The Great Crusade

by TheGJ90

First published

What did the CMCs do after the Battle of the Bands? Crusade!

Featured On: 10/19/2023

After the Battle of the Bands, the Canterlot Movie Club finally connect with the repentant Sunset Shimmer. This budding friendship inspires them to jump head-first into achieving their own redemption.

This is the story of how they righted wrongs, healed hearts, and warmed hearths.

This is the story of their Great Crusade.

Cover Art by: Davidsfire

Story Time-span:

Post-Rainbow Rocks to Spring Surprises

Current Spot in the Friendship is Worth It Timeline:

Equestria Girls
Rainbow Rocks
The Great Crusade
Friendship Games
Legend of Everfree
Dance Magic

Series Info and Timeline

Prologue Part #1 - The Talk

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Apple Bloom

Ah really hate to admit it, but them Sirens knew what they were doin'.

With their poisonous singin' and mind-twistin' magic, they undid a lot of the good work the Princess and her pals had done with just one song number. The varmints did this by ropin' the whole dern school into a Battle of the Bands competition and drivin' us all to be plum mean to each other. Ah mean, competition is fine and dandy, but not when the competitors are bein' rotten apples over it!

Shoot, we even betrayed the Rainbooms over it. Our sisters over it...

The longer the Sirens were left unopposed, the stronger their grip on our minds became, which made the negativity that was spread between the students only get worse. The three of us movie club girls stayed together, even as the other students tore each other apart. Our bond was, and still is, mighty strong, after all. But, as time went on, it became harder and harder for us to keep even our friendship goin'. On top of that, we could feel somethin' growin' within ourselves while we fell deeper under the Sirens' spell.

Somethin' cold, terrifyin', and familiar...

Thankfully, those magic-abusin' ingrates underestimated the Rainbooms, even when they had Trixie lock them up in a room under the stage. This poor choice gave them the chance to clean up their acts, come together, and fight back with their rockin' magical music! But, even their magic wasn't enough to stop those jerks.

Just when all hope seemed lost, when the Sirens were gettin' ready to finish their vile work, a miracle happened.

A lady with hair like fire, once an absolute meanie, took up the Princess' mic and sang like a gosh-dern angel from on high, ya'll! This act of honest bravery inspired the band to play their music alongside her. The combined power of their music and friendship created a magic so incredibly strong that it zapped the evil singin' magic right out of the Sirens! The Sonic Rainbooms saved us all from an eternity of mindless slavery and endless negativity that night. For my two best friends and Ah specifically, they saved us from the return of a nightmare. But, the girl who helped her friends when they needed her the most made it all possible. Her name was Sunset Shimmer.

The girl we once treated like a demon in disguise...

The halls of CHS, the day after The Battle of the Bands

Ah once thought that somethin' like this was impossible, even after magic became a thing. But, there we were, walkin' with Sunset Shimmer herself! No animosity, no bullyin', no cruelty from anyone. We were plum afraid while we traveled the halls of our beloved school, with a certain little item carefully hidden away in my left hand. But, it was not the older lady who walked at my left side that we were afraid of that day. Nah, we were afraid of somethin' else... What was much stronger than our fear, however, was our drive to do what had to be done. With my eyes locked on the hallway before us, Ah gave Sweetie Belle, who walked to my right, a thumbs up with my right hand that was both quick and discreet. She caught what was doin' in the corner of her eye and responded in kind with her left hand. Scootaloo, who was walkin' to Sunset's left, had already given us the go-ahead earlier that day. So, Ah knew, at that moment, that it was time. On behalf of the Canterlot Movie Club, Ah did what we did best: Ah took a bold risk.

With my eyes aimed at the hall again, Ah used my fingers to move that little item around a bit, so that it was bein' held by my index finger and thumb. It poked out from my hand at bit, which was perfect for me. Ah raised my left hand to aim the item as close to Sunset's face as Ah could reach. Ah could only go as far as just below her chin, but it was enough for her to see it. We all stopped walkin' to stand in a row together. Silence crept into the hall for a few seconds before she asked with polite confusion in her voice;

"A ticket?"

If Scoots and Sweetie looked at her, Ah didn't see them do it. My gaze did not move an inch as Ah told her with a subtle mix of excitement and fear;

"Consider it a long overdue invitation."

My nerves and fear got so strong when Ah finished talkin' that Ah couldn't bring myself to see Sunset's reaction with my eyes. Ah could feel my left hand shake more intensely by the second. A familiar voice in my head, a cruel one at that, tried to lead me astray with her venomous words;

She's not gonna take that there invitation, ya' dern fool!

After ya'll pushed her away, ya' think she'll give ya'll a cha-?

Before that evil spewer of terrible ideas could continue her rant, Sunset gently took the ticket out from my hand. That act alone encouraged me to shove that voice down into the back of mind, so that I could turn and face her. Ah caught her inspectin' each side of the ticket before she looked back at me. Oh my stars, Ah had never seen her make such a beautifully sweet smile until she fired it right at me. It was the kind of smile that could melt away anyone's worries just by existin'. It sure as hay melted mine, ah tells ya'! She sealed the deal by declarin' with friendly confidence;

"Well then, I'll see you girls tomorrow."

Ah'll never forget that smile for as long as Ah live.

The CMCs' Clubhouse, the next day. Afternoon.

Our chores were done and the homework was finished, so there would be nothin' to distract us from what we had in mind for that day. Much of our movie club decorations were moved out of the way to make room for a round wooden table in the center of the clubhouse and four wooden seats that were placed around it. Ah, myself, sat on the chair that stood in front of the clubhouse desk, with Scootaloo sittin' to my right and Sweetie Belle to my left. Standin' around on the table were four glass bottles of fizzy apple cider. Three of them were placed in front of each of us and one reserved for our incomin' guest, her empty seat in front of me on the opposite end of the table. We sat as still as statues, showin' no signs of impatience, which was especially odd for me. While Ah did have a well earned reputation for bein' too impatient to be patient, Ah made an exception for this day, for who was probably the most important guest we would have at the time. We all waited in silence for what felt to us like an eternity, even though it was only a few minutes, before a young lady's confident voice could be heard from our walkie talkie can, which was hangin' by its string on a spot on the wall to the left of the door;

"May I come in?"

Our guest, Sunset, had arrived!

Ah had never felt more nervous at that moment then Ah had ever been before then. My friends definitely felt the same way, since Ah could hear them gulp as Ah looked at each of them, their faces filled with fear. After takin' a breath to keep ourselves focused what we had to do, we got up out of our seats and walked over to the can. Ah grabbed it with my right hand, brought its business end up to my mouth, and told the girl on the other side;

"Finish this phrase and we'll let ya' in: When ya've hit rock-bottom..."

We experienced a few seconds of silence that, frankly, felt like hours to me. Before our nerves could get even more flared up, however, the guest gave her answer;

"Um... don't be afraid to climb back up?"

That answer, a pure guess if Ah ever heard one, came from a place of confusion and worry. Still, it was an honest one. My young mind could recognize that. But, Ah decided to get two more opinions. Ah looked over at Sweetie Belle to get her take on our guest's answer. She nodded her head to show her silent approval, with Scootaloo followin' suit when Ah looked at her as well. Even with their approval, Ah still felt a tad hesitant as wild thoughts born from fear popped up in my head;

"Is it really okay for us to bring Sunset into the clubhouse?"

"Ah know she won't hurt us none, but what if we hurt her again?"

"No, that ain't happenin' again! Never again!"

"Is she still mad at us? Ah hope not!"

"Oh, what are we gonna do?"

Ah closed my eyes and took deep breaths to hogtie those thoughts before they could get any wilder. All was silent for about three seconds before a single memory popped into my noggin'. By Ma' and Pa's spirits, it was as simple as it was powerfully sad:

The memory of the three of us seein' a young lady cry honest tears.

Almost instantly, my eyes opened back up, allowin' me to see my two best pals in the whole world smilin' at me all big and bright-like. Seein' them bein' so supportive of me was more than enough to help me make my choice. With a big ol' grin of my own and renewed happiness in my heart, Ah returned to the can, grabbed it, and happily told the guest waitin' outside;

"Works for us! Stand aside now, we're gonna lower the ramp for ya'."

The three of us ran through the clubhouse door and stopped at a single lever outside that was set up to the left of the doorway. We gave Scootaloo the honor of pullin' it, which she did with her usual level of gusto, her large smile refusin' to leave her. Within moments, the ramp that was raised in front of the door fell down onto the ground, now positioned at an angle that allowed our amber-colored guest of honor to walk up it. She wore a black jacket made of fake leather with small white buttons decoratin' the collar, a purple shirt that displayed on the front a fiery logo which depicted a yellow and red shimmerin' sun, an orange skirt of decent length that bore two yellow and purple stripes on the sides, and tall black boots fit for kickin' someone's hide that reached up from her feet to just below her knees. Tall purple flames were painted on the front and sides of the boots, makin' them look cool and intimidatin' all at once. The girl's steps were surprisingly soft and controlled, given her choice of footwear being built for stompin' around. There was a softness in her turquoise eyes that balanced out the fierceness of her two-toned hair, which bore the same red and yellow as the logo on her shirt. Just seein' this girl as she walked over to us reminded me of some more powerful memories. Few were good, but most were plum terrible. But, Ah wasn't gonna let bad memories keep me from doin' what was right. Ah checked on Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The determination on their faces gave my courage a good ol' boost as we did somethin' that, not too long ago, we wouldn't have dreamed of doin':

We welcomed Sunset Shimmer into our clubhouse.

As we ushered Sunset into the clubhouse itself, Ah couldn't help but notice her eyes growin' wide as she gazed at the all of the cool stuff that we owned. Authentic movie standees on the floor, movie posters, along with photos of our friends and families, linin' the walls, an old-fashioned bulky CRT TV standin' on the desk at the far end opposite of the door, a VCR and DVD player placed on top of each other to its right, a large flat-screen TV carefully placed on the wall above the CRT TV, a large locked steel safe with a combination lock sittin' on the left side of the desk, and a wooden podium with a gavel placed on it standin' proudly a few feet in front of the desk and not too far behind my seat at the table. With a growin' smile, she told us as she kept gazin' at our items, surprise made clear in her tone of voice;

"Wow. You girls really are a movie club. This stuff is awesome!"

Somethin' else caught her eye as she looked up and, land's sake, Ah could almost see the sparkles in her eyes when she did! She saw the little hand-crafted paper ponies linin' the space where the walls met the ceilin'. These little ladies were made with love in every foldin', Ah tells ya'. Each paper pony had the initials of the Wondercolt who made it written on both flanks and was given the same colors as a club member's hair. They were all lined up in a repeatin' pattern of colors: Red for me, pink and light purple for Sweetie Belle, and a deeper purple for Scootaloo, though Ah swear that hair of hers got a teeny tiny hint of red in it too! My friends and Ah looked at those beauties along with Sunset, love and gratitude swellin' in our hearts as our smiles grew wider than before. Why, just lookin' at them for a moment was enough to cheer us up, no matter how bleak things could get. We looked back at Sunset, who looked over at us at roughly the same time. A sideways smirk formed on her face, the kind that somehow smashed goodwill and confidence together in a way that didn't make her look plum arrogant. Before we could say anythin', she told us with a voice as sweet as Granny Smith's apple pie;

"The students who made these ponies would be so happy over what you've done with them."

Our hearts swelled a little bit more when we heard those words, as my mind thought back to somewhat recent history. Ever since the incident we caused with our... foolhardiness, we didn't invite anyone to our clubhouse, save for each other and our kin. So, most Wondercolts had no idea about what we had gone and done with those paper critters. After making a mental note to solve that issue later, Ah gave Sunset an affirmative nod and a thankful smile before my friends and Ah escorted her to her seat. Soon enough, we all took our seats and enjoyed some fizzy apple cider.

At first, we took swigs of our delicious drinks in silence. There was so much that Ah wanted to say to the young lady who sat opposite of me, so much that we wanted to say! But, Ah just didn't know where to begin, honestly.

Ah mean, what the hay do ya' say to a girl who had once hurt your friends and kin? The same girl ya' had hurt back?

Ah turned my head to gaze at my fellow movie buffs. Sweetie Belle, like me, looked mighty nervous when I checked on her. Scootaloo as well, given that she belted out a cough that was a bit louder than it needed to be. Silence filled the room again, but Scoots was not one to be silent for long;

"Sooooo... how are the girls?", she asked Sunset while lookin' right at her. Ah could tell from how much the hand she held her drink with shook that she was tryin' hard to keep nerves in check. It didn't help that she sounded as nervous as she looked. Sunset gave her a gentle grin when she responded happily after takin' a hearty swig of cider;

"They're doing great! Rainbow's been going to town on the guitar with these new songs we're working on."

She had the daredevil at 'Rainbow';

"That's so awesome! Rainbow Dash can ROCK with the guitar like no one's business!", exclaimed Scootaloo, her nerves soothed by her joy and excitement over anythin' involvin' her idol and sister-at-heart. Haha, the sugarcube even started playin' air guitar in her seat for a bit after puttin' her drink down on the table! The sight of her bein' so overjoyed helped Sweetie and Ah settle down into a calmer state. Ah swear, that girl was a helpful distraction from our cares sometimes. Sunset laughed a little while givin' the biggest Rainbow Dash fan in the room a look that was mighty friendly and said;

"Yeah, she does rock."

"Don't forget about Rarity!", Sweetie Belle cheerfully noted with that familiar squeak in her voice. She then held both of her hands together, moved them up to her chin, and added with a lovin' sigh, a big ol' grin, and closed eyes filled with, well, sweetness (no pun intended);

"Her keytar playing is so wonderful! She can make it play any lovely sound she wants."

"Don't ya' forget about my big sister's smoooooth bass playin' now!", Ah told them all with a heapin' helpin' of pride in my smile and heart. For good measure, Ah looked Sunset dead in the eye and told her with a happy wink;

"If ya' let her play on the acoustic guitar or banjo, Ah guarantee ya' that she'll rock the stage somethin' fierce!"

Sunset belted out a strong laugh before respondin' with a wink of her own;

"I'll keep that in mind. Anyway..."

She looked around the room from her seat before makin' a mighty nice comment;

"I'll bet you girls watch all kinds of movies."

A word of warnin': If ya' ask the Canterlot Movie Club anythin' about movies, ya' better believe that we'll give ya' honest answers filled to burstin' with loud as heck excitement. Which was exactly what we gave poor, unprepared Sunset;

"Oh, yes we do!", we declared together in unison out of pure excitement, our combined joyful voices and large sparklin' eyes drivin' our guest to lean back onto her chair's backrest through sheer vocal volume. She was clearly taken aback by our response, but that didn't stop us from rantin' with glee;

"Action! Thrillers! Adventures!", Ah belted out to start with. Sweetie Belle was right behind me;

"Mysteries! Comedy! Romance!", she exclaimed before Scootaloo chimed in as well with the passion of a dozen fans at the minimum;

"Superheroes! Sci-Fi! Daring Do!"

Before we could fully explode in a fit of movie buff mania, Sunset managed to interrupt us just loudly enough to get our attention while keepin' her tone well-meanin' and polite;

"Calm down, girls! I get it, you love movies!"

She didn't lose her smile for even a moment while she spoke. Honorin' her request, we relaxed ourselves into our seats. The room turned silent for a couple of seconds before she said somethin' that made our excitement from earlier threaten to return with a vengeance;

"Well, since I'm with a movie club right now, we might as well watch a movie. After all..."

She reached into her jacket's left pocket with her right hand, rummaged around inside of it for a bit, and pulled out a certain movie ticket. With a sly smirk, she happily finished;

"I brought my ticket."

She then placed the ticket on the table, so that we could look at it. It was red and had our club logo, a caped yellow filly, drawn on it. Oh Nelly, Ah was so glad that we gave her that there ticket when we did! We looked up at her with eyes sparklin' with joy for a moment or two before Ah sharply turned my head towards Sweetie Belle and told her with lots of enthusiasm;

"Sweetie, get us the starter flicks!"

With a quick salute, she ran over to the safe, used its combination that all three of us learned by heart to unlock it, and opened it up before reachin' inside with both hands. It took her a few seconds to find what she was lookin' for and pull it out of the safe. Restin' in her hands was a stack of DVD cases, three of them to be exact. With swift and careful movement, she bumped the safe's door with her right elbow, closing it from behind her. Smilin' from ear to ear, she practically skipped back over to the table before stoppin' to place the stack right on its center. Scootaloo, once Sweetie had done her bit, took two of the cases out of the stack, leavin' the one that was at the bottom alone. She then placed each case next to it at both sides, allowin' the covers for each one to be fully displayed. Without further ado, Ah looked up at Sunset and offered her with buildin' excitement in my heart;

"Go on now, Miss Sunset: Pick a movie ya' wanna watch."

Scootaloo was too excited to contain herself at this point. She pointed at the DVD on my right and exclaimed to our honored guest;

"Oh, pick this one! It's so awesome!"

"Now hold on for a second, ya'll.", Ah calmly told to Scootaloo while givin' her my best gentle take on Applejack's 'lecture glare'. She noticed the expression Ah gave her and promptly shut up. But, Ah wanted to avoid any misunderstandin's, so Ah asked her;

"Remember Movie Club Rule #31?"

Scoots expressed a sheepish grin as she recited apologetically;

"When the club is hosting a guest, let the guest pick the movie if they want to."

"Darn tootin'.", Ah said to her with sweetness on my face and friendship in my voice. There wasn't any sense in actually lecturin' her, since she was just bein' a little more excited than sensible. Sunset's voice, once again, got our attention;

"I figured you'd have your own rules, but I didn't expect you to have so many.", she noted with a bit of surprise in her voice once again. With a quick giggle and a warm smile, Ah responded while scratchin' the back of my neck with my right hand;

"What can Ah say? We take this movie buff shtick of ours seriously."

Lookin' satisfied, Sunset switched the topic around by pointin' at the movie placed at the center of the table and askin' us;

"This film, 'The Princess Bride'... I've never seen it before. What's it about?"

Oh, sweet apple sauce, that lady had gone and done pressed a specific button for Sweetie Belle, one that Scoots and Ah knew very well! We looked over at her as she started to rapidly bounce on her seat while showin' the biggest brightest smile on her face. She bounced for about two seconds before shootin' out of her seat to stand straight up while shovin' that sucker back a bit with just her legs. She then kicked it away from behind with her right foot for good measure, pointed at the movie in question, and started to gush like she was Scootaloo in a Darin' Do convention;

"You've never seen The Princess Bride before?! It's my favorite movie EVER and the first one I've ever watched! It's got adventure, sword fighting, romance, revenge, some of the best characters in cinema, and so much more! Rarity showed it to me for my sixth birthday and we had so much fun watching it! We always watch it together once a year on my birthday! I love it so!"

Just to drive home the point, she grabbed the DVD case with both hands and wrapped it around her arms to hug it as if she was holdin' a teddy bear! Ah couldn't bare the thought of pokin' fun at her behavior, especially with her adorableness lightin' up the room. Sunset gushed over how cute Sweetie was bein';

"That movie must mean a lot to you and Rarity!", she exclaimed with a look of love in her eyes. Once Sweetie came back down from her Princess Bride-induced high, she returned the case to its place on the table, moved her seat back to its previous spot, and sat back down, her dopey smile stayin' strong. Sunset, after takin' a moment to think, pointed at the movie to my right and asked;

"What's this one about? I've heard a tiny bit about it in school, but I never watched it."

Now, it was Scootaloo's turn to gush wildly. Well, it was, before she somehow stopped herself all on her own with a few deep breaths, much to my amazement. She then told Sunset with the remainin' excitement that she could not hold back;

"Iron Man is a super-awesome superhero movie that tells the origin story of a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist! When he learns about the painful consequences of his way of living, he strives to protect people using his smarts, money, and resources as the Iron Man!"

After givin' Sunset a quick synopsis of the movie, she decided to get up out of her seat and stomp around the table like a big ol' robot. Sensin' my cue, Ah began to do my best impression of a long and proud electric guitar riff with my mouth while playin' some air guitar. The riff was taken right from a certain famous metal song's introduction. Sweetie, recognizin' what was goin' on, started drumin' on the table with her fists to the rhythm of Scoots' stompin'. This was a fun little game we played whenever the Iron Man movies (and character) were referenced and we were together in one place. We didn't expect Sunset to take part in our fun, however! She did this by yellin' out with her best take on a robot voice at the correct moment during our performance;

"I A-M I-R-O-N M-A-A-A-N!"

That was it, the three of us had had enough. We just couldn't resist laughin' our hides off over the whole situation bein' so dern silly, not after seein' Sunset bein' just as silly as the rest of us! Speakin' of the lady, she was laughin' right along with us until we all calmed down enough to keep talkin'. Once Scoots had returned to her seat, we waited for our guest to make her choice. But, she was not finished with investigatin' her options, for she pointed at the movie on my left and asked;

"What about this one? I know I've seen some of Johnny Depp's work, but not this film."

My eyes grew almost as wide as a tub full of apples and my smile was as large as Big Mac's muscles! Ah slowly rose from my seat, pushed it out of the way with my legs, turned to face Sunset, and cleared my throat all dignified-like before lettin' the fan in me have some fun;

"That there's a classic swashbucklin' pirate tale full of plunderin', pillagin', scoundrels, and heroes!", Ah jumped into a sword fightin' stance and performed some pretend sword swipes and chops with my right hand as Ah went on;

"It features the noble William Turner, the courageous Elizabeth Swan, and the sly Captain Jack Sparrow as they go on a wild piratin' adventure across the sea to take on the cursed pirate crew of the Black Pearl, lead by the connivin' Captain Barbossa!"

With my synopsis delivered, Ah finished my performance, returned my seat to its place at the table, and sat back down, my smile still holdin' strong. Ah looked around to check the other girls' reactions. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gave off knowin' smiles, while Sunset clearly found my performance enjoyable if her slight well-meanin' chuckle was any indication. Without skippin' a beat, Ah asked her with excited anticipation in my eyes;

"Okay, missy, which movie do ya' wanna watch?"

Ah reckoned that my pals were lookin' at her the same way as Ah was. She held her chin with her right index finger and thumb to think for a moment or two before she let out that sideways smirk of hers. With a sweet glare pointed at us, she gave her answer;

"I'm thinking Iron Man this time. All three of the movies sound fun, but..."

She gave the wild girl in purple hair her attention before finishin';

"Scootaloo's synopsis for that film speaks to me."

Ah looked right at Scoots to see how she would react. She did so in exactly the way Ah expected, right down to the stars in her eyes and the smile so large her mouth was wide open! She practically leaped out of her seat as she raised her hands to the roof while yellin' out with absolute joy;


Whenever that girl got a win, it was a win for the whole dern club, Ah tells ya'.

Before we knew it, we were chillin' out on our seats, which were moved in front of the table and positioned where we could clearly see the flat-screen TV. It was already set to the proper mode that allowed for the DVD player's default screen to be displayed, its logo bouncin' about while doin' an amazin' job of avoidin' the corners of the screen. With the volume already adjusted to the perfect settin', the TV remote rested on the table behind us. Ah had in my right hand the DVD player's remote. But, Ah wasn't gonna use it that time, no way no how. That honor belonged to another. Ah looked over at Sunset, who sat to my right, with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo respectively sittin' to my left, and told her with as sweet a voice as Ah could muster;

"It is a custom in our club to let our guest control the film durin' a personal screenin'."

Ah offered the remote to her as soon as she looked back at me. At first, her face gave off surprise, only for gratitude to replace it within moments as she gently took the remote from me. Once we were all looking up at the screen, she pressed the eject button to open up the player's tray, promptin' Scoots, who held the Iron Man DVD case in her hands, to get up off of her seat. She ran over to the player, opened up the case, took the DVD out of it, and placed into the tray. She then gave the tray a gentle push to have it close automatically before runnin' back to her seat. Every move she made was filled with excitement, to the point that the hand she used to handle the DVD shook a little. With that bit of business carried out, Sunset pressed the play button, navigated through the cool-lookin' DVD menu, and started up the film proper.

The openin' riff for ACDC's Back in Black filled the clubhouse with classic rock 'n roll, encouragin' the three of us movie buffs to bob our heads to the beat in perfect unison with our arms crossed to make ourselves look cool for fun. Ah stopped bobbin' my head to check on Sunset, who was head bangin' like a wild rocker while raisin' the devil horns to the roof with her right hand. That got a hearty giggle out of me, which got her to stop and look at us with a sheepish grin before returnin' her attention to the film, her hands restin' on her lap. Ah went back to watchin' it too, just in time to catch Tony Stark talkin' with the soldiers he was ridin' with in their military-grade jeep. Now, Ah expected the movie to be enjoyable for Sunset. Why wouldn't Ah? Iron Man's a great film! But, what Ah didn't expect was how the four of us would react to two specific parts of the movie: Tony Stark's introduction as a selfish rich warmonger and how he handled the truth about the damage his business did to people.

To quote an old Apple Family sayin': Perspective can hit ya' like a horse's hoof to the gut. Now, long before we invited Sunset into our clubhouse, we watched Iron Man with our sisters. They had brought Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with them, which we didn't mind at all really. Scoots was so dern excited over Rainbow Dash havin' so many friends, let me tell ya'! She'd brag about it to anyone who would listen;

"Of course Rainbow would have lots of friends, she's that awesome!", she would say with this big ol' smile on her face. This was a couple of days after she, Sweetie Belle, and Ah first met. It also was the first time we had used the clubhouse to do a movie screenin'. Sunset Shimmer would sink her teeth into the school a week later. Combine that with all of the troubles that would come after... Yeah, when we watched that movie again, this time alongside the lady, we did so with a perspective that was very much like the one Tony Stark had gotten early on in the film:

The perspective of people who had hurt people who never deserved to be hurt.

Oh Nelly, did that hit us mighty hard! Gettin' through the moments in the movie when Tony was bein' a dern fool, his kidnappin', and him findin' out just how much pain his line of work had caused was tough for us kids. It reminded us of our own past foolishness... of when we didn't care...

Yeah, Ah know: the Canterlot Movie Club and not carin' don't mix none. But, it happened, and we were still payin' for it.

Ah, myself, was tempted to grab the remote from Sunset's lap and stop the film at times. But, somethin' inside of me was keepin' me from lookin' away from the screen. Ah didn't know what it was at the time, but Ah could tell that it felt like this gentle warmth in my mind and gut that was subtle and wordless, all quiet like if ya' will. Whatever it was, it was helpin', so Ah didn't see any need to fight it. It sure beat lettin' my fears win again...

Once we got passed the escape scene, Sunset paused the film and spoke up with a sad tone of voice;

"That was a brave thing Yinsen did for Tony..."

We looked over at her to find that she was shedding a tear or two while looking back at us. She wiped her tears with her right arm and smiled at us while adding with a more upbeat voice;

"We've only just started and the film is already moving me!"

We had a good laugh before she unpaused the movie. Regardless of the well meanin' laughter, we remembered somethin' important about ourselves:

We did NOT like seein' Sunset Shimmer cry.

We finished watchin' the flick without any problems or further delays. Soon after, we found ourselves sittin' at the table again, the DVD cases havin' been returned to the safe. My friends and Ah listened closely to Sunset as she happily gushed over the film with pure excitement in her eyes and voice;

"I loved how Tony refused to shy away from the fact that his company profited off of war. His business partner tried to give him the whole 'We are warmongers' spew, but Tony ignored his greedy flank and used company resources to protect people instead!"

Out of restrained confusion, Ah whispered to myself so that our guest couldn't hear me;


Before I could investigate Sunset's strange word choice, Scootaloo responded with equal excitement while bouncin' in her seat;

"I know, right?! He's so cool! One scene I really like is the one when he flew out of his lab with his power suit on and zoomed up into the night sky like a rocket! No, a jet plane! NO, a rocket jet person!"

Sweetie Belle, with a giggle, added happily;

"I loved it when he saved those innocent people the bad guys were holding hostage by knocking the meanies out before they could fire their guns!"

Scoots and Ah looked right at her before the former noted while keepin' her big grin goin' strong;

"Yeah, and then the bad guys used this big tank to shoot Tony out of the sky. But this is Iron Man! No tank is gonna stop him! So, after it missed its second shot, he fired his own teeny tiny shell thing at it and walked away. Nothing happened for a few seconds and them BOOM!"

She quickly stretched her arms out to both sides without hitting anyone for dramatic effect before finishing;

"The tank exploded from behind him while he walked away like an action hero!"

Her smile somehow grew larger by the second as she clarified her point;

"An egghead. Blew up a tank. Like an action hero!"

Scoots' passion was so infectious, the three of us were laughin' together before we knew it. A few seconds later, we heard Sunset's joyful laughter, which prompted us to calm down enough to give her our attention. Once she stop gigglin', she told us with a happy sigh;

"Yeah, Tony Stark, as a character, is my favorite part of the movie. He goes from this uncaring jerk to a man who can't help but care about what his actions do to people."

She raised her head up to look at the ceilin', her smile as bright as her namesake, and added;

"He redeemed himself by the end."

When Ah heard those words come out of her mouth, somethin' in my mind clicked. We had so much we wanted to say to Sunset Shimmer, but right then and there, Ah knew where to begin. With a breath and a smile as bright as hers, Ah followed my heart;

"Ya' redeemed yourself too, Miss Sunset.", Ah told her as plainly as Ah could. She looked back down to see the smile Ah was givin' her. Ah figured Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were smilin' at her too. The happiness on her face grew in strength and beauty as Ah went on;

"You've become a mighty good person."

Scootaloo agreed with that sentiment and added to it with her personal brand of joyful gusto;

"Yeah! You're awesome!"

"You're kind!", noted Sweetie Belle with a voice crack filled with happiness. Ah finished off the round of compliments with one that came right from my Apple heart;

"You're honest."

All of those compliments we gave her were the honest truth. Why wouldn't they be? She showed those three traits to us, to the whole school, two days ago! While Sunset's face practically radiated with joy and love, not even that could stave off the old regret that grew inside of me after Ah spoke. My smile givin' way to a frown, Ah lowered my head to face the table below and said in a much softer voice laced with pent up sadness;

"Ah wish we had seen all of that sooner."

Ah could almost feel the sadness bein' quietly expressed by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle as Ah kept my head lowered in silent shame. Why? Why didn't we see how good she could be before... before...

Ah heard the rough scraping of wood upon wood as well as rushed footsteps. Before Ah could guess as to what was goin' on, Ah heard the gentle voice of Sunset Shimmer speak to us from behind;

"Even after what happened between us, I still didn't really show much proof that I had changed. I just... kept my distance. Towed the line."

Her voice expressed a kind of regret that echoed what my friends and Ah carried inside. Feelin' bad for her while also curious, Ah asked her politely, my regret holdin' my head in place;

"What kept ya' from showin' proof before ya' and the girls beat the Sirens?"

With a sigh, she answered hesitantly;

"I was... afraid."

Now, Ah was even more curious! Not enough to move my head in Sunset's general direction, mind ya'. Apparently, Scootaloo was just as curious, for she asked her softly;

"Afraid of what?"

She answered simply after pausing for a second;

"Of hurting people again. I... couldn't bring myself to risk that happening."

Hearing that truth come out was just what Ah needed, what we needed! All three of us shot up out of our seats to stand straight for a split second before turning right around on our heels to look at Sunset while shoving our chairs out of the way, our eyes wide with surprise. What we saw on that girl's face was terrible regret mixed with a heapin' helpin' of sorrow. It was enough to make me wanna cry and not just for her. Our own regret and sorrow that was kept inside of our hearts came flowin' out from our voices as we cried out in unison;

"We're afraid of hurting people again too!"

Tears started flowin' down from my eyes as Ah explained while holdin' my hands up to my chin as if Ah was pleadin';

"We wanted to talk with ya' when we were preparin' for that Musical Showcase! We really did!"

Scootaloo chimed in while tryin' to sniff back her own tears;

"We even wanted to let you help us with our poster! But..."

Sweetie Belle, the most tear-stricken of us, finished for our awesome friend;

"We were so scared of hurting you again that we pushed you away!"

With that, my friend and Ah aimed our heads to face the ceilin' and wailed to the stars above while lettin' our arms hang from our sides;


At that point, all we could do was cry our hearts out while standin' as stiff as the family barn with our eyes shut tight. As we wept, Ah suddenly felt Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle bein' gently pressed against my arms. Ah didn't pay much attention to what was happenin', until Ah felt Sunset bring herself close to us, her head carefully placed on my right shoulder. Instinctively, Ah wrapped my arms around her waist as if Ah was holdin' my kin for dear life. It took... land's sake, Ah still don't know how long it took for us to calm down! But, when we did, Sunset told us softly, her voice as sweet as caramel apples to my ears;

"I'm sorry too."

Even with my eyes closed, Ah was sure that my two friends were holdin' her too, and Ah was dern sure that we all held her tighter after she spoke, our tears stainin' the wooden floor below us like waterfalls.

Once the hug had broken up, we noticed that Sunset was kneeling on her right knee to gaze at us at our level. That beautiful smile of hers was back and stronger than ever, chasin' away our sorrows like light wardin' away darkness. It didn't take very long for us to stop cryin' after that. Before we could talk again, however, she declared with soft anticipation in her voice;

"I've got gifts for you."

Whatever thought train our brains were on got derailed! Ah was the first kid to express our shared surprise;

"Gifts... for us?"

Sweetie Belle, true to form, went from surprised to overjoyed within moments;

"That's so sweet of you!", she exclaimed with an adorable squeak. Ah felt my own joy over gettin' something nice from Sunset grow within me, but Scootaloo sounded more nervous than anythin' as she noted while still soundin' appreciative;

"You don't have to do that for us."

"I want to, though.", Sunset said in response while keepin' that lovely grin of hers on point. She got back up to stand on her two feet while declarin';

I'm gonna go grab them real quick. I'll be back soon."

She passed us and over to the door with the three of us watching her as she moved. She stopped to turn around to look us in the eye and tell us with a wink, her smile gettin' a bit of slyness to it;

"No peaking!"

With sheepish grins and giggles, we nodded our heads in agreement. With that settled, she walked through the door and closed it behind her. We only had to wait for two-to-three minutes before she returned with a thin rectangular box held in both hands. The box was wrapped up in wrappin' paper that had a pattern of stripes that bore Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's hair colors, with my own color fillin' the background. The darn thin' even had a big pink bow on top. Our eyes grew big with excitement upon seein' this. What could that lady possibly want to give us? The guesses we were makin' in our minds were gettin' wilder by the second, Ah tells ya'! Sunset walked over to the table and placed the box on its center with an audible thud. It was long enough to reach about halfway to the table's edge at both ends. We looked at Sunset, who nodded at us while happy as can be. Before we get right to work on openin' up the package, however, someone else had entered the clubhouse. Walkin' in one at a time to stand at Sunset's left side were our big sisters: Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash! Oh Nelly, we were about ready to squeal in delight when Rainbow told us with a knowin' smirk;

"Hold on, squirts! You gotta open your gifts first, then we can hug it out."

Rarity and Applejack nodded their heads in agreement with smirks of their own. Oh, they knew us so dern well! Without further ado, the three of us kids jumped right into rippin' that wrappin' paper apart. It took us mere seconds to get enough of the stuff off to be able to lift up the lid. We gave each other warm smiles of friendship before we took the lid into our hands and opened the box as a team.

What we saw inside... give me a moment, ya'll. Ah'm gettin' teary-eyed!

Anyway, what we saw inside were three small boxes surrounded by thick bunches of old newspapers. Each one had its own color: red, lavender, and orange. So, it was easy to tell who they belonged to. We tossed the large lid aside and took them boxes into our hands, one for each of us, and saw that they had lids on top. With care, we held the boxes in our left palms and pulled the lids up with our right hands to reveal the gift we all shared. Each of us were given a pony: a paper pony made out of construction paper. These little critters were unicorns to be precise, as proven by their horns pokin' out from their foreheads. They were small enough to nicely fit in their boxes and were clearly made with the same love and care that was given to them paper ponies that were hangin' in our clubhouse, liberal use of crayons and all. What had struck us right in our hearts were the colors used to give them their appearance.

The amber coats and matchin' horns.

The red manes with yellow stripes.

The turquoise eyes!

It felt like we were holdin' three little Sunsets in the palms of our hands, ya'll! The cherry on top was what was written on both flanks for each paper pony, which were initials carefully written in red ink:


There was no need for anyone in that clubhouse to explain why Sunset gave us these ponies. Our hearts knew the reason, and dangnabit, we were listenin' to them more closely than ever before. That warm feelin' from earlier that Ah could not name yet came back, which helped make what were about to do just a little bit easier on me. With the utmost care, we slowly placed the lids back on the ponies' boxes and carried them over to the safe. Scootaloo, with one hand, opened it up, allowin' each of us to place those wonderful gifts inside of it. Once the safe was closed again, we darted over to Sunset quick as a flash and gave her the biggest, tightest, most lovin' hug we could muster. We felt her and our sisters wrap us up in a group hug as we all allowed smiles as bright as the sun to shine on our faces. Not a word was spoken from then until Sunset Shimmer, our friend, left the clubhouse.

No more words were needed that time.

Prologue Part #2 - The Song

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Sweetie Belle

One week later

It wasn't long before the three of us started spending time with Sunset Shimmer whenever we could. We did lots of fun things together: Hanging out at the mall with the rest of the Rainbooms, helping Apple Bloom and her sister around the farm, enjoying movies, watching Scootaloo perform tricks with Rainbow Dash, and anything else we could come up with. I guess we were making up for lost time, which was fine by me.

Sunset deserved to have a lot of fun with her friends.

Although we were finally connecting with that girl, that we were not as afraid of hurting her again as we were before, something still felt... off. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and I were talking about exactly that in the clubhouse one day. AB, as expected from our leader, was leading the discussion from her podium;

"Look ya'll, our talk with Sunset last week got me thinkin'...", she began with a serious glare. Scoots and I kept our attention locked on her as she went on;

"We wanna move forward from that foolhardy mistake we made a while back, right?"

It was a trick question and we all knew it. I nodded my head alongside Scootaloo instantly, prompting Apple Bloom to do the same and continue;

"Well, all we were doin' before last week was pushin' folks away. Not just her, but the other students too."

She groaned a little before adding out of annoyance while gritting her teeth;

"Siren magic makin' us act like fools aside!"

"We talked with our sisters though! You know, before those Dazzlings messed with our heads.", I quickly noted. She responded with a quick nod before Scootaloo chimed in happily;

"Yeah, because we love our sisters too much to push them away!"

We all smiled at the thought of the three girls who were always there for us before Apple Bloom admitted with a chuckle;

"Yeah, we were talkin' with them before we all turned plum crazy, our families too when we were at home. Other than that..."

Her grin gave way to a frown before declaring;

"We've been keepin' Wondercolts at arms length... too afraid of hurtin' them to give them anythin' more than small talk..."

Without warning, she slammed her right fist on top the podium, causing Scootaloo and I to back up a step out of shock! She then exclaimed with the kind of frustration that I always knew could come from her mouth;

"Well, Ah ain't movin' forward if Ah'm livin' in fear!"

Those words struck a cord in the both of us, with the orange daredevil declaring with pride and a fist pump with her right fist;

"That's right! If Sunset Shimmer can put the past behind her, why not us?"

I smiled at them both to show my support of this, but then a thought popped up in my head that I needed to express;

"Yeah, but how are we gonna do that?"

We pondered the question in silence for a good few minutes, but all we could draw from our brains were blanks. Apple Bloom, who recognized the situation, offered calmly;

"Well, with school startin' back up tomorrow, Ah reckon we've got a lot on our minds as it is. So, let's try to think of ideas today and, when we get our school work done tomorrow, we'll reconvene 'ere to discuss what we thought of and narrow thin's down."

This seemed like a good idea to me, so I told our leader;

"I second that motion!"

"Third!", exclaimed Scootaloo with an excited bounce. Looking satisfied, Apple Bloom banged her gavel to signify that the motion was passed. As we left the clubhouse to head to our homes, I couldn't help but think back to the Battle of the Bands, to Sunset choosing to stand up for her friends through song...

You're never gonna bring me down!

You're never gonna break this part of me!

I mentally gushed over how wonderful her singing voice was! Such courage and sweetness mixed together in a blend of melodious beauty! Oh, and when Princess Twilight joined in, their vocal harmony was amazing! But then, I felt something in my mind and heart. It was... warm and comforting, but also... invigorating? I couldn't make heads or tales about it, but it seemed harmless, so I had let it be.

I didn't think much of it for a while, certainly not when school started the next day.

Canterlot High School - After the final bell

The school day was uneventful, especially when compared to the wild competition that, thanks to the beauty of scheduling, had ended just before Spring Break. The classes went through the post-break motions of getting us students back into the swing of things. This included getting one of the worst things a student could get: homework! How much of that annoyance we got varied from class to class. Thankfully, my pile was not too large overall. As luck would have it, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were on the same boat. We knew as we walked through the halls of our school together that if we put in the time and effort, we could get our homework done before dinner time. We were talking about that topic while we walked, with Apple Bloom saying excitedly;

"No math homework this time around, ya'll! Ah think Miss Cheerliee is showin' us mercy today."

Before we could giggle at the thought of that, however, we were stopped in our tracks by a large pink blur that zoomed over and stopped in front us, revealing itself to be none other than Pinkie Pie, who was smiling brightly as usual. Her antics hardly startled us due to our experience with having her as a friend. With a smile of my own, I greeted her with a wave;

"Hey there, Pinkie! What's going on?"

She responded by puffing out her chest and declaring with a serious face and a surprisingly deep voice that was laced with a hilariously bad Austrian accent;

"Come with me if you want to rock!"

She then spun around and skipped back the way she came before we could laugh over her silly Arnold voice. As tempting as it was for us to break out the movie jokes, we held them back as we followed the party planner down the hall. Like my friends, I was curious as to what she had in mind. Sunset's performance, and that strange feeling from earlier, stuck with me for a good chunk of the trip.

Pinkie led us to where the Music Room was located. I figured the rest of the Rainbooms were inside, given that this was one of the times when they would practice their songs. Only this time, we couldn't hear the muffled sounds of them playing their music from behind the door. Pinkie, with swift movement, opened the door and motioned to us to follow her inside. When we did, we saw the other band members standing together in a row, with Sunset herself standing in the middle while carrying a beautiful electric guitar. Rainbow Dash's own guitar looked about as awesome as her as she stood to Sunset's left, with Rarity rocking her keytar on the right, Fluttershy with her tambourine on Rarity's right, and Applejack holding her bass on the far left. Behind the line of musicians stood Pinkie's drum set. There was something different about the band that caught my eye that day: Sunset was sporting a new look! Her hair was still red with yellow stripes, but the colors were de-saturated a bit. They were vibrant, yes, but not extremely so. She wore a black jacket with fake leather, but this one was more subdued in style. The decorations on the collar were traded in for a large orange chevron on each sleeve. Underneath the jacket was a light blue sundress that had white frills with an orange trim at the bottom. Below the dress was a pair of plain blue pants that were somewhere between loose and tight fitting. For footwear, she wore buckled heeled boots that were grey with a black trim. They were much shorter than the flaming boots of old, since they reached halfway to her knees instead of all the way up to them. Like her jacket, each boot had an orange chevron drawn on the front. I liked Sunset's new style, it made her look more friendly, and she was already really nice! As for Pinkie, she skipped over to the drum set, sat down on its seat, and grabbed the drumsticks that were resting on top of the bass drum to make ready. My friends and I were quite confused over what was going on, with Apple Bloom asking the band;

"Why did ya'll want us to come 'ere?"

The older girls were all smiles as Rainbow Dash, with confidence in every word she spoke, explained;

"We just finished practicing this awesome new song!"

Applejack, as honest as she was humble, added with a grin;

"We could use a fresh pair of ears to test it on before we debut it."

Rarity brought her sense of dignity to the explanation upon chiming in;

"So, we thought it would be lovely if we could play it for you little darlings!"

Our excitement went through the roof upon hearing all of this. Scootaloo was the most excited of us, her rapidly stomping her shoes on the floor being proof of this. She exclaimed with a voice loaded with anticipation;

"This is gonna be so much fun!"

Even though we were giggling at the thought of listening to a new song performed by our favorite band of all time, I had a single question to ask them before the performance could start;

"Why play your new song for us and not anyone else? All of the students would come running if they heard about this."

We waited for the girls to answer. Fluttershy was the one who did so, albeit softly and nervously;

"Well, um, we heard from Sunset about your talk with her and.... um, we figured you were still feeling a little blue."

"Sooooo, we decided to cheer you kids up with a super-amazing, spectacular, smile-creating song that you get to hear before anyone else!", exclaimed a bouncy Pinkie Pie in a rapid pace, her excitement on full display. They were not off the mark, since we still felt pretty bad about us keeping our distance from most of our peers for so long, among other things. Out of appreciation and joy, I nodded my head at the band with a smile. I figured Apple Bloom and Scootaloo did the same. Once we found some free chairs to sit on, we moved them to sit in front of the girls, got comfortable, and waited. After a quick test of their instruments, the Rainbooms got into their playing stances. Pinkie, with the biggest smile in the room, yelled out the beat while raising her drumsticks to the ceiling;


The girls immediately began playing, creating the wonderful sounds of Sunset and Rainbow Dash strumming their guitars together mixed with the energetic beep-booping of Rarity's keytar and the soft shaking of Flutterhsy's tambourine, all of which were kept in rhythm by Applejack's bass guitar and Pinkie's bass drum. The resulting music that started off the song was gentle and strong all at once. They played this for about ten seconds before Sunset, much to our joy, started to sing;

Power... Was all I desired.

But all that grew inside of me

Was a darkness I acquired.

The girls had our attention when they started playing, but now that attention was almost impossible to lose! Our ears heard the whole band, but our eyes were fixed on that amber-colored lady. Just hearing the first line was enough to make the three of us realize that this song was not just about anyone: it was about Sunset herself! She sang that first part with clear solemness on her face. She kept this up as she continued singing;

When I began to fall

And I lost the path ahead...

Her smile returned along with a sparkle in her eyes that signified a truly real kind of happiness. The kind that seeped into her singing voice;

That's when your friendship found me

And it lifted me instead!

That happiness was immediately mixed with powerfully positive pride as she belted out a chorus that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and I would remember forever and ever:

Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky

I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny!

I may not know what the future holds, but hear me when I say

That my past does not define me, 'cause my past is not today!

Those words... Those beautiful, truthful words that poured out from the heart of the girl who sang them... They tugged at our heart strings in such a way that they caused certain memories to play out in our minds. Those memories all came from a dark time in the movie club's history: the time when we made the single worst mistake in our lives. I was shedding tears, but despite what was going through my head, they didn't come from sadness, anger, or regret. They came from this nameless feeling from before, but I was too focused on the song to pay much attention to such a thing. Heck, I barely noticed that I was crying! Sunset and her friends kept up their performance without skipping a beat, her solemn frown from before returning as she sang the next verse;

Ambition... is what I believed

To be the only way to set me free.

As if on cue, the sting of our shared mistake, of our regret, flared up from within me. It threatened to pull me away from the song, but I kept my attention on the performance regardless of the pain;

But, when it disappeared

And I found myself alone...

Sunset's sweet voice and revitalized smile, combined with the musical talents of the entire band, kept me grounded and focused on her words;

That's when you came and got me

And it felt like I was home!

She then belted out the chorus once more, this time with more passion and the higher end of her vocal range brought to bare for those high notes;

Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky

I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny!

At this point, my pain and regret was swept away by the music, by the vocals, by the six girls who played before us! I was shedding a whole stream of tears, but it didn't matter! I was having fun! We were having fun! I was smiling from ear to ear as the fun ended with a mighty crescendo;

I may not know what the future holds, but hear me when I say

That my past does not define me, 'cause my past is not today!

The girls finished playing, allowing the last notes to smoothly fade into silence. At some point during the performance, my two friends and I had stood up from our seats. We didn't even notice we had done this until now! We stood silently while gazing at each of the band members, who looked back us expectantly. Fluttershy was the only one of the six who looked nervous. But, that nervousness melted away as she, along with the others, recognized that all three of us club members were smiling brightly at them. Still, we did not say a word. For five whole seconds, words failed us. After that, Scootaloo, exclaimed with heartfelt joy while sniffing back her own tears;

"That... was... so... awesome!"

Apple Bloom, driven by our friend's words, rushed over to Applejack to give her a big hug. She didn't even wait for her to get the bass guitar out of the way first. That Apple was hardly one to wait for very long. As for me, I made sure to wait until Rarity was ready before pouncing on her with a hug of my own that made her laugh lovingly. Scootaloo, of course, went after Rainbow Dash. We then hugged Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie before turning to face Sunset herself. She had already placed her electric guitar off to the side before getting down on her right knee to gaze at us at our level. We smiled happily at her as the leader of the Canterlot Movie Club declared to the girl who was once our enemy with love and surety;

"You're our Phoenix Friend, sugarcube! There ain't anyone or anythin' that can change that!"

Somehow, some part of me knew that she would say something like that. Frankly, I was all for it! Sunset's smile grew three sizes that day, with love and appreciation sparkling in her eyes. I could feel the sweet support the others were giving us in silence as we almost tackled the amber-colored girl with one of our movie club hugs. While wrapping us up in her arms, she told us sweetly;

"Phoenix Friend... I like it."

At that moment, the feeling I had felt in my mind and heart before came back again. I still didn't know what it was, and its return did not help with that. Still, it was not hurting me or anyone else, so I relaxed into it along with the hug without a second thought.

Prologue Part #3 - The Dream

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Later that night, in Scootaloo's dreams

I found myself rolling down my neighborhood's road on my scooter alongside Rainbow Dash, who was riding her skateboard like the awesome person she was. We had our safety gear on, of course, because having to go to the hospital to get surgery was seriously lame! The two of us shredded down the road like sports stars from the 90s while doing cool tricks whenever we could. Grinding on rails, striking mid-air poses after jumping off of ramps, hopping over obstacles, and other awesome moves. I was one happy girl and so was Rainbow. Once we saw the end of the street we were on, we stopped our sick rides safely and sat down on the sidewalk to my left to get some rest. We chilled there for a few seconds before I saw Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, my best friends, running over to me from the right. They looked terrified and sounded it too when they cried out;


Fear gripped my heart as I looked up at Rainbow with worry in my eyes. True to form, she looked back at me with one of her confident smirks that cheered me up without fail and declared with pride;

"Really, those jerks are at it again? Please, they're gonna get their butts kicked a second time!"

Her words erased my fear as my friends and fellow club members rushed over to hold my arms from my sides. I brought them close with my arms, so that we could comfort each other as we saw something that I wish we never had to see again:

The green fog. That stupid green fog that was moving over the road and towards us! Strutting out from the fog with vile grins on their faces were the Sirens, AKA: The Dazzlings. On the left was Aria Blaze, on the right was Sonata Dusk, and in the middle was their leader, Adagio Dazzle. They stopped to stand in the middle of the road, the fog stopping with them. With a loud evil cackle, Adagio announced to the four of us;

"Well now, if it isn't the arrogant fool who made a song about herself! We'll make sure to humble you before making you ours."

I would not stand for my sister-at-heart and most awesome idol being insulted. Yeah, she could take it, but she didn't need to that time;

"Rainbow Danger Dash is NO ONE'S slave!" I yelled out at the trio of terror angrily. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom cheered me on, with Rainbow herself giving me a quick thumbs up before returning her attention to the Sirens. Aria, with a confident smirk oozing with vile intent, asked;

"Where are those dorks you call friends, huh? Are they too good for you?"

Rainbow belted out a quick laugh before declaring confidently;

"My friends always have my back..."

Her smirk grew wide when she added;

"And they're never too far behind!"

She then pointed up at the sky with her right index finger, which drove me to look up. It took a mere second for a huge rainbow laser to come crashing down from the sky and onto the pavement between us and the Sirens! The laser stayed long enough to perform a super-cool light show before vanishing, revealing the other five members of the most awesome band of all time! With relief and joy in our hearts, my friends and I released each other from our grips to pull off a movie club high five while yelling out happily;


With a loud and proud chuckle, Rainbow Dash rushed over to join her friends as they stood within a few feet from the Sirens, who refused to show even a hint of fear or frustration. No, they kept their vile smiles up, even as the girls transformed into their cool as heck pony forms in awesome unison. Upon seeing this, Sonata giggled before saying sarcastically while turning her smile into one that was a twisted attempt at false innocence;

"Oh no, whatever will we do, Adagio?"

With a quick brush of her oversized hair with her right hand, the leader declared with terrible excitement;

"Let's show them!"

Just then, three glowing lights appeared on the chests of each Siren. The lights were red... a very familiar red! Before any of us could react, they disappeared, revealing their magical gemstones that they now wore around their necks. They were far from broken, a fact that Sunset noted in shock;

"You had them fixed!"

"Of course, Sunset Dimmer!" Aria responded with an annoyed grunt before Sonata added cheerfully;

"You really shouldn't have let us keep the pieces. Now, our gems are totes better than ever!"

One evil titter later, Adagio looked over at the surprised and angered Rainbooms and told them simply;

"Exhibit A."

She sharply raised her right hand at them and snapped her fingers, trapping them in a transparent magical dome before they could run or fly. My friends and I watched in shock and horror our heroes went to work on trying to bust through the dome while yelling words of encouragement to us and each other. I looked back at Adagio, who kept her smirk up while adding just as simply;

"Exhibit B."

Another finger snap was fired, which got me to look back at the dome. Suddenly, the dome was no longer transparent. Instead, it was given the same shade of green as the fog while rendering the three of us unable to see inside of it. I only managed to catch Rainbow Dash looking back at me with worry in her eyes before she was hidden from my sight. To make matters worse, that darn Siren had also sound-proofed the dome from the inside, so we couldn't hear the girls anymore!

My friends and I kept close to one another as I saw the fog spread all around us with enough speed to keep us from escaping it in time. We were trapped with three horrible bullies and our heroes were unable to help us. I didn't want to admit it out loud, but I was scared out of my wits. I could feel Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shiver as they hugged me from my sides, so I knew they were scared too. We kept our eyes locked on the Sirens as they slowly strutted over to us, the fog moving in closer and closer from all sides as they walked. They stopped to stand within a foot or two away from us, the fog following suit from behind them. Adagio told us while looking at us with the smile of a predator getting ready to pounce;

"Now now, little Humans, we're not interested in hurting you."

"You would be so much better off under our spell than six feet under!" exclaimed Sonata while sounding much happier about the concept than anyone had the right to be.

"It's not like you'll have a choice," noted Aria with a smirk and a knowing chuckle.

It didn't matter to me, to us, what the situation meant. The Canterlot Movie Club would not give up without a fight! With defiant glares aimed right at the villains, we yelled out at them as an awesome unit;

"They'll be always be someone who'll stand against you jerks!"

Adagio cackled once more before declaring with absolute arrogance;

"Then we'll make them ours too."

Before she could think of singing, however, something caught her eye. She pointed over to a spot behind us and revealed with a growing grin;

"Oh look, kids: our audience has arrived!"

We turned around to see what she was getting at. What we saw was about a terrifying to us as a horror movie: many of our fellow Wondercolts, including the teachers and staff, slowly walked up to us through the fog. We looked around and found that they were coming in from all directions. Their eyes glowed a green color that matched the fog and dome and their faces were filled with hatred. One of the students, Trixie Lulamoon, expressed that hatred on their behalf;

"CMCs... you embarrassed us!"

"You turned us against each other!", cried out Lyra and Bon-Bon while holding hands in unified fury. Another bunch of harsh words rang out from the group;

"Sunset weeped because of you!" yelled out a furious Flash Sentry.

As the students got closer to us, their words increased in number and rage;

"How dare you hurt so many people!"

"You did all of that for what? To get rid of one person? Shame on you!"

"You cowardly bullies should be expelled!"

"You should be sent to jail!"

Each hurtful word had cut deep into our hearts. We kept our feet planted on the ground and held each other tightly, but we could not stop our tears from streaming down from our eyes like waterfalls;

"We're so sorry, everybody!" we exclaimed to students, believing that our words would somehow break through the Sirens' control. No dice. Thankfully, the group stopped moving when they were just barely too far away to reach us with their hands. Even so, we were still surrounded by the fog, our enemies, and irate Wondercolts. I looked over at the dome to see if the Rainbooms had broken out, only to find it was still intact. Horrified, I tightened my hold on Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom while shutting my watery eyes tight. The air around the three of us suddenly turned cold as I couldn't help but beg the students in my mind;

"Please don't hurt us... we didn't mean to hurt you all!"

As if responding to my own thought, Adagio declared with venom in her voice;

"Don't worry, little ones. Life will become painless for you in just a moment. Now... adore us!"

I summoned all of my willpower, determined to resist the Sirens' magical singing long enough for the Rainbooms to save us all again. I could feel the growing chill of Winter in my mouth as I breathed erratically. But, the Sirens did not sing this time. Instead, Sonata noted out of shock;

"Girls, look at their feet!"

My eyes shot open as I looked down to see what was up. To my horror, I saw that my feet as well as Sweetie Belle's and Apple Bloom's were frozen in solid ice that was creeping up our legs at a steady pace. We tried to pry ourselves out of the ice, but it was too thick. It was cold, so unbearably cold! It made the rest of my body shiver like crazy! Since the ice was also frozen onto the ground below us, we couldn't move an inch. We glared at the Sirens, thinking that they had done this to us. But, Adagio told us the truth with horrible indifference;

"Huh, looks like Tartarus has come to claim you at last. A shame really, you would have been fine servants to us."

"Ugh, how annoying," Aria said with a grunt and a frown. Sonata, for some reason, looked and sounded genuinely sad for us;

"If only you hadn't waited so long..."

At this point, the ice had reached our chests and covered our hearts. which kept on beating regardless. Even with the inevitable coming, the three of us kept on holding onto one another for support and comfort. We looked into each other's eyes as the students around us sent out more painful words;

"About time this happened!"

"Such is the fate of villains like them..."

"Give our regards to Grogar, you she-demons!"

That last insult, under normal circumstances, would have stung like a wasp's stinger. At this point, however, their words were like water on a stone wall: they had little to no effect. We had let the world around us fade into the background as we kept gazing into each other's eyes. There was sadness and deep regret in them, but no fear. Even now, at the very end, we would stay together as friends. As the ice moved up our necks, my last thought was of the girl who saved me long ago;

"Rainbow Dash..."

The last voice I heard before the ice covered my ears was one that shoved itself into the foreground, getting my attention with ease. It was one that belonged not to a Wondercolt, but a monstrous traitor who thought herself awesome;

"You brats deserve this," Gilda declared with wicked hatred in her voice. My friends were the last people I saw before the ice took my vision from me.

Darkness surrounded me completely.

I saw nothing. Said nothing. Heard nothing. Thought nothing. Physically felt nothing.

I was numb in every sense of the word, completely isolated at that. I could not even move my body an inch, let alone feel it. Was this what it was like to be dead? To not be able to think or feel or do stuff? Unable to speak or care? If I could think, I would have decided that this was not for me, that even pain was better than this numbness! But then, I noticed something... It was a warm sensation, gentle yet strong. It started inside of my head as well as my gut before spreading over to my heart like a big comfy blanket falling onto my body at bedtime. It was so comforting, this warmth, so soothing. I wanted to stay focused on it, to let it keep me warm like a campfire. When it started to spread through the rest of my body, I did not fight it even a little. Suddenly, my sense of thinking had returned! Besides deciding that the numbness sucked, I thought of my friends and family, particularly of how much we loved each other. The warmth inside grew stronger, as if it was fueled by my memories of those wonderfully awesome people. Just then, my sense of smell came back, allowing me to recognize that, wherever I was, it smelled of... flowers? Strange, but not scary. Another memory came up in my mind: there were flowers where I first met Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle! Ah, the memory of our friendship's birth made my heart soar with happiness. Once again, the warmth grew in strength as my sense of hearing came back as well. The first thing I heard was this soft hum that echoed throughout my location. It was soothing to my mind, almost like a lullaby, so I had no issues with it. For some reason, I thought of the times Rainbow Dash and I pulled fun-filled pranks on people that made them laugh right along with us. Instinctively, I began to giggle softly, the warmth inside getting even stronger. This was a clear sign that my sense of speaking had returned. Surprised, I caught myself mid-laugh and exclaimed in relief;


My voice echoed throughout my location, which made me laugh even more because of how silly it sounded. It was then that I realized that it was that gentle warmth, spurred on by my happy memories, that was helping me regain my senses. With a confident grin, I thought of the time when my Aunt and Auntie read to me one of my Daring Do books to help me sleep. I didn't know what was more awesome, them telling me the story or the hot chocolate they had made for me. As if on cue, my sense of physical feeling was restored! The first thing I felt when it returned was the coldness of the still air around me. It wasn't freezing cold though, so it didn't do a thing to weaken my mirth or resolve. All that was left was my sight. I picked the perfect memory for the job: the memory of when I saw Sunset Shimmer, not as a bully, but as a good person, for the first time ever. It wasn't exactly a happy memory, but it was super-powerful! Like, a nine on the one-to-ten awesomeness scale.

That did the trick, I could see again! I felt like myself again, and oh boy did I feel awesome! I checked my surroundings to find that I was floating in a pitch black void. I raised my hands up to my face, only to find that, somehow, I could see them as clear as day. Feeling daring, I did a floating reverse flip just for fun. I had put a little more power into that flip than I should have, so I accidentally did several flips in one go! Thankfully, I could straighten myself back up easily enough. What I had seen at that moment, however, stopped me from celebrating further. It was a humongous light that was brilliantly bright, yet it wasn't painful for me to look at. In fact, the longer I stared at it, the calmer I became. The muscles in my body started to relax completely as I inspected the light further. It's color was the same as my eyes: a strong shade of purple. Even when putting the color aside, I felt in my heart that this light was meant for me. Without thinking about it, I floated closer and closer to the light, as if I was drawn to it. The warmth inside kept on growing, as if it was feeding off of it. I felt safe around it, with something in my mind silently telling me that everything was going to be okay. As soon as I got close enough, with a strong sense of peace in my entire being, I reached out with my right hand and touched the light. At the instant I did this, two voices sang at a slow pace from both around and within me;

What should a colt do

When a heart has been hurt...

My eyes grew wide in shock and my heart raced. I knew those voices like the back of my hand! Before I could respond, they sang some more;

And sorrow's what they feel?

All I could do before my body flung itself into the light was yell out in confusion;

"Mom?! Dad?!"

The next morning, in Scootaloo's bedroom

I awoke with a big start, my upper body shooting up straight, allowing me to sit on my bed while panting heavily. I was sweating as much as I did whenever I exercised with Rainbow Dash in the school gym! My mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts, but one thought held strong within the chaos: the song that I heard near the end of the dream. I wondered why Mom and Dad sang that to me at that moment? I felt it best to focus on the song instead of the lame nightmare that came before it. With a sigh, I slowly got up out of bed and steadied myself. Thankfully, my balance was not shot. I turned to look at my alarm clock, which rested on my nightstand. As it turned out, I woke up earlier than usual, so I had some extra time to spend before I had to get ready for school. Suddenly vibrating in front of the alarm clock was my smartphone, which I grabbed with my left hand to see that Apple Bloom was calling me. With a quick upwards swipe of the green Answer Call circle, I gave her the chance to talk with me as I moved the smartphone over to my left ear. Her first words were filled with concern;

"Scoots, did ya' have a really scary dream that had a plum weird endin' last night?" she asked in that Apple family drawl I remembered so fondly. Hearing this question surprised me, so I responded with one of my own;

"Did you have a dream like that too, AB?" I asked with just as much concern in my voice. Strange not-lame ending aside, I would not wish that dream on anyone. My friend's answer was simple and to the point;


The chaos in my head died down instantly upon hearing this. I then decided to check a detail to be sure;

"So, you dreamed of the Dazzlings sealing the Rainbooms in a dome, so that they could use the folks in CHS to mess with us before making us their slaves-"

"Only for Tartarus to freeze us in terribly cold ice, yes," Apple Bloom finished for me with a shudder. She then added while sounding a bit more cheerful than she did a moment;

"Ah didn't scream none when Ah woke up, so my folks are still sleepin' soundly. But, give them... oh, five more minutes and we'll all be eatin' breakfast and doin' mornin' chores!"

We had a good short laugh before she asked out of worry;

"Are ya' okay, Scoots?"

With a smile, I told her truthfully;

"I'm okay, AB, and thank you."

Right when we were about to say goodbye, I felt my phone vibrate again. After looking at the screen, I saw a notification saying that Sweetie Belle was trying to enter the call. With a swipe or two, I added her in. The first thing she said was understandably familiar;

"Girls, did you have a really scary-" she asked with a concerned squeak;

"Eeyup!" we told her at the same time. Sweetie giggled sheepishly before noting;

"Me too."

Sure enough, Apple Bloom didn't have time to speak on the matter further, given when her folks were waking up. So we agreed to pick this back up during lunch hour. After saying my goodbyes and hanging up, I placed the phone back on the nightstand and went to get my clothes for the day.

Oh, this was going to be an interesting day for the three of us!

Canterlot High School - The cafeteria during lunch hour

I sat on the seat of my chosen table, which was basically deserted save for me, while enjoying my lunch. It was early in lunch hour, so I expected my friends to show up very soon. Sure enough, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came walking up to sit at the side of the table opposite me while carrying treys filled with food. Normally, AB would choose to sit with Applejack and Big Mac, who were chilling out together at a different table far to my right. But, we had club business to attend to, and this time, it had nothing to do with cinema. I stopped eating to give my two pals my full attention. Apple Bloom was the first to bring it up after chomping on her big juicy apple;

"Let's start by explainin' what happened in our dreams, so we can compare them," she suggested while chewing on her food. Thankfully, not even the huge chunk of apple she was munching on could make her words impossible to understand, but I did still have to listen closely to catch them. Once she swallowed, she started recounting her dream to us. Once Sweetie Belle and myself had talked about ours as well, we all had the same realization that we admitted aloud;

"We had the same dream!"

Sweetie Belle clarified further while holding her chin with one hand in thought;

"Well, maybe not the exact same dream. I mean, mine started with me listening to Rarity gush over her newly made dresses while we walked down the street."

With a quick nod, Apple bloom added her side of it;

"Yeah, and mine started when Ah was enjoyin' some fizzy apple cider with Applejack while walkin' down the street."

After giving their words some thought, I noted;

"It was when we came together that our dreams became the same then. How does that work?"

Apple Bloom crossed her arms and responded with a frown;

"Sometimes, dreams can have somethin' to say. That's what Granny Smith told me this mornin', anyway."

"Yeah, but what was our dream telling us?" asked a confused Sweetie Belle.

As if guided by instinct, we looked around the cafeteria from our seats. We saw many of our fellow students eating and talking with each other, making jokes, and just having a good time before the next set of classes could start. We recognized many of them, but there was a select few who stood out for us the most. The faces of those who, at one point, we had hurt...

Their names and faces, we could never forget.

Seeing those people reminded us of the pain in our hearts so much that we looked away before it could really sting. We held our heads down to stare at our food in silence for a good few minutes. I was not feeling all that hungry at that point. I could hear that song from the dream echo in my mind and I was sure my friends heard it in theirs too;

What should a colt do

When a heart has been hurt

And sorrow's what they feel?

That feeling in my head and gut drove me to look back up at my friends, who were doing the same thing. We gave each other smiles filled with cool friendship and supportive nods to keep each other going. Our sadness seemingly held at bay, Apple Bloom noted while scratching her head with her right hand;

"That song though... Somethin' about it confuses me."

We all pondered that aspect of the dream for a few seconds before Sweetie exclaimed;

"It's not finished!"

We shot our heads over to her while AB asked incredulously;

"Ah beg your pardon?"

I, however, recognized that the budding singer was on to something;

"Yeah, it sounded like the start of a song and not the whole thing!", I said to my pals while feeling proud of myself for figuring that out. From what I could tell, my words seemed to make sense to AB, who calmed down real quick. Sweets then asked;

"Yeah, but why is it asking us what to do when a heart has been-?"

She stopped herself with a sudden gasp, her eyes wide with sudden realization. It didn't take long for the rest of us to catch on. We knew, at that moment, what the song was referring to, and oh man, did it sting! This gave our sadness an opening that it took without a moment's delay, driving us to look back down at our food in shame. Sweetie Belle hesitantly brought up the other elephant in the room with a soft voice that was filled with sadness;

"Are the students still hurting over what we did?"

That squeak of hers only made her sadness more apparent as I told her without moving my head an inch;

"If they are, I don't blame them..."

Apple Bloom's voice, filled with determination mixed with regret, got our attention;

"Ah say we investigate that, see if those folks are still hurtin'. We owe them at least that much!"

I looked back up at her to find that she was looking over at the Sonic Rainbooms' table, specifically at Sunset Shimmer, before she added softly;

"We owe her at least that much."

Her determination had spread over to Sweetie and me like an awesome river that swept away our sadness, at least for a while. We nodded in agreement as AB turned her head to give us a confident glare and one of her big smiles before declaring;

"And Ah know just who to talk to about that."

The Principal's Office - After the final bell

There we were, sitting in front of the desk that was occupied by its owner: Principal Celestia. She was sweet and kind to her students, but knew when to be firm with trouble-makers. Given our history, we knew how firm she could be all too well. Standing to her right was her younger sister and partner, Vice-Principal Luna. She was more strict than Celestia, more willing to hand out punishments that were harsher than what her sister would deliver. But, like her sister, Luna was a fair lady, even to those who arguably didn't deserve fairness or mercy. We liked them both equally, honestly.

The two sisters gave us glares that we could not begin to figure out, while we looked at them with worry in our eyes. We had just told them the question that was on our minds and were waiting for a response. I made sure to not say a word until they spoke to us, same for Sweetie. Even Apple Bloom, as impatient as she normally was, knew better than to get annoyed with those two over having to wait. All was silent for a couple of minutes until Principal Celestia said calmly;

"Frankly, we find you asking us about this to be..."

A warm smile crept onto her face as she added with warmth;

"A pleasant surprise. One would think you all wanted to be done with that awful incident."

I shook my head before telling the two highest officials in our school truthfully;

"No, we can't be done with that mistake of ours until we know if our fellow students are still hurting over it."

I looked at them while feeling my regret flare up like fire and told them;

"I know we are..."

Their smiles were given a subtle dash of understanding as they took a moment to think. It was a longer moment than any of us kids would have liked. Before we could get anxious, however, Luna spoke up with a hint of softness in her typically calm and professional voice;

"As it happens, I looked into the matter when I was conducting a different investigation of my own."

That, I did not expect! Feeling excited, but not willing to be rude, I waited quietly as she looked over at Celestia, who looked back at her expectantly, and asked;

"If I may, sister?"

After getting a quick nod from the Principal, the Vice-Principal walked passed the desk and motioned for us to follow her, which we did so. She guided us to her office, where we sat at the large round table. Luna sat down at the end of the table opposite to us and, with a sigh, declared to us with a serious glare that could make a weak-willed troublemaker tremble in fear;

"After the Battle of the Bands, I checked in on the students involved in that ill-conceived event, my goal being to understand the damage that the Dazzlings had done to the school's student body."

Her glare became slightly soft as she went on;

"I had a hunch that their actions had also inflamed a few old wounds wrought by past incidents, so I made sure to investigate that possibility as well."

I knew in my heart that her hunch was far from wrong, at least as far the three of us were concerned.

Holding back the urge to look away out of shame, I kept my attention on Luna as she continued;

"So far, my efforts have produced some rather fascinating results, but I have yet to complete my investigation."

Before I could react, Apple Bloom asked her with anticipation in her southern drawl;

"Do ya' need help with that?"

Like her, I felt the drive to help people push me to give Luna an excited grin. A tiny smile formed on her face before she clarified;

"I appreciate your offer, girls. In fact, I'm glad you came to Celestia's office at this hour, because it gives me an opportunity."

"You want to talk to us about the Battle of the Bands?" asked a curious Sweetie Belle. She was usually the quickest of us to catch on to things. Luna, with a nod, elaborated;

"I have talked with many of the students who competed. But, I have not spoken with the three of you yet. Now that you're here, I can resolve that issue."

That contest, as a topic, was a sore spot for us at the time, but we didn't mind talking about it with trusted folks, like the lady in front of us. So, with a breath, I nodded my head while my friends did the same. Satisfied, Luna took a moment to think in silence before declaring, her serious glare returning with calm insistence;

"Good, then we can begin with this question: Obviously, the Dazzlings' magic had negatively affected your minds and thus, your behavior. Could you explain to me what the experience was like from your perspectives?"

She paused before adding;

"This is a question that you don't have to answer, if you don't want to."

As nervous as I felt over the thought of facing down what those manipulative jerks had us do, the fact that we weren't being forced to talk about it made it easier on me to do so. Of course, I needed to think of the words, which gave Apple Bloom the chance to speak first. Her voice was soft and remorseful. When I looked over at her, I could see the regret in her frown and eyes;

"At first, ma'am, we felt like ourselves, as if we were doin' what we thought was right. Yeah, we were bein' more temperamental than usual. But, that seemed like part of the competition, ya' know?"

I could feel her frustration from where I was sitting when she added with a grunt;

"But, we weren't actin' like ourselves! We weren't doin' what was right! Consarnit, it hurts that we were so dern mean to people!"

Sweetie Belle jumped in with a sorrowful squeak, prompting me to look over at her to see her on the verge of tears;

"When the Rainbooms needed us, we stood with the Sirens instead! We were so angry at the other bands, we shouted at them and insulted them, especially after we lost! We sang with skill, but there was no heart in our song! But, that's not the worst part..."

The memories of the Battle of the Bands were flowing through my mind as I listened to the girls speak their minds. One particular memory strengthened the regret inside my heart. When I saw Sweetie whimper softly to herself, I was sure she felt the same, and I guessed that Apple Bloom was on the same boat. With a heavy head that didn't feel so awesome that day, I hesitantly added for my club friends;

"The worst part is that... something was growing inside of us thanks to the Dazzlings' magic..."

I stumbled in my head as I tried to think of the best way to finish what we were saying to the attentive official who sat before us. It was Apple Bloom who did it on our behalf;

"The darkness we acquired," she declared with sorrow oozing from her voice. I looked back at her to see that she was glaring at Luna with those big tear-stricken eyes that always showed genuine sadness. I gazed at Luna as well, my own sadness filling my eyes as the three of us told her in a way that almost came off as begging;

"Please don't make us say its name..."

We knew that darkness well. We knew what it drove us to do, where it came from, and, of course, its stupid name. Just the thought of what we had done to the school, to our sisters, to Sunset... it's no wonder we kept our distance from the others until after the Battle of the Bands: we didn't want to think about what had happened!

Well, I guess we got sick of keeping our distance, because as tempted as we were to run out of Luna's office, we kept our butts planted on our seats. The Vice-Principal's face was unreadable to me, so I couldn't get a sense of how she felt about what we just said. That was, until she allowed gentleness and sympathy to shine in her eyes. With a short nod, she responded in the calm fashion that was expected from an educator;

"It is as I suspected: you are terribly guilt-ridden over your past actions. Over the scars you've left in people. I..."

Slowly, she looked off to the right to gaze at the floor and spoke with a softer tone of voice;

"I know something about that."

Hearing that caught the three of us completely off guard! We gasped in shocked unison while feeling concerned for our Vice-Principal. But, before we could say anything in response, Luna looked back at us, the gentleness in her eyes returning to full strength, and asked calmly while we gave her our undivided attention;

"You three have been sitting with your guilt for some time now, have you?"

We nodded in unison, unwilling to lie to her when she was being so patient and understanding. She continued;

"Well, as a professional courtesy, I will refrain from revealing the details on what was told to me by the students."

This was fair, even to Apple Bloom. None of us movie buffs saw any sense in spreading people's secrets around carelessly. Luna was not done, however;

"I can safely say this though: For their own reasons, they want to move on from the past."

She then reached into her right pants pocket with her right hand while noting;

"I'm sure you do too, but getting to that point takes time and effort."

After a moment, she pulled out from the pocket a small slightly wrinkled note that was folded three times and handed it over to Apple Bloom. Luna explained while we stared at the note;

"With that said, a student who was, shall I say, directly affected by your troubling past wanted me to give you this."

After getting those awesome paper ponies from Sunset, getting anything from those who we wronged was slightly less shocking to me. I looked at her and asked with a raised right eyebrow;

"What is it?"

With a small smile, she answered;

"Consider it a chance willingly given. Whether or not you girls take it is up to you."

I looked over at Apple Bloom, who turned to face Sweetie Belle. After getting a quick nod from her, our leader turned to face me. I knew exactly what she was thinking and showed my agreement with a nod of my own. She then looked at the note and took it into her right hand. My mind was trying figure out who had sent in that note as we thanked Luna, quietly left her office, and said our goodbyes to her and Celestia before returning to the school hallway;

"Sunset giving us a chance, I get. I mean, she's awesome! But, who else would give us a chance too?" I thought to myself as I walked alongside my friends. As if on cue, a certain memory played out in my mind with enough mental volume to stop me in my tracks. This memory involved the words of Rainbow Dash herself;

You did something stupid, squirts. But, that's no reason for me to drop you like garbage!

Ha! Of course it would be our sisters! I mean, why wouldn't they? They're awesome too! I didn't see Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle walk ahead, so I figured they stopped too. I would find out later on that they were going through what I was experiencing at the same time. I stared down the hallway before me with wide eyes, as if I was staring off into space. My heart started to pound in my chest as the regret flared up more strongly than it did earlier. A cruel voice in my head tried to scare me with a lie;

You should have been dro-

That voice was interrupted by my memory of Rarity's words;

You care about the people you hurt enough to stop this travesty. That is reason enough for us to forgive you, darlings.

Even from the inside of my brain, our sisters were there to help! Up to this point, I was as stiff as a statue along with my friends. Before my heart could settle down, the lame evil voice came back for another round;

You don't deserve forgiv-

Oh, but Applejack stepped up with all the stubbornness of a cool farmer;

We're plum mad at ya', sugarcubes. But, Ah was raised to help family and ya'll are family to me.

Right then and there, the warmth from earlier flowed into my head and gut with more strength than ever before! Clearly threatened by this, the wicked voice fired back one more time;

For you brats, there is no ho-

It was the memory of Sunset's words, heartfelt and awesomely true, that shut the liar up completely. What she said to us, my friends and I would never forget. She started by asking;

Do you girls understand what you did wrong?

We nodded our heads in silence. There were no other thoughts in our heads, just the words of the girl who, just yesterday, became our Phoenix Friend;

Do you girls understand why what you did was wrong?

Again, we nodded in agreement and waited for her response;

Do you want to make things right?

This time, we didn't just nod. We also declared our agreement with a simple word that we confidently spoke as one;


Then, there is ____ for you...

Oh, come on! Really?! I was sure I knew what that missing word was, but my brain was not playing ball! Obviously, the other two were having the same problem. As if sensing an opportunity, the memories connected to our wrongdoing came flooding through our brains so intensely that we held our heads tight with both hands, the note Apple Bloom had taken being held between her head and right hand! I didn't want to admit it, but those memories were terrifying;

We gotta stop that demon in disguise, ya'll!

You think we're taking this too far?

We're only causing trouble for Sunset, no one else.

... What have we done?!

Cowards! Dweebs! Traitors!

We're sorry! We're so so sorry!

I'll be honest with you: I was about ready to break down and cry my heart out. I don't think Rainbow Dash or anyone in the school would blame me for it, but I'd still be embarrassed over it anyway. But, before a single tear could be shed, different memories appeared front and center in our minds. These were far more pleasant by comparison, enough to encourage us to move our hands back down to our sides, with AB keeping a firm grip on the note;

Thank ya' so much for savin' us, ya'll!

Don't you worry, squirts, those Siren chumps won't hurt anyone again!

Consider it a long overdue invitation.

Yeah! You're awesome!

You're kind!

You're honest.

Phoenix Friend... I like it.

Experiencing those awesomely happy memories reminded us of something important. After we sided with the Dazzlings, the Rainbooms were quick to give us a chance once they kicked their butts and broke their spell. Before then, they gave us a chance after we made the worst mistake of our lives. Sunset, like her friends, forgave us.

Sunset Shimmer, the girl we had hurt the most, forgave us!

It was at that moment that I started to figure something out in my head;

"If those girls are willing to give us a chance..."

Sweetie and I turned to look at Apple Bloom in silence, who looked back at us while holding her right palm out to us, the note resting on it. I continued my thought from there;

"If the student who had this note sent to us is willing to give us a chance too..."

The warmth inside suddenly grew in intensity, but not enough to distract me from continuing my thought;

"Then, there is..."

The three of us had the same thought. The same revelation. My mind turned quieter than a silent film as the truth became clear to me. Right when we remembered the word that Sunset had used when forgiving us, we realized that it was also the name of the warm feeling that had been helping us lately. In that moment, we spoke that word, which was as simple as it was powerful, aloud together;


Something in our minds clicked at the instant we uttered that word. The warmth inside flooded our beings, which helped us come up with an idea that was so cool, so undeniably awesome, that it drove us to feel a strong sense of joy. Our mouths formed gigantic smiles as we began to walk down the hall again. Within seconds we started to run with absolute gusto while chuckling happily. The chuckles quickly became full-on laughter that rang throughout the hall as we kept on running forward. Not backwards or sideways: forward. Needless to say, my head stopped feeling so heavy!

Later that day, after homework was done.

We sat at our clubhouse table with pencils in hand and a single piece of notebook paper placed in the middle. We glared at the paper, allowing for a dramatic pause before the work to come. We had just fleshed out our shared idea and now, were about to make it official. Apple Bloom was the first to start the process. She raised her pencil to the ceiling with her right hand and made her pledge with country pride in her voice;

"Ah, Apple Bloom Apple, proud member of my family, and foundin' member of the Canterlot Movie Club hereby declare that Ah shall take part in this 'ere crusade from now until the crusade is done!"

With a smile, she lowered her pencil onto the table, moved the paper close to her with her left hand, and wrote her name on its top left corner. After that, she moved the paper back to the center, allowing Sweetie Belle to raise her pencil up and high and say the same oath with a confident squeak;

"I, Sweetie Belle, proud member of my family, and founding member of the Canterlot Movie Club hereby declare that I shall take part in this crusade from now until the crusade is done!"

With that, she grabbed the paper and wrote her name on it in the same fashion as Apple Bloom and returned it to its original spot. All that was left was me. So, I raised my pencil and declared with awesome gusto;

"I, Scootaloo, proud member of my family, and founding member of the Canterlot Movie Club hereby declare that I shall take part in this crusade from now until the crusade is done!"

I wrote my name down just below AB's and Sweets before returning the paper to the center. That was it, there was no going back now for any of us. We looked at each other with eyes filled with determination, excitement, and hope. Our smiles were beaming with anticipation of what was coming. Soon after we returned from school, we had invited the Rainbooms, all six of them, to the clubhouse for a 'super-important meeting' as Apple Bloom called it. It was to be held later that day and we had arrived a few minutes earlier than scheduled. So, all we had to do was finish working on the paper and wait. Without hesitation, we did exactly that.

Upon that paper, we listed down the names of every single Wondercolt we had wronged through the terrible mistake that nearly tore the school apart. For the sake of telling an awesome story, I won't say what all of those names were yet. But, I can definitely say who was at the top of the list:

#1 - Sunset Shimmer

Once our list was written, we gave Sweetie Belle the honor of hanging it. She did this by carefully grabbing it with her left hand, running over to the desk, taking a few pins that were placed there in her right hand, and using them to hang the list on the wall. Right on top of the club logo. We all came together to stand in a row once Sweetie had done her bit, with her to my left and AB to my right. We silently gazed at what would become evidence of our redemption as we thought about what had led us to this point.

The dream we shared gave us two things:

1. A warning of what would happen if we waited too long to make amends.
2. A push to do what's right, in the form of a song.

Sweetie Belle was correct: the song was not finished. But now, we knew in our hearts what we could add to it. It started with a question that I sang in a pace that was slow yet sure;

What should a colt do

When a heart has been hurt

And sorrow's what they feel?

Silence crept into the room for two seconds before Sweetie Belle joined her singing voice with my own to reveal our answer;

Break through your fears

and help them, dears.

Scars, with care, will heal.

Another two seconds of silence came and Apple Bloom added a dash of Apple Family charm to our song. With growing confidence and volume, we sang as a unified force of awesomeness;

Brave colts, dear friends

Raise their spirits high!

Through storms, pain, and fire

Friendship shall not die!

Our passion growing in strength, our voices became a loud a proud chorus as we repeated ourselves with hope in our smiles, minds, and hearts;

Brave colts! Dear friends!

Raise their spirits high!

Through storms, pain, and fire

Friendship shall not die!

With that, our song was done. At least, until we could add more to it later! It was cool at this point, but it was still not complete. We took a few moments to calm down, only to a whistling sound come from the walkie-talkie can next to the clubhouse door. We ran up to it to see what was up. Apple Bloom raised its talking end up to her mouth and was about to say something when the amazing combination of voices that was the Sonic Rainbooms sang back to us through the can;

Friendship shall not die!

Those sneaky girls!

Chapter #1 - The Call to Crusade!

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Apple Bloom

Turns out, the Rainbooms had walked up to the clubhouse door when Scootaloo had started singin'. They probably thought it polite to knock, since the ramp was already lowered. But, once they started hearin' Scootaloo's singin' voice, they made sure to listen closely to our song. When we started repeatin' the chorus, they snuck their way over to the walkie-talkie can and waited for the right moment to get our attention and sing the last line for us. At least, that's what Applejack told us after we welcomed them inside;

"Yeah, we figured it right to show ya'll what we think of your song," she told us with that sweet Apple smile of hers as she and her friends gathered at the table. Sunset sat on the seat she had used last time, while the other band members stood around her. Once settled, they all looked at us with warm smiles as we took our seats at the table. I was sittin' directly opposite of Sunset, while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle moved their chairs to sit to my immediate left and right respectively. We smiled back at them as Ah explained with anticipation and excitement in my voice;

"Oh, Ah get the feelin' ya'll are gonna love what drove us to sing that fun little number!"

Sunset, with a sly smirk, questioned to the three of us with her right thumb pointed at a certain piece of paper hangin' on the wall to the right of the clubhouse desk;

"Does it have anything to do with that list over there?"

Our smiles grew so large our teeth were showin' as Sweetie Belle responded with glee;

"You bet it does!"

We then shot up out of our seats and rushed over to the list while gigglin' excitedly. Ah stood at its left while my pals stood at its right. Once the Rainbooms turned to look at us, Scootaloo explained to them with that almost endless enthusiasm we all loved about her;

"We're on a crusade! A mission!"

"To make amends with everyone we wronged!" exclaimed an absolutely joyful Sweetie Belle when she got an openin'. Instinctively, she allowed me to finish with joy in my heart;

"And heal the pain caused by our horrible mistake!"

Just mentionin' that huge error in judgement made the girls grimace in silence, but only for a moment. With a quick breath, Ah started declarin' with pride;

"We call our mission..."

We closed our eyes and shouted out in unison with a several bushels' worth of happiness in our voices and hearts while doin' a happy hop;


We opened our eyes to see that the whole dern band were coverin' their ears to protect themselves from our loud and proud vocals. Ah didn't blame them none for that. Ah mean, whenever we got mighty excited over somethin', we'd let folks know about it without restraint or volume control! On the inside, though, Ah was worried and so were my pals. We honestly feared that the girls would not like our crusade or, worse, try to stop us! It took them mere seconds to start provin' our fears wrong, however. Once the Rainbooms recovered, they looked back at us with smiles that were so bright, they were basically shootin' rays of sunlight at us! Sunset was the first to verbally respond, her voice as sweet as the look in her eyes;

"I'm already proud of you kids."

To get Sunset's approval of our crusade alone made our hearts soar! But, she wasn't the only one to compliment us. Rarity, with love in her eyes, declared with plenty of sweetness;

"You darlings clearly have your hearts in the right place."

Applejack suddenly belted out one of her hearty laughs before addin' while givin' me an understandin' glare;

"Ah knew ya'll would do somethin' about your past foolishness one day, but this 'ere crusade sounds better than Ah imagined!"

Rainbow Dash rushed over to give each of us kids fist bumps, which we gladly accepted. While she did this, she told us with gusto and pride;

"You squirts got your heads on straight and I'm all for it!

With a bump to her chest with her right fist and the most confident smirk she could create, she added;

"I'm calling it right now: every single Wondercolt on that list will be your friend by the end of your crusade!"

"This is such a wonderful idea, girls!" said Fluttershy in her usual soft voice that was just barely louder than a whisper. Pinkie Pie, in contrast, was not at all subtle with her reaction. She bounced over to us after Rainbow got out of the way, pulled all three of us into a big hug with the strength of a pink mama bear, and told us in rapid-fire excitement;

"The goal you've set for yourselves is super-mega-ultra-incredibly-wonderful! The joy you can bring! The happiness you can spread! The smiles you can make!"

That girl was never one for subtlety, Ah tells ya'. She squealed in delight, released us from her pink grip, and bounced back to her friends. This prompted Sunset to ask us with calm seriousness, even though her smile stayed strong;

"But how will you complete your list? What will you do to make amends?"

We had our answer all ready to go. Ah started us off strong with a big ol' grin on my face;

"We'll be doin' all kinds of good deeds, of course!"

Sweetie Belle jumped in with a happy squeak;

"No cruelty or malice for us!"

Scootaloo finished while doin' a quick hop for good measure;

"Yeah, because hurting people is so lame!"

That last part got the whole band to laugh, which encouraged my pals and Ah to do the same. At this point, our hearts weren't just soarin', they were zoomin' through space with rocket boosters fueled by family and friendship! It was wonderful enough to get Sunset's approval, but gettin' it from the Sonic Rainbooms was a thousand-times better, Ah tells ya'! Once the laughter cooled down a smidge, Scootaloo noted with a smirk;

"With that said, we know exactly what we're gonna do first!"

All eyes were on Scoots as she pulled the note we had gotten from Luna out from her right pants pocket and offered it to Rainbow Dash while tellin' her;

"Expect to see us tomorrow at the appointed time!"

Sweets and Ah nodded our heads at Rainbow to confirm our decision. With a chuckle and a smirk laced with pride, she took the note from Scoots' hands and tucked it away in her own pants pocket while declarin' confidently;

"I'll pass it down the line, squirts."

Before anyone else could speak further, Sunset asked with curiosity in her voice;

"What do you girls got planned for tomorrow?"

Hearin' that got the three of us feelin' mighty nervous within moments. It wasn't time for Sunset to know about what we were gonna do... Yet! Oh, if she had specifically asked me about it, Ah'd be in a heap of trouble! Pinkie Pie, to our relief, jumped right into the conversation all excited like;

"It's a surprise! So, don't spoil it for yourself until it is reeeaaaadyyyyy!" she exclaimed to Sunset, who stared at her for a moment before decidin' to not press the matter further. That would've been the end of the talk, if it weren't for there bein' one more outstandin' issue for us to resolve. Just the thought of it caused my friends and Ah to drop our smiles to replace them with frightened frowns. As if sensing our frowns, Pinkie quickly turned towards us and asked with worry on her face;

"Girls, why do you look so afraid?"

Our sisters noticed this too, with Applejack speakin' for him with concern in her eyes;

"What's eatin' at ya'll, sugarcubes?"

At this point, the whole band had caught on and was now waiting for us to answer. Sweetie Belle hesitantly spoke first;

"While we do have every Wondercolt we wronged on the list..."

Scootaloo finished for her a soft shy voice that we didn't normally hear from her;

"There's one person who's name is not on the list right now... And she's no Wondercolt."

It took the band mere seconds for them to connect dots. The worry on their faces grew faster than yeast could rise. Rainbow Dash, with her eyes locked on Scootaloo, spoke aloud the name of the varmint who we were all thinking of;


At the exact moment when that name was uttered, the whole clubhouse was filled with tension so thick, ya'd need one of Granny Smith's extra sharp kitchen knifes to cut it. Ah looked over at each of my fellow club members to check on how they were doin'. Sweetie Belle, as terrified and hurt as she both appeared and felt, was holdin' Scootaloo's shoulders with both hands and thoughtful gentleness. Poor Scoots was shiverin' with her eyes closed while huggin' herself. Ya'll better believe Ah gave that pal of mine a warm hug to make her feel safe! Ah could hear Sweetie hummin' Darin' Do's theme song to her as she too hugged Scoots in her arms. Ah could feel her shiverin' slowly fade away, which was a good sign that our efforts were helpin' her. After a minute or so, Ah heard her tell us with soft appreciation;

"Thank you girls. You're awesome."

We broke out of the hug to give Scootaloo some room to breathe. She looked at the both us with a smile fully loaded with gratitude and renewed confidence. That smile, she went on to aim right at Rainbow Dash, who was smiling back at her along with her friends. The athlete's face twisted into a frown before she spoke with clear regret and concern;

"Squirt... I didn't mean to scare you."

Ah, but Scoots would not let herself get angry at her idol so easily. With a shake of her head and confidence in every word, she told her;

"It's alright, Rainbow. We gotta talk about that jerk anyway. The sooner, the better."

We all gave that wonderful daredevil supportive glares after hearing her say that. She even got a big hug from Rainbow Dash, which she enjoyed with happy giggles. The tension in the clubhouse weakened quite a bit, but it was still there as we began to talk things out. Scootaloo started things off after getting out the hug;

"Sooooo... the movie club hasn't agreed on what to do about Gilda," she said with a sheepish grin and nervous voice. After takin' a quick breath, she explained further;

"On the one hand, she had hurt a lot of people before disappearing, the three of us especially..."

Ah noticed that Sunset looked off to the side with a regretful frown. Without hesitatin', Ah gave her one of the biggest brightest grins Ah could muster. She must have caught it in the corner of the eye, because she looked back at me soon after I got that grin goin'. There it was again, that wonderful smile of hers that could melt the lowest circle of Tartarus with its warmth. Pleased as punch to see that our new friend felt a little better, I turned my attention over to Scoots as she went on;

"But, on the other hand... We had hurt her too..."

Ah'll never forget the terrible shame oozin' from Scoots' face as she placed both hands on her heart and finished with soft certainty;

"None of that's cool."

Ah gave her a sure nod and chimed in;

"We're all in agreement there. As for how to deal with Gilda..."

Ah felt my pent up frustration over that varmint rise to the surface to push me to loudly admit;

"Ah think we ought to keep that dern bully off of our list!"

Scoots turned her head to glare at me faster than Winona could run as Ah continued;

"We done her wrong, that ain't no lie. But, that lady is plum dangerous! Too dangerous for us to be around!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, having heard my take on the subject back when we first discussed our crusade, were not surprised or upset by my words. Of course, that didn't stop Sweets from jumping in to make her case known as well;

"I know she's dangerous and cruel, we all do."

I looked right at her before she added;

"But, we can't let what we did to her slide just because she was terrible too!" she exclaimed with a pleadin' squeak. We stared each other down while feelin' certain about our positions. Oh, we weren't angry with each other none. Our friendship was tougher than a bull's hide, ya' see. So, a single disagreement wasn't gonna tear it apart! Still, neither of us would budge from our opinions. Ah certainly didn't, for Ah added with a thoughtful nod and soft tone of voice;

"Ya' bein' so dern nice to people is one of the reasons why Ah call ya' my friend. But, what if we do somethin' nice for her and she responds by throwin' her fists around?"

Before Sweetie could counter that point, Scootaloo told us with loud concern;

"Girls! Hold on for a moment!"

We looked at her to see that she was clearly worried that we were gonna get into a shoutin' match. Immediately, Ah gave that girl a big ol' honest smile and told her sweetly;

"Sorry, Scoots. Didn't mean to worry ya' none. We ain't gonna tan each other's hides over this, right Sweetie Bell?"

I turned my head to face her again, only to see her beamin' with goodwill as she happily nodded at Scootaloo. We managed to ease our orange pal's concerns, allowin' her to contribute to the discussion at hand while we watched her closely;

"As for me..."

She scratched her head nervously with her right hand before finishin';

"I don't know what I want to do about Gilda."

Ah looked at each of the Rainbooms when Scoots finished sayin' her peace to catch their reactions. Most of them gazed at her with concern and patience on their faces. As for Rainbow Dash, she looked away and started pacin' left and right, her face filled with a mixture of frustration and worry. It was clear to to the three of us movie buffs that she was wrestlin' with somethin' big in her mind and Ah could make a guess as to what it was. Soon, all other eyes were on Rainbow as she continued to pace while grumblin' in a tone that was barely above a whisper. Ah couldn't really make out what she was grumblin' about. After a few seconds that, frankly, felt longer than they actually were, Rainbow stopped grumblin' and turned to face Scootaloo, who was twiddlin' her thumbs all nervous like while lookin' at down at them. Rainbow got down on her right knee and placed her right hand on Scootaloo's left shoulder, which got her to look up at her idol. The confident smirk on her face was enough to ease Scoot's worries, but it was Rainbow Dash's words that kicked them to the curb;

"You take all the time you need to figure that one out, squirt. When you do, let us know and we'll go from there. Sound good?" she told the daredevil with a soft tone of voice that was not regularly used by the athlete. Seein' Scoots give Rainbow that giant smile filled with appreciation and love made my day to say the least. The two hugged it out, which made Sweetie Belle gush out loud;


Haha, Scoots' cheeks turned redder than a fresh red delicious apple when she heard that! After some more deliberatin', we all agreed to put a pin on the Gilda Problem until Scootaloo's decision was made. Thankfully, the varmint's disappearance meant that we didn't have to worry about her causin' us grief. Ah couldn't help but wonder where in the world Gilda had run off to.

And for that matter, whether or not she would come back. Just the thought of that made me shudder somethin' fierce!

After gettin' a comfortin' head pat and a helpful reminder from my big sis that there were chores that needed doin', Ah declared the meetin' ajorned. My friends and Ah watched as the Rainbooms left the clubhouse one-by-one. Before AJ could call for us to move our keisters, we made a quick run for the safe. Ah opened it up and grabbed a somewhat wrinkled piece of ripped notebook paper that was small enough to fit in my right hand and closed the safe. With that settled, we made a bee-line for the door to catch up with the band. Ah couldn't help but feel super-excited over what was comin'.

The next day in CHS's entrance lobby. After the final bell.

Ah was standin' at the front entrance doors inside the school alongside Scoots and Sweets, with Sunset Shimmer standin' in front me while carryin' her backpack. That little piece of paper from before was in my right pants pocket, which Ah had tucked it into earlier that mornin'. We had just finished talkin' about how troublesome our homework was gonna be and Sweetie Belle decided to remind us of the quality of the cafeteria food;

"Granny Smith joining the school kitchen was the best thing to ever happen to lunch hour!" she exclaimed with a happy squeak. Scootaloo agreed with that notion, for she added with a watery mouth;

"I know, right? Her hotdogs and chili are delicious!"

It was true, Granny's cookin' was always a treat, as any Apple, Pear, and Orange would tell ya'! Before Ah could start gushin', however, Ah noticed Sunset lookin' a bit queasy. Her face grimaced while she held her stomach with her right hand all tender like. Concerned, Ah asked her;

"Feelin' okay, Sunset?"

Recognizin' the worry in my voice, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked right at her to see what was goin' on. After takin' a moment to settle herself down, Sunset gave us a gentle smile and explained;

"Sorry girls. I'm just not a fan of most meat products."

Sweetie Belle, with a raised right eyebrow, suggested;

"So, you're a vegetarian?"

Our Phoenix Friend shook her head and clarified;

"Not exactly. Chicken and fish, I don't mind eating. But... meats from animals like cows, pigs, and..."

She shuddered heavily before finishin' with clear disgust;

"Horses... I'd rather not touch."

Hearin' all of that got me thinkin';

"That's... oddly specific."

What was it about those specific meats that made them revoltin' to her? Ah couldn't figure out a guess for the life of me. The more Ah thought it about, the more Ah realized somethin': Ah knew next to nothin' about Sunset Shimmer's past.

Seriously, where did that lady come from?

Regardless, Ah figured it best to not pry any further for now. Ah didn't want to bug her about her history and as long as she was eatin' well and healthy, her odd diet was no skin off my back. With a friendly chuckle, Ah offered to Sunset;

"Ah'll see if Ah can save an apple or two for ya' for whenever you're in Sweet Apple Acres."

That clearly soothed her disgust, for she gave me one of her sweeter smiles and said;

"Thanks, Apple Bloom. I'll keep that in mind."

Taking a quick glance at the doors behind us, she declared;

"I'll need to get home soon, girls. Catch you later!"

We waved at each other with smiles all around before she walked through the doors and out of sight. The entrance lobby turned quieter than a mouse. It wasn't long before the task head, our task, jumped to the front of my mind. Along with it came my memories of the horrible mistake we had made that led us to this moment. It hurt, ya'll. It hurt so much to remember all of that. The pain, the strife... the tears! A part of me wanted to not think about those memories, to just forget about it all... But, Ah knew in my heart to never let myself forget, not just what we did, but why we want to be better than that!

My fellow movie buffs and Ah looked at each other, sayin' words to each other with nothin' more than eye contact. Scootaloo's determination was all over her face while Sweetie Belle's was filled with positivity. Just as Ah expected from them. Ah made sure to show a heapin' helpin of hope and cheer on my face. With our silent agreement in place, Ah looked straight ahead towards the center doorway in the lobby that led to one of the halls and declared with confidence inherited from generations of Apples;

"Come on, CMCs! We've got work to do!"

Right then and there, we took one step forward and started marchin' like little soldiers goin' to battle. For us, our battle was against a foe that we knew all too well, for it was the three of us who had created it: the pain we once caused to our school.

Ya'll better believe that we were itchin' to kick its butt like trained boxers in the ring!

We kept on marchin' through the halls with purpose in every step. We knew exactly where we were goin', thanks to the heads-up we had gotten from Applejack earlier. As we passed by the lockers, Ah could this urge to sing from the warmest, sweetest, most wonderful part of my heart rise to the surface. But, Ah held it back down, since in my mind, it wasn't time yet. There was work to be done, after all, and Apples never leave honest work alone when they can do it. With an ear-to-ear grin, Ah marched forward alongside the two greatest friends this 'ere Apple could ask for.

After a minute or so, we arrived at our destination: the doors to the cafeteria. We looked through one of the doors' windows to see what was happenin' on the other side. We saw a whole slew of students and staff, five of the Rainbooms included, either sittin' at the tables or walkin' around with tons of paper and other craftin' tools either in their hands or scattered about on the tables. There were a bunch of folks we recognized, but there was a number of them that held our attention with a tight grasp. Twenty-five of them. We backed away from the doors in a hurry and gulped out of fear. My body was tremblin' a little and my breathin' felt shaky too. The memories... those dern painful memories came roarin' back, threatenin' to make me fail at the first hurdle! Before they could torment me, however, the voices of my kin and friends rose to match them in my head;

Ya'll got this, sugarcubes!

Ya' little whippersnappers got big hearts, Ah tells ya'!


This is your chance turn all those frowns upside-down!

I know you can show those people kindness, little ones.

Show the whole school how awesome you squirts are!

You'll turn yourselves around with smashing aplomb, darlings!

Ah felt my fear weaken quite a bit when those voices rang out in my brain. Ah looked over at Scoots and Sweets. They were clearly plum frightened too, but the big smiles they gave me were as honest as can be. So, I knew they were gettin' help from the inside as well. Before that terrible fear could regroup, the voice of Sunset Shimmer finished it off for me. For all three of us;

Your past is not today, CMCs.

Ya' got that right, Phoenix Friend! We took a deep breath and exhaled in unison to get our minds and bodies to settle. After that, we stood straight and glared at the cafeteria doors with fire in our eyes. Hope swelled within our hearts and minds, addin' fuel to the fire as we marched up to the doors and pushed through them with gusto. All eyes were on us within seconds of our arrival. Oh Nelly, it felt like my body was being turned into swish cheese with all the glares bein' thrown at us! Ah looked around to get a better sense of the situation. Some of the students showed polite expressions, others were givin' us beamin' smiles that soothed my growin' nervousness. There were a few specific students that really caught my eye. The five Rainbooms, who were sittin' together at a table to the right, gave us big supportin' smiles and waves, with Pinkie's smile bein' the biggest and brightest of them all. The party planner was bouncin' in place, for land's sake! Fluttershy's was soothin' like a cup of hot cocoa after a snowball fight. Rarity's was all dignified and sweet. Rainbow's was big, proud, and toothy. Then there was Applejack's grin, which was filled to burstin' with honesty, goodwill, and familial love that made my heart sing. AJ was always there for me and Ah knew she always would be! Another student that got my attention was Flash Sentry, who gave us a warm grin and a thumbs up from his seat at a table closer to us. Ah figured he would at least not be too angry with us, since he was not one to carry resentment around for very long. Lookin' to our left, Ah saw another person of note: Twist. A young lady who was around our age, she sat alone at a table far from the other more populated ones while starin' the three of us down with a face that was stoic. Calm, cold, and stoic. My guilt instantly became mighty inflamed as Ah looked away with haste. Ah couldn't bare to look that girl in eye... It took me a moment of lookin' around to find two more students. This pair was sittin' together at a table closest to our left side. They were, thankfully, givin' us warm friendly glares as we walked over to them. Out of all of the people in that cafeteria, these two were ones the three of us wanted to meet with the most: Octavia Melody and DJ-P0N3.

We took our seats in front of the pair, with myself sittin' between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Restin' in front of us were sets of glue bottles, scissors, construction paper, and crayons organized in three piles. Octavia and P0N3 had their own sets that were restin' before them. Ah looked down at my pile as that guilt of mine grew even stronger. With a sigh, Ah told those two young ladies;

"We were plum terrible a while back and we've been pushin' folks away ever since..."

My hope flared up enough to scare my guilt away, drivin' me to raise my head back up and show them musicians the determination in my eyes that Ah was sure my pals were showin' them too. With a smirk, Ah declared on my club's behalf with a clear voice filled with confidence;

"That changes... now!"

The smiles on the faces of Octavia and P0N3 grew larger as Ah reached into my right pants pocket, pulled out the notebook paper, and offered it to the cello player while tellin' her;

"The Canterlot Movie Club accepts your gracious invitation!"

Sweetie Belle, with nervousness in her voice, added;

"That is... if you'll have us..."

Octavia's eyes grew wide for a moment before they startled to twinkle slightly. With gentle grace, she took the paper into her right hand as she spoke with a Trottingham-type accent and a level of sophistication that rivaled that of Rarity;

"We would be delighted to have you around for a visit."

As she placed the paper in her pocket, she looked over at the DJ, who gave her a smirk and a nod, before returnin' her attention to us. She then asked politely;

"How does 4:00PM tomorrow sound?"

Ah turned my head to check on Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who both nodded at me happily. Ah gave Octavia a big ol' grin while givin' her my answer;

"We have an accord!"

With that settled, she got us up to speed on what we were all doin' in that cafeteria. The invitation that Luna had given to us made it clear that we were gonna do somethin' nice for Sunset, but it was mum on the details. Once Octavia had given us those details, the excitement in our hearts could barely be contained by our self-control!

"Oh, this is more than just fair: this is wonderful!" I thought to myself with glee as Ah went right to work alongside my friends and fellow Wondercolts.

The next afternoon right after school, in front of Sunset's apartment.

There we were, standin' right at the door that led to Sunset's home. Turns out, she had set herself up in an apartment complex at the poorer end of town. Ah didn't judge her for it none. If she could make an honest livin' in these parts, that was all fine and dandy. But, did she have to make a livin' around 'ere? Was she barely scrapin' by? Ah hoped not! Scootaloo stood my right, with Sweetie Belle to my left. Sittin' behind us was a large square wooden delivery box that held within it the surprise that we had put together alongside our fellow Wondercolts. Watchin' over it from behind were, of course, the five Rainbooms. Standin' with them to their right was Flash Sentry, with Bulk Biceps to their left. It was agreed that the Canterlot Movie Club be the ones get Sunset's attention, an honor that we accepted with pride. It just seemed... fittin', ya' know? The three of us stared at the door in silence as we tried to muster the courage to knock. A vile inner voice decided to intervene from within my brain;

She'll reject your stupid gift, Ah tells ya'!

Righteous anger grew in my heart and conspired with my hope to silence that mean voice. What a load of horse manure! This was Sunset Shimmer! She wasn't gonna reject our gift! With determination in my eyes, Ah raised my right fist up to the door and gave it three hard knocks. We waited for five long seconds in silence before the door was pulled open from the inside, revealin' Sunset herself. The three of us had to hold back the urge to giggle when we saw her wearin' her violet pajamas and matchin' slippers. She looked at us all with surprise on her face for a moment before givin' us a warm welcome;

"Hey there! What brings you all to my home?"

She then peeped at the box and asked with a raised right eyebrow;

"What are you up to?"

Ah gave her a smirk laced with pride as Ah told her the honest truth;

"Doin' right by ya', sugarcube!"

Ah moved out of the way alongside my two pals, allowin' Sunset to get a better look at the box. Flash gave the top of it two good taps with his right hand before tellin' her with a kind smile;

"This is for you, Sunset, from Canterlot High."

"Yeah!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed with a lower volume than usual. He didn't even flex his muscles that time, for a smile of his own was apparently enough for the big guy. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Ah gave her the biggest, sweetest, most lovin' grins we could give the former bully. Sunset's smile grew twice as large, a single tear filled with happiness streamin' down from her left eye as she responded with absolute sweetness;

"Oh, guys... you didn't have to do this for me!"

"But, we wanted to!" the three of us said to her in joyful unison. That made Sunset laugh a little before she declared with excitement in her voice;

"Alright then, bring it in, Bulk!"

Usin' his gloriously large muscles that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime look skinny, Bulk Biceps took the box with both hands, lifted it as if it were as light as a kitten, and started carryin' it on his right shoulder while holdin' it under his right arm. It took a good two minutes for him to get himself and the box through the door without breakin' anythin', even with help from the rest of us! But, the big guy got it done! Once it was inside, Bulk carefully moved it over to her livin' room and placed it on the round table in the center that was thankfully bare, with the rest of us comin' in from behind. Sunset rushed over to the nearby kitchen to grab a knife. While she did this, Ah took a quick gander at her livin' space. It wasn't too bad, honestly. It had the standard furniture and other fixin's with a few choice decorations here and there, with one of them fancy gamin' consoles placed in front of the livin' room TV. The whole place was a bit cramped, Ah admit. The kitchen, for that matter, looked smaller than it should have been! It wasn't long before our host found a sharp knife, walked back to the box, and started cuttin' the top down the middle with strength and care. Flash, Bulk, the Rainbooms, and the three of us movie club members stood together while givin' Sunset some space as we watched her work, my excitement growin' with every second that passed. Soon enough, she cut through the top of the box and opened it up. What she saw inside of it drove her to gasp in shock while droppin' her knife on to the table below her with a long clang. With her right hand clutchin' her heart, she spun around to aim her back at us. Ah could her hear breathin' mighty heavily as she slowly walked two steps way from us and the table before losin' her balance and fallin' to her knees. The poor sugarcube was snifflin' somethin' fierce! To say Ah was worried for her would be a huge understatement. But, before anyone could say somethin' to comfort her, Flash stepped up. He walked over to Sunset, sat with her at her right side, and told her with a soft voice that was soothin' to a wounded heart;

"I'll be real with you: It's gonna take us all time to work things out with you... some more so than others. But..."

He looked over at each of us with one of his confident smirks before lookin' back at her and declarin' with surety;

"What the school just gave you represents the chance that so many of us should have given you two seasons ago."

My worries went away in a flash (pun proudly intended this time) when he spoke. Ah figured if anyone could help Sunset out, it was Flash. Turns out, Ah was right! She got back up, slowly turned around while wipin' her eyes with her right arm, and lowered it to give us all a look of pure gratitude and joy. Her eyes were as watery as can be, tears streamin' down her face as she exclaimed with relief and happiness;

"Thank you!"

Just like that, the former queen bee of CHS got pounced with hugs from the whole group, with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and myself laughin' our butts off as we showered her with friendship. Ah would say what the surprise we had all made for her was, but for now, the Canterlot Movie Club will keep it close to the chest.

What was no secret, though, was the fact that, on that day, Sunset's list of friends had grown larger than ever before.

Chapter #2 - The Odd Melodious Pair

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Sweetie Belle

Later that day, at 3:55PM

As badly as we wanted to spend time with Sunset at her place, we had a prior engagement to attend to and we would not dare to miss it. After we explained that to her, she offered to escort us, an offer that we gratefully accepted. Before long, we were riding in the back seats of Big Mac's truck, with the big guy himself doing the driving and Sunset in the passenger's seat. It was a good thing the back seat area was built for three people, or it would have been one tight fit! Apple Bloom, being our fearless leader, sat in the middle, with Scoots to her left, and myself to her right. I was almost bouncing with excitement as we got closer to our destination. Scootaloo was doing the actual bouncing, her seat belt limiting her movements, which didn't annoy her in the slightest. With a giant smile full of enthusiasm, she exclaimed;

"This is gonna be so awesome! I mean, we're spending the afternoon with a super-nice cello player and the coolest DJ in CHS!"

Like the rest of the school, the Canterlot Movie Club owed DJ-P0N3 a huge favor for helping the girls defeat the Sirens. For a personal reason, we owed both her and Octavia another favor that was just as huge. So yes, we had plenty of reasons to be excited over visiting them. Apple Bloom responded to Scootaloo's words while almost matching her enthusiasm. Almost;

"Darn tootin', Scoots! It's about dern time we went on this 'ere trip!"

I giggled happily for those two before Sunset chimed in;

"I'm glad you three want to talk things out with them. From what I could learn during our last conversation, they've been waiting for you to do this."

My eyes went wide with strong surprise. All three of us kids yelled out at once;

"They've been waiting for us this whole time?!"

"Eeyup.", Big Mac answered calmly, his focus aimed almost entirely on the road. I couldn't help but appreciate the two girls we were going to visit a little bit more than I did before. Sunset looked out the window on her door and answered with that sideways smirk of hers;

"That's right, and it looks like they won't have to wait any longer."

I turned my head to face the window on the door to my right and saw a large white house with a blue roof and large windows. The front door was tall and white with blue trimmings on the sides, the windows placed at its left and right with curtains having over them from the inside. Hanging just above the front door was an oversized vinyl record that covered a large chunk of the wall. The record had a single long scratch along its center at a sharp angle. It was pretty obvious to me as to who lived in this house as a wide grin formed on my face. Hope and joy danced and played together in my mind like two best friends.

We were gonna do it! We were gonna redeem ourselves!

Once we pulled up into an open spot on the driveway, Sunset and the three of us got out of the truck one at a time, with Big Mac staying at the wheel. I looked over at him alongside my friends when we planted our feet on pavement, only to catch him giving us a thumbs up. That guy could perk us up without saying a word so easily! We turned right around to face the walkway that led to the front door. A straight path to our destination: to them. With a breath, I joined Scootaloo and Apple Bloom in following Sunset to the door. But, it wasn't her who was going to knock. Once we stopped to stand within inches of the door, Sunset backed off to the side while telling us with her sideways smirk;

"I can only show you the door..."

Scoots already had a response lined up by the time she finished talking;

"We're the ones that have to walk through it.", she finished for her with a well-acted serious voice, complete with a matching expression. That expression devolved into laughter within five seconds, with the rest of us laughing along with her. Once we calmed down, Apple Bloom demonstrated her knowledge on where Scoots and Sunset's exchange came from;

"Morpheus from The Matrix. Good choice.", she said with a beaming grin that she showed to Sunset before asking her;

"Did ya' watch that movie?"

Sunset chuckled a bit before explaining;

"Actually, I haven't watched it yet. But, Rainbow recommended it to me and asked me to use that line when we got here."

She shook her head while adding;

"It's like she knew how you kids would react!"

We all giggled a little more while I decided in my head to give that athlete louder than usual cheers at the next school sports game. With the funny business taken care of, Apple Bloom led us to the door. No fear or guilt could stop us from knocking on the door in perfect unison. We waited for about three seconds before it was opened from the inside by the DJ herself. The silent hero of the Battle of the Bands and self-styled Bringer of Wubs: DJ-P0N3!

Well, to be clear, I only knew of the DJ's dubstep work from her reputation. I hadn't even listened to her songs before my friends and I had arrived at her doorstep! I saw that she was bobbing her head to the beat of the powerful music that was blasting from her headphones to her ears. Her large sunglasses with the heavily tinted lenses made it difficult to tell if she was happy to see us or not. That was, until a smirk crept up her face when she looked at us. She then turned to face Sunset, who offered her a fist bump, which she quickly accepted. Before we could say anything, she motioned to us to follow her into the house. Sunset took this chance to clarify to the DJ with a slightly apologetic grin;

"Sorry, but I got somewhere to be right about now, so Big Mac's gonna drive me from here."

All she got as a response for P0N3 was a quick shrug and the devil horns before she walked inside. Before we followed her, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and I gave Sunset a group hug before she could blink. I looked up at her with one of my more affectionate grins and told her;

"We'll do our best, Phoenix Friend!"

"Yeah, we'll totally be good to P0N3 and Octavia!", exclaimed an exuberant Scootaloo. Apple Bloom added with determination and love;

"We won't let the school or our folks down again, sugarcube!"

We broke out of the hug, which gave Sunset the chance to get down on her right knee and ruffle our hair, which made us giggle a little. She then began to speak with goodwill in her eyes;

"Take note, CMCs..."

Her smile turned into a serious frown that had a hint of sadness to it as she gave us some helpful advice;

"The students you wronged may want to give you a chance, but not everyone may forgive you."

I felt my guilt resurface, like a terribly heavy weight being placed in my head. I knew that weight well and I wanted it gone so badly! Like my friends, I looked off to the side. Ah, but Sunset would not let us wallow in our guilt again. With added softness in her sweet voice, she told us something that cut through the guilt with ease;

"That's the thing about forgiveness: it's a choice. But..."

We looked back up at her, her beautiful smile easing my guilt as she went on;

"If you keep trying to be good people, no matter how hard things get, you'll find that those who matter, whether they forgive you or not, will see the goodness in your hearts."

She took our hands into hers with the gentleness of a mother and gave us a simple yet meaningful request while looking at each of us in the eye;

"Always remember to think with your heads and your hearts. Okay?"

Those words reminded me of our mistake, but in a way that moved my heart and chased away my guilt. With happy tears raining from my eyes, I told her alongside my friends;


One more group hug for good luck, a wave goodbye from the girl who we owed so much to, and off we went inside the house, with Scootaloo closing the door behind us. I decided to repeat Sunset's advice in my head to make sure I wouldn't forget it;

"Think with my head and my heart..."

The house's living room was decent in appearance. A bit plain, really, a fact that Rarity would call 'an utter travesty' in the most dramatic way possible. The plainness didn't bother me, though. The room was clean and organized, which was fine with me. It also had a cool black flat-screen plasma TV. Seeing it got me to wonder if the DJ had any streaming services available, but I shook that thought out of my head to stay focused. Movies would have to come later. I also see a few more standout items in the room. Firstly, there was a record player standing to the left of the TV with a large speaker from the old days set up above it. Secondly, there was an electric guitar sitting on a black stand to the right of the TV. Finally, there was a tall set of brown shelves to the left of the sofa that were filled with stacks of music CD cases and vinyl record sleeves, none of them being empty. Apple Bloom was the first to make a comment;

"Well Ah'll be a monkey's auntie, ya'll! Our silent pal comes from a music family!", she exclaimed out of goodwill and excitement. Scootaloo's reaction was slightly more subdued;

"An awesome family...", she declared in soft awe as she slowly walked over to the guitar to inspect it, her eyes sparkling at the sight of it. I made sure to take a look at the guitar as well. It had a white and blue body with a wooden neck that had a dark brown color, while the head's wood bore a much lighter shade of tan. Its steel guitar strings stood out prominently in front of the body, neck, and head. All in all, this was a guitar tailor-made for rocking out! Then again, Scootaloo would probably say that Rainbow Dash's guitar was cooler later. As I gazed at the instrument, I couldn't help but think about something;

"I know this isn't P0N3's guitar. Maybe it's her dad's? Her mom's maybe?"

Deciding that it was better to ask the DJ about it later I looked around for Apple Bloom, only to find her marveling at the record player;

"Granny Smith would love this 'ere beauty!", she gushed with a grin. The Apple turned to face us and explained a little bit of her family's history;

"She once owned a record player just like this one, ya' see. Her Pa' bought it for her when she was around my age. But..."

She chuckled as the memories came rushing back to her. By this point, Scoots and I had her undivided attention as she finished;

"When Winona was a puppy, she accidentally made the dern thin' fall onto the livin' room floor durin' playtime. It was still tryin' to play music, even after it broke!"

Without warning, she started singing a tune older than the average CHS student;

"Oh, give me a home where the buffalo-!"

She then belted out her own impression of the sound of a vinyl being scratched before repeating;

"Where the buffalo-!"

She did the scratch sound again, sang the same part again, rinse and repeat. Before she could do it a fourth time, Scootaloo snorted and did her best take on Rainbow Dash's famously loud laughter. I couldn't help but laugh over the AB's comedy act too. The actual scratching of a record echoed from beyond the living room, stopping our laughter dead in its tracks. We looked for the source of the sound, which came from an open doorway opposite the front door that led into a hall in the house. The scratching echoed once more and twice soon after in a quicker pace than before. Curious, we walked through the doorway, with Apple Bloom leading us. Down the hall was a set of doors, three of them to be exact. Two of them were on the left side while one of them was at the far end of the hall. It was clear that the sound came from the door at the end, which was closed to a small crack. The other doors were closed tight. At that moment, more sounds came from beyond the cracked door. But, they were different and much softer in tone. We slowly walked over to the door, the new sounds seemingly increasing in volume in a similar pace. When we stopped to stand in front of it, we could hear them clearly: the electronic sounds that, to inexperienced ears, would seem like jumbled industrial noise. But, to our ears, they were so much more than noise. Regardless, I had to be sure of what I was hearing, and so did my friends. Slowly and with care, we walked through the door, which led to a fleet of stairs that we quietly went down step-by-step. The sounds grew louder and louder as we traveled, as if they were calling out to us. I started to hear another sound mixed in with the electronics, something akin to a really subtle rumble that became noticeable as we got closer to the end of the stairs. Once we reached the end, we came face to face with another door that was completely closed. My fears told me to go back the way I came, but the call of the sounds was too strong to resist. I closed my eyes along with my friends and listened to the turning the knob as the door was pushed open by Apple Bloom.


That rumble was no longer subtle. It was, in fact, the big bombastic booming of the bass that was rhythmically erupting from two gigantic speakers that stood at both sides of a fully decked out turntable! Just the blast of the bass alone was enough to make our eyes shoot wide open in utter shock! It wasn't loud enough to cause anyone heart trouble, but oh my stars, was it loud! The scratching sound came from DJ-P0N3, who was turning two vinyl records on her turntable to the beat that was playing around us. The numerous electronic sounds that also came from the speakers varied greatly in type and volume. But, somehow, they all came together with the bass and scratching to form music that was harmonious and, to pull a word from Scootaloo's vocabulary, awesome! I had heard from other students about how wonderful P0N3's wubs were, but to actually hear them was something else! I felt my right foot tap the floor to the beat without any conscious input from me. As if on cue and instinct, I started bobbing my head while a smile formed on my face. My thoughts became much quieter within moments as I gave myself permission to dance. I saw Apple Bloom square dancing to the music, while Scootaloo jumped right into break-dancing. As for me, I just did whatever dance moves felt right at the time, not at all going for any known style. I didn't know if I was hearing an existing song or the DJ was having a rip-roaring jam session. But, to be honest, I was too busy having the time of my life to care about such things. Right then and there, a memory played out in my head. It was one of the memories that the Canterlot Movie Club cherished the most: the night when we sang our song out loud along with the other Wondercolts and the Sonic Rainbooms.

We've got the music in our hearts!

We're about to blow this thing apart!

And together, we will never be afraid of the dark!

My mind went almost completely silent as I willingly, happily surrendered myself to the music that filled the room. The world around me faded away, save for my two best friends, the music that was moving us, and the DJ that kept it all going. The only thing in my head was the Rainbooms singing that beautiful song they had played for us all that night, with the three of us and the other students providing backup vocals;

Here to sing our song out loud!

Catch you dancing with the crowd!

As the magic of our friendship survives!

The song in my head was not at all in tune with the song in the room, but I didn't care! I was having fun! We were all having fun! Before I knew it, I was holding hands with Scoots and AB, bouncing together in a circle to the glorious beat that was taking us away to magical places we could only dream of while we giggled in pure delight;


The music grew in intensity along with our shared bliss;


Right when it seemed like the music was about to explode in a thunderous chorus, it suddenly dropped into a beat that was far more chill in volume and rhythm than it was before. We stopped dancing about out of confusion for a few seconds before the new sounds took us away once more. This time, it was carrying us in a way that was gentle and calming compared to the wondrous exhilaration from earlier. To me, it felt like I was floating in the ocean, the waves taking me farther and farther from my worries, rendering them meaningless in the face of the musical bliss that I was basking in. I closed my eyes to fully embrace this feeling, my body rocking side-to-side in pace with the beat, my hands still clinging gently to that of my friends. The newly produced beat continued on for, I'd say, ten-to-fifteen seconds before it faded into silence. Sweet, comforting silence...

And then the bass was dropped!

Absolute electronic power erupted throughout the room once again. This time, though, we were ready for it. I welcomed that wild and proud power into very being as I danced like I never danced before, my eyes still shut tight. It was a good thing my friends and I knew to release each other from our grips before we really went wild! There was no rhyme or reason behind my movements. No thought or planning involved. I just danced to the rhythm of the beat while my instincts pushed me to simply exist in this moment. This incredibly fun moment! Sadly, like all good things, the moment had to end. With three more electronic blasts for the road, the music stopped with a bang followed by a gentle fade of the volume. It took me a few seconds of deep breathing to get a grip on myself and my surroundings. The breathing became panting within moments as the exhaustion I had built up from the dancing quickly kicked in. What I had also noticed was the sweat that had built up from under the front of my shirt. I looked around and saw that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were panting and sweating too. Just like me, though, they were firing beams of happiness from their faces. We aimed those beams at DJ-P0N3, who showed us the devil horns with a satisfied smirk. I was about ready to show her my very first devil horns when yet another musical sound echoed throughout the room. It could not be more different than the wubs from a moment ago. Instead of an explosion of music, this sound consisted of three somewhat high notes played on a string instrument, with the third being elongated for dramatic effected. I recognized those notes easily and quickly imagined how excited Scootaloo must have been feeling at that moment! Like my friends, I turned around to face the person behind the string music as she played three more lower notes in the same fashion as before. Performing in front of us with her trusty cello and bow while keeping her eyes closed was a young lady with grey skin. She bore black hair and a fancy outfit that Rarity would love. It consisted of black shoes, long white socks, a pink skirt of decent length with a large black cleft drawn on each side, a belt to hold the skirt in place, and a fancy purple vest with a white undershirt that had slightly puffy shoulders. It even came equipped with a distinct pink bow-tie with a white strap around her neck. The lady's posture and demeanor were silently expressed with dignity and politeness. This was CHS's very own String Queen: Octavia Melody.

Octavia opened her eyes after finishing her short performance and gave us a glare that was warm and friendly. I was just about to clap for her when Scootaloo spoke in soft awe, her eyes wide to match;

"That was the start of the theme song for-."

Apple Bloom finished with a similar tone of voice and wide eyes;

"Zack Snyder's Wonder Woman..."

Octavia, with a gentle titter and a grin, explained to us;

"I do apologize for not greeting you when you arrived. I was in the bathroom, you see. Once I finished my business there, it didn't take me long to hear what you were doing with DJ-P0N3."

She looked over at her with a loving glare before returning her focus back on us. With a polite cough, she went on;

"Feeling inspired, I grabbed my cello and bow before entering this room. Naturally, I could hardly resist having a little fun of my own."

The three of us were really happy to hear even a part of a song from a cool movie be played in person, let alone by someone we liked! After we gave both Octavia and P0N3 our thanks for the musical goodness, Apple Bloom told the string player out of well-meaning curiosity;

"Ah didn't expect ya' to play a movie song, Miss Octavia! Ah take it ya' seen Wonder Woman before?"

She nodded while she moved her cello to the wall opposite the door and carefully leaned the instrument on it. As she returned to us while carrying her bow, she answered;

"Yes indeed, Apple Bloom, and I found the film to be quite enjoyable overall."

Her face lit up with gently restrained enthusiasm as she went on, her positive words keeping our attention locked on her;

"The titular character's theme song is a powerful piece with a brilliant string performance that I'm certain can't be heard in any other song!"

She sighed out of pure admiration before declaring with a smile;

"Tina Guo is a treasure..."

And the Scootaloo jumped head-first into the conversation with absolute gusto and well-meaning fandom;

"Yeah, Tina is awesome with the cello! When those fearsome notes start playing, that means it's bad guy butt kicking time!"

Her excitement got Apple Bloom and me to giggle, while I myself recalled the bravery and coolness that was Wonder Woman herself with a grin. Octavia's voice brought me back down to Earth when she declared;

"Come along now, everyone. I'm sure you all could use some refreshment after your little dance party."

I looked at her just in time to catch her giving us a jovial wink as she placed her bow next to her cello and walked out of the room. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and I followed her, with DJ-P0N3 bringing up the rear.

It wasn't long before I found myself sitting at the kitchen table, with Scootaloo to my left and Apple Bloom to my right. Octavia was busy looking in the cupboards above the counter while DJ-P0N3 sat directly in front of me, her head bobbing to the music playing in her headphones without a care in the world. I wondered if she was imagining herself dancing in one of those... oh, what did Rainbow Dash call them.... raves? I felt pretty calm after the fun we had had earlier, albeit a little tired. I checked on Scoots, who was drumming on the table with her fingers with an happy smile on her face. As for Apple Bloom, she was humming one of her family's many songs to herself while waiting quietly. Sensing what was coming, I mentally counted the seconds it would take for her to start complaining about waiting a long time. I had gotten to three seconds when Octavia started passing short color cups to each of us. Apple Bloom got the red one, I got the lavender one, and Scootaloo got the orange one. DJ-P0N3's was blue, while Octavia's, which she held in her hand as she walked over to a set of steel cylinder containers on the counter, was pink like her bow-tie and skirt. I kept my eyes on her as she did this, so I was quick to notice her opening one of the containers as she asked us;

"Have you kids ever had tea before?"

Just hearing that word reminded me of Rarity. With a smile and happy memories flooding my brain, I told her;

"I've had tea with my sister many times."

Apple Bloom politely gave her own answer;

"Scoots and Ah have seen Sweetie drink tea, but we've never tried the stuff before."

Feeling excited, I gazed at each of my friends and suggested;

"You should try some, it's so tasty and relaxing!"

Scootaloo, contrary to the two of us, was silently frowning, clearly thinking hard about her answer. DJ-P0N3, in spite of the conversation playing out around her, was still bobbing her head to her music with a smirk. Scoots gave us her answer after thinking for a good few seconds;

"This tea doesn't sound like something I would drink. But, my mom, dad, and aunts always told me to be polite to a good host."

Apple Bloom, with an affirmative nod, added to her point;

"That's right, sugarcube. Miss P0N3 and Miss Octavia invited us to this 'ere get together. The least we can do is try some of their drinks."

She looked over at Octavia, who was giving us a friendly glare from the counter, and told her sweetly;

"We would be happy to have some tea, ma'am."

Warm appreciation was added to the cello player's glare as she responded with classy sweetness in her voice;

"How delightfully charming of you three! The tea shall be ready for you shortly."

She looked over at the DJ and gave her a look of romantic love that made me want to gush. She told her with a softer voice;

"I have not forgotten about your tea, beloved."

Somehow, in spite of her music blasting from headphones, DJ-P0N3 clearly heard her words, as evidenced by her turning her head to face Octavia and giving her a thumbs up as well as a smile before returning to her head bopping.

Those two were so cute together!

We waited a good while for Octavia to make the tea. I watched her closely as she worked. Turns out, the container she had opened contained packets of tea leaves, but I could not tell what flavors they were from my seat. She had pulled a tea kettle out from one of the cupboards and filled it full of water. After that, she took it to the stove that was to the left of the counter, placed the kettle on one of the burners, and turned it on. It took about five-to-ten minutes for the kettle to start steaming from its spout. Once that happened, Octavia took it off of the burner and turned the stove off. With swiftness and care, she poured the hot water into each of our cups without making even the tiniest spill. After placing the kettle on the counter, she grabbed five tea packets and took to them to the kitchen table. She then opened each one, revealing the tea bags in each packet, and placed them in our cups. While letting the tea steep for a bit, she asked us;

"How many teaspoons of sugar do you girls want?"

DJ-P0N3 flashed her a peace sign to silently tell her that she wanted two teaspoons. Apple Bloom exclaimed excitedly;

"Three for me, thank ya'!"

Scootaloo, after thinking for a moment, said calmly while giving her tea a narrow glare;

"Three awesome teaspoons, please and thank you."

"Four for me!", I told the cello player with a smile. I always had four teaspoons of sugar with my tea, as Rarity would tell you. With a quick nod, Octavia walked over to the counter again, pulled open a drawer that was under it, and reached in to grab a silver teaspoon with her right hand. After that, she grabbed a different cylinder container with her left hand and brought them both to the table. After placing them down opened the container up, reclaimed the spoon, and started serving the correct amounts of sugar to each of us, while making sure to stir our tea as she did this. Once our drinks were fully prepared, she did the same work for her own cup, put the containers away, placed the spoon in the kitchen sink, and sat down next to P0N3. With everyone seated, she told us with a dignified grin;

"Decaffeinated Green Tea. It's good for your heart."

She took her cup with her right hand, raised it up at us in a toasting gesture, and took a sip. Seeing this encouraged us to take a sip along with the DJ. Honestly, I had never had Green Tea before! Sure, Rarity had it in stock back home. But, we had never gotten around to drinking it together. Once I had tasted it, I had become dead set on letting her and our host know how much I enjoyed it! With a giggle, I told Octavia after lowering my cup;

"It tastes so yummy!"

It didn't take long for Scootaloo to give her opinion on the drink;

"This is an awesome drink!", she exclaimed with joy. Apple Bloom chimed in with a hearty laugh taken right from her big sister;

"Ya' know how to make a tasty beverage, Miss Octavia!"

She then tried to take a second larger gulp of the stuff, as if it were fizzy apple cider.

I knew better than to let her treat steaming hot tea like fizzy apple cider!

With worry in my voice and heart, I tried to warn her with a raised voice;

"Careful, AB! It's still hot!"

Unfortunately, the tea had already made her tongue pay for her carelessness with its unforgiving heat. I was relieved that she managed to place her cup on the table without spilling anything as she loudly yelped in pain while sticking her burning tongue out to cool it down. The poor girl was panting while looking quite hurt and embarrassed at the same time. While I made a mad dash for the nearest empty cup to fill it with water, P0N3 was quick to help me. As we worked, I couldn't help but hear Scootaloo try really hard to hold back her snickering for Apple Bloom's sake. My two friends had learned the same lesson I had learned when Rarity introduced me to the hot drink: never underestimate tea.

It was after the third or fourth sip that the relaxing effects of Green Tea had kicked in for us. I felt my body slowly sink into the chair, the tension in my muscles unwinding just a little bit in places where I didn't even know I was tense. Without thinking about it, I had let out a content sigh, with AB and Scoots following suit. Apple Bloom, with a chill grin and a relaxed voice, declared to Octavia and P0N3, who looked about as relaxed as we were;

"Sugarcubes, we needed this, Ah tells ya'."

Octavia, after letting out a polite titter that Rarity would appreciate, responded with a nod and a grin of her own;

"I had guessed as much. Besides, we will need to be relaxed to tackle our little talk, given the..."

She sighed while letting a frown replace her grin;

"Topic of discussion."

I had a good idea as to what she wanted to talk about, and I think my friends did to. We learned forward while placing our arms on the table, with Apple Bloom calmly speaking on our behalf;

"Alright then, Miss Octavia. Let's talk."

I didn't even need to look at her or Scootaloo to know that their grins were replaced with frowns. I know mine was. We waited patiently for our music-playing friend to speak, with DJ-P0N3 looking right at her as well. With an exasperated sigh, she began with calm class;

"I do not blame you three for keeping your distance from the other students for so long. No doubt, you were afraid of accidentally hurting someone again."

"You are right about that.", the three of us told her in perfect unison. She was slightly taken aback, probably by the way we responded, before re-centering herself enough to speak further;

"Which makes dearest P0N3 and I quite glad that you found the courage to accept our invitation."

She gave us a small smirk and a wink while noting with a jokey tone;

"Took you little ones long enough."

I knew she was only teasing us, but I felt bad for making her and her girlfriend wait so long. So, I made sure to address that issue;

"We're so sorry for taking so long.", I told her with sadness in my voice. She waved it off and responded sweetly;

"It is as I said, Sweetie Belle, I do not blame you three. Besides, I did not put an expiration date on that invite."

My sadness was driven back by calm happiness that I expressed with a renewed smile. Octavia went on without skipping a beat;

"As for your... past foolishness and the dreadful consequences there of, P0N3 and I have thought about such things for quite some time. The main issue that we have yet to fully address, more to the point, is a question that is as simple as it is heavy..."

She took a deep breath before declaring the question to us;

"Shall we forgive you or shall we not?"

That terrible guilt deep inside my heart rose to the surface, threatening to ruin my composure as well as the conversation. What didn't help me was the mean voice in my head that decided to tell me terrible things that nearly made me cry;

They'll never forgive you or your friends!

Why should they forgive you? You hurt them so terribly!

You hurt the whole school for that matter!

You don't deser-!

Before the voice could finish that last insult, Octavia unknowingly interrupted it, the sadness in her words keeping me fixed on the present moment;

"I will not disrespect you, my beloved, or myself with lies: your past actions had hurt us both on an emotional level and now, P0N3 and I shudder to think about what the consequences of said actions will be for us and our relationship."

We lowered our heads to face the kitchen table while feeling a ton of shame. I could barely hold myself back from whimpering out of pure regret. The guilt inside was growing in strength. But, before it could try to crush my heart, the cello player spoke again, this time with more sophistication than sadness in her voice;


We looked back up to see that she was giving us a most dignified expression when she continued;

"Recent events have pressed upon me the importance of not wallowing in pain or sorrow. The importance of moving forward."

She gently grabbed her cup of tea and, with an extended pinky, took a graceful sip before returning the cup to its place on the table in utter silence. After taking another breath, she said with surety all over her entire demeanor;

"Consider this how I wish to move forward."

She glared at each of us. The mere feeling of her gaze was enough to make us gulp in fear. But, what came next had banished that fear. She declared to us with a combination of calmness, surety, and class;

"I do not know if I can forgive you, Canterlot Movie Club. But, I will give you a fair chance."

She allowed a smile to form on her face as she added while we tried valiantly to hold back our growing joy;

"I am quite sure that DJ-P0N3 will give you a chance as well."

We looked over at the DJ, who bumped her chest with her right fist while smirking to silently agree with that wonderful notion. We could not hold back any longer. With Apple Bloom leading the charge, we rushed over to the pair of musicians and gave them big movie club hugs. As we did this, we exclaimed to them with happy tears streaming down our faces;


Octavia laughed jovially while accepting each and every hug she had gotten. P0N3 embraced us back in silence. Once the hugs were finished, we returned to our seats and looked at our two new friends with beaming smiles and eyes filled with sparkling glee. It was at that moment, after she had recovered from being pounced, that Octavia suggested while raising her cup;

"I propose a toast."

We raised our cups alongside DJ-P0N3 before she declared with a hopeful smile;

"To the undiscovered country."

That got her looks of confusion from my two pals and me. Recognizing this, the cellist clarified without losing a hint of her classiness;

"The future."

That was good enough for us! With raised glasses, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Octavia, and myself all said at the same time;

"To the undiscovered country."

We then did the toasting motions, with the DJ following along in silence. Whilst we continued to enjoy our tea, Apple Bloom noted to our new friends with a determined glare;

"Make no mistake, sugarcubes, we're gonna make amends with the both of ya'."

Scootaloo, feeling really excited at the prospect, declared with an enthusiastic bounce on her seat;

"Yeah! We're gonna make things right with everyone we wronged! You'll see!"

DJ-P0N3, with a big grin, raised her right hand up to Scootaloo to offer her a high-five, which she accepted with gusto. I nodded at Octavia to further emphasize our shared drive. She held her chin with her right index finger and thumb in a thinking manner while looking at each of us. She then responded with a short nod;

"A noble endeavor... If you need assistance with achieving such a positive end, you are encouraged to call upon us."

My eyes went wide with surprise as she turned her head to face P0N3. She then asked her with a loving grin;

"Would that be fine with you, my dear?"

The DJ looked back at her and gave her a thumbs up with a smirk for good measure. Apple Bloom exclaimed with wide eyes of her own;

"Now hold on a second 'ere!"

The two lovebirds returned their shared gaze on AB, who went on with a slightly calmer tone of voice;

"We've only just connected with each other and ya'll want to help us with our crusade already? Ah ain't complainin' none, but where did that idea come from?"

Octavia tittered politely once more before answering with a warm smile that could melt ice-cold hearts;

"Did we not give you aid once before?"

Immediately, I had guessed in my head that trouble was brewing for Scootaloo, who I looked at in a hurry. Thankfully, I was wrong, for she was giving Octavia and P0N3 a look of gratitude and sweetness that could make someone's teeth hurt. Her wide teeth-baring smile made her appreciation even more clear. But, to seal the deal, she declared to the pair with heartfelt goodwill;

"Thank you both so much!"

The cellist nodded, her smile refusing to vanish. I saw that Apple Bloom's smile was beaming almost as brightly as Scoots' and, frankly, so was mine.

This was a good day for us all. For the Canterlot Movie Club in particular, this was a good start, however small it was, in our long quest for redemption.

Chapter #3 - Of Family and Mail

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Scootaloo's bedroom. The next day after school.

The Canterlot Movie Club had no club activities planned out, so I found myself relaxing in my room after a busy day at school. This was not a total bummer for me, honestly. I mean, yeah, not having any awesome club stuff to do was pretty lame. But, this meant that I could enjoy one of my favorite pastimes: reading a cool book! No, I was not a total egghead, so I wasn't gonna read textbooks for fun or anything like that. Yeah, I kinda had to read the school textbooks to keep my grades up, but I did that to study. This time, I was gonna read for fun. In front of my bed was a large wooden bookshelf that held a whole bunch of books on its shelves. Most of them were comic books and novelizations of movies old and new. But, standing neatly together between two stacks of comics on the middle shelf were seven books that represented my favorite series of stories. Why was this series my favorite, even when compared to book versions of films? That's simple: they featured the coolest, bravest, most awesome adventurer to have ever been created by a writer. A character so incredible, so amazingly amazing, that I felt happiness just by being exposed to her natural awesomeness:

Daring Do!

Created by A.K. Yearling, Daring Do's incredible adventures and death-defying heroics could brighten up my day every time I read them. Don't even get me started on the movies! Each film was cooler than the last and they all did Daring justice without losing a step! Oh, but which book in her fantastic series to read? The decision was difficult to make, because every Daring Do book was awesome! I agonized over the choice while glaring at each wonderful book;

"The Quest for the Sapphire Stone? No, I read that one yesterday! I need to switch things up... The Ring of Destiny? Great twist near the end, but I can read it tomorrow... Riddle of the Sphinx? Somnambula is awesome in that one, but I'm not in the mood for riddles right now..."

It took me several minutes of silent thought, but I finally figured out what book to read. It wasn't on the shelf. With excitement growing in my body, I rushed over to my nightstand and pulled open its drawer. Inside it was a single book that rested to the left of the little box that held the little paper pony that Sunset gave me. I quickly took the book out with both hands. Unlike the other Daring Do tales, this one had nothing written or drawn on the front, back, or spine. Heck, it didn't even have any cool artwork in its cover sleeve! Even so, I knew exactly which story it was, for I had read it more than any other in the series by far:

Daring Do and the Statue of Peace!

It wasn't the very first Daring Do book I had ever read, but it was one of my most precious possessions. So, of course, it would have a place of honor in my nightstand's drawer! Whenever I was feeling blue, I could just pull the book out and suddenly my otherwise lame and gloomy day was filled with adventure and excitement. With my selection in my hands, I got up on my bed, sat down with crossed legs, and placed the book on my lap. After giggling and wobbling a little out of excitement, I opened up the book and began to read it out loud with the biggest smile on my face and my best dramatic reading voice;

It was extremely rare for Daring Do, the most respected and beloved adventurer of all time, to be nervous. No villain could scare her and no obstacle could stop her. Even so, on this occasion, she felt terribly nervous. To anyone who didn't know her, her nervousness would be perplexing to say the least. After all, she was walking through the halls of her lavish island home, one of the many parting gifts left behind by her dearly departed parents. A home that she had personally taken off of any known records and maps she could find to ward off her enemies. Surely, she had no reason at all to feel so uneasy? Ah, but to anyone who did know Daring Do, her uneasiness would be understandable, for she was doing more than just taking a stroll through her house.

After a minute of walking, she found herself standing in front of what appeared to be a dead-end wall in the hall that was covered by fancy wallpaper, with a single metal unlit candlestick hanging on the wall. This moment is reason enough to remind you, dear readers, of one of the first rules of adventuring: appearances can be deceiving.

After doing three deliberately aimed knocks on specific spots on the wall and pulling the candlestick as if it were a lever, Daring Do caused the wall to slowly move back a few inches while the stick sank into it. After that, it slid into the wall to the right, revealing a secret passage that had a set of stairs that went downwards. With a slightly shaky sigh that hinted at her lingering concern, she began her trek down the stairs. This passage, in start contrast to the trappings of the hall from before, had gray concrete walls and a matching ceiling with a single LED drop ceiling light built into it. The white light illuminated the area as Do ventured deeper and deeper down in silence. The rattled state of her nerves kept on trying to grow in severity. But, her self-control, cultivated by years of experience, rose to keep them reigned in. Eventually, she reached the end of the stairs to find a large steel door waiting for her. It had no windows to look through and no knobs to twist, for this door was locked via three technological security measures that she had to deal with to get through. A trick to this process was that she had to deal with the entire set in a specific order, or else the door would go into a lockdown that not even she could override, one that she herself had set to last for twenty-four hours. Daring Do did not want to have to wait a whole day to try this again!

The first measure that she tackled was a fingerprint scanner that was built into the wall to the right of the door. It was configured to only approve the fingerprints owned by a select few people, herself included. She moved over to the scanner, firmly pressed on it with her right thumb, and held the thumb in place as the device did its work. She waited for three seconds before it played an approving beep as well as a robotic vocal notification that could be heard throughout the room;

"Fingerprint Owner: Daring Do."

The loud sound of gears turning echoed from within the wall the door was constructed into for a second before silence crept into the area once more.

One down, two the go.

The veteran adventurer walked over to the second security measure: an eyeball scanner situated to the left of the door. As she was one of those trusted few who the device would accept, getting through this hurdle was a simple matter. She aimed her opened right eye at it and kept it open long enough for it to perform its function. Once the scan was complete, a second notification played out from the device;

"Eyeball Owner: Daring Do."

The gears in the wall turned once more, signaling Daring to move back to stand in front of the door.

One more to go.

As soon as she got into position, a security camera situated above the door aimed its lens directly at her and called out to her with that same robotic voice from before;

"Please answer this question correctly: Why does Daring Do go on adventures?"

This was the third and final security measure, complete with questions tailor-made for each of the few people who could be allowed to get this far. The question asked was as easy to answer as breathing for the heroic woman. With a smirk that cut through her nerves like butter, she looked up at the camera and declared with calm pride;

"To safeguard history, whether it be ancient or personal."

Two seconds of silence and the robotic voice spoke once more;

"Voice and correct answer confirmed. Welcome, Daring Do."

The gears turned again, this time for much longer than a second as the steel door slowly opened up, granting her access to the room beyond. The gears went silent right when the door stopped moving, which gave Daring a moment to think to herself while letting out a sigh;

"I know everything's safe, but when my instincts start talking, I start listening..."

With that in mind, she walked through the doorway and into what was, to her, the most important room in the house.

Oh man, A.K. Yearling could make any scene interesting and cool! I giggled while bouncing my legs on my bed out of pure excitement over what was coming up. Yeah, I knew the story by heart, but that didn't make reading it any less fun. Before I could continue to immerse myself in the awesomeness that was Daring Do, however, my Auntie Lofty called out from the hallway beyond my closed bedroom door;

"Scootaloo! Dinner will be ready in a few minutes!"

Ah, man! Just when it was getting really cool! Still, whenever family called for me, I knew better than to ignore them. But, there was something I wanted to do before running to the kitchen. After stashing my beloved Daring Do book into the nightstand drawer, I took my paper pony box out from it with my left hand and opened it up. Gazing at the little amber unicorn with the red and yellow mane, I felt hope grow from within my gut and heart just like it did before. Smiling, I gently grabbed the paper pony and held it in my right hand with absolute care. Once its box was returned to the drawer, I closed it with a quick push and ran to the kitchen. By this time, I considered taking Sunset's awesome gift with me to be good luck. Something in my head told me that I would need that luck really soon.

There I was, stuffing my face with my aunts' delicious cooking at the kitchen table. Aunt Holiday sat to my left and Auntie Lofty sat to my right. My paper pony was placed to the right of my plate and aimed right at the door. As I chowed down on my spaghetti and meatballs, Aunt Holiday noted to me sweetly;

"We're proud of you and your two pals for talking things out with Sunset."

I looked over at her and expressed and big grin before Auntie Lofty chimed in with a loving chuckle;

"Yeah, that pony you got there is a fine gift. Adorable too."

My grin grew into a teeth-baring smile that I showed to my Auntie while responding happily;

"This pony is not just adorable, she's awesome, and so is Sunset!"

Both of my aunts laughed before Holiday told me with a smirk;

"She's grown a lot ever since those old cold days."

Her smirk became loving along with Lofty's as the latter added softly;

"You and your friends have grown too, you little rascals."

She reached over with her right hand and ruffled my hair, which made me giggle like usual. Holiday took this moment to elaborate on her partner's point;

"Tell me about it. I mean, making peace with Sunset is one thing. But, crusading against all of the pain you kids had caused? That's wild, kid!"

Feeling more sheepish than the Genie was in Aladdin (the animated movie, not the live-action cash crab), I scratched the back of my neck with my right hand and responded with a bit of nervousness;

"Yeah, the three of us like to go big."

Right then and there, Lofty announced to the table with excitement brewing in her voice;

"Speaking of big, we've got a big addition to tonight's dinner."

I looked over at her to find that she was giving me a huge smile full of love. Checking on Holiday, I saw that her smile was just as large and loving. I wondered what kind of addition they had in mind. My first few ideas all revolved around extra food. Like, a huge chicken or a plate of double cheeseburgers. Those ideas were launched into orbit by the large black tablet that I saw Holiday pull out from her lap. Said lap was under the table, so I didn't see that device until now.

One good look at it was all I needed to figure out exactly what was going to happen.

I gasped while holding my mouth with both hands out of pure shock. Something like this had happened before, I didn't expect it to happen today! My breathing became short and frequent as I watched Holiday mess with the tablet via her right index finger. After a few presses and swipes, she held the tablet's touch-screen to have it face me while she got its stand set up from its back. What, or rather, who I saw on that screen was enough to make me have to sniff back happy tears. Once the stand was prepared, Holiday placed the tablet on the center of the table. After taking several deep breaths to recollect myself, I exclaimed with absolute love and joy;

"Mom! Dad!"

Looking back at me with faces full of love were my parents: Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood. Although they were real life adventurers who braved all sorts of dangers on the regular, they never forgot about their family. I mean, come on, my mom and dad were way too awesome to abandon us! I could see that fact in their eyes as I reached out, yanked the tablet with both hands, and hugged it tightly without it touching my food. I could hear mom and dad laughing happily as I held the device in my arms for three seconds before placing it back on the table. It was a good thing that I didn't accidentally end the video call with my chest! After that, we talked about all sorts of things: how we were doing that day, how much we missed each other, some of the cool little stuff my mom had carved out of wood (including a small soccer ball she held in her hand), my aunts' latest quilts, and so much more. The conversation turned even better when mom and dad started talking about one of their most recent adventures. My attention was locked on them as dad took the lead in enthusiastic and dramatic fashion;

"There we were, standing on our boat as it floated in the murky swamp that played host to all sorts of wildlife. Ah, we weren't looking for just any old creature though. Oh no, we were looking for a fearsome crocodile that made a home in the Fillyppines: Crocodylus mindorensis!"

Oh, Snap Shutter had me at 'fearsome'! I was already sitting at the edge of my seat and dad had barely started telling the tale. When there was a slight pause in Dad's storytelling, mom decided to step in with a grin;

"We like to call crocs like him Mindors."

Mindors... such an awesome name for an awesome animal! Dad jumped back in to keep the story going after chuckling slightly;

"Your mom and I knew that fiendish criminal hunters were hot on the mighty creature's trail, looking to make a profit from killing him! Mindors, you see, are critically endangered and can't be hunted legally. That's where we came in."

The stakes were high to say the least! I knew Fluttershy would have been terribly worried for the crocodile if she were with me that day. Dad paused to let Mom continue the tale;

"Our job was simple: get that crocodile to safety and stop the hunters."

With a nervous laugh, she added;

"Easier said than done."

Snap Shutter saw his chance to jump back in and he took it while giving Mane Allgood a quick sweet smile;

"Yeah, but we were up for the job!"

He then gave me a calm serious look that silently told me to really listen up, which I did as he explained;

"Now Scoots, a crocodile's teeth are the most dangerous weapons it has, with its tail being right up there! So, trying to fight it the old fashioned way is basically you asking to lose an arm or a leg. "

I made sure to commit Dad's warning to memory, if nothing else so that I don't decide to punch a crocodile on its nose or something wildly stupid like that. Mom nodded her head while giving me a similar look before noting;

"Luckily, there are ways to catch such a creature safely. "

After clearing her throat, she began her explanation;

"We watched the muddy water around us for any sign of the Mindor's movements. As we did this, I held in my hands a long thick pole with a barb attached to its sharp end. Connected to the barb was a line of guide rope that, if I could get a solid hit on the croc, would allow us to bring him close enough for the next step of our plan. All was silent for a whole minute, and then..."

They paused for dramatic effect. I waited with bated breath and then...

"BANG!", yelled out my dad with enough volume to make my aunts and me jump back a bit in surprise! Without skipping a beat, he went on with a slightly lower tone;

"We felt our boat bounce up with enough sudden force to nearly knock the both of us overboard! Once we regained our footing, we knew there was no other explanation: the feisty croc had bumped the bottom of the boat as it swam underneath us!"

"Woah!", I exclaimed with a gaping mouth before asking excitedly;

"But, how did you two catch him?!"

Dad laughed with pride before answering;

"Well, it took him another minute, but he showed himself via little ripples that moved in the murky water. Your mom caught this with her keen eyes and, without hesitation, she threw the pole right at him! Good thing I was holding the guide rope, because the croc starting thrashing around in the drink. I kept my grip strong and my balance steady as I fought to pull him closer to the side of the boat."

Mom stepped in to clarify;

"Now, the barb was not meant to hurt him, only to connect the rope with a weak spot on the back of his neck. So, the fight between him and Snap did not cause him any pain. As they fought, I quickly grabbed the nose rope and made ready. Once the croc was close enough to the boat and his head was poking out, I threw the rope at him and pulled hard to tighten its grip on his nose!"

The mental image of my parents doing something as dangerous and awesome as this made me want to shout with joy, but I had to keep quiet to catch the rest of the story! So, I held myself back as Dad continued the tale;

"Oh, that made the beast angry! He thrashed, rolled, and splashed as we worked together to keep him from destroying our boat or worse! We had to work quickly at that point, for the longer a crocodile is allowed to fight, the more dangerous it becomes. Luckily, we weren't fighting this creature by ourselves: we had a friend with us who also knew a thing or two about facing danger."

Oh, this was getting more exciting by the secon-wait, what did he just say?!

"You have a friend?!", I yelled out in shock. That shock quickly gave way to joy as I cried out;

"Oh my gosh! My mom and dad got to rescue a crocodile from lame hunters alongside an adventuring buddy!"

I looked over at my aunts and asked him with a big smile;

"Isn't that cool or what?"

They gave me those sweet smiles that always showed me their approval, which prompted me to return my attention to my parents and their tale. They gave me warm loving grins before dad continued on;

"Yeah, that one's a right keeper! Anyway, when the barb had struck, our friend was helping me with the guide rope, which gave Mane the time to grab the nose rope and get it latched onto the beast. With our combined efforts, we were able to get the croc to the side of the boat. Seeing the opportunity, our friend released her grip on the guide rope to help us shut his jaws tight with additional rope and tape. Right when we were able to get him safely secured onto the side of our boat, however, the hunters came roaring towards us on their motorboat!"

Uh oh, the bad guys had come! But, since my parents were right there on the tablet's screen, I knew exactly what was gonna happen next. My smile grew a little wider as I listened to mom speak again;

"I revved up the motor on our boat and got her moving in a hurry."

Dad belted out a hearty laugh before declaring with pride;

"Your mom was outmaneuvering those crooks within a minute and they lost us within two! After that, we made sure that the croc was safe and sound in the local animal sanctuary."

"Another job well done.", declared a confident mom, who gave dad a fist bump to celebrate their success. I was about ready to celebrate by hugging the tablet again! Instead, I hopped out of my seat and raised my right fist to the sky with the widest smile I could muster;

"My parents are so cool!", I yelled out with pride and familial love. Once I sat back down, I looked at each of my aunts and told them happily;

"They save endangered wildlife, travel to dangerous places to find ways to improve science and medicine, and protect ancient places from destruction! All while making time for our family!"

Oh, if mom and dad were in that kitchen, I would hug them tight and never let them go! My aunts and parents laughed out of happiness before Auntie Lofty noted while giving mom and dad a friendly smirk;

"Yeah, you two got Scoots' love."

"We'll never waste your love.", said mom with the resoluteness of a movie hero. Dad was clearly in agreement;

"Not even for the greatest adventure ever.", he said while giving me a loving glare. Aunt Holiday decided to chime in with a smirk of her own;

"Now if only your line of work would let you live with us. That would make Scootaloo's day."

Just the thought of my parents living in our house made me want to jump all over the kitchen with delight! For the sake of keeping the conversation going, however, I settled for exclaiming;

"Oh, that would be the best thing ever! I'm talking one-hundred and twenty-percent awesome!"

Once I recovered from my awesomeness high, which took about a minute of laughter and foot stomping, dad responded with a smile that looked... sad;

"Oh, Scootaloo... I know that it's thanks to our line of work that we can support you three. Even so..."

"The moment we get a chance to live with you and support the family, you better believe we'll take it.", said mom, who also had that sad smile on her face. I never liked seeing my parents look so sad and I never will. Like a hero stepping up to face the bad guys, I rose to the occasion and reminded them;

"I know you two will find a way! You always do!"

"And don't think for a moment that you haven't been there for our little lightning bolt.", noted Auntie Lofty. Our words seemed to help ease my parents' sadness, for their smiles became brighter and cooler. I made sure to add for good measure;

"Yeah! You were there for every holiday and every single one of my birthdays! Granted, you had to use video chat for most of them, but still!"

That got a good laugh from the both of them, with dad saying with honest love;

"Don't forget about all those late-night talks we had whenever you were feeling bluer than a kangaroo's joey."

"We're always happy to talk with you whenever you need us and we're able.", said mom, who accidentally helped dad make me feel several levels of embarrassment. I blushed heavily and looked away from the screen while exclaiming;

"Mom! Dad!"

As embarrassed as I was, I couldn't help but feel happy that my parents cared so much about me. Speaking of caring, my aunts ruffled my hair together at the same time, which got me to laugh the embarrassment away. After that, we talked some more, this time about future plans. I made it a point to tell them about the Great Crusade as well Sunset. Oh, they were so proud of me and were not afraid to say so;

"You and your friends did a fine thing by befriending that Sunset girl.", said mom while dad nodded in agreement before noting;

"Sounds to us like you three got a mission of your own. We know you'll do a bang-up job!"

"Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, okay?", requested mom. I nodded at them both with a smile as warm as they made my heart. It wasn't long after that that mom and dad had to leave to get ready to work again. But, before they left the call, Snap Shutter told me with a smirk;

"Now, you better keep being good to your Aunt and Auntie, okay Scoots?"

I gave him a salute and a smile, which prompted Mane Allgood to say something that moved me deeply;

"You and your movie club friends are so much more than your mistakes. Never forget that."

That's some cool advice, mom! With that settled, I gently placed my right hand on the webcam, as if I was trying to hold their hands. Mom and dad did the same thing from their end before we told each other in cool as ice unison;

"I love you!"

I knew in my heart that I would see them again, that I would be able to hug them both one day. It was just a matter of time.

The next day, in the Apple Family House's kitchen after school.

One of the benefits of being a friend to Apple Bloom was being able to enjoy the delicious home-cooked meals that only the Apples could make. Despite what many would tell you, not all of their recipes were apple-based. It was just that most of them were apple-based! Our food consisted of apple crisps, apple cinnamon toast, apple pie as desert, ham sandwiches, and cottage cheese on the side. For drinks, we had a choice between milk, soda, water, and fizzy apple cider. Needless to say, when the Apple Family fed you, they went all out! I was chowing down on my meal alongside Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who all sat beside me. AB's big brother Big Mac sat to her left, while her big sister Applejack sat to Sweetie Belle's right. Sitting opposite of me was the oldest living Apple and family leader Granny Smith. We were all in good spirits that day, with Apple Bloom telling everyone else how well school went for us with the excitement that I enjoyed seeing her express. We all made sure to pay attention to her as we ate, which I think fueled her excitement;

"For History class, Mr. Doodle told us the story of the Christmas Truce!", she declared out loud. I noticed that the other Apples had put their forks down to give AB even more attention, Granny Smith especially. Without skipping a beat, my pal went on;

"Long ago, there was this huge and terrible war that many nations were wagin'!"

Sadness covered her face while her bow drooped like a puppy's ears for added effect before continued with a more somber tone of voice;

"It was a dern violent mess, that war, and Ah don't like it none."

The rest of us smiled and nodded in agreement. Anyone who had sense knew that wars were lame. Within moments, AB's bow perked back up along with her happiness as she explained further;

"The war was gonna go right through Christmas! But when that holiday came around, somethin' amazin' happened..."

She paused for dramatic effect and then declared with a smile as wide as her family's farm, her hands raised to the roof;

"The soldiers who were fightin' and killin' at the front decided to put their guns down and celebrate the holiday! Ah'm talkin' soldiers on both sides of the war 'ere! They were singin', playin', talkin', and just havin' a good ol' time!"

Granny let out a hearty well-meaning laugh while holding her awesomely large belly before telling her granddaughter with a smile;

"It was a dern miracle that truce happened at all, Ah tells ya'! Shoot, it was such a wonderful moment in history that people are still talkin' about it to this day."

"Eeyup.", said Big Mac, as was expected from the big guy. Applejack tipped her trusty Stetson hat at her little sister before noting with a proud grin;

"Ah'm mighty proud of ya' for showin' appreciation for history, sugarcube. It should please ya' to know that some songs were made in honor of the Christmas Truce."

The story alone had gotten mine and Sweets attention. Apple Bloom knew how to tell a tale, after all. But, finding out that songs were involved was enough to get our attention locked in! Sweetie Belle yelled out in joy while I leaned towards AJ;

"Songs?! I love songs!"

All three of us looked at a chuckling Applejack while I asked her excitedly;

"Can you play any of them?"

With a wink as sly as her smirk, she replied;

"Ya'll will have to wait until Christmas to find out."

"Awwwww!" we cried out of shared disappointment. Why did AJ have to be such a song tease anyway?

Just then, a loud crash erupted from beyond the house's front door, making us all bounce out of her seats in shock! We all rushed over to the door, with Applejack leading the charge. Once we went outside, it didn't take long to notice the source of the commotion. It consisted of the now considerably lopsided mailbox that somehow kept its contents from spilling out, a yellow mail delivery motorbike laying on its side on the sidewalk, the piles of sealed packages scattered about on the on the sidewalk, a toppled over wagon near one of the piles, and a clearly dazed mailbag-carrying Derpy Hooves sitting on the ground between the bike and the mailbox. Amazingly, neither the bike nor Derpy appeared to be harmed as she softly said to herself in a somewhat wobbly voice;

"I just don't know what went wrong..."

None of us hesitated to help her out. Sweets, AB, and I went right to work on helping Derpy get back on her feet while Big Mac got the bike back on its wheels before inspecting it for damage. As for AJ and Granny Smith, they made sure to help tend to our unexpected visitor, who was quickly regaining her balance and composure. Now that I had gotten a closer look at her, it was clear that Derpy made sure to wear some safety gear before riding that bike of hers. She wore a yellow sports helmet that had a black outline, yellow wrist guards, matching elbow and knee pads, and white sports shoes. Once she resettled herself, she looked at each us with gratitude in her smile and crossed eyes before saying sweetly;

"Thank you for the help."

Apple Bloom was the first of us to respond, with goodwill and pride filling her voice;

"It was our pleasure, missy!"

Applejack chimed in with a question loaded with concern;

"Are ya' hurtin' anywhere, Derpy?"

She responded by placing her hands on her head, arms, chest, and legs before shaking her head. Good, her vital parts were okay, at least. Satisfied, I looked over at the numerous parcels that laid on the ground and commented out of curiosity;

"I didn't know you were a mail delivery girl, Derps."

With a giggle that got my attention, she explained;

"I've been delivering school mail to the students and staff since last week. It's been loads of fun."

Applejack, having overheard what Derpy had said, took a moment away from inspecting her bike to walk up to her and respond with a smile;

"That's a mighty important role for ya' to take on, Ah reckon."

Her smile weakened a bit as she noted with a slight hint of nervousness;


She looked over at the piles of mail while finishing;

"Ah think ya' might have bitten off more than ya' can chew."

With an annoyed groan, Derpy explained herself;

"I know! Normally, I would have Bulk Biceps help me out, but..."

Worry grew on her face as she went on;

"He's got a really bad stomach ache today and I didn't know anyone else who can fill in for him. So, I was delivering mail on my own when I crashed."

I felt the paper pony box in my right pants pocket, as if it was reminding me of its presence. In my heart and mind, I knew exactly what I wanted to do about this situation. I looked over at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who looked at me right back with understanding in their eyes. Without saying a word, we agreed on the same exact idea. That was just a part of how our awesome bond worked. We nodded at each other, turned to face the concerned and saddened Derpy, and gave her our best smiles while Apple Bloom spoke for us;

"Don't ya' worry none, we can fill in for the big guy!"

Sweetie Belle, with happy squeaks, gave our now surprised fellow student more details;

"We can help you carry the mail to where it needs to go! That way, you won't have to carry so much stuff on your own!"

Derpy's bright eyes sparkled with joy as she gave us big hugs while saying with glee;

"Thank you so much!"

Granny Smith chuckled along with Applejack and Big Mac before she chimed in;

"Good on ya' youngin's for steppin' in to help!"

Just then, right when Derpy finished with her hugs, she gave us a confused look while asking;

"But, how are you going to help carry the mail?"

It was my turn to laugh. With a confident smirk added in for fun, I told her;

"You're not the only one with a sweet ride!"

Like a bullet, I zoomed back through the front door of the Apple Family house, made a beeline for the back door that led to the farm, and rushed across Sweet Apple Acres itself without so much as breaking a sweat! My two pals were right behind me, as I knew they would be. It didn't take long for us to find a large wooden shed that we were quick to enter. Well, to most Apples and visitors, it was a simple farming shed. But, to the Canterlot Movie Club, it was the garage for our official club vehicles! We had a whole trio of spare scooters as well as two wagons safely stashed out of the way of the farming tools. Those scooters were normally pulled out whenever I was helping my friends learn how to ride as awesomely as I could, although they did prefer to keep up with me on foot. But, this time, we had a different purpose in mind for those beauties and the larger wagon of the two. Soon enough, we were pulling our scooters from the shed all the way to the front lawn, with the wagon being pulled behind them via expertly secured rope. Applejack and Big Mac managed to catch up to us in time to help us get the vehicles over to Derpy, who was almost dancing in place out of excitement. Next, came the task of placing the packages into the wagon, which took everyone's combined efforts to pull off, since there was so many of them all over the place. As we worked, Apple Bloom decided to have a little fun, starting by calling out at a loud and proud volume;

"Today, we're helpin' a Wondercolt!"

Sensing what she was getting at, Sweetie and I yelled out together;


Apple Bloom continued by yelling;

"Today, we're helpin' Derpy Hooves!"

Sweets and I kept up the performance without missing a step;


AB was being just as skillful as she announced;

"Today, we're helpin' her deliver school mail!"

Just like before, the two of us kept up the act. Only this time, we were joined by Derpy herself;


All three of us turned our heads to find her giggling sheepishly while holding a rather large package. We couldn't help but laugh with her. Once we calmed down, I heard Derpy ask Applejack;

"What made them want to do that fun little thing?"

I managed to get a glimpse of AJ shaking her head when she answered;

"Mad Max: Fury Road."

"The youngin's watched that flick with expressed permission from me as well as a heapin' helpin' of adult supervision! Yes, we made sure to help 'em get through the mighty graphic parts safely. Even then, they only watched it once," Granny Smith clarified. Looking to make the situation less awkward, I added after placing a package in the wagon;

"We learned our lesson from the Predator Incident."

Upon the uttering of that name, all three of us movie buffs shuddered a little at the same time. Before Derpy could even ask about it, Applejack told her calmly;

"Ya' don't wanna know."

The topic was, thankfully, dropped from there.

With the mail tucked away in the wagon and fashioned to it via extra rope by AJ and Big Mac, my club members and I checked to make sure the scooters were securely connected to the wagon, grabbed our riding gear, and helped Derpy get ready to ride her motorbike. Thankfully, it was still in good riding condition, despite the earlier crash. We were about ready to ride in style when Granny Smith called out to us;

"Hold on, ya'll!"

We looked over at her when she explained;

"There's one last thing to account for; Derpy's eyes."

Oh crud! How could we forget about that super-important detail?! It was Apple Bloom who made the issue very clear to the rest of us;

"Of course! Derpy's crossed eyes are gonna make it mighty hard for her to see where she's goin'!" she exclaimed before giving the muffin-loving girl a worried look. She then told her in a softer voice;

"Ah mean no offense, sugarcube. Ah just don't want ya' to get hurt, is all."

Derpy gave her a smile that was filled with undying innocence and told her frankly;

"I understand, Apple Bloom. We do need to do something about my vision."

Her smile turned into a sad frown as she added;

"Bulky was usually my spotter..."

I didn't like seeing sadness on that girl's face and neither did my friends. We were about ready to comfort her when Applejack offered with a thoughtful chuckle;

"That won't be a problem this time, 'cause Ah'll be your spotter."

Derpy's sadness got its butt kicked by her renewed happiness, much to my relief. She gave Applejack a hug before telling her;

"You're so nice to me!"

She then looked over at the rest of us and added;

"All of you are being so nice to me and I love that!"

Her happiness filled us all up as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom got on their scooters. Once I saw the bass player get on the backseat of the now upright motorbike, I got on my own scooter while Derpy took her place on the driver's seat of her bike. Once we heard the roar of the bike's engine, Applejack announced to the makeshift motorcade that we had become;

"Listen up. ya'll! Derpy and Ah will take the lead, while ya youngin's follow from behind. Let's keep pace with each other and no wild stuff."

She gave me a piercing narrow glare from her seat that made me feel more than a little sheepish. It's like she knew I was thinking of tricks I could pull off during our drive! They would have been safe tricks, I swear to the stars above! Derpy made sure to let us know a key detail in a voice loud enough for the rest of us to hear over her engine;

"I have the addresses written on a note in my pants pocket!"

She reached into her right pants pocket and pulled a folded piece of paper that she handed to Applejack while finishing;

"I don't want to lose this, so keep it safe for me, okay?"

A tip of the farmer's Stetson was the confirmation Derpy needed to rev up the bike's engine, which was our cue to make ready on our scooters. Once she and AJ started moving on to the street, we followed suit while making sure to keep in formation to avoid losing the wagon. We then stopped for a moment to look over at Granny Smith and Big Mac, who kept their eyes on us as we prepared. Applejack waved at them both while yelling out;

"We'll be careful, ya'll!"

"Ya' whippersnappers better be!" Granny Smith called out in response with Big Mac saying with a nod and a smile;


I gave those two a thumbs up before returning my focus to the road ahead of me. With another rev of the engine, Derpy got her bike to move again, with the rest of us following her and AJ's lead. As we rode together like bosses, I declared with hope and pride as we drove up a steep hill;

"We are the ones who heal the scars..."

A giant smirk formed on my face before I practically screamed both out loud and from within while we zoomed down the hill;


Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle cheered and laughed right along with me. What can I say? Our crusade had only just begun and it was already awesome!

Our first stop was the house of Flash Sentry. A chill dude who, like the ever-awesome Rainbow Dash, played the electric guitar. He even ran his own band: the Flash Drives. They rocked, but not as hard as the Rainbooms, if you asked me. Once we parked just beyond Flash's front door, I got off of my scooter and ran to the wagon to check on the packages. They were all present and accounted for, so I looked around for the one that had his name on it. I could hear Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle running up to me and figured they wanted to help. Sure enough, they were rummaging through the pile along with me. It was Sweetie Belle who found Flash's package. Once she got a hold on it, she took a closer look, only to catch something odd about the box;

"I see Flash's name on here, but not the address.", she noted to us with a curious eyebrow. That got me confused, so I turned to face Derpy, who was walking up to us alongside Applejack, and asked her;

"Why doesn't this box have an address on it?"

Derpy smiled while trying her best to glare at the three of us with her crossed eyes and explained;

"School mail delivery rules. Mail sent through our service can't have addresses on them. The names of people getting school mail are fine though."

Applejack chimed in before any of us kids could comment on that detail;

"Mail deliverers like ya' have access to them addresses, but ya' don't want just anyone to find them, right?"

Derpy looked over at her and gave her a quick nod before asking Sweetie Belle;

"May I have Flash's mail, please?"

Sweets, with one of her friendlier grins, handed the box over to her. With that done, we all followed her over to Flash's door. As we walked, Apple Bloom told Derpy;

"Your service has a wise policy, Ah reckon. Don't want no random strangers findin' out where ya' live, know what Ah mean?"

That policy made sense to me too, honestly. I mean, A.K. Yearling always kept her actual address hidden from the public too and for good reason. Some Daring Do fans were best kept away from the author. With a really long pole. Anyway, once we arrived at our destination, Derpy tried to ring the door bell without dropping the package. Well, 'tried' being the keyword here. She almost dropped the darn thing before Applejack stepped in to hold it for her while she successfully rang the bell. After that, she reclaimed the box and waited. It took a few seconds for Flash himself to open the door. With a friendly smile, he greeted us;

"Hey girls!"

He then eyed the package and said;

"Thanks for the mail, Derps."

Derpy responded with a giggle;

"You're welcome! I was hoping to get it to you..."

Her giggles intensified, which I wish I had seen as a warning sign, before finishing;

"In a flash!"

I tried my absolute best to not groan. Why? Why did Flash Sentry love using bad puns so much? Why did they spread over to poor innocent Derpy? Were they infectious or something? Well, at least the two of them had a good laugh before we said our goodbyes. Just before we left, however, Flash called out to the three of us;

"Good of you to help her out, movie club! Keep it up!"

My annoyance over bad puns gave way to awesome appreciation. My pals and I turned back around to face him, waved at him happily, and told him at the same time;

"You bet we will!"

A great thing about Flash Sentry was that he was always up for cheering on our fellow students, especially when things got tough. The makings of a fine Wondercolt.

Next person we visited was someone who we started talking about as soon as we pulled up at her house. Applejack was the first one to bring her up;

"Okay, ya'll. This next one is Tree Hugger."

She held her chin with her left hand while she placed the address list on the bike seat with her right hand After pondering for a bit, she added;

"Frankly, Ah don't know much about this 'ere lady, other than her bein' Fluttershy's friend. Ah probably bumped into her once or twice when goin' between classes."

As it happened, us movie buffs knew a few things about her, most of which Apple Bloom pointed out with a giant smile and that brand of enthusiasm that made her so cool to me;

"Number Twelve: Tree Hugger. Said to be the biggest eco kid in all of CHS! Has never shown anger to anyone ever, or so people say."

Applejack belted out some hearty laughter before responding with a smile of her own;

"Ah'll bet she'll love our farm then, Little Seed."

As we walked over to Tree Hugger's door, Derpy asked AB while AJ carried the mail for her;

"Number Twelve?"

With a chuckle, the young Apple told her;

"We'll explain later, sugarcube."

The house itself appeared to be quite normal for someone who seriously liked the environment. Here I thought it was gonna be covered with flowers and stuff! Derpy knocked on the door once we got to it, only for the lady herself to speak to us from the other side;

"I have unlocked the door, sweet souls. You may open it up."

Her voice was filled with one hundred and twenty-percent peace, the kind of voice that, honestly, I had never heard before. Feeling a bit weirded out, confused, but not at all afraid, I looked over at Apple Bloom, who was clearly perplexed when she looked back at me and asked in a whisper;

"How did she know there was more than one person 'ere?"

All I could give her was a shrug before I turned my attention at Sweetie Belle, who was just as confused as we were. At that moment, Derpy opened the door, revealing a sight I would not have bet on seeing: Tree Hugger herself sitting on the floor of her house while barefooted with her legs crossed. Her eyes were closed and her hands rested on her lap. Her breathing was slow, steady, and practically silent. Her entire posture was somehow straight, but not stiff, if that makes any sense. As for the room she was sitting quietly in, it was dimly lit in a way that was easy on our eyes. We all just stood there in silence while trying to think of the best way to let the lady know about her mail without disturbing her. She just looked so chill, so we didn't want to be rude! Thankfully, she solved that problem for us by opening up her eyes about half-way and greeting us with that peaceful voice of hers;

"Blessings to you all."

She even showed us the peace sign with her right hand for good measure. She then glared at Sweets, AB, and me for about half of a second each before looking up at Derpy and saying with a smile;

"Ah, my package is here. You may place it on my lap."

Derpy did exactly that after getting the box from AJ, albeit with extra care to avoid dropping it. With that done, I decided to ask Tree Hugger what everyone else was thinking;

"What are you doing?"

She replied with a calm smile;

"Meditating, adventurous one. I would ask you and your two friends to join me for a session, but you are clearly busy with a noble endeavor..."

She winked right at the three of us before finishing;

"Or two, to be exact."

Okay, now this was getting really weird!

"Hold on, did anyone tell you about-?", I tried to ask her, only for her to interrupt me with an answer;

"No one told me."

Tree Hugger leaned forward just a bit before elaborating while gazing at each of us;

"I can see it in your eyes, Canterlot Movie Club... the drive to fulfill a duty you have charged to yourselves."

She leaned back and declared with a slow bow of her head;

"May the universe smile upon you all."

With that, she straightened her head, closed her eyes, and went back to breathing. Sensing that the conversation was over, I made sure to slowly close the door. While we walked back to the bike and scooters, I couldn't help but think to myself;

"That girl's got sharp eyes!"

Thank goodness, I learned from my parents and aunts to never judge a book by its cover! Even if the cover looked bizarre.

For those first two houses, the mail run went by swimmingly. It was during the trip to the third house that things turned wild faster that a flying Rainbow Dash!

"To the right, Derps! We gotta stay away from oncomin' traffic!", cried a worried Applejack as I watched Derpy swerve left and right so widely that I seriously hoping she wouldn't crash into something again. I slowed the pace of scooter riding down to compensate for the swerving, with AB and Sweets following suit. Not enough to lose her and AJ, but just enough to avoid getting bumped by a wild motorbike. Just then, I saw a sharp left hand turn coming up and Derpy was not ready for it! With some hasty instructions from Applejack, she was just barely able to make the turn while making the bike heavily lean sideways. We made the turn as well, only for us hear the far from subtle banging of wheels from behind us. Apple Bloom made the situation abundantly clear to us;

"We gotta keep the wagon steady ya'll!", she yelled out with worry in her country voice. I kept my eyes on the still swerving Derpy and replied;

"Someone's gotta keep her steady!"

Upon hearing my words, Derpy yelled out in fear;

"I wish I could keep my eyes steady!"

Before we knew it, we were faced with good news and bad news. The good news: the road graced us with a straightaway! The bad news: there was a vehicle heading in Derpy's direction and she was on the wrong side of the road.

"CAR!!!", Applejack cried for dear life, which drove the mail lady to quickly veer right. Just in time too, which did our rapidly beating hearts wonders. Poor Apple Bloom could barely keep her eyes on the road without checking on her sister! It was a very good thing us club members were already on the safe side of the road when the car zoomed passed us all. It took Applejack an additional fifteen terrifying seconds, but she was able to help Derpy re-stabilize her bike, allowing us clearance to move in closer to form our tight formation again. A close call that reminded me of action movies for the wrong reasons! I breathed a sigh a relief as Applejack consoled Derpy after she apologized for nearly getting the older Apple hurt;

"There there, sugarcube. Everyone's okay and that's what matters."

I could almost feel how much Apple Bloom was gushing over her big sister in her head as we continued our run.

After we arrived at the third house, Sweetie Belle told AJ and Derpy;

"We'll be at the door soon, I just gotta talk with my friends real quick."

They nodded before making their way to the door, which prompted her to tell us in a hushed voice;

"Movie Club Huddle."

We all came together and talked things out amongst ourselves, with Sweets noting out of concern;

"I'm gonna be honest: this is getting dangerous!"

"Ain't no one said that the Great Crusade was gonna be easy.", Apple Bloom said in response, her voice laced with understanding. Sweetie shook her head before speaking again;

"I know! But, I'm worried! What if Derpy accidentally hurts one of us. Oh, she'd be so upset!"

It was just like her to care about other people. All three of us were like that, yes, but she was the most caring girl of us all. I decided, right then and there, to give our worried friend a pep talk;

"Hey now, none of us are gonna let that happen. We got Applejack on the case and if she needs help, she's got us to back them both up!", I told her with a smirk and confidence in my voice. Truthfully, I was worried too, but I knew Sweets needed encouragement and I was proud to give it to her. That's what Rainbow Dash would do, after all! My friends' smiles was all the proof I needed that I did a good job. So, with fist bumps all around, we ran over to catch up with Derpy and Applejack. The house, to our delight, belonged to one of our newest friends: Octavia Melody! We were wanting to pay her a visit, which only added to the awesomeness of the situation. Derpy rang the doorbell and we waited with bated breath. I wondered if we could have a quick cup of tea with Octavia before continuing our work when the door opened. It revealed not the string player, but a much older woman who bore hair that was the same color as hers, albeit with a different style. I had a sneaking suspicion that this was Octavia's mom. She looked right at Derpy and Applejack before giving them a warm smile as well as a greeting that was polite and classy;

"A fine good afternoon to you both! I trust the trip was without incident?"

Yep, that was definitely the mom!

"Nothin' we couldn't handle, ma'am.", Applejack responded with a polite tip of her hat. Well, she was being honest, technically. The woman looked over at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and me, her face replacing the warmth she had shown before with a look of pure silent judgement. Oh, I could feel her disappointment with us creep into my heart as my guilt tried to cause me grief! Before I could come up with an apology, however, a much more familiar voice rang from behind her;

"Now, who could that be, mother dearest?"

The mom took a step off to the side to make room for Octavia herself, who looked at the three of us with warm friendship in her eyes and grin before greeting us;

"A pleasure to see you three again!"

My guilt got smacked in its face by my happiness, which made it easier for me to grin right back at her as she turned her head to face Derpy. With a chuckle, she took the package and told her sweetly;

"My thanks to you. I've been waiting for this item for some time now."

She gazed at Applejack and us before asking;

"I take it you four have been helping dear Derpy?"

We nodded our heads, which prompted her to declare;

"Splendid work so far! Wish you all good fortune. Ta-ta for now, loves."

She then walked deeper into the house and out of sight, leaving her mother behind. With a slight cough, the older woman looked at my friends and I again, this time with a polite glare, and said with the restrained voice of a mother trying her best to not pounce;

"My daughter gave you kids a fair chance and I will respect her choice."

Her glare became narrow and her voice gained a hint of anger as she finished in a slow pace;

"Do not waste it."

We could think of no better response than this;

"Yes, ma'am!", we said to her unison. With a quick nod, she went into the house and closed the door behind her. By the hat of Daring Do, that sucked! But, we got through it.

It was like what Apple Bloom said: no one ever said that the Great Crusade was gonna be easy.

After multiple close calls, some of which involved oncoming traffic, we were able to deliver all of the school mail for the day! We were on our way back to Sweet Apple Acres when I noticed that Derpy's bike was slowing down all of a sudden. Applejack noticed this too as my friends and I slowed down to keep pace. It took her two seconds to find and reveal the problem;

"Heads-up! Looks like the ol' girl's run out of gas!"

We moved our scooters away while making sure to get the wagon out of the bike's way as it slowed down to a standstill. Needless to say, Derpy was sad;

"I know I had it filled up earlier today...", she said with her head tilted down to her right side to face the concrete below. I felt bad for the girl. Of all the things to stop her, who would have thought it would be a lack of fuel? I looked back at the now box-less wagon and thought to myself;

"At least we got the job done..."

I looked around to take stalk of our surroundings when I caught sight of Derpy staring at a house to her right with the biggest smile on her face. I looked over at it while asking;

"What's up with that house?"

Just then, it all clicked in my head. This wasn't just any old house: it was Derpy's! I was starting to think that the universe had heard Tree Hugger's words as we all followed the happy girl to her home. Turns out, her folks weren't home, so it was just Derpy, Applejack, myself, and my pals all chilling out around the kitchen table together. AJ was enjoying a swig of some fizzy apple cider when she told our lovable host;

"Hair-raisn' moments aside, Ah'm glad we helped ya' out."

"Ah'm glad too!", exclaimed a happy Apple Bloom, who raised her cup of milk at Derpy while Sweetie Belle added with a happy squeak;

"Yeah, we got to see so many people today and we made them happy!"

She then asked the rest of us;

"Did you see the look on Principal Celestia's face when she saw the new sweater in her package? She was so thrilled!"

We all chuckled happily over that before I announced to the girls;

"I'll drink to that awesomeness!"

I then took chugged some of my soda like a boss. I saw that Derpy was looking around the table with this big smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with joy. Suddenly, she got up out of her seat, ran to the nearby cupboard, and opened it up. After taking a moment to grab something that we couldn't see, she turned around, returned to the table, and placed that something on it with a thump. It was another delivery package, this one being smaller than the others and square-shaped too. The strangest thing about it was the name that was written on the white paper that was taped to the top of it:

Canterlot Movie Club

The three of us look right at Derpy, who's smile was now laced with friendliness. Before we could think to pounce her with a hug, Applejack told us with a chuckle;

"Hold on now! Let me get a knife."

We watched with anticipation as she grabbed the nearest kitchen knifed and cut the top of the box open. With that done, we opened up the box while filling the room with our laughter. It only took us three seconds to discover what was inside. At that moment, we knew exactly what was coming and so, we waited until Derpy gave us the offer that she was known to give;


Knowing precisely what that meant, we wrapped her up in a movie club hug. She responded by wrapping us up in her arms with the gentleness of a parent. A part of me wondered if we deserved this cool girl's friendship after what we did to her last Winter. But, when I remembered all of the good we did for her today, I realized something cool;

"We earned this!"

With a relaxed sigh, I closed my eyes and sank into Derpy's sweet embrace. For the record, the muffins were totally delicious!

Chapter #4 - Shimmer Tales: A Magical Land

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Apple Bloom

Sweet Apple Acres Horse Barn, afternoon on the next day.

Washin' the horses in our farm wasn't too hard for me to do. Ya'll can thank regular practice and Granny Smith's teachin's for that. Ah suppose that was one of the reasons why Ah enjoyed it so much. That, and the horses were mighty cooperative and sweet, even though some of them would sometimes try to munch on my pink bow. Those critters could be mischievous sometimes, Ah tells ya'. On this day, Ah was givin' one of the horses, Ol' Marigold, a good washin' with a double-sided rubber squeegee, clean water in a bucket, and a bottle of her favorite shampoo. She was a fully grown adult with a lovely black mane, a long matchin' tail, and a healthy chestnut coat. Ah hadn't caught her covered in mud earlier, but it had been a good while since her last bath. As Ah was doin' my work, Ah did with her what Ah always did when tendin' to the farm animals: Ah shot the breeze with 'em!

"How's your day been so far, Marigold? Ah can tell ya've been eatin' well.", Ah said with a relaxed voice while givin' her barrel a good washin'. She kept as still as a statue while Ah kept on workin' and talkin';

"My day's been fine. It's the weekend and my homework's all done, so Ah just got my chores and crusadin' work to worry about."

She snorted while standin' in place, to which Ah responded with an honest chuckle;

"Ah yeah, Ah haven't told ya' about that last bit yet!"

Ah placed the squeegee down to get the rinsin' spray as I started explainin';

"Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Ah are tryin' to redeem ourselves, ya' see..."

Holdin' the spray with both hands, Ah noticed the memories of the previous Winter flowin' through my head. Normally, they would have made me freeze up like an ice cube in the snow. But, the horse cleanin' was givin' me a mighty helpful distraction from the old emotional pain those memories had always flared up. So, Ah went right to work on sprayin' the soapy shampoo clean off of Marigold's coat. It was a dern good thing she loved her baths, or Ah would have needed help with keepin' her steady! Once the rinsin' was done, Ah turned off the spray, dropped it, grabbed a nearby clean bath towel, and started dryin' her up while continuin' my explanation;

"It didn't take long for us to be challenged by our shared duty and Ah don't mind that one bit."

Ah laughed a little more before addin'

"Comes with bein' an Apple, Ah guess."

Ah made sure to get those hard to reach wet spots on Marigold's coat while Ah noted with pride in my voice;

"Nothin' ventured, nothin' gained, am Ah right?"

She whinyed in response. Ah took that as her agreein' with me. At that moment, Ah heard a familiar voice come from the slightly opened barn doors;

"On that, I agree!"

Ah stopped my work to see that it was Sunset Shimmer who was talkin' to me. Oh, Nelly, was Ah happy to see her! With a hearty laugh, Ah called out to the lady;

"Good to see ya', sugarcube! Ah would hug ya', but Ah still smell of horse."

The two of us had a good laugh before Ah went back to finishin' my chore. Ol' Marigold just needed some rubbin' in a few spots. Once Ah got done, Ah figured introductions were in order. Ah motioned to Sunset to come closer to the horse as Ah spoke;

"Sunset Shimmer, say hello to Ol' Marigold."

Ah was mighty excited to see how they would interact with each other. Sunset walked over to Marigold's head and was about to pet her when Ah stopped her in her tracks;

"Hold on, now!"

She stopped her hand half-way and listened to the advice Ah had learned from Granny years ago;

"Mari 'ere is a sweetie, but she don't trust new folks right away. Ya' can reach out, but let her come to ya' if she wants to."

With a nod and a smile, Sunset tried reaching again, but this time, she purposely kept her hand at the half-way point while waiting for the horse to make her move. The ol' girl lowered her nose, sniffed her hand twice, and held still for a good five seconds of silence. After that, she moved her head to hold it next to Sunset's hand, which she saw as her cue to pet her gently. Aw, that was just the sweetest sight Ah ever did see! That lady was beaming with friendliness as she told the horse softly;

"I appreciate you giving me a chance. I won't let you do-."

And then Marigold moved her mouth up to her face and licked it before she could react. Ah was hootin' and holierin' with laughter when Ah saw that happen! Well-meanin' laughter, mind ya'. After calmin' down, Ah declared with mirth;

"She likes ya, Phoenix Friend!"

Sunset, by this point, was laughin' too, clearly findin' humor in being greeted horse-style. As if on cue, Marigold turned her head in my direction as far as she reasonably could. All of my instincts told me to keep my bow away from that critter's mouth as Ah covered it with both hands while tellin' her with narrow eyes aimed at her teeth;

"Don't ya' even think about it, ya' hear?"

She snorted again, probably out of slight annoyance. Takin' a few steps away from the horse's head, Ah took this moment to give Sunset a fair warnin' while Ah still kept my bow protected with my hands;

"Don't let your headwear anywhere near a horse's mouth if it can be chomped on. Poor Applejack nearly lost the top of her Stetson. Twice."

We laughed some more as we walked out of the horse barn together, my chore there done good and proper.

The CMCs' Clubhouse, a few minutes later.

Scoots and Sweets were already relaxin' in the clubhouse when Sunset and Ah joined them (Ah got all cleaned up first, of course). They had visited Sweet Apple Acres earlier that day when Ah was doin' chores. So, after helpin' me out for a spell, they went to the clubhouse and waited for me there. After they gave the two of us friendly greetin's, we sat at the table and started talkin'. Scootaloo spoke up first;

"So, how was your day, Sunset?", she asked her with an excited smile. Our jacket-rockin' pal responded with a relaxed smirk;

"It's been a quiet day for me, actually."

Sweetie Belle, with one of her brighter smiles, told her in response;

"I'm glad to hear that. These quiet days have been good for us all, honestly."

We all nodded our heads in agreement before reclining in our chairs to sit in silence. Peaceful, relaxin' silence. Not a bad thing to enjoy after a hard day's work. It was durin' that silence that Ah decided to tackle an issue that was buggin' me for a while. Ah looked over at Sunset and told her calmly;

"Ya' know, sugarcube, Ah noticed somethin' soon after we became friends."

"Oh? What could that be?", she asked me. After takin' a second to think, Ah answered;

"Sweetie, Scoots, and Ah don't know much about ya'."

A layer of old regret was added to my voice when Ah admitted;

"Ah wish we had gotten to know ya' much sooner."

Sunset showed me that wonderful beamin' smile of hers as she said;

"Well then, better late than never."

The three of us locked eyes on her as she explained;

"You can ask me questions about myself if you like. Just know that I reserve the right to withhold any of my answers."

Oh. My. Stars! Excited could not begin to describe how Ah was feelin'! We were gonna learn more about the repentant, respectable, and righteous Sunset Shimmer herself! Land's sake, my pals and Ah were peltin' her with questions at a mile a minute! We were bein' impolite, Ah know. But, we were too thrilled to think straight! Instead of gettin' all frustrated though, the amber-colored lady with the rockin' hairstyle laughed while tellin' us loudly enough to get our attention;

"One question at a time, kids!"

Feelin' mighty sheepish, we backed off to give her some quiet time. After a few seconds to almost a minute, Ah started things off politely;

"Now, we know ya' live in that apartment. But, we don't really know where ya' come from. Shoot, there's a lot of mysteries surroundin' ya, now that Ah think about it."

Sweetie Belle took that moment to note in a playfully dramatic fashion, her many hand poses reminding me of her big sister goin' ham on fashion topics like they were soap operas;

"Where did Sunset Shimmer come from?! Why did she enroll into CHS? How does she make her hair so beautiful?"

Ah could barely hold back the urge to laugh when Sunset herself responded with a smirk;

"I thought I said one question at a time."

Sweetie stopped the act while lookin' a tad nervous and apologetic. Scootaloo stepped in before any of us could blab any further;

"How about we start with where you come from?", she asked Sunset, anticipation sparklin' from her eyes. Sweets and Ah nodded at our guyest before givin' her happy smiles. She held her chin with her right hand, ponderin' in silence, until she spoke again;

"Before I answer that question, let me check something to make sure I know what I'm dealing with..."

She glared at each of us before askin';

"What do you know about Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

It was interestin' that Sunset asked us about her at that moment. Thinkin' it best to play along, Ah answered;

"Let's see... She came to CHS a couple of days before the Fall Formal..."

Sweetie Belle added with a squeak;

"We didn't pay her much mind at first, since we had other stuff to deal with at the time, like posting our song on HoofTube!"

Ah chuckled softly as the memory of that dern song played in my noggin. We really should have let Sweets be the lead singer for that one! Scootaloo chimed in excitedly;

"Then, she managed to bring our sisters and their friends back together, cleanly win the Fall Formal crown, and..."

Our smiles dropped into frowns. Sadness filled our minds and hearts as we looked at the floor beneath us. An old, terrible, nightmarish memory echoed in my mind. Oh, Ma' and Pa, Ah could never forget the terror, the lack of control, the fire!

"She needs to be dealt with!"

Ah couldn't bare to look Sunset in the eye. Not without help, at least. Our Phoenix Friend gave me that help. With gentleness and absolute sweetness, she told us;


We looked up at her, expectin' sadness and regret to be coverin' her face like a dirtied up blanket. Instead, we saw friendliness in her eyes and encouragement in that sideways smirk of hers. Just the sight of all of that silenced my memory of the vile... thing she used to be. As much as Ah wanted to talk with her about that moment in history, Ah knew better than to poke that demonic bear carelessly. With a voice full of goodwill, she told us;

"It's okay. You can continue when you're ready."

She was bein' so patient with us, more than Ah felt we deserved. My pals and Ah took several long deep breaths to resettle ourselves while Sunset waited quietly. After a minute, Ah finished our answer with a somber voice;

"Ya' were defeated so badly, ya' wanted to change for the better."

She nodded while respondin' with a calm certain voice;

"I'm glad I did change."

Her confident smirk came back for another round as she asked us another question;

"Is that all you know of the Princess? Besides the Battle of the Bands, mind you."

We racked our heads for an answer, but all we could come up with was what Scootaloo told our friend while showin' some confusion on her face;

"When she finished helping you and the girls, she left for... home? I think? I'm not sure where she lives, actually."

Hearin' that caused Sunset to chuckle before pulling her smartphone out from her pants pocket. After tappin' and swipin' the screen with her right thumb for a bit, she explained while givin' us a look of subtle anticipation;

"Very recently, it was agreed upon by myself and my friends that we tell you a little more about Princess Twilight and where she comes from."

She then turned the smartphone around to show the three of us the screen. On it was a whole line of text messages written by Sunset and who we figured were her buddies. The most recent message, placed at the bottom of the line, was what got my attention. It was sent to Sunset by Applejack and it read;

"We're all in agreement then: We can tell the CMCs about Princess Twilight Sparkle and her home. We don't mind ya' gettin' first crack at this, just handle it with care, ya' hear?"

Our shared response to this 'ere development was a resoundin' unified;


Scootaloo was the first to put our reaction to words out of pure excitement while givin' everyone else in the room glares full of happiness;

"This is huge! The truth about the Princess is a major school secret! It's believed that only the Sonic Rainbooms, a select few other students, the Principal, and the Vice-Principal know the truth!"

Sweetie Belle was just as excited when she spoke up while bouncin' in her seat a little;

"Yeah, and now we get to learn about that secret!"

Honestly, we didn't even ask around about that mystery beforehand. We were mighty curious, but it just didn't feel right to pry about that without gettin' anyone's blessin's first, know what Ah mean? Well, we had certainly gotten them blessin's on that day! Giant dopey smiles formed on our faces when we realized the magnitude of this moment, of what Sunset was allowed to do. We looked over at her and told her with gratitude fillin' every word;

"We won't spread this around, club's honor!"

We then saluted in perfect unison to seal the deal. Sunset couldn't help but let that wonderful smile hers grow big and bright before noddin'. Seriously, Ah'll never get tired of seein' it! She took a moment to think quietly, which gave me time to wonder: what did the Princess's home have to do with Sunset? Once she was done with her thinkin', she told us in a softer tone of voice while leanin' towards us;

"That statue in front of the school..."

The girl made us wait a few seconds for dramatic effect as we leaned towards her as well. Anticipation swelled within me when she spoke again, her voice gettin' lower in volume over time;

"There's more to it than what most people know..."

She then looked to the left and right all shifty-like, but she was probably havin' a little fun when goin' by her grin. Ah wondered what kind of secret that ol' statue was hidin'.

A secret passage into a high-tech nation that was hidden from the outside world?

A way to travel to the distant future where Princesses ruled the land?

A peaceful world ripped right out of a colorful cartoon show for kids?

I couldn't help but think of one possibility after another. Sunset, with a whisper that only we could hear, made sure that Ah wondered no more;

"On the side of the statue's base that faces the school... is a magical portal."

It was all Ah could do to hold back my excitement-induced giggles! Same for Scoots and Sweets. We tried to cover our laughter under our hands to make sure we weren't too loud. Yeah, our clubhouse was in the middle of a forest, far away from pryin' ears. But, it was the principle of the matter! Sunset went on once we calmed down;

"On the other side of that portal is the world that Twilight Sparkle calls home, and..."

There went my first guess, at the very least. Another dramatic pause came before another, even bigger bombshell;

"It's where I come from too."

It was amazin' that we could keep our giggles reigned in. Ah mean, of all the places for Sunset to call home! The mere idea of her and Twilight comin' from some other world that had a magical backdoor to it at our school was wilder than a free horse gallopin' on roarin' hills to me! As bizarre as her claim sounded, Ah was sure that she was tellin' the truth. She asked us after we collected ourselves;

"Would you like to learn about it?"

We nodded our heads while feelin' as happy as Winona durin' one of her baths. Ah exclaimed to her with a big smile;

"That's just fine with me, sugarcube! Ah mean, if we're gonna learn more about ya', we might as well start with where ya' were born!"

She closed her eyes for about five seconds or so, as if she were gatherin' her thoughts with great care, before openin' them back up. She then looked out the nearby window in our clubhouse, the one behind her specifically, with a hint of nostalgia on her face. After turnin' back around to face us again, with the voice of a lady lookin' back on fonder things, she began to tell us of her land. Her world;

"In our world, magic is not only real, but also a permanent fixture in the lives of all who dwell there..."

Our world is called Equis. A beautiful world filled with nations big and small, landscapes that you have to see to believe, creatures that you Humans have imagined through your myths, and more besides. One such nation is the one where Twilight and I hail from: the magical land of Equestria. A country ruled and populated by ponies.

The farmer in me was stunned by that detail to say the least! Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were fairin' no better than Ah. Our mouths were gapin' and our eyes were wide with shock. Ah was the first one to speak up as Sunset was clearly waitin' for our reactions with a smirk that just screamed of self-enjoyment;

"Ponies?", Ah said slowly. She nodded her head in silence. My disbelief was in full strength, so I had to ask a little more clearly;

"Four-legged equine critters that are smaller than horses?"

"That's right.", she said simply. It was mighty hard to for me imagine such an animal runnin' a city, let alone a gosh dern nation! Not from a lack of tryin', mind ya'. Now, Ah knew Sunset was tellin' the truth, but...

"Ah have many questions.", Ah told her in an almost deadpanned tone that got her to laugh for a bit before calmin' down. It was a well-meanin' laugh, don't ya' worry none. After shakin' my head to recover from my shock, Ah told her politely;

"Please continue, Ah wanna learn more about this."

Could ya' blame me? A magical land ruled and maintained by ponies? That, Ah had to hear!

"Me too!", exclaimed Scoots and Sweets. With that settled, Sunset went back to tellin' her tale;

Ponies in Equis have a strong connection to magic that is expressed by their actions, their identities, their cultures, their way of living. How they go about using magic is different for each pony tribe. Unicorns, with their horns, can directly harness the magic around and within them. Thus, they use this innate ability to better the lives of everypony in all sorts of ways. Pegasai, the winged ponies, fly through the sky with effortless ease and use their magical control over clouds to regulate the weather. Earth Ponies, at first glance, seem like they got the short end of the magical stick. But, don't be fooled, my friends! While Earth Ponies don't have horns to use or wings to flap, they more than make up for this with mighty physical strength and durability that no Unicorn or Pegasus can hope to match on their own. Not only that, but they also hold within themselves a deeply rooted bond to things that grow. That's not to say that all ponies are forced to do specific jobs all their lives. In fact, it is not hard to find ponies from every tribe doing all sorts of things, be they fun, practical, challenging, or entirely unexpected. For no matter the kind of magic they have on hoof, the strength of their bodies, or the knowledge in their minds, each and everypony finds their own ways to learn, grow, and thrive.

That girl had us captivated like a dern good movie in a theater, ya'll! It felt, to me, like Ah was listenin' to one of Granny Smith's stories. Ah could almost smell the hot cocoa Ah'd always drink durin' those cold Winter nights when she would tell a tale or two in front of the fireplace. Such a cozy feelin', Ah tells ya'. Don't think Ah wasn't imaginin' how useful regulated weather patterns could be to my family, now! Before Ah could really think on the details on how that would work, Sunset kept on talkin';

With Unicorns, Pegasai, and Earth Ponies being so different from each other and living in the same nation, one would think they'd butt heads! I'm sure something like that has happened from time to time. After all, nopony is perfect and issues can crop up. But, from what I know of Equestria's history, I can reasonably say that ponies, more often than not, will form and maintain long-lasting bonds instead of breaking them. Friendship and harmony, after all, serve as the tenets upon which Equestria was founded.

"And may nopony ever forget them...", Sunset said with a more somber tone, her eyes and face locked on the window behind her once again. Ah didn't like how sad she sounded one bit. So, with a warm smile, Ah told her truthfully to raise her spirits a smidge;

"Equestria sounds like a fine country to live in, Ah reckon!"

She turned to look right at me. For a brief moment when we locked eyes, she showed terrible regret on her face, only for it to be replaced by a big bright smile of her own. Now, Ah was a youngin', but even Ah could tell that her smile was both honest and a tad forced. For her sake though, Ah decided to let it be. That smile of hers grew a little bigger as she claimed;

"You might like this part then, Apple Bloom."

Ah kept my mouth shut along with my friends to give Sunset room to talk some more, which she did so while allowin' her grin to not look so forced;

Equestria holds numerous villages, towns, and cities within its borders, including the sprawling metropolis of Manehatten, the rugged western town of Appleloosa, and the humble village of Ponyville. But, my hometown is the capital of Equestria itself: Canterlot!

Three of those names Ah recognized as the ones given to the cities in our own world, the last one bein' the one that really got my attention. Before I could cheer over the fact that there were two Canterlots, however, Sweetie Belle beat me to the punch;

"Equestria has its own Canterlot City and you lived there?! I bet it's a beautiful place!", she exclaimed with glee.

"I wonder if the ponies got cars in Mane...", Scootaloo tried to comment before a realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. That same revelation had hit Sweetie Belle and me half-a-second later. Dangnabit, Ah really should have figured that one out earlier on in the story! We gasped, gave a smirkin' Sunset a shared look with sparkling eyes, and told her with honest joy and amazin'ly well restrained volume;

"You're a pony too!"

"Guilty as charged.", was her simple reply. Without skippin' a beat, she added with a wink;

"Before you ask: I'm a Unicorn."

We laughed out loud while hoppin' out of our seats and bouncin' in place out of pure glee. Somehow, Sunset Shimmer just became more wonderful in our young minds! Our Phoenix Friend was both a repentant bad girl turned good and a gosh dern magical Unicorn from a world that was chock full of ponies! Once we simmered down and returned to our seats, she started talkin' about her hometown;

Equestria's Canterlot, unlike your Canterlot City, is a regal city built on the side of a mountain! So, ponies have to use trains, hot-air balloons, winged-based flight if they're Pegasai, or Pegasus-powered flying chariots to go to and from the city. It helps that Canterlot is a breathtaking looker with beautiful architecture that echos your world's Medieval Age. Thanks to its status as the nation's capital, the rich and those looking to strike it rich flock to the city to conduct business and make names for themselves. It also attracts Ponies from numerous walks of life who seek to make an honest living. All the while, the royals who take part in politics do what they do best: be as snobby and stuck up as possible while doing their jobs!

Sunset snickered her butt off over that last part. My friends and Ah, who were laughin' right along with her, had seen enough films to have an idea on what an uptight royal was like. Once we calmed down, Ah refocused my attention on our storyteller, who had just picked the tale back up;

Ah, but even the most snobby royal in Canterlot has somepony to answer to, for Canterlot has the honor of being the home of the nation's beloved leaders: the Royal Sisters of Equestria! From their castle, they lead Equestria with gentle hooves, sharp minds, and strong hearts, always caring for the little ponies under their watch. They can't be everywhere at once, but you better believe that they do their best to help their subjects and nation when able.

That nation's leaders, when goin' by Sunset's words, reminded me of CHS's own pair of leaders. That's when a thought came up in my head, one that Ah brought up before Ah could use my head first;

"Where in Canterlot did ya' live in before comin' 'ere?"

Before Ah asked her that question, Sunset was smilin'. After the fact, however, her smile turned into a regretful frown, which Ah saw for a second before she turned away, as if she was feelin' terribly ashamed of herself. Oh no, Ah had gone and poked at a stingin' wound by accident! Clearly, she wasn't gonna answer that question, so Ah told her with concern for her in my words;

"Ah'm mighty sorry for upsettin' ya', sugarcube."

Ah looked down at the floor, not willin' to look our friend in the eye. Just then, Ah felt a gentle hand rest on my right shoulder, which got me to look back up to see Sunset givin' me that wonderful bright smile once again. As it chased away my sadness like Winona scarin' raccoons away, the former bully told me with all the sweetness of a friend;

"All you did was ask a question, There's nothing wrong with that."

Ah could find no deception on her smilin' face, no sign of trouble. Oh, it was such a huge relief to not have to worry about dealin' with stuff like that from her anymore! After givin' her a grateful nod, she explained further, her smile losin' some of its brightness;

"Much of my personal history with Equestria, I do want to talk about. With the band and with you three. But..."

She looked off to the side while her smile all but vanished before finishin' with a more somber tone;

"Not now... not yet."

Like Ah said before: my friends and Ah did not like it when Sunset Shimmer was sad!

Immediately, we gave her a gentle group hug as our way of lettin' her know that she wasn't doin' anythin' wrong either. She could talk about her history anytime she wanted, dangnabbit! Pushin' and proddin' her when she was sayin' no would not have been fair to her. It took about five seconds of us huggin' her for Sunset start laughin'. It sounded like a soft sly chuckle, the kind that came from someone who knew what was comin' and liked it a lot. Once we broke up the hug and looked at her, she told us with her confident sideways smirk on full display;

"There are some things about my past that I can tell you about right now though..."

Hearin' that got Scootaloo to ask;

"Such as?"

Somehow, Sunset's smirk grew wider as she answered;

"What I could do with my Unicorn magic."

She had us at 'Unicorn magic', ya'll!

Soon enough, she started sharin' with us many of the amazin' things she could do with her magic and oh my stars, Sunset could cast a ton of spells! Ah'm talkin' teleportation, levitation, repairin' stuff, healin' creatures, illusions, and so much more! She tried her best to stay humble, but Ah could tell she was really enjoyin' tootin' her own horn in a friendly way for a change. Scootaloo couldn't wait to brag about how cool our friend was as a pony;

"You're telling me that you could turn a cup into a Venus Flytrap if you wanted to?! That's awesome!", she exclaimed about midway through Sunset's explanation. After chucklin' a bit over our pal's excitement, she clarified;

"Yeah, I could. But, transfiguration magic is really difficult to get right, so I didn't use it wildly. I have to know the exact components of what I'm transforming and what I'm transforming it into."

She suddenly leaned towards us with the speed of a rocket and, with narrowed eyes, added seriously;

"Right down to their basic natural ingredients."

Ah grimaced at the thought of all the ways turnin' somethin' into somethin' else through magic could go horribly wrong. Yeah, Ah didn't think Ah would have been able to pull that off without accidentally turnin' myself into a potted plant, even if Ah was a Unicorn. Sunset chuckled softly before sayin' to us;

"You know? There was this one time when I was a filly that I caught sight of some uptight rich Earth Pony while trotting down the street. She was being mean to this other Earth Pony mare, the owner of the nearby flower shop, if I recall correctly."

It didn't take long for the three of us to focus our attention on the story as she continued;

"I managed to get in just close enough to hear the rich pony insult the shop owner's flowers by calling them 'utterly hideous and an affront to her station'. I looked at the flowers that were on the flower shop's windowsill and, frankly, they were lovely."

She snorted while allowing an angry expression to form on her face, her eyes narrowing as she added;

"That stuck up snob wouldn't have known what beauty looked like if it hit her in the head."

Ah didn't like that snob either, so Ah asked;

"What did ya' do about that lady?"

Her anger got sent away by her jovial chucklin' as she explained;

"I walked right up to the flower shop pony and complimented her flowers. That took the snob by surprise, but she quickly recovered and told me out of frustration..."

She paused for a moment before doin' an hilarious hammy take on a self-absorbed rich person;

"I say, miss! How dare you interrupt my critique of this mare's subpar work!"

My friends and Ah giggled over Sunset's performance. She then brought her normal voice back to continue the tale;

"I responded by ignoring her completely while making conversation with the clearly relieved flower pony."

She started gigglin' to herself before addin' with shifty eyes and a gleeful grin;

"What that snob didn't notice was that I had sneakily cast a funny little spell on the contents of her saddlebag when I had walked up to the flower pony. I could hear them jingling in the bag when I walked, so I knew exactly what was inside and what to do with them."

Of course, the snob was carryin' more money than sense! But, that apparently gave little filly Sunset a bright idea! Scootaloo asked her excitedly;

"What did you do to that stuff?"

Sunset's grin became a manure-eatin' one as she explained;

"Well, I knew that the spell I had cast would work because, at some point, she would open up her bag to grab her money for one reason or another. Turns out, she decided to offer me a deal that I could tell from the arrogance in her voice that she was sure would work in her favor..."

She brought out the rich snob impression again, ham and all;

"Perhaps a little filly like you can use five-hundred bits? Leave me be and they are yours!"

Oh, that made me mighty mad at the rich pony! Ah didn't know for sure what 'bits' were, but they sounded like money to me, so Ah was able to connect the dots easily enough;

"That slimeball was tryin' to bribe ya with money, just so she could harass that nice flower pony some more!", Ah yelled out of righteous indignation. Sweetie Belle sounded really sad when she exclaimed;

"That was mean of her!"

Ah looked over at Scootaloo, who was smirkin' like Rainbow Dash when she was about to get the game winnin' goal. She said with confidence in every word;

"Yeah, but you totally didn't fall for that lameness!"

Ah checked on Sunset, who was lookin' more than a little smug. Like how Granny Smith would get whenever we got the better of them Flim-Flam Brothers, the dirty schemin' varmints. Ah knew what she was gonna say before she said it, but it was plum satisfyin' to hear it;

"I was too proud to even consider taking the bribe. Besides, I had already left for her my little surprise. So, I was more focused on comforting the flower pony than on that jerk's wounded ego. Once the rich pony was sure I wasn't going to respond to her demands, she left in a huff. As I kept talking to the nice mare, I listened closely in case the bully decided to count her bits. Sure enough, she did..."

She snickered like a sneaky troublemaker before declarin';

"Well, she tried to, only to find that her bits just kept bouncing off of her hooves every time she tried to pick one up!"

We all laughed our butts off over a snob gettin' their just desserts. For many an Apple, myself included, seein' or hearin' about stuff like that never got old. Once we calmed down, Sunset quickly clarified;

"To be clear: that item bounce spell was set to deactivate itself after two minutes, so no harm was done."

Ah gave her a mighty sweet smile as I told her;

"Ya' were a little trickster back then, but ya' did what was right that day."

Just then a thought came up in my head that threatened to turn my smile into a frown, although Ah still kept it goin' strong regardless. This thought was a question, one that Ah had considered more than a few times before then. It helped that Sunset was smilin' back at us, but Ah could tell that her smile looked a tad forced again. Right then and there, Granny Smith gave me a much-needed distraction by callin' out from outside the clubhouse;

"Youngin's! Ah'm about to start makin' us some grub! Wanna help out?!"

She had us at 'grub';

"Yes, please!", all four of us yelled out in unison before high-tailin' it out of the clubhouse, our smiles more real than they were a moment ago. Even as Ah looked forward to the delciousness of home-cooked food, Ah couldn't help but ask myself the question that was as old as Sunset Shimmer's reign of terror;

"Oh, sugarcube, why were ya' so dern mean to people?"

Ah knew in my Apple heart that Ah'd get my answer one day. The problem, for me, was whether or not Ah could wait long enough to get it properly! Ah was driven to let Sunset bring up her past when she wanted to. But, Ah was also too impatient to be patient. Ah silently hoped and prayed that Ma' and Pa' were givin' me strength as Ah walked back to the house with my friends.

Chapter #5 - A Great and Powerful Performance

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Sweetie Belle

CHS Cafeteria. Tuesday afternoon.

I was enjoying my lunch alongside Scootaloo while the other students around us chatted it up. Unlike my big sister, I didn't find listening to all of the latest gossip all that fun. Still, even I knew that some interesting stuff can from gossip. Sometimes. Now, I couldn't make out all what the students were saying, thanks to the distances between their tables and ours. But, I did catch a few sentences here and there;

"Who do you think will make the team?"

"It's gotta be Sunset and her friends. They're basically shoo-ins by now!"

"Haha, I don't think I'll ever get used to cheering Sunset on! Will those girls be enough though? I mean, I'm getting sick of us losing all the time."

"Yeah, this losing streak stinks. Especially when the Shadowbolts rub it in..."

It was great to hear our fellow Wondercolts show the Rainbooms support. But, something about that last sentence got the gears in my head to turn. I decided to ask Scootaloo after taking a bite out of my sandwich;

"Shadowbolts... I know I remember that name from somewhere... What do you think, Scoots?"

She was chowing down on her apple when I asked her that question. She stopped mid-chomp to look at me with a shocked expression. After slowly chewing the bits of apple that were in her mouth and swallowing it, she told me with a slightly raised voice;

"Seriously, Sweets?"

I was confused to say the least. I made sure to listen to Scoots almost exclaim to me;

"We're talking CHS pride here!"

Thank goodness, she used just enough restraint to not make a scene! I gave her a quick nod to show her my attentiveness, which prompted her to explain in a more calm fashion;

"Every four years, a competition is held between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep: the Friendship Games."

Oh... the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts! I was so focused on recent events, not to mention our crusade, that I completely forgot about them and the Friendship Games. Before Scootaloo could speak further, I heard the clanging of a metal food tray. Looked at the source, it turned to be Apple Bloom, who apparently decided to sit with us for lunch that day. She was clearly in high spirits, given the bounciness of her bow and the contented smile on her face. That smile grew wide when she looked at each of us and you better believe that we smiled back at her. She asked us calmly;

"So, what are ya'll talkin' about?"

"The Friendship Games, AB.", Scootaloo told her simply while taking another bite out of her apple. After enjoying a sip of her milk, Apple Bloom noted;

"AJ was tellin' me about 'em this mornin'. Teams from both schools take part in all sorts of competitive games. The team that has the most success in them games wins the whole thing for their school."

Her bow drooped like a deflating balloon while she looked down at her food with sadness in her eyes. AB then try to add;


I heard Scootaloo groan out of frustration while putting her apple back on her tray before she exclaimed with indignation in her words and vocal tone;

"Crystal Prep beats us every time! Every time! That's bad enough as it is, but they just keep rubbing it in our faces!"

Without further ado, she face-planted her tray, right into her food. The poor apple and chicken patty never stood a chance. I felt Scootaloo's frustration right along with her. But, Apple Bloom responded with a hopeful tone;

"That may be true, Scoots, but this time, us Wondercolts got somethin' that we didn't have before."

Our friend's voice, muffled under her destroyed meal, could still be heard by us;


I knew the answer, but I had let AB say it for us, which she did with a confident smirk;

"An awesome band of girls."

Upon hearing the word 'awesome', Scootaloo shot her head back up to face Apple Bloom with the speed of a rocket. Her faced was covered with bits of apple and chicken, but her giant smile proved that she didn't care. With renewed enthusiasm, she exclaimed;

"You're right! I mean, we've got a whole school's worth of awesome people! But, the Rainbooms are the best of us all! If they get picked for our team, they'll win it for CHS!"

It was great to see Scootaloo be so enthusiastic. It was part of her charm. Of course, it helped that we held out hope that, somehow, our school would end its losing streak against Crystal Prep. Much to our surprise, a visitor at our table would quickly take our minds off of the Friendship Games for a good while. That visitor got our attention by loudly clearing her throat. Who we saw when we turned our heads made me want to gulp out of nervousness. The visitor was Lavender Lace, a lady who we hadn't talked to a lot by that point. She also happened to be one of the people on our list and, frankly, neither Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, or myself expected to deal with her so soon! The serious glare she was giving us wasn't helping matters much either. But, I had learned a few things from Rarity about handling tense moments in a way that was 'lady-like' as she would put it. I could hear one of those lessons in my mind as I took a quick breath to ready myself;

"Keep a cool head, a straight posture, and a calm tone of voice when speaking during those difficult moments, darling. Even when the opposite party appears intimidating."

I followed her advice to the letter while greeting Lavender as politely as I could, with a hint of honest cheer added to my voice for good measure;

"Good afternoon! What can we do for-?"

She interrupted me by quickly reaching passed my right side with a folded note in her hand and placing it on the table behind me. After straightening back up, she calmly declared with no malice to speak of and a warm tiny grin;

"I don't hate you kids and neither does Fuchsia."

Hearing that alone eased my nerves like you wouldn't believe! As she turned away, she added before walking over to another part of the cafeteria;

"I hope she doesn't hate you either."

My nerves regained some strength upon hearing those words. I turned to face my friends, who looked as nervous as I was. We all glared at the folded note for a moment or two before Scootaloo grabbed it and unfolded it. After laying it flat on the table to reveal its contents, she read them to us aloud;

"You have been summoned by..."

She paused to groan out of restrained annoyance before continuing;

"The Great and Powerful Trixie to settle a matter of great importance. You are to meet Trixie behind the auditorium stage today after school. Come or be disgraced by the Disappointed and Frustrated Trixie."

The logo for her band, Trixie and the Illusions, was drawn with bold colors and a large size just below the end of the message to serve as the signature. We looked back at each other to silently show our intent to honor this request. Apple Bloom herself made sure to note with a sigh;

"Well, it's a dern good thing Ah don't got no chores to do right after school today..."

I could just barely hear Scootaloo ask herself with another groan;

"What is that egomaniac gonna have us do for her?"

I figured it wouldn't be anything really bad. Sure, Trixie was the most arrogant girl in the whole school. But, with the Dazzlings' magic no longer affecting her, she wasn't going to do something evil.



I hoped.

It was all I could do to hold back the fear inside.

Auditorium Entrance. After school.

There we stood, the three of us, at the doors that led to our destination. It was hard to tell who among us was the most nervous. On the one hand, Fuchsia and Lavender didn't hate our guts, which was wonderful! On the other hand, it wouldn't be the first time that Trixie nestled a grudge. We were simply hoping that she wouldn't act on that grudge...

Trixie was humiliated because of you!

As frightened as we were of the possibly scary future, I knew we had to stay the course. So, I turned to face my two friends and gave them a pep talk;

"Come on, girls! We're not gonna give up on our crusade now, are we?"

I saw tiny sparkles of confidence shine in their eyes. A small yet firm smile grew on Apple Bloom's face as she replied with a nod;

"We ain't done yet, sugarcube."

Scootaloo gave us one of her confident smirks before adding;

"Not by a long shot!"

With our fears weakened, we performed our traditional movie club high-five and walked through the doors together, determined to face down whatever it was that Trixie and the Illusions had in store for us. Well, Apple Bloom and I walked through them. Scootaloo kicked them open with her right boot and lots of gusto. Before we knew it, we found ourselves walking through the curtain that hid the back of the auditorium's stage. To our surprise, there was a table set up with drinks and a deck of playing cards on it. At the end closest to us was a trio of empty chairs placed neatly in a line. Sitting at the end farthest from us was none other than CHS's resident stage magician and bombastic boaster: Trixie Lulamoon. She was giving us a focused glare with narrow eyes. Her mouth showed no frown or smile and her chin rested on her hands. All in all, she showed no hint as to what her mood was. Lavender and Fuchsia were standing at her sides, their faces calm and clearly showing politeness and a welcoming demeanor in their eyes and smiles. Apple Bloom, being our leader, stepped up to greet them as only an Apple could: with honest sincerity and goodwill. Although, there was a tiny hint of fear in her voice as she spoke;

"Howdy, ya'll! What can we do for ya'?"

"Sit.", was Trixie response. She sounded polite, which I took as a sign that she meant no ill will. But, the deadpanned tone of voice she used was still... concerning. It reminded me of what Rarity once told me;

"A person's unfeeling tone of voice can mean many things, my dear Sweetie. It is best to watch and listen while not assuming too quickly."

Remembering my sisters words calmed my fears a little. Trixie responding in the way she chose didn't immediately mean trouble for us. For all we knew, she could have been performing one of her acts! So, I took a breath as my friend and I took our seats in silence. I saw Trixie's eyes move to each of us slowly from her left to her right. She did this repeatedly for a few seconds before she sighed and declared with a soft voice;

"Trixie... is in a pickle right now."

She groaned to herself, as if annoyed by the notion she had noted to us, before explaining;

"Trixie has a magical performance coming up tomorrow. Normally, this would be a cakewalk for someone as great and powerful as yours truly. However..."

She gave the two girls who stood at her sides a look of annoyance and understanding mixed into a truly odd blend. They gave her apologetic glares in return before she looked back at us again and continued;

"This particular show requires extra hands to get right and, unfortunately, my two Illusions will be held up by family matters tomorrow. So, Trixie needs.."

She groaned again, this time louder than before, as a frustrated frown formed on her face. Her eyebrows wrinkled as she spoke again with a more frustrated tone;

"Trixie kindly asks for..."

She was starting to look like she was going to explode from the increasing tension she was expressing on her entire face. Thankfully, Lavender stepped in to speak on her leader's behalf;

"She asks for your help."

This was not at all what I would have put on any bingo card! I mean, Trixie? Arrogant, self-centered, boastful Trixie Lulamoon asking for help?! The only thing that was more bizarre than that was her asking for our help! Working through the shock, I asked her as politely as I could;

"We don't mind helping you out, but why call for us? Why not have other students help you, like Flash or the Rainbooms?"

What I got for that question was a loud slam on the table from Trixie's right hand that made my friends and I recoil back a bit out of shock and fear. Her face revealing clear anger and the subtle hint of a different emotion that I couldn't recognize at the time, she exclaimed;

"Do not speak of the Sonic Rainbooms to Trixie unless Trixie speaks of them first!"

We nodded in agreement to her request within an instant. Clearly, the Battle of the Bands in general was still a sore spot for her. She released her anger with an audible sigh and spoke with a calmer voice and demeanor, her hand returning her to its place under her chin;

"That band aside... Trixie could have picked anyone in CHS. Flash Sentry, Micro Chips, Sandalwood, Twist, anyone at all. But, Lavender and Fuchsia recommended the three of you to me."

I was about ready to give those two sweet girls a big bright smile to thank them when Trixie added while rolling her eyes;

"At first, Trixie was going to scoff at the idea."

She then moved her hands to hold her chin with her right hand while resting her left hand by her side. After a pause while she turned her head to face her right side, she spoke again;

"But, the more she thought about it, the more it seemed... intriguing to Trixie. After talking it out, Trixie agreed to send for you."

She allowed both hands to rest at her sides as she turned her head to give us a narrow glare before giving us a stern warning;

"If you are going to assist the Great and Powerful Trrrixie with performing a marvelous feat of magical prowess, then..."

She raised her right arm to point her right index finger directly at us while finishing with restrained anger;

"Do NOT mess it up for Trixie!"

"Yes, ma'am!", was our unified and, frankly, fear-powered response. Seemingly satisfied, Trixie went right to explaining her plan for the show, with her two partners helping us understand our roles. It was quickly becoming clear that the next day's performance was going to be a real test for us movie buffs!

The roles given were pretty straightforward. Scootaloo and I filled the same roles as Trixie's Illusions: her assistants on stage. It was our job to make sure that the show went smoothly, so that Trixie could focus on performing. As for Apple Bloom, I'll just say that hers was a truly important role for said performance. Of course, performing our roles properly was a challenge by itself, and since we only had the previous day to prepare, I felt the rush right alongside my friends. Thankfully, Lavender and Fuchsia did all they could to help us out before they had to focus on family, so that took the edge off a bit. Even so, I couldn't help but feel nervous as we made the final preparations backstage at the auditorium. It wasn't time yet for Apple Bloom to perform her role, so she was helping with prep as well. All three of us were wearing dazzling outfits that were made in a style similar to what Trixie's band normally wore. While we were not official members, we still needed to look the part. Thankfully, Trixie had a few spare outfits from her youth lying around, so I didn't need to call Rarity that time. As I carefully placed the smoke bombs into the launchers with slightly shaky hands, I heard Trixie herself ask me from behind in a confident voice that was surprisingly softer than usual;

"Why are you so nervous, Sweetie Belle?"

I finished placing the last bomb before turning to find that she was baring a seriously confident smirk that bordered on arrogance. Her outfit, like her smirk, not unusual to me. It consisted of her purple cape, matching star-covered witch's hat, and blue clothing. What I found strange, however, was the slight softness in her eyes as she gazed at me while bragging with the dramatic flare of theater itself;

"The props are in position!"

She waved her right hand at the prepared props all around us, including the loaded launchers, before adding;

"The magic is in the air!"

She did a quick and graceful twirl while stretching both arms out to the sides. After stopping to look back at me with that smirk of hers, she finished;

"The adoring audience waits with bated breath!"

Sure enough, I could hear the audience talking softly among themselves from beyond the curtain. The star of the show to come struck a pose while pointing her right index finger to the ceiling and declared with absolute pride;

"This will be a performance worthy of fond remembrance, so says Trrrixie!"

Somehow, Trixie's sheer arrogance had cleared away my nervousness, which made way for my excitement over what was coming to take over. With a big smile, I nodded my head and went back to work on helping with the prep. That lady could be a good person, when she wanted to be. Before long, we had the finished preparing the show with only two minutes before showtime! Apple Bloom ran off out of sight to get into position while Scoots and I took our places at Trixie's side to stand just behind the closed curtains. As we waited patiently for them to rise, Trixie told us while staring daggers at the curtains;

"Just as Trixie told you and your friends when we started this: Do as Trixie says and don't be shocked by a surprise or two, for surprises are part of the magic we make on the stage."

I could feel the anticipation in her voice, which strengthened my own excitement. Soon enough, the smoke bomb launchers, which had been set to fire mere seconds before showtime, had done so without fail. The resulting explosions of smoke could be heard as the curtains rose, allowing Trixie to slowly step up onto the stage while hiding her face with her cape and loudly introducing herself with well-practiced dramatics;

"Prepare yourselves to witness the magical brilliance of..."

The curtains fell down before well before the smoke could dissipate, so no one in the audience saw Scootaloo or me. This was fine for us, since we had no interest in upstaging the star of the show. As we ran to get the props ready for her first trick, we heard Trixie finish her introduction as only she could;

"The Great and Powerful Trrrixie!!!"

The crowd's applause, I was sure, would feed that girl's ego for at least a day and she had only just begun to eat.

The first trick was one that Trixie was all too happy to announce;

"Trixie shall begin with something simple, yet dazzling: Trixie shall saw an Apple in half!"

That got confused mutterings from the crowd as I took her words as my cue to run over to the wheeled rectangular box that Scootaloo was pushing up to me. It was purple with stars and fireworks painted all over it, which fit the visual theme of the show perfectly. It also had a small but recognizable gap in the middle. As Scoots was pushing the box from one end, I made sure to pull it from the other. With our combined efforts we moved it in front of Trixie from stage left. After positioning it in its proper place, we made a graceful exit to stage right without attracting too much attention. I chose to stay back while Scootaloo grabbed a hand saw backstage, walked back up to Trixie, and handed it over to the magician's right hand before returning to our hiding spot at stage right. The mere sight of the blade made some of the audience members gasp out of fear. Trixie, without skipping a beat, declared to the crowd with plenty of theatrical ham and cheese;

"Fear not, for you have the Careful and Well-Meaning Trrrixie's word that no one will be harmed during the course of this show!"

It didn't really help that she was waving the saw around by the handle as she said all this, which made some folks in the crowd sweat a little. I looked over at Scootaloo, who gave me a wink and smile to soothe my concerns. I was very glad that she had prepared the box for this trick earlier! Trixie, after giving the box a few quick knocks with her left fist, requested aloud;

"Trixie would like for the Apple to reveal herself!"

Sure enough, the Apple, or rather, Apple Bloom, did just that by poking her head out from the right end of the box and her wiggly legs from the left. With one of her bigger smiles, she looked at the surprised audience and belted out;

"Howdy, ya'll!"

The crowd laughed jovially, their concerns eased a bit. Applejack, who sat in the front row alongside Big Mac and Granny Smith, waved happily at her little sister. Apple Bloom would have waved back, if her arms weren't trapped in the box. Trixie, with a slightly more strained voice than before, continued her act;

"Anyway, let us begin the sawing!"

She then got herself into position at the middle of the box and raised her saw by the handle, as if she was about to get right to cutting! The crowd gasped in renewed fear as they watched the magician freeze in place. I could not see her face, but I could imagine her revealing a manic gleeful expression for added effect. Trixie stayed frozen for three seconds before she stood up straight and raised the saw up to her face to inspect it. After about a second, she tossed it to the side while declaring with a 'humph' and a dismissive tone;

"This saw is much too old fashioned for a magician such as Trixie."

Recognizing our cue, Scoots and I ran to backstage, grabbed a gray steel divider that had a sharp blade at the bottom, and carried it over to Trixie together, who responded to our offer excitedly;

"Yes, excellent! Trixie approves of this!"

I could feel the crowd's nerves grow stronger by the second. As we rushed to grab a second divider, she showed the first one to the audience with a graceful flourish. After giving them a few seconds to gaze at the object, she moved the divider over to the middle of the box, and aimed it above the gap blade first. Apple Bloom gulped loudly just before Trixie shoved the divider into the gap blade-first, which made the crowd gasp. The folks sitting in the front row, Applejack especially, knew what to expect, so they kept their cool with ease. The little Apple shut her eyes and tensed up as Trixie performed her seemingly dark deed, only to open them back up when she felt no pain. She looked around with confusion on her face while the crowd exhaled in relief.

Oh, that girl was a great actor!

Just then, Scootaloo and I ran up to Trixie with the second divider in our hands, which she took from us, allowing us to stand at her sides. Without hesitation, she shoved it into the gap just as she did with the last one. It took both dividers to fill up the gap completely. With quick glances at each of us being our signal, we walked up to each end of the box, with me taking the one that held Apple Bloom's head. I gave her a supportive smile, which she showed to me in return, as I waited quietly for Trixie to speak again. After making a dramatic pose, she told us aloud and with absolute confidence;

"Split the Apple!"

With a good pull from each end of the box, we had split it in half. Thank goodness, each end had four wheels, or else they would have tipped over! Apple Bloom's head and legs were smoothly moved all around the stage, which surprised and amused the audience, much to Trixie's visible delight. AB's enjoyment of the situation helped us earn some additional chuckles from those in attendance as she belted out a jovial;

"Yee-haaaw! Ah'm on a roll, ya'll!"

I held back the urge to cringe over my leader and friend's use of a bad pun. Trixie seemed to share my distaste, for after we stopped the boxes to have AB's legs placed behind her head, the magician took her hat and shoved it over AB's head while saying with a smug smirk;

"The Apple will be silent."

Laughter broke out through the crowd. Out of respect, I held back my snickering, even as Apple Bloom's muffled voice reached my ears. After that, Trixie pulled her magic wand out from her pants pocket and struck a pose with it. This was the cue for Scoots and me to move the two halves of the box around again, this time to put them back in their proper places. Once that was done, Scoots briskly moved back behind the curtains while the magician gave the middle of the reassembled box a few quick taps with her wand. She then raised it to the sky and yelled out with absolute confidence;


"Ala-squidam?", I thought to myself out of confusion as I watched Trixie vigorously point her wand at the box. Right when she did this, more smoke bombs exploded from behind her, obscuring us and the box containing Apple Bloom from the audience's sight for a few seconds. Once the smoke cleared, Trixie cried out as dramatically as she could while raising hands to the sky;


I opened the two lids on top of the box, allowing an unharmed Apple Bloom to stand up like a rocket, the spotlight shining bright on her. After Trixie reclaimed her hat, AB gave the crowd a big grin and waved at them while laughing happily. The crowd applauded in loud appreciation of our performance, appreciation that I was sure Trixie was gladly eating up like Applejack with apple pie. But, the show had only just begun, a fact that Trixie made clear soon after she took a few bows while the clapping died down;

"Thank you, thank you! Now, for my next trick, Trixie would ask for a volunteer..."

Many hands shot up through the crowd, but their excited owners would quickly be thrown for a loop. With a toothy grin, Trixie finished;

"But, she already has one on hand!"

Before anyone else could even process what she had just said, she turned right around, pointed her wand directly at the curtains, and ordered;

"Trixie calls for Scootaloo to take the stage!"

Okay, that was not what I was expecting! Sure, we helped Trixie practice the trick during prep, but I thought we were gonna have a volunteer from the audience do it! I looked at the curtains just in time to see a dumbfounded Scootaloo slowly walk through them, the spotlight adjusting its aim on her. The normally rambunctious go-getter was about to smile nervously at the audience when Trixie ran up to her, grabbed her by her right arm with her left hand, and quickly brought her to the center of the stage. Once her grip was released, Trixie announced to the audience;

"For Trixie's next trick, we will need..."

She paused for dramatic effect before finishing with gusto;

"The Vanishing Closet!"

The crowd oooohed in response to this announcement. During all of this, Apple Bloom had stepped out of the box and walked over to stand at my right side. Sensing our cue, we ran back behind the curtains to get the tall blue closet on wheels. As we made ready to move it over to the stage, we could hear Trixie engage in some live performance banter with Scootaloo;

"So, Scootaloo, how do you feel right now?", she asked her excitedly. It took my friend a second to respond with less nervousness in her voice than I had feared;

"Surprised and excited! I've seen the Vanishing Closet before, but I've never been in it."

"Haha, who else but Trrrixie could make this young lady so excited?", Trixie bragged with arrogance in every word. I could easily imagine the smug smirk on her face as AB and I rolled the closet to the stage. Soon enough, Scootaloo was guided into the closet by Trixie and hidden behind its own aqua curtain, with the audience watching closely. I smiled in quiet support of our friend while hearing the hurried footsteps of a running little Apple as the magician struck another pose to the right of the closet and declared;

"Your Great and Powerful star will now make Scootaloo disappear!"

It was not hard for me to hear a certain athlete hype our friend up from the audience after Trixie spoke;


It was also not hard for me to imagine Trixie's right eye twitching a little out of restrained frustration. Chuckling to myself, I rushed over to help Apple Bloom. Just in time too, for Trixie regained her composure, pointed her wand at the closet, and yelled out;


"Rala-bur-okay, I'm starting to think she's making these up as she goes!", I thought to myself as AB and I did our part from backstage. I knew exactly what would happen next, thanks in large part to our earlier rehearsal. Right after saying her magic words, Trixie had given the closet a few good taps with her wand. At the precise moment she had tapped it, the lights above the stage slowly dimmed, giving the auditorium darker lighting that got some 'ooohhhs' from the crowd. A few seconds later, a layer of fog flowed along the stage floor, covering it at a smooth pace. Trixie maintained a stiff pose while keeping her wand on the spot she tapped, as if she were deep in concentration. A moment or two after the fog had covered the floor, the lights returned to normal. This prompted Trixie released her pose, raised her wand to the roof, and yelled out;

"Scootaloo is now..."

She briskly pulled the closet's curtains to the right, revealing it to be utterly empty as she finished;


The audience gasped in surprise. As if sensing their concern, Trixie soothed their worries with plenty of verbal ham and cheese;

"Fear not, dear witnesses! Trixie promised that no harm will befall anyone during this performance and Trixie shall honor that promise!"

She closed the closet's curtains, readied her wand once more, and cried out again;


Another couple of taps prompted the lights to become dim again, only the smoke from before remained as it was. After posing for a few seconds to express her concentration again, Trixie grabbed the left side of the curtains and began to declare with the theatricality of a theater major;

"Behold! Scootaloo is now..."

She pulled the curtains open again and proudly revealed its contents;


Scootaloo, unarmed and jovial, ran out of the closet to wave and smile at the cheering crowd. I ran back through the stage curtains alongside Apple Bloom to catch our friend giving a thumbs-up to Rainbow Dash and Sunset, who were sitting at the front along with Applejack and Rarity. They all smiled back at her as Trixie reasserted her place in the spotlight by standing in front of Scootaloo, who ran back to join us near the curtains, and declared with a bow and satisfaction;

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you! You have been a marvelous audience!"

After taking a moment to bathe in the glory a little more, she rose up and announced while the crowd calmed down;

"Trixie has one more trick up her sleeve! Her assistants will now prepare it."

Our orders made clear, the three of us ran backstage, checked to make sure the next trick's props and other important items were ready to go, and brought them to the stage. What we had brought was a wheeled table with aqua curtains handing it. If anything was under the table, it would be completely concealed by the curtains. Sitting upside down on the center of the table was a black top hat with a large dark blue band and little white stars stitched all around the band. With lots of theatrical flare that I was sure Rarity was enjoying, Trixie introduced this hat to the audience;

"Feast your eyes on the Fortune's Hat!"

One dramatic pause later to let the crowd gaze in awe at the dapper headgear and she continued;

"An ancient heirloom of Trixie's family, passed down from one Lulamoon to the next. It is said to bring good luck to the good at heart and terrible misfortune to the cruel."

During prep, she had told us about the hat and its connection to her family. I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth about how it worked or not, but the story was still interesting to me. Lying or not, she sure knew how to keep an audience engrossed! Oh, she was not done yet. With a loud and haughty laugh, she added;

"It's good that Trixie has a heart of gold then!"

She also knew how to toot her own horn really, really well. Before I could feel the urge to groan, however, she motioned to us while asking with pure natural confidence;

"Could you three assistants step over to the hat, please?"

Just as we rehearsed, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and I walked up to the hat. Our faces glowed with smiling anticipation and curiosity. Soon enough, we were in position, with Apple Bloom in the middle, Scootaloo to her right, and myself to her left. With a growing grin, Trixie ordered while gracefully moving to stand behind AB;

"Take the hat into your hands without moving it."

As we did this, I remembered what Trixie had told us during prep, particularly when she was explaining this trick;

"We can practice the setup for the Fortune's Hat trick before the show, but I'm saving what comes after you hold the hat together for the spotlight itself. You need not worry, my young assistants! Just do your part and Trixie will handle the rest!"

Our curiosity grew as we each took the hat's brim into our hands. What was going to happen with the hat? To us? I felt a twinge of fear poke at my heart, fear of Trixie taking this moment to get her payback on us. Mixed with that was another fear, fear of the hat bringing us bad luck over who we used to be...

And what we did to the whole school over one good person.

I looked around the audience and caught sight of Twist, who sat between Derpy and Roseluck. She was staring me and my two friends down with that cold expression that bore no emotion that I could recognize. We saw this look on her face before, back when we had joined the school in making Sunset's gift. More at that moment than ever before, that girl's piercing glare flared up the guilt in my mind. Not willing to bare looking her in the eye anymore than I had to, I looked around for anyone else to gaze at. I quickly found Rarity looking back at me with sisterly love and warmth all over her face. Just the sight of her was enough to ease my fears and soothe my guilt. Thanks to her silent help, I was able to focus more on how it felt to hold the hat. Its texture was smooth and, for some reason, it felt a tad warmer than I expected. After all, the auditorium's temperature was somewhat chilly that day and I didn't move around enough to break a sweat. Odd, but not concerning enough to really catch my attention. I looked over at Trixie, who had moved to stand in front us. Without skipping a beat, she addressed the audience;

"Trixie, too, shall hold the brim of the Fortune's Hat and reach inside of it with her free hand!"

She walked up to the spot in front of the hat, directly opposite Apple Bloom, and finished with flare;

"What happens next, not even the Great and Powerful Trrrixie knows!"

She placed her wand on the table and took the brim of the hat into her left hand. She then raised her right hand to the ceiling, held it there for dramatic flare, and swiftly reached inside. I watched her rummage through the hat while making sure to not look inside. Something in my gut told me that taking a peek would make Trixie furious and I really did not want that! I checked on my friends, who seemed to be doing the same thing, their smiles indicating to me that all was well so far. I returned my gaze over to the magician as she stopped her rummaging and began proclaiming to the audience;

"Let our fortunes..."

She practically fired her right hand out of the hat like a cannon and up to the ceiling while finishing with pride;


Right when she moved her hand, four fully grown white doves flew out from the hat, their wings flapping wildly, much to the audience's shared shock and amazement. They flew all over the auditorium some of the folks in attendance tried to reach out for them. The younger kids, the eighth graders especially, jumped and giggled with glee over the sight. My friends and I watched in awe as the doves continued their flight. Knowing Scootaloo, she probably thought this was super cool, while Apple Bloom was likely reminded of the animals at her family's farm. I quickly looked over at Trixie again, just in time to catch her giving us a quick glance that, for a brief moment, showed satisfaction and... relief? I wasn't sure on that last one. After that, she focused her attention on the audience and boasted with laughter;

"It's sometimes hard to tell what is more amazing: Trixie or the magic she brings!"

The doves decided to perch themselves on the heads of Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset. Seeing this caused the crowd to belt out well-meaning chuckles that the four ladies joined in on. Once the chuckling died down, Trixie took this chance to bring the show to an end;

"Alas, dear witnesses, that was Trixie's last trick for now."

She then took a deep graceful bow while receiving an appreciative applause from the audience. The three of us clapped for her as well while making sure to keep our distance. She was the star of the show, after all.

After my friends and I moved the hat and its table back to its spot backstage, we turned over to Trixie while standing together in a row. She had her back turned towards us and was standing as still as a statue. Sensing the incoming awkwardness, I tried to congratulate her;

"You were amazing out ther-!"

Her sharp raised right hand, its palm aimed right at us, silenced me within an instant. No other word was said for three seconds as she allowed her right arm to rest at her side. She then spoke with a calm and certain voice that had none of her usual bluster;

"Trixie wasn't certain before..."

She turned right around to give us a gentle smile, her eyes filled with an understanding that only she knew. She finished with a hint of softness added to her voice;

"She is now."

Before we could react, she walked up to us and got down on her right knee. She then grabbed the brim of her trusty pointed hat with her right hand and tipped it over on its side to reveal three white feathers resting on her head. With her free hand, she took each feather and handed them to each of us one by one. We didn't fully understand what she had meant by doing this. But, we understood this much: Trixie Lulamoon, the girl most likely to hold a grudge in CHS, was being really sweet to us that day. So, with grateful smiles, we accepted the feathers, our hearts made warmer by the gesture alone.

Chapter #6 - Animal Antics

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The CMCs' Clubhouse. Thursday afternoon.

Like usual, my super-cool movie club friends and I were watching a film together. The movie was none other than the Incredible Hulk. The newer one, not the old one or the even older TV show with the super sad music. Even though we had watched this movie many times before, we still enjoyed its awesomeness. Our favorite scene was about to play out on the projector screen, a fact that made me feel really excited as I took a handful of buttered popcorn out from my bowl. As I stuffed my face with popcorn, we watched as the Hulk's opponent, the vicious Abomination, swung this long thick metal chain around, aiming it closer and closer to the helicopter with each swing. He knew that the Hulk's lady and her jerk of a father were in the copter, but he was all for killing them. To make matters worse, attached to the end of the chain was a hunk of stone big enough to crush someone under its weight! As he swung, he asked the father and daughter with a deep monstrous voice;

"Any last words?"

I knew what was coming next. My friends knew what was coming next. That didn't make seeing it happen any less awesome! Right after the villain spoke, the Hulk got up to his feet and ran up to stand between the copter and Abomination. With the kind of rage that only he could muster, he raised his fists to the sky while yelling out a phrase that the three of us were quick to yell with him after shooting up from our seats, our happiness made clear by our giant smiles;


He did exactly that by slamming his fists onto the ground before with so much strength, he caused large cracks in the earth to form and rapidly spread to his enemy, who was in the middle of taking a big step forward in an attempt to slam his chain onto Hulk. Once he stepped into the large crack in front of him, the resulting loss of his footing caused him to accidentally throw the chain up into the air. The rock was the first to fall, hitting him with enough force to break into dust and pieces. The chain itself fell on a spot near him. We clapped, cheered, and laughed as Hulk continued to do Hulk things, our popcorn making a mess of the wooden floor. Movies like that one were really good at getting our blood pumping! Just then, I heard someone knock on our clubhouse door and call out to us with a polite feminine voice that was very familiar to us;

"Little ones! May we come in, please?"

That was obviously Rarity and we were quick to guess that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were with her. We ran up to the door, with Apple Bloom being the one to open it. After our sisters walked in, we gave them warm hugs while I exclaimed;

"Come on, girls! You're always welcome in our clubhouse!"

The older girls chuckled a bit before Rainbow Dash told us while gazing at the movie as it finished up, her chin held in thought with her right hand;

"The MCU's Incredible Hulk, huh? Awesome choice, squirts."

I beamed at her within moments of hearing those words and told her excitedly;

"Thanks! That movie has really cool action scenes!"

Sweetie Belle chimed in with this big smile on her face while holding her hands up to her chin;

"Yeah, and the relationship between Bruce Banner and Betty is soooo romantic!"

I could never figure out why she liked romance stories so much. With a quick shake of my head, I responded as politely as I could while containing the urge to groan;

"Eh, those two were be a bit sappy at times in the film, but given the kind of story we were watching, I can work with that."

I caught sight of Apple Bloom nodding her head before adding with a smile;

"Yeah, the trouble that Bruce was havin' over bein' the Hulk made livin' life mighty tough for him."

She looked up at the paper-ponies that were hanging around our clubhouse's ceiling. I could see her eyes sparkle a little even as she allowed a hint of sadness to be mixed in with her grin. With a sigh, she noted softly;

"Ah'm sure Miss Sunset would relate to that in a way, if she watched the movie..."

For the three of us movie buffs, our thoughts turned to the memory of the Fall Formal, of what Sunset had turned into. I hoped that, unlike Bruce Banner, she wasn't being haunted by her own angry monster. Applejack's understanding tone of voice pulled us out of our heads and got our attention;

"Ya'll understand her better.", she said with a look of love in her eyes that I thought was really cool. Apple Bloom replied while looking back at Applejack, that same love in her voice with a tiny bit of regret added in;

"We're tryin' to, big sis..." Silently, our sisters and us showed each other love, understanding, and goodwill with our eyes and grins. Rainbow Dash, after a few seconds of silence, decided to move things along in her own way;

"Okay, enough with the sappy stuff!", she exclaimed with a chuckle. I saw one of her awesomely confident smirks on her face when she went on to declare;

"We've got an opportunity for you squirts."

That claim made us very curious and excited. Whatever she had in mind, I was sure it was going to be twenty-percent cooler than the average opportunity! We listened closely as she explained;

"Flutters is working in the Animal Shelter right now. But, that place is really short on staff today. So, she needs some help."

She bumped her chest with her right fist while looking super-proud of herself before adding;

"Obviously, I'm not gonna leave our friend hanging!"

"Neither are we, sugarcubes.", noted a confident Applejack before Rarity declared with her patented dignity while looking right at us;

"However, we thought it would be great if you little dears could assist Fluttershy as well."

It took me less than a second to realize what was going on: our big sisters were handing us a chance to made amends with Fluttershy on a silver platter! I quickly turned to gaze at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, both of whom were looking as excited as I was. Clearly, we all knew that it would be totally lame of us to pass this up! With a hop and a triple-high-five, we declared in loud and proud unison;


It took our sisters a moment or two to recover from our sudden vocal blast of awesome joy.

Canterlot City Animal Shelter's entrance lobby. Thirty minutes later.

Fluttershy was thrilled to see the six of us in the shelter. While giving each of us hugs that reminded me of my aunts' cozy quilts, she told us with that gentle voice of hers;

"Oh, I'm so glad that you girls came to help."

I was quick to respond with gusto;

"We're always happy to help out a friend!"

Apple Bloom then asked her on our club's behalf;

"So then, sugarcube, what do we need to do around 'ere?"

The best animal expert in town looked around the lobby, which had cages, aquariums, and terrariums along the walls that were filled with all sorts of animals. Cats, dogs, fish, lizards, and so much more. After taking a few seconds to silently think, Fluttershy looked at the six of us and spoke with joy growing in her soft voice;

"Apple Bloom: you and Applejack can go to the canine play area. The doggies have already enjoyed their food and need someone to play with for a while."

She couldn't help but gush and giggle;

"Oh, those sweet pups are going to love you!"

I looked at the two Apples to find that they were already fist bumping each other, with Applejack telling her little sister;

"Ya'll ready to make them critters happy?"

"Ya' bet your keister, Ah am!"

Before I could blink, Fluttershy spoke again;

"Sweetie Belle: You and Rarity have cat duty. Make sure they are given love and care. Unlike the dogs, the cats haven't had their lunch yet. Also, some of them will need a good wash."

Sweets and Rarity smiled brightly at each other as Fluttershy told Rainbow and me;

"You two can help me clean up the terrariums to start with. The occupied ones are due for a cleaning and I'm expecting new lizards to arrive today. So, I want them to have beautiful living space here."

Dog duty, cat duty, and cleaning duty. That sounded good to me! Flutters wasn't finished yet, though;

"I have some staff on hand who can help with the cats and dogs, which leaves me to help with the terrariums.", she said while giving me an appreciative glare that was filled with the sweetness that only someone like Fluttershy could express. With the day's mission set, Apple Bloom called to Sweets and I with that exuberance that I always knew her to have;

"Movie Club huddle!"

After we ran up to her and formed the huddle, Sweetie Belle whispered to us;

"Rarity and I have plenty of experience with cats. You can thank Opalescence for that."

She shuddered a little before adding;

"My right arm still remembers her claws."

Apple Bloom, after giving Sweets an understanding smile, noted;

"If them pups are anythin' like our Winona, then Applejack and Ah will have fun gettin' our work done."

I chuckled confidently before telling my two awesome friends with a smirk pulled right out of Rainbow Dash's playbook;

"Rainbow and I got the lizards' homes on lock. They'll be clean and cool when we're done."

"Bring it in, ya'll.", said Apple Bloom, which prompted us to high-five each other while exclaiming with giant smiles;

"Movie Club: GO!"

With that settled, Applejack and Rarity guided their little sisters to where the cats and dogs were waiting for them, laughing together as they walked through the nearby door and out of sight. This left Rainbow, Fluttershy, and me to group up, with the animal expert leading us to the terrariums. My excitement over what we were going to do shot up to space as we walked, although I was doing a great job of keeping it reigned in. I mean, come on, I was gonna help my friends make it up to the kindest person in the world! Cleaning duty was not gonna be a problem for me, if it meant making her smile.

Fifteen minutes later.

Let me just say this right now: Lizards. Are. AWESOME!

Their scales look sooo cool, they come in many shapes and sizes, and they're pretty chill to hang with! Seriously, they didn't cause much of a fuss when we were moving them out of their terrariums. That was probably because Fluttershy showed us how to properly handle each type of lizard we encountered. As we went to work on cleaning up those cool living spaces with care, I asked her;

"You said something about expecting new lizards earlier?"

"Oh yes!", she replied with what was barely an indoor voice before explaining;

"Soon, we'll be getting two iguanas and a leopard gecko."

That last one got my attention, even as I continued to clean up a terrarium with a wet wash cloth;

"A leopard gecko?", I asked her. Just the mere mention of the creature was enough to make her gush with a big grin;

"He's a little lizard with beautiful scales that look very much like a leopard's coat, spots and all."

A lizard that looked like a leopard? The mental image alone looked so cool to me! Before I could investigate further, however, the doorbell rang. Fluttershy ran up to the door and opened it up while I had put my focus on my super-important job. I was nearly finished with cleaning up the terrarium in front of me when a portable plastic lizard cage was placed inside of it with a careful thud to my left. Curious, I had put my wash cloth down and took a look at the cage. Plastic stuff was usually made to be transparent, so I could clearly see the little guy inside. He was taking a nap on a corner at the back of the cage. I didn't want to disturb his rest, but Fluttershy decided to raise the plastic container up to her face and wake him up with that gentle loving voice of hers;

"It's time to wake up, little one. Your new home is waiting for you."

Slowly, the leopard gecko stirred, his scaly body moving little by little as he woke up. With a quick shake of his body and head, he looked right up at the kind girl and then at me. With Fluttershy, he seemed calm and chill like any lizard. But, once he peeped at me, he suddenly looked really nervous. He even backed up as far into his corner as he could, as if he was afraid of me. I couldn't let such a cool creature live in fear like that! I walked up to the terrarium as she hovered the cage over it for a moment before placing it down onto the dirt below. Once in position, I angled my body so that my face was aimed right at the cage's door, which stood before the dirt, grass, and plants that littered the terrarium. With a smile meant to calm him down, I told the lizard with a soft voice;

"It's okay, little dude. No one's gonna hurt you."

Rainbow Dash, who had just finished her own work, had walked up to a spot next to me and gave him her own pep talk;

"Yeah, we're way too awesome to hurt you.", she told her with a voice that was just as soft and soothing. The kind that, normally, she only used on me whenever I was really afraid. As the memories of the times when my most awesome sister-at-heart was there for me played in my mind like scenes from a movie, I kept my eyes on the gecko, who was slowly walking up to the door. Seeing this, Fluttershy carefully opened the door. At that moment, I figured a little more encouragement was needed;

"Yeah, you got this. One step at a time.", I told to him. He seemed to like those words, for his steps towards the door became faster and more confident over time. Before long, he scurried out of the cage and onto the dirt before stopping to look around. As the cage was removed from the terrarium, I complimented the little dude in the best way I knew how, only with the softness from before;

"Awww yeah. That's what we're talking about."

The way I figured, being all loud and boastful like normal would have scared the spots off of him, and that would have been mean and lame of me! Wanting to reward him for his bravery, I reached out with my right index finger to pet his head, only for Fluttershy to gently hold my right hand. I looked over at her as she told me;

"You can reach out, but wait for him."

Doing as instructed, I allowed my right index finger to rest in front of his head. The gecko looked at it, curiosity and fear in his eyes. He slowly walked up to the finger and placed his right foot on it. It tickled a little, which made me giggle softly. The giggles continued as he carefully climbed up onto my finger. With slow and gentle care, I raised it up to my face, allowing me to get an up-close look at the gecko. He tilted his head to the side as I told him honestly;

"Like I said, little dude: no one's gonna hurt you."

I'm not entire sure what had resonated within him at that moment. Maybe it was my words? Maybe it was the confident smirk I had shown him? Both, perhaps? Whatever it was, it encouraged him to let out a smile that was just as wide and bright as it was chill and cool! Just the sight of it made me almost want to gush at him Fluttershy-style!

Hehe, almost.

Speaking of the animal-lover, she gasped in surprise before gushing like there was no tomorrow;

"Oh my gosh! I've never seen him smile so adorably before!"

After I slowly brought my finger back down to the terrarium, the little dude walked off of it to rest on the dirt. Without warning, Fluttershy had wrapped me up from behind in one of her famous Flutterhugs, which was warm, snugly, and full of love. Holding me close, she happily explained;

"You and Rainbow Dash did that little angel more good than you know!"

After taking the time to enjoy the warmth and peace that only a Flutterhug could give to a person, I asked her after she released me from her grip;

"Why was he so scared?"

Right then and there, I had put two and two together and made trouble before asking a different question. This time, my eyes were narrowed seriously as my voice was filled with concern;

"Was he hurt?"

Fluttershy looked really sad when she gazed at the gecko, who was climbing up one of the plants. Before she could explain, however, the sudden and loud opening of a door rang out from the hallway that the other girls had walked down earlier. Turning around to see what the commotion was about, I saw Apple Bloom walking up to Fluttershy while giving off a neutral expression that was clearly forced. Applejack stood behind her while looking very worried for her little sister. What had really got my attention, however, was the powerful smell that AB was giving off. It took me a second to figure out what had given her that smell as I covered my nose to protect myself from it. With a voice that sounded calm enough to be concerning to my mind, she told a terribly worried Fluttershy politely;

"My big sis and Ah were warned by the staff person in the doggy play area that one of the critters, a bull mastiff named Fluffikins, was mighty constipated..."

She sighed before adding with resignation, her pink bow drooping to emphasize her mood;

"Do Ah even need to say it?"

Without further ado, Applejack escorted Apple Bloom to the nearest bathroom to wash off the stink. I really felt for AB as I watched them walk back down the hallway. While trying to wipe the smell from my mind, I turned back over to face Fluttershy and asked her;

"You were saying?"

She was about speak again when another door flew open loudly. I was able to catch Sweetie Belle rushing up to Fluttershy with terror all over her face! After panting for a moment, she quickly exclaimed to her with squeaks in her frightened voice;

"One of the cats got into the catnip and shared it with several others before we could catch her!"

Uh oh. I had never taken care of cats before and even I knew something of the chaos that catnip could unleash! I could hear the loud and constant meowing of hyped up felines coming from the room Sweets had escaped from. Before Rainbow, Flutters, or myself could react, however, Rarity yelled out from that room with a mortified screech;


A mere second later, Rarity loudly pleaded to what I assumed was at least a few of the cats;

"No, little ones, my boots are NOT scratching posts!"

With sheepish grins aimed right at Rainbow and me, Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle ran into the room and closed the door behind them before catnip-powered cats could swarm into the lobby. Feeling quite surprised that Rarity was not lamenting over her outfit being damaged, I turned to Rainbow, who was trying very hard to not laugh at the expense of my friend and her sister. Shaking my head while mentally thanking her for at least trying to be awesomely polite, I returned to my cleaning duty, with Rainbow Dash following suit.

Thirty minutes later.

Rainbow and I had just finished cleaning stuff up when Fluttershy returned alongside two disheveled Belle sisters, who looked quite relieved to be free from the feline menace. It was hard to tell what was more cut up by cat claws, their hair or their clothes! For Rarity, her tall purple boots had taken the most damage, yet they were still not too damaged to be safely worn. Sweetie Belle's trusty jacket, by comparison, was ripped all over. It was a good thing she had spares waiting for her back home. As one can imagine, they both smelled of cat fur and the contents of several litter boxes. I had also noticed the fact that Sweets' eyes were considerably bloodshot. A few moments later, Apple Bloom and Applejack had returned as well. Thankfully, neither of them smelled of doggy stink this time, but their clothes were riddled with mud and dirt. Not even AB's beloved bow and Applejack's trusty Stetson hat were spared. Unlike the Belles, the two Apples were all smiles. While trying, and failing, to hold back her mirth-filled snorting, Rainbow Dash asked them;

"Soooo... how did it go back there?"

Apple Bloom, with a hearty chuckle, explained jovially;

"Other than the incident with Fluffikins, we had a fun time with them puppers!"

Applejack belted out a laugh that was just as hearty before noting;

"Yeah, Fluffikins felt really bad about stinkin' up Apple Bloom. His big ol' ears were droopy and everythin'!"

AB looked up at her big sister and exclaimed with joy;

"Yeah, but once he got cleaned up and ah forgave him, his ears perked up and he started lickin' my face like Winona does, only with a bigger doggy tongue."

She turned her attention over to Sweetie Belle and Rarity before asking them;

"So, how did things go for ya'll?"

Sweets answered as simply and calmly as she could;

"As the two of us, Sandalwood, and Fluttershy took part in the Great Cat-Nip War of this era, I had learned three things."

She raised her right hand to begin counting with her fingers;

"One: At least a few of the cats in this shelter may be related to Opal."

Her bloodshot eyes went wide as she went on while continuing to count;

"Two: Cat litter stings the eyes."

With one more count with her fingers, she finished with a sigh;

"And Three: I have absolutely no idea how Goldie Delicious takes such good care of all of her cats."

Rarity, with a polite titter and sympathetic glare aimed at her sister, noted to us;

"Thankfully, our combined efforts, helped along by Fluttershy's timely use of her tambourine, were enough to reign in the felines."

She patted Sweetie on the head while telling her lovingly;

"I'm sure it won't take long for the eye-drops to take effect, my little gem."

Sweets silently pouted a little as Apple Bloom told me;

"I'll bet the lizards didn't cause ya'll as much of a ruckus, Scoots."

Giving my farming friend a cool smirk, I respond;

"Nah, these scaly buddies have been no trouble at all."

Just then, an idea popped into my head: An idea so awesome, I couldn't bare the thought of not putting it to work right then and there! With a big smile, I told the two pairs of girls before me;

"There's this totally cool lizard that you gotta meet!"

I moved out of their way to let them get a good look at the leopard gecko, who sat in his terrarium while looking at all of the new faces. Those four faces suddenly beamed with joy as they rushed over to greet him. Sweetie Belle was the first to do so, the chaos from earlier shoved aside;

"Oh my goodness, you are so cuuuuute!"

Rarity was gushing just as much as her sister was;

"Oh, darling, you are simply adorable, and you look quite handsome with those spots!"

"You're lookin' mighty healthy too, little critter.", Apple Bloom told him with a smile, her bow as bouncy as her joy. Applejack belted out a hearty Apple laugh before declaring with a tip of her hat;

"A pleasure to meet ya', sugarcube."

The little dude looked nervous at first, from what I could tell when I poked my head between Sweets and AB to check on him. But, once the compliments rolled in, he started smiling again. Apple Bloom was the first to react by exclaiming happily;

"That smile, ya'll! It's as bright as the sun, Ah tells ya'!"

The others gushed and laughed over him being his awesome self, while just stood back and enjoyed the sight alongside Fluttershy, who walked up to my left side. She then gave me a head pat before saying softly;

"I know I got a story to tell about that lovable little guy, but that can wait for a while."

I was fine with that, since I was pretty content with watching my sister and friends be really nice to the gecko. She then noted to me;

"We still have work to do, but I'd say we should let those four have some fun for a bit, if that is okay?"

With a chuckle and a smile, I told her;

"I'm sure the animal shelter's newest friend will love that."

Two hours of shelter work later.

By the time we were done, the iguanas had also arrived and were properly settled into their new terrarium home. Lizards had a habit of being territorial, accordingly to Fluttershy, so we made sure that the newbies had plenty of space away from other lizards to keep them from fighting each other. With the work finished up for the day, we made ready to leave with our sisters. But, not before talking with Flutters one more time;

"Thank you so much for helping us today!", she told the six of us with sweetness in every word, her eyes sparkling with appreciation and cheer. Rarity gave her a hug while responding with dignity and a smile;

"Helping you today was a pleasure, darling!"

"Thank you for having us here, Fluttershy!", AB, Sweets, and I told her in joyful polite unison. She responded by giving each of us big Flutterhugs while declaring;

"Oh, you've been a great help today, you little angels!"

Once the hugs were finished, we showed her our best angelic smiles with our eyes closed for full effect. With that, we gave her our goodbyes and left the animal shelter one by one, with me being the last one out. But, before I left, I walked up to the leopard gecko and told him with the biggest smile I could give him;

"I know someone in town is gonna give you an awesome home one day, you'll see!"

With hope in my heart and pride over a job well done, I exited the shelter and followed Rainbow Dash home. I didn't know why, but I had this feeling that we would see that gecko again soon...

Chapter #7 - Our Kin Part 1: The Honest Apple

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Apple Bloom

Sweet Apple Acres. Saturday Afternoon.

Ah had just gotten my afternoon chores done, so Ah was layin' down under the branches of one of the many trees that grew in our farm. The gentle wind blowin' through the air made the otherwise mighty warm day quite pleasant to my senses. The branches rocked in the wind as Ah relaxed more and more by the second, the grass and dirt holdin' me in place in a way that was plum comfy. With a smile growin' on my face, I closed my eyes and did what Ah enjoyed doin' after a hard day's work:

Chill. Out.

Whenever Ah did somethin' like this, my thoughts would slow down to a crawl, so Ah could watch them go by in my head. It was kinda like watchin' scenes from a movie play out one by one, only without the theater. Usually, the thoughts that would pop up were nothin' to worry about. Ah'm talkin' about memories of my family and friends, thoughts about my chores and school work, Winona bein' her adorable furry self, that sort of thing. At first, those were the kinds of thoughts that bounced around in my brain at the time, which only encouraged me to relax even more. Suddenly, without any hint of a warnin', a certain horrible memory popped up that shoved the others off camera. It only appeared for half of a second like a mental flash. But, it was so dern vivid, it felt like I was relivin' it. Oh, Ma' and Pa', Ah could feel the same terror Ah had felt when my friends and Ah went through that livin' nightmare together;

We begged Gilda for mercy, but she showed us none.

Our pained screams echoed through the freezin' cold air.

My body was hurtin' all over like never before.

Ah could feel my heart rippin' along with my-

My upper-body shot up with the speed of a race car. My breathin', which was once slow and steady, was now short and erratic. Ah could feel my heart poundin' somethin' fierce as Ah clutched my chest with my right hand. As if my own head was rubbin' salt on the old wound, the memory of me seein' Sunset cryin' her heart out popped up as well. Ah closed my eyes and tried to shake the memory away while feelin' the urge to cry too. Before Ah could shed a single tear, however, Applejack called out to me from my right side;

"I'm here, sugarcube."

Her voice was soothin' and laced with sisterly concern. Shoot, hearin' it was enough to distract me from the chaos in my noggin. Ah opened my eyes and looked over at her to find that she was gazin' at me while kneelin' on her right knee. She was showin' honest familial love in them green eyes and that there smile, which did wonders for my mood. Ah couldn't help but smile back at her, my love for Applejack risin' up to kick my turmoil to the curb.

Ah could always count on my big sis to be there for me when Ah needed her.

Even though my head was much calmer now thanks to her presence, Ah was still reelin' a bit from earlier. Yeah, my breathin' was steady again, but my heart was still poundin'. Ah looked back down at my opened hands, which were restin' on my lap, and sighed softly. Applejack asked me with worry in her words;

"What's eatin' at ya'? Ah came to check up on ya' when Ah saw ya' shoot up like a rocket while almost hyperventilatin'."

That girl had an Apple's sharp eye at the best of times. Not wantin' to trouble her with a lie or silence, Ah told her the frustratin' truth;

"Ah know it's been ages since that dern Winter day, but Ah still ain't over it yet. Ah ain't over her either..."

Ah gave Applejack a sad apologetic expression while askin' her;

"Does that make me a fool?"

Surprisingly, her smile from before grew three sizes, which made it as soothin' as the warmth from an open fire. With a well-meanin' chuckle, she answered;

"Ya' need time to work through what that girl had done to ya' and your pals. That don't make ya' a fool."

She booped my nose with her right index finger before finishin' her point with love;

"That makes ya' a person."

She then moved her body to lay on the grass next to me while placin' her Stetson on her chest. Ah laid back down while she talked some more;

"Goodness knows, my friends and Ah needed some time to work through what Sunset had done to us."

She sighed before notin' with a more somber tone of voice;

"Don't even get me started on the lady herself..."

Applejack's honesty was really rubbin' off on me that day, as Ah had decided to keep bein' honest in turn. With the memory of Sunset's beautiful smile givin' me a good push, Ah asked Applejack with fear in my words and voice as Ah watched the clouds move in the blue sky;

"But, what if Sweets, Scoots, and Ah get over all of that stuff and we get hurt again?"

Ah hugged myself tightly around my waist as Ah tried to finish with a terrible terrified shudder, a deep frown, and eyes shut tight;

"Ah... Ah..."

Before my fear could turn into full-on panic, Ah felt a gentle hand rest on my right shoulder before Applejack started to hum an old Apple Family melody that was as sweet as apple pie and soft like Winona's fur. Ah could feel the song flow into my mind and wash away my terror like a river. My bright smile returned to my face as Ah allowed the song to carry me off to better places, with thoughts of my family and friends in my mind. With a steady breath and renewed calmness, Ah chilled out with my big sister while mentally renewin' my vow to make things right with her. A big sister as wonderful as Applejack deserved every bit of the good that this 'ere Apple could do for her.

There was just one problem: Ah didn't know what Ah could do to make amends with my kin!

Later that day, in Apple Bloom's bedroom.

After havin' a warm tasty lunch, Ah was sittin' on my bed while practicin' with my banjo. Just hearin' the twang of the instrument's strings easily brought a smile to my face as Ah strummed and plucked one diddy after another. They were short little tunes that were easy for learners like me to pick up and play. Before long, Ah became entirely focused on my banjo playin' and the music in my ears. With a playful bounce, Ah got off of my bed to stand on my feet and started spinni' and dancin' around. Ah switched from playin' songs Ah knew to just jammin' from the heart. My eyes were closed as Ah surrendered myself to the music, just as my friends and Ah did back when we heard DJ-P0N3's dubstep. Only this time, Ah was the one-lady band! In my head, Ah imagined my big sister Applejack playin' a fun tune on her acoustic guitar for her friends in our family's barn. They were all wearin' cowgirl outfits while havin' a mighty fun time together. Applejack was rockin' her trusty Stetson, as always, while the other girls wore cowgirl hats that had different colors and patterns. Sunset, of course, was wearin' a villain's black hat. She wasn't no villain anymore, but land's sake, did that hat look good on her or what? Ah was so lost in my little world, Ah didn't hear my door openin' up while Ah jammed like there was no tomorrow. It felt like Ah had gone through half of a song before the sound of a hearty Apple laugh knocked me out of my little world of music and back into reality. Unfortunately, this happened when Ah was in the middle of spinnin' in place. So, Ah lost my balance and fell on my butt while holdin' my banjo close to keep it from fallin'. Ah looked up at the source of the laughter to see that it was Applejack, who was givin' me a warm smile with pride in her eyes. Holdin' her hips with her hands, she told me;

"Ya' play like no one's watchin', sugarcube!"

Ah chuckled gratefully before tellin' her with a big ol' grin;

"Ya've been a great teacher."

"Granny Smith too, Ah reckon," she replied while helping me get back on my feet. She then noted happily;

"Now, Ah believe ya' got a club meetin' comin' up today."

Oh, sweet Granny Smith on a bike! Ah had nearly forgotten about that! Out of pure excitement over what was comin', Ah took Applejack by her right hand and practically dragged her out of my room while exclaimin';

"Come on, big sis! We got us a meetin' to prepare for!"

Nothin' could stop me from rushin' over to the clubhouse, even as my sister yelled out in surprise from behind me;


Later on, in the CMCs' Clubhouse

With three bangs of my gavel, Ah started our meetin' off all proper like;

"Ah now call this 'ere meetin' of the Canterlot Movie Club to order!"

Ah pointed my gavel right at our three guests who sat on their chairs behind Scoots and Sweets and announced with a grateful smile;

"A big thank ya' to our sisters for participatin' today!"

The wonderful trio smiled back as Ah looked over at the entire audience and told them;

"First item of the day is a simple one..."

Ah looked over at my two best friends as Ah declared;

"Girls, get the list."

Sweetie Belle stood up like a bullet, with Scootaloo doing the same. With beaming grins and joy in their voices, they reiterated to me in unison;

"The list!"

Like little race cars, they zoomed over to the club behind me, with Scoots being the one to open it up and take the list out from it. She then rushed over to hang the list on its usual spot on the wall while Sweetie closed the safe. Once the list was hung, all three of us kids walked over to it and gazed at the written proof of our vow with pride. Ah heard Rarity do one of her really polite chuckles before she said;

"From what I have heard, you little darlings have already made headway with achieving your shared goal."

Sweetie Belle giggled while we turned to face our kin, who were showin' us proud smiles. She then told them happily;

"Yeah, but it will be good for us to take stock of that headway sooner rather than later."

She looked over at me before givin' me the go-ahead;

"Lead on, Apple Bloom!"

After taking the pen that Scootaloo was offerin' me, Ah moved off to the right side of the list, with Scoots and Sweets movin' to stand at its left side. With my eyes locked on our sisters, Ah began to explain the situation;

"Let's start with Number Fourteen: Derpy Hooves."

"AKA: Ditzy Doo. AKA: Muffins," Scootaloo added with a smirk. We all had a good laugh while Ah noted;

"Yeah yeah, that girl's got a whole bunch of names and they're all cool. Anyway..."

Once everyone cooled off, Ah continued on;

"We helped her deliver the school mail, thanks to our combined efforts and my big sister's assistance."

Ah gave Applejack a look of pride and gratitude before speakin' further;

"The sugarcube gave us a whole pack of muffins for our trouble."

"Derpy's so sweet!" gushed Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo added with enthusiasm;

"Yeah, she makes awesomely delicious muffins too."

Rainbow Dash, with one of her large smirks, noted to us confidently;

"I'd say you can check her off your list, squirts."

The rest of our sisters nodded their heads agreement to this. But, it would take more than even our kin's seal of approval to make that happen, a fact that Ah explained to them calmly;

"Ah appreciate your confidence, but a person on our list can't be checked off until all three club members agree to do so."

"And it is reasonably clear that we've made amends with that person," Sweetie Belle added with a raised right index finger. Rarity chimed in gracefully;

"A fine set of requirements, darlings. Now, is it clear that you have made amends with Derpy?"

Hearin' that question got us thinkin' mighty hard for a good few seconds. After that, we shook our heads before Ah admitted the truth;

"We may be off to a dern good start, but Ah don't think we've truly made amends with that sugarcube. Not yet, anyway."

"Now that I think about it, AB..." Scootaloo pondered aloud as she turned to gaze at the list. After a second or so, she finished;

"The same can be said for Trixie, her Illusions, Sunset, Fluttershy, Octavia, and DJ-P0N3. We've done right by them and that's awesome! But, I don't believe we've completely made it up with them yet either."

She wasn't wrong and Ah knew that from the moment she had spoken them words. Sweetie Belle knew this too when goin' by the lack of shock on her face. We had only just begun our noble work, after all! Oh, but that didn't stop us none, not one bit. With a big ol' grin and anticipation in my mind, Ah told the others;

"No worries, ya'll! We just gotta keep at it until the job is done good and proper! Which brings us to who we want to do right by next..."

Scoots and Sweets knew exactly who Ah was talkin' about. With confident smirks all around, the three of us glared at our sisters for a moment or two. After that, Scoots pointed at Rainbow Dash while exclaiming;

"Number Four!"

Ah joined in by pointin' at my big sis while declarin';

"Number Five!"

Sweetie Belle finished our shared action with her own words while pointin' right at Rarity;

"Number Six!"

Our sisters were positively beaming in response to this, with Rainbow Dash declaring after laughing jovial for a moment;

"I like your spirit, squirts!"

Rarity, with a knowin' smirk, added;

"It is quite fortuitous that the three of you want to make amends with us today, which brings us to what we wanted to talk to you about."

Applejack announced with excitement in her green eyes;

"We've got a mighty large chunk of the day cleared out, so that we can have some good ol' fashioned family fun with ya'll!"

How in the hay could we pass that up?! We hugged them with all of our young hearts while yellin' out to the blue sky above our clubhouse;


Sweet Apple Acres. Roughly ten minutes later.

It took us no time at all to plan out our fun-filled day. Each CMC would pair up with their respective big sister to do fun stuff together. Once we knew what were all gonna do, the pairs went off different directions. Rarity and Sweetie Belle made a beeline for downtown Canterlot City while Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo ran off to the nearest skate park. As for Applejack and me, our version of fun was somethin' that any Apple, Orange, and Pear could appreciate: Gettin' some honest work done!

Come on, we're certified Apples to the core! What did ya' expect?

Of course, the work that AJ had in mind wasn't the traditional farmin' work that Ah normally helped her out with. The job at hand, from what she told me, was one that Ah had never done before. Just that fact alone made me curious and excited. Ah was gonna make things right with my favorite big sister in the whole wide world by helpin' her do a chore that was new to me! Ah was always up for helpin' my family any way Ah could, but this time, Ah was extra-motivated. As we walked over to one of the smaller barns on the farm, which was a bit of ways away from the main barn, Ah asked Applejack all excited-like;

"What kind of work ya' want me to help ya' with?"

She chuckled before tellin' me cryptically;

"Ya'll know soon enough, sugarcube..."

Oh, Ah was gettin' mighty impatient to say the least, a feelin' that Ah was quick to express out of growin' frustration;

"But, Ah want to know noooow!" Ah whined like a silly little lady. AJ shook her head before tellin' me with a smile and a tiny hint of annoyance;

"Don't get your bow in a twist now! We're nearly there."

Ah looked up ahead and, sure enough, she was right. The barn doors were mighty close to us by this point, which eased my impatience somethin' fierce. Once we got to 'em, Applejack and Ah pushed the doors open, allowin' me to see somethin' that Ah normally only got to see and not touch: the Fizzy Apple Cider Bottlin' Station! Now, we're an ol' fashioned family with ol' fashioned ways of gettin' stuff done. So, our station had no fancy-shmancy machinery to work with. Never needed that stuff anyway! There were empty crates stacked on top of each other to my left, a wide wooden table with a pair of chairs where the bottlin' was done, a whole slew of bottle caps and bottlin' tools on the table, a tall stack of crates filled with empty cider bottles to my right, and a big wooden barrel that was labeled 'Fresh Fizzy Apple Cider' standin' proud some space away from the bottles, about half-way to the doors. Seriously, that barrel was taller than Bulk Biceps! Ah remembered all the times Ah got to watch Big Mac, Granny, and Applejack bottle that delicious drink with honest-to-goodness fondness. Shoot, Ah could smell the cider from where Ah was standin', which only made my mood even better. It took me all of three seconds from the moment Ah peeped at the station to realize what Ah was gonna do. With a gasp and rapid happy hops, Ah exclaimed to Applejack;

"You're gonna teach me how to bottle Fizzy Apple Cider?! That's awesome!"

She smiled sweetly at me with those green eyes full of familial affection before explainin' the situation;

"Ah've been wantin' to teach ya' how to do this for a long while now, but it took me until yesterday to get Granny Smith's blessin'. That's fine though, because doin' this today gives me the chance to get your help with a different job as well."

Ah calmed down and stood at attention while listenin' intently. She brought out her serious hard workin' voice as she went on while walkin' around the barn;

"Most of the day's cider orders have already been filled by Big Mac and me, except for one: a whole party's worth of the fizzy stuff for a shindig bein' run by Filthy Rich."

Hearin' that name come out of Applejack's mouth woke up some old bad memories of mine that had far more to do with Filthy Rich's daughter and her friend than with the man himself. Shakin' away them memories, along with the annoyin' mental sound of stuck up laughter, Ah made sure to keep my attention on AJ as she went on;

"We got until 9:00PM tonight to get the cider ready and sent over to the party. Ah'd have Big Mac and Granny Smith help with this one, but they got other chores to tackle around the farm. We can still count on Big Mac to deliver the goods tonight though."

She stopped to stand directly in front of the barrel of cider before lettin' out an exasperated sigh and declarin' with annoyance in her voice;

"Now, Ah ain't fond of them self-centered rich folk and don't get me started on that slime-ball, Filthy Rich. But, us Apples don't let no cider order go unfulfilled and Ah ain't gonna ruin that today."

She turned around to face me with a look of pure seriousness and offered to me;

"Ah would be pleased as punch if ya' can help me get this order done once Ah've shown ya' how to bottle cider."

She didn't have to tell me twice. With a big ol' grin and a fired up salute, Ah declared with surety;

"Ah'll do my best to help ya', big sis! Them rich folk are gonna love our cider, Ah tells ya'!"

Her seriousness gave way to a relieved and appreciative grin as she responded;

"Your best is all Ah ask for. Now then..."

Her grin became a smirk filled with excitement as she declared with pride;

"Let's get to bottlin'!"

With that, our fun work began!

Ah would like to take this time to thank our Ma' for givin' me my smarts, since it didn't take me long to learn how to bottle cider! It also helped that Applejack was a good teacher overall. Before long, we were workin' hard on the task at hand. We even had a system goin' and everthin'. Ah would grab an empty bottle, fill that sucker up with the tasty drink from the barrel's tap, get it to the table, seal it up with a bottle cap nice and tight, and pass it down to AJ without shakin' it none.

Trust me, unless you want to make a mighty huge mess, do NOT shake Fizzy Apple Cider!

Anyway, once my big sis got her hands on the newly sealed bottle, she would place a sticker barin' our logo on it, put it in one of them empty crates, and wait for me to get another bottle ready to go. We kept this system runnin' for a long while. Ya' think it would be borin' work, but 'ere's the thing about Applejack and me: we liked to turn our chores into games we played together! The game, this time around, was what my big sis called 'Bartender Dash' (not a Rainbow Dash joke, or so she told me). The goal of the game was to see how fast we could fill up the crates needed for our cider order without spillin' a single drop or shakin' a single filled bottle. It got extra fun when Winona ran up to us and started barkin' happily at each filled cider bottle that Applejack was placin' in a crate. Hehe, that critter was plum countin' them for us, we reckoned! Ah was mighty happy over bein' able to do this with AJ. Not only was Ah contributin' to my family's efforts to put food on the table, but Ah was also makin' up to her for the pain my two pals and Ah had caused during that awful Winter week...

The coldest Winter week CHS had ever known, and we were to blame...

Never again.

Sweet Apple Acres Driveway. 8:00PM

Gettin' them crates filled with Fizzy Apple Cider was easy enough. We only had to fill six of them, with each crate carryin' sixteen bottles. Carryin' them from that small barn all the way to the street, however, was the real challenge! Now, AJ and Ah had carried heavy loads many times before, so this was nothin' new for us. That didn't make the crates any lighter though! We had just brought out the fifth and sixth crates from the house while workin' up a dern good sweat. Pantin' and sweatin', Ah didn't need to check on AJ to see who was more tuckered out, Ah could feel that it was me. Standin' on the front porch, Ah was tempted to drop the crate right there and rest a bit. But, Ah wasn't gonna give up now, not when the flatbed of Big Mac's truck was just a short walk away! Callin' upon the legendary stubbornness of an Apple, Ah followed Applejack to the truck while keepin' a firm, yet strained grip on the bottom of my crate with both hands. My breathin' was loud and made my tiredness mighty clear to anyone listenin' in. Each step Ah took was harder than the last. Sweet mercy, Ah dern near dropped the dern crate a couple of times! Even so, Ah kept at it. Once Ah reached the flatbed, with a tired grunt and help from AJ, Ah lifted that crate up and placed it in the truck. Ah was pooped enough to sit down on my keister after that, right in front of the flatbed. Didn't matter to me that Ah was sittin' on pavement, Ah needed a moment to rest my legs, arms, and everythin' else. Applejack, bein' considerate, sat down right in front of me and said with a smile;

"Ah'm mighty proud of ya' for helpin' me out today, sugarcube."

No tiredness in the universe could stop me from beamin' a grateful smile at her as Ah said while takin' a breath between my words;

"You're... welcome... big sis!"

We sat in silence for a good few seconds before Ah spoke once more with drive added to my tuckered out voice;

"Ah still got more helpin' left to do and Ah ain't gonna let my mission go unfinished."

Ah could feel the pride she was showin' me with her face as she responded with a chuckle;

"True, but there ain't nothin' wrong with takin' a break for a spell."

Ah snickered a little before teasin' Applejack with a knowin' smirk;

"This comin' from the one Apple who tried to get Apple-Pickin' Season done on her own without a break?"

That little comment got me a narrow glare from AJ, who also smirked second or two later before beltin' out a hearty laugh. Once she calmed down, she relented with a head shake;

"Fair enough, but my point still stands."

She looked back at me with eyes filled with sisterly love before sayin' somethin' that struck my heart;

"Ya' know Ah already forgave ya' and your pals last Winter."

Ah was sorely tempted to hug her right then and there, but instead, Ah responded with honest words;

"Ah know, sis, but still! We hurt ya'..." Ah exclaimed out of frustration with myself while lookin' off to my left side. With a voice that was barely louder than a whisper, Ah finished my thought while my guilt rose to the surface;

"Ah hurt ya'..."

Thankfully, Applejack had some honest words of her own, which she uttered all gentle-like;

"Yeah, what ya' three had done did hurt me. Shoot, ya' done and hurt a lot of folks back then. But..."

Ah looked back up at her, my mind latchin' on to her every word, as she went on, the love in her eyes refusin' to fade;

"Like your friends, ya' ain't runnin' or hidin' from what ya' did, Little Seed. You're facin' it down and cleanin' up your act like a self-respectin' Apple."

She took my hands into hers and said somethin' that made my heart soar;

"Ah don't know about them other folks on that there list of yours, their thoughts are their own. But ya' three bein' your good-hearted selves makes ya'll square with me."

That made us square...

That made us square!

That made us square, ya'll!

Ah pounced her with the biggest, tightest, most lovin' Apple Hug Ah could muster with my still tired body! With happy tears streamin' down from my closed eyes and a whole bunch of memories both good and bad flowin' through my mind, all Ah could say to her was a phrase that was as simple as it was true;

"Ah love ya', Applejack!"

She hugged me back while tellin' me just as honestly and with love in her voice;

"Ah love ya' too, Apple Bloom."

For a good minute, the guilt Ah had felt earlier was too far away to cause me any grief. Once our huggin' was done, we got the crates properly secured on the flatbed, which allowed Big Mac to drive our cargo to its destination on time. Ah was tempted to go with him to help deliver the goods personally, but my body said no to that notion. We went with Granny Smith to the kitchen to celebrate a job well done over our own bottles of cider. As we drank together, Ah had one thought in my mind that was more wonderful than the taste of my drink;

"Best. Sister. Ever!"