//------------------------------// // Ch 10: The Party Begins // Story: My little Dragon Ball: FuyuMori // by Tundricwolf //------------------------------// Pinkie was rapidly rushing around the center of Ponyville. Tables were quickly set up, streamers and confetti were blown around thanks to Pinkie’s signature Party Cannon, and a massive cake sat atop a table. As Pinkie tirelessly worked setting up the party, Zecora and Tree Hugger were sitting inside Sugarcube Corner. The two were breathing heavily, sweat cascading down their faces. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were bring the two some drinks. “Jeez dude. How can one mare have so much energy?” Huffed Tree Hugger. “Hours of cake making and the young Pinkie Pie is still going.” Zecora wheezed. While Arctic hung out with the Crusaders, and Glacious sat with Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, poor Zecora and Tree Hugger were stuck with the hyperactive Pinkie Pie. When they got to Sugarcube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were obviously a bit on edge having Zecora and Tree Hugger there. But after seeing that Pinkie wasn’t scared and in fact having fun with them, they cautiously begun to give the two a chance and began speaking to them. It took some time, but they soon warmed up to them. Though, they were surprised and a bit sickened to hear how Tree Hugger and Zecora met when Mr. Cake asked them how they met after hearing Tree Hugger was adopted by Zecora. Even Pinkie was saddened. Her mane even deflated slightly. Though that only made her more determined to make this Apology Party as “spectacularific” as possible. She even got Tree Hugger and Zecora to help make cakes which tired the two mares out after some hours. “Here you two go.” Said Mrs. Cake. Zecora and Tree Hugger looked up. Mr. and Mrs. Cake had brought the two some water which the two took great-fully. Zecora took some small sips whereas Tree Hugger chugged the whole glass before asking for another. “I understand how you feel.” Said Mr. Cake. “Baking with Pinkie, while it can be rather fun, is very tiring.” “Especially since the young dear seems to have an endless amount of energy.” Said Mrs. Cake sympathetically. “How does she do it?” Asked Tree Hugger. “It’s been 7 hours and she’s still going.” Mrs. Cake chuckled softly. “You learn to get used to it after a while.” “I suppose not everypony can handle the Young Pinkie Pie.” Chuckled Zecora. As the four chatted amongst themselves, Pinkie was just finishing setting things up, when she heard hooves rapidly approaching. It was her friends. “Woah!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash once she saw everything. “You really went all out Pinkie.” “Well duh dashing! I had to make sure this was super spectacular and amazing for our newest friends!” Pinkie said as she put the finishing touches on the party. “Where’s Arctic and Ms. Glacious?” Pinkie asked. “Their not far behind us.” Rainbow said. “They should be here any minute now.” “Okie dokie. Let’s get ready!” Pinkie said. Pinkie went inside Sugarcube Corner and grabbed some blindfolds. She went up to Zecora and Tree Hugger and blindfolded them before leading them out to the party. Then, in the blink of an eye, Pinkie appeared in front of Arctic, Glacious, Spike, and the Crusaders, blindfolding them. “Pinkie Pie, what’s this for?” Asked Applebloom. “Oh, maybe it’s some kind of Surprise.” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Yep Yep!” Pinkie said. She slowly lead them to the party and once they were there, Twilight, using her took off the blindfolds. The first thing to greet them all was a giants banner that read, “Welcome to Ponyville! We’re sorry for being such big meanies!”. Arctic, Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger saw this, and their reactions varied. Arctic went up to the pink party mare, picked her up, and spun around around as he held the tiny pink mare tight. Glacious saw this and smiled as she started observing the party. Tree Hugger and Zecora were stunned to see everything. Pinkie was baking for hours all day with them and they were super tired, yet Pinkie had enough energy to set this up? And it seems she still has an unbelievable amount of energy let in her. It baffled them greatly. The Crusaders were just excited to be at a party and immediately started having some fun. “Weeee!” Pinkie said as she and Arctic spun around. “So Arc, you like it?” Pinkie asked. “Yeah I do!” Arctic said. “This will be our first real party Young Pinkie.” Glacious said as she walked up to them. Pinkie gasped as she her head snapped back and forth between Arctic and Glacious. “Your first real party?!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Now this party has to be super duper spectacularific for you.” “There is no need Young Pinkie. This party seems like it’ll be a rather, ‘Spectacularific’ one.” Glacious said as she gave Pinkie a small bow. Pinkie just smiled at this and began to have fun. The group all begun chat and just have fun. The group all played multiple different games drunk as much punch and apple cider as they could, though Rainbow Dash drank most of it, hogging it to herself. Glacious and Zecora chatted with Fluttershy. The shy doe was a bit surprised to hear Glacious and Zecora had a bit of a love for animals and was thrilled to talk about them with her. Tree Hugger was dancing with Pinkie. Tree Hugger, while not much of a dancer herself, did quite enjoy dancing it out with the tiny pink mare. Arctic, the poor soul, was subject to Twilight’s enthusiasm and urge to learn about the Saiyan. This unease him, but he did tell her what he could remember and, apprehensively, agreed to let Twilight do some tests on him when she asked. Elsewhere, the ponies of Ponyville, still hiding in their homes, could hear everything going on outside. Cautiously, many of them began to peak out. Seeing the ones they were afraid hanging out and having fun with the Element Bearers and the Crusaders, they slowly and nervously began to walk outside to join in on the party. Over time most of the town was partying. While still cautious, they were chatting with Arctic, Zecora, Glacious, and Tree Hugger. As Glacious talked with some ponies, many of them marveling at her height, she looked back and saw something that made her smile. Arctic was sitting with many of the fillies and colts. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Spike and Scootaloo were telling them about Arctic. Many of the fillies and colts were cautious, but amazed and curious about Arctic. Many of the asking to fly with him when the four Crusaders told them he had flown with them riding on his back. After some convincing, and talking with the foals parents, Arctic flew at slow speeds with the fillies and colts on his back, one at a time. Glacious just adored seeing her son playing with the foals and went went back to talking. After the party began to wind down, ponies began to go home, many of them having giant smiles. Pinkie was very happy for this. Soon it was the Element Bearers, the Crusaders, Glacious, Zecora, Tree Hugger, and Arctic. The group went to Twilight’s place, as Twilight wanted to have a bit of a sleepover. After getting there, they all wound down and relaxed. Rarity walked up to Arctic, Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger giving them all a box. There were outfits. Dresses for the mares and for Arctic, Rarity made him a whole new outfit. She was pleased to hear that they all really liked their outfits. Arctic even said he was very eager to put the outfit on in the morning. “I’m so glad you like it Darling. I have very many ideas on outfits I could make for you if you like.” Rarity said. “Thank you. Though, I don’t think I’ll be able to pay you for them.” Arctic said. Rarity just waved her hoof and smiled. “Nonsense Darling. There’s no need. The outfits I’ll be on the house.” “Are you sure?” Arctic asked. “Of course I am.” Rarity replied with a smile. “That is rather generous of you Young Rarity.” Glacious said. “Oh, why thank you Miss Glacious.” Rarity said. “Yeah, our Rarity’s generosity is amazing.” Pinkie said as she plopped down into Arctic’s lap. To which Arctic started absentmindedly petting her. Pinkie’s eyes widened and she tensed a bit but she then relaxed as her eyes drooped as she began a purr like a cat. “Still, ah’m glad y’all had fun. Pinkie’s parties are truly amazin’.” Applejack said with a smile “‘‘Twas an amazing party. That was the most fun I’ve had in ages.” Zecora said. “It was righteous, man. That party was such a vibe.” Tree Hugger said as she laid down. “I’m so glad you all enjoyed yourselves.” Fluttershy said.”I’m pretty sleepy, so I’m going to get some sleep.” “Think I’ll hit the hay too.” Rainbow said. “Guess we’ll all get some sleep.” Twilight said as she gathered extra blankets and pillows for them all. “Goodnight everypony.” After getting their pillows and blankets, the group all said their goodnights and promptly fell asleep ready to see what tomorrow had in store for them.