Unable to Escape

by Aqua Shimmer

...My Fate

Rainbow lowered her head as she was told what had happen on Discord and Luna's trip. Dark was the alicorn of death, much like Luna was the alicorn of the night and Celestia was the day. He.... wasn't happy that the five young mares were to be forced into his domain, but they were bound to come soon anyway. There was one way they would be able to heal, but he hadn't wanted it to come to that. So they called Crystal, who was Dark's sister and the alicorn of life. The four of them had conversed for quite some time but Crystal told them rather plainly that they were to close to death and it was out of her jurisdiction. Dark then told them that the venom in their blood was from a creature thought dead long before Luna and Celestia's parents were born. It was slowly dissolving the flesh on the mares. After that, the pair asked him how they could fix it. There was but they didn't want to tell her. only when she pried enough did they say it was a dangerous and cruel cure. They didn't want to use it unless she agreed, mainly because the immortals couldn't use it. Her choice was obvious though, despite any consequences, and Discord pulled out a small vile with a glowing purple liquid inside.

"This is it. When do you want to use it?" Rainbow looked up at him sadly but with determination.

"Tomorrow." Rainbow walked down the stairs, away from the two immortals. Discord looked towards Luna, who was watching were Rainbow had disappeared with sadness. She sighed and looked towards Discord. He saw tears forming in her eyes. He felt his water as well. He closed his eyes and allowed the tear to roll down his cheek.

"I wish there was another way, Luna." He felt Luna hug him.

"So do I, Discord, so do I." They held their sorrowful embrace for several minutes before pulling apart and walking downstairs. The light in the fort seemed dimmer and Rainbow was talking in a quiet voice.

"The kingdom mourned for years but out of everything bad that had happened, good things came out of it. Two young ponies, unknown to the world, were born holding the powers of the lost king and queen. The filly, a pegasus, was able to sense things from hundreds of miles away. From where she sat in her crib in Trottingham, she could hear and see the nobles in Canterlot. The colt, a unicorn, was able to survive almost any attack without injury." Discord smiled, realizing that Rainbow was telling them an age-old fairy-tale. He glanced at Luna, who settled onto a pillow at the edge of the fort to listen. Discord walked over and sat next to her, preparing for the long night.


Rainbow woke up with something purple in her face. She raised her head and saw Scootaloo curled up next to her. She smiled and nuzzled the filly before standing up and carefully walking out of the fort where they fell asleep. She walked out and looked around. She quietly laughed at Discord, who was curled around the sleeping form of Princess Luna. She shook her head and walked past them to the kitchen. she looked at the things that were available in the cabinets. Fairly soon, she was cooking their breakfast on the stove. She heard a shuffle behind her and a confused voice.

"Rainbow?" She turned and saw Spike staring at her like she was insane. "You're cooking?" She looked at his worried expression, confused at why he was looking at her like that.

"Yeah, why?" The young dragon glanced around, as if looking for an escape.


"You're worried I'm going to burn down the library, aren't you?" Spike nodded and Rainbow chuckled. "Relax I'm way better at cooking than Twilight is." She turned back to the food, expecting Spike to walk away. However, she heard no footsteps signaling the dragon's departure. She smiled slightly. "You can help if you want."

"Really?" Rainbow looked at him, smiling gently.

"Of course. Come on." Spike quickly ran up to her and pulled up a stool so he could see what they were doing. "Let's get started then, shall we?"


Discord woke up to a great smell, which didn't seem right considering he never had before. What was going on? He opened his eyes and saw Luna stretching. She saw him up and smiled sadly. He looked at her before standing up and stretching.

"The others are in the kitchen." Discord nodded and Luna walked away, presumably to the kitchen. Discord looked around and sighed. He wasn't looking forward to the events today. He walked into the kitchen and saw the others eating pancakes. He saw Rainbow placing pancakes on a plate and pouring more batter into the pan. She saw him and smiled.

"About time you got up." He smiled weakly. Rainbow rolled her eyes and handed him a plate that had pancakes and eggs. He wasn't very used to being given food but he smiled.

"Thanks. He took the plate and sat in a nearby chair.

"Don't mention it." He watched her sadly as she got back to cooking. He quietly began eating. After he was done he walked out of the kitchen and pulled out the small vile. He stared at it for a moment, both wanting to preserve it and smash it at the same time. His grip tightened then he loosened it, sighing. Luna walked up next to him, laying a hoof on his shoulder.

"Why Luna? Why did it have to be this way?" He heard her sigh.

'I don't know, Discord." Discord lowered his head. Luna turned away from him, straightening up and taking a few steps toward the kitchen. Discord looked over and saw Rainbow slowly walking out, carrying three fillies, one holding on to her leg, one laying on her back, and one clinging on to her neck.

"Please Rainbow."

"For the last time girls, I can't."

"Pwease~!" Sweetie Belle begged Rainbow from her position on the mare's leg, giving Rainbow her biggest puppy eyes. Discord stared, his heart melting but Rainbow only smiled slightly.

"I have to go take care of a few things, and besides, I could always make more later, right?" The fillies stared at her before unlatching themselves from her and forming a huddle, whispering. they paused for a moment, looking at rainbow with quizzical looks before whispering again. They then separated and stood in a straight line.

"We agree with your offer. We shall return later." They then slowly walked out of the library, but as soon as the door shut the heard the fillies celebrating. Rainbow chuckled slightly and walked over to Luna and Discord.

"Well that was......something." Discord looked at Rainbow, unsure how to react to the fillies. Rainbow and Luna looked at each before laughing. "What?" They didn't answer and kept laughing. "What did I do?" They still just laughed. "Hello? Can you even hear me? HHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The laughter kept going and Discord just walked out of the library due to his frustration. "Mares." He grumbled a bit before realizing that he was unconsciously heading towards Fluttershy's house. He froze and turned around, heading back towards the library. He Tightened his grip around the vile he had forgotten was in his grasp. Rainbow and Luna met him before he had reached they library and they both apologized for his lack of understanding fillies, which just made him annoyed. They walked a little, awkward silence falling between them. They didn't want to talk. They walked up to the hospital, pausing at the door. They stared at it before Rainbow sighed and walked in. The other two followed her in and they were greeted by the nurse at the desk.

"How may I help you today?" The nurse didn't even look up from he magazine when she addressed them.

"I'm here to visit-"

"Go ahead Ms.Dash. But only two visiting at a time, one of your friends will have to wait."

"Thank you." Rainbow started walking towards the hallway and Discord looked and saw Luna heading for the couch in the waiting room.

"Go with her, I'll wait til it's over." Discord nodded and floated after Rainbow. They quietly entered the room and looked at the five mares laying there. Discord looked from them to Rainbow, who had lowered her head.


"Give me the potion."

"You have to-" She looked up to face him, tears streaming down here face.

"I don't care Discord! I failed to protect them and now I have to fix my mistake, no matter what happens to me."

"It wasn't your f-"

"Yes it was. Please Discord. I have to." He looked at her painfully before handing over the vile. As soon as Rainbow had it Discord hugged her.

"I'm sorry, Rainbow. You shouldn't have had to face this. I will.....remember you." He let her go and looked away from her before turning around and walking out to where Luna was waiting. He sat down and looked at the floor. After about a minute he some noise, he squeezed his eyes shut, tears starting to fall. There was a scream and the heart monitor went flat.

"Help! Somepony help!" He hugged himself and curled into a ball.

"Discord." He looked up and over to Luna, who was staring at him sadly. "We have to calm them." She pointed towards the hall. Discord looked over and saw the doctor's pulling a stretcher into another room. Five mares tried running after them but were stopped.

"Get out of mah way!" Discord got up and walked over as Applejack tried to fight to get to her injured friend. Her others friends, save for Fluttershy, looked like they were going to join her.

"Stop." They turned to look at him. Before they could say anything, he turned and looked at Luna, nodding. "One last goodbye then." He walked over to her and the others followed. He looked at the mares that had followed. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. He sighed and hugged them just as Luna cast her spell, drowning the area in a white light.
Discord opened his eyes, which were adjusting to the bright white landscape they were in. He stood up and looked around, looking down at the five mares that had joined he and Luna. He looked back around and saw Rainbow start to slowly appear.

"Rainbow!" He held out his claw to stop them.

"Just wait." Rainbow looked around.

"Hello? Where am I?" Discord watched her sadly. She couldn't see them. He looked over to one side and saw a black alicorn with a fiery red mare appear. Dark. His red eyes narrowed at Rainbow before softening. He looked past her as a white alicorn with a light green mane and light aqua eyes appeared as well. Crystal. She pushed her long mane out of the way of her eyes. She looked at her brother and nodded. He cleared his throat.

"Miss Rainbow Dash." Rainbow looked over at him. "I'm sorry that you have come here so early." Rainbow looked away and Crystal took a few steps towards her.

"Rainbow, what you did can not be repaid." Rainbow stared at her before sighing.

"What happens now?"

"You pass on. What happens after that is up to you." Rainbow nodded before looking at the two alicorns.

"And my friends? Will they be okay? Will I ever see them again?" The alicorn's gazes softened.

"They'll be fine and yes," He looked over to where Luna and Discord were standing and smiled sadly. "I believe you will."

"That's our cue, Lulu." His claws light up in a brilliant yellow light and Luna also light up her horn. Discord didn't take his eyes off of Rainbow who covered her eyes as the bright light suddenly pierced anything keeping them hidden from her. As soon as they stopped, Rainbow looked up and her eyes widened. She took a single step forward before running up and hugging her friends. Discord took a step backwards, giving them space. The mares kept hugging for a while before taking a few steps away from each other.

"Rainbow, why?" Rainbow looked away, sighing sadly.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't just do nothing. I-" Applejack shook her head.

"None of that, Rainbow." The orange mare move closer and hugged her friend. The others hugged her as well. He looked at Luna, who was talking with Dark and Crystal. Dark moved away from the two mares and closer to the group of young ponies.

"I'm afraid it's time. You will see her again when your times come." With one last hug, Rainbow walked away from her friends. She looked back at them and smiled.

"Do me one favor though, girls. Have a good life." With that, Rainbow disappeared and the group reappeared in the hospital waiting room. They looked around before a doctor walked over to them.

"I'm sorry, but Rainbow Dash did not make it." The mares lowered their heads and cried quietly. Discord lowered his head as well.
"So this is how it ends.............."