A Bug?...In The Resistance?

by Dr Atlas


Pinkie sat patiently on the grass that covered the entire forest, looking around in anticipation. She had been waiting for at least five minutes, which felt to her like five hours. “Come on, where is that bug?” She continued swinging her head back and forth, keeping an eye out.

She looked at her wrist, seeing that her invisible watch was going slower every time she looked at it. She sighed and looked up again, seeing the waterfall in front of her. The small pool that formed in front of it was practically begging her to jump in, but she had to wait for Doomie.

Another five minutes passed. She started getting worried at this point, she knew both of them didn’t have much time to spend together, seeing as how both their factions were waiting for them to get back after separating from the patrol, Pinkie was just glad her excuse of being too tired worked, but she had a feeling her friends knew what she was up to after she told them about her relationship with the changeling.

Pinkie then remembered that she would soon have to tell him about it, and she was sure that he wouldn’t take the news well. It almost made her not want to see him, but missing out on an opportunity to be alone together was insane to think of. “Geeze, I hope he’ll take it okay, I can only imagine what would happen to him if he told the queen about this, she’d probably-”


In seconds, Pinkie found herself pinned to the ground, her back against the grass and her arms held down by a dark figure right above her. She would’ve yelled for help if it wasn’t for the blue eyes and green rag that were right above her. “Oh...hi, little buggy.”

The creature on top of her chuckled. “Pony, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to take you in for your crimes against changeling kind.”

Pinkie looked up innocently. “But buggy, I have a lingfriend who’s supposed to be here any moment, I can’t leave now.”

The changeling leaned close to her ear, the moonlight shining enough for her to see his face. “Who said I’ll make you leave.”

“Hmmm?” Pinkie said seductively.

The blue eyes above her closed halfway and said, “All I said was...I’m taking you...in.”

Knowing that she could’ve done this from the start, Pinkie pulled her arms away from being pinned and wrapped them around her lingfriend’s neck. “I missed you, Doomie.” She said, pulling him in for a kiss, only to have him sit up before she had a chance, making her do the same.

“I missed you too, Pie.” Doomie said, leaning in and locking his lips with her’s. They continued this embrace for several minutes. Soft moans escaped their mouths and the tongues continued wrapping around each other, with Doomies always having the upper hoof. Pinkie giggled through the kiss and leaned in more, knowing she had an upper hoof in strength.

As the makeout session finally came to a close, Doomie and Pinkie looked over at the waterfall, smiling. “Ready?” Pinkie asked.

“Ready.” Doomie responded, taking a head start and running into the small pool that formed in front of the running water.

Pinkie shook her hindquarters like a cat and jumped toward Doomie, managing to leap on top of him and use him as a diving board, hitting the water with a splash. Doomie just smiled and leapt after her, soaring just over her head and landing a few feet away. “I win!” Pinkie yelled.

Doomie popped his head out of the water, managing to suck some in his mouth and spray it at Pinkie. “That’s no fair! You used me as leverage.”

Pinkie just laughed and wiped the water off her face. “Like I’d ever use you, Doomie.” She then swam over to him.

“Well, I’m sure there are some things you can use me for.” Doomie said as she finally made contact.

“Liiiiiike?” Pinkie raised an eye, waiting for a response that she knew would be inappropriate.

Doomie decided to play it safe and say. “You can use me for...um, a...uh…” Unfortunately, Doomie couldn’t think of anything to say that wasn’t dirty.

Pinkie giggled at this and rested her hooves on his shoulders. “Whatever it is, I’m sure you’d like it too.”

“Yeah, probably.” Doomie laughed

Pinkie dunked her head underwater and sprang back out. “Ahhh...now this is a swimming spot, the waters just the right temperature.”

Doomie looked around the pool, trying to figure out just why the water was warm even thought it was night time. “Got any idea how it’s like this, it’s not exactly a hot springs.”

Pinkie shrugged. “I dunno, but it is pretty good, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is…” Doomie then noticed how the water affected her look. “I have to say, your manes looks pretty nice when it’s wet like this.”

Pinkie noticed that her poofy mane was now so soaked that it was no longer all over the place and instead hanging down from her head, some of it floating on the water. “You sure you like it? Some ponies get creeped out when my hair’s like this. They were even more creeped out when I got a haircut too.”

“Hair doesn’t make the mare, Pinkie.” Doomie just smiled and brought his hoof up to her head, trailing down the long strands until his hoof was at the back of her neck. “And how could anything about you be creepy anyway? I’d think it’d be me that’d creep others out.”

Pinkie looked behind him, seeing that the fin on his neck was having the same effect. “At least your...uh ‘hair’ makes you look the same; wet or dry.”

Doomie tried his hardest to look at the fins on the back of his head, but after several spins, he knew it was impossible without a mirror. “Heh, well, I still look good, right?”

“You look good no matter what.” She rubbed her nose against his. “Well, except for when you’re not yourself.”

Doomie’s earstems flopped. “Are you sure you like me like this, I can be anyone you want me to be, Pinkie.”

“But all I want is you. Because I know the real you is the one I fell in love with.”

Doomie blushed. “I guess...no, I know that’s true.”

Pinkie laughed and reached up to head, fixing the rag that surrounded it. “How’s the green bandanna holding up, is it better than the last thing I gave you?”

Doomie ended up adjusting it himself. “Eh, It’s better than that pink ribbon ya put on my horn. The changelings kept calling me sprinkles or cupcake after wearing that. At least this time they just say I look like an idiot.” He ended with a smile.

Pinkie felt bad for him again. “Why do your brothers have to be so mean to you?”

Doomie shrugged. “They’re mean to everyone. Ponies, other changelings, other monsters, everyone except for the queen, it’s her job to be mean to us.”

“Well that’s just...just...mean.”

Doomie nodded. “Yup, a bug’s life is a strange one, isn’t it?”

“I-I guess so...b-but you won’t be living that life anymore once we free the ponies, right?”

“Yup, no more bully brothers.” Doomie sighed. “I’m gonna miss the daily fights, constant name calling, and all the yelling and hollering once you guys defeat us.”


Doomie laughed. “Like HAY I’ll miss it!”

 Pinkie laughed too, grateful to hear that Doomie understood just how bad his side was. She then looked up at the moon, still seeing the same markings on it. “You think they’re okay?”

Doomie looked up as well, knowing who she was talking about. “Eh, I’m sure phoona and Keelestia can stand being banished to the moon. I heard the younger sister had to deal with that for a thousand years, can’t be that bad.”

Pinkie was surprised to hear Doomie talk about her history, even though he said their names wrong again. “Wh-Where did you find that out?”

“That library of yours has a lot of stuff on you ponies, most of the changelings were looking in the magic section for spells and powers while I snuck into the history books, it was a good read.”

“You, reading books? On history of all things?”

Doomie was a little offended. “Hey, I’m getting a whole lot smarter after sitting down and reading stuff, I’m in the top hundred of smart changelings.”

“What rank?”

“Ninety nine.” Doomie answered with a smug grin.

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Nice to hear about you, but...what about my friends? A-Are they doing okay?”

Doomie still couldn’t understand the bond she had with her friends, since he never really had a friend besides Pinkie, and even then it was on a greater level. “They’re doing...better, but they keep asking when I’ll break them out...i-it’s really-”

Pinkie pulled him closer. “Doomie, I know we can do it, I know it’s gonna be a while, and I know doing so will probably be the most dangerous thing you do, but I want you to know that I believe in you, you understand?”

Doomie kissed her before bringing her in for a hug. “That answer your question?” He said, closing his eyes as they embraced. “I promise I’ll do it, just as long as no one finds out about us, we’ll be ay okay.”

Pinkie hugged back, knowing that she’d have to tell him this sooner or later, but she couldn’t figure out how to say it.“Doomie...I have to tell you something.”

He started nuzzling the side of her face. “What is it, pie?”

Pinkie bit her lip, deciding to be direct with this. “They know.”

Doomie stopped and opened his eyes. “W-what?”

Pinkie pulled away from him and looked him straight in the eyes. “They know, Doomie. T-The ponies know about me and...and you…”

“W-what!?” Doomie swam back a bit. “T-They know about us...a-and me...a-and how we...a-and-”

“Yes, Doomie...t-they figured it out. It was after the fight we had a bit ago...th-they were always suspicious about me being right about when and where you guys would attack.” Pinkie looked down at the water, seeing her own sad expression. “I-It was only a matter of time, Doomie.”

“A-Are they mad? D-Did they cast you out? Cause if they can’t handle me with you then-”

“No! N-Nonono, t-they took it well...sorta” Pinkie tapped her hooves together. “T-They were pretty surprised, b-but after I told them how you helped us, they really felt...happy.”

“Happy?” Doomie swam closer. “T-They’re happy about us being together.”

Pinkie would’ve said they were happy that both of them were helping the resistance and not about their relationship, but she decided to go with the latter. “They didn’t mind at all. In fact, they think it’s cute, even Fluttershy found it adorable.”

“What about your leader? What’d she have to say..or, rhyme in her language.”

“She took it well too.” Pinkie started fidgeting. “I-I’d ask you to do the same with you and the queen, but I’m pretty sure your family wouldn’t take it as well as my friends did.”

Doomie laughed. “Yeah, probably not.” He then noticed her invisible watch and frowned. “Aw geez...is it really that time?”

Pinkie looked at her wrist and frowned too. “Guess so, this things always on time, b-but we’ll see each other again.”

“I’m sure we will.” He gave her another kiss before saying, “I better get going. My patrol’s probably getting mad at me for being separated for so long.”

Pinkie smiled. “I’m sure my side will understand why I’m gone for so long, as for you, you better get going before they yell at you.”

Doomie swam up to the shoreline and got out of the water, shaking until he was dry. “They’ll yell at me regardless.”

Pinkie got out and shook her head and backside, her mane and tail now back to being poofy. “I’ll see you later, little bug~”

Doomie started walking out into the forest, waving behind him. “Love you, little pie!”

Pinkie waved back and walked back to camp. “Love you too, little fly!”

Both of them continued looking at each other as they walked away, it wasn’t until the trees and brushes blocked their view from each other that they faced forward, Doomie used his wings and flew off while Pinkie simply walked through the woods.

She was almost home, but she stopped once her ear flicked, hearing sounds of distress. “Huh?” Pinkie turned to where the noise was, knowing it couldn’t be Doomie. “He never makes a noise that high pitched before, and he doesn’t whine either.”

Pinkie heard the high pitched whining again, hearing that it was coming from a nearby bush. She cautiously walked up to it, knowing it could be anything. “Careful, Pie...careful.” She stood in front of it, deciding whether or not she should see what it was, but knowing the noise wouldn’t stop, she pulled the brush away, finding out just who was shouting out cries of distress. “What the-”

Deep inside was a light grey, purple haired filly with small wings, curled up in a ball with tears in her eyes. Pinkie’s heart immediately broke once she saw this. “Oh...oh my...a-are you hurt little girl?” The filly responded with another whimper, scooting back and shaking. Pinkie held her hoof out to her “Don’t worry.l. It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt ya.”

After a bit, the filly finally approached her hoof, having Pinkie pull her out and into her arms “It’s okay. Pinkie has a nice and warm place for you to stay. Would you like that?” The little filly only nodded, still silent as Pinkie put her on her back. Pinkie put on a caring smile and made her way back home As she walked toward the camp, the filly smiled and looked behind her, knowing this was the start of a new life, both for her and for...them.