> Scootaloo's Royal Adoption > by xd77 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Royal Evening Walk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been three weeks since Rainbow Dash took Scootaloo under her wing, she had gotten a big sister, but now she wanted a mother, or somepony to act as a motherly figure towards her. Anyway, Rainbow Dash had just left Scootaloo for the evening. Now she was forced to go back to the one place she called home, the Clubhouse. Once she had entered the clubhouse, she pulled the carpet off the center, pulled open a door, and got out her pillow and blanket. Right before she went to sleep, she looked out the window, saw Princess Luna's face in the moon, and smiled warmly. "Oh Princess Luna, thank you for bringing me and Rainbow Dash together." Scootaloo said happily. She had said it so loudly, she hadn't noticed what was about to happen next. A strange noise approached the clubhouse, it was the sound of hoofsteps walking up the ramp the led to the clubhouse. Then, sofly, the door opened. . "You are most welcome, little one." Said a voice that had entered the door, Scootaloo turned around to see who it was. To her surprise, it was none other than Princess Luna. But this time, Scootaloo wasn't dreaming, she was awake. Scootaloo's eyes widened in excitement, the one who had helped her face her fears, and brought her and Rainbow Dash together, was here to visit her. Scootaloo gasped "PRINCESS LUNA!!!!!!!!!" Scootaloo screamed with happiness, she ran up to her, and jumped into her arms. Princess Luna smiled warmly as she hugged Scootaloo. "MMMMMM" Princess Luna said as she was hugging Scootaloo. "And how is my favorite filly doing this fine evening?" Scootaloo's face suddenly changed from excitement to depression, Luna still had her in her arms, but looked on this poor filly's face, for she had knew that something was wrong. "Scootaloo, why has thou suddenly change to tears?" she asked, Scootaloo just kept weeping "Scootaloo...." she whispered Finally Scootaloo managed to peep out "I...(sniff)...I don't have a home, or somepony to take care of me, I've been living here, since...since...." Scootaloo froze "Since what?" Princess Luna asked, still having Scootaloo clinched in her arms. "Since my dad abused me, he never wanted a girl, because he saw girls and women as monsters, out to kill and abuse men. So he would always be slapping me, pounding me, destroying my toys, etc., So I fled and hid from him, the police caught up with him because my friend, Frostbite, caught it on tape and reported it to the police, I then lived in a foster home, but everypony there treated me like garbage, then I went to go live in an orphanage, and there too, they treated me like garbage, all because I couldn't fly. I'm a big fat loser, and that's all I'll ever be!" Princess Luna stood there in shock, she was so devastated by this bad bedtime story that she pulled Scootaloo closer towards her chest, and held her tightly. "Shhhhh, shhhhh, don't cry little filly. You have a Princess right here." Luna said in a comforting tone of voice "Here Scootaloo, hop on my back." Scootaloo got on her back as she was told. Princess Luna took her out of the clubhouse and into the nighttime darkness of Equestria. With Scootaloo hunched on her back, like a man on a real horse, Princess Luna started examining what everypony and everything was like to her, and not to what everypony else thought. "Look Scootaloo, you see this field of daffodils?" Princess Luna asked "Yes" Scootaloo said "Every daffodil in this field has different colors, different aspects, and different forms. Each one was grown and made to do different thing for the ponies during the day, but this one..." She pointed a hoof to a daffodil that was wilting and about to die. "This one right here has done its job, and has completed its journey. All the flowers around it are still standing and still performing their jobs, but they are not giving this poor little one a hard time, because they know when the rains water its roots, it grows back into the beautiful plant that it used to be." Luna then showed Scootaloo a herd of sheep eating grass. "These herds of sheep are made in different forms as well, some big, some small...." "That one looks fat!" Scootaloo said, pointing a hoof at a big fat sheep. Princess Luna giggled "He does, doesn't he." "Anyway, our sheep don't see each other as 'losers' they just eat our living grass to live, they do it as a family." "So what you've been telling me is that no matter what we are, even as an orphan, we are all made for something special?" Scootaloo asked "That's right we are all made special, but we all have ponies out there that don't see that, they see themselves as better than anypony else, because simply they are good at something that the other pony isn't, or simply because they have something that the other pony doesn't have, we are all needed or wanted." Scootaloo took this as a hurtful phrase, and turned away from Luna, saddened again. "Nopony wants me." she said in a crestfallen tone. Luna gave a loving smile, and walked towards her "I do" she said lifting Scootaloo's head with her hoof. Scootaloo who was at first miserable and parentless, was now warming up to Princess Luna, the alicorn that had told her to face her real fear of dissapointing Rainbow Dash, and comforted her in her dreams, was now starting to become a surrogate mother to her. She jumped back into Luna's arms and hugged her tightly. "......And I always will." She happily whispered, hugging Scootaloo back. Princess Luna then pinned Scootaloo on her backside, because she was willing to play with her, even though it was getting late. "Now tell me this, Scootaloo, are you ticklish?" Princess Luna asked, looking at her soft little belly with a mischevious grin. "Princess Luna don't you DAHAHAHAHRRHEHEHEHE" Scootaloo laughed as Princess Luna was tickling her. With Scootaloo giggling under Luna, Princess Luna was already having fun. Her smiling and cocking an eyebrow the whole time she was tickling Scootaloo. "Who's my favorite filly? tell me and I'll stop." She said while she continued to tickle Scootaloo. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM PLEASE STOP IT" Scootaloo laughed, already starting to sweat and with tears falling from her eyes. Finally Luna detached her hoof from Scootaloo and let her catch her breath. Princess Luna turned for a second to look at the stars, but then she heard a yawn behind her, she turned and saw that Scootaloo was getting sleepy. But instead of bringing her back to that creepy, cold, clubhouse, she put a half-asleep Scootaloo on her back again and flew up to the nearest sleeping cloud. She had found one that was big enough for the both of them, she landed on it and put Scootaloo down. "Princess Luna why didn't you take me back to my clubhouse?" Scootaloo asked "Because, little one, you need a nice, warm, place to sleep, and I don't think that clubhouse is such a good place for things like that." Luna said. Scootaloo was reluctant, but decided to accept what was given to her. She sat down, turned around, and looked at Princess Luna, and smiled. "Thanks for everything tonight." Scootaloo said. "You're welcome." Luna said, Scootaloo then fell asleep, Princess Luna gently dragged Scootaloo towards her frontside and held her with her forehooves, keeping her warm. She smiled at a now sleeping Scootaloo, although it would be weird to her, she leaned down and gave Scootaloo a good night kiss on her head. Luna then started to sing to Scootaloo to help her stay asleep. [youtube=1SiylvmFI_8] Luna saw from the inside that she may not be related to Scootaloo by blood, but it never meant that she could be a surrogate mother to her. "Good night Scootaloo." Princess Luna said, with a sleeping Scootaloo wrapped in her forehooves. > Adoption > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Scootaloo woke up, only to make a good discovery She wasn't sleeping on the cloud that Princess Luna had taken her to for safety last night, instead, she was in a bed, a really big bed. Suddenly the doorknob on the bedroom door began to twist, quickly Scootaloo fell back to sleep. The door slowly opened, and in came none other than Princess Celestia, Luna, and the newest Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. They saw Scootaloo asleep like a baby in the bed and smiled. "She's so cute when she's asleep." Princess Celestia said "I wish I could be her foalsitter." Twilight said "I think you have made the right decision, Luna." Celestia said "I agree with Celestia." Twilight said, "You made the right decision of adopting Scootaloo today, she's gonna be one happy filly when she sees you're her mother." "I couldn't be more happy myself, I may not be married, but my daughter here is more along the lines of becoming a future princess as well. I think I was right enough to adopt her today." "Come on, let's let her sleep." Twilight said, they exited the room and closed the door with their magic, letting Scootaloo sleep. Scootaloo showed a smile on her face while she was sleeping, she had heard everything, even though she was a heavy sleeper. An hour later Scootaloo woke up for real, she turned to the wall clock and saw that it was 8:00 AM. Having found a small bathroom inside, she got out of her bed and entered it to get washed up. While she was taking her bath, she decided to pretend like she didn't hear the conversation, and just go on with it as just another typical boring day. She got out of the bathtub and drained the water, she dried herself off and combed her mane. After she got cleaned up, she opened her bedroom door, only to have the smell of something good cooking in the royal kitchen downstairs. Scootaloo took a good whiff at what was cooking, it smelled like pancakes, so slowly and quietly she crept down the long hallway that led to the stairs. As she was trotting quietly down the stairs, she started hearing the voices of the princesses coming from the dining room which was the first door on the left, she kept following the good pancake scent and it lead her right to where they were. She was nearing the door, once she approached it, she slowly opened it, and there they were, the three princesses, along with Cadence and Shining Armor whom they had invited from the Crystal Empire for breakfast. "Good morning." Scootaloo said, the princesses turned over and saw Scootaloo, and greeted her with loving smiles. "Good morning, Scootaloo." Princess Celestia said, "Come on in, we've got pancakes." Scootaloo walked in and sat in between Luna and Twilight, a stack of blueberry pancakes was awaiting her, along with a bottle of syrup and glasses of milk and orange juice. Scootaloo started digging in, the princesses were taking their time eating breakfast, but as for Scootaloo she was eating like a pig, from the looks of it she sure was eating them pretty fast. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down Scootaloo, your pancakes aren't going anywhere." Twilight said. "Sorry, Twilight, I just need to eat." Scootaloo said with mashed pancakes in her mouth. "Do not talk with your mouth full." Luna said "Sorry, Luna." Scootaloo said, one question suddenly came to her mind, "Princess Luna how did I get here last night?" "Well, while you and I were asleep on that cloud, I woke up to feel you shivering, so I put you under my wing to see if maybe that would keep you warm, but even under my wing you were still shivering. I was starting to feel cold as well, so I picked you up and put you on my back, once I was in the sky, Canterlot came into view from the clouds, so slowly I flew down, without letting you fall off. I had managed to enter without any trouble, so I took you into my bedroom which was the room that you were sleeping in, I left the room, only to see that my sister was there in front of me." **FLASHBACK** "Princess Luna, why did you bring a filly in here for?" Celestia asked "Sister, that is Scootaloo, the filly I've been telling you about. I was flying down through Ponyville tonight, checking on the sleeping ponies down there, I heard Scootaloo talking to me from her clubhouse, so I decided to stay with her, but the thing is......she doesn't have a family!" Princess Celestia was flabbergasted, "How do you know this?!" "She told me everything, the fact that her father abused her and her mother is dead. She also said that she lived in the Manehattan Orphanage and then some foster home, but even there she was mistreated and abused, and from as far as I know, she's.....lived in that clubhouse ever since, I had to take her out of there because she needed a proper place to live." "But happened with you two?" "I flew up to the clouds, but the air was so cold, so I flew her over here just to be safe." "I understand." Celestia said "But, because of everything she said I'm most likely going to.......adopt her." Princess Celestia gasped, "But my sister, you don't have any experience being a mother." "Come on sister please, I think this will be a good idea." Princess Celestia pondered this for a moment. "All right Luna, but just remember she is your responsibility, I will help, but she is yours to take care of." "Don't worry sister, thy can count on me." "Well maybe we should have our guards head down to that clubhouse and get her stuff." "Good idea, sister, I'll get all the guardianship paperwork signed and done." "But that's all going to have to be done in the morning." Celestia said "All right, good night sister. Luna said "Good night, Luna" Celestia said. **END OF FLASHBACK** "And that's how you came here." Luna said. Scootaloo found it hard to maintain the impression that all this happened and that she didn't even know it. "So all this time I was asleep in your bedroom?" "Yes Scootaloo, in fact I have a surprise for you." "We all do kid." Shining Armor said "My crystal guards found your clubhouse and brought all of your stuff here." "Even my scooter?" Scootaloo asked Shining Armor, chuckled "Yes, even your scooter." "Sweetheart, we would never let anypony abuse or neglect a cute filly like you." Cadence said "Since you have been having a lack of family Princess Luna signed these, early this morning at the courthouse in the Crystal Empire." Cadence and Luna gave Scootaloo a small stack of documents that read: "I Princess Luna have agreed to terms that this filly Scootaloo is under my adoptive motherly-fatherly care in Canterlot, Equestria. By under Scootaloo's means I have vowed a promise never to let this poor filly go unattended, mistreated, abused, or neglected, because these four horrible acts of violence will be in penetration of this contract and will end up in me losing adoptive care of this filly and will be serving a sentence of five years in federal prison and a 500 bit bail." "Signed" "Princess Luna of the Royal City of Canterlot" All of this, to Scootaloo, was a joy, her eyes became moist and runny in tears. When she looked up to Luna, her fore- hooves were wide open for a comforting hug, in which Scootaloo gave her, as she was, once again, hugging Luna one question came to her mind. "Wait, if you adopted me won't I be living here in Canterlot with you?" "Of course dear." Luna said "But, what about my school, what about Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, what about Ponyville, will I never see them again?" Luna, Celestia, and the others laughed at this, at first Scootaloo thought they were laughing because what she told them, might be true, but they were laughing for a different reason. "Now, now, dear, why would you think that, yes Canterlot is your home now, but you're still going to go to Ponyville for school, and you and your friends can still be the Cutie Mark Crusaders." "But How will I get to Ponyville, I'm too young to ride the train by myself, and I can't even fly yet." Scootaloo felt whom she thought was her new mother tapping her, but when she looked it was Celestia, now her aunt, rubbing her lightly. "Sweetheart, don't worry about that, haven't you seemed to forget, that my faithful student, still lives there?" She asked gesturing Scootaloo to look at Twilight, who was waving her hoof at her, Scootaloo was surprised. "Twilight, would you really take me to Ponyville?" Scootaloo asked. Twilight chuckled, "Of course I will, Scoots, just think of me as your own private train." Scootaloo jumped on Twilight and hugged her, "Thanks Twilight." "You're welcome, Scootaloo." Suddenly Princess Celestia tapped Scootaloo. Luna handed her to Celestia and she placed Scootaloo on her lap. "Hey Scootaloo, do you want to see your new bedroom?" Celestia asked, Scootaloo got all fired up about this, Princess Luna being her mother, but now she was going to have her own bedroom. Scootaloo hopped on Celestia's back and she took her down to her new bedroom. It was incredible, a nice twin size bed, a box full of toys, her very own bathroom and outdoor balcony with a tanning bed, daffodil and rose wallpaper on a green and yellow painted wall, a good size closet with plenty of room for her scooter and everything. Scootaloo gestured Princess Celestia to bend down to her height, once she was low enough, Scootaloo ran up to her and jumped onto her neck, being careful not to strangle her, she wrapped her hooves around her. Suddenly, Luna pulled down a statue head and it opened a bookcase shelf it was a secret entrance, and behind it it lead straight into a playroom, with lots of toys. "Huh, my own private playroom?!" Scootaloo asked, excitedly "Oh, wait dear, it gets better." Luna said, she pressed a small button, and the floor opened revealing a window with a good view of Ponyville. Scootaloo's smile grew, she would've never thought she would be getting a new life with a princess mother. Scootaloo grew in tears of joy, nopony had ever been this willing to give her such a gift, not just from friendship, but from a couple of royal sisters that loved her more than anything. Scootaloo jumped back into Luna's arms and hugged her tightly. "Thanks.....mom." Scootaloo whispered. Celestia couldn't help but cry in awe at this not only did they have a new member of the royal family, but she knew that she was the aunt of this filly, therefore, she now had two nieces. END PART 2 > Moving to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo was riding on Princess Twilight's back heading to Ponyville to get her things packed and ready to move alongside them were a group of guards escorting them to the CMC clubhouse where her stuff awaited. Once they landed the guards and Twilight followed Scootaloo straight inside the clubhouse where her pillow, blanket, and other things awaited to be packed, as she was packing she heard hoofsteps approaching the clubhouse, it was Applebloom and Sweetie Belle with sad looks on their faces. "Scootaloo, why do have to go and leave us?" Sweetie Belle asked through tears. "Yeah, what's to become of us, now, we may never be the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore. It's jus' not gonna be the same without you.." Applebloom said, luckily, Twilight walked inside and comforted them. "Don't worry girls, Scootaloo is still going to be coming here for school, and you all will still get to do stuff together on weekends." Twilight said "Is this really true, Twi'" Applebloom asked "Of course, Applebloom, you all will still be the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Twilight said, that's when the guards started getting their attention. "Princess Twilight, we'd better get going." Soon all of Scootaloo's things were packed and ready in the wagon they flew in, Scootaloo said good-bye to everypony, and thus they flew back to Canterlot. As Applebloom and Sweetie Belle watched their best friend leave, Applejack and Rarity came out of nowhere and comforted them as well. "Now sugarcube, don't be sad, she's not leavin' ya'." Applejack said "Now darling, don't cry, she'll be coming back for visits." Rarity said comforting her sister. ________________________________________________________________________________ Back in Canterlot, Scootaloo approached her new bedroom with her things, getting ready to start a new life as a possible future princess. Once all of her stuff was unpacked, she stared out the window watching as dark clouds approached the castle soon after the whole city was darkened by the sudden sound of thunder clapping and lightning flashing outside. Scootaloo was suddenly coming to good terms that when she living at the clubhouse whenever the weather was like this, the lightning would light up the tree branches near the window, and they would make scary looking shadows. Plus the wind would rumble and cause the shutters to bang against the windows like they would do in a haunted house, she would always cower whenever it did this. But now that she had gotten adopted she thought all of that came to an end now that she was in a warm home with a new loving mother and aunt. The thunder boomed even louder and the lightning was flashing like dozens of cameras, Scootaloo suddenly saw she was all alone in her new bedroom, but the thing was it was big, the lightning outside created scary looking shadows from objects outside, suddenly strange noises started echoing through out the hallways outside. Scootaloo started quivering in fear and ran underneath her bed to hide. While underneath her bed, along with her teddy bear clinched in her left hoof, she watched as the lightning flashed outside and noises echo throughout the castle. As she continued to quiver, another noise approached her ears, it sounded like a creaking sound, but this sound wasn't in the hallway nor was it outside but in her own bedroom! Scootaloo peeped out from her bed and saw that the creaking sound was her door opening soflty, she crept back under her bed and watched in horror as a dark figure entered the room and it was approaching the bed quickly, Scootaloo's eyes widened in fear. "WHO'S THERE?!" she screamed, suddenly the figures face looked at her and reached a hoof out. Just when Scootaloo was about to cower again it had a calming and soothing voice. "Come here my daughter, everything's okay." it said as it grabbed Scootaloo out from under her bed. To her surprise it was none other than her new mother, Princess Luna, who had a warming smile on her face. Once Luna had a hold of Scootaloo she put her onto the bed and sat down beside her, placing a wing over her in comfort, Scootaloo continued to cower until Luna began to nuzzle her. At last Scootaloo was calm, the rain and lightning took its toll as it lightened up outside. Luna gestured Scootaloo to look out the window, uncovering her eyes, she looked out the window and it revealed a beautiful sunset sky, with the clouds shining beautifully. Scootaloo couldn't help but now glance in awe about this. "Wow that was a quick storm." Scootaloo said, Princess Luna giggled. "Mom, what's so funny?" Scootaloo asked "It was a quick storm wasn't it, dear." "Mom, don't be silly, you heard what I said." Scootaloo said through her giggles. "Besides I wasn't that scared." "Oh really?" Luna asked, she then disappeared through smoke. "Mom, Mom, MOM?!" Scootaloo asked, suddenly she found herself floating, but to her surprise, no one was in the room but her. She also found out that she had no control over her body, she was getting scared again. "HELP!!!!!!" she screamed, but no one heard her, she found herself floating onto her bed where she dropped on her backside, hooves curled in front of her, suddenly Luna's head popped out from under bed, causing Scootaloo to scream. "Mom, that's not fair!" Scootaloo whined, but Luna was unpredictable. "Not fair huh?!" Luna said, she opened her mouth and inhaled, exhaling out sharply, she blew a raspberry on Scootaloo tummy causing her to laugh, with Luna smiling along with her. "Well are we scared or being brave?" Luna asked while continuing to blow raspberries on Scootaloo's belly. "I'm brave!" Scootaloo said between laughs, finally Luna stopped with the raspberries, allowing her daughter to take some breaths, but her playful sinister smile never left her face. "Looks like you're in between brave and scared." Luna said "What are you talking about?" Scootaloo asked "From your laughs and giggles, you're a neutral filly, you don't take sides at all." Luna said, levitating Scootaloo onto her back. "Mom, where are we going?" Scootaloo asked "I thought maybe you would want to watch me raise the moon tonight, ." Once they were outside, there was a massive crowd watching up to her stage for raising the moon, Luna told Scootaloo to go stand near the edge, in which she did and watched, the crowd watched as the guards blew their horns and as Luna walked up in front, she flapped her wings and flew up in front of the moon shaped pedestal her body silhouetted in the center of the pedestal as the moon came into view, Scootaloo was agape by this, so that's how they raised the sun and moon. The crowd applauded by stomping their hooves, including Scootaloo, at Luna for her nightly powers. Soon after everypony left, but the guards were vigilant because they were applauding Luna on adopting Scootaloo, but before she could depart for star gazing, she decided to talk with the guards, about her idea of Scootaloo being a future princess. "But Princess Luna, why?" the guard asked "Because, Canterlot needs rulers of the future to raise the sun and moon when my sister and I move on to the afterlife." "But what powers are going to give that filly, when you and Celestia pass away?" "I'm giving her my powers of raising the moon. She is my daughter now and I have chosen her as the future princess of the night, When you leave tell Celestia that I wish to appose Scootaloo as my faithful student." Luna said "Yes, your highness." they said then left. Luna started towards the front of the stage to grab her daughter, only to find that she had fallen asleep on the stage, boy was she a pooped filly, watching and applauding her mother for all she did tonight. Luna couldn't help but smile at her daughter's cute little sleepy body. As she levitated Scootaloo onto her back, in preparation to take her back to the castle, she bumped into someone it was none other than Princess Celestia, who gave a look of joy yet disappointment on her face. "My sister, why is thou out here for?" "Luna, I'm afraid I can't appoint her as your student.....but instead, your apprentice." > Apprentice Coronation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- About a week after Princess Luna adopted Scootaloo, the royal guards of the Crystal Empire and Canterlot met up with the four alicorn princesses for a discussion about a junior coronation for Scootaloo, since Celestia granted the rank as Luna's apprentice. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was already getting used to being a royal daughter, plus the fact that she knew that she was the next heir to the throne as future Princess of the night. Two weeks later, Princess Luna and Twilight were making amends for Scootaloo's coronation. A week after that, they got her crown, which looked a lot like Luna's only a little bigger, plus a pair of gold hoof shoes. Soon after it was all set. ____________________________________________________ Princess Luna and Twilight were in the dressing room where they dressed Twilight for hers, but this time they were dressing Scootaloo for her junior coronation. "Hold still sweetie." Luna said, "Let me get this split end straightened." "Ouch, no so hard mom!" Scootaloo said "Sorry, now for Twilight to put on your crown." Twilight levitated the crown onto Scootaloo's head. "There you're ready." Twilight said, but just as they were about to walk her to the mirror to let her see her coronation dress, there was a knock on the door, Twilight opened it and saw that it was the CMC with Babs Seed. "Hey girls, come on in, what brings you all here?" Twilight asked "We juz, want ta' congradulate Scoots on her apprenticeship." Babs said "Yeah, can we spend some time with her?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Of course girls, the coronation starts in an hour." Twilight said, she and Luna then left the room, leaving Scootaloo alone with her friends. "Well Scoots," Babs said, "I muz' say dats' some good....." she then saw that Scootaloo was looking saddened and down about this. "Scoot, why the long face?" Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo sighed, "I just really don't see how I'm chosen to be an apprentice, at first I was a happy filly crusading with you all, having milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner, and above all....finding my cutie mark. But now I'm afraid that since I'm an apprentice now, that will come to an end, maybe I'll never get to be with you all again." Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Babs Seed took this to heart. Scootaloo went on the verge of shedding tears "(sniff)..I'll never be the same again, what if since I'm an apprentice now, I won't even have time to be with you all anymore?" Scootaloo started crying, she felt a hoof wrap around her shoulders, she looked and saw that it was Apple Bloom with a friendly smile. "Now Scootaloo, ah' know this is tough fer ya' but it's actually a good thing, think about it Scoots, in the next 10 years, you'll be the next princess of the night, that means ya'll will have all of the powers of raising the moon. But on the other hoof, Princess Luna won't mind if ya hang out with us, we still love you." "(sniff)..r..really?" Scootaloo asked with her tears starting to dry. She was circled in by Sweetie Belle and Babs. "Sure Scoots, you're still our friend no matter what." "Yeah," Babs said, "No madda wat, we're always da' Cutie Mak Crusadez!" Scootaloo took her friends in a group hug. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS GO!!!!!!!!!!!" they cheered, suddenly the door opened and in popped Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadance to get Scootaloo ready for her coronation. "All right girls, time for you all to take your places, because it starts in ten minutes." Celestia said. "Let's go my sweet little angels." Cadance said, shooing them out the door. "Well see you out there, okay Scootaloo?" Celestia said "All right, Aunt Celestia." Scootaloo said, Celestia then kissed her and left with Twilight. "Mom, I'm actually glad, that I'm your apprentice as well, but why did you choose me as the future Princess of the night?" Scootaloo asked Princess Luna replied, "Because, you have everything it takes. And I see in your heart that you have the blood of a princess, so in order for you to be full princess, you will be my apprentice." "Oh, I see." Scootaloo said, Luna knelt down and levitated her daughter on her back. ======================================================================== Pretty soon there was a massive crowd in the same room where they had Twilight's coronation. On stage were the four alicorn princesses, Shining Armor was standing next to his wife and sister wearing his red cadet uniform, Applejack, along with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and her sister and cousin were standing in front of the crowd getting ready for royal action, soon Princess Luna stepped forward wearing her coronation dress that she wore in Twilight's. "Mares and Gentlecolts," she started "Today we gather here in the newest apprentice into royalty, please welcome into the royal family, my loving daughter Scootaloo." As she backed off, Scootaloo stepped forward wearing her beautiful little dress, her wings were spread out and ready, and on top of her head was her apprentice crown, and on her hooves were four little gold shoes. The crowds cheered as they saw Scootaloo step up onto a small balcony they built for her to stand on so that everypony could see her. "As you all know, I had adopted her about three weeks ago because she had told me all the dreadful things she went through before, living in a cold dark clubhouse, being bullied, neglected, tortured, abused, I really saw that she was really hurt on the outside. All my life I have searched for a good filly cutie mark or no cutie mark, with a heart of love for her family, her friends, and respect for all." "Equestria, you are now viewing your future Princess of the Night." Scootaloo watched from the crowd as everypony began bowing to their future princess of the night, her friends, Even the alicorns were bowing, Scootaloo blushed a little bit. Suddenly Luna and Celestia walked up towards her side, faced her, and aimed their horns at her. "Now my dear daughter, your gift from royalty awaits you." Gently, Luna and Celestia fired a beam of light at Scootaloo, soon she was levitated and her body was soon a silhouette in a flash of light, that the crowd had to cover their eyes. Suddenly the light faded and Scootaloo laned on the ground again. "Now, Scootaloo, spread your wings and flap." Scootaloo did what she was told, as she opened her eyes she saw that she was an inch of the ground, and soon she was going to the top of the room she looked at her wings and suddenly discovered that..............SHE WAS FLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!! The crowd below cheered and applauded as Scootaloo flew around the room then landed back on the ground softly. After that, Celestia levitated her niece onto Luna's back and they walked outside onto the balcony, where yet another crowd saw their future Princess of the night, as the crowd was watching, from behind the princesses, Twilight's friends were applauding, when they heard the sound of sniffling and crying, they turned and saw that it was Rainbow Dash. "Awwww, Rainbow Dash are you crying?" Pinkie Pie asked Rainbow Dash couldn't make lies, "Yes, my squirt's going to be a princess!" As she continued to cry she felt somepony hugging her leg, Rainbow, still in tears, saw that it was Scootaloo. "Rainbow Dash, I still want to learn cool stunts from you, I'm always going to be your #1 fan." Rainbow Dash suddenly went from tears of sadness to tears of joy, she scooped up Scootaloo and they shared a warming hug together, everypony saw this and started crying as well. Scootaloo would always know whether she was going to be a future princess or not, she would always love her friends. Confetti blasting, fireworks exploding in the sunset sky, it was a good coronation for Luna's newest apprentice. Now that Scootaloo was given the ability to fly by her mother and aunt, she and Luna flapped their wings and flew over the crowd and into the sunset sky to start an early journey since Scootaloo was an apprentice. As the mane six, along with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs Seed, watched Scootaloo fly off into the night with her mother, Rainbow Dash continued to cry. "Rainbow Dash, are ya'll sure ya' gonna be all right?" Applejack asked "As long as my squirt wants to continue to hang out with me, and will always be my #1 fan, I'm comfortable with her being royalty, as long as she doesn't make any rules about the wonderbolts' stunts." Everypony then laughed as the camera zoomed out to reveal the Canterlot skyline at night and fireworks light up. > The Big Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been at least five months since Tirek was defeated, and the new Rainbow Kingdom was formed, Scootaloo was about to accomplish a big test, if she passed this test her horn would form and she would be a full alicorn filly and the first ever alicorn filly, but if she failed, she would have to wait another five years, the total points needed to pass this test was at least above 90. Scootaloo stood next to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, she stood in fright over this big event, but she suddenly felt a comforting hoof on her back, she turned and saw that it was Sweetie Belle smiling friendly to her. "Don't worry Scootaloo, we're still your friends no matter what." she said. "I know Sweetie Belle, I'm just so scared right now, I've been an apprentice to my mother for five months now, and after all this time, this is my one chance to actually approve of my greatness as the next princess of the night." Suddenly Apple Bloom came up to her, "Ah' bet it'll be fine Scoots." she said with a warm smile, suddenly the door that they were sitting in front of opened, and out came Princess Luna along with two royal guards. "Scootaloo, we're ready for you now." one guard said, Scootaloo suddenly shook in fear but managed to get out of the chair she had been sitting on and calmly yet fearfully followed her mother and the two guards into unknown parts of the castle. The first part of the test was a speed course. "Now for this part, you will have to go at least 120 miles an hour on this course, and you have to get to that speed in no less than 10 minutes, once the clock starts you will flap your wings and start, take your position." the coach said, Scootaloo nervously got into a position where the track was in full view once she was aligned and in position, the coach pulled out a timer with his hoof, and a clock that was mounted on a wall at the far end of the room was activated. "Ready Scootaloo?" the coach said "I'm ready." she answered back. "On your mark, get set, GO!" he said activating his timer, in no time Scootaloo was off the ground and flying around the track, for the past 4 minutes her speed quickly clocked like a speedometer in a car, she quickly went up her average speed of a typical Pegasus, before too long she was up to nearly 130 mph on the track, she was going so fast she nearly sparked the lights in the track room out, and she nearly caused the coach's hat to fly off from the speed of her flight. Suddenly the buzzer blew, reminding Scootaloo that this session was over, she then landed back on the ground and walked over to the coach who was frozen at how fast she went. "So how did I do coach?" she asked. The coach was still speechless. "Come on dear," Luna said, levitating her onto her back, "I'm sure you'll see it in the results." The second part of the test was an obstacle course to see if she can dodge sticks on the ground, fly through hoops, and target practice, similar to what they had in the Equestria games, only she had to complete this obstacle course under 90 minutes, the same coach that had instructed her in the flight speed test was there to time her again as well. "All right Scootaloo, you are to complete this course in less than 30 minutes, ready, set, go!" he said as the timer on the wall started, Scootaloo quickly got up off the ground and went through the first course which was she had to zigzag through 10 hoops not to miss one of them, the second course was to fly around 6 sticks three times, the third course was the target practice, in which she had to get a goal right on target under 5 minutes. The final course was the zoom target, in where she had to fly up through three targets mounted in the ceiling, Scootaloo shot up and hit the first target at ease, then the second, and then the third, all in about 10 minutes. The total time she completed for this course was approximately 50 minutes and 32 seconds. The final exam was a quiz on the history of the alicorns, which contained questions like.... Who was the very first alicorn princess? How long did she rule Equestria? What was her cutie mark? Scootaloo did her best on the answers for she knew that this would be part of the test and that she would need to get all the answers right in order to pass and become the first alicorn filly, but what she didn't know was that another big surprise would await her if she passed this test, her face was sweating and her eyes were starting to become bloodshot, yet she was determined to pass this test, she had studied all week for this part, with a little help from Twilight. Once she had reached the final question and had answered it, the timer had rung meaning that the test was over, Scootaloo spit the pencil that was in her mouth out and onto the desk, she then flopped back in her chair and sighed in relief it was finally over, but the bigger problem that awaited her were the test results, she was now trembling in fear that she might fail and would have to wait another five years to take this test over again. Suddenly the door opened and in came Luna and a guard. "Come on dear, I need to take you to Ponyville." she said picking her up, Scootaloo was puzzled. "Why mom, can't you just take me back to the castle?" she asked. "Sorry dear, but Aunt Celestia has things to do this afternoon, and I have to stay and help them collect your results, so Twilight is going to look after you for the day." "All right mom, I'm just glad all that's over." Scootaloo said, "But why can't I just fly there myself?" "Because you need a break." Luna answered. And thus they were off to Ponyville. > Pass or Fail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nearly evening in Ponyville as everypony finished up their work and were heading home for dinner, at Twilight's castle Scootaloo was in the throne room sitting in Rainbow's seat along with the others, she was really nervous right now not because of what she went through in the test, but if she failed cause if she did, she would have to wait five more years. Anyway, she was just sitting there on Rainbow Dash's throne chair quivering in fear, as she was shaking Rainbow Dash put a comforting hoof on her. "Hey it'll be okay squirt, I'll still love you no matter what." she said with a smile. "Really?" Scootaloo asked looking at her and the others, they smiled affectionately at her. "O' course sugarcube, we'll always be your friends to the end, ah' don't care if takes you at least 30 tries." Applejack said "It'll be okay Scootaloo, we'll be right here beside you for comfort when they come here." said Twilight. "And if you pass, I'll throw you the biggest party ever!" Pinkie Pie said. Scootaloo then jumped up out of the throne chair and into Rainbow Dash's hooves, Rainbow held her tightly as they hugged. "You all are the best friends I could ever have." she said, this brought tears to Rainbow's eyes. As Scootaloo was hugging everypony there was soon the sound of a knock on the throne doors, Twilight walked up and opened them and there stood two royal guards. "May we please see Scootaloo?" one of them asked. "Sure, Scootaloo the guards are here to see you." Twilight said, Rainbow put Scootaloo down and she slowly walked up to them. "Come with us." a guard said, Scootaloo nervously followed them out the doors along with Twilight and the others who followed her to comfort her from being scared, once the guards reached the place they wanted her to be, they found Princess Luna standing there with a stern look. "Ah, Scootaloo, we have your test results." she said levitating a folder that had her test scores in it, Luna opened the folder and began to read aloud. "Your first test was a score of 89." "Your second test was a score of 90." "Your final test was a score of 96." "It seems that you have......." Suspense music started playing as the camera zoomed in on everypony, Rainbow was biting her hooves in fear, Scootaloo was sweating while biting her lip, and the other four stood with wide eyes, suddenly Luna showed a smile and turned the folder over for the others to see. "Passed." she said, Scootaloo gasped and saw that she had made a score of 107 which was beyond it all. "YA DID IT SUGARCUBE!!!!!" Applejack screamed out of joy. "WHOO HOO!!!!!" said Pinkie Pie. "I'm so proud of you Scootaloo." said Twilight. Rainbow Dash picked up Scootaloo again and hugged her. "I knew you could do it!" she said. "Thanks everypony." Scootaloo said. "Meet us back in Canterlot first thing in the morning." Luna said to the others. "We shall see my daughter become the first alicorn filly of Equestria." she said leaving with Scootaloo on her back. "Will do Luna." Twilight said with a smile on her face. Then she and the guards left for Canterlot, Rainbow watched with glee as she saw Scootaloo leave with Luna and the guards, but was soon approached by Twilight. "Is everything okay?" she asked. "I'm just so proud of her." Rainbow Dash said. "Aren't we all." she said as she watched the night sky with Rainbow. > Celebration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo had passed her test after nearly weeks of studying for it with help from Twilight and Celestia, now the time had come for her to become the first alicorn filly in over 1,000 years. They had once again gathered in Canterlot for the celebration to Scootaloo's new life as the next generation Princess of the Night. Scootaloo was in her room yet again getting ready for another celebration, she had never been this excited in her life, she was fixing to become an actual alicorn, as she was getting ready for her celebration, a thought came to her. "Will I ever even have the power to be a night princess?" "Is something wrong dear?" Luna asked her daughter as she and a dressing pony were helping her get ready. "Mom, I know I've asked this before, but do I really even have what it takes to be a princess?" Luna stroked her mane gently, "Scootaloo, I know you're nervous about this change, but I see in your heart that you have everything of my role as Princess of the night, you have courage, generosity, and you're very thoughtful of your friends, that's the emotions that a true future princess holds so dear." "Really?" Scootaloo asked starting to cheer up, Luna gave her a quick hug, "I always have, ever since I first adopted you, I could feel from your heart that you have what it takes." Scootaloo returned the hug, "Thanks mom." Soon they removed from their embrace as Luna was fixing to leave the room to get everything ready for Scootaloo's transformation, "Now I've got to go and finish up the ball room with everypony else plus me and the others have to go and get ourselves ready, Ms. Mustangford will take over her for your dressing dear." "Okay mom, I'll see you all out there." Scootaloo said with an obeying attitude, and she left the room leaving Scootaloo with the dress pony to finish with her apparel. Meanwhile on board the train to Canterlot, the mane five, along with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were dressed nice and in pure excitement about seeing one of their favorite fillies becoming something they haven't experienced since Celestia and Luna first reigned, but as for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, they weren't so sure about this, they were happy that Scootaloo had passed the test, but they had become down again since their best crusader and best friend would soon be becoming an alicorn. Applejack and Rarity quickly took notice of their sisters crying and went over to their side. "Sugarcube what's wrong?" Applejack asked Apple Bloom. "Come on darling, is something the matter?" Rarity asked her sister. "Well if Scootaloo's going to be an alicorn, what will become of us?" Sweetie Belle asked with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, we may never be the Cutie Mark Crusaders again." Applejack scooped up her sister and hugged her tightly, "Now sugarcube we've been through this before, Scootaloo is not leaving y'all behind, she just going to be an alicorn today, plus who knows, maybe her new look will make y'all more popular." "Don't worry darling, I told you no matter what, Scootaloo is still your friend, and a new body is not going to change that." "Really?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Really?" asked Apple Bloom. "Yes, y'all are still the Cutie Mark Crusaders no matter what, ah' guarantee it." said Applejack, they were soon cheered up and were now happy for their friend's new change coming towards her. Back in the dressing chambers in the castle in Canterlot, Ms. Mustangford had finally managed to put together the final adjustments for Scootaloo's dress, she had never looked this beautiful since her apprenticeship coronation a year ago, Scootaloo had waited for this now the time had come. Later that evening all of Equestria was gathered in Canterlot at the ball room where they had at least three different events from Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding to Twilight Sparkle's coronation, but now they had gathered her for a fourth event, seeing the transformation of Scootaloo from Pegasus to alicorn. The massive crowd stood at the bottom of the stage while Celestia, Luna, and Cadance stood in the center dressed in their gowns they wore for Twilight's coronation, Twilight was wearing her tiara and coronation dress while Shining Armor wore his royal guard uniform, Twilight's friends stood by Cadance wearing their coronation dresses as well. Princess Luna walked up and stood in front of the stairs and started her speech.... "My fair mares and gentlecolts, we have gathered here today on such a glorious celebration of my daughter's step towards royalty, she had proven herself to be brave, bold, caring, and generous of her friends, she has completed the biggest requirement that not even Twilight Sparkle could accomplish, The Test of Courage." Everypony was surprised, no one had ever passed that test, they were even more proud of Scootaloo. "Mares and gentlecolts, please welcome my daughter Scootaloo." The doors at the far end opened up and in came Scootaloo wearing her celebration dress and was being escorted in by four royal guards, Scootaloo smiled and blushed as she saw the proud ponies looking down at her, Rainbow Dash saw her squirt walking towards the stage and started shedding up in tears. "Oh come on eyes, don't start yet!" she exclaimed, Applejack and the others giggled at this. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched and shed tears as well, they had never been so happy for their friend. Scootaloo continued to be brave as the stage came closer and closer to her hooves, she then walked slowly up the stairs and approached her mother and aunt. "Scootaloo, my loving daughter, you have proven yourself in a way that I would never find in any other filly. You have proven yourself brave, thoughtful, and perseverance in your heart, this is the true attitude of a future princess." Scootaloo could now feel adrenaline starting to kick in her as she was about to come face to face with her change. "Are you ready?" Celestia asked. "I am Aunt Celestia." said Scootaloo as she closed her eyes, Luna, Celestia, Twilight, and Cadance then stood in a circle around Scootalo and lit up their horns, then they shot a gentle magic beam at her and she lfted up in to a silhouette. The crowd watched in awe as they saw Scootaloo starting to change. Once soon enough did the magical change in Scootaloo's silhouetted body stop, and she floated gently back to the ground, the crowd looked on as her head lay low to the floor, she then looked up, opened her eyes, and showed the crowd her new horn. The crowd applauded, including the mane six. "I may now pledge as to my daughter is now an alicorn." Luna said to the audience as they applauded once again, Scootaloo couldn't have felt more than happy over this new life she was starting, suddenly Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran towards Scootaloo and piled on her and hugged her. "Scootaloo, ah'm so happy for you." "I can't believe it, you're an alicorn!" Sweetie Belle said. "Thank you girls." Scootaloo said as she hugged them back. Suddenly the mane six approached her and proudly hugged her as well, the last was Rainbow Dash. "I'm so proud of you squirt." she said. Scootaloo and the main ponies looked on to the crowd as they applauded and looked at their future night princess. END OF THIS CHAPTER.