Badass Twilight = Total Domination 4,270 members · 1,245 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Welcome to the stories reviewed for the pure sake of seeing their badassery! Now to keep it nice, short, and sweet the first rating is the overall enjoyability of the story and the second rating is of how badass Twilight is in the story.

10/10Breaking Twilight: OrphiusOlyandra This is one messed up story, but in an amazing way. There is some serious mind screwing in this story, but if you can stomach it you need to read it. 10/10
Review:The Master Whoovian

10/10Succession: Helrael This story starts off fairly slow, but in the later chapters it really begins to pick up speed.
Review: The Master Whoovian

10/10Ptolemy:Wellspring This story gets to the chase fairly quickly and is... Dark? I would read it again. 10/10

8/10Necrosis:Grimm Reaper A story in necromancy and gracious amounts of necrophilia 9/10

7/10(Experience may vary)War in Equestria the Tale of Bright Blade:Michael Ravencroft Heads up we have an alicorn oc main character here. I could only read a few chapters of this story because Twilight is not the main character (Yeah I'm that petty), but she seemed fairly badass even in light of the mary sue 5/10
Review:The Master Whoovian

6/10Hoofed by Your Own Petard:Tortfeasor Twilight has a few badass outbursts in between strip shows, yes she is a stripper, only earning a 3/10

0/10(Ouch)Kingdom of Monsters The reviewer complains of character stupidity and numerous grammatical errors. 1/10

Remember we are always looking for people to help us expand our data base, so shoot me a pm if you are interested in being a reviewer.
Supreme Dictator Pleaseworkforonce Out

Nice collection, though I completely forgot this group did reviews:twilightblush:

Welp, I know what I'll be reading in the next few months/weeks

Can someone review Winning, and the Pitfalls Therein? I kinda get a feeling from it that it inherently belongs in this group.

A review will be done soon

Group Admin

Is this a sign that you are interested in being one of the group's reviewers? If so shoot me a pm and I will give you all the details.

Group Admin

4670357 I give up, what is it missing?

Group Admin

4675277 Oh, I was looking at the stickied posts:facehoof:
I shall update the list when I get home.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 13