My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

by IndyWriter Productions

First published

Not long after the their adventures of Planes, Twilight and her friends are whisked into another world. One that is more sinister and emotional.

(Season 1, Episode 2)

Just a couple months after embarking on their journey through the world of Planes. Our heroes are thrown into a ruined world with a brutal backstory. They meet Cloud Strife, a mercenary living in solitude. Together, they must find a cure to an unknown illness and take down an evil gang that wishes to bring back an awful calamity. Will they succeed or will they fall as old memories return?

Part 1: Grim Beginnings

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Equestria, a land full of happiness and positivity. Not much in terms of negativity happens here. During one beautiful summer day, Twilight and her friends were enjoying a lovely picnic. The sun beamed brightly and the light breeze made everything feel perfect.

"Oh, what perfect day for picnic." Rarity commented. "It was a good idea to push back our get-together to the day after, Twilight."

"That was more of 'I was just too busy that day' and less 'I knew this day would've be better'." Twilight responded, stretching out her wings. "But, I appreciate the sincerity anyways, Rarity."

I had been about three months after their first other-worldly adventure, the memories were still fresh in their heads. Not only had the made friends with sentient vehicles, but Rainbow also found herself as a unique competitor and runner-up champion.

However, they all decided to keep there whereabouts that day to themselves. This, however, was brought up again.

Twi, are ya sure it was wise to not tell anypony bout where we went?" Applejack asked.

"Well, I thought if we did tell everypony about all about traveling to another world and what happened at Propwash Junction, they might get the wrong ideas or even cause an unnecessary panic." The lavender princess answered fruitfully.

"Ah understand that, but, mah family has gotten a bit pushy on why ah can't tell 'em where ah was that day." Applejack said.

"I have to agree with Applejack on this one." Rarity said. "I don't really find it fair to keep secrets from our families."

Twilight put a hoof up against her chin, as if in thought.

"I suppose you're right." She finally said. "At least our families deserve to know what happened to us."

"Um, actually, there's something that I want to ask." Fluttershy said softly.

"What is it Flutters?" Rainbow asked openly.

"Well, it has been a couple of months since we went to that world and met Dusty and Chug and the others." The shy pegasus started, the others listened on. "I kind of been wondering it gonna happen again?"

"Wuduya mean by that?" The apple farmer asked.

"Um, like...will we be the Friendship go to another world again."Fluttershy said.

The others gave it some thought. It had been a while since their first mission of that kind. was it only gonna happen once or was the start of something else?

"I actually don't know." Twilight responded. "It wouldn't make a lot sense if it was just a one-time thing."

"Yeah, and besides, going to new worlds and meeting SO many new friends is like the best thing EVER." Pinkie said excitedly. "Don't you find it exciting." Pinkie got up to Fluttershy's face, to the point their muzzles were touching.

The yellow pegasus stuttered a bit.

"I-I-I...guess." She whimpered.

"Well, regardless if it does happen again I hope they'll have better living arrangements." Rarity commented.

"Of course you would say that, Rarity." Rainbow said snarkly.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" The fashionista asked, sounding offended.

Before things could escalate any further, one by one, the Main 6's cutie marks began to glow. Which only meant one thing.

"Looks like we got another friendship mission waiting for us." Twilight announced.

"Ah, yeah. I've been itching for another friendship mission, again." The rainbow-maned pegasus shouted happily.

"Why's that? So you can show off yer racin skills." Applejack remarked.

"Oh, shut it." Rainbow said in annoyance.

The Main 6 began galloping toward Twilight's castle. Well, all except one.

"Wait, what about the chocolate mousse cake I made?!" Rarity called out. "I worked all day on that and I was so looking forward to having it with all of you!"

"We don't have time for that Rares. Come on." Applejack yelled back.

Rarity was still hesitant, looking back between her friends and the decorative cake sitting in the middle of the cloth. Finally, she relented and bolted after her friends. She looked back at her prized treat.

"I'll come back for youuuuuu!" Rarity howled despairingly in the distance.

(Twilight's castle)

Twilight and her friends arrived and soon made their way into the map room. Spike was already inside with his spines glowing.

"Oh, hey girls." The baby dragon greeted. "Guess we're off to another world again?"

Twilight looked at the map. Just like last time, the entire thing was glowing.

"Guess so." She said simply "And I suppose that answers the question of whether it was going to be a one-time thing or not."

"I'm not complaining." Pinkie hopped joyfully.

"Like we needed confirmation for that." Applejack remarked wittingly

"Oh! Before I forget." Twilight said.

She magicked a piece of paper and a feather pen into possession and gave to Spike.

"Spike, I need you to write a note to Starlight so she knows where we went." The Friendship Princess said.

"Sure thing, Twilight." Spike said and got to work.

"Well, it seems were needed in another world." Applejack said.

"Yep, and I'm glad Celestia taught me how to use that portal spell." Twilight said brightly. "I would hate having to force her to travel all the way here to do it herself."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, but, it does make things more convenient." Spike pointed out just as he finished writing.

Spike placed the note on a table before getting back with the others.

"Alright, is everypony ready?" Twilight asked.

The others nodded in confirmation. Twilight steadied herself and began concentrating her magic. A beam of gold light poured from her horn and onto the Friendship Map. Almost instantaneously, a familiar portal began to take shape. Just like last time, the portal enveloped the map and flattened against the floor.

"Oh, boy. This is so exhilarating." Pinkie giggled with delight.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Rainbow said blissfully and dove into the portal.

"Wait for me!" Pinkie yelled after her and hopped into the portal.

"Welp, guess it's our turn now." Applejack said as she followed after her friends.

Rarity and Fluttershy followed soon after.

"Ready to go?" Twilight asked her Number One Assistant.

"As ready as I'll ever be." The drake answered happily.

They both jumped into the portal. And just like that, they were off. The portal dissipated and the Friendship Map came back into existence.

Not long after a lavender unicorn opened the doors and looked inside.

"Twilight? Are you and our friends off on those inter-dimensional adventures again?" Starlight asked in indignation.

She spotted the note and read it.

Dear Starlight

Sorry to leave you again, but the map has called us again for another friendship mission. And yes, it's in another world. Sorry to leave on such short notice.

From Twilight Sparkle.

Starlight rolled her eyes in annoyance and sighed.

"Well, at least they notified me before leaving this time." She said to herself. "Still, I wished I could've come along, too"

"Least I got something to keep me occupied."

"Alright, guess I'll go and help out at the Apples' farm." Starlight said before walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, the Main 7 we're floating through the portal, awaiting for there arrival.

"I wonder this new world will have." Twilight said aloud.

"Could be anything." Spike said simply.

"Oh, oh. I bet they'll have soda fountains and talking cats." Pinkie exclaimed.

"That's...oddly specific." Rainbow said awkwardly.

"Anything can be possible in a new world." Pinkie hyper-responded.

What our heroes would soon realize, however, was that this world would be way more mature and violent then Dusty's world.

A white light began to form at the end of the portal, signifying their destination was drawing near.

"Here we go, ya'll." Applejack called out.

The ponies and dragon braced as the light embraced them. suddenly the were spat out onto the ground in a pile in spectacular fashion.

"Really now. Couldn't you be bit more, I don't know...GENTLE!" Rarity yelled angrily at the portal.

The portal vanished, leaving the Main 7 all alone.

"Well, guess we should begin our mission." Twilight announced.

"Uh. Where exactly?" Rainbow asked.

The friend group looked around only to find desolate, gray land and rocks as far as the eye could see. Only interest about it was a huge structure in the distance. It looked damaged and abandoned.

"Should we check it out?" Rarity asked slight concerned.

"Ah don't know. Ah got a bad feelin 'bout this." Applejack said with unease.

"What about that guy over there." Spike pointed out.

In the distance was a moderately tall figure with blonde, spikey hair and dressed in black. He was onboard a two-wheeled contraption and it appeared he was holding something against his left ear.

"Better than nothing I suppose." Twilight said with a hint of fear.

She didn't know why, but the figure gave her a creepy vibe. And it seemed she wasn't the only one that felt that way.

"Twilight, I really don't like this." Fluttershy whispered, hiding her face in her mane.

"It's okay, Fluttershy. We'll do this together.

"Yeah, and if that thing thinks it can take us on, we'll show him what for." Rainbow said punching her front her hooves together.

"Eep!" The animal caregiver whimpered.

"Let's not jump to conclusions, dear." Rarity said.

"Let's just make our where over." Spike added.

"Still wishing for soda fountains and talking cats?" Rainbow side-marked to Pinkie.

"Yes." The pink earth pony whispered.

As the got closer, they could make out a voice through the device the creature was holding.

"You got a call from Reno. He's in Healin. Says he's got work for you. Cloud, how have you been?"

You have no more messages-

The figure put the device in his pocket and looked around. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the Main 7 who stopped in their tracks.

"Uhh, hello." Twilight greeted feebly

The figure's face hardened almost as if he was glaring at them.

"Who the hell are you?" He growled venomously.

The Main 7 shuddered, they knew this would be much different than last time.

"Oh, boy." They all thought to themselves.

Part 2: Cloud's Predicament

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There was a tense silence for what seemed like hours. Then the figure spoke, again.

"You know what? Never mind. I have more important things to do." He said gruffly, before turning back on his bike.

"Wait, listen. I know what I'm going to say is crazy, but, please hear us out." Twilight pleaded.

"I really couldn't care less right now." The guy answered back aggressively.

"C'mon, partner. We're needed here." Applejack said.

The figure stopped suddenly and turn back.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

His tone taking a more threatening aura.

"Listen, sir...or whoever. We're from another world and we've been tasked to do a "friendship mission." It's what we do." Twilight explained.

"Yupper-do! Team Friendship all the way!" Pinkie cheered.

The figure just looked at them with disdain.

"As if I already have enough on my mind." He grumbled to himself.

"I beg you're pardon." Rarity said.

"Whatever. Do what you need to do. It doesn't concern me." The figure responded.

"Well, we don't what we need to do exactly. Maybe you might know." Twilight said.

"This world has a lot of problems. Especially after Shinra's actions." The figure spoke.

"Shinra? Who's that?" Spike asked.

"That's not any of your concern." The figure spoke with a raised tone.

The Main 7 were taken aback by his outburst. Rainbow was about to say something, but Twilight cut in first.

"Look, I know this must be a lot to take in right now." The purple alicorn said. "But, we're here to help in any way we can."

"Yeah, besides, you look like some company could do you some good." Rainbow added.

The figure inhaled and exhaled deeply.

I'm probably going to regret this.

"Okay, fine. You can come along. Just stay out of my way." The figure said.

"Awesome!" Rainbow yelled. "By the way, we don't know your name."

"...Cloud Strife." Cloud answered.

"Oooo, that's a cozy name." Pinkie giggled.

“And who are you guys?” Cloud asked.

“Oh, right I forget introductions.” The purple alicorn said. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, but just “Twilight” is fine.”

“Mah names Applejack and it’s nice to meet ya partner.”

“You’re talking to the Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria!”

“My name is Rarity.”

“I’m Pinkie Pie and I like to make parties, and make sweets, and make friends, and—“

“Pinkie! I think you’ve made your point.” Rainbow pointed out.

“My name is Spike.” The little dragon said, wary. He hid himself behind Twilight’s legs.

“Um…I’m Fluttershy.” The shy pegasus whispered.

“If you’re too shy to say your name then don’t say it at all.” The mercenary said dishearteningly.

Fluttershy gasped a little. Her face contorted into a slight glare while she puffed up her cheeks.

“I said, my name is Fluttershy.” She said as best she could muster.

Cloud rolled his eyes in indignation.

“Whatever, just get ready.” He grumbled.

The Main 7 all climbed onto Cloud's bike. The mercenary put his goggles on, but just as they were about to set off, Cloud was hit with a wave of horrible memories and flashbacks. He winced and clutched his arm.

"Everything alright, sugarcube?" AJ asked with slight concern.

Cloud didn't answered, instead tearing out of their current location. The Main 7 held on tight as to not fall off.

"Warn us next time you do that!" Twilight cried.

As they raced along the dead-looking desert. None of them were aware of a trio of bikers on higher elevation.

They stopped alongside a rusty blade embedded into the earth. One of them kicked it away, while the other two stared at the structure in front of them.

"Hey, Kadaj? Is that where Big Brother lives?" One of them asked.

"Yeah." Kadaji said sharply.

"Do you think he'll be happy to see us?" The same person asked.

"Not a chance." Kadaj said.

"Don't cry, Yazoo." The third toughly.

"But, Mother's with him?" Yazoo asked.

"Maybe not." Kadaj responded.

"Don't cry, Loz." Yazoo said coldly.

Despite his "Brother's" words, Loz still couldn't keep himself from sniffling. That was when Kadaj spotted the group sailing across the sand.

He grinned.

"Hold on. Look who's here." He said.

The other two looked down to see what their "brother" was referring to.

"What is he doing with those colorful animals?" Loz asked.

"Who cares. He's pretty much by himself." Yazoo said.

Loz nodded. They both burned rubber and leap off the rock-face.

"Where are we even going?" Rarity asked impatiently.

Before Cloud could answer. A dreadful feeling came over him. He looked to see the two riders practically pouncing on them.

"Ack! Who are those two!?" Spike asked fearfully.

"Not the time." Cloud yelled.

Suddenly, they were being tail-gated by a bunch of large, armored, wolf-like creatures.

"What is happening!" Fluttershy asked in fright.

Cloud pulled out a sword from his hidden stash and began slashing the creatures away. He weaved and swayed the bike with the Main 7 hanging on for dear life. The dark creatures were growing in numbers, however. If that wasn't bad enough The two riders jockeyed for position alongside Cloud's bike.

"Where's Mother?" Loz demanded, pulling out a spiked glove and swinging at the gang.

"Watch it!" Rainbow yelled defensively.

"What mother?" Twilight asked.

Cloud began to zig-zag to avoid more confrontation, but then, Lazoo pulled out a gun and began shooting at them.

"What is wrong with these guys?" The apple farmer shrieked.

"We know you hid her, Brother." Yazoo said dementedly.

"Wait! You guys are related!?" Pinkie asked in an overly surprised manner.

"NO!" Cloud yelled as he block the bullets.

One of the creatures managed to collide into Cloud's bike. He struggled for control as more began to surround them.

Yazoo and Loz whipped back to continue fighting.

"C'mon, we have to help." Twilight called.

She charged up her horn and fired at one of the riders.

"Hey!" Loz yelled, narrowly avoiding the magical projectile.

While the fight continued the escalate, Kadaj was on the phone with someone.

"Don't tell me you're leading me on?"

"Because, I think you do have Mother there."

"No need to shout."

"I don't want to talk to you. Put the President on."

"You're starting to bother me."

Back with the gang, they were holding there one. Cloud, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were doing there best to rid of the unknown creatures. All the while avoiding gunfire.

Loz tried to intentionally crash Cloud by drifting towards him. The mercenary simply leaped over him.

Loz then readied his spiked glove. Cloud readied his sword. and two swung at each other.

"You can do it, Cloud!" Spike cheered.

At the worst possible time, another brief flashback overcame Cloud. He winced and looked at his left arm again. Shaking it off he drove his sword at Loz.

Loz caught it and threw it into the distance. The Main 7 watched in shock as the blade sailed behind some rocks. Cloud looked in front, only to find Yazoo driving head-on with him. Before Cloud or the gang could react, Yazoo flipped forward and shot at the first class SOLDIER. Cloud's goggles were able keep the blow from being fatal, but blood began to slide down his face.

"Cloud! Are you okay?!" Twilight asked in a panic.

Without warning the dark creature began multiplying and soon surrounded Cloud's back. Loz and Yazoo looked on with twisted glee as the creature all simultaneously pounced on the gang. Cloud could only gave a lost look as the Main 7 screamed in fear.

Immediately, all the creatures dissipated into black mist. Cloud and the Main 7 looked around in confusion. Unknown to them Kadaj had lifted his hand up, signifying a tactical retreat. Loz and Yazoo sniggered as they drove away. Cloud came to a stop and stared at Kadaj who just chuckled darkly and drove off, leaving are heroes confused.

"Okay. What in Equestria was that?" Rainbow asked still reeling from the whole ordeal.

"And who were those people?" Fluttershy asked.

Cloud sighed.

"Alright. I suppose I should give an explanation." He said.

"Ya sure do." Applejack said.

Okay, I need to explain this first. This world has something called the "Lifestream." Cloud began.

"What does it do?" Twilight asked.

"Don't interrupt." The spike-haired teen hissed. "It's a river of life that circles our planet, giving life to the world and everything in it. The Shinra Electric Power Company discovered a way to use the Lifestream as an energy source. Because of Shinra's energy, we were able to live comfortable lives. Many believed that it was because we were taking away from the planet's life. Shinra used their power to try and stop anybody who got in their way. They had a special group of warriors called SOLDIER. I was one of them. All the SOLDIERs had Jenova cells put inside them. Jenova was a calamity that fell from the sky a long time ago and tried to destroy the planet. Anyway, there was one SOLIDER named Sephiroth, who was better than the rest. But when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him, he turned against Shinra. Then, he began to hate everything. Shinra and the people against them. Sephiroth, wished to erase the planet all together and the people who tried to stop him. Many battles were fought, many lives were lost. the would all go back to the Lifestream. Then, one day, the planet itself put a stop to all the battles for good. It used the Lifestream as a weapon and when it burst out, all the fighting, sadness, and greed ended. But, now everything is struggling to heal. There's a terrible sickness going on, infecting children. It's called geostigma, nobody knows why or how it's happening or how to cure it. Society has been struggling ever since."

With his explanation over, the Main 7 were now taking all that Cloud said.

"So, that's why everything looks deserted." Twilight said sadly.

"Oh, these poor kids." The yellow pegasus whimpered tearfully.

"Well, ya'll. Ah think we got our work cut out for us." Applejack said, her tone slightly faltering.

"Don't worry." Pinkie said hopefully. "Nothing can make a foal happier than a par-"

"Pinkie, this is serious. A party isn't going to fix this." The rainbow pony said annoyed.

"Maybe not, but it would make this a bit more lively." Pinkie said in a sing-song voice.

"What are we going to do?" Spike wondered hopelessly.

"We go where I'm needed. Tifa wanted me to go to Healin for something." Cloud said.

"Oh, that's where we're going." Rarity said.

"What are you needed for anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." Cloud said harshly.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's shimmy!” The party pony said excitedly.

Much later

The bleached sands of the desert was slowly replaced by tall rock-faces and luscious trees. As they travelled along the path, Cloud received some more messages.

"What up, fool, It's Barret. I am the man! Oil, Cloud! I just found the biggest damn oil field you ever seen! Surveying's done so I should be able to get out there and see Marlene real soon. You let her know, all right, Spiky?"

Reno called again. He says to hurry, but he sounded kind of strange. Be careful, okay?

The messages ended as Cloud near their destination.

*Snort* “Spikey." Pinkie laughed.

"So, what is this place, exactly?" Twilight asked.

"It's a sanatorium for the disease I talked about earlier." Cloud responded simply.

The bike came to stop. The Main 7 hopped off as Cloud parked it.

"Finally, it was starting to get bumpy." Rarity criticized.

"Oh, quit yer bellyachin, Rarity. We got work to do." Applejack said sorely

The team climbed the stairs and opened the door. Cloud pulled out his sword just in time to counter someone wielding a telescope.

The guy's only distinguishing feature was that he had bright orange hair.

Realizing his failed attack, the man walked back and charged, only for Cloud to slide out of the way. Now the man was outside and ready for another attack if it weren't for Applejack slamming to door in his face.

"What in tarnation is that guy's problem?" She asked irritated.

"Don't worry about it." Cloud said simply.

"Okay, so you're good." The guy said through the door.

Cloud locked it just as another door swung open. Out came another man, this time he was bald and had a slight beard. He stared hard the group.

"Yeah, Rude, looking sharp!" The first guy said.

The bald guy said nothing and readied a dagger, but Cloud was quicker and held his sword against the man's face. There was stunned silence as the ponies and dragon looked on.

"Hey, what's going on in there?" The guy outside asked.

"Will you shut up, already." Rainbow said angrily.

The bald man acted more leisurely and hmphed.

"Good. You fight like the SOLDIER you once claimed to be." Another voice came.

"Who's there?" Twilight asked.

through the door, a cloaked man in a wheelchair rolled out and parked in front of Cloud.

"You haven't rusted a bit." He said monotonously

"Rufus Shinra?" Cloud said in slight surprise. "Do I feel bad for you."

"Shinra. Was he the one who took the Lifestream energy?" Twilight said to herself.

Rufus heard her and cleared his throat.

"The day of the explosion-" He started.

"What do you want from me?" Cloud cut him off.

"I managed to get out..."

"Who were the guys that attacked us?"

"Before it colla--"

"I'm leaving." Cloud said angrily.

Silence once again.

"That escalated quickly." Spike whispered.

Twilight nodded weakly.

"We need your assistance, Cloud?" Rufus gave in.

"Not interest--"

"I acknowledge that Shinra...owes the planet a lot. It goes without saying that my company and I are the ones who put the world in the sorry state it's in. Therefore, it's our responsibility to set things right." Rufus said.

"So you were the one who took the Lifestream energy." Twilight point an accusatory hoof at the wheelchair-bounded man.

"Yes." He said simply. "And I pay the price everyday."

"I'm still out here." The orange-haired man said.

"Well. Let me just say that you should be ashamed of what you've done. You're the reason this planet is in ruins as it seems." Rarity reprimanded.

"Darn tootin." Applejack agreed.

"We've already taken the first step by conducting an investigation in Sephiroth's wake." Rufus explained.

"Yup, at the Northern Cave." The outside man said.

"What do you think we found?" Rufus asked.

"Cupcakes?" Pinkie bounced excitedly.

Rufus turned to her before responding.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. You can relax." He said. "However, not all went as planned."

"What do you mean?" The purple dragon asked.

"We were interrupted. It was the three who attacked you. Kadaj and his gang." Rufus explained.

"Kadaj?" Cloud inquired.

"It would seem he doesn't want us finishing what we started." Rufus said. "Really, what could they be thinking?"

"What does that have to do with me?" Cloud asked.

"You're our buddy, aren't you?" The outside man said.

Cloud responded by kicking the door.

"Somethin's tellin me that ain’t the case." Applejack said.

"Kadaj's group is young and violent. As dangerous as they come." Rufus said. "That's why we decided it might be in our interest to hire a little muscle."

"Too bad. I'm a delivery boy now. Tough luck." Cloud said gruffly.

"You're all we have." Rufus said. "Cloud, look, you're an ex-SOLDIER."

Cloud just snerked.

"In my head." He replied

He turned to the door and opened it. Just as the door lurched open, Cloud stopped at the entrance.

"What's this "Mother" crap about?" He asked

"Why? Did Kadaj say something to you?" Rufus asked. "No surprise."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rainbow asked bitterly.

"There are plenty of kids who miss their mothers. That's the world we live in." Rufus said smartly. "I hear there are orphans living with you."

Cloud didn't reply.

"Think about it. Don't you want to put smiles back on their faces? All we want in the end is to rebuild out world, Cloud." Rufus raised his hand out.

"Do we just not exist to you in that aspect?" Rarity asked offensively.

"You lot aren't supposed to even be here." Rufus said coldly.

"Oh, really? Well how about--" Rainbow started

Cloud swiftly turned back around, killing whatever argument was heating up. His expression conveyed a deep confliction within him.

"But, I..."

"Come on, Cloud. Think about it. Together we could rebuild Shinra." The man outside said.

After a few short seconds, Cloud came up to his decision.

"Not interested." He said nonchalantly.

The Main 7 followed after him.

"Reno!" Both men said as the door shut.

The gang walked down the stair with varying feelings.

"So, what was all that?" Twilight asked.

"Rufus thinks he can right his wrongs and use me as some sort of crutch. That's what he's trying to do basically." Cloud said.

"Sounds like you two have a bit of history." Fluttershy said feebly.

"...Yeah." Cloud said.

No other words were spoken.

Part 3: Dark Revelations

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The large doors of the abandoned church swung open. Two figures walked in. One was young with smokey hair with pigtails on the back of her head held by an orange bow. She wore a grey sleeveless sweater and skirt. The other was much older with long, dark brown hair. She wore a sleeveless white shirt underneath a sleeveless black vest as well as black shorts and a cape tied into them.

As the two walked down the disheveled building, the younger one giggled and jogged over to a huge flowerbed that was sustained from a giant opening in the church, allowing sunlight to flood in. As the older one approached, they both looked over to see a make-shift living quarters near the flowerbed. The older one gave a straightforward look.

"Does Cloud live here?" The young one asked.

"I guess he does." The older one dismissively.

The two walked over and spotted a large, grey crate.

"What's this?" The young one asked curiously.

The older one shook her head, as if to express that she didn't know. She stepped over to Cloud's supplies. The young one followed and noticed a thin, pale cloth. She kneeled down and picked it up, inspecting it.

"It's just like Denzel’s. Is Cloud sick?" She asked with a hint of worry.

"Why didn't he just say something?" The older one asked to herself.

"Did he leave because he's sick?" The younger one pressed on.

"He just wants to fight alone." The older one said in a downcast tone.



There was an emotional silence.

"I don't think that he will." The older one said to herself.


Tifa looked over to the young girl who looked at her with longer eyes. She kneeled down with a warm smile.

"Ready, Marlene?" She asked, implying that they were leaving.

Marlene ran over to Cloud's stuff.

"We can't! Cloud's not here yet." She said earnestly.

Tifa looked down, deep in thought.

"I know, sweetie." She said grabbing the cloth. "I miss him, too."

"Yeah." Marlene said confidently.

"So. Say he comes back." Tifa riddled.

"We'll all go home!" Marlene answered.

"Not until he gets a lecture." The fighter girl responded.

"Uh-hu." Marlene agreed.


Both men collapsed to the floor in pain. They groaned miserably.

"Boy, do I hate liars." Kadaj announced.

"I apologize. This time you'll get the truth." Rufus said without emotion. "The object you seek fell from the helicopter while we were running from you. I'm afraid we were careless."

Kadaj stopped pacing around, his evil smile change into a more serious look.

"Is that right?" He hissed.

"I swear it." The crippled man replied.

"Fine. Then swear on these." Kadaj said as he pulled out two bloody ID cards.

He threw them to the flew for Rufus to see. The cloaked vice president looked down.

"Why did you do this?" He asked, aggravated.

"We need Mother's power." The sword-wielder replied. "The reunion is coming and we need her."

"Reunion?" Rufus asked thoughtfully.

"My brothers and sisters who share Mother's cells will all assemble. And together, we'll take revenge on the planet." Kadaj explained maniacally. "We've already sent out the invitations, know. Someone's gone and hidden the guest of honor."

"Invitations?" Rufus asked.

"The stigma. But you know all about that." Kadaj pointed out.

He eyed Rufus' infected skin.

"Mother's memetic legacy lives on in the Livestream and makes it happen. She does so much for us, and we...we don't even know where to find her." Kadaj explained further.

Rufus stayed still.

"But what can we do? We’re just remnants of Mother's legacy. Until we find Mother and receive her cells, we can't be whole again." He said, walking up to Rufus.

"Geostigma and a legacy aren't enough. Not for a true Reunion." Kadaj said.

"What do you mean?" Rufus asked cautiously.

Kadaj smiled sadistically.

"Mr. Shinra, surely you've noticed." He said

He inched closer to the vice president then kneeled obstructing his face. A vaporous aura surrounded him as he slowed raised his face at Rufus. Flashbacks darted in and out of their visions. The atmosphere became more and more foreboding.


Cloud stabbed the rusted sword back into the ground. He looked at it, then stepped back.

"I said I'd live out both our lives." He said to himself. "Easy to make that promise."

"What's on your mind now, Cloud?" Twilight asked.

Cloud didn't answered. The memories, from way back when, played in his head.

"So you wanna be in SOLDIER? Hang in there."

"Hey, you okay?'

"Well, what're you gonna do once we get back to Midgar?"

"We're friends, right?"

"Cloud, run!"

"Cloud?" The alicorn asked.

Suddenly, Cloud fell on his knees and grasped his arms. He grunted and moaned as the painful memories sifted through his head. The Main 7 galloped to his aid. They all did the best they could to found out what’s wrong with him.

"Cloud, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Cloud, buddy, it's okay." Rainbow comforted.

"Darling, what's going on now?" Rarity asked worriedly.

Cloud continued to moan and groan in emotional pain.


While Cloud was having a panic attack Marlene was tending to the flowerbed in the church. She was humming a tune while Tifa watched her.

All of a sudden, the doors to the church were blown open. Marlene instinctively got open and running over excitedly, thinking that Cloud had returned. But the person coming in wasn't Cloud. Tifa grabbed the girl's shoulder, forcing her to stop.

The figure happened to be Loz from earlier. He walked over to the girls, who cautiously stepped back. Loz smiled.

"Wanna play?" He challenged, gesturing with his hand.

The two didn't answer and made no movements. Loz's expression soured.

"I guess that's a no." He said, disappointed.

He stepped closer.

"Where's Mother?" Loz asked.

Then he noticed the flowerbed. He gave a long, disgusted groan.

"Gross." Loz grunted.

"Hey, where's Mother?" He demanded.

"There's no one here!" Tifa answered swiftly.

"Fine. Play with me." Loz challenged again.

Tifa gestured Marlene to a leaning support beam. Marlene ran over and hid behind. Tifa then put on her black leather gloves and got into her fighting stance.

Loz gave a cocky chuckle.

"This'll be fun." He said, readying himself.

Tifa made the first move intending to start with a right hook, but Loz grabbed her right arm and merely grinned sadistically. Tifa followed with a palm strike which connected, allowing her to combo a few more hits. Loz slid back and regain himself. Tifa followed up with a side kick to the face. Loz grunted, but then retaliated by decking her in the face. The Dual Hound on his hand allowed an electric current to surge into Tifa's body. She was launched back into the flowerbed.

Tifa grunted in pain while Loz laughed. The electricity wore off and Tifa pounced towards him with a sliding kick, but Loz front-flipped out of the way. Before he could turn to face her, however, she connected a monstrous punch that sent him flying into the church walls. Tifa jumped after him, but loz back-pedaled to avoid her. She then kneed him right in the face, sending him back, but Loz flipped to recover. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't out of the woods yet. Tifa ran up and delivered a front kick to the chin which was followed by an axe kick and then a full-on flip kick.

Loz recovered immediately and blocked an on-coming hook. He jabbed her with the Dual Hounds leaving her vulnerable enough for Loz to deliver a front kick of his own. He was about to finish her with a brutal punch, but Tifa ducked under and struck him in the stomach. She tackled him into the air and, as if it were in slow-motion, she forcefully leaped off him causing Loz's body to collide with the ground. Loz shook it off and grabbed Tifa by her leg. She gasped as he whipped her around into the old pews sending them flying everywhere. He spun around several time before launching her into the back wall.

Tifa landed perfectly against it. The shockwave disturbed the flowers so much the petals broke off. Tifa looked on in shock while Loz grinned evilly. Tifa launched herself toward him. Loz was about to catch her, but Tifa was quicker. She grabbed his face and force him to the ground, his head grinding into the wooden floor. Throwing him back up, Tifa eyed the body sailing through the air. She jumped up, grabbed him by the wrist, and threw him down to the ground. Loz came down with a mighty crash. Dust and splintered wood went everywhere.

Tifa landed back down and surveyed the damage. She was panting from the exhaustion of battle.

"Tifa!" Marlene called.

She ran from her hiding place toward Tifa, who smile and was ready to embrace when a calling tone went off. She didn't know why, but the tone felt...fitting...somehow.

The two girls looked around wondering where the sound was coming from. Tifa realized it before Marlene and turned to the crash site just as Loz stood back up, sending wood pieces flying all over.

Tifa readied herself for another attack while Marlene hid behind her. Loz pulled out a flipped phone and slowly brought it to his ear.

"She's not here." He answered, frustrated.

"I'm not crying." He said while on the verge of tearing up.

He looked over to Tifa and Marlene.

"No I got it. We'll bring the girl."

He put the phone away and sighed.

"Where were we?" He asked sarcastically.

Loz threw one of the pews toward the girls, but Tifa backhanded it completely destroying it. But before she could even think of her next move, Loz was already behind her. He had delivered a powerful dose of electricity. Marlene stood in shock as Tifa cried out in pain. Loz was now lightning fast and had pinned Tifa to a column. Another electrical surge, this time destroying the column completely. He threw Tifa into the flowerbed. She laid there moaning in pain. Loz walked up to her and grabbed her by her vest. He readied his Dual Hounds to finish the job, but was stopped when a glowing orb struck him in the head.

He grunted and looked over to Marlene who was stood as bravely as she could. Beside her was the now opened crate filled with colorful orbs. His surprised expression turned into twisted glee. He slowly walked over to the girl. Tifa desperately tried to get back up, but it was no use.

Loz's slitted eyes looked down at the defenseless Marlene who looked utterly terrified now. She clutched the cloth in her hands.

"Cloud." She whimpered.

"Just run!" Tifa cried.

A rush came through a young boy. It was as if he felt a disturbance. The boy, in question, had wavy brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with a black sweat coat and black pants to go along with it. Denzel was his name, he was one of the many people infected with Geostigma. He sat against a building along a backstreet. Just then, a girl walked up to him.

"You got the Stigma, too?" She asked.

Denzel eyed the stuffed animal she was carrying and then at her.

"C'mon. They're gonna fix us." She said, grabbing his hand.

Denzel was surprised that this girl was so forward with him. As they rounded a corner, there was a small truck surrounded by other infected children.

Denzel was hesitant, he felt that something wasn't right, but he also wanted to be cured so he followed along with the others. Unknown to him, to threatening figure stood in front of the truck. Kadaj watched as the children boarded.


Cloud and the Main 7 walked into the ruined church. Their footsteps echoed throughout the old building.

"This is where you live?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Mostly." Cloud replied simply.

"Well, I do say that these living situations are absolutely atrocious!" Rarity said dramatically. "Honestly, how could anypony live in such a decrepit place."

"You don't see me judging where you live." Cloud said irritably.

"Well, ya don't know where we live. So ya can't judge us for that even if ya wanted to." Applejack counted.

"Ooooo, called out!" Rainbow said playfully.

Cloud rolled his eyes in annoyance and stopped just in front of the flowerbed.

"Who's that?" Pinkie asked happily.

The mercenary's eyes darted toward where Pinkie was pointing. There was Tifa laying on the ground not moving.

He ran to her and lifted her up slightly.

"Tifa!" Cloud said urgently.

All he could hear was Tifa's quiet groans of pain.

"Tifa!" Cloud said, getting more emotional.

"Oh, no." Twilight whispered.

" she....." Fluttershy quivered.

Tifa began coming to, much to the others relieve.

"You're late." She groaned.

Her eyes fell upon the Main 7.

"What are they?" She asked.

"That's not important." Cloud said. "Who did this?"

"He didn't say." Tifa said, weakly shaking her head.

"What even happened?" Spike asked worriedly.

Tifa was about to answer, but then she remembered.

"Marlene?!" She called out.

She tried to get up, but she was too weak to even stand. Then she passed out in Cloud's hands.

"Tifa, was it? Is she going to be okay?" Rarity asked.

Cloud looked around the church. The crate was gone and Marlene was missing.

"Damn." He hissed.

Then the memories came back in full force. Cloud's whole arm began to shake and a black liquid began oozing from his gloved hands, staining the grass. Though, he wasn't sure if it was real of not.

"Cloud, what's going on?" Twilight asked frightfully.

Her friends gathered around the two.

Cloud was emotionally panicking, he was beginning to tear up. He could see a face, a figure within a fiery backdrop. It felt like the world was spinning. Then suddenly, darkness.

Cloud had fallen unconscious.

The Main 7 began to panic.

"Agh, what are we gonna do now?!" Rainbow asked hurriedly.

"We have to do something." Rarity said.

"Maybe there's a hospital nearby." Twilight said as she lifted Cloud up with her magic.

Rarity lifted Tifa up.

"Maybe were better off taking them home." Spike suggested. "We don't know how the other people would react if they saw us. Need I say we're still technically aliens in this world.

"He has a point, Twi. ah mean, if ah didn't know any better, Cloud was probably seconds away from slashin us to bits when we first met." Applejack said.

"Ugh, you don't have to bring that up." Rarity said, disgruntled.

"Lighten up, AJ. Just because Cloud didn't take to us well doesn't mean everyone else will do the same." Rainbow countered.

"How would you know?" The farm pony asked in a huff.

"Girls! Enough!" Twilight yelled.

Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity shut up immediately. Twilight sighed.

"Even if we wanted to take them back to their real home, we don't know where that is." The young alicorn explained.

"But we do." A voiced called.

The ponies and dragon looked to the door to see two somewhat familiar faces.

"Are those the two who were with Rufus earlier?" Spike asked.

"It looks like it." Twilight answered.

"What do you want this time?" Rainbow asked aggressively.

"To help you guys out, duh." Reno said smartly.

"We know where Cloud and Tifa live." Rude said.

"And we should believe you because?" Rarity asked skeptically.

"C'mon, ribbon-hair. Were friends of Cloud, too."

"Ribbon-hair!?” Rarity shouted, sounded insulted. "Why you insolent-"

"Not now, Reno. Don't start any fights." Rude commanded. "Besides, what other options do you have?"

The Main 7 all looked at each other. The eventually relented.

Much later

Cloud began to stir, he realized that he was on soft bed. As he got up, he looked over to see Tifa sleeping soundly on another bed. He stood and watched her sleeping figure.

"You know, you're pretty heavy." A voiced said.

Cloud turned to see Reno, Rude, and the Main 7 in the room as well.

"I second that." Twilight muttered to herself.

"Are you okay, Cloud?" Fluttershy asked softly, putting a hoof on his shoulder.

Cloud just shrugged, unable to give a straight answered.

"Weren't there kids living with you?" Rude asked suspiciously.

"Cuz they ain't here." Reno added.

"What!?" The Main 7 gasped in horror.

"You have kids?!" Twilight asked in shock

"And they're missing?!" Pinkie asked in a panic.

"Oh, this is an absolute travesty!" Rarity wailed.

"We have to look for them." Rainbow said, determined.

"Darn tootin, Ah feel bad for the little fellers." Applejack added.

"What can we do?" Spike said sadly.

"Those poor things." Fluttershy whimpered, tearing up.

Cloud ignored the shock-fest and simply looked over at his arm.

"You don't care?" Rude pressed on.

There was a stunned silence. All eyes were on Cloud, waiting for an answer.

"I just..." Cloud started, looking over to Tifa who was still asleep.

He didn't say anything else.

The Main 7 just looked crestfallen at him. Reno gave an annoyed sigh.

"You're a real handful." He simply said, before he and Rude left the room.

"At least you're animal friends seem to care." Rude said sharply.

Rude closed the door leaving Cloud, Tifa, and the Main 7 in the room.

"C'mon, Cloud. These are your own kids. Your own flesh and blood." Twilight said frantically.

"They aren't my biological kids. Me and Tifa are just taking care of them." Cloud pointed out.

"But, they're still children, Cloud." Rarity countered. "How can you be so calm about this when they're missing?"

"Yeah, that's just messed up." Rainbow said, crossing her front hooves while flying.

"Uhm. I don't mean to interrupt, but..." Fluttershy said quietly.

"What is it, Flutters?" Applejack asked calmly.

"W-Well, if the foals, erm, I mean kids aren't here, then where are they?" The caretaker pegasus said worriedly.

Far away, in the the middle of nowhere, Kadaj and his gang stood around a large formation. Loz was holding Marlene who was too scared to move.

"Look at what Big Brother was hiding." Kadaj said, viewing the crate of colored orbs.

He grabbed one of them.

"Powers forged in the Livestream." He said smartly.

Kadaj chuckled to Loz.

"With this materia, those powers will be ours." He said.

He put the orb against his arm. The orb promptly was absorbed and a bright light and smoke began emanating from Kadaj's arm. He smiled creepily.

Things were about to get a whole lot scarier.

Part 4: The Forgotten City

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It had grown cloudy over Midgar. The atmosphere had gotten dreary and depressing. For Cloud, it was nothing new. He stared through the window watching the gloomy clouds overhead. Twilight was with him sitting on the bed. She watched him with contemplation.

Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Spike were downstairs while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had insisted on helping Reno and Rude find the missing children. As she looked on at the blond mercenary, Tifa stirred. She groaned and sat up, opening her eyes.

Cloud walked over to the other bed Twilight was on.

"Reno and Rude are out looking." He said.

"So are Fluttershy and Rainbow."

Tifa did a double-take.

"Wait, who are they? And further more, who are you?" She asked.

"Oh, right." Twilight remembered she hadn't introduced herself. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. And Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are two of my friends. They wanted to help look for the missing children."

"Well, that's good. And it's nice to meet you Miss Sparkle." Tifa smiled.

"Please, just call me Twilight. Some of my other friends are downstairs. Their names are Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike." Twilight added.

"Are they ponies just like you?" Tifa asked.

"Yes, except Spike. He's a baby dragon." Twilight replied.

Tifa nodded then turned to Cloud.

"You have Geostigma, don't you?" She asked. "You're gonna give up and die. Is that it?"

The purple alicorn looked back to Cloud in shock. Cloud didn't say anything. Tifa adjusted on her bed.

"So it is." She said simply.

"There's no cure." Cloud retorted.

"That's not stopping Denzel from fighting." Tifa countered.

"Is he one of the missing children?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. He and Marlene. We were taking care of them." Tifa said sadly.

Then she turned back to Cloud.

"Don't run. Let's fight it together." Tifa insisted. "We can help each other, I know we can."

Her expression darkened.

"I guess that only works for real families." She said.

Twilight was about to say something to object, but Cloud cut in first.

"Tifa." He said.

The martial artist looked over.

"I'm not fit to help anyone." Cloud said with a defeated look. "Not my family, not my friends. Nobody."

"That's not true, Cloud." Twilight reassured. "Just because you can't save everypony, doesn't mean you're unfit to help."

Cloud continued to look down. Twilight let out a doleful sigh.

"Dilly-dally, shilly-shally." Tifa exhaled.

Cloud slowly looked back at her. Twilight sat there confused.

"Dilly-dally, shilly-shally? What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Dilly-dally, shilly-shally." Tifa said again, sounding more irritated.

Twilight and Cloud looked at each other.

"I think she wants you to move on, man." Said a voice.

All three turned to see Reno, Rude, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy in the room.

"Oh, thank goodness. You made it back." Twilight said, relieved.

"Oh, ye of little faith, Twi." Rainbow said coolly.

"Did you find them?" Tifa asked desperately

"No. Only a witness." Reno said. "Kadaj's gang took the kids."

"But, why? What do they want with them?" Twilight asked with worry.

"We don't know." Fluttershy said sadly.

"They're at their base now." Rude said darkly.

"The Forgotten City."

Cloud and the Main 7 thundered through the depraved lands on his motorcycle. The ponies and dragon took in the unsettling landscape.

"Why are the trees glowing?" Twilight asked.

"And where are the leaves?" Spike added.

"Why does everything else look dead?" Applejack asked.

"Focus on what's important right now." Cloud said.

"Oh, I hope those children are okay." Rarity said worriedly.


All the children stood around the large body of water that surrounded a crystal-like structure. Kadaj and his gang stood on the other side. Marlene stood with them against her will.

"Mother has given me a very special gift." Kadaj announced. "The power to fight...against a planet that torments humanity."

Marlene tried to flee, but Loz's grip on her was too strong.

"She gave this gift to all her children." Kadaj continued. "That's right. You and I are brethren. Brothers and Sisters chosen when we inherited Mother's memetic legacy through the Lifestream."

He rose his arms to emphasize his point.

"But...the planet doesn't approve of that at all. It's doing everything it can to hold us back. That's why it's racking our bodies with pain, filling our hearts with doubt."

Kadaj viscously pointed at the children who had varying looks of disturbance.

"Now I shall heal you. And you will go with Mother together." He said as a veiled aura surrounded his entire body. "We will join as a family and strike back at the planet!"

The children looked on with surprise and fear. When Kadaj calmed down, he gave one simple order.

"Do as I do."

He slowly stepped into the lake. Almost immediately the water turned black and hazy, looking more like sludge than water. Kadaj dipped his hands in and cupped them together. Lifting them up with a fill of the liquid, he gulped down every last drop. Kadaj breathed out in satisfaction then chuckled sinisterly to himself.

One by one the children stepped into the lake and began drinking from the darkened water as well. Among these was Denzel who hesitantly cupped his hands into the water.

"Denzel." Marlene called out.

Denzel either didn't hear her or didn't bother responding. He drank the water without further indecision.

"Denzel." Marlene called out, sounding more alarmed.

Kadaj and his gang looked on maliciously. As soon as he was done drinking, Denzel's bright blue eyes gained a greenish hue and his pupil became slitted.

Transformation had begun.


Cloud and the Main 7 continued riding down the dying terrain. Twilight and her friends talked amongst themselves while Cloud kept to himself.

One moment, he was sitting on his bike. Next moment he was stumbly in a white void. He was shocked and confusion as he recovered from the sudden transition.

“You came." A female voice said. "Even though you're about to break."

Cloud new who that voice belonged too. It felt like it came from behind him. The figure placed a hand on his left arm.

"That's a good sign." She continued.

Cloud looked down, noticing the ground was replaced with white and yellow flowers.

"So, why did you come?" She asked.

"I think...I want to be forgiven." He said sincerely. "More than anything."

"By who?" The figure asked.

Cloud turned to her, but as soon as he did he was back to reality. As he took in what happened, he heard gunshots. Cloud swerved to avoid getting shot.

"Looks like we've got company." Rainbow said conservatively.

"Ya think. We're headin towards an evil gang." Applejack said blatantly.

"Whatever they are, DUCK!" Rarity screeched fearfully.

The Main 7 lay as low as possible to avoid getting hit. Cloud pulled out one of his swords to deflect the oncoming bullets.
As the got closer, Kadaj pulled out his blade and made a round-up gesture with his hand. Suddenly, children dropped down from the trees completely blocking Cloud's path.

"Cloud, watch out!" Twilight yelled in horror.

Cloud braked as hard as he could. He tilted the bike so much that he and the Main 7 tumbled off it and onto the ground. The bike slid onwards. Thankfully, the children moved out of the way. It finally came to a stop when Loz jammed his foot against it.

Cloud and the Main 7 slowly got up as Kadaj loomed over them.

"At least we avoided the children." Spike wheezed in pain.

"I'm glad you could make it." Kadaj said with a crazed tone.

"We only came for the kids." Cloud reasoned.

"But, the gangs right there so we can just deal with them right now." Rainbow pointed out.

"Remember our priorities, Rainbow." Rarity said, dusting herself off.

"Regardless, these kids don't belong here. So let them go!" The Princess of Friendship demanded.

"I don't think so." Kadaj said in a sinister tone. "See this man? He's our big brother. But our happy flock, he's what you call a black sheep. And his sappy, little friends makes things worse."

"Now hold on just a darn second. We're only tryin to help'em." Applejack rebuked.

"Cloud!" Marlene called in angst.

Kadaj looked back, which was all the distraction Cloud needed. He grabbed his Fusion Sword and swung, but Kadaj jumped out of the way. Yazoo began firing away. Twilight, thinking on her hooves, created a magic shield that deflected the bullets.

"We got your back, Cloud." She said confidently.

The mercenary nodded. As Yazoo continued shooting, Loz ran for them, whizzing in and out of gunfire. He leaped forward ready to pummel Cloud into the dirt, but was met with a powerful buck to his fist which halted all his momentum. He stumbled back to find Applejack giving him a dangerous glare.

"Ah don't think so, ya no-good varmint." She said fiercely.

Loz growled and went for another strike. This time he was met with a punch to the jaw. He stumbled backward a bit.

"You're not the only one with amazing speed." Rainbow said cockily.

Loz was growing more enraged by the second.

"FINE! You want to play? Bring it on!" He roared.

While that was going on, Twilight was firing magical bursts at Yazoo. Rarity had put up a shield spell of her own to keep the gunfire at bay. Fluttershy and Spike stood behind the snow white unicorn to avoid the barrage of bullets.

"This is going to be tougher than I originally thought it would be." Rarity strained.

"When has it ever been what we've thought?" Twilight pointed out.

"Fair enough." Rarity replied.

Yazoo kept firing when Pinkie popped out for behind when of the trees.

"Bet ya can't get a bullseye." The pink mare taunted.

She had a target strapped onto her head. Yazoo looked over causing Pinkie to blow a raspberry at him. Yazoo fired, but Pinkie ducked behind the tree.

"Missed me." She giggled, poking out behind another tree.

Yazoo fired again. Pinkie ducked once again.

"Missed me again." She said with excitement.

Meanwhile Cloud was dealing with Kadaj. They traded sword blow after sword blow. They jumped and danced around each other, but it was apparent that Cloud was struggling.

Even though Loz was busy with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, he saw an opportunity. He winded up and slammed his fist into a the ground. The impact created a wave that broke through the ground, heading for Cloud and Kadaj.

"Cloud, incoming!" Rainbow called out.

Kadaj smiled wickedly and jumped out of the way of the wave. But, Cloud was prepared, too. A blueish energy emanated from his sword. He swung forward, launching a limit blade beam toward the wave. They collided, causing a massive explosion. Before Cloud could think of his next move however, Loz was already right there and punched him in the abdomen. Cloud was launched back and Kadaj leaped after him and fired his guns.

Cloud blocked the bullets with his sword, but he was getting increasingly overwhelmed with both Loz and Kadaj attacking him. Just then, a certain rainbow-maned pegasus zoomed in to even the odds.

"AJ's gone to help the others, leaving me to help you with these buffoons." She said bumptiously.

"Fine." Cloud said.

And so the fighting continued. Cloud would trade blows with Kadaj and when Loz tried to get a free hit, Rainbow was there to deliver a counterstrike. Still, the two gang members had the evasion to keep actual body strikes at a minimum.

Cloud jumped high into the air to avoid another punch from Loz. Rainbow flew after him for support. Loz then launched Kadaj into the air. The three met up and an air battle ensued. Cloud kept up the defensive, block as many of Kadaj's sword strikes as possible. Rainbow kicked and punched at the evil remnant, but he was able to block her as well.

"Gah! This is getting annoying. Just let me hit you already." Rainbow said in frustration.

Kadaj didn't relent. In fact, he landed a shot right at one of Cloud's swords causing it fall from his grasp. It lodged itself on a tree. Cloud went after it, landing on one of the branches.

That left Rainbow alone with Kadaj. While she was fast enough to avoid the onslaught of bullets, those guns doubled as blades, too. Rainbow swooped in for a tackle, but Kadaj readied the blades. Realizing her potentially fatal mistake, Rainbow bolted upwards, narrowly avoiding getting sliced in two.

"If I can't get close to him, what am I supposed to do?" She thought to herself.

Cloud jumped from the branch and onto the lodged sword. He looked down to see Loz with a demented smile on his face. The remnant laughed and punched the tree with such force it obliterated the entire stump. Now without foundation, the tree began to lurch and fall to the ground. Cloud was now standing practically upright on the collapsing tree.

Kadaj then showed up and began firing once again. Cloud pulled out his sword and blocked. Rainbow swooped in to try and hinder Kadaj. Down below, Loz jumped up and punch through the tree, shattering it into pieces. Cloud and Rainbow blocked and attacked with everything thing had to keep Loz and Kadaj from making any sort of damage.

Loz kicked them away and Kadaj fired at them. Cloud pushed the blue pegasus behind him and block the bullets, shielding her from the storm of lead. The both landed on another tree. The ex-SOLDIER combined his two blades together to make a more effective sword

"Heh, thanks for the save." Rainbow acknowledged.

"It's not over yet." Cloud said, eyeing Kadaj.

He just stood there menacingly. Cloud launched forward and swung his sword overhead. He gritted his teeth, ready to bring the blade down on Kadaj's head.

Kadaj merely blocked it with his sword. They traded more blows, but Kadaj got the upper hand and launched Cloud upward. He leaped after him ready to slice him apart. But, by some miracle, a stray shot connected with his blade, throwing Kadaj out of balance.

Angered, he looked over to see who shot at him. He was met with a shredded, red cloak flying towards him. The remnant did a backflip, dodging whatever was attacking him. Kadaj landed safely, but Cloud flopped onto the ground, nobody had noticed his cellphone drop from his pocket and into a deep puddle.

Rainbow was by his side immediately.

"Cloud are you alright?" She asked with worry.

All of a sudden, the cloaked being hovered down and covered them both. All the while firing at Kadaj who perilously blocked the bullets. Loz and Yazoo initiated a counterattack, but the cloaked being evaded them and flew away with Cloud and Rainbow.

"Tch." Kadaj seethed.


Cloud sat against the water's edge. The Main 7 stood around, but they weren't looking at Cloud. They were looking at the new figure before them.

"See. I knew I'd be no help." Cloud said despondently.

"Come on, Cloud. You're not giving yourself enough credit." Rainbow said. Displeased by Cloud's depressed demeanor

"Right, let's all just ignore the intimidating figure right beside us right now." Rarity said with a mix of sarcasm and anxiety.

"I bring you no harm. I did, after all, save you from Kadaj and his group." The figure said.

The figure had black clothing and straps, save for his left arm, which was completely mechanical. he had long, black hair and crimson eyes. But the most distinguishing thing about him was the large red cloak he wore.

"Vincent. What do you know about this?" Cloud asked.

"I come here often." Vincent replied in a gruff voice.

He moved his cloak out of the way of his feet. He walked over to Cloud.

"I've seen what Kadaj's group is doing." Vincent said.

He grabbed Cloud's left arm causing him to wince. He stared dead into Cloud's eyes. The Main 7 looked on with uncertainty. Rainbow was about to go over and stand up to Vincent, but Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head.

"The stigma. It's a symptom of alien matter infesting the body." The shapeshifter explained. "The body tries to eliminate it and overcompensates."

Vincent got up and walked on.

"Inside our bodies is a current. Like the Lifestream. The current is what fights off any malevolent intruders." Vincent continued.

Cloud pondered for a second.

"What do you mean by "intruders?" He asked.

"The Sephiroth gene. Jenova's memetic legacy. Call it what you want." Vincent replied.

"Wait. Didn't you say something about some "Sephiroth" being from your story, Cloud?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. He was the one that caused most of this to happen." Cloud said.

The Main 7 remained silent. Cloud then turned back to Vincent.

"You're well-informed." He said.

"Tseng and Elena. They were brought here half-dead." Vincent said. "They most have been brutally tortured."

The Main 7 all gasped at this information.

"That's horrible." Fluttershy said mournfully.

"Whoever had done that to them must be sick." Rainbow hissed angrily.

"I did what I could to save them. But, well...we'll see." Vincent said

"Tortured?" Cloud asked.

"They had it coming. They got their hands on Jenova's head."

"What's so special about a head?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Jenova's head helped Sephiroth merge with the Lifestream. And nearly destroyed the planet as a whole." Cloud explained.

Spike stood in awe. Twilight furiously wrote down notes.

"Then when Kadaj said he was looking for Mother..." Cloud said.

"Heaven's dark harbinger. The calamity, Jenova." Vincent paraphrased. "If they wanted to, they could make another Sephiroth."

"That definitely doesn't sound good." Rarity said with wary.

"Yeah. This Seph-er-rie-ith guy sounds like a no-good meanie." Pinkie said tenaciously.

"Kadaj. What is he?" Cloud asked.

"I'd rather not know." Vincent said.

Suddenly, Cloud and the others could hear rustling within the bushes behind them. Everyone readied themselves for another attack. However, instead of being Kadaaj and his gang, it was Marlene that right out of the shrubbery.

Cloud looked surprised as the young girl hugged him for dear life.

"Marlene." Cloud said in relief.'

"Cloud! Denzel and Tifa!" Marlene wailed in panic.

"Tifa is all right." Cloud assured.

"I wanna talk to her." Marlene said desperately.

Cloud dug through his pocket to find his cellphone. But, he couldn't find it. Marlene looked up with pleading eyes. Then she turned Vincent.

"May I?" She asked politely.

Vincent opened his cloak to showing no sign of cellular communication.

"You don't have a phone?" She asked incredulously.

Vincent shrugged.

"What about you all?" She asked the Main 7

"I can say for all of us that we don't have" Twilight said. "Whatever that is."

"Vincent, will you take Marlene and the others back to Tifa?" Cloud asked. "I'm gonna go see Shinra to get some answers."

"Are you referring to us?" Twilight asked.

"I can't do that." Vincent said.

"But I-" Cloud began, but stopped himself.

Marlene then stepped away from the mercenary.

"Forget it, Cloud!" She snapped bitterly. "Why don't you ever pay any attention to us?"

She then ran over and hid within Vincent's cloak.

"Seems like she's upset with your attitude." Twilight said.

"Can't say ah blame her. Ya haven't really shown much care to Marlene or Denzel." Applejack said rather harshly.

“Exactly! Would it really kill you to not act so cold to us? Especially to those who are trying to help?” Rarity emphasized her point by pointing to her friends.

The others were all in agreement. Cloud gave a heavy sigh.

"Marlene, please give me some time." Cloud pleaded. "There's a battle to be fought. But it's not as simple as just fighting it. Understand?"

"No, I don't." Marlene said angrily.

"Cloud. You sure this is about fighting?" Vincent asked.

“Good point. Back from where we’re from, fighting is the last thing we want to do.” Twilight explained.

“None of us wanted to fight, but we were left with no choice.” Cloud said coldly.

“But should you act like it’s an endless one? Even with all that’s happening, should you act so distant and hasty with us all?” The alicorn pressed further.

Cloud thought about it. He remembered what was said back at the bar.

"Where are they?"

"They're at their base now."

"The Forgotten City."

The others stood silent. All except Twilight.

"What's the Forgotten City?" She asked.

"It's a long-lost city located in Corel Valley. Aerith had to go there to invoke Holy. It was the only way to stop Sephiroth's plan on planet annihilation." Cloud answered.

"Right." Twilight said slowly, mildly disturbed.

"Go." Cloud said, turning to Reno and Rude.

Neither of them responded. Cloud then got up from the bed.

"I have to talk to Rufus." He went on.

"Stop running!" Tifa said with annoyance. "I know. Even if you find the kids, you might not be able to help them. Maybe something will happen that can never unhappen. That scares you, doesn't it? But you need to think about now. Really take it in. Look at you. You think you got it so damn hard. Well you hate being alone so let people in. Sure you won't answer the phone, but I don't see you throwing it away either."

With her sentimental rant done, the room fell silent again.

"She sounded like you for a second there, Twilight." Rainbow said, chuckling.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." The alicorn said sarcastically.

"You go. The base is all yours." Reno said as he and Rude walk out of the room.

"Which is it? A memory or us?" She asked with aspiration.

With Cloud deep in his thoughts, he suddenly found himself in a white void.

"But I let you die.

"Hmmm. Dilly-dally, shilly-shally. Isn't it time you do the forgiving."

With the memories still fresh in his head, Cloud looked over to Vincent.

"Are sins ever forgiven?" He asked.

"I've never tried." Vincent answered honestly.

"You mean. Never tried." Cloud muttered.

He looked down at the ground, as if he was deep in thought. A realization hit him. Cloud looked back up.

"Marlene, let's go." Cloud said passionately.

Marlene came out of Vincent's cloak and nodded happily.

"Well I'm gonna try." Cloud said confidently. "I'll phone in the verdict."

With that, Cloud made his way out of the valley. Marlene held his hand and the Main 7 followed after him.

"There now that's somethin ah like to see." Applejack said complimented.

"Glad you're starting to see things more positively." Twilight said joyfully.

"Woo-hoo. That's one point for positivity." Pinkie hopped in excitement.

"That sounds good to me." Rainbow said.

"Finally we can leave this weird place." Rarity said relieved.

"I wonder what's gonna happen now?" Spike wondered.

"Yay." Fluttershy said softly and quietly.

Cloud's cellphone slowly sank down to the bottom of the water pool. As it gently glided downward, messages began to go off.

"It's me, Reeve. How's work going? I saw your flyer. How in the world do you stay in business? Heh. You never change, Cloud. I was thinking about helping you out, but I guess I'll call you back another time. Goodbye.”

“Surprise! It's me, Yuffie. So, hey, all the kids are missing from Wutai. Have you heard anything? Give me a ring and fill me in, okay?”

The messages went on and on. Finally, the ended just as the phone reached the bottom of the pool.

"I never blamed you, not once. You came for me. That's all that matters."

Part 5: The Revival of a Reunion

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While our heroes were on their way back, trouble was brewing back in Midgar. Kadaj and his gang had rounded up all the brainwashed children and had them surround the giant monument. The gang had placed chains around it, all the while the townspeople confronted them by the masses. They all were furious to see their antics. They yelled at them, questioned them, chastised them.

Yazoo's patience was running thin. He gritted his teeth as he looked over to Loz, who nodded at him.

That was the only signal he needed.

He raised his hands which silenced the people. Then, a slight rumble started. The townspeople looked down at the ground right as a shadowy portal opened up. Several large, metallic-looking beasts sprang up and began pouncing on the crowd. Panic ensued; people began running and screaming for their lives as the creatures plowed through.

Amongst the chaotic scuffle, Tifa had made her way to the center of the town. She looked around and spotted Denzel standing idly with his head down. She gasped and ran to him.

"Denzel?!" She called out.

She held him by the shoulders and lightly shook him even calling his name out several times to get a response at of him. Denzel slowly lifted his head. Tifa could only gasp in horror as she stared into his slitted, greenish-blue eyes.

Yazoo and Loz looked on with contempt at the carnage. Now, the next part of their plan. They both began to pull the chains in an attempt to tear down the monument.

"And what are we up to?" A voice distracted them.

The two looked looked over to see Reno and Rude walking up to them. Loz and Yazoo just smiled arrogantly.

"Mother's here, isn't she?" Yazoo asked cynically.

"Oh, yeah?" Rude asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." Loz snapped bitterly. "This...thing? Monument thing? Shinra made it."

Reno gave a cocky smile.

"Oh, no. You're just too clever." He mocked.

"Except, you're wrong." Rude pointed out.

"Wherever she is we just don't know." Reno added.

The two Turks looked at each other and shared a chuckle.

"As if anyone would trust you." Yazoo remarked coldly.

The two Turks looked back at them. Reno growled in offense. He looked back at Rude who fidgeted with his sunglasses, he was just as riled up. It was cleared that they shared the same idea, however. Reno and Rude charged at Loz and Yazoo, ready to fight.

Meanwhile, in one of the newly constructed buildings, Kadaj and Shinra overlooked everything that was going on down below.

"Say, Kadaj. I've got a question for you." Shinra said.

"I've got an answer." Kadaj said haughtily.

"You said you needed Jenova cells in order to become whole again." Shinra explained. "What did you mean by that?"

"Him. He's coming back. Sephiroth." The remnant answered simply.

"The nightmare." Shinra muttered.

"So they say." Kadaj acknowledged.

"You mean..."

"I've never known Sephiroth. It's just...I sense him there." The gang leader explained. "It's unbearable to think that Mother might want Sephiroth more than..."

Kadaj stopped himself. The emotional pain was too great.

"Poor little remnant." Shinra taunted.

"It doesn't matter who she picks. You'll all meet the same end." Kadaj said angrily. "Mother came to this planet after a long journey. To rid the cosmos of fools like you. But, you know as well as I do. Nothing's changed since she got here. I have to change it to make her happy. If Mother willed it, I would do anything."

"Hm. The nightmare returns." The vice-president said plainly.

"As long as you exist. The nightmares will come again and again." Kadaj said sharply.

"The Lifestream courses through our planet. Back and forth across the borders of life and death." Shinra explained in his usual calm tone. "If that cycle is the very truth of life, then history, too, will inevitably repeat itself. So go on, bring your Jenovas and your Sephiroths. It won't matter. We'll do as life dictates and stop you every single time."

"Please, President. Is that your excuse for going after Mother yourself?" Kadaj asked ominously. "You don't seem all that sorry."

"Sorry?" Shinra half-questioned, half-joked. "Why, I've never had this much fun."

Kadaj only grew more upset and enraged Just then, his lower arm began to glow a bright light. He turned to the vice-president.

"Good. Then let's put an end to all this." Kadaj said in a chilling tone.

Kadaj's entire arm was now engulfed in a blueish aura. Shinra looked on without any visible emotion as the gang leader launched a ball of magic into the clouds.

Thunder and lightning began to form as the clouds shaped into a funnel. Some of the panicking people stopped to watch the strange spectacle.

Within the clouds a huge, dragon-like creature began to form. The creature was known as Bahamut SIN. It roared and glided down toward the center of town.

People became even more scared as the monstrous creature bared down on the town. Tifa was still trying to get Denzel to move. She looked around trying to think of something.

"Denzel, we've got to get away." She said fearfully.

The thumping of paws alerted her that one of the shadow creatures was heading right for her. She turned and readied herself for a fight. Just as the creature was about to attack, a pair of even larger feet landing right on top of it. Tifa looked up in shock to find Bahamut SIN right in front of her. It gave a mighty roar as Tifa held on to Denzel protectively. The mighty Bahamut creature eyed the monument with consideration. Then, it leaped up and perched itself on top of it.

Reno and Rude we busy battling Yazoo and Loz when Reno stopped in his tracks, accidentally whacking his friend in the face with his taser rod. He stared in awe at the massive creature in front of him. Rude got up and was about to punch Reno in the head when he, too, saw the monster. He stared at it in dread.

"Hello." Reno squeaked.

"Hell no." Rude muttered.

They both made a run for it. Loz and Yazoo gave chase. Reno made an effort to grab one of the infected kids. Though this proved to be difficult since the kid was resisting. Loz suddenly came in ready for a round two, but Reno continued to run with the child in-tow.

Bahamut SIN thrusted up into the air and began charging an attack. A blue light began to form within it's mouth.

"Is it after us?" Reno asked in a panic.

"I'm not looking." Rude said.

They didn't have sense the Bahamut fired right on top of the monument. The blast completely destroyed it. People and debris flew everywhere from the shockwave. Looking down at the destruction, the Bahamut let out a victorious roar.

Amongst the smoldering debris, Reno and Rude slowly began to get up. Unaware to them, Loz and Yazoo were standing right behind them.

Yazoo chuckled at their expense.

"Are we having fun yet?" He taunted.

"The time of my life." Reno yelled as tried to place a kick right in Yazoo's face.

He missed his target, but he and Rude were up on their feet and ready to fight once more. Rude handled Loz while Reno took on Yazoo. The remnant dodged every kick and swing from the fire-haired Turk. Yazoo connected a kick to Reno's face sending him flying back several feet.

He got back up and charged.

"When are you gonna call it a day?" Reno asked as he swung his electro rod.

Yazoo dodged and jumped onto a building.

What? Just as soon as you give back Mother. That'll be the end of everything." Yazoo replied.

Reno growled and gritted his teeth. He angrily scaled the building wall and swung.

Meanwhile, Rude was trying to hold his own against Loz. They locked hands, both trying to overpower the other.

"Damned punks. What do you need Jenova's head for?" Rude asked as he headbutted the gang member.

This was followed up with several knee strikes. He then went for an open suplex, but to his utter shock, Loz was able to land on his feet. The remnant smiled viscously. He lifted the Turk up and threw him clear down the street.

Back with the other two, Yazoo and Reno were dodging and blocking each other's attacks.

"Forget your little Reunion and get a grip!" Reno yelled in irritation.

He swung wildly, but Lazoo was there to counterattack.

"All we want is to be with Mother!" He said harshly.

A single kick by Yazoo sent Reno flying. At the same time, Rude landed in a garbage heap. Loz landed not far from him while Rude struggled to get up.

"Mother will win. When she gets here, she'll decide what's best." Loz declared. "Now, where's Mother?"

There was a brief stand-off between the two until a large sign fell and bonked Rude in the head. He stumbled a bit, but then Reno landed on top of him causing him to collapse completely.

Reno was quick to stand back up, but in doing so, accidentally broke Rude's sunglasses. Rude looked at the crumbled glasses in awe. Thankfully, he had another pair with him which he swiftly put on.

"Mother, shmother. It's Jenova's frigging head!" Reno said in annoyance.

"Hey!" Loz yelled angrily.

"I will not have you refer to Mother that way." Yazoo said, sounding offended.

"You meanie!" Loz added.

Reno dusted himself off.

"Our apologies." Rude said

"You ma's cool." Reno added. "What the hell am I saying?!"

Reno jumped up with Yazoo meeting him in the air. Loz was too distracted by Reno's action to react to Rude charging at him and landing a shoulder bash and a right hook to the face. Reno was successful in striking Yazoo with his electro rod. He landed and gave his partner a thumbs up. Unfortunately, Loz immediately got up and charged back at them. Before Reno could even get back up properly, Loz connected a devastating punch to his face, sending both Turks flying backward. The tumbled and scraped to a stop. They got back up, facing each other's backs. Loz and Yazoo took either side, both smiling devilishly.

Back at the now destroyed monument, Bahamut SIN landed on the still intact podium. It roared and began tearing apart the ground around it. Denzel lay just a couple dozen feet away with an unconscious Tifa on top of him. He slowly woke up and got his bearings. He was no longer under the remnants' control. He turned to Tifa who was still out cold.

"Tifa?" He said softly.

He received no answer. Filled with grief and anger, he looked over at the monster responsible for all this chaos.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled in fury.

He ran for the Bahamut determined to make him pay for hurting his surrogate mother. Unknown to him, Tifa began to stir and wake up. The monster roared, ready to kill him. Denzel didn't stop, he charged, only to be stop by a mechanical hand which quickly transformed into a cannon that began firing at the beast.

The mechanical hand belonged to a dark-skinned man that wore a white, sleeveless jacket and fish net shirt and green sweatpants.

"You look after Mom." The man ordered.

"Barret." Tifa said, overjoyed.

"Marlene better be safe, huh?" Barret directed.

He ran toward the Bahamut. He was soon followed by a large, red dog with a black and white cat riding on its back. They were Red XIII and Cait Sith.

Red XIII launched himself and clamped his jaws onto the beast. Bahamut SIN screeched in pain, all the while Barret opened fire. The creature dived down and weaved everywhere to get the dog off it.

"We can't handle this!" Cait said in a panic.

Bahamut threw the two creatures off. Luckily, Red XIII landing safely with Cait landing on his back. The Bahamut was about to attack when it was blasted with a charged shot from Barret's cannon. It's attention was now him. The creature flew over to him, ready to eat him whole. Barret didn't have enough time to charge another shot, he could only stand there. He thought it was over for him until a giant shuriken collided with the monster.

Tifa and Denzel looked up to see a girl parachuting down to the ground. The girl wore a blue, floral shirt under a open, green jacket, tan shorts, black band on her head, and long, white shoes. Her name was Yuffie. She landed and giggled at Tifa.

"All right, who's been touching my materia?" Yuffie asked agressively.

"The bad guys, naturally." Tifa answered.

"Ooh." Yuffie growled irritably.

"Who's that?" Denzel asked.

Before Tifa could answer, four shadow monsters leapt up aiming right for them. Tifa shielded Denzel from the oncoming attack when another person came in and sliced all four away with a giant lance.

The man wore a blue shirt, green pants with a tan sweater tied around his waist. He also wore goggles and a red band on his left arm. His name was Cid.

"She's a beaut." He said pointing up. "Say hello to Shera, the latest model."

He ran for the beast where the others were battling.

"Where can I buy a phone?" Another voiced asked.

Tifa turned to see Vincent casually strolling toward the fight.

"Who's he?" Denzel asked again.

"They're our friends." Tifa answered simply.

Denzel looked at Tifa. Then he heard the sound of screeching tires. Cloud and the Main 7 had arrived in his bike. Cloud stopped and pulled a sword from his bike.

"Marlene's safe. I took her home." Cloud affirmed.

"Yes. The little darling's home, safe an-WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS THAT?!" Rarity squealed in terror, pointing at Bahamut SIN.

The Main 7 were all visibly mortified, Fluttershy nearly fainted. Twilight was the first to compose herself.

"Whatever it is, were all going to stop it for this world and our friends. Right everypony?" The purple princess asked.

"Ya got it Twi." Applejack said confidently.

"like you have to ask?" Rainbow said proudly.

Everypony and dragon were in agreeance. All except Rarity.

"But, darlings. Are you seeing that beast?" Rarity asked, still frightened.

"We've taken on worst." Rainbow pointed out. "C'mon, Rarity. Where's your faith?"

Rarity was still unsure, but the fact was that they were brought here for a reason. If reason was to take on a giant metal monster, then that's what she going to do.

"I suppose your right, Rainbow." The fashionista relented. "I just hope it will end the same, too."

"Are you ready, Cloud?" Twilight asked.

Cloud watched the Bahamut fly through the air. He was recollecting himself.

"I feel lighter." He said.

The others looked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Maybe I lost some weight from the dilly-dally." Cloud said calmly.

Tifa smiled. She understood what Cloud meant.

"Who are the colorful ponies?" Denzel asked.

"They're our new friends. Apparently they've been missioned to help us." Tifa said.

"That's right. And don't worry kid, we'll have that thing taken care of no sweat." Rainbow said as she began to fly.

Denzel nodded.

"I'm going back to the bar. I'll be waiting with Marlene." He said

Denzel ran, only to stop briefly and turn to Cloud.

"We'll see you there, won't we Cloud?" He asked.

Cloud nodded which made the boy smile. Then, he continued heading to the bar.

"Such a sweet boy." Rarity said.

"Uh, girls. Remember the monster." Spike said.

"Right. Let's go." Twilight called.

Tifa jumped aboard Cloud's bike and our heroes sped off toward Bahamut SIN. Meanwhile, Cloud's other friends scaled up the buildings to keep in range of the monster.

Barret fired rounds of bullets at the creature. Bahamut SIN swooped down and took aim at the cannon-armed mercenary. Barret didn't have time to fire all he could do was jump out of the way. The Bahamut fired a charged blast which destroyed the support. Barret was sent flying, but suddenly felt something grab his hand. He looked up to see a flying, blue pony.

"Thought you needed a lift." Rainbow said coolly. "Gosh, you're heavy."

"Hey! I worked hard to get this body." Barret vexed. "Thanks for the save though."

"No prob. Not everypony gets to say they were rescued by THE RAINBOW DASH!" Rainbow yelled victoriously.

"Right." Barret said nonchalantly.

Meanwhile Vincent kept the Bahamut distracted while Cid ran ahead. The pilot jumped forward and stab his lance deep into the Bahamut's back. It roared in pain, desperate to get the attacker off it. Cid held on tight, but was subsequently grabbed by Red XIII, just as Bahamut slammed into a tower.

Vincent continued his assault on the Bahamut. Twilight showed up by his side.

"Need any help?" She asked.

"That would be appreciated." Vincent replied.

Vincent continued his barrage of bullets while Twilight casted magical blasts. Both narrowly avoided The Bahamut's attacks, but, they kept up the pressure. Yuffie joined in throwing her shuriken at the Bahamut's eyes. Her acrobatics landed right next to Rarity.

"Shouldn't you be doing something?" Yuffie asked.

"Darling, offensive magical attacks are not really more strong-suit. I make dresses for a living." The ivory unicorn explained.

Then they noticed the monster charging up another blast right at them.

"Eek! I'm too young to die!" Rarity wailed as she pulled up a magical shield.

They both braced, but then Cid came in and drove his lance into the Bahamut's muzzle. He yanked and swung, trying to force the creature to turn. Spike came in a blew a gout of fire at the Bahamut's face to keep it distracted. Then a lasso tied itself around the Bahamut's left horn.

"You ain't hurtin mah friends on mah watched." Applejack said fiercely.

She pulled hard on her trusty lasso. The sudden tug forceed the Bahamut to fire up right at a tower connection. Thousands of pounds of fiery metal rained down. Barret was unlucky enough to be underneath it all. He looked up and gasped as the chunks of metal fell down towards him.

"Rainbow gal! I could use your assistance, again." He called.

This time however, Cloud was the one to swoop down and haul Barret onto a safer position.

"Hey, how you been?" Barret greeted.

Cloud didn't answered, he was too focused on Bahamut SIN. Cid, Vincent, Twilight were eyeing it, too, when Tifa, Pinkie, fluttershy, and Rainbow, and Spike showed up.

"Rarity's with Yuffie and AJ's over there." Rainbow said pointed to the orange earth pony.

"Good. Glad everypony's okay." Twilight said, relieved.

"Oh, I don't know about this." Spike said, clutching Rainbow's mane.

"C'mon. Where's your sense of excitement, Spike?" Rainbow asked pompously.

"Yeah, we do this all the time and we can have a big celebration afterward." Pinkie said excitedly.

Cloud was the first to strike. He jumped off the girder and swung his sword, but Bahamut caught in its teeth. It threw him forward and gave chase. Cloud blocked each strike with his swords. He grunted as the Bahamut flung him again. He landed on a tower support which gave him time to combine his two swords together. The Bahamut charged forward, but Cloud launched forward and struck again and again. The Bahamut swatted back, but Cloud was ready. He jumped up and back down slamming his blade into the monster's face, the impact pushed the it down into twisted wreckage below. The metallic dragon roared with rage and began charging up another ball. Everyone looked on in concern.

"What is it doing now?" Twilight asked.

Bahamut SIN regained it's footing before it started flying upwards.

Meanwhile, back at the building, Kadaj and Shinra watched the action unfold.

"This is too fun, sir. Any requests for the next act?" Kadaj asked cockily.

He turned to the vice-president, who was now out of his wheelchair. He threw his cloak aside exposing his bandaged body. In his hands, was a small capsule.

Kadaj was in shock while Shinra kept his smug smile.

"Mother!" Kadaj said in surprise.

"A good son would have known." Shinra said cheekily.

Then, without hesitation, he through the capsule over the edge. Kadaj watched the capsule fall, then looked back at Shinra. His face contorted between horror and fury. He screamed as the aura overcame his entire arm.

Back with our heroes, Bahamut SIN flew higher and higher into the clouds. Cloud knew what it was trying to do and gave chase. Barret was there to grab his hand.

"Alley-oop!" He yelled, throwing his friends after the monster.

Cloud tried to get in a shot, But the giant dragon blocked it and kicked him back down. Cloud tumbled down, but Cid was there to help him out. He swung his lance, which let Cloud land on it. The rest of the momentum launched Cloud back up. Next, Red XIII took his shirt collar in his mouth and threw him higher. Yuffie came next, lifting Cloud by his leg. Then Applejack lassoed his arm and tossed him further up.

"Ain't nothin to it, partner." She called.

Vincent came next. He leapt forward and grabbed Cloud's hand, throwing him even further up.

"Fly." He said.

Then it was Pinkie's turn. Rarity's magic kept her afloat while she held Cloud by his shoulders

"Tell the mean dragon I said "hi" Pinkie said happily.

She tossed him up even higher before landing on a girder right next to Rarity and Spike.

"Thanks for the boost, Rarity." Pinkie said, smiling.

"Your welcome, darling. But, let's not do that again. I was worried I might accidentally drop you." The fashionista said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, that would've been horrible." Spike added.

"No promises." Pinkie giggled while she winked at the unicorn.

Rarity and Spike gave her an incredulous look.

Next, Tifa caught Cloud's hand just as the top of the tower came upon them.

"No giving up." She encouraged.

She threw him up further. Finally, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all held on to him.

"Go kick that dragon's butt." Rainbow encouraged.

"You got this, Cloud." Twilight said.

"Um. Please be safe up there, Mr. Strife." Fluttershy cautioned.

Then, together, they threw Cloud toward the Bahamut. As Cloud got closer, Bahamut SIN launched the massive ball of energy down onto Midgar. Cloud readied his sword and dove right into it.

The other's looked up in worry. They all hoped their friend was still alive.

Cloud braved through the turbulent passage of the energy ball. Suddenly, he could see a female figure in front of him. He knew who it was. She lifted out her hand for him to grab it.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

Cloud answered by bringing his hand out to her. He grabbed and felt a sense of peace come over him. He came out through the other side of the energy ball where Bahamut SIN was waiting. He avoided it's mouth and plunged his sword into the back of the Bahamut's head. Then, he ran forward, slicing into the Bahamut with all his might. Blue fire engulfed the creature. He jumped off as the Bahamut sailed down to the ground. The Bahamut roared in pain as it took down and girders and supports before crashing down unto earth in an explosion fire and smoke.

Cloud then landed soon after. He caught his breath, but then sensed that something was happening. He turned to see a bright blue light in the distance.

"NOOOO!" Kadaj yelled furiously, trying to shoot Shinra.

Shinra dodged it by jumping off the building floor. He smiled as he pulled out a gun and fired at Kadaj. The remnant scowled at the vice-president before his eyes fell on the falling capsule.

"Mother!" He called out.

He jumped out the building just as the entire fell became incinerated by the magic blast. Kadaj dove toward the capsule. Reno and Rude were on the ground when they saw their boss in free-fall.

"Sir, no!" They both yelled, panicked.

Cloud was already on his way there with the Main 7 on his bike.

"Seriously? We take down one bad guy and now we have to deal with another?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Need I remind you of Kadaj and his gang." Cloud pointed out.

The blue pegasus remembered the run-in they had with them at the Forgotten City.

"Oh, right." She said sheepishly.

Kadaj was inching closer to the capsule. Shinra continued to shoot at the gang leader. One bullet punctured the capsule, causing it to leak it's contents. Two Turks shot safety nets over the ground, breaking Shinra's fall. Kadaj, on the other hand, landed on his feet unscathed.

Reno and Rude were beguiled to see Kadaj unhurt and with the capsule.

Kadaj inspected the capsule. Green fluid was leaking from it. He glared at Reno and Rude who had their eyes on Loz and Yazoo still. Then he saw Cloud and the Main 7 racing towards him.

Kadaj was not going to fight. He ran over and got onto his bike and began to drive off. Loz and Yazoo followed suit. Reno and Rude climbed up the building wall to rescue their boss, leaving Cloud and the Main 7 with Kadaj and his gang.

They tore down the streets of Midgar. Kadaj's gang then turned right onto a freeway on-ramp. Cloud and the Main 7 followed after

"It's never that simple is it." Rarity moaned. "We take care of that giant beast and now we have to deal with these ruffians."

"They have what they've been looking for. We can't let them get away." Cloud said.

"Oh, yeah. Something about "Mother?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Cloud said something about they need her to control this world. We certainly can't let that happen." Twilight said.

"And it's a high-speed chase, too. Ha, I was born for this." Rainbow boasted as she pumped her wings even faster.

Applejack rolled her eyes.

The Main 7 knew things weren't over yet. What they're unaware of is just how far it is from being over.

Part 6: Those Who Fight Further

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Cloud burned rubber as he gave chase to Kadaj and his gang. The Main 7 held on tight to his bike as they raced up the on-ramp and onto the highway. Kadaj plowed through the construction barrier as the four motorcyclists raced through the elevated road. Cloud barely had time swerve out of the way to avoid the tumbling barrier.

"Bad guy at three o'clock!" Rainbow yelled.

Everyone turned turned to see Yazoo pointing his gun at the team. He fired several shots, all barely missing as Cloud swerved violently. Loz then came up beside them and rammed them against the center divider.

"This is not good." Spike said. his face inches from the concrete divider.

Loz readied his Dual Hounds for an attack. Thinking quickly, Cloud mechanically opened the sword cases on his bike. The mechanism pushed Loz’s bike off of Cloud’s, which sent Loz careening into the parallel wall. He spun out of control along the highway.

Cloud pulled out his trusty Buster Sword and pulled a 180 degree turn. Yazoo fired more bullets, but Cloud was able to block them. He locked blades with Yazoo, but, knowing this was a waste of time, Cloud forced them both apart and raced after the gang leader.

Kadaj reached a fork in the road. He turned right, racing up the elevated road. Cloud was about the follow after, but Loz suddenly came up from behind them. He leaped into the air, ready to come down with a devastating punch. The Main 7 watched with terror.

"Cloud, get us out of here!" Rarity screeched.

The blond mercenary spun his bike out of the way just as Loz buried his fist into the asphalt.

"T-T-That w-was...close." Fluttershy stammered feebly.

"Too close." Spike said, clutching his tail.

While they had avoided Loz's assault, the last second maneuver forced our heroes onto the wrong road in reverse. Now, they were completely separated from Kadaj. Cloud turned his bike, facing it forward and continued down the highway. Loz watched the group with an exasperated look on his face. In a flash, he jumped back onto his bike and chased after Cloud and the Main 7 with Yazoo not far behind.

Kadaj, while on a different road, could still see Cloud and the Main 7 thundering down the parallel road. Both Kadaj and Cloud stared at each other with hateful glares. Our heroes entered a tunnel with the other gang members in hot pursuit.

"They're gaining on us." Twilight announced worriedly.

Loz then rode up the side of the tunnel and onto the ceiling where he was right on top of Cloud. He jumped down from his bike, ready to slam these nuisances into the ground. Cloud blocked his attack, but now they were spinning out of control down the tunnel.

"Ah'm gonna be sick." Applejack giddily.

"Forget that." Rainbow said sharply.

She rammed against Loz in an attempt to knock him off Cloud's bike. The remnant grunted, but held his ground. With a combined effort, Cloud and Rainbow pushed Loz off. However, he was able to land back on his bike.

Cloud pulled out another sword just as Yazoo began firing again. This time, Twilight casted up a shield in front of them to deflect the bullets. With the front protected, Cloud raced up alongside Yazoo and locked blades with him yet again. Loz, however, wasn't done. He slammed his fist into the road, tearing up the asphalt. With the newly-created anchor point, Loz lifted his bike and swung it a complete 180. He let go and watched it fly straight at Cloud and Yazoo.

Cloud saw the bike zeroing in on them. Yazoo smiled and chuckled evilly before sliding underneath. The Main 7 saw the incoming bike, too. They all gasped.

"Sweet Celestia! Incoming!" Rarity wailed in terror.

Twilight was about to stop the bike with her magic, but Cloud leaped off his bike and, as if it were in slow motion, he swung his sword upward, slicing the massive machine in two. The Main 7 looked with mouths dropped.

"Holy horseapples." Rainbow said in shock.

Suddenly, Loz appeared right in front of Cloud and swung. Cloud, however, was ready. He dodged and kicked Loz right into his sliced ride. What followed was a tremendous explosion. Cloud landed back onto his back.

"That was incredible." Spike applaused.

"More than incredible. It was epic!" Rainbow said, giving Cloud a light punch on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you showed that meanie who's boss." Pinkie said happily.

Unfortunately, Loz wasn't down for the count yet. With incredible speed, he appeared on Cloud's bike and deliver an uppercut to the mercenary. This was followed up with a kick to the face. The Main 7 were all dumbfounded.

"He survived?!" Rarity asked in shock.

"That guy is like a stubborn apple in a tree." Applejack said with a mix of surprise and annoyance.

Although in shock of Loz still being alive, Rainbow flew after the two. She reared up, preparing to buck Loz's face.

"Not this time." Loz said angrily.

He caught the pegasus' back leg and glared at her.

"Hey! Let go." Rainbow said fiercely.

"You and your stupid friends have caused more than enough trouble." Loz growled.

He mercilessly through the blue pegasus back at Cloud's bike. Twilight caught Rainbow with her magic and set he down next to her.

"You okay, Rainbow?" The Element of Magic asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Rainbow answered.

"What else can we do to help, Cloud?" The ivory unicorn asked.

They didn't need to worry about that much longer. As Loz and Yazoo began to gang up on Cloud, he steadied his two swords and counter both attacks. The three men spun around, but Cloud was able to kick them apart and slash at them repeatedly.

Loz's Dual Hounds was now sliced open. He pulled it from his arm and threw it against the wall just as it exploded. Both Loz and Yazoo landed on their remaining bike and the two screeched to a stop. Cloud and the Main 7 raced by them.

"Ha! Take that you jerks." Rainbow taunted.

Pinkie blew a raspberry at them. Both gang members stared on hatefully. Yazoo threw his, now halved, gun to the side and the two raced away in the opposite direction.

"I can't believe you were able to take those two down by yourself." Twilight said, impressed.

"Ya got some mighty fine skills there, Cloud." Applejack complimented.

"I'm able to handle things myself." Cloud said bluntly. "But, I appreciate the help."

"Happy to help." The purple alicorn said in appreciation.

"You can count on us with stopping bad guys. We're the Elements of Harmony after all." Rainbow said bombastically.

Meanwhile, At the other side of the tunnel, a helicopter was parked at the end. Reno and Rude stood at the mouth of the tunnel, ready for their plan.

"Hey, partner. This thing got any bite?" Reno asked, holding a makeshift bomb.

"Shinra technology at its finest." Rude answered.

"Oh, so you made this." Reno said.

"If nothing else, it's flashy." Rude said, holding up a second bomb.

"Oh-hoh." Reno said, amused.

"You love it, I know." Rude said charmingly.

"Looks like today we're clocking out early." Reno said.

Cloud and the Main 7 exited the tunnel. As they raced by them, Reno and Rude swore they saw Pinkie waving at them. Neither paid any mind, though. They watched as the group raced into the distance.

Yazoo and Loz had turned around, both itching for a second round. They were about to exit the tunnel, too. Then Yazoo saw the bombs ticking down. Reno gave a mischievous smile. Before anything could be said or done, a mighty explosion shook the entire road system.

"Sweet Celestia." Twilight said aghast.

"Eep." Fluttershy squeaked.

Kadaj rattled in his seat as the bombs went off. He looked up just as Cloud launched off the road above and zeroed in on gang leader. Kadaj turned his bike sideways and readied his sword. The two locked blades as their bikes skidded down the road. It was then that Twilight noticed that, not far up ahead, the highway ended and that there was nothing to keep them from falling off.

"Cloud, there's a dead end up ahead." Twilight warned fearfully.

Neither Cloud or Kadaj relented. They continued their swordfight until they both rocketed off the unfinished road. The Main 7 held on to each other as the screamed in fear. All except Pinkie who had her hooves up high having to time of her life. They all fell down onto a dusty hillside.

Cloud and Kadaj thrusted their swords at each other. While Cloud had barely missed, Kadaj was able to pierce Cloud's left sleeve, though it didn't hit skin. The Main 7 stared in shock. Then, as quickly as it happened, the two bikers separated. The two stared at each other for a second. Kadaj chuckled arrogantly before speeding off. Cloud braked to halt and watched Kadaj drive away. The mercenary grunted and put his Buster Sword away.

"Why'd you stop?" Applejack asked.

Cloud didn't answer. He looked over at his torn sleeve and ripped it off, revealing a red band around his arm. More importantly, however, his Geostigma infection on his arm was now on full display. The Main 7 all gasped with surprise and worry.

"So you are infected" Twilight said worriedly.

"How long have you had that?" Spike asked in concern.

"Several weeks. I try not to think about it. There are more important things to worry about." Cloud said without emotion.

"But, darling, you're sick." Rarity said, with unease in her tone. "You need to get that checked out."

"I've already told you there's no cure. I can worry about it later, but we need to take care of Kadaj." Cloud pointed out.

"Even in that condition?" The Friendship Princess asked. "Even from what little you've told us of the Geostigma it sounds pretty serious."

"If we don't stop Kadaj, the infection well be the least of our problems." Cloud answered grimly. "We have to put an end to this now."

Twilight and her friends looked amongst themselves, deciding whether they should continue or not despite Cloud's deteriorating health.

"Alright. Let's take down Kadaj." Twilight said.

Cloud nodded and drove after Kadaj.

"After this you are going to the doctor, Mister." Fluttershy sternly.

Cloud was a bit taken aback by Fluttershy's sudden forwardness.

"She just cares about you lot, darling. We all do." Rarity whispered.

Cloud didn't respond, but deep down, he felt heart-warmed.

Kadaj raced into the abandoned church and screeched to stop, destroying the flowerbed in the process.

"Mother!" He said worriedly.

He looked into the capsule through the large crack and found it was empty. All of the contents had leaked out of it during the chase. He couldn't believe it. All the hard and desperate work to get his "Mother" back had been all for naught. All of it gone, the one thing he had left.

"Mother. Mother!" He shouted, heartbroken.

Kadaj began to cry, holding the capsule close. He whimpered and yelled mournfully. Then, Kadaj heard to sound of an engine and turned his attention to the doors. He saw Cloud and the Main 7 through the crack. All the sadness he had, now transformed into rage.

"Hold on." Cloud called out.

The Main 7 held on tightly as Cloud pulled a wheelie and broke down the giant church doors. Kadaj faced his bike forward and shot a powerful blast at an unstable stone column. It tipped over, creating a makeshift ramp for Kadaj to escape out of the building. Our heroes watched Kadaj drove up the column as it collapsed. Cloud drifted onto his side under the pillar just as it crashed onto the ground. He slowed to stop.

"Could you not keep putting us through near-death experiences. My heart simply can't take it." Rarity said dramatically. "And neither can Fluttershy."

The fashionista softly fanned the poor yellow pegasus, who was on the verge of fainting, with her hoof.

Cloud wasn't paying attention. Instead, his attention was on Kadaj who fired another blast at the group. The resulting explosion catapulted everyone off Cloud's bike and filled the entire building with dust. Kadaj laughed sadistically as he stared into the dust cloud. Cloud staggered up, clutching his infected arm.

"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, ah think we all are." Applejack answered, coughing through the dust.

"You won't be for long." Kadaj shouted sadistically, charging up another blast.

"Uh, oh." Pinkie said.

All of sudden, the hole from the prior blast began guzzling up majestic-looking water. Cloud, Kadaj, and the Main 7 watched with wonder as spires of the liquid towered up and created a giant fountain that began raining down on everyone.

"Oh, c'mon! This is the last thing I need right now!” Rarity pouted as she wrung the water out of her, now ruined, mane.

Kadaj grunted in pain. The water felt like acid on his skin. Cloud on the other hand noticed his infection started to disappear. The others noticed, too. The Main 7 were caught completely off-guard by such an unexpected miracle.

"The water must be the cure." Twilight concluded.

"Yippee, we can save the kids now." Pinkie cheered happily.

Kadaj couldn't take it. He revved his bike and raced away as fast as he could. Cloud held his, now healed, arm, taking in the revelation he had just discovered. As he looked at the petals floating on the massive pool forming, he heard a familiar voice in his head.

"Let's go, Cloud."

"Let's go." Cloud said with determination.

"Right." The Main 7 all said.

And with that, they were giving chase to Kadaj once again.

"We have to tell everypony about this. We can heal all of those infected now." Twilight said excitedly.

"You mean everybody." Cloud pointed out.

"Right. Sorry." Twilight blushed.

"We still need to take down Kadaj though." Spike said.

"That's what we'll do first. And then this will all be over." Cloud said.

"Sounds like a good plan to me." Rainbow said.

"Agreed." Rarity said.

"Yay." Fluttershy said softly.

Unknown to any of them, it was far from over. Things would go from looking up to utterly nightmarish soon.

Part 7: The One-winged Angel

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Cloud and the Main 7 made their way through the rubble and dust of the ruined Shinra headquarters. The mercenary parked his bike and pulled out his Fusion Sword, alongside a second smaller blade. The Main 7 clambered off the bike and walked amongst the broken road, searching for Kadaj.

"Up there!" Rainbow exclaimed.

The others looked up to where the rainbow-maned pegasus was pointing. There, standing on a pile of broken concrete, Kadaj stood, smiling triumphantly, holding the cracked capsule.

"Brother, I'm with her at last." He hugged the capsule tight.

Cloud and Main 7 all glared at him.

"So, what's gonna happen now?" Cloud asked angrily.

Kadaj chuckled darkly and looked down at the capsule.

"Mother's going to tell me." He said simply.

"How subtle." Spike said sarcastically.

"Why are ya’ll so obsessed with this "Mother” bein?” Applejack asked irritably.

"I guess puppets don't get the memo." Cloud said flatly.

Kadaj gave a look of disdain. He stared at the group with malice in his eyes.

"So what if I'm a puppet." Kadaj's left hand began glowing blue. "Once upon a time..."

"Get ready, everypony" Twilight said fervently.

Cloud and the Main 7 readied himself for the imminent attack.

"YOU WERE, TOO." Kadaj shouted as he threw several magical flares at the team.

Cloud jumped after Kadaj, while Twilight summoned a shield to protect her friends from the attack. The flares bounced off the purple shield. Twilight lowered the shield once the barrage was over.

"Time to show him what we can really do." Rainbow pulled Spike onto her back and flew off.

"Rainbow, what are you doing?" Spike asked fearfully, clinging on to her mane.

"You'll see." The blue pegasus said.

Rainbow's takeoff was the queue for the others to give chase. Meanwhile, Cloud was busy locking swords with Kadaj. They both glided through the air trading blow for blow.

Once they landed, Kadaj spun backward to gain more space. Unknown to him, Rainbow flew towards him from behind.

"Alright, Spike. When I tell you to, give'em the biggest blast of fire you got." Rainbow instructed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Spike asked nervously.

"Trust me. He won't see it coming." Rainbow said confidently.

Kadaj was too distracted battling Cloud to realize what was happening behind him. Once Rainbow was close enough, she gave the signal.

"Now!" She yelled.

Spike drew in a large breath and bathed the remnant in a blast of green fire. Kadaj jumped from the flames, smoldering but unfazed, and kicked Rainbow in the stomach. Both pegasus and dragon tumbled to the ground. Cloud went in for a swing, but Kadaj was too quick and leaped onto a pile of rubble.

"That guy’s tough." Spike got up.

"Well, so are we." Rainbow coughed, rubbing her sore stomach. "You're not hurt are you?"

"Nope, I'm fine." Spike said.

"Good, cuz Twi would've killed me if you weren't." Rainbow said.

Speaking of Twilight, she flew high above Kadaj and shot several magic blasts at him. He smoothly dodged each one and leapt toward the princess.

"Yipe!" The princess shrieked as Kadaj swung wildly.

Thankfully, she avoided getting chopped. Kadaj landed back down onto the ground and locked swords with Cloud yet again. Just then, the Shera flew in, breaking up the fight. Inside, Cloud's other friends watched from above.

"Cloud, I brought you materia." Yuffie said, holding a bunch of colorful, glowing orbs.

The aircraft lurched forward.

"Woah! Hey, watch it!" Yuffie exclaimed crossly.

"Yo, Cid! Land this junk heap." Barret commanded.

"Shut up! You want off, then jump!" Cid replied indignantly.

"Cloud can handle this alone." Vincent said.

"Huh?" Yuffie was confused.

"Kadaj is a remnant of Sephiroth." Vicent explained. "Think of him as a larval form."

"Larva? You mean he's an insect?" Yuffie asked in disgust.

"Lassie, shut your gullet." Cait Sith said.

Red XIII glared up at him.

"So the punk's gonna become Sephiroth." Cid concluded.

"Vincent. Does Cloud know about Kadaj?" Tifa asked.

"...One would think." Vincent answered simply.

"Then you're right. It's his fight now." Tifa said.

"What about those colorful, horse friends he has? Why are they helping?" Yuffie asked.

"I'm pretty sure those a ponies. They're way to small to be horses." Tifa pointed out.

"I believe they are from another world, sent to help us." Vincent replied.

"Help? Like a miracle?" Tifa asked.

"Perhaps. It's best we leave them to it. We need all the help we can get." Vincent said.

"What? I don't get it. Why can't we help out?" Yuffie asked in annoyance.

"This is man talk." Cid said.

"Sexist. Sexist!" Yuffie said, offended.

"Wheesht, lassie, shut your mouth." Cait Sith said angrily.

"Men don't get it either." Barret said.

"Two years ago, think of the strength that all had when we had that last battle." Tifa said softly. "It's only been a couple years...but already that strength has gone. For Cloud, I think he's found it again.

Outside, Cloud and Kadaj continued striking blades. Kadaj then yanked the Buster Sword from Cloud and threw it back causing it the lodge into a wall.

Barret sneered.

"He's got ten minutes." He said.

"That's Cloud. A royal pain in the ass, like always" Yuffie sighed.

"Cloud is Cloud." Tifa smiled.

Cloud managed to pull his sword out and glared at the gang leader, who was currently occupied with Applejack and her lasso. Fluttershy hid behind her apple farmer friend.

"You doing okay, sugarcube?" Applejack kept her eyes on Kadaj, but was speaking to Fluttershy.

"I...just wished we didn't have to fight." The shy pegasus said sadly.

"Neither do ah, Flutters. But, it's pretty clear this guy ain't goin peacefully." The apple farmer said.

"Yeah, but still..." Fluttershy said.

Cloud viscously kicked Kadaj away and went after him.

"Violence should never be the answer." Fluttershy lowered her head in grief.

Applejack put a hoof on her friend's shoulder to comfort her.

Meanwhile, Cloud and Kadaj stared at each other across a building roof. Kadaj gritted his teeth and jumped upward, ready to impale Cloud. The Buster Sword began to emanate to greenish-blue aura. Just as Kadaj was about to strike, Cloud gave a mighty slash. Kadaj was sent backward over the roof, however, he managed to grab a steel overhang. He looked down, watching his sword fall into the dusty abyss. He winced, suddenly Cloud and the Main 7 were their standing on the overhang. There was a long silence.

"Well, are we gonna finish him off?" Rainbow asked expectantly.

"Must we kill him, darling?" Rarity asked apprehensively.

"Eep." Fluttershy squeaked.

"He has caused a lot of problems." Applejack pointed out.

"We've made friends with reformed creatures before." Spike said. "Remember Discord?"

"Ah'd definitely say this guys worse than Discord, Spike." Applejack replied.

"We still shouldn't leave him to die." Twilight said.

"Maybe he just needs a friend." Pinkie said cheerfully.

Having enough of the bantering, Kadaj threw the capsule up. All eyes were on it, which was all the distraction Kadaj needed. The leader launched himself at the capsule and held it close. He pulled something out of it and threw the capsule away. He stared at Cloud and the Main 7.

"Welcome to my Reunion." He said sadistically.

Cloud glared and jumped after him.

"Should we go after them?" Spike asked.

While the Main 7 debated whether to follow or not, Cloud drew closer to Kadaj. Kadaj, on the other hand, pushed whatever was in his hand into his chest. Black smoke began to pour out as the remnant yelled in agony. He landed on an archway and slowly held up his hand. Cloud came down blade first, but was stopped. Through the dust, the figure that stood was no longer Kadaj, he was taller and had long, silver hair along with silver plates on his shoulders. he also wielded a long, but thin sword; the Masamune. Cloud stared in shock and disbelief.

"Good to see you, Cloud." The figure spoke darkly.

Cloud's eyes widened in shock. One slash from the figure's sword was all that was needed to send Cloud upward. Cloud landed safely on top of a building. Twilight teleported herself and her friends over to the blond swordsman.

"Cloud, what happened?"

Before he could answer the figure jumped up and landed on the building, too.

"Your Geostigma is gone." The figure said. "That's too bad.

Although Twilight and her friends had never see the figure before, they all came to the same conclusion.

"C-Cloud." Twilight shuddered. "Is that..."

"Sephiroth." Cloud said angrily. "What do you want?"

"The last thoughts of Geostigma's dead." Sephiroth smiled. "Those remnants will join the Lifestream and girdle the planet, choking it, corroding it."

The Main 7 were frightened, yet perplexed.

"What is he talking about?" Rarity asked.

"What I want, to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel. Just as my mother did long ago." Sephiroth lifted his hand. Dark clouds quickly spiraled in and covered the entire sky.

"Then one day we'll find a new planet and on it's soil we'll create a shining future." He continued.

"Well, we are not gonna let that happen." Rainbow stated confidently. "Aren't we girls?”

Despite all the new-found fear, the rest of the Main 7 let go of each other and stood their ground.

"That's right! We'll do everything to stop you." Twilight announced.

"Pitiful last words for an up-incoming leader." Sephiroth said darkly.

Twilight was taken aback at Sephiroth's words. "Wait, how did you..."

"What about this planet." Cloud asked sternly.

"Well, that's up to you, Cloud." Sephiroth said sinisterly.

Lightning crashed down as Sephiroth pounced at our heroes. Cloud and Main 7 all did the same. Cloud's and Sephiroth's swords clashed together. The battle began.

Down below, people watched as dark streams of energy flowed down the ruined buildings. Within their home, Marlene and Denzel stood in front of the window. Denzel held his head in pain while his sister looked sympathetically at him. Marlene heard the sound of a water droplet. She looked up.

"Is it her?" She asked to herself.

Visions of the flooded church and a figure dressed in red and pink flowed through her head.

Meanwhile, Cloud and the Main 7 struggled to combat their new foe. Cloud's Buster Sword clashed with the Masamune. Sephiroth launched Cloud away. Rainbow flew toward him, ready to ram him. Sephiroth positioned his sword, ready to strike. Rainbow turned at the last possible second just a Sephiroth swung his sword. The blue pegasus barely dodged out of the way, but lost a couple feathers.

"Am I really that predictable?" She asked herself.

Just then Sephiroth felt something poke his shoulder. He turned to see Fluttershy in front of him, glaring at him.

"You stop that right now, mister." Fluttershy said, giving him "The Stare."

Sephiroth gave her a confused glare before winding up for a front stab. Fluttershy squeaked, putting her hooves over her eyes in fear. Just before Sephiroth could impale Fluttershy, a streak of rainbow whizzed by and pulled the animal caretaker out of the way.

"Are you crazy, Fluttershy?!" Rainbow held her friends front hooves with her own.

She was relieved Fluttershy was still alive, but still very much upset over what could've happened.

"I-I-I thought "The Stare" w-would work." Fluttershy stammered.

"Well, unfortunately it didn't." Rainbow said uneasily as she watched Sephiroth slam Cloud into a building.

The mercenary smashed through the window, but immediately got back up just as Sephiroth swooped in. Cloud blocked the impending slash and jumped off the far wall. Sephiroth gave chase. Each traded sword blows, all the while dancing around each other and around the building supports. They locked blades.

"Oh, where did you find this strength?" Sephiroth asked darkly.

"I'm not about to tell you." Cloud said angrily.

He thrusted forward sending his archnemesis through the building ceiling. He jumped after him. Cloud found himself outside, and Sephiroth was nowhere to be found. He looked around trying to find him. Then he heard a crash, he looked up and saw a giant piece of burning debris falling toward him. He jumped onto another building just as the debris crashed against the walls of the building. Sephiroth then came down and swung. Cloud quickly blocked it, jumped up into the air and came down slamming his sword into the ground, the impact created a three-way claw mark through the metal shell of the building, but Sephiroth was nowhere to be found.

Cloud looked up and saw the One-winged Angel landing softly on an elevated building level. Suddenly, Pinkie dropped her party cannon right in front of him.

"Surprise attack!" Pinkie shouted in excitement.

Before Pinkie could hit the button, Sephiroth swung his sword and sliced the cannon in two. Both pieces fell to the ground. Pinkie stood their in shock and heartbreak, her mane flattened and became a darker shade of pink, no longer conveying her happy, bubbly self.

"How could you?” She whimpered

Pinkie began to cry, a fountain of tears sprayed out from her eyes. Sephiroth paid no attention and sliced a chunk out of the building. The chunk slid forward and was about to crush Cloud, but he leaped out of the way. Sephiroth met him in the air and continued their swordfight.

Twilight and Spike saw the whole commotion. Twilight felt horrible for the grieving, pink earth pony. She landed next to Pinkie, who was still crying her eyes out. Spike got off Twilight's back and placed his hand on Pinkie's side to comfort her.

"Oh, Pinkie, I'm so sorry this happened." Twilight comforted. "We'll try to fix it when we get back home."

She tried to think of something else to say.

"Don't you have a spare?" She asked cautiously.

All of a sudden, Pinkie stopped crying and her mane went back to being it's normal bright and poofy self.

"Oh, you're right Twilight, in fact, this was the older model. I hardly use this one anymore." Pinkie said happily.

Twilight was surprised. She didn't think Pinkie Pie actually had a second party cannon.

"Wait, you have more than one?" She asked.

"Of course I do, silly." Pinkie giggled. "What kind of party pony would I be if I didn't."

Pinkie then hopped after the two swordsmen. Twilight looked over to Spike, who just shrugged.

"Let's not think about that. We still need to help Cloud." The baby dragon said.

Back with Cloud and Sephiroth, the two collided swords. The spiky-haired SOLDIER pushed Sephiroth back and gave chase.

"I've thought of a wonderful present for you." Sephiroth sailed up, slicing off a girder from a building. Cloud sliced through it.

Down on a building rooftop, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy were busy searching for the clashing duo.

"Where in Equestria did they get off to?" Applejack wondered.

"You tell me, Applejack." Rarity replied. "Because I don't see them anywhere-"

"Girls, watch out from above!" The Friendship Princess wailed.

The three mares looked to see the two girder pieces plummeting down toward them. Thinking quickly, Rarity stopped the two pieces with her magic just before they could crush to three of them. Rarity struggled to keep the heavy pieces of steel in her magical grasp. With all her strength, she thrust the pieces away. The fashionista breathed heavily from the strain.

"Rarity, that was incredible!" Rainbow said thrillingly.

"T-Thanks, darling, but we still need to find Cloud." The white unicorn said.

"They're over there." Rainbow pointed to the two specks, seemingly, flying up Shinra's main tower.

"How are we supposed to keep up with those two?" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Can't you just teleport us there?" Spike asked.

"You know it takes more effort than that, Spike." Twilight indicated.

"Maybe you can get us there once they reach a stalemate, Twi. Ah don't see how we can get to them by hoof." Applejack said.

She was right; they were so far ahead that jumping across buildings would take too long and even then, they were surrounded by fire.

"You have a point, Applejack." Twilight admitted. "Alright, that's what we'll do."

While this was happening, Cloud and Sephiroth continued their swordfight.

"Shall I give you despair?" Sephiroth asked malevolently.

He knocked Cloud downward and flew upward. Fortunately, Cloud lodged his sword into the side of the tower and balanced on it. He looked up at Sephiroth, who smiled down at him.

"On your knees. I want you to beg for forgiveness." Sephiroth threatened.

Just as he said that, a huge portion of the tower broke loose and began to crumble down toward both of them. Sephiroth swung his sword creating a wall of rubble. Thinking on his feet, Cloud separated a part of his sword from the rest then lodged it into the tower. Once the time was right, he pulled the two swords out, backflipped, and began slicing his way through the falling debris. As he sliced through one particular piece, Sephiroth came down swinging. Cloud blocked the blow and the two clashed as pieces of building rained down around them.

They both realized their platform was becoming unstable. They both jumped up, dodging falling rubble left and right. All the while continuing their fight. Cloud began to make a retreat and slashed through the pieces. Sephiroth merely glared at him. The rubble crashed down to the ground, creating a wall of dust. Cloud leapt higher and higher until he found a place to stop. he keeled over in exhaustion. Just then, The Main 7 teleported right next to him.

"Cloud, are you okay?" Rainbow asked worriedly.

"Not really." Cloud got back up.

Without warning, Sephiroth appeared and prepared for a landing slash. Cloud rolled out of the way. Sephiroth completely missed the Main 7 who saw it as a signal to attack. They tried getting a hit on him while avoiding the giant sword, but Sephiroth was too evasive and too quick on the draw. Spike, unfortunately, got too close, leading to the Masamune slicing into his cheek and ear frill. He yelped from the searing pain.

"Spike!" Twilight wailed, fearing for her best friend's life.

With Twilight's attention away from him, Sephiroth took this opportunity to nail the purple alicorn in the chest with the sword handle. Twilight tumbled to the ground, holding her chest in pain.

"Don't you hurt my friends!" Rainbow yelled furiously.

She flew toward the One-winged angel at great speed, but Sephiroth simply grabbed her by the mane and viscously threw her at Applejack. Both collided and landed in a heap. Rarity grabbed the Masamune with her magic and furiously tried pulling it from Sephiroth's grasp. Sephiroth wasn't too pleased by this and kicked Rarity in the face. He then turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie who were holding each other. Both of them were too terrified to move.

“Defeating me is meaningless.” Sephiroth said coldly. “You know that more than anyone, Cloud.”

The former SOLDIER’s green eyes locked onto Cloud, who readied his sword. Sephiroth pounced and clashed swords with Cloud. The mercenary struggled to counter each strike. Sephiroth mixed it up with a punch that pushed Cloud back. Again and again they blocked each other’s sword attacks. Then, Sephiroth delivered a knee strike right into Cloud’s stomach. The hit sent Cloud flying into the rubble behind him. Sephiroth pointed his sword forward and ran toward the cloud of dust. Suddenly, Cloud appeared with a blue aura surrounding him. He ran forward and swung wildly. Sephiroth readjusted and blocked the oncoming slashes. Cloud flipped back and then jumped up positioning his sword so it would slice his foe down the middle. Unfortunately, this would end up being a mistake. Sephiroth lunged his sword forward at the descending Cloud. The Masamune plunged into Cloud's abdomen. Cloud groaned and gasped in pain as blood spurted from his wound. The Main 7 could only watched with horror.

"NO!" Twilight shrieked.

"Is this the pain you felt before, Cloud?" Sephiroth asked darkly.

Cloud didn't answer.

"Let me remind you. This time you won't forget." A large, black wing appeared from Sephiroth's back.

Cloud only had time to realize what was going to happen before the One-winged Angel swung his sword up, sending Cloud flying into the sky. Sephiroth launched himself after him. Cloud managed to counter the first couple of slashes, but then the slashes turned to stabs. Sephiroth pierced through Cloud's arms, midsection, and even through his right foot. Cloud desperately grabbed ahold of the blood-soaked blade, but Sephiroth swung downward causing Cloud to plummet toward the earth. He slammed into the ground. The Main 7 were at his aid immediately.

"Cloud! Cloud! Can you hear me!?" Twilight asked, freaking out.

"T-There's s-s-so much b-b-b-blood." Fluttershy whimpered.

"Stay with us sugarcube. You'll be alright." Applejack said.

"That monster. He'll get what's coming." Rainbow seethed through tears.

Cloud struggled to get up. Blood leaked everywhere, staining the ground. Cloud managed to use his sword as a support and began to get back up. Applejack and Rarity helped him up.

"Tell me what you cherish most. Give me pleasure of taking it away." Sephiroth dived toward Cloud and the Main 7, ready to slice them to pieces.

For brief moment all Cloud could comprehend was the Main 7's screams of terror and his life flashing before his eyes.

All Cloud could see was white. He was still covered in blood and in pain. Then came a familiar voice.

"So what if it looks hopeless. Even if it were me, I still wouldn't give up."

Cloud recognized the voice, but he didn't respond.

"Embrace your dreams and whatever happens protect your honor as SOLDIER."


"Well, okay, you never made SOLDIER, but it's what's in here that counts.

The figure gestured to his chest, where his heart would be.

"Zach?" Cloud asked in wonder.

"Well, you need a hand with him?"

Cloud shook his head and got up from kneeling.

"You already beat him once. Didn't you? This should be a cinch."

"Yeah." Cloud said.

"Cloud, you know what I told you?"

"That's right. I am your living legacy." Cloud answered.

Cloud was now back into reality. He jumped upward toward Sephiroth, much to the surprise of the Main 7. Cloud clashed his sword with Sephiroth. He jumped off a wall, which Cloud followed.

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all." Cloud said. "There's not a thing I don't cherish."

Sephiroth just smiled wickedly. Cloud readied his sword and swung hard. The One-winged Angel blocked, but Cloud magically separated his Buster Sword into several blades. Sephiroth was taken aback. Cloud took one sword and slashed through Sephiroth. Smoke began pouring out from the silver-haired swordsman's body. Cloud took each sword and swung as Sephiroth gasped and grunted. Cloud hovered over him and descended toward him. Each blade took one last slash through the One-winged Angel before he landed the final blow.

Cloud landed on the ground as the blades planted themself into the metal. The Main 7 stared with wide eyes and mouths agape. Cloud looked up at the smoking Sephiroth.

"Stay where you belong. In my memories." Cloud said.

"I will...never be a memory." Sephiroth said sinisterly.

His black wing enveloped him and through the dissipating smoke and feathers, Kadaj fell from it and onto the ground. The Main 7 were left puzzled.

"Wait, so Kadaj was Sephiroth the whole time?!" Twilight asked in shock.

"No, he absorbed the remains of Jenova and used his body as a host. They are two different people." Cloud explained.

"Oh, so that's why they needed the capsule." Twilight wrote down the explanation in her notebook.

Kadaj struggled to get up, but he still had his sword with him. Cloud and Main 7 were prepared for another fight. Kadaj stared at them with whatever rage he had left. He ran forward to attack, but he was too weak and collapsed. Cloud caught him in his arms.

"Brother..." Kadaj wheezed.

"Kadaj." A female voice came. Rain began to fall, soaking everyone in water.

"Are you serious? Now of all times?" Rarity flung her wet mane back from her eyes.

"Not now, Rarity." Applejack hissed.

"You don't have to hold on any longer."

"Mother, is that..." Kadaj spoke.

"Everyone's waiting, if you're ready."

Kadaj smiled slowly and held his left hand out, as if try to grab something. His breaths sounded labored, but also relieved. Then, starting from his hand, he began to dissipate into orb-like energy. Cloud and Main 7 watched in awe as Kadaj;s body began to fade into the spiritual energy. Once he was completely gone, Cloud stood back up.

"What just...happened?" Rainbow asked.

"He finally let go. Back into the Lifestream." Cloud answered simply.

Down below, people watched the rain pour down. This was no ordinary rain, however. A boy and a girl, infected with Geostigma, realized their infections were disappearing. This special water was the cure. Others that were infected walked out into the streets to let the water rid them of their infection, even Rufus Shinra was healed.

High above, in the Shera, Tifa and her friends celebrated Cloud's victory.

"Oh, yeah. We rock!" Yuffie exclaimed.

"What'd I tell you?" Barret said victoriously.

"That's my boy, Cloud." Cait Sith said happily.

"A little push is what he needs, that's all." Tifa exclaimed joyfully.

"Ya'll calm down. Hang on to your britches." Cid ordered.

Tifa looked up, her eyes falling on a single water droplet.

"Somehow I knew you were there. Thank you." She said.

Cloud and Main 7 watched the large aircraft preparing to land.

"So, is it all over now?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Twilight pulled the dragon in with her wing.

A small smile formed on Cloud's face. He closed his eyes, relishing the moment of peace he finally had.

Suddenly, a gunshot. Suddenly, searing pain tore through Cloud's chest. He fell onto his knees. The Main 7 watched with fright as Cloud crumpled o his knees, they all looked to see, to their horror, Yazoo and Loz standing their, both with multicolor lights glowing from the left arms. They had survived the explosion, but were both battered and bruised. Green energy and black smoke flowed out from their bodies.

"We will go together..." Yazoo said in pain.

"Together, we'll play." Loz wheezed.

"How did you two survive?!" Rarity asked in terror.

"Doesn't matter. You'll all come with us, too." Yazoo weakly aimed his gun at the Main 7.

Cloud, with all the rage he could muster, rushed at them, yelling furiously.

"Cloud, wait!" Twilight called out.

Loz and Yazoo stuck their left arms out as the glowing lights grew brighter. Just as Cloud came down at them with his sword, a tremendous explosion shook the entire building.

"Cloud!" The Main 7 screamed in shock.

Tifa and Yuffie both looked down with shocked looks from the Shera. Denzel and Marlene watched from the window of their home, holding hands.

"He'll come back. He said that he would." Denzel said.

Part 8: A Cure at Last

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The first thing Cloud could discern, as he was beginning to fall back to consciousness, was that he felt as if he was floating in midair. His eyes were still closed so he couldn't see what was going on, but, he didn't need to. Cloud felt a hand touching his forehead.

"Mother?" He asked groggily.

"Again? Why is everyone calling me their mother lately?" The figure lifted their hand off of Cloud.

"I guess they most be fond of you." Another voice said.

"This one a little too big to adopt." The female voice joked.

"Tough luck, friend. Sounds like you don't have a place here." The male voice spoke sincerely.

Cloud wondered to himself.

Am I in a dream?

Suddenly, Cloud felt like he had gone into freefall. He didn't panic, he didn't even flinch. The freefall didn't last long as the mercenary came to slow stop. Eyes still closed, he didn't notice a wolf had walked up and inspected him. Then, it was gone as soon as it arrived.

Cloud finally decided to open his eyes. When he did, the first thing he noticed were several hands laying on his torso. Then came the sound of trickling water. As he got his bearings and his mind set back into reality, he realized he was back at the run-down church where he and the Main 7 had confronted Kadaj. Not only that, he lay in the pool of water that was created earlier surrounded by several children. Cloud looked amongst the kids as well as the crowd that had gathered around the outskirts of the body of water. Then one of the kids spoke.

"It's like she said. Wait here and Cloud will come back."

Cloud didn't know what to say. He was still too stunned to really conjure up an answer.

"Welcome back." A voice said.

Cloud turned to see Marlene along with his friends standing by the side of the water, smiling at him. Pinkie was the first to really show her relief. She practically tackled Cloud with a hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay. We thought we lost you." The party mare cried.

"Even though we had faith that you would return. Ya still gave us quite the scare, Cloud." Applejack said.

"I'm back." Cloud said simply.

"Still don't have a way with words." Rainbow chuckled.

Applejack and Twilight both gave the pegasus a scornful look. Rainbow winced.

"Sorry." She said.

"There are still children with the stigma." Red XIII pointed to Denzel.

"Yeah." Cloud slowly walked up the water's edge where Denzel stood.

Pinkie hopped off of Cloud and landed back with her friends, giving Denzel a good pat on the back. It was clear to the others that the boy was nervous, however. Tifa came up to him.

"Hey, let's get you fixed up." She said softly.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Fluttershy encouraged, putting a hoof on Denzel's shoulder.

Cloud reached his hand out to him.

"Come on. I'm here." Cloud assured.

Denzel was still a bit hesitant. Who could blame him. The last time he came into contact with mysterious water it brainwashed him.

"It's okay." Tifa said calmly.

"Go on, sugarcube." Applejack encouraged.

Denzel relaxed himself and walked up to the edge. Cloud took him by the sides of his torso and hoisted him into the water. The two looked at each other. Calmness came over then both. Cloud then scooped up a handful of water and held it over Denzel's head. The others watched in anticipation. Cloud drizzled the water on the boy's head. Denzel held his hands up, shielding his eyes from the water. He looked down at his reflection in the water and realized, with wide eyes, the infection on his forehead was gone. He looked up to Cloud who nodded, confirming what he was seeing was real. Denzel looked back at the others with the biggest smile ever, laughing joyfully.

The crowd erupted into celebration as other infected people hopped into the curing waters.

"It worked, it worked!" Tifa shouted happily.

"Wahoo!" Pinkie cannonballed into the water.

"Pinkie, you're not infected!" Twilight called out.

"Yeah, but the water's great. C'mon, hop in." Pinkie said.

"Last one in is a rotten egg." Cid said jokingly.

"Thanks, but, no thanks." Rarity said under her breath.

She was still put off by her ruined mane. That didn't matter, though. Children hopped around in the water, excited as can be. Cloud watch the infected people enter the water with happiness and content as the crowd cheered. Then, his eyes fell upon a familiar figure standing over two crouching children. Cloud's eyes widened.

The figure was obviously female. She had braided, brown hair and wore a red vest with a long, pink skirt. She walked over to the church's entrance where a male figure was standing against the doorframe, arms crossed. He had black, spiky hair and wore a black, sleeveless sweater and two metal, shoulder plates. Cloud knew who those two more than anyone; Aerith and Zach.

Aerith looked over at Cloud.

"You see. Everything's alright." She said warmly.

She turned as Zach waved his hand goodbye. The two figures walked out of the church and disappeared within the blinding sunlight.

Cloud took a second to comprehend what he saw. A smile formed on his face.

"I know. I'm not alone. Not anymore." He thought to himself.

"Hey, Cloud. What are you looking at?" Rainbow waved her front hoof in front of Cloud's eyes.

Cloud immediately snapped out of his thoughts.

"Hmm, just some old friends." He replied.

The blue pegasus turned to see where Cloud was looking at, but she didn't see anyone. She was obviously confused, but she shrugged, not wanting to spoil Cloud's moment.

"Okay...then." She said to herself.

Twilight watched the people enjoying themselves in the pool. They once were infected with the Geostigma, but now the came out cured and clean.

"It's great to see the Geostigma finally get eradicated." Twilight said happily.

"Yeah." Cloud said. "Hey, Twilight?"

"Yeah, Cloud." Twilight said

"Thank you for your help. You and your friends helped me understand that being with others is what helps win the battle." Cloud said.

"Aw, your welcome, Cloud." Twilight said softly.

"Ain't nothin to it." Applejack said.

"That's what were here for, darling." Rarity conceded.

"Yeah, now you have your other friends to be by your side." Pinkie pulled the two friend groups into a massive hug.

"Help, I can't breath." Rainbow sputtered.

"I'm not really much of a hugger." Cid said awkwardly.

"So much for personal space." Barret rolled his eyes.

"Pinkie!" Rarity snapped.

Pinkie let go and the hug was dropped.

"What? What better way to bring two groups together and closer than ever than with a hug." The sugar-loving mare giggled.

"How about something simple. Like a high-five." Barret held his open hand out.

Spike saw the opportunity and high-fived the militant leader.

"Sweet." He said happily.

Vincent chuckled in amusement.

"But, seriously. We appreciate the thanks, Cloud. It means a lot to us." The alicorn said.

Cloud nodded.

"I'm glad this ended nicely." Fluttershy added.

"So, now that that gang is taken care of and the Geostigma has a cure, does that mean the mission is over?" Rainbow wondered.

No sooner had she asked that question, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack's cutie marks began to glow and Spike's scales began to glow too. A portal formed right behind them. Their mission was complete.

"What in the name of..." Cid trailed off.

"Welp, there's ya answer, Dash." Applejack remarked.

"Wait, you mean you can't stay here?" Tifa asked.

"Yeah, it seems that it's time to head back home." Twilight said wistfully.

"So, Vincent was right. You came here to help us." Yuffie concluded.

"Yep, it's what we do as the Elements of Harmony." Rainbow said coolly.

"Well, I hope you all can come back soon." Tifa said. "It's nice having a bit of color in our lives. Metaphorically and literally."

"It was the most fun we've had ever!" Pinkie bounced around excitedly.

"Fun wouldn't be the best way I'd describe it." Rarity winced, remembering the nightmarish fight they had with Sephiroth.

"Keep yourselves safe." Cloud said

"We will. Alright, girls. Let's go back home." Twilight said.

Rarity was the first to enter seeing how she was itching to get back home. Denzel hugged Fluttershy, who hugged him back.

"Aw, I hope the best for you, sweetie." Fluttershy cooed.

Denzel nodded and waved goodbye as the cream-yellow pegasus walked through the portal. Rainbow gave Cid a fist/hoof bump before taking her leave.

Pinkie, Applejack, and Spike followed after her, leaving only Twilight.

"I hope things will get better for you, Cloud." Twilight said.

"They will." Cloud replied.

The purple alicorn smiled, gave one last hug to the blond mercenary, and walked through the portal.

Cloud had a warm smile on his face. After what seemed like forever, he had finally broken out of his shell. He would never be alone again.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, a portal opened up from the Cutie Map. One by one, the Main 7 jumped out and landed on the floor. Some landed perfectly, others not so much.

"Oof!" Rainbow yelped as a certain pink mare landed on top of her.

"That was fun." Pinkie giggled.

"Pinkie, get off me!" The rainbow-maned pegasus wheezed helplessly.

Pinkie hopped off Rainbow and helped her up.

"Sorry, Dashie." Pinkie chuckled, embarrassed.

"It's fine. Just, please don't do that again." Rainbow said.

"Well, now that we're back home, there's somethin ah need to talk to you about, Twi." Applejack said.

"What is it, Applejack?" Asked Twilight.

"You remember the conversation we had right before we went on the friendship mission and met Cloud?" Applejack asked.

Twilight had to give the question some thought, but she was able to recall that Applejack had brought up the problem of not telling others about their dimensional adventures.

"Oh, yeah. You said you had concerns about that." Twilight said.

Applejack nodded contently.

"Don't get me wrong, Twi. Ah understand yer concerns of some ponies takin things the wrong way. But, I hate leavin mah family in the dark on mah whereabouts." Applejack explained.

"I understand, Applejack." The alicorn said. "And you're right, it's not right to do that. Your family deserves to know where you are. That goes for all of us.

"Yeah." Pinkie agreed. "Besides, it's fun talking to other ponies about all of our fun adventures." The pink mare raised her front hooves high to emphasize her point.

"Then it's settled. We can tell our friends and families about our adventures." Twilight said. "I'm hoping it won’t lead to anything bad. Who knows, maybe they might learn something out of it, too."

"Thank you, Twilight." The farm pony smiled warmly.

"Aw, yeah. I can't wait to tell Scootaloo about this." Rainbow said excitedly.

"Well, I'm glad we got home safely." Rarity said. "Now I ca-"

She stopped herself when she remembered something. She had completely forgotten about the chocolate mousse cake she had left at the abandoned picnic before the friendship mission. Her left eye twitched.

"Um, Rarity. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

The pristine unicorn didn't answered. Instead, she bolted out of the room and galloped for the exit.

"My mousse cake I left behind. Oh, I hope nopony's taken it." Rarity shrieked dramatically.

The others watched through the doorway as their friend scrambled out of the castle. Rainbow busted out laughing. Applejack shook her head.

"And ah thought Pinkie would react that way with a cake." She joked.

"So did I." Pinkie added.

The others shared a good laugh out of that.

Over the next couple days, the Main 7 all conversed with close friends and family about their wild friendship missions. There was quite a bit of shock to be sure, it was nowhere near as bad as Twilight had originally feared. In fact, some ponies like Rainbow's number one fan, Scootaloo, begged for more stories from the blue pegasus. Most went on with their day which was relieving for the young alicorn.

As for Rarity, she found her mousse cake had been almost completely eaten. The others chalked it up to some foals deciding to take it for themselves. Rarity, being her dramatic self, grieved over the loss over a perfectly made cake she worked so hard on. There was always next time, though.

About a week after the adventure with Cloud, The Main 7 were enjoying themselves in the same picnic spot. They had decided to continue with their picnic considering how abruptly it ended last time. Rarity did end up making another mousse cake, but she did not let this one out of her sights. Rainbow was flying around, enjoying the slight breeze Applejack and Fluttershy were discussing their day and Pinkie was munching on the food she had brought along. Twilight sat on the picnic blanket with Spike napping against her side. She gazed through the bright fields and houses of Ponyville. It definitely looked and felt much brighter than in Cloud's home world, but, to her, it didn't matter. Cloud had opened up and found the great things of being with others. She smiled thinking of how much he changed.

"Cloud, wherever you are, just know we'll be there for you in spirit," Twilight thought to herself.

Though, just to herself, she hoped the next adventure won't be as perilous and violent as the last one. Maybe Twilight will be right. Don't you think?

The End.

Tara Strong - Twilight Sparkle

Cathy Weseluck - Spike

Ashleigh Ball - Rainbow Dash & Applejack

Andrea Libman - Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity

Kelly Sheridan - Starlight Glimmer

Steve Burton - Cloud Strife

Rachael Leigh Cook - Tifa Lockheart

Steve Staley - Kadaj

Dave Wittenberg - Yazoo

Fred Tatasciore - Loz

Wally Wingert - Rufus Shinra

Quinton Flynn - Reno

Crispin Freeman - Rude

Steve Blum - Vincent Valentine

Beau Billingslea - Barret Wallace

Chris Edgerly - Cid Highwind

Christy Carlson Romano - Yuffie Kisaragi

Greg Ellis - Cait Sith

Liam O'Brien - Red XIII

Grace Rolek - Marlene

Benjamin Bryan - Denzel

Mena Suvari - Aerith Gainsborough

Rick Gomez - Zach

George Newbern - Sephiroth