
Viewing 21 - 28 of 28 results

Stuff I like so so should you #1 · 9:44pm Aug 2nd, 2015

Hey there!
So seeing as all the cool kids are doing it, I figured I would start a spotlight feature of my own.

I totally am. :twilightblush:

Now unlike most, I'm not going to follow any sort of rankings. I'll be spotlighting authors or individual stories which personally tickle my fancy.

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The Rarest of all Occassions! · 7:32pm Jan 28th, 2018



Guys guys guys!

PoweredByTea[1] has just posted a new story. The Price For Luna! And, oh, guys, has this one been a long, long time coming.

How long? Okay. So I wrote fanfic about this fanfic[2].

In 2013.


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Vren55's Summer Plugging Reviews: The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon · 7:26am Jun 3rd, 2016

It occurs to me that I need to start practicing other forms of writing, such as story or fic reviews. After all, I am a graduate student now, only reasonable that I start exploring some other career opportunities.

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Here are some cool stories to check out while I work on mine! · 9:32pm Mar 1st, 2022

Well, I've gone two months into 2022 without posting anything here. Let's change that!

…So, yeah. January was a surprisingly busy month for me IRL, so I wasn't all that productive on the writing side of things. I was planning to get something done during the month's tail end, but the one-two punch of Seattle's Angels and the Royal Canterlot Library closing their doors knocked that wind right back out of my sails. It's been billowing on and off ever since, I'm afraid.

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I found the new(ish) story "Requiem for a Friend" interesting. You might too. · 1:45pm February 16th

TRequiem for a Friend
Octavia Melody struggles after Vinyl Scratch's untimely death.
Math Spook · 13k words  ·  31  2 · 312 views

imho, this story does some lovely things with music, friendship, realizations, and personal growth.


"Please give me some story recommendations!" · 5:43pm January 3rd

I think it's 95% hilarious when someone in a group or a discord or other social media asks for story recommendations and they say nothing or almost nothing about what kinds of stories they even like, or what they think makes a story good or bad.

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A Story To Enjoy This Nightmare Night: "Cé Tusa, Cé Tusa, Cé Tusa" · 4:59am Oct 31st, 2023

Recently, I helped my good friend Scriblits Talo with some minor editing of their newest story, published just in time on the eve of the darkest night of the year

I present to you the wonderful tale that is named Cé Tusa, Cé Tusa, Cé Tusa.

TCé Tusa, Cé Tusa, Cé Tusa
Once upon a Nightmare Night, Twilight is berated with an ancient lore.
Scriblits Talo · 1k words · 243 views

May you enjoy this scary delight, and shiver in awe this Nightmare Night.


Two Songs That Are WAY Too Similar and #NotSpon Plug For a Great Author (Oh, and RainbowDash2012.) · 3:13am May 20th

See this guy? Destiny Chaser

He's a supremely talented author who sadly hasn't gotten much of the recognition he deserves.

He does it all: great action, believable and complex characters, moments of absolute hilarity here and there, actually trying his hardest to make something completely unique and succeeding, etc. I could go on all day. There's a reason his stories are some of my favorites on the site.

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Viewing 21 - 28 of 28 results