All this trouble for a cup?

by Kingstar008

First published

After his daughter received a high mark on her test, Artemis decided to reward her. But what Artemis saw at the store will not only leave him confused, but his entire family as well.

After a few nights of studying, Haley Yukon Sparkle earned the highest score on her math test. Artemis decides to reward her. (Within reason, of course.) The only thing she wanted to do is to go to the local store to get a Stanley Cup. A red one to be exact.

This little shopping trip would lead Artemis to discover a trend that was quickly taking over Equestria, and he doesn’t like one bit.

(This story takes place in the Royal Three universe. Two years after the season nine finale.)

Really? You are willing to fight each other over a cup?

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January 12 1024 A.G
Ponyville, Equestria.
2:30 PM.

It was a cold winter afternoon in Ponyville and outside of the local elementary school were a large group of parents waiting for their kids' school day to end.

One of these parents was 33-year-old, Prince Artemis Pluto Yukon. Usually Twilight would be the one to pick up their daughter. But something came up at Harmony Academy a.k.a. “the school of friendship.” So she asked him to do it. Not that he minds, it was nice to have a break from his daily routine of being a prince.

When the clock hit 2:30 PM the school bell rang, and the doors open releasing all the school kids to the outside world.

After the first group of rugrats came through the doors, Artemis spotted a light purple Alicorn filly with a black mane with a bright red stripe and sky-blue stripe. Her name is Princess Haley Athena Yukon Sparkle.

“Haley, over here.” Artemis waved.

“Dad!” The little alicorn ran to her father and gave him a big hug. She looked at him with her big brown eyes and said.

“I have something to show you.” She took off her backpack and took out a piece of paper with a 100% written on it in red ink. “I passed my test!”

“Would you look at that, a 100%. Great job Haley, you’re just as smart as your mom.”

“Does that mean I get a reward?” Haley ask.

“Yes, you do my little sunshine.” He ruffled her hair before continuing. “Now what do you want? Do you want to go to arcade tomorrow? Do you want to go to the movies tonight? Whatever you want to do, we will do it.”

“I want to go to barnyard bargains and get Stanley.” Haley smiled.

He wasn’t expecting this.

“A Stanley? Isn’t that one of those fancy metal tumblers?”

The eight-year-old nodded.

“That’s it? You just want to get a new metal cup?”


“Honey, you know we can go to the store and get a Stanley another time.”

“I know, but the limited addition colors have been out for a while now and one of the colors is red. I want to get the red one before it’s gone. Please dad.” She begged.

“All right if that’s what you want. But I’m still taking you to the movies tonight. Is that fine with you?” Artemis said before he kneel down to give Haley a piggyback ride.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Haley said after she climbed on his back.

“All right then. Let’s go get that cup.” Artemis stood up and started to walking towards barnyard bargains.

As he made his way through the snow, Haley told her father about all the things she and her friends did that day.

Like any other parent, Artemis like it when his kids tell him all about their day. All the ridiculous things they tell him always made him laugh.

He was also glad that his kids were still normal kids, despite being born into royalty and witnessing all sorts of events that no child should ever see with their own two eyes.

Being the father of two powerful Alicorn kids and a prince wasn’t easy, but he doesn’t regret a thing.

After walking for what felt like 20 minutes, Artemis and Haley arrived at barnyard bargains.

Outside of the large grocery store was a crowd of humans and ponies were waiting in front of the main entrance.
As he got closer, he saw Smolder sitting on a little snow hill just a few feet away from the crowd.

Before Artemis could say hi, Haley beat him to it.
“Hi Smolder.”

The orange dragoness looked to her right and smiled. “Hey Haley, how’s it going?”

“Good. I got a 100% on my math test.” She said proudly after getting off of her dad‘s back.

“Good job.” She gave the young princess a pat on the back. “I’m guessing she’s getting award?” She looked up at Artemis.

“Yes she is. I am getting a Stanley cup for her.” Artemis answered.

“Oh, you’re here for that.”

“Yeah, are you here to buy one as well?” Artemis ask.

“Nope, I am here to watch all taurus brake loose.”

This confused the prince. “What do you mean by that?”

Smolder hopped off her little snow hill and approach the prince. “Ok I’m guessing you don’t know about what’s going on recently so I’ll fill you in. When the doors open, every pony is going to run like their life depends on it. And when they get to displays where Stanley’s are, they’re going to fight each other for it.”

“What? There’s no way that any pony would fight someone for a cup?”

“It’s been trending on TikTok for a few days now. That’s what everyone on the app is talking about.” Smolder said.

“I don’t have TikTok, I have enough social media apps on my phone as it is. But fighting over a cup is just pathetic.”

“The fights are not that bad.” Haley commented.

“How do you know this, young lady?” Artemis ask with a raise eyebrow.

“Eclipse have been sending videos over the family and friends group chats. Uncle Apollo gave the video of thumbs up.” She answered.

“Of course they did.”

Just like his father, Artemis’ nephew, Eclipse like chaotic videos. But Artemis thought those videos were just an a few incidents from the recent holiday shopping season.

But it looks like that’s not the case.

It’s was at this moment, when Smolder notice the employees at the store’s entrance. “I would love to continue chatting, but the games are about to begin. I’ll see you guys later.”

“Haley, hold my hand. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Ok.” She complied.

One of the few human employees made the sign of the cross before opening the doors. Immediately, the entire crowd push their way through the doors like it was black Friday.

After the entrance was clear, Artemis and Haley entered the store while a few stragglers were booking it like Georgia state patrol were coming after them.

It didn’t take the father daughter duo long to get to the back of store where the Stanleys were.

Everyone was fighting each other. Some were using their bare hands while others using their purses or personal belongings. Heck, a few of them were using items from the shelves as weapons. Some of the store employees try to break up the fight only to fail miserably.

The only person that wasn’t fighting was Smolder, who was watching the carnage unfold from a safe distance.

Suddenly a red Stanley was launched in the air. Probably was thrown by one of the people in the brawl.

Haley used her magic to grab it out of the air. “Yes, I got it!”

Artemis didn’t hear his daughter’s war cry because he was too shocked at the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

After he snapped out of his shocked state, he decided to end this nonsense once and for all by using his magic to freeze everyone in their place, except for the retail workers.

“Ok, this fight ends right now!” He said sternly. “What is wrong with all of you? You guys are giving each other black eyes and knocking teeth out for” he took a moment to looked at the price on the shelf. “A cup that cost only 40 bits. That’s just ridiculous. And what makes it even more embarrassing is that there’s plenty of tumblers to go around!”

“No there is not.” A pink pegasus mare said.

“Oh really? In that case, I’m going to prove you wrong by giving every pony a Stanley.”

He used his magic to give everyone a cup, while saying. “You get a Stanley. You get a Stanley. Everyone gets a Stanley!” After that he unfroze everyone. “See there’s even a few left over.”

Artemis sighed before walking over to one of the store employees. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, just a bit banged up, that’s all.” The tan human said. Not realizing who was talking to him.

“Don’t worry I gotcha.” Artemis used his magic to heal all the bumps and bruises the worker got.

The he wasn’t expecting this at all. “Thank you, you didn’t have to-“ This is when he looked up.

‘Oh shoot, I’m speaking to royalty.’ He thought.
“Your majesty, sorry for the inconvenience.”

“You’re not inconvenience. I took an oath to serve my subjects and that’s what I’m doing. Besides, it’s not your fault that you got beaten up by a bunch of idiots.”

“Thank you for helping me through.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Haley, let’s go home.” Artemis said before walking towards the check out area.

“Ok.” The princess follow suit.

Unbeknown to Artemis, one the shoppers that wasn’t involved in the brawl, recorded the entire thing.

The castle of friendship.
3:10 PM

“Hey every pony, we’re home.” Artemis said as his daughter ran past him.

“We’re in the kitchen!” Twilight shouted.

When he arrived at the kitchen, he saw that Haley was showing off her math score.

“Good job Athena. We told you can do it.” Twilight hugged her daughter.

“See, studying can work.” Starlight said.

After twilight ended the hug, Haley reached into her bag and pulled out her new cup. “And I got a this as a reward.”

“That’s nice.” Starlight said with a slightly nervous smile.

“Honey, since you did so well today you can have as many sweets as you want.”


“Yes really.”

“Thanks, mom.” Haley said before she went to the pantry, grab fistful of candy and teleported to her room.

“You know she’s going to have a sugar rush for the next hour, right?” Artemis ask.

“I know, but she deserves it.” Twilight respond.

“Artemis, out of all of the things you could’ve bought her, you decide to buy that cup?” Starlight ask as she pointed at the Stanley in question.

“She wanted it and didn’t want anything else so I bought it for her. Why?”

“Should I tell him?” Starlight ask Twilight.

“I’ll do it. You know that incident I had to deal with that prevented me from picking up Haley from school?”


“It turns out that a group of three students was bullying another student because she didn’t have a Stanley Cup.”

“What?” Artemis said in shock. “Bullying another student because of that?” The prince took a seat before continuing. “And I thought the fight at Barnyard Bargains was ridiculous.”

“There was a fight at the store?” Starlight ask.

“Yeah it was brutal. I had to stop the fight because so many people were getting hurt. After I scolded them I handed out one Stanley for each of them and there were still some leftover. They were fighting for nothing. To make matters even worse. Smolder told me that this crazy trend has been going on for a few days now.”

“Why are so many creatures going crazy over these cups?” Twilight ask.

“It’s because they want to show off and look cool.”

Every pony turn to look at the newcomer standing in the kitchen’s entrance.

The pony in question is a dark purple Alicorn colt with black mane and tail with red stripe and a gold stripe. This is 11-year-old Prince Dusk Neptune Yukon Sparkle.

“You’re home late, did something happen?” Twilight asked.

“I was in a snowball fight with Lil cheese and the dash triplets. Remind me to never get involved in a snowball fight with them without any back up.”

“Let me guess, Cheese was breaking physics again?” Artemis ask.

“Yes he was. Anyway, I couldn’t help but noticed that you guys were talking about the recent Stanley trend. Did something happen at the school or something?”

“Yeah group of students were bullying another student for not owning a Stanley.” Starlight explained.

“For real? Dang that sucks. I heard of it happening in other schools but I never thought it could happened there.”

“Do you know anything about this trend?” Twilight ask.

“All I know is that a bunch of influencers are showing off their new Stanley and a lot of people want to get one, most of them are girls.” Then he noticed the red tumblr on the kitchen counter.
“I am guessing that’s Haley‘s cup.”

“Yeah, I just got after picking up Haley from school. Do you want one?”

“No thanks, I’m good. If any pony needs me, I’m in my room.” Dusk said before walking away.

Moments later the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.”

Artemis left the kitchen, walk down the hallway and look through the castle door peephole.
On the other side was a familiar face.

He opened the door, revealing a fully grown 7 foot tall, Spike.

“Good afternoon Spike, I’m guessing you’re here to return the books you and Sweetie Belle borrowed?”

“Yes I am.” He said before opening up his satchel bag and pulling out three book which he handed to Artemis. “I also want to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“Before I left, Lavender told me that Haley invited her to go to the movies over text. Sweetie Belle is ok with it, I just want to know if it’s ok with you.”

“Of course it is, she’s more than welcome to come with us. Does her siblings want to come along?”

“Nah, they don’t want to watch migration.” Spike answered.

“Ok, since the movie starts at 7, I’ll pick up lavender at 6:30.”

“That’s fine by me. I’ll see you then.” Spike said before he started walking home.

“Goodbye Spike.” Artemis waves before he closed the front door.

January 13
12:20 AM
Canterlot, Equestria

It was a cold Saturday afternoon in Canterlot, but that didn’t stop the city’s inhabitants from shopping or enjoying the weekend. In fact, it did to complete opposite since it was a snow day.

In a café, just down the street from the Equestrian Senate, two emperors we’re finally able to have a break from there busy schedule.

“Finally, I’m free from the Senate.” Apollo said as he sat down.

“Let me guess, some of them try to start an argument again?” Atlas ask.

“Yep, and guess who.”

“The factions of the N.P.P?”

“Correct. I swear it’s like those guys have nothing else to do.”

“Yeah, but at least they don’t act like childish like the politicians on earth.” Atlas pointed out.

“If they did, we would’ve gotten some gray hairs by now.”

It was at this moment, when Artemis finally arrived. “Hey guys, sorry I’m late. The meeting with Luna took longer than expected.”

“It’s all right. You’re here, that’s all that matters.”
Atlas said before he felt his iPhone vibrate in his pocket.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at the text Celestia had sent him.

Celestia: “Sorry for interrupting your break, but you guys might want to see this.” Underneath that text was a link. So He pressed the it.

“Well, this is interesting.”

“What is it?” Apollo ask.

“Artemis is going viral.”

“I’m sorry what now?” Artemis said in disbelief.

“There’s a video of you on Twitter that has more than 10 million views.” Atlas said as he showed his siblings the video in question.

Artemis eyes’ widened. “You gotta be kidding me. Someone recording that. Fuck my life.”

“Wow, you really putting them in their place. How did you end up stopping a fight at a store?” Apollo ask since the video didn’t provide much context of what happened before Artemis intervened.

“Well, after I picked up Haley from school and I saw the grade she got on her test. I decided to get her award. So we went to the store to get a red Stanley and that’s when I encountered a ton of shoppers fighting over the cups.”

“Not again. These fights are getting ridiculous.” Atlas commented.

“What does the comments say?” Apollo asks.

“The first one says, ‘he is speaking our minds.’ The second one says that ‘these folks should be ashamed of themselves.’ The best one in my opinion is ‘if we have leaders like this in U.S, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now. And then there’s some random retard that said, ‘don’t trust him. He only wants all the Stanley for himself.’

“Congratulations Artemis. It looks like you’re the face of a new movement.” Apollo said.

“I don’t want this.” Artemis said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I only intervene because it was the right thing to do. Any person would’ve intervene in my place.”

“Well, according to the comments on this video, that’s a rarity now these days.” Atlas stated.

“First the bullying and now this. What is going on with this galaxy?” Artemis said.

“What does Bullying have to do with this?” Atlas said in confusion.

“A lot. It turns out that kids sometimes bully each other if one doesn’t have a Stanley in some schools. Twilight told me that it happened at Harmony Academy yesterday.”

“That is horrible.” Atlas said.

“Why are they doing this to each other in the first place?” Apollo wondered.

“I don’t know I’ve been asking myself the same thing.” Artemis then had a bad thought. “You don’t think Haley is getting bullied at school, right?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Atlas said. “Haley might be one of the youngest members of our family, but I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to target her. And if someone does, they have to deal with her friends and family in Ponyville, Canterlot and the Crystal city.”

“Not only that Twilight is the literal definition of a mama bear so I think ponies would think twice before bullying Haley or Dusk.” Apollo stated.

“I hope you’re right.” Artemis sighed.

At this moment when Apollo’s phone vibrated on the table.

It was a call from their cousin Patrick, who lives in Washington DC.

“Hey guys, it’s our cousin. Should I put him on speaker?” Apollo ask.

“Definitely.” His siblings said in unison as Atlas conjured up a privacy bubble.

“Ok.” Apollo answer the call and put it on speaker.

Patrick: “What’s up royal cousins?!”

“Hey Patrick, how’s it going?” Atlas asks.

Patrick: “Everything is good over here. A snowstorm had just blanketed DC with a lot of snow, so I have an extended winter break. Oh, and I have some great news to share with you guys.”

“Well tell us already.” Apollo said.

Patrick:“I have made $15,000 in the past few weeks!”

“Wow, good work.” Apollo said.

“Congratulations cousin.” Artemis said.

“How did you earn that much money? Did you become manager of Barnes & Noble‘s or something?” Atlas ask.

Patrick: “I wish. I’ve been trying out a new side hustle. That’s all.”

“Are you doing commissions? Are you shoveling rich people’s driveways?” Artemis asks.

Patrick: “No, my drawing skills is garbage compared to yours, Artemis. The side hustle I’m doing is a bit unusual. You know that Stanley Cup trend that’s been taken over our world since December?”

“Yeah, we were just talking about that. Why do you ask?” Apollo asked.

Patrick: “Well back in December I noticed that everyone wanted to Stanley, especially people with a lot of money like influencers for example. So, for the past few weeks I’ve been using my paycheck to buy all this Stanley I can find and sell them on eBay. I was only expecting to make a few hundred bucks at most but in the first few days I made $1000! So, I decide to continue this little side hustle of mine.”

“Wow that’s really smart. Questionable, but smart.” Apollo commented.

“So your side hustle is reselling Stanley’s on eBay.”
Atlas said bluntly.

Patrick: “Yep and to be honest, I wish I discovered this sooner.”

“Are you fighting people to get the Stanley’s and why are you doing this?” Artemis asks.

Patrick: “Artemis, I’m not fighting people for cups. I wait for them to either be distracted or finish fighting and then I grab as many Stanley as possible. And the main reason why I’m doing this is because of one ship, Icon of the seas.”

“Isn’t that the largest cruise ship ever to be built?”
Atlas ask.

Patrick: “Yep and that ship is beautiful, and it looks fun. Me and my family really want to go on it but it’s so damn expensive. But thanks to me, we are able to not only book a seven-night cruise in November, but we are also bringing some relatives with us. Without breaking the bank.”

“That’s pretty nice of you.” Artemis commented.

Patrick: “Thanks. Anyway, I have to go. My mom is calling me. I will talk to you guys later.”

“Bye Patrick.” The triplets said before the call ended.

After getting rid of the privacy bubble, Atlas lean back and said. “Now that was an interesting phone call.”

“That’s the 2020s for ya. No matter how hard you try, you can never predict what happens next.” Apollo said.

“Amen to that. Are we going to get some food yet? Because I am starving.” Artemis said.

“Yeah, let’s do that.” Atlas said.

“Agreed.” Apollo chimed in.

After that, the three royals left their table to order some food.

4:00 PM
Ponyville, Equestria.

After an hour of driving, or miss, was finally back home after a long day in the capital.

“Honey I’m home.” Artemis read it after he shut the castles front door.

Then he felt his phone vibrating. He took out of his pocket and saw that twilight has sent him a text. And it said. “I’m in the library.”

So instead of walking to the library, he decided to teleport instead. Where he found Twilight reading a book on one of the sofas.

“Welcome home, Artemis.” Twilight said before she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “How was work?”

“It was a normal day in the office.”

“So busy and hectic?” Twilight guessed.

“Correct. Do you know where Haley is? I need to talk to her real quick.”

“She’s in her bedroom the last time I checked.” Twilight answered.

“Thanks Twi, I’ll be back soon.”
Artemis said as he made his way towards the stairs.

After he put his briefcase away in his bedroom, he walked down the hall and knocked on Haley‘s bedroom door.

“Come in.”

He opened the door and saw that his daughter was watching Netflix with a bowl of popcorn on her right and her Stanley on her left.

“Haley, can you pause your show real quick? I need to tell you something.”

“Sure.” She said before pausing Sailor Moon. “What’s up?”

Artemis sat down on her bed before speaking.
“Haley, are you having any problems with any of your peers in school lately?”

“No, I’m cool with everyone. Why do you ask?”

“I just wanted to let you know that if you are getting bullied or anything, I just want to let you know that me and your mother have your back. And I don’t care what they say. You don’t need material items to make you better because you’re already perfect just the way you are. Do you understand?”

“Yes, dad.” She blushed a little.

“Good. Now give your old man a hug.”

After they ended the hug, Artemis stood up and walked towards the door. “If you need anything I’m downstairs.”

“I know.” Haley said before Artemis closed the door.

As Artemis walked through the castle, he felt good knowing that his daughter knew he will always have her back. But he also knew that she wouldn’t be needing his help right now. Because just like her mother, she was one tough cookie.