
Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results

Wooing · 1:35pm May 17th, 2018

I’m going to be pulling the final chapter of wooing down for a day or two to redo the argument scene. The whole process doesn’t sit well with me anymore and feels a bit contrived. I can do better.

In the meantime, I look forward to hearing all the wonderful stories from EFNW come Monday!

Report Rose Quill · 217 views ·

New story chapters out! · 5:13am Sep 28th, 2017

Insurgence and On the Inside both have new content in them.

I unpacked my kitchen today. I don't know about the rest of you, but home cooked food is so much tastier (and cheaper) than any take away food, no matter how well done.

What did I make? Chicken and dumplings with vegetables in the crockpot.

Oh, having counter space to roll out dumpling dough. Heavenly!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay:

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Report Rose Quill · 338 views · #Updates #stories #food

The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer Revisions · 1:44pm Sep 25th, 2017

Ok, so I'm starting the revisions for Wooing, and I'm all moved out of my old place.

I do appear to be rooming with a large family of cardboard boxes, however...I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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Report Rose Quill · 221 views ·

Ending of a story... · 9:11am Jan 22nd, 2017

As I noted earlier, I just ended Wooing, but I had an idea for a bonus chapter, one that doesn't advance the story any. Sort of like the "Next Time" lead-outs on some television shows, showing what will happen on the next installment.

But should I? Who wants slight spoilers to a story anyway?

Report Rose Quill · 279 views ·

Ok, change of plans. · 6:53am Jan 22nd, 2017

I ended "The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer" today, in a decision that the remaining stories I had planned would be better off as short three to four chapter stand alone stories. As I noted in the author's note, The wedding of Cadence, Dew, and the Spring Break cruise will all have their own stories.

I also have a few little one shots planned for other members of the Mane cast. Look out for another Fluttershy story, my first Applejack story, and maybe something a little more...shocking.

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I'm also a doofus · 12:04pm Jan 19th, 2017

Went to do a little editing of the bonfire chapter and managed to somehow upload a blank document. It should be fixed now...

And a new chapter is ready, just doing a bit of editing before it goes up.

Report Rose Quill · 225 views ·

Well, I think I'll continue... · 2:07am Jan 19th, 2017

I think I'll continue "Wooing" through the end of January, aiming for a chapter every other day. Every time I think I'm coming to a close I think of something else that fits within the story arc.

Right now I have Dew's wedding, Graduation, figuring out how to let the Ponyville Mane 6 attend - or if to let them attend - and Spring Break. I've also decided to reveal Sunshine's origins to the Shimmer sisters, so that's going to be a fun write.

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I'm in the Featured Story List!!!!! · 7:21am Jan 18th, 2017


This is amazing!



Actually, I'm wrong · 5:06pm Jan 17th, 2017

I forgot that I had planned a one or two chapter section for Dawning Dew's wedding. So 'Wooing' is going to go on just a bit longer.

Hmm...bridesmare? Bridlemaid? Glory is the Mare of Honor, by what could we possibly call Sunsets place...hmm.

Report Rose Quill · 175 views ·

Updates to "Wooing" · 10:48am Jan 16th, 2017

So today I uploaded two chapters to "The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer". However, to me, it's still Sunday. I haven't been to bed yet. I get these spells where 36 hours will pass before my brain says "Sleep, you foolish girl."

So, today - or when it's Monday to me, so probably late afternoon or early evening - I'll finally reveal the two gifts we really care about; The first gifts Sunset and Twilight give each other.

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Just had a thought. · 11:08pm Jan 14th, 2017

Did I ever mention an exact color for Sunshine's coat? I know I said it was a more bluish shade of Twilight's basic light purple, but have I ever stated a definitive color?

This is where I kind of have issues. I have a mild form of colorblindness, where I can't tell shades apart if they are really close. I know the colors of the Mane 6 because it's not hard to tell and Google is my friend.

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Here's my docket for writing on my days off: · 12:58am Jan 14th, 2017

I plan on closing out Wooing soon, around six more chapters or so. These are up and coming stories and all are working titles.

Fluttershy SOL - When the Bough Breaks

Applejack - Dig In and Planted. - tentative ideas.

SunLight, Homecoming continuity - Chaos Theory

Around five more chapters each of my original works, Summer's Fury and Warriors of Faith

Azure - Into the Wilds

Rarity - Belle of the Ball

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Hmm...Who to invite to the Yule Ball... · 10:46pm Jan 12th, 2017

Writing the chapter for a large formal ball that ISN'T the Grand Galloping Gala is interesting. I have to come up with a cast of invitees, those not showing up, and possibly chaos induced by a certain Draconequus.

This may be a baaaaaad idea.


Naps are divine. · 6:34am Jan 12th, 2017

They do wonders for recharging the brain. That goes double when you wind up with your cat tucked in against you purring.

A note about the title. The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer is actually two titles in one.

The wooing Sunset does.
The wooing Sunset receives.

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Brief Hiatus · 5:26am Jan 11th, 2017

I'm afraid I need a day off.

Not from burnout, just bad scheduling. I have to pull a double tomorrow and then open the following day, so tomorrow there won't be an update for "The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer" and I apologize for that.

On the other hand, with the events of the most recent chapter, maybe I should let everypony catch up.

We'll be back with a fresh chapter on Thursday evening.


Insomnia · 8:40am Jan 10th, 2017

I wrote a chapter for Wooing while sleep deprived. It was not a good outcome. I almost had Sunshine (Twilight) 'power up' into Midnight Sparkle v2.0, which was going to be similar to how Sunset's second transformation was less demonic and more angelic. The writing was horrible, did not quite match the tone of the previous chapter, and honestly was rubbish. It has since been burned, dissolved, and boiled away.

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It's the worst storm ever... · 10:26am Jan 8th, 2017

Yeah, it dumped nine inches of snow on my region of the US, but the temperature is up and I doubt any more will fall today.

Now watch as I need a Tauntaun to get to work tomorrow.

There's only one more chapter titled for Heath's Warming before we move on to the Yule Ball and then on to the Sparkle's Christmas party.

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Snow it begins · 12:10am Jan 7th, 2017

As I write this, we are gearing up for "The Worst Winter Storm" of the decade.

I wish I could use hyperbole like weathermen. It'd make my stuff sound 20% cooler.

But in the AM hours , I work at a grocery store, and I must ask you.

How the hell are you going to cook all that raw beef and tv dinners if the power goes out? Not everyone has gas grills and cooking ranges. Hamburger isn't like tea, where all you need is a good size candle to make hot tea.

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And we're off! · 3:36am Jan 3rd, 2017

I've started the next chapter fic for my little SunLight Homecoming continuity. There are going to be some timeskips, but I'll try to limit them to a few days at most. We're going to start off with a dinner and maybe end with a wedding or more.

We'll see what those two girls demand of me this time.

Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results