My Life as a Sonic OC Book 12

by Kitsulestia

First published

Book 12 of My Life as a Sonic OC

The hilarious hi-jinx of the gang continues!

Most OCs belong to me (Kitsulestia)
Aphmau and Friends belong to Jess Bravura and her friends
Other characters belong to their respective owners

Celestia's Origins

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*Lillian's POV*

I ask "Isn't it odd that no creature knows where Celestia and Luna came from?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Twilight spoke "Definitely. And it’s only been at least a few weeks since Donnie and the others got that Moon Buggy."

Pyre spoke "I am rather curious as to where my wife and sister in-law are from."

Jet suddenly rode in on his Extreme Gear. “Come on! I bet they’re from somewhere as hidden as Babylon!”

Danyelle pops up from somewhere, spooking Luna.

Luna spoke "Don’t do that!"

Jerome laughs "You kinda had that one coming."

Corina had hidden in a cloud since she had pranked Knuckles.

Jet chuckles "Hehehe, oh what am I gonna do with ‘er?"

Jerome chuckles "Mom is crazy."

Jet asks "So, how’s you and Nova?"

Jerome blushed at that. “Um… Well…”

Nova was in her gryphon form due to embarrassment.

Jerome spoke "*Blushing* Nova and I were planning to book a suite in the Chuddle Hotel for something. And she wanted to give me a surprise."

Jet spoke "Whoa, guess you two lovebirds are gonna be real stuffed like turkeys."

The two lovebirds blushed at that.

A random Mobian turkey whacks Jet on the head.

Jet spoke "Gah! That was just an expression!"

I spoke "Jeeze Jet, you should pick your words carefully. Even I know better than to call Danyelle a certain name that pisses her off."

Twilight spoke "Wait a minute, since Sumarda started visiting, she was quiet for a while, like she was thinking about something."

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that she had locked up a female turkey in prison."

“Wait, she told you why?” I asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, the Turkey called herself Sumarda’s arch-nemesis, Butterball the Stuffing Turkey She doesn’t really like Thanksgiving much since ya can tell why, so she decided to do the stuffing to others, leaving them immobile. I don’t even know how she does it, but she can make food exactly like Sumarda can. Anyone from her dimension that goes into the our world or the EG world can become a Mobian, beastman or anything else until they come back to Sumarda’s dimension."

Leaflymon spoke "That doesn't apply to Digi-Pokémon though. A few days ago, WereLycanmon got his tail set on fire by Blazedramon."

Danyelle asks "Again?"

Leaflymon giggles "Yeah, those two are a lot like the flamebrain and the ice brained stripper."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm… I wonder how Agumon and Biyomon are doing? Same with Veemon and Meicoomon, Patamon and Gatomon, Palmon and Gomamon, Guilmon and Renamon, Terriermon and Lopmon, and Shoutmon and Lunamon."

A shadow fell over Kyle's eyes since he missed his mother so much.

Jet took off on his Extreme Gear to the skies.

I ask "Where he going?"

Danyelle asks "Should we follow him?"

I spoke "Not all of us have wings furbrain."

A male spotted hyena Mobian spoke "Well if it isn't Kion and his ragtag group."

“Janja.” I sighed with a facepalm.

Janja spoke "Cool it birdie, I'm not evil anymore."

“I know that.” I responded.

Sunny had punted Ein through a wall.

“Some things never change.” I said.

Celestia spoke "Though I am rather surprised with Opaline though."

Pyre asks "Say Tia, where did you come from?"

Celestia seemed hesitant at that.

Leilani spoke "I'll answer that one, I was from a far off place called Skyros. It was mostly a Pegasus city but I was the only unicorn there."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Leilani uses a memory spell to show me and the others images of her hometown.

Young Leilani spoke "*sigh* Nopony talks to me, it's because I'm the only unicorn in a city of Pegasi."

Leilani spoke "*unheard by her younger self* That's what I looked like long before I became an alicorn. This was also the day I met White for the first time."

The younger Leilani bumps into a white furred Pegasus male with a dark navy mane.

Young White spoke "Oh, sorry about that."

Young Leilani stammers "I w-wasn't paying attention..."

Leilani spoke "White wasn't like the other Pegasi. He was funny, a painter too. We hit it off right away. After I had lost control of my magic, White and I both became alicorns."

Young Leilani gasps "I am so sorry!"

Young White spoke "I'm not mad Leilani. It was an accident."

Several Skyrosian Pegasi bow down to the first two alicorns.

Leilani spoke "Three years later, I had Celestia."

An infant version of Celestia was on her mother's back.

That is so cute!!!

Celestia was blushing like mad.

Leilani spoke "Then a few years later, I had Luna."

Young filly Celestia was playing peekaboo with an infant Luna, causing the little alicorn to giggle.

Now Luna was flustered.

OOOH!!! I can’t handle this much cuteness!

Danyelle spoke "It’s almost too cute!"

Leilani spoke "After I lost White because of Tirek 8240 years ago, I had to raise my daughters on my own. It wasn't until 111 years before Luna's fall to darkness when they got their cutie marks."

“W-What?” Twilight, Danyelle and I gasped.

Whitetwo spoke "It's all true... I remember everything the original White had remembered."

Leilani spoke "And you know the rest."

Jet screams "GAH!"

We saw Jet coming down after what looked like crashing into something.

Whitetwo asks "What the...?"

A black-purple portal opened in the air where Jet “crashed” before we saw Ozul from the MCAP-verse pop his upper half out of it and reached out, only to touch something as some kind of barrier appeared.

Sonic flew up to check the barrier.

Sonic asks "How did this get here?"

Ozul spoke "Beats me, but I definitely felt Radiant Elemental energy in that."

Sonic asks "Light magic?"

“Yeah. Whoa!” Ozul yelped as he was pulled back into the portal before he popped his head back out. “For a feline with so many scars, she sure is a powerful wildcat.” Ozul noted with a tiger growl before he was dragged back into the portal as it closed.

Danyelle spoke "Weird..."

Twilight spoke "I wonder how my counterpart is doing these days."

“What is Ozul anyway?” I asked as the others shrugged.

Sonic spoke "I just remembered something! Back before I got my wings, I had punched a different Blueblood in the face. It was just before that world's Spottedleaf had renamed a black furred Abyssinian with ice-blue eyes and a white furred hand."

Twilight and the others all burst into laughter.

I laugh "Now that is funny!"

Then said Spottedleaf appeared through a portal. “Hehehe. No matter what universe, that Blueblood is a royal pain.”

Bluestar spoke "Damn right! He's nothing but a stuck up royal horse pain!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Anyway, I see you met Ozul."

Bluestar spoke "The last time you saw me, I was just a chickub. Now, I'm all grown up and I have a husband plus three adorable children."

Danyelle gasps "NOW I REMEMBER!!! I had been in the MCAP verse when that Twilight had set off the ascension spell, causing her and her friends plus a good handful of her friends to become immortal!"

Spottedleaf giggles "Heeheehee! That’s right, and there was that Alicorn Hunt."

Snowfire asks "Alicorn hunt?"

Spottedleaf spoke "It wasn’t the Huntverse. It was my universe. A lot of hidden and recently ascended alicorns. You wouldn’t believe the adventures."

Bluestar spoke "That's nothing compared to all the bizarre adventures we had. Oh, hey Jolyne!"

Jolyne spoke "Hey."

Spottedleaf spoke "I can find that believable, but eh. Each creatures have their own perspectives."

Jacklyn was on Jolyne's head.

Bluestar asks "So what was in your adventures? Undead? Street Fighting? Mystery Solving? Other paranormal events?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Yes to all that."

Bluestar stammers "Yeahbuthuh?!"

Twilight spoke "And I bet that Golden Ingot guy screams like a filly."

Danyelle laughs "Just like Ein!"

But then Pinkie zoomed by, with the look on her face just screaming birthday party.

Danyelle spoke '*facepalm* How could I have forgotten! It's Raptor's birthday!"

Reshay laughs "Forgetting someowl?"

Dimensio showed up with a smirk. “Or somefox?”

Rei spoke "Long time no see Dimensio."

Dimensio chuckles "Yep. It ain’t just Raptor’s birthday."

Rei teases "So, when will YOU find a girlfriend?"

Dimensio asks "…I don’t know. By the way, how’s my clone doing?"

A pair of teenaged Zorua had tackled their uncle.

Rei spoke "I do apologize for their behavior. They're at that age where they like tackling anyone they see."

Dimensio asks "So I take it that you’re doing well?"

Rei spoke "Hehe, yeah. Still can’t believe I’m a clone of you for this universe."

Dimensio spoke "Oh well, when in Rome."

Dimensio brings out a book-like laptop and was doing something on it.

I spoke "Hey Nico! Pedro! Let's get this party started!"

Nico spoke "Hoho! You got it!"

Sumarda spoke "I’ll get the food!"

Using her magic to write up all the invites before sending them off with her transdimensional fire breath, Danyelle spoke "I sent out invites to all the Smashers."

Dimenso spoke "Heh, nice! But just so you know, they may have changed."

Danyelle spoke "Bowser changed for the better. Which is a load off Mario's back since I am the Nekomata of Redemption after all. I was the one that cheered Shadow back up by finding Maria."

Dimenso spoke "Yeah, but there may be new Smashers."

A male Mobian raccoon spoke "You’re right about that."

We turned around and saw a male raccoon.

Dimenso spoke "*Smile* Hey, Luke."

Sonic spoke "I hate to break it to you but the Master Hand of our universe hasn't announced any new Smashers in three years."

Just as Sonic said that, Danyelle had burped up a letter from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "Guess Luke’s one of them, along with someone called Jamie.”

Sonic spoke "Ya might want to recheck that Dany, that's our universe's Luke that was picked."

Luke spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… It says Luke Dragneel and Luke Sullivan."

Luke (SF) spoke "Oh, that makes more sense."

Lucy spoke "Uh guys, Prince Sonic was talking about my son..."

Luke (SF) spoke "Oh, my bad. Sorry."

Reshay had conked Danyelle on the head.

Reshay spoke "That's MY last name you baka nekomata!"

Danyelle asks "Gah! What?"

Reshay spoke "You have five seconds to run BEFORE I TICKLE YOUR FEET!!!"

Danyelle yowls before teleporting away.

“Can anyone explain what just happened?” I asked.

Tails spoke "Maybe I should explain it... The reason why Danyelle hates having her feet touched is because..."

Tails explains what happened one Hearth's Warming to the others.

Tails spoke "So yeah, Danyelle hates it when others try to grab her feet...Only Ben is allowed to since Danyelle refuses to kick him."

“Oh.” I noted.

Tails spoke "I made that mistake once."

I winced at that.

Aphmau spoke "Ein never learns though, he's been kicked so many times it's hardly funny now."


New Ride, Old Tide

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*Nyriel’s POV*

Donnie called us over because he wanted to show us something.

A ghostly gryphon was hovering near Donnie but he and the others couldn't see her.

Spotlights shined on Donnie.

Donnie spoke "Brethren and allies, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my myriad skills united in one glorious enterprise! Everyone, behold the-"

Leo asks "Ooh, is it the drill? Is it that drill you made when we were fighting those silverfish?"

Donnie spoke "Uh, no, no, no, no, that-that’s still in beta."

Raph spoke "Lame!"

The ghostly gryphon laughs.

Donnie spoke "But this is better, much, much better. I give you the-"

Mikey asks "Is it an even cooler, even bigger drill?"

Donnie spoke "No, not a drill! This is the big surprise."

Donnie pulled a rope, opening the curtains, revealing…

Donnie spoke "Ta-stinkin’-da!"


Mikey spoke "Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing!"

Donnie asks "Huh?"

Mikey spoke "I’m so proud of you."

I ask "D-did anyone hear a gh-ghostly laugh?"

Raph spoke "Nope."

Leo asks "You okay, Nyrie?"

I spoke "I th-thought I heard a laugh... But it wasn't any of us though."

Donnie gasps "What? Where did it go? I built us an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy. Who stole our Turtle Tank?!"

A voice spoke "Definitely wasn’t me."

I ask "Wait... Aren't you that half ghost half hedgehog Mobian known as Danny?"

The voice spoke "Nah, that’s the boy who has goth girl as a girlfriend."

The Gryphon ghost appeared.

The half rabbit half alicorn girl, Sam, pops up.

Sam growls "Watch it Ghostfeather, that's MY boyfriend you're talking about!"

Donnie asks "Huh?"

I spoke "That's Sam, she's a half rabbit half alicorn hybrid since her dad's a rabbit and her mom's an alicorn pony. I heard rumors that her boyfriend's half ghost half hedgehog due to an accident."

Donnie spoke "That is scientifically impossible."

I spoke "Don't get me started on my adopted great uncle though."

We headed up into the rooftops later, ready to find Donnie’s Turtle Tank.

Raph spoke "Hey, this is a real problem, Donnie. Not only did they steal your tank thing…"

Mikey spoke "Now you can finish the drill."

Raph spoke "But they also must know where our lair is. It must be somebody who’s penetrated our inner circle."

Donnie spoke "Maybe even someone we’ve known for years."

Us girls were confused at that though.

Sam shot fire at whoever had taken the tank, forcing them out.

A Mobian fox with dark orange fur yelps "OW!!!"

Sam asks "Tucker?"

Tucker spoke "I was trying to find out what’s goin’ on around here."

Donnie spoke "That’s a real tank, not the Turtle Tank."

Soon, we found ourselves at April’s room as Donnie broke down her door as the boys entered.

Donnie asks "All right, you! Where’s our Turtle Tank?"

April spoke "*Holding Mayhem who had hair curlers* Hi, Donnie. You have nine seconds to tell me why you just broke my door."

Leo spoke "Someone stole Donnie’s Turtle Tank."

April spoke "Oho, I see. So as your best friend, you naturally suspect me."

Wait, what?

Mikey spoke "She gets it."

Donnie spoke "Ho-ho, don’t give me that. You’re the only one who could’ve taken it!"

April spoke "*Wielding a wooden bat* Three, two, one."

Pow! The boys were hit!

Mikey yelps "Oh!"

Donnie whines "Why?"

The boys were kicked out onto the streets as us girls jumped to them, unharmed.

Donnie spoke "Okay, good news, our inner circle is secure."

Mikey asks "Sorry, April! Movie night with us later?"

April spoke "Your treat."

April closed her window as we were back to square one.

I whack the four turtles on the heads.

I snap "You four should NEVER walk in on a girl when she's doing something! What if it was either of my grandmothers? You'd be set on fire!"

Donnie asks "All right, fellas, who’s our next suspect?"

Raph spoke "It’s gotta be someone who knows we exist."

Mikey spoke "*Gasp!* Splinter! *Takes off a literal splinter off his head* Must be from April’s bat."

Leo spoke "It’s gotta be another mutant. And I know where we can find a mutant: the mutant pizza place!"

We went to the secret entrance to Run of the Mill Pizza.

“Stand back.” Raph said as he did the hand motion as his right hand glow with a blue flame, causing the NYC skull graffiti to transform into a portal. “Raph’s got this. Okay, Leo, do your thing.”

Leo spoke "Ah, the ol’ “smooth urban cop digging for info in a restaurant” routine. Watch and learn, babies."

We went into the restaurant as Leo went to talk to some others.

Leo asks "*To Hueso* Say, Bone Man, yo, you seem like you have your ear hole to the ground. What do you know about a certain missing Turtle Tank?"

Leo gave Hueso a coupon.

Hueso spoke "A Teddy Bear Town coupon? Well, I have no need for a Mayor Cuddlecakes. *Gives it back to Leo* Bye-bye."

Leo asks "*To a long-eyed mutant* Hey there, Green Eye, know anything about a… *Notices large body as the mutant roared* Okay. *To a cute baby mutant* Hey, wittle cutie, bet you know-"

The baby spat out its pacifier as its eyes widened and mouth opened with a hiss, making Leo back off.

Leo groans "Oh, come on!"

I put my hand on Leo’s shoulder and hugged him.

Sam sighs "Why do I have the feeling this will end in disaster?"

I spoke "Good thing I tagged the Turtle Tank with a tracking spell, I can track it down easily."

Donnie spoke "How could you when you’ve never seen it before? And enough with your stupid routine, Leo. I’m finding out which one of you wise guys took our tank, or I’m smashing everything in this dump!"

Donnie tried to break a table, but failed miserably.

Hueso spoke "Eh, pepino, your bad-cop routine leaves something to be desired."

Mikey spoke "Oh, no, no, no, no. *Chuckle* We’re not the police."

Hueso asks "You are the not the police, you say?"

The boys were kicked out as us girls walked out unscathed.

Leo groans "Aw, man, why can’t anyone throw us into a nice soft pile of trash?"

Raph spoke "Ugh! Hey, Donnie, why didn’t you just put a tracking device in the Turtle Tank? You put a tracking device in salami paper."

Donnie spoke "Oh, I was getting to that. But then he realized he did install the shopping cart protocol! Haha!"

“Wait… So I didn’t need to use a tracking spell in the first place?” I asked as my eye twitched.

Donnie spoke "*Presses a button* None whatsoever."


I grab Donnie by the throat and throw him into a wall.

Donnie spoke "Good thing I was wearing my shell armor."

Later, we were walking across the rooftops as Donnie was tracking the Turtle Tank that came to a stop thanks to the shopping cart protocol he activated.

Donnie spoke "Okay, we should find the tank if we just track the perimeter of the shopping card protocol’s limit."

Mikey asks "Whoa, are we gonna need a protractor?"

Donnie spoke "No."

Mikey asks "An abacus?"

Donnie spoke "Literally never."

Mikey asks "A bag full of sausages?"

Donnie spoke "Man, I don’t understand how your mind works."

I spoke "Mikey... For the love of, shut up!"

Aki spoke "Don’t worry, Mikey. I still care for you."

Donnie spoke "Hey, look, there the tank is."

Mikey spoke "Whoa! Donnie, nice work!"

We turned and saw the Turtle Tank, and it. Looks. AWESOME!

Raph spoke "*Chuckle* She’s big and beautiful! Not as beautiful as you Mist."

Mist spoke "Aww you!"

Leo spoke "We are gonna get a lot of parking tickets in that thing."

I laugh "I still remember the one time that my adopted grandmother pulled a prank on Erza and Mira!"

Leo asks "Uh, hey, guys? What’s Dad doing down there?"

We looked down to see Splinter, seeing him humming while walking away from the Turtle Tank.

Donnie spoke "Oh, I should’ve known he took it. You just can’t trust adults these days. You leave the keys to your brainchild lying around, and next thing you know-"

Raph asks "Meat Sweats?"

We saw Splinter walking into a truck with Meat Sweats in it.

Raph spoke "Oh, that’s bad news. Hey, we gotta move, or Dad’ll be toast or spread on toast. Let’s go!"

Mist spoke "Right, slowly for a sneak attack."

A howl was heard from Belius, grabbing Splinter's attention.

I whisper to the others "That works too."

Mistybreeze meows "Yeah."

We slowly went up to the truck before it suddenly drove off, much to our shock.

Raph spoke "They’re getting away!"

Donnie spoke "Turtle Tank time!"

We got into the Turtle Tank and drove after the truck.

Donnie spoke "Now that autopilot is engaged, allow me to show you around my state-of-the-art Turtle Tank. Over there is navigation. Down here is a, wait for it, bowling ball launcher. Strike! And there is the-"

Mikey asks "*Sparkly eyes* Soft serve ice cream machine?"

There was indeed a soft serve ice cream machine here. Bonus!

Mikey spoke "Tell me there’s a sprinkles cannon."

Donnie spoke "Ooh, good one. Rainbow and chocolate."

“Awesome!” The girls and I cheered at that.

Belius was leaping across rooftops as she chased after Meat Sweats.

Mistybreeze meows "Count me out, I can't eat anything solid."

Mikey spoke "That’s the thing with soft serve, it’s not really solid."

There were some tight turns.

Raph spoke "Donnie, watch the road!"

Donnie spoke "I wouldn’t need to if you would just take your seat."

Raph asks "Huh?"

A drivers seat appeared.

Donnie spoke "It’s the giant red one with your name and your exact lumbar settings."

Raph spoke "*Chuckles while getting into the seat* That’s beautiful."

Mist giggles "*Jumping onto Raph’s lap* Don’t leave me out of that action!"

Donnie spoke "Captains, the con is yours."

Raph and Donnie fistbumped as the red turned put the pedal to the metal, catching up to the truck.

Donnie spoke "I’m know you’re in there! Dad, I can see your tail! Oh, Papa, if you surrender now, there shan’t be any consequences."

Okay, I knew that was a lie.

I spoke "most NetNavis can't eat actual food."

Raph spoke "You’re with a very dangerous mutant, Pop! Meat Sweats just wants to eat you!"

Splinter asks "Hmm. Your name is Meat Sweats?"

Meat Sweats spoke "Well, actually, it’s Rupert."

Splinter spoke "Oh, I would stay with Meat Sweats."

Raph spoke "We gotta stop that truck!"

Donnie spoke "I’ll blast it with the boom cannons!"

Leo spoke "Donnie, Dad’s in that thing!"

Donnie asks "Can I at least go semi-lethal?"

We glared at Donnie for that.

Donnie spoke "You never let me shine!"

A wall of ice stops Rupert's truck.

But the truck broke through the wall unscathed.

Donnie spoke "Harpoon hooks it is."

The Turtle Tank shot harpoon hooks at the back of the truck, hitting and sticking to it as Mikey, Aki, Leo and I got onto the chains.

Mikey spoke "Okay, Sweaty Spaghetti, give us our dad back!"

Donnie spoke "Yeah, hand over the fugitive."

Meat Sweats opened the back door. “I don’t think so. You all have a reservation in my stomach, a dinner rush, seating now.” Meat Sweats quipped as he pressed a button, opening most of the truck as we saw captured mutants.

Mikey asks "Ooh, is he finally gonna teach us how to make that pork risotto?"

Aki spoke "Uh, I don’t think so."

Meat Sweats spoke "*Takes off right hand as his right arm turned into tendrils* Since I assume you won’t go down without a fight, allow me to choose my weapon."

Meat Sweats grabbed a cell and brought out a snake mutant as his right arm siphoned its power.

Leo spoke "He’s getting the mutant snake’s power."

Meat Sweats dropped the snake before he spat lime-green glob at us as we dodged it, the projectile splattering on the Turtle Tank’s windshields.

Raph spoke "Hey, watch out! It’s a spitting cobra!"

Donnie spoke "Hey, watch the paint, bucko!"

A sudden Chaos Spear hits the engine of Meat's truck, shutting it down permanently.

Riding on the back of her Lugia, Danyelle spoke "Lugia! Don't let that damn pig get away!"

But then the truck started moving again.

Meat Sweats scoffs "You really didn’t think I had a backup?"

Raph asks "Donnie, what else you got in this thing?"

Donnie spoke "Ooh, I’ve been wanting to try this."

The hood of the yellow car on top of the Turtle Tank opened up, revealing something as a bowling ball appeared before it was launched and hit Meat Sweats in the face as we heard pins being knocked over. The ball fell off Meat Sweats as he spat acid at the four of us.

“Oh!” Leo and I gasped.

Mikey and Aki gasp "Omigosh!"

We were then dodging the globs as they hit the chains, weakening them.

“Oh, no!” The four of us gasped as the chains broke, sending us back to the Turtle Tank.

Leo spoke "Mikey, stop ‘em!"

“Power-Whip-Jitsu!” Mikey said as he used his weapon to reconnect the Turtle Tank with Meat Sweats’ truck as Leo, Aki and I were on Mikey.

Leo asks "Come on, Meat Sweats, are you even trying?"

Meat Sweats spat acid at us again as we dodged them while Leo tried to open a portal.

Leo spoke "Come on, portal. Come on, portal."

Mikey spoke "Come on, Leo! My armpits are getting tired!"

Leo slashed with his odachi katana, creating a portal as a glob flew into it.

Leo spoke "Got it."

A portal opened behind Meat Sweats as he turned around, only to get hit with his own acid on his eyes, stinging them.

Raph spoke "Let’s get him!"

Meat Sweats spoke "*Pressing a button* So long, dinner. I’ll just get takeaway."

The cells opened as the mutants jumped out of them and the truck onto the streets before Mikey disconnected with Raph stopping the truck, not hitting the small mutants.

I saw Meat Sweats grab Splinter and brought him to his face.

Meat Sweats spoke "I’m done with you, T.G.I. Parmesan. No meal is worth this!"

Meat Sweats threw Splinter out the truck as he drove away in defeat.

Splinter spoke "Wait! Wait! Don’t leave me!"

We got out of the Turtle Tank as Splinter chuckled nervously.

Donnie spoke "You! You reckless, irresponsible…! You are watching the Science of Chairs Channel for a month, young man! Followed by the Long Division Channel and the Memorizing Pi Channel! Spoiler alert: the 99th digit is 7!"

Most of us except the turtles were shocked at Donnie scolding Splinter like that.

Even Belius was scolding Splinter.

Danyelle and her Lugia had gone after Meat Sweats since the immortal human had snuck an invisible tracking device under the pig mutant's truck.

Later, Danyelle and Lugia came back in anger.

Danyelle gripes "I can’t believe we lost him! How did he find that tracking device anyway?!"

“Sense of smell?” I noted as Danyelle facepalmed at that realization.

Danyelle gripes "But it was scentless AND invisible!"

“Instinct?” I added.

Danyelle groans "Tch... and where the cuss did that ghostly gryphon go?"

Since she had no scent at all, Ghostfeather was on top of Meat's truck as the pig mutant was going somewhere.

Ghostfeather thinks "Wonder where he’s heading."

But after going through a dark tunnel, she wasn’t on the truck at all, it was completely gone.

Ghostfeather gripes "Oh come on! Better head back to the others."

Danyelle spoke "I have a gut feeling that Meat Sweats just vanished off the radar."

“Well, at least he won’t be back for a while.” I said in relief.

Danyelle spoke "True plus that groundhog mutant's been helping me out with the Pokémon sanctuary."

“And I hope those puppies are getting along with the Pokémon?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, they're a handful but GlaceAngemon and the other Digi-Pokémon are helping out."

I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “Hey Leo, what’s Donnie gonna do?”

Leo spoke ":Oh well, he’s gonna fry the TV for that all Splinter gets is educational shows."

“He’s done it before?” I asked.

Leo spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Serves the silly rat right for taking something without asking."


Dance Battle!

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*Twilight's POV*

Dance fever had hit Maretime Bay and everycreature was having fun!

Flash spoke "This is fun!"

Midnight was dancing as he sang Can't Stop the Feeling.

Sunny was having fun.

Sobeka was here and having fun too.

Jazz was dancing with a creamy white Mobian Pegasus stallion that had gold colored wings and pinkish purple eyes.

A male Dalmatian pelican flew in before he transformed into a Dalmatian pelican Mobian and danced with Sobeka, who was happy about that.

A two year old zebra-unicorn hybrid was on her mother's back while giggling.

Danyelle was flying through the sky as she sang.

I couldn’t help but smile.

Cadence spoke "I'm glad everyone's at peace."

“Definitely.” I agreed, despite knowing that it could be temporary.

WereLycanmon was trying not to dance since it wasn't his thing.

Blazedramon laughs "What's the matter WereLycanmon? Too chicken to dance?"

WereLycanmon growls "You're the bigger chicken."

Blazedramon asks "*Tick mark* What was that, wolf boy?"

MetalZaciamon groans "*facepaw* Here we go again..."

Lycanmon groans "You said it Metal, my brother is an idiot..."

WereLycanmon snaps "What did you just call me Lycanmon?"

Lycanmon spoke "You heard me furbrain."

The two wolf Digi-Pokémon brothers got into a fight cloud with each other.

Danyelle spoke "You were right Twilight."

But then a friendly alpha class five tailed Mobian fox came by, enjoying the party.

The fox spoke "Hey-Hey, mon! This party feelin’ good!"

Shion was drunk as usual.

Then an alpha class Mobian tomcat showed up, taking notice of Shion’s condition.

Rimiru asks "Who’re you?"

The tomcat spoke "Name’s Jamie Siu. I saw your friend looking a bit drunk. I can help train her to learn the drunken fist if ya want."

Danyelle spoke "This is kind of normal for Shion, she can't hold her liquor that well."

I noticed the black gourd on Jamie. “Is that-?”

Jamie spoke "Relax, what I have isn’t booze. It’s a family-made herbal drink that really boosts your energy."

Applejack calls out "Liar!"

Jamie asks "What makes you say that?"

Applejack spoke "Any universe's Applejack can tell if someone's lyin'."

Jamie teases "Really? Or are you just losing your touch?"

Applejack spoke "Yer left ear is twitching oddly."

Jamie spoke "Oh. I just have an itch, that’s all."

Danyelle spoke "It could be fleas... Any Mobian with long fur has that problem."

Jamie asks "But if ya doubt me so much, why not take a swig yourself?"

Danyelle spoke "Hard pass, I have a two year son that's not off diapers yet. So I can't afford to take a taste. Maybe the ciderholic could try some. OI SKITTLES! GET YOUR TAIL OVER HERE!"

Rainbow asks "Huh? What is it?"

I explained to Rainbow about what Jamie had.

Rainbow spoke "Really? Huh… I’ll taste some of that."

We got a cup as Jamie poured some of his drink into it. Rainbow Dash seemed a bit hesitant to try it.

Ichigo and a green furred catboy were off in the Chuddle hotel for some privacy.

Zoey spoke "A lot has changed in the last three years. Mobians, Equians, liminals and monsters of all sorts are living together in harmony. Aside from the occasional scuffle, things have been peaceful."

“Yeah.” I agreed as Rainbow Dash swilled the drink down before she suddenly backed off dizzily with the cup falling to the ground.

Rainbow spoke "No way… there wasn’t any cider, alcohol, or even booze in it… Yet it got me drunk all the same. Guess Jamie really was telling the truth."

Applejack gasps "W-What?"

Jamie spoke "Hahah, you like that? Bet it woke you up!"

Zoey asks "Anyone seen Ichigo around?"

Anzu spoke "I could've sworn she was talking to Zakuro earlier... And I also found out that Minto is a lesbian."

Sobeka spoke "I bet she and her boyfriend went off to the Chuddle Hotel for some fun."

A lot of screeching was heard since Corina and Minto had gotten into a fight.

Renee spoke "Not again..."

Dalmatian Pelican spoke "I thought birds of a feather should flock together, not fight together."

Sobeka giggles "Heehee! Good one, Jasper."

Jasper spoke "Heh, thanks, babe."

Zoey spoke "Last thing we need is Jet mistaking Minto for Corina since the two lorikeets exactly the same."

Renee spoke "Same with Gadget, I don't want him to mistake Zakuro for me."

Sobeka spoke "Ah-ah-ah, don’t jinx it."

Renee spoke "Either Corina dyes her feathers a different color or Minto does. Plus I should dye my fur a different color, as long as it stops others from thinking Zakuro's my twin sister."

Zoey spoke "Least I have a different fur color than Ichigo. It helps tell the two of us apart."

Soon enough, Zakuro had the gall to challenge Renee.

Renee spoke "Oh bite me."

The two violet furred wolves were soon in a fight cloud, biting and clawing each other.

Kiki spoke "Least my counterpart isn't into that much violence."

Bridget spoke "As is my counterpart..."

Danyelle spoke "I got an idea! We can set up weekly sparring sessions so that the Smashers and even the Mobian and Pony Guards aren't rusty from sitting around on their collective asses and doing nothing."

Sobeka spoke "If ya want, some of the other fighters can join in."

Danyelle spoke "It's my idea though. Oh, hey Todd."

Todd spoke "Hi!"

Pinkie gasps "Idea!"

Danyelle spoke "Down Pinkie! Don't make me call Cheese."

Pinkie asks "No no, listen! What if we have a dance-off tournament?"

Kurama spoke "Count me out, I've got four left paws when it comes to dancing. And given that the two lorikeets and the two wolves are dancers, they might have the advantage."

Chameleo showed up through a portal. “Count me in. But I gotta warn ya, there may be surprise competitors I might know.”

Shuna spoke "Instead of a battle, we can turn it into a festival."

Danyelle spoke "That's a great idea Shuna!"

The pink haired Oni blushes.

Danyelle asks "What do you think Rimuru?"

Rimuru spoke "Why not."

Shion and the others cheer.

Danyelle felt something on the wind.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Ben spoke "I bet it was the original Domenico letting us know that he's happy that our youngest is named after him."

Danyelle spoke "*Smile* Yeah, and I can’t help but feel that our little boy could be special."

Domenico was playing with his tails.

Domenico asks "Mama?"

Aww…! So adorable.

Jacklyn had pounced on her mother.

And so, the festival was underway.

There were many great dancers, and Dee Jay was certainly a great dancer and fighter.

Blaze had suddenly sprouted wings.

Blaze asks "Uh, why is everyone looking at me?"

“Look behind you.” I said.

Two lavender wings had shot up on end, startling everyone except Sonic.

Sonic spoke "*wings up on end* Hot mama..."

Blaze asks "Sonic?"

Sonic pounces on his wife before tumbling through a warp ring to the Chuddle hotel.

“Well they’ll be feasting on Chili Dogs for a while, like maybe a month.” I noted.

Peppermint spoke "Mom! Rocky bit me!"

*Sigh* What am I gonna do with my kids?

Akari asks "Did I have that problem when I was a foal?"

“Yeah.” I answered.

Nashi spoke "My dad has anger issues."

A gray furred Mobian cat had been dropkicked through a wall by Zoey.

Zoey hisses "PISS OFF ELLIOT!!!"

Oh boy…

Anzu spoke "He just won't leave my mom alone."

Sobeka spoke "Man, talk about clingy."

Zoey spoke "Stupid bimbo..."

Dren chuckles "Hey Beka, want to know what I call Elliot?"

Sobeka asks "What?"

Dren snickers "Radioactive Butter Boy!"

Anzu and Zoey burst into laughter, as did the others.

Sobeka spoke "Huh? I don’t get it."

Zoey giggles "Before becoming a Mobian, Elliot had blonde hair. Dren often called him Blondie or something similar."


Sweet Sugarcube Fun!/ Blast from the Past

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*Pound Cake's POV*

Hahaha! It's been one great time after another. Silver Moon, Comet Skies and I have been talking about what gems to get the Tri-Pies since we were thinking about proposing to them soon. Silver Moon decided to get Blueberry Azurite, Comet Skies decided to get Cherry Quartz, and I decided to get Raspberry Garnet.

"Okay, since they're triplets, we need to make it very special by proposing to our respective marefriends at the exact same time, you two got it?" I asked.

Silver Moon spoke "You bet I get it, Pound!"

Comet Skies spoke "We hear ya loud and clear!"

"Alright then..." I started off as my two friends and I each put on of our front legs together at the center before the three of us declared, "Operation Fruit Pie Gemstone is underway!" Before the three of us split up to find our gemstones.

Geo spoke "Hey Pound Cake."

“Hey Geo! How’s it going, friend?” I smiled.

Geo spoke "Good despite the fact that my wolftaur uncle got into the cookie jar... again..."

“Heh, things never change, do they?” I chuckled before I noticed a familiar Slinkwing here too. It was Goomeleon, one of the friends I met during my stay with my sis and parents at Sumarda’s Chuddle Hotel, and Pumpkin’s boyfriend. “Hey Goomeleon!”

Goomeleon spoke "H-Huh? Oh hey Pound! Good to see ya."

“You too!” I smiled. “So what you hear for?”

Goomeleon spoke "Um… Well, I’m looking for an Orange Aventurine."

“Why?” I asked.

Goomeleon spoke "I’m… *Blush* Planning on proposing to my sweet pumpkin soon."

“Whoa! Really?” I gasped in surprise as Goomeleon nodded. Wow! He’s planning to propose to my twin sister! I hugged him as I said, “Congrats, Goo!”

Goomeleon spoke "Hehe, thanks."

“Oh! By the way, Geo, you have any Raspberry Quartz?” I asked Geo.

Geo spoke "Ask Breakfang."

“Okay.” I said as I went off before noticing Sumarda here, working on a project and building something as I kept going and found Breakfang. “Hey Breakfang, is there any Raspberry Quartz here?”

Breakfang was digging in the soil.

“Um…” I wasn’t sure what to say until Breakfang brought her head out of the ground.

Breakfang asks "What's up?"

A loud crash was heard.

Pinkie asks "Did you hear that Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

The source of the crash was Belladonna, who fell from a portal.

Belladonna spoke "I really gotta watch where I make those portals."

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is a merc with a foul mouth... Shadow is bad enough as is...."

Belladonna asks "Anyway, *Smile* I gotta tell you and the others something. Could you bring in the Mobian Guard and rest of the Pony Guard?"

Breakfang found a Raspberry Quartz. “Like this?”

“Yep. Thanks, buddy.” I smiled as I went back to Geo.

Danyelle asks "First gen, second gen, third gen or fourth gen?"

Belladonna spoke "Huh, good question. I would say all four, but that might be a bit much."

“Think you could get this Raspberry Quartz ready for my proposal to Raspberry?” I asked Geo.

Danyelle spoke "The rest of Twilight's family is over at the Brighthouse."

Anzu spoke "I got it."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, Anzu."

“Sure thing, Pound.” Geo answered as he started working on the leg band with the Raspberry Quartz for my marefriend.

Anzu yowls loud, calling the first three generations of the Pony and Mobian Guard together.

Geo spoke "That sounded like Anzu."

“Huh, must’ve been calling for something.” I noted before Geo was soon done with the proposal band for Raspberry as the Raspberry Quartz was the jewel of it. “Thanks, Geo.”

Geo spoke "No problem, PC."

I flew by before I noticed Sumarda having finished with her construction as Sugarcube Corner was rebuilt and improved. I checked it out as I saw the rooms, hallways and stairs being bigger. I couldn’t help but chuckle since I knew how and why, and I couldn’t really blame Sumarda for that since my parents, Pumpkin and I did learn a new trick or two from our stay at the Chuddle Hotel.

Sumarda asks "Whaddya think?"

“Perfect.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

Sumarda spoke "You’re welcome, Ten Hun Pound."

Hehehe, Ten Hun Pound. Been a while since I heard that nickname as Sumarda and I went to auntie Pinkie and the others. Pumpkin and I call Pinkie Pie our aunt since she foalsit us when we were foals.

Flurry was racing Akari through the sky.

A Chaos Blast had sent Pierce flying with a goofy yell.

Soon we were here with the first, second and third gens of Mobian and Pony Guards.

Rainbow Dash asks "So, what’d you wanna talk to us about?"

Belladonna spoke "Well-"

Sumarda spoke "*Smile* Well whaddya know! Radio’s coming here!"

Belladonna asks "Wait-what?!"

We were confused before a demon appeared.

The male spoke "Hello!"

Flurry asks "Uh... hi?"

The male spoke "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart! *Shakes Flurry’s leg* Quite a pleasure! Especially to be meeting all of you! Excuse my sudden visit, but I’ve seen your battles on picture shows! And I just couldn’t resist, what performances! Why, I haven’t been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929 and Charlie Morningstar’s fistfight against a reporter! Hahahahaha! *Background laughter* So many orphans."

The guy’s sounded like he was talking from a 1900’s radio.

Sumarda spoke "Heehee! Always the entertainer and the entertained, Al."

Sonic spoke "Nice to meet you Alastor. I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, grandson of Princess Luna and Prince Shirou Ogami."

Belladonna asks "Whoa whoa whoa! You never heard of him? The Radio Demon?"

Sonic spoke "I've seen all sorts of crazy folks. Remember, I travelled all over Mobius in my youth."

Belladonna spoke "But Alastor’s one of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen! In 1933, Alastor was reborn in Hell, seemingly overnight. He began to topple overlords who have been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners, those who die and end up in Hell, started calling him the Radio Demon, as lazy as the name is. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing’s four sure; he’s an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can’t risk getting involved with unless we want to be erased!"

Sumarda spoke "Belladonna, you’re overreacting."

Alastor spoke "Sumarda is right, dear. If I wanted to hurt anyone here, *Distorted* I would have done so already."

Alastor’s face and hair changed as existence itself started becoming distorted with red glitching before everything was back to normal as Alastor’s face and hair changed back.

Alastor spoke "Now, I assume Belladonna was about to tell you about the news?"

Fluttershy bolted after seeing what just happened.

Twilight spoke "I've fought against the Time Eater once."

Alastor spoke "Aha! Yes, that battle! Truly one for the ages! Know what the purest kind of entertainment is? Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment."

Wow, Alastor’s really a happy face as his toothy smile was still on him.

Twilight spoke "Plus I was one of 5000 some odd Twilights that fought back against Singularity. That was that hardest battle I had dealt with."

Alastor spoke "Ah, another battle for the ages! Multiple realities struggling for survival!"

Alastor noticed Fluttershy hiding in fear.

Alastor spoke "*To Fluttershy* Smile, my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one."

Alastor then started wandering around while humming.

Renaldo spoke "Then there was the Pucci war from three years ago."

Alastor spoke "Yes, what delightful ironic entertainment! He yearned for heaven, but could neither go there or to hell, he fell into the endless void, never to rise again."

Carrot Cake spoke "Hi everyone, hope we aren’t butting in."

Cupcake spoke "And we hope you don’t mind our appearance."

Mom and dad showed up, and much to most of everyone else’s surprise and shock, my parents were big and obese. Each of them weighed at least 1,000 pounds, as their bodies were just as fat as the other, with their heads, necks, legs, hooves and tails having gotten a bit bigger too. I couldn’t help but smile, glad that my mom and dad were happy with each other.

Yusei babbles since he was on Shadow's head.

Belladonna spoke "Anyway, you guys have been invited to a party."

That definitely got Pinkie’s attention.

Firestar and a flock of gryphons show up.

Gilda spoke "Don't forget about us gryphons!"

Belladonna spoke "Nice! But if anyone doesn’t wanna come over, that’s cool."

A loud bang was heard since an out of control thunderstorm had broken, causing Tails to curl up into a ball.

Danyelle immediately contacts Shifu.

Danyelle spoke "Shifu! We got a MAJOR problem! Tigerclaw is back! AND HE'S MEANER THAN EVER!!!"

But then Tigerclaw showed up.

Alastor asks "Hmm… Do I know you?"

Tigerclaw spoke "Doesn’t matter! I’ll take you out in one fell swoop!"

Tigerclaw prepared an attack before Alastor snapped his fingers on his left hand as a portal suddenly appeared below Tigerclaw before black tentacles came out of it and constricted around him.

Tigerclaw yowls "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! What’s going on?! GAH!!! This hurts!!"

Tigerclaw was screaming in agony as the tentacles were tightening their grip as they were covering him completely. Static was seen in Alastor’s eyes before they went back to normal as he clenched his left hand with a smile and a monstrous aura around him. His smile became sadistic with murderous eyes as he opened his left hand and clenched it again with said hand glowed as the tentacles then killed Tigerclaw, taking away all nine lives at once before they dragged his body and lives into the portal as it closed. All of us were speechless at that as our eyes slowly crept towards Alastor, who still had his narrowed murderous eyes and big sadistic smile before his face became friendly as he turned to us.

Alastor spoke "Well I’m sure down for a party! I could add in some jambalaya!"

Firestar spoke "*faceclaw* I forgot to mention... Tigerclaw's a lot stronger than he used to be... And he has a Stand...."

Tigerclaw snarls "THAT F-ING DOES IT!"

Tigerclaw's Stand grabs Alastor by the neck.

But Alastor was still smiling before two sharp tentacles appeared and pierced Tigerclaw’s stand through his brain and heart before he was completely disintegrated.

But due to how powerful the dark tabby's stand was, even Twiliterasu couldn't stop it.

Tigerclaw laughs "You are all FOOLS!! My Stand is the one that Pucci gave me before he disappeared!"

Tigerclaw activates C-Moon, trapping everyone in unbreakable steel cages.


Alastor scoffs "*Still smiling* Really now?"

A snap was suddenly heard as we saw C-Moon punch Tigerclaw right through the heart as C-Moon’s eyes glowed red with his smile matching Alastor’s.

But C-Moon couldn't be controlled by a demon since it was far stronger than any demon.


C-Moon soon has Jolyne by the neck.

Renaldo yowls "JOYLNE!!!"

Tigerclaw laughs "Unless you want to be cleaning up hedgehog guts, I suggest you back off demon!"

But then C-Moon’s arms were suddenly gone, same with Tigerclaw’s arms as Jolyne fell and landed on the ground with Alastor right behind him.

Alastor laughs "Ahahahahaha! Oh, how I love to see the high and mighty fall. I took the liberty of gaining some powers from locked-up sinners."

Something grew behind Alastor before it seemed to have barfed itself out of its mouth.

Alastor spoke "Since you won’t be heading up or down, you’ll be eaten and sent into an endless void. But I’ll take my time."

The stand then ate itself, disappearing before C-Moon’s legs were devoured by Cream, causing Tigerclaw’s legs to be devoured as well. Tigerclaw was scared out of his mind, having true and utter horror on his face.

But suddenly, C-Moon had evolved into Made In Heaven.

Tigerclaw laughs "You forget... I'M A SUPREME DEMON!!!"

Alastor spoke "Oh, you truly are desperate. The World."

A stand suddenly appeared before-

*Danyelle’s POV*

Alastor just stopped time, freezing everyone but me and him.

Alastor spoke "You truly are the first to make me use my claws. You may be a supreme demon, but I am an overlord."

Alastor let go of his mic as it froze before he delivered a light speed storm of claw slashed that sliced through Tigerclaw and Made In Heaven clean many times over.

Alastor spoke "Not bad on making me put in a little effort. But Lucifer would have defeated you more easily. The clock is ticking now."

Time flowed normally again before Tigerclaw was suddenly cut to microscopic pieces as he was completely and utterly shocked.

Tigerclaw spoke "This… can’t… be…"

Alastor spoke "But I’m surprised you do not know."

Alastor suddenly brought out a black gun with white markings.

Alastor spoke "This should settle you."

Alastor fired twice, hitting Tigerclaw dead-on as the supreme demon screamed in complete and utter pain and agony. “How can you do this to me?! I’m supposed to be invincible!” Tigerclaw cried out before he was completely erased from existence.

I spoke "Holy shit dude...."

Tachigami was on my shoulder since he had aided Alastor in slicing Tigerclaw up.

Alastor spoke "Holy weaponry, a sinner’s greatest weakness since it can erase their very existence."

I checked my senses… and Tigerclaw was really gone! Wow! I did not expect to see that happen!

I spoke "My Stand, Celestial Gods, is a holy class Stand thus it's effective against all sinners and hostile demons. And before you ask, I will not sic Amaterasu or Gekigami on you."

Alastor asks "I can see that. Well I’m starved! Who wants some jambalaya?"

I ask "What?"

Amaterasu appears beside me, startling Alastor a bit.

I spoke "Look dude, I know you don't like dogs but Ammy here's a wolf."

Alastor spoke "Apologies, but I don’t like canines very much since one was involved with my death."

I spoke "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder huh? I know a girl that has that sort of problem but hers is gun-related."

Alastor spoke "I see."

But then Carrot and Cupcake’s stomachs growled.

Alastor asks "Why don’t we all have a meal before getting ready for the party?"

I whistle loud, getting Soma and Sanji's attention.

I spoke "Yo Soma, Sanji! We got a LOT of hungry folks here!"

Sanji spoke "Okay."

Soma spoke "Sure."

“And we got an extra cook to help us out!” I added, pointing to Alastor, who smiled.

Rimuru spoke "Just don't let Shion help you four out. She's a terrible cook... I'm talking Mystery Food X terrible!"

Alastor laughs "Haha! I guess you can say that the meals she make have kicks that come right out of Hell! Ohohoho!"

*Snicker!* Okay, that was a good joke.

I spoke "Rimuru may not look it but he is a demon lord."

Alastor spoke "Hmm… Sounds familiar."

I spoke "It's sort of the Tensura equivalent to a demon king. But me? I'm just an Alpha-Queen that's also a Joestar."

I engulf myself in fire as I took on my Danyterasu form thus exposing my cutie mark.

Alastor spoke "Well, I must admit, that is quite a surprise."

I engulf myself in fire again, taking on the Danydonna forme this time.

I spoke "And this one's my Danydonna form."

Alastor spoke "Oh! Now that is even more of a surprise!"

I spoke "Heck, I know a few demons too. There's Koga, Ayame, Gadget, Sesshomaru, Towa, Setsuna, Inuyasha, Moroha, Clarity, Ifrit, Yuki, Sabrina, Kara, Darrel and Yuri. The lot of them are either full demon, half demon or quarter demon. Twilight's part demon too due to an accident that was caused by a jerk named Ashfur."

Soon, we got food ready.

I spoke "You could say that I'm considered to be half demon when I'm in this form but my actual title is Nekomata of Redemption. I got that title back when I reformed Gilda since I was a lot like her. I had lost contact with a friend long ago so I knew what to say."

Alastor spoke "Ah! So that’s why you remind me so much of Charlie."

I spoke "Heh, I've reformed quite a few baddies in my youth. Chrysalis, Starlight, Cozy, Gilda, Eggman, Opaline and a few other folks. But there were some I couldn't reform... Those had been Tirek, Pucci, Tabuu, Galeem, Dharkon and Keiko."

But then something grabbed me before I got… A noogie?

A voice spoke "Now is that any way to talk about my husband, Dany? You did redeem him."

I laugh "Long time no see Dahlia!"

But then I saw Dahlia carrying a baby girl centaur.

I spot Cerea and Doppio as well with a young male centaur.

I spoke "Cerea! It's good to see you again!"

Cerea spoke "It’s good to see you as well."

Quasi was talking with her brother.

Slam and Suu were enjoying the jambalaya.

WereLycanmon had pranked Ein, pinning the blame on Rev.

Soon, we were getting ready to head to the party that Belladonna talked about.

Leaflymon and the other grass and ice types opted to stay behind since they were weak to fire.

Blazedramon spoke "Leaflymon's such a wuss."

Vapormaimon spoke "She can't help it, she's a grass type."

“Can’t really blame them.” I agreed.

Sonic spoke "It's a Pokemon thing you know."

The Cake Twins showed up in their outfits for the party, but they were suddenly as big and fat as their parents, with the wings being a bit bigger for Pound and the horn being a bit bigger for Pumpkin.

Korra spoke "Let's get this party started!!!"


Helluva Party!/ Quadruple Surprise!

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*Pumpkin’s POV*

Well, we were ready to head for the party. Heehee! To think my brother, parents and I would learn some tricks from Sumarda while staying at her Chuddle Hotel for a long while.

Belladonna asks "Okay, is everyone ready?"

Annabelle spoke "I'm gonna stay behind. Most angels and demons don't get along."

Belladonna spoke "Yeah, good choice. Besides, Lucifer’s a fallen Angel."

Annabelle spoke "Lucifer and I were once good friends but after his fall from grace, I lost contact with him. Hmm, maybe I should come."

Belladonna asks "Uh, I dunno. You remember Cletus, Collin and Keenie, former members of C.H.E.R.U.B.?"

Annabelle spoke "Belladonna... Don't make me drop a giant pile of snow on you."

Belladonna spoke "No no, I’m glad Sumarda offered those three a home in her dimension. But you’re my cousin, so of course I’d be worried about you if you head down there."

Danydonna glares at Belladonna.

Danydonna spoke "Don't make me tell Firebrand on you Belladonna."

Belladonna spoke "*Blushing madly* Okay, probably."

Firestar laughs "Sounds like some hellhound's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Annabelle spoke "*Smirk* Nah, I think Belladonna’s getting hungry for Firebrand."

Danydonna spoke "At least I ain't no loud-beak Breegull!"

A Breegull scoffs "*Ahem!* Really, Dany?"

A familiar bear spoke "She's not wrong Kazooie, you never seem to shut up."

Kazooie pouts "Banjo!"

Banjo chuckles.

Danydonna snickers "You want some cheese with that whine, you stupid Breegull?"

Belladonna asks "*Giggle* Okay. So anyone else gonna unexpectedly show up?"

A yelp was heard before an alicorn mare crashed into a tree.

Sally spoke "Son of a... OW!"

Sonic asks "Sally?"

Sally had her head stuck in the tree.

Sally spoke "*voice was muffled* Hey Sonic."

Danyelle used her magic to turn Sonic's wings invisible since Sally was unaware that Sonic had become part alicorn.

Sonic spoke "*Helps Sally get out of a tree* It’s been a long time since I saw you, Sal."

Sally spoke "Yeah but I'm not the only one! Hey Ferret Face! Get the others over here!"

A male spoke "*French Accent* Ugh! I told you, Sally, I hate that nickname!"

Danyelle and the others laugh.

Tails laughs "She's not wrong Antoine, it's what Roll used to call you back when Danyelle was human!"

A female rabbit who's legs and arm were robotic spoke "Now none o' y'all talk like that about mah husband!"

Sonic chuckles "But ya have to admit Bunnie, it was funny when Danyelle said it."

Bluestar laughs "Sounds like that coyote's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Bunnie giggles "*Smirk* But Ah got the herbs fer that, don't I, sweetie?"

Antoine chuckles "But of course, mon amour."

Estelle was in half Pegasus form when she saw Sally and the other Freedom Fighters before flying off to get her mom.

Estelle spoke "MOM!!!!"

Sonic spoke "That voice you heard just now was Estelle, she's the only daughter of Queen Amy Rose."

Sally asks "Queen Amy? What happened while we were gone?"

Danyelle spoke "As it turns out.... Sonic, Manic and Sonia are one third wolf beastman one third alicorn since their dad is half alicorn half wolf beastman. Oh, hey Shirou!"

Roll spoke "It's been 224 years since I saw you last Ferret Face."

Antoine asks "Quoi?"

Bunnie spoke "Ah don't understand."

Danyelle giggles "Don't mind Roll, she likes to be annoying at times. Oi Vince, get over here!"

A boom was heard before Megaman skids to a stop.

Megaman asks "You called sis?"

To the shock of the trio, Megaman looked a lot like Sonic minus the wolf tail.

A male asks "Whoa, what'd I miss?"

Roll spoke "224 years worth of things though Rotor."

Rotor asks "That long?"

Luna then showed up.

Sonic spoke "Hey grandma Luna."

Ears flattening, Danyelle spoke "Freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Sally, Antoine, Bunnie and Rotor scream "WWWHHHAAAAAATTT?!?"

Several non-Mobian birds got scared off.

Amy soon arrives.

Amy spoke "Hey Sally! It's been too long!"

Sally asks "Amy? That you, girl?"

Amy spoke "Yep! I haven't aged a day in 224 years, you can blame Sonic for that mess."

Sonic spoke "Shut up Amy! Don't make me get Thorax!"

Amy blushed madly at that.

Adagio and Sonata soon show up with Sonia, Kelly, Manic and Melody.

Sonia spoke "Hey Sally."

Sally asks "Sonia! Manic! It's great to see you two again! But who are they?"

Sonia spoke "The yellow siren is Adagio Dazzle, my wife."

Manic spoke "The pale blue is Sonata Dusk, one of my two wives."

Kelly spoke "I'm Kelly and the tacobrain's my cousin, Melody."

Melody whines "Kelly~!"

Kelly taunts "You want some cheese with that whine?"

The two hybrids were soon in a fight cloud.

Antoine felt a bit queasy with his head being a bit green at hearing that Sonia had a wife.

Adagio spoke "Oh don't give me that Ferret Face, it's because of the mare to stallion ratio. There's more mares than stallions and besides, that stupid tanuki's also a lesbian."

Belladonna asks "Okay okay okay, is everyone ready to head for the party?"

Various folks spoke "YEAH!!!!"

Belladonna spoke "Alright then, let's go!"

Belladonna opened a portal as she brought out a music box and started playing music with all of us jumping in.

Automatically, Sonic went into his werehog form while Megaman and Roll went into werebeast forms.

Sonic spoke "This is one thing I never wanted you to see though Sally..."

Sally asks "Why?"

Belladonna spoke "Oh, I forgot to mention, anyone who isn't dead and lives here usually take on demon disguises."

Danydonna spoke "Not counting those with forme changes."

Belladonna spoke "Yeah."

As Belladonna said, all of us that weren't dead and living in Hell were in demon disguises. But Goomeleon... OOF! He definitely look hot as Tartarus!

Danydonna spoke "My normal form and Danyterasu form are locked for now."

We soon found ourselves at a mansion.

A female spoke "Everyone!"

We saw Loona approach us with a smile.

Loona spoke "I’m so glad you guys could make it!"

Sonic spoke "*impressed whistle* That is one snazzy mansion!"

Charmy asks "Why does the glass look like bee honeycombs?"

Werelight spoke "No idea.... AND GAH! I'm a werepony!!!!"

Belladonna asks "*Bead of sweat* What part of “demon disguises” eluded you?"

Danydonna spoke "Belladonna..."

Pinkie spoke "Come on, Dany! It’s a party! No need to frown!"

Danydonna spoke "For the love of, don't scare me like that Pinkie!"

“Heehee! Auntie Pinkie’s right, Dany. It’s a party, so we should have fun.” I giggled in agreement with Auntie Pinkie.

Danydonna spoke "Shadow's not one for parties though."

Sonic spoke "Hehe, come on. Maria could’ve dragged him here."

Roll spoke "I feel so weird..."

Danydonna spoke "And don't get me started on that loud-beak Breegull."

Kazooie scoffs "Really, Dany?"

Danydonna spoke "Uh... Ein said it!"

Kazooie sighed at that.

Danydonna's fur bristled up when she heard a laugh that wasn't from her friends or fellow Smashers.

Danydonna growls "Gruntilda."

Kazooie spoke "Great, it’s the bonehead."

Danydonna spoke "Literally in this case."

Gruntilda snaps "Grr! How did you see through my disguise?! You shouldn’t be able to see through lies!"

Danydonna growls "I've hung around Applejack long enough to discern lies from the truth."

Banjo asks "Wait, isn’t she supposed to be at L.O.G.S.’ factory?"

Sonic spoke "I DON'T want to know!"

But then a strange cat lunged onto Gruntilda’s gravity pipe as she started running off.

Kazooie spoke "Huh, that cat has weird timing."

Pinkie asks "L.O.G.? What’s that stand for?"

Banjo spoke "I think it was Lord of Games? And that cat was Piddles."

Danydonna spoke "So says the stupid Breegull that has a crush on Banjo."

Kazooie stammers "S-Shut it, ya hairball!"

Danydonna grabs Kazooie by the neck and strangles the bird.

Banjo chuckles "Hehe, looks like no one changed."

Sonic spoke "Aside from the fact I'm part alicorn and part wolf beastman."

Banjo spoke "Whoa! Nice!"

Loona spoke "Still, I’m glad you guys are here."

Sally asks "Wait, WAIT?!?"

Cuetzpalli showed up. “I know. Kind of loco, right?”

Loona spoke "Hey sweetie."

Cuetzpalli and Loona kissed each other on the lips at that.

Megaman spoke "If it's not one thing, it's another."

Loona spoke "A lot of our friends are here."

Cuetzpalli spoke "Hehe, my wife here is right, amigos."

Kazooie scoffs "That hag is no friend to Banjo and I."

Loona asks "Heh, you think we wouldn’t notice?"

Yugi was shaking in fear since he didn't like scary places.

Cuetzpalli spoke "Amigo, it’s nicer inside."

Danydonna spoke "Yugi's been a scaredy cat for the length of time I've known him."

Werebow Dash asks "Where’s Téa when ya need her?"

A pink ball was shaking since Téa had curled up.

Werebow spoke "Oh come on!"

Joey spoke "Jeeze, what gives? The place ain’t that scary."

Yugi stammers "R-remember that Pyramid of Light nonsense Joey?"

Joey asks "Yeah?"

Yugi spoke "I fear it could happen again..."

A dark laugh had sent Yugi curling up into a ball.

A Mobian jackal with ancient Egyptian clothing laughs "You lot can never stop me!"

But then the jackel was shot through his chest and head, before being wrapped up in mummy bandages.

A voice spoke "That’s enough outta you, jackass."

We then saw Ali as he threw Anubis into a sarcophagus before hands erupted from below and dragged the case down with Anubis.

Danydonna spoke "Uh... He's immortal... And he heals fast from his wounds..."

But Anubis broke free.

But then a portal opened, revealing Rei from the Redux-Verse as he pinned down Anubis.

Rei spoke "Some people just never learn. He’s just like Zamasu. *Puts hand in front of Anubis* Hakkai."

Anubis roared out in terrible agony and horror as he was completely erased and destroyed.

Tristan spoke "Holy shit...."

Joey spoke "Well that’s over with."

Redux-Verse Rei spoke "Yep. But I gotta head back home. Later."

Redux-Verse Rei opened a portal and headed back to his universe.

A female spoke "Well that happened."

We then noticed Via (Octavia of the Ars Goetia) here too.

“Hey Via. How’s Stolas?” Danydonna asked.

Via spoke "Oh, dad’s doing well now."

Yugi whimpers "Is it over?"

Danydonna spoke "Definitely."

Loona spoke "Heehee. Come on, let’s go."

Danydonna picked Téa up with magic since the she-cat was still curled up.

Darting over to the group, a male lion Mobian with ancient Egyptian clothing asks "Is everything okay?"

Yugi asks "Wait… Atem?"

Atem chuckles "Yep!"

Yugi asks "How did you get out of me?"

Atem spoke "I'm not a part of you anymore since I'm dead, been so since the Paradox dilemma."

Yugi spoke "Oh…"

Atem spoke "There were some things I had done that got me banished to this place..."

Danydonna asks "But bygones are now bygones, right?"

Danydonna's eyes flash white as her wings shot up on end.

Danydonna's tails wagged a bit since she saw an upcoming wedding.

Yugi asks "Téa, can I ask you something?"

Téa asks "Hmm? Yeah?"

holding a rose pink diamond wedding ring in his right hand, Yugi asks "Téa, w-will you... marry me?"

Danydonna and the others wait with baited breath.

Téa was definitely surprised with hands over her mouth before she cried happy tears as she hugged Yugi.

Téa happily spoke "Yes… Yes, Yugi!"

Danydonna and the other werebeasts howl in happiness.

Loona spoke "Nice! Now come on in here!"

We smiled as we came in.

Loona spoke "Hey everyone! Meet the new faces here!"

Loona and Ali howled, with the other Hellhound guests howling in response.

Via asks "Want any drinks?"

Danydonna spoke "Now THIS IS A PARTY!!!"

A male spoke "Hehe, just wait until the arrival of my wife, since she threw this party."

A male hellhound showed up.

Loona spoke "Vortex!"

Via spoke "Hehe, hey, Tex."

Yugi chuckles "It's never truly a party without Pinkie, Cheese and the Carnaval Duo!"

Nico asks "You called?"

Pedro spoke "We saw that portal and followed ya!"

The Tri-Pies tackle hug their honorary uncles.

We soon got drinks before we heard a voice.

A female laughs "Haha! How’re my dirty bitches doin’ tonight?!"

Several hellhound partygoers howled in excitement at that.

The female spoke "Ow-ow! Y’all ready to party with the Queen Bee of Gluttony? Come on!"

We heard cheers as we saw Sumarda with someone on a disco ball that had its plates shaped like honeycombs.

Sumarda spoke "That’s what we like to hear!"

The female spoke "Hell yeah! ‘Cause the honey is flowin’ tonight! And these two bitches are ‘bout to get F-ING! WILD!"

Sumarda and the female spoke spoke "LET’S GET IT STARTED!!!"

Sumarda: Cotton candy, cotton ca— candy
Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy

The figure revealed herself.

Female "fox": Hey!
We’re whatchu need, We’re watchu want
We got it all, a carnivale

Sumarda: We'll bring you up, we'll take you down
We’re sticky sweet, stuck in your teeth like

Female "fox" and Sumarda (Chorus): Cotton Candy
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
We’re whatchu want, not watchu need (Ah-ah, ah-oh)

Female "fox": Hey, we don't know why,
We’re whatchu want, but it's the truth

Sumarda: I'm not your lie, let them eat cake, let them eat pie

Sumarda and Female "fox" (Chorus): Or better yet, let them eat cotton candy
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
We’re whatchu want, not watchu need

Cotton candy skies
Sweet as apple pie
We can't help but shine
Brighter than the starlight in the sky

Sumarda (Chorus): Cotton candy
Cotton candy (Yeah)
Cotton candy

Female "fox": We’re whatchu want, not whatchu need

Female "fox" and Sumarda: So, whatchu want?

“Hungry? Take a big bite!” Sumarda smiled as she enlarged a taco in a partygoer’s hand as he gulped it down before instantly looking like a thousand pounds.

“Get effed tonight!” The female say as she enlarged two drinks before chugging it down two partygoers’ throats, making them look totally drunk as Sumarda asked, “So, whatchu want?”

“Your Queen Bee brings the sweet stuff, so keep making me that sweet sugary honey!” The female smiled as she threw a male hellhound into an enlarged punch bowl as three other hellhounds went towards it. “Yeah, keep it comin’!”

The four were gaining weight while afloat in the punch bowl and doing water angels with big eyes and drooling mouths.

Sumarda (Chorus): Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)

Sumarda and Female "fox" (Chorus): We’re whatchu want, not whatchu need

Cotton candy skies
Sweet as apple pie
We can't hеlp but shine
Brighter than the starlight

Cotton candy skiеs
Sweet as apple pie
We can't help but shine (Woo!)
Brighter than the starlight in the sky

Sumarda and the female made floating honey rivers, raining cotton candy and set off a huge confetti bomb as the partygoers cheered.

Roll lets off a screech as she cheered with the other werebeasts.

The female spoke "Ow-ow! Vortex! *Flies over to Vortex* The party is buzzin’ now! Wow! I feel like Suma and I went a little too hard with the confetti again though. I have like, a rainbow, inside me right now."

Sumarda spoke "Hehe, come on. We always go all-out at parties, Beelzebub."

Beelzebub then noticed all of us. “Hey, are those the sweet creatures you told me about? The girls are effing cuties! Where you all been hidin’ girls? And the guys sure look like great treats! Where were those guys?"

Werelight asks "Is something wrong?

Beelzebub spoke "Nah, I’m just really high on all this tasty energy right now! Suma says you guys don’t get trips to Hell much, let alone invited to a party here. I hope this itty-bitty get-together can serve as a fun first time."

Sonic spoke "Sorry but I'm a married hedgehog... Err, werehog when I look like this."

Megaman spoke "Human turned NetNavi-Mobian hybrid, also married."

Danydonna spoke "Human turned alpha-class Mobian, also married. Co-leader of the first generation Mobian Guard."

Werelight spoke "Married alicorn with a pair of tailed beasts in my soul, leader of the first generation Pony Guard."

Loona spoke "Don’t worry. Bee’s just being friendly."

Beelzebub spoke "I would have thrown a bigger one, but I couldn’t convince Belphegor to let me break into her stash of party drugs. So freaking lame. I mean I usually just steal them, but Belle changed the locks. *Summons beer bottle* She says I’m a total jackass for trying, but hey, I’m proud to be a total jackass."

Beelzebub drank the beer and threw the bottle away as Vortex chuckled before we introduced ourselves to her.

Vortex spoke "Yeah guys, this is my wife, Bee."

Beelzebub spoke "Nice to meetcha BITCHES!"

We were definitely surprised by how she looked like a hybrid.

Applejack spoke "Whoa nelly, this is… She’s hot."

Applejack placed a hand on her mouth at that.

Beelzebub laughs "Ha! Holy shit! Okay, Suma, you didn’t tell me some of them were hilarious. That’s so funny."

Applejack spoke "S-Sorry, that slipped out."

Beelzebub spoke "I love the fact that’s the first thing you say to me. You don’t give a shit how freaky any of you come off, and that’s freaking beautiful. You are now one of my favorite people."

Danydonna spoke "My friends and I had been on a LOT of bizarre adventures over the years. And heck, I'm also the reincarnation of Joseph Joestar."

Beelzebub spoke "Nice!"

Applejack asks "But am Ah really one o’ yer favorites?"

Beelzebub spoke "Yeah, bitch! No, really. Reminds me of the first time I saw Satan without a shirt on. I was like “OOF! Boy, you are hot as hell!” But then I wanted to die ‘cause it was so awkward ’cause he’s more like a brother to me, ya know but not actually my brother so… I guess, it was fine. I could hit that… ya know, Sumarda definitely helped me feel more in tune with Gluttony when she first came to my parties."

Zoey laughs "Reminds me of the one time my only daughter walked in on Geo when he had his shirt off!"

Anzu shouts "MOM!"

Beelzebub spoke "Well, see this lava lamp I have for a belly? Thanks to it, I can burn calories and never gain weight. But when Sumarda first came to one of my parties and heard about it, she challenged me to eat the food she summoned and try not to gain weight from it. I ate all of the food, which were delicious, and found myself totally obese, like a thousand pounds. That was the first time, but I kinda liked it, so Suma earned my respect as I try to invite her to my parties every now and then."

Anzu spoke "You were no better mom, you walked in on dad one time when he had his shirt off!"

Zoey was definitely a stammering mess.

Beelzebub spoke "Anyway, guys, you have a good time tonight. Get some sweets, get some eats. Drink it! Devour it! Eff it up! Whoo!"

Beelzebub started walking around to other partygoers. “Cheers, honey! Thank you for coming! You need anything? Are you having fun? Are you good? Are you drunk? Are you fat?”

Partygoers that were asked nodded at that.

Beelzebub spoke "Okay good. Okay great."

Man, Bee’s definitely a party animal!

Danydonna spoke "She's a bigger party animal than you Pinkie."

Pinkie spoke "Wow! This is awesome!"

Werebow spoke "Wonder what they got here!"

Soon, we were cheering Werebow as she gulped down an entire keg of beer as she was alright.

Werebow asks "Ha! That was nothing! When do I get a real challenge?"

Beelzebub showed up, looking bigger like a size increase spell as she had a chicken leg.

Beelzebub spoke "Oh yeah? You wanna drink with the big bitch, pony girl? I got a challenge for ya."

Werebow spoke "Bring it!"

Danydonna engulfs herself in fire as she switched to Danyterasu form.

Danyterasu spoke "I'll take a bite of that challenge!"

Female poodle hellhound spoke "Oh, they’re gonna die."

Vortex brought out three beehive-shaped kegs. “Alright, let’s do this! From Bee’s personal supply, the hardest shit there is! You two ready?”

Werebow spoke "Oh I was born ready!"

Clarity spoke "I'll take a bite of that challenge too! Get me a keg!"

Vortex brought out another keg.

Danyterasu spoke "Good to go!"

Beelzebub telekinetically lifted the kegs as they gained drinking hoses that went into Werebow’s hooves, Clarity’s paws and Danyterasu’s hands.

Beelzebub spoke "Alright, tough creatures, but there have been few who could beat me at MY own game. So you better bring the fire, baby!"

Werebow taunts "Oh, scared that any of us could beat you?"

Danyterasu spoke "My flames burn brighter than any star!"

Werebow spoke "This'll be easy!"

Clarity spoke "Don’t blame us if you lose!"

Beelzebub spoke "Oho! Okay, let’s get it on, ya little bitches."

Vortex asks "Ready?"

Zoey yowls "SWILL!!"

The trio of females started downing the liquid as fast as they could.

Beelzebub was doing at at the same speed.

Werelight spoke "Come on! You can do it!"

The trio then grabbed the kegs and tore of the cap with the hose before lifting it up and downing down all at once, finishing the kegs.

Danyterasu let out a loud belch that had sent Beelzebub flying.

Clarity laughs "Who’s the queen(s) now?!"

The partygoers and us cheered as Beelzebub came back.

Beelzebub spoke "Not bad. Blitz, Ji, Tex, Suma and Cronile were the only ones who could beat me. I tip my crown to you three. Respect."

Beelzebub howled as the other hellhounds watching howled too.

Werelight, Sonic and Megaman howl as well.

Werebow smiled but then became dizzy as Fleetfoot and Soarin caught her while she kept smiling with droopy eyes.

Clarity spoke "Guess she couldn't handle the heat."

Sonic spoke "Definitely drunk."

Clarity spoke "It'll take more than that to make me drunk but to be honest, Rainbow Crash had that coming."

Rainbow spoke "Hehehe… Hey Soary-Roary… Come here… *hic!*"

Azure groans "Mom, you're drunk."

Beelzebub spoke "Come on, let her have her fun while she can before letting it out."

Clarity spoke "I challenged Rainbow and Applejack to a cider drinking competition one time and beat them both."

Beelzebub spoke "Not bad."

Whoo! We were having a blast! And I was having so much fun with the Tri-Pies as I asked, “Is this party fun or what, girls?”

Danyterasu laughs "Plus I trolled Celestia one time back when Twilight was just a unicorn."

Beelzebub spoke "Really? Tell me about it."

Raspberry spoke "Hay yeah!"

Blueberry spoke "Definitely!"

Cherry spoke "Awesome!"

Werelight spoke "Danyelle has the Dimension Scream, she can see things that have happened or have yet to happen. Not long after she and Nyx arrived in Ponyville due to Lillian's wish, Danyelle busted quite a few eardrums with her shout... There was this one time when Ben proposed, Danyelle caused a cake to explode. If Lillian hadn't made that wish, Danyelle wouldn't have come to Equestria in the first place. Things would have played out a lot differently if Danyelle wasn't around. Gilda, Discord, Nightfall, Chrysalis, Tirek, the Dazzlings, Starlight, Fizzlepop, Eggman and Cozy wouldn't have reformed. Asriel wouldn't have been revived and Sonic wouldn't have found out his origins."

Beelzebub spoke "Man, that’s a lot to take in."

Belladonna spoke "Not to mention, she scared the crap out of me one time."

Beelzebub found that funny as my brother, Goo, Silver Moon and Comet Skies showed up and approached me and the Tri-Pies.

Danyterasu spoke "Something tells me that four more proposals will happen."

Us four girls were confused before our respective boyfriends kneeled and each brought out a box and opened them, causing Raspberry, Cherry, Blueberry and I to gasp with hooves over our mouths. The armband that Goomeleon showed to me had an orange aventurine gemstone, while the one that Pound showed to Raspberry had a raspberry garnet gemstone, the one Silver Moon show to Blueberry had a blueberry azurite, and the one Cometfall showed to Cherry had a cherry quartz gemstone.

Goomeleon spoke "Pumpkin Cake…"

Pound Cake spoke "Raspberry Pie…

Silver Moon spoke "Blueberry Pie…

Comet Skies spoke "Cherry Pie…

Goomeleon, Pound Cake, Silver Moon and Comet Skies ask "Will you marry me?"

The… The Tri-Pies and I couldn’t believe what we were hearing. Our respective boyfriends proposed to us all at once. Us four mares couldn’t help by smile while sniffling happy tears before we hugged our respective boyfriends as the four of us said, “Yes!”

Danyterasu had reared up while howling thus setting off the other canids.

This… is… the best surprise… EVER!!!

Nazuna roars loud since she was in midform, halfway between siren and fox beastman forms.

Mom and Dad couldn’t help but smile.

The party kept going on all night.


Surprise Twist/Trouble Down Below

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*Raspberry’s POV*

WOW!!! It’s been so fun and eventful after that proposal! Especially the weddings of me and Pound Cake, Blueberry and Silver Moon, Cherry and Comet Skies, and Pumpkin Cake and Goomeleon, since they took place in Sumarda’s dimension. It was definitely different than normal weddings, where the groom(s) and bride(s) in their separate preparation rooms had to eat nonstop for one whole hour, and whoo! We were each as big as a house, definitely obese as we went out there for the wedding. My sisters and I could feel that our family and all the other families that became connected to the Cakes gained a new ability. And now here we are, the eight of us were at the Chuddle Hotel for our honeymoon, booking a room for all eight of us.

Danyelle spoke "And to think, all of this started with Lillian's wish to bring more Mobians into Equestria followed up by Sonic's wish when he found out he was immortal thus causing anyone I had interacted with at least twice to become immortal as well."

Sonic spoke "Hehehe, yeah."

Pinkie spoke "And wow! I’m definitely feeling something new in me! Like I have a new ability all of a sudden!"

Shadow spoke "For the love of Chaos, shut up Pinkie!"

Gallus spoke "Huh, same here."

Silverstream spoke "Me too!"

Cadence was more giddy than a filly who just got her cutie mark.

A trio of gryphon chickubs tackle their uncle before tickling him.

Bluestar spoke "Sorry Gallus nii-san, my kids got out of my sight."

Gallus spoke "It’s okay."

Bluestar spoke "The only boy of the trio is Stonefeather, the two girls are Mistyclaw and Mosstalon."

Gallus spoke "Heh, nice names."

Helia asks "So, you eight booking… Whoa… The land-sea-sky combo sugar rush showtime mountaintop suite?"

“Absolutely.” My sisters, Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Silver Moon, Comet Skies, Goomeleon and I answered without any hesitation.

Helia spoke "Whoo! You eight are truly the firsts to book that suite, congrats."

A sad look was on Bluestar's face.

Gallus asks "Is something wrong?"

Bluestar lies "Nothing's wrong."

Silverstream spoke "I’m not Yona, but you’re lying."

Bluestar spoke "I don't want to talk about it and besides, that Pegafox guy has a crush on Water Glider!"

Polished was yelling at his twin in Neighponese since Cherry Blossom shaved his tails.

All of a sudden, the middle tail on the twins was glowing.

Twilight calls out "Quiet everyone!"

Everyone goes quiet before a faint barking was heard.

Gallus asks "Huh?"

Danyelle's ears twitch as she picked up the pattern.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm, that is something..."

Silverstream asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

Danyelle's ears twitch as she listened to the pattern.

Danyelle spoke "Bad news everyone! Pucci is back!!!"

Helia spoke "Oh for the love of... He was trapped in the void."

Danyelle spoke "Unless... He somehow escaped! And judging by the pattern of the barking I hear, Pucci's been spotted in Austailia."

A portal from the Heartsverse opened, revealing Chameleo as he had an annoyed expression. “Ugh… This is gonna be a hassle.”

Danyelle spoke "But none of us got called by the cutie map... Except for Polished and Cherry... This is their mission."

Chameleo spoke "Well, let’s just hope they have the Chaos Emeralds."

Liko was a bit feverish.

Serena spoke "Ash, something's wrong with Liko."

Ash asks "What’s going on?"

Liko whimpers "I don't feel good dad...."

Liko was shivering since her body temperature had gone down too low.

Chameleo asks "Is there an available heater around here?"

Ash spoke "Try asking for a purple furred fox, I think he's a doctor."

Liko spoke "Dad, I'm scared..."

Ash spoke "*Hugs Liko carefully* It’s okay, kiddo. It’s okay."

Maria pops up suddenly.

Chameleo spoke "Talk about timing."

Maria spoke "I can't find Ruby or Yusei anywhere!"

Chameleo asks "*Facepalm* Oh for-Kidnapped, aren’t they?"

Maria spoke "I turned my back for one second and then both of them are gone."

Chameleo spoke "2 bits says they’re in Austailia."

Firestar spoke "Double that on the two being deep underground."

Chameleo spoke "You mean in Hell? Let’s just hope they’re still alive if they are."

Danyelle’s cutie mark started glowing.

Danyelle spoke "I can't be of any use, I passed the title of Redeemer Nekomata to Irene."

Chameleo spoke "Are you sure you can’t? You’re still strong as I remember."

Danyelle spoke "I may be 254 years old but Domenico comes first, he's not quite off diapers yet and won't be for another three years."

Chameleo spoke "Fair point. Wait, maybe your Cutie Mark’s telling you Irene has a mission."

Danyelle spoke "Not likely."

Polished spoke "This is something Cherry and I have to do, we're twins after all."

Cherry giggles "Hehe, yeah."

Polished spoke "I'm still mad at you sis, you shaved the fur off my tails."

Scootaloo sighs "Kids..."

Meanwhile in our suite, Blueberry and Silver Moon, Cherry and Comet Skies, Goomeleon and Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake and I were in complete awe of what it was. “This is awesome!”

Percival was wandering around the Hotel alone when she bumped into a hedgefox male.

Percival spoke "Sorry."

The male spoke "No no, it’s my fault. Sorry."

Percival stammers "M-my name's Percival Ogami...."

The male spoke "My name is Galahad."

Percival spoke "You kinda look like my mom's friend if it weren't for the fox tail."

Galahad spoke "Yeah, I get that sometimes."

Percival spoke "I almost look like my mom but I have my dad's eyes. Plus I'm part alicorn though I don't look like one."

Flying out of a warp ring that she had used to get to the Pokemon world, Danyelle spoke "Ash! I have some bad news... It's about your mom...."

Ash asks "Huh?"

Danyelle's ears were drooped down in sadness.

Danyelle spoke "Sh-she was hit by a drunk driver... I was unable to save her in time... I'm sorry...."

Ash’s cap then covered his eyes in shadows as he held emotionally strong.

Danyelle and Serena hug Ash to comfort him.

Misty and the rest of Ash's friends were worried.

Ash hugged the two of them back as his eyes let silent tears fall.

Leaflymon and the other Digi-Pokemon were also crying.

Much to Ash's surprise, Jessie and James were also crying.

Twiliterasu was heard howling a sad song.

Nyriel and all of the monsters were crying as well.

Souka spoke "Look kid, I know it's never easy losing a parent. I never knew who my mother was but I know for a fact your mom wouldn't want you to be sad forever."

Ash suddenly smiled at that as the shadows lifted. “Thanks, Souka. That means a lot.”

Danyelle spoke "She's right, it's not easy losing a family member."

Souka spoke "Even though I find Gabiru annoying at times..."

Gabiru spoke "Hey!"

Souka spoke "He's still my brother."

Danyelle snickers "So says the dragonewt that has a crush on Souei."

Souka was flustered.

Serena giggles.

Ash laughs "Haha! Nice!"

Chameleo chuckles "Well, I’m off."

Chameleo jumped into the portal, heading back to his universe as the portal closed.

Maria had healed Liko back to full health.

Liko spoke "Phew! Thanks."

Maria spoke "Not problem kiddo. But I do apologize for what happened to your dad's mom..."

Liko spoke "It’s okay. I’ll still miss her though. Mr. Mime will miss her too."

Danyelle spoke "About that.... Mimey went missing shortly after."

Ash spoke "He must have taken it hard. I’ll go look for him."

Danyelle pulls out a pokeball from her left tail before tossing it thus sending Mimey out.

Danyelle spoke "I got him though."

Ash chuckles "He definitely looks like he’s in a small box from how he’s miming."

*During the funeral,*

Luna spoke "Though many of us hadn't known Ms. Delia Ketchum that well, I could tell she raised Ash well. May her soul rest in peace."

After Twilight and Sunny push the boat with the coffin out onto the water, Danyelle and Blaze fire two flaming arrows onto the boat thus setting it on fire.

The nine tailed foxes from Kurama's village all howl a requiem for the female.

Renee, Zakuro and the other wolves howl as well.

Zoey, Ichigo and all of the cats yowl in sadness.

Izzy asks "Sprout, are you... crying?"

Serena asks "You okay Ash?"

Ash spoke "Yeah, but still… I am gonna miss her."

Placing a hand on the left side of Ash's chest, Serena spoke "The motherly love she had for you will always be in your heart."

Belladonna soon senses a new spirit in Stolas' area.

The Mewtwo that Ash had befriended places a hand on the Mobian cat's shoulder.

Danyelle's phone goes off suddenly.

Answering the phone, Danyelle asks "Danyelle Hikari speaking, who is this?"

The voices spoke "This is Stolas. Um, your daughter Irene seems to have come here through that red coffin, and Bella says she’s sensing someone new in Hell and seems more innocent than others."

Danyelle asks "We recently had a funeral for a Delia Ketchum since she was hit by a car. There was a lot of internal bleeding and not even Maria could fix it. Do you want me to bring Ash, Serena and Liko Ketchum with me?"

Stolas spoke "Yes, that would be advisable. And make sure to do it before she hires I.M.P. to take her revenge on the one who killed her. They are quite remarkable hitmen and assassins."

Danyelle spoke "It was an accident though but I saw what happened."


*Danyelle's POV*

I was in hellcat form after I passed through the portal with the Ketchum trio along with Polished and Cherry.

I spoke "Hey Stolas! Over here!"

Stolas spoke "Oh good! Great timing! Fortunately, most sinners or those who end up in Hell are restricted to the Pride Ring."

I ask "Where did Delia end up though?"

Stolas asks "You mean where in the Pride Ring exactly?"

I spoke "Her death wasn't supposed to even happen."

Ash spoke "Cut the crap Stolas, I just want to see my mom."

I whack Ash on the head.

“Calm down, Ash.” I said.

Stolas spoke "Well, I can reanimate corpses, but I think that’s the very last thing any of you want."

I spoke "I'd rather not have a pair of screaming foxponies to deal with..."

Serena's eyes had widened when she spotted a brown furred Mobian she-cat with matching brown eyes and a blue ribbon on the tail.

Serena spoke "Ash... L-look over there..."

Ash asks "Huh?"

We looked down to see a hellcat with brown fur with matching brown eyes and a blue ribbon on the tail.

I groan "For the love of Arceus... Her death was an accident, she shouldn't be restricted to the Pride Ring..."

Stolas spoke "Let’s just we can help her before the next cleansing on New Year’s Eve."

Mewtwo spoke "Agreed, she shouldn't have to suffer like this."

I call Delia over.

Delia asks "Huh? Danyelle? That you? How did you…?"

I spoke "I saw what happened... I just wasn't fast enough to save you... Plus Ash wanted to see you."

Delia asks "Oh… But why am I here in the first place?"

Stolas spoke "There are many innocents that are sent here by someone else, so you aren’t the first one."

Mewtwo spoke "I would've been here too if Ash hadn't saved me back when that Giovanni jerk tried to kill me."

A second Mewtwo spoke "Danyelle saved me so I'm indebted to her."

I ask "But how’re we gonna bring her back?"

Serena spoke "We can't Dany... Her body was cremated."

Stolas spoke "Oh… dear… This is worrisome."

I spoke "We gave her body a Viking funeral though. Blaze's idea."

Polished asks "What about Twiliterasu's howl?"

Irene asks "MOM?!? What are you doing here?"

I spoke "Huh, guess Chameleo had a point after all."

Newtwo spoke "But that still doesn't...."

Newtwo froze up before hiding behind me.

I ask "Say Stolas, where did you say you locked Giovanni up?"

Stolas spoke "Pride Ring Prison."

I spoke "Good, last thing anyone wants is a screaming Mewtwo..."

Morrigan showed up. "Hey, Stolie."

Stolas spoke "Hello, Morri."

The two birds shared a kiss.

I spoke "Jeez, we seriously need to put a bandana on one of the Mewtwo so that Ash and I can tell them apart."

Ash spoke "Mom, I'm sorry for what happened..."

Delia spoke "Ash, it's not your fault."

Ash spoke "I should have had asked Mewtwo to get you out of harm's way..."

Delia spoke "Ash, I said it wasn't your fault."

Liko whacks some sense into her father.

Ash spoke "Sorry."

I spoke "What's done is done. We can't change the past."

Polished asks "Is Blitzo having any trouble?"

But then my eyes glowed white before they went back to normal. "I get it. Friend and sibling troubles."

The Prower twins zoom off to where Blitzo was.

Newtwo spoke "Well, there they go."

I spoke "Huh, this could actually go better than I thought. Blitz and Barbie Wire are twins, Polished and Cherry are twins. So..."

Newtwo spoke "It'll work out better."

*Polished's POV*

I call out "Blitzo!"

Blitzo shoved his front door open. "The 'O' is silent, asshole!"

Cherry growls "Watch it dipwad, only I can call my brother an asshole."

Blitzo asks "Wait, brother?"

I spoke "Cherry and I are twins."

Blitzo suddenly closed the door on us.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that outright." I said before Cherry slapped me at the back of the head.

Cherry spoke "You are such an asshole sometimes nii-san."

"Well excuse me for speaking my mind." I scoffed before I opened the door. "That aside, we should find him."

Cherry spoke "Well, I heard a little rumor that Blitzo likes horses though and since the two of us are half pony..."

"Okay, but the 'twin' part might've been a sensitive subject. How about we split up, you try to find Barbie Wire, while I search for Blitzo. Sounds like a plan?" I asked.

Whacking me on the head, Cherry spoke "I don't have wings asshole."

"Okay, reverse; I search for Barbie while you find Blitzo here?" I revised.

Cherry spoke "Good idea."

"Cool." I said before I flew off as Cherry went inside the building.

Cherry spoke "Hey Blitz."

Blitzo asks "What do you want?"

Cherry spoke "I'm sorry for what my asshole brother said earlier."

From Blitzo's perspective, Cherry looked like a horse.

Blitzo asks "Uh, why do you look like that?"

Cherry spoke "My mom's a Pegasus pony and my dad's a three tailed Mobian fox so I'm a mix of the two, same with my asshole brother."

Blitzo spoke "Somehow, I'm not convinced."

Cherry growls "you calling me a f-ing liar?"

Blitzo spoke "You look more like a fox."

Cherry rips her kimono off, revealing her legs.

Cherry spoke "I'm half earth pony since my mom's dad is an earth pony."

Blitzo spoke "That's actually new to me."

Cherry spoke "Even though my tails and ears are fox, the rest of me is pony. But since I'm half Mobian fox, I have to wear a kimono. It's sort of a rule for female Mobians, my adoptive great aunt did say that she didn't want to be walking around with no clothes on."

Meanwhile, I managed to find a house that had a mailbox for a "Barbie Wire and Samedi".

I think "{Samedi, where have I heard that name before?}"

I walked up to the front door before ringing the doorbell.

A voice spoke "Alright, comin'!"

Someone arrived, opening the door.

the male asks "Oh? And who are you, new face?"

I chuckle "Remember that Nightmare Night party that my adoptive great aunt hosted 224 years ago?"

Samedi chuckles "Oh, how could I forget? What a party!"

Then the snake on his staff hissed to him.

Samedi asks "Ah, so you are related to Tails?"

I spoke "He's my paternal grandfather."

Samedi chuckles "Well, whaddya know! Glad to meet ya, Ah’m Baron Samedi."

I spoke "I'm Polished Stone Prower, son of Rusty and Scootaloo Prower. My twin sister is Cherry Blossom Prower."

Samedi asks "So, what brings you here?"

I spoke "My twin sister and I were called into Tartarus because of a sibling problem."

Samedi asks "Sibling problem? What specifically?"

I spoke "Blitzo and Barbie Wire..."

Samedi spoke "*Wince!* Oh. That’ll be hard. Barbie has serious issues with him right now. Be glad she’s fast asleep."

I groan "Fuck..."

Samedi asks "But if this could help, Salo, some flashbacks?"

The snake on Samedi’s staff sudden bit me memories flushed in.

Past Blitzo spoke "Barb, wait. I want to help you. Let me help you, please? You’re clean now, let’s grab dinner. We’ll catch up and we’ll talk-"

Past Barbie laughs "You don’t fucking get it. Just ‘cause I’m outta rehab doesn’t mean I wanna see you. I never wanna see you, EVER! Next time you wanna find me, Blitzo… DON’T!"

The memory ended as Salo withdrew his fangs and went back to Samedi’s staff.

I spoke "Damn, girl's got anger issues... No wonder why my sister started calling me an asshole."

Samedi spoke "Look, try to respect your sister, and she’ll respect you back."

I spoke "Siblings tend to bicker at times but they eventually forgive each other."

*Meanwhile with Cherry*

Cherry spoke "Even though my brother is an asshole sometimes but he's still my brother. Perhaps you should find a way to apologize to Barbie before you lose her trust permanently."

Blitzo spoke "Look, I try, but she just won’t listen!"

Cherry grabs Blitzo by the horns and drags him over to Samedi's house.

I ask "Sis, why did you bring him here?"

Cherry spoke "I'm getting real sick of his crap you know? This bullshit has to stop right now!"

“Sis, please try to calm down.” I said.

Cherry spoke "You're so getting a bar of soap for that swear word you said earlier."

Samedi spoke "This place is Hell. So it might make some visitors more aggressive."

Danyelle spoke "SOME MORE THAN OTHERS!!!"

“Uh-oh…” My sister and I dreaded.

Serena spoke "Danyelle, calm down before I whack you."

Danyelle spoke "Don't even go there Serena, you caused a cake to explode when you first arrived in Equestria 224 years ago!"

Serena spoke "Oh shut up."

Delia spoke "Please, calm down you two."

Mewtwo spoke "Typical..."

Newtwo teleports to just outside Barb's room before knocking on the door.

Barbie groans "*Still asleep* Ugh… Piss off…"

Newtwo asks "Now is that anyway to treat a guest?"

Samedi asks "Um, how about if I get her?"

Newtwo spoke "Just don't mention his name then."

Samedi spoke "Done and done."

Samedi went into Barbie’s room, and after like half an hour, Samedi and Barbie came out.

Barbie giggles "Hehehe, how did I hook up with a badass husband like you?"

Samedi chuckles "Hehe, I know how to party, and I bring out the party in people."

Danyelle had beaten Blitzo to a pulp.

Danyelle growls "And DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!!"

Serena and Ash were holding Danyelle back.

Danyelle growls "Let me at that asshole!"

Ash spoke "Danyelle, you need to calm down!"

Danyelle was glowing red.

Mewtwo spoke "Shit! She's about to use Chaos Blast!"

Stolas spoke "Not good!"

Da Ji suddenly showed up and injected Danyelle a shot of sedative, calming her down instantly.

Liko spoke "That won't work! She has to fire off the Chaos Blast or her rage will continue to increase!"

Stolas teleported Danyelle to a empty mountaintop.

*One Chaos Blast and a destroyed mountain later,*

Danyelle spoke "I'm calm now."

Ash and Serena sighed in relief.

Danyelle spoke "Still, sorry about that."

Newtwo notices a strange flower.

Newtwo asks "Huh?"

The flower had sprayed pollen into Newtwo's face.

Danyelle asks "Newtwo, you okay?"

Newtwo spoke "I dunno."

Danyelle sighs "Anyway, how’s Blitzo and Barbie?"

The group heard Barbie’s roar at that.


But then Danyelle noticed Barbie trying to strangle Blitzo as he was trying to calm her down and noticed that Blitzo was actually trying to rebuild his friendship with his twin sister.

Danyelle pulls the two apart with magic.

Danyelle spoke "*voice booming* ENOUGH!!!!!"

Blitzo went still while Barbie was definitely trying to break out.




Barbie growled, but complied anyway.

Danyelle asks "Okay Blitzo, what did you do that pissed Barbie off in the first place?"

Blitzo looked really sad and like he really didn’t want to talk about it.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps my Dimensional Scream can shed some light on this mess."

Danyelle rests her forehead against Blitzo's forehead, triggering a vision of the past.

*Flashback to before Blitz and Barb had the fight*

*Danyelle's POV*

I spot Blitz and Barb's cheerful selves before they had that nasty fight.

Newtwo and the others saw what I saw thanks to my Latias using sight sharing.

Newtwo spoke "So that must be the two before they had that fight."

I spoke "Yes but they can't see any of us."

I noticed Past Barbie looking nervous about something.

Latias spoke "Ias {She seems scared.}"

Soon, we saw Past Blitz spotting Past Barbie dealing something to shady imps.

Past Blitz asks "Wha-What are you doing?"

Past Barbie spoke "T-This isn’t what it looks like!"

Past Blitz then spotted bags of some kind of drugs that said “H-8”.

My ears flatten in disgust.

Newtwo groans "Oh Arceus no... *urp*"

Past Blitz asks "H-8? You know this could be trouble, right?"

Past Barbie spoke "P-Please! It’s-"

But then we heard sirens as the shady imp took then took off with the drugs in a truck in a rush. Everything went so fast before the truck crashed into Blitz and Barbie’s mother. Later, she was in a hospital at a prison as Tilla took the blame to protect her kids as Barbie got put into Rehab. And it was clear that Barbie never forgave Blitz for getting involved and getting her caught.

I spoke "Look Barb, as I told Gilda and Moondancer before... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Mewtwo spoke "She's right you know. We can't change what has already happened but we can change what will happen."

Barbie growled before we saw what happened at a camp she was hired to peddle Heroin from. Turned out the mortal she was working with killed a client of I.M.P. when said client was still alive before the client found out about the drugs and died from drowning. So the client hired I.M.P., mostly Moxxie and Millie, to investigate his death while Blitz looked for clues about Barbie. Then after a we, we saw that during Millie’s, disguised as a teen human boy known as Millard, which was odd because Millie was a female, a firework launched from the stage and flew into the abandoned boathouse while Moxxie, disguised as a teenage human girl named Moxanne, which was also odd since Moxxie was a male, tried to fight Barbie to get to the target, but Blitz held him back to keep his sister safe while also trying to get to the target, and said firework blew up the client’s killer’s head, killing him, but also having Barbie out of a job.

I spoke "Holy shit...."

Mewtwo spoke "My past was a lot worse... both Newtwo and I were cloned from Mew..."

I spoke "Lost contact with a friend long ago but it was because of that, I was able to see through Gilda's pain."

Barbie was still growling. Yep, she’s definitely stubborn.

I slap Barbie across the face hard.


Newtwo spoke "Danyelle, calm down. You're gonna blow a gasket again."

I spoke "Look Barb, Blitz was only looking out for you."

Barbie spoke "He’s only gonna make my life worse."

I spoke "Siblings fight all the time. Heck, Vince and I bicker a lot but we still get along."

Polished spoke "Exactly, I pulled the shaving cream prank on Cherry one time and I got kicked through a wall. But I still care about her."

Barbie still stood strong, but I can tell she was starting to crack.

I give Barbie a hug.

Barbie spoke "*Trying to stay tough* H-Hey! Back off!"

I spoke "There's nothing wrong with a hug though. I'm not letting go until you calm the fuck down."

Now it was a test of will to see how long Barbie could last as she kept staying strong, but I can tell she was cracking, bit by bit.

I ask "Want to hear something funny though?"

Blitz spoke "*Smile* Talk away."

I giggle "It was roundabout the time when Twilight and I went up to the Crystal Empire when it was on lockdown due to aggro Changeling sightings and Twilight threatened to bite Shining Armor so I said 'Sit Girl!' and that was how Shining knew I was the real Danyelle. After Twilight was face down on the ground, I was in the clear."

Heh, Barbie didn’t show it, but I saw her eye twitching.

I spoke "Oh! Aph, Zane and I call Ein a screamer since he sounds like a girl every time he screams!"

Ash snickers "Have a voice recording?"

I laugh "Hell yeah!"

I open on my phone, causing the others to laugh.

Barbie was definitely getting closer as I noticed her mouth quivering, trying to resist the urge to laugh.

I laugh "Oh here's one! Hey Serena, what do you call a hyena with half a brain?!?"

Serena giggles "I don't know, what?"

I laugh "GIFTED!!!"

Serena was on her back while howling with laughter.

Okay, I definitely hear muffled snickers from Barbie’s throat.

I giggle "Got any jokes Ash?"

Polished asks "Say Great auntie, didn't you throw a stick bug at Zane one time?"

I laughed at that. “Yeah I did! And his face and scream were so funny! Oh! I got recording for that too!”

Polished laughs "At least Holo can get away with the stupid potato insult!"

Barbie’s face was definitely twitching all over.

Ash asks "Whaddya call a voltage cold for electric Pokémon?"

Cherry and Liko both laugh "A Pik-Achoo!"

Barbie’s cheeks were puffed, her mouth trying to stay shut, and laughing tears threatening to leak out. Hehehehehe! Just one more little push!

I laugh "Here's another one! How do you get a Pikachu onto a bus?"

Serena giggles "Wh-what?"

I laugh "You poke-em-on!"

That did it as Barbie started laughing non-stop.

I laugh "Here's another one! Blue Punch Buggy!"

Barbie started laughing harder with happy tears before she started hugging me very… very… tightly.

Barbie laughs "*Wild and uncontrollable laughter* S-Stop! This is is torture! Hahahahahaha!"

I teleport out of Barbie's grip before I got a broken rib.

I spoke "Careful! I have semi-hollow bones!"

Barbie spoke "Hahahahahaha! Okay! Okay! Sor-Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

Barbie was rolling on her back in laughter.

Even Newtwo and Mewtwo were laughing.

Barbie was rolling around in laughter so much, the white 'X' on her forehead was getting rubbed out, revealing the same black heart-shaped skull marking on Blitz's forehead.

I ask "Feeling better now?"

Barbie was still laughing, but started to calm down.

I spoke "I wonder how it went with Irene's task..."

To be continued...

Clown Pole

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*Irene's POV*

Man... This is gonna be tough, especially since this world is actually Hell.

A shrill "IOS!" rings clear before a semi-demonic Latios appears before me.

"Wait... Latios?" I gasped.

But the legendary Pokémon took off somewhere else.

But it looked like he was trying to lead me somewhere.

The roar of a Giratina was heard.

I ask "Wh-what was that?"

But then the ground I'm on was upside down.

Even the gravity was inverted which prevented me from flying.

“This isn’t good.” I dreaded.

Giratina roars "Why has thou entered thy domain?"

“U-Um… I was sent here on a Friendship Mission from the living world.” I nervously answered.

Giratina asks "A what?"

“Um… Do you know about Danyelle, the Nekomata of Redemption?” I asked.

Giratina roars with a laugh.

Giratina laughs "Every Legendary Pokemon knows about the blue nekomata! It was by a combination of her power, Reshiram's power and Zekrom's power that the head of Team Rocket was killed off."

I hear my mom's shouting.

I spoke "Holy Shinx...."

Giratina asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "Sounds like my mom blew a gasket at someone."

Giratina asks "Your mother?"

I spoke "Yeah, I've never heard her raise her voice to THAT loud a tone before."

Giratina spoke "Who is she? Because she sounded familiar."

I spoke "I'm Irene Hikari, eldest daughter of Danyelle and Ben Hikari."

Giratina asks *Surprised* Pardon, what?"

Danyelle pops up via Chaos Control.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Giratina."

Giratina spoke "Danyelle! You haven’t changed at all."

Danyelle laughs "Aside from being immortal on top of being a mother of eleven kids, I'm still the same hairball you met 224 years ago!"

Giratina chuckles "Hehe. And Irene is your daughter?"

Danyelle spoke "Eldest by blood, yes. There's also Nyx, Bluestar, Stella, Guinevere, Apple Butter, Gallus, Ralph, Domenico, Emporio and Thunder. Irene, Stella, Ralph and Domenico are blood related while the other seven are adopted. As for grandkids... There's Geo, Mistyclaw, Stonefeather, Mosstail, Nyriel, Hitch, two unnamed foxcat hybrids and Silver Moon."

Giratina spoke "Wow."

Danyelle laughs "Yeah."

I giggled, “Okay, mom. It’s good to see you again.”

Danyelle ruffles my hair.

Danyelle asks "So, what’re you doing?"

I spoke "I’m looking for Fizzarolli and Verosika."

Latios soon arrives with Fizz and Vero.

“That was fast.” I noted as mom looked a bit shocked, seeing the Latios.

Danyelle was in tears.

“Mom? Are you okay?” I asked in concern.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm just surprised to see Latios again."

Latios spoke "Ios..."

Danyelle spoke "Latias misses you so much Latios."

Latios embraced Danyelle at that, who hugged him back.

Danyelle spoke "Pipp never had the chance to thank you for saving Wind Whisper."

Latios smiled at that.

“Hmm… If only there was a way for the soul to be split in two, Latios could come back and Wind Whisper would still be alive.” I wondered.

Danyelle spoke "It doesn't work like that... Plus that would have given Jeff ideas... And nocreature wants him running around. And that alone would have put Lillian's life in danger."

“I’m just saying.” I responded.

Danyelle spoke "I know squirt."

"But..." I started as my mom and I turned our attention towards Fizzaroli and Verosika. "We'll need to talk to them about you-know-who."

Danyelle picks up a familiar scent before growling.

Danyelle growls "I know you're hiding Giovanni!"

Giratina spoke "Hmm… It’s not like he’ll be able to do much anyway since he’s confined to the Pride Ring."

Danyelle spoke "Good, I'd hate to take my fangs to his neck again."

“Yeah, but now about these two.” I said, pointing towards Fizzarolli and Verosika Mayday.

Danyelle spoke "Right..."

Verosika asks "What gives, bringing the two of us here?"

Latios spoke "Ios. {You two have issues that needed to be straightened out.}"

Fizzarolli asks "Issues? What’re you talkin’ about?"

Danyelle spoke "Like a friendship problem."

That left the imp and succubus confused.

Danyelle asks "Have you had any arguments with your friends?"

“Mom, maybe we should just get to the point.” I advised since I thought it’s better to be straight about it as I had an idea of exactly who they have issues with.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and I still find it weird that one of my grandsons had married Anzu..."

I spoke "Yeah, talk about weird..."

But then Fizzarolli whispered to me and mom, “If it’s about Blitz, he and I forgave each other a long while ago, knowing that the fire that took my arms, legs and horns was an accident, even though that was on my B-day.”

Danyelle spoke "He and Barb haven't been seeing eye to eye lately."

Fizzarolli whispers "Not just Barb. *Eyes pointing towards Verosika Mayday*"

I spoke "Regardless, my mom and I were called here to solve a friendship problem."

Danyelle spoke "And I think I know who else."

I ask "Who mom?"

Danyelle spoke "*Whispers to me* Blitzo and Mayday."

A familiar "Hoo" was heard as a gryphon was dragging Blitzo by the tail over to Danyelle and I.

Verosika laughed at that.

Danyelle asks "Good one Owlowiscious! wait... Owlowiscious?!?!?"

Owlowiscious laughs "That's right. Hoo!"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight was distraught when you passed away 204 years ago."

Owlowiscious spoke "Yeah... And I'm sorry about that, hoo! But I don't know how I ended up here."

A warp ring opens up before Werelight gallops through it, knocking Owlowiscious to the ground in a tackle hug.

Werelight spoke "You silly owl! I WAS worried about you!"

Fizzarolli chuckles "Hehehe wow, you look more happy than my sister and Verosika's sister are with Ozzie."

Werelight asks "Can you blame a mare who hasn't seen her pet owl in 204 years?"

Fizzarolli asks "Hold it, THAT long?"

Werelight spoke "Immortal/demonic alicorn."

Danyelle spoke "Immortal nekomata-gryphicorn mix."

But then we saw Blitz and Verosika arguing.

Werelight engulfs herself in fire, shifting to Were-rama form before roaring loud at the two thus stopping the fight from getting out of control.

Were-rama snaps "BLITZ! VERO! ENOUGH!!!!"

Verosika growls "*Lifts shades* Oh really? You gonna run off like Blitzo did, leaving someone else to pay for a hotel room, steal their car-"

Verosika and Blitz spoke "-and/And run three rings of wrath and max my/her credit cards on shitty horse-riding lessons."

Blitz spoke "Goddammit whore, you will not let that go!"

Were-rama pins the two down by sitting on them.

Were-rama spoke "For Faust's sake, can you two NOT FIGHT FOR FIVE FUCKING SECONDS? You're giving me a damn headache!"

Danyelle spoke "...Well, at least we now know what the problem is."

Were-rama spoke "*glaring down at Verosika* Quit being such a whiny little bitch!"

"Okay, Twilight, please calm down." I said.

Were-rama spoke "I'm fully calm though!"

Were-rama kept the two pinned down.

Were-rama asks "Now Blitz, what caused you and Vero to hate each other in the first place?"

Blitz spoke "Hell if I know! She's the one who won't let bygones be bygones!"

Danyelle taps Blitzo's forehead, triggering the Dimensional Scream so she could see what really happened.

Danyelle spoke "Yeesh, you really don't know how to make friends even though you wanna make friends but push them away, Blitz, especially since THAT."

Were-rama spoke "I was once the same way but I found that I couldn't activate the Elements of Harmony until I let friendship into my heart."

Danyelle spoke "As I had told Gilda and Moondancer... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or.. learn from it."

Verosika definitely looked like a hard nut to crack.

Were-rama gets an idea before using two of her tails to tickle Verosika.

Verosika wasn't cracking."

Were-rama ups the number to four tails.

Danyelle pulls out her phone before showing Verosika a recording of the amount of times that Ein had gotten blown up.

Verosika's lips started twitching, telling us that she was starting to crack.

Danyelle spoke "I often call Ein a screamer since he sounds like a girl every time he gets pranked, blown up or yeeted!"

As Were-rama went up to 7 tails, Verosika was biting down her lips to hold in her laughter.

Danyelle spoke "There was this one time I roasted Ein's ass so much, he couldn't sit for a week!"

As Were-rama went up to 9 tails, Verosika's puffed out her cheeks, ready to crack.

I laugh "And there was this one time Uncle Sonic smelled like hickory smoked hedgehog!"

Soon enough, Verosika broke and laughed loudly.

My mom and I were also laughing.

Blitzo spoke "Huh, not bad."

Danyelle spoke "Hang around Sans long enough and you pick up a pun or two."

"Yep, they really hit the funny bone." I punned.

Were-rama laughs "That was a real rib-tickler!"

Verosika was rolling on her back in laughter.

Blitzo spoke "You did a good job, making a succubus laugh like that."

Danyelle spoke "I've had years of practice. I've done a lot for Equestria though. I was able to understand Gilda's pain since she was hurting on the inside because she thought she and Rainbow were no longer friends. I even helped Twilight mend her friendship with Moondancer. I think I had aided a different Twilight once when her universe's Discord wasn't acting like his usual chaotic self. Heck, I freed an entire nation of monsters that were trapped underground and even revived Asriel."

Blitzo spoke "Whoa. That's a lot."

Danyelle spoke "If it wasn't for Lillian, I wouldn't be here today. Thanks to her, I've helped people with their problems. I can tell what they need just by looking at them. For Shadow, he wanted his friend back so Sonic and I checked the Space Colony Ark thus finding Maria. For Gilda, she needed someone who understood her on an emotional level. Starlight was also emotionally hurt so I had to get Sunburst. For Moondancer, I had to scold Twilight for skipping out on a party."

Verosika started to calm down from her laughing fit.

Were-rama spoke "Now I see why the map chose you Danyelle, it thought you were the best cat for this kind of job."

Well, Blitz and Vero soon became friends again.

“Hey mom?” I said.

Danyelle asks "Yeah?"

“I wonder how the Raspberry, Pound Cake, Blueberry, Silver Moon, Cherry, Comet Skies, Pumpkin Cake and Goomeleon are doing.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "I think they’re in the land-sea-sky combo sugar rush showtime mountaintop suite, ready for the time of their lives."

Were-rama spoke "I'm glad this mess was resolved peacefully."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but Barb's still being a bitch..."

Were-rama spoke "We should head back and deal with her."

Fizzarolli spoke "Oh... That fire's also part of the reason why she's mad at him. Ya know, the fire that took my arms, legs and horns."

Were-rama spoke "That may be so but like Danyelle said, running away from your problems won't fix them."

We soon teleported back to Barb and Samedi's house.

Were-rama knocks on the door.

Samedi opened the door. "Ah, welcome back."

Were-rama asks "Barb around?"

Samedi sighs "Yeah, but she’s in one of her bad moods."

Danyelle spoke "Still being a bitch huh, I might know a way to make her laugh. I was able to make Vero laugh."

Samedi spoke "Again? Hmm, they say laughter is the best medicine."

Danyelle spoke "Especially for toons with damaged Looney DNA."

Were-rama spoke "Danyelle's not that kind of cat to give up. She didn't give up on helping Gilda reconnect with Rainbow, she's not giving up now."

Samedi spoke "Haha, the party truly never ends."

Danyelle spoke "True but all good things do come to an end one day."

"Okay, mom. Let's go." I said.

Were-rama spoke "I'll wait out here."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks."

Were-rama spoke "I don't think I can get my fat ass through a small door."

"As you are now, you can't." I simplified.

Were-rama spoke "Oh shut up..."

Danyelle spoke "Okay you two, calm down."

Were-rama stuck her tongue out.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight.... SIT GIRL!!!"

A loud thud was heard throughout Tartarus, making many demons cringe.

But then a feminine laughter was heard as Barbie suddenly came out of her room before we saw a woman about Barbie and Baron Samedi's age.

A female asks "What's this party goin' on right here?

Barbie spoke "Bridge!"

Barbie ran over to the woman as the both hugged as Baron Samedi joined in.

Samedi spoke "Ah, you wondering who this is? This is Maman Brigitte, my wife."

Maman Brigitte spoke "Barbie here wanted to join in after falling for mah Baron, and I thought it was all good ta join the party."

"Whoa, Samedi having two wives? Did not see that coming." I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "You forget Irene, Manic's got two wives as well."

"Touche." I admitted.

Barbie was silent at first. "Bridge's a big sister to me."

Maman Brigitte asks "Still mad at Blitzimp?"

Blitzo asks "What did you just call me?"

Barbie didn't wanna admit it, but nodded.

Maman Brigitte asks "Don't ya think it's time to move on?"

Barbie spoke "But-"

Maman Brigitte spoke "Your mama is still alive, right? I'm sure she'd want you two to reconcile."

Danyelle spoke "As I told Gilda and Moondancer 224 years ago... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Barbie tried her best to hold up a hard exterior, but her dam broke, and broke hard as she sobbed while hugging Maman Brigitte.

Were-rama spoke "Wow."

Samedi spoke "Sorry about that. Barbie has a tough exterior, but when the dam breaks, it breaks hard."

Were-rama spoke "Rainbow's the same way... Plus I never told her about Tank's passing 204 years ago...."

a male spoke "I think she figured that out a long while ago."

We turned around to see a green koopaling like Morton or Roy with sleepy eyes show up in a koopa clown car.

the male yawns "Yeah, I dunno how I ended up here either."

Were-rama asks "Who are you?"

Danyelle spoke "You forget... Rainbow was among the old era ponies that was trapped in limbo for 200 years."

Owlowiscious spoke "Hi, Tank."

Tank spoke "Hey, Owlowiscious."

A Persian Abyssinian she-cat with a purple ribbon around the neck spoke "For the last time Winona! Quit getting slobber on me!"

A female border collie diamond dog with a red collar and golden name tag responded, "Come on, Opalescence! Let's play!"

But then we saw a green dragon with an alligator shape and purple eyes as it blinked. "...Hi."

Opal spoke "Uncouth dog... You're JUST like Applejack!"

But then a white male rabbit Mobian jumped in and kicked the two. "*Ahem!* Twilight is here, ya know! Yeah, somehow, all six of us pets got transformed and sent down here. I mean, the irony of my name and personality, I get."

Opal spoke "Tch, should have known you were here too Angel."

Were-rama gawked in shock. "We have a LOT of explaining to do when we get home."

Blitzo spoke "Look, Barb... I'm really sorry about what happened, and that the fire almost..."

Barbie spoke "*Voice breaking* Save it, Blitzo. But... I'll move past that and give you a chance."

Blitzo spoke "*Sigh of relief* Thanks, Barb. I promise you won't regret it."

Danyelle's cutie mark glows once more, indicating that the mission was done.

Danyelle spoke "Look Blitz, I know that you haven't had it easy but let me give you a piece of advice. It's easy to judge but harder to trust, sometimes... What's harder is required."

Danyelle soon leaves with Were-rama, the six animals and I.


Pet Reunion/ Galactic Visitors

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*Twilight’s POV*

Oh man… this is gonna be really complicated.

Danyelle spoke "I could say the same about Smith but he's a spirit now."

Angel spoke "Well, gotta tell ya, I kinda picked up some new skills while down there."

Owlowiscious spoke "I think the rest of us pets did too. Hoo!"

Opal spoke "Philomena has it easier than we did."

Winona spoke "Well, she is a phoenix, so her life starts over."

Danyelle spoke "This is gonna be a hard one to explain to the others...."

"You think?" I agreed.

Irene asks "Uh, how do we get out?"

Stolas spoke "*Showing up* I believe I can help with that."

Danyelle spoke "I don't wanna leave Latios behind but I don't have a choice."

But then Mystic appeared.

I spoke "Long time no see Mystic!"

Mystic spoke "Heehee! Yeah! Anywho, I may be able to help since I remembered something."

I ask "How so?"

Latios shook his head no.

Mystic spoke "No, seriously, I think this’ll work, since this happened in the Redux-Verse/Timeline."

Danyelle spoke "About that Mystic... Wind Whisper is half Latias since Latios gave his life to save hers."

Mystic spoke "I know, but please hear me out."

Danyelle spoke "I'm listening..."

Mystic spoke "I managed to keep most of my powers, even though I’m a free genie, and I should be able to split a soul and make sure that those halves both grow into one soul each."

Latios spoke "Ios {That won't work... My soul became a Soul Dew though and I can't go back}"

Mystic spoke "But that doesn’t mean we can’t try. But if you’re serious about not going through with it, Latias can try to visit."

A roar from Giratina was heard since the Black Arms were approaching Equis once again.

I groan "Not again...."

Mystic groans "*Facehoof!* Oh for the love of…!"

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps they want something..."

“Well, we better get back to Maretime Bay, FAST!” I pointed out.

*One Chaos Control later,*

Danyelle soon pops up near the Brighthouse with the others and I.

Danyelle asks "What happened Shadow?"

I spoke "Perhaps they're mad that I offed their leader back when Rainbow just became a Wonderbolt."

Shadow scoffs "*Deadpan* You think?"

Danyelle grabs Shadow by the left ear, calming him down.

Maria spoke "A spaceship just landed!"

Angel spoke "Oh come on!"

I spoke "This mess is my fault, I have to fix it."

Applebloom was flying through the sky when she spotted a border collie Diamond Dog.

Applebloom spoke "APPLEJACK!!!!!"

Applejack asks "Huh?"

Applebloom spoke "Ah saw 'er! Ah saw Winona! But she's not as we remember 'er!"

Applejack asks "...*Dead serious* Where?"

Applebloom spoke "By Sunny's house! And she ain't alone! There's a Koopa with a tired look, a white furred Abyssinian with a purple ribbon around the neck, a toothless green dragon, a gryphon with glasses and a rabbit Mobian with 'er!"

Applejack spoke "Get the others, Ah'll meet ya there."

Midnight howls loud thus getting the attention of the rest of the old era Mane Six.

Rainbow yawns "What gives?"

Bold spoke "I heard Applebloom screaming earlier."

Rarity asks "About what though?"

Blizzardstar spoke "My guess would be... a Koopa with a tired look, a white furred Abyssinian with a purple ribbon around the neck, a toothless green dragon, a gryphon with glasses, a border collie Diamond Dog and a rabbit Mobian..."

The four froze at that.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie ask "What… …did… …you… …say?"

Bold spoke "I heard Midnight's howl not too long ago, just after Applebloom screamed."

Blizzardstar spoke "We should go look."

The five came to us.

Danyelle spoke "Hey girls."

But I knew by their shocked faces that they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Danyelle giggles "You mares should see the looks on your faces~!"

Rainbow Dash asks "Wait a sec! What’s with the huge spaceship?!"

I spoke "Long story short Rainbow, the Black Arms are pissed because I offed their leader back when you were a new Wonderbolt."

Rainbow Dash asks "*Deadpan* Do we need to send them packing?"

I spoke "We should at least hear their side of the story first before we drive them off."

Fluttershy nervously nodded at that.

Hawkbreeze spoke "It's okay mom, I won't let them near you."

Just before a Black Arm could attack Fluttershy, a rock got flung at it thus sending it flying.

Fluttershy asks "Huh?"

Angel laughs "Ha! My rabbit feet ain't just for luck anymore!"

A second Black Arm got incinerated by what appeared to be a Mewtwo-Ninetales hybrid.

A pale magenta earth mare with bright cornflower blue eyes and a two-tone mane in light grayish violet and white spoke "Take that you ugly monster!"

Rainbow Dash asks "What's going on?"

Diamond spoke "Long time no see Rainbow."

Applebloom gasps "Diamond Tiara?"

Diamond spoke "You look different than the last time I saw you Applebloom. Last time I saw you, you were a Pegasus with earth pony strength."

The Mewtwo-Ninetales hybrid was wary of the two males.

The Diamond Dog bitch spoke "Mamoru, my brothers are taking good care of them."

Mamoru spoke "No... You can't be alive... You had died of an illness 204 years ago!"

Mischa spoke "I thought I died too, but it turns out that illness put me in hypersleep as Sumarda put me in a stasis chamber. And strange thing is that illness I had was something deep in my genes coming out."

Mischa suddenly transformed, becoming half-Diamond Dog and half-Mightyena.

Mamoru spoke "Even though I'm half Ninetales, I'm not listed in any egg group... Just ask the two tailed cat!"

Rei appeared. "Technically, yeah. But it's practically 50-50."

Danyelle shot Rei with fire.

Danyelle spoke "Idiot Zoroark, Mewtwo can't breed with other Pokémon."

Ash spoke "I think you have our universe mistaken for the Redux-verse."

Rei asks "*As Kohaku dumped a bucket of water on him, dousing the flames* But Mamoru is HALF-Mewtwo, and I know what you're talking about. I am merely crunching the numbers here, but how can you possibly assume that hybrids like Mamoru cannot breed, if you hadn't given it a chance yet?"

Danyelle and Ash tried to argue, but found themselves speechless. Huh, guess all of us admitted that Rei had a good point there.

Twilight spoke "It just isn't possible."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Guys, we have bigger problems than that right now!"

Mamoru growls "We'll deal with this crap later!"

Angel suddenly took on a demonic bunny form with his ears being more curved and his short round tail becoming long and pointed.

One of the black arms had held up a white flag.

Maria spoke "HOLD YOUR FIRE!!! They're surrendering!"

Angel scoffed as he went back to his Mobian form.

Maria asks "Shadow, what should we do with them?"

Shadow spoke "We need to find out why they showed up here."

Danyelle spoke "From what I garnered, this group's mostly female that recently fled from their homeworld before they could be used for breeding purposes."

Maria shivered at that.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps we could learn to get along with the group of aliens since we have six aliens in Mobian skin living among us already."

Twilight asks "Wait... WHAT?!?!?"

Rei asks "You never knew or noticed?"

Twilight spoke "No, I didn't!"

A loud bang followed by Pierce's scream was heard since Dren had pranked the Mobian sheep with TNT.

Rei spoke "Let's just hope that wasn't a fart bomb."

Kish puts a fart bomb behind Rei before lighting it, causing the others to bolt in a panic.

Rei asks "It's behind me, isn't it?"

Rei then flipped around before kicking it far away before it exploded in a cloud of flatulence.

Kish was soon swearing up a storm, causing him to get a slap from Ichigo.

But since Korra had knocked the bomb back at Rei with a powerful gust of wind, the Zoroark was stinky.

Rei spoke "*Coughed out a small gas cloud* I'm gonna go shower."

Rei left as Kohaku followed him.

Korra was on her stomach while laughing as her wings flapped about.

Then Bowser and Jupiter showed up.

Korra laughs "Oh hey Bowser."

Bowser asks "What’s going on here? *Notices Tank* And why wasn’t I informed of a new Koopaling?"

Korra giggles "Rei got pranked by Kish and I... And that's no ordinary Koopaling, he was a normal tortoise in a past life."

Bowser asks "What?"

Korra spoke "Think about it though... Before the Avatar cycle broke, I was male in my past life."

The sleepy Koopaling slowly smiles at Rainbow, reminding her of how slow Tank had smiled.

Rainbow's eye twitched, as Danyelle could tell that dam was cracking.

Danyelle asks "You okay Rainbow?"

Tank suddenly yawned in a very familiar way that made Rainbow’s eyes start building up water as her her lips started whimpering.

Danyelle pulled out a very familiar item that the original Tank had worn.

Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to break.

Danyelle rummages through her item box, pulling out Tank's old goggles thus causing Rainbow to fully crack under pressure.

Rainbow Dash then started wailing without restraint.

Applejack spoke "Golly, Dash ain’t cried that much since she went through that when she found out Tank would hibernate for the Winter."

Tank spoke "*Yawn* Good thing that won’t happen anymore."

Danyelle pulled out Winona's old collar and Opal's collar as well, causing Applejack and Rarity to cry.

Gummy slowly blinked his eyes.

Opal meows.

Winona licked Applejack's face.

Danyelle sighs since she missed Smith.

Gummy spoke "Look."

Gummy opened his toothless mouth before teeth suddenly popped out, then sunk back in.

Danyelle spoke "Huh, guess you're a subspecies of Night Fury."

Gummy blinked his eyes at that.

Danyelle spoke "Woah... that's kinda creepy..."

Pinkie spoke "Eh, Gummy always does that."

Danyelle spoke "Remember when I had called Lucy a dirty dragon? She was covered in mud."

Pinkie spoke "I remember that! You got a tailslap for it too Dany."

Danyelle groans "Don’t remind me."

Pinkie spoke "Huh, I wonder how my triplets are doing."

Silver Spoon spoke "Heehee, I think we might know."

Diamond Tiara asks Wanna show them something we learned, Silver Spoon?"

Silver Spoon spoke "Yeah!"

Mamoru growls suddenly since he had sensed another Black Arms ship approaching.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon groan "*Disbelief* Oh come on!"

Danyelle was growling as well.

Danyelle growls "Someone should warn Sonic... as well as Ivo..."


Big Fat Love/ Revenge of the Black Arms

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*Appleheart's POV*

I kept to myself since the mare I've loved was taken by someone else.

A mare asks "Are you okay?"

I don’t know how, but a kirin-pegasus mare found me.

Ears pin back, I spoke "No, Ah'm not... Ah'm upset that Cherry Pie chose Comet over me! Ah've been in love with her since Ah was a cub!"

the mare asks "Oh… But at least you two are still friends, right?"

The mare smiled, but… I suddenly saw her as Cherry Pie for a second there.

I groan "She never even talks to me anymore..."

the mare asks "I’m sure she thinks about you. Where were you?"

I spoke "Ah was helping my adopted mother with the farm."

the mare asks "Did anything happen?"

“I-I was suddenly kidnapped by Heartless, I managed to fight them off. I tried to find my way back home, but…” I stopped myself at that.

Rustfur was running through the streets after a random dragon that had taken hir favorite ribbon.

The mare spoke "I’m sure she still cares about you."

But then my stomach growled.

I spoke "Ah'm gonna git something ta eat."

I got up before heading off to Sugarcube Corner.

But my stomach growled again as I really felt weak.

Rosewish called out Cherry Pie's name since the ponykat was at the cake shop.

I went into Sugarcube Corner, only to my surprise, to see Mr. and Mrs. Cake each as 1,000 pound obese earth ponies. But now that I think about it, the place did look a little bigger than I remember.

But then a door suddenly appeared on the wall as it opened as I saw Cherry come out of it, and she was surprised to see me.

Cherry asks "Hearty? Is that you?"

I spoke "Yeah... It's me."

Cherry spoke "No wonder we didn't start the celebration yet... I always felt like something was missing... But... All of us thought you were killed by the Heartless."

I laugh "Ah'm tougher than Ah look."

From Cherry's perspective, there were quite a few good muscles under my skin.

But then my stomach growled ravenously.

Cherry asks "Whoa… You’re that hungry?"

I spoke "Ah haven't eaten a darned thing since Ah made mah way back ta Ponyville. And to mah surprise, yer married ta a stallion Ah know nothing about..."

Cherry spoke "I’m really sorry about that. But you can join in, if you want."

I spoke "Ah should've asked this right after we got outta limbo... But since Ah didn't... Ah wish you the best of luck with your husband..."

Cherry asks "*Grabs me* Wait a cotton candy-licking minute! You’re a Chakat, right?"

I ask "Yeah, so?"

Cherry asks "That means you’re a hermaphrodite, right?"

I spoke "All chakats and their subspecies are. Cuss, even Rustfur is a herm as well even though shi's a yak-chakat hybrid."

Cherry spoke "*Talks to apparently nothing* Shi’s as dense as Ash, folks. *Then to me* I’m saying you can swing both ways!"

I spoke "Yer just like yer ma, totally random."

Cherry spoke "Same with my sisters, now come on, ya silly kitty."

I ask "But what would yer husband say?"

Cherry spoke "Oh Comet will be totally fine!"

The mare spoke "Heehee, she's right about that. My big brother has always been accepting of others."

We turned around to see that mare I met before.

Cherry spoke "Aster Smoke! It's so good to see you again!"

I chuckle "Well, Ah do have 220 years of pent up energy ta deal with."

Cherry spoke "Not to mention you need a whole lotta food."

My stomach growled again as if confirming that.

I spoke "Plus Ah'm extremely horny right now."

Using a warp ring, I head to the hotel with Cherry and Comet.

Cherry giggles "Heehee! You better be ready for the land-sea-sky combo sugar rush showtime mountaintop suite."

Comet spoke "That's right, 'cause we won't be alone in there, and the nine of us are gonna have the time of our lives that we'll remember forever."

Hehe, sounds like a challenge, I'll take it as I said, "Rain or shine, bring it on!"

We went inside, seeing Blueberry and Silver Moon, Goomeleon and Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake and Raspberry.

Cherry spoke "Sorry to keep you all waiting, let's bring out the food and chow down! Then we'll have some real fun!"

Then there was a ginormous table, filled with waves of delicious food of all kinds as I felt like mah mouth turned into Neighagara Falls!

I spoke "Ah'll try mah best from jumping the other mares though."

Cherry spoke "Heehee, just wait until after we're done eating, kitty cat."

Ah realized that everyone else in the room were in their anthro forms.

I spoke "But Ah need it now...."

Cherry asks "Can't have fun on an empty stomach, can we?"

My stomach growled as I admitted Cherry had a point.

I had my tail tucked against my rear.

We then dig in, eating tons and tons o' food real quick, not even carin' if we were gainin' weight. The food was so good! It was only an hour later, and we were already huge, each as big as a universe, still able to move like healthy beings while the room was stiff bigger than all o' us. We finished our seemingly endless meal with Cherry, Comet and I drinking cherry juice, Blueberry and Silver Moon drinking blueberry juice, Raspberry and Pound Cake drinking raspberry juice, and Pumpkin Cake and Goomeleon drinking pumpkin juice, all four drinks having lemons in them.

Pumpkin spoke "Ah, that hit the spot, and it's just about showtime."

Curtains suddenly appeared as they opened, revealing a ginormous crowd of immensely obese adult citizens of Blobtopia. Suddenly, I felt really excited as the stomachs of all nine of us started gurgling. I looked at Cherry to ask her a question.

I ask "What did she mean by that?"

Cherry spoke "Heehee, you're about to find out."

The nine of us suddenly started getting even more fatter by the second as Cherry started looking more red, Blueberry looking more blue, Raspberry looking more pink, and Pumpkin looking more orange than normally. But then Comet and Ah noticed our color becoming the same red Cherry is becoming, with Silver Moon looking blue exactly like Blueberry, Pound Cake looking pink exactly like Raspberry, and Goomeleon looking orange just like Pumpkin Cake.

Blueberry spoke "Heehee! Silver Moon and I are being filled with blueberry juice!"

Raspberry spoke "Heehee! Pound Cake and I are being filled with raspberry juice!"

Pumpkin spoke "Heehee! Goomeleon and I are being filled with pumpkin juice!"

"And you, Comet and I are being filled with cherry juice!" Cherry finished as I started to lose control o' myself.

*Sunny's POV*

A warning howl rang loud since Midnight had been on high alert.

I ask "Grandma! What is going on?"

Twilight spoke "A lot to explain."

Kurama spoke "I feel bloodlust in the air..."

I suddenly felt some kind of energy building in me.

Honey growls "It feels like that Singularity jerk..."

Matatabi asks "Anyone else feeling a familiar energy?"

Twilight spoke "It could be coming from the MCAP verse or the Redux-verse..."

But then a gigantic Black Arms Titan suddenly appeared.

Sonic spoke "Might need the Chaos Emeralds for this."

Midnight sank his fangs into the back of the titan's neck, ripping it out.

Twilight gasps "That's the same killing blow I used on the titans in Eren's world!"

The Black Arms suddenly exploded before another one appeared.

Twilight transforms into Twirama before sinking her fangs into the titan's neck, ripping it out.

Danyelle was in Danyterasu form as she rips a titan apart.

But then more are appearing than the giant beasts were beating.

Sonic spoke "Definitely need the Chaos Emeralds."

Sonic brought out the chaos emeralds and turned into Super Sonic.

Blaze was in her super form as well.

Burning Blaze spoke "A family that stays together, fights together!"

Tails showed up with some kind of ray gun. "Nice, but we might need more backup, or should I say, Super Backup!"

Danyterasu howls loud, calling in all of the Smashers to help fight.

Tails suddenly zapped himself, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Silver, the Chaotix, Rouge, Big and Cream, as they suddenly went Super.

Roll and Megaman were also in super forms.

Super Roll spoke "NOW WE'RE TALKING!!!"

Tails: Good thing I built this ahead of time and installed the upgrade into Omega.

Omega: Ultima Extermination Mode initiated. Victory; inevitable.

Omega suddenly transformed into some kind of Ultima Mode.

Aphmau was in her goddess form as she flew about, slicing the titans to ribbons.

More titans started appeared before Tails zapped me and some of my friends, somehow getting us into Super Forms.

Bluestar screeches loud, causing meteors to crash down on all of the titans.

Danyterasu spoke "No matter how many we cut down, they just keep coming!"

But then wyvern-like Black Arm titans started appearing.

Hawkbreeze glares hard at the wyverns, causing them all to freeze up.

But then the wyverns' eyes glowed red as they moved again.

But due to how intense the Stare was, the wyverns couldn't move at all.

But then energy rings started coming out of their sides as a form of defense.

Danyterasu howls loud, alerting Flutterambo.

A portal appeared as Flutterambo jumped out of it. “What now?”

Danyterasu tosses a dead black arm titan to in front of Flutterambo.

Holo pounces on a titan before biting the neck.

Danyterasu spoke "There's your reason."

Flutterambo sighed at that before staring intensely as the wyvern titans froze before she threw smoke grenades onto some of them, when portals appeared and giant missiles emerged from them and hit said wyverns, destroying them. "You drew first blood, not me."

Twirama claws the eyes out of one wyvern while Midnight roars loud, calling in all of the nine-tailed foxes from his father's village.

All of the nekomatas from his mother's village were called in too.

Ginji led the kyubis into battle.

Ocean water suddenly rushed upward before becoming glacier spikes, piercing some gigantic titans and wyvern titans.

Korra gasps "That reminded me of Katara..."

A female Nekomata asks "Huh?"

Korra spoke "Sorry, I was thinking of someone I once knew from 224 years ago."

The female Nekomata asks "You said my name. Do I know you from somewhere?"

Korra spoke "You don't know me but I knew your past life."

Katara asks "Huh?"

Korra asks "Does the name Aang ring any bells?"

Katara spoke "Gah!"

Katara held her head in pain.

Korra asks "You okay?"

Katara spoke "My head…!"

Korra reacts quickly with a healing spell.

Katara spoke "Whew… thanks."

But then knight Black Arm titans appeared.

Twirama groans "WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM???"

Sonic: *Beating some knights while slicing more knights with their own swords* I think we’ll find out soon enough!

Danyterasu's magic flares up, causing the Arthurian versions of Jet, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver to appear.

Danyterasu spoke "Talk about timing!"

Sonic spoke "Lancelot! Gawain! Galahad! Lamorak!"

Blaze spoke "I don't see my counterpart though."

Perci spoke "FOCUS MOM!!!"

Tails zapped the four knights before they were completely engulfed in golden armor.

Danyterasu roars "SUMARDA!! HELP!!!!"

But then a giant female obese Draconequus dropped in, belly-flopping on a group of Black Arm titans, squishing them. “You called?”

A portal opens up before MCAP Twilight flew out of it with at least 20 other alicorns following her.

MCAP Twilight spoke "Thought you lot would need help!"

Redux-verse Twilight flew out of a warp ring with some of her world's Mobians following.

We saw a Garchomp Mobian with them.

To Zoey's shock, Redux-verse Twilight was in her Cyniclon form as she flew about.

Anzu asks "Mom?"

Zoey spoke "B-but HOW?!? I thought Deep Blue was killed!"

Redux-verse Twilight asks "Calm down, different universe. Remember?"

Sonic soon got a sword through the stomach.

Lance and Perci scream "DAD!!!!!"

Sonic dodged an attack as a Supreme Black Arms titan appeared as we suddenly saw a black comet as big as the moon in the sky.

MCAP Twilight spoke "Oh StarClan no...."

A tentacle reached down to the Supreme Black Arms titan’s head and connected.

A voice spoke "This shell was once my prison. Now it shall be the avatar of my return. All shall perish. All shall return to order. To oblivion."

But then the titan roared as five arms emerged from its back.

Danyterasu spoke "TWIRAMA! NOW!!"

Twirama spoke "RIGHT!!!"

The two combine together to form Divine Danyterama.

Despite his injury, Sonic spoke "We won't let you destroy our lives!"

Red and black energy started swirling around Sonic before he gained a stronger aura as his eyes turned blue.

Divine Danyterama roars loud before several portals open up as various Twilights flew out from them.

Huntverse Twilight spoke "UNITED WE STAND!!! DIVIDED WE FALL!!!"

To the surprise of both OC-verse and Redux-verse Sonic, Soni and Moeru had come to help!

All of us attacked the enemy as it knocked out a weapon before Eggman in his Eggmobile flew in as a large wire from the vehicle grabbed the weapon by the back, getting ready to use it.

Divine Danyterama charges up a huge Tailed Beast Bomb along with a Kamehameha that was laced with Chaos energy.


Sonic charged forward as the fusion fired, knocking the supreme titan into the air, lining it up with the Black End.

Eggman spoke "Sonic! It’s now or never!"

Sonic nodded as he went into the weapon with Eggman lifting the weapon up.

Sonic chuckles "Looks like I’m going all-out after all."

Sonic started getting covered in black and blue energy until he was entirely black and blue with white eyes and blue glitchy squares on his body. Eggman aimed the weapon before it was perfectly aligned with the Supreme Black Arms titan and the Black End. He then fired, sending Sonic flying in a chaotic pattern as he tore through the titan and roared as he pierced right through the comet, causing both enemies to explode. Sonic soon fell to the ground with shooting stars passing in the sky as all of us transformed went back to normal.

Sonic spoke "Well… that was fun."

Blaze clung to Sonic while minding the stab wound.

Blaze spoke "Sonic you big dummy!"

Sunny spoke "This will make one heck of a story to tell the grandkids..."

Sonic spoke "I’m gonna be okay, Blaze."

Shadow spoke "*dryly* That wound says otherwise Faker."

Sonic: Hey, it’ll get better, Shadow.

Danyelle sears Sonic's wound shut with her firebending.

Danyelle spoke "You're lucky I can use my flames to seal wounds shut... And shut up Jotaro."

Jotaro: Tch. Good freakin’ grief.

Jacklyn bites her grandfather on the tail.

Picking Jacklyn up, Renaldo spoke "Sorry about Jacklyn, she's at that teething stage."

Jotaro wasn’t fazed by the bite at all. “I’ve had worse.”

Pinkie spoke "Huh, I wonder how my girls are doing."

Renaldo spoke "I won't say the m word if Iggy's nearby... I'd rather not have my fur ripped out."

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors that Cherry Pie accepted a chakat."

Pinkie: Wow! That’s awesome!

*Cherry’s POV*

Ooh… I’ve never felt so huge and full… Showtime was over, and Blueberry and Silver Moon, Goomeleon and Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake and Raspberry, Appleheart, Comet and I were as each as big and heavy as nine universes, being incredible and unbelievably obese. Silver Moon, Goomeleon, Pound Cake and Comet Skies were fast asleep, while myself, my two sisters, Pumpkin and Appleheart were still wide awake.

Appleheart spoke "*Belch!* Ah’m stuffed and filled."

“Heehee, yeah. We gotta find a way to thank Sumarda for letting us have this much fun with each other.” I said as Appleheart, Blueberry and Raspberry nodded in agreement.

Pumpkin spoke "I think I know how since I do it as a side-gig sometimes."

That caught the attention of me, my sisters and Appleheart.

Appleheart spoke "Ah could have sworn Ah heard Percival screaming earlier..."

Raspberry spoke "I'm sure everything's okay, Appleheart."

Blueberry asks "Anyway, what's your idea, Pumpkin?"

Pumpkin reached her arm into between her chest before bringing out a miniature door as she placed in on a stone wall before the door became our size as she opened it. "Follow me and find out."

Pumpkin went into the door as Appleheart, my two sisters and I followed her, appearing now in a new room as five seats appeared, just our size.

"Where are we?" I asked as we took our seats as Pumpkin brought out ten cups, each connected to two suction hoses connected to a machine on the ceiling.

"Well, we are gonna help Sumarda. And this should help her with her drink department." Pumpkin answered as she took her seat besides us as she gave each of us two cups.

Appleheart growls "Now isn't the time! Maretime Bay had been attacked!"

But then Sumarda appeared. "We already took care of that, Appleheart, and guess what; no casualties."

That calmed down Appleheart enough as Sumarda vanished.

Appleheart spoke "Ah can't take it anymore! Ah need relief and Ah need it now!"

Appleheart put the two cups onto hir chest before shi sighed blissfully, relaxing immediately as we saw the cups pumping.

Pumpkin asks "*Puts the cups on her chest as they started pumping too* Wow, already figured out how they work, huh? *Blissful sigh*"

My sisters and I put the cups on our chests too before sighing in bliss as all five of us were relaxing in pleasure without a care in the world while the cups were pumping. The hoses and cups were pumping milk from all five of us, while also pumping cherry juice from me, apple juice from Appleheart, blueberry juice from Blueberry, raspberry juice from raspberry and pumpkin juice from Pumpkin Cake.

Appleheart sighs "This... is... amazing... *Blissful and pleasured sigh*"

Raspberry spoke "This might also help orphaned chakats too."

Blueberry asks "And any other orphaned creatures, not to mention it helps bring out fresh fruit juice for anyone if they wanna drink 'em. Anyone else here thinking to join Pumpkin on this side-gig from time to time?"

"Yeah." Appleheart, Raspberry and I agreed fully.

Appleheart spoke "But there's a special enzyme found only in chakat milk though. It has no effect on non-chakats."

"Really? What is it?" Pumpkin, my sisters and I asked in interest.

Appleheart spoke "Ah'm not tellin'."

“Come on, tell us!” My sisters and I pleaded.

Appleheart spoke "Nnope, Ah'm still not tellin'. And don't bother givin' me the Rockruff eyes."

Pumpkin asks "*Smirk* Hmm… How about this?"

Pumpkin pressed a button on her seat as gloved hands appeared and started massaging our chests, making us moan while milking us even more.

Pumpkin asks "*Moaning* Maybe you can tell us now?"

Appleheart squirms a bit but shi kept a tight lid on the enzyme.

But due to the ecstasy Appleheart was in, something else on hir body made itself known.

Appleheart spoke "*groan* Not now...."

Pumpkin pressed another button as more hands appeared and started massaging our bellies along with the ones massaging our chests, making us moan even more while increasing our milking speed, upping the ante.

Pumpkin asks "*Moaning more* Wanna tell us now?"

A familiar voice spoke "If shi doesn't want to talk, you shouldn't force hir."

We looked around to see a female Pegasus pony anthro in here with us, just as big, heavy and obese as the five of us are, relaxing in a chair while getting milked too as Pumpkin pressed a button, making the hands vanish.

Appleheart groans "Great, I can't work this mess off... Now I know what Birchtooth went through 224 years ago..."

"Hmm... From how it looks, I may be able to help." I smirked as I got off my seat and walked over to Appleheart with my whole body jiggling with every move I make. "And besides, the two of us can massage each other at the same time when you're like that."

The ground shook a bit as Yona and Birchtooth were chasing Sandbar about the hotel.

Pumpkin asks "Wow, those two are that hungry for him, huh?"

Appleheart and I didn't pay attention to any of that as Appleheart got up with hir super-soft and super-squishy body jiggly with every move shi makes as I lied down and she lied on me, our big fat jiggly and cherry juice-filled bodies squishing against each other. "*Lustful smirk* Let's have some fun with each other while being milked, Hearty."

Rustfur spoke "my parents are mad at my stepdad."

We saw Rustfur in the room with us, in the same situation as we were in, being as big and fat as us while being milked as well.

Pumpkin asks "What happened?"

Rustfur spoke "Sandbar took my mom's ribbons."

That reason was a bit silly.

Rustfur spoke "Yeah but it's funny."


Mascot Melee/ Stellar and Lunar

View Online

*Mist's POV*

I can't believe we're doing this.

Raph asks "What's the word? Are we clear?"

Leo spoke "*Looking through Turtle Tank's viewing scope* Looks bueno from here. You and Mist are a go for Operation Let's Hope Raph and Mist Come Back Alive."

"Would you stop calling it that?" Raph and I deadpanned through our earpieces.

Donnie spoke "A first-ever exploratory expedition inside New York City in daylight! They are gonna name sewers after you, Raph."

Raph was with me in his hippo costume in Times Square, which was buzzing with humans, mobians and mascots.

Raph spoke "I fit right in with all the mascots. This hippo suit works great in Times Square."

Mikey spoke "Totally, but for the record, I still think my trench coat idea would've worked."

The girls and I couldn't help but giggle at that.

Nyriel spoke "*deadpan* This is gonna end in disaster..."

Leo spoke "Ho-ho, there's the store."

There was a store called "Russ' Short, Hairy & Surly Clothing".

Mikey spoke "Go get Splinter's birthday gift! Our eyes depend on it."

The girls and I couldn't help but shiver at the memory.

Earlier, the seven of us were watching Jupiter Jim.

Splinter spoke "*Shows up* Boys, time for today's training."

We looked back, only to our horror, seeing Splinter in... questionable clothes.

Splinter spoke "*Itching behind* It's a little drafty."

Leo spoke "Cover up."

Raph spoke "Oh, oh, no."

Nyriel spoke "Look away."

"Oh come on." I groaned.

Mikey gasps "My eyes!"

Aki spoke "I can't see!"

Donnie spoke "That mole is growing a mole."

Leo and Nyriel spoke "We gotta get him a new robe."

Splinter asks "Who's up for jumping jacks?"

Splinter started doing that, as the view scared us more, making us scream.

Leo spoke "*As the light post went "Walk"* Steady as she goes."

Raph and I were walking forward.

Leo spoke "Old man on your right. *As Raph and I dodged the old man* Kid on your left. *As the two of us stopped in front of said kid* He's got peanut butter ice cream."

Peanut butter?! That's not good for Raph!

Donnie spoke "Oh, no, your allergies! Evasive maneuver! Evasive maneuver!"

Raph and I managed to get around the kid as we kept moving forward.

Raph spoke "Close one. Oh, man, this is crazy cool. First mutant turtle to ever skate through a crowd totally unnoticed, and his name is Raph."

That made me giggle.

To my surprise, Starlight was at the store while looking at some gothic clothes.

Starlight spoke "Oh hi Mist."

Starlight noticed Raph in the hippo suit and got a bead of sweat. "You serious?"

Meanwhile, in the Turtle Tank, the computer beeped as Leo, Nyriel, Mikey and Aki noticed.

Leo spoke "Video text from April."

Mikey opened the video text as the computer showed something.

Aki spoke "Aww!"

Mikey spoke "April's memes are so lit."

Donnie spoke "You know, I bet you think I wouldn't like cookies coming out of butts, but it turns out I do."

Back with me and Raph, I asked Starlight, "What're you out here for?"

Starlight spoke "I was looking at getting Loona some non tattered clothes... Since Danyelle told me that Loona had mostly tattered clothes and with Hearth's Warming coming up, I decided to do some shopping. Oh, that's a pony version of Christmas in case your turtle friend is wondering what it is."

Raph spoke "Really? *Accidentally bumps into a man* Sorry."

The man was eerie for some reason.

Raph asks "Uh, my bad?"

The man didn't seem angry in the slightest and just left.

Leo spoke "*On earpieces* You and Mist got this, bud. Now go get that robe. Our night terrors end today.

We were right in front of the shop we were heading for.

Raph spoke "Yes. *Right pocket empty* What? *Left pocket empty* No, no, no. My wallet? My wallet!

Say what now? Did Raph just...? Raph started looking around as he gasped in fright.

Raph spoke "*Asks a tourist* Uh, excuse me. Have you seen my wallet? There's a skull on it and a Teddy Bear Town Frequent Buyer Card inside.

...He did. And the others in the Turtle Tank heard that.

Donnie asks "Did he just say he lost his wallet?"

Raph asks "No. *Whispers to another tourist* Have you seen my lost money?"

Donnie spoke "You did lose it."

Mikey spoke "Oh, no."

Leo spoke "Well, you better find it."

Mikey asks "Why does a hippo have pockets?"

Aki spoke "Beats me."

Donnie spoke "Do not tell me you left it in the lair."

Leo asks "Where's the last place you had it?"

Raph spoke "Stop talking. Stop talking!"

Raph bumped into another man, knocking him down while accidentally knocking his headpiece off, revealing his mutant turtle head, grabbing everyone's attention in time square.

Mikey spoke "*On earpieces* Start the tank. Start the tank!

There was an eerie silence before.

A mother tourist asks "You're costume, it's great. You're the turtle-potamus meme, right?"

Raph asks "What meme? I mean yes, meme. Yes, meme! Uh, yes, that meme. Which meme now?"

The tourists pointed at a billboard playing the turtle-potamus meme, which had a head similar to Raph's.

Raph spoke "Yes! Uh, I'm that. There's nothing else in the world I could possible be.

The others in the Turtle Tank sighed in relief.

Starlight thinks "*sweatdrop* {That was a close call.}"

A female tourist spoke "You're the best and cleanest Times Square mascot I've ever seen. *Gives Raph her baby* Here's my baby. He loves memes."

The female tourist took a picture of Raph and the baby before taking the baby back and gave Raph 5 dollars as she walked away with the baby.

Raph spoke "Uh, ma'am, you've misplaced your $5 bill directly into my palm."

Leo: *On earpieces* Roll with it, bud. She's paying you for the picture. Keep working the crowd, and maybe you can get back all of our money you lost."

Raph: Allegedly lost."

Some time as past as Raph later earned enough money to buy Splinter's gift.

Raph spoke "*Carrying a mobian girl on his right shoulder* Hear ye, hear ye, people of Times Square, the most famous turtle hippo in the world is available for pictures and quinceañera."

Starlight uses her magic to display the turtle-potamus meme in the sky, drawing in a bigger crowd.

A voice spoke "Nobody takes away tourists from Atomic Lass."

I looked around to see a group of mascots.

Atomic Lass spoke "I can't believe you guys are falling for this hack. Memes come and go, but we've always been here for you, for a small fee."

Didn't seem like anyone was interested as Raph and I chuckled at that.

Atomic spoke "Let's show these newbies how we roll."

Atomic Lass' friends started circling Raph.

Robot Vampire mascot spoke "~If you wanna make friends you got to know your place~"

Donnie spoke "My hero, Atomic Lass, may be about to sing."

Joey the Junkyard Dog mascot spoke "~Don't step on people's paws or they'll get in your face~"

Raph spoke "*Pecked by woodpecker mascot* Hey, that's not neighborly. *Punched by robot vampire mascot*"

Atomic Lass spoke "*Picks up hippo suit headpiece with her hammer* ~If you do what we tell you then you're gonna be fine~"

Raph spoke "You really don't wanna mess with me. *Hit in the right knee with a crowbar* Ow!"

Sergeant Woodpecker mascot spoke "~Or else there'll be an oopsie and I'll break your spine"

Leo spoke "No way. Nobody messes with Raph like that, except for us. Suit up! *Opens a Jupiter Jim poster revealing a fishbowl and Jupiter Jim costume parts and fashion choices* Time to teach those creeps a lesson and earn that money back for Pop's gift. *As he and the others put on equipment* And we're going to do it Jupiter Jim style!"

Donnie was wearing visors and bug alien antennas, Mikey was wearing a fishbowl and space glasses, Leo was wearing a Jupiter Jim fanny pack, Nyriel was wearing a Jupiter Jim chest armor with his insignia and Aki was wearing a Jupiter Jim jetpack.

Mikey spoke "I can't even recognize myself."

Leo spoke "Jupiter Jim turtle and mobian aliens, ahoy!"

Nyriel spoke "Move out!"

Aki spoke "Let's do it!"

Mikey spoke "Oh, yeah, let's go!"

Donnie spoke "Yes to all of that."

Donnie also closed the Turtle Tank and locked it while whistling a familiar tune.

Sergeant Woodpecker mascot gasps "*As he and his friends beat Raph* Remember to tip Robot Vampire, or she'll suck your blood. And we'll spill yours if you ever invade our turf again, you puke. *As the rest of the turtles jumped in with Nyriel and Aki, causing his head to flip upside down before he corrected it* Aah! What the-?!"

Leo spoke "Jupiter Jim's turtle and mobian aliens flying in to rescue one of our own."

Raph spoke "Yeah!"

"Great timing, you guys!" I smiled.

Donnie spoke "I can't believe I'm this close to my childhood idol, Atomic Lass! *As the others and I glared at Donnie* Oh, right, bad guys. Yeah, I'm on it."

Nyriel was growling as the wind started picking up.

Aki spoke "Aw cuss! Nyriel's about to use the Roar!"

Starlight evacuated the tourists to a safer place.

Leo spoke "Calm down, Nyriel. Let us handle this, no need to tire yourself out."

Nyriel calmed as the wind died down.

Sergeant Woodpecker mascot spoke "Show these folks how we mascot downtown, Robot Vampire!

Robot Vampire rolled to us before she opened her cape/cloak and played bass-heavy electronic music as Joey the Junkyard Dog did some street dancing.

Raph asks "Mikey?"

Mikey asks "Donnie?"

Donnie spoke "Activate music mode."

Some of Donnie's battle shell went off it as it floated and flipped, becoming a DJ board with fast hip-hop music playing as Mikey stations the board.

Leo spoke "*Hopping a bit* Time to go to obedience school."

Leo did some street dancing himself, especially with the happy feet.

Joey the Junkyard Dog spoke "*Grabs his chain belt before taking it off and whipping it around* Not fair bringin' a sword to a chain fight!"

The mascot swung his whip as Leo dodged the first few strikes before slicing some of the chains.

Leo spoke "Now who's a bad boy? *Grabs chain before throwing Joey the Junkyard Dog behind him* You are."

There was some cheering and applause as Nyriel swooned at Leo's skills with Joey the Junkyard Dog being thrown to a hotdog stand while upside down.

Nyriel breaks into freestyle dancing, outmatching the woodpecker mascot.

Atomic Lass did some dancing before she struck a pose, causing some gasps.

Donnie spoke "Outta the way! *Rides rocket on his hi-tech bo-staff* I get to dance with her. *Withdraws bo-staff* Coming at you!"

Donnie did some dancing too before he danced with Atomic Lass before catching her in a dip.

Donnie asks "Any chance you and Atomic Lad are splitsville?"

A trio of girl tourists gave out fan screams with the back of their right hands on their foreheads before fainting onto their backs. Atomic Lass chuckled before the woodpecker mascot kicked Donnie.

Sergeant Woodpecker spoke "*Dances a bit* You dance as good as you cosplay, son. Hey."

Raph spoke "Dance-pick on somebody your own size."

Raph did some great dancing before Atomic Lass, Joey the Junkyard Dog and Sergeant Woodpecker did some group dancing, and wow. They were good.

Sergeant Woodpecker spoke "Bring it, you puke."

The four turtles posed with their backs against each other before Mikey threw down a smoke bomb, causing him and his brothers to vanish as all of the billboards started showing the turtle-potamus meme as the four turtles were on a platform in front of one of the billboards. Those four did some serious group dancing as they were totally in sync with upbeat electronic music playing. They soon jumped back to us, ending the dance battle epically as Nyriel, Aki and I swooned at our boyfriends and their mad skills.

Raph spoke "Boom! *Chuckles as Donnie brought his DJ board back with the headpiece and money* It has been brought. Now let's go get dad's robe.

Nyriel spoke "I think I'll let them go."

"Yeah." Aki and I agreed.

My right ear twitches since I heard a scream from April.

"You go on ahead. I gotta check on something." I said before flying off.

*Nyriel's POV*

Atomic Lass spoke "Give us the green, Green!"

Atomic Lass threw her hammer but Donnie dodged the attack as the weapon ledged itself into the ground before Atomic Lass grabbed Donnie by his bo-staff, accidentally causing the top tip to turn into a rocket, forcing Atomic Lass off him.

Donnie spoke "Sorry! *Bo-staff flies out of his hands* Gah, run!"

The weapon then knocked Atomic Lass' head clean off.

Donnie spoke "Oh, no. No, no."

Mikey spoke "Omigosh! You knocked that lady's head clean off!"

But then Atomic Lass got up before a head of a man popped out, replacing the headpiece.

Raph spoke "You!"

Donnie spoke "Oh!"

But then we heard electricity crackling as we turned around to see the hammer spark before opening up, causing many valuables to fall out of it, including Raph's wallet.

Raph spoke "You stole my wallet! *Walks over to grab wallet* It better still have my Teddy Bear Town-*Pecked by woodpecker mascot* Hey! Alright, let's see what your ugly mug looks like."

Raph uppercutted Sergeant Woodpecker, knocking his headpiece clean off before... the head of a cockroach popped out and shrieked, causing Raph to yelp as Robot Vampire opened her mouth wide open with Joey the Junkyard Dog's headpiece being knocked off from inside as they too had mutant cockroach heads as they shrieked, causing crowd screamed as they ran away.

Donnie spoke "Metamorphosis, that took an unexpected left turn."

Atomic Lass' head split opened, revealing a mutant cockroach head as she shrieked too.

Sergeant Woodpecker scoffs "You thought you four were the only mutants in New York?"

Raph spoke "Look, all we wanted was a little money to but our pops a gift."

Sergeant Woodpecker spoke "Boo-hoo. *Brings out Teddy Bear Town card* Tell it to one of your teddy bears."

The mutant ripped the card up as Raph gasped before Sergeant Woodpecker blew the pieces into the turtle's face.

"He shouldn't have done that." Aki and I dreaded.

Raph spoke "Don't you dare make fun of Doctor Huggenstein, Captain Snuggles, or Cheech!"

Raph punched Sergeant Woodpecker as Mikey dropped in.

Mikey spoke "Let's get everybody their money back!"

Raph fought Sergeant Woodpecker, Donnie fought Atomic Lass, Aki and Mikey fought Robot Vampire while Leo and I fought Joey the Junkyard Dog before we were knocked against a hot dog stand. We saw him charging at us with a roar before the two of us noticed two ketchup bottles as we smirked at each other.

Leo asks "Thinkin' what I'm thinkin' Nyrie?"

I giggle "Time to give 'em the Roar?"

Leo spoke "Not just yet. But he may need to *Squirts Joey the Junkyard Dog with ketchup on the eyes* ketchup with us."

“Heehee! Oh you and your puns, Leo.” I giggled as we went to the other side of the hot dog stand before we kicked our foe in the face, knocking him down.

“Lame!” Leo and I said as Donnie struggled with Atomic Lass.

Donnie spoke "Spider Shell, engage!"

Donnie dodged a hammer swing before ejecting his battle shell, hitting Atomic Lass as he equipped his Spider Shell and brought out four appendages with grippers. But then Atomic Lass brought out six appendages, making Donnie wilt a little as he felt a bit deflated. Meanwhile, Mikey and Aki rode the DJ board while kicking Robot Vampire.

Mikey spoke "Ooh, wham, bam!"

Aki spoke "Ka-chow!"

Mikey spoke "*Chuckles while he and Aki attacked their enemy with their weapons* You give robot vampire cockroaches a bad name.

Mikey and Aki spoke "*As they wrapped their weapons around Robot Vampire before swinging her around* Cowabunga!

The two threw Robot Vampire onto a screen as Donnie climbed upward with Atomic Lass chasing him.

Donnie spoke "You are ruining my childhood fantasy of the two of us fighting crime together in Uraniumville. *Tackled by Atomic Lass before blocking her with his hi-tech Bo-staff* You left me no choice. *Presses a button, causing a blue glow* But we’ll always have Times Square."

The weapon sent out a blue blast, sending Atomic Lass flying into a hot dog stand as Sergeant Woodpecker was running with the hippo headpiece and money.

Leo spoke "Hey! The creep’s got our money!"

Raph then punched the foe with his tonfa, knocking Sergeant Woodpecker into the other cockroach mutants as Raph got the headpiece and money back with him standing on the pile of our beaten enemies.

Raph spoke "Boom! Thank you, Times Square."

I glare at the four mutants that were defeated.

I spoke "You four should beat it before I send you FLYING WITH MY ROAR!"

Leo spoke "Somethin’ tells me they’re out cold."

I used my magic to teleport the four unconscious mutants straight into the No Zone so Zelestia could lock them up.

Leo spoke "Huh. Didn’t see that comin’."

I spoke "Being royalty has its perks at times."

Leo asks "*Babbling* Guh-bluh huzzle floygin?"

Starlight spoke "She's right though, alicorns in general are considered royalty. And since Nyriel is half alicorn, she got the royal status from her father. Oh Toriel! Over here!"

Toriel spoke "Hmm? Oh, hello, Starlight."

I hug my paternal grandmother.

Toriel spoke "Nyriel, you’re grown so much since I last saw you."

I giggle "I'm only 15 though grandma."

Toriel asks "*Giggle* Still, it's good to see you again. What do skeletons use for their rooftop tiles?"

I giggle "Shingles."

Leo couldn't help but laugh at that joke.

I giggle.

Later, the Turtles, Aki and I got back to the sewers as Raph gave Splinter his present.

Splinter spoke "Aw, what is this? *Opens box, revealing a brown robe with dark yellow trimmings and a right insignia* My sons and friends, you honor me. The silky smoothness against my fur, unparalleled. It is really exquisite."

Mission complete.

Splinter spoke "I will save it for only the most special occasions."

...Say what now?

Raph asks "What?"

Leo asks "What?"

"What?" I bawked.

Mikey, Aki and Donnie asks "Huh?"

Splinter spoke "Now, who's up for training? *Turns on projector* As luck would have it, I'm already wearing my jumping jacks robe."

...Somehow the mission had failed in the end!

Mikey and Aki whine "My eyes!"

Belius cuffs Splinter on the head.

Belius spoke "Sir, I got something for you as well."

The foxlike Entelexeia gives Splinter a new robe that looked like the one he normally wears.

*Mist’s POV*

Okay, this is gonna be hard finding April.

A birdlike Entelexeia calls me over since he was perched on top of the apartment building that April lived in.

“Who’re you?” I asked.

The birdlike Entelexeia spoke "I'm Phaeroh, Belius' brother."

“Really?” I noticed.

Phaeroh spoke "Yes but I don't seem to trust Princess Estelle that much since her powers are poisonous to Entelexeia."

"What? How?" I asked.

Phaeroh spoke "Ask her that yourself."

Phaeroh reaches down before tapping on April's window with his beak.

April asks "*Opens door, looking like her normal human self* 'Sup, guys?"

I... was confused.

Even Phaeroh was confused.

I spoke "But I heard you scream!"

Mayhem squeaked at April, like he was telling April to tell us something.

April spoke "Look Mayhem, I appreciate you helpin' me, but I can't tell them."

I used my magic to remove the illusion on April, revealing a red eared slider turtle mutant.

I gasp "You're a mutant too?"

And it looked like April kept her hair.

April spoke "I tried to keep that Oozesquito away from me, but it got me."

Phaeroh asks "Oozesquito?"

April asks "Remember those mosquitoes Draxum has?"

I spoke "Yeah but we should get you to Donnie and the others so they can figure out a way to reverse this mess."

Phaeroh was down on the ground before pulling a manhole cover off and squeezing himself down into the sewer but he soon got stuck.

Phaeroh asks "*legs were thrashing* A little help here?"

“Oh boy.” I said as I tried to help Phaeroh.

Phaeroh spoke "These holes are NOT made with Entelexeia in mind!"

*Meanwhile, Starlight was...*

*Starlight's POV*

I soon got some new clothes for Loona and paid for them.

Carrying the bag of clothes in hand, I look for a hellgate.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." I noted to myself.

A human male with spiky black hair and dark blue eyes as well as a blue suit and a santa hat spots the grayish pink alicorn.

The male asks "Do you by any chance know a Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yeah." I answered.

The male spoke "I wonder if she still remembers me after 223 years."

"Huh?" I asked, catching me off guard.

The male spoke "You can blame Danyelle for that mess. I had to defend her twice in court when she was accused of killing someone when she didn't. And because of that, some of my friends and I became immortal."

I couldn’t help but facepalm.

A warp ring opens up before Danyelle steps through, retaking her human form while dragging Twilight and Rainbow by the tail.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hey Starlight."

Rainbow growls "What was that for Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't test me Skittles."

The male snickers at what Danyelle had called Rainbow.

Danyelle and Rainbow ask "Huh?"

The male chuckles "Seriously Rainbow, have you forgotten that one time you were falsely accused of killing a pony when you didn't?"

Rainbow asks "What the? Nick?"

Twilight gasps "It's been too long Phoenix!"

Phoenix chuckles "Yeah."

Danyelle had covered her nose since something smelled funny.

Danyelle asks "Oh ew! When was the last time you had a shower Nick?"

Phoenix spoke "You can thank the stink bomb prank Larry pulled on me."

Danyelle giggles "When something smells, it's usually the Butz."

Phoenix spoke "Literally right now."

Danyelle pulls on a few tailfeathers that were sticking out from Phoenix's pants.

Danyelle asks "Are those...?"

Phoenix chuckled nervously.

Danyelle spoke "Oh for the love of... SONIC!!! GET YOUR FURRY TAIL OVER HERE!!!"

Sonic asks "What now?"

Danyelle asks "Care to explain why Phoenix is a phoenix Mobini?"

Sonic asks "He’s a what?"

Danyelle spoke "Half human half Mobian hybrid, I'm classed as one too when I'm in the Chuddle Hotel."

Sonic asks "I know what you meant, but how’d that happen?"

Danyelle spoke "It's either a spell gone wrong, ancient Mobini blood is surfacing, that stupid blonde bimbo screwed up on making another Mew Mew or he's half mutated..."

Twilight was still nervously chuckling.

I ask "Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Danyelle spoke "I don't smell any magic residue on Phoenix."

I spoke "I guess that rules out a spell gone wrong."

Twilight spoke "Oh..."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah so that leaves three options. Ancient Mobini blood is surfacing, that stupid blonde bimbo screwed up on making another Mew Mew or the mutation failed half way thus causing wings and tailfeathers along with regeneration and firebending."

Twilight giggles "I wonder how Maya would react..."

“Heehee, maybe burn up and faint?” I joked.

Twilight spoke "Leave the fire puns to a firebender."

Danyelle spoke "Pinkie would think puns are for everyone."

Toriel spoke "Nah, puns are more Sans' thing."

“More like any jokesters’ thing.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

All of a sudden, both Twilight's cutie mark and Danyelle's cutie mark as well as my cutie mark were glowing.

Danyelle pulls up a digital version of the cutie map on her multitrix.

Danyelle groans "Seems Loona's got a problem..."

I spoke "Good timing too, I got some new clothes for her."

Danyelle spoke "I wonder if it’s her dad again."

I spoke "Ten bit says it is... And my dad was the same way... But I haven't seen him since the time I had been called to my hometown."

*One warp ring to Blitzo's place later*

Twilight was in her kyubi form.

Twirama spoke "I'll never get used to this feature..."

Danydonna knocks on the door.

Phoenix was in full Mobian phoenix form.

Phoenix spoke "Must resist urge... to remove clothes..."

"You shouldn't be feeling too hot. You're a phoenix, Nick." I pointed out.

Twirama spoke "Uh Starlight, you forget that male Mobians hardly wear clothes..."

"Sorry. Been a while." I admitted.

Twirama spoke "Yeah."

Phoenix had set himself on fire, burning off the clothes by accident.

Twirama spoke "Fuck... Remind me to ask Rarity about fireproof clothes..."

Danydonna spoke "Hey Blitz."

"Right." I agreed.

Blitzo asks "What're you here for?"

I ask "Have you been having any problems with Loona lately?"

Blitzo asks "No. Why do ya ask?"

I spoke "I understand what it's like to have an overly caring parent. Oh and I got some non-tattered clothes for her too, given that Hearth's Warming is fast approaching and a lot of folks are busy."

Danydonna spoke "Equian version of Christmas."

Blitzo spoke "Okay, what're you talking about? I care about my Loonie, she's my daughter after all."

I spoke "My dad was overly caring, plus he treated me like a filly."

Blitzo spoke "Hey, that only means he cares for ya. Don't see a problem with that."

I spoke "Both Zoey and I had to set some boundaries with our dads so they'd understand that we weren't little kids anymore."

Danydonna spoke "My dad didn't care about me at all."

Blitzo asks "Okay, first, weird. And second, what?!"

Danydonna spoke "Long story short, my dad didn't care about me when I had gotten hurt one time so my mom left him."

Still couldn't help but feel bad for Danydonna.

Danydonna spoke "But it's all in the past and something tells me that Loona's got a plastic cone on her head...."

Blitzo spoke "Yeah, she was due for her hellbies shot."

Danydonna asks "So it's like a rabies shot?"

Blitzo spoke "Yeah, basically the Hell version."

Danydonna spoke "And since I'm 224 years overdue for my rabies shot...."

Blitzo spoke "*Deadpan* And that turned into a hellbies shot. Be glad that the planning doesn't take five years anymore."

Danydonna shivered in fear at that.

Twirama spoke in a low voice "Just as a warning Blitz, Danyelle hates needles just as much as Loona does..."

Danydonna spoke "FUCK THAT!! I'M OUT!!!"

Just before Danydonna was about to use Chaos Control, Twirama restrains the female Mobini with her nine tails.

Twirama spoke "We should get this dealt with before Danyelle uses Chaos Blast..."

Blitzo spoke "Yeah, no shit."

Twirama spoke "Maybe I should get one as well before I get bitten."

I spoke "Same."

Blitzo spoke "Fine, but it ain't small ones."

Later, we were in the Sloth ring at a veteran's hospital for the hellbies shots.

Danydonna was freaking the hell out.

And soon, we met up with the veteran doctor, who was a male baphomet demon called Dr. Somna.

Dr. Somna asks "Ah, welcome back, Bingo. Are these friends of yours?"

Blitzo spoke "Yeah, Twirama, Starlight and Danydonna. And can we hurry up? Dany isn’t a fan of shots, so let’s try to make this quick, for all of our sakes."

Danydonna was snarling at the doctor.

Dr. Somna spoke "Well, if she is like Tuna, then this could be quite tricky."

The veteran suddenly brought out a huge shot, bigger than his body, causing Danydonna’s left eye to twitch as she started growling more.

Twirama spoke "Shit! If she goes Danyterasu, we're all screwed!"

Danydonna leapt at the veteran as Blitzo grabbed him before dodging her as she howled.

Soon, we were holding Danydonna by the tail, trying to hold her back as she was chasing Dr. Somna.

Twirama spoke "SIT GIRL!!!!"

Danydonna was soon face down on the tiled floor.

Twirama then pinned Danydonna down.

Danydonna snarls "Get your fat ass off me Twilight!"

Blitzo spoke "Now!"

Dr. Somna nodded before he pierced the needle into Danydonna’s right flank as she shot back and howled in pain, knocking Twirama off her while sending her into the floor.

Danydonna blasted white fire at Twirama.

Later, we left the hospital, and only Danydonna had a cone to keep herself from licking, biting or agitating any possible wounds.

Twirama giggles "How does it feel to wear that cone of shame?"

Danydonna spoke "Fuck you Twilight..."

“Now let’s get back to our mission.” I said.

Twirama spoke "Right."

Blitzo spoke "I still don’t get what you’re talking about."

Twirama spoke "Danyelle, Starlight and I were called by the map for a friendship mission."

Blitzo asks "Again? What is it this time?"

I hand the bag of clothes to Blitzo.

I spoke "Some new clothes for Loona."

Latios soon shows up and he was in a panic.

Latios spoke "Ios! {Blitz!}"

Blitzo groans "Ugh… What now?"

Latios spoke "Ios! {Loona ran away!}"

Blitzo asks "WHAT?! Why would she do that!?"

But any of us could say anything, Blitzo went into his van and drove off to find her.

Latios spoke "Ios {Cuetzpalli’s looking for her too.}"

Despite the cone on her neck, Danydonna took flight to help look for Loona.

Twirama and I also took flight to help with the search.

Soon, I found Loona in an ally, alone.

I ask "You okay?"

Loona asks "*Tearfully* What does it look like?"

I sit down by Loona, draping a wing over her shoulders.

I spoke "I know what it's like to have an overly caring dad, mine's the same way."

Loona asks "Huh?"

I spoke "My dad treated me like a little filly when I'm clearly grown up."

Loona spoke "Hehe, don’t I know that, even though I was almost 18 when I got adopted."

I spoke "I don't know who my mom is though..."

Loona spoke "Tch, don’t know my real parents one bit, wouldn’t be surprised if they were killed while I was just a puppy."

I spoke "I happen to know one Sunset Shimmer that was ripped out of her world against her own will and turned into a Mobian unicorn..."

I shot a burst of magic into the sky, signaling Danydonna to my location.

Danydonna spoke "Hey Blitz, Starlight found her!"

Blitzo spoke "Loonie!"

I held a finger to my mouth, indicating that Loona had fallen asleep.

Blitzo spoke "Wow, she already knocked herself out? Not literally."

I spoke "Cried herself to sleep."

Cuetzpalli landed silently, seeing what had happened.

I gently shook Loona awake.

Loona groans "Ugh... Huh...?"

I spoke "Hey sleepyhead."

Loona noticed Blitz before turning away.

I had a firm grip on Loona's wrist so that she wouldn't run away.

Twirama growls "And you have some explaining to do Blitz."

Blitzo asks "Huh? What're you talkin' about?"

I spoke "Unless you want to lose Loona's trust, you should let her have some freedom of her own."

Blitzo spoke "Huh? But I thought-"

Danydonna spoke "Communication is key in any relation."

I nodded in full agreement.

Danydonna spoke "Be it between friends, lovers or even family members."

Blitzo couldn’t help but rub his right arm, not sure what to do now.

Danydonna spoke "An apology would be a good first step."

Blitzo spoke "Loonie… Loona… Look, I’m sorry, I just…"

Twirama growls at Blitzo.

Danydonna spoke "Twirama, calm down."

I spoke "Danyelle, the word might help stop Twilight."

Danydonna spoke "Sit, girl!"

Twirama was now face down on the ground.

I asks "Now what?"

Danydonna spoke "Let Blitz finish."

Blitz spoke "Look, Loona… I just don’t wanna lose you, like I almost lost my mom."

I nudge Loona over to Blitzo.

Blitzo spoke "Loona, I'm really sorry."

I spoke "It's okay Loona."

I knew that Loona's still trying to act tough.

Getting an idea, I scritch a spot above Loona's tail.

That started causing her tail to wag.

I giggle "Demon or not, she still behaves like a dog."

Loona stammers "*Embarrassed blush* Sh-Shut up!"

Twirama giggles "But it's rather cute."

I switch to giving Loona a belly rub, causing her tail to wag more.

Loona stammers "Q-Quit it!"

I giggle "But that tail wag is adorable!"

Loona spoke "I mean it!"

I started tickling Loona, making her laugh.

Loona giggles "S-Stop!"

Danydonna and Twirama pounce on Loona, tickling her.

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Twirama laughs "Tickle tickle!"

Cuetzpalli spoke "Hehe, you’re still adorable, Loonie."

Loona spoke "*Laughing* Sh-Shut it!"

Danydonna spoke "I'm no Cadence but even I can tell that Cuetzpalli has something he wants to ask Loona."

Loona asks "We’re already married doofus, so you really wanna have kids?"

Cuetzpalli spoke "Hehe, si, mi amor."

Danydonna smirks as she used a warp ring to send the two demons to the Chuddle Hotel.

Danydonna spoke "Before you freak the fuck out Blitz, the Chuddle Hotel is a safe place to have fun since I trust the one in charge."

Blitzo spoke "Eh, not really freakin’ out."

Danydonna spoke "That reminds me! I'm hosting a Christmas party on Christmas Day and you and your fellow demons are invited."

Latios showed up. "Ios. {And if I know Bee, she'll be ecstatic to come along.}"

Danydonna laughs "Fuck yeah!"

Danydonna flew off to Beelzebub's place.

Danydonna spoke "Hey Bee!"

But then Danydonna's nose twitched. "Whoa, might need to wait a minute."

Latios asks "Ios? {What do you mean?}"

Danydonna spoke "Bee and Tex are having some fun right now, I can smell honey in there."

Latios chuckles "Ios. {Seems like they're gonna be parents soon.}"

Danydonna spoke "Still, we should wait."

Latios nods.

*A few minutes later*

Danydonna spoke "They should be done."

Latios spoke "Ios. {Yeah.}"

Danydonna knocked the door again.

Danydonna spoke "Oi Bee! Get your fat ass out here!"

The door opened, showing a groggy Beelzebub. "Ugh... What gives?"

Danydonna spoke "I'm planning on hosting a party on Christmas Day and both you and Tex are invited. Since I know you'd never say no to a party."

Beelzebub asks "Wait, you're making a Hellmas party?"

Danydonna spoke "In a way but the Equians call it Hearth's Warming."

Beelzebub spoke "Count me in on the party!"

Danydonna spoke "Just ease off the swearing though, there will be kids at the party."

Beelzebub spoke "Well, I'll try."

Danydonna spoke "My youngest is three years old though."

Beelzebub spoke "Woah..."

Danydonna spoke "Yeah."

Danydonna's cutie mark glows once more, indicating that the friendship mission was done.

Danydonna spoke "Well, I should get going."

Twirama spoke "Don’t forget me and Starlight here."

The three royals head back to Mobius via warp ring.

*Back on Mobius*

Danyelle spoke "Glad that mess was resolved."

“Ditto.” I agreed wholeheartedly.

Twilight spoke "Now, we can focus on getting things ready for the Hearth's Warming party."


New Year's Cleansing

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*Danyelle's POV*

I heard a faint ringing in my ears so I use a warp ring to get to Blitzo's house fast.


Blitzo groans "Oh great, another Extermination."

I ask "Is it that bad?"

Blitzo spoke "Exorcists from Heaven go down into hell at the end of every year and kill any demon they see."

I spoke "And since I'm not actually a demon... They might mistake me for one!"

Blitzo spoke "Yeah, so get the hell outta here if ya wanna save your ass."

I noticed that Loona was nowhere in sight.

I spoke "I'm not running away with my tails between my legs."

Blitzo asks "Look, I can find my daughter, okay?"

My right ear twitches.

I spoke "I sense that she's at Bee's place."

Blitzo spoke "Well, that’s good since that’s in the Gluttony Ring and Exorcists only target the Pride Ring."

I spoke "I should probably talk to Goddess Faust about this mess, she might be able to stop it."

Blitzo asks "Well, do you realize how crowded Hell’s been getting?"

I spoke "I was in fucking limbo for 200 years so no, I don't know."

Blitzo spoke "That’s why this is happening."

I spoke "And it's just as bad over in the Warrior-verse and Redux-verse too, so I heard from the Danyelles of those two universes."

Blitzo spoke "Let’s just get moving already!"

I spoke "Right!"

I hid with Blitzo since I was in hellcat form and I didn't want to be caught.

Then the clock tower rang as Exorcists appeared.

I kept my voice to a whisper since I didn't know if the exorcists had keen hearing or not.

I whisper "But why do they do this every year?"

Blitzo whispers "I told ya before, Hell’s getting crowded, meaning overpopulated."

I whisper "I think it's total bullshit..."

My eyes shimmer since my Latios was being chased by one of the exorcists but as much as I wanted to help him out, I couldn't.

A voice that I knew well spoke "RIOR LADNAH!!!"

A giant clock tower suddenly erupted from underground with a familiar friend on it. “You know, I have had quite enough of these Exorcists.”

It was Bayonetta! I mean, Cereza! But when a part of the tower opened up, revealing a bell, the bell rang, causing all of time to stop before gatling guns popped out of the tower and fired at the exorcist before the bullets froze in time. Then the bell stopped ringing as time flowed again, causing the exorcist chasing Latios to be shot down, and there wasn’t a stray bullet.

I spoke "Good timing Cereza!"

Cereza spoke "I may not be a demon, but killing angels are my specialty."

I spoke "I may be a cat Mobini right now but I'm not that kind of girl to give up!"

All of a sudden, a sword that worked the same way that Inuyasha's sword worked had appeared in my hands.

I gasp "What the heck is this?"

But then I started feeling stronger.

I spoke "FLARE SCAR!!!"

I slam the blade down the exact same way Inuyasha would with his Wind Scar attack as several Exorcists catch on fire.

I then smirked. “Aw hell yeah!”

Latios spoke "Ios. {Seems that sword was forged from one of Toga's fangs but it can only work for you Danyelle.}"

“Right, better make the most of it.” I nodded.

My left ear twitches before I dodge an attack.

I spoke "I wonder what else this sword can do!"

Cereza asks "Why not go all out and give it a whirl?"

I spoke "Hmm, I might need to name the sword before I can fully make it my own... I got it! Hisaiga! It means Fire-Crushing Fang in Japanese."

A voice spoke "Hey! That’s like my sword!"

Inuyasha showed up.

I spoke "But mine's more attuned to my element though which is fire. And Faust damn it Inuyasha, you can't be wandering around freely or those things will kill you since you are half demon!"

What I had just said shocked Blitzo.

Inuyasha scoffs "Come on, you think I’d miss out on the action?"

I spoke "Don't make me get Kagome."

Inuyasha froze in fear since he knew how scary Kagome can get when pissed.

Blitzo kept quiet while covering his mouth, muffling his snickers.

I snicker "You think that's funny? I pulled a prank on Sesshomaru one time but I pinned the blame on Ein."

Blitzo found it harder to keep his laughter muffled, despite trying to hide.

I spoke "Since these robo-bastards are holy aligned, let's give 'em some Chaos!"

I launch a Chaos Scar at the exorcists, shredding dozens of them!

“Nice!” I smirked.

Inuyasha spoke "They're worse than Naraku!"

I spoke "And Pucci..."

But then I shook myself out of it as I kept fighting.

Latios fired a demonic Luster Purge at one of the exorcists.

Cereza then brought out Color My World before firing at exorcists.

I spoke "Let's get dangerous!"

A puff of blue smoke appeared. “I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the little imp who will tear your machine apart! I am Darkwing Duck!”

I saw a costumed anthro duck, but I saw through that. “Really, Rei?”

The duck then transformed back into Rei. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Sludge Bomb!”

Rei threw a giant ball of purple slime at a group of Exorcists before it exploded, and it was super effective.

A Mew pops out of one of the pokeballs I had on hand before using Psychic to throw the Exorcists about.

Rei spoke "If ya ask me, these Exorcists are like fairy/ghost dual-types."

I spoke "And since I'm not a Pokemon, I can only use fire attacks."

Rei asks "Doesn't attacking physically with your sword count as a steel-type attack?"

I spoke "Steel-Fire actually."

Rei asks "Yeah. Shall we continue this party?"

I spoke "Yeah!!"

After the exorcists were driven off, I hear the sound of fireworks.

Blitzo spoke "Welp, that's Charlie tellin' the Pride Ring it's okay to come out."

Then I noticed the clock tower's counter now being 365 days.

I spoke "Guess someone forgot to tell her about February 29th..."

“Ya mean leap day?” Rei whispered to me.

I whisper "Yeah since it only happens once every 4 years."

“Uh-huh.” Rei nodded.

My right ear twitches since I heard wings flapping but they weren't my wings.

“Huh?” I wondered.

Latios spoke "Ios! {That's Lucifer himself!}"

A voice asks "What was that all about, I wonder?"

A demon landed before his wings withdrew into him.

Latios spoke "Ios. {Lucifer, this catgirl came to help us out when those damned exorcists attacked.}"

Lucifer sighs "Adam still insists on doing this to keep Hell’s population under control, huh?"

I spoke "I swear... That guy's as stubborn as Gajeel... If not more..."

Lucifer spoke "He’s also a bit crazy, thinking I was planning to build a demon army and take over where I fell from."

I laugh "I swear that guy's got a fifty foot pole shoved up his ass!"

Lucifer chuckles "Heh, maybe longer than that."

I spoke "I heard the countdown clock and came to warn Blitz about the cleansing."

Lucifer spoke "Guess not all demons noticed the clock tower’s counter being zero."

Latios spoke "Ios. {Not many would understand what the crap I'm saying since I was once a normal Pokemon.}"

I spoke "Many folks call me Alpha-Queen or Nekomata of Redemption."

Lucifer spoke "…Somehow, I see you getting along with my daughter quite well."

I spoke "I got the Nekomata of Redemption title since I had reformed Gilda early on. I understood her on an emotional level since I knew what it was like to lose contact with a friend. I also helped Moondancer and Starlight out as well."

Lucifer sighs "Listen, the Sinners down here had their chance in life, but they got their punishment, that being sent down here. Not like you can undo what’s already been done."

I spoke "If I can reform someone like Belladonna, then it should be easy to reform them."

I whistle loud in a tone only Belladonna could hear before the devil dog showed up.

Belladonna gasps "What is it? Wha?! Lucifer?!"

I snicker since I had totally embarrassed Belladonna.

Belladonna asks "What’s going on?"

I was laughing too much to even talk.

Lucifer asks "How’s Firebrand?"

That made Belladonna blush more.

I was soon yowling in laughter.

I soon calmed down.

I spoke "I should get going now."

Lucifer spoke "Very well."

I spoke "Oh and Lucifer, you should let your daughter know that leap years are a thing since they only happen once every four years."

Lucifer spoke "Ah, thank you for the heads up."

I spoke "No problem, I'll have a word with Goddess Faust about those exorcists the next time I see her. She and Annabelle are the ones that truly rule over heaven. And take care of my Latios since I know he's unable to pass on to heaven."

After hugging Latios, I head through the warp ring back to Maretime Bay.


Rebuilding Team Rose

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*Estelle's POV*

I really hated seeing my mother so down in the dumps so I went to talk to Irene's mother

Danyelle was napping in a tree when she sensed me coming.

Danyelle asks "Oh, hey Estellise. Is something the matter?"

"It's my mom, she's been so sad lately." I informed.

Danyelle yawns "It's about Cream and Big right?"

“Yeah.” I nodded.

Danyelle spoke "Given that it's been 204 years, the two are likely dead by now... Unless... That's it! I can call in my Redux counterpart since she can use Soul Rebirth!"

“Really?” I asked before Danyelle’s ears twitched.

Danyelle growls "Whoever is hiding better come out now before I throw fire at them."

But then a single chao appeared, curious on what was going on.

Danyelle spoke "That can't be Cheese Chao, it died a long time ago."

“Maybe it’s his reincarnation?” I wondered.

Danyelle spoke "Impossible, Chao only live for 5 years compared to most other species."

But then Redux Danyelle showed up.

Danyelle spoke "That's not the same chao I knew from 205 years ago."

Domenico bites his mother's counterpart on the tails.

Danyelle spoke "Nico! Bad boy! We do not bite others!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Easy little guy, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about my youngest son, he's started teething."

Redux Danyelle spoke "It's okay."

Danyelle spoke "He was named in honor of an ally that gave up his life a few years ago."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Oh. Sorry."

Danyelle spoke "You didn't have to deal with that Pucci jerk about 4 years ago."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer as she spots a small cream colored Changeling female and an obese purple Changeling male.

Danyelle yowls "AMY!!!! GET OVER HERE!!!"

Amy slowly walked over with a sad expression as I noticed the female changeling holding a red bowtie.

Danyelle shot a fireball at a robotic tail, causing a different version of Tails to yelp before jumping out of a bush.

Redux Danyelle asks "Was that Nine's yelp I just heard?"

Nine asks "Huh? Who're you?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "I met your counterpart years ago. I'm Danyelle."

Nine asks "Are you a counterpart of this Danyelle?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "I am."

Tails spoke "AWKWARD!!!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "So other me, you managed to help stop Nine from destroying your Shatterverse."

Danyelle asks "He WHAT?!"

Nine spoke "Oh. Right. You don't know."

Redux Danyelle spoke "It happened in my universe too but I don't think it had happened in the Warrior-verse since there are no Mobians in that universe."

Danyelle asks "*Tapping her foot* Care to explain what happened in the Shatterverse?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Well..."

*One long explanation later*

Redux Danyelle spoke "After the prism was fixed, Shatterverse Shadow hid it someplace where it would never be found again. *giggling* And you should have seen the look on Shatterverse Knuckles when my universe's Knuckles started yelling!"

Danyelle asks "And are you saying that this already happened?"

Nine spoke "Yeah."

Redux Danyelle groans "Gah... this old scar itches...."

But after mentioning that, her collar suddenly grew a cone, preventing her from using her teeth.

The nekomata was using her right foot to itch at the scar.

Redux Danyelle spoke "Before you ask, this isn't my old collar with my element. I gave my element back to my tree of harmony."

I giggle "You look silly with that cone on."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Yeah yeah, yoke it up."

Sonic chuckles "And Ein is still an idiot."

Redux Danyelle giggles "No doubt about it."

Danyelle snickers "And I can say the same about Golden Ingot from the Warrior-verse. He was an idiot as well."

Amy spoke "*Sad giggle* Yeah..."

I ask "You okay mom?"

Amy spoke "...No."

I spoke "There's something about that obese changeling that rubs my quills a certain way... My guess would be because of the purple coloring."

Amy asks "…Huh?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "There's a cream Changeling too..."

Amy asks "…What?"

I ask "Seriously mom? You forgot who a certain rabbit and fat cat were?"

Amy spoke "But… that can’t be…"

I giggle "Wow mom, you're more dense than Liko's dad is!"

The two changelings transformed into two familiar mobians as a normal frog hopped by and onto the cat’s shoulder.

Danyelle spoke "*flattening her ears* Screaming hedgehog in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Then my mom fainted.

Danyelle giggles "Wow Big, you and Cream got Amy good with that one."

Big asks "Huh?"

Cream spoke "Oh! I’m so sorry about that."

I spoke "You might not know me but I am Princess Estellise Rose, my friends call me Estelle."

Cream asks "What? Does that mean that…?"

Danyelle giggles "Clean the cotton out of your ears Cream, she's the only daughter of Queen Amy Rose and King Thorax."

Cream gasps "Amy’s a queen?!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, she's been one since Thorax became king of his hive. As for me, I'm just an alpha though."

Cream asks "Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "You might have remembered me as a human though but I've been a Mobian nekomata for 224 years."

Cream spoke "Oh."

A voice spoke "It really has been a long time, Danyelle."

A bigger cream-colored changeling showed up before she transformed into a rabbit Mobian.

Lance crashed into a tree when he saw the rabbit.

Lance screams "DAD!!!! VANILLA'S BACK!!!"

Sonic appeared. “Wow, didn’t see that comin’.”

Blaze spoke "Neither did I!"

Vanilla giggles "I see you haven’t changed."

Sonic spoke "I'm one third alicorn one third wolf beastman though."

Danyelle lets out a yowl, calling in the Chaotix along with Shadow and Rouge.

Vector gasps "Whoa! Vanilla?!"

Vanilla spoke "*Smile* Good to see you and your friends again, Vector."

Maria was with Shadow.

Maria spoke "You don't know me though."

Vanilla spoke "Oh, sorry about that."

A little black hedgehog with yellow stripes was on Shadow's head.

Ruby was chasing Moroha since the quarter dog demon had taken the red hedgehog's favorite ribbon.

Maria spoke "I'm Maria, the little one is Yusei and the red hedgehog is Ruby."

Vanilla spoke "Oh, they are adorable."

Danyelle lets off another yowl before another Mobian rabbit turned Changeling appears.

The male asks "Ugh… What was that all about?"

Vanilla gasped, instantly recognizing him.

I ask "Huh?"

Vanilla asks "Felix?"

Felix chuckles "Hehe, hey 'Nilla. Long time no see."

Redux Danyelle drenches Amy with water.

Amy yelps "*Jumps up awake* Gyah!"

Thorax asks "You okay Amy?"

Amy spoke "I thought I saw-*Notices Cream and Big before rushing over to them and hugs the two as she sobbed happily* YOU'RE BACK!!! You're finally back!"

Chrysalis spoke "But they're not as you remember them though."

Mom didn’t care as she kept hugging her two dearest friends while crying happily.

I was crying tears of joy.

Vanilla spoke "*Slaps Felix in the face* That was for leaving me and Cream. This is for coming back."

Vanilla grabbed Felix before kissing him right on the lips, shocking him before he slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back back.

Both Danyelles giggle.

Danytwo was on top of the CanterLogic building since she wanted to be alone.

Redux Danyelle spoke "Oh boy. Here we go again."

Pinkie was ripping a Furby apart.

Pinkie spoke "Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby? I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us. I also want to softhack his circuits."

Jet spoke "I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again."

Danyelle yowled as she jumped and flew into the air with fur and hair standing on end before landing somewhere else on her hands and feet while hissing.

Redux Danyelle giggles "Furby-phobia?"

Danyelle spoke "That’s not even a real name!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "You're a big scaredy cat!"

Danyelle spoke "You called yourself that too, ya dummy!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "I don't have Furby-phobia!"

The two Danyelles were soon in a catfight cloud.

A clearly drunk Renee spoke "Applejack, hit me another drink… wooOO HOOoo…"

Applejack spoke "Ah think you need a therapist and not a bottle."

Renee spoke "I think yooOOoou need to shuUT YOUR MOUTH!"

Applejack spoke "Renee, for the love of Faust! Put that hammer back where it came from or so help me!"

I couldn’t help but snicker.

Redux Danyelle sends Danyelle flying with an air blast.


Shell in a Cell/ Visitors from the Calor-Zone

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*Nyriel’s POV*

Aki, Mist and I were heading towards a stadium to meet up with the four ninja turtles.

A dark tabby cat Beastman ran past the girls and I.

"Hmm? Who're you?" I asked.

The cat beastman spoke "No time to explain! Just RUN!!! DuBois is trying to kill all beastmen!"

*Sigh* That crazy animal control cop. I brought out my phone and called my adopted grandmother.

Danyelle asks "*voice only* What's up Nyriel?"

"We got a psycho animal cop on the loose." I informed.

Danyelle growls "DuBois again.... I thought Alex and his friends stopped her 225 years ago. And ninjas or not, the Turtles can't stop her."

"Then what about a certain silver wolf?" I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "You might be onto something sweetie, I'll give him a howl right now."

Danyelle howls loud, getting Shirou's attention.

Shirou asks "*Voice only* What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "*voice only* Dubois is causing trouble in New York."

Shirou groans "Ugh... Her again?"

Danyelle growls "Afraid so Shirou, that woman is nothing but trouble. I've yet to contact Alex."

Shirou spoke "Wouldn’t be surprised if that circus is still traveling worldwide."

Sonic had teleported to where Alex was before explaining everything he had overheard from Danyelle.

Alex groans "Sheesh, she just won't quit."

Sonic spoke "That bitch was last spotted in New York though."

Alex spoke "Oh come on!"

Meanwhile, Shirou was heading to New York right now.

Sonic spoke "My grandfather's on his way to New York now."

Shirou appeared in New York, via Warp Ring.

Michiru and Nazuna followed Shirou.

Nazuna spoke "Thought you'd need some help."

Shirou spoke "Just watch out for her darts."

Michiru spoke "Good grief Shirou, don't be an Ein...."

Nazuna spoke "Let’s go."

Michiru spoke "*sniffing the air* She's close by... I can smell her stink. And it would be hilarious if she got turned into a bloodhound Beastman."

Nazuna snickers "She'd give Danyelle and Shirou a run for their money!"

Shirou spoke "Don’t jinx it, you two."

Nazuna snickers "You're one to talk Shirou, I heard from Redux Danyelle that your counterpart has 4 kids."

Shirou growled before he got DuBois’ scent.

Nazuna's ears were flattened.

Michiru growls "You might as well come out DuBois, we have your scent!"

Dubois spoke "*evil giggle* What a hunt this will be."

Danyelle and Twilight soon arrive via warp ring before they both roar loud at Dubois.

DuBois only smirked before aiming a gun at them.

Danyelle whistles loud, calling in Alex and the rest of Circus Afro.

DuBois only grinned further.

Danyelle, Twilight and the trio of Beastmen were soon pulled up by the circus performers right as DuBois pulled the trigger.

Danyelle spoke "Good timing Alex!"

Alex spoke "Come on, Dany. The circus sticks together."

Twilight was a bit weirded out by the trio of horse Mobians.

Danyelle asks "Really, Twi?"

Twilight spoke "Oh shut up Danyelle."

A rather powerful shadow ball hits DuBois, sending her flying.

A Mew unlike any other glares at DuBois.

"Now that's taken care of, shall we, girls?" I asked Aki and Mist.

Aki spoke "Uh girls, DuBois' not going to give up that easily!"

Mist asks "You do realize who she's up against, don't ya?"

Aki spoke "She won't care Mist!"

“Ladies! Worrying about stuff won’t make them better. Now come on, we’re gonna be late to watch the match.” I said.

Mist, Aki and I were soon tranquilized.

Aki spoke "*sleepy* Oh no...."

*Raph’s POV!*

Oh man! I’m gonna be late! I’m jumpin’ across rooftops here! But then I noticed a woman hit Mist, Aki and Nyriel with tranq darts! “Aw hell nah! It’s one thing to keep me from watchin’ Ghost Bear’s 200th win, but NOBODY messes with my girl!”

I jumped off the roof and activated my power punch jutsu while diving right for the lady. “Hot… SOUP!!!”

BAM! I punched the lady right in the kisser, sendin’ her flyin’ real far before a portal opened as Chameleo came out of it.

Chameleo spoke "*Notices darts* DuBois."

But DuBois was too quick on her feet and dodged all of my attacks.

But then DuBois suddenly made a goofy face before fallin’ flat on her face, out cold, revealing a tranq dart on the back of her head before I saw something appearing outta thin air, like a chameleon. After the being showed himself, I saw… Another Chameleo responsible for throwing the dart? But then the Chameleo that noticed the darts suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke.

Chameleo spoke "If ya wanna make a sneak attack, then don’t scream like a banshee."

Danyelle spoke "It was funnier when she got a tranq dart to the ass."

Chameleo spoke "Hehe, yeah. Hey, Champ-sensei. You can come out now."

Something came out of the portal, which was I think what Nyriel called it a Machamp, on a wheelchair with his right leg in a cast.

The male spoke "Hiya there, kiddo and lady. I am Might Champ. *Pearly whites give a shine*"

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, co-leader of the first generation of the Mobian Guard."

Twilight snaps DuBois' neck with magic, killing the female.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* And that's Twilight Sparkle, leader of the first generation Pony Guard."

Chameleo spoke "Huh, I've heard dying in your sleep, but that takes it to a new level."

Danyelle spoke "Don't remind me... Redux Twilight went savage twice..."

Danyelle asked her Ancient Mew to use Wake-Up Slap on the trio of females, causing them to jolt awake.

Mist, Nyriel and Aki spoke "I'm awake!"

Chameleo spoke "Oh, I was gonna ask Champ-sensei to use that, but I guess you and your friend beat me to it."

Danyelle spoke "It takes a lot of trust to even train an Ancient Mew since they don't like humans that well. But since I'm a friend to all Legendary Pokémon, it took me time to gain an Ancient Mew's trust."

Chameleo spoke "Welp, 'til next time."

Chameleo and Might Champ left through the portal before it closed.

*Mist's POV*

Man, that was close.

Danyelle spoke "Jeeze Mist, you nearly gave your mother a heart attack when she found out what happened."

Raph spoke "Now come on! We’re gonna be late!"

Twilight incinerated DuBois' body.

Marty asks "Could we tag along?"

"Ya sure? 'Cause me, Aki, Nyriel and the turtles are gonna be watching from above." I explained.

Alex spoke "You lot saved our hides from that crazy woman and behalf of Circus Afro, we're giving you front row seats to our next performance."

Raph spoke "Wow! Nice! Now come on!"

We then headed to the stadium. Later, the bell rang with crowd cheering as there were three wrestlers with two of them knocking the other out of the ring and crashing into a table as Jessica Jaclyn, the commentator, grabbed a spinning mic.

Jessica Jaclyn asks "Ooh, nasty team-up! But last one in the ring wins the championship! Who will it be, fans? The undefeated Ghostbeat, or the invincible Annihilation?"

Those were definitely some tough wrestlers down there.

The two started grappling while me, Nyriel, Aki and the turtles were watching from on top of the rafter while the rest of our friends were watching from the seats and bleachers as Raph and Leo were wrestling while my boyfriend had a Ghostbear win streak shirt.

Raph spoke "Go, Ghostbear! *Rips off shirt saying 199-0, revealing another shirt saying 200-0* He’s the greatest ever. He’s gonna win number 200 tonight."

Leo asks "*Jumps onto Raph* Buddy, come on. You know wrestling is bogus. They always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear. *Spits onto his hands before slapping Raph on the head* I call this one the Three Star Hurricane. You think Ghostbear could match these moves?"

Donnie spoke "Oh, here we go."

Mikey spoke "Every time."

Raph spoke "*As Leo blew a raspberry at him* You take that back, Leo! No one beats Ghostbear."

Nyriel and I couldn’t help but sigh at our boyfriends.

Nyriel spoke "I bet Midnight could trump Ghostbear easily."

To the surprise of the Turtles, Midnight had entered the ring with all eleven of his tails taped together.

Midnight exclaims "Who here thinks they could face off against the second MOST fiercest of the Second Generation Pony Guard?"

The battle continued with Midnight joining in as Donnie was about to grab the last slice of pizza before Mikey swiped and ate it.

Donnie spoke "Whoa-ah. Oh, you know what? That’s fine, you have it. I’ll have the next last slice of pizza.

Mikey spoke "Thanks, D!

The Annihilation was knocked out of the ring as Midnight was now against Ghostbear, who accepted the challenge.

Raph spoke "*Picks up Leo* Ha, face it, Leo! Midnight can’t beat Ghostbear!

Leo spoke "Whatever. Ghostbear’s just a chump in a costume. *As Raph threw him with Leo jumped and flipping backward* I could beat him. I could beat Midnight. I could beat both of them.

Leo accidentally flipped off the rafter, much to our worry.

Raph spoke "Leo!

Leo spoke "*Falling* Avenge me!"

Right when Ghostbear and Midnight were about to wrestle, Leo crashed with his shell on Ghostbear’s head while Midnight, sending the wrestler down the ring with him as there was only the commentator and Midnight left with the crowd giving a gasp.

Mikey spoke "*As we were definitely worried about Leo now* People are gonna see him!"

Donnie asks "Well, I hope Leo gets home okay. *Gets up* You guys ready to go?"

Jessica Jaclyn spoke "*Raises Midnight’s right foreleg* And the mystery wrestler of the hour, erasing Ghostbear’s flawless record, your new champion… Uh, this guy!"

The commentator then put the champion’s belt on a confused Midnight as there was silence before there were thunderous cheers as the paparazzi came in and took pictures of Midnight.

Midnight asks "*Pulling Leo up before stuffing him into his tails* Uh… okay?

Jessica Jaclyn spoke "*As Ghostbear was carried away on a stretcher* Wave good-bye to Ghostbear, fans. We’ll be right back with more wrestling."

Those of us on the rafter followed Jessica, Midnight and Leo in the shadows as they went into a hallway.

Jessica asks "I don’t know who you are, but in my league, *Shakes Midnight’s paw as Leo popped out* we turn disaster into stone cold cash. I’m Jessica Jaclyn. What do you and your friend go by, kid?"

Midnight spoke "Midnight Storm."

Leo spoke "*Ahem!* Neon Leon."

Jessica spoke "Those’re terrible. We’re calling you Imp Foxcat and your friend Primetime now. Let’s talk costumes."

Leo spoke "Okay."

Jessica spoke "How married are you both to this whole beast and turtle situation? *Changes champion room name to Imp Foxcat* Remember, you’re the champ now. Anything you need, it’s yours. And get ready, I’m putting you in the next match to defend the belt. *Kicks the door open before pushing Midnight and Leo into the room and laughed* Imp Foxcat and Primetime in primetime!"

Jessica closed the door as she walked away.

Raph angrily spoke "This is not happening! Leo doesn’t even like wrestling."

Donnie spoke "Oh, no way, the Liberty League.

We saw a trio of wrestlers as Donnie came down.

Donnie spoke "Hey, hey, fellas. Give it up."

Donnie was about to high-five one of them before Mikey did the high-five before Donnie as he came down.

Mikey spoke "For your biggest fan!"

Liberty Bill spoke "Thanks, kid. *As he and his teammates walked away* Nothing like my first high-five of the day."

Donnie groans "First my pizza, now my high-five?"

Raph, Aki, Nyriel and I came down as the turtle kicked the door open, show Midnight and Leo in the room with the big guy on a throne while wearing the belt.

Leo spoke "Oh, dudes, this wrestling thing is out of control. *Throws shades away* You got to get on the team and get the trickle downs."

Donnie spoke "Dibs on-"

Mikey spoke "Dibs on hype man!"

Midnight spoke "None of the costumes would even fit a big guy like me since I'm nearly as big as my dad is."

Raph spoke "You and Midnight give Ghostbear’s belt back, Leo. You’re not a real wrestler, you’re not a real champion, and Midnight didn’t even touch Ghostbear."

Leo spoke "*Slides onto table with the belt* Uh, correct me if I’m wrong on this, but Ghostbear was your champion, okay? Who Midnight and I just beat, mm-hmm. So that makes us your new champions. You may now kiss the belt."

Raph spoke "*Punches table, sending Leo flipping into a chair* Not funny, Leo."

Leo spoke "*As the belt landed back onto Midnight's snout* What’s funny is how easy wrestling is. Moment one, Midnight’s in the bleachers. Moment two, he’s champion of the world. The whole world!"

Mikey spoke "1-0! Greatest of all time! ~Hype man!~"

Midnight spoke "Okay, calm down, bud."

Raph spoke "This place has the stench of a phony."

Leo spoke "hat’s the champ’s muscle balm, and you will respect it. *Accidentally squirts muscle balm onto Raph’s head, making Mikey laugh* You’re hilarious."

Raph spoke "*Wipes balm off* Leo, Midnight, that belt’s going to your heads, man. *As Leo polished the belt* You’re flying too close to the bull, and you’re gonna get hurt. *Tries to grab the knob, but hands slipped off as he then struggled* Come on! *Yells as he ripped the door off its hinges and threw it to the ground* You’ll see. *Leaves*"

Leo spoke "Uh, dudes-"

Raph picked up the door and slammed it to the doorway as a costume rack fell.

Donnie spoke "No way! A genuine Einstein costume, and a-"

Mikey asks "*Swipes wig* A crazy wig! *Styles wig into a mohawk* How do I look, Donnie?"

Donnie spoke "*Eerily* Like a man who doesn’t know what’s coming his way."

Mikey asks "Wait, *Laughs* what?"

Midnight spoke "*grabbing the belt from Leo with magic* But Raph is right Leo, we're a pair of phonies. Ones that accidentally landed Ghostbear in the hospital."

Leo scoffs "Psh, he’ll walk it off. Besides, what’s one more match gonna do?"

Midnight growls "By my pony mother's mane, I'm going to set this mess RIGHT and you can't stop me Leo."

Taking the wrestling belt with him, Midinght leaves the room to find Jessica.

Midnight spoke "Excuse me miss, I think there's been a huge mistake."

Jessica spoke "Perfect, you and Primetime are up right now."

Midnight groans "That's NOT what I'm here for! the stupid turtle made a mistake and I want to fix it. And unless you want to invoke my dad's rage, I suggest you take the damn belt back!"

Jessica spoke "If ya think ya don't deserve it, then consider it your chance to really earn it."

Midnight spoke "But-"

Jessica spoke "*tries pushing Midnight* No time to chat, it's time to wrestle!"

Later, Jessica was in the center of the ring with spotlights on her. "Are you ready for the main event? Defending his belt with a tag-team member in a single pin fall, anything goes match, *Names appearing on a TV board* the newest superstars of the NYWA, *Smoke screen and fireworks as Midnight and Leo came out, standing on something covered* with their exotic entourage, One Love and Dynamite Don...

Mikey spoke "Whoo-hoo, yeah!"

The three turtles were in new outfits as Leo stomped his foot, uncovering that something, revealing to be a giant firework on a Wrestler Float before it blasted off and exploded, spelling Imp Foxcat and Primetime as Midnight and Leo landed.

Jessica spoke "Imp Foxcat and Primetime! *As Mikey and Donnie got next to the duo* Put your hands together for the challenger. *As the lights turned red* Powerhouse newcomer Red Reign.

A figure stomped, clearing the smoke as he jumped onto the ring, making Jessica, Leo, Mikey, Donnie and even Midnight bounce a little.

Mikey spoke "Don't sweat him, Champs."

Leo spoke "Yeah, this bozo's got nothing on us."

But then Red Reign grabbed his mask before crushing it, revealing himself to be Raph.

Leo asks "Okay, which one of you made Raph angry?"

Midnight spoke "We both did, ya fool. But mostly you. You handle him, I won't fight."

Raph spoke "*Into mic* Red Reign's bringing the pain!"

Donnie spoke "And Dynamite Donnie's *Into mic* with him! *Gently slaps the sunglasses off Mikey, making the crowd gasp*"

Mikey spoke "*Into mic* My eyes!"

Donnie spoke "*Into mic* I am tired of you taking all my stuff, One Love. I hereby betray you, Primetime and Imp Foxcat, and team up with Red Reign. *Brings out letter resignation* This betrayal is my formal resignation of my managerial position in your entourage."

Jessica: *Jumps onto ropes before tearing her suit off, revealing a referee outfit* Blip, blaow, time to wow!"

The bell dinged Raph aimed for Leo.

Raph spoke "I'll teach you how easy wrestling is. *Readies to slingshot from ropes* For Ghostbear!"

Raph flew right past Leo, only making his hat spin.

Leo spoke "That was pretty easy."

But Raph bounced off the other side of ropes and tackled Leo before holding him in the air.

Leo spoke "*Kicking Raph* L-L-L-Lame. *Spits onto hands* Feel the sting of my Three Star Hurricane. *Slaps Raph rapidly* Okay. *Laughs*"

Raph only growled before he started dominating Leo.

Mikey spoke "How could you turn on your brothers, D? Wrestling's about the fans, the pageantry. The thick scent of sweat in the air. Not the violence."

Mikey and Donnie started wrestling each other as Raph had Leo pinned down.

Leo asks "Okay, I admit it, wrestling hurts. Now get off of me. What is that smell?

Raph spoke "That's my victory stink.

The bell dinged as the countdown began.

Jessica spoke "One, two, thre-

But then the lights suddenly went off, stopping the countdown in confusion as spotlights looked around before Twilight approached Midnight for a "pep talk".

And much to shock of everyone present, Twilight was in her kyubi form.

Twirama spoke "You've done and goofed up big time boy."

After taking the mic from Jessica, Nyriel spoke "What a total SHOCKER this is! The Nine Tailed Terror, once thought to be just a myth among Mobians is BACK IN ACTION!!"

Jessica brought out another mic before noticing something. "What? *As spotlights shined on Ghostbear in the crowd, who was perfectly okay* Another surprise twist!"

Ghostbear pressed the play button on a jukebox, playing rock music as he jumped onto the ring, causing those on the ring to bounce.

Raph spoke "Ghostbear? *Rolls towards him before standing up in awe* Ghostbear! I'm your number one fan, listen. I thought it was really unfair what my brother and friend did to you earlier. We good though, right? Can I get a selfie, an autograph, a toenail clipping? Perhaps a-*Grabbed by Ghostbear before being set aside as the wrestler walked forward* Grabbed by the Ghost. I'll never wash this face again."

Yep, my Raph's a die-hard fan.

Leo asks "I'm not usually a rules guy, but is this legal?"

Jessica spoke "I said anything goes. What I thought was gonna be a three-way match *Jumps onto rope* will now be a Quadruple-Trouble Chaos *Flips mic open before pressing a button with her thumb* in the Cage!"

A cage dropped, surrounding the ring on all sides.

Jessica spoke "Fighting his way back from Loserville to Championtown, Ghostbear!"

Ghostbear roared.

Twirama spoke "Hey! I didn't sign up for this!"

Raph spoke "Hey, Ghostbear, I got a few ideas on how you can win back your belt. If you want, we could team up, and, uh-"

Ghostbear: I don’t tag-team with tortugas!"

Ghostbear jumped and stomped the ground hard, bouncing Leo and Midnight into the air before he grabbed them and threw the two towards the ropes, stretching them back before landing behind the ropes and pulling them back farther, before firing the duo like a slingshot, making them crash against the cage as they hanged on while Midnight’s head made a bigger hole and was a bit stuck. But since this wasn’t a ringout match, those two are still in.

Raph spoke "About those ideas to win back your belt, I uh- *Ghostbear places his left hand on Raph’s right shoulder*

Ghostbear spoke "Hey, your brother and friend took my belt. Let me show you how I stole it in the first place. *Reaches behind his back before bringing it out and opens his right fist, revealing purple dust* Peek-a-boo!"

Ghostbear blew the dust right at Raph’s face, especially his eyes.

Raph spoke "*Backs up* Ah, hey, that’s cheating!"

Jessica spoke "I said anything goes."

Twirama springboards off a rope, bodyslamming Ghostbear to the ground hard.

Twirama pinned Ghostbear again and made sure he was pinned down. Due to Twirama's weight, Ghosbear couldn't get free no matter how hard he tried.

Midnight spoke "Mom, let us finish this."

Twirama saw the looked in Midnight’s eyes and decided to trust him. “Alright… then go get him.

Twirama jumped to the ceiling and held on as Ghostbear pulled the lobster off him.

Ghostbear spoke "Time for your final fall."

Raph and Midnight spoke "Think again, bozo. It’s Primetime.

Raph threw Leo to the ropes and flew past Ghostbear, making the wrestler laugh as Leo readied on another set of ropes.

Leo spoke "Three!"

Ghostbear still laughed before Raph and Midnight readied themselves on the ropes the turtle threw Leo at.

Raph and Midnight spoke "Star!"

The trio spoke "*Landing slap attacks* Hurricane!"

The three kept bouncing and slapping, catching Ghostbear in a hurricane of attacks.

Twirama spoke "You go, Midnight!"

“Hit ‘im hard, Raph!” I cheered.

Nyriel spoke "Slap Ghostbear to oblivion, Leo!"

Jessica: Feel the sting of the Three Star Hurricane!"

Ghostbear was starting to turn red from all the slaps.

Ghostbear spoke "Ay-yi-yi!"

Leo spoke "Oh, boy!"

Raph grabbed Leo by the ankles and spun him around like a baseball bat while Midnight spun around, readying a tail slap.

Raph spoke "Hot soup!"

Midnight "Tail Slap!"

The hand bat slap and the swinging tail slap hit Ghostbear on both buttcheeks hard, sending him flying and bouncing around all over in the cage before getting tangled up in ropes.

Twiama spoke "And here’s the finisher! Nine Star Comet!"

Twirama delivered a body slam on Ghostbear that hit him WAY harder, making him almost lose consciousness.

The trio spoke "Cowabunga!"

But then the cage rumbled.

Raph spoke "Uh-oh."

But the Nyriel used her magic to keep the cage from falling apart.

Twirama spoke "*looking at Jessica* The countdown, if you please."

Mikey spoke "Don’t worry, Twi, we got this. Give me a three count, D."

Donnie: One, two, three!"

Leo: These out-of-left-field twists make wrestling the best!"

Twirama spoke "*facepaw* But that was.... Woah!"

The 5000 pound alicorn-kyubi hybrid was suddenly lifted up.

Twirama spoke "Nyriel, let go of the cage!"

Nyriel spoke "Okay."

Nyriel did that as the cage fell apart on Raph, Midnight, Leo, Twirama and Ghostbear.

Ghostbear spoke "Ai!"

One pole hits the males, knocking them out cold.

Twirama was still standing despite the others being out.

Twirama spoke "Uh, whoops."

Twirama was looking directly at Jessica.

Jessica spoke "*Slaps the ring ground* One! Two! Three!"

Twirama spoke "And that's how you win a fair and honest match, without cheating your way to the top."

But then a portal opened in the air.

Twirama groans "I know that's you Sumarda."

Sumarda suddenly appeared. “Actually, someone from a different reality of this universe is coming for a visit. From the Calor-Zone.”

All of a suddenly, someone fell from the portal and belly-flopped before bouncing back up and landed on their feet. And who was saw was… a 1,000 pound obese anthro Pinkie wearing a pink, blue and yellow two piece female wrestler outfit.

Pinkie? asks "Hiya, so you’re Sumarda of this reality?"

Sumarda spoke "You bet, Calor-Pinkie."

Looking at the newcomer, Twirama spoke "I'm Twilight Sparkle, also known as Twirama."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Wow, you look just like the Twilight back home, maybe even the same, despite being reality counterparts."

Twirama spoke "The same can be said about my Redux and Warrior-verse counterparts but unlike them, I have a nine-tailed beast and a two tailed beast sealed within me. My Redux counterpart has an alien sealed in her."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Nine-tailed and two-tailed? Just like my Twilight."

Midnight groans in pain.

Midnight asks "Did anyone get the license plate of that truck that hit me?"

Nyriel spoke "*Nervous giggle* Sorry about that."

Midnight spoke "You're lucky I don't hit kids."

Nyriel spoke "I’m a teenager!"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Anywho, looks like I might need to balance the scales."

Pinkie suddenly grew bigger and fatter with her outfit growing with her until she was as big and heavy as Twirama, weighing 5,000 pounds.

Midnight spoke "I'm 200 years older than you are."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Anywho, I wanna challenge Twirama to a wrestling match, just for fun. Ya know, an exhibition match."

Twirama spoke "Just for fun huh? I'm in!"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Ya sure about that? ‘Cause there’s a Super-Sized Beach in my Equuis. But hey, which one we go to is your choice."

Twirama rams into Calor-Pinkie, headbutting the pink mare hard.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Nice one, Twily!"

But then Calor-Pinkie puffed her chest and belly out, rebounding Twirama. Twirama managed to stop herself from flying and slid on the ground before stopping as Calor-Pinkie stomped the ground with her right hoof, that being her right foot, then her left hoof, that being her left foot, as she readied.

Calor-Pinkie spoke ""But if ya wanna take us to a bigger ring, your call, Twi."

But since Twirama had the Flame Body trait, Calor-Pinkie had gotten a burn.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Okay, ya got me there, but it won't hurt much thanks to all this fat I have. *Slaps her own belly, making it jiggle*"

Twirama asks "So you have the Thick Fat ability?"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Not exactly, but thanks to me being able to have restraint and unbound forms, my body's good getting at insulation."

Twirama growls "You're lucky I don't have Poison Point as my trait!"

Twirama launches herself at Calor-Pinkie while using Flame Wheel.

As Calor-Pinkie took the attack while grabbing Twirama, an anthro Cheese Sandwich as big and fat as Calor-Pinkie showed up and sat down with a large tub of popcorn while his clothes looked snug with all of his jelly belly revealed. Calor-Pinkie then threw Twirama down before jumping up and belly-flopped on her, dealing damage.

But all of a sudden, Twirama flew high into the sky while holding onto Calor-Pinkie as she pulled off a Seismic Toss thus slamming the earth pony on the ground hard and knocking her out cold.

Twirama then pinned down Calor-Pinkie, ready for the 3-count.

Jessica spoke "One! Two! Thr-"

But then Calor-Pinkie woke up and bounced Twirama off of her.

Calor-Cheese spoke "Go, Pinkie!"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Since you showed a killer move, I’ll show you one of my own!"

Calor-Pinkie grabbed Twirama before throwing her to the ropes, slinging her back to the anthro pony.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Cake… *Knocks Twirama into the air with a butt thrust before jumping after her* Pie… *Right above Twirama as they fell down, spinning, back onto the ring* Combo Piledriver!"

Calor-Pinkie then whammied Twirama with a belly smash.

Twirama teleported just before the attack connected.

Twirama chuckles "Hehe, as expected of any Pinkie, you are totally random."

Twirama elbow drops Calor-Pinkie, knocking her out again.

Twirama went on top of Calor-Pinkie while wrapping her tails around the obese mare to make sure she's pinned down.

Twirama spoke "Not many can escape the Nine Tailed Hold."

Calor-Pinkie started waking up as the 3-count started.

Jessica spoke "One! Two! Three!"

Calor-Pinkie bursted free right as the count was finished as the bell rang. “Oops, guess I was a teensy-bit late.

Midnight and the others cheered.

Midnight spoke "WAY TO GO MOM!!!"

Twirama spoke "I’ll admit, you made that a challenge, Calor-Pinkie."

Calor-Pinkie giggles "Good thing the outfit I had lets me move freely."

Twirama giggled. “Why am I not surprised about that part?

Twirama shook paw with Calor-Pinkie.

Calor-Cheese spoke "That was an awesome match, Pinkie!"

Calor-Cheese tackle-hugged Calor-Pinkie as they bounced a bit before the two chuckled and giggled.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Thanks for cheering me on, Chubby-Hubby Cheesy."

Calor-Cheese spoke "Anything for my big pink cake of pie, Plumpy-Wifey Pinkie."

Twirama spoke "We should spar again sometime."

Calor-Pinkie asks "Wait, in your Sumarda’s dimension or the Calor-Zone?"

Twirama was about to answer when an explosion happened.

Twirama pulled Jessica and the other wrestlers underneath her body as a chunk of stone fell on top of the alicorn-kyubi.

Twirama spoke "*voice echoing due to the Royal Voice* This is not a drill, I repeat! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Please evacuate immediately!"

Midnight asks "*As the spectators, wrestlers and commentators fled* Now what?!"

Twirama spoke "I don't know son but we need to call in the rest of the Alicorn Alliance, since our universe's Danyelle is part of the alliance."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Cheese and I can help too!"

Danyelle spoke "It's as I feared! Team Galactic is making their comeback after 224 years! I need to send word out to all Pokemon trainers!"


Pizza Eating Contest!

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*Lan's POV*

Various folks were chatting up a storm when portals opened up, revealing a larger than normal two-tailed Mew with a colony of Mews following her.

Even a trio of alicorn-Abyssinian hybrids from the Warrior-verse arrive just as another nekomata-gryphon hybrid arrives from the Redux-verse.

I ask "Hey Maylu, what's with that colony of Mews?"

Maylu spoke "Two of them look like us."

Nashi spoke "Not to mention, two of them look like my parents."

Warrior-verse Lan spoke "Talk about weird...."

But then four blurs of red, blue, purple and orange rushed by.

Warrior-verse Danyelle and MegaMewverse Danyelle were confused.

A male calico Mew with a red tail spoke "We don't have mutants in our universe."

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "Or in my universe."

Maylu spoke "Still, we should see what’s going on."

Vince spoke "Agreed and someone oughta stop Natsu from beating up his counterparts."

“Oh man…” I facepalmed.

A male Mew with black and dusty blonde fur spoke "And here I thought MY dad was a blockhead."

Nashi spoke "Wait, you remind me of someone…"

MegaMewverse Nashi spoke "That's Ziggy, he's an idiot... Just like his father."

Nashi spoke "What the?! You’re me, but as a Mew!"

MegaMewverse Redtail spoke "My mom had to give my universe's Natsu a stern talk about things back when I was a baby."

Ziggy spoke "MOM!! Nashi called me an idiot!"

MegaMewverse Nashi scoffs "Wuss."

Nashi got a bead of sweat at that.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "My younger brother can be an idiot at times..."

We kept moving to what was going on.

Danyelle spoke "I do recall seeing a bunch of Mew in the Warrior-verse when that universe's Twilight pulled off an ascension spell..."

That comically made me trip and slide across the ground on my face.

Redux Danyelle spoke "That's nothing compared to the one time Newlestia and my universe's Celestia both pulled a prank on Luna!"

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "That may be so but Golden Ingot was an idiot!"

Danyelle and Redux Danyelle spoke "As was Ein."

But then a Mew version of Danyelle showed up. "Hi."

Nashi spoke "But there is one thing that I can easily agree on with two of my counterparts... Gray is an icebrained stripper..."

Griege spoke "Oh yeah, Nashi? Your pops' an idiot."

Nashi, Redux Nashi, MegaMewverse Nashi and Warrior-verse Nashi growl "You take that back!!"

Griege spoke "*Readies himself* Make me, dragon-breath."

The three dragons and the Fire-Cosmic type Mew gang up on Greige and attack him.

Luke and Layla spoke "You had that one coming Greige."

"...Should we keep going?" I asked.

Patch spoke "Good idea dad."

Stella was looking up at the sky while thinking about her husband.

Danyelle asks "Still thinking about him, sweetie?"

Stella spoke "*tears in eyes* I haven't seen him in years though mom... I don't know if he's alive or not..."

Danyelle spoke "Hey, don’t give up on him."

Stella spoke "It's been 224 years mom... I don't know if he's alive now."

Danyelle spoke "*Grabs Stella by the shoulders* Stella, look at me."

Geo spoke "You're not making it any better grandma, I don't know if my dad is even alive."

But then some wind whooshed by.

A tomcat spoke "Hey Stella, long time no see."

A male cat mobian was seen.

Stella asks "Who are you?"

The tom asks "What? You really don’t remember me, Stella?"

Stella growls "My husband went missing 204 years ago, back when I was still pregnant with Geo!"

The tom asks "Say what? 204 years?! How hard was I hit in the head to knock me out for that long?"

Ziggy calls out "Talk about being dense! And it's bad enough my dad hates bugs..."

Danyelle spoke "Sounds like someone was in hyper-sleep the whole time."

Twilight asks "Don't you mean stasis?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Stella growls "But my husband was mortal..."

The tom asks "Huh? Whaddya mean, Stella?"

Geo growls "My dad was an astronaut!"

The tom spoke "Stella, I’m telling you, it’s me, Highfall the Cat."

Stella snarls "My husband's name was Kelvin!"

Danyelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* Uh, Stella? I think that is Kelvin."

Stella growls "And HOW would you know mom? You don't have your dimensional scream anymore!"

Danyelle spoke "I think Kelvin has a small bit of amnesia."

But then Highfall yelped and held his head in pain after hearing “Kelvin”.

Redux Danyelle spoke "Shadow was worse..."

Highfall spoke "My… head! Gyah!"

MegaMewverse Roll growls since she sensed dark energy inside the tomcat.

Highfall spoke "Please… Help me…"

Danyelle spoke "But how? I can't use Chaos Heal anymore and I have NO idea where Maria is."

But then a flash occurred before it faded, revealed to be Maria, having used Chaos Control.

Redux Danyelle "My universe's Maria doesn't know how to use Chaos Control."

A black furred female serval Mobian with the exact same hat and clothes as Kaban snuck up on another serval Mobian from behind.

Maria asks "Am I too late?"

Danyelle spoke "*nose twitching* He smells like hedgehog..."

Warrior-verse Danyelle used a dispel illusion spell to cause the tomcat to revert back into a black hedgehog male with blue eyes and yellow stripes.

Maria gasps "Kelvin?"

Kelvin?/Highfall? spoke "Please… help… me…!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "CHAOS HEAL!!!!"

Kelvin?/Highfall? screamed as dark ooze with star-like dots pours out of his mouth.

Geo hisses "WHAT IS THAT?"

Warrior-verse Twilight threw up.

Twilight spoke "Definitely not corruption, that’s for sure. But no sense in worrying about it now."

Twilight then blasted all of the dark ooze, destroying it as Kelvin was back to normal, but he was coughing after that ooze came out of him earlier.

Pibby spoke "Well, it felt like corruption to me though!"

An adult Emerald Glow spoke "Either way... it was gross.."

Kelvin spoke "*Pant! Pant!* Thanks, you guys… Sorry about putting you through so much trouble."

Danyelle spoke "You oughta thank Redux Danyelle, she's the one who healed you."

A teary eyed Maria hugs Kelvin.

Kelvin spoke "*hugs Maria back* I missed you too, Mom."

Geo asks "Why do I feel spiky all of a sudden?"

Kelvin spoke "Oh, right. About that…"

Anzu had thrown up since she was sick to her stomach.

Kelvin asks "What the…?"

Anzu spoke "I don't want to talk about it."

Danyelle asks "Uh… How about we check out the pizza eating contest before it starts?"

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm so in the mood for curry..."

Danyelle asks "You don’t like pizza?"

We kept moving forward as Kelvin caught up with his wife and son.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "Blame my brothers."

Danyelle giggles "Don’t I know that."

Redux Danyelle spoke "My adopted brother is just as bad when it comes to chili dogs like any other Sonic. Just don't get me started on the number of grandkids he has now!"

Danyelle asks "I’m scared to ask, but how many?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Last time I checked, 30. I think one's a Glayveon. Oh, that's a Glaceon-Syvleon hybrid in case you didn't know."

“Really? Only 30?” I asked in surprise.

Redux Danyelle spoke "I think my universe's Jazz married an Eevee though hence the Glayveon."

MegaMewverse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Flurry tends to switch between alicorn and Glayveon forms at random times."

“Huh. Funny. Seemed like more.” I wondered.

Redux Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk! You're a freaking Alpha-class Mobian!"

We soon arrived at the contest.

MegaMewverse Lan's fur was sticky due a melted cheese prank that Ein had pulled.

MegaMewverse Lan spoke "I'm gonna KILL THAT IDIOT!!!"

“Some people never change.” I deadpanned.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "I agree, Golden Ingot was a jerk."

“Welp, we’re here.” I said.

Nashi had dropkicked Griege into Kayla.

Danyelle asks "What’s going on?"

Nashi spoke "He made a Mew cry."

Danyelle asks "*Eyebrow raise* And why did you do that?"

Nashi giggles "Remember what happened with Estelle? She and Yuri are dating now."

Danyelle asks "Say what?"

Amy spoke "It came as a shocker for me!"

Renee spoke "Same!"

Thorax spoke "I don’t understand."

Gadget spoke "Me neither but I think we should leave things be."

Myuri was deoressed.

Danyelle asks "Another one?"

Holo spoke "It's not that Danyelle, Myuri's lonely."

Danyelle spoke "Oh geez… Guess Cadence’s work is never done."

Holo baps Danyelle on the head.

Holo spoke "You forget, Myuri and I are much older than Cadence."

Danyelle asks "Can we please at least try to stay positive?"

A voice that Danyelle hadn't heard since Shirou's arrival was heard.

A blind Pegasus mare titters "Forgetting somepony?"

Danyelle asks "Snowdrop? You're back?"

Snowdrop spoke "Immortal as well! But it didn't fix my blindness."

Danyelle gasped at that.

Snowdrop spoke "But I've been training myself to sense my surroundings from air currents."

Danyelle's tail fur fluffed up since she had remembered something.

"What?" I asked.

Danyelle asks "Hey Jotaro, wasn't there a Stand user that could read air currents?"

Jotaro spoke "Tch. You idiot, of course there was, but Pale Snake killed the user since he knew his real identity. Snowdrop isn't a stand user, she's just been training herself as a pegasus."

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "Don't call me an idiot!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Calm down."

MegaMewverse Danyelle exclaims "What are we waiting for?!? Let's go see that contest!"

We continued moving forward to see it.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "One thing I've always hated about newleaf was fleas..."

Redux Danyelle spoke "My universe's Zoey had fleas one time."

Danyelle: Can we not talk about fleas right now?

Zoey spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle, remember that huge tick you had at the base of your tails last spring? You had to get Blizzardstar to remove it!"

Danyelle spoke "We agreed never to speak of it again!"

Zoey spoke "I made no such promise!"

The two she cats were now in a fight cloud.

Corina spoke "Idiots will be idiots."

“Well, we’re just about at the contest.” I said.

MegaMewverse Danyelle spoke "I'm gonna stay out of that catfight."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Smart."

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "That reminds me! MeadowClan got two more immortal chakats, courtesy of Swiftrunner. Their names are Rubygaze and Mosspelt."

Redux Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "They're hir children."

Redux Danyelle asks "Really?"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf was on edge since she had gotten a nasty vision.

Redux Danyelle groans "Ugh! What now?"

Warrior-verse Featherwhisker spoke "It was a warning..."

Redux Danyelle asks "Can’t you guys catch a break?"

Warrior-verse Featherwhisker spoke "We healers of MeadowClan are the only ones that can clearly read the signs from StarClan."

MegaMewverse Spottedleaf spoke "I also got the same warning."

Apple Butter spoke "Ah also got that same warning!"

Danyelle asks "Redux me, did your universe's Spottedleaf get the same warning?"

Redux Danyelle asks "Can we please not?"

Bluestar spoke "This warning is far more serious than a contest! Lives could be lost!"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf spoke "I don’t wanna hear it, Bluestar!"

Bluestar growls "Good freaking grief... You have me mistaken for a different Bluestar."

Redux Spottedleaf spoke "That vision is nothing but a bad dream. It’ll never come to pass. I’ve lost too much already. I can’t lose anymore."

Redux Danyelle asks "Mind telling us what it was at least?"

Redux Spottedleaf spoke "I… I can’t."

Frostleaf spoke "You have to tell them. The future of all five universes depend on the outcome."

Redux Spottedleaf spoke "No… It’s too much. I don’t think any of us can tell them. And it doesn’t happen in years."

Mossfire spoke "You can't keep things like this bottled up long. It won't do anycreature any good."

Warrior-Verse Spottedleaf spoke "No, she’s right. It won’t happen in years, so worrying about it now won’t do us any good."

Tidefur spoke "MOM! I got a thorn in my foot!"


The Truth about Zira

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*Danyelle's POV*

I was relaxing on a hammock when I get jumped on by a Mobian lioness.

I yelp "God dammit Zira! I thought I told you about this already!"

Zira spoke "Well, now you know how I felt from that headache after the corruption mess."

I giggle "That's what, the third time I saved your sorry tail?"

Zira spoke "You came down to Hell and healed my wounds."

I spoke "Okay, fourth time."

Zira spoke "Still… I can’t thank you enough…"

I ask "Do you recall hearing a loud boom back before you drowned?"

Zira asks "How could I forget?"

*Flashback, 254 years ago,*

*Canyon outside the pride lands*

*No pov*

Shortly after Kiara failed to save Zira, a loud boom followed by a splash was heard as a blue furred lioness with wings flew into the water at a speed that Simba and the other lions couldn't see what it was.

Danyelle grabs onto the scruff of Zira's neck, keeping the lioness' head above the water as the two drift away.

Danyelle spoke "*muffled voice* Keep your head above the water lioness!"

Zira was too weak to swim due to getting battered by the logs.

Danyelle used her magic to put webbing between the toes on her paws as she got the injured lioness onto her back while swimming to shore.

After removing Zira off her back and shaking the water off her fur, Danyelle rolls Zira over before pushing on the lioness' stomach to get the extra water out.

Zira sprays water out her mouth before coughing.

Danyelle asks "You okay?"

Zira growls "What do you want with me?"

Danyelle growls "Look lioness! I just saved your life!"

Zira growls "I didn’t need your help! Because of Simba, they’ve all been corrupted and Nuka is gone."

Danyelle spoke "Don't let anger cloud your mind lioness or you'll go down the path of darkness and you'll never get back out."

Zira scoffs "Hmph! And why should I listen to you after everything that’s happened to me?"

Danyelle spoke "Where I'm from, folks call me the Nekomata of Redemption. I give folks a second chance at being a better person. In fact, the first one I helped change for the better was a gryphon named Gilda. I understood her on an emotional level since I knew what it was like to lose contact with a friend. Plus I can tell that you're hurting on the inside."

Zira growled at that. “What makes you think you know anything about me?”

Danyelle spoke "I can tell that you were devastated when Scar died. And I can sense that your mate went missing but you haven't found him."

Zira tackled Danyelle and pinned her down in fury. “Shut your mouth! Or I’ll claw out your throat myself!”

Danyelle growls "Oi, get the hell off me lioness! I got a child on the way! And my mate would not be happy if I got killed!"

Danyelle kicked Zira off her.

A masculine roar rang loud and clear, the sound was familiar to Zira.

Zira gasps "W-What?! It couldn’t be…"

A lion with the same mane and body color as Kovu pins Zira down.

Zira spoke "N-No! Get off me! Now!"

The lion chuckles "That's no way to talk to your long lost mate."

Zira spoke "B-But it couldn’t be! I-I thought you were killed!"

The lion spoke "I left because Scar would have killed me."

Zira asks "Wh-What?!"

Danyelle spoke "Sunce's flaming eye.... It's because of pride law..."

Then Danyelle started contacting Sumarda via telepathy. {Sumarda, you there?}

Sumarda spoke "{Hear ya loud and clear, Dany.}"

Danyelle asks "{Is there a feral savanna suite available?}"

Sumarda spoke "{That’s specific, but yeah. Feral types of suites allow beings originally having at least four legs and no arms allow them to stay that way.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Well, ya might want to get one ready. I'm sending a pair of lions your way.}"

Sumarda asks "{Thanks for the heads up. How long are they gonna stay?}"

Danyelle spoke "{I'll ask them first.}"

*After the connection was cut,*

Danyelle asks "Okay you two, I got a room reserved for you but how long do yo want to be there for?"

Zira asks "R-Room?"

Danyelle asks "Well, since we know you two will wanna lay low for a while, how long are you gonna stay?"

Zira spoke "…As long as we need to."

Vithu spoke "I think Zira meant as long as we want and need to."

Zira nodded at that.

Danyelle spoke "And besides, Simba thinks you're dead so it's best we keep it that way."

Danyelle mentally added to herself, “At least until Zira’s reformed.

*end flashback*

*Danyelle's POV*

I giggle "And remember when you got corrupted twice?"

Zira spoke "I can’t believe I let that happen to me…"

I spoke "The second time was because of the corruption, that third time was when I had beat the tar out of you but you somehow survived that."

Zira spoke "I know, I was surprised too."

I laugh "And before that whole limbo crap, I was able to reform you."

Zira spoke "*Light laughter* I still find that hard to believe, but I can’t help but feel you’re right about that."

I fire a bolt of fire magic into the sky, calling over a trio of earth ponies. One was female and the other two were male.

Zira looked closely before giving a gasp of shock. “Nuka? Vitani? …Kovu?”

I giggle "Nuka was the first to reincarnate though but it took some time before the other two reincarnated."

Zira asks "Wait, remember when you checked on Vithu and I multiple times before the whole limbo thing happened?"

I spoke "Of course and that was when I took you two on a tour of Mobius, which caused a permanent change in your bodies and extending your lifespans. *laughing* And there was the one time when I scared the crap out of Nala!"

Zira giggles "Yeah, but you don’t know what happened in that suite, do you?"

I laugh "Water bucket prank. And I pinned the blame on that stupid hyena."

Zira giggles "I know, but do you remember?"

“Hmm…” I wondered as I tried to.

*Flashback 254 years ago*

*Feral Savanna Suite*

*No POV*

Danyelle was visiting Zira and Vithu in said suite as she was back in her lioness form.

Danyelle spoke "This so doesn't feel natural...."

Danyelle looked around, seeing the surroundings as the real deal. “Even though it looks like a real savanna. Sumarda must’ve been helping Zira and Vithu get used to the place before she attempts to help them walk on two back legs.”

Danyelle thought "{Explaining this to Kion and the others won't be easy...}"

Danyelle kept moving before she saw Vithu lying next to Zira, both relaxing.

Danyelle decided to pull a little prank by turning invisible before sneaking up on Zira from behind.

Danyelle pounces on Zira, making her roar in shock.

Danyelle laughs "Gotcha!"

Zira asks "Danyelle! Why did you do that?!"

Danyelle laughs "I wanted to prank you!"

Zira spoke "And here, Vithu and I wanted to surprise you!"

Danyelle spoke "You forget, I hate being snuck up on from behind. I've kicked that screaming hyena so many bloody times it's not funny anymore."

*End flashback*

*Danyelle's POV*

I ask "And remember the one time you threw a stick of dynamite at Zane but pinned the blame on Janja?"

Zira spoke "Yes, but the surprise I showed you back then wasn’t sneaking up from behind."

*Return to flashback*

*No POV*

Zira spoke "That’s not the surprise I had in mind."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle asks "You're expecting cubs?"

Zira spoke "*Giggles while showing her cub bump* Yes, Vithu and I are having another one, so we’re hoping to give Vitani a sister."

Danyelle places a paw on Zira's stomach before pulling it away in shock.

Danyelle gasps "Asra's teeth! You've got three cubs on the way!"

Zira gasps "*Shocked* What?"

Danyelle spoke "Three or four cubs is about the average for a non-Mobian lioness though. But without a broodmother to help, there is a chance the cubs could die before they reach adulthood."

Zira spoke "Oh..."

Danyelle spoke "Think of it like a babysitter."

*3 months later...*

Zira was giving birth at the moment as Vithu comforted her.

Soon, Zira birthed a female cub with chocolate brown fur, then a second one with light brown, and finally, a male cub with grayish-tan fur.

Danyelle nips the cords after each cub came out before drying the fur with a harmless flame to warm them up.

Vithu asks "Do you wanna know the names we've chosen?"

Danyelle spoke "The brown cub kinda looks like Rani though..."

Zira spoke "*Refers to the dark brown female cub* This is Siyanda. *Refers to the light brown female cub* This is Juji. *Refers to grayish-tan male cub* And this is Berta."

Danyelle asks "But isn't Berta a girl's name?"

Vithu spoke "*Chuckle* It's a gender-neutral name."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

*end flashback*

*Danyelle's POV*

I laugh "And I still remember the one time when Twilight blew a gasket at Sumarda!"

Zira asks "*Giggle!* That was amusing. Remember visiting us when Siyanda and Juji were learning to hunt?"

I laugh "Yeah, they thought I was a bird because of my wings."

Zira giggles "And you still couldn’t believe their appetites."

I spoke "Given that they were born in Sumarda's dimension and..."

I catch Kion with magic before he could attack Zira.

I spoke "Down Kion!"

Kion spoke "But-!"

I spoke "I was the one who gave Zira a second chance to change her ways for the better. And remember what Jasiri said? Sisi ni sawa."

Kion growled at that, knowing I was right as I let him down.

“Where are Vithu and the triplets anyway?” I asked.

Zira spoke "Vithu’s probably exploring, Juji’s going a great job as a florist, Berta’s still a boxing champ somewhere, and knowing Siyanda, she’s probably in an all-you-can-eat buffet, an eating contest, or still being a female wrestler champion."

I explained everything to Kion so that he understood what Zira had gone through.

Kion spoke "This… is a lot to take in."

I spoke "Yeah and if Simba doesn't want to get set on fire, he and Nala better come out of hiding right now."

Kion asks "Wait, what?"

A pair of Pegasus ponies step out of hiding, one had a red mane and the other had a blonde mane.

Simba spoke "Guess we got caught."

Nala spoke "Don’t worry, we weren’t planning on attacking after hearing that."

I spoke "ZIra had to lay low for a while until she had let go of her hatred."
