The Curiosity of Mr. Disc

by CrackedInkWell

21: The Return, the Visitor, and the Film.

The girls said their goodbyes to one another with the promise that they’ll come back sometime in the near future, preferably for the summer before we all jumped back through the looking glass. One dizzy light show later we were all spat out onto the concrete in a dogpile with me on the bottom.

“Again! Again!” Pinkie cheered on. We looked around to find that, yes, everything did come with us. Rarity’s suitcase with a modified dress, as well as the gifts they got from Equestria, although some of it seemed to have modified a little to fit them better.

“Can one of y’all mind giving me a lift?” Applejack asked. “Ah think Ah have a good idea where their Crusaders might be.”

“How do you know?” I questioned.

“They said they’re lookin’ for the Clubhouse, which is on our farm on the edge of town. It’s jus’ at the very end of Pony Hill Road.” I volunteered to take her there to find them. The others said their “See ya’s” and went their separate ways while I let the young farmer into my car.

A few streets later and a warning not to open the glove box because it contains a lunch that has been left there since the end of the Vietnam War, I started up a conversation.

“So what are ya going to do when you find them?”

“Firsts thin’ is give them an old fashion tongue lash, then lasso them to the car, and then it’s back to Equestria with them.”

“Do I have a say in this?” I raised an eyebrow before stopping at an intersection. “I mean, both you and your other self know perfectly well about how I see them after all.”

“Ha. Y’all were right about one thing. The four of ya do have somethin’ in common.”

“And that being?” I asked as I pressed on the gas.

“Ya have a knack of gettin’ yerselves inta trouble.”

“Why Applejack, I’m hurt,” I mocked. “The very idea that I would cause trouble all the time,” she didn't look convinced. “Okay, some of the time. You happy now? Actually, don’t answer that. But in all seriousness, I want to have a word with them; as a teacher, their friend, and… as a bit of a father figure.”

Applejack didn't say anything for a moment until she uttered, “Fine. But let me go get them first.”

The farm came into view as soon as we went by the apple orchard. Give or take ten or so minutes of waiting in my car in the dirt driveway, Applejack came to the car with the three Crusaders with their heads drooped low dragging their Crusader Mobile with them. After loading the motorized scooter and the wagon into the truck, the Crusaders got into the back seats while a crossed Applejack sat in the very front.

“Before I say anything,” I said as we drove off the driveway and back onto the street. “I want to know one thing above all else, what was your guy’s reason to come over here without us knowing?”

“We've already done it,” Scootaloo explained. “All we wanted was to give their camera back.”

“Is that all?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well,” Sweetie Belle rubbed the back of her neck. “That and we just wanted to see what this place is really like for ourselves too.”

“We thought it would be quick though,” Applebloom added. “We’re really sorry alright! Neither of us wanted things to get out of hoof.”

I nodded, “I suppose you and your counterparts have learned something today?”

“Ah guess so, don’t break the rules jus’ to have fun.”

“No. That’s not it,” the three of them (including Applejack) asked what I was talking about. “It’s like I've said, it’s actually okay to break some rules, but as long as that doesn't go too far. Even with these superpowers of mine, I can have so much fun turning the whole universe on its head, but that doesn't mean that I don’t know the consequences of doing so. As a talking cat with a candy-cane hat once put it, ‘It is fun to have fun, but you have to know how.’” I looked in my rear-view mirror to find some confused looks. “You know, from Dr. Seuss.” Nothing changed so I sighed. “Remind me to show you guys his books sometime.”


By 7:13, I put the baked potato soup on my little table. Going into the kitchen, I recall the memory of about a few hours ago. How that after we drove up to the school to drop the Crusaders back home. Of course, before they went home, I gave those three a little gift; a small collection of Seuss’s poems to read when they go back to their world. Finally, I drove Applejack back to her home, saying that she’s going to have a little talk with her Applebloom. So I planned when Monday comes around, I’ll pop by their table to see if she’s okay.

Sitting down at the table, I levitated a CD mix into the stereo so I could listen to a little something before I perform my usual ritual. The first one to come up made my eyes roll but let it play anyway.

“Yes, is this the real life or fantasy?” I muttered to myself, taking a spoonful with a piece of potato and bacon. “Then again, what difference does it make if everything is made up?”

There was a sudden knock on my front door. Immediately I felt both curiosity and annoyance at the same time. On the one hand, I just sat down from a long day and was just now starting to eat. And on the other, who in their right mind want to visit me at this time of day? So I got up and went over to the door.

“Yeah?” I asked opening the door. There on my porch was a lady with long red hair in a white suit holding a little black book.

“Oh, good evening, I was looking for a…” she opened up her little book, “Julius A. Disc. Is this his residence by any chance?”

“I’m Julius, why?”

“Ah perfect!” she gave me a smile and a firm handshake. “Good to find you, can I come in?”

“But who are you?”

She reached into her pocket to show me a badge, “I’m CIA, agent F to be exact. I’m just popping by to ask you a few questions. Don’t worry sir, you’re not in trouble at all, I just want to ask you a few things.”

I paused for a moment to register what I've just heard, “Well… I’m just starting to have dinner.”

“Don’t worry, I promise that I won’t take up too much of your time, about five minutes or so.” She smiled while adding, “So can I come in please?” I step aside to show her in. “Bohemian Rhapsody – you got a good taste.”

Shrugging, I went back over to my table while she took a seat from across from me. I offered her a bowl but she said that wouldn't be necessary. “Trust me, I’ll be in and out of here before you know it. Now, down to business…” she opened up her little book. “So… Do you want to be called Mr. Disc or Julius?”

I told her that it didn't matter to me, “Alright then, Mr. Disc. You’re an art teacher for the local high school right?”


“How long have you been there?”

“Just been rehired for… I guess nearly half a year by now.”

“I see, tell me, during your time there, did you noticed anything unusual?”

I raised an eyebrow, I can see where this is going. “Define ‘unusual’.”

“Well, like did you see anything odd like, for example, a teenager who turns into a… ‘Demon like creature’ or a group of singers who makes the mass group of students act besides themselves; or perhaps, a group of students along with yourself disappearing without a trace for a few hours?”

I stayed silent. “That’s a very particular question from someone whom I've never met.”

“Really? I would think you might recognize me. After all, I do tend to pop up in this town now and again.” I shook my head. She frowned. “Oh well, let me ask another, it’s true that you don’t have any family relations by blood that you know correct?”


“Interesting, it says here that just a few days ago you came in with a student who you said was a cousin of yours. A cousin who could shapeshift into anybody, is that correct?”

“What are you trying to accuse me here?”

“I’m not accusing you of anything Mr. Disc, I’m just asking for security reasons. After all, the town of Equestria is in my district to look after on behalf of the government. It’s my job to do as best as I can to make sure that my district stays safe from harm. Please don’t misunderstand me, as someone who works for the government, I don’t want anyone, such as yourself, to think we’re the enemy here. I was hoping that you could look up to us as friends are all.” She ended with a smile.

“If I said yes to that shapeshifting thing, would you be satisfied?”

“Well, part of my visit is to seek out the truth.”

“Alright fine, that shapeshifter isn't my cousin, happy now?” I asked taking a drink.

“Quite,” she nodded. “And is it also true that you have superpowers?” and then I spit my drink back into the glass.


“Please answer the question.” She said in a kind motherly voice. I was petrified. How could this stranger have found out? She looked up from her book and smiled. “Again, you’re not in trouble. So please answer my question.”

“Um… I-I, well-”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she closed her book. “As you can guess, yes, we have noticed your unique talents beyond your artwork. I especially, which is the reason why I've come by myself.”

“And what is that?”

She smiled at me, “I’m here to tell you that, you’re not exactly alone here. As part of my duty to my government as well as myself, I want you to know that you fully have my support. That is, as long as you behave.”

“But what do you want from me?”

“I just want you to be my friend is. So, if you happen to run into any problems, or if you find something strange that might threaten both this town as well as the nation as a whole, please,” she reached into her pocket and hand me over a card. “Give me a call, and I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to fix it. Okay?”

I reached over and took the card, nodding.

“Splendid! Now, I must be going,” she got up from the table and made her way to the door. Before she left, however, she stopped to say, “Oh, and one more thing, could you please tell your bosses that I said ‘Hi’ for me? Thanks.”

Even after she left, I did have only one question on my mind.

“What was that about?” I asked out loud.


By Monday afternoon, I was heading towards the Teachers’ Lounge for lunch. As the students walk past me, I couldn't help but think about that late afternoon on Saturday. I don't think you could blame me for being a little bit on edge, considering that visit with that CIA lady.

“There you are!” I turned around to find Scootaloo catching my attention. “You have about seven minutes?”

“What for?”

“Come on,” she said pulling on the cuffs of my coat while adding: “We want a second opinion on something.” She pulled me along until we got into the school’s library where Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were at one of the computers.

“Girls, what’s all this about?”

“We just got finished editing our movie.” Sweetie Belle explained, “But Applebloom thought it might be a good idea to let someone see it before put it on the web.”

“Movie? You mean… from Equestria?” Oh, irony gods I’m such an idiot!

“Yeah,” Applebloom nodded, “So take a seat and put these on.” She handed me a pair of earphones to me. So I sat down and prepared myself for the worst. Let me tell you, I have seen plenty of experimental films to last for a lifetime, that most of them were from college by the students there trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. I have sat through films so bizarrely put together that sometimes I couldn't help but admire it.

“Well, what do ya think?” Scootaloo asked.

“Um… Girls, I’m really, really sorry to tell you this – but I think it’s bad.” Their faces drooped and asked what’s wrong. “Two things here: first, what was it supposed to be? I couldn't tell if it’s a sci-fi, a mystery, or what since it’s so oddly put together. And second, and it’s the biggest problem, is that I don’t think it’s a good idea to put this on the internet.”

“Why not?” Applebloom asked.

“Because you just showed not only the portal but what’s behind it; tell me, do you really think it’s a good idea? I mean, if this gets out, what do you think would happen if the wrong people see this and might do something bad to our friends in Equestria?”

“Whoa,” Sweetie Belle realized first. “I never thought it like that before.”

“Yeah…” Scootaloo muttered rubbing her neck. “But, what are we gonna do with it?”

“You guys haven’t uploaded this yet have you?” I asked.

Applebloom shook her head, “Not yet.”

“Here,” I snapped my fingers for a flash drive that looked like a maraca. “Upload the video onto here, and delete the video from your flash drive. I promise, your video will be safe with me.” After all, that’s been said and done, they did upload the video and deleted their copy. With the little maraca in my pocket, I offered the three of the distraught crusaders to have lunch with me in the teachers’ lounge. As we walked, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle walked a little bit ahead of us. So with a little distance, I turned to Applebloom.

“Hey, Applebloom?” She looked up at me as if she was asking what. “Is everything alright with you?”

“Well, yeah.”

“I mean, is everything alright in your family?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Why’d ya ask?”

“Did you have a talk that involved her?” I pointed over to Scootaloo.

Applebloom’s cheeks had a touch of red, “U-Uh, Ah, well-”

“I take it that everything went well,” I half smiled. “And yes, I know.”


“Please, don’t worry about it.” I re-insured her, “I promise you, if you are or not, I’m always here for you as well as your friends. And besides, as they used to say, my lips are sealed.” I put a finger over my lips to make a point.


I nodded, “Yes, yes I do mean it. Oh, and one last question?”

“What’s that?”

“Would you girls prefer a feast or a buffet for your lunch?”

Sometime later...