//------------------------------// // Rescue 3: 303 Reasons Why This Mission Was a Success. // Story: Against All Odds. // by The_Chill_Author //------------------------------// Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all! You can journey around Equis with me Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones! What great odyssey this will be You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait A deadly world, a terrifying journey! For thousands of years, they've waited for me When the Infinity Stones are together their wrath is set free Killing, Killing, burning, unmatched destroying~ Glowing and sparkling, somewhere concealed Mysterious and shining with their power revealed Ageless, timeless, their destruction is surprising~ Let’s fight, fight, fight, fight all your foes Fight the gods and the demons below No mercy, mercy, mercy, there's no other way! And find the Infinity Stones today~ Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all! Come and join my conquest with me Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones! What great odyssey this will be You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait A deadly world, a terrifying journey! 1,695 years ago Zachary POV We were in the woods, the White Tail Woods to be exact, Celestia was right in front of me, Thanos and the gang were here. "Give up Celestia, we outnumber and outmatch you." Thanos moved forward Celestia stood there in all her regal glory. "Really? What if I separate you." Celestia was on us in an instant, she lit up her horn and shot something at Thanos it connected and he vanished from clear sight. Pop! "THANOS!!!! You wench!" Grievous ran at Celestia and jumped at her raising his elemental swords high, she shot the same magic at Grievous and he also vanished from sight. Pop! "Grievous!" I shouted reaching my blocky arm out, Rapunzel and Sally leaped up and lunged at Celestia, Sally trying to get her hands on Celestia, literally, and Rapunzel trying to wrap her up with her hair. She shot the vanishing magic at Sally. Pop! "SALLY!!!!" I turned towards where she disappeared Rapunzel was next to go, I turned towards her but it was too late. Pop! "Kamisori!" Lucci dashed at Celestia and almost punched her but he then vanished in a flash of light. Pop! Supergirl froze, she was scared, I ran towards her almost reaching her. "JESSICA!!!!!!!" I shouted her real name as she suddenly disappeared, I was alone, I turned towards Celestia my bloodred eyes glowing. I summoned my scythe. "You bucked up." "I have not." She summoned her gold and steel sword. It was made out of some weird metal that channels magic, whatever I don't give a crap, she is dead! "DIE!!!!" I shouted as I appeared above her in an instant and swung my scythe down upon her, she jumped back avoiding my attack, my scythe hit the ground making the area around us shake. I looked up at her and snarled, I flew at her and swung my scythe unceasingly, she either blocked or eluded my attacks. I shot a red beam at her which made her eyes widen in shock. I shot the bloodred beam at her which made her form a golden protective sphere, the beam pushed her back. I sprinted at the sphere and started hammering my scythe down on her, the sphere crack with every strike. With one final roar, I slammed the scythe down on the sphere finally shattering it like she had shattered my smile. I shot a fireball at her stomach and she was sent hurling into a tree making it catch on fire. She ran at me with her sword and I ran at her with my scythe, we clashed making sparks fly into the air. As we clashed we were unaware of the fire growing around us, by now branches were falling and trees were as well. Celestia took one good look around, she gasped at the destruction that was my opening as I slashed her chest blood sprayed on the ground and she hissed in pain as she nursed her wound. I shot multiple fireballs at Celestia and every single one of them was a direct hit. "What's wrong Celestia? Can't take the heat?" I look behind me and there was a giant tree about to collapse onto me, I rolled out of the way and was hit by a magic blast by Celestia I was thrown into several burning trees. I got up and was sent hurling into more with a buck to the gut. I was on my back and I got up quickly and summoned my scythe, a falling tree was about to crash in my way, I ran towards it, cut it to pieces with my scythe and kicked every flaming piece at Celestia. Celestia flared her wings and shot to the sky smoke filled the air so she went higher, she saw all the destruction the battle had caused. Her wing was suddenly pierced by my red beam she roared in pain as she hit the ground, I ran towards the impact zone and she wasn't there. I looked to my left, then my right, nowhere. "Come on out you coward!" I roared searching the forest as fast as possible, meanwhile, behind some rocks, Celestia was nursing her wound. It was pretty bad, it would take at least three months to get it back to full health. She sighed and laid her head on the rock, she begged, no, she pleaded for me not to find her, but all that begging and praying was for naught as I appeared beside her. "Peek-a-boo!" I tried to slam my scythe into her but she jumped out of the way and my scythe was stuck in the rock. I tried to pull it out and when I did was shot by a fully charged alicorn blast, I was thrown yet again into a burning tree, I caught on fire. As I try to put it out I was bucked in the face multiply by her fierce hooves, she kneed my face and I was thrown into the air, she then shot me out of the sky and I hit the ground a mile away. She ran at me at full speeds dodging burning branches and trees, I got up my vision blurred my ears were ringing I saw something white in the fire, I shook my head and it was Celestia. I yelped as she tried to cut me down with her sword she summoned, so I summoned my scythe yet again and sparks flew into the air. The smoke was getting to us as we were coughing, but I wasn't fazed as I swung my scythe relentlessly. Her attacks began to falter as she blocked my attacks more slowly each block getting closer to striking her. I swept her leg and shot a red beam as her chest and shot her far, far, far away. I charged up a fireball, one on my left, the other on my right, I combined them and it grew I spread my hands far from each other and the fireball grew. "Bigger." I demanded. It enlarged. "Bigger! I demanded yet again It grew in size once more. "BIGGER!!!" It grew to the size of a three-story house. "Perfect." I threw the massive fireball towards Celestia, Celestia, however, had my same idea and shot a full-powered alicorn blast at my fireball. There was a beam struggle and I shot more fireballs at my giant fireball making the fireball grow in size. Celestia grunted as she poured every drop of power into her attack, her alicorn blast was getting pushed back. I laughed knowing it was over, but then her eyes turned glowing white as she let out a primal scream and with some unknown power pushed my fireball back and right into me. "No... NO! AAURRGHH!!!!" I was hit by the blast sending me through the woods and out of it. There was a large explosion afterward that could be seen from miles around. Present Time I was locked in my cage, all alone with no one to keep me sane but my own singing. "Ponies all around singing and happy (Hurray!) No one to keep me happy (So sad!) I'm so alone, so unbearably lonely No one to keep me company No one to make me happy I'm just alone... Celestia gaining weight Luna making sure ponies don't wake Cadence making sure ponies find love I am lonely, lonelier than a single dove I am so lonely No one to keep me happy I'm so alone, so unbearably lonely No one to keep me company No one to make me happy I'm just alone... A lonely entity out on the sea No one here to keep me company No one to make me laugh or cry Some times I wish to die Oh it would be great to break out of my cage But the rage won't let me I want to see my family Oh wait I can't because of those ponies My friends separated like me With no one to keep them company I'm just so lonely, as lonely as can be No one to keep me happy I'm so alone, so unbearably lonely No one to keep me company No one to make me happy I'm just alone... I'm so alone... So alone... So... Alone..." I break out in tears and full-on wail, I hug my knees and fall on my side. So lonely... Thanos POV I was back in my disguise, Lucci, and Grievous had their disguise as well. Cloaks really do work in My Little Pony, I walked down the capital of the Griffin Kingdom, Grifton. I stopped and looked back at them, they stopped in their tracks. "Lucci you go after Entity 303, Grievous go after your sword, I have to deal with something or rather someone, er... Griffin." I ordered them. They all nod and run off to their respective tasks. Meanwhile... Twilight and company were on a ship back to Equestria they were between the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria. Each of them was silent, all but Rainbow Dash. "Hey, can you send us back? I mean, we're the Element holders we should be able to fight!" Rainbow Dash protested the guard looked back at Rainbow Dash. "I'm sorry it was Captain's orders, I can't-" WHACK!!! The guard was hit in the head by Rarity who held a plank, the look on the ponies' faces was priceless. "I'm not usually the one to agree with Rainbow Dash but she is right, we should be able to fight. We beat Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, and Tirek, we should be able to fight these ruffians, like the guards. We're the protectors of Equestria, if somepony is threatening the whole world, we should be able to fight the threat. Who's with me?" Rarity asked, they all pumped up their fists and cheered. "Then let's go." Back to Thanos. I walked towards the Grifton Palace. Guards turned towards my massive figure, their beaks dropped to the ground but quickly readied their spears. "Halt! State your name and purpose!" They demanded, I stood there unbothered by their actions. I looked down on them. "My purpose is to chew gum and kick flank, and I'm all out of gum," I said grabbing their spears and stabbing them with it. I wasn't bothered to use my infinity blade, it wasn't worth the effort. I walked up the stairs to the palace cutting down every single Griffin who dared to stop me. I reached the top of the stairs and walked on inside cutting down the guards who were at the entrance. I stepped in the blood pools making my footsteps crimson. I arrived at the throne room after killing the guards, I looked up at the Griffin King, Steel Wing. "Thanos, am I correct?" I flipped my hood and my helmet shined in the sunlight. I smiled, as I prepare my blade. "So the legends are true..." Steel Wing sat from his throne and picked up his Warhammer. "Yes the rumors were true, yeah I need that stone." He pointed to Steel Wing's Warhammer that had the Power Stone, Steel Wing chuckled, and got into a Warhammer position. "Then take it off my hammer." We ran to each other, he raised his Warhammer high and tried to slam in on me, I may not know all the six powers but I know how to use them as I geppo my way up and out of his way. The Warhammer hit the ground and with the boosted power of the Power Stone shook the palace. I was on him like a bee to honey as I hit him with my Infinity Blade, he blocked my attack with his Warhammer the clash sent shockwaves throughout the kingdom, no seriously it did. I was sent hurling to the entrance but with the help of the infinity blade digging trenches into the marble I came to a stop. However Steel Wing wasn't so lucky as he was sent through the walls and into another room, I ran and followed him. I chucked my infinity blade at him which was so fast that he wouldn't be able to register it with his eyes, but his ear certainly did as he was able to dodge it just in the nick of time. He glared at me, he lifted up his hammer and ran at me, he jumped and tried to do a ground pound. I moved out of the way and punched him in the face with my gauntlet, Thanos is strong with his fists but with a gauntlet attached to his fist? Yeah, you're going to feel that in the morning. He hit the ground and I took the Warhammer, I raised it high and tried to slam it on him, he flew out of the way and dove down and kicked me. I stumbled back and dropped the Warhammer, he picked it up and hit me with it so hard I flew out of the palace. I fell down the stairs, it hurt, like a lot. I got up and saw that Steel Wing was charging me with his hammer, about to bash me with it. "Come on!" I taunted as I ran towards him and we clashed yet again sending shockwaves throughout the country. This time I fell back and was on my stomach as I got up I saw the Power Stone taking a toll on him, he must've never used the Power Stone this long as he was probably used to one-shotting his enemies with that thing. But he still fought though out of breath, he swung at me, his attacks were sloppy. "Surrender, I do not wish to kill you." He swung yet again and missed. For once I did not want to kill someone er... Some griffin. "I just... started to... Fight..." He slurred, I punched his face with my gauntlet and knocked him the buck out. I grabbed the infinity stone and smiled. "At long last... The power stone, it's mi-" Pop! It was no longer in my hand I looked to my left and saw Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. "Twilight Sparkle..." I said clenching my fist, she glared at me. "You know me?" She asked ready to go at me. "You're not the only one cursed with knowledge," I said with a mental smile on my face. "My only curse is you, give up Thanos and maybe we won't send you back in stone." I stepped forward and she stepped backward, I smiled, she feared me. "Starlight, take the stone and give it to Celestia." Starlight tried to rebel but Twilight's face said it all and nodded and left. "Well, well, it's just you and me. No one to get in my way, I should show you why they call me "The Mad Titan" because actions, in this case, will speak louder than words." I ran at Twilight Sparkle who tried to shoot a magic bolt at me, I sidestepped it and closed in on her, she formed a shield and after continuously bashing it I shattered it. She stumbled back a bit and I gut-punched her, the wind was knocked out of her body she was thrown to the ground. I was ready to finish her off, she was by far the biggest threat to my plans, Celestia? No problem, her? Problem. So I threw my infinity blade at her her eyes opened wide with horror. "Help!" She cried putting her arms in front of her face, purple light flashed and help came in the form of Shining Armor. His sword blocked the attack of my sword, the blade went back to me. "Shiny, you saved me! Why are you here? You're supposed to deal with-" Shining Armor looked back at Twilight with a serious look on his face. "You shouldn't have come back!" I ran at Shining Armor and jumped trying to strike him down with my blade, he blocked my fearsome attack with his sword. "Go!" Shining Armor ordered, Twilight did as she was told and fled the scene. "How cute, a brother looking out for a sister, don't worry you will be together when I kill her too." I smiled as I pushed, Shining Armor went on his knee not able to combat my legendary strength. His eyes widened in shock. "No..." He was shaking like a leaf, he cared too much about his sister. "Yes! And when I get all of the stones, half of the universe will be gone!" I roared and pushed Shining Armor back he fell on his back and rolled up to try and combat me. Our swords collided each hit coming from us sent sparks in the air, I did a 360 and hit him with my gauntlet. He fell yet again but got right back up, I growled and ran at him swinging my infinity blade with ten times the speed and ten times the force, his sword was showing cracks as I hit harder and faster than before. And with one final slash, his sword gave out and it was reduced to smithereens, his eyes opened wide as pieces of his sword fell and hit the ground. I laughed and he fell on his knees he looked like he lost all hope, he was no match for me in the first place, trying to best me in combat, hah! What a joke. I raised my sword high ready to finish him off. "Goodnight sweet prince." I slammed my sword down and he braced himself and hoped for the best but he was swooped out of the way by a bruised up Rainbow Dash. "Okay, this is getting annoying, when can one of you just die already?" I complained, throwing my head back. "Never!" She stuck her tongue out. "You're only delaying the inevitable, and I am inevitable!" She flew away with Shining Armor in her arms, "You can run but you can't hide!" She was now out of sight. "Bucking ponies man..." Several minutes earlier Thomas POV I spun my two swords on my extra arms like a helicopter I crossed my arms as I was closing in on the cloud base that held my earth sword. "Who bucking puts an earth sword in the sky?" I ask myself as I land on the cloud base, I walked around, no one was there? No griffin, no one. This has to be a trap, I walked to the upper levels and saw my sword, just sitting there yeah just chilling. "Really? Nothing? Seriously nothing? Okay, don't mind if I do." I reached out to grab it but a rainbow trail swooped and took it from me. "Motherbucker." "Are you Thanos?" Rainbow Dash asked, I rolled my eyes. "Do I look like a Thanos? No, I'm Grievous." "Oooohh... That makes sense." Rainbow Dash realized, I shook my head. "I know you, very well too. Rainbow Dash, the bravest, the awesomest, the most legendary pony in Equestria! Fighting a dragon with your own hooves, saving Equestria on multiple occasions! To be honest I am honored to be in your presence." Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head with a slight blush, I was a master manipulator so... you know where this is going. "Why thank you Grievous." She said with a bow. "I know you would beat my flank in one kick, so can you make this a fair fight and give me my Earth Sword then and only then we would have the most legendary battle that will be remembered throughout history and you would be remembered as the pony who beat the fearless Grievous in combat." Rainbow Dash fantasized about the cheering that went on inside her head. "Okay, here!" She tossed it to me I caught it. "You do the honors, Rainbow Dash. Hit my forehead right here." I pointed to the hardest point of my head. "On the forehead?" She raised an eyebrow. "On the forehead," I confirmed. "Okay, here it goes! Rainbow Dash kick!" She kicked my forehead and her hoof immediately fractured, she fell on her back and nursed the wound. "You liar!" She rolled around, I walked towards her and clenched my fist. "Not going to lie... What I'm going to do to you is going to hurt. Bad." I cocked back my arm and threw my punch. A few minutes earlier Lucci POV I dropped the bloody sword and advanced in the prison, multiple souls cried out for help but I didn't answer. I reached a room and I kicked it down, there was Entity 303 hugging his knees sobbing. My eyes shot open. "Entity?" I couldn't believe the state he was in, oh yeah, those ponies are going to pay. I walked closer and there were cuffs onto him that most likely suppressed his magic and strength. "L-Lucci?" He looked up at me his once red eyes now blue, I walked closer to him. "Hey, hey, hey, yeah it's me." I said bending the bars open wide enough for him to get through he stood up and but his cuffs over my neck and "hugged" me. "I was so lonely! I thought... I thought you were all sentenced to death and... and... and I..." He spoke through his tears and I pat his blocky arm. "Sh... Sh... It's okay, it's okay we're here. Thanos and Grievous are alive and we're getting the rest of the gang too. After that, it's getting the stones and revenge time." I nodded and his eyes turned back to his normal red. "I'm killing Celestia." I laughed and lifted his arms off my neck and with one well-timed chop, he was set free. He summoned his scythe and walked out the door, he rolled out of the way as a magic bolt whizzed on by. "Celestia, I know you're there! I will beat your flank so hard that people will be calling you purple butt because I hit it so darn hard!" Entity clenched his scythe all the while I am holding my laughter. "Come on out and we can resolve this peacefully, I do not wish to fight you," Celestia said looking at the door. "Yeah because you're scared, scared that you'll end up like Luna when I'm done with you!" At that point, I busted out laughing on my knees and hitting the ground in laughter. "Holy crap he has no chill!" I laughed going on my back and laughed my flank off. "Rob Lucci?" Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Yeah it's me, whe-when me and Entity are done with you, Celestia you'll end up looking like an eggplant!" We both laughed, Luna held her mouth and tried to conceal her laughter but was cracking up. "Luna..." Celestia clenched her fist and looked at her sister. "What I can't help it?" Luna shrugged, Celestia walked forward and flew into the room, Shining Armor and his guard ran into there as well as Luna full-on cackles finally getting a chance to laugh now that the guard went out to battle. Celestia was punched in the face by Entity, and she was sent through a wall and out into the outside world, Entity jumped after her. Meanwhile, I was fighting the Royal Guard, they tried to stab me with their spears but I broke the tips with one kick. Luna flew in and bucked me in my jaw and I was sent hurling into the wall. "Go, he is too dangerous." Luna turned towards the Royal Guard, I appeared above her with my fist cocked back. "Luna behind you!" One of the Royal Guards cried out but it was too late as I punched the back of her head into the ground. I look towards the guards and was suddenly hit in the jaw by Luna. I hit the ceiling and Luna flew up and uppercut me through the ceiling and onto the prison rooftops. I landed on the roof as Luna summons her scythe with her horn. "Can you make this fair and have a fist battle? Because having a weapon is unfair." She looks at me. "Indeed it is, I agree to your terms." She unsummoned her scythe and ran at me, she tried to punch me but I raised my knee, blocking the attack. I try to spin kick her but she catches it and threw me off the prison rooftops and into the ground. I rolled to my feet and she was flying at me with her fist out, I threw my punch to counter hers and we clashed sending a shockwave around our area. We exchanged blows rapidly the normal pony eye cannot see that we were moving around and clashing, we clashed on rooftops, the earth, the sky, everywhere. I can tell she was holding back, I was as well, I was just getting warmed up. She tried to buck me with her hoof but I did what any normal human would do. "Tekai!" My body turned hard as iron and when she kicked me I didn't budge, needless to say, she wore a face of surprise. I use a tempest kick and she was hit. I was done with the warm-up and started to get serious, I was glad that she was done as well. She was surrounded by a dark blue aura, the force of her aura shook the ground. "I see we're done with warm-ups well... If that's the case then, here goes!" I turn into my hybrid form and dash at her, I try to bring my fist down on her but she caught it easily with her hand. I growled and used Madara, sending all sorts of attacks her way, she blocked them all with one finger. She flew up to me and flicked my forehead sending me straight into houses. Every griffin was flying away in fear of getting killed by our clashes, I got up and used one of my more dangerous techniques. "Tobu Shigan Hibachi!" I shot a giant fireball at Luna who shot a ray of magic at my fireball. The impact caused dust to kick up and fly into the air, pieces of the earth shot up. When the dust settled she found that I was gone. "Hmph." She crossed her arms. Thanos POV Everyone was back together, me and the boys, we ran to the ship and I looked around, the Griffin and Royal Guard were after them as well as the Mane Six and Princesses. Zachary stood between them and us and had his scythe ready, he raised it up. "YOUUU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!" He slammed his scythe down and the ground started to tumble a firewall blocked them from us. "Ight let's go!" We turn towards the ship and hopped on it, with the help of me and Lucci we rocketed our way out of the kingdom like a bat out of hell. When we were a good distance from port Zachary turned towards me. "Did you make a Token yet?" He asked hands on his knees. "No, I'm too focused on saving all of you." I crossed my arms. "How about we make Tokens? It's just us now, we can probably do some crap." Grievous shrugged, Lucci turned towards me and nodded, I groaned. "My name is Thanos the Mad Titan, Master of the Infinity Stones and the strongest man on Equis, call upon me and I shall answer." A Token formed in my hand and disappeared. "Why don't we all make Tokens?" Zachary asked, Lucci, smiled. "My name is Rob Lucci, Leopard Assassin of Equestria, the Strongest Cipher Pol Agent, and Master of the Six Powers. Call me if you need a job done, call upon Rob Lucci!" A Token formed in his hand and disappeared. "My name is Grievous master of all four elements, Dragon Slayer of the East, and Master Swordsman. If there is a dragon call me, I'll fight it no matter how strong or weak, call upon me and I shall answer!" His Token formed in his hand and vanished. "My name is Entity 303, the warrior of flames, and Glitch of Equestria. Call upon my scythe if you need me in battle or if you just need help building things." His Token appeared in his hand and it popped out of existence. "And now we wait," I said looking up at the sky.