> MLP: ZENKAI SPEED > by Kamen rider accel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > GEAR 1: The Worlds Collide, The Zenkaigers Rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The character belongs to there respective owners I only own my oc the others belong to eather TOKU Sega and gammatron) "HRRRGH! Eggman, cut it out, ya nut! You're...gonna...mess me...up!" "If I can't have the universe my way, then you won't have it at all!" "Aw man...it's this or nothing...Chaos Control!" "No you don't! FIRE!" A blinding white light suddenly filled an endless void, for a moment a purple ripple in the distance that seemed to be closing in...was pushed back, causing the light to spread like cracks all around them. "That...That doesn't look right…" "Oh, for the love of...Eggman, what did you do!? What did you-!?" A startled snort went off before a pair of eyelids rose up, exposing the brilliant emerald-green eyes behind them. The owner of them jumped up, shaking their head before putting a white gloved hand to the side of it. They were a blue humanoid hedgehog wearing said gloves but also a pair of red running shoes with an intricate white and yellow design on the sides, rim, and across the middle of them. Sports tape wrapped around his wrists up to halfway to his elbows with more on his legs going up to just below the knees. The wind blew at his green scarf as the hedgehog looked up at the sky. "That memory again…" the hedgehog whispered, frowning as a flash of guilt went across his peach muzzle for a moment until fading away just as fast, "How long has it been since then? Six months?" "Ah! Just let me jump!" a voice shouted as the Hedgehog turned to see several guards carrying out a young human teenager with short black hair. He was dressed in black pants, a white zip-up sweatshirt with multiple spray paint streaks across it, a blue, red, and yellow bubble vest, and a matching pair of sneakers. He was being carried out by one human guard in a black uniform, a robotic guard with LED display eyes and a silver helmet like head, and a humanoid Dog in a similar uniform. The latter two were also holding a backpack and a long white bungee jumping lifeline. "How many times do I have to tell you, you can't bungee jump off the Skytree!" the human guard snapped. "We get enough of that from Sonic every other week...and he doesn't even use the dang bungee rope!" the dog guard barked. "How often do these kids come here?" the Robot guard asked. "Too much," the human guard deadpanned. "How about the observation deck then?" the teen pleaded. "Janai!" the dog barked, "Not even if you're a YouTuber!" "YouTuber janai!" he complained, "Ah...mou, why do you guys keep thinking that?! I'm Goshikida Kaito! I'm gonna be a person who accomplishes a World First in something!" "Sure you are," the guards deadpanned as they walked off. "Well no need to be rude...can I get my backpack and lifeline back?!" Kaito called out, "I wasted a month's worth of allowance on all that stuff!" he yelped as said objects flew into him, making him gag out as he was knocked back onto the ground, "Oof! ...I'm okay!" The hedgehog chuckled at that, "Maybe I should do it a bit less. Those guys were all stressed out. ...Nah. They need some excitement in a boring job like that." "Well...that was a bust, just like six months back," Kaito groaned, jumping up as if he wasn't just knocked on his rump, "I expected them to forget my face…" "Maybe next time you put on some fake glasses, a fake big nose, and a bushy mustache," the hedgehog suggested, "Always works when I deal with 'bots." "..." Kaito blinked as he pulled said items from his bag and put them on, "I knew this was a good investment..." he then proceeded to try and walk back in. "Uh…" the Hedgehog muttered as after a few moments later the three guards dragged Kaito out, tied in his own bungee cord and tossed him on the grass. "Sonic-san...It didn't work…" he groaned. "Yeah, ya gotta wait a few days before ya do it," Sonic noted. "Fine...but mark my words, I shall do something no human has ever done!" he declared, "It doesn't count because you...are a Mobian," he cut Sonic off, "Humans don't have powers like you Mobians or Kikainoids." "Why can't you just, you know act a little normal kaito" both mobian and human turn and saw a teen standing there. He was wearing a black hoodie with a lightning shield emblem and had spikey blue hair and blue pants. "Come on flash you know me from child hood, I always love danger and excitement. Beside we grow up together cuz and you know it." Kaito told his cousin who just smiled and shook his head. "Yeah I forgot I was talking to the one who got suspended from school for making the hallway a swimming pool........And I still don't know how you did that." Flash asked/ muttered. "Lots of practice" he replied. " Anyway how can someone jump from that hight you'll be splatter all around dude" flash said to his cousin. "I'd settle for being tall enough to not have to jump to reach cabinets," Sonic joked. "Of course you would" he muttered.before a tone went off and the three-after Sonic nudged kaito to roll over with a foot-looked at a nearby monitor that began playing the latest news. =It's been six months since our worlds merged with the Parallel worlds of Kikaitopia and Mobius= the news woman spoke as the feed changed to show a park as Humans, Kikainoids, and Mobians were all happily going about a nice day together =Sights like this have become an everyday occurrence!= the feed changed once more to a surprised pink Kikainoid and a pink hedgehog in a lavender dress-like outfit with sports tape on her waist =Were you Kikainoids and Mobians originally planning to migrate here?= =Nu-nu?! N-not at all!= the pink Kikanoid yelped in a female voice =I was just living life for myself...and before I knew it, I was stuck here and met Amy-san!= =It was a complete accident on our part as well. The last thing I can remember is this big white light and then-poof!-right here in this place with Magine-chan!= "I don't see what's wrong with it," Kaito muttered, turning to Sonic. "True. I mean, this is all pretty sweet," Sonic agreed. "Yeah I mean is great living with you guys. You make it all fun and exciting." Flash said in agreement. Oh hey look! A street fair!" Kaito called out as Sonic and flash turned to see what Kaito saw. Sure enough, a group of people had gotten together and were having a street fair with food stands and games for all to enjoy. "Takoyaki!/ChiliDog!" the three shouted as they rushed off following their guts desire for snacks. Even the two cousins may look different but there still the same even if not by blood. A group of kids, human, Kikanoid, and Mobian alike all cheered as they rushed down the street for a store called Sweets Cafe Colorful. The small little candy shop filled with all kinds of sweets, a perfect place for kids to come to. They looked around before settling on whatever they wanted or could afford. They didn't even pay attention to the news playing on the shop's TV. "Here you go," an elder woman with short curly black hair smiled, handing a couple of kids their candy, "There you go." she cheered as they ran off to join their friends. =Before going missing, Dr. Goshikida Isao and Dr. Goshikida Mitsuko, proposed a theory of Parallel worlds existing, 10 years ago= a man spoke as several experts gathered at the news station to give their opinions of recent events. It then changed to show the pictures of a man and a woman in lab coats the names mentioned appearing before the proper pictures before a text reading 'Missing' flashed next to the pictures =I bet they never expected their theory to be proven like this though= "Yeah, really," the elder woman noted, looking at the TV before looking over at a robotic bird colored in red metallic feathers, "Ne, Secchan?" =Tune~!= the bird gave a robotic chirp as she patted its head a bit. "Ah…" she sighed while looking at a family photo, showing her, the two missing Doctors, and a young boy holding Secchan, "Well...I guess if anything, your work was proven right." she smiled looking at all the kids from two different worlds in her shop, "Roll-chan, you almost finished?" she called out towards a door which led into a small kitchen as the shop doubled as a home. "Hai, Yatsude-sama!" a voice replied before the door opened and a yellow blur went around the shop, restocking several shelves and filling the glass case with baked sweets before halting before the elder woman, revealing a Mobian that appeared to be a mix of hedgehog and fox with jade green eyes and long hair pulled into a ponytail by a green bow wearing a pink tee, white gloves, blue jeans with heart prints going up the sides, and shoes similar to Sonic's with a heart on the outer sides, "Everything's restocked, Yatsude-sama." "Ahh...Arigatou. What would I be without you here to help, Roll?" the elder woman chuckled before frowning as she looked out the window at a shop/house across the street with the sign made to resemble a gear with a few Kikainoids sitting at the bench outside of it, "Though your Tou-san…" "Hai, hai," Roll nodded, knowing how often this happened. Across the street in the building, another Mobian was looking over a child Kikainoid. He was the same color as Roll with jade eyes and wore a lab coat over a red turtleneck sweater and brown slacks with white and black shoes. After a few moments, he gave a nod before patting the child's head. "There, there," he assured gently, making sure to smile, "It's not that bad." he looked over at a Kikainoid standing by the table, "It's a simple enough fix, ma'am. A few screws got loose on his leg and that's a simple fix." "Arigatou, Skye-hakase," the female Kikainoid thanked as the hedgehog pulled out a tool kit and gently fixed the child Kikainoid's leg. "That'll be 130 Yen." "So cheap…" she gasped, "Are you sure?" "Of course," Skye assured as he accepted the small amount of Yen and escorted them out, 'Why is it that I open a repair shop...but all my clients are injured Kikainoids? Well...at least I'm making good cash.' he shuddered and he glanced over at the shop across from him, seeing Yatsude looking right at him, "...A-Ano...Next please." "YACHAAAN!" Kaito's voice screamed as he, Flash and Sonic ran into the elder woman's shop, "Cotton candy! Need now!" "Take as much as you want," Yatsude replied with a smile. "Over there," Roll added, pointing to the restocked shelf the bagged sweet was on. "I'll deduct the cost out of your wages," Yatsude went on. "Got it!" Kaito cheered, holding a couple bags of cotton candy up, before rushing back out. "...Sonic?" "We found a vendor willing to trade us some Kikaitopia takoyaki and chili-dogs for cotton candy," Sonic explained. "Come on,Flash, Sonic!" Kaito cheered, jogging in place outside while waiting, "Bakusoku Zenkai!" "Coming man!" Sonic shouted, waving at Yatsude and Roll before running out, "Later ma'am! Roll!" "Hers my pay for this aunt yatsude." Flash said handing the yen to her. "Arigato na flash, your mother raised you well didn't she." She said to the blue hair teen. "Yup mom always told me to pay your meals and listen to your elders." Flash told her. "Yup that's misty alright, she and my daughter in law still got in a lot of trouble. They were like sisters to each other." Yatsude said remembering the good times. "Come on flash hurry up" kaito called out "Well I gotta catch my cousin and his fast friend so bye yatsude." He said leaving. "Ah what a good boy you raised misty and so did I for taking care of kaito and sonic" she said. Sure enough, all over town, many celebrations were being held. Not for any big reason. It's just things that have developed into a sense of peace. The new friends of Mobians and Kikanoids were allowed so much freedom and peace on Earth since the fusion of worlds. And the Human youth were happy to share in the fun with them. Such as one party happening in the park where a lot of local human teenagers were playing music and grilling up food to eat. They invited various Mobians and Kikanoids to join them. It wasn't super extravagant, but...it was oddly relaxing and fun for those who were not capable of this back in their old worlds. "Yo Seinen-tachi!" a voice cheered as they looked to see a Red Kikanoid walking over. He was a little different then most seeming much more armored, with a pair of white shorts, and his head sported silver spikes almost like a mohawk, yellow hexagonal eyes and a silver mouth plate with small little fangs. He also had a bag full of groceries in one arm, "Let me join in the party~!" he cheered putting the groceries down on a table revealing it was all stuff perfect for a barbecue, "You can have all this! "For real!? You're giving this to us?!" one of the female humans there gasped out. "You bet your bibby bob it is!" "Sweet!" a male Mobian tiger beamed, "Let him join, guys!" "Hahaha!" he laughed, "Ain't no thing!" he winked, "Let's hang!" "Let's Hang!-!" they all cheered as someone turned up the music. "Yay!" he cheered as he began dancing and strumming an air guitar to the music, "C'mon!" "This is my first time partying with a Kikanoid!" a human male with sunglasses beamed as he ran over to the Kikanoid. "Honestly, this is my first time at a party!" the Red Kikanoid admitted with a laugh, "...Though…" he paused as he turned to look out in the distance, 'I dunno what those rotten bigwigs are up to…' Thunder rumbled and lightning crackled in the skies above. Melded into several manmade structures were massive, ominous black metallic structures that seemed to be trying to consume what wasn't made of them. In the center of it all was a massive black tower-like structure with a gear-like symbol in an 'orb' near the top of the tower. Inside the tower was a large central room, with a tall ceiling that stretched to the top of the entire tower. Several figures gathered on a floating disc that acted as the floor for them, among the figures were two Kikanoids who drastically stood out from the normal variety. The first was covered in white and purple armor, his upper body was humanoid in build, with large armor that draped over his shoulders like a cloak, with purple armor covering the center of his torso, his head was placed on a neck that extended forward giving him the appearance of a hunch, purple tubes linked to his white face which slightly resembled a skull, with red eyes and a single monocle on his right eye, the top of his head was silver with several microscope-like tubes extending out. From the waist down however he was a tank like body with caterpillar treads and thick armor covering it all. This was Mechanical Officer Ijirude of the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo. The other Kikanoid standing beside him was likewise uniquely armored, he looked like an actual combat tank had stood up and transformed into a robot. His entire body was covered in desert camo painted thick armor plating. His legs seemed to be made of tank caterpillar treads, with armor covering his legs and feet, his shoulders were rounded with a black turret built into each shoulder and smaller painted turrets built into each wrist. His chest armor looked like a Tank Gun with a T shaped suppressor. Multiple military medals decorated his chest and shoulders as well. His head was bronze with gears forming straps framing his face, with a large black hat shaped like another tank gun atop his head. This was Mobile Commander Barashitara of the Tojitendo Dynasty Armed Forces. Suddenly, something began rising from beneath the platform. A large wall of metal with intricate silver plating forming diamond patterns rose up. In the center was a face, it seemed to be wearing a mask that melded into a crown with multiple glowing sections being his eyes, as his lips moved to indicate his sigh. A single robotic arm extended out, and dwarfed all the figures present to show the sheer size of this robotic being. What drew more attention however was the giant purple robotic toucan on his left. This was Great King Boccowaus of the Tojitendo Dynasty and his pet Gege. "Ijirude...report," Boccowaus ordered, swinging his hand out to motion the Mechanical Officer to speak to his King. "Ha!" Ijirude bowed his head, "Oh Great King Boccowaus-sama!" he spoke with great respect, "Our operation has gone well to date, each and every Parallel World we've ever come across has been captured within the Tojiru Gears, except for two! The version of the world known as Mobius and this version of the world known as Earth! For some reason at the time of their capture, an unknown surge of energy overloaded the Tojiru Gears that would have sealed them away, and instead caused the two worlds to merge with our superior world of Kikaitopia!" "That is all…" Barashitara spoke up. "Then no progress has been made whatsoever in these past six months!" Boccowaus snapped, making them all tremble, "I've waited six months for you to tell me what you told me when this first happened! What have you idiots been doing?! What's taking so long?!" he slammed his giant fist onto the platform, sending all those standing on it at least two meters up into the air before landing on their feet/treads. "Ahh...I don't really know about that…" Ijirude admitted, bowing. "So you don't know what happened to make a part of our world get sucked away and fused with this one?" Gege spoke up in...a rather smooth sounding male voice. All unaware of a Kikanoid janitor covered in blocky blue and silver armor with large white rimmed rectangular glasses walking past an entrance. "Ah well no...I…" "Ano...what was that about a part of Kikaitopia being lost?" the janitor asked, "What is the meaning of that? What's...? Ijirude swung his staff topped with red gears forming a trident-like image and blasted the Janitor with red electricity, making him sputter and mumble before falling over, smoke escaping his armor as his yellow eyes turned to spirals. "Ehem...please excuse the cleaning crew…" Ijirude spoke. "Well find out the cause! I won't go easy on you just because I'm one step away from total Dimensional conquest!" Boccowaus growled, raising his fist up to Ijirude. "Ne, ne, Boccowaus!" Gege spoke as he began to fly around. "Oh, what is it, Gege?" The King's tone...suddenly changed from angry to...nurturing? "Why don't we forgo the Tojiru Gear...and conquer this world normally?" he asked floating over to a console showing the now fused world, "It will expand your territory, and it will be oh so much more fun! We haven't blown up a city in forever since we got the Tojiru Gears." "Yes, yes! That's my beloved Gege!" Boccowaus cheered as he began stroking Gege's head happily, his eyes glowing as he looked at those on the platform, "You heard my adorable little Gege...get to work." "Of course, my lord!" Barashitara declared, "I'm revving to go!" Elsewhere, hovering above an empty vast expanse of land and what looked like a metallic city was a large, spherical space station with two big 'eyes', a pointed cone for a nose...and a very large metal moustache. A loud laugh could be heard as we zoom in on the station's interior. "Yes...yes! I've finally done it!" a tall and rather...rotund man laughed dramatically as he stood before a large set of computers, "It took me about...hmm...Orbot, Cubot! How many months has it been?!" "Six months since the collision of worlds you inadvertently caused, sir," a floating red robot shaped like an orb answered. "Because you interrupted Sonic while he was fixing Mobius!" a floating yellow robot shaped like a cube added. "Semantics!" the man snapped before grinning, "But I've done it...I've managed to re-ammase my ever growing army of Dark Egg Legion soldiers and robots...!" "With Lien-Da's help," Cubot added before whispering, "I think she's still mad y-" *CLANG!* "The soup~" Cubot groaned as he fell down, a pair of goggles appearing on his head as his optics were replaced with swirls. "Oh dear...I think that blow damaged his voice chip again, sir," Orbot whispered. "Don't care at the moment," Eggman stated, tossing his wrench away before pressing a button on the console, "Lien-Da, are the troops ready for the attack?" =Yeah. At least you decided to think this out instead of just winging it= "Hey! What was…" =You rushing in screwed up Mobius= "Gh...Cubot, you just had to tell her when we found her, didn't you?" Eggman glowered. "Why not?!" Cubot exclaimed as he shot up, acting as if he didn't get hit on the head, "I am merely wanting to have her catching up to what she had missed!" "Oh dear...the Cheesecake voice," Orbot whispered in dread. "Oh oh! Detector Eggman, why don't we use the special machine you had created to send out a robot to attack th-" Cubot began, acting as if he was on a permanent sugar-high. *CLANG* "...I am Groot." "I am not dealing with that the entire time…" Eggman muttered, tossing the wrench away once more before stroking his mustache, "Hmm...but he does bring up a good point." =...Oh lord. Not that stupid slot machine…= Lien-Da groaned. "It's brilliant!" =It's dumb! The last time you used it caused us to have a robot that was basically a reverse fireman! Agent Specks is still in the recovery ward from it putting her into a house that was on fire!= "Well of course he was doing everything opposite of what a fireman is supposed to do. His name's 'Evil Firemanbot,' not 'Good Firemanbot who gives kiddies balloons and candy!'" Eggman replied. =It was supposed to put out the fire, not make it bigger!= "Orbot, my cards!" Eggman ordered, now choosing to ignore her. "Of course sir," Orbot nodded, floating off before returning with a stack of cards with a symbol of Eggman's face on the back, "Here you are, my lord." "Perfect!" Eggman beamed before grabbing Cubot and putting him before the doctor, "And now…" he flicked open his head and inserted the deck before closing it and pulling down on his right arm, causing Cubot's optics to start spinning, displaying random numbers until a card slid out of Cubot's mouth, "Now let's see…" Eggman grabbed the card and flipped it around, "Ooh~! Burn Bot!" =Another flamethrowing robot?= "No, no. Burn Bot has claws. Really sharp claws," Eggman replied, mimicking claws with his hands and fingers, "He 'burns' by shredding any attack that comes at him, you know. It's slang!" =Have you gotten dumber?!= "Hey, hey! Watch your mouth, missy!" Eggman barked. =Seriously, we need to get you checked…= "Nonsense! I am in perfect health!" Eggman argued before activating a nearby monitor, showing a Mobian Platypus on screen, "Starline, is everything ready on your end?" =Of course, Lord Eggman= the platypus nodded. =Oh lord, it's the suck up= Lien-Da groaned =Why do we even keep him around?= =Because my Warp Topaz has proven far more effective than the Warp Rings= Starline countered. =Fine, fine...You know what? Anything is better then what felt like a borderline six month paid vacation…= "Wait...I pay you?" Eggman blinked. =Rrrrr…= "Oh~" Kaito awed, looking at an appetizing tray of takoyaki in his hand so did flash as Sonic twirled a chili dog on his pointer finger, "This is the famous Kikaitopia food, Kikai-takoyai!" "Nice weight, good balance…" Sonic noted, catching the chili dog in mid-spin. "And we'll made, I can say this that they know how to cook well" Flash noted aswell as he looked at the takoyaki. So this is the famous sweet, cotton candy…" the Kikainoid takoyaki seller awed, looking at the bags much like Kaito with the Kikai-takoyaki. "The world's first trade…" Kaito began, still aweing the takoyaki in his hands, "Of cotton candy for Kikai-takoyaki and a Kikai-Chilidog?" "You said it cuz and this is even better" Flash said ready to eat. Well...let's see how these bad boys are!" Sonic grinned, opening his mouth as he prepared to take a bite of his chili dog, "Bottoms u-" *BOOM!* "?!" everyone stopped as they noticed an explosion going off, caused by a group of orange and red robots carrying various weapons as they and a group of Mobians and humans with cybernetics on them stepped out of a large, topaz colored portal. "Well, about time," Sonic noted, his grin getting wider, "Was wondering if he ended up here or somewhere else." "Eh? Nani? What's going on?" Kaito asked. "That's what I wanna ask. I was gonna enjoy my meal" Flash said. "An attack from that Eggman guy I told ya about," Sonic explained as a female Mobian Echidna stepped out of the portal, wearing an all-black jumpsuit with some of her dreadlocks seemingly cybernetic and a bit of pink hair atop her head. "Ugh...Do I really have to say the line?" the echidna groaned in Lien-Da's voice, speaking into a communicator in one of her dreadlocks. =I've been in hiding for six months...I need people to remember who they should fear!= "Ugh…" Lien-Da rolled her eyes before holding her arm out, "Attention humans, Mobians, and Kikainoids, your city has been commandeered by the Eggman Empire! Surrender now, or else the Egg Pawns will take care of you personally." "Egg...Pawns?" Kaito repeated. "Yeah...ol' Eggy likes to add 'Egg' to most of his stuff," Sonic shrugged, "Wouldn't be surprised if he renamed the Dark Legion the Egg Army." 'He better not!' Lien-Da mentally snapped. "Ah well I don't care what you're called!" Flash walked forward, "Everyone is trying to get along here, and you're messing it up!" he declared as he pointed at them… *KABOOM!* ...only for the takoyaki cart to blow up behind him, "..." he looked at his finger, "...That wasn't me, was it?" "No…" Sonic and kaito shook there heads. Marching out were a group of...Kikanoids. But it was strange, they all looked the same, like mass produced clones. They had on the same silver jumpsuit with black boots and gloves. Their silver helmets were interesting as the mouthguard looked like it had teeth resembling keyboard keys, and their black visor was separated by a single angular line going across it. They also all held the same weapon, a staff themed after an electrical plug with the heads having two metal spikes, and the bottoms ending in wires. =Hey! Who fired the shot before you were given orders!?= Eggman snapped, having heard the explosion over the line. "From this day forward, this world belongs to the Kikaitopia Tojitendo Dynasty!" Barashitara spoke as he marched forward. In his hands was a spear, the head of which looked like a surface to air rocket. "...Sir, it seems our invasion...is being interrupted by an invasion," Lien-Da noted. =WHAT!? Hold on…= Eggman muttered before one of the EggPawns tensed before its optics shifted colors until settling on a copy of the color of Eggman's glasses =There. I've engaged a remote operation in this EggPawn. That's be…= the EggPawn 'spoke' in Eggman's voice as it turned to see Barashitara and his troops =What's huh? Hey! This is my invasion, darn it! Go back to where you came from until I'm done!= "Ah...a rival army…" Barashitara noted, "That makes this fun…" he chuckled darkly as his hat shadowed his optics, "I thought this world was weak and full of squishy organics...but an enemy force of superior mechanical life forms, now I'm interested." he suddenly aimed his spear at the EggPawn, "Submit and bow to the Tojitendo Dynasty...or be recycled into our new foot soldiers!" =Did you just...oh you dare…!?= Eggman growled out =Lien-Da, I'm sending out Burnbot now! You and the rest deal with these interlopers and Sonic! Especially the blue rodent!= "You sure that's a wise idea?" Lien-Da questioned, "Their commanding officer looks like he c-" =NOW!= "Ugh...fine," Lien-Da groaned before looking back at the Mobians and humans with Cybernetics, "Legionnaires, attack the invading forces and….ugh...Sonic..." "Kudakk's! Attack!" Barashitatra ordered. "Dakk!" they all cheered, rushing forward spears aimed and at the ready. "What is all this?" Kaito and flash asked as the fighting went on, the Tojitendo attacking anyone, Human, Mobian, and even other Kikainoids who were not part of their forces, and likewise the battle with the Legionnaires only caused more damage to the area. "Hahaha!" Barashitara laughed, letting attacks bounce off his armor with no effect whatsoever, "Doshta? Is that all you can muster?" he asked, swinging his spear and sending his attackers flying away into the horizon, "How pathetic...you're so light…" "Yeah, well…" he looked up to see Sonic standing on one foot...on top of his weapon, "Just because us Mobians are shorter than you guys doesn't mean we're weaker than you." "What the...oi! Get off!" Barashitara demanded, trying to shake Sonic off his weapon. "Yeah I would, but...you look like you need a good zapping," Sonic smirked before he became a blur, moving away from Barashitara just as a pair of electric whips wrapped around him, sending a course of electricity through his body. "Damn it...Of course I missed him," Lien-Da muttered, holding onto the electrified whips with her hands. "Hmm…" Barashitara spoke, making both Mobians blink, "My exterior armor is indeed metal...but my interior is insulated…" he motioned to the treads that made up his legs, "But I commend you, squishy ones…" the canon on his chest began glowing as he was charging up a shot, "But...my turn." a loud bang filled the air as he fired a shell from his chest that struck the ground, causing a huge explosion with the force knocking Lien-Da and Sonic over. "...Okay….This guy's tougher than I thought," Sonic muttered as he got up. "I knew something weird was going to happen today…" Lien-Da groaned. "Really...You knew that another group of bad guys from the other Parallel world would invade the same day as you?" Sonic asked sarcastically. "Hah...It's been a while since we've been allowed to use Military might...I have so missed the drums of war." Barashitara sighed, his canon charging up again, "It's a shame the forces I encounter put up so little of a fight." "That better not be a joke on my height!" Sonic called. "That's what you're worried about!?" Lien-Da snapped. "Can't you blast him with your blasts?" Sonic asked. "..." Lien-Da looked away. "...Did ya forget you could fire those electric blasts like you did in Albion?" "No. It's, well...chalk it up as another thing Eggman messed up with that stupid plan of his," Lien-Da replied. "...Oh…." "Yeah. In short...we're screwed right now." "Hey!" Kaito shouted, making Barashitara stop his attack while the human walked around him and tried his best to get in his face….despite all the chest armor getting in the way, "What's the big idea!? With all of you!? We're all getting along...and yet you guys just come in and start messing things up for us! And on top of that, you're all attacking your own people!" "Kaito I don't think it works like kill la kill scene of late day. This guy mostly wants to fight I can say by looking at him." Flash coming with him."but I gonna agree aswell. What's the big idea why are you attacking your own kind." "Because they are nothing but scrap," Barashitara spoke, "All those besides the elite are useless, scrap meant for us to step upon to gain victory and glory! Those weaklings are low class garbage...humans and Mobians are nothing but organic filth! We Elite of the Tojitendo need not concern ourselves with the lives of those beneath us." he reached his hand and grabbed Kaito and flash lifted them up, before shoving them and sending both flying into the distance, "Hmph...even both are lighter then the others…" "Ah! Kaito! Flash!" Sonic exclaimed before running off after them. =Hey! Hey, you get back here, hedgehog!= Eggman shouted, his controlled EggPawn shaking a fist at the hedgehog. "You! Tiny commander! Bring out your elite forces!" Barashitara spoke, picking up Eggman's EggPawn avatar and bringing it up to eye level with him. =Hey! I am not tiny!= "Hmm...what's this...you are not a robotic life form...you're just a transmitter...where are you, tiny commander?" he growled as he began crushing the EggPawn, "I shall not be insulted! Come and die like a warrior!" Kaito and flash screamed as they both continued to go through the air, flying over the park where even more Tojitendo forces were attacking. They began attacking the party with the Kudakk's being lead by what seemed to be an evolved version of them. This figure looked more armored with gear-like accents forming a belt on his waist, bracers on his arm, accents over his shoulders, a neck brace, and gears located in Each of his large shoulder guards and armored boots. His helmet lacked the keyboard like mouthguard instead being a large black visor with armored spikes forming the image of a spiked mouth. His weapon was also different, it lacked wires at the bottom, the head of the plug was black and instead of metal spikes it was tipped with two red chainsaws. This was a high ranking officer in the Tojitendo armed forces, a Kudaiter. "Get them," the Kudaiter commander ordered the Kudakks, the grunts nodding and rushing in to attack the party goers. "Tojitendo?!" the red Kikanoid asked in shock, seeing those who made life in his world miserable, "They arrived in this world, too?!" "Hmm?" the Kudaiter blinked spotting the Red Kikanoid, "Hey you, the Red Kikainoid," he spoke up, "Scrap these Humans and Mobians." "What did you say?!" he asked as he looked around before grabbing a large rock, "Teme!" he shouted, raising the rock up, intent to use it as a weapon. But he stopped as the Human and Mobian teenagers all screamed in fear, he turned to see them, they were scared. To the humans, this had never happened before, and to the Mobians it was like they had suddenly re-experienced something traumatic. He slowly lowered the rock realizing...they were afraid of him...just like they feared the Tojitendo who were attacking them, "No...I wasn't...I didn't…" he spoke, trying to assure them he didn't mean them harm, but his swinging the rock around only served to make them panic even more, "I didn't mean...I wasn't going to hurt you!" he explained in vain as they used this chance to escape from the Kikainoids, "Ah...To the humans, I'm the same as them...and to Mobians, they've caused a trauma to resurface…" "Seems like it," the Kudaiter noted, patting the Red Kikainoid's shoulder in assurance. "Arigatou," he thanked...before both realized the situation, "Gh! Oi!" he backed away from the Kudaiter, "You bastard!" "I didn't notice you were just a peasant Kikainoid," the Kudaiter realized, "You can get scrapped like the rest of them!" "Kono!" the Red Kikanoid grunted as he tried to swing at him, only for the Kudaiter to swing his spear and strike his chest making sparks fly, and the poor good hearted Kikanoid to get sent flying and landing in the park's Trash pick up pile, "Gh…" he grunted as he was buried under the trash bags that had accumulated. Both teens groaned, both landing thankfully cushioned by trash on the streets trash pick up pile. It wasn't exactly a soft landing...but they could walk away from this at least. Both blinked realizing....they were just a block away from home. They really got flung for some distance, this was like an almost 30 minute walk from the street fair. Both slowly got back up with a groan and decided to walk towards home, hopefully everyone was… "Stay away!" a familiar voice called out, "I said stay back!" it was Yatsude. "Yachan/Aunty!" Both called out, running to the street they called home...before skidding to a halt on arrival. "Ah mou...Who are these Kikainoids?" Roll questioned, arms under her impressive chest as she was giving the tied up and hung up upside-down grunts a stern look, "This is an establishment, not a bar. You all want to fight, then go find one!" "Roll-chan, make sure to take photos of their faces so we can put up a banned photo for each!" Yatsude added, poking out of the store with a pot on her head as a helmet. "Nani!?" Kaito gawked. "Should have saw that coming" flash muttered. "Hm? Oh, Kaito-san, Flash-san welcome back!" Roll greeted before bowing, "Please excuse the mess. Some Kikainoids seem to have forgotten their manners and one even shocked Haseo-chan." "Sugoi…" Kaito awed, "Mobians really are stronger than they look." "I learned that lesson when she took down a bicker gang ,by just a toothpick and I still don't know how, she doesn't have any magic aswell." Flash muttered the last part to himself. Hurry, hurry inside you two!" Yatsude called, pulling him in, "Roll-chan, don't forget the photos!" "Hai~" Roll saluted. "Quick, Kaito! Flash! Help us move these heavy things!" Yatsude ordered as they began barricading the door with anything they could move in its path. "There we go…" Kaito muttered, moving the last shelf into place, flash began walking away, before turning back and opening the shelf's little door, "Haseo, get out of there. This is for barricading the door, not for hiding!" H-Hai…" a shy little voice squeaked out before a small grey fox Mobian crawled out wearing an orange shirt, blue shorts, and had a black tail with white tip...and a white tail with black tip. "Ah, you lost your helmet," Yatsude sighed as she put a pot on his head. "So we're not only being attacked by what seems to be rogue Kikainoids that have made an army, but also Dr. Eggman's forces," Skye noted, sitting nearby with Secchan. "How did you get in here?" Yatsude demanded. "Upstairs window with Sonic," Skye replied as he pointed over to said hedgehog, "Seems I'll be working late tonight once this all dies down." he sighed, "I'm a repairman, not a doctor." "Tou-san, you have seven doctorates," Roll reminded. "Papa is being a goober here," Skye comically sighed before Yatsude tugged his ear, "Owowowowowowowowow…" "Don't come in through the window," Yatsude scolded. "Heh-heh," Sonic chuckled before his ear was pulled too, "Owowowowowowowow..." "That goes double for you!" Yatsude spoke, "Just cause you're not my blood family, doesn't mean I won't scold you for being dumb!" she began twisting their ears, making them both cry in pain as they fell over once she let go, "You two are male role models to a little boy! Act like it!" "Oh, Tou-san…" Roll sighed, shaking her head while keeping a hand over her mouth to hide her amused smile at the antics, before frowning as she looked out the semi-blocked window, "Just what is going on? Why are some of them acting like this? ...Do you think it's a ploy by Dr. Eggman?" "Nope. There's this other faction led by this tank dude, claiming they're the elite of the Kikainoids or something," Sonic answered. "Elite?" Yatsude asked, "What does that mean?" "Could be that whatever caused our current situation six months ago resulted in a civil war to quietly brew in the Kikainoids as roles were altered and bridges formed and collapsed," Skye noted, rubbing his sore ear, "These 'elites' might be the higher class that grew upset over it." "Man I was happy to be hear and finally out of trouble" Flash sitting down on the table" my mom dad send me hear to live with her friends so I won't get in trouble, but trouble find me instead. But you know I kind of liked it hear still. I get in to trouble with kaito and sonic and I get to help others and also I got to experience family with you guys even if we're not blood related.But still they had to ruin it" The others looked at him and smiled at that. But soon frowned at the last part "..." Kaito sighed after hearing flash as he looked at the door, "I was so happy, too…" he got the others attention, "I thought we were getting along…" he began walking over to the little mechanical bird known as Secchan, "...With the worlds my Parents found…" he reached out and picked up Secchan, "Touchan...Kaachan…" he spoke while looking at the gift they gave him as a child. -Flashback- The young Kaito from the family picture blinked as his mother and father presented him with Secchan. The boy blinked in confusion, to him it just seemed like a new toy. "Kaito, behold!" his father cheered, "Tousan's Masterpiece is finally complete!" "Kaito, this is Secchan, your new friend!" his mother smiled pushing the robotic bird to Kaito so he could hold it. =Tune, Tune!= Secchan chirped. "Sugoi! Even after it blew up so many times!" Kaito awed. "Yeah...I still don't think Skye's eyebrows have fully grown back…" His father muttered sheepishly. "But we didn't give up," His mother replied while elbowing her husband. "If you're serious about something, then you keep at it till you get results, Zenryoku Zenkai!" his father cheered. He then got up and stood next to his wife as they prepared something they had said and probably practiced numerous times. "You can recover from mistakes! Try it multiple times!" they both cheered. Young Kaito smiled as he held Secchan close. -End- Kaito opened his eyes as he was holding Secchan close, resting his head against the robotic bird's own head, "That's right…" he spoke up as the memory of his parents sparked something within him, "I don't want to give up. I haven't done anything yet." his smile began to form, "I've made up my mind! I will protect our world!" he declared to the others. "...Heh-heh...15...14..." Skye began to quietly count down while sitting at the raised podium to the house part of the building, pulling Haseo into his lap. "Eh? How?" Yatsude asked in surprise. "I don't know," Kaito bluntly replied, causing everyone but Skye to fall over in shock and exasperation, "But...until I get results…" he grinned and held up Secchan high over his head, "I'm going Zenryoku Zenkai!" "Zero," Skye finished counting at the same time the robotic bird's eyes lit up with a blue light. Secchan then began chirping before flapping their wings and flying up, making them all gasp. "Well that's new!" Sonic exclaimed. =Tune, tune, tune tuning complete~!= Secchan declared. "It talks!" Kaito, Flash, Yatsude, Roll, and Haseo all shouted. "Yo, Secchan," Skye casually greeted, "Everyone sit down over here now, please." "Huh?" the others blinked. =Here= Secchan spoke, leading them to the tatami mate at the base of the stairs that led to the living section above the shop where Skye and Haseo already were =Please all sit or stand here for the next few seconds please!= "Oh…" Kaito nodded as they all walked over and stood on the mat to make best use of the small space. "Hold onto your behinds!" Skye laughed. =Go!= Secchan cheered...as the mat suddenly fell down into a deep hole in the ground, Secchan stopped flapping to let gravity drag them down to join them. "NANI!?" Roll and Yatsude panicked. "Wow!" Flash yelled. After a moment, they finally touched down on some form of floor, most of them all tumbling over. They all groaned save for Skye and Haseo, with the former prepared for this ahead of time clearly. Flash got up from the pain. Kaito and Roll quickly helped Yatsude up as lights began turning on, revealing them to be in a huge space surrounded by monitors, showing the same revolving symbol. It had four interconnecting jagged stripes going from left to right: Yellow, Red, Pink and Blue, with a silvery white V crest beneath. The group themselves were standing on what seemed to be a large white arrow shaped platform. On it were four things of note: first was a small desk with a computer system and several files resting on it, second were large table-like devices with things like screens, controls and the likes built into it, and the last two were a pair of large computer mainframes. "...How...long was this place down here?" Sonic asked, blinking a bit in surprise. "A long time," Skye chuckled. "Sugei~! What is this place?!" Kaito awed. "Wow" Flash equally surprised. =This is the lab that Dr. Isao Dr. Mitsuko Dr Misty Vail and Trail blazer used, tune!= Secchan explained =It expanded when Dr. Sakurai first came and did some visits, tune!= "So that's what my parents were working on with your parents kaito" Flash asked to his cousin looking around. "Those kids…" Yatsude said with a small sad smile, her hand swinging up and smacking Skye upside the head the moment he turned away. "Gah! Ite~!" Skye comically groaned, "What did I do?" "My son and trial are not here for me to smack, and you helped, didn't you?" she argued. "Fair enough," Skye muttered. "You helped with this?" Roll asked. "Of course I did!" Skye grinned, "Ah Issy and Mitsy were downright brilliant! And so we're misty and trail Together, we learned so much about alternate worlds!" he coughed into his hand while mumbling under his breath, "And may or may not have ended up with more than one fine for minor law violations…" "What was that?" Yatsude demanded, her eyes sharp. "I said 'Secchan, hit the switch!'" Skye quickly replied. =Hai~!= Secchan beamed as it swooped down and pushed a switch on one of the computers before multiple floating screens popped up, showcasing a myriad of figures in colorful attire with a key commonality in having a red, blue, and yellow and either a green, pink, purple, silver, gold...so many different colors! =Many of them had Super Sentai heroes who would protect the Earth tune!= "Sonic, you may wanna take a couple steps forward," Skye advised. "Huh? Wh…" Sonic began before a buzzer went off...and the ground under Sonic shot up, making him yelp and go into the air like he had stepped on a spring. "I warned him," Skye chuckled before nudging Roll to the side and had her hold her arms out, letting Sonic land squarely in them. "Uh...Thanks," Sonic thanked, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "Pay attention to where you're standing. You were right on top of the piece de resistance of what we made," Skye snickered as he gestured to what had emerged from the floor. Everyone looked to it. It was a shelf of sorts with five strange blasters hung on the shelves with a gold gear-like item beside them. The blasters had a black grip with a red stripe going down the center, a black trigger guard with a red trigger, along the back half of the gun it was black with a stripe of rainbow color with the words 'GEARTLINGER' written in black letters, the front half was red, with a bird head-like design on the sights that greatly resembles Secchan. It had a secondary black handle with a red stripe along the bottom, an oddity was a light blue crank on the right side which faced them, and a black knob with the same symbol as on the walls but in all gold. The barrel was where things got a little crazy as it was a-relative to its handgun scale-large gatling gun like barrel with five barrels with a red casing around it and had four colored stripes along it in Green, Blue, Pink and yellow. =The culmination of the work of three great scientists!= Sechan declared =From studying all the Super Sentai discovered, they created a unique brand of device meant to protect our Earth, tune!= "Wait Sentai, my mom and dad told me a lot of stories about them." Flash got excited the others couldn't help but smile at his antics. "These Super Sentai sound kinda awesome…" Sonic muttered as Kaito walked over to the shelf and focused on the center most section, the gear having the white image or a ranger with the number 45 on it. "Oh, they are," Skye noted as he held his arm out and let Secchan land on it, "And Secchan here has an entire compendium we made inside of his adorable little noggin, including their weapons, armors, skills, and a summary of each team. I think the one thing we enjoyed debating on the most was on ZyuohTheWorld's throwing an entire building into the air on if he actually sent it straight past the exosphere or if it was somewhere between the exosphere and mesosphere." =These are the Geartlinger and Sentai Gears= Secchan informed =They are a proud invention that took a lot of work to copy the abilities of without taking, tune. After all, we're not Pirates tune!= "Touchan and Kaachan made all these with aunty misty and uncle trial? Skye, why did you never tell us?" Kaito asked innocently,so did falsh not upset or the like, just curious as to why...and how he kept a secret this amazing. =He pinkie promised, tune!= Secchan spoke up, =That and he was probably afraid if he told Yatsude that he and her son and his friend dug out a secret subterranean lab...in Japan...which is a volcanic island...she'd probably shave him, tune!= "Hence why there's a field in here that short-circuits any device that shaves," Skye nervously noted...keeping Haseo between him and Yatsude. "You know I just need to wait for you to leave this lab if that's the case…" Yatsude spoke, "And even if you made it mobile...you should have instead invested in a gizmo that makes it so I can't use anything sharp period." =Oh, he tried. Dr. Isao and Mr Trial vetoed because they couldn't test the Sentai Gears for those who use blades tune= Secchan chirped happily =Dr. Mitsuko and Dr. Misty couldn't add anything because of the loss of oxygen= "Eh?" =Laughing too hard over the argument and the mental image of what he'd look like shaved= "Secchan!" Skye yelped, his face bright red in embarrassment, "A...Anyway…" he coughed into his fist, "Use these to fight off the invaders." "Oh sweet! That's…" Sonic began, reaching for the blue one when Skye slapped his hand, "Ow!" "The Geartlingers are incompatible with Mobians," Skye stated, "It was my request due to the issues we Mobians have had with guns." "Hah?" "Plus, don't you have issues with guns?" Skye added. "They look more like toy guns." "Like that Nack fellow's?" "...Point taken," Sonic grumbled. "So...only humans can use them?" Kaito asked, holding a Geartlinginger and the White Gear, "Or...humans and...Kikainoids?" "Bingo!" Skye grinned, "One human and four Kikainoids to be precise." "Eh?" "Don't deny that you were thinking of asking your grandmother to fight alongside you and your cousin," Skye deadpanned. "..." Kaito looked away, trying not to look at the older hedgehog or his grandmother, "I thought it'd be cool...I mean, girls can be badass, too…" "I have several marks from a frying pan that can attest to that claim," Skye stated while patting Roll's head, "And a daughter that proves it as well." "Roll would have been my first pick if not for the Mobian rule…And Flash would have been my second pick." Kaito admitted. "Eh/Huh!?" Roll and Flash exclaimed. "I mean...she's a ninja, and she knows all sorts of cool stuff." Kaito explained, "Plus Sonic would have joined on his own otherwise if not for the rule. And Flash well you help out anyway and because of that I thought you fit perfect" "Don't worry cuz, beside I think I will have to stick to the side lines anyway like I always do." Flash rubbing the back of his head. In truth he was sad that he couldn't help. Skye looked at him and thought in mind 'don't worry your time will come to flash my boy, beside I made a promise to your mom and dad about this.' "But count me in to, beside I may not have power but I can still fight and I won't let a family member fight alone, cause us family have to stick together ya know."Flash said determined. The others smiled at that. "No contest," Sonic smirked, "Still gonna be joining in, though. Just call me a hikonin for this group! ...What's it called, anyway?" "Kikai Sentai…" Skye began as he pointed ahead. =...Zenakiger!= Secchan finished, landing on the arm and pointed ahead as well. "...You did something to Secchan," Yatsude deadpanned, causing the two to fall over, "He wasn't like this before you started doing that countdown." "Secchan said tuning is complete…" Kaito spoke up, "Could be that Secchan was meant to activate like this...if the world was ever in danger from this one super specific situation?" "Who could plan for something like tha-...oh...right…" Sonic muttered looking at Skye, "You literally planned this." "Not just me," Skye replied, "Issy and Mitsy, too! In fact, they made sure that only Kaikai here could trigger it." "Ah...that genius gene must skip generations in this family." Yatsude sighed as Kaito just stared in awe. But Flash was feeling a little down. "Okay, so we have a way to fight now. We just need some good Kikainoids to join up," Sonic grinned, "...But, uh…" he looked around, "How do we get out of here?" "Boing," Skye replied. "Boing?" Sonic repeated as Secchan pushed a button. *BOING~!* "Boing," Skye chuckled, the spot Sonic had been resetting from its spring state...before he then pushed a button and an elevator rose up, "Elevator for everyone else." "Sugei…" Kaito awed. "...What's going on?" the Red Kikanoid whispered, resting his back against the back of a wall as more of the evil Kikanoids were attacking the people and Mobians. He honestly tried to help defend them...but the situation only made things worse as when he tried to fight back, those who were scared assumed he was about to strike them. "No!" "?!" the Red Kikanoid tensed up, looking to the side to see a Kudakk about to attack a young Mobian cat. "Please help!" "Oi! Teme!" the Kikainoid shouted as he charged and tackled the Kudakk away from the kid, sending both tumbling away from each other upon landing on the ground; the Kudakk was first to recover and held up its staff to swing down at the child, "Look out!" The Red Kikainoid ran over to the child and put his back to the Kudakk and its weapon while putting his body around the child to protect them. The Kudakk swung as gunshots went off. The Kudakk sparked as it fell over, several bullet holes decorating it. The Red Kikainoid looked up to see Kaito standing there, Geartlinger in hand and aimed at where the Kudakk had been. Kaito blinked twice, looking between the downed mook and his gun a few times. "Nice aim," Flash noted, giving Kaito a thumbs up as Roll ran over to the Red Kikainoid and cat Mobian, carrying a medical bag...and a tool kit. "Are you both okay?" Roll asked, "That one didn't hurt you two, did it?" "No ah…" the Kikanoid looked down at the Cat Mobian, "Sorry...I didn't mean to...I wasn't trying to…" "That was pretty brave of you, man," Sonic noted, patting the Kikainoid's back, "Saving this little tyke and willing to take a hit like that." "Yeah I would have done the same." Flash noted aswell. "Thank you for saving them," Kaito added, walking over to look at the Red Kikanoid. "Eh?" he blinked, realizing they understood what he was doing. "Hey…" the cat spoke, earning the red Kikanoid's attention, "...Thank you for saving me, mister!" "O-oh!" he nodded, regaining composure, "It's dangerous here. Run to safety!" he spoke, helping the Cat Mobian up and motioned away from the chaos of the continuing fight of two invading forces. "G-got it!" he nodded as he hurried off. The Red Kikanoid sighed, "You're lucky you didn't hit me-" he began as he turned around to scold the kids, only to blink as Kaito held up another Geartlinger to his face. "Ne...Help me fight the Tojitendo." Kaito spoke up, making the Kikanoid blink. "Huh?!" he gawked only for Kaito to step a bit closer and hold the Geartlinger even closer to his torso, "Hey wait a moment!" he spoke up, taking another step back, "I'm also a Kikainoid…" he pointed out as the three looked at him, he then walked around them as he tried not to look them in the eye, "We just met. How can you ask me to do something like that-" Kaito walked over and grabbed his shoulder to turn him around, "I want to get along with you, Ojisan!" he smiled, "Because…" he spoke as he made the Kikanoid grab the Geartlinger, "You're not like them." he turned to see the Tojitendo and Eggman's forces as they continued to skirmish, "And they aren't like the Mobians I call friends and family," Kaito went on with a serious expression, "Every world has its good...and its bad. I want to get along with the good people and fight the bad ones with them." The Kikanoid took a moment to process Kaito's words, Flash smiled at his cousin he is always like this but it's ok still. Sonic and Roll smiling at them as well. The Kikanoid also felt...relieved. Someone saw him as himself and wanted to do what he dreamed of since he was so young in Kikaitopia. "Yeah!" he cheered suddenly as he walked over to stand beside Kaito, "I'm not like them at all!" he cheered. He then tapped Kaito's arm before he spun around in place, "And don't call me 'Ojisan', my name is Juran!" he declared before moving one hand to his head like a salute as he winked, "Let's get along~" he chuckled, looking to Sonic and Roll as well as he introduced himself. "I'm Flash, Flash sentry" The blue hair teen greeted. "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" the blue hedgehog smirked. "It's nice to meet you, Juran-san. My name is Sakurai Roll," Roll bowed. "I'm Kaito, Goshikida Kaito!" Kaito smiled happily, "Let's all get along!" he cheered, shoulder bumping into Juran. As the small group laughed, the fight amongst two evil factions dulled down as both of them took notice of the collection of oddballs before them. Barashitara walked forward alongside his Kudaiter subordinate. Lien-Da and her forces blinking as to what got their attention. "Oh? It's the human and rats from before," he noted as he looked at Kaito, Flash and Sonic, "I'm amazed you're all still alive." "Trust me. My master knows how many times he's tried to before with the hedgehog…" Lien-Da muttered "Look even the peasant from before is-" the Kudaiter began before Juran fired and got a headshot on a random Kudakk, making him go limp and fall over. "Ah…" the evil forces' high commanders all blinked at how blatantly that just happened. "Yosha!" Juran cheered, slapping his Geartlinger, "I did it!" =Wh...?! You can't do that!= Eggman demanded from an Egg Pawn =There are rules to this!= "What rules?" Juran asked. "There are rules hear?" Flash asked. "Oh don't enc-" Lien-De began. =You know! You let the villain finish their monologue and make you realize how pathetic you are, then you defy them with argu…!= Eggman began before Juran shot one of the Egg Pawns, shattering it upon impact =D'oh! See?! SEE! THAT IS JUST RUDE!= "Man, this thing's aim is crazy!" Juran cheered. "Ah, that's right! I forgot!" Kaito spoke up as he began digging in one of many pockets inside his vest before pulling out a Gear with a red image and 16 on it. "What?" Juran blinked as Kaito put it in his hand, "What's this?" "Open this up…" Kaito began as he started giving Juran a crash course on the Geartlinger right now in the middle of this tense and awkward situation. "Put it in swift as the wind," Juran nodded, following along with their hushed conversation, the Tojitendo and Eggman's forces just tilting their heads as this...was actually happening. This was a thing and it was happening right here and now to them. "And then you go Bang!" Kaito finished. "Oh you should have told me sooner," Juran noted, understanding all that somehow. "Th-this is a thing. This is an actual thing that's happening right now," Lien-Da whispered in disbelief. "If any of you said 'this is a thing now,' then yeah. It is," Sonic grinned. "Yeah I accepted it when it comes to my cousin" flash said. "Yosh ikuze!" Kaito cheered as he and Juran stepped forward, they held their respective gears up before opening a light blue slot on the top of the Geartlinger near the back, revealing a slot just for the Gears to be inserted. Both slotted their Sentai Gears in before slamming the lid down and letting it close up. A noise coming from the Geartlinger as they both held it up in their left hands and grabbed the crank. "Change Zenkai!" they declared as they began spinnin the crank. =Yon-Ju-Go Bang! Ju-Roku Bang!= "Hm? They talk?" Juran asked as the guns started to chant with a tune going off. =Bang~Bang~Bang~!= "I get the feeling this is a theme for Sentai," Roll noted. "Pretty catchy jingle," Sonic chuckled. "Yeah but I think it's of a dinosaur theme where they dance to the beat" Flash said. Suddenly, Kaito and Juran thrust their arms out and pulled the triggers. Everyone on the two enemy factions flinched as large gears of golden energy shot out. The gears had the same images as the Gears they inserted before flying back and sweeping over Kaito and Juran. The Gear that swept over Kaito stopped as white light formed around his body before it solidified into a suit. His suit was all white with golden accents on his forearm covering gloves and on his boots. A large golden crest formed on his torso as chest armor with a circular coat of arms in the center with the same symbol as was in his parents lab, as it swept out to his shoulders as shoulder pads, stripes of yellow, green, blue and pink formed on his shoulder just under the shoulder pads and seemed to paint over his torso and curved down upon reaching a large red stripe going down from his neck to his chest and down to the interior of his legs, giving the image of a rainbow on his torso. A white helmet formed around his head, as a red stripe formed down the middle, a blue visor with small holes formed in the shape of a large set of goggles, with a large golden V crest forming on his forehead with the number 45 in the center. Around his waist was a black belt with a large silver rectangular buckle with a golden V in it. A white cape with a red interior formed behind him to complete his transformation. =Zenkaiser~!= Juran's gear swept over him as it began reformatting his body armor and altering him into a totally new form. His arms turned black with gold accents on his wrist and the base of his elbows, a red plate attached to his left shoulder with the silver image of a Tyrannosaurus head on it. His upper chest turned bright red and jutted outwards in the image of a Tyrannosaurus head with yellow eyes and a black nose. His torso from under his chest was black with a silver belt around his waist. His upper legs were silver while his legs from the knee down were covered in red armor, stopping at his feet which were black, with silver clawed toes extending forward. His head changed into a new black helmet, with a red crown going across the top of his forehead, two large red spikes which curved up forming from the sides of his helmet, with a third orange crest forming atop his helmet, his mouth was now a solid silver mouthplate as his eyes became larger and a bright orange, with a silver vest in the center of his forehead and the number 16 in gold over it. =Zenkai Juran~!= "Himitsu no power!" the white ranger spoke up as he struck a pose with left arm drawn back and his right across his torso so both hands pointed to his left, he then twisted his body around and swung his arms around before punching his right arm forward with his left arm cocked back, "ZenKaiser!" "Kyoryu power!" Juran declared as he lifted both arms up with his index and middle fingers curled to look like claws, he then began swinging his arms as if dancing before twisting his body to the right and flicking his fingers out to the right, "Zenkai Juran!" he declared putting his left on his hip as he turned his head to finish his pose. Suddenly, Zenkaiser and Juran posed together as Zenkaiser leaned to the right and Juran to the left as they held their hands up with two fingers held out. "Futari Awasete!" they declared, "Kikai Sentai," they jumped to the opposite side as Zenkai Juran stood to the right with his right arm held up, and Zenkaiser to the left with his left arm held up, "Zenkaiger!" they shouted. =Hooray! They transformed!= Secchan cheered, flapping his wings excitedly on Skye's head, the four still in the base watching on a screen. "Sugoi~" Haseo awed, his tails wagging. "How did they do that group pose and motto together that fast?" Yatsude asked. "The Sentai Gears can automatically upload information and skills to their brains." Skye explained, "We couldn't resist making sure that the first thing they learn was that since it's a way to show their camaraderie." =It also helps with another amazing power of the Geartlinger and Sentai Gear, tune!= Secchan cheered, =Now for the real fun part, Tune!= "Yosh...Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser declared, holding up the Geartlinger. Zenkai Juran pulled out a large silver shield with split into two ends at the bottom and had a ribcage like pattern in the center, and in his other hand was a large single edged sword, it had a red base with two handles, one acting as a sort of guard as he grabbed the rear handle, the red going along the blades back, with the blade itself having an odd and noticeable undulating that made it thin out towards the tip. "What is this…" several of Eggman's forces asked only to be blindsided as Zekaiser jumped into the air and began raining energy bullets on them which resulted in...large explosions that tossed them around. "Make way!" Juran shouted as he bashed his shield into a Kudakk, before swinging his sword and slashing through several mooks of both factions making them explode. The bulky armored Red Ranger dashing through with amazing speed as he cut down more mooks, "Come at me!" he taunted, using his shield to block the lance of a Kudakk before kicking an Egg Pawn like a football and slamming it into several mooks. He then back flipped over another Kudakk before swinging his sword down and bisecting the mook in half making it explode. =Wh-what is happening?!= Eggman demanded as the Egg Pawn he was controlling flailed its arms in a confused yet mad manner. "How should I know?!" Lien-Da snapped "And you!" Zenkaiser spoke, landing before both of them, "We were having a great time before you came and mucked it up!" he shouted, making Lein-Da stumble back, "What gives you the right to come in and mess with our peaceful lives?!" he swung around and kicked a Kudakk, sending it flying away before he swung his Geartlinger and pistol whipped another, making him fall over as his helmet was dented in severely, "I expect you guys to say sorry!" "Eh, don't count on it," Sonic noted as he ran around, making several Kudakk and EggPawns' heads spin around trying to keep up until the ended up unscrewing their heads off, "They don't say 'sorry' unless it's a ruse." "Rude!" Zenkaiser spoke, thumping Eggman's Egg Pawn and caving its head in, the rest of its body doing an accordion as it crumbled down from the force of his swing, "Wow...What's this thing made of...aluminum?" "Reinforced titanium…" Lien-Da muttered in awe at his power. "Eh?! ...Wow, what cheap titanium." =CHEAP?!= Eggman snapped from Lien-Da's communicator, making her wince as it was right in her ear =D'oh...That's it! I'm sending Burnbot after you, you walking Power Ranger reject!= "Power rangers reject! Oh you did not just say that eggy" Flash said as he used a sword roll gave him to fight the grunts. Beg p-" Zenkaiser began before a loud thud went off, making him slowly turn to see a large robot looming over him. It was tall standing on long blueish armored legs with red wheels for feet, its body was wide and barrel like, with two spiked rings over its shoulders, with outward pointing spiked shoulder plates, two long tube arms ending in large gauntlets with pincers and hidden artillery panels. Its head was rounded and made of black metal with blue optics and silver antennae. =Actually, we didn't use data from those dimensions= "Wait...what's a Power Ranger?!" Zenkaiser asked confused, "Also hi?" he blinked, realizing it was Secchan speaking directly to him via his helmet. "There just a knock off of the Sentai"Flash said as he bashed two grunts head together. =I'm telling you not to worry about it, tune! Their dimensions are really Far away from ours!= =Thank goodness for that. Don't wanna get involved with the fudge up they're dealing with= "Ah...gotcha," Zenkaiser nodded before looking up at the robot "So...what does this one do? Does it have flamethrowers?" =No= Eggman replied from the new robot. "Does it have rockets that can incinerate?" Sonic questioned as he blurred out of a way of a Kudakk's attack. =NO!= "D-" =No! It has claws! Very sharp and painful claws!= Eggman snapped as Burnbot snapped its metallic pincers. "Seriously? Wait...Did you call it 'Burn Bot' because those claws are meant to do a burn by slicing up attacks coming at it?" Flash asked. =See? He gets it, Lien-Da!= Eggman exclaimed in exasperation. "Big points!" Juran shouted as Burn Bot was suddenly sliced in half, "...W-Was I not supposed to get the big one?" he asked. =No, you did good. Five bonus points to the tally plus an extra ten for bad naming sense on that thing, meaning you're now in second at 37 behind Sonic by 11 points and Flash by 4 points= Skye's voice noted before a smacking sound went off =ITE~!= =You're actually keeping a tally on this!?= =What's the point of mooks if you don't count who blows up the most, tune?= Secchan's voice asked before another smacking sound went off =OWIE~!= =You've infected Secchan with your nonsense!= "...I think I triggered a landmine in my head," Juran muttered. "That's just our family!" Zenkaiser laughed, "Anyway! Back to action!" he declared, striking a pose with Sonic and Juran. "Well there having all the fun. But we're not keeping back aswell." Flash told roll who nodded. =But...But it was my Burn Bot…= Eggman gawked. "I guess you were the one who was burned then," Roll noted behind Lien-Da. =GAH!= Eggman yelped and Lien-Da jumped and spun around in time to be punted in the face by Roll. "And you are?" Lien-Da grunted, wiping her lip from some blood. "Sakurai Roll," Roll replied with a smile before tossing a small white object at Lien-Da, who quickly slapped it with her electric whip and caused a burst of smoke to obscure her sight. "...Oh great…" Lien-Da groaned before barely doding a bo shuriken that shot out of the smoke, "She's a ninja…and one that uses the weapons accurately." =What is with today!?= Eggman cried in panic =I just wanted a day fighting that blue rodent and now I'm dealing with another group trying to outdo me on the robotics and now costumed people and a ninja!= "Oh gee...maybe because it's someone's fault this happened!" Lien-Da snapped, using one of her electric whips to deflect some of the bo shuriken tossed at her. =NOT THE TIME!= "I beg to differ…" she sighed, looking to see the three male heroes fighting the Mooks. "You know even if your the villan, I can say this that you have a boss who doesn't accept his mistakes and tent to cause problems for his workers right" Flash said seeing her. "Finally someone sees it"Lien-Da said finally someone agreeing to her. "Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted, kicking a Kudakk before swinging around and kicking an EggPawn. He swung his arms out and blocked a swing from a Kudakk before unleashing a barrage of punches to its torso, he then flipped back and over an EggPawn before swinging his hand down in a chop and slicing the robot down the middle. "Let's rumble!" Juran cheered, stabbing an EggPawn before shield bashing a Kudakk. He swung around and, with his sword, slashed multiple mooks, as his sword left a streak of red energy in the air as he did so, "Dynamite!" he cheered as they began exploding. "This...is oddly more fun with some bros!" Sonic cheered, kicking a Kudakk, making it stumble back. He then sped forward and tackled into one before he flipped back and used the momentum to land a kick to an EggPawn, crushing its head. The Hedgehog smirked as he ducked down and used his shorter stature to make two Kudakks miss and smack each other with their Plug Lancers making them grunt in pain as electricity sparked and sent them flying back. "Whoo!" Zenkaiser cheered as he fired with his Geartlinger, before he began spinning the crank and made it live up to its design and unleash a giant and numerous barrage of bullets with rapid fire. The bullets ripping through mooks and causing numerous large explosions, "Sugei~! Again!" "Don't look away!" Juran cheered, kicking a Kudakk that tried to sneak attack Zenkaiser, he then swung his sword, unleashing two energized slashes. "Over here~!" Sonic's voice called out as a blue spinning sphere tackled through several Kudakks. =Hey, kiddos!= Skye's voice called =Kaito's buckle is a really awesome thing. Open it up and use the Sentai Gears that pop out in your Geartlingers!= "Like this?" Zenkaiser blinked, opening his buckle to reveal it held about 6 different Sentai Gears; he picked out the front row center gear, revealing a gold symbol of a Ranger with an eagle aesthetic and the number 40 on it, "Oh. 40? Alright, so I just replace and crank?" =That's right! It will be amazing, tune!= Secchan cheered. Zenkaiser followed the instructions as he inserted it and began cranking. =Yon Ju Bang~! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!= Zenkaiser pulled the trigger as the bullet it shot out suddenly exploded into a large golden gear, the hologram of a Sentai team who all have an animal theme appeared. The Red leader turned to Zenkaiser, before running into his body. =Zyu~ohger!= "Whoa!" Zenkaiser grunted as multiple gears floated around him before slamming into him. His cape was pushed back as suddenly a pair of large red wings sprouted from his back. "He has wings now!" Zenkai Juran shouted. "What the...Whoa!" Flash jumped back as Zenkaiser suddenly took off up into the air with no build up, the ground where he stood slightly cracked from the force of his take off. "I'm flying!" Zenkaiser shouted as he flew high above the city, "What is this?" =The power of 40th Super Sentai, Dobotsu Sentai Zyuohger= Seccchan explained =Specifically the power of ZyuohEagle, Tune!= =Eagle? So he's a bird then?= Yatsude questioned before laughing =That makes you birds of a feather then, Secchan!= "Ah…" Zenkaiser gawked as soft giggling went off on the line, "Even Haseo's laughing at that joke…Mou...Yatchan~ I was gonna make that joke!" =Take it out on the mooks. You're in last place at 87, well you and flash he got about 20 = Skye replied. "I don't have training like you all so it's not fair" Flash yelled from below. "Yosh!" he suddenly dipped down and dived back towards the ground, he flapped his wings and stopped short of hitting the ground, he flew at the combined confused mooks, his wings extending out and striking them as he flew through their numbers. The feathers seemed to slice through their armor as they all fell over and began exploding. He twisted his body around and began spinning rapidly turning into a red and white spiralling mass as feathers trailed behind him, he cheered as he crashed through multiple mooks before he stopped and swung his legs up to stop on a wall, before pushing himself off and back up, the resulting air pressure of his flight speed kicking up suddenly as the gust slammed a large number of mooks into the wall letting them explode. Zankaiser cheered before he took his Geartlinger and aimed down as he began raining gun fire on the Mooks taking out even more. =Look at his score go up! Just a little motivation and he's going crazy, tune!= Secchan cheered. "How fun! I wanna do it, too!" Juran exclaimed, batting away a few more mooks as Roll skidded to a halt beside him, a tanto in hand. "Sure!" Zenkaiser replied, opening his buckle again and pulling out from the middle once more, "Use this one, Juran!" Roll's tail hooked onto Juran and tugged him back before Zenkaiser swooped by, barely missing the dino-themed Zenkaiger. Juran looked down at his hand, seeing the Sentai Gear now in it. Like the previous, this one showed a Sentai member in gold, but it looked more like a ninja with a '39' beside it. "Ninja? Ano...Why do I feel this one is very...flashy?" Roll pondered as several EggPawns surrounded them, Lien-Da leading them with her whips out. "I think because of the leader so" flash said as he slashed another grunt but soon more came behind him."oh come on give me a break, roll help" he said as he ran. "Let's swap 'em!" Juran declared, switching his transformation Sentai Gear with the new one, "Spin, spin, spin, spin!" =San Ju Kyu Bang~! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!= "Hahaha! This is a good beat!" Juran cheered as he danced to the jingle, "Yeah, I can party to this!" "Are you mocking us!?" Lien-Da snapped. "Well, it is a catchy tune," Roll admitted. "I gotta agree!" Flash said as he ran Infront of roll as more grunts chase him. "Ah flash-san I'm coming" roll ran to help. "You gotta learn to relax, girl!" Juran spoke up as he kept dancing, "You're only young once~!" he then aimed and pulled the trigger. The golden gear left a group of five Rangers, their helmets all having shuriken-themed visors and each held a ninjato-like sword. =Nin~Ninger~!= The Red Ranger of the team flipped backwards and landed on Juran before merging with him, gears floating around him before doing the same. "Moete kita!" Juran cheered, raising up his sword. "Ikuze, Juran-san!" Roll called out, readying her own. Juran was suddenly enveloped in a red aura. He took a step forward before suddenly speeding into a blur as he swung his sword and slashed down multiple mooks. He skid to a halt next to Roll before they both leaped up into the air. The two came down as they swung at the same time, multiple spiraling slashing streaks formed in the air spiraling around them both as they slashed the Mooks to shreds. Lien-Da barely avoided their fate by swinging her whips around to form a makeshift barrier. =Very flashy!= Yatsude awed. =Sugoi~!= Haseo cheered. =That power was based on the 39th Super Sentai, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger tune!= Secchan informed =Also known as the flashiest Ninja-based Super Sentai. Their motto is 'Shinobi nare domo shinobanai!' tune!= "Hah? But...they're supposed to be ninja. Why don't they hide?" Juran tilted his head. "There are so many kinds, aren't there?" Roll pondered as Flash, Zenkaiser and Sonic regrouped with them. "Juran, Roll-chan, that was amazing!" Zenkaiser cheered, patting Juran's shoulder. "Well ninja do go flashy I think but not the one like this." Flash said in confusion as he saw the fight. "Flash you ok" Zenkaiser asked his cuz who nodded. "Yeah glade roll helped me back that time." "This...is the worst day ever...of all time…" Lien-Da sighed before tensing as Barashitara walked up behind her. "What an interesting display," the Tojitendo general noted, "Your attacks are interesting, but...let's see if you can handle this...Kudaitest!" he called out as the ground began rumbling, like a giant was stomping closer. "DID YOU CALL?!" a voice boomed out, making the group look up to see a large robotic figure staring down at them from behind a building, "KUDAITEST, SANJOU!" everyone awed at the nearly 50 meter tall Kikanoid giant, it had a long robotic tail, large thick armored legs, and its multi finned head was on a long neck ending in a large singular red optic unit. "DEKA!" Zenkaiser and Roll exclaimed. "Wow. That is the second-biggest robot I've ever seen," Sonic noted. "You've seen bigger!?" Juran and Flash gawked. "Fought bigger. Giant gold ape robot," Sonic replied. "What even is that?!" Flash asked. "A Tojitendo modified soldier!" Juran explained, "They modify them to grow gigantic as super weapons! They have thousands upon thousands of these things!" "Seriously!?" Sonic gawked. =Ah, the giant robot or monster deployed by the enemy...I remember the first time we saw one. Mitsy and Issy, misty and trial and I all screamed and Mitsy and vail fainted while Issy, trial and I scrambled around not sure what to do and trying to make up plans to pull off a Jack and the Beanstalk on it with the giant being, well...the giant= Skye recalled. =Skye…= Yatsude spoke up before the sound of a frying pan meeting skull ringed for a moment =Say something helpful!= =PYTHAGORAS~!= Skye slurred before the sound of a body hitting the floor went off. =I think you hit him too hard tune= Secchan noted, worry in his tone. =Ano...Is there something they can do?= Haseo asked. =Of course! This is the reason why we needed Kikainoids outside of comraderie!= Secchan beamed =Juran, your Sentai Gear is extra special! Flip it around and then crank the handle tune! Oh, and tell Roll and Sonic to get away from the area= "Ore?" he blinked. "Don't forget about me!" the Kudaiter commander shouted, rushing them only for Zenkaiser to block his Plug Lancer swing. "Ah! I forgot about him!" Zenkaiser spoke, kicking the Kudaiter away, "At this rate, the city is in trouble, Juran I'm gonna take care of this guy, you handle the Robo Kaiju! Roll, Flash ,Sonic, Secchan says to get out of the area!" "Huh?" Sonic raised a brow. "Ok" Flash nodded. "Hai!" Roll nodded as she hooked Sonic and flash around the waist by her tail and ran off. "WHOA!" Sonic yelped. =Gah! After them, Lien-Da!= "Doctor...if you didn't notice, we are out of troops!" Lien-Da gestured, showing that besides her, the only others there were the Kudaiter commander, the Zenkaigers, and the Tojitendo general. "You guys lost already! Either level up or scram!" Zenkai Juran called out to Lien-Da, "We got bigger problems!" =Did he just…= Eggman began before Lien-Da hung up. "I'm going to get an earful later, but I couldn't handle it anymore," Lien-Da sighed. "He sounds really annoying!" Zenkaiser called out, blocking the Kudaiter's swings. "Extremely so…" Barashitara agreed. "You have no idea," Lien-Da deadpanned before turning the communicator back on, "Starline, I need a portal back to base now." =Oh? Failed now d...= "Just do it before I shove that stupid topaz down your throat, glove and all!" "Oh she means it," the two Zenkaigers spoke up in concern for this Starline's health. "Women are very violent," the Kudaiter spoke, only to be punched by Zenkaiser. "Shut it!" Lien-Da snapped as the portal formed, letting her stomp through it as it vanished. "What even is today…?" Barashitara sighed as he walked off into a portal as well. =Ano...Juran-san? The Sentai Gear?= "Oh, right!" Juran recalled as he took out his transformation Sentai Gear and flipped it upside down so the back faced out, "Okay, like this. And now…" he proceeded to start spinning, "Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin!" =BIG BANG!= "Big Bang? Oh, must be a powerful shot!" Juran noted as he aimed at the giant robot, "Let's see how you like it!" The shot went up before exploding into the colored symbol from the Zenkaiger secret lab. It...floated there for a moment before coming down towards Juran. "HUH!?" Juran panicked, "Oi, oi! G-Go to the giant robo! Not me!" =GO! GO! GO~GO~GO!= The symbol went over Juran making his armor glow...as he began growing in size suddenly. The growing continued till he was now over 40 meters tall. =ZENKAI~JURAN!= Several blocks over, Sonic and Roll skidded to a halt on a large apartment complex. "Alright, I think that's far enough," Roll noted. "Yeesh...Having us leave like that...What's that robo-parrot thinking?" "Our safety, not all of us are like you superpower mobians" Flash said. "WHAT THE FUDGE!?" Juran shouted loudly. "!?" the three jumped and spun around to see the giant Juran. "...Giant Robot…" Roll mumbled, looking at the Kudaitest, "...and Giant Robot…" she looked over at the now giant Juran, "...camera." "Huh?" Both boys said in confusion. "I need a camera! Anything that can record!" Roll exclaimed, excitement in her voice and stars in her eyes. "My phone got broken by the fall." Flash said. "I got Kaito's smartphone…" Sonic offered. "That will have to do!" Roll quickly replied as she ran off and came back with some of the pole weapons of the mooks and some blue-colored tape. "Uh what…" Flash began before blinking as, in an instant, she was able to fashion several of the polearms into a decent tripod to set the phone on so it faced her, "...Roll, what are you…" "Konnichiwa, minna~!" Roll greeted, "What you're going to be witnessing isn't a fake! It's not a Toho! It's real and live! Welcome to the first ever Giant Robo Fight of this world~! Watashi wa Sakurai Roll desu~!" "WHAT IS SHE DOING!?" Yatsude snapped, another holographic screen showing Roll was actually livestreaming what was starting up, "Oi, when was she a YouTuber?! How did she become a YouTuber?! ...What kind of revenue will this bring to the shop?" =Being an internet idol can bring in some interesting perks, tune= Secchan spoke, =And I doubt any channel has live coverage of giant robot battles like this, tune!= "Roll-chan~! Make sure to advertise our shop!" Yatsude shouted. "Onee-chan…" Haseo whined, covering his blushing face with his tails in embarrassment. "...I knew there was something I forgot to make," Skye realized, earning a smack on the head, "ITE~!" "Fix that error for next time!" Yatsude scolded. =She wants this to happen again?= Secchan muttered in disbelief. "Sugei! Juran, your size is also full-blown!" Zenkaiser awed, the commander flat on his back from the surprise growth of the dino-themed Zenkaiger. "I don't know what's going on, but this works!" Juran declared as he gave a stomp...accidentally knocking Zenkaiser over, "I'll show you the power of dinosaurs!" "Eh? Power of dinosaurs? What could Zenkai Juran mean by that?" Roll pondered. "Kikai Henkei!" Juran declared. Suddenly Zenkai Juran's body became stuff, his helmet's crown slid down over his eyes, as his arms locked up and angled back. His legs hinged forward and altered his body's shape, his sword linked to his back as his shield folded up and linked to his abdomen as his entire torso slid forward. All of his parts locked into its new shape as the Tyrannosaurus head on his chest now formed the head of an actual robot Tyrannosaurus. "Juran Tyranno!" he roared as his sword became flexible like a real tail, "I can get used to this! Let's get prehistoric!" "Eeee~! Zenkai Juran has transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex~! He truly is showing the power of the dinosaurs with this!" Roll cheered. "That looked like some painful Yoga…" Sonic cringed. "Huh, so it's like Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla movie." Flash said. "I know right" Roll said. "Leave this big lug to me!" he roared tackling into the Kudaitest, his humanoid form arms revealing two ports at the top...which began unleashing vulcan gun ammunition upon the giant Tojitendo soldier. He then spun around and whipped his tail striking the Kudaitest, making it stumble back several steps with a new long and deep scratch in its torso armor, "What's wrong? Can't keep up with me? This party is just getting started!" The Kudaitest roared as its optic began glowing and started to unleash streams of purple energy. Juran Tyranno grunted as he side stepped the first blast, and ran to avoid the second. He chuckled as he flipped over the third, and then flipped over the fourth. He ran up to the Kutairest and proceeded to flip over it, making it stagger for a moment. As soon as he landed, he spun around and bit its tail...and swung his head around to pull and knock it off balance so it fell face first into the street. "Don't think just 'cause I got stubby little arms, that I'm not an agile old Dino!" Juran Tyranno taunted as the Kudaitest slowly got back up. It growled and turned as it charged up another energy beam. Juran Tyranno roared as his jaw began glowing with heat, before he unleashed a blast of fire that negated the Kudaitest's beam. "Yosha!" Zenkaiser cheered before seeing the commander getting back up, "Ah...This fight is getting me so excited, too! I'm gonna go Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser rushed as he swung and kicked the Kudaiter, making him stagger back. The Kudaiter roared, swinging his Plug Lancer at Zenkaiser who ducked around each and every swing. He flipped over a low swing before using his Geartlinger to push away a thrust aimed at his torso. He spun around the length of the Plug Lancer and swung his right arm and struck the Kudaiter across his helmet. He kept the spin up and jumped into the air while swinging his leg and struck the Kudaiter across his helmet again. Zenkaiser landed on his feet as the enemy commander growled. The Kudaiter swung his Plug Lancer down unleashing a blast of red lightning, Zenkaiser jumped over the surge of electrical energy, as he did so he reached his hand and took out another Sentai Gear. He rolled across the ground as he quickly worked replacing his Transformation Sentai Gear with this new one. He spun the crank before spinning around and kicking another swing of the Kudaiter's lance. =Ichi Bang!= Zenkaiser aimed up and pulled the trigger. The image of a Sentai team in solid colors who all looked a lot like Zenkaiser formed. The red one who looked the most similar turned to Zenkaiser before rushing and going into him. The floating gears finished the process as Zenkaiser took in the power. =Gorenger!= Zenkaiser raised his hand to his visor, before seeming to pluck the blue visor off as if it was a layer. The visor flashed before reforming into a long white staff, it had a red end and a blue end on the opposite side. He spun the staff around before swinging it and deflecting a swing from the Kudaiter, before bringing it back and striking the Tojitendo commander across the chest, he spun it around and struck him again making sparks fly. Zenkaiser flipped around spinning the staff around before swinging it and striking the Kudaiter across the head, and brought it around for another strike to his chest. He spun the staff around before it suddenly became flexible and extended into a whip he used to strike the Kudaiter several times. "Kaiser Spark!" he called out as white and red electricity formed along the whip as he slashed the Kudaiter causing a small explosion that sent him tumbling back. =That was the 1st Super Sentai, Himitsu Sentai Gorenger's Akaranger's weapon the Red Bute, a visor weapon which takes the form of a whip and combat staff, tune!= Secchan explained. =It can also turn into multiple other unique weapons to fit the situation, tune!= "T-Time! This...This staff thing is supposed to be my bit!" the Kudaiter complained, "I call nonsense!" he then cried in pain when Zenkaiser pistol whipped him across the face, and then to his shin making him hop around in pain, "Fowl! You can't use a gun as a melee weapon!" "Yeah," Zenkaiser went up and turned the Kudaiter's head to the damaged portions of the town, "A city isn't for blowing up!" he pistol whipped him again. "Your argument is sound!" he cried in pain. The Kudaitest fired another blast at Tyranno, who jumped out of the way and caused a smaller building with a large billboard to take the blow. The billboard shot up into the air, seemingly unharmed by the blast. "Oh? This works!" Tyranno beamed. "Oh? What's Juran Tyranno planning?" Roll pondered as Tyranno jumped up into the air and turned back into Zenkai Juran, "Oh! He changed back to Zenkai Juran! Is he…" the Kudaitest fired another laser at Juran...who started to use the billboard as a surfboard, "Yes! He's using it as a giant makeshift surfboard! Ride the wave, Zenkai Juran~!" "Oh that is so awesome…" Sonic awed, "Last time I did that involved GUN mistaking me for Shadow…" "Wait what?" Flash asked while recording. "Cowabunga~!" Zenkai Juran cheered. He pulled out his sword and just as he passed the Kudaitest, he swung and struck its head, damaging the system that let it project its laser in the process, "I'm not done yet!" With that, Juran swung his leg and kicked the Kudaitest, before he swung and slashed it again with his sword. He swung again, as he etched another deep scratch in its armor before spinning around and slamming a hook kick to the Kudaitest's head, making him stagger back as sparks rained over the city streets. Zenkaiser grunted as he punched the Kudaiter back. He swung his Geartlinger and knocked his lance away before he jumped and spun his body around to land a side kick to his torso. The Kudaiter groaned in pain as his armor was dented and banged up greatly from the battle, he then looked up only for Zenkaier to jump up and land a side kick that sent him stumbling back and away from the White Ranger. "Alright! Let's Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as he began cranking the Geartlinger again. "Me too! Let's finish this Zenkai!" Juran Tyranno roared in agreement with Zenkaiser. =Hero~! Super Zenkai Time~! Go~Go~ Bang~Bang~!= "Oh? The hissatsu waza!" Roll and Flash cheered as Juran Tyranno opened his jaws and unleashed a jet of flames that propelled him towards Kudaitest, "EH!? He's pulling a Godzilla vs Hedorah! Ah mou~" she turned to the camera with a pleading look, ears drooped down and hands brought together, "Please don't report us for this, Toho~!" "Don't worry I think they will like that someone was inspired by there movie" Flash said recording the battle. Juran Tyranno crashed into the Kudaitest and he tucked his body in and bounced off, and sent himself rolling upwards into the air. His tail straightened out as if reverting back into its sword form while attached and aimed down at the damaged Kudaitest. Down below, Zenkaiser shouted as he ran from a blast of electricity from the Kudaiter, and began running up a wall before kicking himself back. He angled himself down, and aimed down at the Kudaiter as white energy began pooling into the barrel of the Geartlinger. At that exact moment, both Zenkaigers' attacks aimed at the same time as their enemies looked up in shock, awe, and shame as they just realized they oiled themselves. Zenkaiser pulled the trigger at the exact moment gravity helped Juran Tyanno and brought him down on his enemy. "Not the butt!" the Kudaitest shouted as the sword stabbed into him, causing a massive explosion. "Yep, the butt," Flash chuckled. "Kimataze~" Juran Tyranno declared as he jumped out of the explosion unharmed. Zenkaiser unleashed a massive blast of white energy as it struck the Kudaiter, overloading him with energy...till the Zenkaiger symbol suddenly dropped on and crushed him in a massive explosion. "Yatta! Juran Tyranno achieved victory over the Kudaitest!" Roll cheered, "Ah...A Giant Robot Battle has come to a close~! Until next time, minna~! Oh, and before I forget, if you live near the Sumida Ward in Tokyo, come visit Candy Cafe Colorful for all your sweet delights~!" she winked at the camera and gave a heart sign with her hands, "Sayonara~" she stopped the stream and exhaled, "...EEEE~!" she turned and pounced on Flash and Sonic, giving them a big hug and nuzzling, "A Giant Robot Battle~! A real live one~! And I got it all~! Arigatou, Flash-san, Sonikku!" "No problem roll" Flash said. "Heh-heh. No problem…" Sonic chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "But you're still in trouble for swiping Kaito-san's phone again~!" she added, still in the same excited tone and still nuzzling and hugging him. "Ah come on…" Sonic sighed. "You had that coming" "Ah, great job!" Yatsude cheered, patting Kaito and Juran heartedly on the back. =Good job!= Secchan repeated. "Good job, you five," Yatsude went on, "All of you for fighting off those weirdos and the giant one they brought…" "It was no big deal," Juran assured...before blinking twice when Yatsude hugged Roll. "And a big raise for promoting the shop~!" "Hey, we all did a world first today, didn't we!" Kaito cheered. "Well I didn't do much in there" Flash muttered quietly so no one could hear. But Skye did and looked at him. 'Dont worry Flash, you will get yours but you need to prove it, I did promise your dad that' he said. =Maybe for this world, yeah= Secchan agreed, kinda. "A Giant Robot Battle~" Roll squeed, "Oh, I need to remember to carry a phone on hand from now on to get more covered!" "Iie. Your lousy papa is handling that for you like he should have sooner!" Yatsude shouted into the secret base entrance. "Bah!" he complained. "Don't make me come down there with the hedge trimmers!" "HIEE! Not the long quills!" "Hehehe...This place is wild, I dig it." Juran cheered, "Let's all celebrate with a party!" he declared while strumming an air guitar. "Leave it to us," Yatsude informed as she picked up her purse as she and Roll got up, "Tonight, I'll be making the Yatsude Special…" "...With a Sakurai Strawberry Ice Cream Cake with Blueberry frosting!" Roll finished, the two women sharing a high five. "Awesome~" Juran cheered, before leaning to Flash and Kaito as the two left, "What's all that mean?" "Ah it means we'll eat good tonight." Flash chuckled, "Yes!" "And better cause I want the cake" Kaito said "Umei~!" Haseo awed, his tails wagging so hard that he ended up spinning them like propellers and floated off the floor. "Ah! He flies?!" Juran gawked, "That's radical!" "KYAAAA!" "!?" the group tensed as Sonic caught the startled Haseo. "What's wrong, Yatchan?" Kaito asked as they rushed out and gawked along with the girls. Mushrooms...Mushrooms had started growing everywhere! On buildings, on vehicles, even on the humans, Kikainoids, and Mobians! Some mushrooms were even growing mushrooms on their mushrooms! "Ki…" Kaito, Roll and flash began. "No…" Yatsude and Juran continued. "Ko…" Sonic and Haseo finished. "EH!? KINOKO/ Mushrooms!?" "Why mushrooms?!" Sonic cried out, "Anything but mushrooms!" "No one let Tousan out of the basement! He goes into sneezing fits around them!" Roll called in a panic. "I put a bench over the entrance," Yatsude replied, "But still...KINOKO!?" "Maybe it's not that...AH!" Flash shouted as he pointed to the literal mountain sized Mushroom in the distance, "Kinoko Fuji-san!" "NANDE?!" Haseo gawked, falling over in shock. "The heck is going on?!" Juran exclaimed. > GEAR 2: The Roaring King of Beasts is a pain! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Zenkai no...Zenkaiger!= Secchan shouted, appearing on a video screen =Kikaitopia's Tojitendo Dynasty, and Mobius's Eggman Empire decided to strike at the same time, with both forces stupidly fighting each other! Our heroes were thrown into a pinch because the Tojitendo is the superior military force!= "HEY!" =Accept it, tune= Secchan stated before excitedly continuing =Kaito and his new acquaintance Juran transformed into Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger! With their Mobian friends Sonic and Roll and his cousin Flash sentry, they beat the enemy and drove both of them back, tune! But...= "Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger?!" Boccwaus spoke, slamming his fist onto the pedestal once more. "Indeed. That is what they call themselves!" Barashitara spoke. "And on top of that, another invading force from that Mobius world is interfering with our work!? GRRR! Who do they think they are to get in the way of my business!" "Super Sentai?" Gege spoke up, "I think a good chunk of the Tojiru Gears have some things like that locked inside of them. And in the multiple copies of Mobius we found almost all of them have this fat thing called an 'Eggman.' I like this one where he's funny and keeps changing personalities! Hahaha!" "Zenkaigers!? Super Sentai!? Eggmen?! What is all this?!" the blue Kikanoid Janitor spoke, overhearing all of this as he walked past the door once more, "Please tell me! I need t-GAH!" he cried as Barashitara blasted him with rockets, leaving him a smoking mess on the ground, "Ow…" he wheezed. "Don't butt in, cleaning crew!" "Hmm...Gears, you say?" Ijirude muttered, looking at the large collection of Tojiru Gears, black gears with inward pointing spikes and what looked like sealed cracks in the center, "Hmm...I might have an experiment worth attempting, oh Great King Boccowaus!" "Bring me some results! As for this Eggman...I want him scrapped!" "Matte Boccowaus~ He's a really funny life form, maybe we can keep him?" Gege spoke up. "Barashitara! Bring me this Eggman alive for my Gege!" "Now the pet wants a pet…" he grumbled. "Sentai!? Tojitendo Dynasty?!" Eggman snapped as he paced about, Starline and an annoyed Lien-Da standing nearby, "Grr...who do they think they are?! I had rights over Mobius before them! ...In fact this fused world is my doing, so it rightfully belongs to me!" "Yeah, but they ruled Kikaitopia, and their robot soldiers...are stronger…" Lien-Da sighed, "Mostly because they are sentient robots…" "So?! They're still machines! And machines can be reprogrammed into doing one's bidding...IE mine!" Eggman argued. "Yes, because controlling beings far stronger than you has worked in the past," Lien-Da sarcastically muttered. "I...don't think we can hack Kikanoids, Sir," Starline spoke up, "Because...well...they are an oddity. I mean...they can eat and digest food…most don't even look like they have working mouths." "Well not with that attitude!" Eggman complained, "I mean they're just a bunch of stupid Robots!" he swung his hand and a loud clang filled the air. "Hello stupid," Barashitara spoke, standing behind Eggman with a sinister glint in his optics. "...That tank one from earlier is standing right behind me, isn't he?" Eggman asked, sweating nervously as he didn't even bother to look...due to the fear that was growing in him. "How did you…?" Lien-Da began. "Please...We developed an entire system to traverse the Multiverse just to conquer it all. You don't think it can teleport me to this remote location by locking onto the unique energy signature that emanates off all you Mobius dimension inhabitants?" Barashitara asked. "...uh…" "I didn't think so…" he picked up Eggman, "Listen here, fleshbag...I don't like you...and you are oiling your pants right now...but my King wants to meet with you…" "R-really?" "Yes...you amuse the King's pet bird," he explained. "...That….so…" Eggman whispered, faintly noticing the portal that was forming behind Barashitara, "...w-well...I just have one thing to say to that." "Hmm?" "Metal Sonic, get him!" "?" Barashitara blinked; he was suddenly blown forward and crashed into the wall by a metal robotic hedgehog, "?!" "Nice call, Starline," Eggman whispered to the platypus, who was holding his gloved hand up as the topaz-colored gem on it glowed. "I saw the opportunity sir," Starline nodded. "Hmm…" Barashitara stood back up, "You do realize...you done goofed." "What's huh?" they all blinked. "Your mistake was thinking...that hurt…" he chuckled. "...Scanning…" the robotic hedgehog spoke, its optics glowing as it scanned the Kikanoid, "...scan complete." with that...he walked over and stood next to Barashitara. "Wh-?! Metal!" Eggman gawked. "Your robot is an adaptable model...you shouldn't have let him scan a Kikainoid. We are mechanical life forms with free will." Barashitara explained, "Now...he has our hyper developed mechanical brain." "...Saw that coming, oh so great genius?" Lien-Da snarked as she shot Eggman a deadpanned stare. "Sh-shut it! Metal is my machine a-" Eggman began before Metal blurred over, picking him up by his mustache as he held him up in the air, "Ahh! Not the 'stach!" "Eggman...Ivo Robotnik, you have one of two choices...one; comply to Barashitara's command, or…" Metal began as he held his free hand out, converting it into an energy blade as he aimed it at Eggman's mustache and neck, "Understood?" "I get it! I get it! Just not the 'stache!" "Good," Barashitara spoke, walking over, "Good work Soldier, the superior elite should always control the lower class." he complimented Metal, "Great King Boccowaus of the Tojitendo Dynasty wishes to meet you you spongy round one, you shall comply. For whatever the King desires, I Mobile Commander Barashitara shall accomplish. Now into the portal, come on!" "Y-yes sir!" Eggman yelped before Metal dropped him. "That includes the duck and the Echidna dressed in latex." "Exc-" Lien-Da began before sighing, "Fine...I'll comply." "Same here," Starline answered as he held his hands up. "And no forming portals either," Barashitara stated to Starline while aiming his missile spear in his face. "You drive a hard bargain…" Starline muttered. "Oh also...we don't know what happens to organics using the portal so...Metal, toss the fat one in first as a test." Barashitara ordered. "Wait, wh-not the 'stache again!" Eggman yelped when Metal picked him up and tossed him into the portal, making him 'not' give out a girly goat-like scream as he went in. "Eggman...are you dead and or inside out?" Barashitara asked. "I'm gonna have to re-wax my mustache!" "Ah...I can never have nice things…" Barashitara sighed as he ushered the rest to follow. "Trust me...I know your pain when it comes to that fat idiot," Lien-Da admitted as she followed him, "And believe it or not...he actually got worse after interrupting his sworn enemy when he was fixing our Z...er...World." "Well...I can only hope the bird's plans are amusing…" at that the portal closed as they all walked through. "Hahahaha! He really is shaped like an egg!" Gege laughed, "Look, look Boccowaus! You think if I sat on him...he'd hatch into something?" "Grr…" Eggman growled at that before Lien-Da nudged him on the knee, "Li..." "Do you really wanna anger the giant gear-robot that could potentially crush you?" Lien-Da hissed to him. "Ah...oh...that was good...oh look Boccowaus, he comes with a free super robotic life form!" Gege looked at Metal, "Not bad." "My King, what shall I do with the rotund human? Shall we kill him?" Barashitara asked, almost excitedly. "His fate is Gege's to decide. Whatever my Gege wants, he gets." "Our lives are to be decided by the king's pet…" Eggman whispered. "That's right~" Gege chuckled, making their guests shiver at his tone, "That...and I wish to see if the fat idiot had anything to do with this little world fusion incident." "It was him," Lien-da spoke, jerking a thumb over at Eggman. "Y….ugh, screw it. May as well…" Eggman muttered as he stepped forward, "You see...er, my liege. I had invented a device that would allow me to rewrite time and space itself...the Super Genesis Wave Reactor. I used it twice before to try and beat my enemy Sonic the hedgehog, but...with the help of this one scientist-who I will not name because of how much a weak-spined coward…!" he began in a rant before taking a deep breath, "It is thanks to him I was able to create a more powerful version that uses the Chaos Emeralds, allowing me to rewrite the multiverse itself...that is until that blue menace Sonic got in the way...and in my anger, I attempted to disrupt him while he was fixing my Zone...er, World and...well, it caused a chain reaction which resulted in Mobius, Earth, and your world to fuse into one." Boccowaus nodded his head for a moment before slamming his fist on the platform again, sending everyone up into the air and landing in a pile, "So it was you who ruined my conquest of the Multiverse!" he shouted loudly as they scrambled to get back up, "I was so close to owning the entire multiverse in my hands 'till you screwed it all up...I have half a mind to unscrew your head from your body!" he pointed at Eggman, "But…" he took a moment to compose himself, "It would appear you...are no longer my problem. Rather the real problem...are those damn Zenkaigers and their pet hedgehog!" "Oh don't get me started with them!" Eggman snapped as he finally calmed himself of his nervousness, "It's thanks to them th-" he began in a rant before Starline whispered something to him, "...hmm...Boccowaus, was it?" "Yes…?" "We have a common enemy…" Eggman spoke as he put his hands together, bridging his main middle fingers together as a grin grew on his face, "We both want those power ranger rejects and that meddlesome hedgehog dead and the rest conquered...perhaps we can strike a deal." "Ne, ne Boccowaus, let's do it! This Eggman looks like he has experience dealing with this, so maybe if we take what he knows and make it better with our superior technology..." Gege began. "Hey~" "Oh you know it's true." Lien-Da sighed. "Maybe with them we can make this kinda fun~" Gege cheered, "It's oh so boring just sealing worlds up with little to no conflict...we amassed such a huge army and it's just gathering dust in the barracks." "Yes...yes exactly!" Eggman nodded, seeing where Gege was going with this, "And I have a mass army of my own, the Dark Egg Legion waiting at my beck and call to deal with the Zenkaigers, Sonic, and those meddlesome Freedom Fighters!" "Come on. It could be way more fun~" Gege added. "Anything for my Gege~" Boccowaus cheered, petting the giant mechanical bird's head, "Very well. I shall accept this, when all is said and done and we have conquered this new dimension abomination. I shall let you keep it, Eggman, as a payment for your help. While I return to conquering the multiverse." "Then it's a d-" "On one condition….That Dark Egg Legion of yours...take the 'Egg' out of it." "THANK YOU!" Lien-Da exclaimed. "I like this one." Barashitara chuckled. "B...but I…" Eggman began. "It's the only way, sir," Starline whispered. "...Fine. It goes back to being the Dark Legion," Eggman muttered a bit with a childish pout. "Eggman, you and your toady shall work with Ijirude, my science officer. Barashitara shall take the lead of our joint military forces. All requests for forces go through him, and you, angry woman, shall be assigned as liaison of the Dark Legion to my palace. Essentially, you'll be second in command of the military forces." "As long as I don't work under Eggman anymore...then I'll accept that," Lien-Da nodded. "Nerds have their place, and jocks there's." Gege spoke, "It'll be just like highschool. Only...more evil~" 'That bird gives me the creeps…' Lien-Da thought. "So...where is this Ijirude?" Eggman asked. "Testing a theory of his," Barashitara spoke, "He is currently on Earth, enacting a test into a new super soldier project." "...Super soldier, you say?" Eggman asked in intrigue. "He has been listening in via telecommunication, so he knows the situation." Gege spoke, "Now...let's watch his new project go live!" at that, a holographic screen popped up before them showing the first person view of a Kudakk holding a camera up as Ijirude stood before a second Kudakk and had a Tojiru gear in his hand. "This Tojiru Gear holds the Mushroom Dimension, Kinokotopia," Ijirude spoke as the gear was glowing an eerie purple, "This Kinoko Tojiru Gear shall be used in an attempt to replicate the event which occurred when a Kikanoid became a Zenkaiger, only in a controlled setting for the Tojitendo Dynasty, Super Soldier program World shall now commence its first test!" he spoke to the camera, "Now...with any luck, this will work...and I won't have to clean up another scrapped Kudakk who exploded from mushrooms growing out of him." he turned to the Kudakk before him, "You can have this." he jammed the Tojiru Gear into a matching slot in his chest. =Kinoko= The Kudakk grunted as multiple purple hologram Gears spiraled around their body. Said body began rapidly changing into that of a Kudaiter...before mushrooms began sprouting along its armor only for them to seemingly be absorbed into the armor as its head and arms altered greatly. Its head now grey and light purple and resembling a metal mushroom, with his eyes being in the center of the stalk to act as his face, while the convex mushroom cap had multiple vulcan gun-like ports along the top. His right arm was covered in purple armor resembling a bell mushroom, while his left was covered in a bronze armor gauntlet/cestus with conical mushrooms acting as spikes. "Oh~! I can feel the power of the world of mushrooms!" the new Kikainoid declared before letting out a pulse of dark blue/purple energy into the sky that took on the form of a gear before spreading out all over. Meanwhile across town at the local Dog park, it was the midst of another nice day for the dog owners and animal lovers of the city. One in particular was loving this park. He was a yellow Kikanoid that had false fur made of fiber optics covering his legs like leggings. He wore an orange fake leather vest, and his head had two odd spikes resembling cat ears, a second set of optics above his large main green ones, and the back of his head was covered in long black cables acting like dreadlocks. He had a very feline look to his face as well. "Ah...Kawai~" he awed looking as a pet poodle dog walking with its owner, "Such a fluffy puppy!" he put a hand to his eyes, he then lowered them as he spotted a pair of humans, "Even more adorableness!" he beamed before spotting a trio of Mobians talking nearby, "Gh! Even more...adorableness…! Oh...my heart…!" he pretended to fall over, before shooting up, "Yosh...today I shall befriend the adorable ones...starting with little Puppy over here…" he moved to the Poodle, only for the dog to suddenly bark at him, "Ah...rejected again…" a depressed aura formed over him as he slumped down. The purple aura suddenly washed over the park...as a mushroom sprouted from the yellow Kikanoid's head. "Eh?" he blinked, feeling his noggin, and finding the new growth, "EH!?" He looked over at the puppy to see three growing on its head in the shape of a little hair clip, "EHH?!" He then looked to see multiple types of mushrooms growing on everyone's heads, Humans, Mobians and Kikanoids alike...even random objects had mushrooms growing from them, "Mushroom!?" "Nu?" the pink hedgehog blinked twice, sitting beside the pink Kikainoid in an alleyway at a table with tarot cards between them. "Nu nu nu?" the pink Kikainoid tilted her head. "The tarots said we'd have a surprise, but I didn't think this would be it…" the hedgehog gawked. Kinoko! Kinoko! Kinoko!" "Well, well...so this is the power of the Tojiru Gear?" Ijirude noted, looking down to see some children running around with mushrooms on their heads, "Very intriguing…" "Huh...so this is somewhat you're doing, huh?" "Yes. Somewh-" Ijirude began before blinking, slowly turning to the side to see Sonic laying on his side, "?!" "Yo~" Sonic greeted with a grin before looking down, seeing Kaito and the others running into the area, "Hey guys! I found the perps behind this Fungi ordeal!" "Ah!" Juran shouted as he spotted them. "It's a mushroom...robot?" Kaito tilted his head to the side alone with Roll, "Eh…?" "It's that a mushroom soilder" Flash said also confused. "Kinoko Robot?" Roll tilted her head. "That guy next to him is Ijirude!" Juran shouted. "A friend?" Kaito asked. "Gh…" Juran flinched from how stupid that was, "He's another Tojitendo punk!" "Really you know them alot then." Flash said as he and roll took a battle stance sword in his hands. "Great, we've been spotted," Ijirude sighed, "Kinoko World, get them!" a moment passed before he turned and bopped the mushroom robot with his staff, "Oi, dummy, that means you!" "Oh! That's me?!" the newly dubbed Kinoko World asked in surprise. "This is why you never eat mushrooms that you don't know where they come from," Sonic chuckled. "Agreed" Flash agreeing "Kinoko!" Kinoko World shouted, jumping down and aiming his right gauntlet at the Heros. "Change Zenkai!" Kaito and Juran shouted as they stepped forward. =Yon-Ju-Go Bang! Ju-Roku Bang! Ba-Ba-Ba-BANG!= In a flash, the two Zenkaigers moved aside, letting the Tojitendo monster miss and hit the ground. "I'll show you the power of the Kinoko Tojiru Gear, Kinoko!" Kinoko World spoke, swinging his fists around as Juran kicked away a punch from his right while Zenkaiser ducked under a left swing. "Huh? Gears?" Zenkaiser asked as Zenkai Juran shield bashed Kinoko World across his face. "You mean like the ones we're using?" Juran questioned. "Nani?!" Ijirude exclaimed, earning the two's attention, "You guys use Gears, too?!" "...Let me guess, you thought you were original with the concept, huh?" Sonic asked before ducking under a swing from Ijirude's staff, "Ya missed me~" "My Kaasan and Tousan are the ones who made these Sentai Gears!" Zenkaiser declared, pointing to his Gear in the Geartlinger. "And so did my parents helping them aswell where did you get them from" Flash pointed his sword at him. "I-I see...What a coincidence," Ijirude noted, "I developed the Tojiru Gears myself." "Then let's see which Gears are better!" Zenkai Juran challenged, "Let's call it a duel!" "Yeah!" Zenkaiser agreed as he pulled out another Sentai Gear from his buckle, this one sporting a '06' beside a Sentai member with a unique visor and a gem in the center of their mask. "Oh, here comes the fun part," Juran chuckled as Zenkaiser spun the crank and the beat began, "So catchy~!" "I'll say," Sonic agreed, dodging another swipe from Ijirude's staff, "Missed me again, Robo-Doc." "How are you so annoying for something so short!?" Ijirude complained. "Hey! I am normal for a Mobian!" "The Fox over there is taller than you…" he pointed to Roll. "Ano...Hedgefox," Roll corrected, holding her tail up to show quills mixed in with the fur, "See?" "...Eh? But that's...that isn't...what's wrong with these things?" Ijirude tilted his head. "Well, my grandma on my papa's side is a Hedgepanda and my great grandpa on my mama's side is a Squirrelfox…" "Stop, stop. I do not want to think of that right now," Ijirude complained. "To bad she got me thinking that and ruined my biological homework because of that" flash said as he glared at her. She sheepishly laughed and looked away. "Yeah, she's got a neat family tree," Sonic noted, dodging another swipe, "Do not kiss me!" "Why would I kiss you!?" "...Oh, I am gonna have so much fun with you, Robo-Doc," Sonic grinned. Flash got a chance and strike the Kinoko World back but he just easily took the attack and just looked back at the attacker. "Stupid human get out of my way." He told as he hit flash and send him flying back and hit the wall behind. "Gah" Flash grunted as he fall down. "FLASH!" His family and friends and family shouted. "You'll pay for hurting my family like that" Zenkaiser shouted. =Roku Bang~!= Zenkaizer shot the blast as it turned into a team of five Rangers. The five jumped and flipped through the air like acrobats before landing on Zankaiser and Zenkai Juran. The two tensed before they held their hands up...and a color matching ribbon formed in their hands. =Goggle~ V!= "Ribbons?" the two blinked confused. =This technique comes from the 6th Super Sentai, Dai Sentai Goggle V! They're the very first Sentai to have a member in Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink, tune. Their weapons are all derived from Acrobatic objects. But don't let appearances fool you, tune!= "I don't get it, but it looks kinda fun!" Zenkai Juran cheered. "Yosh!" Zenkaiser cheered in agreement. With that, the two began twirling the ribbons around as they ran around Kinoko World. The Tojitendo super soldier blinked in confusion, as his eyes tracked the colorful and distracting ribbons rather than following the placement of the two Zenkaigers. Kinoko World then flinched as Zenkaiser's ribbon was whipped with such force it actually smashed the robotic monster with enough force to make him flinch, and then Zenkai Juran's smacked him. And before he knew it he was being smacked in the face by ribbons...and it hurt. "Why! Does! This! Hurt! Kinoko!?" he complained. =They might be just ribbons, but those two have enough power to smash a military grade titanium robot with their bare hands...and their speed ain't bad either, so imagine them swinging a durable thin length of material around like a whip?= Skye chuckled. "Ha!" Zenkaiser spoke, flicking his ribbon out. "Yosha!" Juran cheered, doing the same as their ribbons wrapped around and tied together into a bow. With that, the two Zenkaigers began swinging their ribbons like a jump rope. After a moment, the ribbons actually flashed and turned into a red and white striped rope. "Saa, kinoko-san~" Juran cheered. "Ah Yoisho!" Zenkaiser chanted. Oh~That does look like fun," Roll noted as the two kept trying to encourage the Kinoko World to hop in. "...Don't you dare…!" Ijirude began in annoyance. "...Mmm…." "Don't you d-" Ijirude started before Kinoko World hopped right into the rope...only to flop onto the ground before he was suddenly shocked, "D'oh!" "Haha!" Zenkaiser laughed as the rope transformed back into their ribbons, "That's for hurting my cousin you, You can even fight with Ribbons! That's kinda awesome!" "This is kinda silly...but I admit it's more fun than you'd expect," Zenkai Juran agreed. "Of course you can fight with ribbons," Roll noted, tilting her head, "Why did you think otherwise? Don't you remember when you tried to be the first person to pull a little shock joke on a Mobian?" "..." Zenkaiser hid behind Juran, "How she did that with dental floss…Had to buy a waterpik to use..." "Roll, can you not trigger Kaito while we're fighting bad guys?" Flash sighed getting back up and seeing this, "It sends kind of a bad message." he explained as she nodded in understanding. "Gomen," she sheepishly apologized, bopping the top of her head with a fist and sticking her tongue out a little." Ah, flash your ok" she now notice the teen. "Yup it will take more than that to stop me and beside I won't be much a fighter if I don't show I can't take this." He told her. "Yup it's just like you to do it." Roll nodded seeing flash determination. Everyone then turned as they noticed an odd orange mist coming from Kinoko World. Everyone tilted their head before a pop went off and it turned purple and blanketed the area. Juran flinched and fell over as Zenkaiser quickly used his cape to shield Roll from the smoke in fear it was potentially toxic. But...after a few seconds, it just dissipated away. "Ah! He got away!" Sonic blinked, currently balancing on nothing, whereas before he was on Ijirude's staff, "Wait a second…" gravity quickly took hold of him as he fell down into a trashcan, "Oof!" "Since when did Mushrooms double as smoke bombs?" Zenkaiser asked, using his cape to fan the smoke away. "Sounds like something Eggman would do…" Sonic muttered, trying to get himself unstuck from the trash can he landed in. "Still...I don't like it…" Flash sighed, "Ah...let's just call it a night...it's getting late." "Hai!" Roll agreed as she began to tug on Sonic to help him out of the can, "...We may need a stick of butter." "I got it." Zenkaiser spoke, grabbing Sonic and, by swinging his arm up, he freed Sonic, but sent him flying up into the upper atmosphere, "Oops…" "Come on let's just go home cuz, beside I want to ask skye something so let's go" "Ok" zenkaiser said. They haven't given up invading?!" Yatsude gawked as the group sat around the dinner table in the house portion of the shop. Everyone was currently dressed down in more casual home clothing and enjoying a meal of yakiniku. And flash had a bandage on his arm and left cheek. "The Tojitendo guys are totally rotten," Juran explained, "As long as King Boccowaus rules, we Kikainoids will never be happy and you humans and Mobians will end up sucked into that misery." he then took a few bites of his yakiniku, "Oh, umai." "Not the first time Mobius would have to deal with a dictatorship," Sonic muttered. "Hmm?" Flash and Juran blinked at that. "Know that guy who snapped at you from an EggPawn for breaking his Burn Bot?" Sonic asked, "Well, he wasn't always that...er…" "Stupid/Idiot?" Yatsude and Flash supplied. "Yeah, let's go with that," Sonic noted, "About a few months before we ended up here, he was actually a whole lot more dangerous and actually took over our whole world for over a decade in just one single day." "So that's why those Mobian kids looked so freaked out when the Tojitendo began attacking…" Juran sighed. "It was a lot worse than you could think," Skye noted, sitting between Haseo and Roll, "He hasn't used it in months, but he had a device that, when used, turned organic beings robotic and stripping them of their free will. Worst thing about it was that we were fully awake the entire time, but we couldn't do anything." "Maji da?! Yabei...If Boccowaus learns of that…" Juran spoke in concern. "Lots of trouble…" Sonic sighed. Flash said nothing as he looked down on his food and soon clenching his hand in to a fist no one saw his anger but Skye, he knew trials kid very well of his determination to help others in need. "..." Kaito took all that in, "Don't worry." he spoke up with a smile, "It's simple then! We'll form the world's first Human, Mobian, and Kikanoid alliance...and we'll defeat both Eggman and Boccowaus!" he declared as he held his fist out into the middle of the table, "We'll be the World's first Heroes to take down the Tojitendo, and help take down Eggman! So all of us can live together happily!" "...Heh. I'm with you man," Sonic smirked, pounding his fist into Kaito's, "If Eggman had a problem with the Freedom Fighters before...wait until he gets a load of us now." "I'm with ya aswell kaito, beside like I said even if I may not have powers like you but I can still fight and help you no matter what." Flash told them aswell. "Hehehe!" Juran chuckled, joining in the Fist Bump to complete the alliance, "Count me in! We'll kick their butts! First mission is to get rid of all those mushrooms!" "Please hurry with that," Skye pleaded, cringing a bit, "Mushrooms make me sneeze something awful." "They do?" Flash asked. =They do! He currently has the record for highest height reached from a sneeze due to it, tune= Secchan spoke from a counter where he was hooked to a charger =And to do that, according to the data inside of me…= he did a quick check =In order to clear away the problem the monster causes, you just need to defeat them, tune!= "There's also a chance that they'll grow big, so be ready for that," Skye added...before tapping Roll's head as she let out a squeak of excitement, "I'm still working on that, Rolly-Polly." "So it's all as simple as going at it full on Zenkai!" Kaito cheered, "That works for me, and it's not super complicated." =You still need to find three more Kikainoids to use the other Geartlingers, tune= Secchan reminded. "Hopefully, you find the Pink or Yellow next," Skye noted before taking a bite of his dinner, "Finding Blue before them would be a bad thing for another big surprise." "Wouldn't it be easier to just tell us then trying to be like some kind of cryptic mentor?" Flash sighed, "You've seen Kaito study…" "Oh very true, but…" =He made a promise to not do spoilers on the big stuff, tune= Secchan informed =And he doesn't wanna spoil the reactions they'll give when the big stuff happens= "Smart Secchy," Skye chuckled, pointing at the robotic bird, "But seriously, recruit more nakama for the Sentai quick and you'll get those surprises sooner." So I gotta find comrades…" Kaito spoke, "Hmm…" he scratched his chin. "Oh no...It's the idea face…" Yatsude sighed, "The last time he had that face, he flash and Haseo ended up in China…" "And you still won't explain why you didn't just run over like Roll did the moment we got their location," Skye noted, looking at the blue hedgehog. "..." Sonic's form flickered for a moment before he pointed at Skye's plate. "Eh?" Skye looked down to see a shiitake mushroom before grabbing Sonic's arm, "...ACHOO!" *CRASH!* "Oh, Papa…" Roll sighed as everyone stared at the two hedgehogs-shaped hole in the roof. "I'll go get the tools…" Juran sighed as he finished his plate. "When do you think they'll touch down?" Kaito asked as he and Haseo looked up in concern. Flash simply just saw this and knew someone who did it so he simply went back to eating."river I guess" "Yup, A few seconds I think...into the river," Haseo guessed before a splash went off, "...Yup. Sonic-nii-san and Papa fell into the river." "Ack! Help! Drowning!" Sonic gagged out from outside. "A super fast hedgehog who fought dangerous beings but is afraid of water, not the worse I seen" Flash muttered. "You seen worse" Kaito asked his cousin. "I did before I came to live hear cuz, believe me but that crazy doesn't mach this crazy" He simply said as he finished and went to put the plate away but still had the thought of the turning others into robots. He fells useless because of that. A new day, and it seemed like the city had...gotten over the Mushroom thing. While they grew back whenever removed, they seemed to cause no harm or discomfort. So everyone decided not to let it ruin their day. Especially not a certain yellow Kikainoid who had stumbled upon a stray cat. The little animal was sitting down and staring at the Kikanoid who seemed transfixed. "N-Neko-chwan…" the yellow Kikainoid spoke as his optics sparkled, "Kawaii de…" the cat ran off, causing him to slump, "Ah...It ran away again…" he pulled his mushroom off, another growing in its place, and glared at it, "This is your fault, baka-kinoko." "What's that?" a few people spoke up, getting the yellow Kikanoids' attention...followed by stomping. "Whoa!" "Hmm?" he blinked looking up only to jump as Juran Tyranno was marching down the street, Zenkaiser and Roll standing on his nose. Flash behind them. "Konnichiwa~!" Zenkaiser waved, "Zenkaiger desu~!" "Konnichiwa, minna-san!" Roll greeted. "Frankly, we're the ones who kicked the bumpers of the Tojitendo and that Eggdude," Juran Tyranno spoke up. "That's right~!" Zenkaiser cheered. "Isn't that the girl from that livestream?" "Oh, I think she is!" "It's the boy in the Livestream aswell" "Yeah he is, he's so handsome" "The T-Rex Robo is real!?" "Oh, who's the guy with the cape? So cool!" "Seems good so far," Zenkaiser chuckled as Roll hopped off Juran Tyranno. Yosha, time to see if this works," Roll giggled before pulling out a blue gear with a pink heart in the center and tapped it, causing the gear to spin and open up, revealing a camera as it began to float, "Perfect!" she looked up at the two Zenkaiger, "We're live~!" "E-Eh? L-Live? We're on the air?" Juran Tyranno nervously asked. "We're currently taking member applications! We need some brave folks to help!" Zenkaiser declared before holding up a handmade sign...before tapping on Tyranno's head, "Oi, that's your cue." "R-Right. Help us Tojitendo fight-I mean! Fight Tojitendo help-gah!" 'Juran-san is camera shy,' Roll sweatdropped. "We Zenkaigers are looking for brave people to join our Human, Mobian, and Kikanoid alliance!" Zenkaiser took over, "Let's all join hands and protect our world together!" he then held up a coupon booklet, "If you join now, you get a coupon booklet filled with ten coupons for Candy Cafe Colorful!" =Attaboy, Kaito-chan! You remembered to advertise!= Yatsude cheered. =Are we really bribing others to join, tune?= Secchan deadpanned. =Five Yen on no one wanting to join at the moment= Skye noted before a frying pan hitting flesh went off =ITE!= =Get back to work! I'm not encouraging your gambling problem!= =I don't have a problem! Plus, I'm banned from all the pachinko parlor after clearing them out of all their cash! It's not my fault their machines can't handle my math!= "I need to ask about a mute setting on these comms…" Zenkaiser turned to Flash and Roll after jumping off Juran Tyranno, "How many wanna join?" "Zero," Flash replied. "Someone named 'Zero' wants to join? Sounds cool," Zenkaiser noted. "Iie, iie," Roll shook her head as she motioned to the crowd dispersing, "Zero." "AH! People are leaving!" Juran Tyranno finally noticed, "Eto...Uh...F-Fifteen! Fifteen coupons!" =Shut him up! Fifteen is too much!= "I don't think you fully explained the purpose of this," Roll noted. "Eh?! Mmm…" Zenkaiser looked up at Juran Tyranno, specifically his tail where Haseo was sitting on the tip, "Haseo-chan, secret weapon time!" "Eh?" Haseo blinked twice. "We need the fluffy!" "F-Fluffy!?" Haseo gawked before trying to hide on the tail, "Iie!" "Hah?! What if I give you cotton candy?" "You don't have enough in this week's paycheck for another bag after Tuesday and wanting to be the first Human to beat Sonic-nii in an eating contest," Haseo replied. "Oh you and your goober brain!" Zenkaier complained as he flashed back to Kaito, "But seriously...why isn't anyone joining us?" he turned to the people, "Guys, you know these mushrooms are 'cause of the Tojitendo, right!?" "Zukyun!" the yellow Kikainoid spoke leaning against a light post, upon spotting Kaito, Flash and Roll, "What an adorable Human-chwan and Mobian-chwan!" Roll sighed as her camera changed back into the gear-like default form, "Well, we are in the park...Haseo-chan, come down please! I think there's a swingset nearby!" "H-Hai!" Haseo replied as he hopped off Juran Tyranno and flew down to her before a cat mewled, "Oh, neko!" "AH!" the yellow Kikainoid cried, spotting the scene of Haseo picking up the cat from earlier and began to pet it, as he stumbled over, "Kawai…." he spoke out slowly as he reached his hand towards the sky, "It's too cute for words...it's so fluffy…" "Ah mou…" Kaito sighed, slumped on a bench beside the one Haseo was playing with the cat on, using his black and white tail as a toy. "Well that was a bust, we thought someone will atleast join, I mean who doesn't want to have powers and fight bad guys." Flash said sitting beside him and haseo. "A normal person" Roll simply said as flash then agreed. "Come on...we did ask them to fight out of the blue like that," Juran spoke, walking back to the benches with Roll, the Hedgefox carrying a few bento, "I guess that is a lot to ask. My people have been subjected to fear for generations, and most Mobians are still scared of machine-like beings." "It also doesn't help that you didn't fully explain things," Roll added, "Such as us needing Kikainoids for the three Geartlingers." she tapped her cheek while tilting her head, "...Maybe that's why there are four Kikainoids in the team. They're meant to show that not all Kikainoids are not like the Tojitendo and a way to show Mobians to not be afraid or hate Kikainoids." "That does make a lot of sense." Juran chuckled, "And it seems like Kaito's folks and Flash's Folks are as smart as your old man, Roll." "Well except my dad, he's mostly a piolet but my mom is a archiologist so we can see both her and aunt misty getting along well." Flash told them. "I guess our parents did think of everything…" Kaito sighed. "Ah well, we tried once. Next time we know what to fix!" Juran cheered. "Are you having fun with the neko, Haseo-chan?" Flash asked. "Hai!" he happily nodded. "Yokata…" Kaito smiled, watching Haseo play with the cat. Flash saw haseo play and remember his own sister, but she mostly looks up to Rainbow dash more. But flash still her brother and is the best for her. "Ne Kimi-tachi!" a voice made them look to see the Yellow Kikainoid. "Yo, Seinen!" Juran greeted, "Ara? Did you want to join-" he began as he walked up to greet him only for the yellow Kikainoid to ignore him and walk over to Kaito and Flash. "Will you all be my friends?" he asked, looking at Kaito,Flash and the Sakurai siblings. "Eh?! You'll join the Zenkaigers?" Kaito asked excitedly. "Ah...gomen," he replied, "I'm not interested in that," he explained sheepishly, then he turned to look at Juran, "I'd rather have nothing at all to do with Kikainoids." he stated firmly, making them all blink. "Hey wait! You're a Kikainoid, too!" Juran argued. "But they're not cute!" he declared quickly. "Huh?" the five blinked in confusion. "They're hard, angular, and cold! And what the Tojitendo are doing is awful! Totally unlovable!" he declared proudly, "But coming to this world…" he turned to face them once more, "The animals here are round and cute! They're soft and warm to the touch! Just looking at all the adorable animals of this world fills my heart with love!" he cheered, as he crouched down as if trying to hug an animal that wasn't there, before standing back up, "All I want is to watch the adorable animals of this world and see them be happy and adorable!" "..." Juran blinked a few times before he went over and sat next to Haseo, "Ah so I see…" he spoke in a tone that said 'I want no part of this nonsense'. "Eh?" Haseo blinked at that, the cat now on top of his head. "GH!" the yellow Kikainoid stumbled back, a hand to his chest, "K-Kawaii…" Roll giggled, "Haseo-chan is very adorable, hai." "Hai!" he cheered, "He's so small and soft, and his fur looks so warm and fluffy...It makes you want to gently hold him as he warms your soul! And to protect him from any and all dangers!" "So...much like everyone in my family," Haseo whispered, "...and girls that like me...and Juran-san...and…" "Hey don't worry haseo" Flash said putting a hand on his shoulder." You may look little to others but your stronger then you think, and I always believe that you'll be tuff." Flash said to him. "Hi, arigato na Flash Onni-chan" Haseo said as he hugged him. "Kawaii!!!" Goan said seeing the scene. And falling back."You two look like actual siblings na" "Well Flash has been a big brother figure for haseo since haseo was young. He even took him out many times when haseo felt sad or down." Kaito told goan after seeing it him self aswell. "Ah...but with this kid, it's probably a whole other level...if I had to guess in his eyes he sees non-Kikanoids like wild animals...an adorable little one…" Juran then looked to Roll, "A majestic and pretty one," he then looked to Kaito, "an adorable hyper energetic wild one…" he then looked at flash," and a responsible one" he sighed. "Well...I think Kikainoids are kinda cool." Kaito spoke up with a smile, "And it's alright, I won't force you to join us, if you don't want to. But I'm happy to be your friend." he smiled as he held his hand out to the Kikainoid. "Yeah me to, beside mom always said strangers are those who just need a friend." Flash said picking up haseo and putting him on his shoulder. The Kikainoid paused as he looked at the offered hand, a sense of pure happiness filling him, "Please do! Boku wa Gaon!" He introduced himself while taking his hand. "Ore wa Goshikida Kaito!" Kaito beamed before gesturing to Roll and Haseo, "And these are Sakurai Roll and Sakurai Haseo and this is my cousin, Flash sentry!" Ah! Even his name screams 'kawaii, except yours flash, yours yuneak'" Gaon awed. "Thanks" Flash said while Carrying a giggling haseo as he was given a ride. "Just so you know, my name is Jura-" Juran began. "Ne! Do you have smartphones?" Gaon asked the four, "Let's share contact information so we can meet again!" he cheered, Juran growling in the background as Flash Haseo tried to calm him down. "What was with that kid!?" Juran complained to Kaito and Roll as they walked home, Flash carrying Haseo on his shoulders, "He was a major pain!" "He seemed really excited to become friends with us," Roll noted, "He did seem fully honest, though." "Mmm…" Kaito nodded with a smile, "Well, that's just another part of our job, making sure folks get along.'' He gave his thoughts, "I guess there are probably all sorts of new feelings and opinions in the world now. Kami knows the types of couples we see on the streets have gotten diverse." "Ah...Still, he ticked me off...I just wanna blow off all this steam with a party." Juran complained. "Hmm...how about a Mushroom party?" Flash offered, earning his friends and family attention. "Mushroom party?" "Well...it's just you know, looking at mushrooms all day...doesn't it make you wanna eat some?" he explained while staring at the mushrooms on someone's head with some hungry eyes. "A little," Roll admitted, her stomach giving a growl. "Yosha!" Juran agreed, "Tomorrow, we'll find our new member! Today, we're on a mushroom hunt!" "Ano...Papa?" Haseo reminded. "Oh, right…" Juran recalled. "Papa won't be a problem," Roll replied, "He said he's working on something in the base with Secchan, so he'll be down there all night most likely." "...Onee-chan…" "Hai, hai. We'll have to make sure to remind him to eat and go to bed," Roll nodded. "How's about Kaito Juran and I go hunting?" Flash offered as he picked Haseo off his shoulders, "You should take the Chibi home. He had an eventful day, so he's earned some cartoon time!" He handed Haseo over to Roll, "We'll be sure to bring some real juicy ones!" "Hai~" Roll replied, "Oh, just be careful. Some mushrooms are poisonous to humans and Mobians, Juran-san." "No problem. Kikainoids can't get poisoned by organic means, but I can still taste it!" Juran explained, "I'll check each type, so if I taste something bad, it's no good for yous!" "Wait, Kikainoids can't be poisoned?" Flash blinked. "We taste and eat, yes, but we don't have a circulatory system like Humans and Mobians, so anything toxic just gets converted into energy like food does," Juran explained, "We are made of metal after all, and we don't have blood. Our perks are weird but useful." "Very useful," Kaito awed. "Indeed! ...Oh, that reminds me. Where's Sonic?" Juran asked, "Haven't seen him all day." "And you haven't left the lab all day despite being bored is…?" Skye asked, not bothering to look up from his soldering of some wiring. "I hate mushrooms," Sonic replied, "They may be good in chili, but no. Just no." "You hate Mushrooms that much?" Skye arched a brow from behind his safety goggles. "I have my personal reasons," Sonic explained simply. "Seems more like some issue from your childhood." "Issue? I don't have any issues! You're the one with the issue!" Sonic accused. "Yes. I have an allergy," Skye replied, "You have a trauma." "Wha...Well, I never! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! I don't have trauma! I give people trauma! Just ask Eggman!" =The base is starting to flood with water= Secchan informed. "GYAH!" Sonic yelped, looking around before frowning upon seeing no water, "Oh very funny." =According to my comedy program...yes...it was, tune!= "You know you're probably gonna miss the big fight if you hang out here?" Skye pointed out. "Pfft, please once it starts, I can get there in no time!" Sonic replied. =Well if you do…= Secchan began as Skye put the cover on what he was soldering. "...Take this out on a test run, will ya?" Skye finished as he tossed over a katana with a bulky silver Secchan-shaped guard. "...Yes," Sonic grinned as he caught it, "So much yes." "Ijirude-sama, they're getting used to the mushrooms, kinoko," Kinoko World noted, looking out at the city with a spyglass. "Why do you keep saying 'kinoko'?" Ijirude asked. "Oh. Because I became Kinoko World, kinoko," Kinoko World replied, "I do it so that I do not forget that I'm Kinoko World, kinoko!" "That's very admirable," Ijirude noted, "But...now onto phase two of the pl-" he began before a beeping sound went off, prompting him to tap on the side of his head as his monocle displayed a holographic image of Barashitarra, "Yes? What is it?" =It would seem we've...gained an alliance with the enemy of that blue rodent Sonic= "Hah?" =I know...and I really wanna crack the fat idiot open, but...he's useful somewhat= Barashitarra explained =I did, however, take control of his Dark Legion and am now sending one of the Grand Masters to test the water= "Why was I not informed of this?!" he snapped. =I just informed you= "Oh...you're a real pain in my rear axle!" Ijirude complained, "Fine! I'll cooperate...If anything, it will let me gather more data from Kinoko World!" =Good...because who I'm sending you is powerful...but annoying as well= Barashitarra stated as the hologram vanished. "...Why don't I like the sound o-" Ijirude began before a portal opened near him. Loud mechanical steps could be heard as a large red, silver and gunmetal black robotic suit stepped forth, an orange tinted dome covering the top and revealing a small figure inside. =Nyehehe! Beware fools, for you stand before Lord Eggman's most loyal and dangerous Grand Master…= a female voice came from the speakers of the suit as the dome opened up...revealing a small Mobian Chinchilla with electric yellow fur and an outfit similar to Eggman's, "Thunderbolt!" "...What?" Kinoko World blinked. "...What is wrong with today…?" Ijirude asked mostly to himself. "Now…!" Thunderbolt began as the dome closed back up =Let's continue with the plan, because I'm mostly here to deal with the hedgehog if he or his little Freedom Fighter buddies interfere!= "Right...come on, stupid," Ijirude spoke, smacking Kinoko World. "AH! Right, Kinoko!" he saluted, "Kinoko...Power!" he declared loudly as his eyes flashed. Suddenly, all the mushrooms all over the city began unleashing spores with a smokescreen-like consistency. The clouds of spores spread around quickly, from every one growing from the street to each one growing from someone's head. It only took a single breath before the Humans and Mobians began coughing violently to the spores, many of them weak of body falling over in pain from the toxic effect they had on the organic body. Kikainoids, however, seemed unaffected. "H-hey hey! What's going on?!" the Pink Kikanoid gasped, she then turned to her Pink Hedgehog Mobian friend who fell over and was coughing, "Ah! Amy-san!?" she panicked. "Hm? What is this?" Juran pondered as the spores began to erupt from the mushrooms they were collecting before spotting the two teens collapsing to there knees, "Guys! Could the mushroom spores…?" he threw his basket of mushrooms away before pulling out a handkerchief and covered There mouth with it, "Are they poisonous? Use this!" "Mmm...What about you, Juran?" "Ah…" he looked around, seeing that while Humans and Mobians were falling ill, Kikainoids were unaffected, "Looks like the spores can't do much to us…" he noted, "I guess it's just like with food…still, this is bad..." "Ah…" Gaon sighed as he was hanging out inside of a pet store, "Kaito, Flash,Roll, Haseo…" he looked down at his hands, "Finally I have friends I can pet!" he cheered before he let out a more sad sigh, his head rolling over to see all the animals people could adopt as their own here, "I wish you guys would accept me, too…" he lingered on a little kitten. However before he could try and pet it, the mushroom on his head suddenly released the poisonous spores, making him tense up before the mushrooms on the heads of the humans and Mobians there began to do the same. The smokescreen wasn't just affecting them….it was affecting the poor animals too...most of which were still young at that too. "Ah! What's going on!?" Gaon panicked, "Oh! The adorableness!" he grabbed the mushroom on his head, "Is it this!?" he ripped it off...only for another to grow, "Gah!" he ripped that one off and another grew, "Why you!" he tore the third one off and, at first, nothing seemed to happen, "Phew…" many grew in its place until he had an afro made of mushrooms, "GAH! There's no end to them!" He quickly ran out of the store to try and get the smoke away from the poor animals...only for his optics to widen as he saw more Humans and Mobians collapsed on the ground with the Kikanoids looking on in worry and several trying to help their organic friends. "D-Daijobu?" Gaon asked, looking around at everyone and seeing the pained expressions on the organic life, "...Grr…" his fists clenched tight as he narrowed his optics. The Tojitendo Dynasty….they did this to the poor people...to the poor humans, Mobians...and to those poor little animals that just wanted a home, "Yurusenai…!" "Thanks to the Tojiru Gears, we can conquer the whole world in an instant, kinoko!" Kinoko World declared...before looking over at Thunderbolt, "Why aren't you collapsing, Kinoko? This is toxic to organics, kinoko." "Cause she's in a suit, Kinoko Baka," Ijirude replied as he bonked Kinoko World upside the head with his staff. =Yup! The suit Lord Eggman made for me makes me resistant to any types of smoke and gas!= Thunderbolt bragged. "In the end, this plan was so well executed, we can just sit here and enjoy the chaos!" Ijirude chuckled. =And what's more with this smoke...no Freedom Fighters can come to help!= Thunderbolt added before all three looked at each other...before they began to laugh in unison. "Found ya! Ijirude! Kinoko World!" Juran declared as he walked onto the roof suddenly. The three turned to face him, "And weird Refrigerator World!" =REFRIGERATOR?!= Thunderbolt snapped, electricity coming off her robotic suit for a few moments. "Ah...I thought that was a dude…" Juran muttered. "How did you find us?!" Ijirude demanded. "I checked the one block where there was very little spores," Juran explained. Ijirude turned to the Kinoko World and smacked him with his staff again, "What is wrong with you?!" "I didn't want to obstruct our view, Kinoko!" he complained as he was struck again and again. At that, Kaito caught up as he kept the handkerchief over his mouth the whole time,Flash reached there aswell with handkerchief "How dare you spread those weird mushrooms!" "You all let your guard down because my mushrooms are cute and delicious looking, Kinoko!" Kinoko World countered, "It's the fault of you dumb Humans and Mobians for underestimating Kinoko power, kinoko!" "Even still, we can learn from our mistakes!" Kaito argued. =Ha! Not in your condition, human!= Thunderbolt mocked =Soon everyone will bow to Lord Eggman and his new partner, the Tojitendo Dynasty! The Multiverse belongs to them and them alone!= "Ano…" Kaito muttered, "And you are?" =Thunderbolt, one of Lord Eggman's Grand Masters of the Dark Legion!= Thunderbolt declared. "Never heard of it…" The three spoke in unison, making her suit lock up...and tumble over. "I don't understand young people…" Ijirude muttered. "Regardless...this ends here!" Kaito shook his head. "Hahaha! Our numbers beat yours!" Ijirude argued as Kinoko World helped Thunderbolt up. "I dunno…" Sonic's voice spoke up, making Ijirude slowly turn to see the blue hedgehog resting on top of his staff, a gas mask over his muzzle, "Seems even to me, Robo-Doc." "Gh?! You again!" "Yo~" Sonic grinned before he blurred right over to Kaito and Juran, "Sorry for being late guys. Had to get to some high ground and get some people to safety just as the smoke started happening. Secchan made me wear this, too." =Hedgehog!= Thunderbolt shouted, earning Sonic's attention =We meet at last!= "...And you are…?" Sonic asked, making her suit fall over again. =THUNDERBOLT! ONE OF LORD EGGMAN'S DARK LEGION GRAND MASTERS!= she snapped as her suit shot up. "Okay," Sonic replied simply, "So you're new then…" he muttered silently to himself. =Grr…!= "Sonic...who or what is this Dark Legion?" Flash whispered to Sonic. "Mobians Eggman 'recruited' to work for him," Sonic replied before rubbing his chin, "Well...That's what they are now. Before, they were a group of Echidnas that tore off parts of themselves and replaced it with robotics. They actually willingly joined with Eggman because Knuckles-a friend of mine- went all 'Kami da' and turned their robotics organic." "Oh...one of those long, complicated, 'had to be there' stories…" Flash and kaito nodded simply, "Details for later then. That's good enough for now." he then turned to the three, "How dare you do this!" Kinoko World laughed, "You guys are a buncha idiots~! You let your guard down because mushrooms are cute and delicious-looking, kinoko!" =You already did the bit, stupid!= Thunderbolt snapped as she smacked him upside the head. "Ah...I forgot about that," Kaito admitted, making Sonic, Flash and Juran nearly fall over. "Why are we being sucked into their pace!? We're the ones with control over the world at the moment!" Ijirude snapped, stomping the butt of his staff on the ground due to having no foot to stomp, "...ugh. Nevermind. K-" "I'm here!" "Hmm?" Sonic,Flash,Kaito and Juran blinked as they looked up, seeing Gaon walking in on top of a higher part of the roof, back down to a single mushroom on his head once more. "Gaon?" Kaito blinked. Why are you-" Juran began as he walked closer to Gaon, only for the young Kikainoid to jump down to their footing. "Kaito, Flash Daijoubu ka?" Gaon asked as Kaito and Flash gave a simple nod, "I'm sorry. If only I had found my resolve sooner…" he grunted, ripping the mushroom off his head again, only for two pink ones to grow in its place a moment later. "Eh...wait. Does that mean...?" Kaito began. "I'll be a Zenkaiger!" Gaon spoke as his optics angled down to make his face look like he was smiling. "Eh!?" Ijirude gawked. =A what now?= Thunderbolt blinked. "Enemies as annoying as the blue rodent there, kinoko," Kinoko World whispered to Thunderbolt. =WHAT!?= "But you just said-" Juran began as he pointed to Gaon. "I can't forgive them!" Gaon cut him off. "Again…?" Juran muttered, pushing his own hand down. "Seems he just doesn't consider other Kikainoid as something that exists," Sonic noted, patting Juran's back. "How dare they make all the cute animals of this world suffer!" Gaon declared, "How dare they put a mushroom that makes them suffer on my head! And then make it into an afro!" "Did he really say 'afro?'" Juran deadpanned to Sonic as Gaon ripped the mushroom off once more. "Tojitendo! Eggman Empire!" Gaon pointed, "I will make you suffer 100 times the pain and suffering you dealt upon me and all these cute animals!" red mushrooms popped out where the pink ones had been. "Ha! Just try it, Kinoko!" Kinoko World laughed as the Tojitendo Dynasty's grunts ran into the area. "Ah, you'll need a…" Kaito began as he patted himself, "...Ah…" "Kaito?" Flash asked, looking at his cousin. "...I don't have a spare Geartlinger," Kaito sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "...You're lucky you have me and Roll then," Sonic sweatdropped as a pink blur ran into the area. "Kaito-chan," Roll frowned, carrying the spare Geartlingers, "You forgot them! What if you found a new nakama?" "I did," Kaito replied. "You did?" Roll blinked twice. "Konnichiwa, Roll-chan," Gaon waved happily. "Oh, Gaon-san," Roll bowed. "Thank you, Roll, Gaon, minna," Kaito smiled, "I really couldn't do this without all of you!" =...We're getting sucked into this nonsense again!= Thunderbolt snapped. "Here you go, Gaon-san," Roll smiled as she handed Gaon the spare Geartlinger. =Grr...It won't matter! You i...!= Thunderbolt began in her rant before one of the grunts was suddenly shot by Gaon =?! Wh….What?! Y...You can't do that!= another was shot just as she finished =SERIOUSLY!?= "Eh? I can't? But I just did. Twice, even," Gaon noted. "I did the same thing, too," Juran nodded. "Ah, not like that…" Kaito spoke as he reached into his vest and produced the Transformation Gear with a yellow image in the center and 25 written on it, "Here." he smiled as Gaon took it, "First, you open it up." he began explaining how it worked, "Then smack the Gear in." "Smack…" Gaon repeated as he nodded in understanding. "Mmm...Looks like their merry little band is growing…" Ijirude noted. =What is this?! Why is this all their pace?! We're the ones with the leg up here!= Thunderbolt complained before another bullet shot a grunt. "Sorry, not sorry!" Gaon laughed. =GRR!= Thunderbolt snarled as more electricity came off her suit. "Okay, we're ready now!" Kaito declared as the trio stood together, "Ikuzo!" "Yosha!" the two Kikainoids agreed as the trio opened their Geartlingers and inserted the Sentai Gears into them. "Change Zenkai!" the trio declared as they proceeded to crank the handles. =Yon-Ju-Go Bang~! Ju-Roku Bang~! Ni-Ju-Go Bang~! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!= "Yeah!" Juran cheered, dancing to the beat of the Geartlinger, "Zenkai~ Zenkai~" After a second, the trio aimed their Geartlingers forward and fired. The Gears scanned over the trio as their transformations began. Kaito was adorned in his white suit while Juran's armor was reformatted into his new form. Gaon joined Juran as his armor and appearance was altered in much the same way. Gaon's new armor had yellow shoulder pauldrons with a strip of armor dangling over each side like tassels, with the right armog having the silver image of a Lion's head, the rest of his arms however were black in color. His chest like Jurans was a large animal head, in his case that of a Lion, with his abdomen and waist being black with a silver belt-like pattern. His legs were silver before turning yellow from the knee down ending in similar claw-like shoes like Juran's. His helmet turned rounded and pure yellow, a pair of large yellow spikes formed on each side of his helmet and curved upwards with a black stripe running through each, a singular yellow spike protruding from the top of his helmet, with a silver v shaped crest in the center of his forehead with the gold letters for 25 in the center. His mouth was covered by a flat silver mouthguard, and his optics shone a bright green. =Zenkaiser! Zenkai Juran~! Zenkai Gaon~!= "Himitsu no power!" Zenkaiser spoke as he struck his pose, "ZenKaiser!" "Kyoryu power!" Zenkai Juran declared as he struck his own, "Zenkai Juran!" "Hyakuju power!" Gaon declared as he raised his right arm like claws while crouched down. He then slammed both hands to the ground before jumping, "Zenkai Gaon!" Zenkaiser held his right hand out as Zenkai Juran put his atop Zenkaisers with Zenkai Gaon following suit...before cringing and moving his hand under Zenkaisers. "San-nin Awasete!" Zenkaiser began. "Kikai Sentai!" Zenkaiser skipped forward as he struck a pose with both arms raised up, as Juran stood to his right and Gaon to his left as they held their arms out but angled downward, "Zenkaiger!" A sudden flash went off as the Zenkaiger's symbol formed out of lights behind them. "So red is dinosaurs and yellow is...a lion?" Flash asked asked. "Hyakuju means '100 beasts,'" Roll noted. "So a hundred lions." Sonic said. "Iie, iie. It's…" "Ikuze!" Zenkaiser ordered, holding up his Geartlinger, Zenkai Juran pulled out his sword and shield, while Zenkai Gaon summoned a yellow gauntlet that was more like a shield over his left arm with three large bladed claws extending from the front. Zenkaiser began jogging in place, "Zenryoku Zenkai!" With that, Zenkaiser began shooting and causing massive explosions which knocked the Kudakk's, Kinoko World, Ijirude, and Thunderbolt off the roof. The Three Zenkaigers shouted, jumping after them. Zankaiser kicked his leg out and landed on a Kudakk as he used it to soften his landing on the ground. Zenkai Juran held his shield up and tucked his body in as he let the shield slam into the ground, the resulting impact sending out a shockwave that knocked over the Kudakks who landed off their feet. Zenkai Gaon roared as he held his right arm out and stuck a three point landing with little difficulty or discomfort. "GAO!" Zenkai Gaon roared as he rushed and swung his clawed gauntlet and ripped through a Kudakk. He spun around and swung an uppercut with his claws and struck another before lifting it up, he twisted his body around and slammed the Kudakk onto another before stomping on both of them, "Gao...n!" he growled, scraping his claws across the ones he pinned down, causing them to explode. "Ha!" Zenkai Juran cheered, swinging his sword and slashing a Kudakk down. He swung his sword and deflected a Plug Lancer swing from a Kudakk, Juran grunted and swung his sword back and slashed it into the grunt's side, he then twisted around and used his shield to block another swing. He grunted and pushed his sword through the first Kudakk and swung in a wide arc to slash the second, the strike knocking it off its feet, "Nice~!" "Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted as he flipped forward and twisted around so as he landed he extended his leg out for a sidekick to a Kudakk's chest, sending him flying back into his fellow goons. Zenkaiser spun around and swung his left arm and used his Greatlinger to strike another Kudakk. As he spun around, he pulled the trigger rapidly and shot multiple grunts in a wide range. The Kudakks rushed as they held their Plug Lancers out in a phalanx formation. They rushed the Zenkaigers as they all stood side by side. Zenkaiser held his Geartlinger out before pulling the trigger, he then rapidly began cranking the lever and caused the Geartlinger to enter rapid fire mode as it unleashed a barrage of bullets which took out many of the Kudakk's standing in the front of the formation. The rest paused as they tried to guard themselves only to blink as Zenkai Juran and Gaon rushed them. "GAO!" "Yosha!" The two swung their weapons as they left glowing streaks in the air. The streaks crossed each other forming a multitude of X patterns in the air before the Kudakks began exploding and falling apart. The remaining Kudakk's continued on as the Zenkaigers stood together. "Sentai Gear time!" Zenkaiser declared while flipping open his belt, "Let's try this!" he held up a gear that had 16 on it but the image of a Sentai ranger. =Ju-Roku Bang! Zyu~Ranger!= The images of the 16th Sentai team, the Zyurangers formed before them before they turned and rushed the Zenkaigers. Yellow ran to Gaon, Black to Juran and Red to Zenkaiser. The three flashed as Gears formed around them before slamming into them. "Mothbreaker!" Zenkai Juran declared as he swung a black axe around and slashed through several Kudakks. He twisted his body around and used the Mothbreakers weight to add momentum as he cleaved through multiple Kudakks that tried to surround him. He stopped before swinging down and slashing down, bisecting a Kudakk down the middle causing it to fall over and explode. Juran laughed, flipping the Mothbreaker over and strumming it like a guitar, before suddenly pushing on a section, and transforming it into a gun as he spun around while firing, clearing out even more Kudakks using the purple energy beam fired from his weapon. "Saber Daggers!" Zenkai Gaon spoke, brandishing a pair of daggers as he rushed forward and swung, slashing several Kudakks. He growled, crossing them to block a Plug Lancer, before he swung his leg and swept the Kudakk that swung it off its feet. He flipped one of the Saber Daggers over and stabbed it down to strike the Kudakk making it spark and stop moving. He ripped the dagger out as it exploded. The Kudakks looked up as Zenkai Gaon jumped into the air before he came down swinging both daggers down and struck two more Kudakks. He growled spinning around and swinging his arm back to stab a dagger into another Kudakk, before swinging his arm and the grunt forward, the Kudakk was sent flying into others before exploding. "Ryugeki-ken!" Zenkaiser shouted, holding a broadsword with a red crossguard. He ran forward and swung it, slashing through one Kudakk, then another, a third, a fourth, a fifth and then a sixth. He swung around and deflected a Plug Lancer before swinging his sword up and slashing the Kudakk who owned it. He grunted as he twisted his sword around in his hands before he twisted his body forward and flipped forward, before swinging with the Ryugeki-ken held in a reverse grip and slashing another Kudakk. He flipped the sword around before drawing his hand across the blade making it begin to glow bright red with energy. "Tyranno Slash!" he spun around and swung as he fired out a crescent beam of energy as it took down a cluster of Kudakks. "Wait...shouldn't Juran have gotten that sword?" Flash asked, watching all that. =That was the power of the 16th Sentai which Juran's own power is based upon, Kyoryu Sentai Zyurangers! It lets you harness their fighting style and their Legendary Weapons. The Ryugeki-Ken is used by their leader, Yamato Tribe Prince Geki, tune!= Secchan explained. "So that's why Kaito got the sword, he's our leader after all!" Zenkai Juran cheered. I'd follow Kaito-Kun anywhere!" Zenkai Gaon agreed, "Wait...Who said that?" "Secchan!" Zenkaiser and Juran replied. =Grr…!= Thunderbolt growled as she and Kinoko world got up =You Power Ranger rejects are really getting on my nerves!= she snapped before pushing Kinoko World forward =You! Be useful and deal with them while I take care of the hedgehog!= "There not the stupid rangers reject you bucket of bolts" Flash yelled as sonic and roll looked at him surprised. "Huh, your getting madder when they say that" Sonic said. "Hai, Kinoko!" he cheered as he rushed the Zenkaigers. "Ah! Mushroom head is coming our way!" Zenkai Juran spoke. "Kinoko P-" Kinoko World began before a pair of blurs shot by him, making him blink before he suddenly tripped and fell into the ground face first, "D'oh!" "Yeah...sorry, but no dice," Sonic smirked, Flash and Roll holding onto separate ends of a rope before they jumped out of the way of an electric energy blast, "Woah!" =You're really getting on my and Lord Eggman's nerves!= Thunderbolt snapped, the hands of her much recently shifted into a blaster =But Lord Eggman will praise me if I take you down, Hedgehog!= "Really devoted to Eggman, aren't you?" Sonic deadpanned as he and Roll dodged out of the way, "...Wait. A….Are you...an Eggman fangirl?" =Of course! I've devoted my life to helping Lord Eggman anyway I can, even before I became a Grand M…!= Thunderbolt began before Sonic began to laugh =STOP LAUGHING!= "Oh! Oh...I don't know whether to feel sorry for Eggman or laugh at him!" Sonic laughed. =Shut-GAH!= Thunderbolt cried when Juran suddenly kicked her over. "Gotta watch your blindspot!" Zenkai Juran laughed. "What is this, Kinoko!? Ah! I only have one hand! I can't undo knots, Kinoko!" Kinoko World panicked as he got up. "Gao!" Gaon roared, slashing him across the chest with his claws, "This is payback for those stupid mushroom!" he roared, punching his claws repeatedly into Kinoko World's chest and making sparks fly. Zenkai Gaon roared, lifting Kinoko World by the shoulders before slamming his knee into his abdomen repeatedly and making more sparks fly. He growled while pushing him back, making him fall down. Zenkai Gaon rushed as he raked his claws across the ground before swinging them up and striking Kinoko World, sending him flying up and flipping through the air. "Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping off Zenkai Gaon's shoulder before he kicked his leg out and struck Kinoko World sending him flying back. "Duck!" Juran and Sonic panicked as they ducked down, Roll jumping out so did flash jump out of the way as Kinoko World slammed into Thunderbolt. =Ahh!= Thunderbolt yelped as she was knocked out of her suit, giving off small squeaks as she bounced on the ground a bit, "Grr...you idiot!" "AH! Kawai no chinchilla!" Zenkai Gaon cooed upon spotting her, "She's so tiny and fluffy!" "Tiny?! I…!" Thunderbolt began before Zenkai Gaon picked her up, "H-Hey!" "Aww you're so cute!" "...uh...Gaon buddy? I don't think…" Sonic began. "Guys, look! Sh-" Zenkai Gaoon began before he noticed the sparks coming off her. "?" "Don't…..touch….me….!" Thunderbolt snarled, more and more electricity crackling off her as a look of pure anger appeared in her eyes. "Oh G-" *BZZZZZZZZT! BOOM!* "Pika-pika…" Zenkai Gaon muttered, his armor perfectly fine, but his optics sparking and twitching as an occasional spark of electricity came off his armor, "Pika!" he fell over. "Hah, they didn't even finish the mushrooms world and they're already fighting a angry pickachu from pokemon." Flash said as Roll snorted at that comment. "Ha!" Thunderbolt shouted as she ran back into her suit, closing the dome as her mech suit shot up =NOBODY TOUCHES ME! ONLY LORD EGGMAN MAY TOUCH ME!= "Gross and didn't needed to be said out loud" Flash muttered hearing that. "Declare your love to people who care!" Juran shouted before flipping over and kicking Thunderbolt's suit, making her stagger back, "Bad guys are bad guys! That's all this Dinobot needs to know!" he cheered as he raised his shield to block a blast of electricity from her, "Come on!" he taunted, using his shield to block more bolts fired at him, "Whoo~" he cheered, dancing around the next blast. =What the...why aren't you being zapped!? You're made of metal!= "It's called Kyoryu power! My power is prehistoric, Chinchilla thing! In layman's terms, it has no effect on me!" =Actually, Jury's power comes from Dino magic like the Zyurangers, while Gao-Gao's comes from the power of the Earth like the Gaorangers, so one is more susceptible to things like electricity then the other…= Skye muttered. "Huh...good to know," Zenkaiser muttered. "What are you two doing?! You're making a mockery of the World Super Soldier program!" Ijirude shouted, already relocated far away from the combat, "Get up, you idiot!" "Hai! Kinoko!" Kinoko World declared as his right arm began glowing, "Galactica Mushroom!" he roared as he rushed Zenkai Juran and swung. The Zenkaiger raised his shield, but the force of the punch was enough that it sent him flying back. "Juran!" Zenkaiser shouted. "Wide open! Smash Punch!" Kinoko World declared as he landed an uppercut with his left that knocked Zenkaiser into the air. "Yes! This is better!" Ijirude cheered, "My brain is better than everybody's!" "Kaito!" Zenkai Gaon panicked as he rushed after Zenkaiser and held his arms out to catch him. "That thing really packs a punch…" Sonic noted. "Hai," Roll whispered in agreement. "Agreed," Flash muttered "I got him!" Zenkai Gaon cheered, catching Zenkaiser in time. "I did not expect...mushrooms to pack so much punch…" Zenkaiser groaned, stars circling his helmet, he then shook his head, "Okay..." he began as Zenkai Gaon dropped him, "We got a mushroom with powerful punches...and a chinchilla with a really bad temper and electric powers." "Ugh...We need to fight both…" Zenkai Juran groaned. "But I don't wanna hurt the cute little Chinchilla!" Zenkai Gaon declared. =HE SAID IT AGAIN!= "Wow, she is mad…" Sonic chuckled. "Alright! We'll split up! Juran and Sonic will take care of the Chincha-thingy! And me and Gaon will stop Kinoko World!" Zenkaiser declared. "What about us" flash asked. "You gonna stay back flash, I know you wanna help but this thing is dangerous so leave it to us." Zenkaiser said. Flash then just nodded. He was again being put in the back. It was like Canterlot and the girls stopping equestrian magic all over again. Roll just patting him on the back she felt sad seeing him like this. Zenkaiser also felt sad but he didn't want his cousin to get hurt by them. He then went back to battle. "What the heck, it's just another one of Eggman's goons," Sonic smirked. He then sped off before coming back with a blue duffle bag, he quickly opened it and pulled out the sword Skye gave him, "Well...not really trained with these things...but...it's as good a time as any…" he muttered while holding it up. "Eh? What's that?" Zenkaiser asked. =Prototype weapon for Sony and Rolly-Polly= Skye informed =Sony's being the guinea pig for it, so sorry if he electrocutes himself= "Electrocutes himself?" Juran blinked. "Wait...what?" Sonic blinked before clicking a trigger on it, causing a surge of electrical energy to go up his arms and make his quills spike upwards, "Gh!" =Warned him= =Better note that the trigger causes an electrical feedback, tune= "Well...this is a thing," Juran sighed as he grabbed the blade of Sonic's sword, "But I think we can work with this!" he lifted the sword up...Sonic included, before swinging around and tossing Sonic at Thunderbolt, the Hedgehog tumbling forward through the air as the sword made him like a buzzsaw as he slammed into her, the sword digging into and cutting through a chunk of the armor's torso, as the kinetic energy of the impact knocked her back and into a wall. "D'oh!" Sonic groaned, falling to the ground as he was shaken out of his stupor. "Hahaha! It worked! I got the ideas off that Smash Brothers game I played with Kaito last night!" Juran cheered. "Ow…." "All we need is an announcer," Zenkaiser chuckled as he reached for his belt, "Let's see if they can take this Sentai power," he pulled out another Gear, showing another Sentai with a 26. =Ni-Ju-Roku Bang! Hurricanger~!= This time, only three Rangers appeared from the hologram. All three looked like Ninjas with blue being a girl this time around. They jumped as Red landed in Zenkaiser, Yellow in Juran, and Blue in Gaon. "Chou Ninpou!" Zenkaiser suddenly shouted, crossing his arms, with his index and middle finger pointing up over his helmet's mouthguard, "Kage no mai!" "Hah?" Kinoko World blinked as Thunderbolt stood back up. Suddenly, a white paper screen door closed in front of them. Zenkaiser's shadow could be seen as he flew and kicked both of them. A Red screen door closed as Juran's shadow rushed past and slashed both Kinoko World and Thunderbolt. A Yellow screen door closed next as Gaon's shadow dropped down and slashed Kinoko World making the monster swing wildly and strike Thunderbolt. A second white screen door closed as Zenkaiser's shadow flew behind both enemies. "Shu Shu Shu!" he swung his arms as he tossed shuriken at the two which exploded on impact and sent them flying through the screen doors, "Oh, that one was cool!" Zenkaiser awed as he landed on his feet, "I said Ninpou automatically!" "My body moved so suddenly!" Zenkai Gaon awed as he looked at his hands, "What was that?!" =The technique of the 26th Super Sentai, Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger tune!= Secchan answered. Ninja power, neat," Juran chuckled. "Mmm…" Roll frowned. "...Oh shoot," Zenkaiser realized before sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "Gomen, Roll-chan. Used the stereotype instead of the actual throwing ones." "I don't get it…" Juran muttered, "Shuriken are shuriken…" "What's a ninja?" Gaon blinked. "Her," Sonic replied, pointing at the Hedgefox, who was slumped over and shaking, "...Uh oh…" "'Shuriken are shuriken'? ...Juran-san, there will be a party tonight...but not one you may enjoy," Roll informed as she straightened up, smiling sweetly...while Juran was now trying to not look at her and the ominous aura coming off her. "You know it's rude to threaten your elders…" Juran shivered. "I am conflicted…" Gaon admitted, hiding behind Zenkaiser, "She is very kawaii...yet very scary...but she is kawaii...and also scary...mmm…" "Yep...That's Roll-chan," Zenkaiser sighed, "She's essentially family, but still a mystery…" "Huh actually I don't know much about the ninja culture and Shinobi culture. Hey roll after this is over can you teach me about the Shuriken and your fighting style maybe that can help me in the battles, I can't always wait for the power to come to me." He asked her. "Sure flash" she quickly did a 180,"I can teach ya. But you gonna have to wait after I'm done with mister shuriken is shuriken hear." Sending a glare at juran. Who tenses again. "They're ignoring us again, kinoko," Kinoko World whispered to Thunderbolt, "Should we crawl away, kinoko?" =Crawl away?! Never! I will not lose to these nitwits!= "Oh right! Them!" they all spoke, turning back to face them. =Stop ignoring us!= "Ikuze Gaon!" Zenkaiser shouted as he rushed Kinoko World. "HA!" Gaon shouted, joining him. "You'll be fighting me, Chincha-thing!" Zenkai Juran shouted, slashing Thunderbolt's robot suit and making it stagger back, "Sonic!" he called out as he dropped to one knee, letting Sonic jump off his. Sonic grunted as he came down and slashed Thunderbolt's suit along the back. The two grunted and swung their swords at the same time, slashing the suit from two sides and not giving Thunderbolt time to defend. ZenkaiJuran grunted while swinging low, sweeping Thunderbolt off her feet. As she fell, both Juran and Sonic kicked their legs up, striking the mech suit and launched it high into the air with their combined leg strength. =Gyah! What kinda strength do they got!?= Thunderbolt yelped, rattling around inside of her mech suit. "The power of dinosaurs and a hedgehog!" Juran replied. "Sonic, finish it!" Juran cheered, tapping his shield with his sword before raising said shield up like a platform to step on. But before he could do anything Thunderbolt used her lightning and shoot at the shield which caused sonic to loose balance and was soon shoot by her which caused him to loose the sword and hit back. "SONIC!" The others yelled the sword fell a little far to flash as the other were distracted flash then ran and pick up the sword and soon ran towards thunderbolt. She heard his yell as saw him coming she simply struck him with lightning but he used the sword and blocked the attack it hurt but he still ran and soon used his sword and slashed her on the suite with a slash and then slash from down part and finally he slash straight cutting the suite in half and making her fall out of the suite and fall back. The others were surprised by this but soon flash felt the surge from the sword and let it go. "Gah" he yelled as he saw his hands palms burned a little. "Flash" Kaito and roll yelled as roll went to him. "You ok" she asked in concern. "Seriously!?" Ijirude complained, using his staff to catch the actual Thunderbolt as she fall back. "That low life human, He broke my suit from Lord Eggman!" Thunderbolt snapped, her eyes slit as electricity began to crackle off her, "I...I'm going to...to….!" "Shut up, stupid," Ijirude spoke, slamming his staff and Thunderbolt into a wall, making a squeaking sound upon impact, "This is an experiment for my World Super Soldiers! Your pride be damned! Your master can always make you a better one next time! If anything, he should be upset you just wasted a Mech suit…" "...AHH! You're right!" Thunderbolt panicked as she fell to her knees in tears, "FORGIVE ME, LORD EGGMAN~!" "Shut up," Ijirude spoke, smacking her into a wall again with yet another squeaking sound. "Leave it to me, Kinoko!" Kinoko World spoke, charging up his right arm again. He rushed to swing at Gaon only for him to duck and roll out of the way. Kinoko World grunted, swinging at Zenkaiser only for him to flip over his arm. The Tojitendo Super soldier blinked as the two were able to move around him so quickly. He then yelped when Zenkai Gaon swung his claws and hooked them into the gear themed belt around his waist. Gaon growled and lifted Kinoko World, before tossing him away. "Take this!" Gaon grunted, swinging his claws only for Kinoko World to deflect them away with a punch from his right arm. "Mushroom Galactica!" Kinoko World shouted, swinging his charged up punch only for Gaon to suddenly flip back and over a parked van, "So fast!" he gawked. "Ha!" Gaon grunted, landing on his feet with little issue. "Kinoko!" the monster grunted while smacking the van, making it slide along the ground in an attempt to hit Zenkai Gaon. Zenkai Gaon grunted as he jumped over the van once more as he landed on its roof and held on waiting for it to come to a stop. Kinoko World growled as he swung and punched the back of the van, the force of his swing breaking through its parking brake and sending the car off down the road. Zenkai Gaon grunted and rolled off the roof and back to the ground with very little issue. Kinoko World growled in frustration as he rushed the Zenkaiger, only for Gaon to take him by surprise and pull out his Geartlinger and shoot it at him from close range, causing an explosion of sparks as the Tojitendo Monster was sent stumbling back a few steps. Zenkai Gaon growled as he rushed and slashed Kinoko World across the chest with his claws several times before clocking him across his face with the Geartlinger, sending him stumbling back a few steps. "Up and over! Time to pluck this mushroom from the ground!" Zenkai Gaon grunted as he rushed over and swung his claw low and swept the Monster off his feet, before using his left arm to swing his claws up, and lift Kinoko World up and high into the air. "HA!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping into the air as he swung his leg out and landed a flying side kick to Kinoko World. He then began kicking his legs, striking the Tojitendo Super soldier multiple times with a bicycle kick before the last one sent him flying back and slamming into the ground. "Ah...that's...not...fair...Kinoko!" Kinoko World groaned, he stumbled up before shaking his head, "I won't fail, Kinoko! Atomic Mushroom…" he changed, charging energy into his right arm as he stepped forward...and froze, "K-Kinoko?" he looked down to see he stepped on a patch of scattered makibishi, "AAAAHHHH!-!-!" he screamed hopping around only to step on more, "AH!" he screamed, alternating feet...and stepping on more of the spikes traps. "Okay...you proved your point, Roll…" Zenkaiser chuckled, "Authentic Ninjas have better tools…" "Arigatou, Zenkaiser-san," Roll giggled with a salute while sitting on a fire escape above the Kinoko World. "Eh!? Ah! You did this, kinoko?!" Kinoko World gawked, looking up at her while taking a step ahead...right onto a bit of scattered marbles that sent him flat on his back onto the makibishi, "AAAAHHHHH!" "You got that one off Home Alone, didn't you?" Flash asked with a chuckle. =She did= Skye confirmed =Mitsy gave me a DVD of it and I showed it to the family...they took to the traps and began to devise new ways to use them…= "Ah, a family of fuzzy ninja trap makers..." Gaon cooed, "Let's finish him while he's distracted, Kaito!" "Hai!" Zenkaiser nodded as they began cranking their Geartlingers, "Hissatsu Zenkai!" =Hero~! Super Zenkai Time! Go-Go~! Bang-Bang~!= The two aimed their Geartlingers at Kinoko World, who finally got back to his feet. Hexagonal formations formed around the barrels as color matching energy began flashing from the center. Both held their Geartlingers by both handles as massive orbs of light formed at the ends of the Geartlingers barrels. With that, the two pulled the triggers just as the Zenkaiger symbol formed behind them. =Dai Zenkai!= They both fired massive beams of energy which slammed into Kinoko World, destroying the extra armor on his arms and leaving two glowing holes in his chest. Just as it seemed like he was about to collapse, the Zenkaiger symbol flew over...and slammed down onto Kinoko World, crushing him down into bits and pieces. All that was left was the black Tojiru Gear left sparking on the ground. With that, a pulse of energy went out from the epicenter of the explosion. It washed over the town and all the Mushrooms began to vanish, all of them fading away with faint specs of purple energy. The effects and spores they released suddenly vanished from the air and the bodies of those who breathed them in. The change back to normal many were still in the midst of writhing in pain, before they realized...there no longer was any pain at all. "We did it!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Skye, did it work?" he asked, tapping the side of his helmet, more for symbolism than for actual practicality. =Yep. All the mushrooms have vanished. But I'm still gonna wear a mask for a day or two just to be safe= Skye replied. "Yatta!" Zenkaiser cheered, "The mushrooms are gone!" "We did it!" Gaon cheered, pumping a fist in the air. "I don't think it's over," Flash noted as he hopped down as Sonic and Juran approached the two celebrating Zenkaigers. "Why do you think that?" Sonic asked. "The guy with the mushroom guy is still here and he's chuckling," Juran replied, pointing at the chuckling Ijirude. "They're right! This isn't over!" Ijirude declared as he picked up Thunderbolt, "Kudaitest!" "Oyobidesuka?" a Kudaitest asked as it emerged from behind a building. "Oh boy…" Gaon gulped before seeing Roll and Flash...bouncing in place with stars in there eyes, "Eh? Roll-chan Flash-chan, why are you being so kawaii right now?!" "They like watching giant battles," Zenkaiser explained. "Are you ig…?" the Kudaitest began before stepping on the sparking Tojiru Gear, "Ah?" Eh?" everyone pondered, seeing purple sparks coming from under the foot that stepped on the gear before it burst into purple smoke that engulfed the Kudaitest and soaked into its body, transforming it into a mixture of a Kudaitest and Kinoko World, "EH?!" "I didn't expect this!" Ijirude gawked. "Kinoko! Kinoko! Great Kinoko World Tanjou, kinoko!" the Kudatest roared as it let loose pulses of purple energy that caused massive mushrooms to start growing everywhere with a massive one growing right behind him that dominated the skyline, "Kino-kino-kino-ki~!" he then calmly poked up above a few obscuring him from them and calmly said, "Kinoko." "WHAT IS THAT!?" the Zenkaigers Human and Mobians exclaimed. "Great Kinoko World?" Ijirude pondered, "Hmm...Interesting. He's actually amplified the power Kinoko World had and has begun to fuse Kinokotopia with this world." "I'm full of Mushroom Power, kinoko!" =Oh, this isn't good. If this guy continues to exist, the entire world will be engulfed in mushrooms before the end of the day!= Skye panicked. =You'll be in debt from all the holes in the roofs you'll make, tune= Secchan added. "So...bad news, the whole world is gonna turn into Mushrooms," Zenkaiser told Sonic and Roll, "But Good news...Juran...Do the thing!" "Yeah!" Zenkai Juran cheered as he held up his Geartlinger, "Roll, make sure you get my goodside!" he cheered, flipping his Gear and cranking the Geartlinger. "Hai~!" Roll saluted as she grabbed Sonic and Flash and ran off to one of the taller mushrooms. =BIG BANG!= "Kikai Henkei!" he cheered as he transformed into, "Juran Tyranno!" "Konnichiwa, minna-san~!" Roll cheered, her flying camera activated, "For everyone being surprised by the mushrooms appearing, it's because of today's Giant Battle!" she spun around and gestured to Juran Tyranno roaring at Great Kinoko World, "Juran Tyranno has emerged to do battle with the cause of all these mean mushrooms that were releasing toxic spores here, Great Kinoko World!" she turned to Sonic, "Any comments, Sonic-san?" "This guy makes me hate mushrooms even more," Sonic stated, his nose scrunched behind his mask. "Me to bro, me to" Flash said. "Let's enjoy grilled mushrooms! Tyranno Fire!" Juran Tyranno roared, unleashing his fire breath upon Great Kinoko World. "Get 'em Juran!" Zenkaiser cheered as he and Zenkai Gaon jumped up to another building top to get a better view. "Oh...So we can do that, too…" Gaon noted as he held up his Geartlinger, he popped it open and flipped his gear much like Juran did, "Flip! Insert! And crank!" he cheered. =BIG BANG!= "Kikai Henkei!" The symbol fell over Gaon as his chest section slid forward, his legs unlocked and folded forward, while his arms folded into his sides, his yellow shoulder armor unfolding into a pair of claws legs. His Gaon Claw docking over the top of the lion head to complete its mane, after his normal head folded into his torso, completing his transformation into, "GAON LION!" "EH!? Sugei! The newest member of the Zenkaigers, ZenkaiGaon, has just transformed into Gaon Lion!" "So what? Is he a thousand lions now instead of a hundred?" Flash asked. "Iie," Roll deadpanned, "Hyakuju is a hundred beasts. Not just lions." "GAON!" Gaon Lion roared as he rushed forward and knocked Juran Tyranno out of his way, violently one might add. He then flipped back and did several mid-air backflips. Each flip raked his claws up across Great Kinoko World's chest and face. "GAH!" Great Kinoko World cried as glowing scratch marks formed on his armor, "Grrr...come forth Mushroom power!" With that, the giant mushrooms he summoned around town began lifting up before flying at Gaon. Gaon grunted as he quickly dashed from side to side, avoiding them as they began slamming into the ground with remarkable force. "Not gonna work!" Gaon Lion cheered as he jumped into the air and began leaping off the mushrooms. "Sugoi! Gaon Lion showed off the might of a bull and the swiftness of an eagle, but now he's showing us his grace of a shark and agility of a tiger through his dodging of the flying mushrooms!" Roll awed, "Ah! Gaon Lion, look out! It's a nameko!" "Eh? A nameko mushroom?" Gaon Lion pondered as he jumped off a big mushroom...right on a 'tiny' nameko. His paws slipped on its slimy surface making him stumble around for a bit...and fell out of the air...and onto Juran Tyranno. "ITE!" Juran Tyranno snapped, knocking Gaon Lion off as they butted heads, "Don't interfere!" "It was the nameko!" Gaon Lion argued, said mushroom dropping onto his head. "Don't blame the nameko, baka neko!" "It was the nameko, you old fossil!" "Oh dear me...He's showing off a flaw...the pride of a lion," Roll cringed as the two argued as Zenkaiser got on the mushroom with them, "It seems that a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Lion can't agree to be equal rulers." "See? Nothing good comes from mushrooms unless they're in chili for chili-dogs," Sonic snorted. "Ah! Stop fighting each other!" Flash complained loudly, "You're supposed to be fighting the evil monster!" "Wide open!" Great Kinoko World cheered as he punched Juran Tyranno and smacked Gaon Lion with his tail, the attacks sending both flying and landing on top of one another. "Move it, Kikainoid!" Gaon Lion complained, pinned under Juran Tyranno. "It's not my fault, you little brat!" Juran Tyranno complained, kicking his legs around to try and get back onto his feet. "I said stop it!" Zenkaiser complained, face meeting helmet in exasperation, "Ah mou! Fine! My turn then!" he snapped as he held up his Geartlinger and flipped his Gear around before cranking. =EH?! KAITO, MATTE! MATTE!= Secchan panicked. =Go for it, Kaito! You got the perfect formula for it! So glad you found a yellow and not the blue so you can show off your Gear's special trick!= Skye cheered. "Oh? Are we going to see Zenkaiser become Kaiser something?" Roll pondered, her tail wagging Flash also got excited as Gaon Lion and Juran Tyranno finally untangled and began to butt heads in arguing once more, "Ah mou~ Stop fighting and watch your leader, you two!" =BIG BANG!= Zenkaiser aimed and fired his blast high into the air. He waited for the symbol to fall over him like it did the others...but instead...something different happened. The blast flew higher and higher...before exploding into a giant projection of the Zenkaiger symbol. =ZENKAI~GATTAI!= "Hmm?" the two giant Kikanoid Zenkaigers blinked before an unseen force pushed them closer together, making their noses touch together, "Chu?" they blinked...before screaming, "GYAH!" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Juran Tyranno screamed. "GROSS~!" Gaon Lion freaked, both backing away from each other with wide eyes. =ZEN~KAI!= The symbol slammed into the ground as an area around the two formed which pushed Great Kinoko World back so he could not interfere. The light formed into the hologram of a baseball field with the two Giant robots standing inside of it. The big screen showed their names behind them as their bodies began locking up against their will. In the background, a giant hologram of Zenkaiser towered over them as he held his arms out, before slowly moving them together. All the while, an exciting tune belted out in the air. Suddenly, their bodies began altering once again. Their legs folded back and locked together, their feet curling back as the combined legs locked together and revealed a giant hand as it opened and closed for a moment. The actual arms framing the sides of their alternate modes folded forward so their silver symbols lined up. Their weapon parts disconnected and floated off. The two gawked as their jaws opened against their will...before opening up most all of their bodies. It was a strange sight to be sure as the two suddenly slammed together, with their jaws lining up. Their legs folded up upon collision, seeming to form a torso shape. Their lower jaw sections suddenly unfolded, turning into large legs. =Gashin!= At that, a new femining voice began speaking through the system the Zenkaigers used. =Zenkai Juran! Zenkai Gaon! Go! Go! Go! Go!= The symbols folded and locked together into a V-shaped chest armor. The new hands opened and closed as the heads at the very top of this formation finally opened up. It revealed a new actual robotic head. It had a black helmet with a yellow horn and half a V crest to the right like Gaon and a Red horn and half a V crest to the left like Juran. The face was silver and was sculpted to have human features such as blue optics, a nose and mouth. It held its right hand out and grabbed the Juran Sword as the left grabbed the Juran Shield. From inside a gear shaped floating platform shone as Zenkaiser teleported inside of the new Gattai Mecha, a pedestal before him where he docked his Geartlinger, the red sections on the front handle unfolding into a stand formation. =ZenKaiOh~ JuraGaon!= "..." Roll and Flash blinked twice. "..." Sonic rubbed his eyes. "...EEEEEEEE~!" Roll squealed, making Sonic fall over from the loud squeal, "A Gattai! Zenkaiser's Sentai Gear, when put in with the opposite side facing outward, caused Juran Tyranno and Gaon Lion to perform a...a...Zenkai Gattai! Tanjou! The King of the Hundred Beasts and the Ancient Dinosaurs! ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!" "Mom and dad were right, the Sentai do have giant Mecha that can turn in to giant robot." Flash said he was now like a child watching his favorite hero. "Hey, Zenkaiser vanished…" Sonic noted. "Of course he vanished!" Flash replied before pointing at the combined mech, "He must be inside ZenKaiOh to control their combined form!" "Noko?" Great Kinoko World pondered, tilting a bit in confusion. "Eh?! Where am I?!" Zenkaiser gawked. "What is this!?" Juran demanded. "Ewewewewew…" Gaon chanted quickly in disgust. =Tadah~! Hope you boys enjoy this! This form is Zenkaiser's special power since he can't become a giant robot like you boys can!= Skye's voice beamed =Behold! Zenkai Gattai ZenKaiOh! Or, to be more precise, Zenkai Gattai ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!= "So cool, they combined together! Awesome! This totally has to be a world first!" Zenkaiser cheered, jumping around his control platform. =It's not a first, tune= "Ah…" Zenkaiser sighed. =But now you can combine your friends' powers together to fight, tune!= =Secchan, I think this kinda is a first if you think about it. They're robots that turn into Sentai that turn into giant robots that combined into a Giant Robot thanks to a human leader. Which Sentai has done that before?= "Hear that? Juran! Gaon! We're a one of a kind Sentai! Let's work together the three of us from here on out!" Zenkaiser cheered. "NO WAY!" both snapped as ZenKaiOh split down the middle, exposing the cockpit. "EH!?" Zenkaiser gawked, "Oi! Oi! Oi! Get back here, you two!" "See? He's in ZenKaiOh," Roll pointed, stars in her eyes and tail wagging like mad. "Your consent is not a factor!" Zenkaiser groaned before swinging his arms together and forcing ZenKaiOh JuraGaon back together, "Now...I drive! Ikuze!" he paused, "...How do I do that?" =You plug the Geartlinger into the podium you're standing on. That will link you to ZenKaiOh to keep that from happening again without your consent= Skye explained. =Don't forget to fold out the red panels on the front handle to lock it into place, tune= "Oh…" he nodded as he did so, ZenKaiOh locking up for a moment before relaxing, its eyes flashing as it held its sword and shield up in a battle ready pose, "Yosh, Zenryoku Zenkai, Mecha Version!" With that, ZenKaiOh began marching forward, another of the gear cameras following at a safe distance. Great Kinoko World groaned as it summoned Mushrooms which began bombarding the Super Robot...Only for it to march through them, letting them all explode on impact with very little signs of damage or discomfort. Great Kinoko World gawked as it got closer and closer. "My kinoko aren't working, kinoko?!" Great Kinoko World exclaimed before ZenKaiOh slashed it, "Gah!" "Let's take this elsewhere!" Zenkaiser spoke as ZenKaiOh swung its shield and bashed Great Kinoko World, sending him flying up to the top of the giant mushroom in the center of the city. ZenKaiOh jumped up and landed atop the mushroom like a giant platform. ZenKaiOh moved around with amazing speed for its size and build before swinging its sword and slashing Great Kinoko World once more. ZenKaiOh swung up as the Giant monster tried to headbutt it. Great Kinoko World grunted in pain as sparks flew. He swung with his glowing right arm and struck ZenKaiOh JuraGaon in the chest...the explosion went off, and covered the top of the giant mushroom mountain with smoke. After a moment a pair of blue eyes flashed from within the smoke, ZenKaiOh swung its sword dispersing the smoke as the slash struck and knocked the Great World off the top of their battle platform, letting him slam into the street with a groan of pain as the giant Tojitendo soldier's armor was left with a giant scar. "Gaon! You're up!" Zenkaiser spoke as the two jaws clamped together, just as Great Kinoko World got back to his feet. =GAON!= ZenKaiOh's sword and shield vanished as the Gaon Claw locked into place over his right arm. ZanKaiOh jumped down and swung with the claws as they were energized and dealt a more powerful slash upon impact. Great Kinoko World grunted as ZenKaiOh moved very quickly around it and slashed him again, making the monster turn around with the strength of each claw strike. "Oh, I think I understand! When their heads come together to 'bite,' the weapons of ZenKaiOh interchange between ZenkaiJuran and ZenkaiGaon," Roll observed. "Wow, that robot is fast!" Sonic awed. "It could be channeling all the fastest of the hundred beasts ZenkaiGaon channels through his Sentai Gear with the raw power of the dinosaurs of ZenkaiJuran's Sentai Gear," Flash guessed. "And now!" Zenkaiser spoke as he saw the eyes of Great Kinoko World glow as if charging up something. Suddenly ZenKaiOh split in two as the optic beam of Great Kinoko World passed right under Zenkaiser's control platform, "And back together!" he cheered, reforming ZenKaiOh in full. "Oh! Sugei! ZenKaiOh used that moment where it split apart in its arguing as a way to avoid Great Kinoko World's eye beams!" Roll awed, "I'm surprised it still has them after its transformation from a Kudaitest." ZenKaiOh then jumped before swinging both legs apart and back together, landing a scissor kick to Great Kinoko World's head. The Giant Robot swung the Gaon Claw Up before swinging it down and scratching at the Tojitendo giant soldiers head multiple times making sparks and bits of armor fly through the air. "Gaon!" Gaon's voice roared as ZenKaiOh jumped back. "This power...it's immense! How can two low class Kikainoids get so much power just by merging together?!" Great Kinoko World grunted. "ZenKaiOh isn't just two!" Zenkaiser shouted through ZenKaiOh, "It's the power of the Zenkaigers! It's more than just Kikainoids, this is the power of Humans, Mobians, and Kikainoids working together, living together...Don't look down on my friends!" "That's right, Kaito!" "Ah! Kaito-Kun!" =Sugoi! We never predicted ZenKaiOh actually being this powerful, tune! Kaito! Spin for even more and more power, tune!= "Got it!" Zenkaiser nodded. =Best use Juran's weapons for it. Gaon's would likely overload due to it being a solitary weapon instead of two= "Eh?!" =Big boom and bye-bye arm most likely. ...I wonder if it would affect your actual body and cause you to lose your actual arms or your legs since that's where your arm in this state comes from...= "Ah! Switch! Switch!" Gaon panicked as the heads 'chomped' on ZenKaiOh's head once more, "I need all of me to cuddle adorable animals!" =JURAN!= ZenKaiOh lifted the Juran Sword up as it began crackling with energy. From inside the cockpit, Zenkaiser began cranking the Geartlinger. =Kikai! Super Zenkai Time! Go~Go! Go~Go!= "Oh! ZenKaiOh looks as if he's about to unleash a hissatsu waza!" Roll awed as a massive transparent Sentai Gear with the Zenkaiger symbol in it appeared before ZenKaiOh and was soaked up into his sword. "It better not be him jumping up and stabbing the guy with his butt again," Flash noted, as he and sonic chuckling betraying there statement. =And don't forget the most important thing!= =Not miss, tune?= =No! The name of the hissatsu! All the Sentai we watched shouted out finishers with their mechs, like Go-Ongers with their Grand Prix!= "Got it!" Zenkaiser spoke up, snapping his fingers. "JURAN SWORD! ENGETSU CRUSH!" the three Zenkaigers all shouted in unison. With that, ZenKaiOh swung his sword down once, then twice, and then a third time. All three energized slashes striking Great Kinoko World. The monster sparked with electricity as its body began exploding from the inside out slowly, as if one giant explosion of critical energy was building up. "Be careful of wild mushrooms!" were Great Kinoko World's last words as he fell over and exploded brightly in a giant fireball that seemed to tear up part of the road. "Yatta! It was a hissatsu waza! And what an amazing name for it! Juran Sword Engetsu Crush!" Roll and Flash awed, "And it's another victory for the Zenkaigers! I just love these Giant Battles! I hope you all tune in next time, minna~!" "Uh, Roll? Some quick questions." "Hai, Flash-san?" "That giant mushroom guy's destroyed, right?" "Hai." "And everything's gonna be turning back to normal, right?" "That's right." "...What are we standing on?" He gestured. "Eh?" Roll and sonic looked down at the giant mushroom they were on, "Oh…" the mushroom faded, leaving them in air, "...Uh oh." She looked at the camera, "Bye-bye~" "WHOA/EEK!" the three screamed as they dropped and splashed down in the river. "GAH! WATER~!" Sonic freaked. "Just swim dude swim" flash told him. "Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh held its sword up in victory. "That's good," Gaon noted. "Ah…" Juran agreed. "NOW SPLIT US APART ALREADY!" both roared, making Zenkaiser jump in startlement. The blue janitor Kikainoid hummed to himself as he was cleaning the main meeting room of the Tojitendo. He then blinked as the little computer screen flashed, and revealed a Mushroom icon, being set free from a Tojiru gear. "Yaya...Kinokotopia...is free?" He adjusted his glasses, "Vroon…?" he looked upwards at the many gears and mechanisms within the tower. After the battle, everyone gathered back at Candy Cafe Colorful to begin greetings of the new additions to the team to the others. "I'm Kaito's grandmother and Flash's aswell, Yatsude," said grandmother bowed to Gaon. She was also in the middle of giving towels to Roll and Sonic, "Please get along with my grandsons," she motioned to Kaito, "And the kids I care for as if my other grandchildrens." she smiled, patting Roll's head while slapping Sonic's shoulder. "Hmm...Looks like there's no traces left of the mushrooms on you, either," Skye noted, looking at where the mushroom had been on Gaon...before a frying pan whacked his head, "Gah!" "Baka! You forgot to introduce yourself!" Yatsude scolded. "Ah, gomen, gomen," Skye apologized, "Skye Sakurai. I'm Roll and Haseo's papa." "Ah, Obaa-sama, Otou-sama!" Gaon greeted with a bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Ah Obaa-sama, your mane is wonderful!" he began before Kaito suddenly shoved Secchan into his face. "This is Secchan! My parents made him as my best friend, and he's our mascot and supporter!" Kaito explained with a happy smile. =I support you in all battles, tune= Secchan stated =Glad to meet you, tune= "Sure," Gaon deadpanned while casually tossing him onto Juran, knocking the red Kikainoid over. "You already know Haseo-chan," Roll giggled, gesturing to her little brother that was nibbling on a cookie. "Ah, Haseo-chan!" Gaon cheered, "It's so wonderful to see you again! I hope you and I can be best friends like me and Kaito-kun!" "H-Hai. S-Same here, Gaon-san," Haseo smiled a bit, his twin tails wagging a bit. "Ah!" Gaon put a hand to his chest once more, "Kawaii overload…" "Ah, his cuteness is the shop's ultimate weapon on sales!" Yatsude agreed, scratching Haseo's head between his ears and causing him to start purring. "Gah! K-Kawaii…" Gaon gurgled as he nearly fainted. =What is with that guy?= Secchan questioned as he and Juran got up. "See? Frankly, he ticks me off something fierce," Juran agreed. =Mmm...Kaito!= Secchan flew up and towards his human friend =Hurry up and find the next member, tune!= "Don't eat too many cookies now, Haseo-chan. Otherwise, you won't have a tummy big enough for dinner and dessert," Flash noted. He was wearing bandage on his hands. "Ah flash onni-chan your hands." He said in worry. Flash looked at them and soon gave him a assuring look. "I'm fine. This pain won't stop me from helping. And beside remember what I told you. Real man are those who fight through tuff time." He said while patting him on the head. Haseo wagged his tales happily. "Ahhhh, it's so great to see there siblings connection. They act like big and little brother mostly" Goan said seeing the cuteness. "Well that's how flash is, He is like a big brother figure to haseo sins haseo was little and he grew to look him like that." Kaito said. "Ah! Please, allow me to cook for you all as a way of thanking you all for welcoming me!" Gaon offered. "You cook?" Yatsude asked in surprise. "Hehehe...I practiced how to make yummy treats for my future Human and Mobian friends!" he declared proudly. =No time for food! New members are out there to find, tune!= Secchan declared, his talons grabbing Kaito's sleeve and pulling him to the door. "Ah! There's always time for food!" Gaon argued, grabbing Kaito's other arm. "Huh...A robotic lion and a robotic parrot having a tug-of-war with a human as the rope," Sonic noted as the two bickered over Kaito. "I've seen this scenario before…" Juran muttered, "But...it was much more awkward and involved one guy and two girls…" "I've been the guy in that scenario," Skye admitted, "I forget if Aphrodite won or Gale did..." Juran just put his hand on Skye's shoulder, and nodded simply. Sonic nodded along with the elder Kikainoid, the two giving Skye their pity and compassion. Despite the act meant to be sympathetic...for some reason, it just annoyed Skye, since it felt more condescending than understanding. He promised and began to plan for revenge later. "Ah...Well, since it seems dinner may be delayed until things settle down between those three…" Roll noted as Juran froze, a cold oil dripping down his head, "Oh, Juran-san…a shuriken party sounds good, ne? Easy to learn all the different kinds of shuriken and their specific purposes, ne? Shuriken aren't just shuriken, after all, ne?" "...Kaito, ikuze! We need to find the next member!" Juran declared, adding his own to Secchan's aide. "Mm?" Haseo tilted his head at Roll. "Juran-san said 'shuriken are shuriken,'" Roll stated, hands on her hips with a look aimed at the red Kikainoid. "Mmm…" Haseo puffed his cheeks up in a pout. but flash simply grabbed him and start to tickle him making the young fox laugh. "Oh are you in a bad mood" he said as he continue to tickle him."so you stop pouting or will I continue." "Ok ok ,hhahahah... I stop flash onni-chan hahaha," Haseo said as flash let him go then and picked him up and put him on his lap. "Don't worry once roll educate juran, she said she will help train me. So wanna join" haseo nodded. "Well give flash the job for keeping haseo on check." Kaito said as he looked at the scene and smile even still being pulled. "Kaito please help me" juran pleaded him. "Gh! Even that is kawaii…" Gaon gasped out, his strength lost...and causing all four to shoot out the open window. "...Well, at least we have a secret weapon for controlling one of them if they get too rambunctious, ne?" Yatsude giggled as Flash scratched between Haseo's ears to get him purring once more. "I highly doubt these kids can be controlled..." Skye muttered. "Ah Mou!" Kaito groaned from outside, "Just take your lumps, Juran! I had to all the time when Roll first moved in!" "It can't be that bad!" Gaon agreed. =It was, tune. Kaito did a big boo-boo on unintentionally insulting Roll's hard work in her training. Took seven hours, five cartons of strawberries, and a gallon of strawberry milk with blueberry muffins before she let him out of her 'class,' tune= "Did that happen when I was at my parents place" Flash asked haseo on his lap. "Apologies work wonders...but Bribery works even better…" Kaito admitted bluntly. "Wisdom hidden within that noggin…" Gaon muttered. "...Any chance you're good at making things with strawberries?" Kaito asked. "I know a recipe or two," Gaon noted. "Roll, if you're willing to go easy on Juran, Gaon will make you a strawberry dish!" Kaito shouted. "...I'll just show him pictures and explain instead of demonstrations," Roll replied. "Yosha!" Kaito cheered. Flash simply shook his head at his cousin antics but still smiled. Later that night sky was in his work shop as he was working on his project his phone rang. He picked it up and recognize the number. He smiled and answer. "Yo Trial." He greeted the caller. = Hey Skye, how's it going" trial from the other line said. "Great actually, so you saw the video" =Everyone did. Misty was happy to see flash finally getting good and so was Scott but that's not why I called you.= He told him. "It's about flash isn't it" =Yeah and now that it's done, do you think he's ready to use it= "He's close. I've seen his progress and I seen what he can do. Just a little longer and he'll be able to get what he always wanted, Yeah, but will he be ready" =He will I know it= he said in belief. "Then I believe in him aswell." He soon ended the call and then though about it. > GEAR 3: A Serious Nununu Magician and A Determined Pikopiko Hedgehog! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Last time!= Secchan cheered from the lab =The animal lover Gaon became our Third member for the Zenkaiger, tune. He's a real pain, but I suppose he makes for a good fighter. Kaito, hurry up and find the last two already, tune!= "I hope our predictions come true today, Amy-chan," the pink Kikainoid noted in concern, sitting beside the pink hedgehog at a large fountain in the middle of a park with the pink hedgehog shuffling a deck of tarot cards while the Kikainoid was holding a crystal ball on a black cloth. "I'm sure they will, Magine," Amy assured, "But just to be sure...one last time to affirm nothing's changed?" "Hai," Magine nodded as she began to wave her hand above the crystal ball, "Nu nu nu Magine...Nu nu nu Magine..Nu nu nu Magine...please guide me in the direction of someone I know." "Okay…" Amy drew the top card from the deck, "The Sun in Reverse is my past, meaning I was filled with sadness and depressed from not finding any of my Mobian friends these last few months." she drew the next card, "The Star and it's upright, meaning I am filled with hope and believe that I'll find them." she drew the third, "The World, upright. That means fulfilment, meaning today's the day we find someone we'll know!" "Umei~!" Kaito, Flash, Yatsude, Roll, and Haseo exclaimed at the dining table, the four and Juran all having plates sporting a fresh salad and 'burgers' with the buns made of biscuits with sausage cut into the shapes of gears and a different flavored jam in each. "Gaon-chan!" Yatsude called into the kitchen. "Hai, hai~?" Gaon asked as he raced out, wearing an apron over his normal outfit. "You're a great cook!" Yatsude complimented. "Hai, hai! I haven't had a strawberry jam made like this in months!" Roll agreed as Haseo's wagging tails nearly had him hover only for Flash to raise his free hand and keep him from actually getting up into the air, "And I think Haseo-chan's in paradise from the blueberry jam." "Wow goan you really are a great cook, I haven't had this good treat in a while." Flash said eating toast with strawberry jam on it. "You're not half bad, kid," Juran complimented. "Aw~ Thanks! It means so much that you five love it!" Gaon cheered. "Oi, I complimented you too," Juran complained. "Nani?" Juran demanded before a wall nearby hissed and split open, revealing an elevator with a yawning Skye emerging from it. "Oh! Ohayo!" Gaon greeted. "Ohayo? ...I was awake for the whole night, wasn't I?" Skye asked. "Tou-san…" Roll sighed before her tail reached out and hooked a speeding Sonic, "Mou...What kept you? Gaon-san made everyone breakfast." "Yeah this is great, I really got to ask you how you make it. If I'm the one cooking" Flash told Goan. "I'm trying to find that sword your dad gave me to test out," Sonic replied. "Eh?! You lost the prototype?!" Skye exclaimed, "That was my only one!" "I don't know! I just left it in the room, and when I woke up...nothing," Sonic explained, "I figured maybe one of the guys moved it, but Kaito always wakes up first and beats us all to the bathroom,Flash he never takes something without permission or informing, Juran always tells you when he moves stuff, and Gaon...I...well, he's Gaon...so that just means one thing...it was stolen!" "Don't you always put tracking devices into your little gizmos?" Yatsude questioned. "Of course I do," Skye replied, pulling out a phone and tapped on an app specifically for this, "...Oh. No worries, Sonic. I know where it is." "Let me guess it's in your secret storage room in your shop, and you forgot to look into it didn't you." Flash said to Skye but he had a hidden meaning in it telling him exactly who has it. "Yup I did and flash don't go checking out there again.... You'll trigger the alarm" he told him getting what he's saying. The others looked at him of what he's saying except roll and haseo knew who he's talking about. =You have an appointment with Mrs. Clanker today, tune= Secchan reminded. "Ah, right. She needs a replacement for that rusted gear in her left knee," Skye nodded before slumping, "Why do Kikainoids think I'm a medical doctor? I'm running a repair shop, not a hospital..." "Hakase...That's what hospitals are in our world," Juran explained. "Majide?!" Skye gawked as Yatsude cracked up laughing. "Wait, Skye-san you didn't know that your store is like a hospital for them. I mean goan and juran are machine with organic substance in them and I thought you knew that because of there lining up. There half machine meaning they need repair aswell you know." Flash asked him. "Ah you didn't notice we use a lot of terms like scrap, gears, and etc...we're mechanical life forms, we don't have the same terms and bodies like humans and Mobians." for emphasis, he jabbed Gaon in the side, "For you, that'd be a kidney shot...but I think that just got his lower axle joint." "Gah! What was that for!?" Gaon demanded. "Explaining to Hakase how we work," Juran spoke before smacking his hand into Gaon's stomach, making him double over in pain, "Right to the fuel processor!" he laughed. "..." Skye facepalmed. "Eh, looks like mom won the beat," he said as Skye looked at him confused." She said you'll get robots as clients and you not even seeing that your a hospital for them." Skye nearly fell. "Wait she betted on me" he asked. "Yup, now dad will owe her 50bucks" he replied casually making him facepalm once again and Yatsude laughed again. "Oh, you were thinking too deep into matters again, boyo!" Yatsude crooned between laughs. "Well can I get the sword back then" sonic asked as the sakurai and Flash tense a bit. "No, I was going to the shop I will give you to you when it's done." Skye said quickly as the others signed in relief. he began to walk out...and soon slipped the moment he stepped outside, "Ahh!" "Oi Hakase?" Juran blinked. "Skye-san?" Kaito quickly got up and went out to check on him, only to end up slipping as well, "I'm okay...Skye-san broke my fall…" he groaned. "What the heck?" Sonic raised a brow before poking his head out and pulling his head back in, frost on his quills, "Did we get hit with a blizzard overnight?" "The heck?!" Flash asked, walking out and walking out into the open street, "The whole town has turned into that Ice Age movie the Haseo and I like!" "EH!?" Gaon panicked as everyone walked out and awed...while he was focused on the downed human and Mobian, "Kaito! Skye-san! Daijobu?!" "I'm good…" Kaito grunted. "My back…" Skye groaned due to having the much larger human teenager fall on him. "Well you are getting old maybe you use some yoga that aunty Yatsude take" Flash said making Yatsude laugh again. =This is bad! The whole world is freezing over, tune!= Secchan declared, flying out =And it's spreading across the ocean to the rest of the world fast, tune!= "Eh!?" everyone exclaimed. "Guess we'll need to stock up on hot chocolate," Yatsude noted. "I'll take four cups, for me and haseo and roll and kaito, oh and extra marshmallow for haseo" he told as haseo wagged he's tail happily. All over the city, the effects of a sudden flash freeze began taking their dangerous effect. With the roads now covered in sheets of ice, they formed the dangerous black ice effect as cars began losing traction on the roads and swerving out of control. Car accidents could be heard happening all across town. People on foot also had no traction, as there was no snow but pure ice, everyone was losing footing and sliding all over the place. Not to mention the actual dangerous health effects of this intense cold on the unsuspecting Humans and Mobians, or at least mostly the humans. Many Mobians with thick enough fur seemed no worse for wear. That is if the cold and sudden freezing were the only problems… "Hahaha!" Barashitara laughed as he watched the chaos caused by the sudden freezing of the town, "I'll admit, I found this whole World Super Soldier project silly, but as long as you pick an effective Tojiru Gear...the results are wonderful! Ijirude might be a crackpot, and that fat human an imbecile...but I won't deny the effects their gizmos have." "Hmm…" a large, rather muscular Mobian Walrus grunted out in agreement as he stood nearby him, his tusks cybernetic as he wore a blue parka that seemed to be similar to Eggman's outfit while wearing a pair of goggles over his eyes, "...That's enough, Koori World." "Eh?" A World Robot, this time his head resembled an ice cutter/shaved ice with a crank on the left side of his head with a humanoid face seemingly made of ice before stopping at the nose where from the rest down it was just what seemed to be solidified ice, and his right arm was a large icicle like lance/spike, "Why? I was just…" "We have company coming…" "Hmm?" Barishitara blinked a bit at that. "Barashitara!" the three looked over to see the Zenkaigers running over, "Found y-woah~!" Zenkaiser yelped as he, Zenkai Juran, and Zenkai Gaon slid by the three. "We went too far, Kaito!" Zenkai Juran yelped as the Zenkaigers tried to regain their footing. "I can't stop!" Zenkaiser shouted, "Mail box!" he panicked as he slammed into a frozen mailbox, his head bashing into it, just as Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon slammed into him, making all their heads knock into one another, and causing the trio to stumble over and fall to the ground, "Who even reads newspapers anymore…" Zenkaiser groaned. "Anyone get the number of that overfed metal cat that crashed his butt into me?" Zankai Juran groaned, "Ah...my back…" "Shut up, you Kikainoid fossil…" Zenkai Gaon groaned, laying face first on the icy road. "These are the warriors that have been giving you trouble?" the Walrus asked as he looked down at the three, "Pathetic…" "Looks like you're too energetic today, Zenkaiger," Barashitara spoke. "Ah...give me a second...Barashitara!" Zenkaiser declared as he finally managed to stand up, "We meet again." "Yes, it seems you lack proper traction on this terrain. Giving you a disadvantage today. You can't do your fancy acrobatics without footing." "I'll...figure this out!" Zenkaiser grunted, slipping around a bit before regaining his footing, "AHA! Wait...why am I turning around?" he asked as he was sliding around in a circle, "Ah come on!" "You got a new goon with you today, Barashitara? What's that all about? Tojitendo taking up interns now?" Zenkai Juran asked using his sword to stand back up. "He's another member of the Dark Legion," Barashitara answered. "That's right," the walrus replied as he stepped forward, the ice crunching underneath his feet as he cracked his knuckles, "I am Grand Master Tundra, the chosen master of the Dark Legion Frozen North faction! You need no introductions, Zenkaigers...nor do you…" he reached his hand out and grabbed Sonic just as he attempted to zip by him, "Sonic the Hedgehog." "Well you're new," Sonic noted. "I think I get it. Tojitendo Monster...and Eggman Goon…" Zenkaiser grunted, "That's how it works. Well it won't work no matter who you pick to fight us with! We'll always go Zenryoku Zenkai!" he declared as the Zenkaigers all took out their Geartlingers, "If we can't get close, we'll just use these like they are meant to be used!" With that, Zenkaiser swung his body around and shot the Geartlinger, the recoil sending him sliding across the ice. This act caught Tundra by surprise as Zenkaiser slammed right into him, the shock of such a tactic leaving him little reaction time as he was knocked off his feet and onto his back as he joined them in sliding across the ice. Zenkaier grunted as he spun around and shot, shocking Koori World as the Tojitendo super soldier was bombarded by bullets, the recoil pushing Zenkaiser into Barashitara and bouncing off him, sending him towards Tundra as he shoulder checked him just as he was getting back up on his feet. "Oh...Inventive. I'll give the human that." Barashitara spoke, "But it won't help...eh?" he blinked as his leg slipped and he was left to fall over onto his back and sliding around the ice with no control, "Gah!" "...Hmph…" Tundra snorted as he got up, dusting himself off as he looked at the three Zenkaigers and Sonic, "Interesting tactic, I'll give you that...but this ridiculous farce ends..." he stated as he began to take in a deep breath. "What's...he…" Zenkai Gaon began as he and Zenkai Juran managed to regroup with Zenkaiser and Sonic. "RAAAAAAAGH!" Tundra roared out, unleashing a large blizzard as it slammed right into the four. "Nande?!" Zenkaiser panicked as the force of the blizzard roar sent all four sliding across the ground and pinballing off street signs and frozen cars, "UWAAAAAH~!" "Ah! It's so cold it feels like it's reaching right through the armor!" Gaon exclaimed, "I'll protect you, my fluffy friends!" he cried, holding onto Sonic and Zenkaiser tight. "Getting flashbacks to Eggman's pinball idea!" Sonic added as they bounced around. "I'm getting dizzy!" Juran shouted, "Gonna...gonna hurl in my helmet…" "Hmph. And that's how it's done," Tundra huffed, "Come back when ya can actually handle the cold!" "I have treads for feet, so why did I slip?!" Barashitara asked, sliding down the road the opposite direction. "...Come on. Let's get the macho tank man back," Tundra ordered, grabbing Koori World and following after Barashitara. "Yes, Lord Tundra, koori…" Koori World replied. "Easy...Easy…" the pink Kikanoid whispered as she and Amy did their best to not slip on the ice. "Ahh...We should've paid better attention to the signs like that sudden sale on skates," Amy admitted. "I would have...but seeing that sale made me remember how I wasted money on my new crystal ball…" the pink Kikanoid muttered, "It made me feel like spending anymore was a bad idea…" "True...We really need to up our prices," Amy agreed before her ears twitched, "Huh? Is that...screaming?" "Eh?" the pink Kikanoid blinked as she turned to the side...and saw something bouncing along the ice as it headed towards her and Amy, "AHH!" "Huh?" Amy managed to turn to see the incoming object just as it was upon them, "EEK!" "Man where are those guys" flash muttered as he and roll were skating along the road to find them.before Roll and Flash ears twitched, "...Mmm...Is that them screaming?" he closed his eyes while cupping his hands beside his ears, "...Ah. That's Kaito-san and Sonic-san, alright." she looked around before spotting some discarded boxes, "you thinking what I'm thinking" he asked her as she looked where he was looking"Yosha!" They quickly skated over to the boxes and stacked them up, "And now…" a large multicolored blur collided with the boxes, knocking them over into a pile and halting it, "Yosha!" They both high fived. Sonic poked out of the pile, "Ugh...I hate icy places. Traction sucks on the ice." "Ow…" Kaito groaned as he moved a box off him...and saw the pink Kikanoid under a few boxes, "Ahh! Gomen!" "Nu….nu….nu…" she groaned as she laid face first on the icy floor. "Daijoubu?" Kaito asked as he helped her up. "Nununu...Daijoubu...janai…" she complained as she tried to regain balance on the ice, Kaito trying to help her as the others began getting to their feet. "Hmm?" Juran blinked, recognizing the voice, "Magine?" In response, Magine turned to Juran and, in turn, made Kaito lose his balance and slide to Gaon who grabbed onto him. "Hold on tight!" Gaon spoke as he helped Kaito...and himself...regain balance. "Oi! Is that really you, Magine?" Juran asked in surprise. "J-Juran-Ojichan!?" Magine exclaimed in surprise. "Eh?" Kaito, Flash and Gaon blinked at that, "...Ojichan?" "What's...going on?" Sonic groaned as he got up. "That's what I like to know" Flash muttered seeing the scene. "Ow….my head…" Amy muttered as she poked out of one box...that was right in front of Sonic as the two took notice of one another. "..." "...SONIC!" "AHH! AMY!" Sonic panicked as he managed to dodge the pink blur that attempted to glomp him. "Oh! I missed you so much~!" Amy exclaimed, nuzzling into who she grabbed, "Six months without seeing anyone was nuts! I'm just so glad you're the first one I've finally run into!" "Ano…" "..." Amy paused in her nuzzling and opened her eyes, seeing stretched white fabric with a pink heart print, "...Eh?" she looked up to see the confused expression of Roll. "I don't really mind you hugging me, but can I ask who you are?" Roll asked, looking at the pink hedgehog who had been nuzzling into her impressive chest. "Oh, look at that! You made a friend who matches your color," Juran chuckled, "But man look how big you got, Magine! You're a full grown lady now!" "Our predictions came true!" Magine exclaimed. "Eh?" Juran pondered before the pink Kikainoid glomped him and began to wail. "Thank goodness~!" Magine sobbed, "I found you, Ojichan!" she wailed, her tears streaming out with little gears mixed in with the water works before the tears froze over into a rather tall spyre of ice. "Eh?!" Kaito and Gaon awed at the amount of tears one Kikainoid could produce. "Huh" Flash simply said"haven't seen this much tears since pinky lost her luck that time. And also doesn't that look like My hero academia scene" "Ahh! Magine! Magine! It's okay!" Amy exclaimed as she carefully moved over to the sobbing Pink Kikanoid, "Remember...think happy thoughts..think back to your happy place. Think calm...happy thoughts." "Mmm~" "...By any chance, do you have any tea?" Amy asked Kaito and the others. "There you go," Yatsude spoke, placing two cups of warm tea before the two pink girls, "So...Juran was your neighbor, Magine-chan? And you are a close friend to Sonic-chan, Amy-chan?" "Mmm…" Magine nodded as she took her cup of tea to help warm her hands. "That's about the gist," Amy smiled. "I've known Magine since she was as tall as Haseo," Juran spoke up, the fox looking up from his mug of hot chocolate, "She was so adorable back then," he chuckled. "Eh, same with Amy, even if she did cheat in aging up with a magic ring," Sonic chuckled. "Eh?" Kaito blinked twice before it fully registered, "Eh!? There's a ring that makes you older?" "Wait you needed a ring. The girls had a potion for that" Flash muttered. "Was. Amy soaked it all up," Sonic replied. "Aww…" Kaito muttered, "That's a bummer...I wanted to see how cool I'd be as a full adult. Puberty stinks…" "Says the boy who can outrun robots and keep up with this literal speed demon." Flash pointed to Sonic. "It's kinda cool…" Sonic muttered in agreement with Kaito. "Right! I'd be way stronger as a grown up!" Kaito cheered. "If you just get more energetic as you grow up, no thanks…" Juran muttered. "Agreed" Flash said hearing that "Aww, but then you'd miss out on seeing them change emotionally and become a better person," Amy argued. "...Wait, what?" Sonic blinked at that as he turned towards the Pink hedgehog. "What?" she tilted her head. "Sonic, you've been acting weird around Amy-san all day," Kaito noted. "Think back to Thunderbolt...only replace her electricity with a hammer that can dent even the hardest metals when she's angry," Sonic whispered. "Nu nu? Amy-san...angry?" Magine tilted her head, "That can't be right. She's the calmest, most zen, person I know." "...Amy….calm?" Sonic repeated. "It's true," Amy nodded, "During these past few months after our worlds merged, I met Magine here and...well, let's just say I had a lot of 'growing up' to do…" "That's one way of saying it. You literally skip the aging part to women part in one day" Flash told her. "It's was a long time ok, I was dump that time." She argued back. "Magine is a handful..." Juran muttered. "Well she's not so bad, but I did feel responsible to be the stronger one of us," Amy spoke. "I don't think I could have survived this world without Amy-san!" Magine added, "She's strong and kind and she's my friend." "Eh...a Kikainoid and a Mobian...forming a strong friendship," Kaito smiled, "That's amazing!" "Cuz you already did that aswell" Flash pointed out. "Yeah but it's different" he told him. "What's with the face, Little Hog Blue?" Juran asked, turning to look squarely at Sonic, "You look like a ghost came to your room, told you your reality is a lie, then slapped you with a fish." "I….I'm just...baffled to see Amy so in control of her emotions right now," Sonic answered, "Normally, she'd be trying to hug me like crazy with me trying to push her away." "Well like I said, Magine is a handful. Guess having to look out for her new friend forced her to mature up," Juran offered before thinking, "Or…" "Or?" Sonic leaned in. "Well I ain't no genius or nothin'...but you said you were doing something to fix your world's reality, right?" Juran asked, getting a nod, "What if when Doctor Halfboiled Egg got in the way, your world got some kind of reboot while fusing with Earth? Now all sorts of nonsense has changed? That Walrus thing talked like he knew ya, but you didn't know him at all." "...That….actually makes sense…" Sonic muttered, "I mean...back when we fought Thunderbolt and that Mushroom robot, that was the first time I've seen the former...Same for that walrus and yet….there's something familiar about him I can't put my finger on." "Since you were at ground zero of that whole thing, the reality reboot must be taking longer to catch up, so that's why you remember the original reality," Juran offered. "Wow...Juran, you're kinda smart," Sonic noted. "Eh, not really. I just like reading comics. This is like the time travel nonsense that the Red speedy guy you and Flash like to read he even has his name or flash got his name had got into when he went back in time to save his Mom," Juran pointed out. "Point, I mean he even had to forcefully had to request his arch nemesis Eobard Thawne to kill his mother to save the time line and his memory." Flash said remembering that. "Wait he did. In which issue." Juran asked. "Actually tha was in the series season 3, episode 1, but the time line changed more but he fixed it but he..." Juran and Kaito stopped him. "Wait no spoilers" they said. "Oh my chaos…" Sonic realized with wide eyes. "I always wanted to blow someone's mind," Juran chuckled. "Sonic, is your head okay?" Gaon asked in concern, "What did the old man do to your mind!?" "My mind's completely blown here, man!" Sonic shouted, making Gaon jump back in surprise, "...Wait. Then that means the others are probably different too...meaning Sally's…" he began in realization before looking back at Amy, "Amy, please tell me you saw Sally somewhere during these past six months." "Sadly no," Amy sighed, "I've tried to contact you, Tails, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters...and haven't gotten any contact or any information on them." she looked at Roll, "Though...she looks familiar…" "Oh!" Magine gasped as she looked over at Roll and Flash, "Now I recognize you two! You're the Youtubers who broadcasts giant robot battles!" "Wait...That's them?!" Amy gawked. "Hey look, Flash and Roll. They're fans!" Kaito smiled, "You two really getting popular!" "Eh-heh," Roll sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. While flash just felt embarrassed not being in the spot light now. "Well since you girls are so familiar with Juran and Sonic, would you like to stay here?" Yatsude offered, "We got plenty of room for two more in the girls half of the living section." she pointed to the stairs leading up, "Plus I bet you'd both feel much happier here." "Really?!" Magine gasped, "A-are you sure?!" "Of course! In fact…" Kaito began as he moved over to her, "You should join the Zenkaigers, too!" "...Nu?" Magine blinked at that. "We can fight the evil Tojitendo Dynasty together a-" "I'm afraid that's out of the question," Juran spoke up as he got in between the two. "Eh? Why?" "For one, Magine's a shy and timid child like Haseo," Juran stated, "Second...because it's dangerous." "Point taken, I mean look at her. She was crying a water fall like inko midoriya or izuku from MHA" Flash said. "That's anime for ya" Kaito said. =What do you think, Magine?= Secchan asked, getting everyone's attention, =This is as much your choice as well, tune= "I...I can't!" Magine exclaimed nervously as she bolted away from the two, moving to a corner of the shop, "I-I'm not sure if I have what it takes physically!" she began, poking her fingers together nervously, "The only thing I do all day is Fortune telling...and daydreaming…" "Fortune telling?" Gaon repeated. "She's really good at it," Amy spoke as she pulled her tarot cards out, "We make quite the combo when it comes to predictions...and on the side, I'm also a councillor to help people with their emotions." "..." Sonic put his hands to his head before moving them out slowly while making a silent 'boom' sound with his mouth. After a moment, he then let his head slam onto the table, but he just landed on a pillow Gaon quickly put before him. "..." Haseo and Flash started to giggle while looking away from Sonic. "Eh he's fine, he has weird moments like that all the time as of late," Kaito chuckled to Amy, "So you two can tell Fortunes?" he asked with a smile, "Can you do your predictions to help us then?" "Hmm?" Amy blinked at that as she and Magine looked at each other in confusion. "...Nu nu?" Magine blinked. "Barashitara, as Military Commander, what do you think of using the Tojiru Gears in Battle?" Boccowaus asked of the Commander as he returned from the mission to deploy Koori World. "Sir! We don't need those things. I can handle it myself," Barashitara replied. "Ha! Don't make us laugh!" Eggman laughed as he and the Tojitendo's head scientist stood next to him and Tundra. "Much too late for that!" Ijirude cackled, "You utterly fell on your bumper thanks to Koori World's power! The Tojiru Gears' powers to manipulate reality is far greater than a brass for brains metalheads like you can comprehend!" "I would have gotten them if my treads could…!" Barashitara began. "Even the treads of a tank can slip on ice," Tundra stated, making him look over at him, "If the ice is durable enough, even a 60-ton tank can slide along it." "Ooh...the Half-and-Half has an opinion, too…" Barashitara spoke, "Very well, let us allow the test of the World Super Soldier program to go on. Tundra, you shall lead Koori World! Don't return without the Zenkaigers." he marched off. "Of course, commander," Tundra nodded. "Hehehe...I love the drama when the populars get angry~" Gege chuckled to himself, still viewing this like a TV Drama. "Grr…" Barashitara growled at that, "Being talked down to by organics and a damn pet…" "Yosh…" Flash muttered, helping get out some winter gear they had put away, key of which being the parka they just got done putting Haseo into, "There...now he won't freeze." "Ah! K-Kawaii…" Gaon gasped out, hands to his heart area. "Now you be good out there," Yatsude spoke, "Don't talk to strangers and keep close to Flash, your sister, Gaon-chan, or Juran at all times. And if Kaito-chan and Sonic-chan get out of hand, don't forget the cast iron in your backpack. Oh and Flash keep an eye on him." "I always do aunty" he said while patting him in the head. "Why is Haseo-kun and Flash somehow higher on the pecking order of this house than me?" Kaito asked, "I am also your grandson!" "Achoo," Haseo squeaked out a sneeze, causing Gaon to fall over with his optics shaped into hearts. "...Reatracted," Kaito sighed. "You kids better bundle up good, the cold can be nasty on you Humans and Mobians," Juran spoke as he grabbed some snow sleds the shop had to sell during the winter, "Gaon will be fine...He overheats enough as is." "I don't think he can hear you," Flash noted, as roll was poking the downed yellow Kikainoid. "Nu nu nu Magine. Nu nu nu Magine," Magine mumbled, waving a hand over her crystal ball as Amy shuffled her tarot cards, "Tell me where Koori World is..." "I'll try to find the Grandmaster he was with," Amy noted as she finished shuffling and laid the deck before her on the table. "Oh…" Kaito, Flash and Roll awed, giving this their full attention. "Shh...Let them focus," Juran hushed before he put a bag on Gaon's head so he couldn't see anything. "Who turned out the lights?" Gaon asked, only for Juran to smack him in the face with a sled to shut him up, "Nigh-nigh~" "First the past," Amy drew, "The Emperor...He's a father who was a leader of his people." "That guy's a dad?" Sonic pondered. "To the east!" Magine exclaimed. "The east?!" the boys all moved to the east. Amy drew the next card, "The World, but it's reversed. He hasn't had closure for something in his past. Perhaps a role in fatherhood or actions his people have done?" "Seriously?" Sonic raised a brow at that. "High up!" Magine exclaimed. "High up?" the boys repeated. "At a…" Magine began as she looked at her crystal ball, only to tilt her head slightly, "Pointed place?" "Pointed?" the boys repeated, tilting their heads. "And his future…" Amy drew the final card, "The Chariot in reverse...he'll be in battle soon. One that will make him reckless and ultimately lose." "Oh nice," Sonic chuckled. "Thanks, Sonic!" Amy beamed as she glomped at him, her eyes shut and her tiny tail wagging. "Ano…" Roll spoke up, causing Amy to open her eyes to see she was once more in Roll's chest, "I don't mind getting hugs...but why always me when you say Sonic-san's name?" "..." "Same ol' Amy…" Sonic shook his head. "Ikuze! Sled zenkai!" Kaito declared, leading the group on their sleds down the frozen street as Sonic pushed it along, Haseo riding with Flash and Kaito. "Gotta thank your pops for these cleat attachments to our shoes, Roll!" Sonic beamed. "Hai!" Roll agreed, pushing along Magine and Amy's sled. "Oi, oi, oi! Wait up for us!" Juran called, sharing a sled with Gaon at the back of the group. "Why did I draw the short straw~?" Gaon whined. "Push! You're young! Use your legs!" Juran argued back. Their destination was once more an iconic location in Tokyo: The Tokyo Skytree. And sure enough, the exact same trio of guards were stopping them at the entrance. "You again!?" the human guard snapped, seeing Kaito lead the group, "Ah mou...why can't you take a hint kid, beat it!" "I mean I would, but I don't think I can dance on ice!" Kaito smiled. "Not the MJ song!" he complained. "Ah whatever, we're here for something important." Kaito smiled, trying to walk past him. "Oh no you don't! We keep getting yelled at 'cause of you!" the human guard complained. "I'm not here to bungee jump!" Kaito complained, trying to push past him. "I kinda am," Sonic admitted. "Absolutely not!" the Mobian dog barked. "Sorry sirs, were just looking for someone my friend say he or she is important." Flash said getting between them. "Ah flash my boy, glade you came hear. Can you please tell him to leave" The human guard told him in kind toon. "Wait he's not like kaito or sonic" The robot guard asked. "No this one is a good boy so we can relax" the dog Mobian told him. "Wow flash they really know you." Juran spoke looking at them. "Well I had to bail these two out of trouble every single time so I'm kinda know around the neighborhood and all." Flash replied scratching his back. "Aw come on. The Skytree's frozen! How awesome would it be to do it?" Sonic asked. "...I should've brought my bungee," Kaito realized. "JANAI!" all three snapped. "Ah, this is more important! Just move already!" "I said no...ah! I'm slipping!" the human guard panicked. "Hey don't grab onto me! That's dangerous!" Kaito complained. "Oi, cut it out!" Juran complained as he moved to help only to slip at the same time as the Kikainoid Guard, resulting in them bashing their heads into one another and falling to the ground, "Why does this keep happening to me?!" "Hmm...I don't see any sign of Koori World. If anything, it looks like we missed him." Gaon sighed as Kaito and the Human Guard began sliding down the street. "Don't let go!" the human guard cried in panic. "That's dangerous, let go Jiisan!" "I'm not an old man!" he snapped. "Really?" Kaito blinked. "You rude little...AH! Don't let go, don't let go!" he panicked, losing his balance again. "Yep, whole lotta nothing…" Gaon sighed as he pulled on a rope linked to Kaito's jeans and pulled him back towards the group. "Cheese," Haseo took a photo of the frozen skytree, "Mmm! Sugoi! It looks like the popsicle Tou-san froze in that fun science lab!" his tails wagged, "I wanna make popsicles again. Oh! Hot chocolate flavored!" "To the grocery store for the supplies!" Gaon declared. "Ah! Gaon, Gaon! Wedgie-wedgie-wedgie!" Kaito panicked. "Guys stop" Flash spoke as he grab the guard and kaito."are you ok sir." "Ah thank you flash my boy" he signed in relief. "Anytime, and haseo we will make them later, first mission got it" he told the young fox who nodded. "Ah, ruined the moment will ya" sonic muttered. "M-matte! I think I got another lead!" Magine called out, earning the group's attention, "Koori World is to the south in a small...hot place?" "How refreshing," Kaito sighed in content, wearing just a towel in the sauna as he sat between the Five boys. "After that cold outside, it is," Sonic agreed. "It's been almost ten minutes, though!" Juran groaned, sitting beside him. "Mmm...Ah mou! Enough! They're not showing up!" Gaon snapped, standing up. "It's so warm here after that cold…" Haseo sighed in content. "I don't mind waiting," Gaon assured, sitting down once more. "I wonder if the girls are enjoying this?" Kaito muttered. "Well if either I had to guess. Probably a anime thing happening now." Flash said. "..." Amy looked between herself and Roll, the three girls all wearing larger towels to cover their figures in their sauna. "Ara?" Roll tilted her head, noticing Amy looking between her and herself, "Is...everything okay?" "...No fair…" Amy mumbled, slumping in defeat. "Eh?" Roll blinked twice. "Roll-san...Roll-san...I think Amy is jealous because puberty was...more generous with you. Which...I don't know why Humans and Mobians care about such things…" Magine explained/contemplated. "Eh?" Roll blinked twice once more. "Try...another...prediction…" Juran groaned, his whole body steaming as he twitched on the ground. "At least it helped with your back from your last fall," Sonic noted. "Come on Juran, the cold will help ya get back to normal," a fully dressed Kaito spoke, along with Flash as he was dragging Juran back to his feet. "Uh…" Magine nervously began as she began to wave her hand over her crystal ball, "Nununu Magine...Nununu Magine...oh! It's that way...in a dark, small, scary place!" "Ah...where's that supposed to be?" Gaon groaned, sitting next to Haseo who was drinking a bottle of chocolate milk. -linebreak- "...Me and my big mouth," Gaon whispered, the group standing inside a haunted house attraction. The Yellow Kikainoid, currently using the flashlight at the end of his tail to lead the way. "D-Don't run off on your own!" Juran muttered, clinging to Gaon, as Kaito brought up the rear with Sonic, Haseo left outside as he did not meet the age requirement to enter Flash stayed with him while Magine stayed with him because the entrance alone terrified the pink Kikainoid. "Ah, don't be such a baby," Gaon scoffed. "I'm not! I just...want...to…" Juran slowly began as he turned his head...to look at a woman wearing ghostly robes and a white band with a paper white triangle on the top, "...AHH! OBAKE!" "EEK!" Amy yelped, jumping to the side and hugging the one beside her. "There, there," Roll assured, patting the pink hedgehog's head with her tail due to Amy hugging her arm, "Sonic-san really underestimated how much you need hugs." "Eh?" Amy blinked, her fear vanishing for a moment as she was sure she backed up to be next to Sonic. "Oh...that one got me good," Kaito sighed a hand over his chest, "This is kinda fun, ne Roll?" "Hai!" Roll agreed. "An Obake-chwan?" Gaon pondered in awe. "I hope everything is okay in there," Magine noted before she and Haseo screamed and hugged one another when Juran ran out, screaming in horror. "I wanna live!" Juran panicked. "Matte, Juran!" Kaito called out as he and the others walked out after him through the exit unlike the entrance where Juran had run out of, "Ah man...he's totally spooked." "Probably a bad idea to have watched that American movie The Ring last night, huh?" Flash noted seeing them walk out. "I knew Horror movie night would have problems…" Kaito sighed, "At least we didn't watch anything to trigger Roll...or inspire her trap making again." "How is it that one franchise makes her want to improve on those traps!?" Sonic sighed. "Eh, Roll is just being Roll. By this point, I've learned to just go along with it," Flash sighed as they walked after Juran, "She's essentially family by now anyway. Though I do regret making her watch Goosebumps with me..." "At least Skye fixed the TV from all those needles she hit it with," Sonic noted. "You're not the one she woke up in the middle of the night to check the bathroom for Slappy…" Kaito groaned. "Actually, you only got the one night. I had the other six that whole week," Sonic replied. "I had the other nights and I was having a good dream aswell" Flash muttered "Slappy?" Roll repeated, a hint of fear in her tone. "...Fluffy defense!" The three declared, pushing the Haseo-holding Magine over to Roll before running after Juran. "Ghh...Cuddles of doom!" Magine panicked, trapped in the hug. "That was a bust!" Juran screamed as he ran with the others following after him. "W-wait! I can try this again! I know I can do it!" Magine called out as she waved her hand before her crystal ball once more, "Nununu Magine! Nu…!" "Ah...That's enough already," Gao sighed as he walked by her, "You're just gonna get it wrong again." "Eh?" "Uh-oh," Amy gasped. "Uh-oh?" Sonic repeated. "I came because Kaito and Flash and my fluffy friends were into it, but…" Gaon went on as he turned to face her, "I think it was a mistake to rely on something stupid like fortune telling." "Nu?!" Magine tensed up at that...before she suddenly snapped her head at the yellow Kikanoid, "WHAAAAAAAT?!" "Eh?" Gaon jumped a little at the sudden enraged roar she let loose. "How dare you mock someone else's hobbies!" Magine snapped, stomping up to Gaon, "What do you know about fortune telling!? Have you read Novirus-sensei's code fortunes?!" "Uh I…" "Are you aware of Bathilda's Spark Readings?!" "I…" "...I think I know where Amy's anger went," Sonic muttered to himself. "They were colossally accurate! They were colossally famous!" Magine went on, getting right into a now frightened Gaon's face. "I didn't know," Gaon squeaked, feeling like a newborn kitten being glared down upon by a massive enraged dragon. "Don't just say it doesn't work if you don't know anything!" Magine ranted. "S-Sumimasen…" Gaon gulped. "Thank you for that, Magine," Amy thanked, taking the pink Kikainoid's hand and pulling her away from Gaon, "You've more than made the point for people to never underestimate fortunes." "Can I borrow your hammer to make sure it sticks?" "No," Amy replied immediately. "Ok that's enough Magine," Flash butting in between Goans defense."I know he said that fortune is bad and what he said about your talent is wrong but you got to see that there are some people who just instead of fortune believe in there luck. I believe in fortune aswell. It's a powerful thing which can be used in good or bad way. But sometimes fortune can change and sometimes people Make there own fortune them self." Magine looked at him for a moment and finally signed" Hi, I got it. I sorry I yelled goan-san" she told goan. Flash looked at him as was waiting for him to say something." Hi, I'm sorry to Magine, I shouldn't make fun or judge your talent" he said. "Heh, wow who knew flash was a good counsaler." Sonic muttered looking at the scene. "That's flash for ya, that's how he got me out of trouble" kaito said. Haseo also looked at that and smiled. "It's not the Fortune-telling's fault…I just don't have any talent...I'm not good at it like Amy-san. Her predictions make sense and actually happen." she said with a somber sign. "What are you saying?" Juran asked up before Amy could say anything, "You found me through fortune telling, didn't ya?" he chuckled, leaning forward and putting his hands on his legs as if to stare a shorter child in the eyes. "Ah...Honestly that one was wrong, too," Magine explained, "You guys actually came from the opposite direction my Fortune gave me." she sighed as she crouched down, "I've never been right once…" Kaito thought that over for a moment, "Do fortunes have to be right?" he asked, getting their attention. "Nunu?" "Oi, Kaito, be careful what you say," Juran advised. "But people can still have fun even when Fortunes are wrong," Kaito pointed out, earning a few stares from his friends. "Huh?" some blinked. "Yeah I mean look at me I also got bad Fortune sometimes but I always go through them." Flash also pointed out"I mean, like, you're not sure what to do next or something! By checking your fortune and asking that, you can decide what to do next! Either way, something will surely happen," he smiled looking at the others, "I mean look at today! We found new friends and got back old ones, and even if they were wrong...we had tons of fun today!" "Uhn-uhn!" Haseo nodded, his tails wagging, "We got to do a lot of sledding and the sauna was really fun and they gave out yummy milk there! And learning about fortune telling from Magine-neechan while everyone was in the spooky place and I get to spend more time with Flash Onni-chan it was sugei !" "I guess that's something I never thought about," Amy smiled, "Right or wrong, you can still enjoy Fortune Telling either way." '...that's right...the first time I tried fortune telling…' Magine began in her thoughts, thanking back to when she was much younger while shyly watching Juran play with a group of young Kikanoid children, 'I plucked a flower...and it helped give me that push I needed...I didn't think about whether I was right or not.' "It was fun going to all those places," Kaito spoke, earning her attention once more, "I like your fortunes, Magine." "The sauna and haunted house were fun," Juran admitted. "Personally I..." Gaon began before Sonic jammed an elbow into his side, "Ahh…" "Dude...tact. Learn it," Sonic whispered. "Hey Gaon," Juran spoke, getting his attention before punching him in the stomach. "Right in the aluminum…" Gaon wheezed. " Ok guys that's enough" Flash getting between goan before a ringing came from Kaito's jacket. "Hm? Moshi-moshi?" Kaito asked, answering his phone. =Kaito-chan! Kaito-chan! They're on the TV and freezing the sea!= Yatsude exclaimed. =It's around Uminekofu-tou= Secchan added. "Koori~ Koori~" Koori World whispered as he unleashed a cold mist into the ocean, freezing its water as Tundra stood near him. "That's it...freeze the world's ocean solid," the walrus ordered, 'Leave no trace of Akhlut's domain unfrozen...show that only one of us is the true ruler of the Frozen North!' "N-ice! At once, Lord Tundra, koori!" Koori World declared. "..." Tundra blinked behind his goggles before smacking him upside the head, making him nearly fall into the frozen waters, "Don't make puns…" "There you are, Tojitendo!" the two turned to see Kaito, Juran, and Gaon running over. "Ahh! Not the fish, too!" Gaon exclaimed, the trio about to run out before nearly slipping on the frozen ground. "Not bad, huh?" Tundra asked with a smirk, "The world will be better as a frozen wasteland...where only the strong survive! Much like the ice age!" "Ice age?" Kaito blinked, "You mean the movie franchise?" "..." Juran and Gaon paused and slowly looked at Kaito. "You've got to be kidding me," Juran deadpanned. "Kaito?" Gaon blinked. "...H-He's joking, right?" Tundra asked. "Ah whatever! I have no time to talk about family animated movies with a talking sloth!" Kaito declared, "We're here to stop you, Tojitendo Goons! Prepare your butts for a beating!" "...Koori World, keep up with the cold," Tundra ordered as he began to step over to the trio, cracking his knuckles as he glared at them, "I'll deal with them...starting with the boy." Flash, haseo, roll, Amy and Magine stood back to see the fight. "Now quoting that one game with the Spartan with the cold axe?" Sonic spoke, prompting Tundra to look and see the hedgehog resting on a nearby crate, "Hello~" "You…" Tundra frowned. "Me." Sonic pointed to himself. "So we meet again, Hedgehog." "If you say so," Sonic smiled, "But let's pretend like I...remember you…" he muttered, "How you gonna punch my friends and deal with me?" "Counter...how can you fight me when you can't even…" Tundra began before he was struck by a blue blur, "..." "You were saying?" Sonic smirked as he rested against another crate nearby. "...Grr...It's that very attitude that poisoned my son," Tundra growled. "Wait...son?" Sonic blinked at that, 'Oh right...Amy's fortune said he had family…' "He's Darth Vader!" Kaito called out, distracting Tundra. "What?!" he asked, only to be struck by Sonic again, making him fall on his back. "Later!" Sonic smiled, tapping him with his shoe and sending Tundra sliding across the ice in a bit of irony. "Lord Tundra?" Koori World blinked, "LORD TUNDRA!?" he panicked, seeing him sliding away. "GRRAGH!" Tundra snarled as he punched the frozen ground, stopping himself as he forced himself up, showing that the hood of his parka fell off while his goggles were gone...to reveal the scar over one of his eyes, "I will not be made a fool of!" "Oh well that's too bad, Scarface, that's kinda how we deal with losers and generic bad guys," Sonic smirked. "Yes...and again it is that very same attitude that poisoned my son, Rotor!" Tundra snapped. "...Wait...You're Rotor's dad?!" Sonic gawked in surprise, 'No way...That…' "Yes!" "Really?" Sonic asked, "But wait then that means...and that…" he whispered as his panic was catching up with him more and more. "Chance." Kaito spoke, shooting into the air. "What did…?" Tundra looked up to see he shot at a crane holding a crate over his head, "Oh you have got to be... GAH!" he cried out as the crate fell on top of him. "Ha! How do…" Kaito began before the box began to freeze over, "...oh...right….he can shoot a literal blizzard out of his mouth." "RAGH!" Tundra roared as he shattered the box that was on top of him. "Oh, that's really not good," Kaito cringed as Magine peeked out from behind from crates nearby. "I'd like to try to be Kaito-san's friend...but I'm scared," Magine mumbled as she turned away only to blink at seeing a flower being offered to her, "Nununu?" "One way of fortune telling I like outside of my cards is flower picking," Amy noted, Roll and Flash and Haseo standing beside her, "Often when you have a hard time choosing between two things, you can use this to help." "...h-hai…" Magine whispered as she took the accepted flower, looking at it as she slowly began to pluck it, "Go...don't go...go….don't go…go...don't go….go...don't go..." she whispered before stopping on the last petal, "..." "You can do it, Magine-Neechan," Haseo spoke with a small, encouraging smile. "Magine" Flash called her "Just go for it. Beside I know you want to make predictions to go but not everything needs to be known. My Grandpa always told me.'Sometimes in life, you just got to go with your gut and do it' beside sitting hear and doing nothing won't get you anywhere. In another multiverse a certain Ultraman sneezed. "Hm some one said my line" She looked at flash and then looked at the team. "Rrrr! This tears it! Koori World, keep up your frost until this whole world is frozen into a solid chunk of ice!" Tundra roared. "I-I-I-I won't let you do that!" "Huh?" Kaito and the others blinked as they turned, seeing Magine sliding over on her sled, "Magine?" "I won't let you destroy this vast, new world!" Magine declared as she stood up, barely managing to not slip. "Then...that means…" Juran began. "Kaito-san…" Magine began as she turned to look at Kaito, "Can I join? Is that okay?" "Sure!" Kaito beamed before patting himself, "Ah…I don't have a Geartlinger aside from mine…" "Geartlinger?" Magine repeated...before holding one up, "Roll-chan gave me this. Is this one?" "It is," Kaito nodded while giving her a smile, "Welcome aboard." "Ha! You cannot undo the frozen world I've made!" Koori World mocked as he walked up next to Tundra, "Even with one more member, my ice cannot be melted Koori!" "How do you know that?" Katio asked before holding up his Sentai Gear and Geartlinger, "Ikuzo!" *BANG!* "UWAH!" Magine yelped, barely avoiding the bullet from her misfire. "Ah mou…" Roll sighed, skating over to her, "Gomen nassai, Tundra-san, Koori World-san! Emergency Gun Safety course!" "Huh? Wh…" Tundra began as the group huddled and quickly calmed down the panicking Magine. "Daijobu?" Juran and Kaito asked. "What the heck are you doing?" Gaon sighed. "G-g-g-gomen nassai," Magine apologized. "Never aim the gun at yourself, Magine-chan. We don't want you getting hurt because of a mistake like that," Roll noted. "Now you see why I like that sword your dad's making over guns," Sonic spoke, having gotten over his shock from earlier for now due to Magine's misfire. "Not the time," Roll sighed. "Here. This is how you use it," Kaito explained. "Are you done yet!?" Koori World demanded. "One minute please!" Roll held up a finger. "You know haseo,I think this is a first where the member nearly shoot him self for once then the others." He muttered to haseo who nodded. "...We're getting sucked into their nonsense!" Tundra snapped as a vein popped up on his forehead in anger, "I thought the stupid chinchila was just spouting nonsense!" "Okay, got it now?" Juran asked. "I think so," Magine replied. "Great!" Kaito beamed, "Now...Ikuzo!" "Hai!" the three Kikanoids replied as they and Kaitoh loaded their respective Gears into the Gatlingers, Magine's being pink with a 29. "Change Zenkai!" the four declared as they turned the cranks of their weapons. "Do you have any idea what they're doing?" Amy asked, peeking out from behind the crates with Haseo and Flash. "Henshin da," Haseo and Flash replied. "Oh…wait, wh-" =NI-JU-GO/JU-ROKU/YON-JU-GO/NI-JU-KYU BANG! Bang~Bang~!= Juran and Gaon spun around before aiming their Geartlingers forward. After a moment of the guns' song, Kaito and Magine did the same thing as the four all aimed forward. With that, the quartet fired as the Gears washed over them. =ZENKAISER~! ZENKAI JURAN! ZENKAI GAON!= Their hero forms formed the same as always, but this time eyes were on the newest Zenkaiger. Magine's body was reformatted by the transformation. Her armor was mostly a solid pink color, with her arms becoming silver past the elbows and silver shoes with a blue light on each outward side. She had large shoulder guards with two cape-like flaps hanging to her sides, each one tipped with a silver blade-like end. She had armor attached to each hip, with a pink strip of armor extending under her belt like the robes of a cloak. She had chest armor which anatomically fitted to her chest with a golden M symbol in the center. Her helmet was a drastic change as it changed to expose a silver humanoid mouth, pink armor forming a domino like mask over her eyes and nose, tufts of yellow metal poking out under her helmet and her forehead like blonde hair, a Silver rim forming into a pointed pink hat like that of a witch atop her head, with a silver V at the base of her hat and 29 in gold. =ZENKAI MAGINE!= "...Huh...She's got a mouth transformed, but no mouth outside of it," Sonic noted, "And Juran's the opposite…" "Sonic-san…" Roll began. "Let me have this so I don't break down until after the fight, okay?" "Mmm…" "Himitsu no Power!" Zenkaiser began as he swung his arm out to strike a pose, "Zenkaiser!" "Kyoryu Power!" Zenaki Juran began as he did his pose next, "Zenkai Juran!" "Hyakujuu Power!" Zenkai Gaon began, doing his pose next as he roared out, "Zenkai Gaon!" "Mahou Power!" Zenkai Magine began, bringing her hands up above her head and then spreading them out to the sides before bringing them together, intertwining her fingers, and laid her chin on them while tilting her head, "Zenkai Magine!" "Yon ni awasete!" Zenkaiser began as they all lined up, the four rolling their torsos around one after another. "Kikai Sentai!" they declared in unison as Zenkaiser crouched down while holding his arms out, Juran and Gaon leaning to the left and right respectively each holding their corresponding arm upwards while Magine stood between them while holding one arm up into the air, "Zenkaiger!" they shouted as the Zenkaiger symbol flashed behind them. "Whoa~!" Haseo and Flash awed as Amy looked between her and Magine before pouting. "Mmm…" "Eh?" Haseo tilted his head. "Nothing, Haseo…" Amy muttered, patting his head. "Wait she said magic, does that mean there is a Sentai that use magic and not Equestrian. Well I should have signed up then." Flash slumped down haseo and Amy patting his back. "Ikuze! Zenryoku Z-woah!" Zenkaiser yelped as he and his team nearly slipped on the ice, "Oh...right. Frozen ground…" "Grunts, fall in!" Tundra shouted. "Kudakk!" the Kudakks declared as they marched in and lined up before him. Their Plug Lances at the ready, the grunts marched forward with no difficulty over the icy ground. "They can walk on ice!" Zenkai Juran realized. "Oh that's ch-!" Zenkaiser began before the Kudakk's struck him and his team with their lances, sending them flying out to the frozen sea, "Hacks...I call hacks…" "Hey!" Amy snapped as she got out of her hiding spot, "That was a cheap shot!" "And what will you do about it?" Tundra asked as he crossed his arms, the Kudakk's aiming their Plug Lances at the pink hedgehog, "You're nothing more than a weak little girl standing before a blizzard." "...What did you just call me?" Amy asked with a scowl. "Uh oh," Sonic paled as he ran off at high speed, Roll picking Haseo up and Flash as she followed after the blue hedgehog. "Oh no…" Zenkai Magine spoke, "Amy-san is normally the calmest one I know...but she does have one pet-peeve." "And that i-" Zenkai Gaon began before hearing a 'piko' sound go off, followed by them noticing one of the Kudakk's flying over head and into the distance. "Well to sum it up...Sexism…" Zenkai Magine sheepishly chuckled, "It really upsets her…" "No wonder you two make such fast friends…" Zenkai Juran muttered. "Yosh! Second wind!" Zenkaiser shouted, standing back up, "Secchan!" he called out. =Use Ressha Sentai ToQuger's Gear, tune!= Secchan cheered in their com systems. =All aboard!= Skye laughed. "Nununu? Who was that second one?" Magine asked. "Skye," Juran replied, "Roll and Haseo's papa." "Here we go!" Zenkaiser cheered, taking a Sentai Gear out of his belt-buckle and slotting it into the Geartlinger, cranking it before aiming up. =SAN-JU-HACHI BANG! Bang~Bang! Baang~Bang!= The image of a Sentai of five all lined up for a unique roll call appeared in the sky before the members all jumped down and went into the Zenkaigers. =TOQ~UGER!= "Link up!" Zenkaiser declared as Juran grabbed onto him from behind, followed by Gaon, and then Magine, "Yosha! Shuppatsu Shinkou!" he declared pointing forward. A train whistle blew before the four shot off as a multicolored blur, slamming into the Kudakks and knocking them away and causing them to explode. "Please stand behind the white line!" Juran warned. "Kudakk?" one pondered, looking down to see no white line, "Kudakk?!" it looked around rapidly before whimpering and waving to Koori World and Tundra before it was rammed into, ran over, and exploded. "No! There wasn't a white line for them~!" Koori World cried, "...grr! I won't let you have your way, K-" he began before he felt a tap on his shoulder, making him slowly turn...to face a scowling Amy as she held a large red and yellow hammer, "...Uh oh." *PIKO!* "KOORI~!" Koori World screamed as he was sent flying into the frozen ocean, his head getting stuck in the resulting crash. "What is this nonsense?! This isn't how you fight!" Tundra snapped, only to grunt as the Ranger Train slammed into him, knocking him back, "What is wrong with you idiots?!" "Your way of fighting isn't how we do things!" Zenkaiser declared, "This is our new world...Human, Mobian, and Kikainoid. We'll defend it how we see fit! We're not playing your stupid war games!" he pointed to Tundra, "You may be strong...but your way is wrong!" "Grr…!" he growled, "I won't be talked down to...by a stupid kid playing Hero!" he roared, only for the Zenkaigers minus Zenkaiser to dodge to the left or right. Tundra looked up to see Zenkaiser as he leapt into the air before he came down and slammed a karate chop down to Tundra's shoulder, making him grunt in pain as he was forced down to his knees. "This isn't a game…" Zenkaiser spoke, "In my own way...I'm fighting for real!" he shouted as he flipped over Tundra's shoulders before swinging his body around and hooking his leg around his head. He grunted, twisting his body and flipped the Walrus Mobian up and through the air before slamming back down onto the ice, "That's what the Zankaigers do, we fight to protect this new world, where everyone wants to be happy!" he reached down and took out another Sentai Gear, "And people like you won't ruin that for us!" he declared, slotting and cranking the Geartlinger. =NI-JU-GO BANG! Gao~Ranger!= The image of a Red ranger with a Lion motif formed before Zenkaiser before merging with him. Zenkaiser growled as his arms formed claws. He growled as he ran forward on all four. Tundra blinked before Zenkaiser grabbed his leg and began dragging him across the ice. Zenkaiser growled as he used his new claws to grip the ice and pull himself and Tundra towards a wall, before he spun the Walrus around, and grabbed him by his neck. He kept running before slamming Tundra head first into and through a wall. "Wha...What got…?" Tundra asked in pain before Zenkaiser growled and dragged him to his feet, "Wha-GAH!" he cried as he was scratched across his face repeatedly. "Grr!" Zenkaiser growled as he raised his clawed fingers up before bringing them down and slashing Tundra across the chest, making him stagger back, "Gao~" he chuckled. "Oh...If only we had something to grip the ice we could fight better!" Zenkai Juran spoke, watching Zenkaiser use the claws he gained from the Gaoranger Gear to traverse the ice. =Magine! Use magic, tune!= Secchan ordered. "Nunu? Magic?" she tilted her head. =You just said 'Mahou Power' in your intro, tune!= =Plus, your Sentai Gear is based upon the 29th Super Sentai, Mahou Sentai Magiranger! You are a magic lady!= Skye added =You're scared, right? That's okay! So long as you can get past that fear, you can change your courage into magic!= "Wait she didn't even notice that she said those lines." Flash asked haseo who shrugged. "Yuki wa...Mahou…" Zenkai Magine spoke, "Mm!" she stood up as she summoned her weapon, it was a large pink staff, with a pink sphere in the center like a magic scepter, "Nu nu nu Magine!" she declared as she aimed her Magine Stick towards her friends before pink flashes of light flew out. The light flew to everyone's legs and stuck to them. After a moment, they all took a step to regain footing, but this time didn't slip. "...Hey! I can stand!" Zenkai Gaon realized as he moved his feet around a bit, "It really is magic!" "This is awesome!" Zenkai Juran cheered, taking out his sword, "Alright, we'll deal with Koori World! Kaito has Frosty taken care of." "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" Magine declared, holding her staff up as a pink barrier formed and blocked Koori World's icicles projectiles. "Great, rub on more of my wounds why don't ya" Flash muttered while slumping again. Haseo patting his back to reassure him. "What the, koori!?" he snapped. Koori World rushed and swung at Magine only for her to vanish in a puff of pink smoke. He blinked as multiple Magician's hats formed around their battlefield. The hats shuffled around rapidly, Koori World blinking each time. He groaned and rushed at one and swung at it, the hat lifting up to show nothing. A hat behind him lifted up as Magine raised her staff and blasted him with a bolt of pink lightning. Koori World rushed to that hat once it dropped only to lift it up and find nothing. He blinked before another hat next to him lifted up to reveal Amy's hammer as he swung around and smacked him several times before swinging him into the hat. "Nu Nu Nu Magine Shuffle!" Zenkai Magine declared as the hats began circling around rapidly, the hats picking up speed before all stopping and slamming into one another. A puff of pink smoke went off to reveal Koori World not trapped in the iconic Slicing a person in half Magician's Box. "Domo!" Zenkai Juran spoke, holding up his sword before swinging down and cutting into the box, splintering it as he pinned Koori World to the ice. "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" Magine cheered as she slammed her Magine Stick down causing the ice under Koori World to shoot up sending him up into the air. "Shoot!" Zenkai Gaon cheered aiming with his Geartlinger and blasting Koori World as he fell making sparks fly. "Nu nu….Nu nu...Nu Nu!" Magine chanted as the top of her staff lit up with pink fire, "Magine Fireball!" She thrust the staff forward as the pink ball of fire shot out...before exploding into a giant explosion that buried Koori World under shattered ice and rubble. "Rawr!" Zenkaiser roared as he dragged Tundra by his leg before slamming him groin first into a pole. "D'oh…" the males there all cringed. =Kaito...Barbaric…= Skye cringed. =I blame the Sentai Gear he used based upon the 25th Super Sentai, Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger, tune= "Had enough?" Zenkaiser taunted Tundra as he struggled to get back up. =Kaito, while you're not aiming below the belt at the moment, mind tossing Juran or Gaon a Sentai Gear or two?= Skye asked. "Hai!" he chuckled, opening his belt and pulling the Gear in the center most section out, "Guys catch!" "Ugh...finally free…" Koori World muttered, only to be slashed by Zenkai Juran and Gaon, "Not cool!" "Ah I got it!" Zenkai Magine spoke as she ran out and caught the Sentai Gear, Zenkaiser tossed them. She looked it over, "Another Dinosaur?" she blinked as it showed a dinosaur-themed Sentai with the number 27. She quickly slotted the Gear into her Geartlinger before cranking it. =NI-JU-NANA BANG! Aba~Ranger!= The projection was this time a team of Four Rangers with a Dinosaur theme among them. The primary three of Red, Blue, and Yellow flew into Zenkai Juran, Gaon, and Magine respectively. The trio growled before holding their hands out to grab hold of new weapons. The projection was this time a team of Four Rangers with a Dinosaur theme among them. The primary three of Red, Blue, and Yellow flew into Zenkai Juran, Gaon, and Magine respectively. The trio growled before holding their hands out to grab hold of new weapons. "Tyranno Rod!" Zenkai Juran shouted, holding a red staff with a Tyrannosaurus head at one end. "Tricera Bunker!" Zenkai Gaon shouted, holding a blue Triceratops-themed shield. "Ptera Daggers!" Zenkai Magine spoke holding a pair of daggers themed after the head of a Pterosaur. Koori World blinked, only to be blind sided when Zenkai Juran struck him across the face with the Tyranno Rod. More so when the T-rex head at the front actually began biting with each strike. Juran grunted while swinging it around, striking him several times before thrusting it forward. The last blow sent Koori world skidding back across his ice, only for a spike to jab into his back thanks to Gaon's Tricera Bunker. Zenkai Gaon chuckled before he lifted Koori World up and began spinning him around on the tip of his shield. "GAON!" Zenkai Gaon roared before he tossed Koori world up into the air. "Ha!" Magine shouted as she flew through the air and slashed Koori world with the Ptera daggers, she quickly turned around and flew by to slash Koori World a second time, and then a third and so on as sparks and chunks of ice fell to the ground from each attack. Koori World grunted, hitting the frozen ground. He grunted before looking up as the three Kikainoid Zenkaigers got together and combined their weapons together. "Dino Bomber!" they shouted as the weapons formed together into a cannon like formation, "Hissatsu Dino Dynamite!" The T-Rex head fired a large ball of energy which struck Koori World, sending him flying back. The energy exploding and sending him flying into a still staggered Tundra. "I told you," Zenkaiser spoke as the Zenkaigers regrouped, "This is just how we fight...and even if we are idiots...we still beat you." he pointed at Tundra. "How are they doing that?" Amy asked in surprise, managing to calm herself down. "They're Super Sentai," Flash replied with a shrug. "It's a bit more than that," Roll added. "Th-this is insane...How can I lose to a bunch of idiots...to kids...to...amateurs?!" Tundra demanded. "Because, we're Zenkaigers!" Zenkaiser declared, "And from now on, we'll be here to stop you. So give it your best shot Tojitendo!" he began cranking his Geartlinger alongside Magine. "Nu nu!" she nodded, "We're going to protect our world together, even if we're afraid, we'll fight anyway, cause courage can become magic! Let's finish them together!" "Ike!" Juran cheered, cranking the Geartlinger. "Blow Koori World away!" Gaon added, doing the same. "Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered. =HERO~ Super Zenkai Time~!= With that, they all pulled the trigger and unleashed giant beams of color matching energy from their Geartlingers. Tundra panicked and moved Koori World forward like a shield. The beams struck the Tojitendo monster, causing a huge explosion which blew Tundra away. Koori World groaned, his body sparking but mostly intact...only for the Zenkaiger team symbol to slam down on him, fully demolishing his body. "Yes! It's another bad guy down!" Sonic cheered before pausing, "Wait a second...When Kinoko World got beaten, the mushrooms vanished. Since Koori World's gone…" his eyes slowly widened as he looked down...at the cracking ice, "Oh no…Everyone off the rink!" "Ah!" Magine panicked as she and the others ran for the harbor. "Yes! I love being a Zenkaiger!" Zenkaiser cheered while turned away from the others and towards the sun...before the ice shattered and sent him plummeting into the water, "BLURB!?" he surfaced after a moment, "We did it! The ice is gone!" "Congratulations!" a voice made them all turn to see Barashitara marching over before he stopped next to the prone form of Tundra, "You met my expectations...Zenkaigers!" he chuckled, "I knew you'd be entertaining to say the least, but thank you for proving me right." "Eh? ...Wait, did we help you win a bet or something?" Zenkaiser asked, swimming to shore. "In a sense, yes, but mostly proved a point. I am a Military Commander...and no one dares question me," he chuckled darkly, "And your prize for helping me with that…" he swung an arm up, "Kudaitest!" "Yes!" Roll and Flash cheered. "What's a Ku…" Amy began before the ground shook as a Kudatest emerged. "Oyobidesuka?" the Kudaitest asked...before stepping on the sparking Koori World Gear, "Hm?" "Ack! Not again!" Zenkai Gaon exclaimed as the electrical energy raced up the Kudatest before transforming it, giving it Koori World's head and weapon, "Maybe if I…" he opened his Geartlinger and switched the Sentai Gear around, "Time to get b…" he was cut off by a burst of cold that erupted from Great Koori World, freezing him in a chunk of ice, "C-c-c-c-c-cold…" "The Ice Power is filling me, koori!" Great Koori World declared. "Gaon!" Zenkaiser panicked, "How...why...ooh! Not good!" =WRONG!= Zenkaiser jumped at Skye's shout =Kaito, the only way it'd be not good is if you had given Magine the blue Sentai Gear= "Eh? ...Wait...Juran...and Magine?" he realized as he mimicked the motion his hologram did when it formed ZenKaiOh. =Care to try it out?= Skye chuckled. "Try what out?" Magine asked. "Take your Gear," Zenkaiser began, "Remove, flip, and insert to activate a Huge new power!" "Like this, Magine," Zenkai Juran said as he opened his Geartlinger and swapped his Sentai Gear around. "We'll get to a safe, tall point," Roll assured as she and Flash skated off on the refrozen ground, picking up a gawking Haseo on the way. "Come on, Amy. You're gonna want a good spot for this part," Sonic added as he went after Roll. =BIG BANG!= "Kikai Henkei!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he grew to giant size, "Juran Tyranno!" he roared, stepping forward...only to slip on the ice, "GAH!" "Ah...Good thing I didn't jump on this time…" Zenkaiser muttered, "Magine, your turn!" "Eh!?" Magine exclaimed, "Nu...nu…" she opened her Geartlinger and flipped her Gear around before cranking the lever, "Like this?" =BIG BANG!= She aimed at the sky before pulling the trigger. The symbol floated down as she held up her Magine Stick. A sudden surge of energy flowing through her and activating something inside her. "Kikai Henkei!" Magine declared excitedly, her body growing and transforming into a large pink Dragon with her staff forming her tail, "Magine Dragon~! Yahoo~!" "Konnichiwa, minna-san~!" Roll greeted, her cameras deployed, "Hope you're all nestled in your homes or someplace nice and toasty! We're in for a very chilly Giant Robot Battle today between Great Koori World and the team of Juran Tyranno and new member Magine Dragon! With me, like previous battles, is Sonic-san,and Flash-san but also my little brother Haseo-chan and new friend Amy-chan!" Magine?" Amy blinked, seeing Magine Dragon fly around excitedly. "You little pest!" Koori world complained, shooting freezing beams from his icicle arm at her. "Nunu? Nunu?!" she blinked, flying around and avoiding each beam with amazing grace and ease, "Nunu!" "Sugei!" Zenkaiser cheered as he landed on Juran Tyranno's head, "She's totally different now! She's full of energy and confidence!" "Nu nu nu Magine!" Magine Dragon roared, firing a blast of flames at the same time Great Koori World fired another ice beam, causing the two attacks to collide...and transform into a giant bowl of shaved ice with strawberry syrup that Magine Dragon scarfed down, "Umei~!" "Ah! That was a strawberry flavored Shaved Ice! Ah mou~! Magine Dragon, why didn't you save some for us later?" Roll sighed. "Mine to can you save some for us aswell" Flash yelled to her. "It's like she's a different person," Amy whispered. "Can we have shaved ice for dessert tonight, Oniichan?" Haseo asked, looking up at Flash with big pleading eyes. "Ah yeah, beside she did got me hungry" haseo just smiled happily. Yosh! Magine! It's time!" Zenkaiser declared. "Hai!" she cheered. "A Dragon and Dinosaur, yume zenkai no Gattai!" Zenkaiser declared loudly as he flipped his own Gear around and began cranking before shooting. "Oh! Here it comes! A brand new Zenaki Gattai!" Flash cheered steeling rolls line "That's my line" she pouted as the symbol appeared in the sky between the two giant animal-based robots. The two giant Zenkaigers stood face to face as the area around them transformed into not a baseball field, but a giant Hockey rink! The board above showed their names as their bodies locked up. The two began changing as Magine Dragon's wings and tail disconnected from her body. =Zenkai Juran! Zenkai Magine~! "Eh? Did the voice change when saying Zenkai Magine?" Roll pondered. "It sounded that way," Flash replied. With that, their forms opened up like before as they connected. The top section of Magine Dragon's head and neck formed into the new right arm as the leg was a little bulkier than with Zenkai Gaon's formation. The two halves docked together as Magine Dragon's wings connected to the shoulders of the formation as new wings. Unlike with Juran, the chest symbol folded upwards and into place. The top of Juran Tyranno's head was linked to a pink cover before they split open, the helmet this time was different it was half black and half white, the left had an upward curving horn but the right had a single outward pointing spike. "Sugei! The King of Dinosaurs has become one with the Great Dragon!" Roll exclaimed, "The birth of a new Ruler graces the skies above with the Might of the Dinosaur and the Magic of the Dragon! It's…" =ZENKAIOH~ JURAMAGINE~!= "Let's Fly!" Magine's voice cheered as ZanKaiOh JuraMagine held the Magine stick like a club. ZenKaiOh flew forward through the sky and over the ice, its wings extending out as the silver tips sharpened. They cut through the large ice structures Great Koori World made and let the tops fall all over the giant Tojitendo monster. ZenKaiOh flew up before swinging its club down as it unleashed a barrage of pink and red lightning bolts upon Great Koori World. AH! That's not fair!" Great Koori World complained. "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" ZenKaiOh swung the Magine stuck as it formed a large magical circle, suddenly from the circle a number of copies of the Juran Sword formed before aiming down at Great Koori World, "Ike!" "No wait! That's not how you pick at ice!" Great Koori World panicked as he was pelted with swords, causing sparks to fly. =JURAN~!= "I like snow days as much as the next guy, but there isn't even any actual snow!" ZenKaiOh swung the Juran Sword while flying past Great Koori World, making sparks fly. "Ah! Look at ZenKaiOh go! With Magine Dragon, ZenKaiOh is capable of performing amazing spellcrafting to compliment Juran Tyranno's ferocity and might!" Flash awed, "A form that blends trickery with brute force!" "Again that my line" roll pouted again. "You snooze you loose" he replied. "This is awesome! We're flying!" Zenkaiser cheered from the Pink and Red cockpit of ZenKaiOh JuraMagine, "I can't wait for a full team to see what else we can make happen!" "I will not lose! I'll just summon a hail storm and knock you out of the sky!" Great Koori World declared, raising his Icicle arm up only to grunt as he was struck from behind. "How dare you freeze me!" Gaon Lion snapped, "I finally broke free when the ice turned fragile!" "Oh! Gaon Lion has joined in at last!" Roll cheered. =Hmm...Oh, shoot. Uh, Kaito? You'll want to switch to JuraGaon to do the finisher= Skye noted. "Eh? Why?" =They forgot to make one for this combination, tune= Secchan replied. =Hey! It was Issy's and Trial's job to make one for this color combo, not mine!= =Besides, Magine and Juran don't synchronise as well as Gaon and Juran, tune!= "Aw…" =Why do you sound so disappointed?!= both exclaimed in disbelief. "Gaon! Tag in please!" Magine called. "Eh? Masaka…" Gaon Lion paled. "Eh? Tag in?" Roll pondered before Magine Dragon split off from Juran Tyranno, "Oh! Could it be?" "Oh not again…" Juran Tyranno groaned as the baseball field formed for the two. "Why does it have to be this gross combo again!?" Gaon Lion complained as they combined, "I don't like it!" Yatta! Returning to battle once more, it's the King of the Hundred Beasts and Ruler of the Dinosaurs! The one, the only…!" =ZENKAIOH~ JURAGAON!= "It's time for some payback, Gaon!" Zenkaiser cheered. With that, ZenKaiOh rushed and slashed Great Koori World across the chest with his sword. The Giant Tojitendo super soldier swung back only to be blocked by the Juran Shield. ZenKaiOh swung around and slashed Great Koori World again, the sword cutting through its armor to make more sparks fly. A shield bash knocked the Great World monster back and slamming into its own ice structures. "Magine Attack!" Zenkaiser ordered. "Leave it to me!" Magine Dragon cheered as she swooped in from above, "Nu nu nu Magine~!" she let loose her fire once more and it slammed into Great Koori World, engulfing him in smoke for a moment before revealing him to be stuck in another giant bowl of shaved ice, this time with blueberry flavoring. "Oh! Looks like Great Koori World has become part of the dessert dish of the battle!" Roll exclaimed as Flash and Haseo started drooling at the blueberry-flavored dessert. "Don't eat it, you two. You don't know where that giant robot's been," Amy warned. "Mou…" Haseo and Flash pouted. "Todome Zenkai!" Zenkaiser shouted. =Kikai! Super Zenkai Time!= "Juran Sword! Engetsu Crash!" ZenKaiOh swung down as the energized blade slashed through the shaved ice and Great Koori World three consecutive times. "Gwah! Be careful when eating lots of shaved ice at once, or you'll get a brain freeze, koori!" Great Koori World screamed before he exploded. The ice began fading away as if it never existed to begin with as ZenKaiOh struck a pose of victory. "Sekai Zenkai! All...OK!" Zenkaiser shouted in victory. "Zenkaigers...You aren't half bad!" Barashitara declared despite his anger at another defeat to the Tojitendo causing the cannon on his head to overheat, "You shall indeed be worthy enemies to crush!" he grunted walking off while dragging Tundra. "Yosha! Another victory for ZenKaiOh and a wonderful debut for Magine Dragon! Hope you all enjoyed the battle today and don't forget to visit Candy Cafe Colorful, everyone~! Sayonara~!" Flash signed off. "Again?!" Roll shouted as soon a childish chase of the two were seen. As Amy and haseo were trying to stop her. The blue Kikainoid janitor sighed as he swept the meeting area. "There's always so much dust here...yaya...ah, it's getting so much messier with those humans and Mobians for some reason...it's like organics create dust or something?" he sighed before an alarm began blaring, "Huh?" he walked up to the console, "Another World has been restored to its proper place? What is happening!?" he panicked, "Ijirude-sama! Ijirude-sama!" "So, everyone, let's get along from here on out," Magine finished with a bow as the group began to applaud her. "Wonderful!" "Yay! Glad to have you!" "Congrats!" "Achoo!" Gaon sneezed, his feet in hot water, him wrapped up in a heating blanket, and a thermos on his head. "Mmmhmm. Your little freezing caused a bit of an internal cooldown far below acceptable ranges," Skye noted, writing on a small notebook before removing the page and giving it to the yellow Kikainoid, "You're on bedrest for the rest of today and tomorrow for good measure." "I...h-h-h-hate...snow days…" Gaon shivered, "Achoo!" "Tissue?" Haseo offered. "Ah...Haseo-chan is so considerate…" Gaon sniffled. "You seem much more livelier than when you first came here, Magine-chan," Yatsude noted in relief, "Seems that little outing was just the thing, ne?" "I might have taken a step forward!" Magine cheered, "From here on...I'll be a much more impressive Magine, for all my friends, ne Amy-san!" "Of course!" Amy beamed, "And you can call me 'Amy' if you want." "Same here. No need for 'san' at all!" Kaito beamed. "Me, too! No more 'Ojisan.' It was cute when you were tiny, but now that you're a grown lady, it just feels hurtful." Juran chuckled. "And me aswell call me Flash" Flash told her. "Ah! Then...Kaito," Magine spoke, "Flash" the teen smiled at her,"Amy." the pink hedgehog smiled at that, "Juran." the red Kikainoid nodded, "Gaon!" "Huh? I d-didn't give you p-permi-Achoo!" "Mmhmm. Straight to bed, mister," Skye informed, "You can debate on that once you're feeling better." Hehehe…" Kaito chuckled, "Welcome to the family, Magine, Amy!" he smiled, "It's big, loud, and a little wild. But...you're a part of it now!" "Say, Magine, Ames, think you could do some predicting?" Sonic asked. =Good idea, Sonic!= Secchan agreed =They could help find our last member, tune!= "And our friends. Like Tails for example," Sonic noted. "Leave it to us!" Magine cheered. "Wow, this has been really helpful for you, I love it! Ah! Emotional growth!" Amy smiled, pulling her deck out and shuffling, "Alright...How about a switch? You find Tails and I'll do this last member, ne?" "Hai!" Magine beamed as she pulled her crystal ball out, "Nu nu nu Magine. Nu nu nu Magine." "Alright. All shuffled up and let's see this fifth member," Amy beamed as she drew the first card, "The Devil. It seems he was obsessed with something in the past, leading him down the wrong way unintentionally." the next card was drawn, "The Wheel of Fortune. At the moment, his fate is starting to change, cycling away from what led him to where he is now and where he is heading towards." "I see...an airplane," Magine noted, "Coming for a landing with a snowfall and a two-in-one with him." "Not more c-c-c-cold…" Gaon whined. "And for his future…" Amy drew the third card, "Death. He'll undergo a metamorphosis from who he is now into the one he is meant to be. All while still wearing a pair of glasses." "Hmm?" Kaito tilted his head, trying to take all this information in, "I don't get it…" he blurted. "Wait I see a new prediction." Magine spoke making them all look at her again her. " This one is different. A SuChi cart....a silver ninja and ......a silver lamp?." The others were confused except for sky he knew about the two last things. "And the predictions" Amy spoke and got out three cards. " The Devil , He's also obsessed with his task and loves it, Lovers , someone will see him in a new light ,Death, he will soon make a decision of his life . But also he'll show others that how showy he will be while not hiding." "Huh?" Flash spoke up for some reason he could understand that. But can't put a finger on it. > GEAR 4:The Trembling Big Meddler and the Twin-Tailed Genius! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Zenkai no...Zenkaiger! Fortune-telling-loving Magine joins the team as the fourth Zenkaiger! With her, the tarot card-loving Mobian Amy Rose joins! With how she's changed, Juran suggests to Sonic that others may be different from what he remembers, tune!= Secchan recapped in the lab =Magine and Amy then predicted the next of Sonic's friends to appear and the final member of the Zenakigers, tune, But what about the silver Ninja and a lamp,tune,!= "...What the hell is that?" Barashitara deadpanned, looking up at the large slot-machine before him. "It's something stupid he came up with," Lien-Da sighed. "It's not stupid!" Eggman snapped while motioning to the machine, "This is to help us pick which World to send out next to fight the Hedgehog and those pesky Power-Ranger Ripoffs!" "What is a Power Ranger?" Barashitara asked, "We're dealing with Zenkaigers!" He complained, bopping Eggman on the head with his spear. "Ow! It's what I was r...know what nevermind!" Eggman shouted as he stepped back, "Ijrude, care to pull the lever?" "Don't mind if I do," Ijrude answered, grabbing the lever as he pulled it, letting the slots on the machine spin around at a high speed. "And the next World to use is…" Eggman began as the three slots slowed down to a halt, landing on a image of a boxing glove, "Boxing!" "Gear drop!" Ijirude cheered as a chamber hissed with smoke and steam before opening to reveal the selected Tojiru Gear. He quickly took it out before turning to a Kudakk guard, "Boxing Gear Set!" he spoke, pushing it into the Guard's chest causing him to transform. He changed from Kudakk to Kudaiter before the extra steps took hold. Each arm was covered in red gauntlets resembling boxing gloves, except the mits were studded with bolts, the wrists were springs, and the back of the gauntlets had rocket boosters attached. His head was a mix of Boxing headgear, and a small scaled little boxing ring like crown atop his head, with the base of his face being red, yellow eyes with black markings around them, giving the illusion of having black eyes, and a white mouthguard for a faceplate. He also had a large bronze gong on his forehead. "HA!" he shouted, punching several times, "I can feel it! The might of Boxing World!" he cheered, "The drive to win no matter the cost! Boxing!" "Well at least this one is combative," Barashitara spoke, "Better than that Cotton-Candy World experiment the other day…" "Ugh. Don't remind me," Lien-Da shivered, "I had to get the stickiness out of my suit…" she groaned as she pulled out a device, tapping it as holographic screen popped up, "Okay...which Grand Master shall we accompany Boxing World so he doesn't get tricked or fooled by the Hedgehog or the Zenkaigers?" "This one seems rather brawny...send someone clever and calm. Let them be his corner man," Barashitara spoke, "At least this way, we don't have to worry about the invasion being derailed by nonsense." "...hmm...Or we can play them at their own game in terms of nonsense," Lien-Da offered. "Oh?" Barshitara blinked a bit in interest as Lien-Da tapped an icon, showing an image of a pair of Mobian Pronghorns. "Clove and Cassia, Co-Grand Masters of the Northamer base," Lien-Da answered, "Clove is the more calm minded of the two so she can keep them in check. As for Cassia...well what better way to counter nonsense than a girl with a love for video games and equal nonsense?" "Hmm...fair point," Barashitara noted, "Alright we shall send them in as Boxing World's Handlers." he then marched off, "Let's hope this one goes better." "I'll send a message to them telling them to meet him at the dropoff point," Lien-Da added as she began to walk off with him. "...Wait. What does he mean 'this one goes better'?!" Eggman snapped...before he waved it off, "Fah...doesn't matter. The Hedgehog and those Zenkaigers won't stand a chance against Boxing World's abilities!" "I won't fail you, Ijirude-sama, Eggman-sama!" Boxing World declared, "Within my ring, even family shall become bitter hot blooded rivals! When they hear the gong, they won't stop boxing till they get the 10 count on the first person they lock eyes on!" "Brilliant!" Eggman beamed. "Now go off!" Ijrude added. "Yosha!" Boxing World shouted as he ran off...just as the robot janitor ran in. "Ijrude-sama, Eggman-sama!" he called out before moving out of the way of Boxing World, "Oh, excuse me," he apologized before he resumed running up to the two mad scientists, "I have a question, Ijrude-sama, Eggman-sama! Why have worlds that are trapped within Gears restored?" "Beg pardon?" Ijrude blinked before looking at a nearby screen, seeing the Gears that once housed Kinokotopia and Kooritopia shatter with the images that were in them moving away, "Nani?! Kinokotopia and Kooritopia have been restored?! Masaka..." "...you didn't make a way that prevents the Gears from being destroyed?" Eggman deadpanned. "I didn't expect this to happen!" Hajrude snapped. "Evil scientist 101: You always have a backup plan in case something like this happens!" Eggman snapped back. "They should be indes...AH! The Zenkaigers also use Gear technology!" Ijirude realized. "Yes! Which...d'oh…!" Eggman groaned as he pulled on his moustache a bit, "I hate that hedgehog and those Zenkaigers!" "Uh...excuse me," the janitor spoke up. "WHAT?!" the two snapped as they turned towards him. "What is happening!?" he asked, getting in their faces, "Is Great King Boccowaus-sama releasing the worlds now?! Why are they being set free?! How do Gears play a part in this!? What are Zenkaigers exactly!? What are Gears and why do they have them, too!?" he asked as he shook Eggman. "Stop it!" Eggman snapped as he pushed him away, "...Wait. Have you told anyone else about this?" "No." "Are you sure?" Ijrude asked. "Yes." "..." Eggman and Ijrude looked at each other for a moment...before a glint appeared in their eyes. "...Orbot, Cubot!" Eggman called out. "Yes, sir?" Orbot spoke as he and Cubot flew in. "Call in the clean up crew," Eggman ordered in a calm...yet malicious fashion. "But I'm already here…" the janitor spoke as the two robots flew off. "This is most lucky for us, Janitor...your running to us right away was the correct action. This means, we only need to scrap one Bot." Ijirude laughed. "...wha-?!" the janitor gawked as he realized what they meant now. "Can't have anyone spilling the beans, you know!" Eggman grinned as a group of Kudakk's and more advanced looking Eggpawns ran in, aiming their weapons at the janitor. "Wh-why?! Please tell me why!" he asked as he was backed to the edge of the platform, "AH!" he grunted as a foot slipped, his arms shooting out and grabbing the Kudakk's lances, to try and pull himself up. The Grunts, taken by surprise, tried to pull on their own kind before they fell off with the Janitor...But it failed as he and the Kudakk's fell while the Eggpawns tried to catch them..and fell as well. "..." "..." "...I do believe he escaped…" Orbot spoke as he and Cubot looked over their shoulders. "Through sheer dumbluck it seems," Cubot added. "...want me to do it or you want a shot?" Eggman asked his fellow mad scientist. "Let me." "Wh-" Orbot began before Eggman grabbed him and Cubot, compressing them into their smaller forms as he put them on a pair of metal golf tees, "...oh dear." "Four!" Ijirude shouted, swinging his staff like a golf club as he hit them. "TACOS!" Cubot screamed as he and Orbot were sent flying off. "...huh. Starline was right...golfing can be calming at times," Ijrude noted. "Yeah...though I think you meant 'fore', not four…" Eggman muttered. "Ow…" Orbot's voice groaned in an echo. "Konichiwa." an elderly man greeted as he walked in, holding onto his back with one hand while the other carried a cane he used to support himself. "Irashai Suu-san!" Yatsude greeted the man, "What'll ya have today?" "Suu-san yahoo~" Gaon greeted, from behind the counter. "Ah…" Suu-san muttered, tapping a poster for the Cafe's specialty, "My regular Colorful Sundae please," he smiled. "Coming right up! Roll-chwan ikuze!" Gaon cheered. "Hai!" Roll replied as she walked to the back. "Oh! Me too, O…" Haseo began before he heard a faint sound of a boxing bell ringing...before a pair of large boxing gloves appeared on his hands, "...Nani?" "My dear boy, wh-" Suu-san began before he heard the ringing sound as well, followed by the boxing gloves appearing on his hands as well, "...hmm?" The same Bell rang all across the city. It wasn't affecting everyone at once. Just certain random people, like a mid-wedding married couple or an idol giving out CDs of her latest songs. Even as close as across the way from Candy Cafe Colorful, at Skye's repair shop. "Alright, you two are in here for dents to your heads from...oh good gosh...jumping a muscle car like the Dukes of Hazzard?" "Yeah…" two Kikainoids nodded at the same time. "...alright. Shouldn't be too hard to fix," Skye muttered as he turned...just as the two Kikanoids heard the bell ringing. "?!" "Now I just need you two t-" Skye began as he walked in...and saw the two Kikanoids boxing each other as they were wrecking up his shop in the process, "...EH?!" a moment passed before he flipped his coat inside out to reveal a black and white stripe pattern, put on a cap with the same pattern, and blew a whistle, making then stop, "Alright! I want a good clean fight! No below the belt blows, no tricking the other to look away for a cheap shot, each round three minutes, and winner pays for both bills!" He hit a nearby bell, making it ring, "Hajime!" With that, the two Kikainoids began boxing by swinging their arms in uppercut/jab like motions rapidly. Each time aiming at the other's head. Each clean hit made their head seem to shoot up while linked to a rod which pulled their head back down after a second. "...ok. This is not normal," Amy whispered, seeing Suu-san boxing at the air for a few moments...before he bolted right at Yatsude for a punch. "Ahh! Yatsude-san, watch out!" Gaon panicked as he quickly pulled her away, making her yelp as the punch barely flew over her head. "BOXING GA!" Haseo shouted as he shot up. "Haseo-kun too?!" everyone shouted. "SHINEI~!" "Ahh! Haseo, st-" Sonic began...before blinking as Haseo's punches were barely affecting him...well. Attempted punches….he more so was softly banging his fist against the hedgehog with the gloves making a tiny squeak each time he hit. "Ko…! Ko…! Ko…!" Haseo shouted as he attempted to punch Sonic out...before he began to pant and catch his breath for a moment..before he resumed punching him, "Ko…!" "...Why is that so adorable?" Magine asked as Gaon grabbed at his chest with his optics shaped like hearts while his other was recording on his phone. "Look out for the Older Gentlemen!" Juran shouted as he picked up Haseo and tackled Sonic out of the way as Suu-san swung...his swing kicking up some real wind from an unexpected force behind those old arms. "Whoa!" Amy and Magine yelped. "Why is the old guy swinging so hard?!" Juran shouted. "Suu-san used to work as a stuntman!" Kaito declared as attention was shifted to him as he ducked each swing. "He and my dad were the one who thought me how to fight!" Flash said barely avoiding the punch as he backed away. "That's...is Haseo still punching?" Sonic asked, feeling light taps to his back. "Yep." Juran sighed. "When the Gong rings, that means the match has begun!" Suu-san declared as his eyes focused on Yatsude and the girls. He rushed to punch, only for Kaito and Flash to get in his way...with both punched by a powerful right hook across their faces. The two stood there for a moment before groaning as they crumbled and fell over, "I'm winner!" he held his arms up in victory. "Ow…" both boys groaned on the ground, "Medic...towel…and the frozen peas..." "Ahh! Kaito! Flash!" Gaon panicked. "I'm...winner…!" Haseo whined as he continued to try and hit Sonic...as he was now being held up by the blue hedgehog. "Okay, you we can handle…" Flash said looking at them but groaned, a bit of a bruise on his cheek, "The nice old man whom we had no idea packed a mean punch...not so much…" sonic muttered seeing them. "At least with Haseo, he's too young to have any real power in his swings yet." Juran muttered, "But a random weird event that we can't explain...sounds like another Tojitendo scheme." "...Amy, mind taking Haseo to his big sis?" Sonic asked. "Sure b-" "Thanks," Sonic nodded, handing Haseo to her as he ran off in a blur. "I'm...winner~!" Haseo shouted. "...How is it when he acts so tough, he's still so adorable?" Amy whispered, holding Haseo away from her as he was trying his best to hit her next, "N-nevermind. Roll, problem!" "Hai?" Roll blinked as she poked her head out..and saw Haseo trying to hit Amy while Juran ran out to chase after Suu-san, all while Magine was fanning her hands in an attempt to wake Kaito up, "...Tojitendo?" "Yep," Amy replied. "...Gaon-san…" "I have footage…!" The yellow Kikainoid groaned from the floor, metal heart floating over him, "Kawaii…" "Just help me!" Juran complained as he ran back in, grabbing Gaon by the leg and dragged him back out. "...I'll go get a boxing bag for him to hit," Roll sighed while deploying her camera to record Haseo for later watching. "GH!" the husband of a recently married couple groaned out...as his wife delivered an uppercut to his jaw as he collapsed onto the floor, joining the rest of the knocked-out guest and priest. "I'm winner!" the wife declared while flexing her muscles. "What the heck is going on?" Juran whispered as he and Gaon ran into the area. "This has to be Tojitendo's doing," Gaon muttered. "Guys…!" Kaito groaned as Magine helped him over to the two, pointing to an idol punching one of her fans across the jaw. "Hmph.." the idol scoffed as the fan plopped onto the ground, "I'm winner…" "It's the same all across the city," Sonic spoke as he ran over to the four Zenkaigers. "This is a different one," Kaito noted, "It's the first time the weird power has made people act funny...though, why boxing? Is it really that popular?" "My buddy Knuckles would argue with you on th-" Sonic began before the boxing bell ringing went off around the area, "?" "What's that sound?" Juran questioned. "Nu nu nu?" Magine blinked as the group looked around, the pink Kikanoid looking up at the roof of the church before she gasped out, "Oh! Look!" Boxing World walked forward as he reached to his face, "Mouthpiece…" he groaned, removing a white mouthpiece from his…faceplate, "I changed your world's rules to fit Boxingtopia's rules, Boxing!" "Boxingtopia?" they repeated. "It is a world of pure sports and competition! Boxing is life, boxing is everything! Boxing!" he shouted while punching the air a few times. "Ah! So you're the reason why Suu-san punched at Yacchan!" Kaito realized, making his team mates trip up a bit. "You were the one who was punched, Kaito!" Gaon exclaimed. "Flash was punched too, ya know…" Sonic deadpanned. "Ikuzo, minna!" Kaito declared as he pulled out his Geattlinger and Sentai Gear. "G-" the Kikanoids began, pulling their own transformation gear out before a pair of tonfa flew by and knocked the weapons and gears out of their hands, "Ahh!" =Not so good when it's on the other foot now, is it?!= "Wh-" Kaito began before a female figure flipped over Boxing World, doing a quick flip in the air as they caught the thrown tonfa and landed behind the Zenkaigers and Sonic. The figure seemed to be a young female Mobian Pronghorn with emerald green fur...with her mouth, eyes and ears cybernetic as she held up a pair of tonda on her arms. She also wore a grey top, a pair of long black puffy pants, dark grey combat boots and gloves with the latter over a pair of long black gloves and a pair of gold rings around the wrists, and a blue-ish white belt with a black and yellow spiraled belt buckle on it. "...A kid?" Juran blinked. =Hey! I ain't no kid!= the pronghorn complained as she punched the air a few times, swinging her tonfa around like an expert as she did =I'm co-leader of the Northamer Dark Legion, Cassia!= 'Okay, so she's definitely new,' Sonic thought, '...wait. Co-leader?' "Casserole?" Kaito asked. =Cassia!= Cassia argued =Besides...What's your name?= "Kaito…?" =Ah...so Kite then= "That's right, Kaito." he nodded...before blinking in realization, "...Hey wait a minute…" =Again, not so funny when it's on the other foot, is it?= Cassia smirked as she had her hands on her hips. "Touche," Kaito spoke, picking up his Geartlinger and shooting at her feet. =Eek!= Cassia yelped as she hopped a bit in place before jumping back up to where Boxing World was =Hey no fair! Hacks! I call hacks!= "You should have kicked 'em away while we were distracted!" Juran declared as they all picked up their stuff. "Change Zenkai!" Kaito declared. "HELP!" everyone paused as the blue Kikainoid janitor ran past while being chased by a small platoon of Kudakks. "Uh...What was that?" Gaon asked. "Dunno, boxing." Boxing World muttered. =Hey….hey!= Cassia called out to the janitor =What's going on?! I thought we were gonna game later!= "Cassia-sama! I asked too many questions and now I am being chased! I don't know why!? No one will tell me anything!" he panicked while running around the Zenkaigers, his eyes catching sight of Kaito's Sentai Gear, "Yaya?" he blinked before noticing the Kudakks once more, "AH! Running away!" =Yon-Ju-Go BANG~!= =Hey wait!= Cassia shouted as bright flashes replaced the civilian forms of the team. =Zenkaiser~! Zenkai Juran~! Zenkai Gaon~! Zenkai Magine~!= "Kikai Sentai!" they declared, "Zenkaiger!" =...I got caught up in their nonsense…= Cassia muttered =...Oh fine! Round 2 it is then! Boxing World, let's bring the pain and TKO 'em with specials!= "Boxing!" Boxing World shouted as he jumped off the roof, only to be shot mid fall by Zenkaiser, "Cheap shot!" "This isn't a boxing fight!" Zenkaiser shouted, "You guys don't fight fair so I'm not about to take that nonsense from you cheaters." =Hmm...you're right...So let's fix that!= "Wh-" Zenkaiser began before Cassia landed before him, kicking his Gearttlinger out of his hands before doing the same to the others as their weapons clattered along the ground, "Hah?!" =There...now it's a fair and even boxing match!= Cassia grinned as she swung her tonfa at Zenkaiser. "If I can't have a weapon none for you!" he declared blocking her swing, before twisting her arm around. He grabbed the Tonfa before kicking her back sending her stumbling forward and into Boxing World. "I think you guys are forgetting that Zenkaiser is crazy athletic…" Sonic mused as he sped around and collected their gear and handed them back, "Not sure he even fully counts as a sharpshooter." "I'm really not." he shook his head. =Hey that's...AH! He backed me into a corner!= she realized. "We're the good guys, when we cheat, it's cool." Zenkaiser and Sonic chuckled together as they fist bumped. "That actually leads to my next question!" the blue Kikanoid shouted as he ran up to the two..while bringing the Kudakk's with him, "You guys are the Zenakigers, aren't you?! The team that's leading the Insurrection against Tojitendo?!" "Isurr-what?" Zenkaiser blinked as he pushed Boxing World's punch away before spinning around and kicking him. Gaon and Juran tackling into him to keep his attention divided. "Leading a rebellion," Sonic whispered to him as he kicked back a Kudakk. "Where did you get those Gears?! Did you steal them from Ijrude-sama and Eggman-sama?!" the Blue Kikanoid asked as he backed into Boxing World, pushing the Tojitendo monster into the arms of Zenkai Gaon and Juran as they held him down. "...wait. Ijirude...sama?" Juran repeated. "Eggman?" Sonic asked as he tripped Cassia, "Wait...you know blue bot too...do you work for Tojitendo?" "Until recently yes...Now its your turn to answer my questions!" the Blue Kikanoid declared as he pushed his back further against Boxing World, "Do your gears also have worlds trapped within them!? Why is one of you human?!" "Wait. Trapped worlds?!" Zenkaiser asked. "Please tell me!" he begged as he leaned back so much he was now basically laying down on Boxing World, "My Curiosity engine is going Vroon-Vroon!" "BOXING!" Boxing World shouted, throwing him off. "Again who the hell are you!?" Zenkai Juran asked as he swung his sword and cut down a Kudakk. "He's just some weirdo...ignore him...it's just another lousy Kikainoid…" Zenkai Gaon added slashing a Kudakk with his claws. =He's not useless! He's a fun guy!= Cassia argued as she kicked him back =...But...he seems to be in trouble if the Kudakks were after him...= "You know you'd be a lot cuter without the tech parts." Zenkai Gaon bluntly stated. =...= *BAM!* "Aahhh!" Zenaki Gaon screamed as he flew into a set of bushes. =I'm not cute! I'm cool!= Cassia complained. "Tsundere reaction...Kawaii~" Zenkai Gaon spoke as he got up seemingly unharmed. Probably due to his strangeness rather than resilience to actual pain. "If the Higher ups want him, I better catch him and bring him in, Boxing!" Boxing World spoke, dragging the blue Kikainoid up by his feet and began dragging him away. "AH! Hellllp! I don't wanna be scrapped!" he panicked, "Tasukete kudasai~!" "Wait...you're running from the Tojitendo?" Zenkaiser asked as he kicked a Kudakk away. "This is so confusing!" Zenkai Magine grunted using her Magine Stick to smack a Kudakk, "What should we do, Kaito?" "We'll help him!" he ordered, "Magine, you're up!" "Hai!" she saluted, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" she held her staff up as a banana peel with a little pink witch's hat formed just in front of Boxing Worlds feet. "AH!" he cried, tripping on it and landing on his back, "Slip Down!" "What?!" most others gawked, mostly from the grunts. "Now for you guys!" Zenkaiser spoke as he slotted another Sentai Gear. =NI-JU-KYU! BANG! MA~GIRANGER!= The image of a team of five Rangers with capes appeared before them. They all flew into one of the Zenkaigers before they all stood side by side. They all then produced a magical wand with an M shaped piece of metal at the top. "Magi Stick!" they all spoke before they circled and held their magic wands up and crossed them. They moved them apart as they formed into a Cross. The cross began spinning rapidly as the Zenkaigers except Zenkaiser moved away. He shouted and tossed the spinning cross of wands as it flew through the air and slashed through all the Kudakks. Cassia blinked as it zeroed in on her and flew right at her. =Wait! Your name means machine team! Why are you using magic!?= "Magic's not limited to just humans and Mobians!= Zenkaiser called out. =Ahh!= Cassia panicked as the magic circle was about to make contact...before something landed before her and slashed it in half =?!= "Cassia...Boxing World…." "GH?!= Boxing World and Cassia tensed up as they looked at the figure. The figure was an older female Mobian pronghorn, her fur a lighter shade of green while she wore a sleeveless grey coat similar to Eggman's shirt, a pair of white gloves with long pale gold cuffs, and a pair of black combat boots over her hooved, cybernetic feet. She was also wailing a metal staff with a pink energy scythe coming from the top. =S-Sis…= Cassia gulped. "Cassia...I told you not to underestimate them," the older pronghorn stated before looking at Boxing World, "And you…" "G-gomen nassai, Clove-sama!" Boxing World panicked. "Chance!" Zenkaiser called out as he and his team went over to the blue Kikainoid, "Sei no!" he grunted as they lifted him up, his legs over Zenkaiser's shoulder while Juran and Gaon took a shoulder, "Zenryoku~" "Nigerou!" Gaon and Juran cheered as the Zenkaigers...Ran away. "Zenkai Nigerou!" they cheered as Magine ran behind the boys and rang the church bell on their way out. "...Well, you're also new…" Sonic noted as he looked at Clove, "...Let me guess, the other leader of the Northamer Dark Legion?" "Correct." "Noted…" Sonic nodded a bit...before he ran off, "Later then!" "What an undignified retreat!" the blue Kikainoid's voice could be heard in the distance. =Wait...they ran?!= Cassia gawked =You can't just flee from a fight! That's just cheap..like Metal Slimes running away before you can get a chance to hit them!= "And yet they gave us an opportune moment," Clove pointed out before looking over at Boxing World, "Boxing World…" "GH?!" "Send out everyone you have under your influence," Clove ordered as she dismissed her scythe, "Have them go after that Blue Kikanoid...He must know something if the higher ups are after him…" she then looked over at Cassia, "And you…" =H-Hold on…" Cassia nervously began...before Clove grabbed her by one of her horns =Ahh!= "I told you not to run ahead," Clove sighed as she dragged her away. =Sis come on~!= Cassia complained before Clove stopped for a moment =?= "...I gave you an order, didn't I, Boxing World?" "AHH! R-right, boxing!" Boxing World quickly nodded as a microphone lowered down to his face, "Ahem! Attention everyone! We're taking in contenders for the Tojitendo Cup!" he declared as a pair of Kudakks ran up to him, holding onto a stack of posters featuring a shadow figure and the blue Kikanoid standing before a flaming background, "Your opponent is...him!" he shouted as the Kudakk's sent the posters flying into the air, "Now go out there and secure the win, boxing!" "Aaaaaaand stop!" Kaito called out, he and the others having cancelled their transformation as they stopped at a shopping center. "You gotta cut back on the heavy metal diet…" Gaon grunted. "Thank you very much," the blue Kikainoid sighed as he was left to get back on his feet, "You saved my life." "I'm Kaito," Kaito spoke up, getting his attention, "Kimi wa?" "Eh?" he blinked, taken back by this question. "What's your name?" Kaito asked, "You do have one right?" "If he doesn't, we ain't giving him one...that's how you get stuck with em…" Gaon muttered as Magine elbowed his side. "Name…" he paused, finally getting over for once being asked his name by someone, "My name is Vroon!" he happily declared, "I know it's sudden but please tell me all about your gea-Ghh!" he grunted as Gaon covered his moutplate with his hand. "Before we even tell you anything, you have stuff to tell us." Gaon groaned. "You said Ijirude-sama and Eggman-sama, and you talked to that Dark Legion brat like a friend. So what's up with that?" Juran asked. "Did you betray the Tojitendo and now you're on the run?" Magine asked. "N-no!" Vroon argued as he pushed Gaon back a bit, "I...I didn't mean to...I just asked something and all of a sudden Ijirude-sama and Eggman-sama want me dead." "..let me guess, you know something they don't want getting out?" Sonic guessed. "Hai." "Yeah...Eggman's not the type to let such secrets fly if he's having goons go after you," Sonic stated. "So then...you do serve the Tojitendo," Juran sighed. "Nu nu?" Magine asked in worry. "Ah...well...I just cleaned for them, I was just a Janitor bot." Vroon explained, "I don't think that counts as serving...I barely was allowed to do anything but clean. If I tried to...they'd zap and blast me…" "Yikes…" Sonic cringed at that, "No wonder that kid knew you..she's probably the only person that treated you with respect." "Hai...Cassia-sama and her sister are nice people," Vroon nodded. "The way said sister sliced our attack like a knife through butter begs to differ," Gaon muttered. "But that's because Clove-sama is protective of her sister," Vroon argued, "Especially with her condition." "..wait. Condition?" the group repeated. "Yes. you s-" Vroon began before he noticed a nearby vendor giving out balloon animals, "Oh! What are those!?" "Wait! Don't just drop a bombshell like that on u-and he's already gone," Gaon muttered as Vroon ran up to the vendor. "What is that? How is he able to do that so effortlessly?" Vroon questioned as he looked at the vendor making balloon animals in awe. "Well you gotta practice at it." Kaito explained, "These are Balloon Animals, they make them for kids and people to make them happy." "Only drawback is they deflate after a few days. Kaito, remember Mr. Puppers?" Sonic asked. "We lost our allowance those two weeks for the candy and blueberries we had to buy for Haseo," Kaito sighed, "Seriously, a teary-eyed Haseo is dangerous for one's health…" "Roll said he'll outgrow it when he's fourteen," Sonic noted. "How long is that?" "Six years." "Our wallets are doomed around him…" Kaito sighed."Flash you got any thing" he asked his cousin as he looked around he saw no one." Eh? Mina, where's flash, I thought he was hear with us." The others looked around and saw no one. "Guys!" The all except vroom looked at the direction of the sound and we're shocked to see a batter bruised flash coming towards them with a black eye, bloody lips and was coming to them. "Ah! Flash-san~!" Goan yelled as the others ran to him in worry."what happened who did this to you!" "Well... When you all ran to find the world... I ran after you guys, but soon the people who got infected by the world, boxing world I think right" he asked sonic who nodded." Well they start to notice me and soon I was In a boxing mach. But guess what, I won,..." He said almost out of breath" guess the lesson with roll helped." He almost lost conscious before Juran grab him by the shoulder to keep him steady. "Wow, relax kid. I think you doke enough" he said as he and goan helped him. "Anu, who is this person, why is he covered in bruises?.." Vroom asked. "This is my cousin flash and I was supposed to keep an eye on him." Kaito told him worried for his cousin health. " Ah, Yachan is not gonna like this." He feared. The zenkaigers gently put Flash down. "Dang it now we got to hurry and stop the world or more people will get hurt" Juran said. Vroon gasped as he zipped over to a display of fishnet stockings, "What are those? They look like nets...but can fit over your legs!" "Fishnet stockings," Sonic explained, "...Before you ask, they're for girls only." "Why?" "Just don't ask withou-" "Oh! Is that food?!" "And he's off again," Sonic muttered as Vroon zipped over to a nearby table, "Guy's really curious on the questions…" "He's a nerd, and in our world, Nerds don't get to thrive unless they show they have a talent of use to the Tojitendo." Juran spoke, "I mean, look at us; we're all a little strange." "Huh?" Gaon and Magine blinked before looking at the other and keeping flash steady, "No, yeah...you're a little weird." they said in unison, "Stop that!" "He's like a kid," Kaito chuckled, he then blinked as he looked to see Roll walking around looking concerned, "Oh! Roll-chan!" "Eh?" Roll snapped out of her expression and looked to the others, "Oh! Minna!" "What's going on? I figured you'd be dealing with boxing Haseo all day?" Kaito asked. "...Ano...I lost him…" Roll admitted with a sigh. "...Eh?" Kaito blinked at that. "I…" "Found you!" the group looked over to see Haseo standing there...while pointing one of his boxing gloves at Vroon, "Aoi Kikanoid kita!" "Eh?" Vroon blinked, stopping in looking at the food on the table as he looked over at Haseo...who began charging at him as he proceeded in trying to punch him. "I'm winner...!" Haseo declared, "Ko…! Ko…! Ko…!" he paused for a few moments to pant before resuming, "Ko…! Ko…! Ko…!" "Ano...Who is this? Why is he so little? How does he have two tails that are inverse of each other in colors? And where is that squeaking coming from when he punches me?" Vroon asked as Haseo panted again to regain his breath. "Mmm…" Roll pinched the front of her collar and tugged it before reaching her other hand into the opening and pulled out a small bell with tiny hammer that she used to ring the bell, causing Haseo to slump and pant, "Haseo-chan, why are you trying to punch this Kikainoid?" "Wanna...be...champion…" Haseo explained between pants before Roll pulled out a thermos, poured out a cup of hot chocolate into the cup/lid, and put it to his lips to drink. "Champion?" they asked. Roll looked at flash direction and soon panicked" Hah! Flash-san what happened?" The others quickly turned to him. "Well long story short. We were supposed to keep him with us but we ran off to fast and he got separated and soon had to fight a lot of people and he said he won but not much" sonic said. "Oh no, I get him back to Yatsude-san and papa they can patch him up." She said quickly as she grabbed him and soon blurred off. "Nani!? How can she run that fast? Is she like you? Does she have special powers?! My head is getting vroom vroom!" Vroom yelled. "Not now!" Goan yelled as roll came back. "Don't worry papa and Yatsude-san said they take care of him, but we gonna hurry." Wait...If Haseo-kun was made to chase down Vroon…" Kaito began. "Vroon?" Roll tilted her head. "This curious guy," Kaito pointed to Vroon. "Hello!" said Kikainoid waved. "...Then that means…" Sonic began. "Found the blue one!" the group looked over and saw Suu-san...pointing his boxing glove right at Vroon as he charged at him, "I will be champion!" "Oh that's not good!" Juran exclaimed as Gaon quickly caught the elderly man, only for Vroom to yelp as he barely avoided the boxing glove of a nun of all things. "I will be the champion!" the bride of the newlyweds shouted as Juran barely caught her. "Oi, oi, oi. Haseo-chan was here first!" Roll argued, "Wait your turns!" "Roll, wrong priorities," Sonic deadpanned with a drop of sweat going down the back of his head. "You're mine!" a doctor shouted as he ran in and tried to punch Vroon, only for the Blue Kikanoid to be pulled back by Kaito. "I challenge you!" the Nun shouted as she tried to punch Vroon next, only for Kaito to quickly pull him away in time. "That Boxing World guy is sending those infected by him after Vroon!" Sonic exclaimed, looking around before he zipped off and tied those that came in to fight Vroon together, "There...now you won't hurt him while hurting other people." "Mmmm...I'm...winner..!" Haseo grunted as he tried to hit Vroon...while Magine held onto him. "Ah...Roll, what should I do...I feel so bad holding him back, but if I let him go he could get stepped on by all these crazy adults!" Magine panicked with conflicted teary eyes. "Uh...uh….oh!" Kaito gasped, "The Library! Nobody will ever find us there!" "What's a Library?" Vroon asked. "Quietly…" Kaito whispered as the group were crouched down in the library, using a filled up book return cart to keep hidden. "Winner…" Haseo mumbled, being carried by Roll. "It won't count unless you're both in a boxing ring," Roll replied, "That's why we're trying to find one." "Winner…" "Can't we just let him bop the blue guy's leg until he falls asleep?" Gaon asked. "Wouldn't that be harmful? I am made of metal and he is a squishy little...thing...what...what is he again? I have little to no information on Mobians, and why does he have two tails? Why is this girl taller than the average Mobian and near human height?" he looked at Roll, "Why does this one not wear pants?" he looked at Sonic. "In order: he's a fox, he was born with two tails, their family has some of the taller Mobians in their family line and Roll lucked out on getting that, and because I don't like pants," Sonic replied. "I see…" he nodded simply. "Ne, Vroon, if all you did was clean...why are you now being chased by the Tojitendo?" Kaito asked out of concern. "Did you throw something out you weren't supposed to?" Magine asked in equal concern, and as if that may have been something she's done before. "No!" Vroon shook his head before he took a moment, "I've always been the type that can't stop wondering about something once it's gotten my interest, so I applied to the Tojitendo. I wanted to learn knowledge and technology that was out of my reach as a commoner." he sighed, "I served as a Janitor to Ijirude-sama, the Tojitendo head of science and technology. But all I ever did was clean and never learned anything, but my curiosity kept going, Vroon-Vroon…" he sighed, "I thought maybe I could learn more after the Tojitendo absorbed the Eggman Empire…" "Wait, what?" Sonic asked. "Ah...hai...Boccowaus-Daiosama sent his military officer Barashitara to collect the one known as 'Dr. Eggman,' and he was brought to join our forces with his technology, resources, and military might being absorbed by the Tojitendo Dynasty. He now serves as second in command of the Science division with Ijirude-sama and they have been working on the World Super Soldier Program together." "...Okay. That would explain why Grand Masters keep showing up with those World guys…" Sonic muttered, "...and I bet you've learned something pretty juicy if Eggman and Robo-Doc are after you." "And what did you mean by 'condition' with that Cassia kid?" Juran asked. "Well I...oh!" Vroon gasped as he shot up to look around, "What is this wonderful place?!" "Should've seen that coming," Sonic sweatdropped. "This is the library," Kaito explained as he walked up to Vroon, "Everyone is free to learn knowledge from the books here." he smiled as Vroon awed and began picking out books on cleaning. "Ohh~!" Vroon gasped as he grabbed the book, "Amazing...my curiosity is going Vroon-Vroon!" he declared as his head began doing a full 360. "Kaito, don't encourage him!" Gaon complained, "If you keep answering all his stupid questions, he's just gonna keep doing whatever he wants." "But...it makes him happy." Kaito smiled, "And that makes me happy. I love seeing how everyone is so happy with our new world. I like seeing him so interested in my world. Just like I like seeing Roll and Sonic interact with humans and Kikainoids each day. Everyone is getting together as friends. If knowledge makes Vroon happy, then he's free to pursue his interests in our world." "Kaito-san…" Vroon spoke up at that as he held several books, all about how to clean better, one even called Cleaning for Dummies. "Uh excuse me, can you move please?" a voice spoke up, earning Vroon's attention as he looked around, "...Down here." "Hmm?" Vroon blinked as he looked down, seeing a young two-tailed fox with bright orange fur and a white muzzle and underbelly looking up at him, wearing a pair of brown aviator's gloves, brown goggles with orange-tinted lenses, and a tool belt on his waist. "I need to get to that book on…" the fox began before he looked to the side and saw Sonic, "...Sonic?" "...Tails?!" Sonic gawked. "Sonic!" Tails beamed before a shushing sound could be heard, "Sorry...Sonic!" he quietly beamed as the two ran over for a quick hug. "Oh little buddy...I'm so glad you're okay!" Sonic replied happily, "I've been looking all over Japan for months...I kinda get lost in the forests a lot though...hehehe…" "It's fine…" Tails chuckled a bit, "To be honest, I've been looking for you as well in the Tornado." "The Tornado?" Kaito repeated. "Tails' personal plane," Sonic explained, "...Well, it used to be mine technically, but I gave it to him as a birthday gift after taking such good care of it." "You used to have a plane?" Magine asked. "Hey…" Sonic noted her tone. "He's not that good a pilot…" Tails chuckled. "Dude…" "Sorry…" Tails sheepishly chuckled, "But yeah...I've been searching for ya in the Tornado...granted when my sister lets me wh-" "Woah woah woah! Back up," Sonic held a hand up, making Tails blink a bit, "...Sister?" "Yeah." he nodded, "Why are you so freaked out?" "I can explain," Juran spoke up, "When the big boom that caused our worlds to mix happened, it had a sort of reboot effect on folks Sonic knows and his brain hasn't caught up to it yet." he tapped Sonic's head a few times for emphasis. "...huh. That actually explains a few things," Tails muttered as he held his chin in thought, "Lately, I've been dreaming stuff I don't remember...and yet felt familiar to me as well…" "Yeah, trust me. I'm on, like, the opposite end of that spectrum little buddy, it is trippy." Sonic agreed, "Oh right! These are new friends, this is Kaito..." "More or less his roommate." Kaito explained. "That's Juran, Gaon, and Magine..." "Yo~/Hello!/Hi…" they greeted. "And that's Roll and her little bro Haseo." "Konnichiwa," Roll greeted. "I'm winner…" "He's under a robot's control to try to box Vroon-san here, but we keep making good valid points on now not being the right time to box," Roll explained. "So sounds like same old same old, but with the Tojitendo guys on the news," Tails figured. "Hello, I am Vroon!" Vroon spoke as he cut off Sonic, "Did you just talk about how our Worlds fused?! Please, tell me everything! I must know!" he began shaking Sonic, "Wait. You know planes?! I have always wondered how they work!" He turned his upper torso around to face Tails, his legs still facing Sonic. "Woah…" Tails awed a bit before shaking his head, "Well we can head home to my place. Me and sis have it to ourselves anyway while mom and dad are out exploring the world." "A lot has changed...but...for the better." Sonic whispered to himself, "..oh! Tails please tell me you found Sal or the others." "No…" Tails sighed, making Sonic slump a bit, "But...I did find Nicole in her old handheld...after I had it upgraded for her." "Well that's one down." Sonic smiled. "Honestly I don't expect everyone we know to be here in Japan," Tails muttered, "It is just one island. There are tons of larger countries. For all we know, the gang is spread out across the Earth." "...World trip?" Sonic offered with a grin. "Well…" Tails began before he looked to the side, "...We can discuss it later. I think those people are here for Vroon." "Found you, Aoi-yaro!" a girl with boxing gloves growled. "Run," Kaito nodded simply. "Run!" Everyone panicked as Juran and Gaon dragged Vroon. "AH! My books! My knowledge!" "You can get 'em later!" Gaon complained. "In here, quick!" Tails hissed as he held a hanger door open, letting Kaito and the others quickly run in as he closed it shut, "Nicole?" =Already setting defensive procedures, Tails= a voice spoke up. "Ahh! Who said that?!" Vroon exclaimed before looking around the hanger, "...and what is this amazing place?! Do you live here?!" "You know, you're really freaking annoying…" Juran bluntly stated, "Gaon…" "Hai!" he cheered as he reached up and stole Vroon's glasses, making his optics narrow and squint to see anything. "Ahh! My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" he stumbled around a bit. "Can't see, can't be obsessed with new things." Gaon spoke while looking through the glasses, "Wah...his optics are blind as a bat…" he shook his head from the headache of looking through the glasses. "I think that's kinda mean...but he is kinda over excited," Tails noted. "Vroon, since we got a minute I have something I need to ask you," Kaito spoke up as he got in front of him, "You said worlds were trapped? What did you mean?" "Huh?" Tails blinked. "New to us, I'll catch you up after," Sonic explained, "Lengthy story." "Ahh...gotcha." "Oh..well…" Vroon began as he took a deep breath, "The Tojiru Gears are a revolutionary conquest technology that allows them to trap worlds into little gears. Bokkuwaus the Great used that very technology to capture all parallel worlds." "Now we just gotta deal with Boxing World," Kaito spoke, "But he's gonna have all those people as literal human shields. Eh...uh...come to think of it...it was mostly Humans…" he blinked. "There was a betting pool. Humans might be some strange combat species," Vroon spoke as he walked into a wall before yelping as a ringtone went off, "What is that? Why is it so catchy?" "Oh, that's me," Roll replied, digging into her tail and pulling her phone out, "Moshi-moshi? ...Hai, everyone's here. ...Hai, I can put you on speaker." she tapped on her phone, "It's Tou-chan." =Oi~! Can someone please explain why several of my patients decided to box themselves to the point I'm having to do emergency repairs on all of them?= Skye questioned. "It's another World. Boxing World," Juran informed. =Should've guessed. Well, I'm managing to minimize the damage here by dressing up as a referee. Already had to step out several times to get some Mobians to stop boxing each other. Managed to convince them that Kudakks give you Boxing Spirit Points that you can trade in for prizes= "Clever," Gaon nodded. "Well we got some good news," Sonic spoke, "First and most important of all, I found Tails." he declared, "Second good news, we got a Tojitendo defector with us!" "Hello!" Vroon cheered. =Oh, nice. Bring him by the shop once this is done with. I get the feeling you're gonna be needing to go Zenkai and I need to get to the lab to do my job of advice and jokes= Skye chuckled =Oh, and has anyone seen Haseo? I almost forgot Am-Am came here earlier asking if I saw him= "He got turned by Boxing World." Sonic explained. "But it's more cute than bad...since he lacks any power at all," Gaon spoke, "He runs out of breath after ten swings, it's adorable~" "Also it wore off after he met a pretty girl," Kaito blurted. =...Sakurai Harmonia Roll...Did Goshikida Kaito just say my baby boy met a pretty girl?= "Uh-oh. He dropped the nicknaming," Kaito cringed. =I shall...AH!= =What are you doing turning the lights down to brood!? Get to work already!= Yatsude snapped. =Yaya?! What are you doing in my shop?!= =Flash needs sleep right now, cause of all the beating he got and there is danger there so that's why I brought him hear= =Ahh~= Groaning was heard in the back. =Ah! Great you waked him up.= =Me you were the= = Sh it it= she yelled.=People are going boxing crazy! Amy-chan and I need an expendable meat shield to protect us as we take care of Flash!= =Wait, what?= =Be a man!= "That's Yacchan for ya...she can ruin anyone's attempt to be serious but glade thing Flash is ok right," Kaito shrugged to Roll as the call got hung up on, "But for now...we just gotta find Boxing World and those two Pronghorn sisters…" "Pronghorns?" Tails and Roll repeated. "Two new gals in the Dark Legion, apparently co leaders," Sonic explained, "And apparently one of them has a condition, but Vroon keeps getting distracted before he could explain what said condition is." "Oh! That's right!" Vroon recalled, "Cassia has a…" =We have a problem= Nicole spoke up =Eggman has been spotted nearby with some Eggpawns…= "What timing…" Sonic groaned. "This mission was given to us," Clove stated as she and Cassia looked at Eggman and Ijurude with an army of Kudakks and Eggpawns standing behind them with Boxing World standing nearby. "Yes, but this is personal," Eggman countered, "If you two are good, I'll let you keep the janitor's head as an alarm clock." =Wha…?!= Cassia's eyes widened at that =You're going to try and scrap him?!= "Of course," Ijrude replied, "He knows too much, child…" "Yes, so call this a collaboration in a way," Eggman added, "So step aside!" he ordered as he moved to walk past them...before Clove brought her scythe out, "...You dare…?" "He could still be brought in alive," Clove argued with a frown. "Well sorry, but your whole 'no conflict if possible' attitude won't work here with me," Eggman argued back before grinning, "Besides...you want to make sure Cassia stays healthy, don't' you?" "?!" Clove tensed up at that...before she sighed as she dismissed her weapon, "...m-more than anything…" "Good...now you two stay put a-" Eggman began. "Tojitendo! Eggman!" "What timing," Ijrude noted as Kaito and the others ran into the area, "We've been searching for you, Janitor." "Now be a good Kikanoid and come here to be scrapped," Eggman added. "You can't have him!" Kaito shouted defiantly, "It doesn't matter if he was part of the Tojitendo, we won't let you take him or hurt him! He's part of our world now." he walked forward, "You guys took worlds and locked them up...and now are using them to hurt ours. My Touchan and Kaachan, Aunty, and Uncle invented our Gears to help and explore worlds so we could be friends. I won't let you get away with this!" "Well too bad, boy!" Eggman shouted, "You can't stop us! Soon our empire will control the entire multiverse!" "Wrong!" Kaito shouted, "Everything you just said…" he pointed at the two evil scientists, "Is wrong! You'll never win, cause I'm here. I'll stop you, I'll fight you, and I'll win!" he looked to his friends, "Cause your not just fighting me. We're here, and you haven't won against us even once!" "He's right Eggy, Robo-Doc," Sonic grinned as he walked beside him, "You're not just fighting against the Zenkaigers...you're fighting the Freedom Fighters as well, only now its expanded to Kikanoids that don't agree with your guys' rules! So in response to messing with our blue buddy here.." he paused as he motioned to Vroon with his thumb, "You mess with one of us? You mess with all of us." "Ah!" Kaito cheered as he and Sonic fist bumped, "All of us together...Zenkaiger and Freedom Fighters...together we're unstoppable! Zenryoku Zenkai!" "Kaito...Sonic…" Vroon spoke in awe. "Glad to see Sonic hasn't changed," Tails noted with a small smile. "The kids are right. This big Blue pain is a lot to handle," Juran sighed, "But...he's not a bad guy. He just has to learn to shut his trap now and again." "Frankly, I still don't like cold and creepy Kikainoids. But if Kaito-Kun is gonna fight for him, that's enough reason for me to stand by his side." Gaon sighed. "Me too! I'll help Vroon-san!" Magine cheered. "I've only known him for a little, but in that time I know fully well that you aren't taking Vroon-san from us without a fight!" Roll declared. "Minna…" Vroon whispered. "Hmm….seems the janitor blabbed," Ijrude noted. "Indeed," Eggman added, "...Boxing World, scrap the lot of them!" "Ijirude-sama!" Vroon shouted, "No...Ijirude!" he corrected as he walked forward, "You never taught me anything." he clenched his hands as he walked past Kaito, "But today I learned…" he looked to his new friends who would stand up for him, "...about what a small world I was living in." he took a step forward, "Through learning, your world expands! And you want to strive to protect and learn more of that new large world!" "You're talking very high and mighty for a simple janitor…" Ijirude sighed, not seeming impressed. "And you!" Vroon snapped as he pointed at Eggman next, "...Never have I met such a cold hearted monster in my life!" "Oh I'm a monster? Ahh...like I haven't been called that before," Eggman yawned. "It's true, especially after what you've done with Cassia and her sister, the only ones to ever show me kindness! To do what you did to them…!" Vroon snapped, making Eggman tense up a bit, "Which is why I have a message for you and Ijirude…a parting gift!" he inhaled deeply, "MY NAME IS VROON AND I QUIT!" he turned to Kaito, "Kaito-san, let me fight too." Kaito smiled happily at that as Vroon stepped closer. "I want to learn more about this world with you! With all of you! I want to see a world where we can all be friends again!" he declared as the sisters of Cassia and Clove tensed at his words. "Arigatou Vroon." Kaito smiled as he turned to Roll, who handed him the last Geartlinger, "Let's fight together!" He presented it to Vroon, along with the Blue Gear. "Hai!" Vroon cheered, taking the Geartlinger and Gear, "..." He then paused, "Sorry, but could you please show me how this works?" "No shooting this time?" Ijirude asked in surprise. "Oh sorry!" Gaon cheered before he shot at a Kudakk. "Oh come on!" Eggman snapped, slapping the air in disbelief. =...Sis?= Cassia spoke, earning Clove's attention as the younger Pronghorn shot a sad look at her =We're gonna have to fight Vroon, aren't we?= "...It would seem so," Clove sighed sadly as she brought her scythe back out, "I'm sorry, Cass...but it has to be this way…" =Mmm…I always hate when this happens in games, but real life makes it suck even more...= Cassia sighed sadly as she brought her tonfa back out. "Vroon!" Vroon cheered with his own name as he held up his Sentai Gear and slotted it. =Yon-Ju-Go~! BANG! Ju-Roku~ BANG! Ni-Ju-Go~BANG! Ni-Ju-Kyu~BANG! San-Ju~BANG!= The chanting filled the air as Juran and Gaon spun around in place before aiming their Geartlingers forward. Magine and Vroon followed them as they spun around and aimed. Finally, Kaito finished the pattern as he spun and aimed, before they all fired. The Geartlingers fired out the large gear projections which swept over them and transformed them into their Zenkaiger forms. =ZENKAISER! ZENKAI JURAN! ZENKAI GAON! ZENKAI MAGINE!= Vroon's transformation was also remarkably different. His body grew even bulkier than before. His armor was all bright blue. With a large silver chest plate that looked like the grill cover to the motor of a giant vehicle. His arms had tires on his shoulders and wrists, and the armor was strong and bulky. His legs bulked out with large armored boots. His helmet was blue with two silver wings extending from the sides, a large metal face plate covering everything from the optics down. A large silver fin extending from his helmet as the number 30 stamped itself onto his forehead. =ZENKAI VROON!= "Himitsu no power...!" Zenkaiser began as he did his pose, "Zenkaiser!" "Kyoryu Power...!" Zenkai Juran began as he performed his pose, "Zenkai Juran!" "Hyakujuu Power...!" Zenkai Gaon began before roaring out in his pose, "Zenkai Gaon!" "Mahou Power...!" Zenkai Magine began as she did her pose next, "Zenkai Magine!" "GoGo Power...!" Vroon began as he held his hand out, flicking his wrist a bit before moving his leg as he pumped both fists inward, "Zenkai Vroon!" "Go-Nin sorotte!" Zenkaiser declared, holding his hand out with all five fingers held out. "Kikai Sentai!" they all shouted Zenkai Gaon and Juran standing to Zenkaiser's right with their right arms held out, while Zenkai Magine and Vroon stood to his left with their left arms held out, Zenkaiser himself standing in the center with both arms held up, "ZENKAIGER!" Their Symbol formed behind them, followed by a large explosion going off around them which knocked many off their feet from how sudden it was. =Finally! All five members are together, tune!= =So much power from the whole Five man team together, amazing!= Skye spoke. "Woah…!" Tails awed at what he just witnessed. "Eeyup. Pretty cool, huh?" Sonic asked with a grin. "Beyond belief!" Tails beamed as his rapidly wagging tails caused him to float up a bit. "Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser shouted. "Get them!" Boxing World ordered as all those he influenced charged in first. "Magine! Do the plan you and Roll came up with!" Zenkaiser ordered as he ducked several punches. "This feels like nothing!" Zenkai Vroon declared as multiple people punched him...but his bulky armor just ignored their attacks, "I'm brimming with Go-Go Power! Whatever that is!" "Leave it to me!" Zenkai Magine declared as she ducked under a swing, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" she held her Magine Stick up before a pink flash blinded everyone. All those influenced by Boxing World blinked as they heard another bell go off. Suddenly, humanoid familiars made of what seemed to be solidified darkness dressed in coach uniforms with pink witch hats on their heads appeared. Each began to quickly attend to one of the people influenced by Boxing World and sat them down, giving them towels and water. "Hai~ Interval time!" Zenkai Magine called out as she and Roll held up Interval cards to call a break. "Big deal! I can call more!" Boxing World called out as the mike lowered down, "Attention all fighters, come to me immediately!" he called out...only for silence to befall the area, "...I said now...why isn't anyone coming, boxing?!" "Boo-Boo!" Zenkai Magine crossed her arms, "It's Interval Time! They are all resting and some got beaten by. Flash so there not getting up!" "Wh-?!" "Also we called in a favor for some ice," Roll added. "Ice?" Eggman blinked, "Why ice?" "To make sure the combatants don't overheat, kyu." "?!" Eggman tensed, about to take a step back before he slipped on some ice that formed behind him, "Gah! Oh...my back…" "Nice timing, sis!" Tails called out. "Grr...you…!" Eggman began before a few of his Eggpawns were suddenly flash frozen, "?!" "Gomen…" a voice began as a figure landed before him and Ijirude, revealing a Mobian vixen with cream-ish yellow fur, her hair held up by a icy-blue hair band as she wore a icy-blue kimono, "But I don't appreciate manipulators and former tyrants threatening my home and little brother, kyu." "...That's your sister?" Sonic asked. "Yeah," Tails replied. "What a lovely and adorable Fox-chwan!" Gaon awed as he spun and scratched several Kudakk's before lifting one and slamming him into another. "Don't worry. To him, we're all like pets or something." Sonic explained to Tails. "Gotcha." "Impressive!" Zenkai Juran cheered as he swung his sword and cut through several Kudakks in a single stroke. "I made sure no one else would try and sneak in, kyu," the vixen explained as a Kudakk tried to strike her from behind...before her tail grabbed its spear as it split into a full set of nine with the other eight aiming their frozen tips at the grunt, "So you're good to go, minna-san, kyu." "How did she go from one tail to nine?" Zenkai Vroon asked, his weapon the Vroon Picker was a silver pick axe like weapon with two headlight additions at the top, which he used to hack at a Kudakk that got to close "Kaito-san, what is GoGo Power?" "I don't know to both," Zenkaiser replied as he swung around and kicked a Kudakk. =No clue on the former, tune. But the latter comes from your power deriving from the 30th Super Sentai, GoGo Sentai Boukenger, tune!= =I found their ultimate mech one of the more stunning to witness= Skye chuckled =Honestly, why can't more Super Sentai use all their mechs to make one big mech like that, huh?= =Not this again, tune…= "Who said that?" Zenkai Vroon asked. =Skye Sakurai and the little guy saying 'tune' as a verbal tic is Secchan= "Roll's Papa and Kaito's and Flash's friend!" Zenkai Magine added as she used the Magine Stick to bash a Kudakk away, "They provide support for us from a safe location!" she held her staff up as she rained pink lightning down on several Kudakks."wait how's Flash doing" =He's up and seeing the fight from hear.= =Yup and I'm loving the blue guy. The adventure rangers are my favorite aswell, but the ninja and magic one are the best= "Glade your up Flash cause stay tune cause the fight is gonna get wild" Zenkaiser said. =And also why is there a fox hear that looks like Naruto kyuubi= "Well explain later for now watch" he said as he went back to the fight. "Grr...being made fools of…!" Eggman snarled as he got up, "Cassia, Clove, Boxing World, get rid of them now!" =...= "I SAID NOW OR ELSE!" "Eggman!" Zenkai Vroon shouted, making him jump, "I still may not understand what Go-Go power is, but I know one thing for sure. You are a very horrible person...and deserve what's coming to you!" he held his hands up as they closed into fists...and doubled in size exactly for the job of punching something hard. "GH?!" "That won't happen, Boxing!" Boxing World declared as he threw his fist out, which began to ignite as they literally rocketed towards Zenkai Vroon, "Separating Knuckle!" "AH!" he panicked...as his body suddenly split at the waist and his entire torso shot up into the sky, a stream of heat seemingly keeping him aloft, the rocker fists missing and circling around, "That was dangerous!" he shouted while grabbing one, the momentum of the action making his torso but not his head begin spinning around rapidly. His legs kicked up some dust before charging at full sprint towards Boxing World. Unsure what to track, the Tojitendo monster ran out of time as Vroon's body reconnected and his momentum and spin was all focused into his right fist as it began glowing blue and punched Boxing World. "GAH!" Boxing World cried in pain as his mouthpiece was knocked out and smacked right into Eggman's face. "Gah!" Eggman freaked as he staggered back...right onto the ice as he slipped, "D'oh!" "Pfft! Okay...I l-" Sonic began in a chuckle before he narrowly avoided Clove's scythe, "Woah now!" "Please surrender," Clove stated as she swung her scythe to the side, "I don't want to cause any bloodshed today!" "Well you swinging that scythe proves otherwise!" Sonic shouted as he jumped back. "Don't worry, Sonic! I-woah!" Tails yelped as he narrowly avoided a punch from Cassia. =Sorry...but it has to be this way= Cassia muttered, a slight-depressed tone in her voice as she held her tonfa up before swinging for another strike. "Who says that!" Zenkaiser shouted as he swung and kicked, his leg blocking her next swing before it could hit Tails, "I may not understand why you do what you do...but you don't have to keep doing it!" he flipped his cape back as he held up his Geartlinger, "I don't know what Eggman promised you, but I'm sure we can fix whatever condition you have! Heck, we can probably get rid of those nasty cybernetics on you." =?!= Cassia tensed up at that, the younger pronghorn visibly trembling a bit =...You think I asked for these?= "Eh?" =You think I asked for my hearing...my sight...my senses to not work anymore?!= Cassia snapped as she swung her tonfa forward, the front opening to reveal a set of mini guns. "OH GEEZ!" Zenkaiser and Tails yelped as they began to run from the incoming laser fire. =I don't know what's wrong with me, but me and sis have to work with Eggman so we can get the cure for my condition!= Cassia snapped as she kept firing. "Gh!" Zenkaiser grunted as he used his cape to shield himself and Tails. "...She's right," Clove sighed before jumping back from Sonic, "We have no other way...Eggman knows the only cure to Cassia's condition." "How can you know that's true!?" Zenkai Vroon shouted, making them stop, "You act like that man knows so much of the world...but the world is vast and filled with knowledge to be discovered! That kind of world is what I want to protect! For in that world even my friends, the two of you can find new information to expand your world! That sort of ideal...is Precious to me!" "...That is sadly where our differences lay, Vroon," Clove stated in a neutral tone, "Unlike you….we can never be free to learn of such things." =Which is why we have to continue to work for that man!= Cassia shouted as she kept up the laser fire =I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL AGAIN!= "Then wait…" Zenkaiser spoke up suddenly, making Cassia stop in her assault,"Just wait for me then," he stood up, "Cause I'm going to be the First man in any world to Defeat the Tojitendo! When I do that, then you can be free regardless of if you agree with us! Say how hopeless it is all you want...I already decided to do it! Zenryoku Zenkai!" he declared as he pulled out a Sentai Gear, "So if you truly can't leave...then just wait 'till that day comes!" he slammed the Gear into the Geartlinger and began cranking. =Huh stealing the hero spot that's juts like you kaito= Flash said. =Ni-Ju-Hachi BANG! DE~KARANGER!= Zenkaiser roared as he ran forward as, in his hands, he now held two red and white pistols resembling halves of a police car. He aimed and began shooting, forcing the two Sisters to dodge out of the way of his shots. He grunted and flipped through the air before swinging and striking Cassia with the guns and knocking her over. He ducked back and dodged a scythe swing aimed at his head. He rolled around before suddenly kicking one leg back and striking Clove off guard. "Huh...That's a neat fighting style," Sonic noted "It's called gunkata, kyu," the snow vixen explained as she stood next to him, making him jump up a bit in surprise, "It's a type of fighting style used for close range combat while using said weapons to pistol whip the opponent." =That power comes from the 28th Super Sentai, Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, tune! The number motif on their suits is often used in their role calls with the largest number of them all being Dekamaster with a '100' on his suit, = Flash said. "How do you know that?" Juran asked =Skye and dad told me about them= "...uh...sis?" Tails spoke up as Sonic looked away with a blush. "Eh?" the vixen blinked before Tails pointed down...to show that she was in nothing but her icy-blue undergarments, "...Mou~! Again?!" "What are you doing?! There are children around!" Zenkai Magine panicked as she waved her staff and replaced her clothing. "Oh thankyu…" "It's something that happens when she uses her cryokinesis," Tails explained with a sigh. "Something I unknowingly picked up from my master, kyu…" the vixen sighed in embarrassment. "Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted, crossing his arms and shooting, striking both Sisters as they tried flanking him from the sides. He spun around and uncrossed his arms as he shot them both again. "Ha!" Zenkai Vroon roared as he punched Boxing World, making him stumble back, "I must fight harder as well...so I can help Kaito-san...so I can fight to free everyone from the Tojitendo and Eggman!" He wound his arm up and punched Boxing World, sending him flying away. "Well said, Newbie!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he jumped into the air and slashed his sword, sending Boxing World falling to the ground. =Boy, with all the weapons going around...Kaito, try using the power of the 17th Super Sentai, Gosei Sentai Dairanger with your team= Skye noted. "Got it!" Zenkaiser spoke as he pulled another Gear out. He quickly slotted it and began cranking as the Zenkaigers grouped up. =Ju-Nana BANG! DAI~RANGER!= A team of five formed this time as they split up and went into a Zenkaiger. As was usual, the Red went into Zenkaiser while the Green went to Juran, and the others matched their colors. They held their hands out as Red bo-staffs landed in their hands. The tops flashed as a weapon head formed, a naginata for Zenkaiser, a bladed susamata for Zenkai Juran, a spear tip for Zenkai Gaon, a Monk Spade for Zenkai Vroon, and a flanged mace for Zenkai Magine. "Lets go!" Zenkaiser shouted as they rushed and formed a circle around their enemies. "Ha!" Zenkai Gaon and Vroon shouted slashing at Boxing World. "Ike Magine!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he clashed with Clove, the unique shape of his Susamata hooked around the scythe blade as he swung the staff around and struck her across the face. "Hai!" Zenkai Magine shouted as the weight of her mace struck Cassia's tonfa, but still sent her sliding back and crashing into her sister. "Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted as he swung his naginata and struck both sisters with the bottom end of his staff knocking them over. He spun around and slashed Boxing World, making sparks fly. He then suddenly slid the other end of his staff, and began bashing the inside of Boxing World's knees, leaving his crotch exposed. "No...No! No no wait!" Boxing World began in a panic. *BING!* "Oooh~!" most of the males cringed as Boxing World collapsed, holding his crotch in pain as he fell onto his face. "My boxing bags…!" Boxing World squeaked out, "Cheap….shot, boxing!" "That was just cruel…" Eggman whispered. "Even I felt that…" Ijrude muttered. "Kaito why?" Juran asked. =WHY~!?=Flash, Skye and Secchan groaned in shared pain. "I'm sorry, but instincts kicked in with this Gear!" Zenkaiser exclaimed. =Still never hit below the belt in a fight! That's just...just…= Cassia began as she began to stagger a bit. "?!" Clove tensed up as she quickly caught her sister, "Your condition…" she quickly brought her hand up to her ear, "Starline, I need a portal open to the medical wing." =Wh-= "Now," Clove ordered in a tone that promised pain and death. =...Yes, ma'am= Starline squeaked as a portal opened near the Pronghorn siblings. "What?! I didn't give orders t-hey! Hey!" Eggman snapped as Clove began to carry Cassia into the portal, "Get back here and fight!" "Organics...so squishy and vulnerable," Ijirude sighed, shaking his head. "Shut up," Clove growled as she gave the two a death glare. "...yes, ma'am," the two mad scientists squeaked out as Clove carried her sister through the portal just as it closed. "That just leaves you!" Zenkaiser shouted as he pointed at the staggering Boxing World. =Hey, Cuz! Fight boxing with boxing! Use the 4th Super Sentai, Denshi Sentai Denziman,!= "Yosh!" he cheered, pulling out the Gear. =Yon~BANG! DE~NZIMAN!= A team of rangers formed before they flew into the Zenkaigers. They held their hands up as they were covered in silver metal gloves which crackled with electricity. "Denzi Punch!" they all shouted, rushing Boxing World while winding their arms up. "Denzi Punch!" they all shouted, rushing Boxing World while winding their arms up. "Boxing?!" Boxing World panicked as he was punched by Zenkai Juran across the face, Zenkai Gaon growled and punched him in the stomach. Zenkai Magine shouted as she jumped and landed a superman punch to Boxing World's face. As he staggered forward, both Zenkaiser and Zenkai Vroon landed uppercuts to his face which sent him flying high into the air. "Denzi Sticks!" they shouted as they each held up a folding dagger like weapon. They combined them together into a star-like shape, "Denzi BOOMERANG!" they roared as Zenkaiser began spinning the giant throwing star like weapon, electricity arcing off it before he tossed and let it strike Boxing World with a great explosion which knocked him back down to the ground faster. "How are we doing this?" Zenkai Vroon asked in amazement. =I like this guy! Never stop asking!= Skye chuckled =As for the question, it's in the Sentai Gear you used. We can talk more later about the why's and how's of it= "That seems most fair given all that is happening!" Zenkai Vroon nodded. =All the more important in finishing this off quickly, tune!= "Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser ordered as all five began cranking the Geartlinger. "All five at once, too!" Juran beamed. =Hero~! Super~ Zenkai Time!= "Wait...Time...Time! I need a corner…!" Boxing World grunted in pain, his bell falling off, "Uh-oh...Wait Bell! Bell! That's the bell!" he tried to back away before realizing he couldn't, "Nani?" he looked down to see his feet frozen to the ground, "Eh?!" "Wait...Time...Time! I need a corner…!" Boxing World grunted in pain, his bell falling off, "Uh-oh...Wait Bell! Bell! That's the bell!" he tried to back away before realizing he couldn't, "Nani?" he looked down to see his feet frozen to the ground, "Eh?!" "No running away now, kyu," the nine-tailed fox wagged a finger at him. "Zenkai Finish Buster!" the Zenkaigers shouted pulling the trigger and bombarding Boxing World with five beams of energy. The blasts hit with a powerful explosion which just wrecked his body, but it stood still. Boxing World began to cheer, only to look up and see the giant construct of the Zenkaiger's symbol as it spun around slowly...before dropping down and crushing his body 'till nothing but his Tojiru Gear remained. Off to the side, Magine's Coach familiars vanished at the same time the Boxing Tojiru Gear effect wore off. Their gloves vanished and the Familiars that were supporting them vanished, leaving many to suddenly fall on their butts to the cold pavement. "My back…" Suu-san groaned before he took notice of where he was, "What am I doing all the way out here?" "Oh!" Roll gasped as she ran over and pulled out a hot water bottle from her tail, "Daijobu, Suu-san?" "Ah Roll-chan...what happened? Why am I out here? And why is my doctor and the local Sister here, too?" He asked, totally confused. "It is a very confusing story to explain, Suu-san," Roll admitted. "They're back to normal!" Gaon cheered. "Yokatta!" Zenkaiser whooped. "Don't be celebrating just yet, Zenkaigers!" Ijirude demanded, "We still have one more trick up our sleeves!" "Kudaitest!" Roll shouted in glee. "Kud…" Ijirude began before looking at her, "Did you seriously just…" "Oyobidesuka?" The Kudaitest asked, poking his head from behind a larger building in confusion. "...Now you see how I feel with the hedgehog and his friends?" Eggman asked Ijrude in a deadpan tone. "Why are organic teenagers with attitude so annoying?!" Ijirude snapped, glaring at a now-sheepish Roll. "I got excited because of the giant robot…" Roll sheepishly rubbed the back of her head with a drop of sweat going down it. "Mou Roll! Try NOT to call out the giant robots!" Zenkaiser complained, "I shouldn't have to explain it…" "I can come ba...Ah?" the Kudaitest blinked as it stepped on the Boxingtopia Tojiru Gear, its body sparked as purple smoke rose up from its body and Boxing World's additional parts took their spot on the Kudaitest body template, "I'm filled with BOXING POWER!" Great Boxing World cheered. "Giant Kangaroo Robo~!" Roll squeed, stars in her eyes, as giant boxing rings began forming across the city. "Come on you…" Sonic sighed as he began pushing Roll to a good vantage point, "Tails, come on. And bring your sis with ya." "Where are we going?" Tails asked as he and his sister followed. "Well...For one, away from the stomping grounds..." Sonic muttered, making the siblings pick up pace and follow. "...Oh~ You're about to post a live stream, aren't you, kyu?" the kitsuen vixen asked Roll. "How…" Roll and Sonic began to ask. "Honey-chan's been watching it recently and wanting to have the hostess come in for a possible photoshoot, kyu." "Eh?! P-Photoshoot?!" Roll stammered as she blushed. "Yup...trust me. Once she has a new model for a project in her sights...it's hard to un-convince her, kyu," the kitsune vixen sighed a bit. "If we beat him, Boxingtopia will be free, right?" Zenkaiser asked Vroon. "Hai! That seems to be right," Vroon nodded, "...How do we do that?" "Like this," Zenkai Juran replied as he and Gaon held up their Geartlingers and flipped their Sentai Gears over. =BIG BANG! Go! Go! Go-Go-GO!= "Kikai Henkei!" both shouted as they began growing to giant stature. "Juran Tyranno!" "Gaon Lion!" "Yeah!" Zenkai Magine cheered. "How does that work?" Vroon asked in shock, seeing two normal Kikainoids grow to this giant size then transform into alternate formations. "Zenkai Gattai!" Zenkaiser shouted as his giant construct motioned the two Giant Zenkaigers together. "I'm slowly getting used to this!" Gaon Lion groaned as he transformed into his half of the body. "Good for you…" Juran Tyranno grunted as he did the same. =Gashin!= "ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!" the three voices of Zenkaiser, Juran and Gaon all declared as the giant robot held its sword up. "Oh right to it!" Sonic cheered as Roll just barely had time to set up. "Konnichiwa, minna-san~! Roll here once more for a Giant Robo Battle! This time we're taking it to a giant ring for the match between ZenakiOh JuraGaon and Great Boxing World~!" Roll greeted, "With me today is Sonic-san cause Flash got hurt by the world but also we have new guests Tails-chan and his sister~! Any comments on today's battle?" "Someone's gonna get a black eye," Sonic noted. "So cool~!" Tails awed. "Ano...konichiwa, minna-san, kyu," the kitsune vixen waved to the camera, "Miyuki Nanaya Prower here...hoping you'll enjoy today's stream, kyu." she looked back before she noticed the two combatants about it charge at one another, "MATTE!" "Eh?" Both Giant Robots stopped to look at her for a moment. "You're in a boxing ring...no weapons allowed, kyu," Miyuki stated. "Sis, I don't think that really matters when one of them is a bad guy working with Eggman!" Tails complained. "Oh soka…" Zenkaiser's voice spoke through ZenKaiOh as the robot looked at its sword and shield in confusion. "Opening!" Great Boxing World shouted before punching ZenKaiOh, making it drop its sword. He began punching ZenKaiOh several times as the Sentai Robot used its shield to block most of them. "Thanks a lot!" Juran's voice snapped at them. "Uh-oh...ZenKaiOh is mad at us," Roll cringed. "If the ring is distracting them, then we should get rid of it!" Vroon noted. =Good thinking! You can do the same thing those two did by flipping the Sentai Gear and cranking your Geartlinger= Skye informed. "I can?" Vroon asked. "Hai!" Magine replied as she held her Geartlinger up, "The four of us can because we're Kikainoids." "Soka...So this is our power as Kikainoids on the team!" Vroon nodded, "And Kaito's power is to unite us together to unleash even more amazing power!" he opened his Geartlinger and flipped his Sentai Gear over, "Like this?" "Exactly. Just don't aim it at yourself by accident," Magine advised. "She should know!" Gaon's voice called before ZenKaiOh got punched in the Gaon side, "Gah!" "Mmm…" Magine fumed as she flipped her Sentai Gear over and the two cranked their guns. =BIG BANG~!= "Kikai Henkei!" they shouted. "Magine Dragon!" Magine Dragon called out as she flew into the sky. "Vroon Dump!" Zenkai Vroon's body locked up as his arms lifted up backwards, his head folded down into his torso as his body flipped over. Landing on the tires from his arms, his legs folded over forward while his Vroon Picker landed atop and locked him into a vehicle mode resembling a Dump Truck. He then took off down the road and slammed into the ring making those on it stumble, "I'm cleaning up this annoying ring that's in the way!" he shouted as he powered through...and began demolishing his way through the ring. =Dang it, I'm missing all the fun= Flash grumbled =Don't worry your time will come soon= sky told. =Eh?= "Whoa!" Zenkaiser awed as ZenKaiOh jumped out of the ring and landed in another. "Ah!" Great Boxing World cried as bits of the demolished Ring rained on him, "Have you no respect for the ring, Boxing?!" "Sugei! The final member of the five core Zenakigers has made his debut! Vroon Dump kita!" Roll cheered as Miyuki frowned, "...What's wrong?" "I have to agree with the, ano, Great Boxing World was it?" "Hai," Roll nodded. "Thankyu. I agree with Great Boxing World! Does he not respect the ring, kyu?!" Miyuki demanded. "That's it! Second!" "You called for a Second?!" another Kudaitest shouted, coming out from behind a building. "...And agreement retracted, kyu," Miyuki frowned as her ears folded back. "Told ya...bad guys." Tails smirked at Miyuki. "Sorry...The former wrestler in me was talking, kyu…" Miyuki muttered in embarrassment. "Ah, it's cool," Sonic chuckled, "Though...What's with the second?" "Wait, they can do that?" Juran asked as ZenKaiOh blinked a few times. "Time out!" Roll called before running off and coming back with a rulebook, "Second...second…Soka! Second is an assistant who helps a boxer before a bout and during the rests between rounds." "Catch, Second!" the Kudaitest cheered, ignoring Roll as he went and caught Vroon Dump keeping him from moving. "Ah! He caught the dump truck!" Tails exclaimed, "Is that even allowed?" "Well, he's not interfering with the fight between Great Boxing World and ZenKaiOh," Roll noted. "Ah right!" Zenkaiser spoke as ZenKaiOh raised its shield to block a swing from Boxing World, "Alright...you want two on one...Vroon! Magine! Let's give them a Tag Match to remember! It's time for the second Zenkai Gattai!" He shouted as he began cranking his Geartlinger before shooting the Zenkaiger symbol out of ZenKaiOh JuraGaon. "EH!?" Vroon Dump exclaimed before Magine Dragon rammed into Kudaitest and knocked it away from her partner =Yay! You remembered!= Skye cheered. "Oh? Can it be?" Roll gasped as the Zekaiger emblem landed between Vroon Dump and Magine Dragon, forming a massive boxing ring, "It is! A second Zenkai Gattai has appeared! The Mystical Dragon and the Adventurous Truck are uniting as one in the ring!" "Domo!" Magine Dragon cheered. "What is a Gattai!? Why can't I move, why is there a giant Kaito!?" Vroon Dump was in the middle of a curiosity induced panic attack, causing Magine Dragon to giggle. =ZENKAI!= "Maaah!" Magine Dragon made a sound of opening her mouth as her Magine Dragon form opened along that section. Her body folding around as her head and neck formed into an arm, with her legs forming into a singular leg. Her wings and tail flying off. "This is Gattai?" Vroon Dump asked as his Picker and tires/arms disconnected, his body opening as the top half of the Dump truck form formed into an upper torso while the entire lower section formed the legs. =GASHIN~!= The two halves then slammed together. The bucket section of Vroon Dump unfolded into an arm as their emblems folded up along the torso to complete the united crest. The two small clamps then steamed as the wings of Magine Dragon linked to each shoulder as the tires of Vroon Dump linked to the legs at the feet for balance. =Zenkai Vroon~! Zenkai Magine~! ICHI! NI! SAN-SHI-GO! ICHI! NI! SAN-SHI-GO! ICHI! NI! SAN-SHI-GO!= "Sugoi~! When the Truck of Adventure unites with the Dragon of Mystics, the second great King of Full Throttle appears!" Roll cheered, "It's…!" =ZENKAIOH VROOMAGINE!= The head section finally opened to reveal the white helmet with a Pink and Blue 'V' crest and spikes extending from the ears. Green eyes flashed as it caught the Vroon Picker in its hand...but not as a melee weapon, a secondary handle folded out letting it be held like some sort of crossbow. Zenkaiser grunted, landing in ZenKaiOh VrooMagine's cockpit before he docked his Geartlinger. "SO COOL~!" Tails squeed, stars in his eyes. "This ring is a little cramped," Zenkaiser spoke as VrooMagine aimed its Vroon Picker at the Kudaitest, "Let's fight over there!" he shouted as it fired two blue energy beams that knocked the Kudaitest off its feet and launched it through the air to another ring a distance away. "Leave this to me!" Gaon spoke as JuraGaon swapped weapons to the Gaon Claw before rushing and began attacking Great Boxing World. Great Boxing World and ZenKaiOh JuraGaon traded blows only for the Gaon Claw to give the Heroic Mecha the edge in range as it raked the claws across the Tojitendo Robot's torso, making sparks fly. Great Boxing World roared and rushed only to be slashed across the chest. The monster robot grunted as he swung around for a punch, only to hit the Juran Shield in JuraGaon's left arm. The Mecha swinging the Gaon Claws up and raking them across the torso of Great Boxing World. =Man, this is pretty tight! Really wished there were some tunes to go with it,= Flash noted. ZenKaiOh VrooMagine swung and punched the Kudaitest with its right arm. The Kudaitest grunted, swinging its head around to strike VrooMagine's torso and making the Mecha back up a step. Both aimed and fired their beam attacks at the same time as they canceled each other out in an explosion. "You're not as strong as the other one, second!" the Kudaitest laughed, leaning on the ropes of the Ring. "Well then we'll just fight back with some heavy magic! Magine!" Zenkaiser ordered before the head was clamped by the two pieces which once hid it. =Magine~!= ZenKaiOh VrooMagine held up the Magine Stick like a club before swinging it down. "Nu Nu Nu Magine! Denryu Bakuha Match!" Magine shouted as the ropes began surging with electricity, making the Kudaitest yelp in pain as its back was now smoldering with surges of electricity and making it stutter, "Take this, you jerk!" "HOT-HOT-HOT!" the Kudaitest yelped. "Never bring a Second against a magician without being a magician themself," Roll advised. "I got burned, Second!" the Kudaitest grunted as he and Great Boxing World were pushed out of the Rings. "Now! Tag and Swap!" Zenkaiser ordered. "Tag and swap?" Miyuki pondered as the two ZenKaiOh banged fists together. "Oh~! The King of Animals and the Dragon of Mystics are switching partners!" Roll exclaimed as Magine and Gaon swapped, "Now stands the two Full Throttle Kings made from each other's half! First the King of Mystic Dinosaurs! Kansei..." "ZenKaiOh! JuraMagine!" JuraMagine shouted, flying forward and punching the Kudaitest and slashing with its wings as it passed. "And coming out for the next blow is the King of 100 Adventurous Animals!" "You mean 100 adventurous lions, right?" Sonic asked. "Ah mou, Sonic-san! We've been over this! It's a hundred beasts, not lions!" Tires screeching across the ground got their attention as the second ZenKaiOh raced down the road, "ZenKaiOh VrooGaon!" VrooGaon roared as it unleashed a barrage of punches while skating forward, each fist pummeling the damaged chest armor of the Kudaitest before rearing the right arm back as the Gaon Claw formed and swung with a powerful uppercut that tore the Kudaitest apart. "SECOND~!" the Kudaitest screamed as he was knocked over the ropes and exploded. =Ah, Kaito? Remember when I said JuraMagine didn't have a hissatsu? Neither does VrooGaon= Skye noted. "Eh? Honto!?" Zenkaiser asked in disbelief, "Then what was that?!" =Lots of punching and a claw uppercut. Plus, you didn't spin the Geartlinger,=Flash told "...Shoot, you're right, Flash," Zenkaiser muttered as he slumped. =But VrooMagine has one!= Skye assured, causing Zenkaiser to jump up in excitement. "Alright let's swap back, guys!" Zenkaiser ordered. "Okairinasai," Vroon spoke. "Tadaimasu~" Magine giggled as they returned to their original formations. "Yosha! The First VrooMagine Hissatsu!" Zenkaiser declared as he began cranking. "Ah~! My Second~" Great Boxing World sobbed, looking over at the ropes at where his second had exploded. "Oh Great Boxing World~!" Roll called, holding up a megaphone between her and Miyuki. "What?" the boxing giant robot asked. "It's the hissatsu~!" Roll and Miyuki replied. "Eh? Hissatsu? What hi…" Great Boxing World began to ask before he heard tires screeching on asphalt. =Super Zenkai Time!= "Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh VrooMagine's tires began peeling out before it took off down the road. The Vroon Picker held in melee mode once more as it began glowing a deep blue. =Don't forget to name it!= Secchan,Flash and Skye reminded. "Vroon Picker! Accel Strike!" Zenkaiser, Magine, and Vroon all declared as ZenKaiOh VrooMagine swung the Vroon Picker down three times, each swing leaving a glowing blue strike in the air with pink sparks radiating off them. Great Boxing World cried as he was slashed three times, his body beginning to spark and explode from the inside. "My burning white passion has burnt out, boxing!" Great Boxing World screamed as he and his ring exploded in a giant pillar of smoke and flames, his Tojiru Gear shattering within. After a moment, the rings began to vanish and back once more were the normal buildings and streets of Tokyo. "This means...Boxingtopia is free now!" Zenkaiser awed. "I believe so!" Vroon replied. "Yatta! Sekai Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as the two ZenKaiOh stood side by side and took a victorious pose together, "All OK!" "Ah~! What a marvelous finish to today's Giant Robo Battle! Not only did we have two enemy Robo with one being a Kangaroo Robo, but we also witnessed the birth of the second ZenKaiOh and the combinations both can deliver!" Roll cheered, "I hope you all had a fun time watching~! And make sure to come to Candy Cafe Colorful in Sumida, Tokyo~! Sayonara, minna-san~!" "So Kaito gets two giant robots," Sonic chuckled once Roll cut off the stream, "That's just awesome." "How do they turn big?" Tails asked excitedly. "How do I turn back!?" Vroon panicked. "Ahh...This is bad," Yatsude sighed as she looked at an ice cream dispenser with a boxing glove indent in it, "I blanked out and then I came to with this broken." "Yacchan!" Kaito smiled as the team returned, "Guess what...AH! What happened?!" He saw the mess the shop was in. "Ahh…" Roll gasped as she fell to her knees, "Not...the ice cream dispenser...with the strawberry ice cream…" "What is happ-Yaya!?" Vroon shouted, seeing the mess, "Oh no this will not do!" he declared as his optics flashed. An engine sound came from his torso as he began moving around the room as a blur, cleaning and repairing the shop. Everyone tensed as, when all was said and done, everything was sparkling clean and in pristine condition. Vroon finished waxing the table they and customers ate at. "Yosha...Perfectly clean!" Vroon beamed as Skye came out of the secret elevator with Secchan on his shoulder. "Wow. Haven't seen the store this clean since my first time here," Skye noted. "This is amazing!" Yatsude awed, "I've never seen anyone clean this fast. I think he even worked faster than Sonic-kun and Roll-chan." "I also repaired this odd machine which dispenses this pink frozen substance…" Vroon spoke, "What is this? I must know! Is it some sort of edible item? Is it for cleaning? What is it?!" the engine sound revved louder. "That is ice cream," Skye explained, "Specifically, strawberry flavored. Yes, it is edible. No, you don't clean with it and it'd only make a sticky mess if you tried." "Ice cream…" Vroon nodded, "Now...what is a...Strawberry?" he asked. "Divine," Roll instantly stated. "It's a fruit that is small, red, and my family loves it," Skye explained before offering a hand, "Sakurai Skye. You must be the final member of the Zenkaigers that is quite the curious fellow." "This is Vroon!" Kaito smiled, "He's my new friend!" "Ah...Kaito-san…" Vroon spoke in awe at that, "Hai! I am the newest member, thank you for having me." he bowed to everyone. "Can you guys keep it down" a voice called as they all saw flash getting up from under the table as they saw him having bandage over his hands. "Ah Flash your ok" Yatsude said as she went there and helped him up. "Yeah I fall asleep accidentally under the table and I heard some banging noises but left it off. So what did I miss." He asked as he saw vroom standing there. "Well this is vroom his our new friend and member." Kaito told flash. "Hello nice to meet you. Im just gonna ask how did you got those bruises?" Vroom asked him. "Well I ran in to some hypnotized boxing people but I managed to beat the all. But they still got me." Flash said wincing at the pain. "How many were there?" Sonic asked. "34" he simply said, the others were dumbfounded. "34?!" Juran asked his eyes widen" man that would have been one epic fight to fight them." "Nah, roll trained me as well as dad, so I pretty much knew how to deal with them." He said."so your now living with us" "Hi, I promise to help at any way." "Ah, a useful house guest like Roll-chan!" Yatsude smiled, "Welcome Vroon-chan!" "Oi…" several muttered. "You know what you do in the bedroom, Magine-chan," Amy deadpanned as she rubbed her hands, "Ugh...I blacked out for a few minutes. Mind explaining what happened?" =While Skye, Flash and I were safe in the base, outside a field where everyone went into a crazy boxing state. It must have happened when he became Great Boxing World, tune= Secchan noted. "Also, we ran into Tails and his sis," Sonic added. "Tails a-" Amy began as Tails and Miyuki walked in, "...AHH~! YOU!" she gasped excitedly as she pointed at Miyuki. "Kyu?" Miyuki pondered, pointing at herself with a tilt of her head. "...Ah! Now I recognize you!" Magine gasped as she and Amy developed stars in their eyes. "You're Miyuki! One of the top models out there and work alongside Honey~!" Amy squealed, "She did pictures for Honey's Boom and Dreamcast clothesline, both of which we own!" "Was that code for something?" Kaito whispered to flash. "I don't know...but if they begin screaming...we back away and run out the back…" Flash whispered back. "Translation: Miyuki is a model for a fashion designer for clothing lines that these two own," Roll 'translated' as she gestured to the pink hedgehog and Kikainoid, "Ah! I forgot to get Haseo-chan from Nicole-san!" "What is a model?" Vroon asked as Roll ran off. "There are several definitions," Skye replied, "But for this case? A model is a person who wears outfits given to them by fashion designers to wear for events. A fashion designer is a person who makes outfits that are considered popular." he grinned, "I already like this guy. Always asking questions and trying to expand his mind." "Hi, Flash ,Flash sentry" Flash greeted the new guests. "Miyuki....hm?" She looked at his bandage hands." Oh dear you have quite the fight. It's like you fought 34 people all alone kyu." "How did you..?" He asked surprised. "I was a former boxer Kyu" She told him as he nodded "I did, and it was hard but I won at last. Still hope they didn't remember me beating them." Flash muttered the last part. "That's amazing. You can become a great boxer with this talent." She told him "Nah I'm more of a kung fu guy and mostly want to try something other then Boxing." Flash told her. "Oh ok but if you want you can take some lessons from me I will love to help and my darling-san aswell." She offered. "Wait your married." Flash asked in surprise. "Yup, his name is white Kyu" she told him. While they were talking the others saw there attraction. "Well looks like flash found a new friend." Kaito said. "By the way Secchan, Can't Flash become a zenkaiger aswell, he proven him self that he can." Kaito asked Secchan but he shook his head =Sorry kaito he can't it was made for one human and Five Kikainoids,tune= he told him as Kaito frowned but Skye on the other hand just smirked, it's gonna be time soon. "Ah yes," Vroon spoke, "I've been meaning to ask you. Your Sentai Gears? Do they also keep worlds trapped within them?" =Nope. They just use the Super Sentai of other worlds as a motif, tune= Secchan answered =Dr Isao, Dr. Mitsuko , Dr Misty and Mr Trial wouldn't do something so cruel, tune= "Oi, what about me?" Skye deadpanned. =I didn't think I needed to, tune= "Isao and Mitsuko?" Vroon asked. "My parents," Kaito smiled before blinking, "Wait...do you know their names?" "Ah...well, I believe I once heard of two such scientists with those names being at Ijirude's lab…" Vroon spoke, making Kaito's eyes go wide Flash stopped talking and looked at them with shock and the room silent, "...what? What's wrong?" > GEAR 5:The Rolling and Grasping Sushi Tournament and The Silver Ninjas Entry! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Last time!= Secchan exclaimed, popping up under the table in the secret base =Vroon betrays the Tojitendo and joins the Zenkaigers! Young genius Tails and Sonic meet at last after six months in this new world and surprises the blue hedgehog with the reveal of him having a sister named Miyuki! At last, the Zenkaigers have five members! Huh? What did Vroon just say, tune!?= "...Vroon, could you kindly repeat what you just said? I think I got something in my ear," Skye slowly asked. "Hmm...I think I heard names like those in Ijirude's lab," Vroon muttered as he tried to recall whatever he could. "Eh?" Kaito, Flash and Yatsude gasped. "Toucha and Kaachan were in Ijirude's lab?!" Kaito asked excitedly. "Uncle and Aunty were in the wheelchair robots lab?!" Flash asked worried. "Vroon-chan, did you…" Yatsude began before she ran back and picked up the family photo of her Kaito a young Flash with there parents, "Did you meet these two, who are with these one?" "N-No!" he shook his head, "I only heard rumors of a pair of humans named Isao and Mitsuko having been there in the past." He explained what he knew to them in hopes it would calm them down from this sudden burst of curious energy the three humans were having. But...instead, this just made them go silent, their eyes growing sad and heavy, as if hope was suddenly dashed for them, "Eh?" he asked as the three just went silent. He then looked to Kaito, "They're your parents?" at that, Secchan flew in and began pecking his head hard, "EH!?" =That's what you ask with this mood, tune?!= Secchan snapped, pecking him relentlessly for the mood he just caused =We were the ones asking important stuff! Explain yourself, tune!= "Itai! Itai! Stop! I know not what I did!" =That's the problem, tune!= Everyone just turned to the three as Kaito turned away from everyone, finding a random spot on the ceiling more interesting at the moment, Flash looked at space as he was lost in his thoughts, while Yatsude just sat down at the table looking over the last photo of her son and daughter-in-law. The three for once...just silent, the normal vibrant energy of the Goshikida family members had just been drained from the atmosphere. Skye frowned, rubbing his chin in thought. "If they found a way to Kikaitopia…" Skye mumbled, "But would it have been before or after we met…?" he looked at Vroon, who was barely holding back the enraged bird, "When did the rumors start?" "Eh?! A-A-Ano...I-I can't recall exactly when but it's been going on for years now!" Vroon admitted. "Thank you," Skye nodded, "And to answer your question since Kaito, Flash and Yatsude are unable to, they're Kaito's parents and Uncle, Aunty of Flash two of my close friends that went missing years back." he rubbed the back of his head, messing with his long quills, "Look...It's getting late. Roll, Haseo, back to the house." Night came, hours passed but nothing helped the poor Grandmother and Son who lost a mother and father and Nephew who lost a Aunt and Uncle. It was so late at night, everyone had gone to bed for the night, deciding to pick things up in the morning. But Kaito just laid in bed, unable to sleep, his mind running a mile a second, thoughts and worries racing by so fast even Sonic would be left amazed. He grunted as he sat up in bed and looked out to his room, where Sonic was sleeping in a hammock he installed, while Juran, Gaon, and Vroon just slept on the floor...or in Gaon's case resting against the side of Kaito's bed. But Flash wasn't hear at all. "Zzz...St-Stay away...Why are you trying to color my arms blue…?" Sonic mumbled in his sleep, swatting at something in his dream, "Zzz…" Kaito said nothing as he slowly got out of bed, walking around his sleeping Kikainoid friends. He made his way to the door, intent on heading down to get something to drink to maybe calm himself enough to get some sleep. As he stepped over Juran, the elder red Kikainoid slowly began to stir, his servos moving him and his optics opening just a bit to catch Kaito exiting through the door. Juran, in concern, silently got up and followed Kaito as he made his way down the stairs. Kaito opened the screen door leading to the shop and blinked, seeing Yatsude and Flash sitting at the table in his pajamas and her in her sleepwear and a robe, with a single hair curler in her bangs, "Yacchan, Flash?" "Kaito?" Both binked upon seeing him. "So you couldn't sleep either, huh?" he sighed as he put on some slippers to walk around the store area. "Not after hearing all that," Yatsude sighed as she looked down at her tea cup. "Yup just got up to clear my mind" He told kaito as he was drinking milk. "Sounds like what you said in the past was probably true." Kaito spoke as he walked towards the kitchen. "Hmm?" "'You know them. They probably messed up another experiment while Skye was away, and were blown into another parallel world.'" Kaito quoted what his grandmother told him years ago as he looked at a photo of the family when his parents were still there. Neither aware at the moment Juran was listening in while sitting on the stairs. He was gonna make sure Kaito was alright, but he felt bad for listening in on this family discussion. He knew that even Kaito and His cousin had to have some worries on there mind, but he never imagined his energetic friend had so much going on over this. He knew his cousin will do this. "I'm sure they're doing well wherever they are," Yatsude noted as Kaito put the photo back down, "They'll return home safely someday…" she looked at her empty cup, "But now that I've heard that...I actually feel more nervous." she glanced out the window to Skye's store/home across the street, seeing the shop's light still on, 'He must be feeling it just as bad if he's working this late on something outside of the lab.' "Well, we'll just have to search for them," Kaito sighed, pouring a cup of iced tea for himself. He began gulping it down, when his mind began thinking. Vroon worked in the Tojitendo's base, his parents were there, Vroon came from there barely a day ago, how did he get here...wait a minute… "Pfft!" he suddenly did a spit take, spraying the still charging Secchan. =Ah that's cold, tune!= "Wow what happened? You hit something cuz" Flash suddenly asked seeing his cousin action.Suddenly, Kaito bolted towards the stairs, spooking both of them and Juran, who stumbled to move out of the way, thinking he was in trouble for eavesdropping. "I just got up because I had to use the bathroom-" Juran began as Kaito just pushed past him, sending him falling down the rest of the stairs. "Ah Juran you ok." Flash asked din concern as he nodded. "Vroon! Vroon!" Kaito shouted, entering the boys room as he ran to the sleeping blue Kikainoid, he quickly moved him over off his side to his back and began shaking him away, "Vroon!" "What is it? Is it morning?" Vroon asked, his optics squinting without his glasses to focus his vision, "Is the shop on fire?" "Vroon! How did you come to this world!?" Kaito asked, lifting him up, before losing his grip and letting the heavy Kikainoid land on Gaon's legs. "EEYOW!" Gaon yelped, jumping up as much as he could due to the heavy blue Kikainoid's weight, an arm shooting up and pushing up against the underside of Sonic's hammock, knocking him out and on them. "WHOA!" Sonic yelped, "Ugh...Is it morning already…?" "That's what I asked…" Vroon groaned, "Ah, I get it, hang on…" he muttered, turning over to look for the spot where he left his glasses, "I'll tell you just let me get my glasses…" he muttered while feeling around, "This way?" he asked, turning over the other side...further onto Gaon and Sonic, pinning them under his heavy armor frame. "Ah mou…!" Kaito groaned. "YOU FOOLS!" Boccowaus snapped, slamming his fist on the ground and sending everyone up into the air and landing on their backs, "Worlds that we've already captured are being restored?!" "Calm down, Boccowaus," Gege soothed as the leader slammed his fist once more and they flipped in the air before landing with Ijirude on his treads and Eggman in his arms as his fellow general was stuck underneath a tangled pile of Grand Masters. "But Gege…" "It just means we can capture them all over again, the game shall continue on~" Gege offered, "As long as we take this world, the rest of the multiverse shall be no problem!" "It's just as he says, your highness," Eggman quickly spoke as Ijirude dropped him, "Guh! Ugh…" he got up slowly, "So long as this world is caught, the others shall be as easy as tightening a bolt." "We've been researching ways on improving the gears at this time," Ijirude supported, "Please, just give us a little time…" "Yes, time, and we shall prepare something absolutely wonderful~" Eggman began as the two backed towards the exit before turning around and...running...they ran away. "Hmph. While they do that, it's Barashitara's time to shine!" Barashitara declared, throwing the Grand Masters off as he got up, Thunderbolt stuck on his torso cannon by her jacket as he reached out to the roulette machine and pulled on it, causing the wheels to spin until all three showed a picture of a piece of sushi, "Sushitopia!" he declared as the gear was deposited for him to claim, "A world of artisans in a delicate craft...Surely this should offer focus and unique abilities!" "That looks quite fun," Gege noted. "Those two built one for picking Grand Masters to accompany our troops," Barashitara informed as some Kuddaks and Egg Pawns dragged/pushed in another roulette with the handle big enough for Gege to sit on, 'Can't believe the squishy egg guy thought the bird would say something like that…' "Oh~!" Gege noted, flying off Boccowaus and landed on the new roulette's handle, causing it to lower and spin until an orca was displayed on all three, "Quite fun~!" "Who's this?" Barashitara turned to Lien-Da. "Akhlut," Lien-Da replied, "One of the heavy hitters of the Grand Masters. You may have heard of him from the grumblings of Tundra when he was assisting Koori World." "So that's what he's been muttering about in the medical office…" Barashitara realized, "...Well he looks like he thematically fits with Sushi World...this will do." "I don't know...sounds a little...fishy~" Gega laughed. "Kill me…" Barashitara and Lien-Da said in unison. "Okay...So why are we following Vroon?" Tails asked as the Zenkaigers, The blue hair teen, two hedgehogs, hedgefox, and twin-tailed foxes were walking around in the city early in the morning. "Kaito woke them up super early," Flash replied, "We barely convinced Kaito to wait for the morning before dragging us out because we didn't want him to become the First human to anger a sleeping group of girls from their beauty sleep." "Yeesh," Tails cringed. "Speaking of...where's your sister?" Amy asked. "She and White had to meet Honey for a photoshoot," Tails replied. "Who?" Sonic asked. "Honey, she's the cat Amy and Magine were…" Tails began. "No. This 'White' guy," Sonic corrected. "He's Amy's big brother?" Tails reminded, earning a raised brow, "...Another weird thing you don't remember?" "Yep. I know she's a cousin to Rob o' the Hedge, but a big brother?" "How could you forget about White?" Amy asked in surprise, "Especially after the last time you ran into each other! You both looked like giant rainbow-feathered chickens when he tripped on that pebble onto your EX Gear." "...N-Noted," Sonic blinked, 'Okay, seriously...what am I not remembering in this new timeline? In fact….what else could have changed?' "Wait so white is your older brother figure Miyuki was talking about yesterday right" Flash asked the young genius. "Yup, he's like a brother figure to me and always look out for me, he even helps in management. He's really good at those things." "Huh, then I will like to meet him once this is over." "Trust me you'll love him." Tails told him. "At least it's a nice morning." Juran spoke up, trying to change the conversation for Sonic's sake, "Not too chilly or warm, and the sun is shining just right! This is the kinda morning where you want to make the best of the day." "True, Juran-san," Roll noted, "It seems like a nice day for some sushi later." "Mmm~" Haseo rubbed his stomach as his tails wagged. "Don't worry once this is over we can go eat there, my treat this time" Flash told. "Yay~!" Haseo cheered and soon became bouncing up and down. "Oh! It's right here!" Vroon spoke up, stopping before an alley, "I came this way." Everyone stopped and looked to see a fairly normal Alleyway between two shops. It even leads towards a fence separating the shopping district from the suburbs nearby. It looked...just normal, so normal it felt like an honest let down given how weird adventures often became. "This is...Where?" Kaito asked as he looked around. "I know what's going on. There's a secret passage, right?" Flash asked. "Oh!" Sonic and his fellow Mobians all nodded in realization, all of them spreading out and looking for any secret opening or switch. "Man...A secret passage to a base," Sonic chuckled, "Reminds me of the secret slide for Freedom HQ." "So we just gotta find whatever the Tojitendo use to get in and out!" Kaito spoke as he opened up a trash can. "Here!" Gaon cheered, opening a little cabinet, before jumping back as Flash and Sonic both just dove in headfirst. "Not it…" they groaned. "No, no, no," Vroon shook his head as he walked into the alley...and pointed at the sky, "I came out of there." "Are they in space?" Tails asked. "No," Vroon shook his head as he gestured to the sky, "Around here!" he motioned with his hand again, "To reach Tojitendo Palace, you must pass through a Parallel World Gate!" "Parallel World Gate?" Haseo repeated, tilting his head. "It is a method of traversing to other worlds through directly from the Palace. It's comparable to teleportation, but can reach any Parallel World. I was chased out of the palace by the Kudakks and accidentally tripped through one of the portals they used to drop troops into this world. I ended up landing in this very spot afterwards, and from there I just ran...and then I ran into all of you and then we…" "Vroon...We already know that part," Amy spoke up while patting his shoulder to get him to slow down. "Oh yes right!" he chuckled. "Alright...I get it!" Kaito declared, getting everyone's attention. "Get what?" Juran asked. "Oh it's the idea look..." Flash, Sonic and Roll muttered, seeing his eyes. "Juran, Gaon, sorry," Kaito spoke as he moved them around, "Juran, get down here, and Gaon, you go here!" He pushed Juran down and made Gaon bend over a bit. The way they were set up they looked like...steps? "Wait, he's not…" Amy realized. "He is" Flash told seeing this. "If that's how you came here...I should be able to get to that world from here," Kaito smiled as he took a few big steps back, everyone else clearing to the sides, "Ikuze Zenryoku Zenkai!" he cheered as he began running. "Wait, what?!" Gaon asked as Kaito stepped off Juran's back and onto his before leaping high into the air. "Ooh…" the others awed at the distance he got. "He's not gonna make it," Tails muttered. "Now you can't be sure of that," Amy argued. "He's falling, isn't he?" Roll asked, not looking out of embarrassment. "Hai/Yup…" Haseo and Flash covered there eyes. "AH!" Kaito cried, face planting into the pavement. "Hmm, where was it?" Vroon asked, walking around while looking at the sky, "It was somewhere in that vicinity...but I was so panicked I didn't have time to make a proper note of where exactly in terms of coordinates…" "Kaito!?" Gaon panicked, running to his side, "Are you okay? Did that old junker bot trip you up!? Reply, my best friend!" "Ugh...I got the angle wrong…" Kaito grunted, "I'll try straight on this time!" he smiled, taking a few steps back. "Kaito, that's not the problem!" Gaon panicked, stopping him. "For all we know, organics like Humans and Mobians can't use the portals," Tails noted. "Hah!?" Kaito gawked. "Well...technically there are the Warp Rings, but those haven't been seen in a while…" "Well then let's find one!" Kaito declared. "Kaito, if stuff from their world hasn't popped up, maybe it's not here," Flash spoke, "Only parts of our worlds got fused together after all." "He's right," Amy noted, "It's not like entire chunks of Mobius are now in the streets, just people." "Ah mou…" Kaito groaned. "Hmm…" Amy muttered as she grabbed some of the more mature members of the gang, "I think Kaito needs to talk about something." she whispered to them. "I didn't want to say anything, but he is a little overcharged…" Juran replied, "I think this whole parent thing has got him out of whack. Roll,Flash you and Kaito are essentially like family, anything to add?" "It might be about yesterday when Vroon-san said what he said," Roll suggested. "I'm also worried about him he won't be able to focus much and can get him self hurt if not helped." "Soka…" Juran nodded before a scream went off, "!" At a nearby park, everyone was screaming as a giant hand reached out and grabbed a man on his moped. A second hand reached up and gently pressed him down as a flash went off. The hand put him down as clumps of giant white...rice?...was stuck to the moped, the man himself now stuck to the seat of his vehicle and, try as he might, he couldn't lift himself up at all. In the distance, morning joggers and people walking their dogs were all pressed into and stuck to the playing equipment for kids. "Thanks for waiting!" Sushi World shouted. His head was a large white box with two red lids atop that made his head look like a Nigiri Sushi roll with green eyes flashing. His arms were covered in shields resembling conveyor belts and each one had two plate like attachments. Atop them were these metallic pieces that resembled either nigiri sushi or maki sushi. Flanking him were Kudakks and EggPawns, two of which were holding up Sashimono flags with a large Tojitendo symbol at the top and a small little Eggman symbol at the bottom. "I'll press everything using Sushitopia's power, sushi!" Sushi World declared. An EggPawn offered a large bowl of water to Sushi World, who quickly dipped a hand into it. He proceeded to make his arms become a blur at a jungle gym. Yet to the Kikainoids, humans, and Mobians on the recreational equipment, it was as if two giant hands were pressing onto them and causing them to be stuck to it by rice. "Chirashi sushi, order up!" Sushi World declared as he turned to the Grand Master with him, "How's the ika sushi you ordered, sushi?" "Hmm...It is delectable and the parboiled grilled tentacles are a good compliment. A perfect dish for conquest." The Grand Master was large, roughly bigger than the average human male. Which made sense due to him being a Mobian Orca of all things. He was muscular with broad shoulders, a metal dorsal fin atop his head, a mustard-yellow version of the uniform the other Grand Masters outside of Lien-Da wore, and unusual eyes that were green with black scelera. He was currently sitting seiza with his meal before him. "Excellent, Grand Master Akhlut!" Sushi World beamed before grabbing a sheet of seaweed from the Kudakk on his left and wrapped up a frightened human woman and Mobian dog together, "Nori Maki!" "Oi! Oi! Oi!" Juran shouted as the gang walked into this scene. "Nanda kore?" Kaito asked in awe at this strange new ability, people were being pressed into stuff...like sushi, he then turned his face to see what World it was, and now it kinda made sense honestly. "Irashai!" Sushi World greeted the group of heroes like a chef would his customers. "Uh...What World are you?" Vroon asked, adjusting his glasses. "Sushi obviously," Juran deadpanned as he slapped his chest a bit. "Orca seems new yet...familiar," Sonic muttered as he stopped near the Zenkaigers. "Akhlut!" Amy gasped. "That's Akhlut!?" Sonic gawked, "Wow...Guess the Genesis Wave made him lose a ton of weight...and gave him arms and legs…and-and I'll just stop talkin' from the shock..." "Hmph...the hedgehog," Akhlut snorted with a small frown as he ate the last piece of his meal before standing. "Dekai!" Flash and Juran gawked. "Oh...he is tall," Vroon noted, "I was under the assumption that tall Mobians are...not that tall…" "Sea-dwelling Mobians tend to be larger than most others," Roll explained, "One of my ancestors was a great white and the portrait done of the family is still one of the biggest from her alone." "Roll... Is your family a animals library of all there DNA is it" Flash asked, she simply nodded making him gaw at her family tree. "If they come together, maybe organics can pass through that portal…" Tails muttered. =Bang-Bang~ Bang-Bang~! Zenkaiser!= At that, Zenkaiser ran past all of them as he rushed the Tojitendo duo. He rushed and kicked a Kudakk away before swinging around to bash one across the face with his Geartlinger, "Get out of my way!" he shouted, shooting several from point blank range making them spark and fall over. He then grunted and swung his hand down as he chopped through an EggPawn, cleaving it in two. He growled as several EggPawns and Kudakks pushed him back and away from Akhlut and Sushi World. "Ah, he jumped the gun!" Gaon exclaimed. "Eh? But he has his gun right there and we have ours, but he didn't jump over us...How did he find a gun to jump over?!" Vroon exclaimed. "It's an expression," Gaon deadpanned, dope slapping the blue Kikainoid. "Back him up!" Juran ordered, pulling his Geartlinger and Sentai Gear out. =Zenkai Juran!= Zenkai Juran rushed and swung his sword, cutting through the grunts holding back Zenkaiser. He turned around to slash at another Kudakk before raising his shield up to block a punch from an EggPawn. "Kaito! What are you…" Zenkai Juran began before Zenkaiser rushed past him again, "AH! He did it again!" "Hey, got any blaster for me to shoot them." Flash asked the young fox. "Yup always keep a spare." He told as he pulled out a blaster and gave him one aswell. "Nice" he start to shoot the egg bots. "Kaito! What are you…" Zenkai Juran began before Zenkaiser rushed past him again, "AH! He did it again!" "HA!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping as he aimed his leg and landed a flying sidekick to Sushi World. He then looked up at Akhlut, "You!" he shouted, taking him off guard as he jumped and began climbing up up his body before making his way to his back and wrapping his arms around his neck and legs around his torso, "Take me to Tojitendo Palace!" he shouted as he made the giant Mobian stagger around. "...No." "Wh-?!" Zenkaiser began before he was suddenly forced off Akhlut, the gem on his forehead glowing a bit as Zenkaiser floated in the air, "Ahh!" "Your mind is fogged," Akhlut stated as he forced Zenkaiser in front of him, "I heard that four of you Zenkaigers gave Tundra a hard time...and yet, all I see is an angry child and his toys." "Gh…" Zenkaiser grunted, trying to get free. "Come on…!" Flash grunted, trying to pull a Mobian bear off a bench. "So sticky…" Magine grunted, trying to pull a little kid off the jungle gym. "Is Sushi always this sticky?" Vroon asked, falling over after losing his grip on an older-looking Kikanoid stuck to a tree by some seaweed wrap. "It's gotta be that weird green gunk on them," Tails guessed as he helped him up. "Maybe it's wasabi," Amy guessed. "What kind of wasabi makes you stick that much?" "My Super Wasabi!" Sushi World declared, "Humans, Mobians, and Kikainoids are such difficult ingredients to work with! I need a little extra help with them!" he raised his arm, "Missiles A and B!" two of the metallic Nigiri Sushi pieces on his arm shields that looked like his head launched off and flew through the air, their little eyes flashing as they locked onto targets like Sonic and Zenkai Juran. "Why is it always seeker missiles?" Sonic rolled his eyes before running off with the missile after him in hot pursuit. "Ah come on!" Zenkai Juran complained as he took out his Geartlinger and began shooting at the missile as it circled around him, "Why does a missile do that!?" "They could be heat seeking," Roll noted, tripping a Kudakk while carrying Haseo on her back. "Looks like!" Sonic called out as he zipped by her, the missile still hot on his tail, "Meaning I can do this!" he grinned, curing into a ball as he zipped right through the opening in Sushi World's legs. "Huh? What wh-FUGAH!" Sushi World cried out as he got hit by his own missile. "Mmm…" Haseo mumbled as he looked at the wasabi, "A-Ano...It's like normal wasabi, hai?" "I think so," Roll noted. "Can't we use soy sauce to dissolve it then?" Haseo asked. "EH!?" Sushi World exclaimed, jumping up with smoke coming off him from where he had been injured by the missile, "Iie! You have to keep the soy sauce as clear as possible for the best look! Don't dissolve my super wasabi in it!" "So...it does work?" Flash blinked, given the Kaijin's reaction confirmed Haseo's theory. As he avoided the incoming missile's. "..." "Take that as a y-" Sonic began before yelling as he started floating in the air. "Enough of this nonsense," Akhlut frowned before moving his head a bit, causing both Zenkaiser and Sonic to go flying into a nearby park bench, "Sushi World." "Hai!" "No you don't!" Zenkai Juran shouted, shield bashing Sushi World. "Unagi~!" he cried, falling over. "So you move stuff with your mind...that doesn't seem fair…" he grunted as he aimed his Geartlinger and began shooting at Akhlut. "Ugh...I hated all of that…" Sonic groaned before Zenkaiser stood up, "Whoa!" "You're taking me to Tojitendo Palace!" he shouted as he rushed at Akhlut, only having a moment to blink before a barrage of punches struck his stomach. Zenkaiser grunted as he jumped up and swung his legs in a scissor kick that grabbed the Mobian Orca by the neck, he grunted putting all he had as he tried to take away Akhlut's air, the manuver making Akhlut grunt before he was flipped over and slammed into the ground. "You came from there, you can take me!" Zenkaiser shouted, lifting one leg up and bringing it down on Akhlut's face several times, only for the Orca to grab his leg, "?!" "Do not...give me commands, child," Akhlut scowled as he stood up, holding Zenkaiser up by the leg before he tossed him hard through a few nearby trees. "Ah man...Kaito's really off his game," Sonic grunted, getting back to his feet before he took a moment to think about what he'd been saying, "Well...I guess anyone would be…" he looked to Akhlut, "Juran, you guys take care of the lunch platter! I'll take care of Shamoo." "I'm coming with," Flash told. "You got it!" Zenkai Juran nodded. "Another round, hedgehog?" Akhlut asked with a smirk. With that, Flash went to attack with as Sonic rushed and rolled for the Spin Dash, only for Akhlut to stop him with his telekinesis. "Stop with these child games," he then soon used his crystal and scanned there minds."Him as annoying as usual you are hedgehog. Like last time you are still the same but have changed a bit more." He then checked flash mind." Him interesting, You are like the white boy, but, your different, your waisting your potential on the stupid game for power. Your mind is still not right. Your lacking something." Flash heard that and was confused hearing it from a bad guy. "What do you mean not in the right mind? I help others how ever I can." "Yes but you still lack at it. Your keeping your self back, your not showing what you can do." Flash was confused hearing that. Meanwhile Zenkai Juran grunted as he rushed over to help Zenkaiser up. "Kaito, get a hold of yourself! You can't win by rushing in like that..." he groaned. "Ah...right...I just…" he grunted as he shook his head. "Opening!" Sushi World shouted as he held his hands out, summoning the giant arms which grabbed both Zenkaigers. "Ah! Kaito!" Gaon gasped, releasing the pair of scissors stuck in the nori he had been trying to cut. "Now let's see...two fish...Nigiri wrapped in nori!" Sushi World declared as he put them on a wooden bench while another hand grabbed the offered nori, "And...bingo!" his hand released and revealed Kaito and Juran bound to the bench by nori and rice. "N-Nani!?" Kaito exclaimed. "It knocked us out of our Change Zenkai!?" Juran gawked. "Zenkaigers on a bench is ready!" Sushi World laughed. "One more!" Akhlut ordered, sending Sonic Sushi World's way."you on the other hand, are not needed in this battle, your not showing what you can do, so give up and go back. You're waisting your time hear." He then flung flash back sending him to where haseo and goan were as he landed there. "Ah! Flash/ onni-chan!" "Gotcha!" Sushi World declared, making his hand once more as it engulfed Sonic and Roll before she could reach the blue hedgehog, "And…" he dipped his other hand into the bowl before grabbing another nori, "Press-press-press…and wrap and.." he made a second hand and put them together before a light shined inside, "Kita!" he released it and revealed a normal-looking sushi with the fish replaced with Sonic and Roll pressed together, "Behold! Hedgehog and Hedgefox Combination Sushi!" "I'm surprised he got that right…" Gaon muttered as he put Haseo on his back. And was helping Flash get up. "Master Akhlut made me read the files we have on all of you before I could start my mission, sushi," Sushi World admitted before pointing at Sonic, "The one on you is mainly filled with variations of 'I hate that hedgehog,' sushi." "At least we know the writer is clearly Eggman," Sonic grumbled, "Ah...he stuck us back to back so our quills can't pierce anything!" "Hold on, I think if I…" Roll struggled. "Oops. Almost forgot the key ingredients for you two sushi," Sushi World noted, "For the combination Hedgehog and Hedgefox Sushi, the su and wasabi." "Su?" "Rice vinegar," Roll explained before the left side of Sushi World's head opened and a canister popped out that blasted the condiments. "W-Whoa!" both yelped as the blast rolled the sushi around until the wasabi followed up, halting them...and while it did flip them over, the wasabi was coating their quills. "Mmmm!" Sonic muffled out as their faces turned bright red. "That...seems either a total accident or totally on purpose…" Gaon muttered, blinking a few times, "Sonic! Hold your breath! Don't waste precious oxygen!" "What is she doing!?" Amy gawked. "I don't get it. Why is everyone acting like that unlike when their backs were together?" Vroon asked. "Dude, you got to learn about teen books and romance, you'll find out then" Flash told him and saw the scene. "Onee-chan...Onii-chan…" Haseo facepalmed. "And now for the Human-Kikainoid Combination!" Sushi World declared, "With how annoying you've been...Western Wasabi!" "There's more than one kind of wasabi?" Vroon asked. "No wait, don't...AH!" Juran cried as they got gooped, "HOTHOTHOT!" "ATSUI~!" Kaito exclaimed. "Powdered horseradish, food coloring, thickened with flour and mustard powder," Sushi World explained, "Unlike the natural wasabi made in Japan, that is Western Wasabi." "Why is it so hot!? What's wrong with them!?" Both of them complained, "My nose is melting!" "You bastard, how dare you tortue Kaito-kun like that! He's innocent and kind!" Gaon shook a fist at Sushi World. "Oh gee thanks for the concern, Gaon!" Juran snapped. "And with that, today's serving is complete!" Sushi World declared as he gave a bow. "So long," Akhlut snorted before giving Flash his final look who saw it. "Ah! Matte!" Gaon snapped as he charged at them only for an EggPawn and Kudakk dressed in all black with black cloth masks over their faces threw down smoke bombs that obscured the Tojitendo troops and dissipated, revealing them to be gone, "Gah! How did they do that!?" "A-a-a-a-ano...T-Tatsukete?" Roll pleaded, trying hard to not let out noises as Sonic was now struggling and his face turning purple. "AH! What do we do!?" Gaon panicked, looking at both sushi rolls made of his friends. "Uh...Well Gaon and Kaito should be fine for a bit," Magine spoke, "Despite the fact they totally look like fatty tuna…" "Stop it now," Juran cut her off. "Sorry!" she quickly replied, "The real problem is...well...for lack of a better term...Roll is smothering Sonic. And he'll be dead in an hour." "MMM!" "Maybe thirty minutes…" Flash corrected. "P-Please hurry…" Roll begged as Sonic began to squirm even harder, "Ahn~" "You stupid sushi!" Amy growled as she stomped over and grabbed Roll's shoulder, "Haseo, grab the bottom half! Tails, pull on Sonic." "R-Right/Hai!" the twin-tailed foxes replied as they ran over and grabbed the bottom of the sushi and hedgehog. "Guys, stop, it happens in anime and I think will happen now if you do this.." but Amy cut him off. "Shut it".Amy grunted as she pulled. Sonic quickly gasped loudly once oxygen was available before Amy took a step back in her pulling and slipped on a bit of the nu, "WHOA!" *CHU~!* "!?" both froze with bright red faces getting brighter. "Well...At least he's not losing oxygen…" Tails mumbled, facepalming. "Aww~" Gaon spoke, "They did a chu-chu…" *PIKO!* "They are not pet dogs booping each other on the nose!" Amy complained, standing over a downed Gaon with smoke coming out of a metal lump on his noggin. "...I think Onii-chan got Onee-chan's first kiss," Haseo noted. "Yeah, and I think they like it" Flash noted. *PIKO!* "Moving on!" Amy declared as she stomped away from Gaon, now sporting a second bump to go with the first. "E-Even mad...Amy-chan is...kawaii…" Gaon twitched. "Is it me, or is she acting like Sakura from Naruto" Flash whispered to haseo who also saw the similarities. "It's no good. Nothing can remove the people," Vroon spoke up, adjusting his glasses as he looked over Kaito and Juran, "The only way to free them is to destroy Sushi World. Which will be a difficult task with his supporter being that big and oddly powered Mobian." "Mmm...Oh! Leave him to me!" Magine offered. "Oh, I get it! Akhlut may be psychic...but Magine's magic!" Tails realized. "We also have the problem of finding them," Amy pointed out. "Brr…" Gaon shook his head as he got up, the bumps vanishing as he did, "I have an idea!" he declared, getting their attention, "I will save my best friend and Sonic and Roll! Trust things to me, Kaito! Your second in command…" "Wait, what?!" Juran shouted. "Onwards to Candy Cafe Colorful and the market!" Gaon declared, scooping up Haseo and Tails as he ran off, "Ikuze~!" "Don't just abandon us!" Juran shouted as the others hesitated before following Gaon since he was the only one with a plan of any sort, "Our friends are terrible…" he looked to Sonic and Roll, "You two okay, or still stuck in La La Land?" "W-We're alright," Sonic replied as the two Mobians were trying to not look at one another with heavy blushes. "Oh come on, Sonic...We both know this isn't your first time kissing a pretty lady…" Juran sighed, "Roll on the other hand...you take time to process, kiddo." "H-Hai, Juran-san…" Roll mumbled. "M-More importantly…" Sonic coughed as he looked at the citizens, "We...bungled up, didn't we?" "No...I screwed it all up…I shouldn't have been thinking about Tousan and Kaasan..." Kaito spoke, getting their attention, "I should have been focused on stopping Sushi World with everyone. Because I was selfish...I let everyone down…" he sighed, "Ah...Regret Zenkai…" "Kaito…" Roll and Sonic spoke up, hearing him say all that. "Bakayaro!" Juran snapped, "Of course you should have been thinking about your parents! How can you not?! They've been gone for years...and now you learned that the Tojitendo might have taken them! It's okay that you were upset...you're not just upset for yourself, you're upset for Yatsude too! For Skye...you're all one big weird family and you all miss them!" "Family…" Sonic whispered, his thoughts going to three hedgehogs with quills as blue as his own, 'I haven't thought of them for months now...a...are they still here?' "Here," Yatsude spoke as she put the last of a large amount of ingredients and supplies on the dining table. "So they're stuck in the park...as sushi?" Skye asked, wanting to confirm the situation, "And you tried the soy sauce on the wasabi, right?" "It didn't dissolve," Haseo replied, his ears drooping. "And no one tried to eat it to free them because…?" Skye asked. "It's too spicy," Magine admitted. "And weird," Amy added with a cringe. "It's seemingly more of an atomic level at which everyone was pressed into something, Skye-Hakase," Vroon spoke as he and Tails had lab equipment with them, "We were able to take a sample of both types of Wasabi used to stick them in place even better. It seems along with being tasty and...very spicy...they act like a subatomic glue." "Also it seeps through clothing and fur…" Tails added, "It's why Sonic and Roll's quills can't cut out of the stuff, the wasabi glued their quills together and dulled how sharp they can get." "Meaning that the best method to free them is to blow up Sushi World," Skye nodded. "So that's why you need all this set up?" Yatsude asked. "Exactly!" Gaon spoke up from the kitchen, "As team leader while Kaito is gone..." "Who voted on that?" Magine bluntly asked with an annoyed tone. =We may need to draw straws after this, tune= Secchan noted. "...I had to come up with a plan to lure out that annoying sushi jerk!" Gaon went on, ignoring the two. "I'm interested to see where this goes," Skye whispered to his fellow intellectuals. "I am concerned…" Vroon muttered. At that, Gaon walked out dressed like an actual Sushi chef, headband included. "I'm concerned, too," Tails muttered with wide eyes. "It's quite simple, my adorable furry friends...and robot sidekicks." Gaon spoke. "...If I smack him so hard he conks out...would that make me the backup leader?" Magine asked as Amy held her back. "Let's hear him out…" Amy offered, "Maybe he's got something useful?" "Our plan is simple: we're gonna make Sushi Rice!" he declared, "Our enemy isn't Nigiri World! Or Maki World! He's Sushi World!" "Um...So your plan is just to make rice?" Tails asked. "No, no. Sushi rice! There is a fundamental difference between normal rice and sushi rice," Gaon replied. "Nu nu?" Magine tilted her head. "Maybe there's something within that detail?" Amy asked. "Simple! Sushi World used his powers to press things into others, he turns people into the Nigiri, and he needs something to be the Sushi Rice, meaning he is compelled to press sushi ingredients into rice," Gaon explained, "Thus!" he pointed to Secchan. =You're going to lure him out with Sushi Rice since...it's his theme, tune?= "Exactly!" Gaon declared as he held up a large bag of rice, "I had to spend all of my paycheck for last week on this important ingredient: Koshihikari!" "Oh…" many nodded in confused awe. "The best quality rice made in Japan," Skye noted, "You have the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt to make the mixture for the rice while it's still hot, too. Even the fans to cool it down while you mix." "Do we have a location for the ambush?" Vroon asked. "Ah…" Gaon held up a finger before slumping. "There's a quarry outside of the city to the northeast of here," Tails recalled, "I honestly checked their first when I was looking for Sonic since it could be considered dangerous and you know him." "How long will this take?" Amy asked. "Let's see...to get perfect rice...All night," Gaon spoke. "I'll get some coffee brewing," Yatsude informed. "...Hey, Yaya, mind making four bento while you're at it?" Skye asked. "Hm?" Yatsude pondered. While they all were at it Flash was sitting alone as was still thinking about what the whale said.'what does he mean by not showing what I can do?' He's thought were interpreted by Skye as he tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey you ok flashy," He looked at him seeing the concern look he saw the others were busy. "Yeah.... Yeah I am." He told him but skye can see the lie. "Really, your not actually honest you know." He catching his lie." Come on tell me what's on your mind kiddo," Flash thought about it so he decided. "Can we talk in private then." He asked. Skype nodded. Both were at Skye house now sitting in the chairs comfortably. "So what seems to be bothering you." Flash was silent for a moment and soon answers. "Do you.. think I'm missing something." He asked in hesitation. "Missing? Missing what my boy?" He asked in confusion. "Am I missing something, that's blocking me for helping others." Skye heard that and was again confused." I mean I help others even in hard time and I like it but what Akhlut said really got me." He told him." He said I was lacking something, I was holding my self back and not letting me show what I can do.... What does he mean by 'what I can do' I am showing what I can do" Skye was quite and listen what all he had told him. And finally he spoke. "Flash, I think, what he meant by 'showing what you can do' he meant to say was show what your true self can do." Flash was now a bit confused. "My....true self." "Yes, see when a person is doing he's best and showing what he can do is mean he's showing what the real him can do." "Your saying, I'm not showing what my true self can do." "Yup, don't get this the wronged way. But your holding your self back. Look at Kaito for example. What do you see." "Well he's energetic, his kind, and helpful, and he loves to explore and make friends, he even able to do impossible things not others can do. Like catching up to sonic, trying to do jump up from buildings, and even going to another dimension to make friends." He smiled remembering those days. "That's right, and do you know how he's able to do that" "Cause" flash thought about it." Cause, he's kaito." He answered" he can do all those things because, he's showing his true self. He doesn't let others get him down or be scared." "That's right. And what have you been lacking." He asked him. Flash thought about it and start to see what he was lacking. Courage, luck, power, or mind. He thought about it but couldn't find what he was lacking. "I.... I don't know" he told Skye." I guess Akhlut was right. I am waisting my talent." Skye frowned at that." Don't say that, your dad was also like you. He always love to help people and he never gave up while trying." "That's the thing. I'm not like dad, he was great from the beginning and he always was up on his words." He said in frustration "But look at me, a highschool boy who has no power and try to help some magical girls who have power and ends up causing harm to him self!" He then signed." Guess dad and I are different." Skye saw his expression and soon start to get the picture. "Flash, I wanna ask you" he said getting his attention." What does it mean to have courage." Flash got confused by that. "Courage?... Well it's about showing how you’re not afraid of what could happen anymore." He answered. "Nope" Skye made an x sign with his arms." People usually assume courage is the absence of fear, but it’s not. Courage is the ability to act in spite of fear; to trudge forward even if things seemed bleak and hopeless.It is all risky for sure. But when you think about it, many risks are present in life as well. If people spent their whole time living in fear of those risks, then we wouldn’t really be living, wouldn’t we? When it comes down to it, life is all about having courage to face the unknown future.” he told the teen" your dad was the one who told me those words him self. He said he was afraid at first but soon got the courage and found his true self on helping others. Beside it's not a job to help others, it's a responsibility." Flash heard this and was surprised. He never thought it that way. "If it helps you much then I'll be leaving then. I gotta give some food to the others."Soon he took his leave leaving flash to his thoughts. "Minna!" Kaito spoke up once night came around, "Our friends will definitely save us, so just hang in there!" "Uh, Kaito...that's, uh…" Sonic nudged his head towards where some of the younger victims of Sushi World had been pressed into sushi on the underside of some swings that were giving deadpan looks. "Sorry…" he chuckled. "Hey...Kaito," Juran spoke, earning his attention, "You told me your folks made the Sentai Gears and the Geartlinger with Flash's parents and Skye. But...you never told us that they were missing." "It's not like it was a secret. But...I don't like talking about it," he explained, "I have Yacchan and Flash and Aunty misty and Uncle trial...and we have Skye, Roll, and Haseo. We all formed this sort of little family together, even then the families were missing some pieces. I don't want to talk about it and make Yacchan sad, or make Skye feel bad, I know Roll and Haseo and Flash probably get how I feel, but I want to make sure they are happy here. So I try not to bring it up." he admitted, "Then we just kinda started to add more and more, Sonic, you, and the rest of the gang. The shop is so full of friends and family, I don't want to make it feel like that's not enough…" Juran looked over to Roll and Sonic as he let Kaito's words sink in, "Mm...yeah, I get that." he sighed, "There's something I haven't told you guys yet," he got their their full attention at the prospect of a secret that Juran of all people kept from them, "My family is also missing." "Eh?" Kaito and Roll blinked. "It happened way before I came to this world." he explained, "Well...it's not that uncommon for commoners of Kikaitopia to just up and vanish. It's just how we have lived since the Tojitendo took over." "...I honestly don't know about my family," Sonic admitted, "Ever since I realized things got messed up because of what happened six months back, I don't even know if they're here, if they're alive...or even if they exist anymore." "Sonic…" Kaito spoke. "That's why you kids are more then a little dumb…" Juran spoke, "It's why I want to help you, I want to reunite Kaito with his Mom and Dad," he sighed, "I want to help Sonic find his folks now, too. You don't know if they are or aren't, so what's the harm in looking for them? Unlike you kids...I know I'm probably never gonna see my family again, but I can do all I can to make sure all of you find yours." he sighed, "You guys don't gotta do it alone, so let us help once in a while! Kaito, you and Sonic don't have enough brains to do this alone! So let us help, like when you scouted me." "Juran…" Kaito whispered to get his attention, "You're kinda mature, aren't you?" he chuckled. "One of you kiddos has to be," a voice spoke up, the four managing to turn their heads to see Skye walking over, a bag in hand. "Skye-san!" Juran spoke in surprise. "Heard you guys got into a bit of a sticky situation," Skye joked, causing Roll to try to get a hand free just to facepalm, "Brought you all some grub from Yaya and to give you a bit of an update on the situation." "Ah…" the four blinked twice before four stomachs rumbled simultaneously. "Knew it," Skye chuckled. "...Ah, Skye." "Yeah, Juran?" the hedgehog asked as he opened up one of the bento and pulled out some chopsticks. "How did you meet Kaito's and Flash's parents anyway?" Juran asked. "Heh. Oh that's a bit of a tale," Skye chuckled, "It was around when Kaikai and Flash were four and those four were doing their first big experiment on world travelling. I was actually on my way to interview for a position in the Acorn Kingdom's R&D division. One moment, I was reaching for the door...the next, I was in the epicenter of what remained of their first test." he rubbed his head, feeling a phantom bump, "It was also the moment I learned that Yaya with a frying pan is a scary thing to one's noggin." he poked Kaito's cheek with the chopsticks, "You, mister, were a cheeky little goober at that age. You were nothing but giggles as you introduced yourself and got me another whack of the frying pan." "You got put into a pet cage, too," Kaito faintly remembered. "And Mitsy forgot to lock it, which is another reason why I got that second whack from Yaya," Skye confirmed." But flash on the other hand was different he was mostly scared but he still got the courage to talk to me and even try to understand me." "So you ended up here by total accident?" Juran asked, "What next? Were you stuck here?" "Not really. After I finally convinced them, after a few more frying pans, that I was a nice guy-Kaikai and a good boy Flashy was a big help there-, we managed to figure out what just happened," Skye shrugged, "After that, we managed to reproduce it without the machine going 'boom' and, well, we made a bit of a visiting system in place." "Soka...Wait, is that why you had the basement off limits back home in Neighpon?" Roll asked. "Yep. Remember that due to certain issues that Mobians weren't exactly all that trusting of Overlanders." "Overlanders? I think I heard that term before…" Juran noted. "They're humans, but they don't have a pinky finger due to genetics," Skye stated, "But do folks pay attention to that tiny detail? No...Because of course they don't." he huffed, "Honestly, it's a big reason why Isy and Mitsy, Misty and Trial never came to Mobius because of the worry of what'd happen if they were spotted." "How many times did Kaito and Flash somehow sneak over?" Juran asked. "Roll and Haseo thought he was an imaginary friend until this all happened Flash went after him because he worried much," Skye chuckled. "I'm pretty sure that one neighbor of yours still thinks I was some kind of Yokai," Kaito muttered, "To my credit...I could get into their crawl space from outside...and loved making a lot of noise." "You gave Aphy many a headache when that happened," Skye nodded. "My kaa-chan," Roll replied, her ears drooping a little, "She wasn't with us when this happened, so we don't know where she is." "So that's why Kaito said he doesn't want to make you feel bad, just like him you're missing someone you love, too," Juran realized, "All this time, this goof worked so hard to make you all feel like family. No wonder he went wild the moment Vroon said what he did." "Um, well...To be fair, I would've been here sooner," Skye noted, sheepishly scratching his cheek. "Eh?" the four blinked twice. "There may or may not be a few indents in the ground shaped like me under the spot Vroon said he came out of," Skye admitted. "..." Roll began to giggle at that as Sonic cracked up laughing. "Oh sure, laugh at the papa," Skye muttered, "You just be ready, Sonny. Because you're gonna have to handle my little Rolly tomorrow." "Huh? Handle?" Sonic paused in his laughter before Skye shut him off by stuffing his mouth with some lo mein. "You'll find out once you wake up," Skye snorted, giving some to Roll, "Had to convince AmAm to take over a duty for Rolly tomorrow, too." "Duty?" Juran and Kaito repeated."Ah! Before I forget. How's flash doing. I saw he was down that time when he left with others." "..." Sky didn't say anything." Well, his finding him self actually." "Hm?" The four said. "He's trying to find an answer to a problem but his not finding it yet. I helped him. I hope he finds it till tomorrow." "He will.... He always does. "Kaito told." What makes you think how I got out of trouble before. By tomorrow I believe he will find what he's looking for." Flash soon woke up in Skye place. He falled a sleep there yesterday. Soon he got up and went to the bathroom. He soon checked him self in the mirror after washing his face. 'your just holding your self back from showing what you can do.' 'Trial told me that he was once afraid but soon got the courage and showed his true self' The words rang in his head as flash thought why he was being held back. *Flashback* A young flash sentry was seen sitting on his dad lap. "Hey dad, I wanna ask something" "Sure what's up?" "Well, what does it make to become a hero, a better person." He asked innocently. "Hahaha.... Well Flash a hero and better person. Well do you know why they are so cool." "Cause they fight bad guys and look awesome!" He cheered. "Close but no" he told him." A hero is a person who has a responsibility given to him for him to fallow. He uses he's power wisely and not for his own selfish gains. And a better person is a person who shows his true self to others. He shows what his passion is and how he wants to help others. The same thing about them is that they always show there true self. And that's on helping others in need no matter what even if the people turn on them they still help them no matter what. That's what is great about them, do you now understand." The young Flash looked at him and nodded but he fully couldn't that time. *End* Flash soon remember that time he had with his dad and remember his talk. He wanted to help others as thought he will get a better chance in life like this. But that was selfish. His true passion it was of helping others even if he doesn't get anything in return, even if it means to be hated from others, That's his true self. "Now I remember,.." he whispered" now I know what was holding me back." "So you ready to answer." He looked back and saw Skye standing at the door way his arm crossed and had a look of understanding. "...." Flash thought about it and soon answered. " Yeah, I want to help others, it's my passion, and my desire. It's my true self." He said." All this time I thought I will get anything from helping others, but that was selfish of me and that was the reason I held my self back, my true self back." He looked down" But that changes." He said in determination." I want to help others, it's not for any rewards or complement but it's about doing the right thing and it's my responsibility to help them. That's what my true self is and I'm done holding back." Skye smiled at him, he finally found it. "Looks like it's Finally time." He said as he went to his drawer and soon pulled out a big case with the zenkaigers symbol on it. Flash was confused as he went to check it. Skye put it on the table and then opened it. Flash saw what's inside and soon developed a surprised look. "Your kaa-san and tou-san told me to give you these when your ready. And looks like you are." Skye told him. "Okay, one last check," Gaon spoke, "Battlefield?" he looked around the empty quarry, "Check! Trap?" he spun around to look at three tables filled with wooden tubs filled with sushi rice and ingredients for sushi with a decorative set up akin to a sushi restaurant with a banner reading 'ZENKAI SUSHI' on it, "Check! Disguises?" "Check," Magine and Vroon replied, dressed up like Gaon was. "Yosha! Fans?" Gaon held up several large paper fans, "Check!" he pulled out his phone and dialed, "Aerial surveillance?" =No sign of Sushi World or Akhlut yet= Tails replied =Will let you know when Amy and I see any signs of them= "We shall continue on, trust the gimmick!" Gaon declared before hanging up and dialing, "Haseo?" =We're checking on Kaito, Sonic, Juran, and Roll= Nicole confirmed =We're bringing donuts for them= =O-Onee-chan isn't going to be h-herself when you see her...= Haseo warned. "Yosha! Out of the danger zone!" Gaon declared before hanging up, "Alright! Positions! Magine to the right! Vroon to the left! ...No, no, no! The other right and left! You two better not mess it up or I'll convince Haseo to give you a scolding!" "But that only works on you," Vroon pointed out. "...Then I'll revoke your library card and fortune ball?" "HAI!" both yelped, scrambling for their positions at the tables. 'I can't believe that actually worked…' Gaon thought in disbelief. =Heads up, guys. Sushi World was spotted nearby= Tails spoke up. =He just made a crane sushi= Amy added =And not the bird kind of 'crane,' but the actual machine= "Yosha! Let's get started!" Gaon declared as he calmly walked to his center table, crossed his arms over his chest, and gave a sharp nod, "Irashai~!" "Let's press some good sushi~!" the trio declared as they hefted up the paper fans and began to rapidly fan at the ingredients and sushi rice. "Come, come~!" Magine called. "Flap, flap!" Vroon chanted. "Flap, flap!" Magine and Vroon called out as a scent began to come off from the trio's rapid fanning of the ingredients and sushi rice. "...This smell...what is this smell?!" Sushi World called out as he poked out from behind a mound of gravel, zipping out as he rushed for the source of the scent, "The scent of the sushi rice is so good, my body and gears are moving on their own, sushi!" he declared before zipping behind the main stand, peeking out to see Gaon fanning the ingredients, "Ahh~ What fine sushi rice...I think I'm tearing up soy h-" "NOW!" "Eh?!" Sushi World blinked before Vroon and Gaon bound his arms, "Wh-?! H-hey!" "Aho ka!" Magine shouted, getting behind Sushi World and swinging her leg up to literally kick his butt and send him flying into the air before slamming into the gravel. "What amazing leg power!" Vroon awed as they pulled out their Geartlingers and loaded their Sentai Gear in. "Change Zenkai!" =Ni-Ju-Go Bang/Ni-Ju-kyu Bang/San-Ju Bang! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!= With that, they aimed and fired the Geartlingers as the energy transformed them into their Zenkaiger forms. =Zenkai Gaon~! Zenkai Magine~! Zenkai Vroon~!= "Hyakujuu Power! Zenkai Gaon!" "Mahou Power! Zenkai Magine!" "Gogo Power! Zenkai Vroon!" The trio put their hands together as Gaon declared, "The three of us are…" "Kikai Sentai…" the trio declared as Gaon pounced ahead while Vroon and Magine posed at his sides, their symbol appearing above them, "Zenakiger!" "Ugh…" Sushi World groaned as he got up, "What's your order?" "To free Kaito and the others!" Gaon declared as he summoned his Gaon Claw. With that, the trio rushed Sushi World, weapons at the ready. Sushi World grunted, using his gauntlets to block Gaon's Claws, only for him to be struck by Magine's staff to his abdomen. Vroon marched forward and slashed with the Vroon Picker and struck Sushi World across the chest. Garon growled, swinging his claws and striking Sushi World, making sparks fly. "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" Zenkai Magine shouted, holding her Magine Stick up into the air. Sushi World flinched and looked around before he took a breath of relief...only to fail to notice the grave and dirt forming into a shape behind him. He felt the presence of something behind him only to see a giant cat's paw made of the earth, before it swiped at him and smacked him into the ground, once, then twice, and a third time. "Why a cat!?" Sushi World asked as he was smacked again. "I thought it'd be cute…" Zenkai Magine admitted. "Nice!" Zenkai Gaon cheered, taking out his Geartlinger as he aimed and shot at Sushi world as soon as the magic cat's paw fell apart, "How dare you make my friends suffer like that all night!" he kept shooting, making sparks fly. "To be fair, we could have hunted him down yesterday afternoon and evening!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he rushed and slashed Sushi World with his pickaxe. He grunted, swinging down again only to hook his weapon around the Tojitendo kaijin's shoulders and used this to pull and flip him over. "Don't question the second in command!" Zenkai Gaon shouted, pouncing as he stabbed his claws into Sushi World, before raking them across his body, the force sending Sushi World skidding across the ground towards Magine. "We never agreed to that system!" Zenkai Magine complained as she held her staff by the bottom and swung it like a baseball bat, striking Sushi World and sending him flying back towards Gaon and Vroon. "GAON!" Gaon roared as he jumped to pounce at Sushi World again...only he wasn't coming down, "Eh? Gaon?!" he rapidly swiped at where Sushi World was but couldn't get any closer to the World before he suddenly flew backwards and hit Vroon, "GAH!" "You were lured out by rice of all things?" Akhlut deadpanned, standing atop a mound of gravel. "It was high quality sushi rice! My compliments on whoever made it, sushi!" Sushi World argued. "I don't want your compliments! My food is for adorable Humans and Mobians!" Zenkai Gaon snapped. "Can you get off me…" Vroon asked in a deadpan. "We're ready for you this time, Akhult!" Magine declared. "Akhlut! Akhlut!" the orca snapped, glaring harshly at the pink ranger, "It is Akhlut! Not Akhult!" "Sorry~" she cheered, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" "Wha?" he began before a bolt of lightning suddenly struck him. "Magine Bolt~ And I can keep zapping him!" Zenkai Magine smiled, "Like this, Nu Nu Nu Magine!" another thunderbolt shocked Akhlut, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" another surge of electrical energy zapped him, making him fall over, "I imagine as a creature of the sea, you're not good against electricity; and as a cyborg, you must have a lot of delicate parts! Plus you're psychic, and the brain works off electrical impulses! I am your worst nightmare, Akhult! A Nerdy girl with actual magic!" she laughed. "Rrrr…" Akhlut snarled before smirking, "Then allow me to acquiesce to someone who need not worry about electricity." "Hmm?" at that, a missile hit the ground with a massive explosion that knocked the Zenkaigers off their feet. "Sushi World!" Barashitara's voice called out as he tapped his spear to the ground, "Are there any open seats?" "Of course, Sushi!" Sushi World clapped his hands together. "Barashitara-sama!" Vroon gasped before Gaon and Magine gave him annoyed looks, "...I-I mean…" he clenched a fist and growled, "Barashitara!" he looked at them, "Gomen. Still getting it out of my systems." "I figured since Sushi World incpacitated your leaders..." "Hey!" Zenkai Gaon snapped. "...I could join in the fun of crushing you! For once, I have a combination that's getting me results. Me and my second in command will be damned if, for once, our winning game plan falters to a bunch of commoner Kikainoids." Barashitara spoke while aiming his spear at them, "So it's time for me to join the fight!" he roared, rushing at them at full speed; to their shock, he tackled Vroon and sent him flying into a rock wall of the quarry, sparks flying off the impact. "A shame this will be too easy," Akhlut spoke up, stopping Zenkai Gaon and Magine's attacks before he forced them to collide into one another. "He's very excited, sushi." Sushi World noted as explosions began to go off. "...Oi, Kaito," Juran spoke up as a ringing sound went off in the air, "I think that's your phone." "I think I can reach it...gonna have to use speaker…" he muttered, reaching into his jeans and pulling out his phone and tapping the answer button before quickly hitting the speaker option. =Kaito! It's dangerous! Gaon and the others are in trouble, the enemy commander has shown up and is bulldozing through everything they can throw at him, tune!= "Enemy commander?" Sonic asked, "You mean that tank jerk!" =He can fight all of them alone. They totally turned the plan around on them, tune= "Gotcha! We'll be right there!" Kaito declared. "Wait, what?" Juran blinked at that. "Uh...Kaito? You forget our situation here?" Sonic questioned, his face bright red as Roll nuzzled him. "Fwuffy…" Roll mumbled with a giggle, tiny bags under her eyes. "...Has she been up all night?" Juran asked. "...Oh, I forgot about that," Kaito cringed, "Roll and Haseo's family on their kaa-chan's side has a problem that if they're not hugging in their sleep, they can't sleep and get all loopy until they get a hug." "Quiet from the talking yellowtail!" Roll snapped, glaring at Kaito for a moment before resuming her nuzzling of a bright-red Sonic, "Hee-hee~The fwuffy smells so nice~" "...Please tell me you got an idea on how to get us out, Kaito," Sonic whispered. "At the moment, no, but...I remember…" Kaito began in his grunts, managing to pull his Geartalinger and a Sentai Gear out, "What Juran said yesterday about everything being important…I can't just lie here like sushi! It's why...I'm gonna save everyone turned into Sushi! I'll save Gaon and the others..." he continued as he put the Sentai Gear into his weapon, "I'll find Tou-chan and Kaa-chan and everyone we're missing…I don't care if I'm being rash..." he closed the lid on the Geartlinger as a fire lit in his eyes, "I will hold on to everything precious to me!" "Alright, Kaito!" Sonic grinned before Roll licked his cheek, "?!" "Tee-hee~Taste like chili-dogs," Roll giggled. "Change Zenkai!" Kaito declared as he pulled the trigger. =YON-ICHI BANG~! KYU~RANGER!= "Ah! Wrong Gear!" Kaito gawked as the astral image of a red Sentai with a helmet themed after the Leo constellation appeared before jumping into him, "?! YOSHA LUCKY~!" "How is this lucky?!" Juran demanded before a crack went off, "...Huh?" Sonic, Kaito, and Juran looked to see a large crack in the fire hydrant nearby. The crack widened as water started to leak out. After another moment, the lid snapped on one side and a powerful blast of water slammed into the two sushi. "GYAH!" the three boys screamed as the pressure sent their sushi tumbling away. "Oh dear…" Nicole gasped, she and Haseo having just arrived before the fire hydrant had gone off. "Missile A B!" Sushi World declared, taking two of his sushi bombs off and tossing them like grenades into the fight. The explosion sent the Zenkaigers falling over, Magine taking the worst of it as she was knocked over and her Magine Stick knocked out of her hands. Barashitara grunted, swinging his spear and striking Gaon across his face as he tried to get up. He aimed his turrets and began blasting Gaon, making sparks fly. He raised his arm and blocked Vroon's Pickaxe. He pushed the weapon and arm away before striking him with the head of his spear, the force making Vroon grunt and fall to his knees. "Th-This is Barashitara's power?" Zenkai Vroon asked as he was dragged up. "If you were sushi, you'd be the ginger on the side," Barashitara spoke, tossing Vroon away and onto his fellow Zenkaigers, "In other words, none of you are on my level!" he laughed. "Ghh...A-Are we really in this kinda trouble…?" Gaon grunted as he began to get back up. "Now to make some real good sushi outta the lot of ya!" Sushi World laughed as Akhlut stood beside him...before Juran and Kaito landed on Sushi World and Sonic and Roll landed on Akhlut, "GAH!" "Eh!?" the trio gawked. "Hm?" Barashitara blinked twice. "My back…" Juran groaned. "Tori janai~" Roll groaned before nuzzling Sonic, "Fwuffy onegai~" "Eh? ...Oh, minna!" Kaito beamed. "Kaito!?" Gaon gawked. "How did they get here all the way from the park?" Vroon asked. =Kaikai mistook his Change Gear for a Sentai Gear. Specifically, the Sentai Gear based upon the 41st Super Sentai, Uchu Sentai Kyuranger!= Skye explained =And what a wonderful development! You can use Sentai Gear outside of your Change Zenkai= =In this case, Kaito gained the lucky powers of the leader of the Kyuranger, Lucky, tune!= Secchan explained =When the fire hydrant broke, the pressurized water knocked them into a truck that took them all the way to the other side of the city where a speed bump knocked them into a balloon cart and flew them all the way here! They were lucky that Tails was flying by and didn't notice them until the blades of his plane's propeller popped all the balloons that dropped them on Sushi World and Akhlut, tune!= "And why is Roll-chan acting weird?" Magine asked, seeing Roll nuzzling Sonic. =My wife's side of the family has a pretty bad side-effect if they can't hug something at night= Skye explained =They need to hug something or they won't be able to sleep and end up super loopy when that happens. Just ignore what she says while she's like this= "Oh! Giant talking rock candy!" Roll awed, looking at the three transformed Zenkaigers. "Rock Candy?" Vroon repeated. "It's called that because it looks like rocks," Gaon explained. "Soka! ...Ah! Sugei! Sentai Gears truly are amazing!" Vroon beamed. "Ne, Juran, Sonic, Roll!" "Hm?" two of the three looked over at the smiling Kaito. "That sure was a fun trip together," Kaito noted. "Floating high above the ground? Zipping from one place to another on an odd object? Falling and landing on a poor unsuspecting grunt?" Sonic listed before grinning, "Yeah...it was kinda tight." "This ain't what I meant when I said to involve us...but you're right!" Juran cheered. "How long are you gonna be on us, sushi!?" Sushi World demanded, banging a fist on the ground, "We're not geta!" "Get off!" Akhlut snapped as the two threw the two sushi off them. "Ah! I can't open my head, sushi!" Sushi World panicked, a dent on his head jamming the side of his head storing his wasabi. "...Oh! He took out their big advantages!" Magine realized. She thought before Akhlut called out the grunts. "I retract my statement." She muttered. "Don't worry Minna we can stop them." Kaito reassured as he and Juran were in a tuff situation but still could fight. =Oh Minna~ I think your back up has arrived= skye told confusing them all. "Back up, are we getting a new gear or weapon." Vroon asked. Suddenly a black blur ran from them as they got surprised. The blur soon ran and start to slash some grunts making them fall back. The others were surprised and soon the blur stopped Infront of kaito and the others and revealed to be a someone in a black ninja suite and a mask covering his face. "Nani?! A ninja!" Kaito asked in surprise. "Heh? Who the hell are you!" Barashitara demanded soon the ninja took his mask off to reveal Flash. "Huh?!" The zenkaigers and mobians said in shock. "Hah, your the pest of the white one." "Hey don't talk bad about my family. Beside I'm hear to help." He told "Nani? Flash it's still dangerous hear." Kaito told his cousin. "Ah Flash-san kaito-san is right, it's dangerous hear." Goan also said. "Don't worry" he simply told them." I want to help you all even of you don't like me getting hurt. I still will fight by all of your sides no matter what!" He said in determination. And for the first time kaito saw something in his cousin change. "Well you did make a good hero speech but what will you do, your just a pes..." A grunt was soon shot down and soon another the others then slowly looked at the grunts and ten looked back at flash as he was holding a Geartalinger but it had the color blue instead of red as it was smoking a little flahsed smirked. "NANI?!" The others were baffled. "Flash... You" kaito saw his cousin having a Geartalinger Flash gave him a smirke. "Like I said cuz, I will be there to help you all no matter what." Soon he pulled out of a Sentai Gear with a ninja image on it. He flipped it up and soon caught it as it came down. He then put the gear in the weapon. "Change Zenkai!" Flash start to spin the handle of the gun as the gun start to work. =San Ju Kyu Bang!= Flash stopped and soon the gun start to chant and the toon going off =Bang~Bang~Bang~!= He then pulled the trigger and soon a large gears of golden energy shot out. The gear had the same image as the Gear he inserted before flying back and sweeping over Flash. His body was donned in a primarily silver bodysuit, the upper half of it looking as if a banner with white trim was draped across his torso at a diagonal from the right hip to left shoulder.His arms , hands, and neck were pitch black with silver armor over his lower arms and white boots with two black lines near the top of each boot.His head was covered in a rounded helmet with a black mask resembling a shuriken. On the center of his helmet's forehead was a gold 39 while a gold oversized buckle resembling a rectangular case was fitted on his waist. =Zenkai Gin~!= "Shuriken Power!" He flipped and landed on his foot and sit in a attack position as he looked up. He then stood and Spin a bit and got in a ninja pose and did a peace sign aswell." Zenkai Gin!" "= Nani nani, Flash had a Geartalinger aswell. How tune!= Secchan asked as he flew around. "The was Misty and Trials idea actually." Skye said" they wanted Flash to be a hero aswell and told me to make this for him and only give it when it was the right time." "Again those kids really know how to paln there child's future " Yatsude said with a smile. Back at the battle the others were baffled and surprise by flash Changing. "SUGOI" Kaito and sonic spoke. "Flash-san has become a zenkaiger na" zenkai Goan exclaimed in excitement. "His silver shouldn't he be green or something." Vroon asked. "Pah, so what if you gained another member. You'll still lose." "Oi, let me tell you one thing her metal tank." He said in confident toon." I won't let you have your ways so I will stop you. And I'll be doing that showy aswell." Zenkai Gin declared. The grunts ran at him as he soon ran in a blur and soon start to slash them all making them all fall back. He soon ran twords more. As he came closer he throw star shruikens at them hitting them all. He flipped from above and slashed them with his sword and then landed and hit the grunt coming from behind. He then saw more grunts coming and looked around and saw them all coming from every direction and soon they all dog piled him.But they look down and saw he was not there. "Yoo-hoo~" They all look up and saw Zenkai Gin floating with a wand in his hand as they were surprised so we're the others. "Hah! Nani! He can use magic!" Zenkai Magine said in disbelief. =Yup it's the power of the Shruiken Sentai Ninningers AoNinger power. He was a ninja who wanted to become the first ever Magical Ninja and was thought by Magie yellow him self.= Skye informed. "Really?" she asked. Zenkai Gin then used his magic and hovered them all on the air as they all try to move but soon he used his sword and went and slashed them all making them explode behind. "So it looks like you finally got over in holding your self back." Zenkai Gin heard and turn to find Akhlut standing behind him. "Yeah, and I gotta say thanks for helping me find my way" "I only did it cause it wild have been a waist for you to ruin such a talent and it's boring to fight a enemy who isn't even in his right mind." He simply told him. "Well still thank you." "I will have fought you but my Fins have got damaged so I won't be able to do that. So that's why we will fight another time." A portal opened he entered in it disappearing. "Well looks like it's just you and us hah." He told the Sushi World and Barashitara "Don't compare me weak. I will show you how tuff I am." Barashitara declared. "I will love to fight you but I wanna get others out of the SuChi problem so Minna let's split up" zenkai Gin told the others. "You got it cuz" kaito said as he and Juran got up from there position. "...This is the right one, right?" "Looks like it," Sonic replied. "I'm so happy I just have the one," Juran chuckled, loading his Gear into the Geartlinger. "Change Zenkai!" the duo declared. "Change?" Roll tilted her head before struggling, "Mmm...Can't change...can't go…where are we going? I hope it's the fair!" "Boy, you really need some sleep…" Sonic muttered. =Yon-Ju-Go Bang! Ju-Roku Bang! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!= "What is this music!?" Sushi World asked as the two fired the Geartlingers. =Zenkaiser~! Zenkai Juran~!= The light faded as the two were still stuck in the sushi, even in their transformed states. They began shuffling around as Zenkaiser faced Sushi World. "Himitsu no power! Zenkaiser!" he shouted before they shuffled around a full 180. "Kyoryu power! Zenkai Juran!" he declared as they shuffled around again only 90 degrees. "Futari awasete!" Zenkaiser shouted. "Zenkaiger Nigiri! Hai omachi!" they shouted, turning their heads to stare at Sushi World. "Enough with the jokes! How dare you alter the name of my recipe!?" Sushi World snapped, taking out a Kudaiter Plug Lance as its chainsaw blades revved up. "Ikuze Juran!" Zenkaiser ordered. "Oyo Taisho!" Zenkai Juran cheered, summoning his Juran sword. With that, the two Zenkaigers spun around as Zenkaiser swung his leg and kicked the lance away, Juran keeping their spin going as he swung his sword and slashed Sushi World. Sushi World growled in anger before thrusting his weapon only for Zenkai Juran to swing his sword and deflect it away, as he twisted his hips and swung Zenkaiser around who lifted his leg and kicked Sushi World across the face. Sushi World rushed again only for Zenkai Juran to block the Plug Lancer by raising his sword so it jammed between both bladed tips. Zenkaiser leaned them to the side as he kicked his leg out and struck Sushi World. Zenkai Juran continued as he pushed the Plug Lancer aside and slashed the Tojitendo Kaijin across the chest, making sparks fly. Zenkai Juran took a big sweeping step as he leaned forward, lifting Zenkaiser's legs up as the white ranger began unleashing a bicycle kick barrage to Sushi World's chest and face before slamming both feet into his torso and sending the monster stumbling backwards. Soon zenkai Gin came and slashed him from behind. Sushi World grunted and try to attack him but he disappeared I'm a smoke and soon got Infront of the world and kicked him back. He the ran forward and start to throw more shruikens at him making the world spark and fall back. Zenkai Gin did a hand signs and soon came out three clones in a smoke. "You know the drill boys." The clones then ran in different directions in a silver bluer and soon came in slashing from different directions. "Ah, oh! Hey wait! I call hacks you use tricks to fight." He called out but was again slashed as he fall back. "Bad guys don't get to complain!" Zenkai Gin and the clones shouted." You captured innocent people mobians and Kikainoids against there will and you even hurt my family, so get this I ant forgiving " Zenkai Gin then pulled out his gun and a big star shruiken and throw the Shruiken at him as it spin around the world was confused before Zenkai Gin start to shoot at the Shruiken and making the bullets bounce back and hit the world. "SUGOI" Kaito and Amy said. "Flash is really giving him a beat down." Juran muttered seeing that. "That's cause it's my passion" The others got confused." For many time I forgot what's my passion my true goal and all I thought of helping others may do me good but it was selfish of me. But kaito you really showed me what's true passion is and so did Akhlut did." "Huh?" "My mind was at fog and I was lost but you and him showed me what I can do with my true self. And then I had found it, my true goal. It's to help those in need and stop others from abusing there powers. That's what my true passion is and I won't let anyone else tell me I'm wrong" He yelled in determination. The zenkaigers were awe at hearing that. "You really make some boring speech do ya" Sushi World muttered but was son shot again but Gin and Goan "Shut up!" They both said. "Why don't I you chill man" Gin said as he used his wand and cast an ice spell making him freeze in place. "Heh...well son of a bastich…" Barashitara muttered, sitting on a rock, "This is almost impressive…" "Don't forget about us!" Sonic called as Roll nuzzled him once more, "Roll...Roll...You see the thing over there?" "Hm?" Roll glanced over at Barashitara, "A giant mustard bottle?" "It stomps on strawberries and says ninjas should only wear black and throw star shuriken and kunai." "!? DEATH TO THE MUSTARD!" Roll shouted. "Hm? Mustard?" Barashitara repeated as the two tumbled over and became a large white ball with hints of blue and yellow in it that charged at him, "Feh." he fired a missile from his torso cannon only for it to get stuck in the white part of the ball, "Nani?" the ball hit him with the missile fire, setting off an explosion that made him skid back several yards as the ball bounced away, the white now lightly browned. "Ah! They burnt the sushi rice!" Sushi World gawked. "Chance" Zenkai Gin said. "Hah?" Sushi World asked as he was blasted by bullets fired against him. "Time to finish this." He declared. =HERO~! SUPER ZENKAI TIME!= Shshi world then stand up but saw his now In a black void as he looked around and find Zenkai Gin standing Infront as his body glow with red energy and soon zenkai Gin ran in a lightning speed and soon gave multiple energy slashes to sushi World and soon he jumped up and cane down with a image of a giant shruiken came down on him and soon slashed him in a big way. Sushi world start to crack energy and soon was flared in an big explosion leaving zenkai gin standing there as he got up. "Now that's what you call showy" He told. the wrap keeping the two Zenkaigers stuck to the bench snapped, letting them both move apart from one another finally. "Oh! It fell off! Flash did it Kaito!" Zenkai Juran cheered. "Freedom Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as the effects of Sushi Worlds destruction radiated outward. Sonic and Roll were the next to be set free as their sushi binding just poofed away, letting the two tumble away from one another. Sonic sighed in relief...before grunting as Roll pounced him. "R-Roll!?" Sonic exclaimed. "Zzz…" Roll mumbled, nuzzling into him in her sleep. "Aw~ She wants her sleep time cuddles!" Zenkai Gin laughed, walking over, "As a kid, she did this to me and Kaito all the time!" *PIKO!* "Why me…?" Gaon groaned, a metal bump poking out of his helmet as he twitched on the floor. "If she wants something to cuddle, why not something fluffier?" Magine asked, "Tails is fluffy." "He was closer than me," Tails replied. *PIKO!* "Ow…" Vroon spoke as the hammer bounced off his much denser helmet to little effect. "Oh don't worry, this is an easy fix! We just need a giant stuffed puppy or pillow," Zenkaiser chuckled. "I don't think we're gonna get a chance," Magine noted. "Why?" Zenakiser asked. "Kudaitest!" Barashitara ordered. "Oyobidesuka?" the Kudaitest asked, walking over from over the hill...eating a giant tray of sushi. "Where did he get that!?" Magine gawked. "I paid good money for this from Sushi World. Took him all ni…" the Kudaitest calmly explained before stepping on the sparking Tojiru Gear, "Hm?" "Okay...Now I get why Dr. Sakurai gave me this and said Roll would need me to swap with her for something," Amy muttered as she pulled out one of Roll's camera Gears. "We'd better get out of the area while you guys get big," Tails noted, managing to help Sonic get up and onto the wing of the plane before the Mobians flew away from the area while the Kudaitest was engulfed in the dark smoke. "I better join them, I still don't have a zord like you" "Eh, but why?" "Cause sky said it will take time." Zenkai Gin said as he went out in smoke. "Mmm…!" the Kudaitest growled before the smoke dispersed, revealing Great Sushi World as it began to make giant circular sushi delivery belts, "I feel the Sushi Power filling me up, sushi! Great Sushi World is open for business!" "Hey there, everyone!" Amy greeted after deploying the camera, "Amy Rose here filling in for Roll on today's Giant Robo Battle! She couldn't sleep last night because of a jerk called Sushi World, so she's sound asleep right now! Right now, we're flying above the area, giving you an aerial view of the oncoming battle between Great Sushi World and the Zenkaigers! Let's see what today's gonna show us!" "Whoa! It's conveyor belt sushi!" Kaito awed, "Ah mou...Yachan hates when we go to these because we end up eating more than we were gonna originally pay for because all the sushi looks so good on them…" "Expensive!" Roll shouted in her sleep. "She gets it," Zenkaiser spoke. "Leave this to us!" Zenkai Juran chuckled as he and the others flipped their Sentai Gears and began cranking. "Thankyu~" Zenkaiser chuckled. "Kikai Henkei!" the four Kikainoid Zenkaigers declared as they began growing, but before they could finish, Great Sushi World's hands clapped and grabbed all four of them together, "AH!" "Hai!" he cheered, putting down Juran Tyranno who was now pressed into...cement instead of rice. "Hey, wait a minute...we're smaller?!" Juran Tyranno panicked. "We're the sushi this time?!" Gaon Lion shouted as he was placed on the conveyor belt. "I'm pressed and can't move!" Magine Dragon complained as she was put on the belt. "Why are we spinning!?" Vroon Dump panicked. "Thank you for waiting, Irashai!" Great Sushi World cheered as large vehicles from the quarry and all sorts of random things were also turned into giant Sushi plates on the conveyor belt. "You look too tough to eat…" Zenkaiser and Amy said at the same time. "Oi! How rude!" Great Sushi World snapped, shaking a fist at Zenkaiser. "Right...his theme!" Zenkaiser nodded, "Oi, Hai-ya Taisho! Four fresh ones for me!" "Coming right up!" Great Sushi World declared. "He's actually going to throw them to him?" Amy asked as Great Sushi World reached for Juran...only to grab a bomb, "Ah! He's throwing bombs?!" "Fresh Bomb Sushi!" Great Sushi World declared as he threw four plates with bombs shaped to resemble different sushi were tossed at Zenkaiser, "Order up!" "That was more spicy than I wanted…" Zenkaiser grunted. "Kaito!" the other Zenkaigers panicked in concern for their friend. "Higi: Cho Kosoku Kaiten Sushi!" Great Sushi World declared as the conveyor belt began to move dangerously fast to the point it was impossible to tell where the other Zenkaigers were on the belt. "Oh wow! That is some fast-moving sushi! I can't even make out which were the Zenkaigers and which aren't now!" Zenaki Gin exclaimed. "Oh, minna!" Zenkaiser exclaimed. Zenkai Gin saw some SuChi coming towards them. "Take cover" Amy yelled but zenkai gin took out his wand and used his magic turning the giant sushi into small Ice cream blueberry. He caught it with his magic. "Any one wants some" he asked as the other mobians took some. =Kaikai, now would be a good time to use the Sentai Gear for the 43rd Sentai, Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger!= Skye advised. "Oh? That sounds like a cool name," Zenkaiser noted as he opened his belt and pulled out a Sentai Gear showing '43' and a sentai based on a mixed of dinosaur and knight on it, "Time to close this shop!" =Yon-Ju-San Bang~! Ryu~soulger!= The Red ranger formed before Kaito before slamming into him. A sword formed in front of him in a gold light. It had a T-Rex themed guard that looked like it could open. The blade was single edged and straight with spikes along the back. Zenkaiser grabbed the sword, feeling amazing power coursing through his body as he did. "Ryusoulken!" he shouted, twirling the sword around before jumping into the air, clearing an amazing distance as he made sure all eyes followed his accent upwards, "Que bom!" he shouted as the Ryusoulken began glowing and extended a blade of energy as he slashed down and tore through the conveyor belt. =QUE BOM~!= "I'm flying a lot today!" Juran Tyranno panicked as they got launched off the now broken conveyor belt. "What have you done to my shop!?" Great Sushi World sobbed. "Oh wow! It seems even while small compared to Great Sushi World, Zenkaiser can show he's not weak at all against giant opponents!" Amy gawked. "You figured that now. Didn't you see them fight together when they were like a sushi." Zenkai Gin muttered. "Attaboy, Zenkaiser!" Sonic cheered on the wing. "Mmm…" Roll mumbled, nuzzling into Sonic further. "Mmm…!" Amy fumed before the four giant Zenkaigers opened fire on Great Sushi World. "Should have got a camera" Zenkai Gin stiffed a laugh. "Now!" Juran Tyranno shouted, "Let's hang!" "Yosha! Zenkai Gattai!" Zenkaiser declared. =ZENAKI~!= "I can't forgive you for today!" Gaon Lion snapped as he and Juran Tyranno combined. "Same here!" Juran Tyranno agreed. "First up comes the King of a Hundred Dinosaurs!" Amy called. "ZenkaiOh JuraGaon!" JuraGaon roared out. =ZENKAI~!= "Have you gotten used to combining?" Vroon Dump asked. "Ah, well...Not yet," Magine Dragon admitted as they combined. "And now comes the Adventurous Dragon of Magic!" Amy shouted. "ZenkaiOh VrooMagine!" VrooMagine called out. "Taisho, is it closing time?" Gaon teased as the two ZenKaiOh's mockingly tried to cheer up Great Sushi World. "Rrr...NO WAYYYY~!" Great Sushi World roared out as he jumped out of his wrecked 'shop' with two flags in hand. Great Sushi World landed and began swinging his flags, striking the two ZenKaiOh's to little effect. JuraGaon swung its Juran Sword, striking Great Sushi World and making sparks fly. VrooMagine aimed its Vroon Picker and fired a beam right into Great Sushi World's chest. The two stepped forward and thrust their weapons, striking Great Sushi World's chest at the same time and sending him skidding back. The giant Tojitendo monster growled as his shields lit up and fired all his exploding Sushi at them, only for the twin ZenKaiOh's to march through the explosion. "Let's end this fast!" Juran shouted as the two ZenKaiOh swung and struck Sushi World, knocking his flags out of his hand. "WasaBeam!" he shouted, shooting a green laser from his Wasabi shooter. The beam washed over both ZenKaiOh's causing more explosions, only for both of them the march out of the flames, "Nani!?" "I've gotten used to Wasabi!" JuraGaon shouted as it slashed Great Sushi World. "We didn't like it!" VrooMagine declared while blasting Great Sushi World. "Yosh! Hissatsu Zenkai! Double ZenKaiOh version!" Zenkaiser shouted, cranking his Geartlinger. "OH! Here it comes!" Amy cheered, "Go get him, ZenKaiOh!" =SUPER ZENKAI TIME!= With that, both ZenKaiOh's raised their glowing weapons. They both lunged forward and slashed their weapons as the streaks they left met and formed a large golden V before it changed white and turned into an even larger version of the Zenkaiger symbol as it shot like an arrow that struck Geat Sushi World. Multiple phantom slashes tearing apart his body as the symbol tore its way through his chest. "The shop is now closed! No customers, sushi~!" Great Sushi World cried out as he collapsed and exploded. "Hehe! Order up!" Zenkaiser cheered as the conveyor belts vanished, "Yosha! Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" "Phew! They did it! Okay, everyone! Until next time~! And don't forget to come to Sumida Ward to enjoy the tastes of Candy Cafe Colorful!" Amy signed off. "Hmph, that was indeed entertaining Zenkaigers. Till next we meet in the battlefield," Barashitara chuckled as he made his way to leave only to grunt as Zenkaiser suddenly landed on his back. "You're going home, right?!" Zenkaiser asked as he got a good grip on Barashitara's armor, "Take me with you!" "Trying to infiltrate the enemy base?" "Yeah!" "Admirable, but useless when it comes to our base!" Barashitara declared as the Tojitendo portal formed and he walked into it...as Zenkaiser was electrocuted and shot off into the air before landing on the other wing of the Tornado. "Ah...it didn't work." Zenkaiser grunted, sitting up. "Don't worry, we'll get them back." Zenkai Gin said putting a hand on his shoulder. "..." Zenkaiser didn't say anything but nodded."oh yeah! Flash you finally henshin and now your our new member." He then did a 180 and looked at his cousin. "Yup, and like I said I will always have my family's back but also I owe it to you for opening my eyes and Akhlut aswell, even of he's a bad guy he was right about it." Zenkai Gin said. "Well don't mention it." Roll snorted and mumbled from the sudden shift of Tails trying to correct the flight of his plane. In the process, she shifted in her slumber and Sonic let out a muffled noise as he lost oxygen once more. "We need to get her to bed…" Zenkaiser mumbled as he saw this. "Aw~That is kawaii~" *PIKO!* "EVEN WHEN I'M BIG!?" Gaon's half of JuraGaon exclaimed, both yellow heads sporting the bump. "Hey omachi!" Gaon cheered, dressed as a Sushi chef as he made real sushi for everyone to eat back at home. "This a celebration of our new member today" kaito declared as everyone but roll was at the table. "Yay!" Everyone cheered. "Thanks Minna, that means alot." Flash said scratching his back head as he felt a little embarrassed but smiled. "No problem, beside you earned it." Skye told. "Hai , the way you took down the grunts and the way you did magic to make icecream that was awesome Flash onni-chan " Haseo exclaimed. "Still, it's a little unfair he gets ninja power and magic aswell why's that" Magine asked. "Misty and Trial loved the Ninningers and Magirangers, both though of which one should they make for flash so when they saw the Blue ranger they thought that will be perfect so they based it on the Ninningers for him so he can use magic and kung fu together." "Well gotta say I love it. But when will I get my own Mecha." "In time, you juts wait a little then." Skye told him. "Ok then" "So you got shot off the portal to their base," Skye summed up, "That means that only the Tojitendo can go through them most likely. Possibly needing a code or keycard to pass through. But that other portal...you said it looked like it was a topaz color?" "Hai," Kaito nodded. "If the passcode theory is true, all we would need to do is find some method of replicating it," Vroon offered, "I doubt we could get one off one of the World Soldiers, but maybe one of the Mobian agents. They always retreat from battle before they can get blown up." "Is it good?" Gaon whispered to Vroon. "I think I've heard of myths about a stone capable of creating portals," Skye noted, "I'll need to think on it. It was well over a trillion billion million thousand hundred thought ago to me…" "So we only have more questions…" Magine muttered as she and Amy ate together. "Neh, Magine? Amy-chan?" Gaon asked them as they seemed to ignore his voice. =This means we'll have to capture an enemy, tune!= Secchan spoke up. "How is it?" Gaon asked the table. "Kaito, Flash ,Yatsude! Don't worry, there'll be tons of chances in the future!" Juran spoke, "And if we can take their tech to get around, we can look for Sonic's folks and Haseo and Roll's Mom, too!" "Speaking of, thanks for finally getting her to let go," Sonic sighed to Flash. "No problem, she really likes being the big spoon," Kaito chuckled, "It's why she has tons of giant pillows and stuffed animals to nap with." he turned to Juran and Yatsude, "We'll keep fighting the Tojitendo, we'll free more worlds. Then we'll all get our families back, and make this weird family even bigger!" "And don't forget you got me aswell so I will be kicking but and showing how showy I am" Flash declared. "Ah mou…" Gaon growled. "Gaon-Nii?" Gaon turned to Haseo, sitting beside Nicole while holding up his empty plate with bits of rice on his muzzle, "Umei! Can I have more, please?" "Me to " Flash asked "Dokyun~!" Gaon shouted as a loud heartbeat could be heard from his chest, "Hai! Coming right up!" "That was quite nice of you to do that for him," Nicole quietly noted, patting Haseo's head and causing him to freeze up and start blushing. "H-h-h-h-hai…" Haseo stammered, finding poking his tail tips together interesting. "Looks like you found a crush ha haseo." Flash whisper to haseo making the young fox blush more."Don't worry I know what will cheer you up." He said as he took out his wand and soon point it at his plate. He cast a spell and made a ice cream strawberry Sunday appear before him. "Yay! Arigatou na Flash onni-chan" he Hugged him and soon began to chow down. "Rolly's gonna be sad she missed out on this," Skye noted as he looked over at his shop/house. "Zzz…" Roll mumbled, hugging a teddy bear as big as Sonic in her sleep. Across from her room laid a door with a sign reading 'DO NOT DISTURB' hung up on it. Sparks went off inside of it as the light from them flashed under the door. Inside, a lone figure was standing over a lab table, the missing sword laid upon it and being worked upon. Ijirude muttered to himself as he worked on a holographic blueprint. One image showing what looked to be a Tojiru Gear on a crank, the other a bird head themed device that seemed like it fit on something. He chuckled to himself as he finished some math in his head. "Yes...this is coming along nicely, now I just need some poor soul to test this...oh...I think I have an idea who~ But it'll take some time to get them here." > GEAR 6: The mysterious phantom in the hollow walls! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secchan was watching a horror film before the monster in it jumpscared him =Gah! U-Uh...LAST TIME! Flash had finally Transformed into a zenkaiger by finding his true self but Kaito's mom and dad might be in Ijirude's lab, with the Tojitendo? We could really use some more details on that! Speaking of details…= he turned the channel, showing the figure from the last part of the chapter =Who is this working on Skye's prototype?!= "Morning, Roll!" Kaito greeted, coming down for the morning. "Ohayo," Roll greeted, wearing a pink apron over her normal clothes as she, Amy, and Gaon were making breakfast, "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, so make sure to wash up before then." "Yosha!" Kaito cheered, "You look much better after sleeping all day," he smiled, "You were really out of it." he chuckled at the memories as he made his way to the bathroom. "Eh? ...I slept all day!?" Roll gawked. "W-Well, you did spend the whole night awake because of that Sushi World keeping you from being able to hug anything," Gaon noted. "Your sleep schedule was all out of whack from being awake a full twenty four hours," Amy added. "Soka…" Roll noted, "Ah mou...They probably forgot to eat or even go to bed last night…" "Huh? Your dad did eat yesterday, Roll," Amy noted. "Eh? O-Oh! Hai, of course I meant Tou-chan," Roll rubbed the back of her head. "Hm?" Gaon tilted his head. "Gaon, the muffins!" Roll quickly spoke. "Ack! Don't burn on me!" Gaon panicked, hurrying to the oven. "This is shaping up to be a really weird family," Amy smiled. "Hey where's flash? Isn't it his turn to make breakfast." Roll looked around. "Oh he's gone out on his jog, apparently after he transformed last time he wanted to train his ninja power to master it." Kaito told her as she was surprised. "Wait! Flash became a zenkaiger!" She asked in disbelief." How?! When?!" "When Sushi World attacked again and we had to stop him. Then Flash came and turned into zenkai Gin and beted him." Roll heard this and was surprised to hear this. "Morning ladies~" Juran greeted, "Oi, Roll, you should really tell your dad to quit it with the all-nighters. I saw the lights on at your place all night. And I woke up in the middle of the night too, how much caffeine does he go through?" "He's not a fan of coffee, but he does like root beer," Roll noted, "I'll make sure Tou-chan goes to bed tonight, Juran-san." "Yachan had to lay down the law on my parents and Skye when they did that too much, too," Kaito recalled, "Then again, Yachan normally tossed him to your Kaa-chan when he did it too much." "So glad she taught me some of her punishments for Tou-chan if he did," Roll shook her head, "Now hurry up and get washed. It's almost ready." "Hai, hai, hai," Kaito assured as he went off to the bathroom, "Best meal of the day is always the first one! Gotta get cleaned up super zen…" his foot caught the rug, "GAH!" he slipped and fell over, tumbling down the hallway and hitting his head on a wall, "ITE!" "Kaito!" Juran gasped as he ran over and helped him up, "You alright there?" "Forgot we put a new rug there…" Kaito groaned before a soft creaking noise made the two look to see part of the wall...opening like a door, "...A secret door~!" "What the?!" Juran gawked as he got up and opened it more, "What kinda whacky nonsense...Why is there a hidden door...ah...could it be another deep family secret?!" "Mystery…" Kaito whispered, "Mystery Zenkai!" "What's going on?" Vroon asked, poking out of the bathroom while drying his hands, "Hm?!" he ran over, "Why is there a part of the wall acting like a door? What is in there? Mmm~! My engines are going vroom-vroom!" "Yosha! Let's investigate!" Kaito declared. "Wait wait wait!" Juran spoke, stopping him from entering, "No one knew of this...What if this is like those horror stories where the man puts a camera in his house and catches a creepy killer has been living in their house the whole time?!" "That's a thing!?" Vroon asked. "What's all the noise, Nu nu?" Magine blinked as she walked over, "Since when did...oh no...we have a killer in the house!?" "Eh?! Killer?!" Gaon exclaimed, poking his head out of the kitchen with Amy and Roll. "There's a creepy hidden door in the wall!" Magine shouted as she dragged Gaon to see, "Quick, Gaon, go in there and see if you get attacked!" "Haiii-HAH?! Why me?!" "Cause you wouldn't want Kaito to go in and get attacked, would you?" Magine argued. "Me first!" Gaon shouted as he ran in, breaking the door down in the process. "Oh...good work, Magine!" Juran smiled, patting her head. "Oh, it is really spacious in here," Gaon noted, "Did Kaito's parents and Skye make this place, too?" "I wouldn't be surprised," Amy noted, none paying attention to Roll's slowly widening eyes. "Hm? Oh!" Gaon spoke up before coming out...with a sleepy Haseo on his shoulders in a pair of orange pajamas, a plush lynx in his arms, "I found a sleepy Haseo-chan coming this way!" "Eh? Haseo was in there?" Kaito asked, the two-tailed grey fox rubbing an eye and yawning. "How'd you get in there?" Magine asked. "Mmm…" Haseo mumbled, not fully awake, "Onee-chan let me in her room to come over…" "...Onee-chan?" Gaon repeated. "Roll made this!?" the five gawked, turning to look at her. "Uhm…" she muttered. "When did you...how did...when did you even get the time?" Kaito asked. "Why would you make such a thing? How did you make it!? What is it? Answers! I need them! Vroon-Vroon!" Vroon exclaimed. "Eto…" Roll began before the secret door-back in place-slammed shut and several locks were heard going off behind it, making them all look at it. "Was that a security measure?" Vroon asked before turning back to Roll...to see a dissipating smoke version of her in her place, "Ah...She ran." "Mystery!" Kaito declared. "Breakfast first…" Yatsude spoke up while sipping her morning tea. "Right after breakfast…" Kaito muttered as they all sat down. "B'e'kfa't…" Haseo mumbled. "Hmm…" Skye hummed to himself, reading the news on a tablet in his shop, "It's weird they have only attacked this one chunk of Tokyo so far...not very...effective…" he then flinched when the door was slammed shut, he turned to see a slightly panicked Roll, "Oh no...They found something, didn't they?" "They found the secret tunnel," Roll replied. "Yabei…" Skye sighed. "And Haseo-chan's been using it with permission to go over there without going outside," Roll added. "...Gaon?" "Gaon," Roll confirmed. They blinked upon hearing knocking. Turning slowly, they looked to see Gaon at the entrance. "Hai, Haseo-kun has finished breakfast and now needs to brush his teeth!" he smiled, "Oh also...Kaito is taking Vroon's head like a battering ram to the secret door, so bye~" with that, he put Haseo down and skipped off happily. "...Oh that poor Vroon," Skye shook his head. "Gomen," Haseo apologized, his ears drooping. "Ah, not your fault. Should've guessed they'd find it sooner or later," Skye sighed, patting Haseo on the head, "Best get ready for today...because it's gonna be a pain." "And given Kaito found the door first thing in the morning…" Roll mumbled. "We have invited the opening of the gates of ragnarok…" Skye replied in deadpan sarcasm, mixed with some honest concern, "Best warn her about this." "I got an axe!" Kaito shouted, running into the Cafe with a pilfered fireman's axe for breaking down walls. "...Quickly. You know how she'll react to an axe to her tunnel door," Skye deadpanned. "Hai, hai," Roll nodded as she ran off into the house part of their place. "And...Roulette!" Ijirude declared, pulling the lever. "So you put in a new option?" Barashitara asked. "Ah yes, it's been inserted at random. This wild card will let us keep the invasion's pressure on by sending in the Grand Masters as a group to do some damage to the world!" Ijirude spoke, "Honestly, Eggman and I figure it will save us Tojiru Gears since we keep losing them!" "Don't blame the Military sect! We do the best we can with your junk, you nerds!" Barashitara shouted, "How are we expected to get a win when you give us randomized powers?! Where's Poison World!? Virus World!? War World? Something good!" "Oh, I'm sorry. I figured a bronze jarhead like you could make the best of anything!" Ijirude snapped as the wheel halted on Eggman's symbol, "Ah...It landed on the Wild Card!" "YES!" Eggman beamed as he slid right in, "FINALLY!" "...Ugh…" Barashitara groaned, "Ok...what do you have planned, fatman?" "Simple...something to remind the people of their place," Eggman stated with a grin, "We lead an invasion lead by the Grandmasters!" "Of course i-wait, what?" "You think I'm some bumbling idiotic scientist…." Eggman started with a frown, lifting his leg up as Orbot and Cubot carried a soapbox for him to stomp on as he raised his finger high into the air, "Well, I'll show you that I am also a cunning and ruthless tactician! After all, back in the day before the worlds fused and I was known as Lord Ivo Julian Robotnik...I took over a majority of Mobius within a single day!" "I don't believe you," Barashitara bluntly stated. "It's sadly true," Lien-Da sighed, "I've read his reports in the Eggnet database. He was able to infiltrate the Kingdom of Acorn during a period called the Great War as a turncoat against the Overlanders and helped them achieve domination. Then, with the use of a new invention, was able to force the original Minister of Science to retire and take their place. With that, he made the kingdom demilitarize and replaced its forces with 'PEACEBots' which he snuck a code in that, once activated, would make them respond to only his voice commands and no exterior ones." "Had to send some annoyances to the Zone of Silence to make it all work, but in less than twenty four hours after starting the plan, the Kingdom of Acorn became the Robotnik Empire," Eggman added, an ominous glint appearing on his glasses, "Then once the pretenses were done, I renamed the 'PEACEBots' to SWATBots….hmm...I may need to bring those back, but upgraded…" "SWAT?" Barashitara repeated, "Hmm...An acronym...Special Weapons And Tactics...I'll admit, the name is good." "Knew that would catch your attention," Eggman grinned, "So here is what I am thinking...we lead an invasion of Kudakks and SWATbots onto the city lead by the Grandmasters, see if we can capture a few humans or Mobians...and we subject them to an old classic of mine. The Roboticizer!" "The what now?" Ijirude questioned in interest. "That new invention I mentioned? Originally, it was supposed to replace missing limbs with robotic ones," Eggman explained as a dark grin grew on his face, "However, after some modifications by yours truly, it completely turns the host into a robotic being with no free will...no defiance, and a simple program that follows my every order!" "Then how is it you lost to a blue spiky teenager?" Gege asked. "Which one?" Eggman asked "The one who is not human." Gege clarified. "Oh no...He asked it," Lien-Da groaned, facepalming as Eggman tensed up while his glasses slipped, exposing black sclera with red eyes. "I mean...it feels like a legitimate question…" Barashitara whispered to Lien-Da. "THAT…!" Eggman began before taking a deep breath, readjusting his glasses, "...Is something I often underestimated from him…But I will say this: Before the worlds merged...way before I used my Genesis Wave, I had him nearly broken! His precious princess nothing more than a robotic slave of mine, the entire Kingdom in chaos because of the current king at the time, his friends missing, comatose, or being turned on by the people they've been sworn to protect...and a failed battle against the Battle Bird Armada...oh, I wish I could've seen the despair on his face! But..." he paused as he frowned once more, "He still kicked back from that...but not this time! I will get the advantage over him! Orbot, Cubot!" "Yes, milord?" "Activate Metal Sally. She…" "Uh...About that…" Cubot spoke, earning Eggman's attention, "We...really don't have her anymore." "...what?" Eggman choked out, his glasses slipping once more. "We tried to tell you many times after we recovered you," Orbot added. "But you kept ranting and scheming for your eventual comeback, boss!" Cubot continued. "...So….the one crutch I had against Sonic...my secret weapon against him….is gone?!" Eggman snapped, making the two flinch at the way his red eyes were actually glowing in his rage, "Grr...wait. Then that means….d'oh...ALBERT! HEDGEHOG~!" he roared out before taking a deep breath and fixed his glasses once more, "Will deal with it another time…" "I am so lost…" Barashitara muttered, "You told me this 'Sally' was a long time nemesis...you never told me she was turned into a robot." he turned to Lien-Da. "She sacrificed herself to stop a machine that would've Roboticized the entire planet," Lien-Da explained. "Yes, 'would've,'" Eggman grumbled. "I take it there was a flaw," Ijirude stated. "While the BEM's anti-Roboticization was dealt with," Orbot noted, "It would only affect those that had never been Roboticized." "...and those are…" "Best not to ask…" Lien-Da sighed a bit. "Hmm...Roboticization…" Ijirude rubbed his chin. "So what do you intend to do without this 'Sally' of yours?" Barashitara asked. "Improvise," Eggman replied, "She wasn't my only plan and I have only made so much more in the last six months!" "Trust me. He...he has literal file cases filled with them," Lien-Da groaned to Barashitara. "He's very dedicated...why not just send in all the strong ones at once?" Barashitara offered, "The Zenkaigers are five members plus the blue one. That is, at best, six, maybe more, combatants." "Oh that's Plan Omega-7!" Eggman grinned. "What are Plans Omega-1 through Omega-6...?" Barashitara whispered to himself. "Hmm…" Eggman rubbed his chin, "Ah! Plan Delta-4! Lien-Da, I'll need you, Thunderbolt, Conquering Storm, and...Drago's still around, right?" "The wolf who keeps getting his jaw broken?" Lien-Da deadpanned. "Oh goody, he is! Perfect!" Eggman grinned, "And get me a map of the biggest places for transport for land, sea, and air in Japan! And the Mega Muck!" "Hm?" the two Kikainoids pondered. "AXE ZENKAI!" Kaito shouted, swinging the axe at the secret door...only for it to bounce off and the feedback to cause him to start bouncing backwards away from it, "N-n-n-n-n-not zenka-a-a-a-ai…!" "What did I just walk in to?" Tails asked. "Kaito found a secret door and it locked itself," Sonic explained, "Gaon found Haseo in it this morning coming over for breakfast." "Wait, he was using it to come over? Wouldn't that mean the other end is over at their house?" Tails asked. "AH!" Kaito realized as he stopped bouncing. "To the answers!" Vroon declared as Kaito hopped onto his back. "Mystery Zenkai!" Kaito declared as they ran out...before skidding to a halt on seeing Skye at the door, holding up a stop sign, "Uh oh…" "You're wanting answers," Skye stated. "Uh-huh!" Vroon nodded. "...Alright," Skye nodded before pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just promise me one thing before I take you to the answers?" "What's that?" Juran asked. "Be gentle with my little girl," Skye replied. "Eh? Be gentle with Roll-chan?" Magine pondered. "Wrong daughter," Skye replied as he walked off, "And que all of them shouting in three...two...one…" he pointed at them, "Zero." "EH!?" the five Zenkaigers, Yatsude, Tails, Sonic, Amy, and Secchan screamed. "Wait...you have another daughter...but you said you and Auntie only had Roll and Haseo...unless…" Kaito began, "Ah...Time Travel! You did a Time Travel!" "The fact that's the first thing you'd believe shows how trusting you are, Kaito…" Juran muttered. "Yes, Aphy and I had Roll and Haseo," Skye confirmed. "...Uh...Was she aware that you…" Juran realized. "Aphy was the one who suggested it." "...Your wife is very surprising," Juran noted with wide optics. "Eh? What are you talking about?" Gaon asked. "You want to get your answers or not?" Skye called, already crossing the bridge over to his shop/house, "Because you only get an hour before I need to prep for Mr. Sasegawa's surgery today." "I still think it was time travel," Kaito admitted with a chuckle while following Skye. Meanwhile Flash was in his ninja costume jumping form building to building as he finally stopped at the last building. "Wow, that's some serious work out." He said as he stretch." Got to train more still. Can't always count on my skills alone. But still it's good thing nothing bad is happening today, it gives me more time to focus on my...." His phone suddenly rang as he checked and saw it was sky. "Hey uncle sky what's up... What?! They already found out..... Well you gotta tell them to be careful and the same thing won't happen like last time when I accidentally found out and make sure she's wearing clothes.... Ok I'm coming just wait." He hung up and was about to leave when he suddenly heard screams."Dang it!, Looks like I gotta stop them." He ran towards the direction. "Alright, this is where the tunnel starts," Skye informed, standing before the door with the 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on it, "And it is also her bedroom and personal lab and no touchy the equipment in there." "So...your other daughter chooses to live in a series of secret tunnels she made both under your place...and into mine?" Kaito asked, "I get the 'your house' part...but...why my place?" "Ahem." "Our place," Kaito corrected. "Thank you," Yatsude thanked. "Because of how often Roll and Haseo go over there," Skye explained, "She made it as a way to not only, in a way, be there for them but also a way to pull them out in an emergency." he knocked on the door and a panel slid open, showing jade eyes, "Rolly, is she ready?" "Iie," Roll replied with a sigh. "But she knows this is happening, yes?" "Hai," Roll replied. "Alright. Now remember, she startles easily so no cooing, Gaon, no running up to her asking questions on rapid fire, Vroon. Magine, be yourself. Juran, stay near Magine so Magine doesn't have a panic attack that startles her. Amy, no shouting. Tails, stay fluffy. Yatsude, be yourself. Secchan, don't go near the lab table. And Kaito...don't be weird boy," Skye informed. "I make no promises." Kaito bluntly replied. Skye facepalmed, knowing that would be the best he'd get, "Oh, and Sonic? Be alert at all times." "I don't feel safe," Sonic replied. "With her? You aren't at the moment," Skye admitted as he knocked three times and the door unlocked. It swung open and the group entered. At first, it looked like a normal bedroom...until the large tunnel where the closet should be was noticed. Shelves decorated parts of the tunnel, filled with stacks of paper and wayward little gadgets and gizmos. A wardrobe was on one wall of the bedroom while an entire other one was converted into a large intricate workbench/mini-laboratory. A hammock was set up in place of a bed with several plush dolls in it. Meanwhile, Roll was at another wardrobe in the tunnel, the door to it open to them and hiding what was in it from them. "Come on, Neechan," Roll gently encouraged, "You can do it." Slowly, Roll backed away and a figure as tall as her began to step out. At first, she looked to be a lynx with long dark-gold hair that ended just past her knees. Yet, the traits of a hedgehog, such as the long 'hair' actually being quills and her amber eyes being conjoined were noticed, partially hidden by a pair of silver half glasses. She wore a blue dress that split partway down the hips on both sides to expose the long dark blue stockings and light blue slippers. She had on a pair of dark blue gloves that reached up to her shoulders while a magenta hairband laid on her head to keep her 'hair' back. "Neko?" Gaon whispered. "Lynx," Haseo corrected. "Are all his daughters hybrids?" Vroon asked himself. "She looks like she wants to bolt for the hills," Magine whispered, feeling familiarity in that. "It's like a cute little deer in the woods…" Juran muttered, "We just have to not spook her." Everyone then turned to see Kaito stepping forward. "Hi," he smiled, "I'm Kaito!" he held his hand out. "!" the Hedgelynx hid behind Roll as the group facepalmed. "Ayane-chan, it's okay," Roll comforted, her tail patting her sister's head. "This is my middle child, Ayane Hurricane Sakurai nee Raiju," Skye introduced. "R-Raiju janai…" the Hedgelynx mumbled. "Is that your Kaachan's last name?" Kaito asked. "Donor's." "She has trouble calling her birth mother that," Skye sighed, "Not surprised given Galey's personality." a frying pan whacked his head, "ITE~!" "She's around Roll's age!" Yatsude snapped. "She's a month younger," Skye replied, barely dodging another swing, "Ah! It was not a cheat! Cheating janai! They both convinced me to go with it, not the other way around!" "Think that fixes the fact any woman would be mad?" she asked, making Skye shut up. "Mmm…" Ayane quickly ran over to her workbench before giving Yatsude a pink and yellow frying pan and hiding back behind Roll. "Eh?" "Y-You keep having to buy new ones since they d-dent when you hit Papa…" Ayane explained, "That fixes itself." "Oh...That's amazing." Yatsude blinked before blindsiding Skye and smacking him across the face, "Hmm?" sure enough, the little dent fixed itself, "Oh, you are a precious child. You just have a real dumb papa." "NEWTON~!" Skye slurred before falling flat on his back. "How does he not have serious brain damage?" Juran muttered as Magine poked Skye's face a few times. "Better question...how is he alive?" Magine muttered. =I blame the Hedgehog Speed Gene, tune= Secchan noted before yelping as Ayane picked him up. "You're Secchan, the robotic bird built by the doctors and papa," Ayane noted, looking him all over. =Ah! Whoa! Eep!= Secchan yelped before giving a loud squawk and shooting off behind Tails, exposing the screwdriver she had in her hand =Gah! No touchy with a screwdriver, tune!= "So...you know all about us?" Kaito asked. "Of course she does," Roll replied as Ayane hid behind her once more, "Ayane-chan may not like the outside, but she does like keeping information as accurate as she can." her hand quickly smacked Ayane's as she was reaching towards Secchan once more, "Iie. No studying Secchan. We told you that already." "Mmmm…" "My little pumpkin is just like her papa," Skye chuckled, getting back up, "She's more brains than brawn and is quite determined to surpass me and anything I've worked on or surpass anything any other scientist did." "Hmm...probably won't take long…" Yatsude muttered, "You're kind of unpredictable…" "Oi…" Skye deadpanned."any way I called Flash and he will be coming soon aswell." Ayane heard his name and developed a mad expression. "NO!" She shouted surprising the others." I DON'T WANT THAT PERVERT IN HEAR AGAIN!" The others were surprised to hear this. "Wait you know flash?" Sonic asked. "Pervert?" Amy muttered. "Well.... Flash had found out about her months ago actually." Skye said rubbing his head. "He did, why didn't he tell us then." Kaito asked innocently. "Cause I told him not to until ayay was ready. Apparently he was cleaning my workshop as I told him to and he accidentally had found the door leading to Ayane room. He didn't know so he went to check it and soon found her room. The door was unlocked so he went to check in.... That's where she was changing her clothes and when they saw each other. Well.... Let's just say I was glade I came back in a hurry or Flash would have been blasted by her." He told them. The others were dumbfounded by hearing this."Huh, no wonder he had black marks on his favorite hoodie that time." Yatsude muttered remembering when her grandson came home with burned marks. He told her that Skye blaster went wrong. "Nii-san, Flash-san isn't a pervert he just got at the wrong place at the wrong time." But that still didn't help her case as she was still not agreeing. "Hey, that's the sword you wanted me to use," Sonic realized, spotting the prototype on the workbench, now far more fleshed out than before with a hand crank, a blue paint job replacing the red coloring of the Geartlinger, and a yellow detailing along the side of the blade, "Huh...Looks pretty cool." "Huh?" Kaito blinked as he pulled out his Geartlinger to compare it to the sword, "It looks like a sword version of the Geartlinger…" "That's pretty sweet," Sonic noted, reaching out before yelping as several bo shuriken hit the spot where his hand was about to pass, "Whoa now!" "T-That's not yours," Ayane growled, glaring at Sonic, "Th-That's Onee-chan's." she then squeaked and started going around Roll as Kaito followed. "Eh? You remade the sword for your sister?" Kaito asked, "It looks really cool! What's it called?" a rolling pin hit him upside the head, "ITE!" "Stop that," Roll ordered, lowering the rolling pin held in her tail. "Mmm…" "I tell him 'don't be weird boy' and he be weird boy," Skye sighed. "Times like this makes me…" Tails began before his phone went off, prompting him to pull it out of one of his tails and answered, "Yes?" =Tails, we have an emergency= Nicole spoke =Kudakks are invading the City...with SWATBots assisting them= "?!" Tails eyes widened at that, "...Are you sure?" =Yes. Sending visuals now= Nicole said as a holographic screen was displayed before the group, showing a group of Kudakks and a new robot. Its body was much more muscular, clad in dark navy almost black armor, the armor covered its entire tors, with armor forming a metallic armored faulds, matching leg armor, large outward pointing pauldrons with the Tojitendo symbol on one shoulder, and the Eggman symbol on the other. Their heads were wide and bowl-like with a spike atop and red V like optics. Their arms where bulky with a section opening to reveal twin barreled group looked on as they watched them attacking the city, firing at various buildings and people, often grabbing the latter and carrying them off. "...Okay. The SWATBots got an upgrade," Sonic whispered with wide eyes. "Mmm…" Sonic blinked twice upon seeing Ayane suddenly behind Tails, looking at the visuals as the twin-tailed fox blushed due to her resting on his head in her bending over to get a better look, "Durability increased by a factor of seven...reactive speed up by 200 percent compared to previous models…" "I was afraid of this," Skye sighed. =Afraid of what?= "Seems that the doctor has gotten nostalgic and, more than likely, shared some old designs with the Tojitendo to upgrade," Skye replied, "But what's worse is Ay-Ay's spotted it." "Huh? Why's that bad?" Vroon asked. "Spikes should've been put on the elbows and knees to increase physical damage output or perhaps saw blades with an internal oiling system…" "That. That is why," Skye deadpanned, "She likes to 'one up' anyone she sees as a rival." "Seriously?" Sonic asked. "Why do you think she swiped my prototype?" Skye replied. "My Geartlasher," Ayane stated before squeaking when Kaito popped up beside her. "Geartlasher? Oh, that's a neat name for the sword! Sugei, Ayane-san!" Kaito beamed, causing Ayane to scurry behind Roll once more, "Ah...you're kind of a pain to deal with…" he bluntly started, making the rest of the Sakurai family gawk at him, "But I get it, becoming your friend will take a lot of work," he sighed, "But that will have to wait 'till later. Gotta go deal with this attack!" "Is there a World with them?" Tails asked. =No. At the moment, it's just a Grandmaster= Nicole replied. "Just a Grandmaster?" Magine asked, tilting her head. =Drago to be precise= "...Oh...him," Sonic and Tails frowned. "Who's got dibs on the punch to his snout this time?" Sonic asked. "Well, it's supposed to be Antoine, but he's not here right now so…" Tails began. "We're lost here," Juran spoke up. "Who's Drago?" Gaon asked. "And what are SWATBots?" Vroon asked. "First: He's a former Freedom Fighter that betrayed us to work with Robotnik, manipulated someone-his former girlfriend he abused-into trying to kill Sally, pinned it all on me, and tried to create a war between the Wolf Pack and Felidae," Sonic explained, "As for the latter...they're Eggman...or rather Robotnik's old robots he used to capture and suppress the people of Mobius, often capturing them to take to the Roboticizer." "...?!" Tails eyes widened at that, "Sonic...you don't think…" "I wouldn't be surprised if that second wave made everyone susceptible again," Sonic frowned, "I'm going ahead. Kaito, I'll see you and the others...and make sure they don't take anyone." he stated as he rushed out in a blur. =Wait... I think Zenkai Gin already is there helping.= Nicole told as they all saw in the video. A blur ran fast and slashed the bots making some explode. The blur revealed to be zenkai Gin as he then stopped and spotted more robots. He ran towards them and throw shruikens at them. He then jumped up and came down in a blur and slashed them all with energy slashes as he took care of them. "SUGOI~" Roll muttered seeing Zenkai Gin in action."but his armor is based on the Ninningers, why's that?" "His papa and mama made that" Skye told. "Well looks like he got most of it covered, but still let's go give him a hand." Sonic said. "Ah, Sonic-san…" Roll began before Ayane gave her the sword. "Field test," Ayane stated. "Eh? Field test? Oh! That sounds…" Kaito began before Ayane threw down a colorful wrapped up egg on the ground, engulfing the place in colorful smoke that dissipated, revealing her to be gone. "She's gone!" Gaon gasped. "Had a feeling she reached her limit," Skye sighed, "She'll be hiding where she can safely watch the fight. You kiddos get going while I head to mission control." "You dumb bots don't know when to quits na." Zenkai Gin shouted as he slashed more bots. Some came from behind and hit him but he was I was replaced with a wooden board. The bots looked around as zenkai Gin came from behind and pierced his sword in there back. More came as he simply waited as they came closer. He did a hand symbol and soon summons a storm. It swallows them as they all flew up and then crashed down. "That's what you get for harming others." He then looked at the captured people and mobians who were now free."everyone run now before more come." They didn't need to know as they all ran away. He didn't notice a bot coming from behind. before a blur crashed right through it, its parts flying about as Sonic skidded to a halt. "Wow, looks like you were having quite fun hear, and you did it without me." Sonic cake as he was holding the sword. "Well I didn't have time to wait and I did all this in a flashy way." Zenkai Gin told with smirk under his helmet."so any idea who the grand master in this one is." "Well, well, well...If it ain't Sonic." "...Seriously, quit with the nostalgia," Sonic sighed, turning his head to see a muscular wolf Mobian approach, donned in a black bodysuit with a raised red collar...and his arms replaced with metal arms ending in scythe-like claws, "Drago...Still see you're trying and failing to be a Mobian version of Freddy Kruger." "And you're currently stuck, Sonic," Drago countered as he walked over, a smug grin on his face, "Thanks to Tojitendo, the SWATBots are more than capable of dealing with you and your friends...and guess what?" he grinned as he knelt down a bit to face him, "You don't have your precious princess to get you out of this situation…" "...Really? You're gonna go with the 'low blow' route?" Sonic deadpanned. "You let her get Roboticized afterall…" Drago grinned, making Sonic tense up, "Ahh...and I thought I had terrible luck with girls...but you? You just can't seem to keep one safe from harm...the princess, that singer brat that got shot by Nack...that little pink brat that has a crush on you but keeps getting kidnapped...Fiona." "..." "Heh...hit a nerve, did I?" Drago grinned as he stood back up, "Well guess what...Tojitendo will provide me with great wealth once I bring you to them..and you'll be Roboticized before the entire world." "...Know what? I was gonna warn you about something in a witty manner...but I think I'm just gonna watch you get your butt handed to ya out of spite." "Oh so you're gonna…" "HA!" Zenkai Gin shouted as he jumped in and kicked Drago, the silver Ranger going into a bicycle kick that struck him multiple times before a final kick struck his face. "ARGH! WHY IB IS ABBAWS BY SBOUBT?!" "Nice kick cuz" Zenkaiser shouted as he and the others came. "No problem, He just pisses me off that's why." Zenkai Gin told as he flipped back and landed between the zenkaigers. =Priority Two: Zenkaiser spotted= A SWATBot spoke up as it and the other grunts/robots took aim =Engaging= "Whoa!" Zenkaiser shouted as he spun around a swing from a Kudakk before he spun around and kicked a SWATBot, making it stumble back, "Why is my popular phase starting with evil robots!?" he asked, spinning around and kicking another SWATBot away. "Eh. You get used to it," Sonic shrugged, "Just be careful of the Mega Muck they fire at ya." "Mega what?!" Zenkai Gin asked as he leaned back all the way to the ground as something flew over him, "Oh...that!" he flipped back to his feet, "Okay, this is getting old!" he pulled out a Sentai Gear and slotted it, cranking his Geartlinger as he ducked around swings and shots from the grunts, "Time to test out this power!" he cheered, shooting up. =Ju Bang~! Flash~Man!= The holograms of the Flashman formed around Zenkai Gin before the Red Ranger jumped back and went into Zenkai Gin. "Prism Seiken!" Zenkai Gin shouted as he clapped his hands together, red light shining from his hands as he drew it apart slowly, the light taking the solid shape of a simple sword made of red crystal. He quickly took hold of the sword as he swung and slashed through a SWATBot, he swung again, slashing down another, he stabbed through one, before twisting the sword and pulling it out. He swung his arm around his back and blocked a swing from a Kudakk before spinning around and kicking it across the face. He spun around and slashed multiple SWATBots and Kudakks as they circled him. As he did, the blade ignited with fire and red electricity. He turned around towards another charging group of SWATBots. "Fire Thunder!" Zenkai Gin shouted, lifting the Prism Seiken up and swinging it down with all the force he had, leaving a burning streak through the air as he cut down the SWATBots causing them to explode."Awesome!" He cheered. "Looks like his getting a hang of this now." Zenkaiser said as he saw his cousin. "Yeah, this guy's like not insanely super fast like me, or stupid overly strong like Knuckles, but...he's a little of everything..." Sonic taunted, "So that kinda makes him better at fighting large odds." =That was the power of the 10th Super Sentai, Choushinsei Flashman, tune!= Secchan exclaimed. =It's interesting that Flashman is one of four Super Sentai that don't actually use 'Sentai' in their name= Skye added =And all four are part of the first ten Super Sentai= "My Senpai are pretty amazing~" Zenkai Gin cheered as the Prism Seiken vanished in a series of sparkling lights. He then pulled out the Geartlinger as he pulled the trigger and shot at more SWATBots before cranking it as he held the trigger, pelting their oncoming battalion with shots. =Priority Two: Zenkaigers proving difficult...preparing to transport prisoners and Hedgehog t…= One SWATBot began before it was sliced in half by Zenkai Juran's sword. "I don't know what you're planning, but I ain't having it!" Zenkai Juran declared. "About time you guys showed up," Sonic noted as the rest of the Zenkaigers ran into the area. "More of them!?" Drago gawked. "You didn't read the folder we apparently have, did you?" Zenkai Juran asked. "Ah, a wolf! ...Ew, those arms are gross," Zenkai Gaon muttered. =Priority Three: Zenkaiser's allies= another SWATBot spoke up =Preparing to detain= "Preparing to wh-" Zenkai Gaon began before his face was covered by the Mega Muck, "?! MMM! Mmmmmmm!" "What is that stuff?" Zenkai Magine asked in disgust as Gaon grabbed his face and tried to wipe it off...only for his hands to get stuck. "Mega Muck!" Sonic replied, "That stuff is extra sticky! I always needed either a hand to get out of it or a Power Ring. Think of it like superglue...combined with tar." "MMMMMMMMMM!" Zenkai Gaon screamed as he tried to get the Mega Muck off, rapidly running around the area screaming. "Keep firing, men!" Drago ordered before pointing at the Kudakks, "You guys get those prisoners off to get processed." "Oh no you don't!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he tackled through the Kudakks. "What are you guys doing?" Zenkaiser demanded. "He's trying to put them in a Roboticizer!" Sonic replied. "Roboticizer?" Magine repeated. "Oh! Skye told me about those. Those are the machines that turn Mobians and people...into robots…with no….free will..." Zenkai Gin trailed off. "That's right," Drago grinned, "You humans and Mobians refuse to obey Tojitendo, so the only way to get you to comply...is to turn you into machines to serve only us!" "No way!" Zenkaiser shouted as he punched through a SWATBot, "I'm not letting that happen!" he spun around, using the robot as a shield from blasts from more of its own kind of grunt, "Everyone here is living happily...we just want to live together...Why do you guys keep trying to ruin that?!" he kicked the SWATBot away, sending it into the others, "I'm getting tired of you and your loser friends trying to ruin everyone's happy days!" he pointed at Drago, "So get ready!" he shouted as he swung around and shot the grunts around him. As he reached a full 360 degree turn, he dropped down to one knee and shot Drago, knocking him off his feet, "Today...I'm going Zenryoku Zenkai!" he slotted another Sentai Gear and cranked it. =San-Ju-Nana BANG! Kyo~ryuger!= "So just try and stop me!" Zenkaiser shouted as the Red Ranger hologram flew into him. He held his hand out as a yellow double barreled revolver themed like a dinosaur formed in his hand, "Gaburivolver!" he shouted as he jumped into the air and aimed down shooting at the Grunts making them spark and fall over before exploding. Upon landing, Zenkaiser cheered as he began dancing around, dodging every shot and swing aimed at him. He spun around bashing a Kudakk across the head before spinning around and shooting a SWATBot with the Gaburivolver. The SWATBots prepared to shoot back only for them to be pelted by Zenkai Juran as he slid past them, he cheered before spinning around with his own Gaburivolver and shot more of the SWATBots and Kudakks. The two Zenkaigers cheered as they stood side by side while dancing to samba music only they could seemingly hear. "Samba!" Zenkai Juran cheered, spinning around and shooting more grunts. "Whoo~!" Zenkaiser cheered, jumping up and kicking a SWATBot over before he stepped off its chest. "This Gear seems to get along well with them…" Zenkai Gin noted as she bashed a Kudakk with his foot. "Why do I hear Samba music?!" Gaon asked, stuck to several SWATBots. =That's because Samba is connected to the 37th Super Sentai, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, tune!= =Carnival~!= Skye cheered. "Hey~ join the party!" Zenkaiser and Zenkai Juran cheered, holding both their guns and shooting down at the ground, forcing the Grunts to dance...only for their bad moves to fail them and get them blasted. The two then turned to Drago, "Whoo~ Carnival time!" they cheered, shooting at Drago's feet. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Stop that!" Drago snapped as he dodged the shots. "What are you idiots doing?!" Eggman's voice snapped. "...I had a feeling he'd be nearby," Sonic whispered as he looked up, seeing Eggman flying down in his EggMobile, "Sup Eggbuttnik?" "D'oh…!" Eggman growled at that before grinning, "Rather nostalgic, isn't it Sonic? My SWATBots, Mega Muck...Drago...Roboticization?" "Yeah, well we were having a good yet interesting morning before you guys showed up," Sonic retorted, "Also really...Drago? You couldn't pull anyone stronger?" "Oh no….he was just the bait." "...Wait, wh-" Sonic began. =HA!= Thunderbolt roared in her mech suit as she charged into Zenkaiser and Zenkai Juran , knocking them over as they crashed into Zenkai Vroon and zenkai Gin. "Eh?" Zenkai Vroon blinked as he was unmoved, "A refrigerator?" "Refrigerator?" Zenkai Gaon repeated. "Ah. It's the chimichanga in the mech suit," Zenkai Gin grunted as he got back up. =CHINCHILLA!= Thunderbolt snapped before saluting to Eggman =Don't worry, Lord Eggman! I'll make sure they're nice and ready for reprogramming and Robotization!= "Please move aside," Zenkai Vroon spoke, smacking Thunderbolt's suit with his Vroon Picker, resulting in his sending it and her flying off to the side, "Ah...gomen nasai…" "Oh look...the traitor," Eggman noted with a grin. "Eggman!" Zenkai Vroon spoke in a more dramatic tone, "We meet again!" =Did he just ignore me!?= Thunderbolt snapped. "Ah, the Chincha thingy…" the Zenkaigers muttered. =Chinchilla! Chinchilla! Chinchilla!= "What dastardly schemes are you doing this time?!" Zenkai Vroon returned to the mood he set up just before. "Ah, thank you, someone who knows how this works!" Eggman laughed, "Anyway, where was I?" "Evil Monologue 69?" Sonic chuckled. "Ah yes," Eggman nodded, "Now then...Yes! Drago was mere bait for my real main forces!" "So you brought your Chinca thing." =CHIN! CHIL! LA!= "Who says it's just her?" Eggman grinned. "What do y-AHH!" Vroon cried out as he was shocked. "For the record…" Lien-Da spoke, reeling back one of her electric whips, "I was imagining that was you the entire time, Eggman." "Whoa, she's new!" Zenkai Juran spoke up. "...You seriously forgot about me?" Lien-Da deadpanned, "We met when you and Zenkaiser first formed a team." "We did?" Juran tilted his head. "Did we?" Zenkaiser asked, raising his head up, "Oh...zappy lady…" "Ahahahahaha!" Sonic laughed loudly, "Oh god...they barely remember you losers! That must hurt so much worse than all the times I kicked your butts!" "Rrrr…!" Lien-Da growled. "Ano...So you made that goopy stuff?" Zenkai Gin asked, pointing at the Mega Muck Sonic was in. "Indeed I did. That is Mega Muck. One part petroleum, one part quicksand, one part clay soil and a few other parts," Eggman replied, "The perfect stick trap for a speedster like Sonic!" "Petro...quicksand...clay…" Zenkai Gin listed to herself, "Okay~!" He pulled out his wand on the ground as the Mega Muck fell apart as its base components. "...Wh…What did you just do?!" Eggman demanded. "Magic," was Magine's only response. "Meaning you lost your edge on me, Baldy McNosehair," Sonic smirked. "...well, at least I don't have to deal with two speedsters," Eggman grinned. "Wait, what?" Sonic blinked, "...wait. Guys...Where's Roll?" "Eh? I thought she was following us," Zenkai Juran noted as Zenkai Magine used her magic on Zenkai Gaon but not on the robots that had gotten stuck to the Mega Muck that had been on him. "What happened to Roll-chan!?" Zenkai Gaon panicked. "Simple..." Eggman began as she leaned back in his seat, "To fight a ninja...you need a ninja." "What's that supposed t-" Juran began before a pair of blurs shot past him, "?!" "RAIJU FILTH!" "SAKURAI SCUM!" "...Okay, I'll admit…" Eggman blinked a few times, "I did not think they had a history." =Oh sweet fried rice...Don't tell me I just heard 'Raiju Filth' and 'Sakurai Scum'...Please tell me that we didn't just hear that= Skye pleaded. "Can't…'cause ya did…" Zenkai Gin sighed, "I think you told us about this once." "Gh!" Roll grunted as she skidded to a halt, glaring up at a female Lynx in purple kunoichi gear themed on Eggman's outfit, a eastern straw hat on top of her head as her cybernetic eyes glared down at her. =Yeah...Aside from my baby girl Ay-Ay and her mother...The Sakurai have...well...issues...with the Raiju= Skye cringed. "Issues?" Zenkai Juran repeated. =Well, the main reason is all muddled up. The Raiju say the Sakurai stole a family sword from them, the Sakurai say that the Raiju murdered a newlywed couple on their wedding night...It's all messed up= "Ya know, if I don't look at the eyes, she's a really adorable lynx," Zenkai Gaon noted. "Shut up, Kikainoid/Gaon," the Lynx and Hedgefox growled, not once stopping in their glaring at one another. "Oh, yeah. You told me this once since I almost ended up in the crossfire once on a visit," Zenkaiser recalled. "Like my plan, hedgehog!?" Eggman declared as he stood up in his seat, "I like to call this one...Operation: Raging Thunder, Converting Metal!" "...Let me guess, the 'Converting Metal' refers to Roboticizing," Sonic guessed. "Eggsactly!" Eggman grinned before yelping when Lien-Da cracked her whips. "Never...do that….again…" Lien-Da growled in annoyance, "EVER." "...J-Just start getting people to the Roboticizer! I don't wanna keep Ijirude waiting!" Eggman ordered as he flew off. "About that, we got no prisoners" Lien-Da Spoke" the silver boy over there took out our bots before we could capture any." She told him pointing towards zenkai Gin. "WHAT?!" Eggman shouted" How was he able to do that." "You forget that I'm a Shinobi aswell and a zenkaiger, your luck ran out the moment you were gonna harm anyone else." He told him in serious toon. "Really? The old clinchie lines" he was soon shoot at by a warning shot making him stumble back. "I let you do you thing you let me do mine." Zenkai Gin said while pointing his gun at them. "Dang you." Eggman shouted" Attack the silver brat!" "Oh no ya don't!" Zenkaiser shouted, pulling out a Sentai Gear before yelping as Lien-Da's whip swatted it into the air, "Ah! My gear!" "You honestly think we'll let you do that?" Lien-Da questioned. The Sentai Gear flew through the air before landing on the ground. It bounced a few times before ending up rolling on its side right into a foot. Aside from Roll and the lynx, everyone paused and looked at the owner of the foot. It was a person in an elephant mascot costume….wearing a red marching hat and giant pink-rimmed glasses and a yellow and green cage-themed vest. "Eh?" Zenkaiser blinked as he rolled forward and dodged a swing of Lien-Da's whip, "Mascot?" he asked, flipping to the side to avoid another snap of the whip. "Wha...I don't...what's…" Eggman blinked, stopping for a moment to see the mascot. "What is with today?" Zenkai Gaon spoke as he and Zenkai Vroon tackled the grunts who were trying to take prisoners. The mascot made a honking noise before picking up the Gear and looked at it. It gave out several loud honks before throwing it and had it bounce off Roll's head. "Ite!" Roll yelped as the Gear landed in her hand, "Eh?" she looked down at the Gear, showing it to be the Ryusoulger Gear, "A Sentai Gear? Where did…?" several honks made her look at the mascot, waving at her and pointing at the Geartlasher, "Put that in here?" a honk was her response, "Soka..." "Masaka?" Zenkaiser realized as he flipped over a wall to avoid another whip snap aimed at him, "Ay-Ay!" "Wait ayane hear" zenkai Gin asked in worried toon hoping she won't see him. The mascot let out a startled honk before scurrying off behind a bicycle rack. Roll ignored the antics as she looked at the Geartlasher and spotted a panel resembling the one for Sentai Gears on the Geartlnger. She opened it before putting the Sentai Gear in and closed it up. "Okay, and then I crank it?" Roll guessed as she grabbed the crank and spun it. =Yon-Ju-San Zan~! Zan-Zan~! Zan-Zan~!= "Eh? A new tune, eh?" Zenkai Juran asked as Roll squeezed a trigger on the blade as she swung it at the lynx. =RYU~SOULGER!= The hologram of the Ryusoulgers formed between them, the five taking their distinctive stance before they floated back and faded into Roll. Her body suddenly changed stance to mimic the unique stance of the Ryusoulgers. She swung the Geartlasher, only the force behind it was amazing. the image of Ryusoul Pink forming around her as the wind whipped up by it nearly knocked the Lynx off her feet. She swung down as the Geartlasher struck the ground and caused the ground to crack apart and almost swallow her opponent within the small crevice formed within the street. Roll flipped the sword around as the image of Ryusoul Green overlaid with her. She suddenly dashed forward as the Lynx struggled to regain footing only to be struck fast and hard, knocking her off her feet and flipping through the air. =EHHHH?! WHAT JUST HAPPENED, TUNE!?= Secchan exclaimed as Skye laughed in the background. =Well played, Ay-Ay! Attagirl!= Skye praised in his laughter. "Roll used the power of two Sentai Rangers…" Zenkaiser noted as he flipped around and dodged another whip crack, "But she wasn't doing what I do...She was doing more." "Whoa! What was that about, Roll?" Sonic asked as he ran over. "I don't know. It just...happened," Roll replied, looking at the Geartlasher in confusion and surprise. "Oh great...They made a sword version of it. What next? Are you gonna transform, too?" Eggman asked. "Chance!" Zenkai Gin shouted as he shot at Eggman's air vehicle. "Wait, no! You can't shoot me!" Eggman panicked. "Too bad!" Gin laughed, shooting rapid fire at Eggman. "That's not fair!" "I don't get it, but my turn!" Zenkaiser declared as he pulled out two Sentai Gears this time, "Roll!" he shouted, tossing one at her. "Hai!" Roll replied, catching it, "Hm? Oh, a ninja one!" the mascot let out a startled honk as they poked up from behind the bike rack, "26?" a honk of relief went off from the mascot. "Let's see what it does," Sonic grinned as Roll put the gear into her Geartlasher and cranked the handle. =NI-JU-ROKU ZAN~! HURRI~CANGER!= "Yosha! My turn as well!" Zenkai Gin declared as he put his Sentai Gear into the Geartlinger and cranked the handle. =JU-GO BANG!= =Wait...no! Not that one!= Skye panicked. =JET~MAN!= The Jetman team formed, and as the Red moved to go into Zenkai Gin...till he was suddenly kicked aside by the Black Ranger as he took his place and went into Zenkaiser. The Red Ranger was sent into Juran as the rest picked the best choice among the Zenkaigers, with the White going to Magine, Blue to Gaon, and Yellow to Vroon. "Eh, I didn't get any" Zenkaiser muttered upset. "Hmph…" Zenkai Gin scoffed as his demeanor changed, "This seems interesting. Let's dance." he then reached for his hip, "Bringer Sword!" he shouted while pulling out the Jetman's side arm sword as he swung it and wrapped Lien-Da's whip around it. He swung himself around and yanked on the whip and pulled her down, "Careful, I prefer to be the one who does the whipping~" "What is happening to Flash!?" Zenkai Juran freaked. =Choujin Sentai Jetman, the 15th Super Sentai, they are famous for their Bad boy Black Ranger, Black Condor. Heroic, dangerous, and a flirt! His personality is so strong that he is overtaking Zenkai Gin!= Skye panicked =I feared this! He is a dirty fighter and womanizer!= "Ha!" Zenkai Gin spoke, spinning around and slashing Drago across his arms before turning around and kicking Lien-Da away. He then spun around and put his sword to Drago's neck, "You pissed me off, Doggie...You know what we do to bad dogs, right?" he raised up his free hand, "Ha!" he swung his hand below the belt...and began squeezing. "Ahhahahaha~!" Drago squeaked out in sheer agony. "WHY!?" all the men screamed in terror. "He pissed me off, that's why," Zenkai Gin chuckled. "And I thought I was the evil one…" Eggman muttered in concern. As for Roll, three ninja Sentai appeared sharing the same design but were either red with a symbol resembling wings in a circle, yellow with a lion's face in a circle, or blue with a dolphin's tail in a circle and was the sole girl of the trio. All three jumped into her in unison as the Lynx got up and glared at her. Roll ran forward as HurricaneRed formed around her. She jumped over the Lynx, but as she turned to face Roll, she noticed her not on the ground, instead she looked up to see her seemingly standing on air before she flipped forward, her sword held up to swing as she flipped, slashing the Lynx and making her stumble back. As she touched the ground, she spun around as she held the sword up with both hands and aimed it. The image of HurricaneBlue forming around her as the Geartlasher began shooting beams of energy from the tip, each one hitting the Lynx and knocking her back. =And that was the Hurricangers, tune!= Secchan exclaimed =What did she do to your prototype to let Roll do that, tune?!= =No idea, but she is getting a lot of praise later for it= =At least Flash wasn't the only one with Jetman power= "Why am I using a boulder as a weapon!?" Zenkai Vroon asked in panic as he ripped a chunk of the road out and used it to bash the SWATBots, "This seems most ineffective!" he slammed it down. "Hmm?" Zenkai Gin noticed as he let go of Drago and kicked him into the path of Zenkai Vroon's swing, "Seems effective to me." "Why is Flash so violent?!" Zenkaiser panicked. "Is it me or does he seem more charming this way?" Zenkai Magine muttered. "This power seems like it's more trouble than it's worth!" Zenkai Juran grumbled, "Oi, Hakase, how long are we stuck with Mr. Badboy over here? Even if he is a more effective fighter at the moment…" Zenkaiger flipped over more of the Grunts as he swung the sword he summoned and tore through them. He spun around while shooting the Geartlinger and pelted the robot soldiers until they fell over and exploded. He then spun around and held his sword up as he used it to to block and wrap Lien-Da's whip around the blade. He pulled, dragging her forward and into his leg as he raised it up and kicked her away. He twirled the sword around before stabbing it into the ground. He stepped on the handle and jumped into the air before he held his arms out and black and white feathers formed under his arms as he was now gliding through the air, using his own body to tackle the remaining SWATBots. The silver Ranger spun around as he did so before skidding to a halt as the Robots all sparked and twitched around. "Bang~" Zenkai Gin spoke as they all exploded. His posture relaxed all of a sudden as he looked around confused, "...What just happened?!" =It seems Jetman's Black Condor's amazing will power is so great even a copy power imposed his will onto someone...in this case, his powerful personality fused with and overtook Flash= Skye muttered =At least I think and hope...since last thing we need is Badboy Flash being a thing in our lives or misty will have my head…= =Why was that even a thing, tune!?= Secchan snapped before the sound of metal meeting flesh went off. =NATE MORGAN~!= Skye slurred before they heard him collapse. =This frying pan is really repairing itself fast, tune= "I don't know what just happened...but...I'm gonna take it as a win!" Zenkai Gin cheered. "Ha! You may think it's a win here, but I have my own wins elsewhere!" Eggman laughed as he resumed flying off. "Huh? What's that mean?" Juran pondered. =GYAH! Minna! There's a giant gold gorilla robot at the Haneda Airport, tune!= "Eh!? Giant gold gorilla robot?" Zenkaiser repeated, making Eggman pause in his retreat. "How do you know about King Gong?" Eggman asked. "King Gong? You rebuilt that thing your other you built?" Sonic asked. "No, I rebuilt my King Gong thank you very much," Eggman huffed, "What has me confused is how your Power Ranger wannabe...." He dogged a coming shruiken. "I'm warning you," zenkai Gin told in a serious toon" don't compare us to them, you hear me!" He shouted. "Ok, ok!" Eggman got up as he tapped something on his machine's console, "Kukku, I didn't give you the order to send out Kong Gong yet!" =What?! But ye called and said to deploy and that they were onto us already!= "I most certainly did not!" Eggman snapped. "Wait a second...Why did you send out a giant gold gorilla robot to Haneda Airport?" Gaon asked. "This was a distraction!" Juran realized. "Ack!" Eggman flinched. "Not good," Sonic whispered before dodging a bolt of lightning from Thunderbolt. =You still gotta deal with us!= Thunderbolt snapped. "Oh...right...the rest of Eggman's goons," zenkai Gin muttered as Roll dashed by, ducking under a thrown kunai from the lynx, "And Roll's distracted by...what was her name again?" =Bride of the Conquering Storm, Sonic= Tails replied. =...= =Skye, Tune?= =Hoo boy...Flashy, you gotta get her outta that mindset right now or she'll miss another Giant Robot Battle, your the one with the ninja power so you can do it= "Ah! Right!" Zenkaiser nodded quickly. He ran and jumped between the two." Sorry ladies but there's a giant robot battle and the reporter needs to go." "Eh!?" Roll exclaimed." Mmm...Giant Robot Battle...but the Raiju...but the Giant Robot Battle...but the Raiju…" =Is she really debating over this, tune?= =The hatred for the other runs deep in the genetics and exceptions are extremely rare= =Is the mother of your secret love child one of them, tune?= "Something tells me Skye-san isn't gonna be rid of this stink eye bit for a while…" Zenkaiser sighed, "Ah mou! Roll, don't you dare hesitate! 'Cause the gang and I have been working on some cool new tricks! So if you miss it, it'll be all on you!" "Eh?! Ah mou~!" Roll groaned, rubbing the side of her head with her free hand. "Come on, pick the awesome choice," Zenkaiser added, trying to goad her onto making the right choice here. Zenkai Gin then launched him self at Conquering storm as she blocked his sword by hers." You'll be dealing with a real Shinobi" he said pushing her back. "Real, don't make me laugh, your a disgrace to the Shinobi's." She spat out." We Shinobi hide and keep our self hidden from the world not show off and what kind of Shinobi uses magic" she pointed out. " There are different kind of Shinobi who have there own belief and ways to show and grow. There's even a magic Shinobi and he is way better then you think." Zenkai Gin told her as he pointed his sword at her." So show me what you can do miss lynx, or are you to afraid to fight me." He taunted her making her growl. Both ran at each other and soon we're like blur hitting and slashing in high speed. "Well looks like flash has a hang of this so we can go now, so come on roll."Zenkaiser picked her up and ran off. "I made the right choice!" Zenkaiser shouted. =Hah?! You're running?!= Thunderbolt snapped. "I have to save all those humans and Mobians! Gaon's coming to save you!" Zenkai Gaon shouted. "Later losers!" Zenkai Juran waved. "Bye-bye~" Zenkai Magine waved as she used her Magine Stick as a Witch's Broom to fly away. "WAIT! My legs are long but clunky!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he ran as best he could after them, unaware Sonic was sitting on his shoulder and waving bye to Eggman and his goons. "Gh...How did...When did...But he was right here! I had him right here!" Eggman snapped, constantly pointing at where Sonic had been standing before he had been on Vroon's shoulder, "How did King Gong deploy?! Why did my King Gong deploy?! Why? Why?! WHY?!" Zenkai Gin and storm were now seen fighting on a building as both were in a sword fight. Zenkai Gin went a little back as storm came further to attack. He went back and was now at a wall as she came and slash bit soon saw him replace with a tree branch as she looked back he came from behind she defended but saw he wasn't there as the branch was infused in smoke as Gin came out and kicked her back. He ran and flipped behind her as she try to slash his foot but he flipped again and kicked her back making her stumble back and hit the wall. "So who's the better Shinobi hear." He taunted. "Don't get your hopes up. I'm impressed you got skills but that won't help you much." She said while getting back up. "Really, cause the way I see it you are mostly loosing, but I can't blame you, I'm the one using a super power suit and ninja power." Zenkai Gin told her which surprised her." But let's make it fair." He powered down revealing his ninja suite. "Lets fight now with my training and your experience" he told her. "You just did a stupid mistake." She smirked as she got up."you took away your biggest advantage" "I know, but like I said. I wanna show you what I can do, and beside I wanna see what I can do." "You might be a idiot or a genius but given what I seen in the white one, I can say your the brains then." Storm said as she then took a stance. "Yup, so let's do this." Both glared at each other. The. Soon ran towards one another. "So Sonic, any tips you can give us on this King Gong thing!?" Zenkaiser shouted as the group ran through the streets. "It's big, dangerous, and has a clock theme!" Sonic explained. "Really?! I was expecting a giant evil Jolly Chimp! You know that creepy monkey toy with the giant cymbals!" Zenkai Juran explained. "But it is a Robot, right?" Zenkai Gaon asked. "Yes!" Sonic nodded. "Then let's wreck its shit!" he roared. "Why would…" Zenkai Vroon began from the back. "It's a saying!" the others quickly answered. "Oh…" he nodded, "Wait...why is Roll still being carried?" "Cause if I put her down...she might run back!" Zenkaiser explained. "Lousy rotten no good flat-chested newlywed-killing…" Roll grumbled. "See?" Zenkaiser sighed. "Oh...I see your point, glade thing Flash went to fight her then," Vroon whispered. "Plus it's probably the only way she won't lose it and run back only to realize the bad guys probably left, and then she just is sour all day 'cause she missed the Robo fight." Magine added as she was still flying over them on her weapon like it was a broom. "Why would she turn sou-...oh! Expression...I will get this!" Vroon declared. "Anything else to note about it?" Gaon asked. "Well...You know it's big enough that you guys can…" Sonic began. =MAJIDE?!= Secchan snapped. =Apparently, there's also a Kudaitest in Yaezu Port= Skye noted. "EH!? Two Giant Robot attacks!?" Zenkaiser shouted, skidding to a stop, accidentally dropping Roll in the process. "Eh?! Two?!" Roll gawked, "Ah mou! Airport or harbor-port…" "If we go to one spot...then the other will be taken," Sonic whispered, "And if we try and split up…" "Then Eggman's distraction attack will have him get away with prisoners," Zenkaiser finished, he then grumbled as he began thinking, "I got it!" =...You are a…= Secchan began. =No, no. Let Kaikai figure it out himself…= "Ah mou! I just said I got it!" he declared, "We have Two Robots! And I don't even need to be in them for them to fight and move!" "...Oh...I get ya," Sonic noted with a grin, "Two Robots at the port and airport…" "And a ground team to deal with Eggman's goons!" Zenkaiser finished. "Did Kaito do a smart?" Gaon asked, "Kaito...how's your head? Is it overheating?" he began, checking him in concern. "I'm okay!" Zenkaiser complained before spinning around and pointing at the startled mascot that had been following in a tiny little toy electric car, "Ay-Ay! You got a way to let Roll record two fights at once?" "AH! I totally forgot about her!" Gaon, Juran, and Vroon gawked. The mascot began to honk quickly while trying to back off only for Roll to put a foot on the back of it, making the mascot's getaway stop. The mascot looked around frantically before slumping with a sad honk. "Now you got no choice but to help!" Zenkaiser cheered, walking over, "I know at least you care about Roll! So help her out, please!" he put his hands together and bowed his head. "..." the mascot honked twice while nodding. "What is with the costume anyway?" Juran whispered to Roll. "She doesn't like leaving the house unless she's in disguise," Roll quietly explained as the arms went slack as the person inside pulled their arms into the suit until the mascot head fell off, "She does this, too." "EH!?" everyone exclaimed in shock. "Oi, oi, oi! We didn't call you, big guy!" Tundra snapped at the port, a Kudatest sitting on it in seiza and frantically bowing in apology to him, "I'm glad to see someone so gungho in being at the ready, but this is ridiculous!" "Gomen nassai. I thought I heard someone call for me and..." the Kudaitest apologized. "Surprise!" Juran's voice shouted as a stomp made Tundra turn around as ZenKaiOh JuraGron tackled the Kudaitest over into the water. "I have even less issues breaking one of you Tojitendo bastards! Now get up so we can rip you a new one!" Gaon's voice shouted as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon rose out of the water, Gaon Claws equipped. "Hoi~! Watashia wa Roll, desu~!" Roll greeted, wearing a flashy pink and white frilly dress with puffy shoulders and gold heart charms and bracelets, as she had a Gear Camera deployed, "Welcome to another Giant Robot Battle! Today at Yaezu Port is a Kudatest against ZenKaiOh JuraGaon! Let's~ begin~!" "Ugh...Because of course they'd come when you showed up…" Tundra groaned, facepalming. ZenKaiOh JuraGaon roared, swinging his claws and slashing the Kudaitest. The Giant Tojitendo robot grunted and swung back only to miss. JuraGaon raised its claw and slashed the Kudaitest again, making more sparks fly. The ZenKaiOh punched the claws into the Kudaitest several times, making more sparks fly, all the while the ocean rippled and raged from the giants fighting within its shallows. Flash skid back as he dogged more up in coming shruikens. He cart wheel out of the way as more came. Storm came flying towards him as he blocked the Shruikens with his sword and then dogged a kick. "Your pretty good, for a human atleast." Conquering storm said as she attacked with her sword. Flags blocked it and was holding her back "Thanks, been training a lot but still need more time. Till I master it." He said as he pushed her back as both then got ready. "You know I kinda like it that were fighting like this. It's helping me push myself further." Flash spoke as he smiled. "Hm, well it's only natural that you get to fight a real Shinobi in battle." She said but she couldn't lie that she was enjoying this aswell. "Yeah, but wonder what the others are doing now." Flash muttered "Whoa! He wasn't kidding about it being a giant gold gorilla robot!" Zenkaiser gawked. "And it really does have a clock in its belly!" Vroon Dump added, driving towards the airport where a Kudaitest-sized robot resembling a gold gorilla sporting a clock on its stomach was rampaging, throwing a plane into the air only for Magine Dragon to bat it back, "Oh, the time is accurate, too." "Bad giant monkey!" Magine Dragon scolded, earning a roar in response. "Magine, I do believe that Monkeys and Apes are different!" Vroon Dump declared. "I still don't get the differences myself…" Zenkaiser muttered, "But anyway, Vroon, push him away from the terminal! Let's get some room to Gattai!" "Leave it to me!" he cheered as he tackled into King Gong. "Take a seat!" Magine Dragon complained, whipping her tail and striking King Gong across the back of its head and sending it landing into the open-box bed. Vroon Dump drove off before skidding around and coming to a stop and letting King Gong slide out. The Golden gorilla robot growled, getting back to its feet as the two Mecha Zenkaigers circled around. "Zenkai Gattai!" Zenkaiser shouted as he aimed up with his Geartlinger. =ZENKAIOH VROOMAGINE!= "VrooMagine!" the second ZenKaiOh declared while quickly forming up. "Konnichiwa minna~!" Roll in her normal outfit greeted, "We're live at Haneda Airport after the Tojitendo Empire sent Dr. Eggman and his soldiers to run distraction in the middle of our current city of residence, but thanks to them deploying a giant robot called King Gong…" she bowed, "Please don't sue us fo the ripoff King Kong please. Sue Dr. Eggman since he made it." she waved her arm out, "The scheme was exposed so now the Magical Adventure ZenKaiOh VrooMagine has descended to do battle with this golden gorilla!" "Yosh! Let's settle this fast!" Zenkaiser spoke teleporting into the cockpit, "Ike!" ZenKaiOh VrooMagine nodded as it used the Vroon Picker beam mode and began blasting King Gong. King Gong roared and rushed through the beams. ZenKaiOh's tires came to life as it charged forward while shooting still. The two giants crashed into one another shaking the ground. King Gong growled, pushing with its legs but lost traction on the sleek landing strip of the airport. Meanwhile, VrooMagine's tires kept spinning, keeping the pressure before the Sentai Super Robot lowered the Vroon Picker down and used it to hook King Gong's leg and tripped it over. King Gong looked up as the Vroon Picker was aimed at its face. ZenKaiOh VrooMagine blasted King Gong, sending it sliding down the landing strip. "Yosh! Switch!" he shouted, jumping to his left and teleported out. Zenkaiser grunted, landing in the cockpit of ZenKaiOh JuraGaon, he docked his Geartlinger as the robot's eyes lit up and pushed the Kudaitest off. It rushed and slashed with its claws before stabbing them in and pushing it back and smacked it into the harbor. "Fighting in water is hard…" Zenkaiser noted, "But Tyranno power gives us the leg strength advantage! Now let's slice him up with Lion power Gaon!" "Oh! Ike, Kaito!" ZenKaiOh JuraGaon swung its claws and slashed the Kudaitest, making more sparks fly. It swung with its free left arm and punched it across its large optical sensor causing it to spark and prevent its charging beam attack. The headcovers clamped shut and opened as ZenKaiOh lifted the Juran Sword. The Super robot swung its sword down and slashed the Kudaitest across its chest, making sparks fly as a deep gash formed in its armor. ZenKaiOh bashed its shield into the Kudaitest head the moment it tried to blast back, blocking the beam and causing a pointblank explosion to the Kudaitests own head unit. "Sugei! Look at ZenKaiOh JuraGaon go! He must be channeling some of the more aquatic dinosaurs and animals to deal with such a frenzy of blows!" Roll awed. "Yosh! Once again, Switch!" Zenkaiser cheered as he jumped to the right this time. Zenkaiser landed in the cockpit of ZenKaiOh VrooMagine. The Super Robot swung the Magine Stick like a club as he clocked King Gong across the face. Zenkaiser docked the Geartlinger as the Robot's tires peeled out and sent it right into King Gong, knocking it back another few steps. "Mahou time!" Zenkaiser cheered, "VrooMagine Thunderblast!" ZenKaiOh VrooMagine lifted the Magine Stick up as a bolt of lightning struck the tip. The Super Robot let the club absorb the energy before swinging down and slamming the head of the Magine Stick into the ground, powerful arcs of electricity and sparks formed along the ground in a clear path towards King Gong. The gorilla themed robot flinched...but looked down as nothing happened. It cheered and took a step forward only for a giant bolt of lightning to suddenly crash on it. It flinched as the electricity surged through its body...but it had no chance to shake it off as another bolt struck, and then another, and soon it was being pelted with bolts of lightning from a clear sky. "Surprise~ It's a delayed effect attack!" Magine's voice giggled. "Oh~! They've been practicing it seems," Roll noted before several missiles hit VrooMagine, knocking them out of the sky, "Eh?! What is going on?!" "VrooMagine can fly, but it's no bird," Sonic noted as he looked up at the air to see a large armored flying fortress with all its guns aimed at VrooMagine, "And of course Egghead recruited those crazy birds." "Eh?! That's as big as a small island!" Roll gawked. "Funny enough, it can hide as a small island," Sonic noted, "At least, that's what Tails, Ant, and Bunnie told me…" "Nani!?" Zenkaiser gawked, "Maji dayo…" "Nu-nu!" "Ya-ya!" "Two on one...wait...duh...we don't have just two giant Robots...we have 4!" Zenkaiser realized. "Eh?" ZenKaiOh blinked. "Gattai Release!" Zenkaiser shouted as ZenKaiOh split apart just as more blasts were about to strike. King Gong marched closer only to be punched by Zenkai Vroon at giant size. The smoke cleared as Magine Dragon flew into the air with Zenkaiser riding on her head. "What? What? WHAT!?" in the control room of the massive ship, a tall lanky bird in green pants with heeled shoes, a red jacket, a pirate hat, and bottle goggles ranted, hopping in anger, "A dragon?! That's no bird! Shoot it! Shoot it down! Shoot it down right now, now, now!" "Nu-nu?!" Magine Dragon gawked as more artillery was launched at her, "Oi oi! Why just me? I'm a cute dragon!" "Magine! It's okay! We just need to distract it while Vroon handles the monkey!" Zenkaiser shouted as he began shooting with his Geartlinger, taking out most of the blasts and rockets that were coming at them, "Wow. They must really hate dragons…" "Any advice on these two?" Roll asked, looking to Sonic. "Eh, not much. Tails has way more experience with the birds," Sonic replied before scowling, "And the time I fought them, I blew up their ancestral home because they blew up Castle Acorn." "Soka...And the, ano, King Gong?" "That was kinda amusing. It fell in love with Sally, kidnapped her, climbed the biggest tower in Robotropolis, and we used a biplane Tails found in one of Robotropolis's junkyards to knock it down after freeing Sally," Sonic noted, "He used it as the basis for the Tornado." "...Why does that sound like it came from the original King Kong movie?" "Oh god...no wonder that movie gave me that weird feeling of deja vu!" Sonic slapped his head as he finally realized something that bothered him from a few weeks ago. "Bad gorilla! That's enough rampaging!" Vroon ordered as King Gong roared at him before opening the clock on his stomach, reached in...and pulled out an axe, "Eh!? How did you hide that in there?!" Vroon pulled out his pickaxe and clashed with King Gong. The two began swinging and using power to clash and try and overpower the other. Vroon grunted as he spun his body around at his hips, rapidly swinging his Vroon Picker around as King Gong struggled to find an opening, and instead got struck several times. "I got it! You guys can still get power from Sentai Gears!" Zenkaiser realized as he slotted one into his Geartlinger, "Vroon! Take this power!" =YON BANG! DENZI~MAN!= The gears slammed into Vroon as he grunted. He raised his arms as his fists turned silver and increased in size. "Vroon Denzi Punch!" he cheered as he swung and punched the axe out of King Gong's hands before punching it across the face, making it stumble back. "Vroon Denzi Punch!" he cheered as he swung and punched the axe out of King Gong's hands before punching it across the face, making it stumble back. "Wait...The Sentai Gears have a flipside, too…" Zenkaiser realized. =Ha! Just as I calculated! Pay up!= =Aw come on. I thought it'd take another week for him to realize that, tune…= Secchan grumbled. Zenkaiser flipped the Denziman Gear around and began cranking. =BIG BANG! Go! Go! Go-Go Go! DENZI~MAN!= This time, the entire image of another Super Robot formed before Vroon. It was mostly blue and white with red accents and a Golden D on its chest, and a yellow cone helmet with three spikes extending outwards. It nodded to Vroon before it overlapped with him. "OH! Denzi Ken!" he called out as a large broadsword with a crossguard that branched out four ways like a plus sign. "Mecha Power Zenkai!" Zenkaiser shouted. =Oh! That's the weapon of the Denziman's mech, DaiDenzin, tune!= Secchan awed. =This is the last time a Sentai used a single-part mech as the main mech and is also the first sighting of a Sentai using a mech that came from transforming= Skye noted. "HA!" Zenkai Vroon shouted, swinging the sword and slashing through King Gong's armor, he swung again, slashing through once more. He then swung his free hand and punched it across the face. "Sugoi!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Whoa!" he grunted as Magine Dragon ducked down to avoid more artillery fire aimed at them, "Right...two fronts…" he grunted. "Kaito!" Vroon called out, "I can't explain it...but get them to shoot near me!" "Eh?/Huh?" the two blinked before the former shrugged. "Magine, let's go down!" Zenkaiser ordered. "I don't get it but, it's something! And that's better than getting shot at!" With that, Magine Dragon swooped down sharply. The enemy fire trailed after her as she quickly flew around Zenkai Vroon. "Eh? What are they doing? Magine Dragon and Zenkaiser are flying around Zenkai Vroon, but they're being shot at by the Battle Bird Arama! What is…?" Roll began to ask. "Denzi OO Kaeshi!" Zenkai Vroon shouted, swinging the Denzi Ken as the sword lit up, a wave of energy suddenly went out, causing all the artillery coming his way to suddenly reverse back to its point of origin, pelting the Battle Bird Armada with its own fire. "EH!? Zenaki Vroon just sent the artillery fire back at the flying fortress!" Roll gawked. "Nani kore!? Sugoi!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Yosha! Magine, let's return fire!" "Oh!" Magine Dragon cheered flying back up, before unleashing a beam of pink energy, as it burned through the hall of the Flying fortress, taking out its cannons and leaving a large gash in it to reveal the interior. "Don't think I've forgotten about you!" Zenkai Vroon spoke as he turned towards King Gong, raising the Denzi Ken and slashed the giant robotic gorilla once more, making it stumble back, "HA!" he raised the sword up as it began glowing, he swung his arm around as the blade left a trail which formed a circle of light in the air, the sky darkening with lightning as he did, "Denshi Mangetsu Giri!" he swung with a downward slash through the circle. King Gong raised its arms in shock as the energized slash tore through its torso. The Giant robot had only time to turn around before stumbling over as the glowing slash from shoulder to hip flashed. The robot exploded the moment it fell to the ground, leaving sparks and bits of machinery to litter the airport runway. "Sugoi! Zenkai Vroon in his giant state has taken down King Gong!" Roll cheered, hopping a bit in excitement. "And it looks like those birdbrains are starting to retreat, too," Sonic noted with a grin, seeing the flying fortress trying to turn to fly away. "This be not over, ya blasted dragon! The Battle Bird Armada will be back to shoot ye down!" the lanky bird snapped, shaking a fist at Magine Dragon through the opening the pink Sentai had made, "Ye will rue the day you crossed us!" "Bleh~" she countered, before shooting one more magical breath attack, the Lanky bird blinked before looking down to see he was now wearing a poofy pink dress. "I HATE THAT DRAGON!" "Huh...What did she do to him?" Sonic asked, neither of them able to see what she did. "We can watch the recording of the stream later," Roll assured before spinning to the camera, "And that wraps it up for this Giant Robot Battle here at Haneda Airport! Be sure to come to Candy Cafe Colorful for all your sweets! Sayonara~!" "Just one last fight to go!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Minna, let's go back up Juran and Gaon!" he ordered. "Oh!/Let's go!" the two giant Zenkaigers cheered. Vroon transformed back into the Vroon Dump as he drove over and let Sonic and Roll hop on while Magine Dragon and Zenkaiser flew ahead. "I shouldn't have answered…" the Kudaitest groaned, stumbling back from JuraGaon with several claw marks on its armor and its tail cut off. "Wow. I kinda feel sorry for these guys when they're not powered up to Great Worlds," Juran muttered. "I don't~!" Gaon laughed. "Ah everything is going totally south!" Tundra groaned. "Next time! Don't kidnap people, asshole!" ZenKaiOh spoke in both voices as it slashed the Kudaitest. "This fight fails to amuse me, viewers, how about you?" 'Roll' asked as all she was getting were viewer comments asking about her choice in attire and the fight, 'Resist urge to try and raise the difficulty, family will scold….mou~! I wanna get home and score my invention.' "What else could…" "Flying Kick!" Zenkaiser shouted, cutting Tundra off as he kicked him out of the way. "And there's the sucker for today," 'Roll' said, pressing a button as a laugh track played and there was a replay of the kick, but in slow mo, and then it zoomed in on Tundra's face as he realized he was suddenly kicked. "Gah! AH! You again!" "Chilly-chilly Ossan!" Zenkaiser muttered, "Didn't I kick your butt already?" "Ah! You piss me off!" "It's kinda mutual, old timer!" Zenkaiser complained. "Be gentle with him. He's old and prone to senile bursts of rage," 'Roll' told Zenkaiser. "Why is that one so cheeky now?!" Tundra demanded. "I don't know. I never figured out how girls work," Zenkaiser argued, "Judging by that...I don't think you did either…" "..." Tundra narrowed his eyes under his goggles. "...Oh, I pushed a button I shouldn't have, didn't I?" Zenkaiser cringed. "Considering how it's gotten twenty degrees colder in barely a second? Yes, yes you did," 'Roll' replied, "Thumbs up if you think he needs to learn to respect his elders regardless of good or bad." "Not helpful Ay…" he started before he was grabbed and piledrived into the ground. Tundra grunted as Zenkaiser wrapped his legs around his neck and lifted him up and slammed him headfirst into the ground as well. Tundra groaned, getting up only to tense as the ground behind him shook. He turned around as Magine Dragon stared down at him. "Domo~" she smiled before swatting him away with her wing, sending him flying into the ocean horizon. "Ugh...My brain…" Zenkaiser groaned as his head was still stuck in the ground, "Piledrivers suck…" "Magine? What have we talked about using powers to send people you don't like flying into the distance!" Juran complained as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon slashed the Kudaitest. "To be fair, I haven't had powers all that long!" she argued. "Don't you get snippy with me!" "Ugh…" Zenkaiser groaned, getting free, "Well worked once," he spoke while pulling out a Sentai Gear and putting it in with the Kikai Side facing up, "Super Robot Power Zenkai!" he cheered as he jumped up and teleported into the ZenKaiOh cockpit, "Ike!" he began cranking the Geartlinger. =BIG BANG! Go! Go! Go-Go Go! Live~Man!= The image of two Robots formed in front of ZenKaiOh, the two crossed arms before a flash went off as the two united into one robot. The robot fused with ZenKaiOh as it began glowing. The two halves making up the Super Robot began glowing in their respective primary color, the two lights converging at the chest armor into a giant burning ball of energy. "Super Big Burst!" JuraGaon roared as it unleashed the blast from its chest as it tore through the Kudaitest. A large molten hole left in its torso, that made it look like a wonder it was even holding together long as it still was. =Sugoi! That was Liveman's Super Liverobo's finishing move, tune! Super Liverobo was the first Sentai Robot made of two Super Robots uniting together, tune!= "I'm sorry for jumping the gun~!" the Kudaitest cried as he exploded. "Sugoi~!" Zenkaiser cheered, looking at the Sentai Gear, "There is so much more to Kaachan and Touchan's inventions than I realized…" he closed his hand with the Sentai Gear still in his palm, "Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" he cheered, raising his hand into the air. "Well that was a bit anticlimactic even if it showed off a new power of the Geartalinger," 'Roll' noted. She then turned as Sonic and the real Roll appeared behind her camera and motioned her to wrap up the stream, "..." 'Do the bit,' Roll mouthed out. "...And make sure to come to Candy Cafe Colorful for all your sweet needs!" 'Roll' winked, "Sayonara~!" "So this is a thing…" Sonic muttered once the cameras turned off. "Yep!" Roll beamed as she ran over and glomped her duplicate, "Nice job on your first livestream, Ayane-chan!" "C-Can I go back in the costume please?" 'Roll' asked. "One step forward...two steps back…" Sonic sighed. "Guys!" Zenkaiser cheered, climbing up to greet them, "We did it!" he ran over to Roll and patted her shoulders, "Ay-Ay! That new sword is so cool!" "Ano...I'm Roll," Roll corrected. "Eh?" Zenkaiser blinked twice as he turned to 'Roll'...only to see the remnants of a smoke cloud, "Ah...she ran away." "Yep." Sonic smirked. "You get back here and let me compliment you!" Zenkaiser cheered, running off after the smoke clouds trail, "You will take this positive feedback and like it!" "He is really determined…" Roll whispered. "What do ya expect? It's Kaito," Sonic shrugged. Flash and storm were now breathing heavily. As both were now sitting down tired. "Ok.... Can you we agree .. that we both did well." Flash said out of breath. "Fine" she muttered as she was aswell tired. "But hey next time if we fight. I won't hold back," flash told catching his breath. "Hm? You want to fight me again." Conquering storm asked." Why? I thought you fight with Akhlut or anyone else." "Well, your really a good fighter." He told her." And also fighting with you was kinda exciting, so I was wondering that we can fight again." She thought about it." Fine we can. But don't disappoint me next time." She said looking away. "Thanks." He said excitedly." Also goan was right about one thing about you." "What's that?" "That you do look cute" when she heard that her face grew red. "W-wh-what?!" She said baffled." Who's says I'm cute!" "Sorry, sorry" he simply laughed." But even know we're enemies, I still like to fight with you next time." He told her in honest toon and soon was about to leave but stopped when she called him. "Wait" he looked back and saw her coming towards him." Before you go, I like to give you one thing as a thank you for the fight." He knelt down to see what it was but was soon surprised as she suddenly kissed him on the right cheek." Just a simple thanks, and don't tell anyone" she warned as she then start to leave from the shell shocked flash as he was still surprised by the sudden kiss. " See ya later, Zenkai Gin." Flash saw her vanished into smoke as he soon recovered from his shock. He touched where she kissed him. "Well, looks like I got my first kiss." He muttered but couldn't help but smile. "GAH! Dummies, dummies, dummies, dummies, dummies, dummies!" Eggman snapped as he paced before the Grand Masters back at Tojitendo's base of operations, "I gave you all a simple task and look what happened! Three separate attacks and they got bungled up with someone sending out King Gong too soon and tipping them off!" "But you sent the order!" the Battle Bird argued. "I did no such thing!" Eggman snapped, "You might not serve me directly...but..." he paused as his eyes glowed an ominous red behind his goggles, "Don't think I'll activate that in you all for such a failure today...besides, it's not like that battle happy tank will miss any of you screw ups. And because of that silver ranger we lost the hostages we were supposed to get." Akhlut didn't say anything as he from inside for some reason couldn't help but smile at the boys change'so looks like your doing well, it will be soon when I fight you.' "Sir! Sir...calm down," Starline spoke, making Eggman turn to see him approach with two cups of coffee, "I had a feeling you'd be stressed out, so I procured you your latte with steamed Austrian goat milk." "...What do I look like, an imbecile?" Eggman frowned as he snatched one of the lattes, "Of course I want one, Starline! I love the way you make them!" =Grr…= Thunderbolt growled as she glared at the platypus. "Even still," Barashitara's voice got their attention, "That blunder aside, it seems you're not a total oaf after all, Squishy human." "I'll take that as a compliment, thank you," Eggman muttered as he took a sip of his latte, "Now if we were to have procured a Chaos Emerald during today's battle, then today would feel like a true victory!" "Chaos Emerald?" Barashitara asked. "A jewel said to contain unlimited power," Akhlut explained, "When all seven are gathered, it is said a miracle will happen." "Often that means Sonic, Knuckles, or Shadow use them to become invincible for a time, gain flight, and a lot of other things," Lien-Da snorted. "They're also what I used to fuel my Super Genesis Wave Reactor," Eggman added with a grin, "Point is they can create an annoying miracle for Sonic...or a fantastic victory for me!" "You mean for Great King Boccowaus and the Tojitendo Dynasty." Barashitara corrected. "Yes. I meant to say that…" Eggman muttered. "Right?" Barashitara asked as he got uncomfortably close and glared down at Eggman, "That is what you meant...right?" his little cannons turned to aim at Eggman. "...y….yes," Eggman meeped as he sweated nervously. "Good," Barashitara backed off, "Next time you sortie, perhaps coordinate your plans better so this type of screw up doesn't happen. I'd like to see the worth in keeping you shine some more, Doctor." he chuckled as he walked off. "Gah...I swear, that one always makes me feel like I've lost years…" Eggman muttered before pausing, "Wait, you said we still got some captured?" "Correct," Akhlut answered, "I manipulated their minds to follow me while the Zenkaigers were distracted." "Perfect!" Eggman cheered as none of them noticed Gege flying up and around them, "We can still do something with this! Yes!" "Something with what?" Gege asked, spooking them. "Oh! Gege!" Eggman beamed, recovering quickly on spotting the giant mechanical bird, "While it's not the amount I was hoping for, this should be enough for a demonstration of the Roboticizer for the Tojitendo to witness! In fact...Starline!" "Yes, my lord?" "Go get Ijirude and have the machine ready!" Eggman ordered in excitement, "Oh this is so nostalgic and exciting!" "Hmmm..." Gege muttered as Eggman and Starline left, "So in the end, he still won a little...Ahh...Too bad," the Grand Masters turned to him at that, "And after all that work I did," he chuckled in Eggman's voice. "!?" Tundra gawked, "Wait...You were the one who sent that big guy to the port and the giant monkey to the birdbrains?" "Oh, so you are smart enough to catch that! Congratulations~" Gege chuckled, "Yes, it was me!" "Why?" Lien-da asked. "Why? 'Cause it was boring," Gege replied, "Such a boring win with no stakes or entertainment? Rubbish!" he scoffed, "I've grown bored with all these easy wins...Do you know how boring it is to watch the Multiverse just blink away at the push of a button, no chaotic back and forth, no conflict or struggle? No...I don't want any more of that," he explained, "You lot and the Zenkaigers have made life interesting again. I don't want to lose that," his eyes flashed brightly, "I'm telling you all this 'cause you have the sense to not cross me...if you want to live. Don't dare try and ruin this for me...you understand?" "..." the Grand Masters shared looks, but didn't deny that none of them wanted to cross with the giant purple robo-parrot that can get the leader of a multiversal-conquering empire to do what said robo-parrot wants. "Good~" Gege chuckled, "So...play the game until I'm satisfied...and you'll get your reward in the end," he leaned forward, "I'd sure hate to think...you're trying to ruin this for me." he whispered just enough they could still hear him, "So...play along~" 'Why is my life always filled with getting out of frying pans into fires?!' Lien-Da thought. "Ay-Ay!" Kaito called out as he looked for another secret door, "Come out! It's Dinner time!" "Kaito, I don't think she wants to be found," Juran noted, following Kaito with his head while he sat at the table. "I'm still surprised you have a sister," Amy admitted, looking over at Roll as she was putting the last of the food on the table. "Well, no one really asked if we had one," Roll noted. "Don't be cheeky," Sonic complained, "You only showed us family pictures of four folks in one house, so don't pull that trick. That's my trick." "Iie, she was in those pictures," Roll defended as she held up one of a much younger Roll on the beach with Skye in red swim trunks and a shapely platinum blonde fox in a magenta one-piece swimsuit holding a baby Haseo and pointed at the sandcastle, "See? She's helping me make the sandcastle." "I feel like I read that bit in a book before…" Juran muttered. "She must be everything-shy," Gaon added, helping Kaito look around. "Well, there is good news," Skye noted, "She'll be popping up in a few seconds." "Eh? Why?" Magine asked. "Because I have the hand," Skye replied, "Though now I'm in the territory that I can't calculate." "...I'll get the pots to wear as helmets," Yatsude quickly spoke. "Eh? Why?" Vroon asked. "Because if he can't calculate even a tiny sliver of something, it's safer to have one," Yatsude replied. "I think the last time this happened was when what I now know was the actual Kaito and Flash appearing at our home back on Mobius," Roll added, "...I think that was also the day I thought Aunt Jem and Aunt Pari were acting really weird with cooing at nothing and am now just realizing that they were probably cooing over meeting them." "I was an adorable little kid," Kaito grinned before yelping as a panel on the floor under his feet knocked him over from it flipping up, letting a slumped Ayane crawl out and beside Skye. "So how was it?" Skye asked, uncertainty in his tone and debating on getting tissues or his debit card. "...no fa…" "Oh no," Skye squeaked before Roll barely moved the plates before Ayane as she slammed her head on the table. "NO FAIR~!" Ayane sobbed, a puddle of tears forming on the table around her head, "IT CAN'T COMPARE~~~! WHY?! WHY-WHY-WHY?!" "Now I know I say this a lot…" Kaito muttered, getting up, "But did anyone else understand that?" "Nope," Sonic shook his head. "I thought we got rid of that," Haseo whispered to Roll. "She must have rebuilt it," Roll quietly sighed. "What are you two whispering about?" Amy asked. "Ayane-Oneechan has a machine she uses to rate her inventions to Tou-san's," Haseo explained, "She gets like this when she doesn't at least tie." "What invention did you compare?" Kaito asked out of interest. "Why can't my Geartlasher beat the Geartlinger?!" Ayane cried, "It was able to use Sentai Gear more effectively outside of a transformation! And it's a sword!" "There, there," Skye comforted before he began to pet her head, making her freeze up, "Papa is quite impressed with his little cheeky genius. I was just gonna stick to it being a sword that could be reinforced with Sentai Gears, but you made it far better. And you let it use multiple techniques from a single Gear at once." she looked up at him with large watery eyes before he tapped her nose, "I bet you're still improving it, too, no?" "Mm...Mm-hmm…" "See? You're trying to compare a finished product to one that's incomplete," Skye assured, "You keep at it and I know you'll go far." "Plus the Geartlinger isn't just Skye's," Kaito spoke up, "My parents and Flash parents are the ones who developed it with him. So of course it's better! It was made by five geniuses while you're just one. But yours is amazing already! So maybe you just graded yourself wrong?" "..." "Oh dear...He spoke up," Skye sighed. Flags came in when that was happening."sorry I'm late guys, I had to...." He stopped as he looked at ayane as she looked back at him, both were in a stare. "You!" She had venom in her toon. "Oh hey ayane.... How are you." He asked trying to get away. "Don't think for a second you can get away you pervert." She shouted and soon was now chasing him around the shop as he scream for help. "Ah, ayane stop he's not a pervert." Kaito called out but she wasn't listening as Flags ran from her. Kaito soon was chasing them to stop them. "What just happened?!" Juran coughed, "What did Flash trigger?!" "Well since Flash accident he actually had another were when he was trying to escape from her blaster but soon he slipped and fall on her and accidentally garbed her 'chest' and we'll" he then pointed at them as she was seen trying to strangle him as kaito was trying to stop him. "Should we do something." Goan asked worried. "Don't worry, kaito will stop her before she could do something worse." Skye reassured them. "His appearance registered that she was out in public and not in private and made her remember the day," Roll explained, "She had forgotten Papa was out in a group of people due to the results of her 'grade.'" "Ayane-Oneechan is really sh-shy, and sometime mad" Haseo noted. "Yeah, we can pick up on the theme, Mini-one," Juran joked, patting Haseo's head, "Still...what is up with that, Hakase? How did she turn out like that when your other kids are super polite and sociable?" "Hedgehog Speed Gene," Skye replied, tapping the side of his head, "For most Hedgehogs and those who have Hedgehogs in their family line, this often translates to the gene triggering enhanced speed and reflexes. But for me and Ay-Ay, it went up to our thought processes, mine more than hers since she's a bit slower than Amy but far faster than any non-Hedgehog." "Demo...why does that make her shy and aggressive?" Gaon asked. "Because all that thought processing tends to cause childhood issues if it triggered at a young age," Skye replied, "Doesn't help that her birth mother has issues with displaying and processing emotions." "So this...other Mother...is also unique?" Vroon asked. "Bride of Wistful Gale," Roll replied, "Or Aunty Gale as Haseo-chan and I call her. She has issues with displaying emotions and often talks like, well...a robot that isn't a Kikainoid." "Ah...The silly kind humans made up…" Magine nodded, "Sidenote...is this awkward for anyone else to talk about Skye-san's other lover like this…?" *CLANG~!* "MILES~!" Skye slurred, muffled by the frying pan stuck to his face. Flash finally got him self free from her grab. Kaito was holding her back as she try to pounce on him. "Yeah, it's a little weird," Amy nodded to Magine, "But it seems like this is a strange situation they are all okay with, so...hopefully nothing to worry about." "Plus, it's pretty neat that she made this sword," Sonic chuckled, trying to reach for it before moving his hand away as three senbon needles pierced where he was reaching. "N-Not yours…" Ayane hissed, she quickly had went back to her secret hatch. "Hey, you come out here for dinner!" Kaito shouted, jumping over to get to eye level. "EEK!" Ayane squeaked as she ducked down into her secret tunnel. "I know where it is now!" he grunted as he began pulling at the panel with all his might...making it creak a little. "Ah, Kaito, she may have…" Flash began. *CRACKLE!* "...booby trapped it," Flash cringed as Kaito twitched, still holding the panel as he was smoking from the tips of his hair. "Phwa…" he coughed a bit of smoke, "Now they tell me…" he groaned, falling over. "Ayane-Oneechan…" Haseo groaned, facepalming. "Not giving up!" Kaito shot back up, "By the powers of the Gods and multiverse! You will join this ragtag family for dinner!" several clicks were heard, "...Did she just lock it? Vroon, I need to use your head again!" "But I don't want to use my head again!" Vroon panicked as Kaito started chasing him around the table. "Ah, I should make her a dish for you to give her," Gaon noted. "You just want to sneak in and pet her head," Skye noted, sipping his tea. "And I proudly admit it!" Gaon cheered. "Besides...this is Kaito." Flash chuckled." And I'm gonna stay out cause I don't want another fight happening" he muttered the last part to him self "Mm-mm!" Magine and Amy happily nodded in simple agreement on the first part. "He's not gonna let her miss out on being part of this wacky family," Juran added, "That's what we are by this point, a team and family! The sooner she accepts that, the sooner she can learn to like this living mass of energy." "I wish Kaikai luck then," Skye chuckled. =And three!= Secchan declared as Kaito jumped while holding Vroon upside-down, his head hitting the panel. *CRACKLE~!* =Guess she had a second charge, tune= Secchan noted. Flash nodding in agreement. > GEAR 7: Creepy-Creaky Puppet Show! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Last time!= Secchan cheered inside of a costume shop with a witch's hat on his head =We learned that Skye-hakase has a secret love child with another woman, tune!= "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" =But my way is more dramatic, tune! This strange and shy girl is named Ayane. Unlike the open and extroverted Roll, she is a nervous introvert who can't go outside without a costume, tune. She's also a lot of trouble and try to kill Flash thinking his a pervert, but try telling that to Kaito! But what horrible adventure awaits our heroes today, Tune!?= Secchan cheered as someone in a giant pink Bunny Costume appeared behind him with a net =GAH!= Yatsude hummed as she finished putting up the last of the price tags on their latest product for sale, "Ah. A peaceful morning. Haven't had one on a scale like this since the day before everyone showed up on Earth." "Yachan, ohayo!" Gaon greeted as he entered with a bag, "I took an early morning walk today and found something I think we can use to attract customers!" "Hm? More customers? Show me, show me, show me!" Yatsude beamed. "Ta-dah~!" Gaon pulled out a wooden cowboy puppet from the bag, "We can do puppet shows!" "...Get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it!" Yatsude beamed, panic in her eyes as they darted around. "Hah?! Get rid of it? But it's so cute! It's a cowboy and…" Gaon began. "Yachan, I finished the last of the-EEK!" *THUD! THUD! THUD!* "That's why I said get rid of it!" Yatsude groaned. "What's going on?! Are we under attack?!" Zenkai Gin exclaimed, coming down the stairs. With zenkai Juran with him with his sword. "How'd they find us?!" Zenkaiser exclaimed, jumping in before skidding to a halt on seeing Gaon stuck upside down on the wall, tied up in the strings of his puppet with said puppet littered in bo shuriken and its head separated from its body by one, "...Who brought in the puppet?! Who is the one responsible for me saying 'Who brought in the puppet' as seriously as I just demanded?!" "Hmm?" Magine and Amy blinked, coming down. "Yaya?" Vroon blinked, "What is all this excitement so early in the morning? Ah...Why is Gaon assaulted? Who damaged that little wooden thing? What is that little wooden thing? Why is it dressed up as a sheriff?" "Eh...ignoring that," Magine shook off. "Why is that a bad thing?" Amy asked Zenkaiser. "Ah...Roll-chan has a monosugoi strong phobia of wooden puppets," Zenkai Gin sighed. "...Say what?" Zenkai Juran asked. "Juran! Do the fire thing!" Yatsude ordered, handing him the puppet. "Eh?!" "She needs to believe it is 'dead' to calm her down," Yatsude explained with air-quotes around 'dead', "She always gets like this after seeing one. She ends up too scared to sleep alone and drags someone into it. Last time, she spent an entire week in my bed with me…" "How did she get this phobia?!" Vroon gawked. "Um...That's...uh...kinda my bad," Zenkaiser sheepishly rubbed the back of his helmet, "When Flash and I went to Mobius one time as kids, I had brought some books and two of them were the original story of Pinocchio and the other a Goosebumps book about a puppet. I forgot them in my backpack when we came home for dinner and her Aunt Jem read them by accident when she was babysitting her. She assumed my bag was Roll-chan's and they were books she picked out." =To explain, the original version of the story of Pinochio is not a child friendly story like the animated movie you watched with Haseo, tune= Secchan spoke up =It is actually a very morbid and disturbing tale, so it must have spooked her. Compound with the Goosebumps books, a collection of scary stories for children, tune. It must have instilled a deep fear of wooden puppets, Tune= "Why did you have those?" Amy asked. "Oh. As a kid, I was kinda immune to scary stuff," Zenkaiser chuckled, "I had like...zero sense of danger!" "True, He even did a horror movie marathon of Hellraiser," Zenkai Gin muttered" I had nightmares because of that and couldn't look at puzzle boxes the same way again." "It was so hard to raise him…" Yatsude sighed, "He stole and rode a riding lawnmower through downtown Tokyo…" "And down my back!" Skye added from the base's entrance, "I was so glad Itsy, Mitsy, Trail , Misty and I were testing the material for your suit as a lab coat with a hood at the time!" "So did Kaito ever get in trouble for the book thing?" Magine asked out of curiosity. "Ah...Well...my wife was upset...but it wasn't really Kai-Kai's fault. He was just a goofy kid. It was her dumb cousin for reading the books to little Roll," Skye argued. "That and I bought strawberries from the store for her and Roll-chan for kaito mistake," Zenkai Gin chuckled. "That earned your brownie points...and a brownie or seven," Skye sighed as he came out of the base, "Then Galey made it all worse when she thought the best method to help Roll was confronting her newly-formed phobia..." "Oh, that's a good idea, actually…" Amy began. "...by strapping her to a chair and locking her in a closet filled with wooden puppets and videos of the episode of Goosebumps they made based on that puppet." "I also had the videos…" Zenkaiser poked his fingers together sheepishly. "...That's worse than tossing a child into a pit full of hungry cats...while putting cat food on them!" Amy gawked. "Wait...That happened to people besides me?" Zenkaiser blinked. "Wait... What?!" Zenkai Gin asked. "We...wanted to test that zero fear thing…" Skye muttered sheepishly, "B-But anyway...!" "Your taste in women seems to be the cause of many problems…" Yatsude muttered as the words pierced Skye like an arrow. "GH!" Skye flinched before turning to Zenkai Juran, "Just burn up the dang puppet, Juran!" "FIRE~!" Zenkai Juran shouted as flames shot from the Tyranno head that was his chest, incinerating the puppet, "Yosha! Roll, I blew it up!" "...Is it gone?" Roll asked, peeking out from under the table. "Look, it's all ashes and cinders...Nothing left," Zenkai Gin spoke, motioning to the pile of ash and burnt puppet. "..." Roll slowly crawled out of it and carefully pulled a stick out to poke the pile, quickly hiding behind Skye for a moment before cautiously poking it again and sighing in relief, "Yokatta…The evil demon from hell is dead." "I really should have told you all earlier," Yatsude sighed, "It was a sweet and kind idea, Gaon-chan, but Roll's phobia is too strong. Thankfully, it's also super specific." "It's okay...As long as Roll-chan is okay…" he muttered, "How about...Sock puppets?" "Oh, I think I know a place that has socks for sale today!" Roll beamed as Yatsude motioned at her to prove her point of how specific the phobia actually was. "Yosha!" Gaon beamed, "...Ano...Can someone let down now, please? My oil's going to my cranium and I think it's making me see stuff." "I got it…" Juran sighed, flashing back to normal with Kaito, "Vroon get the ladder, some pliers, a bucket, and a samwich!" "Why do you say...ah never mind!" Vroon sighed, following Juran. "So...that's a new rule to keep in mind," Magine muttered, she and Amy looking back and forth between Roll as she tidied up the places she made a mess in her rush to flee and the hung up Gaon, "But still, how extreme can a fear get...it's like Roll-chan has put all her fear in general into this phobia." "Eh...more like seventy-five percent," Skye replied, "Why do you think she doesn't freak out as much as the rest of you kiddos on things?" "Then why is Kaito like that?" Amy asked, stumping Skye given his slightly annoyed expression. "I gave up trying to understand that boy when he somehow led me on a Scooby Doo chase through my own home…" Skye replied. "True, I mean where was that Benny hills music being played and where did that cow and the other me and you came from, I'll never know...." Zenkai Gin muttered remembering the day. "Is your wife the only one that could control him and Flash outside of his parents?" Amy and Magine asked. "Yes," Skye slumped in defeat. "Okay, I'll go over to get the socks and some cotton and a sewing kit!" Roll beamed as she skipped outside... "EEK!" before everyone was bowled over and everything fell off the shelves and pulled towards the kitchen from the strong pull of air from Roll fleeing back inside. "...Gaon…" Skye growled, a dark glint in his eyes, "You bought more, didn't you?" "Iie-iie-iie!" Gaon panicked, sweating fearfully at the look, "Just the cowboy! Only the cowboy!" "Go check like a real man!" Yatsude snapped at Skye, "You know how weird stuff gets since everyone landed here." "It must be a Tojitendo thing…" "The chances of an actual Tojitendo scheme being puppet related on the same day we learned of Roll's phobia are astronomically stacked against that happening!" Vroon argued as they walked out, "YA-YA!?" Skye stomped out and looked around. Wooden puppets...wooden puppets all around, hanging up on strings. Other puppets were also strewn about, but the wooden ones seemed to be the majority of those he could see. "...Puppet World, got it," Skye sighed. "Okay...so...who's gonna stop Roll from burning down the city?" Flash asked before a moment passed, "...I'm not joking. She's getting the Flamethrower Skye bought a few weeks back from Tesla." "AH!" everyone panicked before a blue blur went by and came out with the flamethrower. "Hey, guys. So...I guess the next World they've got is probably puppets. Why was Roll getting this out?" Sonic asked before looking around, "Come to think of it, she was chasing me but now she isn't." he looked back at the door to the shop to see Roll was gone, "...What the heck did I miss on my morning jog across Japan?" "...Sonic, go take that to Ayane and tell her that there's a Code Pinocchio," Skye ordered, pointing at his shop/house, "And come back with whatever she brings you and Haseo. He should be waking up to use a tunnel to come over here for breakfast in a few minutes." "Can we have Breakfast first?" Sonic asked. "I'll make you snacks, but this is important," Yatsude sighed, "Roll has a fear of wooden puppets. It's worse than your fear of water even." "Fear of wa-I don't have a fear of water! You have a fear of water!" Sonic argued. "Sonic Maurice Hedgehog! Take that flamethrower to Ayane and tell her it's a Code Pinocchio right now!" Skye snapped, "Or I will tell everyone your real first name!" "?! Wh-What are you talking about? Sonic is my first name!" "Simple deduction. Your real first name is Olg…" "AYANE, CODE PINOCCHIO! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS, BUT CODE PINOCCHIO!" Sonic frantically shouted, the blur shooting into the repair shop/house. "Alright...I guess this means you five will be out hunting...while we handle…" Amy began before the sound of something shattering was heard from inside, "Roll Control?" "Right!" Kaito and Flash cheered. "Magine, trade me jobs!" Amy turned to her friend. "Ano…" Magine began as she peeked inside to see Roll frantically building a tiny fort from the shelving she ripped off the walls, "...Gomen, but I think I'll be safer fighting the Tojitendo at the moment-er, I mean! It'll be more dangerous fighting the Tojitendo! Ah mou...nununu..." "Ah...I'll get some snacks for you so you don't fight on an empty stomach," Yatsude sighed, walking in and smacking Roll's hand before she could touch anything else, "This has to be one of the worst mornings ever…" "Zz…" Ayane mumbled, her ears twitching as she was curled up in her hammock...hugging the Geartlasher to herself, "Zzz…" "AYANEAYANEAYANEAYANEAYANEAYANEAYANE!" Sonic shouted frantically as he kicked the door open. "EEK!" Ayane yelped, shooting up and hiding in her closet. "CODE PINOCCHIO! CODE PINOCCHIO! CODE PINOCCHIO! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Sonic frantically called as he zipped around until he ran right into a frying pan, "GUH!" "W-What are you doing in here screaming about?!" Ayane demanded, peeking out of the closet while lowering her frying pan, "W-w-w-why are you in my room?!" "Code Pinocchio…" Sonic groaned, twitching on the floor. "?!" Ayane dropped the frying pan before looking outside, "...Yabei…O-Onee-chan is going to be crazy t-today..." "Please...help...I don't know what's going on…" Sonic groaned as he picked himself up onto his knees, "Seems like Kaito and Flash never told me this story…" "My s-sperm donor made it worse…" Ayane frowned before giving him the Geartlasher, "H-Here. You'll need t-to use it then…" "It must hurt you having to say that." "S-Shut up!" Ayane growled before going over to her workbench, "J-Just go b-beat up the World making this already! I-I'm working on something for it…S-So don't be surprised when you get b-beaned!" "Ah...you know once Kaito learns you're helping like this, he's just gonna try harder to make you his friend." Sonic chuckled, "I guess he really can see the good in everyone. He hasn't stopped trying with you yet." "Mmmm…" she growled before pulling a lever on her workbench. "Huh?" Sonic pondered before… *BOING~!* ...screaming as he was shot out of a hole in the ceiling from a spring popping out under where he had been standing, "WHOA!" "S-Shut up…" Ayane grumbled as she went back to her current project as a sleepy Haseo walked in, wearing an orange pair of footy pajamas with candy corn patterns on it. "On'e-ch'n…" Haseo mumbled. "Under the floorboard in the kitchen today," Ayane replied, "Onee-chan saw a puppet, so make sure you try to help." "Th'nk…" Haseo mumbled as he stumbled off, his stuffed teddy giving a squeak from him hugging it to himself to not drop it. "..." Ayane took a picture of Haseo as he went down to the tunnel part of her room. "Heh heh...perfect," a Mobian Cobra in dark purple and grey armor smirked as he looked down from a nearby rooftop, "The puppets are making sure the plebeians stay in line…" "Heh…" the World spoke; he had a rounded puppet head made of metal with a long nose that is actually a gun barrel, his mouth has jagged teeth and he has large red eyes and a red cap on his head. He had larger than normal gauntlets with puppet controllers made of metal resting on his arms like shields and white gloves. On his back was another much larger controller with the arms closer together to make it look like a strange X on his back, "They are no more than mere marionettes for me to make dance. My strings can't be cut so easily!" "Excellent~!" the cobra hissed in delight, "I'm sure by the end of the day, the dynasty will be far larger than before thanks to the new minions of the domain!" "MATTE!" at that, a giant explosion knocked both of them off their feet as they turned to see the entrance to the roof and most of the wall was blown open, "Himitsu no Power...Zenkaiser!" "Kyoryu Power! Zenkai Juran!" Hyakuju power! Zenkai Gaon! "Mahou Power! Zenkai Magine!" "GoGo Power! Zenkai Vroon!" "Shruiken Power! Zenkai Gin!" The smoke cleared as the Zenkaigers stood there, lined up. Zenkai Gin stood Infront and knelt down Infront of Zenkaiser and was holding his Hands up in a v shape like him. "Roku-nin Sorotte!" Zenkaiser shouted, holding out his hand. "Kikai Sentai…..Zenkaigers!" they declared as their team symbol flashed behind them as another explosion of colored smoke went off as well. "So that's how it feels like" Zenkai Gin muttered doing the roll call. "W-Why did everything explode?" the cobra complained. "Tojitendo to Eggman Army!" Zenkaiser shouted, "What evil schemes are you plotting today!?" "...And why should I answer to you?" the cobra countered with a slight frown, "A commoner has no right to talk to a King like that." "Punch!" Zenkai Gin shouted, punching him in the face. "Ah!" the World panicked at that, "Sir!? Speak to me!?" he held him up as his snout was now swollen, his eye bruised, and a small trickle of blood coming from his nostril, "SIR!" "You..You heathen!" the cobra snapped as knight-themed SWATBots began to storm into the area, "Puppet World, K-SWATBots, end them!" "What is with the themed armor!?" Zenkai Juran gawked, swinging his sword and cutting one down. "It doesn't matter! All the cute humans and Mobians are turning into wooden statues!" Zenkai Gaon spoke, pinning a SWATBot down before he clawed its head unit off. "So...is he Puppet World or Marionette World?" Zenkai Magine pondered as she swung her Magine Stick and bashed away a SWATBot, "It's an important question for when we log down how we won!" she lifted and held it by the bottom end; and swung it like a club to knock over another SWATBot. "Yes! Tell us!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he charged and tackled into a large group of SWATBots knocking them out of his way before he rushed the two commanders, "Kaito!" he shouted, stopping as Zenkaiser stepped over his shoulder. "SHUWA!" Zenkaiser shouted as he flipped forward and aimed his leg out as he landed a kick to the World, knocking him off the roof. "AH!" he cried, hitting the ground with a loud thud. "Hm?" Zenkaiser turned to the Cobra. "...Sleep~" the cobra hissed, his eyes glowing as his folds spread out a bit. "Ha! Like that will…" Zenkai Gin began. "ZZZZ!" Zenkaiser snored, having fallen asleep while standing, "Sleep...Zzzz...Zenkai...zzzz.." he snorted. "KAITO?!" the Zenkaigers all shouted in disbelief. "Hahaha, fool! Now-GAH!" the Cobra coughed as Zenkaiser suddenly slugged him again, "H-how…?!" "Ah...Kaito is a rowdy sleeper...he sleep attacks…" the male Zenkaigers all muttered. "S-Sleep attacks?!" he cried out as Zenkaiser spun around and landed a roundhouse kick, "No matter how you see it, he's not sleeping!" "No...This is what happens…" Zenkai Gin muttered, shield-bashing a SWATbot as Zenkaiser lifted the Cobra up in a choke hold before pile driving him headfirst into the floor. "Zzz...ore...wa...first Super Hero Wrestling champ…Z-Zzzz-zenkai!" Zenkaiser snorted as he wrapped his legs around the Cobra's neck just below his head and locked him in a hold. "HACK!" the cobra gagged. =I'm wondering if I should tell him that the Kyurangers have that one with Champ, better known as OushiBlack, tune…= Secchan muttered. "Brain...buster...zzzz…" Zenkaiser spoke, dragging the Cobra to the edge of the roof before holding him upside down so his head pointed to the ground below, "Off the Top rope...zenkai-ZZZZZ!" his head fell back as he jumped off, the last thing they heard was the cries of terror from the Cobra. "Sir!" the World shouted as he was hanging onto a ledge on a lower level of the building. "Ah...Kaito is crazy good at causing chaos…" Zenkai Juran muttered, "It must be from all his time with Mobians…" "Are we sure his parents didn't make him into a superhuman or something?" Zenkai Magine asked in concern. =Never! Those two loved Kaito way too much to ever do anything to him!= Skye replied =If anything, this is the universe's apology for not gifting Kai-Kai his parents' amazing brains...so it gave him an amazing body= "Yeah believe me, even I had a hard time trying to understand how he does it but got used to it soon" Zenkai Gin told. "Yaya?!" Zenkai Vroon gawked, peering over the edge, "Is Kaito still going?! How much more damage is he intending to cause?!" "... I think alot" Zenkai Gin muttered seeing this. "I must break you…" Zenkaiser snorted in a bad Russian accent as he lifted the Cobra up with both hands and was down on one knee. "Oh now he's dreaming he's the Heel!" Zenkai Gin realized. "Ah, no! Not that dream again!" Zenkai Gaon panicked. "We're still paying the medical bills to Skye~!" Zenkai Vroon sobbed. "Eh?" Zenkai Magine looked at the two with surprise. =Broken spines are not cheap to replace!= Skye defended =Even if you're just doing the bill based off the price of the items plus tax!= *SNAP-CRACK* "AH!" "SIR!" Puppet World panicked, picking up his Handler, "Speak to me Sir! W-We won't forget this, Zenkaigers...RETREAT!" "SNkr!" Zenkaiser snorted as he stood straight, "...What happened? I zoned out…" he yawned while stretching, "AH! I feel great! Like I had an awesome nap! AH! They escaped!?" he panicked. "Kaito, why!?" Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Vroon sobbed, slumped against some railing. "I think you trigger PTSD in them," Zenkai Magine muttered, a drop of oil going down the back of her head. "No more wrestling movies before bed, mister," Zenkai Juran scolded. "Eh? Wh-What did I do?" "You know what you did even if you don't," Zenkai Gin replied, crossing his arms over his torso. "...Eh? Nununu?" Zenkai Magine pondered, seeing something nearby, "Tails?" "Eh? Tails?" Zenkaiser pondered, following her line of sight to see two tails peeking out around a corner, "Oh! It is him! Heya, Tails!" he walked over to the tails, "Nice to see-EEYAH!" he quickly ran over, holding something, "GUYS, GUYS, GUYS! EMERGENCY~!" he held up a plush doll looking like a poorly stitched Tails with an antennae ending in a red gem, "Tails got transformed into a sock puppet!" "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Magine freaked, hiding behind Zenkai Juran with wide optics. "Yeesh...Tails looks really creepy as a doll," Zenkai Gin noted, "But now we know that he doesn't just turn them into wooden puppets, but puppets of all kinds." "...Isn't Miyuki's going to turn us into ice statues for letting this happen?" Zenkai Vroon asked. "Not it." Zenkaiser spoke suddenly. "Not it!" Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Magine spoke, pushing the other two Kikainoids forward as Zenkaiser handed them the doll before the trio ran off. "Ah! O-Oi! You kids get back here and face responsibility!" Zenkai Juran demanded. "Hah...We might as well get it over with…" Zenkai Vroon slumped in defeat. "Don't worry, I'll come with beside, I wanted to meet white aswell" Zenkai Gin said as he was with them. "...Oh, wait. I can breathe fire in this. I think we'll be okay, Vroon," Zenkai Juran assured, patting his shoulder. "And I can do a fire jitsu I learned." Zenkai Gin said as he went with them. "I can't believe it! They actually fell for it!" Iijirude laughed, the computer he and Eggman were standing before showing a feed of Juran and Vroon walking. "Considering Kikainoids and Humans have never seen an invertebrate, it's not a surprise they didn't know that snakes don't have a back to break!" Eggman chuckled. "But it seems that Zenkaiser in that hypnotized state does become more violent...for our sake, let's not let that happen again." Ijirude spoke, "Still all our agents and drones get shot down or destroyed before we can gather intel on their safe house location. Even with the address from that odd live video feed. But if we can get info on where they rest, we can attack them at their weakest! Which thanks to Puppet World we can send their beloved civilians to deal with them for us!" "Operation Deadly Cuddles is so devious! They don't even realize that this isn't the real Tails at all!" Eggman snickered. "It's not?" Thunderbolt asked. "Huh...Really thought he got struck myself," Tundra muttered, rubbing his chin. "No! That is my Tails Doll. Think of it as a...distant relative to Metal Sonic," Eggman replied, "Unlike the all out force he's made for, Tails Doll is for infiltration and information gathering. It was how I was able to help sow distrust amongst the people of New Mobotropolis before the Genesis Wave." "Oh…" many awed in realization of how clever that was. "So that's why you used that idiot; he was so weak, it lowered their guard," Lien-Da sighed. "We had to rig that choice today just for this plan, but once we got Puppet World we knew which plan to implement!" Ijirude cheered, "The best part is since we are playing on the Zenkaigers' concern for the brat, they won't even question a thing 'till it's too late!" "Still it was worth noting that it seems their leader has untapped potential in combat," Barashitara noted, another screen replying Zenkaiser's sleep wrestling, "He fought even more harshly then the times he took down most of you. If anything...his kindness spared you all from some real pain." he laughed. "Quiet from the one who got rolled over by sushi!" Iijirude fumed. "Oi!" Barashitara growled. "Oh the fun going on here," a certain giant bird giggled watching from higher ground so as to not interfere, "Just like highschool dramas...now...who's gonna be that one bitchy girl in the group~?" "That would be her," Akuhlt chuckled, gesturing to Lien-Da, confirming it by flipping him off with a scowl. "I may like robotic birds...But that bird is gonna be the death of me one day." Eggman muttered. "You get that feeling, too?" Ijirude asked, "Oh thank the King, I thought it was only me." "So what happens when Nope Noodle gets over the swollen snout and busted lip? Does he deploy again? Please tell me we can watch him put Zenkaiser to sleep again!" Gege chuckled. "Him and Drago," Eggman replied. "Oh goody-goody! I love the sound his nose makes when you hit it!" Gege laughed. "Note to self...never deploy with snake boy…" most muttered silently to themselves. "Roll-chan! You can't dismantle the AC to form a bunker shield!" Yatsude complained. "There are demons outside! They will rip our souls out and use our husks as skin!" Roll argued. "Don't make me treat you like a bad child! You can't be doing this!" Yatsude grunted. "You...are surprisingly strong, Yatsude-chan!" Roll grunted as she was losing ground in their little tug-o-war. "I had to raise a Kaito! Compared to his limitless energy...you are still just a child!" she argued. "We're back!" Kaito called as he, Magine, and Gaon entered the shop to see the sight, "Ah...This is really bad, huh?" "Roll, drop the AC or else!" Amy warned. "NEVAH!" Roll declared. *PIKO!* "Sorry," Amy apologized to the downed Roll, twitching on the floor with a bump on her head. "I think she forgets...she's strong...but not the physically strongest girl in this house," Magine muttered, helping Yatsude with the AC. "Quickly, tie her up!" Yatsude ordered. "With what?" Kaito asked, "She's an escape artist, remember? Her family does all the Shinobi training." "I'll get the bungee cord." Magine spoke, walking off. "Get some strawberries, too. We can put them between the ropes so that she won't try to break them without risking them," Yatsude added before sighing, "That darn Jem. I swear if I ever see her in person, I'm smacking her with my frying pan meant for bashing Skye with because of this nonsense she's caused years later!" "A reprieve!" Skye shouted. "You focus on helping fix the world with Kaito and Flash, Mister!" she snapped. "Yes Ma'am!" "So what happened?" Yatsude asked. "The evil Mobians working for Eggman has hypnosis powers...and he put Kaito to sleep," Gaon explained, "Then Kaito began Sleep fighting again." "Again?" Yatsude asked in awe. "Then he totally demolished the Cobra guy...I'm talking a pro-wrestling iron cage match to the end for the title level destroyed!" Magine declared, "It was equal parts spectacular and violent!" "Ahh...that sounds kinda fun to watch." Amy pouted, "Did you get a video?" "Hai." Magine nodded. "I still don't get why I do that." Kaito muttered. "Because you have such a powerful imagination, it send out the signals to move your body in your sleep," Skye replied. "That and it seems sleeping Kaito can't control his amazing power…" Magine muttered, "I've never seen him hit so hard...and the brain buster was just extra…" "Okay, see? Fun stuff like that...I want to see." Amy smiled, "Oh right!" she blinked while grabbing her phone, "Tails sent me some text messages about the string things in the air. He says that if they stick to people, then poof! They become puppets." "Tails-kun?" Magine blinked. "Yeah, he says he saw tons of folks get turned into puppets. But they don't act differently right away," Amy went on, "Still, we should be careful." "...Ano...Should we tell her?" Magine whispered to Gaon. "I'm not sure. I don't want the hammer again," Gaon gulped. "Wait...Tails texted you?" Kaito blinked, "Was that before he got turned into a puppet?" "WHAT!?" Amy gawked, "He got turned into one, too?! Oh, his sister is going to be livid!" "Hai...A tiny, but creepy cloth puppet." Kaito explained with a nod. "Wait?" Magine blinked, walking up, "You said...the puppet could still move, right?" she asked Amy. "But...Tails-kun was...motionless…" Gaon muttered, "How strange…" "Maybe it depends on the kind of puppet," Kaito noted, "If they're wooden ones, it kinda makes sense they still move because they're supposed to move around on strings." "Then how will a plush one move?" Magine pondered. "...I hope it's not like a hand puppet," Gaon noted, cringing. *PIKO!* "Gomen nassai~!" Gaon groaned on the floor, a steaming bump on his noggin. "But this is weird though…" Magine ignored Gaon, "How long ago did Tails message you?" she asked Amy. "Hmm...not too long after you guys all ran off," Amy looked at the message's time stamps. "Oh my," Magine gasped, "Wait...Where's Sonic?" "Last I saw him was when he was going out through the spring in Ay-Ay's room," Skye replied, tying up Roll with the bungee cords. "Ah...He must still be flying through the air then." Magine nodded as she took a few cords and did something to them behind Roll's back, "He'll either be back in a few or somehow crash into Juran and Vroon and Flash." "Given the angle and speed, factor in his weight and the off-chance of him holding the Geartlasher, he should be landing in three...two...one…" Skye counted down. "Hm? What's that screaming?" Flash pondered. "Screaming?" Juran pondered before looking at Tails Doll Vroon was holding, "A...Are you thinking you can hear Tails screaming while holding his doll form?" "No no no...I hear a steadily increasing volume of someone screaming, as if they are getting closer and closer to our location right this moment." Vroon corrected. "Wait, really? ...Huh...Now that you mention it, I think I can he…" Juran began before Sonic landed on him, "ARGH! My back~!" "Oh! Sonic-san!" Vroon gasped, "What happened? Why were you flying?" "Falling...I was falling…" Sonic grunted. "Yeah...on me…" Juran groaned, "Would it kill you to cut back on the chili-dogs?" "Nevah!" Sonic declared as Vroon helped him off the downed Juran before both helping the red Kikainoid back up, "Anyway...I went over and told Ayane about that weird Code which I still don't get. She gave me the sword and then shot me off through the sky via the spring airlines!" "Well...in regards to the code...an unfortunate set of events left Roll with a huge phobia of wooden puppets…" Juran grunted. "Specifically wooden puppets. She's okay with anything else, but wooden puppets make her...well...not Roll," Flash added. "Yikes...Guess this World is her nightmare then," Sonic cringed. "Like you wouldn't believe." Juran grunted, "Doc explains it like all her normal amounts of fear…" "No...75 percent," Vroon corrected. "Most of her fear is focused on this one thing," Juran sighed, "Like you and how you only hate Water." "I don't hate water! I just don't like it outside of drinking it or taking a shower," Sonic argued, "Look, we...uh…" he looked at Tails Doll, "...Is...Is that Tails?" "...yup, creepy" Flash muttered seeing the doll. "Ah yes!" Vroon nodded as he remembered, "We found him like this! We think Puppet World can make you into any type of Puppet!" he explained, "We got tasked with telling...you know who…" he whispered. "Yeesh," Sonic cringed, "Well, may as well go with ya so that I can get ya out before the frost comes." "Ah...It will save us some trouble," Juran sighed, "Plus this way we can just leave the kid at his place so he can be home when he poofs back to normal later." "NO! You fools! Take it to your home! We don't care about the stupid little kid who hangs out with you! Idiots! Do as you're meant to!" Ijirude shouted as he bashed a Kudakk in the head with his staff to vent. "Strangely, I feel that this would've happened if we wanted the Zenkaigers to eat a cookie that'd make them evil," Eggman muttered, facepalming. "Ah...this is fine...it's fine...All we have to do is redeploy Puppet World to get them to go somewhere else; and when we retreat, they'll go home to rest and recover," Ijirude sighed, "Get that literal spineless goof up and deploy!" He ordered, pointing his staff at a Kudakk. "Might I suggest deploying Puppet World and Hood where this Miyuki is at?" Starline asked, "Having him turn her into a puppet would be a good idea as it would more than likely have them take her to their home as well." "What are you, dumb? Puppet World doesn't turn them into puppets himself; he just controls them. It's random!" Eggman snapped. "How hurtful….no coffee for you for a week." "D'oh…!" "I know these things are often due to those meanies the Tojitendo, but it's hard to understand just how drastic these things can develop into, kyu," Miyuki noted, walking into the hangar/home beside a snow-white hedgehog wearing an orange jacket with extra long sleeves and a black eyepatch with a gold skull on it over his left eye, "Especially this time." "Yeah...Seeing the grocer as a puppet and his Kikainoid partner also one was a bit...disturbing," the hedgehog agreed as he started to put the groceries away, "Especially when the strings seem to just vanish in the air at a certain point." "Oi~" Juran's voice came from the door as he knocked, "You guys home? We got something potentially weird going on!" "Kyu?" Miyuki blinked at that, moving away from the stairs as she opened the door, "You mean aside from the puppets, kyu?" "Eh well...it's kinda in relation…" Flash muttered as Juran and Vroon peeked out from behind him. "Now as we fought with the Tojitendo's latest schemes with Puppet World and this...odd...Cobra person...whom we think Kaito has paralyzed...we found someone afflicted by Puppet World's...ability…" Vroon muttered, "Which brings us to here and now…" "Kyu?" Miyuki blinked in confusion before the two presented the Tails Doll, "..." "Not our fault!" Juran panicked. "Maybe Ayane could examine him?" Vroon suggested. "Who?" Miyuki asked. "Roll and Haseo have a half-sister on their dad's side that's a HedgeLynx," Sonic explained, sitting on Vroon's shoulder, "She is, uh...shy…" At that, a secret door on the floor opened. Miyuki and White raised brows before Ayane poked her head out of it, giving the hedgehog an annoyed look. "I'm not shy, I just don't s-socialize." Ayane countered before going back underneath the floor. "...White-kyu…" Miyuki began. "I was curious on what that faint rumbling was last week," White muttered as the wall slide open and Ayane walked out. "And I am curious on how you two get any sleep...now cause the blue one will annoy me again if I stay in my lab...what can I help with?" Ayane sighed, she much rather deals with Sonic then Kaito...the latter scares her. "Which one?" Juran and Vroon asked. "Both." "Hey.." Flash muttered annoyed. "It's true" she stated with a smirk further annoying him. "Tails got turned into a puppet. Take a look." Vroon said showing her Tails, she looked at him...and stared...and stared….before going back to her wall door, "See she's figure something out and is gonna get an invention to fix…" Vroon began before Ayane returned with a shotgun. "Play with this!" "Whoa now!" Juran yelped, barely pushing the gun down, "Nani?!" "Let me go. I have to kill it." "It's Tails, Ayane..come on just put the..." Flash tried to calm her down before she got a shot off, putting a hole in the floor. "AH!" the others all panicked. "What the hell?! This thing is real!?" Juran snapped while taking it away, proving far stronger, "What is wrong with you!? Besides being some kind of sociopath!? "Nothing…" she said before suddenly pulling out two pistols. "I just wanna kill that evil thing!" "Vroon, sit on her!" Sonic panicked. "I'm getting Roll...and Kaito!" "Wait...AH!" she panicked as Vroon tackled her...and proceeded to actually sit on her back. "Mission accomplished." "You can't just pull a gun on folks!" Juran snapped. "Uh...Isn't that sorta what we do?" Vroon argued. "NOT THE SAME! We don't shoot up a nice family's home in the middle of the damn day! And aim at a kid magically turned into a puppet!" Flash snapped. "Why can't you see the evil?!" "I am so sorry...I should have remembered she's a wackadoo…" Juran turned to Miyuki. "If only I could reach for my tail, I'd set off the self-destruct device in this safehouse." "WHY!?" Flash shouted. "Because everything needs a self-destruct button," Ayane replied; at that, a vase was dropped on her head ,knocking her out as it shattered. "Yaya?! That works!? I thought Kaito was joking about dropping breakable things on people's heads!" Vroon gawked. "I am so sorry for them," Juran apologized, bowing. "Um...It's fine," White assured, "But...I think there's a bigger problem." "Eh?" Juran looked up from his bow to see the nine-tailed fox and white hedgehog were puppets now with White being split down the middle with one half white and the other red with a leather jacket sporting straps ending in hooks with the white of his eye sickly yellow, "GAH! When did that happen?!" "I think between her shooting the first shot and her pulling out two pistols," White replied. "...Why is one half of you red and the other white now?" Vroon asked as he slung Ayane over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, "What could that be about? Is it aesthetic? Genetic? Could this be what is called bipolar?" "Who you calling bi?" the red half spoke. "Uh...did...He talk in a second voice?" Flash blinked. "Long story," White replied, as Sonic came back. "Hey, I got...why…" "...We shouldn't have given Ayane such focus," Flash sighed. "I'll get you, Charles Lee Ray...and your whole family…" Ayane muttered in her sleep. "...You don't think Ayane was doing her little shy spying stuff on Roll that day she got her puppet phobia, do you?" Juran asked. "Roll's afraid of puppets?" Miyuki asked, "Aw...I was hoping to talk to her about something today, but now I don't think it's a good idea, kyu." "At least you didn't pull a Gaon." Flash muttered, "Anyway...Sonic, you find Roll and Kaito?" "Kaito, yes," Sonic replied, "Roll...um...she's a little tied up in the base at the moment." =You are not coming down from there until you calm down, missy!= Secchan scolded, looking up at Roll hanging from the 'ceiling' of the Zenkaiger base, tied up in bungee cords and struggling to get out of them. "Let me out of here!" Roll begged, "It's not safe! They could be coming at any time! We need to prepare to incinerate the devils into ashes and cast them into a volcano to save us all!" =No!= Secchan scolded, flying up to bat her with a rolled up newspaper =Bad! Bad, Hedgefox! No!= "Mmm~!" =Here. Let's just watch something to distract, tune= Secchan sighed as he turned on a screen...playing Disney's Pinocchio. "EVIL!" Roll shrieked, amping up her struggles to get out of her binding. =Gah! Gomen, gomen, gomen, tune!= Secchan panicked =Still shocked you haven't escaped= "I hooked it into her bra so she can't escape!" Magine shouted from upstairs. "...Ano...She doesn't wear one," Haseo pointed out from upstairs. "Eh? Then what did I hook it onto?" "But I think she'll be fine," Sonic shrugged. "Ah! You guys got turned into puppets, too?!" Kaito gawked, "...Eh? A half-and-half hedgehog?" "Oh right. We've never met," the white half of White noted before the crimson half snorted, "Boku wa White. I'm Amy's older brother. Thank you for letting her stay with you." "Yatchan grew really attached to her," Kaito smiled, "Ah! Yatchan is my and Flash grandma; I guess she just likes having girls around the place since for so long it was just me and her." "Ya know, this is nice and all ta hear, but don't ya think that us becomin' puppets on these stupid strings is a sign of something like, oh I don't know...The tin head behind this is in the area?" the crimson half of White questioned in an annoyed tone. "Hey I've been meaning to ask...What's with the sunburnt half of you talking like a second person?" Kaito asked, making Sonic chuckle at his accurate yet insulting choice of wording. "It's a long story, kyu," Miyuki explained as one of her tails motioned to the red half of White, "This is Crimson-kyun, White-kyun's other half kyu. He has a….rare case of MPD we can't go into details..." "Sugoi...You're two dudes in one body!" Kaito smiled, "So how does this work...does one work one half of the body and the other guy gets the other half?" he asked as Sonic kept chuckling, "That must make using the bathroom really hard…" "Ahahahaha!" Sonic laughed. "Okay, see...He's good when it comes to the fighting bad guys...but he's more or less a living embodiment of boundless positive energy!" Juran spoke to Miyuki and White, "There is no stopping it." "...We're getting wrapped up in nonsense, aren't we?" Crimson deadpanned before White sighed, "Seems like." "We do that," Juran sheepishly admitted. "Well we never really introduced each other well so I go." Flash said." Boku wa Flash, Flash sentry, it's nice to meet you mister white and crimson" "Ah you must be Flash, Miyuki told me about you and your talent" the white half spoke." So you really fought 34 people including mobians and won." The red half asked. "Yup, I'm not proud of it for fighting but of I didn't, I would have been beaten badly." Flash told. "See, white and crimson Kyu" Miyuki said "I told you he was a good fighter." "Your right, and tails told me you became a zenkaiger like them and a ninja" "... Yup, and mine is based on the Ninningers, so be ready to see me all, Flashy when I'm there." "*Snort* good one." Crimson laughed at the pun. While they were talking kaito was seeing this. ".. yup give Flash the time and he'll make fine friends." "Oh! Ay-Ay!" Kaito beamed, spotting the unconscious HedgeLynx. "Not the time, Kaito," Vroon sighed before Kaito's phone rang. "Hm? Moshi-moshi?" Kaito answered. =Kaito, Puppet World's back= Skye informed =He's near you guys, actually= "Eh?!" Kaito exclaimed. "S-Snrt?! W-Wha…" Ayane snorted, blinking a few times in her waking up before looking up to see Kaito, "..." "Hm?" Kaito looked at her, "Oh! Morning!" "..." Ayane swung a hand down on the floor, causing the pellet in it to go off and engulf the area in smoke. "Ack! Ptui! Not again!" Kaito coughed as the smoke settled, revealing Ayane gone...with a strange Gear left in her place, "Eh? Is that a Sentai Gear?" "Did she swipe one from wherever you get them from your buckle?" Sonic asked as he picked it up, raising a brow as he noticed the gear part of it was rounded out sporting the kanji for 'Prototype' in cobalt coloring in the center, "Wait a second...Did she make this look like a Power Ring?" "Power Ring?" Flash question. "It's…" Sonic began before a scream was heard outside, "...I'll explain later. For now, hero time!" "Dance, puppets, dance!" Puppet World laughed as he was making a group of Mobians, Kikainoids, and humans turned into puppets do a conga line. "Dance! Dance, plebians!" the cobra mocked with a cruel laugh, now dressed in a darker color version of his armor, "Dance for your…!" "I thought I recognized you…" "Hmm?" the Cobra blinked before turning, seeing a smirking Sonic sitting next to him, "GAH!" "Hood, right? Amy and her cousin Rob'O the Hedge talked about you," Sonic smirked before quickly becoming a blur when Hood spread out his folds, "Not falling for that trick!" "AH! It's him again!" Flash shouted, running over after a moment. "Don't look at his face this time!" Juran warned. "AH!" Hood screamed in a high pitched voice once he spotted Kaito, "NOT YOU AGAIN!" "What is with people and phobias today?" Kaito tilted his head. "Eh. We'll just chalk it as a really off day," Sonic shrugged as he ran over to Kaito, "Also that's Hood…" "That's Lord Modred Hood, King of Eurish's greatest Kingdom, Avalon and Grand Master of the Eurish Dark Legion!" Hood snapped. "Wait...He's a legit king?" Flash blinked. "Nope. From what Amy's cousin told me, he stole the role from the previous king, and was practically given the role by Eggman in exchange for building the Dark Legion there," Sonic whispered to the two. "Ah! That's horrible!" Vroon gasped. "Yep. Last I heard, the real king-Amy's cousin-had to go into hiding with his wife and their baby because of Hood sending assassins after them." "That's even worse!" Juran gawked. "Yosh...You deserve an even harder punch to the teeth for that!" Kaito declared, "And I'm gonna give it to you. 'Cause I really wanna punch you...and your buddies." "Coun't me in, I'm not showing any mercy for you this time." Flash took out his gear. "GH!" Hood tensed up at that, "M-men, Puppet World! Protect your king!" "You can hide but you can't run from this butt kicking! That's if snakes even have butts!" Kaito shouted, pulling out the Geartlinger, "Change Zenkai!" =ZENKAISER!= =ZENKAI GIN= "Change Zenkai!" Juran and Vroon shouted as they quickly changed as well before they and Sonic blocked the swings of the blades of some K-SWATBots with their blades, shield, and/or pickax. "...Wait. What am I panicking for?" Hood questioned himself, coming out of a set of bushes he was hiding in, 'I've still got the trump card in case things go awry…' "K-SWATBots, your king commands you to capture that fox plush! It has what Iijirude needs!" "They're after Tails?!" Zenkai Juran gawked, slashing one of the K-SWATBots, "What for?" "He must have information they need...but what could that be? That is a deep well!" Zenkai Vroon shouted hacking away at one of the robots. "They must be dumber than we thought and need someone actually smart!" Zenkai Gin grunted as he shot at several with rapid fire setting and then slash them. "...We're in agreement that he'll be punished severely for giving them ammo to insult us with, right?" Iijirude deadpanned, his optic twitching. "Oh, there wasn't a single doubt in my mind," Eggman seethed. "They sure are doing good with the minions," Puppet World noted before chuckling, "Then let's see them deal with these! A performance of the ages! Attack of the Villagers!" "Attack of the wha-?" Zenkai Juran asked before several Puppetized people began walking into the battlefield, "Oi! You folks need to get out of here!" "What is happe-YAYA!?" Zenkai Vroon gawked as they began getting swarmed by the puppet people, "Wait! Stop, we are the good ones!" "It is no use, fools!" Hood laughed as he stood next to Puppet World, "So long as Puppet World's Strings are about, he can use those he's turned into puppets to use as what they truly are, tools!" "Whoa now! No touchy! I get enough from girls that are either pink or wear pink. Thank you very much!" Sonic yelped, running around to avoid the people grabbing at him. "Get 'em! Get 'em!" Puppet World laughed. "You jerk! How dare you use people for this!" Zenkai Gin shook a fist at Puppet World. "Hahaha! The benefits of being the invader! Any tactic goes!" Puppet World cackled. "Domo~" two voices spoke behind Puppet world, making him turn to see Gaon and Magine as they aimed at his face. "AH! Wait don-!" "Bang~" they cheered pelting him point blank with several shots that knocked him on his rear. "Just 'cause we are the good guys doesn't mean we can't be sneaky, you creepy Kikainoid filth," Gaon replied. "Ah you peasants!" Hood began before gagging as Magine stuck something in his mouth, "Gak!" "What did you do?" Gaon asked. "Snakes hate the smell of garlic and onions," Magine explained, "So I jammed pickled garlic and onions in his mouth." "Ohh! Clever!" Gaon beamed. "He's kinda too lame for me to really attack…" Magine muttered as Hood coughed and hacked while rolling along the floor. "Nice save! Now help us!" Zenkai Juran called. "Not to worry! I have the ultimate defense!" Gaon declared...before turning around to show Haseo on his back, "A fluffy Haseo-chan!" "Eh?" Haseo blinked twice, "Matte...I thought we were getting blueberry ice cream." "We are. I pinkie promised after all!" Gaon assured. "Oh~ Then Ga…!" Haseo began before he noticed the Tails Doll, "?!" his black tail shot straight up and puffed out to the point it looked like a lightning bolt had gone through it, "A-a-a-a-a-akuma…!" "Huh?" The Zenkaigers stopped fighting for a moment to hear that. "Akuma! Akuma!" Haseo panicked as he rushed off...before coming back with various holy items on him while holding an O-fuda in one hand and a gold cross in the other, "The Power of Christ and Kami-sama compeles ye, akuma!" "D'aw~" Gaon cooed before Magine slapped him, "RIGHT!" he yelped, "Wait...isn't that Tails-kun?" he asked Haseo, "Why are you calling Tails evil?" "Th-That's not Tails-san!" "...Come again?" the two blinked. "Wait! Tails's sister and her boyfriend got turned into normal wooden puppets...so if everyone just turns to the same and...and…" Zenkaiser paused for a moment. "Kaito-kun?" Gaon asked. "Daijobu...This is how he learns." Zenkai Gin assured, "It just takes a little longer." "THAT'S NOT TAILS!-!" Zenkaiser declared while pointing to the sky dramatically. "But we haven't seen or heard from him all day...it has to be!" Gaon argued before Haseo tapped his leg, "Hai?" Haseo then pointed to the left and down the street where he saw the actual Tails walking down the street with headphones on, somehow none the wiser to the nonsense happening, "...EVIL!" he rushed and punted the doll copy of Tails into the distance. "...Oh you should not have done that," Hood whispered in worry...and fear. "You know wh-?!" Sonic began before blinking, "...one moment," he spoke before rushing into Tails' home. A moment passed before he ran back out with Nicole's handheld in hand, "Nicole, I need to ask you something." =Hmm?= "While my team was busy in the Frozen North before the Genesis Wave Hit, did...anything happen back in New Mobotropolis involving a doll that looks like Tails?" =A doll that looks like Tails? Mmm...My memories are a bit of an issue at the moment with your recent revelation in…= "Speak smaller words please!" Zenkaiser called, his hand sticking out of the pileup of puppetized citizens he was under. =I don't remember, but that description feels familiar somehow...perhaps if I had some visual aid, it would help jog my memories…= Nicole answered. "Meaning I'd have to go f-" "AHH! GET IT OFF!" Puppet World's scream caught their attention, making them look up to see the Tails Doll on top of his head, "It's speaking things that are creeping me out!" "...Does this help?" Sonic asked as he turned the handheld to show the scene. =Strange...it looks like that doll Cream h…= Nicole began before it dawned on her =...Destroy it. Destroy it now!= "Huh?" =That...thing is a creation of Eggman's, and was what helped cause so much discourse among the people in New Mobotropolis at the time!= Nicole explained. "One issue with that!" Zenkai Juran called as more of the puppetized citizens pounced on Gaon and Magine, "His panicking is making him grab more folks to grab us!" "Gah...How the heck are we gonna deal with this?" Sonic sighed, jumping over a leaping citizen before landing on a lightpost where a bit of the sunlight bounced off his Geartlasher and hit his face, "..." he shifted it to let him look at the citizens, "...Oh for the love of...It's so obvious." he dug into his head quills and pulled out the strange Ring-based Sentai Gear, "Well, Ayane, might as well see if this works." he opened up the slot for Sentai Gear on his blade before flicking the Gear into the air and slapped it down into it and spun the handle quickly. =PROTOTYPE ZAN~! ZAN-ZAN~! ZAN-ZAN~!= "Huh. She even made a cute little noise for when she has a prototype Gear for it," Sonic chuckled before looking at Puppet World running around in circles with Hood trying to grab the Tails Doll, "Here goes something!" he pulled the trigger while swinging the blade, causing a larger holographic version to appear before shooting back at him, "Whoa now!" =ZAN-ZAN! ZAN-ZAN! ZANZANZAN-ZAN~!= "PHWA!" Zenkaiser gasped out, managing to climb out of the pile, "What the…?" Sonic looked at himself. He was wearing a cobalt bodysuit with a biker helmet that completely covered his head that seemed to mimic Zenkaiser's helmet. He also sported white gloves reaching his elbows and white boots with black soles. =PROTO-ZENKAIGER!= =WHAT THE HECK?!= Secchan and Skye screamed in shock. =I-It worked!= =Eh? Ay-Ay?!= Skye gawked. "Ayane?" Sonic pondered. =Explain yourself right now, missy!= Sechan demanded. =Well I refuse to be out done by this old fool. His time is ending!= =But Skye-Hakase wasn't the primary inventor of the Zenkaiger system. He joined after!= =Which is why it's so hard! I need to be good enough to overcome five Geniuses!= "So...Is that why Sonic looks like…?" Zenkaiser began. "Kaito's sidekick…?" Zenkai Gin blurted. "HEY!" Sonic snapped, swinging his blade out before the civilian that had been trying to sneak up on him collapsed to the ground, the strings holding them up in the air cut, "...And that just proves what I was thinking before this suit stuff." "Since it's a string, it's too tiny for us to shoot…" Zenkaiser noted. "I should have thought of that…" Zenkai Vroon muttered. "Oh for...another one?!" Hood snapped before he began to pale, "...Oh no...It's another one...and it's the hedgehog…" "...what? What?! WHAT?! WHAT?!" Eggman gawked upon seeing the screen, "The hedgehog is now one?!" "Wait...They are producing new equipment?" Ijirude gawked, "How? From where? When did they find new stuff?!" "EggPawns!" Eggman shouted as two ran over to Eggman and Iijirude and saluted...before the two scientists began to bash them on the heads repeatedly. "HOW?! HOW?! HOW?!" both screamed out in anger and rage. "Great...Now it's spreading," Lien-Da groaned, facepalming. "...hmm...how indeed," Starline whispered, focusing on the screen as he rubbed his chin in interest. "Heh. Well, good to know I've got something new to try!" Sonic chuckled, "Now to…" "Ah! Don't forget to roll call!" Zenkaiser called. "Do I have to?" Sonic deadpanned. "Of course ya do!" Zenkaiser argued. "Alright, alright. Uh...Prototype power...Proto-Zenkaiger?" "That didn't sound right at all!" Zenkaiser argued as he rushed up, "You have to put more spirit in it, oomph, style, power!" he declared, "So much energy something explodes! Like this! Himitsu no power...ZENKAISER!" he shouted as an explosion of white smoke went off behind him, knocking over several Puppetized people and the newly dubbed Proto-Zenkaiger. =We can hash it out later, Kai-Kai! Sonny needs to kick it into gear now while you guys blow him up!= =Or help by using the Sentai Gear for a sword-based Sentai, tune!= Secchan added. "I got it!" Zenkai Gin spoke as he opened his buckle and pulled out a Sentai Gear from the center slot, "Let's go! Shinobi power!" =YON-SAN GOU BANG! RYUSOULGER~!= "Ryusoulken!" Zenkai Gin shouted, grabbing the sword as he swung it while jumping, cutting several strings. "Seiya!" Proto-Zenkaiger shouted as he shot off as a cobalt blur, shooting past civilians covering Zenkai Juran before they'd collapse, their strings all cut. "Freedom!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he quickly joined in on slicing strings and freeing Gaon, Magine, and Zenkai Vroon. "Oh, I'm starting to feel like Roll-chan in disliking wooden puppets!" Gaon groaned before he and Magine transformed into their Zenkaiger forms. "Oh don't you start." Zenkai Magine groaned, "Nu Nu Magine Giant Scissors!" she called out, holding her staff up and tapping the ground before a giant pair of pink scissors formed in the air and began randomly snipping at the air, cutting many strings. "GAON~!" Gaon roared, swinging his Gaon Claw about and slicing into strings until the last of the civilians summoned by Puppet World collapsed. "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Puppet World screamed. "WILL YOU STOP RUNNING SO I CAN!?" Hood snapped. "Nu Nu Magine!" Zenkai Magine declared, causing a banana peel with a witch's hat appearing in the running path of the two, causing the World to slip on it and fall on Hood. "Yosha! Blast him before he calls out more!" Zenkaiser ordered as all six began to spin the handles of their changers. =Ah! W-Wait! Don't use the finisher, y-you Ao Harinezumi!= Ayane panicked. "Mute…" Proto-Zenkaiger spoke simply. =Did you just...hey...you can't mute me! Respond! Respond! AH! He somehow found a mute! Did I make that?!= 'No, but pretending I did brings me much enjoyment~ Alright!' Sonic chuckled. =HERO~! SUPER ZENKAI TIME!= The symbol appeared behind the main six while a glitchy one appeared behind Proto-Zenkaiger. The Geartlingers were aimed at Puppet World as Proto-Zenkaiger pulled his blade back to swing. All seven pulled their triggers and, while the perfectly fine symbol shot out at Puppet World with the shots fired by the Zenkaigers, the glitchy symbol twitched before falling over and landed on Proto-Zenkaiger, blowing up on him at the same time Puppet World was. "GAH!" Proto-Zenkaiger yelped as he was knocked into the air and landed on his face, "Guh!" his armor glowed before it vanished as the Proto-Gear popped out and shattered. =MY PROTOTYPE~!= Ayane sobbed. "Sonic!" Zenkaiser panicked while running over to him, "What happened, Ay-Ay?" he asked while helping Sonic up. =It seems her Gear wasn't ready for full combat yet! It serves its purpose for protection and enhancement, but look at this, tune!= =Oh...So his high levels of Chaos energy caused a flux with the dimensional energy we use to power the Gears. I guess Ay-Ay both realized this flaw for Mobians and didn't know Sonic had so much...so he blew himself up worse then she imagined= Skye explained. "I'm okay…" Sonic groaned as he looked over at the soot-covered Hood missing his arms and legs beside a smoldering Tails Doll with the broken Gear for Puppetopia by it, "At least we blew up the stupid World, so no more puppets." "And we did some great damage to the snake" Zenkai Gin said. "Wait...his arms and legs are fake?" Zenkai Magine blinked. =Snake Mobians don't have legs= Skye explained =Seems he replaced his arms while getting legs= "Ugh...Y-You'll pay for this!" Hood grunted. "Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do?" Zenaki Gin asked. "Two things," Hood replied, "Starline! Kudaitest!" the ground under him shattered as a Kudaitest's head poked out, "GAH!" "Is it safe to come out now?" the Kudaitest whimpered. "Crush them!" Hood demanded as he fell into a portal from Starline. "Oh good. No more sock puppets," the Kudaitest sighed in relief, "Those things are so terrifying..." "WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE AND PUPPETS TODAY?!" the Zenkaigers all snapped, even slapping the air in unison in disbelief. "Alright, just need to pull myself out and…" the Kudaitest grunted, forcing his arms out and slammed them down...the left-arm right on Tails Doll and the Gear, "Ah...I crushed something." "I...have a bad feeling about this," Ijirude and Eggman muttered in unison as they moved the screen away and turned their backs to it, "Best we not see how badly this goes…" they walked/rolled off slowly. "...Anyone else feeling they're making the best damn choice?" Tundra asked. =Oh I'm getting Resident Evil Village vibes…= Cassia cringed. =This isn't good= Nicole noted, held in Haseo's hands. "Eh?" Haseo looked at the handheld. =If it's the same Tails Doll from before the Second Genesis Wave, then its body is comprised of nanites. And from the trend of these Kudaitests coming into contact with the Gears with Worlds sealed in them, it may be absorbing it to form a Great Puppet World...= "That's normal," Zenkai Gin pointed out. =...And absorbing Tails Doll since the Gear was under the doll= Nicole finished as the Kudaitest twitched and spasmed. "Uh...that's not good…" Zenkaiser muttered just as so many had returned to normal, "Uh….Minna! Please...Run and panic! But protect the young and weak while you run! Don't be rude! Run and Panic responsibly!" =Haseo, I suggest we evacuate from the area for the others to fight what's coming= Nicole advised. "Ano...H-Hai…" Haseo squeaked, his black tail still sticking up and looking like it was being electrified, "...A-Ano, F-Flash-Onii-chan…" "Hai, hai," Zenkai Gin sighed, picking up the fox with a frozen tail before booking it. The Kudaitest grunted and groaned, stumbling back before letting out a cry as his body transformed. At first, he looked to resemble the normal hybrid of Kudaitest and the World his Gear had in it, making him a Great Puppet World. His body then began to bulge out in random spots before his chest split open, exposing a massive maw littered in several rows of metal razor-sharp fangs, grinding and gnashing against one another. The left arm bulged, swelled, and twisted until it tore itself apart, exposing several tentacles seemingly made of a blend of metal and tattered fabrics as its legs split into six as its lower half elongated as a tail emerged, the end made of a serpent-like head with a glowing red gem in its jaws. "̷̢̨̛T͠҉o̵͜ ̨͠í̴̕͏̛n̸̵͠͏v́͢͝҉ơ̕ḱ̸͜e͜͞͠҉́ ̷̀͏͠҉t̡͜͠h̷̵̕̕͜e͘̕͘ ͏͡h҉̴̨̢́ì̴̡͜v͘͞e҉͘-̡̀̕m̀͢i͏̷̢͝n҉̀̀͜͠ḑ̷̀ ̶̨̕͡r̷̸̶̀e̸͞p͏͞r̵̨͞͞e̴͡s͡͏͜҉e̡̧̛͢n͏̢͟t̸͏̛í̵͜n̢͟g̸ ̵̡͝҉c҉ḩ̀͢a̸̡̡͞ơ̵̸͡͝s̸̕͜.̡̕͜͏ I̵̡̕͝͏n̴̶̨͘v̶̡͝o̵͞k̛͘͢͡͡i̵̕ņ̶͢͠g͝͞͏ ̢̀͟t̶̨̨͜h͟͟͞͡e̵̡͡ ̷̧̧͘f͟͝e҉́͘͟e̡̨͟͟l̷̀͢͠͞ì̷̴́n̷͘g̸̴̷ ̶̡͡͞͝ǫ̸͢f̴̧̛͘ ̶̸̧͘͘c̷̨͢h́͘͜͜a̷͞o̷̢̢͟͢s͢͞.̡̡ ̢W͝͝i̵̶t҉̴͞h̵̕͠ ͢͠ò̷̴͏̵u̷̶t̶̴̛̀͞ ͠o͞r̴͏̛d̢̨̕͘e̕͘r̵̛..̶̴̧̡̛͜͢ T̢̀͢͝h͝͏e̶̵ ̨́N̷̡͟͜͞e̶̡͟͡z̢p̶̧͏e͢ŗ̕͠͠͞d́͏̵̢͞i̸̧͜͠a̧̛n̶̢ ̷͘ḩ̷͘͠͡í̷v̶̨͝è̛͠-̸̡͘m̷̧͞i̷̢̢͠͠n̴̛͝d̷̢́̀́ ̶͡͡ò̴̧͟͞f̸̡͘͜ ͜͟͟c̴̴̷̢̕h̴͡a̛͏̵ó͞s̶͜͠.̷̧̀͡ ̷̛͢T̶͘͟á̶̶̸í̛͞͠҉l҉̶̡͜͟s̛͝ ̢͟D̸̡̧̕͡o̢͡l̵̨͡͝l̵.̷́͏" the transformed Kudaitest rumbled as a dark misama pulsed out, turning the skies above pitch black with gashes of an ominous red glow piercing it, letting out twisted and demented giant puppets that simply dangled in the air, "̷̷̀͘H̨͝҉̸e͢͏ ͢w̵̴̢h͜͏̴͝o҉̢͜͢͞ ̨̡́W̵͟a̷͟i͟҉̧̕t̵̸̨s͜͞ ̸̸͟B̶̸̡͠e҉̵h̡̀͢͠i̵͡ņ̴d͘͝҉̵҉ ̀́T̨́͠͏̧h̸̛̀e̶̢ ̨̛͞͠Ẁ̡͟͡a̷̡̨͞ļ̨̕͏l͜͠.͏͡ ̕G̨̀R̴̕͞Ę͘͜͝A̢͟͞͠T̶͢ ̛͘͜͢T̸͠͏̴Ą̛͟͝Ì̕L̢͢͟͜S̕͏̶҉ ̨̨̀̕͝D́́͞O̶̕͡L͟͏̵̵̨L҉̨̀ ̢W͟Ớ̶̢͟R̴͏̷͜͝L̷̶͜͠҉D̡͘!͏̸̸̨͞"̵҉̡̨́ "Well...I don't wanna live on this planet anymore…" Zenkai Juran muttered. "Oh my goodness, that is disgusting, kyu!" Miyuki cringed, standing at a far distance from the newly-named Great Tails Doll World with White, before Zenkai Gin skidded to a halt by her. "A-a-a-a-akuma…!" Haseo whimpered. "We're rolling," White informed. "Eh?" Miyuki and Sonic and Ginlooked at the white hedgehog...who was deploying the last of several of the Camera Gears. "O-Oh! I guess I'm taking over this time because Roll-chan isn't available?" Miyuki asked. "Yup and I'm mostly busy as a zenkaiger so your up." Zenkai Gin told. "Phobias are scary…" Haseo mumbled before freezing when Nicole formed her body beside him and hugged him to her as she shivered, 'T-Tenshi da…' "Hello, minna! I'm Miyuki Prower, kyu! Roll-chan isn't available right now due to an issue involving the current Great World!" Miyuki greeted the cameras, "And I can't blame her…" she looked at the Great Tails Doll World and shuddered, "Seriously, it's just so freaky, kyu…" "I know, it's like watching Hellraiser 3 again and this time Slenderman is with them...." Zenkai Gin spoke "I know right that was a horror and I couldn't sleep for nights without a white cuddle, Kyu.." "Let me guess you couldn't see puzzle boxes the same way again not even dropping blood anywhere." "Yup, it was torture and I think that's what they want, Kyu" "Minna, Zenkai Gattai time!" Zenkaiser declared. "Do we have to?" Zenkai Magine asked with a whimper. "SAVE THE FLUFFY FROM EVIL!" Zenkai Gaon roared, picking her up and rushing ahead into battle. "That boy is gonna be the death of someone…" Zenkai Juran spoke as he and Zenkai Vroon flipped their gears. =BIG BANG!= "And here comes our champions for today's fight!" Miyuki cheered, seeing the four Kikainoid Zenkaigers grow to their larger forms, "Oh, I really hope they'll be okay after this, kyu. And it looks like things are going crazy from the start, kyu! It's chasing Magine Dragon first!" "KYA! STAY AWAY!" she cried flying away and around Great Tails Doll World as it tried to catch her with its tentacles. "Hentai tentacles rape!" Zenkai Gin shouted covering his mouth and trying not to laugh, sonic aswell. "Wait real life, hope there no pervert watching" Miyuki spoke. It's going after Magine? Why?" Zenkaiser asked as he opened his belt, "Let's try some Mecha power!" he held up a few gears, "First Juran!" =BIG BANG! GO! GO! GO-GO-GO! ZYURANGER!= "Oh? What's that appearing?" Miyuki pondered, seeing the shot fired from Zenkaiser's gun go into the air. The blast turned into a giant projection of the Zyurangers mecha Daizyujin, Zenkai Juran reverting to humanoid form as it merged with him. He grunted before holding his arm out as something suddenly fell from the sky at great speeds and cut through several of Great Tails Doll World's tentacles before being caught by Zenkai Juran. It was a long sword with an arrowhead shaped blade. "Kyoryu Ken God Horn!" Zenkai Juran declared, holding the sword up as lightning from what seemed like heaven itself struck the tip, "I HAVE THE POWER!" "He must be a fan of that Gaijin Anime from the 80s, kyu," Miyuki noted, "Or it's early 2000s revival or the revival on Netflix, kyu." " His a old dinasour so we mostly watch the 80s one" Zenkai Gin noted. "IKE!" Zenkai Juran shouted, rushing and slashing Great Tails Doll World, making it stumble back, "And again!" He cheered, lifting up and slashing the giant monster across the torso making sparks fly, he then swung the blade up as it began glowing, crimson lightning striking the sword once more, "Cho Densetsu Raiko Giri!" he swung diagonally top to bottom as the slash struck Great Tails Doll World, causing a massive explosion that knocked it back. "Gaon! Your turn!" Zenkaiser lifted another Gear. =BIG BANG! GO! GO! GO-GO-GO! GAORANGERS!= "Ikuze!" Zenkai Gaon cheered as the blast formed the projection of a Mecha, "Eh?" he blinked, seeing a mecha with a Green torso, black and white arms but the same legs as GaoKing. =That's GaoMuscle, Tune! The Gaorangers' secondary Mecha configuration!= =Interesting tidbit. They needed to find the torso for GaoMuscle because GaoLion became ill after their first use of the bear twins known as GaoBear and GaoPolar= The projection went into Zenkai Gaon as he growled and lifted his arms as they seemed to swell up in size. "Kinniku power Saiko!" he roared as he punched Great Tails Doll World, making it skid back along the ground and into a building, "Mada mada!" He unleashed a barrage of punches that dented its body and pushed it through the building, demolishing it in the process. He growled, dragging the monster back to its feet, "GORIKI MUSO!" he shouted as his arms began glowing with energy, "MUSCLE LARIAT!" He swung both arms as the energy around his arms streaked the air and 'slashed' Great Tails Doll World, making an explosion go off which sent it flying. "YEAH! GIVE HIM ANOTHER ONE!" Miyuki roared out, a fire in her eyes. "Uh, White…" Sonic scooted away from the nine-tailed fox. "I know," White sighed. "YEAH! THROW HIM DOWN AND BREAK HIS SKULL" Zenkai Gin shouted. "Him to" white asked. "He likes ninja and wrestling aswell" sonic muttered. "Yosh!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Juran! Gaon! Gattai da!" he flipped his own Sentai gear and began cranking. "Ah, and just as we got our own moments to shine as giants!" Juran Tyranno grunted as he was opened up for the gattai sequence. "I almost forgot about this bit." Gaon Lion admitted as his form did the same. "Oh! Here comes the Gattai! Looks like the Prehistoric Animal King comes first, kyu!" Miyuki noted. =ZENKAIOH~ JURAGAON!= "Yosh!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping up and landing in the cockpit, "Vroon! Magine! Provide cover while we go in for some Zenkai Damage!" "Leave it to us!/Thank you, Kaito~!" they both responded as they began flanking around Great Tails Doll World's sides. ZenKaiOh rushed and slashed the monster with the Juran Sword, making it stagger back as sparks rained. Great Tails Doll World bellowed as the wounds began to seal back up. "Hah!?" "It did that when Team Freedom was fighting it before the Genesis Wave hit," Nicole gulped, "It was capable of healing at an accelerated rate. Originally it was from the city's nanites, but here…" she looked around and gasped, seeing the injuries forming on one of the gruesome puppets hanging in the sky, "It's transferring the damage to the puppets." "That's cheap! Like that one guy from One Piece!" Zenkaiser complained, "Ah if that's what it takes then we'll deal so much damage you can't hope to recover!" he declared, pulling out another gear, "What's this?" He blinked, seeing a Gear with 24 on it, "Well this should be interesting." BIG BANG! GO! GO! GO-GO-GO! TIMERANGER!= =Oh! Nice Idea, Kaito! Mirai Sentai Timerangers Gear, tune!= "Timeranger? What's that, kyu?" Miyuki pondered. "I know this was in the data Secchan shared with me on Sentai trivia. They're the 24th Super Sentai," Zenkai Gin explained, "While their two Reds were from modern times, the other four members of their team all came from the year 3000." "Two reds?" Sonic repeated. "Yes. They're quite famous for being the First Sentai to have two Red Sentai in their team," Nicole replied. "Yeah he was first a jerk it later became good" Zenkai Gin replied. The projection of a Robot that was mostly red and silver in the front with a Knight-like aesthetic formed before ZenKaiOh JuraGaon, it lifted its sword before phasing into ZenKaiOh JuraGaon and gifting them its sword. =That was 3D Formation TimeRobo! A Mecha with the power to alternate into three different gattai states!= Skye cheered. =The Timerangers are famous for the fact they never destroyed their enemies, tune! They used amazing capture and cryo technology from the year 3000 to shrink and capture all their enemies who were prison escapees, tune!= "Freeze...shrink...capture?" Zenkaiser repeated, "YOSH! I got it! Juran! Gaon! Let's freeze this World!" "Freeze?!" "Ike! Jikuken! Press Blizzard!" The sword opened along the side as a clock ticking sound could be heard. ZenKaiOh JuraGaon rushed forward as green energy formed along the blade. The Mecha swung down and slashed through Great Tails Doll World, a clock projection ticking up to 12 as the blade closed up. The Monster growled and turned around only for the hands to hit 12 and suddenly its entire body was frozen in place with frost...entire sections of its body being pressed down by cold and pressure until it was left in a slightly smaller and less mutated state. "It's not shrinking down…" Zenkai Gin noted. "It must be far too big and its mutation must be fighting the shrinking process," Nicole noted as she noticed its tail, "...Could it be…?" "Hm? What is it?" Miyuki asked. "I think that gem was on the top of Tails Doll," Nicole recalled, "It might be the part of it that's Tails Doll." "So if they smash that?" White asked. "They take down the freeky part of it!" Zenkai Gin cheered, "Kaito! The tail! Go for the tail!" he shouted. "The tail?" Zenkaiser blinked, "Magine! Vroon! Blast its tail!" he ordered. "Nu Nu Nu Thunder Breath!/Ikuze!" Magine Dragon unleashed a blast of pink electric energy as Zenkai Vroon reverted to humanoid mode and aimed his Vroon Picker in fire arm mode, unleashing an irradiation of blue lasers. The pink electricity and the lasers slammed into the tail, causing the Great Tails Doll World to shriek and howl. It thrashed before another volley struck again, tearing the 'head' off its tail. "And smash!" Zenkai Vroon shouted, swinging down and striking the gem in the tail's severed head, shattering it. Great Tails Doll World shrieked in agony as its mutated pieces seemed to shrivel up while it stumbled. "Yosha! Hissatsu time!" Zenkaiser declared. "Let's smash it!" Juran declared. "Ah! Wait a second, switch! Switch!" Gaon panicked, realizing the two had swapped 'control', "I don't wanna lose my arms! I need them to cook and hug!" =You're good, Gao-Gao= Skye assured =Secchan and I finally tuned your Sentai Gear to let it handle the hissatsu!= "Ikuze Gaon! Spin and spin and spin!" Zenkaiser cheered, cranking the Geartlinger. "Oh, Roll's gonna be so upset. Looks like ZenkaiOh's got a new hissatsu but using Zenkai Gaon's half instead of Zenkai Juran's, kyu," Miyuki noted. "I won't, beside this the best seats we can get" Zenkai Gin said as he pulled out his wand and made pop corn." Want some" "Hai kyu, you should come to our house for movie night" "Love to, we can watch the new Hellraiser together.. with white and sonic for emotional support" Zenkai Gin spoke quickly "Agreed" =Don't forget to name it~= Skye chuckled as ZenkaiOh spun the Gaon Claw around, forming the transparent gear, before it went into his claw, causing the claws of it to glow and extend out further. =DAI ZENKAI! KIKAI SUPER ZENKAI TIME!= "Gaon Claws! Wild Heart!" Zenkaiser and Gaon shouted as ZenKaiOh lifted its clawed arm up as the mecha's eyes lit up and its mouth opened to roar with them. ZenKaiOh swung its claws down as they ignited mid-swing and tore through the Monster, the slash repeating several times upon impact as its entire body was shredded by the energy of the attack. ZenKaiOh stomped around and lifted its claws up into the air one more time, before slowly bring its arms down as Great Tails Doll World fell over and exploded. The deranged-looking puppets were pulled back up into the gashes in the skies as they dissipated, leaving clear blue skies once more. "Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh relaxed its posture. "Yes~!" Zenkai Gin cheered "Oh thank goodness," Miyuki sighed in relief, "Looks like they beat it with teamwork and a new hissatsu! Oh, that was not fun for anyone, kyu…" she spun to the camera, "Until next time, everyone! Hopefully, Roll-chan will be able to resume her duties as your host for these battles, kyu but still enjoy with Flash Sentry as a zenkaiger till he get his mecha!" "And...cut," White nodded as the cameras shut down. "Can we all agree to never let that happen again? Or if it happens...we blow it up faster than we did this time?" Magine Dragon pleaded. "My Research into Horror movies shows that in moments of fear and crisis, common rationality and practical thought are skewed in favor of panic," Zenkai Vroon spoke up. =H-Horror…?= =None of that!= Secchan declared as they heard a loud familiar clang. =Nigh-nigh~= Ayane slurred. =Secchan did the smart thing= Skye defended =Also, I think Haseo's fainted and not from fear= "Haseo-kun!?" Gaon panicked, ZenKaiOh's head rapidly turning about. "Huh?" Miyuki tilted her head before looking at Nicole and Haseo...to see Haseo indeed passed out with a bright blush on his face and steam coming from his ears, "...Oh my…" she covered her mouth while giggling, "He'll be okay, I think, kyu." "..." Zenkai Gin looked at that and simply pulled out his phone and took a picture of them. " Saving this for a prank war" "Good idea" Sonic said." Gotta get back at ayane for what she did" he asked "Yup" "Well that's another adventure ended…" Sonic chuckled before they all turned to Tails, the actual real Tails, walking past them. "Oh? Hey guys!" he smiled, "These new headphones Sis got me are crazy good. I haven't heard a single thing but the science podcast I downloaded...Wait, what did I miss?" he blinked, seeing Zenkai Gin standing with his sister the giant Zenkaigers and ZenKaiOh, "Wow...You take one personal day and you miss everything…" "...I'll tell ya at the shop. My treat," Zenkai Gin replied. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you~!" Roll rapidly thanked, hugging Sonic with her tail wagging so fast she could've started to hover if she had a second tail. "Hah? How come he's getting all the hugs?" Gaon pondered. "He was the first one inside," Flash chuckled as Skye tinkered with a blender Roll had damaged to remove the blades in it for a defense. "But I delivered the final blow!" Gaon argued, "I deserve cuddles!" "Ah don't worry; we love ya," Juran joked. "The love of a Kikainoid is cold and meaningless…" Gaon replied with cold distant eyes. "Oi…" Juran deadpanned in annoyance. "And thank you for that, Gaon," Amy thanked, patting his shoulder and earning a happy sigh from him, "Roll managed to break her bands when it went Great World on us." "Ah man...I borrowed those cords…" Magine muttered. "I'll take it out of your pay," Yatsude replied. "No need for that. I'll pay for the replacements since it was my daughter who broke them," Skye assured as he tested the blender and nodded, "All fixed. And cue Ayane in two, one…" he pointed his screwdriver to the shelves to have them swing inward as a slumped Ayane came out and sat beside him, "...Unknown territory again." "Not fair~!" Ayane sobbed, Skye moving the blender out of the way of her banging on the table like a child, "Not fair, not fair, not fa~ir! Geartlasher increased its score, but the Change Gear was abysmal~!" "Well, now you know just what would happen. Just need to make the finished product not blow up," Skye assured, patting her head. "You did amazing!" Kaito cheered. "!?" Ayane froze before her arm started to swing out quickly before Kaito ducked and the smoke pellet went out the window. "Missed!" Kaito beamed, "So you're calling that Gear that let Sonic change a Change Gear?" "It probably doesn't have a name yet," Skye chuckled, "She's more than likely focused on the technical aspect first." "Eh...so she's like you. But she doesn't have someone like my Touchan and Kaachan , uncle and Aunty who is there to offer her that extra bit," Kaito noted. "Hmm?" Ayane blinked at that. "Well it's not like I made it alone. Kaito's parents and Flash's parents made most of it themselves, I just...proofread the work and helped with the bits they didn't understand," Skye explained, "When I helped perfect their multi-dimensional viewing system, we started looking at worlds with Super Sentai like binge watching trash TV on Netflix." "Trash TV?" "I know you've been using my VPN for that Gaijin show called Nailed It, Yaya," Skye pointed out, "More than likely for the Frenchman and his accent." a frying pan slammed into his face, making him fall over, "EINSTEIN~!" "So that's how it is…" Ayane muttered to herself, "He used his brains...and someone as crazy as this creature and that annoying one to make it perfect…" she looked at Kaito and Flash. "Ah, Roll-chan! I think he's not supposed to be all blue!" Kaito panicked as he ran over to an oblivious, ecstatic Roll that was hugging a now all-blue Sonic that was struggling to get out of the hug. "How can you tell?" Juran noted. "I don't know if I should feel sorry for him if this is how he kicks it…" Magine muttered. "Interesting...when Mobians stop breathing...they turn a cool shaded color…" Vroon noted. "Yeah...usually not a good sign, Vroon," Tails explained as Kaito managed to free Sonic from Roll's hug, the blue hedgehog taking in a deep breath of air the moment he was freed. "Easy with the hugs now, Roll," Amy advised. "Eh? What's wrong with hugging?" Roll asked. "Well nothing...that is unless you smother the person you're hugging and cutt off their oxygen supply...or break their back..." Magine muttered with thick sarcasm, "I think you forget...you're a tiny bit stronger then normal." "Eh?" Roll tilted her head. "You are...ack...amongst the strongest of us here, Roll…" Sonic coughed out as he tried to catch his breath, "...and imagine if you had one of those suits, too…" "?!" Ayane's ears perked up at that, "...multiple suits…" "Hmm?" "If I did this...and that...focus on this…" Ayane whispered to herself...to the point multiple equations began to appear around her as they began to flood the room. "Math Zenkai!" Kaito shouted, "Wah...it makes me dizzy...ugh...so...so much math…" "It's starting to get a bit crowded in here…" Flash muttered before an equation flew into his face, "GH! I just got attacked with math!" "Too...hard…!" Gaon groaned as he fell to his side, his optics replaced with swirls. "It's not that hard," Tails shrugged. "Well of course...you've got an IQ of 300," Sonic snarked. "Kai-kai, I do believe she has not eaten all day," Skye noted. "Eh?" Kaito looked at Skye. "It is so hard to get her to eat anything when she's like this," Skye sighed, shaking his head, "It'd probably be an achievement in being the first to get her to eat when she's like this." =Kaito's not gonna fall for that, tune= Secchan deadpanned =He's smarter than th…= "Food zenkai!" Kaito declared, scooping up Ayane and causing the equations to vanish. "EEK!" Ayane yelped as Kaito ran to the kitchen, "U-u-u-unhand me!" "NEVER!" "Should've seen that coming," Amy sighed while Sonic and Flash were on the floor laughing. "You can't work on an empty stomach!" Kaito shouted, "I don't care how smart you are, you not eating is dumb!" he declared, making Ayane gasp at the audacity. "D-D-Dumb?! B-Baka! Dai-baka!" "Don't argue with me, missy! Eat or else no lab for a week!" "AHH!" "What good is that big brain if you're not gonna feed it so it can work right? Smart people can be really dumb sometimes," Kaito continued, "Thats why from now on, if you're gonna have tunnels in this house, you eat with this family!" he put her down and pointed at her, "I barely passed Highschool Math with a C-...and I'm calling you a dumb-dumb." "Mmmm!" =...I shouldn't have opened my beak, tune= Secchan groaned. "Well, at least this will find more excitement in our daily lives," Skye chuckled before whispering to Yatsude, "Plus, this is for her own good and probably Kai-kai's, too. He needs a smart one to help with the moments he needs a smart one nearby and neither you nor I are there." "True...plus I doubt that girl has the nerves to defy Kaito's endless positivity. It might help her get out more," Yatsude sighed before slapping Skye upside the back of his head, "Don't go scheming something you." "Ite~! I wasn't!" "I know those eyes! It's the same eyes you and my son had when you had a wacky idea," she replied, "The kind that always blew up in your face...even when they worked." "..." "See? You can't even argue!" "Clearly you can't beat Yatsude-san in this game, Hakase...when it comes to this she is the wiser one," Juran sighed, "Sides, what crazy scheme could come of getting Kaito to...keep an eye on...oh…" he realized. "See? Even Juran can see it," Yatsude sighed, "You are a schemer, you always have been and still are. It's why you never could handle Kaito when he was little; he just outpaced any plans you came up with Flash was ok but not him." "I almost caused a huge accident by messing with his stuff," Kaito spoke up. "And you got grounded by Mitsy for it...and I got put back in the kennel from our first meeting by Aphy!" Skye reminded. "What?" Tails blinked twice. "Oh right. You didn't hear how I met Kai-Kai's and Flashy parents," Skye recalled, "Long story short, I got knocked out, woke up in a pet kennel, they didn't lock it, Kai-Kai and flashy wanted to shake my hand, and I got knocked out again." "Me and Flash used the machine to visit his family on your home world Mobius, made friends with Roll who was our age and then baby Haseo, and their Kaachan. We also was mistaken for a Yokai by other Mobians," Kaito added. "I-it's true…" Haseo spoke up, "People thought they were a rare form of Overlanders...or a hairless Monkey Mobians. "I caused a lot of chaos...and might have driven this one Jiisan crazy," Kaito chuckled. "So you are a Yokai…" Magine muttered at that. "I was a kid, I thought it was a game," Kaito chuckled sheepishly, "Also for some reason no one knows how to aim nets in your world...they always missed me." "Wait...they hunted you?" Sonic blinked. "Well they tried to catch me...I just always escaped." Kaito explained, "I always fell for that trick with the treat and a box." "You are a Baka!" Ayane gawked, "That's the lamest trap ever! What bait did they even use?" "For some reason, it was always Onigiri." Kaito tilted his head. "That would do it," the others sweatdropped in unison. "I was the lucky on, Aunty Gale was able to hide me when ever they came to hunt me down and aunt Aphrodite always beat them away if they ever thought of hurting me." Flash said. "Yup, I remember trying to stop her from not killing a pig mobian for making you cry that one time." Skye spoke remembering "Oh, this has been the longest she's been out in public and not exploded something," Flash whispered. "Yosha! Let's get some food!" Kaito declared, "Aye-Aye especially!" "Ah…" Ayane froze up. "You ain't getting outta di…" Kaito began before Ayane threw something on the floor, engulfing everything in white, "Ack! Gah! Flour bomb! She fired a flour bomb!" he waved his hands to dissipate it to reveal the whole room was a pure white now with everyone but a missing Ayane covered in the powder, "Gah! We've got ghosts!" "We need more nonsense going on for her to stay out longer it seems," Skye muttered. "Fine, but on one condition," Yatsude replied. "And that is…?" "CLEAN UP THIS MESS!" Yatsude barked, whapping him with the broom. "ITE!" > GEAR 8: Jidaigeki Chanbara Champloo! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =LAST TIME!= Secchan declared, wearing a party hat =Everyone learned that Roll is terrified of wooden puppets! Which wasn't good for anyone because the next World that showed up was Puppet World, tune! It got scarier when we mistook this evil thing called Tails Doll for the real Tails being turned into a doll!= he shuddered, =I think I need hugs from seeing the Great World made from the Puppetopia Gear, the Tails Doll, and the Kudaitest, tune…= "No time for Hugs!" Ayane's voice shouted. =EH!? Why are you here!? You stop spying on me, tune!= "Never!" =Kaito! She's back!= "FRIEND ZENKAI!" rumbling went off. "Wait...He's in the tunnels?! How?!" Ayane panicked. =Hehehehe...I play dirty, tune!= Secchan chuckled, =Don't underestimate me!= "Begin the Roulette!" Barashitara ordered as it began spinning before stopping on an image of a sword, "Arise, Chanbara World!" "And a Gear for you!" Eggman declared, grabbing the popped out Gear and throwing it at a Kudakk. "OH!" the Kudakk shouted, rapidly evolving into a new World Super Soldier. His body changed as his head was now covered in a black samurai kabuto with golden horns that had fire-like patterns at the tips, his face was a red oni themed mempo, with fangs and horns, the eyes being black optics glowing with red centers. Both arms now clad in red kote and tekko with spikes extending over the knuckles and along the forearms seemingly for catching swords in combat. At its side was a sheathed katana in a red saya. He slowly pulled the blade out, revealing the serrated saw-like tsuba; the blade was black and serrated as well with a blood red hamon pattern. "My blade shall serve the Tojitendo, de gozaru!" Chanbara World declared, bowing to Barashtara. "Ah, finally! An actual combat world!" Barashitara huffed, crossing his arms under his barrel, "They've handled the weirdness of the other Worlds, but let's see how they handle one made for true battle!" "What about that boxing one?" Thunderbolt asked. "Ugh, he had 'rules' to follow," Barashitara snorted, "That was a mere sport. This, however? This is a true combatant!" "There are no rules in the honorable field of battle!" Chanbara World agreed, "Merely swordsmen and the voice of their blades." he paused, "This sound...a blade asking to be swung in combat?" he turned around, "Yes...I hear it…" he sheathed his katana and pushed his way past the Grand Masters, forcing them all to follow him as he made his way for their quarters, "Here!" he kicked the door down to the room belonging to the female Grand Masters. He then scanned the room before seeing a Katana mounted on a wall, "Oh! Such a fine sword!" he beamed, reaching out to grab it before a kunai nearly nicked it, "?!" "Don't...touch," Conquering Storm scowled, electricity crackling off her cybernetic eyes for a moment, "That belongs to my clan…" "Hmm…" Chanbara world muttered before spinning around and unsheathing his sword and swinging at her, making her jump back, "Then I shall duel you for ownership of this sword!" "W-What?!" Conquering Storm gasped. "Oi, oi, oi! No fighting in the quarters!" Barashitara ordered, "Not after the last time and we nearly ended up with a Union of all things! You fight outside the quarters!" "Then let us take this outside," Chanbara World spoke, tapping his katana to his shoulder, "I shall claim this blade, and expand my swordsmanship to Nitouryu!" "Why does he want the sword so bad?" Eggman asked. "Chanbara World is powered by Chanbaratopia, a world of Swords. Everyone in that world is given a blade at birth and carries and masters it as they live. The strongest have Sacred or Cursed blades; Chanbara World has a cursed blade, which will instill his world's rules of noble duels and death by the blade," Ijirude explained, "It was a world too difficult to invade, as no matter how many Barashitara killed, more just sprang up claiming not 'till he won could we invade. So I just stuck it into the Tojiru Gear and we moved on." "I wanted to fight more…" Barashitara spoke, "I wasn't happy 'till I was fully crowned the strongest…" he glared, "I wanted more fighting...more blood...but you complained about the tracks I left…" "Of course I complained! Do you have any idea how hard it was to get bloodstains out of the flooring and the blood that got caught in my treads?!" "...I liked the blood…" Barashitara countered. "I did not!" "All this over a sword?" Akuhlt questioned, looking at the sword in question, "...She didn't have this on her person." "Hm?" Ijirude looked at it, "Oh, so that's what she took from storage." "Huh?" "Zzz…" Kaito snored, leaning against a wall, "Finding door zenkai...zzz…" "Kaito, did you seriously spend the whole night trying to find her secret doors?" Juran deadpanned as Amy, Roll, and Gaon were putting breakfast on the table. "Leave it, he always does this, if he sets at something he does it even if it's impossible." Flash told putting some toast on the table. "Zzz…" Kaito snored before a panel beside him opened and a sleepy Haseo walked out. "B'kf'st…" Haseo mumbled as his white tail hooked onto Kaito's leg as the two-tailed fox walked past him, causing Kaito to fall onto his face. "Snrt! Up-uh-I-guh-I'm up!" Kaito exclaimed, quickly standing up and spotted the secret door, "...Secret zenkai!" he jumped at it only to hit the quickly slammed secret door face-first, "Guh!" "Ugh...Kaito, you can't just force your way into this." Juran sighed, "That girl is several levels of weird...no offense, Roll-chan…" "We have accepted it," Roll shrugged, making sure to put a plate before Haseo as he sat down. "She freaks out at any shadow that isn't her family...How can you possibly make friends with her like this?" Jurna asked. "And be a jerk some times you know." Flash muttered. "I won't know...till I try!" Kaito groaned, "I can only do what I know best. Go at it full Zenkai; and if I fail! Try again and any other way that works for me! I am not a smart one, so I only got one thing that works: guts!" "I'm honestly surprised that someone so shy came from someone so...Skye," Yatsude muttered. "Ah~ Yaya, why~?" Skye mock whined, acting like he had been shot until the frying pan whacked him on the head, "Ite~!" "It still doesn't answer my question!" Yatsude barked. "Ah, there are probably multiple factors," Skye sighed, rubbing the bump on his head, "Her Speed Gene going mostly to her noggin, Galey's attempts to train her, Kaito as a kid spooking her when she was first starting to make secret areas..." "Eh? I did?" he blinked, taking a VERY long second to think. "He did?" Flash asked not remembering how. "How should I know?" Skye replied as Roll put a finger to her cheek in thought as well. "He's still thinking…" Magine noted, waving her hand over Kaito's face. "So's Roll," Sonic added, "You think of a time she got spooked by Kaito, Haseo?" "M'rnin'..." Haseo mumbled. "Still waking up, huh?" Flash chuckled, patting the fox's head. "Hai. Haseo's morning chocolate milk," Gaon put a cup down for the fox. "...Ah! The Prank War!" Kaito exclaimed. "Oh that must've been it," Roll cringed. "Yup, I remember that clearly," Flash told with a smirk. "What is a Prank War?" Vroon asked. "It's where people play pranks on someone else until one of them gives up," Sonic replied, chuckling, "Man...last one I had, Ant got stuck to the ceiling by chewing gum, Rotor got his head stuck in a fishbowl, Bunnie's feet got welded together, and Sal was pink with black hair again for a month." "What happened to you?" Magine asked. "Uh…" "He got stuck in a fat suit," Skye noted. "Gh?! H-How did you know that?!" "Tails told me some embarrassing stories about you," Skye replied, "One was that very Prank War. I do believe he didn't forgive you yet for painting his plane pink with glitter." "Oh come on! That was Sally!" "We're losing focus here. You two got into a Prank War?" Juran asked, looking at Kaito, Flash and Roll. "It was a team thing between me, Flash and Roll and her Aunt Jem and Pari," Kaito sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Kaito's endless positivity made it hard for them to…'get' him," Roll explained. "I just laughed and was happy when I got pranked," Kaito added. "He was adorable and his endless positivity made him immune," Skye added. "And I clearly won at last," Flash said with a cocky smirk. "You just got lucky, that's what" Roll muttered. "Roll, just accept my tactics were amazing and I won." Flash told her cocky "Your lucky the next game isn't on yet, but mark my words Flash Sentry, You will fall." Roll declared. The others looked at what was happening," I'm sorry what happened?" Jurna asked," did Flash did something?" "He won the prank war by his cuteness and innocent act that jem and pari couldn't harm him, he was like a haseo to them. And lastly he trapped the others and made oil and grease fall on them and made them looked like chickens." Sky told holding back his laughter. "And it was worth it" Flash told. "I was stuck with feathers all day trying to take them off, Kaito took it well but I didn't and I will have my revenge one day." Roll declared, she was still holding the grudge. "Well, I'll be ready that day" "So...you think she's spooked by Kaito because she might've gotten caught in the crossfire of a prank?" Gaon asked. "More than likely," Roll replied. "Great…" Skye facepalmed. "Not stopping me!" Kaito declared. "I swear you are living boundless resolve and positivity," Skye sighed. "Learn to live with it, like I did with Pinkie pie, but she's more of a crazy type then kaito" Flash said. "Maybe it's what she needs," Yatsude spoke up, slapping Skye before he could talk, "Who's the woman that raised a child...twice...and is also a woman, therefore smarter than a man?" "...Ah dang it. You're using Mitsy's and Misty's argument against me...and both normally won those with that question," Skye groaned, facepalming, "Continue, please." "Now, if I may say, you are the Dad. But you're also a goober who as I can tell...is mostly good at science." "...True…" "Your wife is the one who is smarter about emotional stuff, huh?" "Oh big time," Skye replied, a small smile gracing his lips, "She is a beloved angel from the heavens and an expert on the emotional stuff, love especially." =Considering that her parents named her 'Aphrodite,' I wouldn't be surprised that she is, tune= Secchan noted. "...and we miss her very much," Haseo whispered, his ears folding down sadly as his tails drooped, "And pray she's okay…" "She has to be. She has the family sword with her, after all," Roll assured, giving her younger brother a comforting hug. "Oi , Haseo" Haseo looked at Flash," what did I told you about when you fell down..." "That, when ever I feel down, or am alone, I should just smile through it... Cause true men are those who smile through danger so others may not loose hope." Haseo said. "Good, Now why don't you smile. Cause if you don't, then did you gave up one your kaa-san." "No?!" Haseo told. "Then, why don't you smile" Haseo looked at Flash and soon smiled with a real one, "That's the smile na," Flash patted his head. The others looked at this and couldn't help but smile." You sure Flash isn't your secret love child and is born human." Jurna asked. "Nope, He's Just good with this cause his mom helped him and he takes care of his own siblings" Kaito told. "But you see my point," Yatsude spoke, jerking a thumb to Skye, "This one doesn't know how to help a girl. He barely knows how to help himself." "Hurtful, but semi-true." "I think if she's gonna break out of her shell, she needs less being told 'it's okay to do this' again and again. And some new change that will help her grow. On her own. Otherwise, she'll never grow into her own person. She's smart and has good sense, but she's so shy she can't use it properly." "True, very true," Skye agreed. "I'm surprised Kaito hasn't spotted her yet," Amy whispered to Gaon, glancing at a secret panel by Haseo where Ayane's hand was patting his leg in assurance. "If anyone is a force of change and welcoming positivity, it is Kaito," Yatsude spoke, "Plus like it or not, she is part of our weird ever growing adopted family. So...she's gonna have to accept him as a part of her life now." "I know many of us have," Sonic chuckled. "He and Flash are good kids," Juran chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You'd best eat up, Kaikai," Skye noted, "You'll need your breakfast energy for a full zenkai attempt today." "Yosh!" Kaito cheered as he sat down while ruffling Haseo's hair, "Today, I'll get in and make friends with your sister!" he declared, "She can hide all she wants but I won't give up 'till she's my friend...and she eats here with her family!" "Hope you do..." Flash said eating his toast. "...Ano, are you sure you'll be able to?" Haseo asked. "I don't know!" Kaito declared proudly, "But it can't hurt to try. Ayane-chan deserves to enjoy some time with her family. And she should know she's safe with us, cause we're your family too." he rubbed his hands together, "Yosha...Time to ea…" =Gyah! Tojitendo is out early today, tune!= Secchan exclaimed, flapping his wings in surprise. "...No time to enjoy!" Kaito declared as he shoved his entire plate into his mouth, vigorously chewed, before swallowing it all down, "AH! Future Kaito's problem!" he stood up, "Zenryoku Zenkai!" he grabbed his color accented white jacket as he jumped out the open window rather than go open the door. "Whoo!" Sonic beamed as he ran out. "Really glad I ate while we were talking," Roll noted in relief as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin before quickly putting her empty dishes in the sink and ran out after them with the others able to fight quickly in pursuit. "...You're washing these dishes before you head down," Yatsude ordered. "Aw come on…" Skye groaned. "It was Gaon's turn, but since he had to head out to fight them, I'm taking the next blond to take his place," Yatsude stated, crossing her arms over her chest. "Hai, hai. You kiddos go with Secchy and Yaya down to watch them fight," Skye sighed as he went to the kitchen. Yes! Shobu!" Chanbara World cheered, swinging his black serrated katana and seemingly slashing down a police officer armed with a gun, "Next challenger!" he roared as his sword pulsed with red light, "Oh! Enough charge has built up!" He twisted the katana around before stabbing it into the ground, sending a pulse out across the town. The pulse of red and black energy spread out...as the town was suddenly changed from the bustling streets of modern Tokyo...to the Edo-like roads of days past. Tall buildings began shrinking to palaces as walls lined the streets with small streams flowing through the gutters. People still in the area also changed as their modern western clothing changed into kimonos and robes. Many men were now sporting a shaved head with a topknot. "Subarashi!" Chanbara World cheered as many noticed they all had some kind of Japanese sword on their person, "Come, challenge me! Shinken shobu da!" "He truly lives up to his name," Starline noted, standing next to a frowning Conquering Storm as they watched form nearby, "Interesting…" "...Why are you even here?" Conquering Storm questioned, not even bothering to look at the platypus. "Dr. Eggman suggested I get out more and take notes of the battle," Starline answered, 'That and I am curious to see this Sentai's weapons in action…' "You better not be here to stop me from fighting that Silver boy shows up or Sakurai when she shows up," Conquering Storm growled, "I need someone to vent upon for that lousy thief." "Oh no. I'm not looking to get into a fight or anything," Starline argued, looking at the topaz on the back of his hand, "Not as long as I have this… and why do you want to fight that zenkaiger cousin, do you have a crush on him.." he asked and smirked when she suddenly tumble when he asked that. "Yursei! He just a good fighter, that's all." She yelled but her face was red. "Sure~" he said clearing seeing the lie. Chanbara World quickly spun around, cutting through several shots aimed at him by the Zenkaigers as they arrived, "Oh? Some new challengers, degozaru?" "So what world are you this time? Pointy World? Sharp World?" Sonic asked, "It's not Papercut World, is it?" "Iie! Chanbara World, degozaru!" "Ah...so some type of samurai guy," Sonic noted before he noticed Starline, "...huh. He's...new." 'Probably another change from Eggman messing me up in fixing our Zone…' "I feel out of time in this place," Juran noted, looking around at the transformed landscape. "Uh-oh," Flash paused, spotting Conquering Storm, "No one let Roll see her!" "Eh? Why?" Vroon asked. "Well, i-" "RAIJU FILTH!" "SAKURAI SCUM!" "...That. That would happen," Kaito muttered, not even bothering to look at the Hedgefox and lynx already clashing kunai to Geartlasher with each other. "Not even a moment's hesitation," Starline observed. "Hmm...That blade she's using has an interesting voice to it, degozaru," Chanbara World noted. "Okay, we'll just take you down, Chanbara World!" Kaito declared, slotting his Gear, "Change Zenkai!" "Change Zenkai!" the others quickly followed as they fired, transforming into the Zenkaigers. =ZENKAISER! ZENKAI JURAN! GAON! MAGINE! VROON! GIN!= "Oi, Sonic, do the change!" Zenkaiser called. "Uh...yeah...I'd like to, buddy, but...uh...Ayane booted me out the moment I tried to go into her room to ask for another of that prototype Gear of hers," Sonic explained, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "Literally booted me out, too. I've got the boot print still on my left cheek." "Maji?!" Zenkai Juran gawked. "Then we will have to handle this in our normal way!" Zenkai Gaon grunted as he used his claws to clash with Chanbara World. "Yes! Duel me!" Chanbara World cheered, swinging his sword as he clashed with Zenkai Juran and Gaon. "Chanbara means sword clashing...it is also a genre of movies," Zenkai Vroon spoke, "That must explain this ability! We are in a Jidaigeki!" "Eh!?" Zenkai Magine gawked. "Shwa!" Zenkai Gin shouted as he jumped over Zenkai Gaon and landed a flying kick to Chanbara World's helmet, knocking him back, "If that's how it is, then I'll fight Chanbara...with Chanbara!" he opened his buckle and pulled out a Sentai Gear." Leave this to me cuz" "Ok!" =SAN-JU-SAN BANG! SHIN~KENGER!= The holograms of Five Sentai senshi with Kanji on their helmets appeared as the four bowing to the red went into the others while Red flew into Zenkai Gin. Zenkai Gin moved his hand to his hip as the others all pulled out katanas of sorts with an intricate tsuba that seemed to slide on and off onto some sort of spinning segment. "Tenka gomen no Kikai Sentai," Zenkai Gin spoke, sliding his hand along the blade, "Maeru!" "YES!" Chanbara World shouted in glee. "Great I'm stuck with you instead of fighting him." Conquering storm said as she was battling with Roll. "You fight me, not them" she still attacked. With that, Chanbara World rushed as he swung only for Zenkai Gaon and Vroon to block his blade before it reached Zenkai Gin. Zenkai Gin tapped his sword to his shoulders before Zenkai Magine swung her katana and pushed Chanbara World's away from him. Chanbara World grunted before Zenkai Juran rushed and slashed him across the torso. Zenkai Gaon grunted as he flipped over Juran and swung down striking the Tojitendo soldier. As Chanbara World stumbled back, Zenkai Magine jumped and stepped off Gaon's shoulder before thrusting her katana forward and striking Chanbara World's shoulder knocking him back a step. Zenkai Vroon roared as he rushed and clashed with Chanbara World, the two struggling to overpower the other before Vroon suddenly ducked out of the way. Chanbara World grunted, losing his balance before stopping as Zenkai Gin aimed his blade to his throat. "Koi," Zenkai Gin cooly challenged as he began stepping to the side. "Ikuze!" Chanbara World shouted, following after him, the two clashing with great speed as they ran along the road. '...Interesting. They use their versions of the Gears to empower themselves of those that came before them,' Starline mentally observed as he watched the battle...before holding his gloved hand up as a portal appeared before him just as Sonic dashed towards him, the hedgehog yelping as he went through the portal and suddenly landed inside of a trash can. "...Okay that was different," Sonic muttered as he poked out of the trash, an empty ramen cup hanging off his ear, "Felt like going through a Warp Ring...but different." "I am not a real fighter, so I do hope you understand if I...opt out of combat," Starline smirked, "I am mostly here to gather data. I'd rather focus on the White and Silver one if possible; They seems the most interesting here." "Ha!" Zenkai Gin shouted, blocking Chanbara World's swings before slashing him across the chest. "Well, then...all the more reason to distract you before you make some kind of Metal Kaito or Flash," Sonic chuckled. "Hmm...That is more Dr. Eggman's expertise," Starline noted, "I must admit that I rather enjoy his work. Especially the Metal Sonic line that he's developed since he first began fighting you." "Huh? ...You're not like the Chin-chilly-thingamabob girl, are you?" "You mean Thunderbolt?" "That's who I was referring to yea…" he sighed. "...well I assure you I am not like her," Starline stated before holding his hand up again, summoning another portal that 'ate up' the incoming shots from the other Zenkaigers, "I am Starline, the good doctor's assistant." "So now Eggman has a student?" Zenkai Juran asked, "Do us a favor, Mister Pupil, try not to turn into an evil dick!" "Ah! A Platypus!" Zenkai Gaon awed, ignoring most of the important stuff, "His fur is so rich and vibrant, too~!" "...Note to self, the yellow Kikanoid is overly affectionate towards Mobians," Starline muttered to himself before summoning another portal just as Sonic charged right at him, the hedgehog going through it as another portal opened up and crashed into Zenkai Juran. "Okay...those portals are starting to look familiar…" Sonic grunted as he forced himself up, "Those are yours, aren't they?" "Correct...thanks to this," Starline stated as he held his gloved hand up, showing the topaz embedded in it, "The Warp Topaz. With this...I can create a portal to just about anywhere I can think of, whether to travel…" he paused before summoning another portal to deflect an incoming cutting wave from Juran, another one opening up above the 4 Kikanoids as the cutting wave crashed into them, "Or to 'reflect' unwanted attention or attacks at myself." "Say what?!" Sonic gawked. "You thought the Chaos Emeralds were the be-all end-all in terms of mystical gems?" Starline asked before shrugging while shaking his head, "Such a pity." "That's busted…" Zenkai Magin grunted. "Ha!" Zenkai Gin and Chanbara World shouted as they rushed past them while fighting still. Their swords clashed at amazing speed, Zenkai Ginblocking each and every swing aimed at him and forcing Chanbara World back. "SUGOI~!" Zenkaiser shouted as he ducked from an upcoming attack from a grunt and soon fired several shots at the other grunts. "Yes! This is the challenge I wanted!" Chanbara World declared as he blocked a swing but the force of Zenkaiser's strike still pushed him back a step, "A true warrior!" "You're Super excited!" Zenkai Gin grunted as he blocked a swing aimed at his torso, "But I won't lose! I'll go Zenkai Samurai to fight you and I'm a Shinobi that makes thing Flashy so see my full limit!" with that, the two clashed while running sideways, never taking their eyes off one another...till they ran into a wall which Roll and Conquering Storm were standing on, sending them both falling over in surprise. "Hey storm didn't know you were, dropping by soon" Zenkai Gin joked. "Shut up" Conquering storm shouted but was like holding something in. "Ah!" Roll yelped in her fall before spotting the sheathed sword on his hip, "?! Masaka..." "You are worthy! I shall evolve and cut you down, my worthy enemy!" Chanbara World shouted as he grabbed the second katana and unsheathed it, revealing it to be a tsubasa with an intricate guard resembling a circle with the blade coming out on its side, "Sa...it is time...for Nitouryuu!" "Nitouryuu...what are you, Musashi!?" Zenkai Gin asked, aiming his katana forward. "I shall be even stronger!" Chanbara World declared, holding up the second sword before pointing it at Zenkai Gin for all to see. "?!" Roll tensed. "Sakurai!" Conquering Storm hissed as she lunged at Roll, only for the Hedgefox to flicker and vanish from her attack path, "!?" "Saa...Let us…" Chanbara World began before moving away and kicking out, knocking Roll away from him, "Hm?" "Roll?!" Zenkaiser exclaimed, managing to catch her, "Nani? Wh..." "Where did you get that?!" Roll snapped, glaring at Chanbara World with a fury Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin hadn't seen before. "Hmm?" Chanbara world blinked, "AH! Kono katana! I sensed it within the palace! It was mounted on the wall of the Grand Master's female quarters! Left to rust as a trophy of an unearned victory! I could hear it...the voice of the blade asking for release...for battle! I granted its wish, and it shall be used to slay the Zenkaigers and claim victory for the Tojitendo!" he lifted the second katana up and awed at its sharpness and hamon pattern, "Yes...truly a well crafted blade, legendary even! A Sacred blade, perfect to pair with my Cursed blade!" "Roll? What's wrong?" Zenkaiser asked, noting her anger growing. "That sword...it belongs to my family…!" Roll snapped. "?!" "Lies!" Conquering Storm snapped as she glared at Roll, "That blade rightfully belongs to my clan!" "Mmm...Silence!" Chanbara World snapped, stomping his foot once and earning their attention, "Neither of you are worthy of this blade; it is to be used in glorious combat! Between warriors!" he looked at Zenkai Gin, "Let us continue, Zenkai Gin!" "I don't know what's happening anymore!" Zenkai Gin admitted, holding up his katana at the ready. "Me neither" Zenkaiser admitted aswell. "Flash, Kaito…" Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser looked at Roll, "You know that favor you owe me? The one involving a certain blue hedgehog and what you don't want him to know you did by complete accident?" Ah…" Zenkaiser froze, looking around quickly for Sonic, "Roll...what are you saying?" "I am calling in that favor here and now," Roll scowled before holding up her Geartlasher and pointed it at Chanbara World, "No one is allowed to fight Chanbara World in our group, except for me." "No!" Chanbara World declared, "I do not wish to fight such a clouded blade!" he stomped his foot, "I want him! A perfect warrior of clear mind!" he pointed to Zenkai Gin, "You are not good enough for my time!" Zenkai Gin was quite and didn't say anything. "You see, this is an awkward position for me! Don't make it worse!" Zenkaiser shouted, "This is essentially my sibling telling my cousin to back off!" "I want to fight him!" Chanbara World complained. "She called in the favor!" "I don't care! Men fight 'till the end!" "Don't be a baby!" "No! Not her! You!" "But she's cashing in on a favor!" "What is happening over there?" Zenkai Juran asked. "Hmm...It seems that katana Chanbara World won off Conquering Storm is causing issues between those two," Starline noted, making another portal that sucked in the magic Magine fired at him only for it to hit Gaon and turn him into a potted metal flower with his head as the flower part. "Eh? Did things get bigger?" Zenkai Gaon asked. "Ah! I thought my Magine Wild Magic would work...oopsie…" Zenkai Magine apologized as she picked up potted plant Zenkai Gaon. "No! I refuse this! I was having a passionate duel with Zenkai Gin!" Chanbara World huffed. "I can't say no to her!" Zenkaiser cried, "What can I do!? I can't just do what you want when I want to do what she wants!" Zenkai Gin still didn't say anything as he listens and see roll on how she's behaving "Let me fight her instead!" Conquering Storm demanded as electricity crackled off her eyes for a moment, "That blade is something her ancestor had stolen from my clan!" "We never stole it, you wedding night assassins!" "We don't need your help!" Zenkaiser complained, "You're just stoking the fire!" "She can fight me after I best Zenkai Gin!" Chanbara World snapped, "No negotiations! If you two wish to end your battle then end it!" "Mou Roll...I'm trying...I really am, Flash just do it please!" Zenkaiser sobbed, his tears somehow comically leaking through his visor. But Zenkai Gin didn't say anything, Conquering storm on the other hand saw something. She didn't know if her robotics eyes were playing trucks on her or not but she swore she saw a red aura on Zenkai Gin, she didn't know why but got worried ' what's this aura his emitting. And why am I worried for him.' "Rrr…" Roll growled before pausing to think for a moment, "...If someone bested Zenkai Gin before you, it would mean they would be more worthy, ne?" "Hm?" Chanbara World paused. "Oh I'm not liking where this is going…" Zenkaiser realized and soon became worry for his cousin. "So if I beat you, I will reclaim that sword!" Roll declared, lunging at Zenkai Gin. Who simply stood there as she came closer he blocked her swing with his sword. He didn't look up but she can feel the aura of anger from him. "Roll..." Finally he spoke but the others can feel the anger in his toon. "Flash" Zenkaiser for the first time saw Flash had that toon of anger. "What is she doing?!" Zenkai Juran snapped, charging at the fight only for a portal to pop up in his path and send him falling onto Zenkai Vroon, "Gah!" "I'm rather curious about this," Starline noted, "Please don't interfere." "Why us all of a sudden!?" Zenkaiser grunted, Zenkai Gin blocking all their swings, He twisted the katana around and used the flat side to deflect all their swings, "I am so telling when we get home! And you owe me a week of cash register duty!" Zenkaiser shouted. =Ah! What is she doing?!= Yatsude gawked. =Get it back, Onee-chan!= =Hah?! What's going on with Haseo, tune?!= "You know you are setting a bad example for Haseo, Roll!" Zenkaiser grunted, when Zenkai Gin heard Haseo say that his anger just vanished and was replaced with sarrow pulling out his Geartlinger and using the forward handle as a blade catch to grab Roll's next swing; he started spinning around and pistol whipping Chanbara World's next swing away before spinning his katana around his back to block a swing aimed at his lower back by Conquering Storm, "Stop!" he shouted, pushing all of them back, all but Chanbara World pushed off their feet by his power. =Flash, end this already dammit! Blast him apart and grab that lynx!= =Even Skye?!= Yatsude and Secchan gawked. "MOU! Everyone, stop yelling!" Zenkaiser shouted, But Zenkai Gin was feeling the sarrow more spinning the handle of his katana, causing fire to erupt from it, making them all pause and look up as it grew into a giant red cleaver like Zanbato, "Rekka Daizanto!" he shouted, swinging down unleashing a surge of fire before he charged at Chanbara World. "YES!" he roared, rushing him as well, "Let these swords clash with all our souls! See if they can handle our power as swordsmen!" Zenkai Gin slammed the Rekka Daizanto into Chanbara World's crossed swords, the ground buckling, as the black sword seemed to crack a little, "Ah!?" he lifted his zanbato up...and kept it in the air, "Wait...no…" "CHANCE!" Chanbara World shouted, thrusting both katanas into Zenkai Gin chest armor. Zenkai Gin stumble back and then was back to a old looking house, he looked back and then looked back at Chanbara World. As the World came towards him he then did a energy slash and made a big X and launched the attack towards Zenkai Gin but Zenkaiser came towards zenkai Gin side and both took the attack and soon and explosion happened, Zenkai Gin took the attack with his sword and was holding well but Zenkaiser didn't and soon was de-henshin from his suite leaving a batter Kaito standing there, his jacket, vest, and shirt sporting the same X shaped gash. "Hmph...I win." '...No. He could've won easily, and yet...he stopped his attack...to prevent my clan's blade from shattering,' Conquering Storm noted mentally, 'And yet...it cost him because he sympathized with that Sakurai Scum and why did he took the attack which he could have dogged easily but why …' she added before looking at Roll, "..." "KAITO!" Sonic and Juran shouted.b Flash looked at his Cousin but he needed to be sure of one thing he looked back and soon the others saw he was protecting three children one human, mobian and Kikainoid," You.. ok" He spoke in a hurt toon but was still standing. The three nodded," Go, Get to a.... Safe place" The children ran away soon. '.... He took the attack to protect the children from harm, so did the white one.' Conquering storm mentally said surprised so we're the others. " You took the attack just to save other's lives, I may be swordsman but I will give you and him my respect for your bravery."Chanbara World told. "I don't need it,... Shinobi are those who... Fight till the very end. To fight for there own things or fight for someone they care about. But I, Fight for those who can't fight for them self's." Zenkai Gin grunted as he start to come towards the world and fir the first time the world start to move back." I may look weak to others, or my dream is stupid for others. But, That's how, That's how I go and keep on going. I use my passion to fight till the very end and I don't use it for vengeance or for any other thing." He spoke as Roll finally looked at that and then looked at what she's done." I'll keep on fighting for others human, mobians, Kikainoids all of them! And I won't stop even if I have to fight my self for that!" He yelled. Conquering storm looked at Zenkai Gin and soon came towards him between him and the world." You used your energy, Why don't you rest now." She said surprising the others. "Eh?" The others spoke. "Can't... I promised you... I'll have a fight with you remember," He said the others were baffled hearing this. But they were more surprised when Zenkai Gin soon fall down right into her arms as she was holding him. He powered down soon and was unconscious. "You know, your lucky your good at this or I would have killed you for throwing your self to me like this." She muttered but couldn't help but smirk. "Um, what are we seeing." Goan whisper to Magine. "I think... A love fest." She muttered. Conquering storm put Flash down gently and looked at him unconscious. She soon got up and looked at Roll, "You are lucky, Sakurai...I'd strike you down now, but…" she paused as she began to walk away, "You're not worth it anymore...just a mere ninja clan that's a shell of its former self." "Kaito, Flash!" Gaon panicked running to his and Flash side, "Say something please!" "Ghh...please stop yelling…" he groaned. Flash still unconscious. "Starline, Chanbara World, we are leaving," Conquering Storm stated as she walked past the two, "They are no longer a threat to us…" "Hmph," Chanbara World snorted." Get well soon Zenkai Gin, if I want to die, I will die by your hands only" "...Very well. I already have what I came for," Starline nodded, summoning another portal as the three vanished. "Oi, what happened?" Juran demanded as they all ran to Both cousins side, " Flash had him on the ropes!" "But why did he stop?" Vroon asked, "He had the tactical advantage! His weapon hit far harder and its weight with gravity of an overhead swing with the added heat, he could have shattered Chanbara World's swords!" "...I think...it was because he was afraid o-" Magine began before she noticed Roll walking away, her hair shadowing over her eyes, "?" "...Roll?" Sonic spoke up in concern, "Are you…" "Leave me alone…" Roll muttered, the hedgehog managing to notice a few drops of tears. "...ok. This is serious," Sonic whispered with a frown, "Guys, help me get Kaito and Flash back home so we can patch them up." "Vroon you're the biggest!" Juran spoke as he and Gaon helped pick Kaito and Flash up. "Leave it to me!" Vroon declared. "Don't worry; the attack didn't break there skin," Yatsude smiled as kaito and Flash had there torso bandaged up Flash had his hand bandage up aswell, "But he is badly bruised. That Suit took a lot of the damage and his clothing soaked up the last little bit." "Eh? This isn't how the bandages normally look," Magine noted. "That's because I did them this time," Amy replied, "Normally, Haseo does it but…" "Where is he anyway?" Juran asked. "Skye took him to their house," Yatsude sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration, "What is going on with those three?" "No idea…" Gaon sighed. "Mmm…" Kaito grunted, opening his eyes, "What happened...D-Did I die? Ah man...Yatchan is gonna be so mad…" "I'm more relieved than mad," Yatsude replied, causing him to barely turn his head to look at her, "Your suit and clothes took more damage than you and flash did." "With all due respect...it still hurts like hell…" Kaito groaned, "What happened after I blanked out? ...Did they leave?" "Ah. They did," Juran replied. "Mmmmm...." Flash muttered stirring up." Ugh, Mom I don't want to go to school" He grounds. "Looks like your alright Flash" Yatsude spoke seeing her second grandson. "Yeah, Just had a little bruse." Flash said as he got up still in pain. "That's one way of saying it." Magine muttered seeing him. "Flash, why did you stop attacking?" Vroon asked." You and kaito had the upper hand" "Ah…" he grunted, trying not to feel the pain, "That second sword Chanbara World had, it was the one Roll's Kaa-chan had." he revealed, "It was their family sword, it's very important to all of them. When I attacked, I cracked Chanbara World's black sword...I didn't want to break the Sakurai Family sword...they are family. So if it's important to them...it's important to me!" he smiled. "You didn't want to break the sword?" Magine pondered. "You know, I would have done the same," kaito told. "Ah, even when it leaves you hurt, you two still look out after people," Yatsude sighed. "Well...it was more than just the sword in my head…" Kaito muttered, "That sword belongs to their Kaa-chan...it has a lot of emotions in it. I guess...protecting the sword was like protecting their Kaa-chan's feelings!" he explained, "So...I gotta get it back for them!" he grunted, sitting up, "Next time...I won't screw up," he looked at Secchan, "Secchan! Find me a Sentai Swordsman who can beat Nitouryuu!" =Yosha! Leave it to me Kaito! I'll find the perfect Gear!= Secchan assured. "Hai," Kaito smiled before noticing something missing, "Ah...This isn't the normal tying." "I'm the one who did your bandages. Skye took Haseo to their house after you lost," Amy explained. "Soka...And Roll?" "Haven't seen her since she walked off," Gaon replied. "Mmm…" Kaito nodded as he adjusted, "Thanks, Amy, you really helped out." he smiled, "I guess Haseo just has learned a unique way to bandage me up, but I can still feel how much care you put into it!" Flash didn't say anything as he had a serious look on his face he soon got up. "Where are you going Flash." Yatsude asked. He didn't look back," I'm just going to talk to Haseo, it's just, I need to sort somethings out with him." He told as he left. The others became worried. "Is he gonna be ok." Juran asked. "I don't know." Magine pondered looking where he left. "I never seen Flash angry before that time." Kaito spoke the others looked at him. "Wait Flash-san was angry." Goan asked. "Hai, it was kinda scary, to see him mad. But all went back when haseo yelled that time." Kaito told. Vroon pondered," maybe Flash had a emotion triggered when haseo spoke." "I just hope his ok and doesn't do something bad." Amy worriedly said. "Don't worry he will be back on his feet to help fight the world." Kaito reassured. "Still, Chanbara World is a strong one, and it seems the more he rampages, the more power he accumulates. Soon, the entire world shall be turned into an Edo Era Jidaigeki drama!" Vroon declared. Kaito's hand went to his head and he sighed, feeling his normal full head of hair, "Safe…" "I'm surprised you didn't ask where Sonic is," Amy noted. "Hm? Ah, he's more likely out trying to find Roll," Kaito replied, "It's kinda funny, actually. The only reason me and Flash met Sonic was because Roll found him that first day all those months ago." "Eh?" the group pondered. "Yeah. She saw him falling into the river and pulled him out. She refused to let him leave until she was sure he was okay and even tied him up to carry him to a hospital," Kaito recalled, "She actually ran right into me on the way!" "So that's how you and Flash found that impossible to catch goofus," Juran noted. "What were you doing anyway?" Gaon asked. "Oh, I was getting thrown out for trying to bungee off the needle!" Kaito beamed before pouting childishly, "Sonic managed to do it a week later." "So you were just two crazy people drawn together by the thrill of nonsense," Juran blurted. "Sounds about right," Amy and Magine nodded "Ah mou! No, no, no, no!" Ayane groaned, rubbing her head in frustration at the smoking Gear laid out before her, "Another prototype failure!" she hit her head on her workbench before turning it so she could look at a photo, one of the rare few she ever took fully exposed showing an excited child her being hugged from behind by a smiling platinum blonde fox in magenta robes with a noticeable baby bump while being hugged by a child Roll and patted on the head by Skye, a little drone resembling a cat in the younger Ayane's arms, "..." she pulled her head back up and began to reach for another casing when a few clinks and clatters made her look down to catch a Sentai Gear, "?!" "How fast do you think you could make one with an actual Gear to study?" "...Probably three hours." "You have one and a half," Skye stated, "She'll need it." "Hai," Ayane nodded, fidgeting for a moment before finally hugging him from behind, "Thank you." "Anytime for one of my kiddos," Skye chuckled, patting her head, "Hopefully, that blue boy can get her out of that bad funk she's in." "Again which one" she asked "The one who isn't a zenkaiger." "Mmm…" she pouted at that. "I hate how sneaky she can be…" Sonic sighed as he pulled out a radio, "Any sign of her, Tails?" =I think I've spotted her by the Sumidagawa river= Tails replied =You want me to swoop down and grab her?= "No. Thanks for finding her, though," Sonic thanked. =Any time. But...What's going on anyway? I know there's another World out and about given how parts of the place look like they come from those movies about the older eras of Japan that Crimson likes to watch= "It's complicated," Sonic replied, "I don't fully get it, either, but all I know is that this World has something of Roll's and it caused Kaito and Flash to get hurt enough to lose there transformation. Well except for flash to later." =Kaito? And Flash? Theye lost?= "Yeah. I find it weird, too...but it's like...one of those too complicated to explain type deals…" Sonic sighed. Maybe it'd be better if I went over to the shop and ask?= "That's a good idea," Sonic replied, "I'll head on over to check on her. Thanks again." =No prob, Sonic= Tails assured before the radio turned off. "Right then. Gonna have to do something I haven't done in a long while," Sonic noted to himself before running off as a blue blur, eventually coming up upon the river, "Man...Hard to believe it's been six months since I landed in this river. Shouldn't have shot off that unfinished highway like it was a ramp..." he looked around, "Now if I were a gloomy Hedgefox that caused a childhood friend to get hurt, where would I…?" he managed to spot a head of hair with a familiar green bow holding it up in a ponytail, "Bingo." "..." Roll looked at herself in the reflection of the river, her ears drooping as the lynx's voice kept repeating those last words in her head. "You know, you are a lot harder to find than I give you credit for." Sonic spoke up, making her jump a bit, "Is that a Ninja thing? 'Cause you often made me learn how Ninja stuff is more heavy duty survival than creeping in the shadows stealth." he rubbed his chin in thought, "Kinda explains why I kept getting surprised by the Arachne...and Espio...and pretty much every ninja I've run into." "S-Sonic-san?" "You mind answering just what was up with all that earlier?" Sonic asked, "The moment he pulled that sword out, you just went...uh...not you." "..." Roll's ears drooped as she looked at the river once more, "That sword is my family's sword, passed down from one heir to the next. Each one dedicated to its art and fight with it to honor our ancestors. The Raiju think it belongs to them - that we stole it." "Uh-huh. So it's kinda like the Acorn royalty," Sonic noted, earning a look, "They had something the next ruler would do, but it got lost when Robotropolis got nuked. But you still have your family's thing, just...not with you." "...It's more than that," Roll replied, tears welling in her eyes, "It...That sword? When that light happened and...and we all ended up here? ...Before that, my mother was about to pass it on to me." she hugged herself as she trembled, "She was holding it in her hands. If...If they had it, then...then it-it means…" "Well you can't be sure, now can you?" Sonic cut her off, "See...the world was different for me before the merge. So...it was a lot of nonsense all at once. Who's to say what happened? Maybe...that scary thing you're thinking happened...or your Mom woke up and the sword and her family poofed into thin air. Either way, you should be worried about getting your mom back first." "!? P-Poofed into thin air?" "It's just a maybe. Keyword 'maybe,'" Sonic assured quickly before sighing, rubbing the back of his head, "Man...I am never good on this 'talking to girls to comfort' stuff…Another guy and it's easy enough even if you chip a tooth from getting sucker-punched..." he smiled a little when a giggle got out of her lips, "Ah, there we go. Giggling is good. That means I'm not getting a new bump on the head, a slap to the face, or, even worse than all that? A pie to the face." "A wh-what?" Roll giggled. "Long story, just involved some old crazy shenanigans when I was fifteen," Sonic replied, "Look, the point is that this sword is important to you, right?" "It's important to everyone in my family," Roll replied, "Not trying to reclaim it is like if you lost your ability to taste chili-dogs." "Ooh, yeah...That, uh, that does sound pretty big," Sonic noted. "But...it's also important because my mother had it," Roll went on, "And her having it was the last thing me, Haseo-chan, Ayane-chan, and Papa all saw before we ended up here." "So seeing that sword wouldn't affect just you," Sonic frowned. "But...But because of it...I...I got Kaito hurt and Flash was mad at me," Roll sniffled. "Yeah...I think it would have been better if you just let Flash fight the Monster, same as always," Sonic shrugged, "I mean it's not like he wouldn't understand how important it is. Or he doesn't always fight weirdly powered monsters." "You really are terrible at this…" Roll muttered. "Hey…" Sonic frowned before slumping, "Yeah, you're right. Where's the sucker punch when ya need it?" a little carn horn honked before Sonic was hit in the back, "Ah! W-Whoa!" *SPLASH!* "Ah! Sonic-san!" Roll yelped as Sonic blubbered and splattered, trying to stay above the water until her tail hooked onto his reached out hand to pull him out, "Daijobu?" "I am considering staying far away from every single river I see," Sonic groaned as the two looked to see the little battery-powered car from Ayane's first time out to see the rider of it was a figure in a lion costume with sunglasses and a red and gold marching band hat, "...What happened to the elephant one? Got the trunk all tied up in knots?" "She tries to wear a different one each time she goes out in a month so she won't be figured out," Roll explained as the lion mascot slumped before pulling their head off to reveal the HedgeLynx. "Onee-chan…" Ayane whined. "Worried for your sister, huh?" Sonic asked, "Please help. I'm not good at this without getting beaten up." "W-What else is new?" she deadpanned, earning a deadpan expression from him, "A-Anyway, I think I know how t-to get it back." "Hm?" "Already Chanbara World has proven effective, by taking out the leader Zenkaiser," Barashitara spoke, "Something none have been able to accomplish before." "Mmm…" said World growled, sitting seiza before his two blades. "Hm?" "I feel...robbed," Chanbara World noted. "Hah?" "It wasn't one-on-one, but Four-on-one," he growled. "Victory is victory," Barashitara spoke, "Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser is the one who failed to deal with a difficult soldier of his own faction." "I wanted a one on one duel…" he groaned, "Very well. I shall deal with the Zenkaigers and hope they can satisfy me. But I will still believe that my rival will be the one to end me." "Mmm…" Haseo pouted at the dining table, having been brought over by Skye who had gone into the lab. "Mmm...I don't like an upset Haseo. It feels wrong," Gaon noted in concern, looking out at him from the kitchen, "He's not even eating the blueberries like he normally does!" "Probably the only plausible way to get him back to happy is Roll coming in with that sword," Juran noted. "I'm surprised he hasn't noticed Nicole," Tails noted, the holo-Lynx tilting her head in confusion. "Why is that noticeable?" Nicole asked. "Nothing," Tails sighed Flash soon came in wearing his jacket and looked at haseo. Haseo looked at him and soon deverted his eyes. Trying not to look at him. Flash saw this and went to him and sat by his side. Both didn't say anything as the others saw this they quickly went in the kitchen to give them some privacy but still move there heads out to see and listen. "Haseo.." "..." Haseo didn't say anything as he was looking down. "Do you hat me now." "Eh?" He finally spoke and looked at him. "I said that do you hate me, for losing the sword." Flash asked as he wasn't looking at him. "... No, I'm just..." But flash cut him off" but you were when I was fighting for it. It looked like you were mad at me when I lost it." "You didn't lose it Flash onni-chan you were fighting for it." Haseo told. "Yeah, So tell me haseo why aren't you smiling now." Flash asked. "... Why?! Because my kaa-san is missing, and the kaijin has her sword, so how can I smile knowing my mother is in danger!" Haseo yelled the others were surprised seeing the young shout for the first time bit Flash wasn't scared. "But do you really think your kaa-san will be happy seeing her baby boy like this." He asked. "... I don't know ok, I don't know my kaa-san is ok or not. She may be dead!" He yelled tears almost coming from his eyes. The others thought to intervene but stopped when Flash suddenly brought him in to a hug surprising him. "Come on, let it out." He simply told and for that Haseo couldn't hold back anymore and soon broke down crying. The others stood back and watch the seen happen. After a good crying Flash finally let him go. "Do you feel any better now." He asked "*Sniff* hmm" haseo nodded sadly. Flash put his on haseo face and made him look up," haseo, I know your sad, I was to when my grandfather passed away one day." Flash told him remembering the time." It was hard for me. I lost someone dear to me and thought the hole world was falling apart for me. But I then though if I gave up hope. His memory will be lost. So that's why I live to keep his memory alive. The same can be said about your kaa-san." "Hm?" "She once told me that you are her hope." He told the young fox surprising him." When I was little and went to mobius. Your kaa-san was holding you that time. That was heart warming to see you so young, I asked her how is haseo so special to her. She told me, ' A mother always have love for her child and her child is her hope. My little hope hear is this one. His sister and others are my treasure but this little one will always be my little hope' she told me to time." Flash told." And that was the day, I decided that I will look out for you no matter what. Cause your kaa-san always loved you and wants to see you smile in the future. So that's why I always look out for you. Cause you are your mother's hope and she will only wish for you to be happy." Haseo listen to this and soon finally let it go and hugged flash tight. "Gomen. I should have believe you will have got kaa-san sword. I should never have doubted you Flash onni-chan" he said as he hugged him. The others were crying tears seeing this. As goan took out a hand crechief. And wiped his tears away. He then have it to the others as they were crying aswell. "This, this is so emotional." Magine muttered crying. "It's like, watching a sad opera." Juran told as he wiped away his tears. "Man, again in this situation." Tails spoke as he was wiping away his tears. Flash then let go of the hug," hey why don't I show you a trick." He took out his wand and this time simply bop haseo nose. He took out the blueberry ice cream." Ta-da." "Yay!" Haseo cheered "And looks like you finally smiled again." Flash said." That means your kaa-san is happy to see his little hope shine." "Hm!" Haseo nodded. "Arigatou na, Flash Onni-chan, I won't let Kaa-san memory be wasted." Flags smiled and patted his head before Secchan squawked. =Minna! Chanbara World is back, tune! Seems he's near the Skytree and he sounds angry!= "Well looks like I'm gonna go and take care of that sword man. Why don't you do me a favor and cheer for us, we gonna need some cheering up." "Hai! I will always be there to cheer you on Flash onni-chan." Haseo smiled. "Ok, mina let's go." He called out as the other zenkaigers nodded. Chanbara World walked through the streets, his hand resting on his katana as he watched people panic and run away. "Hmm...After fighting Zenkai Gin, the bar for challenge has risen too high...I need a strong enemy!" Chanbara World grunted, flipping a vendor's cart, "Especially after that interference! I've already let loose upon one of the interlopers! Now bring the other or the remaining Zenkaigers!" he held his cursed sword up as he swung and sent out a wave that 'slashed' multiple people, "Let the strongest be decided!" he shouted as they all shouted, now having wooden swords in hand as they all paired off and began fighting, "Ah, what a glorious sight." "You can make others fight?" Conquering Storm asked. "They must obey the laws of Chanbaratopia! Duel 'till the Number 1 is decided," Chanbara World declared, "...No. There is no headband." he spoke, almost...reflexively. "Hmm...Imagine if you did this to someone with actual experience in the art of the sword," Starline noted, watching the fights. "This shall find anyone worth the time but there is already a worrier out there who I will fight soon!" Chanbara World declared. "Agreed" Conquering storm said. "Wow, this is kinda neat. I mean, if it wasn't because of you guys, I would've thought this was some sorta performance for people interested in the past," the three looked to see Sonic standing on a nearby roof with a grin, "I really mean that, by the way. Would've gotten some popcorn to snack on, too." "Oh? Are you perhaps interested in a battle then?" Chanbara World questioned. "Mmm...Nope," Sonic replied. "Hah?!" Chanbara World exclaimed as Starline and Conquering Storm raised their brows in suspicion. "I mean you're kinda crazy," Sonic chuckled, "I'm here to stop the bad guys, not have a fight to the death with ya. Just not my style. "Then you bore me! Go away!" Chanbara World snorted, making the lynx nearly fall over. "Make me," Sonic taunted with a grin. "You're not wanting to fight to the death, so you bore me," Chanbara World huffed, turning away and walking off. "...This guy serious?" Sonic deadpanned to the two. "What are you planning?" Conquering Storm questioned. "Wouldn't you like to know," Sonic chuckled before dodging out of the way of her jump-kick at him, "Hey now! I ain't Roll!" "Tch…" Conquering Storm clicked her tongue as she threw some shuriken at him, prompting the hedgehog to become a blur and dodge. "Oooh~ Almost got me with that one." "He's very good at distraction," Starline noted, "He's buying the Zenkaigers time," he then side stepped as a barrage of bullets pelted their Kudakk grunts. "He dodged!" Magine gawked. "He's very intuitive," Vroon noted as they jogged over. "Ah whatever! Chanbara World! We're here to kick your ass!" Juran shouted. "You're gonna pay for what you did to Kaito-kun and Flash-kun!" Gaon roared. "Oh finally! Some worthy opponents!" Chanbara World beamed, pulling his primary sword out, "Saa...Let us fight to glorious death!" "Change Zenkai!" the four shouted, quickly transforming. =ZENKAI JURAN! GAON! MAGINE! VROON!= Zenkai Juran was first as he swung his sword and clashed with Chanbara World. The two trading blows before the Red Senshi ducked to the side letting Zenkai Vroon swing his Vroon Picker, Chanbara World grunting as the weapon was hooked around the cursed blade, Zenkai Vroon spun on his waist and dragged the monster around before swinging him to Zenkai Gaon. The Yellow Senshi swung his Gaon Claws and trapped the two swords in the gap between his claws. Chanbara World grunted trying to free his swords only for Zenkai Magine to slam her Magine Stick and trap them to Gaon's gauntlet. "Ha!" Zenkai Gaon roared, taking out his Geartlinger and jamming it into Chanbara World's chest and began opening fire, making sparks fly. "Nu Nu Nu Magine! Briar Snare!" Zenkai Magine declared as the ground cracked and thorny vines suddenly burst out and ensnared Chanbara World. "Let's light it up!" Zenkai Juran shouted as his T-Rex themed chest piece began spewing flames, which doused Chanbara World, setting the vines on fire. "This is for Kaito and Flash!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he began spinning his upper torso around, before rushing and slamming a barrage of hammer fist strikes to Chanbara World's face, the final spin ending in a punch that knocked him back. "Hmmm...They are so diverse…" Starline noted sitting on a wall as he watched, "Their combat abilities are indeed impressive. They are unpredictable when working together." "Ah...you shall be a challenge, but I shall accept all who seek combat!" Chanbara World grunted as he slowly got back up, "But your tricks won't help! Shobu!" he lifted his cursed sword as it began glowing with red energy. He swung and let loose a cutting wave that struck the Four Zenkaigers, pushing them back. "That...didn't hurt as much as I thought…" Zenkai Magine muttered as she then blinked, "Huh...it feels like my Geartlinger is missing!" "Me too!" Zenkai Vroon panicked, his head spinning around, "What has happened?!" "Oi! You did this!" Zenkai Juran shouted at Chanbara World. "I shall allow any weapon so long as it is one for close combat; that is still an honorable defeat for a swordsmen. With my powers growing, I can get the battle I desire!" "Eh?!" Zenkai Magine exclaimed. "We did not expect this," Zenkai Vroon muttered in thought, "But I can adapt. This is payback for Flash and Kaito!" "O-Ohh!" Zenkai Magine agreed while lifting her staff. "That thing is getting stronger? I've never heard of one of those World Things doing that," Sonic noted as he avoided Conquering Storm again, "Man, this group is annoying…" "But it is fascinating. It could be that the previous Worlds never fully embraced the Gears they were integrated with," Starline hypothesized, rubbing the underside of his beak in thought. "Ha!" Zenkai Gaon roared, clashing with Chanbara World as he blocked a downward swing with his cursed blade before slashing him with the Sakurai Family sword making sparks fly. "We're taking that sword back!" Zenkai Juran shouted swinging at Chanbata World who blocked with both swords before spinning around Juran and slashing him across the shoulder, "That belongs to Roll-chan and her Kaachan!" "It belongs with a warrior who can use it!" Chanbara World shouted, lifting both swords to the sides to block swings from both Zenkai Vron and Magine who flanked him. "I don't give a care about that…" Zenkai Juran grunted, "Flash cared enough to hold back from damaging that sword…'cause he sees Roll and her family as his own family. That sword means so much to them; he refuses to let any harm come to it! He tried really hard to accept their feelings!" "Seeing it in your hands caused them a lot of stress and concern!" Zenkai Gaon grunted as he rushed and slashed Chanbara World across the chest, "We don't fully know how much that thing means to their family as a whole...but we know Roll-chan and Haseo-kun are nervous and scared just thinking of their Kaasan!" "I...don't understand why a Sword means so much...but the normally kind and composed Skye-san lost his composure because you have his wife's sword!" Zenkai Vroon grunted as he swung and slashed with his Pickaxe striking Chanbara World across the shoulder before swinging back and striking his chest, "This isn't something that can be explained with logic...they are just scared!" "They worked so hard to make us feel happy and welcome…" Zenkai Magine shouted as she swung her staff as Chanbara World blocked with both swords, "They made us feel like part of a family with Yatsude-san , Flash and Kaito! If they want that sword back...we'll do everything we can to get it back for them!" she thrust the top of her staff forward as it unleashed a pink fireball which sent Chanbara World skidding back. "See…" Yatsude sighed as she dragged Skye and Haseo to the Secret Base to watch the fight, "Those kids are trying their hardest. Even if they don't fully understand. So you can't just shut yourselves out of this family over one mistake." "Show them what you got mina" Haseo cheered but soon saw something else. " Eh?" =Hm?= Secchan looked at the screen Haseo was staring at =Eh?!= "Yes! More! Give me more of this!" Chanbara World laughed. "He's insane," Zenkai Magine huffed. "Hmm...if this goes on they might win again." Starline sighed, "I'll need to intervene…" "SHWA!" Starline blinked as he turned around and got a sneaker to the face as Kaito kicked him, knocking him off the wall and into the stream of water. Kaito grunted as he landed in the stream with a grunt, "That hurt!" "My bill!" Starline cried in pain. "You...can't be serious…" Conquering Storm gawked. "Yeah...Kaito ignores logic a lot," Sonic chuckled. "Ah! He returns!" Chanbara World shouted. "Let me say this to start...I am tired...everything hurts...I just drop kicked a duck thing...and I am going home with My Auntie's sword!" he declared. "I don't think he knows what a Platypus is…" Zenkai Magine realized. "Was honestly not expecting him to show up," Sonic admitted, blinking a few times. "He probably can only fight for so long before his body gives out," Conquering Storm pointed out. "Change Zenkai!" Kaito shouted. =ZENKAISER!= "Zenryoku...Zenkai!" Zenkaiser shouted, opening his belt and pulling out a Sentai Gear, "Let's do this!" =NI-JYU-NI-BANG! GINGA~MAN!= The image of The Gingaman formed around them as they went into the Zenkaigers. The Red formed next to Zenkaiser before going into him, but at the same time the image of a Knight in Black armor with horns also followed suit. "Seijuken!" Zenkaiser shouted holding up a dagger which extended into a sword in his right, and in his left was a black boardsword with horn shaped crossguards, "Bull Riot!" =EH?! That's never happened before?! The Gingaman Sentai Gear not only called on the Five Main Gingamen but also on The Black Knight BullBlack!= =But Red and the Black Knight were actually brothers…= Skye spoke up. "Kyodai power!" Zenkaiser declared. "Soka! You plan to meet me in a battle of Nitouryuu!" Chanbara World realized, "Yes!" "I'm not sure how long my body will last...so let's do this fast!" Zenkaiser shouted rushing forward, "Nitouryuu Zenkai!" "I'm surprised that the Sakurai isn't here to see this," Conquering Storm noted.'and the silver boy' "Oh, they probably are," Sonic replied with a grin as he backflipped away from another strike from her, "I mean, our base has some neat screens that let us see what's going on." "What?" "Oh right, you don't know that; see we got tons of awesome stuff~" Sonic smirked, "One of them is my best buddy Kaito!" he chuckled, turning to see Zenkaiser slash Chanbara World as the two passed one another, "If you thought I was a pain...then you gotta remember he's more or less another me. Only his thing is he's got, like, endless positive energy, which is honestly refreshing. He should be down and out...but he still got up and is fighting. What makes you guys honestly think you can beat him?" he crossed his arms, "I mean...you never beat me once, and I had my own bad days, so what about someone like me...who doesn't know the meaning of a bad day?" "Your forget about zenkai Gin" she told. "Oh are you worried for your future boyfriend.~" She stumble at that. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a good fighter!" She yelled but her face was red. "Sure~" Sonic said making her growl. "Shwa!" Zenkaiser shouted as he blocked Chanbara World's swings with his swords before spinning around and slashing him with the Seijuken. Chanbara World swung with his cursed sword only for Zenkaiser to block with Bull Riot. Zenkaiser grunted as he swung the Seijuken and knocked the sword away before thrusting Bull Riot right into the World's shoulder making sparks fly. Zenkaiser pulled the sword back and tensed as his body was suddenly wracked with pain from his wounds. He grunted tightening his grip on his swords before thrusting Bull Riot up and catching both swords as Chanbara World swung down. "Nani!?" "HA!" Zenkaiser twisted Bull Riot around and twisted the World's wrists in an awkward way to keep him in place, "Give back that Sword!" he stabbed the Seijuken into Chanbara World's abdomen, making more sparks fly, "I don't care if you say what it wants...I know what it wants! It wants to go to Roll! It belongs to her! I'll get it back no matter what!" he grunted, kicking his leg up and kicked Chanbara World's wrist which held the Sakurai Family sword and knocked it up into the air, "Black Attack!" he roared, swinging Bull Riot as black lightning came off it, slashing Chanbara World as he rushed past him. Zenkaiser grunted, skidding to a halt before he jumped while turning around, "Honno Issen!" he swung the Seijuken downward as it flashed with flaming red energy. Chanbara World grunted, raising his cursed blade to block...only for the attack to snap the blade and slash him down the middle. Chanbara World grunted, taking a step back...but held his ground. He looked up before the Sakurai Family sword fell and stabbed into the ground between him and Zenkaiser. "Guh…" Zenkaiser groaned as he suddenly stumbled back, "H-hang on...body...just...a...little more…" he grunted before his legs buckled and he fell over, "Dameda…" he groaned. "Ah! Kaito!" Zenkai Juran exclaimed before pausing in his run when someone else caught him, "Eh?" Zenkaiser grunted, managing to move his head enough to look up at the black visor looking down at him. The figure who caught him was a female Sentai. She looked to appear to be based upon a ninja, but donned in a vivid crimson. Tiny guards decorated her shoulders, outlined in gold with a silver interior with the symbol of the Zenkaigers in them. The upper part of her chest and around her neck was a white armor with a gold tip on the chest area with two black 'lightning bolts' on the sides of the armor. On her waist was a buckle similar to Zenkaiser's with black and gold armor on her lower arms and most of her boots. Her helmet was rounded with a black visor resembling a heart of sorts with two 'fangs' framing the silver mask, the sunlight bouncing off the gold headband with a cobalt heart in the center and gold and silver decorations resembling fox ears on it...along with the '18' on the center of her helmet's forehead. "Nani…?" Zenkaiser pondered as the Sentai placed him down on a bench by them, "Who…?" "Nanto? A new opponent?!" Chanbara World gawked. "Another member?" Starline pondered before the Sentai reached behind her back...and pulled out a Geartlasher. "Ninja Power!" she declared, spinning the sword around before moving it to have the blade going across the back of her back while bringing her free hand's pointer and index fingers together before her guard; she then spun it around once more in a slash mixed with a bow before settling into a crouched position as if ready to move quickly, "Zenkai Kurenai!" "Roll?" Zenkaiser blinked, recognizing the voice, "Sugoi...Ayane really finished!" "EH!? Roll-chan!?" Zenkai Gaon gawked. "Oi-oi-oi, Ojouchan, why Red!?" Zenkai Juran spoke up, trying to talk to Ayane, "We already have a Red!" he waited, "...I know you're watching!" the lion mascot poked their head out of a nearby stall, "...She doesn't talk much in these mascot outfits, does she?" =Not unless she can mimic the voice good enough= Skye sighed. =Oh, she sent an email with a PDF document, tune= Secchan noted =Oh! Even a Q&A with that very question. 'My answer to 'Why Red' are the following two Sentai: TimeFire and KabutoRaiger'= =She is very prepared. Plus, she is based on the eighteenth sentai, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. They were led by a White Ranger, and Red was their second. Only with them, White was a girl and Red was a guy. Here it is flipped, so clever= Skye chuckled. "A secret weapon?" Chanbara World pondered before quickly grabbing the sword and charged at her, "Then let us see what you can do!" "Hmph," Zenkai Kurenai snorted before flicking a hand at the ground, causing a burst of smoke to shoot out of the pellet that hit it, blinding Chanbara World for a moment. "Nan de?" he pondered before taking a step, "?! GAH!" he jumped up onto one foot, "Ah! Ohh! Ooh! Gah!" he looked at his raised foot to see caltrops, "What?!" the smoke dissipated and he tensed, seeing himself surrounded by caltrops, "What the?! When did she do this?!" "Ninja Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as Zenkai Gaon helped him stand, "If there is one thing Roll-chan is amazing at, it's being a Ninja girl!" "Easy, easy…" Chanbara World muttered before something landed on his head, "Ah…" he reached up and plucked the object off and revealed an origami ball with a lit wick in it, "A ball?" the wick went into it before it glowed and exploded, "GYAHAHAHHAA~!" he sailed up into the air before landing on his back...right on the caltrops, "EEYOW!" "Sugoi!" the other Zenkaigers cheered. =Oh! That was NinjaWhite's Paper Control Art, tune! A ninja technique that lets one use origami turn into the actual object they were folded into!= Secchan exclaimed as Chanbara World snarled and got up, swinging the family sword around him to knock the caltrops away. "You insufferable ninja! Come out and fight me like a real warrior!" Chanbara World declared. "If you insist," Zenkai Kurenai's voice replied, her back to Chanbara World's back as she flicked open her buckle and pulled out a Sentai Gear from it before inserting it into her blade and spun the gear on the forehead of the 'bird' that had replaced the original crank it had before. =NI-JU-ROKU ZAN~! HURRICANGER~!= With that, the Hurricangers holograms formed around Zenkai Kurenai before going into her. The image of HurricaneBlue appeared first as she pointed with two fingers at Chanbara World. "Chou Ninpou: Suiryuha!" she declared as a powerful jet of water shot from her fingers and blasted Chanbara World, pushing him across the ground as he gurgled. The hologram of HurricaneYellow then formed around her, "Chou Ninpou: Jirai Geki!" she stabbed the Geartlasher into the ground, causing a straight line of sparks and explosions to go off before reaching Chanbara World, causing an explosion of sparks to come off his body; the next Hologram to form over head was instead that of KuwagaRaiger, "Chou Ninpou: Kiba no inazuma!" a stream of navy electricity shot from between the 'ears' on her hemet which struck Chanbara World before lifting him around. She swung her head around and slammed him into the walls to either side of them several times before smashing him into the ground. "Did she just…?!" Conquering Storm snarled. "Calm yourself. More than likely, it was a technique known by the Sentai she used involving that gear," Starline halted her from charging in, holding a hand up in her path while he glanced towards the lion mascot-disguised Ayane, 'And based on how that Red one was acting, that one in disguise is the creator of this new factor.' "Even so, a Sakurai using my clan's element is unforgivable!" the lynx snarled as Kurenai flicked her buckle open and inserted another Gear into her blade before spinning the forehead gear. =YON-JU-SAN ZAN~! RYU~SOULGER!= The Ryusoulgers holograms formed as they entered Zenkai Kurenai just like before. She held her arm out as the Ryusoulken formed in her hand. Its dinosaur head chomped on its own before armor formed along her arm. =TsuyoSoul~!= The white dinosaur themed gauntlet flashed before Zenkai Kurenai shouted and swung both swords and struck the ground, causing it to rip apart and send pillars of rock into Chanbara World, knocking him up into the air. =OmoSoul~!= The armor changed to a blue and gold color with a wrecking ball weight on the end. She swung down as a sudden circle of gravity formed on the ground and Chanbara World slammed down into the ground with great force, his weight increasing to the point a crater was forming in the ground. =MeraMeraSoul~!= Zenkai Kurenai grunted as orange fire and dimetrodon-themed armor formed on her. She spun around as both her Geartlasher and Ryusoulken ignited with crimson flames, "Double Ancient Break Edge!" she shouted while swinging both swords upward, causing a massive spout of fire to launch Chanbara World upwards into the air again. =SUGOI, Tune! Her weapon can channel so many abilities all at once! But it seems that last one was hard to control, tune!= =The Ryusoulgers armors are very powerful ancient magic; even they struggled mastering these at first…= Skye muttered =But for her first try, Rolly did amazing!= "Roll! Todeme Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Spin the gear!" "Hai!" Kurenai replied as she rapidly spun the gear. =HERO~! SUPER ZENKAI TIME~!= The disguised Ayane pulled her hands up to her mascot head's mouth area as the symbol appeared behind her transformed sister. The blade of her weapon began to shine as she crouched down while Chanbara World fell towards the ground, screaming still. With a grunt, Kurenai shot up into the air and swung the blade at him, the symbol following her. But something came bw the world and the attack and deflect it and making it explode in different directions. "Eh? Nani?" The zenkaigers and roll shouted. Soon the figure responsible for this was non other then Zenkai Gin standing between the world and the attack. "FLASH?!" The others shouted why did he save the world. So were those in the lab "Gomen, but his mine" Zenkai Gin spoke as he looked at Chanbara World. "My rival, you finally came." The world spoke seeing him. "Flash, what are you doing we had him." Kurenai spoke. "Guys... Let me fight him." Gin only spoke those words and then looked back at the world. "What?!" The other zenkaigers spoke. "Ok" Zenkaiser spoke surprising them. "But kaito flash has.." Zenkaiser just put a hand Infront and stopped her. He shook his head signaling to not interfere. Back at those two. They were now glaring at each other. "So you finally came my rival." The world spoke," will you be able to finish me and my desire." "I came hear just to do that. And this time no tricks or play. Just a battle to the death." Zenkai Gin spoke as he pulled out his Gun and throw it towards Zenkaiser who caught it. Zenkaiser nodded and got back." The sword you have, I will get it back." Zenkai Gin then got in a battle stance with his sword. "Very well. We shall see, who shall fall and who shall be Victoria's. " Chanbara World spoke as he got in a stance, both glared at one another. "This will be interesting. Don't ya agree." Starline spoke and looked at Conquering storm but she was only seeing the battle. The other zenkaigers and sonic were now in a tuff spot but hoped he'll win. Soon when a leaf dropped down and soon slowly landed on the ground. Both fighters chard and soon clashed swords with each other's. They start to go with slash and duck but the blades sparks were seen when ever they hit each other. Soon both fighters became blurs and start to go in slashes, the others were only seeing silver blurs ran in high speed and slashes were heard and soon both figures skid back but soon ran towards one another and then clashed blades and we're holding each other back. "Your finally showing your true strength zenkai Gin." " The more I fight the stronger I get, and I hold on to my ambition to fight for others eve if they don't appreciate it." Zenkai Gin yelled as he pushed him back and ran towards him. "Your blade, it's felling heavy with each swing. Your carrying the burden of others." The world spoke." You are the one to carry this blade then." He yelled. Both charred at each other and soon clashed again. Zenkai Gin slashed the world stomach making Sparks fly as he dogged a slash he jumped up and came from behind and slashed him in the back. Then he start to release energy slashes each hitting the world making it stumble back. Finally when the world was gonna slash him, Zenkai Gin got tye chance and slashed from downward direction to up making the other sword fly out of his grip. Tye sword went flying up as Zenkai Gin jumped up and grabbed it and came down. Landing with the sword in his hand. "He got the sword." Kurenai cheered. Zenkai Gin turned back and then looked back towards the world. Both looked at one another soon ran for the final blow. There blades glowed blue and red and soon both slashed were made. Both swordsman stood behind each other. They didn't say anything, the other waited for who won. Finally Chanbara World lost his blade and was soon start to leak energy. He looked back at Zenkai Gin." You fought honorably till the very end, I'm... Luck I fought my final battle with you." He spoke his final worlds and finally collapse down and exploded in a big explosion. Zenkai Gin finally got up standing tall and proud. He breath out a sign of relief. "He did it!" Zenkai Goan cheered. "Yusha" sonic yelled giving a high five to Juran as the other cheered. Zenkai Kurenai looked at Zenkai Gin and saw how he fought. He was fighting with the burden he carried and won. She squeeze her fist, He was far more better then her. She fought for vengeance but he fought for others. "That was interesting as ever. Never thought I will see this type of fight but was enjoying." Starline spoke as he record the fight. Conquering storm only looked at the zenkaiger and smirked. "Family Sword Get!" Zenkaiser shouted as the world began returning to normal, the streets once more regular Tokyo as everyone's clothing returned to normal as well. "Sugoi!" Zenkai Juran gawked "Yatta!" Zenkai Gaon cheered. "I have so many questions vroon-vroon!" Zenkai Vroon shouted. "Later doofus!" Zenkai Magine complained. "Sugoi Roll!" Zenkaiser cheered, suddenly bringing Zenkai Kurenai into a hug, "Flash did it!" he paused for a moment and put a head to his before putting it to the top of her head, realizing she was now equal to him in height, "Ah...You got taller!" "Ayane made this suit resize me," Kurenai explained, "I didn't fully understand how she explained why she made it do that, but it's just a temporary thing." "Ah soka, so like me, the science mumbo jumbo went over your head!" Zenkaiser laughed before the two yelped as a ladle bonked off them both, "Gah!" "Ite!" Kurenai yelped. "Hmm...It seems we're at a disadvantage now," Starline sighed, "Very well." "You're gonna summon the big guy now, aren't ya?" Sonic asked. "..." Starline glowered at the grinning hedgehog, "You are a rather promiscuous mammal." "...What?" Sonic tilted his head. "We are not leaving until I get that sword!" Conquering Storm snarled," beside I want to see what you can do Zenkai Gin." She spoke getting his attention he looked at her then nodded. "You ask for it." He spoke" Kaito my gun and wand." He shouted as Zenkaiser tossed it towards Zenkai Gin as he tossed the sword towards Zenkaiser caught it. "Shall we" Both looked at one another and soon became blur and ran out. "Well that takes care of one problem." Starline."Kudaitest!" "Oyobi Desu Ka!?" the Kudaitest asked, poking out from behind a building. "Take a step ahead then rampage!" Starline called as he jumped backwards into a second portal before both closed. "Hai!" the Kudaitest replied as he took a step forward...right onto the Tojiru Gear, "Eh? I stepped on something..." "...Oh that can't be good," Sonic whispered as the Kudaitest quickly transformed. "GREAT CHANBARA WORLD! KENZAN!" the giant monster shouted, stomping the ground as he swung his broken sword as it began sparking with energy as metal from around the area condensed to the blade as it began reforging and growing into a giant cleaver-like Zanbato. "Ah! Time for Zenkai Gat-gah…" Zenkaiser groaned, having shot up only to fall over and be caught by Kurenai. "Any chance one of the Sentai is a medical squadron?" Kurenai asked. =There are...um...I think two, tune?= =Two= =Two Sentai where the pink used an ambulance-based vehicle for the mecha they use. Does that count, tune?= "Oh! Roll-chan can do the gattai, hai?" Magine asked. "Don't ask me. Ask the mascot," Zenkai Juran replied as he pointed at said lion mascot, who was pulling the costume off to reveal Ayane disguised as Roll in the same outfit from her previous outing, "Oi! Can she do Zenkai Gattai for us or what?" "Iie," Ayane replied, "She does something more fitting." With that she reached into her fake fox tail and then tossed something out of it at Kurenai, who quickly caught it...before realizing she let go of Zenkaiser, who fell flat on his face. "Ah! Kaito!" Zenkai Gaon yelped as he ran over and picked him up, "Daijobu?" "I like my armor...I didn't feel a thing in that fall," Zenkaiser replied. "What you got going on now?" Zenkai Juran asked. "Can you move?" Zenkai Magine asked Zenkaiser. "Nope!" =Kaikai is like a wonder of nature...even for a Mobian like me…= "Hey, is it normal to feel like my muscles are on fire?" Zenkaiser asked. "A dual debut much like each of you pulled off," Ayane replied as Kurenai looked at what she had caught, revealing it to be a crimson and silver metal doll. "Eh? A doll?" Kurenai pondered, looking at her disguised half-sister. "Toss it into the air after you flip your Gear around," Ayane explained as she walked off to her red tiny car. "Oi, oi. Where are you going?" Zenkai Juran demanded. "Far enough away to be safe, but close enough to do the stream," Ayane replied before driving off. "Better give you some time to figure out what she's talking about," Zenkai Juran noted to Zenkai Kurenai as he flipped his Gear over and spun the handle. =BIG BANG!= "Juran Tyranno!" he roared, stepping up to Great Chanbara World. "Leave Kaito to me!" Zenkai Magine spoke. "Then let's take this guy down Vroon!" Zenkai Goan ordered. "I would like to consult the chart that says you are in command if Kaito is out of commission!" Zenkai Vroon complained. "Wait...it's dangerous...take these…" Zenkaiser groaned, holding his hand up with a few Sentai Gears. "Oh dear, when he's extra tired he speaks in internet nonsense…" Zenkai Kurenai noted. "Leeroy Jenkins!" Zenkaiser muttered. "See?" Kurenai deadpanned as the two nodded and accepted the Gears before flipping their around. =BIG BANG!= "Gaon Lion!" "Vroon Dump!" "Hi~! Welcome everyone to an awesome Giant Robo Battle~!" 'Roll' greeted, waving at the Camera Gears floating before her and a raised brow Sonic. "Seriously, you are really good at this when you're…" Sonic began. "Hai, hai, hai! Lots of practice to get ready in case things like this would ever happen!" 'Roll' interrupted quickly, "And today is an interesting one for you folks! Sadly, Zenkaiser suffered an injury that's preventing him from making a Zenkaioh for all to enjoy watching!" she gestured to the nearby Zenkaiser on a stone bench as Zenkai Magine was fretting over him, "Ah mou~! So sad~!" "Grumpy Cat!" Zenkaiser declared suddenly. "He hasn't been this sleepy since the last time we let him stay up late to watch those horror movies…" Sonic muttered. "Attack!" Juran Tyranno shouted as he and Gaon Lion rushed Great Chanbara World. "GAON!" Gaon Lion roared. "And the battle begins with Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon on the rush!" 'Roll' declared. "Ike!" Zenkai Magine cheered as the two beast form giant Zenkaigers tried to take the giant sword from Great Chanbara World, "Ah right, Kaito's last useful act was giving us Gears!" she went over to Zenkai Kurenai, "Here let me help, what did he give us?" "Oh here!" Kurenai handed some to Magine. "This one looks good," Zenkai Magine held a Gear, "Mecha side...and insert!" she cranked the Geartlinger before aiming up, "Ike!" =BIG BANG! MASK~MAN!= The projection formed a massive robot wielding a sword and shield with a gun attached to its hip. It swung the sword around before tossing it forward, letting it strike Great Chanbara World. Before it fell, Juran Tyranno jumped into the air to catch it, changing into giant Zenkai Juran in the process. "Kodenshi Riser!" He named the sword as he swung it and slashed Great Chanbara world across the chest making sparks fly. He held the blade up as his eyes began glowing, "Aura Power! Final Aura Burst!" with a swing of the blade, he let loose a powerful flash of light as he slashed Great Chanbara World. =Oh! That was…= "Oh~! Kousoku Gattai Great Five!" 'Roll' awed, "Zenkai Juran used the Kodenshi Riser to perform it's hissatsu, the Final Aura Burst!" she winked at the camera, "Fun fact~! Great Five was the first Sentai mecha whose components were each piloted by a single ranger as well as the first 5-piece mecha which would become a staple feature of most subsequent Sentai." =Oi! She stole our bit, tune!= Secchan snapped =...Yachan, smack him! He won't stop laughing! ...Haseo, can you pout please? They won't stop laughing, tune= "Mmm...So I just put the Sentai Gear in reverse, spin the gear on my sword, then swing?" Kurenai pondered as she decided to load one of the given Sentai Gears into her sword and spun it, "Vroon-san, delivery!" =DAI ZAN! GO~BUSTERS!= "Eh? Me?!" Vroon Dump pondered as she swung her tsurigi and sent out a giant energy gear that transformed into a large mech seemingly made from a car, truck, helicopter, jet, and crane combined with a cheetah, gorilla, rabbit, stag beetle, and kabutomushi before it vanished, leaving behind a lance made of a crane with the hook split open, a sword, and two yellow attachments that Zenkai Vroon caught, "Buster Lance!" "Fascinating," Starline noted far away from anyone else as he watched through a pair of hi-tech binoculars, lines of coding popping up in a smaller 'window' in his sight through them. Zenkai Vroon swung the lance and slashed through Great Chanbara World's armor. Lance and Zanbato clashed as the two pushed the other back. Zenkai Vroon grunted, spinning his body around and knocking the giant sword away before slashing Great Chanbara World across the torso. "DEMOLITION THRUST!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as a cone of green energy formed around the Buster Lance as he thrust it into the giant Zanbato and knocked it out of Great Chanbara World's hands. =Wasn't that Great Go-Buster?= Skye pondered. =I think it was, tune= "And last is Gaon!" Zenkai Magine declared. =BIG BANG! BATTLE FEVER J~!= "Oh~ Now this one looks to be a perfect base," Starline noted to himself upon seeing the semi-transparent image of a red and black samurai-themed robot appearing before Gaon Lion as he turned into a giant Zenkai Gaon that quickly caught the pair of oversized throwing daggers that had been on the robot's legs, "Hm? The yellow parts were simply holsters? A disappointment. All the various ways to integrate abilities could easily be stored in those." "Swords Fever!" Zenkai Gaon declared. He then lifted and crossed them causing lightning to spark from them, "Cross Fever!" He tossed both as they flew and impacted Great Chanbara World, causing a massive explosion which knocked him over. "That was really strong for just throwing knives!" Sonic gawked. "As expected of the Battle Fever Robo!" 'Roll' beamed, "Utilized by the third sentai, Battle Fever J, it was the very first giant robo ever used by a Sentai! It was actually made by the..." =SHUT HER UP! THIS IS OUR BIT, TUNE!= "Too loud!" Zenkaiser snapped as Great Chanbara World got back up. "You three…" Great Chanbara World growled before whistling sharply, "Koi!" the ground around him exploded as three Kudaitests came out of, "And here you go, my vassals!" he swung his blade, letting out a pulse that covered the trio and solidified into samurai garb for the three Kudaitests, "Go get them!" "Oh! They haven't done something like this since Great Boxing World!" 'Roll' awed, "And it's amazing how these Great Worlds can perform actions like this! I wonder how ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and VroonMagine would've dealt with Great Boxing World and his second if the former influenced the latter more." "I love waffles!" Zenkaiser shouted. "Ah mou…" Zenkai Magine groaned as the trio were getting overwhelmed. "...Oh! I think I get it!" Zenkai Kurenai beamed. "Nu nu nu?" ZEnkai Magine looked to Kurenai as she flipped her gear over and spun the gear on her blade. "So I toss this and…" Zenkai Kurenai muttered to herself as she tossed the doll up into the air before swinging her sword at it. =DAI ZAN! GO! GO! GO-GO-GO~!= The symbol appeared and washed over the doll, causing it to be colored in with crimsons and gold. It proceeded to grow until it was as big as a Kudaitest and let its full features be shown. It was shaped to resemble a female donned in light crimson armor based upon a ninja. It sported black heeled shoes with bulky crimson lower leg guards with gold accents. It had a separated skirt with a pink crystal heart of the front part of it that matched the one on its chest. Its head sported a crimson helmet with a facemask covering the lower half of its face with jade optics and a crimson and gold headband. It also sported a mechanical fox tail and hedgehog ears that twitched on its head. Zenkai Kurenai blinked before she vanished and appeared inside of an area resembling ZenkaiOh's cockpit, but the podium had been replaced with a simple base of sorts sporting a slot of sorts in the center. She looked between it and her Geartlasher before inserting the blade into it, causing the area to light up to reveal a crimson background and holographic monitors to appear around her, showing the outside world. "Oh~! Tanjou~! Kurenai Karakuri Robo SakuraMaru~!" 'Roll' declared, her tail wagging excitedly with stars in her eyes. "Why am I not surprised you named it already?" Sonic facepalmed. "But of course I named it already," 'Roll' replied. "Hoh? Another...grr…Opponent?!" Great Chanbara World noted as he got up "Wow!" Zenkai Magine awed, "It looks so light." =Another email from her, tune= Secchan noted =Kurenai Karakuri Robo SakuraMaru is based upon the Beast General Fighters utilized by the Kakurangers= =Interesting. And fitting for Rolly= Skye noted with a chuckle =Lightweight, flexible, and lightly armored all fit in with the actual shinobi. Though instead of it being a manifestation from her, it comes from a doll= 'Roll' puffed her chest with a proud smile on her face, "KurenaiMaru is the embodiment of Zenkai Kurenai's powers all stored within a portable doll! No need to become the giant herself since she can pilot from within!" "You didn't figure out the 'become a giant trigger yet for non-Kikainoids,' did ya?" Zenkai Magine muttered. "Oh totally…" Sonic chuckled, "I bet that one was Kaito's and Flash folks." "Blue boy be silent= Daughter and Father spoke in unintended unison. "Yosha! Here I come!" Zenkai Kurenai declared as SakuraMaru assumed a fighting stance. "Come here!" Great Chanbara World roared as he charged only for the end of SakuraMaru's tail to split open and release a burst of smoke that covered the area, "AW COME ON!" "She did say Ninja Power! It makes sense for her to fight like a Ninja!" Zenkai Juran spoke, slashing the Kudaitest he was facing. "Given her in depth lessons, this is standard Ninja tactics!" Zenkai Vroon nodded as he used his Vroon Picker as firearm mode and blasted his Kudaitest. "Juran knows it best!" Zenkai Gaon chuckled, slashing his Kudaitest with his Gaon Claw. "U-Urusei!" Zenkai Juran snapped, shield-bashing his Kudaitest before shifting back into Juran Tyranno to blast it in the face with his fire breath. "Was it really that bad?" Zenkai Magine asked. "No...No more shinobi lessons...the giant straw hats are itchy… how does Flash do it" Zenkaiser muttered, walking around a bit. "Ah! Kaito!" Sonic and Magine panicked, chasing after him. Great Chanbara World growled, swinging around the smoke only to flinch as he was attacked from behind. He growled, swinging his new tail only for the smoke to be blown around him like a twister. He grunted as another strike hit his lower back making sparks fly. He grunted, raising his head up only to be kicked across his face making him stumble through the smoke. His eyes adjusted as the smoke began to clear before gawking as SakuraMaru rushed, it jumped forward while crossing its arms and striking Great Chanbara World's chest making sparks fly as the giant enemy was knocked back once more. The thin and agile Mecha rolled across the ground before leaping high into the air, before stepping off the roof of a building. Great Chanbara World gawked as SakuraMaru jumped and lept from rooftop to rooftop, its speed picking up until it looked like there were a dozen copies running around. "N-Nani!? What is the meaning of this trickery!?" Great Chanbara World demanded. He turned around just as SakuraMaru leapt through the air and swung its arm to land a knife hand strike to the Great World's head, causing part of its helmet to crack and its horn to snap off. SakuraMaru rolled across the ground before flipping back to its feet. It swung its leg around and kicked a swing from Great Chanbara World, before swinging its other leg and striking it across the helmet again, making sparks fly. "It's amazingly limber for a robot…" Kurenai noted, "My nee-chan is going to get a lot of hugs and her favorite dessert later for this!" SakuraMaru raised its arms as if to cheer, before leaning to the side and cartwheeling away from Great Chanbara World's tail. "Oi Newbie! Catch!" Zenkai Juran called out, raising his Juran sword before tossing it to SakuraMaru. SakuraMaru grabbed the sword before spinning around to slash Great Chanbara World across the chest, making sparks fly. It twisted the sword around and held it in a reverse grip before charging and slashing while rushing past Great Chanbara World, making more sparks fly. SakuraMaru twisted the sword around before spinning around and slashing Great Chanbara World across the back. "Oh! Look at SakuraMaru go! So nimble, so graceful~!" 'Roll' cooed, sounding almost like a mother excited for their child doing their best in something, "Go get him, SakuraMaru~!" "Her bias is so obvious…" Zenkai Magine muttered. "We may need to get Nicole for the next time," Sonic whispered. "At the least she has the cool headed charm to her," Zenkai Magine sighed in agreement. "Oh! Looks like they're going for the hissatsu!" 'Roll' beamed, hopping in place in excitement. "I'm not gonna be doing what you did the first time you got big, am I?" Gaon Lion asked. "Nah. That's my solo finisher. You probably have something else,"Juran Tyranno replied. "Hm? What happened?" Vroon Dump asked. "You'll be seeing it here and now!" Juran Tyranno replied. =DAI ZENKAI! JURAN! GAON! VROON!= "Ikuze!" Juran Tyranno roared as he aimed down and blasted fire at the ground, launching himself up into the air. "Gaon!" Gaon Lion bellowed as he began to charge at his Kudaitest opponent. "What is this feeling welling up within me?! All my engines are going cho vroon-vroon!" Vroon Dump exclaimed as his wheels started spinning. "Yosha! Ikuze, SakuraMaru!" Kurenai declared, pulling her sword out and spun the gear. =DAI ZENKAI!= "GAON!" Gaon Lion roared as his front paws began glowing with energy, he lifted both up as claws made of radiant yellow energy formed before extending. He roared, swinging one down and slashing his Kudaitest, leaving a deep glowing claw mark in its torso before it exploded. "AAH!" Vroon Dump shouted/screamed as a mix of adrenaline and panic carried him through with this as his glowing frame crashed into and through the Kudaitest, causing it to explode. "Kimataze~!" Juran Tyranno declared while falling and stabbing his bladed tail into his Kudaitest, causing it to explode on impact as well. "It seems like Gaon is the one who got the coolest attack...Juran and Vroon just...crash into them…" Zenkai Magine chuckled sheepishly. "You kidding me? Juran Tyranno has the best one!" Sonic laughed. "Mmm...Vroon Dump's was just a hit and run…" 'Roll' sheepishly added to Magine's sentiment. "Hey, that…" Sonic began before 'Roll' shushed them. "Look, look! SakuraMaru is doing her hissatsu!" 'Roll' beamed, her tail wagging in excitement. "She's being honestly adorable." Zenkai Magine noted. =Ah! Don't forget to name it something cool, Rolly!= =Does Roll have that kind of naming sense, tune? She's normally more calm and focused then Kaito!= "Robots go boom~!" Zenkaiser laughed, hanging upside down from a street light. SakuraMaru's eyes lit up before she crouched down and jumped high over Great Chanbara World. The Great World looked up before several chains shot out of her hands and bound him. He grunted as the chains made sure to bind his arms behind his back. "Ah! Nan de?!" Great Chanbara World yelped as SakuraMaru's tail detached and exposed a sword handle that she quickly grabbed while landing before him. "Name...name…" Kurenai muttered before shouting, "Kimewaza Ninpo: Dai Ai Giri!" SakuraMaru raised the new sword up as it began glowing with red energy, which faded to a hot white as it grew in intensity. With a forward flip, SakuraMaru swung down and slashed Great Chanbara World down the middle, the burning energy dissipating into a faint trail of pink sparks that resembled sakura petals. Great Chanbara World gawked as a glowing line formed along his body, from his head to the tip of his tail. "Make sure...if you practice kendo...to wear padding!" he cried out as he split down the middle before exploding. "Yosha!" Kurenai cheered as she looked at the screens to see the Great World's influence fading away, "Like Zenkaiser says: Sekai Zenkai! All Okay!" "EEEEE~! Saikyo~! What a wonderful hissatsu and debut! Until next time, minna! Make sure to subscribe, click that little bell for notifications, and don't forget to come to Candy Cafe Colorful if you're ever in Japan~!" 'Roll' cheered, giving a wink and making a heart with her hands, "Sayonara~!" once the cameras turned off, she immediately fell to her knees, "Oh thank Science~! I love Onee-chan, but someone please take her place instead of me next time~!" "We got a plan, you antisocial nerd," Sonic chuckled. "You still did great. Being so excited made you act more like Roll-chan when she fangirls over these things..." Zenkai Magine sighed, flashing back to normal. "But only for the things her Robot did...she totally ignored the rest of the awesome moments!" Sonic added, "Nicole or Miyuki or even Amy would totally get everything." "Mou...Sonic, it's not a competition." Magine spoke, smacking his shoulder. "Victory!" Zenkaiser shouted, appearing next to them suddenly. "AH! Kaito!" Magine yelped. "Is the suit like...dulling his pain?" Sonic asked. "He is acting a little loopy…" Magine noted as Zenkaiser ran over and hugged 'Roll' before she could escape. "Banzai! Yay!" he cheered. "Mmmm~!" 'Roll' whimpered with wide blank eyes. "She looks like she's gonna cry…" Magine muttered. Back at Zenkai Gin and Conquering storm, the layer was on the ground defeated and the first was pointing his sword at her. "You give." "Fine~" She spoke. "Eh, told ya I win this time." Zenkai Gin spoke helping her up. "You got lucky" she said with a smirk." But you did good out there." "I'm a Shinobi that's what I do. Beside I fallow my own rules." Zenkai Gin said as he power down." So about my reward." He said point at his cheek. "Didn't know you go that way." She spoke but still went for the kiss but he accidentally turn his head forward making her kiss his lips instead. Both were stunned and didn't know what to do. She suddenly pulled back. Her cheeks were red as rose, so we're flash. "We don't speak of this right" he asked. "Yup" she said as she soon was going back. "Hey" he called her." I enjoy it still." He said making her blush even more but she then went off in a smoke. He could only look where she went. "Kanpai!" Juran cheered, tapping his glass with the others at home, "Nice debut, Roll! You sure showed what a ninja can do when suited up!" "Agreed!" Gaon cheered, "It was amazing!" "I still have many questions about-bah!" Vroon began before Magine and Amy pushed him down. "Later!" they declared. "Hai...gomennasai…" he groaned. "A-Arigatou," Roll thanked, blushing as she fidgeted in her seat while keeping hold on her family sword in a rose-colored scabbard while Haseo hugged her from the side, his tails wagging hard enough to lift him a little in the air. "You all forget that I'm a Shinobi aswell right and I was the one who got the sword back." Flash muttered pointing at him self. "Ah Sorry~" the spoke. "And beside it was because of Flash onni-chan that we got the sword back." Haseo said " so arigatou." He said hugging her. Flash patted his head." It's what I do." "We should really thank Kaikai, Flashy" Skye chuckled, "That goof and you really risked your neck just to get that sword back for us." he looked to the resting Kaito as he was laid down at the entrance to the living quarters, "Also need to apologize for putting so much pressure on you. Given how he's always smiling...I forget he really does understand how we feel...missing family you love so much and you aswell." "Yeah...you really goofed that up, didn't ya?" Sonic smirked, making Skye flinch, "I mean...if you just let Flash fight normally...he might have gotten it back the first time," he looked at Skye, "You guys are the ones who acted dumb today, huh?" "You're enjoying this…" Skye muttered. "Oh...you will get yours, Fox boy...you'll get yours," Yatsude spoke up with the same evil smirk as Sonic's. "Oh, I fear for my life now," Skye muttered, a bit more pale than normal as a panel by him slid open and Ayane crawled out and hugged him from the side, "Her comparison machine gave her a happy result. The table is safe today!" "She's a really hard one to read, huh?" Juran muttered. "Ahh~ My Sentai Gear finally worked and even made my Gertlasher get a single point ahead this time !" Ayane giggled in glee, her tail wagging happily. "See? Happy results means many hugs," Skye chuckled, patting her head. "Yosha! Going to need to make more food for this then!" Gaon declared. "Oh, I still need to make Ayane-chan's dessert!" Roll gasped, "I'll help, Gaon-san!" "Okay~!" Gaon cheered. =Well as long as she's done creeping on me, tune= Secchan sighed, perched near Kaito =But I have to ask, how did you replicate the Sentai Gear schematics so fast?! My Data says it took days to make the suits right after the Prototype failed= "Papa let me study some of the Sentai Gears instead of me simply watching videos of them in use," Ayane explained, "I'm a bit upset about not being able to figure it out on my own, but beating this World mattered more than anything else." "But my gear still has point down." Ayane told as they all looked at her. "Hah?" "It's his" she pointed at flash." How come my gear is still down from yours. Your kaa-san and tou-san help my tou-san make the same gear so how come mine is still down" she pouted. "That's cause Flashy is different gear." Skye told." His gear gives him the ability to use tye Sentai power even without the suite or in it. Like he can use magic and can still use ninja power even without the power." "Really?!" The others asked "Yup, my gear is designed that way and that's how I can still use the power of The Ninningers well." Flash told. "Soka, man that is an amazing gear." Juran muttered =Ah soka...It was all about that in the end, tune= Secchan muttered =I guess as long as you won and got the sword back, that will be all Kaito cares about. But I have to wonder, you said Aphrodite-san had the sword before the worlds merged, tune? But according to my records of what was said, the Tojitendo had it before they united with Eggman, tune? So...how did the sword end up in Kikaitopia?= "?!" everyone but Skye tensed at that question. "Honestly...there are two ideas that are more than likely. The first? That Genesis Wave caused her to lose the sword and have it land in Kikaitopia while she landed on another world just before the Tojitendo sealed it up in a gear," Skye replied, "The other…" he frowned, "She's in there as a prisoner." "Mmm…" Haseo whimpered, his ears drooping as Flash patted his head. "Haseo remember what I said." "We'll find her, kiddo," Skye assured, "Even if these bigger kiddos and your oldest sister have to break every single gear with a world sealed in them those Tojitendo guys have." =If possible, maybe not let Kaito find out. If he does, he'll just run himself ragged all over again to get in there, tune!= Secchan declared, =But saying that...no matter what he'd run in headfirst for your family, you all matter to him as much as his parents, tune= "Same here," Skye chuckled, "Kaikai's all but another kiddo to me." "Point taken.." Flash told. "Then maybe letting him know your theories...will just help him get stronger," Juran offered, "If he knows he can save your wife by being himself...best to let the wild beast rush towards the enemy?" "Wherever he goes, I'll go. It's where the fun stuff happens," Sonic added, "All I know is with Kaito and Flash...it's a lot easier. There's no big complicated part, it's just rush in and save the day. That's my kind of plan." "Wherever Kaito-san and Flash-san goes, we go too!" Magine declared. "There's no happy world for us to return to, so we just keep moving forward till we make a new one," Juran added, "I figure if we keep rushing forward, eventually we'll run into everyone we're looking for." "That's the spirit!" Yatsude laughed, "This place really does fit its name with all you here! Really brings a brighter atmosphere!" "Speaking of brighter atmospheres, I do believe you gave my Rolly one earlier after the first encounter, didn't you?" Skye asked, looking at Sonic. "Well, it was easy enough but also kinda awkward since I'm more used to getting walloped when doing important talks," Sonic noted, "It's why I like hanging out with Tails Flash and Kaito, they get me and we can just understand what the other thinks, it's harder when it's real emotional stuff…" "Wah...you've had a lot of bad break ups, haven't you?" Magine guessed. "Just 'cause it's true doesn't mean you should say it." Amy whispered. "Stop it…" Sonic huffed as Skye put a hand on his shoulder, "Huh?" "Still, you did give her a pep in her step. So…" Skye spoke casually before Sonic flinched at the grip on his shoulder grew tighter as he whispered into his ear, "What are your intentions with my beloved eldest daughter, Olglivie Maurice Hedgehog?" "Oi…" Sonic muttered sheepishly, unsure how to process that."you forgot Flash is flirting with your other love child." "Your right..." Skye looked at Flash who simply pulled out his phone and his mom number was on it." I give you my blessings, tell misty I said hi." He said quickly "What?" "You don't want to get on her bad side and what she can do" Skye whisper with fear. "This will either intimidate him...or…" Ayane paused as chopsticks grabbed Skye by the ear...and he was tossed at the wall by Yatsude, "Yatsude-chan wins…" "None of that until after the party vibe goes down!" Yatsude scolded. "Snrt! Snrt! I'm up! I-I'm up and up and a…" Kaito snorted, fumbling up from the noise before making eye contact with Ayane, "...Oh! Ay-Ay!" "Meep!" the HedgeLynx squeaked with wide eyes akin to a deer in headlights. Kaito smiled before bowing his head, "Arigatou!" he cheered, "You really helped us out in the end there, especially with giving Roll Sentai powers! In the end, I was too tired to get the sword back, so thank you for the help!" he smiled happily, "Also thank you for joining the family for dinner!" "Ah-I-a-a-ano…" Ayane stammered as Skye pulled himself off the wall and flat on his back. "Well hear she goes again" flash muttered "And three, two...one…" Skye counted down as Ayane flicked a hand down...only for nothing to go off. "...P-Papa…" Ayane stammered, turning her head slowly to him. "You're part of this celebration, Ay-Ay," Skye stated with a grin before holding up his left hand to reveal a small bag in it, "No setting off escape bombs until you eat dessert. It's your favorite~" "Mmmm~!" Ayane whimpered. "Her frightened expression is just like Haseo's," Juran whispered to Amy. "Does that mean...the cute factor originates from the Father?" Amy muttered, tilting her head as she and Juran looked at Skye. "Nai...zenzen nai…" they both waved it off. "Oh, now I feel insulted somehow," Skye muttered to himself. "But before we eat I want to say something to roll and the others." Flash said. "Hm?" The others looked at him "Roll, you saw what happened today right." He asked her as she nodded slowly," Good so I want you to never do that again." He told her stern toon. "Gomen, it's just.." "But nothing, I promise your kaa-san that I will look out for her love ones no matter what and won't let them feel down." He told surprising them. "Wait Kaa-san told you that." She asked. "Yup, when haseo was little and you went out with kaito to play. Aunty Aphrodite told me to look out for you and your family. I was surprised to hear she was asking me. But she said that she trust me to look out for all you. Cause your her treasure and his her hope." He said point at haseo." She told me that she may not be there one day for you all. And she was worried of what might happen. But she believed that I will be able to look out after you all. So she promised me to look after you like a older brother. So that's what I do. And what you did today was still unforgivable. Because of your vengeance you tried to hurt me and kaito." He told her. Roll looked down and her ears went flat bit she then felt a hand on her head as she looked up. "But you change your mistake and showed me what you could do. I knew you could beat him. But I went in a fought him. And I had three reasons why." "My first reason was to show I am not weak to look out after my family" "My second reason was because I had to show that I can fight with my skills aswell." "And my final reason was to show that I'm strong and am keeping the promise that I made with your kaa-san" He told her the reasons." And next time if there is a family problem you come and talk to me. Got it." He told her as she looked at him and nodded. "Good, cause you may have ninja power but I'm still the better one" he smirked. "What no way I was the one who almost beat him." She argued. "But I beat him without tricks and finally betted him." He told. "True, I mean we had a hard time betting him but flash took him down." Juran spoke "So next time, Never forget you have a family looking out for you ok." Roll nodded and suddenly hugged him. "Arigatou" she said as Flash just hugged her back. The others looked at the scene and couldn't help but smile. "Hah, That's flash for ya, always looking out for others." Kaito spoke as he looked at the siblings bonding. "Yup" the others couldn't help but agreed. "Hmm…" Ijirude muttered, "What if we did this?" "Ooh~! Yes, that would make sense!" Eggman agreed, the two looking at a holographic screen, "Maybe include some extra strong magnets in them for a faster return." "Oh, brilliant!" "So now they have something they are all excited for…" Lien-Da noticed. "Those two having a shared idea doesn't sound good for anyone," Tundra muttered, "Rather than being worried those brats are growing in numbers they are lost in this nonsense…" "I blame the platypus," Hood stated, "He showed up with those binoculars long after the lynx came back and after giving that to them, they've been like this." "Mmm~" Thunderbolt whined, biting hard on a handkerchief while pulling on it, "Mmmm-mmm-hmmm!" "She's muttering 'lousy, no-good, stupid furry duck trying to butter up Lord Eggman,'" Akuhlt noted, earning looks, "...What? It's not my fault none of you took the time to study about understanding someone in situations where normal speech isn't capable of being performed." "What is this big project even about anyway?" Tundra asked. "AH! I have a perfect subject to use for this! Their unique history will make this easier!" Ijirude cheered suddenly, "You!" he pointed to a Kudakk, "Call him forth, bring the Demon Prince here!" "Demon Prince?" the Grandmasters repeated, sharing looks. > GEAR 9: Hedgehog Blues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =LAST TIME!= Secchan shouted, swooping past before landing on the console in the secret base, screens popping up showing last chapter =A sword-based world had a very important sword to the Sakurai family and Kaito and Flash got hurt trying to get it back! What no one expected was Ayane making an actual Change Gear for her Geartlasher and letting Roll transform to get it back but Flash still got it back!= at that, the screen showed the Mecha battle =And created a Robot for her to use in giant combat. We've all agreed to not let her disguise as Roll anymore for livestreams if Roll can't do them, tune= "Days without sleep: one," Ayane muttered, drinking coffee, "Satisfaction from yesterday? Success still a clear maximum," she smiled, laying down on her chair and putting on some strange vr goggles, "Multiversal dimension viewer activate." she said while flipping a switch and laying back to relax, "...Ugh the British zone…They let him go Super again. Tsk tsk. When will they learn? He's an ultimate unpredictable..." *BOOM!* "..." Ayane paused as she tensed for a moment, "...Please tell me that was at the store and not here…" "I think I got it! OW! ...Nope...I don't got it!" Kaito shouted. "Where did you get dynamite?!" Juran snapped. "Skye knows a guy." "AH! I told you not to mention me by name!" "Why?" "Ayane records everything and I promised Aphy no more dynamite!" "I mean...it didn't work...your dynamite guy sold me a lemon set of explosives…" Kaito argued. "Actually, no. Ayane's doors are built to tank a nuke." "Hah!?" "She heard about what happened to Mobotropolis AKA Robotropolis and also Kaikai left history books and…" "And muting the speakers," Ayane deadpanned, pulling out a remote and turning off the speakers nearby, "Back to watching the British Zone to see what technology I can improve on." she then blinked, hearing something, "..." taking off her goggles, she looked around before a drill came out from the floor as Zenkaiser and Sonic came out of the hole, "!?" "Yosha! That Gear worked!" Zenkaiser cheered. "Hey~!" Sonic waved. "Wh-Wh-What?! What are you d-doing in here?!" Ayane yelped, stumbling back before trying to hide behind her swivel chair, only to end up spinning around on it. "Just wanted to prove that, if I wanted to, I can help Kaito get in whenever he wants. Despite what your old man claims," Sonic shrugged. "Wow...this thing is amazing!" Zenkaier cheered, holding up a drill. "GoGoV," Sonic explained, "I had Secchan look for who had the best drill and other digging related powers." "Mmm~!" Ayane whimpered before the trio paused at hearing the door to her room knock, "...It's unlocked, Haseo." The door opened and Haseo walked in, wearing orange pajamas and a teddy, "B'kf'st." "Oh, it's in the kitchen today," Zenkaiser replied, "Yachan and Amy-chan made waffles!" "T'nk," Haseo mumbled as he walked off down Ayane's tunnel to the Candy Cafe Colorful. "And you will join us!" Zenkaiser declared, pointing to Ayane, "Family eats together!" "I am s-slowly losing my happiness ov-over Onee-chan and my invention victory…" Ayane frowned. "Kaito...I think she needs more positive influence," Sonic crossed his arms. "Yosh!" "Sorry, not sorry." Sonic smirked. "I s-see," she sighed before pressing something. "What that…" Kaito started before a blinding light filled the room. "Gah! Flash bomb! She had a flash bomb!" Sonic yelped. "I can't see!" Kaito panicked as Ayane, in a giant mascot costume of Courage the Cowardly Dog, ran away. "Ugh...Maybe it was a bad idea…" Sonic groaned as the two blinked until they could see again, "And she's gone." "Ah mou~!" Kaito groaned, "I feel like I forgot something else." "We were gonna ask her to make me a Zenkaiger," Sonic told him. "Oh right!" Kaito nodded, "Let's go!" he shouted, running off in a random direction, "Finding Zenkai!" "Wrong way buddy!" Sonic called out "I was trying to get them to not try that," Skye sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You know Kaito doesn't do reverse psychology," Yatsude sighed in exasperation, dope slapping the blond hedgehog, "Once he's locked onto a goal, you'd have a better chance doing literally anything. Like rewriting the rules of physics." "Yes, yes...I realized that…" Skye sighed once more, rubbing where he got slapped. "Mmm…" Amy frowned, "I'm guessing this means I'll have to put their waffles in the fridge for them to heat up later." "What's up with Sonic anyway?" Juran pondered, "He's not normally one so gungho about getting that daughter of yours out here for breakfast." he pulled out the chair beside him to let a sleepy Haseo climb onto it, "Any ideas why Sonic went with Kaito this morning to get Ayane?" "Mmm...C'ng' Z'nk'," Haseo mumbled as Yatsude put a plate of waffles before him covered in blueberry syrup, "It'd'k'm's." "Change Zenkai? ...Oh! Sonic's jealous~!" Flash chuckled. "Eh?" "He saw Roll Change into a Zenkaiger, so now he wants to become one too!" Flash explained. "E-Eh?! Because of me?!" Roll gawked. "He was really excited to be a Zenkaiger when we first started this up," Yatsude recalled. =Kaito also wanted Yachan and Flash to be one, tune= Secchan chuckled. "Shush," Yatsude replied. "I did become one you know" Flash said eating his waffles. "I guess I can get it. It's really cool, and it gives you a boost in confidence," Magine added with a sheepish chuckle. "But the question is if she actually made more than one," Juran noted, "I mean, I get why she made one for Roll. From how they interact, it's obvious she's got a lot of respect for Roll so why wouldn't she make it for her." "Oh trust me, she's probably made at least three more Gears for transforming," Skye noted. "Huh?!" the Zenkaigers exclaimed. "How are you so sure, Mr. Sakurai?" Amy asked. "Because while there is just two human of the team, there are four Kikainoids," Skye replied, "She wants to rival and/or surpass the Geartlinger, so what better way than surpassing the one factor that differs." "...I get the feeling we shouldn't think too much about the implications," Gaon muttered. "Agreed," Vroon and Magine quickly agreed. "Eh, she'll have no choice cause Kaito is with sonic and he will use that as blackmail." Flash muttered. "Hah?" The others asked. "Don't tell me you all haven't seen how she looks at him. When ever he compliment her or try to give her a hug. She runs away like a tasundra girl from her crush." Flash told ".. wait so your saying that.." Juran getting the picture. "Yup, she has a crush on kaito." "HAH?!" Skye looked at Flash," Yup looks like you saw it aswell." "You mean you knew." "Why did you think I gave the idea to Yatsude to let kaito help ayane." "... Clever man." Flash said with a smirk. " But it doesn't mean I won't enjoy seeing her all shy. Payback for her being a jerk to me." " Flash onni-chan, isn't that a little childish." Roll asked " Nope" he simply told. "Okay, I think I have everything I need to work on that new plane," Tails noted to himself as he walked down the street with a few bags in his hands. =You've forgotten the ⅗ wrench= Nicole reminded from her handheld in his right tail, making Tails pause. "...Ugh! Why is it always that specific wrench!?" Tails groaned, facepalming, "Now I need to go back and…" he trailed off on seeing Ayane in her mascot costume peek out around a corner, "...A giant pink dog mascot costume?" =I believe that is Ayane= Nicole noted before making her hololynx form materialize, "I don't detect any Tojitendo in the area, so why is she out in disguise?" "You think she's going out on a supply run?" Tails asked. "From what we know of her, it's either that, or something bad enough to force her to leave her home. All signs show she is very introverted in terms of personality. Hmm...she does live around the two single most extroverted people in the multiverse…" "And I grew up with one of the two," Tails chuckled before cringing, "Ohh...I think that might be why. She's acting like Rotor when he got too in-depth with his studies...especially on making the perfect milkshake." "Really?" "Yeah. Sally had to ban that study after his last experiment traumatised Antoine to the point he developed lactose intolerance," Tails replied, "So if it is that…" he looked around before walking over to the disguised Ayane, "Uh...Ayane?" "!?" the mascot jumped and spun around before slumping in relief on seeing it was Tails. "Yeah, it's me. Um...listen, I know we don't interact much, but I'm guessing Sonic and Kaito are looking for you?" Tails asked, getting confirmation by the rapidly shaking mascot nodding their head, "Okay...Well then, this has actually happened before with another friend of ours. All you need to do to get them to stop chasing you so you can relax is…" "Hey, Tails!" Sonic's voice called before the blue hedgehog skidded to a halt beside him, "Have you seen a mascot around here that's not working? Kaito and I just got banned from a bookstore because we thought the one we found was actually a guy in a monkey mascot costume." "Not really," Tails replied, "I mean, I was getting the last ad paper from this mascot here about a movie from this 'America' place involving two dogs with one being a mystery solver and the other terrified of his own shadow working together to solve a mystery." "Oh cool! Hope to see it with ya when it comes out," Sonic noted. "You still haven't finished watching Chao in Space, Sonic. How can I trust you won't run out every thirty seconds during the movie?" Tails deadpanned. "Hey, I have too!" Sonic argued before sighing, "Oh that poor Chao." "Sonic, the Chao lives," Nicole noted. "Huh? No way! Doesn't it end with the Chao's fighter rocket being destroyed with the Dark Chao winning?" Sonic asked. "No, Sonic," Tails sighed. "You didn't even see Tikal?" "Huh? What does Tikal have to do with a movie?" Sonic asked. "He hasn't even seen Tikal…" Ayane groaned before freezing as Sonic turned to the mascot and grinned. "Hey, Ayane~" "AAAAAHHHH!" Ayane screamed as she ran off in her costume. "Wow. She even got the scream right," Tails noted. "Wait, that's an actual movie and not a lie you were going with?" Sonic asked. "...you're so lucky you're my best friend, you know that?" Tails deadpanned. "Sure am!" Sonic beamed, patting Tails's head, "Well, I'm off to chase her and get a cool transforming suit. You think Zenkai Sonic sounds good?" "Sonic, she probably already has a transformation name theme going on and what was that about a transforming suit?" "Shh...Words won't do it justice. It must be done with action! So promise me that you will be there to see it first hand, little buddy. The first two I want to see me at that moment are you and Kaito!" Sonic declared dramatically, "But wait 'till then, best little buddy!" he ran off. "...I like Kaito,and Flash but I'm not sure if there friendship with Sonic has helped or worsened his weirdness?" Tails muttered. "Come on...where is it?!" Eggman grunted, looking through a pile of broken down and shut down robots inside of a large metal crate. "Doctor, what are you doing?" Dr. Starline asked, he and Ijirude watching with raised brows. "I'm looking through my old creations to see if I can repurpose them!" Eggman shouted, earning more raised brows, "See, it came to me while I was cleaning the clutter from my lab...What if instead of our usual grunts...this time, we use one of my old robots for a new type of World for Sonic and those spandex freaks to fight?!" "Utilizing a Tojiru Gear with something other than a Kuddak or Kudaitest?" Ijirude pondered, rubbing his chin. "You're using an old plan, sire?" Dr. Starline asked in surprise. "No! I'm using an old machine for a new plan. As if I'd redo an old plan with new stuff added," Eggman replied as he moved some more junk, not seeing Starline facepalm, "Wait...Ah ha! Found...it…!" he grunted as he reached in, lifting out the remains of what looked like an old cheetah-shaped robot as he plopped it onto the floor, "Hoo...Didn't realize how heavy this thing is…" "Now what's this?" "My Cheetah Bot," Eggman replied, "Oh, this was a fun little invention back in my original Zone before I Roboticized myself to try one final push against those pesky Freedom Fighters. At half-speed, it easily clocks 805khp! That's 500 miles per hour for those who don't know kilometers." "Hmm...A robot designed to be fast," Ijirude noted as he moved over to it before holding up a Tojiru Gear, "Well, good thing our slot machine picked an ideal World to use! Racingtopia!" "Hold on now," Eggman advised, "Oh, Thunderbolt~!" "You rang?!" Thunderbolt asked, making Starline and Ijirude jump and spin to see the chinchilla bouncing in place with an eager expression. "Yes. You see this gear and this Cheetah Bot?" Eggman asked, "I need you to put this gear on this Cheetah Bot the moment I say 'Go.' Understand?" "Yes, sir!" Thunderbolt saluted. "What are you doing?" Ijirude whispered. "Getting us out of the blast zone if this turns out to cause an explosion," Eggman replied quietly. "Oh~" "Okay...and…" Eggman began before he, Ijirude, and Starline got behind an overturned desk...before a metal wall slid up before it and they all poked their heads out over it wearing military helmets, "GO!" "GEAR SET!" Thunderbolt declared as she inserted the Gear into the Cheetah Bot. Nothing seemed to happen at the moment...before the Cheetah Bot's visor began to glow as it began to stand on its hind legs, the rust fading away as the metal on it began to return to its metallic silver and gold color. The front legs began to contort and refigure until they resembled a pair of humanoid hands that ended up a set of claws covered in fingerless, metal racing gloves. The legs began to follow suit as they became more humanoid in appearance as flaming dark purple flame decals appeared on the side of its legs, a checkered flag-themed belt appearing around its waist while sporting the Tojitendo and Eggman empires symbols embedded in the image of a gold trophy. Finally, the head began to contort and change into something more humanoid as it resembled a robotic humanoid cheetah, a pair of racing goggles over its eyes as its old head appeared on its chest. "It worked!" Eggman cheered. "I did good, master?" Thunderbolt asked. "Excellent work!" Eggman beamed. "Huh...Seems a bit more...uh…" Ijirude tried to think of a word to compare it to the previous Worlds and ignoring the excited squeak from the chinchilla before she fainted in joy, "Basic…" "Hah? Basic?" the new World spoke up, sounding almost offended by that, "Oi, doc! I ain't basic!" "Shut it dummy," Ijirude smacked him with his staff, "The smart people are talking!" "Why did that hurt?" The New World groaned, "You're, like, old and slow…" "I think the personality might be an issue...but that aside, the work is actually fantastic!" Ijirude admitted. "Welcome to the world, Race World!" Eggman cheered, "And we have a very special job for you!" "Radical!" Race World cheered in English. "...I'm getting flashbacks to when Sonic was fifteen," Eggman deadpanned. "We need to make some sort of personality control device…" Ijirude muttered, "I just think past evidence has shown this is...greatly annoying." "Hmm...good point," Eggman nodded. "At least there's no verbal tic," Starline offered. "Now we just need a Grandmaster to send with him," Ijirude noted. "Actually, sirs? I'd like to volunteer so that I can gather more data on the Zenkaigers for you both," Starline offered. "Huh? Again?" Eggman blinked...before he shrugged it off, "Eh. You can do what you want...just make sure you record our new World humiliating Sonic and Zenkaiser and That Ninja brat Zenkai Gin!" "But of course," Starline replied with a bow. "Oh, and take someone with you," Ijirude added. "Hmm...I think I have the perfect Grandmasters to accompany me," Starline assured. "Perfect! Speed World, go forth and do what you do best! Beat the hedgehog and the Zenkaigers!" Eggman declared. "You got it, dudes!" "...How fast can we get to work on a personality controller?" Eggman asked. "Onwards to the lab!" Ijirude shouted as the two ran/sped off, "We can probably hammer that out before getting back to the main project," he whispered, "We're gonna need a soft headed test subject...get the canine who keeps getting hit in the bolts…" "Oh perfect…!" "Where is that HedgeLynx disguised as a pink doggo?" Kaito muttered as he looked around the park. "She is surprisingly stealthy for being in such a clunky thing," Sonic noted as he stopped beside Kaito, a chili dog with the sliced peppers in it shaped like gears in his hand. "Eh?" Kaito pondered upon seeing it before his stomach growled, "Oh...I forgot breakfast." "Hmm….we did rush right into this..." Sonic muttered, "Well I can probably find her, Kaito. You get back home and get something. Amy's probably put it in the fridge for ya to heat up later." "Oh good point," Kaito nodded, "Well I'll catch up later." he smiled, "Try not to be to hard on her, okay?" "Oh come on, it's me." Sonic chuckled. "It's why I asked." "Hey…" Sonic frowned as Kaito chuckled while running off, "I think I'm rubbing off on the guy." "Yes, clearly…" Ayane's voice sighed. "I knew you'd goof up once he left!" Sonic snapped, jumping around, "I knew you were listening. But you'd never reveal yourself while Kaito was here, for some reason...you're extra shy around him. What's that about?" "N-No reason!" "No, no no no, we're not leaving it at that...that is unless...you're willing to give me that Gear and a Geartlasher," he smirked, "Otherwise, us talking about your issues over a boy seem the most fun thing to do." "E-Evil! You are as bad as that British Zone you!" "No, I'm kind of a jerk. But then again, you give off a bit of a jerk air sometimes. Probably unintentional, but I can be an intentional jerk if it means getting what I want," Sonic pointed out, "Besides...given the nonsense I've been through, this is hardly the worst thing ever. If you think about it, selling you out to the ever loving and positive Kaito, might be better for you." "B-Better?!" "Yep!" Sonic grinned, "So what's it gonna be, huh?" "..." "...Alright. Don't say I…" Sonic began before he heard the faint cries of people panicking, "...ahh what timing…" "Phew…" "This isn't over, Ay-Ay!" Sonic warned as he ran off to the faint cries. "...Oh dear…" "Race Time!" Race World declared as he pointed at a group of fleeing people, making them tense up as they stopped, "3...2….1….GO!" "What's happening?! Why am I sprinting?!" one man demanded as they began running down the street. "Ah! Ooh! Charlie horse! Charlie horse!" a Mobian bear yelped, yet still kept running. "Come on, slowpokes! Can't skip leg day!" Race World laughed. "Why does he remind me so much of Sonic?" Lien-Da deadpanned from nearby. "Come on, let's see some hustle people, whoo~!" Race World cheered, "Come on! Move them legs, faster~!" "I...skipped gym in highschool!" one human man wheezed. "I'm gonna feel this in my joints later!" a Kikainoid man coughed. =Wow! Look at 'em go!= Cassia laughed =This looks like this runner game I like to play before bed! Only instead of funny yellow pill-shaped guys in overalls and goggles, it's these folks!= "So this is his...weird ability?" Clove asked, "He can force people to...race each other?" "It seems to be," Lien-Da frowned, crossing her arms under her chest, "Though this is a good idea. All this running will exhaust all of them and could even lead to some injuries such as broken bones, sprained muscles, and let things be easier for us to take this place over." "Ah, you noticed that as well," Starline noted as he looked around with a calculative look. =Whatcha looking out for?= Cassia asked. "Who else? The Zenkaigers," Starline replied, "Race World's antics here should be more than enough to call on them." "They're still having breakfast...or brunch, its kinda late in the morning and we've had some shenanigans." Sonic's voice made them all turn to see him, "I sent them a text but told them not to hurry, I'd run interference." "Oh goody," Clove sighed, already feeling the headache incoming. "Yeah. Waffles are kinda good," Sonic 'agreed.' =Waffles? Oh, I haven't had those in a long while. Sis, you think we can…= Cassia began. "Cassiopeia." =Aaand shuttin' up= Cassia muttered, looking away from the look she was getting. Suddenly a tray of waffles came Infront of her as she was surprised. She looked around to who send these. "Looks like my back up came along." Sonic said as he saw Zenkai Gin standing on a light post giving her a peace sign and was holding his wand in the other hand. "Enjoy.." He said to her. = Yay, Thanks.= Cassia dig in the waffles like she hadn't eaten at all. "Who are you?" Clove demanded. " Oh we haven't met before, Boku wa Gin, Zenkai Gin," he introduced him self as he jumped down." Also do you want some chocolate milk with that." =Yes please= Cassia pleaded. Zenkai Gin made Chocolate milk in a glass appear Infront of her as she took it and drink it down." A healthy breakfast is always good to start ones day." "Why are you doing this?!" Clove demanded not in trust. "Wow, Easy there, He just likes being nice to kids more and likes to help them." Sonic defended. "...Now onto the monster of the week...though…" Sonic paused as he looked at Race World, "Do I know you? I...oddly feel like I know you somehow." "Hm? Blue hedgehog?" Race World pondered before his goggles glowed red for a few moments, "Tch. Well, well, well. If it ain't Priority One. Long time since our last race in Robotropolis." "You know him sonic," Zenkai Gin asked. "Wait a sec...You're…" Sonic began as Race World smirked, "Metal Sonic?" Race World fell over, "No, no. Don't tell me. If it's not him, uh...oh! You were a Buzzbomber! No? I hope it wasn't a Crabmeat. I'd feel pity for you. ...Motobug?" "NO!" Race World snapped as he shot up, "I'm the Cheetah Bot! The robot you raced against through Robotropolis!?" "Hmmm…" Sonic pondered, before shrugging. "How do you not remember the radical me, dude?!" "Alternate Zone, Race World!" Lien-Da reminded, "That's not the one you lost to. He got nuked by Eggman before he came to your current one." "Aw, dudette, ya kiddin' me?!" Race World gawked. "I would suggest listening to Stupidette," Sonic smiled. "Oh you are so going to get it, hedgehog!" Lien-Da snarled before smirking, "But I think I'll let Race World deal with you two. I find it better when my enemies are humiliated before being defeated." "That does sound more fun than talking to you. Honestly...lots of things are more fun than you...I mean, yikes lady...you are a major turn off to the male race as a whole." Sonic chuckled. "True it like you want to get laid of how your wearing." Zenkai Gin laughed. =Pfft…= Lien-Da glowered at Cassia and Race world, who whistled badly while looking away from her as well. "But I'm not hear to fight you this time, I'm just hear for helping them." Zenkai Gin told. "I don't gotta worry about you guys aswell," Sonic spoke, looking at his phone, "Because I just got a text and three...two...one…" "Zenryoku…." a faint voice could be heard, "ZENKAI!" Zenkaiser shouted, bursting through a wall behind them, "I'm full on waffles and sugar fueled coffee! Let's do this thing…" he spoke with a cartoonishly deep voice and a glint to his visor. =He did it again!= Cassia gawked, realizing Sonic was distracting them. "You betcha!" Sonic laughed. "Alright! Where's the World?" Zenkaiser asked, looking around, "Don't tell me it ran off already." "I'm over here, man," Race World deadpanned. "Eh?! But you're so drastic! I thought Worlds were all kinda...basic," Zenkaiser noted. "They used some sorta Badnik Eggman made in his old Zone instead of one of their grunts," Zenkai Gin replied, "And I still don't fully get it. I mean...why a cheetah? Those guys are so slow." "SLOW?!" Race World snapped. "Don't Cheetahs have stamina issues?" Zenkai Gin asked, tilting his head, "Or am I thinking of that Animal documentary Skye made us watch?" he cupped his chin before he leaned back and dodged a whip, "Right! Fight time! Let's do this thing!" "You wanna stop me, dudes? Then you gotta catch me if ya can!" Race World blew a raspberry before racing off as a yellow blur. "Oh? You're up for a race? Then bring it on! I call dibs!" Sonic laughed as he ran off after Race World. "Just call me if you need an out," Starline informed the others. "Hold," Clove spoke before pushing Cassia over to him. =Aw come on, Sis~! Don't make me go with him~= Cassia whined =He's so boring!= "I beg your pardon?" Starline frowned. "This is an order," Clove replied firmly, "Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin are too strong." "I just never give up!" Zenkaiser countered as he backflipped away from Lien-Da's whips before wrapping one around his Geartlinger...and began pulling on the whip and her, bringing her close so he could kick her away, "I never know when to quit!" "Gh…" Lien-Da grunted. "Plus, he'll most likely be going to the top of a building to let him watch Race World and us fighting Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin," Clove added, "Correct, doctor?" "Indeed I am. And I suppose I could lend her a pair of binoculars to watch what she wants between the two," Starline noted, "Certainly not 'boring' watching some intense battles, no?" = MMMM= Cassia muttered not sure. "If you go I'll give you chocolate chip pancakes with extra marshmallow and cream on top. With strawberry milk and ice cream." Zenkai Gin spoke. =DEAL= Cassia suddenly spoke as a tray of food came Infront of her with her meal.= Yay, ok I'm going.= Cassia went with Starlin in the portal as it vanished. "You still help her no matter what, that's just you cuz" Zenkaiser Patted his shoulder. "Yup, Can't let her getting hurt. She doesn't look good as I can see." Zenkai Gin told. "You helped my sister that I'm thankful for, but that won't change me getting easy" Clove spoke. "Don't want it any other way." Zenkai Gin said as Zenkaiser ran up a wall and flipped behind Lien-Da before punching her. "We were raised by a very strong and willful Grandma, don't even think that hitting a girl bit works on us!" Zenkaiser chuckled. "You becha, were trained to fight." Zenkai Gin took a battle stance. "Glad to know," Clove noted before Zenkaiser yelped as sparks came off his suit from him being knocked back, Zenkai Gin dogged the attack "Considering your personality, you tend to more or less ignore words until you're tired out. And you tend to get tired alot but are in defense." "Eh?" Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin looked at her before cringing as she was now twirling a black staff producing a violet plasma scythe at one end, "Ohh...You are a scythe lady. You're not secretly super-fast are you?" "I do have enhanced leg strength from my Legionization and from my natural leg strength," Clove replied before she jumped, becoming a blur that Zenkaiser barely avoided, the tip of her scythe barely grazing his mask, "So you tell me." "Okay...two really angry girls, I'm on my own, with no way of escape, and am very much in danger. ...It's First Year high school all over again…" Zenkaiser sighed dejectedly. "Wait what?!" Zenkai Gin looked at his cousin. "Long story, tell ya later." "Are you seriously comparing us to high schoolers?!" Lien-Da snapped. "Aren't you the same age as Sonic?" Zenkai Gin asked, tilting his head. "19 actually," Clove replied as Lien-Da narrowed her eyes. "...Oh, I think we pushed a button," Zenkaiser noted, seeing the look in Lien-Da's eyes. "Oh, ya think?" the echidna growled as her eyes started to glow as her hands crackled in electricity. "That's new," Both Zenkaigers noted. "Oh, not really. I only had it for a week or two before the Genesis Wave went off," Lien-Da replied, "Of course, it also got rid of them until I finally got Eggman to put them back in." she swung her hands out and Zenkaiser yelped as he barely jumped out of the way of the blasts of lightning she fired from them. "I thought it was a melee, but it's long range!" Both zenkaigers yelped before ducking under a scythe swing, "Yep! Just like that day with the books and bokken replaced with lightning blasts and a scythe!" he rolled away while taking out the Geartlinger, "Luck don't fail us now!" he held up a random Sentai Gear and slotted it. He yelped as he began running to avoid lightning blasts, "Here goes something!" "Hope it does," Zenkai Gin yelled avoiding lightning. =NI-JYU-YON BANG~! TIME~RANGER!= With that, Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin flipped forward as both did the image of the both TimeReds and flipped in time with them as the four lined up and overlapped. Upon landing, Zenkaiser stood up and moved his head from side to side in slow motion, letting all the Lightning blasts miss just barely. He then leaned forward, making Clove's next swing miss as well. Zenkai Gin crossed his arms before twisting his body around and letting another lightning blast zoom past and strike Clove just as she turned around. Zenkaiser swung his arm out and aimed his Geartlinger before unleashing a few shots at Lien-Da's feet, making her stumble a few steps to avoid...and trip over debris she did not see there. Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser flipped the Geartlinger around before striking a pose. "That...was...awesome~" Both whispered to themselves. =That was the Timerangers Sentai Gear, tune~!= Secchan spoke, =The Timerangers are armed with chrono-based abilities! Among them is one that lets them alter the flow of time for themselves, which lets them fight so amazingly well! Skye and your parents still aren't sure how they do it, but it seems like you need to not think, tune. Which is challenging for Skye for many reasons= =Sad, but completely true. I go through a million thoughts in an attosecond!= Skye admitted with a chuckle. "I just stop thinking sometimes. I find things work better for me when I do that!" Zenkaiser replied. "It's kind of easy if you think about it. I just stop and let it go with the flow." Zenkai Gin told. =I'm not sure if that's amazing...or concerning, tune= =Wait...so does that mean by not thinking, they slowed perception to avoid bolts of electricity, plan for a sneak, attack, avoid a second bolt, and then make an enemy run blindly into difficult terrain without even planning that?= "...Time powers," Zenkaiser nodded as he dodged a swing from Clove, "Doc, I'm gonna have to put you on hold. I am fighting two angry girls who hate my guts, and this time they got dangerous sharp and zappy weapons!" "... And you got me into this." Zenkai Gin shouted avoiding a swing by Clove. =...Kaikai, that sounds like the first time Aphy introduced me to Galey= Skye admitted. "I highly doubt it's the same. For starters...I really hope it ends up the same as it did for you, with me. B: They are totally evil and hate me; which I don't get, but it happens," he ducked around more swings, "And C: I am not walking into those traps...I know for a fact the moment we find Aunty again...you two are gonna do some weird plans involving my being a happy bachelor!" =Shoot, he's on to it! Secchan, tell Yachan and Flash to cancel the plans! Cancel the plans!= =Gyah!= Secchan panicked. "I knew it!" he grabbed Clove's weapon before swinging her around and tossing her into Lien-Da, "Matte...Et tu, Flash, Secchan~!?" he gasped. =Yachan said if I didn't help, she'd hand me over to Ayane in trade for her to sit at the breakfast table the next day after giving me to her~= Secchan sobbed. "And she told me, mostly convinced me to do it cause she used my kindness against myself so that's why my hands are tied, Sorry cuz." Zenkai Gin told stopping a swing with his sword and pushing her back. And now I need to be careful of Yachan making me no longer a happy bachelor?! And even convincing my Cousin to join her.This day is a rollercoaster!" "He's fighting us...while on the freakin' phone…" Lien-Da growled in anger, "I'd be amazed...if it didn't fill me with absolute rage!" "You think that's a thing. You should see how he does his homework and eat his lunch." Zenkai Gin told as he shot them with his gun. "My life is in crisis here!" Zenkaiser complained while shooting at her, making her yelp and duck out of the way, "Oh right...duh...I have a gun." "And now he remembers it," Clove groaned as she jumped out of the way of several shots. She doged another which came from Zenkai Gin. "So we shall settle this talk later, We gotta get back to important saving the city nonsense," Zenkai Gin sighed, "So anyway, I start blasting." he joked to himself as he grabbed the crank and began unleashing a gatling gun barrage of bullets upon them. "I thought the ability to act without thought was some secret technique of martial arts that takes ages of dedication and training to achieve?" Clove grunted as they found cover. "Well, Two idiotic human just slapped all those fools across the face!" Lien-Da snapped. "It's surprisingly easy, you just...turn off your mind," Zenkaiser spoke up honestly, "I mean...most guys aren't lying when they say they are thinking about nothing." "Race World better be beating the blue pest," Lien-Da growled. "Look out, slowpokes!" Race World shouted, running past some folks and knocking them over. "Hi, sorry, bye!" Sonic spoke, running past and helping everyone up in the process, "That's more points for me~" "Oh nonsense!" Race World shouted, "I'm in the lead!" "Yeah...but I can run, and help people...that's totally worth more points since...I'm doing way more...while keeping up." Sonic sighed while breathing on his knuckles and using it to dust his chest, "I mean...obviously I am much faster if I can do all that while you're just running~" "That doesn't mean anything! First one to the finish is the winner!" Race World barked. "But...if I'm not giving it my all...did you really win?" Sonic smirked. "I...uh...but I...then...whoa~ You're blowing my mind dude...and I don't like it!" he panicked. "Thanks!" Sonic beamed. "You are a major bummer!" Race World snarled before smirking, "But yeah...You're right. It's not a real win if I ain't pulling out all the stops." "That's the-wait, what?" Sonic blinked twice as Race World slowed down and put a hand on his shoulder, "Wha…" he grunted as blue electricity raced off him and into Race World before he tripped and tumbled into a clothing display, "WHOA!" after a moment, he jumped out of it...dressed as a ballerina, "Okay, you wise guy! I'm gonna…" he started to run...only to fall flat on his face, "GUH!" "Surprised?" Race World asked, running around the hedgehog. "What...What did you do?" Sonic asked. "I'm Race World. What I just did to you was put you under a Slowest Race," Race World grinned ominously. "Slowest Race?" Sonic repeated. "Yep! It's a Race where the goal is to be in last place! Now ya can't be faster than the slowest competitor!" Race World grinned before holding up a snail, "This snail. And...YEET!" he spun like a top before he tossed the snail far off from them, landing in Cassia's hand on a nearby skyscraper. =Wow. That's...pretty smart= Cassia noted, lowering her binoculars to look at the snail while drinking the milk. "Yes...truly interesting…" Starline noted in a whisper, rubbing his chin in intrigue "Big deal. I just gotta get to the finish. So where is it anyway?" Sonic asked. "The Golden Gate Bridge in California," Race World replied. "Oh th….wait…" Sonic paused as he began to put two and two together, "So if I were to come in first…" "You'd come in last!" Race World declared. "...So? I'll still be technically faster than you." "Yes but listen, Priority One...you'd be fast, but not fast enough to beat me!" Race World laughed, "Not even enough to beat a snail! How bogus is that? You'll be the dude known as the loser who can't outrun a snail!" "You jerk." "Hey, you're not the one who got scrapped because your opponent ran off and let ya win," Race World growled, glaring at the hedgehog before moving quickly out of the way of a barrage of bo shuriken and gunshots, making him look to see Zenkai Kurenai and Zenkai Magine, "Well, if ya do end the race, Can't wait to do this all over again to ya, blue boy." he shot off like a rocket, a sonic boom going off and shattering all the glass ahead of them, "LATER!" "Ah! What was that?!" Zenkai Magine yelped. "Looked like a new robot," Zenkai Kurenai noted before she ran over to Sonic, "Daijobu?" "...I just lost…" Sonic muttered, "In a race of all things…" "Nu nu nu?! You lost a race?!" Zenkai Magine exclaimed before noticing the outfit he was in, "...Was it a costumed race?" "I believe we have enough for now," Starline noted as he made a portal, "Back to base now for a report." =Aw...Do we have to?= Cassia asked while finished her food, =Was hoping to get a new game and…= Starline picked her up by the back of her shirt and tossed her in =WHOA!= "And one for those two," Starline noted, flicking his Warp Topaz hand towards the fight with Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin against the two women. "Raaa…!" Lien-Da began mid-leap with Clover before the two were suddenly engulfed in a portal that quickly closed up. "..." Zenkaiser looked around a few times, "Just. Like. First Year…" he sighed, falling to his knees, "My life is nuts…" "You gotta tell me what happened.." Zenkai Gin told patting his back." And when is your life never nuts.." "True.." "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES YES YES!" Eggman cheered as he rapidly pumped his fist into the air, "I DID IT! I HUMILIATED THAT PESKY BLUE RODENT SONIC! AT RACING NO LESS!" "Technically, it was Race World, sire," Orbot pointed out. "SEMANTICS! IT WAS STILL MY ROBOT THAT MADE IT, SO ITS MY WIN TECHNICALLY!" Eggman argued in his laughter. "But it was your robot...with that World Soldier power stuff...so...it's...Nerd Team win?" Cubot pointed out. "Don't call us that!" Eggman complained. "Too late~" a certain giant mechanical bird sang as he floated down behind Eggman, "It's official now...you are Vice-captain to Team Nerd with Ijirude...by the way Barashitara is Captain of Team Jock, okay bye~" he flew off. "Oh I hate that bird…" Ijirude muttered under his breath. "Team Jock…" Eggman chuckled, "Oh, that fits that buffoon." "Seriously?" Ijirude deadpanned. "One thing I've come to understand about Eggman? He likes mechanical birds," Lien-Da sighed before holding up a picture of an obese bald man with Eggman's mustache and eyes in a red, yellow, and black suit, a robotic arm, and a cape holding a robotic rooster with a serrated beak, "He Roboticized himself, got blown up, built his new body to look like the one you see now, then aliens turned that into an organic form." "Hmm...impressive," Ijirude nodded, "Truly a resilient meatsack to say the least." he then spun around, "Well, I guess if Race World has proven competent enough to handle the Zenkaigers, we can return to work on our project." "Excellent work on getting that data on those...Timerangers, was it?" Eggman questioned. "Yes, sire," Starline replied. "I still don't get what you need all this extra data on Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin for?" Lien-Da sighed to Ijirude. "It's clear that he and Sonic are the odd outliers in all of this. Eggman has history with dealing with the rodent...but Zenkaiser is totally new and unknown. And his relative is in a hole other level. Even you so called elite soldiers have trouble dealing with him when he's focused. He's beaten most of you black and blue and humiliated the rest. And the silver one took down my tuffets soilders and even caused harm to my Plans. They also caused a lot of psychological harm to several of your male co-workers, apparently; and according to the reports...they aims for the...what was it...Kiwis?" Ijirude muttered, "As far as I see it, if we can deal with those two, our problems with the others will fall in line." "...You're not planning on a Metal Zenkaiser, and Zenkai Gin are you?" Lien-Da deadpanned at Eggman. "No, that's stupid," Eggman replied, "Metal Sonic is all I need for an equalizer to the hedgehog. But for those two? We need an equal to them I already have a Shinobi for the silver brat she can take care of him!" he then pointed at the portal Starline had opened, "Now go back out there and get more data on that Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin and any of those Gears that they use!" he said as they all fanned out, "...but 'Metalkaiser' and 'MetalGin' sounds excellent…" "We'll workshop names later," Ijirude spoke, bonking Eggman on the head. 'Yeah tell it to her as she mostly flirts with him.'Lien-Da mentally stated. Hmm...So a Race World…" Skye muttered as Sonic sat on his repair shop's bench Kikainoids normally sat on when they were patients, several suction cups connected to nodes that were being fed into a machine nearby on the blue hedgehog, "And it caused your speed to go away or, rather, drop to being as fast as a snail?" "Right on the money…" "Interesting…" Skye muttered. "So how can that happen, Doc? You're the one who knows all about these gears and alt world stuff? How can it take my speed, isn't it mine?" Sonic asked. "Well your super speed is from your Hedgehog powers AKA the Hedgehog Speed Gene," Skye explained, "Your gene just manifested as this comic book nonsense super speed that lets you do all this whacky nonsense like my eldest daughter." "I am a fan of whacky nonsense…" Sonic muttered honestly, "So...he could do this to...any Hedgehog Mobian in theory?" "More so anyone. He takes the speed and adds it to his own. So now he's faster and can probably do some of your impossible nonsense." "...Oh shoot," Sonic's eyes widened at the implications. "You mean...Sonic could easily do what that cat robot did to all the glass in the area when he left?" Magine asked. "Most likely." Skye nodded. "Maybe if I transform, I can use magic to fix him!" Magine offered. "Yes...that," Sonic nodded. "Yosha! Don't worry; I'm on it! Change Zenkai!" Magine declared as she quickly transformed and pulled her staff out, "Nu Nu Nu Magine...Nu Nu Nu Magine…" "Just trust in Magine, Sonic!" Amy assured. =I feel like I should point out this is a temporary fix. If Race World comes into contact with Sonic again, it will just repeat over and over again until Race World has some kind of God Speed, tune= Secchan added while perched on Kaito's shoulder =The problem is how do we capture him?= he asked as Sonic was glowing before something broke and he blinked. "Hey...I feel normal again," Sonic smirked, jumping up and running around. "Well, I realized I might not be able to bring his speed back, but if I broke the link...it might replenish itself," Zenkai Magine explained, "But Secchan is right...even if I can undo it...it will just be reset if they meet again." "Also what about us?" Juran pointed out, "Roll-chan is the next fastest, and after that Kaito's got limitless stamina and energy as an athletic type and Flash also had magic and can run faster like roll and sonic. If Race World catches them, we're done for." =Some Sentai Gears should give you super speed to face Race World, but if he touches you and steals that power, too, then we'll be in big trouble, tune!= "Then we'll just beat him before that happens!" Kaito declared, "And even if it does, we'll still find some way to win!" "Um...I think I have one way you could avoid getting touched," Tails offered. "You do?" Flash asked. "Yeah," Tails replied, "Nicole, can you display those racing files we have?" "Of course," Nicole replied, looking over the data that had been printed on Sonic's speed loss before waving a hand over her head and several screens popped up, showing Sonic, Tails, and a red echidna with a white crescent-shaped mark on his torso on strange sleek boards in blue, yellow, or red racing through a massive forest with trees as thick as houses against a trio of birds-a purple swallow, a green hawk, and a grey albatross-on their own boards in purple, green, and yellow. Oh! Who are they?" Flash asked. "And what are you all riding?" Juran asked, tilting his head. "Extreme Gear," Tails answered Juran, "And the trio riding them are the Babylong Rogues, a group of thieves that travel the skies." "What is Extreme Gear?" Vroon asked. "The short of it is that's a special kind of vehicle, be it in the form of a bike, hoverboard, or skates, that uses pressurized air that can be replenished by performing tricks on the option you use," Tails summarized, "I brought some of my prototype ones for you guys to try out. They're over…" Tails began before turning his head to see an empty bench nearby, "Ah! Where'd they go!?" "....You brought prototypes of a vehicle we haven't seen before and, more than likely my adopted siblings haven't, into my uncle shop which doubles as there house?" Flash asked before pointing down the hall, "What do you think happens to something tech-related that my sibling hasn't witnessed?" "Aw come on!" Tails exclaimed, throwing his hands up in disbelief. "Yeah, she's a little annoying like that," Sonic spoke up. "So how do they float?" Gaon asked. "Oh, that's easy! According to the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem, the control surface flow is balanced by the inverse kinetics of the…" Tails began to speak as Kaito held his head as steam leaked from the top of his head, Amy and Magine distracting themselves with doing some fortune telling, Sonic facepalming, Gaon following Kaito's lead, and the rest nodding as only a handful could understand what Tails was talking about, "...And all that results in letting the EX Gear to float." "Interesting…" Skye noted, "And good call on asking that, Gaogao." "Eh? Why?" Gaon asked, looking up from his spot of lying flat on his face on the floor. "Tails explaining that more than likely gave Ay-Ay enough info to cut down the time for her to come out with a new thing," Skye chuckled. "Oh! Yeah, that's totally what I was going for…" Gaon muttered to himself. "Hmm...Ten...Nine…" Skye started counting down. "Huh? Um...What's he doing?" Tails asked. "Seven...Six…" "Oh, he likes to count down when he's predicted something," Flash explained. "Three...two...one...cue the screaming Gaogao." "Me?" Gaon pondered before he screamed as a panel on the floor under him flipped up and sent him into the air and land on Vroon, letting Ayane pull herself out with a sack on her back. "Here are your prototypes," Ayane informed as she handed Tails the sack before she reached into her top and pulled out seven silver Gears with an 'EX' on one side and either a picture of a skateboard, a roller skate, or a bike on the back, "And here are mine!" "That was fast!" "...Did she change clothes?" Amy asked, looking over the tracksuit Ayane was wearing that was light blue with pink lightning bolts going up her sides. "Ay-Ay, did you eat that before you started?" Skye asked. "Psh! Naw~! I ate it after I got everything all together so that I could do a rush job," Ayane replied with a grin, "Now behold and witness my babies at their debut!" "...Skye, what's going on and why am I afraid?" Juran whispered. "Ay-Ay has a little trick up her glove," Skye quietly explained, "What you're seeing is the temporary results from it. She'll be back to her normal self soon enough." "Alrighty! First baby up will be in reverse order!" Ayane declared as she bounced over to Roll and took the Geartlasher from her before putting one of the Gears with a skateboard in it. =SHARYOU ZAN!= Ayane spun the gear before swinging the sword, causing a projection of the gear to appear and then transform into a scarlet EX Gear board with pink detailing resembling cherry blossoms. "First up, the Sakura Blossom!" Ayane declared, puffing her chest up with a smug smile, "The fastest of my current babies!" "How did she do that?!" Vroon asked. "Also did she just refer to her inventions as 'babies'?" Amy repeated. "Why does she resemble Mai hatsume from MHA." Flash muttered "I can't put my finger on it...but something is...different…" Kaito muttered. "Next is Flashy" Then a Silver EX Gear board came with shruiken design on its back." This is called, Hurricane typhoon. This baby hear can go Faster then the others and has hidden weapons for attacks. You can also cast magic on it to make it go faster or slower." "SWEET!" Flash exclaimed seeing his board." Knew those board lesson with Sandalwood will be used." "Next is Vroomy!" Ayane beamed as she put in one sporting the skates into the Geartlasher, spun it, and swung, causing the gear to appear and transform into a pair of silver and blue blocky skates, the left one shaped like a crane and the right one resembling a mixing truck, "To keep with your Daibouken them, I call these the Super Adventure!" she held up a pair of blue guards for lower arms shaped like a drill and shovel crane, "It also comes with some arm guards!" "Ooh~!" Vroon exclaimed as he looked them over, "These are quite nice!" "Next, Magy!" "M-Magy?!" Magine and Amy gawked as Ayane spun the next gear. She swung the blade and the next gear appeared and transformed. Now in its place was a sleek bike-like EX Gear that was primarily silver with pink armaments, giving it the appearance of a witch's broom. Magine tilted her head, seeing a slot on both ends of it. "Behold the Nununu Hoki!" Ayane beamed, "You can put the Magine Staff on either end to increase its flight time or cast spells depending on which side you put it in!" "Nu nu nu?!" Magine gawked. "Now for Gaoy!" Ayane went on. "Oh! She nicknamed me~!" Gaon beamed, getting up as she spun the Geartlasher's gear and swung it. Gaon watched as the the gear transformed and landed as a bulky gold and black bike EX Gear with armor plating that made the front of it resemble a bison's head and the back having a bulkier back to it. "The GaonCarrier! It has the largest air tank of all my babies and is just perfect for ramming enemies!" Ayane beamed. "Eh?! A bison?!" Gaon gawked. "Next is Jury!" "Seriously, how long is she gonna be like this?" Juran asked Skye as she deployed the next Gear. Next to appear was an EX Gear themed off a motorcycle. It was colored in white and silver with the headlight resembling the head of a brachiosaur with gatling guns melded into the top where the nostrils would be on its design with thrusters mixed into the tail light. "The Brachisaurer! What's your motif of Daizyujin without the carrier in its ultimate formation?" "Oh...this is sweet!" Juran awed. "This is awesome!" Kaito cheered, "Wait...one, two...oh! Do I have one?" "You betcha, Kaity!" Ayane beamed, putting the last one in and spun it before swinging the sword. The final Gear turned into a board-type EX Gear. It was very aerodynamic with a yellow tip, with red right behind it with two black marks like eyes, the rest was white with two wing like extensions on the side colored in white and red with colored 'feathers' colored in yellow, blue, green, pink and purple. On the back were two red tail fins ending in little yellow turbines. "Ta-dah~! The VariEagle!" Ayane beamed. "Sugoi! EX Gear ZENKAI!" he cheered while he took the board, "This is awesome!" "They can be turned into these EX Gears at any time for easy storage," Ayane explained, "To bring them back out, you just insert them into your Geartlingers or the Geartlasher and fire!" "Is is alright to give them this stuff?" Sonic asked. =Of course it is! Many Sentai have utilized vehicles like bikes, hovercrafts, and even animals as transport, tune!= Secchan replied. "Animals?" Sonic blinked. =Seiju Sentai Gingaman are a forest living magical tribe, they know nothing of modern human culture so they used horses to get around and into battle, tune!= Secchan explained =Bakuryu Sentai Abarangers rode on armored velociraptors!= "Bikes, buggies, land rovers, the occasional sentient car, one time with jets built into their belts for flight," Skye added before chuckling on that last one before resuming, "That was more normal for some older era Sentai." =And Ayane seems to have done a lot of studying for each of you, tune. Well...aside from Roll's and Flash since that seems to be more for there normal everyday self…= Secchan noted as he flew over each EX Gear =They're all based on something that compliments your Sentai motifs like she's mentioned with Vroon, tune! The pieces for Super Daibouken, the Sky Hokies of Magiranger, GaoBison's carrier mode that GaoLion, GaoEagle, GaoTiger, and GaoShark would ride on, Beast Knight God King Brachion that DaiZyuJin would ride upon, and the Varidorin of the Gorenger!= "This is amazing, Ayane-san!" Magine spoke, "I didn't think you thought about us so much. We assumed you were only supporting Roll-san." "Wait for it…" Skye whispered to Juran. "Hmph! This smart little kit my baby brother's age made gear for a whole team. Why wouldn't I improve on it for a bigger team? I even have three more made for standby!" Ayane beamed. "There it goes," Skye snickered as Juran facepalmed, realizing Ayane was thinking more on competing with other inventors. "...Wait. So you do have more of those gears!" Sonic exclaimed, pointing at her, "Oi! Gimmie one!" "Nope~!" Ayane beamed. "...What is wrong with her?" Sonic asked, looking at Roll. "Ah mou...She gets like this when she shifts her Speed Gene from her thinking to her legs," Roll sighed before walking over to Ayane, "Nee-chan?" "Yes~?" Ayane grinned, her tail wagging. "Please give Sonic-san a Geartlasher and Sentai Gear." "...Aw~" Ayane whined, her ears and tail drooping, "But why~? He broke my Proto Gear!" "And he got punished with the explosion he was hit with for not listening to you and he couldn't have chili for his chili dogs for a week," Flash reminded, making Sonic scrunch up his face at the memory of that very annoying week, "What does he need to do to get one?" "Mmm...Apologize to my baby you broke!" Ayane demanded, holding up an urn with a Sentai Gear painted on it. "Did you cremate the remains of it?" Sonic raised a brow. "Apologize!" Ayane demanded. "Just say sorry," Juran spoke, slapping Sonic's back. "Okay, okay! Er...I'm sorry?" Sonic asked, raising a brow. "Forgiven!" Ayane beamed as she pulled out a second Geartlasher and a transformation Gear, sporting a cobalt-colored Sentai in it with a '32' on it, "This one I think I managed to get the flipside right. Congrats, Test Subject Number Blue!" "Wait...Blue's not a…" "Test Subject Number Blue!" she repeated with a pouty face, making Sonic flinch and stumble back. "Nee-chan, Nee-chan, you need to switch to brain again please," Roll advised. "Wait!" Kaito called out suddenly, making Roll flinch, "I like this version!" "Aw~ I like ya, too, Kaity!" Ayane giggled. "See? She'll be my friend this way!" Kaito smiled happily. "Yes, but…" Flash began as Ayane froze up before blinking a few times and looked around, "...She has a time limit." "Eh?" Kaito pondered as he turned to Ayane, who caught his eyes with hers. "!?" Ayane froze up. "Oh you're back to the very smart and shy Ayane, aren't you?" Kaito asked before a smoke bomb went off, "ACK! Ptui! Yep! She's...hack! Gack! ...She's herself again!" "All this refusal...because I didn't apologize for breaking her prototype gear?" Sonic asked. "Lesson learned...Stop being a tool," Flash blurted. "Huh? Sonic, there's a note on the Geartlasher," Amy noted. "Eh?" Sonic pondered as he flipped it over, finding a hastily written note on it, "'Stop flirting with my sister, Test Subject Number Blue and You aswell Silver Ninja 'Wait, what?!" "Eh?" Flash asked," I'm silver Ninja" "Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog! You've been flirting with my eldest?!" Skye demanded as Juran covered his mouth as he tried to force back a loud laugh." And Flash Sentry you been Flirting with my other eldest?!" Flash simply took out his phone and showed a missed message of his mom asking for what is happening. "Your forgiven, You have my blessings with you. Take care of her." Skye did a 180 on that." But you..." "Amy?" Roll and Magine sighed. "Sorry doc," Amy held up her hammer before swinging down. *PIKO!* "SEGATA SANSHIRO~!" Skye slurred before collapsing on the floor, Haseo barely getting a pillow at his head area before it landed. "He'll be fine." Flash replied, "He has severe head trauma twice a week." Sometimes more, tune= Secchan added before tensing up as his eyes flashed =Ah! Minna, Race World is back!= "Oh perfect timing!" Sonic beamed as he dug into his head quills and pulled out a sleek cobalt-blue EX Gear board with gold detailing, "Hey, Amy. Think Zenkai Sonic would be…" a bo shuriken with a paper attached to it hit the bench he was on, the words 'Zenkai Cobalt' written on them with three underline strokes under it, "...Darn it. She named it already." "It'd probably be better if we went to the base to be your support since Amy knocked your normal one out," Tails noted, nudging the downed Skye with his shoe. "Eh?" Haseo pondered as he started blushing, "Ah…" "Gnarly! I just love a good race!" Race World laughed, sitting on a lightpost as he watched a large group of citizens running down the street, "Keep on running, folks! Run, run, and run some more! The Citywide 500 lap race is underway! Lap 1 of 500 so far!" "I swear he's gotten a bigger ego since he stole Sonic's speed," Lien-Da sighed as Cassia hummed as she played a game on a Nintendo Switch. =Eh, we know that losing his speed won't slow down that guy= Cassia noted, =Right, sis?= "Yes. Knowing him, that hedgehog will probably try something that would let him have his speed without needing that snail or going to California," Clove shook her head, glancing at said snail that was in a container by Cassia with some kale and sliced strawberries. "Even if he does, it just means more data for us to exploit," Starline replied. "I'm sure pitting this thing against that Zenkaiser brat and lynx Boyfriend Zenkai Gin brat will give you tons more data..." Lien-Da sighed. "Oh no need to get huffy because those boys sees you for what you are." Starline spoke, "It's not my fault if it's true about you…" he whispered, "Besides, as long as we get him to show off more of his Gear abilities, we can examine how his suit replicates so many...powers." "Grr…" Lien-Da growled. =And Zenkai Gin isn't bad, He gave me food to eat.= Cassia defended. "Tojitendo!" the four Mobians and one World looked to see Kaito, Flash, Juran, Gaon, Magine, Vroon, Roll, and Sonic approaching. "Oh don't tell me," Starline facepalmed, "The good doctor is going to need medical attention." "What are you talking about?" Clove asked. "Yoo-hoo~" Sonic held up his Geartlasher. "Oh you've got to be kidding me," Lien-Da groaned, spotting the one on Roll's hip, "Seriously? Just...Just seriously?" "Wel, well, well. Back to lose again, slowmo?" Race World asked, looking at the blue hedgehog. "Oh...I'll get to you, Cheetoh boy," Sonic smirked, "But first...I need to make them feel a headache." he turned to the evil Mobians, "You guys have been a pain for us for a while. You know things were just starting to get good before you showed up. I've been playing aloof cause Kaito is the one chosen to be the leader and hero here. And that's not changing!" "What?" Lien-Da blinked. "He's my tall best buddy, and I'm gonna help him kick all your butts, find his folks and save this awesome new mashed up world." Sonic smiled, "You know why? Cause...for the first time I honestly feel like everyone can be happy, we got the humans and Kikainoids to give the weirder Mobians some common sense!" he chuckled, "And I still get my fill of nonsense and danger thanks to you guys. But for once...it doesn't feel like all that pressure is just on me, and I dig it. I got a ton of new friends who make life easier for me...what do you guys got? Eggface and two annoying literal walking talking tanks bossing you around?" "No matter how you look at it, we're a team more put together than you!" Kaito declared, "And I am a straight C- Student! So you know you're dumb when I'm the one pointing out your flaws!" "Kaito...you called yourself dumb…" Flash pointed out. "What...no he didn't," Sonic argued. "He kinda did…" Magine muttered. "No no no, he's saying they aren't as smart as they think." Juran spoke. "Hmm...I think both points are valid," Vroon spoke. =Hi, Vroon!= Cassia waved. "Hello, Cassia!" Vroon waved back. =Hi, Flash= She waved at him =Hey, Case= Flash waved back. "Cassiopeia," Clove warned. "Baka!" Gaon dope-slapped Vroon, who barely moved from it. =Sorry," both apologized. "Why not Flash." Vroon complained. "His good." Goan waved off. "Everybody stop talking!" Lien-Da snapped. "No!" Kaito, Flash and Sonic replied with cheeky grins. "I've never seen someone angry twitch so much…" Roll and Magine muttered. "You know, little lady, your face will stick like that if you keep scowling like that!" Juran shouted. "Hey, the rad dudette's right. All this talkin' is so lame~!" Race World complained, the Geartlinger users all turned to him before pelting him with bullets, "AH! Not cool! Totally not cool!" he cried in pain. "See...this is why I love my friends," Sonic chuckled, "Well to get in the spirit of things...let's get crazy!" "Zenryoku crazy party time!" Kaito cheered. "Oh!" the others all cheered along. "Everyone! Change Zenkai!" Kaito ordered as they all slotted their Sentai Gears. =YON-JYU-GO! JYU-ROKU! NI-JYU-GO! NI-JYU-KYU! SAN-JYU! SAN- JU-KYU! BANG!/JYU-HACHI! SAN-JYU-NI! ZAN!= Juran and Gaon spun in place. =BAN-BAN!= Roll followed up with a spin in the opposite direction. =ZAN-ZAN!= Vroon and Magine spun the way Gaon and Juran did. =BAN-BAN!= Sonic grinned as he spun the same direction Roll did. =ZAN-ZAN!= Kaito and Flash spun and aimed ahead. =BAN-BAN!= =ZENKAISER!= A White Gear collided with Kaito as he transformed into Zenkaiser and jumped forward. =ZENKAI JURAN!/GAON!= Juran and Gaon jumped through a Red and Yellow gear respectively as they transformed mid-flip and landed as Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon. =ZENKAI MAGINE!/VROON!= Magine and Vroon let their Pink and Blue Gears drop down over them and change them into Zenkai Magine and Zenkai Vroon. =ZENKAI GIN!= Flash ran at the silver Gear gear and change him Into Zenkai Gin as he jumped forward. =ZENKAI KURENAI!= Roll jumped forward through the crimson gear as it burst apart to replace her with the taller Zenkai Kurenai. =ZENKAI COBALT!= Sonic smirked as he ran forward before skidding and sliding through the Cobalt colored gear as a flash covered his body and made him grow to the same human height as Zenkaiser. The Zenkaiger in his place was clad in a solid dark cobalt blue suit. He had a black belt around his waist with the same buckle as Zenkaiser and Kurenai, however his had an extra extension atop as two silver straps went from his shoulders and down his torso to link with the belt like the seat belt of a race car. His gloves were pure white with white armoring along his forearms, ending ih black tire like cuffs stopping just shy of the crux of his elbows. He had blue boots matching his suits with the same tire cuff pattern on them, only his boots had golden accents creating gold walls along the tops and a V pattern facing forward. The Zenkaiger symbol flashed in gold on his chest as his helmet finished forming, somehow packing away his quills inside of it. His helmet had a mouthguard like a racing helmet with four small black spots, a black visor in a unique shape that looked like shades that would fit perfectly over Sonic's eyes, tire themed ear pieces spun to life as the top of his helmet had small little ears and headlamps resembling a car's lights and giving the faintest visage of a hedgehog. "Himitsu no power! ZENKAISER!" Zenkaiser declared. "Kyoryu Power! Zenkai Juran!" "Hyakuju Power! Zenkai Ga~on!" "Mahou Power! Zenkai Magine!" "GoGo Power! Zenkai Vroon!" "Shruiken Power! Zenkai Gin!" "Ninja Power! Zenkai Kurenai!" "Engine Power!" Sonic spoke in his new form as he flipped his Geartlasher around and tapped it on his shoulder while leaning forward on one knee, "Zenkai Cobalt!" "Hachi-nin sorete!"Zenkaiser began as the others posed to either side of him as he held his right hand out with five fingers and his left hand with two, "Kikai Sentai…" "ZENKAIGER!" they all shouted as the Zenkaiger symbol formed behind them. "Wait a sec...Cobalt…" Zenkai Cobalt muttered. =This is Speedy Ayane recording! Sorry! The helmet downloaded instructions on how to pose and call yourself sucka!= "...I think it's time for a Prank War after this…" Zenkai Cobalt muttered. "...Oh, I can feel the agonized wails from that fat man," Lien-Da groaned under her breath. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!?-?!-!?" "So glad I turned off my audio receptors!" Ijirude shouted as he looked at the downed Grandmasters and grunts...and a twitching Barashitara. "He...has strong lungs…" Barashitara groaned as he looked at Eggman, his face pressed against the screen showing Zenkai Cobalt with his glasses dropped off to expose his robotic eyes that were actually glowing as foam began to leak from his mouth. "HE….I...I…!" Eggman seethed, pulling on his mustache as he began to growl out in pure rage, "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE!-! HATE!-!-! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!-!-!-!-!-!" he screamed to the top of his lungs...before breathing calmly, "...I feel better." "..." Ijirude and Barashitara shared looked as Eggman calmly picked up his glasses and put them back on. "Slipped for a moment and forgot to factor in the constant that is Chaos," Eggman muttered to himself before turning around to Ijirude, "Well now! This will make our project all the more sweeter when we finally deploy it, my good Kikainoid Genius!" "Er...Y-Yes! They can make as many Zenkaigers as they want! Our project will best them all!" Ijirude laughed after clearing his throat. "Ho-oh~ To think he had something like that in him," Gege whispered, looking down at them from high above while rubbing a wing under his beak. "So the hedgehog has become a Zenkaiger as well," Starline noted, "But why now? Unless the guns are incompatible with Mobians, thus necessitating a different kind of device to transform with…" he brought the back of his hand to his forehead, "Oh, to meet whoever is making these devices for them…" "I'm gonna prank her," Cobalt told Kurenai. "If you do, I'm on her side and pranking you back." "Oh boy. We're doing a Prank War then!" =FOCUS!= Secchan and Tails shouted. "...We're talking 'bout this later," Cobalt warned her. "Hai, hai," Kurenai rolled her eyes behind her visor. "Well, well~! Nice speedy motif to ya, dude! But ya can't do much when ya ain't got your speed, now do ya?" Race World mocked. "I don't know...do I?" Cobalt taunted back. "Ooh~ So confident, are we? You got someone to take ya over the sea?" Race World asked. "Nope!" Cobalt replied before turning into a blur and getting in a diagonal slash on Race World, knocking the surprised World away. "WHAT?!" Race World exclaimed as he landed on his feet. =Huh?! But we have the snail still!= Cassia gawked. "Correction," a voice said as they saw a Courage the cowardly dog mascot, "Sonic the hedgehog had the snail limit. This is Cobalt, inheritor of the Go-Onger engine power!" she declared, "My Cobalt won't lose to a stupid cheeath!" "That and I dispelled the link!" Zenkai Magine added. "Gah! That's unfair! Totes broken! I call foul!" Race World complained. "Just steal the power again," Lien-Da frowned. "And then finish him." "Oh right!" Race World grinned as he rushed at them, only for a blast of wind to go off, forcing him to hold an arm up to his eyes before it ended, making him look around to see they were gone, "Say wh…" "INCOMING!" Magine shouted. "What's huh?" Race World looked up in time to be rammed by Zenkai Magine on her EX Gear, "GWAH!" "And now they have EX Gear," Clove sighed, "Starline…" "He already went left to watch from a distance so his precious binoculars don't get destroyed," Lien-Da deadpanned, gesturing to the spot where Starline and Cassia had been. "...I'm starting to dislike that platypus." "Well you're not gonna like us!" Cobalt laughed as he became a blur on his EX Gear, crashing through Race World once he tried to get up, "And to quote an old sayin' of mine..Juice and Jam Time guys!" "Yosha! Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as he grabbed a light post and used it to drive around to slam his EX Gear into Race World's back, sending him flying through the air. "Look out!" Zenkai Juran cheered ,ramming Race World from the side, knocking him into a wall. "What is this?!" Race World demanded before he was rammed into from behind by Gaon. "You wanted a race, so we're giving you a race! It's an EX Gear Demolition Race!" Gaon cheered, "And you getting scrapped is the finish line!" "Pardon me!" Zenkai Vroon warned, his arms waving about rapidly at his sides and he rammed into Race World and knocked him into the air when Kurenai and Cobalt slammed into him and knocked him through a wall. "Oi looks like you could chill out." Zenkai Gin spoke as he was on his gear and soon rammed him back then came down again but used his wand making ice shards and launched them at the the world making him fall back. Zenkai Gin then slammed his gear on the world face and knocked him back. "Interesting. They're utilizing EX Gear to avoid making contact with his hands," Starline observed. =Guess we should've brought Sonic with us, huh?= Cassia asked. "Or dealt with him permanently," Starline sighed, shaking his head and making Cassia cringe and look away before she did a double-take. =Uh...Doc?= "What?" Starline asked. "That mascot that was talking earlier is over there," Cassia noted, pointing at a nearby roof. "If they're the same person as before, they may more than likely be the reason for the hedgehog being able to transform," Starline noted before making a portal and pulled Conquering Storm out. "What is it?" she growled, "I was in the middle of…" "We need you to catch that mascot," Starline informed, "We have suspicions that they're the inventor of that device that made the HedgeFox your superior." "She is not my superior!" she snarled, electricity crackling off her. "Then prove otherwise by capturing the mascot without her knowing," Starline replied. =Yeah! Metal Gear time!= Cassia cheered. "I'm busy" Conquering storm spoke as she was about to leave. "Your lover is also hear, You may get his attention if you get her." Starline spoke making her stop. "His not my lover." She spoke as she looked at Zenkai Gin fighting Race world. " Looks like he found a EX Gear." She noted" Fine I'll do it." She spoke and went after her. "Hm speak of her lover and she will do anything." Starline muttered. =Yup..= Cassia said. Ah, my EX Gear Gears are working so perfectly," Ayane whispered, both her normal tail and her costume's tail wagging excitedly...while she was completely unaware of Conquering Storm slowly sneaking towards her, the ninja Lynx making sure to hide within the shadows. '...Wait…' Conquering Storm thought, pausing in her approach as she frowned, 'This feels too easy… got to get his attention' she pulled out three senbon needles and threw them at the mascot, who tilted to the side. "Oh, that's working better than I expected!" Ayane noted before moving away and avoiding more needles, "And Gaon is using his quite well! If you do touch, you're still dealing with a powerful force coming at you." 'She's dodging every one of my senbon?' Conquering Storm thought as her frown grew as she started throwing kunai, followed by shuriken, and then a combination of all three and Ayane just kept dodging without even paying any notice due to her focus being solely on her EX Gears. =How's she doing that?= Cassia asked. "I...don't know," Starline muttered. =Did it hurt for you to say that?= Cassia asked bluntly as she noticed a slight twitch to his eye. "...I can and will infect your game systems with a data-eating virus." =I'll be good!= Cassia squeaked, hugging her Switch close to herself, looking like a normal deer in headlights at night. "Time to try out these gears," Cobalt chuckled, going up the side of a building on his EX Gear as he pulled out a Sentai Gear from his buckle and put it into his sword and spun its forehead gear. =JU-SAN ZAN! TURBO~RANGER!= A hologram of Red Turbo formed before Cobalt before overlapping with him. He held his arm out before grabbing his sword; the GT Sword. He lifted both the Geartlasher and the GT sword as he jumped off his EX Gear. Race World gawked as Cobalt slashed with both swords, leaving an X-shaped scratch on his chest. Race World stumbled back before he was struck by Cobalt's Geartlasher, the Ranger spinning around and swinging the GT sword and striking the World across the shoulder. He flipped the Geatlasher before swinging around to strike with a reverse grip swing. "Good thinking!" Kurenai noted, inserting a Sentai Gear into her sword and spun it. =NIJU ZAN! CAR~RANGER!= =Wait, we should probably warn you about that gear, tune!= Secchan panicked. =Huh? What's wrong with that one, Secchan?= Amy asked. The full Carrangers formed before they all ran off and went into a different Zenkaiger. Red Racer went into Zenkaiser instantly as he tensed up. "Did...Did I goof?" Kurenai blinked. =The Sentai Gears are incredibly diverse, but I feel like Carrangers is a baaaad pick for one reason! They...are the Goofballs of Sentai!= =WHAT!?= Tails, Amy, Nicole, and Haseo exclaimed. "Goofballs?" Kurenai pondered, getting a bad feeling. Zenkaiser suddenly whistled, stopping Race World and Cobalt, "Stop right there!" he blurred up to Race World before pointing down, "That's jaywalking. Don't you know the basics of traffic safety!?" "Huh? Uh, what are you…" Race World began to ask. "He doesn't!" Cobalt interrupted, "None whatsoever!" "Such disregard for the sacred rules of the road which keep us safe! I can't forgive this!" Zenkaiser spoke as he wound his arm up...before punching Race World, sending him flying back. "Bwahahahaha!" Cobalt cracked up laughing before Zenkai Vroon's hand on his shoulder made him pause, "Ah…" "You are jaywalking as well," he informed calmly, pointing at the crosswalk Cobalt was on while he was on the sidewalk and then at the traffic light. "...Oh no. Wait, wait, wait! We're teammates!" Cobalt yelped. "That just makes this even worse!" Zenkai Magine barked, making him flinch. "AH! She's mad again!" Cobalt panicked. "Come back here and listen to this lecture on Traffic Safety!" Zenkaiser shouted, chasing Race World. =Roll, why~?!= Secchan sobbed. "I-I can fix this!" Kurenai yelped, inserting another Gear and spun it. =SAN-JU-NANA ZAN! KYO~RYUGER!= A red dino-themed Sentai appeared before jumping into Kurenai...who proceeded to start doing a samba. "SECCHAN!" Cobalt snapped. =THE STUPID GEAR INFECTED THE NEXT ONE!= Secchan snapped, Cobalt swearing he was hearing the robotic bird slapping the air. "Is that a violation of traffic safety?" Zenkai Juran asked Zenkai Gaon, pointing at the dancing Kurenai. "I...I don't know," Zenkai Gaon admitted, tilting his head in confusion. "What am I watching? Just...Just what am I watching?" Lien-Da faceplamed, shaking her head with a growing migraine in her head forming. "This...this makes no sense...these powers are useless…" Starline noted. "Why!?" Zenkai Cobalt panicked as Zenkai Magine chased him while swinging a giant wrench around. =Eh...Yellow Racer has gone into Magine instead of Pink…= Secchan noted. =Why are the Gears acting so funny this time?= Tails asked. =The Sentai Gears are essentially able to replicate any Sentai power, but what power or what even counts as a power or as a strength of the Sentai depends from team to team, tune. For the Carrangers their goofiness and traffic safety is a part of their team power! While the Kyoryugers use their dance as part of their power and connection to the Song of the Earth, tune. They might be useless in concept, but they mean a great deal to those teams. But that's the thing, the Gears are able to pick what power fits the situation! I guess for some reason the Gears have decided to do this, tune!= =Why would the Sentai Gears suddenly decide to give them random goofy nonsense?= =I don't know, tune. Skye, Isao-Hakase and Sentries worked on this sort of AI within the gears' data. It can't be predicted, but it is meant to pick the right power by taking in factors not even the Zenkaigers can see, tune!= =Ano...What about Race World and Flash onni-chan?= Haseo asked. "I'm up, over, and gone!" Race World declared as he ran off in a blur, the shockwave causing nearby windows to shatter once more. Zenkai Gin wasn't seen anywhere. "Oi! Get back here, jaywalker!" Zenkaiser snapped as he jumped onto his EX Gear and raced off after him. "S-So glad I hacked the traffic system to make all the lights green…" Ayane sighed in relief, slumping...before yelping as her mascot head was finally hit and pinned to an office chair in the building in front of her that had lost its windows, "Ah!" "Finally," Storm huffed as Ayane spun around, making her pause before narrowing her eyes, "You!" "U-Uh...H-Hi...Nee-chan," Ayane awkwardly greeted. =Whuzza what?= Cassia gawked, mimicking a normal deer in the headlights once more. "You know this one?" Starline asked. "Regretably," the lynx growled, narrowing her eyes at the nervous HedgeLynx, "Traitor!" "J-Janai! Raiju janai! Sakurai da!" "I'm...this...you are half siblings with...that one?" Starline pointed to Kurenai. "..." =...ahh~ You…!= Cassia began before Storm aimed an electric katana at her and Starline, =?!= "Finish...and I will end you both where you stand…" Conquering Storm scowled with a look of pure hate. =Oh, things keep getting complicated with you= Cassia gulped, holding her hands up. "Ah mou...I just had to take my special candy to make the EX Gear Gears…" Ayane muttered to herself. "No matter. We'll be taking her with us. Those swords could be quite useful for Dr. Eggman's goals," Starline noted. "Yeah no" they all looked and see Zenkai Gin standing there." Sorry but you're not hurting them." He pointed his sword forward. "Flash/ Zenkai Gin" Ayane and Conquering storm spoke. "Yo Stormy up for a rematch. I won't be going down." Zenkai Gin said as he challenge her. "Your on" she took out her sword. "Wow, your eager to meet your lover." Starline spoke. "She's not my Girlfriend/ His not my Boyfriend" both spoke not looking away. "Sheesh, they sure don't agree but totally are lovers" Starline muttered. = Agreed on that= Cassia said. Both ran in a blur and soon we're in a sword clash. Zenkai Gin twisted his sword and hit her on the stomach making her skid back. He ran and did a reverse kick but she duck and the flipped up and hit his face with her legs but he turned into smoke and doged and then came from behind and kicked her but she protected her self by her sword. She ducked down and flipped Gin over but he flipped back and then took out his gun and start to sire bullets at her as she ran from each bullets. She did a hand sign soon caused objects around her to float and then throw them at Zenkai Gin who saw this and shot every object. He did a hand motion and summon another him as both ran towards her and split up. She looked around and soon both came from different directions making her doge quickly as she was loosing her focus but she heard a movement from back as she slashed her sword behind hitting the clone as he vanished. "Hah, Your getting good and better." Zenkai Gin spoke as he was Infront of Ayane." But I'm still not losing." "Well there's a first time for everything" Conquering storm said as she ran towards him so did he but before they could attack. "GANGWAY~!" the five paused and looked over the edge before Race World ran up the side and landed on the roof, "Phew...No way that major bummer of a dude would be crazy enough to…" "GET BACK HERE, JAYWALKER!" Zenkaiser shouted...from the street with a megaphone in hand, making Race World squeak and jump up before landing in Conquering Storm's arms. "Oi get off her!" Zenkai Gin yelled making the world fall down. "Thanks" Conquering storm said. =Kaito, please use a gear! Any gear, tune~!= Secchan begged. "Ah okay!" he cheered as he inserted a Gear and began cranking. =SAN-JUU-ROKU BANG! GO-BUSTERS!= With that three Rangers in Red, Yellow, and Blue appeared, each dressed with leather jackets. The Red one gave what looked like a long exasperated sigh as he went into Zenkaiser. "Shwa?" Zenkaiser blinked as his body language calmed down, "Ahh...Zenkaigers...ready Go!" he declared as he suddenly vanished in a green and white blur. "What?" Race World blinked before he was struck by the blur and knocked him off the building. The blur ran along the building before time seemed to slow to reveal Zenkaiser walking at amazing speed. He looked at Race World, who was falling in slow-motion to him. He looked around and scanned the area to see what was happening before giving another sigh as he dashed off. In a flash, Ayane was now gone with a plastic traffic cone left in her place before the Bad guys. =What just happened?= Cassia gawked upon noticing this =She was there...and now she's gone!= "He must have used a new ability, I must…" Starline blinked, seeing his binoculars gone and replaced with a sandwich. "What happened?!" Conquering Storm demanded, noticing her weapon was gone and replaced with a larger firecracker...with a slowly dwindling wick. Zenkai Gin simple went to her and put out the wick." I'll take that." He took the fire crackers. "You'll be safe here," Zenkaiser sighed, putting Ayane down a ways away in a new hiding spot and in a new costume, this time a red cheetah costume. "E-Eh?" =Oh thank goodness, tune! He went with Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, their leader Red Buster is the single most serious and antisocial hero in Sentai History. He's all seriousness to the point of intensity!= =He can't be that bad…= "What a pain…" Zenkaiser sighed in annoyance as he ignored Ayane. =Who are you and where is Kaikai!? If any of the women know I let such a loveable goofy boy become like this, it's my fault!= Skye panicked. =Welcome back to consciousness, Mr. Sakurai= Nicole greeted. =I'd be welcoming you back, Nikky, but I'm panicking for my life here!= "I kinda like this persona…" Ayane muttered, looking at Zenkaiser who huffed and turned away from her to further purposely ignore her, "Actually, I don't know why but this annoys me…" "Ah…" Zenkai Cobalt and Kurenai sighed as they had a moment to regain their breath with everything semi back to normal. =Zenkaiser gave you two an opening. Best use it quickly= Nicole advised. "Eh?" both looked up to see the falling Race World, "Oh!" "Dude, why am I still falling!? I run faster than gravity! This is bogus!" Race World panicked. "What happened?!" Starline demanded as the fireworks went off, making Cassia and Conquering Storm panic; he then spotted Zenkaiser, "You! Return those Binoculars!" "I don't think he has them." Zenkai Gin spoke holding the burned fire crackers." Heh surprised ya." "Don't do that." Conquering storm muttered punching him lightly on the shoulder. "Huh?" he blinked as his posture and demeanor returned to normal, "Uh...Intense and serious me kinda...traded them for that sandwich." "WHERE?!" "I think I made it to Kyoto…" he blinked in thought, "And traded it with this construction worker...who then took a bite of it...and chomped off a piece…ate half the thing before he realized" he explained. "Gah!" Starline gawked, falling to his knees in shock. "Sorry!" Zenkaiser sheepishly apologized. "You have done nothing but infuriate us...to no end…" Starline groaned. "To be fair...you're evil so...you deserve it," Zenkaiser argued before pointing at Cassia and Conquering storm "Not sure about you two, though." "Thanks" Zenkai Gin said. "I told you so!" Zenkai Vroon added. "Not the time, Vroon!" Zenkai Gaon dope-slapped him to no effect. "Ready to try out your finisher?" Kurenai asked. "You betcha!" Cobalt beamed as the two looked up at the still slow-falling Race World and spun their gears. =HERO~! SUPER ZENKAI TIME!= "Aw dudes, no no no no!" Race World panicked, trying to run in the air as the Zenkaiger symbol floated down behind the two sword-users. "Ha!" both shouted as they swung their blades, sending out a red and blue cutting wave that the symbol rode on while spinning like a tire, using the wave as its 'road.' It almost reached him when a blast of electricity got into the path, blowing up the finisher. Both yelped before they jumped out of the way of a green blur's purple scythe, "YIPE/EEK!" =Ah! I knew we were forgetting something, tune!= Secchan gawked. "Scary ladies!" Zenkaiser gawked. "When could she shoot lightning?!" Zenkai Magine gawked before yelping and barely dodging another blast on her EX Gear. =Ugh...I hate conflicting memories…= Tails groaned =One memory had me barely seeing her do it before I knocked everyone in Albion out trying to reverse the polarity of these electrical traps the Dark Egg Legion had deployed and the other of her using an electrified whip= "AH!" Race World cried, finally hitting the ground, "Yes! I'm safe! Radical!" "Great. We gotta deal with this speedster, but we also need to…" Juran began before blocking Clove's scythe swing with his shield, "Whoa! Do it with these two occupied or they'll blast the finisher." "TIme for another gear!" Zenkaiser declared as he put a new Gear into his Geartlinger. =SAN-JUU-NI BANG! GO-ONGER!= The flash went off as this time 7 Holograms formed before them. The 5 core Go-Ongers and the Go-On Wings. The 5 core members went into the Geartlinger users while the Go-On Wings went into the Geartlasher users. =MISSION 6 Full Power!= "Hmm?" Kurenai and Cobalt blinked before jets of heat blasted from the handles of their Geartlashers and carried them up into the air, "YIKES!" "Wow wait what!? This is a ground race!" Race World complained before both flew down and slashed him while looping back into the air. "Mach Zenkai!" Zenkaiser declared as the image of Go-On Red layered over him; with that, he took a step forward before rushing forward as a blur of speed once again. Lien-Da and Clove could barely register before him and the other Zenkaigers all rushed as blurs and began striking them from every possible direction all at once. Zenkaiser skidded past them as he spun around the ground, effectively drifting around as he began cranking his Geartlinger around. The other four ground Zenkaigers continued running around, shoulder checking and shoving the two Grand Masters. Zenkai Kurenai and Cobalt shouted as they circled around and struck Race World from the left and right, juggling him around the air as they flew around with their strange new ability. "Now!" Zenkaiser ordered as the other four Zenkaigers slammed into the two Grandmasters, shoving them away just as Race World slammed into the ground again. "Ahh...I think my stomach is up in my brain!" Race World cried out in pain as the now total of seven Zenkaigers all stood side by side facing him. The Geartlinger users, all aimed as their link to Zenkaiser began charging the barrels of their weapons with colored energy. The Geartlasher users unfolded the secondary handle along the guard as they held their weapons by it and aimed them like rifles along with the others at Race World. "Wait...wait…!" Race World gawked. Zenkai Gin got between them. "Hm?" The zenkaigers thought. "Mina, Fire the attack" Zenkai Gin spoke. "NANI?!" The zenkaigers yelled. "Trust me, I know a new move, so just do it, I promise I'll be alright." He reassured. He took out a Sentai Gear. =SAN-JU-SAN BANG! SHIN~KENGER!= The image of Shinke Gold came as he went inside Zenkai Gin. He was now holding two blade sword. The zenkaigers nodded and soon activated the finisher. =HERO! SUPER ZENKAI TIME!= "Engine Souls!" Zenkaier spoke as the visage of a Red sports car with a condor theme formed around his Geartlinger, Vroon had the visage of a blue Lion Bus, Gaon a yellow Bear RV, Juran a Green Orca bike, Magine a Black dog police cruiser, Kurenai a Silver tiger jet, and Cobalt a Golden Chicken Helicopter, "Zenkai: Go-On Cannonball!" =DAI ZENKAI!= With that all seven pulled the triggers of their weapons as the Engine Souls forming around their weapons all shot off and traveled as beams of energy as it went to Zenkai Gin as he start to spin around with the beam making a colour tornado and the finally launching a color blade at Race world which slashed him soon Zenkai Gin came and did multiple slashes all around his body making it like a cutting edge. Zenkai Gin landed behind Race world as spark came off him, Zenkai Gin slowly put the blade back together." That's, A bot overkill." Zenkai Gin finally closed the blade as the world exploded in a giant explosion. "... Please, For Sentai, Nothings over kill." As Zenkai Gin looked back at the fire. =Yes! What a perfect way to deal with a speedster! Using the Sentai Gear based on the 32nd Super Sentai, Engine Sentai Go-Onger! And with seven of them there, and Using the power of Shinke Gold and making it double. they were able to use all seven Sentai at once and Flash was able to use the Gold rangers power to, tune!= "Ughuhuhuhu…" Cobalt shuddered, quickly switching his sword back into its normal state. "Not a fan of guns?" Zenkai Juran asked. "Not really, no," Cobalt replied, "But I can swallow it for being able to do more. Or just use those Sentai that use swords more than guns. Did like the rooster helicopter, though." "I think that was a chicken," Zenkai Juran corrected. "Of all the…!" Starline seethed, pinching the space between his eyes, "I lose the binoculars that was performing data recording and…" he trailed off as he looked at Cassia...or, rather, her optics, "...Perhaps not all is lost on the data." =Huh?= Cassia pondered before he made a portal, picked her up, and jumped through with Conquering Storm, landing between Lien-Da and Clove. "Another time, Zenkaigers," Starline noted, "Now for…" "Kudaitest!" Kurenai called. "...Again?" the other Zenkaigers deadpanned at the sheepish Kurenai. =I'm not shocked she did that= Cassia snickered =I watch your streams, so I know how much ya like seeing those battles!= "Mmm…" Kurenai slumped. "Oyobidesuka?" a Kudaitest asked, walking around a building after a few tense moments. "What took you so long?!" Lien-Da snapped. "I didn't want to break traffic laws," the Kudaitest replied before shuddering, "That poor yellow blur was terrified of that white blur chasing it that was screaming about obeying traffic laws." As if to prove its point, the street lights turned green before the giant robot resumed walking and stepped on the Tojiru Gear, "Ah. I stepped on something." "Ah man…" Zenkaiser and Cobalt sighed. "Good day, Zenkaigers," Starline noted before the Grandmasters fled through another portal. "Oi, You better remember our deal." Zenkai Gin shouted at Conquering storm "Remember I won fair and square." "... Fine" she told as she went in. "What did you dealed." Zenkai Juran asked. Zenkai Gin just waved it off. "...No strawberry candy for a week," Zenkai Gin scolded. =I'm siding with Flash on this, Roll= Skye informed. "Ah mou~!" Kurenai slumped as the Kudaitest began to transform. Its head morphed into that of Race World's but on the neck of the Kudaitest, with extra armor add-ons of the World decorating its body as well. "Racing! Racing! Race-Race-Race-RACE!" the newly formed Great Race World shouted as all over the city racetracks popped up, "It's time for the ultimate race! First to be destroyed loses!" "Here we go again!" Zenkai Gaon exclaimed. "Heh-heh. I'm gonna enjoy this. Now I get to be up close and personal instead of just running out away and being at the cameras," Cobalt smirked. "Ah, wait! Where's Ay-Ay?!" Zenkai Gin asked, looking around as Kurenai pulled out some scarlet binoculars shaped like hearts and looked around before looking up at a 45 degree angle. "...Found her," Kurenai noted. "Eh?" Zenkaiser tilted his head as he looked through them at the direction Kurenai pointed at to see her in her red cheetah mascot outfit a fair bit away just as a blue biplane landed near her and Tails and Haseo hopped out before the grey fox blushed on Nicole appearing, "Oh, that's good. She's a safe distance away!" he chuckled as he pulled his Geartlinger out, "Yosha! Zenkai Gattai time!" "Here goes something new!" Cobalt beamed as he flipped his Gear over. "Minna! Let's Gattai!" "Wait...only we Gattai…" Gaon pointed to himself and his fellow Kikainoids. "I don't think my SakuraMaru is compatible," Kurenai added. "Eh!?" Zenkaiser gawked. "Y-You're on!" Haseo spoke as the Camera Gears deployed. "Hello, everyone. Apologies for Roll not being here today. She's currently dealing with some minor issues and is unable to host this battle but I have Flash sentry as Zenkai Gin with us," Nicole apologized as Zenkai Gin appeared between them giving a two finger salute "Today it is Great Speed World and it seems the Zenkaigers are…" she looked out with a pair of binoculars, "...Oh dear. It seems they're having trouble with something." =WILL YOU KIDS HURRY UP AND GET BIG TO FIGHT THAT THING!?= Yatsude snapped. "Hai! Yatchan/Yatsude-san!" Zenkaiser and Zenkai Kurenai saluted to no one, the latter quickly throwing SakuraMaru into the air while flipping her Gear over. =DAI ZAN!= "Well, it seems they've got it all resolved and the first to come onto the scene is SakuraMaru," Zenkai Gin noted before turning to Ayane, "I have to ask, did you make it compatible with Juran and Vroon or Gaon and Magine?" "N-Neither," Ayane replied. "Neither?!" Tails, Nicole and Haseo gawked. "It's meant to be better than them," Ayane huffed. "Mmm...Bad! Bad Onee-chan!" Haseo scolded, making the red cheetah mascot slump at the scolding. "I have to agree, your bad in this." Zenkai Gin scolded making her Slump more. "Oh! Here's my first opponent!" Great Speed World exclaimed as SakuraMaru assumed a fighting stance. "Hold him down! We'll end this together!" Zenkaiser shouted as he, Juran and Gaon flipped their Gears. =BIG BANG! ZENKAI~ GATTAI!= "Ah, and here comes an early favorite. The King of the Hundred Prehistoric Beast," Nicole spoke. =ZENKAIOH~ JURA~GAON!= "I was getting used to not doing this again…" Gaon sighed. "Aw suck it up! We've got a Great World to vent on!" Juran argued. "Kasei! ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!" Zenkaiser declared as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon stomped forward. "And the fight is on!" Nicole declared, making a tiny gong she banged. "Where did you get that..." Zenkai Gin asked seeing the gong. As if on time with it, Great Race World became a blur that went by the two several times, causing ZenkaiOh and SakuraMaru to be knocked back, the latter farther than the former. "Oh! He's utilizing his enhanced speed in order to perform the first damage of the fight," Zenkai Gin noted. "Ah! That's bad! SakuraMaru isn't as armored as ZenkaiOh in order to be more flexible and quicker!" Ayane panicked. "So it has speed, bulk, and power." Tails added, "It's like a giant bulky Sonic ramming into them at top speed." "Gah...Come on, you blue duncebucket! Get in there already!" Ayane snapped, shaking a fist at the faint visage of Zenkai Cobalt from their spot in the distance. "It's going to be crazy, isn't it?" Zenkai Magine pondered. "No clue, but I'm apparently the guinea pig for this Gear," Cobalt shrugged as he spun the gear on his Geartlasher. =DAI ZAN!= "And go!" Cobalt shouted, swinging his sword while pulling the trigger, causing the symbol to appear and land on him. =GO! GO! GO-GO-GO!= "Uh...now what?" Cobalt blinked before yelping as he curled up into a ball. "Eh? He just curled up?" Zenkai Vroon pondered before he and Zenkai Magien yelped as his body glowed before growing and was engulfed in cobalt-colored plating until he was a giant cobalt tire with two large gear-shaped plates on the sides with the Zenkaiger symbol on them, "Ah! Deka!" "...A giant wheel?" Nicole asked, she and the two foxes turning to Ayane with tilted heads. "It's part of it! It's part of it!" Ayane argued, "What you're seeing is the Giga Wheel Sonic Boy!" "Sonic Boy?" "Whoa now! I'm a giant wheel? Hope I don't tire myself out," the giant wheel joked. "Pffft, Nice" Zenkai Gin laughed. "Nani kore?!" Zenkaiser gawked. "Oh nee-chan, what have you made?" Kurenai asked in a mix of awe and concern. "Alright! Here I come, ya big Mechagodzilla reject!" Sonic Boy shouted as he revved up before becoming a cobalt blur that collided with the grey and yellow blur that was Great Race World, knocking him away from his path to SakuraMaru. "Gwah!" Great Race World yelped as he landed on his back. "You alright?" Sonic Boy asked, turning to 'face' SakuraMaru as she got back up. "Hai! We're alright," Kurenai assured, "Arigatou!" "What is this witchcraft!? A fuzzy Mobian turned into a giant metal wheel!" Gaon shouted. "It's kinda like us. But...why does Sonic turn into a giant thing...while Roll has a shrinking mecha?" "It's a process!" Ayane barked, shaking a fist at ZenkaiOh, "And it provides variety to my Geartlasher line that the Geartlinger doesn't!" "Are you seriously arguing about it now?" Zenkai Gin asked. =Ugh...This is gonna bother me, tune= =What is?= =The name scheme sounds so familiar to me, tune= "Ball time!" Zenkaiser spoke as ZenKaiOh picked up Sonic Boy, "Giant Ranger Ball!" ZenKaiOh spun around before tossing Sonic Boy at Great Race World, beaning him right in the face the moment he got up. "Hmm...I never considered that," Ayane muttered. "Attack!" Kurenai called out as SakuraMaru spiked Sonic Boy back down into Great Race World, causing a large burst of sparks upon impact. "I should feel upset, but I'm oddly not! This kinda tickles; the armor is too dense!" Sonic Boy laughed. "That looks strangely fun," Nicole admitted. "Is it because they're using Sonic as a ball and batting him around?" Zenkai Gin asked. "..." Nicole looked away, "...What? He kept shaking me in my handheld when I tried to explain things normally." Goal!" Zenkaiser shouted as ZenKaiOh kicked Sonic Boy and struck Great Race World the moment he was trying to get up. "I think we are running out of ball-related sports to use him as…" Kurenai pointed out. "We have a bat!" Juran spoke as ZenKaiOh held up the Juran Sword. "You better use the flat side of that!" Sonic Boy warned. =Ball...wheel...tire…= Secchan muttered. =Will you just tell us already, you goof? You already know it! I can see the smirk on your face!= Yatsude scolded. =Just have to tell Secchan seven words: Gekisou Sentai Carranger and Engine Sentai Go-Onger= Skye stated. =...EH?! Gah! I knew it was a familiar naming scheme, tune!= =What is it?= =The Boy robots are autonomous robots that have been a massive help to past Super Sentai, Tune! There were Four Famous Boy Robo's and many more other supporter Robots who got a giant size, tune! Such as Daigouyo and Datas! That's what this is about! Sonic has become the Boy Robo, tune!= =Give the Secy a cracker!= Skye cheered. "Wait, I have a second mode?" Sonic Boy asked before getting smacked by the flat side of JuraGaon's sword and sent into Great Race World just as he was getting back up, causing the Tojiru Gear-enhanced Kudaitest to perform three backflips before landing on his face. "Impressive swing," Nicole complimented. "Thank you, Ojou-chan~!" Juran cheered as ZenKaiOh gave a small wave to the camera. "Ah...How does he unlock it?" Kurenai sighed. =I have no idea, tune= Secchan replied. "He does have a second mode, right?" Zenkai Gin asked, looking at Ayane. "Of course he has a warrior mode! What? You think I'd let it just be a big ol' tire?" Ayane snorted. "Nice" Zenkai Gin laughed. "Onee-chan…" Haseo frowned. "Okay, okay. He just needs to perform the henkei. It should've downloaded into his noggin when he transformed," Ayane replied, holding her hands up. "Sonic, shout a transformation catchphrase!" Zenkaiser shouted as ZenKaiOh grabbed Sonic Boy and placed him on the ground. "Really? That's all? This feels like another trap of hers!" "Well either it works or it doesn't...and we use you as a Finisher," Zenkaiser pointed out, "Either way? Win-win!" "Well he's got a point there…" he chuckled, "Alright! Kikai Henkei!" With that, steam ejected from the sperations in the tire. The front half began glowing before parts unfolded. The front half began to open as the segments separated and split; two legs stomped on the ground as a figure stood up. The back half of the tire suppressed down as the humanoid form took full form. The Warrior mode had a black armored body with an all cobalt blue armored torso, with blocky armored sections at the chest and a darker navy blue stripe down the middle. The Zenkaiger symbol was now set in a collar section over the pectoralis major with large armor over the clavicles with large red lights glowing in each of them. He had sharp rounded pauldrons with red piping around the edges, black upper arms seemingly made of flexible armor for mobility, blue forearm gauntlets with red patches near the wrists that looked like hard points for things to attach, and dark red armored hands. Its abdomen and waist was covered with the same black flexible armor with a blue metal belt around the waist with a codpiece attached to it. Dark Navy blue armor over its upper thighs with thick armored greaves made from most of the armor for tire mode, they were large, bulky, and colored in cobalt blue with red highlights poking through the gaps and yellow joint pieces visible from the sides; large blue armored feet ending in silver toes. A flash went off as its head lifted up, its neck covered in blue, with a dark cobalt helmet that looked somewhat knight-like. The bottom half was navy blue around the jaw with a silver segmented mouthguard in the center, the top was lighter cobalt blue with black ear pieces, a silver horn somewhat shaped like a long arrow head set in a V, with a black visor and markings above the visor like an angry set brow. The new Warrior mode lifted its hands as the golden gears that acted as rims/covers on each side attached to his arms as giant shields. He lifted his head as the visor flashed bright blue for a moment with green eyes visible within before it dimmed back to black. "Whoa-hoa~! This is awesome!" Sonic Boy whooped. "Sugoi~!" Haseo, Zenkai Gin and Tails awed, stars in their eyes. "Eeee~! It looks far better in real life than just on the blueprints!" Ayane bounced in place in excitement. "Sugoi! I wanna be big too! Me too!" Zenkaiser cheered, jumping up and down in the cockpit of ZenKaiOh. "Glad to see you getting into the big leagues!" Juran noted as Gaon just stuttered and gargled, "I think Gaon's having a conniption." "Onee-chan's in trouble with Gaon later," Haseo giggled. "Alright, time to really take care of this guy!" Sonic Boy pumped a fist as the three mechs stood together as Great Race World finally got up. "You jerks! I'm gonna run all over you three!" Great Race World declared. "Interesting design," Nicole complimented. "Hmph! My designs always impress!" Ayane cheered. "You're on camera," Zenkai Gin spoke up, making her freeze up, "Yeah…I expected that to be her reaction…" "Take this!" Juran cheered as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon slashed Great Speed World across the chest. "Ow! Okay...Juice and Jam time!" Great Race World shouted as he ran...before Sonic Boy tripped him up, "GAH!" "Oh and btdubs? That's for stealing my old catchphrases," Sonic Boy stated in a simple tone. "...Those were his old catchphrases?" Ayane asked, she zenkai Gin and Haseo turning their heads to Nicole and Tails. "Correct," Tails sighed. "He had...quite the charismatic ego when he was younger," Nicole added. "...What happened?" Ayane asked. "I can hear you, Nerd-girl!" Sonic Boy complained. "All complaints can be filed to her in the mail," Kurenai replied as SakuraMaru patted Sonic Boy's head before rushing off and slamming a knee drop to Great Race World. "Up and at 'em!" Juran cheered as ZenKaiOh pulled Great Race World to his feet. "And here comes a giant robot fist!" Gaon cheered as ZenKaiOh reared and wound his right arm up before landing a haymaker to Great Race World, knocking him back on his feet. "Dogpile!" Sonic Boy cheered, climbing a building…before jumping off and body slamming Great Race World. "Yosha!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon rushed and jumped next, its larger frame causing the ground to shake. "Round 1 goes to the ZenKaiOh/Sonic Boy tag-team!" Kurenai called out as SakuraMaru held up a billboard reading: Round 1. "Take this and this!" Sonic Boy cheered, slapping Great Race World with his shield while ZenKaiOh held the giant monster in a hammerlock. "AH! This is a race! Not wrestling! I'm not Wrestling World!" Great Race World complained only to be smacked by Sonic Boy again, "AH! Foul! REF!" "There are no rules in a giant robot battle!" Zenkaiser and Kurenai cheered in unison. "What are you? Ten!?" "We're still kids at heart!" Zenkai Gin Shouted. "Mmm!" Kurenai agreed. "Your mistake is assuming those three aren't essentially siblings from across dimensions. Or that they don't love this nonsense just for the sake of nonsense," Sonic Boy chuckled as ZenKaiOh pulled Great Race World back up, "How about a less contact sports heavy game? Like say Ultimate Frisbee?" he removed his shields before tossing them like throwing discs as they sailed through the sky and struck Great Race World, making sparks fly. "Ow! You guys are, like, totally crazy!" "Thank you!" they all joked. "Zenkai crazy!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Shwa~ Hissatsu time!" "Oh! I got just the idea for one!" Sonic Boy beamed, changing back into his wheel form as he began to spin in place, blue energy beginning to cover him as he started going faster and faster. "Oh! It seems we'll be witnessing the first Finisher for Sonic Boy," Zenkai Gin noted, "It seems reminiscent to the Light Speed Dash." "That's my line.." Nicole pouted. "Ready…!" Sonic Boy Began as he stopped spinning, bright blue energy covering him as he took aim at Great Race World. =DAI ZENKAI! ZENKAI~ COBALT!= "Shoot!" Zenkaiser and Kurenai cheered as both ZenKaiOh and SakuraMaru rushed up and swung their legs to kick Sonic Boy and shoot him like a soccer ball right at Great Race World. Great Race World attempted to run before Sonic Boy crashed into him, only to bounce off before he crashed into him again at a different spot before bouncing off once again, repeating the process as he practically became a blur that rapidly struck Great Race World from every angle. "Shwa…bouncy…" Zenkaiser gawked as both ZenKaiOh and SakuraMaru's heads moved around to track the endless bouncy and homing attack until Zenkaiser shook his head, "Let's over the top it!" "H-hai!" Kurenai returned to reality as well upon that. "Engetsu Crash!/Dai Ai Giri!" With that, ZenKaiOh and SakuraMaru swung their swords and formed a golden 'X' in the air as they sent it forward as a slash wave as it began spinning around before crashing and drilling into Great Race World. After a moment, Sonic Boy slammed into the slash wave, causing a blue ring to form around the attack before piercing through Great Race World. "Remember, kids…stretch before you run…RADICAL!-!" Great Race World shouted, raising the 'rock-on' hand sign before exploding. "Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon and SakuraMaru raised and crossed their swords. "WHEW!" Sonic Boy cheered, changing back into his robot form as he skidded to a halt, quickly turning as he did a pose, "That was tight!" "Leave it to Sonic to make a dramatic pose after a finisher," Tails chuckled a bit. "Indeed. I do hope you all enjoyed this battle. And please visit Candy Cafe Colorful in the Sumida Ward of Tokyo. Until next time," Zenkai Gin spoke, bowing to the Camera Gears before turning them off, "...Sonic is going to be insufferable." "Oh come on. It's not gonna be that bad," Tails assured. "I take it back," Tails groaned, facepalming. "Hahahahah! You guys see that?!" Sonic asked in pure excitement, "I totally kicked that slowmo's butt and I finally became a Zenkaiger!" =I'm tempted to take the frying pan Yacchan uses on Skye on Sonic, tune= Secchan muttered before yelping as the shelf he was on-and part of the wall it was hung on-swung open and Ayane slunk out, her head drooping. "...It's gonna be a tantrum," Flash and Yatsude sighed, shaking there head as the HedgeLynx sat beside Skye, who was sitting beside Tails while they had several blueprints of Tails's on the table. "Say what now?" Skye pondered before quickly moving the blueprints away as Ayane banged her fists on the table. "Mmmm~! No fair~! It's a tie!? Why a tie~?!" Ayane whined, "Sonic Boy was so much better and didn't need to do Gattai for him to go all out! Mmm…" she glared at Sonic, "Y-You must be the factor for the tie!" "Huh?" Sonic pondered before yelping as she pounced on him. "Give me back my better score!" Ayane demanded, the HedgeLynx trying to grab at the transformation Gear that Sonic was keeping away from her. "Hey! This is mine now! Mine!" Sonic argued. "Whoa, whoa!" Flash called out as he picked up Ayane as she tried to reach for Sonic, he moved her away and sat her next to Roll and Haseo, "You already gave it to Sonic. So you can't just take it back when he's helped." "He's gonna be ego fueled for a bit, but he's getting into doing the hero bit again. Overall, it might be better to let Sonic go and do his bit and help folks," Tails added, "I mean…he'll be out of your hair more. So…more work can get done?" "...mou...fine," Ayane pouted before pausing and slowly looking up at Kaito, "..." "..." "..." "Oh no you don't!" Kaito exclaimed, barely grabbing the HedgeLynx as her tail flicked down, setting off a smoke bomb hidden in it. "EEK!" "You are staying this time!" "Hah?! B-But I…!" "No buts!" "Ok...Kaito's honestly scaring me," Amy admitted. "Would you rather it be Vanilla when she goes full on manners mode?" Sonic countered. "..." Sonic, Amy and Tails shivered at that. "Kaikai has near limitless enthusiasm." Skye spoke, "He wants to make it so Ay-Ay can be happy and calm here with us. But the only way he can do that…is by being boundless energy who can't stop no matter what is put before him." "No! Eat with your family!" "IIE!" "EAT! EAT!" "He finally caught you…face it. You're losing your advantage and I think he's becoming immune to smoke bombs!" Sonic shouted. "I am!" Kaito agreed. "Ahh! P-Personal space! PERSONAL SPACE!" "I…!" *PIKO!* "We're trying to make her feel more relaxed...not stressed out further," Flash deadpanned as Amy lowered her hammer, Ayane immediately bolting behind her as she shook a bit. "You realize Kaito has no idea what that means. He's everybody's friend," Sonic argued. "N-Not mine!" Ayane declared. "Challenge accepted…at zenryoku zenkai…" Kaito groaned, twitching on the floor. "He'll be fine. No one can get up fast after…" Amy began before Kaito shot up, "...I think it's a very good thing he is such a good guy." "...He has as much energy as Tangle-neechan," Haseo whispered, earning a nod of agreement from Roll. "My skull is abnormally thick!" Kaito declared. "It's true…" Flash nodded, "It's why he's broken everything but this." he tapped his head. "I have the X-Rays to prove it," Yatsude agreed. "Bikes don't survive long with me as the rider," Kaito explained, "Which thankfully Skye made an indestructible bike for me!" "It's true," Flash nodded." I also got in some injury because of saving Kaito much many times." "Sorry for the boat incident.." Kaito muttered. "I still don't know how you got us caught by the pog mobain, Glade thing Aunty aprophiate and Aunty Gale were already there, So the were able to beat that Pig mobian away. And also glade I stopped them from Killing him."Flash spoke remembering the day. "I-I'm still not gonna be this monster's friend!" Ayane declared, "I-I mean that as in, he's some kind of m-medical m-mystery…" she turned to the still calm Yatsude. "No…we get that a lot," Yatsude replied. "True, But still don't call him that," Flash warned in strict toon making her nodd quickly. "I won't give up!" Kaito declared, "I don't know how…but I'll make you be my friend, and a part of my weird and happy family!" "Mmm~!" "These Gears…They hold more power than I realize…" Starline whispered, watching multiple records of the Zenkaigers using the Sentai Gears and the World Monsters they went against, "They create a machine capable of utilizing that world's power, or summon the powers of a Sentai Team...interesting…but…unpredictable as well," he frowned, "Those powers they projected were utterly useless. The total agency of that freedom can be useful, if luck is on your side. But in the end, that randomness can result in a pointless ability. But the Sentai must still have weapons and abilities to draw upon. There must be a middle ground I can present to the Doctors so they can focus their work." "If those Sentai are so strong…why not just summon them as your minions?" a voice asked from behind Starline. "?!" Starline tensed as he quickly turned to look at the figure...before he recalled what the figure said, "...Summon them you say?" The figure stood tall, taller than a normal Mobian and the size of a human. They were clad in a dark black robe-like coat as long hair swept to the side obscured most of their face. "If their powers are so unpredictable, just turn them into expendable forces," the figure replied simply, "That way there is no loss of personal agency and you still gain the benefit of their abilities." "...Of course...now it makes sense," Starline whispered, holding his chin in thought as he looked back at the screen, the glare from them reflecting off his glasses, "In order to defeat a Sentai...you must use a Sentai…or rather..." he paused as he looked at a screen, showing a databank for the Gears Tojotendo have under their possession with each one showing a different Sentai Symbol, "Multiple Sentai…" "Maybe next time you shouldn't overthink the part you don't understand. And look for a better path," the figure spoke as they walked off. Barashitara walked out as he ignored Starline and looked at the figure, "He's here…the 'Demon Prince'..." he scoffed, "This, should be entertaining." he chuckled as he walked away. > GEAR 10: Tangled up Hooligans! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =LAST TIME!= Secchan screamed, sliding past the camera in the base before a crash went off and he tumbled over =Ohh~= he rapidly shook his head before taking flight =A World based on races outran Sonic! To get his speed back, he became a new Zenkaiger with a giant mode like the Kikainoid members of the team, tune!= he gawked =That doesn't seem like logic, tune! But then again Sentai is weird like that, tune!= "AYANE MAELSTROM SAKURAI!" "BWAH!" Kaito yelped, and hit Flash on the side making him falling out of bed onto Vroon. "Snrt?!" Vroon stood up, sending Flash off and onto Juran, who yelped and waved an arm that hit Gaon in the gut, causing him to gag and kick, hitting Sonic's cot and sending him smacking face-first into the ceiling. "Ah…What is going on?" Juran groaned. "Why'd you hit me?" Gaon complained as Sonic grunted, trying to get his head out of the ceiling, "Ah! Sonic-kun is stuck!" "What was that scream?" Amy asked, looking around with wide eyes as Magine hugged her while shivering like a leaf. "Ohh…" Yatsude cringed, "That is a scream I haven't heard since Kaito, Flash and Roll were kids." "I didn't do it!" Kaito's voice panicked. "It's a good thing he's so good at making the impossible possible, or I would worry more," Magine muttered. "Wait, who screamed?" Amy asked. "That…was Skye," Yatsude replied. "Ite-ite-ite-ite-ite…" Ayane whimpered as Skye brought her through a secret tunnel by the stairs, followed by a sleepy Haseo and a worried Roll carrying said Haseo. "What happened!?" Kaito shouted, running down while still in his PJ's with the Geartlinger in hand. "Did Some one attacked?!" Flash came in a smoke in his PJ's with his sword in his hand. =Doesn't look good, tune= Secchan noted as the others came down. "Ayane, do you have something to tell Amelia?" Skye asked. "Who?" Kaito blinked as he was given a hoodie to put on at least. "He means me," Amy replied, "...Wait. What did Ayane do involving me?" "Your full name is Amelia?" Flash asked as the HedgeLynx mumbled something. "Say it louder for her to hear," Skye ordered, giving a tug on the grasped ear. "Ah!" Ayane yelped, "Mmmm~ I-I…" she mumbled. "Oof…The ear pull," Kaito cringed, his hand going to his ear as a phantom pain lanced through it, "Ayane must of did a big no-no to earn that." "Oh... Did she." Flash muttered seeing that bit his toon had disappointment init."...Amy, are you missing anything?" "We share a room with Magine," Amy pointed out, "I think I saw my hairbrush last week." she tapped her cheek in thought, "...Did she do something with my hairbrush?" "Ayane…" Skye warned. "Mmm…I-I took it, b-but I was trying to make it better and…" Ayane began before Skye moved his thumb and made her body tense up in pain, "Gh!" "Something tells me this is more than just my hairbrush?" Amy blinked. "Considering how difficult it seems, I'll have to say it," Skye frowned at Ayane, "She blew it up." "...Huh?" "I-I didn't mean t-to," Ayane mumbled. "I'm guessing she wanted to improve it and she did something that caused what she was putting into it to blow up?" Flash guessed. "Yes," Skye confirmed before giving Amy an apologetic look, "I'll make sure to pay for a replacement, Amelia. And as for you…" he frowned at Ayane, "You are grounded, missy. No working on any Geartlashers, no EX Gears, no improving anything for three days. And your allowance is going to be used to pay for the replacement brush for her." "Um, you don't have to do that. It was…" "It was your property that Ayane took without permission and then destroyed," Skye stated, "I'd be more forgiving if she had simply made a 3D print of it and gave the original back the same day, but she did not." he looked at Kaito and Flash, "Kaito, Flash, I'm trusting both of you with her while I lock down everything in her room until her grounding is over with." "Okay…" Kaito nodded. "...You're not as excited as I imagined…" "Well…I can't ruin the mood with my wanting to befriend her. That can still happen, but I'm not making it part of your punishment. What do you take me for?" "...and I'm gonna see and check on her that she won't escape and run to the lab" Flash told." Also I'm not found of her taking things without permission, so I'm gonna be extra vigilant." "Attaboys," Skye nodded, releasing Ayane's ear before quickly getting into the secret entrance and closing it behind him followed by locks clicking and an alarm being set going off on the other side. "...Wait. I thought when someone is grounded, they're meant to stay in their room," Vroon tilted his head. "Well obviously that wouldn't work on someone who only wants to be in their room where all their gadgets and dangerous science stuff is," Juran argued, the HedgeLynx quickly hiding behind Roll, "Sides, maybe this will help her get out of her shell a little." "So…Ayane being grounded means she has to go outside?" Magine tilted her head. "That seems right. But still, it's not that bad. The brush was getting old," Amy noted, "What were you even trying to put into it?" "A small heating system to help with d-drying quills after a shower or bath," Ayane replied. "Oh! That sounds neat!" Amy beamed, "And a lot of help with helping them dry faster, too!" "Well gonna have to wait on that project," Sonic muttered, "'Cause she goofed up bad~" he teased. "Mmm…" Ayane whimpered as Roll gave the hedgehog a deadpan look. "What? She did. You act like I'm not allowed to treat her like the slightly jerky person she is," Sonic pouted. "Well maybe if we get her to become our friend, we'll find she's really nice," Kaito offered, "She's gone through a lot of effort to help some of us, so maybe we can turn this from a punishment into a good thing." "Hmm…I do think there is one thing we could do," Flash noted, looking at the paper. "Eh?" everyone looked to him. "Ah! No~! Not a museum~!" Kaito exclaimed, holding onto the frame as Juran and Sonic grunted, pulling at his feet, "Anything but that, Yachan, Flash!" "You need more education," Yatsude argued, "And this is a brand new one that just opened recently, so it might be something you haven't seen in a museum before!" "Yeah, Beside I love to go to museums"Flash told." I really like to learn about things. Especially history and archiology." "It feels like Kaito-san is the one getting the punishment," Roll whispered to Haseo. "Uhn," Haseo nodded, "Ano..Yatsude-san? Flash Onni-chan? What...kind of museum are we heading to exactly?" "Hmm…Something about stones or gems…" she muttered. "I think we established that the genius gene is rare in this family…" Sonic muttered. "AH! He escaped and is climbing!" Juran panicked as Kaito climbed up a street light with little issue like some kind of monkey. "Oh not again," Flash groaned, "Haseo-chan, get the normal." "So is the super human body thing…normal?" Sonic asked. "I think nothing about Kaito is normal," Amy muttered, "I don't think that even you have gotten up after the amount of punishment he's taken." "No kidding…" Sonic muttered, "And I've gotten plenty of earfuls before from Sal…" "What's the normal Haseo is supposed to get?" Vroon asked as Haseo dug around his white tail before pulling out a blue sniper gun, aimed it at Kaito, and pulled the trigger before a tranquilizer dart hit him in the behind. "Gh!? Ah…" Kaito groaned before he fell off and landed in Gaon's arms. "He'll be fine by the time we get there," Flash assured as he patted Haseo's head, "But fair warning, he gets huggy when tranqed." "Very…" Haseo muttered. "This is my responsibility alone to burden~" Gaon declared with rays of sunshine around him. "I could carry…" Vroon began. "I said this is mine to burden!" Gaon snapped at Vroon, making him jump. "Ahh! G-gomen!" "We need to have a talk to the kid about how he treats them like woodland critters…" Juran muttered to Magine. "Wholeheartedly agree…" she muttered. "Come on. Let's go to the museum," Roll smiled as she picked up Ayane, who had been trying to crawl away without notice, and walked off. "Oh this should be fun! I can't wait to see how your sister hides in a public museum," Sonic chuckled. "Mmm…" Ayane pouted at that. "Ahh…sweet Chaos I'm bored…" a Mobian lemur yawned as she rested on a bench outside a large yet decent sized museum building. Like with any Mobian she stood a slight bit shorter than the average Humans and Kikainoids, she had white fur, with gray fur around her muzzle, ears and forming rings along her long lemur tail. Dressed in a short sleeved black bodysuit, with dark orange stripes on the side, with an amber sleeveless top, amber and black hi-tops, and her hands wrapped in black sports tape to form fingerless gloves with amber sports tape around her wrists, and dark orange padding on the back of her hands. "Seriously…you'd think with all the Kikanoids and robot attacks, something exciting would happen..but nope…." the lemur sighed as she looked up at the sky, "Barely anything happens here…outside of finding jewels for Jewel of course…" she puffed up her cheeks as she looked at an orange phone in her tail, "And no new vids since that lynx girl's. And boy was Roll acting weird when that new ninja mech in the video before that. And Flash wasn't there but a new zenkaiger. Seriously, I…" "I think this is the place." "Hmm?" the lemur blinked, looking to the side to see Kaito's and Flash's group approaching the museum, her eyes widening a bit when she saw Roll, 'No way…' "Can you put me down?" Kaito asked, being carried by Juran now over his shoulder…while tied up. "Are you gonna try to climb the nearest post?" "...Maybe…" "Then no," Juran replied. "It was my turn to carry him, you old hunk of rust…" Gaon complained. "Mmm…" Ayane whimpered, in the same precariment as Kaito but held over Amy's shoulder. "Are you sure we need to keep her tied up?" Amy asked. "She tends to run away when she gets grounded, so yes," Flash replied. "Why are you so s-s-strong…?" Ayane mumbled. "I am a girl of many abilities," Amy smiled. "Well least w-" Roll began. "HEY~! ROLL~!" "Hmm?" Roll blinked before something flew over the group, "?!" "Hey! Long time n-" the lemur began, looking back at them to wave...before she ended up crashing into a lightpost, "Oof! I...did not…see that there…" she groaned as she slid down. "Eh? …Tangle-chan?" Roll pondered. "Tangle-neechan?" Haseo tilted his head. "Hm? You know what just hit that lightpost?" Flash asked blinking twice as the lemur slowly got up and shook her head quickly to clear out the proverbial cobwebs. "Ooh…Yeah, really be careful of lightposts here…they're not made of wood like in Spiral Hill Zone," she groaned before Roll glomped her. "Tangle-chan!" Roll cheered, "Oh, it's been so long!" "Huh, wh-AHH! ROLLY!" Tangle beamed as she returned the hug, "OH, IT'S BEEN SO LONG~!" "I think they do," Magine noted to Flash as the two ended their hug. "Minna, this is my friend Tangle," Roll introduced, "Tangle-chan, these are Vroon-san, Gaon-san, Magine-chan, Juran-san, Sonic-san, Amy-chan, Kaito and Flash onni-chan." "Oh yeah~You were the ghost in that old guy's house, weren't you?" Tangle recalled, her tail pointing at Kaito. "Oh they remember me, don't they?" Kaito blinked at that, "Maybe I shouldn't have done so many pranks…" "They had a drawing of you they'd show around!" Tangle grinned, "It was so silly looking! Like a round body and noodles for limbs with a funny face!" she looked at flash then." And you would be the one who pranked roll that time." She said her tail pointing at Flash. "Yup, and it was worth it." Flash stated proudly. Not seeing roll giving a annoying look as she muttered something quietly. "Man, Rolly talked alot about you two especially flash since they told me you were cute that time." she looked around the group before grinning and her tail snapped out, scooped up Haseo, and pulled him into a big hug from her, "Oh, you are just as huggable as ever, Haseo!" "Mmm-hmm-mmh!" Haseo muffled out. "Oh, she's a hugger!" Gaon beamed as Haseo managed to get out of the hug as she hopped over to Amy….with Ayane hiding behind her. "Hiya! I'm Tangle!" Tangle greeted before blinking twice, "Ohh, ya got grounded again, didn't ya?" "Mmm…Y-You jerk…" "Hah? You're not still mad about the volcano, are you? I said I was sorry and even brought ya strawberries!" "I don't think this one follows all the same rules." Flash muttered, pointing to Ayane. "Oh…eh. I'm sure she'll blossom once she's gotten used to people more!" "That seems like a far off dream…" "Hey!" Ayane complained. "Do you want to socialize?" Juran argued. "No…but n-no need to be rude!" "You have no problem being rude…" Vroon pointed out. "And pushy…" Magine deadpanned. "Mmm~" "Guess she couldn't grab a mascot outfit in time before her groundin'?" Tangle asked. "Hai/Yup" Roll, Haseo and Flash nodded. "Ah…So whatcha up to?" Tangle asked. "We heard about a new museum opening and aunty Yachan suggested we go to it," Flash explained. "Mmm~" Kaito whined. "He doesn't like learning unless it's done in an unexpected fun way," Roll whispered. "New mu-Oh! That's Jewel's museum!" Tangle beamed. "Wait, let me guess…another friend?" Juran asked Roll. "I've never met her in person," Roll replied, "Just mentions from Tangle-chan." her tail wagged, "But this does mean I get to meet her now!" "This trip is slowly becoming the best day ever~" Gaon cheered. "On the one hand, new friends zenkai!" Kaito beamed before pouting, "But it's still a museum…" "Just go with it cuz..." Flash deadpanned "Think you can give us a tour, little lady?" Juran asked. "Sure! I'm sure Jewel will be okay with it!" Tangle beamed as her tail stood up and pointed to the museum, "Everyone wanting to see the museum, follow me~!" "That is one flexible tail," Flash noted. "I learned how to do some things with my tail from her when we were younger," Roll giggled as she followed after the lemur. "Huh….neat," Flash noted as he and the other began to follow. "Mmm…I'm honestly hoping for a Tojitendo attack…" Kaito muttered. "You fools!" Boccowaus snapped, slamming his hand and sending all his generals and officers flying up and eventually falling down, "How are you all losing to idiots, teenagers, and low class scum!?" he slammed his fist a few more making them all bounce around against their will. "We…have…been…trying to…develop…" Ijirude tried to speak. "A…counter…measure-!" Eggman grunted. "But…we…we…need…time!" Ijirude finished. "And what of the rest of you!? What feeble excuse do you have for failing to destroy the Zenkaigers!? You call yourselves amazing fighters and warriors…but so far I've seen you all fall to an idiot teenager in white…by kicking you in the lugnuts! Some even multiple times in it!" "Those kids plays dirty…" Hood cringed. "Very much so…" Drago muttered, his snout wrapped up in bandages. "Didn't you pride yourselves on being the evil ones?! Why are you surprised by dirty tactics?" "We…we don't expect them from the good guys…" Tundra muttered. "What nonsense is that?! This is a battle! You take the advantage wherever it comes! How are these idiots doing what you're supposed to, but better?!" "You know, he makes an oddly good point…" Eggman muttered. "With all due respect, my lord…" Lien-Da grunted as she got up, "None of us expected them getting something new, whether it's a new member or weapon and turned things around on us." "Plus the Worlds we've gotten were complete idiots!" Thunderbolt snapped. "That much is true…" he sighed. "Personally, I think you've all done a great job~" Gege chuckled, "Those gag reels of how many times Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin had kicked you all in the lugnuts? Saved to my personal playlist." "..." Hood and Drago shared looks of cringe, realizing that they may be in for more future pain given how Eggman and Boccowaus were contemplating with the same expression. "Hmm…If one World ain't be enough for keehauling these Zenkaigers, perhaps we need to be deploying two and see if that be makin' the difference?" Battle Kukku suggested, rubbing the underside of his beak in thought. "Possible, yes," Ijirude spoke, "However, we would need to pick out options. The last thing we need is a World who makes it snow…paired with a World that makes it endless summer…" "I get the weirdest feeling they'd just bicker and sing about being Mr. Snow and Mr. Sun or Mr. Ten Below and Mr. 101," Tundra muttered. "He gets it," Ijirude sighed, "We'll need to look into that idea more. For now, it's safer for us…to send them in one at a time and plan around their ability. But we do prefer if we could get back to work on our countermeasure to beat the Zenkaigers. We have made great headway after Starline's latest suggestion." "Yes…this will be fantastic!" Eggman added, "We can beat that annoying Zenkaiser, the stupid Zenkai Gin, Sonic, and any other pest who gets in our way!" "As long as it brings my empire a victory!" Boccowaus snapped. "We just need more time to finish the elements needed for powering it," Ijirude added. "And we have a perfect design and plan for the implementation," Eggman smiled. "Hmm…If I were to do this, then hopefully I…" "HEY JEWEL!" "AHH!" a diamond-colored female Mobian beetle in a pink business suit yelped in surprise, ending up dropping the paperwork in her hands, "T-Tangle!" "Sorry!" she sheepishly called out. "Ah…" she turned to pick up the paperwork only to blink and see it already collected into a neat stack and held out for her by Sonic. "Here ya go," he smiled. "Oh…th-thank you," the beetle slowly blinked a bit as she took her paperwork back. "Whoa~! This is amazing!" Amy awed, looking around with Magine at the various gems scattered about on displays, podiums, and cases. "Ah! T-Tangle, what's going on…?" the beetle asked. "I brought people wanting to see the museum!" Tangle beamed as her tail grabbed Roll and pulled her over, "Oh! Jewel, this is Roll. Roll, this is my best buddy from Spiral Hill Zone, Jewel!" "Ano…Konnichiwa?" Roll greeted. "Um…hello?" Jewel greeted back, "Wait…You're Roll? As in the Roll who helped keep Tangle safe the times she'd go out of the town on her 'adventures'? And the one whos family introduced her to her love of strawberries?" "Eeyup!" Tangle grinned before licking her lips, "Mmm…Your mom's strawberry chocolate chunk cookies were the best!" "Her cooking was always amazing," Kaito added happily, "I miss those old days when we were tiny, huh Roll?" "Same here. It was so much easier to crawl through the underside of the house when playing hide and seek," Roll sighed in remembrance. "Yeah and the time we tricked aunty lane into giving us the cake which your dad had." Flash added. "Wait that was mine!" Roll told flash. "Oh... Well... It was nice." Flash told sheepishly as roll growled at him. "Childhood best friends from across dimensions," Sonic explained, "Nothing out of the ordinary from us." "Really?" Tangle blinked at that as Jewel gawked. "My Tousan and Kaachan were scientists and friends of Flash parents who were also friends of Roll's Tousan," Kaito explained, "They made a lot of…complicated sciency stuff. I mean, I don't get how you make machines to explore the multiverse." "Me either.." Flash muttered trying to remember how. "I heard all that and I seriously don't get it…" Tangle groaned, swirls in her eyes before shaking her head. "Your father and thereparents made something to explore different universes?" Jewel asked. "Well, it was more of an experimental viewer made by Kaito's and Flash's parents, but it malfunctioned and Tou-san ended up on Earth and made friends with everyone thanks to Kaito and Flash being themself," Roll explained, "After that, they got a functional way to travel the multiverse. Kaa-chan refused to let Tou-san leave her side for weeks after he got home. We did lose contact for a bit until Mobians and Kikainoids began to appear on Earth." "That was around the time Kaachan and Tousan vanished," Kaito recalled. "And sorta long story short on my part…Eggman messed me up while I was fixing our original world, and it resulted in both Mobius, Kikaitopia, and Earth fusing into a new one," Sonic added. "Uh…" both tried to understand. "Blame Eggman for us showing up here," Flash summarized. "If he wasn't evil…I'd thank him. But he seems like kind of a butt," Gaon added. "I'd believe it," Tangle muttered. "Agreed," Jewel shuddered, "I was really lucky that he attacked the Golden Hive Colony just a day after I left, but it was still terrifying to realize what happened." "Golden Hive Colony?" Magine repeated. "Two friends of ours are considered the last two members of it after what Eggman did," Amy explained, a sad look crossing her face before gasping on seeing a set of jewels shaped like honeycombs in a framed case on a wall, "Oh! That's some of the jewelry they made!" "Oh! It almost looks like real honey!" Magine awed. "Wow, I never realized how little I actually know about your world," Flash spoke up, "What was Mobius like before?" He turned to his Mobian friends. "Honestly…peaceful yet…" Sonic paused as he sighed a bit. "We were constantly at war with Eggman and his Dark Legion," Amy added. "My mind's kinda got two different memories I'm still sorting through thanks to Eggman's mess up…" Sonic grumbled. "He never got near Spiral Hill," Tangle noted, "We only really heard stories." "Scary…horrifying stories," Jewel added with a shiver. "So are things much better now? Even though you're on Earth?" Kaito asked. "It was startling at first," Jewel admitted. "I almost beat up a buncha Kikainoids thinking they were Eggman's robots," Tangle sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, bopping herself on the top of her nogging with her tail, "Then again, I never really saw any of his 'bots before." "I was just glad that I had been holding the jewels I had collected when that weird light happened," Jewel sighed in relief, gesturing to the exhibits, "With a bit of help, I managed to get this finally opened. Hopefully, I can make another back home if we ever figure out a way back to Mobius, but this will do alright for now." "This is quite amazing," Vroon noted, "What made you decide to make a museum all about jewels?" "Well…I always wanted to open a museum, and Tangle would often find some rare looking jewels now and again," Jewel explained, "It would've been a shame if we ended up just selling them, so I decided to open up a museum to help display all the rare jewels Tangle finds, and from where I grew up." "We often went together on expeditions to find rare gems," Tangle added with a grin. "And oftentimes I end up having to save her now and again," Jewel rolled her eyes with a slight giggle. "Oh I get it, you're Adventurers!" Kaito awed. "YUP!" Tangle beamed, "Best gem finders ever!" she then sighed, "Though not a whole lotta gems at the moment to be found. Lately, it's been sooo boring~!" "You call the city getting invaded at least once a week boring?" Flash chuckled, "You realize just last week a Giant Robot performed an elbow drop off a skyscraper onto a robot kaiju…" "Hey, yeah! Speaking of, I'd like to ask that we not do that again," Gaon muttered. "Yeah, but it wasn't anywhere near us," Tangle sighed, "A lot of the stuff doesn't happen near here." "What about the mushrooms?" Gaon asked. "Mushrooms?" Tangle tilted her head. "She put herself into a two day food coma at an eating contest," Jewel explained. "Lousy Walter beat me by half a bite!" Tangle complained. "What about the boxing?" Juran asked. "I blacked out during that," Tangle noted as Jewel cringed as she rubbed her left eye, "But when I woke up, Jewel had a black eye, some of the builders were roughed up, two of the Kikainoid guys had their necks really long like that silly boxing robot game, and it looked like a tornado went through the whole place." "Tangle must've been infected by Boxing World and then Great Boxing World," Roll noted. "Well, what about when everyone got frozen?" Sonic asked. "She slipped on the ice and knocked herself out," Jewel sighed. "What about when everything went all samurai movie?" Gaon asked. "I think I was a kunoichi like Roll was," Tangle tried to recall. "Well lucky you…you don't get sucked into the endless nonsense. Not us…cause it's our job…" Magine sighed. "Wait, really!?" Tangle gasped, stars in her eyes. "Do you not recognise us?" Flash blinked, "we transform in public like all the time. This guy has screamed off rooftops he is…Zenkaiser." he motioned to Kaito. "In the bathroom…in the kitchen…really e-everywhere." Ayane muttered. "Zenkaiser desu!" Kaito shouted…already flashing into Zenkaiser while striking a pose. "He…has learned to do that really fast…" Roll muttered. "He sped up the process into microseconds…" Ayane awed at his clear defiance of physics. "EEEE~!" Tangle squealed, multiple stars in her eyes, "SO COOL~!" "How did you not know it was him? Kaito threw the concept of secret identity into space and let it burn in the sun," Sonic pointed out. "I mean…most times I am suited up," Zenkaiser muttered as he reached for his helmet…and just slid it off in a single motion, "I never have a reason to take the helmet off." "Yours comes off?" the Kikainoids gawked. "Wait…are you guys…not wearing helmets?" Flash asked. "No…that's my actual face when I transform," Magine added. "Ours are reforged," the boys added. "Tangle stopped breathing…" Kaito muttered, putting his fingers to her neck as she just…stood there, "Nope yeah…she passed out from over excitement." he nodded as she fell over. "Nee-chan," Roll spoke. "Hai…" Ayane sighed, reaching into her hair and pulling out a smelling salt that she handed to Roll, who proceeded to snap it in two and put the pieces under Tangle's nose. "GAH!" she gasped, shooting up immediately, "Phew…thanks!" "Wait…can someone else put the helmet on?" Sonic asked, taking Kaito's helmet and tried put it on…but it wouldn't fit. "D-Dummy, it's part of his suit. It won't reform around your b-bloated head…" Ayane sighed. "Now you tell me," Sonic deadpanned as he took the helmet off his head. "Wait!." Tangle yelled making them look at her." How can I forget this. Your Zenkai Gin." She pointed at Flash. "Yup, didn't think you forget that I was even seen in the broadcast and even make them with roll...." "Oh, how can I forget. You're first appeared as a zenkaiger when tye giant sushi World thing attacked and you can also do magic. Rolly never did that. How do you do it." Tangled asked excitedly. *BANG!* "?!" "Wasn't me…" Kaito shook his head as he put his helmet back on. "Don't move!" the group turned to see a trio of figures standing in the doorway. The first was a purple-furred Mobian weasel with a prominent snaggletooth, a stetson covering his head, a pair of brown gloves and boots, and a belt around his waist as he held up a revolver gun that was smoking a bit. The second of the trio was a Mobian Duck with green feathers and a red neckerchief around his neck while the third, and largest of the trio was a Mobian Polar Bear with a red beanie on his head,a pair of brown and light brown mittens with red wrist straps, a pair of brown-toed red and black boots with gray soles and yellow shoelaces, and a green scarf around his neck. "Oh great. These guys…" Sonic muttered to himself. "Who're they?" Zenkaiser tilted his head. "The Hooligans." "The wh-" "Alright, listen up!" the weasel spoke up, a bit of an Australian accent to their voice, "As of this moment, this Museum and all in it are property of the Hool-" "Oh~! Hey, Nack Nack! Look at all the stones!" the Duck awed as he looked around the area. "Gh…!" the weasel grunted in annoyance, "It's Fang, Bean! FANG!" "..." "Oh I know. Right, Bark?" Bean nodded to the polar bear, "He really needs to decide what his name really is." "Are…these supposed to be bad guys?" Zenkaiser blinked, "They seem too…goofy even by our standards for bad guys." "...What…is…that?" the Weasel blinked, spotting Zenkaiser. "I think we can relax." Juran grunted while taking a seat. "Kaito, try not to hurt them too bad. They might just be down on their luck," Flash called out. "Hai-hai~" Zenkaiser happily cheered. "Hey! We are not down on our luck!" Fang snapped as Bark tried to avoid looking at the weasel. "But didn't you say we needed some cash to fix the get-away car before we tried to go after anything like a bank or place with big money?" Bean muttered. "Your Ducky friend seems much more honest." Zenkaiser noted. "Hey! He's not a duck!" Fang snapped. "I'm not?" Bean blinked. "He's not?" Zenkaiser blinked, before his hand shot up and caught a bullet Fang shot at him, snatching the bullet out of the air before it hit anything, "Hey~ That's not safe! If you shoot me, it could ricochet off and hurt someone!" "Wha…how…what?" Fang blinked as Zenkaiser flicked the bullet between his finger and thumb. "Here you go." Zenkaiser flicked it back as it struck Fang's forehead and knocked him over. "Nack, no~!" Bean screamed, "He was so youn...he was so ha…he had so much left to live for…ah…" "Ugh…" "Oh, goody-goody! He's still alive!" Bean cheered. "Are we sure he's not a duck?" Juran asked. "No, it's the shape of his beak," Roll replied, "Great-Great Uncle Woody had the same kind of beak." "Eh? But he looks like a duck," Juran argued. "It's kind of hard, but there is a subtle difference between species at times for certain bird Mobian species," Flash assured, "He is not a duck." "Well if he's not a duck, then what is he?" Vroon asked. "Hm? Who am I? Oh, I know who I is!" Bean beamed as he clapped his hands together and pulled them apart…revealing a large stick of lit TNT as big as him. "What the heck?!" Zenkaiser gawked. "Imma Bean the Dynamite!" Bean cheered as he threw it at Zenkaiser, "Fly, Bessy, fly!" "Hey, that's imateable!" Zenkaiser complained, catching the stick in his hands and holding it tight till it exploded harmlessly in his gloves, "Impressionable youth can copy that stuff you know!" "Haseo-kun is a good boy," Gaon argued. "Oh wait. That's right. It's just Haseo. …Uh…nevermind." Zenkaiser changed his mind on that point. "Eh?" Haseo tilted his head. "Nothing." Flash assured patting his head "Oh wow..he caught it…" Bean blinked..before he pulled out more sticks of lit TNT, "Lucky I have more!" "Wait!" Zenkaiser shouted as Bean froze mid-movement, "My turn, my turn, my turn!" "Oh! Okay~" Bean nodded. "I…uh…Bean…what…" Fang muttered with a look of just shock, "I…that…it's…" "You okay, Nacky?" Bean asked. "Just…an aneurysm from sheer stupidity…" "Wow…didn't know you were that stupid, Nacky…" Bean tsked, earning an annoyed look from the weasel as Bark shook his head. "Sentai Gear!" Zenkaier shouted, slotting a new gear and cranking his Geartlinger. =NI-JUU-SAN BANG~! GOGO~FIVE!= "Go Blaster Rescue Mode!" Zenkaiser shouted as a new gun formed in his hand, he aimed an unleashed a powerful pressurized stream of fire extinguishing foam spray, completely dousing the trio of would be crooks, putting out Bean's explosives and jamming Fang's gun, preventing either's weapons from being operable, "Disaster averted!" Zenkaiser saluted. "Wow…What was that all about?" Sonic asked. "Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive," Ayane explained, poking her head out from her hiding spot behind Roll, "A Sentai who are Rescue workers first. They were formed to save their world from super disasters and from evil demons seeking to end the world. They are also a Sentai formed entirely of five actual siblings." "?" Bark raised a brow. "Ah~! Oh…" Bean gasped, falling to his knees as he picked up one of the sticks, "Oh Bomby…You were so close to the kaboom…" he got up, "Don't ya worry, Bomby and his family! You may not be able to do the kaboom…" he clapped his hands and he pulled them apart, revealing a cartoon bomb as big as his head, "Your relatives shall make up for it! Except for Uncle Clyde. No one likes your Uncle Clyde. Aside from the floor, but the floor is evil!" "No…" Zenkaiser sprayed him again, "No…no…No." he sprayed Bean with every time he said 'no'. "Rrow! Hiss! Angry cat noises!" Bean snapped as he ran away from Zenkaiser as he gave chase, still spraying him until Bean ran past Bark and slapped his hand, "Tag in!" "You don't blow things up…do you?" Zenkaiser asked. "..." Bark rolled his eyes before cracking his knuckles. "...Oh you just punch," Zenkaiser noted before Bark punched him hard, sending him crashing through the wall of the museum, "...You just punch really hard…" he groaned. "Ah! Kaito!" Gaon gasped. "I'm good!" he called out, "All these papers cushioned my fall!" "Ah! My paperwork!" Jewel exclaimed. "Okay, what is…this!? Since when is there a superhero who can just show up?" Fang asked, looking at Sonic and Amy. "That would be Zenkaiser, the human superhero of this world who protects it from being destroyed and overtaken by the fusion of Eggman's army and an army of sentient machines who have conquered the Multiverse," Sonic explained, "Oh…also, his super power is he never gives up." "Shwa!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping out and kicking Bark, sending him flying even further away. "Oh wow! Bark can fly! Bark can fly!" Bean cheered, flapping his arms happily before spinning around to Zenkaiser with a smile while holding up another bomb, "I can make the whole building fly, too!" "Bad ducky!" Zenkaiser lifted his fist into Bean's beak, making him groan and slowly slide down, "No more explosives! Only fists! You have challenged me! Come at me!" he shouted as he began chasing Bark. "!" Bark grit his teeth as he narrowed his eyes before throwing a punch that countered Zenkaiser's, causing the ground to shatter around them. "...I~te~!" Zenkaiser exclaimed, rapidly shaking his hand and blowing on it, "Ooh! That punch stung! You are one strong polar bear!" "Hah! Of course…and Bark is also holding his fist in pain…" Fang muttered, seeing the polar bear doing the exact same thing Zenkaiser was doing. "You realize that suit can survive a building caving down on him, right?" Flash smiled, "If anything, the reason he hasn't whooped your butts is 'cause he's just goofing around. I've seen him fight real bad guys…he goes much harder than this." "I will…gah!" Bean coughed as he was hit again. "I said no bombs!" Zenkaiser complained, "AH! Why did I use that hand?!" he cried in pain. "Yep…goofing around," Those who knew Kaito sighed. "How is he making those explosives?" Ayane muttered. "No…" Roll ordered, pulling her back behind the Hedgefox. "But Onee-chan~" "You're grounded," Flash reminded, making Ayane pout. "Don't swing important stuff around!" Zenkaier grunted, grabbing Bark in a scissorhold with his legs, while holding Bean in a headlock and grinding his knuckles on his head. "Grr…" Fang growled out in annoyance, "Am…am I seriously being ignored?!" "Oh sorry," Zenkaiser blinked before he twisted around and tossed Bean into Fang, before flipping Bark up…and slamming him down on both of them, "If you wanted me to treat you like serious bad guys…just had to ask." "Ow…" Fang groaned underneath the duo. "Hey, uh…Roll, you know his beak. What is he?" Juran asked. "Woodpecker." "Majide?" Juran gawked as Roll, Flash Haseo, and Ayane nodded, "Alright. Hey, little woodpecker guy!" "Mmm?" Bean muffled out under Bark as Juran reignited the dropped cartoon bomb and rolled it over to the pile. "Your bomb wants to go outside," Juran informed. "Hah?!" Bean exclaimed, pulling himself out of the pile to scoop up the bomb and walked outside, "Mr. Bomberkin, I told you to go before we left the house! Oh, you are embarrassing us and…" everyone jumped on hearing the explosion outside, "YAHOOHOOHOOEY~!" a few moments of silence followed before the door opened and a Bean with his feathers, beak, and clothes all covered in soot walked in, "I apologize…Mr. Bomberkin had explosive diarrhea…" he walked back to the pile, lifted up a confused Bark, coughed out a cloud of smoke, and then dropped the polar bear back on him and Nack. "Why~?" Nack groaned as Bark decided to just wave his scarf like a white flag, finding this more insane than his normal routine could deal with…and he was friends with Bean. "Okay, good, you give up," Zenkaiser pulled out his Geartlinger again and began cranking another Gear. =NI-JUU-HACHI BANG~! DEKA~RANGER!= With that, the three found themselves cuffed in D-Wapper handcuffs which were made to restrain stronger aliens and suppress their special abilities. "Wh…hey. Hey! What are these…?!" Fang snapped as he tried to free himself. "D-Wappers," Zenkaiser explained, spinning an extra pair on a finger, "They are made to capture Aliens and suppress their super powers. But might work on Mobians, too." the pair slipped off him finger and cuffed Sonic, "Oop! Sorry, Sonic…" "Hey!" Sonic called, about to run over only to fall flat on his face, "...Yep…They suppressed my speed…" "How did you know those were a thing?" Juran asked. "Me and Roll thought we could list what the Gears all do…but turns out they don't always do what I want, but always give me what I need," Zenkaiser explained simply. "W-Wait…Onee-chan, you did experiments…without me?" Ayane asked, "And with h-him!?" she pointed to Zenkaiser. "This was kinda before you finally had to be exposed," Roll explained, picking the lock on Sonic's handcuffs. "Mmmm~!" "Oh~, what's the matter. Jealous that roll get to experiment with kaito rather then you could with him." Flash teased making her growl at him. "That…was so cool~!" Tangle awed, looking at Zenkaizer with stars in her eyes while moving all around him, "You totally owned those guys like they were normal grunts!" "OI!" Fang snapped at that. "Quiet normal grunt!" Juran called, chuckling. "Well, I mean I've faced a lot of weirder things…" Zenkaiser muttered. "Cause you run in headfirst and end up fighting…Everything," Juran sighed. "To be fair…the angry ladies trying to kill me was nothing I was new to," Zenkaiser replied. "Something tells me he really could have used you in Highschool," Flash whispered to Roll, "Something about his stories just screams he did not understand hints." "No he d-" Roll began before the sound of something clattering caught their attention, making everyone look to see what looked like a black ball with a crude expression on it, "..." "..." Bark inhaled deeply before clamping his mouth shut. "...Oh n-" Haseo began with wide eyes before the ball suddenly exploded, engulfing the entire room in a thick green gas, "AHH!" "AHH! SKUNK STINK!" Sonic panicked. "Ack! No~! Evil! Hack! Gah! Shouldn't have taken my helmet off! Should not have taken it off!" Zenkaiser gagged. "Argh~! What is this?!" Gaon exclaimed. "Skunk stink!" Sonic wheezed. "Those fuzzy black and white fluffy critters make something this foul!?" "How are you even smelling this?" "I asked Skye-san to make me something to let me smell! Regret! So much regret!" "Why are we still gettin' punished?!" Fang cried, being carried out of the museum with Bean by Bark, the polar bear sporting watery eyes as he held in his breath. =ZENKAI GIN~!= "Hurricane Nippon!" Zenkai Gin shouted, quickly making a strong wind to blow out the cloud of nauseous fumes…to reveal the now empty museum as all the gems and jewels on display were gone, "?!" "Ah! It's all gone!" Tangle yelped, "Ah geez…Jewel, I….Jewel?" she blinked as she looked around, "...uh….has anyone seen Jewel?" "..." "...oh no…it happened again!" Tangle panicked, her tail sticking straight up as she put her hands on her head, "She got kidnapped!" "Hah?!" Both Zenkaigers gawked at that. "Everytime she goes into a panic attack, she curls up…and she ends up looking like an actual jewel if her back is turned!" "What kind of luck is that…?" Zenkaiser sighed. "...Uh…Kaito, buddy?" Zenkai Gin spoke up. "Hm?" "Where's your Geartlinger?" Juran asked. "Oh, it's right here in my hand," Zenkaiser replied as he held up an onion on a stick, "..." he looked at the confused faces on everyone, "...What? …I didn't write my name on it in my sleep, did I?" he looked at the onion, "Oh, no I didn't." he chuckled, "It's just an onion on a stick. See? Nothing wrong at all, minna! It's just…just…" Zenkaiser threw it on the ground, "An onion on a stick?!" "We worry about him," Haseo spoke up honestly. "Eh!?" Zenkaiser gawked, "Ah…Et tu, Haseo?" "It's True." Zenkai Gin spoke making Zenkaiser depressed even more. "Well, at least we know you don't need to keep it on your person to stay transformed," Sonic noted, keeping his nose pinched as Amy pulled out a can of Febreeze and started spraying it about. "Yeah…but as I know it, Kaito's is DNA locked, and without it…isn't he stuck in that suit?" Amy pointed out. "AH!" Zenkaiser panicked, "How do I pee!?" "Do you see what logic does around here?" Zenkai Gin sighed to Amy. "I know it's my fault, but it had to be pointed out," Amy countered. "Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man!" Tangle ran around in a circle, hands to the sides of her head with a panicked expression on her face, "What do I do? What do I do? What do I…" her frantically moving tail caught her legs, tripping her, "Whoa!" she tumbled along the floor, hitting Zenkaiser. "Whoa!" Zenkaiser yelped as he fell and ended up rolling with Tangle as a gray and white ball. "Oh Tangle-chan…" Roll sighed, facepalming. "Heh heh…boy what a haul!" a pair of voices laughed as a group of humans, Kikanoids, and Mobians were busy tending to a pair of Skunk Mobians, a large burlap sack near them as they laughed. "Those idiots didn't know what hit 'em!" the shorter of the two skunks laughed, tossing up a gem stone as a female Mobian cat was fanning him, "All we had to do was wait for them to deal with those Hooligans for us…" "And we used your special stink bomb to grab everythign in site!" the larger of the two laughed as a human woman and a male Kikanoid were busy rubbing his arms, "It was brilliant, Rough!" "Only I can come up with a plan like that, Tumble," the smaller of the two grinned, "Now then…you mentioned you found a pretty big jewel in there?" "Oh yeah I found it on the ground near all those other guys," the big one smiled. "Then show it!" Rough grinned as Tumble reached into the sack and pulled out a rather large jewel, "Oh look at…..uh….buddy?" "Yeah?" "Turn it around." "Huh? Wha…" Tumble began as he turned it around..and saw that it was in truth a very scared Jewel, "..." "D…don't hurt me…" Jewel whispered, looking like a deer in the headlights at the moment. "What's the matter with you!? You kidnapped somebody!" Rough snapped. "Well I didn't know! I thought she was a jewel!" "...I'm a beetle," Jewel stated, an annoyed look on her face. "So wh…wait. Rough, aren't Jewel Beetles considered really rare?" Tumble asked. "About as rare as honey made from a bee of the Golden Hive Colony," Rough replied. "...Think we might fetch a pretty penny if we sold her to someone?" "What…?" Jewel whispered with wide eyes. "Be pretty difficult, but I think we could." "Wow…you are like…the worst possible people ever…" Sonic spoke up, appearing next to them, "Is that a 'your parents didn't love you enough' thing, or do you both have some severe brain problems?" "?!" both jumped, "What the…?!" "So…who're you guys supposed to be anyway?" Sonic asked before blurring out of the way of Tumble's thrown fist, "Missed me~!" "...who are we?" Rough asked with a grin. "You lookin' to scrap?" Tumble asked as he cracked his knuckles. "Then get ready to crumble!" Rough added. "You better brace yourself for…" Tumble began before the two did a pose together. "Rough and Tumble!" "...snkr…" Sonic began to snicker, trying his best to hold the laughter in, "Oh no….they have a cringy motto…" "You take that back!" "No." "Uh…what now?" "Wow, you guys are dumb…" Sonic rolled his eyes before looking at the other people there, "And let me guess…part of your gang, or you got a 'protection agency' going on here?" "The latter!" one of the Kikanoids exclaimed. "They agreed to protect our homes from Tojitendo and Eggman's forces!" A Mobian dog added. "But in exchange, we had to be their servants or else they'll wreck our homes," a human female added. "And th-they're planning on selling me!" Jewel added from her hiding spot. "Well yeah, but keep in mind…they're idiots…" Sonic sighed, "Chances are they thought they could sell you to a zoo…" "No we didn't," Tumble denied. "And you just confirmed it," Sonic grinned. "Oh yeah…well take this!" Rough snapped as he threw a black ball at him. "Seriously? Y-" Sonic began as he dodged it..until it let out the same green smoke when it hit the wall, "Ack! Skunk stink again! Ugh! Ptoie! Why?!" "We're skunks! Bein' stinkers is our craft!" Rough laughed. "Found ya!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping through the smoke and drop kicking the two skunks, "I followed the stink! And I fixed my helmet so now I can't smell ya!" "Yer mad 'bout th' onion on a stick, ain't ya?" Tumble asked. "What do you think?!" Zenkaiser snapped, holding up said onion, the stick cracked and the onion dented. "Hey! Dat was my lunch!" Tumble complained. "And you have my friend!" "Wh-" Tumble began before he was slugged in the side of his face, the 'fist' belonging to a certain lemur as she stood nearby. "Hey, what was-ACK!" Rough coughed as Zenkaiser kicked him across the face, "Cheap shot!" "Bad Guys can't complain!" Zenkaiser, Sonic, and Tangle all spoke in unison. 'Those three are in synch!' many of those under the skunks' 'protection' thought with disbelief before one Kikainoid froze on feeling someone tap his shoulder, making him slowly turn to see Flash. "Shh…" Flash squashed quietly, "They won't be able to do much 'protection' after they poked some very big buttons from them." "Hai, hai. Silent party outta here if you don't wanna see the messy beatdown," Juran quietly added, pointing away from the five. "Shwa!" Zenkaiser called out, punching Rough again. "...Lead the way," one Mobian whispered as they began to follow the two. "You come back here!" Tangle complained, chasing Tumble, "You need so many more punches for scaring my best friend! I'm not kidding, you stop running!" "SHUT UP!" Tumble snapped as he ducked under a thrown fist from her tail, "And that's not fair! You got a big fluffy tail you can punch with! All I have is a stub!" "How'd that happen anyway? Were you trying to cut down a mouse and it got you to chop yours off?" Tangle asked. "No!" "Is that a yes?" Zenkaiser and Sonic asked. "It's totally a yes," Tangle smirked. "SHUT UP!" Tumble snapped as he grabbed her tail and pulled. "Uh-woah!" Tangle yelped as Tumble threw her around before sending her crashing into Sonic and Zenkaiser. "I got ya!" Zenkaiser spoke, catching them and only skidding back a few meters. "Oh thanks Kaito…you are sturdy as a rock…" Sonic muttered. "I'm a Rock!" Zenkaiser shouted as he put them down as he rushed in and clotheslined both Skunks. "Ack!" Rough and Tumble coughed as the former fell over while the latter staggered back. "Oh I'm gonna break your face in with that helmet, you spandex weirdo!" Tumble snapped, cracking his knuckles as he slugged Zenkaiser across the face. "It's not spandex," Zenkaiser replied, punching Tumble back, "Get it right sir!" he slapped him, making him blink. "Did you just…" he was cut off by another slap, "Stop that!" "No," Zenkaiser spoke, swinging his leg and tripping Tumble. He then stepped over and grabbed Tumble's legs and pulled them back as far as he could, making Tumble cry in pain from the hold, "Say uncle!" "NO!" "Say U-" Zenkaiser began before he quickly let go, ducking under a tail swipe from Rough, a nearby crate suddenly cut in half, "Eh?!" "Hope you like my tail, ya jumpsuit freak!" Rough grinned as he attempted to swipe again, only for Tangle's tail to wrap around him as he was tossed to the other side of the room, "Fugah!" "Bad Skunky!" Zenkaiser shouted at Rough. "That is one sharp tail!" Sonic gawked before doing a spin dash at Tumble…who caught him in his hands, "?!" "Hey, guy who had my lunch!" Tumble shouted. "Eh?" Zenkaiser looked up before Sonic slammed right into his face, knocking him over, "GUFAW!" "These guys are actually kinda tough…" Sonic grunted as he and Zenkaiser got up. "That guy's really strong…and the other has a really sharp tail," Zenkaiser noted, "Guess they have a right to be stupid…" "Well you guys wanted trouble..!" Rough began as he jumped back to Tumble. "...And we're giving you double!" Tumble added as he banged his fist together. "You guys can't beat the combo of Rough…" the two skunks began as they posed again, "...And Tumble!" "...Is that even allowed?" Zenkaiser asked, looking at Sonic who was giving a deadpan expression. "It's so painful to hear," Sonic groaned, "...Think we can pull that off for the next World that shows up?" "Oh, that'd be fun," Zenkaiser chuckled, "...But what if it's one that makes us into mimes?" "Shoot, that's a good point," Sonic grumbled before both barely rolled out of the way of Tumble's punch slamming down at where they had been, cratering the ground, "Whoa now!" "Yipe! Bad touch if that hits!" Zenkaiser called before grunting as sparks came off his torso from Rough's tail swipe, the impact causing his buckle to pop open and drop one of the Sentai Gears, "Guh!" "Hm? Oh, I was watchin' ya put these into that gun o' yers earlier," Rough noted as he picked it up before reaching into his tail and pulled out the pilfered Geartlinger…covered in black and white stickers to try to imitate a skunk's colors. "Oi! What'd you do to my gun?!" "My gun now," Rough grinned, preparing to put the gear into the gun…only for the cover to not come off, "..." he grunted, trying to pull it off, "Come on, come on…" "Excuse me," Tangle spoke, tapping his shoulder. "What?" Rough demanded, turning to look at her. "My tail is gonna hurt ya with a brick now!" Tangle stated with a big smile. "Say wha…" Rough began before Tangle's tail, holding a brick, slammed down on his gun-holding wrist, "!?" he jumped up, dropping the Gear and Geartlinger, "EEYOW!" "Thank you~!" Tangle thanked, her tail dropping the brick and snatched the two items mid fall, "Hey! Catch!" She called out to Zenkaiser as her tail tossed the Gear and Geartlinger to him. "Oh no you d-!" Tumble began before a blur shot past him, making him grunt as he was suddenly swept off his feet. "Sorry~!" Sonic laughed as he skidded to a halt, "Actually, no I'm not!" "Yosh!" Zenkaiser shouted as he grabbed the items. He then spun around as the Geartlinger was suddenly cleaned and returned to its original condition. "How'd he do that!?" the Skunks gawked. "He's a Superhero…he has many hidden powers," Sonic smiled. "Now it's my turn!" Zenkaiser flipped the Gear and inserted it. "Wait, why did it work for him?!" "Duh…the people who made that invention are geniuses…it's made so only he or certain Kikainoids can use it; not Mobians," Sonic explained, "So if a couple of idiots take it, they can't use its awesome power for evil." "Awesome…power…" the two gawked. =NI-JU-KYU BANG! MAGI~RANGER!= "Mahou Keitai MagiPhone!" Zenkaiser held up a golden flip phone as it opened up into a wand, "Jiruma Maagi Magiiro!" he swung the wand as a magic circle flew out and then spread out, making things glow and then…vanish. Multiple things on Rough and Tumble's person vanishing into golden dust. "Wha…What did you do!?" Tumble asked. "All our loot, our weapons, everything! Gone!?" "I used magic to return anything stolen back to their proper owners!" Zenkaiser explained. "AAAHHH!-!-!" they panicked. "Majuna Majuna!" Zenkaiser swung the wand as he vanished, followed by Sonic and Tangle. "Where did they go!?" "Probably ran…yeah! This is their weak way of…gah!" Tumble gasped as he was punched then kicked. "Hahaha! I'm invisible!" Tangle cheered. "Speed and Invisibility…oh, this is a wonder combo for the ages!" Sonic cheered. "What…how…What is happening?!" the Skunks demanded. "Something you've never faced before!" Zenkaiser declared, "When someone has the spirit to stand up to those who use force against others. That wonderful feeling of courage springs forth, the power of Courage can become Magic! Yuki wa Mahou!" He returned to visibility as he swung his leg and kicked both Mobian Skunks across the face, "Gi Gi Giru!" He held his hands up as red flames sparked around his fists before forming into Boxing Gloves; he bashed them together to reveal the white tops with the Magiranger's symbol formed between the two. "Uh-oh…" the paled before a barrage of punches pummeled them. "Shwa!" Zenkaiser shouted, unleashing an unending barrage of punches as he juggled them up in the air with his fists, "Never…bother the people of my world…" he reared his right arm back tensing it with all he had as the glove began glowing with head, "Ever AGAIN! BURNING SCREW UPPER!" He swung a mighty uppercut as his fist ignited mid-swing and the impact with both Skunks caused a massive geyser of fire to spew and launch them into the air. The two screamed in pain before Rough yelped as he felt his tail was being pulled. He looked to see Tangle's own tail grabbing his…before he was whipped around and slammed head first into Tumble. She grunted, swinging both around in a wide arc before sending them flying off towards Sonic. Sonic yawned as he waited a bit before he curled up and began peeling out while a blue aura formed around his now spherical form. He then shot forward then up into the air to cannonball into both with the Spin Dash sending them flying once again towards Zenkaiser. "AND NEVER COME BACK! SHWA!" he roared, swinging his flaming boxing gloves as he pummeled and blasted them at the same time. "Magine, can you do stuff like that?" Juran and Amy awed as they watched from a distance. "Muri-muri-muri!" she rapidly shook her head, sending her ponytail about to slap Gaon. "This ability may have proved useful back when we faced Boxing World…" Vroon noted, writing down this Gear's power. "Mmm…" Ayane nodded, scribbling in a notebook before Flash took it and gave it to roll who hid it in her shirt, "Ah! B-But…" "Grounded," Roll reminded. "Bad, Nee-chan," Haseo scolded. "Mmm~!" Ayane whined, puffing her cheeks up a bit. "Wait, Flash can you do that..." Juran asked "Yeah, just never bother to. Learned that spell a whole back." Flash answered. Wh…how…" Jewel whispered with wide eyes. "We're kinda superheroes," Gaon grinned. "Should we worry that an overexcited Kaito might…punish them too much?" Magine asked. "..." everyone took a second to consider that, "Nah, this is fine." "AND ANOTHER!" "PLEASE STOP!/MERCY!" "Not 'till I beat the evil out of you!" Zenkaiser shouted. "AHH!" "He is just…limitless stamina," Sonic chuckled. "You have one, too?" Jewel asked. "Huh?" "Ooh! Pinata!" Tangle cheered, holding them up by her tail. "Pinata!" Zenkaiser cheered, already blindfolded with a bat. "Ah! No~!" both skunks freaked. "...Oh my god…she's a female Kaito," Juran whispered, optics wide with oil dripping down his head. "Mistakes have been made," Vroon gulped, optics wide and his glasses slipping in fear. "They say everyone has their twin…best match…etc…?" Magine muttered. "On the one hand, they're bad guys…on the other, Kaito-kun and Tangle-chan are so happy…" Gaon mumbled. "Eh.. I can handle it." Flash simply said. "How?!" The others asked. "I worked with a hyper energy girl my hole life and I lived with kaito." "Oh.." "Hey, batter-batter-batter SWING!" Tangle shouted. "IKUZE!" Zenkaiser cheered. *THWACK!* "GYAHAHAHAHA~!" "Well, I mean they did kidnap an innocent person and consider trying to sell said person," Amy pointed out, "Along with their other illegal activities. But the 'kidnap and sell someone' part… yeah, this is earned and I don't think we should stop them anytime soon just for that alone. Or 'till the one kidnapped thinks it's enough." "O-Oh! U-Um…" Jewel gulped. "And switch!" Zenkaiser declared, holding the skunks up by a rope as Tangle spun around, a bat in both hands and one in her tail. "Behold, the best idea I got from reading this awesome comic!" Tangle declared, "Three Bat Style - Lemur Edition!" "OH NO~!" both screamed. *THWACK-THWACK-THWACKITY-THWACK-THWACK!* "Um…Maybe five more minutes then stop?" Jewel suggested. "You heard her, five more minutes!" Flash smiled, taking a seat and making popcorn appear in his arm with Magic to enjoy what was to follow. "...wha…?" Rough and Tumble paled at that. "SWING!" Zenkaiser cheered. *THWOCK!* "AIIIEEEE~!" "Oooh…" Flash, Gaon, Juran, Vroon, Sonic, and Haseo cringed. "Our…kiwis…." "Wow…you really don't hold back, huh?" a human police officer muttered as they came to collect Rough and Tumble, they didn't believe it at first but given the Zenkaigers called they figured it must be worth something to try. "I mean…they are kind of garbage people," Zenkaiser replied, still transformed so as to further validate things. "The worst," Tangle agreed. "Oh totally," Sonic nodded. "Absolute scum," Amy added. "Here's their confession," Flash added, holding up one of there Camera Gears. "We have been meaning to think of how to…collect the new wave of…I guess, Supervillains…" a human officer muttered. "Which…most came from Mobius…" a Mobian Bulldog officer chuckled sheepishly. "But since the notable ones always book it after the Zenkaigers beat them black and blue…we figured it'd be best to let them handle it 'till…you know laws and stuff catch up to the freaky new world." "Politics, am I right?" Juran joked. "I mean it always sucked…but even with how good this is going…kinda…hard to make everything work with a new world order." the police officer muttered, "It's why we are so thankful for you Zenkaigers, you make things just a little easier on us." "And losers like this don't exactly help things," the Mobian Police officer sighed, "But maybe now we can get some stuff moving in the right direction." "That's great to hear!" Tangle cheered, "Just, uh, ignore the squeaky voices alright. That's their natural voices." "Dey're not…" Tumble squeaked. "Quiet you," Zenkaiser ordered. "You heard the superhero," The Mobian officer spoke, shoving them into the back seat. "I really must thank you all for helping with my being kidnapped and the theft of all the stuff in my museum," Jewel noted. "No problem, thanks to magic, it's like nothing even happened," Zenkaiser chuckled, "Sorry, the spell only works on inanimate objects though." "It's alright," Jewel assured. "I made sure to lock the door behind us after we left, so there's no worries about people going into the museum while you've been away," Flash assured as the police left. "Oh! Th-Thank you," Jewel bowed with a grateful smile. "My competent friends are getting along so well," Tangle chuckled, rubbing the underside of her nose with a finger…before her stomach and Zenkaiser's stomach rumbled at the exact same time. "Ugh…Food~!" both whined. "Oh right…" Zenkaiser grunted, undoing his transformation, "Gang way!" Kaito shouted, running for the nearest bathroom. "...Was he…" Amy began…before shaking her head, "Nevermind…" "Considering I feel that our presence is what caused all that happened to you today, I'd be more than willing to cook for you both back home as an apology," Roll offered. "Best buddy!" Tangle beamed as she glomped the HedgeVixen. "It's the least we can do," Flash offered, "Fixing it and getting everything back was what we would have done regardless, so consider this the method of our making it up to you. Chaos tends to follow us…and we mostly blame Sonic and Kaito for it." "Hey…" Sonic frowned before shrugging, "Eh, that's fair. I am a pretty chaotic guy at times. Just ask the security at the needle tower place I keep freefalling off of that Kaito has failed to once get a bungee connected to, let alone jump off with said bungee." "Ooh…I know him…" Tangle cringed, "I...tried rope jumping off the top with my tail." "Many mistakes have been made," Vroon whispered, in a huddle with the other Kikainoids of the team. "Oh, those poor guards if they work together," Magine groaned. "I get the feeling we're now stuck with her," Juran noted in a deadpan tone, "Kaito has more than likely attached to her like a sibling." "I don't get what's wrong," Gaon noted, "More fluffy friends is great!" "We should probably warn Yachan about this," Magine gulped. "Yosha!" the other three agreed before all four turned to the others. "Ah, minna! We'll go on ahead and check up on what ingredients might be needed tonight," Magine offered. "Hai, hai. Gonna be a big ol' welcoming party to two new friends after all!" Juran laughed. "Sweet! Party!" Tangle whooped. "I don't know…" Jewel whispered, "I need to rearrange all the jewels and crystals that were taken, then finish up the paperwork I need to do…and redo the paperwork that got ruined in the robbery…" "Aww~ But Jewel~! It's free food!" Tangle argued, "And it's with new friends, too!" "I'm back!" Kaito declared, making most of them jump, "What I miss?" "Giving Tangle and Jewel a party as both a 'sorry for the museum and kidnapping' and 'hi new friends' feast," Flash replied. "Sweet!" Kaito smiled, "Well let's go! Yatchan will love to meet you." "Eh? B-But…" Jewel began. "Jewel-san, think of Kaito as a male human Tangle-chan," Roll sighed. "O-Oh dear…" Jewel squeaked, her eyes wide. "Wait…Roll…where's your sister?" Flash blinked. "..." Roll left in a blur before coming back, holding up the tied up Ayane, "She had a secret tunnel near here she was trying to open." "Mmm~" "Ahh…well let's go!" Kaito declared. "Hai! S-" Vroon began before he took notice of something, "Hmm?" "What's wrong, Vroon?" Flash asked. "I don't recall this building being here before." Vroon spoke, looking at a nearby building, "If I recall, this was an empty lot soon to be built upon." he explained, "I even wrote it down on my map of the area," he pulled out a little notebook with a very detailed map of everywhere he'd been today. "I didn't magic that…" Kaito shook his head, having full trust in Vroon's memory, "So…what happened?" "First time I'm seeing the place," Sonic added as everyone took notice of the building Vroon was looking at, "Looks like a smoothie joint kinda." "Smooth what?" Vroon asked. "Hah!? You don't know what a smoothie is?!" Tangle gawked, "Uh, Rolly?" "I have several recipes for smoothies to let him try before we waste money on going to an actual store," Roll replied, "Seriously…last time I checked one out in the shinjuku ward, that was downright highway robbery for how small those so-called 'large' cups are…" "I still do not understand. What is being smoothed?" Vroon muttered. "Eh. We'll show ya once we get back to our place," Flash shrugged. "Yay! Smoothies!" Tangle and Kaito cheered. "I still don't understand!" Vroon complained as his head spun around. "It's a drink made with liquid, frozen ingredients, ice-but that can be ignored if you use frozen ingredients-, and mixed up in a blender," Magine explained. "I think Magine and I went to that place you were talking about, Roll," Amy admitted, "It was delicious, but the prices were outrageous! And how was that supposed to be a large?! It was obviously a medium!" "I'm more than happy to let you help with making them, Vroon," Roll offered. "Oh! That sounds most educational!" "The normal chocolate and strawberry one, Tangle-chan?" Roll asked. "Always!" Tangle cheered. "B-Blueberry, please!" Haseo called, his tails wagging. "I'll take strawberry and cream, please!" Flash called out with his hand up. "Come on! Smoothie Zenkai!" Kaito cheered. "Yatta!"