorm and Shot Cord’s back at Titan’s tower.” Said Nightwing, “We wanted to teach them more about responsibility, so they’re currently going over the basics. One of our allies, Bumblebee, is overseeing their training.” “Aw, I really wanted to see them too.” Said Pinkie all pouty. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here soon once the rest of the Titans are gathered.” Reassured Nightwing. “So, Blade.” Said Mr. Hawkins when he approached him. “How’s Maureen doing?” “She’s alright.” Said Blade, “Princess Celestia, my superior, helped me set up home for her. She hadn’t been there long and she’s changed so drastically. She never felt so loved in all her life. It felt…great to see her like this.” “That’s good to hear.” He said with a smile, “You gave her hope and a family that she really needed.” He then noticed Tempest next to him and asked “Is this your special lady?” “She is.” Said Blade as he blushed, with Tempest doing the same. “We had similar backgrounds, none of them good. But we were able to find our way in the end.” “And Maureen, er, Permafrost has…really warmed up to me.” Said Tempest as she smiled fondly. “Glad all of you could make it.” Said Grandpa Max as he shook Superman’s hand. “Wish it was under better circumstances.” “The feeling’s mutual.” Said Superman, “We went to report about the Shredder to the League and the rest of our allies.” “They’re back home at the moment,” said Barry/Flash, “They’re busy gathering their allies and supplies for when the big battle comes in.” “So, at the moment all of them are on standby.” Said Hal/Green Lantern. “In the meantime, we’ll be the advance force.” Said Wonder Woman. Applejack, knowing that Batman was with the League, still wanted to have a few words with him, but then noticed that he wasn’t with them. “Hey, where’s Batman?” asked Applejack. “Batman’s currently missing.” Said Ace, which surprised the Rainbooms. “He went on patrol and suddenly went dark. We…haven’t heard a word from him since.” “Yeah, it’s not like Batman not to report in.” said Robin. “I really hope he wasn’t kidnapped, otherwise it would be Brainiac all over again.” “I’m sure he’s fine, he’s Batman after all.” Said Gears. “So, what’s our current status?” asked Martian Manhunter. “We were able to find another stone.” Said Gwen. “Right now, we’re heading towards another Earth.” Said Kevin, “Hopefully the Turtles there will be more helpful.” “Oh, don’t you worry.” Said Rainbow, “These guys are legit.” “Rainbow’s right.” Said Princess Twilight, “The Turtles over there are trustworthy, and they were a big help when we fought their world’s shredder.” “I just hope the Karai from that Earth will be more helpful this time.” Said Karai. “Fingers crossed on that.” Said Shinigami. “Well, I’m looking forward to see my counterpart again.” Said April. “Same here,” said Casey, “Jones and I have a lot of catching up to do.” Roland then thought of something, then went over to Shine Boy. However, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity noticed. And seeing that they promised to help, went over to them. “I have an idea on how we can help Sunset.” Whispered Roland, “But it’s going to require the turtles from that world’s help.” “You think so?” whispered Shine Boy. “Oh, I agree.” Whispered Rarity, “I’m sure that they can help out once we explain everything.” “And we need to bring Static, Gears and Rubberband Man on this, same with Mr. Hawkins.” Said Roland. He then noticed the dogs and said “And maybe Krypto and the others too.” “You sure?” asked Rainbow. “I’m sure.” Said Roland. Suddenly, Mikey remembered something. “Uh, are we sure we’ll be safe over there once we arrive?” “What do you mean, Mikey?” asked Spike. “Uh, about a certain super soldier agent guy who nearly dissected us Turtles and tried to mind control Princess Twilight and the Rainbooms?” Then it immediately dawned to them, and they had completely forgot about him. “Oh, crud, we forgot about him.” Said Keno. “Who?” asked Kevin. “He is talking about my counterpart.” Said Bishop. “What’s so bad about him?” asked the Atom. “He’s talking about Agent Bishop of that Earth.” Said Leo. “A while back after my brothers and I arrived, we were captured by this guy, Bishop. He was once a human from the seventeen hundreds, until a group of aliens had captured and experimented on him. He ended up becoming immortal with enhanced strength…” “But he became a total Xenophobic towards all aliens!!” said Mikey. “Wait, he hates Aliens?!” said Wally/Flash. “And Metahumans.” Said Amethyst Majesty, which surprises the League. “He’s right,” said Raph, “This Bishop would do anything, even risk millions of lives just to destroy aliens. He even tried to dissect us and turn the Rainbooms into his own personal weapons. But the guy’s also a total nutjob. And no matter how hard we tried, he’s still deadest on destroying anything that’s not human.” “And seeing a big space ship like this,” said Leo, “Not exactly going to convince him.” “No need to worry,” said Azmuth as he came in with his hovercraft. “Bishop had informed me of this counterpart, and thanks to our spies, we were able to study their so-called feeble technology. So, we were able to upgrade out ship with over ten different cloaking techs. So now we can enter that world without any problems.” “And once we arrive there,” said Grandpa Max, “We’ll send the Turtles of that world a message to let them know we’re there.” “We’ll even try to teleport them to us.” Said Roland, “That way, we won’t have to send a ship to pick them up.” “Smart move.” Said Green Arrow. However, he noticed that Rarity was standing near him and smiling with her arms crossed. “What?” “So, you happen to be the infamous Green Arrow?” asked Rarity. “Uh, that’s right.” Said Green Arrow in confusion. “Canary talks a lot about you.” Said Rarity, “And it was really sweet of you of what you did for her when you tried to convince her mentor to stop.” He widened his eyes surprised and looked at Black Canary. “I did.” Said Canary, before looking at Rarity whilst smiling and said “Rarity, it’s good to see you again.” “Good to see you too, Dinah.” Said Rarity as she hugged her, “It’s been a long time.” “Hey, where’s Huntress?” asked Pinkie. Dinah breathed through her teeth and said “Yeah…it’s a long story.” Pinkie flexed her eyebrow at that, and went “Aw, I thought it would be great to see my bestie again.” “If you wanna call her that after what she said to you.” Muttered Batgirl, remembering what Huntress had said to Pinkie. “Sir, we’re almost there.” Said the Bridge. They watched from the screen that appeared above them and within a split second, they arrived at a certain Earth. “Everyone,” said Roland, “Welcome to coordinates 0802, on what we call, Earth 2003.” “Doesn’t look that much different from our Earth.” Said Streaky. “Do not be fooled by appearances Streaky,” said Brainy, “For even though this world resembles that of our Earth, there are many differences too.” “Right,” said Gear, “One where we don’t exist.” “Seeing that we’re here,” said Leo before he looked at Azmuth. “Azmuth, do you think we should teleport them to our ship?” “Already done.” Said Azmuth. “I already sent a message to them the moment we got here. They should be here shortly.” Within mere moments, their friends from the 2003 world arrived. They were this world’s Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Fugitoid, and Leatherhead. “Whoa, that’s a new experience.” Said Michelangelo. Splinter looked at their direction and said “It seems we are about to meet our hosts.” They turned to the others and were surprised to see so many folks. “Guys,” said O’Neil, “Long time no see.” “It’s been too long.” Said April as she hugged her adult counterpart. Everyone went over and greeted them, with Wally/Flash saying “Whoa, they almost look the same, but also different.” “Kind of reminds me of the heroes we met when we were trapped in that one comic.” Said John/Green Lantern. “Though it is good to see the Rangers again.” Said Wonder Woman when she saw Jason and the others. “Whoa,” said Mikey as he looked at the Rainbooms and Mane 6. “I think I’m seeing double here.” “Oh, these are my friends from Equestria.” Said Princess Twilight, “It’s their first time as humans in any world.” “And it’s awesome!!” said pony Rainbow Dash as she felt pumped up. As they greeted, Splinter noticed Sunset looked a bit down and was a little further from the others. He could sense that there was something wrong with her. Before he could move, he felt someone holding his shoulder. When he looked to his right, he saw Roland standing near him, and had a guilt look on his face. “Once you’re settled.” Whispered Roland, “Could you, the turtles and your April and Casey meet me in the training room. There’s something important that we need to talk about.” Splinter could sense the urgency from his words, but nodded nonetheless. Roland looked at his right and saw Shine Boy whispering to Static, Gear, Rubberband Man and Mr. Hawkins, and he knew he was asking them to meet them there. Even Applejack asked the canine companions to go with them. ********************************************************************************************* Roland stood there by the training room, waiting, and was really nervous at the same time. He looked to his right and saw Shine Boy, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash approaching, with the said people coming over. “Alright, we’re here.” Said Leonardo, “What’s all this about?” “Yeah, from the sounds of it, it sounds pretty important.” Said Jones. Roland typed on the keypad and created a dojo like simulation, and motioned them to enter. Once they did, Roland entered last and locked the door behind them, for this was going to be a long conversation. ****************************************************************************************** “And that’s why I did what I did.” Said Roland. To say that the Turtles, O’Neil, Jones, Krypto, Steaky, the Dog Star Patrol Static, Gear, and Rubberband Man were shocked were an understatement. Mr. Hawkins and Splinter on the other hand, they listened to him word for word, and could understand him better, especially since Shine Boy, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow chose to be with him. “Whoa,” said Michelangelo. “Did not expect that.” “And what da shell were ya thinkin?!!” exclaimed Raphael, “Scolding the others like that, just because of their counterparts?!!” “Hey, back off, man.” Said Rubberband Man. “Yeah, he’s right.” Said Static, “The dude’s been through a lot, I mean I would’ve been the same as he was if I grew up in that kind of world.” “Though I’m surprised Batman made him do all that.” Said Gear in disbelief. “He's also lived a life filled with depression, fear and anger from his time growing up in that world.” Said Mr. Hawkins as it gained their attention, “I've worked with kids and people like him and I can tell you, none of us can dismiss this. He needs help.” “Oh, he needs more than help, governor.” Said Bulldog. “Yeah, he needs major life realignments on a number of levels.” Said Hotdog. “Yeah, starting with that attitude of his.” Said Streaky. “We’ve been tryin since we found out.” Said Applejack on behalf of her, Rarity, Rainbow, and Team Shine. “It was hard for him at first, but he was able to push on through.” “And right now, Sunset also needs help.” Said Rarity. “I still can’t believe I did this sort of thing.” Said Roland, “I can’t believe I was such an…idiot to ask him for help.” Splinter opened his eyes and said “I can sense your words are genuine and your heart speaks true. You truly regret for what you did, and you wish to atone for what you have done. And from what the others have told me, you have made some progress. But you felt you need to do more, what you should’ve done long ago.” “Yeah.” Said Roland in a depressed tone. “Although,” said O’Neil in worry, “I’m more concerned about the Shredder you fought. And what he did.” “He’s more of a monster than Ch’Rell.” Said Donatello. He then suddenly looked sad and said “Plus, I believe you, and I’ll help out too.” The 2003 Turtles were surprised by this, with Donatello saying “Remember when I went to that other world and encountered…you know.” Then it dawned to them, they remembered what he said about their counterparts, and what they went through because of the Shredder. In truth, now they understand. “So, what can we do to help, Sunset?” asked Leonardo. “We could always fake someone being in danger and Sunset to rescue her.” Said Michelangelo. “Seriously?” said Raphael in a deadpanned tone. “What?” said Michelangelo, “We don’t have to literally put someone in danger. Remember when you guys set up that training course for me when we were at the future? We do the same thing, minus the threat, and we place someone where Sunset can help save him.” “Hmm, agreed. Michelangelo is correct.” Said master Splinter, which surprised the Turtles, O’Neil, and Jones. “We help set things in motion that would truly help bring the best of her. For a warrior who hides itself with self-doubt, is prone to danger and not being able to help those in need.” “But where do we start?” asked Roland. “Who’d be that crazy to volunteer?” “What about Flash Sentry?” recommended Rainbow, which caused Applejack and Rarity to look at her surprised. “Who?” asked Michelangelo. “He’s a friend our ours from Canterlot High.” Said Applejack. “He and a few others were trained the same way we were.” “Although…” said Rarity as she wasn’t sure, “Things might be awkward for the two of them.” “What do you mean?” asked O’Neil. “They…” said Roland, seeing that he knew their history. “Used to date before he broke up with her when she was a bully, but then later became friends since Camp Everfree.” The ones listening were surprised by this, with Gear saying “Wow, that is going to be awkward.” “If you think it’ll work,” said Mr. Hawkins, “Only question is, will he be onboard with this when you tell him?” Shine Boy, Roland and the girls look at one another, realizing that he may have a point. However, Brainy Barker could tell that something else was off about Roland. She then closed her eyes and used her abilities to read his mind. True and behold, she saw how greatly Roland had suffered over the years and what it had done to him both physically, and mentally. “The poor boy” thought Brainy as she couldn’t help but pity him. “What could have driven him to go down such a…” However, within a split second, a dark screech was heard as a terrifying face was shown before her, causing her to gasp in shock the moment she opened her eyes and nearly collapsed, which gained Krypto and the rest of Dog Star’s attention as he instantly held onto her. “Brainy, Brainy are you okay?” asked Krypto in concern. “You okay there, love?” asked Bulldog. “Uh, it’s nothing.” Said Brainy. She slowly looked at Roland in great concern. For there was something deep inside of him, something that wants to get out. She knew that Roland knew, but even he was greatly afraid of it. Whatever it was, she had to save it for another time to tell them before things get out of hand. ****************************************************************************************** “You want me to do what?” said Flash as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You want me to pretend we’re in danger once we’re down there?” They brought him in with the others and they explained everything of why they needed his help. “That sums about right.” Said Applejack. “Look, Flash,” said Rarity, “Normally we wouldn’t be asking you of this. But we really need your help, to help Sunset regain her confidence.” “We did try to cheer her up,” said Applejack, “But she’s scared that she might mess up again.” “I know what you mean,” said Flash as he looked down and thought about how he saw her last time. “Seeing her like this. I haven’t seen her like that since the whole Anon a miss and Memory Stone fiasco.” “So, you’ll help?” asked Rainbow. “I’d do anything to help, Sunset.” Said Flash, “Though why haven’t you asked Fugitoid to help, considering how those two have the same thing in common.” “He tried, but he couldn’t get through to her.” Said Applejack. “So, here’s hoping we can help her.” Said Rarity. “Fingers crossed to that.” Said Rainbow Dash. ************************************************************************************************ From within Roland’s quarters, he was just done taking a shower, however, just as he was about to put on his usual outfit, he saw something in front of him that he was surprised to see. It was a type of hood; with armor, weapons, and gadgets he had never seen before. He saw that there was a note on top and took it. He then read the note on top. I heard that you were trying to change your ways and tried to make things right. Which is good. Now that you are on that path, you will need to show them that you are no longer that same person, but one that truly wishes to help. Accept this hood as your own, and may it shield you well from your enemies. JD Roland looked at it, for he felt that there was something familiar to it. The moment he touched it though, he grunted loudly and saw more images in his head. In each image, showed him fighting techniques he had never seen before. Were they…more powerful than ninjitsu? He suddenly regained his focus and looked at the hood once more. He then looked at his old outfit. He then got mad and tossed his old clothes away. Maybe this JB is right. Maybe it’s time to show everyone he was not that same person anymore. He grabbed his clothes and tossed them into the trash. For it was time. First he put on his black pants and tightened the belt around it. He placed his feet into his armored boots, causing them to seal around his feet, showing for extra comfort and protection, causing certain lights to glow blue. He placed the hood on, and then he placed the chest armor on him, causing it to seal around him, showing that his armor was secured. He pulled his sleeves to make sure they were comfortable. He place his hand into his armored gloves/wrist, causing it to seal and be secured on him, with him placing his utility belt last. He placed tactical gauntlets underneath his wrists, revealing two strong and powerful hidden blades from underneath. He took the two chaos double edge knives and placed them in the hilts behind his belt. He took what appeared to be coin claws and placed them securely at the front of his metallic boots and his wrists to show how well hidden they were. He placed two pistol rings at his middle fingers, and secretly placed two knives in a secret compartment of his boot. He placed four provoke knives at his left shoulder and placed a special element onto his gloves, showing that he was now fully ready for a fight. He looked at the mirror, and noticed how different he looked. It looked different, yet, very familiar. What did it mean? He suddenly heard alarms, questions for another time. ************************************************************************************************ Within a split second, everyone minus Obaki (Who was still recovering from the broken jaw), and Venus (Who didn’t have the heart to face them), gathered at the screen. “Grandpa, what’s going on?!” said Ben. “We’ve got trouble on the surface.” Said Grandpa Max. Everyone then saw, to the Justice League’s shock, were many of their enemies and their armies, invading all over the city. “That’s impossible.” Said Hawkgirl. “How did they get here?” “Shredder.” Growled Raph. “Wait, dose are your enemies?!” said Raphael. “Whoa, super dangerous bad guys 2.0!!” exclaimed Michelangelo, “Twice as bad and dangerous as the ones back at our home!!” However, the door opened and someone walked through it. The Plumbers were shocked and surprised to see what they were seeing, even the techs and engineers, along with CHS’ students and Usagi. “We’d better get down there.” Said Leonardo. “He is right,” said Splinter, “We cannot abandon the city to be on their own.” “And we won’t.” Everyone turned and was very surprised, for Roland had entered, but looked different to. (It's the only picture I could get for the outfit, so sue me😋) Roland stood there with his arms crossed and looked at the screen. But the look on his face was of calm and control, something that they’ve never seen before. “If we go down there, we can’t risk people getting hurt.” Said Roland when he looked at the 03 Turtles. “You may have handled tougher enemies, as well as supervillains in your dimension, but you haven’t handled the league’s. They’re thrice as dangerous and horrible as the next. Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Cheetah, Star Sapphire, and a whole lot more. But I’m more concerned about a certain individual.” They were surprised to see how calm he is, and that he was different too. Very different. “So, uh…what’s the plan?” asked Leo. “Shine Boy?” asked Roland. Shine Boy was surprised by this, but nonetheless, he answered. “We’re gonna have to divide and conquer on this. The League can try to handle the big bad guys, but if they’ve also brought their henchman, hired help, or more of Shredder’s goons over, then we need to be down there and cover what ground we can.” “Agreed,” said Superman, “We can’t allow the citizens of New York to suffer because of our enemies.” “We’ll have to take groups of two,” said Hal/Green Lantern, “That way we’ll be able to…” “Sir!!” shouted one of the Plumbers, “We have a platoon worth’s intruders heading towards us!!” They saw on the screen were unidentified forces, heading towards them. “They’re going straight for the hanger.” Said Max. “Then let’s get going!!” said Kevin as everyone immediately went over. ************************************************************************************************ Everyone soon arrived at the hanger, getting ready for anything, just in case. The Ninjas and Rainbooms drew their weapons for just in case, same with their allies. “Alright we’re here.” Said Mondo, “Now what?” Suddenly, an explosion went at the hanger doors, thankfully the security protocols locked it down before anyone got sucked out. Everyone stood in attention. However, the Green Lanterns were shocked to see who was before them, same with the league. In the center, one of them was a robot, who glared at them with its eyes. “No man escapes…” “The manhunters.” Finished Roland for them. True and behold, they truly were what Roland had said. Large robots, carrying what appeared to be staffs of sorts, who are known as the Manhunters. And from what they’ve seen, there is about thirteen of them. “Whoa, are those Manhunters?” said Wally/Flash. “Impossible,” said John/Green Lantern, “We fought the Manhunters, they don’t look anything like them.” “You sure? Cause the looks are quite uncanny.” Said Wally/Flash. “Uh, question,” said Mikey, “What are Manhunters?” “Uh, Mikey, fight now talk later!!” said Raph. “I second dat motion!!” said Raphael. However, Roland suddenly signaled them to stop, which confused all of them. Then, to their surprise, he was just walking straight towards the Manhunters with his head lowered. The handful of Manhunters noticed as six of them moved towards Roland and had him instantly surrounded. “Is he out of his mind?!” exclaimed Beast Boy. The Manhunters then pointed their weapons whilst surrounding him at the same time, though for some strange reason, Roland was closing his eyes, with his head lowered and steadied his breathing. He then felt his body, his instincts, and his skills flaring up, as if…there was something else from within. As they surrounded Roland, one of the Manhunters said, “No man escapes the…” Within a split second, Roland instantly opened his eyes and pulled out a sword that’s sharp end glowed, causing him to slice two of the Manhunters before him, then thrusted his left hand at the next two, causing them to fly towards the wall and break in half, whilst Roland jumped in the air, twirled, and sliced two of the Manhunters to pieces. Then he suddenly leaped in the air whilst placing his sword away, allowing him to land near three more Manhunters. He jabbed what appeared to be a blade from below his wrist and jabbed it in the first Manhunter’s back and pushed him aside. The second tried to turn, but Roland jabbed his other hidden wrist blade behind another, shutting it down. The third tried to swing its weapon, but Roland caught its arm and used his wrist blade to jab it into its back and pushed him aside whilst keeping his sight focused on the enemy. The next two Manhunters charged and attacked, until Roland pulled out a small pellet and tossed it into the ground, creating a large red smoke, which disoriented the two Manhunters in the process. Roland performed a leg sweep, making the Manhunter collapse onto the ground, with Roland pinning it, the second tried to use its weapon, but Roland deflected it with his sword and jabbed it in the chest, before he used his dagger to destroy the other one he pinned onto the ground. Roland instantly stood up and placed both the sword and shield away, whilst he took out a cylinder of sorts and threw it at the Manhunter he was charging at, causing the Manhunter to slowly melt and malfunction at the same time, whilst Roland grabbed the malfunctioning Manhunter, vaulted over and jabbed his hidden blade into the next one. As the last two fell, Roland saw the last one, as if it was hesitating to attack. When Roland approached it, the Manhunter tried to swing its weapon, but Roland dodged it left and right, until he blocked the Manhunter and punched it in the face, making it collapse onto the ground, with Roland tossing its weapon away and walked over to it. The Manhunter tried to punch Roland, until Roland grabbed it and ended up holding its left arm, and Roland aiming his left arm at the Manhunter’s head. “You say no man escapes the Manhunters,” said Roland, “But what would happen if the Man becomes the hunter, and the Manhunter becomes the hunted?” Roland pressed his right hand, causing the blade to pierce the Manhunter’s head, disabling it in the process. Roland then released it as it collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud. Roland then breathed a bit, trying to stay calm after such a huge fight. Everyone stared at him shocked and baffled, as Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, even Rainbow to drop their weapons in shock by what they had seen. “Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman. “You can say that again.” Said Wally/Flash. “He just took down…thirteen Manhunters, without breaking a sweat.” Said Hawkgirl in shock. “Who is this kid?” said John/Green Lantern in shock. Roland then picked up two of the Manhunters’ weapons. He then smiled and shouted “You, Donnie!! Souvenir!!” He then tossed the weapon to both Donnie and Donatello. Whilst Donnie smiled in excitement, Donatello observed it. “Fascinating.” Said Donatello as he looked at the design, “I’ve never seen such an amazing design before.” Roland flipped the Manhunter over and was able to rip its memory core out whilst the others came over. “Fugitoid, Gamer, Twilight,” said Roland as he tossed it to them, “Take a look at these. And be careful, there’s no telling what’s on this.” “Very well then.” Said Fugitoid as they looked it over. “What exactly are they?” asked Leonardo. “I’ve never seen anything like it before.” Said Leo. “I have.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “They’re called Manhunters.” “You sure,” asked Wally/Flash, “They don’t look like the Manhunters we know.” “That’s because they’re from a different Earth,” said Roland as he observed them, “I’ve seen them before, from coordinates 1111, on Earth 2011 if I’m not mistaken.” “So, what are they?” asked Sunset Shimmer. “They were created by the Guardians of Oa,” said Roland, “In other words the two Green Lanterns’ bosses.” Everyone, minus the League, looked at both Hal Jordan and John Stewart surprised. “The Manhunters were created by the Guardians long before the existence of the Green Lantern Corps.” Said Roland, “The Guardians thought that robots, aka, the Manhunters, would be good peace keepers, to wipe out the criminal element. But unfortunately, they were flawed. They couldn’t understand the difference between good and evil. Because of that, they ended up wiping out thousands of worlds under their wrath. Which in turned formed the forgotten zone, the very place where every Lantern is forbidden to set foot on.” Once again, everyone, minus the ones that know, were shocked by this. Roland looked away and said “Which in turn created them.” “Them who?” “The Red Lantern Corps.” Hal and John were surprised that he knew about it. “The what now?” asked Applejack. Roland then looked at them. “In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night. No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might. Beware my power. Green Lantern's Light.” As they were puzzled by what he said, both Hal and John felt their rings glowing, which shocked the two of them, as they never realized something like this before. “What the hay is that?” asked pony Rainbow Dash. “It is the Green Lantern Corps’ oath.” Said Brainy Barker, “It’s an oath that they live by, as well as the code. For every Green Lantern, to be able to wield them and be among them is a great honor.” “But what about them Red Lanterns that he mentioned.” Asked Applejack. “As the Green Lantern Corps is powered by Will,” said Roland, “The Red Lanterns are powered with Rage. Their minds are so twisted, it would turn you into a rabid animal. As for their oath.” Roland cleared his throat as he recite it. “With blood and rage of crimson red, We fill men's souls with darkest dread, And twist your minds to pain and hate. We'll burn you all—that is your fate.” Some were afraid of this, with Princess Twilight asking “How many Lantern Corps are out there?” “Counting Green Lantern’s, the Red Lanterns, Star Sapphire and Sinestro, seven.” Said Roland, “Each of them is powered by a certain emotion. Red is Rage, Green is Will, Yellow is Fear, Star Sapphire, which is violet for Love, Indigo is Compassion, Blue is Hope, and Orange for Avarice, in other words, Greed. Each Corps are powerful, but none of them are to be underestimated.” “You seem to know a lot of the Green Lantern Corps.” Said John. “I spent my time training with them.” Said Roland, “And…I used to be a Lantern too.” This surprised everyone, until the science trio spoke that gained their attention. “Incredible.” Said Twilight. “So that would explain things.” Said Gamer. “Explain what?” asked Blue Beetle. “According to their memory banks,” said Fugitoid, “When an AI of the Green Lantern Corps went rogue and took over the Manhunters, they tried to wipe out all of creation in their universe. Though thankfully to the Green Lantern Corps, they were able to help free the AI of her own control and initiated a kill switch protocol to shut down the Manhunters. However, they suddenly disappeared.” “Whoa,” said Cyborg as he looked it over, “And according to this, they were able to receive upgrades and fighting moves from the Shredder.” “Guess we know how they got here.” Said Wally/Flash. “The Shredder truly is unlike anything we’ve ever faced.” Said Martian Manhunter, “Even more dangerous than Darkseid.” Superman then had a determined look on his face, but at the same time was concerned, for the Shredder truly was a threat that needed to be stopped. “We’ll sort this out later,” said Superman, “Right now, there are innocent people that need our help down there.” “Agreed.” Said John/Green Lantern, “We’ll focus on the supervillains on the surface. Everyone else can fan out and try to thin out their lines, as well as the Manhunters.” Roland then whispered to Shine Boy to take Flash, to which he nodded and went over to Flash, who he told the plan and used the teleporter to transport them away. Roland then said “We’ll have to go in different teams. I’ll take Sunset, Rainbow, Silverbolt, Applejack, Rarity, and Amethyst Majesty with me. The others can search in different parts of the city.” “Agreed,” said Leo, “Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo will go with me and my brothers to help secure downtown.” “I can live with that.” Said Raphael. “Let’s get down there.” Said Wonder Woman as everyone else as they went to their ships and transportation module. “Sunset,” said Roland, causing her to stop. Roland then gently placed his hand on her shoulder. “Stick with me. I got your back. Always.” Sunset was a little surprised by the tone of his voice, for it felt…different, genuine. She couldn’t explain it, but from the looks in his eyes, they were different this time. Roland then looked at Gwen. “Gwen, can you open a portal near one of the buildings.” “Uh, sure.” Said Gwen confused as she opened a portal. When it opened, they saw the fight going on, with Roland saying “I’ll see you down there.” To their shock, Roland jumped and descended downwards. Decided to follow his lead, Max said “Everyone to the teleporter!! We’ll send you to different locations whilst we send you down there!! We’ll send whatever teams we can to help keep the situation under control!!” Everyone nodded their heads and went straight to the teleporter. ********************************************************************************************** From down below, many of the Manhunters flew around and were also aided by the Foot Bots, as well as many of Lord Zedd and Rita’s monsters. The first up was Man-Bat and Clayface, leading his group of Manhunters and were tearing up the place. They suddenly saw a glow and there was Ben and his group, along with Big Macintosh, Bulk Biceps, Derpy, Lyra, Bonbon and Maud Pie. Man-Bat ordered them to attack, causing the Foot Bots and Manhunters to attack. Ben activated his Omnitrix and activated it, turning himself into Big Chill. “Allen!!” said Ben/Big Chill, “We’ll take care of the bat and clay monster!! Everyone, pick your targets and take them down!!” Both Ben and Allan flew with great speed towards Man-Bat and Clayface. Allen used his heat powers to fight against Man-Bat, with Ben/Big Chill using his ice abilities to freeze Clayface’s power at the same time. From on the ground, Gwen jumped up and used her magic to make magic spears with ropes attached to them. She launched them at the Manhunters and pierced through them, before pulling them apart. Kevin absorbed the Manhunter’s armor, allowing him to attack in full force against Shredder’s Foot Bots. Helen used her superspeed to speed through the Foot Bots and sliced them to pieces, with Manny backing Max up as they use their blasters to shoot down the Manhunters, whilst Lucy uses her sludge powers to splatter them away. Big Mac uses his 2 Tang Machete swords to block and kick away one Manhunter, then sliced two Foot Bots to pieces, with Bulk Biceps doing his mighty cry as he uses his Ninjitsu boxing gloves to punch many of the Manhunters to pieces, with Derpy jumping over and uses her hand and foot spikes to tear through the Footbots whilst backing up Bulk at the same time. Lyra and Bonbon fought back-to-back as they use their flutes to shoot down the Manhunters over their heads whilst trying to avoid their laser fire. Maud uses her Tekko Brass Knuckles to punch and pummel many Footbots, whilst standing in her exact spot at the same time without moving. ********************************************************************************************** From near the skatepark, many of the Manhunters and Footbots were tearing up the place, whilst at the same time, Two-Face and Harley Quinn were shooting up the place with their own gangs. Though from out of nowhere, a glow then appeared. And appearing was the Crystal Gems, along with Crimson Napalm, Cherry Crash, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Wallflower and Sapphire Night. “Connie and I will try to get to the leaders, you lot focus on the henchman!!” said Steven. “Right!!” said everyone as they charged. Steven charged towards Two-Face, with the latter using two tommy guns and try to shoot him, but Steven kept using his shield to block it whilst he ran. With one swift move, Steven whacked the shield against Two-Face’s, well, face. Connie on the other hand charged against Harley and dodged her hammer, before Connie blocked it with her own sword. Garnet jumped around and uses her gauntlets to punch many of the Footbots away, whilst Pearl dealt with the Manhunters as she blocked, dodged, and struck them like a ballet dancer at the same time. Pearl uses her whip to wrap her whip around the gangs’ waists, then uses all her strength to toss them away. Bismuth uses her hammers to bash a ton of Manhunters, whilst Peridot uses her stun rounds on the gangs, with Lapis trapping them in her own bubbles. Crimson Napalm uses his sais as he jumped in the air onto a Manhunter’s back and jabbed it many times, causing it to malfunction and collapse, whilst Cherry Crash uses her 3 bladed scythe as a lasso and spins it around before slicing the Footbots to pieces. Vinyl jumps over and double kicks a few bad guys, whilst Octavia delivered a strong roundhouse kick, with Wallflower jabbing her daggers into one of the robots before tossing it over, with Sapphire Night doing the same with her weapon. ********************************************************************************************** From Chinatown, many of Lord Zedd and Rita’s Putties were all over the place, with Lord Zedd and Rita, along with Penguin and the Riddler, leading their own gangs as they also began to loot things at the same time. Whilst at the same time, Tommy fought, blocked, and kicked four putties away, with Jason backing him up as he uses his sword to cut down some Footbots and Manhunters at the same time. Kimberly was using her bow to shoot down many Manhunters that were flying and shooting from the skies. Zack jumped in the air and struck down a Putty with his axe, whilst delivering a strong roundhouse kick that kicked two Manhunters away. Trini vaulted over and used her power daggers to block and throw a Manhunter over her shoulder whilst using them to slice two Footbots in half. Billy charged ahead and used his power Trident to jab it through a large Manhunter, then used the downed both to smash two more with one swing. Juniper Montage charged towards a Manhunter and uses her Nordachi Sword to slice the Footbots left and right, with Micro Chips using his Ninjitsu scythe to twirl and strike down a few Manhunters, with Sandalwood backing him up as he uses his Ninjitsu shield to block and bash many Footbots at the same time. Snips and Snails jumped onto a flying Manhunter and kept bashing it like crazy, whilst Thunderbass was using his dual samurai katana swords to fight against many of the Putties all around him. ********************************************************************************************** From upper town, many more Manhunters tore up the place, with many Footbots all around them as they fought against the heroes that teleported there. Tiffany, Trisha, Buffy, Zack, and Caitlyn used their Plumber weapon, granted permission from Max, and fired at the bots whilst they stayed in cover. Thankfully, they weren’t alone in this fight. Angel uses her sparring batons to smack many of the Manhunters, whilst Carter transformed into his mutant hawk form to grab and toss many of the Footbots away. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pounced on the three Manhunters and disabled them, whilst at the same time, used the Manhunters’ weapons against them. If they could properly hold it without falling, even if they do destroy them by happy accident. Ace uses his sparring batons to block, parry and kick a few Footbots away, whilst Melody jumped on his shoulders and threw both her 2 Chakrams, making them fly around like a boomerang and destroyed a few Manhunters in the air, before they came back and caught them the moment she landed. Patch used her two butterfly knives whilst she jumped in the air and struck down a Manhunter, whilst Half-Note uses her Tang Sword to block a few of Harley Quinn’s gang’s gunfire before kicking them away. Sweetheart uses her chain claw to wrap up a manhunter and tossed it hard onto the ground, with Clover Bloom bashing a Footbot’s head off, and Lancer using his 2 Naginata blades to perform a twister cut, cutting down the two Footbots at the same time. Thankfully they had supervision to help them out. Timber Spruce used his Shuang Gou swords to cut down a few Footbots, whilst connecting them and spun them around as he took down a Manhunter, with Gloriosa jumping in the air and smashing a couple more Footbots as if they were from a game of Whack-a-moles, whilst Aloe and Lotus Blossom were backing them up with their own nunchucks. **************************************************************************************** In the middle of Downtown China, many of the Manhunters and Footbots were causing trouble, whilst they were greeted by none other than Firefly, Deadshot and Deathstroke. And from below, the fight also intensified. Silverbolt punched many of the Footbots whilst using his wrist guns to shoot many of the Manhunters down, with Invictus using his pistol to shoot them down. Trixie smashed a few Footbots with her Bisisto Axe, Valhallen backed her up using his Pramatisu scissor daggers to slice them to pieces. Blueberry Cake uses her bamboo bo-staff to bash most of Deathstroke’s mercenaries away, with Mystery Mint using her Katana swords to slice a few Mousers to pieces, whilst Thunderbass backed her up smashing a few Stockman bots. And they weren’t alone, oh no, they have heroes by their side. Nightwing uses his acrobatic skills to jump over and fought and bashed a few Footbots using his batons. Though to his surprise, they were giving him a fight for his life. “Wow, these things really are tough!!” said Nightwing. Robin jumped over using his bo-staff to smash an incoming Manhunter. “No kidding.” Said Robin before wiping the sweat from his brow, “These guys are nothing like the Kraang.” Batgirl came and threw her Batarangs, destroying a few Footbots, “Doesn’t mean we won’t go down easily without a fight either!!” Beast Boy turned into a Rhino and charged through many Footbots, then turned into a gorilla and tore a Manhunter to pieces. Cyborg uses his arm cannons to shoot many of the Manhunters from the sky. Starfire was busy flying around using her laser eyes and blasts to destroy as many Manhunters as she could. Raven then focused her magic whilst she said “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”, and uses her powers to ensnare many of the Manhunters and destroyed them. However, to her surprise, she saw the Footbots had weapons that could wield magic and were this close into destroying her. “That’s impossible.” Said Raven as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Blue Beetle uses his armor to create a shield to block the Footbots, and then uses his swords to slash them, then his blasters to blast them away. Static flew overhead and uses his shock powers to electrocute and destroy the Manhunters, with Gears taking care of the Footbots on the ground. And further down, the Equestrians were giving them a hand. Princess Twilight did a somersault and sliced a Footbot in half using her Kamayari Sickle Spear, whilst she jumped backwards using her acrobatic skills. “Nice moves, Princess.” Said Beast Boy when he temporarily came to lend them a hand. “Thanks, I learned a few new moves.” Said Princess Twilight before she backflipped whilst dodging a few shots from the Manhunters. “These things sure are tough though.” Pony Rainbow Dash used her Naginata Spear to block a Manhunter with his own weapon as the two of them wrestled. “Very tough!!” Pony Applejack came from behind and sliced it in half with her Shuko hand claws and saved pony Rainbow Dash, “Predictable when fightin’ though!!” Pony Rarity uses her Kama Sickles to block and slice a few of the Manhunters, whilst Pony Fluttershy uses explosives darts when she was firing her own Fukedake Blowgun, and Pinkie Pie constantly jumping around as she dealt with Deathstroke’s Mercenary groups whilst laughing at the same time. Spike then looked around and saw how they were fighting. “What am I going to do, I need to help.” Suddenly he saw his collar glowing, and pressed it out of curiosity. He suddenly turned into his mutant wolf form, which surprised him. He then found a note on his collar and read it. I thought you might need this. Don’t worry, the collar you have on is special. I traded it for a collar that would allow you to transform into that mutant form, no need for Mutagen and you’ll still have control over your mind. Now go nuts and tear them apart. JD Spike then smirked and looked at the Manhunters surrounding him, and said “Oh, this is going to be good.” He howled and charged towards them and tore them apart, whilst taking their weapons and fired all over the place. Starlight stood in cover and uses her bow to shoot her own arrows, blowing up the flying Manhunters at the same time. “I’ve really gotta thank Roland for the special arrows.” Said Starlight as she continued to shoot them down. Blade uses his blade to block and slice a few Footbots and Manhunters, with Tempest punching a Manhunter’s face off, then took its weapon and used it against the rest. Sandbar charges and uses his Tanto blade to block at least two Manhunters, until Yona jumped in, grabbed the two of them and threw them so hard, they exploded. Silverstream uses her Double Claw staff to slice a Footbot in half, whilst Gallus jumped over her and did a roundhouse kick, sending the next Footbot flying. Smolder jumped up and did a wrestler move and tossed a Footbot backwards, with Ocellus using a black flip kick against another, with Bright Eyes blocking a Manhunter, then helped Teddy up as he jumped in the air and smashed the Manhunter with his hammer. **************************************************************************************** Near a public mall, where many civilians were running for safety, the Manhunters and Footbots and Putties were already making a mess of things, but thankfully the Shadowbolts and Mighty Mutanimals were there to try and put a stop to them. Sal Commander uses his wrist blaster and sword to take down many Manhunters, with Traximus and Zeno giving him a hand as they bashed more of them away. “These Manhunters are tough!!” said Zeno. “That’s for sure!!” said Traximus. “I am thankful that none of them were in our galaxy, otherwise our people would have a hard time fighting them!!” said Sal Commander before he sliced another. Slash smashed one Manhunter with his mace, then he grabbed another by the head and smashed it onto the ground. Leatherhead screeched and tackled a couple of Footbots over. Dr. Rockwell uses his telepathic powers to send many Putties flying, with Pidgeon Pete fighting many of the Manhunters in the air as he tried to dodge their fire at the same time. Mondo Gecko uses his skateboarding skills to dodge left and right, but grabbed a Manhunter’s weapon and uses it as a baseball bat. Mona Lisa uses her brutality skills to smash, punch, and kick many of the Manhunters away. Ray Fillet slices them to pieces with his Harpoon Spear, before throwing Hokum Rabbit in the air in order to grab and hijack one of the Manhunters. Sour Sweet uses her Surujin chains to wrap a couple of Manhunters in the air, before Sunny Flare jumped up and stabbed them using her Katar Daggers. Lemon Zest was able to trip one of the Footbots, before Sugarcoat came along and delivered a strong kick whilst jumping in the air, whilst Indigo Zap jabbed a Manhunter before tossing it over her head. Alopex uses her speed to slice many of the Footbots before they collapse to pieces, Bebop uses his dance moves to dodge the Putties before using his energy mohawk to blow them up. Rocksteady tackled at least seven Footbots and smashed them, before Muckman uses his garbage to literally wash them away with garbage. **************************************************************************************** From a different part of town, Team Shine (minus Shine Boy), and the Rainbooms, (minus Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity), and a few friends, were at the highway, fighting many Footbots and Manhunters. Fugitoid was busy firing his weapons onto the Manhunters at the sky, Keno jumped over and uses his sparring sticks to bash and kick many Footbots away. Karai fought using her snake form in order to strike a few Mercenaries down before turning back to human and sliced the robots in two, whilst Shinigami performed a double kick and grabbed another Footbot with both her legs before using her entire body to throw it very far. Fluttershy jumped around and tried her best to avoid being shot at by the Manhunters and uses her darts to blow them up. However, as two more came, they were suddenly taken out by a few arrows. Fluttershy looked and was surprised to see Green Arrow giving her a hand. “Sorry for cutting in.” said Green Arrow. “Oh, no problem.” Black Canary jumped in front of Fluttershy and performed her Canary Cry, destroying the Footbots in the process, before fighting hand to hand with a few. “I’ve gotta admit, these things are tough!!” said Canary before punching another Footbot. The from out of nowhere, Mr. Terrific came along and uses his spheres to even the playing field. “You say that now, but wait until the hard part comes.” Said Mr. Terrific before kicking a Putty away. Farther down, Pinkie Pie jumped around using her exploding sprinkles to blow up a few Footbots, then she suddenly got surrounded by Manhunters. “Uh-oh.” Said Pinkie in worry, until they suddenly blew up. “Huh?” “Hey there.” Said a voice, gaining Pinkie’s attention as she saw none other than the Atom on her shoulder. “Mind having a partner around to help?” “Oooh, by all means.” Said Pinkie, “It’s always good to make more friends.” “Took the words right out of my mouth.” Said Atom before the two of them smirked and attacked the rest. Twilight performed a few backflips before twirling her Kamayari Sickle spear and sliced a few left and right, with Spike backing her up as it chewed one of the robots’ wires to bits. When suddenly, a magic fire was shot that struck and melted the Manhunters. Twilight looked back and saw Zatanna approaching. “You okay there?” asked Zatanna. “Uh, yeah.” Said Twilight as she was surprised to see Zatanna. Spike approached her and was surprised to see her. “Wow, you’re really pretty.” Said Spike whilst he was wagging his tail. “Aw, aren’t you sweet.” Said Zatanna as she petted Spike, with the latter wagging his tail, and Twilight rolling her eyes with a playful smirk. Adagio twirled her sword as she darted forward and sliced the robots back and forth. Aria uses her Tri-Baton to smash a few Footbots, then wrapped one with it and threw it in the air, before Sonata came along and delivered a strong kick, sending it flying and crashing into a few putties like they were bowling balls. Shine Girl uses her small staff to knock and kick away a few Putties, whilst Love Shine was smashing a ton of Footbots using his fists. He then grabbed Gamer and threw him in the air, allowing Gamer to spin like a ball and used his blade to cut through many Manhunters. At the same time, Night Shine used the flames and combined it with his Manchette and swung his sword so hard, it sent a wave of fire onto the flying Manhunters, melting them in the process. At the same time, Captain Atom flew around and fired his Atom blasts, whilst Red Tornado came along and used his Tornados to send many of the Putties flying. ************************************************************************************************ Meanwhile, at New York Town Square, Leo, Leonardo, and their teams and Venus arrived, and the 03 Turtles were surprised to see the Footbots, as they were nothing like they’ve ever seen before. “Whoa, those guys look tough.” Said Michelangelo. “And dangerous.” Said Leonardo. “That’s because they’ve got the brains of all of the greatest martial artists in the other world.” Said Mikey. “Wait, what?!” exclaimed O’Neil as she and Jones were shocked. “This Shredder’s monstrosity knows no end.” Said Splinter as he readied himself, “But we will not allow him to take this world, or any other, not as long as any Ninja or warrior still stands.” “Right!!” said the Turtles and their allies as they got ready. The Footbots noticed them and instantly went onto the attack. “Ninjas, attack!!” shouted Splinter, causing all of them to charge towards the Foot robots. Leo darts forward and slices the Footbots back and forth, whilst Leonardo blocked and sliced a few of them before delivering a strong kick. The two blue turtles were back-to-back and fought many Footbots. “You weren’t kidding about them being this skilled.” Said Leonardo to his counterpart. “They gave us a hard time during our fight.” Said Leo before he punched them away. Raph punched many Footbots using his brutal skills, even jumping in the air and jabbed the two Footbots with his Sais, whilst Raphael uses his own Sais to do some damage. “They’re also tough.” Said Raphael before declaring, “But we’re tougher!!” “Now you’re speaking my language!!” said Raph as the two of them charged forward. Donnie and Donatello used their bo-staffs to twirl them and jump in the air, before striking a few Footbots away. Donnie deployed the hidden blade from his bo-staff and stabbed one before tossing it away. However, to his surprise, Donatello also had the same feature when he threw another Footbot away. “Whoa, you also added a hidden blade inside of your Bo-staff?!” said Donnie surprised. “Sure did.” Said Donatello, “After the last time we teamed up, I decided to upgrade my bo-staff too. Though I sometimes think I want to replace it with a metal one.” “Huh,” said Donnie, “You know, Venus said the same thing.” “Booyakasha!!” shouted Mikey as he used his nunchucks to bash many of the Footbots, whilst Michelangelo jumped up in the air and did the same to a handful of Manhunters. “Oh, yeah boy!!” “Now that’s how you take down a robot!!” said Michelangelo as he and Mikey used a shellshock technique and smashed a few Footbots that were huddled together. Master Splinter jumped over and delivered a strong double kick, with Venus using her bladed Tessen to slice many of the Footbots around her, before she threw them and struck down a few Manhunters. O’Neil uses her martial arts skills to take down a few Footbots, whilst April used her psychic blast to destroy a handful of Manhunters in the sky. She then grabbed their weapon and tossed it to O’Neil. “Thought you might even the playing field.” Said April. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” Said O’Neil with a smirk and uses it to shoot the Manhunters in the sky. Jones ran around and bashed as many Footbots he can when they tried to attack. “You ain’t kiddin’ about these guys bein’ tough!!” said Jones. “Goongala!!!” shouted Casey as he uses his exploding pucks to take down a handful more. “Then we just fight harder.” “Uh, not as hard as they do.” Said Mikey as he pointed up, to which some noticed. For up in the sky, Superman and his team had engaged in combat against their enemies. Superman constantly punched, blocked, and fired lasers against an Amazo that was nearly giving Superman a run for his money. He then tackled it hard, causing them to crash into the ground. Wonder Woman was busy fighting against Cheetah as the two of them locked fists, but Wonder Woman wasn’t going to give up the fight so easily, as she twirled and kicked and blocked Cheetah’s constant claw strikes, until she uses her lasso to ensnare Cheetah and threw her aside. John/Green Lantern was busy fighting against Sinestro as they were matching ring power towards one another, even using constructs to try and take them down. Both of them were neck n neck to one another, with Sinestro looking like he’s going to win. “You never did stand a chance against me!!” shouted Sinestro. He then felt something tap on his shoulder and said “Then how about me?” Sinestro looked behind him and was shocked to see someone he thought he’d never see again. Hal Jordan, aka, the first human to become a Lantern. “You?!” exclaimed Sinestro. “Let’s dance.” Said Hal/Green Lantern before a boxing glove formed onto his right hand, allowing him to punch Sinestro in the air. He then looked at John and said “I’ll handle Sinestro!! You see to it that the civilians are safe!! And take the Dog Star Patrol with you!!” “On it!!” shouted John/Green Lantern as he flew off, with the Dog Star patrol flying in after them, with Hal perusing Sinestro. At the same time, Wally/Flash sped around with Barry/Flash to help out the civilians. Until the two of them stopped and were shocked to see who they were. “No.” “It can’t be.” For right in front of them were two other speedsters. One in yellow, and one in black. They were none other than Reverse Flash and Zoom. “Been a long time, Barry Allen.” Said Reverse Flash. “Thawne.” Said Barry/Flash with squinted eyes. “I thought we stopped you two for good.” Said Wally/Flash. “You may have stopped us before, Flash.” Said Zoom, “But we will not go down so easily.” “I’ll handle Thawne, you handle Zoom.” Whispered Barry/Flash, making Wally/Flash nod in agreement. Within a split second, the Speedsters engaged in combat, both trying to take down the other with their pure speed. Martian Manhunter continued to fight against Ma’alefa’ak whilst trying to shapeshift at the same time, both trying to oust the other, whilst Aqua Man was fighting against Ocean Master, both engaging their tritons in combat. ************************************************************************************************ Meanwhile, from atop one of the buildings, Roland, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Sunset, and Shine Boy were able to defeat a large number of Footbot and Manhunter platoons, who looked like they were trying to plant more bombs throughout the city. “Okay,” said Sunset as she wiped the sweat from her brow, “That was a lot tougher than we thought.” “You’re right.” Said Shine Boy, “Let’s take a break.” “Wait,” said Rarity, “Where’s Amethyst Majesty and Usagi?” “They went to scout on ahead,” said Shine Boy, “They’ll contact us once they found something.” Roland offered Sunset a water bottle, to which she accepted and went over to a spot to sit down. However, Roland looked at Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity, and motioned them to go talk to her, to which they did. Roland and Shine Boy were standing on the other side so that they could talk in secret. “She’s not looking too good.” Said Roland. “Yeah, what Obaki said really messed her up.” Said Shine Boy. Roland then thought about something and sad “What else did Obaki say to her? I know he said something else when we were in the training room.” “Well…” said Shine Boy as he remembered. “It started about…after the Rainbooms made up with Mikey.” ********************************************************************************************** Shine Boy walked by and he heard Obaki scolding Sunset, with him watching at the same time. “And what,” said Obaki, “You think that just because you finally made up, everything will be fine!! What makes you so sure you won’t fall back into those habits, again!!” “But I really am sorry!!” said Sunset. “You know what, I don’t know what’s sad and pathetic.” Said Obaki, “The fact that you think that being a loud mouth bully makes you look like a tough guy!! Or the fact that you think you’re suddenly a saint just because you did a couple of nice things. Or the fact that you, could do a lot of amazing things in the world, and you’re still going to try and screw things up.” He then squinted his eyes and said “And you know what, given from what I’ve seen, you’ll never be a princess. You know why? Because you still don’t know the first thing about being a leader, or a friend. You’re not Princess Twilight, and you’re definitely not on Princess Celestia’s level.” Sunset was taken aback by this, same with Shine Boy. “You’re still a bully, who only has friends, because a certain Princess took pity on you, and asked the girls to befriend you!! That’s why, no matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how much you accomplished. Deep down, you know that these people are only friends with you, because you’re acquainted, with the Princesses, but nobody, wants to be friends, with Meanset the She-Demon Shimmer.” Sunset was shocked by what he said, with Obaki walking away. Sunset suddenly whimpered and landed on her knees and cried, with Shine Boy gripping his hands. ************************************************************************************************ Roland then growled as he suddenly crushed a bit of the wall, with Shine Boy noticing, and saw purple energy, as well as his eyes slowly turning purple and purple ooze coming out of his mouth. “Roland, calm down!!” whispered Shine Boy loudly, causing Roland to snap out of it and quickly wiped his mouth. “Damn you, Obaki.” Muttered Roland. He sighed and said “I should’ve left him for dead, long ago.” “Roland.” Roland sighed and said “I know. It’s just…” Shine Boy placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder and said “I know Roland…I know. We’ll find a way to help her. Together.” ***************************************************************************************************** From the girls, they were talking to Sunset. “Y’all okay there, Sunset?” asked Applejack. “I’m fine girls, really?” said Sunset. However, the flexed look from Applejack said otherwise, making Sunset change her words and looked down. “No.” said Sunset as she sighed and looked away, “No, I’m not alright. They were right, I’m such a hypocrite. I did everything I could to make up for my mistakes, but nobody believed me. And even after I helped save them from the Dazzlings, there were always people who would undo my hard work. Sometimes I wish I was better off dead.” The girls were surprised, with Rainbow saying “Sunset, do you even hear yourself?” “Rainbow’s right darling,” said Rarity in equal worry, “That’s a terrible thing to say, even for you.” “Look, Sunset,” said Applejack, “If y’all remember, we weren’t exactly perfect either.” “Yeah,” said Rainbow, “I mean after the Fall Formal, we made a promise to Princess Twilight that we’d look after you.” “Pinkie and Fluttershy were the only ones willing to help.” Said Rarity in sadness, “But unfortunately, I didn’t fully commit to it.” “And Rainbow and ah refused to.” Said Applejack. “Cause we feel just as bad for not helping you.” Said Rainbow, “I mean, if Twilight had asked anyone to look after you, she’d believe them.” “But the three of us?” said Rarity as she was guilty, “We made a promise in front of Princess Twilight to look after you. But the moment she left, we ended up breaking her promise and trust.” “And even after ya’ll apologized and tried to make it up to us,” said Applejack, “We acted like complete mules to ya, whenever you wanted to help us or try to make it up fer yer mistakes.” “And the most uncool part,” said Rainbow, “Was the fact that we constantly gave you the cold shoulder and refused to help you whenever you wanted to prove yourself.” “Still,” said Sunset, “You girls had every right to hate me after what I had done.” “But we weren’t any different.” Said Applejack, “Sure y’all may have set up everything, but we were the ones who did it out of our own choice. And we didn’t even bother to try to make things right.” “And our pony counterparts can also be stubborn and selfish sometimes, but…” said Rainbow, “But the difference between us and them…they forgive overtime when they had help, but we held a grudge towards one another for a long time.” “And between what happened at the Fall Formal and before the Battle of the Bands,” said Rarity, “You worked hard every day, but none of us, sans Pinkie and Fluttershy, gave you a chance. We were so focused on the bad, we never considered of some of the good you tried to do.” “And to quote what Luke would say,” said Applejack, “That we were idiots for not letting mistakes like that go.” “What we’re saying is darling…” said Rarity, “Even though we’ve done good in the past, there will always be others out there to ruin everything.” “Plus, you weren’t the only one who was hurt by someone who wanted revenge.” Said Rainbow. “Remember when Amethyst Majesty wanted revenge on Rarity, because he thought she and Applejack had a thing when it was all a misunderstanding? Or that time when Lightning wanted to get back at me when she joined Viper Kai because she wanted payback at me because she though I framed her for cheating when she did? Or that time when Flim and Flam constantly wanted payback on Applejack’s family, but have no idea why they were like this to them for a long time?” “Believe us Sunset.” Said Applejack, “Y’all aren’t alone out there in that department.” Rarity placed her hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “You’re not alone Sunset. And you shouldn’t let others who bring up your past mistakes like that.” However, unknown to them, Sunset had what looked like a miniature listening device on her shoulder, which revealed that Sunset was speaking and both Roland and Shine Boy were listening. “I just don’t know guys.” Said Sunset through the speaker, “No matter how hard I tried…” “You know all those Power Pony comics that I always read?” said Rainbow, “Superhero secret, first plan never works. Meaning that we can’t always predict what will happen. Cause there’ll always be bumps on the road. But we also shouldn’t obsess about it. Remembered how badly I obsessed during Last Spring Break?” “You planted a listening device on her?” whispered Shine Boy. “Normally I’d use it to spy,” whispered Roland, “But now…I just wanna use it to make sure that they’re alright. Cause it’s my fault that I let this get out of hand and…I just wanna make things right.” “So, we see.” They turned and see Usagi and Amethyst Majesty, who were listening as well. “It is clear that you truly regret your actions and that you wish to make things right.” Said Usagi. “Yeah,” said Roland in sadness, “But will it be enough?” Usagi placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder, and said “It will be as long as you do not give up.” “Also,” said Amethyst Majesty whilst he rubbed the back of his head, “I’m really sorry for the punch in the face.” “No, I deserved it.” Said Roland. “I guess…no, I know, I need to make this right. The right way.” Before they could say anything else, someone contacted them. “Yo, Roland, can you hear me?” Roland knew it was Flash Sentry’s voice. “Flash, what’s up?” *************************************************************************************************** Flash was at an abandon building. Though he was able to take care of a few Putties and Manhunters, he still felt a bit unsure of him being alone. “Are you sure about this?” said Flash, “I don’t like the idea of being alone.” “Don’t worry, we made sure that everything is set.” Said Roland. “Once we give the signal, you’ll pretend to be trapped with a few drones of our own, and then we’ll be able to tell Sunset about it.” Said Shine Boy, “Look, we know you’re not comfortable with this, but…” “No, it’s okay.” Said Flash, “I’d do anything to help, Sunset. She’s done a lot for us, so I’ll do the same for her.” However, unknown to him, something was lurking through the darkness, and not the fun kind. “I just hope that what we’ve planned would work.” Said Flash. “The last thing we need were…: Suddenly, he heard a loud clash. “Wait, I hear something.” *************************************************************************************************** “That must be the Drones.” Said Roland. However, when Shine boy looked at his drone cameras. He was stunned, and really worried. “Something’s wrong,” said Shine Boy, “They’re not responding.” “Uh, guys.” Said Flash, now sounding really worried. “I don’t think I’m alone here. And I think I hear…laughing?” Roland widened his eyes in shock. For…no…it couldn’t be. “Wait, no. No!! Stay away from me!!” shouted Flash, before he left out a large scream, which startled Roland, Shine Boy, Amethyst Majesty and Usagi. “Flash? Flash?!!” shouted Roland as he was now getting worried, which gained Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack’s attention. He then turned to the others and panicked, “We gotta go, now!!” “What’s wrong?” said Sunset worried. “Flash is in trouble!!” shouted Shine Boy. “What?!” said Sunset. Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity smiled, knowing that their plan was working, however, the look on Roland’s face as he quickly shook his head…then they knew something was really wrong. “We gotta go!!” said Amethyst Majesty. “I’ve got his location, let’s go!!” said Roland as all of them ran. “Grandpa Max!!” shouted Roland as he continued to run, “Contact the Turtles, April, Casey, their counterparts, Karai, Shinigami, the Rainbooms and their friends from CHS, the Mane 6, Team Shine, Nightwing and the Titans, Robin, Batgirl, Static, Gears, the CMC, and Rock N Beats over, stat!! This is not a drill!!” “Roger that.” Said Grandpa Max. From all around the city, after they dealt with the problem, the Turtles, April, Casey, their counterparts, Karai, Shinigami, the Rainbooms and their friends from CHS, the Mane 6, Team Shine, Nightwing and the Titans, Robin, Batgirl, Static, Gears, the CMC, and Rock N Beats received their calls and immediately went over to the location that Roland had sent. *************************************************************************************************** Within mere moments, they arrived at the abandoned building. “There it is!!” said Sunset. “You lot stay here and wait for the others to arrive!!” said Roland, “Shine Boy and I will check it out!!” The two of them quickly darted towards the building whilst the rest were waiting outside. As they approached the building, they found the Shine drones (robots that look human) half destroyed as they were scattered all over the place. “That would explain why the drones didn’t respond.” Said Roland when he and Shine Boy observed them. “It looks like they’ve been burnt by acid.” “Oh boy,” said Shine Boy, “My brother’s not gonna like this when he sees them.” “You’d better teleport them back to the lab.” Said Roland, “We don’t want anyone else to suspect anything.” “Good call.” Said Shine Boy as he activated his wrist console, allowing the Drones to be teleported. “Let’s go.” Both Shine Boy and Roland ran inside, searching from floor to floor. Once they reached the tenth floor, Roland ran around, desperately trying to look for Flash, with the others following in tow. “Flash?!” shouted Roland, “Flash, where are you?!!” “Roland, look!!” said Shine Boy as he and Roland spotted Flash Sentry on the ground. The two of them instantly ran over to him, with Roland skidding and landed on one side, with Shine Boy on the right. “He must’ve been attacked.” Said Shine Boy. Roland then took a good look at his face, with him suddenly gasping in shock, whilst his face went pale. “Oh, no.” muttered Roland. “What is it?” said Shine Boy. Roland showed Shine Boy, which shocked him too. “No. No it can’t be.” Said Shine Boy, “He’s here?!” “I’m afraid so.” Said Roland. “Guys!!” They saw the rest of Team Shine, the Rainbooms, Turtles from both worlds and their human allies, Nightwing and the Teen Titans, Robin, Batgirl, Black Canary, Mane 6 and the 2 Spikes came running in, along with the rest of their CHS friends, the CMC, and the Rock N Beats. “Is Flash okay?!” said Princess Twilight in worry. “What happened to Flash?” said Gamer. Both Roland and Shine Boy slowly looked at them, with Shine Boy saying “We’ll give you one guess.” Roland slowly showed them Flash’s face, which showed his eyes were widened and his face was stretched with a smile, which caused the Turtles, Rainbooms, Team Shine (minus Night Shine), April and Casey to gasp in shock and horror. “No.” muttered April, “He’s here?!” “Who’s here?” said a confused Karai. Before they could say anything, Flash suddenly chuckled in that state, but in an exhausted breath, as it left everyone unnerved. “Help…me.” Said Flash as he felt like he was going to die any minute. Roland suddenly remembered something and dug into his pocket and took out what appeared to be a vial, which was labeled “Anti-Joker Toxin”, which surprised the others. Roland then jabbed the needle into Flash’s neck, causing him to gasp and pass out, no longer smiling like that. “What is that?” said Casey. “Anti-Joker Toxin.” Said Roland, “When I looked through most of Batman’s enemies, I studied the Joker too. He uses nitrous oxide. It was once a normal laughing gas component, but after he got his hands on it, he modified it in his own twisted way. Meaning with this gas, you’ll literally laugh yourself to death.” The Mane 6, Karai, Shinigami, and the rest of CHS were horrified to hear this, same with Jones and O’Neil. “So, I was able to whip up an antidote when I studied it, to counter the toxins.” Everyone was silent for a moment, with Mikey exclaiming “Where were you when we had the bad case of the giggles?!!” Roland looked at him with a deadpanned expression, with Mikey realizing what he said and said “Oh, right.” “Okay, ah’m confused here!!” said Raphael, “Who da shell are you lot talkin about?!!” The handful of folks who knew him said, “The Joker.” The 03 Turtles, Jones and O’Neil blinked at this, with Leonardo saying, “You’re joking, right?” “Oh, believe me, he’s no joke here.” Said Nightwing. “He’s a psychopath. A monster.” “How bad is he?” asked Scootaloo. “Put it simply,” said Batgirl, “Whilst your Shredder may have killed many people, the Joker is responsible for over twenty thousand deaths.” Everyone, minus the ones who know him, were shocked to hear this. “He was that horrible?” said O’Neil in shock. “He wasn’t always a monster.” Said Roland, gaining everyone’s attention. “Why in tarnation would y’all say that?!” said Applejack. “Because I know how his story began.” Said Roland, taking them by surprise as he said “When I last met Rennet, I asked her if I could use the staff. Everyone knows the Joker by reputation, but not as a person, so naturally I got curious and looked deeper. That is…if any of you is interested.” Everyone wasn’t sure, until Sunset remembered something that Jacob told her about Neutral Jing. She took a breath and said “I think we should hear him out. Master Splinter would say that to understand the enemy, one must know the enemy.” “Indeed” said Splinter, “For if this enemy is dangerous as you say, then we must know it with our own eyes.” Some were a little reluctant, but agreed nonetheless, with Nightwing asking “And you sure you know?” Roland pulled out a disc and activated it, causing everyone around them to be placed in a hologram like room. They saw a normal human being, attending his wife, and to Nightwing and the team’s surprise, they recognized the man. “Whoa.” said Beast Boy. “So that’s what he looked like.” Said Static. “Joker was once a humble man once,” said Roland, “All he ever wanted to do was to provide for his wife, move her to a decent neighborhood, wanting what was best for their child. He worked at Ace Chemicals, but he quit because he felt uncomfortable being around them.” “If he ever get the bad case of the acne from the chemicals I would too.” Said Mikey, before Raph smacked him at the back of his head. Roland then changed the scene, showing Joker at the bar, talking to two lowlifes. “He then tried to take shortcuts to earn some money, so that he could provide for his family, even if it meant breaking the law. However, fate had other plans.” They then saw the scene where two officers were talking to him, with Joker going back to the two lowlifes and sat down. “Something you want to tell us, friend?” said the first Lowlife. “There was an accident this morning.” Said Joker, “Testing the baby bottle heater. An electrical short and… my wife died.” Everyone was surprised to hear that. “Whoa,” said Raphael, “I don’t know how to respond to dat.” “And realizing he had no choice, he had to go through with it.” Said Roland as he fast forwarded, and he showed them how he was donning the red hood costume. “Wait, that’s the Red Hood outfit?” said Nightwing in disbelief. “Trust me, tons of criminals take different outfits to make a name for themselves.” Said Roland. He then fast forwarded through the events where everything went wrong as the two lowlifes were killed, and Joker was running up the rails, trying to get away, and that’s when Batman arrived. He slowly walked towards Joker and had a pair of cuffs on him. “So, Red Hood.” Said Batman as he approached him, “We meet again.” “Stay away from me, don't come any closer, you monster!” said Joker as he panicked. Then they saw how he tripped on a piece of his cape and fell over the rail, making Joker scream whilst he fell, with Batman too late to help him. They all saw him falling into one of the Chemical filters whilst looked like he drowned, shocking everyone. Roland fast forwarded and showed them outside, with Joker crawling his way out, coughing from underneath the helmet, until he was at least two feet away from the lake. “It burns!!” said Joker as he was finally able to remove the helmet whilst panting, though none of them could see his face yet, with the Bat family watching him closely. He rubbed his head and face as if he had a bad itch. “I’m itching all over…what’s hap…?” Joker then took a good look of himself at the puddle, as if he had seen something horrible. Suddenly, the loss of his wife and his face went over and over in his head, causing him to land on both his hands, and began to sob. However, as he stood up, that sob, suddenly slowly turned into laughter, a very scary and sickening laughter, that everyone knew all too well. And after laughter, the maniacal laughter came as it echoed throughout the entire area whilst he was holding his head. Roland pressed a button, revealing the Joker’s face. His hair turned green, his face turned white, but his face, his face showed that his smile went wide and his eyes and mouth began to bleed, as pure madness itself had been revealed to the face of the Joker. Everyone who saw were horrified to see this, seeing how the Joker came to be. Roland then ended the recording as he brought them back to reality. “And from that day on,” said Roland, “The Joker was born. And it was from there, he began his many crimes.” He then showed them holographic pictures of everything he has done over the years he was active, which horrified many when they saw what happened to each and every one of those victims. “Wait,” said Michelangelo as he spotted a picture, “Who’s that?” They saw a picture of Robin, only deceased. “That would be Jason Todd.” Roland looked at them and said “As you know, Nightwing here was the first Robin, before he left. Jason was the second. And this Robin over here, is the third. But the problem was, he was more of a delinquent rather than someone like Nightwing or Robin. He even stupidly went after the Joker when they tried to stop his plans in another country. Results…” He then showed them another recording, showing the Joker having Jason, but was tied up, stripped of his gadgets, and beaten. Joker then bashed him with a crowbar. “Whoa, now, hang on. That like it hurt a lot more.” Said Joker whilst holding his crowbar, “So let's try and this up, okay, pumpkin? what hurts more?” And from every word, he began to beat Jason with a crowbar, much to the others’ horror. “A? Or B? Forehand? Or backhand?” After the beating, Joker left him there. Then they saw how Jason tried to escape, but was locked in. And much to their horror, they saw there was a bomb inside, that blew up as a result. Then they saw Batman trying to look for him and dig around the ground. “No.” said Batman as he picked up Jason’s lifeless body. “Jason.” said Bruce as he closed his eyes and mourned him, which surprised the others when they saw him like this. “And Jason didn’t stay dead.” Said Roland as he showed them the next footage. They saw how Ra’s al Ghul tried to resurrect Jason. “Whoa, what was that?” said Gear. “That would be the Lazarus Pit.” Said Roland. “I know of it.” Said Nightwing. “Ra’s al Ghul had used that pit to stay alive for centuries. It reverts his aging, making him live for a long time.” “In other words,” said Roland, “He’s over 700 years old. And during that time, he was taught by some of the greatest martial artists and swordsman in history. In fact, I remember back in my world, he was trained by the founders of both the Foot and the Hamato Clans.” Everyone was shocked and surprised to hear this at the same time. Everyone saw Jason being placed into the pit. At first things seemed quiet, until Jason burst through the waters screaming, shocking them as they saw him screaming in pain as he tore of the bandages, then ran away and beating a few of the monks and ran away before jumping out of the monastery window, disappearing after that. Everyone was shocked to see what happened. “Dude.” Said Mikey. “So that’s how he ended up like that.” Said Robin. “Actually, he was like this before he died.” Said Roland, which puzzled the others. “As you no doubt know, Batman felt responsible for what happened to him. And when he went to find him…” Roland then played a recording of both Batman and Alfred’s conversation. “Sir,” said Alfred as he explained, “Please take this to heart. Who Jason was before, and how we lost him. And this dark miracle or curse that has brought about his return. It was not your fault. I know you view his death as your greatest failure but…” “His life and his death are my greatest failure.” said Batman, which surprised the others. “Do you remember how he was when I found him?” “Of course, sir. Fearless, arrogant, brash. And gifted.” “Yes. Different than Dick in so many ways.” said Batman, which surprised Nightwing. “But still so full of potential, and power. But I knew, even from the beginning, he was dangerous. If I hadn’t made him into Robin, he would’ve grown to do wrong. Then I got him killed. My partner. My soldier. My fault. I own that. I’ll carry that like everything else. But now there’s this, he’s taking everything I’ve ever taught him, and turned it on me. It’s a hell of my own making, Alfred.” “Sir, this isn’t your doing,” said Alfred, trying to reason with him, “You loved him, he knows that, it should be enough.” “It’s not.” They were surprised by this, with Raphael saying “What’s dis guy’s problem?! Why didn’t he finish the Joker?!” “He provided the answer to that too.” Said Roland as he pressed the recording. “This was when he faced Jason and Joker.” “You don’t understand.” said Batman. “I don’t think you’ve ever understood.” “What?” responded Jason harshly, “What your moral code just won’t allow for that? It’s too hard to cross that line?!” “No!! god almighty, no.” said Batman, until he said something unexpected. “It would’ve been too damn easy.” They were surprised to hear what he said. “All I ever, wanted to do, was kill him.” said Batman. “A day doesn’t go by where I don’t think about subjecting him, to every horrendous torture, he’s dealt out to others. And then…end him.” Everyone was speechless over what he had said. “But if I had done that. If I had allowed myself to go down into that dark place. I’ll never come back.” “Why? I’m not talking about killing Penguin, or Scarecrow, or Dent. I’m talking about him. Just him. I’m doing it because…because he took me away from you.” “I can’t. I’m sorry.” Roland ended the recording, with many surprised what they had heard. “It would seem there is more to meets the eye from this Batman.” Said Master Splinter. “Exactly.” Said Roland, “Batman felt responsible for what happened to both of them. He kept holding out hope that they would be rehabilitated, but sometimes, what we learned the hard way, not everyone is being capable of being saved, and they never say thanks even after you save them. Sometimes, no matter how you started out.” He partially looked at Sunset, to which the latter noticed. “Fate has a way of giving you a hand that you never expected.” Said Roland, which got Sunset to think a bit, with Roland looking at Nightwing. “For example. Remember when you punched Batman in the face?” “Yeah?” said Nightwing with a flexed eyebrow. “You didn’t get this from me but…” said Roland, who was quiet for a moment, but decided to be honest and looked at him straight in the eye. “You actually made him proud that day.” Nightwing was surprised by what he had said, even the others. “But before we get to that.” Said Roland, “You know the tragedy he suffered when he was a child, but what you didn’t know was that he blames himself for what happened.” They were confused by this, with Roland revealing the full truth. “His father wanted him to come with him to Wayne Enterprises to attend a board meeting,” began Roland, “But like any child, he begged him and his mother to take him to the movies, to watch the Mark of Zorro. He was excited like any child, but instead of taking the limo back, he wanted them to walk home…through Crime Alley.” Everyone was slowly being baffled by what he was revealing, but not as baffled as Nightwing was. “Everything he did as Batman was to make that one night right, but it would never be enough for him.” Said Roland, “From that night, he never wanted to forget, and that his penance, and his bat shaped cross to bear.” He looked at Nightwing and said “When you lost your family, he could see the look in your eye. He had the exact same look he had when he was still a child. And he was scared that you would force yourself to become like him. Though you went crime fighting anyway, and confronted the man who took your parents away, you ended up having what he couldn’t.” “Closure?” asked Robin. “A choice.” Responded Roland, which surprised everyone. “You chose to fight crime, you chose to become Robin, to help those in need. But as we all learned the hard way, nothing lasts forever. He didn’t want you to become like him, nor did he want you crime fighting, he wanted you to move on, to have a family. Though you became Nightwing, you did it out of your own choice. But he knows that when the time comes, one of these days you, Batgirl, Robin, even Catwoman, all of you would one day choose to hang up the cape to live your lives. But Batman on the other hand won’t. Or can’t. And he’ll end up being that way for the rest of his life. But through all that fierce exterior, there has never been a person who cared so deeply about his fellow man, than Batman himself. Except maybe all of you.” Everyone was surprised by what Roland had said, with Roland helping Flash stand up once he had recovered, but Roland walked a bit ahead, then looked at the others, and could see that he looked…different. “My advice to all of you,” said Roland, “You want to have a better life than him, or myself, or Obaki or Venus? Then take good care of each other and the folks who love you. Or don’t. It’s your choice.” Roland then left to search for Joker, with everyone else standing there for a few moments, thinking about what he had said. Princess Twilight whispered to Shine Boy and said “I don’t know what you did, but the more he’s like this, the more I like him.” “One more thing.” They saw Roland standing at the door, “I’ll go scout on ahead. Sunset, you’re with me.” Sunset was a little surprised, but complied nonetheless. She walked over to him, allowing Roland to grab her, whilst using his wrist to shoot out a grapple. It soon attached the top of the building, pulling the two of them up in the process. ********************************************************************************************* As they continued to search, Roland and Sunset continued to run along the building. He then signaled her to stop, which she did, whilst he looked around. Though seeing that it’s quiet. He decided to call Superman. “Yo, Supes, you there?” said Roland. At the same time, Superman and the rest of the league gathered on top of one of the buildings to regroup. “I hear you, what’s up.” Said Superman as he and the rest of the league listened. “We have a problem.” Said Roland, “A major threat of a problem.” “Who?” asked Superman. “I’ll give you a hint,” said Roland, “One villain who happens to have the bad case of the giggles.” Superman instantly knew who it was whilst he widened his eyes in shock, even the League was shocked to hear this. “He’s here on this Earth?!” said Hawkgirl in shock. “This, is bad.” Said Wally/Flash. “It’s not bad, it’s worse.” Said Barry/Flash. “Never mind that.” Said John/Green Lantern, “We need to go find him and fast.” “Agreed, let’s go.” Said Superman as he, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Hal/Green Lantern, John/Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter took the skies whilst Barry/Flash and Wally/Flash ran down with their superspeed. *********************************************************************************************** Roland and Sunset went from building to building, then soon stopped. He looked at her and placed his hand on her shoulder, “Sit down and have some rest. I’ll take watch.” Roland walked over to the edge and looked at the city, with Sunset sitting down whilst she was getting a breather. As he was looking, he asked “Are you okay?” “I’m fine.” Said Sunset, “Just a little winded is all.” “That’s not what I meant.” Said Roland. “I heard about what Obaki said.” Sunset winced at that and held both her arms as she looked away. “You didn’t deserve that.” Said Roland, “It’s clear as day that you worked hard more than anybody else around you. But all of them are so blinded by their own bitterness and past, they don’t see the new you. The you that you should’ve been instead of your time as Celestia’s pupil.” “Yet, it was never enough.” Muttered Sunset. “No matter how hard I try, nobody would believe me.” “Well, you can’t expect things to turn around automatically.” Said Roland whilst he kept watch. “Our lives are sort of like a routine.” “Routine?” asked Sunset confusingly. “That’s right.” Said Roland, “Every day we go through the same routine. We get up, we work, we come home, we entertain ourselves, then we go to bed and sleep. But every time whenever we follow that routine, there will always be a massive bump in the road, changing our routine entirely. Like your situation. Everything works out fine, until something comes along the way. We can’t always predict what will happen, the only thing we can do is prepare for it.” She looks at him confusingly, with Roland looking back at her and said “And I know you kept feeling lost whenever things happen, but the truth is, none of us will always be around to protect you. There’s always gonna be a problem, there’s probably a problem around the corner if we’re not careful.” Roland then walked over to her and sat across her. “Plus, I don’t know if you remember that movie, Zoom?” She looked at him and nodded, remembering that movie. “Superhero secret…” began Roland. “First plan, never works.” Finished Sunset. “That’s right.” Said Roland. “Not everything can sometimes go according to plan. Sometimes we gotta wing it. Or as anyone else would say, try to take a leap of faith.” He stood up and walked over to the ledge and looked around once more whilst talking at the same time. “Sometimes, you gotta dig deep for what you’re looking for whenever you’re searching for something.” Said Roland. Sunset pondered for a bit, and said “I don’t even know what I’m searching for anymore. Yet, no matter how hard I try, it was never enough, even people still call me names because of it.” “We all have names for just about anything.” Said Roland before looking at her, “It doesn’t matter what others call you, nor does one simply declare that they are better by just word of mouth. It’s the deeds and actions that make others see from your own point of view.” “But my deed kept making things worse,” said Sunset, “I sometimes feel like a fraud, a phony. Everyone kept believing in me, but there are always people who still don’t believe that I’ve changed. They need a friend that…better than me.” “Then be a better.” Said Roland as he looked directly at her, “Be a hero, be their friend.” “But yet,” said Sunset, “How come I feel like I’m not supposed to be here?” “That’s right.” Said Roland, which surprised Sunset. “You came all this way, trying to find something that was never there. Something that you wanted, without realizing what you really needed. Don’t you see, it was never about you, it’s about them. Even though we feel different, that doesn’t mean we can’t go out there and make a difference.” Roland placed his hand on her shoulder, which left her a little tense, “And you won’t have a say or choice in the matter when it comes to that. For no one can walk out of their own story. Just because one chapter ends, doesn’t mean it’s fully the end. Sometimes we gotta keep moving forward. And all of us may have forgiven you Sunset, and you may have forgiven some.” Said Roland. “But there is one that you haven’t forgiven, nor the person.” She was confused, until Roland pulled out a mirror and showed her reflection. When Sunset looked, she realized in shock. There was one person she hasn’t forgiven, and one that hadn’t forgiven her… It was herself. Roland placed the mirror away and saw something ahead and pointed at the horizon. “What do you see over there?” Sunset looked at the sunset, and was confused. “A beautiful sunset?” “That’s the beauty about the sunset,” said Roland, who chuckled and said “Sorry if it sounds so cheesy, but not only does it mark the end of something, it’s also the beginning of something new. Here you are, a mark of the end of your past as a horrible person, who lost sight of what was truly important, and now it marks the start of your future as a better person. Though there will be certain obstacles along the way, that shouldn’t stop you from becoming who you were meant to be, who you choose to be.” Sunset, for some reason, felt moved by his words. He walked over to her and held onto her shoulders and looked straight at her. But then she noticed that his eyes went from blue to Emerald green, as he suddenly spoke with true honesty. “Ask yourself this…who are you, and what do you want?” asked Roland. “Are you Princess Celestia?” Sunset then answered, “Well, no…” “Are you Princess Twilight?” “No.” “Are you the former bully who was once a she-demon?” “No.” said Sunset, as she felt more moved. “Then who are you, and what do you want?” “I’m…Sunset Shimmer.” She said softly. “Say it.” “I’m Sunset Shimer.” “Say it.” Said Roland a little louder. “I am Sunset Shimmer.” Said Sunset a little seriously. “Say it!” said Roland louder. “I am Sunset Shimmer!!” said Sunset louder. “Say it like you mean it from your heart, for all to hear!!” shouted Roland. Sunset then pushed his hands away and shouted from the top of her lungs that everyone can hear. “I am Sunset Shimmer!!” shouted Sunset with her head raised high in pride, “I am the girl from Equestria, who lost her way!! I am the girl who gained friends and helped saved my school!! I am the girl who tried to help those along the way!! I am the girl who wants to help people in need!! And what I really want in life, was to help people, with my friends!! No!! My family!! You hear me world, my family!!!” Sunset nearly collapsed and held onto her knees whilst standing, panting from exhaustion as if she had run, a marathon, her heart was racing, and her eyes had determination. Roland then helped her stand up as he looked at her with a smile with pride. “There you go.” Said Roland. “Keep that head up with pride Sunset. You deserve to live. Deserve to be loved. Deserve to have a family.” She looked at him, his eyes were still green. “I’ll always be here for you Sunset, always.” Said Roland. Roland then let her go, with Sunset asking, “What gives? One moment you’re lecturing us, next thing we know, you’re…different. As if…you were someone else completely.” Roland then looked at her and said with a smile “Maybe it was time for me to grow up and see the bigger picture after all. Remember Sunset, Harmony gave you the power you needed because you truly have invited friendship to your heart, one that rivals Princess Twilight. But it was also because of you, she’s also a Princess.” “What do you mean?” asked Sunset. “Another time.” Said Roland. “I’ll explain everything…someday.” Roland walked ahead to find where the Joker was, until he grunted and held his head. “Sunset…I’ll always protect and help you.” Roland was startled by the voice, for it felt…familiar. His Emerald green eyes went back to blue and walked ahead. As for Sunset, as she watched Roland, she placed both her hands together against her heart, thinking about what Roland had said. All the voices of doubts and hypocrisy had faded, even Obaki’s had faded and heard his voice…there was both wisdom and encouragement. And the green eyes she saw. There was…a bond she couldn’t explain. Little did she know, he geode began to glow a little brighter, especially her Morpher that she had with her, without her realizing it. She then tried to catch up to him. ***************************************************************************************************** Everyone continued to scatter around the city, trying to find the Joker. And from above the skies, Krypto was leading Streaky, Ace the Bathound and the rest of the Dog Star Patrol through the skies. “I can’t believe the Joker of all people are here in this dimension!!” exclaimed Streaky in shock. “What’s so dangerous about a clown?” said Hotdog in confusion. “Trust me guys,” said Krypto, “The Joker is not someone you want to mess with. He was nearly this close into killing my boy, Superman.” “Whoa, Crickey.” Said Bulldog in shock. “He’s really that dangerous?” said Mammoth Mutt in shock. “Oh, trust me, he is.” Said Stretcho Mutt, “He’s the most wanted criminal on the entire planet.” “The Joker has come close into destroying Gotham, Metropolis and many other locations on numerous occasions.” Said Ace the Bathound, “You could say he makes your enemy, Mechanikat look like a squeaky toy.” “Whoa, he really is dangerous.” Said Tail Terrier. “Sacre Bleu!!” exclaimed Tusky Husky, “I spotted the clown!!” Krypto and the others soon spotted the Joker, walking alongside a taller man, whilst having his maddened grin on his face. “I’d better call the others.” Said Krypto, then he turned around and used his back to call Superman. Whilst on patrol, Superman heard Krypto’s bark and turned to that direction. “Everyone, this is Superman,” said Superman, “Krypto spotted Joker. Hone in to their location.” Everyone, minus half the ones still fighting, all immediately went over to Krypto’s location. ***************************************************************************************************** Soon enough, everyone arrived at a large building, whilst also looking around for Joker. “Where did he go?” said Wally/Flash. “He couldn’t have gone far.” Said John/Green Lantern. “Oh, on the contrary.” Everyone turned to the top of the stairs and saw someone walking, revealing his purple suit, green hair and a smile that could unnerve anybody. For that man, was none other than one of Batman’s most terrifying enemies… The Joker. “I’m much closer than you think.” Said the Joker before chuckling. Everyone stood in position and got ready. Whilst at the same time, one of the 03 Turtles’ enemies, Hun, appeared, with Harley stood on the left of Joker. “Say, pudding’” said Harley as she looked, “Ain’t them those girls and Turtles back in Gotham? And are there two pairs of them/” Joker then noticed the set of Turtles and girls, which Joker got interested. “Ooh, and what do we have here?” said Joker playfully, “And I assume that the one without the nerdy glasses happens to be another Twilight Sparkle? Or should I go with, your majesty, the Princess of Friendship, as well as the student of Princess Celestia?” Twilight and Sunset looked started at that. “Oh, how do I know?” said Joker as he pretended to be shocked, then squinted his eyes and said “I’m crazy, not stupid.” “Whoa, you weren’t kidding.” Whispered Michelangelo, “He really is terrifying.” “How did you get here?!!” shouted Night Shine. “Oooh, and this one is Luke Bedding, but also knowns as Night Shine.” Said Joker, making Night Shine growl. “Oh, don’t be so angry. And I thought old bird boy number 2 has issues.” Said Joker before he chuckled. “You have nowhere to go, Joker.” Said Wonder Woman. “Yeah, dude.” Said Rainbow Dash, “There’s plenty of us, and only one of you.” “Oh, you’d think that.” Said Hun as he snapped his fingers, causing many Purple Dragons to appear, especially with their own high-tech suits and weapons. “But…just to make it interesting.” Said Joker, “I brought something else on the table.” Joker then took out what appeared to be a sort of tranquilizer gun. However, when Roland saw the chemicals, he instantly recognized it and was shocked by what he had. “Don’t use that!!” shouted Roland in panic, causing the others to look at him in confusion, “You have no idea what’s inside it or what it can do!!” “Oh, I have a pretty good idea that I do.” Said Joker. “What’s wrong, Roland?” said Karai in worry. “Oh?” said Joker, “I’m surprised that nobody told you. Then again, we all have our little secrets now, don’t we?” Roland sweated as he focused on the Joker, but secretly, Team Shine, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash felt the same way. “Why not show them, pudding?” said Harley. “Oh, splendid idea Harley.” Said Joker, “I believe a demonstration is in order.” He instantly pointed his gun and shot at least twenty-four darts at the first twenty-four henchman at their backs and shoulder, making them yelp. “No!!!” shouted Roland in panic. “What did you do?!” said Hun 03 when he turned to the Joker, whilst the Clown Prince or Crime began to laugh maniacally. At the same, the twenty-four began to groan and scream in pain as if something had gone inside of them. Their veins had turned green, their muscles looked as if they were having a spasm. Then suddenly, they slowly began to bulk out, and their faces also slowly changed as they growled. They began to grow, as their muscles began to bulk out, their spines appeared on their back like a dragon’s spiked tail. Their eyes had turned green with veins inside of them, and their teeth as sharp as a shark’s jaw, causing some to launch their heads backwards and some who roared at the heroes as if they had gone feral. “Great Hera!!” exclaimed Wonder Woman as everyone watched in shock and horror of what the Joker had one. For right in front of them, were now Titan sized henchman, all of them roaring and having their sights on their prey. “What have you done?!” shouted Superman. “Whoa,” said Mikey, then whispered to his brothers, “They make our mutant enemies look like teddy bears.” “Mikey, for once, we completely agree with you.” Said Raph in shock. “Wait,” said Twilight as she recognized the way they transformed, “They transformed almost like Bane.” “She’s right,” said Batgirl, “We’ve seen it before.” “Alright kiddies, time to play!!” said Joker, causing all of the Titans to roar and attack. “Heroes, take them down!!” said Roland, with everyone charging. They fought against the Titans with everything they had. Half of them were struggling, whilst the other half had to focus on them and the Henchman at the same time. Superman delivered a strong punch, but the Titan staggered and attacked back. “These things are a lot tougher!!” said Superman before he continued on the offensive. Applejack struggled on her own with one, “Stronger Too!!” shouted Applejack before Roland backed her up. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, the Utrom Council came to aid the others. “Let us give them a hand!!” said King. “Agreed, let’s go!!” said Bishop before the others attacked. However, from the stand, Hun 03 turned to Joker as he shouted, “Have you gone mad?! That wasn’t part of the deal!!” “Oh, but my dear Hunny,” said Joker, “Where’s the fun in telling the plan. Besides, it’s more fun of saving the joke for later.” “If you plan to keep secrets from me, then I want out.” Said Hun in anger, before Joker pulled out a big gun, shocking Hun. “If you insist.” Said Joker before blasting Hun with what appeared to be gas. The 03 Turtles saw Hun crash onto the ground, and what shocked them, the way his mouth was stretched into a grin and laughed uncontrollably. “Holy mackerel!!” exclaimed Michelangelo. “Roland was right about the Toxin.” Said Donatello. Suddenly Leonardo caught what appeared to be a syringe, containing Anti-Joker toxin. He looked and saw Roland had tossed him one, with Leonardo nodding and injected it in Hun’s neck, causing him to stop laughing and pass out. They then immediately returned to the fight. “Come along, Harley,” said Joker as he walked, “We still got some murdering to do.” As Joker cackled, Harley followed and said “Right you are pudding.” However, from afar, watching the fight, two figures watched from above. Both of them who were concealed from the darkness. “So, the League’s villains are here.” Said the first, “The world is getting more and more dangerous.” “Agreed.” Said the other, “We need to get there, and fast.” The two of them darted off, wanting to get to their next destination as fast as possible. *************************************************************************************************** After a long hard fight, they were able to beat half the Titan sized henchman, with the rest that had been able to escape. They began to inspect one of the downed monsters, with some a bit shaken on how tough they were. “I’ve never encountered something so monstrous.” Said Wonder Woman. “What did Joker use on them?” said Leo. “It almost resembles to Bane’s venom.” Said Twilight. “I agree,” said Donnie as he scanned one of the downed Titans. “I’ve detected traces of the Venom, but I’ve also detected other forms of chemicals I don’t recognize.” “One of us, might.” Said Night Shine as he pointed at Roland. Everyone looked at Roland whilst he had his arms crossed and looked at one of the downed Titans. For Night Shine did have a point. They saw how Roland panicked and warned Joker not to use it. “Roland,” said Leonardo as he took a step forward with the others behind him, “You know the chemicals injected in them, don’t you?” Roland then took a breath, sighed, and said “That I do. It was something I had hoped to never see again.” “What are they?” asked Hawkgirl when she landed next to Roland. Roland took a deep breath, and told them what he had learned. “During my travels, I went to another world, coordinates 2508, on Earth 2009. I met the Batman of that world and helped him capture the Joker. But the both of us were suspicious of him, cause his capture was too easy. When we got back to Arkham, we saw tons of Joker’s gangs being transferred from Black Gate Prison, because a fire started there. Right before Joker was going to be in his cell, he escaped. Not only that, but all of his gangs escaped and took over the entire Asylum. Which was Joker’s plan from the beginning. But whilst we explored, we uncovered a few things.” He looked at them as they continued to listen. “We found out a young female scientist, named Penelope Young, was hired to experiment with Bane’s venom.” “What’s so special about that certain venom?” asked Jones. “From what we could tell from Batman’s files,” said Twilight, “The TN-1 happens to be a sort of serum that enhances one’s strength and durability.” “And Penelope Young was paid to extract every ounce of Venom from Bane’s body, as well as some of his blood. Fully paid by Jack White.” “One of Joker’s oldest aliases.” Said Nightwing. “You know it?” asked John/Green Lantern. “Joker used that identity a lot in the past to perform his illegal operations.” Said Robin. “He did the same thing overseas when Batman and Jason traveled there.” Said Batgirl. “Young continued with the experiments,” said Roland, “But when she found out that Jack White and Joker are the same, she tried to put a stop to it, but Joker decided to get personally involved. It turned out he combined it with the spores and plants made from Poison Ivy’s collection, making it twice as dangerous. He planned on using it on half his men to take over Arkham. But during that fight, he ended up injecting it on himself.” “He’d really do that?” said Wally/Flash. “It’s the Joker, of course he would.” Said Wonder Woman. “We were able to find the antidote and returned them to normal.” Said Roland, “His men had slight amnesia as they couldn’t remember anything before they came to Arkham. As for Joker…he was slowly dying.” “Wait, dyin’?” said a confused Raphael. “Whatcha mean by that?” “When he fell into one of the chemical vats at Ace Chemicals,” said Roland, “The chemicals were infused with his body, but because of the Titan formula, it made the chemicals unstable, causing him to die slowly. He even infected Batman with it. Batman was able to take the antidote in time…but it was too late for the Joker. He died shortly afterwards.” Roland looked at the Titan and said “I should’ve realized that Shredder would go to that dimension and get it.” “This Shredder is truly getting more dangerous.” Said Queen. “Qui, especially ze Joker.” Said Pawn April gasped and realized something whilst saying “That means Shredder would have a full army’s worth!!” “Right you are, kiddies!!” Everyone was startled and looked at a large TV screen from out of nowhere, revealing the Joker as he laughed like a maniac. “It’s clear to me that all of you have truly improved. Though some lingering pasts still linger within, like a certain cowgirl and hothead without regarding the safety of others, eh?” said Joker as he chuckled. The two growled at Joker’s words, with Donatello saying “Joker, what you did here is pure madness!!” “You’re using it to hurt innocent people!!” said O’Neil. “Stand down now, before you hurt anyone else!!” shouted Princess Twilight. “Oh, now where would the fun in that be? After all, everyone needs a good laugh. And I’m certainly laughing!!” said Joker before laughing insanely again. “Good one pudding!!” said Harley as she laughed too. “He’s crazier than the Storm King.” Muttered Tempest. “I know what you mean.” Muttered Blade, remembering their time of service when they once sided with the Storm King. “But…” said the Joker playfully once he was done laughing, “If you really wanna stop me, then come to this location.” Shredder showed them a picture of a large tower, which was none other… “Shredder’s old lair?!” exclaimed Michelangelo. “But Pudding?” said Harley playfully, “If they go there, who’s going to stop them?” Then it showed images of other Titans tearing up New York whilst other Purple Dragon Gangs planted bombs all over the city, which shocked the others, with Harley saying “As well as the special gift you’ve placed into the tower?” “Oh yes, I almost forgot.” Said the Joker. “What gift?” said Gamer suspiciously. “A really big gift. Something that goes…” said Joker before showing them a picture, with Joker saying in a dark tone “Bye, bye, New York city.” The Utrom Council were shocked to see it. “Where did you get that?!” shouted Queen in panic. “Oh, I have my ways.” Said Joker, “And now it’s time for the big bang. Hurry along kiddies, the clock is ticking.” They saw a countdown clock, showing that they have at least twelve hours before it goes off. Roland knew that Joker was listening, and he didn’t want to tell them what kind of bomb it is without them giving themselves away. So, he smirked with his hood down and spoke. “Yo Joker.” “What?” said the Joker. “You’re saying this you’re doing this for laughs, right?” “What are you getting at?” “Well let me tell you this.” Said Roland, “I’ve already heard that joke plenty of times. And let me tell you, it wasn’t funny the first time.” Some flexed their eyebrows as they wondered where he was going with this. “You never got a laugh out of him, did you? That’s why you’re always so fixated on him.” Joker knew where he was going with this, and said “Don’t get psycho analyst with me, boy.” “Yeah, that’s my job.” Said Harley. “Oh, I don’t need a college degree to figure you out.” Said Roland. “The reason why you keep coming back was because you never did get a laugh out of him.” “I’m not hearing this.” Responded Joker as he pretended to not care and look away. “Get a clue, bub.” Said Roland, “He doesn’t have a sense of humor. He wouldn’t know a good joke if it bit him in the cape. Not that you even had a good joke.” “Shut up. Shut up!!” said Joker loudly. Everyone who saw was surprised, for Roland actually struck a nerve. “I mean, come on.” Said Roland. “Joy buzzers, squirting flowers, LAME!! Where’s the A material? Make a face, drop your pants, something!!” “You, little…” “You make me laugh. But only because you’re weak.” Said Roland before he chuckled, and shook his head. Which made him madder. “So, you decided to fall into a vat of chemicals, got your skin bleached and became a supervillain. What, you couldn’t become a clown?” “Don’t you dare laugh at me.” “Oh, this isn’t a laugh.” Said Roland, he looked at him and said “It’s a fake. Meaning…the joke’s now on you.” Joker growled and got angrier. “Hey, don’t talk to pudding like that!!” said Harley. “And I got one for you.” Said Roland. “I know you still have that little fantasy that Joker would finally fall in love with you, well I got news for you bub, it’s never going to happen.” Harley was shocked and also got angry, but then… “And did you know, the Prince had a wife before he turned to Crime?” Harley widened her eyes in shock, even Joker for once. “And to think, the only reason you went down that path, and truly went insane..” said Roland, before he squinted his eyes and said “All because your wife and unborn baby, got fried to oblivion.” And for the first time, Joker became enraged and screamed in rage before grabbing his handgun and shot the screen, causing the feed to be turned off, with Roland kept staring at the screen. Everyone stared in shock by what they had seen. For as long as Nightwing remembered, no one saw Joker angry like that, like, ever. “Dude.” Muttered Mikey, Beast Boy, and Cyborg in shock. “Have you gone insane?!!” said Leo. “I agree,” said Batgirl, “Getting him angry is the worst mistake.” “And you’ll end up making yourself a bigger target for him.” Said Fugitoid. Roland then sighed, then looked at them and said “That’s the plan.” Everyone was taken aback by this. “If I do that, I’ll end up drawing him away from all of you, whilst you focus on the explosives and the Titans. And to warn the Karai of this world. Make sure that no one else gets hurt.” “And get yourself hurt?!” exclaimed Static. “No way, we’re doing this, together!” said Leonardo. Suddenly, Roland held a small pellet, and said “It’s not a request.” He dropped the pellet, causing a massive flash to appear, making everyone cover their eyes, even Superman. When the Flash cleared, Roland suddenly vanished, which shocked the others. “All of you will go and disable that bomb and stop Roland.” Said Superman, “We’ll deal with the Titans and have the other teams disable the bombs.” “Right!!” Everyone soon darted off. For whilst the League would deal with the Titans, everyone else will focus on the bombs. ************************************************************************************************** From the first location of the bomb, near what appeared to be a stadium of sorts, many of the Purple Dragons and Footbots, along with a couple of Titans, guarding the bomb at the center. Within a split second, Superman attacked and knocked the Titans as far away as possible. “Now, whilst I keep them busy!!” said Superman. Within a split second, Gamer and Keno appeared. And after knocking away a few Purple Dragons and Footbots, Gamer and Keno approached the bomb. Gamer opened it, whilst also shielding his eyes from the confetti and streamers, then plugged a wire in the bomb, connecting it to his gauntlet. Keno fought against many Footbots and Purple Dragons whilst Gamer did his best to disable the bomb. Within a split second, Joker’s bomb short circuited and smoked. When he disconnected, he spoke through his commlink. “Bomb at the hockey stadium is down. Moving on to next.” He reported as the two hurried out. ************************************************************************************************** Near the old Stocktronics building, Tommy, Kevin, and Sandalwood located the bomb inside. “Leave this to me and Saba!” The white ranger said as he drew his sword. “Right. We'll cover you!” Kevin nodded as he and Sandalwood prepared to battle. “Alright, Saba, Need your help here.” “Alright. let me walk you through.” Saba floated next to Tommy. “Okay, first open the cover.” Tommy opened the bomb as Saba continued. “Remove the magnet slowly.” The white ranger did as he was told. “Now remove the wires in this order. Red, black, and yellow, blue, green, and yellow.” “Done.” Tommy said after pulling the correct wires. “And the bomb is now disabled.” Saba floated back to Tommy who grabbed his saber. “Thanks, Saba.” he then turned to Kevin and Sandalwood. “Bomb's down! On to the next!” “Right on!” Sandalwood thumbed up as they hurried out. ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, from atop of Shredder’s old lair, Roland had arrived via grappling. He entered the building and slowly walked in whilst looking around at the same time. He then stood at the center, where everything was dark. However, Roland closed his eyes and started to sniff. He then opened his eyes and said “Come on out, Joker, I know you’re here.” Joker then slowly appeared from around the corner. But instead of a grin, he then had a scowl in his face, whilst holding his Tommy Gun. “So.” Growled Joker, “You finally showed up.” “I figured I would. After all,…” said Roland as he slowly turned to the Joker, “You do wanna kill me because I was able to strike a nerve.” “Oh, but I do.” Growled Joker, whilst at the same time, Harley, the Joker Gangs, and about thirteen Titan monsters appeared. “Now then…” Joker aimed his weapon at him, Harley preparing her hammer, many of the goons preparing theirs, with the Titan monsters preparing as well. “Are you ready to make like a piggy and squeal?” said Joker whilst squinting his eyes. “I don’t know.” Said Roland as he turned around and looked straight at Joker, “Are you ready to cry before you even had a chance to cry for your wife and child?” Joker then growled and screamed “Kill him!!” Everyone else charged around him, with Roland standing prepared. “Let’s get, dangerous.” Said Roland before he charged straight ahead. ************************************************************************************************** Maud and Mondo Gecko took out a couple Foot bots before Fugitoid merged from the East River with Aquaman. “This bomb's a dud. Let's move to the next!” the cybernetic professor reported. “The Joker probably wanted someone to drown trying to disable that one.” Maud guessed as they hurried. “Totally bogus.” huffed Mondo. ************************************************************************************************** Carter shifted into his Raptor form to help Pearl stall Gem Knights as John/Green Lantern was shielding them, whilst Wally/Flash distracted them with his speed and punches as Shine Boy and Ben hurried to the bomb in an alleyway. “Gosh. I hate disabling bombs.” Shine Boy groaned. “Leave it to me. Just get it open.” Shine Boy opened it while Ben transformed into Greymatter and quickly disabled the bomb. “Done!” “Okay! Bomb down! Moving on!” Shine Boy called his group and they moved out. ************************************************************************************************** At the same time, The Turtles and their human allies, their counterparts, and allies, the Rainbooms, Dazzlings, Teen Titans and Martian Manhunter, along with Krypto and Bathound, arrived at the building, just about ten floors below, where the fighting was taking place, everyone arrived and looked around. “Where da shell are dey?!” exclaimed Raphael. “They must be fighting somewhere in the building.” Said Adagio. “Shh, wait.” Said Sonata as she suddenly placed her one hand near her ear, “You guys hear that?” “Hear what?” said Gear. Krypto used his super hearing and said “Someone’s knocking against that door.” Ace smelled the air and said “And if I’m not mistaken, I smell about fifty-one people in there, one of them who smells like Karai.” Karai immediately perked up and ran towards the door. “Wait!!” said Krypto, “There’s a bomb on the other side of that door.” “I got this.” Said Static as he used his powers to short circuit the bomb from the other side. With one swift motion, Karai kicked the door opened. Then there on the ground, was Karai’s counterpart, with Leonardo and the others quickly untied her. “Karai, are you okay?” said Leonardo as they undid her bonds. “I am fine, Leonardo.” Said Karai 03, “But help the others, first.” Everyone saw Doctor Chaplin and the rest of her Foot, all tied up. Whilst everyone else quickly helped and untied them, Leonardo, Sunset, Leo, Karai, Nightwing and Splinter chose to stay with her and help her up. “What happened?” said Leonardo. “I do not know much.” Said Karai 03, “But it all happened a month ago. I was continuing managing our headquarters, when all of a sudden, this…clown thing attacked and took over the tower.” “When did this happen?” asked Karai. “About a month or so.” Said Karai 03, “As far as I know, he and many others like him secretly began to take over the city from within the shadows, along with the Purple Dragons and the Turks, and many other Crime families.” They were surprised by this, with Sunset saying “How the heck did nobody notice any of this?” “They know how to hide themselves.” Said Nightwing, “Every criminal out there have been doing this a long time. That and they also learned a few things from Ra’s.” Karai 03 looked at Nightwing with a flexed eyebrow and said “Who are you?” “Karai, this is Nightwing.” Said Leo, “He’s an enemy to the ones who captured you. And believe me when I say, he’s worse than the Shredder. Much worse.” “How worse?” asked Karai 03. Cyborg suddenly came along and showed the footage of Joker’s many crimes, which shocked her beyond belief. “We must stop this madman.” “We can’t!!” said Chaplin as he and some of the foot came along, “We need to stop it.” “Stop what?” said Karai 03. “Oh, just a bomb so powerful it could destroy New York city.” Said Pinkie Pie, which shocked Karai 03. “There are also other bombs in this building.” Said one of the Foot, “And they have many hostages.” “What kind of bomb is it?” asked Karai 03. Suddenly, Cyborg beeped. “That’s weird.” They then saw a hologram of Roland appeared via Cyborg’s arm. “If you guys get this message, then I’m already at Joker’s.” said Roland, “I didn’t have time to tell you because I didn’t want him to get suspicious, but I was able to record this. This bomb that he has, it’s no ordinary bomb. It’s a DNA bomb.” Some were puzzled by this, with Roland explaining further. “I encountered something like this in another dimension.” Said Roland, “On another world, which a resort was built all over the planet, was taken over by monsters, gangs, and giants. So, the corporation who built that place, created a DNA bomb, that has the ability to destroy all lifeforms on the planet, whilst leaving the buildings, trees, and plant life intact, allowing them to move in and rebuild.” Then suddenly, it dawned to them slowly, as Shinigami said “Wait, is he saying that…?” “If you’re wondering what I’m saying, then yes.” Said Roland via recording, “That bomb…has the power to wipe out all life, on the planet.” Everyone else was horrified by this, with Roland saying “So whilst I’m dealing with the Joker, I need everyone to get to that bomb as quick as possible.” The recording ended, with Karai 03 saying, “He truly is a madman.” “And we only got about six hours before it goes off!!” said Cyborg. “Karai,” said Chaplin as he went over to her, “Before we get to the bomb, we need to evacuate the building first. Everyone else is either unaware or captured all over this building. We also need to disable the bombs all over the place.” Karai 03 thought about this, then nodded in agreement and said “We will need to split up and find those bombs.” “We’ll take the dogs with us.” Said Venus, “Krypto, Ace and the two Spikes here can use their noses to sniff them out.” “Static and I will try to track some of them down, too.” Said Gears. “I will do what I can from floor to floor to try to find both the hostages and the bombs at the same time.” Said Martian Manhunter whilst he descended downwards. “Then let’s go!!” said Leo as everyone quickly began to split up and tried to disable the bomb. *************************************************************************************************** From floor to floor, everyone quickly looked for every bomb they could find, whilst trying to stop the Footbots at the same time. Once they did, they were able to free some of the hostages and other Foot Ninjas, whilst continuing to search for more. Thanks to the dogs, Static, Gears and the Martian, they were able to find some of the bombs and some of them were able to disable it. *************************************************************************************************** At the same time, Roland continued to dart left and right, dodging the gang’s fire, even jumping in the air to dodge their fire, right before he pulled out his blade and darted straight towards a handful of them. He then tossed a few stun knives onto them, causing them to collapse before they had time to react. Roland then looked behind and jumped up, causing him to land onto a Titan’s shoulders. Then he pulled out two knives and jabbed it a couple of times, allowing the titan to wave its arms around and bashed many Gang members in the process. Roland then took out a grenade and planted it into the monster’s mouth, causing it to explode, stunning the Titan before he collapsed in the process. Roland turned around and saw there were many more gang members and Titans surrounding him, there were even Footbots that came to fight. “You guys just don’t know when to stop, do you?” said Roland as he stood prepared to fight again. Joker growled and shouted “Will someone just kill him!!” Within a split second, a handful of bots exploded, which revealed to be Team Shine jumping in and stood alongside Roland and were also prepared for a fight. “Whoa, what are you guys doing here?” said Roland. “After we were able to disable most of the bombs, we rushed right over to help.” Said Gamer. “No way we’re going to let you have all the fun.” Said Love Shine. “Normally I’d say that you should go help the others,” said Roland, “But truth be told…it’s good to see you guys here.” “Feeling’s mutual.” Said Shine Girl. “Less talking and more fighting.” Said Night Shine, “After today, I feel like I really wanna cut loose.” “May I?” asked Roland when he presented his hand. Night Shine looked at him with a flexed eyebrow, and saw that he was gesturing his machete. Out of curiosity, he handed it to Roland. Roland pulled out a purple gem and planted it on the handle of the machete. Then he handed it to Night Shine, which confused Night Shine for a bit. “Empower your flames.” Said Roland. Night Shine did just that, and within a split second, his entire blade became incased in flame. He looked at it with a flexed eyebrow, but the rest of Team Shine were surprised by it. “You upgraded his machete?” said Love Shine surprised. “With an ancient gem?” said Gamer. “That’s not the best part.” Said Roland, before looking at Night Shine and said “Grab the handle with both blades and try to split them apart.” Night Shine did just that, and to his slight surprise, he was able to pull it apart, creating dual machete blades in the process. “Figured you could do twice the damage.” Said Roland before focusing back on the battle. Night Shine then looked at the flaming blades, then smirked and said “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” Night Shine instantly charged and performed a tornado slice, causing many of the Footbots to melt. Though he may have taken down a platoon, more of them kept on coming. “We haven’t been gone for that long.” Said Gamer. “And already you made new friends.” Said Shine Boy playfully to Roland. “As a videogame character would say,” said Roland as he did a pretend sigh, “Just shut up and fight something.” “I know that reference!!” exclaimed Love Shine as everyone split up and attacked. Love Shine darted through and used his photon blades and sliced many Footbots in half, before he jumped in the air and bashed the ground hard, sending everyone flying in different directions. Shine Girl used her acrobatic skills to jump over a few gangers and use her small staff to slap their weapons out of their hands, then used it to bash their faces with it, before jumping onto a gang member and use her legs to lock his head into a headlock, before tossing him hard against the wall. Gamer fought the Footbots left and right, whilst also trying his best to dodge their weapon’s fire, until he spotted a Titan charging towards him. Gamer jumped over and planted a device onto it, which turned out to be a rocket, causing it to ignite and sent it flying straight towards a large group, flattening them as if they were bowling pins. Shine Boy twirled his staff and bashed one of the gang member’s weapons out of his hands, then used it to smash it. Just before the second gang member could shoot, Shine Boy smashed it with his bo-staff, then bashed the gang member hard away. He then used it twister style and bashed many incoming Footbots trying to do him in. Roland gripped his fists, causing his gloves’ fists to ignite with light, allowing him to punch one Footbot, then blocked another before punching it away, then did the same routine. Roland twisted around and bashed many Footbots away, whilst also using his strong kicks to send most of them and the gang members flying. ************************************************************************************************** In Central Park, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo hurried through the bushes. “Hurry, girls!” Apple Bloom said. “Alpha said the bomb's this way!” “There it is!” Sweetie Belle pointed to the bomb ahead. “Unguarded.” Scootaloo looked around. Suddenly, Goldar and Scorpina jumped down between the CMCs and the bomb as Goldar chuckled. “We can fix that!” The girls gasped before Sweetie Belle screamed in her commlink. “Goldar and Scorpina are blocking the bomb!” “SWEETIE BELLE! I'M COMING!” Shrieked pony Rarity, who was with the Mane 6 and Shine Girl on the Washington Bridge fighting Hive soldiers. “No, Rarity! Stay with your group! That's an order!” Hawkgirl ordered on the commlink. “But-” “Keno and I are near the CMCs! We're heading there now!” Gamer spoke up as he and Keno hurried. “Remember, this Sweetie Belle’s not your sister, but your counterpart’s!!” Back at the Park, the CMCs stood with their weapons out as Goldar taunted. “You think you can defeat us? I was able to best your sisters and their friends!” “Not to mention we're more than a match for the Power Rangers.” Scorpina teased. “Then how about we take ya? HEE-HEE!” Suddenly, Scorpina was kicked back suddenly followed by Goldar when Bebop appeared out of nowhere as Rocksteady stomped from the bushes, with Barry/Flash and Hal/Green Lantern by their side. “You harm hair off little girls, I squish your heads like the blueberries!” he snorted. “Been while since I said that.” As Goldar and Scorpina, along with their Putties and Z Putties, got up and charged, Rocksteady turned to the CMCs. “Get to bomb! We hold them!” “Thanks, Rocksteady!” Scootaloo thanked as they hurried over to the bomb. “Okay. We're at the bomb!” Sweetie Belle reported as she opened the hatch. “I'll walk you three through it. Listen carefully, you three!” Gamer spoke in the commlink. Suddenly, Scorpina appeared in front of them, making them scream in fright, “You’re not doing any…” Suddenly, she was blasted away from a strong snowstorm, gaining their attention as they looked, and to their surprise, Blade and Tempest were standing there, but in the middle, was none other than their adoptive daughter, Permafrost. “You three disable the bomb, we’ll handle this.” Said Blade. “Remember your training honey,” said Tempest to Permafrost, “Focus on the battle, and do not let your opponent’s get into your head, okay?” “Okay mom.” Said Permafrost as the three of them charged. “Quick, the bomb!!” said Apple Bloom, seeing that this was now their chance. ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, back at the building, everyone continued to try and find as many bombs as they could. From Sunset, she found her fist bomb. “I found it!!” said Sunset. “Disable it, we’ll cover you.” Said Raven as she used her power to send them flying whilst shouting “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!!” Even Martian came from out of nowhere and used his dragon form to smash many Footbots away. However, just as Sunset was about to disarm the bomb, Obaki’s words began to haunt her, and because of her slight depression, she couldn’t focus on disarming the bomb. She then suddenly grabbed her head and muttered “I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” Raven noticed that Sunset looked distressed, and said “Sunset, calm down, don’t panic. Focus on the task at hand.” However, from above, Roland had Raven’s comm secretly activated and overheard her. He then grew worried, but had an idea. “Martian. Martian.” Said Roland telepathically, surprising the Martian. “Link me to Sunset’s mind, I need to talk to her.” J’onzz was surprised that Roland could speak to him telepathically, but seeing that he felt Sunset’s distressed mind, he decided to help Roland out and did so. “It is done.” Roland then gave it a try. “Sunset!!” Sunset was suddenly startled, hearing Roland’s voice. Whilst at the same time, from the top floor, Roland was busy fighting as many of Joker’s goons as possible, whilst he jumped out of the way from one Titan, then he kicked another at the beg of its leg so hard, making it stand onto its knee, allowing Roland to jab his wrist blade through its head, killing it before it collapsed. “Don’t let your fears and depression take you over!! Remember what we talked about!! You are not a monster, nor will you ever be!! You are Sunset Shimmer!! The girl who would do anything to help those in need!! The girl who believes in friendship!! The girl…who’s a hero to me and always will be.” Sunset widened her eyes in surprise in what he said. “Don’t let the voices of others tell you differently, you always find a way. Do it for them. Do it for your family!! The family on your phone!!” She blinked at that and opened it. She saw the picture of her and her friends altogether at their last holiday, with them being together, smiling and laughing at the same time. She then remembered the good they did…together. That alone made her smile and shed a tear. She the wiped her tears and had a determined look. She quickly went over and cut the wires of the bomb, disabling it in the process. “Alright, I got it, let’s go!!” said Sunset before she, Raven and Martian went off. The two of them looked at one another, as if they were communicating, with both of then nodding, knowing Roland had helped. ************************************************************************************************** From the top, Roland and Team Shine continued to fight, until Roland noticed Joker pulling out a pistol and was about to shoot Gamer. Roland instantly darted over to the Joker and surprised the Clown Prince of Crime by giving him a strong right hook, then an uppercut, then twice at the gut, grabbed him by the head and head butted it against his. Just as Joker was about to shoot, Roland knocked the Joker’s weapon out of his hand, struck against the Joker’s neck, then punched him hard, making the Joker stagger backwards. Roland then grabbed him and tossed him hard against a pillar. Roland jumped and kneed Joker hard in the face, making the Joker stagger backwards. “No more!!” shouted Roland as he punched the Joker over and over. “All the people you murdered, all the innocents that suffered!!” shouted Roland before he kicked the Joker in the groin, making the Clown Prince land on his knees. “And they kept letting you live.” Joker spat out the blood and muttered with a chuckle, “I never kept count.” Roland grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up before saying “I did.” “That’s a first.” Said Joker, before taking out a knife and said “But you’re still no Batman.” Joker sliced Roland’s gut, making him back away. He then felt something wet. He looked down and was shocked to see his own blood. He held it in pain and looked at Joker, and realized his knife was made from a metal that can cut through his armor. As Shine Boy kicked a few Gang members and Purple Dragons away, he saw Roland was staggering and, to his shock, bleeding. “Roland!!” shouted Shine Boy, before he got whacked by Harley and her hammer. Shine Boy got up and struggled a bit, and saw Harley walking towards him with her hammer. “Sorry, Shiny, but nobody touches pudding, but me!!” exclaimed Harley. Before she could make a move, a mysterious assailant came from out of nowhere and punched and kicked Harley constantly, until she delivered a strong buddha palmed strike, sending her flying backwards and crashed onto the ground. Just before she could get up, Night Shine casually walked beside her and gave her a hard bop on the head, knocking her out cold before she fainted. Shine boy was surprised by the mysterious masked assailant. Who then looked at Shine Boy and quickly went over to him whilst crouching. “Are you alright?” The person asked in a disorienting voice. Shine Boy was confused. “Yeah. Thank you. I take it you’re on our side?” “Always have been. Always will.” The assailant nodded. “Who are you?” The assailant removed her helmet to reveal a certain girl in Shine Boys life. “Someone who loves you.” “Serenity.” He embraced her and the two kissed each other. As they kept kissing, Serenity smiled. “You don’t know how long I wanted to say that line.” “When did you came here?” Shine Boy smiled. “I just got here. Venus asked that Zordon guy to come get me and brought me here. And as a surprise, I disguised myself to surprise you.” She helped him up as the two of them stood close to one another. She smiled and said “Were you surprised?” “I sure am.” Said Shine Boy with a smile, “And right now, we gotta help Roland.” Serenity looked at Roland and was surprised and said “Are you sure about that?” Shine Boy saw Roland pinned Joker whilst strangling him. “Though it’s been fun,” said Joker, “But I still have some murdering to do. Starting with you.” Withing a split second, Joker laughed and stabbed Roland six times in the gut whilst moving backwards, which shocked Shine Boy and Serenity. Before the Joker continued, Roland instantly pushed Joker away and delivered a strong roundhouse kick, cracking the side of Joker’s skull. Then he delivered a strong knee to his chest, nearly cracking Joker’s ribs, then Roland jumped backwards and gave Joker a strong kick to his jaw, nearly cracking it and his teeth too. Joker collapsed hard onto the ground near a pillar, with Roland standing tall, but staggered whilst holding his gut. “It’s over, Joker.” Said Roland. “On the contrary, Roland.” Said Joker, before he suddenly got serious and pulled something out, “It hasn’t even yet, begun.” Roland was shocked from what he was holding…a detonator. ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, at the same time, everyone was slowly trying to disarm the bombs. “We’re almost there.” Said Donnie. ************************************************************************************************** “Time for the big bang!!” shouted Joker before he pressed it, causing every bomb throughout the building that hadn’t been disarmed yet to activate. The bombs in their floor beeped, the ones throughout some of the floors beeped, even the ones the teams were going to disarm began to beep, shocking everyone. “It’s gonna blow!!” shouted everyone in the building. Roland instantly saw Team Shine and Serenity, he panicked whilst his eyes suddenly shifted from blue to green. “Roland…” said Shine Boy before he was cut off…by Roland’s glowing green hand. “CHAOS CONTROL!!” shouted Roland. Within a split second, Team Shine, Serenity, Harley and many Purple Dragon and Joker gangs were teleported out, with Roland looking ahead at the bomb in shock as it gave its final beep. Within a split second, the bomb went off, knocking him backwards as everything was set alight. Whilst throughout the building, everyone quickly jumped to cover and used their powers for cover, with Martian quickly flying out to avoid the fires. From mere moments, the building exploded from different sides and were on fire, shocking all passers and pedestrians who saw the whole thing. Martian quickly contacted everyone else that were scattered, “All teams, meet at my location immediately, Joker set up an explosive throughout the buildings, and we have innocent people trapped inside!!” Heading Martian’s call, everyone quickly darted towards their location. Meanwhile, from inside, everyone who was able to get shelter, struggled to get up, whilst those that were protected quickly got up, but were shocked to see what happened. “We…we didn’t turn off the explosives in time.” Said April. “Everyone else will most likely be trapped within the building.” Said Karai 03. “I have a lock on them.” Said Cyborg as he was able to get their signal. “We’d better get going and fast. I don’t know how long this building is going to last before it collapses.” “But what about the bomb!!” said Nightwing. “No time, we need to get everyone else out of here, first!!” said Leonardo as they quickly rushed to save the others. Whilst from outside, the Purple Dragons were transported to an unconscious Hun, Harley and the Joker’s gangs were teleported to an abandoned Docks, whilst Team Shine was outside of the building, whilst everyone was stunned by what just happened. “How did he…?!” exclaimed Gamer when they looked around. However, Shine Boy looked up at the top floor, and realized who was still up there in shock. “Roland.” ***************************************************************************************************** Roland lied motionless on the ground, until he grunted and struggled to stand up. But as he did, he saw a piece of metal wire that struck to his hip. He then grabbed it and with great force, pulled it out before grunting in pain before tossing it away. He then heard chuckling and saw Joker, approaching Roland with a crowbar. “Well, little one,” said Joker whilst pointing his crowbar, “You may not be the Batman, nor his little sidekicks. I have to admit, you surprised me, and can be quite as serious as he can be. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.” Roland then looked at him and said “Before you…end my miserable existence, mind if I ask a question?” “Oh?” perked the Joker. “Ever heard of Elton John’s song, rocket man?” Joker suddenly growled, hating that song and singer, causing him to grab Roland and pulled him via shirt collar. “I don’t listen to that soft garbage.” Growled Joker. “Well…that’s too bad.” Said Roland as he pulled something from behind his back. “Because it’s you. You’re the rocket man.” With a hard buddha punch, Roland knocked the Joker a few steps back. However, the Joker heard a loud humming sound and looked down at his chest. To his shock, it was one of Batman’s gadgets, one that he recognized. “Uh-oh.” Within a split second, Joker was shot out of the building and screamed like a maniac whilst flying at the same time. Roland grunted and chuckled. “Well, what do you know,” said Roland, “I was able to get in a famous movie line after all. Can scratch that off of the bucket list.” He grunted and kept on moving. “No time…gotta…get moving.” He moved whilst limping at the same time, for he needed to act fast. ************************************************************************************************* Sunset continued to try and help more people along the way as she helped them evacuate. “This way, hurry!!” She then noticed someone limping, whilst holding onto his ribcage. However, she recognized the sword. “Roland!” said Sunset as she went over. “Roland, are you…?” But the moment she took a good look at him, to her horror, Roland was wounded, stabbed six times at the gut, and his left eye was shut. “What happened?!” said Sunset as she came over. “I bumped into the Clown Prince of Crime and then sent him flying.” Said Roland. “But enough of that, Joker started the countdown, and we only got about forty minutes.” “What?!” said Sunset. “We’ve got to get out of here!!” “You need to get everyone else out first.” Said Roland whilst he held onto his wound. “But your high priority is April’s adult counterpart, O’Neil.” “What? Why?” asked Sunset in confusion. Roland then whispered in her ear why, making her gasp in shock and looked at him. “Whilst you do that,” said Roland, “I’m going to the bomb to disable the component, so that it would only be a useless bomb. But it won’t be enough…unless I blow it up before it destroys the city.” “Are you crazy?!” said Sunset, “You’ll never make it!!” “I have to try.” Said Roland. “Then I’ll come with you after I help…!!” said Sunset before Roland cut her off. “Absolutely not!!” said Roland. “Why not?!” Roland grabbed Sunset’s shoulders and shouted “Because you’re more important than you realize!!” Sunset was surprised by what he had said. He looked down with his eyes closed and said what he should’ve said. “I know how hard it was for you, trying to rebuild your life after the life you forced yourself to live. Yes, you may have started the wrong way and became a bully, and yes, you may have turned into a monster when you put the crown on. He looked at her dead in the eye, “But that’s not you anymore. You proved that a thousand times over to everyone. You and your friends had changed so many lives that you could possibly imagine. You became a better person and inspired tons of folks to be better. You’re smart, brave, kind, caring and compassionate. Something that I wished I was, something that I wished I was ten times the better person you were. You and your friends did so much good than you could possibly imagine. And if it means making sure that does happen.” He grunted, and said to her face “Then I’d gladly die for that if need be!!” Sunset was shocked by what he had said, whilst at the same time, for the first time in his entire life…he began to shed tears. “And I know the reason why you were angry.” Said Roland, “Your anger stems from desires that you know is never going to come true. And whenever you try something, you always take shortcuts. And because of that, you were so unfocused, you always got angry. Until your friends came into your life. You went to take advise from others, wanting to be the best and supportive friend you could ever be. So sometimes you channel that anger, and put it into protective instincts. Every outburst whenever something happens, is you wanting to protect your friends. In fact, you love them so much that the thought of anything bad happening to them, no matter who’s responsible, infuriates you.” Sunset was baffled, as if he had just figured her out. He looked at her again, and said “You inspired me to be better than themselves, to help make friends to those who had nothing. Even after many struggles, after everything you did to redeem yourself, even helping those in need. Sci-Twi, Gloriosa, the Shadowbolts, Juniper Montage, Wallflower, Vignette, and Post Crush. You helped everyone along the way. I always wanted to be like you, the one person named Sunset Shimmer, the one who never gave up on her friends and would do anything to make sure that they’re safe and happy, even in the face of overwhelming odds. You’re my hero Sunset. You always have been.” Sunset was taken aback and greatly shocked by what he said. He took a step backwards after letting go of her shoulders. “Which is why you need to get out of here, to be their hero, their purpose, their beacon.” Said Roland. “My life isn’t as important as yours. You have a purpose, a goal, and a journey to live for. But me…” Roland looked saddened, and said to her, “I’m just a worthless little nobody, trying to clean up a mess that should never have been made.” Sunset didn’t know how to respond to it, and couldn’t help but shed tears too. “Roland…I…” said Sunset, trying to say something…but to no avail. Suddenly the building began to rumble, and Roland saw a bit of the debris that was falling down, causing him to quickly push her away, with the debris falling in between them, causing Roland to be blocked, but still visible enough to see them. “Get out of here!” said Roland, “Get everyone and O’Neil to safety!! I’ll try to disarm the bomb and destroy it with my own one!!” Sunset saw that he was holding a bomb of his own in his hand, but she also noticed the wounds on his body. The moment she pieced it together, she realized in shock and horror. He wants to die. “Let me for once do something to make this right.” Said Roland, before turning around, grunting, and making his way towards the bomb whilst limping. Sunset watched him left as the building was suddenly slowly being enflamed, with her reacting by getting up and running to other places where the others might be. ********************************************************************************************** Soon, everyone was outside, bringing everyone outside, the Turtles, Rainbooms and everyone else was outside, with Sunset being the last one out whilst escorting O’Neil out in the nick of time. As soon as everyone got outside, Leo then asked “Is that everyone?! Did we get them out?!” “Yeah,” said Raph, “We got everyone out just in time!!” “I still can’t believe that twisted Clown planted a bomb in there!!” said Raphael. “We’ll find a way Raph.” Said Leonardo. “How, Leo?!” exclaimed Michelangelo, “The building’s on fire, and we don’t know who’d be crazy enough to try and disarm the bomb!!” That’s when Venus noticed that someone wasn’t with them, and realized in shock. “Wait, where’s Roland?!” Everyone was also surprised and looked around, realizing Roland wasn’t with them. However, for two members, that’s when it dawned to them. “Wait a second…” said Static. “You don’t think…?!” exclaimed Gear. Everyone looked at the building, and realized Roland was still in there. “We gotta get in there!!” exclaimed Beast Boy. “Are you nuts, BB?!!” exclaimed Cyborg. “He’s right, it’s too dangerous to go inside, and we don’t know how long the building will last!!” said Raven. “But we must do the something!!” exclaimed Starfire, “We can’t just leave him in there!!” Sunset however, kept staring at the building. She slowly lowered her head and placed her hand against her chest. She then thought about what Obaki said of how she messed up. However, that thought was suddenly replaced by Jacob and Roland, who both talked to her about how she changed their lives and that Roland…said that he wished he was twice as brave as she was…and that he wished he was like her…and that she was his hero…and the tears. They were genuine, and honest. And what he planned to do. She gripped her hands. No…no, she wasn’t going to let him die like this. Within a split second, she instantly ran towards the building. But the moment she was halfway, Princess Twilight saw her running towards the building. “Sunset!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight, gaining everyone’s attention as they saw her running inside the building. “Sunset!!” exclaimed the others as they too wanted to follow, but they were too late as some of the debris began to fall, causing some to not being able to follow. However, from above the rooftops, two individuals were watching her. They looked at one another and nodded in agreement before darting off in different directions. Sunset continued to run around, trying to find Roland in this mess. “Roland!!” shouted Sunset, trying to look for him, “Roland!!” She couldn’t let him die, not like this. Just as she turned to another corner, something was about to fall on her, but she was able to dodge it, and continued to move on forward. ********************************************************************************************** Roland on the other hand, began to slowly lose blood, trying his best to block it with his shirt he’s torn, but he had to carry on, for he had to accomplish what he was trying to do. He soon stopped and leaned against a door for some reason, trying to stay awake, for he didn’t have much time. He slowly turned to his right and saw right ahead, the bomb he was looking for. He grunted and made his way towards it. He finally made his way towards the bomb. But before he could do anything, he was suddenly blocked off by robots. But not just any robots, the robots belonging to Slade, from what he remembered what Nightwing and the others had told him. “Dammit,” muttered Roland, “I don’t have time for this.” Roland placed the bomb away at his back, but he couldn’t fight, not with the beating he received from the Joker. He used his left arm to hold onto his injuries, whilst he used his right arm to pull out his sword. He stood in position and waited for them to attack. Within a split second, all of them darted towards him. Roland stood still and waited for the right moment to strike. The moment they were close enough, Roland swung left, right, below, above, clockwise and jab, striking down all six of the robots in the progress. After he was done, he grunted and landed on his knee whilst planting his sword onto the ground. He used the sword to lift himself up, trying his best to get into the fight. He walked over to the core, and saw that it was still counting down, whilst the building was also on fire. But he didn’t have time to think about that, he needed to stop it. He needed…to make things right. He climbed onto the bomb and looked at the central core. “Good thing…I know how these things work.” Muttered Roland as he grabbed the circle of what appeared to be a disc of sorts. He turned it a few times, until he was able to finally pull it out with what strength he had, making him fall with a grunt, whilst the circle itself revealed to be a tube, revealing to be the bomb’s firing key. He slowly stood up and walked over to it. Even though the key was out, it was still counting down, meaning the building would soon blow up. He saw where the wiring was placed and went over there. He then grabbed the wires and attempted to pull them. As he did, he felt like he was being electrocuted, which caused him to partially burn. It began to hurt, but he was able to pull the wires free, thus deactivating the bomb, which made him land hard onto the ground as he grunted. He held onto his side and took the bomb. He took a good look at it, and saw it was a one-way trip for him. He sighed, for he knew he did enough damage already. He was about to set the bomb until… “Roland!!” Roland blinked and looked back, for Sunset was there, why, he didn’t’ know. “I…told you…” grunted Roland as he turned around, “To get out of here.” “Don’t do this!!” shouted Sunset, “Don’t throw your life away like that!!” However, unknown to them, one of the robots slowly got up and aimed a pistol at Roland. “You have to do this!!” said Roland, “It’s not…!!” When all of a sudden, a gunshot was sounded, which caused Roland to grunt. Sunset stood there in shock, for Roland was holding the side of his neck, as it had begun to bleed and he fell over. She noticed one of the robots was up and was about to attack, causing her to throw her Kunai dagger and destroyed the robot as it landed onto the ground. She quickly ran over to Roland and tried to help him. She panicked and saw that his neck was badly bleeding. “What do I do, what do I do?!” said Sunset. She then remembered something from history class, of how soldiers close the wounds, by using… She quickly took out Roland’s pistol and pulled out its ammo cartridge and pulled out a few bullets. She then opened each of them and placed the gunpowder by the side of his neck. She then focused on the rest of his stab wounds when he ripped his shirt open. But unknown to her, a figure was standing close by. After she was done, she then tried to figure out what to do. “How do I light them?” said Sunset, “I don’t have any matches on me.” She then felt a presence and looked back, and was shocked to see a large figure standing above her. But when the figure stood on one knee, she was surprised to see it was a turtle, but he looked very different. He then pulled out a pair of matches and was about to light them, until he looked at her. “You might wanna put something in his mouth.” Said the turtle, “This could get loud.” “Who are you?” asked Sunset. “Some call me Ronin.” Said the Turtle before he placed what appeared to be a piece of wood in Roland’s mouth, “But I think you know who I am.” He then light the matches and placed it on Roland’s neck and wounds, causing the gunpowder to blow and seal Roland’s wounds, making Roland scream at the same time. Sunset however, felt that the turtle looked familiar. Ronin kept his focus on Roland, but when Sunset looked at his eyes, she slowly widened her eyes in shock. Could it be…? “Mikey?” Ronin looked at Sunset and said “Booyakasha.” Sunset was stunned from what she was seeing, for this Mikey was very different. For one he looked older, and he wasn’t the same goofball as he was. He was serious, cautious, and cold. “You focus more on helping him.” Said Ronin as he pulled out what appeared to be a countdown timer, “I’ll set the explosive.” He grabbed the bomb and attached the timer to it. Sunset, having no time to argue, picked up Roland and used all her strength to pick him up as his arm was over her shoulder. She carried him away as she partially looked at Ronin, whilst he was setting the bomb. Once she was out of sight, Ronin had placed the timer for almost ten minutes, which was enough time for them to get clear before the place would blow up. Once he set the timer, he quickly left through the rooftops. Sunset continued to take Roland down the hallway as he struggled to stay awake. “You…should’ve left.” Said Roland. “Not without you.” Said Sunset. “And don’t you dare call yourself a nobody.” She continued to carry him and said “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but I can tell how much you’ve struggled, wanting to trust us.” “Wait…” said Roland, “You knew…?” “That what you went through but couldn’t bring yourself to tell us?” said Sunset, “Yeah, that’s about it. And we figured you’d tell us when you were ready, but clearly you were too scared to say anything. And that you ended up losing hope when whatever our counterparts did was bad. That you’d end up calling yourself a nobody. But that’s not and never will be true.” She then guided him down the next hall and said “Like I told Wallflower, everyone matters, no matter how insignificant or invisible they feel.” Roland then sighed and said “I’m so sorry, Sunset. For everything.” “I know you are. And that you really want to make things right.” Said Sunset. “But just know this, after this, you’re telling me everything, no questions asked.” “I…understand.” Said Roland as he grunted whilst looking ahead. “I’ll do my best…to explain everything. And for what it’s really worth…I’m sorry…for everything.” “I know.” Said Sunset, she felt down a bit and said “I’m sorry too. My temper and impatience is what kept getting in the way.” “I guess we both need help in that department, huh?” said Roland. Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle by that remark and said “I guess we do.” ********************************************************************************************** Right outside, everyone was waiting eagerly for a sign of hope, waiting for something to happen, a miracle of sorts. “Look!!” exclaimed Angel as she pointed at the building. They saw Sunset coming out, walking out of the building, and holding a very badly wounded Roland as he struggled to stay awake. Just as they were halfway, the building blew up, sending them to fly for a bit and landed. Sunset quickly got up to see if he was okay, and smiled to see that he was. He was able to smile at her and said in a strained voice “Thank you, Sunset.” Sunset was able to shed a tear for her friend and said “I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.” Within a split second, the medics came along and quickly helped him up and carried him away. As Sunset stood up, Venus suddenly came over, as she was in tears. “You saved him.” Said Venus, “You saved my brother, even after everything that happened. You really are a better person.” Within a split second, Venus hugged Sunset, surprising the Equestrian girl in the process. “Thank you.” Said Venus, “Thank you so much.” Sunset couldn’t help but smile and said “You’re welcome.” After they broke the hug, everyone suddenly came to her and congratulated her, and began to praise her for what she did. She was surprised at first for what was happening, but couldn’t help but give a big full smile from seeing all of this. Ben then whispered to Shine Boy. “We probably need a lot of pizza wiches to celebrate this.” “I think we can pull it off. You can help me with that.” Shine Boy nodded, happy to see Sunset regaining her spirit back. He saw Roland being taken away, and then went over to them. He signaled them to stop as he wanted to say something, to which the medics stop to give him that chance. “Whatever you did must've really helped her.” Said Shine Boy. “I told her...” said Roland whilst trying to stay awake, “That she's important...and that...I wished that I was...twice the better person she was.” Shine Boy was surprised by this, with Roland saying “I should've told her that before everything fell apart. But...you were always right, Shine Boy. We give everyone else in our lives a second chance...why not ourselves too?” Shine Boy watched Roland being taken, with him not being able to help but smile at what he was seeing. “That’s great and all,” said Raph, “But what about Joker?” “He escaped before we could catch him.” Said Static. “The dude’s more slippery than an eel, that’s for sure.” Said Gear. They saw Superman flying in and landed near them, along with the rest of the League. “What happened?” asked Hawkgirl. “Joker happened.” Said Nightwing. “Somehow he ended up being hired too.” “How the heck did Shredder recruit someone like him?!” exclaimed Beast Boy. “That’s not good.” Said Superman, remembering his experience with the Joker, “If he really is here, then this entire world is in danger.” “If he’s anything like the demon Shredder we’ve faced,” said Raphael, “Then de city is in a whole lot of danger.” “Not as dangerous as those other villains.” Said Michelangelo, “And that chick with the Freeze powers ain’t no joke either.” “Killer Frost’s always been a danger to everyone around her.” Said Wonder Woman. “Not just that.” Said Wally/Flash, “But it looks like all of our enemies have gained some serious upgrades. I didn’t think Captain Cold would be this dangerous. Even Trickster’s not fooling around.” “He’s right.” Said Hal/Green Lantern as he and Barry/Flash also came along, “Even Sinestro’s showing some backbone we’ve never seen before.” “Same with Reverse Flash.” Said Barry/Flash. “How many villains did we capture so far?” asked Leo. “We were able to round up about twenty five percent of all supervillains,” said John/Green Lantern, “But there’s still a lot of them out there, even their own armies are still out there.” “And you can bet Slade has his own army with him.” Said Robin, which Nightwing gripped his fists in anger, to which Wonder Woman noticed. “Nightwing?” asked Wonder Woman, “Is something wrong?” The Titans noticed Nightwing as he looked away, with four of them knowing why he’s like this. “He and Slade,” said began Starfire, “Have what you would say, a history.” “When he first popped up on radar, he was constantly hunting us.” Said Cyborg, “Even messing with Robin, er, Nightwing’s head.” “He had to hide it because he felt that as leader, it was his responsibility to stop him and not endanger us.” Said Raven. “But we had to constantly remind this knucklehead,” said Beast Boy as he turned into a Monkey and knocked against Nightwing’s head, much to his annoyance, “That as a team, any bad guy is our responsibility.” “It’s alright.” Said Superman as he approached Nightwing and held his shoulder. “I know how it feels when it comes to trying to take responsibility to stop people like him. But you should know that you shouldn’t do this alone. You can get frustrated when a team is in the way to stop you from doing something rash. But that’s what a team is for, to help put you in the right direction so that you wouldn’t make a mistake or cross the line. Not to mention help you bring the one responsible to justice. It’s how I feel every day when fighting those more powerful than I am. And sometimes you don’t want to help, but sometimes we have to choose to be better. That’s what Batman sometimes try to remind me, and what I tried to remind him.” “Was anyone injured before we got here?” asked Martian Manhunter. “Roland.” Muttered Sunset as everyone looked at her. They could see the clear worry in her eyes, for from within her mind, the way he opened up to her and what he said, everything Obaki had said had completely washed away, now she shows great concern for her friend. “Sunset?” asked Fugitoid. “Are you alright?” “I am. And I owe him a lot.” Said Sunset, then she looked at O’Neil and said “But he also told me to get you to safety, as if it was of great importance.” “Really?” asked O’Neil as she and Jones were surprised. “Why would he want to protect April.” Asked Jones, “Not that there’s anything wrong, and ah’m glad that she’s safe and everything.” Sunset couldn’t help but smile and walked over to her. She placed her hand against O’Neil’s belly, which confused her. Sunset couldn’t help but said “I believe you know the term, ‘Bun in the oven’.” O’Neil widened her eyes in shock, including everyone else. “Wait, dos dat mean…?!!” exclaimed Jones in shock as he realized what she was saying, and within a split second, he fainted, causing him to fall flat on his back on the ground, surprising the others in the process. “Didn’t see that coming.” Said Casey. “Dats nothin,” said Raphael, “Ya shoulda seen him the day he and April were getting married.” “Dude nearly fainted twice.” Said Michelangelo. ************************************************************************************************* Later that day, back on the ship, after the medics healed Roland up, Shine Boy was standing next to the door and he listened over to what Roland was saying to Sunset in her quarters. But she wasn’t alone in there, for Virgil and Mr. Hawkins were there too, to make sure things would be okay. “And that’s why I did what I did.” Said Roland. Sunset was shocked by what she was hearing. For in another world where he was from, all of their mistakes were bigger and didn’t learn from any of it. And that they tore apart their own friendship and didn’t talk things through. But the worst part…what her counterpart said to him…she was at a loss of words. “I can’t believe she did that.” Said Sunset in disbelief. “It also made me realize that what they had really needed was the strength to move on.” Said Roland, “I was too soft back then, always letting them do their own thing. And it caused nothing but chaos and distrust. Nobody agreed on anything or moved on from their own idiocy. And that’s how they stopped being friends and Shredder killed them so easily.” He then looked at her and said “And if you want proof.” He then grabbed her hand and placed it on his forehead, causing her eyes to glow whilst she read his mind fully, because he allowed it. After five minutes, she let go and was shocked by what she had seen. With Roland looking down in regret. And suddenly, out of instinct, she then did what Fluttershy did, by hugging him tightly. “Oh, Roland. I’m so sorry.” Said Sunset. Roland slowly hugged her back. “As you can see Sunset,” said Mr. Hawkins as he stepped forward and stood on his one knee, causing Sunset to break the hug and look at him, “From what he told us, he may be rough around the edges a lot, but he’s gone through a lot that could break anyone physically and mentally. I’ve also worked with people like him for a long time and I’m telling you, none of us can dismiss this. He needs help.” “A lot of help.” Said Virgil as he sat next to Sunset. “I could tell how much he was hurting and hiding it for a reason. But when he talked to the other turtles, I saw that he wanted to say something, and that Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity were there with him. That’s why we agreed to help him. Er, not with the scolding part, the part to help him be on the right path. He needs people like us. Still, how the heck did you turn your life around so quickly.” “Master Splinter, er, their Master Splinter.” Said Roland as he pointed to Sunset without hesitation, which surprised them. “He saw right through me and ended up making me open up of what I was hiding. And he was also right. I should’ve been honest from the start.” “Hey now,” reassured Static, “You admitting your mistakes is but the first step.” “But still.” Said Roland as he stood up and hugged Sunset, to which she accepted it. “I’m so sorry, Sunset.” Sunset smiled whilst she was still hugging him. She broke the hug and looked at him with a soft smile. “Apology accepted.” Said Sunset as the two of them broke the hug. To show no further hard feelings, she kissed him on the cheek, which he couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. Sunset and Roland exited the room, both with smiles on their faces, with Shine Boy standing near them. “I'm glad you were able to sort things out.” said Shine Boy. “Me too.” said Sunset, who looked at Roland with sympathy, “Now I understand why you were so hard on them.” “Again, I'm sorry for what Obaki had said, you didn't deserve that.” said Roland. “I know, they were just trying to protect you.” said Sunset, “I hope you'll tell the others about this one day.” “One step at a time Sunset.” said Shine Boy. “And you know what?” said Sunset, before she chuckled and said “I'm totally starving.” Both Roland and Shine Boy chuckled at this, with Roland saying “And I'll cook this time. The least I can do.” The three of them walked down the halls, knowing that things were right between them. “Also,” said Roland as they walked, “The Turtles of this world wants us to celebrate our current victory back at their lair.” “Back at the reservoir?” “Nope, someplace new.” Said Roland, which surprised Sunset with a flexed eyebrow. *********************************************************************************************** On the ground, everyone moved what appeared to be an underground tunnel of sorts. But what was different, was that it had train tracks instead. “Oh, I simply cannot stand a place like this.” Complained Rarity. “At least it’s not the sewers, Rarity.” Said Rainbow. “Well, I do have standards after…” said Rarity before she yelped and felt someone picking her up. Then saw it was Amethyst Majesty who picked her up. “If you wanted a lift, Rarity.” Said Amethyst before he playfully rubbed his nose against hers, making her blush madly. “All you had to do was ask.” “Oh, you.” Said Rarity before she giggled and kissed Amethyst on the lips. As they continued to walk, Leo asked “So where are you taking us?” “After our fight with Ch’Rell in the Prime Dimension,” said Leonardo, “Our old lair got trashed pretty badly. So, we were able to move to a new lair.” “Another part of the sewer or reservoir?” said Mikey. “Not exactly.” Said Donatello as they stopped near a large wall, where the Train tracks stopped. He placed his hand onto it, causing the wall to scan his hand, allowing it to open. They were surprised, whilst walking in at the same time. The moment they were inside, Donatello flipped a switch, causing the entire lair to be illuminated, revealing many different parts of it that none could imagine. Everyone stared in awe of the size of the place, even the train wagons, carts, and a train itself, whilst also showing new rooms, new training rooms, computer room, dojo and so on and so forth. “Whoa.” Muttered the CMC, with Apple Bloom saying “What is this place?” “This right dere is da underground railway headquarters.” Said Jones. “Back den when New York was bein’ built durin’ World War 1, dey’ had an idea of building dis place and stored many trains underground and built in a new system. Dey built many railways and underground tunnels that spanned all over New York city, even outside throughout de entire country.” “But by the time the second World War ended,” said O’Neil, “Everything was left forgotten.” “Sure, there were tons to trains and tech from the 40’s, but the store houses and large rooms, even command center made the perfect spot to store our belongings, gears, and other stuff here.” Said Donatello. “And we have twice as much room, too.” Said Michelangelo. “And the best part is,” said Leonardo, “This place also served as a fallout shelter in case the Axis forces would invade America, it’s even connected to many sewer systems that would allow us to travel from one place to another.” Everyone, minus the 03 crew, stared at them surprised. “How do you two know so much about it?” asked Karai. “Cause,” said Jones as he looked back, “Whilst my grandpa’s pops fought in de second World War, his brother was busy helpin buildin’ the tunnels. He was the foreman and stored tons of plans in his trunk.” “Same with mine,” said O’Neil whilst Roland noticed something on the wall, “Whilst I was managing the antique store, I found it in my family’s trunk. After the guys got back from their mission, I showed them the place.” “And the best part is,” said Michelangelo, “Whenever we send out email and messages, nobody can trace us to this place.” “That’s awesome.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, but we still have no idea how that’s possible.” Said Donatello. “I have an idea.” Everyone looked and saw Roland pointing at a symbol on the wall. Roland couldn’t help but smirk and said “Well what do you know, they did exist here.” “Who?” asked April. “The Men of Letters.” Said Roland as he turned to them, which confused them. “The Men of Letters are a secret organization that deals with supernatural activity. They hunted everything, Vampires, Demons, Werewolves, Revenants, you name it. I know about them, because I used to work with them.” Everyone was surprised by this, with Roland saying “There were many bases all over the world, and they also have different branches. The entire world dealt with their threats, all but America’s, well, ever since their branch was destroyed by the last group of the demons.” “Really?” said Raph, “How come?” “Put it this way,” said Roland, “Everyone knows the stories and lore of ancient evils from all over the world, yet America has always been a soft spot for all demons to roam, and have a much stronger presence here.” “Hmmm, there is truth in his words.” Said Splinter, gaining their attention, “It is no wonder many of the Supernatural tends to make themselves known in this part of the world.” “And if I had to guess…” Roland then took out his knife and cut his finger, allowing him to place it onto the symbol. Within mere moments, certain rooms began to appear, containing books, supplies, and everything else the Men of Letters needed, surprising them. They looked at him, with Roland showing the symbol on his arm. “I am an honorary member, after all.” Said Roland. “Amazing,” said Donatello, “Now we also have supplies in dealing with them.” “We’ll sort that out another time.” Said Roland. “Now then, which way to the kitchen.” As he walked, everyone was surprised by what he said, with Sunset saying “He’s going to cook for us.” She walked down to join him, with the others just as surprised. But whilst he did that, this would give them the perfect opportunity to explore the new lair, with the others entering as well. *********************************************************************************************** Soon enough, everyone was at the cafeteria, wondering what was going on. “Soooo.” Said Mikey as he rubbed his hands together. “What dish is on the menu?” “Oh, I can answer that.” Everyone saw Roland, dressed in a chef uniform, which confused everyone. “Roland?” said Applejack. “Why are you wearing that?” asked Rarity. “As I told everyone, I’m going to do the cooking around here.” “You are?” said Cyborg. “That’s right.” Said Roland, “But I’ll do it, in the most unnecessary, over the top, black and white sequence I can think of.” Roland then clapped his hands together, and within a split second, everything was black and white and he was suddenly wearing a mad scientist outfit, baffling everyone. “Wait, how did he do that?!” said Pinkie Pie, “That’s usually my job!!” “So, who here wants the ultimate pizza?” said Roland as he made a large pot appear before him. “We can make the ultimate pizza. We’ll make it bigger, tastier, cheesier, greasier than any mortal has ever seen before them!!!” Everyone was surprised by this, with Beast Boy suddenly smirking and said “You know what? I’m starting to like this guy a lot.” “Same here.” Said Applejack on behalf of half the people. “And we shall make it with my own very special ingredients!!” said Roland. As he began to add them in the pot. “Extra-large pretzel bread crusts!! Four heaping pounds of four cheeses!! Two galleons of tomato sauce!! Olivers!! Peppers!! Mushrooms!!” “Jelly beans!!” said Pinkie Pie and her counterpart. “Veggies!!” said Beast Boy. “Peperoni!!” said Cyborg. Everyone was silent by what they said, but before they could say anything, Roland grabbed them and tossed them in the pot, which surprised everyone as he continued. “Jelly Beans, Veggies and Peperoni!!” Said Roland as he continued, “Licorice, Honeycutt Cheerios, Sour patch fillies!! Whatever this stuff is made off!!” He then went over with something small and said “And with a hint of Oregano.” After he put it in, he then said “And now power, Through the Force Switch!!” “The Force Switch?!!” exclaimed Pinkie, Beast Boy, and the other Pinkie. “Yes, the switch!!” He then flipped the switch, causing the pot to be raised, and then they saw him laughing like a mad scientist with his eyes being crossed. The girls were giggling at what he was doing, even the guys found him very funny. Then massive lightning began to strike, causing everyone to block their eyes. Then they saw a massive platform being lowered. And the moment it did, was the largest and most delicious pizza ever to be created. Everyone was in awe of what they had seen. “It’s so…” said Mikey as he sniffed, “Beautiful.” “It’s well done.” Muttered Roland as everyone watched him. “It’s well, done!!!!!” At first they were freaked out when he shouted, until he popped over and said “And it comes with your own choices of dipping sauce.” “Oooh.” Said the others as they were amazed by it. The light continued to shine on it as if angelic music was playing. Until the lights was switched on, everything looked back to normal and the music was slowly being gargled. “Whoa, what gives?” said Cyborg. “It’s already well done; we don’t need this extra heat lamp.” Said Roland, and suddenly pulled out a record player and shouted “Also, who the heck left this lying around!!” He then tossed it away as it crashed against something. Everyone else however, was focused on the pizza, and how delicious it looked, with Beast Boy suddenly moving away. “Wow, this looks amazing.” Said Leo. “Bro, you have excellent pizza taste.” Said Michelangelo. “Thanks,” said Roland casually, “I call this, the Pizza-rebus!!” They heard the sounds of loud neighing whilst lightning looked like it had struck, which surprised the group. “There’s no other creation, greater than the Pizza-Rebus!!” They heard the same sounds again, making them look around confusingly. “It shall the greatest pizza, in the history of the Pizza-Rebus!!” They suddenly heard loud neighing again, which annoyed some, with Rainbow saying “Okay, seriously, what the heck is that noise!!” “Uh,” said Roland he was nervous of saying it out loud, “That would be the sound of Beast Boy’s nasal cleaning.” Everyone grunted in shock of that, whilst they heard the sound of neighing, and then the sound of sniffing. “I got it!! I got it!! We’re all good now!!” Everyone then exclaimed in shock, “Ewe!!” “Really?!” exclaimed Blue Beetle. “Hey, I’m part animal!!” said Beast Boy, “Can I help it when I have certain problems!!” “But uh…where are we going to sit?” asked Mikey. “Oh, we got a large table over there for just in case.” Said Michelangelo as he pointed at it, “We need to set it first.” “Oh, I got it.” Said Roland. “But I’m gonna need some help first. Serenity?” Shine Boy was surprised by what Roland was asking. Soon the two of them stood side by side together, whilst at the same time, the League came in and were surprised by what they were seeing. As Serenity began to sing, the two of them suddenly began to move fluidly as they began to set the table. They took a large cloth, stood on the table, and juggled many plates and glasses, then landed them safely on their spots with ease, then soon placed the knives and forks onto the table. They brought the main food and other foods with them. They tossed the foot and pizza in the air, causing them to pull out two dual katanas. They spun and sliced everything, making them land safely on the table, which surprised everyone. Soon enough, the song ended and Serenity ended up being in Shine Boy’s arms and Roland casually standing near the table whilst dusting his hands. Everyone was surprised to see how well it turned out, even the League was surprised. “Wow, you gotta admit, they got some real talent there.” Said Wally/Flash. Serenity on the other hand, playfully kissed Shine Boy on the cheek and said “Surprised?” “Uh, wow.” Said Shine Boy, who couldn’t help but smile and said “That was awesome.” “Hey, Leaguers!!” said Mikey when he saw the Justice League, “Come and get some, get while its hot!!” The League looked at one another, with John/Green Lantern saying “I can eat.” They then walked down the stairs and joined the others. *************************************************************************************************** Everyone continued to dine, with Sunset still having a smile on her face. The pets were enjoying their food, and the League began to bond with the others. They have to admit, this was really nice and fun. “Glad that y’all have ya back, Sunset.” Said Applejack. “Thanks Applejack.” Said Sunset, “I know I’m not proud of a few things that happened, but…I’m glad I have such great friends to help me move forward.” “The feeling’s mutual.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “I also did things that I wasn’t proud of. Things that I didn’t have any other choice.” “Like what?” said Fluttershy. He then looked at them and said “First thing’s first, Cinch went to work somewhere else, right?” “Yeah, why?” asked Sour Sweet. “In my world, I killed Abacus Cinch.” Said Roland, which shocked the group. “Why would you do that?!” exclaimed Leo. “Because she went crazy with power.” Said Roland, “I didn’t have any other choice at the time.” “What do you mean?” asked Gamer. “See, it was like this.” Said Roland, “We thought that after our encounter with her, she would change her way, until she found an Equestrian Artifact, known as the Time Twister.” Princess Twilight gasped at that and said “Time Twister?!” “A what now?” said a confused Applejack. “The Time Twister is an Equestrian Artifact that allows the wielder to travel through any specific parts of time.” Said Princess Twilight, “It was once wielded by Starswirl and Clover the Clever. But they destroyed it centuries ago.” “In my world, they chose to try and hide it like the Memory Stone.” Said Roland. “When Cinch found it, she tried to use it to travel through time. And because of it, certain side effects were created. The geodes you girls wore were never recreated and Gloriosa still had it, the Dazzlings gained their gems back and…” They noticed Roland looked uncomfortable into revealing something else. “And Midnight Sparkle and She-Demon Sunset were still alive, slowly resurfacing and trying to take control of the both of them that resulted their friendship to end.” Everyone gasped in shock about it, with Sunset and Twilight dreaded by that too. “Wait, who now?” said Static. “I know.” Said Raven, “Basically when they tried to wield magic they didn’t understood, it slowly took control of them, which resulted them turning into monsters.” “If it’s anything like your darkness, I can sort of see it.” Said Beast Boy, with Raven glaring at him, “What, I’m not the only one who thinks like that!!” “What did Cinch try to do with it?” said Sour Sweet in worry. “She tried to use it to stop you girls from becoming friends and that she didn’t get fired from Crystal Prep Academy.” Said Roland, which shocked the others. “Yet somehow five out of seven of the Rainbooms still had their memories, but were slowly losing it.” “Wait, what?” said Princess Twilight, then pondered “Maybe the Magic of Friendship tried to protect them?” “That’s one theory.” Replied Roland. “But wait,” said Mikey, “If it protected them, shouldn’t it have protected Sunset and Twilight too?” “Remember,” said Roland, “It was Equestrian Magic that turned them into monsters, and it was Equestrian Magic that made them bearers to the Elements of Harmony. But if you found a way to remove them from the equation.” That’s when it clicked to Gamer. “They get reverted back to their original states.” The others caught on too. “Right,” said Indigo Zap, “Where Twilight was still timid, didn’t want to make friends and was afraid.” “And Sunset was still a bully.” Said Flash. “Exactly.” Said Roland. “They caught it, but unfortunately they were transported to where after the Friendship Games took place. We called the Turtles over and we called on Rennet to help us, and we realized that the more we used it, the more unstable the space/time continuum would be. And the new timeline is where Cinch took it too far.” “What do you mean?” asked Rainbow. “Because of her constant traveling, she ended up merging other worlds. Crash Bandicoot’s world, Batman’s world, the Rangers’ world, all of them were fused into the same plain of existence.” Everyone was shocked to hear this, “And when Abacus realized we were onto her, she tried to stop Sunset from being born.” They were shocked by this, with Roland looking at Sunset and said “And you not being born, was the worst thing it could happen to all of Canterlot City.” “Who-what happened?” asked Starlight in worry. “It’s like this…” said Roland as he started out. · Because Sunset had never been born, Trixie would’ve lost her confidence into becoming a magician and ended up becoming a bookworm. · Derpy, because of her constant bullying that she was forced to endure, she became a street thug and did much harm to others around her. But that’s not what shocked them the most. · Because of the fact that Rainbow couldn’t raise CHS’ spirits after losing so many times of the Friendship Games, Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna gave up running the school, causing Abacus Cinch to take it over and turned it into a Western Branch of Crystal Prep, where the students were beyond miserable. · Cinch continued to run half of Canterlot City with an Iron Fist whilst the Dazzlings, seeing that no one noticed them, ended up taking over the world with their magic and agreed to have Cinch keep her free will so that she can do whatever she wanted. · And because that Equestrian Magic didn't happen, Camp Everfree was doomed and Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce could no longer keep the camp open, allowing Filthy Rich to tear it down and turned it into an outer town spa. And what he revealed horrified them all. · Because Sunset wasn’t around, Pinkie Pie had lost her confidence in helping others to become happy, causing her to be unhappy and was afraid to be judged and ended up losing her smile forever. · And if Sunset didn’t change the bake sale date, Rainbow would’ve met Lightning Dust, causing Lightning to use her and in the end, ended up accusing Rainbow of cheating, making her a pariah of CHS, and would end up getting banned and everyone, including Scootaloo, would abandon her, and was reduced to a water girl. · Because Sunset hadn’t been around to warn Applejack about their trees being poisoned, they lost their entire field and would be on the verge of bankruptcy, forcing them to be partners with Flim and Flam. So, they had to send Apple Bloom away to Appaloosa so that she could continue with her education whilst Applejack and Big Mac were forced to lie and sell stuff, losing themselves along the way whilst Granny Smith was in the hospital, with Flim and Flam paying her medical bill, and if Applejack didn’t do what they said, they’d kill her by pulling her plug. · Because Sunset hadn’t been around to help Rarity with her job at Carousel Boutique, she was fired and forever disgraced by the fashion world no thanks to Suri Polomare, whilst Cinch used a magical artifact to control her parents, throwing her out on the street and was forced to live in a dumpster and became cruel. · Because Sunset hadn’t been around to save Fluttershy from Gilda, she ended up beating Fluttershy to a pulp and killed her beloved pet Angel Bunny, turning her into a cruel and malevolent person, became a gang leader and ended up brining the streets of Canterlot City to their knees and would cause trouble for others when she thought her friends, namely Rainbow, had abandoned her. · Because Sunset not being born, Princess Celestia ended up passing her mistakes to Princess Twilight, and because of her unhealthy thirst for knowledge, she ended up learning dark magic and made a deal with all of the villains in Equestria, only for her to betray them and ended up banishing Princess Celestia to the sun permanently, and because there was no Element of Magic bearer, the Elements of Harmony were rendered useless as her friends died in the onslaught whilst Princess Twilight destroyed all of Equestria and turned into Midnight Sparkle and ended up attempting to take over their world and get revenge on the Dazzlings for betraying her. · As for human Twilight, because Sunset hadn’t been around, every student from CPA continued to resent her and made her isolate in loneliness. And because of her CPA had lost the Friendship Games for the first time, making everyone hate her even more as Cinch had started her torment and made sure no academy would ever accept her, whilst Cinch fired Cadance when she tried to protect Twilight whilst her dog spike…had to be put to sleep because Cinch discovered him. And because of it, human Twilight had committed suicide when she no longer had the will to live. Roland concluded, “And that’s what would’ve happened if Sunset Shimmer had never been born.” Needless to say, everyone in the room was shocked. Not just the Rainbooms and Equestrians, but all of their allies. In fact, Mikey was so shocked, he dropped a pizza out of his mouth, Leo dropped his glass, even Fugitoid was flabbergasted and thought he would malfunction. But none were more shocked than their other dimensional and Ranger friends. “So, as you can see,” said Roland as he looked at the equally shocked Sunset, “All of us actually owe you far more than you or anyone else could realize. It may be fate, it may have been Destiny, but the point is…” “You were supposed to have been there.” Said Karai in realization. “Precisely.” Said Roland. “And it may come as a shock to you…but I know the true source of your anger.” Some were confused by this, with Roland dropping the bombshell on everyone as he started. “Sunset’s anger stems from desires of her not being able to become a Princess and that it would never come true, and whenever she tries something, she always takes shortcuts, and because of that she became so unfocused, she always gets angry.” He then motioned to the Rainbooms, “Until her friends came into the picture.” They were surprised by this as he continued. “She went to take advise from councilors and other adults, wanting, to be the best and supportive friend she could ever be. So, she sometimes channels that anger and puts it into protective instincts. Every outburst whenever something happens, is her wanting to protect her friends.” Roland then looked at her and concluded, “In fact, you love your friends so much that the thought of anything bad happening to them, no matter who and what’s responsible, infuriates you.” Everyone stared in shock, and then remembered all the times she got angry…The Friendship Games, the Memory Stone, and so on and so forth. Roland couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t you see, Sunset.” Said Roland, “You were never a failure to begin with. Sure, we may have been knocked down, but who in this room hadn’t? Some of them may have been hard, but you’ve helped so many people along the way. Twilight, Princess Twilight, your friends, Wallflower, Juniper, Starlight, and everyone else that you fought alongside ever since you came here. And you taught all of us everything. Something I’ve forgotten for so long.” He looked at his cup and said “Titles, fame, fortune, power…even winning doesn’t mean anything.” He looked at her whilst keeping that smile. “Your family, your friends, your home, and the people you love. That’s the most important thing to remember. That’s what truly is worth fighting for. That’s truly something to live your life for. You ran away to another world and tried to find a way to be a better Princess. But instead…you made all of us better people.” Sunset was very stunned, and touched by his words, but not as much as everyone else was. “I don’t know what you did,” whispered Princess Twilight to Shine Boy, “But I really like him a lot.” Roland placed his hand on her shoulder, and said “All of us can’t thank you, enough.” “Oh,” said Sunset as she didn’t know how to respond to it. “You don’t need…” “But I do.” Said Roland, “And I’m sorry I never properly apologized. Cause you’re not just a hero to everyone in this room. You’re a hero to me. And you always will be.” “I’m sorry. But…I’m not.” Said Sunset. Roland suddenly felt a picture and took it out. He then couldn’t help but remember, and shed a tear. Then he showed it to her, which she accepted. To her surprise, it was the two of them together, holding one another, whilst raising video game controllers in the air and smiling, indicating that they had won a gaming tournament. She was stunned and slowly looked at him. “Sunset,” said Roland, “You’re the best friend any of us in this room could ask for. You’ve always been the best of us, and you’ve always been a better person than any of us are, even with all of our flaws. So, you gotta stop blaming yourself and feeling sorry for yourself, or constantly try to tear yourself down. It’s not okay. Okay?” Sunset’s mouth felt like quivering as she began to shed a few tears and looked at Roland, who kept his smile and encouraging her. In the end, she couldn’t help herself but smile to the fullest and instantly hugged him too, with him hugging her back. “Aaawwww.” Coed the girls and the guys were touched by what they were seeing. Sunset kept her smile and shed a tear or two. For now, she really has forgiven another, and she felt something inside…true happiness. And from that day on, her heart grew great and all doubt had all disappeared. Within a split second, her geode glowed brightly and her Morpher was now at full capacity of power, which caused her to pony up, as well as gaining her fiery wings. Everyone was surprised by this, with Shine Boy smiling at the scene. “I owe you my life Sunset. And from here on out…I trust you with my life.” And suddenly, he began to sing for her whilst he was slowly stroking her to calm down. Everyone was surprised to hear how beautiful his voice sounded. Whilst he was singing, he sat down, and to their surprise, Sunset was sleeping with a smile on her face. Some couldn’t help but adore and coo at this. Roland stood up and held onto Sunset. “I’m gonna take her to bed back at the ship.” Said Roland as he used his belt to travel back. However, Superman then had that look on his face, and motioned Black Canary to follow him, to which she did. At the same time, from the shadows, two figures watched them. “Should we reveal ourselves?” said the first. “Not yet.” Said the other, “They’re still tired from the fight. We’ll tell them in the morning.” *************************************************************************************************** Back on the ship, Roland had placed Sunset back in her bed and still kept a smile on her face. He couldn’t help but smile back, for seeing her happy…it was a feeling he had forgotten in a long time. Then he pulled out what appeared to be plushies of herself and her friends. He placed it near her, causing her to instantly wrap them in her arms whilst she was sleeping. He then placed his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Sunset.” Said Roland with determination. “I promise you…I’ll never be that way again. I’ll never forget. And I’ll always have your back. Always.” He then placed the blanket over her and kissed her forehead, “Sweet dreams, Sunset.” He then walked away and closed the door behind him. He sighed and was about to turn around, but then to his surprise, he saw Superman and Black Canary. The two of them walked towards him and stood near him. “We need to talk.” Said Superman. Roland then guessed, and said “Should’ve known you’d use your super hearing.” He then looked at them and said “I’ll tell you. But not here.” Superman nodded, with him, Black Canary, and Roland walking down the hall. *************************************************************************************************** Back at Shredder’s ship, he smashed a random chair as he was angry. “They disabled the bomb?!” said Shredder. “They did.” Said Lex Luthor. “And they captured over twenty five percent of the villains. They always were weak.” “But on the plus side,” said Tiger Claw, “Our forces are currently gathering ancient artifacts on this world to aid us, and they are still searching for the stone at the same time.” “See to it that they do.” Said Shredder as he looked at the horizon, “For every moment that they’re here, they grow stronger by the day. We cannot let that happen.” *************************************************************************************************** “And that’s the story.” Black Canary was surprised by this, with Superman having trouble grasping this. “Bruce.” Muttered Superman, “You used him and the others to help him like this? And you call me an idiot.” “I just didn’t know what else to do.” Said Roland, “I thought that they were just like the ones back in my world. But I can’t believe I was such a fool to do this. And the sick part, part of me that I was afraid of…I wasn’t devastated by what happened. That everyone turned on one another, abandoned me…abandoned everything we stood for. I felt…at peace.” They were startled by what he said whilst he continued. “See, from the moment that I came to CHS, the one thing I desired, and feared, was to have friends again, a family. To know…what it felt like to love again, after I lost everything when I was little. And from that day on…I was happy. Everyone I knew, everyone I cared about. Everybody that I lost that split apart, didn’t trust each other, and died, because they couldn’t look past any of that. And I was too weak to stop it. To afraid…a coward. How can I get past that? How can I get past that guilt? How can I get past any of it and move forward, to have what I lost again…and afraid that I might lose everything…again. How can I live with myself? How can I look at myself in the mirror, and call myself a comrade, a friend…if I keep being stuck…trapped in a cage, locked away, and I’m forever condemned in a path of…loneliness.” They didn’t know how to respond to it, even the way he confessed that way. Canary leaned forward and held onto both of Roland’s hands, gaining his attention. “I don’t have any, easy answers for this, Roland.” Said Canary, “But I do know this, and one thing is clear…admitting it, is the first step.” Roland then lowered his head and was still ashamed, with Canary hugging him, and Superman placing his hand on Roland’s shoulder. Knowing that the boy was not only in pain from the outside, but greatly from the inside. And they know this. This is far from over. Both outer and inner battle. For this was just the beginning. > Dark Knight's Wrath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days had passed since helping the Turtles 03 from New York, and things couldn’t have gone any better, especially for Sunset. Ever since Roland helped her, she couldn’t stop smiling and was just…happy. And every now and then, whenever she would greet her friends and the rest of CHS, everyone couldn’t stop thanking her, for ever since what Roland revealed, everyone saw Sunset in a whole new light, and she couldn’t be any happier. At the same time, Venus came over and apologized to the Rainbooms and Turtles, whilst Amethyst Majesty also apologized to Twilight for the scolding. It took a while, but they accepted Venus’ apology. Obaki on the other hand, chose to avoid everyone, for ever since what happened, Roland broke their brotherhood. And right now, Sunset and the Rainbooms were in the middle of training. Not for weapons, not yet, but their powers first. Roland had asked the League to help the Rainbooms train to use their powers. Seeing that it’s temporarily apart of them, he felt like they could use proper training from experts who had been at this for a very long time. He told them that since Azmuth had temporarily fused their powers, they need to control it like it’s second nature to them, hence why they came over. At the same time, the Mane 6 watch them train the Rainbooms, whilst also feeling impressed, whilst at the same time, the Titans and Turtles were busy training too, as well as the students of CHS, and the CMC. · Superman was teaching Applejack on how to use her strength. “Just make sure you use your knees whilst using it.” Said Superman. “Y’all…did this before?” said Applejack as she struggled to lift a few heavy metals. “At first.” Said Superman, “My powers didn’t fully develop until I was sixteen. I was normal my whole childhood, but for a long time since I was raised, the yellow sun began to make me slowly develop my powers. Once it was in full effect, I had some trouble, so whilst I continued to study for my final years on Smallville, I tried to train myself to control my strength and other abilities. At first it was hard, but I was able to make it second nature.” “Well,” said Applejack as she used all of her strength to toss them away, before standing up and wiping the sweat from her brow, “Ah say y’all are a natural.” “Thanks.” Said Superman before he smiled. “Not as much as y’all are.” Said Pony Applejack to her counterpart, with the latter nodding in agreement. · Zatanna was teaching Twilight in how to use her magic. Twilight took a breath and concentrated, whilst at the same time, used her magic to teleport from one place to another. “Wow, nice one, Twilight.” Said Zatanna. “Thanks.” Said Twilight whilst rubbing her forehead. “Now,” said Princess Twilight to her counterpart, “Try lifting heavier objects with your magic.” Twilight then concentrated and used her magic to lift a few things. “Just make sure you don’t overexert yourself.” Said Princess Twilight, “If you overdo it, you’ll end up getting a nosebleed whilst damaging your brain.” “Seriously?” said Raven whilst she was flying around and overheard their conversation. “That’s right,” said Princess Twilight, before she felt embarrassed and said “It happened to me once.” “It was…a little hard for me.” Said Twilight, whilst she was focusing on her magic, “When Rainbow kept usin’ her geode, my magic started to feel enhanced. It was hard controlling it, as if it were out of control.” “Your geodes are connected?” Zatanna. “They are.” Said Roland, gaining Zatanna and Princess Twilight’s attention as Roland was busy doing some pullups. “Harmony is one massive force. When the Rainbooms gained them, the power of Harmony was split into seven pieces, which caused them to gain them. They gained a piece of Harmony, and like a single force it’s connected, so if one of them were using their energy, the others’ would react the same way and follow suit. Though I don’t remember their power running out once. Well, except the part where they mentioned it didn’t work when Cozy Glow was draining all the magic away from Equestria.” Princess Twilight was surprised by this and said “How do you know so much about it?” “I did my homework since the day I first met the Princess Twilight of my world,” said Roland, “As well as a few others who happen to be experts on the matter.” “Really?!” said Princess Twilight when she stood below him. “What?” said Roland before he landed back on the ground, “You think you’re the only one who uses the power of Harmony? There are thousands who know how to wield it.” Princess Twilight was at a loss for words. “Other thousands.” Muttered Princess Twilight as she now has so many questions. · Hal Jordan and John Stewart was teaching Rarity on how to use her geode shields using her will. “So,” grunted Rarity as she focused on displaying her geode shields to block a laser that was firing whilst being more concentrated in its energy. “Why am I doing this again?” “Your geode power is sort of like our ring.” Said Hal Jordan, “Whenever we create constructs, we think of it and we use the ring to display it, and the more we focus on our willpower, the more powerful they become.” “But when using it, one should have complete focus onto them.” Said John Stewart, “Cause if we break our concentration for just a moment, as well as not being able to focus more of our willpower, our constructs starts to weaken, as well as our ability to wield them.” “Wait, constructs?” said Rarity as she tried to keep her focus. “Yeah, didn’t you make something like that?” said Hal. “Well,” said Rarity as she remembered something, “I do remember trying to make my geode a sword or like my ninja weapon, but I never thought of using it for other uses.” “Well, now’s a good time for everything.” Said John Stewart. They notice her shield was beginning to crack. “Keep focusing on your will.” “Rarity,” said Roland, “Think of calm thoughts, and then focus your will.” Rarity did just that by taking a breath and focus on all of her will, allowing her geode shield to fully fix itself and used it to push it back, allowing her to destroy her laser. Rarity panted for a bit and nearly collapsed, but Hal was able to create a makeshift fancy couch for her, allowing her to sit down onto it. “That was most certainly hard.” Said Rarity as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “It is at first,” said Hal, “But you’ll get used to it overtime.” “But one more thing.” Said John, as he then suddenly looked nervous, and said “I heard from Batman and Static that you’re also a fashion designer?” “That’s right?” said Rarity with a flexed eyebrow. “See, I’m dating this woman, who also happens to be a member of the league,” said John Stewart, “And she also happens to be a model. And I was…” “You wish for me to design for her?” asked Rarity, which he nodded in embarrassment, “What does she look like?” John pointed at Vixen whilst she was training Fluttershy, with Rarity looking at her. “Oh, she’s lovely.” Said Rarity, who then smiled and said “Very well then, if you could invite her over, I’d be more than happy to make something breathtaking for her. Free of charge even.” John was surprised by this and said “You’d really do that?” “Of course, darling.” Said Rarity, “When it comes to fashion, I’d charge them, but when it comes to giving them the first time and them having smiles on their faces, I’d be more than happy to make her one.” “Huh,” said an impressed John whilst he crossed his arms, “You really are generous.” · Both Barry and Wally were teaching Rainbow on how to use her speed. At the moment, Barry was watching Wally and Rainbow racing one another on a track as they kept running around in circles. Soon enough, both of them stopped. Whilst Wally was stretching, Rainbow was out of breath as she had never run this long before. “Whoa, I’ve never done this before.” Said Rainbow before wiping the sweat from her brow. “I’ve run the distance with my speed for a long time, but not like this.” “Must be that your power hadn’t fully combined with your body yet.” Said Wally. “Meaning?” said Rainbow whilst Barry walked over and gave her some water, to which she accepted and drank it. “When we first got our speed, we also had some trouble, especially keeping it up.” Said Barry, “Not to mention when we kept running, we use a lot of energy. You wouldn’t believe how much glucose and sugar was drained from our bodies as a result.” “How were you able to keep up your energy?” asked Rainbow whilst she was stretching. “They were able to create energy bars for us that would help give us the boost we need to help with our speed.” Said Barry, “But overtime we were able to further harness our powers so that we were able to be used to them overtime.” “What about you?” asked Wally, “Did you eat something to give you the boost?” “I onetime ate a pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough.” Said Rainbow, which surprises the two speedsters. “What? I like the carbs.” “I see.” Said Wally, as he was somehow interested in it. “And your speed?” “Well, I use it to avoid bad guys, and…” said Rainbow as she blushed in embarrassment, remembering what Obaki said, but came through with it. “And I kept using soccer tactics to make my opponents dizzy.” “Heh, rookie mistake that one.” Said Barry, “It happened to me tons of times, same with Wally. But we were able to come up with a ton of new tricks.” Rainbow was surprised to hear that those two had twice as much of a hard time trying to fight with their speed when they first started out. “We can show you a few tricks that we learned over the years.” Said Wally. “I’d like that.” Said Rainbow, “Anything to give me an edge when it comes to fighting.” · Martian Manhunter was teaching Sunset on how to use her mindreading powers properly, even from a far distance. “So, this mindreading thing is common among Martians?” asked Sunset as she tried to focus. “Indeed.” Said Martian Manhunter, “Though for some it was unnatural, which is understandable because none possess the same abilities I do. Though to be honest, I never thought of searching for one who had the same ability.” “Well…I’m actually thankful that you’re trying to teach me on how to use my powers.” Said Sunset whilst smiling. “Indeed.” Said Martian, who then pointed and said “Now then, concentrate to anyone who you see, in order to read them.” Sunset looked around and spotted Nightwing. She used her ability to read his mind. She focused, and focused, and eventually was able to do it. “Huh,” said Sunset, “He thinks what move to use to block and attack his enemies. No wonder he fights so well.” Sunset blinked at this and said with a smile, “Wow, I did it.” “That is good,” said Martian, “But just be careful when using this ability. Mindreading is one thing, but to over exert yourself when doing it can do much damage to the mind. So, take caution.” “I will.” Said Sunset, “Thank you J’onzz.” “My pleasure, Sunset Shimmer.” Said the Martian. · Static, Gears and Starfire was teaching Pinkie on how to concentrate and properly use her power for a much bigger effect. Gears typed on his console and said “So tell me again how your powers work? And a little slow, please.” “Well,” said Pinkie as she tried her best to explain, “Whenever I use my sprinkles and sweets, my power energizes them and makes them explode, almost like smoke bombs, only sparkly and effective.” “In other words,” said Roland as he did pushups, gaining their attention as he said, “She can use her Candy to Explode as a Party Cannon Explosive Sprinkles” “Exactly.” Said Pinkie, who was then in thought, “Although, I remember that onetime when Rainbow overused her power, ours became more energized.” “Energized?” asked Starfire, “How energized are we talking?” “Well, I don’t know about Rarity, but Twilight’s magic made her fly, Applejack couldn’t control her strength, every animal kept following Fluttershy as if she was the alpha male, Sunset kept reading everyone’s mind, whether voice or see in their thoughts. And me. I didn’t have any control, for whilst I was holding and tossing an apple up and down, my power kept energizing it so much, it exploded.” “So, in other words, the more concentrated, the more powerful it becomes.” Theorized Static. “Exactly!!” said Pinkie with a grin, whilst Starfire suddenly had an idea. She then grabbed a random object. “Here you go.” Said Starfire, which confuses Pinkie. “Whenever I fire my laser eyes or from my hands, I had to concentrate on how much energy I use. The more I concentrate, the more potent and powerful my energy becomes.” “Same goes with my lightning.” Said Static. “Now, concentrate with everything you have, and once you think it’s enough, throw it at those pair of practice dummies, got it?” “Okie dokie lokie!!” said Pinkie with a smile. She looked at the objects, then to the ones in her hand. She then concentrated, well, in her own Pinkie Pie way. Within a few moments, the object began to glow brighter and brighter and brighter. Once it was done, Gear said “Okay…now!!” Pinkie threw it with all her might, and the moment it made contact, they exploded to much bigger pieces, which in turn, left a slight dent on the ground. “Yay, I did it!!” squealed Pinkie Pie as she jumped up and hugged Starfire, whom the latter was glad she was doing that. · And Vixen, who came over to help, taught Fluttershy on not just to use her ability to understand animals, but also a possibility to use their abilities as well. “So, you were able to understand every animal?” asked Vixen. “That’s right.” Said Fluttershy, “Although…from what my counterpart told me, she accidentally stepped on a magical artifact and acted like any animal she came into contact with.” “Hmmm,” pondered Vixen, “Let me try something.” Vixen used her pendant to scan Fluttershy’s. She closed her eyes for a bit, trying to focus, which caused Fluttershy to wonder what she was doing. Vixen then opened her eyes after she was done. “Interesting.” Said Vixen after she placed it back around her neck, “It seems that your geode nearly resembles to my power.” “It does?” said Fluttershy in confusion. “That’s right.” Said Vixen as she explained, “As you can see, this totem around my neck came from my ancestor’s homeland, and from there, they were able to wield the power of the amulet. The amulet allows you to use any animal trait as part of one’s power. It can help you fly like an eagle, strong like an elephant, fast like a cheetah, and so on. Sometimes I use it to help me understand animals.” “So…it’s possible I can do the same?” asked Fluttershy. “Only one way to find out.” Said Vixen. “All you need to do is to concentrate, and think of a specific animal you can picture, then imagine yourself flying like it, and then, it would allow you access it.” “How do I know if I can?” asked Fluttershy. “I tried to dig deep when I first started out.” Said Vixen. “All you need to do is to focus, afterwards, you’ll be able to use that power only when necessary.” Fluttershy nodded and closed her eyes. She began to think a specific animal, starting with a bird. Her power made her slightly glow, whilst within a split second, she jumped, allowing her to fly in the air. She looked and was surprised, whilst also very excited at the same time. “This is amazing!!” said Fluttershy as she flew around like a bird, making her feel like a natural. Roland couldn’t help but smile and seeing the Rainbooms’ progress. He went to the floor and began to do some sit-ups whilst he remained focused at the same time. At the same time, everyone’s training went smoothly, until Trixie saw Blade walking in. She smiled, but was surprised to see Tempest next to him, which caused her to lose her focus and was knocked back by Wallflower and Sapphire, making Trixie yelp as she walked backwards nearly tripping, and failed to realize that Roland was behind her. The moment Roland was on his back, he saw Trixie falling down, making his eyes widened, before his vision became dark. Leo saw Trixie hurt after she fell over, and yelled “Time out!!” Everyone ceased their training and went over to Trixie. “You okay there, Trixie?” asked Sunset. “Ow!!” exclaimed Trixie as she held onto her head after she sat back up, “That really hurts!!” Suddenly, they heard a muffled voice going “Hey!! Get off of me!!” Trixie was surprised by the sound of the voice, and went, “Uh, whose there?” When they looked, everyone immediately went wide eyed as half of the guys at CHS had jealous looks, the girls looked flustered, even the Turtles, Rainbooms, Mane 6 and Titans were surprised, whilst some, even Wally/Flash couldn’t help but snicker at what he was seeing. For Trixie…was sitting on Roland’s face. “Your butt’s on my face!! Get off me!!” shouted Roland through his muffles. “My mutt’s on a race, in Kentucky?” said Trixie in confusion. “Uh, Trix.” Said a concerned Applejack as she tried to say something. Until suddenly, Roland placed his arms on the ground, his hands turned into fists, and with great force, shoved Trixie off of his face, making her land near the others. Then she got back up and looked back with a glare and said “Hey, what’s the big…?!” Suddenly, with great speed, Roland suddenly launched himself off the ground and onto his feet whilst crouching and gripping his fists and stared with an angry face, whilst it also went red, his eyes had a spinning vortex on it, as his nose suddenly flared fire from it, shocking everybody by what they were seeing. “Look here, missy!!” shouted Roland, “Just who in the right mind gave you permission to fall, bottom first, on my face!!” He then went casually whilst smiling and looking away, “I mean, granted to some, that would be like the best cause of death, ever.” Then back to angry as he said “But seriously, I could’ve been Picasso’d!!!” They were sort of surprised what he said in between, but given the way they saw him freak out, they were going to let that previous comment slide. “Wow,” said Rainbow, “Never figured I saw you freak out over someone sitting on your face.” “You would too, if they had bean burritos for lunch.” Retorted Roland. “Oh.” Said Mikey, until it suddenly dawned on all of them what he was saying, which caused everyone to say in disgust, “Oh…” “Mmm-Hmm!!” muttered Roland with a twitchy eye. “Wow,” said Hawkgirl, “Never saw someone panic like that before.” “That’s because there’s two things I don’t like.” Said Roland, “People sitting on my face, and the wild west of 1870.” That one, surprised them the most. “Really?” said John/Green Lantern. “How come?” “Let me tell you something…” said Roland as he looked like he was about to go crazy whilst motioning Venus, making her realize what he was implying. “Oh, no.” muttered Venus, as she knew where this was going to go. She then activated a hologram simulation of what he saw, and to their surprise, they were in a large saloon, whilst Roland explained everything. “That place, is the most terrible place of all time.” Began Roland. “The American West of 1870, is a disgusting, awful, dirty, and dangerous place. I mean look around you. Everything out here that’s not you, wants to kill you. Outlaws, angry drunk people, scorned courtesans, hungry animals, diseases, major and minor injuries, the natives, the weather. I mean you can get killed just by going to the bathroom.” Everyone flexed their eyebrows at that. “I mean, I sometimes take my life in my hands, every time whenever I walk to an outhouse. I mean, there’s sometimes rattlesnakes all in the grass out there. And, and, even if I can make it, you know what can kill me? Cholera. You know Cholera?” “The black poop.” Muttered both Invictus and Silverbolt, remembering that type of disease in their health classes. “The black poop. The biggest offering in the frontier’s disease of the month club. And, and, even if you survive, all those things. You know what else can kill you, the doctor. The doctor can kill you.” “Seriously?” said Beast Boy. “Yeah,” said Roland, “I onetime had a cold over there and went to the doctor, you know what he said, ‘Oh, you need an ear nail.’” Donnie blinked in surprise and said “Wait, as an actual nail, in your ear?!!” “Yeah, that’s right. Their form of proper medicine. I then went and told him I have a temperature of a 102, ‘Oh, you need a donkey kickin’!!’” “Wha?!!” exclaimed Applejack, “That’s the most ridiculous method of medicine ah ever heard!!” “That’s what I said!!” said Roland, “And you know what else can kill you?! The Pastor.” “Pastor?!” exclaimed Shine Boy, Gamer, Shine Girl, and Love Shine, with Night Shine flexing his eyebrow. “Yeah, that’s right. I saw that pastor kill two people. He shot a guy in a duel, then killed his teenage son, because he was afraid that he was going to get revenge on him. And how do I know that, he did a freakin’ sermon of it, a twisted version of seeing things through. Oh, and look at this.” He pointed at the three guys sitting at the table, eating what appeared to be ribs, gaining their attention, and looked at them. “You see those miner guys over there? The guys who work at the silver mines? You know what they’re eating? Ribs dowsed in hot sauce. They eat hot spicey foods, every meal of the day. You know why? Because their pallets are so dulled, from inhaling poisonous gas from the mines 12 hours of the day, that’s about all that they can taste. You know what that kind of diet does to your guts? Constipation, cramps, dyspepsia, liver disease, kidney disease, hemorrhoids, bowel inflammation. They literally die from their own farts.” They saw one of the miners standing up after he was done. However, the moment he farted, he suddenly stood still, and collapse onto the ground, which shocked everyone by what they were seeing. “Oh, and you wanna see more?” said Roland as he used the tool on Venus’ arm to take them outside. “You see that guy over there?” They saw a dead guy on the street with a hat over his head. “That’s the town’s mayor. He is dead.” Said Roland, which surprised the group, “He’s been lying dead there for three days. No one has done a thing. Not moved him, not looked into it, not have him being replaced by a temporary appointee. So, for the past three days, the town had been run, by a dead guy.” Then Roland did a panic laugh and pointed, shocking everyone as they saw the mayor being taken away by wolves. “Oh, look, there, see, now he’s being taken away by wolves. As to further prove my point. Bye mayor, it’s been nice knowing you, have fun being wolf poop!!” Roland groaned loudly again, with Venus quickly shutting the hologram off, leaving them back in the training room. “And that right there, is the West,” said Roland, “A disgusting, awful, dirty cesspool of a despair, and to heck with all of it.” Suddenly, half the people of CHS and New York were afraid. “I don’t wanna get stuck in the West of 1870.” Trembled Mikey. “Me neither!!” exclaimed Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they held onto one another. The others were extremely baffled by what Roland had said, causing them to slowly looking at Venus, demanding an explanation. “Roland was stuck there for a month because of an accident with Renee.” Said Venus, “When we found him, he was completely traumatized. Even if he did learn how to survive out in the wilderness, he hadn’t gone through trauma like that before.” He then pointed a finger, with a crazed look and said “Never. Again.” Suddenly, his stomach growled very loudly, causing him to blush in embarrassment and held onto it. Half of them couldn’t help but chuckle at that, with Superman saying “Come on, we’ll get some breakfast first. Maybe some food can calm you down.” “How about we shower first, and then breakfast, I mean we did wake up early to do training.” Said Roland. “Oh, I so agree.” Said Pony Rarity, “All that stress is doing numbers on my hair.” Everyone soon walked off to do their showers before breakfast. ********************************************************************************************** After everyone showered, everyone was in the mess hall enjoying their breakfast, and with an impressive spread too. “I have died and gone to heaven.” Said Mikey as he looked at a certain breakfast. For it was topped with scrambled eggs, cheese, and breakfast meats such as bacon, sausage, or ham. Vegetables like peppers, onions, and tomatoes, and it was put…on a pizza. He ate a slice and hummed in approval. “I can’t believe there’s actually a pizza for that?” said Donnie in disbelief. “But you have to admit,” said Michelangelo as he ate a slice too, “It does taste amazing. What’s it called?” “It’s called a breakfast Pizza.” Said Roland, “And believe it or not, someone named, Marietta John, owner of Bucketcake, a cake-to-go company in Perwick, Pennsylvania, claims to have invented it at some point in the early- to mid-1990s.” “Now that’s my kind of guy.” Said Mikey before consuming it. “At least it’s better than a pizza topped with anchovy butterscotch.” Whispered Venus to Shine Boy and Night Shine, the both of them looked at her strangely, then to each other. “And what’s embarrassing,” said Rarity, “I’ve never consumed so much food. Think of the calories.” “But it will leave you satisfied.” Said Jones, “My old man once told me that when you work hard on training before breakfast, you work up on an appetite so big, you’ll be left satisfied.” “That would explain your consumption of food.” Said Leonardo. “Least he ain’t a bottomless pit like Mikey.” Said Raphael. “Be thankful it’s not gut busting burritos.” Said Roland, which surprised the Turtles, “Trust me, Hulk and his team nearly made me pass out on that.” “Wait, you know the Hulk?” said Twilight. “Yeah, I onetime traveled to the Avenger’s world by mistake.” Said Roland. “Hulk and his team really knows their stuff. And in case you wonder, no, not the Avengers, his own team.” “Hulk has his own team?” said Rainbow surprised. “Yeah, consisting of him, his friend Rick Jones, aka, A-Bomb. Red Hulk, Scar, and his cousin She-Hulk.” Said Roland. “They call themselves the Agents of Smash.” “Agents of Smash? Really?” said Raph in disbelief. “What the heck does that stand for?” said a confused Serenity. “Super Mega Awesome Super Heroes.” Everyone blinked in surprised by that, with Mikey saying “No way, I totally would’ve called him that!!” “Who are the Avengers?” asked Wonder Woman. “They’re also a group of superheroes.” Said Roland, “Only….” “What?” said Hawkgirl. “When you guys went to each other’s worlds, they had…different opinions about you guys.” “Like what?” asked Wally/Flash. “Oh,” said Roland, “Something about how all of you were dismayed, especially Superman, by the Avenger’s failure to improve their Earth’s conditions, even encountering an angry mob that wanted to beat someone to death, like Wally when they thought he was a mutant or one of Earth’s enemies, whilst the Avengers who were in your world, they saw how everyone praised you for your deeds and they, mainly one of the founding members/leader, thought that all of you were fascists who demand that civilians hero-worship them.” “They what?!” exclaimed Superman when he and the League were shocked to hear this. “Trust me, I’ve seen it before.” Said Roland, “It happened on…Earth 2004, coordinates 0309.” “Wow, you’ve really traveled a lot.” Said Ben surprised. “Trust me, I’ve gone into way more worse hijinks than everyone else.” “I can believe…” said Starlight Glimmer before she stopped whilst Roland was suddenly taking a bit of butter and put it in his coffee, which didn’t go unnoticed by others. “What the…?” said Twilight as she was surprised by what he was doing. “What are you doing?!” exclaimed Rarity. Roland looked at them and was confused by the looks of their faces. “What?” “What do you mean, what?” said April. “Yeah, you just put butter in your coffee.” Said Gamer. “Yeah, it’s grass-fed butter.” Said Roland casually, “Here, try some.” He pushed the large container of grass-fed butter to the others. At first it was silence, until… “Ah’m up for it.” Said Applejack, with Pony Applejack agreeing, as well as Apple Bloom. “I’ll have some.” Said Rainbow Dash, with her pony counterpart agreeing, as well as Scootaloo. “Same here.” Responded Mr. Hawkins and Superman. “Pass it on.” Said the Turtles from both dimensions.. “I’ll have some too.” Said both Green Lanterns. “I could go for it.” Said Karai and Shinigami. Roland passed it to the others, which surprised the others as well. “You all seriously put grass fed butter in your coffees?” said Princess Twilight both surprised, disgusted, and shocked at the same time. “No, it’s a team building thing. We do it to boost energy, enhances brain functions, and it helps us get through the day.” Said Roland, then teased “You hear that Mikey, and Raph, it enhances brain functions. Maybe you should try it, and maybe you’ll think more clearly.” Raph merely growled at that comment, with Mikey saying “No way bro, I like my brain the way it is.” “Eh, suit yourselves.” Said Roland before he takes a sip. “Though he does have a point,” said Donnie, “We sometimes take it with our coffees before our morning training.” “Same here.” Said Leonardo. “At first it was weird,” said Karai, “But it turned out it worked well for us.” “I also take it before I start a workout.” Said Rainbow. “I thought you weren’t a coffee person.” Said Silverbolt. “Only on mornings, but not on a daily basis.” Said Rainbow, “Otherwise I’d make a habit out of it like Rarity.” “Excuse me?!” said Rarity, “I don’t drink coffee all the time, I drink tea!!” “And remind me how many times a day do you drink tea, milady?” teased Amethyst Majesty with a smirk. Rarity blushed and said “Ahem, good point.” “I take coffee before I work with Ponyville’s weather teams.” Said pony Rainbow Dash. “Same with the military.” Said Stewart/Green Lantern. “Really?” asked Apple Bloom, “What do y’all do, er, you know, when you’re not bein’ a superhero?” “I served in the Marines,” said Stewart/Lantern, “But I got discharged after I suffered some trauma. But I’m over it.” “I’m a pilot.” Said Hal/Green Lantern, “But I then became a test pilot to test new jets for the military in order for the next generation of planes to serve on the frontlines.” Applejack changed the subject and said “Ah also take some o’ this before farming.” “You farm?” asked Superman. “Born an’ raised on an Apple Farm.” Said Applejack, “We make every single apple produce there. Why y’all ask?” “I was raised on a farm too.” Said Superman, “Helped my ma and pa with the harvests and planting. Plus, they all taught me from right to wrong over the years.” “Well then they taught ya well.” Said Applejack. Pony Rainbow Dash was suddenly curious about something, and moved over to Roland. “Say, Roland.” Said Rainbow, “If some of the things over at your dimension was the same as ours, what else were there?” “Hmmm,” pondered Roland, then said “Well, you did make the front page of the Wonderbolt magazine.” Pony Rainbow Dash gasped and said “Really?!” “The what now?” said pony Applejack. “A magazine that talks everything Wonderbolt related.” Said Roland. “They have magazines about that?” said pony Rarity. “They got magazines about everything,” said Princess Twilight, “Books, farming, baking, fashion and so on. For the Wonderbolts, they get the front page by the most popular vote about them.” “So, what was I voted best for?” said pony Rainbow Dash in excitement, “The fastest flyer?!” “Nope,” said Roland, “Guess again.” “Best flyer?” “Nuh-uh.” “Best team player?” “Nada.” “Most popular.” “Zilch.” “Most awesomest?” “No such thing.” Pony Rainbow Dash was confused and sad “Then what was I voted the best for?” They then saw Roland desperately tried to keep his laughter in, for he knew pony Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to like it, which got everyone else also curious. “What?” said pony Rainbow Das in confusion. Then Roland pulled something out of his bag, and showed the Wonderbolt Magazine. For the front page was Rainbow alright, only it was her butt. And it was said that Rainbow was voted that she has the best butt in the entire Wonderbolts team, which shocked everyone as half of them laughed. “WHAAAAAAAT?!!” Pony Rainbow Dash grabbed the magazine and looked really peeved as she held onto the magazine and looked at it whilst ranting. “Best butt in the Wonderbolts?! Are you kidding me?! Why would they think I was voted to have the best butt in the entire team?!” “Well, for one you do have an adorable tushy.” Said Roland, which baffled the others as he continued, “Especially since you were born with one, whenever you wave it around as it jiggles at the same time, waving your tail around when you tempt the bad guys, whenever you do your victory dance, that you make it alluring and that it gets a lot of guys’ attention.” Within a split second, pony Rainbow’s face instantly went red whilst she stammered, instantly turned around and covered her butt with her hands and shouted “Now cut that out!!” Roland couldn’t help himself as he snickered and desperately tried to hold in his laughter because he knew that was going to be her reaction, which the others couldn’t stop laughing too. However, after the laughter, he noticed that Applejack was wearing something he never thought he’d see. “Also, I just noticed,” said Roland, “Applejack, you’re wearing jeans?” Everyone looked at her and was surprised to see her actually wearing jeans. “Whoa, looks good on you AJ.” Said Casey. “Seriously,” said Gabby, “It looks good on you.” “Heh, thanks.” Said Applejack. “Why did you choose a partial wardrobe change Applejack?” Said Rarity, “Not that I’m complaining, but it really works for you.” “Well, ah figured ah’d try somethin’ new for a while, and I figured this would be a good choice.” Said Applejack. However, Roland suddenly had a deadpanned look on his face, and knew the real reason. “You wanted to switch pants because a handful of boys saw what they shouldn’t when you were doing a backflip during training, weren’t you?” Applejack immediately went red and darted her eyes back and forth, as if trying to come up with a better excuse. This however, caught everyone’s attention. With Rarity looking at some of the boys, namely the ones from CHS. “Really?” said a deadpanned Rarity, with the others sweating. “Well, she does have an adorable tushy, so who can blame them?” Everyone once again looked at Roland flabbergasted as he just said something right off the bat. “S-seriously?!” exclaimed Applejack as she felt really embarrassed. “What, it’s a compliment.” Said Roland, “Besides, be glad it was only ten percent of my complimentary skills.” “What’s a hundred percent?” asked Mikey. Roland then looked at them with a smirk and said “You really wanna know?” Some nodded when he was talking about a hundred percent. “Okay, you asked for it, but if I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna have to go all out…and motion to every single woman in the room.” Now all of them were curious where this was going. Roland then placed his cup down and then gave his most charismatic smile and began to do what no single male was bold enough to do. “All of you,” said Roland as he began whilst motioning his left arm and placed his right hand on his chest. “Whose names are so wonderful and unique, for they only match to the face that have been carved by angels and have blessed on this world, as thou forms have grown quite natural and beautiful through the hard work that many have toiled away for many years. Each of your names, as well as the forms you are in, are beautiful, hypnotic, majestic, mysterious, like all of yourselves, as you are shrouded in mystery that many wish to solve. For they are truly such a noble alias that matches the magnificent beauty that all of you have graced upon the earth. Fair maidens whose looks are practically the cutpurse of one’s heart. Looks that are uncommon and unimaginable that humbles even the strongest and wisest of soldiers and royalty and warriors, who would line up for miles on end, just to receive a mere glimpse at a small fraction of heaven that walks on this very earth itself.” The moment he was done, every female in the room, older, younger, and toughest, (In case you wonder, the Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Equestrian females, the females of CHS and CPA, the ones from New York, as well as some mutants and Justice Leaguers, Titans, Ben 10, Steven Universe, and Power Rangers), were blushing bright red as their eyes widened, with some whose legs felt like jelly and some who nearly fainted by what he said. The guys were surprised, and some felt greatly jealous over what just happened. Roland merely smirked and took his cup whilst taking a normal sip. Until he got a call and said “Hang on a moment.” As he answered, many of the girls still felt very flustered over what he had just said, until Caitlyn nearly fainted, causing her brother Zach to catch her, as she was fanning herself with half lid eyes and a smile on her face. “Uh, you okay, Caitlyn?” asked Zach. “I don’t know how he did it.” Began Caitlyn whilst fanning herself, “But boy does he have a way with words.” “Alright, thanks.” Said Roland as he put the call down. He turned to the others and said “Guys, that’s Ace the Bathound, he says he needs to talk to us. Something that we need to hear.” “If it’s really important, then we’d better get going.” Said Leo. “Agreed,” said Leonardo, “If it means trying to be one step ahead of the Shredder, I’m all up for it.” “Although…” said Roland, gaining their attention, “I also brought in someone who can help. But uh…you’re not gonna like it, especially Nightwing.” Everyone wondered who he had in mind, but decided not to question it until they got there. “Then let’s…” said Roland, but then he stopped when Raven suddenly stood in front of him, with her still having that blush on her face. Everyone else was curious about this too, as if she wanted to get something off of her chest. “Uh, is there something…?” When all of a sudden, Raven grabbed Roland and did the unthinkable… She kissed him full, on the lips. Roland was greatly surprised by this action, but not as shocked as the others were, whilst Beast Boy and Cyborg looked like their minds had been blown before passing out of shock, with everyone else just as flabbergasted by what she did. Raven slowly pulled away and still had that blush on her face, with Roland just as surprised by that action. “Um…” said Roland as he didn’t know how to respond to it. “Yeah…” said Raven in the same way. “Um…wanted to get that off of my chest.” Roland rubbed the back of his head and said “I assume that was your first?” “Um…yeah.” Said Raven as her blush deepened, which caused Roland to smile. “Don’t worry. It was my first too.” Raven couldn’t help but smile too, with her clearing her throat and said “You should get going. We’ll uh…met you there.” “Right…sure.” Said Roland as he walked away, but couldn’t get the smile off of his face as he couldn’t believe what just happened. Raven on the other hand went back to the others, as two certain Titans, who still had their minds blown, couldn’t believe that just happened, for Raven never did that, in like, ever. “I…did not see that coming.” Said Static. “Yeah, no kidding.” Said Gear. Mikey then went over with a sneaky smile and said “So…how was it?” Raven merely shoved him away and walked ahead, but stopped. She then blushed again and partially looked at them whilst saying two things. “It felt really nice.” Said Raven, who them gave a partial goofy smile and said “And his lips were very soft.” ********************************************************************************************** Roland was then standing near what appeared to be a closet of sorts, whilst leaning against it. Soon enough, the Rainbooms, Turtles, 03 Turtles, their human allies, Dazzlings, Team Shine, Titans, along with Nightwing and his Gotham team, arrived and wondered what he was doing, especially since Ace was with them. “So, where’s this contact you told about?” asked Leo. “He’s in the closet.” Said Roland, before tapping against it, causing it to open and a person falls out of it, being bound, and gagged, not being able to move at the same time. “What the…!!” said Shine Boy, “Who the heck did you have to gag to be brought here?!!” Roland crouched and rapidly pulled off the bag on the person’s head, which a handful recognized, as it was none other than… “Jason Todd?!!” exclaimed some of the folks who knew him. “What is this, Scooby-Doo?” said Roland jokingly, which confused the others, but Roland waved it off and made Jason sit up straight. “Uh, question?” said Mikey whilst he raised his hand, “Why is he here?” “He’s here to help us find Batman.” Said Ace as he walked over and stood next to Roland. “Whilst I was busy looking for Batman, I tracked him down near downtown Gotham. Only to find a large fight there. And Jason Todd, former Robin now Red Hood, was the last one there, meaning he knows something.” “And how the heck did you convince him to come along?” asked Robin. “Yeah, the guy wasn’t in the mood to cooperate with any of us last time we encountered him.” Said Cyborg. “Oh, I was able to convince him.” Said Roland, as many were curious. “It was like this…” ********************************************************************************************** Far away, near one of the cities, a familiar man with a red helmet, which was none other than Red Hood, jumped from one building to another, trying to find his next gang to take down. However, as he jumped at the next building, he instantly caught a Batarang with his hand and landed. “So…” said Red Hood as he looked at the Batarang before tossing it away. “You were able to…” He then suddenly saw Ace coming from the corner and barking. “What do you want, mutt.” Said Red Hood, clearly not in the mood to talk to the dog. “We’re here for answers.” Red Hood looked behind him and saw Roland standing near a piece of the wall whilst crossing his arms. “And who might you be?” said Red Hood. “Who I am isn’t important,” said Roland, “What is important, is that I need your help finding a certain someone in Gotham.” “Yeah, hard pass.” Said Red Hood, “I don’t know what the old man did to get himself in trouble, but I’m not in the mood for…” Suddenly, he felt a chain wrapped around his neck, making him struggle, and was pulled back hard, and crashed against the wall. Red Hood landed on his feet, and looked at Roland sternly. “So that’s it then?” said Roland, “You’re just gonna walk away? After everything he did for you? He took you in and loved and accepted you for who you are, when nobody else did. He put a roof over your head, food on the table and wanted to give you a family, and this is how you repay him?” “Pff, please.” Said Red Hood whilst rolling his eyes, “He may be a good man, but he’s weak. He doesn’t even finish off criminals. He wants to rule them by fear, but what does he do with the ones who aren’t afraid? I’m doing what he won’t, I’m taking them out.” “If you do this, then you’re no better than those you fight.” Said Roland. “Pff, and what about you?” said Red Hood as he walked around in a circle. “You think dressing like that, you think you’re a hero. You look like you couldn’t even handle a true fight.” Roland then smirked, and pulled the ultimate card. “At least my mom didn’t sell me out to the Joker.” Red Hood instantly stopped and widened his eyes in shock. “Oh, how did I know that?” said Roland, “Put it this way. You mommy dearest, after she left, fell into hard times, so she embezzled money from the aid group, only to be blackmailed by the Joker. So, she thought that by giving you up, she ended up selling you out, hoping it would gain a favor from him, but he double crossed her and killed you both. Meaning, she sold you out, for nothing.” Roland could see Red Hood’s hand slowly gripping, which is what he wanted. “Ironically, the same goes for your daddy dearest.” Said Roland, which made Red Hood’s eyes widen again. “He worked for Two-Face but was killed for failing him. And it’s quite ironic really, both your parents worked for criminals and madmen, people they couldn’t escape from, people who would rather hurt, rather than seek help. Both of them must’ve been really insane to work with them.” Roland then squinted his eyes and said “And now you’re following in their footsteps, following the paths of a criminal. Making you completely insane. Making you…” Roland then moved his left hand, which had a wide smile painted on top of it. “Just. Like. Him.” Roland moved the mouth in front of him, whilst imitating Joker’s laughter at the same time, indicating that Red Hood was no different than Joker, that he was insane and a monster just like him. This…didn’t sit well with Jason. He gripped his hands so tight, he growled and ended up screaming and charging whilst pulling out his pistols and began to shoot at the same time, whilst Roland stood there. The moment when Red Hood was close enough, Roland delivered an extremely hard right hook. ********************************************************************************************** “After that, I busted him up good and he agreed to follow me.” Concluded Roland. Everyone was surprised to hear that, with Roland taking off the earmuffs whilst Red Hood was struggling. “I made sure he was a very good boy.” Red Hood instantly froze and slowly looked at Roland, who had that same smirk, causing him to back up in fear, which shocked the others. “And he will do exactly what we say for the time being whilst I’m here.” Said Roland, before grabbing Red Hood’s face. The whispered, “And we won’t be having any problems now…would we?” Red Hood rapidly shook his head in fear, which once again surprised them as they saw him afraid. “Good.” Said Roland before removing the gag and undid his bonds, causing Red Hood to stand up and stood against the wall in fear. Roland once again looked at Red Hood and said “Remember…I’m always watching. Now if you want, join me in the interrogation room.” He walked away, with Red Hood watching in fear. The others wondered… What did Roland do to make Red Hood afraid? ********************************************************************************************** They soon arrived where Roland was going, with Roland standing near a window of sorts. “Okay…” said Applejack, not knowing what this is about. “So why are we here?” “I think you’ll recognize an old acquaintance of yours.” Said Roland before tapping on the glass. The glass showed someone on the other side of the window, all tied up in a chair in the middle of the room, who looked unconscious whilst groaning. Which was none other than… “Vic?!!!” exclaimed the Turtles and Rainbooms. “Who?” said the others. “Vic,” said Roland before pulling out a tablet and typing on it before presenting it to Nightwing and those who don’t know him. “Otherwise known as Spider Bytes.” They looked at the tablet and saw a picture of his mutant form whilst Roland explained. “He was a civilian in New York when the Turtles stumbled upon him during one of their missions. He got captured by the Kraang and mutated into a spider like mutant. The guy also has a mouth on him. You could say he makes Sussy Bakkes look like a standup comedian. But there’s also the dangers of being bitten. If you get bitten, then the spider poison, combined with the Mutagen inside of him, can mutate anyone into a mutated spider.” “How’d you know that?” asked pony Rainbow Dash. “Because Shine Boy got bit by him and got turned into a monster.” Everyone looked at Shine Boy, who held his arm, remembering that day, with Gamer and Serenity holding him close. “But last time the Turtles fought him, they ended up de-mutating him, reverting him back to human.” Said Roland, “Then it turned out, he was wanted for selling counterfeit lottery tickets and skipping town, so they had him arrested.” “So why is he here?” asked Leo. “Whilst we were in your world, looking for a way to stop the Shredder,” said Roland, “He secretly came here and recruited all of your mutant enemies, including former enemies and brought them to him, mutating him again. But as you can see…” He pointed at the collar at his arm, “That collar he’s wearing cancels out the mutagen entirely, making him human. That way, I figured it would be easy enough to interrogate him.” “Interrogate him? For what?” asked Batgirl. “Because according to Ace, he was the one who was responsible for Batman’s disappearance.” Said Roalnd, which shocked the others, “Hence why he’s here for interrogation.” “So why didn’t you?” said Nightwing. “I figured that someone else would want a bit of payback.” They were confused at first, until Roland walked up to Night Shine, which made him look at Roland with a flexed eyebrow. Roland said “I figured I’d ask him to talk first. But if he tries to make another snappy remark, if he refuses to talk or talk a bunch of usual garbage.” Roland then pulled out two tungsten knuckles out, which made Night Shine flex his eyebrow again. However, some were shocked when they realized what he was asking. “Put the boot to him. Triple extra-large style.” Night Shine smirked and accepted it, allowing the two of them to enter the room whilst locking it behind them, as well as darken the windows so that they wouldn’t see what was going on. Realizing where this was going, Mikey asked “You guys wanna pass the time?” Meanwhile, from inside, Roland and Night Shine stood in the shadows as the light was shining at Vic so he couldn’t see. “Care to do the honors of waking him up?” asked Roland. With a swift strike, Night Shine punched Vic in the face, making him groan and wake up in the process. He groaned a bit, and then realized he was tied up. “What?! What is this?!” said Vic. “If you had watched any movie,” said Roland as he took a step forward, “You would know this is something called, an interrogation.” “Pff, interrogate me with what?” said Vic in a mocking tone, “Are you going to the renaissance fair dressed like that? Are you going to woo some lady with a lyre?” “And you’re not too bright either.” Said Roland. “Oh, and what are…?” said Vic before being cut off. For in a split second, Roland had taken out a knife and jabbed it right into his pelvis, causing Vic to scream in pain, with Night Shine flexing his eyebrow at him. With Vic finished muttering, Night Shine scoffed and said “What a wimp. Oh sure, when he’s a spider he’s threatening, but as a human, he’s a coward.” “Agreed.” Said Roland, then looked at Vic. “Ten years of torture when I was six years old and I have been through everything you can possibly imagine. I know what kills, I know what cripples, and I know what hurts.” Roland twisted the knife, making Vic scream in pain again. Roland then leaned towards him and said “You’re going to tell me exactly what we need to know, otherwise you’re going to feel more than just a jab.” He looked at Roland whilst he continued to grunt in pain and said “I’ll tell you nothing.” “Oh, it’s not me you should be worried about.” Said Roland with a smirk as he pulled out his knife, making him yelp in pain. “I believe you remember my associate here?” He points to another behind him, which Night Shine revealed himself, which shocked Vic. “He still has a bone to pick with you after what you did to Shine Boy. And seeing that you’re not a bug right now, or even having your own bug buddies with you. I’d figured you two would have a chance to have some…personal conversation.” He turned around and looked at Night Shine. “We got about ten minutes before they barge in and get really concerned. Make it count.” He walked ahead as Night Shine stood in front of him and placed the knuckles onto his hands, before smirking. “Now then,” said Night Shine as he grinned at a terrified Vic. “Where were we?” As Roland stared ahead, he took out two earphones and his iPod, and chose a music of his choice. As it played a classical music, he slowly placed it in his ears, but not before hearing the sounds of punches and grunts at the same time before being completely blocking out the sounds behind him, with him closing his eyes and began to focus on something. At the same time from right outside, everyone else was busy doing other things to pass the time. Shine Boy was busy reading a Manga comic, with Mikey standing next to him whilst also reading a comic, but noticed how confusing it looked. “How can you even read that?” asked Mikey, “Doesn’t it get confusing?” “Hey, the folks who write the Manga always did this kind of thing for years.” Said Shine Boy. “But why are you reading the Japanese version?” asked Mikey. “Well, I wanna make sure my language skills don’t get rusty.” Said Shine Boy as he continued to read. Mikey shrugged shoulders and went over to Pinkie. Rainbow was busy napping, with Applejack doing the same. Fluttershy was busy looking after the animals, Twilight and Sunset were busy catching up with their homework, Pinkie was handing out some baked goods and Rarity was busy designing her outfits. Love Shine and Cyborg were busy helping both Raph and Raphael with their sparring so that they don’t get soft. Both Leo and Leonardo were busy meditating. Donnie and Donatello were busy helping Gamer build a few gadgets, with Michelangelo running away from Beast Boy in order to keep up with his cardio. Gamer was busy playing Go Fish with April, Casey, Karai, and Shinigami. Sonata was having a few tacos; Aria was having some nachos and Adagio was having some chili dogs. Shine Girl and Serenity were busy going over a few moves that Shine Girl had taught her. Raven began to meditate whilst Starfire played around with both Spikes. Blue Beetle was going over his weapons whilst Nightwing decided to spar with Batgirl, Robin, and Black Canary. “So…” said Mikey as he was playing sudoku with Pinkie Pie?!! “How long have they been in there?” Twilight looked at her watch and said “About ten minutes.” “Ugh, this is boring!!” said Rainbow, “They were supposed to…” The doors suddenly opened and out walked Night Shine, who had a satisfied smile on his face. “That…was satisfying.” Said Night Shine as he and Roland exited the room, causing everyone to stand up. “How’d it go?” asked Shine Boy. “We’ll explain it over at the debriefing room with the others.” Said Roland, “They need to know what’s going on.” “And what about the other guy?” asked Blue Beetle. “We dropped him.” Said Night Shine as he walked away. Suddenly, they shockingly clicked, with Leo saying “You guys literally dropped him from the ship?! Are you insane?!” “Relax,” said Roland, “The collar on him should pop off whilst he’s falling, his mutant body will break his fall.” ************************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, Vic was falling from the sky as he was screaming for his life whilst wailing and flailing at the same time. However, as he was falling, the collar on his shoulder instantly came off, causing him to slowly mutate back to his spider form. He kept falling and falling until he crashed with a massive thud at a junkyard. He was on the ground, in his mutant form, groaning from the fall whilst his eyes were spinning. “I really hate those kids.” Muttered Spider Bytez. ************************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, from within an unknown room, a certain individual was watching many monitors relating to what had happened outside recently. It was someone wearing glasses and a black coat, which was none other than the Agent Bishop of this world. He watched as the Turtles, Rainbooms and all of their allies were combating against the villains, as well as the Manhunters. Agent Bishop squinted his eyes from behind his dark glasses as he watched the action, whilst at the same time, a robot containing a human brain named Baxter Stockman, walked in the room, and stood next to Bishop. “Quite an interesting display.” Said Stockman, “We have encountered many threats before, but we have never faced anything like this before.” “Were you able to secure them?” asked Agent Bishop. “We couldn’t capture the Turtles, Rainbooms and their allies, but we were able to secure many of these so-called henchmen, as well as gathered the fallen Manhunters and try to reverse engineer them. We have also captured some of the powered individuals in order to study their genetics, to see if we can reverse engineer them for our own forces. Their weapons are truly remarkable, nothing like we’ve ever seen before.” “What have you learned from them?” asked Agent Bishop. “From what we could gather,” said Bishop as he displayed a holographic screen and looking through the data, “These were sent by their leader. And you’re not going to believe this. Their leader is the Shredder.” Agent Bishop looked at Stockman with a flexed eyebrow. “According to this, he successfully wiped out the Turtles and all of their allies in that world, leaving no survivors.” Said Stockman, “And from what I could gather, he’s going to different worlds, trying to gather what appear to be crystals. They already lost a handful in three different worlds, and now they’re after one somewhere in this world.” He made the screen disappear and said “And knowing the Turtles of this world, they probably allied themselves with their friends from the other dimension and gained some new allies along the way.” “That is of little concern to us.” Said Agent Bishop, taking Stockman by surprise. “Are you sure that’s wise, Agent Bishop?” asked Stockman, “You do remember what happened the last time we ignored another dimensional threat. Remember what Ch’Rell did years ago?” “That is all in the past now, Stockman.” Said Agent Bishop, “Right now, I’m more focused on the here and now, as well as future threats. If the turtles and Rainbooms’ allies are that powerful, how long will it be until they turn their wrath on the planet?” “I think they are more focused on stopping the threats instead of focusing on us.” Said Stockman. “Better safe than sorry.” Said Agent Bishop, “Especially since we have a new weapon in our arsenal.” And right on one of the monitors, was none other than Batman, tied on what appeared to be a table with a mind-controlling device on his head. “Now if you’ll excuse me, Stockman.” Said Agent Bishop, “I have a few things to oversee.” Stockman watched Agent Bishop leave, but merely squinted his one eye, then looked at the monitors with the threats. “Your personal vendetta will be your downfall one day, Agent Bishop.” Said Stockman, who secretly downloaded something, then placed it into his robotic body, “Thankfully, though I loathe them, they are the only ones who can truly stop him.” ************************************************************************************************* At the debriefing room, everyone (with Night Shine near the door) had gathered, with Roland standing at the edge. “So, what’s all this about?” asked Wonder Woman. “We interrogated Spider Bytez in the interrogation room,” said Roland, “Once we were able to piece things together, we were able to figure out what was going on.” Roland cleared his throat and explained to them what he and Night Shine had learned. “Whilst all of you had been busy gathering your allies,” said Roland, “Batman went on patrol. Ace told me that Batman was on patrol in Downtown Gotham, and that’s where he disappeared. Ace tracked him down and saw signs of a fight. And whilst he smelled a few unfamiliar scents, he was able to pick up Jason Todd, aka, Red Hood’s scent. Meaning he knew something, so naturally we tracked him down and after a little, persuasion be the right word, we were able to get some information out of him as well.” Roland showed them pictures of a fight in Downtown Gotham, where he and Red Hood were about to stop the gangs from leaving, only for them to be attacked by Foot Bots and, to the Turtles’ and Rainbooms’ surprise, all of their mutant enemies. They fought hard, but Batman was captured and taken away whilst Red Hood was knocked out cold and against the wall. “As you can see,” said Roland, “Before joining the rest of the League to help us out, he went to investigate. Red Hood was busy trying to find something to, as a certain merc without a mouth would say, ‘unalive them’…” Some were puzzled by that last part, but Roland continued before they could ask. “Both of them arrived at that spot. Just before they could investigate, they were attacked by the Turtles’ enemies. They put up a spirited fight, but were eventually overpowered. So, they took Batman whilst leaving Red Hood behind. When Alfred couldn’t reach him, Ace went to investigate and smelled that a fight took place. So, he told me what happened and the two of us went to retrieve Red Hood. Then after some convincing, he told us of the mutants. But when he mentioned one of them being a big spider, I knew he was talking about Spider Bytez, and seeing that the guy has a mouth on him, he tends to flap his lips about everything. After some talking, he told us what happened. Though there’s somewhat good news and bad news. The good news is, Shredder doesn’t have Batman as his prisoner. Bad news is, he could be in any dimension.” “Not only do we have no leads on Batman, but there's also the matter of the other villains from our universe. not to mention finding the stone in this world.” Superman spoke out. “At least Batman’s not being held prisoner in Shredder’s ever-growing army.” worried Twilight. “But he could be anywhere in a world beyond our reach.” Steven added. “I think the Joker would've teased us if they have Batman. He'd never be quiet about something like that.” Batgirl said. “And if Zedd or Rita had mind controlled him, they wouldn't keep that a secret either.” Gamer pointed out looking at a clipboard. “I've asked my friend Gill in the multiverse, but he hasn't found any leads on our Batman.” Shine Boy mentioned. Suddenly, something began beeping on the console. Alpha checked it. “I'm picking up a transmission.” “Is it Batman?” Wonder Woman asked. “No, it's- Ai, Yi, Yi, Yi! it's Baxter Stockman of this world! He wants to meet!” “We'll send a small group.” Max confirmed. ********************************************************************************************** Shortly, in a desolated area, The Turtles, along with Ben, Shine Boy, Gamer, Jason, Zack, Pearl, Garnett, Wally, Hal, Sunset, Pinkie, and Maud as well as the 03 Turtles teleported and quickly drew their weapons ready to defend themselves. “Drop your weapons!” Hal ordered. “Hands where we can see them!” Jason cried. Everyone saw Maud glaring in front of her and there in front of the group was the 03 Stockman in his android body as he spoke to the group. “I am not here to fight! but to share some info.” Said Stockman calmly. “Wut kind of info, Stockman?” Raphael gritted his teeth. “Does the word Batman mean anything to any of you?” inquired Stockman. Everyone wide eyed at Stockman's claim before Leo spoke. “What do you ask for in return, Stockman?” “Only that you use this information wisely.” “Well? we're listening.” Zack held his Power Axe. “Your friend Batman is in captivity by Agent Bishop in Area 51.” Said Stockman, which shocked the others. “Guess we do have to deal with Bishop's counterpart after all.” Kevin whispered to Shine Boy who retracted his staff. “Why?” “I have heard about this Shredder who is attacking the multiverse. Bishop could care less let alone listen.” He handed them a flash drive, and said “This contains information about the base if you’re going to break in, so that you won’t be unprepared like last time.” Gamer stood forward. “Then you can help us. Join us and we can save our worlds.” “You are a brilliant young man. Naïve but brilliant. Besides, Bishop would hunt me down like a bloodhound.” Stockman then turned and crawled in a copter. He then stopped and turned to them and said “And I should warn you. During your scuffle, he’s already taken in many of your enemies and their minions and trying to reverse engineer them for his own ends. If you wish to stop him, now would be a good time.” “What gives, Stockman.” Said Sunset, “Usually you’re not the type to side with us. So why now?” “I have worked too long with madmen like the Shredder and Agent Bishop for a long time,” said Stockman, “I would’ve done something great with my Mouser robots, only for me to waste my genius to the likes of them. And for once…I’m only going to do the right thing by pointing you in the right direction.” Soon Stockman took off and went back to base, with the others looking at Stockman leaving. Sunset sighed and said “He’s telling us the truth.” “How can you tell?” asked Donatello. “Thankfully Martian Manhunter’s training paid off,” said Sunset, “It’s a little difficult with the bits and pieces, but I was able to read what I was looking for.” “Good, then let’s head back.” Said Shine Boy, “We’ll need to fill in on the others first.” “Grandpa Max,” said Ben whilst contacting his grandfather, “Bring us back to the ship, we’ve got a lot to talk about.” They were soon teleported back to the ship. ********************************************************************************************** Back at the ship, Shine Boy and Roland were talking over a few things as they walked down the hall, by comparing notes and differences between their worlds ever since he told them of how Cinch tried to get revenge on the Rainbooms. “So…did you guys give Wallflower a hard time after the memory stone fiasco?” asked Shine Boy. “Only Obaki and Raph.” Said Roland, “I didn’t have the heart to tell her, cause I could tell how alone she was. On one hand, I pitied her because of her isolated loneliness, on the other I was sort of mad at her for using the memory stone for petty revenge. Then you told me that not everyone is capable of making friends or do what the other does, no matter how much they really wanted. So, for her sake, I was the one to reach out to her and became her first friend, even if she didn’t feel comfortable with it.” Shine Boy smiled, knowing the other him gave him wisdom when they first met. Then he was curious and asked “But what did the latter say to one another?” “At first, Wallflower threw a hissy fit about not being noticed,” said Roland, “Though I told her there are twice as many people who feel the same way, and it’s only natural that she feels that way. Obaki and Raph on the other hand, I believe their words were, ‘Poor Wallflower Blush, nobody notices you’.” He then took out a yearbook and showed Shine Boy two pictures of two random CHS students. “They also pointed out that these two don’t even have any names or barely say anything since the franchise started, and you don’t see them going around using Equestrian Magic to hurt people. Then again, not a lot of background OC get any respect.” Shine Boy looked at him baffled, then flexed his eyebrow. “Did you just speak as if you were outside the fourth wall?” Roland widened his eyes, then darted them back and forth, then looked back at Shine Boy and said “Maybe.” He then cleared his throat and tried to change the subject. “Although,” said Roland when he pondered something, “I did notice a difference between the memory stone incident on my world and yours. Your Leo and the others gained their medallions from the memory stone, but mine didn’t.” “Really?” said Shine Boy surprised, “Huh, that is interesting.” Gamer then contacted them and said “Shine Boy, Roland, you’d better get here, we’ve got something.” “We’re on our way.” Said Shine Boy, then looked at Roland and said “Come on, Gamer says he has something for us.” The two of them went back to the debriefing room to see what Gamer and the others discovered. ********************************************************************************************** From the debriefing room, Gamer and the others showed the rest of what Stockman had given them. “So according to Stockman,” said Leonardo, “During our fights, they were able to capture many of your enemies’ forces in order to reverse engineer them to make their own soldiers.” “We’ll need to get them out of there.” Said Superman, “Even though they’re our enemies, no one deserves that kind of fate.” “Agreed.” Said Leo, “We’ll need to try to break into his base.” “Oh, no comprende.” Said Michelangelo. “What do you mean, Mikey?” asked Donatello. “Oh, they moved their base a few weeks after we came back from the Prime World.” Said Michelangelo. “What?!” said Raphael and grabbed him, “Why da shell didn’t ya say anythin’?!!” “Duh, you didn’t ask.” Responded Michelangelo. Needless to say, half the folks in the room face faulted, with Mikey saying “That sounds like a good reason.” “Oh, that’s just great!!” exclaimed Raph, “Where the heck could they have moved?!” “They’re in Area 55.” Responded Roland, causing everyone to look at him. “It resides in the Nevada Mountains.” “How did you know that?” asked Sunset. Roland suddenly had a deadpanned look on his face, and slowly pointed at the screen. When they looked, they saw that there was a large note from Stockman, saying the location of the base. Needless to say, everyone felt embarrassed about it. “But why would Bishop move his base to the other side of the country?” asked O’Neil. “Knowing them, they’d probably be far away from us to make sure we don’t rescue any of our friends in time.” Said Leonardo. “What da heck is Area 55?” asked Jones, “Is it another division for studying aliens?” “Sort of.” Said Roland, “From what the Utrom told me that whilst Area 51 is located at an airfield that specializes air units. Area 55 on the other hand focuses on ground forces. Weapons, vehicles, you name it.” “And given how some of our enemies and their forces were taken by Agen Bishop,” said Donatello, “No doubt he’ll try to reverse engineer them.” “Their weapons, yes, themselves, no.” said Roland, which confused them. “A little something, I learned from Doc Sampson.” “From the Avengers world?” asked Pinkie Pie. “A different one, yeah.” Said Roland, “I assume that some of you know General Ross?” “The Red Hulk?” asked Mikey. “That’s right.” Said Roland, “In another world, he was obsessed into destroying the Hulk. Not only that, but he also wanted to create his own Hulks for the military using his blood, which Doc Sampson, try to bear with me, told them that it wouldn’t work, because they’ve seen it first hand at one of their prisons based for radiation-based criminals called the Cube. It can’t be controlled, for the only thing that it would give them are monsters, though Ross pointed that Doc and Hulk are perfect examples, but Doc pointed out that both he and Banner were accidents, and the conditions can’t be reproduced. That’s like trying to create an army of Flash and Wonder Women, and it never turns out well.” Many of them looked at one another whilst talking and whispering. “He’s right.” Said Superman, gaining everyone’s attention, “I’ve seen Lex Luthor tried to clone me before, with disastrous results, for it was how Bizzaro was created in the first place.” “Same with the Batman robot.” Said Nightwing, which surprised the others whilst he said “Long story.” “If Agent Bishop is planning this, then he needs to be stopped.” Said Wonder Woman. “We’ll have to be smart about this.” Said Hawkgirl. “If it’s in the mountains, then it has to be heavily guarded.” “And if it’s like Cadmus, the only way in is its entrance.” Said Wally/Flash. “We’ll need to try to infiltrate the base.” Said Martian Manhunter. “John will go in.” said Roland, “Given how he’s got military experience and learning to study another’s, he’ll be the perfect candidate to go inside with a small team.” “I’ll do it, and I could use some volunteers.” Said John/Green Lantern. “We’ll go with you.” Said Leo. “Uh, no offense guys,” said Ben, “But you kinda stick out like a sore thumb.” “That’s why we have the perfect way of disguising ourselves.” Said Mikey. “Won’t work.” Said Gamer, “From what Stockman also says, they have devices that can shut down holographic disguises the moment you enter the base.” “Aw, nuts.” Muttered Mikey. Roland then thought of something, then it hit him as he widened his eyes. “Uh, Gamer.” Said Roland, gaining his attention, “Does that include aliens that can shapeshift? Even wearing a certain device to turn you into one?” “Uh, no, not according to the notes.” Said Gamer, “Why do you ask?” “I think it’s high time we get that secret DNA project we’ve been working on.” Said Roland with a Grin. Gamer gasped and said in excitement “We get to finally use it?!!” “You betcha.” Said Roland. “Then let’s get going!!” shouted Gamer as he grabbed Roland and darted out of the room, confusing everyone. “What is that all about?” asked Applejack. “I don’t know, but hopefully it’s not something destructive.” Said Raph. ********************************************************************************************** A minute later, everyone was waiting patiently, with Gamer and Roland coming down in a rush, with a tray that appeared to have four looking watches on it. “Okay, this is something bother Gamer and I have been working on for some time.” Said Roland. “What’s with the watches?” asked Keno. “It’s like this,” said Gamer, “Ben transforms into other aliens because of their DNA, correct?” “Well, what would happen if the Turtles could turn into humans, thanks to the watches with a lifeform lock mode.” Said Roland. They were surprised by this, with Gamer saying “We were able to ask Azmuth if we could make a smaller version of the Omnitrix, and thanks to his help, we were able to make it.” “But wait,” said Donnie, “The only way that could be possible is if we had…” Suddenly, Roland showed them four different vials containing blood with their names written on it. “These, happens to have DNA from your human counterparts.” Mikey blinked in shock and said “Wait, you mean to tell me that in another world, we’re actually humans?!” “That’s right.” Said Gamer, which shocks the Turtles. “And because of the lifeform lock, you’ll be able to stay in your human forms for a long period of time until you input the code to deactivate them.” “Sweet!!” said Mikey in excitement, “That means we don’t have to worry our disguises failing!!” Roland and Gamer added their DNA into the respective watches. Once that was done, the watches detected the DNA, it beeped and turned green on the screen, indicating that it was ready. “Anyone mind filling some of us in here?” asked Robin. “I can explain,” said Donnie, “A while ago, my brothers and I wanted to go to April’s school when they were going to have a pizza Friday. So, I created a cloaking device that translates our personalities into a human version of us, making us look like humans.” “Oh yeah, you guys used that when you came looking for me.” Said Virgil/Static. “Too bad there were some bugs that needed to be worked out.” Said Gears. “Agreed.” Said Donnie. “Although the guys here made fools of themselves there.” Said April in a huff. “Well can you blame us; it was the first time that we get to interact with other kids besides you and Casey.” Said Leo. “I know we’d do the same thing, despite the handful of folks we already met.” Said Michelangelo, to which his brothers nodded in agreement. “When we got there, we found out the Kraang had infiltrated the school as well.” Said Raph. “And they used cloaking tech too, and because ours were close to theirs, it short circuited. They froze everyone in school, including April.” Said Mikey. “Thankfully we were able to escape when we sent them running.” Said Leo. “Until Splinter punished you.” Said April. “What did he do?” asked Gamer. “He gave them,” said Roland until he pulled out a large stick, “Randori!!” The brothers widened their eyes in shock, causing Roland to beat them the way Splinter did, surprising everyone as the turtles were groaning and on the ground. “That’s Randori?!!” exclaimed Rainbow. “That’s right.” Said Roland, then pointed the stick and said “Would you like some as well?” Everyone frantically shook their heads, with Roland saying “Good.”, until he whacked Casey over the head with it. “Hey, we said no!!” exclaimed Casey. “It was a trick question.” Said Roland, who then chuckled like Splinter, which caused the 03 Turtles’ Splinter to chuckle at this too. Suddenly Mikey stood up, walked over to Roland…and gave him a big hug. “You’re a good friend. Getting hit like that…memories.” Suddenly Leo and the others agreed and said “Good times.” Roland tossed the stick away and said “The Turtles tried the same disguises when they went to the mall to find the girls, only for Juniper Montage to trap them in a mirror dimension.” “Wait, Mirror dimension?” said Wally/Flash surprised. “How did she do that?” “With magic.” Said Roland, who looked at the Turtles and friends and said “One of Flash’s enemy was a guy who called himself Mirror Master. He had a special gun that could allow him to open a portal through a mirror, and is able to travel from one spot to another in any part of the world that has a mirror reflection.” “Fascinating.” Said Donatello. “Then they tried again when they helped the Spy Racers, only problem was the guy from SH1FT3R saw right through their disguise because he was a faction from the Purple Dragons. That and Han told them. And since Gamer brought up that their hologram disguises would backfire, we came up with a solution.” “We use a design from Azmuth’s blueprints and he helped us make these.” Said Gamer, “And we figured that this would work well. Except for the timing out part. Thankfully we found an alternate energy source that can power the device to a full extent of its abilities.” Roland gave the watches to the Turtles, allowing them to put them on their wrists. Everyone came together, wondering how the devices were going to work, with Roland asking. “So, who goes first?” “Oh, I’ll go first!!” said Mikey as he slammed his hand down onto the watch, causing it to flash. When it died down, everyone saw Mikey transformed into his human counterpart, bearing the same clothing when they tried out the hologram disguises, which surprised the ones who didn’t see it. “Whoa, check me out, I’m excellent again!!” said Mikey. “Whoa, dudes, that’s awesome!!” said Michelangelo as he looked over at his counterpart’s human form. “Incredible.” Said Donatello, “I never figured that this is what we would look like as humans.” “Whoa, major change dude!!” said Beast Boy. “I like it.” Said Cyborg. “Alright, my turn.” Said Leo as he did the same, turning into his human form. “Whoa, looking sharp.” Said Jones. “Never knew Leo looks handsome as a human.” Said O’Neil, which made Leonardo blush a bit. “And I’m sure a certain Princess will agree to it too.” Said Roland before pointing at Princess Twilight. Everyone looked at Princess Twilight as they saw her looking at Leo with her jaw dropped and her face turned red whilst seeing his human form. It dawned to the others that this is the first time Princess Twilight sees him as a human and if her reaction is anything like Twilight’s… “Uh, oh.” Said Leo. Princess Twilight ended up breathing heavily and fainted, causing Leo to quickly catch her, whilst she also had a smile on her face from seeing him. Half the people laughed at the moment, even half the Rainbooms, as they figured something like this would happen. Though the 2003 Turtles were a bit confused. “Uh, what’s going on?” asked Leonardo. Roland whispered to them and said “Leo and Princess Twilight have a thing for one another.” The Turtles, Jones and O’Neil were shocked and surprised to hear that. Raph laughed and said “So our fearless leader’s counterpart’s girlfriend is a pony Princess from another dimension?! Man, that’s a good one.” Leonardo on the other hand blushed and was a little embarrassed at the same time. “Twilight. Twilight, wake up.” Said Leo as he tried slapping her cheek a couple of times. Roland then whispered to Raven about something, causing her to smirk and snap her fingers, making Leo suddenly kiss Princess Twilight full on the lips, taking everyone by surprise. But not as surprised as Princess Twilight was when she opened her eyes wide awake, and blushed madly, making her instantly get up. “Whoa,” muttered Princess Twilight, “That was some wakeup call.” Half the Titans and grouped snickered at this, whilst Leo was embarrassed about it. Though not as surprised as Leonardo was when he saw that display. Next up was Raph as he activated his. However, the moment he activated his, he was turned into…you guessed it, his prom Queen form. “What the?!” exclaimed Raph, then screamed “Guys!!!” This caused everyone in the room to laugh their heads off when they saw him. “Well, that was amusing.” Said Hal/Green Lantern. “Well, what do you know,” commented Roland, “The female setting worked.” Then some of them looked at him surprised. “Wait…did you say, female mode?” said Rainbow as she stifled her laughter. “Yeah, we wanted to test the gender change feature.” Said Gamer. “Okay, that’s just disturbing.” Said Ben. “Yeah, like I’m gonna take advice from the guy who laid eggs when he turned into Big Chill.” Said Roland. “Oh, you had to bring that up!!” exclaimed Ben as he covered his face. “You know he does have a point there…mommy.” Teased Kevin, which Gwen laughed a bit too. Roland walked over and changed the setting, causing Raph to turn into his jock form, with Raphael saying “Now dat’s more like it.” “You know I kinda pictured you as a jock.” Said Jones. Next up was Donnie, who turned into his human form, only for Raphael to laugh at him, and said “You’re a skinny nerd!!” Suddenly, he was whacked behind the head by none other than Donatello, who looked at him with a stink eye as he held his Bo-Staff. Suddenly, Mikey saw something on the side of Leo’s watch. And said “Hey, what’s that?” “Huh?” muttered Leo as he looked at the side of his watch. He pressed a button and within a split second, he was wearing a Plumber suit, which surprised everyone. “Huh?!!” He pressed the same button, causing him to get different outfits at the same time. “Oh yeah, we were able to install outfits into that.” Said Roland. “The data scans any piece of clothing, and bam, instant outfit..” said Gamer with pride. Everyone made comments like ‘Whoa/nice/amazing’ and son on. Rarity on the other hand was curious about something. “Exactly how many outfits does that have?” she asked. “Over ten thousand.” Responded Roland and Gamer. Which was a big mistake, Rarity gasped so loudly, she instantly zipped over and grabbed both Gamer and Roland whilst saying “You simply must give me such a device!!” “Sorry Rarity, but the watches were designed with those who aren’t human!!” said Gamer. “Awww.” Pouted Rarity as she let them go. Until… “But I did make this.” Said Roland. Rarity was curious and took it. It looked like a makeup mirror. But when she opened it, it had a mirror, as well as computerized buttons. She pressed it and within a split second, she was wearing an outfit she wore when they encountered some of VILE’s faculty when they teamed up with Carmen Sandiego. She gasped and was surprised by this. “This is amazing!!” said Rarity as she held onto her… “Wait…I recognize this.” “Good eye.” Said Roland, “I borrowed this tech from WHOOP a while back.” “Wait,” said Sunset as she, the Rainbooms and turtles were surprised. “You know Alex, Clover and Sam?!” “That I do.” Said Roland. “They’re really nice girls. Fun to hang out with.” He then rolled his eyes and said “Although, Clover’s twice the bigger drama queen than Rarity.” “He…!!” exclaimed Rarity for a split second as she was offended by that. However, she instantly remembered all the times that Clover complained more than she did. “Actually, I agree with you on that one.” Leo then noticed something on his watch’s clothing section, and he said “All natural?” He pressed the button, causing another flash. However, he heard many gasps all around him, making him look. He noticed that some of the girls were blushing and looking way. However, both Twilight and Princess Twilight blushed madly at this, making them faint in the process. “What?” said Leo. “Uh, Leo.” Said Mikey, “Detect a breeze?” Leo looked down and yelped before pressing another button, making him get his original disguise’s clothing. “What the heck?!” exclaimed Casey. Though the two geniuses were stunned, they instantly shook it off and were confused. “That can’t be right.” Said Gamer as the two of them looked over the plans of the watch. “How the heck could we have made that error?” said Roland. They then suddenly spot something that caught their attention, making their eyes widen, as they slowly look at each other and went, “Oooooohhh.” “Gamer, Roland,” said Shine Boy, “What did you do?” The two of them slowly look up, with Gamer said “We uh…followed a bit too much of the Omnitrix’ design.” “Which one?” asked Rarity. “They uh…” said Roland, then noticed the kids around, and said slowly and nervously, “Also have the ability to perform the birds and the bees in that state to pass on genetics?” Everyone was stunned by what he had said, with some of them blushing madly at this. “Okay, that’s it.” Said Shine Boy, “No more working in the lab for a few days.” “Oh, come on!!” shouted Gamer. “We’ll uh…” said O’Neil, “Try to get ready.” “Hey, whilst we’re at it.” Said Michelangelo. “Why not contact the Justice Force. We could use the help.” “Good idea.” Said Donatello, “I’ll try to contact them.” “Wait!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, “Not without these!!” Within a split second, Pinkie pulled something from her hair, and zipped over to her friends. Within a split second, she dressed them up as the Power Pony costumes again, which surprised everyone, minus the ones who already knows. “Pinkie!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight. “Whoa, nice costumes.” Said Wally/Flash. “What are you guys dressed as?” asked Black Canary. “I’ll answer that.” Said April, considering she saw them first hand. “They’re dressed as superheroes from a comic book. Pinkie Pie is dressed as Filli Second, the fastest pony alive.” “Like the Flash.” Said Spike, which surprised the two Flashes. “Applejack is Mistress Mare-volus.” Said April. “Like Wonder Woman.” Said Mikey, which surprised Wonder Woman. “Rainbow Dash is Zapp.” Said April. “Which makes her like Thor, the god of thunder.” Said Mikey. Rainbow was surprised by this, making her look at her medallion, and said “Huh, I can kinda see that.” “Rarity is Radiance.” Said April. “Which makes her like Green Lantern.” Said Mikey, “Except her power comes from her bracelet.” Both Hal and John were surprised by this whilst looking at one another with flexed eyebrows. “Fluttershy is Saddle Rager.” Said April. “Which kind of makes her like the Hulk.” Said Mikey. Everyone looked at her and was in disbelief. From what they learned about the Hulk, he becomes stronger when angry, but from Fluttershy… “Yeah, I don’t see it.” Said Raph as he shook his head, with the others voicing their agreement. “My counterpart and I are dressed as Hum-Drum, their sidekick.” Said Spike, “Sunset is dressed as one of their arch enemies, the Mane-iac, Starlight is dressed as another villain called Shadowmane, and my Twilight is dressed like the Masked Mare-Do-Well.” Pony Rainbow groaned at this, for it was something she had hoped to never see again, however, she was focused on the others. “Whoa,” said pony Rainbow Dash, “So that’s what the Power Ponies look like as humans?” “How astounding.” Said pony Rarity, then she pondered, “I wonder what Shadow spade looks like as a human.” Roland on the other hand, looked at both Sunset and Princess Twilight’s costumes, and had somewhat of a disappointed look. He walked over to Sunset, which gained her attention. And for some reason, didn’t like the look on his eye. “Uh, Roland, what are you…?” said Sunset before Roland grabbed her and lifted her over his shoulder. “Hey, wait!! Put me down!!” He walked over to Princess Twilight and did the same thing. “Hey, let me go!!” They saw Roland walking away with them and went around the corner. At first, all they heard was yelping, exclaiming, along with ‘don’t take that off’ and ‘your hands are cold’, and other embarrassing noises. After so many noises, Roland walked out and dusted his hands. But he noticed everyone giving him odd looks. “Uh, what did you do?” asked Batgirl. “First off, let me introduce a superhero that Spike the Dragon knows.” Said Roland before pulling someone, which was Princess Twilight. To their surprise, her costume almost looks like Masked Matterhorn, but her arms, gloves and legs appeared to have armor of sorts on it. That’s when Spike gasped. “I got it!! Matterhorn Prime!!” exclaimed Spike, which confused some. “Uh, what now?” said pony Rainbow Dash. “In issue 226 of Power Ponies,” said Spike, “The Power Ponies stumbled upon Matterhorn Prime, who happens to be the original Masked Matterhorn, who came to help the heroes when her arch nemesis, Anti-Matterhorn, escaped to cause havoc.” “Whoa, awesome!!” said Mikey as he got excited. “Yeah girl, that’s like, so metal!!” said Casey. “I like it.” Said Cyborg, “It really suits her.” “But wait, where’s Sunset?” asked Robin. Roland smirked and brought her in. And what they saw, they didn’t expect. Sunset was wearing black boots, black skin tight pants with flames on both sides. Black skin tight wear that covers the center of her body, with a belt buckle with her cutie mark up front, wearing a jacket that almost looks like her old one, but with flames on the side, black gloves with metal knuckles for punches, along with glasses that covers her eyes. “I present to you,” said Roland before pointing at Sunset, “The Phoenix!!” Everyone adored Sunset’s outfit as they saw her, which left her confused. Hal/Green Lantern made her a mirror for her to see. When she looked at herself, she was surprised to see what she saw whilst observing herself. “Darling, wherever did you come up with this idea?” said Rarity with interest. “I met a guy named Malcontent.” Said Roland, “Nice guy, he said that she was inspired by Sunset when she saved his life, so he created a superhero that almost looks like her. And in my spare time, I uh…” Roland blushed and said “I secretly made that one for her in case she wanted to go to a costume party.” Everyone was surprised by it, with Rarity holding him and exclaiming “You made it?! You made such a masterpiece?!” “It’s a hobby.” Replied Roland. Sunset kept looking at herself and smiled. “I have to admit, this is amazing, Roland.” Said Sunset, but then noticed from her posterior. “Although…doesn’t it make my butt look big or something?” “Actually, studying between the physiology of the female, whether human or pony,” began Roland, “A lady’s posterior is normal for society, but when it comes to a pony, who turns into a human, their posterior tends to have a very alluring side, hence why most folks couldn’t stop looking at you whenever you walk by.” Roland then concluded, “But all and all, I think you, Princess Twilight, and Starlight look great. Cause as far as everyone else is concerned, that’s Equestria’s booty.” There was a long dead silent, as everyone was giving him surprise, awkward and strange looks from what he said, whilst Sunset, Princess Twilight and Starlight blushed greatly from this. “What?!” exclaimed Roland, “Can’t a guy who’s also a trained doctor admires the anatomy of physical transformations between a pony and a human?!” Venus then grumbled, “Nice save, dork.” Roland glared at her, whilst Sunset ended up looking at her posterior again, same with Princess Twilight and Starlight. However, curious, Mikey looked and motioned to his brothers, counterparts and the two Caseys. They saw the reflection and saw their posteriors, whilst thinking about what Roland had said. They slowly formed a flex from their eyebrows whilst slightly tilting their heads to the right and crossed their arms whilst staring at it. “You know, I think I can see that.” Said Leo. This however, did not go unnoticed to Sunset, Princess Twilight, and Starlight, causing them to squeak and cover their posteriors with their hands whilst they were embarrassed at the same time. “So,” said John/Green Lantern, trying to avoid anything awkward. “Now that we have our volunteers, where will we go from here?” “We’ll have to find a way to hijack a random patrol.” Pondered Roland. “Thankfully, I know the answer.” Said the 03 Turtles’ ally, Croc Leatherhead, with their Professor Honeycutt next to him. “When Donatello was mutated with his already mutant DNA, I was able to secretly hack into the EPF database.” “Indeed,” said Professor Honeycutt, “When Bishop told me about this human organization, it became clear that he needed to be kept in check. So, I handed Leatherhead a device that would allow us to track their movements and reports. With this information, we can keep tracking them and we’ll be able to stay one step ahead of them.” “Whoa,” said Venus as she walked over to the mutant crocodile. She motioned the two of them to come closer, to which they did, causing Venus to kiss the both of them, surprising them, especially a few. “Nice work you two.” The robot and gator blushed and cleared their throats. “In any case.” Began Croc Leatherhead, “We’ve tracked recent chatter that the EPF have recently began to go on a recruitment drive. And according to them, they’re moving from Virginia right now. So, our best bet is to ambush them and subdue them at Tennessee.” “Then we’d better get going.” Said Roland, “The quicker we get going, the sooner we’ll be able to catch up with them.” “We’ll need to get some things ready.” Said Gamer, “I don’t like the idea of going in there without having some backup.” “Good call.” Said Leonardo, “Better to be safe than sorry.” “But what will the rest of us do?” asked Jason, “Obviously we can’t just sit around doing nothing.” “We’ll need a diversion of sorts.” Said Nightwing. “The team goes in to infiltrate, whilst the rest would appear all over to cause a distraction. If Agent Bishop has all of our enemies down there, no doubt he’s already cloned most of them and prepared to unleash them to test them.” “The League and the rest of our allies will be the distraction from outside.” Said Superman, “Static and his group will go with the Turtles and Rainbooms and will disguise themselves as the EPF recruits..” “Oh,” muttered Rarity, “We’re not going to have to wear those icky sweaty uniforms now, are we?” Some groaned at this, with Roland saying “Good thing I came prepared for that.” Roland walked over to Night Shine, which made him look at Roland confused. Roland used the same mirror he gave to Rarity to scan himself with the outfit hood he was wearing. He then handed it to Night Shine and pressed it, and within a split second, the device scanned him whilst giving him the same outfit, which surprised everyone. “As you can see, the scanner scans the clothing the other wears,” said Roland, “And within a split second, you automatically have identical clothes, but in your size. In other words, making clothes out of nothing.” Once again, everyone is impressed. With Roland looking at Superman with a flexed eyebrow, and said “And you know supes, if you want, I can make one for you too. That way you don’t have to switch outfits constantly.” “That would come in handy.” Wondered Superman. Roland then looked at the Rainbooms, Starlight and Princess Twilight. “Though I still think with those costumes you look great.” Said Roland, who then smirked whilst crossing his arms and said “All comfy, and snug in all the right places. Mmm, mmm, mmm.” This caused the said girls to blush hard by what he said, with Rainbow being bright red and went “S-shut up!!!”, causing Roland to chuckled as he found the looks on their faces adorable. “So, what’s the game plan going to be?” asked Karai. “We’ll, knowing most military trucks, and I do,” said Roland, “They’ll most likely go to a truck stop station to refuel and snacks.” “Classic military shenanigans.” Said Wally/Flash, causing both Hal and John to look at Flash with a flexed eyebrow. “Then we’ll have to strike from there.” Said Wonder Woman. “We’re gonna need more volunteers for just in case.” Said Roland. “The Rainbooms and our Turtles are obvious.” Said Venus. “We can even add the Mane 6 and this world’s turtles, as well as April, Casey and their counterparts, along with Keno, Karai and Shinigami.” “Good call.” Said Karai, “We can try to sneak around and try to cover more ground that way.” “Then let’s get ready.” Said Tommy, “We’ve got a long day ahead.” ********************************************************************************************** Whilst they were getting ready, both Shine Boy and Roland walked down the hall. “Look, I said we were sorry okay, how the heck were we supposed to know we accidentally added that in there?!” said Roland. Ever since he and Gamer discovered that they added something else to the Turtles’ cover, Shine Boy ended up banning the both of them to make sure that. “I told Gamer, like I’ll tell you, you should’ve double checked the device before building it.” Said Shine Boy. “We were both tired whilst working on…” Roland tried to protest. They suddenly stopped as they heard…smooching sounds? They slowly looked at the room door, wondering what was going on. They slowly approached the door and then opened it. Both of them widened their eyes as they saw something they never thought they see. For inside was Turtle turned human Leo, without his shirt, whilst his face was covered in lipstick, whilst the two Twilights, with Twilight having her hair down, both of them making out with him. Leo suddenly widened his eyes in shock as he saw two faces. “Uh…girls? We got company.” Both Twilight and Princess Twilight looked at his direction and also widened their eyes in shock, whilst both Roland and Shine Boy was smirking and leaning at the door. “Enjoying yourselves are we?” said Shine Boy. “Uh…” muttered Leo and the two Twilights. “Shine Boy, Roland.” Called Grandpa Max through the intercom, “The EPF recruit truck is nearing the gas station. We’ve got an hour till they get there.” “Got it Max, we’ll be right there.” Said Shine Boy. “You got thirty minutes.” Said Roland with a smirk as the two of them closed the door behind them. Leo and the two Twilights looked at one another. “Think we can finish up in twenty-five minutes?” asked Leo. “I think so.” Said Twilight. “It’ll be the first time, too.” Said Princess Twilight. The two of them continued from where they left off as they continued their passionate kiss. ********************************************************************************************** Within moments, on the ground, far away to a random gas station, everything seemed normal and didn’t look anything out of the ordinary. Or so it seems. From up top of the hill, Roland was looking through the binoculars. And beside him, were the 03 Turtles, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and the Young Six. “Anything yet?” asked Leonardo. “Nothing so far.” Said Roland. He then contacted the others and said “Everyone in position?” Far down below, from both sides of the gas station, two teams were down there. On one side was Team Shine and the Shadowbolts, on the other side is the Equestrians. “This is Shine Boy,” said Shine Boy, “Team 2 is in position.” “We’re ready too.” Whispered Blade. (I know what you’re thinking, usually Princess Twilight is the one to answer, but Blade slowly learned on how to use a radio, so he does the talking) From within the gas station, Leo and his turtles and their New York friends, along with Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy, were waiting on the rooftops of the gas station. “We’re in position from up here.” Said Leo. “You know, for a gas station that we’ve never been to,” said Mikey, “I have to admit, sometimes they look like they’ve got good snacks. Keyword, sometimes.” “I know what you mean,” said Spike, “Remember the last gas station we went to when we went on that summer vacation that time with your parents, Shining Armor and Cadence Twilight.” Twilight groaned and said “Don’t remind me.” And among the crowd in disguise as janitors, Venus, Invictus, Silverbolt, along with Static and his team were getting into position as well. “We’re all set here.” Said Static. “Gotta admit,” said Gears, “This is the first time I’m disguising myself as a janitor to clean a place whilst being undercover at the same time.” “You get used to it.” Said Nightwing. “Yeah, trust me, it’s no joke.” Said Robin as he felt the same. “Alright, keep us posted, we’ll let you know if we spot anything, Watchmen out.” Said Roland before signing off. “Ugh, do we have to wait?” complained Rainbow. “Down Rainbow,” said Roland playfully, “Don’t go all Bugs Bunny on us. Unless you wanna make the same mistake like he did with Cecil Turtle?” Rainbow widened her eyes in shock by what he said, then sighed and said “Point taken.” “Still,” said Smolder, “Why do we have to wait around for them to arrive, couldn’t we just attack the convoy?” “And risk calling for backup, no way.” Said Sunset. “Yeah, until then, use your ears to listen instead of brushing an order off.” Said Roland. “Fine.” Groaned Smolder. Roland then scoffed and did something unexpected… “Wish you lot had showed that kind of commitment when Ace and Mikey asked for help.” Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity were surprised by what he said, with the others just as surprised. “Uh-oh, looks like he’s doing the thing that he told us about.” Whispered Michelangelo to his brothers, to which they nodded, though Leonardo only heard of it from him, he wanted to see it himself. “What’s that supposed to mean?” said Smolder. “Oh, I think you know what I mean,” said Roland as he kept his eyes on the road, “How you lot turned your back on Ace after you lot kicked him in the mud puddle.” “That wasn’t us,” said Silverstream, “Melody and Patch were the ones who kicked him in.” “Plus, he was the one who got us into trouble in the first place, and we ended up getting blamed for his mistake.” Said Gallus. Roland then partially looked at Gallus sternly and said “This coming from a beak-faced moron who got his own friends into trouble by planting that goop bomb on that star on Hearth’s Warming Eve and everyone got blamed for your mistake? Or that time you and your so-called entourage got Princess Twilight in trouble and got the school to shut down because you lot decided to play hooky and got Chancellor Neighsay and the EEA their crosshairs on you lot, especially that time he thought that all of you were stealing magic when he had no solid proof and judged you because of your species and their reputation.” Gallus was taken aback by this and felt very sheepish about it, especially the rest of the Young Six as they felt bad about it, and Ocellus for turning into a fly monster. “All because you wanted to spend more time with your friends because you didn’t have a family to go back to. At all.” Everyone us was surprised by this, until he said whilst focusing back on the road “Besides, I’m an orphan too, and you don’t hear me whining about it.” Everyone was surprised by this, with Applejack saying, “Y’all didn’t have any family? But what about your Splinter?” “He’s not my real father.” Said Roland, which surprised them. Roland sighed and said “Before my mom died, she looked through my medical records. When she was asleep I looked through it myself. And it turns out…Splinter wasn’t my real father. He was only someone that my mother dated before he got mutated. Meaning he never was my real father. I never had one. And my mother never told me about it.” He looked at them and said “And the least you lot could’ve done was to defend Mikey, considering he was the one who recommended and defended Bright Eyes when your so-called teachers thought she was going to pull a Cozy Glow, and a certain someone who accused her just for smiling.” “Well, if Mikey hadn’t acted like a spoilt child, we would’ve supported him in the first place.” Said Smolder. And within a split second, Roland snapped his fingers, causing a small dome to appear around him and his group, which surprised the others before he darted over to Smolder and shouted right in her face. “AT LEAST HE’S BRAVE ENOUGH TO BE HIMSELF AND NOT A COWARD LIKE YOU ARE!! YOU, WHO WAS TO EMBARRASED TO ADMIT THAT YOU DIDN’T WANT WEAR A STUPID DRESS BECAUSE YOU LOOKED CUTE AND ADORABLE IN IT!!” Smolder was taken aback by this when she was on her rump, and suddenly found herself shedding tears by that amount of force. The others were just as shocked and taken aback by this, even Leonardo was surprised by this. Roland then ended up shedding tears too, which surprised Smolder. Did he…felt hurt for saying things like that? Roland then scoffed and said “Neighsay ended up being right about you lot after all.” He walked a bit to the edge and gripped his fists before snapping his fingers and dropping the barrier. Silverstream and Sandbar went over to Smolder and helped her up. However, … “Um…if I might ask…why are you so defensive over Mikey?” asked none other than Ocellus. “I felt it. You were acting really…defensive about it.” “Yeah, I noticed it too.” Said Sunset. “Whenever you talked to us, we felt a voice of overprotection. How come you defended him from certain…situations?” Roland looked ahead and felt his heart aching. His breath was shaking, but he had to let it out. “Because I see a lot of myself in him.” responded Roland. The Young Six, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and the 03 Turtles were surprised by this. “After when my mom died,” said Roland, “I had nothing. The Joes turned their backs on me. I was dirt poor, with no family, no relatives, no friends, no nothing. And I struggled, my whole life, to pull my life out of the gutter. No one gave a damn about me. Or believed in me. Not even for one second. Unlike all of you, who had everything they needed, on a silver platter.” The others were speechless by what he had said. “But Mikey...” said Roland, “I bumped into him shortly when I lost all hope. He was the same age I was. He saw something in me. Believed in me. He told me that everyone would always treat them harshly. He taught me how to believe in myself. At first I didn't want to hear it. But after Shine Boy saved me, only then did I understand. And years later after when I bumped into the Turtles again with the Rainbooms, I was overjoyed to see him again. And through our time together, we always supported and helped one another through thick and thin. There were two people I owe my life to. Shine Boy, for saving me from myself...” He turned around and faced them, “And Mikey, who believed and supported me when nobody else did.” He then glared, “After they abandoned him, I was furious. But then I was enraged when he left. He wasn't the Mikey I knew anymore, the one who smiled like Pinkie and believed in others when nobody else did, even in the face of dark times.” He faced ahead, and said “Besides Shine Boy and Team Shine, Mikey was the only good thing that gave me a reason to hope and live. But then they ended up taking that away from the both of us. I didn't care what I had to do to get it back.” He sighed and said “But then I ended up cutting ties with him. Not only was he cold to the others, he was to me as well. What he said...really hurt me. The Mikey I cared was gone.” He looked at the Young Six angrily, “And Mikey may not be mature, but unlike you six, at least he was brave enough to be himself. But what would a boneheaded selfish dragon…” Smolder widened her eyes at that. “A Fishface chicken who chose to hide like a coward…” Silverstream widened her eyes in shock. “A greedy glorified Pidgeon…” Gallus was shocked by the insult. “A brutish small-minded yak…” Yona winced at that. “And bug faced emotion sucking leech, to understand that.” Ocellus looked hurt by that. “Hey, come on…” said Sandbar as he tried to calm things down until Roland cut her off and looked at him face to face. “Especially an airheaded Earth pony, who tends to act cool, but will always be that little colt who wet his bed at the first sound of a squeaky toy.” Sandbar widened his eyes in shock and blushed in embarrassment that someone knew his secret, but also looked hurt in the process. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and looked. He saw Sunset behind him, showing a concerned look, especially Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity, with the 2003 Turtles giving him both flexed eyebrows and a concerned look. Roland realized what he did, causing him to hold his head in shame. “Not again.” Muttered Roland. Sunset then shockingly realized…this played out before, like her scolding Twilight because of the magic that she released during the Friendship Games, and then she yelled at her, with Rainbow being the one to calm her down and help her realize it. Seeing that image, now Sunset understood. Not just Roland, but herself too. Roland then looked at the kids, who looked hurt. But then he said in regret and hurt of his own. “Look, I’m sorry, for the losses and pain all of you had from your own shared experience. But you're not the ones who had to watch your friends die and lost everything on that world.” Roland then stood up and went ahead, saying “I’ll scout on ahead. Signal you when they’ve stopped.” As he left, the others looked at the Young Six who looked hurt. “Well…that was something.” Muttered Smolder. “Sorry guys.” Said Rainbow. “Why are you apologizing for him?” said Gallus. “Cause Roland told us what he went through.” Said Leonardo. “Pain is like a net. It ensnares you when you travel, and the tighter it grows, so does the pain. He carried that pain for a long time.” Ocellus then realized something, and said “He’s right.” They looked at her, with Ocellus saying “The way he talked, behind all that anger. All I could feel was bitterness. Pain…loneliness. There wasn’t an ounce of love left in him. And that…he lost hope.” “Plus, we found out the truth of why he was like this.” Said Michelangelo, only to get slapped behind the head. The Young Six was confused by this, with Yona saying “What Roland say to teachers?” “That’s…not our place to say.” Said Applejack. “Indeed.” Said Rarity, “He’ll tell you when the time is right.” As Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and the other 03 Turtles walked over to watch the view, Michelangelo felt the six of them needed to know, so he motioned them to come over to him, which they did. “Don’t take it the wrong way,” said Michelangelo, “Roland means well, it’s just that he’s haunted by his past, a lot. And seeing you lot, only brought back painful memories.” “Oh, come on.” Said Smolder, “What did they do that was so bad?” “Well,” said Michelangelo, “Keeps this between us. But…” “But what?” said Gallus with a flexed eyebrow. “Let’s just say…” said Michelangelo, “In his world, after the Meanboom incident and that fight you had with Rihona, you, the Rock N Beats, the Canterlot Movie Club, Princess Twilight and her friends were the reason Ace and Bright Eyes were dead.” The Young Six were shocked and taken aback by this. Michelangelo said “Just…wait until this is over. Then I’ll tell you. Just…not with everyone watching.” Michelangelo went back to the others, with the Young Six shocked by what Michelangelo revealed. Is that why Roland was angry…because of what their counterparts did? They decided to ask another time, until. “Guys, incoming trucks.” Everyone from their stations looked through their scopes, and saw two EPF trucks driving down the road. They kept an eye on it just in case. Within mere moments, they began to park at the spots and did what Roland guessed they would do. “Wow, you were right, Roland.” Said Fluttershy. “Yeah, they really did come here to refuel and snack.” Said Twilight. “Alright everyone, move in.” said Roland, we’ve got some hijacking to do. Sunset turned to the Young Six and said “You guys get back and report to the others, tell them to get ready.” “You got it.” Said Sandbar as they used their teleporter and teleported back to the ship to warn everyone. “Let’s get to work.” Said Roland as he moved ahead, with the others following suit. ************************************************************************************************ The trucks had parked at the spots where the soldiers climbed off to get the snacks they were looking for whilst also getting fuel at the same time. The two leaders of the trucks were waiting for them at the front of the trucks, talking to one another. From around the corner, Roland, the 03 Turtles, along with Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow were watching from the corner. “Let’s take them out.” Whispered Rainbow until Roland stopped her. “I’ve got a better way without giving ourselves away.” Whispered Roland. He took out what appeared to be a blowgun and held a couple of darts ready. He placed them inside and said “Rainbow, Rarity, on the count of three, you two take a guard each and hide them behind here.” The latter nodded, with Roland aiming his blowgun. Within a split second, he shot both the guards, causing them to strike at their necks, making them hold onto them before they collapsed onto the ground. And before they could hit, Rainbow zipped and grabbed the one guard whilst Rarity used her geode shield to lift up and brought the EPF guard over at their hiding spots. “Let’s hope the others have better luck.” Whispered Leonardo as they quickly took the guards away. ************************************************************************************************ From within the stores, the EPF guards were getting some snacks, before they were grabbed by the Turtles and New York allies. From the bathrooms, after they were done doing their business, the EPF soldiers were done washing their hands, and were suddenly knocked out by Static using his electrical powers. From the gas stations, where the EPF soldiers had just finished putting fuel inside, closed the caps, until they were subdued by the Shadowbolts and were knocked out cold as well. And finally, the leader of the EPF, who happens to be a recruiter, was busy standing a bit further a way to take a break, until he was put into a choke hold by Roland. Roland then spoke an incantation and ended up reading his mind, before placing him back onto the ground. Until Roland was suddenly punched in the face. Roland held his jaw and looked at who punched him. He saw it was Night Shine. Roland sighed. “You heard?” said Roland, to which Night Shine nodded. “It…never gets any easy, does it?” Night Shine grunted and turned around, but instantly stopped and slowly looked at him. And said something unexpected. “No. No it doesn’t.” Night Shine walked away, with Roland grabbing the EPF soldier and hauled him over his shoulder and walked away. ************************************************************************************************ Soon enough, everyone had gathered the unconscious EPF soldiers, with Roland holding the scanners and scanned their uniforms. He then synced them with the others before turning around to them. “Alright then, on the count of three.” Said Roland. “One. Two. Three.” Everyone pressed the button, causing them to instantly change their outfits to the EPF uniforms. “Whoa,” said Jones, “I am so lovin’ this device. Makes me wonder what it would be like if we had tech like this?” “Oh, I know what you mean.” Said Rarity. “What are we going to do with them?” asked Shine Boy whilst pointing to the EPF soldiers. “We’ll teleport them to the ship for safety measure.” Said John/Green Lantern, “We’ll have Martian erase their memories of anything related to the EPF, just to be on the safe side.” John/Green Lantern was about to use his ring to disguise himself, until Roland stopped him. “Hold up,” said Roland, “How much power does your ring have?” John/Green Lantern flexed an eyebrow, and used his ring to investigate. The ring then said “Power at 25%.” “Should be enough.” Said John/Green Lantern. “Still, can’t take any chances.” Said Roland and pulled out a large battery pack, which John/Green Lantern flexing an eyebrow on what Roland has planned. “Put your ring against it, and you’ll see.” Said Roland. Deciding to humor him, John/Green Lantern placed his ring into the hole of the battery pack, causing to glow, which surprised the Lantern a bit. The battery then ran out of power and instantly evaporated. Lantern checked his ring, with it responding with “Power at 100%.” “That’s impossible.” Said John/Green Lantern in shock. “I studied a bit from Hal,” said Roland, “So after much experimenting, I was able to determine what kind of energy it uses. Oh sure, it requires will power to be used, but after much experimenting, I was able to create that energy and placed it in a walking battery pack, that would allow you to restore your ring to full power. It even can be stored within the ring for just in case of an emergencies.” “This is amazing.” Said John/Green Lantern in surprise, “Every Lantern would make great use of it.” “It wasn’t easy to make, but I like a challenge.” Said Roland. “Anyway, let’s get going, we don’t want to attract any unwanted attention.” “Agreed.” Said the Lantern as he used his ring to disguise himself, whilst the unconscious EPF soldiers were teleported away. “Alright then,” said Roland, “John and I will be riding in the first truck. So, one of you will need to ride the second truck.” “Ah’ll do it,” said Applejack, “Ah’ve got experience driving trucks.” “You do that.” Said Roland. “Shotgun!!” said Rainbow. Roland then gasped and said playfully said “Why Rainbow, why are you wanting to sit in front with her? Are you and Applejack a couple?” Rainbow was surprised at that statement and nearly blushed. However, the looks she was getting from the others, caused them to smile. “S-Shut up!!” exclaimed Rainbow as she marched into the second truck and climbs into the passenger seat whilst slamming the door. “Oh, she’s so cute when she’s all pouty like that.” Said Roland, and went, “Gee, ain’t I a stinker?” Some couldn’t help but laugh at this, with Michelangelo whispering, “I don’t know what’s surprising, that Roland’s all super serious, or that he tends to be a more different and likeable person when he does that?” “It’s clear that he’s trying his best.” Said Leonardo, “From what Shine Boy told us, he had a hard time trusting anyone, hence why he’s trying to change.” “Won’t be a problem if he doesn’t do some’in about dat attitude of his.” Said Raphael. “You know, coming from you, that’s kind of ironic.” Said Donatello as everyone else climbs into the truck. “Alright John, you’re on point.” Said Roland. “Right,” said John/Lantern, before contacting Applejack and said “Keep close at all times. We don’t want them to get suspicious.” “Roger that, Sugarcube.” Said Applejack. Soon enough, John/Green Lantern and Applejack drove the trucks with all of them onboard, heading towards the next destination. However, from atop the same hill, two individuals were standing on the top of a hill. The cloaked figure, revealing to be Jacob Drake, was standing right next to another individual. “Alright, they’re off now.” Said Jacob before turning to the individual. “They’re off to the base. Once you get inside, they’ll try their best to turn off the defenses so that the others could attack and rescue Batman. But something tells me it won’t be enough. So, whilst they deal with the EPF, I’ll try to rescue the Dark Knight. You do what you can to disable security. No distractions. Got it?” “Acknowledge.” Said the second being. “Good. Let’s go.” Said Jacob before he suddenly powered in a powerful aura and flew off, with the second being flying right beside him. ********************************************************************************************** After a long drive, they eventually made it to their destination. “You sure this is the place?” asked John/Green Lantern. “Positive.” Said Roland, “Thanks to a spell I know, I was able to go through different protocols. Now I’ve got total access to everything. Same way I was able to transfer it to your mind.” John/Green Lantern was surprised by this, then said “We need to talk personal boundaries after this.” “Yet you allow Martian to read your mind?” said Roland rhetorically. “Ahem, touché.” Said John/Green Lantern as he couldn’t argue with that. They made their way towards a mountain, until part of the bottom was revealed to be a holographic gate, with two EPA soldiers standing guard. Once they were close enough, they signaled them to stop, with John/Green Lantern doing just that. They parked nearby, with the EPA soldier slowly coming forward. “Identify.” Said the soldier. “Joseph, Johnson.” Said John/Green Lantern whilst showing his ID, which he was thankful whilst wearing a helmet, “I’m here to drop off the latest batch of recruits. Just be warned, they’re green horns.” The EPA soldier looked at the ID, then handed it back to John. “Not a problem. We’ll handle it.” “No, I’ll handle it.” Said John/Green Lantern, “Bishop trusted some of you to take care of the recruits, and they ended up nearly exposing his operations. He was not happy about it. Which is why he trusts me enough to do it.” The soldier sighed and said “Fine, we’ll let it slide. Don’t want to get on his bad side anyway. Go on in.” The gates soon opened, allowing them to drive inside. Everyone began to stay prepared, for they didn’t want anything to catch them off guard. However, a little farther away, both Jacob and the assailant were watching from afar. He turned to the assailant and said “I’ll go find a way to rescue bats. You do what you can to get what info you can.” “Acknowledged. Cloak engaged.” Said the assailant as he turned invisible. Jacob slowly moved towards the perimeter, where one of the Commanders were taking a break whilst staring out in the open. Suddenly, Jacob grabbed the guard, making him grunt, with Jacob slowly turning into energy and went straight into the man’s body, making the soldier grunt whilst holding his head. Suddenly, he stopped squirming, with the Commander looking normal. However, Jacob had possessed him like a ghost, making him move towards the base. For their work has just begun. ******************************************************************************************** “So, this is the base?” said Indigo Zap as she was able to get a partial look. “That’s right, but don’t let it fool you.” Said Leonardo over the comms, “We nearly fell victim to them numerous times, they even captured us to try to dissect us and tried to brainwash the Rainbooms into working for him.” “If it’s almost anything like Ra’s al Ghul, we’ll believe it.” Said Robin. “Speaking from experience?” asked Sour Sweet. “He’s not wrong.” Said Nightwing, “We’ve all had our fair share of bad encounters with villains and organizations.” “So where do we go from here?” asked Static. “According to Stockman,” said Donatello as he looked at the map, “We’ll need to make our way towards the security station.” “Thankfully it’s not far from where we are.” Said Gamer. “Hopefully we can try to shut things down without them noticing.” Said Gears. “Even if we do shut down the security station, they still have their defense system.” Said Donnie. “We’ll have to shut that one down too.” Said Tempest. Though they may not understand how half the technology works, or understands them at all, at least she’s able to make sense of a few things when it comes to security. “And hopefully the others can distract the outside long enough for us to make our way towards Batman.” “Though something tells me they won’t go down without a fight.” Said Blade. “They won’t.” said Venus, “Which is why we’ll need to make sure there aren’t any backup security.” “Good thing I got a little something along the way.” Said Invictus as he held onto some kind of card. “A gift from a certain Lombax from another dimension.” Said Silverbolt, “This baby will shut down any form of security and make sure that it permanently stays down.” “Wait, you guys know Ratchet and Clank?” said Mikey surprised. “We sure do.” Said Roland, “But…sometimes his inventions can be a bit…weird.” “Weird is an understatement.” Muttered Raph, to which the others agree to it as well. John/Green Lantern spotted a parking area, and contacted Applejack and said “We’re coming up at a parking area. We’ll have to go from there.” Soon enough, both trucks had stopped at the parking area, with everyone climbing out and moving in between in order to be less suspicious. “Any idea where we go from here?” Roland opened a map from his tablet and looked through it. “Through that door, we go down the hall and make our way towards the security station. Once we get there, we knock out the guards. Then we find a way to replay the security system.” “Maybe with yesterday’s footage?” suggested Invictus. “No can do.” said Venus. “She’s right.” Said Sugarcoat, “Yesterday’s footage might be a different crew doing different routines. And once we do, they’ll end up knowing what’s going on.” “What about last week’s footage?” asked Mikey. “Wouldn’t that work?” “It’s worth a shot.” Said Static, “We don’t wanna keep the others waiting, especially Bats.” “Then let’s get going.” Said Leonardo, “The longer we’re here, the more Bishop is likely to catch wind that we’re here.” Everyone quickly went to the door in order to get to the security station. ************************************************************************************************ Soon enough, they arrived at the security station. But to their surprise, there were at least a hundred people inside. “Whoa, that’s a lot of security dudes.” Said Mikey. “No kidding,” said Michelangelo, “Though isn’t this kind of overkill?” “It’s Bishop, what’d you except?” said Jones. “Is there a way to take out their security system?” said Blade. Roland turned to Static and said “You think you can work your powers to create an EMP in this room?” “I can try, but I’ve never tried something so small before.” Said Static. “It’s worth a shot.” Said Roland. Who then deactivated his disguise, with the others doing the same as they got their weapons at the ready. However, Roland couldn’t help but stare at the Rainbooms again, which of course, didn’t go unnoticed to the girls. “What?” said a confused Fluttershy. “I still can’t get over it.” Said Roland, “Your costumes. All snug in the right places. Mmm, mmm, mmm.” The said girls in costumes couldn’t help but widened their eyes and blushed madly, with Rainbow going, “S-shut up.” Roland couldn’t help but chuckle at their response before looking forward. Pinkie then looked behind Roland, and then whispered “And you have to admit, that pants does make him have an adorable tushy.” The girls gawked and looked at Pinkie in shock, as they couldn’t believe she just said that. Roland on the other hand was more focused on the task at hand. He signaled Static to prepare his version of an EMP. Static began to generate enough energy to start a small EMP. He counted down from three. The moment he went to zero, Static immediately threw it inside, causing all of the computers and cameras and alarms to go offline in the entire room, which shocked the EPA soldiers inside as they looked around. “What just happened?!” said one of the EPF soldiers. “Now!!” shouted Roland, causing everyone to charge inside. “Intruders!!” shouted the second EPF soldier. “Attack!!” shouted the third as all of them immediately began to fight back. Everyone began to split up in different directions in order to take the EPA soldiers down. Roland jumped up in the air and used his pistol’s stun rounds to knock the first two out whilst Roland used his weapon to smack three at the same time. Venus jumped over and did a double kick on the first two before using the fans to knock out the next two. Invictus used his pistol to shoot a concussion shot, knocking out three soldiers whilst delivering a strong kick to the fourth, sending him flying towards the wall. Silverbolt used his wrist guns to shoot stun rounds at the first four soldiers, with Amethyst Majesty jumping over and delivered a spinning bird kick at the next four. “Where the heck did you learn that?!” said Silverbolt. “Learned it from an Interpol agent who happens to be a Street Fighter!!” said Amethyst Majesty. Leo charged forward and used his swords to slice six of the EPF soldiers’ weapons, whilst Donnie, Mikey took the four of them down, whilst Raph tackled the next two over. Casey and Keno jumped up in the air and double kicked a larger EPF soldier, whilst April used her psychic blast to blast them away. Karai used her sword to deflect a few EPF soldiers who tried to attack with their batons, until Shinigami came along and kicked the two of them away. Sunset and Fluttershy ran whilst trying to avoid the EPF soldier’s line of fire at the same time, until the two of them jumped together in sync whilst crisscrossing at the same time. Sunset threw her Kunai daggers whilst Fluttershy fired her darts, allowing them to destroy the four of the EPF soldiers’ weapons, allowing Pinkie Pie and Sonata to move in and took two of them out, with Aria and Rainbow Dash doing the same with the other two. Applejack and Rarity darted towards the four heavily fortified EPF soldiers, allowing the two of them to cut the four EPF soldiers’ weapons off, with Adagio double kicking the EPF soldiers away, and Twilight using her magic to send the two of them flying. Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat ran along and used their chains to wrap the three EPF soldiers and tossed them in the air, allowing Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap to take them down separately. Princess Twilight vaulted over and double kicked the first two EPF soldiers whilst Applejack grabbed them and threw them with all her strength. Rainbow Dash tackled from below whilst Fluttershy did a spin kick against the next EPF soldier. Rarity used her sickles to slice a few EPF drones, whilst Pinkie Pie uses her party cannon to blast at least two EPF soldiers away. Starlight uses her arrows to shoot six of the EPF soldier’s weapons away, allowing Blade Swipe and Tempest to come along and beat them up. Leonardo jumped up and sliced the EPA soldiers’ weapons, whilst Donatello used his bo-staff to take three of them down. Whilst Michelangelo distracted a handful of EPF soldiers, Raph was able to take them down. O’Neil stayed behind and fired her blaster from a distance, with Jones covering for her. Shine Boy and Shine Girl used their weapons to knock down at least five more EPF soldiers, with Gamer using his sword to slice more EPF weapons as Love Shine uses his power to slam onto the ground, sending them flying in the progress. Night Shine uses his fire to melt the five EPF soldiers’ weapons whilst punching their clocks out at the same time. Nightwing jumped over using his acrobatic skills to fight and take down four EPF soldiers with his batons. Robin uses his bo-staff to knock down four EPF soldiers, with Batgirl using her Batarangs to disarm the next two before using a double kick. Static and Gear used their powers/tech to take down the EPF soldiers’ weapons whilst Rubberband Man took care of them. As they fought, Sunset was suddenly grabbed from behind as someone shouted “Don’t move!!” Everyone stopped and saw the last 11 EPF soldiers, holding Sunset hostage as some aimed their weapons at her as well as them. “Sunset!!” cried the Rainbooms. “Don’t move!!” said the EPF Squad Leader, “Or we’ll kill your friend right here, right now!!” Everyone couldn’t make a move, not without injuring Sunset as two men were holding her down and four aimed their weapons at her, with four men aiming their weapons at the others, with the leader aiming directly his pistol at Sunset’s head. However, from far ahead, a cloaked assailant walked down the hall and with its glowing red visor, watched the event go down. But it couldn’t intervene as it had a mission. But just as he took a step. Roland’s eyes suddenly went back to emerald green, and spoke in a different voice. “Someone help her!! Someone help Sunset!!” said Roland, but in a different voice. The assailant suddenly stopped, and played the voice, saying “Someone help her!! Someone help Sunset!!”. The assailant instantly turned to their direction and scanned the assailants holding Sunset down, as well as Sunset herself. “Acknowledge.” Said the assailant as it walked towards them. “Let’s not do anything stupid.” Said Leo. “Let’s calm down and…” said Leonardo, but the squad leader was getting impatient. At the same time, the squad leader was getting really impatient. “I won’t tell you again!! Drop them!! Now!!” When all of a sudden. “Cloak disengaged.” The assailant dropped its cloak, revealing itself as it walked towards the EPF, revealing itself to be a cyborg. Both sides were shocked by what they were seeing. “What the shell?!” exclaimed Raph. “Cease and desist!!” Said the robot. It grabbed the first EPA soldier whilst he screamed and tossed him hard against the wall, shattering the glass that was in the way, which shocked the others. He grabbed the next one and stomped onto its foot hard, making him scream before tossing him hard against a pillar. The third EPA soldier tried to attack, only to grunt hard as the cyborg kneed him in the gut before smashing his head against the wall. The fourth struck its face, but was unfazed, causing it to backhand the EPA soldier hard, making it skid on the ground and in front of Leo and the others, making them look at the fallen soldier, then to the cyborg. The cyborg pulled out what appeared to be a special pistol hidden from its leg and began to shoot six of them at point blank range, hitting them at the right spot as they collapsed. It then looked at the last one, then moved towards him whilst placing its pistol away, whilst the EPA squad leader used two assault rifles and fired. “Die cyborg scum!!” shouted the EPA soldier. The Cyborg instantly kicked the leader against the wall, then produced a wrist blade and struck…hard. Everyone was shocked by what they had seen as the robot had just taken them down and saved Sunset, with the cyborg pulling back his arm, making the assailant drop onto the ground. Things were now tense because of what just happened, but then the cyborg slowly looked at Sunset. It then slowly walked towards her, then stood near her. Though she was afraid, the robot suddenly presented his hand to her, wanting to pick her up. She slowly accepted it, allowing the cyborg to help her stand up. After she stood up, the cyborg slowly placed both his hands on the side of her face, which startled her at first. The others wanted to make a move, but Roland motioned them not to move. The Cyborg slowly scanned her, revealing that she has some signs of stress, anxiety, tension, and a little bit of fear, for what happened to her nearly took her off guard. Then suddenly, the cyborg went *Ding* Suddenly, it’s chest opened, revealing a cappuccino inside, allowing it to take it out and present it to her, which surprised everyone. “That thing’s also a cappuccino maker?!” said Gamer surprised, “I gotta get me one of those.” Sunset slowly accepted it, allowing her to slowly take a sip. Then the cyborg walked behind her and slowly placed one arm around her, which startled her, but its other hand was busy stroking it, whilst playing a lullaby tune. They were once again surprised as they didn’t expect that. After two minutes, Sunset had finished her cappuccino and was relaxed. The cyborg released her, allowing her to look at him. The cyborg placed his hands on her shoulders. “Are you well?” asked the Cyborg. “I am.” Said Sunset with a smile, “Thank you.” The cyborg released her, and then looked at the others. “What…are you?” said Static in confusion. “Avoid levels 2, 4, and 6,” said the Cyborg, “That’s where it’s most heavily fortified with troops. Levels 3, and 5 contain their most dangerous experiments of super soldiers. Your enemies, the Purple Dragons, and Purple Nightmares, are in level 7, arming themselves. “Wait, what?!” exclaimed Leonardo as he and his group were surprised. “The Purple Dragons were recruited by Bishop because he had no other option but to ensure that all of you, are eradicated.” “Oh, great!!” said Raphael in anger, “Add hiring gangsters on Bishop’s crime list!!” The cyborg went to a computer against the wall and planted his finger inside of it, whirring for a few minutes, until it pulled out, then pulled out from his chest of what appeared to be a keycard and a data drive. He walked over and presented it to Shine Boy and Leo. “The master keycard allows you to access the facility without resistance. Use it wisely.” The cyborg turned around and walked away, until Roland called out “Who are you?” The cyborg stopped for a moment. “Unit 756724/55555.” Responded the Cyborg. But then it partially looked at them, and said “You can call me…Delta.” The Cyborg, known as Delta, walked away, and used its cloaking field to shield itself, making it completely invisible, never to be seen again. Everyone else was stunned by what they had seen. “What just happened?” said Gears in disbelief. “I don’t remember us recruiting anymore robots.” Said Adagio. “But whoever it was, it saved Sunset’s life.” Said Sonata. Roland and Venus walked over to Sunset and spoke to her and said “You good?” “I’m fine. Thanks to that Cyborg.” Said Sunset in relief. “Still, now that we’re at security,” said Gamer, “We can hack into their systems and make sure that they don’t track us.” “That’s gonna be a problem.” Said Silverbolt. “He’s right,” said Sugarcoat, “If they see something’s off on one of their security systems, then Bishop will know what’s going on.” “Then we’ll need to step up our game.” Said Leo. “We’re gonna need the rest of the tech geniuses to help out.” Said Invictus. “Yeah dudes,” said Mikey, “We’re gonna need Rockwell, Cyborg and a few others’ help.” “Seeing that we’ve got about five minutes.” Said Twilight, “We’ll need to open a portal here.” “We’ll need to bring in the Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, Young Six, Teddy and Bright Eyes as well.” Said John/Green Lantern as he just came in. “Where have you been?” asked Donatello. “Trying to scout the perimeter.” Said John/Green Lantern, “So far, nobody knows about us being here, or their security being offline for a few moments.” “We still have some time.” Said Invictus. Then mumbled a bunch of stuff, which confused some. “You good?” asked a confused Blade. “Being in a place like this makes me nervous, okay.” Said Invictus, “Especially since…that incident.” “Incident?” said a few. “Long story short, whilst we were in your world, trying to hack the database to find the Shredder, hoping he didn’t arrive.” Said Roland as everyone looked at him, paused for dramatic effect, “He accidentally blew up half a couple of buildings.” Everyone was surprised by that, with Michelangelo asking “What was it?” Once again, Invictus was greatly nervous about it. Until… “The CIA, MI6, Kremlin…” said Roland, causing everyone to widen their eyes in shock. “And ever since then, they called him…” “He’s Looney Lin Victy?!” exclaimed half the folks in the room. “Why would you blow them up?!!” exclaimed Donnie. “We were trying to hack a few files…” said Roland. “Then he sneezed and accidentally pressed the self-destruct button.” Everyone once again gawked at that, with Night Shine laughing and said “You…idiot.” “It was an accident!!” shouted Invictus. “Accident, or not, you nearly started World War 3 as a result!!” said Silverbolt. “Told you, you should’ve taken your meds.” Said Venus. “Can we just get them here, already?” Said Invictus. “We can’t risk using the teleporter.” Said Leo. “Agreed,” said Leonardo, “For all we know, they might have placed a protective barrier around this place.” Roland then thought about something, but then something popped at the back of his mind, making him gasp at the same time, gaining their attention. “What’s wrong?” asked Shine Boy. “Wait a moment.” Said Roland as he walked off a bit, sat down in a meditative stance and concentrated. At first they were confused, but Roland was deep in focus. “Raven…Raven.” Muttered Roland from within his mind. At the same time, on the ship, Raven was going over a few spell books for research purposes. Until… “Raven.” Raven gasped as she raised her head and dropped a book. She looked around and noticed no one was there. “Raven.” Raven knew the voice and looked around, then said “Roland?” “Raven, listen carefully,” said Roland, “I need you to gather the Mighty Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, Young Six, Teddy and Bright Eyes, as well as the rest of the Titans. We’ll need all the help we can get on this. Gather then in a circle, and wait for five minutes. Contact me once you’re done.” “I’m on it.” Said Raven as she flew off to fetch the others. Roland stood up and walked over to the center. “What was that about?” asked Raph. “You’ll see soon enough.” Said Roland with a smirk. “See what?” asked a confused pony Rainbow Dash. Roland then heard Raven. “Roland, I was able to gather everyone. What now?” Roland smirked and said “Wait and see.” Roland then closed his eyes, lowered his head, and crossed his arms into an X with closed fists, with the others confused by what he is doing. “Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos…” “Wait, is he trying to cast Raven’s spell?” said Batgirl confusingly. “No way,” said Nightwing, “Only Raven can…” When all of a sudden, Roland’s eyes glowed brightly, as did his hands the moment he opened it, shocking everyone in the room. “Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos…” From Raven’s position, she and the others were waiting, until to her surprise, a large gateway appeared. “What the…?” said the confused Raven. “Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos…” And finally… “Azerath Metrion Zinthos!!” shouted Roland as he aimed his hands at the piece of the ground. Within a split second, the Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, Young Six, Teddy and Bright Eyes were teleported into the same room they were, which shocked both sides as they looked around. After it was done, Roland nearly collapsed as he rested his hands on his knees and breathed heavily. Both sides were still shocked by what they had just seen. “That’s impossible.” Muttered Robin as everyone else was just as shocked. “You used magic.” Said Princess Twilight in shock. “I get by.” Said Roland as he looked at them, “I learned a lot during my travels.” “How did you know?” said Nightwing. “Well, when you mentioned Bishop might be shielding the base with his tech,” said Roland, “I knew it would be impossible to teleport, so I figured he doesn’t have any protection against magic, so I used that as a last resort.” “But how did you do that?” asked Raven as she walked over. Roland rolled up his sleeve and showed the mark of Azerath, which surprised her as she looked at him. “I spent my time learning everything magic related on Azerath.” Said Roland, “I also heard what happened thanks to Trigon.” Raven looked away for a bit, until Roland said “And what you didn’t know, your people survived, even your mother.” Raven looked at him surprised. “How…?” “I was there, I saved her and half her people that day.” Said Roland, which shocked the girl. “When this is over, I’ll take you there when the time is right. That sound okay?” Raven thought about it for a moment, then looked at him and nodded with determination. Whilst the second team was with the others, Bright Eyes looked around and saw Night Shine. But what shocked her, was his arm bleeding. “Mr. Luke! You’re bleeding!” said Bright Eyes as she got there. Night Shine checked his arm. “Just a flesh wound.” He shrugged. “Don’t say that!” Bright Eyes held his arm before Night Shine stubbornly snatched it out. Still determined, Bright Eyes grabbed it abruptly and started to clean the wound. Night Shine only rolled his eyes as he let the pony turned girl treat his wound. As he looked at Bright Eyes, he thought of what Roland told him about what happened to her in his timeline. Since the 87 worlds, he has found Bright Eyes to be interesting that she knew how to talk to him and not be afraid of his threats. He looked away as he spoke to her. “Why?” “I hate seeing my friends get hurt.” She answered. “No!” Night Shine snapped before taking a deep breath. “Why are you helping me? I’m not exactly the nicest person in the whole world.” “Because. I don’t think you’re all bad either.” Bright Eyes sighed. “Gamer told me of how you and Shine Boy were chosen to be eternal rivals because of you both embodying light and darkness. If I went that way with Teddy, I’d be devastated forever. But if you are capable of fighting alongside your brother, then you must still care for him.” Night Shine closed his eyes hiding a tear. Bright Eyes was true to her name. He remembered again what happened to her and muttered. “Rainbow you idiot.” “What was that?” Bright Eyes asked bandaging up his arm. “Nothing.” Night Shine got up rolled his sleeve down when Bright Eyes finished. “Thank you. You breathe a word of this to anybody and I’ll deny it!” Bright Eyes looked confused as he walked away but smiled at him. Not far from them, Blade Swipe saw the whole thing and smiled before hurrying to join the others. “What’s the status?” said Cyborg. “We were able to take the security station.” Said Leo. “But we need to make sure Bishop doesn’t know we’re here.” Said Leonardo, “Otherwise we might lose the element of surprise.” “I can handle that.” Said another voice. When they turned, they saw among the ones that teleported was none other than the 03 Angel, wearing new type of attire whilst she was smiling at the same time. “Angel?!” exclaimed the 03 Turtles, O’Neil, and Jones, with Jones saying “What are you doin here?!” “I came by for a visit when Master Splinter told me that you guys were on a mission, so I came over to help.” Said 03 Angel. “But it’s too dangerous.” Said Leonardo. “And yet, here they are.” Said Angel 03 whilst she pointed at the kids of the group. “You know, she does have a point.” Said Ace. “Plus, I’ve been taking lessons from Master Splinter for some time.” Said Angel 03. “Wait, Splinter’s been given ya lessons?” said Raphael. “Why didn’t he tell us?” said a confused Michelangelo. “We all have our secrets.” Said Angel 03, “Plus I also wanted to try something out.” She pulled out a type of knife, but not any that they’ve ever seen before. “Whoa, what is that?” said Rainbow Dash as she looked at it. “When I was on board your ship, I decided to create a new weapon to defend myself.” Said Angel 03, “This has a new metal alloy that can even cut through metal, but at the same time, can also hack into any computer anywhere as it can act like a portable memory stick. I call it, the Data knife.” Everyone was stunned by what she said. “You really made that by yourself?” said O’Neil in disbelief. “I’ve also been taking some extra computer classes.” Said Angel 03. “Here, let me show you.” Angel walked over to the large computer and put on what appeared to be a scouter scope. She scanned the keyboard, and uses it to cut it open. She opened a keyboard and revealed a spot where the knife could be inserted. She placed the knife inside, causing it to automatically hack into the computer. Once it was done accessing, they now had full access to it. Angel closed it and had a smug look on her face, which surprised the others. “Okay, now that is awesome.” Said Michelangelo. Donnie went over and inspected the knife. “This is amazing. With this invention, it could save us a lot of time and trouble trying to hack into enemy computers.” “Remarkable.” Said Rockwell. “Uh, less time gawking and more hacking into security?” said Angel 03 rhetorically. “Oh, right.” Said Donatello as he quickly went over to the computer and began to type everything down on what needed to be done. After a few moments, he said “Done. Security should be ours for the time being.” “That means we still got some time.” Said Amethyst Majesty. “So, what’s the plan?” Said Beast Boy. “We need to make sure no one catches us off guard and to make sure that nobody else would catch up to us.” Said Leo. “So where do we go from here?” said Sunset. “I got it.” Said Roland, “The Mighty Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, and Young Six will remain here and watch our six. Once the defense grid is offline, no doubt that the rest will come in and attack all around to distract Bishop’s forces. Once that’s done, they’ll regroup with us immediately, which will allow us to double our strength against him.” “I can work with that.” Said Slash. “I’ve been looking forward to bust some heads at them for some time.” Roland went over to the CMC and Bright Eyes, stood on one knee, and said “Remember your training and stick together no matter what. Work as one, and make sure you’re safe. Okay?” The four of them nodded, until they were taken aback by his hug, with him whispering “Be careful out here.” He broke the hug and stood up, with Leo saying “Let’s go guys!!” They soon left whilst the rest remained behind to watch the place, whilst Bright Eyes and the CMC were sort of surprised by what just happened. Whilst the Young Six remembered what Michelangelo told them about what happened to Bright Eyes, which caused them to look in concern for her. However, unknown to them, they weren’t the only ones who were teleported. For among them was none other than Fluttershy’s pet Angel Bunny, who had been looking for her owner for some time, and when it saw the CMC, it knew they were going to the Rainbooms, which meant Fluttershy was nearby. Wanting to find her, he hopped along, hoping to find her along the way. *********************************************************************************************** From within the base, everyone was standing near the edge of a corner, with Amadeus taking a peak, and saw at least six guards guarding the defense grid room. He looked back to the others and said “There’s about six guards around the corner. We’re gonna have to find a way past them.” “Why don’t we just beat them up.” Said Night Shine. “I like that.” Said Raph. “And risk setting off the alarms?” said Donatello. “He’s got a point; I saw a panic button near the door.” Said Donnie, “If they spot us, we’re exposed.” “Then how are we going to get past them?” said Sunset. Roland tried to think of a way, until he grunted for a bit, with his eyes suddenly turning emerald green for a moment. Then he ended up smirking and looked at Rarity. “I might have something.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “But…it’s gonna be crazy. So crazy it just might work.” “Oh, and what are you going to do, distract them, lure them away and beat em to a pulp?” said Raphael rhetorically. Roland looked at him for a moment, then looked at Rarity and said “Rarity, I’m gonna need a red wig, some purple eye liners, some lipstick, blush, hairspray, and that red dress with purple gloves you wanted to get rid of.” Everyone gawked in surprised by what he said, but none were more surprised than Rarity. “Um, darling.” Asked Rarity. “If I might ask…why?” “Do you have them or not?” asked Roland. “Of course, I do.” Said Rarity as she pulled it from out of nowhere, which surprised the group. “And I thought Pinkie Pie was full of surprises.” Said Static. Roland took them and placed a cover wall in front, so that they wouldn’t peak. They heard a ton of grunting noises, squirming noises, as well as a few yelps and painful noises, which confused the others. “Uh, you okay there, dude?” asked Rainbow Dash. When all of a sudden, they heard him going over, “Become another person, become another person, become another person…” When all of a sudden, a woman’s voice was heard as it said “Become another person.” Everyone was silent for a bit, with them looking back and forth. However, Shine Boy and Night Shine looked at one another. “You don’t think…” said Shine Boy before he wanted to assume anything. “If he is, I’m taking a picture.” Said Night Shine as he took out his phone and said “This ought to be good.” “Are all of you ready?” said the woman. Uh, I guess? Said a confused Gears. When all of a sudden, Roland walked out, and revealed something…very shocking. Everyone gawked and dropped their jaws in shock whilst their eyes nearly widened like dinner plates, as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing, with Night Shine dropping his phone as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Roland walked passed them and spoke in a woman’s voice, “Wish me luck boys.” Everyone continued to stare as they couldn’t believe what they saw. “I, dui, Dai, duh…” babbled a few of the guys as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The six guards were standing there, normally, until they saw a figure approaching, causing them to aim their guns. “Halt!!” shouted one of the soldiers, “Who goes…?!” When Roland walked into the light, the guards were surprised by what they were seeing. He walked to them and began to sing. (look from 0:26-0:50) The guards were stunned as they watched Roland walk and began to stand near a different part of the wall. “I seem to be a little lost.” Said Roland playfully, “Could one of you…please show me around?” Suddenly, the six guards went gaga as they all looked at Roland and chased after him, with Roland going around the corner with the guards following him as everyone watched. Suddenly, loud bashing, punching, kicking, and other roughhousing were being heard as the guards grunted. Everything was silent, with Roland suddenly coming from around the corner, back to his normal attire and normal, whilst whistling, tossing a guard’s helmet away and holding tons of their access ID cards. He stood near the baffled folks as he said “Now then, shall we?” He walked down the hallway as he began to whistle ‘Oh Suzanna’, with everyone watching in shock as they couldn’t believe it. “Uh…what just happened?!” exclaimed Rubberband Man. “Guys.” Said Mikey, “We fought robots, mutants, meta-humans, aliens, other dimensional monsters, ghosts, demons, ninjas, spies, super soldiers, monsters and everything unimaginable…” “As well as the supernatural hijinks.” Said Michelangelo. “But that…” “That is the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen!!” shouted both Mikeys. “Mikey, for once in our entire lifetimes.” Said a baffled Raph. “We completely agree with ya.” Said Raphael. “One thing’s for sure.” Said Shine Boy as he slowly looked at the others, “We will never, speak of this again.” “Agreed.” Said the others. When all of a sudden, a loud snicker was heard, and the loudest laughter, came from Night Shine as he instantly fell over and onto his back, with the others just as freaked out from what they have seen. ******************************************************************************************* After that surprising ordeal, everyone was at the next room. They saw a large computer up ahead. “That must be the security system.” Said Cyborg. “Though why do I get the feeling it’s a bit, too easy?” said Lemon Zest. Sugarcoat thought of something and pulled out an empty clip from Roland’s belt, which surprised him, causing her to throw it, making lasers appear and sliced and shot it at the same time, surprising everyone. “Sensitive and motion lasers.” Said Sugarcoat, “I have to admit, they do love being secured.” “Oh great, just what we needed.” Said Raphael. “How are we going to cross it?” Said Michelangelo. “Maybe something completely unexpected and completely crazy?” said Mikey. “Like what, acting like a boy band and…” said Roland before he stopped and blinked. He suddenly smirked. The others noticed this too. “What?” said Beast Boy. “You have the idea?” asked Starfire. He slowly looked at both Amethyst Majesty and Rarity, which caused the two to notice. “What?” said both Amethyst and Rarity. “How are your dancing skills?” asked Roland. “Huh?” said Amethyst in confusion. “What do you mean by…?” Roland suddenly pressed a button, causing certain music to play. Suddenly, Amethyst Majesty’s hip began to slowly move to the music, making him realize in shock. “Oh no.” muttered Amethyst He suddenly placed his hands on his hips and moved with the rhythm of the song, which surprises everyone the way he was moving. “Uh, what are you doing?” said a nervous Sunset when they saw him move and twirl and then raised his right arm in the air. He instantly went over to Rarity, held her behind her hip and dipped her, making her lean backwards as it surprised her whilst she blushed at the same time. “Uh, I don’t know what came over me.” Said Amethyst Majesty nervously. “Just go with it.” Said Roland. Amethyst looked at Roland surprised, then to the security controls. Then it clicked what Roland had in mind. And with Rarity as his dance partner… Amethyst Majesty suddenly smirked whilst placing his left hand on her cheek and said “Oh, I’m so going to enjoy this.” Rarity suddenly couldn’t help but smile in return with half lidded eyes. And then…they moved and danced at the same time whilst the lasers were firing. The two of them separated and twirled at the same time whilst aiming their right/left arm in the air. They connected their arms as they stepped left and right whilst moving at the same time. Amethyst twirled Rarity and brought her close, with the two of them nodding once to one another. He twirled her around him as they continued to move before bringing her closer again. The two of them were then in a tango type of position. They move in a fast pace as they shifted to and fro. The two of them were on their knees and looked at one another. Amethyst twirled Rarity and made her tip her body backwards over his leg whilst she smiled at the same time. The others couldn’t help but watch in awe as they watched them dance. The two of them stood up and twirled a bit before joining together, and dancing together in sync as they moved towards the controls whilst the lasers were missing them at the same time. The two of them stopped as Amethyst Majesty dipped Rarity as she leaned backwards, then made her spin a bit before stopping whilst the two of them smiled at one another as their arms were raised in the air. They moved them as well as dub step their feet at the same time. The two of them moved their bodies in different positions whilst they still kept an eye on one another, not wanting to miss a step. During the dance, Pinkie Pie pulled out a bag of popcorn and presented it to Team Shine, with Shine Boy and Gamer share a bag of popcorn and Night Shine grabs a handful himself whilst watching the dance. Rarity and Amethyst Majesty joined up and did a fast pace dance as their feet tapped with the rhythm. Though they continued with the song as Amethyst Majesty lifted her up as the two of them continued to dance. They were close to the controls, with Amethyst grabbing Rarity’s hand and twirled her, before she was on the ground, making her skid whilst Amethyst grabbed her hand. Out of instinct, Roland tossed a rose to Rarity, allowing her to catch it with her mouth. The two of them danced and held onto one another with their left arms in the air whilst not taking their eyes from one another. They then separated as Rarity twirled whilst Amethyst Majesty skid on the ground with one knee as he was close to the security defense controls. Rarity went over, allowing Amethyst to twirl her around his body, making the two of them stand whilst Rarity was leaning as Amethyst held her by the hip with the two of them in position, and at the same time, deactivated the security, causing everything to shut down along the way whilst the alarms went off. Everyone who saw was stunned, and then all of them clapped their hands as they thought it was amazing. Rarity and Amethyst Majesty stood normally and walked together whilst holding onto one another as Rarity playfully held her rose. “When this is over,” said Rarity, “You and I are so going to dance at a place of my choice.” “I’ll pay for it, as well as a tux.” Said Amethyst, “You focus on a dress that matches that beautifully white snowy skin of yours.” He playfully rubbed his nose against hers, which made her giggle at the same time. *************************************************************************************************** From outside, a ton of explosions were happening outside, causing everything to go into chaos. Agent Bishop quickly went over to the controls and said “Status report!!” “Sir, we’re under attack!!” shouted one of the EPF soldiers. “Multiple hostiles attacking all over the base!!” *************************************************************************************************** From one part of the base, the entire CHS and CPA teens were keeping the guards busy with their weapons and ninja training, whilst some of them were using teleportation tech that the Plumbers taught them in order for them to teleport everyone out of the base. *************************************************************************************************** From another part of the base, half the League were fighting all over the base against the mutated soldiers that were created using their enemies’ powers. *************************************************************************************************** The Dog Star Patrol were flying around, causing as much damage to the defenses as best they can. *************************************************************************************************** From the south side of the base, Ben and his team were taking care of the Alien hybrids from the lab to make sure that they would not hurt anyone else. *************************************************************************************************** At the same time, the Rangers were busy dealing with the mutated Putties that Bishop had experimented on. “I can’t believe this world’s Bishop would do something this horrible.” Said Kimberly. “I know,” said Jason, “But we’ll do what we can to make sure no one would get hurt ever again.” *************************************************************************************************** The Crystal Gems were busy destroying most of the machines to make sure no one would be hurt ever again. *************************************************************************************************** At the same time, from down one of the hallways, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies, along with the Mutanimals and their groups once they regrouped, headed straight down for where Bishop is located. “How much farther?!” said Leo as he looked at Fugitoid. “According to my scanners, it’s should be further straight ahead, just beyond those doors!!” “Allow me to open the way!!” said Cyborg as he engaged his arm cannon. Once he had his target, he fired and took it down without ease. Just as they were about to enter, suddenly Roland felt something off…really off. “Stop!!” shouted Roland. Everyone stopped the moment they were on the other side of the doors. “What?! Why’d we stop?!” said Smolder. “Uh, I think I know why!!” said Batgirl as she pointed ahead. And to their surprise, they were surrounded by many EPF soldiers, larger robots, mutant hybrids and so on. But at the center, were the Purple Dragons of the 03 world, the Purple Dragons from their world, as well as many Kraang droids and Putties and so on. But among them were Hun 03 and the Turtle Hun. “Normally I’d be pickin’ a fight with Bishops’ forces, as well as the Purple Dragons, but the lot of dem in dis joint together?!” said Raphael. “What gives, Hu?!” said Michelangelo. “You never sided with Bishop before, why now?!!” said Leonardo. “Pretty simple really.” Said Hun, “We figured that whilst you lot were keeping Bishop busy, we’d be raiding the place.” “And once we get what we want, nothing will ever stand in our way.” Said Hun. “And what better way to start off, by taking care of all of you.” Said Hun. “Is he always like this?” whispered Beast Boy. “You get used to it.” Said a handful of others. “And I was thinking that the clockwork villain we fought was of the big ego.” Said Starfire. “Enough talk!!” said Hun, “Let us finish this, now!!” “I couldn’t agree more.” They looked above and saw the Justice League members, Superman, Wonder Woman, John/Green Lantern, Wally/Flash, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter entering the building and slowly landing near the others. “What are you guys doing here?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Er, not that we mind asking, that is.” Said Fluttershy in her whimpering state. “We took care of things on our side,” said Wonder Woman, “So we fought our way here to lend a hand.” “Plus, we also kind of have a score to settle with Bishop for what he was doing.” Said Wally/Green Lantern. Roland then smirked and said “How about a bet? Laser tag rules. Whoever gets the lowest points, has to buy dinner.” The League looked at him with flexed eyebrows, until Wally/Flash said “You know what, it’s been a while since we did that. As long as John or Clark pays, I’m solid.” “Oh, you wish.” Said John/Green Lantern as he got ready. “Everyone ready!!” said Roland, causing everyone to get ready as they pulled their weapons out. “Set!!” Both sides were now prepared to strike as all of them were staring down at one another. “Go!!” shouted Roland, causing everyone to charge. “Crush them all!!” shouted both Hun and Turtle Hun whilst their side charged towards them, with both sides about to clash. *************************************************************************************************** From one of the rooms, the soldier, which was Jacob in disguise, was busy sneaking around and eventually found his way to the room he was looking for. And there, right ahead of him, was Batman. He quickly went over to him and untied him. Batman groaned from the pain whilst Jacob helped him up. “Easy there, Bats. You’ve been through a lot.” Said Jacob. He then looked at the other direction where the noise was. “Looks like their little distraction is working. We’ll need to…” He was suddenly punched away and crashed against the wall. When he looked, he saw Batman looking at him, whilst he was wearing what appeared to be an upgraded version of his bat suit. The Dark Knight’s eyes were glowing red. Meaning Bishop has him under his control. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Batman charged towards him, for this was going to be a long fight. *************************************************************************************************** Back at the large hanger, everyone continued to give their all against their opponents. Sunset continued to dodge the Purple Dragon’s fire, until she yelped and jumped in the air. She half expected to land back, though for some reason, she didn’t land back. To her surprise, she was flying in the air. “What the?!” exclaimed Sunset as she noticed she was in the air, which gained the others’ attention. “Sunset, you’re flying?!” exclaimed Leo. “It’s not her, it’s her attire!!” shouted Roland, gaining some of their attention. “What are you talking about?!” said Casey. “A while back after Princess Twilight talked about their time in the comic book world, I secretly took the costumes from Pinkie Pie’s hair…!!” “What?!” exclaimed Pinkie before dodging another attack from Bishop’s men. “And swapped it with my own design!!” “Your design?!” said Applejack after punching one of the larger robots. “The fabric contains a special nano and micro technology!!” said Roland, “Remember the guys you bumped into a while back, the Crysis team?!!” “Wait, you mean those guys with the funny looking armored suits?!” exclaimed Casey whilst he was skating around the enemy. “That’s right!!” said Roland, “I was able to copy the idea and placed it into the fabric, but those are specifically designed to their genetic structures!! They think it, they can do it!!” “Translation!!” shouted Rainbow as she zipped past. “In other words, you now have the Power Ponies’ powers!!!” The Rainbooms and Princess Twilight stopped in shock as they were surprised by the revelation. Sunset thought about it, and generated enough heat and created fire, causing her to shoot fire at the EPF robots down below, making them melt, surprising her as she shouted “This is amazing!!” The rest of the Rainbooms decided to try it out as well. Applejack used her thoughts to summon her lasso and used it to ensnare a few EPF agents and tossed them aside. “Amazin’!!” said a surprised Applejack. “Wow,” said Wonder Woman as she landed next to her, “You’re a natural.” “Thanks.” Rainbow used her medallion and began to summon lighting. Within split seconds she fired lightning at the roboticized putties before they collapsed. “Awesome!!” Pinkie Pie began to use her superspeed to dash around from here to there, and went “Tag, you’re it!! Tag you’re it!!” over and over, until she giggled when she tied them up using her speed. Rarity uses her bracelets to make constructs and uses them to take them down with ease. “Wow Rarity, you’re a natural.” Said Amethyst Majesty. “Naturally,” said Rarity as she flipped her hair, “Thankfully, both Hal Jordan and John Stewart taught me everything they knew.” Twilight flew around and began to fire pure energy from her head via her headgear’s horn, knocking many of them back. “Wow, you’ve taken the whole powerful mind thing to a whole new level!!” said Venus surprised. “This, is, amazing!!” said Twilight in excitement, whilst Princess Twilight flew behind her and uses both her mind and hands to fire pure energy in order to give them some cover. That leaves out… “Fluttershy.” Muttered Roland, before turning to the shy girl, who was fighting. “Fluttershy!! You gotta get angry!!” “Huh?” said a confused Fluttershy. “It’s the only way you’ll be able to access your abilities!!” “Still not seeing it!!” shouted Raph as he tackled a few bad guys over. “Sorry, but, I’m not angry.” Said Fluttershy, “And nothing is making me angry at the moment.” “Darn it.” Muttered Roland as he quickly hid behind cover in order to reload his pistols. “Her turning into Saddle Rager is the only way to…” However, to his shock, he saw Angel Bunny, who somehow wandered in here. “Angel?!” whispered Roland in shock. “What’s he doing here?! Doesn’t he know that it’s…!!!” He suddenly blinked in shock, and then looked at Fluttershy. There was one way to get her mad but. “Oh, sweet nibblets, she’s not gonna forgive me for this.” Muttered Roland as he quickly ran over and grabbed Angel, which surprised the rabbit. He hid behind the corner and took a peak, and saw that he has some time. He looked back at Angel and said “Angel, I need your help. I need you to get yourself injured.” The rabbit was surprised, but looked in confusion. “Look, normally I wouldn’t do this to any form of animal,” said Roland, “But Fluttershy has the costume that turns her into Saddle Rager, but the only way she can do that if she gets angry. So, I need to help you get her angry enough to transform.” Angel shook his head, looked away and crossed his arms, for there was no way he was going to do that. Roland then remembered if pony Fluttershy’s Angel is like this one, then there’s only one way. He pulled out a paper and quickly wrote some stuff down. “If you do, I’ll let you have everything on this list.” Said Roland as he presented the paper to Angel, causing the rabbit to look and took it. He began to read it through, until Roland offered him a pen, “feel free to make any changes to it.” Angel took the pen and looked over the list. He wrote a bunch of stuff down whilst making some changes at the same time. Angel gave the list back to Roland, allowing him to accept and looked it over. After reading it, he looked to Angel and smiled. “Deal.” Said Roland as he shook the rabbit’s hand, causing Angel to smile back. “Now do your thing.” Angel nodded and hopped on over to the 03 Hun, who was sneaking up on Fluttershy as she was trying to cover the group. Angel was then in position and began to tap against the 03 Hun hard. Roland dramatically gasped and said “Angel, what are you doing?!” Fluttershy gasped and said “Angel?”, before turning back to 03 Hun and saw Angel. The 03 Hun saw Angel tapping hard against his foot. Annoyed, he shouted “Stupid rabbit!!” Then Hun 03 swatted Angel hard, making him crash against a barrel and yelp in pain before collapsing onto the ground, shocking Fluttershy. “ANGEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL!!” exclaimed Fluttershy in shock as she ran over to her injured pet rabbit. As Roland saw her, he then grabbed Night Shine as he was about to take down the next group. Before he could react, Roland whispered something to his ear, which slowly surprised him as he looked at Roland. “Really?” said Night Shine, to which Roland nodded and handed him some popcorn, allowing him to accept it and ate it whilst looking at the scene, with Roland sipping some soda. Fluttershy went over to her injured pet rabbit and quickly picked him up in concern. “Oh, my goodness, are you okay?” Angel whimpered a bit as he had a hard time standing up, before fainting from the pain. Night Shine and Roland whistled to everyone in the room, making them stop as they pointed at Fluttershy, causing them to look at her. She gently placed the rabbit down in a safe spot and slowly looked at Hun 03 as she slowly got angry. “Are, you, kidding me?!” said Fluttershy as she slowly walked over to Hun 03. “I mean, I know you’re evil and everything. But you would hurt, my innocent, harmless little bunny?! Really?!!” Hun 03 was a little confused by this as she went on, “Why you’re just a great, big, MEANIE!!” Hun 03 was taken aback by this, same with everyone else in the room. Except the Mane 6 were surprised as they had sudden Déjà vu. “There, I said it!!” shouted Fluttershy in a very different voice as there was a vein on her neck. “What makes you think you’re so special?!!” But as she talked, she began to grew, as well as some of her muscles, in a more feminine way, which slowly shocked Hun 03. “What, does the rules of common curtesy don’t apply to you?! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?!!” As she was done, she was now a six-foot-seven-inch-tall warrior. She then roared out loud like the Hulk, which shocked everyone, minus Roland, Night Shine, the Mane 6, the two Spikes and Angel Bunny in the room from what they saw. “Okay, now I see it!!” shouted Raph. Fluttershy gave hun 03 the stare, whilst Hun was in shock as he muttered, “Crud.” With one big punch, Hun 03 got tossed into another direction, making him crash against the wall, with the other henchman watching in shock. Fluttershy jumped in and began to smash everything around her, with everyone getting tossed and turned at the same time. Every good guy slowly gathered around Night Shine and Roland as they watched the fight. “Uh, wow.” Said Gallus. “You can say that again.” Said Wonder Woman. “Is she normally like this?” said Hal/Green Lantern. “Only when she has to.” Said Roland, “She really doesn’t like getting mad or anything, otherwise she might break down thinking that she might’ve hurt somebody.” After Fluttershy beat them, everyone gathered near her. She at the same time looked sheepish whilst smiling nervously at the same time. “That, was, awesome!!” said Casey. “Yeah girl, that was amazing!!” said Mikey in excitement. “So, this is what Saddle Rager looks like?” said April whilst looking at Fluttershy. “It can’t be.” Said Spike, saying his knowledge of the Power Ponies Comic, “Whenever Saddle Rager gets angry, she turns into a bulk form, like Bulk Biceps. She shouldn’t gain a form like this and have more muscle.” “Well, I did base the design from She-Hulk.” Said Roland, “She’s also strong, but I chose to design one that’s of her build. I mean you have to admit, this looks great on her.” Everyone else looked at Fluttershy and noticed that she does look good. “Wow, she really does look good.” Said Shinigami. Everyone else voiced their agreement, with Fluttershy smiling and turning away bashfully. They suddenly heard what appeared to be a jet of sorts, gaining their attention, revealing the Purple Dragons from both sides retreated and revealed they hijacked a transport. “This isn’t over!!” shouted Hun, “We’ll be back. And we have a prize along the way.” To their shock and horror, Bright Eyes was being held prisoner and was unconscious. Roland saw and watched in shock. However, he suddenly saw something else in her place all of a sudden. Something snapped inside of him. A strange energy began to pulse from within him. He lowered his head and stood up. Suddenly, his wrists began to generate red and green electricity, gaining some of their attention. “Roland?” muttered Apple Bloom. Within a split second, he began to generate a powerful aura like energy and surrounded himself with it, shocking everyone as they backed away. Roland crouched and was in position. “CHAOS…!!!!” Within a split second, Roland dash jumped straight towards the ship at great speed, much to their shock. Roland charged his right fist into pure energy and was prepared to strike. “SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!” With one hard punch, Roland damaged the ship as it made it stagger backwards, with Bright Eyes falling out, causing Roland to dart and catch her and safely land. He gently placed her onto the ground, then rapidly looked at the Purple Dragons, much to their shock, as well as everyone else’s. Roland slowly turned around and began to generate energy again. “CHAOS!! BLAAAAAAAAASSSSSSTT!!” He then shot a powerful beam from his body, making it hit their transport, and them flying far away from the base as all of them were screaming all the way to New York. Back at the base, Roland powered down and nearly passed out, with Superman quickly darting over and caught him. “You good?” asked Superman. “I will be, after we finish the mission.” Said Roland as he was able to stand up, but then went over to Bright Eyes and picked her up. “Blade, Tempest, you wanna take her back?” “Of course.” Said Blade as he held onto her. “Max, we got our first injured.” Said Roland, “Blade and Tempest are bringing her back. Teleport the others back to base once that’s done.” “We’re on it.” Said Max over the radio. “We’ll see you in a bit.” Said Blade before they got teleported. “Come on, all that’s left is facing Bishop.” Said Roland, then moved a bit and said “He’s got a lot to answer for.” “Whoa now, partner.” Said Applejack as she helped him stand. “Y’all can barely move on yer own. Y’all need some help.” “Fine.” Groaned Roland. “Oh, don’t act like an injured patient.” Said Applejack. “If I was a patient, then you’d be my pretty nurse, taking care of me and my golden years.” Teased Roland. “Oh, don’t y’all sass me.” Said Applejack. “Says the girl who dresses like a supermodel in that outfit.” Retorted Roland, causing Applejack to slap his buttocks, making him yelp. “Now, now, enough of that.” Said Applejack. Roland sighed and said “You’re right, I’m sorry AJ.” “Yer good.” Said Applejack. “And I know it’s gonna sound weird,” said Roland, who then had a surprised look and said “Now that was a gunshot.” Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at this whilst they continued with their current path “Come on, we still got a fight to finish.” Said Leo as all of them headed for Bishop. At the same time, Kevin arrived and held onto Night Shine’s shoulder. “Hey, spotted a lounge not far from here.” Said Kevin, “Wanna see what they have?” Night Shine then shrugged his shoulders, which the two of them walked to another direction. ********************************************************************************************** At the same time, Jacob was busy down the hallway, fighting Batman at the same time. The two of them were evenly matched as they continued to fight down the hallway. “Normally, I’d kick his butt in a heartbeat.” Muttered Jacob, “But I don’t want to risk anything bad. I’m gonna have to think of something though.” He dodged Batman’s attack and continued to move down the halls. ********************************************************************************************** Back at the base, everyone was close to a door, with Roland signaling them to halt. He looked back and said “Before we go in. Just wanted to let you know, that Blade and Tempest have taken Bright Eyes to the infirmary. They said she has a slight concussion, but she’ll live. She’ll just need some proper rest in the meantime.” “Oh, thank goodness.” Said Rarity as the others were relieved. “Now then,” said Raph, “We got bigger things to fry.” “Agreed.” Said Roland. He then looked at the Leaguers and said “Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lanterns. Would you be so kind enough to open us the door for us, please?” “With pleasure.” Said Superman. With great strength, they punched the doors down, allowing all of them to enter. They were in a large room where it looked like the command center, whilst all of them were looking around. “Where da shell is he?!” said Raphael. “Looking for me.” Everyone turned around and saw Agent Bishop approaching and standing in the light, whilst everyone got ready at the same time. “So, this is Bishop, huh?” said Static. “The human version in this world.” Said Applejack whilst squinting her eyes at the same time. Superman used his supervision and scanned the Agent. Then said “His genetic structures are very different. Just like all of you said.” “So, you are the fabled superpowered beings I’ve heard so much about.” Said Agent Bishop. “Yeah, we are,” said Wally/Flash, “And you also happen to be the xenophobic psychopath that our friends told us about.” “What you call a psychopath, I call myself a visionary.” Responded the agent. “Visionary?” said Superman as if he was insulted, “You call experimenting on innocence, using them for your own selfish benefit, attacking lifeforms that haven’t done harm to others a visionary?” “If you truly were a defender of humanity, then you should use that to help unite others to help combat those who would do those harm, not exploit it and stab them in the back.” “Hmph, I don’t expect you to understand.” Responded the agent. “Oh, we understand perfectly.” Said John/Green Lantern, “The two of us before you, we’re born from Earth, and we chose to fight alongside an alien galactic police force to protect the innocence.” “We both took an oath to protect others,” said Hal/Green Lantern, “And yet here you are, killing anyone who isn’t human to further your own selfish goals.” “Not to mention, trying to mind control a bunch of kids for your own selfish goals.” Said Amethyst Majesty, “You’re a sick man.” “I do whatever it takes to ensure humanity’s survival.” Said Agent Bishop. “Like reverse engineering supervillains and our enemies for your own armies?” said Nightwing rhetorically. “Especially kidnapping Batman?” said Batgirl. “You claim you do this for humanity, yet you tend to hurt and force other humans to work for you because they refuse to work for you.” Said Raven. “The way I see it, you’re more alien than they are.” Agent Bishop scowled, and said “Be that as it may. You only stopped a fraction of my plans. Once we reverse engineer…” “That’s where you’re wrong, Agent Bishop.” Said Twilight as she cut him off. “We’ve already seen firsthand on how clones and reverse engineered powered being are capable of.” Said Sunset. “It can’t be controlled, and the only thing you’ll get out of it, is a monster.” Said Venus. “Plus, we should know,” said Roland, “Superman and the League, even the others here have seen it before. The conditions can’t be reproduced. And you know the old saying, the created will always rebel against its creator.” “Then I will make short work of this.” Said Agent Bishop, “I already gathered many of my elite forces. They will be here shortly.” When all of a sudden, a loud explosion came from the wall, surprising the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends, with Bishop looking with a flexed eyebrow. To their surprise, they saw an EPF agent, aka Jacob in disguise, was fighting against Batman whilst he was holding his own. However, the Leaguers and Titans were surprised to see the look in Batman’s eyes. “He really is under their control.” Said Superman. “Just like before with Brainiac.” Said Robin. “How are we going to snap him out of this?” said Sunset in worry. Agent Bishop on the other hand was focused on his so-called subordinate. “What is the meaning of this?! Stand down!!” shouted Agent Bishop. Batman delivered a strong kick, causing Jacob to skid on the floor and was in the middle of the room. Batman slowly approached him and pulled out two Batarangs whilst Jacob slowly sat up. Jacob realized that the more he’s delaying, the more trouble things are going from here. But then he realized he had a contingency plan to snap him out of it. It was a long shot, but it had to work. But then he realized that there were witnesses, so he has no choice in the matter. “Aw, screw it.” Said Jacob as he pulled out the cube. “He can sort it out himself after this.” Jacob activated the cube and threw it, causing it to go off in a flash. Everyone closed their eyes and opened them, and realized that they were somewhat in a different location. “Where de shell are we?!” exclaimed Raphael. Applejack then saw something and widened her eyes in shock. She tapped on Raph’s shoulder and said “Uh, Raph.” Raph looked at to what Applejack was pointing, and to his shock, it was the one place Batman took them… The theatre, near Crime Alley. Batman looked around in confusion, with Agent Bishop shouting “What are you waiting for, destroy him!!” Batman turned to Jacob, but then Jacob shouted, “But first, look over there!!” Batman looked at the direction, and coming out of the theatre, was young Bruce, imitating his hero, Zorro, with his parents walking out of the theatre with him. Batman widened his eyes halfway in slow shock before dropping his Batarangs. “Who are they?” asked Flash. But then Roland, ended up saying, out of instinct, “Batman’s parents.” Everyone looked at Roland surprised, then to them. They saw young Bruce, going with Thomas and Martha Wayne down an alley. That’s when the mugger arrived from around the corner with his gun. “We’ll start with the pretty necklace there.” Said the mugger. Everyone was surprised to see what was going on, however, Raph and Applejack realized what this person was trying to do in order to snap Batman out of the trance, by watching of what happened that night. However, they saw Batman trying to resist, but Jacob walked over towards him. “You try to hold it all back, but you’re weak.” Said Jacob. Before Batman could react, Jacob grabbed Batman and held him in a headlock, whilst forcing him to watch the holograms, which surprised everyone by what he was doing. As Batman struggled, Jacob then slowly went to Batman’s ear as he watched. “You know it in your soul.” Batman saw the mugger, pull the trigger, causing the first shot to be fired, killing Thomas Wayne at point blank range as he collapsed onto the ground, shocking everyone when they saw what happened to his father that day. Batman’s eyes widened, with Jacob whispering in his ear. “You’re nothing but a hollow shell.” The mugger pulled the trigger a second time, causing the second shot to be fired, killing Martha Wayne at point blank range as she collapsed onto the ground. Whilst young Bruce watched in shock and horror, of what he had just witnessed. Half the people were horrified when they saw what happened to Batman’s parents. “A rusty trap.” Jacob tossed Batman in front of the holograms whilst using a knife to throw at the pipes above, causing water to come out. Batman then opened his eyes as he widened in shock, seeing the rain, the holographic blood coming down whilst he slowly looked at his dead parents, lying lifeless right in front of them. He slowly reached out and placed his hands onto them, feeling them even. He lowered his head in pain and sadness. Everyone was just as shocked. But none were more shocked than Nightwing and his crew, along with the League. “Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman from what she had seen. Agent Bishop was confused by what Jacob was doing, until a hundred EPF soldiers came in and marched forwards, causing them to aim their weapons at everyone, minus Agent Bishop, and Batman, thinking that he was still under their control. “The time has come.” Said Jacob one more time. Batman gripped his fists. He slowly lifted his head whilst from his face. All that pain, all that rage, that he had kept hidden beneath, was now showing through his facial expression, which shocked half the group from what they were seeing. “Stand down or…!!” said the soldier before he was cut off. Batman instantly punched the soldier in the throat and uppercut him so hard, it sent him flying across the room. The soldiers all looked at Batman as he slowly stood up, lifted his head, and showed them just how angry and enraged he his. Just as the Justice League wanted to move, Roland signaled them not to move for some reason. They didn’t know why, but the look on his face showed that this time, Batman was not going to play around. Agent Bishop noticed that Batman was no longer under his control and shouted “Quick, take him down!!” The soldiers fired, but they missed Batman as he used his grapple to lift himself away from the group, allowing himself to be against the upper wall and launched himself forward whilst gliding. He used his grapple and fired at a random target, causing him to land onto a soldier and jumped against a wall whilst pulling the weapon, causing the said weapon to fly out and knocked the EPF soldier behind him out cold, with most of the soldiers tried to attack him. One EPF soldier tried to tackle Batman, but the Dark Knight double fist slammed him on the back and kneed him in the gut, causing the soldier to let go and be head butted by Batman, whilst the soldier behind tried to kick the Dark Knight, only for the latter to catch it and elbowed him hard against his face, allowing Batman to trip him, jumped in the air and punched his lights out cold. Another soldier tried to use the bud of his weapon to knock the Dark Knight out, but Batman blocked him left and right and gave him an upper buddha palm, sending him flying and out cold. The next tried to attack Batman from behind by grabbing him, but Batman moved backwards against another soldier, allowing the said soldier to let him go. Batman turned around and disarmed the soldier when he had a knife, only for the soldier to kick Batman in the gut, but the Dark Knight caught the soldier’s right leg, lifted it in the air and kneed him in the groin, before punching his lights out, and continued to fight the others around him. Batman jumped in the air and threw both his Batarangs, causing the two soldiers to lose their weapons in the process before Batman grabbed one of the soldiers and threw him hard against the wall. As the one soldier fell unconscious, Batman tackled another and pinned him against the wall, whilst punching his gun away and backhanding him out cold. Batman blocked the second one’s attack before ducking to avoid the third’s attack, allowing Batman to deliver a reverse roundhouse kick, knocking him out too. Batman blocked another soldier when he tried to strike him down with a baton, only for the Dark Knight to use that said baton and knocked the soldier out, whilst grabbing his head and smashed it against the wall. Another attempted to attack, only for Batman to use his cape to distract the soldier, then used his elbow to knock the said soldier out. “Whoa, he’s good.” Said Leonardo. Batman charged towards one of the EPF soldiers whilst dodging their shots at the same time, the moment he got close, Batman deflected the soldier’s gun and punched his lights out so hard, he flew across the room. The next attempted to shoot Batman, but the Dark Knight was too fast for him, allowing Batman to grab his head and kneed it whilst he jumped, and then did a roundhouse kick in the air. The third attempted to shoot Batman, but Batman threw both shock collars onto the soldier’s shoulders, shocking him, allowing Batman to give him a hard kick against the wall. Suddenly, two EPF soldiers in mechanized suits tried to attack, but Batman kept dodging them as he kept jumping and twisting in ways no one could, until he jumped in the air and planted what appeared to be discs on their backs. Both suddenly began to hum and activate themselves, turning themselves into rockets, launching them as they each crashed into three soldiers, before crashing against the wall and all of them falling both hurt and unconscious. Agent Bishop kept staring in shock, for Batman had defeated over forty one out of a hundred and he’s still fighting. “What…is he?” muttered the Agent. Everyone else was just as dumbfounded when they saw how he was fighting against this many soldiers at the same time. Batman jumped backwards as he threw his Batarangs again, but instead of hitting them, they landed between them, causing them to explode and knocking at least six out in the process. Then he threw a handful of smoke bombs, causing them to be blanketed in smoke, making this disoriented, but they then tried to remain alert and tried to find him. Batman then tackled one of them over whilst using his Batarang to disarm the other before tackling him over too. The soldiers kept looking around, until one of them got tackled and disappeared, whilst the next had his leg tied and pulled from within the smoke. The soldier kept looking around, trying to find Batman, then he saw two more of his fellow troopers being taken down. The EPF soldier kept looking around, trying to find trace of Batman, until he reacted too late when he saw the Dark Knight jumping from above and attacking him. Everyone saw from the outside of the smoke that whilst the gunshots were being made, they saw how Batman took six soldiers down in the smoke. A few got out and fired their shots, until two grapple lines appeared, wrapping around one’s leg and one’s neck, causing them to be pulled into the smoke and knocked out, then Batman suddenly grabbed another by the leg and took him out, with Batman instantly taking out another by tackling him and knocking him out. Batman then went to the smoke as he tripped the next seven soldiers out before darting out of the smoke to attack the next batch. He jumped in the air and pulled out two of the EPF soldiers’ batons and held them in his hands before turning around to face them. As the first small group of soldiers attacked, Batman smacked one to the left, then one to the right, another to the left, and another to the right. He blocked all three and struck them down. Then he blocked and took another one down. One of the EPF soldiers tried to strike Batman, but he blocked him whilst using the baton to bash against the soldier’s gut twice before swinging the baton against his face, whilst Batman blocked the other and punched him multiple times in the chest before giving him a power right hook, striking the soldier down. Batman charged at the EPF soldiers as they tried to shoot back, but Batman kept dodging their fire. He grabbed the first soldier and twisted it, before pulling the soldier’s rifle out of his hands and bashed the weapon against his face. Batman somersaulted over the next soldier and kicked him away, before grabbing the next one and elbowed him up on his chin. He went to the next one and elbowed him in the gut before pushing him away in another direction, before throwing the gun at the next one’s head. The next EPF soldier tried to take down Batman, but Batman blocked his fist, and punched him so hard, his nose broke and bled, causing Batman to deliver another punch, sending the soldier flying hard against the floor. Batman darted forward and threw three of his Batarangs before he jumped in the air, causing all three EPF soldiers to be knocked out before they collapsed. Batman grabbed the first EPF soldier and used his grapple to launch himself in the air before throwing the soldier hard onto the ground, before he tackled the next one onto the ground and punched him so hard, he was out cold. “Whoa, look at him move.” Said Michelangelo as he and the others couldn’t believe how fast Batman was moving, however, most of them noticed that he wasn’t holding back his punches. Batman punched the one EPF soldier, before grabbing his face and smashing it to the ground, and used the soldier’s weapon as a club to smash it against another. Batman went behind another soldier, twisted his arm, and elbowed him unconscious, whilst he used his grapple to ensnare the soldier’s arm, allowing Batman to pull him towards the Dark Knight, allowing him to elbow uppercut him, sending the soldier flying and crashing against the wall. Batman suddenly threw another smoke bomb before the soldiers began to fire, but when the smoke cleared, he was suddenly gone, which surprised them. The remaining soldiers look around, trying to find Batman, but he was nowhere to be found, even the others wondered where he was. “Where did…?” said Fluttershy before she was cut off. And explosion came off, causing one of the soldiers to fall through, with Batman instantly going up. Before the others could react, the first twelve soldiers suddenly had small devices planted onto the side of their weapons, taking them by surprise. Before they could react, Batman pressed a detonator, causing their weapons to blow up. One of the soldiers shot through the hole, until Batman shot his grapple, causing it to piece the soldier’s leg as he screamed in pain, shocking the others as Batman pulled him up and punched him hard under the chin whilst he was upside down, knocking him out. Batman grabbed the next soldier and dislocated his arm whilst holding onto his weapon, which made the soldier scream in pain. Batman turned around, causing the blaster to be fired, striking down the next 8 soldiers as they collapsed onto the ground stunned, before Batman tossed the next one hard onto the ground, John Cena style. The next soldier began to fire, until Batman fired his grapple, piercing it through the soldier’s shoulder, allowing Batman to pull him hard towards him, making the soldier fly towards him, with Batman jumping in the air and delivered a strong punch, making the soldier fall hard onto the ground whilst rolling away. Batman pulled out his two Batarangs and threw them hard, knocking out the two soldiers hard as they collapsed onto the ground. One of the soldiers pulled out a grenade, pressed the button and threw it, only to his surprise, Batman caught it in his hand in midair, before tossing it back, causing three soldiers to be knocked back in the process. Batman shoved one soldier away, elbowed the one on the right, then punched one soldier in the gut before delivering a strong uppercut to him. He dodged left and right whilst trying to avoid the soldier who tried to swing his batons at Batman, only for the Dark Knight to grab him, lifted him in the air and smashed him hard onto the ground, leaving a large dent. Everyone, from the 2003 universe and the newcomers, watched in shock as they saw Batman fighting with force and brutality, something they’ve never seen him do before, not even Nightwing and the others, for they were surprised that he was holding back this whole time when fighting bad guys, especially since he just knocked another guy away as one of them grunted before being tossed to their feet out cold. The few soldiers kept firing their pistols until they ran out of ammo, causing some to draw their knives and their batons. Batman came charging to one of the soldiers as he jumped into the air and bashed the soldier’s head hard onto the crate, whilst Batman used the said crate via grapple, and threw it hard against the next soldier, which caused him to crash against the wall unconscious. One of the soldiers used the last ammo from his pistol and fired at Batman, causing him to lose his grapple. When he ran out, Batman took one good look at them and moved towards them whilst the remaining ones attacked. Batman grabbed the first one’s arm whilst he punched the second one before he, karate chopped the first one behind the head whilst quickly blocking the third and fourth before double punching them away from both sides, whilst he blocked the fifth one and head butted it hard in the face. He punched the sixth soldier in the face before blocking the third and fourth soldiers from both sides. Batman grabbed the seventh soldier’s arm whilst backhanding the sixth one, before he nearly dislocated the seventh’s arm, making him drop the knife in the process, whilst he kicked the fifth one away. The first one tried to attack Batman again, but Batman grabbed the soldier and used his knife to block the second attacker before kicking him away, the ended up plunging the first soldier’s knife into its pelvis, making the soldier grunt. The third tried to attack, but Batman blocked him and elbow uppercut him in the face, whilst the fourth attempted the same, before Batman blocked him and Buddha palmed him in the face, making the soldier stagger backwards, with Batman looking at the first soldier, and delivered a punch so strong, the soldier collapsed onto the ground hard, leaving a small dent in it. “What de shell is this guy packing?!” exclaimed Raphael when they continued to see Batman’s brutal attacks, which Agent Bishop suddenly began to sweat. The fifth tried to attack, but Batman grabbed him and pinned the soldier on the ground before delivering a few strong punches in the process before the soldier was knocked out. The sixth and seventh tried to attack Batman, but not before delivering strong Shaolin Monk punches, grabbed their heads and bashed them against one another. The second tried to shoot Batman in the head, but he instantly dodged it before grabbing the second soldier’s hand, trying to get him to drop his weapon, but the soldier wouldn’t let up, causing Batman to throw the soldier hard onto the ground and dislocated his arm, causing the soldier to scream in pain, which shocked the others. The third and fourth soldiers, or in this case, the last ones, tried to fight Batman as one pulled his cape before the other kicked him in the face. Batman crawled backwards whilst trying to deflect their knives at the same time. The second kicked Batman down whilst the first jabbed his knife into his shoulder, making him grunt and surprising the others. Batman kicked the second one in the knee, making him collapse onto the ground, whilst Batman kneed the other one that held the knife. The moment Batman got up, the second one was up, before Batman blocked him and punched him in the leg, making the second one collapse. Batman stood up and glared at the first before pulling out the knife from his shoulder. He moved towards the first soldier and pinned him against the wall and jabbed the knife in the soldier’s shoulder, instant karma. The second tried to attack again, but Batman blocked him, before delivering a strong punch to the gut, then to the face, then kneed him in the gut again, making the soldier collapse onto the ground hard, before Batman grabbed him and tossed him hard against the wall. Batman turned to the first one that tried to pull the knife out, but then he saw Batman walking towards him with the same angered expression. The soldier whimpered and tried to signal him to stop, begging not to be hurt, until Batman punched him so hard, it knocked the soldier out before he collapsed onto the ground. Batman then went to another soldier, who had a rifle on him, which Batman gave a good right hook before knocking him out. However, he suddenly held the soldier’s rifle and aimed it at the last soldier. “Drop it!!” shouted the soldier, gaining everyone’s attention, and what shocked the individuals from the 2003 universe, it was Angel being held hostage as the soldier aimed a gun at her head. “Angel!!” exclaimed Jones when he saw Angel being held hostage. “I said drop it, I’ll kill her!!” warned the soldier, with Angel being scared to death, however, Batman kept his gaze and didn’t move a muscle. However, what really surprised the league, he was holding a gun for the first time as he aimed it at the soldier. “Believe me, I’ll do it!!” Before anyone could react, Batman pulled the trigger, shooting at the soldier’s hand, making him drop the weapon as he shouted in pain. But just as he turned to Batman, the Dark Knight used the bud of the weapon and knocked the soldier out hard, making him collapse onto the ground, with Batman suddenly holding Angel close to him, to which she calmed down, but slowly looked at Batman. “I believe you.” Said Batman in retort. Everyone was dead silent from what they saw, for all around the Dark Knight, over a hundred men were taken down, each of them battered, bruised, wounded and barely being able to move, whilst some were also unconscious. “Holy chalupa.” Muttered Donnie. “He took down…a hundred men…on his own.” Said an equally shocked Donatello. “Who da shell is he?!!” said Raphael. The League, the Titans, even Static, Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Huntress, and Canary had no words to say from what they had seen. Agent Bishop growled on the other hand and said “You may have bested them, but I have a weapon of my own.” Agent Bishop pulled something out, which shocked the Turtles and Rainbooms. “Is that…?” said Mikey in shock. “How did you get that?!!” exclaimed Donnie. “Oh,” said Bishop as he smirked, “You’d be surprised how careless your Utrom buddies can get when it comes to portal tech.” “So that would explain why our portals were spiking!!” said Professor Agent Bishop then raised the amulet in the air, causing a portal to open, and within a split second, a familiar Demo-Dragon appeared from the portal. “I have returned!!” exclaimed the Demo-Dragon, who was none other than Kavaxas, shocking the Turtles and Rainbooms. “Holy chalupa!!” exclaimed Mikey. “Took the words right out of my mouth!!” exclaimed Michelangelo. Kavaxas landed, causing everyone to prepare for a fight. Kavaxas looked at the familiar group, and said “So, it is you lot. How my revenge would be sweeter once I finish you off once and for all.” He then noticed a certain girl among the group. “Ah, and the daughter of Trigon is here as well.” Raven was partially surprised that Kavaxas knows Trigon, “How did you…?” “Who did you think tricked you into revealing your location to Trigon?” Raven was shocked by the revelation, causing her to growl and plan to unleash her power, until… “Enough!!” shouted Agent Bishop, as he held the amulet in front of him, causing Kavaxas to nearly cower in front of the amulet. “You will have your revenge soon, but right now, finish the Batman.” Kavaxas noticed the Dark Knight standing there, with Kavaxas struggling to resist to attack. Batman then said to Angel, “Go back to the others. And don’t look back.” Angel nodded, allowing her to run to the others, with Jones holding her close, with O’Neil by her side. Batman turned to the Demo-Dragon, which caused the Demo-Dragon to launch himself at Batman, only for the Dark Knight to jump aside and throw a small pellet, causing a partial explosion as the Demo-Dragon was knocked a bit back, but then got back up and charged towards the Dark Knight. Kavaxas swung his claws left and right, trying to get his claws on the Dark Knight, but the Batman kept dodging it left and right, avoiding the creature’s attacks, but then Batman swung his cape, causing the Demo-Dragon to be caught off guard, making the Dark Knight jump over him and planted two small objects behind his back, causing them to hum too. “What the…?!” exclaimed the Demo-Dragon before he was launched whilst he was screaming. But just as he was about to crash against the wall, he landed on all fours, then removed the discos from his back, growled and said “I’m going to make you regret that.” Kavaxas produced a spear from his hand, then blew fire from his mouth, with Batman suddenly using his cape to shield himself, which caused the flames to deflect from his cape. “Huh?!” exclaimed the CMC before Apple Bloom said “How did he do that?!!” “His cape’s got a special alloy.” Said Venus, “Meaning it’s something that’s flame proof that he was able to weave into his cape, even to turn it into wings so that he can glide like a glider.” “Whoa.” Muttered the CMC when they saw Batman continuing his fight. Kavaxas attacked head on with his weapon and tried to strike a swing against the Dark Knight, but he merely jumped over and kicked it at the back of his head, before crashing onto the ground, with the Dark Knight turning around, ready to face him again. Kavaxas growled and said “Will you stop running you coward and face me!!” “Okay.” Batman instantly darted towards Kavaxas, which surprised the demon whilst he pulled something from his utility belt, that looked like a tungsten knuckle, made of Nth metal. Batman jumped up as Kavaxas used his arm to block him, only for Batman to anticipate it and jumped off it, then landed on his left hand, allowing him to push himself up in the air and delivered a strong right hook to Kavaxas’ face, causing the demon to scream as the side of his face was burnt. Batman landed in front of him and jumped in the air and grabbed Kavaxas’ face, allowing the Dark Knight to knee the demon in the head, disorienting it, allowing Batman to use his grapple to launch himself in the air, and give the demon a strong right hook. Kavaxas got angry as he turned around, only for Batman to throw seven of his Batarangs at the Demo-Dragon. When suddenly, they suddenly missed. “Ha!! You missed!!” said Kavaxas. “I didn’t.” The Batarangs suddenly stopped in midair, then flew back towards Kavaxas. The seven of them struck behind his back, causing them to beep, and explode simultaneously at the same time, causing the Demo-Dragon to be launched forward as both his wings were now damaged. The Demo dragon got angry as he stood up, but he failed to see the Dark Knight charging towards him. The moment when Kavaxas looked up, Batman delivered a strong right hook, breaking the demo-dragons’ teeth. As the Demo-dragon staggered a bit, Batman punched him in the face, two times in the gut, and then an uppercut under his chin. Batman once more delivered a strong punch to the gut, then to the face, a knee to the chest, two more punches to the gut, and then to the face. Batman then used a monk move as he concentrated his chi, and delivered a strong double punch, sending the Demo-Dragon flying for at least a foot away from him. Everyone watched in shock, bafflement, and stunned, as no one could believe what they were seeing, even the Equestrians were just as shocked. “He…he…” muttered Donnie as his one hand shook whilst pointing at Batman. “He’s beating Kavaxas…” “With nothing…but his gadgets and fists.” Said Princess Twilight. “Awesome.” Muttered Smolder when she couldn’t believe a human could beat him. “Wait until the dragons back home hear about this.” Even Agent Bishop couldn’t believe what he was seeing. For someone was beating a Demo-Dragon. Whilst at the same the same time, Kavaxas slowly stood up and felt his wounds at the same time. “That’s not possible.” Said Kavaxas, before Batman darted towards him like a speeding bullet. “How could you possibly…?” Before the Demo dragon could utter another word, Batman buddha palmed Kavaxas in the chest so hard, causing a loud crack to be heard, and a sonic wave was emitted, making Kavaxas grunt in pain loudly whilst his slobber went out of his mouth. Once again, they were shocked by what they were seeing, but none were more shocked than Agent Bishop. Within mere moments, Batman Buddha palmed him in the center of his shoulder, then at his chest, kicked him in the right leg between the knee and shin, then buddha palmed him at the center of his left shoulder, and then another kick in the left leg between the knee and shin. Kavaxas struggled to stand as he was disoriented, not being able to move a muscle, then ended up falling on his knees. Batman stood near Kavaxas whilst motioning his arms, with Kavaxas watching in shock. “How…are you…doing this?” Before Kavaxas could utter another word, Batman gave the demo dragon a powerful buddha palm right at the center of his head, causing a loud snap to happen, sending a sort of shockwave. Once that was done, the Dark Knight stood normally and looked at the demo dragon. “That’s…not…possible…” muttered Kavaxas before falling on his back in pain. Many were once again in shock, even Agent Bishop from what he was seeing. Batman walked over Kavaxas and looked above him, to which the demo dragon looked at the Dark Knight. “What…are you?” muttered the demo dragon. Before anyone could react, Batman pulled out his Batarang and jabbed the tip of it into its chest, causing the demo dragon to instantly turn to dust, with Batman responding with “I’m Batman.” Everyone was stunned by the Demo-Dragon’s defeat, even Agent Bishop was shocked and dropped the amulet. Batman slowly looked at Bishop, with him squinting his eyes. “It’s over Bishop.” Said Batman. “Nothing is ever truly over.” Said Agent Bishop as he squinted his eyes, “One way or another, I will protect this world from…” Before Bishop could react, Batman threw his Batarang at the agent. But the moment Bishop caught it, it exploded, causing him to be gassed, and ended up choking onto it whilst he coughed violently. Once he did that, Batman slowly approached the mad agent. “You feel that don’t you?” said Batman, causing Bishop to look at him. But instead of the Dark Knight, he suddenly saw a vampire demon approaching him, shocking the agent as he took a step or two backwards. “Breathe it all in. Do you know what that is? That’s fear.” Batman slowly approached Bishop, as he felt like he was in a corner now, with the Dark Knight saying “You’re not brave. You were never brave.” Bishop then tried to land a punch, only for the Dark Knight to block it with his right wrist and closed fist. “Men are brave.” Batman opened his fist, causing electricity to be produced from his glove, with his left hand doing the same thing. Before Bishop could react, Batman grabbed Bishop’s head with both of his hands. The moment Batman held onto Bishop’s head tightly, Bishop ended up screaming in pain, which shocked the others as they saw Batman holding the mad agent in that position, whilst the mad agent continued to scream. “You think you answer to some greater good and authority!! You only wanted the Turtles gone and their counterparts and the girls under your control because they’re an embarrassment!!” Said Batman, whilst Agent Bishop dropped on his knees during the electrocution. “Because they do what you can’t!! What kind of authority is that?!” Batman ended up kneeing Bishop in the face hard, making the agent stagger backwards whilst standing up. He took another look at the dark knight, before Batman Buddha palmed him hard, causing him to get hit by a random debris, which surprised the others in the process. The mad agent stood up and growled. “It doesn’t matter.” Said Agent Bishop, “It’s our world and they won’t stand for the likes of them. If it isn’t me, someone else would invite them in and end up betraying Earth for the extra-terrestrials.” “Really?” said the Dark Knight, “Who else could be worse than you?” Batman used his grapple to launch himself in the air, and attempt to tackle Bishop. But before the mad agent could defend himself, Batman suddenly landed behind him and gripped his right fist, causing it to be energized for some reason. With one swift motion, and the moment Agent Bishop turned around, Batman delivered a strong right hook, making the agent collapse hard onto the ground. Batman grabbed Agent Bishop and punched him hard, causing Bishop to stagger for a bit backwards, but Batman didn’t let up as he kept punching the agent, not giving him a chance to defend himself. Agent Bishop was able to grab Batman and punched back. The two of them exchanged blows, until Batman was able to launch himself in the air and used his Batarangs to cut down a wire with a strong metal like ball attached to it. He grabbed it and swung the agent hard onto the ground, with Batman using it again to hit Agent Bishop backwards. Agent Bishop peeled himself off the wall whilst Batman took two heavy objects and charged towards him. He used the two objects to bash Bishop multiple times. Bishop attempted for a punch, until Batman grabbed him by the head and Buddha palmed him, sending him flying in the air, causing Batman to follow, grabbed him, and slammed him hard onto the ground. Agent Bishop slowly stood up as Batman stood above him. “You claim that you fight for humanity,” said Batman, “Yet you use underhanded tactics and brutal experimentation, along with intimidation and murder to destroy an enemy. Being human is about being better than that. So, from what I’m seeing, you’re not doing this for humanity, you’re doing this out of your own hatred, because you’re a criminal.” Just as Agent Bishop stood up, Batman grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him close. “Despite your claims, from what I’m seeing, you’re not exactly a human being.” Said Batman, which surprised the mad Agent. “Maybe…you’re more alien than they are.” Agent Bishop had a shocked look on him, then an enraged one as he screamed, trying to punch the Dark Knight, only for Batman to block him with his right hand, and using the said hand to launch a pepper spray to his eyes, making the agent scream in pain. Batman grabbed a canister like explosive and planted it on the agent’s chest, causing Batman to jump back and explode, making the Agent launch a few feet with his suit torn. “What…is he?” said Leonardo as he and the others were stunned by what they were seeing. Batman then took another Batarang whilst Agent Bishop was on his one knee and foot before tossing it. The moment it was close enough, it exploded, releasing another bit of gas, but also one that caused dark veins to appear all over him, which shocked the others, for it was somewhat of a toxic gas. “You’re not the first immortal I’ve ever fought.” Said Batman as he stood in front of the agent, “It’s a little something I put together myself. It took time and costed me a fortune. And in case you wonder, I have both.” Batman punched Bishop hard in the face, causing Bishop to drop the first blood from his mouth. However, Batman didn’t stop from there as he grabbed the agent and continued to beat him mercilessly. He then pinned the agent against the wall, and delivered strong punches from the left, from the right, from the northwest, from the southeast, and so on and so on, leaving but a heavily bruised faced Bishop as he collapsed onto the floor whilst missing a few pieces of teeth. At first, they wanted him to stop, but Roland signaled them to stop, showing that he needed to do this. “You feel it for the first time, don’t you?” said Batman. “What all of us feel every day. Your own mortality.” Agent Bishop struggled to look at him. “Don’t worry, the toxins should pass from your body, soon enough.” Said Batman, before delivering a strong kick to Bishop’s face, making the agent land hard on his back. Bishop struggled to breathe as he looked at the dark figure towering over him, showing for the first time, the slightest of fear, as Batman grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close. “But I didn’t have to go easy on you.” Said Batman, “A different binding agent, a stronger mix.” He then looked at the agent dead in the eye in anger, with Agent Bishop being afraid for the very first time. “I want you to remember that.” Said Batman, “I wanted to remind you to stay out of the Turtles and everyone else’s way, and all the years to come in your greatest and most private moments. I want you to remember the one man who beat you.” “W-w-who…are you?” said Agent Bishop in shock and fear, which the others were surprised. When all of a sudden, everyone heard silent screeching and wailing, and within a split second, hundreds of bats flew in all around the fallen troops, causing the surviving ones to wail and flail and scream in fear, with Agent Bishop also showing signs of fear. “I am the vengeance. I am the night,” said Batman, “I am the pillar of Justice. I. am. BATMAN!!” Batman then held something in his hand, which looked like a brand, in deep heat and the symbol of the bat on it. “Agent Bishop.” Said Batman as he slowly raised his fist in the air with the brand. “Judgement time.” Batman then struck, and if you were outside, you’d hear the scream of fear from Agent Bishop. At the same time, both Kevin and Night Shine were at the EPA lounging near the bar, drinking a milkshake whilst he EPA soldiers were unconscious around them. Kevin looked around after his ears have perked up. “You hear something?” asked Kevin. “I don’t hear anything.” Said Night Shine whilst he was drinking a root beer float. “Meh me neither.” Said Kevin as he drank his. ************************************************************************************************** Soon enough, far away, the EPA base were in flames whilst the remainder had fled, with Agent Bishop leading the way. Whilst from afar, everyone watched them escape. “You sure it was wise to let him go?” asked Wally/Flash. “Bishop doesn’t have any resources to stop us.” Said Batman, “With his operations crippled, it’ll take him a long time to recover.” “Indeed,” said Splinter, “An enemy cannot hope to strike, if it does not have the sword to wield it.” “Still,” said Jones as he looked at the Rainbooms, “You girls were amazing. I had no idea you had extra powers.” “It’s not us, it’s the clothing.” Said Sunset. “Indeed.” Said Azmuth as he floated over, “As Roland explained to some of you, these suits contains a special type of fabric, which can make thought a reality. They have been specifically made for each of you, so that you would use your powers like the, who are they again, Power Ponies?” “It’s still awesome!!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, “We got two powers for the price of one!!” “If we plan on usin’ em.” Said Applejack, “Ah don’t like the idea of cheating’ to gain an advantage.” “Applejack’s right.” Said Rarity, “Even if they are fabulous.” “Still, I think Fluttershy is more awesome.” Said Casey, “Girl, I had no idea you had that in you.” Fluttershy smiled and felt embarrassed at the same time. “After the way one of those dudes hurt Angel, I can’t blame her.” Said Silverbolt. “Still, I wonder how Angel got here in the first place?” wondered Invictus. “Probably because Roland quietly quickly went back to fetch him because he knew how to get Fluttershy angry.” Said Pinkie Pie. “Huh?!” exclaimed the others. “You did what?!” exclaimed an angry Fluttershy in her Saddle Rager form as she leaned over to Roland, who was nervous, whilst the others were surprised by this. “Look, I know it sounds bad, but I had to do it to get your Saddle Rager side out.” Said Roland, “Plus I made a deal with Angel and he agreed to it.” They saw Angel on a large stack of carrot pies and carrot flavored tea as he casually sipped at it like a gentleman, before waving at the others. Some were stunned by what they were seeing. “That is one sophisticated bunny.” Said Static. “Roland…” growled Fluttershy as she was face to face with Roland. “Oh, I, uh, eep, uh, I, eep, ah, oh, ah.” Muttered Roland as he had been put in a corner, until he suddenly had an idea that made him blush, something that he thought he’d never ever do. He took a breath and said “Flutters. I’m sorry for this. But you’ve left me no choice to do something crazy.” “Like what?” growled Fluttershy. “This.” Roland grabbed Fluttershy’s face and kissed her full…on…the lips, which in turn took her completely off guard with widened eyes. But not as shocked and surprised as everyone else was by what they were seeing. Within mere moments, Fluttershy returns back to normal as she was slowly shrunk back down to her normal self, but with her eyes still widened and her cheeks now red. However, Fluttershy instantly lifted her left leg and had her eyes closed. Roland broke the kiss, making Fluttershy nearly faint before Roland carried her. Fluttershy kept a dreamy smile and went, “His lips are so soft.” Roland couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement. Classic Fluttershy. And still cute. He looked at the others and noticed all of them had stunned looks on their faces, with some smirking. “What?” responded Roland. “If I said this once Roland, I’ll say it again,” said Venus, “You have a very interesting way with the ladies.” “Ahem, no comment.” Said Roland, which caused half of them to laugh about it. Back at the moving EPA vehicle, Agent Bishop was slowly holding onto his wound, whilst looking at the agent who fought Batman. “You and I are going to have serious words when this is over.” Said Agent Bishop sternly. The EPA soldier suddenly grunted and screamed as steam came out of him and collapsed, causing the mist to appear in a fully cloaked form, which was none other than Jacob, which shocked Bishop. “Funny, I was going to say the same thing.” Said Jacob to the shocked Agent Bishop. “You’re a disgrace as a human being. You may think you’re doing the right thing, but you’re doing the complete opposite of it.” “I will do what is necessary for the sake of planet Earth.” Said Agent Bishop. Jacob instantly moved face to face with Agent Bishop, “And what, you were willing to mind control a bunch of kids to work for you? Yes, they may have powers, but they have friends, family, a home, a couple of things you obviously don’t have.” Jacob stood back up and said “You have no right to play god when it comes to protecting the innocent. You could’ve used that to fight alongside the Justice Force, stopped the war between humans and Triceratons, stopped the supernatural and helped the Turtles defeat the Shredder.” “And what, let aliens come to this world and run amok on this world?” said Agent Bishop rhetorically. “Better that than wasting my genius, talents and resources to fight a pointless inevitable fight.” Said Jacob. “This is only a setback.” Said Agent Bishop, wanting to change the subject, “Once I regroup, I’ll make sure that they never set foot on this world again.” Jacob smirked from underneath his hood, and said “Good luck with that.” Agent Bishop flexed his eyebrow, with Jacob taking out a tablet and showing him. “Whilst they broke into your base, I took the liberty of downloading all the information you had, and uploaded it to every government and military personnel all over the world, minus America.” Agent Bishop widened his eyes in shock as Jacob showed them that his bases from around the world were raided and arrested. “Even as we speak, your agents and troops from all over the world have been arrested, and most of your funding has ceased. And I’ll upload this one in American soil too, if you think of crossing the line again.” Jacob took his tablet away from the shockened Bishop. “The president is also a friend of mine, and I convinced him to cut half of your funding. Meaning…it’ll take about fifty years for you to build up your forces again, which should leave tons of opportunities for peace, rather than war.” Jacob crossed his arms and said “So here’s a warning for you, Agent Bishop. You think of crossing the line, then you will answer to me. And I hear a peep from you.” And from what Agent Bishop saw, was a slow transformation, as his face felt hot and was horrified by what he saw. “Then you will know the true meaning of fear and pain” From a distance, Agent Bishop screeched in fear and horror from what he had seen in front of him. ************************************************************************************************** From afar, after he was done, Jacob had teleported close to near one of the rocks, and from a distance, saw Roland and the others leaving and heading back to the ship. “Cutting it a little close, aren’t we?” Jacob looked from the corner of his right eye and saw a familiar anthropomorphic hedgehog, with blue fur, green eyes, and red sneakers. Who looked about in his late thirties. “You know me, Bluehog.” said Jacob, “Always liking to play it close to the vest. But what are you doing here Sonic, shouldn’t you be at home?” “Hey, Sally was worried.” Said Sonic as he sat back up, “You didn’t report in and we had to ask some of your students at the Order to give us your location. That and…Nicolette was worried too.” Jacob sighed and said “I know.” “So why are you out here?” asked Sonic. “I felt a familiar presence. One that I couldn’t put my finger on.” Said Jacob, “So I’m helping them out with their mission. Though some were…distressed.” “You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” said Sonic with a teasing smirk. “Pff, like you’re one to talk.” Retorted Jacob. When all of a sudden, Delta appeared near them. “What happened Delta?” said Jacob, “You were supposed to have helped get the information earlier. What kept you.” “I was assisting the others when Sunset was in danger.” Responded Delta. “Delta, I didn’t authorize that!!” said Jacob whilst Sonic sat up with a flexed eyebrow. “But I heard his voice.” Said Delta. “Voice? What voice?” asked Sonic. Delta then played back a recording of what he had heard. “Someone help her, someone help Sunset!!” Both Sonic and Jacob gasped by who the voice was. Sonic dashed over to Delta and said “Are you sure?!” “One hundred percent.” Said Delta. Jacob sat down in shock, as he couldn’t believe his ears. Then he slowly looked up and said “No, it…it can’t be.” ********************************************************************************************** Soon enough, everyone was back on the ship, with many looking exhausted. Roland decided to take them to the cafeteria so that they can get something to eat. For when it comes to missions like this, sometimes good food tends to help. “Wow,” said Wally/Flash whilst rubbing the sweat from his brow, “Never thought I’d be this exhausted.” “For once, Flash, I agree with you.” Said John/Green Lantern after they sat down. “Where’s Batman.” Said Wonder Woman. “Max told him to go to the infirmary,” said Silverbolt, “After what Agent Bishop did to him, I don’t think we want to take any chances.” “I hope so.” Said Robin, “Otherwise it’s Brainiac all over again.” Everyone sat down, with Roland going over the menu, and typed ‘After battle snacks’, causing tons of food to appear in front of everyone, which took them off guard. “What, I figured that after a day like this, everyone has quite the appetite.” Said Roland. “Well…we are kind of hungry.” Said Green Arrow, causing everyone to dig in. However, they saw the mountain of food for both Barry and Wally, which surprises them. “Goodness.” Said Rarity. “Why so much food?” asked pony Rarity. “Both Barry and Wally are speedsters,” said Amethyst Majesty, “They tend to burn a lot of calories, which leaves them completely exhausted and drained of energy. And the more calories they eat, the more they’ll be able to replenish themselves. You could say they’re somewhat a bottomless pit like Pinkie Pie.” “Hey!!” exclaimed the two Pinkie Pies. “Well, it’s true,” said Amethyst Majesty, “Remind me how many times you eat sweets in a single day?” “You know he’s got a point there, Pinks.” Said pony Rainbow Dash, “Or did you forget that one time when the two of us were sent to help Gilda with her friendship problem?” “Or that time when you literally had a big bag of marshmallows that you stored in your hair.” Said Rainbow Dash. Everyone began to consume their food as they felt more relaxed. “Normally I’ll never understand why you humans like to eat.” Said Wonder Woman, until she tasted a certain cake, which made her smile in delight. “Mmm, but I definitely see the appeal.” “Told you.” Said Cyborg as he ate some pizza. “Well, you guys enjoy yourselves.” Said Hawkgirl as the League and Rangers stood up. “Where are you guys, going?” asked Fluttershy. “We gotta report to Max and tell him what’s happened.” Said Superman. “That and we think you kids could use some space after this.” “Well, you’re more than welcome to join us.” Said Michelangelo. “It’s nothing personal,” said the Martian, “We just need to inform the rest of our allies and need to hear how the army buildup is doing, considering the fight that lies ahead of us.” “We understand.” Said Leo before shaking Superman’s hand. “Thanks again for the help.” “I think we’re the ones that should be thanking you.” Said Superman. Soon the League left the room, whilst at the same time, a figure looked from the shadows. This however, didn’t go unnoticed for Roland as he felt a presence in the room. “You okay there, man?” asked Static when he noticed the look on Roland’s face. “I have a feeling we’re being watched.” Said Roland. Roland then suddenly drew his sword at the shadows and said “Come out and show yourself!!” At first they were puzzled, until a mysterious figure popped out of the shadows, which startled the youth and made them arm themselves too. However, the figure’s size was a little familiar to them. So, the figure slowly removed his hood, revealing to be another turtle, which surprised a lot. “Whoa, another us?” said Mikey. “The name’s Ronin,” said the turtle, “And nothing else.” They noticed his tone was dark and cold, which was sort of unnerving. However, Sunset walked over to him slowly, and asked “Mikey…is that really you?” Everyone else was baffled by what she had said, until Mikey squinted his eyes and took a closer look. When he looked at him in the eyes, Mikey widened his in shock. “No, way.” Said Mikey, then squealed in glee and hugged the turtle, “It really is me!!” Ronin suddenly shoved Mikey off of him, making Mikey land on his butt, with the latter saying, “Though a little grumpier.” Even the Turtles were surprised to see him. “Mikey?” said Leo, “Is that really you?” Ronin took a look at Leo, Donnie, and Raph, causing him to close his eyes, remembering the pain he had endured, making him take a step back from them, then looked at them sternly, which unnerved the Turtles, especially Raph. “Just who…are you?” asked Ben. “Yeah, you almost look like Mikey, but…older.” Said Beast Boy. “I don’t go by that name.” said Ronin coldly. “I’ve abandoned that name for sixteen years. I go by Ronin now.” “Why would you go by that name?” asked Usagi. Ronin scoffed as he crossed his arms, “Because long ago, my world had been attacked by your enemy, the Shredder.” Many were surprised to hear this and looked at one another. “He was relentless, fought with savagery that none of us had ever imagined.” Said Ronin, “He took over our world with an iron fist. Once he was done, he was able to capture every single martial artist and infused them in his own army, even recruited my world’s enemies to join him.” “Why didn’t anyone stop them?” asked Superman. “Because they’re gone.” Said Ronin, “We lost a lot of good folks over the years.” “Wait,” said Karai, “You mean the Mighty Mutanimals? The Foot Clan? All of the others?” “That’s right.” Said Ronin before looking at his brothers and the Rainbooms with a cold stare. “Even them.” The Turtles and Rainbooms were surprised to hear this, as some couldn’t help but pity him, but the stare he gave them said otherwise. “And my team?” asked Shine Boy. When all of a sudden… “We’re the only ones left now. Deal with it.” They looked at a shadowy figure that approached them. When he stood in the light, it was revealed to be none other than an older Night Shine, but instead of black clothes, his was white, and his eyes were white instead of black. Many were stunned by what they were seeing, with Night Shine looking at him with a flexed eyebrow. Shine Boy walked over to the other Luke, with that version smirking at him. “Surprised to see me?” said the other Night Shine. “A little.” Said Shine Boy, “I’m more surprised that you decided to wear that kind of attire.” “Because I chose to wield the power of light long ago.” Said the other Night Shine, “And besides, I go by Light Shine now.” “Pff, great, the other me looks like a dork.” Said Night Shine with a scoff whilst rolling his eyes. Light Shine then smirked and said “At least I don’t look like a goth reject.” Night Shine then was face to face with him. “You wanna repeat that?” “Wow, did I always have a stick up my butt with no sense of humor?” said Light Shine, causing Night Shine to growl and displayed his flaming fist. Ronin then pulled out a bo-staff and put it between the two. Donnie was shocked to see it was his bo-staff, but it looked different, as if it had seen better days. “That’s enough of that.” Said Ronin. “He’s right.” Said Sunset, “I owe him for helping me out.” Ronin merely scoffed and placed his bo-staff away. Light Shine walked over to Grandpa Max and said “We have much to talk about, and we also have some information about the Shredder.” “We’ll talk about it in the briefing room.” Said Grandpa Max as he took Light Shine with him, with Shine Boy behind. “I’ll be in the observation room.” Said Ronin as he walked, only for Mikey to stop him. “Hey, since you’re me, why don’t’ you have some…?” When all of a sudden, Ronin backhanded Mikey’s face, making him crash against the wall, which shocked the others as some gasped. Mikey looked up in shock whilst Ronin stared down at him with anger at the same time. “Grow up.” Responded Ronin before walking away. Everyone stared at him stunned as they walked away. Both Leo and Donnie went over to help Mikey up. Roland stood next to Raph and whispered, “You wanted to know what Mikey would be like if he actually grew up?” Raph was surprised by what Roland had said, then looked at Mikey, who was hurt from that punch whilst Leo and Donnie helped him up. “Could Mikey…turn our like that if he did?” muttered Raph. “We may never know.” Said Roland, “Sometimes fate has a weird way of showing us these things.” Raph thought about it for a moment, and said “No kidding.” *********************************************************************************** Batman was working on repairs on the Batwing when Shine Boy hastily stormed in. “Batman!” He called out. “I’m busy.” Batman replied. “Make time! What’s the idea of having Roland grill the Ninjas and Rainbooms for their past mistakes?” Unfazed, Batman stopped tinkering and looked at Shine Boy as the hero continued. “I get that the Turtles are immature and repeat the same mistakes over and over, and The Rainbooms had threatened their own friendship over dumb decisions, But the important thing is they apologize and move on! So why can't Roland?” Batman stood up on his plane. “Are you familiar with the old saying 'Those who forget about the past are doomed to repeat it'?” “I am.” “Then I think you just answered your own question.” “That's not the point!” Shine Boy raised his voice. “Roland told us that it was because of those mistakes, they were divided and that caused them to die by Shredder's hand. I get he wants them not to make those mistakes, but making them feel bad about stuff their counterparts did and not them will cause them to doubt themselves and that'll be worse! I understand you're not a team player, but they are still young and have feelings! I get it! They should keep their emotions in check, but they still need to THINK! and depression and sorrow can cloud one's judgement! I'm sure you let that happen to you when you lost your parents! You might be willing to risk your friendship with them, but I'm not! I'd rather risk my own life than let them fall like that!” Batman responded by jumping off the Batwing and walked up as Shine Boy breathed. “Batman, I'm sorry. I just want the team to be united if we're going to beat Shredder and save the multiverse. Sorry for wasting your time.” he mumbled. “Tony.” Batman stood before Shine Boy and held out his hand. “You're a good kid. And you are something Roland needs right now.” “Okay?” Shine Boy asked as he shook Batman's hand. “Roland felt that he couldn't trust anyone after the Ninjas and Rainbooms he knew were divided and destroyed. And even when he bonded with your counterparts, he felt guilty and angered and blamed them as well as himself. So, I knew he would show that same hatred to them, but also know the friends they made would help them regain their confidence. Ones who made similar mistakes. You need to help Roland open his eyes that they're not the same as in his world. as a friend.” But as Batman took a few steps forward, Shine Boy said “You knew he would eventually talk to us, didn’t you?” Batman stopped for a moment and looked at Shine Boy, then resumed back to his Batwing, giving Shine Boy his answer before walking away. However, before Batman got to the Batwing, Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity stood near him, all of them giving stern looks on their faces. Batman knew that they must know by now, with him sighing and walked over to them. For this was going to be a long explanation. ********************************************************************************************** Later that day, whilst everyone was resting up, Sunset was watching the stars from the window, as she had a sad look. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Roland standing next to her. “You okay there?” asked Roland. “It’s just…” said Sunset, “I never thought in my entire life that we would meet an older Mikey.” “Yeah, took us off guard too.” Said Roland, “I didn’t even know that there were other worlds that were affected by the Shredder. And though I’m glad we were able to rescue Batman, I don’t know I’m going to explain that I’m done with his plans.” “Don’t worry.” Said Sunset as she held his shoulder and reassured him. “I’m sure we’ll find a way. We always do.” “I sure hope so.” Said Roland. “Still. Are you okay? I know it wasn’t easy, going over that place again after what he nearly did to you and the girls.” “It was unnerving at first,” said Sunset, “I’m just glad that he won’t be causing trouble for a long time. And as Donatello said, it would take them years to restore everything back to the way they were.” Roland then rubbed his shoulder, still aching from his fight with the Purple Dragons and Nightmares. “We should rest up,” said Sunset, “Donnie’s probably close into finding the next stone.” However, Roland was thinking if he should tell Sunset about the Equestrian magic leaking through. Then again, she did blame herself for brining magic into this world, but she didn’t know how it kept happening on a daily basis. For even though he told the truth to her of what he went through, he left out the part of what he thought about Sunset, because she had been hurt enough already, as well as what Twilight did. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Said Sunset whilst she left. His honesty with his friends somehow took him over and made him walk to her. “Wait.” Sunset stopped and looked at him, with him standing near her. “I need to tell you something, something that you have to promise never share this with the others.” Said Roland. Sunset was puzzled, but did the Pinkie Promise motion, which he knew she was going to keep it. “So, what is it?” asked Sunset out of curiosity. “I know how Equestrian Magic kept coming into your world.” Said Roland. “Huh?” said Sunset, which she chuckled and said “We already…” “Because it’s leaking into your world.” Responded Roland, causing her to immediately stop and looked at him in shock. “What?” muttered Sunset, “What do you mean?” “Think about it,” said Roland, “All the magic shenanigans that kept happening on a daily basis? How do you explain that Juniper’s mirror, Vignette’s phone, that golem monster, Sapphire’s paintbrush, even Twilight’s watering can got infected with Equestrian Magic?” Sunset pondered and realized in shock, for he was right, because for one thing he experienced it in his world and he had been through it before, the only way that magic kept happening and how others were infected were… She immediately grabbed him and shook him. “How?! How is it leaking and how does it keep coming to this world?!” “It leaked since the Friendship Games,” said Roland, “How else did you think your geodes got to Camp Everfree in the first place?” Sunset was completely stunned. For it all made sense. Her geode, even her friends’ came from the portal, leaving her stammering backwards and lean against the wall. “How is it, wait…” said Sunset when she realized the first thing he said. She looked at him “You said since the Friendship games.” “That’s right.” Said Roland, “Remember all the rifts between your world and Equestria that Twilight opened when she was Midnight Sparkle?” “Wait, what?” said Sunset, “But…but I sealed them back up.” “And I’m sorry to say this, but…” said Roland as he was hesitant, she deserved to know the truth. “You didn’t seal all of them.” Sunset was now shocked by what he said, and slowly shook her head. “But…how…?” said Sunset as she was speechless. “Before we get to that.” Said Roland. “Let me explain this. When we create gateways to another dimension using magic, we use special containment materials to keep the portal open. And if there’s a small crack in said containment unit, that bit of magic that was used to open a path will instantly leak out.” “I don’t understand.” said Sunset whilst flexing an eyebrow. “I’ll give you a hint.” Said Roland, “Remember the first thing that Twilight destroyed? And the one tiny crack that came along with it?” Sunset pondered for a moment. And she remembered that day, when Twilight destroyed the statue, and then she remembered a tiny crack that looked like a small hole inside. She widened her eyes in shock and horror, whilst slowly looking at Roland. “The…Canterlot High statue?” muttered Sunset. “But…how…the portal closed after Princess Twilight uses it and it doesn’t open up every thirty moons…” “In Equestria, yes.” Said Roland. “But what I learned long ago, is that the portal, like you and your friends, had some leftover residual magic left inside of you. And what you didn’t realize, was that the portal was opening between there and Equestria the entire time. Once every thirty moons in Equestria. But once a month in your world, because of the full moon. Meaning the portal from the human world, uses the power of the full moon to open a portal between here and Equestria.” That’s when Sunset realized in shock and horror once more. That every full moon in the human world, that’s when a portal to Equestria is opened, and that would mean… Yes. That would mean, Equestrian Magic was leaking in the human world. “Are you kidding me?” muttered Sunset. Roland knew that look, for he knew she’d react this way. “Are you kidding me?!” She then walked back and forth whilst holding her head. “That’s where Equestrian magic was leaking the whole time?! And it happened under our noses the whole time?!! How did we not know this?! Why didn’t we see this sooner?! How did we not see any of this coming?!” “Well,” said Roland as he listed things down, “Fluttershy was thinking about minding and helping the animals at the shelter. Pinkie Pie was obsessed with parties and thinking about baking baked goods and treats. Applejack was obsessed with working with her apples at the farm, as well as selling them. Rarity was obsessed with designing and making her dresses for her customers and you girls. Rainbow Dash is obsessed with sports, being competitive and playing soccer at the same time, and Twilight was busy working on her experiments that could possibly work or possibly die of embarrassment. And you were busy thinking about playing video games to beat your online competitors and snuggling with Fugitoid.” Sunset leered at him for a moment whilst a heavy blush was on her face, then sighed in frustration and rubbed her head. “Okay, you have a point there.” “Although…I’d be more worried about Twilight.” Said Roland. “Wait, what?” said Sunset as she looked at him, “Why?” “Put it this way,” said Roland, “Princess Twilight is a very curious pony and tends to look and absorb knowledge like a sponge. And because of the events of the Fall Formal. And seeing that Twilight is half as curious as her pony counterpart, she ended up messing with things that she doesn’t understand, which resulted her to put everyone in danger without thinking about the consequences, or the people that she would end up hurting, cause if it’s anyone’s fault for the magic disaster started it would be hers. Because she didn’t drop it and let it go, she had to go snooping around and poked her nose into other people’s business. And the end result, everyone got infected with Equestrian Magic and put everyone in danger, all because she couldn’t stay her nose out of other people’s business.” Sunset was shocked by that revelation. “Remember, she already feels bad about the whole Friendship Games situation…” said Roland, whilst also waiting for Sunset to realize it. Sunset realized in shock as she realized it. “Oh no.” muttered Sunset. “She blamed herself at the Friendship Games. But if she finds out about her being the cause of Equestrian Magic leaking into the world and turned everyone into monsters as a result…she’ll be devastated.” “And if I were to recall,” said Roland, “She once thought that Frankie was a bad guy in disguise, or the fact that, it may shock you, she still doesn’t trust Sapphire.” “What?” said Sunset as she looked at him. “It’s true, I can see it.” Said Roland. “But the only reason Sapphire used magic was to get back at you girls because she thought you girls, even you, ruined everything. But Twilight failed to realize that Sapphire wasn’t the only ones who used Equestrian Magic. Gloriosa Daisy, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Amethyst Majesty, the Color Strikes, a lot of them used Equestrian Magic for their own selfish gains, even VILE when they found out about it and during the Young Six’ visit. If you think her being devastated was because of magic leaking through, I don’t wanna know what she would think if she was responsible for folks using Equestrian Magic for their own selfish gain.” Again, Sunset dreaded this as she sat down a nearby bench and held her head. “To think,” began Sunset, “I blamed myself for bringing magic into this world. But Twilight…oh sweet Celestia, she already struggled to get her life back together ever since the Friendship Games, how she’ll react though…” Roland sat down next to her and said “I know. I honestly don’t know what I can do to help her, or any of us if they were to find out.” Roland felt a hand on his shoulder, making him look and saw Sunset, looking at him in great concern. “Promise me you won’t tell Twilight this.” Asked Sunset. Roland could see the look of worry in her eyes, fearing for her friend’s sake. Roland sighed, knowing that look all too well. “I can’t make any promises Sunset,” said Roland, “But I’ll try my best. For her sake.” Sunset held Roland’s hands and said “Thank you.” Roland hugged Sunset, for though he was glad he was able to tell the truth for her sake, but now he had another to worry about… Keeping the one secret that could shake everything to its core. > Darkness Brawl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, after a long while, I've finally been able to post this chapter. Sorry I couldn't put this on Author's note. But just a heads up, a few lives would be ended off screen, and a special shoutout from WarriorofFaith for keeping an eye on me ****************************************************************************************************************************************** It had been 2 days since they rescued Batman. And now that he’s back into the fold, the hunt for the stones continue. Although…ever since a handful of folks found out what Batman made Roland do, some weren’t happy about it. Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack walked down the hall and had some coffee and breakfast burritos with them. “Are you sure about this, Applejack?” said Rarity, “It’s nearly close to lunch time and you want to bring them snacks?” “Well, ah figured that Shine Boy and the others have been training non-stop with Roland and Venus, so we figured that they could use a snack.” “And besides, lunch isn’t for another two hours,” said Rainbow Dash, “And they already missed breakfast, it’s the least we can do.” “It wasn’t the right call, Bruce.” The four of them stopped as they heard a voice. When they looked around the corner, they saw both Batman and Superman arguing. “Making Roland scold the others because of their counterparts’ mistakes?” said Superman, “You know very well the damage it could do to another’s psyche when that happens.” “It was the only way for him to see sense.” Said Batman. “Instead of telling him that they aren’t their counterparts?” retorted Superman. “He wouldn’t listen to reason.” Said Batman, “When he first came to me and asked for my help, I gave him instructions on what to do. And by doing that, he would see that they weren’t like them.” “There’s also a thing called violating another’s trust.” Said Superman, “If it had gone on like this, then their lives would’ve been lost.” “They already did that themselves in the other world.” Said Batman. “You know,” said Superman as he crossed his arms, “From what Roland once told me and Canary, you didn’t trust them and didn’t make an effort to try to reason with them.” “The only ones who didn’t was Applejack and Raphael, you know that.” Said Batman, which made Applejack lower her eyes, as she couldn’t argue with that. “It doesn’t matter.” Said Superman, “Like Shine Boy said, they may make mistakes, but in the end it proves how strong their friendships and team works could be.” “Did they also happen to mention that it also had to take an outside force to help them realize both that and their mistakes?” retorted Batman. The four Rainboom girls winced, and realized he did have a point. “You of all people should’ve also known that there was no other way.” Said Batman, “I tried convincing him otherwise and it fell onto deaf ears. Believe me, if there was another way, I’d use it.” Superman sighed and said “I still don’t like it. But I’ll let it slide, but only this once. However, I’m more concerned about his darkness that he mentioned.” “It’s not just any darkness.” Said Batman, “From what I’ve seen it seems to be getting worse. There are also signs that whenever he gets too stressed or angry, as well as the purple ooze he coughs out of his system.” “Wait, purple ooze?” muttered Rainbow. That’s when the girls silently gasped and remembered. That during their training session after an argument, they saw him cough out purple ooze from his mouth, though not that bad. They hadn’t realized that it would be this bad. And that when they mentioned that he needed help, but didn’t realize it was this bad. “Then we can try to convince Doctor Fate to help him. Maybe Zatanna and Jason Blood.” Suggested Superman. “They can’t,” said Batman, “All of them are busy with a few supernatural problems as it is. Once they’re done they’ll be available to help us out. Until then, we need to keep an eye on him. And I don’t want you to get anywhere near him.” “Are you serious?” asked Superman, to which Batman gave him the look, with Superman saying “Is he that dangerous?” “If that demon side comes out of him, then yes.” Said Batman. “Fine, but we’re not done talking about this.” Said Superman. “I’ll keep the secret for now, but if the truth does come out, it’ll be on your head.” “I’m aware of that.” Said Batman before the two of them walked away. Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack were all worried at the same time. “Y’all think we should tell the others?” asked Applejack. “Are you crazy?” said Rainbow, “They’re not ready to know about this yet. Besides, we promised we’d help him and keep it a secret.” “Though I hate to say it, Rainbow’s right.” Said Sunset, “We can’t do anything else unless the timing is right.” “Still…” muttered Applejack. She thought about how she, Rarity, Rainbow, and Sunset confronted him about why he made Roland did this. He started with… “I did it to help him.” After explaining everything, they were surprised on why he did this. “Are you alright, Applejack?” asked Rarity. “Ah’m fine.” Said Applejack, “It’s just…ah’m not comfortable with all this keepin’ secrets.” Then she remembered what Roland said. “You of all people should know that sometimes, it’s necessary to keep secrets.” “Though ah know he was just hurting, ah knew he was right.” Said Applejack, “Some secrets are supposed to be kept. Cause Apple Bloom and the rest of mah family found out, and ah ended up draggin’ Apple Bloom into this.” “I know, darling.” Said Rarity, “But remember, we were the reason why they started Anon a miss, because we left them out instead of having them befriend Sunset. And we have to remember that even though we’re trained ninjas, we’re also just kids, teenagers, who also tend to get in more trouble too.” “I felt just as bad for Scoots,” said Rainbow, “She may have lived with her aunts, but nobody gave her the support she needed. When she saw me compete, she wanted to be like me, and I ended up pushing her away. During Anon a miss, keeping my parents from finding out. But they were right, we left them out in everything.” “Look, girls.” Said Sunset, gaining their attention, “I know the three of you wanted to protect them, and I know how much you didn’t want them to get hurt ever since the whole Triceraton business, but we were able to be given a second chance. It’s their choice to be ninjas. Plus, they’re growing up and we need to give them their own space. Cause if we don’t, they’ll never grow into the people that they needed to be. All we can do is guide them.” The three couldn’t help but smile, with Rainbow smirking and said “Since when did you get so wise?” “Let’s just say…” said Sunset as she thought about how Jacob came into her room and gave her his piece of wisdom, “I had a good teacher to show me a different way.” “Welp,” said Applejack as she stood up, “As much as ah want to carry this on, we’d better get goin’.” The latter agreed, stood up and headed for the training chambers. ********************************************************************************************** Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack walked into the training room and to their surprise, they were at a golf course. “Strange,” said Rarity, “Why on earth would they make a golf course?” “We'll ask them when we see them.” said Rainbow. “Ah see them.” said Applejack as she pointed ahead. The four of them saw Roland and Team Shine...playing golf? Puzzled, they walked over to find out what's going on. “Guys?” said Sunset, gaining their attention. “Oh, hey Sunset, what's up?” said Gamer. “Nothing much,” said Rarity, “But what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be training?” “We're taking a break.” said Love Shine. “Yeah, we trained a lot lately after we left.” said Shine Girl. “So, we decided to take a break.” said Roland after he swung his stick and struck the ball, sending it flying. “You're up, Tony.” “Thanks.” said Shine Boy as he walked up and was preparing to hit his ball. That's when it hit Rainbow, “Wait, don't you guys hate golf?” The latter blinked, then slowly looked around them, then themselves, and then to each other. “We play golf every now and then, especially to ease tension.” Shine Girl explained. “It’s Night Shine who hates it.” Love Shine put in. “In fact, when we had our adventure in Anaheim, Serenity and I double dated with Gamer and Sweetie Belle at the golf course Nosedive told us about.” Shine Boy recalled, unaware of his brother blushed like crazy. “IT WASNT A DATE!” He yelled before clearing his throat. “She asked to come and I decided to accompany her.” “Uh huh.” Shine Boy, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and Roland smirked, along with Rarity, Sunset, and Rainbow. “Say, we brought a snack for all of y’all before lunch starts.” Said Applejack, “Figured y’all would get a head start.” “Much appreciated.” Said Shine Boy as he and the others accepted their late breakfast burritos. They sat down and ate their burritos, with the girls joining them. “So, what’s up?” said Roland. “Well,” said Rainbow, “Let’s just say Superman found out about what Batman made you do.” “Right, because of his super hearing.” Said Love Shine. “And Superman ain’t happy about it.” Said Applejack, “Especially keepin’ a secret from everyone else.” “Don’t worry,” said Shine Boy, “Roland’s making good progress. He already told the Young Six the truth, and they understood why he was like this.” “Still,” said Rainbow as she pondered something, she looked at Roland and asked “In your world, you and our counterparts went to Batman’s world too, right?” “That’s right.” Said Roland. “We landed the same way all of you did. I even tried my best to keep everyone together. I even asked both Leo and Sunset if I could be the team leader.” “You being a team leader whilst in that world? Why?” asked Shine Girl. “Because he’s been there before.” Said Sunset, surprising the others, “I read his mind that he willingly let me allow to read. Whilst he was away, he stumbled upon Princess Twilight’s world, and that’s how he met the Justice League. He asked them to train him, so that he could find purpose. They took him back and trained him, and he owed them ever since. They even gave him a device that allowed him to travel between dimensions.” “That’s right.” Said Roland, “I’ll start from the beginning.” ************************************************************************************************* After we got there, we tried to hunt down for the Kraang, and Raph, being his jerky self, blamed Mikey for getting us stuck there, but I told Raph that Mikey made the right call, that sometimes when it comes to saving the innocent, we have to do what’s best for the greater good and not being selfish about it. But when I saw Batman’s company, I instantly knew where we were. I asked Leo and Sunset if I could lead for this, and I had to reveal that I knew where we were, considering that I’ve been to this dimension before. As we were looking around, we stumbled upon the Batmobile. And as usual, Raph attacked like the doofus he is, which caused the others trying to explain to fall under deaf ears. During the fight I chose to sit in front of the Batmobile and meditate at the same time. After the others ran, Batman and the others saw me. When I said Batman’s real name, he instantly knew me and brought me back into the cave. The others were hard to convince though. I told Batman to bring Princess Twilight and Starlight here because he had a stone that could bring them there. “Wait,” said Applejack, “In yer dimension, y’all were able to convince Batman to bring Princess Twilight and Starlight with y’all?” “I did, it was the only way they’d vouch for me. As well as convince the others when they got there.” Said Roland, “Anyhow…” After we were brought to the cave, I explained everything, even about the Kraang. Princess Twilight vouched for me because she fought them before during our space adventure. She even told them a bit about the Rainbooms and how they’re similar to their pony counterparts, but also very different. Batman agreed and waited for them. When they found us, they were surprised that I was having casually tea with Batman and the others, I even explained to them that I told him everything, especially Princess Twilight and Starlight. Though they were baffled that they were there, I had to make up a story that they accidentally teleported here whilst they were testing a spell. Cause I can tell that both Raph and Applejack were having trust issues with him. So, during our stay, as everyone carried on, I was at the Batcomputer, looking at Gotham’s map. I figured that since the Kraang were there, they would probably try to set up a base of operations, so I searched for places that would be the least suspicious, would have a place to build an army, especially with the Mutagen they have. And during a patrol, we encountered a mutated Bane, and I told Batman to stay behind so that he could see just how dangerous anyone is with the Mutagen. At first, they were mad that Batman observed, but I told them that I told Batman to stay back so he could see just how dangerous they were. At first, Raph and Applejack were miffed, I reminded them that it was also because of the Kraang, they were planning to mutate all of Gotham’s Supervillains and would raise a mutant army, and that we had to stop them, considering it’s our problem too. “But let me guess,” said Rainbow, “Applejack and Raph didn’t listen and didn’t care.” “That was the gist of it.” Said Roland. Whilst they were going to the Titans, I stayed behind with Batman on patrol to look for the Kraang. I told him that things were getting strained and that no one would listen to me. Batman told me that when other heroes joined the League, he had to boss them around and some took it personally. But they never disobeyed an order, and it’s also what kept them alive. I realized he took charge for the good of others, because he’s been at this for a long time. I asked what would happen if they didn’t listen, then he replied that there was also the aggressive way. ************************************************************************************************* “Aggressive way?” said a concerned Applejack, which got the others concerned too. “Ah don’t like the sound of it.” “Believe me, it was a lot worse than it sounds.” Said Roland, “Back then I thought it was necessary, but in the long run…it was the worst mistake of my life.” “What did you do?” asked Rarity. “Remember when Raph and Applejack walked out on you guys because of…that day.” Applejack cringed at that as she didn’t want to remember it. “We do.” “Well…from our point of view…” Said Roland. ************************************************************************************************* After Batman got back, that’s when Raph and Applejack exploded about what happened. I watched what happened whilst the others argued. “Hey, don’t diss the pizza!!” said Mikey. “Shut up, Mikey!!” shouted both Raph and Applejack. “Oh, why don’t you two shut up!!” said Obaki, “Or are you going to whine like Sussy Bakes again?!” “The Kraang are gonna mutate and enslave all our friends and families,” Applejack said. “And we won't be there to stop 'em! Or did all that just slip your minds?!” “It didn’t slip through our minds, Applejack!!” retorted Venus. “He’s right,” said Starlight, “We’re more concerned for the millions of innocent people of this world, so we’re trying to hold the fort so that they don’t mutate both your world and Equestria, or have you forgotten!!” “Who cares about those idiots!!” shouted Raph, which shocked the Bat family, minus Batman, “If they can’t even defend themselves, they don’t deserve their world!!” “Wait, Raph actually said that?!” exclaimed Shine Boy in shock. “He did.” Said Roland, “Truth be told, none of us had ever thought he’d say that. Applejack thought the same way. She didn’t say it, but she thought about it.” “Do you even hear yourselves?!” said Princess Twilight, “Every bit of life is precious, or did you forget?!” “All we've been doing is running around and getting nowhere closer to finding the Kraang!” Applejack exclaimed. “Well, you two haven't exactly been much help on the matter!” April pointed out not wanting them to act so innocent. “Ever since we got here, all you two have been doing was being resentful to Batman, while he's been trying to get us home!” Twilight Sparkle noted. “So instead of whining and complaining like spoilt brats, we’ve been trying to clean up a mess that we made because of our enemies!!” said Venus. “Yeah, your whole “We Don't Like Batman thing” is really bumming us out!” Pinkie Pie said as several of the others nodded in agreement. “Well, excuse us for telling the truth!” Raph yelled. “There’s a huge difference between telling the truth and being a jerk, Raph!!” said Obaki. “What is your problem with Batman anyway?” Sunset Shimmer asked finally having enough of them. “I'll tell you exactly what our problem is: This so called “hero” is anything but one.” Raph said, pointing right at the Dark Knight. “He brings in anyone he can to deal with his problems and sometimes tricks them into doing it,” Applejack put in, “And he keeps us in the dark about things that could be useful and is acting like he's the big guy of the city.” “Because it’s his home dimension,” said Princess Twilight, “He kept it secret for a reason. If it were me, I would’ve done the same thing.” “How can y’all side with him?!” said Applejack. “Because he and the Justice League saved Equestria,” said Princess Twilight, “I owe him, and so does Starlight and Roland.” “Oh please!!” retorted Raph. “You guys may see him as a hero, but all we see is a rich guy with fancy toys looking for a thrill that doesn't care about anything other than himself! Not people! Not families! Nothing!” “Excuse me?” said Obaki, feeling insulted, “You guys actually thought that he’s seeking thrills?!” “There is nothing, thrilling about fighting crime.” Said Venus, “Or did you forget how our father was murdered?” The Turtles winced at that, especially the Rainbooms. “And need we remind you, that the both of you not following Batman's lead nearly got us all killed by the Joker!” April reminded them. “Yeah,” Applejack admitted, but then she changed the subject and said “But maybe we wouldn't have, if Batman had told us WHY Joker was so gosh darn dangerous in the first place!” “We wanted to tell you about him,” Batman said, “But you seemed so confident in yourselves it would've been like talking to a wall.” “And we weren't sure if you'd believe us or have what it takes to listen to them.” Nightwing added. “Yeah, just like that time you guys didn’t believe me and Sunset were from Equestria.” Said Princess Twilight. “After seeing Joker beat us with a baseball bat, we can believe that.” Twilight Sparkle said, rubbing the multiple bumps on her head. “And don't be surprised, Batman is the king when it comes to keeping secrets.” Robin stated. “Which was the only option.” Said Obaki. “You’re actually agreeing with him about that?!” exclaimed Applejack. “AJ, you and Raph of all people should know that sometimes it’s necessary to keep secrets.” Reminded Venus. “And from the looks of things, you treat everything like it’s a big fat joke to you lot.” Said Obaki. “And we are taking things seriously. The only ones who aren’t taking this seriously is you two.” Raph turned back to Batman, “He may have everyone else fooled, but not us! We see right through you!” He said, “All you are is just a rich boy playing the hero game!” “And that ain't someone were gonna put our faith in!” Applejack said. “Really?” said Venus as she walked over to the two of them, “And given the fact how many times you screwed up before Princess Twilight met the both of you, I wouldn’t exactly call you two good character witnesses.” Both Applejack and Raph were taken aback by this. “And we don’t wanna put our faith in a hotheaded reptile and a country hicked bumpkin who’s not to bright when it comes to fixing problems either.” Said Obaki. “You know what!! We're done!” Raph declared. “With all of this!” “We're gonna actually work on getting us home!” Applejack added. Just as they were going to walk away. I looked at Batman, and remembered the advice he and Luke gave me some time ago. Seeing what was going to happen, I didn’t have any other choice. Roland sighed and said “The hard way it is.” Roland took out his rope dart and threw it, causing it to pierce through Raph’s leg, making him scream in pain, which shocked the others, as well as Applejack when she stopped. Roland pulled the rope, making Raph fly towards him. He grabbed Raph by the waist and threw him over him, but not before he grabbed Raph’s sais. He twirled them and threw them with all his might. The moment Raph crashed against the wall, the two-sais pierced both his hands, making him scream out loud, which once again shocked the others. No one had ever seen me do that, but I didn’t care, I was focused on putting Raph in his place once and for all. I looked at the others, knowing fully well what would follow. But back then I was different. “Anyone else?!!!!” shouted Roland, which scared everyone, minus the bat family, in the room. He walked over to the pinned Raph who was in pain. He grabbed Raph by the neck and spoke in the harshest tone as he looked at him. “This…is not up for debate.” Said Roland, “I chose to be the leader ever since we got to this world for a reason. If you feel like I am unfit to lead the team, if you feel like any one of you could do better, if any of us get home, I will happily step down. But until that time whilst we’re in this dimension, I am in command here.” Roland grabbed the sais and twisted them, making Raph scream more. “And you know what, why should I even trust you to do anything,” said Roland, “It’s your temper and impatience that always jeopardizes our missions!! For you are arrogant, brash, and out of control!! This will not stand.” He leaned forward and said “You will, honor the Hamato Clan’s ways, and you will, listen to orders when one tells you. It is not too late.” Roland pulled the sais out of Raph’s hand, making him yelp in pain and landed face first onto the ground before placing his foot on top of his head. Roland leaned over and whispered, “We’d better not have this conversation again. We almost died because of you and Applejack, Raph. Never forget that.” He stood up and jabbed both sighs straight through his shell and into his back, which made him scream again, and horrifying the others. Roland then tossed a towel to him. “Now wipe yourself and clean up your mess and pull your own sais out of your back.” Said Roland, “You’re bleeding all over the floor.” He stood up from Raph and walked over to the frightened Applejack. “And you,” said Roland when he stood near her, “How dare you, thinking that none of us care about going home, when all of us are more focused on helping the people of Gotham City because of Subprime!!” “But, I…” replied Applejack before she was cut off. “Did you forget that ever since you joined us, we had to clean up a mess that you lot made because of the Dazzlings?” said Roland, “That means that their enemies are your enemies too, meaning that if their enemies are involved, it’s our responsibility to put a stop to them. So, whilst you go on obsessing about going home, all of us are more focused on stopping the Kraang before they hurt the millions of innocent people in this dimension. And since they mutated all of Batman’s enemies, that means it’s our responsibility to put a stop to it. So, all that time you think Batman doesn’t care about getting us home? Well, he couldn’t do that, because he was too busy trying to clean up a mess that all of us, but mostly you and Raph made!! “But…” “Typical Applejack, always having a habit of pointing fingers and accusing someone without proof or evidence of any form of betrayal and about the person.” Said Roland, “This is the Battle of the Bands and Anon a miss all over again!!” “Ah was not responsible for the Battle of the Bands and Anon-a-miss!!” shouted Applejack. “No, your sister was responsible for the Anon a miss part, all because she got jealous because you wanted to spend time with Sunset because she didn’t want to be lonely anymore!! And she hated her for that? I mean you two already have family, what more did she want?!” said Roland. “But what would I expect from a country hicked bumpkin who’s not smart enough to solve any actual problems!! ‘Oh no look, my embarrassing nickname is posted, oh look, it had Sunset’s name written all over it’ when it had my sibling’s webpage written at the bottom of it!!” Applejack was taken aback by this, with Roland saying “And you know what, I think I know another reason why you’re called Piggly wiggly, because you’re extremely pigheaded when it comes to hearing people out or giving them a chance!!” The girls gasped at shock at this whilst three out of four of the turtles were surprised by what he said. “That’s always been your problem, Applejack.” Said Roland, “Whenever stuff happens, you never think things through. Before the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, Anon-a-miss, and now this. You always do this whenever we’re in the middle of a situation. I would’ve thought you would’ve learned your lesson about not judging others because of their actions, but clearly, that doesn’t matter to you. Did you forget you nearly got us killed, therefore you owe it to make it up to them. More importantly…” He grabbed her by the arm, which made her tense up. “You owe me, remember?” said Roland before he released her arm and poked her chest “I’m calling in the favor, right now!!” Applejack blinked in shock, and forgot the favor that she owed him, making her look down. “Here’s what’s going to happen,” said Roland, “You’re going to follow his lead, for as long as we’re in this dimension, you follow both mine and Batman’s lead. Do I make myself clear?” Applejack nodded, with Roland moving away to join Batman on patrol. Nobody had ever seen me do that before. And truth be told…I didn’t even recognize myself. What I did…was unforgivable. I lost it completely instead of trying to calm the situation. And to this day. I felt both horrible…and terrified at the same time. ********************************************************************************************** “I was scared out of my mind when I did that.” Said Roland, “I…didn’t have full control over myself, because I acted like a monster, when deep down I was.” Team Shine, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack were stunned by this. “I felt horrible of what I said to Applejack,” said Roland, before his expression soured and said “But Raph on the other hand, temper or not, he had that coming for a long time.” “Wait, what?” said Sunset, “But what did he do that was so bad?” “Remember when you guys first met the Turtles, as well as Bandit?” asked Roland. The others nodded at this, with Roland saying “When he trained he actually broke Bandit’s ankle,” said Roland, which surprised the others, but then Roland growled and said “But after when you girls met them, and after Fluttershy saved Raph, he did something I could never, forgive.” “What did he do?” asked a concerned Rainbow. Roland had a hard time saying it, but he was able to calm down. And revealed through a shuddering tone, “He slapped her.” 4 out of seven of the Rainbooms clasped their mouths closed in shock as they couldn’t believe what they heard. But the more shocked were Team Shine. “Ah,” said Applejack as she struggled to say anything, “Ah literally have no words right now. But…what did y’all mean by owe you? What did mah counterpart owe you?” “During my…violent days whilst hunting down Cobra’s forces and before Shine Boy stopped me…” said Roland, “I saved your parents’ lives.” Applejack was greatly shocked by this. “Mah…parents were alive in that world?” “They were.” Said Roland. “You were lucky to have grown up with them. After the girls accused the other Sunset of being Anon a miss, your mother was waiting for you and held Apple Bloom by the arm. It turned out both their parents caught her posting about you girls. You felt horrible. But Sunset didn’t forgive you for the accusation until a week before the Friendship Games.” “Wait, what?” said Rainbow, “That was like…3 months wasn’t it?” “Yeah…I tried playing peacekeeper, but it always fell onto deaf ears.” Said Roland. “Still, back at Batman’s world, what you did was out of line.” Said Shine Boy. Roland sighed and said “I know. But…I’m not exactly…good at being, well…” “Sensitive?” asked Rarity. “That, and try to stay calm in certain situations.” Said Roland. He sighed and said “Seems like my life is filled with nothing but drama. I haven’t felt like this since that time I asked that one guy to help me out.” “What guy?” asked a confused Rainbow. “Don’t know his name,” said Roland, “But I do know he’s a skilled dimensional jumper. Dan, something.” “Oh, him.” Said Love Shine whilst rolling his eyes. “Wait, you know him?” asked a confused Roland. “We crossed paths before.” Said Love Shine. “But what did that guy do?” “Let’s just say…Rainbow and Mikey weren’t the only ones I gave good advice whilst I was in disguise. I also did the same thing with Raph when I was disguised as the Samurai Rangers’ mentor.” “Wait, what?!” exclaimed Rainbow in surprise as she and the few members of the Rainbooms were shocked by this, “When?!” “Shortly after Batman was mind controlled.” “Wait, Batman was mind-controlled?” said a surprised Gamer. “Yeah,” said Applejack, “When the Samurai Rangers’ enemies came back, one of them was a Nighlok named Negatron that had the ability to attack you with insults.” “Like when he said “Your uniform makes you look fat”, the said person would flinch and be shocked, whilst you felt like he really punched you so hard without even touching you.” Said Sunset. “Whoa, I didn’t know there was a Nighlok like that.” Said Shine Girl. “That’s nothing, you should’ve seen one of Lord Zedd’s monsters when he turned Tommy into a gluttonous moron.” Said Roland, which surprised them as he said “Long story.” “That ruffian actually took down Batman’s team and captured Batman, then hypnotized him into being their servant.” Said Rarity. “It took both Raph and ah to try an’ break it.” Said Applejack, “He was mighty miffed at that and wanted payback. Haven’t seen him since.” “Except for Nightwing and Batgirl when he and the Titans helped us stop the Kraang when they tried to take over Static and Gears’ world.” Said Rainbow. “Anyway, back to that guy.” Said Shine Boy. “I helped him out a while back with a problem and he owed me a favor.” Said Roland. “But after I left, I confronted him about his earlier comment.” “What comment?” asked Shine Girl. “Remember the…deal I made.” Said Roland as he held onto the scar on his left hand, which made them remember why he took the deal. “He thought I was supposed to know that stuff. And my mom was supposed to tell me. But one, I was eight years old and too young to know that and thought it was make-believe like any kid would. Two, how was I supposed to know that after my mom got murdered? And three, not everybody can get over trauma, especially when the demon took advantage of my vulnerability.” “He’s got a point.” Said Gamer, “All of Team Shine didn’t know about any of that until each of us turned nine or so.” “Anyway, the last time I encountered him…” said Roland as he began to reminiscence of his past. ********************************************************************************************** I was talking to him of how my mission was successful, but I had a bone to pick with him over our last conversation. “As I told you before, I already lost count, plus you also messed with things you don't understand, and don't want to excuse yourself by saying you were a kid back then, because even a kid would know that there are things you shouldn't mess with even as a joke, at least that's what my parents told me, but I guess your mom never warned you about that kind of stuff." “Your mother didn’t also tell you that not everyone is lucky enough to grow up and have a normal life?” said Roland in sarcasm, “That everyone that grows up in a different environment and have difficulties in trying to live a life when not everyone is lucky? Plus, I was eight, a stupid kid, who was too young to understand anything. And I was tortured for a year since I was five, hence why I ended up getting ten cuts and a brand. Or are you going to say that it’s a fake?” The Jumper scoffed and said “And you wonder why we’re not friends.” “Oh, this is why we’re not friends? Because I didn’t grow up in the same sissy environment like you did, I don’t think so.” Said Roland as he felt insulted, “We’re not friends because you thought I was making up stories and looking for an excuse to be pitied upon when I told you what I went through, so you pretended to not know me and turned your back on me, until you needed me to help fix your problems for you, because you were too weak and incompetent to do any of it yourself.” The Jumper looked at him shocked and appalled, “No wonder Hunter and the others thought you were an embarrassment when you wanted to join their guild.” Roland poked at him in the chest and said “You say you faced danger, I fought my entire life and faced things that would’ve made you wet your pants. Cause FYI, I know I’m not Batman or anyone else, but at least I know when to follow orders.” As Roland took a few steps, the dimensional Jumper stopped him. “You think I’m an embarrassment?!” said the Jumper, “I’m not the one constantly blaming others for their faults!! I’m not the one who guilts them into agreeing with them and I’m not the one who always hides secrets!! There are other ways to fighting, whilst people always look for an excuse!! And you can’t do everything on your own!! You’re just one person!!” Roland stopped as he listened. But now this time, he was going to give his own two cents. “You know,” said Roland as he began to point something out. “Who do you see when you’re talking to someone huh? A poor child who doesn’t have any parents who became an orphan when no one wanted him? An angry teenager who was shunned by someone who they just hurt and rejected when no one else bothered to get to know him, who lost everything?” Roland stood near him and said “Whilst you’re here, sitting comfortably and lavishly enjoy the comfort of your own home. I’m out there, fighting, to make sure the crud that I went through, doesn’t happen to anyone else. I, who was kidnapped and tortured for a whole year when I was five years old. I, who watched my mother get butchered like she was nothing. I, who got tricked into accepting something when a monster took advantage of my weakness. I, who was forced to kill someone when they first put a sword or a gun in my hand. I’m not the first kid, teenager and young adult who went through that kind of pain and suffering every day, and not all of them, are as lucky as I am.” “And whilst you play where others refuse to grow up and change and make themselves the victims and guilty card, when all they wanted in life was the same amount of respect that was denied of them. So, let me point something out, did Joseph deserve to be sold as a slave by his own brothers when he didn’t do anything wrong? Did Moses’ people deserve to be treated like slaves when all they wanted was a home and wanted to coexist peacefully with others? Did those who worship different religions deserve to be tossed into camps and poisoned by a madman dictator who saw them as an abomination?! I’m actually out there, just like those before me, the only ones with common sense, standing between safety and annihilation!!” “You may be!!” said Jumper, “But that still doesn’t justify you to…!!” “No, not ‘may be’, I am!!” said Roland, “And this has nothing to do with Justification!! This is about doing what’s best and doing what’s necessary, to make sure that not only do they not make the same mistakes as their dimensional counterparts and people before them who went through the exact same things they did, but they should focus on putting differences aside and help those in need!! That, is progress, that is unity, that’s what it really takes to earn the respect of others whilst also seeing past the flaw to make sure that it stays that way!!” He then was face to face with him. “So no, bub. I’m not over my head. And no, I will not apologize for my actions!! And no, I will not apologize for speaking the truth!! And no, I will not apologize for putting them in their place or keeping them in line!! And it will be no one’s end.” Said Roland, “But if they do repeat their mistakes by forgetting that history, it will be!!” He pulled back and said “At least your father understands this better than anyone.” Roland then glared deep into his eyes and said “Your father Danyram is twice the man you’ll ever be, and he told you constantly to stay out of his business. And seeing that I already helped you out, we’re even. Don’t expect me to cover for you from your old man again. And like he told you…stop being an embarrassment.” I walked out on him after I was done. He didn’t show it, but he was hurt from what I said. But back then, I didn’t care. ********************************************************************************************** “Like I said,” said Roland, “Non-stop drama.” “Yeesh, and I thought we had problems when we’re not being ninjas.” Said Rainbow. “Surprisingly ah agree with ya, Rainbow.” Said Applejack. “Ditto.” Said Rarity. “I on the other hand hope that we have a normal day.” Said Gamer. Roland then suddenly teased Gamer and said “And take Sweetie Belle on a date like last time..” “IT WASNT A DATE!” He yelled before clearing his throat. “She asked to come and I decided to accompany her.” “Uh huh.” Shine Boy, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and Roland smirked, along with Rarity, Sunset, and Rainbow. Just then, Alpha 5 spoke through the intercom. “Gamer, could you report to the lab please?” “Game over!!” exclaimed Gamer before tossing their sticks away and hurrying out. “Right.” Sunset smiled. “End simulation!!” shouted Roland and Shine Boy, making the room back to normal as if nothing had changed. Serenity was bringing lattes when she saw Gamer stomping past her. “Still denying he like likes Sweetie Belle?” She asked Team Shine, Roland, and the four Rainbooms who were just coming out of the training room. “Mmhmm.” They nodded. “Well, might as well go talk to Jason about our next move.” Shine Boy shrugged as he took his latte and pecking Serenity on the cheek before taking his leave. “I gotta find Leo anyway.” Roland left with his latte as well along with Love Shine and Shine Girl. As everyone else left, Serenity whispered to Rarity. “Remind me to share this with Mimi when she and the Digidestined get here.” “Oh, she’ll get a giggle out of Gamer’s emotions.” Rarity agreed. “I do hope the Digidestined get here soon. We need them against Shredders forces.” “Yeah.” Serenity nodded. “Well, Batman told me that I may have to help gather others. I better find him and Mr. Tennyson.” “I’ll be sure to let him know.” Said Rarity as she left. Serenity drank a bit from her latte. “You’re lucky, you know.” Serenity was startled by another voice and looked behind, and it was Jacob, still wearing his hood. “W-who are you?” said Serenity. “My name is Jacob, so you don’t have to be afraid of me.” Said Jacob, but then couldn’t help but smile and chuckle, whilst saying “You’re lucky, you know.” “Lucky?” said a confused Serenity. “You and Shine Boy.” Said Jacob, which caught her off guard, especially when he said “So when is he gonna put a ring on you, already?” She couldn’t help but blush madly at that comment and stammered a bit, but Jacob cleared his throat to calm her down. “As I said, throughout another’s life, there will always be special people in another’s life to be their guiding light. The way you help him, he’s lucky to have someone like you in his life.” Said Jacob. “Your love for life has always been precious.” Said Jacob. He chuckled and said “You remind me a lot of your grandmother.” Serenity was greatly taken aback by what he had said. “You knew my…how?” “I taught her everything she knows.” Said Jacob as he showed a picture of her grandmother when she was her age, with Jacob beside her, which took her greatly aback and looked at Jacob in shock. He then had a solemn look and sighed whilst saying “She was one of the best I had.” He smiled and pulled something out, revealing to be a type of jeweled crest. “This belonged to your grandmother. I made this for her long ago after she graduated. And before she died, she wrote to me and asked me to make another to her specifications. It has special healing abilities that can help you heal others, like a doctor, and to help you calm the most powerful monsters, almost like an alpha male. It even has special protection wards that can protect you from the strongest of darkness and demons.” “It’s beautiful.” Said Serenity. “She asked me to give it to you.” Said Jacob. “Her words to me were, quote, give this to my special beautiful little peacemaker.” Serenity looked at him shocked. For that was exactly what her grandmother called her when she was little. She slowly shed a few tears whilst looking at it. Jacob walked around her and placed the crest around her neck. Then he took out a mirror and showed it to her. She couldn’t help but smile and looked at it and placed her hand against it. Jacob was then in front of her and looked at her face to face. “Continue to be a beacon of hope, Serenity.” Said Jacob as he slowly kissed her forehead, “You really are special.” He stood back up and was about to walk away. Until, “And Serenity?” Serenity looked at him, with Jacob smiling and said “May the Great Spirit be with you.” Serenity felt the power in those words and couldn’t help but smile and nod. Jacob then walked away and teleported out of plain sight. Serenity looked at her crest one more time and couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you grandma.” Said Serenity before she walked away to hear from Grandpa Max, as well as contacting anyone who could still hear them. ********************************************************************************************** Later, down at the cafeteria, everyone was having lunch. Except for the League. Though they wanted to accept their offer of joining them, they wanted to take over their shift, considering that they’ve been through a lot the past few days. Everyone was having a conversation. Although…Roland was talking about the rematch situation with Jagwar. Some thought he was going to bring up the grudge conversation, but to their surprise, he talked to Blade casually and asked about it because he was curious over something, considering his Blade didn’t fight at the match. “The others I can understand,” said Roland as he understood their reasons for ditching Mikey, “But why wouldn’t you want to help? I never expected you of all pony…er, people, to have a grudge over things like that.” “The others wanted to teach him a lesson about Karma.” said Blade. “I only went along with it because we thought it was the only way to teach him about humility. We didn’t know Jagwar had other plans.” “Come on, Blade.” said Roland as he casually sat whilst enjoying his drink, “I know the others turned their backs on Mikey because they had a reason. He never pointed your flaws because you've had decades of training and experience, and you never showed any flaws, and you were beaten by an opponent who also gave his all. You didn't have to go along with the others.” “Still,” said Blade before Tempest sat next to him, “He shouldn't have gone around pointing their flaws. There's no honor in wiping one's victory in another's faces.” “Really?” said Roland with a smirk before he talked like a smooth man, “Is it also not dishonorable, to abandon and turn your back on a fellow warrior and refused to help him when they beg one for their help despite recent events?” Blade wanted to say something, but then realized he had nothing, neither did anyone else on the table, for he had just asked Blade into a corner. “Look, Blade,” said Roland, “I know that Mikey being, well, Mikey, annoyed all of you, but you also have known, not everyone can be humble and tends to let certain victories go to their heads. Remember when Rainbow from Equestria ended up being a glory hog? She ended up boasting a lot about her abilities. The others tried to teach her a lesson in humility by disguising themselves as another hero coming to Ponyville.” “Oh yeah, I remember that.” said Sandbar as he and the others remembered that event, “They disguised themselves as the mysterious Mare Do-Well, an unknown hero who came to save the day.” “Which turned out to be professors Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Headmare Twilight in disguise in order for them to act on their own heroic selves.” said Silverstream. “They tried to teach her that being a hero is great and all, but a real hero doesn't brag and rub their victories.” said Smolder. “See, they also taught one of their friends a lesson,” said Roland, “Just....not in that level of extreme.” Roland sat forward and said “Not to mention not all of them are mature.” “Excuse me?” said Twilight, feeling insulted. “We are mature.” said Applejack. Roland looked at them with a smirk and said “Says the folks who play with their dinosaur shaped chicken.” “No, we...” said Rarity before Roland pointed at another direction. They saw Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Casy, Indigo, Keno, and Lemon Zest acting like dinosaurs and played with their dinosaur shaped chicken at the same time. Everyone else looked weirded out, especially Mikey and Michelangelo, with Roland rolling his eyes and throwed a piece of bread against one of their heads, making them stop and placing them away whilst having sheepish smiles. “Okay, even I wouldn't play with my food like that.” said Mikey. “Ditto.” said Michelangelo. “So weird.” Gamer muttered before flicking a triangular cracker into Cyborg’s mouth. “Three pointers! From downtown!” “Booyah!” Cyborg cheered as he munched. Suddenly Beast Boy came over and said “You know, he does have a point, and that's coming from me.” Roland then turned to Blade. “Point is Blade,” said Roland, “A true warrior does not rub or boast their victories in others' faces, that much is true, but a greater warrior is also selfless and do not let the faults of others distract them from doing the right thing by being there for them when it is very clear that they need it instead of wanting it. Sure, there will be those who boast, who rub in others' faces, and who annoy them, but you also have to learn to lead by example, by choosing to be better. Not be a better fighter, or a better leader, but a better being who wishes to help others from the goodness of their hearts. They never gave up on you when some thought you were a lost cause, did they?” Blade was taken aback by this and looked down, and realized Roland had a good point. He couldn't help but chuckle and said “Never thought another outside force would see this from their perspective.” “I get by.” said Roland, who then smirked and said “Otherwise I'm gonna bring up what your sister said to you before you had your buttocks handed to her.” Blade spat out his drink in shock, which shocked the others. “Wait,” said Raph as he wanted to laugh, “You got beaten up by an old Mare.” “He did.” said Roland, “I even got the photos to prove it.” “Wait, what?!” exclaimed Blade. Roland showed them a picture of Melody pinning Blade on the ground and making him scream for mercy when she found out what he did, causing everyone to laugh over the fact that he got beaten up by an old mare, and that mare was his sister, even Tempest found it amusing as she chuckled. Suddenly, Roland felt something, even Venus when the two of them stood up, gaining Tempest’s attention. “Is something wrong?” asked Tempest. Venus instantly took out Leo’s Shuriken and threw it towards the shadow, causing a hand to appear and grab it, which shocked the others as they quickly got up and got ready for a fight. “Show yourself!!” said Nightwing. When all of a sudden, a person walked out of the shadow, which was none other than… “Ue Sama?” said the Turtles, Rainbooms and Blade. The 2003 Turtles however, were shocked to see a different version of him. “Huh, he’s not a little kid.” Said Michelangelo. “Hopefully he’s not like ours.” Muttered Donatello. “Only one way to find out.” Said Leonardo. “It seems your skills are sharpest.” Said Ue Sama before he bowed, “No one could ever detect my presence from the shadows. It does well to see there are still a few.” He looked at the corner and said “Usagi. It is good to see you.” “You as well, old friend.” Said Usagi as he bowed. “You two became friends?” said Mikey. “Indeed,” said Ue Sama, “After seeing all of you bond with one another, I attempted to do the same thing. It was quite…enjoyable.” “Indeed.” Said Usagi. “Okay, hold up.” Said Beast Boy, “You know who this is?” “That’s right.” Said Leo as he introduced the Rangers, Titans, Gems, Shine, and a few others. “Everyone, this is Ue Sama. He comes from another dimension and is known to be one of the best ninjas. I fought him a while back when we were trying to solve the magic problem in Canterlot City.” “Indeed.” Said Ue Sama, “He had bested me. Then the Battle Nexus came. Many warriors came, and many lost, with one victor.” “Let me guess, Mikey.” Said Raphael, causing everyone to look at him surprised. “Wait, you too?!” said Raph surprised. “Dat’s right.” Said Raphael. “I have heard of another Battle Nexus.” Said Ue Sama, “I was surprised to learn of another dimension holding the competition.” “Indeed.” Said Usagi. “Then things went spiraling out of control.” Said Roland, which gained Usagi’s attention, with the latter saying “Long story.” “Anyway,” said Mikey, “What are you doing here, Ue Sama?” “I have come to deliver a message,” said Ue Sama, “My father said that this new Shredder has somehow infiltrated our home dimension and gained more allies along the way. One of them wishes for another rematch.” “Rematch?” said Mikey confused. “Wait a minute,” said Roland as he got suspicious, as he realized whom Ue Sama was talking about, he stood up and said “He wouldn’t happen to look like a tiger of sorts and wears armor that looks like a gladiator, right?” “Your deduction serves you well.” Said Ue Sama. However, the brief description, causes everyone to realize in shock as they shouted “Jagwar?!!” “But I thought he was dead!!” said Mikey. “He’s right, yo!!” said Casey, “We saw him get swamped by Gennosuke!!” “That’s what we thought, too.” Said Ue Sama. “You gotta be kidding me!!” said Raph, “He’s joined up with Shredder?!” “There’s also someone else.” Said Ue Sama. “He also wishes vengeance upon Karai.” “On me?” said a confused Karai. “I believe he appears to be the same one who tried to kill you and take your friends’ powers as his own.” The ones who knew paled, as Leo said “That’s impossible, he’s dead.” “Shredder somehow brought him back too.” Said Ue Sama. “Who is he talking about?” asked Raphael. “I do.” Said Roland, “Do you happen to have someone named Khan?” “What?!” exclaimed the 03 Turtles. “You guys also have a Khan in your world?!” exclaimed Leonardo. “Wait, also?” said a confused Mikey. “We also had a Khan who tried to rebuild his own Foot Clan ever since our Karai went straight.” Said April. “He haven’t heard from that punk in a while, and good riddance.” Said Jones. “But who the heck could bring those two back?” said Raph. “I know who.” They turned and to their surprise, it was none other than… “Versallia?” said the surprised Rainbooms and Turtles. “Whoa, who’s that?” said Cyborg. “This is Versallia, the co-ruler of Atlantis in our world, next to her brother, Alim.” Said Leo, who then turned to her and said “Versallia, do you know what’s going on?” “I do.” Said Versallia. “My sister, Rihona is responsible.” “Rihona?!” gasped the CMC, Young Six and Rock N Beats in shock. “Isn’t that the human hating fish girl you guys were talking about?” said Michelangelo. “She is.” Said Sunset before turning to Versallia. “How did she escape?” “All of you remember a while ago of who broke her out?” asked Versallia, whom the others nodded, “After you fought her again, I never stopped keeping tabs on her. Then my spies told me of a man in metal armor recruited her and was able to help her steal some of Atlantis’ artifacts. I asked my brother that I wanted to take this mission personally, to try and reason with her.” “I doubt she’ll listen,” said Mikey, “Considering how it played out last time.” “But this time we’ll be ready.” Said Shine Boy. “Where are dey anyway?” asked Raphael. “I think I know.” Said Roland. “Remember the place where you encountered the guardians?” “The Ninja Tribunal Temple?” said Donatello in confusion, “But aren’t the guardians watching over the place?” “We haven’t heard from them ever since we defeated the original Shredder.” Said Leonardo. “Which is most concerning.” Said Splinter. “I will try to contact the ancient one and see if he can help us provide a way to go there safely.” “We’ll need some volunteers to go with us, just in case.” Said Roland, “I don’t want to take any chances before we get there.” “Agreed.” Said Leo, “Let’s go gather everyone willing to help and keep an eye out for just in case.” Everyone soon left as they were about to make their way towards where Jagwar and the others would be waiting for them. ********************************************************************************************* Later, Gamer was in the garage working on some projects to calm down. He was in the middle of welding when he heard another voice. “Gamer?” Gamer stood up and lifted his face protector to see Obaki standing there. He clearly wasn’t happy to see him. “Well…well. He lives.” He muttered. “What do you want, Obaki?” “I wanted to talk to you about Sweetie Belle-!” Gamer responded by lowering his protector back on his face. “And now I’m going back to work.” He began welding again as Obaki walked closer. “Look, Gamer. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” Gamer set his welder down and pulled out a filer which made a loud noise causing Obaki to shout a little louder. “Sweetie Belle is a pretty amazing girl! And- and-!” At last, Gamer lost patience as he dropped his filer and yanked off his face protector. “And what? You want to talk about the time she, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo made that MyStable page Anon-a-miss and everyone thought Sunset went to being a bully again after she SAVED THEIR UNGRATEFUL LIVES?” Obaki was speechless as Gamer continued. “All I can say about it is that I could’ve hacked their page and stopped them for theirs AND Sunset’s sake before things escalated for the worse! But I wasn’t and things were resolved so THERE!” “Now you listen here-!” “Or WHAT?” Gamer angrily interrupted Obaki. “You wanna remind me of the wrestling Teacher I broke his arm? Or when I blamed AJ and Rainbow for their snowball war resulting in Bro and Leo getting buried by an avalanche? Oh, wait I know! How about the time I wailed on Dr. Droid because I’d be happy to give you a REENACTMENT OF IT!” Gamer took a deep breath. “And furthermore, I am too young to Zing or whatever! And Sweetie Belle has a better chance with other guys our age than with me! So, the next time, someone tells you that I have a crush on Sweetie Belle, DROP IT! Now if that was all you wanted to talk about, DOORS THAT WAY!” And with that, Gamer put on his headset and went back to work. Seeing he wasn’t getting anywhere, Obaki walked out and shut the door. “You’re wrong. And she agree with me.” He whispered as he walked away, unaware that Karai and Cyborg heard the whole thing. ********************************************************************************************* “You understand your orders?” Max and Batman were in the teleportation room briefing Serenity on her orders before she left to gather more allies and friends as she wore the same outfit as she helped fight off Harley Quinn. “Yes, sir. I won’t let you down.” She nodded. “And keep your comm link on at all times should you run into any trouble gathering the others. We’ll send more out to help soon enough.” Batman instructed. “Understood.” Serenity said as Alpha walked up with her helmet. “Here you go. I took the liberty of fixing the voice modulator so you should speak clearer now.” Serenity put it on and began to speak in a robotic version of her voice. “Oh yeah. This is so much better. Thanks, Alpha.” “Anything you want us to do?” Max asked as Serenity walked on the platform. “Just keep my love and friends alive while I’m gone, please.” Serenity said. Max and Batman nodded before Batman pushed the button to teleport her to her destination. “We better make sure we get the volunteers sorted out soon so she won’t have to do this by herself.” Max suggested. “Agreed.” Batman nodded. “If Shine Boy is as clingy to her as Clark is with Lois, he’ll be worried sick and not focus on our mission.” “Tony knows the importance of the mission and trust’s Serenity to do things on her own. Besides, it’s when she’s kidnapped he goes on the warpath.” Max chuckled a bit. Batman smiled at his jester. “Let’s look at the list of people we can spare to gather the others.” ********************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, from another location, which was the Ninja Tribunal itself, a portal opened up, allowing Roland, Venus, Ue Sama, the Turtles, their human friends/allies, their 03 counterparts, the Rainbooms, Versallia, Alim, along with the Rangers, the Crystal Gems, Ben 10, Titans and Static and his team to arrive. Static whistled whilst being impressed. “So, this is the Ninja tribunal. It definitely has that vibe.” “Don’t let the looks fool you.” Said Leonardo, “Last time we were here, we nearly got killed.” “No kidding.” Said Michelangelo, “Not to mention every challenge was just as crazy as the last one.” Roland continued to keep his eyes open, with Venus walking next to him. Until the two of them had heard something, causing him to signal them to stop, gaining their attention. “What is it?” asked Kevin. Suddenly, Raven, Garnet and Gwen also felt it. “Guys.” Said Gwen. “We’re not alone.” Said Raven. “We’ve got company.” Said Garnet. “Right you are.” Everyone turned around and to their surprise, it was a face that Karai didn’t want to see for a long time. “Ashira Khan.” Growled Karai. “He’s not the only one.” One by one, they saw Jagwar with him, along with Rihona and their own version of a Ninja and Atlantis Clans. At the same time, Roland, and Venus, along with the Turtles and their human friends/allies, their 03 counterparts, the Rainbooms, Versallia, Alim, along with the Rangers, the Crystal Gems, Ben 10, Titans and Static and his team, prepared for a fight as most of them prepared their weapons. However, Karai was shocked to see who was among them. “Aunt Mitsu?!” exclaimed Karai, which shocked the others. “That’s Mitsu?!” exclaimed Raph. “That’s right.” Said Hamato Mitsu. “You’re the one who wanted to kill Leo?” said Donnie. “To take back what’s rightfully mine!!” said Mitsu. “You don’t have a right in anything!!” said Roland, “You lost your right to be Hamato long ago!!” “Father chose me to lead the clan when he realized I was worthy of being a Sensei!!” said Leo, “Besides, we fought the Shredder and I killed him whilst avenging the Hamato Clan!! What’s your excuse?!!” “The way I see it, you have no honor!!” said Venus, “For because of your actions before their fall, Hamato clan member’s blood had been spilled on your hands. Bloodshed, without cause or provocation!!” Just before Mitsu pulled out her sword, Ebon stopped her, which shocked Static and Gears. “Don’t bother. You’re only going to waste your energy. Save it for when the bigger fight.” Said Ebon. “I’m surprised that you of all people are here, Ebon.” Said Static, “Especially with half of your gang being here.” “Oh, believe me, I didn’t want to join at first, not after Subprime ditched us. But when he told me about one of my crew that lied.” Said Ebon as he glared at Hotstreak, which the latter grunted and looked away. “I had to set an example by showing what happens when one of my crewman double crosses me behind my back. And told him not to go after Raph and Sunset, because I saw at firsthand what Shredder did to my counterpart the last time he didn’t follow orders.” Karai then noticed Viper Kai among them. “Why are you even here, Kai?” said Karai. “I came by to exact my revenge. But when it was denied twice, Shredder made an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Said Kai. “Clearly, you haven’t learned one bit.” Said Roland, “Or did you forget how you got your butt kicked.” However, Alim was focused on Rihona. “You continue to be a disgrace to our people and family Rihona.” Said Alim, “We told you that they were allies, and they had nothing to do with our mother’s passing.” “I will do whatever it takes to end them right here and right now.” Said Rihona. “So, you stole from our own people,” said Versallia, “Lied to us about the threats we face? And siding with our worst enemies? Because of you, you had brought dishonor to our people, and nearly have us attempt a bloodshed, without cause or provocation.” “And to use the resurrection stone.” Said Alim in disgust, “Do you have any idea the punishment for abusing such power?!” “I will do whatever it takes to exact my revenge on humanity.” Said Rihona. “For the hundredth time, not all of us were responsible for the mine poisoning!!” shouted Raph. “Man, dis girl’s got issues.” Said Raphael. “Tell me about it.” Said Mikey in an eyeroll. Then he looked at Jagwar and said “And what do you want Jagwar? Let me guess, you wanna rematch, again.” “You are mistaken, turtle.” Growled the cat warrior. “I am not the Jagwar you know. I am his son, named after him.” “Wait, Jagwar had a kid?!” said Venus surprised as he looked at Ue Sama. “Even I am surprised.” Said Ue Sama. “What do you want?” said Roland. “For one reason and one reason only,” said the son of Jagwar, “To have my revenge on the ones who took my father, and to have revenge on the one who stole my father’s honor and victory.” “Dude,” said Rainbow Dash, “Your dad lost!! Get over it already!!” “I will not. I will have my rematch and have my father’s honor restored.” Said Jagwar. “Your father already lost his honor the day he decided to change the Daiyu’s Battle Nexus match!!” said Venus, “And now you’re disgracing your family further by joining with a Shredder wannabee!!” “You keep your tongue!!” said Khan. “Or what?” said Donnie, “You’re gonna try to steal our powers again?!” “It’s not gonna happen!!” said Steven. “And we’ll make sure you will never hurt anyone else ever again!!” said Tommy. “Be that as it may, I will not let my family’s honor be stained any further!!” said Jagwar before pointing his axe at Mikey, “I will have my revenge one way or another.” “Man, this guy’s annoying.” Whispered Michelangelo. “If his father’s like dat, I can see why ya don’t like em.” Whispered Raphael to Roland. Before Mikey could say anything, Roland stepped in front of him and looked at Jagwar sternly. “Forget it, pussy cat!!” said Roland. “The first fight where he won against your father may have been a fluke, but the second time, Mikey won that fight fair and square, even though, your father cheated.” “It was an honorable and fair combat!!” shouted Jagwar. “Pff, yeah if you wanna call rigging the fight to a deathmatch, kidnapping the Diaoyu’s son and challenged Mikey to a fight when he knew his friends would turn their backs on him being fair.” said Venus. Everyone was shocked by what Venus had said. “Wait,” said Leo in shock, “Your father knew we would abandon Mikey?!” “Of course, he did.” Said Jagwar with a smirk, “He saw it the moment he entered your dimension. And honestly? Him watching you turn on him…is sweeter than bathing in the blood of our enemies.” The Rainbooms and Turtles were shocked and paled. For they were used by… “You little!!” shouted Raph as he was about to tackle Jagwar before he was stopped by Venus. “As we said, forget it, Jagwar.” Said Venus, “We don’t make deals with those who join our enemies for their own selfish amusements.” “Then I’m sure, you will come to an agreement then?” said Jagwar. Khan took something out, and to their surprise, it was the Keystone that they were looking for, but in the color of orange. “How did you get that?!!” demanded Leonardo. “Oh, we have our ways.” Suddenly, the Rainbooms and Turtles felt chills up their spines. “No.” muttered Sunset. “It can’t be.” Muttered Donnie. From out of nowhere, appearing from the shadows, were none other than the vampire trio. “Van Mi?!” exclaimed Leo. “Along with Chi Chu and Bing?!” exclaimed Raph. “How are you lot still alive?!” exclaimed Sunset. “We saw you three destroyed!!” said Twilight. “Uh, I’m confused here.” Said Steven. “Yeah, you know these guys?” said Ben. “They do.” Said Roland, “These three are Chinese Vampires who have been trying to steal chi and lifeforce from innocence for hundreds of years, leaving their victims as zombies. They tried to do the same thing with the Turtles and Rainbooms. Though by some miracle, Bonesteel had equipment to handle them.” “Oh boy, Gamer’s not gonna like hearing this.” Said Shine Boy as Shine Girl and Love Shine nodded in agreement. “They were burnt to dust thanks to their efforts.” Said Venus. “Have you gone mad?!” exclaimed Alim, “You resurrected Vampires!! One of our sworn enemies!!” “Father and mother would be ashamed and disgusted if they could see you right now!!” shouted Versallia in anger. “As I said before,” said Rihona, “I will do whatever it takes to make sure humanity is destroyed.” “And we know you have the stones and are looking for this one.” Said Khan. “So then…what’s it going to be?” Before anyone could respond, Time suddenly stopped, confusing Roland as he looked around, noticing that nobody was moving a muscle. “Do you wish to fight in his stead?” Roland looked around and couldn’t see anyone, until he felt a massive migraine whilst holding onto his head. “Do you wish to fight in Michelangelo’s stead?” Roland grunted, but said “I do.” “Then you shall toss the gauntlet to the challenger’s feet, and say that you shall challenge him to Mock Garl Na.” “What?” “Trust me, and you shall see.” Roland grunted and suddenly felt something in his left hand. He looked and to his surprise, it was a gauntlet glove like the voice said. He wondered what this could mean. But then he noticed that time has resumed, making him realize he knew what he needed to do. “Well. We are waiting.” Said Khan. Before anyone could say anything. “He’s not going to challenge you.” Everyone looked as Roland took a step forward. “So, you’re saying you do not want…?” said Jagwar before being cut off. “You didn’t let me finish.” Some were puzzled by what he meant. Roland suddenly pulled out a gauntlet, one that Jagwar and Ue Sama noticed. Within a split second, Roland tossed the gauntlet to Jagwar’s feet, taking the warrior by surprise. “Jagwar,” said Roland before he sharply pointed at him and shouted, “I challenge you, to Mock Garl Na!!!!” When all of a sudden, thunder had begun to sound and lightning had begun to strike, shocking everyone as they looked around and did not realize what was going on. Then from the heavens, three beings had arrived as they descended and landed near them. And what they saw, they couldn’t believe. (Ancient beings) “The challenge has been issued.” Said the fist being, “Mock Garl Na, has been declared.” “It can’t be.” Muttered Shine Boy as he was shocked by what he was seeing. “Who are you!!” demanded Khan. “We are the ancient ones of the cosmos.” Said the second being. “A challenged has been issued on sacred ground. Therefore, by law, when someone issues the challenge, the challenge, must be followed.” “Bah, we won’t follow some stupid…!!!” said Rihona, before the third being shot her with a thousand volts of electricity, electrocuting her as this was a shock to the others. Rihona then collapsed and panted whilst trying to recover from the pain. “Your people know this law better than anyone, fish walker.” Said the third being. “You will do well to abide those laws. For it is the very reason, your father had perished when he chose to defy our laws.” Alim, Versallia and Rihona were shocked to hear that as they sort of looked at one another. As Rihona stood up, the first ancient being walked up to the allies. Though they were cautious, they kept their guard up for just in case. “Who among you, has issued a challenge?” asked the first being. “I have.” Said Roland as he took a step forward. The being approached Roland as he said “Are you prepared to fulfill the challenge that you have issued?” “I do.” “Are you willing to follow its rules to the letter without question?” “I do.” “Will you fulfil them until the match is over and the winner is declared?” “I do.” “Very well then,” said the being, “Present your right hand.” Roland did so, until within a split second, the being grabbed Roland’s hand and used a knife to slice his palm, making Roland yelp, which surprised the others. Until the being pulled out a contract and placed Roland’s hand against it, causing his blood print to be on the contract, making it glow before Roland retracted his hand as he tried to put pressure on his hand to stop the bleeding. The being walked over to Jagwar and presented the contract, with Jagwar doing the same. However, he quickly hid behind his back and made him think he slit it, which caught Shine Boy’s attention. “The Challenge has been issued!!” declared the first being. “We shall prepare for the arena. By the third day, we will call upon you, and you shall participate.” Within mere moments, the beings disappeared whilst everyone was stunned. But just in case things got bad, Roland had sent a morse code to the ship during their time. And before the bad guys could react, all of them had instantly teleported back to the ship, surprising everyone at the same time. Whilst Khan merely screamed in rage as if his prey had gotten away. However, what no one had noticed, was that Ue Sama had quickly hid behind the shadows. He was curious of what they had meant. When all of a sudden, a portal had opened, causing a large man with a mask to come through, surprising Ue Sama. “Ue Sama.” said the masked figure. “Father?” said Ue Sama, when he realized it was his father. He went over and bow to him. “What are you doing here?” asked the Daiyou, “Didn’t I tell you not to use the traveling gate spell?” “Forgive me father, but I had to.” Said Ue Sama, “For the Turtles and Rainbooms’ enemies, Khan and Jagwar, are involved in matters.” “How is that possible?” said the Daiyou, “Did they not perish long ago?” “Khan was resurrected by one from Atlantis. Someone name Rihona.” Said Ue Sama. “That fish girl, I should’ve known.” Said the Daiyou. “This Jagwar is the son, named after his father. He came for revenge and to challenge Michelangelo for a rematch in his father’s place. But one of their allies had volunteered to take his stead instead. However, something else has occurred.” “What kind of occurrence?” “Three beings appeared after he issued a fight.” Said Ue Sama, “But they were not of our origins or anywhere else. In fact, they bore armor that was more celestial and powerful than our home dimension. They arrived and arranged the challenge the moment the human challenged Jagwar.” “What did the human say exactly?” “He said that he would challenge Jagwar to, I think it was, Mock Garl Na.” The Daiyou was greatly startled by the name. He instantly grabbed Ue Sama by the shoulders, startling the boy. “Don’t tell me they’ve already fulfilled the contracts?!” he exclaimed in panic. “Th-they did.” Said Ue Sama. The Daiyou released his son’s shoulders as he sighed and used his one hand to hold it in panic. “Father, what is it?” “My son.” Said the Daiyou as he turned to Ue Sama, “I have an important task for you. I want you and Usagi to retrieve Usagi’s counterpart and assist in training this man for his fight.” “Why is that father?” asked Ue Sama. The Daiyou whispered to Ue Sama’s ear. After explaining, his eyes widen, then looked back, and said “Is this true?” “It is.” Said the Daiyou. Seeing how it is of great importance, Ue Sama quickly bowed to his father and said “I will make haste father.” Ue Sama quickly left in doing what his father had asked him to do. The Daiyou turned around and looked at the horizon. “That foolish young man. What did he do?” However, from afar, a cloaked figure was watching from afar and watched the whole thing. He gripped his hands, as if what was happening had made him tense. He then walked away before being spotted. ********************************************************************************************* Everyone was soon back at the ship, whilst at the same time, all of them were greatly confused over what just happened. “What da shell was that?!” exclaimed Raphael. “I can’t believe Rihona brought back Khan and Jagwar’s had a son and wants revenge on me!!” said Mikey, “Those two are extremely bad news!!” “You encountered them before?” asked Nightwing. “I know Jagwar and his son.” Said Raven, “They comes from a dimension where they have anthropomorphic animals and they have the fiercest warriors in their world. Though the other one, I don’t know.” “I know him.” Said Karai, “He’s was one of Shredder’s enforcers from my world. He tried to take over and attempted to take the Turtles and Rainbooms’ powers whilst using me as a sacrifice. We fought them, until Jagwar killed Khan when he knew he was going to backstab him. Jagwar also perished a while later.” “I cannot believe Rihona would go this far.” Said Versallia. “She truly has lost all reason.” “I knew her hatred towards the humans and other surface dwellers were deep,” said Alim, “But I never thought her madness would continue to fester like this out of control.” “Though I’m more concerned about the beings that helped arrange the challenge.” Said Gamer. “I know, right. I haven’t seen them before.” Said Love Shine. When all of a sudden. “I have.” They turned to Shine Boy, as he had a look of his own. “They are known as the Phalanxians.” Said Shine Boy. “I encountered them when I was still training with my master. They are ancient beings that follow the universal code when it comes to balance. Not to mention, long ago, someone had placed them in charge of many tournaments. Tournaments that are similar to the Battle Nexus, but far graver.” “How bad are we talking?” asked Leo. “It’s a fight to the death.” Said Shine Boy. Everyone gasped in horror from the revelation. “You seriously did that?!” exclaimed pony Rainbow Dash. “I know what I’m doing.” Said Roland, “This way, no one will die and Mikey won’t be used again. This time, I’m doing things my way.” “If you’re gonna fight him, then let us…” said April before being cut off. “No.” said Roland, shocking everyone, “I don’t need any help. I’ll do this challenge, alone.” “But Roland…” said Karai… “I said, I’ll do this alone.” Said Roland, before his eyes were purple, his teeth were like a piranha and his voice was different. “END OF DISCUSSION!!!” They were surprised by that, until Roland’s face was back to normal and he coughed, causing Purple ooze to come out, which shocked Team Shine, Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow, especially their 03 companions, Static, Gears, Rubberband Man, and Brainy Barker. “This is bad.” Said Brainy Barker, “It’s growing more powerful whenever he’s angry.” Roland then wiped his mouth and said “I’ll be in the training simulation.” He walked away whilst at the same time, Ue Sama grabbed Usagi and pulled him away. When the samurai turned around, he was surprised to see his counterpart with Ue Sama, who then motioned to follow him, to which he did. Back inside with the others, however… “What the heck is his problem?!” exclaimed Leo, “We only wanted to help and he keeps turning us down.” “Especially the fight with Jagwar’s son.” Said Mikey. “But still,” said Nightwing as he pondered something, “I wonder why Roland would refuse you, just like that?” “I can shine some light into this situation.” Master Splinter approached the group as he gained their attention, with the 03 Turtles behind him, as well as O’Neil and Jones. “Yeah, how would you know?” said Raph as he crossed his arms. “I have looked deeper into his mind. To what I could reach, that is.” Said Splinter. Though it surprised Team Shine, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack, they saw the look in his eye, indicating that though he is hiding the full truth, he would only reveal this one. Splinter took a breath and told them. “In the same situation but with him involved,” said Splinter as he began, “Your counterparts have also turned their backs on Michelangelo when he asked you for help, but he was the only one who wanted to help. Because he knew how dangerous Jagwar is and how his culture works when it comes to ‘rematches’. He tried to explain, but none of your counterparts would hear him out. And during the fight after you discovered it was tampered, Jagwar nearly killed Michelangelo. Roland had no choice but to step in and kill Jagwar and ended the match. But after Michelangelo’s counterpart was healed, he was angry at all of your counterparts for abandoning him when he needed you the most. His bitterness and anger overtook him and he quit the team, as he lost all faith and trust in all of you. Roland, in his anger, was enraged of how all of your counterparts treated him. And as punishment, he broke half the limbs and shells of the turtles, whilst he stripped the Rainbooms of their clothing and whipped each of them twenty times behind their backs until they were scarred and bleeding, and he exposed you to your friends of what you have done. He left to retrieve Michelangelo, but your counterparts went with him to redeem themselves and regain his trust. He forgave them, but deep down, he did not as he lost all love and trust within them, even to Roland. And the Michelangelo all of you knew, was no more.” Everyone, minus the ones who knew, were shocked and horrified by what Splinter revealed. Even the Turtles, with Pinkie, Fluttershy and Twilight in tow, were shocked by what he had revealed. “Wait.” Said Mikey as he was speechless. “You mean…I ended up like Ronin, but different?” “That is correct.” Said Splinter. Fluttershy looked at Venus shocked and said “Is that way you…?” “That’s…one of the reasons.” muttered Venus as she crossed her arms and looked away. “I can understand all of you wantin’ to ditch Mikey because of his boasting,” said Raphael, “But I can’t believe that Leo of all mutants turned his back too.” “How were we supposed to know?! How was I supposed to know?!” said Leo. “Sounds like to me your jealousy over him is what clouded your sense of thinking.” Said Michelangelo. “Wait,” said a confused Nightwing, “What are all of you talking about?” “It’s like dis.” Said Jones as he began to explain the full version. “A dat’s what happened.” Everyone was surprised by what he said. “Whoa, you guys really abandoned your own brother? Just like that?” said Jason in disbelief. “Wow, that’s seriously messed up.” Said Amethyst. “Amethyst!!” scolded Pearl. “Still,” said Cyborg as he pointed at Mikey, “I can’t believe you’d constantly boast and rub your victory in your friends’ faces whilst belittling them by their flaws like that.” “Seriously.” Said Raven with a flexed eyebrow. “Okay, so I got a bit overboard and overexcited about my victory as a champion.” Said Mikey. “Even if your first victory was a fluke?” said Zack, which caused Mikey to blush in embarrassment about it. “Still,” said Static, “I’m more surprised that all of you would ditch Mikey like that.” “We wanted to teach him a lesson about karma.” Said Applejack, but then looked ashamed and said “And we ended up getting the short stick of it, even karma hitting us back, hard.” Even though some of the Rainboom members knew, it was still hard for them. “You guys shouldn’t have made assumptions though.” Said Rubberband Man. “The guy who challenged Mikey? Jag, something, you should never believe them to keep their word. A lot of us have fought against guys like that before, and we ended up being at the short end of the stick of it.” “I once thought the same thing,” said Ben, “I ended up letting fame get to my head and I ended up being a jerk about it. Which put me in a bad relationship with the others. That’s why sometimes tough love is needed. Just not one to get another killed.” Before anyone else said anything, Michelangelo began to put in his two cents. “You know, I’ve sort of been in two different kinds of situations. Same as Mikey.” Said Michelangelo. “What do you mean?” asked Rainbow. “When we were trapped in the future…” said Michelangelo. “Wait, you guys were stuck in the future, too?!!” exclaimed Mikey. “Wait, you too?!” exclaimed Michelangelo. “How?” “You first!!” said Mikey. “Let’s say it together.” “Okay.” “One. Two. Three.” Said both Mikeys as they said, “We were busy minding our own business, next thing you know, we ended up in the future by accident and met a (few) descendant/descendants of our friend/friends.” Everyone was silent in shock by what they said at the same time. Though none were more surprised than the Turtles. With Raphael groaning and said “Okay, dis is gettin’ freaky.” “No need to tell me twice.” Said Raph. “What were you going to say, Michelangelo?” asked April, which caused the said turtle to clear his throat. “When my brothers were training,” said Michelangelo, “They were about to graduate to the rank of Chunin.” “The what now?” said pony Rainbow Dash. “Chunin,” said Twilight as she read about it once, “Meaning a middle level ninja, is generally allotted to a shinobi who has excelled in leadership and combat at a high level whilst maintaining the traditional ninja way of life.” “Most impressive.” Said Master Splinter in approval, “You are indeed correct, Twilight Sparkle. You truly know the rules of the Ninja.” “I’ve been reading about it ever since our Master Splinter gave me my weapon and my friends started to train me in order to bring me up to speed.” Said Twilight. “As they were about to graduate, I couldn’t because, as all of you know, I slacked off in my training.” Said Michelangelo, “So they ended up taking my weapon and split it into three pieces, in order to speed up my training. I passed all three of my tests whilst trying to retrieve my weapon. Only thing is, I felt like I didn’t deserve to graduate.” “How so?” asked Keno. “Well for one thing, after I passed all of my tests, I didn’t feel any different. Cause if I did, I should’ve been a new me. I mean, just because I pass a couple of tests, didn’t mean I wasn’t lazy anymore. It didn’t mean I was back to focus on the true path, or graduated with my brothers. That I was still a shell of a goofball.” Then Michelangelo said something completely unexpected. “And that…I was never going to be like Leo.” Everyone was surprised by what he said, but none were more surprised than his brothers. “Leo was always the better ninja out of all of us.” Said Michelangelo. “He’s always level headed, he’s always been there. He’s brave enough to stand up to a lot of foes. He’s never too afraid to even sacrifice his own life. That’s why I was happy that he trained me when I fought in a rematch against my opponent in the Battle Nexus. I’ll always be grateful. And I’m still proud to be his brother. Even…even if I’m a bigger screwup.” Michelangelo felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Leonardo, who smiled at his brother, which the latter returned. “The point is, as Master Splinter tries to teach us,” said Michelangelo, “Being a team is also about helping out working on each other’s flaws. I mean, I was sometimes annoyed by Raph’s outbursts, but that’s why we’re here, to help work on it. Same with mine, Donnie, and Leo’s.” “Indeed.” Said Splinter, “Though we are on the path of the ninja, we must remember not to leave another behind in order for them to reach their potential as the ninjas they were meant to be. And not putting them in danger.” “That’s why I try to be better.” Said Leonardo as he approached Leo. “Even though we’re only turtles, and even though we get on each other’s nerves, as leaders, it’s our responsibility to make sure that everyone stays on the right path. I chose to put my personal feelings aside and chose to help. That’s the role of a leader. Or in your case, as your role as a Sensei.” Leo looked down in shame, realizing that his counterpart was right. But Leonardo placed his hand onto his counterpart’s shoulder and said “But there is still time to make amends of this. By being there for them like one should be.” Leo thought about it, then had a determined look, and looked at his counterpart, whilst nodding in agreement, knowing what he had to do. ********************************************************************************************* At the same time, the CMC, the Young Six, Lancer and the Rock N Beats went to check on Bright Eyes. At the same time, Azmuth was using his small hovercraft to get around whilst he’s checking on his tech manual. He suddenly bumped into someone. “I told you a thousand times, will you get…?!” shouted Azmuth, but was shocked to see who was standing before him. It was Jacob in his cloak. However, Azmuth could see his eyes more clearly as day. “Master.” Muttered Azmuth as he instantly bowed. “Forgive me, I didn’t realize…” “It’s fine Azmuth.” Said Jacob. Then said “I heard a fight has been issued.” “It is, from what I’ve heard.” Said Azmuth after he picked up his pad. “I see.” Replied Jacob. Then said “Listen, under no circumstances are the CMC and their friends to see what will happen.” “Oh?” said Azmuth in confusion whilst looking at Jacob, whom the latter whispered to Azmuth, which shocked the Galvin to say the least. “Are you certain?” “I am.” Said Jacob. “They mustn’t see what will transpire. For if they do, I fear they might not recover from this. I trust you know what you can do to ensure they won’t see anything?” “I do.” Said Azmuth, “Once they are subdued, I’ll place them into stasis pods. I’ll set the timer for 76 hours for just in case.” “Good.” Said Jacob. He then sighed and said “And…did you…?” “I did.” Said Azmuth as he looked at his data pad. “I have to admit, when you told me, I was just as surprised. I didn’t think another part of him survived like the others and somehow live in the other dimension at a young infancy. And you said you found the others?” “I did.” Said Jacob, “But I fear the current one’s soul won’t make things easy.” “Indeed, not.” Said Azmuth, “For we all know that when a piece of a whole is scattered, there is a highly likely chance that a part of them will be contaminated and will likely be lost forever if not treated immediately.” “There has to be a way.” Said Jacob. “Jacob, you know as well as I do that a part of the soul has to willingly give up in order for this to happen.” Reminded Azmuth. “I know.” Said Jacob, “I just hope he’ll listen.” “I have faith. After all,…” said Azmuth before he smirked, “It happened to you once before.” “Ugh, don’t remind me.” Said Jacob dryly. “But still…it’s good to see you again old friend.” Jacob instantly teleported away, leaving Azmuth alone. “You too old friend.” Said Azmuth as he left, who only smiled and said “If it were not for your teachings and to listen to others, I would’ve been lost forever.” ********************************************************************************************* At the same time in the medical room, the CMC, the Young Six, Lancer and the Rock N Beats visited Bright Eyes and filled her in. “Wow, so Jagwar has a son and wants payback.” Said Bright Eyes, “Honestly, I thought something like this would happen.” “Same here,” said Ace, “You’d think we’d hear the last of them and fight fair.” “Since when is any of them fair?” asked Patch rhetorically. “Touche.” responded Ace. “So, what’s the plan on dealing with them?” asked Bright Eyes. “Well, we heard that Roland had issued the challenge, so we’ll be there to help train and support him.” Said Sandbar, unknowingly that the doors had slowly been sealed, as well as the room. “Then what are we waiting for,” said Silverstream, “Let’s…” Suddenly, the room was slowly being filled with white mist of some sorts. “Huh, what is…?” said Smolder, until she suddenly felt tired. “Whoa…what’s…?” And one by one, everyone in the room fainted and passed out on the ground, not moving. Once that was done, the gas began to slowly clear, with Azmuth entering with the Plumbers behind him. “Put them in cryogenic statis.” Said Azmuth, “Make sure none of them are down in that tournament.” The Plumbers began to take the kids one by one and took them to the cryogenic stasis room, where they would stay out of the fight. ************************************************************************************************** Back at the training simulation, Roland was hard at work, training himself up to how he needs to be. He kept punching, and kicking, and dodging, whilst at the same time, focused on Jagwar’s son’s strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, Ue Sama, Usagi and his counterpart entered the training room, which surprised them as they saw Roland hard at work. “Goodness,” said Usagi 03, “I never figured that Roland would be this hard at work.” “Though from the looks of it, he’s been training for almost a month.” Said Usagi. “How is that possible?” said a confused Ue Sama. “Because of the room,” said one of the Plumbers as he walked passed them. “The room is designed to act like its own pocket dimension, something Azmuth came up with per Roland’s request. He said that this training room would allow time to pass faster whilst training. So, say, half an hour passes, six months had passed here. You don’t age, but you will gain that much of an experience during your training.” “Very impressive.” Said Usagi as he pondered, “If the mystics in our world could learn such a thing, it would certainly save a lot of time and trouble training the next generation of recruits.” “Come,” said Ue Sama, “We do not have much time. The match is only three days away, and we need to be prepared for the events ahead.” They then entered the room and closed the door behind them. As Roland trained, he noticed Ue Sama and the others were there. “I thought I said I would train alone.” Said Roland. “There is no honor in training on one’s own, Roland.” Said Usagi, “I know what it feels wanting to do things alone, but even I understand better than anyone that not everyone can accomplish everything on their own.” Roland sighed and said “End training simulation.” The simulation ended, causing the room to be different, but had the setting changed to a grassy plain with logs near for them to sit down, which Roland did. “Look, I appreciate what you want to do, but like I said, I’m fine.” Said Roland. “If you were, ‘fine’, then you shouldn’t have pushed them away to train you for the fight ahead.” Said Ue Sama. Roland sighed and said “I am slowly beginning to trust them. However, it’s the training thing that I don’t.” “Why not?” asked Ue Sama. “Remember when Jagwar challenged Michelangelo to a rematch, but the others refused to help him because of his boasting to them?” asked Usagi. “I do. Why do you ask?” asked Ue Sama. Usagi briefly explained to them what Roland told him a while ago. After explaining, Ue Sama and Usagi 03 were shocked by the discovery. “That is…this is wrong.” Said Ue Sama. “Indeed, there is no honor in boasting about one’s victory, but it is even more dishonorable to abandon one’s own clan and kin, and because of it, they do not see a monster behind sheep’s clothing.” Said Usagi 03. “That’s why I was furious at them.” Said Roland. “I know that they weren’t the same, but…I…” “It is clear you have a hard time telling the difference between the friends in your world and the friends in the other.” Said Usagi. “He’s right,” said Usagi 03, “Though they appear and act the same, does not mean that they are truly the same. Certain events had transpired and certain decisions happen. Before one knows it, they descent to a path where there is no coming back from.” Roland sighed and said “I tried so hard to convince the others, but they wouldn’t listen. Their grudge and jealousy against Mikey was so great, it clouded their judgment. They didn’t even show him any support whatsoever. I mean he did make a mistake, and even if it had to take someone else to make them realize it, they still wouldn’t help. Some friends they are.” “You should not think like that.” Said Usagi. “I am sure that you might not have a grudge towards your Michelangelo when you trained him…” began Ue Sama before Roland cut him off. “Oh, are you kidding me,” said Roland as he looked at him, “You have any idea how many times I wanted to punch Mikey in the face for rubbing his victory in mine, Obaki and Venus’ faces?” “Your Mikey boasted in your faces, too?” said a confused and surprised Usagi. “Yeah,” said Roland, “He said that Obaki’s anger is what got him falling harder than a pepperoni slice, and Venus lost because she was a girl.” This however, surprised Ue Sama, Usagi and his counterpart. “As the Turtles would say…bad move.” Said 03 Usagi. “And what of you?” asked Ue Sama. “He kept calling me colonel klutz.” Said Roland. “In other words, clumsy.” “Clumsy?” said Ue Sama, “What did you do?” “I was busy fighting against an opponent who was a trickster, known as Monkey King.” Suddenly, the three of them groaned as Usagi said “You have got to be joking.” “He a problem in your world, too?” said Roland. “The one in our dimension tried to enter, but my father was furious when I was hurt when I broke my legs falling because of the Monkey King, so he banned him from ever entering the tournament.” Said Ue Sama. “Same with the one in my dimension.” Said Usagi 03, “But anyway, what happened?” “I uh…” began Roland, “Was busy fighting him, until he tossed a banana peel, I slipped, both my guns went off and I ended up shooting off both of the Diaoyu’s beard, hair and eyebrows.” This left the three of them stunned by what he said. “I do not have the words.” Replied Ue Sama. “When Jagwar came, I wanted to turn my back on Mikey too, but I couldn’t.” said Roland. “Why not?” asked Usagi. “Because I was scared, okay?!! For Mikey!! Scared that he’d get hurt!!” said Roland as he gave his reason. Roland approached the two of them as he had a serious look in his face. “I know what Jagwar was capable of and he wasn’t going to make it without help. I could’ve held a grudge but unlike the others, I honored the Hamato Code and its oath the day I joined. And that’s the whole point. Of having a teammate, a disciple, a friend, a brother, or whatever, means being scared for them 24/7 and doing it anyway!! It’s part of the whole job description!!” Suddenly, Roland’s voice broke as he said “And I’d do anything to have that feeling back again!! To have my family and friends back to…!!!” Roland stopped himself and shut his eyes before moving his head to another direction. Ue Sama, Usagi and his 03 counterpart were caught off guard of him nearly breaking down, Roland walked over to a stump and sat down whilst lowering his head. After a minute, Usagi walked over and placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder. “It still haunts you to this very day, doesn’t it?” “I don’t know where it all went wrong.” Said Roland, “I tried…so hard to be a good friend, and it wasn’t enough. They died, because of me…because I couldn’t do better. I wake up every night…after still hearing their screams…feeling sick…and sweating. Every food I ever ate felt tasteless. Every one of their faces staring at me…accusing me of being a monster. I’m already a dead man.” Roland sighed and said “Dan was right. If Mikey had just grown up and started taking things seriously, his own friends wouldn’t have turned their backs on them. Even Ethan was right.” “Ethan?” said Ue Sama in confusion. “Old associate.” Said Roland, “He once told me something from an old verse. ‘If thou judge, thou shall be judged tenfold.’ I ended up being an even bigger fool. I wasn’t strong enough to stop any of this. And because of it, I ended up dragging everyone into my mess. I just wish…there was another way.” Roland looked down and said, “I should’ve died with them too.” “Do not say that.” Said Usagi, “Though you may have lost everything, you cannot let those thoughts continue to consume you. For if you continue to let the anchor of your past to weigh you down, you will continue to be consumed from within the darkness of the ocean. But now you have a chance to rectify that mistake.” “Indeed.” Said Usagi 03, “Though things didn’t work out the way you wanted, you were able to see that none of them are the same as the ones you knew. It can be hard, but that is why you need to learn to detach yourself from your pain.” “Indeed.” Said Ue Sama as he stood near Roland, “And it may come as a surprise to you, but Michelangelo was the one who inspired me.” Roland looked at him shocked, but not as shocked as the others were outside, even Mikey. “When I fought Leonardo, I was surprised that he bested me in combat, and instead I ended up being, what was the word again?” “Sore loser?” “Yes, that one.” Said Ue Sama. “But during the tournament he lost because someone wanted to get rid of him. When I saw how Michelangelo was abandoned, I realized that what they did was not honorable, and that I saw the same way my father and others abandoned me when I asked them to train me. When Michelangelo gave me the belt, he became my first friend. It then drove me to make friends too, as well as trying to find an honorable way to earn the title of champion, rather than wanting shortcuts and making a name for myself.” He looked at Roland and said “At first, I did not like you because of what I’ve heard from your actions. But because of what Usagi told me, your life was difficult, and that you walked down a darkened path that there was no coming back from. That you felt that everything you knew and held dear had abandoned you. And that you chose to be alone.” Ue Sama stood on his one knee and looked at Roland right in the eye. “The ones from your dimension may have abandoned you when you needed a friend the most,” said Ue Sama, who then looked behind and smiled behind his mask. “But the ones here will not.” Roland turned around and saw the Turtles, Rainbooms and their New York friends with them, showing that he won’t abandon them and that they really do want to help him. Roland looked down for a bit. “I…well…” said Roland as he was a bit hesitant at first. Sunset then suddenly had an idea, which got her blushing, but then she shook her head and smirked. “Roland.” Roland looked at Sunset with a flexed eyebrow, who suddenly had a cute face on her. “Will you please let us help you,” said Sunset, until she turned around and shook her rump whilst saying “Pretty, pretty please?” Roland blushed madly what he said, even her friends were surprised by what she was doing. Suddenly, Roland was struggling to composure himself whilst growling and going red from embarrassment. “Okay, fine!! I’ll let you help me!!” said Roland whilst he stood up and said “Let’s just get things ready.” Roland then walked over to Sunset and whispered, “You know I was going to say yes, right?” “I know, this was just my backup plan, by using Equestria’s booty, remember?” asked Sunset. Roland couldn’t help but blush madly at this again whilst walking away and grumbling. For that wasn’t going away anytime soon. Sunset couldn’t help but smirk whilst the others looked shocked and surprised at the same time. “What?” said Sunset with a smirk, “There’s also another way to get through a man’s mind.” She walked away with pride on her face whilst the others were just as surprised. Ue Sama looked at the girls surprised and said “Did all of you knew she was going to do that?” “Nope!!” said everyone at the same time. ************************************************************************************************** (Raph training Roland) And thus, the training had begun. Raphael had presented his fists whilst Roland would constantly punch it over and over, with him blocking it. “Come on, faster, you can do better!!” said Raph whilst Roland continued. (Applejack training Roland) “Alright, again!!” said Applejack. Roland would kept swinging a sledgehammer in order for him to build proper movement for his body. “And again!!” (Rainbow training Roland) “Come on, Roland!! Move faster!!” said Rainbow. Roland was busy running on the treadmill with his top speed whilst Rainbow tries to make him faster on his feet at the same time. (Fluttershy training Roland) “Come on little friends, move faster so that Roland can move faster too.” Said Fluttershy. Roland was trying to catch the chickens that constantly tries to dodge him in order for him to build up the quickness the speed of his legs. (Pinkie training Roland) “Come on, Roland, move like you mean it!!” said Pinkie whilst she was on a moving cart. Roland tried to run after her so that he could focus more on moving forward then being held back. (Leo training Roland) Leo was showing Roland that whilst he’s fighting, Jagwar is a larger opponent, so he had to focus more on the bigger targets, which Roland kept on moving with a fastened pace at the same time. (Mikey and Donnie training Roland) “Keep holding it in, boy!!” shouted Mikey. Both Mikey and Donnie were hitting Roland in the gut and body with medicine balls and bo-staff so that he could focus on enduring the pain. (Rarity training Roland) “Continue to focus all you can, Roland.” Said Rarity. Roland decided to do many pushups whilst Rarity was sitting on his back whilst keeping focused on his breath at the same time. (Sunset and Twilight training Roland) “Come on Roland, focus on the knees.” Said Sunset. “And keep your body balanced and firm.” Both Twilight and Sunset helped with the weight on his back as he moved forward and back whilst bending his knee at the same time. (Casey and Keno training Roland) “Come on, Roland!!” said Casey. “Punch it like you mean it!!” said Keno. Roland was busy punching a large pole covered with tires in order to improve the strength of his fists in order for him to be in shape. (April and Shinigami training Roland) “That’s it, Roland.” Said April. “Just keep on going.” Said Shinigami. Both girls were using double jump ropes in order to help Roland be light on his feet whilst he did his best to keep his feet and himself on alert. (Karai training Roland) “Alright, once more time.” Said Karai. Roland was busy standing in front of those Wing Chung dummies as he was blocking and deflecting at the same time whilst they were moving at the same time. For each part of his training as the others helped him, Roland continued to hone in on his skills, as well as his movement, his strengths, his punches, as well as his awareness around him, to ensure that he doesn’t slack in his training. At first, he nearly collapsed, but he kept on going, ensuring that he doesn’t want to give up, no matter what. Each of the groups continued to help train him at the same time, as well as all of them trying to fight him whilst he was standing at the center of the ring at the same time. “Come on, Roland, keep that defense up!!” said Raph. “Just like they said on that one movie!!” said Mikey. “What movie?” asked Donnie in confusion. “You know, that one boxing movie we watched.” Said Mikey before turning to Roland. “You know the old saying!! One step at a time!! One punch at a time!! One round at a time!!” “Oh, now I get it.” Said Donnie as he remembered the movie. Roland heard that and got up and continued. At the same time, the Titans, as well as the League after they got back once they filled them in of Roland’s challenged, walked in, and saw Roland was hard at training. But during that, he suddenly collapsed, with Raph going over to help him, but Roland pushed his hand away, showing that determination as he slowly got up, bit by bit, with all his strength and all his willpower. Both Hal and John noticed their rings were glowing, and they could see the rings are reacting to Roland’s willpower, something that they’ve never seen before. And with that, Roland continued with his training as those outside watched with the others training him. For each of those sections, everyone continued to help train Roland as he was showing great progress in order to make sure he’s well and ready for what’s to come, with everyone watching. (Raph training Roland) Roland kept punching harder and faster, until the final punch really hurt Raph’s hand, making it numb as he held it, which made him smirk. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” (Applejack training Roland) Roland kept smashing the sledge hammer harder and faster until eventually he made the rock break in two. “Yeehaw!!” exclaimed Applejack as she liked what she saw. (Rainbow training Roland) Roland had kept up in full speed as he ran his fastest whilst screaming at the same time before smashing the treadmill controls in order to show determination. “Awesome!!” said Rainbow with her fist pumping. (Fluttershy training Roland) After much running, Roland was able to catch the chickens whilst gently holding them on his shoulder, with Fluttershy clapping at his progress. “Yay.” Said Fluttershy softly. (Pinkie training Roland) Roland ran at full speed as he was pushing the cart at the same time. “Looking good, Roland!!” said Pinkie as she was exclaiming in excitement. (Leo training Roland) Roland was now fully synced with his moves whilst he was moving the same style as Leo was, with the latter smiling with pride. (Mikey and Donnie training Roland) Both of them kept hitting his objects, until both of them broke and popped, realizing that Roland was now showing more pain resistant, causing the two brothers to fist bump one another. (Rarity training Roland) Roland kept going his pushups faster, with Rarity nodding in agreement, showing that he made good progress. (Sunset and Twilight training Roland) Roland was now pulling objects that are much heavier, with both Twilight and Sunset cheering on for Roland at the same time. (Casey and Keno training Roland) Roland kept punching the tires harder and harder, until he punched so hard, the tires now snapped in two, causing both Keno and Casey to fist bump whilst smiling and looking at Roland at the same time. (April and Shinigami training Roland) Roland this time jumped rope on his own, whilst showing his legs were moving faster and faster and faster, until he suddenly jumped in the air whilst the ropes were spinning at the same time. “Yeah!!” said April and Shinigami whilst they high fived. (Karai training Roland) Roland kept blocking and striking until eventually he broke them in half, with Karai holding his shoulder, showing her did good. Everyone watching was impressed as they saw how well Roland was holding up. Ue Sama smirked whilst he nodded at the same time with his arms crossed. “He is ready.” Said Ue Sama ********************************************************************************************* On the third day, the day of the fight had begun. From one side of the ring, all of the Bad guys were waiting. Enemies like the Turtles’ mutant enemies, Subprime, Bixolio, Tiger Claw, Commander Tiger Claw, along with enemies from the Power Rangers, Team Shine, Ben 10, along with the League and Titans’ enemies were also there. However, among them, sitting on a throne, hidden from prying eyes, was none other than the Shredder. The Turtles’ Tiger Claw then noticed someone next to Khan, a boy who was about a year older than the CMC. “Remind me again, why you brought a child here?” asked Tiger Claw. “Because once my brother heard I was alive, he didn’t want to part with me.” Said Khan, “And if he wishes to learn our ways, then he needs to learn to face the harshness of reality.” Tiger Claw rolled his eyes and said, “Just because you are skilled, does not make you a Foot. Or did you forget how Shredder banished you from our Clan when he realized that you were unworthy to be a part of it?” “The leadership was mine by right!!” said Khan, “He corrupted everything the Foot stood for by replacing them with machines, and the witch ended up dishonoring it more by siding with our greatest enemy!!” “Not the way I heard it.” Said Tiger Claw, “Both clans were tricked into feuding. I found out who was responsible long ago.” “Bah, details.” Said Khan as he was now focused on the ring. From the other side, the heroes, namely the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies, along with their guests, the Crystal Gems, the Rangers, as well as Team Batman, the Justice League, Team Static, and the Teen Titans, or as Pinkie would call them, Team DC. From down below, Jagwar’s son (I’m just gonna say Jagwar for the future of this chapter) was standing there, on the other side of the ring, focused on the gate where Roland would appear, with his axe behind his back and a large sword in the ground whilst holding the hilt. From behind the gate, Roland was on his knees, wearing a traditional fighting outfit that Ue Sama had provided, something that nearly matched his outfit. He and Usagi were with him as they explained more about Jagwar. “Like his counterpart, Jagwar will stop at nothing from using brutality to fight for his own gains.” Said Ue Sama. “Your opponent will be using his strength for the fight.” Said Usagi. “Meaning I can’t match his brutality.” Said Roland, “I have to fight smarter instead of harder.” “Indeed.” Said Ue Sama. “And during that training, you’ve also seen how he fights, how he moves, and how he uses his own warrior spirit to overcome his opponents.” “You know how he moves; you know how he will strike.” Said Usagi, “And it all comes down to this.” “Indeed.” Both Usagi and Ue Sama turned to the voice and were surprised to see the Daiyou walking towards them with a sword in tow, causing the three of them to bow to him. “I have heard you’re going to fight against Jagwar.” Said the Daiyou, “You do understand the kind of fight you have put yourself into, correct?” “I do.” Said Roland, who then said “In my world, he got away with driving a few I cared about away. I know he’s not the same, but I’d rather die than have him live and cause more trouble. And that’s a promise.” “Then you will need this.” Said the Daiyou. He presented a sword to Roland, though the sword almost looks like his. “We have reforged this sword, made by my personal blacksmith.” Said the Daiyou. “It’s metals is the strongest they have ever made. More resistant to Jagwar’s sword, so you do not have to worry about it being cut in two.” “I appreciate it, Lord Daiyou.” Said Roland as he bowed whilst accepting it. “Then please accept this one.” Said the Daiyou as he gave what appeared to be a bo-staff, but the markings looked very familiar. “Is that the Monkey King’s bo-staff?” said Roland surprised. “Indeed.” Said the Daiyou, “After the true Monkey King passed away, he entrusted his bo-staff to me long ago, and said I should give it to the one who is worthy. And from what I have seen, you are worthy.” He handed it to Roland, which allowed him to accept it and placed it behind his back. The Daiyou placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder as he said “Good luck with your match. You will need it.” “Thank you, Lord Daiyou.” Said Roland as he bowed. The Daiyou, Ue Sama and Usagi left to watch from the audience whilst Roland once again faced the arena gate and awaited until they opened it. Once it opens, then there’s no coming back from it. Roland took a breather as he was now preparing himself. ********************************************************************************************* From the good guys, everyone was waiting for the fight ahead. That was, until Mikey noticed the looks on some of the enemies from Equestria and their world. “Uh, guys,” said Mikey, “You’re seeing what I’m seeing, right?” They looked at where Mikey was pointing and some were shocked to see them. “Wait, Shredder also recruited Tirek and Chrysalis?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight. “And whose that pony there?” said Mikey, which shocked the Equestrians again. “Sombra?!” squeaked Fluttershy. “Okay, Chrysalis I can understand, but what about the others?” asked Wally/Flash. The Equestrians gave a brief description of who the Equestrian Villains are, which surprised them. “So, they’re dangerous?” asked Wonder Woman. “Oh, they are,” said Venus, “They’re some of Equestria’s most dangerous criminals. But if they figured out how to work together.” “Something is not right,” said Martian, “I have looked into Sombra’s mind, as well as the others. All of them are in complete mind control.” “Mind control?” said Sunset surprised. “The same way they controlled Karai, but more powerful.” Stated the Martian, which shocked the Turtles and the New Yorkers. “This new Shredder is getting more dangerous.” Said Nightwing. “I see even more of our enemies.” Said Starfire. “Wait,” said Beast Boy as he squinted his eyes a bit, “Are those monsters that look like…squirrels?” This caught the Turtles, Rainbooms and New York friends to freeze and slowly looked at the direction Beast Boy was looking at. To their horror, it was. “Squirrelanoids?!” exclaimed the ones who know, but confused the others. “Squirrel, what now?” said John/Green Lantern. “It’s like this,” said Venus, “Back then when the Kraang attempted to try and attack New York, plenty of Mutagen were spilled all over New York. A few random squirrels walked into them, and mutated into that.” The ones who didn’t know them saw them, and were shocked. But none were more shocked than the Leaguers. “Wait, don’t they almost look like…?!” exclaimed Superman when he recognized the bone structure. “The Xenomorphs that we encountered them, along with their enemies, the Yautja.” Said Batman. “Wait, the what now?” said Leo in confusion. “The Xenomorphs and the Yautja are both powerful aliens from other worlds.” Said Hawkgirl. “Every alien life knows about them.” “The League fought them before, and we almost died on all fronts.” Said Wally/Flash. “The first ones, the Xenomorphs,” said Hal/Green Lanter, “They’re a race of aliens that have smaller aliens called face huggers. The moment they attach to your face, they lay eggs in their victims. The eggs then hatch within them, killing their victims. Then in time they become full grown killing machines.” “The other, the Yautja,” said John/Green Lantern, “Are an ongoing warrior race who fight each other and everyone else. When they see a dangerous warrior on any world, they mark you as their prey. They use every weapon they have in their disposal and hunt you down until your head becomes like a trophy on their walls.” They were shocked to hear that, even Mikey shivered as he didn’t want to think the unimaginable. “But still, how the heck did they get more Squirrelanoids?!” said Donnie. “Shredder must’ve sent spies into that world whilst we were in the shadows.” Said Venus, “He was secretly stealing eggs and mass producing them. And I don’t know how it’s possible, but he has them all under his control.” “From the looks of it, I think he is.” Said Mikey in concern, which concerned the others as well. They saw two beings approach the center and blowing the trumpets. The gates was slowly opening, and from within it, Roland walked out, carrying his sword on him as he was moving towards the center of the arena, with Jagwar doing the same. The two of them stood near one another, waiting to make a move. “The rules are clearly simple.” Said one of the beings whilst acting like a referee. “The fight is to be of fair and honorable combat. The match is over when one of you surrenders or collapses from exhaustion. The moment when an opponent cannot fight, the said opponent will immediately be teleported out of the arena, no questions asked. Both of you are to fight, and will not have any interference. Am I understood?” “Yes.” Said Roland. The great being pointed his spear at Jagwar and said “And you?” “And why am I being threatened?” said Jagwar with a growl. “Because your kind has a tendency of not playing by the rules.” Said the Great Being, “It’s the reason why we subjugated it long ago.” Jagwar merely growled at that, but reluctantly said, “Very well.” Both Roland and Jagwar stood a few feet away from one another, both sides watching one another, especially the audience from the stage. “This is a battle of skill and honor.” Said the Great Being, “You both possess abilities that have been forbidden, and thus have been nullified to ensure that none will use them.” Roland felt it himself and he was right, for he couldn’t use what he did earlier back at the Foot’s building, but he knew he wouldn’t need it. But still, he needed to be fully prepared for what’s to come. “They will not be used.” Said the Great Being, “For you will fight with what you have, and live by the warrior’s code and the Nexus’ rules. If not, then both of you will die. Is that understood?” Roland turned to the Great Being and bowed, showing he understood, which the Great Being acknowledged, and he looked at Jagwar. Though he growled, the squinting of the Great Being’s eyes showed he was not to be trifled with, causing the Cat warrior to relent by nodding his head. Jagwar took out his blade as he was ready, but Roland on the other hand stood there, holding his sword in position, not waiting to make a move as he was using neutral Jing, by closing his eyes and listening, whilst waiting for the right moment to strike. “To the death, then.” Said the Great Being as he lifted his arm. But then lowered rapidly whilst shouting, “Fight!!” Jagwar charged like a rabid animal towards Roland whilst the latter was waiting for him to make his move. Some of the good guys were tensed when they saw Roland standing there. Before Jagwar could land a hit, Roland instantly pulled out his sword and blocked Jagwar’s attack, causing both blades to clash and sparked at the same time. Roland took a good look at his sword. The Daiyou had kept his word. He looked at Jagwar with a glare whilst the cat warrior bear his teeth. Both sides continued to fight as their blades clashed whilst they moved. But as Roland deflected Jagwar’s blade, he suddenly aimed the blade against his neck, causing Jagwar to look at him. “You could’ve used your talents to help us, fight an enemy that slaughtered billions.” Said Roland, “And instead you ended up challenging this pointless fight, one that your father refused to let go. So, you have two options. Walk away and fight with us. Or you too will fall.” Jagwar refused to listen as he struck again, but Roland was too quick for him as he dodged left and right, then struck, causing Jagwar to gain a scar over his right eye as he roared and moved back. Jagwar again growled and attacked, but Roland kept using both his size and his skills to his advantage, causing him to block, sweep the leg and kicked him away. The cat warrior again charged and fought clash for clash, until he kicked Roland away, but the latter was able to perform a spinning move and landed, causing him to stand in position again. Roland stood in position whilst he placed his sword away and pulled out the Monkey King’s bo-staff, which allowed Roland to twirl it and hold into position. “Once I defeat you, I will go after your brother, and I will make them pay for what they did to my father.” Said Jagwar. “If you want to blame someone, blame Khan.” Said Roland as he stood in position, “Because of his obsession, he tampered with things that he shouldn’t, and your father ended up paying the price over it.” “It matters, not!!” said Jagwar, “Because of your friends, my father’s family name had been smeared, as we have been dishonored for losing to the likes of you.” “That’s always been your problem, pussycat.’ Said Roland, which made Jagwar growl, “You rely too much on savagery. I don’t know what kind of honor you have, but ours is about discipline, humility, and restraint. A few things that you obviously don’t have.” “Do not mock me, human!!” said Jagwar, “For you confront a force, beyond reckoning!!” “Your father, had dabbled in powers, beyond reckoning.” Said Roland, before squinting his eyes and said, “Where is he, now?” Jagwar roared in rage and attacked, with Roland keeping his stance. The cat warrior tried to swing, but Roland kept his stance as he used his weapon to block it and use it as a spear. Jagwar continued to try to strike left and right, but Roland kept using the bo-staff by spinning it and blocking it, even found a way to outmaneuver him by grappling the weapon and pulled Jagwar by flipping him over. Roland then suddenly dropped the staff, allowing Jagwar to strike, but Roland dodged it, and the moment his legs were standing in a position, Roland rapidly lifted the bo-staff, causing it to him right between the legs, making the warrior grunt in pain. “Oooooohhh.” Went both sides. Roland then twirled the staff and bashed it against Jagwar’s face, making the warrior stagger backwards. Though he wasn’t going to have it as he stared down at Roland whilst he stood in position, who then suddenly smirked. “Why don’t we make it interesting,’ said Roland, “Something accustomed to your people.” Jagwar looked at him confused. Until, to their surprise, Roland tossed his weapons aside. “No weapons. Nothing but skill.” Said Roland as he took a stance, “The true test of strength.” Jagwar then growled and tossed his weapon away before saying, “As it should be!!” He charged towards Roland whilst the latter held his ground. Jagwar struck left and right, until Roland jumped and rapidly kicked him like a shaolin monk, making the latter move backwards. Roland decided to use an old move he learned from another fighter, but realizing Jagwar was taller, so he’d have to improvise. He jumped in the air and delivered his strongest roundhouse kick, causing Jagwar’s jaw to be broken. Roland then grabbed Jagwar by the head and kneed it hard, giving him a concussion at the same time. Roland then backflipped, giving Jagwar a hard kick in the jaw, breaking Jagwar’s jaw even further, but left him disoriented, making Roland land in position. “Oooh, Roland’s good.” Said Mikey. “I’ll say.” Said Michelangelo. “It’s clear the training he’s gained paid off.” Said Donatello. “I assume all of you helped?” asked Leonardo to the group. “We did.” Said Leo. “And I have to admit, his reflexes and resistance was very impressive.” Said Donnie. Jagwar got up and attacked whilst Roland used his techniques to fight with full force. When all of a sudden, Roland’s right fist glowed red, as did his eyes, which shocked Jagwar. Roland then delivered a strong uppercut, by using a very familiar move. “Shoryuken!!!” shouted Roland as he punched, launching Jagwar in the air, which surprised everyone. Roland then jumped up higher, and jumped on Jagwar, allowing him to be higher in the air, allowing Roland to place both his hands together, causing a small blue orb of energy to appear. “Hadoken!!!” shouted Roland as he blasted Jagwar, making him crash onto the ground. “Whoa, he knows Ken and Ryu’s moves?!” exclaimed Raph as he was surprised by this. “How is that possible?!” said Donnie. After that blast, Jagwar suddenly got back up and felt dizzy. However, Roland then threw what appeared to be a pill in the dirt, causing it to turn into mud, which confused Jagwar, until Roland tackled him, making both of them fall into the mud. After a few minutes, Jagwar popped out and roared in anger whilst trying to search for Roland. “Human!!” shouted Jagwar as he was losing his patience. “Come on out, you coward!! Face me fool!! And I will kill you!! I will show you the true wrath of a warrior!!” Suddenly, Roland slowly emerged from the makeshift mud pit whilst his eyes were glaring at Jagwar, which everyone noticed, even Batman knew that look. Without hesitation, Roland removed his shirt to show he was no longer going to hold back. “Okay then, bub,” said Roland, gaining Jagwar’s attention whilst Roland was smirking and said “Show me.” Jagwar screamed and charged whilst Roland was standing still. As Jagwar tried to deliver a punch, Roland blocked it with his right hand and backhanded him with his fist, making Jagwar back away. Roland punched Jagwar’s wrists as the warrior cat blocked it, only for Roland to punch him in the gut, then in the face, punching two of Jagwar’s teeth out, showing that Roland was no longer going to hold back. Roland attempted another punch, but Jagwar blocked him and punched him in the face. Then punched him in the gut, and double fisted Roland, making him land in the mud. Roland immediately got up after he dodged Jagwar’s attack. Roland attempted another punch, but Jagwar punched him again. “You’re weak human!!” said Jagwar, “You’re slow.” Roland then took a few steps backwards as he slowly wiped the blood from his moth with his left arm. “True,” said Roland before he spat a little mud away. “But then again we’re all slow when we’re thigh deep in mud.” Jagwar pounced, but Roland dodged his attack. He tried to slash Roland, but missed. He tried to punch Roland using his elbows, but Roland blocked it. Before Jagwar could respond, Roland slammed both his hands on both sides of Jagwar’s head, making the warrior cat scream in pain as he covered his ears whilst going backwards. “And you’re not too bright, either.” Said Roland. As Jagwar looked, Roland stood near and delivered a roundhouse kick against the right side of Jagwar’s face. Then Roland punched Jagwar in the gut, then to the face before the warrior cat growled at Roland. Jagwar tried to kick Roland, but the latter blocked it with both his arms. Jagwar tried to punch Roland, but he dodged right, which allowed for Roland to punch him in the right side twice, which caused Jagwar to stagger as Roland moved to the left and punched him in the gut. Roland attempted to punch, but Jagwar kicked him. Though even though Roland blocked it, it made him stagger a bit before getting back in the fight. Jagwar once again tried to attack, but Roland was able to put up a good defense as he blocked a few punches and elbow blows. However, as Roland was able to block and dodge, Jagwar was able to scratch the side of his face, which startled some of the good guys. Roland felt the cut and the bit of blood, but was able to dodge two strikes from Jagwar before he could do anything else. Roland then delivered a high kick, but Jagwar blocked it. Jagwar again attempted to strike three times, until Roland did a cut maneuver on the cat warrior’s forehead, making him go backwards. Jagwar thought Roland missed. “What was that?” said Jagwar with a mocked smile. “Just the right kind of cut above the eyes.” Said Roland. Jagwar then felt something wet, and felt something. He then felt his forehead and saw it was bleeding, making him realize that Roland had cut his entire forehead. “The kind that bleeds.” Before Jagwar could respond, Roland delivered a strong right hook. Jagwar tried to punch back, but Roland merely grabbed his entire left arm and threw him over his shoulder, making the cat warrior skid on the muddy ground. “No way, how can he take Jagwar down so easily?!!” said Mikey. “Because instead of fighting his opponent with brute strength,” said Master Splinter, “He is fighting him using his mind by using tactics and strategy above bravado.” “Every martial artists knows this better than anyone.” Said Batman. “Wish Viper Kai would learn something like that.” Muttered Karai as she glared at Viper Kai and his partner. Superman was curious about something, causing Martian to read Karai’s mind, then showed it to Clark, which surprised the latter when he looked at him, realized that Kai would do whatever it takes to win no matter what it takes. Roland walked over to Jagwar whilst the cat warrior stood up and looked at Roland with a stink eye whilst growling like a tiger. He wiped the bit of blood from his forehead and grabbed the barrel and tossed it at Roland, but he was able to dodge to the right, and dodged to the left when Jagwar attempted to roundhouse kick him. But he was able to land a kick against Roland, who skid a bit, but was able to get back up. Jagwar attempted to punch Roland, but the latter dodged it, as well as blocked the cat warrior’s kick. He tried to elbow Roland, but he grabbed Jagwar’s elbow and pushed him away, allowing Roland to jump in the air and double fist slammed against the right side of Jagwar’s neck. Jagwar tried to punch Roland, but he missed it twice, allowing Roland to punch him in the left ribcage. Both Jagwar and Roland continued to try and block and punch one another. But Roland was able to punch Jagwar in the side of the face, against his arm, and against his nose. Jagwar shouted in pain as he held his nose whilst it bled, for Roland had recently broke it. Angered, Jagwar attempted to strike, but Roland blocked his left, and right elbowed Jagwar hard in the face, then backhanded him. And delivered a strong kick so hard, it lifted Jagwar a bit and made him crash into the mud with a splash. Both sides were shocked and eager to see who would come out on top. Jagwar slowly got up whilst he growled again at the same time, this time his patience being tested whilst Roland just stood there, ready in defense. Jagwar sprinted and tried to land a punch, only for Roland to doge to his left and performed a pincer striker between Jagwar’s arm and shoulder. He attempted to strike again, but Roland performed another one before standing a foot away. “Was that supposed to be a tickle?” said the warrior. “That was a nerve bundle in your deltoid.” Said Roland, “Might not have hurt, but you won’t be moving that arm of yours for a while.” Jagwar then held his left arm and realized that he couldn’t move. However, he wasn’t going to have it. He charged and jumped whilst kicking Roland with two of his legs, which Roland was unable to block as the second kick broke his defense. He punched Roland and backhanded him. But then he grabbed his head and kneed it. Then punched it, then gave an uppercut, causing Roland to collapse hard onto the mud. “Roland.” Muttered Sunset as she clasped her mouth shut, with everyone just as worried. However, from deep within his soul, Brainy Barker was getting more and more worried as she felt his soul, even with the device trying to keep it back. “He needs to stop fighting.” Said Brainy. “What do you mean, I’m sure Roland is fine.” Said Nightwing. “That’s not what I’m worried about.” Jagwar walked over and picked up Roland by the vest of his shirt, allowing the cat warrior to look at him face to face. “You’re finished, puny warrior.” Said Jagwar. Roland then suddenly headbutted the cat warrior hard, breaking his nose even further. “You don’t get it, bub.” Said Roland as Jagwar staggered a bit. “This isn’t a mudhole.” Roland then charged the moment Jagwar turned around. Roland blocked Jagwar’s punch, allowing Roland to punch a few of the cat warrior’s teeth out. Roland delivered two more punches to the face, then grabbed Jagwar as he jumped up, causing the entire mud pit to disappear, meaning Roland’s temporary ring had worn off, allowing Roland to bash Jagwar onto the ground, hard. “This is an operating table, where you’re the patient,” said Roland before he blocked Jagwar’s punch, then grabbed it with his legs wrapped around it and Roland holding his right arm into place. “And I’m the surgeon.” Roland then dislocated it, causing Jagwar to scream in pain as he flailed trying to get lose whilst everyone continued to watch. Roland then punched Jagwar a couple of times in the face, then grabbed Jagwar’s leg and did the same thing, making everyone wince on both sides. Roland was then on top of Jagwar as he kept on punching it repeatedly over and over, again and again and again in order to incapacitate him. After many punches, Jagwar was down, allowing Roland to stand up and take a few breathers. However, Jagwar wasn’t having it as he suddenly pulled out an axe he held from his back and tried to slice, only for Roland to dodge, but he couldn’t dodge fast enough as the second one struck his left arm, making him collapse onto the ground. “I’m…not…finished…yet.” Said Jagwar as he got up. Suddenly, by Jagwar’s signal, many individuals had jumped from the stage and on the fighting arena. “Hey, that’s not fair, that’s cheating!!” said Raph. “Roland, get up!!” shouted Shine Boy. Roland then opened his eye and grumbled, “This guy’s really getting on my…” However, he suddenly heard a loud sparkling sound, which made him widen his eyes in shock and looked. Causing the gauntlet that was invisible to appear, and showed it had a large cut on it, meaning it was now damaged, and the gauntlet was only half workin. Roland gasped, only to grunt in pain, trying his best to hold it together. “No…” groaned Roland as he desperately held onto the damaged gauntlet. “Not…no…” Roland grunted as he closed his eyes, then sharply opened his eyes. And then…a voice… You…cannot outrun me… However, Roland was not the only one who heard the voice. For Shine Boy, Night Shine, Sunset, Princess Twilight, even Brainy Barker heard it as the five of them were horrified by the sound of the voice. From within you…I will rise. Through you…I will be whole… Then Roland’s eyes slowly began to turn purple with veins from different parts of his eyes. Through you…I am reborn. The others grunted, with Shine Boy saying “Did you just…” “I felt it too.” Said Night Shine. Princess Twilight and Sunset however, suddenly felt something from Roland. Something…very dark on the rise. Roland slowly stood on all fours with his head lowered, then grunted a few times. And within an instant, puked purple ooze from his mouth as it landed onto the ground in a small puddle. This surprises everyone. However, to Team Shine, and four out of seven of the Rainbooms, Static and Gears, they realized in horror what it means. “Stand up, warrior, I am not through with you yet!!” shouted Jagwar, “When I finish you, I will go after everyone else. And when I do, I will ensure that I will be the champion of the cosmos…” However, Roland wasn’t listening as he was slowly standing up with shaking legs. “I will destroy all who stand in my way!!” shouted Jagwar as he walked closer step by step, “I will conquer, I will have what I deserve!! And then…I will…!!!” CRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! Dead silence has been filled in the air, nothing but utter silence, nothing but quietness, nothing had been heard as a loud sound had echoed throughout the entire landscape. For no noise was ever heard after that loud crack. After that loud noise. From Jagwar’s left eye, it twitched, as he grunted and couldn’t breathe for some reason. As he chocked, not being able to speak or say anything. From the villain’s side, all of them were surprised to see what had transpired, as well as those who chose to step in the ring when they cheated. From the heroes’ side, all of them were shocked and horrified by what they saw, as they could not believe what they were seeing. Jagwar slowly looked down, and there he saw it. A fist that had been directly punched through his chest. The punch came from none other than Roland as he kept his head lowered, not bothering to look at him in the eye. The Jaguar warrior was shocked as he saw what happened. Within a split second, Roland pulled his fist out, making Jagwar grunt and collapse onto the ground, not making any movements. With Roland’s right arm being covered by what others could not describe. “Roland,” muttered Leo, then shouted “What did you do?!” Jones however, noticed something instantly and was shocked by what he saw. “Uh, I don’t think dats Roland!!” “What makes you say that?!” said O’Neil. “Because of that!!” pointed out Casey. Roland kept his head lowered, but slowly lifted it up. When everyone got a good look on his face. His teeth looked like a piranha’s teeth whilst purple ooze came out of his mouth, with his eyes being black with black veins as the color iris of his eyes were purple whilst he growled at the same time. Everyone gasped and was shocked by what they saw. “What happened to him?!” exclaimed Wonder Woman. “That is what I have been trying to tell all of you!!” said Brainy Barker as she gained their attention, “An evil entity has taken over his mind from within his soul!!” They were shocked to hear that as they looked at Roland. For he was now focused on his prey, all of them that had dared to step in the ring the moment they tried to cheat their way. Roland then walked towards his prey slowly, not taking his eyes off of them for a second. However, two of 03 Hun’s purple dragons thought it was a bluff. “Heh,” said the first of the two as they slowly approached him. “He don’t look so…” However, it was cut short when Roland backhanded him, sending him flying across the arena. Then Roland made his hand into a blade position, then instantly jabbed it through the second Purple Dragon’s chest as he screamed, making Roland pull out whilst the dragon collapsed onto the ground. This puts a shock to those as they saw what Roland was doing. The third dragon tried to get away, but Roland tripped him and punched his face so hard, it was literally into the ground, whilst Roland grabbed the fourth and planted his head against a stone wall, scarring his face whilst screaming before being tossed away. Even Hun was shocked by what he was seeing as two more dragons tried to shoot, but Roland dodged them left and right, then delivered a strong roundhouse kick, sending them both flying. That was, until Fishface came and kicked the back of Roland’s head, who grunted and suddenly stood there. Everyone watched as Roland’s head shook and twitched as if it were a robot. Suddenly, more veins started to slowly appear on his fists. Then within a split second, his entire body’s veins were turned black, whilst his eyes were glowing purple and he screeched like a banshee in rage, shocking everyone even further. “What the shell?!” exclaimed Leo as he and the others were shocked by what they saw. Roland soon moved forward and began to beat up Hun 03’s Purple Dragons. He grabbed one’s head and bashed it onto the ground and moved forward. He grabbed another and broke his arm whilst another attempted to punch Roland, only for the latter to bash him away whilst Roland knocked out the guy he was holding. The next one tried to punch Roland, only for the latter to grab him and break his fist before slamming him hard onto the ground. Roland then backhanded another, disorienting him and then kicked him away. Hard. At the same time, the Wasps came to the attack, only for Roland to grab one and then…split it in half whilst screaming in rage and shocking the others in horror, before grabbing the stingers and jabbing them hard onto the ground with the other two before Roland moved forward. The Squirrelanoids tried to attack, until Roland grabbed one of the Purple Dragons’ pistols. Roland moved swiftly back and forth, sharply point the pistol, and shot down a few of them as he fired at their heads at point blank range, even grabbed their heads and twirled around them, even using a few wrestling moves to bring them down. “Whoa,” said Mikey, “He’s bringing them down so easily where we kept getting our shells kicked.” Before he could move, he felt a slight jab on his left shoulder. He slowly looked and saw it was an Atlantean knife. He slowly reached for it and grabbed it before pulling out. He slowly looked back and saw Rihona, standing ready with her trident, as she was the first to make her move. “I will ensure that I will end you!!” said Rihona, “And once I do, I will soon have my revenge!!” Roland however, looked at Rihona, and memory flashes began to go through his head of what Rihona had done to Ace. The more he thought, the more his rage grew. This however, didn’t go unnoticed to the others. “Uh, guys.” Said a worried Gamer to his team, as well as Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity. “What is it?” asked Rarity. “Remember what Roland said what happened to Ace?” said Gamer when he clued them in, “And who was responsible?” Then it clicked to them, as they realize what Roland was thinking. They slowly looked in shock and worry. “Oh, no.” muttered Rainbow as she knew what it mean. “Come.” Said Roland in a darker tone, “Come to me. Let me rip you. Let me kill…” Before Roland could finish, he screamed in a banshee rage as he now has his sights set on Rihona, which didn’t go unnoticed to the latter. Roland charged straight towards Rihona and delivered a strong kick, but Rihona dodged it left and right. Rihona pulled out her trident and tried to strike, but Roland merely dodged it and jumped backwards. “You cannot beat me!!” said Rihona, “I was Captain of Atlantis’ guard for a reason!! Nothing you can do will ever surprise me!!” Roland then suddenly pulled out what appeared to be orbs, which surprised the others. “SOJOR!! SODOR!! BLINDR!!” shouted Roland before bashing the crystals together, causing a massive smokescreen to surround her, allowing Roland to instantly go in to strike from all around. “Whoa, he knows Norse magic?!” exclaimed Gears. “Wait, Norse Magic?” said a confused Leo. “He’s right,” said Raven, “That magic he used was from Norse relations. And it’s impossible, all knowledge of Norse magic died out long ago.” From within the cloud, Roland kept on striking, but Rihona kept using her trident to block him. Suddenly Roland pulled out two knives and threw it at the fish girl, causing Rihona to catch it. Before she could react, the top of the knives suddenly went off like a flashbang grenade, causing her to be temporarily blinded and distracted. Roland then charged forward once again; this time his strikes had increased their speeds whilst Rihona barely had the time to dodge. Just as she blocked him, Roland punched the left side of Rihona’s face, shocking the others. “That’s impossible.’ Said Versallia. “No one was able to struck a blow at Rihona.” Said Alim. Rihona stood there for a moment, then slowly placed her left hand against her cheek. To her shock, her face had been cut. For the first time in her life, a mortal actually scraped her. “You…actually hit me!!” said Rihona with a growl. However, Roland was suddenly under her and delivered a strong uppercut, making her hover before Roland grabbed her by the leg and tossed her hard on the ground with a loud smash. However, Rihona instantly got up and readied her trident, with Roland landing on the ground and darting straight towards her. Rihona kept firing magic beams from her trident, but Roland kept dodging left and right whilst making his way towards her. The moment he was close enough, Rihona tried to strike, only for Roland do duck and slide and used his fingers to claw her left leg, as well as her knee, making her flinch as she tried to fight, only for Roland to instantly bounce around and kneed her hard in the face, then punched her in the gut, then again in the face. As she turned around, she tried to strike, only for Roland to pull out four knives that he held between his fingers and blocked her trident as if those were his fingers. “How?!” yelled Rihona as she was now having enough, “How are you doing this?!” Roland yelled in rage as he took her trident out of her grip and used it to lift her up and charge towards a large rock behind her, allowing him to use it to pin her hand against the rock, but he also pulled out his four knives and jabbed it in four places of her right arm, making her scream as she was now pinned against the rock. This was a surprise to both sides as Roland slowly backed away, not saying a word, not showing emotion but the anger on his face. Roland took a few steps backwards, and instead…he took his time. “What…are you?” said Rihona, “None had matched my abilities besides the human and mutant runts who bested me. And none of them had this much…savagery.” However, Roland didn’t say anything, he just kept staring at her. “What? Too fat with pride to say anything.” Said Rihona, “I’d expect nothing more from the human filth.” Roland then dug for something behind his belt, and pulled out what appeared to be a…detonator? He then flipped a lid, revealing a switch, causing the knives to blink, which none had a clue why. “Is this about…the boy that caught wind of my plans when I counted that none of his snot nosed bratty friends would believe him?” Roland then snarled, as she knew he was talking about Ace, whose counterpart killed him without a second thought. He slowly raised his hand as he placed his thumb over the detonator. However, for Team Shine, they put two and two together, and realized in shock what he was going to do. “Roland, no!!” shouted Shine Boy. “Oh, now I’m definitely going to gut him.” Said Rihona as she was about to pull the knives out. However, within a split second, Roland pressed the button of the detonator hard, causing her right arm to be blown to kingdom come as she screamed in agonizing pain, which shocked the villain and hero side, but horrified some from the good side. Rihona was on her knees, the pain being unbearable for her. But Roland still stood there and placed the detonator away, whilst staring down at her. “You…” growled Rihona, “You think you can just…fight me, and expect me to beg for mercy. That’s not…how it works.” She slowly got up with both her legs shaking, and used whatever magic she had left to create a magic arm for herself. “I…will not be defeated by a mere monkey.” She growled. “You will not. Decide!! My!! Fate!!” Suddenly, Roland appeared in front of her, making her gasp in shock. “It’s already been decided!!” With a great forceful punch, Rihona was launched backwards whilst Roland charged. Rihona once again tried to strike at Roland, but this time, he was too fast for her. He then punched her in the kidney, then elbowed her in the chest, then quadruple punched her in the face. Gave her an uppercut, then punched from up high, allowing him to knee her in the face as it knocked some of her teeth out, and then grabbed her by the leg and tossed her hard, with him following suit. After she landed, Rihona tried to swing her weapon, but Roland punched her at the left side of the face and punched her between the hip and ribcage. She swung again, but he kicked her in the gut and punched the right side of her face. She made one more attempt to swing her weapon, but Roland caught it, causing him to duck and was behind her whilst twisting her left arm, then kicked at the left side of her knee, causing it to dislocate. Then he kicked her hard at her face, dislocating the side of her jaw as she was sent tumbling, with Roland breaking her trident in half and charged towards her. But as she crashed against a makeshift wall, Roland didn’t hold his punches back as he kept punching her at the gut, at her ribcage, at her chest, at both sides of her faces over and over and over, again and again and again and again. “Holy…” said Wally/Flash. “He’s not pulling any punches!!” said John/Green Lantern. “I can still feel his mind,” said Martian, “He’s trying to break hold, but he cannot, his spirit’s too weak to break it, and I fear my mind powers cannot pierce it.” However, with one swift punch, Rihona was punched through the rock, making it shatter. However, she still stood dazed and was still standing. Roland on the other hand, gave her a strong uppercut, punched her downward, making her stand on her one knee, and then used both his hands to bash her, making her land hard onto the ground. She struggled to get up, only for Roland to grab her and pound her head against the ground a couple of times. Then he shoved her into another rock that she stood against. And then…Roland grabbed her throat. She struggled to breathe, wailing, and flailing as she tried to get loose, but she couldn’t escape his grip, no matter how hard she tried. From the good side, everyone shouted at Roland to stop and let her go, but it all fell into deaf ears. “Stop it!!” shouted Versallia. “Human, stop!!” shouted Alim. Rihona could barely look as everything slowly went dark. Yet, she stared at Roland with pure horror on her face as she saw the evil and darkness from his eyes. Humans weren’t evil. The one from within Roland was. As she tried to grab him, her magic began to die out. “Monster…” was all she could said, until everything went black. As far as anyone could see, Rihona’s eyes closed, and her left arm went limp. Which indicated her fate, much to the heroes’ horror, and the villains’ surprise. Roland then tossed Rihona aside as she skid onto the ground and was at the corner. But his sights were no longer on hers. This time…they were onto his next victims. His next prey. He darted straight towards the first ones that caught his attention. “Why you little…!!!” shouted Spider Bytez as he tried to use his pincers to try and strike, but Roland dodged left and right, avoiding his pincers, until Roland charged and bashed the spider villain upward, making him fly in the air before crashing, whilst Panther, Bandit’s former partner, tried to attack, with Fishface backing him up. Both of them tried to strike from both sides, but Roland just stood there, moving slightly, and adjusting his footwork, with both sides trying to take him down. Roland suddenly jabbed Fishface in the gut, making him grunt as if the air was knocked out of him. He grabbed Fishface by the neck, pulled him and used his left hand to thrust Fishface’ face hard onto the ground. Then he pulled both his legs off, turned around and used it to constantly beat up Panther by striking him with the robotic legs left and right, over, and over, again and again, then used it to trip Panther, and used both of the legs to bash him hard onto the ground. Roland tossed the leg away and bashed him in the face over and over again, then picked him up and punched him so hard, it sent him flying straight into the wall, making Panther pass out from the pain. Fishface tried to desperately crawl away, until Roland instantly grabbed him by the tail, pulled him as he screamed in fright, before bashing Fishface around over and over and over and over as if he was a ragdoll. He slammed Fishface down hard onto his back, making Roland jump on him as he roared in Fishface’, er, face, making the fish mutant scream in fear, before Roland pounded on him over and over whilst the ground shook. “Wha…what is this?!” exclaimed Chrysalis as she was slowly showing a sign of fear, even Tirek and the dark Turtles. But none were more scared than Cozy Glow. Shredder on the other hand watched afar, making sure not to be seen whilst his eyes were squinting at Roland. “Pff, he doesn’t scare me.” Said Sombra with arrogance. “I’ll handle this.” He jumped up and summoned a dark crystal from the ground that headed straight for Roland. The shard went, until Roland suddenly disappeared, confusing Sombra, until Roland suddenly appeared and punched the mad unicorn in the face, making him skid backwards. The Dark Unicorn looked at Roland as the possessed warrior looked at Sombra with a deadly glare. “You may act vicious,” said Sombra, “But with my power, I will make you under my command!!” Sombra shot his power at Roland, with the latter grunting as he stood on one knee, grunting as he struggled trying to maintain control. At first he looked like he struggled. “Yes, you are under my power…you will obey.” Said Sombra. However, Roland didn’t show any sign of control, causing him to slowly look at Sombra as his rage was intensified. Which surprised the others. “What?!” exclaimed Sombra. “That’s impossible!! How are you…!!!” Suddenly, Roland opened his hand, causing electricity and lightning to generate from his hands whilst it slowly spread to his arms. “Wait, when the heck did he get that kind of powers?!” exclaimed Michelangelo. Roland unleashed the full might of the power, electrocuting Sombra as he screamed in agony. After he was done, he charged towards Sombra. After he recovered, he fired more of his magic at Roland, but he kept dodging and jumping back and forth. The moment Roland was close, he used his left hand to karate chop Sombra’s horn off, then planted it onto the ground as he did an air kick to his face, making the pony stagger backwards. But the moment Roland landed and crouched, he grabbed Sombra’s horn and with one quick strike. Sombra grunted as Roland was suddenly next to him, with Roland whispering “May no one ever remember you or your name. Requiescat en pace.” Roland pulled the horn out, causing Sombra to collapse onto the ground whilst slowly turning into ash, before Roland tossed the horn away. The Equestrians stared in shock. “No way.” Muttered pony Rainbow Dash. “He took Sombra down like he was nothing.” Muttered pony Applejack. And from out of nowhere, something grabbed Roland from behind. And to the Turtles, April, and Casey’s shock. “The Creep!!” exclaimed Mikey. “Holy Chalupa!!” exclaimed Donnie. “That’s the Creep?!” exclaimed Rainbow. “Why the heck would Shredder bring him back too!!” exclaimed Casey. The Creep then began to swung and smash Roland all around in order to injure him. After many knocks, they saw Roland had his head lowered, thinking that he was done. “Excellent.” Said Khan. However, they were unaware that the wrist guards he was wearing was suddenly glowing as his hands began to form into fists. “Prepare to…” Suddenly, a sword appeared from out of nowhere, with a chain on it, causing it to strike at the Creep’s arm, making him let go of Roland as it staggered backwards. When they looked at Roland however, he saw that his head was lowered as he had two swords in his hands, connected to chains that had been wrapped around his wrists. “What the heck kind of weapons are those?” said Raph. “I don’t know.” Said Leo, “I’ve never seen them before.” However, to Shine Boy and Night Shine’s shock, they recognized the swords, even Jacob when he saw them from the shadows. On Roland’s left hand, was a sword, whose scabbard had demon wings on it. It’s blade was glowing red whilst the flames were in black, whilst on the right, was another sword, whose scabbard had angel wings on it “Are those?” said Night Shine in shock. “It can’t be.” Said Shine Boy. Jacob on the other hand… “It can only be passed down if…it is him.” With one great swing, he sliced the Creep in half, causing it to instantly burn in the process, then ended up using the blades to kill the Mrs. O’Neil clone, incinerating it in the process. He was hit by a few fireballs, which made him look at that direction, which was none other than Hotstreak. “You think that just because you got some fancy new powers, fancy swords and hold back, you suddenly think you’re tough!!” said Hotstreak, “I’ll show you who’s really the tough guy here!!” Hotstreak charged and kept shooting fire at Roland at the same time whilst he’s just standing there as his swords disappeared. “Hotstreak, wait!! Don’t go near him!!” shouted Static, trying to warn him. “No one tells me what to do!!” shouted Hotstreak as he unleashed his fire ability. He laughed as he thought that Roland was being engulfed by the fire. “Ha!! Burn baby burn!!” However, from out of nowhere, a pair of hands had grabbed Hotstreak’s arms. When he stopped, he saw Roland standing in front of him, unscathed. He then gripped tightly on Hotstreak’s wrists. “Hey, let go of me, you freak!!” shouted Hotstreak as he struggled. Roland slowly looked at him with his purple eyes. “You wanna know what it’s like to be bullied?” said Roland, “Let me show you, just how terrifying, I can be.” Roland then broke both of Hotstreak’s wrists, making him yell in pain before Roland tossed him aside. Hotstreak was able to stand up after being tossed, but he lost both feelings in his hands. Roland slowly walked towards Hotstreak with his stern gaze. “Wait,” said Hotstreak in a panic, “Just wait a…!!” Roland grabbed Hotstreak and thrust him hard onto the ground. Then got back up and constantly stomped onto his head over and over and over about twenty-four times. He then picked up a very bruised Hotstreak and made him stand on his knees. Roland gave him an evil smile. “You like to play with fire? Then let us play.” Said Roland as he slowly raised both his hands, causing them to ignite. However, it’s fire was completely different from the one that Hotstreak used, making the latter look back at Roland in shock. “Burn.” Roland grabbed Hotstreak’s face, making him scream in pain as he felt his face burning from the fire of Roland’s hands. Within moments, he passed out from the pain, before Roland kicked him to the far side. Before he did anything else, suddenly he was being sprayed by melted cheese, which came from Pizza Face. “So,” said Pizza Face, “I see just how strong you really are. Well-a now, I think I will save you for…” Suddenly, the cheese got instantly burnt when he saw that Roland was burning it away with his own body heat, before looking at Pizza Face. “Oh, so you-a need a…” said Pizza Face before he was cut off. Roland unleashed his rope dagger and wrapped Pizza Face around him, taking him by surprise. He then pulled Pizza Face and began to swing him around, splattering him back and forth, beating him like a human ragdoll, splattering him over and over and over. “Okay, how is that possible?!” exclaimed Mikey, “It took us everything we had to beat him, and he’s beating him like he’s nothing.” “I don’t think I’ll ever look at Pizza the same again.” Said Streaky. “Streaky my main cat, I completely agree with you.” Said Gear. Roland kept smashing pizza face back and forth as he held it by its cheesy tentacle. He then tossed Pizza face against the wall before it slide down the rocky wall as it's greasy cheese was stained against it. “You think-a you can a kill me?” said Pizza Face as Roland was now near him, “I am a pizza face, I-a always come...” But before Pizza Face could react, Roland suddenly screeched and sucked out what appeared to be a type of energy out of Pizza face, making him squirm and scream at the same time. And then the unexpected happened...Pizza face was turning back to human. Then he slowly looked at himself, which shocked the others. “Whoa,” said Mikey, “He turned Pizza-Face back to normal.” “How is that possible?” said Donnie in disbelief. “You...” said Pizza Face “You turn a me back to normal? Why would...?” Roland grabbed Pizza-Face by the shoulders and held him close to his face. Roland then growled as his entire mouth started to show cuts. It slowly began to open as it split in four, revealing something that made him widen his eyes in shock. “Oh…my…” muttered Fluttershy as she and her counterpart shook in fear. The former Pizza mutant kept staring at Roland in fear, not being able to make a sound and move. Until… Within a split second, Roland lunged onto him, causing screams and bone crunching to be heard from the others, as they stared at Roland horrified. Roland then chomped on what appeared to be an arm, then a hand, before swallowing it whole. He slowly looked at his next victim as he growled like a banshee. “He...” muttered Keno “He ate...” Casey then fainted from the sight, even Fluttershy and her counterpart. Roland then suddenly charged towards more Squirrelanoids as he punched one in the gut, before punching it hard away, then grabbed one and pinned it on the ground before stomping its head, then went to another before ripping it in half, much to their shockened dismay. Bane suddenly came from nowhere and punched Roland, but the latter was back on his feet. “So, you think yourself an unstoppable force?” said Bane with a smirk, “Then let us see, how you fair against me.” Bane turned the dial on his hand, causing the Venom to pump inside of him, enhancing his muscles at the same time. “Man, I forgot how freaky that can be.” Said Sandalwood. “No kidding.” Said Micro Chips. Once Bane was fully pumped, he attempted to strike at Roland, only for the latter to simply move left, missing him entirely, which surprised Bane as Roland just stood there. Bane just got angry and tried to strike Roland whilst trying to land a punch. But Roland kept moving left and right, not even saying a word. “Stop moving and fight me!!” shouted Bane. Roland suddenly grabbed Bane’s fist, which shocked the latter as he just stopped his punch head on. Roland slowly looked at him, then moved towards his face. “So…” said Roland whilst in his demon voice, “You like punching and nearly killing old ladies?” Roland gripped on Bane’s fist, which caused the latter to grunt. “Then let’s see how you like it.” Roland gave Bane a hard punch in the gut, making him grunt in pain as he felt like the air had been punched out of him. Roland suddenly punched Bane’s chin hard, making him hover a foot in the air. Roland jumped after him, punched him twice, then grabbed him by the leg and, to their shock, flew in the air. “Wait, he’s flying?!!” exclaimed pony Rainbow Dash. With great force, he threw Bane hard, but not before unleashing the same power Superman has…laser eyebeams. This made Bane crash hard against the wall, until Roland suddenly appeared and with his strength, combined with Flash’s speed, he began to speed punch Bane at his chest, gut, and ribs harder and harder, over, and over, again and again whilst screaming in rage, with Bane coughing up substance that one cannot described. And with one great strength, he grabbed Bane’s head and smashed it hard onto the ground, leaving a small dent. Roland got up and stared down at Bane, with the latter struggling to get up. “You…are nothing…compared to me.” Said Bane, “For you…are…weak.” Bane tried to backhand Roland, but he caught something on Bane’s wrist. For it was none other than the venom device that gives Bane his strength. “Aw, I’m sorry, are you thirsty? It looks like you are.” Said Roland. “I think you need a little more.” Roland then turned the venom machine’s dial to full strength and shattered the controls. “Eh?!” exclaimed Bane as he heard the machine pumping, and to his shock, the Venom was going overboard. “No!! Stop!!” exclaimed Bane as he saw the Venom he gained was pumping into overdrive. “The Venom!! Too much Venom!! Stop it!!!” “Did you show Granny Smith any mercy when you beat her to death and nearly burnt her home to the ground?” questioned Roland, “There is no stopping for you.” Bane struggled and groaned, trying to break free, but Roland kept a tight grip on both the device and Bane’s arm, whilst Bane’s muscles continued to grow as he could barely focus or break free. At the same time, the eyes from his mask began to pop out as he showed genuine fear. “No!!! Heeeelllllp Meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!” exclaimed Bane as he begged for help. Then he raised his head and screamed in agony as it showed his eyes were close to popping out of his head whilst his eyes, ears, nose, even his mouth, began to leak from the Venom as the overdose continued. The Justice League and Titans all watched in shock and horror of what Roland is doing to Bane, even Raven couldn’t stomach it whilst Starfire looked away in fear. “Roland, stop it!!” shouted Batman, trying to get his attention. Roland slowly looked at Batman, and said “He nearly killed Alfred and broke your spine without a second thought. He nearly killed Granny Smith, leaving the siblings without the only parent they have. Give me one reason why he deserves the same mercy?” “You can’t do this to me!!” shouted Bane in pain as he gained Roland’s attention. “I am unstoppable!! I am invincible!! I am Bane!!!” And with one swift strike, Roland punched Bane extremely hard, launching Bane as he flew and crashed straight into the wall, whilst Roland held onto the Venom machine. Roland roared like an animal whilst Bane was slowly being depowered as he had no muscle left, whilst the Venom was slowly disappearing, leaving him powerless. Roland walked over to Bane and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. “Fair is fair.” Said Roland before lifting Bane up and kneed his back hard, before tossing Bane away with the rest of the fallen. Suddenly, a few vampire monsters appeared and tried to attack Roland. Some pounced, some tried to beat him, and some tried to drain him. At the same time, Bing and Chi Chu were standing there, commanding the vampires to try and get to him. “This one’s chi is greatly strong.” Said Bing with a hiss. “We’ll be feasting from him for a long time.” Said Chi Chu. However, the vampires were suddenly engulfed with flames, burning them all to ash, which shocked the two vampires as Roland suddenly walked out, with his body being resistant to the fire. “You’ll be going hungry tonight” said Roland. He dashed towards those two as he clotheslined both of them, making them fall flat to the ground. But as they got up, Roland used his swords again, this time, the chains of it and wrapped those two around them. He pulled them and swung them hard onto one rocky surface to another, then smashed them hard onto the ground. The two of them slowly got up and was greatly angry. That was, until Roland suddenly began to generate lightning all over his body whilst he growled. However, what he was generating was no ordinary lighting, it was something that was only known to a few speedsters, ones that the Fastest Men Alive knows better than anyone. “No.” muttered Barry/Flash in shock. “Impossible.” Muttered Wally/Flash. Within a split second, Roland dashed towards them with great speed, and began to bash the two vampires back and forth as they could barely see him, even with their own speed. He kept moving so fast and punched them so hard, some parts of their body could barely move. Though reasons for that, was because of the blades Roland had, the two vampires were covered in cuts and bruises. And with another great strike, the two of them tumbled near the corner behind the rubble, revealing their silhouettes as the fire from there was alit. Roland made his blades disappear as he walked towards the two of them whilst disappearing around the corner. Everyone watched as the silhouettes of both Bing and Chi Chu had just stood up whilst dazed as Roland approached them. Within a split second, Roland grabbed Bing as he screamed whilst being torn in two, before grabbing Chi Chu’s head and smashing it against the wall, leaving the others horrified by what they saw, before Roland walked away. Rahzar tried to attack next, but Roland dodged it and darted straight towards him with a strong uppercut, then smashed his head onto the ground. At the same time, Spider Bytes tried to attack again, but Roland again uses his body to bash against him. “Hey, get off of me, you little…!!!” shouted Spider Bytez before he was cut off. Roland punched him hard on the head over, before taking both the swords out and stabbing him hard in the back, making Spider Bytez scream in agony before Roland pulled him backwards. “Get him off of me!!” shouted Spider Bytes as he wailed, in pain, with both Scumbag and Anthrax attacking to help, until Roland jumped off and sliced off Spider Bytez’ back pincers, allowing him to grab one of them before he used it to literally crush Anthrax, whilst also using his blades to slice Scumbag in half. Then he used one of the pincers to smack Spider Bytez to a distance, making him skid against the wall. He looked and saw Roland slowly approaching him. “Y-you can’t beat me.” Said Spider Bytez, “You’re just a little runt, a baby, a loser, a…” Before he could utter another word, Roland did the same thing to him as he did to Pizza Face, by sucking out all of the Mutagen, returning him back to normal. But as he looked at Roland who only uttered one word. "Die." And with great strike, he took the pincer and jabbed it right through the former mutant known as Spider Bytez, ending his life in the process. “Hmph, good riddance.” Said Night Shine. “Luke!!” said Shine Girl aghast as he and Team Shine looked at him shocked. “What?” said Night Shine, “He was nothing but a jerk wad, who turned Tony into a monster.” At the same time, Roland charged towards Lord Dreg, who tried to fend him off using his brute strength. “You cannot best me, little human.” Said Dregg, “I am a lord of my own empire, I who nearly beat the Salamandrian race, I who nearly took over Earth, and I…” Roland then showed his hand into Dregg and pulled something out, who happens to be a miniature version of him, whilst the big Dregg fell over, revealing to be a robot. “Wait,” said Cyborg confused, “He’s just a little guy who was piloting a big robot body?” “Trust us, we were surprised too.” Said Raph when they remembered their last encounter. “Now where did I see this before?” said a confused Beast Boy as he was greatly puzzled He tossed Dreg away until he was flattened against a rock and fell unconscious. As Roland stood there, he was suddenly wrapped in vines and lifted up. It was revealed to be Snakeweed, the further encased him in his vines. “Ha, you may be tough.” Said Snakeweed, “But let’s see how you get out of…” Suddenly, smoke began to appear, causing Snakeweed to let go of Roland whilst some of his vines were burning. Roland had his head lowered, but slowly raised it before walking over towards the latter, and raised his one hand as it was in a zombie like position. “Repent.” Said Roland whilst walking over to it. “If it means giving up.” Said Snakeweed, then shouted “Never!!” “Then, burn!!!” shouted Roland as he shot his fire at Snakeweed, causing him to be encased in flames, making him cry in agony before he slowly was burnt to ashes. “Holy Chalupa.” Muttered Mikey in fear. “What…why did he…?” muttered Donnie. “What the shell is he?!” exclaimed Raph as he was now also afraid. “April?” said Leo in worry. “I…I can feel his mind.” Said April, before looking at them and said “He’s crying. Begging for it to stop. He can’t break free, but he’s also screaming and in pain from within, as if he’s burning in a cage made of fire.” He ran towards Gladitron and punched him hard in the face numerous times, before finally grabbing his mace and knocked him so hard, it literally sent him flying out of the ring. Then he turned towards Rahzar and threw the mace straight to his head, making him falter, allowing Roland to jump and use his mace to bash against Rhazar’s head, making the mutant crash against the wall. Rahzar stood up and attacked, only for Roland to keep side stepping whilst avoiding any lethal blows from him at the same time. “Will you hold still!!” shouted Rahzar, until Roland jabbed the mace into his knee, shattering it, causing the mutant to scream in pain as he held onto it and held. “Long ago, you were once a man of honor.” said Roland as he walked towards the Foot Mutant, “But all that changed when you chose to side with him. You could’ve found this opportunity to be someone better.” “And now?” growled Rahzar. “And now…” said Roland, before zeroing in on him. Once he was close enough, Roland smirked sadistically. He suddenly planted what appeared to be a collar around his neck. Within a split second, he was turned back into human, much to his shock as he looked at himself, then to Roland, who was now face to face with him. “Judgment time.” He stomps his foot, causing two large rocks to appear, forming a corner, which surprised him. Roland then grabbed Rahzar, aka, Chris Bradford by the shoulders, and with great force, headbutted him in the face, breaking his nose in the process before collapsing onto the ground. Roland then grabbed him by the throat and punched him hard in the face twice, before Bradford collapsed hard onto the ground. Bradford tried to get up, but Roland didn’t give him a chance as he straight up kicked Bradford in the face, knocking him hard against the rocky wall. Roland then grabbed Bradford by the throat and lifted him up, before punching him hard onto the ground and lifted him up by grabbing his head with both his hands. Roland proceeded into bashing Bradford’s head against the wall, and kneed him a couple of times, making Bradford nearly lose consciousness, but not before Roland tossed Bradford hard against another large rock. Bradford struggled to get up whilst Roland moved over towards him. “Holy chalupa.” Said Mikey whilst he trembled at the same time. “What did they unleash in him?” said Shini in shock as well. Bradford looked and saw Roland walking over towards him. Bradford tried to crawl away, until Roland grabbed him by the legs and pulled him. Roland flipped Bradford over and grabbed him by the leg again, making Bradford look into Roland’s eyes as he saw the demon eyes as all the rage had consumed him. Roland then jabbed his fingers, causing everything to go black for Bradford. Everyone watched in shock whilst Bradford screamed for some reason. And then…it went silent, before Roland released him, making him fall off the ring. Roland then slowly turned to Eiling, before standing face to face with him. “So…” said Roland as he slowly walked over towards him. “You must be Eiling. The man who thinks he’s better than the heroes of their world. The one who hurts the innocent.” “I do what’s necessary to protect my country.” Said Eiling. “Necessary implies that you didn’t have any other option.” Said Roland, “And you’re a disgrace to the uniform. And I’m pretty sure you just committed treason.” Roland slowly walked over to Eiling. “You know, you kind of remind me of a certain general I met once long ago.” Said Roland as he casually walked over to him. “He was after a certain terrorist of the Ultra nationalist, who started a war between two countries whilst aiding another terrorist named Al-Asad. He watched over thirty thousand of his men killed in a blink of an eye. He even used a Task Force, the very one he helped formed, and betrayed them when he wanted all the glory himself. And the way I see it? You’re just as much of a coward as he is.” “How dare you…” said Eiling, but was cut off. “And I have to say, you’re no different either.” Said Roland. “Behind all the talks and the sternness and the Moxy, you’re nothing but a little boy behind a bulking suit, crying for attention. In fact, you’re not so innocent as you think you are. I mean you and Hardcastle have been working together for some time.” Green Arrow was surprised to hear that name. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Said Eiling. “Oh?” said Roland before he snapped his fingers, revealing something that surprised everyone. Though not as surprised as Superman when he saw Supergirl, Green Arrow and Question talking to Hardcastle. “The military and the big businesses have been in cahoots for decades.” Said Hardcastle, which shocked the League and a few others, “Top Secret stuff. Experiments on Metahumans, mutants, aliens. Searching for new technologies, both for national security, and profit. That Volcana woman, she was one of ours. Same with those freaks the Joker made up like playing cards.” Both Superman and Volcana were surprised to hear that, whilst some of the leaguers looked at one another, just as surprised. “Any of it have to do with Supergirl?” asked Green Arrow. “It has to do with all of them. Your little club up in that spaceship. There’s a file on every one of you.” Said Hardcastle, once again shocking the good guys. Roland once again snapped his fingers, making it disappear, whilst focused on Eiling. “It seems you’re not much of a saint after all.” Said Roland. “A soldier should know when to put the needs of others first than their own country. A good soldier knows when to defend the weak. A good soldier knows when to lay down his life for the greater good. More importantly, a soldier should know when to follow his brain and heart. Yours is entirely based on fear. And I can smell it on you.” Eiling felt he was backed into a corner. “You had great distrust towards those who wished to do the right thing and help others that not even the military alone could handle.” Said Roland. “The way I see it. You’re nothing but a traitor to your country. Cause the way I see it, you’re guilty of crimes against humanity, terrorism, aiding and abetting criminals. You’re looking at life plus. Or juicier. A one-way trip to the Hague.” Eiling growled and attacked head on, wanting to strike Roland for exposing their goals. However, Roland just stood there. He drew one of the swords, until both of them had formed around his wrists, turning them into large metallic lions heads, which surprised Wonder Woman. With one great swift, he punched Eiling so hard, it sent him flying to the far side. “He’s that strong?!” said Vigilante. “None of us could land a dent!!” said Stargirl. “Those gauntlets.” Said Wonder Woman. “I know those. Those are the types that Hercules would wield.” “Wait, he did?” said Twilight surprised, remembering Greek Mythology. “I didn’t know he had weapons like that.” “It was one of his most secret weapons that he never shows.” Said Wonder Woman, “Only the ones he brought whenever he faced the twelve labors the gods granted him.” Eiling was disoriented for a moment, but charged towards him again. Roland stood there and waited for the right moment. Just before Eiling could land a punch, Roland grabbed him by the arm and tossed him over his shoulder, making him bounce a few times before crashing onto the ground. Eiling once again got up and was angry and charged towards Roland. Before he could strike, Roland jabbed his fingers right between the arm and shoulder of Eiling’s arm, making him lose all feeling. He tried to strike again, only for Roland to jab him at the ribcage, making him flinch before Roland kicked him hard. He pulled out the swords again and landed on his chest. Roland then kept on jabbing the swords over and over, making Eiling grunt as he began to feel the pain that he didn’t feel before. Roland then jumped off and did the same thing to Eiling’s gut, before being kneed at the gut, making Eiling bend over, with Roland doing the same thing over and over on his back. Eiling tried to grab Roland, but he merely jumped over and wrapped the chains around Eiling’s neck, making him struggle to break free. Roland then stomped his foot, revealing a stone ring that popped out of it. Roland jumped over the ring and pulled the chains, with Eiling being dragged. As he was high enough, Roland kept pulling the chains over and over, banging Eiling’s head against the stone constantly. After the thirteenth pull, he tossed Eiling aside, making him land hard onto his back. Eiling struggled to get up, but Roland kept pulling the chain back and forth, making him smash Eiling’s head against the hard ground. Roland released the chains around Eiling and threw his sword against Eiling’s left leg, making him land on his knee. Roland charged and sliced Eiling’s right knee, making him collapse again, until Roland pulled the swords out and combined them into one big broadsword. With great rage and a scream, Roland struck Eiling down, ending him as he collapsed, motionless. Many were surprised that Roland took down Eiling as if he was nothing, whilst Roland made the swords disappear at the same time. Roland took a few sniffs, then sharply looked at two more of his targets. He sharply turned to none other than Silver Snake and Kai Hardstrike. Within a split second, he darted over to them with the speed of light, then reappeared right between them, taking the two by shock. Before they had a chance to react, Roland elbowed Kai’s gut, making him gasp loudly, whilst he buddha palmed Silver snake’s face, making the latter skid on the ground whilst Kai had a hard time breathing as he tried to get up. Silver Snake tried to get up, only for Roland to dart forward and give him a hard kick to the chin, sending him flying as he was in the air, with Roland jumping after him before grabbing him and threw him hard towards the ground. Just as he landed on the ground, Roland landed on his back, making him grunt, with Roland picking the latter up and punched him hard in the gut, then to the face, sending him skidding hard onto the ground. He grabbed Silver Snake by the leg and slammed him back and forth, whilst Kai got up and saw Roland beating the tar out of Silver Snake. Roland slammed Silver Snake hard onto the ground, then picked him up and punched his nose so hard, it broke. As Silver Snake was able to stand, he was now terrified of Roland as the latter slowly approached as his teeth was bear and the ooze continued to drool out of his mouth. “Wait…wait!!” exclaimed Silver Snake… “Have Mercy!!” “Strike first. Strike hard.” Said Roland as he suddenly produced a whip from out of nowhere, which shocked them, as they realized what he’s going to do. “No Mercy, remember?” Silver and Kai realized that Roland had now used Viper Kai’s tactics. And with great swing, Roland struck the whip against Silver Snake hard, making him yelp, before Roland whipped him again and again and again whilst he moved backwards. By the fourth whip, Silver Snake collapsed onto the ground, with Roland standing over him and whipping him twenty-four more times, with the teens looking away as they couldn’t stomach it, even the Viper Kai students were shocked by what they were seeing. Roland tossed the whip away, before towering over the beaten-up Silver Snake as he whimpered with the whip marks all over his body. “Who’s the weak one, now?” said Roland. Roland suddenly took four metal objects out and smashed them down, pinning Silver Snake by the arms and legs. It didn’t hurt, but Silver Snake couldn’t move them. “And don’t worry,” said Roland as he bent over. “I’ll be sure to give Lady Dokuso your regards.” “Y-you’re not going to kill me, are you?” said Silver Snake scared. “Oh, I can choose a lot of things.” said Roland. “I could either strangle you, or I could even shoot you. But that would be all too easy.” But instead, Roland stood up and said “So…I choose something…with a bang.” He walked over to his utility belt and opened one of the compartments, pulling out a cylinder sized object with what appeared to have a plastic lid on top of it. Team Shine, the Turtles and Rainbooms were shocked to see what he was holding whilst he used his thumb to flip off the lid. “Like I told your counterpart back in my dimension.” said Roland before pressing the button on top, causing the top of the button to glow whilst it slowly began to hum, with Roland slowly glaring at Silver Snake. “Go to hell.” Roland tossed the cylinder towards Silver Snake. But as he watched, he realized what it was. He screamed in fear, before the device went off, causing it to blow up in the process. Roland stood there, watching. Suddenly he sniffed, and darted towards Kai Hardstrike. The latter was scared out of his mind. “What…what are you going to do to me?” he said. “Oh, not much.” said Roland, before having a sadistic smile and said “I’m just gonna make sure you never walk again.” “Wha…?” Roland grabbed Kai, lifted him in the air, and with great force, dropped him whilst Roland kicked him hard in his spine, making Kai barely gasp for air by feeling the pain, which shocked some of them, before Roland tossed him away…hard. Before Roland could react, he felt a strong strike against his back, making him stagger a bit. When he looked behind, he saw Hamato Mitsu, wielding her own blade. He slowly turned around and faced her. “I do not know what you are demon.” Said Hamato Mitsu as she prepared her blade. “But it will take more than brute strength to frighten me.” Suddenly, Roland pulled out what appeared to be a scythe, which shocked everyone as Roland suddenly dashed forward. Suddenly, with great speed, Roland and Hamato Mitsu fought blade to blade, with Roland moving swiftly with precision and with grace. Hamato Mitsu tried to keep up, but Roland was moving too fast for her, which baffled everyone when they saw how he was fighting. Before she could strike, Roland sliced both her hands, causing her to drop her swords as she staggered a bit backwards. “You claim you are head of the clan, yet your father banished you when you chose to sacrifice your own clansman for your own selfish needs.” “I am the eldest!!” said Hamato Mitsu, “I deserve to be the head of the clan!!” “You get nothing.” Said Roland, “And you should be glad that your father was merciful. For did you know that there was one law in the Hamato Clan that he didn’t want to enforce, even on his own kin?” “And what’s that?” said Hamato Mitsu. “Those who dishonor the clan by disobeying from the master, and injuring one’s own clan kin, as well lead through dishonorable means.” Said Roland, as he leaned forward and said, “Will be punished by death.” She was at first shocked, but then said “You cannot do this to me!! I’m the only family Miwa has!!” Roland then slowly moved his head and looked at Karai. Then slowly back to her, expecting some mercy. “She’s a strong woman.” Said Roland, with Hamato Mitsu looking shock, indicating what he will do. “She’ll survive without you.” Suddenly, Roland produced a six-shooter pistol and shot her five times, shocking everyone as Karai shouted “No!!” Hamato Mitsu staggered and collapsed onto her knees. She looked at Roland as he looked down on her. “What about…my…judgment.” Said Hamato Mitsu. Within a split second, Roland shot her, making her collapse onto the ground, lifeless, which once again shocked everyone as Roland tossed his weapon away. “I am the judgment.” He replied before looking at Ebon next. “Y-you think you can threaten me, just because you have powers?” said Ebon with a glare. However, Roland noticed something else. “Oh, is that a heckle I hear…Ivan?” Ebon was startled that Roland used his real name. “You could’ve taken a different path. You could’ve been something more. But instead, you use your powers for crime, for evil, and you even have the gall to drag your brother into this.” “Because I’m the oldest of the siblings!!” shouted Ebon, “I’m the man of the house.” “Was, the man of the house, until your mother decided to disown you and threw you out when you went to a life of crime.” Retorted Roland, which shocked Ebon and Rubberband Man, revealing that part that not even Static and Gears know, which shocked the two of them as well. “You had your chance to turn your life around, but you wanted to be a delinquent instead.” Roland chuckled and had his back turned, whilst saying “And one thing’s for sure…” Then Roland revealed the very few words, that would haunt Ebon forever. “Daddy dearest would’ve probably died all over again, if he saw the kind of person you became.” That struck a nerve on Ebon, causing him to scream in rage and attack Roland with his shadow power. He tried to grab Roland, but he merely jumped and delivered a strong kick to the face, making Ebon stagger a bit backwards. He enlarged his hands to try and grab Roland, but he jumped out of the way once again, and pulled out a chain that had a hook on the end. “You think a little chain is going to hurt me?” said Ebon rhetorically. However, Roland suddenly grabbed the chain and with a strong pull, caused the chain and hook to turn into a chain scythe as it was fashioned like a Grim Reaper’s, much to Ebon’s surprise. Suddenly with one strike, Ebon felt the cut on his chest, making him yell in pain. However, as he was distracted, Roland instantly jumped onto him as both his hands were on Ebon’s shoulders, whilst Roland’s feet was on Ebon’s gut. “Get off of me!!” shouted Ebon as he tried to shake it off. Roland then opened his mouth once more, causing energy to be sucked out of Ebon as he struggled to break free. And slowly but surely, Ebon had lost his powers and was reduced back to normal, which shocked everyone, even Ebon. “How did you…?!” said Ebon before he was tossed in the air and crashed onto the ground. As he grunted, struggling to get up, suddenly, Roland was towering over him. He had a sadistic smirk on his face as he was close. “Sucks to be you.” Said Roland whilst Ebon widened his eyes in shock. Within moments, Roland punched Ebon as he was on the ground. But he didn’t stop. He punched Ebon over and over and over and over and over and over, again and again and again and again and again and again, showing no signs of stopping as he just kept going on and on. Everyone watched in shock as they saw Roland continued to beat Ebon over and over and over, again and again and again. “Roland, stop!!” shouted Rubberband man. “He’s not worth it!!” shouted Static. When all of a sudden, Night Terror, Turtle Hun and 03 Hun suddenly turned tail, with the rest of their Purple Dragons and Nightmares. “Where are you going?!” shouted Commander Tiger Claw. “We ain’t gonna be ripped to shreds by that!!” shouted Night Terror. “We’re getting away from that monster!!” shouted 03 Hun as everyone high tailed away. “Weak-minded fools.” Muttered Khan, whilst his little brother was afraid. But then he moved away as he had something in mind. Commander Tiger Claw growled as he slowly pulled his sword out. “Very well then.” Said Tiger Claw whilst getting his sword ready, “I will end him myself.” Tiger Claw roared and charged towards Roland as he was still beating up Ebon, whose face was now heavily bruised. Just before he could make contact, Roland suddenly grabbed the sword from the hilt, which shocked Commander Tiger Claw because of his reflexes. Roland slowly looked at Tiger Claw, remembering him from long ago…and what he did to Shine Girl. He slowly stood up whilst still holding it, with Commander Tiger Claw struggling to break free. Roland suddenly brought him closer to his face, which shocked the mutant tiger ninja. Roland then smirked with his piranha teeth. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” Said Roland. Roland gave a hard punch to Commander Tiger Claw’s gut twice, and then to his face, making Commander Tiger Claw land on his back, but Roland wouldn’t let him recover as he grabbed his leg and smashed him hard onto the ground, then to the next, then the next, and other, before tossing him away. But Commander Tiger Claw was still able to stand, despite being injured. Commander Tiger Claw used his jetpack to fly around and use his dual pistols to try and shoot him, but Roland merely stood there and looked at him. Before Commander Tiger Claw could respond, Roland suddenly pulled something small out of his belt, causing it to turn into a bow, which surprised Green Arrow. Whilst he also produced two arrows, one that Green Arrow recognized anywhere. “Wait, where’d he get a pair of Quantum arrows?!” exclaimed Green Arrow. “Why, what’s so important about it?!” said Leo. Roland then aimed the arrows and within a split second, shot it straight towards Tiger Claw. When all of a sudden, it created a plasma rope, causing it to ensnare Commander Tiger Claw whilst the arrows flew around him. And the moment the tips of both arrows made contact, they exploded, causing Commander Tiger Claw to crash onto the ground whilst his sword landed next to Roland, shocking everyone by what they saw. “That’s why.” Said Green Arrow to a stunned Leo. Roland saw the sword and slowly grabbed it. He broke the sword whilst he took the tip and used his fingernails to make it extra sharp. He slowly looked at Commander Tiger Claw, who was slowly standing up and held his head, trying to focus. “For Shine Girl.” Roland threw the piece of the sword like a Frisby, making it fly towards Commander Tiger Claw. When he saw the sword… *Schnick!!* The piece of the blade then crashed against a rocky wall, whilst Commander Tiger Claw slowly collapsed onto his back, no longer being able to move, which shocked the others, even Venus, as Roland had just killed Shredder’s second in command. Before Roland could move, a handful of Purple Dragons still tried again to take Roland down as they used anything they could to beat him, and as he was suddenly on one knee, one of the dragons tried to shoot him in the head, only for the latter to suddenly turn into a puff of smoke, shocking them as they looked around, trying to find Roland. “Where did he…?!” said the goon before he was cut off. When all of a sudden, Roland suddenly appeared from the smoke and grabbed the one guy and used his own pistol to shoot down the last three, before tossing the Foot Bot away whilst holding a pistol. Suddenly, Roland grunted when he felt something had shot his shoulder. Then he slowly looked at the one responsible, and saw it was Khan’s younger brother, who was terrified as he tried to stop Roland. The others saw this too, with some realized in shock. “Wait,” said Rarity, “He’s not really going to…?” Roland instantly turned around and aimed at the child, then shot at him in point blank range, shocking and horrifying the others. “NO!!” shouted Khan as he saw his little brother had fallen, with Roland walking over to Khan after he had tossed the pistol away. Suddenly, Roland turned into smoke again before vanishing. “Where are you?!” shouted Khan as he looked around, looking for Roland. “Show yourself you coward!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!” Suddenly, a loud roar was heard, and Roland appeared from out of nowhere and grabbed Khan by the neck whilst lifting him up in the air. Silence was heard as everyone watched Khan being in Roland’s mercy. The latter’s mask fell off and saw he actually looked terrified, as he had never faced something like this before. “What are you?” muttered Khan. Roland just stood there, staring at Khan dead in the eyes. And finally…gave his answer. “Death.” *CRAAAACK!!* Everyone was once again shocked as they saw what happened, whilst at the same time, Roland dropped the now fallen Khan as he no longer breathed the same air as him. However, they noticed the barrier didn’t drop around them, even Superman couldn’t break through it. “Something’s wrong.” Said Superman, “The barrier didn’t drop.” “Hey, what gives!!” shouted pony Rainbow Dash, which suddenly gained Roland’s attention, “Why didn’t you drop the…?!!” Suddenly, a chain was wrapped around pony Rainbow Dash and was pulled towards Roland, who then grabs pony Rainbow Dash. Said girl looked and was shocked to be close to him. “Rainbow!!” exclaimed the Equestrians as they were shocked by what they saw. Pony Rainbow was terrified by being so close to Roland. “You…” growled Rainbow, “It’s because of you, she’s dead. She didn’t do anything to you.” Pony Rainbow was too afraid to be confused as she didn’t know what he was talking about. “I will make you pay.” Said Roland before his mouth began to open wide as he was about to do what they realized what he was going to do. “Roland, don’t do it!!” shouted Sunset. When all of a sudden, a blade was struck from behind Roland’s back, making him screech in pain before being pulled and released Rainbow. Roland looked up as the blade was retracted, which was a rope dagger as it was flying back and was caught by someone. The someone was standing there, in his cloak, staring at Roland whilst he gripped his rope dagger. If one could see his eyes, he would be glaring. Many were surprised by what they saw. However, the handful of spectators, aka, the Turtles, Sunset, and Serenity, instantly recognized him as they were surprised by who they saw. “Jacob?” muttered the few who know him. He took a few steps forward, until six of the beings landed near Jacob. “You are trespassing on sacred grounds.” Said one of the beings. “The match is over, the one who helped issue it is dead, and yet you’re letting this continue by having the challenger continue to fight when it was clear who the victor was.” Said Jacob. “You’re abusing your authority here.” “Nothing was breached by the contract,” said the second being, “Therefore, we did nothing wrong.” “Oh, you did do something wrong.” Said Jacob as he slowly looked up with anger in his eyes. “You made me angry.” Within a split second, Jacob pulled out what appeared to be a very advanced six shooter, causing him to shoot all six of them, turning them to dust in the process. This shocked everyone, including the Daiyou. “Impossible.” Said the latter. “Destroy him!!” said one of the ancient beings. Within a split second, Jacob pulled out what appeared to be a Winchester 1873 model, but highly advance. Jacob shot each of them in point blank range as he killed the first fifteen, without missing a mark. Which stunned them as they never saw a man who never misses his mark, and with fast reflexes too. Many more of the beings attacked, but not before Jacob dropped a smoke bomb, engulfing him. But then they noticed he was gone whilst the smoke was around. They looked around, but couldn’t find anything, until one of them grunted as he had a laser sword stuck through behind. “Wait, where did he get a lightsaber?” said a confused Mikey. “Wait,” said Sunset, “It looks different. Very different.” Jacob pulled it out before disappearing. He then reappeared, but this time with two swords and mowed them down and disappeared again. Then did the same thing again with a few and disappeared. They tried looking around, but couldn’t find him. Suddenly, two grenades appeared, causing them to explode that turned four of them into dust. Jacob suddenly appeared and slowly stood up, causing one of the beings to look behind. John backhanded it and shot it straight to the chest. Then turned to the other charging beings and shot them down one by one. He moved forward and shot a few more, then did a few jump kicks, kicking them away. However, he saw four more attacked. Jacob suddenly took a step forward, revealing two blasters by his knee guards, causing them to be shot down. “Wow, quite the arsenal.” Said Rubberband Man. As the beings were trying to regroup, Vam Mi was suddenly interested in Jacob as she wanted to pounce on him. “I do not know who you are,” said the Vampire woman, “But once I feast upon you, I…” When all of a sudden, Jacob pulled out a wire from his belt and with one quick swipe, he beheaded the Vampire, turning her to dust, which shocked everyone, even Jung. “How? How did you…?” said Jung as he couldn’t believe it. “You think you’re the first vampire I’ve encountered?” asked Jacob rhetorically whilst pulling out a pistol. “I’ve killed over thousands of different vampires. Including the vampire lords.” He aimed the pistol at Jung and said “I even killed thousands of all of you as well.” “Impossible.” Said Jung. “Is a word I don’t even recognize.” Said Jacob. “Oooh, good comeback.” Said Michelangelo. However, Jung felt that the name was familiar. But when he saw the pendant around Jacob’s neck, and looked at his piercing eyes, Jung was instantly shocked and realized who it was. “You!!!” Jacob pulled the trigger, taking the shot and killing Jung whilst he was being instantly turned to dust by the shot. He placed his pistol back inside his holster, before some of the beings stood near him and had their weapons ready. However, one of them saw a pendant Jacob was wearing, the birthmark on his neck…and his piercing baby blue eyes. It gasped as it recognized him. “My lord, Jacob.” Said one of the beings as it bowed to him, with the others following suit. Everyone was shocked the way that they were bowing before Jacob. “Vesuvius?” said Jacob sternly. “Would you care to explain, in your wisdom, of why you chose to cheat the contract that had been signed? The opponent was defeated, therefore, you lot should’ve intervened and stopped this.” “Forgive me, Lord Chosen.” Said the one called Vesuvius, “Gora was the one who made the contract. He failed to read the rules. But I couldn’t intervene because of his leadership status.” Jacob stood on his one knee and grabbed Vesuvius’ face, making him whimper at the same time. “Then I guess you’re in charge.” Said Jacob. But then he squinted his eyes and growled. “But know this. After this…I want a nice, long, chat for your abuse of contract. You know the price one would pay for disobedience.” “Y-yes, my liege.” Said Vesuvius as he kept his head lowered. However, they suddenly heard growling and looked at Roland, who was slowly standing up as he had recovered from the blade in his back. Jacob sighed at this before looking at Vesuvius. “But until then,” said Jacob, making him stand up, “Continue to keep the barrier up, disable the nullifying spells, and make sure he doesn’t escape.” “Yes, my liege.” Said Vesuvius as he and the beings got to work. Jacob then walked over to pony Rainbow Dash. Just before Roland could attack… “Chaos Freeze!!” shouted Jacob whilst pointing his hand, causing Roland to be instantly frozen, which surprised the others. Jacob walked over to pony Rainbow Dash as she was still a little afraid. Jacob presented his hand, allowing her to accept it as he picked her up. He then held her bridal style and teleported, making him appear with the others, surprising them again. He placed her back on her feet and looked at her. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll handle this.” Said Jacob. He turned around and was about to face Roland, until Superman stopped him. “Wait, if he’s frozen, then we can…” “You can’t.” said Jacob, “The demon in him is growing stronger. And if I don’t do something, he’ll go full on beast mode. Trust me, this is a massage compared to what he could’ve done.” Now everyone was concerned and some were afraid. “I got this.” Said Jacob. “Now, wait here…” said Superman. When all of a sudden, Jacob jabbed his two fingers onto Superman’s chest, causing him to get stiff as he felt like his body was cracking up whilst he grunted and struggled at the same time. Within a split second, he dropped onto the ground whilst Jacob moved on. However, everyone was shocked by what he saw. “No way.” Said Wally/Flash. “He just took down Superman just by touching him on his chest with his two fingers.” Said Barry/Flash. Batman on the other hand focused on Jacob. He couldn’t explain it, but something was definitely off, as if he wasn’t honest of who or what he really is. Jacob jumped off and landed a few feet away from Roland, whilst he was instantly unfrozen at the same time. Roland was staring down at Jacob, growling, and snarling whilst the purple ooze continued to pool out of his mouth at the same time. Jacob on the other hand just stood there, not making a single move. “Rip. Tear. Kill.” “Your mind is not your own,” said Jacob, “Whoever you are from within, leave that host immediately. You do not belong here. And I will make sure of it.” Roland screeched as he charged forward, until Jacob also charged towards Roland. The moment they were close enough, they punched one another’s fist, causing a shockwave to appear. As they were standing at the center, Roland kept trying to strike, but Jacob kept countering it, and tried to hit back as both of them used moves that only the Shaolin Monks and the most highly skilled masters. Both of them punched one another again, only for them to jump backwards, still facing one another. Suddenly, Jacob pulled out what appeared to be a CD. And from out of nowhere, a large jukebox of sorts appeared, confusing everyone as Jacob tossed it in. When all of a sudden, music began to play. As the song played, suddenly both of them dashed towards one another and disappeared. Flashes appeared all around as they appeared to and fro, back, and forth, as if fireworks were happening without their knowledge. Suddenly, both Roland and Jacob stood back on the ground, staring at one another. Then they attacked again, suddenly using…superspeed?!! And darted back and forth, both landing good punches from one another. But everyone was baffled by what they were seeing. “Whoa, this is incredible!!” exclaimed Leo. “Just who da shell is dat guy?!” exclaimed Sunset as she was also shocked to see what was going on. Suddenly they were back in the center as they charged at one another. When all of a sudden, Jacob turned into a Minotaur and charged towards him, bashing Roland, making him crash against the wall. “What the…he can turn into a cow man?!” exclaimed Mikey. “No, that’s a Minotaur.” Said Wonder Woman as she was surprised. “That’s a minotaur?” said a confused Rainbow. “Wow, they must look very different in different dimensions.” Said Starlight. Roland got up and screeched, which caused him to charge. Jacob then turned into a Hippogriff before grabbing it, and flew in the air. Then he turned into a Griffon and clawed him. Then Jacob turned into a dragon and breathed powerful fire, making Roland fall down. But the possessed kid was able to land on his feet and stared at Jacob, who turned back to normal. Until…he turned into an anthropomorphic Hedgehog, something that the Turtles and Rainbooms recognized. “Sonic?!” said the group. “Wait, he looks different.” Said Rarity. It’s true, for the Hedgehog Jacob turned into was pure white, with gloves and a metallic cover on top with blue lines. Shoes that matches Sonic’s, but in black, and he has a blue arrow on his head and blue tips by the points of his quills. When all of a sudden, three more individuals appeared by Jacob’s side. Three more Hedgehogs next to him. Ones that those who knew were greatly shocked. “Sonic?” muttered Rainbow. “Shadow?” muttered Sunset. “Silver?” muttered Rarity. However, what was different of them was…they were in their late thirties. Jacob looked at the three, and nodded, with the three Hedgehogs nodding in agreement. Suddenly, the four of them powered up as the Emeralds appeared, but to their surprise, only one emerald was around them, but there were also others around them. Another emerald, but with what appeared to be a ring with runes around it. A gem, another gem with a ring around it. A pearl, a jewel, a sapphire, a gem, a bracelet, and an amulet, and all of them were in a color that none had ever seen before. Within a split second, it fused with them, causing them to transform. But instead of gold, they were all in white furs with blue markings, whilst Jacob was gold, but with blue lines at his head and quills, even his hands and legs, which surprised everyone. Roland then screeched and charged, with the four hedgehogs doing the same as all of them charged forward. They clashed, then ended up…flying?! As they flew, they saw many flashes going on from all over the skies whilst watching what appeared to be beams of energy flying around, whilst they flew around trying to get the drop on Roland. “Wait, he was holding us out the whole time?!” exclaimed Raph when they saw Roland’s abilities being greater. “I don’t think even he knows it.” Said Leo as all of them did their best trying to watch the fight unfold. Jacob, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver appeared whilst they skid on the ground with their feet, whilst Roland appeared far side and screeched before attacking head on, with the four Hedgehogs following suit. Then they clashed against his right arm, trying to break his defense, but no luck. They pushed him back, but Roland came back to the charge, and tried to land a punch. Jacob slapped Roland’s fast, deflecting it, whilst allowing Sonic to appear form below and kick him from down there, allowing Shadow to land a punch, and Silver to kick Roland by the back of his neck as he was launched backwards. He landed whilst blocking and punching the four Hedgehogs that tried to fight him. Then they darted off to the speed of light as dust began to fly whilst both sides tried to punch one another. The hedgehogs attacked from all around, whilst Roland would block and kick them away. Suddenly, he shot a beam from his mouth, causing Jacob to instantly teleport behind him and kicked him in the back, allowing Sonic to use a spin dash move strike at Roland’s gut, then Shadow launched his Chaos Spears, and Silver lifting rocks and throwing at Roland, whilst the latter tried to avoid them back and forth. Sonic, Silver, and Shadow used their spin dash moves to knock Roland around, until Jacob grabbed him by the leg, spun him and threw him, but Roland got back up and launched straight towards the sky, punching Shadow and Silver first, until the two of them stopped and charged up from their Super Forms to their Hyper Forms, allowing both of them to give Roland a strong uppercut and launched Chaos Blast towards him. Roland was then at the sky, with Jacob, Sonic, Silver, and Shadow surrounding him. And once again, engaged in great speed flying around trying to beat him, until they landed back on the ground whilst still trying to surround Roland. “Rip. And tear. Rip. And tear.” Growled Roland. “We’ll need to finish this.” Said Shadow. “He’s right, before anyone else gets hurt.” Said Silver. “Then we’ll need to upgrade.” Said Sonic. Jacob nodded and powered up whilst electricity was cackling over his body, with the others following suit. “Then let’s show them how powerful we really are.” Said Jacob as he darted towards him. However, the moment Jacob punched Roland in the face, causing a small window size image to shatter, showing the 87 Turtles as they shouted, “Turtle power!!” “What the…?!” exclaimed the Turtles from both worlds from what they saw, which shocked everyone from both sides. Sonic suddenly appeared from behind Roland and kicked him, causing another window sized image to appear, this time as Sonic from the 91 world, “He’s the fastest thing, alive!!” Shadow appeared from below and punched Roland in the chin, causing another window size image to appear, this time of ponies from the first generation, “My little pony, my little pony!!!” Silver appeared and delivered a gut punch, causing another window size image to appear, this time of the Justice League, but old fashion, “This looks like a job, for!!!” Jacob delivered a strong roundhouse kick, causing another window sized image to appear, with the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers appearing, “Go, go, Power Rangers!!” Roland crashed onto the ground, with Sonic grabbing him and tossing him aside, making Roland crash against the wall and land back at the center. Jacob, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver stood at the ready from all around, whilst everyone from both sides were staring in shock. “They’re so strong, they can shatter reality?” said Shine Boy in shock. “What…are they?” said Gamer in equal confusion. Roland got back up again and screeched at them in pure rage and went on the attack again, but this time, he was now faster. Speeding balls of energy and great speed form both sides as all of them fought Roland whilst he moved like a speeding bullet. “Incredible.” Said Bebop as everyone was too shocked for words by what was going on. Roland breathed fire, but the four Hedgehogs were too fast for him. Then they attacked all around, causing Roland to push them back, causing all four of them to surround Roland. Jacob looked up, and signaled the others to follow his league. They flew with a rapid speed…towards the sun?! They flew it in, and came back out, causing them to go to every sun through every solar system throughout every part of the galaxy. “They’re using the suns?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight. “That’s impossible?!” exclaimed Twilight. Then as Jacob, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver got together, they charged towards Roland, whom the latter was holding position. But the moment they got close, many energy plates appeared all around him, causing the four Hedgehogs to perform a Spin Dash, bouncing from one plate to the other, whilst bashing against Roland with full speed as he was being bashed by four individuals using solar energy. As Roland was in the air, the four Hedgehogs appeared and punched Roland hard, allowing him to crash onto the ground. Then the four of them suddenly powered their energy to great lengths. “Chaos!!” shouted the four Hedgehogs at the same time as Roland got up. “Blast!!” shouted Shadow. “Fury!!” shouted Sonic. “Flash!!” shouted Silver. “Laser!!” shouted Jacob. All four of them fired their full power, causing them to hit Roland, creating a large explosion as the barriers did their best to contain it, but the wind was blowing rough as everyone tried to block it with their eyes at the same time. As the brightness lowered, everyone was able to see, with the four Hedgehogs landing back onto the ground and Jacob returning back to his human form whilst still wearing his cloak. So far things have been quiet. “Is…is he…?” asked Sunset in worry. When all of a sudden, a hand popped out, with Roland slowly climbing out, shocking everyone. “Impossible.” Muttered Splinter as everyone was shocked by what they were seeing. Roland was still in his state, until Jacob instantly appeared and grabbed him by the wrist his gauntlet was. Jacob held out a cube, revealing to be of Galvanic Mecha morph origins. It went out and repaired Roland’s gauntlet. Once that was done, Jacob increased it’s power, causing Roland to screech as it was getting brighter, with Roland slowly returning to normal, making him pass out at the same time. However, from afar, a certain Clown Prince was watching, and looked at Roland’s gauntlet. “Interesting.” Said Joker before giggling and disappearing from the shadows. Jacob looked at the Keystone that Jagwar promised, allowing Jacob to take it and picked it up. Jacob looked at the Shredder and glared at him, causing Shredder to be afraid for some reason. He then stood up and left, with the villains following in tow. Jacob looked to his right and saw the heroes going off the podiums and stood near him, wondering what he was. He looked at Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, nodding to them as if it were the signal. The three Hedgehogs nodded and used their speed to disappear. Jacob turned to the others, who then tossed Roland, causing Superman to catch him. Martian went over and scanned him. “The demon side is contained for now.” Said Martian. “But I recommend we immediately retrieve Zatanna and Jason Blood.” Jacob tossed the stone to Princess Twilight, allowing her to catch it. However, everyone was still staring at him, not letting them out of their sights. “Make sure this never happens again.” Said Jacob. “Until then…” Jacob was about to walk, until… “Wait!!” said Sunset when she grabbed his arm. However, the moment he did that, she immediately began to read his mind. ********************************************************************************************* A young boy five-year-old boy was restraint against the wall, crying as he shed tears, with his shirt ripped open and ten cuts to the right side of his hip. Then an elderly man came along, with a skull brand and walked over to him. “You will soon know something far sweeter than pain.” He branded the young boy, making him scream in pain from the burning pain he had to endure. ********************************************************************************************* Throughout an entire year, he was beaten, poisoned, burnt, frozen, whipped, electrocuted and every painful torture one can imagine. ********************************************************************************************* Then, for many years he was put through the harshest of training since he was six. Trained by every creature from every world until his bones were close to being cracked and him passing out from exhaustion. ********************************************************************************************* Gained visions from everyone throughout the Multiverse and wrote stories about them, and at the age of twelve, met a certain blue hedgehog and his companions whilst offering them a place to stay ********************************************************************************************* Was captured by a man wearing a type of armor and leading a robot army, before jabbing him with an electric type weapon that made him scream in pain. ********************************************************************************************* Whilst holding onto two different emeralds, a gem, a pearl, a jewel, a sapphire, a Sol Gem, and a Diamond, he was engulfed by a great power from them whilst screaming in agony whilst his head was raised in the air. ********************************************************************************************* Had stumbled upon a temple and gained more knowledge of his heritage and realized what he needed to do and what needed to be done. “You…will be the savior…of the Multiverse.” ********************************************************************************************* Encountered many different kingdoms and races and helped them at the blue hedgehog’s world, even became a peace maker. ********************************************************************************************* Were in out of space and fought alongside a Turian, Asari and may other different races to stop Saren, the Reapers and the Xorda race. ********************************************************************************************* He fought alongside the blue hedgehog and both of their allies against foes that would match them, whilst fighting the said madman who captured him, only for him to be back up and jabbed him with a sword. “You took everything away from us,” responded the boy, “You will never rob anyone, of anything, ever again.” ********************************************************************************************* Having to say goodbye to his friends after he turned 13. Went to save his dad, lost his team and his dad as he watched a building collapsed onto him. “Daaaaaaaad!!!” Was fished out and killed right on the spot. “Dad.” Then a warrior in dark armor came and kicked him unconscious. ********************************************************************************************* He was lying wounded onto the ground, with five others tied to a steak, and a woman was being held down, surrounded by different assailants as the one with a pistol came along. “Too bad you couldn’t teach any of that, to your sons.” said the assailant whilst pointing a pistol at her. The assailant shot her at point blank range, with him widening his eyes in horror as he tried to reach out in his injured state. ********************************************************************************************* Fought against over hundreds of thousands of warriors in black armor with pure savagery. “I’m going to kill you!!!” ********************************************************************************************* Boy was at a location and watched many of his fallen friends on the ground. But then the greatest of horrors, was watching the pile and what was placed on the steaks whilst he collapsed onto his knees in pure shock and horror. ********************************************************************************************* Was standing in front of a graveyard with his mother being buried there, with him looking thin, pale, beaten, broken, shedding a tear and trembling, as if he hadn’t eaten or slept in a month. Then he walked alone in the woods and collapsed whilst crying. ********************************************************************************************* Was approached by a man in a dark cloak. “I can offer you what you desire, and vengeance will be yours.” The contract was placed before him, making the boy grab a glass bottle, crushed it, causing his hand to be bloodied, then placed it onto it, sealing the deal as it had been burnt. The boy, who was Jacob, became insane as his laughter had been echoed throughout the countryside. ********************************************************************************************* He went from one location to another for many years, destroying anyone in his way. He went from world to world, burnt it to asunder, many fallen under his might, whilst being accompanied by others who chose to stick by him until the end. ********************************************************************************************* Then came the Greek Pantheon. He destroyed crushed Poseidon, ripped Hades’ soul from his body, ripped off Hermes’ legs, he crushed Hera, beaten Hercules, snuffed out Helios. And he beaten and destroyed Zeus over and over again. ********************************************************************************************* He was about to kill the last one responsible, but then the horrors of what he has unleashed had dawned to him and was consumed with guilt and grief as he sat down whilst staring at his hands and shedding tears. “What have I done?” ********************************************************************************************* Chose to go into exile, and stayed there, until a year later at that world, he turned around and saw the same hedgehog and friends, who were all looking for him. ********************************************************************************************* He came back and fought alongside many other heroes and somehow found a way to shapeshift into a hedgehog like his friend, except white with a blue stripe on his head. And he was in love with an…anthro lynx? Even made her an organic being, which left them very excited. ********************************************************************************************* Continued to fight until he got sick, and discovered that he was dying, but chose to keep it a secret from them, as he didn’t want them to know. ********************************************************************************************* Fought alongside the same squad when he was young, except against the Collectors and the Black Arms Race whilst gaining new allies along the way, as well as helping curing diseases like Kepler Syndrome and his friend and clan’s Geophage problem. ********************************************************************************************* His relationship with his friends and family were strained. One by one, his brothers were killed. Billy fell into the great void with a fiery beast, Damian flew into a building to destroy the manufacturing compound, Nathan died in a mortar fire, Tyler got stabbed in the back by a monster, but stabbed it back and fell down on a four-story building, then Arnold was shot by a sniper as they tried to flee. ********************************************************************************************* Was approached by a little girl from his childhood as he thought about everything in his past. “You’ve been through the worst. How do you feel about Japan?” “I can handle Japan.” ********************************************************************************************* Was fighting against another overlord, but was stabbed by it. Then he pleaded to the hedgehog in his last breath to never stop fighting and to stop the monster at any cost. ********************************************************************************************* Was suddenly resurrected a year later with his brothers and had a new mission, as the Reapers, Xorda, Black Arms Race, a mad Scientist named Eggman and the Collectors, along with an Orc/Ogre breed Death Lord teamed up to take over their galaxy. Fought on every battlefield imaginable. ********************************************************************************************* Saved a man from the Illuminati Race and revealed the dark truth of what happened to his people. ********************************************************************************************* He led soldiers, Paladins, Archlords, Illuminati and many others against overwhelming odds. ********************************************************************************************* Charged in with an entire fleet to towards a planet where the weapon they needed was being heavily guarded. ********************************************************************************************* Fought against many foes and with the power of the station, and Jacob’s power, banished the threat from their galaxy/universe/dimension, so that no one would ever get in the way again. ********************************************************************************************* The Lynx and Jacob got married and also had kids of their own, both who were born with powers just like they were. Then went and found a new location to train more like him and the others, and vowed to protect the Multiverse from the greatest of threats. ********************************************************************************************* Then came the Time War, where they had to travel through certain parts of time in certain parts of the world, for the Order had been involved in those worlds. ********************************************************************************************* During the war, both his kids, when they were ten, were brutally murdered, and his wife was turned into a monster. “Kill me.” She muttered. “I love you.” He muttered back. He killed her, making her grunt in pain, whilst after he died, he screamed in pain and agony of the terror he was forced to endure. ********************************************************************************************* Destroyed a temple that was corrupted and that was this close into destroying the timeline, then by miracle both his wife and kids were back, and hugged them in joy. “I will never let you go again.” ********************************************************************************************* Then they went to both the homes of Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, where they went on adventures, fought together and where his son had a relationship with one of her friends, whilst his daughter became a Princess of Equestria. ********************************************************************************************* She immediately let go and gasped a bit before staggering backwards, with Shine Boy being able to catch her. Before Sunset could breathe or say another word, Jacob had already left. But Sunset was in shock and awe from what she had seen. “Sunset, what is it?” said Leo when he and a few others noticed what had happened. “I…looked into his memories.” Said Sunset. “You did?” said a confused Pinkie. “What is he?” asked Fluttershy. Sunset then spotted Jacob again, this time, standing far away and staring at her one more time, before vanishing like a ghost at night. “I…don’t know.” Muttered Sunset as she still had trouble wrapping her head around it. ************************************************************************************************* Meanwhile, Shine Boy was in his room working on his paperwork while Wallflower was setting down a bowl of spaghetti next to his bed. “What’s the thing about paperwork for you?” She curiously asked. “It’s plumber protocol.” Shine Boy answered. “Max Tennyson insisted that we leaders should do field reports of our missions. Pretty much use it to learn from mistakes and hopefully anticipate Shredders next move.” “Who else does those?” Wallflower asked. “Me, Leo, Slash, Steven, Tommy, Jason, Sunset, Princess Twilight, Ben, and Superman. And when they get here, Duke, Tai, Davis, and the other leaders.” “I see. Well, anyway your salad and garlic bread are coming up.” Wallflower assured. “Wouldn’t be spaghetti without it.” Shine Boy smacked his lips. “You’re pretty busy.” Shine Boy shot up as Serenity entered his room. “Oh Serenity! Sorry! Sorry I couldn’t make dinner. When we’re done with every world, I had to fill out worksheets about the missions.” Serenity smiled. “It’s okay. Gwen told me and I understand. And I love it when you’re focused. Besides, I’m gonna be hanging out with some of the girls anyway.” “Oh, like a girl’s night?” “Yeah. April, Karai, Shinigami, Buffy, Caitlyn, the Rainbooms and their counterparts, Kimberly, Trini, Gwen, Connie, Mona, Starfire, Raven, and others. Zatanna is trying to convince Diana and Shiera to join. I hope it’ll cheer April up.” Shine Boy looked up curious. “What’s wrong with April?” “Didn’t you hear? Luke grilled her for past mistakes.” Shine Boy was taken aback as Serenity continued. “Love Shine almost attacked him before in the arcade before getting stopped by Jason.” “Hey uh your spaghetti’s getting cold.” Wallflower pointed out as she set down his salad and bread. “Not hungry.” Shine Boy quietly mumbled as he sat back down from on his bed. Serenity looked worried. “Are you okay?” “I’ll be fine. You have a good night with the girls.” Shine Boy faked a smile. “Okay. It’ll be okay. I promise. Good night.” Serenity pecked his cheek before leaving. Shine Boy grabbed his soda while Wallflower finished. “Okay, anything else I can do for you?” “Nah. I think I’m good. You joining the girls?” Shine Boy assured. “Yeah me and Sapphire are joining them.” Wallflower said. Shine Boy patted her shoulder. “Have a good night then.” “Thanks.” Wallflower left the room. After she left, Shine Boys smile turned to a frown as he crushed his can spilling his soda. “Darn it, Luke. Why do you have to do this now?” He whispered to himself. ************************************************************************************************* At the same time, the Mane 6 and the Rainbooms were looking for the kids. “Where in tarnation are they?” said Applejack in concern, causing Azmuth to appear. “If you are looking for them, follow me.” Said Azmuth as he used his hover ride to go to where they need to go. But when they entered, they saw the medical officers letting them out what appeared to be tubes, making them groan. “Why did you lock them up here?!” exclaimed Rarity. “Be glad I did.” Said Azmuth, which surprised the latter as he looked at them. “If they were down there…they would be forever traumatized from that experience. I placed them in these pods because if I were to lock them up in their quarters, no doubt they would’ve escaped and saw the whole thing.” The girls were surprised by this as they looked at one another, for Azmuth did have a point, if the kids saw everything… “By the way, once you’ve checked on them, meet me in the debriefing room. We have much to talk about.” Said Azmuth as he left. Everyone went over to the kids to see if they were alright. However, Sunset stood there and was in deep thought. When she read Roland’s mind about his darkness, she was greatly worried about him, for even he was terrified of it. But she also thought about Jacob, the man who helped her. How could a man who went through so much, carry such a huge burden. “Jacob.” Muttered Sunset, “Thank you.” ************************************************************************************ Meanwhile, in the debriefing room, the Turtles from both worlds, the Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Justice League, Teen Titans, Team Shine (minus Night Shine), and Static’s team were watching a hologram of Roland, who was still unconscious in his bed. “This is really concerning.” Said Wonder Woman. “Agreed,” said Hal Jordan, “Whatever was inside of him, it was clear he wasn’t in control.” “He was also terrified and couldn’t stop it.” Said Martian Manhunter, “But if it had gone to out of the arena…” “Let’s not think about that,” said Superman, “Right now, I’m more concerned on how we can remove the darkness from him. We can’t let it stay in his body for that long.” “I already placed shaman seals on him for the time being,” said Batman, “But we’ll need to find a solution.” “The evil inside of him is far more different than the ones I encountered,” said Raven, “Whatever it is…it’s even stronger than my father.” “What I wanna know is, who those guys are!!” said Raph. “Well, it’s Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, obviously.” Said Mikey, but then said, “Although they look very different. Both age and powers.” “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Princess Twilight, “Never in any of our lives did we meet something like that.” “But why did they chose to help us now?” said Leo, “Shouldn’t we ask him for help?” “It doesn’t matter,” said Batman, “We already tried to find him the moment we got back on the ship.” “He’s right,” said Gamer, “None of our tracking devices were able to find him.” “Even my tech can’t find it.” Said Cyborg. “Still though,” said Blue Beetle, “How are we going to remove the darkness from this primo?” “We’ll dig at what we have.” Said Shine Boy as he got up, “I’ll talk to Gwen and a few of our magic experts in the League, maybe they might have something.” “I hope so, for time’s running out.” Said Leo, “And knowing the Shredder, seeing that we have the stone, he’ll no doubt attack the city again with his army.” “Then we’ll have to be ready,” said Barry/Flash, “And double our efforts.” “In the meantime, we’ll put everyone on alert,” said Hawkgirl, “So until then, we’ll take this time to recuperate.” Everyone, minus Team Shine, the Mane 6, the Turtles and Rainbooms left. All of them pondered about this. “Guys,” said Fluttershy, “What are we going to do to help, Roland?” “I don’t know.” Said Leo, “But he should’ve told us about it.” “He wanted to,” said Venus as she entered the room. “But Roland was too ashamed because of it. When Shine Boy first encountered him, he was able to conceal Roland’s darkness. At first, for the past few years since he was fourteen, things seemed okay. That was…until the Meanbooms.” They were surprised by this. “The Meanbooms were also a problem,” said Venus, “And whilst they fooled all of you, they did something very horrible to him.” “What could be that was so bad?” asked pony Rainbow Dash. Venus had a hard time trying to get it out as she chocked and nearly shed a tear. But she swallowed it and was able to get it out. “The Meanbooms cornered and raped him.” They were shocked by what she had said. “That’s when Roland snapped, that’s when the darkness resurfaced after such a short time. What he did to Sapphire…” Now they were greatly concerned about this. Until Venus stood on her knees. “So please, I beg of you.” Said Venus. “If you can, please help him. I don’t want to lose him, too.” Princess Twilight and Shine Boy approached her. “We give you our word, we’ll try.” Said Shine Boy. “And we’ll try to save him if we can.” Said Princess Twilight. Venus was able to smile and hug them whilst saying, “Thank you.” Everyone was now tensed from what happened, but what they saw today…this won’t be dropped from there. For now, a bigger fight has now begun. Not just the fight outside…but the battle from within. > Shredder's move, Demon arise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A day had passed since the match between Roland and Jagwar, and because Jagwar damaged the gauntlet on Roland’s wrist, a dangerous evil had overtaken his mind and slaughtered some of the villains whilst hospitalizing the other. Despite being thankful that none of the kids, namely the CMC and the rest of their friends, had witnessed Roland’s attack, everyone else were a little startled, especially with Roland keeping it a secret. Despite witnessing the darker side of Roland, many of the heroes still prepare for their next mission against Shredder’s forces. Some trained while others were researching or doing their own things to recuperate. They all helped each other get through their fears and worries. In the training room, Shine Boy was hitting a practice dummy with his staff honing his skills while Jason was practicing his martial arts and Usagi was meditating. But as he kept hitting the dummy, he kept hitting it harder as he kept thinking about Roland’s predicament. Even when the dummy fell over, Shine Boy jumped on it and began punching it in the head violently, getting Jason and Usagi’s attention. “Just once, I’d like to get my hands on Shredder.” He said to himself before punching more before Jason grabbed his shoulder getting his attention. “We’re all worried about Roland, but aggression isn’t going to help him.” The Ranger advised. “I know. It’s just… I made a promise to Roland. To help him. And in the past, I’ve done everything in my power to keep my word. I can’t back down! Not even against whatever is within him.” “While it is noble to keep a promise, you mustn’t give away what is precious to you or anyone else just to keep your promise.” Usagi advised. “If there is a way to do so, My brother and I will find it.” Shine Boy got up and pushed a button restoring the dummy before leaving. ************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, from the security cameras, Roland was in his room, doing a hook sitting position whilst his head was resting on his arms, feeling greatly ashamed by what had happened. From the security room, Shine Girl, Love Shine, Gamer, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity, were watching in concern. All of them felt really bad for Roland, for having one of his secrets exposed like that in front of everyone. It’s not something one can easily overcome. However, Static, Gears, O’Neil, Jones, the 03 Turtles, Mr. Hawkins and Splinter walked inside when Splinter could tell where they were, gaining the ones watching security’s attention. “How’s he doing?” asked O’Neil. “He hasn’t left his room since we got back.” Said Shine Girl. “Well, I can’t blame em,” said Raphael, “Dude didn’t want anyone else want to know because he already feels responsible for what happened.” “Still, I wish there was a way to help him.” Said Donatello. “I have tried to speak to the Ancient One and the Daiyou in both worlds. None have the answer to help him.” Said Splinter. “We can.” They turned and saw Batman and Superman walking in. “Is there a way to help him?” asked Rarity. “We were able to get into contact with most of our magic users.” Said Superman, “Raven’s already offered to help. Plus, Zatanna already went to fetch Dr. Fate and Jason Blood. Hopefully they’ll get here soon.” “We were able to get a hold of John Constantine too.” Said Batman. “Seriously?” said Superman with a flexed eyebrow. “Who’s John Constantine?” asked Rainbow Dash. “You haven’t met him,” said Batman, “John Constantine is a Master Warlock, knows every form of spell there is. He has a Genius-level intellect Extensive knowledge of the occult Expert user of magic like telekinesis, necromancy, pyrokinesis, illusion projection, teleportation and chrono kinesis. He’s also a detective and a tactician.” “Whoa, seriously?” said Jones as he and the others were surprised by this. “He’s also a master manipulator.” Said Superman, “It’s one of the reasons why Jason Blood doesn’t like him.” “We haven’t seen him since he helped us out during the Apocalypse of 09,” said Batman, “But thankfully, we were able to have Zatanna find and call him. Though she didn’t want to.” “Why not?” asked Sunset. “He’s Zatanna’s ex-boyfriend.” Responded Superman. “Ouch.” Said Michelangelo as the others in the room agreed. “What happened?” asked April. “It’s…complicated.” Said Superman. “And how did you know him?” asked Casey. “After we dealt with the Thanagarian threat, we began to recruit more members of the league.” Said Batman, “A few supernatural appearances began happening. That’s when Boston came and temporarily possessed me and wrote down words to find John Constantine. And I remembered that he used to have a relationship. We both went looking for Constantine, and we eventually found him and his house, which was moving from one location to another.” “Whose Boston?” asked Michelangelo. “Boston Brand was a circus performer back in the day, until he was murdered and became a ghost, known as Deadman.” Said Twilight, remembering reading about Batman’s file. “I worked with them to help them put a stop to the supernatural.” Said Batman, “The league couldn’t help because they were affected too. Turned out the one who started the madness was an old associate of Constantine. Goes by the name, Ritchie. Until Destiny took a hold on him.” “Wait, like capitol, D, Destiny?” said Donatello in surprise. “Long story.” Said Superman. “But after we defeated it, the spirits of hell dragged Ritchie down for his sins.” Said Batman, “But even though Ritchie says that Constantine owes him, but we couldn’t take any chances to have Destiny control him again. After we were done, Boston asked me to help solve his murder, because once I do, his exile would end. Only for the spirit to deny him.” “So, where’s he now?” asked Pinkie Pie. “We don’t know.” They saw the Titans entering, who also knew the story. “We weren’t sure if he would ever do the helping.” Said Starfire. “Especially since…the last mission.” The 03 Turtles were confused, but the Rainbooms knew, whilst Batman looked away, showing a bit of scowling. “See, a while ago, Gorilla Grod sent Lex Luthor and a few villains to attack a monk temple where Batman trained whilst he was preparing himself.” Said Cyborg. “Then he ended up taking a mystic totem that was filled with the souls of hundreds of monks. And he went to Gorilla City to use their technology.” Said Blue Beetle. “But then that monkey brained doofus only wanted to use their device to turn the world into apes.” Said Beast Boy whilst rolling his eyes. “Seriously?” said Raphael, “He stole a hundred monks’ souls, steals a machine, and his big plan was to use it to turn everyone into monkey eating simians?!” “Trust me, we can’t believe it either.” Said Robin. “But after they stopped him, one of our enemies, Devil Ray, tried to shoot Wonder Woman.” Said Batgirl, “Only for him to possess Batman, take Luthor’s gun and shoot him, only for Devil Ray to crash into one of the reactors and killed him.” They were shocked to hear that. That’s when Sunset and Applejack filled them in. “When we last time saw Deadman,” began Sunset, “He was sorry that he possessed Batman and shot Devil Ray. But if he didn’t, he would’ve killed Wonder Woman, and that he didn’t know that Devil Ray would crash against electrical equipment.” “So, after we asked Zatanna for help, she was able to make him visible.” Said Applejack. “Although Batman wasn’t all that happy to see him. So, after we told him about him not hearing out others was the exact reason why Nightwing left him in the first place, he decided to hear him out. Though Batman accepted it, it would take him a long time for him to earn his trust again.” “But then Batman’s teacher was saved, as well as the monks from the temple,” said Robin, “But the Monk told him his work was far from over.” “You know, maybe we can find him and ask him to help Roland to expel the dark side.” Said Pinkie Pie. “It won’t work.” Said Raven, “Whatever’s inside of him is nothing we’ve ever seen before. Not even my magic would stand a chance.” “So, what, we do nothing?!” said Twilight. “She didn’t say that.” Said Nightwing. “That’ll have to wait,” said Superman, “In the meantime, we’d better go and plan our next move.” Everyone soon left the room. ************************************************************************************************** Later, Shine Boy was watching the windows of the ship staring at the 03 Earth, with the 03 Turtles walking by. “So why haven’t we seen the Justice Force?” asked Donatello. “Silver Sentry sent me a message,” said Michelangelo, “He said that before he left, he and his team are currently off world trying to negotiate a peace treaty. They won’t be back till next week.” “So, in the meantime, we’ll have to keep an extra eye out on the city.” Said Leonardo. After they walked by, Sunset walked up to Shine boy. “Tony?” She asked. “How are you holding up?” “Worried.” Shine Boy sighed. “Now that we’ve seen Roland’s dark side up close.” “I know.” Sunset cringed. “But we can’t give up on him.” “That thought never occurred to me.” Sunset looked closer to Shine Boy. “You’re scared aren’t you?” “I am.” Shine Boy sighed, still being strong despite shedding a tear. “I never seen such evil before in my life. But I can’t abandon my promise to Roland to help him. I will keep my promise to him no matter what. Even if it means I have to die trying.” Sunset patted his shoulder. “That won’t happen. We’re going help him together.” As the two talked, Amethyst Majesty was at the corner listening in. He was equally concerned about Roland and reached in his pocket and pulled out one of the rings that belonged to his father. Suddenly, an alarm went off, gaining everyone’s attention. “All hands, battle stations, battle stations, this is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill!!” From all over the ship, everyone ran in different directions, wondering what’s going on. Just as the Turtles, Rainbooms, and other heroes arrived, Max was already on full alert. “Grandpa, what’s going on?!” said Ben. “New York’s under attack.” Said Max, “This time in full force.” Everyone watched as Shredder’s forces, along with other villains, attacked all over the city, as well as most of their enemies. “We gotta get down there, the people need our help!!” said Donatello. “Agreed,” said Leo, “Everyone, let’s move out!!” Everyone ran towards the new Zeta Beam teleportation device, hoping to get there as soon as possible. *************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, at a different location not known to many, many demons were on the attack, as all of them were busy hunting for their new prey. They kept firing fireballs and anything they can at what appeared to be a large rock. For behind that rock, was a man wearing what appeared to be wearing a trench coat, hiding with a female wearing somewhat of a magician outfit, a man with a helmet, and a demon of sorts. They are John Constantine, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, and Jason Blood. “Well, this is another fine mess you got us into.” Said Zatanna. “Me?!” said John, “I’m not the blooming idiot who thought it was a good idea to provoke them!!” “In fairness, we didn’t expect them to be like this.” “We need to get back.” Said Dr. Fate, “Batman requires our assistance.” “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not that important.” Said Constantine. “Oh, but it is.” Everyone turned and saw a man wearing a cloak of sorts, which was none other than Jacob. “Sir, what are you doing here?!” exclaimed Zatanna. “You’re gonna get yourself killed, mate!!” said Constantine. “Remain here.” Said Jacob as he moved forward and pass the rock. He soon stopped in front of it as the demons continued to their onslaught. Jacob slowly raised his hand into a three fingered position and pointed ahead. “Nale fa, koan li, o bola na koi.” Muttered Jacob. Within a split second, a powerful magic was blasted towards the demons, destroying half of them in the process, which shocked Constantine and the others from what they were seeing. “Bloody hell.” Muttered Constantine as he saw this. Other demons soon approached Jacob as they stood in front of him. “I do not know who you are,” said one of the demons, “But you made a mistake coming here.” That was, until Jacob removed the hood of his cloak and revealed his face, which shocked the demons as they stepped back. “You?!!” exclaimed the demon as all of them stepped back. “Run.” Said Jacob before squinting his eyes and said, “Now.” All of the demons ran away in fear of Jacob before he put the hood of his cloak back on and channeled his energy onto the tip of his finger, making it the size of a marble. He flicked it, making it fly towards the demons. After about five seconds, it exploded, killing the last demons in the process, shocking the four even more. They slowly walked out and approached him as he kept his back turned. “Bloomin hell man, what the devil are you?” said Constantine as he was shocked by what he had seen. “Clearly you are not any normal man.” Said Zatanna. Jacob slowly looked at Jason Blood, which confused the latter. Suddenly Jacob spoke in a very eerie tone. “Gone, gone, form of man,” said Jacob, “Rise the demon, Etrigan.” Suddenly, Jason Blood grunted and groaned and was suddenly on fire, causing Etrigan to come out, much to the others’ shock. “Who calls upon the demon of wrath,” said Etrigan, “For those who twist man’s words shall face the bloodbath of…” The moment when Etrigan sees Jacob, he gasped in shock and horror, and instantly bowed to Jacob, much to the surprise of the other three. “Forgive my words, warrior of Chosen,” said Etrigan, “For thou have summon the One, from the Spoken of ancient Tongues.” “There is no need for that.” Said Jacob. “Alright then, you’ve got our attention.” Said Constantine, “What do you want?” “I need your help.” Said Jacob, “The Turtles and Rainbooms will need your help. One of their comrades has been tainted by evil.” “What kind of evil?” asked Zatanna. John took out a blood vial, and said, “Feel it for yourself.” Four of them were confused by this, until they reached out. The moment their hands were close, suddenly they saw an image of a demon, screeching at them, causing them to instantly retract their hands and had horrified looks on their faces. “By the Lords of Order and Chaos.” Muttered Dr. Fate. “A boy who has been tainted by evil, and will soon be used as a toy, by the creation of the devil.” Said Etrigan. “This evil is unlike anything all of you have ever faced.” Said Jacob. “If he comes out…the others won’t stand a chance.” “And why pick us then, mate?” asked Constantine. “Because you four are the most powerful magic users in your universe.” Said Jacob, “I would help, but I’m needed elsewhere that requires my attention. As well as gathering more to help you out, and gathering the tools needed for this.” “But given what you’ve said about this one’s darkness, we won’t stand a chance either.” Said Zatanna. “But with this, you will.” Said Jacob as he pulled out a book. The book they saw, was a large ledger book, with silver tips at the corners of the book, with a golden spine, with ancient writing that have not been seen for a millennium, except being heard of by a few. They were shocked by what they saw as they approached it. “It cannot be.” Said Constantine, “The Tome of the Ancients of the Multiverse.” “This will allow you to cast any spells that can fight him off.” Said Jacob, “But use this to subdue him and see if you can find a way. In the meantime, I’ll try to gather what I can to help put a stop to it.” Jacob presented the book to them, “I’m counting on you.” “You can count on us mate.” Said Constantine as he was about to take the book, until Jacob pulled it away. “You can learn it,” said Jacob, but then presented to Zatanna, “But only if she guards it.” “Me?!” said Zatanna in shock. “But…why?” “Because he doesn’t trust myself, Constantine, or Jason Blood.” Said Dr. Fate, as he already knew the answer. “He knows of Constantine’s past and the things he did, and he doesn’t trust me because he serves both the Lords of Order and Chaos as well. As for Jason Blood, because of his demon side.” Etrigan grunted and said, “A warrior has a right to distrust, for a demon like myself, has not earned that Trust.” “That,” said Jacob as he looked at her, “And I like her smile and her magic.” Zatanna blushed at this, but accepted it all the same. “I’ll do my best.” Said Zatanna. “I know you will.” Said Jacob, before sighing and smiling. “So full of life, so full of compassion and love. You inherited that trait from your mother.” Zatanna looked at Jacob shocked by what he said. “You knew my mother?” “I knew her very well.” Said Jacob before turning around and walking away. “Wait!!” said Zatanna, but it was too late as Jacob disappeared. “Well, that sure was lovely.” Said Constantine. Then looked at the others and said, “Well, seeing that we still have some time, what’s the plan?” Zatanna looked at the book, and remembered of the boy who had the darkness inside of him. And if what Jacob said is true. She gave a determined look and looked at the others and said, “We have work to do.” **************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, back at New York in the 03 Turtles’ world, everyone was fighting all over the place, trying their best to fend off the Shredder’s forces. Currently, Batman was buy taking down a few Manhunters with his gadgets. After he landed, Superman landed behind him as they were back-to-back. “Is this what the Manhunters were like when you fought them?” asked Batman, considering he wasn’t there. “Not really.” Said Superman, “But from what Roland told us, the Manhunters from the other Earth were just as lethal and dangerous as the one in our universe.” “Ever think of comparing notes and wonder if ours and our enemies’ counterparts are lethal or non-lethal?” asked Batman. “Never occurred to me.” Said Superman with a smirk. The two Green Lanterns used their constructs to smash a few of the Footbots, whilst many of the Leaguers continued to fight all over the entire district. The second district was currently being occupied by the Titans, as all of them fought all over the place, trying to stay alive. The third district was being handled by Invictus, Venus, and Silverbolt, as all of them were fighting all over the place. Thankfully, the CMC, Young Six, and Rock N Beats were backing them up in this fight. The fourth district was being handled by the Rangers. Jason fought with his sword, Tommy fought with Saba, Billy fought with his lance, Zack fought with his axe, Kimberly shot down the flyers using her bow and arrow, and Trini fought using her Power Daggers. The fifth district the Crystal Gems, along with Sal Commander, Traximus, Zeno, and the Utrom Council fought against the corrupt Gems and Devil Ray’s forces and many Para-demons that were flying all over the sky and trying to tackle them at the same time. The sixth district was being handled by Ben 10’s team. He was currently transforming between Diamond Head and Chroma-stone and took down as many enemies as he could, with Gwen and Kevin backing him up whilst Max was leading Rook, Helen, Manny, and Allen to fight in different directions. The seventh district were being handled by the Mane 6, whilst Starlight, Blade Swipe, and Tempest were backing them up as they fought against Vilgax’ drones. The eight district was being handled by everyone from CHS, as all of them were getting into the action and trying to stay alive at the same time. The ninth district were being handled by the Dazzlings and the Shadowbolts were handling were handling Lord Zedd and Rita’s monsters at the same time. The tenth district was being handled by the Mighty Mutanimals as all of them were busy handling gangs from Black Mask, Ra’s al Ghul, Prometheus, Two-Face, and Hugo Strange. However, at the center of New York, the Turtles, along with their human allies, Team Shine, and the Rainbooms, were handling the Foot Bots, and the Gem Knights as they had them surrounded, but all of them kept up a spirited fight. “Man, is it just me, or do these guys get really annoying!!” shouted Raph before he punched one and tossed it away. “I know what you mean!!” shouted Night Shine. Suddenly, they jumped out of the way when they saw a random blast. When they looked, they saw it was none other than Jagwar’s wife, and boy she was angry. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done!!” she shouted. “Hey, you’re idiot son died because he provoked us, not ours!!” shouted Raph. “Who the heck is that?!” said Gamer. “Wait, I know her. Roland told us about her.” Said Shine Boy as he looked at those who don’t know. “She’s Jagwar’s wife. She tried to help him and Khan trying to steal the Turtles and Rainbooms’ magic and killing Karai to turn him into an unstoppable force.” “Great, so the feline wants to have a washed out has been and a wannabee brat who don’t know when to stay out of others’ affairs and stopping poking their noses into other people’s business!!” “Mock all you want, but I have something equally terrifying.” Said Jagwar’s wife as she held onto a staff. “Be ready guys!!” said Leo. “Let her try!!” said Rainbow, “Anything any bad guys throw, we’ll always come back on top.” “Oh, so true.” Said Jagwar’s wife, who then smirked. “But what about them?” They saw a handful of figures slowly approaching from behind her. But as they did, they met a sight that they would never see. They were none other than the Turtles and Rainbooms. But something was different from them. All of them were darker, had red eyes, with also yellow veins at the side of their necks. “What…what are they?” said a nervous Fluttershy. “Oh, you do not recognize your fellow counterparts?” said Jagwar’s wife, “Especially the friends of a certain companion of yours?” That’s when Shine Boy clicked, and said, “You monster!! You summoned Roland’s friends from the dead?! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” This surprised the others, as Jagwar’s wife said, “They died because they were weak. I brought them back to life, stronger than ever.” “A life worse than death!!” said Shine Boy. “If you do not believe me, then here is the proof.” Said Jagwar’s wife. “Take them down.” This caused them to draw their weapons and attacked them head on. This caused them to fight their Revenants. ************************************************************************************************* From within his room, Roland had finally stood up. But just as he was about to sit on his bed, he heard the monitor’s alarm going off. He looked at it and saw New York was under attacked. But then he saw the Turtles and Rainbooms, fighting the Turtles and Rainbooms. Roland quickly went over, and saw them. And to his shock and horror, it was his friends from his dimension, brought back as Revenants. “No…no.” muttered Roland as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he saw Shredder on the next monitor. Roland growled, knowing Shredder was responsible, causing him to turn tail and run out of his room door. ************************************************************************************************* At the same time, Team Shine watched as the Turtles and Rainbooms were fighting their Revenants selves. “This…this is a nightmare.” Muttered Shine Girl. “What did they do to them, yo?” said a frightful Casey. Leo then fought against the Revenant version of Mikey. “Mikey, stop!!” shouted Leo, trying to reach out to Roland’s friend, “You don’t have to do this!!” “Oh, but I do!!” said Revenant Mikey, “And why would you even care?!” “Because you’re my brother!!” shouted Leo. “Oh, sure, now you care!!” said Revenant Mikey. “What are you talking…?!” said Leo before was cut off. “Where was my brother when Raph constantly treated me like garbage!!” shouted Revenant Mikey, “Where were you when Sunset yelled at me, over what, just because I was trying to protect her, and this is the thanks I get?!! And where were you when Jagwar was close into killing me?! Maybe I would’ve been better off if Jagwar had killed you lot instead?! Oh look, the big bad Leo, who thinks everything evolves around him, just because I was too weak and useless!!” Leo was shocked by Revenant Mikey’s words, but not as shocked as the ones who were watching. “I wasn’t…but I…” said Leo as he didn’t know what to say. “Oh, what, nothing important to say, oh fearless leader?!” said Revenant Mikey, “If you had been twice the better leader, we wouldn’t have watched Splinter die!! Twilight wouldn’t have stolen the pearl had you stopped her!! And I guess you finally have something in common with her after all, you’re both screw-ups for letting your friends and family down!!” Leo was so shocked by his words; it allowed Revenant Mikey to kick him away and charged. Karai couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Mikey…why did…?” Then they saw Raph fighting against Revenant Leo. “Leo, snap out of it!!” shouted Raph. “Oh, sure, now you want to hold back!!” said Revenant Leo, “I thought this is what you wanted, right?! Not holding back to fight our enemies!!” “Yeah, our enemies, not our family!!” shouted Raph. “Yet, how many times did you quit our family?!” shouted Revenant Leo, “How you constantly walked out on us, just because you didn’t like the way we did things!! The difference between me and you, at least I follow the Hamato Clan’s code, whilst all you do is whine and complain about everything!! Your temper and impatience is what always jeopardize and ruins all of our missions!! You never trusted me, Mikey, or even Donnie to pick up the slack, so what makes you think you’re the trust worthy one?!!” “I’m trust worthy!!” shouted Raph. “And yet I couldn’t trust you enough to keep our father alive?!” shouted Revenant Leo, “Because of you and April, he’s dead!! You two saw him coming and you didn’t do a thing to stop it!!” Raph was shocked by what he said before being kicked away, with even April shocked by what he said. “But Leo…it wasn’t…” Then Mikey was being pinned by Revenant Raph. “Dude, I know you have anger issues, but don’t let it control you!!” said Mikey. “And why should I listen everything you say?!” shouted Revenant Raph. “We’re always the ones who had to clean up your mess!! We’re the ones who always had to suffer, because of your screwups!!” “Okay, I’ll admit, I could’ve been more honest, but it wasn’t my fault you didn’t believe me!!” shouted Mikey. “You constantly acting like a big baby is exactly the reason why I don’t trust you!!” shouted Revenant Raph, “I don’t need some screwup of a brother to hold me back!! Maybe we would’ve been better off if Shredder killed you instead, then we wouldn’t have to put up with your stupidity!!” Before Mikey could say a word, Revenant Raph backhanded him and attacked further. “Dude…” said Casey as he didn’t know how to react to it. The Rainbooms on the other hand… Applejack was fighting against the Revenant version of Sunset. “Sunset, snap out of it, this ain’t you!!” said Applejack. “Are you talking to Sunset, or are you talking about Anon-a-miss?!” said Revenant Sunset with a sneer. “Who-huh?!” exclaimed Applejack as she was surprised to hear this. “I know I wasn’t a very nice person, but at least I tried!!” shouted Revenant Sunset, “I tried my best to redeem myself, but no matter how hard I tried, it was never good enough for you!! And after the Battle of the Bands, I tried to show my appreciation, but when something bad is posted about you, you automatically blamed me!! You didn’t give me a chance to explain myself or listen my side!! It’s always about you, and nothing else, right?!” “But…I…” said Applejack. “I’m nothing but a joke, aren’t I?!” shouted Revenant Sunset, “It’s no wonder no one ever likes you, you don’t like anyone you don’t trust!! You didn’t trust Batman, you didn’t trust your own sister, you didn’t even trust me, after I worked so hard to earn it!! I’m glad your parents aren’t around; cause even they’d be ashamed of a country hicked bumpkin who breaks everything she touches!!” Applejack was taken aback by this before being tackled away, with pony Applejack shocked by what she was seeing and hearing. Rainbow was fighting a Revenant version of Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, don’t do this!!” said Rainbow. “And why not?!” shouted Revenant Fluttershy as she tried to hit Rainbow, but she dodged it. “Because it’s not you!!” shouted Rainbow. “Well, it’s about time I did it!! Poor pathetic Fluttershy, no longer a coward, and also more selfish as you are!!” shouted Revenant Fluttershy. “What are you talking about?!” said Rainbow. “When we first formed the band, all you cared about was yourself!!” shouted Fluttershy, “You never wanted to play any of my songs. I worked so hard on them, but it’s always awesome this and awesome that!! Not everything is always about you!! That’s so like you Rainbow, acting all high and mighty, thinking that you’re important and so much better than anyone else, but really, you’re nothing more than an insensitive jerk and blamed others whenever something went wrong. So instead of being a stupid selfish hotheaded jerk, pointing hooves at folks as always when you should accept the fact that you’re nothing but a major screwup who can’t do anything right! Some loyal friend you are.” Rainbow was extremely shocked by what Fluttershy had said, causing her to backflip and kick Rainbow away and charged, with pony Fluttershy and pony Rainbow Dash shocked by what the Revenant said. Twilight was fighting a Revenant version of Rarity. “Rarity, stop fighting, this isn’t you!!” shouted Twilight. “And why not?!” shouted Revenant Rarity, “People always complained about me being afraid of the muck, well at least I’m not a wimp for admitting when I’m at fault. I used to be normal, until you came along!!” “Wha…?” said Twilight as she was shocked by what Rarity was saying. “We used to have a normal life without life threatening magic at our doorstep!!” shouted Revenant Rarity, “But if you hadn’t constantly snooped around, our school and world wouldn’t have been destroyed. Maybe we would’ve been better off if you never came to our school in the first place, the stupid nerd who always started everything!!” Twilight was shocked by what Rarity said as she kept blocking, but failed. Princess Twilight and pony Rarity were shocked by what she said. Sunset was fighting a Revenant version of Applejack. “So here we are again, huh She-Demon?!” shouted Revenant Applejack, “Or should I call you Anon-a-miss, or Meanset Shimmer?!” “Applejack, this isn’t you!!” said Sunset. “How do ah know that y’all won’t lie your way out of this?!” shouted Revenant Applejack. “Y’all came to our school, y’all lied and tricked us into hating one another, and y’all turned into a monster, all because y’all were selfish and didn’t let the power thing go!!” “I did everything to make up for my mistakes, Applejack!!” shouted Sunset as she wasn’t going to let her Revenant affect her, not after what she had been through, “You’re the one who didn’t want to give me a chance!!” “And why should we?!” shouted Revenant Applejack, “Y’all tore us apart, y’all humiliated us, y’all treated us like dirt, and y’all nearly killed us!!” “I already paid for my mistakes!!” shouted Sunset, “And I tried it every day of my life, but you and Rainbow were the only ones who refused to give me a chance!! So much for being honest and loyal!! And I was telling the truth for wanting to make things right!! And I won’t let people, talk down to me…ever again!!” Sunset kicked Applejack away, no longer letting her past weigh her down, as she was driven to fight. Pinkie Pie was fighting a revenant version of Twilight. “Twilight, stop what you’re doing!!” shouted Pinkie Pie. “Why should I, all I wanted to do was to study magic and not waste my time at ridiculous and stupid parties!!” shouted Revenant Twilight. “Huh?” said a hurtful Pinkie Pie. “I just wanted to study what was happening, but everybody always held me back!!” shouted Revenant Twilight, “I don’t care or never liked your stupid parties!! And the only way to stop it, is to remove you from the equation!!” The Mane 6 were shocked by what they were hearing from the Revenants of the Rainbooms. “I don’t like this.” Muttered pony Fluttershy as she hugged herself. “This is…horrible.” Said pony Rarity. Princess Twilight instantly snapped out of it and looked at Shine Boy. “Shine Boy!!” shouted Princess Twilight, gaining his attention. “We need a distraction so that we can regroup!!” “Right!!” shouted Shine Boy as he used his light to make it blinding in order to blind the Revenants and Jagwar’s wife. When the light died down, Jagwar’s wife noticed that they were gone, causing her to growl, for she was not going to let them escape. “Find them and destroy them!!” shouted Jagwar’s wife, causing them to scatter to find them. However, from above one of the buildings, someone was watching them. ****************************************************************************************************** Shredder watched from above the Channel 7 News building, and he sees the Turtles and Rainbooms were now running, but couldn’t be found. “Ah, the sight of one running from one that resembles them.” Said Shredder. “If that’s not a sign of…” Suddenly, he was wrapped in a chain and pulled away, making him crash against what appeared to be a wall. But after he landed, he looked up and saw Roland, who heard what was happening and can no longer sit by and do nothing. “Ah, so the Hamato boy has finally come forth to meet his end.” Said Shredder. “I’m not that same boy anymore, Shredder.” Said Roland. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done to everyone else.” “You know, that is the same thing that Leonardo, Sunset Shimmer, and Shine Boy once said to me.” Said Shredder as he deployed his claws. “Right before I killed them all.” “The only one who’s going to die, is you!!!” shouted Roland as he drew out his pistols and began to charge whilst shooting at the same time. “Then let us truly, end this.” Said Shredder as he instantly charged towards him with his claws deployed. The two of them continued to charge at the same time, until they eventually jumped as Roland had drawn out his sword at the same time. ****************************************************************************************************** At the same time, on one of the buildings, the turtles, Rainbooms, Mane 6 and Team Shine had regrouped, panting and were shocked, with the 03 Turtles finding them in time. “Guys, are you alright?!” said Leonardo as he and the others were greatly concerned. “We…we saw them.” Said Leo. “Whatta ya talkin about?” said Raphael. “We saw…undead versions of the Turtles and Rainbooms. As Revenants.” Said Shine Boy. “They were Rolands’ friends…from Roland’s world.” Said Karai. “What?!” exclaimed the 03 Turtles as they were shocked. “I looked into their minds.” Said April, “There was nothing left but hatred and darkness.” “Are you serious?!” said Michelangelo. “Shredder has indeed gone too far.” Said Splinter in anger, “Not only did he desecrate their bodies, but he also brought back only the darkest parts of their souls, and a life far worse than death.” The first one to speak was Sunset. “Is…is this what Roland went through?” said Sunset, really concerned for Roland and of what he went through. “Is…this why he was angry…at us?”, then she thought, ‘I understand you now Roland. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.’ The Turtles and Rainbooms looked at one another. “It…it was scary.” Muttered Fluttershy as she was hugging herself, with Rainbow comforting her, even if she was feeling that way too. “How…how could Roland live like this?” asked Rarity. The rest of Team Shine came together, with Gamer said, “Is this what’s left of Roland’s friends?” “I can’t sense anything good in them left.” Said Shine Boy. “What did the Shredder do to them?” said Shine Girl. “I think all that good was gone ever since Roland broke his friendship with them.” Said Love Shine. Suddenly, they heard the sound of guns going off. “What was that?!” exclaimed Mikey. Michelangelo saw something down below, causing him to pull out a telescope and looked. There, he saw Roland and Shredder fighting one another. “Oh, this isn’t good, bros!!” said Michelangelo, gaining their attention as he looked at them, “Roland’s fighting Shredder!!” “What?!” exclaimed the others as they instantly got up. ****************************************************************************************************** Roland then skid on the ground, and was on his one knee. He grunted whilst holding his sword at the same time in a crouch position, waiting for the right moment to strike. “I won’t let you take them away from one another!!” shouted Roland. “And yet, I took your friends from your miserable existence.” Said Shredder. “You were once a formidable opponent, Roland. But now you will fall by my hand.” The two of them then charged towards one another, until Shredder felt something struck behind him, allowing Roland to strike, making Shredder crash against another wall. “Back off, shred head!!” shouted Mikey. He then looked up and saw the Turtles and their 03 counterparts, along with the Rainbooms, Venus, the Mane 6, their New York allies, and Team Shine to arrive and had him surrounded. “You’re not hurting anyone else Shredder!!” said Leo. “You will never hurt another innocent!!” shouted Venus. “So here you all are at last.” Said Shredder. “I wonder if all of you will prove to be more of a challenge than the ones from my old world.” “Oh, we are more than tough enough, bub!!” said Raphael. “Ninjas!! Take him down!!” shouted Leo. Everyone began to charge him from all around as all of them put up a spirited fight, with Shredder going against them, even at their full strength. Even though all of them were able to get a few hits, Shredder used his claws to slash against a few, making them fly backwards and landed a bit further from him. “No matter how hard you fight, you will eventually fall before my hand.” Said Shredder. “We’re more than tough enough to take you on, Shredder!!” shouted pony Rainbow Dash. “Let’s show em’ what we’re made of!!” shouted Raph as he, the Turtles, and the Rainbooms powered up and fought with all their power. “Please!!” said Shredder as he was able to dodge Rainbow’s speed and hold against Applejack’s strength, much to the latter’s surprise, “All of you were barely a match for me in the Prime world!! What makes you think you’ll be able to stand a chance against me now!!” Mikey stopped and was surprised to hear that. ‘Wait,’ he thought, ‘We didn’t fight that Shredder in the Prime world since we started. What did he mean by that?’ The Shredder then jumped backwards and was now a foot away from them. “I must admit, you all are formidable.” Suddenly, Shredder’s eyes began to glow bright red, as the lines in between of his armor began to glow too, as if he was being energized from the power Roland talked about. “But now let’s see how you only handle half of my strength.” “Wait, you weren’t even using your full power?!” exclaimed both Twilights. Shredder charged as he fought everyone head on. Everyone scattered as Shredder struck the ground. First Raphael and Raph attacked first, but Shredder caught the both of them by their necks and tossed them aside. Casey charged aside and dropped his photon pucks. “Goongala!!” shouted Casey as he hit the first four, but then suddenly, to his shock, Shredder jumped and spun around whilst grabbing the four of them at the same time. “No way.” Shredder threw the four pucks at his first targets, causing them to hit Fluttershy, Pony Fluttershy, Zach, and Caitlyn, making the fall backwards. April fired her telepathic blast, with Twilight and Princess Twilight using their magic to lift heavy objects and threw it at him, but he kept dodging them. Suddenly, he was wrapped in chains, curtesy of Mikey and Shinigami. “Gotcha now, boy!!” shouted Mikey. Suddenly, Shredder grabbed the chains and pulled Mikey and Shinigami, making them scream in panic as they were swung around, until they were thrown against Casey and Keno, making them crash against a door. Donatello and Donnie tried to attack with their bo-staffs, but Shredder kept dodging left and right. Shredder grabbed Donatello’s head and pinned him hard onto the ground, whilst he grabbed Donnie and held his arm in position, allowing him to lift his leg and with one strong kick…broke Donnie’s left arm, making him scream in pain. “Donnie!!” shouted April, Gamer, and Shine Boy in shock. Shredder kicked Donnie away as he crashed against the wall. He jumped up as he was about to strike him down, until both Leo and Leonardo blocked his blades with their swords. As they struggled, Shredder grabbed them, causing electricity to surge through them, electrocuting them before tossing them away. Karai turned into her mutant form and wrapped her body around Shredder whilst Pinkie Pie and her pony counterpart wrapped their chains around his hands in order to keep him restraint, whilst April jumped on him and used her telepathic powers to try and subdue him, making him scream. Just as it looked they got him in the ropes, Shredder’s eyes turned red, making the power go in reverse, causing April to scream in pain before Shredder used the back of his head to knock her off, whilst blades suddenly were shown from his elbows, thankfully only grazing Karai, allowing Shredder to kick her away. Then he pulled the two Pinkie Pies, grabbed them, and bashed their heads before tossing them away. He suddenly felt a sting from his shoulder, causing him to slowly look back. Then he saw Roland, Applejack, Pony Applejack, Shine Girl, and Gamer charging towards him. He blocked them left and right, but then he clawed Roland’s chest and punched him away. He grabbed Gamer and merely tossed him away and back handed Shine Girl hard, but thankfully Roland caught her, even in his injured state. Shredder then grabbed Applejack and her pony counterpart by their heads and electrocuted them before tossing them both away. Rarity, her pony counterpart, and Mikey tried to attack all around, but they couldn’t land a hit on him. Shredder punched through Rarity’s shield, breaking it, allowing him to punch her in the gut, and gave her a strong uppercut, whilst grabbing Michelangelo and tossed him hard, making them fly towards the next fallen group. At the same time, both Shine Boy and Night Shine jumped high in the air and charged up their abilities and charged towards him like a speeding bullet, only for Shredder to overpower them by bashing them both ways with some type of kinetic wave. Love Shine shot a few photon blasts before flying and charging towards Shredder with his photon blades, only Shredder to grab him by the arm, then the head and bashed him hard onto the ground, then he looked up and shot four kinetic blasts, knocking Twilight, Princess Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, and her pony counterpart away. “Foolish beings, this fight is already over.” Said Shredder as he looked around whilst everyone struggled to get up and tried to stay in the fight for another round. “And it’s time that another falls to my list.” Shredder slowly looked at Sunset, who was trying to focus, but Roland was already drawing his sword. “Starting with her!!” shouted Shredder as he charged. Everything looked like it was in slow motion, but Roland looked and saw Shredder charging. But when he looked at the direction he was going. In horror, he realized he was going after Sunset. For some reason, Roland ran faster towards Sunset. When Shredder was close, but Roland was faster. “Look out!!” shouted Roland as he pushed Sunset away, and… *SNICKT!!* Roland felt an extreme pain at his gut as he gasped whilst he grunted in pain, as Shredder stood next to him…with his claws dug right into his prey. “Roland!!!” shouted Team Shine. The Turtles and their human allies, their 03 Counterparts, Venus, Team Shine, the Rainbooms, and the Mane 6 watch in shock and horror as they watched Roland getting stabbed through the gut. However, from different buildings and different locations, the rest of the teams heard the commotion and tried to hurry towards their position. “So much for your, comrade.” Said Shredder as he slowly lifted Roland up. “And now…another comrade…” And with a great swing on his arm, “DIES!!!” Shredder threw Roland towards the edge of the building, flying lifeless towards the side. However, the Turtles suddenly had a flash memory, for instead of being Roland, they saw their Splinter instead. “No…” muttered Leo, “Not again.” Roland crashed a bit, then fell off the building at a fastened pace, and fell on top of the car, before bouncing off it and landed onto the ground. Roland grunted and struggled to get up, as he had never felt such unimaginable pain before. He was slowly bleeding, and felt every inch of his body was slowly losing life. “Well, well, well.” Roland slightly gasped and looked, and saw it was none other…than the Clown Prince of Crime. “Big bad warrior, finally shown his place.” Said Joker, “Oh, but you’re not laughing. For you’ve finally seen the reality of the situation, but you still don’t show a smile.” Joker crouched near him and said, “Oh, but don’t worry, you will soon enough, as will many others.” Joker then pulled out what appeared to be tools, and was about to do something. “For it will be…my greatest achievement.” And before Roland blacked out, Joker was laughing. For whatever he planned, Roland was helpless to stop it. *************************************************************************************************** “And so,” said Shredder whilst smirking underneath his helmet, “Another piece of rebellion, finally falls before my hand.” He then heard a scream of rage and turned, revealing to be Night Shine as he ran at great speed with his machete, before jabbing it through Shredder whilst his black flames had intensified, then tossed him hard off of the building. However, Shredder had already used his power to land back onto the ground. At the same time, many of the villains gathered near him whilst the heroes were on one side. At the same time, the rest of the heroes arrived. Some of them noticed Roland on the ground, not moving a muscle. “You’re gonna pay for what you did!!” shouted Leo. “Oh, I think not, Leonardo. You couldn’t even stop me when you fought alongside the Prime Turtles, so what makes you so sure, you can defeat me now?” Mikey was a little surprised. For they were recently there, and they didn’t encounter him before. Suddenly, many of the villains, as well as Jagwar’s wife came along. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done!!” said Master Splinter, “You have disrupted the balance!!” “I will do whatever it takes to ensure that my revenge would be complete on you all.” Responded Jagwar’s wife. “Hey, this wouldn’t have happened if your idiotic and stupid husband and son would stay out of our enemies’ affairs!!” shouted Silverbolt. “They died because of their own actions!! Not ours!!” said Invictus. “Well, it doesn’t matter.” Said Jagwar’s wife as she used the power of her staff, “For now, all of you will face even more deadly force.” Suddenly the Revenants of the Rainbooms and Turtles and Mane 6 arrived, which shocked everyone by what they were seeing. “Great Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” said Superman. “You just disrespected the dead man!!” said Static. “They don’t deserve this fate!!” said Tommy. “Funny you should say that.” When all of a sudden, Revenants of the Rangers arrived, which horrified Tommy and the others as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. “And we aren’t alone.” Said the Revenant of Jason. And from group by group, they arrived. For it was not only the Revenants of the Turtles, Mane 6 and Rainbooms, but also of their human allies, the Mighty Mutanimals, the Dazzlings, the CMC, the Shadowbolts, the Rock N Beats, their friends from both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. The Young Six, Team Shine (much to their horror), Ben 10’s team, their alien allies, Steven Universe’s group, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, the Digidestined, Team Sandiego, The GI Joes, and Team Spy Racers. Everyone was unnerved and horrified by what they were seeing. “So, all of you fancy fighting us, huh?” asked Chrysalis rhetorically. “Then let’s see how you do well with counterparts of your own, but dead ones.” Said Tirek. “At the ready!!” shouted Shredder, causing the Revenants to get ready on the fight, with the heroes doing the same. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a maniacal laughter. Gaining their attention, as they saw the Clown Prince of Crime laughing whilst he was sitting on top of a ruined car. “What are you laughing at?!!” shouted Shredder. “Oh, quite simple, Shreddy.” Said Joker, “I am about to do the most unexpected performance unimaginable. It will be…my greatest, prank.” Joker laughed as he lifted something with broken wires, which was a gauntlet of sorts. Team Shine, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and those who knew gasped in shock. For it wasn’t any gauntlet, it was… “The Gauntlet!!” exclaimed Gamer as he saw it was no longer on Roland’s arm. “But then that would mean…!!” exclaimed Sunset as she knew what this means. Suddenly, Roland slowly moved, shook, grunted, whilst his body looked like it was changing, bulging and spasming out of control as red electricity was slowly being generated. “What is this?!” said Shredder when he saw, as everyone looked. Suddenly, Roland screeched as he suddenly glowed red, causing him to shake and move rapidly and red electricity was shooting out of him. “Oh, no.” muttered Shine Boy, as he could feel the evil growing. Roland, during his occurrence, looked at them as if he was in panic and groaning in pain, whilst his eyes were suddenly black with white spots at the center, with what looked like piranha teeth replacing his own. Which shocked many what was seeing it. Suddenly, Roland was suddenly on his feet as if he was struggling and grunting, as if he was trying to resist it, but it kept failing as it grew stronger and stronger, whilst his bulging and spasming body was slowly doing something to him. Suddenly, with swift motion, as Roland moved his left hand, suddenly his left arm exploded, replaced with something dark. With claws. With veins that almost look like a lava’s trail, and skin as black as charcoal. Roland’s face felt like it was going to be on fire as he was slowly building up smoke from his face, and wings that slowly began to grow out of his back with a snap, which caused Roland to once more collapse hard onto the ground and screeched, until he exploded into energy, causing everything to die down, as everyone had covered their eyes from the loud flash, but dare not look as they don’t know what to expect. The ditch that was made was still aflame, until a foot, covered what appeared to be a biker’s boot with a metallic boot heel underneath came up, with another following suit. And everyone slowly watched what was going on. The mysterious being was standing there, as he was wearing boots with metallic plates underneath, as if it were either a biker’s or military boot. His pants was black, but with metallic places on some of his legs. His chest was covered in black armor that none had seen, as it had a skull up front, whilst on his back were demon wings. Both his arms had metallic gauntlets and fingerless gloves, whilst there were chains wrapped around his arms. The face…the face was a skull, that had been lit on fire, whilst it was slowly raising up, whilst lighting had struck, revealing Roland’s demon eyes and vampire teeth, even on a skeleton of sorts. Both sides stared in shock and horror as they could see what Roland had transformed into without the gauntlet, whilst some could feel a powerful evil emanating from him, even the revenants of Roland’s former friends and allies were somewhat nervous for some reason. Roland stood there, tilting his head slowly left and right, with his head still aflame, awaiting the right moment to strike. He slowly looked at the sky, then slowly reached his hand out. The moment he gripped, the entire sun turned red, whilst the skies itself turned red, which concerned everyone, even the people of New York were suddenly nervous at the same time. “You’re not so tough!!” said the remnant of Jakob as he and the remnant of Luke Hobbs fired their weapons. The moment they hit Roland, he instantly turned to the one responsible for shooting at him. He swung his chain towards them, causing them to be ensnared. The moment Roland pulled them, the two of them immediately burst into flames and turned into ash, with the chains going back to Roland. Everyone was shocked by what happened, as Roland just stood there. He them moved his body back and forth whilst eerie sounds were coming from him, which unnerved a ton of folks as they felt they couldn’t move. When all of a sudden, Roland turned towards both She-Demon Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle, startling the two of them. Roland suddenly moved towards them as if he was teleporting and shifting his body back and forth at the same time, until he was finally in front of them, both of them not daring to move a muscle. Roland just stood there, looking at the both of them, and staring them down at the same time. And then… “Hungry.” Both were suddenly shocked by what he said. When all of a sudden, Roland slowly opened his mouth, with the sounds of a million death sighs, as everyone from all around could hear it. Which made everyone even more afraid as Roland continued to do it. But then he closed his mouth and stared right at them, which continued to terrify the two at the same time. Roland then slowly opened his mouth, causing the two of them to suddenly ignite in fire, allowing Roland to absorb their Remnant powers and magic, causing him to further ignite his powers. No one dared to move, as each of them were afraid that if they did anything… “Wha…what do we do?” whimpered Apple Bloom as she hid behind Applejack. Roland slowly turned around and faced them, whilst at the same time, something came out from between his knuckles. From what it looked like, they nearly resemble to what Shredder used before his face was burnt, which were the Tekkō-kagi, except it came from out from between his knuckles…and they were set aflame. Roland continued to growl like a beast, waiting to attack his prey. However,…, one of the Revenants have other ideas. “Fire!!” “No, wait!!” shouted Shine Boy as he tried to stop them, but it fell under deaf ears. Within mere moments, the Revenants of Deckard Shaw, Santos, Leo, Han, Roman, Brian, Dominic, and Letty began to shoot, causing Roland to grunt as the rounds kept on bouncing off of him, just to annoy him. Now all of them had reason to worry. Roland merely looked at the bouncing rounds, causing him to growl loudly. Within a split second, he jumped in the air and struck, causing the Revenants to scream in agony as all of them were butchered whilst everyone watched in shock and horror. “This is bad.” Said Venus. “What is it?” asked Shine Boy. “Whenever we’re corrupted with darkness, all of us react to things differently.” Said Venus. “Sunset’s was driven by a lust of power, Twilight’s was driven by obsession, and many with greed and so on. But with Roland’s, he’s is very different. For he has a different kind of need.” “W-what kind?” said Mikey in fear. Venus then gave her answer as Roland slowly stood up like the beast he is. “The need to kill.” Roland then growled, and did a loud human like roar that could be heard throughout the entire city whilst surprising every human. Roland then crouched, and sprinted towards his first targets. Gary and Miss Nowhere tried to shoot Roland, but he just kept on charging. The moment he was close enough, Roland clawed down both the Revenant of Gary. But then he sliced the Revenants of Miss Nowhere to the left, Sissy Benson from the right, Layla Gray from the left, then he blocked the Revenant of Frostee Benson and sliced him from the right. Then he did a twirl and sliced both the Revenants of Cisco and Echo. With his prey in front of him, Roland pounced and roared before he pierced his claws through the Revenant of Tony before collapsing hard onto the ground, startling everyone from what they have seen. Roland pulled them out and roared in rage as they now have unleashed a beast. Before looking over to his next targets. Shredder the pointed at the Revenants. “Don’t just stand there, you fools, do something!!” shouted Shredder. The Revenants attacked head on, with Roland darting over and did the same, whilst his first targets were the Revenants of the GI Joes. (I’m not gonna constantly say Revenant over and over, just so that you could get the idea. When we get to the ones who are already there, then I’ll say Revenants) Roland leaped like a jaguar and sliced Spirit up front, then Long Range on the left, then Wild Bill on the right. Roland then jumped onto Sgt. Savage and jabbed his claws through his head, before collapsing as Roland moved on to the next. Then Roland jumped off and stabbed both Tiger Claw and Kamakura as he crashed back down. But just as he got up, he jabbed his claws through Lieutenant Stone and threw him aside like he was nothing. Freight tried to charge at Roland from behind, but Roland instantly turned around and slashed him down, then sliced through Metalhead as he tried to use his weapon to defend himself. He ran towards Grunt then slashed him on the left, then to Clutch on the right, and thrusted his claws forward onto Quick Stryke, making him collapse onto the ground. Roland darted towards the next group, which made him target the Revenants of Carmen Sandiego and her group. He landed in front of Player and head-butted him hard, before slashing his claws on him a few times. He jabbed his claws into Ivy, then slashed against Zack, then tossed Ivy hard against the wall as she collapsed. Then he instantly disappeared and reappeared as he clawed Grackle and Carmen down, before blocking Shadowsan and delivered a strong uppercut with his claws, sending Shadowsan flying before landing hard against a dumpster. Then the Revenants of the Digidestined tried to attack. Even though without their partner Digimon, they were still a threat. Just as Tai tried to strike at Roland, he instantly vanished. They looked around, only for Roland to appear and jab both his claws onto both Ken and Yolei, before pulling them out and disappearing. Roland then appeared again as he clawed down Davis, Cody, John, Willis, and Joe, before disappearing in smoke again as TK and Matt tried to strike him down. Only for him to suddenly appear again as he clawed down Joe, Mimi, Izzy, and Sora before vanishing again. The last group looked around, trying to look for them, until he appeared and clawed down both Matt and Tai. Then it was TK and Kari left as they moved backwards, showing fear, with Roland walking towards them slowly. Suddenly two rocks appeared from out of nowhere, allowing Roland to instantly jab his claws through them, before pulling them out as they collapsed. Jagwar’s wife, the Priestess, was now greatly terrified, as she saw the beast that killed her son. But before she could make a move, Roland turned to her and growled. “No,” muttered the Priestess, “No, no, No!! Stay away from me!!” She began to run away, whilst Roland suddenly disappeared into the smoke. “Get out of my way!!” shouted the Priestess as she shoved a few Foot Bots out of the way as they saw her running into the alley, and around the corner. But it would not last… Suddenly, from around the corner, a wall burst, revealing a light, with a shadowy figure, who had caught the Priestess, and ripped her to pieces as she screamed until it gargled. Then there was silence after Roland ripped something, causing him to throw it against the wall for them to see, which was the headgear of the Priestess as Roland released a shriek. “Oh, my Celestia…” muttered pony Rarity as she covered her mouth whilst looking terrified at the same time. Suddenly, Roland screeched and disappeared. They then heard screaming inside one of the buildings, which they heard the screams of the Rock N Beats, and the Young Six, no doubt their Revenants as they could see from the shadows how all of them were being ripped apart. Within a split second, three more screams were heard as they were thrown out of a three-story building and collapsed hard onto the ground, revealing to be the Revenants of the CMC, which the real ones gave startled screams as they hid behind their siblings, who were just as horrified. Roland jumped out of the building and landed hard onto the ground, with the Revenants of their allies from Canterlot City were attacking. (Again, they’re Revenants, and I’m sure you’d get the idea by now.) Roland slashed Juniper hard from his left claws, then used his right claws to slash Thunderbass. Then jumped in the air and clawed down Snips and Snails. He grabbed their weapons and threw them hard through Sandalwood and Micro Chips’ chests, before Roland stomped on them hard. But as he jumped in the air, he jabbed his claws into both Mystery Mint and Vignette whilst also jumping in the air. Roland used his chains to snag a nearby shotgun from one of the biker’s bikes that was abandoned some time ago. But the moment he touched it, it immediately changed form as it was partially aflame and had a bayonet up front. Roland aimed his shotgun and shot the Remnants of Gloriosa, Timber, Lotus, and Aloe Blossom, then aimed the shotgun and shot down Blueberry Cake, Shining Armor, and Cadence. Roland used the bayonet of the shot gun to slice down the Remnants of Sapphire, Wallflower, Valhallen, Vinyl and Octavia, before he jumped onto Trixie and shot her, which caused her to fall down. Roland landed back onto the ground and reloaded his shotgun, whilst taking down the Revenants of Cherry Crush, Crimson Napalm, Maud, Lyra & Bonbon, Derpy, Bulk Biceps, Big Macintosh, even Principles Celestia and Luna. But when part of the shot hit Flash in the face, he began to scream in agony whilst moving towards Roland. Roland looked at the shotgun, then to Flash. He twirled the shotgun and aimed it at Flash’s legs, destroying it in the process as it shocked the others. As Flash crawled, Roland pointed his finger as if he was a soccer player. Then with great strength, kicked its head clean off, sending it flying, causing many to be horrified. Running out of ammo, Roland threw the shotgun away and darted towards the next group with a loud screech, whilst at the same time, created two swords made of molten flame. He jumped around and slashed the entire Revenants Teen Titans and Crystal Gem’s teams. Until he stopped and the chains around his wrists had begun to swung around like whips, destroying the Revenants of Team Tennyson, the Mane 6, and their friends, the Shadowbolts and the Dazzlings. Roland struck his chains and killed the Revenants of Breaker, Heavy Duty, High-Tech, Mouse, and Jinx. Just as the Revenant of Flint tried to throw a pistol, Roland destroyed it, but the grenade went off near Roland as it flashed. Suddenly, Roland was floating in the air and spinning around like a pin on the spinning wheel, which confused most of the Revenants. Suddenly, Roland stopped and looked at the Revenant of Tunnel Rat, aka, Nicky Lee, which started it. The moment Roland was in front of it, Tunnel Rat screamed in fear whilst shooting his SMG gun, but in Roland’s mouth as he suddenly took the bullets without flinching, which in turn shocked the others. After the shots were fired, suddenly Roland looked like he was struggling of sorts, which caused Tunnel Rat to look at him. However, Roland suddenly darted his eyes towards Tunnel Rat, which shocked the latter. Before he could react, Roland barfed lava all over him, incinerating it in the process. Roland stood there whilst he used his chains to destroy Lifeline, Colton, Hawk, Lady Jaye, Duke, Ripcord, Scarlet, Snake Eyes, and Roadblock. Roland turned to his next victims as he was about to take them down, until he was suddenly sucker punched by a speedster. When he looked up, he saw the Revenants of the Justice League getting ready to the attack, which somehow worried most of the Leaguers. For if Roland was able to take down the Titans and so on… Suddenly, the revenants of Hawkman and Hawkgirl were the first ones to attack as their maces charged up with electricity. Both of them tried to bash Roland back and forth during flight, until Roland crashed onto the ground, which made him being covered in rubble. Both the Revenant Thanagarians hovered above, until Roland popped out. He grabbed both of them and bashed them around as if they were nothing but toys to him. He grabbed Hawkman and punched it so hard, it’s chest shattered before crashing back into the ground. He punched the Revenant of Hawkgirl, grabbed her neck and tossed her hard onto the ground, whilst also ripping both her wings off at the same time, before using her mace to end her, which shocked Hawkgirl. Roland stood up and screeched, until he was attacked by two Revenants Green Lanterns of John Stewart and Hal Jordan. Both of them tried to use their rings to contain him. Suddenly, Roland growled and looked like he struggled, causing both Revenant Lanterns to struggle to contain him, but Roland just kept going and going, until he finally shattered his containment. Before both Lanterns could retaliated, Roland jumped up and slashed Revenant John Stewart, then grabbed Revenant Hal Jordan and held him in the air and shouted one word. “SHAZAM!!!” Lightning struck Revenant Hal, instantly blowing him up in the process, which shocked the Leaguers when they saw it. Roland landed back on the ground, until he was punched by Revenant Barry/Flash, whilst Revenant Wally/Flash did the same. Suddenly, Revenant Barry grabbed Revenant Hawkgirl’s mace and bashed Roland with it left and right, speeding around at the same time, with Roland shielding himself with his arms. The moment Revenant Barry/Flash attempted to strike, Roland slashed his prey, before rolling and crashing against the wall, shocking Barry/Flash, until Roland grabbed Revenant Wally/Flash’s head, and instantly crushed it, shocking Wally/Barry. Roland stood there, until a Revenant of Batman tried to attack from above, causing Roland to grab him by the leg and bash him hard onto the ground, then hit him again, making him shatter like a statue in the process, which shocked the Bat family before Roland tossed it away. A Revenant Red Tornado attempted to try to suck him in, but Roland used his fire to fire him down, causing Roland to pull Red Tornado to him. Roland tore it to pieces and shrieked, until a Revenant of Aquaman attacked from behind and grabbed him by the neck and stabbed his trident, whilst Revenants of Martian Manhunter and Icon punched him constantly, only for Roland to grab Revenant Icon and snapped his neck whilst backhanding Revenant Martian away, whilst Roland twisted his head and bit Revenant Aqua Man’s neck and tossed him hard away, crashing against the wall, which shocked Icon and Aquaman from what they were seeing. Revenants of Dr. Fate and Black Lightning tried to stop him, but Roland used his fire to distract them whilst instantly punching through Revenant Dr. Fate’s head, and punched Revenant Black Lightning in the gut, causing him to ignite his fire. Just as Roland landed back on the ground, Revenant Martian tried to attack, only for Roland to toss him hard against a gas tanker, causing it to explore, with Revenant Martian screeching in pain before collapsing into ashes. Joker laughed at this at the same time, until Lex Luthor grabbed him and said, “You idiotic moron, you doomed us all!!” “Oh, but where’s the fun in being sane and fair, Lexy?” said Joker, “After all, what better to watch the carnage of undead heroes of another world, being taken down by a demon not of this dimensional plain. Finally, someone to be driven to the deep end.” Joker laughed at this, but at the same time, Beast Boy was able to sneak past and grabbed Roland’s gauntlet. He then transformed back and gave it to Twilight. “Quick, Twilight, you gotta fix this!!” said Beast Boy. “I…I don’t…” said Twilight in fear as she saw what Roland’s demon side could do. Shine Boy grabbed it and gave it to Gamer. “Gamer, quick, fix it!!” said Shine Boy. “He’s right!!” said Shine Girl as she realized this, “You’re the only one who can fix the Gauntlet to help Roland!!” Gamer was panicking, but he realized that they were right, with him yelling, “Cyborg, I need some tools!!” “On it!!” said Cyborg as he quickly went over to give some tools to him. At the same time, Roland was suddenly going in combat against Revenant Captain Atom, until suddenly, Roland jabbed both his claws into him, with Roland opening his mouth and absorbing all of the atomic energy, causing Revenant Captain Atom to evaporate out of existence. Then he suddenly turned around and unleashed the atomic energy, destroying the Revenants of Wonder Woman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow. Then finally, Revenant Superman would come along and punch Roland, sending him flying. Until, Roland disappeared and instantly stood in front of Superman and did the same. Suddenly, it was fist to fist, kick for kick, speed by speed, especially a handful of shockwaves being sent. Everyone was in shock as they saw him fighting against Revenant Superman. For if Roland’s demon form could handle a Kryptonian. Then they flew and were bashing and fighting one another, going from one place to another, until suddenly, the two of them came crashing down as they heard tons of slashing. Suddenly, as the dust settled, Roland was suddenly standing there, his demon form glaring at the Revenant version of Superman, whilst the said Revenant was on his knees, looking up at Roland, battered and bruised, breathing heavily, which shocked many. But just as he made a move… *WA-BASH!!!* Revenant Superman was now headless, making him collapse hard onto the ground and shattered, as if he was just a living statue, which shocked everyone as they saw the Revenant Kryptonian being destroyed. Roland then looked at his next targets whilst he slowly crouched and had his claws released, before charging to them again. Suddenly, the Revenants of the Rangers, and the resurrected elementals and ink clones surrounded him. Until Roland suddenly grasped his hand, formed a peace sign, and lifted it up, causing all of them to be engulfed in fire and were slowly being swallowed down to the netherworld, which once again shocked them. Then Roland charged head on. The Revenants of Sour Sweet tried to strike, but Roland easily took her down when he jumped and clawed her, same with Sugarcoat. The Revenants of Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap tried to attack Roland. But Roland blocked Lemon Zest and upper clawed her, sending her flying. Roland jabbed Revenant Sunny Flare in the gut and tossed her against the wall, with Roland kicking Revenant Indigo’s knee, making her stand on one knee, whilst Roland used his claw to claw her down as she collapsed. Roland then clawed down the Revenants of Zach and Caitlyn as they, with Roland grabbing the Revenants of Carter, Tiffany, and Angel, before stomping them hard onto the ground. Roland did a massive swing, taking down the Revenants of Mikey, Casey, and Keno. Before Revenant Raph could react, Roland grabbed him and pushed him against a wall, making him knocked against it and moved towards Roland, who jabbed his claws into his chest, making Revenant Raph grunt before Roland looked sharply to his right as he moved on to his next target. Roland jumped and slashed against Revenant Mona and moved onto Mondo Gecko before he sliced and jabbed his claws into him, before tossing him against the wall. Roland them moved onto the Revenant Hokum Hare and clawed him, whilst jabbing both his claws into Bandit Raccoon against the wall as it screamed in pain, whilst shocking the others at the same time. Roland upper clawed Revenant Ray Fillet, before grabbing Revenant Pidgeon Pete and tossed him against the wall before clawing him down. Suddenly he darted and jabbed his claws through Revenant Alopex, with Rarity suddenly placing a shield up to protect themselves, but what startled them was the claws going through her geode shield. Roland pulled the claws out as Revenant Alopex collapsed. Roland then looked at all of them face to face, as all what they could see was a rabid animal, filled with pure rage and no control. Growling and snarling, before darting off to his next set of targets. He jumped up and kicked Revenant Slash aside and grabbed Revenant Leatherhead and plunged him onto the ground before jabbing his claws into its chest, whilst slashing against Revenant Slash. He then turned and saw Revenants Rockwell, Bebop and Rocksteady coming towards him. He charged up and slashed Revenant Rockwell over, before tackling over Revenant Bebop and slashed him over and over, until Revenant Rocksteady kept shooting at Roland with a mini-gun, but it was short lived when Roland slashed him down too. Suddenly, he felt shot in the shoulder, then looked behind and saw Abigail Finn. And suddenly sees this as an opportunity. “Once I have you contained,” said Abigail, “I’ll finally have the proof I need!!” “Are you serious right now!!” shouted Sunset. “You’re choosing to do this, now!!” said Raph. “It doesn’t matter, I’m not afraid of…!!!” said Abigail before being cut off. Suddenly, Roland stood in front of her, which surprised her. Normally, she wouldn’t be afraid. However, seeing his eyes up close. “You claim to be a monster hunter, are you now?” said Roland. “Clearly, you’re in the wrong profession, lady. I’m not a monster. I’m a demon.” Roland then grabbed her by the throat and pulled her towards him, causing him to give out a massive shriek like a banshee, making her terrified as she dared not to move. “You wanna know what it feels like to be a monster?” asked Roland. “Well then…allow me to give you an opportunity.” Suddenly, out of thin air, he pulled out a syringe and planted in her neck, causing her to grunt as he injected something in her. He pulled it out and tossed it away, whilst pushing her backwards as she stood next to a broken car whilst holding her throat. But then she grunted a bit, causing her eyes to slightly turn white and yellow at the same time. This however, felt very familiar to the Turtles and Rainbooms. “Oh no.” muttered Amethyst Majesty, as he had seen this before. “What…did you…do to me?” grunted Abigail as she looked at Roland. “Oh, I just infected you with a very old virus.” Said Roland, “But it’s also very powerful.” “What are you…talking about?” grunted Abigail Finn. “I’ll give you an answer about this virus. But let me give you a clue first.” Said Roland, before smirking and said, “Are you familiar with Umbrella Corporation and Raccoon City?” This horrified those who knows what happened, but not as shocked as Abigail, as she had also heard of it. “You, what?!” exclaimed Abigail. Suddenly, she grunted, causing her body to spasm and decay at the same time, which surprised those who didn’t know. “What’s happening to her?!” exclaimed Shine Boy. “Uh, I won’t say much.” Said a nervous Mikey, “But I can say this…brace for extreme grossness.” Suddenly, Abigail transformed into a BOW, with one massive eyeball on her right shoulder, whilst her claws formed on her hands, making her roar as the transformation was now complete, which horrified the good guys and bad guys as they saw this first hand. “And seeing that you are a monster now, Abigail.” Said Roland as he produced his claws, “It’s time to put the animal, down!!!” Roland instantly dashed towards Abigail and bashed her against the wall, whilst clawing off her mutated arms, then grabbed her whilst he flew in the air, then threw her hard upwards. He flew up and punched her many times, then teleported somewhere above a volcano whilst holding onto her neck. “Enjoy the lava bath.” Roland dropped Abigail, causing her to fall into the volcano with no way out. He watched as she slowly sank, before he teleported back, which startled the remaining Remnants. Roland then released his claws and charged straight directly towards the remaining Remnants. However, … “Uh, Shredder?” said Cozy Glow nervously, “Might I suggest a temporary retreat?” Shredder then growled, and said, “Very well then.” He then contacted the ship. “Baxter, teleport us back at once.” Said Shredder, but then he glared at Joker who was sitting on the car laughing. “Except for the Joker.” Said Shredder, which shocked Joker as he looked at Shredder, then stood back up. “Hey, where are you going?!!” shouted Joker. “Sorry Joker, but what you did, it’s clear you’re not onboard with our plans.” Said Shredder. “Seeing you get rejected?” said Luthor, “Now that’s funny.” As they teleported away, Joker shouted, “I may have a weak memory, but this I won’t forget, do you hear me?!!” After Roland had slaughtered the last of the Remnants. He continued to growl. The heroes on the other hand, all of them were now greatly terrified of seeing Roland in his demon form. Suddenly, Beast Boy bumped into something, which was a broken car, causing Roland to instantly look at them, making them tense. He slowly turned around and faced them. And in shock, they realized one thing… Roland then displayed his claws. “Roland! Stop!” Shine Boy cried. “Kill.” Roland growled. Love Shine and Shine Girl ran next to Shine Boy. “Shine Power!” they shouted firing their beams at Roland, who recoiled at first. “You got him!” Trixie cheered. “Uh, No they don't!” Jones gulped. As it turned out, Roland used his claws to deflect the Shine Power and began working his way towards the trio. Shine Boy realized their attack wasn't working. “Save ‘em!” They retracted their attacks as Roland ran up, ready to slash them. Acting quickly, Love Shine drew a photon blade and blocked the attack. “GO!” he shouted as his faceplate covered his face. Sparks flew as the two locked blades. Roland suddenly deflected the blades and hit Love Shine in the chest, sending him flying into a brick wall. “BRANDON/LOVE SHINE!” Everyone cried as they saw the armored hero lying unconscious. “Okay. I've had enough!” Hal readied his ring and flew towards Roland as a green locomotive appeared around him. But as it hit Roland, it disintegrated causing Hal to roll to the ground. He flew up again swinging a green sledgehammer at Roland before the demonic fighter suddenly grabbing his arm breaking it, causing the Green Lantern to scream in pain before passing out. “HAL!” John and Barry cried. Suddenly a cable wrapped around Roland. He looked to see Shine Girl pulled out her grappling gun. “Please do some damage.” she whispered as she pressed a button sending an electric current through the cable. Recoiling at first, Roland grabbed the cable and pulled, sending Shine Girl flying towards him. He then punched her very hard in the gut. “KYLA/SHINE GIRL!” Everyone cried as she watched Shine Girl fall to her knees, vomiting. Watching his team being taken out and near death, Shine Boy shook before glaring in anger. His hands began glowing bright. Just before Roland could kill Shine Girl, Shine Boy's full body was glowing as he sprinted and tackled Roland. As he pinned him, Shine Boy broke his hand and began punching him rapidly in the face. “Sorry. Roland. You. Left. Me. No. Choice!” He grunted as he kept punching his friend in the face. After it appeared he knocked him out, Shine Boy crawled away from exhaustion as Roland sat up like a robot and turned to him. “Kill.” Shine Boy stopped crawling. “Oh, quarter notes.” he whispered and quickly turned to block a slash from Roland. Unfortunately, his arm glowed dim as Roland's claws caused his arm to bleed. This caused Shine Boy to scream as he held his arm. Just when Roland was about to slash again, Night Shine jumped in and slashed at Roland with his black burning machete and kept slashing. Shine Girl was still wheezing when Steven ran up to her. "Kyla! I'm coming!" he placed his hands on her shoulder. "Kyla, you're fine! I'll heal you!" Steven's hands began to glow as Shine Girl's wound was healed. Shine Girl then gasped and began to pant normally. "Thanks, Steven." She thanked as he and Connie helped her up. "I owe you one." "Don't mention it." Steven winked. "What're we gonna do about Roland?" Connie asked. Shine Girl looked in fear as Roland whacked Donnie away. "I don't know. I just hope Gamer gets that gauntlet fixed." Raph turned to Gamer who was sweating as he hurried to fix Roland's gauntlet. “Gamer! Hurry up with that gauntlet!” “Going as fast as I can!” Gamer said as he continued to work. “WELL, WORK FASTER!” Gamer glared at Raph and held out the gauntlet. “Here! You fix the gauntlet and I'll help my brothers!” “I ain't fixing that thing!” Raph scoffed. “THEN SIT THERE AND SHUT UP! OR BETTER YET, YOU HELP MY BROTHERS!” Gamer shouted before going back to work. “Why you-!” Raph was about to stomped towards him before being blocked by an equally angry Sunset. “Really, Raph? You have to do this NOW!” “YOU IDIOTS CAN JUMP IN AT ANYTIME NOW AND HELP!” Everyone heard Night Shine cry. “Cmon!” Leonardo cried as he drew his swords. When Roland begins to lose more control, Gamer quickly tries to fix his gauntlet while everyone distracts Roland. Here’s the scene: “Gotta weld it just right.” Gamer muttered before he dodged 03 Raph getting thrown passed him, but it knocked his mini torch out of his hand. “NO!” Seeing everyone was distracted, Sweetie Belle ran towards the mini torch. “Sweetie Belle! Come back!” 03 April cried. Sweetie quickly dodged anyone who was thrown by Roland and grabbed the torch. “Gamer! Catch!” Sweetie Belle threw it back to Gamer who caught when suddenly- WHACK! Everyone watched in shock as Roland whacked Sweetie in the eye, sending her flying to the ground. “SWEETIE BELLE!” Gamer/Rarity/Apple bloom/Scootaloo/Bright Eyes cried. Roland then had his sights on Gamer before he was punched by Night Shine. “Fix that gauntlet! Then we’ll save your girlfriend!” He ordered before Roland tackled him. Gamer winced, but knew there was no time to argue, and went back to forging. Roland then spotted Sunset, released his claws, and charged. The moment he was close, she screamed in terror and kept her eyes shut. However,…nothing happened. She looked, and to her surprise, Roland just stood there, as if he was greatly struggling. “R-Roland?” said Sunset in confusion. Upon hearing his name, he ended up growling and roaring slightly as he was suddenly holding his head and struggled. “Roland!!” said Sunset in concern. Just as she was about to approach him. “Run!!!” This startled Sunset, as well as the others as they saw Roland struggling. “Stay…away!!” said Roland through his demonic voice, “I…can’t…stop it!! I don’t…want to hurt you!! I’ve hurt…too many already!! Please!! RUUUUUN!!!” “We’re not leaving you!!” said Sunset as she wanted to help Roland. “Please!!!” begged Roland. Suddenly, he was struck by magic from behind and crashed against a car. When she looked, she saw coming from above, was none other than John Constantine. “Now, now, we’ll have none of that.” Said Constantine. Roland then got up and growled at the person responsible, which was John Constantine. “Bloody hell,” said Constantine, “Our mystery assailant was right about this one.” At the same time, Zatanna and Dr. Fate arrived and sees the evil. “This evil is truly unlike anything we’ve ever seen.” Said Dr. Fate. “He makes the demons from out world look like playthings.” Said Zatanna. Then Etrigan appeared next to them. “The witless mortal from a young age had bought a demon’s lies,” said Etrigan, “But it is we, who hold the element of surprise.” “Indeed.” Said Constantine, “I’ll start first, you follow.” Constantine jumped off and landed, whilst Roland glared at Constantine, knowing it was him who casted that spell. “Now then, before we begin.” Said Constantine as he raised his hand in the air, and chanted, “Coelum superum, sana quassatum.” Suddenly, every hero that Roland injured was suddenly fully healed, restored, and rejuvenated, which surprised everyone as they got up. “How did you…?!” said a surprised Hawkgirl. “Less talking, more getting your comrade there under control.” Said Constantine, who looked at Roland. He could see the piercing eyes through, and muttered, “This evil is truly beyond ours. But thankfully, he gave us the help we needed.” Roland screeched and darted towards Constantine, whilst Constantine began to chant at the same time. “Lumen sancti spiritus punge malum quod ante me est!!” Roland was suddenly hit by a blinding light, making him screech at the same time in pain before being pushed backwards, and landed him hard against the wall, which shocked the others. “How?!” exclaimed Shine Boy, “Not even my shine power had any effect!!” “Had some help from a benefactor.” Said Constantine whilst Dr. Fate appeared and began to chant whilst Roland got up and screeched again. “biwasitat qua rae wa'anubis, qum bikabh jimah alshaytan biquat al'asbas!!” Suddenly, dozens of asps appeared and ensnared Roland, making him struggle to break free. However, the asps began to bite at Roland, making him screech again, whilst he was suddenly oozing yellow ooze from his eyes at the same time. “Bloody hell, it’s actually working.” Said Constantine in disbelief. Then Zatanna came along and began to chant in backwards. “Tsac yht tsegnorts lleps tsniaga eht cinomed thgink fo eht slived niamod!!” With a powerful spell from her wand, Roland screeched as he was blasted by such a powerful force. As Roland appeared weakened, Etrigan arrived. “Behold, man’s final mad disgrace.” Said Etrigan before looking at Roland. “He chops his nose to spite his face.” Etrigan unleashed his power, causing Roland to scream once more once again as he was now blown in the air, and collapsed hard onto the ground. Etrigan looked at his hands and smirked. “The Chosen’s words are true,” said Etrigan, “But now this demon, will not have words for thee.” Roland struggled to get up as he growled like a rabid animal, for he was not going to be taken down that easily without a fight. That was, until Constantine appeared with a large vial, containing dark purple substance inside. “Why don’t you take a nap there, mate.” Said Constantine before tossing the vial. The vial shattered on impact, allowing the dust to cover Roland, making him screech as he felt more weakened as his flames were dim, causing him to revert from flaming skeleton to a normal face, but his eyes still was glowing yellow. He moved towards the Rainbooms, Team Shine, and the Turtles as he reached to them, but then lowered his hands limped. “Forgive me.” Muttered Roland in his normal voice before collapsing hard onto the ground. Everyone still had a shockened look on their faces, as all of them had never been this terrified before. Etrigan moved over and sniffed the boy. “The boy of demonic plague has been subdued,” said Etrigan, “But it will not be long, before the spell of sleep, be undone.” Dr. Fate, Zatanna, and Constantine casted their spell, allowing them to contain Roland what appeared to be a glass tube of sorts. “That should contain him for the time being.” Said Zatanna. “And we’d better work fast, if we’re gonna find a way to remove this bugger from his body.” “Aw, party pooper.” Said Joker, gaining their attention, “And just when it was getting good.” “You call this, good?!!” shouted Shine Boy at the fallen Revenants, before Dr. Fate teleported them to who knows where. “You’re gonna wish you still have your teeth!!” said Raph. “Oh, I don’t think so!!” said Joker as he turned around. But the moment he did, Batman was suddenly there, allowing him to punch Joker in the face, making him land onto the ground. “It’s over, Joker.” Said Batman. “We both this is never over, Batsy.” Said Joker before taking out his pistol and is about to shoot. Joker then took a shot, but instead it was one of his trick pistols that showed a ‘bang’ sign a couple of times. He kept pulling the trigger, but nothing happened. He went to check on it, but it didn’t do anything. “Well, dang it.” Said Joker as he tossed the pistol away. Then he looked at Batman and said, “Well, what are you waiting for, beat the crud out of me and get your standing ovation.” Joker then just sat there with his head lowered, with Batman looking at the Joker. However, he then remembered what Roland showed him about the Joker. His origins, his real name, and to what led him down this path, which made Batman realize that it was his fault Joker came to be. And there was only one thing he could do. “Come on.” Said Joker, waiting for him. “No. Not this time.” Said Batman. This was a little surprise by the Joker, but the others were just as surprised. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Said Batman, “I don’t want either of us killing the other. But we’re running out of alternatives. Perhaps it really does hinge on tonight. I don’t know what it was to bent your life out of shape. But maybe…I’ve been there too.” Batman then stood near Joker. “Maybe we could work together.” said Batman, “I could rehabilitate you. You don’t have to be alone. We don’t have to kill each other.” Batman then presented his hand to Joker, wanting to help him. “Let me help you.” Offered Batman. Joker then kept looking at Batman, whilst everyone else was tensed up, wondering what the Joker might have planned. But instead, Joker first looked at Batman’s hand, then to the Dark Knight. Slowly, Joker stood up on his own with his eyes closed. But instead of being madman, he looked at Batman. “I’m sorry but…no.” said Joker. Everyone was surprised. For the first time in his entire life. The Joker sounded sane. “No,” said Joker before turning around, facing his back towards Batman. “It’s far too late for that.” Both the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime were silent for a moment, both waiting for the next move whilst the others watched, not knowing what the Joker might do. Suddenly he chuckled and placed his hand on his face. Though it wasn’t a maniacal laugh, but a normal chuckle. “You know, it’s funny.” Said Joker, before turning to Batman. “This reminds me of a joke.” Batman didn’t do anything, as he decided to let Joker humor him, whilst the others were confused of what he wanted to say. “See, there were two guys who were locked inside a lunatic asylum.” Said Joker. “But one night. One night, they decided they didn’t like that anymore, they decided to escape. So, they made it up to the roof, and there, just across this narrow gap, they see rooftops. Stretching across town, stretching to freedom. Now the first guy, he jumps right across, no problem. But his friend, oh no, no way, he’s afraid of falling. So, the first guy, he has an idea. And he says, ‘Hey, I got this flashlight with me. I’ll shine it across the gap between the buildings and you can walk across the beam and join me.’ But then the second guy says, ‘what do you think I am, crazy? You’ll just turn it off when I’m halfway across.’” The Joker stood there; a bit silent. But then he chuckled again a bit. “Oh, excuse me.” The Joker then began to laugh again, but not in a maniacal way, as it was a normal one, though the others felt a bit uneasy about this. And then suddenly, they heard something they never thought they’d heard. Batman suddenly…batman suddenly began to chuckle as well. And before you know it, much to everyone’s shock, he actually laughed with Joker, causing Batman to hold Joker’s shoulders, whilst the Clown Prince of Crime, whilst he was laughing, he was shocked on the inside that he actually got Batman to laugh. Mikey then suddenly thought of something very hard. Then…he suddenly got it, which made him laugh too, which shocked the Turtles and Rainbooms. “You actually find that wacko funny?!” said Raph. “No,” said Mikey, “I'm laughing cause it's the truth.” “Huh?!” went the Turtles and Rainbooms. Mikey took a few steps forward and explained. (In 3...2...1) “The two people he talked about, the two people who decided they didn't want to live in the asylum anymore, that's Batman and Joker.” said Mikey whilst he closed his eyes. “Both of them were good souls who lost everything to the harshness of reality, which caused both of them to spiral down a path that there was no coming back from. The escape part, they were of how they both broke free from the confines of society, but all they managed to do was to get to the roof of the asylum, for they're not really free, just look at the asylum from a different angle.” Mikey looked to the sky and said “And the leap from the one was also Batman. For instead of letting trauma consume him, he channels all of that into a quest for meaning, to fend off the darkness so that no one else would go through the same path he did, that's why he was proud Nightwing went off on his own, because he had what Batman didn't...a choice. And the other who was afraid of falling, was also the Joker, he let his trauma consume him and ended up deciding that because of what reality had given him, he ended up deciding life has no meaning, which is why he chose to go down that dark path.” Mikey looked down with his eyes lowered. “And the flashlight, was Batman's offer of rehabilitation, to help him find that purpose again, to show him that life was worth living, even if reality tends to throw every harsh thing imaginable at you. And when Joker mentioned across the beam, was the offer of the rehabilitating path, but he thought it was absurd, thinking that rehabilitating him would allow him to achieve a sense of meaning. And when he mentioned about turning the beam off? It was a sign of Joker's fear, that if he were to trust Batman to achieve the impossible would only make him worse than it already is, and that's why he turned him down, because Joker knows it better than anyone. “ Mikey looked to his right and said, “That's why he didn't want to take the offer, because on the surface it seems okay, but Joker's afraid that if Batman continued to help him, something unexpected would happen, things would only get worse before it gets any better. That's why both Joker and Batman chose to love the fire instead of resisting it, because they chose to stay in the crucible because it was easier for them to embrace the pain when it's all they knew anymore.” Mikey then concluded “In the end, he proved that the path we take, we're all insane anyway. We can't always expect things to work out, for it's easy to lose yourself along the way like getting angry very easily, but it's also what we do with that anger that's really important. For self-worth to yourself and around you comes from within, not from others.” After Mikey was done, he noticed everything sounded too quiet. When he looked back, he didn't expect to see their looks. The Turtles and human allies, Mane 6, Rainbooms, Young Six, Rock N Beats, Team Shine, Power Rangers, Ben 10 and his team, Batman's group (minus Batman), the Justice League, the Teen Titans (sans Raven), and the 03 allies, all looked at Mikey with their jaws agape and their eyes wide. “Whoa.” muttered Raven. “What?!” said Mikey, not liking the look they were giving him. “Duuuuuude...” said Beast Boy. “That...was super deep.” said Cyborg. “Whoa.” said Gear. “Forget him sounding scary. That's terrifying.” said Casey. “Now we really have to be in another universe.” said Raph. “I find your stasis, Michelangelo, to be…logical.” Gamer blinked. “What did I just hear?” Night Shine asked. “It actually makes sense when you think about it.” Shine Boy pondered. “Yeah, but from Mikey? I expected this kind of thing from Donnie or Billy, but Mikey?” Kimberly asked. Billy shrugged. “Everyone has one.” Nightwing then slowly looked at Bruce. For is this why he chose to be Batman? Is this why he chose to try and help the Joker? And he knew that he would leave, because it was his choice and his choice alone. “Alright then, this chat has been lovely and all,” said Constantine, gaining their attention, “But we really must get back to the ship. If we are to help this poor bugger, then we need to act fast. The sleeping mist is only going to last for twelve few hours and we need to keep him sedated and fast until we can find a way to remove that demon part of him.” “Do it.” Said Batman. “A quarter of the teams will monitor things from here, the other quarter will tend to the wounded and get them to the sick bay. In the meantime, we’ll try to contact Serenity. Hopefully she has luck bringing in reinforcements.” Leo turned to the counterparts. “Sorry we have to leave on such short notice.” Said Leo. “Don’t worry, focus on helping Roland first.” Said Leonardo, “And when the time comes, we’ll be there.” “Thank you.” Said Sunset. Ben then contacted the ship. “Azmuth, beam everyone up. And get every medical team on standby.” Everyone soon teleported up to the ship as they have a lot of work to do. “You really think they can help him?” asked O’Neil. “One can only hope.” Said Splinter, “For I have sensed within the cosmos, the sisters of fate will soon turn to their favor.” ********************************************************************************************** Meanwhile, in the medical room, Martian Manhunter was quickly trying to help Sweetie Belle who had blood on her left eye, as Gamer and Rarity watched in hope. “Please, J’onn. Will she be all right?” Rarity whimpered. “I’m doing the best I can, Rarity. If I can contain the wound, the worst that could happen is she has a scar. If not, she may not be able to see with her left eye.” Gamer grimaced at Sweeties condition feeling partially responsible for her predicament. Suddenly, the door swung open as Serenity hurried in. “Where is she?” She demanded as she hurried towards the medical table. “Ms. Vatheela?” J’onn asked. “Mr. Martian, let me see her please! I think I can help her.” Martian Manhunter was curious but moved aside. “Since you said please.” “Since when did you know medication?” Gamer asked. Serenity pulled out her new pendant and held to Sweetie Belles wound. “Please work.” The crystal then began to glow. In a blinding light, The blood vanished and Sweetie Belles wound closed up like nothing happened. When the light stopped, Sweetie slowly opened her eyes. “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity cheered as she hugged her sister. Shortly, she felt a nudge. “What?” “Air!” Sweetie gasped before Rarity released her. Gamer breathed a sigh as J’onn looked at Serenity’s crystal. “Where did you get that?” “It was given to me and I was told it was my grandma.” Serenity answered. “Whatever it is, it helped saved Sweetie Belles eye. Keep it safe. We might need it again.” Martian advised before taking care of his medical tool. “My eye? Oh yeah.” Sweetie Belle felt her eye area before pouting. “I suppose you want me to not train anymore.” “No, Sweetie.” Rarity held her hand. “I won’t punish you for being brave. They always say no pain no gain. I think we may have to train a little harder. But for now, we deserve some rest.” “Okay, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle smiled. Rarity then looked at Gamer and got up. “Well, I think I need to find the other girls. Apple bloom and Scootaloo will be here soon.” “I need to go find Shine Boy.” Serenity followed Rarity out. “Serenity?” Serenity stopped and saw Batman approaching her. “Batman…” “Go to Tony.” Said Batman, “He and his team need support. Once you’re done, come to the briefing room. We’ll talk from there.” Serenity nodded, and said, “Thank you.” After she left, Gamer looked at Sweetie as the two looked at each other in silence. At last, Gamer spoke. “I’m sorry.” “Sorry about what?” Sweetie asked. “I-I didn’t mean to get you hurt.” Gamer tried to hide his tears. Sweetie held his hand. “I don’t blame you. I wanted to help. And Rarity warned me that we’d get hurt when we started training! And if it means I can help, then I will do it again if it helps us beat the Shredder. I mean, Tony trusts you, doesn’t he?” “He does.” Gamer sighed. “Well, same here. We can help each other if you like. You know, you help me and I’ll help you. We can train together on watching each other’s back.” Gamer blushed red as he stammered a little before standing up. “Sure. Why not? Listen I gotta go. I need to check on the others, and find a way to help Roland.” And with that, Gamer dashed out of the medical room, unaware that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo heard them before entering to see their friend and Cyborg heard everything too before looking back at Gamer. ********************************************************************************************* Later that day, Shine Boy went to Love Shine's room to find Shine Girl and Gamer checking up on him. “Hey.” he whispered. “How are you all holding up?” “I'll be fine thanks to the Healing Hands.” Love Shine sat up. “I can't stay long. Cyborg is getting some supplies so we can fix the gauntlet and soon.” Gamer said. “Long as Raph stays out of my way.” “I've never been so terrified before.” Shine Girl gulped. “Usually, our teamwork has seen us through. But this, this almost killed us! So glad Color Groove wasn't here. She'd be scared stiff if she saw Roland.” “What are we gonna do, Bro?” Gamer asked. Seeing his friends depressed caused Shine Boy to shed tears. “I don't know.” he whimpered as he fell to his knees. “I don't know.” Serenity then barged into the room and saw Shine Boy on the floor. Feeling great concern for him, she instantly went over, stood on her knees, and hugged her, with him hugging her back. For she could see everyone had been through a lot. Meanwhile, in his room, Night Shine angrily threw furniture around in anger. he stopped to catch his breath before screaming in rage.