> Spider Dragon: Origins > by Dragonfan101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Bite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had taken a walk from ponyville, they had just recently defeated Nightmare moon a few weeks ago as everyone was starting to settle down, Spike had started to feel useless as he didn't really do anything to help stop her, the main 6 all did something to help but he didn't. he started to doubt himself, he thinks he can't do anything to help. he asked twilight if he could take a break for a bit to relax for a bit, Twilight agreed but asked him to be careful. Spike had walked through the village after helping a few folks because they were all a little shaken after the most recent events. The villagers liked spike and were all thankful he could help, he then made his way to the woods, he always liked coming to this place as it was quiet, beautiful, and no predator's ever came here. Spike had always enjoyed the nature as he took whatever free time he had to go out and admire it, he and Fluttershy would get along just fine because they both love nature and animals. Spike often went to help her with her pets whenever he had free time to after twilight had allowed him to go. Spike made his way through the forest as he looks at the place, the sun was shining the trees were brushing along the wind lovingly, it was a perfect day, even after the most recent events things still recover and they continue to live on with their lives. "It's amazing on how quickly things can recover" Spike says with a smile, his friends at the village were all busy, Rainbow dash was helping with the weather, Rarity was helping with the townsfolk fashion, Applejack was helping with the trees, Pinkie with birthday parties, and Fluttershy with the animals "Why wasn't i able to help? I could've done something..." Spike says sadly as he continues walking. "I didn't do anything to help... They all told me i couldn't .. even though they were worried for my safety, i still wished i could do something to help..." Spike says as he sits down a nearby tree a strange looking spider had spotted him and began crawling down without his notice its body seemed to glitch for a moment as if something was wrong... "What if more attacks like this happen... Will i be able to help? Or will i just be on the sidelines like this again?" Spike asks while looking at the sky. "If something happens to my friends... I won't be able to help... They'll get hurt and i can't do anything..." Spike says with a tear in his eye. "I wish i could find a way to help them... to be something spectacular..." Spike says a s he closes his eyes, the spider had just crawled onto him with out his notice making his way to his hand. "Will i ever be able to help? Or will i just be sidelined, just a number one assistant? I love helping twilight around the tree, but i wish i could do something to help them all." Spike says as he's still in thought, but he feels something strange on his hand, he looks up and gasps in fear as he sees a spider on it, the spider then bites down on his hand injecting its venom into it, Spike then feels dizzy and his eyes become heavy as he starts sweating heavily from it, he feels more tired and he constantly starts to see multiple things at once. "Oh come on..." Spike says as he fell asleep, the spider suddenly gets sucked into a portal that appeared right beside it sending it somewhere else... A couple hours pass and spike finally begins to wake up. "Oh... what happened? " Spike asks as he gets up, he then remembers about him getting bit by that spider. "Oh right!!" Spike thought with worry as he looks at his hand to see what happened, the bite mark is still there, but the spider is gone completely. "It was just a normal spider Spike... nothing bad can happen from it right?" Spike asks himself as he then gets up and heads back to the village. The village had just gotten finished with repairs, everypony had calmed down, they then see spike and wave at him with smiles and he smiles back as he makes his way to the tree. He walks in to find twilight studying once again shifting all over the place reading different books, she then looks at him and teleports right in front of him. "Spike are you okay?! Where were you? you were gone for hours!" Twilight asks worried as she hopes spike is okay. "I'm fine twilight i just needed time to myself, I'm sorry for making you worry so much." Spike says regretfully "Well if your okay that's all i need to know... I need you two help me organize this place, more books had just arrived and they needed to be properly placed" Twilight says as she points to a large pile near the table. "You got it twilight..." Spike says with a smile but a little annoyed as he proceeded to help her out. It took almost the rest of the day to properly organize the books into place but by sundown the place was finally done. "Finally! glad that's over with" Spike says exhausted. "yeah me to spike, lets get some sleep we got more work to do tomorrow." Twilight says as she gets on her bed and spike gets on his. "Good night Spike" Twilight tells him. "good night twilight" Spike says with a smile as she falls asleep, but spike couldn't as he kept thinking about what happened. "It was just a normal spider, but why do i feel somethings different" Spike thinks as he looks at his hand. "Something may have been different about that one... I can't tell twilight or she would freak out and try multiple experiments...I should just sleep for now and think about this later..." Spike finishes his thinking as he tries to sleep again > 1: Strange Changes... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night proceeded to fly by, Twilight was sleeping soundly as if nothing was wrong, Spike meanwhile couldn't, he kept trying to change sleeping poses over and over, but he just couldn't sleep, when he finally started to fall asleep the sun had already started to rise. Twilight opened her eyes and yawned. "Morning Spike , time to get up" She said before she looked down, but her eyes widened as she noticed something was different, Spike had grown a little, Spike then opened his eyes and groaned as he was still tired. "Morning twilight" Spike says still tired as he gets up, he then notices her shocked face and gets curious. "What's wrong?" Spike asks, she simply gestures for him to look at the mirror, he then walks over to it but notices everything seems a little smaller... When he gets to the mirror his eyes widen as he realized why she was shocked. "Spike what's happened to you?" She asks worried. "I think i hit a growth spurt!" Spike suggests and he looks at her, he is now just an inch taller then her and she still looks worried. "Do dragons grow this fast? If not something's different" Twilight said as she observed him and she notices him sweating heavily. "Why am i so sweaty?!" Spike asks in his thoughts "Why are you so sweaty?" Twilight asks concerned "I don't know... Maybe its a natural thing for dragons after a growth spurt?" Spike suggests, and twilight thinks for a moment. "We'll figure this out later after we tell Celestia your growing, right now we should get you a new bed as yours is to small for you now" Twilight says as she points to his bed. "Yeah, I'll go get ready, you go on ahead i'll catch up" Spike tells her, she nods as she walks on outside to find a new bed, Spike then goes into the restroom with a worried face. "Why is this happening? That was just a normal Spider, it's just a growth spurt" Spike tells himself as he tries to wash up, as he gets done he places his hand on the counter. "It's just a growth spurt Spike, It's just a growth Spurt..." Spike tells himself again as he tries to leave he is suddenly stopped and looks back and he notices his hand is stuck on the counter... "What the?" Spike asks worried, he tries to pull off the hand and he tries harder to pull it off, he eventually does but flies back into the wall, he tries to get up be he realized he's stuck to the wall too. "Oh come on!" Spike shouts, he eventually frees himself but it ripped a couple pieces off the wall and they're stuck on his back, he quickly gets them off and throws them away and quickly makes his way outside. "Don't think about it now Spike, focus on today first and you'll figure it out later" Spike thinks to himself before catching up with Twilight. Spike had quickly made his way through the village, a bunch of ponies noticed him and were shocked on how much he grew since yesterday some even asking if something was wrong."Look out!" Someone yelled , and Spike looks to see a carriage coming right at him with high speeds! to everyone and Spike's own surprise he leaped over the thing grabbing the pony that was in it and landing on the ground much to the shock him and everyone who watched it, "I'm so sorry! The wheel went lose and i lost control!" The pony apologized. "It's okay, as long as were both okay that's all that matters, sorry about your carriage," Spike apologizes. "It's okay, thank you so much!" The pony says gratefully before he walks off, and Spike runs off ahead and a few ponies cheer as he saved that pony. Spike had quickly caught up with Twilight and she looks up at him. "Is everything okay Spike?" Twilight asks with a concerned look. "Yeah i just needed a little time, is it okay if i go on another walk later? I have to think this over, i just need time to process what's going on" Spike asks as he looks a little tired. "Sure Spike, you look like you need it, lets focus on getting some stuff done first then you can take a break" Twilight tells him as they go into the store. They eventually found a bed big enough for spike, they didn't exactly have any beds for dragons so they had to get one for bigger pets, "Alright this one looks like it should be good enough, what do you think Spike?" Twilight asks as she looks at him. "This will work, lets get going." Spike says as Twilight lifts it with her magic. they then make their way home and replace his bed, they then take care of the rest of the stuff they needed to do, Twilight had more studying about friendship and they had to organize the village library, then help applejack move some apples over, Spike surprisingly had an easy time because of his new height. "Spike what happened to ya?" Applejack asks concerned. "It's just a growth spurt A J" Spike tells her as he helps with the last load of apples. "Well thank ya for the help spike, would you mind helping me out with these more sometime, you look like you didn't have much trouble with these." Applejack asks. "Sure thing applejack, I'm gonna go on a walk now twilight" Spike tells them as applejack smiles gratefully, Twilight simply nods and Spike goes out for a bit. "You think somethings wrong with him?" Applejack asks as she doesn't think it's a normal growth spurt. "I don't know... I just hope everything will be okay." Twilight says concerned as they walk back to the village. Spike had rushed through the forest back to the tree where he was bitten by the spider. "That spider couldn't have gotten far" Spike says worried as he tries to find that Spider again, he looked all over the area he searched every tree but couldn't find anything. "Dang it! Why the heck is this happening?!" Spike asks as he punches a nearby rock, to his surprise his fist didn't hurt a bit and the rock completely shattered shocking him beyond belief. "What the heck?" Spike asks as he looks at the shattered rock. Spike then places a hand on a tree and thinks. "Okay so list of strange things, Growth spurt, Sticky hands, enhanced Senses ,and stronger strength. Is there anything else i need to know?!" Spike asks out loud, he then gets his hand stuck... again... "Are you kidding me?!" Spike asks annoyed as he tried to pull it off, to his surprise his body flows THROUGH the tree, freeing himself and horrifying him. "No way..." Spike says as he looks at his freed hand, he then starts to breath heavily. "That wasn't a normal spider..." Spike says worried. "Just what was it?! Why did it bite ME of all people?!" Spike asks as he flung his arm around in annoyance, but as he did he hears a strange noise and he looks in that direction, and he just kept getting more surprised. He had seen what looked like a spider web that was shot right at the side of a tree and it leaving a string that comes right back to his hand... "No... it can't be..." Spike says horrified as he quickly rips off the webbing and backs away in fear . "What's going on? Why is this happening? Spike asks scarred, he then feels his head start to ring hard it felt like i migraine. "Why is this happening?" Spike asks in his thoughts as the ringing goes away, much to his relief. "I just hope i can get the hang of things and don't freak out twilight." Spike prays as he heads back to the village hoping there's no more surprises, little did he know things were about to get weirder. > 2: The Earthquake And Portal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had quickly made his way back to the tree his mind asking multiple questions. "What kind of spider was that?! How much more surprises are there for me?!" Spike said as he ran through the village multiple ponies looking at him worried. "They all saw what happened, they all know, so why does this feel like I'm going through something different then a growth spurt?! Why are all my thoughts so loud?!" Spike asked as he feels his head starting to hurt again, he could hear the whispers of multiple ponies at once. "Spike!" a voice called out to him, he regained his focus and saw he almost bumped into rainbow dash. "is everything alright?, you look really stressed out, and really tired" Rainbow dash asks as she notices he looks really stressed. "I don't know, i just feel like i need some time to rest." Spike answered, rainbow dash then noticed he was slightly taller then her. "You hit a growth spurt or something?" Rainbow dash asks as she looked as his new height. "I don't know, I think i just need a break, it might just be all the work I've been having to do with twilight " Spike suggests. "It could be true, you both look like you need one, if you need any help just ask me alright? I'll be there for you." Rainbow dash says with a smile. "Thanks rainbow, i need to get back to twilight's see you later." Spike says as he runs off again. "he might need more then a break..." Rainbow dash thinks with worry before she walks off. Spike then gets back to the tree and sees twilight was reading some more books again. "Spike! are you feeling any better?" Twilight asks concerned for her friend. "I don't know, i think I'm just stressed about all this, this can be a big change for a lot of others you know?" Spike suggested. "Yeah that could be true, do you need a break for a while? you look like you could use one." Twilight asks as she walks over to him. "No i think i can pull through this, anything you did while i was gone?" Spike asks. "I sent Celestia the letter about your sudden growth, she said she would like to see what's different about you some time later." Twilight explains. "That sounds like something we all should see, anything else?" No not right now, but i'm really worried about you, if you do need a break just ask" Twilight explains. "Thanks Twilight really." Spike says with a smile. She then looks at him more concerned. " Spike are you sure there's nothing else going on with you? You can tell me anything you know, your a son to me, and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, I know we told you to go to sleep when nightmare moon attacked, but that was because i didn't want anything bad to happen to you. You've been there for me and i just want to be there for you" Twilight says sadly as she puts her hoof on his shoulder Spike then looks at himself again for a minute and thinks. "I think i should just tell her what's happening, i would make her worry more if i don't" Spike thinks before he looks at twilight. "Twilight i..." Spike was about to explain, but before he continue, the ground started to shake. It started softly then it began to get more violent, it then became even more so as everything started to fall off freaking them both out. "Earthquake!" Spike shouts "Under the table!" Twilight shouts before they both went under to hide. The entire village started to shake violently, every resident was freaking out and panicking, the rest of the main 6 were near a restaurant be the time the ground started to shake. "What's going on?!" Fluttershy shouts holding rarity close to her. "Earthquake!" applejack explains with fear. The quake was so violent, it even reached Celestia's castle where celestia and luna were on the ground as they could feel the ground shaking even more violently. "Sister! have earthquakes become more frequent like this?!" Luna asks scarred "No! I've never felt an earthquake like this!" Celestia shouts scarred as well. Back at the village everypony was still ducking for cover as it was still happening. "When will this end?, Pinkie pie is this a sort of party device you made?!" rainbow dash asks annoyed "I could never make something like this!!" pinkie says annoyed, to their sudden shock the table they were hiding under began to glitch and it freaked them all out and they quickly backed away in fear as more tables started glitching out. "What is going on?!" Rarity asked horrified in what she was seeing. "I don't know!" Applejack said as she saw the tables still glitching, the restaurant itself began to glitch scarring them even more, then multiple buildings freaking everypony out, making them all scream in terror. Back at the castle things were starting to glitch in the throne room , and Celestia and Luna and luna watched in horror as the entire room started to glitch out. "What kind of dark magic is this?!" Celestia asks horrified "It's not mine OR Nightmare moons that's for sure!!" Luna says as they get out off the balcony, they watch in horror as the entire castle and multiple houses and trees of Canterlot were glitching horrifying them even more. Back at the tree, Twilight and Spike had gotten out of the place as the entire tree was glitching out. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Twilight asks horrified. "I DON'T KNOW!" Spike shouts horrified. It felt like the earthquake went on for hours but it finally started to calm down and most of the houses and places that glitched out returned to normal much to their relief. "What was that?!" Spike asks horrified " I don't know but we need to see what happened to the rest of the village!!" Twilight says with worry, Spike and Twilight both rush away to check on the village as more still had still glitched out and not returned to normal. Back at Canterlot Celestia and Luna had calmed down a little as the earthquake was over, but were still horrified as some of the houses and trees were still glitched out. "Sister, we need to tell the main 6 about this" Luna told her. "Agreed, I'm writing her a letter now, i'm gonna need them to be here for the rest of the month while we figure out what happened" Celestia said as she was writing a letter. The village was chaos right now, every resident had been freaking out and panicking over what just happened, some were crying over the fact that their homes were ruined, Spike and Twilight had just made it to where the rest of the main 6 were, and they all were freaking out over what happened. "What just happened?!" Rarity asked horrified "What was that?!" Rainbow dash said scarred too. " I don't know but we all need to calm down" Twilight said trying to stay calm herself. "Calm down?! how can we calm down after seeing that?! Pinkie asks scarred as she points to the houses and other places that had still glitched out and a few ponies were looking at it "Yeah i think its a Banksy" One of them said while looking at it. " I don't know! But freaking out and screaming isn't going to help anyone!" Spike shouted frustrated scarring everypony there he soon realized his volume and calmed down. "Sorry, it's even more stressful for me right now" Spike apologizes "No, Spike's right we can't solve anything if we keep freaking out like this" Twilight admits, everypony then calms down and they try to think about what to do, just then a letter appears in front of Twilight, she quickly grabs it and reads it, her eyes widen in what she just read. "Princess celestia and luna wants the 6 of us at Canterlot right away, for the rest of the month she needs us to help figure out on what do do" Twilight tells them. "Does that include me?" Spike asks hoping he could help. "I'm sorry but as much as i want to you can't you have to stay here as Celestia wants the 6 of us" Twilight says pointing at her and the rest of the ponies, Spike then looks down sadly "So I'm just not gonna be able to help?" Spike asks with tears. Twilight then looks at him sadly before placing a hoof on his shoulder. "You can, look around this village, you see the ponies that are in trouble?" Twilight asks as they all look around the place "I need you to help them, be the hero to them and help them while were gone, remember this spike. With great power comes great responsibility" Twilight looks at him with a smile, Spike then sees how important it is to stay and help. "I won't let you down Twilight." Spike says with a smile. "I know you won't. Come on girls lets hit the next train! "Twilight tells them, they all head for the station and Twilight looks at spike on more time. "Take care of yourself till we get back spike, I love you" twilight tells him. "I love you too, mom" Spike says with a smile, Twilight catches up with the others leaving Spike alone and he just sighs in sadness. "Sidelined again..." Spike says sadly as he goes back to the tree "So that's how it all began, I thought things would calm down after what happened, Twilight left me in charge while she's away from the village" Spike narrates over the scene "I felt like i was just being pushed aside once again, i know it was to keep me safe, but after the growth spurt she still treats me like a child, i should be more capable of helping now, but she still has me do other stuff while their on another adventure" Spike narrates sadly. Spike is seen entering the tree, the entire place is a mess and spike groans in frustration, he spends the rest of the day cleaning up the entire tree making sure everything was properly fixed, Spike then is making a list of the strange things he's able to do. "I thought it would be smart to both test out and list the ability's i've gotten" Spike says as we see him practicing both climbing on the wall and web shooting and having a list of anything new he has. "I had gotten the hang of the basics but i found a few extras like electric webs and infrared and night vision" Spike says as we see his eyes turn orange as he looks around the room looking in awe, we then see spike put his index finger and pinkie up while the rest are down and we see him shoot another web with an electrified effect. "I hadn't mastered everything as i still didn't know how to properly use them, but let me tell you, it felt like i was becoming a power pony!" Spike narrates with a laugh, we then see spike reading a few of his comics as he tries to decide on what kind of costume to make, he figured out with these powers he could be a hero like them. "It was fun for the rest of the day i got to admit, but before i went to bed that night something weird happened. And i know that may seem stupid to say because EVERYTHINGS weird here in Equestria, but this was REALLY weird. " Spike finishes. Spike is seen reading his comics deciding on what kind of costume he should make. "If i'm gonna be a hero, gonna need a suit." spike says with a smile as he tried to decide what would look best on him. "I should get some sleep, I'll decide tomorrow" Spike says before putting the books down and walking to the bed. But as he was about to lay down his senses went off again, this time it was really crazy, Spike holds his head as he feels them go of, just then a portal begins to open up on the ceiling, Spike looks on in horror before trying to leave the place, but everything in the room including him start to float around like crazy, Spike sees what looks like multiple people wearing masks, a black and white one, a pig one? A cartoon girl? and a white and pink as well as a red and blue. Spike starts to get sucked into the portal. " OH CRAAAP!" Spike yells, he grabs a large coat that he could cover his body with after he bought it earlier that day because of his new height, Spike then gets sucked in entirely and everything he had just fixed and organized becomes a mess... again... Spike is seen flying through what looks like a string of webs through a dimensional space "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?" Spike yells as he continues falling, his body then glitches out like what happened before as he falls into another portal, we then see what looks like a large building explode with 6 other lights being seen, spike is seen flying through the sky before he hits a strange pole and he sees what looks like the sun and moon going backwards around 7 times. "I was blown an entire week into the past based on the amount of times the sun and moon went around" Spike says, we then see spike land high on top of a rooftop and he looks around in horror. "What is this place?" Spike asks as he looks around while putting the coat on to cover himself up from being seen. "I was not in Equestria anymore that's for sure, you wanna know what comes next, yeah me too!" Spike finishes his narration as Spike is seen looking around some more. > 3: A New World And The Collider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike never thought he would see anything like this, this world had buildings as tall as Canterlot castle! this place was crowded with this creatures called" Humans" which is a species he's never heard of in his world and the city he was in was called "New York" which is definitely not a place that he knows of in his world, he apparently had one more power he learned and that was" Invisibility" Which made it easier for him to get around, he couldn't completely do it on command but he thinks he knows how to trigger it. Spike had to pit pocket a few people in order to get money to buy supplies much to his dismay as he hated stealing but had no choice because of the current state was in his coat was just big enough to cover his face so people don't freak out over seeing a dragon in the city as apparently his kind were thought to be make believe which was interesting to know. Spike had to sleep on the rooftops at night with his coat as a blanket as he didn't have anywhere to stay, his senses were telling him to find this person called Spiderman as he could help him get home. Spike missed his friends already, sure he didn't like being sidelined but at least he wasn't completely alone in a world he didn't know without knowing what to do. He couldn't even test out his powers because he didn't want to draw unwanted attention, Spike sat alone at this place called the subway it was said to have trains bring others to other parts of the city at higher speeds. "How am i gonna get back home? I have no one to help me with this..." "Spike asked sadly, just then a train had passed by and spike heard two people speaking "Man i'm gonna get in so much trouble" the small one said catching Spike's interest "Hey man, just tell em your art teacher made you do it" The tall man responds, intrigued Spike decides to follow them while keeping a distance. Spike saw them jump over a high fence that had an open space for them to squeeze through and they walked deeper into the place. Not wanting to make noise, Spike had tried his phasing powers which let him pass through without causing them to hear him, he then used the skill he picked up and turned invisible and quietly found a place for him to see what they were doing. There wasn't much to what he saw, he saw them painting what they called a graffiti which they painted on a clear wall playing what was music in this world which intrigued him on how music is in this world, all the while a spider with the number 42 had started to crawl down towards the boy... They eventually finished and sat on a couch and he could see the words" Great Expectations on the wall with what looked like a slouch of disappointment below it making him chuckle a bit. "O ho oh... wow" The tall one said as he saw the art. "Is it to crazy?" The small one asks "No man," The other responds as he looks at him. "Miles i see exactly what your doing here man" The tall one said to the other who's name was "Miles" as he thought to remember that. "Yeah, you know me and your dad used to do this back in the day" The tall one says which means he's his uncle which made spike smile as he was just spending time with family. " Stop lying" Miles said not believing it. "It's true, but then he took on the Cop thing and i don't know... He's a good guy its just, you know what i'm saying" The tall one says with a bit of a sad look the spider from earlier had crawled into the kids jacket. "Must be having hard times with his father right now..." Spike thinks sadly as he continues watching. He then notices the tall one take out something called a "Phone" which was uses for communication which amazed him in what this world has. "Alright come on man, i gotta roll" He says as he gets up, Miles then packs the spray paint up and looks at the wall one more time. He then pulls out his phone to take a picture, but as he takes it he notices a spider crawled onto his hand, Miles gasps in fear as he gets bitten by it which freaks Spike out as he knows what happened to him a few days ago. Miles simply smacks the thing off killing it. "Miles lets go" The tall one says as they leave and he turns off the lights. Once spike made sure he was alone he quickly went to check out the spider and his eyes widened as he realized it. It was the same spider that had bitten HIM just a few days ago! only now the numbers 42 were on its back which interests him, was it from a batch of spiders like it? Spike then looks down at the dead spider. " How did you get here?" Spike asks as he looks at it, Spike then decides that he would come back later to search the area as he could hear some other noises, he quickly made his way out of the place and goes back out the door, he thinks he should keep an eye on the one called Miles as he got bit too, thankfully his senses had given him directions on where to go. The next day... Spike was going across the rooftops to avoid being seen, he followed his senses and he ended at this place called Brooklyn Visions Academy, he turned invisible once again as he finally got the hang of that power and he made sure not to bump into anyone as he entered, he followed where his senses told him and he found Miles in the lobby chatting with someone else and spike stood a good distance away. "Oh are you okay?" The girl asks "yeah" He responds nervously "Why am i so sweaty" Miles asks in his thoughts "Why are you so sweaty" the girl asks "Its a puberty thing" He then just realizes what he said and Spike simply puts his hand on his face shaking it disapprovingly. "I don't know why i just said that, i'm not going through puberty, i did, but i'm done i'm a man" He says the last part in a deeper voice. "So your new here right? we got that in common" Miles asks obviously trying to start up a conversation "Yeah that's one thing..." The girl says. " cool, I'm miles" He introduces himself, "I'm Gwe anda " She says as she changes the last part for some reason "wait your name is Gwanda?" Miles asks making spike raise an eyebrow as that was the weirdest name he ever heard She then proceeded to tell him that it was "South African" but not the accent because she was raised here but he notices Miles is thinking about something else. "Do the shoulder touch now before she walks away" Miles tells himself before he slowly raises his arm making spike wonder what the hell is he doing. " Why is this so scary? Am i doing this in slow motion or does it just feel that way" Miles thinks to himself as he continues to raise his arm. "I'm kidding its Wanda, no g that's crazy right?" She asks but he places hand on her shoulder "Hey..." He says in a deep voice. "Okay then I'll see you around" She says as she looks at his hand "Oh okay see you" Miles says as he tries to walk away but he gets his hand stuck in her hair. "Oh no..." Spike thinks to himself with a worried look as the same thing happened to him. "Oh crap." Miles says as he realizes its stuck. "Um can you let go please?" She asks "Um i can't let go" Miles said as he tried to pull it out "Don't pull man you'll make it worse" Spike thinks to himself as he continues to watch. " Ow ow ow. Calm down it's fine" she says as she try's to pull it out but ended pulling herself closer to him, more students had started to notice "Miles let go" She tells "working on it, its just puberty" he responds as he tries but she gets pulled around "I don't think you know what puberty is" She says annoyed as even more students noticed the situation and were laughing. " Just relax" She tells him...which interested spike as he has to relax himself in order to let go of stuff that he's stuck to making him wonder if she knows about what happened. "Okay i have a plan" he tells her "Great" She responds "I'm going to pull REALLY hard on three" he tells her which makes spike groan quietly "Nohohoho" Spike thinks to himself as he watches the scene continue. "That's a terrible plan" She tells him which makes Spike agree with her. " One" Miles counts "don't to this" She warns "Two" He continues "Three! She finishes as she flips him over miles screams as we cut to a bathroom spike is outside the door with just a sad expression, we then cut to the girl shaving the piece of hair off her and miles finally lets go "Nice to meet you?" he asks "Sure... Total pleasure" She says obviously angry as she has his hand mark on her hair. Miles then walks away with spike carefully following, Gwen leaves too but her senses go off and she turns around, she then barely makes out spike following him which makes her what was that. He then continues and notices miles is really stressed out which makes him relatable as he felt the same way. "Why are all of my thoughts?! So loud?!" He asks himself in his mind. "hey! I know you snuck out last night Morales." The tall man says angrily "Act natural dude" Spike tells himself quietly. "Play dumb" Miles mind tells him "Who's Morales?" He asks which makes Spike slap his hand on his head in embarrassment. "Not that dumb!" His miles tells him and he runs off the man chasing Spike running after them, Miles then runs into a room locking the door. "Your okay, He'll never find you.." he then notices a portrait oh him and friends" No..." Miles thinks disappointed The man named Salas is seen walking down the hall, students points to the room he entered and Spike is closely behind. Miles try's to escape but his hand gets stuck to the door "What are you doing in my office Morales?! he asks angrily " Miles open up!" he orders as he tries to open the door. Miles then hits a door which plays Christmas themed spider music. Why is this happening?!" He asks himself as he tries to get his hands off his shirt The students and Spike look at the man with weird faces as they heard the music. "What kind of weird music is in this world?" Spike asks himself as he listens to the song "Hey he's got a nice voice..." he says trying to draw away the attention. Spike decides to uses his phase powers and phases through the wall and sees Miles flying around the room, he then freaks out as he falls out the window and looks down to see him stuck to the wall much to his relief. "Keep sticking miles!" He tells himself as he walks on the walls Spike Sticks to the walls and follows him making sure he doesn't get hurt, Some birds then fly by him and two get stuck to him and they peck at him trying to get him to let him go, Spike barely avoided them as he continues to follow him. Miles slams against multiple windows comedically, Gwen is seen rubbing her hair but she looks up and sees miles on the wall "Okay..." She says as she wonders what's happening there Miles eventually goes into another room "My room!" miles says as he finally gets the pigeons off him Spike watching from the window still invisible. A comic book then falls on his face. "They have comics here too? Should check them out at some point" Spike tells himself as he watches the scene go down Miles then looks at the comic and notices the stuff that happened to him is the same thing as the person in the comics. "There can't be two Spiderman... can there?" Miles thinks to himself with a shocked face. We then see a comic drop on the screen titled " The Two Spider man" as another comic with the name "Spider Dragon" with a mystery figure on the cover is seen right nest to it. Miles is seen running through the sidewalk and Spike is running right behind making sure he doesn't lose him. He tries to call his uncle but he doesn't answer. " It was just a normal Spider and i'm a normal kid!" He tells himself, he then almost gets hit by a car and to everyone's surprise he leaps over the car and lands on his feet unharmed people then cheer for him and he runs off. "That's just like what happened to me..." Spike thinks to himself as he continues running after him Later that night, Miles went looking for answers with Spike following right behind... a comic panel is seen as we cut to a train Miles is seen on his phone trying to call his dad, Spike is just a few feet away in an open space making sure his coat completely covered him. Miles then steps out of the train and spike stepping out too and making sure he's a good distance away. He sees miles go back the same path he and his uncle were last night and follows him knowing where this is going. "I have to talk to him, even if he freaks out i need to help him out with this..." Spike thinks to himself as he continues We find ourselves back in the same room as we were before. " I can't let him continue doing this alone" Spike then decides to speak up "Hey kid." Spike says scarring the crap out of miles and he freaks out and flashes the light on him holding a spray painting can. "Who are you?!" he asks obviously terrified. "I'm not going to hurt you! I'm just here to help you!" Spike tells him with his hood still one raising his arms up showing he's unarmed "Who are you?" Miles asks once "Promise me you won't freak out..." Spike asks him "What?" He asks confused "Promise me you won't freak out? Spike asks again getting ready to show his face, but he feels his senses off and Miles's goes off as well, they then look at each other "Your like me..." they both said at once "Who are you/" Miles asks once again "Like i said before... please... don't... freak...out" Spike says quietly as he takes off his hood, Miles gasps and he drops his can in utter shock in what he's seeing. "Your... your...!" He says about to scream but Spike covers his mouth. "I know! i'm not like your kind... If you calm down i'll explain everything, We don't want anyone to hear us!" Spike tells him trying to keep things quiet, Miles then nods as Spike lowers his hand but miles is still obviously freaked out "my name is Spike, I got sucked into a portal that dropped me into this world" he begins to explain " Are you... a dragon?!" Miles asks as he observed him still freaked out "Yes, i know its really scary, considering my kind doesn't exist in this world, but i promise you i won't hurt you" Spike says truthfully. "How did you get here?" Miles asks "Got sucked into a portal after an earthquake in my home, ended up here a few days ago, i've been following you after you got bitten by THAT" Spike says as he points at the Spider. "You got bitten by this same Spider?" Miles asks as they look at it "Yes I've been following you since you got bitten, i made sure to stay out of sight to make sure nothing bad happens" Spike explains Miles then finally calms down. "I can't believe i'm talking to a real dragon, and the dragon can talk to me..." Miles said as he still is processing this. "I know it's hard to believe... But it's true, i got bitten by this same spider just a few days ago, and i think we may have similar ability's" Spike suggested "What makes you think that?" Miles asks as he looks at Spike "Same Spider, similar ability's" Spike says "so are you a Spider Dragon then?" Miles asks as he looks at the spider some more. "Spider dragon? Is that like what you call your hero Spider Man here?" Spike asks and miles only nods. "I guess so then... But what makes me worried is how this spider got from my world to this one..." Spike says as he looks the spider some more. "You think the spider would disappear by this point but it hasn't" Miles says and he nods in agreement, they both get surprised and freak out when they see the spider glitching and they back away in fear. "That was just like back at home..." Spike says terrified Miles was about to ask what happened but they then heard a noise just down the hall, Spike and Miles look at each other and Spike puts his finger on his lips telling him to be quiet, Miles nods in understanding as they both continue further. They quietly walk through the hall, they then notice a strange looking container, they're senses then go off again hurting their head "Why is this happening to us?" They both ask in their heads and the senses fades away, miles then finds a curtain and they both enter "What is this place?" Spike whispers "It looks like a lab..." Miles whispers back, they're senses then go off again hurting their heads and they hear multiple voices, they then hear the words " look out" and eyes widen in realization as the words" Look out can be seen in the back. Spike and Miles jump out of the way as the wall then shatters and they see a giant monster fighting someone! "Norman listen to me, i cant let you open a portal into another dimension! Brooklyn is not zoned for that!" the guy says trying to talk to him "Spider man?" Miles asks "That's Spider Man?" Spike asks shocked at what he was seeing. "It's not up to me" the monster tells him. "is that Green Goblin?!" Miles asks "That's a goblin?!?! Spike asks terrified, they then see them continue to fight. "Why won't you quit?!" the Goblin asks him trying to attack him "Guess i don't like the idea of Brooklyn being sucked into a Black Hole!" Spider Man responds "Black Hole?!" Spike asks himself horrified of the thought. "I think we need to go" Miles tells Spike and he agrees and they both try to escape "Staten Island maybe, But not Brooklyn" Spider man tells him as they continue to fight. A crane then flies towards them holding a piece of equipment Spike and Miles both get pinned down and they both freak out as it starts to pull them in "Oh no!" Spike says as they both get pulled in the area, the crane then falls down and they land on the ground "Come on!" Spike says as they both try to get out of the place, they hide under a crater but the monster picks it up and throws it at Spider Man Spike and Miles both try to run for the exit but immediately stop as they almost fall of a ledge "Whoa!" They both shout as they see the room. "What is this place?" They both ask at once as they see two strange devices in the large room, Spider man and Goblin both come into the room knocking them both down and spider man swings off somewhere. Spike and Miles both scream as they fall, Spider Man's senses go off and sees them falling and swings off to save them, Before they landed on the goblin Spider man grabs them both and they look up to see Spider man saved them, he then sets them down on a nearby ground, he then looks at Miles "You know your shoes are untied?" He asks as he and spike both look down at them, he then looks at spike and his eyes widen "Are you?!" He asks scarred as he saw a dragon in front of him "I'm not gonna hurt anyone! just got dragged here too." Spike says as he raises his hands, all they're senses go off and he looks at them. Huh, i thought i was the only one, you both are like me"... he tells them. "We don't want to be" Miles tells him and spike nods in agreement "I'm afraid you both don't have a choice, you two stick around and i can show you the ropes" He offers before he looks at Spike. "Huh? a Spider Dragon... never thought I'd ever meet a dragon in general... But a Spider dragon? that's something special" he says as looks at Spike. "You probably should" Spike says as he points at the device as it begins to activate "Your right gotta save the space time continuum before it collapses , stay here both of you i'll be right back" he says before swinging off. Spider man had tried to stop the machine but someone in a purple armored suit showed up and stopped him Miles and Spike watching it in awe, green goblin joins back in and they watch in horror as they see him be pinned down, someone named Kingpin comes into the room and the scientists get ready to turn on the machine "It's an amazing deal your gonna love it" He says with a sinister smile before the device fires terrifying both of them "What is he doing?!" Spike asks horrified. The entire city begins to shake as building begin to glitch, the platform their on falls down and they grab onto a pole hoping not to fall and they continue to watch in horror. "Norm what's your take on head trauma?" he asks before a block then hits him on the head "Tried to warn you pal," before he swings back to the top trying to stop the device goblin then gets up and grabs him and shoves him into the portal "Goblin no! get him out of there!" kingpin orders but goblin doesn't listen, peter then sees what looks like the multiverse through his eyes, the device then overloads and there is a huge explosion from the building up top multiple lights being seen flying as the power knocks out for a second before coming back on. Miles and Spike are seen on the ground and they groan as they get up "Miles you okay?" Spike asks "yeah are you?" he asks Spike and he only nods, they then see Spider man on the ground under some ruble, Spike and Miles quickly get the ruble off him "Are you okay?!" they both ask worried. "Yeah yeah i'm fine i'm fine, I always get back up" He says before he coughs. "the coughing's probably not a good sign" he says weakly "dude, your hurt we need to get you out of here" Miles says "no if kingpin turns on the collider again, Brooklyn is done for" he tells them "There's a time for everything, coming back into the fight now would be suicide, you have something to help us shut it down?" Spike asks "Yeah i have this goober..." he says before he holds out a broken device to all their shock "no..." He says horrified, they then hear voices nearby. "We need to get you out of here now! We can fix this later ,come one!" Spike says as picks gets up Spider man and they get out of the scene. Kingpin and his men arrive where he fell. "Where is he?!" He asks furious, they then hear a piece of metal fall and they look up and see spike carrying Spider Man and Miles and they both run away "Kill those guys" he orders the Prowler, and he chases after them. Spike and Miles hurry out of the area and they see the Prowler chasing them "Come on!" Spike shouts as he punches the gate from before down completely shocking Miles at his strength, and they run into the subway, they look back and see the Prowler's almost caught them, Spike then gets an idea and turns around. "Brace yourself!" he tells them both and they cover they're faces as they realize what he's about to do Spike then breathes a large cloud of green fire at the Prowler surprising him greatly as he ducks out of the way and Spike and Miles get farther away, before they could leave the tunnel they hear a horn sound and their eyes widen as they see a train about to hit them! Spike and Miles barely jump out of the way before the train hits them, they then get out of the area with Spike still carrying Spider man, as the train passes the Prowler is seen looking at the stairs they ran, he then gets a motorcycle and chases down the street on the hunt for them, Spike and Miles and Spiderman are near a hidden construction wall and they make their way to a rooftop with Spike still carrying Spider Man, and some guys are looking at a glitched street light. "Yeah i think its a Banksy" One of them says > 4: Answers And Aunt May > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike, Miles, and Spider man were on a high rooftop and Spike was helping patch him up, "There, just take it easy for a little and you'll be ready in to time" Spike said as he finished helping him. "Thank you, both of you, you really saved me back there... I'm Peter Parker, Please keep this name a secret" He said as he took off his mask revealing his face. "You saved us, it's only right we do the same" Miles said with a smile, they all then looked at a view of the city. "I'm not in my home any more thats for sure..." Spike said sadly. "Your not from here right?" Peter asked "yeah, got sucked into a portal after an earthquake like the one that just happened, my entire home almost glitched out like what happened..." Just as Spike said that his body then glitched itself shocking the both of them and Spike screamed in distorted pain before it stops "And that's been happening for the last couple days, it may be because i don't belong here" Spike said with heavy breathes. "Do you have a place to stay?" Miles asks. "No... been sleeping on the rooftops because i don't wanna freak anyone out." Spike says as he looks at the city sadly "I know a place you can stay at until we find away to get you home" Peter offers. "really?" Spike asks surprised "Course! You saved me and helped us get away from the Prowler, i should do my best to repay your kindness" Peter says with a smile. "Thank you Peter, I'm Spike, just wanted to make sure you both knew for sure" Spike tells them "Miles Morales" Miles offers his hand and he shakes it. "Nice to have a couple friends here" Spike says gratefully. After that they all then look at each other "So you guys need help being shown the ropes right? I've been doing this for 10 years, I'd be glad to help" Peter offers "I think we'd both like that, i think we should meet up at a later time though i need some time to think.." Miles says while looking at them, they look confused for a moment before they nod in understanding "You got a phone number?" Peter asks miles and he nods, they then exchange numbers before putting their phones away. "Alright, lets meet up back here tomorrow morning, Spike come with me." He tells the group and they agree and leave, Spike and Peter head to where peter wants to go while miles heads back to school. With Spike and Peter Peter and Spike were walking in a small neighborhood and they were both awkwardly quiet, Peter then decided to start up a conversation "So... What's your home like?" Peter asks Spike "Well given by what you've seen of me, I can tell you it's basically a place where mythical creatures in this world are real" Spike explains bluntly "So like... Dragons, Unicorns, gryphons and other things like that?" Peter guesses "Yeah pretty much... so you've been doing this for ten years?" Spike asks "Yeah, been doing a great job in balancing it out between being a photographer and a hero' Peter says with a smile, Spike then begins to look down "What's wrong?" Peter asks concerned "I just vanished from my home after Twilight told me to take care of it while she and her friends went to discuss with the royals about all the glitched buildings that happened, I'm supposed to be helping them by being there, but im not" Spike says sadly "I know it's not your fault, but you will be able to help them for when we stop the collider and save not just my world but yours as well" Peter says as he try's to cheer him up. "Really?" Spike asks. "Yeah, but we can't save our homes if we're ready to give up, come on! were almost at the place i need us to go." Peter says as he walks a little faster and Spike follows behind. We end up in front of a small pleasant looking house and Spike looks at it confused. "This is the place?" Spike asks "Yep, let me do the talking okay?" Peter tells him and Spike only nods as they walk up to the door with spike behind peter, Peter then knocks on the door. "Aunt may? Its me Peter, I've got a new friend that needs our help" Peter says, "Does this person help you out with being Spider Man?" Spike asks and peter nods "Aunt may knows how to do things" Peter says with a smile, the door then opens revealing an elderly woman. "Peter! So good to see you!" She says as she gives him a hug, she then notices how roughed up he is. "Rough night?" She asks concerned "Wouldn't have gotten out of there if it wasn't for my new friend" Peter tells her as he points behind him "Who is this "Friend" of yours Peter?" She asks. "Please don't freak out" they both say at once, Peter then moves out of the way, and her eyes widen in shock as she saw a dragon on her front door. "Are you...?" She asks as she observes him. "A dragon? Yeah, please don't freak out, i know this sounds crazy but i think i'm from." Spike begins to explain "An alternate dimension..." they both say at once and Spikes eyes widen as she knows about this "You seen this kind of thing before?" Spike asks and she nods as she knows about this stuff. "May, he needs a place to stay and help being a Spider man... or Spider dragon in this case, i know it's a bit much to ask but.." Peter is then interrupted "He saved you, and that's enough for me, come in before someone sees you!" She says as she drags them in. We then cut to the living room as Spike and Peter are on the couch and May brings him a cup of tea and Spike happily takes it. "So how long ago were you bitten?" May asks as she sits on a chair "Bout 3 days ago. Ended up here after an earthquake like the one that happened this night" Spike explains as he drinks the tea "This is really good" Spike says with a smile "Thank you" She responds Peter then decides to asks. "So other then the powers i have, is there any other powers you've gotten?" He asks as they both look at him "Well, I can phase through objects, turn invisible, organic taser webs, and night vision and Infrared vision" He lists and they look shocked.. "You have organic webs?" Peter asks surprised. "You don't?" Spike asks confused "No i have to use these web shooters" Peter says as he shows a device on his wrist "Could probably need something like that later" Spike says as he looks at the device. "I'll show you a place where i work, but right now we need to decide on how to fix this..." Peter says as he pulls out the device from earlier. "How'd you get it earlier?" Spike asks "Had to steal it from Alchamex as they were the ones who made the collider" Peter explains. "So that means you two have to re steal the information again" May suggests "Yeah, but in order to do that we need to help you prepare Spike" Peter tells him and Spike nods in agreement "Follow me" May tells them and they follow her. We then see what looks like a small shed with a lock "A shed?" Spike asks confused "Just wait for it." Peter says with a smile, may then uses a key and unlocks and the door suddenly becomes a high tech door and opens with a bright light, May then motions them to follow and Spike follow in awe and Peter has a smile. They then lower down an elevator and lights come on and Spike is amazed as he sees multiple spider themed gear "If your gonna be a hero, gotta have a secret base" Peter says with a smile "This is unbelievable!" Spike says in awe and amazement , the elevator finally stops and multiple suits can be seen as they reveal themselves and Spike looks at them in amazement. "Take your pick" Peter tells him as he gestures to the suits "What?" Spike asks shocked at what he was told "Take your pick, i said i should repay my dept. so giving you a suit and helping you train is something im gonna do" Peter says with a smile "Your letting me take on of these?!" Spike asks amazed and Peter and May merely nod with smiles. Spike then looks at each one until he notices a particular one that is metal has gold, black and dark red colors. ( The infinity war iron spider suit) "Ah the Nano Armor, that's one of my best works, great choice!" Peter says as he walks up to him "You sure your letting me take on of these?" Spike asks once again in awe and peter nods. "Lets make this suit to your liking and show you the ropes tomorrow with Miles " Peter says with a smile "Awesome!" Spike says amazed that he gets a super suit! Back with miles, he was sitting at the park as he needed time to think to himself He looks at the sky and sighs "How am i gonna live up to being Spider man? I never wanted this to happen but.. I don't think i have a choice" Miles says as he looks down at the ground someone begins to walk up to him without him knowing " I wish i had someone to help me with this" Miles whispers and the stranger is right behind him "Hey kid.." The guy says, Miles then freaks out and he suddenly shocks the guy's nerve system and he goes flying into the snow, and a line of web grabs Miles dragging him right behind, "What the.." Miles says surprised, his senses then goes off and he sees he has a spider suit on, along with web shooters, Miles then realizes he looks almost exactly like Peter Parker! "Who are you?" He asks as we zoom out to a comic book panel, we zoom out further to what looks like the multiverse and we begin to go back into Spike's dimension. > Interlude: Earth (Equestria) 10102010 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot was in a really wild place right now. Countless ponies were terrified of the earthquake that had just recently happened, multiple ponies had put tapes across the glitched houses and trees warning others not to go there. Twilight and her friends had just arrived and looked around with worry. "Man that earthquake really did a number on this place..." Applejack said scarred as she looked around "I wonder if the same thing happened in the other kingdoms" Rainbow dash thought which the others nodded in agreement. " I don't think that was just an earthquake girls i think it was something much worse.." Twilight said with worry as she and the others continued for the castle. They had reached the castle gates where Celestia and Luna were waiting. "Twilight! I'm so happy you made it!" Celestia said with relief "We came as soon as we got the letter" Twilight reported and the others bowed in respect. Luna then looked at the group and realized that someone was missing. "Where's spike? Shouldn't he be here too?" She asked worried "I asked him to stay and help the other villagers back at ponyville, i just wanted him to keep everyone safe" She said a little sad that she couldn't bring him. Celestia and Luna sadly nodded in understanding. "He should have come either way, i still wondered how he looks now that he's grown from the letter you told me, but i can pass by that" Celestia told her still a little disappointed "I'm sure he'll be fine, he can handle himself right?" Rarity asked nervously but rainbow dash, A J, and twilight looked at each other worried. "I don't know, he seemed a little stressed out about the whole growth spurt thing maybe something else to, he was about to tell me something before the earthquake happened" Twilight said worried. "We'll have to talk about that later, but i think it's best you all come with us" Celestia said as she gestures the group to follow them. They all walk down the town and see multiple other things that have still glitched out and the others looked at them sadly "What or who could've caused this?" Rainbow dash asks scared "We may have found a solution to find out what it was" Luna told them and they're eyes widen. "Who was it then?" Rarity asked concerned "We need twilight's help with her magic to find that out" Celestia explained. They then arrived in the center of a town where a large tree that had glitched out is seen. "What do you need my help with?" Twilight asked "We need you to help provide enough magic to track the source, we may just find out what caused it" Luna explained "Twilight we need you to focus your magic with us on this tree, we may be able to use a spell strong enough to see what happened, it's important all of you should be present " Celestia told them and they all nodded in understanding. Everypony in town had gathered around to see what had happened as they wanted to know as well, Twilight Celestia and Luna began to focus their magic as the tree began to glitch again, it then started to create a cloud around the village and they all tried to keep focus "we've almost got it come on!" Celestia said as she almost had it done, they had enough magic and the spell worked they could see a clear image in front of them and they could see something. "Alright lets see what's going on" Twilight said as everypony had came to watch, the image then focused and they all gasped as they saw someone familiar "Spike?!" They all shouted shocked, they tried to call to him but he didn't hear them. "Why can't he hear us?" Twilight asked "It's a vision spell, we are only seeing what he can apparently, he might have the answer we need" Luna said and they continue to watch. "Sidelined again" Spike said sadly as they saw him walk back to the tree "He still must be sad about us having to leave him behind again" Twilight said sadly. "so that's what he looks like now he's grown a little" Celestia said curiously, they then hear spike speak again. "And that's how it started, left behind again to take care of another adventure while i stay at home, i thought i would be able to help now that i've grown, but she still treats me like a kid, i know its just to keep me safe, but i still wish i could've come, but i guess i deserve it after i didn't tell her about what happened the yesterday" The main 6 all raise their eyebrows wondering what that meant "Does he have a secret he's not telling us?" Celestia asked, fortunately the image then changed to what happened as they see spike laying down a tree looking up at the sky. "Is this how i'm gonna be, sidelined over and over while they all go on adventures, I was told to go to sleep while they all saved Equestria, What if more and more attacks happen and I won't be strong enough to help them? Will i just be on the sidelines forever?" The memory of spike said and they all looked down sadly as they knew he was right. "He did only want to help, but we pushed him away, it was for his safety, but we never thought about what he felt" Twilight said sadly and they all tried to comfort her, but their eyes widen as they see something "Is that... a spider?" Rainbow dash asked worried, Spike had his eyes closed as it crawled on his hand Spike and everyone gasped as they saw it had bitten him, Spike then proceeded to pass out and they all look in horror, but it soon turns to confusion as they see a portal appear where the spider was and it disappeared. "Where'd it go?" Rarity asked, the others merely shook their heads not knowing. "So it wasn't just a growth spurt after all." Twilight said shocked. "I thought it was a regular spider, but i was wrong" They here spike's voice once again and we see him after he left the farm "This must be where he went after the farm" Applejack suggested, they all look on with fascination and horror as they saw Spike having incredible strength then normal, and look even more shocked when he shot a spider web out of his hand, and that hand PHASED through a tree! we then cut to earlier as they saw him struggling to get his hand off the bathroom sink and he got stuck to the wall. "Oh come on!" Spike shouts and they all feel a little bad for him. "It must have given him powers" Luna said as they continue to watch. "I had to clean up the house for almost the rest of the day as it was a mess after the earthquake" Spike says as they watch him clean up the place "At least he knows how to handle the place on his own even when stressed" Twilight said with a little smile. "After that i decided to test them out and make a list and see what else i have, i had a few extra things, night vision, infrared, and invisibility" Spike's voice says and they all watch in amazement as they see him test out each power. "he's like a power pony!" Rainbow dash says with a smile. "I got the hang of the basics it was amazing, it felt like i was a real power pony!" They hear him say and rainbow dash chuckles as she just said that. "I was deciding on what kind of costume i should make if i was gonna be a hero i needed a suit, but before i went to bed that night, something weird happened" They hear him say and their eyes widen at that. "And i know that means kind of stupid to say because EVERYTHINGS weird her in Equestria but this was REALLY weird" He finishes as they see Spike about to go to sleep but gasp in horror as a portal opens in the room. " GET OUT OF THERE SPIKE!!" They all shout horrified, they all look confused as they see multiple people in masks but gasp as they see him get sucked in the portal " OH CRAAAP!" Spike shouts as he grabs a large coat and gets sucked in leaving everything to become a mess... again... "SPIKE!!!" Everyone shouts horrified "What happened to him?!" Twilight asks horrified "I have a feeling we're about to find out" Celestia said as they watched. They see spike falling through a dimensional space and freak out when they see his body glitch out "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!" Spike shouts as they see him go into another portal, they all then see a large building explode in a huge city with multiple lights being seen flying away. "What is that place?" Luna asked amazed "I don't know i've never seen anything like it" Celestia looks on with worry, they all see spike hit a strange pole and goes around it fast enough for the sun and moon to spin backwards 7 times and he finally lands on a rooftop. "I was blown an entire week into the past based on the amount of times the sun and moon went backwards, but i was somewhere else" They hear him say and they all watch in horror as they realize he's NOT in Equestria, "I was not in Equestria anymore that's for sure, you wanna know what happens next?" They then what looks like a comic book land on the screen with the title" Spider Dragon" with a mystery figure on it, which confused them about that name "Spider Dragon?" They all asked confused. "Yeah me too!" They hear spike finish his narration and they see him looking around in shock. "Is spike like a comic book hero or something?" Rainbow dash asked "We're in for an interesting story that's for sure" Celestia said curiously as they all watched They then see what happened the next few days, they gasped in horror when they saw his body glitch from time to time, they see spike steal what was called a " Music Player" That had 5000 songs on it apparently , even though they hated it when someone stole something, that was a reasonable reason as they had nothing like that here. "It's amazing on what that world has" Twilight said amazed "Lucky" Everyone said a little jealous They see spike on a rooftop at night looking sad as he looks through the music player. he then selects a song called "Creep" by Radiohead and they all listen to it, Spike then cry's as he listens to the lyrics as they perfectly described his situation im how he felt, and they all felt really bad for him as they knew it perfectly fitted the situation. They see him watch miles and his uncle talk about his dad and they all feel a little sad knowing he must be having trouble with him "That's something we can all have" Fluttershy said sadly and they all agreed and watched, they see the scene where miles gets his hand stuck in Gwen's hair and cringe as they see the aftermath "Nice to meet you?" Miles asks "Sure... total pleasure" Gwen says obviously mad "We'd all be that mad if that happened to our hair" Rarity said with a huff. They see Spike follow miles through the school hallway and see someone go in front of miles. "Hey! I know you snuck out last night morales" The man says mad "Act natural dude!" They see spike say quietly and nod in agreement "Play dumb" They see a comic panel with the words on it "Who's morales?" He asks and spike slaps his face in embarrassment "not that dumb!" They see more panels pop up and laugh heavily as they see that. "That's actually funny" Rainbow dash says laughing. They see miles run into a room and he looks around the office "He'll never find you here" They all then notice the panel and groan in realization "No..." He says disappointed making them laugh even more. They see miles try to escape but his hand gets stuck everywhere, they then look confused as they hear the weirdest music they've ever heard. "What kind of weird music does this world have?" They hear spike ask and they all laugh as they thought that as well We cut to him meeting miles and they look at the spider and their eyes widen as they remember that spider was the one who bit him. "So you were bitten by this same spider?" They see miles ask "Apparently, but the real question was how it got here" Spike says as he looks at it as well They all watch them trying to escape the battle with Green Goblin and they watch in horror and awe as they saw the comic book like affects in battle "This looks like it would be an awesome movie" Rainbow dash says and they all nod in agreement, we then get to the part where the collider activates and they all widen as they finally got they're answer about the earthquake. "So it was this" Kingpin" Who caused this mess!" Luna said as she was furious. "Let's hope he gets what's coming to him, if not we... will... give... him... it!!" Celestia said furious the others really mad as well. They all see Spike and Miles try to get Spider Man out of the area but gasp in horror as the bad guys see them "Kill those guys" Kingpin orders and they're eyes widen in horror, they then see the Prowler chase them, getting chills as they hear his chilling theme song play. They watch as Spike and Miles barely escape but are still nervous as they see the Prowler chase after them with his theme song playing as he gets his motorcycle in a comic book panel like style. They sigh in relief as they see that they were out of his sight. "Yeah i think it's a Banksy" A person says and they laugh as a few pony's said the same thing back here. They see Spike Miles and Peter talk for a bit and they all cut to see Spike and Peter at his aunt's place, and watch as they enter Peters lab and sees peters multiple suits "He's a great designer" Rarity says with a smile. "Take your pick" He tells Spike and they all gasp in excitement. "Your letting me have one of these?" Spike asks amazed "I said i would repay my debt, and that means giving you a suit and showing you the ropes" Peter says with a smile and they all know he's someone to trust. They see spike pick a specific suit that is gold, red, and black. "Ah the Nano Armor! that's one of my best works, great choice!" Peter says with a smile. "Nano armor?" Twilight asks amazed "You sure i can take this" Spike asks amazed and peter nods with a smile "My very own Super Suit!" Spike says excitedly, and they all look amazed at this. "He really is gonna become a super hero!" Rainbow dash says excitedly the others amazed as well. "And he remembers my words with great power comes great responsibility, and we've seen him be responsible outside of stealing that music player..., aside from that i think he'll make a great one." Twilight says with a smile "I think he'll be a great help for when he gets home to help stop future invasions" Celestia said with a smile "You sure though, he still is very young" Luna asks concerned for his safety with twilight nodding as she realized and was worried as well. "He may be young, but he will gain more experience with each passing day, i'm positive he'll be able to handle things with us" Celestia says assuring them. They all see the vision and see miles in the park alone wearing a costume he bought at a store. "How am i gonna live up to being Spider man, i don't want this, but i don't have a choice..." Miles says sadly and they all nod sadly agreeing as they know he may not be ready for this, they then see someone walk up behind him and their eyes widen in shock "I wish someone could help me with this" Miles says with his eyes closed, the stranger then comes up behind him "Hey kid..." They see the man say, but miles freaks out and shocks his entire nerve system making they all "Oooh" In pain as they saw that" "That's gotta hurt" Luna says feeling bad for him and they all nod. They're eyes realize as they realize he looks like that worlds peter parker as he has a spider suit on! They see miles senses go off and they realizes he may be the same as him "Who are you?" Miles asks with them wondering the same thing. We see the screen zoom out to a comic book page and they realize they're about to get their answer. > 5: New Suit and Peter B Parker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Peter were in the lab making the adjustments to Spike's new suit. "Alright Spike, this armors special, it will instantly adapt to your body and it will become like what you look, meaning that it will instantly adapt to your body and will adjust to what your skills are." Peter explained "So basically when i put this one, it will adjust over my body and will be easier for me to use" Spike asks trying to understand. "Yep, ready to try it on?" Peter asks and spike nods in excitement, Spike put on the piece of metal and it began to spread over his body, his green spine and underbelly had become gold, the back and tail of his body had a mix in of red and black, and the spider symbol appeared on his chest and the mask finally covers his face and his eyes glow blue with black outlines as they finish adapting. Spike looked at himself in the mirror in amazement, 4 stingers then came out of his back making it complete. " This is so cool!!" Spike said as he begins to move around "Wanna give the Suit some tests?" Peter asks and spike only nods. We cut to a training montage where Spike is trying out his new suit. We see him using his senses and beat down multiple thugs at once We see him adjusting the stingers into rocket backpack and he flies in the holographic room at supersonic speeds. "Rainbow dash, you may finally have a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!" Spike says as he flies around, Peter raises his eyebrow as he recognized that line. "Has he seen Kung Fu panda?" Peter asks. We see spike try out a new feature on his stingers and with a motion they turn into laser swords! Spike uses them to cut through dozens of metal boxes in less then a minute and he whoops in excitement. We see spike trying to use his phasing powers to escape a secure cage, and he manages to do it as he activates it on command. Spike accidently gets his leg caught in the bar and falls down but gives a thumbs up "I'm good!" He says muffled on the ground. We then cut back to the living room, it's around 11:00 pm and Spike is on the couch still amazed at what he just did. "That was awesome!" Spike said laughing with peter as they were watching some tv "Hey, were gonna be web shooting tomorrow so best get ready for that." Peter says with a smile. But the celebration is soon cut short as Spike begins glitching out in pain again, it's like that for a while but he soon stops he and Aunt May check to see if he's okay. "We need to start finding out how to get you home, this may get worse if you stay here longer" May says worried. "She's right, we need to find out where to fix this, i wonder where Miles is?" Peter asks, but just then his phone rings and conveniently it is from miles "Hello?" Peter answers "Hey, um can you come meet me at my uncle's place within the next half hour or so? there's someone i need you to meet, i'll send you his address meet me there please?" Miles says as he sounds really tired. "Who is this guy?" Peter asks curiously "The person i need you to meet is... you" He answers before the phone cuts off possibly for dramatic affect. "What?" They all ask at once. "Alright spike come with me, I'll trace where this call was, May stay here, if any other Spider people show up or something just let them in and help them out as well okay?" Peter asks and may nods in understanding "Be careful Peter" May says worried, Peter only gives her a hug "Don't worry i will." Peter says as he lets go "Spike you ready?" Peter asks and Spike nods with a thumbs up, They then both run out of the house Spike holding onto peter as he swings to where Miles asks them to be. a few minutes earlier... "Who are you?" Miles asks as the camera zooms out into a comic panel. "Alright everyone lets do this one last time" a voice narrates while a comic called " The Amazing Spider man is on the others. "My name is Peter B Parker, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 22 years i thought i was the one and only Spider Man" we see him on a rooftop with a newspaper and some coffee. "What a day" He says tired. "I'm pretty sure you know the rest" We then see a montage of his life. " You see i saved the city, fell in love, got married, saved the city some more maybe to much" As we see him fighting thugs, then he gets hit by a bus " My marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices" We see peter and MJ on the bed but peter is on the floor, and peter is seen on the wall blowing away some money from an ad on tv. "Don't invest in a Spider Themed restaurant" We see a closed restaurant as peter is outside reading a newspaper saying" TGI Spidey's is disguising. " Then like 15 years pass, blah blah blah, super boring. I broke my back We see peter break his back as he lands on the floor " A drone flew into my face" We then see him swinging around drinking some coffee but a drone hits him making him lose it and fall. "I buried my aunt may" We then see him at a graveyard super depressed as he drops a shovel as he is upset. My wife and i... Split up" We see peter sign a divorce paper as they look away from each other upset. "But i handled it like a champion!" we see him in his super suit crying in the shower as he was depressed about the break up. " Cause you know what no matter how many times i get hit i always get back up" We see him slouching with his face on his bed as he hears his phone ring. "And i got a lot of time to reflect and work on myself, did you know seahorses mate for life? can you imagine a seahorse seeing another seahorse and they make it work?" We see him watching a documentary that is talking about seahorses and his eyes widen in amazement. "She wanted kids and... it scarred me" We see peter hang up on MJ and he looks down depressed even more. "I'm pretty sure i broke her heart" He says sadly. " Flash forward i'm doing pushups, ab crunches getting strong" We then see him laying down on his bed eating an entire pizza. "When this weird thing happened" We see some particles start to appear on the ceiling "And i gotta say weird things happen to me a lot but this was REALLY weird" His voice becomes disoriented as he finishes it, the portal opens up and peter looks at it and tries to eat the pizza but it glitches out, peter then sees multiple people in masks as he has a vision. He then starts to get sucked in, he grabs his mask and tries to grab the pizza but the portal closes and the pizza hits the ceiling and everything falls down and the pizza falls on the floor. Peter is then seen flying through a dimensional space as his screams are disoriented and he glitches as he puts his suit on and he falls into another portal, we then see the same image of the building exploding and he is seen flying through the sky, he hits multiple building before he slams on one sign and falls on a rooftop. "You see i was in New York but things were different, i then saw a kid and what looks like a large purple and green lizard guy carrying an unconscious dude on his back" He then looks down and he sees Spike and Miles making his way towards the rooftop. "I followed the kid after they split up and you wanna know what happened?" He asks and we see him get his nerve system get shocked again and he is knocked out "Me too." He finishes the narration "I better call peter and tell him about this" Miles tells himself as he gets his phone "Hello?" Peter is on the other side of the phone. "Hey peter can you meet me at my uncle's place in like half an hour or so? There's someone i need you to meet i'll send you his address" Miles says as he looks down at the similar looking peter "Who? Peter asks curious "The person i want you to meet is... you" He then hangs up the phone. "Best to have some dramatic effect" Miles says with a smug, he then picks up Peter B and heads to his uncles place as he wasn't there for a while. Spike and Peter then arrive at where miles asked them to be and they see him outside the window "Alright miles what did you want us to see?" Peter asks curious with spike wanting to know as well. " See for yourself" Miles points into the room, they then look and eyes widen as they see another guy who looks almost exactly like peter parker "What is this?" Peter asks shocked at what he was seeing "Alternate dimension version of you i guess" Spike says as he looks shocked as well. "Looks really beat up" Peter says as they look at his face with bruises and a black eye. We then cut to peter b waking up as he was tired and tied up to a punching bag. "What was that? kid electrocuted me with his hands." Peter b says in his thoughts as miles is looking at him in the costume he bought, his senses then goes off and he realizes he's like him. "Huh, your like me" He says slightly shocked "I've got some questions Peter b then tries to escape but couldn't as he was securely tied up. "Why do you look like peter parker?" He asks as he takes off his mask "Because i am Peter Parker" He answers "Then why aren't you sitting on the couch right behind the punching bag with a spider dragon?" Miles asks. "Wait what?" He asks shocked, he then tip toes to move the bag around and sees Peter and Spike on the couch and his eyes widen as he sees Spike "Huh, Spider Dragon? That sounds like a hit story right there" He says with a little smile. "Are you a ghost? Miles asks "No" Peter b says annoyed "Are you a zombie?" Miles asks again "Dude really?" Spike asks with a raised eyebrow "Am i a zombie?" "Not even close" both Peter and Peter b say at once. "Are you from another dimension, like a universe where things are like here? And your spider man in that universe? But somehow fell into this universe but you don't know how?" Miles asks and all their eyes widen in shock "Wow that was really just a guess?" Peter B asks "I thought we already discussed this with me" Spike says a little annoyed. "Learned it in physics" He tells him "Quantum theory" He corrects "This is amazing, you can teach me just like peter said he would. "Before he took on a Spider Dragon to teach?" He asks and they all look a little upset. "Dude you really look like you need to get back in your a game" Spike tells him as he looks at his belly. "Pretty sure you just called me fat" He says a little offended "Look i promised i would help him and get Spike back home" Miles tells him "Yeah well here's lesson number one kid, Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands" He says as his hands raise up and the ropes fall down and he kicks the bag at miles sending him into the door. "Peter seriously..." Miles says but his mouth gets webbed up and Spike rips it off. "Trust me kids this will all make you a better Spider Man..." He says about to swing off but he glitches and falls, Spike's body glitches as well both hurting a lot. "Hey are you okay?" Miles asks peter b "No i'm not" Both Peter B and Spike say at once "What's wrong with your body's?" Miles asks as he watches Peter B get up "I don't think me and that dragons atoms are to jazzed on being in the wrong dimension" He says as he and Spike's body both glitch out in pain again. "Come on man you really look like you need some help with this" Peter tells Peter B as he helps spike to the stairs "Look other me, im not looking for a side gig as a Spider Coach, you look perfectly capable of taking care of both of them "I'm thinking about Miles, but i think you not only can help him better, but he can help you get better" Peter tells him and they look at each other with a surprised face "I got a lot going on in my dimension like a lot" He says trying to get them to go away. "With great power comes great..." Miles is then interrupted "Don't you dare finish that sentence i'm sick of it!" Peter and Spike look at each other and smugly smile "With great responsibility" They both say and that annoys him even more, but the laughter is soon cut off as both Peter B and Spike glitch out even more and they both fall to the ground and Peter b catches a ledge "You okay?" Peter and Miles both ask Spike and he gets up with a thumbs up. "You want my advice go back to being a regular kid and dragon" He tells them "We don't have a choice! Kingpins got a super collider, he's trying to kill us" He tells him. "Wait a second what did you just say?" He asks as he gets up and looks in interest "Kingpin's trying to kill us" Peter tells him again but he ignores it "Who cares about that, where's the collider?" Peter B asks as he walks up the wall to them "Brooklyn, under Fisk Tower" He tells him "Goodbye" He waves and turns around leaving "Where you going" They all ask at once "When the thing turns on, I'll just jump back in and get back to my life, the dragon should probably take that chance to" He says looking back at spike. "My name's Spike Peter" He says annoyed "Whatever" He says "We can't let them run it, we're supposed to destroy it so it never runs again, or everyone's gonna die" He says as he slides down the wall with Spike and Peter walking down "Or everyone's gonna die" Peter B mocks, "That is what they always say, but there is always a little bit of time before everyone dies and that's when i do my best work" He says as he lands on a car. "Aren't you gonna need this?" Peter asks holding out a broken key card but he doesn't see it is "Oh a goober, give it" Peter B tells him "Actually it's a override key" Spike corrects "There's always a bypass key, a virus key, a who cares key, i don't really remember so i just call it a goober, give it "Do you call it a goober" Spike asks and Peter nods. "we need it to destroy the collider" Miles tells him "I need it to go home, that dragon probably does to" Peter B tells them. "It's Spike! You homeless looking fatty" He says annoyed "no, i'm gonna swallow it" Miles says as he takes the thing into the mouth "Dude what are you doing?" Spike asks "What?" He asks confused "I said" But Peter B webs it away from them "Hey!" They all shout. " The collider created a portal that brought me and that dragon here, so i have to get.." He then cuts off as he sees the things broken as he walks up another wall and Spike and Peter follow with miles on the other building. "Did you guys brake this?" He says as he looks at them "No... It broke, we don't remember what happened" They all say at once "See this is why i never have kids" He says annoyed "Can't we make another one" Miles asks "No we can't do anything, thanks to you guys i have to re steal what your Peter stole from Alchemex and make another one of these" He says as he throws the thing to him and Miles catches it and lands on the other building and they all continue walking "If i don't turn off the collider off after you and Spike leave, everyone in this city, my parents, my uncle, this spider man, and millions of others will die "Yeah, not to mention it will probably kill millions in my dimension even if i do leave! the collider happened at the same time in my dimension and will probably go off in mine, and it probably will happen in yours too!" Spike points out and Peter nods in agreement "And your just gonna leave me here to figure this out for ourselves" He asks as a person sees them but passes out as soon as he sees Spike and Spike merely shakes his head in annoyance. "You good with that Spider Man?" They all ask at once. "Yeah" He says as he gets on the rooftop. They all get an idea and go down on they're knees looking down in sadness, Peter B then looks down at them "What are you guys doing?" Peter B asks "Making you feel guilty" Miles and Peter both say "Is it working?" Spike asks and looks up at him "How could it? No. Look at me does it look like it's working?" Peter B says as he stutters "Yes" Spike answered keeping a smug smile hidden "No no it's no..." He then realizes what they're doing and takes a deep breathe He then yells in his elbow. "Ahh! No! No! No! Do not let them win!" Peter then looks at them "Alright guys you win, come on we don't have a second to lose!" He says and they all fist bump with smiles. > 6: Alchemex and BAGEL!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cut to Spike, Miles ,Peter and Peter B in a restaurant, Peter B is munching down on a burger like a wild animal, Spike has his hood on so no one sees his face. "Mmm I love this burger it's so delicious" Peter B says with his mouth full, curious spike tries his burger and to his surprise its actually decent "Not bad," Spike admits as he eats more of it. "In my universe this place closed 6 years ago, i have no idea why" Peter B says as he continues to eat his burger "Probably because this has a C review on most websites, so it may not last much longer" Peter says as he and miles look at him a little disgustedly as he eats it more, the waiter then brings the check on the table but he then looks at Spike and falls unconscious as soon as he sees he's a dragon making them shake their heads. "You guys got money right? I'm a little short right now" Peter B says as he continues eating "I had to pit pocket some people just to buy stuff to eat, not very keen on wanting to pay for stuff right now" Spike says a little annoyed. "Can we focus" Miles asks as peter pays for the check. "Peter said he was" miles is then interrupted " You gonna eat that?" He tries to take Miles's burger but Spike slaps his hand hard making a whip sound. "OW! okay! sorry! please continue." Peter B says as he rubs his hand as it was a little red. "Peter said he was gonna be showing me the ropes" "Miles tells him "Oh yeah then he took on a dragon to train." Peter B says rudely "Just because i took Spike on to train doesn't mean you cant at least try with Miles" Peter says as he finishes paying. "You got any Spider Man Tips" Miles asks "Yeah got plenty, Disinfect the mask, be sure to use Baby Powder on the suit heavy on the joints, you don't want any chafing right?" Peter B says as he finishes his burger. "Got any more" Miles asks a little weirded out. "No got nothing else" He says munching away on fries "I think your gonna be a bad teacher" Miles says and they all nod agreeing. " Look up where Alchemex is" Peter B tells them and miles gets his phone. "A private technological canvas in Hudson valley New York" He reads on the phone and gets an idea "You guys can teach me and Spike to swing on the way there!" He imitates thwip sounds with his hands and mouth, they all look ready to do so, but Peter B merely laughs. We cut to a bus going through a snowy forest as Spike Miles Peter and Peter B are all sitting near each other. " I'm not swinging to the Hudson valley guys, not after a hearty meal breakfast, keep your legs fresh you'll thank me later " Peter B says "Even after a meal in the morning i still take a swing around the city for exercise, good peace of advice for you guys" Peter tells them. "I know a few spots in Equestria for a little exercise" Spike says with a smile. We then cut to them in the woods, Peter and Peter B put on their suits but peter b just has sweat pants on how lower half, while Spike instantly puts on his Nano suit looking proud as he wears it, and miles puts on a Spider costume and he wears a cape which they notice. "And that's a no on the cape" Peter B tells him "I think it looks cool!" Miles says and Spike gives a thumbs up agreeing. "Take that off it's disrespectful Spider Man doesn't wear a cape" he says as he takes off the cape. "Actually i have a suit with a cape back at home so..." Peter then blows a raspberry making them chuckle "Looking awesome in that armor dude" Miles tells Spike. "Still have to work out on mastering the powers, but this armor is a great help!" Spike says proudly. They all then look at the Alchemex building and begin to think how to get in. "So how did you get in there the first time peter?" Spike asks "Should let you guys and B figure that out, he is me after all " Peter says as he lets them get a chance to figure it out on they're own. "He's right what would i do if i were me?" Peter B asks rubbing his chin and they all think it over. "Got it!" Peter B gets an idea and we see a comic book like page going over the plan.. "Step 1 we infiltrate the lab" we see them going through an open vent outside. "Step 2 find the head scientist computer" Peter and Peter B are seen looking at a man with a computer and a lady passes by "That lady with the bike is the head scientist, saw her in the documentary" Miles tells him "Cool! Step 3 I reexamine my personal biases" he says but Peter and Spike slap him hard Spike especially looks upset. "OW! Step 4 hack into the computer" Peter b is seen typing the computer and Miles and Spike pop up in a bubble "Not technically hacking" Miles says. "You probably can't even remember your own password can you?" Spike taunts. "Not now i just lost my train of thought" Peter B tells them getting rid of the bubble's "Step 5 download the important stuff, i'll know it when i see it" Peter B is seen downloading information on a spider like key and takes it out. "Step 6 we grab a few bagels from the cafeteria and run" They are seen swinging away with bagels in they're mouths. "What about me?" Miles asks "Step 7 you stay here, your look out very important" He says as he is stretching his legs out. "How come Spike gets to go?" Miles asks pointing at spike "He probably had some training with the other me right? So he should have enough experience to come with us" Peter B tells him and Spike sadly nods. "Sorry dude" Spike apologizes. "Look man you gotta teach me how to do Spider Man Stuff or i won't be able to help" Miles says as peter B is stretching still. "Look i'll stay behind with Miles and help him out alright? You guys be careful in there" Spike says as he stands by Miles "You sure Spike? It would be a great first step" Peter asks and spike nods "We'll be fine trust me" Spike tells him and Peter and Peter B take off "Watch and learn kids! We'll quiz you two later" Peter B says as they swing to the building. "You alright Miles?" Spike asks worried "Why did i get stuck with the janky, old, broke, hobo Spider Man?!" Miles asks frustrated as he elbows a rock and it breaks in half surprising them "That's new" Miles says taking off his mask, he then looks down a little upset. "What's wrong man? I'm here for you" spike puts his hand on his shoulder and miles sighs. "I just don't know if i can live up to being a Spider Man, you have only been with Peter one night and you already look more then capable of being one, why did i get stuck with him?" Miles asks looking down and Spike sits next to him. "I know it may seem tough being sidelined like this, trust me i know how that is" Spike says as he looks down as well "Really, what happened with you at home?" Miles asks looking at him "When someone called nightmare moon showed up after 1000 years of banishment on the moon, she was able to defeat celestia, she threatened to turn my world into an Eternal Night, I wanted to help, but my Mother figure twilight Sparkle, had told me it was to dangerous, she had me simply go to sleep while she and her friends went to stop her, I felt really upset after that, I still haven't gotten over it" Spike tells him and miles looks sad. "Did it happen again recently?" Miles asks curious. " I had been bitten by that spider just a day before the earthquake, after it did happen i hoped now that i had grown a little i would be able to help with them, but she simply told me to stay and help the village, i hoped that with my growth i would be able to come with them, but i got pushed aside again..." Spike says with a few tears. "You often get sidelined like this?" Miles asks sadly. "It's just... did they ever think about how i felt? How i thought about being sidelined when they go on epic magical adventures? all i did was simply stay home and take care of house chores. even though i liked helping her out with something, after the bite you'd think me being a little bigger meant i could help them..." Spike says sadly and miles puts a hand on him. 'Have you ever thought about talking to her about it?" miles asks. "I was going to... until this all happened" Spike says upset "I'm really sorry man, I'll be here for you when you need it" Miles says with a smile and Spike looks at him "I know it may seem rough, but one day we can prove ourselves and become what we wanted to be... heroes" Spike says with a smile "Yeah, it may take a while with Peter B, but i'll do it eventually" Miles says confident. "Thank you miles" He puts his fist out for a fist pump "Your welcome bro." Miles and him fist pump and high five while laughing. They're conversation is soon interrupted when they see a large truck pull in the front, they're eyes widen as the see someone familiar "Kingpin..." Miles and Spike say with fear, they are then seeing running down a slope with the words" What are we doing?" appearing above them, they then get on the roof and into a vent. "Peter, Peter B" Spike and Miles both whisper calling for them and they soon bump into them "Ah" they both quietly shout "What are you two doing here?" Peter B asks "Kingpin's here move over" Spike and Miles try to go ahead "Go back outside" They tell them "No, we're not just gonna sit around and let spider man almost die again, we're not doing that again." Miles and Spike tell them and Peter B looks surprised "What?" Spike asks "Most people who meet us in a workplace try to kill us so... your a nice change of pace" Peter answers and they all look down and see kingpin and the head scientist . "Mr fisk! Look at this! she tells them, she types in the password and peter and Peter b and Spike all get it ,she then shows them the pictures of the events of the earthquake and tells them that multiple dimensions are crashing into each other but peter B moves his fingers mockingly "this is standard spider man stakes you guys get used to it." Peter B tells them " Yeah watch this, he's gonna say" you've got 24 hours" Peter says with a big man voice and kingpin says that exact thing, and they wink at them with a smile. "what this means there could be a rupture in the space time continuum" She says worried "ooh that's bad, actually everything she said was pretty bad never mind" Peter B takes back they all enter the room and peter B starts typing in the password but miles gets stuck on a light "What are you doing?" Spike whispers "I'm stuck i can't let go!" Miles whispers "Look you have to relax your fingers, what do you do to relax?" Peter asks Miles Miles begins poorly singing" sunflower" by Post Malone and they look weirded out "What the hell dude?" Spike asks, Miles then finally falls on the floor but the lady hears it. "teenagers are the worst" Peter B looks down, but they're senses go off. "Miles where did you go" Peter B asks as they look around "I'm right in front of you guys" They then look confused, but spike gets an idea and uses his infrared vision and he sees them in front of him and realizes he's invisible! "Can Spider Man turn invisible?" Miles asks looking at his hands "Not in my or this universe." Peter says as they look at him "I can, i knew we would get similar powers from that spider!" Spike snaps his fingers as he was right Peter B accidently pokes miles "You just poked me in the eye!" Miles says annoyed "This is incredible some kind of fight or flight thing" Peter B says amazed while he and peter wave his body and it begins to appear again, but all of their senses go off as they see the lady from before coming to the door, Miles turns invisible once again. "Remember these numbers" Peter B tells him the password way to fast and Miles can't understand any of it, Spike and Peter web up back to the vents and Peter B says he'll turn on the charm and miles goes to the computer. The lady then enters the room and is surprised to see Spider Man "Spider man?" She asks surprised "oh hey didn't see you there" he lies Wow! I can't what i'm seeing, your supposed to be dead from that explosion!" She tells him excitedly "Surprise!" She then takes off his mask much to his dismay "hey that's a big no no" He says trying to get her off him "you look like the photographer peter parker! This is fascinating!" she then grabs his face and he tells her that same thing. " an entirely different Peter Parker" she examines "Okay a little bit of a gut, perhaps from dimensional warping" She then pokes his belly " oh yeah, i was way flatter before i warped" he lies and Peter and Spike shake their heads in disapproval . Miles then types in the password but can't remember the last two. "What was the rest?" He asks turning the computer around " You know how old are you i bet you don't look a day over 35!" Peter says with his hands making the numbers, miles enters the last two but finds the thing is a huge mess "Organize your desktop lady jeez" Miles says frustrated "This might pinch a little" she then pushes him onto a chair and it restrains him "What is she doing?" Spike asks "Something i don't think is good" Peter says as they watch from the vent. She then takes a few samples of saliva and examines them, she sees the particles then glitch out, Miles is seen carrying the computer and monitor. "What are you doing?!" He asks frustrated and Spike and Peter wonder the same thing. "I'm just taking the whole thing" He says holding the device in front of him, she then turns to him and he looks at her "You obviously have been glitching "Glitching?: he and Spike both glitch out for a second but she doesn't notice spike yet. "Why would i be glitching?" he asks. "if you stay in this dimension to long your body's gonna disintegrate" she tells him "Well that's great to know" Spike says sarcastically as they continue to watch "do you know how painful that would be Peter Parker?" she asks and he says he doesn't know "You can't imagine, and i for one can't wait to watch..." She says the last with a sinister smile, and they all look at her surprised at what she just said. "what did you say your name was again" Peter B asks "Doctor Olivia Octavius" she answers "Oh no..." Peter says with fear as he knows that name. She then takes off her coat revealing a jumpsuit with 4 robotic tentacles coming from her back, one of them pins peter B to the ground. "Can i assume your friends call you Doc Ock?" he asks "My friends actually call me Liv, My enemies call me doc ock" she tells him "I got this run!" he tells miles and opens the door, Spike and Peter decide to take action and they burst open the vent much to her surprise, she sees another spider man land on the ground "I assume your this earths Spider man or Peter Parker?" She asks "Nice to see meet you after my fights with Otto Octavius" He mocks, Just then Spike lands next to him with his mask on and her eyes widen "A... Spider Dragon?! The multiverse is full of infinite possibility's!" She says surprised and she tries to attack them. "I got it!" Peter B tells miles as he's grabbed by the leg and slammed across the room "Oh you've got it peter?" she mocks as she breaks a window with miles barely avoiding it. Peter and Spike then rush her and Peter is able to hold her down "You know i think you may have stolen his work just with different designs "My family did have a lot of similar ideas" She tells him, she tries to grab spike, but spike is able to grab it and rips the arm off entirely much to her surprise "A dragon is already strong in stories! so a dragon with Spider Man's powers made them almost unbeatable!" She says with excitement, spike is then knocked out of the window and lands next to miles and they both break for it "Don't worry we got it, everything is fine" Peter B tells them as he and Peter are slammed against the window, they then bump into a blonde haired woman and spike remembers that she looks familiar they then run past her and she looks back as she knows somethings going on. Peter and Peter b are slammed across another window and land right next to them "Alright let us tells you the good news" Peter B says as he grabs the monitor "we don't need the monitor" Peter tells them and Peter B throws the thing away just holding the device with the data. Peter B is thrown across the room and she then notices miles, and one of her arms fixes itself and attaches back to her. "You didn't tell me you had an invisible friend too! Can you give that back young man?" she asks and grabs miles "Guys" Miles screams, Spike then runs to her and breathes fire at her to her surprise and she flies through the window. Peter and Peter B web miles across the hall to them and they continue running "Do you often face people this crazy?!" Spike asks both of them "usually they can be villains of the week!" Peter and Peter B say at once and they run through another door. They then find themselves in the cafeteria "oh!" Peter B says surprised as a bunch of scientists are on they're computers "Wow this would be a good time to turn invisible" Peter tells spike and Miles "yep" they both say as they still can't fully do it "Okay not gonna turn invisible, selecting a bagel" Peter B says as he and spike both take one and Spike takes a bite of his. "Act super normal" Peter B says as they walk through "Spider man.. s? a scientist asks "Yeah that's funny! We get that a lot!" Spike tells them as they continue walking "Spider man and a... Spider dragon?!" They all then take out guns that were disguised as suit cases much to their surprise "Where were they keeping those?" Peter asks shocked. "Hands up!" one of them shouts "Okay now we do a switchy switchy!" Peter B tells him as he trades the bagel for the computer and he and peter run for it. "Get back here!" A scientist shouts "What?" Miles asks "Run for it!" Spike tells as they run for the door "Where do you think your going?! They took a bagel!!" a scientist shouts and they run after them "Alright time to swing just like we taught you guys!" Peter B tells them Spike and Miles throw their bagels at a scientist and the words" BAGEL!!" and " HALF EATEN BAGEL!!" appear above him as he screams dramatically. ( insert Spot joke here) "When did you teach us that?!" Spike asks annoyed as they run while avoiding blasters. "We didn't it's a little joke for team building" Peter and Peter B throw them both web shooters Spike catches his but miles almost drops his but catches it. "Alright spike follow my lead!" Peter tells him and shows him a hand gesture and spike understands and he and Peter both are able to swing off. "Alright you ready" Peter B asks as he grabs him "Course i'm not ready!" Miles then is thrown off and the web hits a branch "Everyone knows the best way to learn is under intense life threatening pressure!" Peter B says as he and Spike and Peter all swing off. Miles then hits a tree and he falls to the ground, and he tries to run from scientists but Spike and Peter fight them off. "What are you doing down there?!" Peter B asks as he takes down some scientists as well "I run better then i swing!" He tells them "You gotta swing or they'll catch you!" Peter says worried. Things get worse when they see a Octavia coming after them with a crazed look. "Oh come on!!" Spike shouts annoyed "Aim with your hips! Look where you want it to go! Square your shoulders, don't forget to follow through, don't shoot off your back foot" Peter B tells him swinging to him as Spike tries to fight Olivia off and is able to keep her distracted. "That's too many things!" Miles says "then stop listening to me!" Peter B shouts "That's the best idea you've had all day" Spike and Miles both shout and miles is trying to climb a tree and barely avoids a saw as he jumps backwards. He then finally activates the shooter and is able to hit a tree and swings off "Nice miles!" Peter B shouts "Great job kid!" Peter shouts "Great job bro!" Spike shouts as he and Peter B and Peter knock her away and swing after him. "Double tap to release tap once to swing" Prter B tells them, Spike and Miles follow the instructions and are finally able to get it right. "This is awesome!" Spike shouts amazed "Great job Spike" Peter says and they high five each other "Good miles!" Peter B says amazed "Told you you would be a great teacher!" Peter tells B "Gotta say, your amazing man!" Miles says "Great job helping miles out dude!" Spike says as he continues swinging "we're a little team, me is the teacher who could do it, he is the student that can do it just not as good" And they all look confused. "I'm proud of us! Is there something you guys wanna..." Before he is interrupted he and Spike both glitch out in pain again and fall to the ground "Worst timing ever!" Spike shouts. "Peter B! Spike!" Peter and Miles shout worried and they try to grab the computer but Octavia grabs it. "No!!" Spike shouts upset. Just then they are all webbed up by someone else "What the?" Peter B asks "who did that?" Spike asks as he looks around Octavia then sees another Spider person and tries to fight her off, but she is skilled enough and is able to take her down and get the computer back, she then looks down on them and takes off her mask "Hey guys" She tells them "Gwanda?" Spike and Miles both ask surprised ""It's Gwen actually, how do you know about that?" Gwen asks Spike "I was there during that time at the school" Spike explains "I knew i felt something else, your a Spider Dragon!" She says amazed "Oh you two know her, very cool" Peter B says impressed "Nice job with Octavia" Peter tells her. Gwen tells them her backstory and how she lost her friend, and she then says that she doesn't do friends anymore just to avoid distractions, she then tells them about her getting sucked into this world "You were blown a week into the past too?" Spike asks surprised "You had the same thing happen?" She asks and Spike nods she then finishes her story and looks at miles "I like your haircut" He compliments "You don't get to like my haircut" She says annoyed a little "Let's go!" She and Peter then swing off. "How many Spider people are there? Miles asks and spike shrugs "I dunno." Spike answers "Save it for Comic Con" He then swings off. "What's Comic Con?" They both ask, they are then grabbed by both Peters as they avoid more gun fire and swing off. > 7: Other Spider People > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They all were heading back to the city on the bus, Spike and both Peters were sitting together while Miles and Gwen were sitting just a seat ahead. "So... you did a great job helping us out there kid" Peter B says trying to start a conversation "I only helped for a little bit before we all made a break for it" spike says a little upset at that last part "Yeah, but i think he's trying to say you did really good for a first time Spike, you'll only get better as you get more experience." Peter tells him with B nodding. "That's a big if, if we can't get me and Peter back home" Spike says looking down a little upset. "Look, i'm sorry i was rough, my life just... hasn't gone the best side recently" B says looking down sad, and they look at him sadly as well. "What about you and your MJ?" Peter asks "Me and her... split up, i just never felt like i was gonna be expected of something again, that's why i tried to push the task of teaching Miles back to you guys" B says honestly. Have you ever thought about trying to get things talked out with her?" Spike asks "I just, don't know if i will be able to fix things, i made stupid decisions in my life, i just don't know if things will get better" He says still upset, Peter looks at him understanding where he's coming from. "we all make stupid choices in life B, but that doesn't mean we can't learn from them to get better" Peter tells him. "The longer you don't talk to her about it the worse it will get, that's why i plan on telling everyone back home about my powers, i wouldn't keep my identity secret for long anyway considering i'm the only dragon in my village." Spike says, B then looks up at him. "You sure that will be a good idea?" B asks "It wouldn't be long before they all find it out, i think its best to just come clean, if i want to be able to help them with adventures, gotta tell them about what happened, they're strong and i just want to be there to fight alongside them" Spike says with a smile. "if thats how you want to do it, just go with it Spike" Peter says with a smile, and B looks at them. "How do i know if i'll mess it up again?" B asks afraid "You won't know until you try Peter, and that's what im gonna do, try." Spike says with a smile "I'll think about it... thank you Spike" He says with a smile "Your welcome Peter" Spike says back and the three of them fist bump as they are all on terms with each other. "So where do we go now? B asks "Spike and I know a place" Peter says and Spike nods as he knows where they're going. We cut to the five of them standing outside Aunt may's home Peter B tries to walk away as he doesn't want to do this but Gwen webs him back. Peter then walks up and rings the doorbell "May Spike and I are back" Peter says hoping she would here, May then opens the door and her eyes widen as she she's 2 Peter Parkers "I'm not ready for this" B says nervously "Peter?" She asks walking up to B "Hi aunt May" B says "Sorry if this feels weird" Peter says as he knows this is awkward "I know this may sound weird but i think i'm from..." He and May both say at once "An alternate dimension" They say at once and she looks at miles "What dimension are you from?" She asks miles "Same dimension as me Aunt May" Peter tells her. "Me and Spike were both there to save Peter's life" Miles explains and she nods understanding it "Hey do you know how we can fix this?" Gwen asks handing her the goober "A Goober? Follow us" May tells them and they follow Peter May and Spike We cut to a small shed in the back yard. "Oh yeah i got a shed like this, this is where i keep my spider gear" B says trying to sound cool "Eh, wait for it dude" Spike says with a smile, may then opens the lock and they are surprised to see its a high tech door, Spike, May and Peter tell them to follow and B sighs They then lower down to the lab, and they awe in amazement. "Even though i've been down here before its still amazing to see this high tech gear" Spike says with a smile "You've been down here before?!" Miles asks and Spike nods "Where'd you think i got my suit?" Spike asks and they all land on the ground and multiple suits reveal themselves. "Is this like your shed B" Miles asks amazed at what they were seeing. "Yeah but take away the Bike, Large room, imagine it all confined and a little dusty" B tells them and they shake they're heads seeing it's a little sad. Miles sees a perfect looking suit, he is just a little small but he feels confident he can do it. "Peter knew how dangerous the job was" May tells them looking at Peter "She's right, i knew i was the only person that would be able to stop him." Peter says as they look at a board that has multiple villains all leading to Kingpin "Kingpin knows we're coming, were gonna be out numbered" Miles tells them "Don't be so sure, remember that favor you asked me before Peter" Aunt May asks and he and Spike nod in understanding. "You might need these" She hold out 4 name tags and markers to draw on them, all they're senses go off and they look up. "Holy Celestia" Spike says amazed as 3 pairs of eyes one of them is red as they look down from a web. "You people thought you were the only ones to come here?" May asks and Spike shakes his head knowing he knew there was something about that vision. "Hey fellas" A black and white Spider Man greets. "Is he in black and white" Miles asks "And where's that wind coming from? were in a basement" Spike points out the logic and B nods. "Where ever i go the wind follows, and the wind smells like rain" He says dramatically "Hey, he's got a cape B, so i guess Spider Man DOES where a cape" and they all laugh at the irony of that statement. " Hi guys!" An anime spider girl with a giant robot greet in Japanese and they strike cool poses with the robot having sunglasses. "Awesome" Spike says with a smile. "This literally cannot get any weirder, and we have a Spider Dragon for Pete's sake" B says weirder out and Miles and Gwen look just as confused "Hey" Peter says offended. "It CAN get weirder" A pig Spider Man greets them and he hold out his hand "I just washed my hands that's why they're wet, no other reason" He explains why his hands are wet, Spike surprisingly shakes it much to they're surprise "Nice to meet you to" Spike says as he shakes it and uses his fire to dry his hand. " A Spider Dragon! awesome!" The black and white one says as they all walk up to them. all of they're senses go off and they realize they are all like them. "Your like me" They all say. They all introduce themselves, Spider Man Noir, Penny Parker, and Peter Porker. They say they were bitten by a radioactive spider/ pig and we see a spider become a pig much to they're weirdness, they all explain what they do but B interrupts "Okay enough! so uh how did you get here?" B asks. "Well its a long story" Noir says, we then see the building explode again and this time for they're perspectives and we cut back to the room "Okay maybe not that long" He corrects himself "Now we're just trying to get back home." Penny says sad and the robot makes a sad face, Spike and everyone look down as they all need to go home to. "The only problem is one of us has stay behind to destroy it" Porker tells them "I'll do it" They all volunteer but Miles interrupts "Whoa whoa none of you guys can stay." Miles says and Peter nods "Why?" Penny asks. just then they all start to glitch out in pain once again. "Loot guys, i'm this worlds Spider Man and me and Miles are gonna be able to get you guys back, you all can't stay here or you'll die, me and miles are gonna get you home and destroy the collider" Peter says confidently and they all smile at that, they all then look at miles "Who's he again." Porker asks "This is Miles Morales! and he's gonna save the multiverse! Show them the invisible thing you can do" B tells Miles and he tries to turn invisible but fails "I can't do it on command" Miles says "He can't do it on command! But show them that electricity thing you can do" B says trying to get them exited "Also can't do it on command" Miles says sadly and they all look not impressed "Oh man" Porker oinks "Look i've seen him in action, he's got potential" Gwen tells them. They all then try to see if he can handle these situations Noir try's to see if he can handle multiple thugs by himself but miles gets his legs seeped. Penny asks if he can defuse a bomb under life threatening pressure May asks if he can help her create an online dating profile so she can get out of the house, Porker asks if he can do cartoon things like him, they all push miles to the ground and Spike notices its to much They all ask one thing "No matter what happens can you always get back up?" They all ask and Spike has enough, "Guys! Enough!!" Spike shouts shaking the room scarring them all "It's to much for him at once, sorry" Spike apologizes, they all gather around trying to talk about what to do about Miles, miles looks extremely defeated and he secretly sneaks out "Miles? Miles?" B asks as they all see him invisible and going up the elevator looking extremely sad. "You see that uh.. he can turn invisible." B says trying to get him to come back but he leaves, making Spike feel bad for him, they all then turn to Spike. "What can you do kid?" noir asks "Well being a dragon you all can probably expect things like breathing fire, incredible strength. i've also got some other powers other then what you guys do" He tells them still upset about Miles "Like what?" Porker asks "Well i can turn invisible, have night vision and infrared vision, have organic webs as well as taser webs, can also phase through objects" Spike then proceeds to demonstrate each one amazing all of them, while he can use a them it's not entirely mastered "I can do them but not on command entirely" Spike tells them. "What's your home dimension like?" Penny asks wanting to know "I think you'd love it, it's full of talking unicorns, ponies and other magical creatures you wish you'd meet" Spike tells him and Penny and the robot tackle him to the ground with amazed faces "REALLY?!" Penny asks her eyes sparkling and the robot is sparkling with a smile as well. "Yeah, i'll show you it whenever i get the chance to bring you guys there" Spike is then hugged by both of them and it hurts his back "Okay! Crushing my back you two!" Spike says in pain as they squeal in happiness "Okay guys enough" Peter tells them and they let go much to Spike's relief. "I think we all should work on getting this Goober fixed" Peter says as he hold up the device "I know how to help with it!" Penny says as she and Peter go to the table, the others go back to the house, "So you think you'll be able to get us back" Noir asks Spike and porker looking at him "Given how many Spider People there are right now, we're gonna whip those guys butts" Spike says with a smile and they all look ready for action. > 8" House Fight And Outburst > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a warning, this part will get very dark. Spike and the other Spider People were in the living room with Noir trying to solve a Rubik's cube "Is it red?" He asks "No" Porker says "Is it blue" "No" He says annoyed Spike is sitting next to penny and he looks down a little upset. "What's wrong Spike?" Penny asks worried for her friend "I'm worried about Miles, he's going through a lot, and if we can't get home.. who will be able to help him?" Spike asks looking sad the others feel bad as well. "Look guys i'm sure he's fine! I'm sure any minute now he'll be coming through that door ready to help" B says, just as he finishes it Miles comes running through the door looking really freaked out. "My uncle my uncle.." He says trying to explain "Whoa man calm down! What about your uncle?" Spike asks trying to calm him down "My uncle Aaron he.. he's the Prowler, he works for Kingpin, he tried to kill me!" He says really upset. "Woah what?!" Peter asks shocked "this is a hardcore origin story" Noir says and penny elbows him "Were you followed" Gwen asks "No i don't think so" Miles says taking deep breathes. Just then all they're spider senses go off, they all put on they're suits ready to fight. the door is burst down by Octavia and she makes may drop some drinks "Nice place, really lovely" She and other villains walk in the place, Miles tries to go out the back but Scorpion shows up behind him "You messed up big time kid" he says cracking his knuckles. "I guess i was followed" Miles corrects himself "Look can we please take this outside? May asks trying not to have her home wrecked. "Yeah come on this is my aunts place" Peter tells them but they all chuckle "Sorry may i'll clean up this mess later" Peter says and they charge at each other much to May's dismay Everyone begins to have a house brawl, Spike and Penny double team Scorpion , Spike holds him down and Penny starts hitting him multiple times, Scorpion breaks free and throws spike aside and he and Penny start brawling it out, Spike throws multiple punches, Scorpion tries to hurt spike but he's way tougher then the others. Penny comes in and Spike throws the bot at him sending him into a wall. May sees her house being destroyed and Porker destroys a plate for some reason? She gets a bat and hits a silver dude "I said take it outside! May then hits him out the door knocking him down. Penny is then grabbed by doc ock and is thrown outside with Spike, they all battle around the neighbor hood, Spike and Scorpion are fighting on rooftops and Spike is able to knock him down with his fire breath and he is stunned long enough for Penny to throw him to the wall and Spike webs Penny and her robot and spins around throwing them hard enough to knock him down for a bit , Spike and Penny high five as they go to fight the others. "Nice team work!" Spike and Penny both say as they go to help the others Miles is seen watching the whole thing go down, but he freaks out when the Prowler comes in and sees Miles, he tries to attack him but Peter and B stop him "You gotta get out of here man" B tells him but is grabbed by Octavia and is thrown out the house. The prowler then sees Miles again and chases him around the house. "give me the keycard kid!" He says tearing down and pinning him to the wall "Come on don't be stupid give it!" He says trying to grab it, but Peter knocks him out of the way "Run Dude!" he shouts but is knocked away and he chases after miles again. they run out onto the roof with Miles barely avoiding his hits, he is then on a ledge and the Prowler grabs him by the throat. "No where to run kid" He says ready to kill, Spike then sees Miles being held "Miles!" Spike shouts, he pushes past any bad guy trying to make his way to him Miles takes off his mask and he stops as he realizes who it is "Miles?" he then takes off his mask to make sure its him "No... no..." He says in disbelief "Uncle Aaron" Please..." he says very weakly "What are you waiting for, finish the job." Kingpin tells him Aaron doesn't do it though, he puts his hands up refusing to do it "Aaron" Miles says, but then Aaron gets shot and kingpin is seen with a gum "No!" Miles shouts as he catches his uncle The echo of that no enters spike's ears and he sees what happens, he then sees kingpin and realized "he.. he killed him... he..." Spike clutches his fists, his eyes narrow, and he lets out a deep threatening growl. "He! HE....!!" Spike then roars loud enough for the whole city to hear and multiple citizens wondered where that was. Spike takes off the suit and runs at Kingpin roaring at him and Kingpin notices and his eyes widen, he shoots at spike but the bullets deflect right off him, Spike then tries to slash at Kingpin, he barely dodges and tries to fight Spike. "YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS UNCLE!!!"Spike shouts furious as he slashes at Kingpin, he does his best to hold him off, Kingpin has never felt so afraid, it was like the Prowler at his scariest state. The other villains notice this and try to stop Spike, Octavia tries to restrain him but he immediately brakes free and throws her into a house. Scorpion tries to stab him with his tail but Spike grabs it with one hand, he twists it and throws him across multiple houses. Tombstone tries to shoot at Spike but he does something unexpected. Spike grabs him by the throat growling heavily as he does, he clenches his throat tighter chocking him, he screams in pain as Spike chokes him hard "Spike!" The other Spider people shout trying to stop him but then Spike places his hand on his head and does something that makes them all gasp. Spike snaps his neck, the sounds of flesh and bones tear as his neck turns around 360 degrees , Tombstone falls down on the floor lifeless, Spike roars and slashes at his corpse making blood splash over his claws. "Spike Stop this!" B shouts as they all try to restrain him but he breaks free and looks at Kingpin who is looking at him terrified. "THIS IS ONLY A FRACTION OF THE PAIN I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU!!!" Spike shouts as he runs at him claws ready to slash him mercilessly "Fall back!" Kingpin shouts trying to run but Spike pounces on him, we can even hear the prowlers theme as it now looks to be Spike's. "YOU DID THIS!!!!" Spike roars in his face trying to slash at him, Kingpin blocks as many as he could but Spike is faster and gives a few good slashes on his body. "You don't understand! i'm only doing this to get my wife and kid back!" Kingpin tries to reason as he is really terrified. "YEAH BY STEALING THEM FROM ANOTHER FAMILY! EVEN IF YOU DO BRING THEM HERE THEY'LL GLITCH OUT AND DIE JUST LIKE WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO US IF WE DONT GET HOME!" Spike shouts as he throws him to a wall. "YOU ARE KILLING MILLIONS OF FAMILIES NOT JUST IN THIS WORLD, BUT ALL OF OUR WORLDS! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE A FATHER, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!" Spike shouts clawing at him, he gets ready to slash at his face but the others arrive on the scene. The other Spider People stop spike before he hurts him even more. "SPIKE STOP!" Gwen shouts as they try to restrain him. "LET ME GO!!"Spike shouts trying to get freed B then notices miles is gone, he must have run off and saw the whole thing. Kingpin and his men escape with terrified faces as they saw one of they're men get brutally killed and kingpin almost getting killed. "Spike stop!" They all shout. "Think about Twilight man how would she feel about this" Peter says webbing him down that one name helps him remember something important... "With great power comes great responsibility" Twilight's word echo through his head and his eyes widen, he finally stops struggling, they all see he's finally calming down and let's go of him. Spike's breath trembles as he looks at the blood on his claws, Spike then sees the lifeless corpse of the one he brutally killed. "What.. have... i... done?" Spike asks as he falls to his knees and breaks down crying the others try to help him "I killed him... i..." His breath breathes heavily. Spike..." Penny says upset for her friend "It's gonna be okay..." Peter tells him but spike looks at him "How is this okay?! I lost control! I killed someone without mercy!" Spike says still crying "I don't deserve to go back... if i do.. i might do the same to my family..." Spike says he still cries. "Spike... we all have moments like that" B says as they all come to help him "When i found the guy who killed my uncle... i didn't hold back my punches, i didn't stop until he was gone without me realizing it..." peter says regretfully "I killed the ones who killed my own family ." Noir says sadly "Spike, we all have these moments, but if we push through them we can become better people and never do them again" Gwen says as she puts his hand on his shoulder, Spike then looks up at them. "How will i know if i won't do it again?" Spike asks still upset "You won't, that's all it is, its a leap of faith" B tells him as they help him up "You really think i can stop that from happening again?" Spike asks, they all nod "We know you can, but we need to remember how to help each other first" Penny says as she hugs him with the Spider Bot "Thanks guys" Spike says gratefully as he stops crying, he then remembers someone important "where's Miles?" Spike asks worried as he looks around "I think i know where he went" Gwen says as she looks at the city, they all then swing across to where miles is > 9" What's Up Danger? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cut back to Miles's room as he looks defeated after his uncle died, he destroys almost everything in the room, he then grabs his book and throws it out the window, but it is thrown back to him and he catches it. He looks confused for a minute before all the Spider People come into the room. "Hey bud, are you okay?" B asks concerned with the others looking worried for him "Miles... im so sorry" Spike says still upset from earlier "We've all been there you two, for me and Peter, it was our uncle Ben" B says putting an arm on their shoulders "For me.. it was my uncle Benjamin" Noir says sadly "For me it was my father..." She says sadly and Spike rubs her head trying to help her. "For me, it was my best friend Peter Parker" Gwen says sadly. "Miles the hardest thing about this job is.. you can't always save everyone" Porker says sadly and Spike looks down in regret "For me Miles, it was killing that guy back at the house, i feel like a monster for doing it" Spike says still really upset "Look it was my fault.. you wouldn't understand" He says upset "Miles were probably the only ones who do understand" Gwen says sadly. Just then the door starts to open "oh no" Spike says shocked. Miles's roommate comes into the room listening to" Start A Riot", he sits down and gets a comic book, Spike and the others are on the ceiling trying not to be seen "That way! that way!" Spike says trying not to have them be seen as he moves to the right and they move left, he then moves left until he is in the middle reading a comic called There Was More Than One Spider Man, he then looks up and sees everyone looking nervous. "Hey there" Miles says with an awkward smile "Do animals or dragons talk in this dimension because Spike and I don't wanna freak this guy out" Porker says and Spike nods. "He's probably gonna faint..." Spike says, just as he says that he passes out in shock "Called it!" Spike says and they all look awkwardly at each other. We cut to Miles putting him in bed as he looks at everyone ready to leave "Hey what's going on?" Miles asks "Miles we came to say goodbye" Gwen says sadly "We can say goodbye at the collider "No Miles your staying here" Peter says sadly "I thought you all were gonna let me help?" Miles asks "It wasn't them or me who decided it" B says as everyone looks at Spike "I'm staying behind, i'm gonna be the one to destroy it while Peter gets citizens to safety" Spike says sadly "What you can't! you'll die if you stay!" Miles says worried for him "Miles.. you saw what i did, i'm to dangerous for my own home..." Spike says sadly "No Spike, your not gonna stay behind" Peter says trying to talk him out of it "Then i won't go at all, i'll just wait until i die" Spike says sadly and the others look shocked "Spike you can't! what about your friends? Won't they be depressed?" Penny asks worried for her friend "I'm to dangerous guys... i'm sorry" Spike says sadly and he turns invisible to everyone's shock "Spike please!" B says trying to hear a response but he doesn't and they all look sad Spike goes to the rooftop and looks down sadly, he stays invisible and watches everything happen. "I'm sorry Twilight... I'm not gonna be coming back" Spike says sadly as he sits down and watches the sunset. We cut back to the room and everyone's sad about him. "Are you guys just gonna let him die?" Miles asks "Even if we wanted, to he's gone and we can't, i'm sorry" Peter says depressed about his friend. "Miles give us the Goober, please don't make me take it from you" b says trying to get miles to give it to him. "That's not fair! You gotta tell them i can do this!" Miles says refusing "It wasn't their decision" B says sadly " I gotta make Kingpin pay! You two have to let me make him pay!" Miles tells him "Miles your gonna get yourself killed" Peter says trying to make him stop "I'm ready, i promise" Miles says trying to talk to him, B then sweeps his legs and jumps on the ceiling and holds him by the shirt "If your ready, turn invisible, on command so you can get past me" B tells him. Miles tries to turn invisible but he can't, everyone is outside listening and feel bad for him "Look we know how much you want this kid, but you don't have it yet" B says putting him down, Peter webs him up in a chair and B takes the goober "When will i know i'm ready?" His mouth is then webbed preventing him from speaking. "You won't kid, that's all it is Miles, its a leap of faith" B tells him and he leaves "I'm sorry miles, i really wanted to be able to help" Peter says honestly, Spike and Miles see them all swing off until their out of sight "Are we really just gonna let Spike stay and die?" Penny asks worried for her friend. "We have no choice Penny, i'm sorry" Porker says sadly and they all continue. Spike is on the rooftop and sees them gone, he takes out the music player he got earlier and picks another song. "If i go back, i'm to dangerous, how can i control myself?" Spike asks sadly as he selects a song called" Clocks" By Coldplay. we get to the very end to the song and he cries as he hear the words" Home where i want to go" repeat until the song stops. he looks defeated as he remembers the fun times he did with his friends and his new ones, he then decides to check on miles, he sees him webbed up looking defeated and he notices Spike and his eyes widen. Spike comes over and rips the web from his mouth so they can talk. "Why are you staying behind? Miles asks worried for his friend "I'm scarred miles" Spike said as he leans against the wall. "Scarred of what" Miles asks but he sure he knows why. "You saw what happened, i lost control, i made Kingpin terrified of me, i snapped one of his men's neck and slashed at his corpse, i almost hurt my own friends..." Spike says sadly with a few tears. "How do you know it will happen again?" Miles asks "There's always a chance it will, but that doesn't mean you can't control yourself" Miles says trying to talk to him "How do you know if i won't?" Spike asks. "We all will have these moments bro, and i still feel like i can't do it." Miles looks sad and Spike glitches again. "what if i put everyone home in danger? I could hurt them badly" Spike asks breathing heavily "There's always a chance for you to stop, you may not have then but that doesn't mean you can't do it when that happens again" Miles tells him and Spike looks shocked "You really think i can?" Spike asks "You've been there for me to help me through this, i know you can" Miles says with a smile, Spike then looks at him with a smile as well, Spike then comes over to free him but a knock is heard at the door. "Miles? Miles it's your dad" The man says at the door "Please open the door." he asks trying to talk with him and looks down as miles is by the door "Miles i can see your shadow moving around" He says. "yeah okay i get it, your still ignoring me.." He says sadly and Spike and miles look depressed as he says that. "Look can we talk for a minute?" he asks. "Something... Something happened to... he tries to say but he is to upset. " look sometimes people drift apart miles" he says upset and Miles rolls over and Spike listens closely sad as well. "and i don't want that to happen to us okay?" he asks "I know i don't always do what you need me to do, or say what you need me to say, I just see this spark in you its amazing, its why i push you. But it's yours" he says sadly. "Whatever you chose to do with it you'll be great' he says and Miles leans against the door and Spike cries as he hears those words. Look call me when you can okay?" He asks " I love you. you don't have to say it back though." he sees miles at the door and taps on it twice, Spike not wanting him to feel alone, he taps on the door twice too making his dad smile as he knows he loves him. he then leaves. Spike and Miles go to the room and close they're eyes and think about what he said, Spike remembers how much his friends care about him and no matter what they'll be there for him. Spike and Miles open they're eyes as they spark with blue electricity, Miles and Spikes hands begin to flow with it and Spike and miles touch the web and it explodes as it frees him. Miles's roommate wakes up shocked and looks around but he sees no one is there, he yawns and falls asleep. Spike and Miles appear back in the room and they leave confidently. "Your right miles, I can't just let them be without someone to protect them, you helped me through this, and now were gonna save the multiverse together." Spike says with a smile and he and Miles fist bump as they leave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y88LVU7MAe4 The clouds bring lightning as heroic music plays Miles and Spike make they're way back to the lab, the door opens for them and they go down to the lab to see May on a chair with a cup of tea "Took you two long enough" she says drinking the tea "I'm gonna need an extra suit, not gonna rely on the Nano armor all the time" Spike says as he pick a extra suit, this time he picks an Armored Black and Yellow suit ( The suit you wore in the final battle of the 2018 Spider Man game) Miles looks at a perfect suit and looks confident as he's finally ready. "I see this spark in you it's amazing, whatever you chose to do with it you'll be great" Miles's dad echo through their heads as they climb to a high rooftop "Your the best of all of us Miles, your on your way" Aarons words echo and Miles spray paints his suit black and red, the purple on spikes body become black while the green becomes yellow as he puts it on. "when do i know I'm Spider Man" Miles and Spike's words both echo as they prepare to jump Miles and Spike are on a high rooftop and the lightning flashes as they look down "that's all it is Spike/ Miles it's a leap of faith" B's words echo and they loo at each other. "You ready for this?" Spike asks and Miles nods, he and Spike both put on their new suits and lean on the side wall. Miles and Spike then jump off with the glass breaking as they jump. "Like what's up danger? Like what's up danger?" the song echoes as they fall and they see the world upside down, people see them falling and look at them with shock ,they begin to turn their fall into a dive as they look more and more confident, We cut back to the lab as two pairs of web shooters are shown to them " I made them myself" May says as they put them on" They fit perfectly" she says as they instantly come on. Miles and Spike shoot their web shooters as they shoot all the way to the top of the building and they begin to swing "Can't stop me now!" The song echoes as Spike and Miles swing across the street with their spider symbols on the screen, "Travel 200 miles i'm knocking at your door, and I don't really care if you ain't done wrong come on what's up danger?" The song says as Spike and Miles web on a building and run through the streets and they begin to jump off the cars. "I'm right here at your door, i won't leave, i want more, come on what's up danger? Spike and Miles web a light post and fly up to the top "Woo!" Miles says as the words follow them "This is awesome!" Spike says excitedly. and they jump across multiple building as people see them and look in amazement "Can't stop me now! I like high chances when i might lose, i like it on the edge just like you, hey, i like tall buildings so i can leap off of em ,come on what's up danger?" the song says as spike and miles run and jump across another long ledge. "I go hard with it no matter how dark it is come on what's up danger?" the song plays as they jump over another building "Come on what's up danger?" the song plays as they jump across one more building and finally land on a ledge where they can see Fisk tower, and they take off they're masks as they breath heavily "that was awesome" Spike says with a smile "lets go!" Miles says as they make they're way to save their homes. Two comics called "Spider man Miles Morales" and "Spider Dragon, Spike Sparkle" appear on screen with Miles in his suit, and Spike is in both his Black and Yellow, and his Nano suit with each one taking half of the body. > 10: Final Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other Spider People were making they're way out of a bus while Peni and her robot jumped off it, they webbed up to the top of a large crane and began to get a view "Kingpin has a private elevator that leads from the penthouse to the collider bellow" Peni explains "Didn't count on having an audience" Noir says as they all see tons of people "Yeah kingpin set this up to" Honor the legacy of me defending the city"" Peter explains. They all went to the roof and saw the place is clouded "You gotta be kidding me!" They all said surprised at the place "Thank you, it's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider Man, he and I are very close" he lies while announcing the thing. "What a lying pig" Peter and Gwen both say angry "I'm right here." Porker says offended "Hold on, get a load of how the waiters are dressed" Noir points out, they all see they are wearing Spider Man masks "At least they got the design's right" Peter says impressed "A little poor taste but, can't be that easy" Noir says. We cut to them as waiters in the place with bowties "It's that easy" Noir corrects himself, Peni and her robot are navigating through the room while she eats some candy. B then notices MJ and Peter notices it "Hey are you okay" Peter asks "Pay attention! it's not your MJ remember?" Gwen asks "I'm sorry i'll be right back" B says and he tries to move to talk to her but Gwen stops her "Peter! Listen to me, trust me, i've been there, ,i know it's hard but you gotta move on buddy" Gwen tells him "It will take on second let me just... oh!" He says as he almost bumps into MJ "oh wow." He says nervous "Um, i was wondering if we can get some more bread at table 12 please?" She asks "Yeah" he responds and Gwen is sliding her hand down her mask while Noir watches "Yeah it's just, i'm really sorry" He apologizes "Oh you don't have to be sorry it's just bread" She says " I wasn't there for you when you needed me" Peter says "mm hm" she hums weirded out "I didn't even try "I should probably get going" She says trying to leave "I know i could do better if you just give me another chance to, the bread that you deserve "Are you okay?" She asks worried "I am so sorry about that we'll get your bread right away!" Gwen interrupts "Uh it was nice talking with you" She leaves but peter goes up to her while they leave. "Are you okay?" Gwen asks as they leave "Oh yeah totally" he responds "good because we are not getting them bread. " MJ it's me Peter" He says lifting his mask so only she can see it and her eyes widened. "What are you doing here?" She asks worried "Look everyone here is in big danger, you need to help get them all out of here, Kingpins just lured them to die, please try and get as many out and i'll be back when i can okay?" Peter asks, and she nods in understanding "Who was that guy?" She asks weirded out "Long story i'll tell you about it later!" He says as he catches up with the others, she then proceeds to try and get others to leave, the tables shake slightly as they start to activate the Collider. "Initializing primary ignition sequence" The PA says as the machine begins to activate. Kingpin is seen going to the elevator and he closes the door, the two guards are webbed up by the Spider People "Sleep" Noir says as he knocks them out, they all head down and they glitch as they do. Kingpin enters the room" Start the sequence" he orders and the scientists begin to activate it. " Uploading Venessa Fisk and Richard fisk DNA sequence" A scientist says as they take hair samples and put it in a container "Beginning scan for dimensional matches" one of them says as they find a match, Octavia then activates the machine as it begins moving faster. "Secondary ignition in Five, four, three, two, one" The machine counts down and they all make they're way and see the thing begins to fire. The entire city begins to shake again as multiple street lights begin to glitch out, and Mile's dad helps a old lady and he watches in horror as the tower glitches out Back in Equestria, the main 6 were watching in horror as the entire thing goes down but they feel the ground shake again as Canterlot begins to glitch out as well as ponyville, "Evacuate the citizens now! Celestia orders, they all nod and begin to help everypony there escape "Spike please save us" Luna prays as they continue to watch what happens. Back in the room, B then glitches out as the others do too. "Come on guys were almost there! Peter says and they all climb to the ceiling "I'll put the Goober in and take over the beam, after your gone i'll blow it up" Peter tells them "You don't have to do it i should while you help the citizens" B shouts "to late for that now! MJ is doing what she can to help them!" Peter tells him Before they could however they're senses go off "They know we're here" Gwen says they see multiple guards start to shoot them, Peter then sees multiple tentacles as he tries to put the device in the machine but he is grabbed as well as B. "Nice to see you again Peters" she says. all the spider people start to try to fight them off but they're bodies glitch. "These guys are the pits" Gwen says as she tries to fight them off. Peni tries to fight Scorpion off but the glitching made it hard to do so. "Why is this always difficult" Peter says trying to put the device in, but Octavia drags him away while choking B. "Any last words" she asks them. " Can we get a minute to think about it? You have a pen?" They ask. "goodbye Peter Parkers" She says. one of her tentacles then look at her and begin to hit her over, Gwen notices this and sees what's happening Celestia and Luna are watching the thing looking in awe as well as the dragons "is that?" Luna asks The Scorpion is then punched multiple times and is thrown of Peni as she looks confused, he's then dragged by the tail and is thrown hard at Octavia and two figures appear. "What's up?" Both Miles and Spike say, they then hit them hard, and Scorpion goes flying. "Miles!" Gwen shouts. "Spike!" Peni and Celestia and Luna shout exited to see them "Wow, Miles, Spike! your doing it on command! " Peter and B both say amazed as they save them from a fall "Bout time right?" Spike asks and Peter high fives him "Great job Spike i am so proud of you!" Peter says happy. " I love you I am so proud of you" B says rubbing his shoulder and Miles laughs "Do I want kids?" he asks. "Got a extra suit huh?" peter asks Spike "Yeah, figured it'd be best to have a spare right?" Spike asks "Two of the best ones, great choices dude" Peter says rubbing his shoulder, something is then thrown at them and they see Octavia "Oh yeah i forgot about her." B says annoyed as they all begin to fight her off they then look and see something rise in between the beam, "Oh no.." Celestia says as they all watch the device rise "That doesn't look promising" B says as they see it "No it doesn't" Spike and Miles both say at once The device then makes lights go crazy, an alternate version of Venessa and Richard start to appear "I've got genetic matches. Hold on. It's to risky!" A scientist says "Shut up and turn it up" Kingpin orders Both Peters, Miles and Spike try to fight them off but are pinned to the ceiling as the room starts to glitch. Back at the top. Miles's dad is helping citizens escape" Get to a shelter go!" he says talking with his wife" I tried to get the school but i can't get through!" She says worried helping an injured guy out. Back in the room the lights begin to go darker and they watch in awe, soon buildings and mountains start to come through the entire beam and they are freed after Octavia gets hit and they are flying through multiple buildings "Guys are you seeing this?" Miles asks "this is crazy!" Spike says as he sees the whole thing. "I think our dimensions are coming to us!" Gwen says as she sees the whole thing "Does look cool though right? B asks as he and Peter land on a building and they watch the entire thing happen Back in Equestria they are watching the whole thing while they see glitched houses and mountains begin to be sucked down. "Please stop this spike!" Twilight prays as she helps more ponies escape Spike then makes a decision," Peter go to the surface and help people escape! The rest of us can handle this!" Spike tells him "Are you guys sure about this?" Peter asks worried "we'll be find dude go!" B orders "don't worry about us" Gwen says as they swing off, Peter nods and makes his way back to the surface to help the people "We gotta get back up there" Gwen says as they look upwards, they're senses go off and they see Octavia throw a car at them "Spike go help the others! we'll take care of her!" Miles shouts, Spike nods and goes to help the other Spider People. Noir is fighting off multiple thugs at once" That all you got? are you fighting or are you just bumping gums?" he taunts and grabs a black and white car and throws it at them. Scorpion is besting Peni as he begins to tear her robot up he even breaks through the screen and is about to deliver another blow , but before he could do more damage Spike comes in and delivers a hard punch "Leave them alone you overgrown pest!" Spike shouts as he delivers a venom blast to him, he tries to stab Spike but Spike phases through the tail and kicks him in the face sending him flying back. he gets up and is about to fight again but an a large piece of metal drops on his head and Spike laughs at that. Porker is then sweeping his hands as he walks up to him. "what are you supposed to be? some kind of silly cartoon?" he taunts "You got a problem against cartoons?" Porker asks, he then proceeds to beat the crap out of him and hits him with a large hammer, he is then thrown to Noir and he punches him the other way, Peni then hits him with a piece of the robot furious, and Spike delivers a final Venom Strike and knocks him down completely "Aw did that feel like a cartoon?" he mocks and blows a raspberry and they walk of. Peni's spider comes out of the robot and they look at it depressed as it shuts down "Peni.. i am so sorry" spike says as she hugs him. "It's gonna be okay" Noir tells her as they all go back to the others Miles and B and Gwen took care of Octavia as she got hit by a truck much to their surprise, miles made his way up to the machine and landed on the ceiling. all the others had met up with him "Miles that was awesome dude" Spike says, Miles then puts the key in and reverses the sequence "Alert! quantum polarity has been reversed" The computer says, and kingpin destroys the glass in rage "Alright got the portal open, you first Peni" He tells her, "thank you miles, from both of us" She says gratefully "Hey don't forget, I'll be glad to show you Equestria when i get the chance." Spike says making her smile "I look forward to it Spike, thank you" She says with a smile and she jumps into the portal going home. "I uh love you all" Noir says" I'm taking this thing with me" He then hold out the cube from before" I don't understand it but i will" he says before he jumps off and goes home "I want you to have this, it'll fit in your pocket" Porker says giving Miles a hammer "That's all folks" he says with a tear and floats into the portal "is he allowed to say that? Legally?" B asks Miles and Gwen then say they're goodbyes and become friends "See you Spike, thank you for everything" Gwen says gratefully. "Glad to be of help hope to see you soon" Spike says with a smile, she then finally leaves. "Alright you next Pete" Miles tells him "Thank you both of you, thanks to you i feel like i can make things right. i'm glad to have been your guys friend" He says gratefully "We're glad to have helped you two" Spike says and Miles nods "see you Miles and Spike" B says and he finally goes through the portal leaving the two of them alone "Alright now it's your turn Spike" Miles says looking at him, Spike is about to take off but their senses go off, they see kingpin has made his way to a floating platform "Your not going anywhere" He shouts, Spike then decides to fight and jumps off the ledge. "Spike!" Miles shouts trying to make him stop, "We'll take him on together then i'll go home!" spike shouts, miles is reluctant but agrees as he and Spike land on a building. "Kingpin! they both shout ready to fight. Kingpin then slams the building breaking the glass, they backflip to avoid the damage and is able to avoid it. Kingpin tries to shoot miles but is webbed by Spike "Sorry that's cheating!" Spike says as he takes the gun, he then delivers a powerful punch to him knocking him back a great distance. they then see a train and use their strength to hit him with it "Adios" they say as they try to get to the portal but kingpin pushes through and is not letting them escape. They land on the window and see the device. "We gotta get that button!" They say, but Miles is grabbed by the head and Spike is thrown across the room. "Miles! He shouts as he tries to make his way back, the train goes into the beam and Spike grabs onto it, he then looks around and sees the multiverse "whoa! "Spike says in awe, the train finally comes out and Miles is on the top "Dude are you okay?" Spike asks worried "Yeah come on we gotta get going," he shouts, kingpin then rips through the roof of the train and throws it away "You two aren't stopping me! not today!" he shouts "we are stopping you! right now" Miles shouts, they both proceed to double team him, Spike webs multiple flying blocks and throws it at Kingpin, while Miles is doing hand to hand, Spike then comes in and Venom strikes him weakening him "You took my family, now i'm gonna make sure you never see yours" he shouts as he runs at them. Spike and miles both are stronger then him and are able to knock him down he is soon on his knees and can't get up. "We'll always have them, you ever hear of the shoulder touch?" Miles asks and Spike smugs. "What?" he asks confused, they then put both their hands on him "Hey" they both say in a deep voice before they venom strike him and he flies across the room as he's finally defeated. They see the device and web up to it and Miles ready's the portal. "Alright you ready Spike?" Miles asks "Yes, Thank you miles, for everything" Spike says gratefully. "I'm glad i met you Spike" Miles says with a smile "Hey, it's always great to have a brother" Spike says happy "never thought id have a dragon as a brother" and they both laugh at that "I'm keeping this music player and these suits" Spike says as he points to his suit he's wearing, and holds out the Nano suit in a charging container and the Music player on top "5000 songs on it, gonna be a wild ride that's for sure" Spike says laughing " id recommend listening to Post Malone, they're a great band" Miles tells him "I will, see you... brother" Spike says and he finally gets ready to leave "See you brother" Miles says as they fist bump one last time, Spike then jumps into the portal "you'll do great things kid" Spike says as he finally goes home and Miles smiles at that last part. Miles then destroys both the machine and the building and they finally save the multiverse, Miles has the chat with his dad on the phone and he then speaks to him in person. Peter Parker then shows up and lands next to them. "Dude you did it!" Peter says amazed as he high fives miles "Told you we could do it!" Miles says happy "guess we have two Spider Man helping us now right? Jefferson says "we look forward to working with you" Peter tells him "Yeah yeah, i just don't approve of you methods you two, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree" he says and they awkwardly laugh. Peter then gets an idea "Hey i got an idea for a proper punishment for Kingpin, mind helping us with it?" Peter asks "What kind of punishment?" he asks. We cut to a movie theater, Kingpin is restrained to the point he can't move and both Spider Man and Jefferson are all looking at him "What are you idiots doing? Why am i here?" Kingpin asks "Kingpin what is about to happen.. is for the greater good" Miles says sadly "I hope they remember you" Jefferson says. "what?" He asks confused, they then swing out of the theaters and the movie starts "what watching a movie that's..." He is then cut off as the screen appears and his eyes widen as he realizes what it is "What the?" he asks shocked. "I am.. Goku" the movie starts to say and kingpin freaks out. "Hey! hey hey hey! Wait! No..." he says as he looks horrified. We cut to the outside of the room, Peter, Miles and, Jefferson are all outside and they look a little bad "You think this is a little much?" Jefferson asks worried "He'll be fine" Peter says as they continue standing "OH GOD! NO!" Kingpin shouts, he then screams like a girl "NOOOO!" He screams in horror Miles then looks at the photo and feels bad "That movie is atrocious" He says sadly and they all nod "Maybe i was a little to harsh on this" Peter says regretfully and the camera cuts to what movie he is watching Dragonball Evolution... > Ending and End credits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike finally arrives back in Equestria and he sees everything has returned to normal and he sighs in relief "Home" he says and he makes his way to Canterlot He sees multiple ponies are fixing the mess and they all gasp as they see him "It's the Spider Dragon!" a pony cheers and they all begin to cheer for him. "How do they already know? Spike wonders as he is shocked they already know He walks to the castle doors and he finds Twilight and the others are already waiting for him "SPIKE!!!" They all shout, they all then tackle him into a hug. "Your okay! your alright!" Twilight says crying deeply "We were so worried about you" Rartiy says crying as well "whoa whoa what's wrong?" Spike asks surprised, they all then let go and Celestia and Luna come to him "We saw everything Spike, we had a spell that helped us find the source of the quake." Celestia explains and his eyes widen "So you all saw..." Spike asks "Everything Spike, from you being bitten, to you making Spider friends, and that kill" Luna says the last part sadly "I'm so sorry, i lost control" Spike says but Twilight stops him "Even though you killed him, it was only because you were looking out for your friend, i know you may not be over it completely, but we will help you." Twilight says as they all come up to him "Your all not mad?" Spike asks and they all shake their heads "No, you saved not just Equestria, but the entire multiverse Spike, we couldn't be more grateful for you" Celestia says Twilight then comes up to him "Spike i'm sorry for pushing you aside all this time, i was just worried for you, but i never came to think what you felt" She says upset and the others look sad as well "It's alright twilight, you were only looking out for me, no matter what I love you" Spike says as he hugs her and they all hug him as well, they soon separate and they look at each other "So im good enough for adventures for you guys now right?" Spike asks, "Your great enough for your own adventures spike" Luna says "We'll bring you along all the time now and you won't ever feel left out again" Pinkie says happy "you are strong enough to protect us, and we'll protect you." Fluttershy says with a smile "I love you guys" Spike says with a smile "We love you Spike" Twilight says with a tear "Now why don't you go show these pony's who's our hero!" Celestia says with a smile and they all cheer for him "Yeah! show us your new moves! your a Superhero now Spike! Rainbow dash encourages. "Come on lets see!" Applejack begs "Alright, alright, since you asked" Spike says as he begins to walk away Multiple ponies cheer for him as he walks "Hey what's up?" Spike asks as he fist bumps a pony "Thank you Spike" Another pony shouts and the all cheer "Yeah that's right! im the new Spider Dragon! Check it out!" Spike says as he walks on a wall but accidently slips but gets back on "That was.. part of the move!" Spike says as the all cheer for him "Okay lets do this for the first time alright" Spike narrates " My name is Spike Sparkle, I was bitten by a radioactive Spider, and for the last week i have been the one and only, Spider Dragon!" Spike says as we see him on a high mountain with a smile "I'm sure yo know the rest" Spike starts " I beat rainbow dash in a race with my Nano suit" Spike is then seeing flying fast in the sky with Rainbow dash close behind "Your not gonna win Spike!" She says playfully, but Spike's suit is more fast and it manages to cross the finish line first and pony's cheer "Alright Spike! Same time next week? " Rainbow dash asks. "You've got it!" Spike says as they high five "Saved the dragon lands from a lava monster" he continues Torch is seen fighting a large lava monster, the monster pins him to a wall but he notices Spike with his Black and Yellow suit. "Pick on someone your own size" he says as he rushes to it "What are you doing you fool?!" Torch asks confused. The monster tries to punch him but Spike leaps over the fist and runs on the rocks surrounding the monster, he then lands on his chest and uses his Venom powers and makes the monster explode from the inside saving the lands and Torch is amazed as he looks at him "Who are you" torch asks amazed "I'm the Spider dragon, glad to have helped you!" Spike says as he swings across a mountain and dragons cheer for him as he saved the day even torch is grateful for him "Not bad for a shorty" Torch says with a smile. "I helped applejack buck all the apples in her farm" Spike says as we cut to Spike and AJ sweating as we see the entire field of trees have had the apples removed, a large pile is in the farm as Spike and AJ fist bump each other with smiles "I never thought id ever be a superhero, and whenever i feel alone i remember my friends who do" Spike says as we see all the other Spider man in their dimension happy with their lives "I'm now the symbol of hope for Equestria, anyone can be, just who am i? I'm a Spider Man" Spike says as we see him on a mountain ledge watching the sunset, he then picks a song called "Sunflower" by Post Malone and plays it like Miles recommended it "And i'm not the only one, not by a longshot "Spike finishes his narration as we see him loving the song. A portal appears next to him and his eyes widen as he sees someone new "Who are you?" Spike's voice asks Meanwhile in Nueva York... "Your a bit late" A girl appears talking to someone "We can't all be everywhere at once" The voice tells her "a little text would've been nice" She says "I was gone for less then two hours what happened?" He asks seeing screens of the events happen " Okay okay i know what it looks like but here's the good news" she says "Oh here we go" He says interested "The multiverse didn't collapse" She begins "Oh cool!" He says happy to know that "Also 1610's Peter Parker lived and he now has a second Spider man" she says "Oh great! Nice to know he made it out alive" the man says relieved "But here's the big one" She begins "Oh boy what is it" He asks confused "we have our first ever... Spider Dragon" She says exited as multiple pictures of Spike appear in front of him "Spider dragon?! Like an actual dragon with Spider Man powers?" he asks shocked "Yep! he's the one who saved that Peter Parker!" she says happy Great! He's gonna be a big help!" He says exited to know that "He will" She agrees "Great story! hey did you finish the goober?" he asks "It's not a goober its a gizmo" She corrects "do you always have to call me out? its really frustrating and it burns me out" He says annoyed as he takes the device "don't get too exited Miguel it's just a prototype" She tells him "Not exited" Miguel says "But you could be the first person to make an autonomous multiverse jump, or the last" She tells him "So we're just gonna roll the dice on this?" Miguel asks "What do you say pal? where do you wanna go first" She asks. "What Earth is this Spider Dragon From?" The voice asks "Earth 10102010 or Equestria as its called there" She answers " Alright then lets start there then, Earth 10102010" He says. We cut to Spike on the mountain again listening to music, Miguel appears through the portal and Spike looks shocked "Who are you?" he asks ready to fight while pointing at him "I'm not gonna hurt you" Miguel tells him pointing as well "I'm Spider man I need your help" He tells him "which Spider Man?" Spike asks suspicious "Spider man 2099, I'm Miguel O hara , i need your help with something" He says "With what" Spike asks "The collider did more damage to the multiverse then you think, i need to gather help to help fix it" Miguel explains "What kind of damage?" Spike asks worried "I can show you if you come with me, so are you in?" Miguel asks We then see Spike thinking it over for a minute, he then looks at him "I'm in" Spike answers "Great! Come with me, I need to show you what's happening" Miguel explains as he opens a portal and walks through it Spike takes one last look at Equestria before going through the portal to help Miguel with something important To be continued...