//------------------------------// // 23 - A Night on the Town // Story: Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds // by David Silver //------------------------------// Silver Spoon returned well before dusk. She rushed up to Diamond and began explaining the day to her. "I ran into this priest. She was kind of old, but super smart and nice too. She explained everything." She pointed at herself. "I'm a war priest, doesn't that, like, sound dangerous?" Diamond nodded in agreement. "Why'd you come back with the book? I thought you went all the way over there to bring it back?" Silver held the book close. "She gave it to me. Did I mention she's super nice? She said I could be anything I wanted to be!" Diamond chuckled a little at that. "And what do you want to be, Silver Spoon?" Silver paused, then sat in place. It was a simple question, but a fine one. "I... I want to be a better friend." Diamond pointed at herself. "You're already my best friend, Silver." Silver flushed brightly. She didn't remember Diamond ever actually coming out and saying that. She soon found herself being hugged by Diamond Tiara and quickly returned the gesture. For a moment, she felt good, just really good. "I love you too." Not in any romantic way, but as a sister. The two fillies smiled at one another with a new sense of satisfaction in their relationship. Pinkie suddenly popped up between them and hugged both. "Oooo! Me too! I love giving hugs!" Diamond burst into laughter and shoved Pinkie away. "You've got to work harder if you want to be half the friend Silver Spoon is." She drew herself up, looking proud. "Silver Spoon is a war priest of the god of friendship. That makes her as official as you get as friends go." Pinkie gasped dramatically. "No way?! That is pretty impressive." She tapped at her chin. "So, I was thinking... We really should teach those meanies a lesson, but not you two." She pointed at the fillies. "So you tell Auntie Pinkie all about them, and I'll go take care of business. You two have enough bits to just hang out around here, right?" Silver Spoon waved a hoof. "You can't go back all the way to the griffon lands for that!" Gneech poked out of the kitchen area of their suite. "Huh, who is going back to griffon land?" Diamond snorted softly. "I appreciate the sentiment, but who cares? We've already left them. I didn't mind the idea of kicking their shins on our way out, but going back?" Pinkie shook her head. "You were right. They're going to be super mean to other griffons. They haven't learned their lesson at all." Silver tilted her head. "I'm not so sure about that. They tried to play dirty, and Diamond Tiara collapsed the whole thing rather than give in to them. If they didn't learn something from that, they're pretty dumb." Diamond nodded at Silver Spoon. "Exactly. I didn't leave them with nothing to remember me by." She pointed at Pinkie. "Why don't you put that energy into finding out how to get help here faster? In the meanwhile, I plan to go to a show." She moved for the exit and Silver was quick to join her. Gneech hurried up. "Is Gneech invited?" Diamond considered a moment. "You'll have to play up being a servant. "Kobolds aren't on good terms here, like with griffons, but less violent. Come on." Pinkie noticed everyone was leaving but her, and that didn't sit right with her. She quickly joined the group and batted her lashes. "I can be a servant too if you need." Diamond burst into laughter with sharp amusement. One of the former Elements of Harmony, her servant? "Sure thing, Pinkie. You can carry my parasol." She hadn't planned to bring it at first, but with the excuse available, she gave Pinkie the heavy thing to carry along. Pinkie handled it well enough, and soon had it tucked into wherever she hid things. They headed out for the play. It was as lively as promised, with much more gore and explicit bits than either of the fillies were used to, though neither complained. Pinkie tried to shield their arguably-innocent eyes, but they weren't having any of that. Afterwards they went to a rather large party that many of the play attendees gathered at to share drinks and opinions in equal quantity. Silver opted out of the drinks, and instead sat with one of her books, reading curiously as Diamond Tiara lived the life that her money earned her. Diamond soon had Gneech involved in a drinking contest, and laughed with everyone else when he finally had too much and passed out. Pinkie, on the other hoof, stayed in the contest, until it was her and a local gem pony. The gem pony clopped a hoof on the ground. "I've never lost a drinking contest before." Pinkie smiled brightly. "There's a first time for everything, but don't feel bad, we're here to have fun, right?" The pony snorted with amusement and drunkenness before they swigged down another throat-burning dose of vodka. Diamond let out a loud whoop, cheering both of them on with clopping hooves and a big grin. She was far from alone in the large circle that had formed to watch the two drink off determinedly. Silver sipped from the nicely-flavored drink at her side. It was mostly alcohol free, good enough to make the Everglow ponies not hesitate to give it to a filly as young as she was. She was captivated by the chapter she was reading about knowing the quality of a friendship, and what made one good or bad, and how to encourage them to become better. Some of its writings were a bit irritating. They described the behavior of Diamond Tiara as less than ideal, but Diamond had, in the end, always come through for her. "She's a good pony," she grumbled to herself, voice almost entirely drowned out with a wild series of cheers. She looked up just in time to see the gem pony collapse to the ground. Pinkie had won their drinking contest, and the crowd was wildly cheering for her. The vigorous shaking of the sickened pony didn't turn out well, and Pinkie quickly lost much of what she drank, to more cheers and noises of disgust, but there wasn't any entirely sober faces in the crowd, and hard feelings seemed to be short in supply. Diamond crashed down beside Silver Spoon. "Hey Silver. Why are you bottling yourself up here?" She pulled out a golden pendant, letting it hang and glitter in the light. "Tonight's paid for itself, and it's been a blast. Everypony's having a good time." Silver hadn't put down her book, which annoyed Diamond Tiara. "Put that down a moment." She reached out and pushed the book down out of Silver's view. "There's a time for reading, and a time for fun. This is fun time. Don't be a nerd." Silver folded her book shut and tucked it away before adjusting her glasses. "Did you like the show?" Diamond nodded. "It was alright. I liked the part where the star threw herself off a cliff to save her lover." She clopped her forehooves together. "The gods sure are more nosey than they are in Equestria." Silver tilted her head curiously. "We have gods?" Diamond Tiara shrugged. "What do you call Celestia and Luna? They're as close as we have." Silver didn't look satisfied with the idea. "Luminace is a real god, and she trusts me." Diamond perked an ear. "Yeah? You're her priest or whatever now, right?" She sagged against Silver Spoon, perhaps a bit more drunk than she should be. "How'd that turn out?" Silver supported Diamond Tiara and got her up. She stood with Diamond on her back and made her way to Pinkie Pie. "Hey, Pinkie! I think everypony's too tired to keep up the party." Pinkie looked up and nodded a little. "Yeah, I guess even I'm a little beat. I'll get Gneech." She staggered her way over to the fallen kobold and gathered him up, and they made their way home to the Drowsy Mare. On the way, Pinkie looked at Silver curiously. "Did you grow up a little when I wasn't looking?" Silver looked down at herself as she walked. "I'm not any bigger." Pinkie waved a hoof. "Not... Not bigger, just, you know, more mature. Your parents will be sooooo proud of you." She staggered, almost dropping Gneech before she caught herself. "That was one heck of a party!" They arrived home without being assaulted or collapsing under their shared weight and inebriation. Silver tucked Diamond into her bed and pulled up the blanket snugly. "We can talk tomorrow, alright? Like, for now, you should sleep." Diamond made some noises of complaint, but Silver's gentle insistence won out eventually, and Diamond fell asleep with loud snoring to commemorate the event. Pinkie had tucked Gneech into his smaller bed, then collapsed beside him, too dizzy and tired to get much anywhere else. Silver moved to the balcony and looked up at the night sky a moment before she settled on her haunches and pressed her forehooves together. She let her thoughts come in a gentle prayer she whispered. "Thank you for this chance. I will go home soon, I think but I'll be sure to, like, tell other ponies about you, and we'll make the world a better place, alright? I bet Princess Twilight Sparkle would be excited!" Silver got no reply, but felt she had done right. With a final nod to the night sky, she returned inside and soon joined the others in sleep. It had been a busy day, and she predicted several of them would have a huge headache the day after that she'd have to help them through. Being a good friend was not easy work, but she couldn't imagine trading it in for anything else. Unseen by any of the residents, a letter was quietly pushed under the door for them to find the next day.