Hello From The Other Side 2

by FoxMcCloud7921

Epilogue 2


Starlight was currently on her way towards Sugarcube Corner to get her delivery of cupcakes. She wasn’t sure if Equestrian cupcakes tasted any different than cupcakes in the other world but then again, how often did one get to eat food from another world? Actually the better question was whether the cupcakes would even make the trip.

She was on her way to the bakery when a small filly suddenly stepped out in front of her. “Miss, can you help me please!?”

The sudden appearance of the filly almost made Starlight jump but she calmed down quickly and smiled. “What’s wrong little filly?”

“It’s…my pet. She’s stuck and I need somepony to help her.”

Normally she’d suggest an animal problem was much better suited for someone like Fluttershy but she couldn’t turn the poor filly away. “Alright, lead the way.”

The little filly took off towards the back alleys and Starlight followed suit. If Starlight had to guess, it was probably a cat or dog that got caught somewhere. Probably should’ve gotten a hold of Fluttershy after all…

The two of them suddenly ran into a dead end and Starlight looked around in confusion. “Um…I don’t see a pet here…or really anything for that matter. Are you sure this is the right place?”

“Oh, it’s certainly the right place.” Starlight froze. The tone in the filly’s voice sounded much different and certainly much more sinister. The filly turned back to Starlight and the grin was apparent on her face. “So nice to see you again…Starlight.” The filly was suddenly surrounded in an aura of green flames and the being that took its place was one Starlight recognized immediately.

“Chrysalis!” Now it all made sense. “You were trying to corner me weren’t you? Thought I’d be an easier target this way?”

“Oh it was too easy, but then again you ponies really do have a hard time telling friend from foe don’t you?” Chrysalis asked in a taunting tone.

Starlight’s horn suddenly glowed. “If you want a fight you got it. But you know Twilight and the others will notice right away something’s wrong the moment they hear a commotion.”

Chrysalis suddenly cackled. “You naïve pony…who said I was here alone?”

“What-?” Suddenly Starlight was hit from behind with a blast of magic, powerful enough to send her into the wall in front of her. Suddenly dizzy and her vision hazy, Starlight couldn’t find the strength to get to her feet. It was then that someone peered down above her. Starlight was sure she was seeing things because the pony she saw looked exactly like-

“Hello Starlight.” The pony she saw looked just like her, except for the way she wore her mane. She could recognize it because it was the same style she wore before coming to Ponyville. “What a surprise it must be, to see yourself without a mirror. I have to admit it’s a bit of a surprise for me as well. I’m terribly sorry about all this, but it appears we’re switching places. But don’t worry, Her Majesty here has been wanting to see you for a long time and I know she’ll take good care of you. Take care now, and sweet dreams.” Starlight was out the moment the hoof made contact with her skull.


It was a cool clear night on the streets of Manehattan as cars passed by and people were walking to and fro from store to store, spending money on the little things. But the most activity was coming from inside The Golden Apple, one of the largest casinos in the city, if not the entire state.

There were many things to do inside, for the place functioned as a casino and a club as well. The girls were off getting drinks and dancing while the guys spend their time either at the slots or at the tables, losing more money than they had started off with. One girl was keeping herself busy at the tables however.

The girl looked at her cards, swiping a strand of reddish-gold hair out of her face. Every now and then she glanced at her opponents and while they thought they had good poker faces, she was able to read them like an open book. The gentleman on her left had a twitch in his left hand, meaning he believed he had a hell of a hand. The man on her right apparently wasn’t so confident and looked ready to fold once his turn came up. The man in front of her, she was still trying to get a read on him. He was currently deciding his next move.

The girl suddenly felt her phone vibrate as she received a text message. It wasn’t proper to be checking her phone, especially at the tables since cheating was a common thing. She put the phone on the table so any of the men running security could see she wasn’t trying to conceal anything. The number was one she hadn’t seen in a long time. The message was even more startling.

It’s been awhile Sunny. You were gone for months and then only recently you showed back up in Canterlot.

The message made no sense. She hadn’t been in Canterlot since…

But after awhile I realized something was wrong. You’re probably confused reading this so I’ll cut to the chase.

A few pictures suddenly appeared on her phone and the girl’s eyes widened significantly. These were pictures of her…but the girl in those pictures was not her.

So who the hell is this person, Sunset?

Sunset stared at the phone for a matter of moments and then as she looked up she saw that the three men as well as the dealer were looking at her. She sighed and placed her cards face down before pushing them forward. “Fold,” she said, suddenly standing up and leaving the chips she bought in behind.

Sunset made her way through the casino, her gaze staring straight ahead but her mind elsewhere. That girl looks exactly like me…what the hell is going on? It was then she noticed she was being followed. The small group of men had been hovering around the table area before and now was doing their best to follow her without actually looking like they were following her. Surely they didn’t think she was that stupid…

She then made her way through the club, resisting the urge to get herself a drink. She had to get out, get some air and think. She had been certain she would be scott free but before she could open the door in front of her, someone blocked her way and suddenly she felt metal poking her in the back.

“Just step out nice and easily and don’t even think about causing a scene,” a voice said in her ear. Sunset’s shoulders slumped slightly. So much for the clean getaway…

There were three guys that escorted her out. Obviously they were going to have a little chat and based on whether Sunset begged for her life to be spared, either she’d be left with a warning or eventually put into a body bag. “Come on guys, what’s this about?” Sunset said. “Surely I didn’t upset Ol’ Dusty about something this time.”

“Actually Shimmy, you did,” the same man who spoke before said to her. “You’ve been skimping Dusty for the last month.”

“Oh please, we’d agreed 50-50 and I gave him more than he asked in the first place.”

“So you say, but it seems you’ve been busy buying lots of new things, especially that nice sound system for your car. I think, and the boss seems to agree, that you’re taking a small percentage for yourself and giving fifty percent of what’s left over to the boss. When Dusty says fifty, he means fifty.”

“So let me guess, Dusty is going to send a message by killing me?”

“That depends if you’re willing to pay him back. You give the money back now and maybe he’ll let it go. Won’t let you off without some punishment but hey, better that than a hole in your head right?”

Sunset chuckled. “Maybe…but I have a better option.” She suddenly elbowed the man behind her before landing a punch to the face of the man to her right, knocking him right on his ass. She quickly grabbed the switchblade from her pocket and stabbed the other guy in the wrist before grabbing him and throwing him into the other, knocking them both to the ground. She then kneeled over and grabbed her knife back as the man’s wrist started bleeding profusely. “You guys tell Dusty to back the fuck off and that he wouldn’t even be where he was without me. And if he doesn’t like that, he can kiss my ass.”

It wasn’t the first time someone underestimated her and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. She walked over to the parking lot and got out her keys, unlocking the doors to her 2005 Acura NSX. She then got into the car and leaned back in her seat. She then reached into the small compartment next to her and pulled out a pack of cigarettes before pulling out a lighter. She lit the cigarette in her mouth, taking the drag before blowing out smoke and letting out a small sigh.

It was decided then. She would be returning to Canterlot after all these years…and make no mistake she was going to confront this imposter. She then turned on the ignition as her car roared to life. She wasted no time pulling out and driving off into the city and eventually onto the freeway.

She was going to get answers and then…and then what? It’s not like she had anything left in Canterlot and honestly, she wouldn’t even be going to all the trouble if it was someone that somewhat resembled her. There’s only one Sunset Shimmer in this world…and this bitch is soon going to realize she messed with the wrong woman…

To be continued...