I am Ruin

by XHunter

First published

Perpetual failure Adam Merkur accepts a deal from Discord: To be the next Lord of Chaos.

Adam Merkur believed he could not obtain any form of success on Earth, so he accepts a deal from Discord: To be sent to Equestria as the next Lord of Chaos.

However, running from your problems always has its' consequence. Now Adam is in a world that sees him as a villain, trapped in a body he hates, and stuck with a dark destiny. Can Adam achieve the success he desires, moreover, what is 'success' to him now?

All art is made by me.
Begins during Season 3 Ep. 10.

Chapter 1 - Running Away

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When Rarity woke up today she expected a perfectly normal day where she would finish a few dresses; help her sister Sweetiebelle practice her magic; and sample a tub of her favorite ice cream. However, the unicorn had instead found herself taking on an important and unforeseen task.

She and her five friends, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie had found themselves on the outskirts of Ponyville. Twilight had received a letter the week before from Princess Celestia, the alicorn diarch of the sun, requesting her to gather the six of them for an important task. The princess had informed them to meet her at the distant field that sat between Sweet Apple Acres and the Everfree Forest at noon. There, the six of them waited until the time had come. Soon they saw four lavish chariots drawn by two pegasi each descend from the sky. The moment they could make out the details of one of the passengers, they were shocked. It was not the princess nor any of the armored guards that had shaken them, but the statue of the Lord of Chaos Discord, alone in one of the chariots.

After touching down, Princess Celestia exited her chariot and interrupted their bewilderment, informing the six of their task. They were to reform the draconequus in the hopes of gaining a powerful ally for Equestria. Rarity had her doubts that a vile and heartless creature such as Discord could ever be reformed, however, she would never deny a request from her ruler. But that didn’t stop them from voicing their worries and concerns. Princess Celestia calmly assured the six of them that there was no doubt they could reform the villain. For Rarity, however, words alone did little to snuff her fears, and judging by how the princess left a dozen armed guards to watch over the mares she assumed the princess had her doubts as well.

Together the six mares and the princess formulated a plan to reform the chaos lord. Princess Celestia's student, Twilight Sparkle, would share all she had learned about friendship with Discord. Fluttershy would house the draconequus and get as close as possible to him. They had specifically chosen Fluttershy to house him due to a hunch the princess had. She believed that Fluttershy could be the key needed to reach the villain's heart and thus wanted the pegasus to be around him as much as possible. The other four were tasked with relating to Discord as best they could. Rarity was frankly offended by how played down her contributions were made to be, but she wouldn’t complain about an excuse to interact with the devil as little as possible.

And so Princess Celestia left them to their mission, leaving to continue day court in canterlot. The six mares were hesitant to release the lord of chaos from his stone prison, but with some encouragement from Twilight, they began undoing the spell utilizing the elements of harmony.

Today was the greatest day of Discord’s life. Upon being released, he immediately began spreading chaos around the surrounding area. With a few snaps of his eagle claw, he turned the ground they stood on into taffy; he transformed the nearby animals that were grazing into overly muscular bodybuilders, constantly flexing and showing off; and forced the birds to sing some tune about never giving someone up. However, the mares around him didn’t find his routine funny and demanded he cease his rampage, lest he gets resealed in stone.

Normally Discord would’ve ignored the boring “heroes”, but he thought to himself for a second, Hmm, I doubt these fools will let me have my fun no matter how small it is. They’ll eventually tire of me and have me resealed into that stony prison of theirs. So maybe I should play along with Princess Burning-Flank’s plan. Annoy them and have some fun before the inevitable happens.

A week had passed since Discord decided to play along. He kept his chaos to a minimum, using it mainly to annoy the six ponies who wanted to be his “friend”. However, a certain yellow-coated pegasus, Fluttershy, was worming her way into his heart. During his time living with her, she would speak of how she understood him and that it was fine to act upon his nature.

Discord wanted to believe that what she was saying was truthful, but there was always a seed of doubt in his mind. However, on a mid-day visit to Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy proved her commitment to not only her words, but also to her friendship with him. It was there that she promised she would never use her element of harmony against him to the ire of all her friends. Discord watched as she tossed away the necklace and he could only stare at her as he felt an onslaught of emotions. Discord could only do one thing in his mind: celebrate and gloat about the acquiring of his first friend. Within an instant, he went out and created a storm of chaos on the property, all of which he was sure Fluttershy would enjoy.

But as he was creating a wealth of entertainment, a white fuzzball attacked him. “Get off me you pest!” He grabbed and swatted away the bunny that had latched onto his face, “Now then back to what’s more important: applesauce or apple cider?” he purred eyeing the river that ran through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Applesauce is more silly, but oh ho all the embarrassing moments that could happen because of a few tipsy ponies!” While contemplating his choices, he had failed to take notice of the mares readying their elements of harmony, including a crying Fluttershy. Within an instant, he felt the searing pain of his body turning to stone.

“OH SH-” Discord quickly snapped his fingers. Everything including himself stopped in an instant, even the air. Time was frozen, however, Discord could still feel the pain from the imprisonment spell that had consumed half his body.

He groaned internally as he attempted to focus through the pain. Th-That liar! She promised she wouldn’t use her element on me! He was seething with anger and hatred. His one friend had betrayed him, and now he was being returned to the stone prison he had called home for a thousand years. He couldn’t understand what had turned Fluttershy against him. He thought she understood him. He was only having a little fun, no harm done to anypony. But now it didn’t matter if Fluttershy understood him. His first and only friend betrayed him, confirming his beliefs. Friendship is a lie.

When I get free the things I will do to those fools will be indescribable! He yelled internally, But first I need to escape this fate of being turned to stone. I can’t teleport out, part of my soul is already bound to the spell. And I can’t counter it. Well, I can, but that’s another one thousand years down the drain. Discord thought through every way he could try to get himself out of the situation but came up empty.

The spell is a binding imprisonment specifically binding my soul…but what if I salvage what’s left of it; disconnect it from the half that’s already gone? But I can’t go on with just half a soul! Souls were like balloons, with an outer casing containing all the important bits inside. Take away half the rubber and nothing is holding in all the air. It was the nature of incomplete souls; they withered away quickly. He could persist so long as he kept time stopped, and could move that half of his soul around. But he couldn’t cause chaos in a world that didn’t move forward. Keeping time stopped was burning through his mana. Even with how large of a pool he had, it would eventually run out.

I need some way to make my soul whole again. But I don’t know any kind of magic that could do that, Chaos or Harmony! But what if I used something that was neither? Discord mentally sneered.

Looks like I’ve got a deal to make.

“Well guys…this is the last vlog,” Adam said gazing down at a small statuette of Zeus he held in his hands. He was sitting alone in his bedroom, recording the last video he’d ever make for his youtube channel. The sun was setting, giving a somber lighting to the room and giving his pale skin an orange tinge. He took a deep breath holding it in for just a second and then letting it out. He looked up through his long black hair at the camera which rested upon his expensive monitor, letting a weary smile form on his face, “I hope you guys can make” —He held the statuette in front of the camera— “statuettes as good as me. Let those tutorials I posted be the one impact I leave behind, you know?”

Adam turned off the camera and ended the recording. He browsed his way to the upload page of Youtube and began the process of uploading the video. He sat there resting his head on his clenched fist. I tried. I really tried. Adam thought back to the events of the past month.

He had barely been keeping his grades up in university. While normally he wouldn’t be too afraid of failing, he could always try again, as he did with everything else he failed at, but he couldn’t this time. If it were any normal university he would have his parents pay for the tuition to try again, however, this wasn’t any normal university. He had managed to get a fully funded 2 years at Hailborne University, the greatest university in not just the United States, but the entire world. It cost more money than what the average person made in their lives to go there. All he had to do was keep his grades up, the one thing he never failed at. And he did just fine the first quarter, but the second…he bombed it. Most grants would wait till the end of the year to determine eligibility for the next, but Hailborne did it quarterly for they demanded only the best.

It was the final for that quarter Adam was riding on. If he could get just a B, he would barely pass that quarter with a C. But what Adam got back broke him. When he took a look at the score he found the executioner of his scholarship, a D. To someone else this would be a terrible day in their lives for sure. They would feel awful, maybe even depressive, for a long while. But eventually, they would move on and try again. However, to Adam, this represented something far greater. To Adam, it was the symbol that he was a failure in life. He failed in creating art, he failed in sports, and he failed in keeping friends. The one thing he thought he could do right, the one that got him a free ticket to the greatest university on the planet…he failed that too.

Adam was on the brink of tears, but he refused to cry. He wouldn’t fail in keeping his masculinity from faltering. He needed to keep from breaking down to do what he was going to do next. Just then the video was done processing. Still resting his head on his fist he moused over the publish button and clicked. He then gazed down at the drawer underneath his computer desk and opened it. Inside was a token of family tradition; It was gifted as a signal for one's transition into adolescence. The small pistol had been laying inside the drawer gathering dust for years. A clip was sitting right next to it, doing the same. Adam picked up the gun and dusted it off. The gun was another example of his failures. He was supposed to care for the gun and maintain it. His father had told him that it was a show of respect for their ancestors; That he would be ready to fight for the country just as they did before. Grabbing the singular clip of ammo he had, he loaded the gun just as his father taught him and lifted the gun to his head. He rested his finger over the trigger. He tried to squeeze but…

Do it! Do something right for once you stupid piece of- Adam slammed the gun down onto the desk in a moment of frustration. A loud bang went off followed by a whizzing sound right under his chin. He could feel the vibration of the air across his neck. Within an instant, the bullet punched straight through the wall and the lights went out, somehow plunging the room into total darkness.

The darkened room shifted into a somber gray.

“Well, well, well, having fun are we?” mocked discord as he partially materialized in front of the human. If he’s willing to do that then this will be so much easier than I thought. The human sat there in shock gazing over his shoulder toward the chaos god. “No, you’re not going insane. You see the stars have aligned and you have been chosen for something very special.” A toothy grin formed on Discord's face.

“W-W-What the hell’s going on!” The human yelled, jumping out of his chair and running to the door of his room. Discord watched as the human jiggled the knob to no avail. The chaos god had frozen time, in a similar manner to what he did when he was blasted by the elements, but with more control now that he had mana to spare.

“I just told you, my friend,” Discord pulled off his goat horn and held the pointed end towards his mouth. Using the goat horn like a megaphone he repeated, “YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL!”

The weak creature was now holding his ears tight from the pain caused by the stunt. Discord placed back his goat horn, and gave him time to recuperate. The human, after a few seconds, allowed his hands to slowly fall to his sides. “I don’t understand,” he replied meekly.

Discord chuckled to himself before explaining, “I am Discord, the Lord of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony; and I've been watching you for some time now. I have come to you with an offer. I know how lonely you are. How much of a worthless pile of trash you are.” He paused with a knowing glare to let the words sink in, “But I have an opportunity to allow yourself a chance at a better life. One where you can succeed and leave your failures behind. A world where you can fulfill a much-needed purpose.”

“What do you mean?” the human muttered under his breath, slowly calming down and regaining his composure.

“You see, I come from a land of friendship and -gag- harmony. And in that land there is a balance that must be maintained,” the draconequus summoned a scale with five marbles of his head on one side and five marbles of the tree of harmony on the other. “It is my job to sow bits of chaos across the land while my equal does the same with harmony,” marbles were now periodically dropping on each side, one at a time, but never enough to where one outweighed the other.

“However, a couple of misguided fools have put me on ‘death's row’, so to say. Luckily, if I die I will eventually be replaced. But it won’t be instant, and things could easily become out of balance,” the phrase “twenty years later” appeared above the scale with ten marbles being added immediately to the harmony side. The harmony side broke off, causing a small explosion when it landed on the floor.

“Okay, but what does that have to do with me?” he asked.

“My friend, I have chosen you to be the next” -fireworks went off behind the chaos god as he began to do jazz hands- “Lord of Chaos™.”

The human stared in confusion at the draconequus, “If you’re making me the next lord of chaos, that'll make me your heir or something, right?”

“Yes, exactly! And all you have to do is just sign this contract,” Discord snapped his fingers. In front of the human appeared an unfurled scroll.

The scroll was divided into three labeled sections: “The terms between Primum and Discord”, “the terms between Primum and the Client”, and “The terms between Discord and the Client.” The section about Primum and Discord was blurred out. At the bottom were two signatures, Discord’s and Primum’s, and a line for his.

“Hold up, I’m not signing this without reading over it!” the human blurted out.

“Go right ahead. I have no intentions of tricking you, for now,” the draconequus said, whispering the last part under his breath.

The human skimmed through the contract. It was mostly straightforward and didn’t feature any of the word salad used for underhanded tactics. When it came to what Primum wanted from the contract between the human and them, it was simple:

However, there was much more between Discord and the human:

The human stared at the scroll in thought for several minutes before speaking, “W-what if you’re tricking me?”

“As if you would say no,” Discord smirked. The human didn’t reply and proceeded to sign the scroll. Discord took the scroll and squinted at the human’s name, “Welcome to Equestria, Adam Merkur.” He snapped his finger and Adam collapsed in front of him.

Chapter 2 - Getting Schooled

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When Discord appeared in front of Adam, he thought that he must have fallen asleep before he pulled the trigger; or that he did pull it, and the bullet had somehow failed to kill him. A walking zoo coming to him with the offer of a “better life” had to have been some manifestation of his imagination. But that was all before he had signed that contract.

As soon as Discord had finished saying his name Adam found himself…somewhere. It was a vast empty void with no color, not even black. Adam couldn’t feel his body, he was everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. The only feeling within the emptiness was the constant pain.

I-It hurts, was the only thought he could form. The pain was immense. It felt as though every fiber of his being was stretched until it ripped apart. The pain told Adam that none of this could be some manifestation of his subconscious. He would never conceive of torture like this, not even for the few people he hated. It was in this pain that he floated for what felt like an eternity.

“Oops, one second,” a familiar voice pierced through the void. Within the abyss, Adam could swear he was hearing the sound of someone trying to start a gasoline engine. After a third attempt, the engine finally started, and he could feel the pain subsiding.

Gradually, sensation began to return to his body. The void slowly took form. The first thing Adam saw was the white, flat, unending floor that expanded in every direction. Complimenting the floor was a baby blue sky. In front of Adam stood Discord next to a generator; which the Chaos Lord proceeded to snap out of existence.

“Sorry, I forget how terrible crossing can be for the inexperienced,” Adamcould barely understand what Discord was saying as he was recovering from the abruptness of having a body again. He was shaking from the phantom pain throughout his body.

“W-wha’,”mummered Adam. Discord, huffing, snapped his fingers and summoned a bucket; which he proceeded to splash Adam with. “FUCK!” Adam snapped into focus, Liquid now covering him from head to toe.

“Look, we have much to discuss. If you’re going to be the new Lord of Chaos™, then you need to know what you’re supposed to do.” A whiteboard appeared behind Discord as he was now dressed in a brown suit and glasses.

Still shaking Adam glared at Discord, ”What the fuck is wrong with you?”


“You send me to some torture zone and then decide to splash me with—wait, is this lemonade?” a small trickle of the liquid had managed to reach his tongue.

“Well duh, water is so obvious a choice. Lemonade is much more unexpected.”

“Okay look,” Adam took a quick breath to calm himself, “just give me a moment to recover,” he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths while lightly rubbing his left arm for a moment. Discord stood there, crossing his arms and tapping his claw.

After ten seconds Adam opened his eyes, “Why did you splash me with lemonade?”

“Well if you weren’t being such a drama queen I wouldn’t have to,” Discord said.

“Lis-” Adam tried to blurt, but Discord put a finger to his mouth before he could finish.

“Atatata, we have limited time before we reach Equestria and I don’t want to waste it listening to your complaints.”

Adam glared at Discord, “Fine.”

Discord removed his finger from Adam's mouth. Snapping his fingers, a school desk appeared beside Adam, “Have a seat.”

Adam obliged. Discord cleared his throat and summoned a teaching pointer, “As Lord of Chaos™ it is your job to sow chaos throughout the land, big or small,” Discord tapped the whiteboard. The word “CHAOS” appeared on it.

“So what, I go around destroying things?”

“That is one way to do it, yes; but there are many more. Your core purpose is to incite change. It is the goal of Chaos to keep the world evolving and moving forward, and never becoming complacent and stagnant.”

“Okay, then what are these other ways to cause chaos? I thought destruction was, like, the whole goal of chaos.”

“That is where we shall correct your understanding of chaos. Chaos desires change, and destruction is but one of many ways to achieve said change.” A drawing of a ruined city appeared on the whiteboard while a mysterious smoke billowed out of it, flowing harmlessly into the plane around them.

“As an example of what else you can do, take me for instance. I create chaos through pranks and gags, much like the first Lord of Chaos Loki,” replied Discord as a green poorly-drawn wolf-man wearing a shirt that said “Loki” appeared on the board, accompanied by a box of various prank toys: Whoopie cushions, joy buzzers, and so forth.

“And an example of chaos through acts of good is Set, at least in his early years.” A canine that looked similar to Loki drawn in red appeared, wearing a shirt with the name “Set” written upon it. It went around cleaning up the pranks Loki left around. Eventually, the two drawings encountered each other. Loki started arguing with Set upon finding his pranks being removed.

“By the way, just so you don’t ask me later, no, those two never met. Although that would be a sight to behold,” Discord chuckled at the thought.

After a while, the two drawings seemed to come to a truce. Set offered his hand to Loki, and Loki accepted. Immediately, Loki went aflame and burned to a pile of ash while Set laughed. Discord spoke up, “As I said, Set was good at the start.” The drawing of Set turned to Adam and revealed one of Loki’s joy buzzers in his hands, though this one had red flames half haphazardly drawn onto it.

Adam looked back at Discord, “So then there isn’t a set way to cause chaos. As long as I cause change, it’s good enough.” Adam paused in thought for a second, “How often do I have to cause chaos?”

“Right now, whenever you want. The incarnation of harmony: The Tree of Harmony ” —Discord tapped the whiteboard. A drawing of a crystalline tree appeared on it— “has been relatively inactive in recent times. The last time it caused something big was the creation of those blasted Elements of Harmony.

“Those elements pushed the scales, so my father, Mayhem, had to cause a lot of chaos over a thousand years ago to keep the world in balance.” Upon the board, a creature similar looking to Discord appeared. Adam guessed it was Mayhem as it was poorly drawn, making it hard to tell whether the differences were purposeful or accidental due to a lack of skill.

Adam found it a little interesting that Discord would have a father. He assumed because Discord was some kind of “Spirit of Disharmony,” he just popped into the existence of Equestria, “What did he do?” he asked.

“Mayhem decided to do something of equal impact, create a second Lord of Chaos™! A.k.a, mwah.” Discord proudly pointed at himself as another drawing that looked closer to Discord appeared on the whiteboard. It was smaller than Mayhem and started to mock the tree by blowing raspberries.

Adam’s curiosity peaked. “How powerful are we? I mean, I’ve seen you create stuff out of nothing, but what I’m understanding is that he just created life. I’m only assuming, but since you had to make a contract with someone to bring over my soul implies it’s above your power to directly manipulate them; let alone create one.”

“What an inquisitive cookie you are!” Discord proudly exclaimed, poking Adam’s cheek, causing a gold star to appear upon it.

“You are right in assuming that we cannot create life nor manipulate souls. So dear old dad had to go do it the good old fashion way and shack up a lady.”

“So there’s a race of Chaos Lords?”

“No, he simply imbued me with chaos magic during my development.”

“Then what is your species?”

Discord puffed out his chest and pointed towards himself, “I am a draconequus!” a golden glow appeared around him, “And soon you will be too.”

“Wait, why didn’t you just have your own kid and pass down the title to them?”

“One, being a Lord is not a title, it is a state of being. That is why a second one existing is so impactful. Second, I’m doomed to be out of commission soon, having a kid would take far too long. And third, even if I wanted a kid before, I couldn’t. I am the last draconequus. Well, technically, now you’re the last draconequus.”

“Um, what happened to the rest?” Adam was starting to question what he got himself into. If the draconqui had all presumably died somehow, and now Discord was soon to die, was he being thrust into a world that would hunt him?

It’s the only thing that makes sense. A whole species doesn’t just disappear. Maybe they were hunted for their horns? Kinda like a few species on Earth, Adam thought.

“That’s not important, I’ll tell you later,” Discord ignored the question, “Anyway, let’s continue onto the topic of magic.” The whiteboard cleared, and “MAGIC” was soon spelled onto it, “I have decided that you’ll be going in with very little magic.”

Adam crossed his arms, “If you can control how much I’m going to have why are you not making me as strong as you? If you want me to create chaos wouldn’t it be better for me to be stronger?”

“While yes I would like you to cause tons of chaos, I can’t risk you accidentally flipping reality on its head and angering the wrong ponies. Everything I’m doing would be pointless if you immediately got sealed in stone or something. Plus you’re a being that has never even touched magic before. Not even your soul is magical. If you were to gain all the power I possess, you would lose control easily.”

“That reminds me, you didn’t answer my other question. How strong are you, and by extension, how strong will I get?” Adam assumed Discord was a reality bender. He could summon objects from nothing and animate drawings. However, there was a whole range of power Discord could have with manipulating reality. There was a big difference between creating a whiteboard and some clothes and destroying worlds.

Discord placed his clawed hand to his chin and thought for a second, “Hmmm, if I felt like it, I could temporarily delete the concept of the color red from existence. Of course, magic on that level would have its consequences.”

Th-that’s not simple reality manipulation. He can just decide what the rules of reality were! Adam was dumbfounded. The titles, Lord of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony, did little justice to the strength Discord possessed. If someone told Adam that Discord made his universe, he wouldn’t doubt it. “And um, I can do that too.”

“Oh of course, and probably easier too.”

“What! How!” Adam found it hard to believe Discord nonchalantly said he’d find deleting the color red easy.

Discord tapped the whiteboard, and a circle labeled “soul” appeared upon it with the inside shaded shortly after. “You see, magic is partially linked to the soul. The stronger your soul is, the stronger your magic, naturally.” Discord tapped the whiteboard once more, and another circle appeared, this one slightly bigger than the first. ”Since your new soul will be comprised of your current one and half of mine, it’ll be stronger than most others. Mine included.” A third soul appeared on the board, three times larger than the second.

“Wait, only half of yours?” Adam asked, perplexed.

“It’s the reason I need someone to be the next Lord of Chaos™. I’ve unfortunately lost half of my soul to those ponies I was talking about earlier. You can’t live for long if you lose too much of your soul.” Discord purposefully omitted that half of it was just sealed in stone and that he’d be fine if he let the rest of it get sealed as well. Adam nodded his head in understanding.

“Now we’ve got a bit of time before we reach Equestria, so any more questions?”

Discord was inviting Adam to ask anything beyond his role as Lord of Chaos, he would have to ask the more important ones first. Adam took a moment to think, I need to know what to expect. In case I’m placed somewhere dangerous, thus Adam asked, “Okay, where will I be appearing in Equestria?”

“Oh! I completely forgot about that. You’ll be appearing in the small town of Ponyville. I can’t believe I forgot that considering you’ll be right at the hooves of the ponies who’ve almost killed me.”

“The people trying to kill you? Won’t they just kill me instead as soon as I get there?! Can’t you place me somewhere else?!” the incompetence on display was surprising to Adam. How could Discord be so strong and yet not think to place him somewhere safe?

“There’s no point in yelling at me because I can’t send you anywhere else except for where I’m at. And besides, you’re in no real danger. They’re all practically pacifists, too compassionate to harm anyone, not even a fly.”

What Discord just said caught Adam's attention. Discord just described them as pacifists. And while Discord perceived him as a bit gullible, Adam was a good listener; you don’t get a scholarship to a prestigious university for nothing. That discrepancy led Adam to a thought: Why did they attack Discord? If Discord was being truthful about them being pacifists Adam could conclude one thing: Discord attacked first.

I might have gotten myself into trouble. I should have asked questions before I signed that contract! It was an easy slip-up on Discord’s part, but now Adam was questioning what Discord did and why he needed Adam. He would’ve asked why Discord was attacked, but he didn’t want to risk the ire of the draconequus. Even if Discord only had half his soul, it was clear he was still extremely powerful. And although Discord had been so far benign, it could all be a farce.

“Okay,” Adam replied simply, choosing to play it safe and move on, ”What’s my new body going to be? Am I going to be, like, a clone of you?” His having the appearance of Discord was now a risk. There wasn’t much said about the body in the contract, and Discord hadn’t talked about it in detail.

“No. You’ll be my offspring. I wanted your cover story to be that you’re my child. If they think that you’re simply a foal, they’ll be hesitant to do any harm to you.” Another admission that they were kind.

“But I’d still look like you, it would just be cloning still. Unless you got a surrogate, but you told me you didn’t have a kid.”

“That's why I got a bit of help. I transformed your DNA into draconequus DNA, combined it with my own, and then aged up the resulting body. So congrats you’re your own father!”

Adam chose to Ignore the 'father' comment. He wouldn’t pretend he knew the magic behind what Discord did, but if his DNA was made ‘draconeq’ why didn’t he make a body using that, “If you were able to change my DNA, then why didn’t you use it for the body?”

“The appearance of draconequi can vary wildly. I wanted to ensure you at least looked somewhat like me,” Discord explained.

Adam didn’t trust that Discord told him the whole truth. After his first slip-up, Adam was now analyzing his words more carefully. If Discord wanted to keep Adam safe, it would’ve been better for him to have a completely different appearance. However, it seemed Discord wanted them to know that he was directly involved. But why?

“Ahem,” Discord interrupted Adam’s thoughts, “We’re about to arrive.” Discord pulled up his wrist, and upon it was an incredibly large watch with random numbers on it, “We have time for one last question so be quick.”

Adam needed to ask the right question. Despite everything Discord had told him, none of it could be used to figure out what Discord was planning. In thought, Adam remembered the contract. Discord needed help, and he had said nothing about who helped him. Discord had said nothing about ‘Primum’. Even if asking who Primum was didn’t explain what Discord planned, it would still be more info on an unknown.

“Who’s Primum?” Adam asked. He was afraid that Discord would dodge it like the question about the draconequi, but what he said surprised him.

“Ooooo, that’s a question with a really long answer. So, I’ll summarize it.” Discord's voice took a nervous tone. “Now this is something that will most definitely be restricted for you to say. Primum doesn’t like it when those he isn’t involved with know about him,” Discord took a breath, “but since you’re a part of the contract you’re allowed to know.

“Primum is the most powerful being in all of our reality. Remember how I said I could delete the color red temporarily? Primum can do that permanently with ease. He is essentially the equivalent of your idea of a god; it’s far easier to list what he can’t do, than what he can. Luckily for all of us, he chooses to be a spectator. He only ever gets involved when you come to him or when he wants to ‘add more drama.’” Discord finished, air-quoting the last part.

What Adam heard did not yield the answers he was looking for. Instead, it left him with another: Where does he fit in now? Discord acquired the help of an essential god, and he needed Adam for some reason.

“Now with your last question answered we can continue,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, the contract and a portal appearing in front of the two of them, “Once we both step through this portal Primum’s contract will handle everything.”

Despite his doubts about Discord's ulterior motives, Adam felt a tingle of anticipation. Right in front of him was a portal that would lead to a new life, one where he could avoid being a failure this time. Adam took a deep breath and stepped through.

Chapter 3 - Mission Failed

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Throughout Sweet Apple Acres unimaginable power could be felt. The water of the nearby river was a collage of colors emitted from six mares floating in the air surrounded by a halo of color. At the center was Twilight encircled by her six friends, their eyes glowing white with power. The immense magic of the Tree of Harmony flowed through Twilight, her body a conduit of The Elements that connected her with her friends beyond physicality. They were the tools with which the Tree influenced the world. This system symbolized the power and purpose of harmony: to unite all things. Right now that power was coursing through Twilight and her friends' very beings.

Together, they formed a powerful spell that rose into the sky as a beam for all to see. Discord was unaware of the attack forming behind him, too careless and deep into thought to notice. The beam ceased its movent upwards and within a blink of an eye struck him. For a second Discord could be heard yelling, but Twilight could not understand him, for The Elements dulled her senses while being used.

Discord's voice ceased as his body turned to stone. Once the spell finished, the beam dissipated leaving a statue of the draconequus several yards away. The six mares could feel the extra magic within them leaving, returning them to the ground full of vigor and energy.

“Whew, well I’m glad that’s over,” Applejack immediately said, “I just knew a thing like Discord couldn’t be reasoned with.”

“Agreed. I was getting tired of being ‘courteous’ to an uncouth maniac like him,” Rarity said walking towards Applejack. She lowered her head and whispered as though Celestia could be listening in on her, “I don’t mean to question Princess Celestia’s judgment, but I don’t think Discord could do any good for Equestria.”

“I don’t knoooooow, Discord makes a pretty neat statue,” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced passed Rarity and Applejack, and headed towards the statue of Discord.

Twilight and Rainbowdash didn’t join in on the banter. Instead, Rainbowdash immediately went to the side of Fluttershy, while Twilight simply stood in thought.

Twilight was thinking about where she went wrong in reforming Discord. She had lost sleep trying to devise the perfect plan and now it was for naught. Because of the failed plan, she came to a conclusion. If Celestia gave her the task then there was no doubt in the princess's mind that she could do it. There could only be two reasons why the plan failed for Twilight: Either Celestia was wrong or Twilight made an error, and she was more inclined to believe the latter.

“I’m sorry princes, I failed you,” Twilight somberly sighed, uttering the one word she hated and feared the most: failed. Fail, failing, failure, failed—a series of words she wished to never associate with herself. She was the princesses’ protege who could not nor should not fail…and yet she did. Twilight’s breathing began to quicken. She would’ve started descending into thought about the many ways Celestia could punish her, however, she caught herself from overthinking. Now’s not the time, Twilight, you have…you have important things to do. She thought as she began taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.

Once Twilight had collected herself, she stood tall, and spoke aloud, “Alright girls, I’ll be sending the Princess a letter to inform her of our fail-” she slowly stopped when she heard a soft weeping come from behind. She turned around and saw the sad sight of Fluttershy crying. She was laying down curled into a ball while Rainbowdash was comforting her quietly. Normally, Rainbowdash would never be seen doing something so ‘uncool’, but Fluttershy was her foalhood friend, and she always made an exception for her. Oh, Fluttershy, how could I forget, she admonished herself.

Twilight made it halfway to Fluttershy when Rainbowdash spoke, stopping her, “Don’t worry, Twi, I got this.” She lightly nuzzled the weeping pegasus, “Com’on Shy, let’s get you home.” The only response Rainbowdash got was Fluttershy shrinking further into herself, “Don’t worry, I got you both,” she softly said, spreading out her wings. She slipped under Fluttershy and lifted the crying pegasus onto her back.

Rainbowdash turned her head to face Twilight, “I don’t think it’s a good idea for Fluttershy to stay here considering-” she looked at the statue “-you know”

“I understand,” Twilight responded, closing he eyes as she nodded her head. She was seething with hate for what Discord had done to Fluttershy. Stone imprisonment for years to come wasn’t a fitting punishment.

“If anyone needs me, I’ll be staying at Fluttershy’s for the week,” Rainbowdash said as she began to walk away.

“Okay Rainbow,” Twilight called back. She turned to face her other friends and could see Pinkie poking around the base of the Discord statue, investigating it. Twilight herself held some curiosities as well. How could a creature composed of so many different beasts even function? It was already rare enough for chimeras to be composed of two or three animals without the differing magical signatures interfering, but Discord was composed of six or more.

Twilight shook her head, We can run tests later, she told herself. Right now, she needed to speak to Rarity and Applejack about what they were going to do next. As she made her way to her two friends she could hear the conversation between the fashionista and southern workhorse.

“Oh, but I implore you, darling!” Rarity insisted, “It’s not fair for you and Big Macintosh to clean the mess Discord made. After all, we were all responsible for keeping his chaos to a minimum and thusly should all help you; even if I have to get my hooves dirty.”

Applejack exasperatedly sighed, “Rarity, I’m tellin’ you, me and Big Mac have got this handled. It’s our farm and ya’ll don’t need to be using your time to help when we can do it ourselves.”

Applejack’s stubbornness and pride were a double edge sword. It gave her the fire to help anyone with anything, and Twilight admired that, but, it would also cause Applejack to be unreasonable at times; especially when it came to her farm. Twilight couldn’t understand it even when Applejack tried to explain: ‘It’s just how our family’s done it since the beginning. If it involves the farm, we’ll handle it. And if we can’t, we’ll learn how,’ she had told Twilight when asked. There were only a few times when Applejack lamented about accepting help.

Twilight, foreseeing that the two would go in circles, interjected, “But, Rarity, you haven’t asked if we wanted to help in the first place,” she said while feigning anger.

“Oh, well, o-of course I would ask you all,” Rarity blurted out.

Twilight giggled at her flustered response, “Don’t worry Rarity I’m just teasing. Of course, I would help and I’m sure the others would be happy to as well. Nevertheless, I do think you should respect AJ’s refusal.”

“Thank you Twilight. Rarity, I appreciate the offer. I really do, but the farm's something we Apples hold close,” AJ said with a warm smile.

“Oh alright Applejack. But you will be coming to the spa with me afterward—My treat,” Rarity relented.

“Well if you’re treatin’ I won’t say no,” Applejack replied.

“And Twilight you’re welcome to come as well. Don’t worry, I'll pay for you too,” offered Rarity.

“Thanks, Rarity, I’d be delighted to join. But right now I need to discuss with you two what we do next,” worry was now evident in Twilight’s voice, “I don’t think the princess will be very happy that we couldn’t reform Discord and I’d like to deliver the news as lightly as possible.”

“Twilight,” Applejack said with authority, “whatever you’re thinking is without a doubt most certainly wrong. The princess will understand.”

“I agree, why else would she leave us with The Elements darling,” Rarity added.

“B-but girls you don’t understand! This was one of THE biggest tasks I’ve ever received from Princess Celestia! This isn’t just any failure. It’s…it’s-” before Twilight could continue she was interrupted.

“Girrrrrrls! We’ve got a problem!” yelled Pinkie Pie over from the Discord statue. Twilight was cut off from her soon-to-be rant. Immediately the trio ran to the call of their friend. Pinkie Pie was sitting in front of the statue looking down at its base. The three gathered behind her.

Applejack was the first to ask the obvious question, “What is it Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie stood up and turned around, “I think Discord had a baby!”

The three remained silent. Until with a twitch of the eye, Twilight yelled, “WHAT!”

“Pinkie now’s not the time to joke.” Applejack chided, “Twilight’s already worried about telling The Princess what happened and you don’t need to be freaking her out more with any unfunny jokes.”

“No, I’m serious! Look!,” Pinkie Pie stepped to the side and pointed to where she was blocking.

Twilight could now see the creature Pinkie Pie had found. Laying on its side was a small unconscious draconequus that shared a similar visage to Discord. The new creature possessed Discord's signature, grey-furred, pony-like head. However, this one didn’t have as long of a snout. Its mouth was agape, and Twilight could see a plethora of distinctly grouped teeth; one of which was unique, a singular fang slightly bigger than the rest. Atop its head was messy, neck-length, black hair that was splayed onto the ground. Poking from the back of the hair were the individual sproutings of a goat horn and deer antler, both only reaching two inches past the hair.

Connecting the head to the body was a grey-furred neck. The body the creature possessed appeared to be less elongated than Discords. Where the neck met the body was a fluffy ring of white downy feathers which were puffier and narrower at the back. The front half of the downy tapered to the bottom of the chest in a rough ‘V’ shape. Past the downy were two objects that hid the rest of the body. They were the biggest distinctions from Discord's body. Instead of the mismatched pair of arms, the creature possessed a pair of dark auburn wings with white patchy stripes near the tips. The wings were spread out in front of the lying creature showcasing each layer of feathers.

The legs of the creature were the same, mismatched, horse-dragon combo as Discord. Past those was the long tail that was nearly equal to the entire length of the head and body. It was almost exactly like Discord’s tail, except the scales were each more distinct, and the white fur at the end was proportionally bigger.

To Twilight, she could only see the creature as a smaller copy of Discord. And seeing any form of Discord was an outcome that should’ve been impossible. She began to ramble, pacing back and forth as she did, “No no no no no, this can’t be happening! I let Discord survive! What would The Princess think! She would think I lost my connection to The Elements—it’s the only way he could’ve survived,” she paused as a realization dawned upon her, “If I can’t use my element then…then… PRINCESS CELESTIA DOESN’T NEED ME ANYMORE!” she yelled aloud.

Twilight’s mind raced with several thoughts: What would be her punishment for failure, what would she do once she lost her apprenticeship with the princess, and why was there a sweet taste in her mouth? Wait, sweet taste in my mouth? She thought as she snapped back to reality.

Pinkie Pie had shoved a cupcake in Twilight’s mouth, “Calm down Twilight. I don’t think it’s Discord,” she stated.

“Pinkie, how in Equestria could you know that?” Rarity inquired.

“Easy! Pinkie Sense.” Pinkie Sense was her signature extra sensory power. It allowed her to predict the future to a limited degree; such as a twitching tail indicating something was going to fall. “When I found her I got an itchy back and ear flop, which means I was going to meet someone new.”

Although Twilight begrudgingly believed in it, Pinkie Sense was always accurate. She couldn’t deny what Pinkie Pie predicted, however, that didn’t mean what was in front of her was the new pony. She stood in thought, staring at the creature, and made a decision. The safest thing to do was to blast it with The Elements, but with the possibility of hurting someone innocent, it was too risky. “I’m not sure what to do girls. But at the very least, I’m going to get the guards Princess Celestia left with us and inform The Princess of the situation. Applejack, do you have any rope?”

“Eyup, up in the tool shed. Want me to tie ‘em up?”

“Yes, please. I’m going to believe that it isn’t Discord. I’d rather not blast someone who’s possibly innocent with The Elements, even if we had Rainbowdash and Fluttershy here to use theirs.” she explained.

“Wait where’s RD and Fluttershy?” Applejack asked.

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you, girls. Rainbowdash took Fluttershy home.”

“Oh of course! How could I forget!” Rarity cried.

“It’s okay, Rarity, but it’s not important right now. We’ve been idling too long,” Twilight pointed to the creature, “Whoever that is, I don’t want to risk them doing anything harmful in case they wake up.”

“But Twilight, I don’t think ropes could hold someone like Discord,” Pinkie said.

Twilight’s horn went alight. She attuned her magic to the ambient magic around her. The Tree of Harmony had gifted each of them a small boon that was aligned with their elements. For Twilight, it was the ability to sense magic since she was bound to the Element of Magic. For the most part, the ability was typically useless, as magic was like an ocean that surrounded everything. Most ponies didn’t have enough of their own to differentiate themselves, beings like Discord and the princesses were like Lighthouses in the sea, easily visible and distinctive from the rest of the metaphorical ocean. Right now, Twilight couldn't sense any powerful magic nearby, just the ocean of ambient magic.

“They’re weak right now. I can’t tell if they’re completely magicless. At the very least, you three can handle it if it fights back,” Twilight assured. “Now Applejack, get that rope while I go get the guards. Rarity and Pinkie, keep an eye on them until Applejack gets back.”

“Right!,” the three friends said in unison. Applejack immediately galloped toward the farm shed while Twilight went the opposite way towards Ponyville. As she ran she could hear one last bit of conversation between Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

“So Pinkie, ‘She’.” Rarity interrogated.

“Oh! I checked.” Pinkie replied nonchalantly.

Twilight could hear one last, loud, “Pinkie,” from Rarity before they were out of earshot.

Chapter 4 - Sun and Moon

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Twilight galloped as fast as she could. Ponyville was a mile and a half away. Her destination was the guard station of the town. Typically, the local watch guards wouldn’t have been able to deal with any mess caused by Discord, but the princess had temporally assigned a dozen royal guards as reinforcements for the reformation attempt. They were staffed with some of the most robust ponies within the Royal Guard, and although they couldn’t outright defeat Discord, they could contain him until the princess arrived.

After a few minutes, Twilight passed the fenced hill that signified she was a quarter of the way to the town, where she could now see the royal guard heading towards her. Twilight continued down the hill and slowed her pace as she reached the guards.

All of the guards wore golden armor with various colored accents atop their white coats. Leading the group was Captain Triple Trouble, an earth-pony stallion known for his battle prowess. His royal guard armor was accented with blue to denote his rank. At the center of his chest piece was a jeweled emblem of his cutie-mark: three unique blades crossing at their centers.

“Captain Trip-” she hastily began.

“Lady Sparkle, how many times do I have to tell you to inform the guard of what you do with the draconequus? This is the fourth time!” the captain complained.

“I’m sorry captain. I…no there’s no excuse for being careless, but right now I need your help,” Twilight said.

The captain raised his eyebrow, “Help? I’ve assumed you handled Discord considering the light show earlier and your lack of panic. Am I wrong?”

“You are correct sir, however, Discord might have had…a baby?” Twilight nervously chuckled realizing how outlandish she sounded.

Triple could only stare at the unicorn in disbelief, “My Lady, while I respect the attempt at humor, I am not in the mood. The entirety of Ponyville was put into a panic thinking a beast from the Everfree was approaching, and you know how hard it is to calm them all.”

Twilight rubbed her hoof anxiously. She did know from the countless times she and her friends had to calm them after a false beast attack was reported. “Sorry about that. But I am being serious captain. After we used the elements, Pinkie found a creature laying in front of his statue. Applejack’s tying it up as we speak.”

The captain let out a disgruntled sigh, “Lady Sparkle, we will be having a talk later, and I will be telling the princess of your carelessness. Your nonaction is unbefitting of someone in your position and could’ve had massive consequences, especially now. Let’s just hope it isn’t too dangerous.”

Captain Triple Trouble then turned to face his soldiers and spoke aloud, “Stallions, it appears that the situation is not as simple as we first assumed. Discord has indeed been sealed as we thought, however, he has left us a little present to take care of. Unicorns, I need you all to prepare the barrier spell. According to Lady Sparkle, he left behind his uhh…baby,” A few snickers could be heard throughout the unit, embarrassing Twilight, “and I will not risk the citizens of Ponyville if it turns out to be dangerous.”

The Captain pointed towards one of the Earth-Ponies in the back who was wearing unaccented armor, “Private Pace, send a message informing her Majesty of the situation.”

“Yes sir!” the pony saluted.

“Alright, to Sweat Apple Acres,” the captain commanded, “Lady Sparkle, you’ll be coming with us in case the elements are needed.”

Twilight knew before she even spoke that the captain would not be happy. “Of course captain. But you should know that Rainbowdash and Fluttershy have already left,”

Before the captain could rebuke her, she added, “Yes, I know. But it wouldn’t matter if they were here. Fluttershy isn’t in the right headspace for us to use the elements again.”

The captain sighed and signaled everyone to move forward.

One thousand years. One thousand years since the last time Celestia and Luna had eaten alone together. There was of course the celebratory feast they had upon Luna’s return, however, it was a public spectacle with no privacy. Celestia did try to schedule as many chances to be with Luna as she could, but with her having to run Equestria alone at the time and Luna’s focus on becoming acquainted with modern society, she just couldn’t find the time. Now eight months after Luna’s return, they could finally have lunch together.

They were eating in the royal dining hall alone with the occasional interruption from a waiter. It was when a waiter carted in the deserts that Luna observed something she thought Celestia would have gotten over. “One would think that given a thousand years, you would improve your eating habits sister. But it seems that such things are to be eternally changeless,” she teased.

“Sorry to disappoint Luna, but cake is something I will never give up.” Celestia proclaimed. Using her magic, she took an entire cake from the serving trolley. She then cut a small sliver of cake and placed it in front of Luna, “I did learn to share like you said I should however.”

Luna glanced down at the pitiful slice and then up to Celestia with a deadpanned expression, “Sister.”

“Oh fine!” Celestia huffed. She cut another small slice of cake and placed it on top of the other. Luna arched an eyebrow and continued to stare at Celestia. The two sat silently for a moment before Luna erupted into laughter with Celestia following suit. It was moments like this that Celestia missed during the one thousand lonely years since Luna’s banishment to the moon.

“Um, excuse me…” came a meek voice from Celestia’s side.

“Oh! Sorry, Silver Side you are dismissed. And here, take this for your time.” Celestia passed the waiter a sizeable amount of bits.

“Thank you, your Majesty!” he cheered and then merrily walked out of the room.

After a moment of silence, Luna cleared her thought, “Now that we are alone again and at the end of our lunch, I wish for you to answer a question of mine.”

“And that would be?” Celestia inquired.

“Why under Aurora’s grace would you free Discord?” Luna pressed.

Celestia groaned, “You weren’t supposed to know until everything was done.”

Luna scoffed in offense, “I can’t believe this! To think you would hide something so important from me, your equal. It seems I was fortunate to overhear Captain Armor, who you trust more I presume?”

Celestia knew she was playing with fire hiding her plan from Luna. Her lack of trust was one of the reasons Luna felt betrayed by her one thousand years ago. Celestia felt that if she wasn’t careful, she could break the reformed bond she had with her sister.

“Luna it’s not that I don’t trust you, I just know you would never go along with reforming him,” Celestia responded.

“You are right, I would never agree to something so foolish,” she confirmed. “Tell me then, what could’ve possessed you to think that reforming him was even possible? You know as well as I what he has done, and what Lords of Chaos of the past have done.”

“Yes, Luna I know. But back when he took over Equestria he could’ve done far worse. Instead of all the death and destruction he used to spread with his father, he chose to simply toy with our ponies. You remember what he was like—when Mayhem was alive.

“Look, I believe that after Mayhem passed Discord, for the first time, understood what he and his father were doing to our ponies. I am not naive to think he will ever be a good person, but at the very least his heart has been opened, and I wish to use that opening to gain a powerful asset for Equestria,” she explained.

Luna took a moment to think about what Celestia had said before replying, “Celestia, loss is powerful, but I do not think it could add even a smidgen of light to a heart as black as his. Someone like him deserves ten-fold the pain he has inflicted upon others,” she sneered. “However, it does us no good to quarrel, what’s done is done. So instead I leave you with this: Celestia, you are an idiot who is far too kind,” she jested, blowing a raspberry at Celestia.

The two shared a laugh and Luna continued, “So sister, how do you plan on turning Discord of all ponies into an ally?”

“I have given the job to my student Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” she explained. “I will be truthful, I do not think Twilight or any of her friends can reform him except for one, her friend Fluttershy.”

“Praytell, why do you think this, Fluttershy, could achieve such a feat?”

“Fluttershy is linked to the Element of Kindness,” Celestia stated.

“Ah, you plan to use the slight empathic abilities it grants.”

“Yes, It should be the edge needed to reach him. However, if the plan fails Twilight can seal him with the elements. And if that fails, I have left her with a dozen of Equestria’s best guards. And if somehow they fail, I have inserted a soldier of the Coming Dawn into the stationed guards. I may be an ‘idiot who is far too kind,’ but I’m an idiot who makes backup plans,” she proudly answered.

The name Coming Dawn piqued Luna’s interest, “Coming Dawn? So, you did take my suggestion of creating a group like the Full Moon.”

“Well with you banished, I didn’t have the time to handle threats outside Equestria myself. And I couldn’t use the Full Moon as they were loyal to only you and disbanded,” Celestia explained.

“So then who i-” before Luna could finish she was interrupted.

“Your Majesties, a letter has arrived through royal fire” a guard stated as he entered the room.

“Sorry Luna, but we’ll have to continue later,” Celestia explained as she tore open the letter and began to read.

“‘Tis fine sister,” Luna assured.

The room grew silent as Celestia read. Her face went from disappointment to utter confusion. “It seems I was wrong in thinking Discord could be redeemed, but thankfully all is mostly ok. However, something unexpected has happened,” she told Luna.

“And what would that be?” Luna questioned.

“According to this letter, Discord had a baby,” Celestia answered.

The room once again grew silent until it was cut by Luna’s befuddled voice, “What…”

“The creature is just over there captain,” Twilight said as she pointed towards her friends and the statue of Discord.

Captain Triple nodded and proceeded to walk toward the three surrounding the creature. Following closely behind the captain, Twilight and the soldiers could see the creature coiled in rope.

“You three,” Captain Triple said to Twilight’s friends, “move away from the creature. We’ll take things from here on.” He then looked behind himself, “Unicorns, erect the barrier.”

“Sir!” four unicorn guards said in unison. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie went to Twilight’s side as the unicorn guards took station around the statue and creature. The guards’ horns glowed as they channeled their magic in unison. From their horns, streams of magic shot above the statue, and a barrier of magic slowly formed. When the barrier reached the ground, a quiet whine could be heard as it dug through the ground.

Captain Triple turned to Twilight and her friends, “This spell should be able to hold this thing for at least two hours if it’s as strong as Discord. It’s a physical magic distortion barrier taught to them by Celestia herself. Nothing gets in nor out; magic included. And it would take the physical strength of a dragon to even crack it.”

“Thank you for the reassurances captain,” Rarity said.

“Sir, the letter has been sent,” a guard said as he approached the group of five.

“Thank you, Private Pace. Now, I need you to interrogate Lady Sparkle and her friends about what happened before we arrived. Be thorough,” the captain ordered. He then turned toward the rest of the soldiers, “Pegasi, prepare an assault in case the creature breaks free. And you two remaining earth-ponies, patrol the area and ensure no one sees. I don’t need a civilian seeing all this and getting the town into a panic. If any of you need me I will be with the unicorns devising a course of action for when Princess Celestia arrives, understood?”

“Yes sir!” the remaining six soldiers chanted. The four pegasi took to the sky, while the earth-ponies went in opposite directions. Captain Triple walked over to one of the unicorns and began talking to him, leaving Twilight and her friends alone with Private Pace.

Private Pace cleared his throat and took a notebook and quill in hoof, “Well I guess we should get started. My name’s Private Fast Pace. May I get each of your names?”

Pinkie Pie giggled, “You should already know silly, you’re one of the ponies guarding us.”

“Well yes I do know, but it’s for protocol and formalities,” Fast Pace said.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Pinkie said.

Fast Pace took a moment to write in his notebook. “I guess we can skip the names and dive right on in. Tell me everything that happened today.”

Chapter 5 - New World

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Adam felt as if he had just had the best sleep. Phone must’ve died, he thought to himself. Feeling content, Adam basked in the afterglow with his eyes close. Being able to sleep in was the only good thing to come from failing university. He would’ve laid there until the end of time, however, an itch from his stomach disturbed his peace. When he attempted to scratch it, he found that he couldn’t.

With a yawn, Adam opened his eyes to investigate. This isn’t my room, he thought to himself. He was outside laying in the grass. He looked up and in front of him was some kind of alien horse-thing in armor. With a yelp, he tried to back away but failed. He was bound by rope; limiting his movement to useless squirming.

Looking back up at the alien, Adam realized where he was. An excitement like no other filled his heart. He had made it to Equestria. No need to worry about education. No need to worry about failed friendships. No need to worry about disappointed parents. All of those problems were a universe away.

Though much of his new body was wrapped firmly making it hard to see all the differences, Adam could tell he wasn’t human anymore. Oh yeah, the contract, he remembered. He tried to get a good look at his body, but could only see his legs and tail because of the ropes.

With little else to do, he began to observe what was in front of him. From what he could tell, he was in a barrier; surrounded by horse-things. They must’ve been the ones Discord was talking about. They were just as fantastical looking as Discord as well. He placed the aliens into two categories: Not-Horses and Not-Unicorns. He called them Not-Whatevers due to them only vaguely resembling horses and unicorns. Most were in armor wielding various weapons, soldiers more than likely, but there were four who weren’t; civilians maybe?

Looking behind himself, Adam saw a hunk of stone. It took him a moment to realize that it was a statue, a statue of Discord. Immediately dread overtook him. No way, he thought. The figure had to be Discord’s remains. He had said that Adam could be sealed in stone and now he knew why he said that: it was what had happened to him.

Adam didn’t want to find out if they were going to do the same to him. His “Draconequi Hunters” theory was looking accurate at the moment. Not wanting to die so soon after getting to Equestria, Adam began to wrestle against his bindings again. It was fruitless however, whoever bound him made sure he would never escape.

“I then ran towards town and met you all,” Twilight concluded.

Fast Pace was writing every word Twilight spoke onto a notepad. “Thank you Lady Sparkle. With how thorough your retelling was, you might’ve earned me a promotion,” Fast Pace jokingly said as he showed them the many newly filled pages of his notebook, earning a chuckle from the group.

“You don’t have to use my title by the way.” Twilight hated it when her title was used. Being Princess Celestia’s student made her a noble according to the old laws, however, she hated being associated with the often-called House of Snobs.

“Sorry ma’am no can do.” Fast Pace stood straight and began a perfect impression of Captain Triple, “You dishonor her Majesty by breaking the guard's honor code, no matter how small an infraction.” His voice returned to normal, “Captain’s pretty strict on that.”

“You’re gooood. Sounds exactly like Captain Triple!” Pinkie Pie complimented.

“So is there anything else you need from us?” Rarity asked.

“No, you girls are free to do whatever you-” Fast Pace began.

“Captain! The creature is awake!” came a startled voice from a unicorn guard with red highlights on his armor. Captain Triple quickly ceased his planning and turned around to look inside the barrier, while Twilight and the rest of the group ran to the side of the guard who first noticed to get a look at the creature.

The guard held his hoof out to prevent everyone from getting too close, “Captain what should we do?” the guard said.

“Continue to observe. I don’t want to take any risks until Her Majesty arrives.” Captain Triple said.

Twilight stared at the creature inside and felt conflicted. She had been brash in having it be bound, and now she was feeling regret. She wanted to see past what she saw but it looked like an innocent foal to her. “This is wrong,” she muttered.

“Steel your heart Sparkle,” Fast Pace said from her side. “It may look like a foal but this is Discord we’re dealing with. For all we know, it’s faking, and if this barrier were to come down it would find some way to kill us all.” His words flowed like ice.

Twilight looked over to Fast Pace and for a second didn’t recognize him. It was a subtle shift in the way he carried himself, yet it made him unrecognizable.

Pinkie Pie stomped a hoof down, “Fast Pace, that’s crazy. Discord didn’t try to kill anyone and he had tons of chances to. What makes this foal any different?”

It was like a switch flipped and in an instant Fast Pace’s demeanor switched back. “Oh, sorry. It’s just you know all the stories about him,” he said flustered, “like all the cruel things he’d do to families back during medieval Equestria.”

“Yeah, and those are just stories. The real Discord was a little mean, yeah, but it seemed like he just wanted everyone to have fun,” Pinkie Pie argued.

“Yeah, I’m sure he did,” Fast Pace said sarcastically.

Applejack decided to chime in. “I’m with Fast Pace. There’s always some truth to a story, and I wouldn’t doubt that Discord was just playin’ nice since we had the elements.”

Pinkie Pie scoffed, “AJ, not all stories are true!”

“Yeah but if enough of ‘em are all about the same thing, something in them’s gotta be true,” Applejack retorted.

“You’re both wrong,” Rarity interjected, “As someone who loves a bit of gossip, most stories aren’t true.”

“See? Rarity agrees,” Pinke Pie smugly proclaimed.

“Now wait a minute darling, I’m not finished. Most of them aren’t true because they get exaggerated. Maybe in the past Discord did hurt some ponies, but I doubt he ever burned down villages…ok, somewhat doubt it.” Rarity said.

Maybe Luna was right, Celestia thought as she rode her chariot toward Ponyville with two solar guards. She had planned for many things, but Discord leaving behind a “baby” was something he wouldn’t do. Ok, she was lying to herself, leaving behind a baby was something Discord would definitely do. Celestia commanded her chariot to descend to the ground. Upon landing, Captain Triple came to welcome her. She and the two Solar Guards that had accompanied her exited the chariot.

“Captain,” she greeted.

“Your majesty,” the captain said with a salute.

“Triple Trouble, please explain to me what has happened. The letter I received was lacking detail.”

The captain turned to Twilight’s group. “Fast Pace, come hand Her Majesty your notes,” he yelled.

“Yes sir,” Fast Pace called back, hurrying over to the two. He handed the princess his notes, which she took with her magic.

A smile crept on her face as she read through, “My student is always thorough with the details isn’t she?”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Fast Pace chuckled.

When Celestia finished reading the notes she began to ponder. According to Twilight, the plan had been going fine. But now that Discord was potentially sealed it had fallen through. Two scenarios ran through her head: It could be Discord faking or an immature clone. The only beneficial one would be that the foal left behind was a clone. She could mold it to be a defender of Equestria as originally intended for Discord.

“Captain, what do you know of the foal? Has it shown any signs of aggression?” Celestia asked.

“No, Your Majesty. It was unconscious until a few minutes before you arrived. So far all it’s done is an attempt to free itself from the bindings placed upon it.”

“You’ve had it bound?” she quickly asked.

“Lady Sparkle had Applejack tie it in ropes when she came for the guard.” Fast Pace explained.

Celestia sighed. That would make things harder. A terrible first impression, but she wouldn’t waste an opportunity even if it wasn’t in her favor. “I’ve formed a plan. Captain, be ready for battle with my two solar guards if it fails.”

“And what is this plan, Your Majesty?” he questioned.

Celestia chuckled. She and Captain Triple would have this conversation often when the two worked together. It bemused her he was still asking as she would always give the same answer. “If I told you, Captain, you would disapprove as you usually do.”

The captain facehooved and grumbled, “Why do you always do this?”

Celestia chuckled and turned to Fast Pace. “Fast Pace, I will need to talk with you in private when I am done,” she told him.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Fast Pace said.

“Now then, wish me luck you three.”

“We wouldn’t need luck if she told us the plan,” the captain complained. The solar guards nodded in agreement.

Adam watched the group of not-horse-civilians converse with each other on the other side of the barrier. He had been tricked by Discord as far as he knew. The not-horses weren’t pacifists at all it seemed and were probably preparing his execution. He still didn’t know why Discord went through the trouble of sending him here.

They would occasionally look at him and he would purposefully look into their eyes. If they’re going to kill me then they're going to feel bad about it, Adam had thought. He noticed that they quieted down and looked past him, behind the Discord statue. He would’ve looked as well but the statue blocked him from seeing.

As he waited he heard what sounded like a sci-fi airlock opening. Within an instant, the air went ablaze. It was as if the sun was next to him, burning him. Two pairs of gold-cladded white hooves came into Adams's vision causing him to look up. What he beheld was extraordinary and terrifying. It was an incredibly tall horse-thing that towered over him like a skyscraper. The horn it possessed was as long as a sword and as sharp as a spear. Its mane was multi-colored and flowed as though there was a breeze, and the golden regalia it wore was full of meticulous detail. A crown rested atop its head in between its mane and horn.

The God-Horse looked down at him intently, taking in every detail. “Do you understand me,” she calmly asked.

Adam opened his mouth but couldn’t find his words due to pain and fear. The aura the God-Horse was giving off made his body freeze as if it were trying to hide from a predator. The clueless God-Horse patiently waited for him to respond.

What eventually made it through was anything but words. A quiet squeak was all that managed to come out of Adam’s mouth. The God-Horse awkwardly looked back not expecting Adam’s response. Noise from outside the barrier caused Adam to follow the God-Horse’s gaze. The Not-Horse with a poofy mane was trying to yell into the barrier. It was pointing at the God-Horse and then at the ground.

A quiet, “Oh!” came from the God-Horse. “I’m sorry, sometimes I forget my height can be intimidating.” She said as she lay down on her stomach.

Celestia expected the foal to look like a mini-Discord. But what she saw was a filly, which would’ve meant it was Discord in disguise. But that couldn’t be true, Twilight had confirmed it lacked magic. One could suppress their magic to hide it with enough practice, but spells needed the caster's magic to be open to persist. So it had to be a new life, but without any other draconequi around how could Discord have a child?

That’s going to need an investigation later, she thought. However, its origin didn’t matter to her plan. If she couldn’t get Discord, she could instead get his presumed child. All she had to do is show the filly the kindness of Equestria and harmony.

“Now let’s try this again,” she said warmly. Laying on her stomach, she used her magic to untie the filly. Captain Triple was no doubt angry now, but she needed to handle this as “The Mother of Equestria” rather than “The Princess of Equestria.”

“My name is Celestia. Do you have a name?” she asked. The filly didn’t respond.

Celestia wasn’t that scary…was she? “Is there something wrong?” she asked worryingly, placing a hoof on her side.

“It burns,” the filly groaned.

Celestia realized the problem. She took a deep breath and suppressed her Will. I’m messing this up. I didn’t expect her to be able to feel my aura, she thought.

Immediately the filly stopped shaking with the disappearance of Celestia’s aura. “I’m so sorry for that,” Celestia said, “Are you ok?”

Celestia watched as the filly had trouble rising to her feet. “Yeah,” was all she said before trying to run away. The filly immediately tripped, landing on her face. “Ow, fuck!” squeaked the filly.

Celestia chuckled and lifted the foal with her magic before putting them back down on their two legs. “Still ok?” she jokingly asked. The filly remained quiet.

“Please, I don’t intend to harm you. If you just answer a few questions we’ll let you out, okay.” she bargained.

The filly thought it over for a second and agreed with a simple, “Okay.”

“As I said, my name is Celestia. Do you have a name?” she asked.

“Yes, my name is-” the foal’s voice cut out before it could finish. “My name is-” once again the filly stopped before telling. She scowled in frustration muttering under her breath. She kept trying to tell Celestia her name but wouldn’t finish, getting more frustrated with each failed attempt. With a yell, she turned around and punched the statue of Discord with her wing. “Agh, why?” she yelled in pain.

“Why would you do that? Let me see your wing,” Celestia said, grabbing the filly’s wing before getting an answer. “You should be careful, wings are fragile and break easily—” upon closer inspection of the filly’s wing, Celestia discovered that she had claws beneath her feathers, “—though I guess that doesn’t apply here. Well still, you shouldn’t be hitting any part of your body against hard stone.”

“So…” Celestia said getting the conversation back on track, “I’m guessing you don’t have a name?”

“I…” the filly sighed, “no.”

“Well then, how about I give you one?” Celestia offered. Putting a hoof to her chin, she hummed in thought. “How about…Dizzy?”

The foal gave Celestia an incredulous look. “Dizzy? That’s a bit lazy.”

Celestia chuckled. “It is, but you don’t have to keep it. I just don’t want to keep calling you foal or filly. Would you rather be Discord Juinor then?”

“No, Dizzy is good enough I guess,” Dizzy said.

“Dizzy it is then,” Celestia said happily. “Now then, my next question is, what do you know about Discord?”

Dizzy stayed silent for a second before speaking. “He was a lord of chaos, and he did his job by being a trickster. Umm, his dad was Mayhem and he was the lord of chaos before him.” The way Dizzy talked about Discord was as if she was liting facts from a history book and didn’t personally know him.

“I see. And what is Discord to you?” Celestia pressed. Any answer Dizzy gave could indirectly help Celestia know more about her creation.

When Dizzy attempted to speak nothing came from her mouth once again. Dizzy thought momentarily before speaking, “He’s my…father. He said he needed me to succeed him as lord of chaos. Look, I don’t know what he did, just please don’t turn me to stone and kill me.”

“Is that why you were scared earlier? We would never turn a foal into stone,” she assured. “Besides, Discord isn’t dead. Stone sealing is a form of imprisonment.”

“So you’re not hunting draconequi?” Dizzy asked.

Celestia chuckled. “No.” The filly was an enigma. Celestia wished she had been there when Discord was sealed to see how Dizzy was made. The answers Dizzy gave just left more questions to be asked later. “Now, let’s get you out of here,” she said.

Adam followed Celestia to the edge of the barrier. It was awkward walking with his mismatched legs. As he followed her everything felt surreal. The mixture of excitement and fear left him confused about how he should act. His body told him to run and his brain asked how, where, and why.

It didn’t help that the not-horses were hard to gauge. They had him contained in some kind of bubble surrounded by soldiers. Yet Celestia was telling him that they didn’t want to harm him. Would he have run if given the chance? Well, he tried to earlier and he could barely take a step before falling. Where would I even go? he thought.

They reached the edge of the barrier. “Wait here a moment,” Celestia said. Her horn went alight and a hole appeared in the barrier. She passed through the barrier and Adam watched as she began to converse with the other not-horses.

While waiting, Adam turned and scowled at the statue of Discord. “You couldn’t let me keep my name!?He yelled. Being a Merkur was something Adam prided himself on. They had fled Norway for a better life in the U.S. and over decades became one of the wealthiest families in the states. In a way, Adam wanted to do the same in Equestria and make his forefathers proud. Become a great figure and have the Merkur name be well regarded. However, it seemed Discord had deemed his name “forbidden knowledge.” Would it be the same if it wasn’t his family name and was instead a name like-

“Dizzy, are you ready?” Celestia asked. Adam was shaken from his thought’s by a nudge from Celestia.

Adam thought it was pointless to ask him that since he was at their mercy. “Sure,” he said. Celestia nodded and pointed a hoof into the air. Adam watched as the barrier disintegrated into the air, leaving a circle carved into the ground.

Most of the not-horses had left leaving only two in sun-themed armor with Adam and Celestia. “Where did everyone else go?” he asked.

“Well since you’re not dangerous, having so many guards around is unnecessary. These two here are a part of my personal guard.” Celestia said.

“So then why do you need personal guards if I’m not dangerous?” Adam asked

“Oh, I didn’t tell you did I? I’m the princess of this land,” Celestia nonchalantly.

They were so afraid of me and yet they send their princess? Then again, the air was practically on fire from her earlier. Adam thought. “So they’re just here for appearances?” he said.

The guards both raised an eyebrow, taking offense to essentially being called useless. Celestia chuckled. “You’re very blunt Dizzy. Anyway, there’s a lot that needs to be taken care of due to your arrival. So we must get going.”

Going where? Adam thought.

Lost Annals - 1

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During the prehistoric times before Ancient Equestria, the world was magicless. From the need for new energy, Old Magic was bound to Equis.

Chapter 6 - Introductions

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Adam followed Celestia through the nearby town. The streets were empty of civilians, with guards stationed periodically to keep watch. To Adam, the town appeared straight out of a medieval history book, but there were oddities here and there that hinted at a more modern touch. For instance, the village had lamp posts resembling those from the early 1900s, painted in bright colors.

As they walked, Adam stumbled occasionally. His new body was unfamiliar, and his muscle memory fought against the changes. Unexpectedly, Celestia lifted him onto her back without a word, carrying him the rest of the way. The expressionless masks of the two Solar Guards morphed into frowns, while Adam's face turned red with embarrassment.

During the walk, Adam asked Celestia questions to familiarize himself. He learned that the "Not-Horses" were actually called Ponies. Celestia and her sister held the highest authority in the land, ruling from the capital city of Canterlot.

Celestia behaved nothing like Adam’s idea of royalty. She had willingly put herself alone with a potential threat and even carried him for his comfort. Her demeanor was relaxed and calm, her voice motherly rather than commanding or demeaning. If Celestia held any ill will towards Adam, she was expertly concealing it. However, Adam doubted that she harbored any ill intentions in the first place.

When they finally stopped, they stood in front of what appeared to be a tree. Adam soon realized that the tree was actually a building. At first, he thought it had been built to mimic a tree, but the falling leaves told a different story. The aliens had somehow hollowed out the tree while keeping it alive, and the best explanation Adam could come up with was magic.

"Here we are," Celestia said, knocking on the door. Almost immediately, the door swung open, revealing a familiar purple Unicorn on the other side. She was slightly taller than Adam, with slightly messy purple and pink hair.

"Princess! Come on in, I've made tea," she said, her face momentarily showing confusion as she noticed Adam riding on Celestia's back.

Celestia chuckled at her reaction. "Thank you, Twilight. Some refreshments will be nice since we have a lot to discuss."

As they entered, one of the solar guards stayed outside to keep watch, while the rest proceeded into the cozy-looking library within the hollowed-out tree. Bookshelves lined the left and right walls, and the back wall featured two doors and a staircase leading up. In the center of the library, two circular tables were arranged. One table was occupied by a guard and several other ponies enjoying tea, while the other was covered in papers, books, and even some jewelry.

"Hey there, Princess," greeted a bipedal lizard-thing at one of the bookshelves, dumping papers into a bin. He was as tall as Twilight and had purple and green scales. He ran over to Celestia who nuzzled him and then leaned over to Twilight. "Is that the baby Pinkie was talking about?" he whispered a little too loudly.

"Yes Spike, but it's not a baby," Twilight corrected him.

"Obviously, they're almost as big as me," he said, chuckling.

Twilight gestured for everyone to join her at the populated table. The remaining solar guard stationed himself at the back of the library near the stairs, while the rest sat at the table. Celestia lowered herself to allow Adam to slide off of her back.

All the ponies sat on large pillow cushions, except for Spike, who occupied the only chair in the room. the room. Adam looked around for a place to sit but realized there were no remaining cushions.

"Um, there's nowhere for me to sit," he said mostly to Celestia. Adam wasn't the shy type, but Celestia was the only creature he was comfortable with due to exposure.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to come with the Princess," Twilight quickly apologized.
There was remorse in her voice that didn't make sense to Adam.

It isn’t that big of a deal? Adam thought.

"Spike, can you fetch a cushion from upstairs?" Twilight asked.

"On it," Spike replied, promptly getting up and disappearing up the stairs.

"While we wait for Spike to return, let us introduce ourselves to Dizzy," Celestia suggested. "As you already know, Dizzy, I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and bringer of the day." She flicked her hoof, signaling Twilight to continue the introductions.

Twilight straightened herself before beginning her introduction, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia’s protégé."—her posture faltered a bit—"I'm sorry about earlier."

Confused, Adam asked, "Earlier? What do you mean?"

Twilight tapped her hooves together and avoided eye contact. "I'm the one who had you…umm…tied up," she explained. Now the guilt in her voice over a cushion made a little more sense, though Adam still found it strange.

"It's alright. I get why you did it. After all, I am…Discord’s kid," Adam reassured. "Apology accepted." A small smile appeared on Twilight’s muzzle, indicating her relief.

Adam turned to the next pony for their introduction. Next to Twilight was a vibration chamber in the shape of a pink pony. The pony introduced herself enthusiastically, saying, "Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's number-one party extraordinaire!” Adam couldn't tell if her energetic behavior was due to drugs or just her natural disposition. "I was the one who found you next to Discord’s statue. When I saw you, I was all like, 'Daww, Discord had a baby!' And then I realized you were why my Pinkie Sense was all wonky! It wasn't just telling me I was meeting a new pony, but that I was meeting the newly born baby of a villain!"

Pinkie Pie paused to take a deep breath before exclaiming, "Wait!" Everyone leaned back, caught off guard by her sudden change in tone. Pinkie Pie's already fast talking doubled in speed. "If you were born today, that means it's your birthday! That means not only do I need to plan your 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, but also your birthday party! Be right back!"

Pinkie Pie sped off to the door but was stopped in her tracks by a magic pull to her tail. "Miss Pie, you can plan your parties later," Celestia said, amused. "We still have to discuss the issue of Dizzy."

Celestia released her magical grip, and Pinkie Pie sat on her haunches, rubbing the back of her neck. "Sorry, it's just so exciting. This almost beats the first time I met Twilight. I mean it's not every day you get to meet a villain's cutie-pie of a baby!" Adam's cheeks turned red at her comment.

"I understand, Dizzy is very cute," Adam's embarrassment was turning into annoyance, "Now, come join us back at the table," Celestia said.

But before Pinkie Pie could make her way back, Spike re-entered the room. "Hey Pinkie, catch!" he called from the back of the library. With surprising dexterity, Pinkie Pie jumped and caught the cushion in mid-air.

"Here you go Dizzy," Pinkie Pie said cheerily.

Adam took the plush and soft pillow into his claws. It felt incredibly comfortable, and he assumed it must have been expensive. "Um, thanks, Pinkie Pie."

"No problem!" Pinkie Pie said as she returned to her own cushion. Spike returned to his seat next to Twilight.

Adam placed his cushion next to Celestia. It took him a few embarrassing tries to find a comfortable sitting position. Sitting like he used to was out of the question. Taking cues from the ponies, Adam adopted a similar pose. After a few adjustments, he found a surprisingly comfortable position. Around the table, a few of the creatures wore slightly bemused expressions.

With Adam comfortably seated, the pony next to Pinkie Pie took over. "Howdy, Dizzy, I'm Applejack. I'd like to issue an apology as well. I'm the one who did all the tying for the rope, you see," she said.

"Like I said to Twilight, I get it," Adam said.

"I'm glad then. I'm hopin' we can have better relations than what we had with your…father," Applejack said, still getting used to the idea of Discord having a kid.

"Me too, I guess."

An awkward silence set in as Adam waited for the next pony to introduce itself. The unicorn looked into Adam's eyes as though they were searching for something. Applejack gave the pony a hidden nudge and a not-so-quiet, "Rarity."

Rarity gave a look of discontent to Applejack before introducing herself. "Sorry," she said, "my name is Rarity." Everyone waited for her to tell a little about herself like Pinkie Pie, but she remained silent.

It was clear to Adam that Rarity was unsure about him, and he could understand why. Discord was their enemy, and now they were faced with his supposed son. For all she knew, Adam could be Discord in disguise. He had no idea what Discord did to get sealed, but it clearly upset Rarity enough to dislike anything related to him. He didn't know what to say to reassure her, so he chose to remain silent for the moment.

The last pony cleared his throat to finish off the introductions. "Hello, Dizzy. My name is Private Fast Pace, Equestrian Royal Guard courier. I would say 'nice to meet you,' however today isn't the nicest of days," he jested, but the joke fell flat. Celestia was the only one to chuckle, whether it was genuine or out of pity, Adam didn't know.

"What about him?" Adam said, pointing to Spike.

"Well, you've already heard my name. I'm Spike, Spike the Dragon," he said.

Adam was a little surprised that wingless Spike was a dragon. "You're a dragon? Like the fire-breathing kind?"

"Yep! I know I don't look like it, but that's because I haven't reached my first molt. Once I'm old enough I'll get my wings! I can breathe fire if you want me to prove it though," he said proudly.

"Keep it small and away from the walls Spike. Your normal breath burns, unlike messaging flames," Twilight warned.

"Yeah yeah, I know. You're not my Mom, and I'm not a baby you know," he bantered.

"Yes, Spike, I'm not," Twilight agreed, "but I am your sister and the librarian."

Spike stood up from Twilight's side and walked over to Adam. He crouched down to be eye-level with Adam and said, "Look closely, blowing softly can make the flame hard to see."

With a short breath, Spike blew out a soft stream of air. Small flames danced out of his mouth until he stopped. Adam's myth-filled mind was in awe as he witnessed what was the closest thing to a real dragon blowing fire in front of him.

"Awesome," Adam muttered. His friend Alex would be blown away by Spike.

"I know, right?" Spike said, returning to his seat.

Celestia stood to focus attention on her. "Now then, I want to thank you all for trying your hardest to reform Discord. Especially you, Twilight. I know you must have planned extensively," Celestia said, looking at the bin filled with papers. "And I know all of us prepared somewhat for failure. However, Discord leaving Dizzy behind is something none of us could have foreseen.

"Dizzy, I have a question to ask you. I need you to answer honestly," she asked.

"Umm, okay," Adam said.

"What do you wish to do as the Lord of Chaos," she asked.

The question was sharp, contrasting her kind appearance so far. It was clearly meant to catch him off guard and assess his allegiance.

Adam needed to think of the best way to answer it. The contract bound him to fulfill his duty. It didn't list any punishments for breaking it, but it would be foolish to break a contract with essentially "god." If what Discord said about the aliens was correct, they were opposed to chaos out of ignorance, and maybe he could use that to his advantage.

"I don't know," he said.

For the briefest of moments, Celestia smiled. Adam continued, "I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but chaos is necessary for the world. And I…I will fulfill my duty as a Lord of Chaos,” he said, causing Celestia to frown.

Silence reigned as everyone contemplated what he said. Fast Pace placed his hooves onto the table, stared straight into Adam's eyes, and coldly said, "How can you claim not to be our enemy when you just admitted you would sow chaos throughout Equestria?"

"If you mean destruction or anything Discord has done, that's not going to happen. I'll…" Adam thought back to his lesson from Discord, "I’ll find my own way. A way that benefits everyone."

Celestia, deep in thought, turned to Applejack with a questioning look. Applejack gave a simple nod in response that satisfied Celestia. "I will trust your word Dizzy," she said neutrally.

"Princess?" Fast Pace questioned, annoyance clear in his voice. Celestia shook her head, causing him to stand down. He took a deep breath and returned to his seat.

"My little ponies, I have a new mission for all of you," Celestia said, "Just like with Discord, I want you to show Dizzy the wonders of Equestria and friendship.

"To assist with this, I have appointed Fast Pace as Dizzy's legal guardian. Judging by her physical appearance, she seems to be around fourteen years old, which means she needs a guardian by law. Once I return to Canterlot, I will start the process of providing them with housing support. Until then, I'll need one of you to offer them a place to stay."

All eyes turned to Applejack. "What?" she asked, puzzled.

"Aren't you going to show them some of that Sweet Apple Hospitality?" Pinkie Pie suggested.

"I'd love to. However, the house ain't got any guest rooms. I'll do it if the rest of yall can't, but I'd prefer not to offer them just a couch," Applejack explained.

Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie. "The library only has two rooms. Pinkie, do you think Mr. and Mrs. Cake could offer a room?" she asked.

"Hmm, maybe if we gave them a notice in advance. I'm kinda already taking up the guest room. Rarity?" Pinkie Pie said.

Rarity bit her lip. "Ngh, are you sure that…Dizzy is trustworthy," she asked cautiously.

"Truthfully, no," Celestia admitted, causing Adam to feel a pang of disappointment. "If you're worried about any chaos being caused at your home, Twilight scanned Dizzy earlier and confirmed that she is currently powerless."

"Yes, I know, but Twilight can't sense a typical unicorn, if I recall correctly. It doesn't take much power to start a fire," Rarity expressed her worry.

Adam bowed his head down for an apology, he hoped that gesture would transfer to ponies. "If it means anything, I'm sorry for what Discord has done in the past," he said.

Once again, Rarity stared at Adam. "Discord would never apologize," she muttered under her breath. "Alright, I'll do it. The boutique's guest room has a princess-sized bed; that should be big enough for the two of you."

"Don't worry Miss Rarity. If Dizzy causes any trouble, I'll be your knight in shining armor and reign 'em in," Fast Pace assured.

Rarity fluttered her eyes playfully. "I'll hold you to that, my handsome knight," she teased, but Fast Pace didn't react to the attempted teasing.

"That covers what I needed all of you here for. Pinkie Pie and Applejack, you're free to leave; please tell Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy what we discussed," Celestia instructed.

"You got it, Princess," Pinkie Pie confirmed.

"Be seein' you all,'' Applejack said as she and Pinkie Pie left through the door, with Applejack giving a smile to Dizzy before disappearing.

Before the door closed, Pinkie Pie popped her head back in, her face suddenly serious and her voice cold. "Dizzy, get ready for the greatest party you'll ever experience. I'll make your first party so grand that no other party will compare, IN. YOUR. LIFE...

BYEEEE!" she cheerfully declared before trotting off.

Why did she say that so creepily? Adam thought.

"If you all wouldn't mind, I have a few things to discuss with Twilight, and I'd like some privacy with her," Celestia said.

"Mrs. Rarity, why don't we discuss our living arrangement in the kitchen?" Fast Pace suggested.

"Sure. Twilight you don't mind if I grab a small snack do you? Today's events have left me famished," Rarity asked.

"Be my guest. Rarity. Spike, why don’t you show Dizzy your comic collection?" Twilight suggested.

"Yeah, sure!" Spike replied with a grin. "Follow me, Dizzy."

Spike led Adam up the stairs, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the hallway. As soon as Adam was out of Celestia's view, he overheard her playful remark, "How cute, Spike invited a filly to his room."

"PRINCESS!?" Twilight exclaimed, earning a hearty laugh from Celestia.

The unseen exchange left Adam with one question, "Spike, what's a filly?"

Twilight's face burned red with embarrassment. She couldn't believe what she heard her mentor say and was too flustered to reprimand her for it.

"Calm down, Twilight. He'll be inviting them over soon if he hasn't already, he is sixteen after all," Celestia remarked.

"Yes, but it's embarrassing to be joking about my little brother like that!" she complained, covering her face.

Celestia allowed herself a final chuckle, giving Twilight some time to compose herself. "So, Twilight, I've received a few complaints about you from Captain Triple," Celestia began.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I'm not used to having guards around for this stuff. Whenever you've sent us to solve an issue, you've always sent just me and the girls. I just... forgot about them during my planning," Twilight explained, feeling remorseful.

"No excuses, Twilight," Celestia reprimanded gently. "In the future, you will be working with the guard more often, and I need you to get used to them. I may have overwhelmed you with the task of reforming Discord, and I'm sorry about that, but you should've remembered to keep the guard informed."

"Yes, Princess," Twilight replied, her head hung low.

Celestia trotted over to her and nuzzled her gently. "Twilight, you're not in trouble, so raise your head," she affirmed. "However, I don't want a repeat of this. The next time something similar happens, I will be considering Captain Triple's suggestion of punishing you."

"Don't worry, Princess, you won't need to," Twilight assured her.

"I know I won't," Celestia responded with a smile.

"Princess, I have a question."

"Yes, Twilight?" Celestia inquired.

"Did you already plan for us to teach Dizzy? Fast Pace wasn't surprised that he'd be her guardian."

"Somewhat, yes. I had asked him if he would be willing to take on that role if I deemed Dizzy to not be an immediate threat," Celestia explained.

"Do you think Dizzy is tricking us?" Twilight questioned with curiosity.

"Truthfully, I do not know. History has taught us that Chaos Lords are not to be trusted. But Discord wasn't like his predecessors, and I have faith that Dizzy will be the same," Celestia expressed, her voice laced with hope.

"What do you mean, 'what's a filly?' Oh! I guess draconequi use a different term, like dragons," Spike replied.

"Yeah something like that," Adam said half-heartedly. In truth he already had a guess as to what it meant, hearing it once or twice before, but he wanted confirmation.

"Well, it means girl, basically," he said as he opened the door to his room.

There it was, another fuck you from Discord. Adam didn't know if Discord was messing with him for kicks-and-giggles or just wanted Adam to suffer.

The anger he wanted to feel was distant, muddled in the haze of all his other emotions. All the excitement, fear, relief, anxiety, and anger from the day had been compressed into a confusing soup that left him feeling disconnected from reality. "Do you have a mirror?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, let me go fetch it from my closet. Why do you need it?" Spike inquired, heading in.

Adam followed closely behind. "I was just…made today, so I kinda don't know how I look."

"Oh yeah. You're so calm that it's hard to remember that," he remarked, disappearing into the closet on the left side of his room. Adam took the opportunity to survey the room while he waited.

Spike's room was cozy, filled with pony analogs of geek culture. Posters of pony superheroes adorned the walls, though one was an anime-like poster that seemed out of place. On the opposite side of the room from Adam, a lone window provided natural light. Below the window was a bookshelf stocked with comics. Pony figurines and a box set with characters reminiscent of the singular anime poster sat atop the bookshelf.

To the right was Spike's bed and a nightstand. Surprisingly, the bedsheets were plain blue. To the left was the closet door, which Spike had left cracked open. Adam could only guess what was inside since no one here wore clothes, except for the guards and Celestia. Which reminded him that he had, luckily, not glimpsed any unwanted sights.

The closet door creaked open as Spike emerged, carefully pushing out a mirror. "Here we are," he announced. "Mind the dust. I don't normally take it out of the closet, but I don't need Twilight coming in and getting the wrong idea if she saw us in the closet together," he added. It took a moment for Adam to catch Spike's implication.

"Right," Adam replied. The mirror was large, standing tall enough for Adam to see his entire body. As expected, he resembled Discord, but younger. His eyes were mismatched like Discord's, but thankfully, they were just different colors instead of different sizes. One eye was red, akin to Discord's, while the other was blue, reminiscent of Adam's original eyes. His long black hair had carried over to this new body, but it appeared less greasy and much fluffier. A plume of white downy feathers adorned his neck and upper chest, resembling those of a griffon vulture, only larger.

"I look ridiculous," Adam muttered.

Spike raised a questioning eyebrow, "Good ridiculous, or bad ridiculous?"

"Bad," Adam replied bluntly.

"I disagree. Yeah, you may be mismatched like Discord, but you're way better looking—kinda cute even," he said, oblivious to the accidental flirtation. Spike seemed more aware of how his actions could be misconstrued than his words.

"Cute…" Adam mumbled.

Adam moved on to his body. Feathers adorned his arms, resembling those of a velociraptor. He wondered if he could fly with them. His entire upper body was covered in small feathers that, upon closer inspection, seamlessly transitioned into fur toward his lower half.

Unlike the fur and feathers of his body, the scales of his tail weren’t seamless, separating his tail from his lower body. His tail was long to aid with balance and ended with a flowing cascade of long fur.

Curiosity prompted Adam to check the inside of his mouth. To his surprise, his teeth resembled those of a wolf rather than a human. He turned around to try and see his back. With his arms outstretched, he had the vague silhouette of a bird. Maybe I can fly, he thought.

There was one thing left to check, the main reason he wanted a mirror. "Um Spike, can you…leave the room real quick?"

"Huh, why?" Spike questioned.

Adam took a moment to collect himself. "I'm checking…everything."

"Everything? But you just did." Spike replied, failing to grasp the underlying meaning.

Is he dense? Adam thought. "Just get out," he shooed, too embarrassed to elaborate.

"Alright, I'm goin'—I'm goin'. Just yell when I can come back in; I've got comics to show ya," Spike said.

Adam watched as Spike exited the room, waiting for the click of the door before turning back to the mirror. He hesitated, feeling a sense of dread as he prepared to confirm the change in his sex. Lying on his back, he faced the mirror and was surprised to find nothing where one would expect to find any sexual organs. Instead, there was only fur. Adam speculated that it was concealed beneath his fur, but the thought of physically checking made him apprehensive.

She sure is taking a while, Spike thought. Dizzy had been, strangely enough, not very interesting. For being Discord’s kid, her personality was entirely antithetical. He considered that maybe she had a lot on her mind or was just naturally shy.

Suddenly, a high-pitched yelp from his room interrupted his thoughts. "Are you okay in there?" he asked, his hand resting on the doorknob.

"Y-yeah I'm fine,” Dizzy sputtered. “ Just…surprised.”

Surprised? he mentally questioned. "You sure?"

"Yeah, you can, um, come back in now," Dizz hesitantly said.

Spike opened the door to see the burning red face of Dizzy. "So, done checking yourself out?"

"Yeah…" she quietly replied.

"Great! I can show you some of my comics," Spike said cheerfully.

He led Dizzy over to his bookshelf and began showing her some of his comics.

Adam was going to destroy that statue of Discord when he got the chance. His inspection did reveal that he was now, unfortunately, female, but thankfully his intimate parts remained hidden from view without contact. That would presumably explain why he didn't see the bits and bobs of everyone else. Although that left him with the question of why and how. He made the guess that it was because of magic. He would have to get a book on magic—biology—magical biology, whichever one had the explanation.

While Spike's comics didn't captivate Adam, he loved the opportunity to explore different cultures and used the comics to get his mind off the change. He listened intently as Spike provided brief explanations for each comic and showcased the accompanying artwork.

"What about those? They look completely different," Adam asked, pointing to the box set.

"Oh, those? They were a gift from my friend Fluttershy. When she found out I liked comics, she got me those for my birthday. She's really into Neighponeese comics, or 'manga' as she calls it," he explained.

Adam could imagine his friend, Alex, geeking out with Spike and Fluttershy over comics and manga if he was here. Alex had always been fascinated by fiction, specifically magic. In fact, he had embarked on a quest to find real magic, with Adam supporting him through research and investigation. It was those initial studies that facilitated the blossoming of Adam’s love for ancient cultures.

A sinking feeling enveloped Adam as he realized that he had inadvertently abandoned Alex and the people who mattered most to him. A lump formed in his throat, knowing that Alex would be the first to discover his absence. They had made plans to experiment with a theoretical ritual at Adam’s house, but now all that awaited his friend was an empty home. Adam fretted about the fate of his original body, praying it had been discarded rather than left behind. The mere thought of Alex stumbling upon his lifeless remains filled him with disgust.

"Are you okay?" Spike asked, concern evident in his voice from seeing Adam’s distraught face.

Adam replied with a simple, "Yeah."

Spike placed a comforting hand on Adam's shoulder. "If you're not really into the comics, we don't have to go through them, you know."

Adam avoided eye contact with Spike, the simple gesture reminded him of Alex. "No-No it's not the comics, I'm just…thinking about things," Adam said.

Spike made an unexpected offer that caught Adam off guard. "Want to talk about it?" Spike inquired.

Adam leaned out of Spike’s hand and quickly hid his emotions. "Here" —Adam picked up the box set— "why don't we read these. They're the first in the series right?"

Slightly taken aback by Adam’s change in attitude, Spike replied hesitantly, "Sure."

"We can even try doing, uh, voices," Adam suggested, hoping Spike would drop the question.

Spike chuckled at the idea. "Alright, let's give it a shot." Adam internally relaxed.

Taking out the first three books, Spiked went and clambered onto his bed, patting his side to indicate where Adam should sit. Adam followed along and Spike opened the book once hew was seated.

“I’ll do the narration,” Spike said. “Once upon a time, there lived a fox spirit…

Chapter 7 - New friends, new—

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"And then, in the blink of an eye, Rainbow Dash flew faster than I’d ever seen her go and shoved me out of the way," Twilight told Celestia.

After discussing the details of Dizzy with Twilight, Celestia had moved the conversation to lighter topics to catch up with the unicorn. She sipped her tea as Twilight recounted one of her recent escapades with her friends. The tale was about a journey that Twilight, Rainbowdash, and Applejack had taken into the Everfree Forest. The Timberwolves of the forest had become daring and needed to be dealt with.

"I thought she was going to take the hit, but somehow she was able to dodge it. One moment I was watching the wolf's paw coming down on her, the next she was behind it. Makes me feel like I should exercise more," she said, chuckling anxiously.

"I don't think simple exercise is going to make you as fast as Rainbow Dash," Celestia joked. "But I have to ask, what made you want to join those two, Twilight? You know you’re not a fighter. You could've gotten seriously injured.”

Twilight shifted awkwardly on her cushion. "Well, after facing King Sombra a few months ago, I realized that I'm woefully unprepared for real fights," she admitted. "So I went through the library and studied as much as I could to prepare against future threats. I figured that the timberwolves were perfect practice."

"I see," said Celestia thoughtfully. Using her magic, she levitated one of the library's combat books and moved it onto the table.

"Self-Defense for Defenseless Unicorns," Celestia read aloud, chuckling afterward. With a quick skim of the book she added, "Twilight, while informative, books like these are no good for anything more than fighting clueless ponies."

Twilight’s cheeks flushed "I know that. Which is why I’m not going to use the basic spells and techniques from the books.” Twilight teleported a piece of parchment filled to the brim with spell formulas and showed it to Celestia. “I’ve formed my own arsenal using the fundamentals it teaches. The difference between a stunning spell and a lethal one is just power, after all."

"Still, I insist you get formal training," Celestia pushed. "I'm sure one of the battle mages here would teach you. Yes, you are better off with the sharpest sword, but even the dullest blade will strike you if you can't wield your own."

Twilight fidgeted with her hooves. "Princess, I'm sure the Local Guard are far too busy to waste time teaching a random citizen battle magic."

"Nonsense. They would happily instruct you if I requested it," Celestia dismissed with a wave of her hoof.

"That's not fair to the guards," Twilight argued.

Celestia couldn't help but smile. "That's very humble of you, Twilight, but you are no ordinary citizen—you're my faithful student. It is my duty to ensure you have access to any knowledge I deem necessary for your growth. Consider the royal guard an extension of my own teaching."

Twilight sighed. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I can't refuse."

Celestia cherished these moments with Twilight. As her student had grown, she had to begrudgingly relinquish time with Twilight. From secondary caretaker, to mentor, to advisor, to now glorified pen pal, Celestia yearned for their little talks. Despite receiving at least one letter a week about Twilight's studies, they were always professional and impersonal.

"Anyway," Twilight continued, "when Rainbow Dash pushed me, I was thrown through some brush and got separated. Just as I got my bearings and was about to rejoin the others, a timberwolf had managed to sniff me out and find me."

Twilight scratched the back of her neck and said, "I think I almost died there. I was so frightened I just froze and…let it advance on me. If it wasn't for the putrid smell, I don't think I would've snapped out of my panic. When it was right on top of me, I realized what was happening and blasted it with every ounce of magic I had. Fortunately, my wild blast hit its core so it couldn't reform, but I was left practically useless from magical exhaustion."

"Fortunate indeed,” Celestia nodded, “which is why you should heed my recommendation of getting formal training.”

"Well, Princess…would it not make more sense to have me trained before I started doing dangerous quests." Twilight scratched her chin, "Though knowing you, I guess you had your reasons not to."

Celestia scrambled to explain herself. "Of course, I had a reason. Your magic was so powerful that it was too risky to teach you at such a young age," she lied. In truth, Celestia had naively thought that new dangers wouldn’t appear in Equestria after her sister's return. Peace had stood tall for a thousand years after all.

"But now that you have perfect control of your magic, you really should get training if you want to defend yourself," Celestia reiterated.

"As you advise, Princess," Twilight said respectfully.

Celestia went and draped a wing around Twilight. "It was wonderful speaking with you, Twilight, but I'm afraid I've exhausted the time I could spare. Please excuse me while I take my leave."

"Of course, Princess, I understand," Twilight said, nuzzling Celestia fondly.

Rising to her hooves, Celestia addressed the Solar Guard who had been stationed silently by the stairs. "Come, my loyal guard," she said. he made her way to the library exit, the guard following dutifully behind.

At the door, Celestia turned back and said, "Twilight, please inform Fast Pace he has one hour to relocate himself and Dizzy to Rarity's home. My guards will notify the citizens that they can leave their houses an hour after my departure."

"Darling, it's fine, really," Rarity insisted, waving a hoof dismissively. She took another bite of ice cream, savoring the rich, creamy sweetness. "Twilight opened her pantry to us. So stop fussing."

Twilight's kitchen was sparse. The shelves were stocked with foods that didn’t interest Rarity. After ten minutes of searching, they had stumbled upon a hidden mini freezer tucked away in the back. Inside was a treasure trove of assorted ice cream flavors.

"She opened it to you, not me,” Fast Pace argued, poking at his half-empty bowl with his spoon Also, I'm pretty sure her secret stash of ice cream wasn't a part of that invitation. It was hidden for a reason.”

"Oh pish posh," Rarity tutted, "this is hardly my first time sampling these heavenly treats. Twilight's never once complained, darling. The closest thing is that the hiding spot changes each time I visit—no doubt to keep it away from Spike." She giggled conspiratorially.

Rarity levitated her empty bowl to the sink and began washing it, suds floating up from the soapy water. As she scrubbed, her thoughts turned to Fast Pace. She was perplexed why Princess Celestia had assigned a mere private to supervise the new draconequus. Sure Fast Pace seemed confident and calm, and Celestia clearly valued his input, but Rarity couldn't help but feel anxious. Ponyville’s local captain would've surely been a better supervisor, even if he wasn't a part of the Royal Guard.

The kitchen door creaked open. "Rarity, Princess Celestia suggests you and Fast Pace should head home now," Twilight said, poking her head in.

"Right now?" Rarity asked, turning to face her friend. Twilight, instead of answering Rarity, stared at Fast Pace in bewilderment.

Fast Pace lifted his spoon and pointed it at Rarity. "She said it was fine," he calmly defended.

"Where did you find that ice cream?" Twilight interrogated.

"It was behind the pots and pans in the cupboard," Rarity explained breezily with a wave of her hoof. "Since you never objected, I assumed it was alright."

"It is fine…mostly," she reassured.

"That's good, but what do you mean mostly?" Rarity asked.

"Hmm…how do I explain this," Twilight muttered. "The ice cream is something Spike brings in from a friend of his. He…hides it sometimes 'cause I eat too much of it," she said blushing. "It's kind of turned into a bit of a game between us."

"A bit of a strange game, don't you think?" Rarity joked. "Has Spike complained about my plundering?" she asked.

"He would if it was anyone else but you." Twilight chuckled.

"I'll have to pay him back soon—even if he hasn’t complained. I've intruded on the sacred rite of sibling rivalry," Rarity said dramatically.

Fast Pace smirked. "Now you're concerned about permission?"

"Hmm!" Rarity tutted playfully, to which Fast Pace chuckled in response. She loudly cleared her throat and said, "Do we have to leave right now exactly? I was thinking that we could invite Spike and Dizzy for some ice cream as well. After All, waking up tied by rope isn't the greatest introduction to life, right?" Rarity said awkwardly.

Twilight shuffled her hooves anxiously. "Maybe later. The Princess only gave us an hour before Ponyville's residents can leave their homes. You know how stir-crazy they can get."

"But an hour is plenty," Rarity argued.

"Only if the ponies obey and stay inside," Twilight countered. "You've got 30 minutes, tops, before someone gets too curious and sneaks out prematurely."

"We can rush the two," Rarity suggested.

"Sounds like you're stalling. Afraid to have your boutique turned inside-out," Fast Pace interjected.

"Of course I am!" Rarity exclaimed. "The six of us saw what Discord did to Fluttershy's cottage. I can't have that happen to my boutique—those dresses are my livelihood!"

Rarity went on quickly before Twilight could interject. "Yes, Twilight, I know. Dizzy 'might' not be Discord. But I simply cannot trust a mere 'might'.''

"That's why I'm here," Fast Pace said stepping forward. "We're all wary, even Her Majesty. I'll be watching Dizzy like a hawk. If the worst comes to be, I'll even spill blood. You have my word your home and business are safe."

Rarity smiled gratefully, but her anxiety remained. "I don't doubt your commitment, Fast Pace. But what could a lone royal guard do against someone like Discord?"

Fast Pace met her gaze steadily. "More than you realize. The Princess has equipped me with all I need to contain him, should it come to that. If she had any doubts, she would have assigned Captain Trouble, not me."

Rarity sighed. "If the Princess thinks you can handle this, then…I shall trust her judgment."

Twilight nodded. "Alright then. Fast Pace, could you please go get Dizzy?"

"Sure," he said.

"How did you read our moves?" Adam said in as deep of a voice as he could manage. The manga had been a good enough distraction from his swirling thoughts earlier.

"On a sunny day like this, when it hasn't rained in days…" Spike said coolly. "A water puddle shouldn't exist."

Knock Knock Knock

The door to Spike's room opened to reveal Fast Pace standing stoically. "It's time to go," he stated plainly.

"Guess we'll have to finish this later, Spike," Adam said, climbing off the bed.

"See you around, Dizzy," Spike said with a small wave.

"Yeah, see you," Adam replied as he followed Fast Pace out. "Where are we going?" he asked once in the hall.

"To Rarity's boutique. We have an hour," Fast Pace answered over his shoulder.

"Why the time limit?"

"The ponies here tend to be wary," Fast Pace explained as they descended the stairs. "Seeing you will likely cause panic, given Discord's reputation. Her Majesty has allotted us an hour of privacy."

They entered the main room where Twilight and Rarity were just leaving the kitchen, chatting. A tub of ice cream floated in Twilight's magical aura.

"I'll go check on Fluttershy later, once everything has settled down," Twilight said to Rarity.

Rarity nodded. "Do let me know how the poor dear is faring as soon as you can. I can hardly imagine what she must be feeling. If it were my Opal, I doubt even Princess Celestia could restrain my fury."

"We're ready when you are, Miss Rarity," Fast Pace interrupted.

Rarity glanced at Adam uncertainly. "Well, wish us luck, I suppose."

"You won't need it. Everything will be fine," Twilight reassured with a smile.

She lowered the tub of ice cream in front of Adam. "Dizzy, this is for you. A little 'Welcome to Life' gift from Rarity and me."

Adam took the tub in his claws, reading the label: 'Pepper Dee Mint's: Mint Orange Surprise.'
"Thanks, how did you know oranges were my favorite fruit?" he asked with a grin.

"Lucky guess," Twilight laughed. "Rarity actually picked the flavor."

Rarity gave a dramatic flip of her mane. "Oh, it was no guesswork, darling. Our dear Twilight simply couldn't decide, so I tapped into my exquisite talents as an ice cream connoisseur and expert pony reader to intuit what you would enjoy."

Twilight chuckled at her friend's theatrics. Turning back to Adam, she said sincerely, "I hope you'll come to see the beauty in our world and have a good life here. And if you ever want to learn something new, the library doors are always open."

"Thanks for the offer," Adam replied. “Oh! can you make me a library card for later?”

Twilight glowed with joy. “Of course! You’ll just have to fill out a paper and I can get you one by later today.”

“Gonna stop you right there, ma’am,” Fast Pace interrupted. “We’re on a time limit remember?”

“Oops, sorry.” she apologized slightly embarrassed.

After quick goodbyes, the trio made their way through the empty streets of Ponyville. Unease settled upon Adam as the guards that once dotted the town had returned to Canterlot or the local barrack, giving the area a sense of abandonment.

The journey was silent, leaving Adam alone with his thoughts. What am I going to do? The same question that had plagued him on Earth now echoed in his mind. Before, he'd had his parents' direction to follow, like going to university. Here he was supposed to 'maintain balance' but he had no idea what that really entailed. Knowing nothing of this world or its workings didn’t help either.

"So…what's Equestria like?" Adam asked, breaking the silence.

"What's Equestria like?" Fast Pace echoed. "Interesting question." One of his ears straightened up and began twitching oddly. Adam waited for him to continue, but the pony just stayed silent.

Before Adam could further question, Fast Pace spoke, "Equestria is the pinnacle of harmony—filled with hard-working, good-natured, friendly ponies. We set an example for all nations wishing to prosper as we have."

“A bit propagandistic, don't you think," Rarity commented.

"Do you have a better description?" Fast Pace challenged.

Rarity thought for a moment. "Hmm, off the top of my head, no.”

Adam looked around the empty streets and shops. "If ponies are so friendly, why are we being so cautious? Why would they panic just seeing me?"

"Well, ponies are at the bottom of the totem pole, so to say," Rarity explained. "We're not exactly warriors by nature."

Fast Pace nodded. "Our princesses maintain peaceful foreign relations through diplomacy."

"So what do you do when diplomacy fails?" Adam asked.

Adam felt immense pain as he was slammed violently against the wall of a house, letting out a shriek. It was as if a cannonball had struck him, and was now trapping him through sheer weight. He let out choked shrieks of protest as he struggled to escape, eyes screwed shut from pain.

"I found you, bastard!" a shrill voice screamed in his face. "Fluttershy trusted you! She put all her faith in you, she even relinquished her element to prove it!"

Adam could hear Rarity yelling but the words were drowned out by his attacker's screeches.

"And what do you do to repay her!? You go on a rampage—and—AND—"

Suddenly the weight was gone as the assailant was tackled off of Adam. Tears were on the verge of erupting, but Adam refused to let them flow in an attempt to regain control of himself. He felt something soft engulf him and opened his eyes to see Rarity protectively wrapped around him. Looking to the side, he saw Fast Pace pinning down a struggling, rainbow-maned blue pony.

"Get off me—Get off me!" the blue pony screamed thrashing about.

"What are you DOING, Rainbow Dash?" Fast Pace yelled, punctuating each word.

"Giving Discord what he deserves! Now get off!" she yelled.

"Not until you calm yourself!" Fast Pace demanded.

Rarity released Adam from her embrace. "Look at me, Dizzy" she urged gently, turning his head to meet her trembling yet determined gaze. "Focus on me and take deep breaths."

Following her instructions, Adam slowly felt his racing heart settle. "Thank you," he whispered hoarsely. Rarity gave a small, sympathetic nod. With her support, Adam managed to stand despite the pain, the splattered tub of ruined ice cream at his feet.

Fast Pace still restrained the struggling Rainbow Dash. "Her Majesty believes Dizzy is not Discord," he stated firmly.

"Pinkie said the same thing," she retorted.

"Then why are you here?" he asked, leaning in.

"You're all wrong! I don't buy his act for a second," Rainbow spat back.

Fast Pace leaned in and whispered into her ear. With each word, Rainbow struggled less and less until finally going still. When he was done he spoke aloud, "You wouldn't go against her Majesty's will, would you?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head and soon after Fast Pace released her, allowing her to return to her hooves. "Fine," she said as she jabbed Fast Pace's armor.

Rarity marched over to her. "What in Equestria has gotten into you?" she demanded.

"Me? I'm the only one thinking straight! Stopping Discord!" Rainbow Dash shouted, jabbing a hoof at Adam.

"I'm not Dis—"

"Shut it!" Rainbow Dash said, cutting off Adam, who backed away in fear. "Why are you defending him, Rarity? I get Fast Pace he's…duty bound. But why you?"

Rarity glanced back uncertainly at Adam. "Because...because I don't believe he's Discord."

"How do you know that?" Rainbow Dash challenged bitterly.

"Discord wouldn't have let himself get hurt like that," Rarity replied, looking at Adam with sympathy.

"That's all it takes?" Rainbow Dash questioned angrily. Rarity nodded her head in confirmation.

Fast Pace stepped between them. "Leave, now, unless you want me to make you," Fast Pace threatened.

Rainbow Dash looked as though she was going to continue arguing, but realized the futility. She turned and scowled at Adam. "I'm watching you. If you do anything, you're dead," she said, taking off into the sky in a rainbow blur.

Adam picked up the now-ruined tub of ice cream before throwing it back down. "'Friendly'—yeah right! What the hell was that?"

"Your first lesson on why you don’t want to be like Discord," Fast Pace stated flatly. "Now, can you still walk or do you need help?"

The impact Adam had taken would've put a normal human out of commission for weeks, yet he was still able to stand, if barely. "No, I can walk," he grunted.

"Clearly you can not!” Rarity countered. “Let me carry you,” she offered kindly, catching Adam off guard.

Fast Pace shook his head. "I'll do it - you've already offered your home. No need to burden you further."

"I don't mind," Rarity insisted. "That armor must be heavy, adding more weight can't be pleasant."

"I'm trained for this, ma'am," Fast Pace said. He knelt for Adam to climb onto his back. "Get on."

Adam obliged Fast Pace. "Won't I get your armor dirty?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm not concerned," he replied crisply. "Let's hurry up and get to your home Rarity. I want to make sure your friend didn't hurt Dizzy too badly." The trio resumed the walk to Rarity's boutique.

"So that was your friend, Rarity?" Adam asked, unable to keep the bitterness from his tone.

"Yes, but she's not normally…well…hmm," Rarity fumbled, shuffling on her hooves and looking away guiltily.

Adam raised a skeptical eyebrow. "So she regularly assaults innocent people?"

"No-no-no-no, of course not!" Rarity sputtered. "She can be rowdy at times, but she'd never attack someone without cause."

What am I, public enemy number one? Adam thought grimly. He was starting to regret ever making a deal with Discord. His dream of grandeur seemed doomed from the start if this was how he was being received.

"What exactly did Discord do? What did he do that would make everyone afraid or hate me on sight," Adam asked angrily. He hadn't even been here a day and Discord’s sins had already gotten him attacked and injured. Everything that had been happening went beyond 'misunderstanding' as Discord had implied.

The ponies were silent for a moment before Rarity finally spoke. "He...he killed Fluttershy's friend…Angel."

Some of Adam's anger abated. "He killed a pony?"

"No, not a pony," Rarity said quickly. "Angel was her pet bunny. But that didn't make his death hurt poor Fluttershy any less. To see her so utterly broken...it set us all ablaze, especially Rainbow."

Adam felt conflicted. He was attacked over the death of a pet, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was about the suffering of a friend.

"That's just his latest offense," Fast Pace added darkly. "I recommend you read about your father when you get the chance."

Chapter 8 - Snowball

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Adam grunted as Fast Pace lowered him onto the plush sofa inside Rarity's boutique.

"I simply can't believe Rainbow Dash would do this," Rarity fretted, watching anxiously as Fast Pace examined Adam.

"I can," Fast Pace replied bluntly. "Her voice was filled with a soldier's conviction. She cares deeply for you all."

Adam sank into the sofa's soft cushions, eyes closed in relief. After the cold harshness of the armor, the fabric felt like heaven against his aching back. If Discord had killed a pony rather than a pet, who knows what she would have done to me, he thought grimly, pain still throbbing through him.

With a surface-level examination, Fast Pace commented, "She's not bleeding, so that's a good start."

"My chest and legs hurt the most," Adam told him.

Fast Pace nodded his head and placed a hoof out Adam's chest. He gently pushed into it and asked, "How much does this hurt—One to Ten."

"Three," Adam answered.

"How about now?" Fast Pace asked as he pushed a little harder.

"Still Three."

Fast Pace placed an ear to Adam’s chest. "Deep breaths, please." Adam obliged him and took several steady breaths.

After listening intently, Fast Pace said, "Nothing sounds out of the ordinary." He moved down to Adam's legs, carefully probing and bending each one. "Pain?"

Adam winced. "Four...seven now," he corrected quickly as Fast Pace manipulated his leg into an extreme position. The other leg elicited the same spike in pain at its limits.

"Well, kid, you got off lucky," Fast Pace finally pronounced, sitting back. "No breaks, just bruised ribs and sprained legs most likely."

"How is that lucky!?" Adam asked incredulously.

"Because Rainbow Dash could have easily inflicted far worse," Fast Pace replied matter-of-factly.

Adam scoffed in disbelief. "Having varying degrees of injury isn't 'luck'. Just different shades of unlucky."

Fast Pace raised an eyebrow smugly. "But it is, from a certain point of view."

"Whatever," Adam said, dismissing the coincidental misquote.

"Well, I consider it lucky," Rarity interjected. Dizzy dear, I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive Rainbow, on my behalf. She's a good pony, despite her—violent introduction."

Adam crossed his arms. "No promises," he replied. He could empathize and understand Rainbow Dash to an extent, but unwarranted violence was inexcusable.

Rarity's face fell. "Oh please, just give her a chance, once she's calmed down I know we can make her understand."

"I'm sure we can, but what is there to convince her with? Not even your princess' verdict dissuaded her. Hell, she hasn't even convinced you!" Adam said, agitated at Rarity's hypocrisy.

Rarity looked away guiltily. "I...I don't think you're Discord, not anymore," she admitted softly.

"W-what?" Adam asked, confused.

Rarity met his gaze resolutely. "You are not Discord."

Adam searched her eyes but saw only earnest sincerity. "So earlier you weren't just…saying shit?"

"Of course not, Dizzy. I meant it," she affirmed with a gentle smile.

Adam knew he should feel relieved, but bitterness lingered. It takes me getting attacked to convince these people? He thought.

He turned to Fast Pace and asked, "What about you?"

"What about me," he responded.

"Do you think I'm Discord or not?" Adam pressed.

"My opinion is irrelevant,” Fast Pace deflected. “I'll take care of you one way or another,".

So he doesn't trust me, Adam realized resentfully. He's just playing nice because it's his job.

"By 'one way or another' you mean take me out, right?" Adam accused.

Fast Pace raised a defensive hoof. "That's not what I said."

"Well then what exactly are you saying?" Adam shot back. "Doesn't really sound ambiguous to me."

Fast Pace stood firm, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "I'm saying your future depends on you. I can be your ally or your warden - your actions will determine which. Whether you are Discord or not makes no difference to me."

"Why don't I show you two where you'll be staying?" Rarity interjected brightly, easing the tension.

The sky above Ponyville had never been clearer than today. To the ponies below, it seemed Rainbow Dash was working overtime busting clouds. But she had a different motive behind her relentless efforts.

"Rrrraagh!" Rainbow yelled, spearing through a lone wispy cloud. Ever since confronting Discord, she'd been clearing the skies to vent her frustration. What is a Royal Guard going to do against Discord; Nothing! she fumed internally.

With a final explosive strike fueled by anger, she obliterated the last cloud, draining the last of her energy. She didn't want Fluttershy to see her rage while already grieving. As Rainbow hovered, catching her breath, the smoldering fire of her temper gradually cooled. Once re-energized, she headed toward Fluttershy's cottage.

As she flew, she thought about how heartbroken Fluttershy was. She didn't deserve it, none of her friends deserved to lose a beloved pet. Why didn't I just sock him? Why did I wait so long and let Angle get killed? If I had fought him I could've…I—

I could've died instead, he realized with a chill. AJ could've died! Anyone of us…

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” A voice called down from below, interrupting her dark musings.

Shaking off those thoughts, Rainbow looked down to see Scootaloo waving excitedly up at her. She flew down to greet the eager young filly. "Hey squirt, what's up?"

“What’s going on Dash?” Scootaloo blurted. “Why was the Princess here? Why the lockdown? Why-” Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow raised a hoof, cutting off the barrage of questions. "Take it easy, kiddo. Let me explain." She paused, considering how to break the news gently. "So you know how Princess Celestia wanted us to reform Discord, right?"

Scootaloo nodded vigorously. "Mhm! Mayor Mare said not to worry about it." Her face fell slightly. "But something bad happened, didn't it?"

Rainbow's expression darkened. "Yeah. Discord went berserk and...killed Angel Bunny."

“What?!" Scootaloo gasped.

"And now he's pretending to be a filly," Rainbow continued through gritted teeth.

“That mons—wait wha’. Why would he do that?” Scootaloo asked, confused.

“To avoid punishment of course,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, throwing up her hooves. “After he killed Angel, we blasted him with elements…or at least tried to. I don’t know how he got out, but now he’s pretending that the elements turned him into a completely different filly or something.”

Scootaloo frowned thoughtfully as she processed this. “Maybe Discord did become a filly,” she slowly said. “What if it’s like with Princess Luna, and that’s his true form.”

Rainbow snorted dismissively. "As if! Why wouldn't the Elements change him the first two times then?"

Scootaloo's ears drooped in embarrassment. "Oh yeah, good point. Dumb theory." She perked back up. "So should I go around warning everyone about him?"

“Great idea, squirt," Rainbow praised. "It'll make whatever he's scheming way harder if everyone knows the truth. Grab Sweetiebelle and Applabloom and spread the word.”

"Sweetiebelle's out of town, but I can get Applebloom!" Scootaloo promised dutifully.

"That's fine, just get it circulating and it'll spread fast. I'm gonna go check on Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said. The two pounded hooves before parting ways.

It didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to reach the quaint cottage. She entered the cottage, not bothering to knock as she knew no one would answer. The inside was messy and dimly lit as every curtain had been closed. On the living room couch slept Fluttershy wrapped in covers. Tear streaks from prior crying staining her face.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, I should’ve done better,” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. She searched the living room for a small pillow, finding one and placing it into the splayed-out hooves of Fluttershy. Fluttershy gripped the pillow tightly and slowly awoke from her sleep.

“Angel?” Fluttershy asked.

“I—No Fluttershy, it’s just me…” Rainbow Dash solemnly replied.

Tears began to slowly pour from Fluttershy’s eyes as her hopes were crushed. “It’s my fault, Rainbow Dash,” she murmured.

“No, it’s not,” Rainbow Dash reassured.

“You were all right,” Fluttershy sobbed. “I shouldn’t have trusted him.”

Rainbow Dash quickly hopped onto the sofa and pulled Fluttershy into a hug. She held Fluttershy tight as she broke down, soothingly rubbing the crying pegasus’ back. “It’s all my fault. Angels gone because of me.”

Rainbow Dash’s gut twisted from guilt. It wasn’t Fluttershy’s fault, it was hers. She should’ve been the one to take the blow as she was tough enough to shrug it off.

The two held each other in silence for some time, Fluttershy’s sobbing eventually reducing to whimpers. “I’m going to make him pay, I promise, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said aloud.

Fluttershy tensed at Rainbow Dash’s words. She pulled back, fresh alarm in her eyes. "Rainbow, you can't hurt Discord. Violence will only make things worse."

Rainbow frowned. Even after all this, Fluttershy was still defending him?

"But he has to be stopped!" Rainbow argued. "Who knows what he'll do next? I can't let him hurt anypony else."

Fluttershy shrank back, lowering her head. "I...I understand. Just please, be careful," she whispered.

Rainbow nodded, swallowing back further arguments. Right now her friend needed comfort, not fuel for more conflicts. She would bring justice her own way, on her own terms. For now, Fluttershy's wellbeing was all that mattered.

A soft, lilting tune floated from the boutique's kitchen as Rarity hummed while cooking. On the stove, an aromatic soup simmered, filling the air with its savory aroma. Rarity added a final dash of spices and gave the pot a slow stir. Hours had passed since Rarity had shown Fast Pace and Dizzy their room. Just before the sun began to touch the horizon, Rarity had started preparing a meal for her guests.

If only the markets were open, She thought. I would've shopped around to make a divine first meal for Dizzy. Hopefully, my mother's minestrone will do!

She lifted the ladle and tasted the soup. "Perfection!" she gushed.

The kitchen door opened and an orange stallion entered, his short black mane damp from the shower. A single white forelock hung over one eye. "Thank you again for the use of your shower, Miss Rarity," he said.

"Of course, Fast Pace," she said, reducing the heat of the stove to a simmer. She turned to properly look him over. "So this is the stallion underneath all that armor and glamor."

Fast Pace rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "If you're about to say what I think, you'll be the twenty-third mare," he joked.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

"That I'm handsome," he said, smirking.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "How presumptuous. I was merely noting how different you look without the illusion spell. Like an entirely new pony."

The Royal Guards’ armor was enchanted to conceal identity, giving the wearer a generic white coat and blue mane. This allowed the guard to remain anonymous while being easily recognized by citizens and intimidating to foes.

"Besides," Rarity continued airily, "it takes far more than a charming face to sway this mare's heart." She learned that lesson well enough from Prince Blueblood

Fast Pace eyed the simmering pot curiously. "Is that for us?" He asked.

"But of course, darling! What kind of host would I be if I didn't feed my guests?" Rarity floated a bowl over, ladling a generous portion into it. "Could you please bring this up for Dizzy?" she asked, placing it on a saucer with a spoon.

"Sure thing," he said, taking the saucer in his mouth and heading out.

While he was gone, Rarity dished up two more bowls and set them on the table. The cozy kitchen also served as a dining nook since the boutique's front was occupied by the store.

Fast Pace trotted back in just as Rarity settled onto her cushion. "Mission complete. Time for me to dig in," he said eagerly, taking the seat opposite her.

Upon his first bite, Fast Pace hummed in satisfaction. "Wow, this is amazing. Rivals my own mother's cooking," he complimented.

"You’re too kind, darling," cheerily replied Rarity.

They ate in comfortable silence for several minutes before Fast Pace suddenly asked, "What really made you change your mind about Dizzy?"

Rarity looked up, startled by the abrupt question. She dabbed her mouth daintily with a napkin. "I've already said why before."

Fast Pace shook his head. "I know there's more to it than that.”

Rarity glanced down, absently stirring her soup. "It was her eyes—Dizzy’s eyes," she finally said softly. "My little sister was attacked by a timberwolf once. I'll never forget the sheer terror in her eyes afterward."

Seconds passed as the two remained silent. "I see…" Fast Pace said gently. "Is she alright, your sister?"

"Oh yes," Rarity said with a fond smile. "I didn't give that brute a chance to actually harm her."

Fast Pace's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You fought off a timberwolf yourself?"

Rarity proudly nodded. "Indeed I did, darling."

Fast Pace chuckled. "Then what do you need me here for?"

"Har har," Rarity laughed. "A timberwolf is one thing, but Discord? That's more your area of expertise my—" she mimicked Fast Pace’s voice, "—'Knight in Shining Armor.'"

Fast Pace stroked his chin thoughtfully. "True...though I bet together we could take him down." He smiled playfully.

Rarity returned the smile. The comfortable rapport between them was a pleasant change from the tension and mistrust of earlier. For the first time, she felt a spark of hope about the situation.

After being shown the guest room, Adam decided to nap the rest of the day away. Sleep was his usual escape when things went poorly. However, the alluring aroma of Rarity's cooking eventually roused him. The moment Fast Pace entered the room, he nearly lunged at the stallion from the bed he had rested upon, not noticing his color change.

Within minutes, Adam greedily gulped down the last spoonful, only then realizing how famished he was. Placing the empty bowl on the nightstand, he sighed in satisfaction. "God, I need more of that."

Testing his legs, he found the pain had dulled enough to slowly shuffle around. Climbing carefully off the bed, he turned and froze. There floating by the door was the spectral form of Discord.

Anger reignited inside Adam at the sight. "Enjoying your first day in Equestria?" Discord asked mockingly.

"You said this was all just a misunderstanding," Adam accused with a growl.

Discord leaned back, looking confused. "What?"

"You know, Angel? The friend you killed and now I'm paying for," Adam clarified angrily.

Discord's eyes lit with realization. "Oh right, that little pest of Fluttershy's. Didn't think I swatted him that hard," he said with a casual shrug.

"Well, you did!" Adam snapped. "And now I'm stuck dealing with your screw-up. I got slammed into a damn wall because of you!"

"Yes, I've been watching through your eyes," Discord said, amusement in his tone. "So what do you want me to do about it now?" He wrapped loosely around Adam's shoulders. Despite enveloping him completely, Adam felt no pressure or weight.

"These are your problems to handle now," Discord continued lightly. "No more running away like you wanted to on Earth. You signed the contract. Everything that has and will come is your responsibility now.”

Adam bristled. “No! You’re supposed to guide me like the contract said. You’re responsible as well.”

Discord waved a dismissive paw. "I taught you how to be a Lord of Chaos™ in transit. I've fulfilled my obligations."

Adam's breath grew shaky as his anger shifted to fear and guilt. He didn't know how to convince anyone here that he wasn't Discord. He didn't understand how to spread chaos or what that even meant. He didn’t even know his body anymore.

Y-You're an asshole," Adam mumbled weakly.

Discord smirked. “Hi, Kettle, I’m Pot. You’re the one who abandoned his own world. Imagine how disappointed your parents will be when they find you missing. And your friends? Does a good person make loved ones suffer because of one little test?”

Adam remained silent, stewing in his shortcomings as Discord listed them.

"Why don't we start over?" Discord then suggested cheerily. "Be a little nicer this time, and maybe I'll help you with your impending problems. Just like mommy and daddy always did, right?" he added mockingly.

Adam nodded reluctantly. Discord uncoiled from around him and asked again, "So, enjoying your first day in Equestria?"

“N-no…” Adam mumbled sitting down and leaning against the mattress of the bed.

Discord gave an exaggerated sympathetic pout. "Oh no, what's wrong?"

Adam stared at the floor. "I just don't know what to do. I never do."

"And why's that an issue?" Discord prodded bluntly.

Adam held his head in his hands. "How am I supposed to do anything important when I don't even know where to start?"

For the first time, Adam saw genuine empathy cross Discord's face. "Adam, you only just got here," he said reasonably. "At least go out and try before you give up again. You can't expect to have all the answers immediately."

"But I don't even know what 'spreading chaos' really means," Adam argued hopelessly. "What am I supposed to do?"

Discord crossed his arms. "I already told you—chaos is change. Go learn about this world, find something you want to change! Do some research, topple a tyrannical regime or two goody two-shoes!" He grinned eagerly.

Adam looked skeptical. "You make it sound so easy."

Discord laughed. "Because it is!"

Strangely, Adam did feel a bit better after Discord's pep talk. “Thanks, Discord,” he said, standing up. "I'm gonna go grab some more soup."

“Don’t forget your bowl,” Discord reminded with a smirk before vanishing.

Chapter 9 - Dawn of the Second Day

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The fishing boat gently creaked with each subtle movement of its occupants. A young Adam sat amongst four men, their lines trailing into the dark waters. Only the soft lapping of waves and the watchful moon above accompanied them.

This annual trip was a cherished tradition begun long ago by the family's elderly patriarch. But to restless eight-year-old Adam, it was pure torture.

"I'm boooooored," whined the small child. Patience had yet to become a virtue of his.

The eldest man smiled knowingly, his thinning gray hair marking the years. "Settle down my chłopak," he called gently from the bow.

Adam ignored the old man, bumping his father beside him in protest. "You lied, Papa. You said this wouldn't be like school," he grumbled, staring into the still water slumped over.

His father chuckled, "Well, I didn't say it would be thrilling.”

The man behind them snorted. "Kid's right, this is dull as shit.”

"Jedrick!" The eldest scolded. "Not in front of the boy!"

"Sorry Staruszec…" Jedrick mumbled.

Adam's father sighed, glancing at Jedrick. "Keep this up, Dad, and you'll turn my boy into a sailor. Even if he hates fishing."

"Not if I get to him first~" sang the final man who sat next to Jedrick.

"And that's why you're not invited over anymore, Nate," Adam's father quipped.

Nathaniel gripped his chest dramatically. "You wound me, brother! I thought you loved me."

Adam's father laughed darkly. "Clearly you thought wrong."

Their banter was silenced by the old man's line abruptly going taut. "Seems like Jaja Castimer got a big one!" Adam's father said.

The older man gripped his pole as best he could and pulled with all his might. What burst forth from the water left the men in awe.

Jedrick whistled. "Nice one, Staruszec!"

Upon the line was a car engine, branded: "Merkado Industries." Castimer carefully lowered the engine onto the boat.

"Woah, Jaja Castimer!" Adam said wide-eyed.

His father ruffled the boy's hair. "Fishing's not so boring, now is it? Jaja's worked hard to get catches like these."

Inspired, Adam gripped his pole tightly, staring at the water with determination. "Just watch, I'll catch something awesome too!"

"I'm sure you will, Adam," Nathaniel said. "But it's going to be a while before a big fish bites."

A quick tug nearly pulled Adam's pole out of his hands. Mimicking his elder, he desperately reeled it in, revealing a small rusted bolt.

His father patted his shoulder as Jedrick said, "Well…not bad for a first catch. Keep trying and I'm sure—woah!" The sudden force of a pulling fish nearly yanked Jedrick's pole from his hand. He quickly gripped the pole with both his hands and pulled.

Landing upon the boat was a construction toolbox. Upon it was the silhouette of a city surrounded by a donkey and elephant. "Looky what I got ladies,” Jedrick proudly announced.

Castimer smiled. "That's not the kind of catch I'd expect from a troublemaker like you," he said. "But that's one fine fish, jedrick. You should be proud."

"Thanks, Tata," Jedric said.

Adam peered at the measly bolt he had caught. It was nothing in comparison to what his grandfather had caught. He ripped it off of the line and tossed it overboard.

Adam’s father pulled him to look at the man. "Why did you do that?"

"It's not good enough," Adam stated.

His father raised a brow. "For your very first catch? What did you expect?"

With focused determination, Adam attached a new lure and cast his line back out. "I'll get something better, just watch."

Adam’s father shook his head and cast his line as well. After a few moments, his pole jerked violently. He quickly reeled in a large circuit board that was undamaged from the water. Upon it was, "Merkur Technologies," in bold.

The men congratulated the father’s success. "Nice work, Mikey! Hopefully, I'll snag one that nice," Nathaniel said, patting his brother's back.

Finally, Adam felt a tug on his pole. But as he reeled it in, his excitement deflated. All he had caught was an old phone displaying a "stack overflow" error.

He glared at the useless tech, then angrily flung it back into the water. After attaching his third lure, he cast out again.

Jedrick moved to comfort the disappointed boy, but Castimer stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Let him learn. He'll figure it out in time," the elder said sagely.

Jedrick hesitated but obeyed. "If you say so, Staruszec."

"The boy just wants to prove himself,” Castimer added. “Live up to the name and fulfill his duty."

Nathaniel whooped from the side. "I got something!"

Everyone but Adam turned to watch Nathaniel casually reel in a tangled ball of audio equipment—CDs, mics, and speakers—all branded: "Silver Star Productions."

From the corner of his eye, Adam saw his uncle's impressive haul. Dejected, his shoulders slumped and his frustration melted away.

Nathaniel held up his prize for the elder's inspection. "Whaddya think, Jaja?"

"Not bad. Could be better," Castimer said as he appraised his grandson’s haul.

Nathaniel's smile faltered at the lukewarm praise. Jedrick clapped his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't listen to him. It's a perfectly fine catch."

Nathaniel nodded but still looked disappointed. Michal bumped his brother's shoulder playfully. "Don't worry Nate, you know Jaja's just a tough critic. He's old-fashioned that way."

"Yeah, you're right," Nathaniel agreed half-heartedly.

Michal rejoined his son, placing a hand on his shoulder. Adam glanced at the man for a moment as Michal sat beside the boy. "Constantly switching lures won't get you anywhere, you know?"

Adam huffed, arms crossed. "If the first catch was bad, why would the next be any better?"

"Dedication, diligence, and time," his father answered wisely. "If you want a shortcut, why don't you try using something you're good at."

Michal coaxed the boy into surrendering his pole, then pulled a shiny apple-shaped lure from his pocket.

Adam eyed it skeptically. "That's not what I'm good at though, Papa."

"Sure it is!" Michal declared, attaching the lure. "You learn fast and get good grades, don't you?"

Together, they cast the newly baited line back into the placid waters.

Unlike before, no fish immediately took the bait. They waited in silence as time seemed to slow to a crawl. Finally, the bobber dipped below the surface. Adam and Michal hastily reeled in the line.

"I don't believe it!" Adam yelled, but his voice was oddly deeper.

Speared on the hook was a pristine paper headed "Notice of Admission" in bold lettering.

Michal smiled knowingly. "See kiddo? Told you so."

"Jaja! Look what I caught," Adam called. He grabbed the paper to show his great-grandfather, but Adam could only find Jedrick and Nathaniel when he turned to face him.

He looked around but only saw the three other men, Castimer nowhere to be seen. "Grandpa, where's Jaja?" Adam asked, standing up. He found he was taller than before.

Jedrick remained facing away from Adam, not saying anything. He touched the man's shoulder but his hand his passed straight through the flickering form.

"Uncle?" Adam asked as he performed a similar action to Nathaniel, encountering the same result.

The feeling of melting ice cream caused Adam to look down at his hand. He was shocked to see the admission notice melting into a creeping sludge that clung to his arm. He desperately tried shaking it off, but it kept spreading.

"Dad, what the fuck's going on!?" Adam cried, turning to his father.

His father still held the fishing pole. "What are you talking about, kiddo?" Michal said, his voice sounding as though it was coming from a phone. He slowly looked over his shoulder, revealing that his eyes were replaced with black, empty voids.

Adam stepped back in fear and nearly fell into the water. He watched as his father slowly reeled in another catch. The noises of the night grew louder and louder in sync with his reeling. Adam was overwhelmed by the cacophony, to the point that he closed his eyes and covered his ears for feeble protection.

The moment it became too much, all sound stopped. Adam cautiously opened his eyes to find that the boat and its passengers were cast into a dark abyss. The moon dominated the dark expanse overhead.

His uncle and grandfather were still the same, while the creeping sludge had halted its advance up Adam's arm.

Adam hesitantly turned to his father, whose empty eyes stared back lifelessly. Gulping loudly he asked, "D-dad?" His father was perfectly still, frozen in the motion of reeling. He cautiously touched the man. Unlike his uncle and grandfather, Adam made contact. It felt as though his father was made of stone, not even his hair would budge from his touch.

Knock Knock Knock

Adam jumped, eyes darting around for the source before realizing—it was the moon itself.

Knock Knock Knock

He stared up apprehensively.

Knock Knock Kno

A shadow with mismatched horns appeared on the lunar surface, cutting off the knocking. It raised a single talon to its lips. "Shhh," it whispered with a wink before vanishing.

Adam's ears popped as a wave of dizziness hit him. The boat had returned to the lake in an instant

The sludge and his father's reeling resumed. Upon the line emerged a limp, winged puppet that possessed mismatched legs, innumerable feathers extruding from its neck, and a long tail.

"I'm not gonna lie, kiddo," Michal droned, his voice still distorted. "This is a terrible catch of yours."

Before Adam could respond, icy pain shot through his hand. Glancing down, he saw the sludge had transformed his hand into the end of a wing. A wing that resembled the puppets.

"Get off me!" Adam shrieked, clawing desperately at the sludge to no avail as it crept higher up his arm.

A creaking noise made him look up. The puppet was slowly raising its head, revealing two, pinpoint, glowing red eyes. The wood of the puppet's mouth cracked and splintered into a jagged grin.

"Uh oh—Adam!" the puppet emitted, in a hauntingly familiar voice. It grabbed the line it was attached to and began to climb.

"Stay away!" Adam yelled.

The puppet hopped onto the boat, straight through Adam's father who now flickered like his relatives. Staring into Adam's Soul, the puppet emitted once again, "Uh oh—Adam!"

Adam felt the sludge reach his upper arm and begin to consume his shoulder.

"Uh oh—Adam!" came the puppet as it took a strained step forward.

Adam backpedaled in terror, tripping over the edge. He hit the deck hard, looking up to see the puppet lurch toward him past his frozen family.

With each step, it produced that same phrase. "Uh oh—Adam!"

He crab-walked backward in terror until he hit the side of the boat. All the while the puppet continued its approach. Water began to leak from the puppet's piercing eyes as it neared Adam, pooling onto the boat floor. At the same time, Adam could feel a warm liquid streak down his cheeks.

"Uh oh—Adam!" emanated from the puppet as it climbed onto him. The sludge now quickly consumed his chest, spurred on by the touch of the puppet.

Summoning all his willpower, Adam weakly shook his head, desperately.

"Uh oh, Adam!" An invisible force wrenched his head up, forcing him to stare into the puppet's glowing crimson eyes mere inches from his face.

The sludge had transformed his body into a twisted, organic replica of the puppet, leaving only his head unchanged.

"P-please," Adam begged uselessly.

The puppet manifested a gun—one Adam knew all too well—and pressed the demonic tool against his head.

"Please no," Adam cried as he and the puppet flooded the boat with their tears.

The puppet pulled the trigger, the deafening bang reverberating through the air.

"Bad Decision, Adam."

"NO!" Adam jolted awake screaming, heart pounding furiously as he raised from his sweat-drenched covers. Gasping for breath, he stared at the creature gazing back in the mirror— the animal soup that was now his body. I should've covered that thing, he thought bitterly.

The sound of rapid hoofbeats approached before the door slammed open. Fast Pace burst in, clad in his armor's engraved chestplate. A sword floated before him, its hilt aglow with a matching color to the gem on his breastplate.

Eyes darting, Fast Pace scanned for threats. "What's with the screaming?" he demanded, poised for battle.

Still shaken, it took a moment for Adam's brain to process the stallion before him. "I, uh...had a nightmare," he mumbled, cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the admission.

"A nightmare?" Fast Pace echoed skeptically, though he relaxed his stance, keeping the sword at the ready.

Adam looked away, face burning. "Yeah."

After a long scrutinizing stare, Fast Pace lowered his sword. "Rarity's making breakfast. Come down when you're ready," he said briskly. With a noticeable sniff, he added, "You should shower first." The sounds of his hoofbeats faded down the hall.

Alone again, Adam glanced at the mirror. One way or another, he thought grimly before sliding off the bed.

Following Fast Pace's suggestion, he showered, intrigued to find modern plumbing despite the town's medieval vibe. He kept it quick, not wanting cold food.

Since his first day in Equestria wasn’t the best—he was going to make his second one better. Tomorrow more so.

Descending the stairs, Adam couldn't stop fidgeting with his hands, so used to having a phone to occupy them. Not much around to keep me busy now, he thought. I guess I can follow up on that invite to the library from Twilight.

Panik Boutonnière raced through Ponyville, informing everyone he could about the latest incident with Discord. After hearing from Rainbow Dash, he had taken it upon himself to assist in spreading the word.

Now the unicorn stood at the door of another house, urgently explaining the situation.

"Shouldn't we do something then?" the mare asked worriedly.

"That's what I said!" Panik exclaimed, exasperated. "But apparently Princess Celestia is leaving it all to just one Royal Guard."

"J-just one?" She gasped.

Panik nodded gravely. "That's why I'm telling everyone. We've got to keep the town safe."

The mare's face became set with determination. "Right!"

After bidding her goodbye, Panik set off towards the next home but froze at the sight before him. That must be Discord! He thought as he watched the strange filly make her way through the town. She wasn't an exact replica of Discord but she bore an unmistakable resemblance. Accompanying the supposed filly was a guard in gleaming golden armor who was far too relaxed, as if he wasn't next to a creature of malice.

Other ponies had noticed them too, based on the hushed, anxious murmurs filling the air. Mutterings about Her Majesty being tricked, the guard under some spell, and other such theories.

Whether any were true, Panik didn't know or care. His only concern was Ponyville still standing come sundown. The town had suffered enough the first time that monster was free. Once Discord was out of sight, Panik continued his crusade with renewed urgency.

"Hey, Dizzy!" Spike greeted cheerfully as Adam and Fast Pace entered the library. The teen dragon was busy organizing books on the shelves.

"Oh, uh, hi Spike," Adam replied with an awkward wave.

Spike continued shelving as he talked. "So what brings you and uh-"

"Fast Pace," the guard said.

"Thanks. You and Fast Pace here? Come to continue reading that manga?" He asked.

Adam glanced around at the endless rows and stacks. "Not exactly. I'm looking to learn a little about history."

"History huh? What for?" Spike asked.

"Well…I was literally born yesterday," Adam answered with a nervous chuckle.

"Good one," he said amused. "Let me show you where we keep that stuff then."

After putting away the last books in his claws, Spike led Adam to a small section in the back. "Mostly just general overviews here, no super in-depth stuff, unfortunately," he explained. “But we do have a few historical recounts.”

Adam gave a dismissive wave. "That's fine. It's not like I'm writing a thesis."

Spike grabbed a large volume from the bottom shelf and passed it to Adam, who staggered under its unexpected weight. "This baby right here is the history section index Twilight made."

Adam opened to the middle of the book. "Is this part of a series? I'm halfway through and it's still on B."

Spike grinned proudly. "Nope, just the one book! Twilight expanded it magically so it could be as comprehensive as possible."

"Magic, huh?" Adam mused. "Is there anything it can't do?"

Spike shrugged. "You'd have to ask Twilight about that. She's the expert."

Adam located the sections on Discord as he asked, "Do you think she'd teach me some magic?"

"For sure!" Spike said confidently. "She's been dying to really get into magical theory with somepony."

"Oh yeah? How come?" Adam asked, gathering the books he needed.

"Most ponies just wanna learn their special talent magic," Spike explained. “No interest in complex stuff."

Adam shook his head. "That's dumb. You can do anything with magic.”

Spike raised a claw, counting off points. "Only if you're down to do a lot of math, theory, risk, and becoming boring." He mumbled out the last point.

"That's…specific," Adam said.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Twilight has me help her with her work."

"So then you could teach me?" Adam asked hopefully.

"Only math and theory," Spike replied.

With Adam’s search complete, the two made their way to the nearest table "If it doesn't involve advanced mathematics I should be fine."

Spike cringed theatrically. "Ooh boy, do I got news for you. Anyway, have fun learning about Equestria and the world."

"Don't worry, I will," Adam said as Spike went back to work.

What did you do Discord? Adam thought as he began to read.

Chapter 10 - Fight or Flight

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Retellings of Equestrian Heroes: Gold Heart

By Yesteryear

Adapted from the memography of

Gold Heart

The two-month voyage home was as smooth as silk. Not a storm nor sea monster dared test our ship as if the very winds and waves trembled before our buoyant spirits. We ponies were the predators of the open ocean now, that's how it felt leastways.

My men had steeled themselves for the long war ahead. Prepared to be honored sacrifices for the sake of our young nation. But Star Swirl had spared them that fate with his silver tongue. Talked the griffins down from ravaging our lands and forged a strong new alliance instead.

I couldn't wait to bring the glad tidings to our Queen. And beg her pardon while I was at it, she'd picked a fine envoy in Star Swirl. I doubted her judgment no more.

We celebrated dawn to dusk every day. Rations once meant for war now fueled our revelry instead. The unicorns were puzzled by our Pegasus ways, I could tell. Trained for battle they may be, but stuck-up as the rest. Not a lick of partying in them. But the Earth Ponies, now they knew how to live it up!

The grog and song flowed freely as we sailed. Days were spent whooping and hollering as we shared bawdy tales on deck. Come sundown, we broke out the instruments and danced away under the starry skies. Many a friendship was forged on that voyage home, bonding ponykinds in ways never seen before.

As we neared home, the lookout in the crow's nest spotted an ill omen—no welcoming battalion awaited us at port. Disastrous it was not, but it put me on edge all the same. The Queen always arranged a heroes' welcome for returning soldiers. She valued and loved her brave ponies, despite being no fighter. She'd not have missed our arrival.

We convened to decide our course. We'd continue on to Centum Ventini nearby on hoof, and leave a quarter crew to guard the ships.

As we journeyed, Starswirl and I worked to keep spirits high amongst the men. We all sensed something amiss, but nerves would only hinder us. Still, unease mounted when Ventini came into view—or where it should have been. It took high vantage to see where it was, Grounded in ruin. Our proud cloud kingdom razed and wrecked.

Many a stalwart Pegasus broke down weeping for our lost home. Tens of thousands must have perished in the assault.

Were it not for Starswirl's steady words, my soldiers may well have deserted. But he unified them, gave them purpose amidst sorrow. We would press on, discover what evil had befallen our land, and exact justice.

On we galloped, morale flagging but determination rising just the same. We were war-trained after all, sadness could wait. Action must come first lest more lives be lost.

A foul stench assailed us as we neared the fallen city. Scattered ahead were what appeared as corpses—piles of pony-shaped flesh and viscera. Organs and bones lay exposed as if their hides had been stripped away.

Investigating revealed a curse at work, one so awful it could be described as a work of Grogar. The "bodies" were still warm...still breathing. One wretched soul slowly turned my way, begging wordlessly for aid. They yet lived, but turned inside-out by dark magic.

Starswirl desperately tried reversing the spell, to no avail. But he discerned the caster; lifelong foes, the draconequi Lords of Chaos, Mayhem, and his son Discord—disgraces to Harmony itself.

Mayhem, Spirit of Destruction, possessed the power to reshape mountains and life alike to his whims. A being of pure carnage who craved only violence and despair. A malignancy that arose during the times of the Unending Blizzard to plague ponykind.

His son Discord, Spirit of Disharmony, was, thankfully, weaker. Still an impish scamp tutored in cruelty by his father. Taught to see the world as a playground for indulging sadistic desires.

We ended the cursed ponies' suffering as mercy demanded. Then prepared to act. Starswirl would contact the Queen and Princess for assistance with the help of his unicorns'. Together they would recast the spell banishing the draconequi, brought long ago from lands east of the minotaurs.

Mayhem and his child would not go unpunished for long. The Royal Sisters would ensure that. But many more might suffer before the beasts were driven back.

So we continued onwards, seeking survivors with rising desperation. All we discovered were more warped horrors, casting doubt that anypony had endured the chaos. Still, we had to try - giving up would only hand victory to the enemy.

Adam lethargically turned another page, the old soldier's 'memography' was interesting, but not quite enough to hold his wandering focus after reading for so long.

I think I've got a decent grasp now anyway, he decided, closing the book. The rest could wait for later perusal. Adam thought as he sorted through what he had and read.

"Done reading?" Fast Pace called from his post by the entrance, taking notice.

"Yeah, sorry for making you wait around," Adam replied, a touch of irritation in his tone. Not like I asked you to come along.

Fast Pace trotted over, eyeing the sizable stack Adam was organizing. "You read all that in three hours?" he asked, sounding vaguely impressed.

"Uh, no, Just half,” Adam clarified “I want to check out the rest…if that's allowed."

Fast Pace nodded toward the front desk. "Go ask."

Spike was lounging at the desk, lazily flipping through a comic. Adam dropped his stack of books and rapped a claw on the wood to get his attention. "Hey Spike, any chance I could check some of these out?"

"Sure thing," Spike said, sitting up straight. "Just gotta get some paperwork done with Fast Pace real quick, adult signature and all that.”

Adam quirked a brow. "I can fill stuff out myself you know."

"Well yeah, but you're like..." Spike trailed off at the look on Adam's face.

"O-oh," Adam said as he turned red with embarrassment. He had forgotten that, despite him being of similar height to ponies, he was thought to be fourteen. Knowing he had lost some of his independence aggravated him, but he kept that from showing on his face. "Right, of course."

The urge to dispute Celestia's claim crossed Adam's mind. But a history book had mentioned her fighting teenage Discord before. She'd recognize a young draconequus' looks. Spike likely knew that too.

Spike gave him an apologetic look. "Bureaucracy stuff, you know how it is. I'll try to make it quick."

Adam managed a small smile. "No worries, appreciate you letting me check these out at all."

After being called over, Fast Pace signed the papers without complaint. A few of the info-gathering sections had to be left blank, such as home address, which Spike let slide and assured Twilight would as well.

"Speaking of, where is Twilight?" Fast Pace asked.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Downstairs doing her thing as usual," Spike said, pointing to a back room.

At Adam's questioning look, he explained, "She's planning for every possible scenario involving…"

"Me," Adam said curtly.

Spike rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry."

Adam let out an audible sigh. "No need. Makes sense."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, it's mostly about making sure you have a good life here," Spike said.

"She must be planning my whole life then," Adam said sarcastically.

Chuckling, Spike answered, "Yep." When he saw Adam's unamused face, he added, "She's never going to use any of them—after the first week."

"Yeah, no," Adam said deadpanned.

That got a laugh from Spike and even a smirk from Fast Pace.

"Let's get going, we've got places to be," Fast Pace said as he lifted the checked-out books onto his back.

"You've got places to be," Adam corrected.

Fast Pace snorted. "I told you earlier, you're not leaving my side."

"I'd rather not be sitting around bored waiting for you to sign a bunch of papers in an office," Adam replied. "Nothing is going to happen if you leave me alone." He knew the sooner he was out of Fast Pace's sight, the sooner the pony would trust him. Fast Pace was looking for Adam to give him a reason to distrust him, so why not create a situation that Adam could prove himself with?

"I've got an idea!" Spike chimed in. "How about I go with you guys and give a tour as we go about," Spike offered. "Twilight won't mind…much."

"You sure, Spike?" Adam asked.

Spike went around the desk to join the two. "Yeah!"

Adam gestured to Fast Pace for confirmation on whether it was okay, the pony simply shrugged and started heading out.

The tour was going as well as could be expected. As they passed landmarks, Spike gave brief overviews and answered Dizzy's occasional questions, with Fast Pace also asking his own at times.

Occasionally, the tour would be paused as Fast Pace took the group into buildings for one reason or another. The stallion struck Spike as someone who was overly proactive, especially since he went to the town hall to confirm residency before even having his own house.

Dizzy seemed to shrink between Spike and Fast Pace as they walked, trying to avoid the eyes and murmuring gossip of passing ponies as they walked.

"Why hasn't the Guard done anything yet?" Spike overheard one pony whisper.

"Maybe they are," another answered. "That one looks like he's leading Discord to the barracks."

"So it's a trap?"

"Maybe? Captain Silver Eye did say he'd address this."

Spike nudged Dizzy reassuringly. "Don't listen too much. Once everyone knows you're not Discord, they'll welcome you."

Dizzy scowled. "Personal experience?"

"Not by me, a friend,” Spike explained. “She's a zebra—everyone used to hide from her.”

"But aren't zebras equine too?" Dizzy asked. "What made them so afraid?"

"Zecora always had this big spooky cloak on," Spike said. "Made her seem like she was hiding something sinister. Ponies jumped to conclusions."

Dizzy nodded. "Guess I’m not the most… innocent-looking thing then," she growled out. "Skittish bunch…"

Spike sighed. "Yeah…but that's what happens when your ancestors were prey. Took me a week to convince foals I wasn't going to eat them."

"That's racist," Dizzy remarked, to which Spike rubbed the back of his head in response.

"But they came around eventually," he added positively. "Just takes time for fears to fade."

Dizzy simply grunted, eyes unfocused in thought. Spike wished he could say more to raise her spirits. But empty platitudes wouldn't help, only real change would prove her worth.

They arrived at the guard barracks on the town's outskirts, near the train station. Two armored guards scrutinized them from the entrance.

Noticing Dizzy lagging behind, Fast Pace called calmly, "Hurry up, slowpoke."

Dizzy glanced between the looming barracks and the town behind them. "Um, can I just wait out here while you go in?" she asked nervously.

"Why?" Fast Pace responded flatly.

It was clear to Spike that the ponies from earlier were on her mind so he jumped in. "Look, dude, I can keep an eye on her for you. She doesn't want to go in."

Fast Pace looked ready to argue but paused, reconsidering. "Fine. I'll be thirty minutes, at most," he finally said.

Once the guard was inside, Spike shook his head. "Yikes, you have to live with him?"

"Yep.” Dizzy huffed. “Everyone at the library was willing to give me a chance. You'd think he and Celestia would too.”

Spike raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure the Princess trusts you."

Dizzy scowled. "Doubt it. She’s just trusting Fast Pace will keep me in line."

Spike pondered Dizzy's pessimism as they walked to a nearby bench.

"It's like Celestia didn't even tell anyone I could be trusted," Dizzy grumbled, sitting down. "They don't even know the dumb name she gave me."

"She named you?" Spike asked, surprised.

Dizzy nodded, embarrassed. "It was either 'Dizzy' or 'Discord Jr.'"

Spike burst out laughing. "Discord Jr! That's amazing."

Dizzy just groaned. "'Dizzy' isn't much better."

It took a moment for Spike's laughter to simmer down. "Well, what do you want to be called," he inquired.

Dizzy opened and closed her mouth several times, failing to answer. "I-I don't know…" she finally admitted, shoulders slumping as she stared at the ground.

Spike gave her an encouraging pat. "No rush! You can pick something you like later."

Contemplation painted Dizzy's face before she smiled. "True," she said.

The calls of a nearby ice cream vendor caught Spike's attention. "I've got a few bits, want some ice cream?"

"Bits…that's money, right?" Dizzy asked. Spike nodded. "Um sure, if you don't mind. I'll pay you back later."

Spike waved off her offer. "My treat! What flavor?"

"Orange, please," Dizzy requested with a smile.

Spike went over to the colorful cart and noticed a group of ponies loitering nearby, whispering and stealing glances at Dizzy. Just curious, probably, he guessed with uncertainty.

The line at the stand was short, mostly just guards and the odd local. Within minutes it was Spike's turn to order.

"Two cones please!" he requested, placing some bits on the stand.

"Gotcha, what'll ya have?" the vendor asked.

Spike held up two claws. "Double scoop orange and double scoop sapphire."

The pony grimaced apologetically. "Sorry big guy, no gem flavors here. Can do blueberry though?"

"Yeah that's fine," Spike answered.

As the vendor scooped the cones he asked, "So who's the lucky filly?"

Spike sputtered, "Uh, what?"

"Pretty obvious one cone's for your girl," the pony chuckled. "What's her name?"

Spike flushed, thoroughly embarrassed by the assumption. "Oh, she's not my girlfriend. I literally just met her."

"Ah, so trying to get there then?" the vendor pried with a smirk.

"No!" Spike insisted, rather offended. His interests lay elsewhere already. "She's—new in town, I was just showing her around. She's had a rough go so far."

"Gotcha, my bad," the pony quickly apologized, passing Spike the tray of finished cones. "Here you are, sir!"

"Thanks," Spike muttered, grabbing the tray hastily.

"Happy to serve!" the cheerful vendor called as Spike hurried off.

The moment Spike turned around, he heard a distinct yell.

Turning around, Spike was alarmed to hear Dizzy shriek "I'm not Discord!" Whipping towards the bench, he saw the loitering ponies had cornered her.

A unicorn stepped closer, forcing Dizzy back against the bench. "We aren't stupid! We know you can shapeshift, Discord!"

Dizzy looked unsure whether to bolt, stand her ground, or cower. Spike rushed over as fast as he could without upending the cones.

Why me!? Adam internally raged. He wanted today to be better, but these ponies seemed intent on antagonizing him.

He had dealt with this before, back when he was a kid, and he had found a way to end it immediately. But he couldn't resort to that again, it would make him a hypocrite after promising himself to control his temper.

From the corner of his eye, Adam saw Spike rushing back with the ice cream. No, this is still salvageable, he told himself, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"W-what will it take to prove I'm not Discord?" he asked the ponies.

They exchanged uncertain glances, not expecting the question. After a long pause full of muttered discussion, a mare demanded, "Show us your soul!"

Adam balked. "I-I—WHAT—I can't fucking do that!"

"Then leave!" the lead unicorn ordered.”Or we’ll make you Discord!”

"Yeah, what Panik said!" another stallion cheered.

What kind of backward society is this? Adam fumed. No wonder Discord called them misguided.

"H-hey now, let's all calm down and, uh, talk," Adam said to appease the crowd. "I read up on Discord. If it's any consolation, I'm sorry for what he's done."

"Not good enough!" a mare yelled.

Adam barely held back a string of curses at her. He wanted this resolved quickly and easily. His instincts said to fall back on old reliable methods, but that would undoubtedly make it worse.

Option B it was: Run.

"Fine, I'll leave!" Adam declared angrily. A twisted sense of satisfaction rippled through the crowd.

He spun on his heel and started walking blindly away. "Dizzy! What's go—"


Adam found himself sprawled on the ground, covered in a sticky orange mess. Sitting up with a groan, he saw he had walked right into Spike and upended the ice cream tray.

"Oww," Spike groaned before scrambling to his feet. "You okay?"

Adam just stared numbly at the ruined treat, another gift wasted. No matter what he wanted, today was just like yesterday.

He felt a pressure build up inside of him, demanding to be released, either through his eyes or his fists.

Spike leaned in, concerned. "Dizzy?" he asked, laying a claw on Adam's shoulder.

Adam angrily brushed it off and stood, fists clenched. He turned to the lead unicorn, who yelled, "What're you waiting for? Get lost!"

A small voice in Adam's mind whispered ‘he could still walk away,’ be the better man. He silenced it. Adam had tried being the ‘better man’ with these people, to uphold the principles of being civilized. The smug unicorn deserved what he was getting. Adam needed this catharsis.

With a primal yell, he charged the unicorn with full force. Every ounce of deep, negative emotion he had been holding back poured into the punch.


The hit connected hard and the pony stumbled back before crashing down, stunned. The whole crowd froze in shock.

"That's what you get, Dupek!" Adam shouted, panting heavily. "That's what you…fucking…get…"

But as the pain set in on his knuckles, icy horror doused his fiery temper. He watched a dark welt form on the unicorn's muzzle as blood trickled from his nose.

Adam staggered back, his throat constricted. "No-no-no. I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it," he choked out as he realized what he had done. Another bad decision.

The pony looked up at him with teary, fearful eyes. Adam felt a pit form in his stomach. There was no going back now.

Chapter 11 - Opened Eyes

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Adam and his friend Alexander strolled towards school, chatting amiably.

"—It's the best magic system I've ever seen," Alex gushed.

Adam smirked at his friend. "Is that why you, uh, weren't available yesterday? Too busy overanalyzing a game?"

"Can you blame me? There are nooo good wizard games!" Alex complained. "If I'm going to make an era-defining magic game, then I've gotta learn what works and doesn't"

"Just like when you wanted to become the next Houdini? You’ve got a problem." Adam jested.

Alex threw up his hands dramatically. "I do! And it's that magic isn’t 'cool.’"

They climbed the front steps and entered the bustling school. "What, trying to make it more mainstream and lucrative?" Adam asked.

"Nah, just tired of being called weird for it," Alex admitted a little glumly.

Adam clapped him on the back. "Hah! As if. No one dares mess with you when I'm around."

They grabbed breakfast in the noisy cafeteria, Alex grabbing breakfast. As they slowly shuffled through the line, Adam overheard two guys whispering nearby.

"Why is he still here? How many more ‘til he's banned from public,'' one muttered, glancing warily at Adam.

The other shrugged. "Dad apparently funds the board."

Adam couldn't help an angry huff, causing the gossipers to nervously avert their eyes.

Giving his friend a concerned look Alex said, "You really should stop."

"I only do it when we’re fucked with," Adam muttered darkly.

The school day had dragged on uneventfully. Adam shuffled to and fro, attending classes.

The moment the final bell rang, every student in the school booted for the exits. Many teachers, yelled, "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" which the students ignored without hesitation, Adam included.

Adam found Alex and they headed out, only to be stopped just as he opened the door.

"Hey, Mergur or whatever!" someone shouted from behind.

Adam turned to see a senior approaching confidently with a freshman in tow. "It's Merkur," he corrected flatly.

The guy stood intimidatingly taller than Adam. "That's him, Jay," the freshman said with a scowl.

Adam inwardly groaned. It seemed the prick from last week who had stolen Alex's lunch money had gotten his big brother for vengeance. "What a fucking pussy," Adam commented.

Suddenly Adam was slammed against the door, pinned by Jay. "No one beats up my brother, got it bitch?" the senior spat.

Adam glared back defiantly. "The dumbass had it coming. I gave him the out and he said no. Not my fault he's all bark."

"Student lot. Now," Jay growled, releasing Adam and shoving him forward.

Alex hurried to Adam's side as they followed the two outside. "Your dad's gonna be pissed, man. Don't do this," he pleaded worriedly.

But Adam remained silent, hands curled into fists. He knew this was a terrible idea, but Adam didn’t want people to form the wrong opinion of him. This fight was going to be a message to everyone.

The student lot buzzed with activity—some students heading to cars, others loitering to chat.

Jay stopped and raised a fist into the air. "Listen up! I'm about to show you all why you don't mess with the Goli's. If you want to see another round of a punk getting his shit kicked in? Follow me!"

Calls urging Jay to teach Adam a lesson rippled through the crowd. He led a swarm of students to a secluded path behind the lot. They formed a makeshift ring around the two.

Jay led Adam and a group of students to the biking trail behind the lot. The crowd circled around the two combatants, creating a makeshift arena.

"Last chance, freshman," Jay offered. "Use daddy's money to buy me and my bro breakfast and lunch, and we're square."

Adam's hands curled into fists. "No. You wanted a fight, so let’s fight."

Alex spun him around desperately. "Don't do this, man!"

"It's fine, Alexander," Adam said. "Long as my grades are good, Dad won't care."

"Yes, he will!" Alex insisted. "He sounded serious last time, Adam!”

Adam's gut twisted remembering his dad's threats about transferring schools if he kept defending himself. It wasn't his fault people couldn't back off. He had to snuff the bud before it could get out of hand.

But getting expelled meant losing Alex, his only real friend. Most of Adam's free time was spent studying alone. Could he survive total social isolation?

"Okay, fine. But you o—"

Adam fell to the ground as Jay struck him in the shoulder. It wasn't too powerful a punch, but it caught Adam off guard enough for him to lose his balance and fall.

"You said just to fight, Merkur. Why you talking to your boyfriend?" Jay taunted, getting a rise out of the crowd.

"Fucker," Adam growled. He got to his feet and took a deep breath. "Bad decision, dupek!"

Adam charged forward, fist raised dramatically. The senior took the bait and tried to block, however, Adam ran slightly past him. Using his momentum, he unleashed a brutal backswing to the back of Jay's head.

This was what made Adam a formidable brawler on school grounds. Small-town kids didn't have the experience or knowledge to think beyond a simple punch. Adam, however, thought outside the box. Was it efficient, no. Would it work against anyone with a semblance of training, hell no. But it was good enough to deal with arrogant teens.

Continuing his spin, Adam used his momentum to kick Jay to the ground. The teen crashed down with a thud, clutching his forehead from the impact.

"So, we done now," Adam gloated, relishing his catharsis. His banter didn't get much out of the crowd, as they were more interested in Jay winning.

Raising to his feet, Jay said, "Lucky hit." Blood poured out of a nasty gash on his forehead, caused by the cement he had impacted.

Alex yelled from the front of the crowd. "You made your point! Let's back out while we still can!"

"Depends on dumbass," Adam called back.

Jay shot a challenging look at Adam and began circling to his left. Adam followed suit. Slowly they closed in on each other, waiting for the other to strike first.

"Too pussy to make a move, Merkur?" Jay asked.

"Naw," Adam said, before spitting in Jay's face.

Jay recoiled in disgust. "You nasty freak!"

The loogie had its intended effect—Jay blindly charged Adam in a rage. But instead of swinging, he tackled Adam down, pinning him with his weight.

Jay lifted his fist into the air. Adam tried his best to retaliate with his own punch, but couldn't generate enough force to make it hurt or push the senior off.

"Know your place!" Jay yelled as he slammed his fist into Adam's chest. The wind rushed from Adam's lungs in a pained coughing fit, unable to draw breath.

Thrashing in vain against the stronger teen's hold, panic flooded Adam's mind. "G-Get off!" he choked out desperately. Being trapped and helpless was unbearable.

Using his free hand and yelling, Adam grabbed Jay by the shirt. He pulled with all his might and smashed his head into the senior, directly hitting the bloody gash. Jay howled in agony, slumping to the side.

"Fucking fuck!" Jay cried, clutching his head.

Rolling free, Adam spat, "Too chicken to do real damage?" Scrambling up, he lashed out with a vengeful kick to Jay's stomach. "I'm not even bleeding yet!"

From the crowd, Jay's brother cried, "Leave my brother alone."

Adam whirled on him furiously. "He wanted to fight, he gets a fight! You want a round two, bitch?" The freshman recoiled, going silent.

As Jay writhed, Adam caught his breath. The feeling of being in control of the fight was euphoric. One of the few things he thought he was good at was fighting, and it felt good to prove it to himself and everyone around.

"Let this be a lesson!" he turned to the crowd and shouted. "Don't ever fuc—"

Jay pushed Adam to the ground and kicked him in his face. Adam yelled in pain and he tightly clutched his head to shield it from further assault. However, no attack came.

"Fuck you, Merkur!" Adam heard Jay snarl, followed by a startled yelp and heavy thump. "And fuck your friend too!"

Adam quickly rolled to see Alex on the ground clutching the side of his face in pain.

Unchecked rage consumed Adam. He shot up and charged Jay, who barely dodged aside. But Adam grabbed his arm and slammed him down before jumping on top, driving his knees into the senior's stomach—a sliver of bile escaping the senior's mouth.

Blow after merciless blow rained on Jay's face as he struggled helplessly. All he could do was stare into the inferno blazing in Adam's eyes.

The crowd watched in uneasy silence, someone's soft sobs barely audible.

When Adam finally stopped, Jay lay bloody and swollen, pleading "Please, I'm sorry, stop!" through his tears.

Staring down at the broken boy, Adam seethed—this was his own fault, not Adam's. Him, his brother, and everyone else Adam had fought were lessons to send a message: 'Do not fuck with Adam Merkur, and do not fuck with his friend.' Adam glanced at Alex who was now standing, a horrified look on his face. Especially my friends, Adam thought.

"No," Adam said darkly.

The flurry continued. Every punch felt good to Adam as it felt as though he became lighter with each.

"Get off!" someone yelled before an electric shock threw Adam off of Jay.

"Jayden?! Jayden?!" his brother screamed, shaking the limp senior desperately.

Adam saw Jayden's face, for the first time since his outburst started.

Jayden's face was swollen and black. Blood leaked from his nose, mouth, and forehead-smeared around by Adam's fist. His eyes were what horrified Adam the most. Tears flowed from them as they stared ahead, glazed over and unmoving.

Fear overtook Adam as he assumed the worst. "I-I didn't mean t-to…"

Spike watched the lead unicorn, Panik, whimper as he clutched his muzzle, tears trailing down his cheeks.

To see Dizzy, who he may have known little about, lash out violently was a little shocking. She was seemingly too timid to do such a thing, but it was now clear to him that the filly held a fire within.

"You okay, Dizzy!" he asked, snapping out of his stunned state.

"I-I didn't mean to…" she mumbled as she stepped back, staring at the wounded pony. She looked as if she'd killed him, her face painted with dread as she shook her head.

Spike gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure you didn't," he reassured.

Muttered discussion rippled through the crowd of ponies:

"He hit him!”

"D-do you think Discord’s mad!? Did he just doom us!?"

"I don't know! We might have to defend ourselves!"

A mare growled, "Turn him back to stone!"

Dizzy's eyes shrunk hearing that. She panicked and hid behind the bench, curling up and hiding her face in her wings. "Idiot, why did you do that..." she berated herself.

Before Spike could comfort her, the mare who called for Dizzy's stoning shrieked, "How dare you strike my husband."

Spike whipped around to see her charging Dizzy at full speed. Acting on instinct, he rushed to intercept. The mare didn't slow down and continued to speed forward, confident in her earth pony strength. He braced himself for impact, ready to grab the mare.

But halfway there, a glaive suddenly struck the ground between them. The mare skidded to a startled stop.

"Cease!" A deep voice boomed.

Everyone quickly turned to see four guards approaching. It was Captain Silver Eyes, accompanied by Fast Pace and two other members of the Local Guard.

The Captain led the guards with his feathered wings outstretched, a scowl accompanying his tall opposing figure to create a visage of impending doom. His coat was lapis blue and his mane coral red. He wore the standard issue Local Guard armor, Equestrian Steel, with a yellow plume cresting the helmet to signify his rank.

The captain marched over. "Attacking a ward of the crown? I ought to arrest you all for treason," he rumbled.

The charging mare's shock shifted to a sly grin. "Captain! Thank goodness you're here. You can punish these cretins properly."

Captain Silver stepped between her and Spike. "And why would I do that?"

"Because Discord attacked my husband, and that dragon is defending him!" she argued shrilly.

With a flick of his wing, Silver dismissed his glaive. It flew to his belt, attaching itself. He stared icily at the incensed mare. "Do you take me for a fool, ma’am?"

"I—What?" she stammered, taken aback.

"I saw what happened," Captain Silver said flatly. "His broken muzzle"—he gestured to Panic—"is no one else's fault but his own."

"You must be joking!" the mare sputtered indignantly.

"No," Captain Silver said sharply. He turned to address the whole mob. "All of you are being detained for questioning. I want to know what's running through your little heads to think it was a good idea to go against Her Majesty's decree."

The Captain signaled with a hoof and the two accompanying local guards corralled the ponies toward the guard barrack.

"What happened," Fast Pace asked Spike as he and the guard captain approached.

"A lot," Spike said. "But let me help Dizzy first."

Fast Pace looked at Dizzy and his expression became unreadable.

Why me!? Adam mentally agonized. Why can nothing go my way?

There was no doubt in Adam's mind that he was getting turned to stone. All he had to do was walk away, but he'd fallen back on old habits. Disappointing his dad wasn't enough, nearly killing someone wasn't enough, and it seemed even his own willpower wasn't enough.

"Dizzy..." Spike's gentle voice cut through his spiral of self-loathing. Adam felt a careful shake of his shoulder. "You okay?"

Parting his wings slightly, Adam saw Spike crouched before him, concern etched on his face that deepened with each second. Behind Spike stood Fast Pace and another pegasus guard, both wearing similarly worried expressions.

"Y-yeah I'm…good," Adam muttered hesitantly. The underside of his eyes chilling from the wind.

"You sure?" Spike pressed, unconvinced.

Adam nodded his head. His nose was congested and his eyes were itchy, he didn't know why. But when he rubbed his eyes, he knew the answer. The fur under them was wet. He had been crying. Humiliating.

Spike offered a hand and helped Adam to his feet. Fast Pace approached with the pegasus guard in tow, their worried expressions making Adam cringe. He hid his tear-streaked face behind his hair in humiliation.

The two guards exchanged hushed words with Spike before the pegasus came over. He sat before Adam and simply said "Hey."

'Hey' was not the greeting Adam expected. "Um, hey?" he said awkwardly.

"My Name's Silver Eye, Captain Silver Eye,” he introduced politely. “Can I get yours?"

"I don't really have a name…yet. Just call me Dizzy," Adam mumbled.

"I see," the stallion said, understandingly. "Well, Dizzy, I just wanted to say sorry."

"Sorry?" Adam asked, baffled. Why was he getting an apology? He was the one who struck that unicorn.

Silver Eye nodded. "I've heard how hard the past two days have been. You've been shown the worst side of ponykind, and I want to apologize for that. So, I'm sorry"

Adam wanted to deny the apology, but he knew that if he did he would be stuck arguing with the stallion. Right now he just wanted to escape the situation and rest.

"Apology accepted," Adam muttered half-heartedly. Taking a breath, he added "And I'm sorry too."

Silver Eye smiled kindly. "Accepted. Though, you should be apologizing to the stallion you struck. I'll relay for you."

He got up and began to leave. When he passed Fast Pace he said, "I'll inform you of the investigation results later. I leave the rest to you Royal Private—do be lenient, she's just a filly."

Fast Pace nodded. Turning to Adam he said, "We're going back to Miss Rarity's."

"We don't have to if, uh, you still have things you need to do. I’m fine," Adam offered.

"I can do them later. We've got things to talk about, and before then, you deserve to rest," Fast Pace argued.

Adam wasn't looking forward to that talk, but at least he was given a chance to hide away and calm himself for it. "Alright," he said.

Fast Pace tapped Spike, who was failing to keep himself busy while waiting for the two guards to finish. "Dizzy and I are heading back to Miss Rarity's, you're free to join us," Fast Pace said.

"Cool," Spike said quickly before rushing to Adam. "So what did those two say?" he asked Adam quietly.

"Oh, uh, nothing bad," Adam said.

Fast Pace signaled it was time to go and they fell in step behind him.

Spike shot the guard a suspicious glance before shrugging it off. "If you say so."

As they walked, Adam noticed Fast Pace seemed different. Earlier in the day, the stallion walked confidently, eyes ahead and vigilant. Now, however, it was as if he was putting up a front. He kept his posture straight and upright, however his eyes stared at the ground in thought.

Adam didn't know how to feel about that. Was he thinking of how to punish Adam? Or was Fast Pace empathizing with him, did he feel guilty?

"Ice cream! Get your cold treats here!" a vendor shouted up ahead.

Spike parked up and asked, "Oh hey, can you guys wait a sec?"

"Make it quick," Fast Pace said.

Spike jogged over to the open stand and ordered. When he came back he had a tray of three cones.

"Here," Spike said offering a cone to Fast Pace.

"Thanks," the guard replied.

Adam was curious how a non-unicorn would be able to hold a cone that was clearly designed with hands in mind. He watched as Fast Pace reached out a hoof and the frozen dessert became stuck to it.

Magic, Adam deduced.

"This one’s for you, Dizzy," Spike said as he handed one to Adam. "To make up for earlier. They were out of orange so I grabbed vanilla, hope that's alright."

"No problem, vanilla’s fine," Adam assured him as he took the cone. "And uh, thanks, Spike. For everything I guess."

Spike smirked and said, “You’re not paying me back.”

“I know.” Truthfully, paying him didn’t cross Adam’s mind.

Fast Pace pointed a hoof at a nearby tree. "Why don't we go sit down. You know, to enjoy the ice cream better," he suggested a little awkwardly.

"You sure?" Adam asked.”There could be more trouble coming.”

"I'm sure," Fast Pace insisted, not quite meeting his eyes. "This time I'm here to—to protect you."

Protect me? Not guard the area or supervise? Just, protect me, Adam thought.

Hesitantly, Adam agreed and they settled under the tree with their cones. He was now actually thankful that they had sat down because the cones were bigger and messier than they looked.

Leaning against the rough bark, Adam realized how long it had been since he simply relaxed outside like this. To decompress out in the fresh air and hear the rustling of leaves was an almost novel experience. He regretted staying inside as much as he did now, not that he had a choice. Prestigious education needed prestigious studying.

What a waste of time…and I guess life, Adam thought.

His expression must have darkened with those somber thoughts. "Hey, Dizzy?" Spike asked quietly.

"Hmm,” Adam responded, startled from his contemplation.

"Are you really okay?" Spike asked gently.

Adam nodded on reflex. "Yeah, I'm good."
Spike looked unconvinced. "Are you sure? It's okay if you're not."

"I'm fine, seriously," Adam insisted, getting defensive. Why wouldn't Spike just let it go?

Spike opened his mouth to further push, however, he realized the futility. With a sigh, he said, "I'm open for when you want to talk, alright?"

"Yeah, alright," Adam said.

An awkward silence fell over the group. Adam stared at the grass, churning with emotions he didn't know how to articulate. He was grateful for the care Spike kept showing, but it also made him feel exposed.

Chapter 12 - Meanwhile

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"Yes! Yes, it's beautiful!" Twilight cheered, looking over her hoofwork—Sparkle Plan 6503: A Few Sparks.

She had spent the morning scheming in the library basement, papers and diagrams littering every surface. However, most of the clutter originated from past plans to reform Discord.

6503 was elegant and simple: Twilight would have her and her friends each spend time getting to know Dizzy, hopefully spawning personal commitments that would blossom into friendships. She already had ideas for herself, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

Twilight herself would become Dizzy's personal tutor. She would assess the foal with an exam and teach Dizzy what she didn’t know. Dizzy seemed well versed already, knowing things even Twilight didn't know—going by her proclamation to spread chaos non-disruptively.

Fluttershy would go second to last after the others had broken the ice. It was going to be a…difficult event. The two would have a lot to talk about. If Twilight was being honest, It was mostly for Fluttershy's sake. The poor girl would need closure, and the sooner the better.

And finally, Pinkie could show the filly a fun time—maybe bake a cake? Most importantly, when Twilight felt Dizzy was ready, Pinkie would introduce her to all of Ponyville at a welcoming party. For now, a huge crowd was too risky.

Satisfied with the plan, Twilight tidied up her scattered notes and climbed the stairs out of the basement, eager to begin. There was a pep in her steps as the prospect of getting to teach again was invigorating. She hadn't taught ever since Spike turned twelve, as she had accidentally accelerated his schooling past the average adult. Nine years of gifting knowledge to someone younger had left an impression.

"Spike you can tak-'' Twilight began, exiting the basement. The dragon should've been tending to the front desk, however, he was missing. Now where did he get off to? She wondered.

A folded paper on the counter caught her eye. She unfolded it to find a note from Spike.

"Well, the more the merrier," Twilight said approvingly as she learned that Spike was showing Dizzy around.

It was also nice to find out the filly was the studious type, seeking knowledge herself. Her choice of history books was curious though, all detailing the pre-classical era.

It was unconventional to let someone leave with books without a library card, but the paperwork was filled so it was fine.

Twilight, deciding to rectify the card problem, rifled through a drawer and pulled out card-making supplies. She made each card personally, as she believed it led to more appreciation of the library and its books.

As she gathered materials, her stomach rumbled loudly. "Maybe Spike had a point about putting a fridge down there," she chuckled.

In the kitchen area, Twilight threw together a few daisy sandwiches with the last of the fresh ingredients. "Right on time," she remarked. She teleported a scroll and quill and listed what needed restocking-eating one of her three sandwiches all the while.

Glancing around, Twilight noticed many shelves looking emptier than her projections estimated. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't leave the pantry open all the time, she thought. She made a note to be less lax about offering the pantry.

Once she was done, snacks on hoof, she went back to the desk and got to work on the library card. It did take some time as Twilight made most of the card by hoof, only using magic to give it a unique signature for verification.

With the card finished, Twilight grabbed her saddlebags and stored it, along with her grocery list. She was going to deliver the card to Rarity's, check on Fluttershy, and then head to the markets to restock the kitchen.

Rarity stared despondently at the paper that lay before her. Her desk was covered in sheets that had the beginnings of a hat, each drawing discarded in frustration. Designs had eluded her since Discord’s arrived in Ponyville.

She idly doodled a patterned hatband on her current page. "Perhaps...no…not quite..." With a frustrated huff, she crumpled it up to join the overflowing bin.

At least I had the foresight to clear my schedule, she reminded herself.

Knock Knock Knock

Three perfectly spaced knocks sounded from outside her workroom.

"~Just a moment!~" Rarity sang out sweetly. It had to have been one of her friends or it was something important, otherwise, the pony knocking had trouble reading signs.

Leaving her frustrated efforts, Rarity trotted to the front door where another three knocks greeted her. "Coming darling!"

Opening the door revealed Twilight waiting patiently. "Oh, Twilight, what brings you here?"

"Nothing urgent. Just wanted to drop this off for Dizzy," Twilight said, levitating a laminated card - a library membership.

"Oh, is Dizzy no longer present at the library?" Rarity asked.

Twilight shook her head. "Spike is showing her and Fast Pace around town."

"How nice, perhaps she can make a friend or two while out," Rarity remarked. "She'll surely need them..." she added under her breath.

Twilight's brow furrowed. "Why's that?"

"W-well you see, Fast Pace doesn't seem too inclined towards her.” Rarity explained hesitantly. “And considering he's supposed to care for the dear…" she trailed off pointedly.

Twilight's face fell into a concerned frown. "He hasn't done anything terrible, has he?"

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh no, nothing like that. He's just rather...cold towards the poor girl."

"If anything happens, please let me know," Twilight said seriously. "I have plans to help guide Dizzy, and a bad home environment would be extremely detrimental. For any child really."

Rarity nodded. "Of course, darling. You have my word." She paused thoughtfully. "Have you visited dear Fluttershy yet today? To check on her?"

Shaking her head, Twilight said, "I was going to after dropping off the library card."

"Then I insist on coming along," Rarity declared, stepping outside. "Our friend needs us right now, I'm certain of it."

"For sure," Twilight agreed

Together, the two mares set off down the sunlit street. A heavy silence hung between them as they made their way towards Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of town. Each was lost in her own worried thoughts about their gentle friend.

Rarity replayed the awful scene from the day before in her mind. She should have done something and been there for Fluttershy in the immediate aftermath. But the shock had warped her priorities.

Glancing at Twilight, she saw the same guilt and concern etched on the mare’s face. They had all failed Fluttershy when she needed them most. But not anymore—today, they would be there to support her through her loss.

Twilight and Rarity walked through the thinning streets of Ponyville. With the boutique on the opposite side of town from Fluttershy's forest cottage, their walk stretched nearly half an hour to cross the town of two-thousand ponies. But the two mares didn't mind the scenic stroll on such a pleasant day.

"Rainbow…" Twilight groaned. “I can’t believe she did that. Dizzy wasn't hurt was she?"

"I'm afraid so," Rarity answered gravely. "Sprained both her legs rather badly."

Twilight raised a skeptical eyebrow. "But Dizzy's out walking around town just fine?"

"Indeed. I tried convincing her to rest, but she insisted the pain had passed," Rarity explained. "I only relented because Fast Pace examined and cleared her."

A notebook and quill floated out of Twilight's saddlebags, surrounded by her glowing magenta aura. "Hmm, perhaps enhanced healing abilities?" she mused, jotting notes.

Rarity shot her a wry smile. "Twilight, I know that look. You are not to dissect the dear.”

Twilight chuckled. "Oh come now, how else will I thoroughly research draconequus physiology? All my current books are based on studies from fifteen centuries ago!"

Rarity fixed her with a flat stare, however, she was unable to contain her own smile as Twilight batted her eyes innocently. Their mutual giggling dispelled the lingering tension.

"In all seriousness though," Twilight continued, "I am intrigued by her rapid recovery. If it's biological magic, there's so much to uncover!" She practically vibrated with scholarly excitement.

Rarity just shook her head in amusement. Trust Twilight to find the scientific silver lining.

"Um, excuse me, Twilight?" a soft voice spoke up from behind them.

Twilight and Rarity turned around to see no one, but the flapping of wings tipped them to look up. Hovering in the air was the cross-eyed pony, Derpy, in her mailmare uniform.

"Hello, Derpy! What can we do for you?" Twilight greeted warmly.

The cross-eyed pegasus landed. "Is it true that Discord destroyed the elements, hypnotized Celestia," she tilted her head, "and turned into a filly?"

Twilight sputtered, caught off guard. "I-uh-NO?"

Derpy's confusion grew more. "Oh. Okay then, who's the new girl with Spike and the guard?"

Rarity stepped in diplomatically. "That would be Discord's…daughter."

"His daughter? Wow, draconequuses work fast! Who's the mom?" Derpy asked innocently.

"Mom?" Twilight echoed in confusion before realizing her mistake.

Derpy's good eye glanced up in thought. "Well, all the stories say he's the last one, so which lucky...or unlucky pony was it?"

Twilight and Rarity hesitated, unsure how to properly explain. Misinterpreting their silence, Derpy gasped.

"Is she not a pony? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for assuming!" she apologized profusely.

"No no, it's okay!” Twilight assured. “There is no mother. How did you hear those crazy rumors anyway? Didn’t the Guard explain?"

"No guards came to tell me anything," Derpy said.

Twilight frowned. "Then who told you?"

"My little Dinky," Derpy answered. "At first I thought she was just being imaginative, but everyone else was saying the same thing."

Rarity's face soured with distress. "It seems some dreadful rumor mill has sparked."

"This fast? But how?" Twilight exclaimed.

Rarity set her jaw with determination. "It matters not. Derpy dear, we require your assistance."

"Absolutely! What can I do?" the mailmare asked eagerly.

"What you heard from Dinky and others is untrue," Rarity stated firmly. "Dizzy is just an innocent child who unfortunately happens to be Discord's daughter. Right now she desperately needs help dispelling these nasty rumors and animosity. Explain to everyone that she's the result of the elements…salvaging the little bits of good in Discord. Please, do what you can to spread the truth."

Derpy saluted. "You got it!” With that, she shot back into the sky.

"Thank you, darling!" Rarity called

Twilight looked at Rarity miffed. "Rarity, that bit about the Elements salvaging Discord's good parts wasn't exactly true. Why say that?"

"Because 'just trust us' won't suffice, dear,” Rarity explained patiently as they resumed walking. “These rumors no doubt exist because of ponies wanting answers. I've merely provided an alternative narrative that causes no harm while satisfying curiosity."

"I think Applejack would disagree with 'no harm,'" Twilight pointed out.

"Of course. But let's continue this on the way, shall we? Rather than standing idle in the road." Rarity suggested.

Twilight nodded reluctantly and they set off again. Rarity’s white lie was a noble one and she believed Twilight would understand its necessity to combat misinformation. The ease with which it had spread was concerning, and she worried about the havoc rumors could wreak on their efforts with Dizzy.

Rainbow held Fluttershy close with a wing as they sat before the makeshift grave she'd dug for Angel in the cottage backyard. Occasionally one of Fluttershy's menagerie would come pay respects.

"Sorry, this was the best I could do for now," Rainbow said, nodding to the simple plot. "I'll pay for a nice headstone when I get the chance."

Fluttershy sniffled, eyes downcast. "You don't have to..."

Rainbow Dash didn't argue but fully intended to do it regardless.

The faint sound of three perfectly spaced knocks carried from the front door.

"I'll get that. You take your time," Rainbow said gently before flying up to the roof.

Peering down, she saw Twilight and Rarity at the entrance. Neither noticed Rainbow Dash overhead as Twilight knocked again, calling for Fluttershy.

"Up here!" Rainbow called, alerting the two mares. "Hey Twilight. Rarity," she added tersely.

Rainbow dropped down to properly greet them. "You guys here to see Fluttershy?"

Rarity nodded graciously. "Of course, darling."

"Well, do her a favor—don't mention Discord," Rainbow warned.

Twilight shifted awkwardly. "Actually Rainbow, can we talk about that? Privately, of course."

"Let me guess, is it over how we’ll take Discord down?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

Twilight slowly shook her head. "Actually, it's about how you tackled Dizzy."

Rainbow groaned loudly. "Oh come on, not you too! Why are you all buying his act?"

"Because there is no act!" Rarity insisted. "Why must you be so paranoid, Rainbow?"

"Paranoid? I'm finally using my head like you guys always tell me to," Rainbow fired back. "Explain where this random filly came from if it's not Discord. How can she just exist?"

Twilight shrank under Rainbow's glare. "I'm...still working that out," she admitted quietly.

"Exactly! It's impossible!" Rainbow pressed on. "We all saw him get hit by the Elements. So either he secretly overpowered them, or he dodged and we didn't notice. And if he could overpower them now, why not before?"

Neither Rarity nor Twilight had a good response, leaving an uncomfortable silence hanging. Rainbow did raise an unsettling point - there was a logical gap they couldn't explain.

But Rarity remained unshaken.

"Be that as it may, it doesn’t matter," she stated firmly.

Confusion consumed Rainbow Dash's face. She wasn't expecting that kind of answer.

"I know that filly isn't Discord because I've spoken with her—seen just how different she is. And unlike you, I'm upholding my tenant as an element. Have you done that? Have you given her a chance and extended a branch of friendship?" Rarity asked.

"It's been two days, Rarity," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"And that's enough for me," Rarity said.

Twilight spoke up hesitantly. "Rainbow, your doubts are fair…and I agree somewhat.”

Rarity looked shocked. "Twilight, surely you believe—"

Twilight rose a hoof to stop Rarity. “But..." She took a breath. "What if it really is a new pony, and we harm her over baseless suspicion? We can't risk that either."

Rainbow hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's impossible she's real.”

Twilight thought a moment before suggesting, "How about this, each of us will individually befriend Dizzy while Rainbow and I discreetly supervise. I'll learn that advanced barrier spell Celestia taught the guards. If anything seems off, I can trap her long enough for Rainbow to gather the other girls to use the Elements."

"I don't think we should be taking any risks," Rainbow Dash argued.

"Rainbow Dash for Celestia’s sake, if Discord wanted to act, why wait!?" Rarity pointed out. "Celestia's gone, he's unguarded with just Fast Pace, and we're not grouped to use the Elements again."

Twilight nodded. "She's right. And Rainbow, I do share your doubts, but let's avoid actions we'll regret."

Rainbow sighed reluctantly. "Alright, I'll trust you guys for now. But remember, Ponyville's safety is on us. We can't let anypony else get hurt."

Twilight gave her hoof a reassuring bump. "That won't happen, I promise."

Seeming placated for the moment, Rainbow headed back around the cottage. "I'll ask if Fluttershy wants to see you two."

Once alone, Rarity turned on Twilight. "So you really think she could be Discord?" she accused angrily.

"No, I do think they're different. I want them to be different," Twilight said earnestly. "But something is up. I'll explain what I'm thinking when we can get the other girls together."

Fluttershy gazed mournfully at Angel's makeshift grave, tears occasionally trailing down her fur Angel was the first animal she had cared for ever since she had gotten her cutie-mark. He had been her very first animal friend, the one who helped her earn her cutie mark so long ago. Angel had stood steadfastly by her side through every trial and tribulation, a source of comfort when she hid herself away from the world. And now he was gone, because of her naive trust.

The sound of wingbeats announced Rainbow Dash's return. "Twilight and Rarity are here," she said gently. "Want me to let them back?"

Fluttershy managed a small nod. Amidst the pain, she felt a swell of gratitude that her beloved friends had come to support her. They were the bedrock that kept her afloat whenever she sank into despair and isolation. Especially Rainbow, her oldest friend, who never backed down from defending Fluttershy no matter what. It was as if Rainbow had made a lifelong pact to stand beside her. Following Fluttershy to Ponyville nearly a decade ago was proof of that dedication.

Soon the three joined Fluttershy around the modest grave, wrapping her in silent comfort and companionship.

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy," Twilight finally murmured, voice thick with emotion.

Fluttershy quickly shook her head. "It's alright. It's not your fault," she whispered. Because deep down, she knew the blame lay with her alone for trusting so foolishly.

"Yes, it is!" Rainbow retorted angrily. "We should've done something instead of sitting around like helpless puppies"

Fluttershy silenced her with a stern glare before turning it on the others too. "No. None of you could've predicted this. Not even me." Her fire quickly faded. "It's my fault for bringing Angel. And for trusting Discord..."

Rarity laid a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "You couldn't have known either, dear. Please don't torment yourself so."

"Seriously, how many times do I have to say it wasn't your fault before you believe me?" Rainbow added earnestly. "Discord's the only one to blame here!"

Fluttershy's eyes hardened at the mention of his name. "Where is he now?" she asked coldly.

"Discord is-" Rainbow started to explain before Twilight quickly cut her off with a raised hoof and discreet head shake.

"It's complicated," Twilight said evasively. "I'll explain when we get the rest of the girls. But if you're worried, we're safe."

Fluttershy studied her friend's guilty expression but simply murmured "Okay." She was too emotionally drained to pry further.

The group sat in heavy silence then, taking solace in each other's company. Fluttershy found herself leaning into the support of Rarity on one side, and Rainbow's wing on the other. She was undeserving of their devotion after her reckless lapse in judgment. But their closeness was a bright ray piercing her dark shroud of grief and guilt.

Chapter 13 - Little Seeds

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After comforting Fluttershy earlier that morning, Rarity went to the Ponyville markets to stock her kitchen with enough quality food and ingredients to last a week. Each meal of the day was going to be the best of her homemade cooking for her guests.

Levitating around Rarity was a swarm of paper bags, kept aloft by her unicorn magic. She was thankful for her proficiency with telekinesis. Making dresses at her speed and efficiency required supreme control and precision with the spell—making mass manipulation an easy task.

As she trotted home, Rarity spotted Fast Pace, Dizzy, and Spike lingering outside her boutique residence.

"Hey, Rarity!" Spike called out cheerfully. "Let me get those for you." He said as he rushed over.

Rarity smiled warmly at the drake's generosity. His infatuation with her propelled him to be overly chivalrous to her. Sometimes she, admittedly, would abuse it on occasion, however, his helpfulness was always appreciated.

"Why thank you, my Spikey-wikey!" Rarity replied sweetly. “What are you all doing standing out here?" Rarity asked.

With a smirk, Fast Pace answered, "Well ma'am, like a reasonable pony, you locked the door."

"Oh, right," Rarity quickly said, embarrassed. "Here, let's get you all inside then."

She quickly unlocked the door and held it open. Everyone entered except for Spike, who had gathered too many bags and struggled to carry them.

"You know, Spike, I think it's best if I resumed carrying all that," Rarity said.

"No...I got—" Spike insisted boldly between strained grunts before misstepping and nearly losing his grip. "—IT!"

"I insist, noble dragon," Rarity tutted, enveloping much of Spike's armful back into her own levitation field. "Do go on ahead now."

"I said I had it…" Spike grumbled under his breaths, frustrated over losing his chance to impress Rarity with his strength. He trudged inside behind the others.

With everyone inside, Rarity used her magic to close the front door. She sat primly on her fainting couch while levitating the pile of grocery sacks down the hall and into the kitchen. The long line of floating bags followed one after another through the doorway like a train. Spike trailed along behind the caravan, carrying the few bags Rarity left him.

Fast Pace joined her while Dizzy quickly went to the guest upstairs, without saying a word.

"Impressive,” Fast Pace noted. "That's thirty bags or so, correct?"

"Indeed," Rarity responded, easily moving the bags with only a modicum of focus. "Practice makes perfect after all."

"From the dressmaking?" Fast Pace inquired

Rarity nodded. "Mhm. I'm the only premier designer and professional boutique owner here in Ponyville. Not from lack of competition mind you, my creativity and speed simply can't be matched!"

"Monopolizing the market—how ruthless," Fast Pace teased.

Rarity scoffed. "How dare you suggest such a thing. I offered Misses Lucky Boutonnière the opportunity to learn my secret to success. Sadly she was too—I don't know—prideful? Such a waste of potential…"

Walking out of the kitchen, Spike interrupted the two. "Dang, Rarity, are you planning to host the princesses or something?"

"No no," Rarity said jovially, "I just want each meal for my guests to be simply exquisite."

“Thoughtful as always!” Spike praised. “Anyway, I gotta go say bye to Dizzy. See you guys later!"

"Alright then. Have a nice day Spikey Wikey." Rarity turned back to Fast Pace and continued their conversation. "So, how was your little tour around town? I hope Dizzy had fun."

Rarity noticed a deep frown spread across Fast Pace's face. "She got into a fight," Fast Pace solemnly reported.

Rarity gasped, immediately fearing the worst. "First those dreadful rumors circulating, and now she's being accosted and hunted!? I can accept word spreading fast, but this is—"

"No!" Fast Pace interrupted. "It wasn't that severe. She did get antagonized—some ponies assumed she was Discord—but the group of ponies were only slinging insults, Dizzy was the one to throw the first and only blow."

“You don't mean Rainbow Dash was..." Rarity fretted, covering her mouth in dismay.

Fast Pace shook his head. "Absolutely not. After she struck a stallion she…broke down crying.”

Rarity sadly lowered her eyes. As much as she hated to admit it, Rainbow's skepticism over Dizzy's identity was echoing in her thoughts. She felt disgusted by how easily her convictions were shaken. "Could...could her tears have been feigned?"

"I know for certain she wasn't," Fast Pace stated

"How?" Rarity asked.

"Her face," he answered. "It was the same for you when Rainbow Dash attacked right?"

Rarity nodded.

"I've seen that same trauma plenty during Guard training exercises," Fast Pace explained, "when a recruit fears they accidentally killed their sparring partner. Dizzy looked utterly distraught."

"I-I…did she hurt him that bad?" Rarity worriedly asked.

"Just a broken nose, thankfully. But I'm unsure why she reacted so intensely." Fast Pace furrowed his brow, pondering the breakdown.

"Fear. Fear that she just ruined her life, Fast Pace," Rarity answered. "Rumors have spread fast that she's just Discord. Dizzy probably has it in her mind that she’s confirmed ponies' suspicions."

"Possibly…" Fast Pace muttered.

Spike came trotting back down the stairs and headed for the front entrance. "See ya later, Rarity!" he called over his shoulder.

"Goodbye, Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity responded brightly.

As the door clicked shut behind the departing dragon, Rarity refocused her attention on Fast Pace. She studied his furrowed brow and tense posture. "Still having doubts, darling?"

Fast Pace shook his head. "No, I just don't know what's going on now, and that's terrifying."

"Well, Twilight is gathering all of us girls tomorrow to get to the bottom of things," Rarity informed him. "Perhaps you could join us?"

"Sure, I'll come." Fast Pace stood up from the couch. "Unfortunately I didn't complete everything I needed to do today. Would you mind keeping an eye on Dizzy for me?"

"Of course, it would be my pleasure!" Rarity assured. She arched an eyebrow inquisitively. "Although I thought you never liked letting her stray far from your sight?"

Fast Pace paused in front of the door and glanced back, meeting Rarity's vivid blue eyes. "I trust you can properly handle any situation that arises.” He gave her a small, grateful smile. "Don’t start lunch without me!"

Rarity grinned playfully. "I wouldn't dare! Safe travels, darling."

With a casual salute, Fast Pace trotted out the door.

Adam lay brooding on his guest room bed, stewing in negativity. The spectral form of Discord floated lazily above, focused on reading a book he held aloft with magic.

"Well, wasn't that nice of Spike to say his goodbyes," Discord commented idly without glancing up.

"Yeah, sure," Adam muttered.

A devious grin spread across Discord's face. He dropped beside Adam and presented the cover of his book—The Tribulations of Young Equestria.

"Interesting how accurate these historical records are even after fifteen centuries. You’d think enough time would pass for history to be twisted, but I guess those prissy ponies care a lot about being accurate—at least about those they don't like."

Adam stared into Discord’s eyes. "So then you turning ponies inside-out is true."

Discord let out a casual, chilling chuckle. "Guilty!"

"I'm getting pinned for your crimes and all you do is laugh like it's some joke," Adam growled.

"Because it is!" Discord declared. "You think I'm sticking around to play defender? No! I don’t want to be a lifeless garden statue. So even though you can barely consider this existence, I'm getting to enjoy and do my favorite things."

"And what would those be?" Adam asked tightly.

"First is obvious, wanton chaos—and I mean the kind ponies refer to," Discord boasted. "Care to guess at my other proclivities? I assure you they're just delightful."

Adam glowered. "No." He was not going to be further entertainment to the draconequus.

The bastards getting off on my frustration! Adam thought bitterly.

"You're completely vile," he said aloud. "Let me guess, everything that's impeded my ability to enjoy it here is your fault. Why I can't say my name, why I'm a…in this stupid body, why people fear me!"

Discord adopted an expression of affronted shock. "Moi!? How dare you assume such a thing. I mean, it's a fair assumption, but there are some reasonable explanations!”

The apparition floated closer, his voice dripping with theatrical despair. "Perhaps the 'powers that be' simply deemed your identity forbidden. And I assure you, the DNA I utilized to craft that form came straight from our gametes—sperm if you want to be crass. So random chance was at play, and that body is what fate has so decided!”

Adopting an annoyed stance, Discord added, “It's a little easier to do things o'natural as much as possible, you know."

"Bullshit," Adam spat. "You wouldn't risk me getting some kind of genetic disorder."

Discord dove directly into Adam's face, leering eye to eye. "Oh? You presume to know me so well then?"

Adam refused to flinch. "I know you've got plans that involve me. That much is freaking obvious."

Discord shrugged indifferently. "Think what you want, it matters not. That seething paranoia of yours is quite entertaining though."

"You really are getting off to my suffering!" Adam accused.

Discord stared blankly before bursting into laughter. "Really!" He chuckled. "I suppose you could say that! Honestly, in more ways than you think!"

His admission momentarily stunned Adam. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Simply that your anguish is quite the enjoyable spectacle for me," Discord elucidated with nonchalant cruelty. "There's little entertainment I can directly cause in this ethereal state without burning through magical energies."

He held up the history book and waved it mockingly. "But please, if you truly believe I have some sinister master plan, why not read up on my exploits? Perhaps my past ‘Mayhem’ will reveal vital clues, hmm?"

Adam clenched a fist. "You're mocking me aren't you?"

Discord merely continued waggling the volume, waiting for Adam to snatch it.

"Whatever," Adam muttered. He grabbed the offered book and began flipping through it.

Satisfied, Discord hovered back and crossed his arms.

Rarity knocked gently on the guest room door where Dizzy had secluded herself. It had been half an hour since Fast Pace had left and she felt that it was a good time to check in on Dizzy. "Dizzy dear, may I come in?" she asked.

"It's your place, isn't it?" came the filly’s muffled voice from within.

Rarity entered to find Dizzy sprawled on the bed reading, barely acknowledging her arrival. "True, but privacy and personal space still matter," Rarity gently admonished.

"If you say so," Dizzy murmured, not looking up from her book.

"So, what are you reading there?" Rarity inquired brightly, trotting over to get a better look.

"Oh, um, history," Dizzy answered vaguely.

Rarity peered at the nondescript title, hoping for more context. "How nice. But of specifically?"

"Discord mainly…" Dizzy revealed reluctantly.

Rarity gracefully hopped up onto the bed, settling comfortably alongside Dizzy, who shirked at the contact. "Is this about what happened—that unpleasant encounter in town?"

"No, I was already studying him beforehand actually," Dizzy clarified, subtly recoiling from Rarity's proximity.

Rarity pondered how best to interpret the young mare's curiosity. If a filly talked about learning about their absent father, it wouldn't be farfetched to assume they felt the void left by the missing parent. It was worse for Dizzy as well, she didn't have a mother either.

Dizzy closed her book and turned her gaze away. "Am I in trouble or something?" She asked.

"No, of course not," Rarity quickly affirmed. "You may have made a mistake, but you're young. Mistakes are natural."

Dizzy regarded her suspiciously. "Then why are you here?"

Rarity felt slightly wounded by her guarded uncertainty. "Why shouldn't I be here? A friend I cared about got into a fight, it's only right I check on them."

Dizzy blinked, rendered momentarily speechless by Rarity's words. She stared down at the bed.

“Thank you, Rarity. For, um…for caring," she finally said in a small voice.

Rarity smiled warmly. "Of course, darling."

She nodded at the history book Dizzy still clutched. "So, you're learning about Discord. I'm sorry there's not much good to learn about your father."

"Please don't call him my father," Dizzy requested as she gripped the book in her claws harder. "I'd rather not be associated with someone like him. Especially since he doesn't have my best interests in mind."

Rarity internally cheered, She truly isn't that monster in disguise.

"Alright then, Dizzy. I'll be sure to tell the others as well," Rarity said.

Dizzy let out an exasperated huff. "I really need to get my own actual name."

"What's wrong with it?" Rarity asked.

"It's the laziest name I've ever heard. Your princess is lousy: Dizzy, Ponyville, Canterlot," Dizzy said as she listed them on her claws.

Rarity tutted disapprovingly. "Now darling, Princess Celestia only chose your name specifically. Rather bold to insult our benevolent ruler so."

"Oh, then I guess ponies are bad at naming in general," Dizzy declared.

Rarity bristled, offended on behalf of her race. "The nerve! Am I to presume even my carefully selected name falls short to you?"

Dizzy recoiled from the sudden glare. "No no, Rarity is great!" she quickly backpedaled.

Rarity laughed at the flustered filly. "That’s what I thought!" She said triumphantly.

Once she calmed down she kindly asked, "Have you thought of anything you do want to go by?"

"No…not really. I, um, had an idea but…don't ask," Dizzy said.

Rarity waved a hoof reassuringly. "I'm sure the name you thought of is fine dear—I won't judge.”

"It's less that, just...hard choosing a whole new identity I guess," Dizzy admitted.

Rarity nodded sympathetically. "Especially lacking a special talent for guidance. A cutie mark often influences such decisions."

"Special talent? Cutie-mark?" Dizzy questioned. "What even are those."

Rarity turned sideways, flaunting the trio of blue gems adorning her flank. “Why these of course!”

Dizzy's cheeks quickly turned red at the sight. She blinked and snapped out of her stupor before clearing her throat and raising a questioning brow.

It took Rarity a moment to realize how suggestive of a pose she took and let out a flustered awkward laugh.

"Sorry, how absentminded of me! I'm not trying to court you!" Rarity said quickly, straightening up hastily. "I merely wanted to demonstrate my cutie mark.

"You see, they represent a pony's greatest talent or trait. The insignia appears when we discover it," Rarity explained.

Still blushing faintly, Dizzy asked, "So, what is your special talent?"

"I actually have two talents,” Rarity said proudly. “My eye for fashion and, more directly, my skills in gem-finding."

"And that’s why you’re named Rarity?" Dizzy asked.

"Precisely!" Rarity praised.

Dizzy's else held a slight gleam of curiosity. "I have so many questions," she said.

Rarity smiled encouragingly. "Well then, how about a deal? I'll gladly answer any query you have. And in return...you let me style that mane and coat of yours!"

"That's a strange deal…a little one-sided—as in only serving me," Dizzy said skeptically.

"To put it bluntly, you don’t seem comfortable with me touching you," Rarity explained.

Dizzy looked away. "Is that how I've been coming off? It's just…"


“I literally punched someone earlier. So having someone try to pamper me just feels...weird I guess,” she said bashfully.

Rarity gave her shoulder a comforting pat. "You had a moment of weakness. It's okay."

"No, it's fucking not!" Dizzy refuted, shrugging off Rarity. "I could've walked away. I didn't have to take it as far as I did."

"Yes…you could've, but nobody's at their most rational when stressed darling," Rarity affirmed.

Dizzy huffed. "That doesn't matter, I should've been better."

"Is that what you'll tell yourself the next time you make a mistake?" Rarity sternly asked. "You can't know your weaknesses if you never fail, dear."

Dizzy fell silent as Rarity's words of wisdom sank in. "Just go grab the brush or whatever," she finally said.

Rarity hummed, pleased, before looking at Dizzy sternly. "By the way, if you ever utter any more profanity, I will be washing out your mouth with soap. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Dizzy said as she nodded vigorously.

Rarity reached out with her magic to her room down the hall. She had the location of all her household belongings memorized for ease of access. When she felt her brush set, she engulfed it with her magic and pulled it towards the guest room.

"Aren't you going to go grab a brush?" Dizzy asked, watching Rarity simply sit as her horn glowed.

"I already have, darling,” Rarity chirped confidently. “See how my horn is illuminated? If you're ever wondering if a Unicorn's casting a spell, look at their horns."

In demonstration, Rarity's brushes levitated into the room, carried by her blue aura.

"Wow," Dizzy muttered. "That's really useful. I have to get Twilight to teach me magic."

"I'll be sure to ask her,” Rarity said “Now, come here so I can work my talents on that mane of yours!"

Dizzy reluctantly scooted nearer on the bed to Rarity.

Awkward and uncomfortable…soothed, the three words that described how Adam felt. He had never had his hair brushed by someone else, let alone his new fur coat. It was pleasant but felt wrong in some way.

Rarity was humming away as she brushed him. She reminded Adam of his mother, who also hummed when she was busy, sending a pang of sadness through his heart.

Seeking distraction, Adam asked, "So…did you change your name or did your parents somehow know?"

"Starting off with a hard one are we?" Rarity remarked. "I wouldn't say they knew per se. But there is the phenomenon of expecting couples receiving a dream of their foal's talent…they're very abstract.”

As she spoke, Rarity continued brushing with well-practiced strokes of horn and hoof.

“My father was the one to receive the dream. He dreamt of a storm that rained down unremarkable gems, save one which shone brighter than the rest—a brilliant salutchsia diamond!” Rarity spoke with excitement.

“Afterward, he suggested ‘Dazzle Diamond.’ Mother disagreed,” Rarity continued. “She pondered just naming me Salutchsia, but father said it sounded too stuck-up. I'm glad he did, my cutie-mark's the completely wrong color. So they decided to be more metaphorical with my name—and, well, Rarity was chosen."

Rarity finished her story and ceased brushing to appraise her work. "Just a little polish and you look so precious! Though you were already quite the little cutie."

Adam recoiled from the label. "Uh, I am NOT cute," he automatically protested.

Rarity just tittered affectionately. "Oh, but you are darling! Just look in the mirror…why is it covered up?"

"I, uhh…" Adam uttered.

Rarity telekinetically pulled off the towel that covered the large vanity mirror on the other side of the room. "Nevermind, gaze upon my transformative talents, my dear!"

Adam stared into the mirror, his reflection showing the same random amalgam of animal parts - albeit with slightly tidier fur. "What am I supposed to be seeing?"

"Why, just how cute you are of course!" Rarity reiterated cheerfully.

"You think a hodgepodge of animal parts is cute? I'm pretty sure normal people would call me an eyesore," Adam sarcastically said.

Rarity winced slightly at his self-deprecating words. “Just give me more time, dear, and you'll be thinking otherwise," she declared.

"You can't fix genetics, Rarity, but whatever," Adam said dismissively. "Anyway, are special talents decided at—no, before birth?"

Rarity laughed nervously as she resumed grooming his coat. "Well cutie marks are considered one's destiny...so I suppose fate plays a role. You're wandering into the metaphysical magic behind the marks now. I'm afraid proper explanations would require asking Twilight."

"Yeah, figured as much," Adam grumbled. "There goes most of my questions then. Definitely need to corner Twilight at some point."

"Sorry, dear," Rarity said.

"No big deal, can't expect everyone to be an expert on everything," Adam conceded, the soothing brushing lulling him into relaxation.

A comfortable silence settled between them. Rarity hummed softly again, continuing her ministrations. The soothing rhythm of the brushes lulled Adam into a light sleep—wearing a content smile.

"Done!" Rarity proudly proclaimed. But Adam didn't respond, having drifted further into sleep.

Unsure whether to wake him or not, Rarity's decision was soon made for her. Adam lazily blinked his eyes open and stretched. "Why did you stop…it was so nice." he mumbled drowsily.

When he realized what he muttered, his eyes snapped open and a fierce blush overtook his face.

Rarity couldn't restrain an amused giggle at his embarrassment, causing the blush to intensify. "Well, I'm overjoyed it was so! Why don't you go admire that hidden beauty you had."

"Yeah, alright," Adam muttered. He looked at the distant mirror, while tidier, his reflection failed to impress.

He certainly looked better. His hair was tidied up—looking even softer, more poofy, and framing his face in natural layers resembling some cutesy Gacha game character.

Adam's coat and plumage had also greatly improved. He hadn't noticed how the ones that made his wings weren't aligned earlier. The scruff of feathers around his neck was now puffier and a more pristine, uniform white.

But despite the improvements, the only feeling his appearance brought him was the reminder that he wasn't himself anymore—not fully. Just a frankenstein-esque mélange of mismatched animal parts.

From the mirror, Adam saw the reflection of Rarity's face alight with eager anticipation. She was clearly hoping that he would love the improvements, but his distaste for his new body rendered that an impossibility. Still, he hated to seem rude or unappreciative after she invested such effort.

Adam got off of the bed and approached the mirror, close enough to block her view of his face. He used the chance to get a closer look at his appearance in the hopes that something would catch his eye and make him smile—he wasn't the best at faking enthusiasm.

The mirror, however, revealed a sight that couldn't be appreciated. In front of him was not the reflection of Adam Merkur—child of Michael Merkur, an unsociable teen, and one who showed potential to continue the tradition and legacy of his family.

No, what looked back was a stranger, 'Dizzy.' The daughter of Discord, heir of Chaos, and unknown terror to ponies. This wasn't him, what was there to appreciate?

"I can style it if you wish, pamper your lovely coat as well?" Rarity offered as she hopped off the bed, catching onto Adam's dissatisfaction.

Adam shook his head, meeting her reflected gaze. "Nah, I’m not hugely into looks and all that. But I do feel nice overall, so thanks." He forced his mouth into a faint grin.

Rarity's own smile faltered slightly, clearly dissatisfied by his tepid reaction. Quickly recovering poise, she asked "Well then! How does lunch sound, darling?"

Adam nodded, peering sideways at his still unfamiliar features. "Can you make it small? You made a pretty big breakfast," he said.

Rarity stirred a pan of vegetable stuffing, expertly preparing a spread of stuffed peppers. As she worked, thoughts about her brief time with Dizzy swam through her head.

The child was curious, crass, and gave off the feeling of always being on edge. However, concealed by those traits was a clearly bright and curious filly who could do much if guided properly. Dizzy’s defensive demeanor made sense sadly, considering the situation she was in.

Dizzy was already grown, experiencing the world at birth with the mind of a pre-teen rather than that of an infant. She lacked the innocence that a young mind would have that could shield her from the stresses the world offered her.

The result was a skittish, jaded, and wary adolescent struggling to orient herself.

Knock Knock Knock

Came from the front door.

Ah, that must be Fast Pace returning, Rarity thought. She lowered the stove's flame and trotted over to answer. Opening the door, she found she had guessed correctly—the stern earth pony guardsman stood at attention on her threshold.

"Welcome back, darling! didn't catch any trouble out there, did you?" Rarity asked him as she stepped aside to let the stallion in.

"Thankfully, no," Fast Pace reported. "I expected Ponyville to be in some form of mild ruckus, but things haven't ballooned out…yet."

Rarity waved a dismissive hoof. "Don't be so pessimistic. I've got the best messenger running counter to the rumors. All that nasty gossip will be gone by tomorrow!"

"That’s a bit of a rapid resolution. When was this done?" Fast Pace asked.

"This morning, after you two left,” Rarity explained, heading for the kitchen. “I had a few errands to run and overheard the chatter. I couldn't let rumors about a guest of mine circulate, so I did what I could at the time."

Fast Pace hummed as he followed. He passed Rarity, and poked his nose through the kitchen doorway, sniffing at the aromatic air. "So, what's for lunch? Smells good."

Rarity had to stifle a giggle at his antics—it seemed good food was enough to break his veneer of seriousness.

"Today we dine on stuffed pepper medleys!" Rarity proclaimed with pride. “Stuffed to be the perfect bite-sized treats exploding with flavor!”

Fast Pace flashed a cheery smile. "I'm sold.”

Rarity returned to cooking and asked, "Then how about you help me?"

"Of course, miss—you're the one not only housing us but also cooking meals. If I didn't help, my mother would no doubt be disappointed in me," he said

The two fell into an easy rhythm preparing the meal together. Rarity chopped vegetables that Fast Pace incorporated into the stuffing mixture, seasoning everything to perfection and then stirring. Rarity then efficiently stuffed the filling into the vibrant hollowed peppers before arranging them on a baking sheet.

"You don't mind taking Dizzy's share up again, do you?" Rarity asked as she passed over the last of the vegetables.

Fast Pace shook his head. "I'm happy to help."

Rarity watched as the guard made the filling. He always had a daunting look to him, even when he was trying to be more approachable with his joking quips. Now, however, he genuinely looked at ease, his coldness replaced with a hidden softness—it gave Rarity hope that what she was going to do would be fruitful.

"By the way, you and I need to have a talk," Rarity said sternly.

Fast Pace glanced over, slightly puzzled by her serious tone. "Yeah, sure..."

He finished the stuffing as Rarity filled and placed the final pepper batches into the oven. Then she led him to sit at the kitchen table.

"So, what is it?" Fast Pace asked as he took the opposite seat to Rarity.

"What was it that Celestia assigned you to do with Dizzy?" Rarity asked.

With his brow furrowed Fast Pace said, "To watch over her."

Rarity nodded. "As her legal guardian."

"Right?" He confirmed, unsure of where Rarity was going.

"Which makes you her caretaker and father figure, Fast Pace," Rarity added pointedly.

"I...suppose so, yes," Fast Pace conceded slowly as if the notion had never quite solidified until then. "Where are you going with this?"

Rarity folded her hooves on the table. "I spent some time with Dizzy, and she strikes me as someone who's going to have a very troubled future, I mean emotionally," Rarity began. "She needs someone to support her, someone she can always trust and be around."

"Oh, I understand," Fast Pace said. "You have my permission to provide company and comfort whenever you wish."

Rarity exhaled patiently. "No, darling. You need to be the reliable pillar she can depend on. Can you try acting more warmly—fatherly with her?"

Fast Pace blinked. "Fatherly?" He parroted uncertainly.

"Less aloof and protocol-oriented, more open with affection," Rarity encouraged. "The way you relax around me—try extending that to Dizzy."

The guardsman pondered the suggestion and then nodded. "I believe I can manage that. I'll try to be more...'fatherly'."

While Fast Pace readily agreed to her suggestion, his formal tone left Rarity somewhat unconvinced. She worried her feedback may have come across as an overly critical redirection rather than caring advice.

Still, Rarity hoped her words would plant a seed, one that would inspire the stoic guardsman to nurture more warmth and trust with Dizzy—his role as her caretaker and guardian necessitated emotional availability. With time and conscious effort, Rarity believed Fast Pace was capable of cultivating the supportive paternal bond Dizzy desperately needed.

Rarity resolved to subtly encourage this growth even after her two guests inevitably moved on from her hospitality. A difficult future loomed ahead for Dizzy, and Rarity refused to see her abandoned without compassion and stability. If Fast Pace could embrace his new fatherhood, then perhaps Dizzy would more easily find her foothold in the world.

Chapter 14 - Unwind

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Seven ponies had gathered around a large table in Golden Oak Library, having turned it into an impromptu conference room to discuss Ponyville's most recent occurrence—"Dizzy."

Rarity and Fast Pace recounted their personal experiences interacting with Dizzy. They described her lack of any familial connection, clear distaste towards her supposed father, and signs of inner turmoil bubbling beneath the surface.

To Rainbow Dash, however, their words did nothing to sway her. It wasn't that she ignored their words, but that she remembered who Discord was—a trickster. A spirit of disharmony and deception who could twist minds, transform on a whim, and no moral compass to restrain his actions.

In her mind, taking anything at face value regarding Discord and his potential progeny seemed naive at best, and dangerously foolish at worst. She refused to accept any story about ‘Dizzy’ without irrefutable evidence. The draconequus had fooled them with illusions before, he could certainly be doing so again.

"We tried our best to end Dizzy's day off on a positive note," Rarity explained. "Eat dinner together and have a bit of a game night…"

"But she wasn't very receptive," Fast Pace finished. "She went along with it but wasn't actually engaged. I honestly think we annoyed her."

Twilight scribbled notes, brow furrowed. "There has to be more...she seems so ordinarily pony-like otherwise." The lack of concrete behavioral clues clearly bothered her.

"And that's a bad thing?" Applejack asked pointedly.

"Normally, no,” Twilight clarified. “but I was hoping for any insight into who or what she actually is.”

"Maybe that there is your evidence," Applejack offered. "She’s acting like a confused filly because she is one."

Rainbow Dash scoffed dismissively. "No evidence isn't proof of evidence," she said, butchering the idiom. "It could all be an act."

Applejack met Dash's glare. "Alright miss skeptical, you got any proof?"

Rainbow Dash shuffled uncomfortably under the glare of her friend. "Well...she punched some guy hard enough to break his nose!" she said weakly.

"That's it? We both know that either one of us would've done the same with enough prodding," Applejack chastised. "Remember that dragon in the mountains? Did hitting him make you some awful villain?"

"That was totally different!" Rainbow Dash disputed, defiantly.

Applejack took a bored posture, foreseeing the conversation ahead. "No, it ain't. Some inconvenience comes, and you both choose violence to end it quickly."

Rainbow Dash flew into the air in annoyance. "It was a dragon!" She splayed her hooves out to emphasize its size. "You know those big, fire-breathing, terrifying lizards that ea—OW!" Rainbow Dash continued before being hit on the head with a sticker of a smiling dragon, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.

"Redsy didn't do anything to deserve getting hit!" Pinkie Pie admonished. "The worst thing he did was push us away for interrupting his nap!"

"Whatever…" Rainbow Dash grumbled as she returned to her seat. "You guys don't have proof either.”

"Dashie, why are you so paranoid?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "I'm not being paranoid, I'm thinking smart. We can't just make blind mistakes anymore."

Twilight pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I understand caution, but you seem...personally upset over this. Even more than Applejack."

Applejack shook her head with a scowl. "Vermin messed up my farm, broke his word, and betrayed us. I wanna mess Discord up real nice myself, but that don't mean I'm gonna forgo decency over a hunch."

The others were forced to wait for Rainbow Dash's answer. Her reasoning was very personal, and she hated opening up to such an extent. She looked at each of the ponies at the table uncomfortably. They were her friends and despite that, their caring faces dissuaded her from speaking—looking more like interrogators.

Then she looked at Fluttershy…

and her hesitancy washed away.

Fluttershy, half-obscured by her mane, met Rainbow's gaze evenly with a gentle empathy that pierced her defenses more sharply than any interrogation could. It was always like that, Rainbow Dash’s oldest being the only one to break down her emotional shields.

Releasing a breath she didn't know she had held, Rainbow Dash relaxed. "It's just…what if I had died? I was seconds from jumping in before Angle did and, well, that could've been me."

Immediately Fluttershy got up and wrapped a wing around her friend. The others digested Rainbow Dash’s solemn admittance as Fluttershy gave reassuring nuzzles.

"Rainbow…I-I'm sorry, I don't know what to say," Twilight said softly before pausing in thought. "I'm sorry you've been going through that—thinking about your mortality."

Rainbow shook her head bitterly. "It's not about me. I keep imagining you all having to cope if I just...died.” She ground her hooves into the table. “Fluttershy's already hurt, I'm not going to mess up again and I’m not going to let the ponies I care about go through that. "

Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow Dash's neck. "Please, stop blaming yourself," she firmly stated.

"You should listen to ‘Shy,” Applejack reaffirmed. “You know intervening would’ve made things worse.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Yeah…"

"So then stop looking backward, partner, and start looking forward," Applejack gently chastised.

"But…okay," Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity dabbed at her suddenly misty eye with a tissue held in her magic. "Oh, darling, that's so sweet of you. You’re right, we don’t ever want to think about losing each other."

Rainbow waved it off with an awkward grin. "Yeah alright, getting sappy. Can we move this along?"

“Of course,” Rarity said with a chuckle. “Still, that doesn't justify your actions. You owe Dizzy an apology.”

"Yeah, I'll give her an apology…once we prove she's not Discord," Rainbow Dash responded.

"What did I just say!" Applejack scoffed.

Rainbow Dash lifted a silencing. "Woah woah woah, I'm talking about Twilight's plan. That's why she called us here, a plan to settle this Dizzy weirdness once and for all—get hard facts and evidence."

"Uh huh," Applejack said skeptically. "Stubborn Mule."

"Look who's talking!" Rainbow shot back playfully.

"Ahem, yes, my possible approach for unraveling the truth behind this 'Dizzy' situation," Twilight redirected. She summoned a whiteboard, several papers, and a corkboard filled with notes and red yarn from nowhere. She passed out the papers to each pony present.

Pinkie Pie gasped dramatically. "Wowee Twilight, your conspiracy board is almost as cool as my ‘Cakes to Flanks’ one!"

Twilight blinked. "Um, dare I ask what you could be possibly conspiring about?"

"It’s all in the name!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed “How does Celestia ensure all the cake she eats goes to her plot!"

"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight cried, aghast.

"What? We all want to know! Especially me and Rarity!" argued Pinkie Pie.

Sputtering from embarrassment, Rarity let out a guilty, "No…"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack shared an amused smirk at the fashionista's transparent intrigue for the secrets to having ‘The Royal Figure.’

"Ooh ooh, Fast Pace, do you know!" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No," he said, deadpan. "Why would you think I would?"

"Because you spend so much time with her—as a Royal Guard," she explained.

Looking at Pinkie Pie annoyed, Fast Pace said, "I'm a private, not a captain.”

Twilight loudly cleared her throat. "The plan," she emphasized, "is quite simple given the circumstances, but it should help point us in the right direction. All of us are going to try and be Dizzy's friends, or at least get to know her."

Rainbow Dash wrinkled her nose. "Err...why though?”

"Because that's what the princess tasked us with, silly,” Pinkie Pie said. “Weren't you listening when I told you?"

"After hearing that 'Discord reproduced,' I tuned out," Rainbow Dash nonchalantly admitted. "You were saying a lot, and I mean a lot, really fast."

"No wonder," Applejack groaned. "Pinkie, I told you to stay grounded!"

The party pony shrugged. "You know me."

"That I do," Applejack grumbled begrudgingly.

Twilight rapped a hoof on a diagram. "Girls! Focus!” she said. The diagram was a collection of six papers surrounding one another. The outer papers bore the cutie-mark of each pony present except Fast Pace, the center paper possessed a rudimentary drawing of Dizzy's head, signed by Spike.

"We're going to be creating what I like to call a ‘Circle of Commitments,’" Twilight explained. "Each of us is going to spend time with Dizzy and create opportunities for recurring meetings."
She signaled for everyone to look at their paper. "For example, I'm going to use several tests to examine her knowledge and then offer to become her tutor. I'll be able to see how she does in quiet, low-energy environments, and be able to compare her knowledge to Discord's."

"Twilight, some of the questions are a bit…strange?" Rarity said confused as she peered at a copy of said test.

"It's a dual-purpose psychometric and scholastic analysis," Fast Pace elaborated, reading over her shoulder. "Clever efficiency, Twilight."

Applejack tipped her hat approvingly. "Two changelings with one buck, smart thinking."

"Thank you," Twilight said before resuming her lecture. "I’ve compiled some suggested ideas for everyone to consider until we reconvene tomorrow. But feel free to get creative!"

She levitated copies to each friend except Pinkie Pie, eager to get their personalized plans underway.

"Hey, Twilight, how come I don’t get one?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight cracked a smile. "Because, Pinkie, your role is going to be the most important and last one!"

"Ooh, what's that!" Pinkie asked, excited.

"You're going to host Dizzy’s welcome party!" Twilight answered.

An explosion of confetti rained down as Pinkie gasped ecstatically, bouncing around the room shrieking with excitement. "Yes yes yes."

Rainbow regarded the celebrating pony flatly. "Why are you so excited, that's what you usually do."

"I know! But this time it’s part of an official Step-By-Step Twilight Scheme™!" Pinkie Pie proudly proclaimed.

Everybody shared an amused chuckle at her unabashed enthusiasm., Fast Pace even cracking a smile.

Once the cacophony settled, Twilight resumed. "Now then, Rainbow and myself will be covertly observing interactions to note anything concerning."

A quieter voice piped up. "I'd like to watch as well, if I may." Fluttershy's normally gentle face was set with uncharacteristic gravity. "I want to understand what kind of pony this filly truly is."

The cold way the pegasus said her intentions caught everyone off guard. "O-of course, you're welcome to join!" Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie’s hoof shot up eagerly. "Sorry, Pinkie," Twilight answered before she could speak. "Any more and our stealth might be compromised."

"Aww," Pinkie Pie groaned. "That's gonna make party planning harder…oh well!"

"Hehe…that was impressive of you," Dizzy said, doing her best interpretation of the villainous stallion, Silent Mist. "At that time…you had already copied my water clone incantation."

Spike covered his mouth with a claw to muffle his voice. "I won't let my comrades die!" He said for White Fang's flashback panel.

"You had your clones say those words to attract my attention…" Silent Mist croaked in the present. White Fang stood behind him, keeping a blade to his throat with his magic. "While the real YOU," Dizzy tried her best to sound more intimidating, "stayed in the Mist and watched."

"Nice plan…" Silent Mist complimented, "but…"

The next panel showed a copy of Silent Mist appearing behind White Fang, Mist's clone pressing his own knife to White Fang's throat. "I'm also not that easy!" Finished the clone.

Spike excitedly pumped his fist and giddily said, "Oh man! This comic is so cool!"

"Yeah, kinda," Dizzy agreed. "Most comics aren't this…tactical, I guess that's the right term."

Spike shook his head knowingly. "Nah, only the popular stuff is like that. Though you still are kinda right, most comics are just bam bang boom and use magic to solve everything—nice to see cleverer resolutions." He briefly pondered if Dizztt had enough context to make deeper comparisons.

Spike and Dizzy had been reading the comic they started two days ago. During their reading, Spike had been subtly pushing Dizzy to be more into her acting, he wanted to test the waters for a question he had. Ever since Twilight had told him of her plan, Spike wanted to be of assistance to his adoptive sister.

"That's why I don't like popular stuff, it's all the same, lazy garbage," Dizzy said.

"Sure it's all mostly the same," Spike emphasized, "but they're still enjoyable to read. You're not one of those 'everything's derivative' types, right."

Dizzy rolled her eyes. "Am I wrong if it's true?"

"Yes," Spike said flatly, "that kind of approach will make you a buzzkill."

"Rather be a buzzkill with standards than a brainless consumer," railed Dizzy.

Spike flicked a pencil erase at Dizzy teasingly. "Take that back!" He said playfully.

“Ow! Hey!” Dizzy yelped before chuckling.”I wasn’t calling you that, not directly!"

The two exchanged more banter with each other, the insult escalating in harshness but the two never took offense. When all was said and done, Spike realized it was the first time he had heard Dizzy laugh or even give a genuine smile. To him, there was an air of gloom surrounding Dizzy—she only ever chuckled or smiled for pleasantries, and the rare jokes she made were sarcastic quips at the expense of herself or others. This felt more genuine, her guard lowered.

As she tried suppressing more bouts of laughter, Spike seized his verbal opening. "Hmph, well if you're gonna be such a party pooper about creative works, maybe I shouldn't invite you to my Ogres and Oubliettes sessions!"

"Ogres…and Oubliettes?" Dizzy questioned slowly. "What the hell is that?"

Hook line and sinker! Spike thought. Ogres and Oubliettes was his contribution to Twilight’s plan—and quite a good one he would say.

Spike stood proudly and said, "Why, only the greatest tabletop RPG ever made! You can go on big adventures, slay grand beasts, and save beautiful princesses. But the best part," he paused for dramatic effect, "is that you can make your own adventures!"

He studied her closely for any glimmer of interest as she processed the concept. "I think I know what you're talking about…” she finally said. “It's one of those role-playing games with a dungeon master right?" Dizzy asked.

"Yeah!" Spike chirped happily before getting anxious. "You interested?"

"They're okay,” Dizzy said with a shrug. “I guess I could join—it's not like I have anything else to do," she remarked.

Spike pumped his fist subtly in success. "Yes! You won't regret it, I swear!"

Dizzy grinned nervously. "I didn't just agree to some demonic pact or something, right?"

Adam sat on the edge of the guest bed filling out an Ogres and Oubliettes character sheet. Spike had given him the sheet and a spare handbook after the meeting between his 'watchers' concluded. "There are way more choices here than D&D," he said with a mix of fascination and fear—fear at the difficulty of picking one.

The handbook held dozens of races, categorized by location. 'The people of Equustent' described the lore and abilities of various pony tribes—the Earth ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns he had become familiar with, as well as new groups like the Umbra, ponies who gained bonuses to all rolls while in shadows or Zebras being able to use Charisma for all spell casting.

Mythological races like Dragons, Gryphons, and Centaurs were also listed under a region called the Wasted Lands. They left Adam questioning more of the strange parallelism between Earth and…whatever this world was called.

"Why are there so many choices," Adam groaned. "It's going to take so long to optimize a strategy."

Adam turned to the next page to see 'Travelers from the Eastern Continent.' He got the feeling this section was full of races that would parallel Asia. Sure enough, he saw Kirin listed, and he wondered if they existed or were just a fictitious race. Strangely, an image of a goat decked out in Greco-Roman armor was also labeled as an Eastern species.

But what caught his interest was the entry on Minotaurs. According to Ogres and Oubliettes lore, the Minotaurs had once ruled a vast empire spanning the entire Eastern Continent, conquering and subjugating numerous races and nations under their cruel reign. The Bastion Empire lasted for centuries, ruled with an iron fist by a long lineage of ruthless Minotaur emperors.

However, ambition proved their downfall—the last emperor led a disastrous invasion of the Western continent, seeking to bring the lands many races under his control. Instead, the divided pony tribes united, garnered the support of the smaller non-pony races, and led the first successful revolt against Minotaur occupation.

When the Bastion Empire fell, the Minotaurs lost control of the many states they had captured and soon found the roles reversed —at the mercy of their once slaves. But instead of vengeance, the subjugated races offered forgiveness and friendship. Now, over two hundred years later, many Minotaurs wander the world as mercenaries, striving to repay the debt their people incurred and honor the compassion shown by their former subjects.

For some reason, Adam felt drawn to the Minotaurs as a character choice. Perhaps it was the way the example illustration wore sleek, samurai-esque armor. Or how the Minotaurs were the only race depicting a darker, conquering past without some overly sympathetic backstory. There was also the fact that they were bipedal, and their general build reminded him of a human. Whatever the reason, Adam immediately filled out the race box with 'Minotaur.'

The guest room door creaked open and Fast Pace poked his head tentatively inside. "Are you busy?" he asked.

"I don't know, you tell me?" Adam replied sarcastically.

Fast Pace paused, seemingly uncertain how to respond. "I can…come back later if you want."

Adam realized how antagonistic he unattendedly sounded. "No no, that didn't come out right. What is it you want?"

"I just wanted to apologize," Fast Pace answered as he walked into the room fully. "For treating you so poorly and not giving you a fair chance before." He reached a hoof into his mane and through some magic pull, produced a glittering golden card.

Adam accepted the card, scanning the elaborate calligraphy scrawl on it. "What is this, an apology card?" he said, arching an eyebrow.

Fast Pace nervously tapped a back hoof, not making eye contact. "Isn't that what I should do?" he asked uncertainly. "To make things right?"

Adam didn't answer as he looked at the card’s inner contents bewildered. Inside was a hand-written apology from Fast Pace, expressing regret for his prior treatment of Adam. At the bottom was a childish drawing of the two of them, Fast Pace's normally stoic face caricatured with a slight smile. Seeing such a juvenile card was enough to make Adam burst into laughter.

Fast Pace's stony facade cracked ever so slightly, a tinge of red embarrassment showing through. "This is what I'm supposed to do, right?" he asked quickly.

"I don't know pony customs, but I never expected someone like you to do this," Adam chortled. Seeing the conflicted expression on Fast Pace's face, he added gently, "That's a good thing."

"I…okay?" Fast Pace said more confused. "So…do you accept the apology?"

Adam considered for a moment. As silly as the card was, Fast Pace had clearly stepped outside his comfort zone. If Adam didn't give him a second chance, wouldn't he be acting just as stubborn and unfair?

"Um, yeah,” he finally said. “We can start over if you want to start over then?"

Fast Pace nodded, extending a hoof towards Adam. "This time I won't be your guard, I'll be your father."

Cringing at the statement, Adam said, "Legal guardian will do fine."

"I can work with that," Fast Pace said before Adam shook his hoof.

Chapter 15 - He Who Helps?

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Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, along with Fast Pace huddled, around the large oak table, examining the test results of Dizzy. Fifty pages of raw data, neatly compiled and bound, lay before them

Fast Pace had been poring over the mathematics section, his brow furrowed in concentration. "This is impossible," he muttered.

When Twilight first laid eyes on the results, she too had been struck by a wave of doubt. But as the revelations sank in, a sense of giddy exhilaration flooded her being. "She's a Prodigy!" she proclaimed, her eyes shining with pride.

"There's no way. Discord wasn't this smart—she must have cheated." Rainbow Dash said with suspicion.

Twilight's bright smile never faltered. "Impossible! I poured every ounce of my magic into a deceit detection spell. It never once went off during the test."

"Which means she would've had to dispel it, and you would've sensed that level of interference," Fast Pace said.

Exactly!" Twilight exclaimed, clapping her hooves together. "She answered every one of them herself and got them all correct! Even the trigonometry questions—look at this elegant work!” She levitated a sheet of sketch paper, covered in Dizzy's scribbled calculations, toward them. The chaotic scribblings could hardly be called elegant. "She rivals Star Swirl's genius."

Rainbow Dash eyed the paper with an unimpressed look. "Twilight, I don't speak or read egghead."

With a nervous chuckle, Twilight said, "Sorry, it's rare to come across someone with a scholar's understanding of a subject."

"Why are a lot of her answers glowing, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. She had been looking through the Language-Psychoanalysis section.

Twilight cringed, her ears folding back. "That's...the deceit detection spell."

Flying over, Rainbow Dash scanned the pages, her eyes landing on a random prompt: 'If you were Midnight and saw Sunbreeze crying, what would you do?' Dizzy's answer, glowing faintly, read: 'Ask her what's wrong and comfort her.'

"So, she did lie," Rainbow Dash accused. "And a lot by the looks of it"

"Even after I explicitly instructed her to be truthful," Twilight added, her tone laced with disappointment.

Rainbow Dash groaned in frustration. "And that means the test can't tell us anything useful now!"

Fast Pace shook his head. "Not necessarily. While the deception muddies the waters, there's still a wealth of information we can glean from her responses." He gazed at the others, his eyes betraying a glimmer of intrigue. "Her lies can illuminate the areas she feels uncomfortable or insecure about, while the truths can help us construct a more accurate profile of her character."

Fluttershy perked up, her soft voice carrying a note of realization. "Like how she seems to value loyalty?"

"Precisely!" Fast Pace confirmed with a nod.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Loyal!?” She questioned, arching an eyebrow. “What answer gave you that idea?"

Without a word, Fluttershy slid several sheets across the table towards her friend, the parchments rustling against the oak surface.

Rainbow Dash eyed the papers warily before leaning in to scrutinize the contents. "I'll be the judge of that..." she grumbled, her brow furrowing as she scanned the lines of text.

Twilight chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Applejack might be right in comparing Dizzy's personality to Rainbow's."

"Looking at her history answers, definitely," Fast Pace playfully jibed.

"At least something about Dizzy makes sense," Twilight said, happily.

Fast Pace looked back to the many untruthful answers. "Twilight, Does your spell detect purposefully wrong answers?"

With a roll of the eyes, Twilight said, "It detects deceit, you tell me."

Fast Pace met her gaze, his expression unfazed by her mild rebuke. "Just covering bases," he replied evenly. "Anyway, her lack of historical knowledge could corroborate her reported interest in history books—so add that to the notes, Fluttershy."

Twilight's expression grew pensive as she contemplated the implications of their findings. "I think with all of this and the physical tests, it's fair to assume Dizzy is her own being.”

Rainbow Dash glanced up from the papers she had been scrutinizing, her brow furrowed in concern. "Even if she's not Discord, there's gotta be a reason he made her. And whatever that reason is, it can't be good."

Twilight offered her friend a reassuring nod. "And that's why we're conducting further observations later. Don't worry, Rainbow Dash, we'll keep Ponyville safe."

The pegasus mare's features softened slightly, though her eyes remained guarded. "I know you will, Twilight. It's just... after everything that happened, I can't help it."

Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "We understand, but we can't let our fears cloud our judgment. Dizzy deserves a fair chance, just like…any other pony." Despite her words, even Fluttershy seemed slightly conflicted with what she said.

"She’s right," Twilight chimed in. "We've gathered enough data to establish that Dizzy is her own individual, separate from Discord. Now, it's time to get to know her, to understand her intentions and motivations."

Rainbow Dash heaved a sigh and nodded, her tension ebbing slightly. "At the first sign of trouble, we put a stop to it. No more risks, no more chances."

"Agreed,” Fast Pace interjected. “The safety of Ponyville and its citizens comes first, no matter what."

After Adam had finished Twilight's tests, he felt like an idiot. He hated the fact that his lack of knowledge about the strange world had left him fumbling through many of the questions, a harsh reminder of the moment of weakness that had led him to Equestria in the first place. The dejection he felt was enough for him to hide away until the next day, retreating to the solitude of Rarity’s guest room, intent on wallowing in his own despair until Twilight inevitably arrived to inform him that she wouldn't be teaching him after all.

However, Rarity had other plans in mind.

The fashionista had barged into the guest room with a bountiful breakfast. Her intrusion, unfortunately, functioned as Adam's alarm clock, rousing him from his fitful slumber. He immediately tried to shoo her away, but his efforts were futile—especially since he had sleepily muttered "Get the fuck out…" in front of the mare. He thought of himself as dumb for a new reason afterward.

His punishment came swiftly: an hour-long lecture from Rarity over the ‘indecency of such words in pony society,’ punctuated by a now-cold breakfast. Afterward, she conscripted him into assisting her with dressmaking, a task Adam didn't necessarily mind, as it gave a sense of usefulness. However, after thirty minutes of monotonously handing her requested items, boredom began to set in—a calculated second phase of his penance.

"Can I at least watch you make it?" Adam ventured, his voice tinged with exasperation.

Rarity responded with a smug smirk, her tone carrying a melodic lilt. "Nope! This masterpiece requires utmost secrecy. Now, hoof me my blue thread, dear."

Adam groaned, resigning himself to rummaging through Rarity's meticulously organized thread collection, silently begging for salvation from his bordem.

After some time, salvation did come for Adam, as he heard the sound of Fast Pace's return. From the parlor, the stallion's voice called out, "Dizzy I need you to come with me."

A sparky grin spread across Adam's face, "So long!" He cheered, Triumphantly making his way towards the door.

Rarity tutted disapprovingly. "You go when I say!"

Adam paused mid-stride, throwing a defiant glance over his shoulder. "You're not my mom!" he countered, quickly making his exit before she could protest further.

"Well you certainly need one, missy!" Rarity answered on deaf ears.

Adam eagerly rushed into the parlor, his excitement palpable as the question he'd been burning to ask since waking up tumbled from his lips. "Will Twilight teach me magic?"

Caught off guard by his cheery disposition, Fast Pace regarded Adam with a befuddled expression before an amused smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Nope," he replied, his tone betraying a hint of mirth.

The single word hung in the air, its impact instantaneous. "W-what..." Adam muttered. Of course, Twilight wouldn't deign to tutor someone she likely viewed as a drooling idiot, unworthy of her time and effort.

Why do I do this...he berated himself, a familiar sense of self-loathing creeping in. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, squandered. Why can't I do anything without my hand being held!?

Fast Pace's voice cut through Adam's spiraling thoughts, the stallion's words filtering in through the fog of self-doubt. "—hear me?"

"Yeah, I-I did," Adam mumbled, barely holding himself together and avoiding the embarrassment of crying.

"I expected a bit more enthusiasm," Fast Pace commented.

"Enthusiasm?" Adam growled, his earlier excitement evaporating, replaced by a simmering frustration.

Leaning back, Fast Pace regarded the filly with a measured gaze. "Yes? You seem to like learning."

Adam straightened, squaring his shoulders as he closed the distance between them. "And that means I would be sooo excited to be rejected!"

With a gentle hoof, Fast Pace pressed against Adam's chest, gently pushing him back. "Calm down, my little joke landed flat it seems. Twilight's teaching you, not just magic, but everything she knows—minus math."

Adam froze, his anger dissipating as swiftly as it had flared. "She-she is?"

"Of course she is." Fast Pace's tone was reassuring. "She's never met a filly as bright as you, and it's her honor to teach you."

Taken aback, Adam repeated, "Her honor?"

With a soft smile, Fast Pace said, "Her honor. Why did you think she wouldn't?"

Adam looked to the side, self-doubt evident. "I couldn't answer half of the questions.”

"So," Fast Pace scoffed. "It was a placement test, not a qualifying test."

Adam mulled over the stallion's words. "She's going to teach me magic?"

"Yes," Fast Pace said amused. "Now, do you remember the apple orchard?"

"My cutie-mark is…stranger than usual," Fast Pace said as he led Adam, who walked with an uncharacteristic peppiness, towards Sweet Apple Acres. "But it symbolizes my speed in combat, drive to defend Equestria, and ability to use messaging spells."

Ever since Rarity had explained cutie-marks to Adam, he had been stealthily glancing at the marks of passing ponies and guessing their names—after pushing through the embarrassment of essentially rubber-necking their asses. Gradually, he got curious enough to ask about Fast Pace's mark: a black and red sun with a sword shooting forth—completely unrelated to his name.

"Where's the symbolism for messaging?" Adam asked, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

"The sword," Fast Pace answered. "It doubles as a beam of light. I quite literally deliver at the speed of light. “He offered Adam a wry smile. "Not all cutie marks are so straightforward. For example, most magic talents are represented by astronomy."

Adam's mind conjured the image of Twilight's mark. "Like Twilight's?"

"Exactly!" Fast Pacs chirped.

As they continued their leisurely stroll, the stallion posed a question of his own. "So, why are you so interested in magic?"

Adam's steps didn't falter as he replied, his voice brimming with unbridled enthusiasm. "Why wouldn't I be? You can do anything with magic, or at least Discord could. And if he could, then so can I."

Fast Pace tisked, regarding the filly with a measured gaze. "What would you even do with magic like that?"

Adam's gaze drifted, ruminating as he surveyed their surroundings. "I don't know," he finally admitted, his mood deflating slightly. "Maybe do my supposed job and topple tyranny—that's pretty chaotic."

"How about joining the Guard?" Fast Pace offered, his tone carrying a note of suggestion.

"Sitting around, keeping law and order? That's not chaotic," Adam argued. "I know you're worried I might destroy Equestria or something, but that's not the chaos I want."

"Never said it was," Fast Pace countered. "Equestria strikes at the heart of tyranny, and it's easier to have comrades than to do it alone."

As their conversation carried them through the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, Adam couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had taken place since his last visit. The land that had once been besieged by chaos, dotted with random objects and transfigured fauna, now appeared nearly untouched. Only the occasional pink cloud or stray knickknack remained, a subtle reminder of the pandemonium that had once reigned. The transfigured crops had been removed, leaving freshly tilled earth in their wake.

"This place looks better," Adam commented, his gaze sweeping over the revitalized orchard.

Fast Pace hummed in agreement, leading Adam to a cliché looking farmhouse. Approaching the door, he delivered three perfectly spaced knocks, the sound echoing softly against the weathered wood.

From within, a scratchy groan preceded an exasperated voice. "I'm coming!" Adam fought the urge to burst into laughter, a well-timed jab from Fast Pace keeping his amusement in check.

The door swung open, revealing the oldest mare Adam had encountered thus far, Celestia notwithstanding. Her once-blonde mane had faded to a pristine white, framing an olive-colored coat adorned with a cutie mark depicting a pie.

"Ooo, well if it isn't the rumored 'filly of chaos,'" the older mare said with a southern twang thicker than Applejack's. "I expected ya' to be a bit uglier."

Adam was caught off guard at the blunt, backhanded, compliment. "Thanks…but I know what I look like—so no need to lie."

The mare's expression morphed into a frown. "Deary, you ain't ugly. It was unkind of me to say something like that to a filly so cute." A warm smile returned to her weathered features. "My name is Granny Smith."

"I don't want to be cute…" Adam grumbled under his breath. "My Name's Dizzy," he said, slightly disgruntled.

Granny Smith regarded him with a confused expression before realization dawned, prompting a knowing chuckle. "Quite the name, Sweet thing," she remarked. Turning her appraising gaze towards Fast Pace, her expression took on a flirtatious intrigue. "And you must be that 'mind-controlled guard,' ain't ya?" She whistled appreciatively. "What's a handsome fella like you doin' in it? By your looks, you spend more time prettyin' than trainin', don't ya."

Unfazed by the mare's comments, Fast Pace responded with practiced diplomacy. "Mrs. Smith, we're here to see Applejack."

"Phooey, you're no fun," Granny Smith pouted before gesturing towards the back of the property. "Applejack's waitin' for ya' in the central orchard. Just go 'round back and follow the path."

"Thank you, Mrs. Smith," Fast Pace offered with a polite nod.

Granny Smith leveled a stern gaze at the stallion, raising a hoof in a chiding gesture. "You better quit that right now! Ain't no guest of mine gonna be that formal. Call me Granny Smith – Granny for short if you want."

"Of course…Granny," Fast Pace acquiesced to appease the old mare, which got a chortle out of Adam.

After bidding Granny Smith farewell, they followed her directions, venturing deeper into the heart of the orchard. It didn't take long before the harsh sounds of bark being struck reached their ears, heralding their approach to the harvesting efforts. Rounding a bend, they discovered Applejack and two other ponies engaged in the task of gathering apples.

Adam watched, transfixed, as they employed a simple yet ingenious technique—bucking the trees with enough force to dislodge the fruit, allowing it to cascade perfectly into the waiting baskets below. "How are they doing that?" he asked, his gaze following Applejack as she effortlessly executed the maneuver, a torrent of apples finding their mark.

"Apple bucking? Lots of strength and bits of magic," Fast Pace explained.

"That's how the apples aren't missing the buckets?" Adam continued, to which Fast Pace confirmed with a nod.

Applejack, having noticed their arrival, trotted over to meet them halfway. "Howdy, you two! Good to see ya'll again," she greeted warmly. "I hope Granny wasn't too much trouble."

Adam shrugged nonchalantly. "I've met worse."

A hearty chuckle escaped Applejack's lips. "I'm sure you have." She gestured towards the rest of her kin. "How's about you both come meet the rest of the family?"

Leading them over to a bright red stallion with a ginger mane, currently in the midst of filling several buckets with apples, Applejack made the introductions. "This here's my brother, Big Macintosh. If you ever need anything, Mac is always willing to help!"

"Eeyup," Big Mac rumbled in affirmation, punctuating his response by striking a nearby tree with a single, well-placed buck, filling every surrounding basket with fresh apples.

"And out here helping me and Big Mac is..." Applejack trailed off, her gaze sweeping the area. "Applebloom, get your hind quarters over here!"

From behind a nearby apple tree, the voice of a filly rang out, tinged with trepidation. "But sis! That there's Discord you're talking to!"

"No, it ain't!" Applejack shot back, her tone firm. "Now get over here, Applebloom, and say hello. You should be happy, because of Dizzy here you're getting your tree house back."

Instantly, Applebloom poked her head out from her hiding spot, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Really?!" she exclaimed, hopping out from her refuge and galloping towards the group. The bright pink bow in her red mane bounced wildly with each energetic stride. Halfway through her eager approach, she slowed her pace, proceeding with a touch more caution.

Upon reaching the others, Applebloom reached out and grabbed Adam's hands, shaking them enthusiastically. "Hi, my name's Applebloom...Mr? Discord," she greeted, her tone tinged with suspicion and confusion, unsure of Adam's sex. "Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. I don't want to make Applejack angry, soooo it's nice to meet you, Discord."

Adam blinked, confused by the filly’s strange introduction. "Hi to you too, I guess,” he responded uncertainly. “I'm not Discord, by the way."

Applebloom tilted her head quizzically. "You sure? It's okay to admit my sister's got you on a leash."

Offense flickered across Adam's features. "I know who I am," he stated firmly. "And it's not Discord! Call me 'Dizzy' or whatever."

"Ok…'Dizzy,'" Applebloom half-heartedly replied.

With a gentle nudge to Applebloom's shoulder, Applejack interjected, "Be nice."

Applebloom rolled her eyes but conceded. "Fine, fine, but don't you think of doing anything more, Dizzy!" With that, she trotted off to rejoin the apple-bucking efforts.

Applejack shook her head, exasperated. "There goes you fillies being friends," she grumbled. "I'll be giving her a real talking to later."

Adam crossed his arms in annoyance. Was his new body, not fourteen? He may not know the intricacy of pony ages, but he did know that there was a difference in interests between a human fourteen-year-old and a twelve-year-old. It irked him to be seen as young enough to be paired with someone so young. "You better," he muttered.

Turning his attention back to Applejack, he posed a question. "So, I'm here to get her treehouse back?"

"Eyup. You see, time is always something we struggle with at the farm—never enough," Applejack explained as she led them toward her brother. "So, you're going to be helping Mac with fixing up the treehouse, and I'll give you some bits. And if you ever need some more bits, Big Mac's always needing help."

"Hm, and here I thought I was here to clean up Discord’s mess," Adam commented.

Applejack shook her head. "You are a little bit—it's his fault the treehouse is in shambles. Besides, it's Fast Pace's job to clean the rest."

Fast Pace raised a questioning brow, prompting Applejack to smirk knowingly. "You ain't sitting around doing nothing, Mr. Guard."

"Thanks for doing this, Twilight," Fluttershy whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustling of the foliage. "It's nice of you to appease Rainbow."

The two mares lay hidden within dense shrubbery, their vantage point affording them an unobstructed view of the nearby activity. Overhead, Rainbow Dash kept a watchful eye from among the clouds. Their gaze was fixed on Dizzy and Big Macintosh, diligently working to repair the foundation of the Apple family's treehouse.

Putting down her binoculars, Twilight replied, "Well, I want her to feel fully confident in our approach. There's not much to learn doing this, but I'm sure it'll put Rainbow at ease." Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

The observation proved, in every sense of the word, boring. Hours trickled by as the duo tended to the treehouse's restoration. Yet, despite the mundane nature of the task, Twilight couldn't help but notice the eagerness of Dizzy, her face lighting up with an endearing smile at the smallest of praises from Big Mac.

"Twilight, am I too nice?" Fluttershy's voice cut through the silence, catching her friend off guard.

"Too nice?" Twilight echoed, her brow furrowing in contemplation. After a moment's pause, she ventured a response. "I don't know...maybe..."

Fluttershy shuffled in place, her discomfort evident. "I've been thinking that if I hadn't been so accommodating to Discord, if I had set up boundaries, he wouldn't have rampaged like that."

Twilight's expression softened with understanding. "And Angel would be alive," she finished, prompting a solemn nod from Fluttershy.

Placing a comforting hoof on her friend's shoulder, Twilight continued. "Fluttershy, you shouldn't blame yourself, like Rainbow Dash, either. We all could've done something a little different.” She paused as she mentally retraced the events leading up to the chaos. "I could've ensured the guard stayed nearby, our friends could've interacted with him more, you could've taught him limits, we...could've actually tried being his friends." Her voice wavered slightly as she added, "And...and maybe Princess Celestia could've prepared us more..."

Drawing in a steadying breath, Twilight met Fluttershy's gaze with renewed determination. "But it's too late. So let's learn from those mistakes, alright? Let's do good by Dizzy, and actually be her friends."

Fluttershy nodded, her expression brightening ever so slightly. Then, her gaze drifted to their concealed forms before returning to Twilight with a wry smile. "I don't think friends spy on each other."

A laugh escaped Twilight's lips, "True, but…"

In unison, the two uttered, "Rainbow.

Mustering every ounce of strength his new form afforded him, Adam hoisted a plank of wood, twice his height, up the treehouse steps. His current task involved ferrying lumber to Big Macintosh, who was tasked with replacing the dilapidated roof. Many would consider such work boring and lowly, but for Adam, it was pleasant—he was being useful.

After catching his breath, Adam called out, "Big Mac!" The rhythmic pounding of a hammer ceased, and the burly stallion peeked over the edge of the roof.

"Eeyup," came Big Mac's customary response as he extended his forelegs, ready to receive the plank.

Adam lifted the beam, and with a smooth motion, Big Mac hauled it onto the roof, their well-practiced workflow undisturbed by unnecessary chatter. Adam was content with the unspoken understanding between them – a welcomed change from the wary glances and probing inquiries of the other ponies. Big Mac talked to and treated him like what he was underneath, an adult.

With his delivery complete, Adam climbed the ladder, which was more like steep stairs to him, onto the roof. The ladder, a concession to Adam's smaller stature, had been unnecessary for Big Mac, who had effortlessly leaped from the balcony in a display of raw strength. When Adam asked if he would do the same to move the wood when alone, Big Mac simply replied, "Eeyup. Strap and jump."

Surveying the rooftop, Adam sought a suitable spot to rest, carefully navigating the holes where they had removed and rebuilt the supporting structures. Finding a promising vantage point, he settled down and turned his attention to observing Big Mac's methodical labors. The roof had sustained the most severe damage, prompting the stallion's insistence on overseeing its reconstruction personally.

Big Macintosh was a distinctly imposing figure, the embodiment of the term 'workhorse.' No other stallion Adam had encountered possessed such sheer bulk or towering stature—not even the Royal Guards or, strangely enough, Celestia's personal Solar Guards. To Adam, the earth pony's rugged physique conjured memories of his grandfather, Jedric, whose frame had been similarly sculpted by years of demanding construction work.

Adam watched as Big Mac set about removing the damaged boards from the treehouse roof. With practiced precision, the stallion slipped the wedge of his hammer between two disfigured planks and slowly applied pressure, forcing them apart. Crack! Sounded one of the old boards as it snapped in two.

As the splintered remnants parted, a viscous brown sludge slipped forth, oozing between the fractured wood fibers and holding the two pieces together. Big Mac recoiled in disgust. "That rain was more than just chocolate milk," he mumbled. With a heavy sigh, he clamped the hammer's handle between his teeth, leaning down to wrestle with the nails that stubbornly pinned the remaining half of the broken board in place.

Adam cringed inwardly. That…that can't be good for you, he thought as he watched. While the ponies' versatility and proficiency were undeniable, enhanced by their innate magical abilities, it was clear that such advantages couldn't fully compensate for the downsides of their quadrupedal nature. Big Mac's inability to achieve proper leverage on two legs was a clear example. Depending on your teeth to tear out boards was asking to lose a few, how many times had Big Mac made that risk?

With a yank from Big Mac, the broken plank shifted upwards, creating an audible screech of protest as it surrendered its grip on the treehouse—thankfully, all of Big's Mac teeth were still intact. It wasn't enough to rip the board out, but now Big Mac could wedge the hammer into the nailed end and pull out the board.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Adam ventured a hesitant query. "Is that, um, should you be doing that?"

"Doing what?" Big Mac asked in return.

Adam pointed towards the stallion's mouth, where the hammer's handle protruded. "Working with your teeth. Doesn't that hurt?"

With a dismissive shake of his head, Big Mac returned his attention to the task at hand, leaving Adam's concern unanswered.

Weirdos, Adam thought to himself, suppressing the urge to voice the follow-up question that sprang to mind. He already knew the answer and hoped Twilight wouldn't take too long to begin teaching him.

As time trickled by, boredom began to set in for Adam. It irked him that he was forbidden from lending a hoof in the roof's repair. During the earlier stages of the restoration, he had been permitted to assist with some of the work, but Big Mac had deemed roofing too perilous for a 'filly,' much to Adam's chagrin.

Rising to his feet, Adam approached the diligently working stallion. "Mac, can I please help. I don't want to sit around idle."

"Nope," Big Mac replied without breaking his stride or sparing Adam a glance. "Didn't I tell you I'd handle this alone? Shouldn't even be on the roof."

Undeterred, Adam pressed on. "Why not?"

Pausing his labors, Big Mac extended a hoof and lightly pressed against one of the boards. A crack sounded through the air. "Bad boards," he stated matter-of-factly. "You can't feel them. Could trip and fall into a hole."

"And you can?" Adam asked skeptically.

"I'm an Earth Pony," came the stallion's simple response, as if that alone should suffice as an explanation.

Adam argued his case with exasperation. "Big Mac, I may look like a filly or whatever, but I'm smart enough to know to avoid being near holes and suspicious-looking boards."

Leveling his gaze at Adam, Big Mac's expression remained resolute. "You stay right there. These boards are 'rotted' on the inside. You can't tell."

"Then I'll just do a tap test," Adam declared, pressing his hoof-clad leg against a board. After a moment's consideration, he proclaimed, "Safe."

"Dizzy," Big Mac warned with reproach.

Ignoring the stallion, Adam shifted his weight to his clawed limb and repeated the process. "Safe."

Big Mac heaved a weary sigh. "I thought you were a mature filly. I'll find you something to do, stay there." He began making his way towards Adam, his movements slow and deliberate.

Adam, however, refused to back down. "Big Mac, I am not a filly. Besides, I'm here to help, not be kept busy—so let me help." With each word, he edged forward.

"Only fillies think they know better!" Big Mac's warning rang out, tinged with urgency. "Now stop before you fall through that board!"

Heedless of the stallion's words, Adam took another step forward, his voice rising in a defiant crescendo. "I'm not a fucking—"

The board beneath him splintered with a sickening crack, plunging Adam through the roof.

"Dizzy!" Yelled Big Mac in anguish as he rushed towards where Adam once was.

A piercing scream tore from Adam's lips as he plummeted towards the unforgiving ground below. In that split second of freefall, his momentum shifted, throwing him into a state of bewildered disorientation. Craning his neck, he caught sight of the culprit that had temporarily stopped his descent—the brown from the fractured boards had adhered to his leg, transforming his plunge into a vomit-inducing pendulum arc that threatened to send him crashing through a nearby window.

Big Mac wasted no time, leaping through the gaping hole in the roof, heedless of the jagged splinters that sliced into his flesh. Upon landing, his frantic gaze followed the trajectory of Adam's dangling legs protruding through the window frame. "Nope, nope, nope, nope!" he cried, breaking into a desperate sprint and launching himself towards the opening in a vain attempt to intervene.

He knew his efforts were futile—Adam was destined for a six-foot plunge, head-first onto the unforgiving earth below. But Big Mac refused to surrender, extending his hooves as far as they would reach, hoping that he could impart enough force to tilt Adam's trajectory, to cushion the impending impact in any way he could.

Adam felt a blow against his chest.

The force of Big Mac's desperate lunge sent the stallion tumbling to the ground, rolling. The moment Big Mac regained control, he searched the area where Adam should have landed, his heart pounding with dread as his search yielded no sign of the fallen filly.

Hyperventilating, Adam braced himself for the inevitable collision, only to feel...nothing. Cautiously, he opened his eyes to be greeted by the sight of the ground mere inches from his face—he had landed, virtually unscathed. A wave of warmth passed through his body as his body pumped one final bout of adrenaline. His pounding heart gradually slowed to a steady beat. "I'm fine!" he exclaimed, a disbelieving chuckle escaping his lips. "Holy fuck! I'm fine!"

Big Mac turned around at the sound of Adam's laughter, his expression a thundercloud of anger and relief. "I told you!" he cried, stomping towards the filly. "I told you, and you didn't listen!"

Adam met the stallion's rage with a placating gesture. "Big Mac, it's fine, I'm fine, calm down."

With a derisive scoff, Big Mac surveyed Adam for injuries, his critical gaze softening slightly at the sight of a mere scrape adorning the filly's right leg. "We're going back to the house."

"What?" Adam balked, craning his neck to examine the minor wound. "Big Mac, this is barely anything. We can keep working."

"It ain't about your leg,” Big Mac said firmly. “I misjudged you, and I can't trust you to listen."

Deflating slightly, Adam averted his gaze. "Big Mac, come on. Won't Applejack and, um, Applebloom be disappointed if we don't finish?"

"Don't worry about them," the stallion dismissed, already heading towards the homestead. "Now come on."

Adam lingered for a moment, considering his words before following in Big Mac's wake. "Big Mac," he called out, his voice tinged with remorse. "I'm...sorry."

Chapter 16 - Part 1

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Rainbow Dash descended from the clouds, landing with a thud in front of the concealed Twilight and Fluttershy. Her expression was stern, her gaze fixed intently on the purple unicorn. "No magic, huh!?" she cried with frustration.

Twilight said nothing in return, trapped in thought and letting the silence hang in the air.

"Rainbow, That was…that was…" Fluttershy muttered.

"Yeah, I know," Rainbow Dash interjected harshly before softening her tone. "Which means Twilight was wrong about her having magic."

Twilight finally spoke up. "No, I wasn't." Rainbow Dash arched a brow, prompting her to continue. "It's not her magic," Twilight continued, "it's Discord’s."

"Come again?" Rainbow Dash asked bitterly.

"It's Discord's magic!" Twilight reiterated. "That claw that saved her didn't just look like his, it was his."

Rainbow Dash let out a groan of frustration. "Is she Discord or not?!"

"She's not, she's not!" Twilight assured, her hooves raised in a placating gesture. "He's...inside her."

Silence reigned as the two pegasi regarded Twilight with bewildered expressions. Then, with a snicker and a smirk, Rainbow Dash chimed, "That's what she said!"

Twilight fixed the rainbow-maned mare with a pointed stare, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Magically! I mean, his magic, and by extension his soul, is inside her!"

"So he's possessing her...?" Rainbow Dash trailed off before her eyes suddenly widened with realization. "Like Daring Doo and the Idol of the Hecatoncheires!"

Twilight's brow furrowed in confusion before the connection clicked. "Like Daring Doo and the Idol of the Hecatoncheires! Yes, exactly!"

"Like…Daring Doo and the Idol of…who???" Fluttershy asked, confused

RainbowDash took upon the mantle of enlightening the timid mare. "Daring Doo and the Idol of the Hecatoncheires. Daring tracks down this mysterious temple that Dr. Caballeron has been searching for and, she finds the Idol of the Hecaroncheires."

"The Idol contained the soul of their dead king," Twilight interrupted. "He was dying and had to abandon his original body. Over centuries he was gathering enough magic to revive himself while hiding away."

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and huffed."I was explaining it!"

"You were going to retell the whole book," Twilight countered.

"No…" Rainbow Dash replied bashfully. "Yes…it's a good book, Fluttershy."

"I'll add it to my list," Fluttershy politely said. Her brow furrowed and she asked, "So if that's Discord’s plan, how do we stop it?"

Twilight's expression turned clinical. "We remove his soul from her body," she stated matter-of-factly. "Which is easier said than done."

Fluttershy frowned. "That sounds…deadly."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure people need their souls, Twilight," Rainbow Dash chimed in, her tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well luckily for our friend, she's got two," Twilight said. "The law of self-reflection states that magic is the manifestation of a soul. I know what both their magics feel like, and they're completely different. Discord’s soul no doubt rests inside Dizzy, he must be using her as a way to regain strength in secret."

Rainbow Dash couldn't resist a mocking jab. "Too bad he had to save her flank and reveal himself!"

Twilight nodded in agreement. "It's going to take me quite possibly weeks of study in Canterlot to devise a proper spell. So, for now, we continue as normal—let's not tip Discord off that we know he's there."

Rainbow Dash's expression brightened, a mischievous glint sparking in her magenta eyes. "Can I take Dizzy next, then?"

Twilight considered the request, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Sure, and take your time to think up something good."

Rainbow Dash saluted sharply, her wings flaring with eagerness. "I only need a day."

Fluttershy watched the exchange, her concern never fully abating. While she trusted her friends' judgment, the prospect of tampering with a pony's very soul filled her with a sense of unease. Silently, she vowed to keep a watchful eye, ready to intervene should the situation grow too perilous, even if it would stop Discord.

Adam sat atop the guest room bed in Rarity's home, his gaze drifting towards the window as the encroaching darkness slowly consumed the land outside. The sun set, signaling the end of the day. He had spent the latter half of the day assisting Fast Pace in cleaning up Discord's chaotic aftermath at the Apple family's orchard, followed by some solitary reading in the library. Now, as he settled back into the familiar comforts of Rarity's guest room, he couldn't help but ponder his impact on his gracious hosts.

"Well, don't want to be too much of a burden on Rarity – already done enough today," he murmured, closing the book he had been perusing. A puzzled frown creased his brow. "Do they even have light bills here?"

Adam glanced out the window again and yawned. Adjusting to the circadian rhythm of a child's was strange—it felt demeaning, but at least it was easier to get a proper amount of sleep, a far cry from the haphazard slumber he had endured before.

He massaged the bandage that covered the wound on his leg. The irritating itch that emanated from the injury was a constant source of annoyance. That sticky stuff from the boards was hard to wash out.

"Dumb-ass Big Mac," Adam muttered in frustration. "Should've shown me how to distinguish the boards." He nearly started scratching, but was aware enough to stop—there was a reason dogs were given cones after all. With a final, impulsive slap to the afflicted area, he began his nightly routine: brushing his teeth, washing his face, and tidying the bed.

Once he was done, Adam nestled underneath the covers of the bed and awaited the embrace of sleep. But as he lay there, his mind refused to rest. Thoughts of home plagued his mind. Questions with unknowable answers, like ‘Did his parents know of his absence’ and others.

The thoughts filled Adam's mind endlessly. He may have had the body of a child, but his mind was still the same, and so he was trapped in the juxtaposition of a tired body and an active mind. He lay in the dark, futilely trying to sleep for half an hour until finally using a tried and true method for calming his mind.

It doesn't matter…he grimly thought in resignation. I left them all for this. Just…just forget that life Adam.

Repeating these thoughts like a mantra, he eventually found his sleep.

"Enhance!" Discord yelled from his podium at the center of the lecture hall. He was in the middle of a grand room, dressed as a professor, surrounded by his favorite people in school uniforms. They all had one goal, to investigate a peculiar sight Discord saw while Adam was with Big Mac. Upon the west wall was a screen displaying a slightly cloudy sky. Discord gestured dramatically at a cluster of out-of-place multi-colored pixels. "I said enhance!"

The operator next to him shook his head apologetically. "Sorry, sir, but it's from our perspective. We can't enhance it further."

"So! You're me!" Discord exclaimed, giving himself a sharp rap on the head. "Make it happen!"

"Oi, don't hit me!" came an indignant shout from across the lecture hall, where a multitude of Discord clones in various states of dress observed the proceedings.

"Yeah, ever heard of self-love!" Another one yelled.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord conjured a copy of his own claw, which promptly punched each of the clones, eliciting a chorus of pained yelps and forming large bumps on their heads. “No!” he said.

The screen operator rubbed his sore head. "Sir, you know we need that naive fool to get a clearer picture. We need his memories, not just our own perspective on them."

Discord huffed impatiently. "Well, do you have any way to get him unconscious? Without revealing ourselves, of course."

A Discord clone, in an anime schoolgirl outfit, raised his hand and the professor waved an annoyed paw to signal he could speak. "He's asleep right now, Discord-sama!" the clone announced excitedly.

Discord glanced at a nearby clock, but the hands had drooped down and were lying on the floor. "Oops," he said, snapping his fingers to fix the issue. The clock displayed 8:00 PM.

"I could've sworn he was an insomniac...oh well! No harm in trying." Discord snapped his fingers again, and a portal appeared before him. "Well, well, well, you get a gold star, Discord-chan!" he said, beaming at the schoolgirl-clad clone.

"Yes!" the clone cheered, while the other Discords grumbled in jealousy.

"Now then, come here little Merkur," Discord said as he reached blindly into the portal, searching for his target. He pulled out several useless objects—a potted plant, a rubber duck, a pair of novelty socks—until finally grasping what he assumed was Adam.

Through the portal emerged Adam in his draconequus form, his body now dull and lifeless, and a dead, glossed-over look in his eyes. "Ooh," Discord winced, "having trouble with your sense of self, are we?" Discord cracked his knuckles menacingly, winding up for a punch. But just as his taloned fist dove towards Adam's face, it transformed into a splash of lemonade, drenching the helpless filly.

Immediately, color flooded back into Adam's body and he inhaled sharply, as if emerging from the depths of the ocean. "Again!" he yelled furiously. "I'm going to fucking kill you—" Adam abruptly cut himself off, finally taking stock of his surroundings and the sea of Discord clones that filled the lecture hall.

"Hello!" Every Discord greeted in unison. "You're going to kill who?"

The room fell silent as they waited for a response. Adam remained motionless, his eyes darting frantically between the rows upon rows of Discords, his mind clearly struggling to process the bizarre sight before him.

Discord smiled, not having planned such a reaction but delighted by it nonetheless. He slowly crept up behind the bewildered draconequus, relishing the opportunity to milk the situation for all its worth. With far too much enthusiasm, Discord grabbed Adam by the shoulders, wrenched his head around to stare directly into his eyes, and yelled, “BOO!”

To Discord's disappointment, Adam did nothing but tremble. He held his pose, waiting in vain for a more entertaining reaction. Just as he was about to give up, he felt something touch his feet. Glancing down, he was met with a rather unpleasant sight.

Well...there was certainly more lemonade now.

Every Discord in the room erupted into ravenous laughter. Discord had known that accidentally triggering one of Adam's fears would yield results, but not to this extent. While his clones cackled uproariously, the professor himself basked in the man's sheer terror, feasting upon the terror. "Alright, settle down my handsome 'quus's," he said once the laughter had subsided. "We have an investigation to finish!"

A visible crack ran down Adam's body, as if his very form was shattering like glass. The Discords all ceased their laughter in shock and fear.

"Don't you dare!" Discord bellowed, snapping his fingers. A blindfold materialized over Adam's eyes, and the crack on his body began to seal, repairing the damage. "I need you here! No waking up!"

Once Adam's form was fully restored, Discord asked, "You with us?"

"I-I-um...where am I?" Adam stammered, disoriented.

"In the matrix," Discord quipped. "That doesn't work. You're subconscious ."

Adam relaxed and said, "Thank god…"

"Eh, don't thank that guy. I'm adding this to my blackmail list," Discord said with a chuckle.

Adam flailed blindly in Discord's direction. "Don't you dare tell—" He stopped short, realization dawning. "Wait, you can't."

Discord chuckled, "You sure?"

"You wouldn't," Adam corrected.

"Pff, called my bluff," Discord grumbled.

Adam went to rub his eyes, only to encounter the blindfold. As he reached to remove it, Discord's magic held him back.

"I need to talk with you. Take that off and you wake up," Discord stated firmly.

"Good, because I want to," Adam retorted as he struggled against the telekinetic hold.

Annoyed, Discord snapped his fingers, and Adam's claws transformed into solid stone. "This is more important than your pride."

"Fuck you," Adam spat.

Ignoring the outburst, Discord tapped his head. "There, you can see now. Just ignore my friends, because I'm not removing them." He gestured to the image of the sky displayed on the west wall. "Now what do you see here?"

Adam looked at the screen, searching for anything before getting annoyed and saying, "The sky.”

Discord pushed the filly closer to the screen. "Look a little closer." He pointed to the patch of unexplained pixels. "Specifically, right there, please."

Adam squinted before looking back. "Dead pixels?"

"Perhaps. But I've got a feeling that it's a certain someone and I need your memories," Discord said.

"Do I even have a choice?" Adam asked, reaching up to touch the blindfold.

"Nope!" Discord announced, plunging his fist into Adam's head like a ghostly intruder.

Adam cringed at the numb, invasive sensation of Discord's arm rummaging through his mind, akin to the feeling of a root canal while still partially numbed. It took longer than he would've liked, but Discord finally pulled his arm out. In his hand was a sparkling, star-like light. "Hah! To think I wanted to learn from Luna!" He handed the light to the screen operator who consumed it.

"I didn't just forget that, did I?" Adam asked, holding his head as dizziness washed over him from Discord's intrusive memory extraction.

Discord responded with blatant sarcasm. "Do you remember what happened at the barn?"

"Yes…?" Adam asked, tentatively.

"Then no," Discord stated matter-of-factly. He turned to the screen and raised his arms dramatically. "Behold, my little fool! A perfect projection of your memory."

The assembled Discords erupted into cheers, one even crying out in sheer joy.

"It looks the same," Adam observed flatly.

"Yes, but now we can…" Discord became engulfed in a fiery aura and said with far too much grandiosity, "ENHANCE!"

Slowly, the projection zoomed in on the multicolored splotch, which expanded into a rainbow trail.
"Is that...?" Adam trailed off.

"Indeed it is," Discord confirmed. "Go forward a few frames," he whispered to the operator.

The rainbow swayed through the air, frame by frame, until it slid back to reveal a blue object attached to the end.

"That's Rainbow Dash's butt," Adam stated bluntly.

"Yes! In ultra high-definition!" Discord exclaimed gleefully.

"Perv," Adam mocked.

Discord brushed off the accusation. "Creative," he said dismissively, before beginning to pace in thought. "Now then, if you find a roach in your room, what else is there?"

When Adam could only offer a shrug in response, Discord sighed. "More roaches!" He pointed at Adam, slowly pulling his hand back and extracting a second memory, which the protesting filly was powerless to stop. Discord guided the memory to the eager screen operator, who promptly consumed it.

"Look at those disgusting little roaches!" Discord declared as he turned back to the screen.

On the screen was when Adam had gotten up after falling and looked around to get his bearings. The short scene looped before slowing to a stop "Enhance!" Discord ordered.

The screen zoomed in on a patch of bushes at the edge of the frame, where a lavender hoof could be seen sticking out along with a faint glow emanating from the same bush.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Discord announced. "Either about to check on you or retreating after realizing you're fine; I'm going with the latter. But thanks to your foolishness, she has no doubt seen me."

"And now they're more suspicious of me. So once again, you've made my life harder," Adam complained, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Discord teleported directly in front of the draconequus, looming over him with a look of pure rage. "This is your fault," he growled menacingly. "They're no doubt going to try to get rid of me now."

"Why should I care?" Adam retorted. "You've done nothing to help me, and you're every bit as awful as the ponies say you are."

Discord's eyes narrowed dangerously. "The only one here who has done nothing is you. I brought you into this world, I saved your life. You were going to kill yourself over a stupid test!" he spat. "How fragile must you be?"

Adam glanced away. "It wasn't because of the test."

Discord coiled around Adam like a scarf, his voice taking on a mocking, poetic tone. "Oh, but it is. It exemplifies the abject failure you are, and how you could never fulfill your oath as a Merkur."

"How...how do you know about that?" Adam questioned, bewildered.

"A merchant learns about the market," Discord said cryptically. "The night before you got the results, you so happily repeated that family oath to stay calm. 'To be a Merkur is to shine the brightest' or whatever."

With a theatrical flourish, Discord fell to the ground in a Shakespearean pose of despair. "Such a shame that you're the only dud." He rose and leaned in close, whispering venomously into Adam's ear, "But don't worry, Adam, I'll make you go down in history like you want."

"I-I see through your bullshit!" Adam yelled as he threw Discord off of him.

"I don't think you do, Mr. Merkur," Discord mocked. "You didn't before, you don't now, and you never will. You're nothing but a naive fool who deals with devils. Luckily for you, I'm a nice one."

Suddenly, the entirety of the room was plunged into darkness, and Discord disappeared. "Here's a warning, you help those ponies remove me, and I will take your soul with me."

To emphasize his point, a searing pain shot through Adam's chest, as if someone had driven knives into the right side.

"Tata!" Discord called out, and with an ambient, the blindfold was removed from Adam's eyes.

Adam blinked his eyes open, instantly met with the sensation of warm water cascading over his face. He shot upright, disoriented but finding himself in a familiar setting—Rarity's shower, of all places, being scrubbed clean.

"Ah, you're finally awake," a voice spoke up beside him. Adam turned to see Fast Pace watching him intently.

Adam was speechless. Fast Pace glanced away, an uncomfortable expression crossing his features. "You, uh...you wet the bed and wouldn't wake up," he explained, the words stumbling out awkwardly.

Seated at her desk in the Ponyville weather station, Rainbow Dash furrowed her brow in concentration as she compiled a list of supplies for her upcoming trial. As the second manager, she should have been spending these early morning hours orchestrating schedules and addressing customer requests. Instead, she was overtly planning her own agenda, three days with Dizzy.

Twilight had forgotten a crucial detail within the Daring Doo story that Rainbow Dash remembered—the King needed a new living vessel. That limitation granted Daring time to plan, and it was abundantly clear to Rainbow Dash that Dizzy was intended to be Discord's replacement. Their timeline was distressingly short; Discord needed to be dealt with immediately.

Rainbow Dash's solution was a camping trip to the Everfree Forest. She would pitch the venture to Twilight as an opportunity to test Dizzy's loyalty and obedience. Of course, Twilight would object, but Rainbow would ease her concerns by assuring her they would remain far from the forest's darkest depths.

Her musings were interrupted as a nearby clock chimed twice, signaling the start of the day's weather duties and the end of her procrastination.

The Everfree Forest teemed with untamed, ever-changing life, embodying the raw essence of nature. Yet since its discovery, the forest had long been perceived as a blight by the neighboring ponies. They had recently launched an incursion to subdue the chaos within, their efforts resulting in a devastating loss of life—leaving but a single survivor.

The lone creature tore a chunk of decaying wood from a fallen tree, only to gag and spit it out in disgust at the putrid taste. Need fresh wood! it thought desperately. If it were to enact vengeance upon the ponies, it would first need to regain its strength.

The ponies were a formidable adversary, a fact well understood by this creature's kind. A longstanding, unspoken agreement had emerged over time—they would stay out of pony territory, and in turn, the ponies would refrain from sending their mightiest warriors to hunt them. This fragile ‘peace’ had endured for generations, with only minor transgressions occurring; the bloody wars of old, sparked by the ponies' initial arrival, now a distant memory.

Conflicts were typically resolved through intimidation, neither side willing to spill blood over mere inconveniences. But the ponies had grown increasingly unsatisfied with the lands outside the forest, encroaching ever deeper into its depths. Warnings had been issued, to no avail. The equines persisted, cleaving away the old game trails and transforming them into useless paths that made tracking prey far more difficult.

These transgressions had, of course, angered the forest's denizens. They no longer respected the ponies, viewing any they encountered as fair game. It was only after witnessing his brethren slain, and sustaining mortal wounds himself, that the lone survivor realized the foolishness of this mentality.

The creature limped through the forest, ears pricked and eyes darting warily - an easy target for any predator seeking a meal. For the past month, it had been skulking in the shadows, desperately searching for any fresh wood that could be easily consumed. Its jaw was splintered, a hind leg burned away, and its very soul cracked - all remnants of the brutal battle with the ponies.

Hatred now consumed the creature, a novel and consuming emotion it had never experienced before. There was disappointment and anger, certainly, but this creature had never needed hate. It was a feeling that clouded judgment, risking survival for the sake of eventual catharsis. Yet now, it was utterly consumed by it, especially the loathing it felt towards the purple pony. That equine had nearly killed it, leaving its soul in its current shattered state.

As the beast moved, it left a trail of viscous green fluid in its wake - the magic of its very soul leaking out through the brambled gash in its chest and onto the forest floor. Distracted and disoriented, it took a misstep onto a rock, stumbling and causing a section of its front leg to snap. A roar of anguish tore through the forest as it collapsed into a pool of its own magical essence.

The beast laid in agony, slowly acclimatizing to the pain. It whimpered as it knew what it must do. The creature closed its eyes and sank its teeth into the splintered leg. The agony was excruciating, but it needed to penetrate the break to infuse the remaining magic in its soul to facilitate hasty repair. An eternity passed as its damaged jaw strained to apply enough force. But slowly, mossy growth filled the break, and the pain in its leg faded—only to be replaced by a raging, painful fire burning within the core of its being.

I can't do this anymore! it cried out internally, straining to resist and accept the inevitability of its demise.

Once the healing was complete, the creature desperately limped to a nearby tree, sinking its teeth into the thick bark. But no matter how much the creature tried, it couldn't pierce the tree's bark and consume the holy flesh and nectar within. "Always a failure, runt!" echoed a taunting voice in its mind—the epithet the pack had bestowed upon it, a fitting title for one so ordained by the alpha as a disappointment.

Sap trickled from its eyes as the timberwolf lamented its inability to save its pack.

He and his timberwolf kin had been stalking new prey—a peculiar black and white equine that had taken up residence in the forest years prior. The intruder was a perpetual trespasser and was deemed worthy of being hunted for sustenance. They had attempted to claim the equine's life, but it proved a cunning trickster, evading them mere minutes into the chase through the use of strange magics.

The next time they encountered the creature, it was at its den. His brothers wished to uncover the secrets behind the equine's trickery, but they discovered something far more concerning—the black and white equine could communicate with the stone-clad alphas of the ponies—worrisome.

War was coming, they knew. The ponies would undoubtedly resume their aggressive hunts. The creature had not experienced one before, none of his kind had in generations, only knowing from the stories passed down.

And so they prepared. Every male and female, save for the honored mother and the young, were conscripted. They formed a company of twenty timberwolves, ready to assert their dominance over the ponies.

The wolves had a simple plan: the strong would form the frontline, while the weaker members would pick off any stragglers. He was among the weaker of the pack. They awaited the ponies' approach, eager to witness the opposing army enforce their might. The coming battle would be forever immortalized in timberwolf myths, like those of the past. The display of honor, tactics, and sheer willpower would inspire future generations to no longer fear the equines.

But when the ponies came, they came without honor. What he had seen was a clear declaration of dishonor upon his kin. The ponies had only sent three—three females.

A rustling in the bushes behind the wounded timberwolf alerted him to the presence of another predator, drawn by his anguished cries. Without hesitation, he mustered every ounce of strength in his three remaining legs and bolted, desperate to reach the safety of his pack's resting place. The familiar scent of his kin would ward off this new threat, as it had the others.

Faster and faster the wolf went, the risk of further injury ever increasing. His very soul rebelled against the movement, pulsing bolts of searing pain through his body. He could hear his pursuer growing ever closer outpacing the wolf's three legs. With one final warning step, the beast revealed itself. Time seemed to freeze as the timberwolf witnessed his pursuer pounce from the brush—a manticore.

The hulking beast soared at lightning speed, pinning the timberwolf to the ground. The wolf convulsed in terror underneath its weight but he knew he had to remain still. Manticores were carnivorous hunters, driven by the desire for flesh. As long as he did not provoke the beast, it would likely lose interest and seek out other prey.

However, the manticore did not relent. Its focus shifted to the wolf's chest, and overwhelming dread filled the timberwolf as he realized the creature's true hunger. It was not flesh it sought, but magic. With careful precision, the beast peeled away the wolf's protective branches. It hurt like tartarus for the wolf, as piece by piece was removed. There was no need for such cruelty, the manticore was having fun collecting its meal—savoring the wolf’s anguish.

With one final, slow, and agonizing tug, the last branch that shielded the timberwolf's soul broke off, casting a green light onto the manticore. It licked its lips and reared back, appraising the meal it was about to have. But the moment the manticore went to dive, an object dove straight through its head, leaving a thin trail of blood in the air.

The wolf stared in stunned silence as the manticore's motionless body. After a long, tense moment, the creature finally toppled over, and the timberwolf allowed himself to relax, if only slightly. But his respite was short-lived, for he was suddenly reminded of the presence of his unexpected savior.

The sound of ravenous feeding reached his ears, and he looked over to see a monstrous creature consuming the manticore's severed head. Panic gripped the timberwolf and he hastily backed away, every fiber of his being screaming to flee.

The Everfree Forest was teeming with many terrifying and powerful beings, but none inspired the level of abject fear in the timberwolves like the enigmatic Black-Horror. The bird-like creature was the embodiment of pure, unfathomable darkness, its plumage the color of the void itself. Its eyes glimmered like distant stars, and the blood that stained its form resembled swirling crimson galaxies.

The Horror ceased its feeding, raising its head to lock eyes with the timberwolf. The wolf was paralyzed by terror, unable to look away, while the monster gazed upon him with a curious, almost contemplative air. Slowly, it tilted its head, as if pondering whether the wolf would be its next victim.

The timberwolf's heart raced as the Black-Horror placed a claw upon the manticore and stepped atop the corpse, its massive wings unfurling. Was the wolf next?

With a bone-chilling screech that echoed through the Everfree, the Horror spread its dark wings, revealing a set of claws beneath, finally spurring the terrified wolf into a desperate, frantic flight.

Scootaloo and Applebloom navigated the rows of supplies and equipment at 'Cut's and Hatchet's Adventure Gear,' searching for the necessary provisions to embark on a training expedition into the Everfree Forest. Their goal was to hone their skills, preparing to defend Ponyville from Discord.

"Applebloom, it'll be fine!" Scootaloo dismissed her friend's concerns.

"No, it ain't!" Applebloom argued. "'Ponyville Protector' might make a nice cutie mark, but this is too far."

Scootaloo pulled a Firestarter kit from one of the shelves. "Rainbow Dash and the others have already cleared out all the nasty monsters," she asserted. "Besides, I'm not crazy enough to go deep into it."

"That ain't the problem," Applebloom insisted. "My sis says the filly's fine—she even helped Big Mac fix up the treehouse just yesterday!"

Scootaloo blew a dismissive raspberry. "Just trying to cover himself and look good."

Applebloom sighed, knowing Scootaloo would not be easily dissuaded. "Fine, what are we even gonna train on?" she asked.

"I dunno, baby timberwolves?" Scootaloo suggested nonchalantly.

Applebloom regarded her friend with a look of slight disbelief. "Now that's just mean!"

Scootaloo shrugged and continued tossing supplies into a cart. "Shouldn't have been born timberwolves."

"And that's just wrong!" Applebloom chastised.

"Hey, if you've got a problem, then don't come," Scootaloo said, though her tone lacked any real conviction.

"I wouldn't, but I ain't gonna leave you in there alone," Applebloom replied.

Scootaloo turned and presented the most heart-melting puppy-dog eyes she could muster. "Daww, you love me!" she mocked.

Applebloom pulled her friend into a warm hug. "Of course I do."

Scootaloo tried in vain to struggle out of the earth pony's sturdy embrace. "Ew, get off me. No sappiness!"

Applebloom relinquished her grip, flashing a smug smirk. "I'm only doing this under one condition," she declared.

"I'm not giving you more hugs," Scootaloo quickly interjected.

"You're soft, but not that soft," Applebloom retorted. "I want a guard to come with us."

Scootaloo huffed in exasperation. "No guard's gonna let us go."

"Don't worry," Applebloom assured. "I know one who will."

Chapter 16 - Three Wolves in the forest - Part 2

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"Stick close to me, alright," Rainbow Dash commanded, her voice stern yet laced with excitement. With a powerful flap of her wings, she cleared away the brush obstructing their path. "We may have cleared out most of the dangers, but the Everfree Forest is always unpredictable."

Dizzy followed closely behind, apprehension evident in her tone. "If it's so dangerous, why are we going through it?"

Rainbow Dash flashed a knowing smirk. "Because anywhere else is too easy!"

Even though they were barely half a mile into the forest's depths, the terrain was already proving challenging. Uneven ground peppered with rocks and thorny bushes were constant obstacles—but Rainbow Dash was no stranger to the adversity. A future Wonderbolt needed to be hardy and resilient after all.

Dizzy, on the other hoof, was seemingly unaccustomed to such rugged conditions. A litany of complaints had been spilling from her lips—"My legs hurt! Are we there yet? I don't want to get cut by thorns!"—a constant stream of whining that Rainbow did her best to tune out.

"I want to see what you're made of, kid," Rainbow Dash continued, "and the outskirts of the Everfree are perfect."

"You're an idiot," Dizzy retorted bluntly. "We could've, I dunno, hiked and camped in the completely normal forest nearby, but no."

"Pshh, nuh uh!" Rainbow Dash scoffed, effectively silencing the filly's protests due to bewildered incomprehension.

With a quiet "Whatever" from Dizzy, the two pressed onward—Rainbow Dash gliding effortlessly while the young filly trudged along on foot. The pegasus couldn't help but wonder if Dizzy would be capable of flight with her own wings. Perhaps, once Discord was dealt with, she could show the filly a few tricks—if she proved herself cool enough, of course.

Breaking the prolonged silence, Rainbow Dash posed an abrupt question. "So, you enjoy being alive and stuff?"

Dizzy looked at her, dumbfounded. "Who the hell asks a question like that?"

"What else am I going to ask?" Rainbow Dash complained with a shrug. "This is, like, our first time hanging out, dude."

"Something normal. 'How was your day?'" Dizzy suggested mockingly.

"No way! Small talk is a bunch of nothing," the pegasus refuted. "At least my question tells me something important."

"Sure," Dizzy conceded with a nonchalant wave of her claw, "but that's not something you just go up and ask someone." She quirked a brow expectantly. "Why don't you tell me how much you enjoy life first?"

Puffing out her chest with pride, Rainbow Dash landed and raised her head confidently. "My life is awesome! I'm the best flier in all of Equestria, the element of loyalty, and I can do this!" She proceeded to twist her head around, flicking her tail up and deftly catching it between her teeth with a muffled "Mosht poniesh don't have the flecshibility or tail strengsh to pull thish off!"

Dizzy regarded the display with a decidedly unimpressed and faintly perturbed expression. "Neat...I guess life is...fine."

The pair emerged into a sizable clearing, its well-trodden appearance a clear indication of frequent use by campers. Discarded items like charcoal remnants and crumpled food wrappers littered the area.

"This is pretty...messy," Dizzy commented after a curious survey. "I thought you guys would be a little more, um, eco-friendly."

Rainbow Dash offered a nonchalant shrug. "Sometimes me and AJ miss a few things." She slipped off the saddlebags she'd been carrying and began unpacking their campsite, gesturing for Dizzy to assist.

It didn't take long to get everything set up, and through the course of their tasks, Rainbow Dash gleaned a few insights about the filly that aligned with what Rarity and Fast Pace had mentioned. Eventually, all that remained was collecting firewood. Rainbow made a point of informing Dizzy of their need loudly enough for any eavesdroppers—namely Twilight and Fluttershy, whom she knew were secretly observing—to overhear.

"Alright, kid, stay close to camp while you're looking. I'm gonna go search over there," she said, pointing vaguely off into the distance.

"Yeah," Dizzy replied, with a grumbled "I'm not a kid" under her breath.

Rainbow Dash regarded the filly contemplatively before muttering to herself, "Okay, she might be like me." A nagging voice in the back of her mind warned against leaving Dizzy unattended— she might prove every bit as troublesome as Rainbow herself had been at that age. However, she trusted that her friends would be able to keep a watchful eye until it was time to set her true plan into motion.

Trotting into the brush, Rainbow Dash quickly took to the air once she was out of sight, putting significant distance between herself and the campsite to ensure neither Dizzy nor her observers could follow. Now alone, she could begin the first step of her scheme.

There were many rules governing the use of magic in the Everfree Forest, chief among them a strict prohibition on weather manipulation. When a pony created any form of weather, the Everfree would latch onto and synchronize with it—as though the forest itself were embracing the change. A single dark cloud could spawn a localized storm, with the intensity escalating exponentially the more clouds were pony-made.

This unique property was perfect for providing Rainbow's plan with an airtight alibi. While the Ponyville weather team took great pains to keep their scheduled precipitation clear of the forest's borders, the occasional rogue cloud would sometimes slip through undetected and take root within the Everfree. Luckily for Rainbow, she had coordinated a light drizzle over Ponyville to begin in just an hour's time.

With a few deft flaps of her wings, Rainbow Dash expertly wove the air currents around her, coalescing a small rain cloud no larger than an apple through sheer force of will. "Okay, little guy, seed me a good distraction," she whispered conspiratorially before giving the ominous puff a gentle toss skyward.

Step one was complete. Now all she had to do was wait for the oncoming storm.

"Celestia! Can we take a break!" Scootaloo whined.

Applebloom gave her friend a teasing shove forward. "You're the one who wanted to train in the Everfree."

"Yeah, but, like… never mind," Scootaloo trailed off.

The two fillies had procured themselves a chaperone willing to escort them into the Everfree Forest; Junior Guard Copper Claws. He was a bright navy thestral, tall for his age, and had a copper-colored mane; clad only in the unadorned steel breastplate issued to local guards—thin animal hide protecting the rest of him. Applebloom knew of him due to his father, who often assisted the Apple family with the occasional Everfree monster.

"Don't you guys come-c-come in here all the time?" Copper Claws asked hesitantly from behind them. "You should be used to this, no?"

"We only stayed on the paths, not act like fools and go off it," Applebloom huffed, side-eyeing Scootaloo.

"So you don't know what you're doing," Copper Claws commented dryly.

"Don't be a scaredy cat!" Scootaloo taunted, whirling to face him. "If you're gonna be a real guard, you gotta be brave. At least braver than us fillies!"

The young guard's expression hardened. "Hey! Junior Guards are real-are real Guards," he protested, his stutter exacerbating his indignant tone.

"Doesn't sound like it to me!" Scootaloo proclaimed. "You're sixteen and yet more scared than a filly!"

"That's just my stutter!" Copper Claws shot back defensively.

Applebloom jabbed her friend's shoulder. "Lay off him, Scoots."

Scootaloo sighed. "Sorry, Copper," she sincerely apologized. "You're just not very guard-like."

When she had first laid eyes on the colt, Scootaloo had been distinctly unimpressed. Copper Claws didn't exude the aura of an imposing sentry; he seemed to be in a constant state of anxious surveillance, poised to bolt at the first sign of danger.

"Yeah..." Copper Claws agreed, a hint of self-reproach in his tone. "But that's no excuse. You should watch what you say."

They continued through the Everfree for a few more minutes before Copper Claws abruptly halted their progress. "This is far enough. If you guys want to stay off the path, we're going to keep parallel to it."

"But we haven't even found any monsters yet!" Scootaloo complained.

The young guard remained indignant. "I told you, you're not training on-on monsters! This whole idea of yours is crazy!"

Scootaloo crossed her forelegs defiantly. "Then why'd you even go along with it?"

"You'd go anyway if I didn't come!" Copper Claws explained with frustration. "Everyone knows how stubborn you are."

"You could've just told my sister to stop us," Applebloom pointed out pragmatically.

Copper Claw paused in realization. "I didn't think—of that…"

"Well, it's too late now!" Scootaloo declared haughtily. She extracted a makeshift sword, little more than a modified stick, from beneath her wing with her mouth. "Training time!"

Without further preamble, the filly strode up to a nearby tree and began whacking it enthusiastically, punctuating each exaggerated strike with dramatically bellowed battle cries.

Applebloom and Copper Claws watched the display for a moment before the former shrugged and joined her friend's antics. The two fillies went to town on the hapless tree trunk, 'training' with wild, unrestrained fervor as though their lives depended on it.

Copper Claws struggled to stifle an amused chuckle at their overblown zeal. While he didn't want to be rude, the fact was the fillies had no formal training in swordsmanship. Their sloppy techniques would get them injured, especially wielding ill-suited 'swords' without proper handles.

"Hey," he called out to capture their attention. "Why don't I show you-you guys some super secret guard techniques?"

Scootaloo looked at him with sparkles in her eyes. "Yesh, pleash!" She agreed enthusiastically through her stick.

Copper Claws couldn't help but smile at her eagerness. "Okay then, first you're holding it all wrong."

The sky had turned a somber gray since the timberwolf runt's desperate escape. He limped as swiftly as his mangled body would allow, but his exposed soul trembled agonizingly against the forest elements and the vibrations of his movements. Each step he took was agonizing and slowly chipped away at the wolf's willpower. He wanted to give up, to embrace the eternal rest; but he refused, for a peaceful sleep could only be achieved with his kin.

The forest opened into a clearing, the air thick with the stench of rotting wood. Piles of moss-covered branches and trunks dotted the ground—the remains of his brothers and sisters. So many had perished so that the foolish ponies could persist in their perverse mockery of life.

Despite his excruciating pain, the runt paid his respects to each of his fallen kin, his final farewell. He would approach each corpse and solemnly bow his head before moving to the next. Unbeknownst to the grieving wolf, with his back turned, the eyes of those he visited became alight with a sickly green glow.

At last, he came upon the final and most esteemed body—that of the Alpha. The great leader's corpse was the most savagely mangled of them all, barely recognizable as a timberwolf amidst the mutilated detritus—a grim monument to the ponies' senseless deforestation. The Alpha had been a mighty warrior, first to charge into battle and last to fall, fighting to the bitter end. And so, it was only fitting that one so grand had earned such a gruesome death.

The runt’s soul cracked as the end approached. He did the deepest show of respect for the alpha. In a gesture of deep reverence, he laid his neck atop the Alpha's remains, where the leader's jaws had once rested. The runt's tears flowed freely as he silently whimpered his farewells, embracing the cold inevitability of death.

He closed his eyes, his breathing slowing as the world grew colder and colder still

But death did not embrace the timberwolf runt. Slowly, warmth filled his body and his pain numbed ever slightly. Light pierced through his eyelids, compelling him to see what was happening. Where his chest and that of the Alpha's corpse had been joined, where the wolf's cracked soul should have touched its former leader's essence, a brilliant emerald radiance now shone.

Arising from the Alpha's remains were minuscule fragments of its lingering soul—minuscule splinters that persisted and had been slowly decaying. Tendrils of verdant magic connected these shards to the runt's own fractured spirit, mending the grievous crack.

The wolf had inadvertently triggered an ancient timberwolf ritual—one only to be performed by the greatest of heroes or the most vile of heretics. He reared back in futile protest, knowing himself unworthy of such an honor. Only those who had proven themselves to the pack and earned the sacred favor of the Honored Mother could be granted the gift—the opportunity to ascend and become the glorious Bramble Wolf, a mantle not even the Alpha had attained.

A Bramble Wolf was a powerful warrior formed through the consumption of fellow timberwolves' souls. Such an act was never undertaken lightly, for those subsumed would know no afterlife, their very essences absorbed into the host to facilitate an incredible surge of power—It was why full consent was necessitated. But the power that could be achieved was great enough to drive some timberwolves to betray their kin for the transformation.

As the emerald glow faded with the last of the Alpha's soul fragments being drawn in, the runt balled himself into a tight knot, shaking violently with abject disgust. He had committed an atrocity far worse than any mere failure. He had consumed and denied an afterlife to the very soul he most admired.

The wolf lay there, consumed by sorrow for what seemed like an eternity until all that remained was emptiness. Rising unsteadily, he surveyed his surroundings with still-drying eyes. The corpses of his brothers and sisters stared back accusingly, their sunken sockets filled with judging malice. The wolf lowered his head into the earth, begging for forgiveness. But the corpses, of course, did not assuage his fear.

From the rotting bodies, glimmers of ethereal light began to manifest—soul fragments drifting upwards as if being offered to the wretched beast he had become. Pain pulsed through the runt as he stared at the soul fragments. The absorption of the Alpha's fragmented essence had barely sealed the fracture in his own soul, but if he consumed what remained of his fallen kin, he could potentially restore the soul completely. He could even devour their physical remains, rebuilding his mutilated form into one of immense power.

And if he was restored, he would have the strength to exact vengeance upon the ponies.

As if in grim counterpoint to his dark contemplations, a steady drizzle began to fall, the gentle pattering soothing his tormented mind. Closing his eyes, he could envision the path stretched out before him, the destination to which it inevitably led. When he opened them once more, he found himself staring at the facsimile of tears, formed by the rain streaking, down his brothers' and sisters' remains.

The false weeping gave him pause, sowing seeds of doubt over the grim road ahead. Yet the drifting soul fragments drifted near as if offering reassurance and encouragement to proceed.

Drawing in a deep, steadying breath, the runt steeled his resolve. Turning towards the shattered body of his former Alpha, he began to ravenously gnaw into the putrid, rain-soaked flesh. The flavor was that of sin. But it was sin that would become holy honor through vengeance.

Adam poked at the dancing flames of a campfire with a stick. Despite the steady drizzle that had been falling for nearly half an hour, the enchanted flames somehow remained defiantly alive. Rainbow Dash had explained to him earlier that the magical firestarter she used created a special mana fire, resistant to the elements.

"Of course, it's rainbow-colored too," Adam mumbled under his breath with bemusement as he watched the multicolored flames dance upon the damp logs.

Suddenly, Adam was cast into shadow, like night had taken over day. Turning, he saw a simple cloth overhang, shielding him from the drizzle. Rainbow Dash peaked over the cover, her coat glistening from the rain, and said "One for you!" She then, In a great show of skill, flicked her wing and a second canopy revealed itself from under it, shooting into the air. It unfurled and landed perfectly beside Adam. "And one for me!" she cheered before disappearing and reappearing under the new canopy. Adam leaned away as she shook herself dry like a dog.

"Now I know Rarity has been feeding you ‘gourmé’ meals every day," Rainbow Dash began, using her wing to unclasp a satchel hanging at her side. "But you're going to learn what us normal ponies eat." She pulled out a large bag of puffy white marshmallows and set it between them.

Adam eyed the treat dubiously and sarcastically said, "Ponies eat marshmallows every day?"

"Of course not, but like, Rarity hates potentially messy food. And with how much you whine..." Rainbow Dash let the sentence hang.

"I don't whine. Those were reasonable complaints," Adam justified.

"Sure," Rainbow Dash said over-sarcastically as she grabbed her own stick.

As the two sat in silence, roasting their dinner within rainbow flames, Adam was reminded of the trips he and his family would take to keep their bonds strong. In a world where tradition had died, family had crumbled, and greed overruled empathy, having that solid foundation was an undeniable advantage. The Merkurs fostered an environment where risks could be taken, support was guaranteed, and guides were there to help them understand the world and their purpose.

Now though, Adam was without that. He was, in every meaning of the phrase, lost in the world. Lost and adrift with no guide, no safety net to catch his inevitable mistakes, and a purpose little defined. Is this how everyone else lived? Was this Alex’s life? He thought to himself.

"Hey, uh, you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked as she tapped Adam on the shoulder.

He flinched at the unexpected touch, eyes snapping up to meet hers with concealed suspicion. Why did she care? Throughout the trip, Adam was waiting for the betrayal. What other reason could there be for them venturing so deeply into these perilous woods, alone with the pony who had ruthlessly attacked him upon their first meeting?

"Ye-" Adam started to reply, only to be cut off by a sharp stinging in his hand. "Shit!" He yelped in surprise, reflexively dropping his stick.

Rainbow Dash erupted into laughter at Adam’s misfortune. His cheeks burned red as he looked for the source of the pain. Upon the ground, every inch smoldering away was his stick—he must have let it burn down while lost in thought.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" He growled at the cackling pegasus.

"Sorry, sorry," Rainbow Dash managed through her giggles. "You just had such a serious face and well…heh…I guess I should've said something."

"Yeah, you should've," Adam grumbled as he nursed his hand.

With one last snort of laughter, Rainbow reached into the satchel at her side and withdrew a small tube, tossing it towards him. "Here, this burn cream should help."

But Adam made no move, fixing her with a piercing stare instead. "Why are you doing this?" He demanded, bitterly.

Rainbow blinked owlishly at him. "What?"

"You hate me," Adam accused. "Why are you doing this?"

For a moment, Rainbow Dash’s expression melted into one of genuine hurt. "I don't hate you!" She quickly said. "I was just doing what I thought was right. Discord could do anything and I thought maybe you were him."

Adam scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Oh, so you just attack everyone you like?"

"No!" Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof. “Look…i'm-i'm sorry for attacking you, okay?" she said sincerely before taking upon a stern tone. "But protecting Ponyville, protecting my friends, always comes first. And I won't apologize for that."

The two stared at each other for some time before Adam conceded with a sigh. "Fair enough," he said. "I would've done the same…"

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked with some surprise, donning a smile soon after. Reaching out, she gently brushed his inflamed hand with the edge of her wing. "Let me see that," she murmured.

Wordlessly, Adam extended his hand, looking to the side as she deftly squeezed a dollop of the medicine—soothing the burn with deft strokes of her hoof. "I really am sorry," she reiterated, her tone subdued.

Adam responded with a noncommittal grunt. Once she had finished her aid, Rainbow Dash glanced around before retrieving a fresh, unburnt stick and passing it to him with a conspiratorial wink. "Here, try not to singe yourself again this time, kid."

They returned to roasting their marshmallows in somewhat companionable silence, the gentle patter of rainfall providing a soothing backdrop. Adam was surprised by just how oozy and molten the insides of pony marshmallows proved to be. When he took that first tentative bite of one, the sugary treat practically burst apart in his mouth. The marshmallow's gooey innards oozed out in a sweet, sticky eruption. No wonder Rarity disliked them; despite his best efforts, every few roastings would result in an inexplicable explosion of fluff, showering him with bits of charred, melted sugar.

"I heard you want to learn magic," Rainbow Dash said out of the blue. "Ever thought about learning how to fly?"

Adam raised an arm, flexed the appendage, and eyed the feathers sprouting from it. "A bit, I guess," he admitted with a slight shrug.

Rainbow Dash perked up. "Then how about I teach you!" she said enthusiastically.

"You?" Adam echoed."Um, sure, whatever."

Rainbow Dash was utterly affronted, rearing back with an indignant huff. "Yes, me! And where's your enthusiasm, huh?"

Another lazy shrug. "I'm more interested in bending reality than flying, bite me."

"You don't think I bend reality?” scoffed Rainbow Dash. “Buddy, I break the sound barrier like it's nothing! Flying's just as magical as magic—er, spell casting."

"Sure you can," Adam dismissed.

Rainbow merely tsked and shook her head. "When this is all over, I'll prove it to you." She roasted a few more treats with him before rising to her hooves. "I gotta go take a leak. Don't go anywhere."

Adam waved her off absently as she disappeared into the brush, continuing to char his marshmallows alone for quite some time—long enough that he began to wonder just what in Celestia's name Rainbow had eaten that morning to warrant such an extended absence.

An ominous rumble came without warning. The distant thunder drew Adam’s gaze skyward. He watched as a ring of dark clouds emanated outwards, their underbellies trailed by electric coils. The hell!? He thought as he watched with fear and awe as the ring’s edge approached him, bringing with it a torrent of heavy rain.

The deafening roar as the downpour reached him was indescribable—it was as if the very heavens had opened to drown the earth in a biblical flood. Adam flinched violently, instinctively trying to flee, and instead tripped over his own feet, landing hard on his stomach with an "oof!" Rain as heavy as golf balls pelted his prone form as the dark ring passed overhead in mere seconds, the bizarre onslaught leaving as quickly as it had arrived.

Gasping and sputtering, Adam rolled onto his back and looked a the sky once more. The clouds had returned to grey, but now rare arcs of multi-colored energy streaked across them. He realized that a lightning strike was coming, but before he could look away the entire sky flashed blinding white. The last thing Adam saw was an ever-branching, electric chain of unmeasurable size crawl across the sky. His world was plunged into white and his eyes stung as the boom of a lightning strike sounded. But, bizarrely, the noise was cut off by a sound that could be described as a bulb burning out.

Adam covered his eyes and yelled in shocked pain. He rubbed and blinked in a desperate bid to restore his eyesight. "What the fuck!" He shouted, voice cracking. He continued his attempts to recover his vision, the occasional 'What the fuck' interlaced between attempts. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash help, I can't see!"

But his cries for aid went unanswered. Pulse thundering in his ears, Adam slowly rose to unsteady feet and began blindly groping for the safety of his canvas shelter. Why had he tried to run? The thought reverberated hollowly as his searching hands finally found the solid surface of one of the tent's legs...only for an unseen force to seize him violently by the scruff and yank him airborne.

"Are you guys really, really sure you want to-to train in the rain?" Copper Claws asked, concern in his tenor voice. "If it gets worse, we're heading home straight away—and I don't want to hear any complaints about the rain, understood?"

Scootaloo huffed, stabbing the tip of her makeshift wooden sword into the damp earth. "For the last time, yes Copper! We're not stopping."

"I dunno, Scoots," Applebloom's chimed. "Granny's gonna be madder than a caged ursa-major if I come home soaked through."

"It's fine," the pegasus filly dismissed with a casual flick of her tiny wings. "Those clouds aren't gonna get any worse than this drizzle."

Copper Claws scrutinize the steel gray sky, squinting against the steady patter of raindrops. "If you say so..." His words trailed off into an uneasy silence as his gaze landed upon an ominous bank of thunderheads rapidly approaching from the distance, rippling outward in an unnatural ring. "Scootaloo, what in Equestria is that!?"

"Uhh…" uttered Scootaloo as she saw the sky. "Rainbow Dash never taught me about that," she said with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

The clouds crossed over everyone in a heartbeat and drenched them all with rain. Sputtering and shaking off the shock of the abrupt downpour, they craned their necks to stare up at the clouds, which had vibrantly colored electricity dancing across them.

Scootaloo was the first to react, realization dawning as she felt the familiar tingle of meteorological magic rapidly building in the electrically charged air. “Look away!" she cried urgently, clamping her eyes shut and turning her face away just as the atmosphere seemed to crescendo to a blinding flash of light.

The concussive boom of the lightning strike shook the very ground beneath their hooves, cutting off with a mysterious, muffled fizzle. For a span of seconds that felt like an eternity, the world fell eerily silent but for the patter of rain landing across their coats.

Scootaloo opened her eyes first, blinking rapidly against the spots in her vision. "Is...is everyone okay?" she called out in a hushed tone as if her voice could set off another strike.

"Y-yeah..." Applebloom managed a shaky reply as she cantered over to her friend's side, visibly shaken but unhurt. “What was that?”

"A really big lightning strike, or, more like a failed one," Scootaloo explained with confusion of her own. "You didn't look at it did you?"

Applebloom shook her head and then pointed at Copper Claws with a, “But, um…”

The guard stallion swayed unsteadily where he stood, laboriously rubbing at his eyes with shaking hooves as if struggling to clear his vision. "Crap baskets..." he groaned, voice tight with evident pain and disorientation.

"Copper, what's wrong?!" Applebloom called as she rushed over to the colt and pulled him gently down into a sitting position.

"He looked at the flash," Scootaloo realized with a mixture of pity and disappointment. "Didn't anypony ever tell you not to stare at lighting?'

"I just—" Copper hissed through gritted teeth, "—I just glimpsed it, and now...now I can't see anything at all."

Scootaloo scoffed. "Some guard you are! How could you be stupid?"

"I didn't know!" the stallion shot back hotly, his sightless eyes narrowed despite the tremors still rippling through his frame.

"You're a thestral!" Scootaloo exasperatedly retorted.

As the two fell into bickering recriminations, Applebloom found herself scanning their surroundings with a mounting sense of unease. Something had changed about the forest and it took her a moment to realize what…

It was silent. Utterly silent.

"You two shut yer traps!" she hissed urgently, cutting off their argument with a stamp of her hoof. "We gotta get outta here, now!"

"Applebloom's right," Copper agreed, as he hauled himself back to unsteady hooves with her support. "I'm in no condition to defend you guys and that strike is a bad omen."

"Well clearly," Scootaloo snarked, but there was an undercurrent of real fear tempering her bravado. Closing her eyes in concentration, she spun in a slow circle muttering, ”North…?” She stopped and extended a hoof in a seemingly random direction. "H-home is...um, that way?"

Applebloom donned a worried frown. "You don't sound so sure about that, partner.”

"Who's half bird here?" came a peevish retort.

With a tired sigh, Copper Claws tapped Applebloom. "Point me towards Canterlot," he commanded.

Applebloom turned the stallion towards the distant mountain that held the city. "There."

Copper Claws tilted his head back and forth in thought before extending a foreleg, gesturing over the treetops. "Ponyville should be behind me and to the left. Let's move, quickly."

Discord lounged lazily upon an ornate throne, surveying his surreal environment in boredom—a coliseum-mixed-theatre. Towering stacks of barrels surrounded him, while a campfire crackled before his feet. In front of him was a CRT TV, its screen displaying a white screen with the sound of Adam saying 'what the fuck' repeatedly

Reaching into one of the nearest barrels, the draconequus fished out a handful of corn kernels before flinging them directly at the malfunctioning TV with a sneer. "How long is it going to take you to fix this blasted thing!?"

A copy of Adam's human self, dressed in an assortment of animal pelts that were partially stitched to his skin, peeked from behind the TV with an irritated huff. "I just started, you impatient jackass! You wanna try instead?”

"I don't know the first thing about how this pitiful mind of yours functions," Discord sneered, idly conjuring an oversized pretzel to dip first into a barrel of caramel before rolling it through the kernels. "That's precisely why I summoned you, Mr. Subconscious. To handle the grunt work."

"Then shut up insufferable trash and let me concentrate in peace!" the shambling effigy retorted, ducking back out of view to continue its tinkering.

Discord responded with a mocking face before roasting his confection over the campfire. A stray thought flickered through his mind as the kernels began to pop. I forgot how nice this was, I should do this more once I’m free.

"Is all that excess really necessary?" the subconscious groused, agitated by the distracting sounds and smells. "The snacking, I mean?"

“What else is there to pass the time?" Discord countered, petulance in his tone as he prepared his treat. "I'd make this drab little purgatory far more engaging, but I'm sorely limited until you fall asleep and give me more real estate. At least you're a weirdo and it's so easy to improve things," He said as he reached out and grabbed a length of floating lumber. Engraved on the lumber were the words 'wood-plant-hard-burnable.' With a snap of his fingers, he summoned a marker and crudely wrote over the words with 'giant-pretzel-delicious-salty'.

Adam's unique headspace, the living embodiment of his subconscious, was one of the strangest metaphysical realms Discord had ever encountered. Most minds were chaotic maelstroms overflowing with the detritus of a lifetime's worth of passing thoughts and impulses. This one, however, was militantly ordered and structured—every new object that bloomed into existence came pre-labeled with its defining properties and traits, right down to the very wooden planks that formed the ground beneath their feet. It mildly disturbed Discord.

Even the avatar he had summoned for company within Adam's mind was incessantly defined. But rather than the words being etched into its being, it wore dozens of necklaces—resembling an occult ritualist.

"I don't think this thing is actually broken," the subconscious mused, its voice muffled as it continued its fruitless attempts at repairing the television set. "I just can’t see…."

Discord scrutinized the screen for a moment, the muffled sounds of Adam's panicked cries issuing forth in an endless, confounding refrain. "Well then, time for a more analog approach," he decided with a snap of his fingers.

In an instant, the avatar suddenly froze, limbs seizing as its eyes blew wide with shock and dismay. "Whatthefu—?! What did you do?! Why can't I control myself?!"

"I'm simply having you mimic the real Adam's actions for the time being," Discord explained with an unconcerned wave of his paw, ignoring the litany of curses and protests that tumbled from his unwilling actor.

"You could've just made another copy of me, dick!" The avatar fumed as it reflexively began pawing at unseeing eyes, groping blindly at the empty air around it.

"If Adam was asleep, indeed I could," Discord mused, "but for right now, I'm cutting corners.”

"Why are you cutting corners?" The avatar asked, angrily, as he continued his reenactments "You have magic."

"I-" Discord’s words froze in his throat as the subconscious effigy was abruptly wrenched skyward, rising at high speeds until it vanished from view entirely. For several seconds, Discord could only gape at the space it had previously occupied before a scowl settled across his features.

“Well…that’s not good.”

Snapping his fingers briskly, one of his popped out of his scull before vanishing. After a moment's scrutiny, his scowl deepened into a snarl of impotent rage.

High above the clouds, Discord’s eye formed and invisibly tethered itself to Adam with magic—racing through the heavens at breakneck speed. If the spectral orb was experiencing such dizzying momentum, then the same was true for its unwitting anchor as well. Peering through the scrying spell he had created, Discord bore witness to a shocking sight: Adam, thrashing wildly, clutched in the grip of a cerulean pegasus as she took him higher and higher into the stratosphere with every beat of her wings.

What in Aurora's name is Featherbrains doing!? Discord yelled internally. Panic and outrage warred within him as he watched the struggling filly get dragged ever upward against his will. A hundred different spells flickered through Discord’s consciousness to stop the scene, but each would set him back too far.

Mercifully, it seemed Rainbow's ascent finally reached its peak as her frenzied wingbeats slowed to a hover, the pair coming to a stop far above the swirling cloud banks. For a long, tense moment everything was quiet. Discord studied Rainbow's expression like a hawk, searching for any hint of her intent. What could possibly be going through that bird-brained skull of hers? He questioned.

His brow furrowed as realization crept in with a wave of relief. Of course...she's merely taking him to safety, away from that terrible storm, he thought. The draconequus chuckled, internally chastising his lapse of faith in one of Equestria's greatest ‘heroes.’ Brash and moronically impulsive she may be, but Rainbow Dash was still a pony at her core, and he knew with certainty that the ponies of this day and age were no killers.

Visibly steeling herself with a deep breath, Rainbow Dash turned her intense gaze upon the squirming filly clutched tight in her forelegs. "This...is for you," she declared, each word stated with steel certainty.

Adam's panicked flailing stilled, and in bewilderment, he yelled out a single name. "R-Rainbow Dash!?"

And then, with no further preamble, she opened her hooves and let him go.

"What the fuck!" Discord yelled within Adam’s mind space. His outrage echoed throughout the theatre as Adam plummeted like a stone, his shrill screams rapidly fading amid the rushing wind.

This...this was unacceptable. If Adam died here, then Discord himself would be dragged down into oblivion alongside. He had witnessed death before, confronted the specter of his own demise one too many over the eons, but never had it felt so close before. He had an agreement to uphold and he wasn’t sure if he had fulfilled it yet—the wrath he could face was going to be worse than the coming death.

Adam plummeted through the cloud and Discord realized there was no choice—he would have to burn through a significant portion of his carefully rationed magic reserves to avert this catastrophe. Teeth grinding in fury, he thrust out a hand and channeled his magic, projecting a shimmering yellow barrier around the plummeting filly. The hastily constructed spell would disperse Adam's momentum across a wide area upon impact, preventing his fragile form from being obliterated against the earth.

However, it was woefully insufficient for what was going to happen before Adam’s impact. As the transparent barrier took shape, Rainbow Dash burst through the cloud cover above in a screaming dive, homing in on her target with undeniable lethal intent. She saw the barrier and wore a confident smirk—one who had cast off all lingering doubts or hesitation. Her speed was rapidly accelerating as she folded her wings flush against her body, converting every ounce of velocity into destructive, piercing force.

More than enough to effortlessly puncture the conjured barrier and reduce Adam to a smear of organic matter against the ground.

Cursing, Discord poured more magic into reinforcing the protective sphere. He layered it in sturdier and sturdier plates of force until it had solidified into an opaque bubble in hopes of deflecting Rainbow Dash.

As the distance continued collapsing, Adam's blind eyes blinked open at last, struggling to focus upon his rapidly approaching executioner. A soup of emotions played across his features in those final moments. Shock and confusion melted into hollow resignation and weary resentment, drained of all urgency as if he'd already accepted his fate.

How dare you?! How dare you pathetic, feeble-minded child act like you saw this coming! Discord's fury reached a peak as his rage manifested into a fire around him inside the theatre of Adam’s mind. If the fool had simply listened to Big Macintosh's advice then none of this would be happening. Now, robbed of all alternatives, Discord was forced to waste what little magic remained at his disposal just to ensure his own survival.

The gap shrank to a mere quarter mile as Rainbow Dash readied herself for the killing blow. There would be no chance for a course correction, Discord was sure of it—she was committed now, her lethal velocity rendering her as unstoppable as a railgun shot.

"NO!" Discord's voice cracked as the two trajectories converged to impact, Adam's pristine barrier standing as the sole obstacle against total oblivion.

But at the last possible nanosecond, some unforeseen happening of luck, Rainbow Dash missed. Rather than smashing through the sphere in a cataclysmic impact, her body passed within an inch, the outstretched edge of one wing grazing the pulsing barrier with a resonant "CRACK!" of displaced air.

Just like that, she had blown past in a kaleidoscope of light and color, continuing her screaming plummet toward the canopy in a long, shallow arc as the momentum she couldn't shed bled away.

Discord collapsed bonelessly back onto his throne, a full-body shudder traveling his body as relief slowly sank in.

That...had been entirely too close.

But Discord didn't have time for a reprieve, as a sudden tugging sensation rippled through his ethereal form before he was magically wrenched free from Adam's mindscape entirely. "What the!?" he sputtered in shock as his spectral form blazed into corporeal existence beside the encased filly. However, he didn't dwell on the unexpected dislocation, Adam's safety took precedence, and thankfully the reinforced barrier still held firm around his form.

Discord found himself accelerating rapidly groundward, an invisible force seeming to drag him towards the forest floor far faster than Adam. He looked downward to see a shimmering magical tether that had lashed itself around his tail, anchoring him to Rainbow Dash—the pegasus still divebombing.

Gritting his teeth, Discord immediately set to work tugging and clawing at the mystical chain in a desperate bid to sever the connection before impact. But his efforts were in vain—the relentless downward force only seemed to accelerate until, with a deafening boom, he slammed into the earth like a meteor.

A shallow crater barely larger than Discord's sprawled form blossomed outward from the point of impact, flinging clods of dirt and shattered rock in all directions as every fiber of his being seared with agonizing pain. Even as a semi-corporeal amalgam of condensed magic, the sheer transfer of kinetic energy lancing through his form was overwhelming.

"It worked," Rainbow Dash triumphantly proclaimed from afar in the clearing.

Discord looked up from the crater depths and glared at the pegasus. The pest was trying to end his existence? A vain effort, one that would ultimately earn her nothing...yet one that had cost him all the same.

Shielding Adam and deflecting the suicidal divebomb had drained his already low reserves to the dregs. He couldn't afford to lose any more of his rapidly dwindling magic, not if he still intended to follow through on his grand scheme. And he knew just the way to lull the overeager mare into a false sense of victory—faking his demise.

With only a bit of effort, Discord allowed the cohesion of his physical form to destabilize, its composite elements rapidly breaking down to vapor...or so he attempted to feign, in any case. But rather than seamlessly transitioning back into Adam's subconscious plane, his corporeal avatar persisted in place, refusing to dissipate despite his exertions.

"What foolishness is this?" he growled as he slowly hauled himself to his feet, loose dirt falling from his fur and scales. "What have you done, you stupid harpy?"

But before the pegasus could muster a response, a deafening crack split the air as Adam's barrier finally impacted the ground. The shimmering sphere fractured and violently detonated in an all-consuming wave, the tremendous energies it had contained being safely vented in a single catastrophic eruption.

Loose earth, gravel, and vegetation were swept up in a billowing shockwave that created a cloud of debris rushing outward in an ever-expanding dome. At its center lay Adam, unharmed, who warily looked around himself. He shook off his disorientation with a dry, inperciptleble chuckle that slowly grew in volume. He was entranced despite having just narrowly cheated death yet again.

"What...the hell...is going on?!" Adam wheezed between nervous chuckles.

"The consequences of your actions!" Discord roared back.

"The death of Discord!" Rainbow Dash corrected. With a stomp of a hoof and haughtiness in her voice, she said, "You've got two choices, Discord! Either fight me or let the filly you need die!"

Discord was in no mood for heroics. "Ultimatums?” He growled dangerously. “Who do you think you are?" With a flex of his will, a yellow aura engulfed Rainbow Dash in an iron grip. Yet rather than locking her in place like he wanted, Rainbow was able to freely thrash and strain against her bindings, a testament to the degree to which Discord's power had been weakened. Undeterred, he dragged her struggling body towards him until their faces were mere inches apart, his burning glare meeting her own defiant scowl. “I assure you, I am not so weak to accept ultimatums,” Discord said with venom.

Despite the circumstances, Rainbow Dash shined an arrogant, cocksure smile. “Twilight, says otherwise. You're barely stronger than an ant.”

A low rumble came from Discord’s throat as his patience peaked. "Want to test that?" He said as Rainbow Dash felt increasing pressure upon her windpipe.

Rainbow Dash's struggle doubled from fear. In a desperate bid, she wrenched her jaws apart to their fullest extent before snapping them shut with every ounce of crushing force her equine musculature could muster.

Her teeth punched through Discord's form like a hot knife through butter, rending away an apple-sized chunk from his muzzle. An ungodly howl of pure agony ripped from the depths of his being as he instinctively recoiled, releasing his telekinetic grasp and sending the pegasus tumbling to the ground.

With a thud, Rainbow Dash spat out the small chunk of flesh she had taken. She stared at the spectral carving in horror, not expecting such an easy cleave. The ethereal cut rapidly began dissolving into smoke and vapor before her, and she sighed in relief as she understood more of the draconequu’s nature.

Discord cradled his ruined muzzle, the torn edges ragged and dripping with a shimmering, mercurial substance that seemed to shift between solid and liquid states. Gone was the illusion of proper flesh and musculature—all that remained was a cup-like indentation seemingly scooped from the very fabric of his being, exposing the white-silver substance that comprised his ethereal form's true nature.

His eyes shot to Rainbow Dash, every ounce of fury channeled into the crimson orbs. The pegasus subconsciously recoiled, Discord’s gaze piercing her and awakening the primal recognition of unbridled malice radiating from his violated visage. His wrath for all to see—something no pony was ever meant to behold by his own edict.

Dark ideas roiled through Discord’s mind. To simply brutalize the mare without restraint or mercy; rend the earth to swallow her whole into an unmarked tomb. Then, as she panicked in her prison, he would ignite the sealed grave—instantly turning the hapless pegasus' resting place into a roiling kiln of atomic fire, immolating her essence down to the last whimpering ember.

And yet, once again, Rainbow Dash regained her composure and showed no fear. "Come on, Discord, fight back!" She taunted, flailing out her wings in dominance. "Oh wait, you don't have the juice to!" She flashed the smuggest grin she could muster and said, "How much did I push back your resurrection, huh?"

The pegasus words were a mistake, as Rainbow Dash's prior actions became recontextualized for Discord. "How do you know that?" He growled.

"Pft, does it matter?" Rainbow Dash haughtily deflected.

For a tense moment, Discord simply stared at her, his expression unreadable. When at last he spoke, his voice was deathly calm.


Then, in a blur of motion, the draconequus propelled himself forward. He crossed the distance between him and Rainbow Dash instantly and by the time she registered his movement, his claws were already extended in a slashing arc aimed squarely at her.

Instinct took over and in a burst of speed, Rainbow Dash narrowly dodged the attack—Discord's talons carving through the air where she once stood. The attempted assault left the draconequus open for easy retaliation, which Rainbow Dash immediately took advantage of. She charged forth, a hoof ready to slam into his spine.

Discord acted quickly and lashed his tail in a spin, catching Rainbow Dash off guard and flinging her in a helpless tumble, slamming her back-first into the trunk of a tree. He looked upon his opponent with satisfaction as she dropped to the ground. Rainbow Dash let out several choked coughs as she recovered—a trickle of blood seeped from the corner of her muzzle where she must have inadvertently bitten her tongue.

To the dissatisfaction of Discord, the mare once again rose and stood definitely as though the blow never hit. “Is that”—she spat out a glob of blood—” all you got?”.

Rather than responding in kind, Discord simply raised his paw to his chin in false thought. "Too slow..." he mused. "The 'Supersonic' Rainbow Dash...reduced to a mere snail's pace. I have to wonder..." His gaze sharpened with a taunting smile, "That light show, it was yours, wasn’t it? Too taxing?"

"It...it was the forest!" Rainbow shot back with as much bravado as she could muster, squaring her shoulders despite the visible wince of pain the motion elicited.

"Ah, I see..." Discord chuckled darkly. He was able to parse her insinuation. The Everfree had taken a majority of her magic in order to empower the lightning. "And yet you still choose to antagonize me. You really are a fool, you know. "

Adam nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his gaze ping-ponging between the seething form of Discord and the battered Rainbow Dash. Tension saturated the air, laden with the threat of imminent violence as the two adversaries insulted each other.

I…should just go, Adam thought, and yet made no move to do so. Part of him knew he should simply turn and flee back to the safety of Ponyville while he still could. Angering the reality-warping draconequus who had already demonstrated dominion over his very soul would be outright suicide. And yet his fear snuffed out when he looked at Rainbow Dash, her courageous refusal to back down in the face of danger striking an unconscious chord of respect within him—even if she did try to kill him.

Before rational thought could reassert itself, Adam’s feet carried him forward in a silent charge, the dueling pair so laser-focused on one another that they failed to notice his stealthy approach until it was too late. With a muffled "oof!" of surprise, Discord toppled gracelessly onto his back as Adam's shoulder impacted against his flank, the draconequus' eyes widening with shock.

For a heartbeat, a deathly hush fell across the warzone as Discord swiveled his baleful glare towards his progeny, restrained fury emanating from him. Adam could practically feel the oppressive psychic pressure radiating from that hateful stare, and a part of him wondered if he hadn't just made a terrible mistake. I...I really should've just left, he thought.

“How dare!” Discord growled in fury. He quickly clenched his paw and Adam felt an unknown force course through his body, creating the numb feeling of a wakening limb.

Yet whatever the draconequus had sought to ensnare him with seemed to achieve no effect. A look of confusion flitted across Discord's face as he glared back at Adam, swiftly replaced by fury as he whipped his head towards the grinning pegasus across the way.

"What treachery is this!?" he roared, shaking with unbridled rage. "What have you done to him, you overgrown chicken!?" He lunged from the ground to the pegasus.

But before he could touch Rainbow Dash, she flipped into the air and delivered a back hoof atop Discord’s skull, creating a thunderous crack.

Stumbling away from the collapsing draconequus, she turned to face Adam with a look of renewal. "You need to get out of here now!" she barked. "And whatever you do, don't you dare take off the necklace!"

"I—uh—okay...?" Adam could only sputter back, caught flat-footed by the abrupt shift in situation and sudden torrent of disjointed instructions.

“Oh! And sorry for dropping you!” Rainbow Dash added as he began to back away.

Adam stopped his retreat in confusion, not expecting the apology. “S-sure,” he said before turning and breaking into a run. "If you die, that's on you!" he yelled.

With little choice, Adam plunged headlong into the depths of the Everfree Forest, his ragged breathing mixing with the crunch of snapping twigs and muted squelches as he slogged through the soaked, root-tangled undergrowth. His unfamiliar gate added difficulty to his escape.

Only when his muscles finally reached exhaustion did Adam stop, and as he caught his breath, Adam slowly became aware of the silence surrounding him. Not so much as a birdsong or rustling of branches disturbed the absolute quiet that had settled in the Ever Free.

Unnerved, he straightened his posture and forced himself to concentrate through the lingering mental fog of adrenaline and burning lactic acid.

"What necklace?" he mumbled with confusion, Rainbow's parting words echoing back through his mind. Adam cautiously groped at his throat, digging through the white plush of feathers and down that covered it. There, nestled within, was a cool, metallic weight—smooth edges and intricate carvings tracing their way around it.

With some difficulty, he managed to tug a bit of the necklace into visibility. It was ornate and golden, etched with impossibly smooth curves. At its center, seared directly into the lustrous metal, sat a crimson gemstone that ended in a point and presumably grew bigger at its top based on the shape.

What in the actual hell is this thing? Adam wondered, snorting in contemplation. For a second, the impulse to wrench the bizarre necklace free and get a proper look at the artifact burned within him. But just as swiftly as that urge had blossomed, the memory of Rainbow's warning flickered through his consciousness like a slap across the face.

"It's...it's what protected me," he finally muttered under his breath, answering his internal query as he allowed the necklace to once again resettle against the bare skin of his throat. "Whatever crazy power this thing has, it kept Discord's magic from affecting me somehow..."

A small, grim smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he surveyed the trees surrounding his isolated patch of clearing. “Maybe she doesn’t hate me…”

But the momentary sense of satisfaction proved fleeting as a new, far more pressing concern rapidly asserted itself. "Where the hell am I?"

A tremor seemed to ripple through the very fabric of the Everfree Forest as the Wolf completed his gruesome ritual. Ribs heaving with exertion, he sucked in a deep, rattling breath before unleashing a violent torrent of partially digested viscera.

The putrid mound steamed faintly in the shadowed glade, wisps of greenish miasma floating skyward from the pile as it slowly cooled. There was a scant amount of little mass from his kin—barely enough to tend to the Wolf's most grievous injuries. With a sickeningly green glow, the last of the holes in the wolf's chest knitted together.

Beneath his torn hindleg, wooden splinters spontaneously burst forth and spiral outward into a simple, quickly calcifying spiral—the freshly regenerated scaffolding of his new hind leg.

Heaving himself upright with a grunt of effort, the newly ascended Bramble Wolf turned a critical eye upon his rejuvenated form. Power, both terrible and intoxicating, thrummed through his very being. Yet despite the surge of vigor, despite the sensation of its sinews straining with unholy vitality...something felt incomplete, hollow—a grave dissonance between the legends of its kind and his own fledgling apotheosis.

According to the ancient legends, a Bramble Wolf at its full puissance should tower over even the mightiest equine, a gargantuan juggernaut of brastlewood easily double their size. This newfound manifestation, however, had gained scarcely more than a few inches upon his previous self, barely eclipsing the average pony in stature.

Experimentally, the Bramble Wolf took a measured step toward the nearest tree. Rearing back upon his newly reconstituted haunches, he extended one massively taloned forelimb in a slashing arc, focusing every iota of his considerable might behind the arcing blow.

Despite his exertions, the strike did little more than peel away a fresh layer of bark, leaving the trunk's heartwood defiantly intact and oozing sap. A hissed exhalation of frustration escaped through the creature's maw as he drank to the pitiful extent of the damage.

No matter, he told himself as the last vestiges of his kin's reclaimed biomass were finally purged from his churning gullet. For now, this will suffice.

The Bramble Wolf's ears twitched and swiveled as a sudden charge built in the air around it—a shift in the forest that the wolf could only sense due to his ascension. Instinctively, he closed his eyes and cast his gaze inward, focusing his new extrasensory perception upon finding the source of the unnatural distortion.

High overhead, arcing lances of foreign magic were being spread through the sky, the very air seeming to ripple and thicken as the energy bled into the atmosphere. Then, in a blinding cyclone of incandescent fury, a maelstrom of arcane power detonated—its searing radiance blazing white-hot before winking out in a vacuum of utter silence.

When the event ended, one indisputable truth remained seared into his synapses:

There were ponies and they were his.