//------------------------------// // CH36: Princess in Charge // Story: A Dubious Welcome // by Maonyman //------------------------------// It was the dead of morning when Princess Luna was finally roused by the voice in her head. She let out a groan and stretched, then, abruptly realizing what was happening, focused on the words she could hear. "...under the protection of a human named Anon. He seems a good sort. I have slowly come to trust the humans more and more, and have even been on the ground with Twilight, under the protection of their human guards. Twilight seems to trust them even more than I do. Actually, I think she's developed a sort of fondness for the human Anon. They seem very close." "Anyways, we have also made contact with a human organization of some sort which appears to have the resources to help us. They seem to be something similar to Celestia's new changeling guard patrol, blending in with the people to do their thing in secrecy. I'm not entirely sure they're trustworthy, but we do need the humans' help, so we're playing nice for now." Starlight's voice shifted and she spoke more cautiously. "As for Celestia, I have good news and bad news. Good news is we were able to make contact by casting Anchor's Note, and Celestia sent a response. We now know approximately where she is, which should be close enough for me to hone in the rest of the way. Hopefully we get there before my power wears thin." She paused for a second as if bracing for what she was about to say. "The bad news is, it was indeed humans who hurt her. Poachers, they are called, humans who seemingly hunt wild creatures and harvest their bodies to sell pieces for money." Luna shuddered in disgust as Starlight paused, probably to shudder as well. "But, they appear to be outlaws. These humans speak of the local authorities wanting to capture these poachers, so I believe they are a minority and most humans are safe to be around." "So, in summary, Twilight is safe, we've made contact with Celestia, and we'll soon be on the way to save her. That should put a spring in your step, yeah? Talk to you soon, Princess." A spring in her step? She could hardly contain herself! "Bastion? Bastion!" The unicorn popped up instantly, looking around on high alert as if he hadn't even been asleep. "Yes, Princess! What's wrong, what is it?" "They have made contact with Celestia!" Bastion stared at her, then slowly relaxed with a small smile. "Oh. Okay, that's good." She stared at him, "Well goodness, calm down, control yourself!" He looked confused for a moment, then grinned sheepishly and said, "Sorry, I just... I thought from the sound of your voice that something was wrong. It is wonderful and I am very happy for you." Luna smiled to think that he was still taking her protection so seriously. "It is wonderful indeed! I tried to have faith in Starlight Glimmer, and it seems to have paid off." "You did load her up with some of the most powerful enchantments and artifacts known to Equestria. I'd have been more surprised if she failed." Luna nodded and let out a happy little sigh, "What time is it, dearest? Do you know?" "Still quite early, mistress. I believe you have some time before the security audit." She rolled toward him with a soft giggle. "I intend to make good use of that time." * * * As Princess Luna stepped out of her bedchambers, she found Silver Spear waiting for her, as expected. "Morning, Princess. Shall we?" "Hold, Captain." He stopped mid-turn and looked to her again. "Something wrong?" "Not at all, I merely wish to have Captain Bastion by my side today, if it is alright with you." Silver Spear furrowed his brow in confusion, "You're... dismissing me?" He sounded a little hurt. "Neigh, my dear Captain! You are Celestia's favored and I would not dream of scorning you. I am merely giving you a day off, that is all." She lowered her head conspiratorially and added, "I expect my sister to return on the morrow, and then everything shall return to normal." "I see. Very well, then." He snapped into a crisp salute and turned sharply away, but Luna held up a hoof to stop him. "Silver Spear, please! Do not be like that. I meant no offense, I swear it. In truth, I believed to be doing you a favor! After all, how often do guard captains receive a day of respite?" "...Rarely," he admitted. "Precisely. You are a fantastic captain and I have naught but respect for you, my good stallion. You have more than earned a day of rest, and Bastion is a capable substitute. Besides, yesterday was..." she looked away uncomfortably, "Distressing." He quirked his muzzle to the side, then shrugged with a wry grin, "And nopony helps you relax like Bastion, it's true." Luna's expression tightened, "Careful, Silver. I tolerate your overly relaxed attitude for my sister's sake only." He hesitated, then bowed his head, "Apologies, my Princess. That was out of line." "Forgiven. You are, in any case, correct. But I truly do wish you to enjoy a day off. Please do not sulk away thinking yourself scorned, for it was never my intent." "Very well, Princess. I thank you for the reprieve, and wish you a pleasant morning." Then he gave his usual more casual salute and trotted away, whistling a merry tune. She turned around to see Bastion exiting her bathing room. "Feeling better, my dear?" He blushed slightly, but answered coolly enough, "Never better, mistress." "Come then! We must not keep Serenity, nor the morning patrol, waiting. I intend to improve upon yesterday's pitiful performance." Quickly donning his gear with a skillful burst of magic, he trotted up beside her. His armored saddle was still slightly crooked and her horn glowed as she slightly adjusted its position, then she gave Bastion a nuzzle before stepping out into the hall once more. * * * "Remember, Princess, this audit is hardly more than a formality." As expected, Serenity had been speaking almost non-stop since Luna arrived at her office. She was behaving exactly as she had the previous day, without any apparent change after their little discussion. "It is almost unheard of for any of the guards to be even slightly out of form, so you do not really even need to know what to look for, just act like you're inspecting them, then nod and move on to the next. We can be in and out within minutes if you really want." Luna nodded, focusing hard to keep up with her steady stream of information. "After that, we can go have a bite to eat, during which you can raise the sun, then it's off to the council chambers for the usual gathering of parliament. The courtyard is just through here, Princess." Luna stepped through the arch and was surprised to see only a hoofful of guards standing in a row before her. "That is all?" "What do you mean?" "Well... I guess I just expected there to be more of them." "Oh, this is just our cadre of senior officers," Serenity said, "They each do their own inspections of their respective units." "I see. And how far does this chain extend?" "I never bother with more than the officers, so I do not know." Bastion quietly interjected, "If I may, Princess?" "Of course, Captain." He straightened proudly before reciting, "You have two captains, myself and Captain Spear. Together, we oversee a company of two dozen officers, each of whom presides over a platoon of four sergeants, and finally each sergeant commands a squad of eight guards." He paused for a moment, then added, "That's just over seven hundred and fifty guards kept in line by just under a hundred sergeants commanded by two dozen officers led by myself and/or Captain Spear, as needed." Her brow had furrowed with concentration and she repeated, "Two captains, two dozen officers, four sergeants each, eight guards each. I believe I can remember that. Who are these four, then?" "These are our four senior officers, who assist us captains in watching over the other officers. In order: Officer Candy, Officer Order, Officer Pride, and Officer Swear." Princess Luna approached the first in line. "What is your full name, Officer?" "Sweets Candy, Princess!" She looked to her side, "And the rest of you?" "Object Order, Princess!" "Mystic Pride, Princess!" "Solemn Swear, Princess!" Princess Luna stared at each in turn for a moment, then took a step back and said, "At ease, stallions." They each relaxed, shaking their legs or stretching their necks as they loosened up. Serenity stepped forward, "Good enough. Now today's menu--" "I am not finished, Serenity." "O-Oh! Sorry, please continue." The officers hesitated as the Princess stepped forward again. "I like to see how my guards really stand, not how they pretend to stand when ordered to look pretty. You, Pride," and she turned toward Officer Pride, "Wipe that sneer off your snout. I do not care what your name is, nor for your seniority. You shall show me respect or be reprimanded." He immediately assumed a neutral expression and she turned toward Officer Candy. "And you, Candy. Why can you not seem to stop moving? Are you a hyperactive foal too pent up with energy to control yourself? Be still!" The stallion froze where he stood, looking mildly shocked. She glanced at the other two. "Order, Swear, you two are better, but I do not like your lazy bearing. Are you not senior officers of the Royal Guard? At all times, you should be an example to which all other guards look up to. Yes, even now, seemingly alone in the courtyard. Who is to say your subordinates do not watch us from behind closed windows? Your position is a great honor and an even greater responsibility--always treat it as such!" They each straightened where they stood, assuming something in-between their overly relaxed selves and the uptight stiffness they began in. Luna's wings rustled faintly, then she lowered her head with a small smile, her voice softening. "Much better. Do not be mistaken by my severity, for on the whole I am impressed, but there is always room for improvement. Perhaps you believe Captain Spear's relaxed stature gives you permission to behave similarly, but it does not. He is favored by my sister and she prefers him to be relaxed. You four do not have such privilege. I expect better of you from this moment onward." She straightened and stepped back with a short nod, "You are dismissed." They snapped into simultaneous salutes and chanted, "Yes, Princess!" before trotting away in a crisp single file formation. Serenity slowly stepped forward again, but only when Luna turned to her did she speak. "Are you ready for breakfast now?" Her voice was cool, but her twitching tail betrayed her surprise. Princess Luna allowed herself a small smile of self-satisfaction. "Yes, I believe I am." * * * Luna reassured her old friend that her sister would be okay as she laid the moon to rest, then forced the sun to rise almost without effort, not much caring what it had to say on the matter. When she reopened her eyes, she found Bastion and Serenity both staring at her. "What?" They shook themselves and Serenity let out a little cough, "Well, your mane, Princess. It's just... um..." "It's mesmerizing," Bastion finished. "Really? Is it not just the same as always?" Bastion furrowed his brows in confusion, "Uh... no?" "How so?" Serenity tilted her head and said, "Do you really not know?" "Know what?" Instead of answering she clopped her hooves and, when a random pony trotted up, she muttered an order at him and he galloped away. Princess Luna watched him go, then turned back to Serenity. "Well?" "Please wait a moment, Princess." Luna looked down and picked at her plate grumpily. A few moments later, two ponies trotted up carrying a full-length mirror and set it up nearby. "Please, Princess. Come and see," Serenity said softly. A little confused now, Princess Luna stood and walked slowly over to the mirror. She almost did not recognize the pony she saw. Her coat had taken on a lustrous metallic sheen with hints of scarlet tinting her usual violet, and she appeared bathed in sunlight, though she was far from any window. More than that, her mane seemed to shine from within, as if it were a window to another realm filled with liquid indigo, flowing with the waves of an ethereal sea. She stared in amazement, then furrowed her brow in concentration, casting her celestial magic out into the void. Instantly, her mane and tail began to undulate in complex patterns, and it seemed to somehow grow deeper and richer in color. She looked over her shoulder at her tail, bringing it close to her face, and it filled her vision with an impossibly rich landscape of swirling magenta, violet, and indigo. Her muzzle parted slightly in amazement, she turned back to Serenity and Bastion, "I am... more?" She peered back again, this time at her gleaming coat, and twisted to better examine its iridescent shimmer in the light. "Yes, I see now," she said, looking back up to them, "The full power of the throne has enhanced me beyond what I had originally expected. It is strange how such effects did not seem to occur with Tia while I was... erm, away. Not from what I have read, at least." Serenity shuffled her hooves awkwardly, "Well... she did, at first. She stored away the excess in one of the royal artifacts, keeping just enough to command the moon. She told me once that she did not enjoy wielding your power." Luna made a soft noise of surprised indignation, "Nor I hers! Why did you not show me this artifact at once?" Serenity sighed quietly, "Because I believed it better for the populace that you appeared greater. Think about it, Princess. Everypony thinks Celestia is in danger, possibly gone forever, and that you have taken over. You are loved, but you are not known." She smiled apologetically, "We knew Celestia. Everypony did. She has ruled us for countless generations. Losing her is... well, it is a massive blow. I thought maybe if you appeared greater than Celestia ever was, it would help restore some of that faith. As best as I can tell, that has proven correct." "I... see." Luna sat down again and stared at her hooves, then said slowly, "You know... I was always jealous of her, when we were young. I was forever in her shadow, always destined for second place. Our parents, they loved me, yes, but they loved her more. They doted on her like she was a gift from the very stars. Perhaps she was. But I was merely their filly--loved, yes, but not worshiped or adored." She did not look up. She did not want to see the expressions on their faces. "Then we ascended as one, and I thought now... now I can prove myself! But as time went on, Tia took on more and more responsibility. She was good at it, and the ponies loved her for it; I could not deny it. But that did not stop the jealousy." She chuckled humorlessly. "Of course, everypony knows what happened next. The jealousy consumed me and the nightmare was born. During our imprisonment on the moon, I was... not exactly present. I had faded to a distant dark corner of my mind, imprisoned by the rage and envy that possessed me still. Not until Twilight and her friends banished that nightmare could I wake up." A tear trailed down her muzzle and tickled her snout. She did not react. "And yet still, I found myself beneath her. I was determined not to allow jealousy into my heart, but I could not ignore the fact that not much had changed. If anything, I had fallen further as, like you said, she has had a thousand moons to get to know everypony." Finally, she looked up and saw Serenity and Bastion were both staring at her, wide eyed and amazed. Her muzzle broke into a shaky smile. "Now, I have finally bested her... and yet I would surrender it all just to have her here beside me once again." She fell silent, her mane billowing slowly out behind her, and the other two ponies shared a glance. Eventually Bastion found his voice and said, "But... Mistress, she will be beside you soon, right? Starlight is on her way to save her." Luna nodded, looking down at her hooves again. "Oh yes, and I am quite relieved by their success so far... but there is ever that nagging doubt, that worry in the back of my mind. Even now, I feel my connection to her, and every moment I fear it snuffing out. Perhaps these 'poachers' learn of Starlight's approach and react in fear? Perhaps Starlight fumbles the attack and Tia is caught in the cross beam?" Serenity sighed and stood, walking around her chair to stand beside Luna. "Princess, forgive me, but you are being ridiculous." Luna's head jerked up and she met Serenity's hard and fearless eyes. "You have a plan, the plan is going well, and now you have both Starlight and Twilight working together to save Celestia from... what was it again? Hairless apes, you said?" Serenity rolled her eyes, "What will they do, hit her with a banana? This rescue mission has practically already succeeded, and you bucking well know it." She reared and set her hooves on the side of Luna's chair, bringing her face up close. "I need you to get a hold of yourself, and I need you to do it now. You have a palace to run... and I have a schedule to keep." They stared at each other for a long moment. Luna was tempted to blast this little mare right to the moon herself. However, once again, she had to admit the words rang true. She was indeed being ridiculous. There was little need to worry, and even if there was, worrying would accomplish nothing except destroy her mental well being. Besides, had she not told Bastion that she intended to do better today? Luna strengthened her resolve and steeled herself against the fears and doubts that nagged her, then nodded once. "Very well, Serenity. Let us proceed." * * * "The aforementioned hearing is not entirely irrelevant, however, for its implications are of note to both the Guild of Rose and the House of Blueblood. As such, we, the pursuant members of the esteemed Maison de Lis, do hereby renounce any such allegations as put forthwith over the course of this hearing, summarily refuting them wholly and completely!" The aristocrat took his seat again, to various mutterings across the parliament. Princess Luna had listened attentively to every word... yet she was still lost. "Serenity?" The mare turned instantly away from the other noble mid-word and focused on her. "Yes, Princess?" "I am sorry, but I am confused once again." "No need to apologize, this is a complex hearing. Bastion, did you follow? I really should finish with Sir Pants here." Bastion nodded solemnly as Luna turned to him instead. As it turned out, he apparently had a knack for this sort of thing. "It was a lot of words, but ultimately a simple concept. The hearing he mentioned hints at the fact that the Guild of Rose and the House of Blueblood have done similar things in the past. Then he goes on to say that he, as a representative of Fleur de Lis' family, denies all accusations." Luna furrowed her brow. "If they deny the accusations, why bring up the hearing at all? It is irrelevant if they are innocent." "Exactly, mistress. You would be wise to question him on that." "Serenity?" Again she broke off to turn back to Luna. "May I ask him why he bothered to bring up the hearing in the first place? He is so adamant they are innocent... if they did not do it, then the hearing should have nothing to do with them, correct?" Serenity's eyes widened, "Oh! Yes, you certainly can." She abruptly stood and the noblepony beside her scowled that she was ignoring him. Then he glanced at Luna and, seeing her watching him, quickly controlled his expression and turned attentively toward Serenity as she began to speak. "Esteemed representative of the Maison de Lis: Your Princess asks you what is your intended purpose in referring back to such a hearing, if you so clearly refute the claims at hoof? Surely if you are as pure and virtuous as you profess, such a hearing would have no relevance to your case whatsoever? And yet you and yours appear incredibly well versed in its intricacies, to the point of suspected obsession!" "Now see here," he replied hotly, "We must defend our honor, mustn't we? The Maison de Lis is an extraordinarily respected and deeply connected name! We and ours have only researched this topic as it is relevant to your accusations!" Several nobles hopped to their hooves and a general ruckus broke out that drowned out the rest of his words. Serenity and her other officials immediately began trying to regain control of the chamber, and Luna used this opportunity to lean over and interrogate Bastion further. "Am I correct in thinking his response was a rearing response, extremely suspicious and lacking any real defense?" "That would be correct, yes. His only real retort was to try and turn it around on you. That's the reason for the general outrage, because you are not actually the one who made the accusation, you are only investigating an accusation which was made against them by the Guild of Blossoms." He frowned with displeasure. "This is my first time observing parliament directly and I must say I am surprised by what I find. I expected them to be more subtle and harder to read. Instead, they are like open books, and simply use lots of big words to waste time getting to the point." Luna stifled a giggle, "You sound almost disappointed." His ear twitched, "Well, I suppose I am." "Hmm. In any case, would you consider his words a personal attack?" "I would indeed." "And that would be sufficient reason for me to be done with this nonsense?" "If you were sufficiently offended, yes." Luna needed no more encouragement. "BE SILENT!" The Royal Canterlot Voice echoed throughout the chamber, instantly bringing everypony to full attention and total silence. She toned it down a bit for the rest of her statement. "Eugene de Lis. I am dismayed by your lack of respect for this due process, that you might think to lash out at me, as if I were the one accusing you and yours. If you were of your wits, you would know that I had nothing to do with these accusations and am merely investigating an accusation made against you by another party." He began to sputter indignantly, but her voice rang out over top of him. "As such, it is clear to me that you have become emotionally compromised during this debate, and not only does such emotion cloud your judgement, but the only reasons for it to arise are either fear or stupidity!" Now the whole parliament began to mutter, but a few ponies stomped their hooves and somepony cried out, "Hear hear!" "Therefore, I refuse to participate any further in this foalish game you wish to play! I decree you and yours guilty, on the grounds that you are incapable of debating with a level head, and must therefore be emotionally compromised by your own guilt!" She stood abruptly, raising her voice further over the growing noise. "I no longer care for whether you are truly guilty! I refuse to be treated in this disrespectful manner, and the penalty for such a crime is comparatively minor for an estate such as yours! Be grateful that I do not raise it further for the satisfaction of my own ire! SILENCE!" The rising clamor died away in an instant and she snorted with satisfaction. "I have made my decision. Perhaps in the future you will think twice before disrespecting me or this parliament in such a disgraceful manner. Now begone, all of you! I grow weary of these proceedings. This hearing is adjourned!" Eugene de Lis' bewildered sputtering was drowned out by the sound of dozens of nobleponies collecting their papers and leaving the chamber. She glowered at him as they slowly left until, finally, he bowed his head, ears hung low, and began gathering his own belongings. Only then did she turn and look at Serenity, and she found the mare beaming at her. "W-What?" Serenity shook her head, still smiling broadly. "Nothing! That was just... well, it was completely against procedure and nothing like Celestia's hearings, but by Tartarus it was SO satisfying to witness." "Was it?" "Mmhmm! You have no idea how long the Maison de Lis has gotten away with tripe like this. I've been hoping to knock them down a peg or two for moons!" Bastion nodded and said, "Yeah, Silver Spear talks about them a lot. They've manipulated their way out of a good hoofful of penalties they really ought to have suffered." "Oh, is that why you have such grasp of these procedures? You and Captain Spear talk about them a lot?" He hesitated, then rocked his head in a gesture of uncertainty, "Partially, I suppose, but more it is just my own fascination. The higher in the ranks I climbed, the more I was able to witness the inner workings of this palace, and the more interesting it became to me. I have done considerable research in my personal time." Luna reached out with a wing and lifted his chin, "Pretty and clever. I think I will keep you." Bastion opened his mouth as if to reply, then closed it and blushed. Serenity giggled and said, "Also, as if that was not satisfying enough, you have stood up for yourself in front of the parliament, which I am very glad to see." "You are?" "Yes! I have been worried they would trot all over you, but now they will think twice before even raising a hoof in your presence. You cannot let them control you, even for a moment. After yesterday I worried you would be a... well, frankly, a pushover, so I am very happy to see that is not the case." The Princess raised her head proudly, then abruptly broke down into giggles, "In truth, Serenity, I cared little for his offense at all! I was merely seeking the quickest way to end the proceedings." Serenity blinked twice in surprise, then broke into a broad grin. "At least you can think on your hooves, then. Anywho, that was the last one for today." "Was it really?" Luna looked around in surprise, "Is it not still early in the day?" Serenity shrugged, "True, it's only mid-afternoon, but today was a short one. Tomorrow is more busy and will probably go late again like yesterday." She laid a hoof on Luna's fetlock and said, "You handled yourself well today, Princess." Luna snorted, but Serenity pressed her hoof harder. "I mean it! You are trotting all over the standard procedures, yes, but sometimes that's a good thing. I will definitely be suggesting some changes to Celestia's methods based on how you handled things today." She gaped at Serenity, "You will?" The little mare nodded happily, "I'm serious. You came across like you have weeks of experience, not a mere day and a half. The difference from yesterday to today is quite impressive." Luna shuffled her hooves, feeling a bit awkward, "I just... didn't want to smile and nod at everything again. And besides, most of the credit goes to you and Bastion. I would be lost without you two." The captain shook his head with a click of his tongue and Serenity nodded in agreement toward him. "He and I only had minor roles here. It was you who pulled the strings today. We merely helped you understand how to pull them." "Yes, well, um... alright, very well. I still think I fumbled some things, but I shall take your word for it. Perhaps tomorrow I can do better still." Then she touched her chin thoughtfully, "Well, if Celestia lets me continue ruling for another day or two. I find I quite enjoyed it today." * * * Luna stepped into her bedchambers and haphazardly tossed her regalia to the floor, much to Bastion's amusement. "Do you hate them or something?" "Oh no, they are quite nice, really. I just prefer my hooves, and I cannot exactly discard them like that when I am out and about." "Princess, you can do literally anything you want to do." She let out a sigh, "Yes, technically you are correct, but you know full well there would be consequences for a great number of things I might do. The consequences for trotting about barehoof may be comparatively minor, but they are not non-existent." "Hey, you might just start a new fashion trend." She laughed, "What a strange trend that would be! Hello, everypony, let us stop wearing horseshoes! Voila! Art." Bastion snorted with laughter and Luna giggled as well. "Princess Luna!" She jumped as Starlight's voice abruptly filled her head. She raised a hoof, but by now Bastion could already recognize what was happening. "Twilight and Anon are asleep, and so is the Overture human, I think, but I just had to tell somepony... I felt Celestia!" Luna gasped and tears sprung to her eyes. "Yes, the detection spell worked! It is faint, too faint to reliably tell the direction, but I can already tell it's getting stronger. We are almost there, Princess!" Then her voice lost some of its vigor. "Unfortunately, I think the ritual is finally wearing off. It has been nearly a full day after all, so I'm not exactly surprised, but still, it's a bit disappointing. I was looking forward to blasting a poacher-sized hole in the side of whatever disgusting hideout they are using to hide Celestia." Luna could almost hear the shrug in her voice. "But whatever. I can still handle things with my own power, especially with Twilight by my side. Besides, the artifacts still have power! The Ring of Laminus still enhances my control, and the Pegasaddle is working great! Hey, can I keep these? No no, I'm just foaling around. Anyway, those poachers don't stand a chance. Next report soon, I hope!" Luna beamed at Bastion, "She has detected Celestia! They are getting close!" "That's great!" He stepped closer and wrapped a hoof around her neck, surprising her with such forward behavior, but she quickly responded to the embrace. "Serenity was right, you know. You really did great out there today." "You weren't so bad yourself. I had no idea you were so well versed in the inner workings of our palace--I'd have brought you along yesterday if I had known!" He responded with a little peck on the cheek. She turned her head to give him a proper kiss. This went on to become a very enjoyable evening.