//------------------------------// // Meeting New Ponies // Story: The Crystal Prince // by Star Moon //------------------------------// Topaz blinked open his eyes, grunting as he covered his face with his wing. Having failed to block out the light of the sun, he sat up in the bed and looked around the room. He noticed he was not in Luna's room, so he flopped back onto the bed, relishing the dream he had. He knew the dream was when he proposed to Princess Luna, but he figured he would have to do so again. After all, he went missing a week before their wedding. A knock on the door told the prince to give up on returning to sleep to rolled out of the bed. "Topaz? Are you awake yet?" Luna's voice called through the door. "Yes," he called back, stumbling over to open the door. He gave up on trying to walk and sat down in the middle of the floor, opening the door with his magic. "Morning Lulu," he greeted the princess when she strolled into the room. "I saw that dream you had," Princess Luna murmured, sitting next to Topaz. "In case your wondering, I wasn't trying to spy. I wanted to talk with you, but... when I saw what you were dreaming about.... I didn't let you know I was there..." "Its fine, Lulu. I've told you before that you don't have to apologize for seeing any of my dreams," Prince Topaz reminded the dark blue alicorn. "So, are we going to meet the Element Bearers?" "Yes. Tia decided to call them all here to meet you. After all, your no good with talking if your in a new place," Luna giggled, reminding Topaz of his dream. "True... Well, I'm going to head out to see Canterlot," Topaz smiled, standing up and lighting his horn. After a few seconds, the exact armor-like attire from his dream appeared in front of him, including his crown. With a little help from Luna, Topaz slipped the attire on and they left the room. When they reached the dining hall, Celestia was laughing with an angry stallion. The stallion was a unicorn with a white coat. His mane and tail were a lapis blue with lighter blue streaks. "I'm telling you, the royal regalia of the Crystal Prince vanished before my eyes!" the stallion demanded. "Princess Celestia, this is no laughing matter!" "Shining Armour, it's good to see you. But, shouldn't you be with Cadence right now?" Luna greeted the agitated stallion. The unicorn turned to speck to Princess Luna, but his jaw dropped when he saw Prince Topaz standing beside her. "The... it....HOW?" "How? How what?" Topaz inquired, not understanding Shining Armour. "Sining Armour, I would like for you to meet Prince Topaz. Topaz, this is Shining Armour. He and his wife, Princess Cadence, have been doing everything they can to keep your Empire safe," Luna introduced the two stallions with a bright smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you, young Shining Armour," Topaz bowed respectfully to the awestruck stallion. "But... Sombra said..... HOW?" "Did Sombra say I was dead? No, I am very much alive. Also, you have that draconequus to thank for Sombra's existence," Topaz scoffed, amused by Shining Armour's reaction. "You.... your... YOUR THE CRYSTAL PRINCE!?" Shining Armour exclaimed, nearly fainting. "Shining, you better get back to Cadence. I told you the royal regalia of the Crystal Prince was in safe hooves. Now, go," Celestia shooed the unicorn and he reluctantly teleported away. A Purple flash next to Celestia announced the arrival of somepony else. When the glow faded, a purple alicorn, a pink earth pony, a white unicorn, a blue pegasus, a yellow pegasus, a. orange-ish earth pony, and a purple baby dragon were revealed. Topaz instinctively took a step away from the group, his ears flattening in uncertainty. "Please, introduce yourselves to our guest," Princess Celestia encouraged the group of fillies. "Hello, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. I am pleased to make your acquaintance," the purple alicorn said, bowing politely to the three larger alicorns. "I represent the Element of Magic." "Hi! Hi! Hi!" the pink earth pony bounced circles around Prince Topaz. "I'm Pinkie Pie! My element is laughter and I like to.... PARTY!" when she said the last word, hundreds of party stuff fell from the ceiling. Prince Topaz took the moment as she stopped circling him to spread his wings. He wasn't trying to mesmerize the mares with his angelic wings, but he still did. A rainbow streak rushing past him nearly caused the prince to lose his balance mid air. "Yo! I'm Rainbow Dash! I represent the Element of Loyalty. I gotta say, I have never seen a male alicorn before!" "Neither have I. And oh my, you're absolutely gorgeous!" the white unicorn with a purple mane and tail agreed with a voice Topaz already found annoying. At the unicorn's comment, Luna spread her wings and hissed at the unicorn, "Don't even think about saying something like that to our coltfriend!" "Luna, you're using the royal Canterlot speech again," Topaz warned his marefriend, landing beside her. "Oh, I had no idea! My apologies, Princess Luna," the unicorn gasped. "Well, my name is Rarity. I happen to be a designer and those gems are positively divine!" "They are crystals not gems," Topaz muttered, wishing the unicorn would shut up already. "Now, now Sugar Cube, ya'll forgot to say which element you represent Rarity," the orange-ish mare said in a very country accent that sent chills down Topaz's spine. "Oh, of course! How could I have forgotten. I represent the glorious Element of Generosity," Rarity gasped. "Thank you ever so much Darling." "Well, it'd be my pleasure. Howdy, the name's Apple Jack. I run a farm with my family down in Ponyville called Sweet Apple Acres. Yee-haw! I represent the Element of Honesty. I apologize for my friend Rarity here. She's as googly-eyed as a vampire fruit bat when the orchard's full off ripe red apples, when it comes to stallions that is," the country mare stated. "Um... Apple Jack. I think... he um.... is getting a bit... um... you know.... unsettled..." the yellow pegasus whispered, noticing that Topaz had taken several steps away from Apple Jack when she mentioned the farm. "Oh! Well, I'm a might sorry for weirded ya out. Anyhoo, this here is Fluttershy. She is the living Element of Kindness," Apple Jack said. "Hi! I'm Spike! I'm Twilight's number one assistant," the little dragon said. "And if those were gems, Rarity, I'm pretty sure I would be slobbering by now." Topaz leaped away at the dragon's last comment. He looked down at Luna as he stayed in the air. "Why did I have to meet such..... commoners!?" "Topaz! They aren't that bad! Sure, meeting them all at once can be quite overwhelming for a pony of your stature, but they are very kind once you get to know them," Luna insisted. "Stature?" Rarity and Twilight echoed. "Just who is he, anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Girls, I would like for you to meet Prince Topaz. The only male alicorn and the Crystal Prince. Try not to make upset. After all, he nearly succeeded in killing Discord yesterday," Princess Celestia spoke again, silence falling over the room. "On... his... own... POWER?" Rarity and Rainbow Dash exclaimed, their jaws dropping. "Yes. On his own power. He has enough power to flatten to all of Equestria, if he so wished," Luna confirmed.