//------------------------------// // CH33: One Problem After Another // Story: Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements // by Spirit Shift //------------------------------// Kirito smiled and rolled his eyes alongside AJ as Dash rolled along the ground busting a gut. Rarity and Asuna were also tittering demurely while Twilight had both of her palms pressed against her face. “And that’s how I met Spike,” he finished. “Well that does sound like him,” chuckled Rarity. “Haaahahahaha!” cackled Dash. “He set the whole place on fire?!” “Yep!” His smile became a flat line. “The fire went out eventually but the smoke didn’t.” Asuna stopped laughing. “Wait is that why the 4th floor has that thick sleeping fog covering it?” Kirito nodded and he began chuckling. Twilight groaned and glanced back up at him. “But that does at least confirm a few things. It also raises a few questions. If Spike was that young, it must’ve only been a short time after leaving our world. What could he have been doing here?” And how did he get his keyblades before me?! “He told me he was training.” Twilight gave Kirito a confused look. “I didn’t see him for a while after that. But we started to hang out when I saw him next. Even though he was one of the strongest characters I’d ever seen, he had no interest in joining the lead group. I was mad at him until he told me that he wasn’t even from this world.” “So you knew what they were saying was true from the start?” asked Asuna. Kirito shook his head and leaned back into his seat. “No, I was generally curious if they were like Yui. Spike never did tell me how he got here. All he said was that he was training so that he could find some people that were important to him. Of course I didn’t believe him at first.” “Wait?” said Dash, hopping off of the ground. Kirito was forced back into his seat as she leaning over him once again. “He was looking for us? What did he say?” “Well… um. He told me about a group of girls he was looking for. If I remember correctly, he said...” ~~~ “A stupid tomboy with rainbow hair, a freakishly strong hick, a nerd, a girl, a tree, and a weirdo,” Spike, now 12 years old, finished counting off on his fingers. Afterwards, he continued to lean back on the large oak tree behind him. Unlike the dense forest on the fourth floor this area was more of a plane that was sparsely populated by trees and bushes. Kirito relaxed next to him, leaning on the same tree. Both of them had decided to relax instead of training today on. At first Kirito was adamantly against it, but he soon had to admit that Spike was right; today was a beautiful day on the 22rd floor. The nature setting was at it’s most comfortable where they were; the breeze was light and the sun was just warm enough to be nap inducing without being uncomfortable. Kirito at this point had had on a black unbuttoned trench coat with a dark red lining going down the hem of the coat and straight down the back. He looked at Spike, who still had on the same clothes as he did several months earlier, with confusion. “Are you gonna tell me their names?” Spike simply stared up at the sky with an unreadable look on his face. “That’s the thing… I can’t really remember their names. I know they’re important to me and I remember what they look like and who they are, and everything else. Just not their names.” “And now you need to find them again?” Spike nodded. “I have to. My master saved them from the darkness that swallowed our world.” His expression fell into a somber stare. “But now they’re out there somewhere, waiting for me to find them. I feel terrible about making them worry like this.” “I know the feeling,” admitted Kirito. “I have a sister outside of the game who’s probably crying over me right now. For the past few years I’ve been avoiding her for stupid reasons. If I were to die here those would be her last memories of me.” Spike chuckled darkly. “At least you remember her name.” Kirito gave him a comforting smile. “Well you said you remember who they were. Tell me about them; maybe reliving those memories will unlock more.” Spike glanced over and him and appeared to give the idea some thought. Finally, he nodded with a bright smile. ~~~ “Then he told me a few stories about you all. Pranks he pulled and fun times he used to have. His descriptions of you all are pretty spot on,” he glanced toward Dash, who had been pulled away from him once again. “Especially you. In fact, your attitude reminded me of him in the first place.” Rarity cast a sly gaze over to Dash, whose face had gained a suspicious red tint. “Yes, that sounds about right.”   “But that doesn't make any sense…” muttered AJ. Dash turned on her with a fierce look. “What doesn't make any sense? This proves that Spike remembers us.” “That’s what ah mean,” she responded. “He remembered who we are and what we all look like. That still don’t explain why he’s been attackin’ us lately.” “He attacked you?” gasped Asuna. “You’ve seen him?” added Kirito. Dash however, ignored their questions. “Then I was right. That dude in the black coat is an imposter; he only looks like Spike.” AJ thought back to when she met him in Radiant Garden. There was no doubt in her mind that she had talked to the real Spike, and that it was the same one who took Shia and wanted to kill Twilight. She could argue that she knew that it was really Spike, but then she might have to break her promise to Luna. Not to mention, Dash was still staring at her, waiting for an argument to start. The look in her eyes, they were so relieved and filled with hope from Kirito’s story. AJ couldn’t bring herself to argue at this moment. AJ gave her a soft smile. “You might be on to somethin’ there, sug’.” Dash grinned victoriously. “Of course, I am!” While Dash reveled in her victory, Twilight stared at AJ curiously. Being the stubborn realist that she knew her friend was, it wasn’t like her to just give up on an argument like this one. She could have easily pointed out that the Spike in the story and the so called imposter shared the same Keyblade design. Twilight wondered why she didn’t do it. Either way, she was relieved that another fight didn’t break out between them. Rarity turned towards Asuna. “Excuse me, darling, but have you ever met Spike in person?” Asuna craned her head and thought on it. Eventually, her eyes lit up in realization. “I have actually! Only once when…” “Umm… girls…” Everyone turned towards the top of the stairs where Pinkie Pie was standing. By her hip was the young Yui. “We… might have a tiiinnyy problem on our hands.” Everyone shared a inquisitive look as Pinkie nervously descended the stairs with an equally nervous girl behind her. “Is something wrong?” asked Rarity. “Weeeell, I have good news, bad news, good news aaaannd more bad news,” Pinkie admitted, twiddling her fingers. Dash rolled her eyes. “Well nice to know there’s an equal amount of disappointment,” she snarked. “If it’s really bad,” began Twilight, “start with that first so we can deal with it.” Pinkie nodded. “Well you know how we can’t summon the ship until we absolutely need to leave?” Everyone nodded. “And you know how Rarity was upset that she can’t bring out her clothes or makeup.” Everyone nodded once again. Rarity frowned at the reminder. The group was still curious about where she was going with this. “And you probably figured out that we can’t really pick up anything in this world right…” Everyone nodded except Twilight, whose face contorted in horror. Pinkie saw this and grimaced alongside her. Everyone else still seemed confused. “I don’t get it, what’s the problem?” asked Dash. Twilight slowly turned to face her. “We can’t interact with this world or get anything from the ship… w-we have no food or water,” she stammered. Suddenly, the reality of the situation dawned on everyone present. Before they could panic Pinkie returned their attention to her. “Waitwaitwait! Here’s the good news.” She reached behind her back and pulled out her Keyblade. “I mar~ked the fo~od!” she sang, smiling brightly.  AJ, Rarity, and Dash let out a large sigh of relief. “Gosh darnit Pinkie. Don’t scare us like that!” “What does that mean?” asked Asuna. Rarity took the job of answering her question, feeling like she could do the best job of describing it. “As you probably know, our Keyblades each have one or two unique abilities. Pinkie’s here has the ability to “mark” things with it and summon them to her location. Basically speaking, she can bring food from the ship to us so we can eat it.” Asuna still looked confused. “Why did she mark the food of all things?” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Well in case of emergencies of course.” She gave them a smug grin. “And look who was right!” “Wait a second,” muttered Kirito. “What’s the other bad news?” “That’s what I was about to ask,” added Twilight, looking apprehensive. Pinkie’s smug grin slowly fell into a shameful one. “W… well you know…” Her head slumped and she pointed her blade towards the table. “Just watch.” A thin beam of light sparked from the tip of her weapon towards the table between the group. A small orb appeared on the table and grew as Pinkie poured more energy into it. Soon the orb grew into the shape of a small pastry. Pinkie cut of the energy and the light surrounding the new object exploded outwards, revealing a small piece of cake satting on a plate. Twilight opened her mouth to say something but Pinkie held up her and and pointed back at the food. Within a few seconds the food began glitching in the same the cup did earlier, but to everyone’s surprise, it did not explode like before… at least until Pinkie tried to pick it up. Everyone stared with depressed looks at the place where the food once sat. Pinkie herself was whimpering with teary eyes. Unlike when the tea exploded, the eradication of the cake was enough to force the girls to realize the true danger of the predicament they were in. Yui, ever the hopeful character, tried to offer up a reassuring smile. “It’s not all bad. We figured out a way around it!” “You did?!” asked Twilight. “How?” “Oh yeah! That’s the other good news!” cheered Pinkie. “Hold out your hand please.” Yui complied. Pinkie repeated the action, this time summoning what appeared to be a cupcake in Yui’s outstretched palm. After the initial summoning process was completed, Yui closed her eyes and appeared to be concentrating. Everyone stared at the treat with apprehensive looks, just waiting for something to happen. Yui opened her eyes and gave the group a smile. Then she held it out to Twilight who hesitantly lifted it into her own. Seeing nothing wrong with it Twilight took a bite and to her delight it tasted just as delicious as it should’ve. “That’s amazing,” exclaimed Twilight, gulping down the bite. “What did you do?” “I hid it from the system.” Yui closed her eyes, and when they reopened, her normally bright black eyes had changed into a light green color. Looking closely one could even see streams of binary data rolling down her iris’. “Normally, whatever the Cardinal System detects as ‘alien’ gets deleted immediately. All I have to do was prevent the system from detecting it.” “That’s brilliant, Yui!” praised Asuna, hugging her daughter. Seeing the girls odd looks she decided to explain. “Oh, sorry, I haven’t introduced her. This is Yui, as you may have guessed this is our daughter.” Rarity seemed like she was about to object, but Asuna already knew what she was about to say and cut her off. “I know that we don’t seem that much older than you all, and you’d be right. Yui isn’t our daughter by blood. She’s sort of adopted. She was originally a part of the Cardinal System, charged with watching and correcting the psychological profiles of everyone playing. Long story short she gained sentience and we found her alone in a forest. The system tried to get rid of her but Kirito saved her data.” Asuna rubbed the top of Yui’s head affectionately. “It took him a while but Kirito eventually hacked an admin account and gave Yui a new body. She still has a small connection to the system though.” Yui nodded affirmatively. Rarity cooed in response. “That’s so sweet!” she gushed. After finishing her daww session she turned to Pinkie. “Well this is good then. I’m feeling a bit peckish. I had a small salad that I had made just yesterday. Pinkie would you mind terribly if I asked you to get it for me?” Pinkie nervously scratched the bad of her head. “Well… you see. I don’t have that marked.” “Oh, well that’s understandable. You can’t mark everything. How about the rest of the waffles from breakfast this morning?” Pinkie began looking even more nervous. “That either...” Rarity’s eye began twitching dangerously as she realized what was going on. “Pinkie… did you only mark the desserts on the ship?” Pinkie’s guilty look seemed to answer her question. Rarity groaned into her palm even as Twilight gingerly rubbed her back. “Well at least we have food.” “But I’ll get FAT!” whined Rarity. “Well that’s not the only thing…” Everyone’s gaze locked back to Pinkie, who flinched from the steely gazes she was getting. “I… I only have about three days worth of food marked. There was a collective silence in the room. “So… you are telling me…” hissed Rarity as she stood up for the first time, “not only do I have to eat only fattening foods, but I have to eat it for three straight days?!” By this point she was bearing down on the poor frightened girl. AJ quickly stood up and hopped to her defense. “Now now, it ain’t Pinkie’s fault. In fact, we should be thankin’ her. It’s thanks to her that we have any food at all.” “But still this means we have to hurry and help Kirito and Asuna beat this game so we can leave,” mumbled Twilight. Asuna beamed. “So you were serious about helping us?” “Of course!” said Dash, proudly gesturing to herself. “We’ll kick this Heathcliff guy’s ass no sweat!” Kirito stood up from his chair. “Well it’s not that easy. The last 5 levels are the hardest in the game. It took an army of high level players just to beat the 94th floor. I don’t think just the 7 of us can do it alone.” “Well don’t forget we also have Klein and a few others who’ve offered to help,” voiced Asuna. “So? That’s still only the 10 of us.” “Whatever!” groaned Dash, standing up to face him. She summoned her Keyblade and sat it on her shoulder. “We’re Keyblade wielders, just one of us is like an army. Not to mention we can use magic and stuff. These monsters don’t stand a chance.” She gave him a challenging look and pointed the tip of her weapon towards him. “If you want I’ll show you how awesome I am.” Kirito glanced down at her weapon then back up at her determined look. More past memories surfaced and he couldn’t help but smile fondly. As Kirito and Spike made their way down the dirt path on their next mission, he and Spike had, at some point, entered into an argument. Kirito crossed his arms and gave Spike a look. “Oh really? You think you can take down the next floor boss all by yourself?” Spike returned it with a scowl. “Really!” Kirito responded with a playful eye roll. “I doubt it!” “Well screw you! I took down the tree when we first met.” “Well you keep saying that you can, but you keep saying you just don’t want to. Plus, all you did was use illegal fire magic on a tree. Yeah, I bet that took some serious skills.” At that moment, Spike, tired of being challenged, stopped and pulled out his black Keyblade. Kirito, who had walked a bit further without realizing his friend had stopped, turned just in time to see Spike pointing it straight at him. “I can take of this floor boss no problem! Just you watch, I’ll show you how awesome I am!” he boasted, giving him a challenging look. Kirito could see a younger Spike standing beside the girl in front of him with both of them boasting the same confident look on their face. He wasn't that Spike spoke so highly of her in his stories. He returned her confident grin. “Fine then. I accept your challenge.”