Misty's Adventures in Galar

by Brian Sheil

First published

A young school girl who's down on her luck is ready to go on a journey in the world of Pokémon

On the first day of school, Misty was thrown out unjustly. To rise from this disaster, she's given a chance to become a Pokémon trainer in Galar. There will be a lot of names from My Little Pony Generation 1 you might recognize.

1. Enter the Galar Region

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It's a brand new year in Canterlot High School. However, there was a lot ruckus going on. It's as if somebody is hurting somebody.

"You bothersome brat!" Said the voice of an angry man. "Nobody must ever trust you! Now, GET OUT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR!"

A young sixteen year old girl got thrown out. She has sky blue skin and curly teal and blue hair. She wore a green polo shirt, black Capris, and white sneakers. Out steps a white skinned man with black hair and wearing a black suit.

"And, I swear by the legendary warrior: Grogar," The man bellowed, "don't you dare come to this school for any reason. Or, YOU'LL BE ARRESTED FOR TRESPASSING! Now, SCRAM!!"

The man slammed the doors shut.

"You mean brute!" The girl called out. "You'll regret this!"

The girl walks away with tears in her eyes. Her name is Misty Brightdawn. She was abandoned by her parents at an orphanage run by a woman named Opaline. She kept the kids there in check. She was very rotten to Misty. Ever since Misty was adopted by a kind woman named Porcina, Misty's outlook was better. Opaline was not convinced that Misty can do good outside the orphanage.

Later, Misty was sitting on a couch crying her eyes out. In walks a hefty, but kind pink skinned woman with brown hair. This woman is Miss Porcina. She was told about what happened.

"That Mr. Charlatan." Porcina said with disgust. "He had the nerve to do this to you."

"He was as cold as ice." Misty sobbed. "Trouble is, he doesn't represent Canterlot High School."

"That man always uses information to disgrace kids he don't like. He'll probably stop you from going to Crystal Prep and Griffonstone too."

"Then, what am I going to do?"

Porcina then gave her adopted girl a suggestion. "Perhaps you can follow in the footsteps of Sunset Shimmer."

"The Kalos Region champion?" Misty gasped. "You mean I should be a Pokémon trainer?"

"Correct. However, I think you should travel to a different region. I suggest Galar would be your destination."

Misty thought about it. She then made a decision. "Miss Porcina, it's a deal!"

The next day, Misty landed in an airport located at the Galar region. She was greeted by a sky blue skinned woman with white hair, and wearing a deep blue jacket over a white shirt, teal skirt, and blue platform shoes. Soon, she drove Misty to a little peaceful town. Inside one of the houses, the two ladies share time with each other.

"So, how do you like Postwick?" The woman asked.

"Pretty nice, Miss Wind Whistler." Misty replied. "I can't believe I'm in a region of the Pokémon world."

"I can understand how you feel, Miss Brightdawn. But, trust me. This experience as a Pokémon trainer will help build up confidence."

Soon, in steps a young boy with dark brown hair. By his side is a round sheep type creature.

"Hi there, Miss Wind Whistler!" The boy greeted.

"Hello there, Hop." Wind Whistler replied. "Stopping here on the way to Wedgehurst?"

"You bet. My brother, Leon, is coming home from his travels. I'm looking forward to this."

Misty was a little confused. "Who's this Leon character?"

Wind Whistler gave Misty some useful information. "Leon is the Galar Region's undefeated champion. Hop is Leon's little brother."

"Someday," Hop said, "I'll surpass my brother and become the Galar Region champion!" He then looked at Misty. "How about coming along? You won't believe the reception my big brother gets."

Misty thinks it's a good idea. It's not everyday you get to meet a champion. Soon, the two youngsters walked through Route 1.

"Wow!" Hop gasped. "I heard about Mr. Charlatan. He as cold as a blizzard."

"I know." Misty replied sadly. "After being kicked out of Canterlot High School, I was afraid of going to other schools like Griffonstone, Cloudsdale, and Crystal Prep."

"I get it. You're afraid he'll show up at any of those schools too."

Misty nodded. Later, they arrived at the village of Wedgehurst. They soon arrived at the Train station.

"Wait until you meet my brother, Misty." Hop said. "I would like to see a battle between Leon and the Kalos Region champion: Sunset Shimmer."

"Sunset Shimmer." Misty murmured. "Who can live up to her?"

A train soon comes into town. Many people are waiting for a special person. Soon, a young man with deep blue hair and wearing a regal outfit steps out to greet the crowd. After striking a pose, the crowd went wild.

"Hello, Wedgehurst!" The man announced. "Your champion has returned!"

When Misty heard that announcement, she was shocked. "That's Leon?"

"That's him." Hop replied. "He and his Charizard are an unbeatable team."

Leon finishes his speech to the people. "Keep training and keep believing in yourself and your Pokémon."

Soon, Leon walks up to his little brother. "Good to see you, Hop. You grew about an inch and a quarter since I last saw you."

"Thanks, big brother." Hop replied. "This girl is Misty Brightdawn. She recently came here from Canterlot City."

"Canterlot City. Home of the Kalos Region champion: Sunset Shimmer. I watched her battle against Diantha online."

"Wow!" Misty gasped. "I'd like to see that battle someday."

Leon got everybody's attention. "Let's head back to Postwick. I have a present for you two."

"Cool!" Hop replied excitingly. "Race you there!"

Hop rushes off. Misty was shaking her head. "Is he always this eager?"

"He sure is." Leon replied. "He's determined to strive to battle me one day."

Later, at Postwick, Leon presents the two youngsters three ball like objects.

"Are those Poke Balls?" Misty asked.

"Yes!" Hop answered. "They no doubt have the starter Pokémon of Galar."

Leon threw the balls into the air. "Come on out, everybody!"

Out popped three different creatures. A green chimp with a stick, a white rabbit, and a blue water lizard.

"These are the three starters." Leon explained. "Grookey: the Chimp Pokémon, Scorbunny: The Rabbit Pokémon, and Sobble: the Water Lizard Pokémon."

"They look so cool." Misty said happily.

"Now then, which would you guys like?"

"You choose first, Misty." Hop suggested.

After looking at them for a minute, Misty made a choice. "I'll take Sobble."

The little lizard was happy to be with a kind trainer. Hop made his own decision. "I'll take Scorbunny."

"Then, I'll take Grookey." Leon said. "Come on, you two. Let's get a good night's rest. Tomorrow starts a new adventure!"

Later that night, Misty was slipping on a magenta long sleeve nightgown. She then heard a knock on the door.

"Misty, may I come in?" Wind Whistler asked.

"Yes, ma'am." Misty replied.

Wind Whistler came in wearing a pair of red pajamas to talk to Misty.

"Getting nervous." Wind Whistler asked.

"A little." Misty replied. "Thanks for letting me journey all over Galar."

"Not a problem. This is the main reason you came here in the first place." She then gave Misty a warm hug. "Good night, Misty."

Misty was happy that she's going on a journey with her Pokémon. Meanwhile, in a location at Maretime Bay, Miss Opaline is enjoying a cup of coffee while thinking of what was talked about. So, Misty is at the Galar region to become a trainer. This should be intetesting.

End of Chapter 1

2. The Adventure Truly Begins

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The next morning, Misty wakes up from a peaceful night's sleep. She looks outside the window and sees how peaceful Postwick looks. She feels very good to begin her own Pokémon journey. After getting dressed, she came downstairs where Wind Whistler was waiting for her with a big back pack.

"If you're going on a journey," Wind Whistler advised, "you're going to need a backpack with useful items, including five Poké Balls."

"Oh." Misty replied. "For catching Pokémon. But, don't I need a Pokédex to learn about Pokémon?"

"I'm sure you'll get a Pokédex somewhere."

After receiving a warm hug from her host, Misty sets off on her journey. But, just as she steps outside, she saw Hop panicking in front of a broken piece of fence.

"What's wrong, Hop?" Misty asked.

"A Wooloo was practicing a Tackle attack on this fence yesterday." Hop replied. "When I came here, the fence was broken." He started to panic more. "That Wooloo must've broke on through!"

"What is beyond that fence anyway?"

Hop gave her a grim answer. "The Slumbering Weald. It's a place that people aren't supposed to go to."

Misty got concerned. "That Wooloo is in there somewhere. We have to go find it."

Misty charged ahead. Hop got concerned, and went after her. The pair made their way into the woods. The fog was very thick. They both figured why this place is not safe. Suddenly, they saw a dog like Pokémon they haven't seen. They brought out their Pokémon for battle.

"Sobble," Misty said, "Water Gun!"

Sobbke fired a stream of water at the creature. But, no effect. Hop tried hid luck. "Scorbunny, use Ember!"

The Rabbit Pokémon fired a small flame burst. That had no effect either. The fog soon thickened up. MInutes later, the two trainers slowly woke up.

"What happened?" Misty asked.

"Thank goodness I found you two." Said a familiar voice.

It was Leon. He went to see if they were all right.

"Leon!" Hop gasped. "How did you find us. You're horrible with directions."

"Thanks a lot, little brother." Leon replied. "I got worried about you both and started to look. What were you doing here?"

"We were trying to find a Wooloo who barged in here."

Leon pointed to the missing Wooloo being comforted by Charizard.

"That's a relief." Misty said. "Must've been brought here while we were out cold."

Leon gave them a stern talking to. "You know this place is off limits for various reasons. But, I do admire your courage for coming here, and your reason for doing so."

"Thanks, Leon."

"There's more to this, big brother." Hop interjected. "While looking for Wooloo, we saw a powerful Pokémon we never seen before. The attacks of our Pokémon had no effect."

This has Leon thinking a little. "There are legends about a Powerful beast lurking in Slumbering Weald. When you two get stronger, perhaps you'll discover the answer to this mystery. For now, let's leave this forest. I'll be here to protect you."

As the trio leave the forest, Hop gets more excited. "We may have gotten an earful from Leon, but this experience was worth it. This is the first page of my legendary story!"

"Easy, Hop." Misty said. "Take it down a few notches."

The two adventurers returned to Poteick to rest upafter this experience. After getting some rest, Hop and Misty made their way back to Wedgehurst.

"You see that building with the purple roof?" Hop said. "That's the Pokémon Research Lab. I think you should check it out."

"Okay." Misty replied. "I hope I can find a Pokédex there before I start catching Pokémon."

"Don't worry, Misty. You won't be disappointed. As for me, I better train my little Scorbunny. See you later."

As Hop runs off to train his Pokémon, Misty makes her way to Wedgehurst. She enters the Research Lab, and is surprised to see Leon there.

"Leon!" Misty gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I figured to help you get on your way to your journey." Leon replied. He looks around the place, and all of the shelves of books. "I'll give Professor Magnolia credit. This place is kept organized."

"I thought I recognized your voice, Leon." Said the voice of a female occupant.

They looked up and saw a young lady with red hair and wearing a tan trench coat over a yellow shirt, gray pants, and black shirt. She walk down a stairway along side a pudgy looking yellow dog.

"This young lady is Sonia." Leon said. "She helps out well in this place. That little fella with her is Yamper, the Puppy Pokémon."

As Misty pets this little puppy, Sonia looks at Leon with interest. "So, what brings you here today, Leon?"

"Sonia," Leon said, "I would like you to help Misty here to get started on her Pokémon journey." He then turns to Misty. "I'll see you later."

As Leon leaves, Sonia looks to her other visitor.

"Leon told me about you, Misty Brightdawn." Sonia said. "He said that you're starting a Pokémon journey here on Galar."

"Yes, I am." Misty replied. "I want to see if I can do as good as Kalos Region Champion, Sunset Shimmer."

Sonia then pulls out a red rectangular device. "Then, you'll need this Pokédex. It'll help you on your journey."

Misty takes the Pokédex, and is very grateful. "Thank you, Sonia."

"The person you should thank is Professor Magnolia." Sonia replied. "She's my grandmother. And, she lives in a small cabin at the end of Route 2."

Misty nodded, and left the lab. She looks at the road ahead of her.

"Okay." Misty said to herself. "Now that I have a Pokédex, I can catch some Pokémon."

Meanwhile, in Maretime Bay, a deep magenta skinned woman with white hair looks at her laptop. She wore a blue jacket over a white shirt and black tie. She also wore a purple skirt and black shoes. She then closed her laptop, and started talking on her phone. "Squirk, we are taking a trip to Galar."

End of Chapter 2

3. The Dynamax Discovery

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Misty walks along Route 2 to visit the home of Professor Magnolia. She ran into Leon on the way, and was given 20 extra Poke Balls. Suddenly, she saw a small blue bird with yellow on the bottom.

"Cool!" Misty said as she pulls out her Pokédex. "A Rookidee."

The Pokédex spoke with a gentle female voice. Rookidee, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. Whether it wins or loses a battle, it gains a little strength from each battle.

Misty then gets out her Poké Ball, ready for battle. "Sobble, I choose you!"

Sobble comes out and is ready for action. Rookidee gets ready to peck at Sobble. Misty quickly reacts. "Dodge! Then use Water Gun!"

After avoiding Rookidee's Peck, Sobble spits water at the bird. Taking out a Poké Ball, Misty makes her move. "Poké Ball, GO!"

The Poké Ball connects, and absorbs Rookidee. After a few shakes, the Poké Ball clicks. Misty picks it up, and holds it up proudly. "I caught my first Pokémon!" She then cuddles her friend. "Good work, Sobble."

They soon heard rustling. Out pops a creature mostly colored black and white.

"That looks like a Zigzagoon." Misty said as ahe studies it with her Pokédex.

Zigzagoon, the Tiny Raccoon Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It always looks around relentlessly for a fight.

"A Galarian Zigzagoon looks so cool. Let's catch this one too."

Then, a female voice calls out to Misty. "STOP!"

Out steps a young girl with flowing red hair. She wore a lime green short sleeve shirt, blue bib overalls with the cuffs rolled up, and deep blue sneakers.

"Please, let me catch that Zigzagoon." The girl said. "My little friend, Grookey, is looking for a friend."

Misty saw this green monkey with a stick on its head. She studied about this Pokémon.

Grookey, the Chimp Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It uses it's special stick to strike hard and fast.

"Well," Misty said, "I don't see why not."

"Thanks." The girl replied as she turns to her friend. "Grookey, Tackle!"

Grookey moved fast and hit Zigzagoon. But, it soon kicked up some sand.

"Oh no!" Misty gasped. "That's a Sand Attack!"

"Quick. Dodge!" The girl called out. "Then, use Branch Poke."

Grookey avoided the sand, and used its branch to whack Zigzagoon on the head. The girl took out a Poké Ball and threw it. "Poké Ball, GO!"

The ball made contact and absorbed Zigzagoon. When the Poké Ball clicked, it's a sign that the Pokémon is captured.

"You did it!" Misty cheered. "You caught that Zigzagoon."

"I sure did." The girl replied. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Paradise."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Misty Brightdawn."

"Pleasure to meet you, Misty. Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to visit Professor Magnolia who lives in a cabin at the end of this route."

This gave Paradise an idea. "How about I come with you? I'm just waiting for my friend. A young girl named Firefly."

"That's a good idea." Misty replied. "Where is this Firefly?"

"Along Route 1. She and her own partner, Scorbunny, went there to find a Pokémon she spotted earlier."

At that moment, a light magenta girl with blue hair walked out of the Pokémon Center in Wedgehurst, very happy. She wears a white shirt, blue pants with black suspenders, and black shoes.

"I can't wait to show Paradise what I caught." The girl cheered. "She's probably still waiting for me at Route 2."

Meanwhile, Misty fed Sobble and Rookidee some Pokémon food she brought along while Paradise read something on a tablet she brought with her.

"Sobble, the Water Lizard Pokémon." Paradise read. "When it cries, it looks like it's in a field of onions."

"That sounds like something from my Pokédex." Misty figured.

"It's a Pokédex app on my tablet. It has information on over one thousand Pokémon."

"One thousand?!" Misty gasped.

"Yep. This includes those that were first found in the newly discovered Paldea Region."

Then, the girl who left Wedgehurst approached the duo.

"I take it this girl is Firefly." Misty figured.

"Good guess." Paradise replied.

"Hi, Paradise." Firefly greeted. "Me and Scorbunny found the Pokémon we were looking for."

Scorbunny stepped out and stood proudly. Misty examined this Pokémon.

Scorbunny, the Rabbit Pokémon. The Pokédex said. When the pads on the bottom of it's feet generate heat, that means it's ready to fight.

Firefly soon spotted Sobble. "Is that a Sobble?"

"That it is." Paradise replied. "Misty here is it's trainer."

"Misty, huh? Nice to meet you."

This made Misty smile. As she was heading out, Paradise and Firefly rushed up to her.

"Hold up." Firefly said. "Let us tag along with you."

"Firefly has a good idea." Paradise added. "If legendary Pokémon trainer, Ash Ketchum, can have traveling companions, so can you."

"Good point." Misty replied. "The more the merrier, as they say. Let's go."

The trio soon arrived at a nice looking cabin. There, they saw Leon chatting with an old lady wearing a lab coat and using a cane.

"Misty!" Leon calls out. "Hello, there. I see you made a couple of new friends."

The old lady approached the girls. "I am Professor Magnolia. It's nice to meet you, Miss Brightdawn."

"You know about me?" Misty gasped.

"Yes. From Leon. He said you came to Galar to become a Pokémon trainer."

Soon, Hop came right behind them. Nobody expected him to show up.

"Hop!" Misty said. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry." Hop replied. "I'm very excited to be here, that's all."

Magnolia approached the young man. "Hello, Hop. I saw that your Wooloo made some new friends. Let's go inside."

Everybody went inside the cabin.

"You know, Misty," Magnolia said, "you should take part in the Pokémon Gym Challenge."

"Gym Challenge?" Misty replied. "You mean like what Sunset Shimmer did in Kalos?"

"Yes. But, unlike some of the regions, Galar's gyms are like stadiums. They're for many people to see."

"Oh yeah!" Hop cheered. "All we need are endorsements so we can enter the Gym Challenge."

Magnolia turned to Leon. "Why don't you endorse them, Leon. Sure, they are beginners. But, this could give them a chance to experience being trainers."

"You might be right." Leon said. "Okay, you talked me into it."

Everybody went outside for some fresh air when Leon saw something in the sky. "Whoa! What's that?"

Two strange rocks fell from the sky, and landed on the ground.

"I think those are Wishing Stars." Paradise said.

"Wishing Stars?" Firefly replied. "Aren't they part of some new discovery called Dynamax?"

"You catch on fast."

Hop picked up the two small rocks. "This could really help me. Once I Dynamax my Pokémon, nothing can stop me!" He handed one of them to Misty. "Here, you should have one."

Soon, Sonia came over. "Looks like I came into something exciting."

"You guessed right." Leon replied. "Misty and Hop are in possession of Wishing Stars."

"WOW! That's amazing!"

"Indeed, my granddaughter." Magnolia said. "I'll take the Wishing Stars and fashion them so they can be easily carried."

The next morning, Misty and Hop were given bracelets by Professor Magnolia. "Friends, these are Dynamax Bands. When the conditions are right, you'll be able to Dynamax your Pokémon. They have Wishing Stars placed in them."

Misty looks at her bracelet, and is impressed. "Cool. This is as exciting as the Kalos Region's Mega-Evolution."

"Now, our adventures can really begin." Hop cheered. "Misty, I'll meet you at Wedgehurst Station."

Hop took off, leaving the trio of girls dumbfounded.

"That Hop guy is very excited." Firefly said.

"He sure is." Misty replied. "He's determined to be as good as his brother. Maybe even surpass him."

"I think we better head to Wedgehurst Station too." Paradise suggested. "If Hop is right, it's the beginning of a grand adventure."

And so, Misty and her new companions make their way to Wedgehurst Station. With an endorsement from Leon, Misty is ready to face the Pokémon Gym Challenge.

End of Chapter 3

4. Take a Walk in the Wild Area

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Misty and her new traveling companions, Paradise and Firefly, made their way back to the village of Wedgehurst. They arrive at the train station.

"One question." Paradise said. "What Pokémon did you and Scorbunny catch?"

Firefly took a Poké Ball, and tossed it in the air. "This."

Out pops a silver bug with an orange head and yellow accents. It has two jaws sticking out.

"It's a Grubbin." Misty said as she pulls out her Pokédex.

Grubbin, the Larva Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It sometimes attaches to electric types to hide from bird Pokémon.

"Very interesting." Paradise said. "You always had a liking for bugs. Don't you?"

"I sure do." Firefly replied. "I think Bug Pokémon are very interesting. Some of them are quite cool."

Hop opened the doors of the station. "Glad you girls can make it. The train is ready to take us to Monostoke. All aboard!"

After recalling Grubbin, the girls followed Hop into the station. Minutes later, the train ran the rails. The passengers were enjoying the ride. Hop, on the other hand, was excited.

"This is so cool!" Hop shouted. "Me and Misty endorsed by Leon to take part in the Pokémon Gym Challenge!"

Misty is trying to get over this much enthusiasm. "Oh boy. If only Miss Opaline can see me now. She still won't believe this. Miss Porcina was right to send me here to Galar."

Meanwhile, in a decent looking car, two people were on the road. One was the woman who made the phone call. The other was a hefty red skinned man with pink hair and wearing a brown suit. They were Miss Opaline and her associate: Squirk.

"So, Misty Brightdawn is here in Galar." Squirk said. "Right?"

"Correct." Opaline replied. " She came here to prove her with as a Pokémon trainer. If I'm not mistaken, she's on her way to the village of Motostoke."

"That's where the opening ceremonies of the Pokémon Gym Challenge take place."

"Right. And, we're going go be there to watch this event. We shall see how far Misty will go as a Pokémon trainer."

The train makes a stop at a rest station. Misty and company got off and went outside to look at a vast area.

"Wow!" Misty gasped. "What is this place?"

"The Wild Area." Said a female voice.

In steps Sonia, the woman who Misty and Hop talked to before.

"Wild Area?" Firefly wondered.

"Yes." Sonia replied. "It's a vast place with many areas with lots of Pokémon. Some that are more powerful than others."

Hop sees something in the distance. "Look! There's Motostoke!"

The team look out and saw the big city of Motostoke. Hop ran ahead, hoping to be the best. The girls went in very cautiously. They look around, and is amazed.

"This place is amazing." Misty said. "I've never seen a place like this."

They all saw a large rock snake in the distance. Misty picks up her Pokédex to study this creature.

Onix, the Rock Snake Pokémon. The Pokédex. It's body get smoother as it ages. This is because the rough edges wear away.

"Looks a little out of my level." Misty figured.

The girls continue their trek through the area.

"Feels like each environment has different Pokémon." Paradise figured. "Wingull in rainy areas, Vanillite in snowy areas, and so on."

The trio soon came to a circular pit with energy glowing from it.

"What is this pit?" Firefly asked.

"This is one of the pits that brings out a Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokémon, depending on the power level." Paradise replied. The pit started to glow. "Get back, girls!"

The girls move back before the energy shot out of the pit. Soon, a gigantic looking Donkey emerged.

"That's a Mudbray!" Misty said as she takes out her Pokédex. "The Donkey Pokémon."

Mudbray, the Donkey Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It's doesn't get dirty just for fun. Dirt on their hooves help them get traction when they run.

Misty got out her Poké Ball, figuring that this Mudbray wants to battle. "Sobble, I choose you!"

Sobble comes out. Paradise gets ready too. "Let's go, Grookey!"

Grookey comes out to join Sobble.

"Sobble," Misty said, "Water Gun!"

"Grookey," Paradise called, "Branch Poke!"

The Pokémon unleashed their attacks on the giant Mubray. Even though the moves are effective, Mudbray was still stading. It soon unleashed an attack called Max Strike. Both Pokémon were hit hard.

"This Pokémon is too huge." Firefly said nervously. "How are you guys going to defeat it?"

Seeing that this area is now filled with energy, Misty thinks it's time for her own Dynamax move. She called her Sobble back. The energy from her bracelet glowed as her Poké Ball grew larger.

"Time to hit the big time." Misty said as she threw her gigantified Poké Ball in the air. "Dynamax!"

Sobble came out. Soon, it grew as large as the Mudbray. Paradise and Firefly were astounded.

"Let's do this, Sobble." Misty said. "Max Geyser!"

Sobble soon unleashed a giant water stream of water against the Mudbray. It was super effective.

"Bulls Eye!" Firefly cheered. "I wonder if Misty is going to catch it."

Misty took out an empty Poké Ball. The energy from her Dynamax Band made it grow. She tossed it to the Mudbray. The Poké Ball absorbed the Donkey Pokémon. After a few shakes, the Poké Ball clicked and shrunk down to normal size. Sobble shrunk back to normal too.

"I don't believe it." Paradise said. "Misty captured Mudbray."

Misty picked up her Poké Ball. "Welcome to my team, Mudbray."

Soon, the three girls made their way through the Wild Area to the steps leading to Motostoke.

"We made it." Firefly said with relief.

"We sure did." Paradise added. "That battle with Mudbray left everyone out of breath."

"Come on, you guys." Misty said. "Hop is probably in the city by now."

Misty and her friends are making their way to the city. If the duo of Opaline and Squirk are there, how will Misty react to their arrival? Find out next time.

End of Chapter 4

5. The Ceremonies Begin

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Misty and her friends arrived at Monostoke to rest up from their trek through the Wild Area. After healing their Pokémon at a Pokémon Center, they followed Hop to another part of the city.

"Arrangements were made for us to stay in the Budew Drop Inn." Hop informed. "One of the perks of being endorsed by my brother."

"Indeed." Paradise replied. "I heard about this place. Me and Firefly were invited here months ago by Firefly's cousin: Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash?" Misty gasped. "She was friends with Sunset Shimmer. Wasn't she?"

"Still is, Misty." Firefly said. "Rainbow, Sunset, and the rest of the Rainbooms still keep in touch."

Just as they made their way to the desk, they noticed a bunch of hoodlums getting their way. Some are plump, some are thin. They wear black and dark pink outfits. And, they have dark pink make up on their faces. Misty walked up to the thugs. "Hey! What's going on around here?"

One of the big thugs stepped up to answer her question. "We are Team Yell! We ensure that one particular Gym Challenger makes it to the finals."

One of the thin thugs steps up to join him. "And, nobody gets in our way!"

Misty didn't like the sound of that. "That doesn't mean you have to disrupt this place."

"Quiet, brat!" The plump said as he and his partner take out Poké Balls.

The fiends of Team Yell summoned a Galarian Zigzagoon and a small fox creature. Misty studies about this new Pokémon.

Nickit, the Fox Pokémon. The Pokédex said. This Pokémon has soft padding on its feet so it can move quietly.

Just then, Hop sees the situation and joins Misty.

"Two against one doesn't look fair." Hop said as he throws his Poké Ball. "Let's go, Wooloo!"

His Wooloo pops out ready for battle. Misty studies this Pokémon.

Wooloo, the Sheep Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Wool coming from this Pokémon is made very strong when woven into clothing.

"Let's go, Sobble!" Misty calls out.

Sobble comes out and joins Wooloo.

"Zigzagoon," the big thugs said, "use Headbutt on that wimpy Sobble!"

Zigzagoon runs out and hits Sobble on the head. Sobble wasn't hurt hard. But, it started crying badly.

"You'll pay for that!" Hop declared. "Wooloo, use Doubke Kick!"

Wooloo used its back legs to kick Zigzagoon. The thin thugs reacts to this. "Here's something for your Wooloo, mate. Nickit, Snarl!"

Nickit snarled loudly. Recovering, Sobble blew a blast of water to the Fox Pokémon. Misty was surprised to see this. "That's one powerful Water Gun."

"Gun, nothing." Firefly said. "I think Sobble learned Water Pulse."

The impacts of the attacks from Sobble and Wooloo caused Team Yell's Pokémon to be knocked out. Coming to the scene was a black haired girl wearing a black leather jacket over a pink dress. The thugs saw her and cheered for her.

"Marnie!" The big thug cheered. "We're here for you!"

"That's enough, boys." Marnie said. "Why don't you just run along and let these people stay in this hotel?"

The boys nodded and ran off. Paradise was impressed. "Amazing that someone like her would have a following."

"Are you a Gym Challenger?" Hop asked. "I'm impressed that you already have a fan club."

"I do apologize for their actions." Marnie said. "Sometimes the boys of Team Yell get carried away when supporting me." She then turned to Misty. "Perhaps we will battle each other. Farewell, for now."

As Marnie left, Misty and her friends heard somebody clapping. They soon saw Miss Opaline and Squirk applauding.

"Miss Opaline!" Misty gasped. "Are you here to give me more trouble?"

"Calm yourself." Opaline replied. "I am not here to criticize you. We watched your battle against those bullies. I must say, you are impressive."

Squirk saw Misty's wristband. "I see you have a Dynamax Band. Did you experience this phenomenon?"

"Yes, I have." Misty replied. "I saw a Dynamax Mudbray. I summoned my Sobble, and Dynamaxed him. After the battle, I caught Mudbray. It was wild."

"The Dynamax Phenomenon is a very big thing here in Galar." Opaline informed. "It must be treated with respect."

"If you have faith in yourself and your Pokémon," Squirk added, "there is no limit to what you can accomplish. The Dynamax Phenomenon is part of your journey."

Misty felt teary-eyed, knowing that Opaline is supporting her journey. She felt very honored. "Miss Opaline, Mr. Squirk, I will do my best."

"Excellent." Opaline said. "We'll be watching the ceremonies tomorrow. It will give us a chance to see how you will receive this ovation."

As Opaline leaves, Squirk shook Misty's hand in friendship. "Take care, my friend."

Paradise and Firefly walked up to Misty as they watch Opaline and Squirk walk off. The next morning, the Monostoke Stadium is packed with people. Firefly and Paradise sat in one area while Opaline and Squirk sat in another. Soon, a man wearing a light grey suit walks out to greet the crowd. A tall blond haired woman stands by his side.

"Hello, everybody." The man said to the crowd. "I am Rose, Chairman of the Pokémon League. Those of you in this stadium and watching at home have been waiting for this moment. It is time for the Pokémon Gym Challenge!"

The crowd cheered and applauded. This is a great moment indeed.

"The goal is for all challengers to defeat the eight gym leaders." Rose continued. "Once the challenger has all eight badges that person will have an opportunity to face our great champion. Now, here are the gym leaders!"

Soon seven people came out to greet the crowd. Rose introduces one at a time. First, is a burly man with curly light brown hair. He wore a straw hat, white shirt and green shorts. "First, the fighting farmer. The grass type leader: Milo!"

Milo waved to the crowd as the next leader is introduced. This is a slender woman with long navy blue hair with sky blue streaks. Her outfit is like a swimsuit with spandex shorts. Rose announces her. "A great wave of power. The water type master: Nessa!"

Nissan blows a kiss to the crowd. Next up is a gray haired man with a red shirt and white shorts. His shirt has black sleeves. Rose makes an announcement. "This veteran is fired up for action. He is the fire type user: Kabu!"

Next to come is a girl with light gray hair she wore a white and black outfit, knee pads, and is barefoot. Rose introduced her. "A powerful barefoot beauty. Nobody is better in fighting types that Bea!"

Bea bows to the crowd as an elderly woman wearing a striped outfit and walking with a cane comes along. She is introduced by Rose. "Don't let her looks fool you. She is the fairy type leader: Opal."

Next to come is a white haired man with yellow on the end. He wore a gray jacket over a white shirt, gray shorts, and sunglasses. Ross gave a good introduction. "We are ready for a rocking time with the rock type leader: Gordie!"

Gordie took off his sunglasses and waved to the crowd. Up next, is a red haired man wearing a black jacket with a lime green front and blue shorts.

"Last, but not least," Ross announced, "Is a powerful dragon type user. The most powerful gym leader here in Galar: Raihan!"

The crowd cheered for Raihan. Rose continued his speech. "We are missing one gym leader. But, never the less, let's hear it for our gym leaders!"

The seven gym leaders get a great ovation. Soon, the gym challengers came out wearing white long sleeve shirt and shorts. Both with green vertical stripes. Misty came out wearing the outfit and looks around. She is very humbled when she saw many people cheering. Later, after changing back into their regular clothes, Misty and Hop have a discussion.

"Did you see that crowd?" Hop cheered. "What an ovation! I am more pumped than ever!"

"I'm excited too." Misty replied. "Even Miss Opaline was cheering. Maybe she'll realize that I'm ready for this."

"We better get going then. The village of Turffield is first up. Bye!"

Hop rushes off. Misty is now ready for her journey. Especially with Paradise and Firefly by her side.

End of Chapter 5



Zigzagoon (Galarian)

6. Camping Delight

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In a little town in the Kalos Region, a young man looks over his tablet. He has yellow skin, orange hair in a Mohawk, red jacket over a white shirt, black pants, and brown boots. His name is Sting. Sent from a neighborhood called Dream Valley to go on a journey. He is accompanied by a Froakie.

"According to this map," Sting said to himself, "I should head through Santalune Forest in order to enter Santalune City." He then recalled his Froakie and went along. "Miss Bumble sent me to Kalos to see if I can one day battle the Kalos Region's champion: Sunset Shimmer. But first, I have to battle the eight gym leaders."

Meanwhile, in Galar, Misty and her friend make their way down Route 3 on their way to Turffield.

"According to the map," Paradise said, "we have to make our way through Galar Mine to reach Turffield."

"I will be ready to train my Pokémon for the gym battle." Misty said proudly. "Me and my four Pokémon will be ready."

"Four?" Firefly gasped. "Did you catch another Pokémon?"

"I sure did. This Pokémon will be a great help to me."

Soon, Misty and Firefly heard some rustling. They saw Paradise shake a tree, and some berries fell out. After three shakes, Paradise picked up all of the berries.

"What's with the berry picking?" Misty asked.

"We received a camping kit. Remember?" Paradise replied. "We also purchased some food mixes in the Wild Area. I figured we can use the mixes and berries to cook up some meals for ourselves and our Pokémon."

"Good idea." Firefly praised. "Why didn't we think of that?"

Just then, they saw a little puppy Misty saw earlier. It turns out to be a Yamper. Misty studies this Pokémon. Yamper, the Puppy Pokémon. A popular herding dog in Galar. When it runs, it generates electricity.

Paradise looks at this Yamper, and takes out her Poké Ball. "Grookey, let's go!"

Grookey pops out, ready for battle. Yamper runs to Grookey, ready to use Bite.

"Dodge," Paradise said, "then use Razor Leaf."

"Razor Leaf?" Misty gasped.

Grookey unleashed a bunch of leaves, and hit Yamper hard. Paradise soon prepared to catch this Pokémon. "Poké Ball, GO!"

The ball connects to Yamper, and absorbed it. After a few shakes, the ball clicked. Firefly was surprised. "You caught Yamper!"

"Dang!" Misty grumbled. "I could use an electric type."

"Don't worry, Misty." Paradise assured. "You'll find an electric type one day."

As the girls continue their trek, they saw a bright blue tent. And, near the tent is a young black haired woman wearing a pink flannel shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. She called out to them. "Hello, friends."

The girls went over to the tent area. They were pleasantly greeted.

"My name is Bianca." The girl said. "It's nice to meet you."

Misty introduced herself and her friends to the camper. "My name is Misty Brightdawn, and these are my friends: Paradise and Firefly."

"Would you like some rest while you're here?"

Misty thought about it for a moment. She gave her response. "Bianca, you have a deal."

The girls let out their Pokémon to interact with each other. It seems that they are getting along with each other.

"I like how Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble get along with each other." Misty said happily.

"Why not?" Paradise replied. "These three are the starters here in Galar."

Soon, a red six tailed fox came to nuzzle Misty. "You like our new friends, Vulpix?"

The fox squealed happily. Misty cuddled the Pokémon.

"So, Misty's fourth Pokémon is a Vulpix." Firefly figured.

Paradise looked up an entry on her tablet. "Vulpix, the Fox Pokémon. When it's born, it has six tails. As it evolves, it grows more tails."

"I get it. A fire type is useful against grass types. That's what the Turffield Gym is based on."

Bianca calls out to the girls. "Come and get it! I have Steak Burger Curry ready for you!"

Soon, everyone started to eat the food Bianca made. Even the Pokémon enjoy the food.

"This is delicious!" Misty praised. "Did you learn how to cook when you camp?"

"Yes, I did." Bianca replied. "Camping Kits usually come with gear for cooking. If you have good mixes and berries, you can whip up some tasty goodies."

"Sounds good to me."

"Hey, look!" Firefly said as ahe pointed to an unusual sight.

The girls saw two gears floating and turning with each other.

"It's a Klink!" Misty cheered as she takes out her Pokédex. "The Gear Pokémon."

Klink, the Gear Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Usually seen in pairs, the gears are always in sync with each other.

Misty had a thought. "Klink is a steel type and electric type. That's a great combo."

Suddenly, the Klink fired a small electric shock to scatter the Pokémon. Not liking that, Vulpix went to challenge this metal Pokémon.

"Vulpix!" Misty called. "Wait a minute!"

Vulpix soon breathed fire at Klink. Paradise gave advice to Misty. "Quick, catch that Klink!"

Taking out a Poké Ball, Misty tossed it at Klink. The catch was successful.

"WOW!" Misty cheered. "I caught a Klink. Thanks to you, Vulpix."

Bianca was impressed with the outcome. "Seems at the right moment, Vulpix learned Incinerate."

"That's great. That'll be a great help in my first Gym battle."

Later, the girls left the camp area, and headed for the entrance to the Galar Mine.

"Catching that Klink brought your total to five." Firefly said. "The max you can carry is six. What happens if you catch over six?"

"Bianca told me that there's a Pokémon Sanctuary somewhere at Route 10." Misty replied. "Any extra Pokémon I catch, that's where they'll probably go."

"No doubt for any Gym Challengers." Paradise figured.

As the girls head for the mine, they'll need to be ready for anything.

End of Chapter 6



Zigzagoon (Galarian)

7. Madness in the Mine

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The three friends are at the entrance to the mine where their Pokémon were healed by one of two sisters. They soon entered the mine.

"I can't believe we have to go through this mine to get to Turffield." Firefly grumbled.

"I know it's frustrating, Firefly." Misty replied. "But, at least we have a good view. And, we see plenty of good Pokémon."

As the girls walk along the mine, they saw many interesting Pokémon. Timburr, Diglett, Woobat, Drilbur, and what looks like living pieces of coal. Misty's Pokédex gives her some useful information. Rolycoly, the Coal Pokémon. This Pokémon was first discovered in coal mines hundreds of years ago.

Firefly looked at this Pokémon, and pulled out a Poké Ball.

"There's a good Pokémon for me." Firefly said. "Let's go, Scorbunny!"

Scorbunny popped out and is prepared for battle.

"This doesn't look good." Misty said nervously. "Rock types have an advantage over fire types."

"Don't worry, Misty." Paradise assured. "When you're a Pokémon trainer, you learn how to cover weaknesses."

Rolycoly began to spin fast. Misty got scared. "Looks like it's using Rapid Spin."

"Dodge it, Scorbunny!" Firefly said. After avoiding the spin, the Rabbit Pokémon is ready to fight back. "Now! Use Double Kick!"

Scorbunny kicked Rolycoly hard twice. Firefly then threw a Poké Ball at the Coal Pokémon. The ball struck Rolycoly, and absorbed it. When the ball clicked, Firefly cheered. "Yes! I caught a Rolycoly!"

"Unbelievable." Misty said with shock.

"Fighting moves are effective against rock types." Paradise informed.

Then, they heard a young male voice near the other side of the mine. "I'm not impressed."

The girls then see a young man with light gray hair, wearing a magenta outfit, and white sneakers. Firefly got a bit mad. "What do you mean not impressed? I had a grand experience catching that Rolycoly."

"Who are you?" Paradise asked.

"My name is Bede." The lad replied. "I am endorsed by Chairman Rose to compete in the Pokémon Gym Challenge."

The girls were surprised to hear that. Bede turned his attention to one of the other girls. "I heard about you, Misty Brightdawn. The Galar Region's champion, Leon, had you and his brother endorsed in this event. Big waste of time."

This got Misty angry. "I'd like to show you that I'm no pushover!"

"You want to battle? So be it. We'll have a three on three battle."

"You're on!"

The two trainers prepared themselves for battle.

"My first Pokémon is Solosis!" Bede announced.

Out popped a round green orb containing a strange creature. Misty examined this Pokémon.

Solosis, the Cell Pokémon. The Pokédex said. The liquid surrounding it protects this Pokémon from harsh conditions.

Misty decides to try beginner's luck. "Klink, I choose you!"

Klink came out for a battle. Bede is not impressed. "Solosis, let's start with Confusion!"

Solosis fired a beam at Klink. But, being a steel type, Klink wasn't hit hard. This left Bede a little confused.

"Steel Pokémon can be strong against some types." Misty informed. "Klink, use Charge Beam."

Klink fired an electrical blast at Solosis. The beam hit the Cell Pokémon good as Misty followed up on that attack. "Now, use Vice Grip!"

The two gears rushed in and squished Solosis. The Cell Pokémon soon fainted. Bede recalled Solosis and called another Pokémon. "Your turn, Gothita."

Out comes a black and light purple doll like creature with white bows on it. Misty studies this creature.

Gothita, the Fixation Pokémon. The Pokédex said. Sometimes Gothita can see things other beings can't.

"Klink, return." Misty said as she calls on another Pokémon. "Vulpix, I choose you."

The moment Vulpix came out, Bede gives out a command. "Quick, Gothita. Pound!"

Gothita gives a whack to Vulpix's head. Bede is very confident. "You have no chance against me. Gothita, Psybeam!"

Gothita unleashed a beam of white energy. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge, then use Incinerate!"

After dodging the Psybeam, Vulpix breathed fire and engulfed Gothita. The Fixation Pokémon soon fainted.

"Gothita, return." Bede said. He then took out a third Poké Ball. "Not bad for a newbie, Misty. But, here comes my third Pokémon. Hattena, you're up."

Out popped a creature of many pastel colors and what looks like a hat over it's eyes.

"Careful, Misty." Paradise advised. "That's a Hatenna, the Calm Pokémon."

Misty's Pokédex comes alive. Hatenna, the Calm Pokémon. It can sense emotions. If you're not calm, it won't warm up to you.

Misty decides to switch up her strategy. "Vulpix, Return. Rookidee, I choose you."

Bede is not impressed. "That little Rookidee doesn't look that threatening to me."

"Don't be so sure." Misty replied. "Rookidee, Quick Attack."

Rookidee gave a hard strike on Hatenna. Bede didn't like that. "Strike back with Disarming Voice!"

Hatenna sang loudly. But, Rookidee flew above the singing.

"Okay, Rookidee." Misty said. "Use Pluck!"

Diving beak first, Rookidee pecked at Hatenna. When the Calm Pokémon fainted, Bede was surprised.

"For a little bird," Bede admitted, "it packs a powerful punch. Hatenna, return."

Bede recalled Hatenna, and begins to leave. "We'll meet again, Miss Brightdawn."

As Bede leaves, Misty went over to her Pokémon friend. "I'm proud of you, Rookidee. Good work."

Rookidee felt proud. Just then, it glowed. Misty got concerned. Firefly realized what's going on. "I think Rookidee is evolving."

Rookidee was surrounded by a glowing light. It soon got bigger. When the glow faded, Rookidee was replaced by a big blue and black bird.

"This is a great moment, Misty." Paradise praised. "Rookidee evolved into a Corvisquire."

Misty used her Pokédex to study her new friend. Corvisquire, the Raven Pokémon and the evolved form of Rookidee. Corvisquire can use items to use as tools.

She was so happy, she gave her new friend a hug. "Congratulations, Corvisquire."

The Raven Pokémon felt happy to be praised by it's trainer. Minutes later, the three girls left the mine. Soon, they see a village in the distance.

"There it is!" Firefly cheered. "Turffield. The sight of Gym Battle number one."

Misty agreed. "Let's go, girls. Time for me to earn my first badge."

Meanwhile, in Kalos, Sting made his way through Santalune Forest, and sees Santalune City in the distance.

"I made it." Sting cheered. "Once I heal my Pokémon, I'll do a little training. Then, I'll challenge the Gym leader, Viola, to a battle for a Gym Badge."

End of Chapter 7



Zigzagoon (Galarian)

8. Gym Battle 1-Misty vs. Milo

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As Misty and her friends approached Turffield, a Wooloo came rolling towards them. It stopped in front of them, Milo approached the area.

"I hope this Wooloo didn't startle you girls." Milo said.

"Nah." Firefly replied. "We did get caught unaware. But, not scared."

Milo then turned to Misty. "I am looking forward to see how you'll do in your first gym battle."

"I will do my best." Misty said.

"Okay. See you in the gym."

Milo leaves back to town. The girls soon were waved to by Hop. They went over to see what he wants.

"Look over there, friends." Hop said as he points to a stadium. "That's the Turffield Stadium where the first gym challenge takes place."

As the girls look at the stadium, Hop gave them some information. "Sonia wants you guys to meet her on top of a hill in this town. She wants to show you something interesting."

"How can we find her?" Paradise asked.

Soon, a Yamper came along and barked at them. Firefly notices something. "That's Sonia's Yamper. He might show the way."

"Good thinking, Firefly." Misty replied. "Follow that Yamper."

The little Yamper runs in front of them. The girls follow it. Soon, they arrived at the top of the hill. Sonia waited for them.

"I'm glad you girls made it." Sonia said. "I wanted to show you something."

The trio saw something on the ground. It looks like a gigantic figure.

"Wow!" Misty gasped. "This is unbelievable."

"Does this has something to do with Dynamax?" Paradise asked.

"I was thinking that myself." Sonia replied. "A long time ago here in Galar, giant black clouds arrived, causing gigantic Pokémon to roam about. This frightening moment is called the Darkest Day."

The girls got a little worried. Sonia finished her statement. "I can't wait to study more. In the meantime, Misty, time for you to have your first gym battle."

"Right, Sonia." Misty replied. "Wish me luck."

The girls left for the stadium. When they arrived, Hop asked outside.

"Hi, girls." Hop greeted. "I got my first badge. Wrangling those Wooloo was no problem."

"Say what?" Misty gasped.

"You'll find out. Bye now."

Hop leaves the area as Misty and company head inside. Inside the stadium, Misty saw many people and Gyn Challengers gathered. She then approached a young lady who's in front of a door.

"Are you here to challenge the Gym?" The lady said.

"Yes, ma'am." Misty replied. "My name is Misty Brightdawn."

"Oh yes. One of the two challengers personally endorsed by the champion. In order to face our gym leader, you must first put on your Challenger uniform. There's a changing room near here."

Misty nodded and headed for the room. Minutes later, she comes out wearing her uniform. Her comrades were impressed.

"That uniform looks good, Misty." Paradise said.

"We'll be watching from the stands." Firefly added. "Good luck."

Paradise and Firefly follow other people to the stands while Misty follows the woman to the battle arena. Inside, she was greeted by a man with light brown hair and a mustache.

"Greetings, Miss Brightdawn." The man said. "My name is Alex. And, I'm here to explain your gym mission."

"Gym mission?" Misty wondered.

"A gym mission tests the trainer on how they'll do. Each mission is different. Here in Turffield, your mission is to wrangle 20 Wooloo to head for a gate ahead of the big door leading to the stadium. But, there might be some Yamper that will get in the way."

Misty looked at the situation. A bunch of Wooloo are scattered. But, she thinks she can handle it. "I'll do my best."

"Excellent." Alex replied. "Let the mission begin!:"

Misty approached a group of Wooloo. As ahe walk towards them, they begin to roll over to a mat in front of the big door. A LED sign showed "6/20". That gives Misty an idea. She then got more of the Sheep Pokémon to the mat. The number went higher. Despite the interference 8f the Yamper, she got all 20 Wooloo to the mat. Soon the sign read '20/20'. Two gates opened on either side of the room. 10 Wooloo went into each gate. As Misty went into the big doors, she sees in the distance the floor of the battle arena.

In the stands, many people were watching and waiting for the action to start. Soon, in steps a young lady with flowing red hair. She wore a pink flannel shirt, blue bib overalls with the cuffs rolled up, and brown boots.

"Hello, everybody." The girl said. "My name is Cherries Jubilee. Your MC here in Turffield Stadium. Without further delay, let's meet the competitors."

Cherries Jubilee turns to the right. "In this corner, he's the fighting farmer. The Turffield gym leader: Milo!"

Milo enters the arena, waving to the crowd. Cherries Jubilee then turns to her left. "In this corner, his opponent. Coming to us all the way from Canterlot City: Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty enters the arena receiving applause. From the stands, Paradise and Firefly waved to her. Opaline and Squirk are also watching from the stands. A referee wearing a red shirt, blue pants with black suspenders, and brown boots walks up to the trainers.

"This will be a two on two battle." The referee announced. "This will end when both Pokémon from either trainer is unable to battle. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon. If both of you are ready, choose your first Pokémon."

Milo throws a Poké Ball, preparing for battle. "Let's go, Gossifleur!"

Out pops a flowery creature with a green body, red arms, and a yellow flower for a head. Misty studies this Pokémon.

Gossifleur, the Flowering Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It anchors itself so it can soak up sunlight.

Misty made her decision. "Vulpix, I choose you."

Vulpix pops out and faces it's opponent. The referee makes a call. "Let the battle begin!"

"Vulpix, use Quick Attack!" Misty said.

The fox Pokémon zips over for a quick blow. Milo gives out a counter attack. "Gossifleur, use Rapid Spin!"

Gossifleur spins around fast, and strikes Vulpix.

"Follow it up with Round!" Milo calls out.

The grass Pokémon starts singing. Just then, Vulpix's eyes glowed red. So did Gossifleur's. Soon, the Flowering Pokémon started hitting itself.

"What happened?" Firefly asked from the stands.

"I think Vulpix learned Confuse Ray." Paradise replied.

Misty decides to take advantage of this moment. "Okay, Vulpix. Use Incinerate!"

Vulpix blew a blast of fire at Gossifleur. Soon, the Grass Pokémon fainted.

"Gossifleur is unable to battle." The referee said. "Vulpix wins."

"Vulpix turned up the heat and defeated Gossifleur." Cherries Jubilee announced. "Misty is now ahead one to zero. One more victory will earn her a badge."

"Gossifleur, return." Milo said as he recalls his Pokémon. He then turns to Misty. "That Confuse Ray Vulpix used was a big surprise."

"Believe me, Milo." Misty said with shock. "It was a big surprise to me too."

"Sometimes you need to take advantage of things that come your way." Milo takes out another Poké Ball. "Here's my second Pokémon. Gossifleur's evolved form: Eldegoss!"

Out pops a green and yellow creature with a round white puff on it's head. Misty's Pokédex gives her some information. Eldegoss, the Cotton Bloom Pokémon and the evolved form of Gossifleur. It spreads the pollen from it's puffy head to help Pokémon and plants be healthy.

Misty makes a call. "Vulpix, return."

After recalling her fox Pokémon, she calls in her next choice. "Corvisquire, I choose you."

Corvisquire pops out, ready for action. From the stands, Opaline and Squirk watch with interest.

"So, Misty called for Corvisquire, the Raven Pokémon." Squirk said. "No doubt to counter her opponent. Evolved form to evolved form."

Opaline watched with interest. "Let's see what you can do, Misty."

The referee made an announcement. "Let the battle begin!"

"Time to take things to the next level!" Milo said as he recalls his Pokémon.

Soon, his Poké Ball grew big. This tells Misty that he has his own Dynamax Band. He throws it up into the air, and Eldegoss grew gigantic. Seeing this, Misty recalls her Corvisquire and Dynamaxed her own Poké Ball. She threw it in the air, and Corvisquire grew as well. The crowd cheered.

"Eldegoss," Milo said, "Max Strike!"

Eldegoss hits Corvisquire hard. Milo followed it up. "Now, Max Overgrow!"

The Cotton Spore Pokémon hit the ground, spreading grass to Corvisquire. Being a flying type, it wasn't hit too badly. The grassy area healed Corvisquire a little.

"Time for my comeback." Misty announced. "Corvisquire, Max Airstream!"

Corvisquire flapped it's wings, creating a blast of powerful wind. Eldegoss soon got hit so hard, it fell to the ground. Soon, the Dynamax effect wore off. Eldegoss fainted as it returned to normal size.

"Eldegoss is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Corvisquire wins. The winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"What a great battle!" Cherries Jubilee said. "Misty flew above the melee and won her first gym battle."

After returning to it's normal size, Corvisquire received a hug from it's trainer. Milo recalled Eldegoss. "You did your best. Now, rest up."

Milo then walked up to Misty. "You are one plucky girl. I can see the love you share with your Pokémon."

"Aw, thank you." Misty replied as she recalls Corvisquire.

Milo takes out a marigold piece of metal with a green grass design. He explains about it. "The gym badges here in Galar fit together like a puzzle. You'll see as you progress. For now, here's your Grass Badge."

Misty looks at her prize, and is very pleased. "I have the Grass Badge! That's badge number one."

Misty takes out a circular badge case and puts her first badge in it. Later, after changing back to her regular clothes, Misty is rejoined by her comrades as Opaline and Squirk talks to them.

"I admit, I'm impressed, Misty." Opaline said proudly. "You battled honorably. We see promise within you."

"Thank you, Miss Opaline." Misty replied while blushing.

"Remember," Squirk reminded, "you have to defeat seven more gym leaders to enter the championship and hopefully battle Leon."

"And, with your two friends here supporting you," Opaline added, "I have a feeling you'll go far."

Paradise and Firefly were surprised they were being praised. As Opaline and Squirk left, Milo approached the trio.

"Are those two friends of yours?" Milo asked.

"They're sort of like observers." Misty replied. "No doubt to see how well I'll do."

"Anyway, in this challenge, you have to face us gym leaders in a certain order. Your next battle is with Nessa in the village of Hulbury."

"She deals with water Pokémon. Right?"

"Good memory. See you later."

As Milo left the area, Misty Brightdawn realizes that she has work to do to prepare for Gym Battle number two. Meanwhile, in Kalos, Sting and a Pansear are facing a Vivillon in the Santalune City Gym.

"Let's wrap it up, Pansear." Sting said. "Use Incinerate!"

Pansear blasted a fireball at Vivillon. The heat was so intense, the Scale Pokémon fainted.

"Vivillon is unable to battle." The referee said. "Pansear wins. The winner of this battle is Sting from Dream Valley."

Sting cheered and gave his Pansear a hug. Gym Leader Viola recalled Vivillon and approached her opponent.

"This is a picture of loyalty to Pokémon." Viola praised. "Your Pikachu and Pansear made a great team." She then takes out her badge. "You have truly earned the Bug Badge."

Sting received his reward. "Thank you, Viola."

After putting away his badge and leaving the badge, Sting plans his next move. "Stop number two: Cyllage City!"

End of Chapter 8



Zigzagoon (Galarian)

9. Adventures through Route 5

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As a new day arrives in Galar, Paradise and Firefly noticed that Misty is already headed out to Route 5, probably to train her Pokémon for her next gym battle. The girls soon spotted Misty and Sobble battling a gray creature.

"Check it out, Paradise." Firefly said. "Looks like Misty is trying to capture an Espurr."

Paradise looked up this Pokémon on her tablet. "Espurr, the Restraint Pokémon. Espurr keeps its ears closed to keep its psychic powers controlled."

Espurr used Confusion to try to hit Sobble. But, the Water Lizard Pokémon dodged it. Misty was very impressed.

"Okay, Sobble." Misty said. "Use Water Pulse!"

Sobble fired a stream of water to Espurr. The psychic Pokémon was soon confused. Misty took this chance to throw a Poké Ball and capture Espurr. The capture was successful.

"I got an Espurr!" Misty cheered. "Nice job, Sobble."

Sobble blushed. Suddenly, it started to glow. Misty realized that Sobble is starting to evolve. When the glowing stopped, Sobble became a bigger lizard. Misty was curious and studied this Pokémon.

Drizzile, the Water Lizard Pokémon and the evolved form of Sobble. Said the Pokédex. This Pokémon has great intelligence. It can prepare traps with ease.

"Congratulations, Drizzile." Misty cheered.

Her two companions came along and cheered for her accomplishments.

"Nice!" Firefly cheered. "You not only caught a new Pokémon, but your Sobble evolved."

"Thanks, guys." Misty replied.

"You're not the only one who caught a new Pokémon." Paradise said, getting out a Poké Ball. "Have a look."

Paradise soon called for what looks like a small turtle. Interested, Misty gets out her Pokédex.

Chewtle, the Snapping Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It has a nasty itch in its tooth. Snapping somehow relieves it of some of it's pain.

"When did you catch this Pokémon?" Misty asked.

"While you were resting from your gym battle," Paradise explained, " I walked along this route and saw that Chewtle. Thanks to Yamper, I caught it."

Misty was very pleased. As they continue their travels, the girls find themselves at a quaint looking building.

"I think I heard of this place." Paradise said. "It's a Pokémon Nursery. People leave two compatible Pokémon for a while. Eventually the people will receive an egg."

"Let's take a look." Misty suggested.

They went inside to look around. They soon saw a small purple creature next to one of the workers. Misty decided to study this critter.

Toxel, the Baby Pokémon. The Pokédex said. Be careful trying to pet this Pokémon. Being a hybrid of Poison and Electric, the effects can cause paralysis.

The female worker spoke up. "This little Toxel was left behind. We here would like to find a good home for him."

Firefly walked up to the Toxel. She suddenly felt something for this Pokémon.

" I don't know why." Firefly admitted. "But, this Toxel looks kind of cute."

"Maybe you should take it with you." Misty suggested.


"That would be wonderful." The worker cheered. "All this Toxel needs is a kind hearted trainer."

Figuring the worker is right, Firefly took out a Poké Ball, and tapped Toxel. The little one was absorbed in the Poké Ball.

"Now, I have a Toxel." Firefly said happily.

Misty and Paradise were happy for Firefly. As the exit the building they saw thugs from Team Yell confront an old man.

"Not those Team Yell creeps again." Misty groaned.

The big thug turned around and faced the girls. "Keep your noses out of our business, brats. Get them, Thievul!"

Out pops a bigger version on Nickit. Misty's Pokédex comes alive with information. Thievil, the Fox Pokémon and the evolved form of Nickit. It follows the scent of enemies to stalk them and steal food.

Paradise steps up to confront the thug. "Grookey, let's go."

Grookey comes out to battle.

"You don't scare me." The thug said. "Thievul, Assurance!"

Thievul unleashed dark energy. But, Grookey withstood the assault.

"Grookey," Paradise said, "shower that Thievul with Razor Leaf!"

Grookey used his Razor Leaf attack to battle the Fox Pokémon. The thug recalled his Thievul to call his Zigzagoon. "Take this! Zigzagoon, use Snarl!"

Zigzagoon unleashed a nasty snarling to irritate Grookey. But, the Chimp Pokémon is determined to battle. Soon, it glowed. That's a sign that it's ready to evolve. When the glowing stopped, out popped a bigger Chimp with two sticks instead of one.

"Yes!" Paradise cheered. "My Grookey evolved into Thwackey!"

Misty studies this new form. Thwackey, the Beat Pokémon and the evolved form of Grookey. It can easily distracted by the beating of its own two sticks.

"So what!" The thug said. "Zigzagoon, Headbutt!"

Zigzagoon rushed in but Paradise was ready. "Thwackey, use Double Hit!"

Using it's two sticks, Thwackey hits Zigzagoon twice on the head. Shocked, the thug recalled his Pokémon. His partner stepped in. "My turn! Let's go, Sableye!"

Out pops a purple creature with crystal eyes. Misty got nervous as she gets out her Pokédex. "A Sableye, the Darkness Pokémon."

Sableye, the Darkness Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It's crystal like eyes can help it see through the dark."

Firefly steps up. "Let me handle this. Scorbunny you're up."

Scorbunny pops out. The thug is not impressed. "Teach this rabbit a lesson. Use Night Shade!"

Sableye unleashed dark energy towards Scorbunny.

"Cut through that darkness with Flame Charge!" Firefly said.

Scorbunny flamed up and zipped through the blackness. When it was over, Sableye fainted. The thug recalled his Pokémon and both thugs retreated. The girls and Thwackey were proud of Scorbunny. Suddenly, the Rabbit Pokémon began to glow. It was starting to evolve. When it was done, a rabbit with its ears down, a scarf covering its mouth, and has a black body and red arms appeared.

"Wow!" Firefly gasped. "Scorbunny evolved into a Raboot!"

Misty studies this new Pokémon. Raboot, the Rabbit Pokémon and the evolved form of Scorbunny. It juggles small objects on it's feet to practice it's footwork.

After Raboot and Thwackey were recalled, the old man was grateful.

"Thank you, my friends." The old man said with relief. "I am so grateful for what you've done."

The man soon gave Misty a package that looks like rods and wheels connected.

"What is this?" Misty asked.

"It's a portable bicycle." The man explained. "It can fold and unfold easily. Very handy anywhere."

Paradise was very happy. "That's nice. Now, you have something to take home with you when your journey is done."

"I think you're right." Misty replied. "Let's see how Mr. Charlatan reacts to this."

Firefly sees something on the other side of a bridge. "I think I see Hulbury. And, something else."

The girls look ahead, and see Hop on the other side.

"Looks like Hop us waiting for you, Misty." Paradise figured.

"No doubt to see how far I've come." Misty replied. "Well, girls. Let's go."

End of Chapter 9



Zigzagoon (Galarian)

10. Misty's Warm Up

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On their way to Hulbury, Misty and her friends find themselves face to face with Hop.

"Hi, girls." Hop greeted. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

"What's up, Hop?" Misty asked.

"We both have the Grass Badge, Misty. So, let's see how far you've come."

Misty had a feeling that Hop wants to take her on. "Let's do this!"

"All right!" Hop said as he chooses his first Pokémon. "First up: Wooloo!"

Wooloo popped out. Misty chooses her first Pokémon. "Let's go, Mudbray!"

Mudbray was ready for action. Hop looked at this Pokémon with interest.

"A Mudbray, huh?" Hop said. "Try this. Wooloo, use Headbutt!"

The Sheep Pokémon charged in a rammed his head on Mudbray. But, the Donkey Pokémon shook it off.

"Okay, Mubray." Misty said. "Use Double Kick!"

Using it's back legs, Mudbray kicked Wooloo hard. When Wooloo fainted, Hop was shocked.

"That's impressive." Hop said as he recalled Wooloo. "Mudbray's Double Kick is very powerful."

"Well, fighting moves are powerful against normal types." Misty replied.

Hop got out another Poké Ball. "But, fighting moves are not effective against this. Go, Corvisquire!"

Out pops a Corvisquire. Firefly was surprised. "I guess Hop's Rookidee evolved."

Misty recalled Mudbray to make her next choice. "My next choice is Klink!"

The Gear Pokémon pops out. This caught Hop by surprise. "A Klink? I never expected this."

"Here's something else you didn't expect." Misty replied. "Kling, use Charge Beam."

Kling fired a beam of electricity. But, Hop was ready. "Dodge, then use Pluck!"

Avoiding the Charge Beam, Corvisquire flew in and struck at Klink. But, bring a steel type, Klink wasn't hurt hard. Misty fought back. "Use your new move, Klink. Discharge!"

Klink blasted Corvisquire with an electric attack. Seeing his flying Pokémon faint, Hop quickly recalled it.

"Wow!" Hop gasped. "For a small Pokémon, Klink is powerful with electric attacks."

"Thanks, Hop." Misty replied.

"Time for my last Pokémon. Come out, Raboot!"

A Raboot popped out and surprised Misty. "Your Scorbunny evolved?"

"Yep." Hop replied. "And, your Klink will feel the burn. Raboot, Flame Charge."

Powering up, Raboot blasted Klink with a firey blast, causing it to faint.

"It's bound to happen to me sooner or later." Misty sadly said as she recalled Klink.

"Good thing I learned that fire moves are powerful against steel types." Hop said proudly. "Klink never stood a chance."

Recovering, she called for her next Pokémon. "Let's go, Drizzile."

Drizzile popped out, ready for action.

"So, Sobble evolved. Huh?" Hop said.

"That's right." Misty replied.

"Okay, then. Raboot, use Double Kick!"

Raboot kicked Drizzile twice. But, the Water Lizard Pokémon recovered, and is ready to fight back.

"Drizzile," Misty said, "use Water Pulse!"

Drizzile fired a blast of water at Raboot. Soon, the Rabbit Pokémon fainted. Hop was shocked to see that he lost.

"Whoa." Hop said. "That's one powerful water move."

After Hop recalled Raboot, he then turned to Misty. "I feel bad about losing. But, this is what makes me not give up. Battling tough rivals like you helps me to strive harder to surpass my brother."

"You're right, Hop." Misty replied. "Right now, we're on our way to Hulbury for Gym Battle number two."

"That's true. Later."

Hop made his way down the Route. Later, Misty and company went down Route 5. Soon, they saw a village in view.

"Oh my gosh!" Paradise said happily. "The village of Hulbury."

"Cool." Misty cheered. "Time to prepare for my second gym battle. First, once I get to the Pokémon Center, I need to make a call."

The trio made their way to Hulbury. After they healed their Pokémon, Misty used the videophone to make a call. Soon, the image of a brown skinned woman with flowing marigold hair came on a screen. She wore a crimson lab coat.

"Misty Brightdawn." The woman said. "This is a pleasant surprise."

Misty was surprised as to who the woman is. "Miss Catrina. You're working in the Galar Pokémon Sanctuary?"

"I'm in charge, my dear. I assume you are concerned about your latest catch."

"Yes. How is he doing? Is he okay?"

"Indeed he is."

In floats what looks like a purple balloon. Firefly was shocked. "Check it out! A Drifloon."

Paradise looked up this Pokémon on her tablet. "Drifloon, the Balloon Pokémon. Kids should be careful approaching this Pokémon. It could take them away."

"So," Catrina inquired, "which of your Pokémon would you like to exchange to receive Drifloon?"

"I would like to exchange my Vulpix." Misty replied.

"Okay, then. Place the Poké Ball you're sending into that slot. In return, I'll send you Drifloon."

As Misty prepares for the exchange. Her friends were very curious.

"Misty must've caught that Drifloon recently." Paradise figured. "But, why is she exchanging Vulpix for it?"

Firefly has a thought. "Misty thinks that fire types like Vulpix won't help out against Nessa's water Pokémon. So, she needs a Pokémon that might stand a chance."

Soon, Misty returns to her friends. She then calls for her latest Pokémon.

"Welcome to our group, Drifloon." Misty greeted. "Now, to get ready for my gym battle."

End of Chapter 10


In the Sanctuary:


Zigzagoon (Galarian)

11. Gym Battle 2-Misty vs. Nessa

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Misty Brightdawn and her companions are in the village of Hulbury. Misty has been preparing for her second gym battle. As the trio walk along the streets, they spotted Chairman Rose and his secretary meeting a bunch of young ladies. Rose has on a more casual outfit than his gray suit.

"The Chairman is quite busy at this moment." His secretary, Oleana, said. "So, I suggest you disperse at once."

"Well, okay." One of the girls said. "Nice seeing you, Mr. Chairman."

The girls left. This left the Chairman a little sad.

"Wasn't that a little harsh, Oleana?" Rose asked. "It's important to be connected with the people."

"That's why you need to focus at your task at hand." Oleana replied. "For their sake."

With the duo is the young trainer Bede. "And, you can depend on my help as well."

Rose then approached the young man. "Ah. Bede. It's good to see you. It's good you're taking care of the Pokémon I gave you years ago."

"Thank you, sir." Bede replied.

" So, will you be winning the Pokémon Gym Challenge, or will it be the trainers endorsed by the Champion?"

"I will prove my loyalty to you, Mr. Chairman. I won't let anyone stand in my way. Anyway, I'll be on my way."

As Bede leaves, Misty, Firefly, and Paradise arrived at the scene.

"Hello, Miss Brightdawn." The Chairman said. "I was talking about you. I admit, I'm curious about why the champion personally endorsed you."

"Maybe he sees something in me." Misty replied. "Besides, I want to prove any neigh sayers that I can be a good trainer."

"Good enough reason. I assume that you're heading for the Hulbury gym."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, we'll have a celebration after your victory. Now, I have very important work to see to. Farewell."

Rose leaves the area as Oleana talks to the girls. "The Chairman will be expecting you at Hulbury's finest seafood restaurant. Please, don't keep him waiting."

As the secretary leaves, Firefly got excited. "Come on, guys. The stadium is in the distance."

"You're right, Firefly." Misty replied. "Let's go get my next badge!"

The trio arrived at the stadium. Only to find out that the gum leader is not there.

"Darn!" Misty grumbled. "Where did she go?"

The gym worker answered her question. "She said that she's heading for the lighthouse that's in this town."

Paradise soon saw the lighthouse. "I see it. Let's go see if Nessa is there."

Misty and company walked along the village and arrived at the lighthouse. They were very impressed with the structure soon, they saw Nessa. As they approach her, she sees them arriving.

"Hello, girls." Nessa greeted.

"Hi there." Firefly replied. "Admiring the view I guess."

"It is breathtaking."

The girls see the view of the ocean. They understand what Nessa talked about.

"I take it that you're ready for a Gym battle." Nessa figured. "Am I correct, Miss Brightdawn?"

Misty was shocked that Nessa recognized her from the opening ceremonies. But, she soon regained her composure. "That's right. I already have one badge. Now, I'm ready to gain my second one."

"We'll see. I'll see you at the gym."

The girls watch Nessa head back to the gym. Misty realizes that she's in for a rough battle. Later, after changing to her Challenger outfit, she was lead by Alex to a series of red and yellow pipes.

"Here's your mission here." Alex explained. "There are switches that turn off and on the water of all of these pipes. If you figure out the sequence, you'll be able to head for the entrance to the arena."

"This is a tricky puzzle." Misty figured. "But, I'll figure it out."

"Very well. Let the mission begin."

Misty looks at a red switch. She flips it, and the water shuts off. This clears a path. She then saw a yellow switch. Looking at the situation, she flipped switches, and walk along paths. After figuring the path, she sees a blue switch. After flipping the switch, the blue water spouts turn off and revealed a door to the arena. She steps in and is ready for battle.

The arena is ready for the battle. Paradise and Firefly watched from the stands. So are Opaline and Squirk. In steps a surfer girl wearing a full length teal wetsuit. She has dark teal hair with streaks of red and white. She addresses the crowd.

"What's up, everybody?" The girl announced. "My name is Fizzy, your MC here in Hulbury Stadium." Ahe points to the left. "In this corner, a proud lady who rides the wave to victory. The Hulbury Gym Leader: Nessa!"

Nessa walks out, and receives a great ovation from the crowd. Fizzy points to the other side. "In this corner, a brave trainer who already has 1 badge. Now, she's hoping to survive Nessa's wave to earn her second. All the way from Canterlot City: Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty receives applause from the crowd. A female lifeguard steps in to address the trainers. "Okay, dudettes. This will be a three on three battle. The battle is over when all Pokémon of either side is unable to battle. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

Nessa throws her first Poké Ball. "I'll start off with Goldeen."

Out pops a red and white fish. Misty uses her Pokédex to study this critter. Goldeen, the Goldfish Pokémon. The sight of a school of these Pokémon means Spring is on the way.

Misty makes her first choice. "Drifloon, let's go."

Drifloon popped out, ready for battle.

"Goldeen," Nessa said, "let's strike hard with Water Pulse!"

Goldeen stuck fast. Luckily, Drifloon wasn't confused.

"Okay, Drifloon." Misty said. "Strike back with Payback."

Drifloon unleashed dark energy at Goldeen. Despite height hit, the goldfish Pokémon is still in this.

"Impressive." Nessa said. "Let's try this. Goldeen, Peck."

As Goldeen readied to strike, Drifloon suddenly unleashed a ball of black energy. This struck Goldeen hard.

"Looks like her Drifloon learned Shadow Ball." Opaline said.

"Impressive for a first time in battle." Squirk added.

Goldeen fainted during the attack. The ref made the announcement. "Goldeen is unable to battle. Drifloon wins."

"With an unexpected Shadow Ball," Fizzy announced, "Drifloon turned the lights off on Goldeen. This gives Misty a 1 to 0 lead."

"Goldeen, return." Nessa said as she prepares for her next battle. "Let's see how you'll do against this. Go, Arrokuda!"

Out pops a thin looking fish. Misty learns of this Pokémon.

Arrokuda, the Rush Pokémon. The Pokédex said. it strokes fast with its powerful jaws.

Misty is determined to win this battle. "Okay, Drifloon. Use Shadow Ball!"

But, before Drifloon can prepare, Nessa strikes quickly. "Arrokuda, Bite!"

Arrokuda rushes in with it's jaws open. Suddenly, it clamps down on Drifloon. The Balloon Pokémon soon fainted.

"Drifloon is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Arrokuda wins."

"Looks like Drifloon got done in by a Dark type move." Fizzy said as Misty recalls her ghost Pokémon. "How will Misty recover from this?"

"Here's how!" Miaty replied. "Let's go, Espurr!"

Espurr is set to battle. Nessa decides to try a different strategy. "Arrokuda, use Aqua Jet!"

Surrounded by water, Arrokuda strikes fast as Espurr. Though hit, Espurr is still ready for action.

"I have faith in you, Espurr." Misty praised. "Use Disarming Voice."

Espurr starts to sing lovely. But, Arrokuda didn't like that song. It got hit hard.

"Follow it up with Psybeam." Misty called out.

Espurr fired a psychic attack to Arrokuda. The Rush Pokémon soon fainted.

"Arrokuda is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Espurr is the winner."

"What a comeback!" Fizzy announced. "Espurr struck hard and sunk Arrokuda. Now, the gym leader is down to her last Pokémon."

Nessa soon recalled her Pokémon and turned her attention to Misty. "You're interesting variety of Pokémon is surprising, Misty. I like your strategy."

"Thsnk you, Nessa." Misty replied.

The gym leader grabbed her last Poké Ball. "Here's my third and last choice. Go, Drednaw!"

Out pops a large turtle type creature. Misty was shocked as she gets out her Pokédex. "A Drednaw. That's Chewtle's evolved form."

Drednaw, the Bite Pokémon and the evolved form of Chewtle. The Pokédex said. Their jaws are powerful enough to snap through steel.

In the stands, Paradise was surprised to hear that info. "That's what my Chewtle will evolve into? Whoa."

"Espurr, return." Misty said as she recalled her Pokémon. She then calls for her next choice. "Let's go, Klink."

Nessa saw Klink and was surprised. "You found a Klink?"

"Yes, I did." Misty replied.

"Then, let's kick this up a notch!"

Nessa recalls her Drednaw. Her band helped her Poké Ball grow. She then threw it in the air, and a Dynamax Drednaw emerged. Misty followed it by Dynamaxing her Klink. Nessa made her move. "Drednaw, Max Geyser!"

Drednaw fired a stream at Klink. It made some damage, and it started to rain in the arena.

"Steel types are a little vulnerable to water attacks." Nessa informed.

"Maybe so." Misty replied. "But, all of this rain is making your Drednaw more vulnerable.

Nessa realized what Misty was talking about. "Uh oh."

"Go for it, Klink. Max Lightning!"

Charging up, Klink fired an electrical beast at Drednaw. With the rain as a conductor, Drednaw quickly fainted and returned to normal size.

"Drednaw is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Klink wins. The winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"A shocking experience for Nessa, that's for sure." Fizzy said. "Thanks to that rain, Misty claims her second gym victory."

After recalling Drednaw, Nessa walks up to Misty as she congratulates her Klink.

"Those spinning gears sure pack a punch." Nessa said. "Your devotion to your training truly earned you the Water Badge."

Nessa hands Misty a gold chunk with what looks like water droplets on it.

"I have the Water Badge!" Misty cheered. "That's badge number two."

Everybody cheered for Misty's victory. Even Opaline and Squirk.

"She is rising up in the ranks." Opaline said proudly.

"That's true." Squirk added. "But, she still has to earn six more badges to enter the championship."

Later, Misty changed into her regular clothes and healed her Pokémon. She and her companions soon head for the seafood restaurant Oleana mentioned to meet Chairman Rose. Meanwhile, in the Kalos Region, Sting walks on the beach, carrying his sneakers with him.

"It's been a long trek." Sting said to himself. "But, it's worth it. Cyllage City is just ahead. I'm ready for anything Gym Leader Grant can dish out."

End of Chapter 11


In the Sanctuary:


Zigzagoon (Galarian)

12: More Mine Madness: Part 1

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After earning her second gym badge, Misty and her companions make their way to the seafood restaurant Oleana mentioned.

"The Captain's Table." Misty said. "This is the place."

"I can't believe Chairman Rose invited us here after you won your gym battle." Firefly said happily.

"Me too. Anyway, let's not keep the Chairman waiting."

The three girls entered the restaurant, there they were welcomed by Chairman Rose, Oleana, and even Sonia.

"Hello, my friends." Rose greeted. "Nice of you to arrive. It is time to celebrate Miss Brightdawn's recently victory."

"You were invited too, Misty?" Sonia asked.

"Yes, I was." Misty replied. "I'm very surprised to see you here."

Soon everybody started to enjoy the meals which were served.

"Wow!" Firefly said as she started munching on some crab cakes. "The seafood here is yummy."

"Why not?" Paradise replied as she takes a bite of lobster. "Hulbury is a sea faring town. The seafood here is definitely delicious."

Rose turned his attention to Sonia. "How's Professor Magnolia doing? It's because of her research of the Dynamax Phenomenon that we're moving ahead. That's how the Dynamax Bands were born, thanks to her research."

"Lately, my grandmother has been getting worried." Sonia said. "There's still so much about Dynamax that even she doesn't know. She gave me a Power Spot Detector to see if any Dynamax hot spots are in the area."

"That does sound troubling. Perhaps you should head over to the city of Hammerlocke. Answers to the Dynamax Phenomenon could be in an area of the city called the Vault. It houses history of the Galar Region."

"Excellent idea, sir." Oleana replied. "I'll set up a meeting with miss Sonia right away."

Misty and company thinks it's a good idea. Later, the three girls left the restaurant only to run into Hop.

"Hi, Misty." Hop greeted. "I see you got the water badge."

"You guessed it, Hop." Misty replied. "I still have six badges to earn."

"Well, our next opponent is Kabu in Monostoke." Hop then looked sad. "But, it'll have to wait though."

"Why is that?" Paradise wondered.

"Kabu is somewhere in another arena of the Galar Mine." Hop then perked up again. "Let's go find him. Then, we'll have our gym challenge."

Hop left, leaving the girls thinking.

"If I'm not mistaken," Firefly said, "Kabu specializes in fire types."

"You're right, Firefly." Misty replied. "I think Drizzile can be helpful in that battle. Let's go find Kabu!"

The girls follow the path leading to the mine. Soon as she entered, a bunch of Wimpod scatter and leave. Misty saw a rock with two claws sticking out. These claws look like they have faces. Misty studies this creature.

Binacle, the Two Handed Pokémon. The Pokédex said. Always in pairs. Two on each rock.

This gives Misty an idea. "Let's go, Mudbray!"

Mudbray comes out to face this new Pokémon. Binacle fired a stream of water.

"Dodge that Water Gun!" Misty calls out.

Mudbray trotted off. She then gave another command. "Okay, Mudbray. Use Double Kick!"

The Donkey Pokémon kicked Binacle. Misty soon threw a Poké Ball at the Rock type. After a few shakes, the ball clicked. She was very happy as the ball disappeared. "Wait until Miss Catrina studies you, Binacle."

"Not a bad capture." Said a familiar voice.

The girls turned to see Bede. Apparently, he was watching Misty in action.

"So, we meet again, Miss Brightdawn." Bede said.

"Bede!" Misty gasped as she recalled Mudbray. "What do you want?"

"I'm doing business for the Chairman. Since YOU'RE here, let's see if you improved." He then throws a Poké Ball. "Let's go, Solosis!"

Solosis comes out for battle. Its calls for her first choice. "Let's go, Klink."

Klink pops out. Bede isn't easily worried. "Here's a new move for your Klink. Solosis, Psyshock!"

Solosis fired a blast of psychic energy towards Klink. The Gear Pokémon wasn't effected that much.

"Fight back with Discharge!" Misty called out.

Klink fired an electrical blast at Solosis. It was enough to cause it to faint.

"Return, Solosis." Bede said as he soon took out another Poké Ball. "You're next, Gothita."

When Misty saw Gothita come out, she recalled Klink and called for her next choice. "Mudbray, let's go."

When Mudbray came out, Bede was skeptical. "I see this Pokémon in action. Fighting moves are not effective against psychic types."

"But, a move like this is." Misty replied as she gave a command to her Pokémon. "Mudbray, Bulldoze!"

Mudbray stomped on the ground and shook up Gothita. The Psychic soon fainted. Bede has Gothita recalled.

"That caught me off guard." Bede admitted. "I didn't expect a ground attack. Here's number three. Hatenna."

The Calm Pokémon came out. After recalling Mudbray, Misty called for her next Pokémon. "Vulpix, let's go."

Vulpix comes out ready for battle.

"Who did she send to the sanctuary to get Vulpix back`" Firefly asked.

"She sent Corvisquire." Paradise replied. "Misty figured that the Raven Pokémon needs a rest."

"Hatenna," Bede said, "use Psybeam."

Hatenna fired a beam of psychic at Vulpix. Misty reacted quickly. "Dodge. Then, use Will-O-Wisp!"

Vulpix dodged the Psybeam, then used a strange power. Bede realized something when Hatenna caught on fire. "Oh no! Hatenna was burned!"

"Let's follow it up with Incinerate!" Misty called out.

Vulpix blew a fireball at Hatenna. Soon, it fainted. After recalling his Pokémon, Bede made an announcement. "I have with me a fourth Pokémon. Let's go, Ponyta."

Out came a lavender ghost like pony. Misty used her Pokédex to study. Ponyta, the Unique Horn Pokémon. It's horn has the power to heal even the slightest injury.

Misty is surprised to see this Pokémon. "This doesn't look like a Ponyta I've seen."

"This is a Galarian Ponyta." Bede explained. "It is different than Ponyta you're used to."

Misty recalled Vulpix and called for her last Pokémon. "Drizzile, let's go."

Bede realized that Sobble has evolved. "Not bad. Let's see how it can fight. Ponyta, Fairy Wind."

Ponyta blew a pink wind. Drizzile was effected. But, not by much.

"Drizzile," Misty said, "use Water Pulse."

Drizzile fired a blast of water to Ponyta. As soon as it was confused, Misty followed it up. "Finish with Sucker Punch!"

With a fist surrounded by black energy, Drizzile struck Ponyta with such force, the Unique Horn Pokémon fainted. Bede was surprised at this as he recalls his Pokémon.

"You have improved a bit. I'll say that." Bede said. "Let's meet again."

As Bede leaves, Misty returned to her friends.

"Come on, you guys." Misty said. "Let's find Kabu."

To be continued...

End of Chapter 12


at the Sanctuary


Zigzagoon (Galarian)

13. More Mine Madness: Part 2

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The heroic trio continue their journey through the second Galar Mine. They went there to find Kabu, gym leader of Monostoke.

"This Mine is vast." Firefly said. "But, we do see a bunch of Pokémon."

"I agree." Misty replied. "All of these Pokémon like Shellos, Stunfisk, and many others look amazing."

"Guys," Paradise interrupted, "we have company."

They found themselves face to face with two big thugs from Team Yell. Misty got annoyed. "Team Yell again?!"

"That's us, gym challenger." One thug said. "We saw how you battle. But, what about your two mates?"

"That's right, lass." The other thug said. "We want to see how they battle."

Paradise and Firefly stepped up.

"We accept your challenge." Paradise replied.

"Yeah." Firefly added. "Bring it on!"

The two thugs brought out Thievul and a bigger version of Zigzagoon. Misty gets out her Pokédex.

Linoone, the Rushing Pokémon and the evolved form of Zigzagoon. The Pokédex said. It runs in a straight line. Running around curves can be difficult.

Paradise is impressed. So, that's what my Zigzagoon will evolve into.

Firefly gets out her Poké Ball. "Let's go, Rolycoly!"

As Rolycoly comes out, Paradise makes her choice. " You're up, Yamper."

Yamper cane out. The thugs aren't impressed.

"Linoone," One of the thugs said, "use Fury Swipes on that wimpy Yamper!"

Linoone rushes on to scratch Yamper. Paradise got mad. "Nobody calls any of my Pokémon wimpy. Yamper, use Spark!"

Energizing, Yamper unleashed an electrical attack and Linoone. The other thug decided to double Team the Puppy Pokémon. "Thievul, Assurance."

Thievul is full of dark energy. Firefly stepped up. "Nobody double crosses honorable trainers. Rolycoly, use Smack Down!"

Rolycoly had Thievul crash on the ground. Both Pokémon were defeated. After the thugs recalled there Pokémon, everybody saw Rolycoly and Yamper glowing. That means they're evolving. When the glowing ended, Rolycoly became a living mine cart full of coal and Yamper is now a lean looking dog.

Misty first studies the rock creature. Carkol, the Coal Pokémon and the evolved form of Rolycoly. Coal dropped from this Pokémon once helped people's lives in Galar. Then, she studies the dog. Boltund, the Dog Pokémon and the evolved form of Yamper. It can generate electricity through it's legs. This helps it run fast.

"Not bad evolutions." One of the thugs admitted. "But, we're not done yet!"

The thugs then called for a large cat and a panda. Misty gets out her Pokédex again. "A Liepard and a Pancham."

She studies the large cat. Liepard, the Cruel Pokémon. It can move very quietly so it won't be detected.. Next is the Panda. Pancham, the Playful Pokémon. No matter how tough it tries to act, it can'thelp being adorable.

Paradise has an idea. "Boltund, return." She then makes her next choice. "Zigzagoon, you're up."

Her Zigzagoon is ready for battle. After returning her Carkol, Firefly calls for her next choice. "Charjabug, let's go!"

Out pops a creature that looks like a plug. Misty studies this Pokémon with her Pokédex. Charjabug, the Battery Pokémon and the evolved form of Grubbin. Energy from food broken down is used as electricity.

"When did your Grubbin evolve?" Misty wondered.

"After you battled Bede," Firefly explained, "I went to train some of my Pokémon, including Grubbin."

The Team Yell thug interrupted them. "Let's see how that little bug does against my Pokémon. Pancham, Arm Thrust!"

Pancham rushed in and struck Charjabug.

"Fight back, Charjabug." Firefly said. "Counter with Spark."

Charjabug gave a shock to Pancham. The Playful Pokémon got weary from the shock. The thug with the Liepard was surprised. "No way."

"Yes way." Firefly replied.

"Liepard, Fury Swipes."

Liepard scratched Zigzagoon. Paradise struck back. "Zigzagoon, use Headbutt!"

Getting back, Zigzagoon rammed it's head to Liepard. Suddenly, it fired projectiles at Liepard. The Team Yell thug was shocked. "No way! That's Pin Missile!"

"Pin Missile?" Paradise gasped. "Good work, Zigzagoon. You learned a new move."

After the thugs recalled Pancham and Liepard, they decided to take a hike. The girls then saw Zigzagoon glow. Seconds later, it evolved into a Linoone. Paradise was happy. "Now, I have my own Linoone."

Misty and Firefly were very happy. As they continue their walking, they saw Hop and the man they were looking for: Kabu.

"Hi, girls." Hop greeted. "I just met up with Kabu. He was challenged by some Team Yell goons. He made good work of them."

"I sometimes come here to challenge any water Pokémon." Kabu said. "This way, I can counter my Pokémon weaknesses."

"Nice to meet you." Misty said. "I can't wait to see how your training pays off."

"I remember seeing you during the opening ceremonies, Miss Brightdawn. I'll meet you and Hop here in Monostoke."

Kabu jogged out of the mine. Hop got excited. "Come on, you guys. Let's head back to Monostoke!"

Hop runs off. The girls walked in his direction.

"I can't wait to get out of this mine." Paradise said.

"I hear that." Firefly added.

Misty is looking forward to her third Gym battle.

End of Chapter 13


In the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

14. Return To Motostoke

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The three girls finally made it out of the mine. Now, they're on their way to their next destination: Motostoke.

"Boy, I'm glad to be out of there." Misty said with relief. "I still can't believe that guy still thinks I'm a waste of time."

"If you're talking about Bede," Paradise said, "I have to agree. I wonder why the Chairman chose him to take part in the challenge."

Meanwhile, Firefly has her Toxel in her arms. Misty couldn't help but smile. "You really like Toxel. Huh, Firefly?"

"I do." Firefly replied. "Besides taking care of this Pokémon, I've been training it too. It's a great combo of Poison and Electric types."

Soon, Misty and her friends reached their goal.

"Here we are, girls." Misty said. "Back at Motostoke. Setting for Gym Challenge number 3."

"You made it!" Said a familiar voice.

It turns put to be Hop, who was waiting for them.

"Hi, girls." Hop greeted. "Glad you can make it."

"We're just glad to be out of that mine." Misty replied.

"Remember where we stayed when we first came here?"

"That would be the Budew Drop Inn."

"Right! We're given the opportunity to stay there again. Let's go!"

Hop ran off. Firefly soon had a thought. "I hope those characters of Team Yell won't interfere again."

"We got lucky when that girl, Marnie, calmed them down." Paradise added.

The girls soon arrived at the Inn. As they entered, the girl from before greeted them.

"Hello, girls." Marnie said. "It's good to see you again."

"Marnie!" Misty gasped. "I didn't expect to see you again."

"I take it you're here to challenge Kabu and his team of fire."

"I sure am."

"So, let's see how well you have come."

The girls were shocked to hear that Misty is challenged.

"I'm in the Pokémon Gym Challenge too." Marnie explained. "I am determined to go all the way. Let's have a three on three battle."

Misty gave Marnie her response. "You're on!"

Soon, a group of Team Yell thugs came along to cheer Marnie on.

"Forgive my little cheering section." Marnie said as she summons her first Pokémon. "Come on out, Croagunk!"

Misty saw a frog like creature come out. Her Pokédex comes alive. Croagunk, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon. When it's cheeks bulge in an out, that means its mixing its poison throughly. "

"A fighting and poison type." Misty figured. "I have the solution to that. Espurr, let's go."

Espurr comes out. Marnie is impressed. "An Espurr? Croagunk, use Poison Sting!"

Croagunk fires poison darts at Espurr. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge, then use Psybeam!"

After avoiding the Poison Sting, Espurr fired a blast of psychic energy. Croagunk quickly fainted. Marnie recalled her Pokémon.

"Impressive." Marnie said. "But, psychic powers won't work against this one. Come out, Scraggy."

A yellow creature with saggy skin came out. Misty uses her Pokédex. Scraggy, the Shedding Pokémon. The saggy skin on its legs can be raised up to use as a shield.

"Return, Espurr." Misty said. She then chooses her next choice. "Vulpix, let's go."

Vulpix comes out. Marnie makes her first move. "Let's see how this fox can handle my little friend. Scraggy, use Headbutt."

Scraggy rammed into Vulpix. The fox Pokémon may be hit, but it's still ready to fight.

"Okay, Vulpix." Misty said. "Use Confuse Ray."

Vulpix's eyes glowed red, causing Scraggy to go loopy. Marnie got nervous as Misty followed it up. "Let's wrap this up with Incinerate!"

Vulpix fired a blast of flames, causing Scraggy feeling the heat. Scraggy soon fainted. Paradise and Firefly cheered for their friend.

"I must say." Marnie said as she recalled Scraggy. "You are one formidable opponent."

"Thank you, Marnie." Misty replied.

"Now, here's my third and final choice. Morpeko, let's do this."

Out popped a hamster style creature. Misty decides to examine it.

Morpeko, the Two Sided Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Whatever it eats, can be stored to use as electricity. When it gets hungry, that's when it gets dangerous.

Misty decides to stick with Vulpix. Marnie makes her move. "Morpeko, use Bite!"

Morpeko soon changed from yellow in the middle to deep blue. It also became angry. It quickly bit Vulpix. The battle Vulpix had with Scraggy wore it out. It soon fainted.

"Vulpix, return." Misty sadly said.

"That's Morpeko's ability: Hunger Switch." Marbie explained. "It can switch from Full Belly Mode to Hunger Mode quickly."

Misty made her next choice. "Mudbray, let's go."

Mudbray came out, ready to face Morpeko.

"Show me what Mudbray can do." Misty said.

"Okay, Marnie." Misty replied. "Mudbray, use Bulldoze!"

Mudbray stomped on the ground, and shook the area. Morpeko got hit so bad, it fainted.

"Aw!" The Team Yell crew moaned.

"That's one powerful Bulldoze attack." Marnie said as she comforted Morpeko. "You trained that Mudbray well."

Misty felt very happy to hear the praises of Marnie. As she starts to pet Mudbray, it starts to glow. Everybody watched as Mudbray starts to evolve. When the glowing stopped, Mubray became a strong looking horse with a braided mane and large hooves.

"What a site, mates." One of the Team Yell thugs said. "That Mudbray evolved into a Mudsdale, the Draft Horse Pokémon!"

Misty gets out her Pokédex. "So, you're a Mudsdale, huh?"

Mudsdale, the Draft Horse Pokémon and the evolved form of Mudbray. The Pokédex said. It can produce mud that people can use to shore up their houses.

Misty was very happy for this moment. Then, Morpeko came up to Misty.

"Morpeko." Marnie said with shock. "You seem to like her for some reason." Marnie then turned to her opponent. "Miss Brightdawn, I'm sure we'll meet again."

The next morning, Misty woke up slowly, and rose from bed. "The dawn of a new day. I'll join my friends for breakfast, then do some training for my third Gym battle."

Meanwhile, in Cyllage City at Kalos, Sting and a Roselia were facing the Tyrunt of Gym leader Grant. Tyrunt was paralyzed because of Roselia's Stun Spore.

"Let's wrap it up, Roselia." Sting called out. "Mega Drain!"

Roselia drained Tyrunt of so much energy, the prehistoric Pokémon fainted.

"Tyrunt is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Roselia wins. The winner of this battle is Sting from Dream Valley!"

"Nice work, Roselia!" Sting cheered.

After recalling Tyrunt, Grant walked up to Sting.

"Not many people can climb an impossible wall like how you did." Grant said. "You truly deserve the Cliff Badge."

"Thank you, Grant." Sting replied.

After putting away his badge, Sting talks to Roselia and a Frogadier.

"You two did great." Sting praised. "I was very happy you evolved, Frogadier. Your added power was appreciated."

Frogadier was happy to hear that. Sting soon made an announcement. "Next stop: Shalour City !"

End of Chapter 14


At the sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

15. Gym Battle 3-Misty vs. Kabu

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The three girls head toward the Motostoke Gym. Misty is prepared for her third Gym battle.

"Hey, Misty." Firefly said. "I saw you talking to Miss Catrina earlier. Why did you exchange your Klink for Binacle?"

"Steel types are vulnerable to fire moves." Misty explained. "Fortunately, Binacle is a combo of rock and water type."

"That makes sense."

"So, I've been training Binacle, Mudsdale, and Drizzile. They are my best chance to defeat Kabu."

"We'll be here to cheer you on." Paradise said. "We're sure that Opaline and Squirk will be there too."

Misty admits that Paradise is right. Later, after changing into her Challenger outfit, she went to a grassy area where Alex is giving her the Gym Mission.

"Misty," Alex said, "you will be in Pokémon battles alongside other trainers. If you defeat a Pokémon, you'll get one point. Capturing a Pokémon equals two points. Accumulate five points total, and you won the right to face Kabu."

"I get the message." Misty replied.

"Excellent. Let the mission begin."

Going to one grassy area, she spotted a slim reddish orange bug. She takes out her Pokédex. "It's a Sizzlipede."

Sizzlipede, the Radiator Pokémon. The Pokédex said. The yellow spots on it's body can get very hot.

"It's time for beginner's luck." Misty said as ahe calls for her Pokémon. "Let's go, Binacle."

As Binacle comes out, a female trainer with black hair calls for a black lizard. Misty studies this creature.

Sandalit, the Toxic Lizard Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It uses toxic gas to distract opponents.

Suddenly, Sandalit struck Binacle with a Scratch attack. Misty was miffed. "Hey, your Sandalit struck Binacle."

"Sorry." The other trainer said. "I guess Sandalit wants to stop anyone from beating me."

Sizzlipede soon gave a Bite attack to Sandalit. This gives Misty the opportunity she's looking for. "Binacle, use Mud Slap on Sizzlipede!"

Binacle splattered mud on the firey bug. Taking an empty Poké Ball, Misty caught Sizzlipede. When the ball clicked and vanished, Misty knew she was successful.

"Misty receives two points for the capture." Alex announced.

Next, Misty and another trainer battled a Vulpix. The trainer had a Rolycoly use Rapid Spin on Vulpix. But, Misty's Binacle used Water Gun to finish it off.

"Misty receives one point for the victory." Alex announced. "Her total is now at three."

Next batch, she brought her Corvisquire as she and another trainer with a Sizzlipede faced a candle like creature.

" It's a Litwick." Misty said as she pulls out her Pokédex. "The Candle Pokémon."

Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It's flame is said to drain life energy of people to use as fuel.

The other trainer steps in. "This Pokémon is mine! Sizzlipede, use Bite!"

Sizzlipede gave a big bite to this ghostly candle. But, Litwick weakened Sizzlipede with a Hex attack. Misty stepped in. "Corvisquire, use Pluck!"

The Raven Pokémon struck Litwick good. Taking out a Poké Ball, Misty captured Litwick. Soon, Alex's voice was heard. "Misty earned two points for the capture. This brings her total to five."

Misty was shocked to hear that. Minutes later, Alex and the trainers went to congratulate.

"You have earned your right to face Kabu." Alex said. "And, you captured two fine fire Pokémon too."

Misty was happy for this. Soon, she entered the doors to the arena. It is filled to capacity as a female miner with flowing pink hair comes out.

"Welcome to Motostoke Stadium!" The girl said. "I'm your MC: Sundance. And, here are your competitors." She points to the right. "In this corner, with a firey spirit in his soul, the Motostoke Gym leader: Kabu!"

Kabu jogs out to greet the crowd. Sundance points to the left. "In this corner, the up and comer from Canterlot City who has two Gym badges so far, Misty Brightdawn!"

Miaty walks out and receives a round of applause. A miner from Galar Mine walks out to be the referee. "This will be a 3 on 3 battle. It will end when all Pokémon of either side is defeated. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

"Here's my first Pokémon." Kabu said as he threw his Poké Ball. "Go, Ninetales!"

Out pops a white nine tailed kitsune creature. Misty pulls out her Pokédex. "That's what my Vulpix will evolve into."

Ninetails, the Fox Pokémon and the evolved form of Vulpix. The Pokédex said. There are many legends about this Pokémon.

Misty calls for her first Pokémon. "Let's go, Binacle!"

As Binacle comes out, the referee made an announcement. "Let the battle begin!"

"Binacle," Misty said, "use Water Gun!"

Binacle blew a stream of water towards the nine tailed fox. Kabu fights back. "Ninetales, Fire Spin!"

Ninetales blew a tornado of fire. Despite being hit, Binacle still stands.

"Stay strong, Binacle." Misty said to her Pokémon. "Use Ancient Power!"

Binacle threw a bunch of boulders and struck Ninetales. But, the power of Fire Spin was too much, and Binacle fainted.

"Binacle is unable to battle." The miner said. "Ninetales wins."

"The gym leader starts strong as Misty's first Pokémon takes a fall." Sundance announced.

"Return, Binacle." Misty said. She then makes her next choice. "Drizzile, you're up!"

Drizzile cones out, ready for battle.

"I'll make this quick!" Kabu said. "Ninetales, Quick Attack!"

Ninetales comes on fast. But, Misty was ready. "Dodge, then use Water Pulse!"

Drizzile avoided the attack and blasted a stream of water at Ninetales. The attack of Ancient Power weakened the fox as the water finishes it off.

"Ninetales is unable to battle." The miner announced. "Drizzile wins."

"Great comeback!" Sundance said. "Misty quickly evens the battlefield."

"Return, Ninetales." Kabu said. He then turns to his opponent. "I love a good challenge. Let's see how Drizzile handles this. Go, Arcanine!"

Out comes a big firey dog. Misty's Pokédex comes alive. Arcanine, the Legendary Pokémon. There are many eastern folklore about this Pokémon.

Misty decides to stick with Drizzile. Kabu strikes first. "Arcanine, Flame Wheel!"

Arcanine charges, then rolls into a ball. It strikes at Drizzile. Being a water type, Drizzile wasn't effected that much.

"Time for something different." Misty said. "Use Tearful Look."

Drizzile looks at Arcanine like it's crying. However, this lowers Arcanine's Attack and special attack power. Misty then makes her move. "Drizzile, use Water Pulse!"

Drizzile fires its water stream at Arcanine. This time Arcanine was confused. This worried Kabu. "Oh no!"

Arcanine soon ran into a wall, and got knocked out.

"Arcanine is unable to battle." The miner announced. "Drizzile wins."

As Kabu recalls Arcanine, he compliments Misty. "I'll give you credit. You don't give up."

"Thank you, Kabu." Misty replied.

"Now, here's my third and final Pokémon. Go, Centiskorch!"

Kabu calls for a larger version of Sizzlipede. Misty studies this Pokémon.

Centiskorch, the Radiator Pokémon and the evolved form of Sizzlipede. The Pokédex said. It can use it's firey tail like a whip.

Seeing Drizzile getting tired, she changed her strategy.

"Drizzile, return." Misty said. She then calls for her next choice. "Mudsdale, let's go!"

Mudsdale comes out, ready to fight. Kabu soon recalls Centiskorch. His band made his Poké Ball grew. "Time for Gigantamax Power!"

Throwing his ball in the air, he called for Centiskorch and it grew. It's firey whiskers grew larger. Misty recalled her Mudsdale and enlarged her Poké Ball too. "Let's do this, Mudsdale. Dynamax!"

Her Mudsdale grew gigantic too. This excited Sundance. "Here we go, folks. Let's see who will prevail."

Opaline and Squirk watch with interest. Paradise and Firefly watch with worry.

"Gigantamax will win!" Kabu announced. "Centiskorch, use G Max Centiferno!"

Centiskorch soon unleashed a firey vortex at Mudsdale. The Donkey Pokémon survived. Misty got her composure back.

"Impressive move, Kabu." Misty said. "But, Centiskorch has a bit of a weakness. Besides being a fire type, it's also a bug type. Mudsdale, use Max Rockfall!"

Mudsdale stomped on the ground, and made a giant stone appear. Then, the stone fell on Centiskorch. The Radiator Pokémon soon fainted and shrunk back to normal size.

"Centiskorch is unable to battle." The miner announced. "Mudsdale wins. The winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"Just when her chances went up in smoke," Sundance said, "Misty rose from the ashes to put out Kabu's fire and win this battle!"

The audience cheered for Misty's as her Mudsdale returned to normal size. Kabu recalled Centiskorch and went over to Misty.

"That rock move was real powerful." Kabu said. "You figured since Centiskorch is particularly a bug type, rock moves would be super effective."

"Pretty good strategy on my part." Misty replied.

Kabu took out a golden piece with red fire designs. "I proudly give you the Fire Badge."

Misty accepts the badge, and holds it high. "I have the Fire Badge! That's badge number 3!"

Later, Misty reunites with Paradise and Firefly when Hop showed up.

"That was intense!" Hop said happily. "You were amazing out there."

"Thanks, Hop." Misty replied.

The whole group were approached by Kabu. Hop was shocked. "What brings you here?"

"To see you guys continue your journey." Kabu said. "Many who face me, often give up after their battle. Those like you two don't give up. You keep fighting."

The two trainers and friends felt proud. Suddenly, the other gym leaders, Milo and Nessa arrived.

"We're here!" Nessa said with relief. "Thank goodness for flying taxis."

"What are you two doing here?" Firefly asked.

"It's Hop and Misty we're here to see. It's not often that gym challengers would defeat all three of us."

"The Gym Leaders you will face are more powerful than you ever faced." Milo added.

Everyone realized that the gym leaders are right as Kabu gives Misty and Hop advise. "Begin your next part of your journey in the city of Hammerlocke. Just cross another area of the Wild Area."

Filled with energy and a fresh purpose, Misty and her friends prepared to head for Hammerlocke. They know that Hop is excited too.

End of Chapter 15


In the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

16. Another Walk in the Wild Area

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After exchanging her Drizzile and Mudbray for Klink and Litwick, Misty joins her friends and Hop as they exit Motostoke, ready to head for Hammerlocke.

"Hello, Wild Area!" Hop cheered. "I have returned!" He then turned to the girls. "Let's see what kind of Pokémon we can find."

"Easy, Hop." Paradise suggested. "Take it down a few notches."

Just then, the arrogant Bede showed up.

"What a bunch of fools." Bede said. "Especially you, Hop."

"WHAT?!" Hop gasped. "You're calling me a fool?"

"Exactly. You claim that you want to surpass your brother, Galar champion Leon. But, you're actually dragging his name down. He should be ashamed for having you as a little brother."

This got Misty angry. "Hey! Stop that trash talk, Bede. Hop is not a....

"Relax, Misty." Hop interrupted. "I'll handle this." He then turns to Bede. "Misty here beat you in the Galar Mines. So, being her strong rival, I can beat you too."

"Is that so?" Bede replied. "I'll prove to you that you're unworthy to be in the Gym Challenge."

As Bede walks off, Hop gives the girls some useful information. "There's a bridge near here. Cross it, and you'll be on your way to Hammerlocke. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a trainer to battle."

Hop walks off, leaving the girls on their own. They make their way to the bridge where they saw a huge sight.

"It's a Snorlax." Misty gasped as she took out her Pokédex.

Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon. The Pokédex said. When it's not sleeping, it can devour up to 800 pounds of food.

"This Pokémon looks too strong for us." Firefly said.

"You're right, Firefly." Paradise replied. "Come on."

The trio move along the Wild Area. They are astounded by the Pokémon roaming around. They even saw a Steelix. Soon, the girls fought a few wild Pokémon along the way. Misty called on Espurr to fight a Butterfree. Butterfree was unleashing a Stun Spore. Misty reacted. "Dodge, then use Psybeam!"

After dodging the Stun Spore, Espurr fired a blast of psychic energy. This caused the Butterfree to fly away. Misty was proud of her Pokémon. Suddenly, Espurr started to glow. That means it's starting to evolve. When the glowing stopped, a white creature with dark blue spots appeared. It has long ears that are closed.

"Wow!" Misty gasped as she gets out her Pokédex. "Espurr evolved into Meowstic!"

Meowstic, the Constraint Pokémon and the evolved form of Espurr. Said the Pokédex. It's psychic energy can sometimes leak out. That's why it keeps it's ears closed.

Misty hugged her Pokémon friend. "Congratulations, Meowstic."

Meowstic hugs her back. Soon, the girls continue their trek through the Wild Area Paradise and Thwackey find themselves facing an Excadrill. The mole Pokémon charges ahead using Drill Attack.

"Shower Excadrill with Razor Leaf." Paradise called out.

Thwackey unleashed a shower of leaves at Excadrill. Feeling enough pain, Excadrill ran away to recover. Meanwhile, Firefly and Raboot were fighting a Vileplume.

"Let's go, Raboot!" Firefly cheered. "Use Flame Charge!"

Flaming up, Raboot rushed in to strike at Vileplume. The Flower Pokémon soon ran off. As the trio continue their walk, Misty let out her Vulpix to get some air. Suddenly, the Fox Pokémon ran off.

"Wait, Vulpix!" Misty called. "What's the matter?"

Vulpix ran fast. Then, stopped alongside a tree. The girls stopped to see what's going on.

"What's wrong, Vulpix?" Misty asked.

Vulpix pointed her nose down on the ground. Firefly had a thought. "Maybe Vulpix is drawn to something."

Thinking Firefly is right. Misty looked at the area Vulpix is pointing at. She soon dug by hand until she dug up a red crystal with marigold fire designs in it.

"It's a Fire Stone." Misty figured. She then saw Vulpix jumping, hoping to reach it. "Are you saying that you're ready to evolve?"

Vulpix nodded happily. As soon as she touched Vulpix with the Fire Stone, the Fox Pokémon glowed, then grew. Soon, a beautiful Ninetales stood where Vulpix was.

"You're beautiful." Misty said, hugging her newest addition. "Welcome to my family, Ninetales."

Firefly and Paradise watched with admiration. Later, the girls finally reached the dragon shaped gates of Hammerlocke. A guard was there.

"Only those who earned 3 badges can enter Hammerlocke to continue with the Gym Challenge." The guard said.

Taking out her badge case, Misty showed the guard the badges of Grass, Water, and Fire. The guard was satisfied. "Well done. Many people who battled Kabu in Monostoke would quickly quit."

Just then, Bede walked by, rudely pushed Misty aside to present his badges to the guard.

"Rude much?" Misty said angrily.

After having his badges examined, Bede turned to Misty. "I thought Leon made a mistake endorsing his little brother. I made work of that undeserving fool." He then looked at Misty with anger. "You're next to be defeated!"

As Bede walked into the city, Misty got worried. How did Hop get defeated? And, how will this affect his progress?

We'll find out in our next episode.

End of Chapter 16


In the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

17. Here We Are in Hammerlocke

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The trio of friends walked into the city of Hammerlocke. They soon saw Bede talking to Chairman Rose and his secretary Oleana. Misty is still upset at what Bede said about Hop.

"I have been gathering Wishing Stars and Badges as fast as I can, sir." Bede reported. " Hopefully the Wishing Stars I've been gathering will help with this problem you've been having."

"Good work, Bede." Rose replied. "But, besides the Wishing Stars, we need a strong trainer to help us. The whole Galar region depends on this mission. We need a trainer like the Champion: Leon."

"No offense, sir. But, I bested his little brother Hop. If beating that kid is that easy, then I can beat the Champion. Then, I'LL be the Champion!"

"I do admire that attitude."

Oleana then approached the lad. "Bede, we need to talk."

As Oleana and Bede leave the area, Rose sees Misty and her friends leave the Pokémon Center.

"Hello, Misty." Rose greeted. "I'm glad to see you and your companions."

"Is that so?" Misty asked.

"The Wishing Stars, like the one on your Dynamax Band, are more for enlarging your Pokémon. They are for energizing many systems in Galar. Cone with me to the Hammerlocke Stadium. And, we'll explain everything."

Firefly got a little curious. "I wonder what the Chairman wants to show us."

"I just wonder what happened to Hop." Misty added. "It must be heartbreaking for him to lose to a creep like Bede."

Inside the stadium, Chairman Rose and Oleana share some useful information.

"Hammerlocke Gym also serves as a power plant." Rose explained as he pulls out a tablet. "The information on this tablet can show you how."

As the girls look at the diagram, Rose continues hid explanation. "Power is taken from Hammerlocke Tower, and that power goes to the underground power plant for all of Galar."

The girls continue to listen to Rose. "'Our society depends on energy sources like electricity, natural gas, and water. That's why I'm working with my group on how to harness the power of the Wishing Stars."

Oleana soon whispered something in Rose's ear.

"Sorry, girls." Rose said. " I better get to work before Oleana gives me an earful. I suggest you three head for the Vault next. It's near the road that leads to Route 6."

The girls walk along the road. Soon, they were greeted by Raihan, who Misty saw in person at Motostoke Stadium during the opening ceremonies.

"Hello, my friends." Raihan greeted. "Are one of you one of the challengers endorsed by Leon?"

Misty steps up. "I am, Raihan."

Raihan looks up the information on his own tablet. "Ah, yes. Misty Brightdawn. A pleasure to meet you. I should let you know this. To be worthy to battle me during the challenge, you must have seven gym badges first."

"That's true." Misty replied. "Anyway, me and my two friends are here to see the Vault."

"So, you would like to learn of the history of Galar. Come inside with me."

The girls follow Raihan inside the building. They were amazed by the inside. Displays of items, trophies, and outfits line the walls.

"You girls should go upstairs to see something special." Raihan suggested.

The girls soon find themselves climbing flights of stairs.

"Hasn't anybody thought of installing an elevator around here?" Paradise grumbled.

They made their way to two wooden doors. Inside the room, they see four tapestries. And, they see Sonia looking at them. She then sees the trio.

"Misty, Firefly, and Paradise." Sonia said. "Good to see you girls."

"What are you looking at, Sonia?" Firefly asked.

"It seems as these tapestries are telling a story."

The girls look at the tapestries as Sonia explains about them. "The first cloth shows two youths seeing a Wishing Star. Number two shows many Pokémon Dynamaxing. The third one shows the youths reach for a sword and a shield. And, the fourth one shows them as rulers."

Firefly got a little nervous. "Does this have anything to do with that Darkest Day story?"

"I was thinking that myself." Sonia replied. "What are you thinking of from looking at these tapestries, Misty?"

"There were two young people in these tapestries." Misty replied. "One of them looks like that statue in Motostoke."

"Good thinking, Misty. But, why was there just one statue instead of two? This deserves some further investigation. Meanwhile, you still have the Gym Challenge ahead of you. Good luck."

The trio walk down the stairs. They were greeted by Raihan.

"Those tapestries you girls saw tell of a formation of a kingdom in Galar." Raihan explained. "You'll learn more soon. For now, you need to focus on the Gym Challenge."

"Okay." Misty replied. "Any advice?"

"Train your Pokémon along Route 6 on your way to the village of Stow on Side. That's where Gym Challenge number four is located."

The girls soon left the Vault to head for Route 6. Misty hopes to do good at her next goal: Stow on Side.

End of Chapter 17


At the sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

18. Mountainous Travels

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As Misty and her friends head out for Route 6, they saw a pair of Team Yell thugs looking at a cute looking snake like critter. Misty pulls out her Pokédex to study this Pokémon.

Silicobra, the Sand Snake Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. The pouch around it's neck can hold up to seventeen pounds of sand.

The big thug started to get mad. "Hey! Don't make too much noise! You'll disturb this Silocobra."

"Us?" Misty gasped. "I think you're the one making a lot of noise."

"I'll teach you not to disturb anything! Go, Stunky!"

Out popped a small skunk. Misty's Pokédex gives her some useful information.

Stunky, the Skunk Pokémon. The Pokédex said. it has a nasty stench that can bring down strong opponents.

Paradise steps up. "I'll handle this. Go, Chewtle!"

Chewtle comes out. The thug isn't impressed. "That Pokémon is a wimp. Stunky, Venoshock!"

Stunky sprayed green goo to Chewtle. Paradise reacted quickly. "Dodge it. Then, use Headbutt!"

Avoiding the poison, Chewtle rammed into Stunky. The Skunk Pokémon got dizzy as Paradise issued another command. "Now, use Water Gun!"

Chewtle blasted Stunky with water. Soon Stunky fainted. Just then, Chewtle started to glow. When the glowing stopped, a Drednaw was standing.

"Way to go!" Misty cheered. "You now have your own Drednaw."

"Cool." Paradise replied.

"I'm not done yet!" The thug said. "You're up, Linoone!"

A Galarian Linoone comes out. The thug struck first. "Go, Take Down!"

Linoone rushed it to strike at Drednaw. Paradise strikes back. "Go, Drednaw. Use Rock Tomb!"

Drednaw unleashed a bunch of rocks at Linoone. The impact caused Linoone to faint. As the thug recalled Linoone, his partner stepped up. "You're turn, Liepard."

A big cat like creature popped out. Misty sees this cat and studied it. "A Liepard, the Cruel Pokémon."

Liepard, the Cruel Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It can move quietly to attack without making a sound.

Firefly steps out. "Let me handle this, Paradise. "

"If you insist." Paradise replied as she recalls Dreadnaw.

"Let's go, Raboot!"

Raboot jumps our, ready for action.

"Liepard," the thug said, "use Fury Swipes!"

Liepard started scratching Raboot. Firefly soon acted. "Raboot, use Double Kick!"

Raboot jumped up, and kicked Liepard twice. Being a Dark Type, Liepard was hit super hard. Soon, it fainted. The thug sadly recalled his Pokémon.

"They are loud." One of the thugs said. "But, they are definitely skilled."

"Let's get out of here." His partner added.

The thugs leave the area. The girls watch as the Silicobra slithered off. Suddenly, Misty and her friends heard somebody clapping. It turned out to be Hop.

"Hop!" Misty gasped.

"Hi, Misty." Hop replied. "That was an impressive battle your friends were in. Very good evolution of Chewtle, Paradise."

"Thanks." Paradise said. "We heard that Bede defeated you."

This brought Hop a little sorrow. "He probably told you that he won over me. You know, I can tolerate a loss. Those who have Pokémon battles tend to lose once in a while." He then became more upset. "After his victory, Bede told me that I'm dragging Leon's name down."

The girls got upset to hear that.

"Talk about being heartless." Misty grumbled.

Hop then perks up. "I can't let Bede's words affect me. I got to prove that I'm worthy to face my brother. See you girls later."

As Hop runs off, the voice of an old woman us heard. "Which of you young ladies is endorsed by the Champion: Leon?"

They girls turned to see an old lady using an umbrella as a walking stick. Misty recognized the woman. "You're that trainer of Fairy Pokémon. Opal, right?"

"Correct." Opal replied.

"To answer your question, I am the one Leon endorsed."

"Well, dearie. I'll keep an eye on you. I want to see you at your best."

Opal walks off. Firefly looks at her with interest. "I wonder what kind of Pokémon she's got."

"We'll think about that later." Misty replied. "For now, let's continue our trip to Stow On Side."

"I heard that barefoot girl, Bea, is the Gym leader there." Paradise said. "And, she specializes in Fighting Types."

"Right, Paradise. When we get there, I'll exchange my Klink for Drizzile."

"I get it." Firefly said. "Steel types are vulnerable to fighting moves."

"You guessed it." Misty replied. "Let's go."

As Misty and company continue their travels to Stow on Side, Sting made his way through Reflection Cave in Kalos. Soon, he sees his goal.

"Here I am in Shalour City." Sting said to himself. "Now, once I heal my Pokémon, I'll take on gym leader Korrina. Going through that cave from Geosenge Town wasn't easy. But, getting my third Gym badge will be worth it."

End of Chapter 18


In the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

19. Sights in Stow on Side

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Misty, Firefly, and Paradise arrived in the village of Stow on Side. It looks very quiet.

"This place looks like one of those outdoor markets." Paradise noticed. "Many stalls with items for sale."

"Very unique, I'll say that." Misty replied.

Later, the girls left the Pokémon Center. Misty traded her Klink to have Drizzile on her side.

"Hey, guys!" Said the voice of a young man.

The girls saw Hop on top of stairs leading to the Stow on Side stadium. They went up there to see what Hop wants.

"Misty," Hop said, "I need to snap out of this state Bede put me in. How about a Pokémon battle?"

"I can use a little warm up before my Gym battle." Misty replied. "Let's go!"

"Then, let's make it a four on four battle. Here's my first Pokémon. Go, Cramorant!"

Out pops a blue bird with a big beak. Misty is concerned about this Pokémon.

Cramorant, the Gulp Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. I can gulp an Arrokuda whole.

Misty makes her first choice. "Corvisquire, let's go!"

Corvisquire comes out, ready to battle. Misty strikes first. "Corvisquire, use Pluck!"

Hop quickly reacted. "Quick, Cramorant! Use Dive!"

Cramorant dive down before Corvisquire connected. Suddenly, the watery bird emerged to strike at Corvisquire. Misty wasn't ready to give up.

"Time to try your new move." Misty said. "Drill Peck!"

Corvisquire charged with its beak acting like a drill. It struck at Cramorant, causing it go faint.

"Return, Cramorant." Hop said. He then makes his next choice. "Here's another new Pokémon I have. Go, Silicobra!"

Silicobra came out. Misty recalled Corvisquire to make her next choice. "I choose you Binacle."

Binacle comes out, ready for action.

"I'll strike first this time." Hop said. "Silicobra, use Dig!"

Silicobra dug underground. Misty got worried. Binacle waits for the Sand Snake Pokémon to come out. Just then, Silicobra appears and struck Binacle.

"Not bad, huh?" Hop said. "Time to follow it up. Silicobra, Headbutt."

Silicobra rushes in to finish the job. But, Misty reacted fast. "Binacle, Mud Slap!"

Binacle throws mud at Silicobra. The ground type couldn't see.

"Now, use Water Gun!" Misty calls out.

Binacle sprays water with such force, Silicobra fainted.

"Silicobra, return." Hop said. He then turns to Misty. "This battle is just what I needed to snap out of my depression. Thanks, Misty."

"I'm glad to help you out." Misty replied.

"Here's my next Pokémon: Toxel."

A toxel pops out. Misty recalled Binacle to bring in her next Pokémon. "Ninetales, you're up!"

Ninetales pops out to fight. Hop has an idea. "Toxel, use Nuzzle."

The little one rubs up against Ninetales, causing paralysis. Hop capitalizes this chance. "Use Acid!"

Toxel spits out poisonous acid. Misty got concerned. "Ninetales, try using Flamethrower."

Fighting the effects of the Nuzzle, Ninetales blew fire at Toxel. It was enough to cause it to faint.

"That's one beautiful Pokémon." Hop said as he recalls Toxel. "Let's see how you handle my last one. Go, Raboot!"

Raboot jumped out, ready to fight. Misty saw that her Ninetales is still affected by paralysis.

"Ninetales, return." Misty said as she calls for her fourth Pokémon. "Drizzile, you're up."

Drizzile is ready for action. Hop strikes first. "Raboot, use Double Kick!"

Raboot jumped up and kicked Drizzile twice.

"Shake it off, Drizzile!" Misty said as Drizzile recovers. "Now, use Water Pulse!"

Drizzile sprayed water on Raboot. Hop soon got worried when Raboot got confused.

"Let's wrap it up with Sucker Punch!" Misty said.

With its hand glowing with black energy, Drizzile punched Raboot. The Rabbit Pokémon soon fainted.

"Wow!" Hop said. "That was a bad blow." He soon recalled his Pokémon. "But, this battle helped me regain my focus. I'll prove to that Bede creep neither me nor Leon are weak. See you later, Misty."

Hop soon leaves to restore his Pokémon. But then, Drizzile started to glow. That means Drizzile is evolving. When the glowing stopped, the girls were looking at a tall lizard standing like a human detective.

"I don't believe it!" Misty gasped as she took out her Pokédex. "Drizzile just evolved into..."

Inteleon, the Secret Agent Pokémon and the evolved form of Drizzile. The Pokédex said. This Pokémon has many hidden abilities. Like shooting water from it's fingers.

Misty looks at Inteleon with interest. "You look awesome, Inteleon. You'll be a great help against the gym leader." She raises her Poké Ball. "For now, have a good rest."

She recalled her Pokémon as her friends were amazed.

"Wow." Firefly gasped. "That's an amazing evolution. Do you think Raboot and Thwackey could evolve into something that cool?"

"It could be possible." Paradise replied. "For now, we better get to the Pokémon Center to join up with Misty."

The trio of friends went to the Pokémon Center so Misty can heal her Pokémon. Meanwhile, in the Shalour City Gym in Kalos, Sting has out a Meowstic while Korrina has out Hawlucha, her last Pokémon. When Sting saw that Hawlucha can't move that much, he made his move.

"I knew having Jolteon would help." Sting said. "Jolteon's electric attack paralyzed Hawlucha. Now, Meowstic. Psyshock!"

Meowstic unleashed psychic energy at Hawlucha. Soon, the wrestling Pokémon fainted.

"Hawlucha is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Meowstic wins. The winner of this battle is Sting from Dream Valley!"

Sting was very proud of Meowstic as Korrina recalled her Hawlucha.

"I thought I had you for good." Korrina said. "But, you came back, and snatched victory from the grasp of defeat. You definitely earned the Rumble Badge."

"Thank you, Korrina." Sting replied.

After placing his badge in his case, Sting left thevgym to prepare for his next challenge. "Stop four, Coumarine City!"

End of Chapter 19


At the sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

20. Gym Battle 4-Misty vs. Bea

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After healing her Pokémon, Misty heads for the Stow on Side stadium. As soon as she changed into her Challenger outfit, she made her way to her Gym Mission. She sees a circular car, and Alex waiting for her.

"For this mission," Alex explained, "You need to navigate this car to the entrance to the stadium. Along the way, there will be boxing gloves ready to pound the car."

Misty got nervous. Alex comforted her. "Don't worry. These circular cars take a lot of pounding. So, you'll be safe."

Feeling relief, Misty got in the car. Then, it started spinning. Fortunately, her seat area doesn't spin with the car. As the car spins through the hallway, Misty uses the wheel to change the direction of the spinning. She then approaches the boxing gloves. Despite the pounding, the car withstood the abuse. Minutes later, the car stops at an area near the entrance to the arena. Misty got out, and took a minute to recover.

"That was quite a ride." Misty said to herself. "It's worth the rocky feeling. Time to get my next badge!"

Misty walks in the door. Inside the stadium, the spectators are waiting for the battle to commence. Opaline and Squirk discuss this battle.

"If Miss Brightdawn wins this battle," Opaline said, "she will have four badges."

"Indeed." Squirk added. "Then, she'll be half way to the championship tournament. After all, four is half of eight."

Soon, out came an energetic girl with magenta hair and wearing a pink Karate gi. She started doing a fantastic kata. The audience are amazed with her front kicks. As soon as she was done, she talked to the crowd.

"Hello, everybody!" The girl announced. "Welcome to the Stow on Side stadium. I am your MC: Heartthrob. My Karate demonstration is an appetizer. Now, on to the main course!"

The audience is ready as Heartthrob presents the first contender. "In the right corner, the barefoot beauty of Galar Karate. The Stow on Side Gym Leader: Bea!"

The crowd cheered as Bea walks out, and bows to the crowd. Heartthrob continued her introduction. "In the left corner, the rising Challenger with three badges on her person. Coming all the way from Canterlot City: Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty comes out. The audience cheered as a referee in a basic white Karate gi comes out.

"This will be a four on four battle." The referee announced. "The battle will end when all Pokémon from wither Side is defeated. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

Bea got into a martial arts stance as she addresses her opponent. "Are you ready, Miss Brightdawn?"

"Ready when you are." Misty replied.

"Then, here comes my first Pokémon!" She throws her Poké Ball. "Go, Hitmontop!"

Out pops a humanoid creature with a Spike on it's head. Misty studies this Pokémon.

Hitmontop, the Handstand Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It's spinning kick is a good balance of offense and defense.

Misty made her first choice. "Let's go, Meowstic!"

Meowstic comes out, ready to battle. The referee called to the trainers. "Let the battle begin."

"Meowstic," Misty said, "Disarming Voice!"

Meowstic sang lovingly. Hitmontop got hit hard. Bea countered. "Hitmontop, Triple kick!"

Hitmontop jumped on his head and started to spin. Misty decided to strike quickly. "Meowstic, use Psybeam!"

Meowstic unleashed it's psychic powers. Hitmontop got hit, and soon fainted.

"Hitmontop is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Meowstic wins."

"What a psychic blast!" Heartthrob said. "Let's see how Bea can come from this."

Bea recalled Hitmontop and prepared her next Pokémon. "Psychic powers won't work on this one. Go, Pangoro!"

Out comes a giant panda. Misty gets out her Pokédex. "Pangoro. That's Pancham's evolved form."

Pangoro, the Daunting Pokémon and the evolved form of Pancham. Said the Pokédex. It uses the leaf in it's mouth to track it's opponent's movement.

"Can you still keep going, Meowstic?" Misty asked. Her Pokémon nodded yes. "Let's use Disarming Voice."

Just as Meowstic was ready to sing, Bea struck. "Pangoro, use Night Slash!"

Pangoro's paw glowed black, and struck Meowstic. The Constraint Pokémon quickly fainted.

"Meowstic is unable to battle." The referee said. "Pangoro wins."

"Meowstic, return." Misty sadly said.

"This is a bad turn of events." Heartthrob said. "How will Misty recover?"

Misty made her next choice. "Like this! Inteleon, let's go!"

Inteleon emerged. Bea looked with interest.

"An Inteleon, huh?" Bea said. "Pangoro, Bullet Punch!"

Pangoro started to rapidly punch Inteleon. Misty reacted. "Water Pulse. Hurry!"

Inteleon blew water onto Pangoro. Suddenly, Pangoro got confused, and started punching himself. Bea got worried.

"Time for your new move." Misty said to Inteleon. "Use Snipe Shot!"

Raising its fingers, Inteleon fires bullets of water. Between the water bullets and the confusion Water Pulse caused, Pangoro quickly fainted.

"Pangoro is unable to battle." Said the referee. "Inteleon wins."

"Mission accomplished." Heartthrob said. "Inteleon defeated Pangoro."

The crowd cheered as Bea recalled Pangoro.

"You are no quitter, Misty." Bea praised. "I appreciate your determination."

"Thank you, Bea." Misty said proudly.

"Here comes my third Pokémon. Go, Sirfetch'd!"

Out comes a white bird carrying a leek like sword and leafy shield.

"Who's that Pokémon?" Misty wondered as she pulls out her Pokédex.

Sirfech'd, the Wild Duck Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It has a leaf shield and a leek style sword. Thus makes it a powerful weapon.

Misty has an idea. After recalling Inteleon, she went with another Pokémon. "Ninetales, let's go."

Ninetales came out ready to go.

"Ninetales, use Will-O-Wisp." Misty said.

The Fox Pokémon blew fire at Sirfetch'd. Soon, Bea noticed something.

"Sirfetch'd is burned!" Bea noticed. "Will-O-Wisp has the power to leave burn effects."

"Not a bad move, huh?" Misty asked.

"It still won't save you. Sirfetch'd, used Brutal Swing!"

Sirfetch'd raised its leek sword. Misty called to her Pokémon. "Ninetales, Incinerate!"

Ninetales and Sirfetch'd struck each other at the same time. The close range of the moves caused both Pokémon to faint.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle." The referee announced. "This battle is a draw."

"A double KO." Paradise said from the stands. "This means Bea has one Pokémon left while Misty has two."

Both trainers recalled their Pokémon. Bea makes her decision. "This is my fourth and final Pokémon. Stop this if you can. Go, Machamp!"

Out comes a four armed muscular creature. Misty is shocked to see this Pokémon. "A Machamp. The Superpower Pokémon."

Her Pokédex comes to life. Machamp, the Superpower Pokémon. It's four arms have many uses.

Soon, she makes her own choice. "Corvisquire, let's go!"

Corvisquire comes out. Soon, Bea recalled Machamp. Her Poké Ball soon grew big.

"Time to bring this battle to a whole new level." Bea said as she threw her Poké Ball in the air. "Gigantamax!"

Machamp comes out, and grows gigantic. It also loos like it's wearing tights instead of trunks. Seeing that this is the big battle, Musty recalled Corvisquire. Her Poké Ball grew big, then she threw it in the air. "It's Dynamax time!"

As Corvisquire grew gigantic, Heartthrob was astounded. "Here we go, folks! The big battle! And, I do mean BIG!"

"Corvisquire," Misty said, "let's use Max Strike."

The Raven Pokémon struck the ground, and did damage to Machamp. Bea countered the move. "Machamp, G Max Chi Strike!"

Machamp flexed his four arms. Soon, a fist flew from the sky, and struck Corvisquire. But, the move was not very effective against flying types.

"Let's finish this, Corvisquire!" Misty calls out. "Max Airstream!"

Corvisquire blew powerful winds against Machamp. Being struck by Max Strike softened up the Superpower Pokémon for the powerful Max Airstream to finish the job. Machamp fainted and shrunk it back to normal size.

"Machamp is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Corvisquire wins. The winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"There you have it, folks!" Heartthrob said. "Misty rose from the ashes to claim victory over Bea."

Corvisquire shrunk back down as Misty rushed over to hug her feathery friend. After recalling Machamp, Bea walked over to her opponent.

"You fought honorably." Bea said proudly. "This proves that you're dedicated to being a Pokémon trainer. You treat your Pokémon with kindness and trust." Bea pulled put a golden piece with a yellow fist on it. "This Fighting Badge clearly belongs to you."

Misty accepts the badge. She feels happy. "I have the Fighting Badge. That's badge number four."

Suddenly, her Corvisquire started to glow. That means it's evolution time. When the glowing stopped, her Corvisquire grew bigger, and it looks like it's wearing black armor.

"Impressive." Bea said with shock. "Your Corvisquire evolved into a magnificent Corviknight!"

Misty pulls out her Pokédex. "So, you're a Corviknight, huh?"

Corviknight, the Raven Pokémon and the evolved form of Corvisquire. The Pokédex said. This final form of the Rookidee evolution is the supreme ruler of the skies of Galar.

Later, outside the stadium, the girls saw that Sonia was there.

"What brings you here, Sonia?" Firefly asked.

"Girls," Sonia explained, "I come to show you a mural here in Stow on Side. It tells of the hero of Galar."

"Would this mural have anything to do with what we've been finding so far?"

"It might be possible."


The group heard an explosion. This worried Sonia. "That came from the direction of the ruins. Come on!"

Sonia and the girls climbed up a group of stairs to a big mural. There, they saw Bede directing an elephant like Pokémon to ram into the mural Misty studies this critter.

Copperajah, the Copperderm Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. They work well with humans. Their green skin resists water.

After putting away the Pokédex, Misty calls out to Bede. "Hey! Bede! Stop this racket!"

Bede soon saw the group. What is this young man up to? Why is he directing a Copperajah to bash against a mural?

The answers lie ahead in our next episode.

End of Chapter 20


At the sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

21. New Discoveries Found

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In our previous chapter, Misty just won her fourth badge after defeating Bea. Suddenly, an explosion was heard. Misty, Firefly, Paradise, and Sonia rushed up to the ruins. They saw Bede and a Copperajah ramming unto a mural. This irritated everyone.

"What are you doing, Bede?" Misty asked.

"Not that it's any of your business." Bede answered cruelly. "But, I'm on the search for more Wishing Stars. That's why I borrowed the Chairman's Pokémon."

"You can't smash this mural!" Sonia protested. "It's part of Stow on Side's history."

"Shut up, you stupid dame. This eyesore will be out of the way. Then, I'll find those Wishing Stars!"

Misty steps up. "You can't call anyone stupid! I'll teach you to respect others."

Bede prepared Poké Ball. "Oh no you don't! Go, Duosion!"

Out popped a bigger version of Solosis. Misty pulled out her Pokédex.

Duosion, the Mitosis Pokémon and the evolved form of Solosis. The Pokédex said. When it'stwo brains work together, their psychic powers are strong.

Misty called for her first Pokémon. "Let's go, Litwick."

Litwick cones out. Misty strikes first. "Let's start with Will-O-Wisp."

The Candle Pokémon fired the flames from it's wick. Duosion soon got burned.

"You will not win!" Bede said angrily. "Duosion, Psybeam!"

Duosion fired psychic energy. Misty reacted quickly. "Dodge it. Then, use Confuse Ray!"

After avoiding the psychic attack, Litwick's eyes glowed red. Duosion's eyes glowed too. When it started hurting itself, Bede got scared. "Oh no!"

"Okay, Litwick!" Misty said. "Night Slash!"

Glowing with black energy, Litwick struck Duosion. The psychic Pokémon soon fainted. Bede recalled Duosion, and called for his next Pokémon. "I want those Wishing Stars! Go, Gothorita."

A black and lavender creature that looks like a doll comes out. Misty studies this Pokémon. "So Gothita evolved too."

Gothorita, the Manipulate Pokémon and the evolved form of Gothita. Said the Pokédex. They draw their power from starlight.

"Litwick, return." Misty said as she picks her next Pokémon. "Inteleon, let's go!"

Inteleon is ready. Bede is still angry. "You cannot stop me! Gothorita, use Rock Tomb!"

Gothorita made rocks appear and flung them at Inteleon.

"Quick, Inteleon!" Misty calls out. "Use Snipe Shot on this rocks!"

The Secret Agent Pokémon fired bullets of water on the rocks. It continued to attack Gothorita. When the psychic Pokémon fainted from the water attack, Bede recalled her.

"Stop this nonsense!" Bede said. "You must fall! Go, Hattrem!"

Out came a pink Pokémon with a white hat. Misty learns of this Pokémon.

Hattrem, the Serene Pokémon and the evolved form of Hatenna. The Pokédex said. If it senses strong emotions, it can silence you violently.

Misty recalled Inteleon to call her next choice. "Corviknight, you're next!"

The might Raven Pokémon emerged. Bede is not impressed. "Hattrem, use Dazzling Gleam!"

Hattrem fired a flashing light. Being partially a steel type, Corviknight is not affected. Misty takes advantage of it. "Corviknight, use Steel Wing!"

Corviknight's wings glittered like metal and struck Hattrem. When this Pokémon fainted, Bede recalled her.

"I will not be denied those Wishing Stars!" Bede said angrily. "Go, Ponyta!"

Ponyta popped out. Misty decided to stick with Corviknight. Bea makes his move. "You will fall! Ponyta, Fairy Wind!"

Ponyta whipped up a sparkling wind. Misty was shocked at this deseration. "Let's finish it up, Corviknight. Use Drill Peck."

Flying up, Corviknight dove with its beak spinning. It struck Ponyta hard. After recalling Ponyta, Bede heard a familiar voice. "Bede!"

Everyone saw Chairman Rose and Oleana walking towards them. Bede rushed up to the duo.

"Chairman Rose." Bede said. "I'm glad you're here. Tell these unworthy girls that they're interfering with my mission."

"I wondered why you borrowed Chairman Rose's Pokémon." Oleana replied. "I can't believe that you would destroy a historical site like this."

"Who cares about this eyesore? The fate of Galar is at stake. I'm still gathering Wishing Stars for the mission. So, LET ME WRECK THIS BUNCH OF SCRIBBLES!!"

Rose looks at Bede with sadness. "You disappointed me, Bede. It's true, you were alone when I found you. I saw potential in you. So, I sent you to Trainer School. But, to destroy a beautiful mural like this, it's unforgiven. You show no love for Galar. You're not worthy to be a Gym Challenger. For now, you will return witn us to Hammerlocke. We'll decide what to do with you later."

Bede's eyes opened wide. He was shocked. "You're disqualifying me from the Gym Challenge? You're the one who endorsed me. Can't we work something out?"

"No deal!" Oleana said roughly. "We'll be taking the Wishing Stars you gathered!"

Two guards grabbed Bede and carried him away. They shake him roughly, telling him that the Chairman is angry.

"I'm sorry for what Bede did." Rose said. "Our Pokémon Gym Challenge is about sportsmanship and fair play. We'll deal with the lad."

Rose and Oleana left back for Hammerlocke. The girls were relieved.

"Boy, what a hectic event this was." Firefly said.

"I agree, Firefly." Sonia replied as she looks at the mural. "I'm relieved that the mural survived this."

Suddenly, the mural crumbled. But, our friends saw something hidden in the rubble. It was statues of two royals and creatures that look like they're holding a sword and a shield. They started to thinking of everything they found. The statue at Dew Drop in, the tapestries at Hammerlocke.

"This opens a whole new part of our discovery." Sonia said. "It looks like the creatures are holding a sword and a shield."

"Do you think the sword and shield are Pokémon?" Misty asked.

"That's a good thought, Misty. This deserves more study. Meanwhile, you girls need to head to Ballonea next."

Misty and her friends head for the Pokémon Center to rest up. With this new finding, Sonia's investigation deepens. Misty has her own thoughts. With half of her Gym battles done, what will the other half present to her?

End of Chapter 21


At the sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

22. Lighting Up a Dark Path

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Inside the Pokémon Center at Stow on Side, Misty is on the videophone talking to Catrina.

"So, what do you think of my Pokémon I sent you?" Misty asked.

"You're doing a great job." Catrina replied. "Inteleon, Corviknight, and Ninetales look good. You definitely know how to care for your Pokémon."

"Thank you."

Catrina noticed that Misty looks a little upset. "Are you still uptight about what Bede did?"

"A little." Misty replied. "How can he do this to a magnificent mural?"

"On the bright side, Sonia did discover new clues to the past."

Misty was relieved. She soon saw her two friends coming in. She said goodbye to Catrina and went to them.

"What's up, you guys?" Misty asked.

"Firefly had a great victory in a Pokémon battle." Paradise replied. "Many people watched, and cheered. It was against a Swirlix."

"I'm pretty grateful that poison moves from Toxel are affective against fairy types." Firefly added as she gets out a Poké Ball. "Plus, I have this!"

Out pops a purple creature with blue energy coming out. Misty was shocked to see this Pokémon. "No way! Toxel evolved into Toxtricity!"

Toxtricity, the Punk Pokémon and the evolved form of Toxel. The Pokédex said. The nature of this Pokémon determines if it's Amped Form or Low Key Form.

"This must be Low Key form." Misty figured.

"I don't care." Firefly replied. "This is the coolest looking Pokémon I've ever seen."

Paradise gets out her tablet to study a map of Galar. "To reach our next destination, Ballonea, we have to make our way through Glimwood Tangle."

"I heard of that place." Misty said. "It's very dark in those woods."

"Don't worry. There are mushrooms we can touch to light paths in that area."

"So, how do we find this Glimwood Tangle place?"

Firefly looked at the map after recalling Toxtricity. "Looks like there's a path next to the stadium."

Misty is ready to go. "Come on, girls. Gym Battle five awaits!"

The trio returned to the Stow on Side stadium. They soon saw the path Firefly talked about. They found their way to Glimwood Tangle. Misty saw some creatures running around. The moment she touched a red mushroom, a little dark pink creature popped out. Misty pulls out her Pokédex.

Impidimp, the Wily Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It likes to sneak into people's homes to cause trouble.

Misty has an idea. "Sizzlipede, I choose you!"

Sizzlipede came out blazing out. Firefly was shocked. "You're going to catch that Impidimp?"

"I sure am!"

Impidimp struck Sizzlipede with an Assurance attack. But, Misty won't let that stop her. "Sizzlipede, use Bug Bite!"

Sizzlipede started to bite Impidimp in many places. Misty grabs an empty Poké Ball and threw it to her opponent. The ball enclosed Impidimp, and caught it. Everybody was surprised that Impidimp was captured. The ball vanished, but Misty was satisfied. "Wait until Miss Catrina studies that one."

" Okay, my turn." Paradise said. "I see a Sinistea."

Floating in at a distance is what looks like a floating teacup with purple fluid draping over. Misty pulled put her Pokédex .

Sinistea, the Black Tea Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Legend has it that a wandering spirit possessed a cold cup of tea.

"You're going to catch that Pokémon?" Firefly asked.

"I can always use a ghost type." Paradise replied as she calls for a Pokémon. "Come out, Thwackey!"

Thwackey pops out, ready for action. Sinistea sees the Beat Pokémon and unleashes a Sucker Punch. Thwackey shook off the attack.

"Okay, Thwackey." Paradise said. "Use Razor Leaf!"

Thwackey fired a bunch of leaves at Sinistea. Paradise grabbed a Poké Ball and used it to catch the Black Tea Pokémon. After a few shakes, the Poké Ball clicked. This indicates that Sinistea was captured.

"Yes!" Paradise cheered. "I caught a Sinistea! Good work, Thwackey."

Theackey felt very proud. Suddenly, Thwackey started to glow.

"Wow!" Firefly gasped. "I think Thwackey is starting to evolve."

Thwackey started to grow. Seconds later, Thwackey became a grassy gorilla with a tree stump shaped like a drum.

"Wow!" Paradise cheered. "Thwackey evolved into a Rillaboom, the Drummer Pokémon!"

Misty checked out this new Pokémon. "That's a Rillaboom, huh?"

Rillaboom, the Drummer Pokémon and the evolved form of Thwackey. The Pokédex said. The special stump used as drum has very special powers.

"It looks like Rillaboom learned a new move too." Misty said. "Drum Beating."

"That's great!" Paradise replied. "Congratulations, Rillaboom."

Firefly watched Paradise hug her new friend. She becomes intrigued.

First, Misty's Drizzile evolved into Inteleon. Firefly thought. Now, Thwackey evolved into Rillaboom. I can't wait to see what my Raboot will evolve into.

The two girls continue their walk through the path until they see a small village.

"That must be Ballonea." Misty said. "It's beautiful."

Misty was right. Many houses are lighted up by Pokémon like Shiinotic and Lanturn. As the three girls head for the village, two mean girls were watching. One was tall with raggedy red hair, the other was short, plump, and with black hair. The tall girl has on a teal shirt light blue overalls and brown boots. The short girl has on a red dress and black shoes.

"There's Misty Brightdawn, just like our mother told us." The thin girl said.

"We heard she was coming here after she won her fourth badge." The plump girl added. "Are you ready for this?"

"Yes, I am! What Charlatan started, we and our mother will finish."

End of Chapter 22


At the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

23. Misty's Heartbreak and Comeback

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Misty and her friends arrived at Ballonea for Misty's fifth gym battle. After healing their Pokémon, they head for a stadium.

"Nervous?" Firefly asked.

"A little." Misty replied. "I'm not sure what the Gym Mission is."

"Good point." Paradise added. "In Turffield, you had to wrangle up some Wooloo. In Hulbury, you played with faucets to create a path. In Monostoke, you where gathering points for catching and defeating Pokémon. And in Stow on Side, you rode a spinning disk."

"I don't know what Opal will have in store for me. But, I'm ready for anything."

Just then, the two mean girls sprang up and blocked the entrance so Misty can't go in.

"My name is Reeka." The short girl said meanly. "This is my sister: Draggle. And, your journey ends here!"

Misty was confused. "Say what now?"

"You heard Reeka." Draggle said. "You're not moving forward."

"We heard about what happened to you in Canterlot City." Rekka said cruelly. "You deserve to be thrown out of CHS!" Reeka then grabs a Poké Ball. "You're not challenging the Gym leader! Come out, Purrloin! Use Fury Swipes!"

Out pops a cat like creature who delivers lots of scratches to Misty. The other girls were shocked to see that.

"Hey!" Paradise shouted. "Pokémon aren't to be used to hurt people!"

"We do what we want!" Draggle yelled as she calls for her own Pokémon. "Come out, Meowth. Use Headbutt on this loser!"

Out pops a cat with a gray steel like body. This cat rammed it's head on Misty. The mean sisters and their Pokémon laughed cruelly. Firefly stepped up. "Nobody hurts our friend!"

"That girl shouldn't have any friends!" Reeka angrily replied.

The two cats are ready to pounce on Misty again. But, Firefly decided to stop this attack. "Raboot, intercept them with Double Kick!"

Raboot popped out and kicked both Pokémon back to the mean sisters. After recalling their Pokémon, they run off.

"Let's hope that'll make Misty give up." Draggle said.

"That dame sure felt our wrath." Reeka added.

Paradise tried to comfort Misty. She had tears going down her eyes.

"Why?" Misty sobbed. "Why would anybody bring up bad moments like that?"

"I guess there are some people who believe Charlatan's words." Paradise figured.

"Despite what those sisters tell you," Firefly said, "we'll be here for you. So will our Pokémon. Right, Raboot?"

Raboot gave Firefly a thumbs up. Suddenly, it started to glow.

"At last!" Firefly cheered. "Raboot is evolving!"

Raboot started to grow. When the glowing stopped, Raboot became a tall white rabbit with red and deep blue legs and red paws. It had red hair on top.

"Congratulations, Firefly." Paradise praised. "Raboot is now a Cinderace, the Striker Pokémon."

Despite being rattled, Misty takes out her Pokédex. "I wonder what this Pokémon is about."

Cinderace, the Striker Pokémon and the evolved form of Raboot. The Pokédex said. It can deliver a burning kick that can leave its opponents scorched.

As Paradise and Firefly celebrated this occasion, Misty sneaks off to the outside of the village. She sat on a stump in Glimwood Tangle with her head down. She still cried, thinking of what those sisters told her. Just then, she was approached by a strange looking figure. It was a yellow skinned woman with flowing brown hair. She wore a red mask over her eyes.

She also wore a blue jacket over a white shirt, dark blue pants, black shoes, and flowing teal cape. This woman approached the sobbing Misty.

"You're not giving up." The mysterious woman said. "Are you?"

"I don't know." Misty sobbed. "Those two sisters told me that I'm to be a failure."

"Draggle and Reeka. I heard of them. Those two are known to force new trainers not to continue their quest."

"I wonder if they ever hurt Sunset Shimmer like that."

"The Kalos Region champion? No. But, many others tried."

Misty's eyes widened to hear that. The woman continues her story. "Many others tried to stop Miss Shimmer’s Journey. Reason being to make her think of her own bad moments. Do you know why she's champion today?"

"No." Misty replied. "How?"

"Because she had friends to help her through her rough spots. Just like you have Firefly and Paradise. Plus, you have your Pokémon who care about you."

The words of the masked woman soon sank in. Misty soon feel better.

"Thank you, mysterious one." Misty said. "I'll head back to Ballonea now. I'm sure Firefly and Paradise are worried about me now."

The girl leaves for Ballonea while the masked woman turns and walks away. She feels good knowing that Misty will continue her quest. Soon, Misty goes to the Pokémon Center where Paradise and Firefly were waiting.

"Where have you been, Misty?" Firefly asked. "We were worried about you."

"Sorry, guys." Misty replied. "I just needed some alone time to clear my head."

"We were afraid that you were going to go home." Paradise said. "Those sisters who attacked you wanted you give up your quest."

"Give up my quest? NO WAY! I'm going to keep going no matter what anyone tells me."

With new determination, Misty is ready to call it a night as she prepares for her Gym Battle. Meanwhile, in Coumarine City in Kalos, a monorail makes a stop. Passengers got off the train, including Sting.

"Here I am in Coumarine City." Sting said to himself. "Now to heal my Pokémon, then challenge the nature lover, Ramos, to a Gym battle."

End of Chapter 23


AR the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)

24. Gym Battle 5-Misty vs. Opal

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The next day, Misty and her friends made their way to the Ballonea Stadium for Misty's fifth gym battle. While Firefly and Paradise made their way to the stands, Misty changed into her Challenger outfit. She was then lead by Alex to a table where Opal herself is waiting.

"You're the Gym Mission?" Misty gasped.

"Believe it or not, yes." Opal replied. "I am looking for someone to take over my gym duties. I feel I should leave the spotlight."

"What's this to do with the Gym battle?"

"I would like to ask you a few questions to see if you're Gym leader material."

This is a big thing for Misty. She decided to go along with it. "Okay, let's do this."

Opal asked Misty her first question. "Which color is my favorite? Pink or Purple?"

"Well, you do wear a bit of Pink." Misty replied. "But, my answer is purple."

"That is correct!" Opal praised. "Here's the next one. What am I known as? The Magic user or the Wizard?"

"Seeing as how you're very knowledgeable," Misty replied, "I'd say The Wizard."

"Very good. Now, your last question. How old am I? Sixteen or in my 80s?"

Misty thought of how she'll answer. She gave her response. "16."

Opal smiled. "Good answer. Now, one more test."

"What's that?"

"The gym battle. I'll see you in the arena."

Opal makes her way to the arena. Misty hopes that the Pokémon she chose will help her win. Inside the stadium, the crowd awaits the battle. Out steps a lovely lady with flowing blue hair and wearing a sky blue dress and white shoes.

"Greetings, my friends." The woman said with an elegant British tone. "Welcome to Ballonea Stadium. My name is Sparkler and I'm your MC for this event."

Sparkler soon points to the right. "In this corner, the elderly lady who is surprisingly strong. The fairy Pokémon user: Opal!"

As Opal approaches the arena, she turns to Sparkler. "Watch who you're calling elderly, young whippersnapper!"

Sparkler got a bit nervous. She regained her composure and pointed to the left. "In this corner, a brave young girl from Canterlot City. With four badges in her possession, here's Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty walks out and received the ovation of the crowd. This includes her friends, Firefly and Paradise, and her watchful guardians, Opaline and Squirt. A woman with curly brown hair and wearing a ruffled blue shirt and flowing teal skirt walk in to greet the trainers.

"This will be a four on four battle." The woman explained. "This battle is over when all Pokémon on either side is defeated. Also, the challenger is the only one to substitute Pokémon."

Opal made her choice. "My first Pokémon is Weezing!"

Out popped two connecting purple balls with smokestacks on its head. Curious, Misty pulls out her Pokedex.

Weezing, the Poison Gas Pokemon. The Pokédex said. In Galar, the smokestacks on it's head puffs out clean air, despite being a Poison type.

Misty makes her first choice. "Let's go. Meowstic!"

Meowstic pops out, ready for action.

"That won't help you, my dear." Opal said. "Weezing, use Fairy Wind!"

Weezing blew a white sparkling wind at Meowstic, Misty reacted. "Meowstic, use Disarming Voice."

Meowstic sang loudly and beautifully. This affected Weezing.

"Not bad." Opal praised. "Try this on for size. Weezing, use Sludge attack!"

The Poison Gas Pokémon spewed globs of poison at Meowstic.

"Dodge! " Misty called out. "Then, use Psybeam!"

After avoiding the Sludge. Meowstic fired a beam if psychic energy. This was super effective against poison types as Weezing soon fainted.

"Weezing is unable to battle." The female referee announced. "Meowstic wins."

"With a powerful Psybeam attack," Sparkler said, "Misty makes her presence felt."

"Return, Weezing." Opal said as she recalled her Pokémon. She then takes out another Poké Ball. "Psychic powers won't stop this. Go, Mawile!"

Out pops a yellow creature with a big jaw on its head. Misty grabbed her Pokédex and studied this creature.

Mawile, the Deceiver Pokémon. The Pokédex said. Don't be distracted by it's cute smile. It can suddenly attack with the jaws on it's head.

Having an idea, Misty prepares herself. "Meowstic, return." She then makes her next choice. "Let's go, Centiskorch."

A Centiskorch pops out. In the stands, Opaline and Squirk watch with interest.

"So, that Sizzlipede she caught in Monostoke evolved." Opaline said.

"This should be interesting indeed." Squirk added.

"Mawile, use Bite!" Opal called out.

The jaws on Mawile's head are ready to clamp down until Misty reacted. "Quick, Centiskorch. Flame Wheel!"

Centiskorch rolled up into a wheel iof fire and tooled toward Mawile. The Deceiver Pokémon got hit hard, and then fainted.

"Mawile is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Centiskorch wins!"

"In a blaze of glory," Sparkler said, " Centiskorch tools over the competition."

"Return, Mawile." Opal said as she turns to Misty. "Very clever, my dear. Knowing my Mawile is partially a steel type, you figured he's vulnerable to fire moves."

"Thank you." Misty replied.

"Now, here's my third Pokémon. Go, Togekiss!"

Out pops a white flying creature with red and blue marks. Misty studies this beautiful Pokémon.

Togekiss, the Jubilee Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It like to spread joy and peace everywhere.

"I'd love to have a Togekiss." Paradise said in the stands.

"Only if you catch it as a Togepi." Firefly suggested.

"Let's keep going, Centiskorch." Misty said. "Flame Wheel."

As Centiskorch fires up, Opal quickly reacts. "This should cool you off, dearie. Togekiss, Air Slash!"

Flapping it's wings, Togekiss blows Centiskorch to the wall behind Misty. The impact made the Radiator Pokémon faint.

"Centiskorch is unable to battle." The referee announced."Togekiss wins."

"This is a heartbreaker."Sparkler said. "Will young Misty Brightdawn recover from this loss?"

After recalling Centiskorch, Misty pulls out another Poké Ball. "I sure will. Klink, let's go!"

Klink comes out, ready for battle. Opal doesn't look impressed with the size of this Pokémon. "Togekiss, Sky Attack!"

Togekiss flew fast at Klink. Misty reacted quickly. "Klink, use Discharge!"

The Gear Pokémon energized , and fired an electric shock to Togekiss.

"Follow it up with Gear Grind!" Misty called out..

Klink launched two gears at it's opponent. The gears grinded at Togekiss. The Jubilee Pokémon soon fainted.

"Togekiss is unable to battle" The referee announced. "Klink wins!"

"Yeah!" Misty cheered. "Good work, Klink."

Suddenly, Klink started to glow. That means it's evolving. Klink started to grow. From the glow emerged two gears connected. Difference is one of the gears is bigger than the other.

"This is amazing." Sparkler said to the crowd. "Klink just evolved into a Klang."

Misty pulls out her Pokédex. It gives her some information. Klang, the Gear Pokémon and the evolved form of Klink. Comprises of one mini gear and one bigger gear. It can launch the mini gear at does.

After recalling Togekiss, Opal praised Misty on this moment. "Very impressive evolution, dearie." She then pulls out a Poké Ball. "Now, here's my fourth and final Pokémon. Go, Alcremie!"

Out pops a living lump of cream. Misty learned of this Pokémon.

Alcremie, the Cream Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It can take on different colors depending on the berry it has.

Misty decides to stick with Klang. Suddenly, Opal bursted with excitement. "My morning tea just kicked in! Let's take this to the next level!"

Opal recalled her Alcremie.Her band made her ball grow. Then, the fairy trainer made her move. "Gigantimax!"

Alcremie came back out and grew into a giant multi layered cake.

"If only that party girl, Pinkie Pie, saw this." Firefly said from the stands. "Her sweet tooth would go into overdrive."

Misty recalled Klang. Her band made her Poké Ball grow. "Let's do this, Klang. Dynamax!"

Klang grew gigantic too. Misty made the first move. "Klang, Max Lightning!"

The Gear Pokémon unleashed an electric shock. Alcremie got hit, but not hurt.

" All of this cream makes good insulation" Opal said. "Alcremie, G Max Finale!"

Alcremie unleashed a burst of Fairy energy at Klang. Being a steel type, Klang wasn't effected that much. Misty strikes back. "Let's do this, Klang. Max Steelspike!"

Klang made pointed metal appear on the ground. The spikes soon struck Alcremie. Soon, the Gigantimax wore off as Alcremie fainted.

"Alcremie is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Klang wins. The winner of this Gym Battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"With a powerful steel move," Sparkler said, "Misty bested the Gigantimax Alcremie. Now. Misty lives happily ever after"

Klang shrank back to normal as Misty cheered for her Pokémon. Opal recalled Alcremie and approached Misty.

"I applaud your victory, Miss Brightdawn." Opal praised. "Steel moves work well against fairy types as well as Poison moves. You clearly earned the Fairy Badge."

Misty received a golden piece with pink designs on it. She was happy. "I have the Fairy Badge. That's badge number 5!"

Meanwhile, in the Kalos Region, Sting is set to wrap up his Gym Battle in Coumarine City.

"Go for it, Fletchinder!" Sting calls out. "Flame Charge!"

Fletchinder flares up and strikes a Gogoat. The fire caused Gogoat to faint.

"Gogoat is unable to battle." The referee announced . "Fletchinder wins. The winner of the Gym Battle is Sting from Dream Valley!"

" Great work, Fletchinder!" Sting calls out. "I'm proud of you."

Fletchinder squawks happily. Gym Leader Ramos recalls Gogoat.

"Your bond with your Pokémon is a lovely sight." Ramos said. "You truly earned the Plant Badge."

"Thank you, Ramos." Sting replied.

Sting left the gym happily. He has half the badges he needs. Now, he's ready for the second half of his quest. "Next stop: Lumiose City!'

End of Chapter 24


At the Sanctuary



25. Pink Redemption

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After the ceremonies were over, Misty and her friends got back together.

"That Opal was one tough opponent." Misty realized. "Those fairy types are full of surprises."

"That's for sure." Firefly replied.

"I agree." Opaline added as she and Squirk came along. "However, that evolution was impressive. Klang is a very sturdy steel type."

"Don't forget, you still need three badges to enter the main tournament." Squirk reminded. "We'll see you later."

As Opaline and Squirk leave, Opal arrives.

"Miss Opal." Paradise said. "What can we do for you?"

"I would like to escort you girls to Hammerlocke," Opal replied. "I have business there anyway,"

"We don't mind the company." Misty said. "Sure."

Soon, the four travelers made their way back to Hammerlock. First they went through Glimwood Tangle.

"I hear that this is where you catured an Impidimp," Opal said.

"Yes, ma'am." Misty replied. "My friend, Paradise, caught a Sinistea here too."

Soon, they arrived back to Stow on Side, through Route 6, then back to Hammerlocke.

"It's been a while since I came here." Opal said proudly. "Anyway, your next stop is in the village of Circhester. Take care."

As Opal heads out, the three girls healed their Pokémon and soon, spotted a familiar sight. It was Bede looking at the main building in the center of town.

"Have you come to gloat about what happened to me?" Bede asked cruelly.

"That's not our style." Misty replied."You brought it onto yourself."

"Misty's right, Bede," Paradise added. "If you hadn't used that Copperjah to wreck that mural at Stow on Side, you wouldn't be in that mess."

Bede realized that the girls are right. "Either way, I'll speak to Chairman Rose to let me back in the Gym Challenge."

Opal came to the area and watched the conversation."Time for my own gym mission."

She then rushed over to Bede. And, checked a few features."Yes! Most extraordinary. Excellent!"

"Miss Opal!" Bede gasped. "What gives?"

"I know that Chairman Rose's secretary, Oleana, had you gather wishing stars for her. She soon realized that your usefulness is over. That's why you're in this rut."

"I suppose that's true. So, how can you help me?"

"I'm looking for someone to take over the Ballonea Gym. And, I believe that you have what it takes."

"Wow, Bede." Misty cheered. "This is a chance to redeem yourself."

Bede thought about it. Soon, he gave his response. "Miss Opal, you have yourself a deal."

"Excellent." Opal replied. "Follow me back to Ballonea."

Soon, Bede and Opal made their way back to Ballonea. Misty turned to her companions. "Come on, guys. My sixth gym challenge at Circhester awaits."

As the girls walk across the town, Sonia happens to show up.

"Hi, guys." Sonia called.

"What can we do for you, Sonia?" Misty asked.

"I'm starting to piece together all we found so far. The statue at Monostoke, the hidden statues uncovered at Stow on Side, and those tapestries here at Hammerlocke. With more investigations, this mystery will be solved. And, we'll figure out those mysterious Pokémon."

Suddenly, and explosion was heard. Everybody was shaken up.

"What the heck was that?" Firefly asked.

Sonia pulls out a tool and studies it. "Oh my gosh. I'm getting readings from that blast."

"What kind of energy?' Misty asked.

"Dynamax energy."

Everybody gasped at that news when Leon showed up.

"Hi, guys." Leon greeted. "I guess you all heard that explosion."

Paradise nodded nervously. "Yup."

"Sounds like Chairman Rose is doing something. But, what?"

"We got bigger things to worry about." Sonia informed. "I'm getting Power Point readings. Pokémon may just Dynamax any time."

"We better head over there and check it out."

Sonia turns to Misty and her friends. "We'll handle this end, Misty. You still have three gym badges to gather. Remember, Circhester is your next stop."

As Sonia leaves, the girls realized that she's right. Soon, at the Hammerlocke Station, somebody waved to them. Misty saw who it is.

"Hop!" Misty gasped. "It's been a while since we saw you."

"I tell you." Hop said. "Getting badge five was not easy. That forest, that quiz, I thought I would be going crazy."

"But, you probably did it. Now, you have five badges."

"You're right, Misty. Now, it's on to Circhester. Later!"

As Hop heads for his next destination, Misty and her friends head for a Pokémon Center to prepare for their own journey. Meanwhile, in Lumiose City in Kalos, Sting prepares himself for his own mission.

"The people of this city are grateful to Sunset Shimmer," Sting said to himself, "for restoring the power to this city. She and her two companions did quite a number on those thugs of Team Flare."

Sting steps out of the Pokémon Center and looks at Prism Tower. "Look out, Clermont! Here I come!"

End of Chapter 25


In the Sanctuary



26. Rocking Through the Rock Quarry

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The trio of girls make their way through Route 7 on their way to Circhester, and Misty's next gym battle.

"Hey, Misty." Firefly said. "I saw you exchanging your Litwick and Centiskorch and Impidimp. Is there some strategy on your part?"

"From what I hear," Misty explained, "the gym leader of Circhester, Gordie, specializes in rock types. And, fire types are vulnerable to rock and ground moves."

"Makes sense. But, rock types can also be affected by steel and ground moves. So, with Inteleon, Mudsdale, Klang, and Binacle, you might have a chance."

"I think you're right, Firefly"

They soon find themselves at a rock quarry as they enter route 8. This could be a tough bit of traveling. They soon saw a long Pokémon that looks like a bunch of heads connected. Misty pulls out her Pokédex.

Falinks, the Formation Pokémon. The Pokédex said. This Pokémon comprises of six heads that work well together.

"Talk about organized." Paradise commented.

"Oh yeah!" Firefly shouted. "I see a Rufflet!"

The girls soon saw what Firefly said. It looks like an baby eagle.

Rufflet, the Eaglet Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It always looks for a fight no matter how powerful the opponent.

"So, Firefly." Misty said. "Going to bring out Carkol to battle?"

"I have a better idea" Firefly replied as she took out a Poké Ball, "Let's do this!"

Out pops a vicious looking insect with powerful jaws extending out.Misty was shocked to see this creature. "A Vikavolt, the Stag Beetle Pokémon."

Misty's Pokédex comes alive. Vikavolt, the Stag Beetle Pokémon and the evolved form of Charjabug. It can generate electricity through it's powerful jaws.

Seeing Vikavolt, Rufflet's wings glowed, ready to use Wing Attack. But, Vikavolt zipped quickly away.

"Okay, Vikavolt!" Firefly shouted. "Use Thunderbolt!"

Generating electricity through it's jaws, Vikavolt zapped Rufflet hard. Firefly grabbed a Poké Ball and threw it. "Poké Ball, GO!"

The ball clicked on the Eaglet Pokémon, and absorbed it. After a few shakes, the Poké Ball clicked. This made Firefly happy. "I have caught a Rufflet!"

The girls clapped for their friend. But, Misty had a thought. "How did you evolve Charjabug?"

Firefly gave Misty an explanation. "Last night, while you were sleeping, me and Paradise decided to do some training in the Wild Area outside of Hammerlock. While we were training, Charjabug sensed something on the ground. It turned out to be a Thunder Stone. I guess it wanted to evolve."

"Just like how my Vulpix decided it was time to evolve into Ninetales." Misty replied.

"You guessed it. The Thunder Stone helped Charjabug evolve into Vikavolt. And, training helped Paradise have a new Pokémon."

Paradise held up her own Poké Ball. "Nighttime in the Wild Area is how my Linoone evolve into this."

Paradise called out a creature that's like a Linoone who can stand up on two legs. Misty was shocked to see this sight as she pulls out her Pokédex. Paradise made an introduction. "Meet Obstagoon, the Blocking Pokémon."

Obstagoon, the Blocking Pokémon and the evolved form of the Galarian Linoone. The Pokédex said, It's voice is staggering and vicious. It can automatically learn the move 'Obstruct'.

"Whoa." Misty gasped. "This Pokémon looked powerful."

Just then, a female doctor arrived and addressed Misty. "How would you like to have a Pokémon battle with me?"

"Sure." Misty replied. "I can use a warm up before arriving at Circhester."

"Here's your opponent. Go, Hattrem!"

A Hattrem popped out, ready for action. Misty made a decision. "Let's go, Impidimp!"

The doctor looked at Impidimp, and thought this will be an easy win. "That little Pokémon looks harmless. Hattrem, use Psybeam."

But, the blast of psychic energy didn't effect Impidimp.The doctor was shocked.

"Impidimp is a Dark and Fairy type." Misty explained. "So, psychic attacks won't work."

"Oh no!" The doctor gasped.

"You're turn, Impidimp. Dark Pulse!"

Impidimp fired rings of Dark energy. They struck at Hattrem, causing her to faint.

"Pretty impressive, my dear." The doctor said as she recalled her Hattrem. Good luck on your journey."

As the doctor left, Impidimp started to glow. That means it's evolving. When the glow faded, Impidimp became a magenta creature with dark blue hair and a green lower body. Misty was surprised as she pulls out her Pokédex. "My Impidimp evolved into a Morgrem."

Morgrem, the Devious Pokémon and the evolved form of Impidimp. The Pokédex said. It will pretend to surrender. Then, it will stab it's opponents with it's spear like hair.

Misty was pleased with these results. "Congratulations, Morgrem."

Seeing that it's trainer is showing respect, Morgrem hugged her. Paradise and Firefly watch with admiration. The travels through route 8 continue. Meanwhile, in Kalos, Sting is prepared to wrap up his gym battle in Lumiose City.

"All right, Gabite!" Sting called out. "Sand Tomb!"

Gabite made sand appear underneath a Heliolisk. Being an electric type, Heliolisk was affected by the ground type. Soon, it fainted.

"Heliolisk us unable to battle." The referee, Clembot, said. "Gabite wins. The winner of this gym battle is Sting from Dream Valley."

"All right!" Sting cheered. "Good work, Gabite!"

Sting and Gabite high fived each other as Gym Leader Clemont recalled Heliolisk.

"I can see the trust you have in your Pokémon." Clemont said. "Even my little sister, Bonnie, is impressed. You clearly earned the Voltage Badge."

Sting gratefully accepts the badge. "Thank you, Clemont."

The trainer of Dream Valley leaves the gym to head for the Pokémon Center. "Next stop: Laverre City!"

End of Chapter 26


At the Sanctuary



27. Frigid Road to Circhester

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After going through the rock quarry, Misty and her companions are still on route 8 on the way to Circhester for Misty's sixth gym battle. They soon find themselves in an icy area.

"Brrrr. It's cold." Firefly said, feeling the cold. "Vikavolt and Rufflet wouldn't like this weather."

"I know." Paradise agreed. "Neither would Rillaboom."

Soon, Misty saw a small crawling while insect. Curios, she pulled out her Pokédex.

Snom, the Worm Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It spits out a thread that contains ice crystals. It can disguise itself as an icicle before going to sleep.

"I can use an ice type." Misty said pulling out a Poké Ball. "Let's go, Binacle!"

Binacle popped out, ready for action. Just then, Snom blew out a frosty Powder Snow attach.

"Dodge," Misty called out, "then use Slash!"

After dodging the Power Snow attack, Binacle's claw like heads struck hard. Taking out an Ultra Ball, Misty made her move. "Ultra Ball, GO!"

The Ultra Ball connected to Snom, then absorbed it. After a few shakes, the ball clicked. Then, vanished.

"There's another one for Miss Katrina to study." Misty said as she turns to her Pokémon. "Good work, Binacle."

At that moment, Binacle glowed. That means, it evolving. Binacle soon grew bigger. When the glow ended, it was more human like in appearance with a single claw like head.

"Congratulations." Paradise cheered. "Your Binacle evolved into a Barbaracle."

Misty pulled out her Pokédex. "So, you're a Barbaracle, huh?'

Barbaracle, the Collective Pokémon and the evolved from if Binacle. Said the Pokédex. Comprising of seven Binacle, the limbs don't always work together.

"You'll be very helpful in my gym battle." Misty said proudly.

As the trio continued their trek through the snowy area, they finally reached their destination.

"There it is," Firefly cheered, "Circhester!"

As the girls head for the Pokémon Center, two shady figures watched them from a distance. It's none other than the vicious duo of Draggle and Reeka.

"What?!" Reeka gasped. "I thought we told her to give up her nonsense and go home!"

"Come on, Reeka." Draggle suggested. "Let's do it again!"

Inside the Pokémon Center, Misty and her friends healed up their Pokémon.Just then, Reeka and Draggle bursted in.

"I thought we told you to give up this nonsense!" Draggle said angrily.

"Yeah!" Reeka added. "Go back to Canterlot City where you belong!"

Misty decided not to show any fear, and readied a Poké Ball. "If you sinister siblings think you can intimate me again, you're crazy."

"We won't give you a chance to fight us!" Reeka said as she and Draggle threw their Poké Balls. "Fury Swipes!!"

Both the Purrloin and Meowth popped out. Just as Misty was ready with her Poké Ball, the two felines scratched her all over the place. There were scratch marks all over her exposed skin. She started crying after putting away her Poké Ball. Satisfied, the two mean girls recalled their Pokémon and left.

"Those brutal twins!" Misty sobbed. "They didn't give me a chance to fight back!"

Paradise and Firefly escorted Misty to a nearby house where a kind couple patched up the scratches.

"We heard of the sisterly twosome of Draggle and Reeka." Said a curly brown haired woman as she wrapped Misty's arms with roll up bandages. "They like to intimidate new up and coming trainers by having their Pokémon strike at their victims."

"Those two are vicious." Said a black haired man with a mustache. "So is their mother: Hydia."

"I heard of Hydia." Paradise said. "She's a ruthless individual who strikes hard against kids she don't like. Once she learns about her victim, she uses the information to hurt the kids, one way or another."

This gives Misty a thought. "Do you think this Hydia is directing those nasty sisters to strike at me?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if she did." Firefly figured.

After resting for a bit, the three girls left the house to head for the Pokémon Center. Just then, the masked woman Misty met in Glimwood Tangle appeared.

"I hear that Draggle and Reeka struck again." The stranger said.

"They sure did." Misty replied. "As you can tell by these bandages."

"Leave it to those two to have their Pokémon hurt you physically and mentally. I hope you're not giving up."

"No way!" Misty proudly said, "I'm not going to let a few scratches stop me from obtaining my next badge!"

The mysterious woman applauded Misty's response. "That's the right attitude. Carry on!"

The stranger leaves the scene, leaving Paradise and Firefly confused.

"Is that the person who helped you back in Ballonea?" Paradise asked.

"That's her." Misty replied. "When I was ready to give up, she helped me snap out of my depressed state."

"Well," Firefly added, "looks like someone is looking out for you.”

As they enter the Pokémon Center for the night, Misty realized that she has to keep her head straight if she’s able to battle the gym leader.

End of Chapter 27


At the Sanctuary



28. Gym Battle 6-Misty vs. Gordie

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The next day, Misty got up and got ready for her gym Battle. As she and her friends arrive at the Stadium, Hope walked out disappointed.

"Gordie is tougher than I thought." Hop said sadly.

"You mean, you didn't defeat him?" Misty asked.

"Nope. I think my team needs more training. Lots of luck."

As Hop left to train his Pokémon for a rematch, the girls got nervous.

"Sounds like the sixth gym leader sounds tough." Paradise said.

"Maybe." Misty replied. "But, I made it this far. After fighting Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, and Opal, I won't let anything get in my way."

"Not even Hydia and her daughters can stop you!" Firefly cheered.

"You said it, Firefly. Now, time to change into my challenger outfit!"

Misty walks off to change clothes while Firefly and Paradise make their way to the stands. Misty is soon handed a strange looking device. After entering the arena, Alex was waiting for her to explain the gym mission.

"On this sandy field," Alex explained, "there are pitfalls all around. This device that looks like tuning forks tells you if you're close to one of them."

"So, all I have to do is avoid those pitfalls." Misty said.

"Yes. Now, let the mission begin."

With the device in hand, Misty walks carefully on the terrain. Her device vibrates if she's near a pitfall. The stronger the vibration, the closer she is. She made it past two areas. But, the third area feels like a sandstorm. Fortunately, Misty kept a cool head, and moved cautiously. When she reached the other side, the sandstorm stopped, and the pitfalls were revealed. The important thing is that now, Misty is ready for the gym battle.

In the stands of the arena. Many people are awaiting this event. In steps a young girl with red and blue striped hair. She wore a red short sleeve flannel shirt, blue denim shorts, and brown boots. After adjusting her glasses, she makes an announcement. "Hello, Pokémon fans. Welcome to the Circhester Stadium. I'm your MC: Moondancer. And, here are our competitors."

Everyone is excited as Moondancer points to the right. "In this corner, with a body as hard as rocks, the Circhester gym leader, Gordie!"

Gordie comes out as the audience cheers. Moondancer then points to the left. "In this corner, ready to add to her five gym badges, from Canterlot City, Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty comes out and receives a good amount of applause. Hidden in the audience is a hefty red haired woman wearing a purple dress.

"So, that's this girl my dears told me about." The woman said to herself. "Let's see what she's capable of."

Down in the arena, a male black haired construction worker comes out to act as a referee. "This will be a four on four battle. And, it will end when all of one trainer's Pokémon are unable to continue. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

"Here's my first choice." Gordie said. "Come out, Barbaracle!"

A strong Barbaracle comes out. Misty makes her first choice. "Let's go, Klang!"

Her Gear Pokémon popped out as the worker makes an announcement. "Let the battle begin!"

"Barbaracle," Gordie said, "use Mud Slap!"

Barbaracle shout out a batch of mud. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge it quick!"

Klink barely avoided the mud shot at it. Gordie struck again. "Use Ancient Power!"

Barbaracle struck Klang with rocks. But, being a steel type, Klang wasn't effected that badly.

"Now, it's our turn to go on the offensive." Misty announced. "Klang, use Automize!"

Klang increased it's speed. Misty gave it another command. "Now, Gear Grind!'

With it's speed increased, Klang unleashed it's gears to grind on Barbaracle. Soon, the Collective Pokémon fainted.

"Barbaracle is unable to battle." The worker announced. "Klang wins!"

Gordie is feeling the pressure as Misty claims her first victory in this battle." Moondancer said.

"Return, Barbaracle." Gordie said as he prepares his next choice. "You're up, Shuckle."

Out poppedva shell with a tubular head and legs sticking out. Misty used her Pokédex to study about this critter.

Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It stores berries in it's shell so it will always have a good supply.

"Klang, return." Misty said. She makes her next choice. "You're up, Barbaracle!"

As Barbaracle comes out, Gordie had a shock. "You have a Barbaracle too?"

"Surprised?" Misty replied.

"A bit. But, I'll still beat it. Shuckle, Stone Edge!"

Shuckle caused stones to rise up and strike Barbaracle. This got Misty nervous. "Let's go, Barbaracle. Use Water Gun!"

Barbaracle fired a stream of water. But, Gordie was ready. "Dodge, then use Stone Edge again!"

After avoiding the Water Gun attack, Shuckle used Stone Edge. It was so powerful, Barbaracle fell on to the ground, and fainted.

"Barbaracle is unable to battle." The worker announced. "Shuckle wins."

"Poor Misty." Moondancer said. "Is she going to hit rock bottom from here?"

"No way!" Misty replied as she recalls her Barbaracle. "Let's go, Mudsdale!"

Mudsdale comes out, ready to battle. Gordie is not impressed. "My Shuckle took down your Barbaracle. Let's see how this Pokémon will fare. Shuckle, Rock Slide!"

Shuckle makes a bunch of rocks rain down on Mudsdale. Misty is determined to win this. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick!"

Using it's back legs, Mudsdale kicks Shuckle so hard, the Mold Pokémon soon fainted.

"Shuckle is unable to battle." The worker announced. "Mudsdale wins!"

"That's a great comeback as Mudsdale puts it's right hoof forward." Moondancer said.

Gordie recalls his Shuckle and makes another decision. "Let's see how Mudsdale handles this. Go, Stonjourner!"

A big rock monolith emerged which has Misty gets out her Pokédex.

Stonjourner, the Big Rock Pokémon. Said the Pokédex.It looks like it watches over acres of land.

"I'm sticking with Mudsdale." Misty said.

"Suit yourself." Gordie replied. "Stonjourner, use Stomp."

Raising one of it's massive legs, Stonjourner prepared to stomp down on Mudsdale. But, the Draft Horse Pokémon quickly avoided the impact. Misty makes her move. "Okay, Mudsdale. Use High Horsepower!"

Energizing it's legs, Mudsdale stomped on the ground, sending energy toward Stonjourner. The energy hit the Big Rock Pokémon so hard, it fell down and fainted.

"Stonjourner is unable to battle." The worker announced. "Mudsdale wins!"

"WOW!" Moondancer gasped. "Stonjourner fell down hard as Mudsdale claims another victory."

Gordie recalls his Stonjourner and faces Misty. "That Mudsdale of yours is quite powerful. Especially with that High Horsepower move."

"Thanks, Gordie." Misty replied.

"Either way, here's my last Pokémon. Go Colossal!"

Out came a large coal creature with coals on it's back that are flaring up. Misty got out her Pokédex.

Coalossal, the Coal Pokémon and the evolved form of Carkol. The Pokédex said.
Invaders to it's mine will be incinerated by the flames from the coals on it's back.

In the stands, Firefly was in awe at the sight of this Pokémon. "Wow! So, that's what my Carkol will evolve into."

Opaline and Squirk watch with equal interest.

"Gordie's last Pokémon." Opaline said. "How will you face this challenge, Misty?"

Misty looked at Coalossal, and came up with a plan.

"Mudsdale, return." Misty said as she makes her next choice. "Let's go, Inteleon!"

Inteleon came out for battle. Gordie soon recalled Coalossal, and had the ball grow super big. "It's Gigantamax time!"

He threw the giant Poké Ball up, and Coalossal came out and grew to giant proportions. Misty did the same for her Inteleon. "Dynamax!"

Inteleon grew gigantic. Soon, this enormous battle is set.

"Inteleon," Misty said, "let's start with Max Darkness."

Inteleon blasted Colossal with a burst of dark energy. The Coal Pokémon was hit. But, not too much.

"I'll show you a real attack." Gordie informed. "Coalossal, G Max Vocalith!"

Coalossal made a giant rock pillar appear. It then fell on Inteleon. Being a water type, Inteleon wasn't damaged that much.

"That was pretty cool." Misty admitted. "But, your Pokémon, being a rock and fire type, is still going down. Inteleon, Max Geyser!"

Inteleon energized a blue orb of water, and fired it on Coalossal. Seconds later, Coalossal shrunk back to normal and fainted.

"Coalossal is unable to battle." The worker announced. "Inteleon wins. The winner of this gym battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"Misty rocked Gordie's world for sure." Moondancer said. "She and her Inteleon emerged victory!"

As Inteleon returned to normal size, Misty went to it, and they fist pumped each other. Gordie recalled Coalossal and went to congratulate his opponent.

"That was a great battle." Gordie said. "You managed to get past my rock solid defenses. You have truly earned the Rock Badge."

Misty was given a gold piece with a brown and black rock design. Misty was happy. "I have the Rock Badge! That's badge number six."

Everyone cheered for Misty. Squirk watched with interest. "Great victory, my dear. But, you still have two more badges to earn."

End of Chapter 28


At the sanctuary



29. New Info of the Legend Found

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Misty and her friends leave Circhester Stadium happily. With the Rock Badge in hand, Misty has only two badges to earn to qualify for the Championship Tournament. Suddenly, they run into Sonia.

"That was quite a battle you had, Misty." Sonia said. "Gordie was indeed a tough customer."

"He sure was." Misty replied. "Even Miss Opaline and Mr. Squirk were on the edge of their seats."

"No doubt from seeing that Coalossal." Firefly added.

"Well, this calls for a celebration." Sonia suggested. "Head for the western part of town and meet me at a restaurant called 'Bob's Your Uncle's. The food there is fabulous."

Sonia left the gym area with the girls behind her. They all arrived at the restaurant Sonia talked about. When the girls went inside, they saw Sonia. But, they also ran into Hop.

"Hey, girls." Hop greeted. "Good work on getting that sixth badge, Misty."

"Thanks, Hop." Misty replied.

"Glad you made it, girls." Sonia said. "I was looking for more information about the Darkest Day and the sword and shield Pokémon. But, no luck yet."

Paradise saw something on a wall. "Hey, guys! I think I see a clue on that subject."

Everyone saw was Paradise saw. It was a tapestry with two royal figures on it. Sonia's eyes widened.

"You're right, Paradise!" Sonia gasped. "It's a fith tapestry of the two heroes. But, they look so sad. And, where are the two special Pokémon?"

"Do you think they were sealed?" Firefly asked.

"That's a good question. Maybe."

Hop had a thought. "Misty, the statues of those Pokémon at Stow on Side. Do you think it was one of them we saw when we began our journey?"

Sonia was shocked to hear that. "You saw one of them? Where?"

Misty soon remembered something. "Oh yeah. Hop and I saw some kind of strange Pokémon. But, because of the thick fog, we couldn't figure out what it was."

"That's right. You guys were in the Slumbering Weald near Postwick."

Paradise and Firefly were intrigued with this tale.

"Let's grab something to eat while we're here." Sonia said. "My treat. Then, we'll look around Circhester."

The five friends got together to have a nice meal.

"You saw a Pokémon in Slumbering Weald?" Firefly said as she bites into a hamburger. "I'll bet that's one way you didn't think you start a journey."

Misty nodded as she took a bite of homemade meat loaf. Paradise gave her opinion. "I wonder if it's one of those legendary Pokémon. Like Mewtwo, Suicune, or even Xerneas."

"I heard Sunset Shimmer met a Xerneas." Hop said as she took a sip of water. "She rescued it from the vicious organization: Team Flare. That's what I heard anyway."

Misty was humbled about that story. Wow. Sunset Shimmer sure did a lot in Kalos. How I love to meet her.

After the meal, the group looked around the city of Circhester. Sonia looked at a big pool of warm water.

"The Hero's bath." Sonia said. "This is where the heroes soaked after that battle years ago. The water might have soothed them."

She soon talked to Misty and Hop. "So, you two saw a mysterious Pokémon in Slumbering Weald. Maye you two can be the heroes of legend."

"Heroes of legend?" Misty gasped. "Us?!"

"That would be so cool." Hop added. "Then maybe, the two Pokémon can be by our side."

Everyone looked at the pool. Hop made his decision. "I'm going to keep training so I can defeat Gordie in the gym. After that, I'm heading to Route 9 which leads to the city of Spikemuth. See ya!'

As Hop left, Sonia was astonished. "Wow. Hop suddenly got some of his enthusiasm back."

"Maybe the way Misty defeated Gordie influenced him too." Paradise added.

Misty was surprised that her actions would help someone like Hop. Meanwhile, in Kalos, Sting was in the Pokémon Center in Laverre City. He looked exhausted.

"Going through that swampland wasn't easy." Sting said to himself. "But, finding that Psyduck was worth it. After it evolved into a Golduck, it was the right time to teach it 'Surf'. First thing tomorrow, I'm going to challenge Valerie for a gym badge."

End of Chapter 29


At the Sanctuary



30. Path to Spikemuth

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The three girls are walking along Route 9 hoping to reach Spikemuth for Misty's seventh gym battle. On the way, Misty encountered a girl who sent out her Barraskewda. Misty brought out her Drifloon. The battle wasn't easy. But, Misty went for the final blow.

"Drifloon," Misty said, "finish this with Ominous Wind!"

Drifloon blew dark winds on Barraskewda. The water Pokémon quickly fainted.

"I guess the tide was against me." The girl said while calling back her Barraskewda. "That was a great battle. By the way, looks like your Drifloon is evolving."

Sure enough, the Drifloon glowed, then grew bigger. When the glowing stopped out came a large purple balloon like creature with four ribbon like arms. Misty was excited as she takes out her Pokédex. "My Drifloon evolved into a Drifblim!”

Drifblim, the Blimp Pokémon and the evolved form of Drifloon. Said the Pokédex. Sometimes hard for observant people because they suddenly disappear.

"Sorry to interrupt your Pokédex use, Misty." Firefly said. "But, look!"

Misty saw what's going on. Two things of Team Yell confronted a man wearing a medical mask. It was the very man who gave Misty the Rotom bike. She decides to step up.

"Team Yell!" Misty said. "Don't you guys ever quit?"

"No way, love!" The thin thug said. "Not when we cheer our darling Marnie to victory."

The fat thug steps up. "Nobody will approach Spikemuth. And, that's that!"

"Try and stop us, you creeps!" Misty shouted.

The thin thug steps forward. "Okay, let's see if a Pokémon battle can decide this. Let's go, Linoone!"

The Rushing Pokémon comes out. Misty calls for her Pokémon. "Mudsdale, I choose you."

Mudsdale came out. The thug quickly made his move. "Linoone, use Snarl!"

Linoone snarled loudly. Misty and Mudsdale weren't backing down. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick!"

With swift kicks, Mudsdale defeated Linoone quickly. The thug recalled his Linoone and made another choice. "Try to handle this! Go, Pangoro!"

Pangoro comes out. Being partially a fighting type, this Pokémon would have an advantage. Misty recalled her Mudsdale and called her next choice. "Let's go, Corviknight!"

Corviknight's armor like body shined beautifully as it comes out. The thug is not impressed. "Go, Pangoro! Use Arm Thrust!"

Pangoro rushes in with one of it's arms glowing. Misty reacted. "Dodge, then use Drill Peck!"

After dodging the Arm Thrust, Corviknight spins wildly while delivering a drill Peck attack. Pangoro was hit hard, then fainted. The thug recalls Linoone as his partner pointed to something. "Hey! We can ride on that Dreadnaw back to Spikemuth."

"Good idea." The thin thug replied. "Let's scram!"

The Team Yell thugs hopped on the Dreadnaw and floated away. The man soon saw the girls.

"I remember you guys." The man said. "You saved me on that bridge overlooking Hammerlock. How's the bike I gave you, Miss Brightdawn?"

"It's great." Misty replied. "I even let my two pals here try out the bike."

"She's right." Paradise said, "I used the bike one night so that me and Firefly can ride into the Wild Area and pump up our Pokémon."

"Well, ladies." The man said. "May I have the bike back for a minute?"

Confused, Misty gave back her foldable bike to a medical man. He fiddled with it for a minute. Then, he has finished.

"Now, your battle can adjust to ride on the water." The man said as he handed Musty back her bike. "Farewell.'

The man leaves as Firefly looks at something in the water.

"Hey, Misty." Firefly said. “How about taking me out on the water? LOOK!"

Firefly pointed to a small whale in the water. Misty was shocked to see this critter. "It's a Wailmer, the Ball Whale Pokémon."

Misty's Pokédex comes alive with information. Wailmer, the Ball Whale Pokémon. When it fills up with water, it bounces on the water surface.

Paradise looked a little nervous. "I think I'll stay here. The water doesn't scare me. But, I'm afraid that some nasty Pokémon may come out to hurt me."

"She's right." Firefly added. "While we went rafting one day, she was jumped by a Tentacruel. She still shudders thinking of all of them tentacles wrapped around her body."

Misty then takes out one of her Poké balls, and calls for her Morgrem. "Morgrem, make sure Paradise doesn't hurt herself."

Taking a stance for Fake Surrender, Morgrem launches his hair and wraps around Paradise.

"Don't worry, Paradise." Misty assured. "Morgrem will take care of you."

Paradise looks at Morgrem and realized that Misty is right. "Okay, Misty. I'll try to relax."

Misty rode off into the water with Firefly in the back. When they approach the Wailmer, Firefly knew who to send out. "Let's go, Toxtricity!"

Toxtricity comes out. Just then, Wailmer shoots a Water Gun attack.

"Dodge, then use Nuzzle." Firefly calls out.

Avoiding the spout, Toxtricity sparks off Wailmer, causing paralysis. Wailmer still fights back. Suddenly, Toxtricity shoots a powerful electric attack.

"Looks like Toxtricity learned Discharge."Firefly figured.

"Now's your chance. Use a Poké Ball." Misty added.

Firefly takes out a blue Poké Ball. "This Lure Ball I found should do it. Lure Ball, GO!"

The Lure Ball connected to Wailmer and absorbed it. After a few shakes, the ball clicked.

"I got a Wailmer!" Firefly cheered. "Now, my belt is full."

Misty was very proud of her friend. After returning to Circhester to heal their Pokémon, the girls prepared for their next stop.

"Sorry I had to have Morgrem tie you up, Paradise." Misty said sadly

"I can't blame you." Paradise replied. "Bad memories can make one panic."

After calling her newly acquired Wailmer, Firefly climbed aboard. Misty and Paradise climbed aboard too.

"Onward to Spikemuth, Wailmer." Firefly said proudly.

The Ball Whale Pokémon carried the three girls to their next destination. Meanwhile, in Laverre City in Kalos, Sting and a Scolipede faced Valerie's Sylveon.

"Let's finish this, Scolipede." Sting said. "Poison Tail!"

Scolipede's tail glowed a bright purple before striking Sylveon. This fairy form of Eevee succumbed to the poison, and fainted.

"Sylveon is unable to battle." A female referee announced. "Scolipede is the winner. The winner of the gym battle is Sting!"

"Nice work, Scolipede!" Sting cheered as he comforted his insect Pokémon. After recalling her Pokémon, gym leader Valerie walked up to Sting.

"The way you directed your Pokémon is something fascinating." Valerie praised. "You truly earned the Fairy Badge."

Sting proudly accepted his sixth badge. After leaving the gym, he knows where to go next. "Next stop: Anistar City!"

End of Chapter 30


At the sanctuary



31. Misty vs. Marnie-The Rematch

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Misty and her friends rode on Firefly's Wailmer as they make their way to Spikemuth for Misty's seventh badge. They stopped for a while because a beach boy challenged Misty to a Pokémon battle. He had a Meowstic and Misty had her Morgrem.

"Morgrem," Misty called out, "use Dark Pulse!"

Morgrem fired a pulse of dark energy at Meowstic. This male version of the Constraint Pokémon, which is mostly blue, fainted. The beach boy recalled his Meowstic.

"That Morgrem is one tough customer." The challenger said. "Thanks for the workout."

Just then, Morgrem glowed. That means it's evolving. It started to become muscular. The glowing stoped, and Morgrem became an indigo muscular creature with lime green parts on it's body.

"WOW!" Paradise gasped. "Morgrem evolved into a Grimmsnarl!"

Misty pulled out her Pokédex. "So, now you're a Grimmsnarl, huh?"

Grimmsnarl, the Bulk Up Pokémon and the evolved form of Morgrem. Said the Pokédex. It's muscular body is actually hair woven together. The hair can extend to ensnare it's prey.

"Imagine that hair wrapping you up, Paradise." Firefly said humorously.

Paradise bent her head down in sadness, remembering how Morgrem had her wrapped up. "I can imagine that too."

After boarding Wailmer again, the trio ride to another shore. This shore was part of the path to Spikemuth. After recalling Wailmer, Firefly is excited as she, Misty, and Paradise headed out for the city. But, seems like the gates to Spikemuth are closed. Many people outside were as just as upset. Just then, the girls saw somebody waving to them.

"It's Marnie." Firefly said. "I wonder what she wants.'

"Let's find out." Paradise added.

They girls went over to another area near the entrance. Marnie was waiting.

"I'm sorry about this." Marnie said. "The people of Team Yell are so determined to make sure I get into the Championship Tournament, they closed the gates to Spikemuth so nobody can challenge the Gym Leader."

"So," Misty wondered, "why do you want to talk to us?"

"I know a secret path into the city. But first," Marnie then pulls out a Poké Ball. "I want to test you, Misty."

"You want to battle me, Marnie?" Misty asked shockingly.

"Yes, I do. Let's see how much you improved since we met last in Monostoke. This time, it'll be a four on four battle."

Misty prepared herself for her battle. "Let's get ready to rumble!"

"Here's my first Pokémon," Marnie said as she makes her first choice. "Go, Liepard!"

Liepard pops up, ready for action. Misty calls for her first choice. "Mudsdale, I choose you!"

As soon as Mudsdale pops out, Marnie makes her first move, "Strike fast with Fury Swipes!"

Liepard quickly scratched Mudsdale. Misty got shocked by this attack.

"Follow it up with Foul Play!" Marnie called out.

The Cruel Pokémon unleashed dark energy and struck Mudsdale. Getting her composure, Misty counterattacked. "Mudsdale, strike back with Double Kick!"

Using it's back legs, Mudsdale laid a powerful kick on Liepard. This caused this Pokémon to faint.

"Return, Liepard." Marnie said as she recalled her Pokémon. "My next choice is Scrafty!'

Out comes a creature with saggy skin and a mohawk.

"Looks like her Scraggy evolved." Misty said as she pulls out her Pokédex.

Scrafty, the Hoodlum Pokémon and the evolved form of Scraggy. Said the Pokédex. It's very protective of it's home turf.

"Mudsdale, return." Misty said as she makes her next choice. "Inteleon, I choose you!"

Inteleon appears. Marnie strikes fast and hard. "Scrafty, let's use your Brick Break!"

Scrafty charged at Inteleon. Misty reacted quickly. "Inteleon, use Water Pulse!"

Inteleon fires a stream of water at Scrafty. The Hoodlum Pokémon soon got confused from the attack.

"Let's unleash your Snipe Shot!" Misty called out.

Inteleon sims his finger at Scrafty. Then, fired a bullet of water at it. Scrafty soon fainted.

"Scrafty, return." Marnie said. After thinking it over, she makes her next choice. "Number three is Toxicroak!"

Out came a big humanoid frog with extending magenta finger nails.

"Looks like her Croagunk evolved." Misty said as she took out her Pokédex.

Toxicroak, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon and the evolved form of Croagunk. The Pokédex said. When it's throat sac is churning, that means it's poison is mixed thoroughly.

This got Misty worried. She recalled Inteleon and brought out her next choice. "Let's go, Corviknight!"

Corviknight came out and extended it's steel wings. Marnie strikes first. "Toxicroak, use Venoshock!"

Toxicroak spit out green globs of poison. But, being partially a steel type, Corviknight wasn't effected badly.

"Go, Corviknight!" Misty calls out. "Use Drill Peck!"

Flying up, Corviknight spins fast. It uses it's beak to strike Toxicroak. Being partially a fighting type, Toxicroak quickly fainted.

"Toxicroak, return." Marnie said. She then takes out another Poké Ball. "Here's my fourth and final Pokémon. And, I'm sure you know who it is by now."

Marnie calls for her last Pokémon. It was indeed Morpeko. After recalling Corviknight, Misty chooses her next Pokémon. "Let's go, Grimmsnarl!"

The Bulk Up Pokémon comes out ready for action. Misty was a little shocked, but she still fights. "Morpeko, use Spark!"

Morpeko unleashes electricity on Grimmsnarl. He wasn't hit that hard. Morpeko quickly became it's hangry mode. Misty hopes to shut it down fast. "Grimmsnarl, use Fake Surrender!"

Grimmsnarl bowed down, and it's hair extended to strike Morpeko. Misty followed it up. "Now, Dark Pulse!"

Unleashing dark energy, Grimmsnarl blasted Morpeko hard. Marnie recalled her little Pokémon friend. And, is impressed.

"I can see that you can hold your own." Marnie praised. "I'm especially impressed with your Grimmsnarl. Now, you can go into Spikemuth."

"Thanks, Marnie." Misty praised.

Marnie went ahead. "Girls, follow me."

Misty, Firefly, and Paradise followed Marnie into the secret passage into Spikemuth. Little do they know, the vicious duo of Reeka and Draggle watched the whole thing. They sneaked in behind them, hoping to try and stop Misty again.

End of Chapter 31


At the Sanctuary



32. Gym Battle 7-Misty vs. Piers

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Inside the Pokémon Center in Spikemuth, Misty finished her call to Miss Catrina. Firefly and Paradise came to check on her.

"What's your plan this time, Misty?" Paradise asked.

"I exchanged Grimmsnarl and Drifblim for Klang and Centiskorch." Misty replied. "I was told that the gym leader uses Dark types. So..."

Their conversation was cut short by Reeka and Draggle.

"We told you your quest should end!" Reeka yelled.

The mean girls called for their Pokémon. Misty finally has a chance to learn about them. She points her Pokédex at Purrloin.

Purrloin, the Devious Pokémon and the pre evolved form of Liepard. Said the Pokédex. It's innocent act can fool anybody so it can steal stuff.

"So, that's what a Liepard starts off as." Misty said as she points her Pokédex to Meowth.

Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. Galarian form. The Pokédex said. In Galar, their bodies toughened up enough to become steel.

The Nurse Joy working in the Pokémon Center spoke up. "We don't allow brawls here. Even in Spikemuth!"

"Shut up, lady!" Draggle yelled as she points to Misty. "Use Fury Swipes on that loser!!!"

Purrloin and Meowth rush in to scratch Misty. Firefly steps up. "Come out, Carkol. And, use Flame Charge!"

Carkol pops out and flares up. It then blazes to the two cats. They got hit hard and bumped into the mean sisters. Everybody gell put of the Pokémon Center. Everybody cheered for this event. Even some of the Team Yell characters. Suddenly, Carkol glowed. Then, grew into a powerful Coalossal.

"All right!" Firefly cheered. "Now, I have my own Coalossal!"

"With those sisters out of the way," Paradise said, "we can concentrate on Misty's gym battle."

Minutes later, the girls went outside the Pokémon Center. In one of the stands is someone dressed up in Team Yell garments.

"If you want to challenge our gym leader," The person said, "you'll need to change into your challenger outfit to make it official."

Misty went into another room and changed into her uniform. Paradise and Firefly are escorted to an arena. As Misty walks along the streets, she is shocked at the sights of buildings that look abandoned. Neon signs are lighted up. Soon, she finds an enclosed area with many people in Team Yell colors. Then, an energetic man with wild white and black hair. We wears a withe jacket over a black shirt with the Team Yell symbol over it.

"Hey, everybody!" The man said in his microphone. "I am Piers, the gym leader! And, you're all ready to see a Gym Battle!"

The crowd cheered as he points to Misty. "I see my challenger has arrived. Misty Brightdawn, come on in!"

Misty cautiously enters the area. She soon spotted her partners, Firefly and Paradise, in the enclosed stands.

"Don't worry, Misty." Firefly calls out. "We're okay. So are Opaline and Squirt."

Misty soon saw Opaline and Squirk in another area.

"We've been invited to watch the battle." Squirk said.

As soon as Misty steps up to meet Piers, he calls for someone. "Okay, Shady. Let's make it official!"

In steps a girl wearing with flowing lime green hair and wearing a pink shirt and black tights and sneakers. After removing her sunglasses, she addresses the crowd.

"All right, crew!" The girl said in her microphone. "This is your groovy MC, Shady. And, it's time for a gym battle between our gym leader, Piers," The crowd cheers, "and his opponent with six badges already in her possession, Misty Brightdawn!"

A Team Yell member without his face paint steps in as a referee. "This will be a four on four battle. It's over when all Pokémon of either side are unable to battle. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

Piers steps up. "Here's Pokémon number one. Go, Scrafty!"

A Scrafty comes out. Misty has a good idea who to send. "Let's go, Corviknight!"

Corviknight comes out to battle. Piers makes his first move. "Let's start strong, Scrafty. Hi Jump Kick."

Scrafty jumps up and gives a quick kick to Corviknight. Misty was shocked at this,

"I know Corviknight has parts of steel types to him." Piers said. "And, steel is vulnerable to fighting moves."

"I won't give up!" Misty replied. "Corviknight, Steel Wing!"

Corviknight's wings became hard as metal. Zipping fast, it struck Scrafty. Misty followed it up. "While Scrafty is recovering, use Drill Peck!"

Spinning like a tornado, Corviknight's beak struck Scrafty, causing the Hoodlum Pokémon to faint.

"Scrafty is unable to battle," The makeshift referee announced. "Corviknight wins!"

"And, the challenger scores first." Shady said. She looks at Piers. "Sorry, boss."

"Don't be, Shady." Piers replied. "You're just doing your job." After he recalled his Scrafty, he makes his next choice."Here comes Pokémon number two. Go, Malamar!"

Out comes a Pokémon that looks like an upside down squid. Misty studies this creature.

Malamar, the Overturning Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. When it flashes it's lights, they cause hypnotism.

"Better be careful, Corviknight." Misty said, figuring her Raven Pokémon is still raring to go.

Piers makes the first move. "Malamar, use Hypnosis."

The lights on Malamar's body glowed. Corviknight soon got hypnotized. This worried Misty.

"Follow it up with Psybeam!" Piers called out.

Malamar fired a blast of psychic energy. Still worn from battling Scrafty, Corviknight soon fainted.

"Corviknight is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Malamar."

"Looks like Corviknight got grounded as Piers claims HIS first victory." Shady said.

"Corviknight, return." Misty said sadly. Soon, she makes her next choice. "Let's go, Klang!"

The Gear Pokémon comes out. Piers is not to impressed. "That pair of gears won't stand a chance. Malamar, use Psycho Cut!"

Malamar sent flowing blades toward Klang. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge. Then, use Discharge!"

After avoiding the Psycho Cut, Klang fired a bolt if electricity at Malamar. Misty followed it up. "Now, use Gear Grind!"

Klang rushed to its opponent, and used both gears to grind against it. Soon, Malamar fainted.

"Malamar is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Klang wins!"

As Paradise, Firefly, Opaline, and Squirk cheered for Misty, Klang soon glowed and then grew. When the glowing stopped, the Gear Pokémon looks like it has a rotating disc in the middle of the body.

"Check this out!" Shady announced. "Misty's Klang has evolved into an awesome Klinklang!"

Misty's Pokédex comes alive. Klinklang, the Gear Pokémon and the evolved from of Klang. It can store energy on the red center of the rotating disc. And, use it to fire the spikes on the rim.

"Impressive evolution." Piers praised as he recalls Malamar. "But, this battle isn't over yet." He soon takes out another Poké Ball. "Here's Pokémon number three. Go, Skuntank!"

A humongous skunk pops out. Misty studies this creature.

Skuntank, the Skunk Pokémon and the evolved form of Stunky. The Pokédex said. The stench from this Pokémon is so bad, it gets worse if not washed away.

"Klinklang, return." Misty said.

"What's the deal?" Paradise asked from the stands. "That Klinklang looks powerful."

"Misty figured that Skuntank can learn Flamethrower." Opaline replied. "And, fire moves are powerful against steel types."

Misty makes her next choice. "Mudsdale, let's go!"

Mudsdale pops out. Even the audience of Team Yell members are impressed.

"Mudsdale, the Draft Horse Pokémon!" Piers gasped. "Now, that's a challenge. Skuntank, use Night Slash!"

Skuntank's claws glowed black, and gave a strong slash to Mudsdale. Misty quicky reacted. "Mudsdale, use Rock Smash!"

Mudsdale stomped on the ground and make a stone pillar appear. It then fell on Skuntank. Misty followed it up. "Follow it up with High Horsepower!"

Charging up, Mudsdale rammed into Skuntank. This causes the Skunk Pokémon to faint.

"Skuntank is unable to battle," The referee announced. "Mudsdale wins!"

"This is a real show now!" Shady said. "Now, our leader is down to his last Pokémon."

"Skuntank, return." Pierse said. He then turns to Misty. "I applaud your knowledge, friend. You figured Ground and Fighting moves are good against Dark types."

Marnie watches from a distance. Piers then pulls out his last Poké Ball. "This place may not have power points to Dynamax or Gigantimax. But, my fourth and final Pokémon will rock you for sure! Go, Obstagoon!"

An Obstagoon pops out. Misty decided to switch out her Mudsdale and calls out her fourth Pokémon. "Let's go, Centiskorch!"

Piers saw this big insect, and is intrigued. "Okay, Misty. Let's do this!"

"Centiskorch," Misty called out, "use Slam!'

Centiskorch rose up its tail to hit Obstagoon. Piers quickly reacted. "Obstagoon, use Obstruct!"

Obstagoon sang loudly, and prevented the Slam to make contact.

"Darn it!" Firefly said. "Obstruct works the same way as Protect,"

Piers is ready to attack. "Okay, Obstagoon. Use Snarl!"

Obstagoon snarled loudly. Misty made her move. "Dodge it. Then, use Flame Wheel!"

After avoiding the Snarl attack, Centiskorch fired up, and rolled into Obstagoon. Even Piers felt the heat.

"Let's keep up the pressure." Misty called out. "Use Bug Bite!"

Centiskorch soon bit on Obstagoon. Misty figured that bug moves are super effective against Dark types. The Bug Bite and Flame Wheel were enough to cause Obstagoon to faint.

"Unbelievable, but true." The referee announced. "Obstagoon is unable to battle. Centiskorch wins. The winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn! Congratulations."

Soon, the audience started to cheer for Misty as Piers recalled Obstagoon.

"I have no regrets for losing." Piers said proudly. "You were a great opponent. And, the battle was awesome!"

Firefly, Paradise, Opaline, and Squirk walked out of the audience to join Misty.

"As proof of your victory here at the Spikemuth gym," Piers announced, "I give you the Dark Badge."

Misty proudly accepted her prize. It was a golden chunk with what looks like a black devil's head shape. "I have the Dark Badge! That's badge number seven."

Piers soon saw somebody coming to him. "Marnie. Were you watching the battle?"

"Yes, I was." Marnie replied. "You were amazing out there. Maybe we you should open Spikemuth to other gym challengers."

"I think you're right, little sister. I guess you'll want to take me on next after I heal my Pokémon."

"Yep. And, I can't wait."

The two siblings hugged each other. Everyone applauded this moment. Soon, Marnie approached Misty. "Thank you for battling my brother. This definitely reignited his spirit."

"My pleasure, Marnie." Misty replied.

"We'll meet again at the Championship Tournament."

Soon, Misty and company exited the arena, and headed for the Pokémon Center.

"You have one more opponent to battle, Misty." Opaline informed. "And, he's waiting for you at Hammerlocke."

Misty is very excited about this. "Look out, Raihan! Here I come!"

End of Chapter 32


At the Sanctuary



33. On The Road Back to Hammerlocke

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After getting her seventh gym badge, Misty and her friends are heading back to Hammerlocke. They were pleased that the city of Spikemuth have opened it's doors to others.

"I still can't believe that these Team Yell guys are actually trainers from Spikemuth." Misty said.

"Neither can we." Firefly added. "I guess these guys are so determined to help Marnie be in high places, they'll do anything to achieve their goals."

"That's true. At least they acknowledge that there are great trainers out there. Including me."

Just then, Hop rushed in. "Hey, guys. You wouldn't believe what happened."

"What's wrong, Hop?" Paradise asked.

"There were power spots in Hammerlocke! Pokémon grew to city wrecking preportions. But, my brother and his Charizard handled this situation surprisingly good." He shows a picture from his Rotom phone. "Look at this!"

The girls see a picture of Leon and his Charizard standing proudly after the Gigantamax Pokémon fell.

"Wow!" Misty gasped. "Leon doesn't fool around."

"You bet!" Hop replied. "Now, I'm pumped more than ever. Now, that Spikemuth is open, I'm going to train to get my next badge,"

As Hop rushes off, Misty and company make their way through a tunnel. As they travel through, they thought about their journey.

"To think," Misty thought, "this all started when that puffed up penguin, Mr. Charlatan, threw me out of Canterlot High School."

"That was a bad blow to you." Firefly added.

"Then, Miss Porcina, my guardian, suggested that I travel here to Galar to be a Pokémon trainer. That's when Leon gave me Sobble."

"It wasn't long before me and Firefly joined you." Paradise said happily. "We've been very helpful ever since."

"Yes, you have. We traveled to a lot of places and met some good people."

"And, one bad person." Firefly added. "Bede."

Misty cringes, thinking of how this young man is mean to her and her friends. Thinking that she, her friends, and Hop are unworthy opponents is one thing. But, wrecking a mural at Stow on Side is another.

"I'm still fuming when Bede and the chairman's Copperjah wrecked that beautiful mural!" Firefly said angrily.

"I'm with you." Paradise added. "He's desperate to find those Wishing Stars for the Chairman."

"Let's hope he's doing better." Misty said. "Don't forget. Opal is taking him under her wing."

The girls realized that Misty was right. After going through a few barriers, they made their way out the tunnel. They looked and saw the path they took to Circhester. This means, they're close to their next destination. After a little more walking, they arrived at Hammerlocke.

"I remember the first time we came here." Misty said, thinking back. "We had to go through an area of the Wild Area to come here."

"That's after you defeated Milo, Nessa, and Kabu." Firefly reminded.

"Right. We saw plenty of sights in this town. Even clues to the two heroes and the Darkest Day."

Paradise's eyes widened. "Hey. There were clues at where that mural was broken. Wasn't there?"

"You got that right." Misty continues. "During the travels we took, we saw tapestries, statues, and other signs of the legends Sonia is studying."

"You also bested Bea, Opal, Gordie, and Piers to get their badges." Firefly added. "That's how you got seven badges. There's still one more to get."

Just then, the vicious woman who watched one of Misty's gym battles showed up.

"Getting that last badge is something you will not do!" The woman said.

The girls looked at the woman as a ghostly looking sword went to her side.

"It's Hydia, a worker of an education association." Firefly said. "And it looks like she has a Honedge."

Misty's Pokédex comes alive. Honedge, the Sword Pokémon. People often try to grasp the handle. But, the blue cloth wraps around their wrist and drain their life energy.

Misty is confused about something. "Why are you picking on me?"

"I heard about your problems as a child." Hydia said. "I think your parents are ashamed of you. That's why you were taken to that orphanage!'

"I was adopted. Now, I'm on the verge to get my last gym badge."

"You brat! Your journey was a waste of everybody's time. That's why I sent my daughters to try to discourage you, make you go home in disgrace!"

"WHAT?!" Misty gasped. "Your daughters are Reeka and Draggle?"

"Correct. Now, I shall pick up where they left off. Honedge, Slash Attack! STRIKE AT THAT BRAT!"

Honedge rushed over to Misty. This time, she was ready. "Come out, Lampent! Use Inferno!"

A ghostly looking lantern came out and fired a barrage of flames at Honedge. When Hydia saw that her Pokémon fainted, she recalled it and ran off.

"You haven't heard the last of me!" Hydia shouted as she ran from Hammetlocke.

Firefly looked at this floating lantern. "What's that thing?"

Paradise got out her tablet and looked it up. "Lampent, the Lamp Pokémon and the evolved form of Litwick. Spirits of the departed fuel it's flames."

"I figured to give Corviknight a rest and train Litwick for a bit." Misty explained. "After a while, Litwick evolved into a Lampent."

"Well, at least now there's nothing stopping you from getting your final badge." Paradise figured.

Meanwhilein Kalos, Sting was resting from traveling through Frost Cavern near Dendemille Town.

"That Frost Cavern wasn't easy to travel through." Sting said to himself. "It was worth it. I found a good ice Pokémon. Now, after some rest, I'm on my way to Anister City and my seventh gym battle."

End of Chapter 33


At the Sanctuary



34. Gym Battle 8-Misty vs. Raihan

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The next day, Misty and her friends walked out of the Pokémon Center. Misty is excited for her eighth and final Gym Battle.

"Okay, guys." Misty said proudly. "My final gym battle awaits!"

Suddenly, they were approached by Sonia, Leon, and Hop.

"Hello, everyone." Sonia greeted. "Looks like you're set to meet the gym leader, Misty."

"I sure am!" Misty replied.

Hop got excited, "You're going to face the toughest gym leader of them all. I'm just glad that my brother bested that Dynamax Pokémon."

"It wasn't easy." Leon added. "But, me and Charizard are an unstoppable duo."

"I can't believe that a power spot just showed up." Sonia said with worry.

Just then, Sonia's grandmother, Professor Magnolia, arrived.

"Grandma!" Sonia gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I figured to help you out, my dear." Magnolia replied. "The chairman is very worried about these circumstances."

"I can't blame him." Firefly said. "This sudden appearance of Dynamaxed Pokémon can scare anybody."

Sonia had a thought. "Do you think it's connected with the Darkest Day?"

"Possibly." Magnolia replied. "With all of the findings you made, there might be a connection." The professor has an idea. "I'm off to do some more research. I would like it if you come with me.'

"Do you think it can help with my own research, Gran?"

"I believe so. Working together, we'll solve these mysteries."

Sonia thinks it's a good idea. As she and Professor Magnolia leave, Leon turns to Misty and Hop.

"Meanwhile, you two keep fighting in the Gym Challenge." Leon said. "Let's meet again in the Championship Cup."

Leon leaves the crew. Hop is ready to continue his journey. "Misty, Raihan is tough. But, with your friends cheering you on, you'll do great. Meanwhile, I'm going back to Spikemuth to battle Piers. Later!"

Hop leaves the area. Misty, Firefly, and Paradise looked at the castle like building. Soon, they walked into it to prepare for Misty's gym battle. Inside, Raihan was waiting for them.

"Hello, Misty." Raihan greeted. "Are you ready for your final gym challenge?"

"I sure am." Misty replied.

"Excellent. Now, here's some advice. This gym battle is going to be a double battle."

"You mean, two Pokémon fight on each side at the same time?" Paradise asked.

"That's right. So be ready for anything."

Raihan leaves to prepare. Paradise and Firefly head for the stands while Misty changes into her challenger outfit. Later, the arena has many people cheering for the battle. Firefly and Paradise were in one area of the arena. Opaline and Squirk watched from another. Out steps a lovely woman with flowing blonde hair and wearing a long green gown and black platform shoes.

"Welcome, everybody, to Hammerlocke Stadium." The woman said to the crowd. "I am Miss Morning Glory, your charming host. Now, here are the contestants." She pointed to her left. "In this corner is the mighty dragon master. The strongest gym leader in Galar: Raihan!"

The crowd cheered for Raihan as Morning Glory continues her announcement. "His opponent is a great trainer who's one step away from the Championship Cup." She points to her right. "From Canterlot City, here's Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty steps in to prepare for her battle. A curly haired woman dressed as a queen with a lowing white cape steps in.

"This shall be a four on four battle in the form of Double battles." The queen announced. "It will end when all Pokémon from either side are unable to continue. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

Raihan threw out two Poké Balls at once. "Gigalith, Flygon, let's go!"

Out came a rock creature with orange crystals and a flying green creature with red eyes. Misty used her Pokédex to study them.

The Pokédex first identifies the rock creature. Gigalith, the Compressed Pokémon. The crystals on it's body can absorb sunlight for energy. Then, the flying creature. Flygon, the Mystic Pokémon. When it flaps it's wings fast, it sounds like someone is singing.

Misty made her first choices. "Inteleon, Frossmoth, you're up!'

Out came her Inteleon and a white winged bug. Firefly was confused. "What Pokémon is that?"

Paradise looked it up on her tablet. "Frossmoth, the First Moth Pokémon and the evolved form of Snom. It protects mountainous areas from troublemakers by blowing icy winds to chase them away."

Raihan looked at Frossmoth, and thinks it's an easy hit. "I don't know about Inteleon. But, that insect is easy pickings. Gigalith, use Rock Blast on that Frossmoth!"

Gigalith started to fire rocks on Frossmoth. Misty reacts quickly. "Frossmoth, dodge it. Inteleon, use Water Pulse on Gigalith!"

As Frossmoth dodged the rocks, Inteleon fired a stream of water at Gigalith. The impact confused the rock Pokémon.

"I still got another Pokémon to squish that bug." Raihan said. "Flygon, Sonic Boom!"

Flygon flapped it's wings fast, creating a force to push Frossmoth back. Misty then unleashed another surprise. "Frossmoth, use Icy Wind on Flygon!"

Frossmoth unleashed a super cold wind blow hard. So cold, Flygon soon fainted.

"Flygon is unable to battle." The queen announced.

"With a powerful ice move," Morning Glory said, "Frossmoth took down Flygon. Now, Raihan is down to three Pokémon."

As Raihan recalled Flygon, he praised his opponent. "Well done, Misty. You figured that dragon types are weak against ice moves."

"Thank you, Raihan." Misty replied.

"Now, here's my next Pokémon to join Gigalith. Go, Sandaconda!"

Out pops a snake with huge coils on his neck down to it's back. Misty checks this Pokémon out.

Sandaconda, the Sand Snake Pokémon and the evolved form of Silucobra. The Pokédex said. It can hold more than it's weight in sand with it's sack.

Misty was shocked when Raihan gave a quick order. 'Gigalith, use Rock Blast on Frossmoth!"

Snapping out of its confusion, Gigalith started to unleash rocks. Frossmoth tried to fly around them. But, one hit this moth, and caused it to faint.

"Frossmoth is unable to battle." The queen announced.

"Return, Frossmoth." Misty said, recalling her Pokémon. She then makes her next choice. "Go, Mudsdale!"

Mudsdale comes out, ready to go. Misty then makes her move. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick on Gigalith. Inteleon, use Snipe Shot on Sandaconda!"

Inteleon fired it's water bullets on Sandaconda. The Sand Snake Pokémon survived. Mudsdale kicked Gigalith twice. The Compressed Pokémon soon fainted.

"Gigalith is unable to battle." The queen announced.

"Misty is turning out to be quite the competitor." Morning Glory said as Raihan recalled Gigalith. "But, Raihan can now call on his final Pokémon."

"And, here it is." Raihan declared. "Go, Duraladon!"

Out popped a steel like creature that looks like a statue. Misty studied this Pokémon carefully.

Duraladon, the Alloy Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It's lightweight so it can move fast. But, it rusts easily.

Suddenly, a sandstorm is whipped. Raihan explains. "When my Sandaconda gets hit, it's Sand Spit ability kicks in."

"Inteleon, return." Misty said as she recalls her Pokémon to call for another. "Go, Ninetales!"

The beautiful Fox Pokémon emerges for battle. Misty decides to deal with Sandaconda. "Mudsdale, use Rock Smash on Sandaconda!"

Mudsdale uses the fighting move to hit Sandaconda. The Sand Snake Pokémon soon fainted.

"Sandaconda is unable to battle." The queen announced.

"Now, Raihan has one more Pokémon left." Morning Glory said to the crowd. "But, that one is all he needs."

On that moment, Raihan recalled his Duraladon. The ball grew big, and he threw it in the air. "Gigantamax!"

Duraladon popped out, and grew gigantic. Misty countered it by recalling her Ninetales. Her ball grew as she prepared herself. "It's Dynamax time!"

Ninetales grew gigantic. Misty has a small advantage with two Pokémon against one. But, Raihan is not worried.

"Go, Duraladon." Raihan called out. "Max Wyrmwind!"

Duraladon unleashed a power burst on Ninetales. The fire fox is still standing. Misty counterattacks. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick!".

Although smaller than the giant Pokémon, Mudsdale's effect was still felt.

"Follow it up, Ninetales!" Misty calls out. "Max Flare!"

Ninetales unleashed a firey burst. Being a steel type Duraladon felt the heat harshly. Soon, between the fire and Mudsdale's attack, the Alloy Pokémon soon fainted and returned to normal size.

"Duraladon is unable to battle." The queen announced. "Since it was Raihan's last Pokémon, the winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

"And, that's it!" Morning Glory said. "With a burst of intense fire, Ninetales helped secure a win for Misty!"

The crowd cheered as Ninetales returned to normal size. Misty rushes in to hug both Ninetales and Mudsdale. Raihan recalled his Duraladon and walked up to his opponent.

"You and your Pokémon are amazing, Misty." Raihan admitted. "You truly earned the Dragon Badge."

Misty received a golden fragment with a purple dragon design. She was excited. "I have the Dragon Badge! That's badge number eight!"

She puts her badge in her case. All eight badges come together to become a medallion with eight symbols.

With this last badge, Misty thought, I'm now qualified for the Pokémon Championship Cup.

End of Chapter 34


at the Sanctuary



35. Prepare for the Championship Cup

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Outside the arena area of the Hammerlock Gym, Misty and her friends are still in shock knowing Misty won her eighth and final badge. Just then, Hop ran up to them.

"Hi, Misty!" Hop greeted. "I heard you beat Raihan. Is that true?"

Misty showed Hop her completed medallion. "Does this answer your question?"

"WOW! That's awesome. After my victory over Piers, I was psyched about battling Raihan. Now, more than ever!"

"Easy, Hop." Paradise said. "Take it down a few notches."

"Can you blame him for being excited?" Misty added.

While Hop prepares for his battle with Raihan, the heroic trio meet Professor Magnolia and Sonia outside of the gym.

"Great battle, Misty." Sonia cheered. "I saw the whole thing. Your Ninetales hasn't lost it's touch."

"Thanks." Misty replied. "How's the research into the Darkest Day?"

"We're still looking into it." Magnolia replied. "We're still studying about the two young heroes who stopped the giant Pokémon from destroying Galar. Those power spots of Dynamaxing are getting serious. I would like Sonia to fill my lab coat."

"HUH?" Sonia gasped. "You want me to be a real Pokémon professor? But, I haven't finished my investigation of the Darkest Day and the sword and shield Pokémon yet,"

"I think you're ready to pick up where I left off. Think of this as an inspiration to complete your own research."

Sonia figured that her grandmother is right. After taking off her orange jacket, she slipped on a white lab coat. Needless to say, the girls are impressed.

"That lab coat looks nice on you," Firefly said, "Professor Sonia."

"Aw." Sonia replied as she blushed from the comment. "Thanks, girls. I guess it's time to continue my work."

"Yes, my dear." Magnolia said. "Misty, it's off to the Championship Cup for you. It's in the city of Wyndon. You best take the train."

The research duo leave the area as Opaline and Squirk walk calmly to the train station.

"Now that Miss Brightdawn has all eight badges," Squirk said, "if off to Wyndon for the big tournament."

"That's right, Squirk." Opaline replied. "Now, Misty will face her ultimate test."

Later, Misty and company split up to train their Pokémon in the Wild Area. One hour later, the three girls came back together at the Pokémon Center.

"How'd you guys do?" Misty asked.

"I did great!" Firefly said as she pulls out a Poké Ball. "Check it!"

Out pops a strong eagle. Misty was shocked as she takes out her Pokédex. "Wow! Rufflet evolved into a Braviary."

Braviary, the Valiant Pokémon and the evolved form of Rufflet. The Pokédex said. A flock of these Pokémon can come together to defend their territory from invaders.

"Now, MY belt is full." Paradise as she throws up a Poké Ball. "Meet a new friend."

Out pops what looks like an ice cream cone. Misty studies this Pokémon.

"That's a Vanillite." Firefly noticed. "The Fresh Snow Pokémon."

Vanillite, the Fresh Snow Pokémon. The Pokédex said. In warm places, people like to hug this Pokémon to cool themselves off.

Misty then pulls out her own Poké Ball. "I had Mudsdale sent to the Sanctuary to bring out this!"

Out pops a strange creature with a head that looks like a stealth bomber jet.

"No way." Firefly gasped. "That's a Dreepy!"

Paradise looked it up on her tablet. "Dreepy, the Lingering Pokémon. This ghost Pokémon can be helpless by itself. With friends, it's not so worried."

"I get it." Firefly figured. "You figured Mudsdale needs a rest."

"Yup." Misty replied. "This little Pokémon is a ghost and dragon type. Dreepy can be very helpful in the Championship Cup."

Just then, Hop barges in to be with Misty. "Cheer for me, Mist! I got my eighth badge! Now, I'm qualified for the Championship Cup!"

"Good work, Hop." Misty said happily. "Maybe we'll face each other."

"Anyway, I'm heading for the train station. Then, off to the city of Wyndon! See you girls there."

Hop runs off. Soon, the girls made their way to the train station. Later, the train was on it's way to a stop near Route 10. The passengers are all relaxed. Except Hop.

"Here we are, girls." Hop said. "On a train to Wyndon. The site of the Championship Cup."

"I agree." Misty replied. "Now, that I have a new Pokémon with me, I'll be ready for anything."

"Did you just caught a new Pokémon?"

"You bet. I caught a Dreepy."

"Dreepy? Pretty good Pokémon for a tournament like this."

The girls agreed as they continue to ride to Wyndon. Meanwhile, Sting just got off a Mamoswine and has entered Anistar City.

"Here I am." Sting said to himself. "Anistar City. Now, once I heal my Pokémon, I'll be ready to challenge Gym Leader Olympia to a battle for my seventh badge."

End of Chapter 35


At the Sanctuary



36. Visiting the Galarian Sanctuary

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The train stops at a station near Route 10. Misty, Firefly, Paradise, and Hop walked off the train. Hop got very excited. "Next stop: Wyndon!"

The young brother of Leon zipped away. Suddenly, a special person greeted the group. "Hello, friends!"

When Misty saw the crimson lab coat over her pink dress, she knew who it was. "Miss Catrina! What are you doing here?"

"I came to meet you girls. I assume you are on your way to Wyndon for the Championship Cup."

"That's the plan."

"How about stopping by the Sanctuary before hand. I'd like to show you around."

"Why not?" Firefly said. "The event isn't for another few days."

Misty realized that Firefly made a point. "Okay, Miss Catrina. You talked me into it."

As the girls followed Miss Catrina, the vicious trio of Hydia, Draggle, and Reka we're watching.

"I was hoping we stop Misty from her quest." Hydia growled. "Now, she's preparing for the Championship Cup."

"We can't let that happen." Draggle protested.

"She will go home as a loser. Follow me!"

Inside the Sanctuary, Miss Catrina showed the girls around. They saw various flying Pokémon in the air and in the trees. They see plenty of water types in lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. Misty saw her Barbaracle waving to her. Suddenly, they were confronted by a floating lantern.

"That's a Chandelure." Paradise said nervously.

Misty studies this Pokémon with her Pokédex. Chandelure, the Luring Pokémon and the evolved form of Lampent. Be careful approaching this Pokémon. It's ghostly flames can drain your spirit.

When Chandelure smiled at Misty, she realized something. "Lampent? Is that you?"

"Yes, it is." Catrina replied. "I was coming to have a look at Lampent when it sensed something from me. I unknownly carried a Dusk Stone. I'm guessing it was ready to evolve."

"Wow! Congrats, Chandelure."

Paradise and Firefly helped Misty train for the Championship Cup.

"Sinistea, use Sucker Punch!" Paradise called out.

Sinistea readied it's Dark move. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge! Then use Bite."

After avoiding the Sucker Punch, Dreepy gave a big bite on the Black Tea Pokémon. Sinistea was defeated. Paradise recalled her Pokémon, but happy for Misty.

"Great work, Misty." Paradise praised. "Dreepy looks ready for anything."

Dreepy feels happy. Just then, Dreepy glowed meaning it's ready to evolve. When the glowing stopped, it's body got bigger, and it's head is more boomerang shaped.

"Wow!" Misty cheered as she took out her Pokédex. "My Dreepy evolved into a Drakloak."

Drakloak, the Caretaker Pokémon and the evolved form of Dreepy. The Pokédex said. It has incredible speed. And, always has a Dreepy to care for.

At that moment, a Dreepy floats by and lands on Drakloak. The girls loved this sight. But, that moment got cut short when the trio of Hydia, Draggle, and Reeka showed up.

"I knew we'd find you." Hydia said angrily. "Time for you to pack up and leave. Your journey is over!"

"Who says?" Misty replied.

"We do." Reeka answered as she and Draggle readied their Pokémon. "Get 'em!"

Out pops a Liepard and a gray metallic looking cat with what looks like horns and a metal beard.

"Looks like that Galarian Meowth evolved into Perrserker, the Viking Pokémon." Firefly noticed.

Misty's Pokédex came alive. Perrserker, the Viking Pokémon and the evolved form of the Galarian Meowth. Between it's hardened hair and sharp claws, this Pokémon is always ready for battle.

Firefly stepped up. "Let me handle this. Wailmer, come out!"

Wailmer popped out, ready for action. But, the mean sisters aren't impressed.

"I don't think so." Reeka mocked. "Liepard, Fury Swipes!"

"Perrserker," Draggle added, "Iron Head!"

The two feline Pokémon charged at Wailmer. Firefly reacted quickly. "Wailmer, use Water Pulse!"

Wailmer fired a stream of water at Perrserker. It ran into Liepard, and they both fainted.

"I'll take it from here, my dears." Hydia said. "Go, Doublade!"

Out pops what looks like two swords crossed like an X. Misty checks out this Pokémon.

Doublade, the Sword Pokémon and the evolved form of Honedge. The Pokédex said. The two swords can quickly change between attack and defense.

Proving that she's no longer afraid of this vicious trio, Misty steps up.

"You won't scare me anymore, Hydia." Misty announced. "You and your daughters are just a bunch of bullies."

"And, how do you propose to stop me?" Hydia asked. "My Doublade is a great ghost and steel type. you know."

Misty took out a Poké Ball to answer the question. "Like this. Ninetales, Flamethrower!"

Ninetales pops out and blows fire towards Doublade. Being a steel type, Doublade felt the heat, then fainted. After recalling her Pokémon, Hydia turned to her daughters. "We can't intimidate her now. Let's SCRAM!"

The mean trio ran off to the exit of the Sanctuary. From a distance, the mysterious woman who helped Misty in Ballonea. Satisfied, the masked maiden leaves. Meanwhile, Sting is ready to wrap up his gym battle in Anistar City.

"Let's do this, Houndoom." Sting calls out. "Use Fire Fang!"

With a mouth full of fire, Houndoom clamps down on a Meowstic, causing it to faint.

"Meowstic is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Houndoom wins. The winner of this battle is Sting from Dream Valley."

Sting cheered happily as Gym Leader Olympia recalled Meowstic.

"Excellent battle." Olympia said. "I see the passion you displayed for your Pokémon. You truly earned the Psychic Badge."

"Thank you, Miss Olympia." Sting replied as he received his badge.

After exiting the gym, Sting praised his Houndoom.

"Thanks for your help, Houndoom." Sting said happily. "I knew rescuing you when your still a Houndour was the right thing to do. Now, let's rest up. Tomorrow, we're heading for my last Gym stop: Snowbelle City!"

End of Chapter 36


At the Sanctuary



37. Next Stop: Wyndon and the Championship Cup

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As the time for the Championship Cup nears, Misty prepares her Pokémon for the event. Paradise and Firefly and their Pokémon watch with interest. Suddenly, Sinistea rushes over to Paradise.

"What's up, Sinistea?" Paradise asked.

Sinistea heads for Paradise's backpack. Soon, it levitated what looks like a broken teapot. It brings the pot near, it then glowed.

"Looks like Sinistea is evolving." Firefly noticed.

Seeing the glow, Misty heads over to see. When the glow ended, Sinistea is replaced by a teapot with a purple glob looking out.

"Fascinating." Catrina said as she comes to the area. "I heard of this moment. When a Sinistea comes near a mystic object called a cracked pot, it evolves into a Polteageist."

Misty pulls out her Pokédex. "That's a Polteageist, huh?"

Polteageist, the Black Tea Pokémon and the evolved form of Sinistea. The Pokédex said. It lives in old tea pots. Some of these pots are forgeries. But, some are lucky and find real ancient pots.

Paradise was proud of this moment. "Congratulations, Polteageist,"

This made Misty smile. Next day, the girls stepped outside the Sanctuary, ready to hit the road.

"Okay, guys." Misty said. "Next stop: Wyndon and the Championship Cup!"

The three friends went on their way. Miss Catrina watched with admiration. "Good luck, Misty. Everyone in Canterlot City and Maretine Bay will be watching you."

The girls make their way down Route 10 to reach Wyndon. On the way, they saw a bunch of Grass Pokémon with flowers on their heads happily dancing.

"Those are Bellossom." Misty said as she takes out her Pokédex. "The Flower Pokémon."

Bellossom, the Flower Pokémon. said the Pokédex.The stinkier the Gloom, the more beautiful scent the Bellossom after evolution.

The girls watch the dancing of these Bellossom and admired the movements. Then, they heard a brutal make voice. "Golisopod, Razor Shell!"

Watery projectiles came out and caused the Bellossom to scatter. Misty saw a fierce looking insect with hard scales all over it's body.

"That's a Golisopod." Paradise realized as Misty pulls out her Pokédex. "The Hard Scale Pokémon."

Golisopod, the Hard Scale Pokémon. The Pokédex said. When it has to attack, it's six sharp claws are ready for anything.

"Why would a Golisopod attack those cute Bellossom?" Misty wondered.

"Cute?!" Said a male voice. "Don't bet on that!"

Out steps a yellow skinned teen with messy green hair. He has on a leather jacket with a vicious looking flower on it.

"I heard of you!" Misty said angrily. "You're part of a gang of thugs known as the Flores!"

"You got it, babe." The thug replied. "Bramble Weed's the name. And, me and my Golisopod are having our way with those Bellossom."

The girls look at the Bellossom getting scared. This made the girls angry.

"These Bellossom don't need someone like you pushing them around!" Misty said.

"I agree." Paradise added when she pulled out a Poké Ball. "Come out, Vanillite. Use Icy Wind!"

Vanillite popped out and blew a blast of freezing wind. Golisopod felt the cold. So did Bramble Weed.

"I forgot." Bramble Weed said. "Being a bug type, Golisopod is vulnerable to ice attacks."

"And, it's also a water type." Misty added as she pulls out her own Poké Ball. "So, it's vulnerable to this. Come out, Klinklang. Use Discharge!"

The Gear Pokémon popped out and blasted an electric attack. Seeing his Golisopod take a hit, Bramble Weed recalled the Hard Shell Pokémon.

"These dames don't fool around when it comes to protecting Pokémon." Bramble Weed figured. "I better get out of here before an officer Jenny shows up." He then turns to the girls. "Toodle loo."

The member of the Flores runs off, knowing he'll never pester the Bellossom again. As Firefly comforts the Bellossom, she notices something else. "Hey, Paradise. Looks like your Vanillite is starting to evolve."

As Firefly figured, Vanillite started to glow and get bigger. When the glowing stopped, Vanillite became a bigger ice cream cone shaped creature.

"Wow!" Paradise cheered. "My Vanillite evolved into a Vanillish."

Misty used her Pokédex to study this newly evolved Pokémon. Vanillish, the Icy Snow Pokémon and the evolved form of Vanillite. If it's body is in danger of melting, Vanillish can freeze the air to repair itself.

Seeing the Bellossom are a little frightened at the sight of Vanillish, Paradise recalled her new friend. "Don't worry, Bellossom. You won't feel the cold like that Golisopod did."

After recalling Klinklang, Misty sees a welcome sight.

"Guys!" Misty called out. "Look what I see!"

Paradise and Firefly rushed to their friend. They all see a big city with a stadium on the other side.

"It's Wyndon!" Firefly realized. "The site of the Galar Championship Cup!"

"You're right." Paradise replied. "We arrived in time. With two days left, Misty has time to prepare her Pokémon for this event."

"And, we'll be there to help her out. If we know Hop, he'll probably be there too."

"So will Marnie. I have a feeling she probably got her eighth badge by now."

"Come on, you guys." Misty said happily. "My destiny awaits!"

The three girls rush over to Wyndon so that Misty can prepare for the Championship Cup. Will she be able to fight her way to eventually battle Galar Champion: Leon?

We'll find out in our next episode.

End of Chapter 37


At the Sanctuary



38. Semi Finals match 1-Misty vs. Marnie

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Misty and company have made it to Wyndon so that Misty can enter the Championship Cup. After touring the town, they came to Wyndon stadium.

"That's where this big event is held?" Firefly said with astonishment.

"That's it." Paradise replied.

"Wow! This is a big deal for everyone. Especially you, Misty."

Misty smiled, knowing her friends are right. They see many people coming to the stadium. This includes Miss Opaline and Squirk. While Firefly and Paradise join the crowd, Misty enters the arena. After presenting her badges to the clerk, Misty goes into the locker room to change into her challenger outfit. After changing, she sees Marnie in her own challenger outfit.

"Marnie!" Misty gasped. "I didn't expect you to show up.'

"I'm sure you didn't." Marnie replied. "I defeated Raihan and got his badge. Now, I'm ready for this battle."

"If we battle each other, let's give it our all."


The girls shook each other's hand. Later, the stadium is full of people cheering and shouting. Out steps a young man with brown hair and glasses. He wore a blue jacket over a white shirt and black tie, navy oants, and black shoes.

"Welcome, everybody, to Wyndon Stadium." The man announced. "My name is Brian Sheil, and I am your MC for the Championship Cup!"

The crowd cheered happily as Brian continues his announcement. "Time to meet the players for this battle." He points to the right. "In this corner, coming to us all the way from Canterlot City: Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty walks out and is welcomed by the crowd. The announcement goes on as Brian points to the left. "In this corner, the fan favorite among members of the misunderstood Team Yell, the Spikemuth Gym Leader's sister: Marnie!'

A special section for the Team Yell members is roaring with excitement. A make referee with jet black hair steps out.

"This will be a five on five battle." The referee said. "It ends when all Pokémon from either side is unable to battle. Substitutions are allowed on both sides. Now, call for your first Pokémon."

"My first Pokémon is Liepard." Marnie saud.

Liepard comes out for battle. With her experience of battling the Liepard of those mean sisters, Misty makes her first choice. "Klinklang, let's do this!"

The gear Pokémon comes out. Marnie is impressed. "So, your first choice is a Steel Type."

"Right!" Misty replied.

"Let's see how tough it is. Liepard, use Foul Play!"

Liepard unleashed dark energy on Klinklang. But, being a steel type, it's not effected that much.

"Now, it's my turn." Misty said. "Klinklang, use Discharge!"

Klinklang fired a shot of electricity at Liepard. The sleek feeling feels the electric shock as Misty follows it up, "Now, Gear Grind."

The gears soon dig into Liepard. Soon, the Cruel Pokémon fainted.

"Liepard is unable to battle." The referee said. "Klinklang wins."

"And, Misty starts off with a bang!" Brian the MC said. "Who will Marnie choose next?"

After recalling her Liepard, Marnie makes her next choice." My next Pokémon is Toxicroak!"

Out pops Toxicroak. Misty is staying with her Klinklang. "Let's strike fast with Charge Beam."

Klinklang fired a powerful beam at Toxicroak. Marnie then unleashed a surprise. "Toxicroak, use Revenge!"

The Toxic Mouth Pokémon unleashed a beam of fighting energy. Klinklang was hit, then fainted.

"Klinklang is unable to battle." The referee said. "Toxicroak is the winner!"

"Just like that," Brian said, "both sides are down to four Pokémon."

"Return, Klinklang." Misty said sadly as she recalled Klinklang. Realizing that Toxicroak is partially a fighter type, she makes a new choice. "Come out, Corviknight!"

Corviknight popped out. Marnie planned to strike fast and hard. "Go, Toxicroak. Poison Sting!"

Corviknight fired poison darts at Corviknight. Misty reacted quickly. "Dodge! Then use Drill Peck!"

The Raven Pokémon dodged the poison then spun into a drill. It struck hard on Toxicroak. Soon, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon fainted.

"Toxicroak is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Corviknight wins."

Marnie recalled Toxicroak, and is impressed with her opponent. "Corviknight is one powerful flying type. You raised it well."

"Thank you, Marnie." Misty replied.

"Here's my third Pokémon. Go, Scrafty!"

Out pops a Scrafty. It looks ready for battle. Misty an idea.

Return, Corviknight." Misty said. She then made a choice. "Go, Drakloak."

Drakloak comes out. Marnie is not impressed. "This Pokémon is partially a ghost type. Easy pickings. Scrafty, use Faint Attack."

Scrafty glowed with black energy. Misty reacts. "Drakloak, use Phantom Force!"

Drakloak zipped into the ground. Scrafty soon prepared for anything, it was soon struck by ghostly energy as Drakloak emerged. Misty followed it up. "Use Dragon Pulse at close range!"

The Caretaker Pokémon fired a blast if dragon energy at Scrafty. The Hoodlum Pokémon was taken by surprise so quickly, it fainted.

"Scrafty is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Drakloak wins!"

"A great surprise attack as Drakloak defeated Scrafty." Brian the MC said. "Now, Marnie is down to two Pokémon while Misty still has four."

After recalling Scrafty, Marnie calls on her next choice. "Let's go, Morpeko!"

Morpeko gets ready for battle. When it became it's hangry mode, Misty realized that she better work fast.

"Drakloak," Misty called out, "use Dragon Claw!"

Drakloak charges at Morpeko. Marnie knew what to do. "Dodge, then use Crunch!"

After dodging Dragon Claw, Morpeko gave a big bite to Drakloak. The ghostly dragon fainted from the attack.

"Drakloak is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Morpeko wins!"

The members of Team Yell cheered as Misty recalled her Drakloak.

Who can I send after that Morpeko? Misty thought. Inteleon is vulnerable because Morpeko is partially an electric type. Misty then comes up with an idea. "I know. Ninetales, let's go!"

Misty's beautiful fox jumped out, and prepared for battle.

"We'll still prevail." Marnie said with confidence. "Morpeko, use Spark!"

After returning to Full Belly form, Morpeko fired an electrical attack.

"Dodge," Misty called out, "then use Will-o-Wisp!"

Ninetales quickly avoided bring shocked. Then, fired some heat to Morpeko. Marnie got scared. "My Morpeko got burned!"

"Okay, Ninetales." Misty said. "Wrap this up with Flamethrower!"

The Fox Pokémon fired a blast of heat towards Morpeko. The power of the Flamethrower was too much, and Morpeko fainted.

"Morpeko is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Ninetales wins."

"That leaves Marnie with one Pokémon left." Brian said. "Who will she send out since Morpeko was her best shot at victory?"

Marnie recalled Morpeko. "Nice try, Morpeko. Time to rest." She then takes out another Poké Ball. "Time for my big surprise. Go!"

To Misty's surprise, a Grimmsnarl pops out. "A Grimmsnarl?!"

"I heard you have Grimmsnarl. So, I took a trip to the Route near Ballonea. I then caught an Impidimp. Leveled it up into a Morgrem. Then, into a Grimmsnarl."

Misty then recalled Ninetales and called out her next choice. "Go, Mudsdale!"

The might Draft Horse Pokémon came out. Soon, Marnie made a decision. "Since this is my last Pokémon, let's turn this up a notch!"

Marnie recalled her Pokémon. Soon it got large as she throws it back in the air. "Gigantimax!"

Soon, Grimmsnarl grew big, and looks more muscular than usual. Misty recalls her Pokémon. "Two can play this game. Dynamax time!"

MC Brian saw this and is impressed. "WOW! Looks like these two are going to end this in a huge way. And, I do mean HUGE!"

From the stands, Opaline and Squirk watch with interest. Marnie begins her assault. "Okay, Grimmsnarl. Max Darkness!"

Grimmsnarl unleashed powerful black energy. Mudsdale special ability kicks in as the attack increases it's defense.

"Now," Misty said, "use your G Max Snooze!"

Grimmsnarl begins to yawn loudly. Misty knows that she better stop this before Mudsdale goes to sleep. "Quick, Mudsdale! Max Knuckle!"

Mudsdale makes a stone fist appear and whacks Grimmsnarl.

"Follow that up with Max Quake!" Misty called out.

Mudsdale made the ground shake violently. Grimmsnarl felt the effects and soon fainted. Then, Grimmsnarl returned to normal size.

"Grimmsnarl is unable to battle." The referee said. "Mudsdale wins. The winner of this contest is Misty Brightdawn!"

"There you have it, folks!" Brian announced. "Misty's victory helps her move on in this tournament."

After Misty recalled Mudsdale, Marnie walks up to her.

"That was a great battle." Marnie praised. "It's a shame I lost. But, I did my best."

The two competitors shook hands in sportsmanship. Everybody cheered. Even Piers and Team Yell applauded the battle. Later, at the Pokémon Center, Misty was letting her Pokémon heal when Hop came in.

"That was some contest, Misty." Hop said. "You were awesome!"

"Thanks, Hop." Misty replied.

"I hope you're ready for tomorrow. You're next opponent in this contest is ME!"

Misty was fortunate to win against Marnie. But, how will she do against Hop?

The answers lie ahead in our next episode.

End of Chapter 38


At the Sanctuary



39. Semi-Finals match 2-Misty vs. Hop

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The next day, the arena is full again as Brian welcomes the crowd.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen," Brian announced. "This next match will determine who gets to go to the main tournament."

The crowd cheers amps both combatants march out into the arena. Brian makes introductions. "These two young trainers were both endorsed by our beloved champion: Leon. They are the young hopeful: Misty Brightdawn and the champion's young brother: Hop!"

A referee walks out to the competitors. "This will be a five on five match. It's over when all Pokémon from either side are unable to battle."

"Okay, Misty," Hop proudly said. "Here's my first Pokémon. Go, Dubwool!"

Dubwool pops out. Misty makes her first choice. "Ninetales, I choose you!"

Out comes Ninetales, ready for the fight. The ref makes an announcement. "Let the battle begin!"

"Ninetales," Misty said, "use Incinerate!"

Ninetales breathed fire. Hop quickly reacted. "Dodge, Dubwool. Then, use Headbutt!"

Avoiding the fire, Dubwool delivered a big headbutt to Ninetales. As the fox Pokémon recovered, Hop followed his move up. "Use Double Kick!"

Dubwool is ready to kick Ninetales. Misty quickly reacted. "Quick, Ninetales. Psychic Attack!"

Ninetales' eyes glowed and use it's power to slam Dubwool to the ground. Misty gave another command. "Let's try Incinerate again!"

The fire fox turned up the heat. This time, Dubwool succumbed to the flames and fainted.

"Dubwool is unable to battle." The referee said. "Ninetales is the winner!"

"Misty takes the lead in this battle." Brian announced. "How will Hop come back from this?"

Hop recalled Dubwool. Seeing that Ninetales is getting tired, he makes his next choice. "Go, Corviknight!"

Corviknight pops out ready to fight. Seeing Ninetales getting tired. Misty decides to call it back. "Ninetales, return." She then makes her next choice. "Go, Klinklang!"

The gear Pokémon comes along. Hop is intimidated. "Klinklang maybe strong. But, I can still beat it. Corviknight, use Brave Bird!"

Corviknight glowed like a fireball. And, zipped down on Klinklang. Being a steel type, the Gear Pokémon wasn't hurt that much.

"Brave Bird is powerful." Misty praised. "But, as I learned, Corviknight is mostly a flying type. Klinklang, Discharge!"

Klinklang unleashed an electric shock to Corviknight. Between the electricity and the recoil of Brave Bird, Corviknight soon fainted.

"Corviknight is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Klinklang wins!"

Recalling his Corviknight, Hop decided to bring out a surprise. "Pincurchin, let's go!"

Out pops what looks like a spiny creature. Misty pulled out her Pokédex to learn of it.

Pincurchin, the Sea Urchin Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. If a fish Pokémon swims near it, it's spikes deliver an electric shock.

Misty recalls Klinklang and sends out a surprise. "Drakloak, let's go!"

Hop saw Drakloak. But, is not impressed. "This ghostly dragon doesn't look that tough. Pincurchin, Poison Sting!"

Pincurchin fired poison darts at Drakloak. Misty quickly reacted. "Drakloak, use Phantom Force!"

Drakloak slipped through the ground. Pincurchin was nervously looking for the Caretaker Pokémon. Hop saw Drakloak come out of the ground, and directed his Pokémon. "Quick, Pincurchin! Spark attack!"

Pincurchin fired an electric attack. Drakloak endured the shock.

"Drakloak," Misty called out, "use Dragon Pulse!"

Drakloak unleashed dragon energy on Pincurchin, causing it to faint.

"Pincurchin is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Drakloak wins!"

As Hop recalls his Pincurchin, he prepares a surprise. "Time for my secret weapon. Go, Snorlax!"

Out pops a large cat like creature that looks hefty. Misty pulls out her Pokédex.

Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon. The Pokédex said. This Pokémon can eat up to 800 pounds before going back to sleep.

"Snorlax ," Hop calls out, "Use Hyper Beam!'

As Snorlax charges up, Misty decides to take the advantage. "Drakloak, use Dual Chop."

As Drakloak charges into action, Snorlax fires a high powered beam from it's mouth. The energy was enough to make Drakloak faint.

"Drakloak is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Snorlax wins!"

"What a turn of events!" Brian announced. "Hop finally has a win as Misty is now down to four Pokémon."

After recalling Drakloak, Misty looks at Snorlax recovering from Hyper Beam.

"Come back out, Ninetales!" Misty called out.

Ninetales comes out rested after battling Dubwool. Misty then makes her move. "Ninetales, use Psychic!'

Ninetales' eyes glowed and surrounded Snorlax with it's energy. Hop quickly reacted. "Breakthrough that, and use Body Slam!"

Snorlax quickly jumped up and landed on Ninetales. The weight caused the Fox Pokémon to faint.

"Ninetales is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Snorlax wins."

Recalling her Ninetales, Misty tries something else. "Normal moves aren't effective against this. Go, Klinklang!"

Her Gear Pokémon returns to battle.

"Not this time!" Hops told Misty. "Snorlax, time for Giga Impact!"

Snorlax soon ran and slammed into Klinklang. The Gear Pokémon was hit so hard, it fainted.

"Klinklang is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Snorlax wins!"

"Wow! Hop has a good ace in the hole." Brian said to the crowd.

"Three Pokémon taken out by that Snorlax." Paradise said from the stands. "That's rough."

"I wonder how Misty will come back from this." Firefly added.

After she recalled Klinklang, she noticed Snorlax getting tired. She figured to defeat Snorlax before Hop call tell it to rest.

"Let's go, Mudsdale!" Misty called out.

When Mudsdale came out, Hop got nervous. "Uh oh."

"Mudsdale," Misty calls out, "use Double Kick!"

Mudsdale gave two powerful kicks to the worn out Snorlax. Soon, Snorlax fainted.

"Snorlax is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Mudsdale wins!"

"After three of her Pokémon were beaten bad," Brian said to the crowd, "Misty defeated Hop's best chance to win the battle!"

After recalling Snorlax, Hop turns to the MC. "Snorlax is my best shot, Brian," He then pulls out a Poké Ball. "But, not my last. Go, Cinderace!'

Misty saw that Cinderace looks ready. She has an idea.

"Return, Mudsdale." Misty says while recalling her Draft Horse Pokémon. She then makes her next choice. "Inteleon, let's go!"

Inteleon comes out. Hop was now impressed. "A battle of starters, huh?"

"That's right." Misty replied

"Then, let's turn it up a notch!"

Hop recalled Cinderace. Then, made his Poké Ball huge. He threw it up in the air, and Cinderace came out. The Striker Pokémon gew big. Now, it's a giant rabbit on a fireball.

"I figured a way for my Pokémon to become powered by Gigantamax Power!" Hop said. "Let's see what you got."

Misty recalled Inteleon. Having the ball griw, she throws it in the air. "Dynamax!"

Inteleon came out and became gigantic.

"Let's do this." Hop said. "G Max Fireball!"

Cinderace unleashed a massive fireball and struck Inteleon. Fortunately, water Pokémon aren't affected much by fire moves.

"Time for a comeback." Misty said. "Inteleon, Max Strike!"

Inteleon unleashed a powerful strike against Cinderace. Misty followed that up. "Now, Max Geyser!"

The Secret Agent Pokémon fired a blast of water. That was enough to take out Cinderace. The Striker Pokémon shrunk then fainted.

"Cinderace is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Inteleon wins! The winner of this tournament is Misty Brightdawn!"

"There you have it, folks." Brian announced. "Misty will move on to the main tournament. That's where the winner will take on the champion: Leon!"

After shrinking to normal, Inteleon was given a hug by Misty. Hop recalled Cinderace and went to Misty.

"It's a shame that I lost." Hop said. "But, I'm glad that I had this battle. If anyone is deserving to face my brother, it might as well be you."

"Thanks, Hop." Misty replied.

The competitors shook hands in respect and friendship, ending this event.

End of Chapter 39


At the Sanctuary



40. Strange Twist of Events

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Inside a nice restaurant next to the stadium, Misty and her friends, including Hop, were waiting for Leon so they can have a decent lunch to celebrate Misty's victory.

"I can't wait to chow down on some tasty food." Firefly said happily.

"Me too." Hop agreed. "I just wish I knew what's taking Leon. He's the one who invited us to this feast."

Just then, Piers shows up and got Hop and the girls outside. They went outside and saw Pierce, Marnie, and Team Yell waiting for them.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"I saw Leon with Chairman Rose over at Rose Tower." Piers informed. "What for, I don't know."

Just then, the Chairman's secretary, Oleana, shows up.

"If you folks are interested, the Chairman asked Leon to talk to him." Oleana said meanly. "So, you youngsters can forget about your lunch date."

"You can't do that to us!" Hop protested. "We're going to find Rose Tower and find my brother."

"One of my associates has the key to the monorail to Rose Tower. He'll be the one with dark shades. However, there will be many members of our staff gathered around."

The gang is getting worried. Marnie gives them a confidence boost. "We of Team Yell will help out. Just find that creep!"

The girls nodded, then took off in different directions looking for this character. Hop stayed with the Team Yell gang. Firefly looked near the stadium. She saw the runaway at the purple house nearby. She then called out, "Miss Oleana is here!'

The man turned and saw Firefly in a fighting stance. He got annoyed.

"Oh no you don't, brat!" The man said. "You won't get the key to the Monorail. Meowth, Durant, stop her!"

He sent a Galarian Meowth and Durant, a metallic ant, to get in her way. But, Firefly sent in reinforcements. "Let's turn up the heat, Cinderace and Coalossal!"

Firefly fire Pokémon came out to battle. Hop and Team Yell came out to cheer their friend.

"Cinderace, Coalossal, both use Flame Charge!" Firefly called out.

The two fire Pokémon heated up and defeated the steel Pokémon. Determined to keep anybody from disturbing Rose, the man ran away. He tried to blend in at the fountain. But, Paradise confronted him.

"I said nobody must bother the boss!' The shady man told her. "Mawille, Excadrill, stop that brat!"

Mawille and Excadrill, a bigger version of Drilbur, came out. Paradise quickly reacted. "Boltund, Dreadnaw, let's do this!"

Boltund and Dreadnaw arrived. Not impressed, the shaded man sends his Pokémon after them. Paradise sends her troops into battle. "Dreadnaw, use Water Pulse on Excadrill! Boltund, use Discharge on Mawille!"

After seeing his Pokémon beat by water and electricity, the agent ran off again. He went to a telephone booth. Misty caught up to him.

"Hand over that key card!" Misty demanded.

"No way!" The man said. "Ferroseed, Steelix, CHARGE!!"

Out popped a metal seed and a giant metal snake. Misty pulled out her Pokédex.

Ferroseed, the Thorn Seed Pokémon. Said the Pokédex about the seed., Ferroseed uses it's spikes to hang from walls and ceilings. The Pokédex then explains about the snake. Steelix, the Iron Snake Pokémon and the evolved form of Onix. It can tunnel underground for more than a mile.

Misty then chooses her best shot against these opponents. "Mudsdale, Ninetales, let's go!"

Her Pokémon come out which frightened the man in the shades.

"You won't stop me!" Misty calls out. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick on Ferroseed. Ninetales, use Flamethrower on Steelix!"

The two steel Pokémon were soon defeated. The vicious man is still defiant. Piers put on a performance for the crowd to distract the man. Soon, Piers grabbed the key card and gave it to Misty. Paradise, Firefly, and Hop reunited with her. Using the card, they boarded the passageway to Rose Tower.

"I hope those guys will do good." Marnie said with concern.

"Not to worry, little sister." Piers assured. "Misty and her friends are ready for anything."

As the heroes ride up the elevator, they encounter many of the associates of Rose and Oleana. Lucky, their Pokémon made short work of them. After reaching the top, they spotted Oleana. She turned and saw the crew.

"So, you hope to stop my leader." Oleana said. "He's having an important discussion with Leon." Then, she got super vicious. "You'll have to get through me!"

Will Misty get through Oleana to find out what Rose is up to?

We'll find out in our next episode

End of chapter 40


At the Sanctuary



41. Battle in Rose Tower

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In our previous chapter, Misty, Paradise, Firefly, and Hop were expecting Leon to show up for lunch. But, Oleana and her staff said that Leon us meeting Chairman Rose. Thinking something is up, the group split up to find a member of that team who has the key to the Monorail of Rose Tower. With help from Piers and Teal Yell, they got the key and rode the Monorail. When they reached the top, they were confronted by Oleana, who is determined to ensure nobody disturbs the interview.

"Come out, Frosslass!" Oleana shouted. "Use Icy Wind!'

Out came a creature that looks like she's wearing a kimono. She blew cold wind at Misty. She took out her Pokédex to learn of this creature.

Frosslass, the Snow Land Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It acts as a guide to help people through snowstorms..

"You cannot stop me!" Oleana said angrily. "Frosslass, BLIZZARD!"

Frosslass blew arctic air as Misty. She got enough energy to call one of her Pokémon friends. "Come out, Ninetales, and use Flamethrower!"

Ninetales came out and blew fire on the ghostly Pokémon. Frosslass fainted, and was recalled by Oleana.

"You must not go ahead!" Oleana ordered. "Stop her, Tsareena! Use Power Kick!"

A flowery creature came out and kicked Misty down to the ground. Firefly was shocked and protested. "Hey! Pokémon aren't supposed to be used to hurt people!"

"I will do what I can to protect my Chairman!" Oleana said as Misty pulls out a Pokédex.

Tsarenna, the Fruit Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It can deliver power kicks and use it's legs to mock defeated opponents.

"Ninetales, return." Misty said. She then sends another Pokémon. "Come out, Corviknight."

Corviknight flies up. Misty wastes no time. "Corviknight, use Drill Peck!"

The Raven Pokémon spins fast as it strikes at Tsarenna. Seeing her Pokémon down, Oleana recalls her. She is still getting angry.

"You must stop now!" Oleana demanded. "Come out, Salazzle! Hit this brat with Dragon Rage!'

A long brown lizard comes out and unleashes dragon energy at Misty. Seeing her in danger, Corviknight intercepts with Steel Wing.

"Thanks, Corviknight." Misty praised as she studied Salazzle.

Salazzle, the Toxic Lizard Pokémon and the evolved form of Sandalit. Said the Pokédex.The poison gas from this Pokémon is sometimes used as perfume.

After recalling Corviknight, Misty calls for her next Pokémon. "It's your turn, Inteleon."

Inteleon arrived to battle. Misty acted quick. "Inteleon, Water Pulse!'

Inteleon blasted a burst of water at Salazzle. The Toxic Lizard Pokémon soon fainted. Oleana recalled Salazzle and still determined to stop Misty.

"You shall go no further!" Oleana called out. "Strike at her, Milotic, with Aqua Tail!"

A serpentine creature comes at hits Misty with water from it's tail.

"Why would Oleana use her Pokémon to hurt Misty!" Paradise said with fear.

"I know." Hop added. "Oleana is going crazy. Somebody strap a straitjacket on her."

Misty's Pokédex comes alive with information. Milotic, the Tender Pokémon. The sight of this Pokémon can calm anybody.

Misty sees that this Pokémon is not a calm type. After recalling Inteleon, she calls for another Pokémon. "Let's go, Klinklang!"

The Gear Pokémon comes out ready for action. Misty comes at it quickly. "Klinklang, use Discharge!"

Electricity comes out of Klinklang and strikes at Milotic. Seeing her Pokémon faint, Oleana recalls it. She looks at Molly with even more anger.

"You dare to interfere with my Chairman?!" Oleana said.

"Well, I don't know what Rose is up to." Misty replied. "But, that's no reason to use your Pokémon to hurt me."

"I do what I must to protect my leader. And, YOU CANNOT STOP ME! Come out, Garbodor! Use Pound!"

A large bag like creature comes out and trues to strike at Misty. But, she avoided the hit and took out her Pokédex.

Garbodor, the Trash Heap Pokémon. The Pokédex said. The stench from this Pokémon is so bad, most people stay away.

Recalling Klinklang, Misty calls on her best shot against Garbodor. "You're up, Mudsdale."

The Draft Horse Pokémon comes out. Suddenly, Oleana recalls her Garbodor. Her Poké Ball soon got big. "This will put a stop to your meddling. Gigantamax!"

Her Garbodor grew gigantic. And, it has garbage all over it's body. Planes, buildings and other stuff. Misty recalled her Mudsdale and matched Oleana move for move. "It's Dynamax time!"

Mudsdale grew big as well. But, Oleana isn't impressed. "This'll stop your Mudsdale. Garbodor, use G-Max Malodor!"

Garbodor is about to spray poison gas. Misty reacted quickly. "Mudsdale, use Max Quake!"

Stomping on the ground, Mudsdale caused an earthquake. It was enough to shake Garbodor off. The Trash Heap Pokémon shrunk and fainted. After recalling her Pokémon, Oleana soon returned to her calm self. After recalling Mudsdale, who shrunk back to normal size, Misty and her friends to check on her.

"I'm sorry for my outbursts." Oleana said, feeling regret. "But, I was so determined to help Chairman Rose."

"What does he want to talk to Leon about anyway?" Hop asked.

"That, I don't know. Sometimes, he gets secretive to avoid me"

This got the gang worried. Meanwhile, Rose and Leon have a serious talk.

"Think of it, Leon." Rose said. "The future of Galar depends on our decision."

"I'd like to think of your words." Leon replied. "But, right now, I owe Hop and Misty lunch. And, I have to be ready to host the main event if the Championship Cup tomorrow. See you later."

As Leon leaves, Rose watches him with eerie eyes. You won't believe what I have in store, Leon. My next move will shake the world.

Meanwhile, in Kalos, Sting packs his stuff and heads out of a small town.

"Good thing I rested in Couriway Town." Sting said to himself. "Now, I'm ready for Snowbelle City. Look out, Wulfrid. Here I come."

End of Chapter 41


At the Sanctuary



42. Championship Cup Warm up: Misty vs. Bede

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The next day, the stadium is filled to the brim with people. This includes Paradise, Firefly, Squirk, and Opaline. Soon, the Galar champion, Leon, steps out to address the crowd.

"Hello, everyone." Leon said happily. "Today starts the great tournament, Eight trainers will be battling in this arena. The winner will face me in a final battle."

The crowd cheered happily. Leon then introduced the first two trainers. "First to step into battle, with eight badges in her possession that allowedhrr to be here: Misty Brightdawn!"

Misty walks out in her challenger outfit, receiving cheers from the crowd. Just then, a young voice was heard. "Hold everything please!"

To everybody's surprise, Bede runs out to the stadium wearing what looks like a uniform from Ballonea.

"Bede?" Misty gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry for interrupting this event." Bede explained. "But, I would like to battle you."

Everyone gasped to hear this announcement. Bede explained his appearance. "During my time with Miss Opal, I have learned about myself in ways I never imagined. It's true Miss Oleana had me gathering wishing stars. I thought I was doing Chairman Rose a favor. Nobody told me what the wishing stars were really needed for."

"I had a battle with Oleana." Misty said. "I don't think even SHE knows what Rose is up to."

"I guess the chairman is more mysterious than I thought." Bede then asked Misty for a favor. "I would like to see how well you've come."

After thinking about this for a minute, Misty comes to a decision. "You got yourself a battle!"

The crowd cheered as the combatants prepared for battle.

"Let's make this a four on four battle." Bede suggested.

"Fine by me," Misty replied. "You pick first."

"I choose Mawile!"

Mawile came out. Misty makes her choice. "Ninetales, go!"

Ninetales came out for battle. Bede made the first move. "Mawile, use Headbutt!"

Mawile rushed in and hit Ninetales hard. Bede decided to follow it up. "Now, use Crunch!"

The Deceiver Pokémon's jaws on her head opened wide. Misty reacted quickly. "Ninetales, use Flamethrower!"

Recovering from Headbutt, Ninetales breathed fire on Mawile. The Deceiver Pokémon soon fainted.

"Mawile is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Ninetales wins."

"Return, Mawile." Bede said. He then tuned to his opponent. "I applaud your knowledge. Remembering that Mawile is partially a steel type, it's vulnerable to fire moves."

"Thank you." Misty replied.

"Let's see how you handle this. Go, Gardevoir!"

Out came a green and white creature that looks like it's wearing a gown.

"It's a Gardevoir." Misty said as she pulls out her Pokédex. "The Embrace Pokémon."

The Pokédex comes alive with information. Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. It's very protective of it's trainer.

Misty decides to change her strategy. She recalled her Ninetales and brought out her next choice. "Corviknight, let's go!"

Corviknight comes out to battle.

"Go, Corviknight." Misty calls out. "Use Drill Peck!"

Corviknight spuns like a drill to Gardevoir. Bede quickly reacted. "Gardevoir, use Psychic!"

Gardevoir soon stopped Corviknight from spinning. Misty was shocked to see this.

"I picked up a few tricks while under Opal's teaching," Bede said. "Now, Disarming Voice!"

Gardevoir sanf loudly but beautifully. Misty called out to her Pokémon. "Corviknight, try flying up."

Gathering it's thoughts, Corviknight flew away from the singing. Misty soon followed it up. "Okay, Corviknight. Use Steel Wing!"

Corviknight's wings shined like metal. Itbstruck down in Gardevoir. The Embrace Pokémon soon fainted.

"Gardevoir is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Corviknight wins."

Bede recalled Gardevoir. Instead of being bitter, he started to be honorable.

"Thinking on your feet is a great tool for a trainer." Bede said as he pulls out his next Poké Ball. "I hope you have your Pokédex ready. You'll need it to learn about this Pokémon. Go, Rapidash!"

Out came a white horse with lavender mane and tail. Also lavender fur on its leg and a horn on its forehead.

"Looks like Bede's Ponyta evolved." Misty said as she pulls out her Pokédex.

Rapidash: Galarian from, the Unique Horn Pokémon and the evolved form of the Galarian Ponyta. The Pokédex said. After evolving, it's Psycho Cut is very powerful.

Seeing her Corviknight exhausted, Misty recalls him and brings out her next choice. "Go, Inteleon!"

Bede looked at Inteleon closely. He remembers it when it was a Sobbke. Then, as a Drizzile. He then got determined. "I was wondering when your partner would show up. Rapidash, use Psycho Cut!"

Rapidash unleashed a line of psychic energy at Inteleon. The Secret Agent Pokémon hot hit. Misty was thankful that Inteleon is still standing.

Wow. Bede has improved since Opal took him in. Misty thought. But, not even he can stop me from advancing in this tournament. "Inteleon, Snipe Shot!"

Inteleon fired water bullets at Rapidash. But, Bede was ready. "Rapidash, use Psychic on those water bits!'

Rapidash used it's energy to stop Snipe Shot. But, Misty has another trick. "Inteleon, use Sucker Punch!"

With it's hands glowing with black energy, Inteleon gave a good punch to Rapidash. Being a psychic type, the dark energy was super effective, causing Rapidash to faint.

"Rapidash is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Inteleon wins!"

"Rapidash, return." Bede said, recalling his Pokémon. He then pulls out another Poké Ball. "Here's my fourth and final Pokémon. Stop this if you can. Go, Hatterene!"

Out pops what looks like a pink and teal witch. Misty then pulls out her Pokédex. "Hattrem evolved too."

Hatterene, the Silent Pokémon and the evolved form of Hattrem. Said the Pokédex.If you're too loud near this Pokémon, it will rip you apart with it's claws.

Getting an idea, Misty recalls Inteleon, and calls for her next choice. "Klinklang, you're up!"

The gear Pokémon comes out. Suddenly, Bede recalls Hatterene. His Poké Ball grew, then he threw it up in the air. Hatterene popped out and gew gigantic. It looks a little creature in a giant gown.

"Upping the ante, huh!" Misty asked.

"You catch on fast." Bede replied. "It is my last Pokémon after all.'

Misty then recalled Klinklang. Her Poké Ball grew and she threw it in the air. "Dynamax!"

Her Klinklang grew gigantic. Bede made the first strike. "Hatterene, use G-Max Smite!"

Hatterene energized and fired a beam at Klinklang. It looked like it's confused. Misty hopes it can still help. "Klinklang, try using Max Lightning."

Klinklang tried to shock Hatterene. But, it shocked itself. Fortunately for Misty, the shock broke off the confusion. This got Bede nervous.

"Okay, Klinklang." Misty said happily. "Use Max Steelspike!"

Klinklang made some metal spikes come from the ground, and struck Hatterene. The hit caused this Pokémon to faint then shrink.

"Hatterene is unable to battle." The referee announced. Klinklang wins. The winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"

The crowd cheered as Bede recalled Hatterene. After Misty recalled Klinklang, she was approached by Bede.

"I may have lost," Bede said, "but I'm not upset. I can see why Miss Opal passed the title of Ballonea gym leader to me,"

"You're a gym leader now?" Misty said. "Wow! Maybe now you'll get better respect as a gym leader than being Rose and Oleana's fall guy."

"I guess you're right." Bede then shakes Misty's hand in friendship. "Good luck in this tournament."

As Bede leaves the arena, Misty is now given an hour to rest before the tournament begins. She looks at the bracket for this event. It's Misty vs. Nessa, Gordie vs. Bea, Piers vs Kabu, and Raihan vs. Milo. How far will Misty go in this tournament?

There's plenty of excitement ahead in our next episode,

End of Chapter 42


At the Sanctuary



43. Championship Cup Quarterfinals-Misty vs. Nessa

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One hour later, the crowd starts getting excited again as the MC, Brian Sheil, makes an announcement.

"After that exciting warm up," Brian said, "it's time for the Main Tournament. This battle is between the hopeful trainer, Misty Brightdawn, and the Hulbury Gym Leader, Nessa!'

The trainers walked up to meet each other. Misty got flashbacks from her time in Hulbury.

"So, we meet again." Nessa said. "I've gotten stronger since last time.”

"Me too." Misty replied. "I even switched some of my Pokémon for this battle."

A referee comes up to instruct the fighters. "This will be a five on five battle. It's over when all Pokémon from either side are defeated."

"Here comes my first Pokémon." Nessa announced. "Come out, Golisopod!"

Out pops a Golisopod. Seeing this Pokémon, Misty has made her decision. "Drakloak, you're up!"

Drakloak comes out. Nessa looks at it with interest. "Your first choice is Drakloak, the Caretaker Pokémon."

"Yes, ma'am." Misty replied.

"Let's see how well it fights. Golisopod, use Liquidation!"

Forming a sword of water, Golisopod charges at Drakloak. Misty reacted quickly. "Drakloak, use Phantom Force to avoid that water."

Drakloak sinks into the ground. Golisopod keeps it's guard up. Nessa saw Drakloak appearing up from behind her Pokémon. "Behind you, Golisopod!"

"Now, use Dragon Pulse!' Misty calls out.

Drakloak unleashed dragon energy on Golisopod. The water bug soon fainted.

"Golisopod is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Drakloak wins."

"With a power Dragon Pulse," Brian said, "Drakloak helped Misty earn her first victory in this battle."

Suddenly, Drakloak started to glow. That means it's evolving. Drakloak grew bigger, and it's head is shaped like a stealth jet."

"Look at that, folks." Brian announced. "This victory helped Drakloak evolve into a Dragapult!"

Misty's Pokédex informs her of this new evolution. Dragapult, the Stealth Pokémon and the evolved form of Drakloak. It can launch the Dreepys in it's horns like missiles.

"Congratulations, Dragapult!" Misty cheered.

"Return, Golisopod." Nessa said. She then makes her next move. "Let's see how you handle this. Go, Pelipper!"

A pelican type bird flew out to confront Dragapult. Misty pulls out her Pokédex.

Pelipper, the Water Bird Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It can carry small objects or Pokémon with it's large beak.

Misty thought of a good idea. After recalling Dragapult, she makes her next move. "Go, Barbaracle!"

When Barbaracle came out, Firefly got concerned.

"Why did she send for Barbaracle?" Firefly wondered. "Rock types are vulnerable to water types."

"This is easy." Nessa figured. "Pelipper, use Water Pulse!"

Pelipper fired a blast of water to Barbaracle. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge it! Then, use Cross Chop!"

After dodging the water blast, Barbaracle's arms glowed, and chopped Pelipper. Misty then makes another move. "Follow it up with Stone Edge!"

Barbaracle made stones appear and strike Pelipper. The Water Bird quickly fainted.

"Pelipper is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Barbaracle wins!"

"May have been an unusual choice." Brian said to the crowd. "But, Barbaracle helped Misty gain a 2-0 lead."

"Return, Pelipper." Nessa said. She then made her next choice. "Barraskewda, you're up."

Misty saw Barraskewda show up and had a thought. "So, your Arrokuda evolved."

"That's right." Nessa replied.

"Not a problem. Barbaracle, Cross Chop!"

Barbaracle charged at it's opponent. Nessa struck back. "Barraskewda, use Water Pulse!"

Barraskewda's water attack struck Barbaracle so hard, the Collective Pokémon fainted.

"Barbaracle is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Barraskewda wins."

"Looks like Nessa has her groove back." Brian said.

"Return, Barbaracle." Misty said. She looked at Barraskewda, she made a choice. "Go, Grimmsnarl!"

The sight of this Pokémon shook Nessa a little. "Grimmsnarl, huh? Interesting. Barraskewda, use Aqua Jet!"

Surrounded by water, Barraskewda jetted to strike Grimmsnarl. Misty was ready. "Grimmsnarl, use Sucker Punch!"

Winding up with dark energy, Grimmsnarl gave a big punch to Barraskewda. It hit the wall and fainted.

"Barraskewda is unable to battle." The referee said. "Grimmsnarl wins."

"Misty came back to hit Barraskewda and claim another win." Brian said.

Nessa recalled Barraskewda and talked to her opponent. "Pokemon like Dragapult and Grimmsnarl were a great surprise."

"Thank you, Nessa." Misty replied.

"Here comes my fourth Pokémon. Seaking, you're up!"

Out popped a red fish with a sharp horn. Misty was astounded.

"Looks like her Goldeen evolved." Misty figured as she pulls out her Pokédex.

Seaking, the Goldfish Pokémon and the evolved form of Goldeen. Said the Pokédex. This Pokémon had a lovely shade of red. Just like Autumn leaves.

Misty makes her first move. "Grimmsnarl, use Fake Surrender!"

Going to it's knees, Grimmsnarl unleashed it's hair. Nessa was ready. "Seaking, use Horn Drill!"

Seaking spins it's horn to tangle the hair, drawing Grimmsnarl close. Nessa then unleashed her next surprise. "Use Water Pulse from close range!"

Seaking hits Grimmsnarl hard with it's water attack. Grimmsnarl soon fainted.

"Grimmsnarl is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Seaking wins."

"Looks like Grimmsnarl was taken down hard." Brian told the crowd. "How will Misty come back from this?"

As Misty recalled Grimmsnarl, she thought of who to send in next.

I could send Dragapult out. Misty thought. But, I think that Seaking might have a way to take my Pokémon down.

She then made her decision. "I know. Corviknight, GO!"

Corviknight flew high and prepare to battle Seaking.

"Seaking," Nessa said, "shoot that Corviknight down with Water Pulse!"

Seaking tried to hit Corviknight. But, the Raven Pokémon just flew away from the shots. Misty then makes her move. "Go for it, Corviknight. Drill Peck!"

Corviknight spins like a drill and strikes Seaking hard. Hard enough for the Goldfish Pokémon to faint.

"Seaking is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Corviknight wins!"

"What a comeback!" Brian cheered. "Now, Nessa is down to her last Pokémon!"

After recalling Seaking, Nessa asked her a question. "Do you remember which Pokémon I saved for last?"

"I remember." Misty replied. "It's Drednaw."

"That's right. And, he's looking for payback!"

Nessa summoned Drednaw into battle. Misty recalled Corviknight to bring out her ace in this match, "Klinklang, GO!"

Nessa saw Klinklang and had flashbacks about how Drednaw was defeated when the Gear Pokémon was just a Klink.

"Since Drednaw is my last Pokémon," Nessa informed, "you know what that means."

Nessa recalled Drednaw. But, she made it's Poké Ball grew big, and tossed it into the air. Drednaw came out and grew gigantic. Misty did the same with Klinklang. The stage is set for a Dynamax vs. Gigantamax battle.

"Let's go, Drednaw." Nessa said. "Use G-Max Stonesurge!"

Drednaw blew water in the field. But, the water contained rocks that would strike Klinklang. Misty has a counter move. "Klinklang, use Max Steelspike!"

Klinklang made spikes appear to strike Drednaw before it's G-Max move struck. Misty followed it up. "Now, Klinklang. Max Lightning!'

The Gear Pokémon blasted Drednaw with electricity. The water Pokémon fainted and shrunk back to normal.

"Drednaw is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Klinklang is the winner. The winner of this Quarterfinal match is Misty Brightdawn!"

"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen." Brian announced. "Misty shut Nessa down and is moving on to the Semi-finals."

The crowd cheered for Misty. After recalling Drednaw, Nessa congratulates her opponent for a deserved victory. Later, at the dressing room, Misty was approached by her two companions.

"That was a great victory, Misty." Paradise said. "Way to go."

"Thanks, guys." Misty replied.

"Come on, Misty." Firefly said. "Let's go see who else will be moving on."

Soon, Misty joined her friends to watch the other Quarterfinal matches. In the battle between Gordie and Bea, Machamp delivered a Max Knuckle to defeat Coalossal.

"Coalossal is unable to battle." Said a referee with black hair and glasses. "Machamp wins. The winner of this Quarterfinal match is Bea!"

The crowd cheered as Misty looks with concern.Now, I know who I'll be up against.

In the battle between Piers and Kabu, Obstagoon blasted Centiskorch with a shot of Max Darkness.

"Centiskorch is unable to battle." Said a female referee with curly red hair. "Obstagoon wins. The winner of this Quarterfinal match is Piers!"

Piers received a great ovation from the crowd. Including from Marnie and Team Yell. In the battle between Raihan and Milo, Druddulon gave Eldegoss a shot if Max Steelspike.

"Eldegoss is unable to battle." Said a referee with blond hair and a bellowing voice. "Druddulon wins! The winner of this Quarterfinal match is Raihan!"

And, the Semi-finals is set. It's Misty vs. Bea and Piers vs. Raihan. Who will face who in the finals?

Stay Tuned

End of Chapter 43


At the Sanctuary



44. Championship Cup Semi Finals-Misty vs. Bea

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After watching the Quarterfinals, Misty and her friends returned to the Pokémon Center to heal her Pokémon. She thought of a strategy to defeat her next opponent. This means switching her Pokémon. The next day, the stadium is filled again as Misty makes her way to face the barefoot fighter, Bea.

"Here we go, folks." MC Brian announced. "The Semi Finals are all set to go as Misty Brightdawn faces the Stow in Side gym leader: Bea in another five on five battle,"

"Prepare yourself, Misty." Bea said. "Here is your first opponent. Go, Hawlucha!"

Out comes a humanoid bir with what looks like a mask on its head. Misty pulls out her Pokédex.

Hawlucha, the Wrestling Pokémon. The Pokédex said.This Pokémon shows off intimidating poses before launching attacks.

Misty is surprised. "I never saw you have a Hawlucha before,"

"I brought some new Pokémon for this tournament." Bede explained. "Hawlucha is one of them."

"In that case, I choose Ninetales!"

Ninetales comes out and is ready for battle.

"Hawlucha," Bea said, "use Karate Chop!'

Swiftly, Hawlucha chopped on Ninetales. Misty got worried. Bea makes another move. "Follow it up with Flying Press!"

Hawlucha jumped up, ready to crush Ninetales. Misty quickly reacted. "Ninetales, Confuse Ray!"

Ninetales' eyes glowed red. Hawlucha gell for the spell and flipped on its back hard.

"Okay, Ninetales." Misty said. "Use Flamethrower!"

Ninetales breathed fire. Between the heat and self inflicted injury, Hawlucha quickly fainted.

"Hawlucha is unable to battle." The referee announced" Ninetales wins.."

"Misty scores first as Bea's Hawlucha is sent back to the dressing room." Brian announced.

"Return, Hawlucha." Bea said as she recalled her Pokémon. She makes another choice. "Here's your second opponent. Go, Grapploct!"

Out pops an octopus type fighter. Misty pulls out her Pokédex.

Grapploct, the Jujitsu Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It's many muscles makes the grappling from it's tentacles stronger.

"Go, Ninetales!" Misty said. "Confuse Ray."

As Ninetales prepares it's move, Bea quickly reacted. "Not this time. Grapploct, use Octozooka!"

Grapploct fired ink at Ninetales' eyes. With the Fox Pokémon blinded, Bea followed up. "Now, use Octolock!"

Grapploct squeezes Ninetales with it's tentacles. The ink from Octozooka weakened Ninetales enough for Octolock to finish it off.

"Ninetales is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Grapploct wins."

"Now the sides are even as Misty's Ninetales is defeated." Brian said to the crowd.

After recalling Ninetales, Misty looked at Grapploct, wondering who to send out next. Then, she made a choice. "Meowstic, you're up!"

Bea saw Meowstic, but is not impressed. "That Pokémon looks too weak. Grapploct, Brick Break!"

With one if it's tentacles glowing, Grapploct charged at Meowstic. Misty struck hard. "Meowstic, use Psyshock!"

Meowstic fired a blast if psychic energy at Grapploct. Bring tired from grappling Ninetales, Grapploct fainted.

"Grapploct is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Meowstic wins!"

"Return, Grapploct." Bea said. She then turned to her opponent, "You must've trained hard for this, Misty. Your Meowstic is very powerful,"

"Thank you, Bea." Misty replied.

Bea makes her next choice. "Psychic powers won't work on this one. Here's a Pokemon you might remember. Go, Sirfetch'd!"

Sirfetch'd comes out with it's leek type sword and shield. Misty remembers that Sirfetch'd has traits of Dark types.

"Meowstic, return." Misty said. She makes her next choice. "Dragapult, Go!"

Bea sees this Pokémon, and is shocked. "Dragapult, the Stealth Pokémon?"

"Impressed, huh?" Misty asked.

"We'll still beat it. Sirfetch'd, use Leaf Blade!"

Sirfetch'd raised his leek, and struck Dragapult. Bea then followed it up. "Now, use Brutal Swing!"

Glowing with dark energy, Sirfetch'd charged for his target.

"Dragapult," Misty called out, "dodge using Phantom Force!"

Dragapult sinks into the ground before Brutal Swing connects. Sirfetch'd looks around for his target. Suddenly, Dragapult appears and strikes hard.

"Use your new move, Dragapult." Misty said proudly. "Dragon Darts!"

Dragapult fired a pair of Dreepys like missiles. Sirfetch'd got hit, then fainted.

"Sirfetch'd is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Dragapult wins."

"Check it out." Brian said. "Dragapult's Dragon Darts are right on target!"

Paradise and Firefly were cheering happily as Bea recalled Sirfetch'd. She then makes a surprising choice. "Go, Falinks!"

A Falinks comes out. It's heads separated into individual beings before reconnecting.

"A Falinks?" Misty wondered. "Doesn't look like much."

"My Falinks will surprise you." Bea replied.

"Dragapult, use Dragon Pulse!"

Dragapult energized with dragon energy. But, Bea pulled off a big surprise. "Falinks, use Megahorn!"

Straightening out and extending it's horn, Falinks charged through the energy and struck Dragapult. The ghostly dragon soon fainted.

"Dragapult is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Falinks wins!"

"Pretty good use of bug energy." Brian said as Misty recalled Dragapult. "How will Misty come back from this?"

Misty pulls out another Poké Ball. "Like this! Go, Inteleon!"

Inteleon is ready for action. So is Bea. "Falinks, use Headbutt!"

Falinks rushes to strike Inteleon. Misty has her own idea. "Inteleon, use Water Pulse!"

Inteleon shot a geyser of water at Falinks. Much to Bea's horror, the blast left Falinks confused as it's heads scattered.

"Let's wrap it up, Inteleon!" Misty said. "Use Snipe Shot!"

Inteleon struck Falinks with it's watery bullets. It wasn't long before the Formation Pokémon fainted.

"Falinks is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Inteleon wins!"

"That's an amazing comeback for Misty." Brian said happily. "Now, Bea is down to her last Pokémon."

Bea recalled her Pokémon, and prepared her best choice.

"Remember when you and Corvisquire faced my Machamp?" Bea asked.

"I certainly do." Misty replied.

"It's time for a rematch! Go, Machamp!"

Bea's four armed Pokémon looks ready. Misty just smiled.

"You must've read my mind." Misty said as she recalled Inteleon. "Let's get it on. Go, Corviknight!"

Corviknight flies up and is ready. Bea recalled her Machamp. The Poké Ball grew, and Bea threw it in the air. Machamp came out into his Gigantamax form. Believing that this is Bea's last Pokémon, Misty recalled Inteleon, energized her Poké Ball, and threw it in the air, Corviknight grew gigantic as well.

"Time to end this in one shot." Bea announced. "Machamp, G-Max Chi Strike!"

Energizing, Machamp unleashed a powerful punch. Even though Corviknight was hit, Misty had faith in her Pokémon.

"Let's strike back, Corviknight." Misty said. "Use Max Steelspike!"

Corviknight made metal spikes appear and strike Machamp. She quickly followed it up. "Now, use Max Airstream!"

Corviknight made a powerful tornado appear. It struck down on Machamp. The Superpower Pokémon soon shrunk, then fainted.

"Machamp is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Corviknight wins. The winner of this Semi Final match is Misty Brightdawn!!"

"There you have it," Brian announced. "Misty now moves in to face the winner of today's 2nd battle."

After shrinking back down, Corviknight was congratulated by Misty. Bea recalls Machamp and watched this scene.

You did well, Misty. Bea thought. You have one more opponent to face before facing Leon.

Later, Misty sat with Opaline and Squirk to watch the battle between Piers and Raihan. Obstagoon soon shrunk and fainted.

"Obstagoon is unable to battle." The female referee announced. "Duraludon wins. The winner of this Semi Final match is Raihan!"

Everyone watched this action. Opaline got Misty's attention. "There's your last obstacle before battling Leon. I hope you're prepared."

Misty looks on with concern. Meanwhile, in Kalos, Sting reached his destination: Snowbelle City.

"Excellent. I made it." Sting said to himself. "Now, to rest up for my gym battle with Wulfric tomorrow."

End of Chapter 44


At the Sanctuary



45. Championship Cup Finals-Misty vs. Raihan

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The crowd is excited to see this battle. Soon, MC Brian Sheil steps up to the microphone.

"This is it." Brian said. "The finals! Whoever wins this five on five match will face our champion: Leon! This is between that fantastic trainer: Misty Brightdawn, and the dragon trainer of Hammerlocke: Raihan!"

The two combatants prepare themselves for this battle.

"Let's see who deserves to face Leon." Raihan said.

"I'm ready." Misty replied.

"Then, here's my first Pokémon. Go, Torkoal!"

Out pops a vermillion tortoise with a black shell. Misty studies this creature.

Torkoal, the Coal Pokémon The Pokédex said. This Pokémon lives near coal deposits. Coal us used to keep their fire going.

Misty has an idea on how to handle this. "Let's go, Inteleon!"

Seeing Inteleon got Raihan excited. "Good to see Inteleon doing good. But, he's still going down. Torkoal, blind that Pokémon with Smokescreen!"

Torkoal blew smoke from it's shell. Misty can't see where Torkoal is. Inteleon trued to find his target. Raihan then made another command. "Now, Torkoal use Overheat!"

They saw a firey light getting brighter. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge that blast! Then, use Water Pulse!"

Inteleon flipped over the blast of fire, and fired a water blast at the smoke. When the smoke cleared, Torkoal looked fine. Suddenly, it started acting weird. That's when Raihan realized something. "No! Water Pulse must've connected!"

"Good work, Inteleon." Misty praised. "Now, use Snipe Shot!"

Inteleon fired it's water bullets at Torkoal. Between the confusion from Water Pulse and the shots from Snipe Shot, Torkoal fainted.

"Torkoal is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Inteleon wins!"

Making her first mark, Misty takes the lead on this." Brian announced.

"Torkoal, return." Raihan said. He prepared his next choice. "Here's my second Pokémon. Go, Goodra!"

Out came a lavender dragon type creature. Misty decides to learn of this beast.

Goodra, the Dragon Pokémon The Pokédex said. If it gets bullied, it defends itself with it's horn and tail.

After returning Inteleon, Misty thought about this Pokémon. Ninetales wouldn't be much help. This Pokémon knows some water moves. She then makes a decision. "I got it. Go, Frosmoth!"

Frosmoth flies out to meet Goodra. Raihan is not impressed. "This'll be easy. Goodra, Aqua Tail!"

Goodra surrounded it's taitl with water. It hopes to strike the bug type.

"Dodge," Misty called out, "then use Aurora Beam!"

After avoiding the Aqua Tail, Frosmoth fired a colorful beam at Goodra. This shocked Raihan.

"That Frosmoth is more powerful than it looks." Raihan commented. "Let's see how it can handle this. Goodra, use Muddy Water!"

Goodra made a wall of water. But, Frosmoth flew over the wave. Misty made her move. "Frosmoth, use Blizzard!"

Frosmoth caused a huge snowstorm to blow on Goodra, causing it to faint.

"Goodra is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Frosmoth wins,"

"Return, Goodra." Raihan said as he recalled his Pokémon. He then turns to his opponent. "Time to pull out your Pokédex. This way, you'll learn about this Pokémon. Go, Turtonator!"

Suddenly, a massive turtle like creature pops out. Misty was shocked as she pulls out her Pokédex. "A Turtonator, the Blast Turtle Pokémon."

Turtonator, the Blast Turtle Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Trainers aim for the stomach. The shell on its back is highly unstable.

Misty figured that fire moves are powerful against Ice types.

"Return, Frosmoth." Misty said. She sent her next Pokémon. "Go, Barbaracle!"

The Collective Pokémon stood firm. Misty made the first move. "My turn to strike first. Barbaracle, Ancient Power!"

Barbaracle makes a bunch of rocks appear, and hurled them to Turtonator. Raihan fought back. "Turtonator, Overheat!"

Energizing, Turtonator fired a super hot blast at Barbaracle. Misty figured that rock types can stand up to fire attacks. But, Overheat is so strong, Barbaracle soon fainted.

"Barbaracle is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Turtonator wins."

"Misty thought her Barbaracle can do well." Brian announced. "Looks like she hit rock bottom."

"That was not funny, Mr. Sheil." Opaline said from the stands.

Misty sadly recalled Barbaracle. She then sent another choice. "Back to action, Inteleon!"

Inteleon came out and readied for battle.

"I'll crush Inteleon like I did with Barbaracle." Raihan declared. "Turtonator, use Body Slam!"

Turtonator jumped up to crush Inteleon. Misty quickly reacted. "Dodge, then use Liquidation!"

After avoiding the Body Slam, Inteleon made a sword of water appear, and struck Turtonator. Exhausted from using Overheat, the Blast Turtle Pokémon succumbed to the water attack, and fainted.

"Turtonator is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Inteleon wins."

"Misty is making a comeback as one of Raihan's Pokémon takes a fall." Brian said to the crowd.

Raihan recalled Turtonator. He soon picked his next Pokémon. "Go, Flygon!"

Misty and Inteleon saw Flygon come out. She decided to finish this quick. Inteleon, use Snipe Shot!"

Just as Inteleon fired it's water bullets, Raihan gave a command. "Dodge those shots! Then, use Earthquake!"

After avoiding Snipe Shot, Flygon stomps on the ground, causing an earthquake. Exhausted from battling Torkoal and Turtonator, Inteleon soon fainted.

"Inteleon is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Flygon wins!"

Misty sadly recalled Inteleon. She then had an idea. "This beat Flygon once. It can defeat this Pokémon again. Go, Frosmoth!"

Frosmoth flew in to confront Flygon. Misty made her move. "Frosmoth, use Blizzard!"

The Frost Moth Pokémon blew her nasty snowstorm towards Flygon. This majestic dragon type soon fainted.

"Flygon is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Frosmoth wins!"

What an arctic blast from Frosmoth." Brian announced. "Now, Raihan us down to his last Pokémon."

"You hear that?" Firefly said. "Raihan has one Pokémon left while Misty has three."

"It won't be easy." Paradise replied. "We can tell what his final Pokémon is."

"Well, Misty." Raihan said. "Do you remember my last Pokémon you faced in Hammerlocke?"

"Yes, I do." Misty replied. "It's Duraludon."

"Right you are. And, here he is!"

Raihan summoned Duraludon. Seeing how powerful this Pokémon is, Misty recalled Frosmoth and called for an equally strong Pokémon. "Let's go, Mudsdale!"

Mudsdale came out, and prepared for battle. Raihan made a move Misty is used to. "Let's take this to the next level." He recalled Duraludon and made his ball grow. "Gigantamax!"

Duraludon came out and grew gigantic. Seeing this, Misty recalled Mudsdale and got ready for her own giant battle. "It's Dynamax time!"

Mudsdale grew gigantic too. Misty decides to make the first move. "Mudsdale, Max Quake!"

Mudsdale made a gigantic earthquake happen. Duraludon was shaken, but suptill ready to fight.

"Try this on for size!" Raihan said. "Duraludon, Max Overgrow!"

Somehow, Duraludon used a grass move to strike Mudsdale hard. Misty regained her composure.

"That quake I used shook up Duraludon." Misty said. "This will finish him off. Mudsdale, Max Knuckle!"

The Draft Horse Pokémon made a fist come from the sky, and struck Duraludon. The steel Pokémon soon shrunk and fainted.

"Duraludon is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Mudsdale wins. The winner of the finals of this tournament is Misty Brightdawn!"

"That's all she wrote, ladies and gentlemen!" Brian said to the crowd. "Misty fought hard in this tournament. Now, she'll be facing the champion: Leon!"

From another area of the arena, Leon watches with interest.

"So, you'll be facing me next. Huh, Misty?" Leon said to himself. "Let's see how well you'll do. I'm sure my kid brother will be watching as well as your friends."

After recalling their Pokémon, Misty and Raihan shook hands in friendship. Meanwhile, in Snowbelle City in Kalos, Sting is ready to finish his battle. "Let's do this, Gurdurr! Dynamic Punch!"

Gurdurr wound up, and gave a big punch to Wulfric's Avalugg. The ice Pokémon soon fainted.

"No way!" The snowboarder/referee said. "Avalugg is unable to battle. Gurdurr wins. The winner of this gym battle is Sting. Way to go, dude!"

"Good work, Gurdurr." Sting cheered as he gave his Pokémon a high five. After recalling Avalugg, Wulfric approached Sting.

"You showed compassion towards your Pokémon." Wulfric said. "Scenes like that can warm the iciest of hearts. You have earned the Iceberg Badge."

Sting received his badge with honor. "Thank you, Wulfric."

After leaving the Snowbelle City gym, Sting is very excited. "Now that I have all eight badges, I can head down Victory Road and ,aje my way to the Pokémon League. Get ready, Sunset Shimmer. Here I come."

End of Chapter 45


At the Sanctuary



46. Restarting the Darkest Day

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The next day, the crowd in the arena is tense with excitement as Misty is ready to take on the Galar region champion: Leon.

"It has been a tense few days here, folks." MC Brian said. "But, it all comes down to this. This is the Main Event between rising trainer, Misty Brightdawn, and the Galar region champion, Leon!"

Misty walks up to the arena. Soon, Leon walks up to greet her.

"Well, Misty." Leon said. "You fought so hard to get here. Now, let's see if you can rise to the top. Of course, I'll be difficult to beat."

"Don't worry about me, Leon." Misty said. "I put together a great Pokémon team. They might surprise you."

"Get ready then. This is going to be a full six on six battle! It's Champion Time!"

Just then, the monitors are fizzling. Soon, the image of Chairman Rose appeared.

"Hello, Misty and Leon." Rose greeted.

"It's Chairman Rose." Squirk said with concern.

The image switches to his Power plant. Rose explained. "My power plant is full of energy. With this much energy, I'm going to bring back the Darkest Day."

The whole audience gasped. From what Misty and her friends learned, the Darkest Day is a dark day indeed for Galar.

"You forced my hand here, Leon." Rose said cruelly. "So, time for THE DARKEST DAY!!"

At that moment, energy came from the floor of the arena. Everybody evacuated the arena. Misty and Leon left. They met Hop along the way.

"Did you guys hear what the Chairman said?" Hop asked nervously.

"We did." Misty replied.

"I better get going to stop this nightmare!" Leon said with determination. "Now, it's REALLY Champion time!"

As Leon heads out, Hop soon had an idea. "Throughout this whole adventure, we hear of this Darkest Day legend. And, of the two heroes who stopped that from happening."

"I wish they were here now." Misty said with panic.

"I was wondering. That Pokémon we saw at Slumbering Weald could be one of them."

"Are you saying that we should go back there?"

"I do."

As Misty and Hop left the arena, Paradise, Firefly, Opaline, and Squirk caught up to them.

"Misty, that Chairman is out of control." Firefly said angrily.

"I agree." Opaline added. "I always thought there's something weird about him."

"Hop thinks the solution to this is at the Slumbering Weald." Misty stated.

"Isn't that where you two saw that strange Pokémon before you fainted?"
Paradise asked.

"That's the place." Misty made a plan. "You guys head for Hammerlocke and wait for us there. Hop and I are heading for Postwick."

"Right." Squirk replied. "Be careful."

Later, courtesy of the Flying Taxi service, Misty and Hop arrived in Postwick. To their surprise, Sonia was there.

"What are you doing here, Sonia?" Misty asked.

"Hoping to make sense of the legendary Pokemon of Slumbering Weald." Sonia replied.

"Hop and I are heading there ourselves."

This shocked Sonia to the bone. "Don't you two remember what happened last time you went there last time?"

"That's because Hop and I were starting our journey. Now that we're leveled up in a way, we're ready to face what's in that area."

"Makes sense to me. You two grew so well during this journey. Please be careful."

Misty and Hop nodded, and went into the Slumbering Weald. As the two travelers made their way into the forest, they noticed the fog was getting thick, like last time. Suddenly, two creatures came to the trainers.

"The sword and shield Pokémon!" Hop gasped. "They're real!"

Misty decided to use her Pokédex to study them. First, she points it to a blue wolf. Zacian, the Warrior Pokémon. This legendary Pokémon absorbs metal and uses it as a weapon. When merged with an ancient artifact, it can strike down even Gigantamax Pokémon. Next, is a red wolf. Zamazenta, the Warrior Pokémon, This legendary Pokémon worked with an ancient king to protect Galar. When merged with an ancient artifact, it can withstand blows even from Gigantamax Pokémon.

Just then, the two Pokémon vanished. Seeing the thick fog has cleared, Misty and Hop continued their journey. Soon, they came to a shrine. They look around and found a Rusty Sword and Rusty Shield.

"What are these things?" Misty wondered, holding the sword.

"I don't know." Hop replied, holding the shield. "I think we should take them with us. They might be helpful against the Darkest Day."

Taking the items with them, Misty and Hop left the Slumbering Weald. Sonia saw them coming.

"You guys are okay!" Sonia said with relief.

"Not only that," Hop replied, "we saw the Sword and Shield Pokémon. Plus, we found something to stop whatever Rose is planning."

Misty got everybody's attention. "Let's head for Hammerlocke. And, the energy plant!"

Minutes later, Misty and company arrived at Hammerlocke stadium where Firefly and Paradise were waiting.

"You're back." Paradise said. "How was your journey at Postwick?"

"Enlightening." Misty replied. "Where are Squirk and Opaline?"

"In the stadium. Oleana is there too."

So, Misty, Hop, Paradise, and Firefly went into the stadium. They saw Squirk and Opaline comfort Oleana.

"Oleana here is scared." Opaline informed. "Rose is up to something."

"Please, you guys." Oleana pleaded. "Stop my boss before he does something resulting in disaster."

The group went into the energy plant. Soon, they see the Chairman and confronted him.

"Stop right there, Rose!" Misty shouted.

Chairman Rose looked at the group.

"So, you're here." Rose said. "You came in the right time. It's time to start up the Darkest Day, and keep my energy plant running!"

"That moment in history almost did in Galar." Hop protested. "You want to repeat dark history?"

"You young people won't understand us grown ups. I have been giving the Wishing Stars gathered to the legendary Pokémon: Eternatus!"

Everybody gasped hearing that. Who knew that there's another legendary Pokémon on Galar besides Zacian and Zamazenta?

"Eternatus will help me make my dreams come true." Rose said. Then, he got angry. "And, nobody will stop me!!!"

Misty stepped up to face him. "This madness has to stop, Chairman Rose. And, I am the one to stop you before all of Galar is doomed."

"There's only one way to stop me, you brat!" Rose then took out a Poké Ball. "Battle me!"

"It is on." Misty replied.

The fate of Galar is in the balance as Misty prepared to battle Chairman Rose. Will she beat him in order to stop the Darkest Day from reappearing?

We'll find out in our next episode.

End of Chapter 46

47. Rescuing Galar

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Misty prepared herself as Rose calls for his first Pokémon. "Let's go, Escavalier!"

Out pops an insect with two lances. Misty learns of this insect.

Escavalier, the Cavalry Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It uses a Shelmet's shell as armor.

"It's a bug and steel type." Misty figured. "So, I choose Centiskorch!"

Misty's Centiskorch comes out. Paradise was confused. "I thought she would summon Ninetales."

"Maybe when this nightmare is over," Hop said, "she'll save Ninetales for battling Leon."

"What can that bug do?' Rose asked sarcastically. "Escavalier, Iron Head!"

Escavalier charged with it's head glowing. Misty was ready. "Centiskorch, use Fire Lash!"

Centiskorch unleashed a whip on Escavalier. Being a steel type, it soon fainted. After recalling Escavalier, Rose got mad and brought out his next Pokémon. "You won't stop me, young lady. Come out, Ferrothorn. Hit that trainer with Power Press!"

A steel disc with iron balls came out, and slammed into Misty. This got Firefly mad. "Hey! You can't use Pokémon to hurt people!"

"QUIET!" Rose yelled. "I will protect my duty!"

After recovering, Misty used her Pokédex to study this thing. Ferrothorn, the Thorn Pod Pokémon. It hangs from ceiling to fire spikes at passing enemies.

Misty didn't like being attacked. "Centiskorch, use Flame Wheel!"

Centiskorch rolled into a firey wheel and rolled into Ferrothorn. Seeing his Pokémon fainted, he recalled it. "I do what I want! Perrserker, come out! Use Shadow Claw!"

Perrserker popped out and using a black energy claw to scratch Centiskorch. Misty recalled her insect and selected another Pokémon. "Inteleon, you're up."

Inteleon charged into action. Rose got worried as Misty gave Inteleon a command. "Inteleon, use Water Pulse!"

The Secret Agent Pokémon fired a water stream at Perrserker. Soon, the iron cat started to scratch itself. Rose quickly recalled Perrserker and made another choice. "Klinklang, shut it down with Discharge!"

Klinklang popped out and fired electricity at Inteleon. The water lizard zipped away quickly. Misty recalled Inteleon and brought out another ally. "You're up, Mudsdale!"

When Mudsdale showed up, Rose got worried.

"Mudsdale, use Double Kick!" Misty called out.

The Draft Horse Pokémon gave two powerful kicks to Klinklang. The Gear Pokémon quickly fainted. Rose recalled Klinklang and brought out his last Pokémon. "This Pokémon never failed me yet. Come out, Copperajah!"

Misty remembers Copperajah when Bede used it at Stow on Side. She has a bad feeling.

"Just so you don't get any ideas," Rose said as he recalls his Copperajah, "I will up the stakes!" His Poké Ball grew which means one thing. "Gigantamax!"

Copperajah comes out and is a giant standing elephant with a giant trunk. Misty recalls her Pokémon and prepares for her own giant battle. "It's Dynamax time!"

Mudsdale grew to gigantic proportions. Rose strikes first. "Copperajah, G-Max Steelsurge!!"

Copperajah unleashed steel spikes at Mudsdale. Thanks to it's Stanima ability, it's defense has increased.

"It's our turn." Misty said. "Mudsdale, Max Quake!"

Mudsdale caused an earthquake to strike Copperajah. It shook up the Copperderm Pokémon so bad, it shrank then fainted. Rose recalled his Pokémon, and soon realized his error.

"I guess you beat me." Rose admitted. "I was so desperate to power up Galar, I had to do something. Even if it means dealing with Eternatus."

"At least you admitted defeat." Misty replied after she recalled Mudsdale. "Where is this Eternatus?"

"Top of this power plant. Leon is facing it now."

Misty turned to her crew. "Let's go!"

The four heroes raced to help Leon. Rose fearfully saw some surges coming out of Paradise and Firefly. "The energy from my power plant and the Wishing Stars are effecting those two girls. I hope the effects aren't serious."

The crew made their way to the top floor of the Power Plant. They saw Leon and Charizard face a powerful creature. It was long and has what looks like a hexagon tube like cannon on it's stomach.

"Is that Eternatus?" Paradise asked.

"I guess it is." Firefly replied as Misty gets out her Pokédex.

Eternatus, the Gigantic Pokémon. Said the Pokédex.The energy in it's core is said to be the birth of Dynamaxing.

Hop looked at his brother with concern. "Are you okay, Leon?"

"I think so." Leon replied. "Eternatus used a power to make sure none of my Pokémon can Dynamax. Not even my Charizard. But, I think we weakened it enough."

When Misty saw that Leon pulled out a Poké Ball, she was shocked. "You're going to capture that Pokémon?"

"I sure am. Poké Ball, GO!"

The Poké Ball made contact with Eternatus, and absorbed it. But, after a few clicks, the legendary Pokémon bursted out. Everybody was shocked. Misty stepped up. "I guess it's my turn to handle this."

"How can you stop Eternatus if I can't?" Leon wondered.

Misty takes out a Poké Ball. "I have this. Let's go, Dragapult!"

Dragapult came out, and everyone felt relieved.

"That right!" Firefly realized. "Eternatus is a dragon type. So, dragon moves are super effective against other dragons."

Eternatus' claws glowed a bright purple. Hop got worried. "Looks like it's going to use Cross Poison."

"Dragapult," Misty called out, "use Phantom Force to dodge it!"

Dragapult disappeared into the ground. Eternatus missed it's move. The legendary Pokémon looked around for it's target. Just then, Dragapult appeared and attacked. Misty followed it up. "Now, use Dragon Pulse at close range!"

Dragapult fired a blast of dragon energy at Eternatus. Then, moved away. Eternatus seemed to fall to the ground.

"Did you get it?" Paradise asked.

Just then, Eternatus sureged with energy. Everybody stood back. A large explosion occured, and Eternatus grew gigantic and looked like a group of five tails connected to a curled up tail.

"Is that Dynamax or Gigantamax?" Hop asked.

"Neither." Leon answered, and got nervous. "That's ETERNAMAX!!"

The group stared at this creature. Misty then made a decision. "Hop, Paradise, Firefly, let's team up and battle this beast."

"Good idea." Hop said as she pulls out a Poké Ball. "Let's go, Snorlax!"

Snorlax comes out and is ready for action. Firefly follows the action. "Let's go, Wailord!"

"You too, Vanilluxe!" Paradise added.

Out pops a long giant whale and a two headed ice cream cone. Misty studies these Pokémon. The whale was first. Wailord, the Float Whale Pokémon and the evolved form of Wailmer. People often sail out to see groups of Wailord floating about. Next, is the two headed cone. Vanilluxe, the Snowstorm Pokémon and the evolved form of Vanillish. When the two heads get angry, it conjures up a blizzard.

Misty was impressed. "You two trained pretty good. Let's do this. Dragapult, use Dragon Pulse!"

Dragapult fired a beam at Eternatus. But, the attack passed through.

"No contact?" Misty gasped. "It's like the Slumbering Weald. When we saw possibly Zacian first time, no attack connected."

Hop then had an idea. "Misty, the artifacts. They might help us."

Getting the idea, Misty pulled out the Rusty Sword while Hop pulled out the Rusty Shield. Misty pleaded to the Slumbering Weald. "Zacian and Zamazenta. If you can hear us, we need your help to stop the Darkest Day from repeating."

Far of at the Slumbering Weald, a red light and blue light rose slowly and made their way to Hammerlocke. Everybody saw two wolf like creatures approach the group.

"Those are the legendary sword and shield Pokémon?" Paradise asked.

"Yes, they are." Misty replied.

Suddenly, the artifacts floated towards the Pokémon. The sword came to Zacian and the shield went to Zamazenta. Soon, the Pokémon transformed to resemble the artifacts.

"Unbelievable." Leon gasped. "Zacian switched to Crowned Sword form and Zamazenta switched to Crowned Shield mode."

The two Pokémon charged after Eternatus. Zacian struck with it's special move, Behemoth Blade. Then, Zamazenta used it's special move, Behemoth Bash. Eternatus tried to strike at the pair. Leon called for the team. "Okay, guys. Thanks to those Pokémon, your moves are useable again."

"Wailord, Water Spout!" Firefly called.

"Snorlax, Body Slam!" Hop said excitingly.

"Vanilluxe, Blizzard." Paradise shouted.

"Dragapult, Dragon Darts!" Misty called.

Their Pokémon started to attack. Wailord sprayed water on Eternatus. Snorlax bashed into the giant beast. Vanilluxe blew a snowstorm while Dragapult fired Dreepy missiles. The combo of attacks weakened Eternatus greatly.

"I think we got it!" Hop cheered. "Misty, let's see you throw a Poké Ball at it."

Misty pulled out a Poké Ball that's green and white with red teardrops on the green parts.

"This Friend Ball I got from one of the Gym Challenges should do the trick." Misty said. Her Poké Ball soon grew as she tossed it. "Friend Ball, GO!"

The Friend Ball soon opened and started to absorb Eternatus. What nobody knows is that strange energy from Eternatus shined on Paradise and Firefly. After the absorbing, the giant Poké Ball fell to the ground. After a few clicks, the ball shrunk and clicked. Misty picked up the ball, and is shocked.

"I got Eternatus!" Misty cheered. Her Poké Ball soon vanished. "Wait until Miss Catrina studies him."

Everybody was impressed with the capture. While looking at Misty's capture, The eyes of Firefly and Paradise glowed bright yellow. They soon got angry.

End of Chapter 47

48. Sorrow Before the Main Event

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It's been four days since Misty and Hop helped in stopping the return of the Darkest Day. Misty heard from Catrina that the legendary Pokémon, Eternatus, is adjusting well, knowing that he has a friend in Misty. Now, Misty returned to Wyndon to face Leon. But, at the Pokémon Center, she sat at one of the tables with her head hung low. After getting up, she left the Center with tears in her eyes.

She exits the center still crying. She sits on one of the benches, feeling much sorrow. Just then, she was approached by the mysterious woman who helped perk her up on occasions.

"What are you doing here?" Misty sobbed.

"I heard that something bad happened to you again." The woman said. She noticed that she was alone. "Where are your buddies, Paradise and Firefly?"

"They're gone. They left me harshly!"

Misty started to cry again. The mysterious woman was concerned about this. "What happened?"

"I don't think you'll believe me." Misty replied, still upset.

The woman approached her and try to comfort her. "Try me."

After calming down a little, Misty told her story. "This happened after I captured Eternatus, to stop the Darkest Day from happening again."


Me and my companions, including Hop, just left the Power Plant. We manage to defeat Rose and prevented the Darkest Day from reoccurring. Then, tragedy struck.

Before Misty knew it, she was struck from behind. She saw it was Firefly who hit her. But, she and Paradise are sparking with energy.

"What was that for?" Misty asked with concern.

Firefly crackled as she answered with an angry tone. "How dare you interfere with the Chairman's master plan!"


"The Chairman gave Eternatus those Wishing Stars so he can power up Galar." She then surged with energy as her eyes glowed yellow. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!! ROSE IS SUPPOSED TO WIN!!"

"Hey, girls!" Hop interrupted. "You guys are her friends."

Paradise crackled as she got angry too. "Who wants to be friends with this loser!"

Misty started to tear up. She couldn't believe that her friends would act like this.

"Think of all we did together." Misty pleaded. "We worked together to help me throughout my Gym Challenges. And, we learned the truth about Team Yell."

Paradise marched up to Misty and slapped her hard in the face. She then grabbed her by the shirt. "You're NO friend to us, you brat! Hydia and her daughters were right to cause you trouble!"

Paradise threw her to the ground. Then, Firefly came up to her again. "We're going home! In other words, you'll not have support when facing Leon!" She kicked her on her side.

Still sparking, Paradise and Firefly left the area. Seeing this situation, Raihan made a phone call.

End of Flashback

"Raihan told me that they were picked up by a patrol car to be taken to the hospital." Misty continued. "He thinks that all of that energy my friends were effected with is the cause of their aggression."

"It's possible." The mysterious one figured. "Energy from the Power Plant, the Wishing Stars, and energy from Eternatus must've made a nasty combo. I think the doctors can help your friends so that they'll be back to normal."

Misty wiped the tears from her eyes. "You really think so?"

"I know so."

At that moment, Hydia and her daughters came along. No doubt, they'll want to taunt Misty more.

"So, your friends left you." Hydia said cruelly. "It's about time, too!"

"They knew when to leave you behind." Draggle added.

"Now, to put the final nail on your coffin." Reeka said with joy.

The evil trio brought out Perrserker, Doublade, and Liepard. This got Misty worried. Without her friends, she's done for.

"ATTACK!" All three women shouted.

The Pokémon were closing in on Misty. But, the mysterious woman pulled out a Poké Ball and made her own move. "Come out, Delphox, and use Mystical Fire!"

A Delphox popped out and blasted the Pokémon with a blaze of fire. Seeing what happened, the trio recalled their Pokémon and Hydia gave out an order. "Let's SCRAM!"

Hydia and company left quickly. Misty was grateful to this woman. "Thanks for your help."

"You're welcome, Misty." The stranger replied. "One more thing before I leave."

"What's that?"

"Time to show you who I really am."

The woman removed her red mask. Then pulled off a brown wig, which revealed red hair with yellow streaks. Misty was shocked.

"I don't believe it." Misty gasped. "SUNSET SHIMMER!"

"In person." The woman, Sunset, replied.

Misty was a little confused. "Why did you want to help me?"

"I heard about Hydia and her daughters, Reeka and Draggle." Sunset explained. "Those guys like to target teenagers they don't like. They influence others to help them. Those ladies are very manipulative."

"That means," Misty figured, "they influenced Mr. Charlatan to throw me out of school."

"Seems that way. When they learned you are on a Pokémon journey in Galar, they thought to follow you there to stop you."

"I guess that's why YOU'RE here. You want to make sure I don't give up. Thanks, Sunset."

The two girls hugged each other. Minutes later, Sunset prepared to leave after changing her outfit into a bigger version of the outfit she wore in Kalos.

"You're leaving, Sunset?" Misty asked.

"I'm afraid so." Sunset replied. "I got a call from Twilight Sparkle. A trainer from Dream Valley defeated all eight gym leaders, and is traveling through Victory Road."

"Of course. You're the Kalos Region champion. This trainer is on his way to challenge you."

"That's right. As Champion, I have to be ready for all challengers. Good bye, Misty. And, good luck against Leon."

Misty watches Sunset head out for Kalos. But, praise from the Kalos region champion gave her the confidence boost she needs. She hopes that Firefly and Paradise will be watching her from wherever they're being treated. Because the next day, she faces Leon.

End of Chapter 48

49. The Main Event: Misty vs. Leon part 1

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The next day, the arena was filled with fans. Even Hop, Marnie, and Bede were in attendance. Soon the voice of MC Brian Sheil is heard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after a 5 day delay," Brian announced, "we are ready for the Main Event. It will be the up and coming trainer, Misty Brightdawn, battling our beloved champion: Leon!"

Soon, Misty walks into the arena wearing her challenger outfit. Next, Leon comes to the arena. They're both greeted with applause. At a Hospital near Wyndon, Paradise and Firefly, who are recovering from the energy collective, watched the event from their hospital beds.

"Do you think Misty can beat Leon?" Firefly asked.

Paradise looked at her friend with her eyes glowing a dull yellow. "No way. We know Leon is unbeatable. That girl doesn't stand a chance."

"Yeah, you're right." Firefly's eyes glowed a little too. "Let's see that girl fall flat on her face."

The doctor looks on with concern. "The sparking stopped and the glowing slowed down. But, these girls still doubt that their friend can handle Leon."

Back at the arena, the two combatants are ready for their six on six battle.

"Are you ready for this, Misty?" Leon asked.

"Ready when you are." Misty replied.

"Then, here comes Pokémon number one. Go, Aegislash!"

Out pops what looks like a sword and shield combined. Misty studies this Pokémon. Aegislash, the Royal Sword Pokémon and the evolved form of Doublade. The Pokédex said. A symbol of royalty to many. It was known to accompany kings in ancient times.

In the audience, Hydia watches with interest. "So, that's what my Doublade would evolve into."

Misty made her first choice. "Go, Ninetales!"

Ninetales comes out. The referee comes to the field. "Let the battle begin!"

"Ninetales, use Flamethrower!" Misty calls out.

As Ninetales blew fire, Leon makes his move. "Aegislash, use Shadow Sneak!"

Aegislash disappears into the ground. Ninetales is on guard. Suddenly, Aegislash rises from the ground, switch to battle mode, and attacks. The sudden attack hit Ninetales good. Misty was surprised.

"Not bad for a ghost type." Leon commented. "Huh, Misty?"

"But, it's also a steel type." Misty informed. "Ninetales, Incinerate!"

Ninetales blew fire into Aegislash from close up. The heat caused the Royal Sword Pokémon to faint.

"Aegislash is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Ninetales wins!"

"A great way to start this tournament as Misty gets her first win." Brian said.

At the hospital, Paradise and Firefly watched, and suddenly had a flashback. They remember meeting Misty as she was starting her journey. The girls are starting to realize their mistake. At the arena, Leon recalled Aegislash.

"Not bad for a start." Leon said as he gets out another Pokémon. "Here comes Pokémon number two. Go, Dragapult!"

Misty was surprised to see that Leon has a Dragapult. She had an idea how to handle this.

"Ninetales, return." Misty said. She then made her next choice. "Go, Grimmsnarl!"

This got Leon surprised. "A Grimmsnarl? Either way, I'll make this Dark Pokémon see the light. Dragapult, use Dragon Pulse!"

Dragapult made some dragon energy appear. Misty reacted quickly. "Dodge it, Grimmsnarl. Then, use Sucker Punch!"

After avoiding the Dragon Pulse, Grimmsnarl raised his fist surrounded by black energy, and whacked Dragapult. Leon was shocked as Misty followed up that attack. "Now, False Surrender!"

After kneeling, Grimmsnarl unleashed it's hair to strike Dragapult. That attack made this ghostly dragon faint.

"Dragapult is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Grimmsnarl wins!"

"Dragapult felt those hairs hurt badly," Brian said to the crowd, "being a ghost type. Either way, Misty is ahead two to zero!"

From their hospital beds, Paradise and Firefly soon remembered the times they spent each other at camping sites. The two girls soon felt different.

"I guess Misty isn't bad after all." Paradise figured.

Firefly nodded, knowing she's right. Back at the arena, Leon recalled Dragapult and is impressed with Misty's knowledge.

"Being a Dark type, Grimmsnarl was awesome striking a ghost type like Dragapult." Leon praised.

"Thank you, Leon." Misty replied happily.

"Here's another dragon type. But, without the ghost part. Pokémon number three is Haxorus!"

Out comes a green scaly creature with tusks that look like axe blades. Misty got out her Pokédex to look at this creature.

Haxorus, the Axe Jaw Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Between it's armor and tusks, this Pokémon is very powerful.

Misty got a bit nervous. Leon made his first move. "Haxorus, use Dragon Pulse!"

Haxorus unleashed energy at Grimmsnarl. Misty reacted. "Dodge, then use Power Up Punch!"

After dodging, Grimmsnarl rushed in with it's fists glowing. Leon has other ideas. "Block that move with Dual Chop!"

Haxorus used it's arms to block that punch. Leon followed it up. "Now, use Dragon Claw!"

The Axe Jaw Pokémon struck Grimmsnarl hard. So hard, Grimmsnarl fainted.

"Grimmsnarl is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Haxorus wins."

"Leon makes a surprising comeback as Misty's first Pokémon goes down." Brian said. "The score is now two to one. Misty is still leading."

"Return, Grimmsnarl." Misty said. She makes her next choice. "Here comes MY Dragapult!"

As soon as Misty's Dragapult comes out, she makes her first move. "Dragapult, use Dragon Darts!"

Quickly, Dragapult fired it's Dreepy Missiles and struck Haxorus hard.

"Not a bad shot." Leon commented. "But, let's see you dodge this. Haxorus, Dragon Rush!"

Glowing with green energy, Haxorus charges into Dragapult. Misty reacted quickly. "Dragapult, use your Dragon Rush too!"

Dragapult glowed and charged into the battle. When the two Pokémon collided, it caused an explosion. What will happen when the smoke clears? Who will come out unscathed? Will it be Haxorus or Dragapult?

The answers lie ahead in our next exciting episode.

End of Chapter 49

50. The Main Event: Misty vs. Leon part 2

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As this story continues, Misty's Dragapult and Leon's Haxorus both charged at each other with Dragon Rush. This caused an explosion. When the smoke cleared, both Pokémon took each other out.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle." The referee announced. "This match is a draw."

"What a bang up affair." MC Brian Sheil said. "With this double elimination, Leon is down to three Pokémon while Misty is at four."

Both trainers recalled their Pokémon. And, they were shocked.

"Wow!" Misty gasped. "First time I ever had a draw to a Pokémon battle."

"Take any win when you can." Leon replied. "Not many people battling me get this far. Well, maybe Raihan."

Misty braced herself as Leon takes out another Poké Ball. "Here comes Pokémon number four. Go, Rhyperior!"

Out comes a gray Rick creature with orange rocks on its body. Misty soon pulled out her Pokédex.

Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It's thick hide can even withstand the heat if a volcano.

Misty decided who to send out. "Let's go, Inteleon!"

Inteleon jumps out to meet his opponent. Leon looks at it very impressed. "I can remember when I gave you Sobble. You took care of it well."

"Thank you, Leon." Misty happily replied.

"Let's see how well you trained it. Rhyperior, Rock Blast!"

Rhyperior fired high speed rocks at Inteleon. Misty reacted. "Inteleon, use Snipe Shot on those rocks!"

Inteleon fired it's water bullets on the rocks. They were hurled back to Rhyperior who took a brutal beating.

"Okay, Inteleon." Misty cheered. "Wrap it up with Water Pulse!"

Inteleon fired a stream of water to Rhyperior. Between the water and it's own rocks, Rhyperior soon fainted.

"Rhyperior is unable to battle." The referee said. "Inteleon wins."

"Using Rhyperior's own rocks against it," Brian announced, "Inteleon emerges victorious. Now, Leon is down to two Pokémon."

After recalling Rhyperior, Leon talks to Misty for a bit. "Do you remember the Pokémon I chose when you and Hop got yours?"

Misty thought about it. She then gave an answer. "I remember. It was a Grookey."

"Correct. Now, look whow well I trained it." Leon took out his next Poké Ball. "Here's Pokémon number five. Go, Rillaboom!"

A Rillaboom popped out and prepared for battle. At the hospital, Paradise watched with concern. "Oh boy. Rillaboom is a tough Pokémon to beat."

Firefly, who was munching on a hamburger, agreed. "Yeah. I wonder how Misty handle this."

At the arena, Misty recalled Inteleon, and readied her next move. "Back to action, Ninetales!"

The fire fox Pokémon came out, feeling rested. Leon acted first. "Rillaboom, use Razor Leaf!"

Rillaboom blasted leaves at Ninetales. Misty figured how to stop this blast. "Ninetales, use Flamethrower!"

As Ninetales blew fire on the leaves and Rillaboom, Leon has a trick up his sleeve. "Rillaboom, use Drum Beating!"

Beating on its stump, Rillaboom caused branches to pop out, and whip Ninetales. The battle against Aegislash left it worn out. Soon, Ninetales fainted.

"Ninetales is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Rillaboom wins."

"Uh oh. Not good for Misty." The MC announced. "How will she bounce from this?"

After recalling Ninetales, Misty made another choice. "Here's how, Brian. Go, Corviknight!"

Corviknight flies up to tackle it's target. Misty makes her move. "Corviknight, use Drill Peck!"

As Corviknight spins like a drill, Leon counterattacks. "Rillaboom, use Drum Beating!"

Rillaboom makes branches appear to strike Corviknight. But, being partially a steel type, it's not affected that much. After striking Rillaboom, Misty makes a risky move. "Okay, Corviknight. BRAVE BIRD!"

Glowing bright, Corviknight zooms towards Rillaboom. The Drummer Pokémon fainted from the impact. But, between the beating from Drum Beating and the recoil from Brave Bird, Corviknight also fainted.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle." The referee announced. "This match is a draw!"

"Wow!" Firefly cheered. "That risk was worth it. Now, Leon is down to one Pokémon while Misty has two."

"True." Paradise replied. "But, we know who Leon's last Pokémon is."

At the arena, both trainers recalled their Pokémon. Leon is ready for his last Pokémon. "Time for my faithful partner. The best for last. Go, Charizard!"

Charizard comes out, ready for action. Misty studies Leon's best friend.

Charizard, the Flame Pokémon. The Pokédex said. This Pokémon always looks for strong opponents to fight.

I wondered when Charizard is coming out. Misty thought. I have a special surprise in reserved.

Misty takes out her next Pokémon . "Back to action, Inteleon !"

Inteleon comes out to face Charizard . Soon, Leon recalls his Pokémon, and made his Poké Ball grow. "Let's take this to the next level. Shall we. Gigantamax!"

He threw the ball in the air, and Charizard came out and grew gigantic. It's wings also became firey wings. Misty recalled her Pokémon and made her Poké Ball grow too. "This is it. Dynamax!"

After Inteleon grew, Misty made her first move. "Shut it down, Inteleon. Max Geyser!"

Inteleon sprayed Charizard with water. But, Leon didn't flinch. "It's time for me to shoot YOU down. Charizard, G-Max Wildfire!"

Making intense flames appear, Charizard blasted Inteleon so hard, it fainted, then shrunk. The battle with Rhyperior left it worn out,

"Inteleon is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Charizard wins!"

As Misty recalls Inteleon, Brian made a dire announcement. "Misty is down to her last Pokémon. What can help her battle Leon now?"

Leon watched Misty carefully as she takes out a Friend Ball. He was concerned as she tossed it in the air. "Let's go!"

Out pops the legendary Eternatus. From their hospital beds, Firefly and Paradise were shocked.

"Oh my gosh!" Firefly gasped. ""The mighty Eternatus. I wish we see this in person."

"Me too." Paradise replied. "If we get together with Misty again, we hope she'll forgive us.”

At the arena, Leon was surprised to see this legendary Pokémon again.

"You'll wish you never Gigantamaxed Charizard, Leon." Misty said. "It makes this move more effective."

Leon started to sweat, wondering what Misty is up to. Misty then gives out a command. "Shut Charizard down, Eternatus. DYNAMAX CANNON!"

Energizing a piller under itself, Eternatus fired a powerful blast to Charizard. The blast hit it so hard, Charizard started to float slowly to the ground. As soon as it landed, it shrunk and fainted.

"Charizard is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Eternatus wins. The winner and NEW Galar Region Champion: MISTY BRIGHTDAWN!"

"Unbelievable!" Brian said. "Misty did what others couldn't do. She defeated the unbeatable Leon!"

"I won?" Misty gasped. She then got excited. "I WON!!"

Misty and Eternatus showed respect for each other as Leon went over to Charizard.

"You did good, Charizard." Leon praised. "I guess it's time I stepped down."

Minutes later, Leon stood with Misty by his side.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Leon said to the crowd, "there is a time when a streak has to end. I had a great run as your champion. But, it's time for me to make room for a plucky trainer who did what others couldn't. Let's hear it for Misty Brightdawn. Your new champion!"

The crowd cheered for Misty. Even Hop, Marnie, and Bede showed their support. Misty held her trophy with her Pokémon by her side, including Eternatus. She couldn't help but shed tears for joy. The next day, she returned to Postwick. Misty talked to Wind Whistler.

"Quite an experience." Wind Whistler said. "Isn't it?"

"It sure is." Misty replied. "Miss Opaline suggested that I stay in Galar for a few days before I head back to Canterlot City."

"Probably to prepare celebrations for you when you return home."

"I guess so."

Wind Whistler is curious about something. "What will you do now?"

"Me and Hop are heading to the Slumbering Weald to return the artifacts to the shrine." Misty replied. "If it wasn't for Zacian and Zamazenta, the Darkest Day would've done in Galar."

Wind Whistler agreed that Misty made a point. Later, Misty met Hop at the entrance to the Slumbering Weald.

"I was just wondering." Hop said. "Whatever happened to Eternatus?"

"I released him." Misty replied. "I feel Eternatus deserves his freedom. Even though he would return to wherever he came from, he still thinks of me as a friend."

Hop feels that Misty is right. After they hugged each other, the two youngsters are ready.

"Come on, Misty." Hop said proudly. "Let's return these items to the shrine."

Misty nodded and they were on their way into the Slumbering Weald. What Misty didn't know is that miss Opaline watched her, and felt proud.

"Excellent work, Galar Champion Misty Brightdawn." Opaline said to herself. "May your future shine bright as a rainbow."

End of Chapter 50

51. Time to Celebrate and Reflect

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In an arena at Kalos, a Seaking was hit by electricity from an Ampharos. Seaking's trainer, who was Kalos champion Sunset Shimmer, got worried. "Seaking, NO!"

"Seaking is unable to battle." A referee announced. "Ampharos wins!"

"With a powerful Discharge attack," MC Megan Williams said, "both trainers are down to their last Pokémon."

As Sunset recalls Seaking, her opponent, who was Sting from Dream Valley, was pleased with Ampharos.

"I knew saving my Ampharos for last was a good idea." Sting told Sunset. "I brought you down to your last Pokémon."

"That's true, Sting." Sunset replied as she gets out her last Poké Ball. "Here's who I saved for last. Go, Garchomp!"

When Sting saw Garchomp, he got concerned. He knew that Garchomp has ground traits, making electricity useless.

"I may not use electric attacks." Sting said. "But, I'm not out of tricks. Ampharos, Iron Tail!"

Ampharos rushed to Garchomp with it's tail becoming metal. Sunset quickly reacted. "Garchomp, use Dig to avoid that Iron Tail!"

Garchomp went underground to avoid the attack. Ampharos looked around for it's opponent. Suddenly, Garchomp emerged to attack. Sunset followed it up. "Let's wrap it up, Garchomp. Use Dragon Claw!"

Garchomp used it's claws to scratch Ampharos hard. Soon, the Light Pokémon fainted.

"Ampharos is unable to battle." The referee announced. "Garchomp wins. The winner and still Kalos champion: Sunset Simmer!"

"And, that's it." Megan told the crowd. "Sunset had a rough road. But, she retains her title as champion of the Kalos Region."

Sting walks over to Ampharos. "Thanks for your help, Ampharos." He then recalls his Pokémon. "Get a nice rest."

Sting then walks up to Sunset after she recalls Garchomp.

"That was a great battle, Sunset." Sting said proudly. "I can see why you're the champion of Kalos."

"Thank you, Sting." Sunset replied. "Let's get together again someday."

The two trainers shook hands, congratulating each other. The scene switches to inside a plane where Misty was watching the battle. It's been about five days since she won the Galar tournament. She was given a few days to rest. Now, she's heading home to Canterlot City.

After getting off the plane, she was greeted by Opaline, Squirk, and Misty's guardian: Porcina.

"Welcome home, Misty!" Porcina said happily.

Misty was shocked to see her. "Wow! You came to greet me. This is a nice surprise."

"And, we have some other surprises." Opaline informed.

Soon, coming to the scene are none other than Paradise and Firefly. Needless to say, Misty was shocked.

"You're here!" Misty gasped. "It's great to see you again."

Firefly started to cry. "We're sorry we stormed out on you that day. Can you forgive us?"

"Of course I do, Firefly. It wasn't your fault that happened. The energy from the Hammerlocke Power Plant, those Wishing Stars, and from Eternatus is what infected you."

The two girls felt relief, knowing Misty held no grudge.

"Thanks, Misty." Paradise said. "You're indeed a true friend."

The three friends hugged each other. Later, back in her home, Misty dressed up for a party held at Canterlot State Park to commemorate her victory at Galar. Wearing a blue ruffled long sleeve shirt, teal long skirt, and black platform shoes, Misty looks at herself. She happily looks at her Galar championship trophy, delivered to her by a reliable service, and her badges. She has accomplished a lot in Galar.

Later that day, the party at the park was going on. Music was played by Vinyl Scratch, alias DJ Pon 3. Food is served by Big Macintosh and Braeburn. At one of the tables, Misty, Firefly, and Paradise were approached by Mr. Charlatan as he explained his story.

"Miss Hydia approached me and went on a tirade." Charlatan said. "She said that you couldn't be trusted. I was influenced so much, I just exploded with anger."

"That Hydia got to you before you went to Galar." Paradise realized. "She's a meanie."

Misty then shook Charlatan's hand. "At least you realized your mistake. And, for that, I forgive you."

Charlatan felt better knowing that he was forgiven. Soon, with a microphone in hand, Miss Opaline spoke to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's salute the young lady of the hour: Misty Brightdawn, the Galar Region champion!"

Everyone cheered got her. Even Sunset Shimmer's six friends of the Rainbooms. Just then, Sunset herself and avid photographer, Photo Finish, approached Misty's table.

"Good to see you again, Misty." Sunset greeted.

"Hi there, Sunset." Misty replied. "What brings you here?"

"My friend here, Photo Finish, would like to take a picture of us."

Misty got nervous. Paradise calmed her down. "Go ahead, Misty. You deserved this honor."

"Hey, Photo Finish!" Firefly called out. "Can you make copies of that picture for me and Paradise?"

"Not a problem, my young friend." Photo replied.

Misty and Sunset went to another area. They stood in front of a bush as Photo is ready. "Okay, champions. Smile for the camera."

The girls smiled as Photo took the picture. Just then, Misty got angry as a thought burned into her mind. "Where's that witch and her mean girls?!"

"If you're talking about Hydia, Draggle, and Reeka," Sunset answered, "that terrible trio is right over there.”

Outside the park gates, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon pushed Hydia and her daughters out of the park. Seeing the action, Sunset and Misty just laughed, knowing those vicious women got what they deserved.

"Those girls won't let us go after Misty, Mother." Draggle said cruelly.

Hydia then made a harsh statement. "Let's scram!"

Hydia and her daughters ran away, knowing they won't crash this party. The celebration continues. And, this marks the end of...

Misty's Adventures in Galar



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On a quiet Saturday, Misty Brightdawn walks along the neighborhood. She's feeling good about her accomplishments in Galar. She was soon approached by Miss Hydia, without her daughters.

"This is a surprise, Miss Hydia." Misty kindly said. "What can I do for you?"

Hydia soon got super angry at her. "I'll have you sent to Juvie Hall, you brat! I still don't trust you. And, the Police will believe my story! Even if it is false!"

Scared, Misty ran away fast. Not wanting her to get away, Hydia pursued her. As the chase goes on, Misty finds herself in an apartment complex. She knocks on one of the doors, she was let in. Hydia approached the same door.

"All right, young lady." Hydia demanded. "I have you where I want you." She opened the door and poked her head in. "Come out and accept your punishment!"

Then, a female voice responded. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt, if you please."

An electrical shock was delivered to the brutal intruder. Hydia calmly closed the door. "Never mind."

Hydia soon ran away in a panic. "I didn't count on nothing like this!"

Inside the apartment, Misty relaxes in the apartment. She talks to the noble Luster Dawn as they share tales with each other. Meanwhile, Sunset relaxes on her chair with her Pikachu on her lap.

"After all," Sunset said, "we can't let any bully harass a fellow champion. Right, Pikachu?"

Pikachu gave Sunset a thumbs up. "Pika, Pika."