//------------------------------// // Chapter 18 - The Respect // Story: The Stereotypical Necromancer // by JinxTJL //------------------------------// Light Flow was very afraid. Seriously, he wasn't sure he had ever been so scared in his entire life. It was a deep, harrowing fear. It spread through his entire body in great bushing bouts, shaking and shuddering his bones with the pressure. A hot, red feeling. Like his blood was on fire, urging him to run and run to try to put it out. It was the sight of the building in front of him. It loomed menacingly, casting a dark shadow over him. It was as if the light had forsaken him, leaving him to fend for himself in the unforgiving recesses of the darkness. The great purple walls were usually pleasant and welcoming, but now they did nothing but allow the fear to burrow deeper. It was a strange thing to be afraid of, but the purple was reminding him of fresh grapes. Ripe and deeply purple. His least favorite fruit. The large windows were normally helpful and familiar, allowing him an interesting glance inside. But now they were shadowed, as if something was tinting them; trying to hide what lay inside. It didn't help his current mood. He swallowed heavily, trying desperately to moisten his bone-dry mouth. It was as if something was actively draining his saliva; perhaps to render him unable to speak out, or scream. He raised his shaking hoof to the two-handled door. The two protrusions were reminding him of outstretched claws, ready to stretch forward to tear him limb from limb. He licked his lips, and lowered his hoof. It would probably be safer to open the door with magic. Red light illuminated the shadowed wooden surface in front of him, chasing away a meagre portion of the darkness from his path. A solitary light in an unforgiving void, providing little comfort or safety. He bit his lip, closed his eyes, and flung the door open. A great screeching alarm tore into his ears, and he gasped. His eyes flew open as he heard a horrible screaming voice rise above the terrible noise. The ferocious and feared warden of the hellish building in front of him. And her name was... "Come in darling, we're open!" Rarity. Light Flow was very afraid. And that was because he was here to tell Rarity he had ruined his cloak. He didn't know Rarity all that well. He had only really seen her around town on a few rare occasions, so the most exposure he had with her was at her shop. And that experience was very unpleasant. Rarity was probably the most terrifying creature he had ever met, and he was friends with a Timberwolf. Sure, she probably wasn't that dangerous in a conventional sense, though he supposed he wouldn't really know. Images of Rarity as some sort of secret super spy filled his head for a moment, before he discarded the thought. If somepony he knew was a spy, he was pretty sure he'd realize. But Rarity was dangerous in a less obvious way. In all his years, he had never met somepony so cunning, so intelligent, so conniving. So loud. If somepony upset her, they were sure to be in for a very long, very high-pitched lecture. Even he was not immune to her methods. He had once accidently stepped on some important fabric she had laying around, and things quickly went bad for him. It was supposed to be a quick trip to have his cloak refitted, but he ended up staying for over two hours while Rarity screamed at him about having awareness of his surroundings. The entire time, he had a scathing reply about not leaving important fabric on the floor, but he had never let it fly. He wasn't stupid, after all. His mother had always told him to never interrupt a lecturing lady, but there was something else too. A golden rule of life is to never upset your tailor. His mother had told him that too. So many lessons, so little thanks. What was he doing here again? He stared up at the open doorframe, and the small bell that hung there. He was here to get chewed out by Rarity, of course. How could he have forgotten? He had been forgetting a lot of things lately. He was stalling. He should know better. He shook his head, and stepped forward into the Carousel Boutique. Usually, the messy interior of the building was warm and inviting, promising relatively pleasant conversations with a less-than pleasant mare. But he felt very differently now, he was here to be punished. The intricate patterns on the wall were no longer a delightful wonder to look at. Instead, they seemed to pop off the walls in great roping lengths. Prepared to fly over and wrap themselves around his neck. The two-tone swirl on the floor seemed ready to open wide, like a gaping maw. Waiting to consume him. He swallowed again, and closed the door behind him. There was no going back now. The white she-devil seemed to be out of the room for the moment, but there was another pony there. Some of his fear abated as he blinked at the pony with her back turned towards him. It wasn't her presence that comforted him; actually, it wasn't even that he was comforted. He was dumbfounded. He had never seen somepony that looked quite like her. She was a pegasus with a coat of pretty sky blue fur, but that wasn't what drew his eye. Lots of pegasi had colors like that, probably because of camouflage that they hadn't evolved out of yet or something. No, but the really weird thing about her was her mane. It was rainbow-colored. It was pretty obvious why that was surprising. He couldn't even come up with words to describe how strange it was. Come to think of it, he wasn't even sure he had an opinion about it. All he could think about was that it was unnatural. Was it natural? Probably not, of course she had to dye it. There was no way anypony would be born with a natural rainbow mane color. Not even the Princess had something like that; hers was more of an aurora. This was a literal rainbow of colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. They were all there! It was nearly maddening. How much time must she put into maintaining such a delicate meshing of colors? In a desperate attempt to draw his own thoughts away from the topic, he flicked his eyes down to her soul. It was... wow. It was spinning very fast. It was also about the same shade of blue as her coat, but that hardly mattered, now did it? The darn thing was rotating in place so quickly, he was amazed he could tell the color at all. Really, he was shocked that it hadn't spun right out of her chest. He had no idea what that meant, and he couldn't even begin to formulate a hypothesis. Every other pony's soul was relatively sedate, but hers was incredibly active. And of course, to top it all off: her soul also had one of those weird marks in it. This entire pony was an enigma. "Uh, hey dude? I know I'm awesome, but do you think you can quit it with the staring? Kinda creepy." A slightly raspy voice broke him from his thoughts, and he flicked his eyes up to one annoyed blue face. He had lost himself in thought again, and he hadn't noticed her noticing him noticing her. Wait, what? "Uh.. Sorry." He managed to get something out amidst an ocean of distressed thoughts, though he wasn't sure what he had said. He was really losing it. He must be dreading Rarity's punishment more than he had imagined. The colorful pegasus seemed mollified at whatever had babbled out of his mouth, at least. Her face relaxed, and her entire demeanor shifted towards what could only be described as 'chill'. "It's alright. I know it's hard not to." Her face broke out into a grin as she spoke, and her eyes closed in what seemed to be satisfaction. He was pretty sure he could already guess at one of her personality traits. Everything about her reeked of confidence. Her pinkish eyes opened again, and he felt a measure of trepidation for some reason. There was a certain... challenge in those eyes. Just a little flash of daring that made him want to prepare himself for disaster. Like a storm was approaching. "So, what was it?" His mind drew a blank in the face of the sudden question, and he was sure it showed on his face. What was she even asking? What was what? She rolled her eyes and gave a huff at his blank faced stare. Apparently, it was obvious what she was asking. Shame on him. "What drew your eye, dude? Was it the hair?" She took a moment to run her hoof through the prismatic strands, creating a rather incredible metaphorical waterfall of colors. He opened his mouth to give confirmation, but she cut him off. "Was it the physique? I work out you know. A lot. Actually, I don't mean to brag, but you're looking at the fastest pegasus in Equestria!" She leapt into the air as she spoke, hovering in place as she flexed her admittedly impressive physique. She wasn't incredibly muscular, but she didn't need to be if her claim held any merit. She was sleek, but it was easy to tell she was also fit. Something that was basically a requirement for speed. Her muscles weren't huge and bulging like 'traditionally' strong ponies, but they gave her body quite a bit of definition. He could see them flexing against the surface of her skin through her fur, and he could tell they were incredibly taut. They reminded him of Applejack's legs, with all the power held underneath the skin. Not that he had been looking at Applejack's legs. He just noticed things, that's all. The way she moved was likewise telling of her strength and agility. She held herself with a certain confidence, and her movements were quick and strong. She had no trouble suspending herself in the air, and it even seemed to be almost unconscious. Her wingbeats sent large gusts of air past him, scattering Rarity's clutter around. Actually, that wasn't good, she should probably stop if she valued her life. Or her eardrums. Luckily, she set herself back on the ground. It was incredible how easily she moved between flying and standing. Most pegasi he had seen usually had to take a moment to take off or set themselves down, but she just did it. Like it was nothing. She seemed to be waiting for an answer, but he was still thinking about the way her body rippled when she flapped her wings, so he decided to stall. "The fastest in all of Equestria, huh?" Her face brightened considerably at that. It looked like he had touched upon a source of great pride for her, endless as it was. "Yep! Heh. Not to toot my own horn, but my average wingpower is around the same as a Wonderbolts'." She was trying to play that fact off as unimportant, but he could see an immense amount of pride behind that cool expression. It reminded him a lot of what he used to do as a foal. "It's really no biggie, though. They'll probably find out about it someday and beg me to join the team or something. I'll be modest of course, but I'll let them wear me down eventually. After all, it would be a crime to deprive such a great team of somepony as awesome as me!" She did a very impressive backflip into the air as she finished speaking, which lent a great deal of merit to her claims of awesomeness. She was mostly talking to herself at this point, but he caught the gist. If she wanted to be a Wonderbolt, she probably could, and probably would. She certainly seemed fit enough, but he had never been very interested in stuff like that anyway, so he was probably a bad judge. Sports had always seemed like they just weren't worth it. Why in Equestria would he run around getting all sweaty for no reason when he could be relaxing somewhere with a good book? Why did ponies get so excited about sports anyway? 'Oh goodie, they've got the ball'. So what? It was just a meaningless short-term achievement that had no real value- "And they'll only want me even more once they hear about my greatest achievement. After all, I'm the first pony in like, a thousand years to do a Sonic Rainboom!" "That should practically guarantee my acceptance! Once I actually apply, anyway..." If Light Flow had been paying attention, he would have seen some of her confidence bleed away at the end of her sentence as she set herself back onto the ground. But as it was, he was a bit busy trying to collect the shattered remains of his mind. He didn't think he had misheard her. There weren't very many word combinations that sounded like 'Sonic Rainboom' that weren't complete gibberish, so unless her story had gone off the rails somewhere, she had just claimed to have performed the legendary Sonic Rainboom. A Sonic Rainboom. The holy grail of aerobatic maneuvers, said to be so difficult and dangerous that attempting it was certain to cause great injury to whatever poor deluded fool had thought they could take a place in pegasus history. He had first heard about it from his mother's endless fount of stories. Actually, she had told him that she had witnessed one. It was about eight years ago, just before they had moved to Ponyville. She had been somewhat cagey on the details, so he had gone looking for answers on his own. The history he had found was, quite frankly, astonishing. He had gone through a bit of a 'history' phase at some point, which just happened to coincide with his 'warfare' phase. It was right about the time he had committed himself to a life of evil, so naturally he had gone searching for the most obvious outlet. Which was pretty much the reason he had also been into history. And the Sonic Rainboom had perfectly meshed with both of his interests. He had done quite a bit of studying on the topic, though there wasn't a whole lot of information to be had. A lot of important texts had been lost after The Great Banishment; a mysterious event that was still heavily debated about to this day. Somehow, something or somepony had been banished somewhere about one thousand years ago. Supposedly, just before the banishment, the soon-to-be-punished monster had gone on some sort of crusade against literature. Nopony knew why or how, but that was the unfortunate state of things. Luckily, he had been able to dig up some old reference material on a special trip to the Grand Canterlot Library. He still remembered that trip. His mother had wanted to reward him for doing well in school or something, so she promised to take him anyplace he wanted. He doubted she had really meant 'anyplace', but luckily for his mother and her fragile bank account: his choice had been Canterlot. The knowledge he gained there had been terrible, yet enlightening; as most history was. Especially about the Sonic Rainboom. He hadn't been able to find the origin of the technique, but he had traced earliest mention of it back to around one hundred years before The Great Banishment. It was seemingly just an incredible aerial technique performed by talented pegasi for some unspecified royalty. If he had to take a guess, Her Royal Highness was a safe bet. A marvelous magical explosion of colors, it had been described. If any of that was true, it was that it was magical. There was more history, dated to around the time of the Banishing War. A war waged against a creature so horrible, they had completely restarted their calendar in remembrance. History around that time had been especially hazy, but he had found reference to the Sonic Rainboom being used as a weapon. He had gotten over it eventually, but he could still remember the nauseous feeling he had felt when he had uncovered the truth. A horrible truth that he had wished he could have let rest in the pages of history, forever. The Sonic Rainboom had been used as a bomb. A bomb that not even the performer could survive. Suicide bombing. There wasn't much about what led to the incident, or the theory on how it had happened. But there was coverage on the aftermath, and a small amount of speculation. The impact site had been a town, really more like a city. The population hadn't been listed, but he could make a guess based on a picture of the devastation, or lack thereof. The picture was just a large crater. A very large crater, blackened and jagged at the edges, like something had scorched the ground. It was relatively deep, though the bottom could be seen pretty clearly. The city had apparently been called Hamelet, which was ironic considering the seemingly large size of it. He could only imagine at how many ponies had been there that day. A Sonic Rainboom was supposedly the absolute fastest a pegasus could possibly go, reaching levels beyond even the speed of sound. It must've been so sudden. The arcane science behind the phenomenon was unfortunately lost to time, and he hadn't been able to find an answer at the time. He had left the library feeling strangely hollow inside, much to the concern of his mother. It was because of that visit that he had turned his focus away from warfare. But while he had been decently intelligent back then, he had only grown in smarts since then. He had never looked too deeply into the relative theory of magic, but he knew a couple things. Enough to formulate a hypothesis. The Sonic Rainboom was likely only possible through an extreme amount of pegasus magic. Unicorn magic was most widely understood, while earth magic was almost a complete mystery, so pegasus magic sat at a comfortable middle ground of understanding. Unicorns only used their magic consciously, and earth ponies were theorized to have nearly entirely innate magic. Pegasi however, were known to have both conscious and innate magic. That was about the extent of his knowledge on the topic, something he would have to rectify in the future. But it wasn't hard to make educated guesses on which was used for what. Their conscious magic was probably used to control the weather, while their innate magic was probably used to help them fly. A simple theory, one that was surely lacking in quite a few areas; but it worked, at least. Though relying on guesswork for such important conclusions was deeply unsettling. A pegasus would have to have an incredible amount of conscious control over their magic to prevent themselves from being torn apart by the unimaginably high speed; as well as a frightening amount of innate potential to help them reach the high speeds in the first place. Such a concentrated amount of disciplined magic, being released all at once at a critical moment. A critical moment, like death... Such a monumental, all-consuming, vaporizing, eruption of an explosion wasn't out of the question. His internal theorizing seemed to have taken some amount of time. The pony with the rainbow mane had gone back to standing around looking bored, so it was likely she had lost interest in him. He didn't blame her, even Applejack sometimes just let him stew when he got like that. He cleared his throat to draw her attention, and he saw magenta eyes flick towards him for a moment before casually sliding away. "'Sup?" She was doing her best to feign disinterest, but he could tell she was bothered by his seeming lack of interest. The way she fidgeted her hooves, and pointedly stared at anything except him reminded him of very familiar tactics. He had a lot of experience making it look like he didn't care. He focused his eyes on her soul again. The way it spun rapidly, like it was trying to take frenzied flight. It made sense now. It made so much sense. He turned to fully face the most powerful pegasus in Equestria. A pegasus with so much raw strength, she had been able to pull off something that should have been impossible for a pony three times her age. Such strength deserved awe, and fear. Respect. "Miss." His voice was quiet, yet firm. It was important to show such an important pony proper deference. He knew now that he cocky, self-assured, somewhat childish outside merely hid the incredible strength within. He had to know her name. He had to know why she was here. "Please, tell me your name." The living weapon in front of him cocked her eyebrow in what looked to be a questioning manner. He doubted many ponies spoke to her in such a respectful tone. From what he had heard, it was unlikely she was in any sort of position of power, as much as she should've been. "I'm uh.. Rainbow Dash. You okay dude? You're lookin' a little... intense?" Her name was Rainbow Dash. He hadn't stopped paying attention, or been distracted or anything. He had heard her name, and it was Rainbow Dash. He opened his mouth, intent on letting Rainbow Dash know exactly how impressive he thought she was. "Ah! Light Flow! How are you today, darling?" Of course, Rarity took the moment to thoroughly interrupt him. She had entered from one of her mysterious side rooms, carrying what looked to be a uniform of some kind. It was a blue vest with a lighter blue border, and he could see some sort of badge on the front. Rarity approached the two ponies, and presented the vest to them. "Well, Miss Dash, I've repaired your weather team vest for you! You should really be more careful, darling. Tearing it on your first day doesn't leave much of a positive impression." He turned to stare wide-eyed at the suddenly bashful pony beside him. She was on the weather team? A pony like her was on the weather team?! He hadn't expected much, but..... Weather team? "Yeah, well that's why I came here. If I had told anypony at work about it, I might've lost my new job..." Rainbow reached a hoof up to rub behind her head as she spoke, and her wings ruffled at her sides. He didn't really think she should've been so embarrassed. If it was her first day on the job, ponies were kind of expecting her to mess up. Though, with her magical and physical power, he was pretty sure the vest would be ripping a lot. Rarity hummed disapprovingly at Rainbow, before turning her attention to him. "What do you need today, Mr. Flow?" His thoughts on underappreciation quickly burnt to cinders in his head. He had forgotten why he was here. Light Flow was once more very afraid. He licked his suddenly dry lips as he stared into Rarity's pleasant face. He imagined that face twisting in rage, and those eyes turning red with anger. Her voice would tear through his ears as she screeched in horror. 'YOU DID WHAT?!' He bit his lip as Rarity's face slowly turned down. She was looking concerned at his lack of reply. He had to speak. He just had to get it over with, and tell her. Any second now, she was going to ask him what was wrong, and he would have to tell her anyway, so he should just do it now. He closed his eyes, and prepared for pain. "I ruined my cloak." ... ... ...? He didn't hear anything. He was expecting to hear Rarity start yelling at this point, but she was completely silent. Maybe she was waiting for him to open his eyes so that she could stab them with something pointy. She did have a lot of pointy things, she was a seamstress after all. Well, nothing was going to be accomplished just standing here waiting for pain, so he tentatively opened one eye. Instead of the monstrous visage of the she-demon he was expecting, he saw the plain face of a calm Rarity. More than that, she looked... sad? He opened his other eye to stare at Rarity's melancholy face, before she gave him a small smile. "That's okay, darling. Mistakes happen." He felt like somepony had punched him in the gut, and it took all of his strength not to collapse instantly. The shock factor of those words was beyond anything he had ever heard. Rarity wasn't angry? How was that possible? "In fact, darling. I would be honored if you would allow me to make a new one for you. Free of charge." Light Flow was pretty sure he was going to black out. This had to be a dream. It was the only explanation. Or maybe he had been transported to an alternate reality where everypony was the opposite of who they usually were? Though he didn't feel particularly heroic, so that probably wasn't it. What actual reason would Rarity have to be so flagrantly... generous? His extreme confusion was thankfully interrupted by an annoyed raspy voice. "Okay, well, that's great for you dude, but I've gotta get going now." Rainbow had been standing around looking at her vest, seemingly waiting for them to finish talking. But it seemed like she was getting bored. He still had things to say to her, but he supposed that could wait for another time. "Thanks for the help Shmarity! See you around, dude!" Especially since she was already running out the door. He felt a gust of wind in his face as she took off in front of the shop, leaving the space in sudden silence. He supposed it made sense that a pegasus with so much magic would be flighty. He heard Rarity mutter something about names, before she turned her attention back to him. "You should probably get going too, darling. Get some rest, yes? I'll have your new cloak done sometime next week." She suddenly raised a hoof up and pushed him towards the open door. He stumbled forward from the unexpected force, which Rarity used to push him forward once again. What was she doing? He stuttered out protests, but she seemed not to hear them as she hummed pleasantly over his sounds of distress. After a few pushes and a lot of words that went unheard, he unwillingly stepped out onto the path outside. "Be well, darling!" He heard the door shut behind him. He stood there dumbfounded in front of the Carousel Boutique. Certified home of the strangest mare in Ponyville. It was about noon, so he could still see ponies going about their business. He stared at them as he tried to puzzle out what had just happened. Rarity had looked really sad about something, and she seemed very insistent about making him leave as soon as possible. She had also brushed aside his mistreatment of her work, and even offered him a free replacement. He had never known her to be so kind about anything. What did it mean? 'Be well?' Oh. That made a little sense. His face pulled itself into a frown. He really didn't like being pitied.