//------------------------------// // 3: Table Conversations. // Story: The Curiosity of Mr. Disc // by CrackedInkWell //------------------------------// “So asides from me,” I asked them after taking another few fries in my mouth. “Who else knows about that portal thing?” “I think it’s just us,” Rainbow answered. “That is if you don’t count Twilight and maybe the other us from over there.” “Have any of you ever met them?” “I have, briefly,” Sunset said, taking another sip from her drink. “But I've never really got the chance to actually meet them. Yet I would think that they would be something like us.” I shrugged, “So am I the only one here who’s the first to tumble through that portal and into, whatever you call that place?” “As far as I know,” Fluttershy spoke up. “I think you may be the very first person to ever do something like that.” “But you gotta admit that it does sound cool right?” Rainbow asked. “I mean, you just went to a completely different dimension here, an alternative universe with us in it.” Although I didn't say anything, I admit that it was pretty cool. Instead, I replied, “You’re telling me that like none of you have ever been over there… Have you?” They didn't say anything. So I spoke what’s on my mind, “Hold on, you mean none of you have ever stepped through to see what’s on the other side? I mean, last I've checked, that purple princess has already fixed the thing to stay open, so why not?” “Why haven’t you?” Applejack questioned. “Well, I still have a job here- oh.” “Applejack is right,” Rarity said. “As tempting as it is, some of us do have some obligations to attend to. Some of us have jobs, another family.” “And besides,” Sunset piped up. “I don’t know if I wanna go back there.” “How come?” I asked her. “I thought you said you’re from there?” “Yeah but, the last time I was there when I was Princess Celestia’s student, I left on really bad terms. You see, I tried to overthrow her and… you can guess the rest.” “You’re a teenager and you've tried to pull a coup d'état on the horse version of my boss?” I asked, “I’m actually kinda impressed.” “What?” “Yeah, it’s not like every day that I've encountered a teenager who committed treason from an alternative universe. But I’m off track though, what were we talking about?” “Something about if any of us have been to Equestria,” Pinkie reminded him after scoffing down another hamburger. “Oh right, so what is it that you girls do anyway that prevent any of you from visiting?” I asked. “Well, I am the captain of the Canterlot Wondercolts team,” Rainbow uttered. “Ah help run the family farm and bottle our cider,” Applejack said. “I have a part-time job here at the restaurant,” Pinkie chimed in. “I tailor clothing for a boutique, which I’m very good at, I’ll have you know,” Rarity commented. “I just take care of animals,” Fluttershy muttered. I looked over to Sunset, “And you?” I asked her. “I just work at the school.” “So have any of you ever planned on going there?” I asked. “Well,” Fluttershy said. “From what I've heard from Twilight and Sunset, it does sound rather lovely.” “I’m rather curious myself,” Rarity said putting her finger to her chin. “Since these Equestrians have clothes that they wear, I wonder what their fashion looks like.” “A place where ponies can run a farm,” Applejack mused. “That I’d like to see.” “And they have flying sports over there,” Rainbow joined in. “I wouldn't mind kicking their butts at their own game.” “Oh! And I wanna see how they party over there!” Pinkie added. The girls went round and round about what they would like to do in that land of ponies. All that is, except for Ms. Shimmer, at least, not right away when she asked, “Would you go back?” “As long as I don’t run into the other me, I’m game.” “Oh yeah, I remember Twilight mentioning that what was he like.” “Well, there is one thing about the other me that I've learned about myself.” “And what’s that?” “I've learned that I can be incredibly thick at times.” “I wonder what it might be like meeting our other selves.” Pinkie mused, “And I wonder if I should throw a party for them. I’m not so sure, I mean, it’s us but not really us. Besides, how can I surprise me when I’m the queen of surprises? It’s like a weird Zen riddle or something.” “But, should we?” Fluttershy asked: “I mean, what would happen to us if we ran into our other selves; would both of our worlds explode or something?” “I highly doubt that Fluttershy,” I told her. “I've met the other me, and the world didn't end, which is a little bit disappointing when you think about it.” Then suddenly, a question popped into my head, “Wait-a-minute, Ms. Shimmer, you said that you’re from an alternative universe right?” “Yeah?” she answered with a raised eyebrow. “Have you ever run into the other you?” “You know, I thought I would, except, I never did. I tried looking for the other me on the internet only to come up with nothing. So I don’t know if there is a second me here.” As I finished the fries with the cola, an idea came to me like someone switched a lightbulb in the attic, “I got an idea.” “What’s that?” Applejack asked. “What if, as a group, go to that Equestria place for a day on a weekend.” The table went silent so I added, “I mean, we don’t have to do it this very weekend, but maybe next Saturday that we as a group step through the portal, take a look around and come right back here. Besides, it’s been quite an inspiration for my artwork so far so maybe it could inspire all of you as well.” “Next Saturday?” Rainbow asked. “Any objections to the idea?” the group looked at each other. Sunset spoke up, “How about you give us time to think about this.” “Fine by me,” I said as I got up from my seat. “I’m going to start heading home anyway, and besides, I’m in no hurry as it is. So take your time, oh, and by-the-way, thanks for the free meal. It’s been interesting talking to you girls.” And with that, I roller-skated back to my car.