The Crystal Prince

by Star Moon

The Failed Date

Prince Topaz and Princess Luna trotted in the direction of a very fancy looking building. Topaz rested his left wing on Luna's back as they approached the building.
"Good Night, Princess. Your table is ready for you. If you would, please follow me," a stallion wearing a server's collar and tie greeted the couple.
The two alicorns followed the earth pony into the restaurant. They ignored the puzzled stared and hushed murmurs coming from the other ponies in the restaurant.
The waiter led the couple to an outdoor table near a natural waterfall. "Your server will be here shortly," he said, turning to the couple. With a swift bow, the stallion left the royal couple to themselves.
Topaz pulled out one of the chairs with his magic. "For you, Princess," he said, bowing in a playful manner.
"Why thank you, Crystal Prince," Luna cooed, joining in with the stallion's playful formality as she took the seat offered to her.
Topaz smiled and took the seat opposite of the princess. "Lulu, remember our first date?" he asked after looking at the menu on the table.
"Of course! How could I forget? Tia stormed into the bakery and nearly skinned you alive!" Luna snickered, recalling the look of terror on the stallion's face.
"Yeah. Didn't she ground you for that?" Topaz chuckled.
"Yes, for one thousand seconds!" Luna replied and both alicorns burst into laughter.
"Ahem. May I take your orders?" the sound of a stallion clearing his throat snapped the couple out of their memories.
"Oh, yes. I will take a sandwich du cheval please," Topaz was the first to reply to the unicorn waiter.
"And I'll have the pony special," Luna added.
The stallion nodded and walked away to prepare their food.
Luna looked up at the night sky, sighing fondly. "I miss those times. Then, everything was so simple. But now... things are complicated..."
"I wonder how long it will take for me to adjust. As well as the Empire..." Topaz murmured thoughtfully.
After a short silence, the waiter returned with their food. "Un sandwich du cheval, pour le monsieur et un pony special, pour la madame," the stallion spoke in Prench as he passed out the plates. Before either had the chance to thank him, the waiter left to see another table.
The two ate in silence, with only the noise of the waterfall breaking the quiet of the night.
Finally, Luna broke the silence, "Topaz, do you want me to organize everything for the wedding while your gone?"
"Only if you want to, Lulu. Though, it will have to be in Canterlot. I'm afraid the Crystal Empire will need major repairs before we can open our borders to trade with Equestria," Topaz replied. His smile suddenly faded and he looked down at the table. "I really don't want to kill my little brother, but if I can't find a spell to free him of the monster Discord made him into, I will be forced to kill Onyx," he murmured sadly.
"I'm sure it won't have to come to that," Luna said encouragingly.
Topaz nodded, forcing a smile. "Thank you, Lulu. You always know how to cheer me up."
Luna opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a bat pony swooping in to land beside the table.
"Princess, a way has been found to entire the Empire without any trouble. You will have to teleport there," the night guard immediately began to speak.
"Thank you," she said, dismissing the bat pony. "Topaz?"
Topaz stood up, leaving a bag full of bits on the table. "It's unfortunate that tonight has to be cut short, but I must prepare for the teleport."
"Alright. Let's head back to the castle," Luna agreed, standing as well.
The three ponies flew off into the night, heading to the castle. When they reached the castle, the bat pony broke away from the two alicorns.
"The library is down here," Luna told Topaz as the two landed in the castle. "I don't know if you'll find what you need, but I'll help you look."
"Thank you," Topaz used his magic to open the doors to the library.
"You'll not find it in here," a voice whispered in the prince's ear. "I have the spell you are looking for."
Topaz spun around to see Discord holding a sheet of paper.
Discord handed the paper to Topaz before disappearing with a snap of his claws.
"What does it say?" Luna asked, eying the paper.
Topaz lifted the paper into the air with his magic and began to read it aloud, "The spell that rids a pony of the darkness caused by Discord can only be cast by one pony. The spell goes as follows, 'Free this pony of all evil. Let his heart not be corrupted. Vanquish the darkness and replace it light. Death shall be overthrown by life. Return this pony to his true self!'"
Topaz's horn began to glow and a beam of light shot from his horn. The spell surrounded Luna, seeming to pull a dark mare from within her soul.
"LULU!" Topaz screamed.
The spell quickly faded, taking the dark mare with it.
Luna was lying on the floor, unconscious and breathing heavily.
"Lulu!" Topaz urgently nudged the mare as he called out her name.
"Oh... That shouldn't have- ah, yes. Nightmare Moon has left her soul for good. She will be perfectly fine," Discord's voice said.
Topaz spun around, but the draconequus was no where to be seen.
Luna grunted softly, struggling to sit up. "Topaz?"
"The spell hit you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cast it," Topaz sputtered.
"It's alright," Luna chuckled. "Nightmare Moon is gone, never to return again. Thank you."
"Um?" Topaz didn't know how to reply to the mare's words.
"I'll explain later," Luna said, shaking her head. "For now, you should finish getting ready to go to the Empire."
"Alright," Topaz sighed. He tried to think of anything he might need before remembering that all his stuff was back at the Empire. "I think I'm ready to go."
"OK. Just please stay safe," Luna begged, standing up.
"I promise. I'll return when Onyx is back to normal," Topaz promised. He kissed Luna's nose before he stepped away from the mare. With a final good-bye, Topaz was engulfed by his magic.
When the spell cleared away, Luna was alone in the hallway.