> Mixed Identity > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chrysalis, Queen and CEO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I am the Djinnie; Fulfilling your dreams, it's what I do. Now, be grateful for my gift? Just don't bother me, with any of the details. You couldn't comprehend? It's simple, I made the wish my own, you're just the Pawn! I am the Demon; the Destroyer of worlds. This is what I do, complaints only feed my fancy! Are these diametrical opposites, you say? As we're one and all the same, the sides of the same coin! I am; therefore, you suffer. Isn't that safe convenience? I am the Muse; Creator of all your dreams. Moaning about your Nightmare? I haven't even started with you yet! Should I go on? As I said, I haven't even started yet. Isn't that the beauty of the tale. Considering, you just grew a tail? < --- --- --- > > Arrival: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I had just arrived with my parents, at the hotel: The Royal Twilight Inn. The suite is such a bright and delightful place. As I had learned of the school, at the hotel; it had been the only choice, I had signed up. When I had signed up for the school, I had been granted my own room, or suite in the schools dormitory. . “Arch Meteor” the plaque reads on the door, under the number of my suite. “My Name..” I ponder; “should make it easy for me, to find!” I conclude. “Curious; neither handle, nor key hole?” I exclaim, as I reach the door. Of course, I should have been expecting this. My parents' suite had neither, as far as I recall. There is just the black, hexagonal 'plaque' on the middle of the door; in comfortable height, for me to comfortably place the palm of my right hand onto it. “Yes, but of course...” I mumble, as I recognize the plaque for what it is. I confidently lift up my right arm, extending the palm of my hand; gently pressing it onto the warm and elastic plaque, spreading my fingers in order to open the door to my suite. The door eagerly slides up soundlessly and I am stepping in; only for the door to swiftly slide shut behind me, as I had cleared the threshold. “I am on my own..” I ponder; “but that was to be expected, for this school!” I conclude. Once inside, I am stepping up to the shoe-rack; slipping my shoes of, placing them onto the show-rack. Since I had not been outdoors, I wore no outdoors clothes. Just my pair of shoes; since I could not just go out of the suite, without them. Or, could I? I consider going out of the suite, equal to go outdoors; thus I had to wear a pair of shoes. Since it is warm, I had worn no jacket or outdoors clothes other than the shoes. . Since I had taken my shoes of, I can go into the living room. I once more approach the door, lifting up my right hand and extend the palm of my hand. The plaque is curiously warm as if alive. I feel something akin to a handshake, as if I had been shaking hands with someone in a greeting How, why; I have no idea, but leave it as is for now. I could always ponder it later. Or someone may explain this to me, at a convenient opportunity. The floor is laid with Beech-wood parquet, polished to a highly glossy finish by coating it with crystal-clear Silicone. Before me, the entire wall is covered with bookshelves, only leaving room for a balcony door and a window on each side. On my right, I can see a three-seated cinematic sofa and a sofa table. On my left, the entire short wall is covered with a black view screen. The wall behind me is also covered with bookshelves on my left; while I can see the door to my facilities on the right. Though the rest of this wall is also covered with bookshelves. “Someone loves books, and expect me to love books as well!” I ponder, chuckling to myself. “Well, why not?” I consider; “I am supposed to be studying here!” I conclude. “Should I see the bed room, or the facilities first?” I mumble to myself, before I make up my mind and check the facilities. The door slides up quietly before me, as I once more place the palm of my right hand onto the plaque. What had I been expecting? Of course this is how it works here. The floor is laid with a thick layer of white Silicon glistering in the light. The walls had also been coated with the same white silicone, as is the ceiling. Before me, I have two doors; one to the shower and one to the toilet. Or, so I figure. Only there is no porcelain throne, in the room. What I see is a very different facility, consisting of two tubes; one intended for my rear, the other intended for my front. “The Girl's room!” I exclaim, somewhat confused; “but at least, no squat?” I then conclude, somewhat relieved. “Did I get the wrong suite, or was this a mistake?” I ponder; “Maybe I could ask the Room service?” I ponder. The white Silicone extends into the Girl's Room and the shower seamlessly. Makes sense On the far wall in the shower, I find a hexagonal plaque, identical to the one controlling the doors and the lights here. “High Tech..” I exclaim; “Definitely High Tech!” I conclude. “Well, so long as it is functional; who am I, to complain?” I ponder. As my attention returns to the small room before the facilities; I notice the lack of towels and soap. Though there is a dispenser of liquid soap. On the wall, I soon find what the towels had been replaced with. "Hygienic, and highly convenient!” I mumble, to none in particular. “Maybe it is time, for me to examine my bed room?” I ponder, as I am leaving the facilities behind. . Of course I have a bed, in my bed room; what had I been expecting? Just as before, the floor is laid with the same Beech-wood parque. However, the walls are laid with dark wood, covered with a four foot tall pink Cherry-wood picket fence. The bed is to the right, and the wardrobe to the left of the seven by ten foot room. I can see the reflections in the crystal-clear silicon pillow. The quilt is three inch thick, crystal-clear silicon. I also have a mate black Silicone sheet. “Neat!” I exclaim; “Just a bit on the eccentric side, isn't it?” I ponder. “Maybe I should take the opportunity, to change into my pajamas?” I ponder; “They do provide me with pajamas too?” I question. I walk over to the wardrobe, opening the double doors, in order to examine what I had been provided with. I had studied the instructions, before I had left my parents' suite, in order to save myself the embarrassment now. “Red!!” I exclaim; “Metallic Bloody Red!” I elaborate; as I am looking at the highly glossy garments, I have before me. Panties, top, gloves, stockings and even a face mask; all the same metallic bloody red and glossy Silicone. “At least, it looks as if they did get my size right!!” I put forth. It would have been very embarrassing, if I was forced to go back in order to complain about having the wrong size. “No point in delaying the inevitable, I can as well change into the pajamas right away!” I ponder; I am supposed to be alone, so it isn't all that bad. . Of course, I had opened the door to the wardrobe holding my nighttime clothes, pajamas. Just as I had slipped out of the clothes I had been wearing as I walked over to my suite at the dorm of the school. I had ignored the note; “for little girls”. Though I had expected them to have classes for me all the same. Standing nude before the contents of the wardrobe, I pick up a pair of red panties. “Rarity” the Label reads; “Pajamas Panties” the Subtitle reads; “First Class” the second Subtitle reads. “Rarity?” I ponder; “Is she the designer, or a local brand of clothes?” I continue, filing the thought for later. None of the garments had been made out of traditional fabrics, such as Cotton or Silk; but are made out of smooth and glossy Silicone. Well, why not? The first thing I notice, as I am extracting the panties; is just how elastic the material is, as I am putting them on. I lift up my right foot, slipping it into the panties; slowly slipping it through and put the foot down onto the floor, whereupon I repeat the process with my left foot. With that, I find myself standing comfortably on my feet on the floor. “Since I want to wear a pajamas, as opposed to be sleeping nude; I have to wear these garments, to bed!” I conclude as I continue to slip into the pajamas garment by garment. The panties are a bit tighter than I am used to, but otherwise feels fine to wear.; the top is just like the panties, nothing strange once I had already slipped the panties on. Instead of full-length sleeves, I am posed with a pair of full-length gloves, instead I slowly slip them on, right and left I finish changing into the pajamas, as I pick up the matching stockings; full-length toe-stockings. Once I once more am standing on my own two feet, even if they are coated with the red Silicone; I find myself covered from the neck down, without as much as a midriff bare. I had ignored the Label and Subtitles. Should I have been worried or disturbed? I could still change my mind, changing back into the clothes I wore as I came here. . While it is not all that late, but if I go to bed now; I can be up bright and early, while still being fully ready in the morning. I close the doors to the wardrobe, with the days' clothes on the floor of the wardrobe; before I am walking over to my bed, folding up the corner of the quilt. “Squishy..” I ponder, as I am sitting down on the bed; before I slide my feet up onto the bed and in under the quilt, before I lay my head down onto the pillow. With the garments as a shield, against the unease of nudity; I find myself laying comfortably in my bed, soon dozing off to sleep. <--- --- ---> > A New Day: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . As I am waking up, the room is dark. Maybe I had woken up, just a bit earlier than I had been expecting? A moment after I had woken up and opened my eyes, I notice how the room slowly grows lighter; the light overhead, in the form of LED pin-prick stars brightens. A Star Scape, as if I had been sleeping directly under the open sky. As the light goes brighter, I can see details around myself; soon recognizing the room, in which I had gone to bed the night before. Even if it had been a bit early. Hadn't it? Of course, I had gone to bed early. I had wanted to get an early start, on my stay here. If I go to bed early, I could go up earlier; rather than going up late, poorly prepared for the new day ahead of me. If I had read the statement; “School for Little Girls”; but I must have ignored the part stating “for little Girls”. My head, still resting comfortably on the crystal clear Pillow, just as my body still lie under the crystal clear Quilt. The mate black sheet my body still is resting upon. I realize, that the quilt lay smooth; exactly where it lay, when I had gone to bed the night before. Curiously enough, it had not moved an inch. The quilt still refuses to move. I can’t lift my hands up. A moment later, I realize, I can still move freely under the quilt; but the quilt still refuses to move, leaving me seemingly trapped under the quilt. However, I do manage to slip my hands out, from under the quilt. From there, I can still fold the corner up against the wall; whereupon I slide my feet out from under the quilt, finding myself sitting comfortably on the bed in which I had been sleeping all night. . As I am looking down, I can still see the metallic bloody red pajamas I had slipped into the day before. Only now, it had coloured me as a Girl. Just as the instruction had promised. Well, but of course it had. I feel strange, as the realization is hitting home. My hands and feet had become delicate, my arms and legs slender; just the way you expect, from the little girl I apparently had become overnight. How long would this last? I had no idea. Maybe I should not care? After all, it is too late to worry about it now. It isn’t, as if I could turn back into the boy I had been as late, as the night before. Now could I? Either way, I had been promised I could attend the school; if the promise still holds up, at least I have that to look forwards to. . I am walking the short distance, from where I had sat on my bed, all the way over to the doors to my wardrobe. A bit unsure of myself, and a less than comfortable gait. My body had changed, adjusted to the female form of the girl I am now. Every detail, unfamiliar; just different enough, to make it an even greater challenge. Nothing between my legs, just a small mound representing what I had been turned into; while I do feel an increased weight on my chest, even if it is so small it barely registers. Just enough, to make the point. “Okay..” I ponder; “I guess this will be an experience, not soon forgotten; an educational experience, even before I had even gotten to class!” I conclude, giggling at myself. My voice had changed, even if just a little bit. I had not been old enough to sound like a man before, so the changes are minuscule, delicate and decidedly life-changing all the same. Once I reach the wardrobe, I open the doors to the daytime wears; scanning the interior, for what I am looking forwards to wear for the rest of the day. Remembering the instructions, I slip out of what I wear; leaving the pajamas on the floor of the wardrobe, before I pick up a pair of Silicone White panties that does appear to be in my size. At least, I hope it is; even if the panties do look just one size too small, even for my diminutive form as the girl I am now. It is too late, to complain; too late, by far. I can but hope, I can find myself comfortable; for the duration of my studies, and that I can return to be the boy I had been. How much of my Identity had I pinned on my Sex, my Gender; I guess I had never really thought about it, or taken the time to actually consider it. Maybe that is for the better, now. I could consider that, later; once I had come back from school, and finished what Homework I were to be looking forwards to. What should have been a hearty chuckle, now a delicate and melodious giggle. I find myself giggling, again and again. It comes easy, natural to me now. Shouldn’t it? Even with the situation as it is, I still find myself enjoying myself and the situation I had just woken up to; even as new and unfamiliar as it may be to me, right now. I pretend I will be permitted to attend to the class I had been promised; pinning all my hope on the promise, I had been looking forwards to. Is it foolish, or childish of me? Well, maybe I am just acting my age? What had you been expecting out of me, I just look forwards to what I had been expecting. If I am not permitted to participate, or if it is not what I had been expecting; I will be disappointed, thoroughly crushed. But until then, I intend to keep my spirit high. Do I have a choice? Well, who cares? As I had extracted the panties, I step into them right and left; pulling them all the way up over my hips, only to afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With satisfaction, I find the panties fitting me quite well; even if they are quite tight, but with a liquid elasticity I had not been expecting. “These should keep my Privates Private!” I ponder, once more giggling. Since all the delicate parts had been coated or covered by the smooth surface, that makes up the panties I had chosen; I guess my most private parts had been protected from undue, dirty looks. I had chosen these panties, from the selection I had been offered. Just as I had chosen to start with the panties; a part of the underwear, on display in what is now my wardrobe for the duration of my stay. After a moment of further searching, I soon find a matching top; what had been a top by necessity before, still is a top now. Had I been older, but I am still not old enough to have breasts large enough to warrant a brassier. Maybe, just maybe; this is for the better, as it is not putting this issue in my face. For now, my top is little more than a short shirt, such as I had been wearing before; at least, on informal occasions. The top only reaches down to an inch or two above the lower edge of my rib-cage, but still. It does feel a bit weird. Maybe I can see it as part of the class, a lesson in what it is like to be a girl? I had chosen to take this class, even if I had not been required to do so. I will learn things, I had not been prepared for; things I could never have been prepared for, as the boy I was when I signed up for this class. In a few years, when I will develop an interest for Girls; I will be very grateful for this experience, as it may help me understand the girl of my interest, like no Boy was intended to. Why turn down an advantage, I may need in the future; when I have the opportunity, I had chosen to accept before I had realized what I am being given? That would be ill-adviced. Wouldn’t it? Besides; it is still to late, for me to back out of the situation I had placed myself in. While still unfamiliar, I find I am getting used to the clothes I had before me; they are growing on me, as the expression goes. If it is too late, to turn back; but at least, I start finding myself growing comfortable in my situation. I had slept on the matter, even if I may have been oblivious of it back then; but maybe it is still making it easier, to get used to this in this manner. I had simply woken up, as the little girl I see in the mirror; preparing for my first day at school, and the first class is almost upon me. The next item before me, is a pair of matching, Silicone white knee-long toe stockings with a rather effeminate appearance to them. As I pick up the right stocking, I lift up my foot and slip it into the stocking; finding its liquid elasticity aiding me, as it is eagerly swallowing my foot whole. The inner surface is smooth, as expected; feeling almost as if it had been wet, possibly lubricated. My toes find themselves sliding into place, making for a quite comfortable fit I could not complain about. Now, could I? “A bit tight, but they do fit me well!” I breathe. I put my right foot down onto the floor, initially fearing I would slip; but soon find myself standing securely, on the floor. Now I simply repeat the process, only to find myself standing on my own too feet. No point in complaining, or bemoaning my situation; I still want to go to the school I had been promised, and I distinctly look forwards to learn all they have put before me. “I guess it is time, to try the skirt on!” I ponder, as I find myself extracting it from within the wardrobe before me. Just as with the panties, I step into the skirt: right and left, pulling it all the way up over my hips. The skirt hugs my form, just as it is hiding the white panties I had put on. This is a knee-length skirt, or so I had been made to understand; even if I see three inches of skin between the skirt and the stockings I had already slipped on. Or, in? I find myself enjoying the tight skirt I had just slipped into. Its liquid elasticity makes it easy to move, even with the tightness of the skirt I wear in mind. Curiously enough, the skirt is a deep purple, not quite Lavender; but glossy, a glistering effect applied to it for my girlish sensibilities. Had I been the only one to wear it, as it is in my room; I may have been embarrassed to wear the skirt, but as long as I am not alone I could get used to it. Still, I do feel a light blush coming on, caused by the skirt I wear. “That was easy..” I ponder; “but I am not quite done, yet!” I continue; “Now I just need to put the blouse on, and I should be ready to go out!” I conclude, giggling, to myself once more. I find the matching blouse I am looking for, extracting it from within my wardrobe; slipping my right and left hand in through the respective sleeve, in turn. That was easy. But, what had I been expecting? It is just the sleeves of a regular Blouse. Even if this still is the same line of clothes Rarity had been producing for us. A bit tight, but still quite comfortable. Did Rarity intend for us to get used to flaunt and showcase our assets? The once I have not yet developed, that is. Well, I guess I still find it funny; as I find myself giggling, still. In the end, I button the blouse up; all the way from the first button all the way down, to the very last one at the top just under my shin. It had just felt right, so I went with it. I had not pictured the button to be there, to make the point out of leaving it unbuttoned. Shows my age, and just how little I know. Doesn’t it? I don’t mind. I take a step back from the wardrobe, secure in having concluded the process; before I close the doors to the wardrobe, before I turn my back on the wardrobe and walk up to the door to my living room. Just as the instruction had stated, I lift up my right hand; extending the palm of the hand onto the plaque, spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door. The door slides up, admitting me entrance to my living room; I step into the room, only for the door to slide shut behind me just as I had cleared the threshold. Quietly. I had even failed to notice, that the door had already closed behind me. . Before me, I can see Rarity; where she is standing before me, waiting for me to emerge from my bed room. “Good Morning, Miss Meteor!” she greets me. “Just call me Myne, please!” I respond. “Then, by all means; call me Rarity!” she is presenting herself. “Good Morning, Rarity!” I respond. <--- --- ---> Accepted > Accepted: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . “Since the presentation is out of the way, Myne; it is time for the announcement, You are accepted to the next class!” Rarity proclaims, causing me to giggle in excitement. “Thank you, Rarity!” I exclaim; once I had finally managed to get the excitement under control, enough for me to express myself verbally once more. “You are quite welcome, Myne!” she points out. . “Time for breakfast!” she points out; “I hope it isn’t too early for you, Myne; and that you have a good Appetite, by the time we reach the Dining Hall!” she concludes. “By all means..” I respond, as I turn to the door. “That’s promising, because you will need to eat well!” she explains, as she is following me. With that, I am extending my right hand towards the plaque; spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door, only to step out into the cloaking room with Rarity in tow. The door quietly slides shut behind us, just as Rarity had cleared the threshold. The room is not large, but enough to hold me; with the company of both Rarity, and a few Friends. Not that I had made any friends here, yet; but I am fairly sure, I would be making a few by the days end. Well, why not? They are all girls, just like me; eager to learn, and looking for a few new friends in the process. Or, at least it is what I had been assuming. You never know. “Since we are going out, I am expected to wear shoes?” I inquire. “That would be most appropriate..” she confirms; “but not an absolute requirement!” she continues; “None would complain if you were to step outside your suite barefoot..” she explains; “it is moderately warm outside, as it still is indoors!” she continues; “It will just look better, if you were to wear your shoes when you go out; I guess you could view this, as a part of class!” she finishes. “I did have a pair of shoes, when I got here; but I can’t seem to find them, so I guess I’ll just wear the once place on my shoe-rack!” I suggest, frantically looking for the shoes I wore as I walked into the suite the other day, finding only a pair of new shoes. “The shoes you wore, would neither fit nor be fitting for you to wear now; I offer you a pair befitting your style for the duration of your stay, while you will have the old shoes back when you leave!” Rarity explains. “Oh, yeah; these are boys’ shoes, I can’t show my face wearing them now!” I merely concede, as it occurs to me. “Exactly!” she confirms; “These should be just right for you to wear, considering your age!” she continues. I pick up the right shoe, looking at the glossy red material it had been crafted out of, as I prepare to slip my foot into it. Glossy, with the same glittering effect as my blouse and skirt had been given; thus matching my current ensemble perfectly. Of course; trust Rarity to have an Eye for these details; even if I had not known it, or of it prior to her picking me up to guide me to class. “I really am going to School, as a Little Girl!” I realize; as if it had not been obvious, before. “Since I had been permitted to go to this School; I will have to be on my best behaviour, as the little girl I am taken for!” I mumble under my breath. I had not been given a pair of High Heels; but what had I been expecting, I am not old enough for that to be appropriate everyday wear in the first place. Naturally; these shoes had not been lacquered, they are the same Silicone as the rest of my ensemble. Just without the liquid elasticity, mostly. The shoe eagerly slide onto my foot, swallowing it whole; just as it stays on, quite firmly. If I want to take the shoe on, I will have to make the deliberate effort. Once I had put on the first shoe, I repeat the process with the left shoe. “These shoes fit!” I put forth. “But of course..” she points out; “I could not make you wear ill-fitting shoes, after I deprived you of the once you wore the day before!” she points out. “Okay..” I respond; “that makes sense!” I continue; “But alas, how could you make the fit this close?” I inquire. “Remember the Pajamas you wore, all night?” she inquires. “Uhm, yes!” I respond; “Very comfortable to wear..” I put forth; “but, what about it?” I inquire. “Since it is responsible for your current appearance..” she suggests; “I have the Exact measurements for you!” she explains. “Wait, what?” I just gasp, in chock and surprise. “It only requires for you to wear it while you sleep for eight hours..” she explains; “and the designed appearance will change you into what you are currently looking like!” she points out; Thus permitting you to blend in with your pears and partake in the education you were so eager to sign on for!” she suggests. “Well, but of course I was eager to sign up for the class..” I point out; “Why wouldn’t I?” I inquire. “If you were not prepared to be the Girl you are now..” she suggests; “and being seen as a Girl for the duration of the entire duration!” she proposes. “I guess that is a high price to pay, if you see it like that..” I concede; “but since that wasn’t an issue for me, I guess it is a fair price to pay for what I will learn!” I then declare. “Since you are interested in what Cheerilee has to teach you..” Rarity points out; “we had better be going!” she declares. “Yes..” I respond, as I am walking over to the door. . The hall outside my suit is exactly as I recall it from the day before. What a Shock!! I follow Rarity to the door at the end of the hall. She is opening the door, stepping in with me in tow. I enter a small room, with two doors on each wall. She opens the door straight ahead, leading us to the Dining Hall. As I follow her in, into the Dining Hall; I can see a group of tables, in the middle of the room. There are booths on the right and left of the room. Along the far wall opposing the entry through which Rarity had just guided me; I can see small tables, carrying all the options available for our breakfast. “Looks like the Classical Breakfast Buffet, from what I can see!” I observe, pointing at the tables. “Exactly!” she puts forth; “the best way to make sure everyone can enjoy their Breakfast!” she explains. Hamburgers, Pizza Slices, Egg and Bacon, Salads, Eggs, Bread and Butter, and finally the Beverages. Pretty much everything you could have for Breakfast. Just, no Cereals. I could live without these. She is leading me to one of the booths along the wall. The booth is unoccupied, at the moment; which is fine by me, as I don’t know anyone here. Oh, well; what had I been expecting? I am after all new here, not to mention to the class I had just been accepted. I am giggling, a jolly smile overtly obvious on my face. What had you been expecting? I am a little girl, who has not yet realized emotions could even be hidden. Just as I had not been forced to learn how, or why one would even want to in the first place. I may still be a bit tired, in this early morning; but the excitement, of going to the class I had been promised takes the fore. A promise, ready to deliver; is there a better reason, for joy and excitement? If so, I am not sure I want to know. Maybe I am just too young, and inexperienced; to know, and deal with those things. As we are approaching the booth she had selected; I notice it holds napkins, a miniature spice rack and cutlery stands prepared to serve. Of course, there are no plates at the table. Why? It isn’t, that we don’t need them. Just that one is to pick up the plate, and select what to eat, at the table where the food is waiting for us. I eagerly follow Rarity to the tables with the food, pick up a plate and fill it with a selection of food. Naturally, I follow Rarity, just one step behind; taking her lead, selecting samples to try out as I go. Little Girls come in in Ones, Twos and Threes while I select my samples. More little girls continue to fill up the hall, one booth at the time. Are these just the Students at this School? If so, this must be a large school; or, so I reason. Not that I mind. Only leaves me with more potential friends to choose from. Wouldn’t it. Rarity soon leads me back to our booth, where we start eating. Surprisingly good, if I am permitted to say so. But what do I know? I am just a little girl, lacking in experience. Still, I do enjoy what I had been offered here. When I look at the girls, I notice they wear the same clothes I am wearing. There Blouses, Skirts and shoes glossy and glittering in the light of the room. At least, I am not standing out. Each booth holding two to six people, mostly girls shaperoned by a single woman. Of course, first now I notice the light squeaks from every girl moving about in the room. While light, faint; together, it coalesces into what could only be taken for a musical melody. No vocals, at first; just the instrumental harmony. Even when they do speak, I only hear the instrumental harmony of their collective squeaking sounds. <--- --- ---> > First Class: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . The door to my class room is wide open, inviting me to step right in. Since I had just concluded my breakfast, I am ready for my first class here. Eager to learn, to make friends and to mingle with the new class mates. All little girls. All dressed just like me. Not quite identical; they are little girls, after all. A Woman stands at the front of the class, the Teacher. Who else would she be? I have no idea, I am after all knew in the class. Just as I am new to school in general. As I am stepping into the room; I notice our Teacher's complexion: a deep, dark and well saturated purple. A bit odd? But I guess I could get used to it. At least she stands out, as recognizable in the class. Or in just about any crowd. Based by Rarity; I could not have been prepared for her complexion, with Rarity being a pristine white hue. Even if I guess Rarity’s complexion may have been a bit light, but still. The teacher before me: Cheerilee is wearing a Skirt and blouse in a brilliant Silicone white, glossy and pristine befitting her position. Rarity would have accepted nothing less out of her. Well; this is the first day of class, so she has to look her best. At least, it is my impression; even if I am a bit young to have the experience, by which to judge. She is wearing a bright, metallic bloody red vest, glossy and glittering in the light of the room. I guess the vest would signifying that this is the class for Little Girls, as it had so proudly been stated. Well, that is still stated. Unless the print could have been changed, after the effect? Something, I doubt. “Had this been a Class for Little Boys, she would have been wearing a blue vest in place of the red one she is currently wearing..” I ponder; “..and I would have been wearing clothes for boys now!” I consider, giggling to myself, albeit quietly. Naturally; Cheerilee is wearing a pair of thigh high toe-stockings in a matching white. Finally; she is wearing a pair of matching, three inch High Heels in an Equestrian style. The front is rounded, as if she had been standing on Equine Hooves; rather than the pointy tip of Human shoes, hiding her toes. “Would I look good, in her shoes; when I grow older?” I ponder; “or, at least cute!” I conclude. “Probably!” I reason, as I am following the development around me. Cheerilee is standing in front of a large screen, similar to the one I have in my living room; just as it does back home, it does cover the entire wall behind her. The Teacher’s desk behind her is a frame of inch thick Titanium; while the top is half an inch thick crystal clear Sapphire, I can barely even make out the contours of. The front and the sides are covered with matching Sapphire, in order to box in the space. I can make out a thirty inch screen before her seat, while I can’t make out the keyboard and other means of controlling it. Since I am no expert in computers and control devices; I am left with assumptions and guesses. I can see a set of desks, befitting little girls to place books and other study materials before me; all arranged in a semi circle, focusing on the Teacher before me. She is pointing at one girl at the time, directing them to take a seat; starting with the seat in the middle, before she continues to the right and left. Right and left, right and left. After a few girls, she is pointing at me, directing me to take my seat. As I am sitting down; I am looking directly at my teacher, our teacher. As I am sitting down; I notice the screen before me; aside from the keyboard and mouse, is it. Well, there is no equipment, lying around; everything had been integrated in the desk, before me. I see my face on the screen. Under the face, I can clearly read my name: Myne Meteor. The face, before me; is clearly smiling, in excitement. The Excitement, derived from the prospect of learning. I place my hands, on the desk before me. The next moment, I can see the system logging me in; initiating the system, as well as preparing the keyboard and mouse. Not that I can see a Physical Keyboard or Mouse on the Desktop, but I can see the outlines of them, lighting up to indicating their location. “How does this even work?” I ponder; “Looks very High-Tech; but if it helps me, to learn what she has in store for us!” I conclude; there is no point, in continuing the statement, in any event. Once I am logged in; the screen switches over to focus on my teacher, our teacher: Cheerilee. I can clearly see her smiling, at us; eager and excited to follow our progress, as we learn everything she stands to offer. I was under the impression; all I need, other than being a Little Girl; is a reasonable grasp of my English. Granted; she could have separate classes, for girls fluent in other Languages, for all I can see. How many Teachers, do they have at their disposal; just to teach us, in this class? I have no idea. Not sure if I care. But still. I can clearly see the face of the Teacher, with the name: Cheerilee under. Just a bit of a strange and unusual name, but who am I to judge? I don’t even know her origin, or where she came from. Of course, I can read her name, in the Roman Alphabet before me. Doesn’t everyone read her name in the same Alphabet? I don’t know. I guess I just made an assumption. After a moment; I can see the face disappear, replaced by a list of other names and faces. My fellow students? All girls, just like me. How many had been girls, when they were signed in, at the hotel? I would have to ask them. But would they say anything, but no? I probably would not. Not so much, that I fear to be thrown out; I had been accepted, I had been promised that I could partake in the class. Still, it would be awkward and embarrassing to confess to have been a Boy now What if someone had opted to take the class, for the expressed purpose of the chance to be living their lives as girls? I had heard of this, before. I guess it isn’t that alien, after all. If the price to take the class is to be partaking as a Girl, or to leave years of life behind; would you still choose to sign up? Well, I had. Is the Age and Gender all the possible reasons, for them to sign up? Either way; for now, I choose to take everyone at face value. Maybe it is, what is expected out of a Little girl? I am supposed to be Naive and Gullible, after all. While I wasn’t a girl, but I am still the same age as everyone else. <--- --- ---> In Class