The Adventures of Spider-Man Season 1

by KrisstheScot

Episode 2 - A Whole New World

A Whole New World

A boom could be heard in the skies above Ponyville, parting the clouds as a doorway opened. The only thing to come from it was a lone body, battered and bloodied. Spider-Man was on the edge of consciousness, desperately trying to pull himself back. Though his first question may not have been as pressing.

“How the hell am I alive? I’m pretty sure I’m not falling into heaven. Wait, I’m falling. To where?!”

His awareness was sharply brought back to reality. A quick look around mid-air showed that he wasn’t on Apokolips anymore. The sky was a clear, dark blue glistening with stars. The only other concern was how far away was the ground.

“Spider sense is getting louder, meaning that I’m due to hit Terra Firma soon. Must do something fast. No energy left to fly. Web chute it is!”

Extending his arms, Spider-Man activated his signature web shooters. However, while one began to fire, the other didn’t work. Before it could be checked, a pale white substance began to leak out and expand. So much had come out and set that it broke the wrist strap of the shooter. The device broke free of his wrist and sailed off into the air.

“Ok. Now it’s time to panic. Must think fast. Can’t make the chute with only one. But I can…”

Aiming the shooter at himself, he begun to wrap himself in a shell of webbing. It was a risky idea, but the only one he had. Eventually, the shooter ran out of web fluid and spurted empty. This was the only hope left.

“Either this works, or I end up a splatter on the ground. Well, more of a splatter than how I feel now.”

Even in his cocoon, Spider-Man could feel the heat building up as his speed increased. Wherever he ended up, he was about to leave a mighty big hole in the ground. To any nearby observers, it must have seemed like a shooting star had come from the heavens. No matter what, it was not to be a smooth landing. A few seconds after, Spider-Man’s vertical journey came to a halt. However, the force of the impact was too much…

It was dark. Like a never-ending pit. The only indication Spider-Man was alive was the horrific pain he could feel around his body. Though at the very least, he was alive. The outer layers of the web cocoon had been opened by the impact, so it was thankfully simple to tear open the rest. Spider-Man slowly and painfully dragged his way out and into this new world. Or at least it seemed new.

“Watchtower, this is Spider-Man. Do you copy?”

Only static could be heard from his earpiece. With no response he switched to another frequency.

“Jarvis, this is Spider-Man. Do you read me?”

Once again, no reply. It was time for a Hail Mary play. Switching frequency again, he spoke.

“This is an open call to all Green Lanterns in the vicinity. This is Spider-Man, sending out an SOS. I am stranded on an alien world with no contact to Earth. Please respond.”

Moments began to pass since the call was made. But all that could be heard was more static. No indication that anyone was coming. The only thing left to do was find out where he was. Aside from his web shooters, Spider-Man also had a small device on his wrist. Pressing the screen brought up a holographic interface. Panels of data began to flood onto the screen – vital signs, any damage done to his body, and his location. Though the reading did not bring much hope.

Location unknown. No records.

“No records? But we get our maps of the Galaxy and beyond from the Lanterns and the Nova Corps. So, either this is an unexplored part of space, or…

WARNING! Boom Tube energy signatures detected on user. Signs of Trans-Dimensional travel noted.

Boom Tube radiation? I did hear a boom before I came to. That means I…

The use of Boom Tubes had been well documented. The denizens of Apokolips used them for movement around the Multiverse. If Spider-Man had fell through one, and had ended up somewhere he had no contact with anyone…

“… That means I’m in another universe.”

Staring at the night sky, he looked at all the different constellations made up of stars. He couldn’t recognise a single cluster. He was about as far from home as he could get. The panic began to set in.

“Ok, let’s think about this. I’m stranded in another dimension, no means of contact with anyone, down a web shooter and fluid is most likely scarce. At least I’m alive right?”

As if tempting fate, he keeled over and wrenched up blood, the dark red essence pooling on the grass.

“Ok, I get it… Parker luck sucks. I’m alive for now. But I gotta find somewhere to rest and heal up. Just got to find a town. Maybe a city. Heck, I’ll accept a farmhouse at this rate.”

The wind was thankfully not too chilly on Spider-Man’s skin, as the last thing he needed was the cold nipping and biting as his injuries. Though this might not last forever, so the journey would have to be quick.

“At least the air is breathable. Last thing I needed was to be thrown on a world with a toxic atmosphere. Weather seems to follow Earth patterns, so that’s lucky. Good thing Aunt May doesn’t know I’m in this weather. She’d insist I bring a jacket.”

It took a few moments for him to realise it, but a terrifying fact came to mind. And once it did, he fell to his knees in horror.

“Aunt May! She’ll be all alone. Once they get back, they’ll tell her I’m dead… Oh God…”

In a heartbeat, Spider-Man’s entire world had been shattered. Reaching up to his face, he took off his torn mask. Underneath was a young man trying to cope with the new reality around him. For the first time in a long time, Peter Parker felt so alone. But now was not the time for tears.

“Get it together Parker. Give up now and you might as well be dead. I am not dying here all the way from home. Pick yourself up you idiot!”

The sadness that had built up within him immediately turned into anger. A habit that was very common for the young man. And one that he could never fully control. Years of learning to subdue his rage now seemed useless. What else was there to lose aside from his humanity?

Bringing himself to his knees, Peter quickly stuffed his worn mask into his suit belt. It had no use here. He chose to carry on with his desired path. The moon was full in the sky and would light his way forward to wherever he ended up. He did however find its form weird, as there was a face engraved on its surface. It looked almost equine in a way. Was it carved there, or was it just a natural formation on the moon?

“Trust me to land on a planet with a horse face on the moon.”

The night had passed on by. A lack of clouds left the infinite void of space free for all to see and admire. For Peter there was no indication of when the dawn would break. For all he knew this world had an eternal night. Would he never see the sunrise again?

“No, that wouldn’t make any sense. No sun means this planet would be iced over tens of times over. So, it must be in its solar system's goldilocks zone. Feels like it has the same gravity as Earth too.”

So many questions had passed through his mind over the hours with not much else to do except for walk. As he crested a hill, a sigh of relief left his lungs. Not too far now was a small village that seemed to be inhabited. The buildings, while rustic looking, seemed to be in one piece. It was possibly the place he needed to rest.

A stream separated the village from the meadow Peter stood in. Staring down into the water, he could see his reflection as clear as a mirror. A sign that the water was clean. And it could be drunk.

“Finally! I feel like I’ve been in a desert.”

He frantically cupped his hands, allowing the water to pool into them. The water was cold, but this was more than ok. He couldn’t exactly fall asleep until he had a safe place to do so. Out of the corner of his eye, Peter spotted a forest a few moments away. It looked safe enough, but a familiar tingle in the back of his head said otherwise.

“Ok, avoid the forest on the edge of town. Got it. What, is the shrubbery gonna cut me?”

Remembering he had water, Peter threw the liquid into his face. The chill shocked him awake again. Another handful came much slower to his face and to his mouth. It tasted pure, bringing some life back into his injured body.

“Definitely not New York City water. I’ve seen that filtration system. They need a man down there.”

A few more handfuls of water and Peter felt like his thirst had finally been sated. It was finally time to introduce himself to the locals. Crossing the bridge, he felt a sudden wave of dizziness flow over him. Perhaps his injuries were catching up to him? What caught him out was just how empty everything felt. he expected to be met by someone. A town guard, some kids breaking curfew, a night owl. Just someone. Yet there was no one. Was he wrong to assume that people lived here? Peter quickly pulled back his sleeve to reveal the small gadget that had still survived the trip.


“I’ll have to make this fast then. Run scan for life forms within a two-mile radius.”


A red pulse emitted from the device, cutting its way through the town as it spread out. Numbers began to flicker on the screen as it compiled the data. The pulse then cut off, signalling the scan was complete.

Scan concludes there are roughly 616 other life forms within the designated radius. Scan also concludes that all life forms are within resting mode.

“So, as it stands, there is no sign of intelligent life anywhere. All the locals are asleep. Ok, scan for other habitations within the region.”

No response came from the device. Peter checked the screen and there was no life in it left. It must have used up any power it had left to complete the scan. One of his last pieces of gear was now useless. Now he was truly on his own. Even so, there was still no time to take in the reality of his situation.

“Looks like I’ll have to start asking questions. And means waking someone up. First thing I do in a new world – breaking and entering. Some things never change.”

Choosing one of the nearby houses, Peter got a firm grip on the door handle and pushed forward. There was a sound of metal snapping as the lock gave in. As he slowly slid his head inside, all he could see was darkness.

“Hello? Anyone home? Sorry about the door, but I kinda don’t know anyone here.”

No response. Not even a stirring from his call. You’d think that someone just forcing their way into your home would advise some panic. But it never came. With no one challenging his entrance, Peter entered the house fully, the rustic décor from the outside was copied on the inside as well. He also noticed that the furniture looked almost new, and that a faint smell was coming from what must have been the kitchen.

“Smells like tea. Must have been freshly brewed. A nightcap? Someone is still here.”

The only other logical place for anyone to be is upstairs. It was one thing to break into someone’s house and sneak about their living room (and sniff their tea) but to start going into their bedrooms is another. But with no knowledge of where he was and the threat of collapsing dead hanging over him, he needed to speak to someone now.

Each step upstairs creaked under the weight of Peter's footsteps. Though for the most part he was hobbling his way up there due to his injuries. Up on the first floor he noticed there were multiple rooms, a clear sign that there were quite a few people living in this house. Made his intrusion much more awkward if there was a family in here.

“Which room is the parents? I sure as hell ain't going into a kid’s room. Looks bad enough as is.”

Fortunately, the doors were marked with signs that only a child would have on their bedroom door. “Pumpkin and Pound”. Odd names, but he had heard weirder. Flowers and rainbows surrounded their names. It was rather adorable. It reminded Peter of a time when the idea of children could have been in his future. But no longer. Keeping his mind on track, Peter continued down the hall towards the other rooms. One had no sign so it was ignored, but at the end was a door marked “Mum and Dad”.

“Please don’t be awake. Please don’t be awake. Pleeease don’t be awake.”

The door creaked as it opened, only adding to the panic Peter felt as he entered. Deciding to go for broke by this point, he swung the door wide open and was ready to deal with the consequences. All he saw was the parents fast asleep. He sighed with relief.

“Thank god. I picked the house with heavy sleepers. And now I have to wake them…”

Doing his best to not look like a serial killer as he approached their bed, Peter noticed some light murmurs coming from both adults. It was as if they were talking in their sleep at the same time. Were they having similar dreams? Curious, he reached over to one of them and tugged at their shoulder. It was the man of the house. And he was sweating heavily.

“That’s odd. Its pretty mild in here. Perhaps a medical condition? Should check his pulse.”

Peter took the man’s arm and pressed two fingers to his wrist. His pulse was thudding incredibly fast for being asleep. Clear indication of being in a nightmare state.

“Can’t imagine what going on inside that head of yours my friend. I hope you beat it. Lets see how your missus is doing.”

He walked over to the other side of the bed to check on the woman, but he instantly noticed that she was also perspiring heavily and moving erratically. Was she having a nightmare too? Peter quickly checked her pulse as well and got the same result. Two people were having a nightmare at the exact same time. While of course not uncommon, it was the proximity of the individuals that caught Peter off guard. He then wondered…

“Are the kids in the same state?”

With less caution in his step now he made his way towards the children’s room and almost barged in. What he didn’t expect to see was babies. Part of him thought that these would be older kids. What he really didn’t want to see was them shifting and sounding like they were about to cry. He did the same test that he did on their parents.

“Profuse sweating despite the room temperature. High pulse even while in a sleep state. Erratic movement. They’re having a nightmare. The two of them. So, all four members of the same family are all having a nightmare. How is that possible?”

He wondered if everyone else in the town was having the same issue. And now that he had started this investigation, the compulsion to finish was strong. Though he might not get the chance. As he made his way downstairs, Peter felt his legs give out from underneath him. He only stopped falling by clinging to the nearby wall, letting his power of adhesion save him. It was clear he was running out of strength.

He finally got back to the door, though it was mostly hobbling again, and back outside. His vision was beginning to blur and fade in and out. He knew what was coming.

“Can’t… black out… ye……..”

Peters injured body finally gave out, and he fell out of consciousness, collapsing onto the cold ground. As his eyes closed, he took one last look at the night sky, wondering if this was going to be the last time…

And then he woke up.

He was still in the same place in the village, right where he collapsed. One thing Peter noticed is that he felt a little lighter, like the gravity had been lowered. Nothing else seemed out of place, though there was a haze that now surrounded his vision. There was however one very big difference once Peter looked up - The sky was no longer blue, but an unearthly shade of purple.

“What the hell…”