When Times Collide

by RobtheMorpherPony

Chapter 4.5: A mysterious being

As the group was continuing to chat about this and that, all of them were unaware that their actions were being monitered by a mysterious being.

This being's body was made out of pure energy; one half of their body was made up of white colored energy and the other half was made out of black colored energy.

"These mortals haven't the slightest clue..." The being said. "But then again, I shouldn't have expected much from such beings." They said.

The being continued to watch the two groups through what appeared to be a glass orb. "But I must figure out what caused my brother to grow so found of these mortals, so much to the point where he was willing to reincarnate his power into one." The being said.

Still monitoring the groups, the being continued to speak. "None of them have a clue, that it was I; Yin-yang; the god of two sides who caused the combination of Starlight's modified time travel spell and the super powered unity crystals to happen in the first place. After all, such an occurrence is only possible by a god." The being said. "If nothing else, this has provided me with some decent entertainment." They added.

The being continued to observe the groups. "So brother, if you were here right now, what would you say about this situation?" The being asked.