Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 7

by TDR

First published

The continuing adventures of the Sparkle Siblings going into the filler arc... I mean season 7

The Sparkles have just finished a year long prank war with Celestia by order of ... pretty much everyone that currently exists and a few who don't, but this filler season brings more problems. Though the battle for Rahs' heart heats up, the cutiemark crusaders kick it into high gear to get Sweetiebelle her mark, Sunset sets things on fire, Pinkie Pie, there's another God Summit coming, an ancent pain in the ass returns, and some pony gets proposed to, all in this filler season of Twilight Gets a Puppy.

The Celestial John Advice, prologue

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The Celestial John Advice

[Ponyville. Mid summer. Seshat.]

It was a good day, it had been a good day, Starlight thought. She had just been sitting here reading, and then....

“Hmmmmmm.” Twilight intoned, tilting her head to the right as she stared at Starlight having just trotted up and started staring at her.

Starlight swallowed hard where she sat as Twilight looked at her.

“Hmmmmmm.” Twilight and Spike intoned, both of them tilting their heads to the left staring at Starlight with Spike resting his fist against his chin.

Starlight fidgeted a little her eyes not meeting either of the Sparkles she hadn't even seen Spike walk up.

“Hmmmmm.” Twilight intoned tilting her head back to the right, Spike doing the same, and Rahs joining in as well with the head tilt, the taller Sparkle having his thumb and forefinger resting along his chin.

Starlight started visible sweating at the gazes, Rahs had NOT been there a moment ago.

“Hmmmmm.” Twilight intoned tilting her head back to the left, with Spike, Rahs, and also Princess Luna joining in. Princess Luna was copying Rahs though with one of her wings and her feathers instead.

“AHHHHH!!!!” Starlight screamed and fell over backwards off the couch passing out.

“Huh... That hasn't happened in a while. Spike, the salts please.” Twilight nodded.

“On it.” Spike called, the drake was a bit more gangly now, though he had also lost a lot of his baby fat as he moved towards being a teen dragon. He had grown a lot in the last year, but most people didn't really notice until it was pointed out that he was currently was taller than his sister, and came up to Rahs' chest, if a little taller with his head spines.

Applebloom didn't seem to mind.

Popping the small vial and waving it under Starlight's nose, Spike pulled back as Starlight woke with a scream, then noticed who was around her, screamed again and backed up a bit before getting control of herself.

“You've conditioned her well.“ Seshat snarked.

“That you three, plus your brother feature so heavily in this mares nightmares worry us. It is interesting that she does not have a Moon-dog of her own however.” Princess Luna offered.

“Woof.” Rahs sighed.

“Mmm this is true, outliers like your sister who are born without one to watch over directly are rare.” Princess Luna nodded.

“Ruff.” Rahs added.

“Ahh so she is being covered then. Good. Her fear of you could make a powerful Tantabus.” Princess Luna nodded.

“Not to interrupt... but.... what.. what is going on?” Starlight asked. “ Why is Princess Luna here?”

“Wuff.” Rahs pointed out.

“Yeah, same as me, no clue, but it looked fun.” Spike shrugged.

“We were here speaking with Rahs and did not want to be excluded.” Princess Luna offered.

Twilight turned and glared at the other three. “Ugh... any way not the point. What I was wondering was what to do with you.”

“Do with me?” Starlight flinched.

“Of course. “ Twilight stated. “You've done very well to integrate with everyone in Ponyville, you've made friends and have yet to do anything to make me regret not letting Rahs eat you.”

Starlight swallowed and looked at Rahs who only grinned wide, prompting Princess Luna to belt him in the back of his head with a wing.

“What did we just say about her nightmares?” Princess Luna huffed.

“Shining owes me twenty bits.” Twilight nodded.” But no, that's not the point. Once you settled down I was going to see if I could use you as a test case to reform villains in a way that doesn't involve them trying to get into Rahs' pants.”

“Pass.” Starlight said immediately.

“He's two for six former villainess' after him for lewd reasons... five of six if you count the time Trixie was affected by the Alicorn Amulet, when Saturnia was plotting to invade Canterlot with her mother and was stealing his mail, and that time Applejack turned into a monster in the woods.” Spike considered.” Maybe even six of six if you count that Jynx is a Diamond Dog and what they did to him.”

“Wrong pack, but we understand the intent young Spike.” Princess Luna offered. “And to push our own choice in the matter, Trixie was under a compulsion with that amulet and not entirely in control of herself.”

“Bah that sounds like a bad bit store drama story.” Spike huffed.

“It does... doesn't it.” Princess Luna grinned at Rahs, who rolled his eyes.

“Well the idea was actually to put you in charge of Golden Oaks library rather than have you just work there under Trixie.” Twilight sighed. ”Trixie sniped the head librarian position before you recovered.”

“I don't mind.” Starlight offered.

“Still it means I need to think of something else. You are a powerful unicorn and powerful unicorns tend to get into trouble if not watched.” Twilight explained.

Everyone in the room slowly turned to stare at Twilight with one eyebrow raised. Seshat also seemed to be doing it despite not having eyes or an eyebrow to raise.

“I'm not a powerful unicorn, I'm an alicorn.” Twilight snapped.

“Now.....” Spike grumbled.

“Any...way.' I've got two things I'm working on. I have an idea for a school that's little more than a couple of ideas jotted down.” Twilight explained. “The other you might be more interested in which is the research into restoring Tempest's horn. I know you've looked over the notes and a few tests, but with sunset focusing on getting her interweb thing up and running fully, she can't focus as much on it. I could always use an extra pair of hands or a extra horn for the study.”

“A school? Of what?” Princess Luna asked.

“Oh right now it's just an idea. A school of Friendship and Magic and basic general learning, but open to everyone everywhere. Sorta like a super version of the School for gifted unicorns, but better because I will make sure that the teachers actually pay attention, the phys-ed teacher doesn't smell like old socks, and any bullies will be fired from a cannon into the sun.”

Everyone stared at Twilight again.

“It's a work in progress.” Twilight admitted.

While there were likely going to be more questions directed at Twilight, the sound of a scream of panic dopplering from out side the tree approaching at high speed and volume, then tearing past before fading a little then cutting off, stopped any further conversation for a moment.

“Wuff.” Rahs offered his ears perked and swiveling.

“Sounds like it stopped mid town?” Twilight considered. ”Well, best we see what it is in case it's something we have to deal with, it is the right time of year for shenanigans.”

“This conversations not done.” Spike accused.

“Yes it iissss.” Twilight called as she darted out the door.

TDR Presents
Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 7

The Celestial John Advice

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Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 7

The Celestial John Advice


The Sparkles, Princess Luna and Starlight Glimmer trot through the streets of Ponyville.

The scream was enough to attract attention and start bets. Though at the sight of the first part of the group walking through town was enough to make most residents wary, add in Princess Luna and there were a few of them running for the hills and the rest would be seeking shelter to see if this was something to bet on. With Starlight Glimmer being dragged along as well, most of the streets were clear but a few ponies still in cover, who had bets riding on the outcome of this were still around. After all, none of Rahs' suitors or the Crusaders were around, so the blast yield should be survivable.

The few Guards patrolling the streets had upped their magic armors power or cast a few shield spells if they had the ability and pointed the group to where the scream had gone and moved to protect the stubborn and those with a gambling addiction bigger than their survival instinct.

The path lead, to no ones surprise, Carousel Boutique's main store.

“Well we know she didn't freak out a rude customer, because the noise came to the shop instead of away from.” Twilight hummed.

“Ruff.” Rahs pointed out sniffing the air.

“Ozone?” Princess Luna questioned.

“Rainbow Dash.” Spike pointed out sagely.

“I thought Rainbow Dash was in Canterlot with Prince this weekend.” Twilight hummed to herself as they came up on the front door of the shop. A door that had been smashed off it's hinges and had a very disgruntled looking, IE normal looking, Sombra working to put it back up.

The dark furred pony stopped working on the door as the group approached.

“Sparkles.” Sombra greeted.

“Sombra.” Twilight returned as Spike offered a wave.

“Luna.” Sombra nodded to his mother.

“Sombra.” Luna smiled a little.

“Extra.” Sombra offered glancing to Starlight.

“Somb... Hey wait!” Starlight huffed. ”My Name is Starlight Glimmer!”

“I cannot pretend to care.” Sombra continued. ”The problem is in the main room. Oh and Rainbow Dash and Rarity are there too.”

A spool of thread shot out of the store and belted Sombra upside the head.

“That's for biting Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie yelled from inside.

“Pinkie do not throw my materials!” Rarity chided.

Sombra sighed and moved out of the way of the group as Rahs scooped up the spool of thread offering the unicorn a nod before they all strode in and Rahs tossed the spool back to Rarity who snatched it out of the air with a shadow tendril.

“Thank you dear. I shouldn't be surprised that you all showed up after that scream.” Rarity sighed setting the spool down on a small table near a dress manikin she had been working on. To her left was Pinkie Pie who was poking a large pile of assorted cloth that Rainbow Dash sat on hyperventilating into a paper bag.

“So what happened? Did something finally decide to attack? Seshat didn't say anything so it's not a table problem.” Twilight questioned.

Rarity, completely non pulsed pointed a hoof at Rainbow Dash with a flat expression as she went back to her work.

Rainbow Dash for the most part looked quite frazzled even for her. She pulled the bag away from her mouth gasping out.

“Prince proposed.”

This was met with a squee from Pinkie Pie, a dead pan look from Rarity, and a look of confusion from everyone else.

“Is .. isn't that a good thing?” Starlight asked ”Why does she look like someone died?”

“It's a Rainbow Dash thing.” Rarity sighed. “You should have been here for her freak out when he asked her out the first time.”

“Did she break the door then too?” Sombra growled from the entrance stomping back after rehanging the door.

“Yes, yes she did.” Rarity sighed. ”That's one of the reasons I have break away hinges on the doors.”

Spike and Rahs both shared a look and then gasped as loudly as they could darting up to Rainbow Dash with big smiles on their face.

“Does this mean we finally get a mommy!?” Spike childishly demanded.

Rainbow Dash stared as Twilight sighed, her magic grabbing both her brothers up as Rarity opened the front door letting Twilight fling the giggling idiots out into the street before she slammed the door on them.

“That has not gotten old for them yet?” Luna asked.

“It's a running gag.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Alright what happened?” Twilight questioned Rainbow Dash.

“Right so we had date and we talked about going to the Running of the Cows this year and then we were getting a bit.... yeah not talking about that, when he popped up and proposed to me on balcony....”

There was grinding of teeth, but everyone ignored Rarity.

“And then you panicked and flew all the way from Canterlot to Ponyville.” Twilight finished.

“Um... yeah.” Rainbow Dash admitted. ”It's probably a record....”

“Really? Why?” Starlight questioned. “Sounds like you're into this stallion.”

“Cause I'm a hero and sorta a Wonderbolt, everyone knows you get married get fat and have a bunch of kids and your life advancement just stops.” Rainbow Dash blurted.

“Excuse you?” Princess Luna, mother of two, demanded.

“Rainbow. Are you basing this info on perhaps your own parents and maybe Mrs Cake?” Twilight sighed.

“And Fluttershy's parents.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Having met Fluttershy's mom, that pony could use some more body fat.” Pinkie Pie sighed. “And Mrs Cake can bench press 450 and has beaten Big Mac in at least three local Hoof Wrestling tournies.”

“Uhhh.” Rainbow Dash blue screened.

“Also my moms not fat. Clearly your sample size for that hypothesis is skewed.” Twilight states.” Granted there are outliers for that too, I mean Starlight doesn't have any kids and she eats at least three times her weight in food a day.”

“HEY!” Starlight demanded.

“What? You're not fat from that, that's why you're an outlier. And it's weird, I've seen what you eat, I'm a goddess and I can't eat all that?” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“My mother may have put on some weight, but she is … far from inactive....... she is far too active to be honest.” Rarity chimed in.

“I am not getting involved in this.” Sombra stated and quickly retreated to his room.

“You are teaching him well.” Luna muttered to Rarity who tittered.

“Hold on. Hold on.” Starlight chimed up. “So he proposed and you just … ran away? What the heck is he gonna think about that?”

“Probably that she'll accept.” Luna commented getting a look from Starlight. “This is not the first time she's fled like this after all.”

[ Canterlot ]

Prince stood back up from where he knelt to propose. He had gotten Rainbow Dash an earring design engagement ring like the one her mother had. One that wouldn't interfere with her flying like a bracelet or wing clip would.

Prince's mother refused to let him reforge her horn ring, but that was fine, if they had any foals they might want to use it. His mother probably would mellow out for grand foals.

He tilted his head looking up at the rainbow trail of light arcing towards Ponyville and smirked slightly.
He glanced back as he heard hoof steps to note his father was trotting up to look into the sky as well.

“Proposed did you?” his father questioned.

“I did.” Prince nodded.

“Went well then?” his father asked.

“As expected really.” Prince smiled. “ I should be used to this.”

It isn't the Main Stage about you

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Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 7

It isn't the Main Stage about you

[Ponyville, mid summer]

“This. Is. THE. WORST. THING. EVER!!!” Rarity bemoaned.

Twilight tilted her head, the scanning spell keeping her horn alight as she glanced over to Sombra who shrugged.

For once Twilight didn't think her friend was being that over dramatic.

She did think that throttling Pinkie Pie with shadowy nightmare tendrils was a bit much. Not that Pinkie seemed to mind, but then again every time Rarity shook Pinkie, she either rattled or squeaked like a dogs chew toy.

Rahs went though a lot of chew toys when he was younger, so she knew the irritating sound rather well.

Pinkie Pie was simply sitting there wrapped in the tendrils with her usual grin on her face though she was some what quiet, not even throwing anything at Sombra.

If not for the grin and odd noises Twilight would have thought she was a changeling with how quiet she had been while Twilight was checking Rarity out.

“Alright that's the third diagnostic spell I've cast Rarity. I have no idea what happened, but it's blocking most magical restoration too. I can't even modify the mustache spell.” Twilight explained looking at her friend.

Rarity's white coat was as pristine as ever, but her mane and tail were an absolute disaster. Much of it looking pulled out and the rest had turned blue or yellow and was sticking out in odd spikes that refused to be tamed like the worlds worst cow licks. Another oddity was that Rarity couldn't even manifest her shadow tendrils to duplicate her mane and tail without the construction of them falling apart.

“I am ruined Twilight RUINED!! Photo Finish is coming today to take a picture for the best manes in Equestria magazine and LOOK AT MY HAIR!!” Rarity shrieked.

“Actually she was coming because Rarity agreed for me to have my photos done.” Sombra added with a small glare to the mare. “Evidently a stallion with a flowing mane like mine is a rare treat for some ponies to see or some such nonsense. I have no idea why.”

“Yes and she would have seen my coiffure and of course taken photos of me as well.” Rarity added. “Or she would have if not for this barbarian and her Sneezaversery thing!!”

Rarity shakes Pinkie with her shadow tentacles and both Sombra and Twilight looked to Pinkie as she rattled like a bunch of dice in a cup.

“Pinkie Pie.. what was in that silly string?” Twilight asked tentatively once Rarity was done shaking the mare.

“The usual stuff. Working around food and animals I have to be very careful about what sort of mixture I use with my confetti and silly string. It's got to be biodegradable, non toxic, act as a floor wax, and a dessert topping, it can't stick to fur or hair without being able to dissolve in water.” Pinkie Pie listed. “Zecora helped me make the formula I use and really it's not much different than fondant and whip cream.”

“Can't stick to fur or hair? CAN'T STICK TO FUR OR HAIR!!?” Rarity screeched. “Look at what it did to mine!!!”

“Oh.. that's not from the silly string.” Pinkie Pie explained as if she was speaking to a foal.

“What?” Twilight questioned having followed the pink mare's logic thus far, which was also kinda strange.

“Then what else can it be!?!” Rarity demanded.

“Oh. It's the conditioner you used when you went to go wash off the silly string of course.” Pinkie Pie chimed. “That was a special formula.”

“I am saying this a lot today but, What?” Twilight asked.

“Oh it's simple I secretly switched Rarity's normal shampoo for a potion I had Applebloom brew up to promote temporary hair loss.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.” It didn't quite work properly but the extra dyes and enhanced sticky formula coupled with witch wolf drool worked wonders. It should take a day or two to wear off.”

Everyone stared at the pink pony.

“Wh.. why would you do that to me?” Rarity gasped.

“Darling come back, it's just a little trim!” Pinkie Pie mocked in a perfect match for Rarity's voice as she popped herself free of the night mare tendrils that had been holding her and quickly got nose to nose with Rarity.

“As I said in season four, I wouldn't be forgetting what you did to my mane. And I didn't.” Pinkie Pie growled her eyes flickering red. “Don't worry. It will grow back.”

Rarity stumbled back away from the pink mare who was her usual bouncy self in an eye blink.

“Anyhoo I need to go rebake some pastries that got hit with the silly string, I haven't got the taste of it down just right yet and not everyone likes extra frosting. “ Pinkie Pie explained and then pronked off out of the castle.

Sombra watched as the pink menace left then looked back to the two gobsmacked mares that were still staring after the departed earth pony.

“Well at least she didn't hit me with something for biting Fluttershy this time.” Sombra sighed.

Masks and Recreation

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Twilight Gets A Puppy
Season 7

Masks and Recreation


“We didn't do it!” Scootaloo screamed out.

“I don't think anyone's going to buy that as we are in the crater Scootaloo.” Spike grumbled.

“Yeah, I know, it's a reflex by this point.” Scootaloo agreed.

“I can't feel my face.”Sweetiebelle whined.” I just wanted a cutie mark, and now I can't feel my face!”

“Use your hoof.” Applebloom offered.

“Oh. There it is.” Sweetiebelle chimed up putting a hoof on her nose.

“Why do I hang out with you guys outside of the gaming group again?” Firefly snarked.

“Cause I'm cute?” Scootaloo offered.

Firefly opened his mouth to respond, then shut it again seeing a losing discussion, as the sirens from the fire brigade drew closer to the new hole in the road at the edge of town.

The pained cry of the Mayor could be heard over the sirens.


Tempest Shadow was not nervous, she did not care about her looks and wanted her horn back so she would not be regarded as a cripple.

So why did the tiny colt with a cut off horn staring up at her make her want to be any where else.

“Murburgle?” the colt asked looking over at his father seated in a chair on the other side of the room.

“Yes Pan, she's mulberry colored.” the tan unicorn offered. Out of the six ponies in the room he was the only one whole and undamaged, though the colt was the only one who was enjoying himself, still too young to realize his handicap yet.

If Twilight could do what she planned, then he would never know he ever had one.

The occupants of the room were an odd mix.

There was Tempest, who lost her horn as a filly due to a star bear attack.

Pan Pan, and his father Level Mark, who was a carpenter. His wife was a pegasus named Shutter Snap who had complications with Pan's pregnancy. It was a rare condition where the colt's horn had formed and started growing into the lining of womb and pushing through it into her stomach and other organs growing into the soft tissue and fusing with it. The positioning of the colt and the fact it was unchecked during development was threatening her life before he had come any where near term. In order to save them the doctors had surgically removed his horn to the base along with a fair section of her internals to allow him to continue to develop enough to be born safely while also keeping the mother alive. It had worked and Shutter had pulled through, though Pan would be an only child. She was with them though had gone out to get snacks for Pan, leaving Level Mark to watch the colt trundle around the room and stare at everyone.

Most of the group was fine with this in truth, the colt was adorable after all, though an older unicorn named Cog Wheel was trying to pretend the little colt annoyed her. Like Tempest her horn had been removed due to damage that left the mares face scared. Cog had been an airship mechanic when she was younger and had an engine explode in her face. As standoffish and crotchety as the old mare was she had shown up without any issue when Twilight asked, though she had been grumbling a lot and had been generally unpleasant, but not to a degree that any one was really bothered by.

Fairy Circle was another unicorn mare who had suffered from the same issue as Pan having needed to have her horn removed in development. She had done fairly well for herself as a gardener and she and her husband were expecting. She was less worried about her own horn and more worried that her foal might have the same problem she had. The effect was so rare it didn't have a name, but that didn't seem to comfort the expecting mother.

The last was a Kirin named Shattered Glass. She was a singer in the Opera circuit and Rahs had been the one to point her out to Twilight. He had also immediately gotten her autograph and was set to talk shop for hours before Twilight had thrown him out. Tempest was not sure how the singer had lost her horn, but it was broken near the middle and she had no visible scars otherwise.

The seventh and eighth ponies there were actually from the Crystal empire and were currently in Twilight's lab getting examined.

One was a Crystal pony named Opal Setting, her Daughter Pearl Setting was the first Crystal Unicorn born in the Empire after it's return. Twilight was checking out the foal and it's unusual horn growth.

It seemed Crystal Unicorns were not born with their horns like regular Unicorns, but after a few months the crystalline growth that would be their horns started to form and grew, often needing to be trimmed if the growth was too excessive of varied. Moon Dancer and Sunburst had spent a good bit of time scouring the libraries to find a book on proper Crystal horn care to present to the new parents and Moon Dancer was working on yet another doctorate in a medical field that quite frankly hadn't existed in a thousand years.

Twilight had theorized that if she could figure out how the growth worked she might be able to use something like that to help those here regrow their lost horns, they wouldn't be natural, but if Twilight could grow the crystal correctly it would act very much like a real horn.

Tempest didn't care if she had a horn made out of a sex toy so long as it allowed her to cast again properly.

The door to the lab opened and the little crystal filly and her mother trotted out with Twilight behind them. The filly had a rather large sucker which Pan immediately zeroed in on and made a bee line for before his father grabbed him much to the colts protests.

“Thank you for that Opal. I think this will help out. I'd like you two to stick around for a few more days for a few more tests, but this looks promising.” Twilight explained.

“Tis not any trouble Princess Sparkle.“ Opal offered getting a small flinch from Twilight and a loud cackle from Sunset who was still in the lab behind them having been acting as Twilight's assistant with her skill as a Blood Mage. “After what you and your brothers have done this is the least I can do to help. Particularly since it will also help other ponies.”

“Kambie.” Pan demanded slipping away from his father and tramping across the room to prod at Twilight's leg.

Twilight glanced down gently picking the colt up in her magic and floating him back over to his father, with a small wrapped candy piece which the colt was very focused on tearing into.

“Okay, can you make your way back to the hotel on your own?” Twilight asked just before a loud explosion sounded from outside and everyone not native to Ponyville flinched much like the last few dozen explosions. She looked up at the ceiling.”Seshat?”

“Impressive. They really' didn't' do that one, not directly. Though the two wild pigs they were riding some how managed to set off a barrel of Trixie's fireworks after they got away from the Crusaders.” Seshat offered.

“I hope those pigs are fast or Trixie is going to be cooking bacon later.” Tempest sighed pushing up to her hooves. “Come on I'll guide you to your hotel. East street should be cleared up by now.”

“How do any of you live like this?” Cog Wheel demanded clearly more shaken by the explosions than any one else. For good reason.

“It's Tuesday.” Sunset called from behind Twilight.

“Ehh, what she said.” Twilight shrugged. “Fairy come on back, I want to make sure everything's going well with you.”