Hello From The Other Side 2

by FoxMcCloud7921

Enter Juniper


Sunset ended up sleeping surprisingly well as she woke up the following morning. The sudden smell of breakfast brought back memories to a time when things were much simpler, when she was happy enough to be Princess Celestia's pupil. She yawned slightly as she got out of bed and made her way towards the kitchen.
To her surprise, she saw that it was Celestia who was making breakfast, specifically pancakes. Celestia noticed her and smiled. “Good morning Sunset. I hope you slept well.”
“I did, I hope the guest rooms were to your liking,” Sunset said.
“The mattresses are a little firm, but I can't complain,” Celestia said as she flipped a pancake. “I hope you're hungry, I know you three are going to be busy today.”
Sunset glanced at a full stack of pancakes on a plate with a face made of whip cream and fruit. “I see some things never change,” she chuckled.
Celestia laughed as well. “Well, I figured it's been awhile since you've had my cooking apparently I'm well known for my pancakes in Canterlot.”
Sunset snorted. “Oh really?”
“Yes really.” The two of them glanced at one another before they bursted out laughing. “Unfortunately Luna still has a long way to go when it comes to cooking.”
“Is she sleeping now?” Sunset asked.
“She went to sleep only a few hours ago but she'll probably be up shortly,” Celestia said. “As far as we know, the Nightmare isn't hiding in the dreamscape and we haven't heard any disturbances. I can only imagine this is hitting her hard.”
Sunset was hesitant to ask the question on her mind but she knew she had to ask. “And...are you okay?”
Sunset was quick to notice her change in posture. “Honestly, I can't really collect what happened, but apparently the castle has a few more holes in it. Was it really that bad?”
“Well um... Starlight told me there was an incident before?”
“Ah yes...long story short Luna and I were fighting and Starlight managed to switch our cutie marks.”
Sunset stared at her former teacher. “And she's still alive how?”
Celestia smirked. “Well even princesses sometimes need to learn a lesson or two. Now go eat, my former student, and I'll be willing to continue the story.”
As Sunset ate her pancakes (the recipe hadn't changed one bit and Sunset apparently was craving pancakes since she was snarfing them down), Celestia explained about Starlight's nightmare before moving onto the events from yesterday. “Honestly, I didn't think you had such a side to you.”
Celestia sighed. “Everypony has a dark side Sunset. Some are just better at concealing it.” She then joined Sunset at the table and started eating as well. “If I may ask...do you remember when you put on the Element of Magic?”
Sunset shuddered. “How can I forget? I never expected...that to happen.”
“I think I felt the same experience...even though it was the Nightmare possessing my body. I was fortunate though to repel her. However, I can't deny that I'm far from perfect.” Celestia's face darkened. “There are days when I just want to rid Equestria of such obnoxious nobles...but even with such thoughts I couldn't do it. It's a struggle we all face and you Sunset are the living example of redemption. I was worried I'd never see you again but if I did, the first thing I'd say was that I'm proud of you.”
“I feel like we already had this conversation…” Sunset pointed out.
“Perhaps...but the setting just didn't feel right.”
They then heard the sound of hoof steps as Starlight came into the room. “Oh good morning Sunset, Princess,” she said. She glanced at what they were eating. “Is today pancake day?”
“I'm not sure…” Sunset said. “Celestia told me about how you switched the princesss’ cutie marks and committed high treason.”
Starlight paled. “W-What? It wasn't treason!” She glared as the two mares started laughing.

Eventually Luna joined the room and it was over another half hour before Twilight managed to get up. Judging by the look on her face, she ended up sleeping very well. Once everyone was done eating, Sunset got up from the table.
“Judging by the fact that we haven't heard anything on this side means there's a good possibility that the Nightmare may have passed through the portal,” she said.
“But how did she find it?” Twilight asked.
“A being such as herself can detect the magical field the portal emits,” Luna explained.
“I see you're referring the Nightmare as a 'she’ now,” Celestia commented.
Luna rolled her eyes. “And apparently with Princess Twilight's lack of security it was easy for her to move around.”
Starlight groaned. “I've been telling her this ever since the changeling attack but nooo…
“Trust me, we've been doing the same,” Celestia said, sighing slightly.
“Anyway, we'll have to go back and check it for ourselves,” Sunset said, looking towards Twilight. “Princess Twilight already knows what's going on so we'll meet up with her and the others at Canterlot Mall.”
“Um…” Everyone then looked towards Starlight. “I know this might be a bad time to ask but… I wouldn't suppose you'd mind if...I tagged along?”
“You...want to come with us?” Sunset asked.
“Well I mean...I've heard a lot about the other side and I admit I'm a bit... curious.”
“I guess there's nothing wrong with that but...you sure Princess Twilight will be alright with this?”
“I don't believe she won't be alright with it,” Starlight smiled smugly.
“That doesn't seem like a very convincing argument.”
“Look, there isn't much I can do on this side and all of you have experienced going over there so why not me?”
Sunset glanced over at her former teacher. “This isn't for me to decide,” Celestia said. “Regardless, the two of us will stay on this side in case she tries to escape again.”
“Alright,” Sunset smiled slightly. “But you're going to have to lay low and not draw any attention.”
“Pft, you won't even know I'm there,” Starlight said with a wave of her hoof.
“It's gonna be a lot to take in so just listen to whatever I say.”
“Please, I'm very good at listening.”
“Good, cause there's a good chance that horseapples are going to hit the fan once we get over there.”
Twilight looked confused for a moment. “...Oh I get it! Man, these horse puns are confusing…”
“We'll let you know when we catch her,” Sunset said.
Celestia nodded. She then looked at her sister. “Luna? Is there anything you need to warn them about?”
Luna suddenly popped out of her thoughts and glanced at the mares uncertainly. “No...they should be fine…”
“We wish you luck,” Celestia bowed her head. “Nightmare isn't just a threat to our world but to all worlds.”
Sunset and the others bowed as well before Sunset whispered into Twilight's ear. “When we get there, make sure to keep a hold of Starlight.”
“Er...why? And when?”
“Oh you'll know when it happens.”

Canterlot Mall

It was yet another boring morning for Juniper Montage and yet another reminder of the position she was now in. Only a few days ago, she was running coffee errands for her uncle at the studio and now here she was, picking up garbage outside the theater and wearing some stupid hat. Looking back at everything, she definitely preferred the coffee runs.
As much as Juniper didn't want to admit it, it was her jealousy that got her into this mess. All because she wanted the main role of Daring Do, the most popular (fictional) archaeologist in the world. Unfortunately her uncle, the very popular director Canter Zoom, felt the movie needed star talent and Chestnut Magnifico was that star.
Juniper won't deny that Chestnut is a good actress but she wasn't Daring Do. Daring Do was the kind of woman that would get into a bar fight just to find a certain amulet and yet she could be gentle and charming at other times. It only made Juniper feel worse when she heard that A.K. Yearling herself fully supported the choice.
It was then that she had to do the unthinkable: she had to steal props from the set and ultimately lie to her uncle. Chestnut was currently on another contract for a movie that was about to enter production and Juniper knew if she could delay the movie long enough, Chestnut would have no choice but to cancel her contract here and move on, giving Juniper the chance she desperately wanted. Of course, everything went wrong: Juniper was caught red-handed and her one chance was horribly ruined.
Her current job here was a kindness of her uncle, who ultimately threw her niece out of the studio. To Juniper, it was a horrible reminder of how far she had fallen and she wasn't taking it well at all.
As she put up a poster for Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore, she could only stare at it while suppressing the urge to rip it to shreds. It should be me on this poster, me on the big screen! But fate could be cruel at times apparently.
The walkie-talkie on her belt suddenly went off. “Juniper, when you're done outside I need you to run the vacuum inside one more time before we open.” And of course there was her boss, who was unsympathetic to her current state of affairs.
Juniper took a deep breath before she took the receiver and said, “Of course! No problem!” Now she wanted to throw the receiver across the mall.
As she went inside the theater she couldn't help but shiver all of a sudden. It was probably because the staff had the A/C cranked up all the way since today was going to be a scorcher. And yet...she couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her. Ugh, get a hold of yourself Juniper. It's bad enough I have to put on a smile and tell everyone, “Enjoy the show!”
She went around behind the counter of the snack area and got herself a bottle of water, not really caring that it was for the customers. The premiere for the Daring Do movie was tonight as the many posters and banners throughout the theater signified. She sighed as she leaned against the counter. “What's the point?” she said out loud. “I've ruined things with my uncle, any chance I had of being a star…”
“But what if you could still have it all?”
Juniper almost dropped the bottle as she quickly looked around and saw the lobby was still currently empty. “I'm...hearing things now. Great…”
“You have great potential...but only if you're willing to accept it. I can help you…”
Juniper looked at her walkie-talkie but there was nothing coming through it. Great...on top of everything else I'm losing my mind.
She shook her head as she made her way towards the storage room. She went inside, looking for the vacuum. If anyone had been nearby at that moment, they would've heard a loud noise coming from the room.
About five minutes later, Juniper’s boss came out into the lobby and noticed someone wasn't currently vacuuming. He went towards the storage room and upon opening it, found Juniper sprawled on the ground, cleaning materials around her feet. “Juniper, what the hell happened?”
Juniper seemed to be in a daze but she suddenly shook her head. “Sorry sir...some of the containers suddenly fell down and one hit me in the head.”
“Well...be careful next time. On a day like today I can't have anyone going to the hospital.” He then walked away without offering to help her up.
Juniper got to her feet slowly. “Of course... I'll be sure to be more careful,” she said as her eyes flickered green.