The Equestrian Rider

by Anubis Grimgost

First published

It was just meant to be a normal ride for Damian on his ZX-14r when the clouds began to swirl and lightning struck him.

Damian is a 24 year old man still living at home with two loving parents and three younger siblings, good friends and a week old brand new motorbike.

Life is good and summer had just started.

But fate can be unpredictable and Damian’s destiny lies elsewhere.

C1 the crash

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It was mid summer and a completely clear day, Damian had got his new custom Kawasaki ZX-14r out of his garage and onto the driveway.

He had said his good byes to his mum, dad and siblings. Even though he was the eldest out of 4 he was still treated like a kid by his mum.

She had told him to ride safe for the 10th time before he took off down the road, he had just got the bike wrapped in a brilliant orange and white wrap with after market exhausts.

Once he got on the motorway, Damian accelerated up to 70 and a feeling of relief, peace and a resound sense of belonging took hold of him….

Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t see any other cars or bikes on the road, none in front of him and none behind him.

He guessed that the road was his for now.

Although Damian’s life wasn’t the most extravagant it was his and that’s all that mattered to him, he had all he ever needed. His family, friends, a good paying job and his motorbike.

His mum had always nagged him to get a car but he had never really been a typical guy, as soon as he could afford to drive he had immediately done his bike license and steadily climbed his way up to his dream bike.

Now 24 with what he could call freedom and a life with little to complain about, he couldn’t be upset with his mother even if he tried.

As Damian opened up the throttle and shifted up, causing his bike to jump up to 90 mph he noticed that the once clear skies were now cloudy.

“The forecast said it was meant to be sunny? Argh fuckers are never right….”

He looked ahead and saw that it was clear further down the road, so he sped up to 140 in an attempt to out run the potential rain.

That’s when he noticed arcs of brilliant bright blue lights dancing in and out of the storm clouds, in his amazement of the spectacular display of raw nature Damian failed to notice the static coming off his bike as the air around him heated up.

Then a large bolt of lightning lit up the entire sky and everything went white, the only thing that was visible was Damian’s dash that said 299 mph which wasn’t possible.


Meanwhile in Equestria a unicorn guard was patrolling the city’s outer walls, admiring the beautiful night sky in all of its glory.

The guard felt truly honoured to be able to work for the princess of the night, this was because the princess had just recently been freed from the possession of nightmare moon.

It was a shame that not many sheared her view, most still believe that Princess Luna was still evil whilst others just outright feared her.

But then something caught her eyes, a ball of blue light that rapidly began to grow from no bigger than an apple to the size of carriage.

The guard was backing away from the bright light and loud noises coming from it, the sound was like nothing that she had ever heard before and it was scary to say the least.

If asked she’d describe it as something in between a monstrous roar and a long high pitched scream, the fearful mare lit up her horn and prepared an emergency flare spell to alert the castle garrison.

Then the noise got to almost unbearable levels and stayed like it for a few seconds before.


The guard was nearly on the brink of hyperventilating when it just stopped as she was able to recompose herself.


“Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!” In her shocked state she released the flare spell and Curled up into a ball.

The monstrous sound came back with vengeance and disappeared just as quick, looking out of her hooves she could see a red and white light zipping away in the darkness along the city wall.

But she breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed to not notice her and hopefully her flare was seen by somepony.

“W-what was that t-thing?” Her voice shaky and hooves wobbly.


Damien was disoriented by the bright light and shock of the lightning.

“What! The! Fuck!”

His smoke tinted visor made it impossible to see the road ahead.

“Where am I, what’s going on? Fuck I don’t remember shit? Um oh fuck! I’m riding!!”

He quickly flipped his visor up but as he brought his hand passed his face, Damian noticed that his hand was no longer a human hand.

Instead it was an orange reptilian like claw with fore digits and light electric blue tufts of fur on his arm. As panic began to set in and denial was at the forefront of his mind, he noted a dark blue horse in the middle of the road.

No not a horse, it was a winged unicorn and its horn was glowing.

Damian tried to swerve it but lost control of his bike at 170 mph coming off the crotch rocket and sliding across the hard ground. He made eye contact with the winged unicorn as he slid past.

His ZX-14r hit a bump in the path, throwing the bike into the air and Damian watched in horror as the bike tumbled and tore itself apart from the extreme G force it was experiencing.

Then the tank ruptured and the fuel immediately ignited, the flames licked at his heals as he slid legs first with the bike.

Everything was moving in slow motion as a wall became visible up ahead.





“Cough* cough* cough*” Damian felt only pain racking his body, his mouth was wet and tasted of iron as it began to get hard to breathe.

His vision was blurred and all he saw was the oddly Beautiful flames dancing around his bike as it became nothing more that charred remains, the the blue winged unicorn approached and blocked his sight of the fiery display.

Damian tried to look up to the creature that he nearly hit and saw in clear detail that she was crying…. And did she have a Crown?


Then everything faded to darkness.


Luna was horrified at what had just unfolded, she thought that she could help, that she would be able to earn the trust of her ponies by helping.

But she had made matters worse, she had to help this creature that was laid out on the ground before her.

His hind legs were broken and bent in unnatural ways and his chest heaved in a desperate attempt to cling onto any chance of life. If only she had modern medical training, everything she knew was out dated or bad practice.

What was she to do?

“Lulu!! Are you alright?”

The dark blue mare spun around to find her sister gliding down towards her.

“Dear sister! Aid us! W-we just wanted to help! Sniffle* b-but we didn’t mean to, we swear by it.”

“Oh shhhhhhhhhh lulu, let me look…. Oh no…. Okay, let me handle this. Head back to the castle and tell them to prepare the emergency room.”

“But how is thou supposed to move this creature there? Let us assist.”

“Luna please, just do what I’ve asked of you. We don’t have time.”

She look to the dying dragon like creature and stole herself before she took off.

Princess Celestia let out a sad sigh as she tried to stabilise the breathing of the dying male before her, she paid the flaming reck no mind as she focused on her magic.

Whilst luna rushed into the castle and attempted to find the medical ward, she had to stop and ask a maid for directions which went less then ideal.

She hated that the ponies feared her but she had a mission to do and pushed those thoughts away.

“We must help, thy will not fail this creature.”

She ran into the medical ward, scaring the nurses and doctors that were still on duty.

“We request for help!!”

Unfortunately she yelled out in her royal Canterlot voice which made most of the ponies cling to the floor.

That’s when her sister appeared from a brilliant golden flash.

“I request for the best doctors currently on hoof, I have a patient in critical condition in need of urgent treatment.”

“Of course your highness, nurse get a stretcher and alert our finest.”

“Right away doctor.”

Luna sat there in frustration and confusion as the ponies that she had just asked the same question to, coward in fear of her but not her sister.

That’s when she was brought into a hug by her sister who nuzzled her affectionately.

“I’m sure he’s in good hooves lulu but just know that it wasn’t your fault by any means okay, so don’t blame yourself. You only wanted to help.”

“B-but explain to us why…. Why we make things worse? Why our subjects still fear us? Why they don’t appreciate our night? Why when we try to help, we almost get somepony killed? Why?” The princess of the night broke down crying in her sister’s hold.

Celestia scrunched up her muzzle and tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind.

“I don’t know lulu, I don’t know but let’s just hope that we can have a chance to make amends….”

“We wish to….”

C2 confusion

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4 weeks had passed since the odd creature was brought into the castle ward and still no signs of waking from his coma.

Celestia had ordered the staff to inform her when the patient awoke but luna had been visiting the hospitalised creature every evening just before she rose the moon.

This evening was no different.

The princess of the night had taken her breakfast to go as she wondered into the room they were keeping him.

But to her surprise when she entered, the patient wasn’t there. In a panic she rushed to get the doctor but bumped into her sister.

“Ouch, oh lulu…. What’s wrong?”

“Whom has taken the injured one from their place of rest?”

“sigh* luna listen…. I’m sorry but his condition isn’t getting any better, so I had him move to the royal wing in hopes that some magical treatment might help. Please follow me, we’ll go together.”

“We would like that sister….”

The Alicorn sisters made their way to the royal ward and went in to the room where they were keeping the comatose creature contained.

Luna immediately wondered close to his bedside and began to sing a comforting lullaby to her sleeping audience. Whilst Celestia spoke to the doctors about possible treatments to help improve his condition.

In the past weeks, luna had become comfortable around the sleeping form of the wounded creature. He had been the only one to who she could sing, speak and complain to about her problems.

She didn’t want to bother her sister, in her eyes she had already done that enough. So this comatose individual had been the outlet for her woes.

“Sigh* please wake, we need to make amends for our foolishness. Thou does not deserve to lose thy life over a silly mistake….” When she opened her teary eyes, she was met with two large slitted blue orbs staring at her. “Eep!”

“Aaaaaaaaahhhhh-hahahahahahahah! The talking winged unicorn that tried to kill me, roads are dangerous you know! Yawn* b-but you’re too cute for me to be mad at, good morning.” And he fell back asleep, leaving luna confused and flustered from his outburst.

“Sister! Are you okay!” Celestia rushed in with her royal guards but they stopped as they found the princess of the night with a deep crimson blush on her muzzle.

“H-he thinks we are c-cute sister.”

Now it was Celestia’s turn to be confused. “What?”

“We were singing and he awoke, then he scolded us and proceeded to refer to us as…. Cute.”

“Oh that might be the drugs currently in his blood stream, don’t be upset with him sister but did he give a name by chance?”

Luna look a little downtrodden when Celestia said that. “No…. Do you really think so, can the medicine of this age really send the injured for a loop?”

“With the stuff they got him on, yes most definitely.”

Whilst they were talking, Damian slowly woke back up with a smile. He remembered crashing, he remembered a winged unicorn and that’s it, the past hour before that is blank but for some reason he felt good.

“Yes well we also have Twilight and her friends coming to stay, if there’s a chance of anypony fixing his thing. It’s her, so we need to get the guest rooms ready.”

“But we must keep an eye on him now, he woke up sister.”

“Argh, heheheheheh I feel tingly. So am I currently dreaming or something?”

“Oh my, you’re awake…. Again.”


“Um sister we believe that you scared him, let us try.” Luna tried to hide the smugness in her voice but failed.

“Is thou well, does thy remember what occurred a month ago?”

“N-no but what happened to my hands?” Damian was inspecting his claws with a sense of urgent wrongness.

“Um we don’t know of these “hands” you speak of but we are unfamiliar with your race, you seem dragon like but lack flight worthy wings.”

“Wha?! No! B-but I’m human, I’m Damian…. I-I can’t remember my family name, I can’t remember their names. Oh god no.” His voice was becoming shaky as he began to hyperventilate, the doctors worked to calm him and laid him back to sleep with a spell.

“So that went….”

“Terrible…. It went terrible sister, we didn’t expect him to be so panicked…. But we can’t blame him.” Luna’s ear fell against her head.

“Oh lulu, it’s fine. At least he’s alive and no longer in a coma, that’s progress dear sister.”

“We guess you’re right….”


4 hours later.

Damian woke up in complete darkness, he was confused and lost. He couldn’t remember his father or mother, not even his siblings or friends were in his memories.

The feeling made him sick but the only thing he could remember was his motorbike, his ZX-14r but he had wrecked the bike trying to avoid that winged unicorn.

He could now feel the dull pain and sore muscles of his alien body, a body not of his own but it was somehow his. He felt two large limbs the were pressed against his back in an uncomfortable fashion and trying to shift them.

He tried to move but couldn’t, it turned out that he must have broken a lot of bones in the crash. He could feel that both of his legs had been put in casts and his right arm was wrapped in a similar situation.

His ribs ached and a new limb that sat between his legs also ached with a soreness that felt more akin to fire.

“What even happened? Sigh* all I remember is that silly winged unicorn caught in the headlights like a deer.”

He looked around and tried to feel out with his one good arm.

“Well I’m stuck here…. Where ever here is but my bike is fucked beyond un-fucking, shit…. Well I guess I don’t have to worry about insurance.”

Damian was wide awake now and showed no signs of sleep taking over any time soon, that’s when the door to his room opened and he immediately closed his eyes.

He heard clopping of hooves and then a quiet clang of metal, then a second set of hooves followed in. Paranoia was slowly taking hold as the two fiddled with something attached to him.

“There…. That should have him right as rain your highness but if I may ask, why do you want this creature healed so fast.”

“Sigh* it’s a selfish request but my little sister is beating herself up over him, she believes that she is solely responsible for his crash.”

“I see…. Well I won’t question it any further, but I believe we must leave and allow the patient to go to sleep.”

Damian’s heart sank at those words, he knew that the choice of words were deliberate.”

“Yes I believe we should allow Damian to rest.”

“Wha? But how?”

“We have you hooked up to a machine that scans your brain waves sir.”

“Oh…. And that can tell if I’m awake or asleep?”

“Yes, of course it can.”

“Well I believe that this is enough chatting for tonight, please go back to sleep, me and my sister will be here tomorrow to speak with you. You gave us quite the scare though, with that little panic attack earlier….”


“Don’t be, it was a completely normal reaction to forgetting key parts of yourself, oh and where are my manners? I’m princess Celestia but I must bid you good night.”

“Wha? Um g-good night p-princess.”

The two ponies left Damian’s room, this gave him some time to contemplate his situation and What was his plan going forward were.

After a few hours after his encounter with princess Celestia, he was confused and scared. What if he had upset the princess or disrespected her?

Then he was doomed for sure.


Damian slowly began to wake up but as he became more aware of his surroundings, he noticed a pink pony in a nurse’s uniform.

She noticed him looking at her and gave him her attention. “Oh good morning there, how are you feeling…. Dam-ian?”

“It’s cough* cough*”

“Here have some water.” She picked it up with her hoof and passed it to him, he drank it and continued.

“T-thanks and it’s Damian, my name is Damian.”

“Oh sorry Damian, the name is definitely different but rolls off the tongue quite nicely. So how are you feeling?”

“Um in a bit of pain but alive at least.”

“Oh my!” Damian followed the mare’s eyes and looked down to his legs, there he saw the sheet was pitched up like a tent and he realised that he had a bad case of morning wood.

“Ah um sorry! I’m sorry!” He tried to rollover but couldn’t, so he used his one good claw to press the alien member against his fluffy stomach.

“Oh it’s okay dear, I was just taken by surprise is all. You definitely don’t have anything to be embarrassed about, it’s a natural reaction.”

Even so, he still felt ashamed but he couldn’t help but notice a bounce in the nurse’s step as she walked out. Flicking her tail around the doorknob and inadvertently flashing Damian which made him turn crimson.

“Ahhhhh why, she’s a pony….”

A couple of minutes later the nurse returned with a tray of food, Damian didn’t recognise what was on it but he definitely liked the smell.

“Here you are Damian, for breakfast you have a daffodil and sunflower toasty with pineapple slices and some small gems if you can eat them.”

“Um t-thanks but could I please get a drink?”

“Oh of course, is there any particular drink you want?”

“Just some orange juice please.”

“Not a problem, I’ll have that brought to you right away but are you going to be alright with just one claw? I don’t mind feeding you.”

The gesture was kind but his pride wouldn’t allow it. “Thanks but I believe that I’ll be fine.”

“Very well sir, I’ll bring your drink as soon as possible.” And with that she left him alone to eat.

He immediately inspected the toasty and took an experimental bite, upon biting into it he found the toasty to be tasty but he was weirded out by his mouth.

It was elongated and if he tried herd enough, Damian could see the tip of it. His mouth was muzzle like and had plated scales but when he touched it, he was surprised to find that they were soft and tender.

“What the ffuuck?” That’s when the nurse trotted in and found the cute display.

“Heheheheh, you look like a foal discovering their muzzle for the first time.” She placed the glass of OJ on his table and took her leave but not before letting him know that if he needed anything to just press the button by his claw.

Damian had come to the conclusion that his crash was so bad that they had to give him painkillers so strong that they made him see talking ponies.

That was the only logical conclusion, right?


He looked down at his meal and let out a tired sigh before forcing the food down.

After downing his glass of orange juice Damian tidied up his tray and waited patiently, gazing out of his window.

The door swung open and the nurse trotted in with a smile and took the tray, it was a few moments before she came back with a sponge and some bottles off something in a basket.

“Okay mister Damian, let’s get you cleaned up. It’s been a whole month since your accident.”

“Wha? Wait? But my casts?”

“They are water proof so there’s nothing to be concerned about, so please don’t panic.”

“Oh okay….” He was against the idea but he also knew he wasn’t in any state to oppose the pony nurse and she hadn’t done anything out of pocket.

He watched as she unhooked him from the IV and heart monitor, it let out a loud beep before she put in a passcode that stopped it.

She then proceeded to wheel him into a side door that he hadn’t noticed until now, inside was a wash room that had a shallow pool on one side.

“Um hey? Should I be moved around?”

“Normally no but thankfully the doctors have cleared it because your bones have ready begun set and started to heal, so if you’ll just wait a second for one of the unicorn nurses to tend to you I’ll prepare a shallow bath.”

“Gulp* I don’t know how I feel about that, I don’t remember the last time I was washed by someone else….” He muttered to himself.

Knock* knock* knock*

“Oh that’s him, come in Healthy Hoof.”

The door open and a pony a little bit taller than the mare came in, he spoke with a tone of inexperience and Damian felt slightly less comfortable.

“This is Healthy Hoof and he’s a new staff member here at the castle ward, so please be patient with him but don’t worry I’ll be here to help as well.”

He just nodded dumbly and he also noticed that the other pony was doing the same thing, so that was at least somewhat comforting to him that he wasn’t the only one having things explained to him.

Then a light blue aura lifted the sheets off him and he instantly tried to cover his private parts but the only free limb was a….


At first the mare took hold of his tail and pressed a sponge against it, the appendage wrapped around her leg and she let out a set of giggles.

“Aghhh~ p-please stop.” Damian managed to get out on shaky breath.

“Oh sorry, I’ll slow down and be more attentive. I didn’t know your tail was so sensitive.”

“Um nurse Redcross? What should I do?”

“Well make sure the patient is comfortable of course, Damian are you in any discomfort?”

“…no not really, well other than my tail but I don’t know how to stop it from doing that…. Oh actually, could I have a flannel to cover my bits…. Please?”

Nurse Redcross looked to her inexperienced colleague and waited expectantly, then it clicked in the stallion’s mind.

“Oh sorry sir, here.” He lowered a flannel over Damian’s crotch and continued to support his head with magic.


“Good work nurse Healthy Hoof.” The stallion’s nervous expression turned into one of pride, Damian thought that it was a stupid thing to be proud of. “So Damian, if you don’t mind me asking. Why is it that you’re so adamant about covering your body and hiding it from others?”

Damian blush and averted eye contact with the mare. “Um it’s not so much my body just the private parts, it’s a um well it’s frowned upon to show your bits to anyone who isn’t your partner….”

“Oh. Wow okay well I’m terrible sorry for my nonchalant behaviour just now, so you’re kind is monogamous?”

“Ummm if that means that you only have one partner, then yes but in some cases it’s different…. And partners tend to cheat more often than I’d like to admit….”

“Oh my? that’s just cruel, why?”

Damian scoffed, letting out a deep seated anger for only a second but it was enough for the nurse to get a sense of why he spoke so harshly about it.

She tried to make sense of how a species could be monogamous but be so unfaithful to one another, it seemed stupid but she wasn’t about to voice her opinions here.

“Well I’ll explain how things work here in Equestria, it some cases you have couples that consist of two ponies or you have herds that typical have one stallion and two or more mares.”

Damian looked perplexed but the nurse continued the explanation, she wouldn’t normally speak about such things but it seemed to fascinate him enough to take his focus off the bath she was giving him.

But then she went to wash his inner thighs, this elicited a yelp from him and a certain part of him to expose itself. Damian turned a dark crimson and began to stammer his words but the nurse handled it with a sense of professionalism that calmed him down.

“Sorry about that sir, if you’d like I can allow you to clean that part of yourself.”

“T-thank you….”

“Nurse Healthy Hoof, please make sure to help if necessary. I’ll be outside the door if needed.”

“O-of course nurse Redcross.”

After Damian washed himself and was dried off with unicorn magic, he was completely convinced that he was actually in a coma.

Or dead.

He was placed on his stomach and the mare and stallion began to run brushes through his fur, he found it weird when he felt the brush go through his hair and continued down the back of his neck, then down his spine and eventually along his tail.

The sensation was nice but it just felt wrong to him, whether it was because of his human nature or the thought of this not being his own body. He didn’t know.

Eventually the nurses were satisfied with his appearance and tucked him back into his bed just before leaving him alone.

“What is going on?” Was all he could ask himself.

C3 royal meeting

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Luna and Celestia were currently speaking to the elements of harmony about Damian’s crash and sudden appearance all those weeks ago.

Twilight was struggling to contain her excitement upon being told about the bright light and his odd mode of transport.

Whilst Rainbow dash only gained interest when she heard how fast the interloper was moving.

The others were a little unsure and far less excited to meet him, well all but Pinkie Pie. She was currently bouncing up and down excitedly.

“Princess Celestia, please please please let me see the wreck. I’m sure I can fix it, oh and think of the technological advancement if I do. I could even write a book on it, gasp* please?”

“Heheheh my faithful student, please have patience. I must first gain full consent from the owner.”

“Oh! Um s-sorry….” The purple unicorn turned red from embarrassment.

“Well I guess it’s not as fast as me but that’s no surprise, after all I’m the fastest in Equestria.”

Then Fluttershy spoke up with her soft voice. “Oh Rainbow I don’t think you should be bragging, I feel bad for him, could you even imagine forgetting my family….”

Rarity rubbed the saddened butter yellow mare’s withers. “Oh darling I’m sure he’ll remember, by the sounds of things. He had quite the crash and must have hit his head pretty badly.”

Then Applejack spoke up. “So princess, what’s gonna happen to ya guest once he’s recovered?”

“We have yet to decide on that but unfortunately we don’t think he’ll be walking for another couple of months. It’s a miracle that he survived….”

Luna winced but nopony noticed.

“Oh was it that bad, dam I’ve had some bad crashes but never life threatening ones…. close calls don’t count.” she muttered that last part.

“So not only do I have to prepare a welcome to Equestria party but a get well soon Damian party and a hooray for surviving your crazy crash party! Gassssp* I need to get started on planning this super duper party! Bye!”

Luna just looked at the last known location of the pink menace in disbelief. “How did the pink one know of Sir Damian’s name?”

The group of 5 mares just a shrug of their shoulders and shook their heads.

“Well I believe that once Damian is fully recovered, then you can meet him properly because I don’t think we should overwhelm him.”

“Um I see where you’re coming from but why are we here princess?”

“Because I thought it would have been nice to just catch up, I’ve missed the little filly that lived In my Library.” Her more motherly side showing for a second.

The look on the purple mare’s muzzle was priceless, Twilight’s friends were trying to suppress their giggles whilst the princesses suppress their own.

Rainbow dash quickly realised that they only now that he’s a guy and his name, they didn’t know what he was. “So princess, what is he exactly?”

“Oh I must have forgotten to say, he says human but…. He’s clearly a dragon but definitely not one that’s a known species that has been documented before. He’s a completely new breed.”

And that was enough to make Twilight’s uncontrollable urge to learn, go from a spark to a blazing flame. “Gasp!!* oh my gosh oh my gosh, a new species of dragon to document! This is the best day ever! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Meanwhile in his hospital room, Damian let out a soft sneeze that the nurse giggled at.

“Awww that was adorable.”

“Argh! It was just a sneeze….”

“A cute sneeze, like a kitten.”



“Sigh* so how long am I stuck here for and more importantly, when do you take me off the painkillers?”

The nurse looked at him with a straight face. “You aren’t on the painkillers anymore and more importantly, you aren’t walking around for another few months at best.”


“Excuse me, that’s no way for a young stallion…. Or young drake to be talking, now. What if the princess had of hear you?”


“Exactly, so watch that tongue of yours.”

Damian was trying to understand what she had meant by drake, he had heard the word before.

But for some unknown reason it escaped him, this frustrated Damian to no end.

“I’m going to sleep….”

“I’ll wake you up for food then.”

“Thanks…. I guess.” And with that he drifted off to bed.

Luna had felt his presence enter the dream realm and she was already curious of him, so she informed her sister that she was tired and was going to bed.

As she walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle she quickly found herself trotting at a brisk pace. Upon realising this she stopped and shook her head before looking around, thankfully there was nopony around to see her foalish prancing.

“Huff* we are only worried…. Tis not like we are interested in him…. We only wish to insure his mental wellbeing after all a near death experience can bring nightmares of the experience.” She had spoken out loud to herself, enforcing the idea that she had to check on Damian’s dreams for professional reasons and definitely not any personal reasons.

She then consciously trotted towards her wing and up the her sleeping quarters where she opened her own door and closed them, unfortunately she didn’t have many guards and the ones she did have were resting in order to defend her night.

Luna slipped into her crescent moon bed and tucked herself in before falling asleep, immediately entering the dream of Damian.

She entered it and found herself looking down at what looked to be a large flat serpent of stone that wrapped itself around a sandstone cliff.

It appeared to be illuminated by an unknown source of light and atop the cliff luna saw a familiar sight, it was Damian in his weird armour on the two wheeled wagon.

In the sky was a moon and behind it was a beautiful array of reds blues and purples that decorated the night sky.

Then luna heard it.

The roar of that wagon, it scared her but it also excited her. It scratched a primal itch that she had thought to be long dead and gone, a feeling that she had only gotten in the heat of battle.

She watch from above as Damian rode down the back of the flat serpent that seemed to never end as fantastical shooting stars of white and orange lit up the sky.

The spectacle and noises she was bearing witness to was beyond words alone, she ended up watching him ride faster and faster down the snake’s back. She noticed that he didn’t move his wings or tail, in fact his wings were pressed against him and his tail dragged behind him in the wind.

She could not see his face but she had a feeling that he was grinning wildly with unwavering Joy.

Then she felt herself being pulled from the dream as the dreamer began to awaken, she aloud a sweet smile adorn her muzzle as she left his dreams.

“Yawn* ahhhh~ eep mhmmmm, w-what time is it?”

“Oh you’re awake, well that saves me from having to wake you. Just give me a second and I’ll have your dinner ready…. But if you don’t mind me asking, why did you not eat your gems?”

“Um because there gems and not food….”

“But you a dragon and dragons eat gems, they’re apart of your diet.”

“How? I don’t have the teeth to eat rocks with?”

“Well of course you do Damian, now stop being silly and eat up. You need all your strength to heal up.”


“Ay! No buts mister, now eat.”

“Sigh* yes mum….” His tone mocking but the nurse ever ignored it or just didn’t notice.

“Good and I want that tray licked clean.” And she took her leave.

After Damian ate all the food on his tray, all but the gems because they weren’t food. When the nurse came in she looked at him and then the tray and back to him with an unimpressed look.

“Sigh* as much as I want to scold you, I can’t because you have visitors. Royal ones, so please watch your muzzle.”

“Y-yes ma’am….”

“Thank you.” Then she left and the door was enveloped by a golden light, in came princess Celestia and the smaller dark blue winged unicorn followed in after.

Damian stiffened up and locked eyes with the pure white mare, then he looked to the dark blue mare but she was scraping at the floor whilst trying not to make eye contact. He then realised that he had nearly killed the smaller winged unicorn which must have been a royal too.

He only thoughts was, this is bad…. Really bad.

Then princess Celestia spoke up. “Good afternoon Damian, how are you feeling?”

“Um…. Alive, I think?”

“Well me and my sister can confirm that thankfully, we had already spoken to you but you were under the influence of some rather strong painkillers…. So I am princess Celestia and this is my sister, princess Luna.”

“Um hi….” His voice nervous and body language unsure, Luna felt horrible just by looking at his state.

Then she realised that she had to greet him properly and apologised for almost killing him, the first time had been awkward but that could have been because he was drugged.

“Um Damian…. We-I mean I would like to humbly apologise for almost costing you your life…. And making you crash your magic two wheeled wagon….”

“…I accept your apology p-princess but did my bike survive?”


“Sigh* I guessed as much…. Argh~ at least that’s the least of my worries, so where am I?”

Celestia interrupted the sister as she could tell that she was struggling to speak modern equestrian. “You are currently in Equestria and more specifically Canterlot city.”

Luna jumped in. “And we will be letting…. You stay here as long as thou…. I mean you want….” She gave a sheepish smile to Damian.

“Thanks…. Heh, it’s not like I have anywhere to go and I don’t imagine you two even know I got here…. Do you?”

“Sorry but all we have is that you appeared from a bright blue light followed by a whining roar.”

“The noise would have been my motorbike’s engine, fu…. Shoot I’m going to miss it…. And my family.”

“We are sorry but if we find anything regarding how you got here, then we’ll look to get you home. Where ever you home is but we’ll need to get a description of your home.”

“It was a place called Earth and I lived in a Country call England…. And I wasn’t…. Well this.” He pointed at himself. “I was human, a creature that stood up right and had toes and fingers with skin and hair in certain places like atop the head.”

“Mhmmmmm I see, so this isn’t your real form?”

“Well I guess it is from now on.” The sadness in his voice made the princess of the night wince.

“Thy current form isn’t unpleasant to our eyes….” Celestia turned to her sister and shot her a suggestive look, Luna saw this and blushed.

This made Damian let out a soft giggle which court the princesses attention, then Celestia added onto her sister’s comment.

“Well Damian I have to agree with my sister here but if you’re clams are true about not being in this form since birth, then I’ll have to get you trained in reading body language and cultural norms here.”

“That makes sense but I’m sure it wouldn’t be necessary….”

“Oh trust me, it is necessary. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble over something like misinterpreting something as basic as body language.”

“Oh…. Okay.”

“I’ll have somepony teach you once you’re fully recovered…. In fact, you could study with my sister. She’s currently studying modern pony body language so it’ll work out nicely, what do you say Lulu?”

“Ah! Sister! Thou shouldn’t call us that silly name, it’s humiliating….”

“Oh sorry, so are you okay with studying with Damian?”

Luna’s dark coat turned rose red and she began to stammer. “S-study? Alone? N-n-no sister, we are currently struggling with that and don’t need any distractions.”

“Oh okay no problem.” She turned to the bed ridden dragon. “I’ll just have to make time and educate you…. Or if I can’t, I know somepony who will.”

“So I have a question?”

“Go on.”

“You said magic two wheeled wagon and you use your horns to open doors.” He pointed at both princesses. “Does that mean magic is real?”

“Why of course it is.”

Damian shot a look of surprise towards Celestia and looked at his one good claw. “Then is there a way to get me healed up faster?”

“Um…. Yes…. But I’d prefer to allow your body to heal naturally due to our lack of knowledge of your anatomy.”

“Oh…. Yeah that makes sense….”

“I would like your consent to have my student to take apart your (motorbike) and try to repair it?”

“Sigh*” Celestia was about to speak and say how she understands his discomfort with it when Damian surprise her. “Fine, I don’t see why not.”

“Thank you Damian and what about your helmet?”

“If that’s in one piece I’d like to have it, it’s useless now but it’s sentimental…. I guess.”

“Of course, you’ll get it once you have recovered.”

“Thank you princess…. And princess Luna, I’m sorry for nearly hitting you with my bike. I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to study with me, I couldn’t imagine it’d be pleasant.”

Luna didn’t want Damian to think she didn’t like him but that’s what she had inadvertently done and she was internally hitting herself over it.

Celestia had bid her and Luna’s farewells and had began to leave, luna broke out of her inner contemplation and followed in an attempt to not be left in an awkward position.

Once they made their way down the hall, Luna let her thoughts be known to her sister. “What is thou doing?”

“What do you mean dear sister?”

“We see through thou trifling games, so explain.”

“Heheheheheheheheh, sorry but I have some things to take care of Lulu.”

“Sister, what if one of thou subjects hears thou?”

Celestia’s playfully smiles died upon hearing that. “you mean our subjects.”

“Sigh* they aren’t ours, they’re thou’s subjects. The day ponies fear or hate us.”

Celestia wanted to counter her sister’s words but couldn’t find the words.


“See. Even our own sister can’t fine a comeback from the truth.”

“Luna, I’m sure with time and effort you’ll earn their trust.”

“Sigh* we hope so…. Well we'll be in our room…. Resting.”

“Okay…. And luna!” She turned back to Celestia. “I’m glad you’re back and sleep well little sis.”

“Thank you Celestia, we will.” She was now wearing a smile as she walked to her room.

C4 lesson in the dreams

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Damian had went to bed after dinner, wishing the nurse a good night.

Upon dozing off, he found himself staring at his bike in the middle of the road just waiting…. No calling for him.

An unknown instinct took over him and he found himself wondering towards the Beautiful bike but then a dark blue winged unicorn appeared next to it.

“Aghh~ um oh Luna! Your name is Luna…. Why am I dreaming of Luna? Sigh* I guess she did nearly get hit by me…. Fuuuck I’m such a moron, yeah Damian! Just speed up when you can’t see shit, because that was a smart move….”

“Um is thou okay?”

“Mhmmmmm adorable up close…. Sigh* But I guess this is the only place I’ll get to ride now, I best make the most of it.”

Luna was in shock blushing at Damian’s bold remark whilst he got on his motorbike and a helmet formed around his head.

“Wait! Sir Damian, we are curious about thy mo-tor-bike. Please could thou share with us the details on how to operate such a thing?”

“Mhmmmmm sigh* sure…. I guess it could be fun but how are you going to use the clutch and brakes let alone the shifter with hooves? And we’ll need another bike…. One that’s lest powerful.”

Luna lit up her horn and the current bike Damian was thinking about appeared, before him and luna was a Yamaha R125 in a striking blue.

Damian chuckled upon seeing the L plate on the back, it reminded him of when he had just got on the road with his first bike.

Luna glanced at him but couldn’t make out his expression thanks to his helmet, it was an odd helmet, nothing like anything she had ever seen. It was similar to the one he had upon his arrival but didn’t have the scratches or scrapes that his real one had.

“Mhmmmm I still don’t have a clue how you’re going to shift and break, let alone accelerate…. But I guess this is a dream, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Does it not? We see but if thy’s concern is only of our ability to use these leavers, then it shan’t matter.”

“Mhmmm if you say so.” Damian’s tone taunting.

“Thy dare taunt us? The princess of the night.” A smile threatened to creep on to her muzzle.

“Then prove it your highness.” He turned the key and the little 125cc bike came alive with a quiet rumble, this made Luna Jump a little but she let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that Damian hadn’t noticed.

“Okay, see this.” He pointed at the right grip. “This is your throttle, it’s responsible for the bike’s acceleration.”

“We understand.”

“And these are the two brakes, the front brake and back brake.” He pointed to the right leaver and right pedal by the foot peg. “So If you put your two hooves here and hold on.”

“We see, okay like this?” Damian took her hoofs and Luna grabbed the grips, she allowed the bike to take her weight. Damian then walked away about 12 feet and turned around.

But she had a light blush that went unseen be the helmeted drake.

“So now I want you to walk towards me and just before you get close, start pulling the front brake gently. Do not pull hard.”

“Okay we’ll start now.” Luna began to walk the bike forward until she started to get closer to Damian, she began to pull the front brakes and the bike began to get harder to push.

Damian was impressed with the fine controls she had with hooves but hadn’t figured out how she was able to pull the brake leaver.

Then Luna felt Damian waking up, she went to thank him but failed to before the dream collapsed.

she woke up and felt disappointed that the dream didn’t last longer, it was nice to have some creature not be afraid of her.

She couldn’t describe the feeling she felt when Damian placed her hoofs on the motorbike. Even if it was just in a Dream, it still felt nice, no warm…. Maybe comforting?


She honestly didn’t know what it was but she liked it and Damian did not fear her, she thought about it and realised that he probably didn’t even know what she had done. After all he claims to not be of this world and if his dreams are to say anything about his claims, Luna would have to agree.

The princess of the night began to get ready by taking herself to her private bath and getting washed up in a warm pink bubble bath. She found herself far more relaxed than usual and took extra care to scrub every inch of her body.

Once out of the bath Luna immediately got to work with drying herself off, although she didn’t trust the modern tools normally, this time was different for what ever reason. She tried her best to use the coat-dryer properly but found herself confused with how to even turn it on.

“Arghhh! Blasted thing, how dare thy mock us with thou complex instructions!”


She threw it in a fit of frustration, furiously dashing the magical device across the marble floor.

“There was nothing wrong about the normal method, we’ll just use magic.” And she proceeded to dry herself with a magical breeze of warm air that cascaded across her entire body.

Luna then pranced out of her room and past the two guards, guarding her door and down the hall. She had a sneaking suspicion that she forgot something important but brushed the notion away to the side.

She was now outside her sisters door and about to knock before said sister frantically opened the door with a worried and dishevelled look on her muzzle.

“Luna! Oh dear sister!” Celestia pulled the now startled dark blue Alicorn into a feathery embrace before she could react. “Oh dear lulu I was worried sick, are you okay? Is anything wrong?”

“Oh of course sister, we are fine but why is thou…. Are You worried?”

“You haven’t lowered the moon, it’s 4 minutes late.”

“Oh…. OH! We are most terribly sorry sister, we must of forgot to.”

“Forgot? But how? If something is plaguing your mind lulu, please tell me.”

“No Tia, nothing is plaguing us. In fact I’m actually in a splendid mood this morning.”

“Really? I guess you look less…. Um…. Down? Than usual….”

“We are glad you’ve noticed.”

“Heheheheh, you actually used modern Equestrian sister and without forcing yourself to no less.”

“Sigh* oh shush Tia…. So will the elements be joining us for breakfast?”

“Yes but after you lower the moon.”

“Oh sorry, we are on it.” After lowering the moon below the horizon and allowing her sister to raise the sun, both Alicorn sisters made their way towards the royal dining hall where the elements of harmony were awaiting.

“Princess Celestia! We were getting worried, the sun didn’t rise on time and you’re never late.”

“Well Twilight I’m sorry for worrying you, all of you but I can assure that it was just a one off occurrence.”

“Cough* yes, it was just an accident…. We just forgot to lower our moon….”

“Oh that’s great, I thought that Nightmare Moon was back….” The hall fell silent with an air of awkwardness.

This was broken by Celestia. “Well she didn’t and won’t be any time soon but enough of that, let’s eat.”

“Yes let’s….” Luna second her sister and they went over to their respective seats.

Whilst this was happening, Damian found himself being levitated into the wash room for a morning bath.

“Look I’d appreciate if you at least kept me covered please!” He whined out.

“Oh hush you, stop being such a little foal about it. You honestly have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed! I just have modesty, so please give me something to cover my privates with.”

“Sigh* will you stop crying about it?”


“Argh fine, here take this….”

“Thank you…. And I thought you were a professional? And where’s nurse Redcross?”

“She’s got the day off but you're the first patient I’ve dealt with that is so adamant about covering yourself, us ponies don’t see the need for it.”

“I want nurse Redcross, she didn’t mind me covering myself….”

“Sigh* well you only have to deal with me for one day, can you do that.”

“What choice do I actually have….” Damian muttered out under his breath.

“Look okay, mister Damian I’ve been asked to get you cleaned up so doctor Doodle can check on how you’re doing.”

“Okay so let’s just get this over with now, it’s embarrassing having someone scrub me down.”

“It’s somepony.”

“I’m not a pony.”

“But it’s still somepony.”

“Fine….” The unicorn mare with a green coat and Silver mane with turquoise strips in it, lowered Damian into the warm bubble bath.

Roughly 20 minutes later Damian was bought to the MIR room to get some scans, there he was met by the doctor that apparently performed life saving surgery on him.

Apparently he was in the emergency room for 18 hours which he was apparently awake but not aware for 3 of them.

Damian’s claws gripped the hospital bed as he was levitated onto a cold surface. “Ok Mr Damian, please stay as still as you possibly can and allow me to get a full picture of your body’s condition.”

“Ummm okay…. This won’t hurt, will it doctor Doodle?”

“Oh don’t be silly, of course it won’t…. Too much.”

“What!!” Doodle pushed a large button and the machine began to hum as it began to light up, the sound got louder and louder and Damian was breathing heavier and heavier as this progressed.

The MIR machine began to make a knocking sound and Damian clamped his eyes closed and prayed that it didn’t explode.

“Umm? Is it meant to make that noise?” With the fear obvious in his voice.

“Please try to relax, this is completely normal I can assure you sir.”

At this point Damian was on the edge of hyperventilating from the panic that set in, he felt like throwing up but held out on letting it up. The doctor could see this and decided to hit the emergency stop, almost immediately after the machine turned off the drake curled up and began to shake violently chocking on his breath.

Doctor Doodle and a few nurses rush to help but they had very little luck at reaching him with words.

“Damian! Damian! Can you hear me, try to focus on me. Come on I know you can do this, just focus on my voice please.”

Damian was heaving himself ragged and looked everywhere but at the stallion, he was trying to say something but choked on his words.

He was levitated and gently placed upon the hospital bed, then the nurses attempted to try and comfort him. He seems to respond to one of them but this was just eye contact.

Doctor Doodle wondered what happened. Yes the machine was loud but he didn’t see how that set him off…. And this was one of the more unsettling panic attacks he had seen, so why?

Why did Damian react so badly to the MRI machine?

If anything good came from this was that he got his scans but he thought that it wasn’t worth the drake’s panicked state.

Thankfully the nurses were slowly calming him down and he was regaining control of the shaking.

“Sigh* take him back to his room please, he needs to relax after all of this and nurse Butterscotch stay with him.”

“Um okay doctor, I won’t fail you.” The cream coloured mare with a butter yellow mane nodded excitedly, this was due to her eagerness and lack of patiences to attend to.

“Good because the princesses have requested the best possible care for Damian here, so no hiccups please.”

“Understood sir.”

“Okay now go and take him with you.”

She did just that with the help of a few others whilst Dr Doodle got to sorting out his scans and writing up a report to take to Princess Celestia regarding Damian’s panic attack.

But he believed that there was more to this than meets the eye, it could have been just a panic attack. A really violent one but Dr Doodle had a hunch that something else was in play here and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

He feared that Damian wasn’t out of the clear yet and all the possible causes of this violent attack ran through his mind, Doctor Doodle began to book him for multiple check up and examinations.

Once he finished filling out the request, the Dr decided to person hoof the report and requests over to princess Celestia in hopes of bypassing the ever so time consuming process it normally takes.

C5 feelings of imprisonment

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Damian slowly began to calm down and thanks to the soft and soothing voice of the nurse who had stayed with him after the initial panic attack he was now coherent enough to speak with.

“Water…. Please.”

“Oh here you are dear.”

She gave him a glass and filled it with crystal clear water from a large jug, Damian gulped it down as quickly as possible and the nurse frowned. “Could you tell me what happened to you in the X-ray room?”

“Um…. I…. Urr…. Sigh* I don’t know….”

nurse Butterscotch nodded but wasn’t convinced by his words, she knew he knows more but for one reason or another he didn’t want to say.

“Look, what is everyone’s problem with me covering up my genitals?”

She went pink in the cheeks and stammered out her words. “Um well firstly it’s everypony.”

Damian cut her off with a mocking tone. “Um well firstly it’s everypony, why do you all insist on me saying that? I’m not a pony.”

“Um i mean…. You’re right but it’s just how we talk, so please respect it sir.”

“Sorry…. I’m just stressed out, please go on.”

“T-thank you, so it’s because when a stallion hides there genitals. they either have something wrong with it or are just ashamed of its size…. Is that why you hide it?” Damian noticed that she had worry in her eyes.

“No! It’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with it but it’s just a cultural thing.”

“A cultural thing? And how do you know it works? Have you used it before?”

“It’s culturally unacceptable to let it hang out…. And no but anyway that’s a private matter, none of your business.”

“You have to cover up? How do the mares know who’s healthy and ready to mate, how do you pick the fertile mares?”

“They get to know you and if you like each other then you take it to the next level….”

“What!?!?” The nurse’s loud response made Damian’s ears ring.


“Oh I’m sorry sir…. But that just doesn’t make sense, why would you do that?”

“Well because you don’t want to start a family with someone who’s crazy or doesn’t care about you.”

She looked at the hospitalised drake as if he just said something outlandish.

“What? Did i say something wrong?”

“Um sort of…. I mean why wouldn’t your other herd members prevent you from letting anypony that is crazy in?”

“What? No, we don’t have herds…. We typically give ourselves to the one we love.”

“And what if you love more than one pony?”

“Person. And it’s frowned upon but not unheard of…. That’s called cheating and it’s wrong.”

“Okay I’m lost? Why?”

He gritted his teeth in frustration, this was getting tiring. “Because you are meant to give yourself to the one you love….”

“Maybe if you’re a mare but you’re not a mare, you’re a stallion, you have a duty…. Or drake and that’s because the gender ratio is 1 to 6.”


“Yep so a healthy drake like yourself is quite a catch, I’m surprised that the dragons of the dragon lands haven’t came looking for you.”

“I’m not from there….”

“But you’re a dragon?”


“Sorry sir. It was rude of me to assume that….”

“It’s fine…. Sigh* can I get some fresh air please? I don’t really like being stuck in here.”

“Eh I’ll just check if that’s okay but you haven’t forgotten that you can’t walk at the moment, right?”

“No I haven’t…. like I’d forgot something so painfully obvious.

Damian laid in his bed motionless, bored and tired from the day and it had only really begun. These ponies were getting on his nerves with their constant correcting of his vocabulary but he found it easer to just adapt and use the native tongue.

Even if he thought it was girly and childish, it only got worse when he finally noticed the symbols plastered on everypony’s butts.

“They’re called what?!?”

Nurse Butterscotch’s ears were pinned to the back of her head as Damian’s mighty roar of disbelief hit her, seeing her reaction he immediately covered his maw and regretted shouting.

“Y-yes sir…. That’s what they’re called, cutie marks. Is that a p-problem?”

“No! Sorry, it’s just…. Why? I mean why call them that, i can’t imagine the men…. Cough* Stallions appreciate such a de-masculine name?”

“Um they actually like the name…. But in other news, I have permission to wheel you around the castle gardens. Trust me, you’ll love the flowers.”

He was surprised to see how fast she changed moods, Butterscotch had gone from nervous to gleeful in an instant’s but what worried Damian was potentially seeing the princess.

In particular, princess Celestia. Although she was nice, she was quick to take points in his overly polite interrogation. But she seemed to wear a fake smile that made him uneasy, princess luna on the other hand seemed more genuine and less practiced in her features.

He had nothing against the princesses but who would blame him for being a little bit weary of them, even if they were overly cute. At the end of the day, he was injured and alone in another world…. Maybe even universe or different dimension and who’s to say that these ponies really care about him.

Or he could just be in a coma in the hospital with wires and tubes coming out of him, well that’s what he was telling himself as he got his first glimpse of the cartoon coloured world.

what the fffuuck….

“Sorry Damian, did you say something?”

“Eh nope…. It’s brighter than bright out here.”

“Yep it sure is, that’s thanks to the princess’s sun that she rises every morning.”

He slowly turned his head to look at her with a dumbfounded expression.

“Wha?!?” ‘Oh no…. Does princess Celestia really have all her subjects believing that she controls the fucking sun?’

As if Butterscotch read his mind and gave him the answers he wasn’t looking for, she cheerfully spoke. “Yep! She controls the sun.”

‘These ponies are fucking crazy, like actually living in la la loopy land crazy.’

“Ha ha hahahahah! Oh wow~ I’m actually dead and been sent to hell, oh dam it must have been my internet history…. Yep that’ll definitely do it.”

The poor nurse was now looking at him in concern, she didn’t know if he really had hit his head really hard or if he was just like that, but nonetheless she pushed him around the gardens as he slowly regained his parting sanity.

“Mmmmm you’re right…. These gardens are kind of nice.”

Although his words seemed a little forced, Butterscotch could feel the sincerity in them.

“See, I did say you’d like them.”

As she was walking him around the grounds, the bed ridden dragon was receiving odd and curious looks from different groups of ponies.

That was until a pair of glaring magenta eyes obscured his vision as a sharp pain exploded all over his chest as all the oxygen was evacuated from his lungs.

“Who sent you?! Uh? What do you want with Equestria buddy? Because what ever evil scheme you have cooking in that noggin of yours, I’ll stop you.”

As Damian gasps and heaved for air but to no avail, as more of his attacker became visible thanks to a purple aura that surrounds her. He noticed that she was a winged horse….

No, a Pegasus of light blue to cyan coat and hair or mane that would put a pride flag to shame. His vision was slowly becoming blurry from the lack of air in his lungs that just wasn't doing their job?

“Wha? Cough* Cough* splat* grrrrr* ahhhh~* Oh….”

“Damian?!? No! Um ahh? Okay calm down Butter, just quickly get him to the doctors. They’ll know What to do.”

he heard the sound of wheels rattling against an hard surface and panicked yelling in the background, one voice stood out from the rest.

“Explain thyself now Rainbow Dash! What happened to sir Damian!”

This was the last thing he heard before closing his eyes. But he felt light, weightless as he floated in nothingness.

One thing ran through his head and that was the unmistakable voice of the princess of the night, as mad as she sounded. She also sounded hurt, scared even.

Beep*, beep*, beep*, Beep*, beep*, beep*

“Mmmm no…. Five more minutes.”

He reached out and tried to swat at the alarm clock that wasn’t there, instead he was met with a wire that upon falling limp. A loud constant beep rang out jolting him up right.

When he opened his eyes he was met with a bunch of doctors and nurses fiddling with equipment of all sorts as they stared back at him in a mixture of shock and relief.

The first thing Damian noticed was that it wasn’t all just a horrible dream in a coma, the second was that he was no longer in casts and could move his arms. It may have been a feathery and scaly arms but it didn’t hurt to move.

The third thing was nurse Butterscotch and nurse Redcross were the closest to him, their faces tear stained and relieved smiles on their muzzles.

“Oh thank Celestia, I was beginning to think you’d never wake Damian.”


“Don’t scare us like that you…. Sniffle* I thought you were going to die.”


Now it was all their turn to look confused.

Redcross slowly began as the Doctors started to reattach the wires to him. “D-Damian you’ve been in a coma for 5 and a half months…. Your body’s mostly healed but the Doctors were getting worried, how are you feeling?”

“I-I don’t know…. How am I supposed to feel?”

“Does anything hurt or feel uncomfortable?”

“No…. I feel okay?”

His words done very little to convince them that he was fine but they weren’t going to force it out of him, the last thing they needed was Damian getting stressed.

“Um actually…. My chest feels sore but other than that, I’m good.”

“That’s a relief to hear…. But you have a visitor, would you like to see them or rest a little more before seeing anypony?” Doctor Doodle had a tired smile.

“Um I’d like to rest please, I…. I don’t want to speak to anyone yet.”

“Very well sir.”

Then all but two ponies left his room, Redcross and Butterscotch were still in there, fussing over the wires and equipment.

“Damian, is it easer to breathe now?”

“Um…. Y-yeah, how?”

“I adjusted your oxygen tank silly.”

“Oh…. Oh yeah I’ve got pipes in my nostrils.”

“Anyway Butterscotch, I should stay here and tend to him. You go and get some rest, you’ve been pulling all nighters for the past few weeks.”

“No. I’m fine I swear and don’t give me that look. You were doing the same last month.”

“Sigh* it’s not a competition now, I’ll care for him whilst you catch up on some sleep.”

“…fine…. But only because I’m exhausted.”


“See you later Redcross.”

“Good bye…. Butter.”

“Eep um yeah eh good bye Damian, I’m glad you’re okay….” Butterscotch had visually turned a few shades redder and swished her tail as she left.

“T-cough* Thank you.”

“Oh my, smooth talker are we.”


“Don’t wha Me, I saw what you did. You had her blushing, not even been awake for 30 minutes and you’re already trying to get spoiled.”

“Wait spoiled? Sorry, you lost me.”

“Mmmmmyeah sure cutie, now get some rest.”

Nurse Redcross turned to smirk at him but when she looked at him, Damian was a light shade of red.

“Awwwww I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s a stallion or a drake, they all blush the same heheheheh~.”

Damian decided to flip over in defiance and threw the cover over himself, all whilst huffing and puffing. Redcross just rolled her eyes and got back to work with a smile.

A few hours later, he wakes up to fine that it’s night and a sleeping Redcross at his bed side. Upon getting a closer look he noticed that she had very human features and was quite attractive but as soon as those thoughts came he banished them.

With his newly regained mobility he tried to quietly slip out of bed, once he was on the floor Damian tried to stand but his body felt weak. That’s when he realised that he had the wires still attached to him and he couldn’t go anywhere without alerting the doctors or waking Redcross.

‘This is actually just a glorified prison cell.’

This is when he decided to throw it all to the wall and tore the wires off, then making his way to the window on shaky limbs.

A loud beep rang out and jolted Redcross from her slumber, she in her panicked state frantically looked for the missing drake only to turn around and find him at the window.

She admired his aesthetically pleasing figure before she noticed his shaking. She turned off the heart monitor and approached him, thinking he was cold, she pulled him against her chest fluff.

The door opened but upon reading the room, Doodle left without a word.

“Sorry for waking you…. I just needed some fresh air….”

“That’s okay, do you want a blanket?”

“No I’m not cold….”

“You’re not? Why are you shaking?”

“Probably because I’m sore or haven’t walked for 6 or 8 months….”

“Are you feeling okay, like mentally?”

“Yea…. No. No I’m not okay Red, I’m just not…. I hate being inside, I want my family back, I want my friends, home and old life back. I need my bike….”

Tears running down his muzzle and Redcross just pulled him tighter and allowed him to reminisce about his old life, this went on for hours before Damian talked himself to sleep.

Redcross gently laid him down and went to get a blanket to put over him but when she came back she found that he had rolled over and was now exposed.

Her cheeks went red as she felt her hindquarters heat up, she snapped herself out of it and threw the blanket over him. Covering his lower half but she couldn’t help but grow a little curious and decided to take a look.

But as she was about to take a peek of his family jewels, a creak from the window made her jump and take a few steps back.

C6 physical therapy

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It’s been about a week since Damian had awoken and he was currently swimming in the castle Community bath house.

It took a while but he eventually grew accustom to not wearing clothes, although he was given his helmet back and it was in fairly alright shape.

As for right now, nurse Butterscotch was helping him into the water. They had the entire bath house to themselves, thanks to princess Celestia booking this hour off for them.

Thanks to the 9 and a half months of muscle atrophy, his body had lost a lot of mass and grew weak. So here he was slowly recovering by swimming for an hour a day, progress was slow but steady.

Walking was a challenge for him at first but now he was getting around under his own power, which was great for him. It gave him a sense of freedom but nothing nearly as good as his bike.

Damian was unpleased with the individual that nearly killed him but was contempt with the punishment she had received. She was locked up for 4 months and now was serving out Community service.

At first he felt like that wasn’t much of a punishment until he heard what the service was, sewerage cleaning for 12 months. But if he was completely honest, he still wasn’t happy with it.

This made him feel kinda bad for his attacker but then again she shouldn’t have attacked him, then his attention was drawn to a large white Alicorn who was removing her regalia.

“Morning Damian, how are you feeling today?”

“Blub* Blub* cough* gasp* um fine…. Breakfast was nice and I’ve just been walking around the castle for most of the day.”

“Glad to hear, would you like to join me for lunch? I have some ponies that I’d like you to meet but I must warn you, Rainbow Dash will be there.”

“Sigh* do I have to come?”

“Of course not.”

“Eh okay…. I’ll join you but keep Rainbow Dash away from me…. Please.”

“I will Damian, thank you for agreeing. I think you might have some good news too, regarding your motorbike.”

“Wha? You fixed it?”

“No…. we might be able to, but we’ll need your help. If you can of course.”

“Um I’ll try to but I didn’t make it, I just preform weekly maintenance and change the chain every now and then.”

“I’m sure it will be of great help to repairing it or even making another one.”

“Yeah…. Does she have to be there? Like surely she should still be behind bars for attempted murder?”

“Sorry…. I understand where you’re coming from but unfortunately we can’t because she’s a barer of the element of loyalty, so we can’t just lock her up.”

“Huff* as bad as cleaning poo pipes must be, it hardly seems like…. Actually never mind, she’s probably suffering. That’s enough for me.”

“Sigh* I wish you could find it in your heart to forgive her, she was just suspicious of you and after a little questioning…. We found that she believed that you were trying to hit princess Luna but missed, which we know wasn’t the case.”

“No…. Forget forgiveness, she tried to kill me.”

Celestia tried to take him seriously but the fact that a bobbing head of a dragon doing a doggy paddle made this impossible to not find amusing.

“I completely understand but please don’t stop her from trying to make amends.”

“We’ll see…. So when’s lunch?”

“At 12:30, in my private dining hall. We’ll go after this bath.”

“Fine, your highness….”

His tone unimpressed as he paddle around the bath in wide circle, only to get splashed by Celestia when he passed her. It was now he realised that she had gotten into the bath, she was relaxing in the water with a small rubber duck and a towel wrapped around her head.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes Damian.”

“I’m swimming here.”

“Then keep swimming, don’t let me bother you.”

He felt his eye twitch as she smirked at him, Damian knew she was toying with him but didn’t know why.

So he tried to continue with his laps around the bath but now there was bubbles that made it nearly impossible to see.

The drake tried to press on but got lost in the strawberry scented pink bubbles and bumped his muzzle into something. Upon swatting away the bubbles around him, he saw princess Celestia covered in the things till only her eyes and horn were visible.


Then you should watch out for bubble corns.”


“You heard me Damian, bubble corns. Anyway I suggest that you use this time to get cleaned up, it is nearly half 12.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because I do, trust me.”

He couldn’t hide his scepticism in his voice. “Right….”

“Here let me help.”

He was about to respond when a sponge pressed itself against him, it was in a golden aura as it began to scrub his back. At first Damian didn’t like it but after a moment of this, it became rather relaxing.

To the point his left hind leg began to kick weakly.

“Awwwwwww heheheheh~, is it that good?”

“M-maybe…. Tell anyone and I’ll never ahhhhh~ yeah that’s the spot, hey!! Stop that! I’m not a dog!”

His demeanour change real quick and it took the regal Alicorn by surprise, making her drop the sponge and giggle.

“Sorry about that but it’s just funny to see a dragon acting…. Well nothing like a dragon is all, you really aren’t a dragon are you.”

“That what I told you, why? Didn’t believe me?”

“Not initially but now…. I have no choice but to, speaking of which. I’d like to keep that a secret because I fear that my little ponies might jump to conclusions if they find out you’re an alien.”


“Great so I’ll give you your Equestrian ID this afternoon.”

The look on Damian’s face despite the goofy pink bubble beard he was rocking, was one of serious disapproval.

“You planned this didn’t you.” It wasn’t even a question, it was a statement.

“Oh my how assertive of you. Is this how all your kind are?”

“Mostly, humanity is an arrogant and self assured race.”

“And yet humble enough to acknowledge it?”

“Like I said, most of us are but not all. Sometimes we get a special one that can change history in leaps and bounds. But they are far and few between.”

“I guess you’re not so different from my ponies…. Minus the arrogance, we are far less arrogant than other races but we still get a few arrogant ones like Rainbow Dash.”

“Could have fooled me twice….”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about her but I’m sure.”

Damian cut the solar princess off without hesitation. “Not forgiving her princess.”

“Oh…. anyway, we should definitely get dried for lunch now. Come, i know a spell.”

“Eh okay, I guess.”

Celestia lifted him up with her magic which made Damian’s legs twitch. Upon setting him down, he slumped onto a soft towel which was laid out for him.

Then like a warm summer breeze, he felt his soggy scales and feathers dry out at an alarming rate.

“Hey whoa there! I don’t like that one bit, it’s not right.”

“Calm down Damian, it’s far quicker and completely safe. I use this method every day, so please show a little trust.”

“Trust is earned princess…. Yes you may have saved my life but I still don’t have to many reasons to trust or believe everything you say as if it’s law.”

Celestia finished drying herself and Damian off with her magic and waited patiently by the main door for him to join her. Butterscotch followed at his request but she didn’t move out of her bowing position until the princess told her to rise.

“And add a dislike of authoritie to your file.”

“You have a file on me?”

“Why of course we do, I have to in order to get you citizenship here.”

“And who said I wanted citizenship?”

“Oh sorry I just assumed….”

“Well don’t…. But I guess I don’t really have a choice.”

Now on their way to the royal dining hall, Damian chose to remain silent for the trip. The regal Alicorn couldn’t tell if it was out of annoyance or nervousness of being in the same room as his attacker.

But nevertheless he was unusually quiet and had a neutral look.

“Okay Damian, you’ll be seated next to me at the far side of the table. Rainbow Dash will be at the opposite end so you have nothing to worry about.”

“She can fly.”

“And I’ll protect you.”

“That’s not what I’m getting at princess, I can look after myself. Just look at these blades attached to my hands.”

“Please don’t resort to violence, a simple barrier spell will stop her,”

“Grrrrrrrrr but she can put me in a coma, I mean who attacks someone in a hospital bed?”

“I’ll agree that she’s not the most perceptive but please try to play nice, she can be easily aggravated.”

Damian reluctantly agreed and the two guards opened the doors. They walk in, Damian kept close to Celestia whilst taking in every aspect of the room. Butterscotch was close by, ready to catch him if he falls.

His blue eyes met Rainbow’s and the death glare he was giving her made the normally boastful mare shrink in her seat.

Seated around her was five other mares, ranging from all sorts of colours. Pink, purple and white. To yellow and orange but what caught his eye was the little purple and green lizard happily eating a bowl of gemstones.

Damian watched in amazement as the little guy munched on the rare stones with ease, this got him thinking about what flavour they were or could be. Like are they colour coded or do they taste like fruit, maybe even like rock candy.

Taking his seat next to Celestia, Damian noticed that Butterscotch didn’t sit down. When he looked behind him, he found her standing off to the side.

Then a side door opened up and his eyes locked onto the wreckage of his bike, he winced at the damage. Not only was it charred but it had completely tore itself apart, the chances of salvaging the bike had been reduced to zero in his eyes.

Celestia noticed his sudden shift in demeanour and began.

“Damian, is it completely destroyed?”

“Sigh* yep, it’s done for. Just a hunk of junk now….”

Twilight let her curiosity get the better of her and spoke out. “So if you can’t use it, could I please take it and study how it functions?”

“Wha…. I um fuck. I mean ouch…. This is the first time seeing my bike and coming to terms with the fact that it’s completely destroyed, obliterated, dead! And you want to take it for science?”

“Well um I didn’t mean…. S-sorry….”

“Damian I understand that you’re upset but please watch your language, Twilight please try to understand him. I believe that it meant a great deal to Damian.”

She hung her head in shame. “I understand princess Celestia. I’m sorry if I came across as inconsiderate, I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have yelled…. It’s just that bike gave me freedom. It was my life, my joy…. And it’s gone now.”

“Well I know you’re hurt but maybe we might be able to make a new one with your help and go ahead to take apart your bike?”

“I’m pretty sure I already gave you permission?”

“Yes but I didn’t know how to take it apart….”

“Yeah I guess I’ll be fine with that, I’ll just need some time to accept this.” He pointed to the pile of metal.

“Okay splendid, I’m glad that you’re willing to help Damian.”

“Only because I’m getting a bike out of it…. Hopefully.”

“Well it’s better than not helping, anyway I believe we should address one more misunderstanding before we eat. So miss Dash, would you like to say something to Damian.”

“Eh yeah princess…. Look dude I’m sorry, like really sorry for nearly killing you. That wasn’t my intention but you calmed to be an alien from another world or something. I was just making sure you weren’t bad…. I’m so sorry.”

Damian looked at her with a crazed expression, his eye twitching. He took a deep breath and let it out but this did nothing.

All the mares were impressed with their friend’s genuine heart felt apology.

“Are you serious? Sorry? That was the worst apology I have ever received, how? In what universe would I accept that! You nearly fucking murder me! The fact that you’re not behind bars baffles my brain! If it wasn’t for the Community service you had to do, I’d probably die from an aneurysm because of this shit!!!!”

All the ponies ears folded back at his second outburst but Celestia decided to let him get this out of his system, especially since his claws were digging into the table and tears were welling up in his eyes.

After he finished, he fell back into the chair and began gasping for air. She draped a wing over him and he looked to her before completely breaking down.

Celestia pulled him closer and began to rock him back and forth, this helped calm his heart rate and Damian collapsed against her.

“Would you like to take a minute to let it all out Damian?”

“Please, I need to be outside.”

“Nurse Butterscotch, please help him to the closest balcony for some fresh air.”

“Right away your highness.”

They left for the balcony leaving the rest of the them in an uncomfortable silence.

“Rainbow Dash…. I’m sorry for his outburst but it is understandable, he’s lost in our world with nothing and was nearly killed twice now. So please don’t hold it against him.”

“Y-yes princess.”

“Although I can understand, it was rather uncouth of him to yell like that. He even made dear Fluttershy jump out of her skin.”

“Yeah! That was really mean of him. Dashie didn’t mean to hurt him, she said sorry?”

“She may have sugar cube but it still doesn’t change that fact that Damian nearly died. Y’all need to understand that.”

“Apple Jack is right, he nearly died. So it’s understandable why he’s mad not to mention that because of your status as the element of loyalty, you got off ease.”

“Yeah, you’re right princess but why was princess Luna so mad at me? I thought she was gonna send me to the moon forever.”

“Oh yes I remember, she was rather angry after that but I think that’s because my little sister feels responsible for his crash. So when she saw the tail end of what happened, she might have felt like she had a sense of duty. I myself still isn’t sure or it could be another reason.”

“Speaking of which, I thought princess Luna was going to be joining us for lunch?”

“She is but appears to be running late, probably a good thing since Damian’s outburst. I’m still surprised by how angry he got, I hope it isn’t a common occurrence….”

Just then the doors opened and a dark blue Alicorn trotted in but instead of projecting her usual mood, she had a nervous smile on her muzzle.

A few minutes later a tired looking Damian dragged himself back into the dining hall. Upon entering he noticed a new addition to the room, it was princess Luna.

And Damian’s seat was now occupied so he just looked at Celestia for help but she just smiled at him.

“Um princess, where do I sit now?”

“What does thou mean? Did sir Damian not have a seat sister?”

“Yes but you took it, your seat is on my left Lulu.”

Luna’s wings poofed up as she turned red, this made Damian smile at the sibling banter they had.

“It’s fine, I’ll take the empty seat princess. Don’t worry about it.”

“B-but we can move if necessary.”

“Well it’s not necessary, I’m just hungry now and a little tired but I’m good now. Now that’s all out, I feel better.”

“That’s good to hear Damian.”

“I-I didn’t know I brought you so much pain dude, s-sorry but if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you. Then let me know.”

“Then please leave me alone, I just don’t want to deal with you right now.” He looked at the downed expression of the multi coloured maned Pegasus and it made him feel like he had kicked a puppy. “Look maybe I might be able to forgive but don’t get your hopes up….”

“T-thank you man, that means the world. Don’t worry I’ll leave you alone until you need to learn how to fly.”


Every pony stared at him in disbelief until it clicked in Luna’s head.

“Oh um Sir Damian, thou’s new body has wings but they aren’t in flight worthy condition.”

“Oh…. Oh! I have wings! Argh! Come on, the downforce I could have generated would have been amazing! But no! My bike it’s destroyed, aghhhhhhhhh!”

“Sir Damian, thou can practice it within thou’s dreams. We’ve noticed that thy just keep those wings pinned against one’s body.”


Luna covered her muzzle upon realising that he didn’t know that she could enter his Dreams and he didn’t seem happy about the revelation.

Celestia just raised one eyebrow at her sister.

“So sister, care to explain?”


C7 mixed emotions

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Damian had been sitting, staring out a window munching on the same piece of toast for the past 10 minutes.

Everypony in the dining hall was beginning to grow concerned, that was if they hadn’t already been worried about him.

Butterscotch didn’t even know where to begin with helping to comfort the dragon, she wasn’t aware that the princess had entered his dreams or that he would take it this badly.

Whilst luna paced back and forth trying to come up with an apology which alluded her.


“No! No more apologising, please…. Just…. Give me some time to think, this is hard for me to comprehend princess.”

He just continued to stare, lost in the Hurricane of confusion and despair.

“Sir Damian…. We should have asked but our Curiosity got the best of us.”

“Sigh* I-it’s fine…. Did you go through my memories?”

“Of course not, I’d only do that if you were dreaming about a memory.”

“Good…. I may not remember faces or names but I still have my memories…. Hold up a minute, you were in one of my dreams. I tried showing you how to ride a bike.”

“Yes we remember, it was the night before the element of loyalty attempted to kill you.”

Rainbow winced and looked ashamed.

“C-can you just use my dream to make a bike appear, so Twinkle can get a better look at what it’s supposed to look like and sound, feel, ride and what not?”

“It’s Twilight.”

“Tis possible but the spell is rather invasive, if that’s not a problem then we’ll happily dream share tonight?”

“…I need to think about it….”

Celestia chimed in. “I’d strongly suggest that you go through with this, I especially would like to witness one of these motorbikes in action and you might remember the faces of your loved ones.”

“Wait? How many are going into my dream, princess Luna?” Celestia was about to answer but upon hearing Damian address her sister, she closed her muzzle.

“Eep us? Um well as many as thou is comfortable with….”

“Okay, I’m only letting twilight and Celestia in my mind.” A steely look in his eyes.

“We would also have to be there for the spell to function.”

That look disappeared. “Fine, only the princesses and Twilight are going into my brain…. I can’t believe I’m saying that….

“We’ll find you just before you go sleep tonight sir Damian.”

“O-okay, am I free to go now?”

“But you haven’t even touched your lunch dude?”

“Yeah darling, Rainbow Dash is right. You should eat something.”

“And what’s it matter to you two anyway?” Snark dripping from his words.

“Hey now partner, y’all don’t need to be rude. They’re only concerned for ya.”

“You’re joking, right? Skittles and snob snobbington don’t even know me, hell one of them tried to put me in a box.”

All three mares were taken aback, Rarity fainting while Applejack gritted her teeth.

But Rainbow just looked ashamed.

“Sigh* princess, please can i just take my leave now. I just want to explore the grounds some more.”

“You may, Damian but only after eating your lunch please.”


“Sigh* I wish you would smile Dami-wami! GASP!!!* don’t tell me, you don’t know how to.”

“I can smile, I just don’t want to…. Because my life has been turned upside down.”

“Then I’ll just have to turn that frown upside down for you.”

“Please don’t.”

Pinkie pie cut him off and disappear from his line of sight, reappearing behind him and pulling the down drake into a big hug.

“Don’t worry! I’ll fix your sadness.”


The room fell silent as Damian yelled at the pink menace, her mane and tail went straight and she turned a few shades duller.

Whilst Damian was backed against the windowsill breathing heavily, pupils narrowed and sweating.

Everypony was on edge because of how close he was to the drop, heart beating so hard it was audible and wings shifting.

Luna took a cautious step forward and lowered her head, trying not to come across as too threatening but then a far more determined pink party pony fired confetti which made the drake jump behind a pillar.

To everypony’s relief, both Celestia and Fluttershy breathed a silent sigh whilst Rainbow quickly closed the windows in the room.

“H-how did she do that?”

“It’s best if ya don’t question it sugar cube.”

“It’s just pinkie being pinkie darling.”

“Huff* it’s kinda difficult to not question it….”

“Yes…. We find it difficult as well but enough of that, sir Damian clearly isn’t in any state to comfortably finish his lunch. So we propose that he is to be given some privacy sister.”

“Mhmmm yes~ I suppose you’re right Lulu, please go with Butterscotch and Damian to get him some more lunch and make sure he finishes it.”

“Sister! Don’t call us that, especially not in front of him!

“Heheheheh, so princess Lulu where’s the kitchen? I’d like to make an omelette.”

“Eep! Um yes, let us go sir Damian. Please go ahead and follow the nurse.”

Damian and Butterscotch went ahead whilst a flustered dark blue Alicorn spun around and berated her sister.

“W-why is thou doing this!?”

“Because I know you won’t act on your own Sister.”

“Act on what? We are only helping him, something thou is not helping with.”

“Me? I’m helping him, he’s been recovering steadily thanks to the doctors and nurses I requested for.”

At this point both royal sisters were now bickering like foals, a sight quite undignified and most certainly not appropriate for royalty.

“Psssss Twilight, I think we shouldn’t be here now.”

“Yeah, I’m with AJ on this.”

“Oh no. This is bad, they’re arguing.”

“And that’s why we should leave darling, this sisterly dispute shouldn’t be witnessed.”

“I know but what if princess Luna becomes Nightmare Moon again!”

Celestia’s prized student immediately covered her mouth and the bickering between the two sisters seized to be as Luna shrank back and fled out the room.

Damian was smiling as he made himself an omelet but that smile began to fall.

“Damian, are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine…. I think.”

“Please don’t lie to me, you can trust me.”

“Sure…. Thanks Butterscotch but why do you care?”

“Well um…. It’s because I feel bad for you, so I’d like to help in anyway possible.”

Damian gave her a sceptical look but it quickly disappeared.

“I see….”

At that moment Damian and butterscotch hear rapid galloping go down the hall and saw a dark blue blur fly past.

“Who’s that?”

“I think it’s one of the princesses, Luna it the dark blue one right?”

“Um yes but if so, why was she crying?”

“No clue but I’m going to find out.”

“What?! No Damian, you can’t that’s an invasion of privacy. You have no right to.”

She was lecturing the drake but he had already taken his omelet and gone.

Following the echo of hoof steps hitting the polish marble floor, it eventually led him to a part of the castle that was themed after the moon or the luna princess herself.

Damian liked the style but found it hard to believe that there was no staff in this part, the only question on his mind was “why?”

He finally made it to where he last hear the hoof steps, in all honesty Damian was impressed with his ability to track her down.

But that didn’t matter now, he was still concerned about the lack of guards or anyone in this area. He went to knock but he decided to just let himself in.

Pushing the large double doors open and he realised how weak he truly was but he slowly opened them revealing a dark room.

“H-hello? Princess Luna?”

She didn’t respond but she did look at him, he felt like he had offended her but decided that he was too far in now.

So he walked over to her bed, that was giant in comparison to the hospital beds Damian was familiar with.

“Are y-you alright? You want to talk about it?”


“Okay, you want to chat about something else?”

“Sniffle* not really.”

“Mmmmm fine, so what’s that.” He pointed at an untouched canvas with new looking paint brushes and art supplies.

“It’s how we past the time.”

“How, care to show me?”

“Why is thou interested?”

“Because I’m trying to stop myself from going crazy.”

“We see, then we’ll demonstrate for thy sake.”

“Thank you princess.”

Luna started to explain what the canvas and tools were as she began to mix the paints, Damian happily sat and watched whilst enjoying his omelet.

“So sir Damian I see thou is getting around the castle with ease now.”

“I wouldn’t call it with ease but I’m able to walk around with reasonable speed, so what is thou painting for thy to gaze on?”

“Heheheh~ what would…. You like to see?”

“Um anything really, just as long as it’s good princess.”

“Well that shan’t be a problem for me, I used to paint the night sky with each and every star.”

“Used to? Did you stop?”

“Um yes…. We did because ponies sleep away our night in favour for our sister’s day.”

“But that doesn’t mean you should stop, I like the night. Empty roads, clear skies and trillions of stars that map out constellations. It overwhelming by so simple to understand.”

Damian didn’t see because she was facing away from him but she was blushing a light shade of pink.

“W-we know that thou speaks of the sky from back home but if we were to bring back the constellations, dose thou have any ideas?”

“Just make them noticeable and meaningful if you can do that, i mean the power to control the stars it’s too much to try and wrap my head around…. I’m a little sceptical if I’m being honest.”

“We entered thou dreams if thy does remember.”

“I do but the stars are completely different but now that you mention it, they are just barely visible and I definitely can’t make out constellations.”

“We will demonstrate this power tonight before bed and you will be in shock at our beauty.”

“Your beauty?”

“We meant our stars beauty!!!”

“Oh well I’m sure that if your stars are anywhere close to as regal as yourself, than I’ll be more than impressed.”

“Thank…. You for your compliment, it fills us…. Me with hope, hope that one day my subjects will see me in such a light.”

“Don’t look so down, i am still waiting for you to start painting princess.”

“Oh sorry…. One more question, why is thou trying to help comfort me?”

“Why are you letting me?”


The luna Alicorn was left speechless from his response, she pondered it for a few minutes whilst she got to work on the background of her painting.

“We see….”

Damian sat quietly and watched as Luna painted a beautiful portrait of him in great detail, she was doing it all from memory which left him in amazement.

She even got the detail of each one of his feathers that lined his forearms, Damian had long since finished his lunch and was now enjoying the display before him.

But little did they know that they were being watched by the elements of Harmony and Luna’s own sister, that had rush to luna’s wing of the castle to comfort her.

But someone else had beat them to it.

All watched except Fluttershy who felt it was wrong, Celestia was annoyed but also happy that Damian was proving to be a kind hearted individual.

Although she was angry that her sister still hadn’t had any ponies applying for jobs in the night guard or anything else for that matter.

As for now, that can wait until a better time because right now was a heart warming moment between her sister and Damian.

Until then she noticed the drake wobbling.

“Oh no Damian.”

She was just about to walk in to catch the stumbling dragon but Luna put her brush down and turned to look at him.

“So sir Damian…. Are thou okay?”

“Wow, it’s incredible~.”

He began to fall but Luna jumped to catch him, now with an unconscious dragon in her hold she pondered what to do.

She look to the bed, then to him and then around the room before levitating him onto the bed where he curled up into a ball.

“Heheheheheheheh~ thou is quite cute sir Damian, it’s a shame thy is so home sick. We’d love to learn about…. You.”