
Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results

Fandoms, and the Power to Make Fiction Emotionally Real · 8:37pm May 19th

This is going to be a very different blog post than I normally would do, but considering I really don't have much in terms of actual updates, I opted to instead get this off my chest.

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What an Interesting Week... · 5:53pm March 31st

Well, I mean, interesting to me. Took care of a few IRL things. Work was busy in... unique ways, lately. Winter doesn't seem to want to go away quite yet (which I'm actually fine with. Already sick of Mr. Sun). Had a quiet celebration for my wife's birthday and our Anniversary (got her a CD and some books she wanted). We've been officially married for 8 years now, living together for almost 5 (well, at least OFFICIALLY). Kinda proud of that, even though these are still rookie numbers. Finished

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I Normally Don't Write a Blog This Soon, But... · 4:29am February 22nd

It's been nothing but good news today! On the IRL front, the Citizenship Ceremony my Wife had to attend (online) was a success! She's officially recognized as a Canadian Citizen now, and I couldn't be happier or prouder of her hard work up to now. On a more personal interest front, I learned that both SMT5 is getting a supersized update/overhaul and is being ported to... EVERYTHING! Which means I can FINALLY play it after the years of it taunting me on the Switch for so long. I also learned

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Happy Valentine's Day, and some Updates! · 8:01pm February 14th

First of all, the IRL stuff is finally getting sorted AND we've got some good news about my wife's Canadian Citizenship we've been waiting for to finalize. So, very happy about that. Literally just a stone's throw away from reaching that finish line now.

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Tomorrow... · 4:03pm Dec 11th, 2023

We're now firmly in the Dead of Winter. Look forward to tomorrow and the 11th Anniversary of "Elements Change the Dark Hearts"...


Mixed Feelings as the Final Month of the Year Draws Near... · 10:00pm Nov 24th, 2023

The dead of winter approaches rapidly to what would normally be a comfortable and optimistic time for me, as it was most years, but things are beginning to change whether I like it or not. I'm not gonna bitch too much about it. It's just a mix of online and IRL stuff that's bumming me out, at the end of the day, and it's definitely dumbass first world problems. I'll say one thing. It's always depressing to see a shop you've visited for years and years to finally close down.

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Spooky, Scary Skeletons Send Shivers Down Your Spine... · 5:18am Oct 6th, 2023

It's one of the greatest months to grace the year! OCTOBER! Full of fallen leaves, beautiful warm colors to contrast the cold, and the upcoming childish holiday we all (or, most of us, anyway) love: Halloween. Also known as All Hallow's Eve or Nightmare Night, and some even relating it to Día de los Muertos or Samhain (pronounced Sow-win). However you celebrate it, whether it be through movies, stories, trick'r'treating, reverence, fear, celebration, or you just stay home and bypass the holiday

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Autumn is Here Once More · 7:38pm Sep 21st, 2023

And, I'm sick. I'm groggy. I'm unmotivated. What a way to start the fall, eh? All I've been doing lately is lounging about, staring at the screen and occasionally typing for my stories, fighting a cold for four days, and playing video games to occupy dead air. I mean, the latter is certainly entertaining enough. Maybe I'm just mad I don't have much drive to do writing. I joined a group to do some story reviews to help give me some introspection while inspecting other works from an outside

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The Last of the Backlogged Chapters Has Been Uploaded! · 6:47pm Sep 4th, 2023

Yup! It's the final one, and honestly, I think it's my absolute favorite. It has everything! Show accuracies, lore, action, a little bit of comedy and insults being slung, and the juggling of many characters! I hope I kept everyone in-character for this event.

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Brand New Upload! · 6:39pm Sep 2nd, 2023

I just finished the new chapter AND got it edited last night, and holy crap was it a lot of work. It was also very fun to do. More spanish than I originally intended, that's for sure, and the ending changed drastically over what I was about to do. It also went on MUCH longer than I originally thought (I figured it would be 5000 to 6000 words... I had grossly miscalculated).

I certainly hope you enjoy it!

Also, tune in Monday for the last of my backlogged chapters. And, it's a doozy.


New Chapter and More Writing! · 6:50pm Aug 31st, 2023

Fun fact, this chapter that I've just posted was surprisingly fun, and my second most recent chapter. It was also a chapter I did at byootfick in the dead of night, cranking out roughly four fifths of the entire chapter in one go (roughly 4000 words). I had NEVER been that motivated. This is ALSO a chapter my editor and best friend highly enjoyed, which surprised me a bit. He certainly likes my work, but this was much higher praising than I was used to, which made me a little suspicious, but

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Published a New Chapter! · 4:34am Aug 31st, 2023

It's time to bite the bullet! I've uploaded a new chapter that I've been working on. This has been in the backlog for months on end, waiting for me to have a few of them ready.

I certainly hope you enjoy it, and remember, leave a comment to tell me what you thought about it!

Edit: Expect new chapter tomorrow afternoon!


UPDATE COMBO! · 4:21pm Aug 24th, 2023

Jeez, I've been coming here a lot, haven't I? Well, I've got some good news! My next chapter has been finalized, so I now have a total of three chapters done and backlogged. Further still, my editor REALLY loved the latest one I did, so that was a huge deal for me.

On top of that, I've started work on yet another chapter that I'll hopefully get done some time soon. I'm really gonna try to ride this creativity streak as long as I possibly can.

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Sudden Update! + EDIT UPDATE · 11:09pm Aug 22nd, 2023

I don't know what in the blue hell happened, but I suddenly had a wave of inspiration and creativity wash over me last night, to the point of writing over 4000 words in a night. I've NEVER done that before. On top of that, I've also almost finished the chapter I was working on because of it. Holy hell!

Anyway, just a quick, sudden update, that I may have some actual content on the way now!

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Writing Updates + Question For My Readers · 8:54pm Aug 18th, 2023

So, I have some updates, albeit few. I've been working on another chapter for Beautiful Stories, and have also been hopping over to my official novel project and doing work there. Great news on the latter is that I've managed to finish the prologue (though, it is a tad short), and have already started up the first proper chapter. I've also written down some key notes to help me keep things straight,

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Small Updates · 9:39pm Aug 4th, 2023

First of all, I apologize for no new content. Still working on it, I swear. I got back into writing for the Trixie side story, as well as working (albeit slowly) on a chapter for "Beautiful Stories". I'm also trying to do another chapter for the Vergil/Silent Hill story, but that's going even slower. Probably because I'm

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Chapter Has Been Finalized! · 6:00pm Jul 7th, 2023

So, recently, I sat down with my best friend and editor, Joey (whom, yes, is still here, and yes, is still working on PMC, albeit slowly), and we edited the new chapter for "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children". When all was said and done, he gave me the thumbs up, so I officially have a second chapter in the backlog, ready to post. Gonna get one more done before I start posting. I wanna give you guys (the few readers I actually have) a

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Some actual progress to report! · 10:05pm Jul 4th, 2023

So, I've been hinting at this already, but I HAVE been working on a chapter for "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children". It's been taking quite a while, due to a lot of procrastinating on my part.

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Happy Maple Leaf Day · 4:05pm Jul 1st, 2023

Got a few updates to share. The first of which is that I've been slowly but surely working on a new chapter for "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children". Let me just say, working on Zecora's dialogue is very difficult. You really have to think about context, rhythm, and structure just to make sure what she says not only makes flawless sense, but still can sit in a regular conversation. This does mean

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So, I'm a part of a new site... · 11:38pm Jun 18th, 2023

No, I'm not leaving FimFic. It's not a story site. It's a site called Backloggd, and it's all about organizing your gaming collection and figuring out which games you have in a backlog. I have... quite a few, turns out.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results