//------------------------------// // Night One // Story: Spike's Omnitrix // by JSan82 //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie has remained motionless since coming home from Canterlot. She can't determine what happened to her home, whether there was another fight or karma for blurring out Spike's rant when Princess Celestia asked about Twilight's condition. Her bed, party planning journals, and room are now dust and ashes. Pinkie Pie has nowhere to sleep and live. Twilight Sparkle was about to offer residence when a guilty conscience clouds her mind. Princess Celestia told her to endure what Spike experienced for the next three months without help, knowing that Spike completed all his tasks in solitude. In the back of Twilight's mind, she was thinking about having Pinkie help her do some work in the castle before going to the School of Friendship. Also, Twilight is still mad that Pinkie Pie forced her into revealing compelling truths that made her forfeit any legal right to keep Spike's custody. For now, all Twilight can do is hope that any of her friends can propose for Pinkie to stay in their place. Applejack offers Pinkie Pie refuge at Sweet Apple Acres since she treats her like family. Pinkie Pie accepts the offer and trots with Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack warns Pinkie about farm life when Pinkie reminds Applejack about the rock farm life. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash fly home. They hope things get better tomorrow with something more exciting and thrilling to do as friends, even if it's another day at teaching in the School of Friendship. If not, they'll plan something to enlighten Twilight's mood and strengthen her confidence. Rarity says her bye and gallops home to check on Sweetie Belle. After witnessing Twilight losing guardianship of Spike, she refuses for someone to call the CPS and strip her of Sweetie Belle from negligence. She vows to spend more time with her younger sister. Twilight Sparkle slowly lopes to her castle with her head down. Last night was supposed to be a fantastic night of hanging out with her friends, camping, and going along with her schedule. Instead, a new chapter began with Spike gaining advanced super technology from the depths of space. Yes, Twilight has forgotten about Spike throughout the years, and it was her fault for not including him; Twilight feels that Spike should have opened up and revealed his feelings in private than exposing them in front of her friends. Twilight couldn't stop thinking about Spike. She can't stop thinking about the watch, how it slowly burrows into her heart, and how it's causing calamity in her friends' lives. She wishes Spike's new weapon would have chosen someone else or gone to a different planet. It's 8:00 at night near the remains of Gold's Village. Trixie has set up a campfire outside the RV to roast marshmallows and discuss what will happen moving forward. Spike uses his fire breath to ignite the campfire rather than turning into Heatblast. Shining Armor comes to sit around the campfire after he finishes repairing the tires that deflated earlier. "What a day," Spike yawns a bit. "The first all-nighter without any sleep." "I have to make modifications tomorrow with my cannon out of commission," Trixie said. "Gosh, the way you moved with those heavy cannons, how were you able to maintain speed and strength?" Starlight asks. She has her notebook and pen to document what Trixie will say. "Intense physical training, Starlight. Also, the saddlebags Shining and I wore is an exoskeleton that enables strength and speed with a flight mode." "Before you get the exoskeleton, you need to gain muscle mass and durability; Getting hit with lasers hurt like hell. Anyone not trained will die from the impact, regardless of how powerful you are in the magic world. Lasers penetrate magic shields. Trust me, I've tested it myself," Shining said. "Spike, you remember my bubble shield during the week of my wedding, right?" "It covered all of Canterlot. Canterlot is not a small town. It's the capital of Equestria," Spike replies. "Any laser shot by those bounty hunters will go through, creating widespread chaos. The magic here can withstand organic or natural magics performed by other species. Ninety percent of the time, our sorcery will be unsuccessful against those not of this world. When I heard Starlight took out a lesser drone while you overused your power, I knew she was exhausted from the attack. Now, is my prediction accurate?" "I was exhausted. I've never seen a drone that shot those lasers, terrorizing the forest and Spike when he turned into Wildmutt." "Uh.., when Lord Tirek was on a powered-hungry trip, could you have stopped him?" Spike asks. "Yes, I could have. Like before, Princess Luna forbade me from attacking Lord Tirek using my plumbing equipment. The same applies to Discord." "ME?! MOI?!" Discord's face appears on the ground where Spike, Shining, Starlight, and Trixie are sitting. Spike and Starlight quickly get up, flinching from his sudden arrival, while Trixie and Shining remain motionless. His eyes are burning in rage, literally. "You have the efficacy on terminating meeeeee?" Discord is angry after hearing how casual Trixie and Shining sound for claiming to take him down. "If Princess Luna deems you untrustworthy and greenlit me to exterminate you, I would have," Shining Armor calmly replies. "Ditto," Trixie concurs. She's roasting a marshmallow. Discord rises from the ground, moaning like a zombie. "You two; Stopping me? It took the Elements of Harmony to turn me into stone! What can you two do to me that the Elements could not?" Discord dares Trixie and Shining to make a move. "This," Trixie flicks her right front hoof. "A little flick of your wrist. How scary," Discord laughs while mocking Trixie. "OW!" Discord feels a slight pinch on his neck. He yanks it out to see a small but efficient yellow dart. "What is...," Discord slumps over and collapses. He snores in his sleep. Spike and Starlight are dumbfounded by how quickly Trixie took out Discord. Their jaws drop to the ground. "Wha-What did you shoot him with?" Starlight asks Trixie. Trixie deactivates a cloaking mode for her hoof-held gun. "Anti-Magic Tranquilizer Dart. Nullifies all magic within any creature whether they're a deity or not." "The dart is invisible to any eye regardless of magical prowess. Those with visors or different usage of scanners can see the dart coming. Since most of Equestria don't fathom the technology we use daily, they won't see what's coming," Shining replies. Then he places a collar on Discord's neck. "This collar is unmovable unless spoken with an authorized voice command. Any attempt to use magic will result in a painful jolt." "Wow..," Starlight sits down on the ground. She can't believe how easy it took for Trixie to take down the Lord of Chaos. Then she starts jotting down what Trixie and Shining said. "Despite the acclaimed title as the Lord of Chaos, his reality-warping powers don't frighten me as a plumber. As the Great and Powerful, I must display fear to keep my identity a secret. Creatures like Discord are a one-trick pony. Others out there are different and complex. Tricky and unpredictable. Guns blazing or straight-up rampage." "Then why let everypony in Equestria undergo the suffering from these vicious villains?" Spike asks Shining and Trixie. "Princess Luna's direct orders to ensure that Equestria can build a defense team to combat the inhabitants of the world. We engage the extraterrestrial, extrasensory, and extraordinary. Princess Luna wanted to bring down Discord, Lord Tirek, Sombra, and others but refrained from doing so. Princess Celestia envisions Twilight Sparkle as heir to Equestria someday. Rumor has it that she intends to retire and wants Princess Luna to join her," Shining Armor answers. He's watching Discord's body language in his sleep. "If Princess Luna decides to retire, she's free to work with the plumbers in secret, undisturbed. However, Princess Luna is contemplating due to one major problem," Trixie notes. She eats her marshmallow. "The hidden base," Spike answers. "Correct. If Princess Luna follows Celestia into retirement, Twilight will scour the castle and eventually find the plumber base. However, if Princess Luna rejects Celestia's offer, Luna solely rules Canterlot and will have fifty percent, while Twilight gets the other fifty. I imagine many trips for dignitaries and royalists to meet with my sister during the day as Luna will uphold the responsibilities of raising the sun and moon." "We can only hope that Princess Luna decides to remain in place while Celestia enjoys her retirement. Until then, we keep moving forward, protecting Equestria from the invaders in secret," Trixie said. She turns to Starlight. "Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to use the saddlebags, and we'll do some exercises." Starlight sighs. "A twist of worlds. I helped you with your magic, and in return, you'll help me use weapons." "Well, you helped my character gain confidence. So, I'll help the real Starlight gain wisdom and knowledge as a plumber." "Thank you," Starlight hugs Trixie. "What are friends for," Trixie smiles. Spike looks at the Omnitrix. "Twilight knows I'm a plumber. The Omnitrix changes everything for m-m-m-" Spike burps two letters with the seal of L and C for each letter. "Two letters?" Shining Armor sees them floating. "One from each Princess," Trixie said after seeing the seals tied to the letters. Starlight uses her magic to grab both. She opens Celestia's letter to read; Her eyes widen in shock. "Oh, my." "What does it say?" Trixie and Shining ask in unison. Dear Spike, Today, I have announced that Twilight will lose full custody of you after hearing what has happened throughout your span with Princess Twilight Sparkle. Your job as an assistant is false, for Twilight has used you as a slave. You did not receive a pay raise & you did not receive vacation time. You are still relatively young. However, from Twilight's point of view and her honest description of your commitment, you took care of Twilight Sparkle. A youngling handling the responsibilities of not only one but many mares is unacceptable, a youngling who does everything only to be abandoned and forgotten. Twilight Sparkle has committed child negligence and exploitation. A felony. With that said, I hereby give custody to Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess Cadance. They will care for you from now on. Shining Armor. I'm entrusting you to be the older brother to Spike as you once did before you began your training to become a Royal Guard. Do not make the same mistake as Twilight Sparkle commenced. I hope you enjoy your vacation, Spike & Shining. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Starlight finishes reading the letter. Shining Armor is dumbfounded and upset that her younger sister committed a felony. Child negligence and exploitation are not cool under any circumstance. He covers his face with his hooves in shame. Spike looks down in sadness; He knows in his heart that Twilight treated him as a slave but refuses to acknowledge it. Trixie looks at Spike and sees how heartbroken he is. The trauma of being left behind and forgotten must have been devastating. Starlight is not sure she can look at Twilight Sparkle the same way. "Spike," Shining Armor trots to Spike and sits by him, putting his left front arm around his neck. "When Celestia told Twilight she was losing custody was a ploy to have you come with Starlight and me undisturbed. You were supposed to return to Twilight once the vacation passed and trained with the Omnitrix on your wrist." "But.., the letter..," Spike doesn't understand. However, he knows better. The letter sent to him is now official. Princess Celestia knows what he experienced during his tenure with Twilight in Ponyville. Otherwise, why would Princess Celestia write and send the letter to him and for Shining Armor to hear? "It appears; Twilight confessed a dark truth and now has to pay the consequences of the law she broke. I promise you things will get better. I will be more involved with your life." "You will?" There is one thing Spike fears more than dying. It's being alone in the darkness with no one to help him. "Of course, I will. You are still my younger brother, and brothers stick together," Shining smiles to enlighten Spike's mood. Spike sniffs. Spike becomes happy and can't wait to experience family-fun days with Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart. "So, what did Luna say in her letter?" Trixie asks Starlight. "Oh, right!" Starlight unveils the second letter and reads. Dear Shining Armor, I have informed your wife, Princess Cadance, about having legal guardianship of Spike. Also, I want to address a situation caused by Starlight Glimmer. While it was clever to set a building on fire to allure Spike to rescue civilians before exposing himself in front of a large crowd, I would consider not using that tactic. We plumbers have eyes and ears everywhere. We don't need citizens to get mangled in a deadly situation when we are sworn protectors in secret. Trixie Lulamoon, I want you to train Starlight Glimmer to your best abilities. She'll make an excellent plumber and teammate for Shining Armor's squad. Spike, I'll visit you from time to time when I can. I still have my nightly obligations to uphold. Nightmares will be a hassle for the next few nights with the destruction of Sugarcube Corner and remorseful guilt wrapped inside Princess Twilight's mind. I want you to document everything in a plumbing audio log in the RV. We want to hear your discoveries and learn how we can devise special forces to correlate your aliens when newer threats arise. Please write to me if you have questions that Shining Armor cannot answer. Sincerely, Princess Luna "YOU SET A BUILDING ON FIRE?!" Trixie, Shining, and Spike shout in shock. Starlight sighs heavily. "Yes... I did it cause the crowd was overwhelming Spike like a magnet sticking to the metal. They pestered him and wouldn't give him breathing room." "Which is true. However, when the Omnitrix blinker sounded and flashed, I told Ponyville that I was getting called to help another creature. They believed my claim and watched me leave." Starlight Glimmer facepalms herself; she regrets setting Sugarcube on fire. "Oh, great. More guilt coming my way!" She flops and lands on her back. "I'm not going to hear the end of it, huh?" Starlight looks at her friend. "I don't rub salt in the wound from any friend. Only those who I fight against; I'm not going to remind you of your misdeed. I'm going to encourage you to do better." "Same with me, Starlight. We don't scold each other but learn. We take what we experience and apply that to our knowledge for future outcomes. If there is a time for a mirage, we will activate it. Until then, we search for other alternatives during a situation," Shining said to uplift Starlight's mood. "Thanks," Starlight sits back up. "Thanks for understanding. I thought I'll get a scolding for sure." "Nope. Instead, you'll have to train harder in the morning," Trixie said. "With the heavy backpack." Starlight gulps a little; She's not looking forward to wearing something heavy on the first day of training. Discord starts waking up from his slumber. He groans from the lack of magic that resides in him. "What the..?" Discord tries to snap his claw to conjure a chocolate milkshake. "My magic is..." "Gone," Trixie answers Discord's status about his magic power. "You.., defeated.., Moi?" Discord is in shambles when he realizes that a single unicorn took him down without using any magic. He feels something itching his neck. When he goes to scratch it, he feels a metal collar wrapped around it. "What is this?!" Discord attempts to pry it off when the collar gives him a heavy jolt, causing him to drop on his sides. "OOOOOOOOW! THAT HURTS!!!" Discord felt a hundred thousand bolts of electricity coursing through his body painfully. Normal creatures would die, but since he's immortal, Discord lives through the awful experience. "You're wearing a voice command collar. No amount of magic will deactivate the collar. No one can simply remove it. It gives the wearer and those who attempt a jolt unlike any other. Do you yield, Discord?" Shining Armor asks. He sounds menacing to Discord. "Yes, I yield! Get this thing off of me!" Discord demands. He doesn't want Fluttershy to think he got owned by plumbers. "Remove nullification collar," Shining Armour commands. "Voice recognition. Shining Armor. Collar remove," A security voice within the collar approves Shining's command. It detaches itself from Discord's neck and drops. Discord snaps his paw, spawning a cactus. He eats the cactus for its' nutrients. "Oh, so satisfying," Discord burps the pine needles of the cactus out. "So, you won't tell anyone about this, right?" "You're not going to tell about our business, right?" Shining Armor counters Discord's question with another, like a proposal. Discord zips his lips, letting Shining and Trixie know that he won't reveal any evidence of their plumbing business to anybody. Then, he set his eyes on Spike's Omnitrix. "Well, well, well," Discord slithers to Spike, his eyes popping out to examine the watch. "What do we have here?" "It's my Omnitrix, Discord," Spike replies. "Can I try it on?" Discord uses his magic to remove the watch when a green aura zaps his eagle-claw fingers. "OW! That hurt!" He shakes the feeling from the shock. "The Omnitrix chose me. It's not for anyone else to wear," Spike said. He did laugh when the watch struck Discord. "This thing doesn't have more power than me!" Discord grabs a wrench and tries to yank the Omnitrix off of Spike. Once again, the Omnitrix sends a wave of green energy to zap Discord's claw. This time, Discord turns to ashes while his mouth remains intact. "Fine. I don't want that stupid watch anyway. It's just a kiddy toy." "Say what you want, Discord. The Omnitrix is mine to wield." "Whatever," Discord's ashes ride with the wind. "See you all later!" His mouth gets lifted by the wind. Spike yawns. "I can get some shuteye," Spike becomes sleepy. "Well, I think now's a good time to sleep. Tomorrow is a whole new day," Shining decrees. "Time for bed, everyone," Shining trots to the RV. "Alright. I'm going in my wagon," Trixie said. She trots to her wagon and goes inside. Starlight puts out the campfire; She and Spike enter the RV together. It is now 11:30 at night. Princess Luna is on her way to the kitchen. She sees Princess Celestia grabbing a midnight snack; She turns to Princess Luna. Princess Luna reads her sister's body language. "Luna," Princess Celestia walks up to her sister. She's not wearing her crown. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Princess Luna nods. "If you inquire about the plumbers, I cannot reveal such information to you." "Why, Luna? Why can't you tell me?" Celestia wants to know what they do. She wants to know what else goes on in Equestria that she isn't aware of. "There's nothing for me to say to you. I love you, Celestia." Princess Celestia sighs in defeat. She knows not to interrogate her sister about her private affairs. "I love you too, Luna. Is there any way I can help?" "Continue your duties, Celestia. Leave me be with my responsibilities. When I need you, I'll come to you." "And inform me about the plumbers?" Princess Celestia smiles, hoping Luna would cave in a little. Princess Luna smirks. "Not even in your dreams, Celestia. You have your defenders of Equestria. I have mine. Now, if you excuse me," Princess Luna opens the fridge to grab a box of donuts. "I have a long nightmare shift to attend to," Princess Luna leaves the kitchen with the box of donuts floating next to her. "Good night, Celestia!" "Good night, Luna..," Princess Celestia's smile fades. She slowly trots to her bedroom when Twilight's heartless statement returns to haunt her about failing Luna in her time of need.