//------------------------------// // Chapter 110: Heroes in Another Dimension! Part 5-Fell Officiant: Corrupt Hyness // Story: A Sweetie Dream Land // by Lucar //------------------------------// This is bad... This is bad... This is really bad... Gandaro looks through the window of the bridge of the Starwalker, seeing how the situation is becoming chaotic. Whatever is going on in the other dimension, it's spreading to the Dream Universe, and it's not just the rifts. Yes, now, rifts are absolutely everywhere, appearing and disappearing constantly, there is more. It has been reported that the other dimension has now entered in contact with the Dream Universe above the altar of the Jamba Heart, and as a result, cracks and black holes are appearing around it. It was already bad enough when the Light was reported, but now, the worst possible outcome is happening. The other dimension is starting to merge with the Dream Universe, and since it's apparently collapsing, then the collapse is spreading to the Dream Universe around the area of the merging point. And it will only get worse as time continues. If this is not stopped quickly, then the two universes will collapse, and the God will not even need to act. The best would be to somehow cause the collapse of the other dimension right now to limit the damage, but only a phenomenon of godly proportions like the destruction of the Master Crown could cause that. Hopefully, when the heroes will fight the God, they will be able to force him to use enough of his power to provoke the definitive collapse of the other dimension. That's hoping, again, that the God won't decide to enter the Dream Universe in the middle of the fight, and with all those rifts, the chances that this will happen are high. The Dream Universe is still stable enough to support such a fight, but then, nothing would be able to cause the collapse of the other dimension in time to save the Dream Universe. If only Galacta Knight was with the heroes to help them, they would have a better chance to avoid such an outcome, but right now, he's sleeping inside one of the recovery vats, and Gandaro is not sure that he will wake up in time. This is really really bad... They appear on platforms lowering down like elevators, the space growing as more and more of those platforms are joining the lowering ones to lower too. Once the platforms stop lowering, they have to use a ladder, and they land again on a lowering platform, followed by a series of wall lowering to reveal a black door. It leads them to their destination: a dark version of the altar of the Jamba Heart, as damaged than the original one but without the glowing purple vine-like things, and with pieces floating up rather than crumbling down. There is too some black goo-like stuff glued to the main platform and to some of the floating pieces, stopping those ones from floating up. As for the pond, it is reflecting the other dimension. Speaking of, the devastation is still happening, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to reach this place. At least, they don't have to worry about the black holes and the purple erasing space... yet. But no trace of the Jamba Heart. Suddenly, just as the heroes start looking around, the Jamba Heart comes out of the pond, now fully formed, pulsating, and purple energy, pure negativity, escaping it. "Here we go, guys," says Magolor. Some of the heroes gulp at his words while most of them start sweating. Then, they release the 120 pink hearts in them, and the hearts separate into four groups, each group forming a Heart Spear. "Ready everyone?" asks Sweetie Belle. They all nod. The spears pierce the Jamba Heart, making it crack until it explodes in a huge cloud of negativity. In the following seconds, as the heroes reabsorb the Heart Spears, the cloud shrinks little by little until, with a yell, Hyness burst out of it, his body having absorbed all of it. Fell Officiant Corrupt Hyness The fight immediately starts without preambles, Hyness already using his power boosted by Void partially merged in him to go all out against the heroes, simultaneously using his four main attacks in a much bigger proportion than previously. Instead of firing only a dozen needles, he rains them by hundreds constantly. Instead of simply creating a few of those blue symboles to freeze, he creates dozens of them all over the area. Same with the columns of fire and of electricity. This leaves almost no space for the heroes to dodge, and all the while, Hyness also throws his dark orbs while moving like a possessed. He has totally lost his mind. All he cares now is to destroy. And right now, he wants to destroy them, probably because he unconsciously remembers that they defeated him before and caused his ceremony to be interrupted. The heroes don't lose time to attack him in return, trying their best to protect themselves against the onslaught. Nobody can protect themselves long against the attacks, shields and mirrors rapidly breaking. The ones who have the best luck are the ones who can teleport, and even then, they teleport only to appear in the path of another attack. But Kirby, who has managed to get closer, suddenly gets an idea. Making sure that he's close enough to Hyness, he reforms a Heart Spear and throws it at Hyness, piercing him. This doesn't kill Hyness, but the Heart Spear deeply hurts him thanks to the positivity fighting the negativity in him. This causes him to stop attacking, the mage instead moving even more wildly as he tries to remove the spear with slow success. All the heroes take the occasion to close in on him and to attack before he manages to remove the spear and to throw it away. Taranza quickly flies after it to reabsorb it. Sweetie tries to pierce Hyness with another Heart Spear, but Hyness avoids it and becomes even more unpredictable than before, the mage teleporting around to the point of becoming a blur before he appears behind Kirby and uses him as a club to hit the other heroes. After some swings, he then uses Kirby as a pogo stick to jump from hero to hero before he covers Kirby in fire and slams him on the ground, creating a fiery shockwave. Gooey wraps his tongue around Hyness and throws him away from Kirby, giving the puffball time to recover and recuperate the Hammer ability he has lost. Hyness then tries to grab Sweetie Belle probably to use her like a gatling gun again, but Prince Fluff manages to wrap a rope of yarn around his left arm, stopping him in his attempt. Sweetie Belle then quickly turns to Hyness and gives him a metallic soul boosted Vulcan Jab followed by a Rising Break that sends him flying. "That's my girl!" shouts Knuckle Joe. Just as Hyness flies up before the uppercut, Fluff violently pulls down on the rope of yarn still wrapped around the arm, slamming Hyness on the ground. Magolor then flies above Hyness holding Beetley and strongly throws him at the mage still on the floor, and Beetley's horn plants itself right in his... "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" All the heroes wince at this. "Oof! I know someone who won't be able to sit for a while," says Dedede with some pity. He then turns to Sweetie Belle and smirks at her. "How about we give him his own medicine?" Sweetie Belle looks back at him in wonder for a couple of seconds before she understands what he means. Smirking back at him, she nods. So, Dedede grabs Sweetie Belle, one arm under her barrel, the other hand grabbing her tail, and horn pointed to Hyness as he restarts teleporting and attacking. he then sees Broom Sunglasses giving to him his sunglasses. "There, to look more badass." Smirking again, Dedede takes the sunglasses and puts them on before chuckling. "Hehehehe... Big nose!" he then yells, gaining the attention of the mage. "Say hello to my little friend." And he starts firing. Hyness tries to avoid the oncoming storm of magical beams by teleporting, but after a few teleports, he finally gets hit, and from there, this is an endless onslaught of beams hitting him. However, after about half a minute of getting hit by beams, Hyness manages to create a new Jambastion Emblem in front of him, and he uses it to fire a huge dark beam at Dedede and Sweetie Belle, the beam engulfing all of Sweetie's beams. Dedede drops Sweetie Belle as he starts screaming in fright at the coming beam, but thankfully, Marx, Daroach, and Magolor appear on the way and fire they own beams back, the three beams merging into a giant beam that manages to slow Hyness' dark beam. Sweetie Belle quickly joins them with her Ultimate Doom Laser, stopping the dark beam just as it has been about to reach them. That's when Taranza appears above Hyness and throws some web on his eyes, blinding him and making him lose his focus on the dark beam. The bark beam loses its power and gets pushed back by the heroes' beam until it disappears, and Hyness gets engulfed. He is able, however, to destroy the beam around him with a powerful magical shockwave and he quickly teleports away before it could engulf him again. Then, Hyness invokes... three logs with the Mage Sisters' clothes? What. The. Heck? Well, at least, those aren't the real mage sisters, so they aren't getting abused again. However, those logs reveal quickly to possess, somehow, the same elemental powers than the real mages, meaning that when Hyness starts to throw them around, they cause elemental crystals to sprout around them, but in bigger numbers because of the boost given by the Dark God. Also, Hyness throws them much faster, often more than one log at once, not minding finding himself without logs floating around him to defend him. From there, he alternated between attacking with the logs and attacking with his magic like earlier, quickly passing from one to another. One moment, he takes a log and uses it as a pogo stick to bounce around and create elemental shockwaves, the next, he creates a circle of columns of electricity around him. Sometimes, he also returns to attacking the heroes directly by grabbing one of them and using them like he uses the logs. He even goes so far as to throw them beyond the edge of the arena. This is no problem when the hero thrown can fly, but when they can't, they have to be saved by another. One of his favorite moves is to grab someone, whether they're one of the heroes or one of the logs, and use them as a shield against any incoming projectiles until he reaches his nearest target and starts to re-use them as a club. Let's just say that, again, the healers have to work hard. Adeleine gets the idea of creating painted versions of the Mage Sisters to give Hyness some karma, but the mage makes short works of them even with the power of the Magical Paintbrush. It still gets his attention long enough for the heroes to trash him with everything they have, and just when he destroys the last painted mage, Kirby manages to pierce him again with a Heart Spear from behind, making him vulnerable even longer. For good measure, Sweetie Belle pierces him with a second spear. The beatdown lasts for a whole minute, Hyness revealing to be extremely resistant, and using a huge amount of his strength, he eventually manages to remove the two spears before he pushes back everyone with a powerful magical shockwave. Hyness then forms a Friend Circle with the three logs, to everyone's wonder. How can you do a Friend Circle with... LOGS?! Like in the first fight, Hyness starts rolling around to crush the heroes, the rolling even more chaotic than before, Hyness changing directions without warnings, bouncing to catch off guard the flying ones, even turning at right angles without even slowing down! Some of the heroes decide to counter it with their own Friend Circle, the two circles clashing again and again until, suddenly, a second Friend Circle formed by more heroes ram Hyness from the side, breaking his Friend Circle. When he lands, he then gets crushed by the Friend Circle he has been clashing with. Yelling crazily, Hyness recovers from this and surrounds himself with the three logs before he starts bouncing along with them, creating a total of four shockwaves each time, one for each log, and one for him, his shockwaves being of a different element each time. This happens until he's stopped by Bonkers smashing him on the head with his hammer, stopping his bounces. Hyness however manages to steal the hammer and to smash Bonkers with it, also freezing him because of ice now surrounding the weapon. He would have continued, but Bugzzy suddenly comes from behind and uses his pincers to suplex the mage in the middle of the animals who immediately start to attack him. A fiery shockwave from Hyness forces them all to jump or fly away and Hyness brings the logs back to him to form a shield, the mage hiding in the middle of them and coming out regularly to throw many giant dark orbs. He also tries to use the shield formation to directly ram the heroes every now and then. Ribbon is the one successfully breaking the formation thanks to her constantly firing crystals at Hyness, hitting him each time that he comes out to attack. But hyness quickly recovers from the breaking and surrounds the logs with their respective element before he makes them circle him so rapidly that it looks like he's surrounded by a wheel of fire, ice, and electricity. He then flies after the heroes to hit them with it while using his own magic, fire columns and others, to make their life harder. But Meta Knight manages to fly inside the wheel, sword charged, and once beside Hyness, he unleashes a powerful tornado that sends Hyness up in the sky where he's intercepted by Marx kicking him back toward the ground. From there, he's punched and kicked around from hero to hero, none of them letting him time to recover and teleport out of this beatdown. A Rising Break from Sweetie Belle sends him back to the air for what is probably the hundredth time, and meanwhile, Dedede inhales Kirby and spits him toward the mage, Kirby spinning with his hammer covered in fire. SMAASH!!! Hyness is sent crashing into the ground like a meteor, the mage bouncing a couple of times before he's caught by Wester just before he falls beyond the edge. Wester still slams him on the ground. He doesn't move anymore. After a few seconds of staring at Hyness in silence, the heroes sighs in relief and jump in joy at their victory. "We did it! We did it!" shouts Elline. Meta Knight isn't jumping in joy however. "But now, the Dark God..." This immediately calms everyone, Sweetie Belle saying "Right. Well then, let's throw the mega heart and finish this." They all nod. But then, as they prepare to gather the hearts... "Lord Hyness!" Surprised by this sudden shout, the heroes look around and spot Zan Partizanne approaching from the sky, zipping until she reaches Hyness. She's quickly joined by the other two mages. The heroes can only see them from the back, but they can already see that something has changed about them, and not just because their clothes are now white. They sweat negativity and corruption. Of course, entering the other dimension without the positive power of the pink heart protecting them, nothing was stopping the ambient negativity from corrupting them little by little. Rest to see how bad the damage is. Right now, Zan Partizanne is busy shaking the unconscious Hyness to try to wake him up, without success. "Lord Hyness! Wake up, please!" Seeing that he isn't waking up, Zan eventually stops trying and turns toward the heroes in rage, revealing that under her clothes, her body has entirely turned black, and her eyes are now red. "YOU!!! How dare you do this to Lord Hyness?!!" Sweetie Belle huffs. "Why do you care after how he treated you? He used you like weapons! He absorbed your life force to heal himself! He beat you!" The other two mages turn around to face her, revealing their black body and red eyes. "We don't care!" yells angrily the red mage, Flamberge if Sweetie remembers right. "We owe our life to Lord Hyness! We're ready to give everything to him for his goal!" The blue mage, Francisca, nods. "I must admit, Lord Hyness has changed a lot recently. It's... rigga. But no matter what, we will be at his sides." "Exactly!" shouts Flamberge as she takes out her sword. "And now, Lord Hyness is close to reaching his goal, but suddenly, you punny 'heroes' come and beat him up! Jamblasted! I will so make you pay!" "Ah!" shouts Dedede. "What will you be able to do against all of us? We already beat each of you! Twice! And we've pretty much doubled in number!" "Mph! Don't underestimate us, fatso," says Zan Partizanne. "Hey!" "You may have defeated us in the past, but our real potential shows up when the three of us are together," continues the yellow mage as the three of them start to float, forming a triangle. "When the Three Mage-Sisters are assembled, nothing can stop us! And for your crimes against Lord Hyness, we sentence you..." They point their weapons at the heroes. "TO DEATH!!!" Sweetie Belle hasn't fought the mages until now except for that brief moment against Zan Partizanne before fighting Hyness, so all she has to prepare herself to the fight is the obvious knowledge that Francisca uses ice and an axe, Flamberge uses fire and a sword, and Zan Partizanne uses lightning and some spear with protrusions on the sides of the head. Her friends also told her that Francisca uses a powerful water gun (with very cold water), Flamberges uses a big cannon spitting a huge stream of fire, and Zan uses a giant ring with three drums to fire electric balls and amplify her lightning powers. For the full extent of their skill in the use of their weapons, she just knows that they are 'really good'. Meta Knight even said they are equal to his, easily. Powerful magic users and skilled weapon users. They would be wonderful opponents in one on one fights, but here, they are 49 versus 3. Sweetie doesn't give them much chance. It will depend on if what they claim is true and their teamwork is also THAT good. But right now, as the fight starts, the heroes clearly have the upper hand on the mage. Well, it seems more like the mages are testing the water, what with the many powerful beings who have joined the hero team during Zan's fight previously. They just fly around, swinging and thrusting their weapons left and right, and every now and then, they use their elemental powers, but nothing too big. Francisca's attacks consist mainly in throwing ice shards, slamming the axe to create spikes of ice around it, or growing her axe and throwing it like a disc to trap in ice anyone touched by it before swinging the axe to throw them like projectiles. Flamberge uses the usual fireballs, fiery shockwaves and even creates and throws more swords, the swords creating small pillars of fire once hitting the ground before disappearing. She can also drag the point of the sword against the ground, creating a small wall of fire in its path. Finally, Zan Partizanne can zip around like lightning, making her very fast, and each of her attacks are also at the speed of the lightning and are followed by sparks of electricity. She also often fires small lightning bolts. She is by far the most dangerous of the three, no wonder she's the leader. But that's all. No water gun, fire cannon, and thunder ring. And it feels like all of those attacks could be more powerful. Francisca only throws, like, two ice shards at a time. Same with Flamberge and her swords. No thunderstorms from Zan Partizanne. Yes, that's it, they're just testing the heroes before going all out, like any good warrior does in a fight against unknown opponents. They try to learn about them and their attacks, styles, skills, and all. And then, once they've a good feeling, all weights are dropped. Too bad for them, Sweetie Belle and most of the heroes coming from her team are good warriors and know better than to reveal everything from the start, also testing their enemies. So, while they fight easy, Sweetie decides to ask something. "What has Hyness done for you to be ready to give everything to him, even letting him use you as weapons?" She wasn't sure that the mages would answer, but to her surprise, Francisca starts talking. "He saved our lives." "Uh?" "Wait, really?" asks Dedede as he avoids a thrust from Zan Partizanne. "The guy saved your lives? I've a hard time believing it. He seems more like a guy who destroys lives." "Of course you think that!" yells Flamberge. "You don't know Lord Hyness like we do!" she finishes before doing some fast thrusts at Dark Meta Knight. "Lord Hyness only wishes to bring all of us to a brighter future," says Zan Partizanne. "All our lives, we have only known misery. But when we were at our lowest, when we had stopped hoping... When I was about to give up... he came, and gave us back the hope we had lost. He gave us a meaning, a goal, a promise. Never again we would suffer." Dodging a bomb thrown by Daroach, Francisca continues. "Hyness lived through the same misery as us. Do you know about the Ancients, and their story?" Susie points at Magolor. "We have one of their descendants right here. Magic clan." "Really?!" shouts Flamberge before she turns to Magolor. "Then why are you working with them?! You should be helping us!" Magolor shrugs. "I don't know what Hyness lived through, but I come from a clan of nomads, and we weren't really in misery. That was a good life." "Mph! You're lucky then," says Flamberge. "Not all descendants of the Magic clan got a good life like you." "Not only the Magic clan was exiled to this universe, but they were also limited to the edge of the galaxies, where their power would be limited!" shouts Zan. "They lost everything! They were the ones who sealed Galacta Knight, and yet, this is how they were thanked! And their situation only got worse as the generations passed, starting with them breaking into hundreds of smaller clans! And Lord Hyness comes from one of those clans who weren't lucky! And he wants to stop this! With the Dark Lord Void Termina, he will lead us to a life where none of us will suffer anymore! And make the Techno clan pay for everything they did!" "Even if he has gotten a little konjy since then," says Francisca with a sigh. "He probably got so invested in his goals that he stopped caring about the rest. Hopefully, once his goal is reached, he will return to his normal self." "This won't work!" shouts Sweetie Belle. "The Dark God will destroy everything, including you! There won't be any happy ending for you or anyone if this continues!" "Mafos!" yells Zan. "The Dark Lord is like us! He was betrayed and his life has only been misery since then! Why would he attack us?! Jes, he may destroy the universe, but only to purge it of everything wrong in it! He will then rebuild it, and finally, we will live in peace! All the rest can disappear for all we care!" Sweetie Belle frowns. Hopefully, this is the corruption speaking for them. Or the anger born because of what happened to them. It's probably best to continue this discussion once they are cleansed of the corruption. It will be easier to convince them to stop. Hopefully, thanks to the power of the pink heart, Hyness will also be reasoned. Right now, the fight seems to be mostly a stalemate with a little advantage to the heroes. The mages have adapted well to them, but they still receive more hits than they give. But then, they do something that takes everyone by surprise. They gather at the edge of the arena, above Hyness, raise their weapons as if doing a prayer, and start singing. "In spite of all, cold as ice! In spite of all, hard as stone! In spite of all, hear our plea! In spite of all, all alone!" "What the-?!" shouts Sweetie Belle. As the mages sing, they point their weapons back at the heroes, but now, something is clearly different about them. It's not a boost of power like what happens when Sweetie sings. No, it's something else. "In spite of all, we reconcile! In spite of all, we pass the trial! In spite of all, hear us three! We beg of thee! We beg of thee!" Acting like one, the three mages charge at the heroes, attacking in perfect coordination. Already, one by one, they take down the heroes. One of the mages, generally Francisca, gains the attention of the target by attacking from the front, a second mage, generally Zan Partizanne, attacks from a different angle, and the third mage, generally Flamberge, protects the second one from anyone trying to stop her. And they work quickly. "In spite of all, we sing to you! Please hear our pleas and help us too!" However, the heroes quickly recover from this surprise and start to act in consequence. They assemble in small groups, protecting each other, always making sure that someone is forcing Flamberge to defend herself so she can't stop the others from stopping Zan Partizanne. "In spite of all, sadness rose! In spite of all, yearning grows! We call to you! We dream of you! In spite of all, this all is true!" The mages quickly understand that their tactic doesn't work anymore and changes it for a more brutal one: they go all out. They take out the water gun, fire cannon, and thunder ring, go back to back, and start spinning together, Francisca constantly firing a stream of water, Flamberge a stream of fire, and Zan Partizanne balls of electricity. They make sure that Zan's balls follow Francisca's water to multiply the effects of the electricity. After spinning two times, they rise to the sky, and while Francisca recharges her water gun, Flamberge invokes a dozen swords that she throws everywhere while Zan Partizanne continues firing electric balls all over the area, their combined attack covering the majority of the space. "In spite of all, cold as ice! In spite of all, hard as stone! In spite of it all, it would seem…in spite of all, we’re but a dream." Once their attacks stop, Francisca restarts firing water, this time all over the ground, wetting it completely (except near Hyness). Zan Partizanne, still with her ring, then grabs her weapon and covers it in electricity, ready to throw it. The heroes understand what she's about to do, but the only ones able to escape in time are the ones who can fly. When Zan's spear hits the floor, electricity all over the area, electrifying everyone that hasn't been able to escape. Meanwhile, Flamberges attacks the ones who have escaped with her swords and her fireballs, focusing on the more vulnerable ones who can't defend themselves while flying like Kirby and Dedede. Luckily they can count on their friends to defend them. "Hear our plea, you must! (You must!) Please return our hearts to us!" That's enough! thinks Sweetie Belle as Francisca rows her axe and throws it while Flamberge drags the tip of her sword to create firewalls and Zan Partizanne twirls her spear to create storm clouds and rain lightning bolts from them. At the three of them, they cover the whole battlefield. Since they have started singing, their teamwork has become perfect. Well then... "We are the Star Allies, To friendship we'll give rise! Against your might we will defend!" Sweetie suddenly singing over the mages' song takes the three of them off guard, opening them for the first time to some serious counterattack, the heroes taking this occasion to go all out on them while the boost given by Sweetie's song is starting to take effect, spreading to all of them. A pink tint reveals that the power of the pink hearts has something in it. The mages look furiously at the filly who looks back at them with a big smirk and they immediately charge to attack her, continuing to sing their song with difficulty. Their charge is quickly stopped by the others protecting Sweetie Belle. "In spite of all, cold as-" "We will surely pull through," "cold as ice! In spite of all-" "With our strong friendship crew!" "In spite of all, hard as stone!" "Due to us, darkness will end!" "STOP IT!!!" yells Flamberge. She's answered by Sweetie Belle giving her a headbutt at rocket speed, propelling her beyond the edge of the arena. Then, before the other two mages could turn toward her, Francisca finds herself kicked from above by Marx with enough force to make her crash violently, and Zan Partizanne is barely able to parry Meta Knight only to be slashed repeatedly from behind by Bandana Dee doing the helicopter with his spear. "Our friendship will prevail And bad guys will all fail! We're here because peace is so frail!" The mage quickly regroup away from the heroes and take a huge breath, trying to regain their focus despite Sweetie's song. They're quickly joined by the heroes who can teleport, and the mages are forced to defend themselves, but they still retry to sing with more or less success. "In spite of all, cold as ice! In spite of all, hard as stone!" "When the weak call We jump in-to the brawl" "In spite of all, hear our plea! In spite of all, all alone!" "Even aaaagainst the Goood ooof aaall!" The mages restart attacking in coordination, but it becomes rapidly clear that despite their singing, they aren't able to totally focus like before because of Sweetie's song, and their teamwork isn't as effective as a result. Add in that the heroes are now boosted, faster, stronger, more powerful, and more resistant, and the mages quickly understand that they're now at a disadvantage. And they just can't make that filly shut up! "We are the Star Allies, To friendship we'll give rise! The universe'll see the sunrise!" "In spite of all, we reconcile! In spite of all, we pass the trial! In spite of all, hear us three! We beg of thee! We beg of thee!" This doesn't mean that the mages give up, and they even do something unexpected. Flamberge and Francisca face each other, then fire their fire cannon and water gun. The fire causes the water to evaporate, creating a fog that covers the whole battlefield and where everyone can barely see anything. Now pretty much blind, they have no choice but to rely on their other senses, mainly hearing but also touch, trying to feel when someone or something approaches. Without surprises, the mages use their hearing to follow Sweetie Belle's singing and attack her directly, but the filly is ready. "In spite of all, we sing to you!" "Our friendship will prevail And bad guys will all fail!" "Please hear our pleas and help us too!" "They will all fail in their cause" With her ten beam swords, Sweetie Belle is able to parry the three of them and to slash them back, opening them to others who come to her help like Meta Knight. After some quick exchanges, the mages manage to disappear again in the fog. Sweetie Belle then gather her cannons into three groups of three, starting to charge energy. "And that's because-" She suddenly flies up, avoiding a lightning spear followed by a stream of fire and a stream of water coming from three different directions, and immediately fires three charged beams from her cannons in those directions, hitting the three mages. At the same time, Dark Meta Knight has also gathered in his sword enough energy to unleash a giant tornado that sweep away the fog. Knowing that the tornado would come, the heroes have all made sure to move to the edge of the arena and to brace themselves to resist the strong wind. Because of this and of Sweetie's lasers, the mages briefly stopped singing, but they quickly recovered and continued. "We are the Star Allies! The darkness will not rise Because misery we despise!" "In spite of all, sadness rose! In spite of all, yearning grows! We call to you! We dream of you! In spite of all, this all is true!" The three mages place themselves back to back again and restart spinning while using the water gun, fire cannon, and thunder ring to fire water, fire, and electric ball. But this time, the heroes who don't fly away simply manage to walk between the steams and out of the area of the balls. That's when Plugg places himself beside the stream of water and electrifies it, causing the water to conduct the electricity to Francisca who gets electrified. Flamberge looks at the Plugg in rage and invokes another cannon to fire at him, only for Driblee to come and to fire some water at the wick, extinguishing the fire. This causes the cannon to overheat and explode under Flamberge, propelling her in the air before she crashes on Francisca. Seeing this, Zan Partizanne goes ballistic and starts firing hundreds of electric balls everywhere, but then Kawasaki invokes his pot, but instead of cooking, he takes the pot and throws the soup in it at Zan's ring. As a result, the ring short-circuit and explodes, sending the mage to crash on the two others. The heroes then gather and start using the power of the hearts to charge the same giant beam they used against Morpho Knight. "Happiness will prevail We promise, we won't fail! And this is! Because! We are!" By the time the mages recover from what happened to them, it is too late. "The Star Allies!" They look up in panic at the heroes as they fire the beam. Francisca still manages to put up an ice shield around them before the beam hits, but it quickly breaks under its huge power. The mages are engulfed in the beam, and when it disappears, they lay unconscious extremely burned, but still alive. And so, the heroes finally sit down and take a breath after those two hard fights. The mages weren't kidding. But looking up at the dimension still breaking apart, they know that they don't have time to lose. So, after some seconds, Magolor teleports to Hyness and drags his body beside the three mages. This is it. Gathering together, the heroes raise their arms (or whatever), and use the 120 hearts they have collected to form a giant pink heart, and they throw it at the four unconscious mages. As planned, the three girls are immediately cleansed of the corruption and healed, but as they wake up, they suddenly hear a horrible yell of agony coming from Hyness. The leader of the Jambastion Religion starts thrashing around before he's engulfed in a dark cloud. The cloud then flies away into the sky. "LORD HYNESS!!!" yell the three mages in horror. So the hearts weren't enough to expel Void, or Void Termina, out of Hyness? Well, at least, they forced him out even if he's still partially merged to Hyness and, hopefully, they will be able to do something to save him. Thinking this, Sweetie Belle approaches the mages and says "Don't worry, we will save him." Hearing her, the mages turn to her, Zan saying a single word in confusion. "What?" "We will fight Void Termina and save Hyness." "W-wha-but... But the Dark Lord... Lord Hyness' goal..." Sweetie Belle frowns at them. "What do you prefer? Letting Hyness get absorbed by the Dark God, or saving him? Is the world you seek worth that?" The mages don't answer, and they look down in silence, not knowing what to do. They are then surprised by Kirby who hugs them one by one. "Poyo!" Meta Knight sighs. "Your goal will never be reached, because a world as perfect as you desire doesn't exist. Nothing is entirely white, there will always be some black. Not even Gods can do anything about this." "But you can still have what you desire simply by being with each other," says Taranza. "It's with the ones you love that true happiness is reached. But now, you're about to lose someone you love, and without him... This won't be the same... Perfect world or not..." "And, you know, despite everything that happened, we can still welcome you to Popstar," says Sweetie Belle. "This is certainly not the perfect world you want," she continues with a shrug. "but at least, it's peaceful. And it's easy to make friends. And more friends means better, because it becomes easier to face anything that life throws at you. We certainly wouldn't have come this far alone." "Really? After everything we did?" asks Flamberge doubtfully. "Bah!" shouts Dedede before he points at Gooey. "Comes from a race that plunged countless worlds into darkness." He points at Marx. "He manipulated everyone to conquer Popstar." He points at Dark Meta Knight. "He imprisoned Meta Knight in a mirror and spread terror under the order of his master and creator." he points at Daroach. "Leader of a group of thieves that robbed at least half of my fortresses." He points at Yin-Yarn. "Tried to conquer Popstar and even brainwashed me." He points at Magolor. "Manipulated us to get the Master Crown and used it to try to conquer the universe. He even tried to kill us." He points at Taranza. "Captured Sweetie Belle and controlled her to force her to fight us." He points at Susie. "Mechanized Popstar and turned half the population into robots or cyborgs." He points at Meta Knight. "Tried to conquer Dreamland with his battleship." Sweetie Belle points at Dedede. "Stole all the food of Dreamland for himself." "Yeah yeah, whatever. So, you see, if we accept guys like them, then we can accept you. Now, you can accept joining us or not. Your choice. But either way, we will go, because we have a Dark God to stop and an universe to save. Without forgetting your crazy guy. So you should hurry to decide because we won't wait." At this, the heroes approach the edge of the place, remarking that now that Void Termina is gone, whatever has been stopping the destruction from coming here has disappeared. "Mmh... I highly advise you to come with us if you want to live," says Daroach. "If you still don't want to help us, then we will drop you through a rift before going." "We are coming with you!" then shouts Zan Partizanne. "We don't want to lose Lord Hyness! We don't care what happens to the Dark Lord!" She looks down in sadness. "Beside, we can feel now that you aren't mafoing... The Dark Lord... Void Termina... He will destroy all of us? He will not... help us?" Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "No. Right now, he only cares about destroying everything. Sorry for Hyness, but he will have to think of something else to reach his goal. Hopefully, he will understand that he won't have to destroy the universe to reach it." The mages sigh at this before nodding. "Well then, welcome to the team!" says Marx. After this, they all use the pink hearts to create a Friend Star with all of them forming a single line. However, they give to it move energy thanks to the 120 hearts, the Friend Star changes into a bigger, hollow star cut vertically in half with Kirby in the hole now possessing a heart-shaped visor. Like the Dragoon, the star now possesses rainbow-colored feather-things at the back. The Star Allies Sparkler. With it, the heroes leave behind the pond and fly into the sky after the dark cloud. Mentally, they prepare themselves for the ultimate fight. The fight against the Dark God Void Termina.