//------------------------------// // Twilight the Demon Slayer // Story: Hello From The Other Side 2 // by FoxMcCloud7921 //------------------------------// Canterlot Mall Ten minutes earlier… In one of the small coffee shops inside the mall, the four girls from Crystal Prep were sitting at a table, each enjoying a cold drink. However, the usual smugness they had was currently absent due to a current predicament. “This sucks,” Sunny grumbled. “How are we supposed to create an original song if we aren't even musicians?” She then glared at Sour. “I guess someone didnt pay attention to the details.” Sour huffed. “Oh so now it's my fault?” “Yes,” the three other girls said. “Well...what if we just ask and borrow someone else's song?” Lemon asked. “You know, as long as it's an original song?” “Too risky,” Sugarcoat replied. “If they can find it on the internet, it'll be proof right as rain that we used someone else's content.” The girls sighed sadly as they each took a sip of their iced coffees. “Well, it was bad enough not winning the Friendship Games, now we have to tell our school we can't pay for our cruise ship now,” Sour said bitterly. “Can this day get any worse?” Suddenly there was an explosion outside which caused the windows to rattle. “You just had to say it,” Sugarcoat snapped, glaring at her. They then saw a woman float out of the cinema. “Not again…” Sunny groaned. “Um...is now a good time to run away?” Lemon asked. “Oh no Lemon, let's go out and face the she-demon ourselves and be the big heroes,” Sour said sweetly. “It's not like we aren't probably going to die anyway…” The four girls looked at one another. “Sarcasm or not, I have to agree with Sour on this one,” Sugarcoat said. “Yeah...let the Canterlot girls take care of it,” Lemon said as they made their way out of the coffee shop. Everyday it seemed Twilight was learning something new about Sunset. Today, she quickly learned that Sunset drove like a maniac. And that she took personal glee in it. “You know, they have speed limits for a reason!” she snapped as she held onto the handle of her door. Sunset smiled slightly before her face turned serious again. “Normally I'd agree, but right now we have to make sure Princess Twilight and the others are okay. She may have defeated Nightmare Moon in the past but this isn't the same Nightmare.” “W-Will you please slow down!?” Twilight almost yelled as Sunset shot in between two cars crossing the intersection. “You're going to get us all killed!” “Wooo!” In the back seat, Starlight was quite enjoying herself. “I wished we had these 'cars’ in Equestria! Go faster!” “I see you two were made for each other,” Twilight deadpanned. The trio finally pulled into the mall's parking lot as they saw people running out of the mall entrance. “I guess we're too late,” Sunset said as she pulled toward the curb and the three of them quickly got out. “I hope the girls are alright…” The damage inside wasn't extensive but it told Sunset a fight had definitely broken out. “So, I'm guessing the woman floating in the air over there is her?” Starlight asked. “Yep…” both Twilight and Sunset said. “Well, well, well...so nice you three could finally join me,” Nightmare said as she turned towards the tree girls. “Do you like the new look? It wasn't my first choice but the girl would have to do for now. You three on the other hand would be much better vessels, in fact I would've gone with the Princess herself but...well, I admit I can hold a grudge for too long.” That ellicited a gasp from Starlight. “D-Did you-!?” “Oh she's not dead if that's what you're asking, or at least not yet,” Nightmare said with a bored expression as she looked at her nails. “No, where Twilight and her friends are now, they'll have plenty of time to...look back upon things.” ??? All was white. Everything. It seemed to go for infinity. “Where are we?” Fluttershy asked. “I don't know,” Twilight said. “It looks like the Nightmare trapped us in some alternate dimension, if one could call this a dimension.” “Okay, so how the hell are we gonna get outta here then?” Applejack asked. Twilight closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to come up with a solution. If we're in an infinite plane, with no beginning or end...then that means we're trapped. However, the Nightmare managed to cut a hole into this dimension so surely we could do the same… “Forget this, I'll find a way out,” Rainbow said as she zoomed off. “Rainbow wait!” Her words fell on deaf ears as Rainbow zoomed off into the distance...only to zoom past them only seconds later as the pattern continued. Twilight decided to stay quiet until Rainbow figured it out for herself. “What...what the hell!?” Rainbow panted slightly. “I'm just going in circles!” “I was about to explain that we're in an infinite plane which means there's no beginning or end,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. “So you're saying…?” Rarity began. “We're stuck….but!” Twilight said the last word quickly in order to keep her friends calm. “But I believe maybe we can use the elements you have to rip open a hole just like the Nightmare did and maybe we can make it back home.” “It's worth a try Ah guess,” Applejack shrugged. “Then let's give a try...Pinkie?” Twilight just noticed the pink-haired girl was just sitting there, staring into space. “Uh...Pinkie?” Twilight went over and saw the girl's eyes were glazed over, as if she were in a trance...or in most cases a sugar crash, both of them a rarity for her. “I can't find any…” she said with a small whimper. “...Can't find any what?” Twilight was afraid to ask. “There are no walls...I can't see any of them!” Pinkie then turned to the reader's screen. “Can you hear me!? Anyone!? Please!” Twilight felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Rarity give her a small nod. She then quickly slapped Pinkie across the face. “Get a hold of yourself Pinkie! We need you here if we're going to have any chance of getting out of here!” The slap seemed to have knocked some sense back into the girl and Pinkie winced slightly from the pain. “Right...sorry about that…” Twilight cleared her throat. “Now then, I know my Element isn't from this world but...it's worth a shot. If we combine our powers, maybe we can tear a portal back to Canterlot.” She closed her eyes as a lavender aura surrounded her. The other girls did the same as the same effect took place. They opened their eyes simultaneously as their auras shot out and combined, forming a rainbow which grew in size. The effect lasted for a few moments but then disappeared. “Nothing happened,” Rainbow said bluntly. Twilight looked stunned as her knees began to wobble and she quickly fell onto them. “No... we're really stuck here…” Then the unexpected happened. “To whom who has stepped forth into this place...you have forsaken your life for there is no escape…” “W-What?” Fluttershy asked. “You will die here…” “Well that's comforting…” Applejack grumbled. “Now you will choose your way of departure...for this is a place of possibilities...and impossibilities.” “That makes no sense at all,” Rainbow said. “Girls, clear everything in your mind right now!” Twilight yelled. They seemed a bit confused but nodded as they closed their eyes. It was quiet, and Twilight believed her plan had worked- “The choice has been made!” “What!? What choice!? There was no choice made!” Rarity yelled. “Who did it!?” “Not me,” Applejack said. “Not me,” Fluttershy said. Pinkie shook her head. Everyone looked towards Rainbow who appeared to be sweating slightly. “...I couldn't help it! It just popped into my head!” “What just popped into yer head?” Applejack asked in a dangerous tone. “Well I was playing Doom the other day and it kind of just…randomly popped in my head.” “So...space demons?” “Yeah...space demons…” Twilight looked like she was about to have a stroke. “Are...you... KIDDING ME!?” The ground (or whatever constituted as the ground) started to shake as small tears in space began to form. “Well, Ah guess we'll all die being ripped apart but Ah could think of worse ways to go…” Applejack stated. “If I had a fainting couch, this is where I'd use it,” Rarity said. “Well, if it's a fight they want, it's a fight they're going to get!” As the tears became bigger, small figures started to appear. To Rainbow, she identified them quickly: Revenants and Cacodemons. “You know, if it came to this I would've just said Teddie Bears,” Fluttershy said while shaking in her boots. “Please, these guys are nothing,” Rainbow said. “Have some of this!” She sped forward, raising a fist and smashing it into the revenant’s face. However, it barely flinched and in seconds Rainbow was flying backwards towards the group. “Nothing huh?” Applejack asked. “S-Shut up!” “Don't worry girls, I have this covered,” Rarity said as two diamond silhouettes appeared and towards the demons. However, they didn't seem to be hurting them at all. “Perhaps...we need a new plan?” “I don't think magic is going to affect them,” Rainbow said. “You know, since they're from Hell.” “Well good job Rainbow,” Twilight snapped. “This was your doing, so what now?” “Uh…. I dunno,” Rainbow said. “A good twelve-gauge would be great about now.” As she finished her last words, she felt something drop into her hands. She looked down and saw that she was now holding a genuine shotgun. “What the….oh….” A grin slowly crept onto her face. “I get it now. Possibilities and impossibilities.” She then tossed the gun towards Applejack. “Give it a shot AJ!” Applejack caught it and examined it closely. “Huh, it's got a nice grip and all... let's see how good it handles.” With quick movement that could only be explained with experience, Applejack lifted the gun and aimed down the sights before pulling the trigger. The gun shot off with a bang and the one revenant's head got blown off. “Woo Nelly! Ah haven't heard that wonderful sound since Big Mac and Ah went bat hunting!” “Wait...so if we imagine something it just magically appears?” Rarity asked. “I...guess?” Twilight shrugged. “This isn't how things work in Equestria…” “Ooh! Get me something Rainbow darling but make sure it's flashy!” “Fine, fine…” Two diamond encrusted pistols appeared in Rarity's hands. “Oh yes, these are simply divine,” Rarity said, taking a moment to savor them before a cocodemon floated over towards her. “Ugh, get away you fiend!” The demon was suddenly blasted away. Twilight could only just stare. “Girls I don't think-” “Here Fluttershy.” Fluttershy then had a bow with what looked like explosive arrows. “Oh my,” Fluttershy said. She then lined an arrow up and pulled back before letting it fly as it struck another revenant and caused it to explode. “Oh um...I didn't think they were going to do that.” “Can I have your attention please!?” Pinkie was suddenly carrying what appeared to be a Gatling Gun. “I want you all to say hello to my sticky friend!” Everyone hit the deck as the gun started firing but instead of bullets, the demons were covered in pink frosting which caused them to be frozen in place. “Okay...I wasn't expecting that…” Rainbow said. “Twilight...yeah on second thought maybe you shouldn't have something that could-” She suddenly stopped as a large book fell into Twilight's hands. “...A book!? Seriously!?” “It's a spell book,” Twilight replied. “As a human, my own magic may be limited here but Advanced Spells Vol. 3 contain spells that even Princess Celestia herself would never dare use.” Twilight grinned. “Thankfully she isn't here to witness this.” “...You are such an egghead, but whatever.” Rainbow was now carrying a large gun, or as she would call it, “a big fucking gun”. “Alright girls, let's get these bastards!”