The Day My Life Ended

by Authora97

Chapter 42


Being awakened at six in the morning wasn’t my favorite thing in the world. Especially when I still had to take four Equestrians back to My Little Pony before school started. Plus, Darcy kept groaning about how she would have to go to school with me.

Which lead to me slapping her upside the head. She’s survived the Curse of the Black Pearl, she can make it thru a couple days as a Sophomore.

Taking Twilight and Spike, then taking a break so I could get ready for the day, I walked over to Applejack and Lilac.

“Alright, you two ready to go?”

“Yah betcha Morgan.” The blonde haired teen answered.

“Let’s go home.” Lilac said, not knowing I was planning on leaving her in Equestria under the care of Twilight. I explained it to the purple mare (when she was a mare) to keep Lilac inside the library or in my house.

Yeah, it kinda made me upset, but I wasn’t going to let her stay in America where Dominic was. If I could protect Lilac I would do it.

Taking both their hands as the Theme song played behind us, I slowly felt myself drift towards the magical land.

Slowly lifting my pink pony head, I cast the Numbing spell. It was almost instinct at this point. Soon enough the funny feeling of things moving beneath my skin passed. Turning over I saw an orange mare with a tan hat and a lilac colored dragon.

“Perfect.” Picking up Lilac with my amber magic, I began the small walk out of the Everfree Forest. Applejack following close behind me.

It was a short walk when done in the daylight. Soon enough Applejack was walking towards the Acres and I was still walking towards Twilight’s.

“Mom...why aren’t we going home?” Lilac asked as we entered Ponyville.

“Because, that’s why.” I said stubbornly.

Lilac remained silent for another few minutes, I tried staying calm so that I didn’t break down in the middle of the street. She became fidgety once we came in sight of the library.

Being that it was a public library, I walked right in. Twilight was always having to remind ponies of this fact, but they knocked anyway. Apparently, I was one of the few with common sense.

Twilight and Spike were milling about the library, probably making sure everything was in order. Plus, I pretty sure in a week or so Twilight is gonna be asked to help with Saddle Arabian Magic Act, and Trixie. I know she doesn’t like me, mainly because I showed her up, but haters gonna hate.

“Twi, I’m here!” I yelled, getting her attention.

“Gah!” Twilight gasped, dropping a couple books from her magic grasp. “Raspberry! Don’t go scaring me like that!”

“You were expecting me. So, forgive me if I didn’t send you a notice of my upcoming arrival.” I said in a slightly fancy way, sometimes it was fun to use accents.

Twilight rolled her eyes at my antics, she walked over towards me as I lifted Lilac off my back and onto hers.

“I’ll be back...when I’m back. Don’t forget those things Darcy taught you, work on magic, and try to keep it as need to know as possible. Wish I could stay longer but Dad will have my plot if I’m late for school. Gotta go bye!” Before the dragon or mare could say more, I vanished.

Opening my eyes, I saw Darcy standing over me. She had a crazy look in her purple eyes and a large knife in her hands.


“I see you found your lucky knife.” How the hell did she find that?!

“Uh-huh. Wanna know where I found it?” I shook my head. “Too bad. It was in your sock drawer. Why would it be there Morgue?” Darcy asked.

“ was cold?” I shrugged. “Maybe it wanted to spend time with it’s favorite aunt but was too shy to come out of the drawer? Maybe it wanted to find the mystery that is life?” While saying this, I was carefully moving away from Darcy, towards my backpack and out the door. She stomped her foot. “You can keep the knife Darcy, just no using it on school grounds!”

The evil twin smiled, the crazy look leaving her eyes. Dammit that girl knew how to play me!

“Perfect, your mom is waiting in the car.”

We both knew why she didn’t call Mom, Mom. It would get all confusing, her mom was six-feet under and that was how Darce wanted her to stay.

Picking up my bag, I began the school week.


Waking up, the first thing I saw was Darcy throwing her knife onto a plank of wood. She had been doing this last night after dinner, but in the backyard.

Yeah, Darcy was a strange case. We had science class yesterday, she thought it funny to bring in frogs to dissect. Then letting them out of the cage. She locked a student in a locker when they tried to take Darcy’s knife and show it to Dad (I told to be lucky that was all she did) while laughing madly. When school ended, she tried to run off into the woods. I threw her into Mom’s van so she couldn’t go off on a kill spree.

“Darce, you know what would help with that?” My tired voice asked.

“No, what? More wrist?”

“No. More space and less morning.” I yawned, carefully walking over towards the dresser.

“Pfft. Why do you hate morning so much? The early bird kills the worm Morgue.

“Two things; first, it’s the early bird gets the worm Blondie. Second, I don’t hate morning, I’d just wish they’d come later in the day.” Ah, there’s my favorite butterfly shirt.

“I know, I just wish it would go like that.” Darcy explained before pulling a dark purple shirt with red and black striped sleeves out of my other dresser.

I groaned. “Darce, if you’re gonna rob a store then at least get me something.”

She motioned towards the closet.

“I got you something, I’m not that stupid ya know.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night doll.” I laughed,

Darce laughed humorlessly.

“Funny. You were a doll too ya know.” Darcy's eyes widened. “What was your name?”

“What?” I choked.

“Your doll name. Glen had Shitface, what was your’s?”

“Why would I tell you? You could post my face with said name all over town. Or online!” I yelled.

“Where you would live forever.” Darcy said dreamily. “If only we could figure out how to Travel into the World Wide Web.”

“Where porn is on every corner? No smurfing way.” I told her as she groaned.

“Why must you bring smurfs into this?”

“Why do you answer all my questions with questions?”

“How come you always use smurf instead of shit?”

“How did your brain get so full of shit?”

“Nice try you prude.” Darcy argued.


“Why is there a pony version of me on your wall?”

“Why do you still wear your little sis necklace even after what I did?”

This, stopped the crazy killer. Her eyes widened and she reached up for the necklace hung around her neck. It was meant to be a keychain, but Darce figured out how to turn in into a necklace. The attachment was a metal lollipop with pink coloring with in the same shade of pink the words Lil Sis a link above it.

It was then I noticed the look of shame cross her face, she mumbled something I couldn’t quite catch.

“Huh?” I asked.

She mumbled it a little louder, but I was still a mumble.

“Darce, Darce are you okay?” Walking over the stuff thrown on my floor I placed a hand on my sister’s shoulder.

“I. forgave. you.”.

“Say that again?”

“I. forgave. you.”

“One more time?”

“I. forgave. you.”.

It was loud enough that time.

“You...did?” She wasn’t mad at me? Darcy had forgiven me after all those years? brought a tear to my eye.

The straight haired girl nodded.

“Well, that changes things.” I said before walking over to a small red box I kept on the large display where I kept my TV and various objects. Reaching inside I pulled out something that made Darcy gasp.

It was necklace. The charm was different than hers, more purple with the words Big Sis in the same shade. I carefully placed it on my neck as I hugged Darcy.

“I missed this way more than the arguing.”

“Me too.” Darcy said, squeezing my to the point of suffocation.

It was the best I felt in months.

That night, we had all gathered round the dinner table. Pasta night. As we all began eating, Mom started up a conversation.

"So, Morgan, tell me. How exactly did you get Darcy here as a sister?"

Both of us choked up our small mouthfuls of spaghetti. Carefully cleaning my face from the sauce, I looked up at my mom.


"You heard me. How did this purple eyed girl become your sister?"

I looked at Darcy, she apparently doing the same. We were both wearing our matching necklaces proudly, we had been all day. She seemed a little uncertain, I was fucking terrified.

"Uh. was this movie series...that umm...involved dolls and a kid named Andy. I had...planned to go alone but...when I got there... Darcy was sitting in the living room. Eyes already purple." I half-lied.

"It's all pretty straight forward after that. We played the movie thru, I only ended up...mortally injuring two people-" She failed to mention which two. "Morgue covered for me, she's been my BSBFF ever since."

"Geez, that stupid nickname? Why'd you have to steal from Sparkle of Twilight?"

"'Cause it makes way more sense than BKB." Best Killing Buddy, for those of you who didn't know.

"Ugh...there Mom. Happy with our answer?"

"No." Mom said, almost glaring at me.

"Neither am I Morgan." Dad said. Thank God I wasn't sitting next to him.

"And...what would?" Darcy asked.

"The truth." I gulped.

"That's classified." Darcy said quickly. "We'd both appreciate if you let it stay that way."

"Darcy," I tried. "Stop pushing it."

My sister leaned close to me, talking to me in our very own special way. "Eugrom, yeht era gniksa su ot llet meht tuoba ruoy terces yrotsih! I evah ot pleh uoy no taht!"

"Yako, tub uoy t'nod deen ot eb ym draugydob. Gnignirb pu esoht semit si drah hguone! Pord ti!" I ordered.

Darcy gave me a sad look before turning to our confused parents. "Morgue wants to drop the subject. We don't like getting into the gritty details."

The rest of our meal was in silence, the little nightmare I had that night being the only reminder of it all.


Storming down the stairs, skipping some to get to the kitchen and food before we went off for a church event, I noticed Darcy talking with Derek.

“Please tell me you aren’t hitting on my brother?” I asked in mock concern.

“No” Darcy groaned. “He just had a couple questions.”

“About?” I asked while grabbing a bag small bag of Doritos.

“The Doctor.” Darcy said.

“Which one? Oh, right. You only knew the 12th.” I said, opening the bag and eating a chip.

“Exactly.” Darcy said. “It was a little confusing there, but I’m giving cliff notes.”

“You were there for one episode. Uno.” I told my twin.

“You were there for way more.” Darcy quipped.

“Yep, they were a pretty crazy bunch. River Song was cool, same for Donna. Of course, I didn’t know them for long anyway.”

“Wait...Matt Smith is the Eleventh. The Twelth hasn't come out yet." Derek pointed out.

"Yes, but you're forgetting about the one from the Time-" Darcy began.

"Darce, shut it!" I yelled. Darcy gave me a quizzical look. "Spoilers." She nodded.

Darcy patted his back before walking towards the door, today she wore a dark purple shirt with leather fingerless gloves, a black leather jacket and skinny jeans with tears by the knees. She never wore heels, one of the many Horror Movie Rules: no heels. They only slow you down.

“Did you at least get me a bag?” Darcy asked me.

“Sorry, they didn’t think to buy chips for you. Plus, I’m sure you weren’t gonna get extra spicy barbeque.”

“They have extra spicy barbecue somewhere?” Damian asked.

“In a horror flick from the like...90’s. They probably don’t exist anymore but Darcy still hopes.” I laughed.

“Yeah, and if I wasn’t burned to death in that one I would’ve gone back to Carrie.”

“You hated Carrie, don’t lie.”

“She was a religious nut. What? I was supposed to be her friend?”

“No. It was my turn anyway, we went to Halloween afterwards and you got to help kill all the babysitters you wanted.” I laughed.

“Should I still be listening?” Damian asked.

Looking to my brother, I realized I was getting close to Darcy. Nearly face to face.

“Uh...nah. We’re trying to stop arguing violently.” I explained. Derek nodded as Terence ran down the stairs.

“Let’s go already, I don’t wanna be stuck in that place longer than I have to.” Darcy groaned.

“She had a bad experience with a church. To this day she won’t step foot onto Holy Ground without me holding her hand, like a wittle bitty baby.” I mocked.

Darcy laughed nervously. “Morgue’s lying. It was a Buddhist temple.”

This made my brothers chuckle at her expense. Darcy’s nervous expression changed to a smile, she was feeling like part of the family.


It was almost time for...well I won’t say bed. It was almost 9 ‘o'clock. Darcy had an okay day at school, she ordered her favorite Meat Lovers pizza from Pizza Hut ‘cause I ran out of stuff for her to mooch off of. In English she thought it would be good to give a story about her times in Nightmare on Elm Street, leaving it to me to explain to everyone she just loved that movie.

Lila finally called with the times and security files. Downloading them onto my back-up computer, Darcy and I spent three hours after school shorting thru all the files. Making a plan of action and figuring out everything.

Darcy went towards the Center, in one of the ninja suits, to investigate the guards and get the codes. I stayed behind to get all the equipment together. Earpieces, tranqs, darts, ammo, small hunting knives, head masks, more ninja suits, black sneakers with matching socks, sharpies to color code the shoes (sorry, but I couldn’t suppress my Pinkieness any longer), gloves and, finally, sunglasses with infrared and heat sensor technology.

Most of them were from my Travels to spy movies, Spy Kids was great and Austin Powers was way better.

When Darce came back, it was 8 and she had everything else we needed to get in. We still had to get over the whole none of them are ready for this thing.

Darcy smiled her evil little smile when she saw the toys for the mission.

“Sis, this is just like Christmas.” She had said.

“Christmas was a month ago Darce, for people here that is. For me it was...maybe three.”

Darce had nodded, understanding that time was a funny thing. Most of the time, if I was gone longer than a day I would wake up and find an hour had passed. That’s the most any Jump-err Travel lasted. One hour Human Time (yes, that’s actually what I call it), but it varied for Jumper Time.

So almost an hour later we sat around the shoes, coloring in the whites. Rainbow was obvious. Applejack got three orange stripes, then a yellow, green and red. Twilight got her mane colors, lots of dark blue, then stripes of hot pink and lavender. Rarity got four deep purple, white, then blue. Fluttershy got light yellow, light pink and turquoise. I got dark pink with silver and gold. Darcy got dark purple to go with her eyes, then dark red with a black line going thru it. Pinkie Pie got hot pink with two light blue stripes with a bright yellow in the middle. Anna got bright blue all around, Caroline got dark green and Maddie’s was colored orange. Lilac and Spike had none, for they would be staying in the safety of the truck still sitting in our driveway. For Lila, I just got a white headband and used almost sky blue glitter glue to write her

We were as ready as we were gonna be.


Tonight was the night. By this time tomorrow we would be free of Dominic. After one quick check, making sure my three friends were all dressed and ready to go I went (with the picture of my Permit Party) to My Little Pony.

Running into Ponyville, I noticed it was the middle of the afternoon. Everypony looked happy, I could see Rainbow working with the Weather Team in the distance so that was good. While running thru town I noticed the CMC going after cutiemarks again. They all gave me odd looks, Lilac must’ve told them I ditched her here. That’s a bad sign.

I was running towards the library to get Twilight when I noticed something odd. Guards were standing by the front door. Dressed in what I can only guess was the armor of the Crystal Empire.


Carefully walking towards the library, I soon noticed the two guards looking at me with harsh eyes.

“Uhh...I would like to pick somepony up?” I said, half-scared.

They both remained still.

“It’s really important that I get inside.” Now I was starting to get angry.


Not wanting to have to stand here for ten minutes or for somepony to open the door, I took a few steps back.

Then I gasped.


The guards aimed their spears at me, I quickly teleported opposite them holding a red blanket.

“Ole!” I shouted. The now unguarded door was opened by a purple and green dragon.

“Raspberry, you’re back!” Spike cheered.

“Talking later.” I said before running into the library, pushing Spike inside and slamming the door shut.

Inside, three ponies were giving me odd looks. One a pink alicorn, white unicorn and purple unicorn. I assumed Lilac was upstairs, hiding.

Giving them a small wave, I felt the door being pushed behind me.

“Hide me!” I yelled, quickly running into the kitchen before the guards could bust down the door.

When they did, they ran inside the library and tried to find me.

“Iron Lance! Sharp Shot! Stop scaring Raspberry!” Twilight yelled. Hiding the kitchen, I was slightly able to hear the guards give apologies. “Raspberry you can come out now.”

Slowly, I walked out of the kitchen.

The two guards were leaving the library, leaving me with the Royal Ponies.

“Shiny Hiney, Cadance, how are things? I haven’t seen you two in...almost a month and a half right?”

Shining Armor gave me an angry glare, he really hated when I called him that. Cadance only smiled.

“Yes and it’s wonderful to see you again Raspberry.” Cadance greeted

“You as well. Twilight, was Lilac okay?” I asked the dragonsitter.

“She’s pretty mad. I had to let her go to a Crusader meeting and Rarity and Applejack explained that theirs sister’s are now on uncertain terms with you.”

“Understandable. Are the others okay?”

“Yes, turns out we missed some excitement with the Harvest Festival. One of the floats crashed off a cliff.” Twilight said, looking a little angry.

“Heard about that, are Rarity and Applejack mad?”

“Yes.” Twilight answered.

“Again, understandable. Why are your brother and sister-in-law here? Not that I’m unhappy, just mildly confused.” This wasn’t on TV.

Twilight gestured towards the two sitting on the couch as Spike walked towards us.

“They heard I was on a mission for the Elements. They became concerned and apparently wanted to make sure I was okay.” Twilight explained. “Even though I keep telling them I can handle myself.”

“Twily is it wrong that I came to check up on you after you went missing for over a week?” Shining Armor asked, sounding concerned.

“No, but treating me like I’m still the filly who spent all day reading books and not making friends is.” Twilight growled.

“I think it’s time Twilight.” I said cryptically.

Twilight stopped the almost argument, looking at me slightly scared.

“Are you sure?”

“Yep, I just need you and the others. It should only take a few hours, four at longest, two at shortest.”

“That was faster than I expected.” Twilight said, shocked.

“Da-Killjoy and I can be productive when we want to be.” I corrected, can’t call her Darcy here.

“I thought you told us during the Wedding that Killjoy was in an accident?” Shining Armor asked.

“She was, but I’ll spare you the grizzly details Shiny Hiney.” He almost growled. “I’ll go check on Lilac.”

“She’s upstairs.” Twilight said quickly. Running towards Twilight’s room, I could see a small figure lying in a second basket.

The small figure was hiding underneath a blanket, a deep blue one at that. Carefully walking up the stairs, I saw the figure trying hard not to be seen underneath them all.

Poking her side carefully, I saw her move deeper into her hideaway.

“Lilac.” I spoke out. “I’m sorry.” She only moved the blankets again. “It’s just that I- I wanted to- I couldn’t- We just- gah how do people do this?” Taking a deep breathe to try and stop the tears I could feel from coming. “I didn’t want to fail again. The thought of you getting taken away nearly broke me.” Lilac still didn’t move. “Even if I wanted to stay here with you I couldn’t. I would still have to wake up and help Aunt Darcy with the plan. A plan that needs concentration.

“And if I kept you with me, I would be scared every minute. If I looked away for a second I would think you would be gone the next. If I fell asleep, someone would break into the house and take you. If I let you come to school and take some classes, I wouldn’t see you at lunch.

“You would be an epic distraction. Your my little girl and I couldn’t let you stay with me without keeping you glued to my side. I still feel lucky Mom and Dad haven’t grounded me yet. And...if I was watching you and trying to work on the plan, I might’ve done something wrong and the Mane 6 and my friends would pay for it.

“Can you find it in your heart to forgive me Lilac?”

The bundle didn’t move, she was probably processing my words. It felt like I stood there for hours, the tears finally fell onto the wooden floor during that time. The blanket was moved slightly, on the other side of her face to let her breathe probably.

“Mom.” It sounded like a question.

“Yeah?” I choked.

Lilac was silent for a second. “Can I get a chocolate cake with ruby sprinkles and grape icing?”

“With banana nut muffins for toppers.” I pleaded.

In a flurry of motion, the blanket was gone and something gripped my neck.


Hugging Lilac back, I slowly let us drop to the floor.

I had her back in my hooves.

After some more arguing with Shiny Hiney, I was allowed to take Twilight and Spike away. We gathered up the others, Pinkie was practically following us and just met me at my house.

I gave Twilight the picture, letting her use the spell cause I didn’t have the time or energy to take them all two by two.

Our mission had begun.