The Case of the Invaders of Canterlot City: A C.O.P.S. Crossover

by Brian Sheil

First published

The Rainbooms and friends band together when criminals from Empire City come to town

There's trouble in Canterlot City. A group of villains from Empire City, lead by Big Boss, started causing trouble throughout the town. Twilight, Sunset, and their friends were recruited by Baldwin P. Vess, Codename: Bulletproof, to help defend their town from these crooks. Good luck, girls. You'll need it.

Canterlot on Alert

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C.O.P.S. File 62668

In the peaceful neighborhood of Canterlot City, seven young teenage girls have seen their fair share of adventures. Especially if energy from the magical land of Equestria is involved. But, they'll soon find themselves face to face with characters more vicious than any villains they faced before. This includes their old arch enemies, the Dazzlings. Here's how the caper came down.

The setting is Canterlot High School. It's here where Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in the cafeteria enjoying lunch, and each other. The girls were discussing the latest victory of the Wonderbolts.

"I heard that your game went well, Rainbow." Twilight praised.

"You bet." Rainbow Dash replied. "It was one of the hardest earned victory the Wonderbolts ever had."

"I'll bet Spitfire was very pleased." Rarity said.

"She sure was. She was very proud of my moves."

"Who wouldn't be proud?" Pinkie chirped. "You're one of the most valuable players on that team."

At another table, Spitfire and some of the Wonderbolts listened to the conversation and applauded Rainbow.

"How about that." Sunset said. "You're getting praise everywhere."

Rainbow Dash blushed. "I guess a little recognition is a good thing."

Just then, the cafeteria doors opened. In steps an important looking man. He wore an orange trench coat over a yellow shirt, red pants, black shoes, and a pair of sunglasses. Everybody looked at this man with interest.

"Who's that?" Fluttershy wondered. "He looks so scary."

Sunset looked at the man, and realized something. "I think that's Federal Agent Baldwin P. Vess."

"Baldwin P. Vess?" Twilight asked. "From Empire City?"

"I believe so, Twi."

The Wonderbolts were just as surprised.

"Did Sunset say Baldwin P. Vess?" Sky Stinger asked.

"She sure did." Spitfire replied. "It must be very important if a federal agent comes to our school."

Walking across the cafeteria, Vess soon stopped at the Rainbooms' table. He soon addressed them. "Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Twilight Sparkle."

"That's us." Twilight replied. "What can we do for you?"

"I'd like to see you seven in the principal's office right away."

This got the girls scared. Later, at Principal Celestia's office, Baldwin P. Vess explains to the girls about his appearance.

"I apologize for this sudden change of your schedule." Vess said. "But, we of the COPS need your help."

"WHAT?!" Sunset gasped. "Why does the Central Organization of Police Specialists need our help?"

"Because Canterlot City has unwanted visitors. You girls probably know of a dangerous man known as Big Boss."

"I have." Applejack replied. "From what I heard, this guy is more dangerous than a bull in a rodeo ring."

“That’s right.” Sunset realized. “He’s Empire City’s criminal kingpin.”

“You’re correct, Miss Sunset Shimmer.” Vess praised. “Big Boss is one of most ruthless characters you’d ever meet.”

Rainbow Dash soon had a thought. "Are you saying that this Big Boss guy is here in Canterlot City?"

"Not only him, Miss Rainbow Dash." Vess answered. "But, he brought his whole gang with him."

The girls gasped hearing that news. Even Principal Celestia was shocked.

"You mean all of the Crooks of Empire City are here in our town?" Celestia asked.

"I'm afraid so, Principal Celestia." Vess replied. "He figures that he and his gang could cause plenty of trouble in a new environment."

"Why would you want these girls in particular?" Luna wondered.

"These girls know Canterlot City well. So, they might have an advantage over Big Boss. Of course, we of the COPS will be there to help out."

"Probably because you know about the Crooks better than us, Agent Vess." Twilight said.

"That right, Miss Twilight Sparkle. But, please. Call me Bulletproof. That's my codename."

The girls felt very honored to help Empire City’s elite police force. Later, when the school bell rings the end of the day, everyone left for home. Twilight and her friends were thinking of the offer made by Agent Vess. Soon, Trixie Lulamoon approached the group.

“Greetings from the Great and Powerful Trixie!” The magical protege greeted.

“What do you want?” Dash asked angrily.

“Calm down, Dashie.” Sunset comforted. “We have bigger things to think about.”

"So, what DO you want, Trixie?" Pinkie asked.

“I heard that somebody paid you a visit.” Trixie said. “May I ask who?”

Twilight gave specific information. “Baldwin P. Vess, Federal Agent. Codename: Bulletproof. Specialty: COPS commander.”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “You were visited by the leader of COPS? What for?”

“Bulletproof told us that Big Boss and his whole gang are here in our town.” Applejack informed.

“And, we were recruited by him to defeat these hoodlums.” Rarity added.

"I'm a little weary about this assignment you girls were given." Trixie said. "These crooks are the most wanted criminals in Empire City. And, they may not be the only ones infiltrating our fair city. Farewell, for now."

As Trixie left, this got Fluttershy thinking. "She's right. There maybe other shady characters besides the Crooks?"

"You mean like Boll Weevil, Mukluk McLuck, Jenny Wringer, and Small Guy?" Dash asked.

"I'm afraid so."

"We need to study about these characters so we'll know who we're dealing with." Twilight suggested.

Her friends nodded as the seven friends left for home. Meanwhile, looking at the city from a distance stands a hefty man. He wears a white jacket over a pink shirt with a black tie, blue pants, and black shoes. His left hand is metal. He has a walking stick with an eagle carved on it. This man is Big Boss, leader of the Crooks.

"Ah, Canterlot City." Big Boss said pleasingly. "A great change of pace for me. My gang of Crooks will have a field day around here." He pets his pet weasel, Scratch, who's on his shoulder. "Those seven magic girls I hear about might know how to handle the likes of Abacus Cinch and the Dazzlings. But, they haven't dealt with the villains of Empire City." He soon makes a call on his phone. "Squeeky Kleen, get my limo ready."

Pinkie Pie vs. Rock Krusher

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The next day, Pinkie Pie was in a fancy hotel helping to prepare a celebration for her parents, Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz. It's their wedding anniversary. And, they are celebrating in this hotel. The main ball room is decorated with shades of brown and gray, considering that they live on a rock farm. The noble family and Pinkie’s sisters enter the room.

"The place looks impressive." Igneous Rock praised. "Excellent, Pinkie."

"Thanks, dad." Pinkie replied. "I try my best."

Soon, a tray filled with small crystal chunks were rolled in. Pinkie gave out advice. "Please put those crystals on the center of the tables."

The eldest sister, Limestone, figured out her planning. "I get it, little sis. Those crystals are centerpieces."

"You said it, Limestone." Pinkie said. "Maud picked out these crystals."

Maud stepped out to join the conversation. "These alexandrite crystals are perfect for this occasion."

"You sure know how to pick 'em, Maud." Limestone commented.

"Learning of rock and gemstones does come in handy, eldest sister. And, Pinkie appreciates me for it."

"I can see why Mud Briar is interested in you."

In steps a man with red hair and a mustache. He wore a black jacket, red pants and gray boots. He walks up to the party girl.

"Everything looks in order." The man said. "No fire violations in sight."

"Thanks, Inferno." Pinkie replied. "I try my best."

"It's a good thing then I came along. This way, you'll prepare this event safely."

Limestone was a little confused about this fellow. "Who is he, sis?"

"I can answer that." Cloudy Quartz interrupted. "He is Francis Devlin, San Francisco Fire Department. Codename: Inferno. Specialty: Fire fighter."

"Mom's right." Pinkie added. "He's a member of the COPS."

"On that subject," Igneous said, "aren't you a little worried about Big Boss and his group of villains invading our town?"

"Dad's right, Pinkie." Marble added. "These crooks are dangerous."

The family is right. Who knows who Pinkie might encounter? Later that day, the celebration was going well. Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz were honored by everybody, including Mud Briar. He came with Maud, of course.

"I guess Pinkie never disappoints." Mud Briar said.

"Indeed." Maud replied. "Whenever she plans a party, it always turns out good."

"So, I see."

Pinkie, Limestone, and Marble watch their parents danced lovely. When the dancing stopped, everybody clapped.

"Wasn't that beautiful?" Marble said happily.

"It sure was." Limestone replied. "Even Maud thinks it's beautiful."

Maud developed a small smile. "I do indeed."

Suddenly, the door busted open which got everybody's attention. In steps a bulky man with a bald head. He wore a sleeveless prison style shirt, grey pants, black shoes, and a prisoner type hat. He carries a powerful jackhammer.

"Okay, don't nobody move!" The brute said with authority. "Sorry for crashing the party. But, I come to do some collecting. Your valuables to be exact. Money, jewels, credit cards, and so on."

The people started to panic. Pinkie then saw this intruder heading for her parents. Not wanting to see her parents get hurt, she started to march towards the scene.

"Stay away, you monster!" Igneous Rock said angrily.

"Oh yeah?" The brutal man replied. He held up his jackhammer, pointed to his head. "Hand over your stuff! Or, you'll both feel the power of my jackhammer!"

With a handful of sprinkles, Pinkie energized them, and threw them at his face. The couple moved out as the sprinkles blew up on his face. The intruder then sees Pinkie facing him with determination on her face. She then addresses him. "Leave my parents alone, Rock Krusher!"

The family gasped when Pinkie called out that name.

"Rock Krusher?" Marble said with panic.

Limestone realized something. "Of course. He's one of Big Boss' bunch!"

"Pinkie Pie!" Rock Krusher blurted. "I should've known those fireworks were your doing."

"You know about me?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah. I've learned about who's who in this town. Including you."

Soon, Cloudy Quartz snuck up to the Crook with a pie in her hand. She whistled to get his attention.

"Time for you to get your just desserts, Rock Krusher!" Cloudy announced.

Krusher turned in time for Cloudy to throw the pie into his face. Everybody cheered, especially her husband. Krusher wiped the pie off, then saw Pinkie at the main door.

"Let's step outside, Big boy." Pinkie said.

She then ran outside. Getting mad, Krusher ran after her, weilding his jackhammer. Fortunately, Inferno was at the party too. He put on his fireman's hat and pulled out his ax. "Don't worry, Pie family. I'll help her out."

Inferno ran out to join the action. Outside, the escaped convict looks around for the party girl.

"Come on out, you poofy haired pest!" Krusher calls out. "Your party is over!"

Suddenly two empty glowing cans fell down, and struck on the ground. Rock Krusher was sent back. That's when he heard a loud whistle. He looked up and saw Pinkie Pie on the fire escape.

"Swell view. Eh, doc?" Pinkie said. "You can't get me now."

"Oh yeah?" Krusher replied. "That's what you think!"

Powering up his jackhammer, Rock Krusher started shaking up the fire escape. The vibrations started to shake Pinkie so badly, she would fall off. Just then, Inferno arrives. He uses his axe to deflect the jackhammer. Krusher lost balance and fell on his back. Seeing that it's safe, Pinkie climbs down the fire escape. She then was greeted by the fire fighter.

"Thanks for your help, Inferno." Pinkie said.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Inferno replied. "Your family was worried about you."

Recovering, Rock Krusher gives the party girl a parting remark. "Let me know where your next party will be, Pinkie Pie. This way, I can crash it!"

The convict ran away laughing. Pinkie was upset that he got away.

"Don't worry about him, Pinkie." Inferno comforted. "Let's go back to your family. Your parents still have a wedding anniversary to celebrate."

This perked up Pinkie good as she and Inferno went back to the celebration.

Twilight Sparkle vs. Bullit

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Getting some time off, Officer Shining Armor decides to take his sister, Twilight Sparkle, to a military museum.

"It's so nice of you to take me here, my BBBFF." Twilight cheered. "This is a very interesting change of pace for me."

"My pleasure, Twi." Shining replied. "Of all the museums you probably went to, this should be a new experience."

"I think you're right."

Inside the brother and sister are amazed at the displays of rifles, uniforms, weapons, and other military stuff. Soon, Shining sees a unique looking man. He is bulky with red hair. He wore a red outfit with blue gloves and boots. He also has on a red hat and sunglasses.

"I haven't seen a soldier like him before." Shining Armor said.

"He's not a military soldier, Shiny." Twilight replied.

"Okay, quiz kid. Then, who is it?"

Twilight gave her brother a specific answer. "That is Sgt. Colt Howards from Philadelphia. Codename: Mace. Specialty: Special Weapons and Tactical."

The man known as Mace heard the conversation, and made his way to Twilight and Shining.

"Well, well." Mace said. "If it isn't the brother and sister team of Officer Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle."

They are both shocked knowing that this man knows them.

"You recognize us?" Shining asked.

"I sure do." Mace replied. "You're known by reputation in this town."

This impressed Twilight as the two police officers talk to each other.

"So, took a day off to be with your sister?" Mace asked.

"You bet." Shining answered. "Twilight has been to many museums, especially during school field trips. This is sort of a nice change of pace for her."

Mace then turns to Twilight. "I often heard that you would be open to new things. I guess I'm right."

Shades of red are forming on Twilight's face. She replies to the comment. "Aw, Mace. You're making me blush."

Just then, Shining Armor's radio went off. He quickly responds. "Officer Armor here. Go ahead."

From a patrol car heading heading for the museum, one of Shining's superiors contacts him. "Officer Armor, it's Sgt. Cobalt speaking. Sorry to interrupt your day off, but we have an emergency."

Twilight felt sunk. Her day with her brother just got shot down. But, Mace tries to comfort her.

"What's the problem?" Shining asked.

"A brutal looking person is heading for the military museum." Cobalt reported. "Officers are heading there now."

"Me and my sister, Twilight, are already at the museum. Give me the description of this person."

"He's wearing a dark green outfit, bullet belts criss crossing his body, and is wearing a bullet shaped helmet."

The description got Twilight's attention. She whispered something into her brother's ear. He soon got the idea.

"Sgt. Cobalt," Shining said, "my little sister thinks that this perpetrator could be Bullit, the munitions fanatic."

"Bullit?" Cobalt gasped. "He's one of Big Boss' gang. Be ready for anything."

"Right away, Sarge." Shining said. "10-4."

As Shining Armor rushes outside, Twilight ran after him, only to be stopped by Mace.

"Hold it, Miss Sparkle." Mace said. "Bullit is one of the most dangerous crooks in Empire City."

"But, that's my big brother going out to face him." Twilight pleaded. "I have to make sure he's okay. Besides..."

Twilight holds on to her necklace. Mace gets the idea. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt for you to lend moral support. Just be careful."

Twilight nodded. Then, she and Mace went outside. A team of police, including Shining Armor and Mace, stood outside the museum. Soon, something approaches. It was the described Crook pushing a rolling cannon up the road.

"Your sister is right, Officer Armor." Cobalt said. "It IS Bullit."

As soon as Bullit stops, he makes an announcement. "All right, coppers! Out of my way! I'm going in that museum!"

"Not with all of us here, you won't." Shining said.

"So, you're Officer Shining Armor. I heard about you. Even you won't stop me."

"What's your business here anyway?"

"There's a nice display of automatic rifles in that museum. I'm determined to add them to my collection."

"He must mean those guns we were looking at earlier." Twilight said to Mace.

The S.W.A.T. Officer nodded as Shining addressed. "You'll have to get through our squad here to get those rifles, Bullit!"

"With pleasure." Bullit replied.

The munitions fanatic fired a few rockets from his cannon. Just when they were going to hit the police, a purple field surrounded the rockets.

"What the...? Bullit gasped.

The rockets were lowered to the ground. It turns out that Twilight used her magic to stop the onslaught.

"That'll put your plans on hold, Bullit." Twilight announced.

"So, you're that mystical genius: Twilight Sparkle!" Bullit realized.

"That's one way to describe me, I suppose."

Bullit soon got into a fighting stance. "I don't need my big guns to beat you, kid!"

Bullit rushed in to tackle Twilight. But, Shining Armor cuts him off. "Nobody hurts my little sister!"

Shining Armor pushes the crook under a lamppost. Taking out his laser bazooka, Mace makes his move. "Get back, Armor!"

Mace fire his bazooka at the lamppost. Shining got out of the way in time as the post lands on Bullit. The police cheered for the heroes.

"Thanks for the backup, Mace." Shining Armor said.

"My pleasure." Mace replied.

Bullit got out from under the lamppost just to see his cannon lifted by Twilight's magic.

"Hey!" Bullit said angrily. "What are you doing to my cannon?"

Twilight then used her magic to disassemble Bullit's cannon, and let the pieces fall to the ground. "So much for your big toy, Bullit."

The munitions fanatic got angry. "You're going to regret that, Sparkle!"

Bullit then ran away fast so the police won't catch him.

"Let's hope we see the last of that guy." Sgt. Cobalt said.

"Yes, sir." Shining replied. "With your permission, I'd like to resume my day off with Twilight."

"You earned it, Officer Armor. Me and Mace will finish things here."

Happy to hear that, Shining Armor and Twilight left the area.

"How about I treat you to lunch, Twi?" Shining suggested.

"Good thinking." Twilight replied. "That battle with Bullit sure gave me an appetite."

Sunset Shimmer vs. Turbo Tutone

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Many bikers gathered outside the shopping mall. It was an event to help hurricane victims. The families of the bikers were there as well, taking part of activities that are family friendly. Sunset Shimmer attended the event as well. Some of her friends were also there including Photo Finish, Rainbow Dash, and Wallflower Blush.

"This is a good idea to let us join the fun." Wallflower praised.

"Not a problem." Sunset replied. "Rainbow Dash felt that this event is a good way to help unfortunate people. Besides, great photo opportunities for Photo Finish to take."

"Indeed." Photo said while readying her camera. "I can't wait to take pictures of these marvelous machines."

Just then, in walked a noble man with brown hair. He wore a black jacket, blue pants, and black boots. Sunset was pleasantly surprised.

"Sunset," Wallflower said, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sunset replied. "That person is David Harlson, California Higway Patrol. Codename: Highway. Specialty: Motorcycle Trooper."

"You mean, he's a member of the COPS from Empire City?"

"Uh huh. I told you earlier that the COPS asked me and my friends to help them stop the evil acts of Big Boss and his gang."

"Just thinking about these criminals scare me."

After talking to some people, Highway soon approached Sunset and Wallflower.

"Sunset Shimmer, I presume." Highway said.

"You know about me?" Sunset gasped.

"Yes, I do. I know those red and yellow hair streaks anywhere."

Sunset blushed. Highway continued the conversation. "I saw the motorcycle you rode on. Pretty nice model."

"Aw." Sunset cooed. "Thanks, Highway."

"Maybe someday, when I'm off duty, we can ride together."

This made Sunset smile, thinking of riding with a member of the COPS team. Soon, Sunset was admiring the atmosphere when she saw a shocking sight. It was Trixie Lulamoon with her hands tied behind her back, ankles tied together, and her mouth taped shut. Surprised, she carefully removed the tape from Trixie’s mouth.

"What happened to you?" Sunset wondered nervously.

"I was just checking some motorcycles," Trixie explained, "until somebody grabbed me from behind. Next thing I knew, I was left bound and gagged."

After being untied, Trixie was relieved. But, something upsetted her. "Whoever tied me up, grabbed some of my smoke bombs."

As Sunset and Trixie made their way back to the gathering, one the bikers made a shocking announcement. "Our box full of charity money is gone!"

The whole crowd was surprised to hear that. Suddenly, a brutal man with black hair, mustache and beard and wearing sunglasses rushed through the crowd. He wore a light pink shirt, white pants with black suspenders, and black shoes. In the crowd, Photo Finish recognized the brute. "I don't believe it. That's Turbo Tutone!"

Wallflower Blush was surprised to here that name. "He's Big Boss' getaway car driver!"

Sunset and Trixie arrived to see Turbo rush to the parking lot. Suddenly, Highway went past them. "Don't worry, folks. I got this."

Sunset had a thought. "Was Turbo Tutone the guy who jumped you?"

"I didn't know his name." Trixie replied. "But, I know his face anywhere."

Just then, motors were heard. Turbo drove off in his special vehicle, the Roadster. Highway revved up his motorcycle, and pursued him. Sunset then hopped on her motorcycle and joined the chase. On the road, Turbo felt pleased.

"Good thing I had the Roadster hidden." Turbo said to himself. "Now, I'll be able to enjoy this haul I pulled off." Suddenly, he heard sirens. "Darn it! The COPS!"

With lights flashing and sirens wailing, Highway pursues the crook. Soon, Sunset rides by his side.

"What are you doing here, Sunset?" Highway asked.

"That crud disrupted a good event and hurt one of my friends." Sunset explained. "I take things like that personal."

"Either way, Turbo Tutone has to be stopped."

"I know these streets. I can cut him off."

"Okay. Be careful."

The two bikers separated. Meanwhile, Turbo looks around while driving his Roadster. "I'll sneak through the alley near Sugarcube Corner. He'll never find me there."

Just as Turbo goes down the alley, he stopped his vehicle. Sunset and her motorcycle were waiting for him.

"Out of my way, you bacon haired brat!" Turbo threatened.

Sunset went into a fighting stance. "No way, Turbo."

Highway stopped his bike when he was waved to by Flash Sentry.

"Are you looking for that road hog named Turbo Tutone?" Flash asked.

"Have you seen him?" Highway said.

"He sneaked down the alleyway near Sugarcube Corner."

Highway nodded. "Thank you, sir."

The COPS cycle trooper took off for Sugarcube Corner. Meanwhile, Sunset was holding her own against Turbo as she gives him a kick to the stomach.

"You're one tough broad, Sunset Shimmer." Turbo said. "But, I'll still beat you."

"Is that so?" Sunset said.

Turbo charged after her. But, Sunset grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder. Turbo landed on his back. Highway's voice was heard. "Good work, Sunset."

She turned and saw Highway with a metal box in his hand.

"Highway." Sunset cheered. "You got the charity money back!"

"Right." Highway replied. "While you were battling that grease monkey, I grabbed the box from his Roadster."

Slowly getting up, Turbo faced his opponents. Soon, he grabbed something from his pocket.

"You have have gotten back that charity money." Turbo said. "But, you won't get me!"

Turbo threw a small ball down on the ground, and was covered with smoke. The heroes braced themselves for anything while Highway held onto the box. When the smoke cleared, Turbo was gone. So was his Roadster. He drove down another road.

"Good thing I grabbed those smoke bombs from that Trixie chick." Turbo said to himself. "They sure came in handy."

Turbo laughed wickedly as he drives on. Meanwhile, Highway puts the box in a storage area of his bike. Sunset still feels defeated.

"I can't believe Turbo Tutone got away!" Sunset growled.

"Don't let it bug you." Highway comforted. "We did get the charity money. Let's head back to the mall."

Sunset felt a little better. "Good idea, Highway. Let's hit the road."

Soon, the two bike riders zipped down the road to rejoin Sunset's friends.

Fluttershy vs. Boll Weevil

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It was a peaceful day at an animal sanctuary. Fluttershy and Tree Hugger got off a tour bus after enjoying a safari.

"A tour through an animal sanctuary never gets old." Fluttershy cooed.

"Totally." Tree Hugger replied. "I hope you put your little doodad away."

"My geode? Sure. I put it in my hip pouch. Wouldn't want any wild animals follow me home. My parents wouldn't approve it."

As the girls get ready to go home, Tree Hugger saw a man with curly black hair and mustache. He wore a blue outfit with the left sleeve and left leg being dark blue, both padded. He also has on a red scarf. The most unusual sight to her was a robotic dog by his side.

"This isn't a science convention." Tree Hugger protested.

"That's not a robot maker. " Fluttershy said, knowing who it is. "That's Officer Rex Pointer from the Chicago PD. Codename: Bowser. Specialty: K9 handler."

"Oh. He has on a dog handler outfit. So, what's with the high tech canine?"

"That's his faithful companion: Blitz. They've been a team even before Blitz was made high tech."

"So, like, what's with the metallic makeover?"

"I'll tell you the reason." Said a male voice. That voice belonged to Bowser.

"Oh my." Fluttershy gasped. "Officer Bowser."

"Hello there, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger." Bowser greeted. "I heard a lot about you two."

The girls were at a loss for words as Bowser told them a story. "Blitz was hurt severely saving a young kid from getting hit by a car. To save his life, he was fitted with a high tech metal body. The same technology that helped heal my leader: Bulletproof."

Blitz soon nuzzled Fluttershy. She fell in love as she was petting him."Hello, Blitz. It's nice to meet you."

"Fluttershy has a way to understand animals." Tree Hugger explained.

"So I've heard." Bowser replied.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded. The head of the sanctuary responded on his radio. "What's wrong, Clara?"

"We got a problem, sir." A female voice said. "Some whacked out character messing around with the deer. And, he's directing some flying insects to do this deed."

Hearing the conversation, Dr. Fauna as given the radio to give out some information. "This is Dr. Fauna, Clara. Sounds like this character could be Boll Weevil, the insect manipulator. I'll sent a security team right away."

This made Fluttershy upset. She can't stand to see her favorite place overrun by Boll Weevil and his insect army. Getting out her geode, she called for an ostrich to carry her to where the deer are.

"Where are you jetting off to?" Tree Hugger asked.

"To save those poor deer from Boll Weevil!" Fluttershy stated.

"But, Boll Weevil could be dangerous." Bowser informed.

"Maybe. But, I have to help preserve this sanctuary. Who knows what damage that bug eyed freak will cause to those poor animals?"

Fluttershy and the ostrich took off. Bowser and Blitz decided to follow her.

"One GOOD thing about Boll Weevil." Tree Hugger said to herself. "He doesn't work for that bogus Big Boss dude."

Mean a strange looking man wearing a black jacket over a white shirt is looking at the deer. The jacket has shoulder pads that look like insect wings. He has on vermillion pants, gray gloves, and a gray hat. This man has some strange music playing from a radio. This music is controlling the insects. This strange man is Boll Weevil.

"Breaking into this animal sanctuary is genius." Boll Weevil said. "With these flying and stinging bugs on my side, I'll wreck this whole area. No animal will be safe now!"

Jumping off the ostrich, Fluttershy prepares herself. "Thank you, friend. You can go back to your environment."

The ostrich runs off as Fluttershy uses her geode to call a bunch of birds to come to her aid. "Go stop those insects!"

The flock flies off to stop the swarm of bees, mosquitoes, and other stoning insects from advancing. This got Boll Weevil angry.

"Blasted birds!" Boll calls out. "Where did you come from?"

"From me!" Fluttershy said from behind the evil insect man.

While the birds were keeping the bugs busy, Fluttershy sneaked up behind him, and turned of the music. The insects flew away and the birds went back to their homes. Boll Weevil soon turned around and saw the nature lover next to the deactivated music machine.

"Time for you to bug out, Boll Weevil!" Fluttershy said with authority.

"Well, well." Boll said. "If it isn't Fluttershy. The nature girl."

"Invading a scared sanctuary like this is unacceptable! These animals don't need somebody like you to disturb their environment."

"Oh yeah? I'll deal with you! Then, I'll get my bug manipulation going again."

Just then, the barking of a dog got Boll Weevil's attention as Bowser and Blitz charge into action. The evil bug controller pushed Fluttershy out of the way, grabbed his machine, and ran off.

"Are you okay, Fluttershy?" Bowser asked.

"I'm fine." Fluttershy replied as she stood up. "But, it looks like Boll Weevil and his music machine are gone."

"Don't worry. A security team will soon throw that worm out of the sanctuary. Let's get you back to the entrance. Tree Hugger must be worried."

"Thanks, Bowser." Fluttershy soon petted the robot dog. "You too, Blitz."

Bowser and Blitz escorted Fluttershy back to the sanctuary's entrance where Tree Hugger would be waiting. Soon, they arrived at the gate.

"Flutters!" Tree Hugger called out. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Fluttershy replied. "However, Boll Weevil got away with his device."

This got Tree Hugger angry. "I wish I was there. Guys like Boll Weevil are truly bogus!"

Bowser puts his hand on Tree Hugger's shoulder. "Don't worry, Tree Hugger. Boll Weevil won't bother this place anymore. Security will see to that."

This calmed down Tree Hugger a lot. She and Fluttershy left for a trip to a park to relax. They had a lot of excitement today. And, a trip to a park is the best place for some peace and quiet.

Rarity vs. Nightshade

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A special outdoor fashion show is held in the back of the Canterlot Carousel. A stage is set up with many people gathered. Fashion is what Rarity lives for. And, shows like this always gets her excited. Socialite Hoity Toity walks up to her.

"This is a grand event, darling." Rarity cheered.

"Indeed." Hoity Toity replied. "I hear that Empire City’s newswoman, Whitney Morgan, is covering this event."

"I took a look at some of her classic works. She had some run ins with Big Boss' friends from what I heard."

Sure enough, in steps a proud woman with dark brown hair and wearing a blue jacket over a yellow shirt, blue skirt, and black shoes walks by with a microphone in her hand. This woman is Whitney Morgan.

"Socialite Hoity Toity." Whitney addressed. "How do you feel about attending this event?"

"I'm always excited about attending events like this." Hoity Toity replied. "A great way to show off the latest fashion statements."

Whitney then walks over to Rarity. "Being a lady of fashion yourself, Rarity, I'm sure you're giddy with excitement."

"I certainly am, Miss Morgan." Rarity replied."Events like these give me inspiration for my own creative ideas."

"I'm sure it does. I've seen some of your ideas. Not bad for an up and comer."

Rarity blushed knowing that someone likes her designs. Hoity Toity is a little concerned about something. "Aren't you worried about these reports about Big Boss and company invading our town?"

"Perhaps." Rarity replied. "But, Twilight helped me and the rest of our friends learned about who's who in this gang of Crooks. We'll be ready for anything."

This brought Hoity Toity a little relief. Later, Hoity Toity and Rarity went up to a dark blond man wearing a dark blue outfit, and carrying a prod like tool.

"Rarity," Hoity Toity said, "Meet Stan Hyde from the Detroit Metro Police. Codename: Barricade. Specialty: Crowd Control."

"I guess that why this crowd isn't so wild." Rarity figured.

"That's right, Miss Rarity." Barricade replied. "I always know how to make sure there are no riots. Especially with my trusty tool, the Mule."

Rarity looks at the Mule. I'll bet Twilight would love to study this object of law enforcement.

Just then, Sassy Saddles rushes in with some shocking news. "Somebody stole my best gowns!"

Everyone gasped hearing this news. Especially Rarity.

"Are they for the show later?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. I kept them in a secure closet in the back of my store. When I came to get them, they're gone!"

"This is a nightmare!" Hoity Toity gasped. "Who would do such a thing?"

Rarity soon spotted a mysterious woman wearing a dark green trench coat and overlapping hat and carrying a large shopping bag. Being suspicious, she starts going after her. Hoity Toity and Barricade sees Rarity rushing off.

"Where's Rarity’s going?" Hoity Toity wondered.

"Maybe she knows something." Barricade figured. "I'm going to follow her."

"Wait for me! Rarity is one of my dear friends."

Outside the store, the mysterious lady stopped to look at her haul. It had three beautiful gowns and accessories. Suddenly, she heard a female voice call out to her. "Stop right there!"

The stranger turned around and saw Rarity looking at her with determination.

"What do you want?" The mysterious woman asked.

"Give those dresses back to the boutique," Rarity demanded, "Nightshade!"

Putting down the bag, the stranger took off her coat to reveal a crimson catsuit with grey boots and light brown sleeves. Taking off her hat and sunglasses, she reveals flowing red hair. She was indeed Nightshade, Empire City’s crafty cat burglar.

"How did you figure me out, Rarity?" Nightshade asked.

"When my friend, Sassy Saddles, said that her dresses were stolen," Rarity said, "I figured you had a hand in it. You're always known for stealing stuff using delicate methods. Especially picking locks."

Nightshade picks up her trench coat. "I guess my reputation is known even to elegant types. Since you know what I'm about, I'm curious about something." She suddenly throws her coat over Rarity’s head. Nightshade then grabs the bags and runs off. "How are you going to stop me?"

Pulling off the coat, Rarity got mad seeing the thief escaping. She then used her geode to make a diamond appear. She got on it just as Barricade and Hoity Toity arrived.

"Everything okay?" Barricade asked.

"It will be when I catch that culprit." Rarity replied. "It's Nightshade!"

As Rarity pursues the crook, Hoity Toity got worried. "Nightshade? She's a member of Big Boss' rogues gallery. Rarity could be in grave danger!"

"I'm going to follow Rarity." Barricade said. "You head back to the boutique to help calm the crowd."

"Not a bad idea. Especially Sassy Saddles. She's the host of the event after all. Good luck."

Meanwhile, Rarity cruised over Nightshade. She decides to set a surprise.

"I guess miss elegant gave up." Nightshade said while laughing. "These dresses are mine now!"

Suddenly, she ran into a big diamond. As she was recovering, Rarity stepped up and grabbed the bags. "Diamond's are a girl's best friend. But, not in your case."

Barricade saw the action as he approached the scene. "Good work, Rarity. You got the dresses back."

Rarity couldn't help but blush. Suddenly, a small aircraft appeared. It lowered a ladder and Nightshade started climbing. The ladder rose up as Barricade and Rarity tried to catch the crook. She drove the aircraft away.

"I should thank Dr. Badvibes for building that remote control for the Air Speeder." Nightshade said. She laughed as she sped away.

Back at the boutique, Hoity Toity waited nervously. Then, he saw Barricade and Rarity arrive.

"Bad news," Barricade said, "Nightshade got away."

"Good news," Rarity said as she presented the bags, "we got the dresses back. The event is saved."

Hoity Toity checked the contents. "Excellent. They're all here. Now, the fashion show can begin."

The socialite left to give the dresses to Sassy Saddles. Barricade and Rarity high five each other, knowing they saved the day together.

Rainbow Dash vs. Berserko

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Rainbow Dash is heading for the athletic park to spend time with her fellow Wonderbolts. When she arrived, she saw a lot of fun activities. There's even a baseball game going on. Soon, she saw the Wonderbolts captain, Spitfire, waving to her.

"Rainbow Dash!" Spitfire called out. "You're here!"

"Of course." Dash replied. "I rarely miss an opportunity for the team to come together."

"Good. Then, come with me."

Dash followed her captain to where the rest of the team were waiting. As soon as everyone was gathered, Spitfire began to address her team.

"Okay, Wonderbolts." Spitfire said. "We have a game coming up next week. And, we need to prepare ourselves."

"I think you're right." Vapor Trail said. "Lately, our opponents have been figuring out our plays."

"And, that's why trying to earn victories is getting very difficult." Sky Stinger added.

"So, we need to change our strategies a little." Misty Fly figured.

"That's correct." Spitfire replied. "And, I asked a special guest to help us out."

Spitfire motions somebody to come over. In steps a strong looking man with dark brown hair. He wore a brown outfit with red shoulder pads, and light brown boots and gloves. Spitfire soon introduced her team to this visitor. "Wonderbolts, this is Wayne R. Sneeden III of the US Army. Codename: Checkpoint. Specialty: Military Officer."

"Oh." Misty Fly gasped. "A member of the COPS, I guess."

"You guessed correctly, Misty Fly."

"It's good to meet you, Wonderbolts." Checkpoint greeted. "You guys are a great soccer team. But, even you can use some help from an outside source."

"This is where you come in." Dash figured.

"Correct, Rainbow Dash. I have a few ideas you might find useful. Even you, my spectrum haired friend."

Dash was in shock. "Me?"

"Right. You're one of the Wonderbolts' best players. But, even the best can use some help once in a while."

Rainbow had to admit. Checkpoint is right. The team studied details Checkpoint drew on an easel board. They tried our some of those strategies. Some of the critics admitted, these ideas are very beneficial. After an intense workout, Spitfire addressed her team.

"Good work, team." Spitfire praised. "You all adjusted accordingly. Especially you, Rainbow Dash."

"Spitfire is right." Soarin Skies added. "You adjusted nicely. Even if you added some of your own touches."

"Thanks." Rainbow Dash replied. "I hope these moves help next week."

"I'm sure they will." Checkpoint said, comforting her. "You just got to have faith."

Just then, Rainbow's old rivals, Hoops, Dumbell, and Score run over to the soccer field. But, they look worried.

"If you guys are here to bug Rainbow Dash again," Fleetfoot started to say, "you will be.."

"Easy, Fleetfoot." Spitfire interrupted. She then turns to the frightened trio. "So, what's the problem, boys?"

"Some big bully is disrupting the athletic park." Score said nervously. "He's wrecking the fun all over."

"This sounds serious." Dash said. "I better check it out."

"We'll all go." Spitfire said. "There's safety in numbers, you know."

Soon, the Wonderbolts and company run out to another area of the park. Sure enough, they saw the cause of the disturbance. It was a loud man with blond hair. He has on a blue jacket over a red shirt, white pants with white suspenders, and black shoes. He's currently interrupting a baseball game. He's using a bat to knock over garbage cans. Rainbow Dash soon figured out who this madman is.

"It's Berserko!" Dash figured.

"Berserko?" Fleetfoot gasped. "He's one of Big Boss's gang."

"Worse." Vapor Trail added. "He's Big Boss' nephew."

Spitfire is not happy with this scene. "Only someone like Berserko can be this maniacal."

"That's for sure." Soarin Skies agreed. "His maniacal attitude is very scary."

A little girl was nearing a garbage can when Berserko raises his bar. Seeing this, Rainbow used her magic to zip over to grab her before the bat was swung. When the thug saw a rainbow zip in front of him, he got confused. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash got the kid to safety.

"Hurry on back to your mother before you get hurt." Rainbow Dash suggested.

The kid nodded and ran off. Just then, Rainbow Dash saw a big shadow behind her. She soon found herself face to face with Berserko.

"So, you're Rainbow Dash." Berserko said cruelly. "I thought that rainbow streak looked familiar. That's sort of a trademark for you."

"And, I thought you're some kind of blockhead." Dash replied. "Not quite the sharpest tool in the box from what I heard."

"I can have my moments. I'm not that stupid, you know." He then raised his bat. "Batter up !"

Dash sped away just as Berserko swung.

"Hey!" Berserko called out. "Stand still, Prism hair!"

"For you?" Dash replied. "Not on your life."

Just then, Spitfire called to her teammate. "Rainbow Dash! Over here!"

Rainbow zipped off before the bat was swung again.

"Where did you go this time?!" Berserko asked while getting frustrated.

He then heard a whistle. That's when he saw Checkpoint and the Wonderbolts ready for action.

"Okay, Wonderbolts." Checkpoint said. "It's game time!"

The team soon kicked soccer balls toward their opponent. A crowd came to watch the action. The Wonderbolts quickly surrounded Berserko and kicked balls everywhere. He can't defend himself from all directions. Rainbow Dash zipped over while he recovered.

"I'll take that." Dash said as she takes the bat from the dizzy crook. "Thank you."

She zipped back to her team. Needless to say, Berserko was not happy. "You haven't heard the last of this, Wonderbolts!"

Berserko ran away. The crowd cheered from the Wonderbolts.

"Nothing like a little recognition for doing a good deed." Dash figured.

"Well said, Rainbow Dash." Checkpoint replied.

Spitfire looks at Dash. Great work indeed, Rainbow Dash.

From a distance, Lightning Dust watched all of the action.

"Wow. That's impressive." Lightning said to herself. "I hope I don't run into any of those crooks from Empire City."

Lightning decided to calmly walk away. She didn't want to risk being spotted.

Applejack vs. Buttons McBoomboom

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The rodeo is in town. Everybody is heading for the outdoor area of Canterlot High School which was set up. Vendors set up to sell food and souvenirs, and an area set up for great rodeo events. Applejack and her family attended the event. Even Granny Smith's old rival, Grand Pear, joined them.

"This is going to be a hoot." Applejack said happily.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh added.

Grand Pear noticed that something is off. "Say, all. Where's Apple Bloom? I thought she was going to join us."

"She was." Applejack replied. "But, while visiting us, Cousin Braeburn changed her plans."


Apple Bloom was ready to go with the family. But, just as she was going into the truck, Braeburn quickly grabs her and pulls her out.

"Oh no you don't!" Braeburn yelled. "You're not going anywhere!"

"What are you doing to Apple Bloom, Braeburn?" Applejack asked.

But, Braeburn didn't listen. He was still exploding with anger. "Applejack is still mad at you for the Anon-A-Miss conspiracy. You are still to be punished!" Then, he got super mad. "YOU'RE BEING SENT TO SET UP CAMP EVERFREE INSTEAD!!!"

That got Apple Bloom so upset, she started to cry. Braeburn got in the truck and had Applejack drive off.

End of Flashback

"Poor Apple Bloom must still be crying right now." Applejack said.

"Look at Braeburn." Granny Smith noticed. "He looks so happy that Apple Bloom isn't here."

Braeburn walks over to the family with a glass of lemonade in his hand.

"Well, Applejack." Braeburn said proudly. "You won't have to worry about Apple Bloom looking for anymore gossip."

"That there Anon-A-Miss conspiracy is over." Applejack protested.

Soon, in walks a cowboy with black hair and a curly mustache. Besides his own stetson, he has on a white and brown outfit with a red bandanna and cowboy boots.

"Looks like we have an honored guest." Grand Pear said.

"Who is that person?" Granny Smith asked.

"That there is Walker Calhoun, a former Texas sheriff. Codename: Sundown. Specialty: Special Investigations."

The Apple clan and Grand Pear are very happy to have the western member of COPS join the festivities.

"Howdy, folks." Sundown greeted. "I hope you don't mind me comin' along."

"Not at all, Sundown." Grand Pear replied. "It's an honor to be joined by a member of the COPS team."

Sundown soon walked up to Applejack. "Howdy, Applejack. I heard so much about you and the illustrious Apple family."

"You have?" Applejack gasped. "Wow."

Sundown looks around for something. "Where's your little sister: Apple Bloom?"

"Well," Applejack confessed, "she couldn't make it." She then got upset. "That's because Braeburn forced her not to come along."

Braeburn got a little nervous. Especially, when Sundown approached him.

"I had to get that kid to not come along." Braeburn said nervously. "The only thing Apple Bloom should be remembered for is....."

"The infamous Anon-A-Miss conspiracy." Sundown finished. "I've heard about that. But, that's no reason to break that little girl's heart."

"But, that kid should STILL be punished."

"She and her two partners have all been forgiven. If you keep this up, she'll be so afraid of her own sister, she'll probably run away from her home and her friends, everything."

"Sundown is right." Applejack added. "Everybody moved on. You should too."

Suddenly, machine gun fire was heard. A lot of people started to panic. Sundown, Grand Pear, and the Apple Family see the source of the trouble. It looked like a gangster with gray hair and wearing a red gangster outfit. He shoots a machine gun everywhere. He's very sure not to hurt anybody. Grand Pear recognized this creep.

"That's Buttons McBoomboom!" Grand Pear said. "The most ruthless machine gunner in Empire City."

"He's one of Big Boss's people." Granny Smith said nervously.

One of the western actors came up to challenge the intruder. "Time for you to vamoose, hombre!"

"You're starting to bore me." Buttons said. He opened his jacket to reveal two machine guns. "How about a dance?!"

The guns fired on the ground near the actor's feet. The actor moved quickly to avoid the shots. "I'm dancin'. I'm dancin'!"

Just then, a horse was heard. Buttons turned to see Applejack riding the horse. She used a lasso to loop the gun he was carrying. With the gun out of the way, Applejack got off the horse to face her opponent.

"So much for shootin' up the town, Buttons McBoomboom." Applejack said. "Give up!"

"No way, cowgirl." Buttons replied. "I always have a backup plan."

Figuring he was going to open his jacket, Applejack used her magical strength to lay down a barrel full of flour nearby, and rolled it towards him. Before he opened his jacket, the barrel tripped him up and he landed on his face. Applejack's family, Grand Pear, and Sundown rushed over to check on her.

"Nice work, pardner." Sundown praised.

Applejack blushed, knowing she was being thanked. Slowly, Buttons got up and looked at his opponents.

"Time to head out of town." Buttons said. "I'll remember this, Applejack!"

As Button McBoomboom ran away. The family felt relieved.

"Good work, cousin." Braeburn said. "And, thanks for the pep talk, Sundown. I needed that."

"Any time, Braeburn." Sundown replied.

Meanwhile, in a secluded part of Canterlot City, Big Boss started watching footage of the seven girls battling the criminals. His man servant, Squeeky Kleen, watched with him.

"Good thing we had some miniature camera bugs at those locations." Squeeky said. "This way, we can watch all of the action."

"Right." Big Boss replied. "Those young teenagers will soon encounter more of my Crooks. But, that's not all they'll face."

Big Boss gave his associate new orders. "Take the limo back to Empire City. After parking it safely, bring my personal jet copter back to this place. And, bring with you that special object Dr. Badvibes finished."

"Yes, sir." Squeeky replied.

As Squeeky Kleen left the location to head back to Empire City, Big Boss sits back with evil glee. "Prepare yourselves, Rainbooms. You're in for a big surprise!"

The CMCs vs. Small Guy

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Workers at Camp Everfree, nestled in the Everfree Forest, are all getting the camp ready for camping season. Walking along the area, Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy look around, making sure things go well. Inside one of the cabins, the trio of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, collectively known as the Canterlot Movie Club, were busy cleaning it up. While handling sheets, Apple Bloom suddenly opened her eyes wide, then dropped the sheets. Then, she fell to knees and started to cry.

"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle said with concern. "Are you okay?"

"No!" Apple Bloom cried. "I can't get what Braeburn did to me out of my head."

Scootaloo soon picked up the sheets. "Come on, Apple Bloom. Everybody forgave us, you know."

"Maybe. But, I don't feel that way!"

As Apple Bloom continues to cry, Timber came in. "I hear crying in here. What's going on?"

"Apple Bloom is still upset after what Braeburn did to her." Sweetie Belle said.

"I get it. She was reminded about The whole Anon-A-Miss conspiracy again."

"Yep." Apple Bloom said sadly.

Gloriosa came in the cabin, hearing about the situation. "I don't think Applejack will take Braeburn seriously." She looked around as Scootaloo puts the folded sheets on the bed. "This cabin looks like it's in order. Let's go outside."

The group went outside to the activities area. At the Rock climb, a special worker helps out. He has brown hair, mustache, and beard. He has on a blue outfit with white attachments, and a white helmet. The group of friends came along.

"The rock climb okay?" Gloriosa asked.

"Everything is all in order." The helper replied.

Sweetie Belle is a little confused. "Who is that?"

"Girls," Gloriosa said, "meet Officer Robert Waldo, Boston Police Department.

Timber finished the introduction. "Codename: APES. Specialty: Automated Police Enforcement Systems officer."

"That's probably where the name 'APES' comes in." Scootaloo figured.

"That's right, Scootaloo."

APES climbs down using automated climbing gear. It includes extending arms with hands and metalized leg braces and boots.

"Wow!" Apple Bloom said, snapping out of her depression. "Pretty helpful equipment you got there, Officer APES."

"Thank you, miss." APES replied. "This equipment is my own invention. I don't only want to design and build my gear, I want to use it."

"Just to make sure it works right." Sweetie figured.

"That is correct."

Later, Gloriosa Daisy have the three gathered at the campfire pit.

"The place looks impressive, girls." Gloriosa praised.

"Thank you." Sweetie Belle replied. "Where are Timber and officer APES?"

"They're making sure everything is in order for the camping season."

Apple Bloom is still feeling upset from what Braeburn did to her. Scootaloo tried to comfort her. "Come on, Bloom. You'll be okay."

Suddenly, three strange characters ran past them. Timber ran up to Gloriosa. "We have unwanted pests in the vicinity. I'm going after them!"

"I'll join you." Gloriosa replied as she turns to the girls. "We'll be back."

As the brother and sister duo ran after the intruder, the CMCs decided to go help them. Meanwhile, the three Intruders hid behind a cabin. These three were about three feet tall. They all wore forest explorer outfits. The difference is their hair. One was chubby and bald. One was thinner with white hair. Their leader was between the two in weight with black hair.

Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce cornered the nasty trio. The camp counselors realized something.

"I recognize that one." Gloriosa said, pointing to the black haired small person. "That's the miniature criminal: Small Guy!"

"You're right." Timber replied. "These other two must be his henchmen: Snub Nose and Sawed Off!"

The bald crook, Snub Nose, was shocked. "What the heck?"

"Just what we don't need." The white haired crook, Sawed Off, replied. "A fan."

"We'll give out autographs later." Their leader said as he pulled out a rifle. "For now, we'll settle for the funds of this camp."

"You can't do that!" Timber protested. "Those funds are to improve our camp."

"So we've heard. That dough is going to a better cause. Lining our pockets!"

The three mini crooks laugh wickedly until they were hit by water balloons. They turned to spot the CMCs facing them.

"You're not going to tear down this camp, Small Guy !" Scootaloo protested.

"Hey, boss." Sawed Off said. "These pests must be that Canterlot Movie Club I heard about."

"So, they are." Small Guy replied. "Grab them!"

The three crooks went to catch them. Apple Bloom gave her partners a command. "Split up!"

The girls separated. The Small Guy gang went after them. Scootaloo hid in a cabin used to store cleaning supplies. Snub Nose ran after him. The crook looked around. But, he couldn't find her.

"You can run, Scootaloo!" Snub Nose called out. "But, you can't hide!"

As he walks towards a tarp, Scootaloo raises up and uses the tarp to cover her opponent. "That covers your attitude, Snub Nose!"

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle finds herself against the rock climbing wall. Sawed Off charges her. Just then, a metal hand lowered and grabbed her by the arm. It pulled her up just as Sawed Off rushed in. He hit the wall hard. The hand belongs to APES and his gear.

"Thanks for the helping hand, Officer APES." Sweetie Belle praised.

"You're quite welcome." APES replied.

Apple Bloom ran across the obstacle course with Small Guy pursuing her.

"Being small has it's advantages, Apple Bloom." Small Guy said. "Especially my size."

"We'll see about that." Apple Bloom replied.

She soon swang across pool of water. Stopping short, Small Guy lost balance and fell in. Apple Bloom was soon greeted by her two best friends congratulating her. The trio of crooks got back together, realizing what happened.

"Those girls are more resourceful than we thought." Sawed Off figured.

"Let's scram!" Small Guy suggested.

Gloriosa, Timber, and APES went to check on them when Small Guy called out to them. "You three girls should've stayed in the tabloid business."

Small Guy laughed as he and his men ran off. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo didn't like that comment at all. Sweetie Belle broke the silence. "Thanks a lot, creeps."

Twilight Sparkle vs. Dr. Badvibes

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The science fair comes to town. In Canterlot High School, many homemade gadgets were on display. It's here where Twilight Sparkle's puppy, Spike, is on a conveyer belt. First, water is poured. Then, soap is administered as mechanical hands scrub all over Spike. Then, he was moved to a empty tub. Then, a shower head rinsed all the soap away. A gate was lowered, and Spike walked over a grate where warm air was blowing. After about 1 minute, Twilight came by with a towel to wipe away any access water.

"Feeling better, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"I think so." Spike replied. "This automated dog washer Micro Chips whipped up is a unique gadget."

"I think so too. All of these science projects are fascinating."

"Why didn't you build something for this science fair?"

"You know, I didn't think of that."

Micro Chips came along to check on Twilight.

"So, what do you think?" Micro asked.

"Your dog washer is great, Micro." Twilight praised. "You're sure to get some kind of award."

Micro then saw someone among the crowd. It was a young woman with blond hair. She wore a blue vest over a yellow shirt, blue pants, black shoes, and a blue cap.

"Twilight," Micro said, "we are blessed with greatness."

"How so?" Twilight wondered.

"That young lady is Tina Cassidy of the 647th Precinct in Empire City. Codename: Mainframe. Specialty: Computer Specialist."

"That's my kind of police officer."

Just then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Twilight turned to see that Mainframe came along.

"I heard what you said, Twilight Sparkle." Mainframe said. "That was so cute."

Twilight blushed as Mainframe looked at Micro's invention.

"I like this set up, Micro Chips." Mainframe praised. "This is one of the most fascinating gadgets I've ever seen."

"Thank you, Officer Mainframe." Micro replied.

"I'm going to look at the other science projects. Nice meeting you two."

Mainframe left Micro's area. Twilight and Mucro were impressed that they were both praised. Just then, Twilight's former principal, Abacus Cinch, rushed in. Twilight gets a little annoyed.

"What do you want now?" Twilight protested.

"I've come to warn everybody." Abacus Cinch said. "A vicious looking machine is coming to this area to wreck the science fair. He's joined by a nasty looking individual and a small robot."

Hearing the part of the robot got Twilight thinking. Micro Chips spoke up. "Do you remember the description of this strange character?"

"I recognized that man, Mr. Chips." Cinch replied. "This evil person is the criminal scientist: Dr. Badvibes. He is joined, of course, by his robotic sidekick: Buzzbomb."

The scientific duo were surprised. Even Spike whimpered as he hopped under the table.

"So, Dr. Badvibes and Buzzbomb are coming." Twilight said. "Get everyone to be on alert."

Cinch nodded and spread the word. The people quickly got ready for this invasion. Seconds later, in walks a strange looking man with deep brown hair and a cone on his head containing a brain. He wore a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves and blue boots. He also has on unique sunglasses. This is the insidious Dr. Badvibes. He looks around the science fair as a little robot on wheels with bulky arms and a dome on its head joins him. This little robot is Buzzbomb.

"Attention, fellow science lovers!" Badvibes announced. "I have come to take over this science fair."

This shocked the audience. Abacus Cinch approached the evil duo. "There's no place here for your evil science!"

"Is that so?" Badvibes turned to his partner. "Show her we mean business, Buzzbomb."

The little robot suddenly picked up Cinch and rolled her over to the corner. Needless to say, Twilight's former principal was shaken. Twilight stepped up to confront her adversary.

"Twilight, NO!" Micro called out.

"I hope she knows what she's getting herself into." Mainframe replied.

Spike poked out from under the table. "Me too. "

Twilight soon confronted the evil scientist.

"That's far enough, Dr. Badvibes!" Twilight demanded.

Badvibes looked at the young lady. "Well, well. Twilight Sparkle. I was hoping to meet you. One brainiac to another."

"You're the kind of brainiac that's not welcome here."

"You'll change your logic when you see what I have in store."

Twilight was getting into some kind of fighting stance. "I've handled Bullit. What can you do?"

Dr. Badvibes took out a remote control and turned it on. In the room rolls a creepy looking robot. (Think of the robot Badvibes rode on in the COPS intro) The crowd got very nervous. Spike soon jumped into Mainframe's arms.

"With this machine," Badvibes announced, "I'll be able to strike at any of these gadgets. Nothing can stop me!"

As the robotic rolls slowly along. It uses it's arms to knock over anything that isn't nailed down. The young scientists got very upset. Seeing a bottle of soap used for a fog machine, Twilight spreads a little bit on the floor in front of the robot as it picks up speed. The metal machine hits the soap and slips out of control. It hits the wall. Then, falls on its back.

"How dare she get in my way!" Badvibes protested. He then sees purple energy surrounding the area. "What's going on now?"

Twilight uses her magic geode to help her disable the robot little by little. Needless to say, Badvibes was mad.

"You sniveling little brat!" Badvibes said angrily. "That was one of my best works!"

"I'm sorry your robot went to pieces, Dr. Badvibes." Twilight replied. "But, I believe all of the parts are here."

Buzzbomb soon made squeaking noises while waving its arms. Badvibes know what he's talking about. "You're right, Buzzbomb. We better get out of here before the COPS show up."

The little robot adjust itself so Dr. Badvibes can ride on top. Soon, they roll away. The evil scientist gives Twilight a departing remark. "We must get together to discuss science someday."

As the evil duo roll away, Badvibes was thinking about Twilight’s abilities. So, the source of her power is that necklace she wears. Someday, I will find a way to use the energy from that mystic world, Equestria, for my own use.

Back in the science fair, janitors cleaned up the soap and metal parts, tables are being reset, and Twilight went back to Micro's station where Mainframe was holding on to Spike.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"He's fine." Mainframe replied as she gives Twilight back her puppy. "That was impressive how you disassembled that robot like that."

"You should've seen how I disabled Bullit's cannon."

Abacus Cinch approached the group. "You encountered Bullit, the munitions fanatic? Tell me all about it and don't leave out any details."

Twilight tells Cinch, Micro, and Mainframe her story as the science fair resumes.

Rarity vs. Koo Koo

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Rarity and Sweetie Belle were both invited to a garden party at the home of Jet Set and Upper Crust. Although that couple are elegant, they are not snobbish. At the enter the property, the sisters talk about their brushes with criminals.

"What was it like to face off against Nightshade, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Believe me." Rarity replied. "That cat burglar may have been swift. But, I still got the jump on her. Kind of like how you, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo stopped the Small Guy gang."

"You know about that?"

"Indeed. Me and my friends still keep in touch with Timber and Gloriosa."

As they enter the home of their hosts, Rarity and Sweetie were stopped by a butler.

"Sorry, ladies." The butler said. "This could take a moment."

"What ever for?" Rarity asked.

"There was a strange object left in here. So, my masters asked someone to deal with the situation. Follow me."

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were lead to the living room. There, Jet Set and Upper Crust were watching a blond haired man working on a device. He wore a white top with dark blue sleeves and red shoulder pads. He has on steel padding on his legs.

"Rarity!" Jet Set said. "It's good to see you. Could you wait for a moment?"

Seconds later, the uniformed man stood up. He addressed Jet Set. "That's that. The situation is disabled."

"Thank goodness." He then turned to Rarity. "Rarity, my dear, this is Dudley DeFeuze from Washington DC."

Upper Crust joined in on the conversation. "Codename: Powder Keg. Specialty: Bomb Squad Specialist."

"Bomb Squad?!" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"You heard correctly. This strange device looked suspicious. To be safe, we called for help."

"Defusing bombs is what I do." Powder Keg said. "When I saw this device, I acted fast."

Rarity sits down, feeling upset. This could cancel the garden party. Upper Crust came to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Rarity." Upper Crust said. "Once everything is done, the garden party will resume."

"I sure hope so." Rarity replied.

Sweetie Belle was there to help her calm down. Powder Keg went over to talk to the girls.

"Just because there was a little incident," Powder Keg informed, "that doesn't mean the whole day is ruined."

This made Rarity feel a little better. "Thank you, Powder Keg. I need that."

Outside, the garden party is being set up. Rarity and Sweetie Belle talked to their hosts.

"I've been thinking." Rarity said.

"Thinking of what?" Jet Set wondered.

"That device you found was identified as a time delayed bomb. So, I'm thinking Koo Koo had something to do with this."

"Koo Koo?" Upper Crust gasped. "I never heard of a person with that name."

Jet Set had a thought. "I have. Koo Koo is Big Boss's time bomb expert."

"Oh my. So, this Koo Koo person must've set up that device. But what for?"

Suddenly, there was a small BANG! from inside the house.

"What was that?" Sweetie asked.

Suddenly, Jet Set's phone range. He answered. "Go ahead."

"Sir," The voice of his butler said, "Miss Crust's jewels were stolen from a safe in the study."

"NO!" Upper Crust said with fear. "That big bomb was probably a distraction for the real target: MY JEWELS!!"

Jet Set went back to his phone. "Sound the security alarm!"

"Already have, sir." The butler said. "The security team and Officer Power Keg are pursuing the thief. It's definitely Koo Koo, the mad bomber!"

Rarity went to Upper Crust. "Attending this place multiple times will help us out."

"How is that?" Upper Crust wondered.

"I think I know where Koo Koo will exit from."

Rarity went off. Sweetie Belle followed her. Jet Set feels confident. "Don't worry, dear. If Rarity can handle a sticky fingered felon like Nightshade, she can handle this mad bomber."

"I suppose so." Upper Crust replied "And, she does has her sister, Sweetie Belle, to support her. But, that youngster will face someone bigger than Small Guy."

Inside the house, a group of security guards along with Officer Powder Keg left a room. From behind a bookcase, a sneaky looking man with a blond Mohawk and wearing a dark blue outfit with black accents and a clock design on his chest quietly slipped off with a bag in his hand. This man is Koo Koo: The Time Bomb expert.

"Good thing I studied about this place before coming here." Koo Koo said to himself. "I'll make a fortune hocking these jewels."

Seeing that the coast is clear, Koo Koo ran outside to the backyard. Suddenly, he ran into a glittering diamond. He fell down. Then, the diamond vanished. He soon got miffed. "Okay, Rarity! I know you're around here. Come on out!"

Rarity soon stepped from behind a bush. She addresses the crook. "How did you figure out it was me?"

"That big diamond is one of your trademarks." Koo Koo replied. "These diamond projectiles are your main tools of the trade."

"Very true, Koo Koo, darling. And, I brought something else in my fight against you."

Suddenly, Sweetie Belle emerged from a bush near the door and ambushed the burglar with a kick to his stomach. He dropped his bag which Sweetie grabbed and went to be with her sister. Recovering, Koo Koo saw that his bag is in Sweetie's hands.

"You brought your sister, Sweetie Belle, with you?" Koo Koo asked angrily.

"I certainly did." Rarity replied. "She's strong for a youngster her age."

"Your time's up, Koo Koo." Sweetie Belle added.

Hearing the security team coming his way, Koo Koo went another way to leave the property. "Elegant acting broads! You'll pay for this!"

Later, Upper Crust checks the bag. "Excellent. All of my jewels are safe. Now, the garden party will resume."

Meanwhile, Powder Keg talked to Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

"You two did a good job." Powder Keg praised. "Thanks for your help."

"Our pleasure, Powder Keg." Rarity replied.

Sweetie Belle just blushed. This was a good day for everybody.

Fluttershy vs. Nightmare

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Fluttershy spread a blanket in a nice quiet area in Canterlot State Park. It's a perfect day for a picnic. Many people are doing the same thing. Some people enjoy some food, others took their pets with them. Seeing happy animals always make her smile. Just then, Starlight Glimmer went to the park. Seeing Fluttershy, she went right over to her.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Starlight called out.

"Starlight Glimmer." Fluttershy gasped. "This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?"

"I was just taking a quiet walk here in the park when I saw you. Having a picnic?"

"Nope. Just came for the peace and quiet. It's always relaxing when there's no special events."

Starlight looks at a bunch of trees nearby. "You also probably have plans to explore the woods near here."

"You know me well." Fluttershy replied. "The forest is always a good place to see some animals in their natural environment."

Both girls chuckled, knowing that Fluttershy has a point.

"How's Tree Hugger?" Starlight asked. "I heard about your encounter with Boll Weevil. I'll bet Tree Hugger was worried."

"Me and Tree Hugger are both okay." Fluttershy replied. "Besides, nobody should disturb an animal sanctuary. Especially criminals!"

"At least Boll Weevil doesn't represent Big Boss."

Soon, a noble looking man was greeting the people. He wore a dark blue jacket over a white shirt, blue pants and tall black boots. As he adjusted his black gloves, Starlight realizes who it is.

"Fluttershy," Starlight said, "That person is Hy Watts from Seattle, Washington. Codename: Taser. Specialty: Non-Lethal Detainment Specialist."

The man named Taser went to the two girls. "Greetings, ladies. Enjoying the day."

"We sure are, Officer Taser." Fluttershy said. "Clear blue skies, cool breezes, it's so relaxing."

"Probably why you like nature, Miss Fluttershy. I've been learning about this city's citizens. Including you."

"You know about me?"

"I learned that you and some friends of yours were busy handling the criminals of Empire City."

Fluttershy soon blushed. Starlight couldn't help but giggle. As Taser returned to his patrol, the two girls continued to enjoy the park. Suddenly, people started to panic. Fluttershy and Starlight got concerned.

"Do you think a swarm of bees are chasing people?" Starlight asked.

"I hope not." Fluttershy replied.

Marching through the park is a strange character. Most of his body is like a robot. One of his hands is replaced by an extending whip. His head is covered by a square shaped helmet a glowing eye.

"Oh my." Fluttershy gasped. "That's one creepy looking cyborg."

Starlight soon recognized this machine man. "It's Nightmare. A cybernetic criminal android. He's part of Big Boss's gang."

"A robotic criminal? Oh dear. He looks very powerful."

The girls see the android march towards the forest. Seeing that, Fluttershy got concerned. "Many animals in that forest could get hurt. I've got to stop him."

"Wait, Fluttershy." Starlight pleaded as she grabbed Fluttershy's arm. "Dealing with Nightmare is harder than dealing with Boll Weevil."

"He might be stronger. But, I've got to try! Nobody dares to disturb the peace of the forest!"

Fluttershy runs off to deal with the android. Starlight watches with concern as Taser comes back.

"Where's your friend, Miss Glimmer?" Taser asked.

"She zipped into the forest." Starlight replied. "We saw that high tech horror, Nightmare, march in there."

"Nightmare is causing trouble in the forest? And, miss Fluttershy is going to battle him?"

"Looks that way to me."

Taser admired Fluttershy's bravery. "That friend of yours is very protective of nature and animals. Isn't she?"

Starlight nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, inside the forest. Nightmare is marching through.

"Out of the way, foolish organic creatures." Nightmare said, looping his whip around. "I am here to conquer this forest."

Deer scattered around. Some animals ran into the trees protecting their babies.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Shouted a female voice.

Nightmare turned and saw Fluttershy with a determined look on her face.

"You will not hurt the animals in this forest, Nightmare!" Fluttershy said. "I'm here to stop you."

"So, you are the young girl named Fluttershy." Nightmare said. "And, you're very concerned about nature."

"That's right. Your reign of terror in this forest is over!"

Nightmare laughed viciously. "You are very amusing. How can a young teenager like you stop a Hi tech horror like me?"

Fluttershy used her geode to bring out a powerful bear to confront the android. The bear soon picked up his opponent.

"Put me down, you overgrown teddy bear!" Nightmare demanded.

"You heard him." Fluttershy said to the bear. "Put him down."

The Bear threw him to the ground, and went back to the woods. As Nightmare recovered, a deer came along. Nightmare decided to cause trouble on the animal.

"Time to have you disciplined, Bambi!" Nightmare said cruelly.

Seeing what's going on, Fluttershy used her magic to call for an eagle to pounce on Nightma's head. This gave the deer time to run away.

"I told you that you're not wrecking this forest!" Fluttershy demanded.

The eagle flew off, leaving Nightmare a little rattled. That amulet she wears must be the source of her power over animals. I wish I had her abilities.

At that moment, a skunk looked at the Android and got scared. Just then, Taser flew by on his jet pack and grabbed Fluttershy just as the skunk sprayed its nasty stench.

"Thanks for showing up, Taser." Fluttershy said.

"I'm glad I showed up before you got sprayed." Taser replied. "Let's get going."

Taser flew Fluttershy out of the forest while Nightmare ran off.

"This stink is noxious!" Nightmare screamed. "It'll take weeks before it vanishes!"

Taser and Fluttershy left the forest. Starlight was relieved to see them.

"Fluttershy!" Starlight said with relief. "You're okay."

"It was little tense." Fluttershy admitted. "But, I stood firm."

"Pinkie is right. They should call you FlutterBOLD." A thought came to Starlight's mind. "What happened to Nightmare?"

"Let's put it this way." Taser answered. "Nightmare learned that messing with nature is a real stinker."

Fluttershy giggled, even though Starlight wasn't sure what happened.

Trixie Lulamoon vs. Jenny Wringer

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On the streets of the city, Trixie Lulamoon, also known as The Great and Powerful Trixie, just finished a magic show as is packing up her stuff. It was a great show. The audience was impressed with her tricks. As the crowd begins to walk off, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon stayed behind to congratulate Trixie.

"That was one of the best shows you ever done." Bon Bon said.

"You were amazing!" Lyra cheered.

"Thank you, girls." Trixie replied. "I'm impressed I got through with it."

"Why do you say that?" Lyra asked.

Trixie soon got a little rattled. "I'm still getting over being ambushed by that road hog: Turbo Tutone. Thank goodness Sunset Shimmer was there to comfort me."

"Turbo Tutone? The getaway car driver for Big Boss?"

"That's who she's talking about." Said a male voice.

The three girls were soon met by a young man with brown hair and wearing a black outfit.

"I didn't know you were here." Trixie said.

"Who is that?" Bon Bon asked.

"Girls, this is Officer Donny Brooks, originally from Chicago. Codename: Hardtop. Specialty: Vehicle Handler."

"I'm very impressed that the Great and Powerful Trixie knows about me." Hardtop said.

Trixie’s eyes widened. "You know about me?"

"I've seen your show. I admit, you're pretty good for an up and comer."

Trixie blushed, knowing that she's being praised. Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. "I take it that this isn't a social call."

"I'm afraid not." Hardtop replied. "I heard that those twin tricksters, the Flim Flam Brothers, are up to their old tricks again."

"Applejack told me about her constant meetings with those guys." Trixie said. "Those guys are always up to no good. Thanks for the heads up."

"You're welcome. Take care."

As Hardtop leaves, Trixie thought about this news. Lyra and Bon Bon went to comfort her.

"We all know about those Flim Flam freaks." Lyra said. "I'm sure nobody will take them seriously."

"Maybe." Trixie replied. "But, Flim and Flam can be very convincing."

"That's a good point." Bon Bon added.

Just then, they heard two familiar voices.

"Come one, come all."

"Come witness our own brand of magic."

Trixie and her companions recognized those voices anywhere.

"Sounds like the Flim Flam Brothers, all right." Bon Bon said. "Let's check out what they're scheming."

Trixie and her companions went to see what all the fuss is about. It turns out that the Flim Flam brothers are trying to do some magic. They even have a female assistant with flowing black hair joining them.

"The Flim Flam Brothers doing magic?" Trixie gasped. "I am offended."

"Why's that?" Lyra asked.

"As an up and comer, as Hardtop called me, I am doing my best to improve on my magic. When two shifty characters attempt to be magicians, this raises a red flag with me!"

Lyra and Bon Bon believed that Trixie is right. Meanwhile, the Flim Flams continue their performance.

"Feast your eyes on our fantastic display of amazing magic tricks." Flim said.

"Tricks that'll even put the Great and Powerful Trixie to shame." Flam added.

That made Trixie a little annoyed. Flim then turned to the young lady who's joining then. "May we have a deck of cards, my dear?"

"One deck of cards coming up." The young lady said.

She brought out a deck of cards to give to Flam.

"Thank you, my dear." Flam said. "Now then, can we have a volunteer to come up to the stage?"

Suddenly, a large dog was chasing a cat down the street. The animals ran through the crowd. As this chase continued, they crashed into the stage. Many gadgets flew out from underneath. These gadgets were to help the brothers perform the tricks, fooling the audience. Seeing what happened, the Flim Flam brothers got nervous and ran away, while their assistant went another direction. Trixie decided to pursue this shady looking woman. The woman made her way to a shop to rest. But, Trixie caught up to her.

"So much for helping those bamboozling brothers." Trixie said. "You're out of luck, Jenny Wringer."

Hearing that name, the woman was shocked? "How did you know who I am?"

"I've read about you from time to time. You're one of the craftiest female con artists in Empire City."

"I didn't know my reputation was known around here."

Lyra and Bon Bon caught up to the action.

"Jenny Wringer, the con artist?" Lyra said. "No way."

"It"0's her all right." Bon Bon added. "She even pretended to marry Berserko so she can steal a secret stash Big Boss had in a hotel."

Trixie was very angry. "Why were you with those shifty swindlers?"

"When I heard about the reputation of The Flim Flam Brothers," Jenny explained, "I figured to help them out. We cons have to stick together."

"Unfortunately for you, Flim and Flam ran off. And now, you're on your way to jail!"

Jenny then heard a police siren. She saw it was Hardtop in his vehicle. She pushed the three girls away, then ran off. "Bye now."

As the con artist ran off, Officer Hardtop pulled up.

"Everything okay?" Hardtop asked.

"I suppose so." Trixie replied. "That con arrist, Jenny Wringer, left the area. I hope I don't see her again!"

"I heard that she was in town. I guess she and those Flim Flams go well together."

"Seems that way."

The heroes saw the crowd getting angry. This is indeed a scary scene.

"Let's try to calm those folks down." Bon Bon suggested. "The Flim Flam Brothers may be crooked. But, even they don't deserve to be injured."

"Good thinking, Bon Bon." Lyra replied. "Come on."

As Lyra and Bon Bon went to calm the crowd. Hardtop opened up his assault vehicle.

"How about I give you a lift home?" Hardtop offered. "Saves money on bus fare."

"Not a bad idea." Trixie replied. "Thanks."

Stepping inside, Trixie buckled her seat belt, the vehicle closed up, and rode off. This will be one day Trixie will never forget.

Applejack vs. Ms. Demeanor

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It's a peaceful day around Sweet Apple Acres. The Apple Family are planning to have a peaceful day that includes a barbecue. Big Mac's girlfriend, Sugar Belle, was invited to join the festivities. Sitting alone under a tree, Apple Bloom quietly cries as tears drip down her face. Applejack walks over to check on her sister.

"You okay, Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked.

Apple Bloom looks at her sister, and a dark flashback enters her mind.


Braeburn looks at Apple Bloom with angry bloodshot eyes. "APPLEJACK WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU! NEVER!!!"

End of Flashback

"I wish everybody can forgive me!" Apple Bloom sobbed.

Apple Bloom started to cry hysterically. Grabbing a nearby rope, Applejack started to wrap it around her sister.

"What did I do wrong now?" Apple Bloom asked nervously.

"Easy, Apple Bloom." Applejack quietly said. "I forgave for that whole Anon-A-Miss incident, remember? I think Braeburn was just blowing a lot of hot air. Anyway, everybody forgave you. Y'all just need to forgive yourself."

Apple Bloom realized that her big sister is right. At that moment, Granny Smith called out to her. "Applejack, can you come over for a moment?"

"Coming, Granny." Applejack replied as she turned to her sister. "I'll be back to check on you. Once you've simmered down, I'll unravel you."

Applejack went to see what Granny Smith wants while Apple Bloom tries to calm down. Applejack went to the barbecue area when she saw that the family had a visitor. It was a blond haired man wearing a traditional Police uniform.

"So, you're Applejack." The policeman said. "It's nice to meet you."

Granny Smith introduced her to this visitor. "This here is Sgt. Patrick O' Malley. One of Empire City’s finest. Codename: Longarm. Specialty: Patrol Officer and COPS Second in Command."

"Well, what brings you here, Sgt. Longarm?" Applejack asked.

"Me and my family heard about Sweet Apple Acres as we were coming to Canterlot City." Longarm answered. "I figured we would spend time with you people."

"You want to be with us for a while?" Granny Smith asked.

"You're darn tootin. I always wanted to meet to well renowned Apple Family."

This was a big surprise. Later, Granny Smith were reading the grill while Applejack and Apple Bloom, who was untied after calming down for a bit, were talking to Longarm and his family.

"I was told you're a pretty strong young lady." Said Longarm's wife, Linda. "You must be very helpful around here."

"Thank ya kindly, ma`am." Applejack replied. "My sister, Apple Bloom, helps out a bit too."

Longarm's son, Brian, talks to Apple Bloom.

"I can't believe you and your two friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, took care of Small Guy and his gang." Brian said.

"Those varmints tried to rob Camp Everfree." Apple Bloom explained. "But, we stood firm and stop that trio. With a little help from officer APES of course."

Longarm became a little annoyed. "Small Guy. I wish I can forget that mini gangster."

Suddenly, Sugar Belle ran to the group in a panic. Big Mac rushed over.

"Sugar Belle!" Big Macintosh said with concern. "What's the matter?"

"I was just admiring the barn," Sugar Belle said when she suddenly panicked "when some dangerous woman came along and lifted this old cart and threw it across the field. I was so scared, I ran."

"What did she look like?"

"She had blond hair, wore a red dress, and black boots."

Applejack heard the conversation, and came up with an answer. "I think Sugar Belle ran into..." She then got angry. "Ms. Demeanor! Big Boss's strongwoman!"

Everyone gasped at the mention of that name.

"That's not good." Granny Smith said. "That lady has a temper as big as her strength. "

"I'm going to stop her." Applejack said.

Longarm attempted to stop her. "Wait, Applejack. I wouldn't challenge that muscle bound maiden."

"He's right, my dear." Longarm's father, Mickey O` Malley, added. "Ms. Demeanor could be dangerous."

"I took care of Buttons McBoomboom." Applejack informed. "He wasn't a pushover either."

Applejack went off to find her opponent. Apple Bloom was right behind her. The sisters made it to the barn. They heard a lot of wood breaking. Soon, they saw the vicious woman stomp on an old chicken coop. This got Apple Bloom upset.

"Dang it!" Apple Bloom said. "I was going to use it for a clubhouse."

Applejack soon confronted the intruder. "Stop right there, Ms. Demeanor!"

The vicious strongwoman spotted the farm girl. "So, you're Applejack. The pride of the Apple Family."

"We of the Apple Family don't take kindly to trespassers. Especially from the Big Boss's gang."

"Oh yeah? Let's see how strong YOU are."

The ladies soon grappled with each other testing each other's strength. Apple Bloom watches with interest. They soon broke off from grappling each other.

"Not bad." Ms. Demeanor said. "Must be from all of that farm work."

"Hard work builds character." Applejack informed.

Suddenly, Ms. Demeanor grabbed a piece of the broken coop wall, and flings it to crush her opponent. It went over Applejack. But, it heads towards the youngest Apple. Just then, a metal clamp grabbed Apple Bloom's wrist, and pulled her away just as the wood hit the ground. Applejack saw that her sister was saved by Longarm.

"Thanks, Sgt. Longarm." Apple Bloom said.

"You're welcome, my young friend." Longarm replied.

"I'm happy you always have those power cuffs with ya."

Applejack was relieved. She then rushed to confront her opponent, and picked her up over her shoulder.

"HEY!" Ms. Demeanor shouted. "Put me down!"

Applejack carries Ms. Demeanor to a bail of hay. "If you insist."

She then drops Ms. Demeanor onto the hay. Longarm comes along to congratulate Applejack. "Good work Applejack. That's what I call dedication to protect your family."

The farm girl blushed as Ms. Demeanor pulls herself up. She shakes of the extra hay.

"Let's meet again, Hayseed!" Ms. Demeanor said. "I want a rematch."

As the evil strongwoman leaves the area, the heroic trio are relieved that she's gone.

"Let's head back to the barbecue." Longarm suggested. "You girls must've worked up an appetite."

The Apple Sisters nodded, and went with Longarm back to their families.

Pinkie Pie vs. Hyena

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At the home of Filthy Rich and his wife Spoiled Rich, Pinkie Pie was dressing as a fairy for Silver Spoon's birthday. Pinkie wore a teal long sleeve leotard, blue platform shoes, and glittery wings.

"How do I look?" Pinkie asked the couple.

"You look just darling." Spoiled Rich said. "I'm so glad I asked you to help with this celebration. Parties are indeed your specialty."

Filthy Rich nodded in agreement. "With all of that energy, you'll Wow the guests. And, the birthday girl."

"Perhaps you can tell the party guests a story about your battle against Rock Krusher. Your parents told us about that night."

Soon, Diamond Tiara came into the room. "Father, mother, our special guest has arrived."

This got Pinkie worried. "Silver Spoon isn't here. Is she?"

"Don't worry, Pinkie. Silver Spoon won't be here for another thirty minutes."

Soon, in walks a beautiful woman with short black hair. She wore a blue long sleeve shirt, purple skirt below the knees, and black platform shoes.

"Hello, Pinkie Pie." The woman said. "It's nice to meet you."

Diamond Tiara soon introduced the woman to Pinkie. “This is Susie Young from the San Francisco Police Department. Codename: Mirage. Specialty: Undercover Investigations."

"Taking time off to be with kids?" Pinkie asked.

"Not quite." Mirage replied. "There's been reports that birthday parties are being robbed. Things go well until boxes are dropped off from nowhere. These boxes can have anything. Smoke, speakers flooding with noise, pies, birds, anything to distract the guests. Soon, the guests get robbed. Money, jewels, and other such valuables, GONE."

"This is where Officer Mirage comes in." Spoiled Rich said. "With her help, we can catch this thief before he can strike. Perhaps your energetic personality can assist her."

As Mirage puts on a long red wig and a flowing blue cape, Pinkie Pie was thinking.

"From what you've been telling me," Pinkie said, "I can think of only one character who uses surprise boxes for his crimes. This has got to be the work of Hyena: The jokester of Big Boss's crew."

The Rich family were surprised to hear that name.

"Makes sense." Filthy Rich said. "Hyena is known for critical practical jokes."

"If this fatal funny man tries anything," Spoiled added. "Pinkie and Mirage will be ready."

Pinkie Pie and Mirage fist pounded, saying that they're ready. The party goes well. Pinkie Pie's fairy costume is a hit with the kids. Silver Spoon looks at all of the presents her friends gave her, especially Diamond Tiara. Dressed in her queenly outfit, Mirage greets the birthday girl.

"Enjoying yourself, my dear?" Mirage asked.

" I certainly am, your majesty." Silver Spoon replied.

Pinkie walks over to the table where Silver is at. "I hope you're enjoying this day, my friend."

"I certainly am, Fairy princess Pinkie." Silver replied.

Being called a fairy princess made Pinkie and Mirage smile. Suddenly, a strange box with a big smile painted on it fell near some guests and ejected a large net to cover them. Another box landed near Diamond and Silver and shot out streamers to wrap them up. Pinkie and Mirage were shocked Just then, another box dropped, and filled the area with fog. Filthy and Spoiled Rich watched with concern. From the fog steps a strange man with long dirty blond hair. He wears a blue outfit with pink on his chest, black boots, a flowing dark blue cape, and a red cap with a smile stitched on it. The cap has a visor so he can see through it.

"Miss Pinkie is right." Spoiled gasped. "It IS Hyena."

"That evil clown is in for some surprises of his own." Filthy Rich added.

The evil jokester walks over to the bound pair.

"Hello, ladies." Hyena greeted. "Nice to meet your acquainte."

"How dare you ruin my birthday, you creepy clown!" Silver protested.

"Leave at once." Diamond demanded. "Or, I'll call security once I'm free from this mess."

"Gladly." Hyena replied. "After I see what kind of riches I can take from you."

The classy girls are getting nervous. Just when Hyena was reaching for Diamond's necklace. Exploding sprinkles went BANG! all over him. He got very angry. "Who's the wise guy?!"

He then saw Pinkie standing with a determined look on her face.

"Nobody crashes a nice party like this, Hyena!" Pinkie said. "Especially crooks like you!"

"Well, well." Hyena said "If it isn't Canterlot City's residential party girl: Pinkie Pie. Should've known you'd have a trick or two up your sleeve."

"I have plenty more where that came from if you don't beat it!"

Hyena flips over to meet Pinkie. Meanwhile, Silver manage to rip through the streamers.

"Thanks, Silver." Diamond said. "Glad these streamers aren't too strong."

As Diamond and Silver freed themselves, Pinkie is ready to battle Hyena.

"Listen, Pinks." Hyena said. "No need to fight. Make peace. The shakes are on me."

He grasps her hand, and delivered a shock that went through her body. Filthy and Spoiled were surprised to see that.

"A high voltage joy buzzer." Filthy realized. "Very effective."

Pinkie recovers from the electrical assault as Hyena laughs at her misery. "A jolt a day keeps my gloom away."

Then, the queen character steps up to confront the maniac. She removes her red wig to reveal her true identity.

"Officer Mirage!" Hyena gasped.

Diamond was surprised as well. "Our queen was actually a member of COPS."

"Hyena," Mirage said, "you're under arrest!"

The evil jokester realized he's in trouble, and ran away. "Time to bid all of you 'adieu'."

Recovering, Pinkie felt a little upset. "Darn it! Hyena sure shocked it to me."

Silver Spoon comforted her. "Don't feel bad, Pinkie. You did step up to save my party."


"That's right." Diamond said. "I think you and Mirage made a good team."

"Diamond is right." Mirage added. "Let’s remove the net from the other guests and continue the party."

"Okee Dokee, Queen Mirage." Pinkie replied while bowing to her.

Thanks to Pinkie Pie and Mirage, Silver Spoon's party is saved.

Rainbow Dash vs. Mukluk McLuck

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Rainbow Dash was walking peacefully through the streets when Soarin Skies ran up to her.

"Hey. Rainbow Dash!" Soarin calls out.

"Hey, Soarin." Dash replied. "What's up?"

"I heard you and the other Rainbooms are getting ready to put on a show next week."

"You got it. It's being held at a outdoor sports arena."

"I sure hope none of those unscrupulous characters don't spoil this event."

"You mean the Crooks of Empire City? We can handle those guys. You and the Wonderbolts did help me bash Berserko."

"Yeah. That's true. Later."

The two Wonderbolts went their separate ways. As she made her way through Canterlot State Park, Rainbow saw her little admirer, Scootaloo, in a white Karate gi and white belt, practing a kata. Interested, Rainbow decided to see this. As Scootaloo continued her sequence, she was watched over by a well tanned man with blond hair. He wore a dark blue outfit with a bright blue sash, and he wore brown gloves and boots. Scootaloo wrapped up her routine.

"Good work, Scootaloo." The man praised.

"Thank you, sir." Scootaloo replied.

"Hey, Scootaloo!" Dash called out as she approached the scene. "Nice moves you got."

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash. I'm just getting ready for my yellow belt test in a couple of weeks."

Dash looked at the visitor with interest. "So, who's this fellow?"

Scootaloo gave Rainbow the answer. "This is Officer Max Molokai from Honolulu, Hawaii. Codename: Nightstick. Specialty: Martial Arts Expert."

"A martial artist, huh? Helping out Scootaloo, I'm guessing."

"That's right." Nightstick replied. "Scootaloo needed a little help perfecting her kata. So, I gave her some advice, and showed her a few of my own moves."

"Nightstick's advice helped me well." Scootaloo said. "Now, I'm ready to rise from white to yellow."

This made Rainbow Dash feel proud. Later, Photo Finish was trying to comfort Moondancer as Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo came along, after Scootaloo slipped her sneakers back on.

"What's going on, Photo?" Dash asked.

"Moondancer said that her favorite stuffed animal was stolen." Photo said. "Many people say that their stuff disappeared."

"Sounds scary." Scootaloo said. "Who did this crime?"

Photo pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to Rainbow and Scootaloo. "According to some people, this strange looking character was spotted carrying a bag or a suitcase."

The adventurous duo looked at the picture. It was drawing of a creepy looking man with scraggly brown hair.

"Good thing I brought some markers to color in the character." Photo said.

Rainbow looked at the picture, and got furious. "He's probably the crook who's been stealing stuff all over town."

"What do you mean, Rainbow?" Moondancer sobbed.

"That's a drawing of one of the most craftiest criminals I've ever heard of. Mukluk McLuck!"

"Mukluk McLuck?" Scootaloo gasped. "Didn't he once rob from Big Boss himself?"

"Yes, Scootaloo." Photo answered. "He has stolen the Golden Blackjack. That's Big Boss's Criminal of the Year award."

This got Moondancer worried. "You really think that this Mukluk guy stole my stuffed animal?"

"I'm sure he has." Dash said. "Me and Scootaloo are going to track him down."

"I don't know." Photo said. "This guy could be brutal."

"Me and the Wonderbolts did bring down Berserko. And, Scoots and her partners did save Camp Everfree from the Small Guy gang."

"That's what I heard. Good luck to both of you.”

Later, at a storage center, the two girls were blending in with other people. Dash has on a long brown wig. And, Scootaloo still in her Karate gi, has on a blond wig.

"Are you sure about this?" Scootaloo asked.

"Positive." Dash replied. "Mukluk needs a place to store the stuff he steals. I figured that a place like this is perfect. When I showed his picture to the woman behind the desk, she told us that he's due here in five minutes. That was ten minutes ago."

"I guess this is where these wigs come in. So, he doesn't recognize us."

"You got it. Let's split up and be ready."

They soon went separate ways. Scootaloo soon saw a freaky looking brown haired man with a large duffle bag. She soon texted to Rainbow Dash.

Hey, Dash. I just spotted the guy. I'm going to follow him. -Scootaloo.

Dash texted back. Okay, Scoots. Just be careful. I'll follow your GPS signal.

Scootaloo quietly followed Mukluk to a locker. He turned and Scootaloo just walking quietly, minding her own business. Thinking nothing is suspicious, he continued his walking. He stopped in front of a locker. Taking out her phone, Scootaloo pretended to play a game when she's actually taking pictures. Including that of the locker number. He then pulled out of his bag a large stuffed wolf.

"You are one beautiful critter." Mukluk said with evil glee.

Scootaloo was sure that the wolf belonged to Moondancer. When he went outside of his locker, he saw a brown haired girl with light blue skin, wearing a dark, blue shirt, black 3/4 jogger pants and white sneakers.

"Your crime wave ends here, Mukluk McLuck!" The girl said.

"Yikes!" Mukluk said. "Must be an undercover cop!"

Mukluk runs with the girl behind him. Meanwhile, Scootaloo was on the phone.

"That's right, Nightstick." Scootaloo said. "Canterlot Storage. This is where Mukluk McLuck was storing his ill gotten gains."

Meanwhile, Mukluk ran like crazy. When the girl zipped super fast to catch up to him, something clicked.

"There's only one dame I heard of that can be that speedy." Mukluk said. "You must be Rainbow Dash!"

The girl pulled off her brown wig to reveal that it is indeed Rainbow Dash. "You guess correctly!"

"Pretty clever hiding that prism hair of yours with a wig. That definitely surprised me."

"Here comes another surprise for you, Mukluk."

The thief turned in time to see the disguised Scootaloo give him a powerful kick to his stomach. A key fell out of his hand, and Dash caught it.

"Good kick, Scootaloo." Dash praised.

Mukluk was shocked to hear the name. "That is Scootaloo, your number one supporter?"

Scootaloo took off her blond wig to reveal her short purple hair. "The one and only."

Mukluk heard a police siren, and got nervous. "I better scram. Bye now."

The thief ran past the crowd to exit. Soon, Nightstick came to the area.

"I'm here, girls." Nightstick said. "Where's the thief?"

"Bad news, Mukluk McLuck got away." Rainbow Dash replied. "Good news, he dropped the key to his locker which I now have."

"And, I know where his locker his." Scootaloo added. "I sneaked a picture of his locker number."

Later, people lined up at Mukluk's locker, getting back what was stolen.

"That's what happened to my jewelry box." Cheered Principal Celestia.

"All right." Sandalwood said. "My favorite yoga mat."

"My wolf!" Moondancer cheered. "I missed you."

Meanwhile, Nightstick praised Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"I'm proud of you two." Nightstick Saud proudly. "You worked pretty good together."

Dash and Scootaloo high fived each other, knowing that Nightstick is right.

Lightning Dust vs. Louie the Plumber

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An air show has come to town. Many people have come to see jets fly in the air to show off amazing maneuvers. Also on the ground, old planes are displayed for many people to see. Looking at an old barnstormer, Lightning Dust looks with interest. Soon, Spitfire shows up.

"Impessive." Spitfire said. "Isn't it?"

The appearance of Spitfire caused Lightning to panic a bit.

"Spitfire!" Lightning gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"Same reason you're here. To check out this air show."

Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're not here to ridicule me? After all, you were very critical pointing out my recless behavior in the soccer field."

"Lightning," Spitfire replied, "just because I criticize your recklessness, doesn't mean I have a mission to get you in trouble."

This gave Lightning a little bit of relief. "You're right. I guess I'm being paranoid."

"Just take it easy. Nobody is out to get you."

The girls look around the area. They soon saw a man with reddish brown hair, wearing a blue jumpsuit with white boots, standing next to a futuristic helicopter.

"Looks like we have an important visitor." Lightning said.

"Don't tell me you recognize this man." Spitfire replied.

"I heard of him. He is Hugh Forward from Miami, Florida. Codename: Bullseye. Specialty: Helicopter Pilot."

The girls look at the helicopter with interest. Soon, Bullseye spotted them.

"Wonderbolts captain Spitfire, I presume." Bullseye said.

"You know who I am?" Spitfire asked.

"I do. I saw highlights of some of your games online." He looks at the other girl. "I'm surprised that the reckless Lightning Dust is with you."

Lightning was shocked to know that a COPS member knows of her. Regaining her composure, she hopes not to be too nervous. "Uh. Hi there."

Bullseye comforted her. "Don't be nervous. I heard you've been curbing your recklessness. And, doing a good job."

Lightning blushed. She's very surprised to be praised by a member of the COPS team. Suddenly, a worker said that some of the jets needed tuning up.

"Something wrong?" Lightning asked.

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Bullseye assured.

"I sure hope so."

"Probably need a little work before the show starts." Spitfire said.

As the girls continue to look around, Lightning sees a brutal man walk past them. He has stubble on his face, a gray hat, and a gray jumpsuit. This gave Lightning Dust a bad feeling all around.

"What's wrong, LD?" Spitfire asked.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Lightning replied. "I'm checking him out."

Lightning followed the strange man to one of the hangers. She peeks in from outside the window. The man takes off his jumpsuit and reveals a white tank top, gray pants with black suspenders, and brown shoes. Ducking back, she realized who it is. I thought that mug looked familiar.

She was getting ready to face this intruder when Spitfire came up to her.

"What have you found?" Spitfire asked as the girls quietly walked away from the hanger.

"That was no maintenance worker." Lightning replied quietly. "That's Louie the Plumber. The Crooks' handyman."

Spitfire was surprised about this. "I heard of Louie the Plumber. He builds stuff for Big Boss. But, he can tear stuff apart so other Crooks can get anything."

"That's about the size of it. I'll bet he'll wreck the jets so that the show won't go on."

"And, no doubt steal money from the ticket sales during the confusion. We better tell Officer Bullseye about this."

Spitfire runs off. Lightning has other ideas. I better stop this brute. He might do damage before Spitfire comes back with Officer Bullseye.

Inside the hanger, Louie looks at the jet and developed an evil smile.

"This is one hunk of aircraft." Louie said with interest. "Too bad it won't fly." He soon got out his toolbox. "With a few adjustments, this jet will cause a lot of chaos. Then, I'll sneak into the main office to grab the dough."

As Louie was ready for his dirty work, a bucket was thrown, and fell on the floor next to him. Thinking something is a miss, he grabs his box, and exits the hanger.

"Who's out here?!" Louie calls out. "Show yourself!"

He got his answer courtesy of a spray of water from a nearby hose. Louie turned to see Lightning Dust turning off the hose. She then faces the saboteur.

"No sabotaging this show, Louie!" Lightning said.

"The reckless Lightning Dust." Louie replied. "I'm surprised somebody like you would face someone like me."

"I may do crazy things. But, even I won't let something like this show get ruined like you."

Taking out a large monkey wrench, he charges at her. Louie may be fast. But, Lightning grabbed a nearby pipe and clashed with her opponent. They strike at each other as their weapons make a ringing sound every time they hit. Louie got lucky and went underneath to knock the pipe out of her hand.

"So much for your trusty lance." Louie mocked as he raised his wrench. "Now, I'll give you a headache that'll take a whole box of aspirin to remove!"

Lightning Dust started to shake with fear as Louie is ready to strike her. He then heard a loud police whistle. He then saw Officer Bullseye and Spitfire run his way. Louie got nervous and prepared to leave.

"If we meet again," Louie told Lightning, "you won't be so lucky. Bye now."

Taking his toolbox, Louie the Plumber took off. Lightning was relieved to see her rescuers.

"Are you okay?" Spitfire asked.

"I'm okay." Lightning replied as she stands up. "Too bad Louie the Plumber got away."

"Don't feel bad." Bullseye said. "At least you stopped him from ruining the air show."

Lightning Dust was impressed that she's being praised. Spitfire approached the reckless one.

"Bullseye is right, LD." Spitfire said happily. "Now, we can watch the action in the sky."

With that, Spitfire, Lightning Dust, and Bullseye made their way to the stands ready to see the air show.

Sunset Shimmer vs. Brannigan

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Inside her apartment, Sunset Shimmer was busy with a podcast. Wallflower Blush was by her side.

"And, that's it for today's show." Sunset said. "I hope you had as much fun as we did."

"That's true." Wallflower added. "This is Wallflower Blush and Sunset Shimmer saying 'Ta Ta for now."

"And, don't forget. Me and the rest of the Rainbooms will be performing at Canterlot State Park this coming weekend. Bye."

Sunset turned off her equipment. And, grabbed a couple of water bottles from her fridge. She gave one to Wallflower.

"Thanks for helping me with my podcast, Wallflower." Sunset said happily.

"Not a problem." Wallflower replied. "I kept being told I should get out more. Can't stay shy and hidden forever."

"I agree to that."

As the two girls continue to relax. A thought and to Wallflower's head. "Sunset, are you still thinking of your adventute?"

"Adventure?" Sunset gasped. "What adventure are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you helped the COPS chase down that road hog: Turbo Tutone."

"Oh, that. Yeah, I still think of that. I felt very proud helping Highway get that charity money back."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Sunset went over to see who's paying her a visit. It could be Twilight or Principal Celestia. When she answered the door it was neither. It was a black haired man wearing a navy blue shirt, sky blue pants, and black boots.

"Hello, Sunset Shimmer." The visitor greeted. "I've been wanting to meet you."

"Really?" Sunset replied. "Wow."

Wallflower Blush was a little nervous. Sunset comforted her. "Wallflower, this is Roger Wilco from the LAPD. Codename: Airwave. Specialty: Communications Officer."

The man known as Airwave saw the green haired maiden. "Miss Wallflower Blush. A pleasure to meet you too."

Wallflower Blush soon blushed. "Aw."

"What brings you here, Officer Airwave?" Sunset asked.

"I've tuned in to that podcast you hosted." Airwave replied. "I must say, you have a unique personality."

"You really think so?"

"I do. You rose up greatly from your days as a mean bully. I've done my own research."

Sunset is impressed with anyone praising her for what she is today. Monday, Sunset was just walking down the hall to head for her next class. Just then, she was approached by Mr. Cranky Doodle.

"Miss Shimmer," Cranky Doodle said, "somebody is trying to disgrace you again."

She was called into Principal Celestia's office. Soon the princess played a video of some person in a dark green trench coat and fedora. He also wore sunglasses so nobody can recognize him.

"Do not trust Sunset Shimmer." The figure said in a deep male voice. "You must only look at her as a She-Demon!"

"That video has been played only on certain phones and other computers." Celestia explained. "Somebody is trying to destroy your reputation as a reformed student."

"Who'd want to do that?" Sunset asked.

Just then, her phone rang. She answered it, and was stunned who it is.

"Officer Airwave." Sunset said. "What can I do for you?"

"I studied that little video you were watching." Airwave said, donning his communications equipment. "It turns out it was made outside of the school."

"Outside of the school? Where could this creep be then?"

Mr. Cranky Doodle soon had an idea. "There's an old shack across the street from the school. Maybe this mystery man is hiding there."

Sunset went back to her phone. "Did you hear that, Airwave?"

"I did." Airwave replied. "I'll meet you there."

Vice Principal Luna turned to Sunset. "Go ahead, Miss Shimmer. Your reputation is at stake."

Minutes later, Sunset and Airwave were at the cabin. It's made of old but sturdy wood.

"Hmm." Airwave said. "Whoever the perpetrator is, probably picked this place because even though it's old, it's very strong."

"Yeah." Sunset replied. "But, why pick on me?"

Suddenly, the door opened. And, out came a brown haired man. He wore a blue jacket, navy pants, and black shoes. The duo saw who it was and were surprised. The man was equally surprised to see them.

"Brannigan!" Sunset gasped. "Who let you out of jail?"

"Surprised?" Brannigan said. "You should be. When Berserko and Rock Krusher broke out of jail, I decided to slither out with them."

"Why did you decided to pick on me?"

"You had a terrifying past, Sunset Shimmer. Being a brute on campus, being the target of the Anon-A-Miss conspiracy, it's all too juicy to pass up."

"So, you decided to disgrace this young lady." Airwave figured. "You knew she tried to put all of that behind her."

Sirens were heard at a distance. Airwave gave some information. "Before we came here, I asked Miss Celestia to call in the local police."

"It's over, Brannigan." Sunset informed. "It's back to jail for you."

Getting nervous, Brannigan rushed them both. "Out of my way!"

The crafty criminal left the school grounds before the police arrived. Recovering, Sunset got upset. Fortunately, Airwave was there to comfort her. In her office, Principal Celestia was studying the information Airwave dropped off.

"Hard to believe, dear sister." Luna said. "Brannigan escaped the campus before the police arrived."

"Not to worry, Luna." Celestia replied. "He'll be caught someday. Just like he was caught being Big Boss's spy in the office of Mayor Davis."

"I recently talked to Mayor Davis. And, kept him informed of our students battling the Big Boss gang. He's very impressed."

Meanwhile, in a hidden location, Big Boss read some useful information.

"So, the Rainbooms are performing at Canterlot State Park this weekend." Big Boss read. "A perfect opportunity to unleash something those seven girls never expected."

In walks a bald man wearing a lavender jacket and red vest over a yellow shirt. He also wore blue pants and white shoes. This man is Squeeky Kleen: Big Boss's man servant.

"You wanted to see me, Big Boss?" Squeeky asked.

"I certainly did, Squeaky." Big Boss replied. "Get our big surprise and one of my special suits ready. Crime's a wastin'!"

The Rainbooms vs. Big Boss

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The setting is Canterlot State Park. A bustle of activity is going on. A stage is being set up for the Rainbooms to perform. The seven girls were getting themselves ready when Officer Shining Armor arrived with some disturbing news.

"Are you sure about this, BBBFF?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"I'm afraid so." Shining answered. "That grease monkey, Turbo Tutone, swiped a bus from a nearby bus depot. He gathered all of Big Boss's gang, and those independent criminals, and took off."

"Where are they going?" Rarity asked.

"From what my leader told me, those crooks are cruising back to Empire City."

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about those thugs anymore." Rainbow Dash said.

As the girls took a break from practicing, they decided to walk around the park. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie saw something outside of the park. "What's that big box doing here?"

The girls left the park, and looked at this big wooden box.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy said. "Pretty big. Isn't it."

"I'll say." Twilight agreed. "I wonder where it came from."

Just then, a male voice answered the inquiry. "It came from me!"

The girls turned around and saw a round plump man with black hair. He had on a white suit complete with jacket, pants, black shoes, pink shirt and black necktie.

"We meet at last, Rainbooms." The man greeted wickedly.

Sunset Shimmer realized who it is. "It's Big Boss! The Crooks' vicious leader."

The seven girls were surprised that Big Boss himself arrived.

"I never expected someone like you would show up in our town." Dash said.

"I'm sure you didn't, Miss Rainbow Dash." Big Boss replied.

"WHAT?" Pinkie gasped. "He knows who we are?"

"I certainly do, Miss Pinkie Pie. I've been watching you girls going up against my Crooks." He reached into his jacket pocket. "I sent a lot of these all over town."

The girls looked at a small robotic bug. Twilight realized what it could be. "It's a miniature camera bug. That's how he was spying on us."

"Very observant, Miss Twilight Sparkle." Big Boss said. "These little guys filmed footage of your battles with my gang. This way, I'll know who I'm up against."

Sunset Shimmer realized something. "Just a minute, Big Boss. Why are you here on your own? You usually send in your crew. Due to the fact you hate getting down and dirty."

"You're right, Miss Sunset Shimmer. But, that all changed. Months ago, Dr. Badvibes developed this dirt proof fabric. And, he and my man servant, Squeeky Kleen, used it to make some dirt proof suits for me. Now, I don't have to worry about getting dirty again."

Rarity was surprised about it. "Sounds very useful."

"You would think that, Rarity." Rainbow Dash replied. "I would agree."

Applejack was one inquiry. "So, what's in this box you probably brought here?"

Big Boss went to his big box, and went to a button. "THIS!"

Big Boss pressed the button, and the box opened. Out came a circular machine with long arms and legs. On the side is a digital screen.

"Whoa!" Dash gasped. "A Boxoid."

"Boxoid?" Pinkie asked.

"It's a machine used for boxing matches in Empire City." Twilight informed.

A hatch opened and Big Boss stepped inside.

"I recently discovered some old fashioned Boxoid blueprints online." Big Boss informed. "With this info, Badvibes helped in building this model for me." He activated the Boxoid, and it rose up. "Time to cause some mayhem!"

The boxoid soon marched into town. The girls realized that there's only one thing left to do.

"Let's pony up!" Sunset said.

All seven girls activated their geodes. Their hair grew long, they soon developed pony ears,Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grew wings, and their outfits changed. (Think of their super heroic outfits from the short, "Super Squad Goals")

As the Boxoid marches into town, people started to run in terror. In the cockpit, Big Boss looks on with evil delight.

"I haven't had this much fun in a long time." Big Boss sneered.

Soon, the criminal kingpin heard a whistle. He turned and saw the Rainbooms poised and ready to fight.

"So, you want to challenge me, eh?" Big Boss said. He soon turned to face his opponents. "Show me what you got!"

The girls looked at the boxoid, and gave out a proper battle cry. "IT'S CRIME FIGHTIN' TIME!"

The girls spread out to take on the robot. Pinkie runs out to distract Big Boss. While that was going on, Sunset jumped up and pressed the boxoid's mid section. The digital screen read '50'.

"That's 50 points." Sunset said as the boxoid arm swing after her.

Big Boss was annoyed. "Bacon haired pest!"

Sunset ran to tell the girls some info. "Score 500, and that boxoid shuts down."

Nodding, the girls went back to action. Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry at Big Boss. He swung the metal arm to strike her. But, she zipped away, and with boxoid at a low position, she punched the midsection.

"Oh yea!" Rainbow cheered. "100!"

"Stand still, speed demon!" Big Boss growled.

Applejack rushed in and held the arm with her strength. She then delivered a kick to the midsection.

"That's 150." Applejack said.

Pinkie sat on a trash can lid while Twilight used her magic to lift her up to the robot. She threw some of her sprinkles, and they exploded in front of Big Boss's view.

"Hey, what's with the fireworks?" Big Boss demanded.

Meanwhile, Twilight directed Pinkie to the midsection where the party girl made her mark.

"Yay!" Pinkie chirped. "200!"

As Big Boss recovered, Rarity floated on a diamond, sneaked in to push the midsection.

"250, darling." Rarity said. "Halfway to a win."

The robotic arms swing right and left .

"These girls are more of a challenge than I thought." Big Boss said.

A flock of geese came suddenly and flew around the criminal kingpin. "That nature girl, Miss Fluttershy, must be behind this flock."

Indeed, Fluttershy used her magic to direct the geese. One goose pushed into the robot's midsection.

"That's 300." Fluttershy cheered.

Getting himself together, Big Boss grabbed a car, and threw it towards Twilight. She used her magic to stop the car, and flung it to the robot. The car hit the midsection.

"350." Twilight cheered. "Let's set up for the big finale."

Applejack and Pinkie Pie ran off while the other girls faced their opponent. Rainbow Dash ran circles around the robot. Big Boss was getting annoyed.

"Hey!" Big Boss called out. "Cut that out"

Meanwhile, Twilight levitate Fluttershy up to the midsection where she punched the target.

"Yay!" Fluttershy cheered. "400."

Riding on one of her diamonds, Rarity made another diamond appear, and pressed it on the target.

"That's 450." Rarity announced. "Let's wrap it up."

Applejack brought an old engine from a nearby junkyard. Pinkie energized it, and both threw it to the robot's feet. The projectile exploded, and caused the robot to fall flat on it's back. Fortunately, Big Boss is safe in the cockpit. Sunset climbed up to deliver the final blow to the midsection.

"500, Big Boss." Sunset said. "KNOCK OUT!"

The boxoid shut down, and Big Boss climbed out. As he stood up, he saw that his suit was still clean.

"At least this dirt proof material still works." Big Boss said happily.

He soon finds himself facing all seven powered up Rainbooms.

"It's over, Big Boss." Applejack announced. "Next stop for y'all is jail!"

Suddenly, a large yellow helicopter lowered a steel clamp, and secured Big Boss.

"Time for me to go, ladies." Big Boss said pleasingly. "We should get together again sometime."

As soon as Big Boss was aboard, the doors closed and the helicopter flew off. The Rainbooms quickly returned to normal as workers came to check on the boxoid.

"I'll bet his man servant, Squeeky Kleen, piloted that copter." Rarity figured.

"Probably taking Big Boss back to Empire City." Dash added.

Many people come to watch workers look over on how to remove this machine.

"Worker crews will handle the boxoid." Twilight remarked. "Meanwhile, we still have a show to do."

With that, Twilight and company return to Canterlot State Park.

Heroes of the Day

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One week after the concert, the seven girls were invited to Hoity Toity's posh pad. They were all still getting over the adventures they had helping the COPS take down Big Boss and his gang.

"Thanks for inviting us over." Fluttershy said.

"It's my pleasure." Hoity Toity replied. "The reason I asked you to come over, is because other folks would like to meet you. No doubt hearing about your grand deeds over the past couple of weeks."

In steps a woman with short blonde hair. She has on a tan jacket over a yellow shirt, tan skirt, and black shoes.

"My goodness." Rarity gasped. "Police Commissioner Highwater. What brings you here from Empire City?"

"I was told that some noble citizens of this town helped the COPS stopped mayhem created by Big Boss and his gang." Commissioner Highwater replied. "And, I learned it was the seven of you."

"That's right." Sunset replied. "Our best victory is over Big Boss himself."

"Don't forget his boxoid." Twilight reminded.

"Oh yeah. Thanks, Twi."

"Where's Mayor Davis?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You two are often together."

"He's busy with important stuff." Commissioner Highwater answered. "But, I'll send him your regards."

Commissioner Highwater first approached Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle, the intellect of this group. Your special abilities did good against Dr. Badvibes and Bullit."

"Thank you, Commissioner." Twilight replied proudly. "Thanks to my geode, their plans fell apart."

Next to be praised is Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, representative of the Wonderbolts." Highwater said. "Your amazing speed and quick thinking brought down Berserko and Mukluk McLuck."

"I had help from my fellow Wonderbolts to battle Berserko." Dash replied. "But, I do appreciate the compliment. My little friend, Scootaloo, was a great help against Mukluk."

Pinkie Pie was applauding when the Commissioner came to her.

"Besides being a party planner, Pinkie Pie," Highwater said proudly, "you were also very brave. You did stand up to Rock Krusher and Hyena."

"I couldn't let Rock Krusher hurt my family." Pinkie said. "And, no party crasher like Hyena ruins one of my parties."

Commissioner Highwater then turned to the fashionista. "Miss Rarity. I've heard of your battles against Nightshade and Koo Koo. Impressive for a classy lady."

"Thank you, darling." Rarity replied. "Those fiends were surprised that a classy lady like me can stand up to the forces of evil."

"I understand that your sister, Sweetie Belle helped out against Koo Koo."

"You heard correct, madam."

The commissioner then went over to Applejack. "Applejack. You are dedicated to your family and your home. It's that dedication that helped you defeat Buttons McBoomboom and Ms. Demeanor."

"Thank you kindly, ma'am." Applejack said. "My little sister helped support me while taking Ms Demeanor down."

Fluttershy was a little nervous when Miss Highwater approached her.

"No need to be nervous, Fluttershy." The police Commissioner comforted. "Your love for nature gave to the courage to stand up to Boll Weevil and Nightmare."

"I guess that's true." Fluttershy said, feeling a little more relaxed and proud. "Nature should not be disturbed. Especially by criminals."

The Commissioner then went to the former bully. "Sunset Shimmer. You rose from your dark past, and became an honorable person. More honorable after defeating Turbo Tutone and Brannigan."

"Thank you, Commissioner Highwater." Sunset replied. "My dark past is behind me. And, will stay that way."

As the girls applauded Sunset's statement. The commissioner makes an announcement. "You seven aren't the only ones that did their part to help others."

Commissioner Highwater opened the door and motioned someone to come in. Everybody was surprised to see Trixie, the CMCs, and Lightning Dust come in.

"Greetings, one and all." Trixie greeted.

"What are you guys doing here?" Dash asked.

"We were invited by Commissioner Highwater to join this little hero's gathering." Lightning replied. "We had a hand in stopping harsh crooks ourselves."

Photo Finish came in with camera in hand.

"She's right." Highwater said. "Lightning Dust saved an air show from being sabotaged by Louie the Plumber. The Great and Powerful Trixie stopped a scam conducted by the Flim Flam Brothers and Jenny Wringer. And, these three young ladies, the Canterlot Movie Club, saved Camp Everfree from the Small Guy gang."

"Ah. Extra activity in the battle for justice." Hoity Toity praised "Excellent."

The five other girls went over to the Rainbooms.

"You stood up to Louie the Plumber?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I sure did." Lightning replied. "If only Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse were there. At least Spitfire was proud of me."

"I think all of the Wonderbolts would be proud of you."

Applejack was applauding Trixie. "Must've been a great moment for y'all. I wish I was there when you went up to the Flim Flam Brothers."

"I did get lucky when their stage got wrecked." Trixie admitted. "But, I did expose Jenny Wringer."

Sunset looked at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo with admiration. "I can't believe you girls took on Small Guy, Snub Nose, and Sawed Off."

"It wasn't easy." Apple Bloom said. "But, nobody hurts a great place like Camp Everfree."

"And, that was a boost that helped us in helping Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash in their battles." Sweetie Belle added.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo cheered. "Ms Demeanor, Koo Koo, and Mukluk McLuck didn't know what hit them!"

Just then, Photo Finish stepped in to address the twelve girls. "How's about a picture of the daring dozen?"

"Not a bad idea." Twilight replied.

As the girls got ready, Commissioner Highwater asks for a favor. "Can you make copies of that picture for me, Mayor Davis, and Bulletproof?"

"I shall, Commissioner Highwater." Photo said as she turns to the girls. "Okay, friends. Smile for the camera."

Photo took the picture. This will be an experience the twelve girls will never forget.

Needless to say, the Rainbooms and their friends were celebrated heroes for their noble deeds. Even harsh critics like Miss Harshwhinny felt nothing but admiration for the girls' heroism. Big Boss and his gang, and the independent criminals, made it back to Empire City, ready to strike again. But, when they do, we of the COPS will be ready.

C.O.P.S. File 62668