//------------------------------// // 4: The Ultimate Team is Born // Story: Digimon: The Equestrian Digital Force (EDF) // by TwinSwords79 //------------------------------// Rainbow put her arms into an X in front of her chest, the word 'Digivolution' appearing on her digivice as her Digisoul continued to glow on her hand. "D.N.A!!!" As she said that, she moved her arms in a circular motion, raising her digivice up into the air. She then brought it down and pulled her left arm back like she was going for a punch; thrusting it forward and her hand slammed on top of her digivice as she shouted. "CHARGE!!!" Her Digisoul flowed into her small rectangular device and the screen emitted a white glow. She kept her hand on top of the digivice as she brought it to her side and then after taking her hand off of it, she thrust it toward Veemon with a grunt, a bright light came out of her digivice and shot her dark blue Digisoul out of the screen, her mane and clothes moving a bit in the small breeze that kicked in. Veemon slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils shrunk down to pinpricks as he felt this new power building up inside of him. Rainbow watched as her dark blue Digisoul started to slowly surrounded the blue dragon as he shouted. "Veemon!! Digivolve Toooo!!!" Veemon started growing very big and tall as a building; his muscles were getting larger and more defined. His torso had a full-on chiseled chest along with a strong six-pack, his knuckles grew two spikes on each hand, The small metal spike on his nose grew larger and curved upwards, and Rainbow even saw that he had a huge gray V emblem on his huge muscular torso, but what surprised her, even more, was that Veemon grew huge white dragon wings. "ExVeemon!" Rainbow gasped and moved out of the way as a big blue reptile foot nearly crushed her. ExVeemon roared at Lynxmon. "He transformed!!!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, completely amazed. ExVeemon put his hand down to the ground so Rainbow can climb on; he then lifted her so he could talk to her face to face. His voice was a lot deeper than his rookie form. "Get back a safe distance, Rain, leave this hot-headed kitten to me!" Dash smiled and nodded. "Alright, be careful, man." She unfurled her wings and flew off of his giant hand; Dash then backed away from the scene but still watched from a good distance. Lightening ran over to the scene and gasped. "Veemon digivolved?!" Her earpiece beeped, and Lotus spoke. "Yes, he turned into ExVeemon...A champion level!" Lightening looked around and saw Dash, looking at her angrily and running to her. "YOU!" Dash looked at her, but before she could react, Dust grabbed her right arm and put it behind her back, pinned her against the wall; the blue pegasus grunted. "You know what you just did?! ExVeemon's gonna kill us all!!!" Rainbow felt her face against the brick wall as she tried to explain herself. "Hey, I didn't know he'd transform!" "SHUT THE HELL UP!" snapped Dust. "You're under arrest, Dashlyn; anything you say will be used against you in the name of The EDF!" They then felt a small earthquake as Lynxmon crashed onto the sidewalk into cars, exploding them. Both of them looked at the battle with wide eyes and saw ExVeemon run-up to Lynxmon and kicked it in the stomach, making the fire cat growl in pain; Rainbow Dash smirked. "Good, finish him off ExVeemon!!" ExVeemon gave her a thumbs up. "Right!" He then grabbed the lion made of fire with one hand, and the fire Digimon tried to attack. "Thermal Mane!!" It blasted the attack on ExVeemon's chest, but it disintegrated as soon as it touched him. "Your attacks are useless!" ExVeemon shouted; he then threw Lynxmon up into the air and put his arms in front of him in the shape of an 'X.' "Vee-Laser!!!" He slashed his arms down, and the 'V' emblem on his chest began to glow; the glow then turned into a huge powerful orange blast in the shape of a 'V,' and it went towards Lynxmon, the fire cat roared in pain when the laser hit and it disintegrated, its data then turned into a pink egg with dark circle spots, the egg then lightly descended to the ground. Dust gasped. "H-He...he destroyed Lynxmon?" Due to that distraction, Dash made the chance to break free from Lightning's grasp. "Of course he did! I already told you before; he's not dangerous!" They then saw ExVeemon glow dark blue, and he started to shrink, Rainbow running past Dust just in time to see Veemon back to normal. "Hey Rain, how did I do?" Dash grabbed him and picked him up, hugging him. "That was incredible!! You totally kicked ass out there!!" Veemon chuckled and hugged her back. "Hey, that was nothing. I'm an amateur compared to you." "No way, you are no amateur; you are awesome!" She stopped hugging him and put him down, going on one knee. "Ya know what, I say we're the ultimate team, nopony will ever mess with us!" She held out her hand. "So how bout it? Are we the ultimate crime-fighting team or what?" Veemon smiled and grasped Rainbow's hand, shaking it. "Hell yeah, of course, we're the ultimate team!" Lightning ran over to them and spoke. "Okay...he may have saved all of us from Lynxmon, but I still have to bring him in for beating up 20 creatures at Canterlot Bay!" "Oh, sorry, that was my fault!" Rainbow said, holding up her hand with a smile. "H-Huh?" Dust was confused as Dash explained herself. "Those were just a few assholes who were stirring up trouble on my training grounds. They were trying to mug from innocent creatures, so I taught them not to mess with me and to not mess with any innocent bystanders on my turf." Veemon gleamed. "It's gonna take more than 20 punks to take you down, right, Rain?" "Hell yeah!" both Rainbow and Veemon began to laugh together as Dust put a hand on her head. "Guh...Dash is just the worst..." She then looked at them angrily and clenched her fist. "I ought to arrest you both right now!" "Guh, uh oh!" Rainbow replied, looking at Veemon. "RUN!!!" Both she and Veemon began to run as Dust chased them. "YOU TWO GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I'LL SICK HERRISMON ON YOU TWO!!!" Her digivice beeped; Herrismon spoke with an annoyed tone. "You make me sound like I'm some dog..."