//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The marked warrior // by Dark lord //------------------------------// " young boy " a woman's voice called out to Dante in the darkness " I put all my faith in you that you will protect them " she said placing her hand on his cheek. The warmth from her the palm of her hand began to fill the boy with comfort. "please protect them " she prayed as her voice began to softly vanish. * * * * * * As Dante opened his eyes he began to realize an incredible pain overcoming his body "God..." he cried sitting up putting his hand on the back of his head. As he began to stand from the hard cold ground and dust his jacket off, he couldn't help but look at the forest around him. "Where the hell am i?" he growled stretching his arms in the air. Before Dante could look around the dark forest a disturbing smell began to fill the air surrounding the boy. Turning around to investigate the smell, several growls could be heard larking in the shadows and soon bright green eyes began appearing and slowly walking towards him. "Easy there little doggies" said Dante putting his hands in front of him and slowly walking backwards trying to make no sudden movement. As he began stepping backwards several large wooden paws appeared from the shadows as well as the whole body of what appeared to be actual wooden wolves. "Nice...little wooden doggies" he said with concern "I don't suppose you guys know how to heel, or anything like that-WHOA!" he shouted as one of the wolves swung at him with its sharp wooden claws nearly missing his black jacket. Without hesitation Dante quickly turned around and began sprinting as fast as he could though the forest not caring where his direction would take him, the only thing in his mind was "what the hell are those thing?" he asked himself leaping over a large dead tree. Sweat began to pore down his face as he kept running and soon tried to make a sharp right turn just so he could confuse the pack of "wolves" behind him. As he looked behind to see some of the creatures stumbling into one another he felt collapses on the ground and began to roll down a steep onto his back "sh...Shit" his panted forcing himself to his feet and continued running towards a small light through some trees. Once Dante made his was towards the light he came across a beautiful landscape with what seemed be a small house that resembled a tiny hill with small bird houses on it and a small red chicken coop outside of it. Once Dante began to walk towards the house a loud howl could be heard behind him. Quickly turning around a large wolf pounced on him immediately biting his shoulder, tearing through his flesh and causing blood to quickly pour out. As the boy cried in pain a second creature began sinking its teeth on Dante's right leg while two others clawed his body covering him body with his own blood. With fear and desperation Dante grabbed a rock lying next to him and without hesitation began smashing the wolf's head making it yelp in pain letting his shoulder free from its jaws. Bring his left foot up Dante furiously kicked the mutt's as hard as he could not care about the pain it caused him "Get the fuck off!" he shouted cracking the snout like log making the creature cry in pain. Panting in pain and covering barley any of his wounds at all, Dante began crawling backwards with fear filling his eyes but let about a small chuckle "so" he said "I guess I’ll die by the claws of a bitch!" letting out a smile full of blood, the alpha wolf quickly leap forward with its large fangs but before he could land on the boy a large light-violet blast throw the mutt towards at tree causing it shatter with incredible force. With widen eyes Dante quickly turned to find a beautiful girl with a violet colored skirt matching her light purple long sleeve shirt and her beautiful dark purple hair with a bright hot pink strap. With his jaw hanging Dante stared at what appeared to be a pair of purple wings on the girls back spreading behind her, intimidating the wolves. "Leave" the girl growled with a dark tone in her voice and her eyes began to glow, the wolves began to take a step back in fear. "NOW!" she shouted shooting another violet black towards them forcing the wolves retreating back into the woods. Dante's vision began to blacken as his body fell to the ground. "We need to take him inside" the girl cried running towards him "he's losing too much blood..." she placed her hands over some of his wounds "Look at me! It’s going to be okay!" she shouted "everything is going to be okay!... " she said before her voice faded leaving Dante into complete darkness. Slowly opening his eyes, Dante began to look around the small room he was in, admiring how cute the place was decorated. A small concrete fireplace with a few stones popping out and a painting of flowers in a pot was the only thing that he focused on before noticing the bandages around his torso and leg with a bit of blood stains. "Where the hell am I?" he asked realizing that was the second time. He quickly looked all over the room hoping the wooden wolf like things weren't around. As he let out a soft sigh, the small wooden door opened and the beautiful girl that save his life slowly walked in. "Oh thank Celestia you're alive. how are you feeling? " thank who? he thought to himself staring at the girl. "Look I don't want to sound rude but who are you?" he asked placing his hand over the bandages on his abdomen trying to hold in the pain. "My name is Twilight Sparkle" the girl answered closing the door behind her. She took a seat not far from the bed brushing her hair over her ear. "You've just been asleep for almost two whole days...when we first found you, I honestly thought you were already..." she stopped and quickly looked away. "I'm guessing you were the one who saved my ass back there huh?" asked Dante with a smile. Twilight softly nodded in agreement. "Thanks...My name's Dante Sumner by the way" he said carefully sitting up from the bed. He paused staring at the girls wings. "Are you some sort of angel?" Twilight gave him a confused look. "I'm sorry?" She asked tilting her head a little. "It's not every day you see a girl with wings" Dante pointed "not to mention the power you used on that thing almost killing me" "That was a magic blast" Twilight replied calmly "and I'm not an angel" she said spreading her wings "...I'm an alicorn". Dante stared at the girl giving her a confused look. "Ali-what now?" he's mouth hang from his jaw. "Alicorn..." Twilight corrected "...you know rulers of equestria...most powerful beings in the world" "Equestria?" Dante Question rising an eyebrow "what the hell are you talking about?" his voice becoming more and more annoyed. The two stared at each other until twilight broke the silence. "What were you doing in the forest?" she asked changing the subject and her tone. Dante gave her a puzzled look "Um...honestly I don't even know how the hell I got there in the first place..." he said scratching his head "...all I remember is one minute I’m walking on the street at night, all of a sudden everything goes pitch black and before I know it I wake up in the middle of the woods, being chased by those wolf things nearly to death and well you know the rest..." he said resting his head back on the soft pillows. "A dimensional portal..." the girl whispered under her breath. "Come again?" "A dimensional portal has to be the only possible explanation...but not never Princess Celestia would be capable to do it on her own..." "A dimensional portal?" Dante confusedly asked raising an eyebrow "Yes, but we didn't notice any sort of strange activity with the weather" Twilight replied softly, staring back at the boy who was giving her a confused look. She sighed "usually whenever portal is active the weather becomes more and more uncontrollable. Sometimes causing blizzards in the middle of summer, thunder storms, even hurricanes if the portal is big enough." "So I'm going to assume that it's forbidden?" "Yes" she said nodding her head "not even Celestia herself can perform it without the agreement of the royal council-" Twilight stopped herself and turned back at Dante realizing his calmness. "Wh...Why are you so calm about this?" she asked. "What do you mean?" Dante replied tilting his head a little. "Well you just found out you're not in your own world and you are taking it in like if it was nothing to worry about" Twilight answered standing from her chair her eyes focused at him. Dante let out a soft sigh "this might sound crazy but . . . I feel like I have some kind of purpose for being here right now" he said exhaling "I don't what it is yet but it's just a feeling" his turned to Twilight with a smile "Plus i owe you my life for saving me". "What?!" Twilight cried quickly trying to cover the blush on her face "y..you don't owe me anything" she cried "I just did what anyone would have done-" a sudden knock on the small wooden door startled the girl, causing her jump. "Y...yes?" she asked trying to calm down. "Hey Twilight?" said a male's voice, muffled behind the door "Princess Celestia sent a letter. She said it can’t wait she wants us at canterlot as soon as possible" "O...okay" the girl answered in a calm voice "we'll be down in a minute Spike". Dante stared in confusion "who the hell calls himself Spike? " he asked himself "or Celestia for that matter " soon realizing what the boy said wait PRINCESS?! "Listen" said Twilight in a whisper tone "I have to go to something important" she handed him his dark shirt and jacket "it would be best if you come along that way i can tell you everything about Equestria and you can tell me everything about your world" she said with a smile "I'll tell the others down stares that you woke up". "others? " Dante thought "Yeah sure" he nodded. As Twilight closed the door behind her, she let out a long soft sigh. Behind the door, her thoughts began fill her mind. Why? She thought placing her hand over her heart. Why was my heart racing like that?