//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Shards Quests // Story: The Tales Of Spike - Neverland // by Spyro_Story //------------------------------// In the morning on Tribal Territory, the natives began there day to do anything. And as for Spike along with Sparx, got out the cone to find Tiger Lily. Luckily, Spike just saw her shooting an arrow at the bullseye. "Hey, good morning Tiger Lily." Spike said while he walked towards her. "Oh, good morning you two, I see you both slept well." She said. "We sure do, thanks for asking." Spike said. "So, what are you doing?" "Target practice." She answered. "It helps me focus on my senses and prepared." "Ah good to know, the way I see it, your pretty good at it." Spike said. "Thank you." She said. "Care to give it a try?" "Um... hehehe, I wish I could but I'm not good at, sorry." Spike refused. "But at least I can use fire." Tiger Lily nodded to him and move out the way for him to aim on bullseye. He took a deep breath and start to blow a green fire ball, but suddenly... he's ran out of it and Tiger Lily and Sparx were confused."Uh oh, I think I'm out of my fire." Spike said. "How can you get your flame back?" She questioned. "Well, I need to eat gems to charge the flame within me." Spike answered. "Do you guys have gems here?" "I'm afraid we do not." She said when she shake her head side to side. "Then I guess it doesn't matter now." Spike said. "But don't worry, hopefully someday I'll get my fire back in no time, right Sparx?" Sparx nodded to him. "Speaking of gems." She reminded. "Spike, do you remember you told me where the other shards are?" "I did?" Spike think while he looking up and scratched his head with his finger. Until now, he remembered. "Oh yeah, but I don't know where the places are." Tiger Lily was thinking about it, until she has an idea. "You don't know where, but I believe the map does." She said. "Follow me." Spike and Sparx followed Tiger Lily to the cone where the map to Neverland is. Behind the bushes were pirate dogs spying on them to hear everything they want to know. Right now, they've heard everything from them. "Did ye hear what I hear?" One pirate dog said to the others. "Yes... hear what?" Second pirate dog said stupidly confused. "From that lizard ye bonehead." One pirate dog said angrily while hit him in the head. "It said it knows where the location of three shards. But we need to listen more, let's move quietly." They chuckled. *Meanwhile* Inside the cone, Tiger Lily was looking for the map of Neverland inside her chest box while Spike is walking and looking around curiously. Then something shiny caught Spike's attention to the left side, he spotted a dagger on the table and grabbed it. It is pretty cool and there's two ponish letters on the dagger said 'P.P' on. Tiger Lily finally found it and pull out the chest box, but then she saw Spike holding a dagger. "Be careful Spike, you don't want to cut yourself." She warned him. "Oh sorry, I was just looking at it." He apologized. "Is that yours?" "No, it belongs to friend of mine." She answered. "Really, then where is your friend?" He questioned, but he see the sad look on her face "It..... it was a long time ago." She barely said without looking at him. Spike now understand what she mean and said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask you question." He placed the dagger back to the table. "It's fine, just don't hurt yourself, okay?" She said and he nodded to her. She place the map on the floor and roll it open to show the image to Spike. "You don't know where the three shards are, but you can describe the places you seen in your dream." Spike closed his eyes and rubbing his head, trying to remember it. He said. "Okay, hmm..... so we have one shard, the second place is on... a cave shape like a... skull, that's scary." "The skull rock." She said while mark the circle spot on the map. Spike continued. "The third is... in the forest full of some sparkly dust." "The fairy forest." She said while mark the circle spot on the map. "And the last one, is on the highest mountain with two peaks." He finished and Tiger Lily mark the circle spot map last. Through the tiny hole of the cone, a pirate dog eye see the map three mark on it. So, pirate dog away from the hole and sneak out to join the other dogs to tell them. "Ye, send letters to the captain, that we now have the locations of three shards." One pirate dog whispered, while the second pirate dog wrote and send a bird to deliver to Captain Hook. They left the territory to head back to the ship. Back inside, Tiger Lily started to said. "Now we their locations, I need to speak to my father, let's go." Tiger Lily, Spike and Sparx headed outside the cone and headed to where the chief is. At the inside of the other cone, the chief and the council members were talking about the safety of their Tribe. But when he sees his daughter and the baby dragon come in, he dismiss the council to speak another time. "Daughter, what brings you and your friend here." Chief Screaming Eagle said. "Father, we need to speak with you." Tiger Lily said. The chief nodded and said. "Farewell then, but your friend will wait outside, you can speak with me alone." "Yes father. Spike, you and Sparx will have to wait outside, it won't take long." She said and Spike nodded to her and the chief. Spike and Sparx waited out for an minute or more while they chatting and playing each other until Tiger Lily came out. "So, how did it go, did he agree to let us go?" Spike asked. "Yes, we need to get started by tomorrow the morning." She nodded. *Meanwhile* The night at the pirate dogs ship, Mr. Smee was sitting on the barrel, drinking mead and humming his song to enjoy the night. Until that time, he saw the message bird flying towards him. He grabbed the letter and delivered to the captain. In the captain's room, Captain Hook was looking on the map, desperately sparing at it where the other shards are. He hear the knock from his door and it was Mr. Smee. "Well don't just stand there Mr. Smee, come in." He shouted. "What is it you want, can't you see I'm busy." "You have received a message for you Captain." Mr. Smee said while passing the letter to him. Captain Hook swiped it and reading it. Mr. Smee was curious to know what was written when he sees Captain Hook makes a smile menacing look. "What does it say?" "Mr. Smee, it seems the opportunity never ceased to surprise me." He said. "Awakened the others, we're going to set sail now." Mr. Smee saluted him and headed outside to wake the pirate dogs. He looked on the map and said. "Soon, once I bring all the pieces together, the power of the Neverstars and Neverland will be mine." *Morning in Tribal Territory* The canoe boat was ready to set sail on the river, Tiger Lily, Spike, and Sparx were on it. However, before they leave, Chief Screaming Eagle asked. "Remember, the quickest way to the Skull rock is this river once you pass through the lagoon." "Understood." Tiger Lily nodded. "Daughter, make sure you and friend will be safe." He said and hugged her. "We will." She said and hugged him back. So, they ride on the canoe boat on the river to begin their quest. The tribes were watching them leave while they wish them with best of luck including the chief. "Do you think we can it on skull rock in time?" Spike questioned. "We can only make it their by an hour or more." She answered. "Oh okay, that wasn't so bad." Spike said. "I mean, what could Possibly goes wrong." _________________________________________________ **Equestria, Canterlot** The mane six made to Canterlot from the train station and Starlight Glimmer remain back in Ponyville, they now headed to the castle to meet the two princesses. They finally entered the throne room and see two princesses in their throne. "Twilight Sparkle, girls. We are so glad you all here." Princess Celestia greeted them while they bow each others heads. "Thank you Celestia." Twilight said to her mentor, then she start to cut to the chase. "Please tell me, do you know where Spike is?" "Of course, please follow us, we need to show you all something." Celestia nodded. Princess Celestia and Luna lead the mane six to the outside the balcony. They looked back to them and Princess Celestia said. "Before I tell you, do you see this huge star in the sky?" Twilight is confused for what her mentor said to them, so she has to do what she say by looking which star she's talking about, however Twilight now see the huge star in the night sky. "Yes, I see it. I've never seen this star like this." Twilight said in confusion. "What about it?" "Because this is where Spike is." Princess Luna stepped in, causing the mane six to gasp for what the moon Princess said to them. "Beg mah pardon your highnesses but, what did y'all mean by that?" Applejack stepped in and in confusion. "We can explain it to all of you how it all started." The sun goddess began to tell the back story. *Blackstory Tell* After the gala became a mess and you all have to flee, my sister and I saw some light out. But not just any light, it is a magical crystal. It shoots up to the shy and joined the rest of the stars in the night sky. But it is no ordinary star, it is called Neverstar. Luna uses her vision to see, until we now know, it was Spike. He alone has awaken it and sending him another world. *Backstory End* "No wonder why the tracking spell failed at the end." Twilight now understand the situation and start asking question. "What's the name of this world he in?" "It is a small world called 'Neverland'. Princess Celestia answered to her. "What's a Neverland?" Pinkie Pie whispered to Fluttershy next to her, and a yellow pegasi do not know. "Never... land? I haven't heard or known about it, not even in every books I've read, including Neverstar." Twilight said. "So you're saying that Spike somehow, awakened this so called 'Neverstar', and send him up flying to the another world?!" Rarity said in worry and the two princesses nodded. The white unicorn just fainted and almost fell on the floor, but luckily Applejack just caught her. "Is there any ways to travel Neverland and get Spike back?" Rainbow Dash asked. The two princesses looked on each other with a regrettable face, so Princess Celestia is the first to said. "We fear there isn't, without the Neverstar to travel there, none of us can." The mane six emotions turned into sadness, but the hope isn't loss yet when the sun goddess tell them. "But there is only way for him to return, is he must awaken the second Neverstar." "B-but what if he gets hurt or worse, we can't stand there and do nothing." Fluttershy said in worry. "I understand how you all feel." Princess Celestia said. "But fear not, each of us known Spike very well and we must have faith in him to return safe." "Then let's hope you're right about this, for our sake." Twilight said and then looking at the star. "Where ever you are Spike, please be careful and come back soon." To Be Continued...