Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek

by Big Imagination E

Chapter 4: Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek (Comic Version)

With George and Harold they were in there treehouse getting all the supplies they need to create the comic. Like pens, crayons, A stapler, and some paper. They also have two boxes which contain two rings inside. One had a sapphire in the center and the other had a amethyst in the center.

"Well those are beautiful rings we got. I think our girls will love them." George smiled.

"I believe that they will too. I just hope Bon Bon doesn't go all crazy when I propose to her." Harold worried.

"Come on Harold. We told her that she needed to take things nice and slow so your good okay?" George said.

"Okay George. I trust you. Let's get working on the comic." Harold replied.

And like that they got started on the comic. And like the last two stories and we know that George likes to write the story on every comic they do and Harold likes to draw the pictures that puts the story together like a puzzle. Page after page they continued to work on the comic til eventually they reached the last page. When they did they put all the pages in the right order telling the whole story from beginning to end. Then they stapled it together making it whole.

"And finished! We present Captain Underpants and The Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek!" Harold declared.

"Let's read this so we can sell them at the playground. And make sure the Mane Six, Sunset and our girls get one." George said.

The two opened the comic and began reading it.

In the comic

"One sunny day in Equestria everything was peaceful and everyone is loving the weather." Harold started.

"But all that changed when the evil Tirek escaped from Tartarus and attacked. Seeking to take the throne of Equestria. But he knew he needed a better plan." George continued.

"So when a portal opened by Melvin he stole all the tech and used it to build a mechanical version of himself to destroy Equestria." Harold replied.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that my weapon is complete I will destroy those ponies and take Equestria for myself!" George said pretending to be Tirek.

"Then Tirek used that robot to destroy everything in sight and he even grabbed a few ponies and sucked up all their magic away. This was trouble brewing." Harold said.

"Princess! I bring you terrible news! Tirek is back and he's destroying everything in a giant robot!" George said pretending to be a guard.

"Oh dear! This looks like a job for...." Harold started.

"CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!!!" The boys shouted in unison.

"So Celestia told Captain Underpants the situation and flew out of the castle and faced Tirek head on!" Harold replied.

"But the job wasn't easy as Tirek grabbed Captain Underpants and drained his powers away. He stood powerless and needed a backup plan quick!" George stated.

"So in a quick attempt to face Tirek he ran fast as he could and found a special artifact called the Jewel of Immortality. He grabbed it and the power began surging through him. Then he was fully overpowered and took the fight to Tirek. Harold said.

"So he flew towards him and crashed through his mech and ripped the wires out. He also shot eye lasers destroying the head of the mech and Tirek was starting to panic." George replied.

"No! Stop! What are you doing?!" Harold said pretending to be Tirek.

"Then the mech started to malfunction and couldn't work properly anymore. It then exploded and Tirek was sent flying and falling." Harold replied.

"And then Captain Underpants blasted a magic beam at Tirek causing him to lose all his strength and shrink back to normal. He laid powerless and struggled to get up." George said.

"Your reign of stealing magic is over Tirek! Now it's back to jail with you!" Harold said pretending to be Captain Underpants.

"Aw man!" Geroge replied as Tirek.

"HURRAY FOR CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!!" The boys shouted in unison.

"And so Captain Underpants carried the powerless Tirek and flew him straight back to jail where he will never harm anyone else again. Once again Equestria was saved thanks to Captain Underpants! The End." Harold finished.

Out of the comic

"Well I gotta say that was quite a comic we made. Let's make a bunch of copies, sell these and remember to save some for the others." George said.

Harold took out the cloning ray and made multiple copies of the comics so they can sell them to the ponies. They grabbed a stack a headed out.

In the playground of Ponyville George and Harold took out their same stand they used to sell the last comic. Then they placed the comics on and began selling them for 5 bits.

"Extra! Extra! Read our latest issue by Treehouse Comics Inc!" George shouted.

"It's our latest one! Captain Underpants and The Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek!!" Harold replied.

Soon everyone got the message and immediately went to George and Harold to purchase a comic and boy they were selling like hotcakes! And luckily Lyra and Bon Bon came on time and got a copy of the comic and thanked them. After 2 hours they were completely sold out. They carried their stuff and headed back to the treehouse. But they didn't know that a hooded figure came and stole one of the comics and ran as fast as he could in the forest. The figure took off the hood and and revealed to be Tirek.

"So these boys happen to make comics huh? I wonder what it's about?" Tirek asked.

He opened the comic and started reading it. Of the one thing that attracted his attention was the part of him in the robot.

"Hmm. That's very interesting. You know what? I think that is what I want the weapon to be." Tirek smirked.

So he closed the comic and got to work building the weapon. Since they needed to be careful they sure will need Captain Underpants to be with them at all times.