> Elements: Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children > by Nightmare_0mega > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beauteous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under the comfort of the night, beside the warmth of the fireplace, Princess Celestia sat in regal splendor, tea held aloft by her golden magic while her body relaxed upon her favorite pillows. Her light fuchsiaish gray coat partly outlined with the golden glow of the fire, as her light cerulean, light turquoise, very light cobalt blue, and pale heliotrope ethereal mane gently waved through the air. A case file, long since opened, sat beside her while she enjoyed her tea to the fullest. It was then that she had the sudden rush of magic hit her, as the feeling of an incoming message was immanent. Her horn glowed a bit brighter as green fire suddenly materialized before her, only to yield to the form of sealed parchment, addressed directly to the solar Princess. She gave a warm smile, knowing who had sent it, and unfurled it to reveal its contents. Pale, light gray magenta eyes scanned the letter, which happened to be yet another progress report of the beings that had become guests of their land. Despite their grim circumstances, and despite her secret plans for them, she hoped they would take the opportunities they have now to live in the moment and forge their own lives, hopefully ones better than the ones they left behind. Not for the sake of her plan, but for the sake of their own comfort and well-being. The letter read as follows: Dear Princess Celestia, Today had been quite the hectic day. Adna, Dumah, Elvis, Mantis, myself, and the rest of the girls had arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters, intending on restoring the ruined castle back to its prior splendor nearly a thousand years ago. Perhaps give it more of a "beautifying facelift" while we were at it, as Rarity put it. However, despite having been there once before, when we initially retrieved the Elements, it was very clear that we were not prepared to venture the castle on our own. Through a long series of shenanigans, the other girls and the "gentlecreatures" that accompanied us had become separated and victim to a variety of prank-like traps that ended up tormenting many of us into a panic. None of this was helped with that silly ghost story about the "Pony of Shadows". It was such a disaster, Dumah had punched out fifteen percent of the west side wall, Adna was stuck in the bell tower, Elvis was somehow underneath the entire castle, and the rest of the girls were running around screaming and crying in the main hall. Materials were destroyed or lost and more damage was done requiring more repair work. Never the less, upon realizing the situation, Mantis and I were able to take charge and get everything back on track. We were able to solve some of the trap layout after some time investigating, and also find that many of the ones we found were directly linked to the pipe organ in the music room. That's just evil. To make a long story short, I'll need to speak to you and Luna about this castle, and hopefully get a full map of the place, on the off chance there are any more hidden surprises we need to look out for. As for what lesson we may have learned this time around? Always stick together when you're in an unknown place. And, also don't scare your friends with a decidedly spooky ghost story when in a decidedly spooky castle. Pinkie will have to learn that one multiple times, I'm sure. Your Faithful Fellow Princess, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. P.S. I'm still not used to signing my name with these new titles. Forgive me if I end up using my old hoofer salutations sometimes. Celestia gave a chuckle as she finished reading the report, before she slipped it into the case file beside her. It had been some time since all six of the beings had touched down, and she had kept each and every report of their actions that were sent to her, or had been written by Celestia herself. Sometimes the stories told were amusing. Sometimes dramatic. Sometimes somber. Sometimes action packed. She never really knew what they would get into, just like the Elements themselves. It was never a dull moment, no matter what happened, and with another sip of her tea, she reasoned more beautiful stories will be brought to her for years to come. > Swanheart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far to the north, encroaching the farthest border of Equestria’s tundra, stood the majestic territory of the Crystal Empire; the once lost crown jewel of the land, lovingly protected by a magical shield generated by the Crystal Heart. Within the shimmering walls of the kingdom, hundreds of happy citizens went about their sun-shining day, oblivious to the harsh cold. Ever since the threat of Sombra was extinguished for good, thanks to the efforts of the Guard and an unlikely set of heroes, ponies moved with confidence. Even building repairs couldn’t phase the demeanor of everyone there, as if they were more happy to rebuild from the damage. The atmosphere was so cheerful and proud, one could swear that the populous could almost go into an impromptu song and dance number. Yes, everyone within the Empire’s walls was in the highest of spirits. However, unbeknownst to all but the rulers of the Crystal Empire themselves, a heavily guarded double sized caravan drew ever closer to the castle’s protective barrier. Said caravan was headed by no less than twenty Royal Guards, and carried the following: Princess Celestia, the light fuchsiaish gray coated and multi-color maned princess of the sun, her sister Princess Luna, the dark blue coated and starry night skied color maned Princess of the night, the Element of Kindness Fluttershy, the pale light grayish yellow pegasus with a flowing light grayish rose mane, and Elvis, the dark skinned, balding black haired biped that wore various golden rings on his arms and fingers, a snazzy but rather tight light gray sleeveless suit that did nothing to hide his rather large, hairy belly, and kept an unlit and lofty cigar chomped between his teeth. However, these weren’t the only strange passengers, considering such an unlikely assortment of individuals. With them was the mismatched, unforgettable creature with a name that perfectly described his visage and purpose, sporting a horse head, a goat horn and deer antler, a ram’s beard, a lion paw and eagle claw, a cloven hoof and lizard’s leg, a dragon’s tail, a bat wing and a bird wing, and two slightly off kilter yellow eyes with red pupils. This was the draconequus and Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony; Discord. “Oh, dear Celestia, is this reeeeeaaally necessary?” the draconequus whined, probably for the third time, sick of the silent treatment, and the threat of being beat-up by the temperamental demon beside him. “You tried to turn the royal guard into a ballet recital,” Celestia droned in irritation, breaking her silence. “And summoned clowns to throw pickle flavored pies at them,” Luna added, also rather irate. “I needed to do SOMETHING to liven up my departure of that stuffy landfill you call a city,” he barked, crossing his arms. The sounds of angry moos could be heard as the two princesses stared daggers at the reality warping trickster. “You know, you should thank me for not ‘loosening’ everyone up myself,” honestly wishing he could try to set up the old “rubber and glue” routine. “Just like you should thank me for not punching you in the face in response, pendejo,” Elvis chimed in. Discord’s gaze fixed toward the chaos magic immune monster that rode with them, grinding his teeth enough to make audible balloon squeaks. Elvis did not flinch, and merely continued to stare at the mismatched serpent. With a huff, he stopped, and finally broke away from the stare-down. “Oh, you’re such a boring spoilsport. If it weren’t for your immunity, your predictable antics would have you right hosed.” Elvis, quick to the draw, snapped his right hand forward and caught Discord’s claw, mid transformation into a garden hose that was about to violently spray everyone in the area. With the power of the earth itself, The Deva tightened his grip until the pressure began to build in the hose-like arm Discord began to make. “Ok, Ok, I get the point, now let GO of me!” Discord demanded as his arm returned to normal with the sounds of deflating whoopee cushions. Elvis let go, just as he was told, before grabbing his cigar, preparing to light it up without thinking. “Elvis, please, not now,” Celestia chastised, trying not to be disrespectful towards the Deva, but having a hard time due to dealing with the mad composite creature they were forced to ride with. “I understand the craving, but just hold on until we’ve landed, ok?” Elvis growled lowly, “Estúpidos caballos de pulmón rosado y sus sensibles narices.” He then looked toward Fluttershy beside him, whom had been very quiet through the whole ordeal. However, her pleading eyes said it all: the whole situation was stressful enough for all parties involved, and getting angry about not smoking wasn’t helping matters, not even mentioning that no one there would feel very comfortable smelling the smoke at such a close proximity. Maldito, those are some expressive eyes. He relented, and put the cigar in his front pocket for the time being. Fluttershy gave a small smile and sigh of relief, glad someone was willing to cooperate. She then looked towards Discord, whom was just on the other side of Elvis. While it was somewhat difficult to catch a glimpse of him due to Elvis’ rather large shape and Discord’s own snake-like form, she could just barely see him gazing out the carriage window with a bored look on his face. For a split second, he almost looked like an innocent colt, rather than the horrible manipulator that tried to destroy her friends and the world with pure chaos. She almost felt kinda sorry for him. It was then the very restricted and moody chimera noticed Fluttershy staring at him. “And what, prey tell, are you gawking at?” The timid pegasus let out a small squeak of surprise before ducking back behind Elvis’ obstructive frame, out of Discord’s line of sight. Discord rolled his eyes right out of their sockets and onto the windowsill, continuing to stare outside, still bored of the current turn of events. “We’re here,” Celestia announced as the carriage shook slightly as it finally touched down on the ground. After a few more moments, it came to a stop, and the guards that flew with it lined up on the right side to help usher them out, and keep an eye on the untrustworthy one. One by one, they each filed out, starting with the two sisters, followed by Fluttershy, Elvis, and finally Discord, after he was done looking for his missing eyes. “We don’t have all day, Discord.” “That’s quite rich, coming from you, Ms. Daymare,” Discord sassed, blowing a party favor raspberry with his forked tongue. The guards all stomped and presented their weapons, pointing them at the Spirit of Chaos. “I suppose this is how you treat all of your dissenters?” Celestia sighed. “Stand down.” They did as they were ordered, which did nothing but literally have him draw a small, smug smile on Discord’s face. “Elvis, I want you to take Discord, and follow my sister to the Crystal Castle.” “You’re making me go with moody and gloomy?” Discord questioned faux incredulously, following the quite seriously sounding, “But, I’ll be bored to death before I make it to the front gate. Have you no mercy, Dearest Celestia?” “Do you have much of a choice?” “And I thought I was the tyrant. Fine, if you absolutely must.” He then raised his arms in a dramatic fashion, feigning a faint. “Take me away!” “You’re not as captive or restricted as you think. However, I want you on your best behavior for the time being, at least until everything is said and done. Now go.” Like a petulant child, Discord stuck his forked tongue out and blew a raspberry. Unlike a child, actual raspberries began flying out of his tongue and at the various guards faces, along with bouncing off limply against the magical barrier around both Luna and Celestia. Elvis wasn’t so lucky while Fluttershy hid behind his large frame to entirely avoid it, only to apologize profusely for using him like a shield. After that sorry display, Discord finally complied and followed Luna and the Deva to the castle, leaving Celestia with Fluttershy and the entourage of guards. The Solar Princess turned to her diminutive little subject and spoke once again. “As I’ve explained previously, my little pony, I’ve requested your help in this matter-” “Oh, well, I know, but I still don’t-” She gave a little chuckle. “Allow me to finish.” “Okay...” “I’ve requested you and you alone for this task for a number of reasons. For the sake of transparency, while it is because your patience and kindness know very few boundaries and I have the utmost confidence in your abilities to assist with Discord’s reformation, it’s in part a safety precaution.” “A safety precaution?” “Indeed. I’m aware that Discord has tried to manipulate you once when he separated you from everyone else and failed to do so indirectly, resorting to direct mind control.” “You saw that?!” Fluttershy exclaimed in shock, before feeling rather embarrassed of being spied on at such a vulnerable moment in her life. “H-how? I didn’t see you anywhere.” “The details as to how I was able to witness what happened then will be discussed later, I promise, but the point I wish to make is that your resilience to his effects is something few can ever boast about.” “Oh, well, thank you,” Fluttershy squeaked with a light blush. “I am also aware that you have taken the opportunity to act as caretaker to a creature that made its home not too far from here. From what I’ve been told, he’s been quite a handful.” “Yes, but Bael can be sweet when he wants to be.” I believe you say that about a lot of dangerous creatures, Fluttershy, but this is precisely why you’re perfect for the job. Celestia smiled as she continued, “This brings me to my other point. If Bael is indeed keen on your presence, then worse comes to worst and Discord tries anything nefarious, he’ll be there to keep you safe.” “I suppose so...” “If anything does go wrong, don’t hesitate to contact us. For this period, if you are in need of assistance, I will come to your aid, as well as your friends, and each of them will have their element at hoof,” she said, as she caused a small, ornate box to materialize between them, “And so will you.” She then opened it to reveal the necklace which contains the small butterfly shaped gem, which sparkled in the daylight. “A-are you sure?” “I would not do this if I wasn’t confident.” As she spoke, she removed the necklace from its seat and placed it around Fluttershy’s neck. “With that said, I shall cast a warding spell so that only you are capable of removing the necklace as one last precaution in case Discord tries to take it. I have also cast a summoning spell for your convenience upon saying a specific phrase. You’ll know what it is when you hear it.” Upon stating this, her horn flared as the necklace glowed briefly and shimmered from its magical light. “Th-thank you.” “You’re welcome. Now, let us join the others in the Crystal Castle. I have a few things to discuss with everyone there.” Ahead of these two, Luna, Elvis, and the ever lagging behind Discord marched down the central street towards the castle. Their presence, along with the long list of Royal Guard ever vigilantly keeping up with the trio, attracted quite the crowd over time. Some with curiosity, others with shock, but all of them were terrifyingly intrigued. Crystal Ponies far and wide only know the tyranny that was Sombra, but have heard tales and rumors of the Spirit of Chaos, and couldn’t help but shiver in the warm sunlight. Having experienced entrapment by one monstrous nut job was enough. Even gazing upon Discord’s visage was enough to make those with weaker constitutions take a step back in fright. However, despite his boredom and irritation over being treated with such extreme caution, bemusement did seem to set in as the audience, young and old, stared at him like a sort of side attraction. The terror on their faces was expected, but painfully predictable, and needed to be corrected. The answer? To stretch his cheeks with his fingers and loll his tongue from his mouth, before transforming it into a noodle-y looking pony to flap and wave about in the wind as if it were in extreme excitement. The children's mood slowly changed from fear to fun as they watched the impromptu spectacle before concerned parents brought their little ones closer, weary of the shape-shifting chimera’s antics. Not one to be outdone by parental censorship, Discord snapped his fingers, and suddenly icecream cones appeared in the hooves of fillies and colts in the immediate area. Cacophonous squeals of joy could be heard as every child reveled in the spontaneity of the moment unfolding before them, along with a collective groan of irritated parents. Then, the critique began rolling in, to mixed results. “Mmmm, I got chocolate!” “Orange sorbet!” “Eughhhh... why’s mine pickle flavor?!” “I’ve never seen that color before... I don’t think I want to see it again.” “I LOVE strawberry and banana chunk!” “Son, if that icecream... THING insults me again, you’re grounded.” “Why do I smell fish?” “COOKIEDOUGH!” “HONK!” “Discord!” Luna shouted, catching the attention of the smirking draconequus, “Make haste or be chided! We wish to conclude our business this eve BEFORE the morrow beckons our duties!” “Indeed,” chimed in Celestia, whom caught up to the group along with Fluttershy, “Basking in your antics can wait. We have much to discuss in a very tight schedule.” He sighed, “As you wish.” Discord then turned to the crowd. “Farewell, my adoring fans!” Upon his farewell, he took a bow as a range of cheers and jeers were thrown his way, along with the more unflattering flavors and colors of icecream he summoned. All that earned was a satisfied chuckle out of the mismatched creature. With that, the party of five all headed for the palace to set in stone what would be officially Discord’s first day of rehabilitation. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- “You have GOT to be joking.” Discord repeated. Nearly everyone, including Celestia, Luna, Elvis, Shining Armor, Cadence, and a few of the Royal Guard present in the room glowered in his direction, deadly serious, while Fluttershy hid behind Celestia, trying to stay out of sight of the judgemental eyes. “Fluttershy? Really?” No one flinched or answered his obvious question. “REALLY?! Fluttershy?!” He elongated his neck with the sound of a compressed accordion so he could see the somewhat nervous pegasus cower behind her ruler and co-conspirator. “And just WHAT is she going to do to stop me if I don’t comply?” The question was rhetorical, but the implication was clear. Honestly, what could the humble, kindly, and quiet little mare do in the face of such an unruly and unpredictable avatar of disharmony. “May I remind you for the umpteenth time, Discord, that the Elements are available to be used at a moments notice, and are charmed to be out of your reach?” Celestia said curtly. “Oh, woe is me. The candy colored bane of my freedom,” he warbled in false sobs, before he snapped back with a more serious follow up. “May I remind YOU that all Element bearers are required to imprison me?” “Fluttershy has been given hers, and I’ve already made arrangements to instantly summon the others if need be,” Celestia explained, “All it would require is for Fluttershy or anyone in this room to merely say the worlds ‘I need help against Discord’, and Twilight, along with the others, would appear at her side.” “Ugh,” he groaned, “You’re always so many steps ahead, aren’t you Sunbutt? And what’s going to stop me from just messing with the minds of everyone here before it could even be said?” “Verily, thou rehabilitation is not to be hosted here. Indeed, dearest Fluttershy will be taking you outside the city, for her duties extend to another... Another, whom will act as her guardian in place of Elvis.” “There’s another one of YOU things here?” Elvis simply took a drag from his cigar, and gave a hearty chortle with a toothy smile. “Surprised me too, gilipollas.” “Speaking of,” Celestia started, turning her attention to the little pegasus still hiding behind her larger frame, “How has our guest been since he’s been under your care, Fluttershy?” “Oh, he’s very well, thank you. Bael has been quickly learning to keep his temper and watch his behavior. He still has the odd rude comment to say, but he’s getting there.” “Oh, brother, what sap!” Discord said, before melting into a pile of sticky goo, ruining the cloth that draped the table. Everyone groaned in irritation. “Never the less,” Celestia concluded, “You will be joining Fluttershy as she attends to Bael. Perhaps his example could help assist in your reformation.” “He could also kick your ass in my place, if nothing else,” Elvis said with another chuckle. “Language!” Fluttershy barked suddenly, The Deva raised his hand in apology, before taking another drag of his smokable. “Fine, fine, if you honestly insist. Now then,” the chaotic spirit started, rising from his seat, “Where do we go from here?” “Cadence and Shining Armor, along with the Royal Guards I’ll leave behind for the time being, will escort you and Fluttershy to the barrier’s edge, where they will relax the magic enough for you to pass through.” “Oh, don’t be silly. I’m sure wherever we need to go according to the script is somewhere I can just arrive at in a snap,” he announced, pulling out a small set of papers, reading them quickly, before tossing them behind his head. “Ah, there. And awaaaaaaaaay, we go!” He then declared as he snapped the fingers of his lion’s paw, blinking out of existence. Shining Armor and Cadence both sighed, which only prompted confusion out of Fluttershy. “I know he just teleported, Twilight does it all the time, but why do you sound so exasperated?” “You’ll see when you get there,” said Celestia. “Now then, I have some pressing matters to attend to back in Canterlot, along with my Sister. Fluttershy, follow Cadence and Shining Armor to the barrier where your intended to leave through. With all said and done, however, I wish you the best of luck, and I do hope you will not need to end the rehabilitation prematurely.” “Thank you. I’ll do my best, “ she said, puffing her chest slightly in pride. And with that, all remaining parties involved left the dining room, proceeded out of the Crystal Castle, before separating either to go back to Canterlot, or proceed towards the barrier, where a very disgruntled and impatient draconequus snapped his fingers to very little effect, barely teleporting from side to side. It was somewhat amusing to witness such a commander of the unpredictable in such an unpredictable situation to him. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle a little at the irony, along with Cadance. Shining Armor, however, was a little less mirthful over the mad creature’s display of incompetence, as well as the implications of such a display. “Confound teleportation magic,” Discord uttered with venom, “What’s wrong with you?” “The barrier around the city keeps ponies inside safe from the harsh northern elements of the tundra,” Shining began to explain, “AND to keep out those with malice in their heart.” “Malice,” Discord questioned incredulously, “ME? Oh the nerve of it all. I don’t have a mean bone in my body.” With that, he opened his mouth, grabbed his snaggle tooth, and pulled out his entire skeleton in a cartoonishly over-the-top manner, which stood beside his floppy body that seemed to just wobble more than it stood. “See?” It was then seen that the words MEAN in big, bold, black letters were apparent on each of his bones from antlers to toes, save for one of his ribs. “Oops. Ok, fine, maybe I’m a little bit on the nasty side, but isn’t that why I’m here?” His skeleton then opened the mouth of his body, stretched it out like a pair of pants as wide as possible, before pulling it over like some sort of one piece suite. “Thank you for the nightmares,” Shining deadpanned, before he turned to Fluttershy, “I know you’ve been able to handle monsters before, but this is a whole different beast. If you have any trouble at all, don’t you dare hesitate to summon your friends immediately.” He then looked at Discord who had a smug look on his face. Determined to wipe it off, Shining added, “And if that isn’t enough, come directly to us and we’ll use the Crystal Heart.” “Oooh, I’m shaking in my scales!” he retorted. “Uhm, actually Discord, the last one to be hit by the Crystal Heart was vaporized,” Fluttershy interjected, which got the draconequus’ attention. “Really?” he asked genuinely, “That’s... a bit troubling, actually.” “So behave yourself for all our sakes.” “Even a snap of your tail and turning beavers into super-dam building monsters is enough reason for that,” Shining warned. “Fine, fine, fine! I’ll play ball for now.” He then turned to Fluttershy, as he had no desire to speak to the rulers of the Empire. “Now, how are we to leave this accursed city if my rehabilitation is conducted outside?” Shining flared his horn with a brilliant light and opened a passage in the barrier about twice the size of a pony of his stature. A small amount of snow spilled onto the grass before melting away in the warmth of the Empire’s sun. “Shall we?” Fluttershy asked, pointing to the harsh cold outside. “If you insist, but please, ladies first.” “Well, thank you,” Fluttershy replied with a small smile, walking out into the tundra. As she left, and while making sure he wasn’t going to be noticed by his small yellow warden, he quickly turned to Shining Armor, stuck out his forked tongue, blew it like a party favor just before he turned to the exit and marched into the snow himself while giving a sassy snap of his fingers. Shining closed up the hole in the barrier with another flare of his horn before giving a heavy sigh. Cadance approached her ailing husband and gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder. “You did very well, honey.” He gave another sigh. “I trust Celestia and all, but, do you really think Fluttershy will actually be able to handle it?” “Honestly,” she started, “I have no clue.” Shining Armor practically sagged upon hearing those words, but she continued anyway, “But if anyone can do it, Fluttershy can. Have a little faith.” “And if it goes wrong?” She then gave a hard stomp of her hoof, “We’ll blast the sucker.” High above the center of town, a snowflake fell down to the roads of the empire, followed by another... -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- What followed was perhaps the most rocky introduction and greeting one could ever conceive, not that Fluttershy didn’t try to keep things on the positive end. As soon as they had arrived at Bael’s hovel entrance in the mountain side, where the great toad was waiting patiently, Discord had decided to make snide comments and jokes at the demon’s expense. The Lord of Frozen Soil didn’t take too kindly to the insults and remarks, but unlike the past where he would have eaten the insolent fool, be they human or demon, here, he simply growled and returned fire with a few thoughts of his own. It swiftly became a shouting match at who could make the better insults. Despite his years of expertise, he couldn’t quite match up to the creativity that the mismatched being exuded, so he always lost the last laugh. As irritated as he would be, he couldn’t help but feel a bit impressed. He’d never admit it, however. Even under oath. Despite their spats, the little pony that accompanied the two of them still kept a chipper attitude, breaking the fights and talking down the more aggressive of the two. It didn’t help that the chimera serpent that lorded over the disorderly entirely enjoyed the idea of instigating and egging on the aggression whenever he could, but she did the best she could. Fluttershy would quickly realize that Bael was also doing his best, even though most attempts at remaining even-tempered was destined for failure. But over the hours as the day ticked by, the little pegasus kept calm and carried on, presenting opportunities for Discord to be himself and act comfortably: offering kind words when he did and bit her own tongue when he went too far. Though, whenever she refused to speak, the Master of Frozen Soil was quick enough to bark an order to pull back on the “comfort”. Dancing frozen fish and turning some of the melting ice into green slime with rubbery properties was bad enough, but instances like making the interior of the cave rotate swiftly while they sat mid air in the dead center of the spinning tunnel were moments they could seriously do without. Of course, Discord ignored the comments, and Fluttershy surprisingly insisted that it would be alright, much to Bael’s chagrin. “You are a massive irritation, chimera,” grumbled Bael. “And, you’re just massive. I’d help with your little weight problem, but I’m afraid my magic doesn’t work on you,” Discord retorted, smug smile on his face. “Discord, would you like some sugar with your tea?” Fluttershy interjected, trying to stop another budding insult match. “Oh, why THANK you, dearest Fluttershy,” he answered with the fakest enthusiasm he could muster, “I most certainly would love some. Two please, extra lumpy.” He then snapped his eagle claw, and turned the sugar cubes into misshapen representations of the three of them. He took two lumpy sugar Baels, and dropped them in his tea, which elicited a pathetic, mousey squeaking noise from the beverage while the sugar cried for help as it dissolved. Discord shot a glance at the toad as it sneered back. “I do hope you’re quite comfortable,” she responded. “I would like it much better if we weren’t in some dingy cave, but I suppose we have to make the best of it. OH, I know what we could do!” He then suddenly snapped his claw again, and this time Fluttershy found herself and Discord in her little cottage, rotating in the opposite direction, inside the cave, while Bael was dropped and left to uselessly tumble just outside the cottage walls. Fluttershy gasped at the sudden change and resisted the urge to shoot a glare. “There, now we can both be comfier. Aren’t I such a nice, reformed, pleasant fellow?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, almost begging her to say something contrarian. Fluttershy took a moment to try not to pass out from the ever changing vertigo, but with some proper composure, she answered him properly. “Why, yes, Discord. I was actually missing home just a smidgen, so this did make me feel a little comfier.” “Really?” he questioned flatly, before coughing a bit to think of something better to recover with. “Well, heh, yes, indeed, that was the idea. I’m so glad you agreed with me.” “Are you *grunt* MAD?” Bael yelled from outside, still tumbling about along the cave surfaces. “He has summoned your *oof* home HERE and is proceeding t- *ugh* to turn it into a *grr* disaster zone!” “He’s only trying to be polite. I can’t fault him for that,” she responded. “Give him the benefit of the doubt.” “Yeah, Mister Overgrown-Tadpole,” the Lord of Chaos said with a smirk and an angel’s halo appearing over his head, “give me the benefit of the doubt!” “I may not be a friend,” Bael bitterly said as he stopped tumbling and began hopping in the direction of the caves rotation, “but I REFUSE to turn a blind eye to this madness!” “Bael...” Despite his words and denial, Fluttershy could feel the concern only a friend would have for someone in her peculiar situation. She thought for a moment, before a brilliant idea had struck her. “What if we put it to the test?” The sound of a record scratching could be heard as both the cave and the house stopped their anti-physics tumbling. “Exsqueeze me?” Discord blurted in shock. “I trust that Discord’s rehabilitation is going well so far, and while it may be too early to call it a success, I want to prove that he’s taking this seriously.” “Oh, what a MARVELOUS idea! And how will you be doing that.” “We’re going to hold a dinner party.” Silence reigned for the moment as the idea sank into the minds of everyone present. The sounds of crickets reverberated off the well acoustic walls as the two just stared at her blankly. It was then that Discord broke the silence. “Oh excellent! Oh sweet honey on a cheese sandwich, you will NOT regret this, especially you, my dearest Fluttershy,” the Lord of Chaos remarked with a flourish. “I already am,” the great toad grumbled. Discord then blew a blue raspberry at him with the sound of a kazoo. Bael glared at the offending party, before a thought hit. “Wouldn’t the test be somewhat lackluster if we are the only three present?” “True...” Fluttershy agreed while pondering. “And, I also suppose it would be very reckless of us to force anyone in that empire to attend and be mortified by the appearance of either of us together, considering both of our track records.” “You mean, considering YOUR track record, whatever that may be,” Discord interjected. “I, at least provide the necessity of bringing a little randomness to an otherwise dull day. You’re welcome,” he said, crossing his arms in a huff. “But, they still need to be sensitive to his actions, in case he tries to pull a stunt.” “Why, I NEVER!” Fluttershy sat for a moment, considering what he said. In truth, she had already considered the possible choices. Ever since the Princess had first requested her to tackle this little stunt, in fact. Considering that she had chosen to build the trust between them as an equal certainly helped to sway her thoughts at this point in time. The final cards were about to be dealt, so it was time to move forward with the only gambit that would move her in the right position to hopefully find the chink in his attitude. “We’ll be bringing my friends over as guests,” she finally concluded. “The other Elements?” Discord asked, before he pawed at his little white chin scruff in thought. “You know, this might actually be the best idea you’ve ever had. What better way to evaluate my progress than to bring forth my heaviest critics? Oh, but they must be all the way back in Ponyville, doing heaven-knows-what through their day-to-day lives,” he remarked with a toothy grin. “It would be quite the inconve-” “That won’t be necessary,” she interrupted, as she pawed her Element that was fastened around her neck. It would be quite the risky move, and she would definitely have to explain herself, but she certainly hoped the result would be one of understanding. “All I ask,” she started as she looked towards Discord, “Is that you tidy up the house a little, and get everything ready for the dinner party. The dishes should be in the cabinet, the tea set in the cupboard, and light appetizers in the ice box, provided nothing was damaged during the spin.” “Oh, what child’s play,” he said with a laugh, “I’ll be done faster than a toad hopping out of boiling water.” Trying not to visualize that horrifying idea, Fluttershy instead gave a nod and proceeded out the door. “I’ll be back in five minutes.” With that, she exited the front door of the cottage and began walking down the long tunnel of Bael’s cave until she felt she was far enough away, turning back only once to find the house properly placed upon the ground; upright as it should be. Before she started what she intended to do, there was an almighty “thud” that caused her to jump a little with a slight squeak. Turning back around, she found Bael right behind her. “What are you doing? That chimera cannot be trusted in the slightest, and you are just leaving it unattended?!” the great toad hissed. “I need to give him the space enough to make his own decisions, and I believe,” she stated with conviction, “that his own desire for positive reinforcement and attention would outweigh his other behaviors.” “How can you be so sure? He’s done nothing but attempt to provoke, and he makes it a point not to hide it.” “I know.” Bael stopped for a moment, before he continued his thoughts. “You know? And yet you allow it?” “He needs to know that someone can trust and befriend him, Bael. His way of thinking is... different, and so is his lifestyle. Making himself comfortable will obviously be a trial for us, to say the least, but if we can put up with it, and ease him into being more comfortable with our lifestyle and more aware of the thoughts and feelings beyond his own, it’ll put him in the position to take that first step.” “Which would be?” “Accepting genuine friendship.” “You’re mad.” “It’s not nice to call ponies names, Bael.” she stated in a deadpan manner. She then closed her eyes, held a hoof against her Element, and whispered quietly the words that came to her in her time of need. “I need your help.” The Element of Kindness that wound around her neck then began to glow as the magic infused in it suddenly shot forward and created five blinding flashes of light. There, standing before her were her friends, each of them already equipped with their own corresponding Element. “Well, that didn’t take long,” Rainbow Dash snarked with a roll of her eyes. “Despite the flippant way you put it, yes, it indeed didn’t take long.” Rarity agreed, albeit begrudgingly. “Alright, Fluttershy, where’s Discord?” Twilight asked, ready for the obvious reason they were summoned. “He’s preparing dinner as we speak,” Fluttershy confidently announced. There was a pregnant pause among the Element Barers as the odd answer sank into their reality. “Dinner?” Rarity questioned. “Mhm-hm,” Fluttershy nodded. “Regular dinner?” Twilight further pressed. “Well, a dinner party, but yes,” Fluttershy responded yet again, eliciting a light squee from the pink party pony in the back. “With no acts of mind control or other evil shenanigans?” Applejack added. “I most certainly hope not. That wouldn’t make him a very good host, now would it?” “Wait, are you expecting us to walk into your home, be guests in HIS dinner party, and pretend this isn’t weird at all?” Rainbow Dash all but shouted. “I’m still standing by the fact that this is a very bad idea,” Bael grumbled. “I’m with Ugly McToady here. This spells disaster with a capital Discord!” “Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy chastised with a small, disapproving look in her gaze. “First off, you will apologize to Bael for calling him that. Secondly, can’t you all have a little faith in me? I want to give him a chance. I want us all to give him a chance.” Her brash, but loyal friend backed up a few steps with head dipping slightly. The five then turned towards each other and began discussing what they should do. Despite grievances, the group itself was rather split on the matter. On the one hoof, this whole idea was risky enough to blow up in all of their faces. Even if he couldn’t get the Elements away from them through his own methods, he could always use other, indirect ways. This wasn’t even mentioning that he was still quite a dangerous individual as it were. On the other, they DID have the Elements by their side to deal with him as a last resort, not to mention the demon that towered above the lot of them, whom had a natural defense against chaos magic. “But, I’m still worried,” Rainbow Dash rebutted with a hushed tone. “I don’t want any of us getting into trouble over this, or worse. You’re with me on that, right guys?” Twilight looked back to Fluttershy, whom returned a pleading gaze, wishing for an understanding. The unicorn thought back to when they were last in the Crystal Empire, which reflexively brought her gaze up to Bael, whom stared down at her as if he was also waiting for the best possible answer. She then turned back to the rest of her friends. “I do agree with you, Rainbow, but... Maybe we should have some faith in Fluttershy this time.” “Really, Twilight?” “Don’t you trust her?” “Well, sure I do, but I don’t trust Discord.” “She’s not asking us to trust him. She’s asking us to give him a chance. There’s a difference.” The stubborn pegasus didn’t know how to respond to that. Was there really a difference? Wasn’t trust needed to give someone a chance? Or, was Twilight implying something else through the subtext that she wasn’t really picking up. “Worse comes to worse, we’ll use the Elements to fix whatever happens.” Rainbow Dash huffed in defeat. “Fine. I’ll go to Discord’s stupid dinner party. I better not get gravy on my coat, though!” Fluttershy then rushed over to her bemoaning friend and gave her a hearty hug, before whispering “Thank you.” “Yeah, yeah, let’s just get this over with.” Twilight smiled, as the six proceeded towards the house as Bael watched on, eyes narrowing in distrust. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The dinner went about as well as expected. As they approached the front door, they were greeted by Discord himself, dressed up as a waiter, inviting them inside in an overtly ridiculous fashion. Once inside, they’ve noticed that the little home of Fluttershy’s had been warped and stretched up as if it were pulled by a taffy machine. Fluttershy herself didn’t bat an eye, but praised the draconequus for setting up the dinner, complete with the correct plates and cutlery. The six and Discord then gathered about Fluttershy’s dinner table, which had a spread of all sorts of dishes and fixings. Everything seemed quite as lovely as it smelled and probably tasted, but that wasn’t the main attraction, nor reason. This was a test, but in his mind, it wasn’t the kind of test that Fluttershy ultimately had in mind. To start, in an effort to liven up the get-together in his eyes, he gave the table’s contents a bit more character. True to fashion, everything on the table had come alive with a mind of their own, producing mixed results. Pleasantly, it seemed that Pinkie had taken a liking to the very affectionate gravy boat that barked like a dog, even petting it as it garnished her mashed potatoes with its contents. It didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to disagree with some harsh words, earning an irate gravy boat’s filling upon her lap and seat. With accusations being slung by the now peeved pony with gravy all over her coat, Discord sidestepped the hoof pointing, and stifled his own giggles, by directing attention to a set of dancing candles. Applejack and Rarity couldn’t help actually appreciate the novel entertainment, but Rainbow Dash once again refused to fully commit to the madness and blew them out. Her adamant distrust was rewarded with flame-less candles beginning to poke and jab at her mercilessly as Discord remarked that she must have made them mad. Soon, even Twilight’s patience began to wane as a haphazard comment about the whole situation seeming fishy triggered a fish-shaped soup-bowl into a frenzy, spraying everyone with warm veggie broth. It took everything in Discord’s power to keep himself from laughing out loud like a lunatic as he watched the five panic and become more and more frustrated with the events thus far. Sure, he could have played the long con and behaved cordial before the lot of them, but this way was far more fun. Honestly, he was hardly paying attention to their complaints, only really catching the tail end of it with Fluttershy’s response. “I see that Discord is far from perfect...” Fluttershy started. Oh, but I am Perfect. Perfectly imperfect. The best kind, really. “... but, I ALSO see that none of you are giving him a chance!” she then finished. Discord struggled to keep his laugh in check, letting a barely escaping snicker get past his snaggle tooth. Everyone, save for perhaps Twilight, who looked a little more sullen than the others, argued back in a cacophonous, disgruntled rabble, with Rainbow Dash punctuating it with, “Why do you keep cutting him so much slack?” Fluttershy then did something that Discord never expected in a million years, let alone a thousand. After a short pause from the question, she shuffled up beside Discord, gave him a warm and gentle hug, and declared, “Because, that’s what friends do.” The inside of Discord’s mind sounded like carriage tires screeching to a halt and vinyl records being forcibly paused happening at the same time as he took time to process the whole thing. It wasn’t the words themselves, or the single warm hug really, that made him come to a complete stop. It was the genuine sincerity that came from the combination. Discord looked down to the little pony that still gently held him. The very pony he was making a fool of and who’s friends were being mocked and pranked by machinations both directly and indirectly in his ultimate control. After a moment or two in thought, he then managed to mutter, “We’re friends?” Fluttershy then let go of him, only to begin hovering in the air so that the two were now at eye level. “Why, of course!” she announced without hesitation. “I can’t remember my house being this lively before you came along.” The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, ruler of the unpredictable and master of the perplexing, sat there utterly gobsmacked. His dumbfounded state reflected in the dinnerware, as they all returned to their normal, inanimate design, causing the girls to take note of the obvious change in attitude and power. “Oh...” Discord finally weakly uttered, “Well, I... never really had a friend before...” Fluttershy then gently took up his gloved lion paw by her hooves with a tenderness only a seasoned pacifist could tout, and responded with the utmost sincerity, “Well, now you do.” He reacted by bashfully pulling his paw away, no longer sure of himself or anything around him, save for the one fact: He had a friend. It was perhaps the most alien, most bizarre, and most unpredictable concept to him, and yet the notion itself, as foreign as it was, didn’t seem so out of place. A lengthy silence followed as the other five Element barers looked on, somewhat unsure of what to do or say. Twilight however, gave a slight sigh and a gentle, if sad, smile. I’m sorry I doubted you again, Fluttershy, she thought. “Ok, girls...” she then announced, getting the attention of everyone, “I think we should give these two a minute alone.” She then turned back to her soft spoken friend that hovered beside the mismatched, beastly creature that had previously been so thoroughly their enemy only moments ago. “We’ll be heading back to the Crystal Empire, Fluttershy. If you need us again, let us know.” Fluttershy nodded, as she watched her friends slowly file out her warped front door. She then turned back to Discord with a smile, whom returned it was a fidgeting half grin. “I’ve... never had a friend...” he muttered again. “You mentioned that,” she replied. “Sorry, it’s just quite a new concept, even for me,” he confessed, “It’s quite rare when something so completely throws me off.” And, I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something. “It’s quite rare I throw someone off,” Fluttershy giggled. Discord gave a small, short laugh, still feeling odd, but strangely happy. However, the moment didn’t last, as the sound of encroaching, periodic thuds could be heard getting closer to the cottage. “What in cold blazes?” Discord asked in confusion. Fluttershy hovered towards the door, only to turn to Discord to say “Wait right here, I’ll go see what’s going on. We’ll continue this conversation later, ok?” “Uhm, ok, sure...” With that, Fluttershy exited her house and proceeded down the long tunnel, where she noticed the loud thuding stopped, and the source of said noise was now conversing with her friends. “Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called, “We’ve got a big problem! Frog King here said that something’s going on with the Crystal Empire.” Bael grunted in response, but made no effort to protest otherwise. “I might be able to quell the issue, but I don’t think I can stop it.” “What’s going on?” she asked. “That’s what we’re going to go check out. If he can’t stop it, we may need the Elements to try and fix this.” “Ok, I understand.” Fluttershy then turned back to her cottage. “Discord! I’ll be right back. Something is going on at the Crystal Empire, and I’m needed. Please, wait patiently, ok?” “There’s no time, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, as she then started dragging her along to catch up with the rest of the group, whom had already proceeded out of the tunnel following Bael’s unseen exit. “Oh, ok, sorry...” -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Fluttershy couldn’t believe her eyes. The entirety of the Crystal Empire within the dome of the magical shield, which had nothing but crystals and green meadows within the boarders, was now completely covered in snow, with a wicked blizzard brewing above it. It was like some sort of oversized snowglobe, which, if she was being honest, would be a lovely decoration to have, but this wasn’t the time to be thinking about that. “This is impossible! The Crystal Heart- I-it shouldn’t be possible with the Crystal Heart there!” Twilight shouted. “Indeed, my dear, if that book we read last time is anything to go by. But, eyes don’t deceive.” Rarity rebutted. “I can slow the storm,” Bael stated, “But, I cannot reverse or even remove it. Powerful magic is creating and maintaining it. Powerful... chaos magic.” As soon as it was said, everyone turned to Fluttershy. Most eyes were filled with concern of varying degrees, while one had a rather disappointed “I told you so” scowl that couldn’t be mistaken. “You see Discord is behind this, right?” Rainbow Dash finally spat. “Well, of COURSE I do!” Fluttershy shot back with an annoyed glare, “Do you all think I’m just a silly, gullible fool?” Ashamed murmurs and confessions escaped a few of them, before Fluttershy continued, “I’ve been trying to gain his friendship any way I can, so he can come to trust and listen to me.” “Hey there, Fluttershy, wanna stomp a few sick tricks down the slopes? The Pow-Pow’s fine today!” Discord exclaimed with terrible ski slang as he rode down the side of the mountain upside down with the greatest of ease before skidding to a powder showered stop. Fluttershy composed herself, and put on a brave face before muttering, “Time to see if this worked,” to herself. Unclipping the skiis from his horn and antler, he flipped himself out of them and trotted up to the gathered girls and the irate toad that was all but done with his antics. “Oh there you are,” he said with a hint of fondness, “A sight for sore eyes.” “As you can see,” Fluttershy stated flatly, “There’s a big mess up there in the Crystal Empire.” “Mess? I don’t mean to alarm you, my dear, but what I see is perhaps Equestria’s largest snowglobe before us,” he insisted, “Honestly, we should be calling up whoever’s in charge of booking records like these!” “Discord.” “I’m sure the folks inside could use the publicity. Imagine it. Each one of them famous for being the first residents of-” “Discord,” Fluttershy repeated, more firmly this time. “Oh, I’m sorry, go on, my dear,” he offered. “The Crystal Empire would never be like this if it weren’t for your reckless behavior, and I don’t think the ponies inside appreciate it either. You need to fix this.” Discord gave it a moment of thought, before a disconcerting smile crept along his face. “Oh, yes, very well, I will fix it. I only ask for one thing in return.” “Yes?” “I ask that you never use your Element of Harmony against me,” he requested, still smiling, “As a sign of our friendship.” Fluttershy took a step back, unsure of the frankly dangerous proposal. She could tell that there was a faint bond of friendship between herself and the chimera, but there was always the possibility that everything she worked on could irreparably flip on its head on her. However, if she trusted anything, she trusted herself to make the right call. Concerned friends nor potentially manipulative lord of chaos could take that from her. “If I give up the use of my Element against you, you’ll get rid of the snow?” “I promise, cross my heart,” he stated, drawing an ‘x’ over a spot on his serpentine torso. Fluttershy then proceeded to remove the necklace from her, and hold it aloft with her hoof, placing her free hoof across her chest. “I promise to never use my Element of Harmony against you.” Gasps escaped the mouths of the other girls, with a particularly disheartened blue and rainbow pegasus being handed her friends Element of Kindness, as Discord gave a triumphant smile, shouting, “Excellent!” With a snap of his eagle claw and a blinding flash, everyone present found themselves surrounded by lush greenery, bare rocky mountains, and standing beside a sandy beach with a large, clear blue lake sitting placidly, almost inviting all to enjoy its splendor. The only thing ruining the beautiful sight all around was the Crystal Empire still being entrenched in its own snowstorm at this point. “THERE!” he exclaimed with sincere glee as he broke through the pristine lake’s surface from below, “Much better! I do prefer water ballet to skiing, don’t you?” A second Discord appeared beside him as the two begin to do a synchronized routine. Three more Discords, all sitting at a desk at the edge of the lake, each presented a score card, with two perfect tens, and one begrudging six. “Oh, spoilsport,” he muttered, blowing a blueberry at the underscoring judge. “DISCORD!” Fluttershy shouted angrily, “That’s. Not. Fixing it!” She then took flight, and tried to dive at the two Discords, only for them to side stride out of the way, not really paying attention. It was only when she loudly splashed into the water that the real one turned to the frustrated and soaking wet pony that was glaring daggers at him, with his copy soon poofing from existence. “Do you need a little help there, pal?” Discord asked with concern. “Don’t call me your pal!” she spat. “ENOUGH!” shouted Bael, “This farce has gone on too long!” He then inhaled as much as he could take, before belting out the coldest air, instantly freezing the majority of the water, and trapping Discord within the icy grip. Fluttershy, however, was left unaffected. “Oh, I forgot about you,” he grumbled as he teleported out of the ice that held him. “Can’t you see that me and Fluttershy are about to have a little friendship moment?” “Be silent, you annoying snake!” he bellowed, before he jumped at Discord, mouth wide open, ready to try and eat the draconequus. With a smirk, Discord snapped again, which caused the ground below to shake for a moment, and reveal a giant hand made of solid rock to catch the great toad mid-air. “What in hell?!” he croaked in surprise. “There, that aughta take care of the most dangerous thing here. Now, where were we, Fluttershy?” he asked, turning back to her, whom has been fuming in the water the whole time. “Why not let by-gones be by-gones, and just come swimming with me? I could really use a partner in my routine, my dear friend.” “Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called out, flying towards the two of them with the Element of Kindness in hoof, “It’s not too late! We can blast this sucker and go home!” Fluttershy looked to her longtime friend, whom doubted her in her efforts but would have her back in a pinch, and to her newest, whom had seemed to trust her in some ways but ultimately didn’t seem to fully understand. She thought about her next action, carefully, and felt if things were going to get better, she would need to take the risk. I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, girls. “I made a promise not to use my Element against him, and I’m going to keep it.” Collective groans and sighs of discontent were heard as they realized Fluttershy, of all ponies, would fearlessly stick to her guns, no matter the cost to herself. “You see? She wants to have fun with me because WE’RE FRIENDS! She can’t use the Elements against me because WE’RE FRIENDS! I’m FREE! FOREVER!” “NOT! YOUR! FRIEND!!!” she shouted as she shot out of the lake and began flying toward the Crystal Empire. “Who CARES!” he managed to shout. However, before he could go into a tangent, Bael roared, “DISCORD!” as he summoned massive ice shards laced with chaos magic, ready to be launched and pelted at the mad, mis-matched creature. As he fired, Fluttershy gasped, and proceeded to act automatically and jumped in front of Discord, forelegs outstretched to defend him with eyes shut tight to prepare for the worst. “MOVE, YOU FOOLISH MORTAL!” he shouted just as loud, but it was too late, as everything was in motion and far too late to stop. “FLUTTERSHY!!!” shouted the other five girls, with Rainbow Dash attempting to speed towards her to tackle her out of the way, but would be ultimately too far to do anything. Luckily, a wall of rock suddenly sprang up before Fluttershy as the ice shards shattered against the surface, which was followed by the sound of a pony sized “thud” and weak “ow”. Fluttershy opened her eyes, only for the rock wall to fill her vision for a moment, which soon lowered itself and disappeared back into the earth, revealing everyone’s terrified, albeit relieved stares. She then turned to a visibly confused, angry and shocked Discord. “What in all of Equestria are you doing?! Do you know what could have happened to you?!” the Lord of Chaos shouted, absolutely mortified. “Y-you... cared?” she questioned, still a little shaky from the adrenaline wearing off and her common sense finally kicking in to berate her rash and extremely dangerous choice. Discord was taken aback by the revelation of his impulsive action, which resulted in all concentration lost to him at that moment. “W-well... yes, I suppose. I did... care...” There was an almighty roar as Bael busted himself out of his stony prison and landed with an earth shaking crack. Discord whipped around, only to see the great toad charge in his general direction. However, the massive demon veered to the right, and stopped at Fluttershy’s hooves. “You stupid, inconsiderate, foolish sap of a beast of burden! How DARE you put yourself in danger like that! You know my rule, and you know our pact! I am NOT-” “Bael, it’s alright...” Fluttershy interrupted, trying to reassure the frantic monster. “IT IS NOT ALRIGHT! If you pull a stunt like that again, I’ll FREEZE OVER THIS FORSAKEN LAND! I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH RECKLESSNESS AGAIN!” he yelled. “Is he getting louder?” Rainbow Dash quipped. As Fluttershy was trying to gently calm down the blood-boiled demon, while her friends approached to press their own concerns, having her promise not to throw herself in such a dangerous situation again like that, they failed to notice Discord wander away with this sullen air about him. He sat down on a rock, looking out into the distant sky, and after a heavy sigh, another blinding flash happened, and the scenery around them was once again snow and ice covered, with the Crystal Empire itself finally snow free. Fluttershy noticed the sudden change, and excused herself from the group before approaching Discord, whom was just about to wander off again. “Discord?” Fluttershy asked. “Where are you going?” He stopped in his tracks. No silly sound effect was heard or strange action was seen. He gave a bit of a sniffle before he wiped a tear from his eye. “Well played, Fluttershy...” He said solemnly. “Are you alright?” He stood silent for a moment, having a tough time finding the right words. “I... I never expected any of this. I thought I could just play ball until you gave up your Element, and use it against you, but... I just can’t, and I don’t know why. I’ve never had a friend before. This is just all so new to me.” He then turned towards her. “Then you surprised even me even more by throwing yourself in harms way, just to protect me!” He then gave a scowl, “Which was VERY irresponsible of you, young lady! If I hadn’t acted, that lump of warts could have easily hurt you, or worse!” “I know. Everyone has said something similar. Even Bael, or the ‘lump of warts’, as you call him.” She giggled, before she approached Discord, and gently took him by the paw. “But... I’d do it again to protect you, Discord. Because, that’s what friends do.” Discord was nothing short of gobsmacked as he looked down to the little pony that treated him with nothing but kindness. He gave a genuine smile, before saying, “I suppose I have a lot to learn.” “And, I promise to teach you.” > Champagne Supernova > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The water flowed and ebbed against the sandy shore as the salty air remained crisp in the mid morning sun. The clear skies almost sparkled in the sun's rays, signalling peace and calm after a vicious storm. The wind gently brushed through the trees, along the water's surface, and curved around rocks as it danced in the serenity. The voice of the ocean's gentle tide was interrupted by a loud growl very foreign to the environment. What followed it was a groan of discomfort and grogginess from a being very alien to the world around him. "Que mierda," muttered a gravely, lazy voice. Said voice belonged to a rather large being, soaked from head to toe. His white shirt clung to his body in wrinkles thanks to being water logged. His very light grey jeans suffered little from the sea, where as his black and white shoes squished strangely around his feet. The rings on his arms and his hands rubbed awkwardly against his hairy skin, causing minor rashes that irritated him only slightly. The orb necklace around his neck, however, remained virtually unharmed or unchanged, save for seeming to shimmer from small water beads it had. His eyes fluttered open as his hand reached up to brush the moisture out of what remained of his hair. Upon regaining his vision and awareness, he noticed a very pink pony atop his pot belly, just as soaked as he was. Her pink coat was was beginning to dry out in the morning sun while her darker pink hair began to curl for the same reason. "Eh? Rosa, is'at you?" he asked. Mumbling with a yawn, she opened her light cerulean eyes slowly to meet he big guy's own. "Oh, hey Elvis," she said in a chipper, if tired, tone. "That was some night. I felt like a partied a little too hard, though. I don't recognize anything. Do you know where we are?" Elvis vigorously rubbed his face to force himself completely awake before he sat up quickly, only to suddenly dump the drying Pinkie Pie back into the water from his movement. With a splash, followed by a second splash from breaking back through the surface, Pinkie shook the excess water from her mane like a dog. Elvis raised his arms in defense, trying to protect himself from getting wet further, despite still sitting in sea water. "Ey, ey, EY!" Elvis barked as he pushed himself up to stand and backed away from the silly pony until he was fully on dry land. "You’re gonna catch your death, amiga. Come on, get out of the water." "I will in a second. Do you know where I can find some shampoo?" Elvis face-palmed, trying not to let the various irritations get to him on top of the daft question. "Rosa," he said as calmly as he could, "I don't think we're going to find shampoo out here." "Why not?" she asked innocently. "Because, we're náufragos. Cast-" "Nevermind, found some," she said quickly, swiping a small floating bottle of shampoo that previously hid behind a rock. With a squeeze, she expelled the entire contents of the poor tiny bottle. "Shoot, there's only enough for one use... oh well." With a chipper hum, she proceeded to wash her mane without a care. Elvis stared for a moment, before he turned away and headed inland, grumbling to himself. He patted his pants, looking for his cigars, finding that they were still there. He sighed in relief upon noticing their presence, only for his face to drain in dawning horror as he pulled one out. His cigars, a gift given to him by his little pink friend, were all soaked and completely useless. "Hijo de puta!" -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- After minutes of raging, Elvis quickly began to set up a camp at the cutline between the beach and the jungle. He dug out some dirt to make a higher rising platform, before building a small hut that was big enough to fit at least two individuals his size. The walls were made of clay that he found while digging, hardened by his power over fire, and the roof was made of sticks and foliage he nabbed from the inland jungle. Aside from that, he set up a drying pole made of a long thin stick held up by impromptu foundations that were made of other sticks and tied-together by vines. Upon it, he hung his shirt to dry, as well as his socks, and hung his shoes upside down on the protrusions on the makeshift setup. Elvis sighed, scratching his head gently, picking sand and leaves out of his hair as he looked at the set-up he made. It was passable, but it needed one more thing. "EY, ROSA! YOU JUST ABOUT DONE? I NEED YOUR HELP!" he called out. "Just a sec, Elvis! What do you need?" Pinkie responded, still far into the water. "I NEED ROCKS! THE SIZE OF YOUR HOOF, AT LEAST!" "Can do!" Elvis smirked. That aughta take care of that. I better go gather some wood. With that thought, he proceeded deep into the jungle to find some decent kindling. While he slowly moved through the forest, he began to think. His mind was still in a bit of a haze, but he knew there was a reason they were so far away from civilization, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Tripping over an above ground root kicked him out of his train of thought and made the devil almost light the entire forest on fire in retaliation. Getting back up off the ground, brushing the dead leaves and dirt from his hairy chest, he calmed himself, and set back on task: gathering any wood he could get his hands on. After a few minutes, Elvis gathered what he figured they needed, and made his way back to camp slowly. Despite going at a reduced speed to keep control of his abundant findings, he managed to get back to camp at a decent time. He then dropped the wood in a designated spot and wiped his brow before turning to be greeted by Pinkie, whom was laying in a makeshift hammock tied to a couple of nearby palm trees. "Hey, Elvis. Look what I made! Weeeee!" she cheered, swinging without a care. "That's nice," Elvis said flatly, "Did you find what I asked?" "Oh yeah. I found about twenty of them while I rinsed off. I figured you wanted them to make a fire pit, so I already set it up for you!" "Bueno. I'll get a fire started," he said, picking up some of the kindling next to a few small logs. "Ooooh, let me help!" Pinkie declared, effortlessly jumping out of her hammock as she bounced towards the set-up a few feet just outside the hut. Propping up the kindling, Elvis snapped his fingers and lit it, fanning the flames gently to get it going. "Alright, add a log." Pinkie did so, laying smaller ones in a cone formation, each tip supporting each other. As the fire fed on the fuel, Elvis sat back with a sigh, patting his pocket for a smoke, only to remember they were gone. He groaned in frustration, just before his stomach growled ferociously. "Oh, too bad we aren't in Ponyville. We could have fixed those grumblies really quick." She sighed a little disappointingly. "No more making cupcakes for a while either, I guess." "Stop. All this talk of cupcakes is gonna make me starve," he complained. "I'll take care of the food thing for myself. You should probably forage the forest for something to eat. You are a herbívoro, right? You can practically eat the entire jungle if you wanted." "Pfft, well, yeah, but I can't just eat ANY leaf, root, or berry. A girl's gotta have some standards. It's what separates us from the animals!" Elvis just stared at her for a moment before he shook his head, trying not to think about it too much. Instead, he walked over to the cut-line, ripped a stick off of a tree branch, and made his way back to the shore line, wading further into the tide. As the waves sloshed against his large frame, his uneven and uneasy steps in the water triggered a memory of what happened prior to being stranded. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- It was a bright, sunny mid-afternoon in Ponyville. The day was as average as average could get, as ponies of all walks of life wandered through the town to talk to friends, run errands, and generally enjoy the rest of the day. The only difference was there was a special event going on at the town hall, advertising the opening of a new cruise line that would travel the Celestial Sea. More than a few ponies came to hear about the news. One such pony was Pinkie Pie, whom was tasked by the Cakes in talking with the representatives about catering. Along with the exuberant and dutiful pony was the Deva named Elvis. While Pinkie rocked back and forth in her chair at the back row, excitedly listening to everything included, wishing she could attend such a party, Elvis sat beside her and grumbled to himself. "Hey, Rosa. How long is this cabron presentation gonna last?" "Another five minutes, then we can go backstage," she replied. "Ok, now that the bulk of the presentation is over, I have good news to tell all you potentially lucky ponies!" the grey coated male unicorn announcer said with enthusiasm, "Early on in the presentation, we asked everyone to enter their names, or names of their friends (up to two other names) into this ballot box here." He held the box aloft, showing it to the crowd. "This is because we are going to give two lucky winners that entered, plus one guest each, tickets to take the maiden voyage at the end of the week. It's our way of saying ‘thank you’ for your time and appreciation, and now is the time to find out who won!" Upon exclaiming that, he put the box down and ripped off its top. With the magic of his horn, he pulled out a folded piece of paper. "Our first winner: Bon-Bon! Come up and claim your prize!" An excited earth pony mare with a light apple greenish coat and a cobalt mane with light fuchsia stripes hopped out of her seat and ran up the the stage in giddiness, claiming her prize. Two tickets were presented from a machine, one with her name and one for "a guest", and told the first one cannot be traded. She understood and announced, to no one's surprise, who would be joining. "I'm glad our first winner had so much enthusiasm. That's the kind of joy our cruise line wants to not just receive, but give as well. We hope you enjoy your trip. Now for the next ticket." "Feh," Elvis grumbled. Once again the showpony flared his horn to retrieve another folded name. Once he had one he was satisfied with, he swiftly pulled it out, unfolded the paper, and read the contents, before announcing the lucky individual. "And our second winner is... ELVIS! Come on down you lucky pony you!" Everyone gasped upon hearing the name as Elvis' eyes bulged and his jaw slacked in shock. The entire audience turned their gaze to the rotund Deva, watching expectantly, murmuring among themselves. It was then the announcer's face fell upon realizing everyone was staring at the very owner of the name. Oh jeez, he's gonna need to be upgraded to QUEEN sized, for sure, he inwardly lamented. Maybe I'm wrong in assuming? Maybe there's another Elvis here? Only one way to find out. Shakily, he said "Y-yes, that's right Elvis, you lucky pony, come on up and claim your prize!" Elvis fidgeted, dumbstruck and utterly flabbergasted on what to do or say. He gazed about him, and saw everyone's eyes were locked on him and him alone. He didn't care for vacations, or the sea, so this stroke of suck was the worst thing that could happen in consideration to his usual life in Ponyville. Who put my name in? he asked himself, Who could have possibly- It was then that his heart sank and his face drained of its color. He hoped beyond all hope that he was wrong, as he ever so slowly turned to his little pink pony friend. And there she was, wound up tight like a compressed spring, with an impossibly massive and toothy grin, shaking like a leaf, staring directly at him. He knew that look, and it scared him. "Rosa?" "YOU WOOOOOON!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, leaping high into the air, waving her hooves about like wet noodles. Elvis pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. He couldn't believe that his dear friend would go behind his back like this and enter him into a contest he had no desire to be in. Worse still, he won the cockamamie prize, and would be tasked to select another to bring with him. He growled with thoughts of seasickness and shipwrecks dancing in his skull. "Aren'tyougonnagoandgetyourprize, Elvis?" Pinkie said breathlessly. "Cause, Iknowyoureallykindasortaneedthevacationandyou'vedonenothingbutworkandsitaroundtownsinceyoudecidedtostayatSugarCubeCorner, andIwashopingyou'dappreciatehavingsomevacationtime, especiallyonacruiselinewithlotsoffoodand-" Elvis swiftly raised his hand, which prompted Pinkie to stop her rambling and finally land on the seat she had been hovering over miraculously for the past several minutes. The large being then stood up, scooted his way past the other ponies, and walked up to the stage, with a downcast expression on his mug. "W-we hope you enjoy th-this trip for two on the maiden voyage of our cruise line," The announcer declared shakily, holding the tickets aloft before him. Elvis swiftly snatched the tickets out of the air with a sigh. "Ugh... Gracias." -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- "Uuuuuugh..." Elvis moaned, pawing at his head to ease frustration, "A cruise? I won tickets? Why can't I remember a damn thing?!" He shook his head roughly, trying to both shake the daze from his eyes and to shake loose any further memories. To his annoyance, he couldn't recall anything further than that. However, he did remember he was wading out into the water to try to catch some dinner for himself. Sea water, in which the tide had began to rise from the setting sun, all the way up to his shoulders. "Hijo de puta," he muttered under his breath. He would have just abandoned his attempt at catching some fish for himself, but his stomach protested hard enough for him to relent. In the deep now, he clumsily moved about the water, trying hard to keep his hands ready to strike out. Elvis was glad, however, for two facts he soon discovered. The first was that his strike speed was unhindered by the water's consistency. The second was that it seemed as if the fish liked his gold rings. He took advantage of both, and soon caught himself enough for supper. After a solid hour of fishing, he returned to the shore, holding his prize in his hands. As he got closer to camp, Pinkie was in her hammock, sleeping the evening away. He shook his head at the sight, put down his catch, picked up some sturdy, sharpened sticks, impaled each fish he had, and sat down to begin roasting. As a fire demon, one would think that they'd end up being expert cooks, but the reality of it all was that Elvis was actually quite lousy. It wasn't to the level of burning cereal with milk or over-salting chocolate cookies, but it was enough to singe the fish he intended to eat. Despite the burns, and out of pure anger for his own hunger, he devoured his burned fish anyway with little satisfaction. "Day one," he muttered, picking his teeth with a fish bone, "And I already hate it here." He then looked back to Pinkie, whom was still snoozing the time away. As the fire seemed to grow brighter, the world around them got darker. Elvis looked up to the sky to see it twinkle with stars and shine with the moon. "Well... maybe it's not THAT terrible." -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- While the night was young out at sea, with dozens upon dozens of ponies living it up on their maiden, luxury voyage, the clouds began to slowly come together, giving a low ominous rumble in the distance. Blissful ignorance reigned while the festivities pressed on, with only one party-pooper remaining. Within one of the few deluxe sized suites, normally reserved for aristocracy or the rich and famous in cases of demand, Elvis laid upon his queen-sized bed, fitted with the finest of silks and fabrics, in discomfort. He grumbled as he felt the ship sway ever so gently against the waves and groaned while he gazed out the double sized window to see stars, darkness, and the ever constant splashes of ocean water. "I ain't no ocean soul," he mumbled as the contents of his stomach gently churned with creeping discomfort. The persistent solitude ended as a light rapping at the door to his room echoed, which caused him to roll over with a disgruntled sneer. "I don't want any maldito room service! The cabron on the other side better largarse, before I get enfadado!" he spat with venom. The door opened anyway to reveal the pink wonder that brought him here by chance. He rolled his eyes in irritation and flipped back over to watch the darkening sky. "Woof, I'm glad not many ponies here know Spurrish," she muttered under her breath. "Come on, Elvis, the night is young and everypony is having a good time but you. Don't be such a party-" "DON'T," he barked, raising his hand. "It's bad enough I'm on this stupid boat. I HATE ocean traveling." Her face grimaced in disappointment. "I'm surprised at you, Elvis. I thought you'd at least enjoy the buffet." "Nothin' but salads and cakes, Rosa. Sure, I love a nice desert, or ten, but it's stuff from esquina del cubo de azúcar, and I'd rather have something new." He flipped back around to face her, "Besides, cake will make me mareado right now." "Is there ANYTHING at all that'll get you out of this room and have some fun?" "La bebida alcohólica," he chuckled sarcastically, rolling back over to face the window. That's when he heard the door shut behind him. Taking a quick glance, he noticed that Pinkie was gone. He gave a huff and went back to his sour mood, letting his mind wander. He wasn't used to thinking in the relative silence and discomfort, especially while surrounded by relative extravagance. The juxtaposition really only put him in a fouler mood. "A drink wouldn't be too bad right now," he mused now that he was seriously considering his earlier sarcasm. As soon as he said that, the door opened once again with the sound of gently clacking bottles in ice. Elvis raised his brow and turned to see Pinkie with a small, gold trimmed pail filled with ice, and two darkened bottles. It was then that he finally sat up on his bed, nearly hitting the roof with his head, due to his impressive size. "Is that-?" Pinkie put down the bucket before her. "Yup. Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider. The Cakes aren't the only ones catering here." "You know I was joking, Rosa," he said with a concerned and conflicted smile. "That's not what you said to yourself a hundred and twenty-eight words ago." "I-" "Aaaaand, maybe it'll help loosen you up." Elvis looked at the alcohol, then back to Pinkie, then back to the bottles. "Wait, are you even allowed to-" Before he even finished, she gave a scoff and a flick of her hoof, "I'm legal. Don't drink very much, but I'm open to it now and then." She then hushed her voice and got closer to Elvis. "Fun fact... Applejack is a lightweight." "No kiddin'?" "Sooooo?" Elvis looked back to his friend. It's been a while since he had any decent drinks. He was well versed in how good Sweet Apple Acres products were, including their cider, but wasn't entirely aware of this. Then again, he didn't pay much attention to the rest of the world he lived in, nor its citizens. With a light scratch of his short beard, he decided to be more attentive from here on. But first... "Why not?!" Elvis exclaimed with a clap and wringing of his massive hands. "It couldn't hurt, at the least." "YIPPIE!" Pinkie celebrated as she grabbed the first bottle, unwrapped it carefully and set it on the counter, before moving to collect a couple of glasses. "No, no no no no no," Elvis said, shaking his head and waving his hand. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right. Get back over here and sit." Giving a puzzled look, she reluctantly complied, grabbed the bottle she set down, and sat across from her large friend. Once seated, Elvis gave a nod and a smile, before he took the second bottle, and flicked off the top, causing it to ricochet all over the room before landing in the trash can. "Nice shot!" "Gracias. Now," he began, while holding his bottle up in the air, "To good friends and better booze." "The whole bottle?" "Yes, the whole bottle. Just don't force yourself too hard, Rosa." She complied as she lifted her own bottle in the air, "To good cider and better friends!" Elvis smiled, as he brought his bottle down at the same time she did with hers. The two then took their first drink together. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Elvis woke up with a start and a heavy snort, shooting up to a sitting position, with eyes still in a heavy daze. He rubbed his face vigorously with a groan, while he slowly gazed about. To no one's surprise, it was the dead of night on this lonely, untouched island. However, in his absolute shock, a storm had begun to rage, tearing up the trees and kicking up sand all about the beach. The wind was harsh and powerful, and while it had no effect on Elvis' large frame, it was still concerning none the less. As soon as he considered that, his peripheral vision caught sight of Pinkie's hammock, torn to shreds and missing his bright colored friend. "Rosa?!" Elvis stood up as more sand swirled about, kicking in his face much to his chagrin. He ran over to the hammock, caught its tatters as quickly as he could and looked it over as closely as possible. There was no sign of her, be it hide or hair, and the storm was getting worse. He dropped the ruined hammock listlessly, and frantically looked about his surroundings, paying close attention to the the sand. Of course, finding prints in the sand now was next to impossible, as the winds and rain had all but wiped away evidence. "ROSAAAA!?" he called out, hoping for a response. "Over here!" Pinkie replied from a distance. Turning towards the direction of Pinkie's response, he faced the jungle, face both trying to relax and contort in irritation. Instead, he gave a huff, before he marched through the foliage to look for his lost companion. It didn't take long to find her, but he didn't expect to see her in such a predicament. "What are you DOING up there, Rosa?!" he questioned, gazing up a rather tall tree with one pink captive clinging near the top. "Heh, funny story, but the short version is the wind was REALLY pushy," she chuckled halfheartedly, hooves digging into the bark a little harder to keep a firm grip as the wind and rain kept blowing. The sound of wood creaked as a rumble of thunder was heard overhead, causing the party pony to snap her head up to the sky in concern. "Ay, that'd be your cue to jump down." "Iiiiit's quite a long way down," she said with a slight shake in her voice, eyes still fixed to the sky. "Prometo que te atraparé, mi amiga. Now jump!" Swallowing hard and looking back down, Pinkie tensed herself up before she leaped off of the tree, diving into a free fall. The instant her touch left the wood, a powerful lightening strike exploded behind her, obliterating the very plant she clung to. She screamed in terror of the sudden noise and shock while she fell, now flailing about in panic as the ground approached at an alarming rate. What's more is that her jump, combined with the lightening strikes force, caused her to overshoot her intended landing. Before she could land in a not so pleasant way, Elvis jumped up, and deftly caught her in mid air, before landing safely back on the ground. She curled up tightly against herself as his hands held her. "You alright, Rosa?" She simply hummed in response, refusing to unfurl from her semi-protective coil. Elvis sighed, as he proceeded to carry the tiny horse out of the foliage, heading back to the shoreline and making his way back to camp. The debris from the still active storm littered about the beach, shifting as the winds blew harder. To the side was their shelter, with the roof just barely managing to stay stable in the chaos around them. Even if it collapses, he though, it'll be better than standing out in the rain. With nothing left to do, Elvis trekked over to the shelter, ducked under its fragile roofing, and sat himself inside, open palms still acting as an impromptu bed for the little pink pony. It was a rather miserable moment as rain continued to pour, pattering against the leafy roof above in constant white noise. As to be expected, the cold that came with the downpour finally began to set in, irritating the fire demon mildly. However, while he cold tolerate it for the most part, the shivering ball of cotton candy was a little less receptive to it. With a sigh, he called upon a small portion of his power, and gently heated his hands to comfortable degrees. Soon the shivering stopped, and she finally relaxed where she lay, unfurling slightly as if to show her comfort. Elvis leaned back slightly, back resting against the solid enough wall behind him as his eyes fixated out into the sea and storm. Waves swayed and danced with the wind as lightening cracked the sky in rare beauty. For the stranded monster, it was oddly soothing to see such natural chaos. However, the longer he continued to gaze out, the more he felt a foreboding sense of familiarity. As his sight drifted further and further into the distance, the uncomfortable impression or recognition took hold with a tighter and tighter grip. But, it was for naught, as exhaustion soon caught up with his actions both present and unknown, forcing him to drift back into sleep. The last thing he saw that night was the cozy little friend in his warm hands, and the harsh storm just outside the pathetic shelter they had. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- His shirt was missing completely, his pants were torn at the legs, his shoes were soggy, sand gritted underneath his rings and bangles, leaves were in his hair, and he was groggy as hell. To say Elvis' night sleep was terrible would be an understatement. The only thing worse off than he was had to have been the beach itself, which was absolutely littered with all sorts of torn foliage and debris, with the camp itself being more or less torn to shreds. Any neat stockpiles of wood he had set up was in disarray, the moats and barriers made of sand had been all but evened out, and the firepit was flooded and ruined. Worse yet, behind him was the destroyed shelter, which had began to cave in on them sometime during the night. The only thing that really kept the damn thing in place was Elvis' relatively large frame, due to filling half of the interior from the get go to prop up the roof. Now that he was outside of its walls, nothing was left inside as support, where it soon imploded and collapsed on itself. Hours of work, gone in an instant. "As cozy as it was, we probably should have avoided making a grass roof. Next time, it'll be sturdier!" exclaimed the Element of Laughter, trying to keep a chipper tone Elvis turned to Pinkie, whom fared much better than him or the beach, sporting only a few random leaves and sand in her mane and coat. The big demon gave a tired sigh, and began walking to the woods. "Wait, where are you goin'?" "To get more stuff to repair the shelter, chica," he replied, tired. "Maybe you should take a break," she responded with a small smile, "You kinda work hard enough for the both of us as it is." "Eeeeeeehhhh." He then waved his hand in a lazy, flippant manner, brushing off her suggestion. With that, he slowly disappeared into the leafy, hearty brush to search for new supplies, leaving his fellow castaway behind. As she watched her friend disappear from view, Pinkie Pie slumped to her rump, uncaring to the uncomfortable sand. The wind gently brushed against her disheveled, poofy mane, almost trying to comfort the blue feeling in her heart. She gave a listless sigh as she marched off to wash her mane again, looking for the shampoo she managed to find yesterday, which surprisingly didn't wash away. As she scrubbed, she couldn't help but dwell on the situation they were in, and come to terms with a few facts she was certainly vexed over. Spending a night or two on an unknown, untouched by pony hooves island would be a welcome surprise, however the looming uncertainty of it all soured the idea. Not just the uninhabited part, but the fact that not a soul would know they were here. Furthermore, how long would it be before anyone would figure out that they were missing in the first place? It could be certainly more than a few days until that realization, especially since she had a funny feeling where they were SUPPOSED to be would be somewhat relieved by their disappearance. Her memory was fuzzy on the exact events, but she could swear that things took a harsh turn when she tried to cheer her friend up, whom was rather cold ever since he won those tickets. However, all of this was ice shavings off of one of the many gigantic mountains surrounding Yak-Yakistan compared to what was really troubling her. For all of her bravado as being the Element of Laughter, and for all of the experience she had in cheering up those around her, something like Elvis was always a touch more difficult to handle. Being a creature from far outside Equestria, even more-so outside the farthest reaches of their world put his nuances already well beyond typical common sense and understanding, and being a rather demanding and eccentric creature to boot only added to the standard confusion. Though, during her time with him, she had began to learn, bit by bit, just how he ticked. True, a lot of it started with careful observation and lucky guesses, coupled with stumbles and mistakes, but eventually the time came when he truly began to open up and extend his own efforts to know and understand something other than his status quo. Even so, as much time as she spent to get to know Elvis, she knew there were likely thirty metaphorical laundry and grocery lists that detailed so much more that she has not, may not, or could not know or have known. Furthermore, a large chunk of reasoning and efforts were carried by her home and the ponies she knew and loved. Without support from her other friends, the comfort of her home and tools to cook up a surprise impromptu party, or even just a stress free place to relax at, she was far outside her element. As enticing as the beach was when they first washed up, she quickly realized the chips in the mask. The bubbles in her hair and hooves began to dissipate as her thoughts drew deeper. Elvis wasn't in the best of moods when this whole thing started, and she was certain, at least from the point of being stranded, that he was slowly getting worse as the hours passed by. She gave a lengthy sigh for a moment of two, before she dunked her head beneath the water to rinse. Cantering back to the shoreline, she shook her coat and mane of the excess, and surveyed her surroundings. Closing her eyes, she slowly and calmly breathed in, before she exhaled once more as if to expel her doubts and damning thoughts. It may not be exactly hunky-dory right now, she thought, but I'm not going to give up, and I WILL turn his frown upside down! And when we get out of this mess, we'll look back and laugh! -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Elvis stood among the tropical foliage, having spent quite some time wandering and gathering everything he figured he needed for yet another long evening. With a small grunt, he placed his supplies down on the ground beside him, stretched his back for a moment, before he patted his pants pocket for a cigar. "Que mierd- oh..." he muttered upon remembering he had previously lost all of his smokables, quite likely around the time he became a castaway. Elvis then crossed his arms with a frustrated grunt and tapped his foot in impatience, trying and failing to take his mind off of his craving. With another frustrated grunt, he decided it would be easier to ease his mind if he attempted to relax. The jungle floor, after all, felt rather soft as he walked as far as he could tell, so perhaps it would at least be a comfy spot to rest. He sat down next to his pile and found his assumption was correct. While he began to recline, Elvis gazed about the surrounding jungle, taking in the sounds and colors that seemed a bit more lush than even the already vibrant pony civilization he was so used to being around. A soft breeze passed through the foliage, making leaves, branches, the occasional vine, and a few ground plants to gently sway. Birds became chattier and the small patches of sky that he could see through the canopy was pleasantly partially cloudy. Considering what happened last night, there was no telling if such pleasant weather would remain, but the unpredictability of it reminded him of home, if only a little. It hadn't been very long, but it was hard to believe he actually became accustomed to a land like Equestria. Back on his world, at least on the mortal side, it was a harsh, unforgiving, and untamed monument of prospect and decadence. Deserts clashed with old style townships. Forests where rare, and smell of battle was frequent. Human technology had been confiscated and granted custody to his kind, and used in an attempt to cull the already rampant and unwieldy fodder that had done as it pleased for so long. On the demon side, it was a far cry less complicated, but leagues harsher to handle: the strong thrived while the weak struggled to survive, climates were brutal and unforgiving where you either adapted, left, or died, and there was no telling if or when you'd meet an untimely demise. Not that Elvis really cared about the contrast of those worlds. To him, the human world was nothing more than a playground and buffet, while Hell was just where he began his existence. There wasn't much else to it, and the few joys and loves he did manage to engage in were moments in rarity. Save for his smokes. Here, despite lacking his smokes from time to time, he had much more granted to him. His joys and passions were satisfied, and even his battle thirsty nature was sated through volunteer labor, smashing rocks for future use, or the odd villain threat/monster attack. He could always count on a good snack, better company, and the best of days happening more often. Pinkie would normally make sure of that. Even his cigars which, while were not the same quality as the ones he had at home, he had become quite fond of over time. He had existed for years and, from the point he ended up in this strange world onward, he had never felt so alive. Well, despite being stranded on an uninhabited island, but that was beside the point. A smile crept across his face for a moment, before he shook his head. "Eh, I'm gettin' soft." He gave his cheeks a light slap with both of his hands, as he rose back up to his feet. Picking up his supplies, he made his way back through the jungle, finding the site clean of debris and straightened up, ready to be re-fortified. There, on a brand new hammock, was the pony responsible for the sudden clean-up, snoozing the day away. Elvis gently placed his supplies where they needed to be, as he began reconstruction of the shelter's roof, careful not to make too much noise for the time being. Of course, his rough, slapdash architectural efforts ended up creating a bit of noise anyway, prompting him to check and see if his sleeping friend was still adrift in her dreams. Thankfully, with the way she seemed to be, it seemed like a volcano could go off with the sound of hell's primal fury, and she'd still be out like a light. Elvis hazarded a test by throwing a rock at a nearby tree, which elicited a loud THWACK. Not a flinch nor a squeak of surprise was given. Satisfied, Elvis returned to his work with gusto, reconstructing the roof, sturdier and a smidgen higher than it was to add a little extra room. Heh, I'm getting the hang of this. After what seemed to be hours of hard effort, it was finished. Like before, it sported a grassy and leafy surface on the topside, but this time around, Elvis made sure to fortify the foundation and framing so that it would withstand stronger forces than just a medium rainfall. Even if all of the foliage was blown off or had collapsed into the little hut, all he'd need to do would be to put it back on the frame the way he set it up this time around. The demon felt quite proud of himself for the clever seeming idea. It'll be a good place to stay while we- He looked out into the distant sea, seeing a deep, dark mass of clouds in the distance, crackling with bolts of lightning, while thunder seemed rather distant and very muffled. He scowled. "Estás FOLLANDO bromeando?!" The sudden shout provoked an equally sudden gasp and a thud to follow, which made Elvis turn his attention to the source, only to see his small friend, rubbing the sore spot where she fell. He gave a sigh, rubbing his temples gently, wondering why of all noises it was his own shouting to disturb her, before he sat down at the foot of the hut's entrance. "Now that I'm up," she half chuckled, "What seems to be the problem?" With his face still firmly and deeply in one of his palms, he pointed with his free hand towards the encroaching storm. Pinkie's ears flattened against hear head and her mood faltered from the encroaching storm. “Oh, that...” Elvis began massaging his temples as he heard the little pony approach and sit right next to him. “Any way we can make something more storm proof?” “I ain’t a carpintero, Rosa.” “Yeah, I guess we’d need Applejack’s help if we’d want something a bit more durable than a grass hut.” The name suddenly sparked a memory deep within the aching head of Elvis. He closed is eyes slowly as the encroaching storm started accelerating the wind, kicking up leaves and making the air smell stronger of seasalt than it normally did. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- It was a blur of colors and sensations that would normally be extraordinarily hard to properly decipher if it were through the point of view of any other ponies or creatures. Despite thirteen bottles of Sweet Apple Acres Hard Apple Cider, Pinkie and Elvis still managed to retain most of their motor functions. Even more impressive was the fact the big burly demon was actually affected by the alcohol, regardless of quantity or intensity. Demons commonly held an incredibly high tolerance, to the point of often viewing drinkable alcohol as medicine or a health drink rather than a poison. The fact Elvis had trouble processing as if he were any mortal being drunk off his ass was a curiosity at the very least, but one easily forgotten due to the inebriation. On the other bizarre end of the spectrum was Pinkie, whom by all accounts should have been passed out under a table after taking an equal share in the spirits, to put it lightly. Instead, with slurred speech and a bottle in hoof, she insisted on singing karaoke at a closed comedy bar, which did interrupt the remaining patrons there in their quietening evening. Considering it was not the first time somepony had done this in Equestria, and also considering she was decidedly so much better at carrying a tune and beat, security wasn’t called. As they moved about the ship, chatting up some of the other vacationers, sometimes swayed and lead by the gentle tilt of the cruise, and often admitted that they’re still in the middle of a drinking competition, both Pinkie and Elvis had quickly gained a notoriety among the other guests and patrons. Some found them quite entertaining while plastered, while others regarded them as a nuisance. Regardless, as quickly as they would interrupt someones evening, long before they could even think to overstay their welcome, they would go on their merry way. Soon, though, upon suddenly feeling like the air inside the cruise ship was getting rather stuffy, the duo decided to leave the interior for the deck, which was stained by the salty water that splashed up against the hull, passing through the railing gaps. The darkened clouds began to thunder as the winds became a bit more turbulent and smell of an encroaching storm. But neither the party pony nor the disastrous demon felt fazed by forces of nature. In fact, the moment it began to rain, Pinkie began to dance about as if she were summoning it here herself. Actually, she TRIED to dance about like that, however the combination of the booze in her system, the slippery deck, and the gently rocking of the boat made it quite difficult. Further still, it made her travel companion begin to worry as he watched his haphazard friend enjoy the coming storm and turbulent waves. “Eh, Rosa? Izzat a good idea?” He slurred. “Ooooh, you wet blanket!” she replied, while stopping long enough to apply her full attention to him. “Issaaaaaall good. I know what I’m doin’!” “Oh, jeez, Rosa, I’m-I’m not sayin’ you ain’t... but you-” “Watch me do a-a... uhm... A TRIPLE SOW-COW!” She shouted, crouching low in order to get ready to jump. “No, WAIT!... TWO!!” “Stahp, yer gonna-” “WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-” Before Elvis could finish his warning, Pinkie sprung up from her crouch, twisting in the air with shaky abandon, and arched herself over the rail, down to the water below, “-EEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Thunder cracked as the rain poured harder and waves crashed, masking the splash the foolish mare made in her stupor. Elvis leaned himself over the rail, trying to catch a glimpse of his lost friend. With the waters churning and his worry growing, Elvis panicked for a moment, before his addled mind made the stupid decision to jump in and save her. Now, a sound mind would have probably called for help instead, and let those more capable to handle situations like this. Further, a sound mind from Elvis’ point of view would remember that, while an excellent floater in his human form, he’s utterly garbage at actually swimming. It was far too late for him to realize that fact as he hit the water’s already agitated surface with a crash and still managed to find and pull his friend on the way back up. Out cold, her body stayed still as his arm coiled around her and kept her from being tossed around like a chump. Unfortunately, despite his size, Elvis himself was not exempt from the storms might, as it swayed him to and fro, flipping his stomach and his sense of direction. Before Elvis could find himself losing whatever contents he had in his belly, he felt the water heave back and then suddenly shoot him towards the cruise ship. “I hate ocean traveling,” is all he managed to mutter before his face was slammed into the side of the boat, causing him to pass out. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- “Oh, diablos mio,” Elvis uttered in slow frustration. “What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked innocently. “We did this...” “Pardon?” Elvis suddenly spun around. “We did this, Rosa!” He shouted, gesturing to the environment around them, “This is all our fault!” “Really, cause I don’t-” It was then, after a sudden pause, that it finally clicked. “Ooooooooooooh.” Elvis grumbled as he collapsed back to the sand, hands in his face as he tried to wipe away the shame and embarrassment. Pinkie approached the distraught demon and sat beside him, trying to think of a way to pick up his spirits, but failing to come up with the right word or gesture. Elvis looked to his travel companion and sighed. “If we make it out alive, Rosa, I never want to travel again.” “Can’t promise that, big guy.” Pinkie said, lightly punching his shoulder. “But we’ll probably stay away from any competitions that have us... well, not in our right mind.” “Agreed...” The storm in the distance slowly loomed closer as they continued to watch, strangely content with their fate now, having realized the extent of their circumstances. “Ya wanna know something, Rosa?” he asked. “If you’re gonna say what I think you’re gonna say,” she answered, trying to cut him off. “Don’t tempt the world right now.” “Screw that,” he barked. “I KNOW it’s gonna get worse. I HOPE it does. I double DARE it to get worse.” Pinkie couldn’t help but laugh. “Heh, well, that’s one way to see things.” -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The new shelter they had simply didn’t help. Lightening crackled ominously as it delivered upon its destructive payload to their current miserable situation once again. Rain pattered hard and mercilessly as Pinkie and Elvis huddled under their new shelter, trying desperately to keep it together. Water leaked through a bit more, unlike last time, despite the relatively sturdiness that seemed to present. Pinkie shivered as she huddled as close as possible to her castaway companion as Elvis utilized his power to try to keep them warm. The weather outside, however, proved it rather difficult, as it seemed to get colder as time went by. They had originally intended on waiting the storm out before making a fire and sleeping, but those plans were dashed the moment they realized the storm had no end in sight. Elvis, finding it extraordinarily difficult to remain patient grit his teeth harder and harder as the wretched storm continued. Upon the third hour of the constant rain and thunder, he snapped. Dumping Pinkie out of his arms, she landed in the sand with a soft thump as Elvis exited the shelter. Confused and cold, Pinkie got back to her hooves and called out to her friend. “Elvis, what are you doing? Where are you-” Before she could finish, as the storm raged on and the needle like droplets pattered him against his face, as soon as he was far enough away from the shelter, he gave an almighty roar, raising his fists high into the air. Suddenly, they began to glow flames of deep purple and red. With the force of herculean giants, he slammed his magically infused fists into the ground, and caused the sand and ground around him to suddenly shoot up and coil around him in a crude, hardened shell big enough to encase at least two of him. Pinkie jumped from the sound, causing the new structure to finally collapse upon her, which forced her to dig herself out, now exposed to the elements. Elvis then punched a single large hole in the front of the jagged sphere of formed rock and recently created sand fused together from the sudden force and super heating and cooling. “In here, Rosa,” he beckoned, as he gestured to Pinkie. She swiftly raced inside and out of the cold. Upon finally being safe from the weather, she shook herself like a dog, drying herself off for the most part, much to Elvis’ less than amused chagrin. She nervously laughed, before apologizing to the grumpy demon. “I didn’t know you could do this. Could have saved you LOADS of time the last couple times.” “Didn’t think I could do it, either. Just needed to punch SOMETHING. Dunno if I can do it again, though.” “Well, I certainly don’t want to see you get mad enough to do it, heh,” she joked, but deep down repeated it in honesty. She then shivered, realizing it was still cold, despite the increased protection from the rain. Elvis picked up on the little pony’s discomfort and gently set her aside. He then stood up, stretched a little, reached his arm out of the hole he made, and felt around for something to burn. Lucky for him, his hand managed to brush up against a piece of log that likely rolled down the beach when he slammed the ground in his frustration. “Ahah!” he exclaimed as he gripped the piece of wood and pulled it inside. It was drenched obviously, and under normal circumstances would be useless for the time being. Elvis refused to be beaten, however, and lit his hand and the wood that held it on fire, before setting it down when he figured it could burn on its own. Before the smoke could start to get thick, he punched a small hole, overhead nothing but sand, to let it drain out. He then quickly carved out a trench and punctured an exit hole so the the invading rainwater wouldn’t disturb them. Exhausted, fed up, and emotionally and mentally taxed to hell, the two sat in silence as they kept warm near the fire and kept dry in the structure, waiting out the storm. Hours passed as the wind picked up and it began to rain harder, drumming against the surface of the structure like gravel being thrown at trees. They had long since passed out from the constant waiting, drifting far way from their misery into slumberland. The two unlikeliest, and yet closest, of friends slept the night away, oblivious to the changing air and the storm’s waning. The only thing that managed to bring them back to the waking world was a series of loud crackles and booms that made it seem like bombs were going off. They jumped out of their haze, realizing their fire had long since diminished and the rain had died out during their slumber, and soon began to crawl out of the hovel. Upon emerging, intense heat greeted them as they emerged, bleary eyes witnessing a real catastrophe. Before them was bright orange, red, and black waves in place of the lush greens and earthy browns. For whatever reason, the last strikes of lightning had lit the island ablaze, and the fire itself was consuming everything, save for whatever wasn’t attached to the ground and sand. Birds were seen fleeing the inferno, as well as the odd other indigenous creature that had once called this place home, all had now moved out closer to the sandy shore. Pinkie and Elvis stared with both horror and dread, before they turned to each other, and couldn’t help but laugh. The two roared with the heartiest laughter they’ve had in quite a long time, unable to react any other way to the absolute madness before them. “Just our luck, eh?” Elvis managed to choke out between chuckles. “You said it,” she replied with a stifled giggle, “Good thing we weren’t in there!” They laughed, and laughed, and laughed until they began to cough and sputter, before they did their best to catch their breath and begin to watch the former island paradise burn. Not that they were there long enough to even know if the island would have been a real paradise, but they still assumed out of optimistic imagination. “Are we gonna die?” Pinkie asked honestly. Elvis turned to her, humor drained from him upon the sudden question as he considered it thoughtfully. “Dunno,” Elvis replied. “A bit too early to tell, Rosa, but without the jungle...” “Yeah, I know.” “Yeah.” The two sat there, watching the flames eat away the vegetation with reckless abandon, billowing dark smoke and ash into the air, more than enough to be seen for miles. They sat and watched for as long as they could, before the two reclined and laid upon the sand and watched the sky. Aside from the horrible dark grey splotch of smoke, the sky was nearly clear and inviting, with no hint or threat of another storm coming. “Least we don’t have to worry about getting soaked in the rain anymore.” “Yeah.” Minutes ticked away into hours as the two resigned to their circumstances, letting their stress slowly melt away. Yet, they both would confess that, despite the doom they could feel in their hearts over now being trapped on a nearly lifeless island, they felt more at ease than ever before. The universe itself could make the situation worse by ending the world itself, and neither could care. Sure, Pinkie misses her friends and family, but she wasn’t one to lie to herself if push came to shove. Elvis, too, was no stranger to attachments he may have, but this wasn’t the first time he was taken away from everything. “Can ya swim?” Elvis asked. Pinkie took hazarded a glance to Elvis and thought for a moment, before answering with, “Well, not across seas, or anything like that.” “What about el granjera de manzanas?” “With those legs of hers?” She started, and rolled back over to face the sky. “I don’t know. But, if anyone can do it, it’d be Applejack.” “I’d pay to see that” “Yeah, right about now, actually.” She giggled, which followed by Elvis letting out a light chortle himself. The two reclined and sighed as the island continued to burn. As the flamed slowly began to die out, the atmosphere became a little more sombre. The weight of their unique circumstance pinned them to the sand they reclined upon. “Hey, Elvis?” “Mmh?” “Thanks.” Elvis paused for a minute. “For what?” “For sticking with me and practically saving me this whole time. I mean, sure I can take care of myself and know a few out door survival basics, but... you know...” Elvis scrunched his face a bit and waved it off. “Rosa, stop,” he began, “It’s the least I can do for what happened. If I didn’t-” Pinkie knew exactly what her friend was going to say, and promptly interrupted him. “Nope, nuh-uh, not gonna let you act all guilty and self depreciating now, bub. We agreed this was both of our fault, remember.” “Eh...” he grumbled. “Yeah. Still.” “Still, I wasn’t going to let you be a sourpuss in the cabin the whole time. If anyone should apologize, it should be me.” “Nah, I needed it... Still don’t like sailing, though. I hope I never get on a maldito barco again.” “No promises.” “Ugh.” Silence lingered for a little while, before Pinkie spoke again. “I’m still glad you’re here with me, though.” “Same.” There was no hesitation in his voice, or anything to consider. For that, Pinkie gave a warm smile, and turned back to the raging inferno before them. Suddenly, her belly rumbled, demanding breakfast after the long night behind them. Elvis sighed, scratching the back of his head as he slowly got back to his feet. “What are you doing?” “Gettin’ you some breakfast, chica. Can you eat seaweed?” She blanched at the idea, but quickly realized it was just sushi without the rice. Hesitantly, she considered it for a moment before finally answering. “Not on its own, but I’ll give it a shot.” As Elvis gave a thumbs up, he turned toward the sea, only to witness something large in the distance heading right towards them. He shadowed his eyes with his hand and squinted to try and get a better look, and soon found he was looking at a very large boat. Almost immediately after, he noticed something small launch off of said boat and fly right towards the island in a vivid rainbow streak. “Rosa, you ain’t gonna believe this.” > Vampire Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carousel Boutique; the hub of pony fashion in the quaint little town of Ponyville, and an epicenter for the extraordinary. Works ranging from beautiful and extravagant all the way down to simple and elegant are created and sold here. There is no doubt that this lovely little place thrives in such a town, with ponies always intrigued and inspired by the works of art on display, even if dress and garment wearing is considered a rarity among the populous. Like the town proper, the shop has welcomed many a guest with open arms, with unique pieces of art on display with the equally unique patrons, much like most of the residents of the town proper. There have been no shortage of odd visitors or odd happenings that have made themselves known in the otherwise rather normal, albeit eccentric, ponies in the quaint little town. Even monsters have visited, to varying degrees of severity, and a few have gained good relations to the citizens. One such individual had even taken up residence in town for the foreseeable future. Such a residence, however, is kept relatively out of site, despite being connected to the town’s obvious polished diamond, and for good reason. If one were to simple take a few steps to the right of the entrance of Carousel Boutique, anypony would be able to see a ramshackle of a structure stuck to its side. Compared to the elegance in architecture that invoked images of carousels, mirrors, and flowers, the adjoining abode instead looked like a crude smithing hut. To be fair, that’s exactly what it was, but little in the way of architectural artistry like its neighbor, or any of the other structures in town. Dumah, the owner of such an establishment, however never saw real reason to stress over the outer appearance as he did pouring his passions into metal work. You see, the ancient, vampiric heart inside had long ago abandoned ideas of outer beauty and cosmetic desires, even before his first death, and came to realize that true beauty, along with potential, slumbered within, far out of eyesight. It was the job of an artisan, or any lover of the arts, to draw it out by conviction and effort, no matter the cost. Combined with the strong belief that he and his people’s skill with the arts bordered upon the divine, there was no mistake that he felt pride upon every single craft he held in his clawed hands. That said, he remained recluse knowing that, while relatively welcomed, his presence continued to unnerve the general populous, for obvious reasons. True, he had been living peacefully among them for a while now, but they knew of his nature, and rightly erred in the side of caution for it. Especially considering his highly intimidating appearance and apex predator stature, which made the more skittish of the townsfolk keep a good distance away. That was, save for the few, such as Rarity, proprietor of Carousel Boutique, and relative business partner of the attached blacksmith workshop. The curly purple maned, fine alabaster coated mare had been at his side since he appeared in a pillar of fire, and despite some misgivings, found he was a real diamond in the rough, even if he hated expressing it. This hasn’t stopped her from trying through, and today’s latest attempt was no different. Cantering over to one of the blocked off windows, which was the unfortunate casualty to Dumah’s hut that was thankfully repurposed, and opened it up to gaze inside of the relative darkness of the forging area, where the vampire sat at his workbench. “Darling,” she called in her natural posh inflection, “I really wish you’d take me up on my offer.” “I would not waste your time,” the former king responded in his low, booming voice, “I understand your attempts, and that it is your nature, but this is simply-” “Simply unnecessary for one such as yourself, yes, yes, you’ve said so many times before, and I have long since come to terms with your ever tenacious and stubborn nature, but I’m serious.” Her horn lit up with the familiar light cornflour blue hue it was known for as it levitated an intricately designed statuette of the fashionista off of a nearby shelf marked “completed orders”. Knowing full-well who’s it was, she simply smiled and set it back down, curiosity sated. “You do absolutely marvelous work, Dumah. I’ve never thought to design and sell such well crafted accents like buckles, pins, or other decorative metals to my fabrics. Not to mention the many commissions and works of art you fashion for the ever growing customer base. You’ve made many fans due to your impeccable attention to detail with such rigid materials. However, I cannot let you wallow away your days in the dark, day after day without ANY respite. Please, just this once, take a day off, and enjoy the outside world.” The sound of a hammer being set against a hard metal surface rang out in the little hut as the mammoth proprietor gave a sigh and looked back towards the unicorn. “How many times have you made this request?” Dumah asked, genuinely. “Hmmm... I believe thirty-seven times.” Dumah sat in silence for a moment, before he shook his head with a bemused chortle. “Very well. If I have your assurance that you will leave me to my own obligations and no longer pester me about time off for the near future, I shall take the day today to... ‘relax’. Is this fair?” Rarity hummed in consideration, pawing her chin with her hoof gently. “If by ‘near future’, you mean for the next few months, then yes.” Dumah presented his armored claw before her, offering to shake for the verbal contract. Rarity grinned as she stuck her own hoof out, ready to accept the shake with vigor, just before realizing the touch of his claws left grime and soot on her normally immaculate fetlocks. She grimaced at the site, but knew how to handle such filth. “Then, I shall be gone and wash my hooves for now,” she announced playfully dramatic, as she turned around with grace and flair. “And I shall return to my order,” he replied as he picked up his tools once again. Rarity spun back around, giving an faux-indignant huff, right before he spoke again. “I’d rather make sure I don’t leave an unfinished work behind. You understand, Lady Rarity?” “Oh, very well, but I expect to see your shop door closed within the next hour.” She then finally properly turned away and shut the window behind her, cantering over to the washroom in the back to take care of the stain on her hoof. As she cleaned up, the bell to her front door jingled, signalling the arrival of a new customer. “Just a minute, Darling!” She announced with her usual charisma. After finishing her mini hooficure, she trotted out to the main part of the store and jumped right into her salespony facade. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique! How may I help you today?” The pony before Rarity was quite an interesting sight in Ponyville, though not one to seem out of place in a big city’s more scene or fringe pop culture circles. She was a lithe, pale coated unicorn with striking navy blue eyes and a black and purple mane. She wore a tight, black vest with a popped collar, polished black horseshoes, and her cutie-mark was a black candelabra with three lit candles. Her appearance suggested a gloomy personality, but her actions said otherwise. “Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe I’m actually here! The Equestria famous Rarity, in the flesh. This is the best day of my life!” she announced with a very preppy, cheerful disposition, almost dancing on the tips of her hooves. “Uhm, yes, may I be of assistance?” “And she’s as polite as the paper said she’d be! Oh, this is so exciting!” Before she could start squealing in joy, she coughed to herself and recomposed. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to almost fly off the handle like that. My name is Moonlight Candle, and I’m a BIG fan.” Rarity gave a light laugh and a wide smile as her pride and ego were given such a ringing endorsement. “Oh, ho ho ho, well thank you. I do try to inspire my fellow ponies with my work.” “Your dresses are nothing short of amazing, Photo Finish’s pictures HARDLY do them justice,” she boldly commented, gazing about the shop. “OH, I wouldn’t go THAT far, Darling. Photo’s skills with a camera are divine, to put it lightly. I cannot even begin to express my appreciation for her stunning photography, no matter the subject. If anything, the dresses featured wouldn’t have been nearly as good as they were without her “mageek”, nor dear Fluttershy’s assistance as the model.” The two shared a small laugh as Moonlight was in awe of the fashionista’s modesty, while Rarity herself was reminisced over one of her less-than graceful moments. At least everything turned out right in the end. “I can’t believe you managed to do all of this on your own.” “Yes, well, any entrepreneur needs to have the gumption to be able to build their dream out of their own determination, however I cannot say I’ve been totally alone on my ventures. My dear sister Sweetie Belle has been at my side for quite some time, the friends I’ve made over the years certainly helped, and I’ve recently made a few new business associates.” “Really? Who?” “Well, most recently, I’ve become very well acquainted to a charming creature that hails from a distant land. A little rough around the edges, to be sure, and his dietary habits are a bit ghastly, but he’s an otherwise good soul. He works with metals in the shack attached to the boutique, which I’m sure you’ve seen.” “I don’t believe anyone could miss that,” Moonlight said with a laugh. “It is a bit of an eyesore, though. Doesn’t that hamper business?” “A bit at first, but his quality is indisputable, and soon most everypony has come to appreciate him. To be fair, it helps that he was able to keep morale high when that showboat Trixie took over the town, right before we were about to be attacked by changelings.” “I read about that. Trouble seems to find its way here quite a bit.” “Yes, well, stranger than fiction, and all that,” Rarity retorted with a laugh of her own. “Oh, excuse me, I’ve been prattling on so much, I forgot my manners. Is there anything I can help you with?” “Oh, yes! I’m looking for a new ensemble for a... get together with new friends. I’m looking for something that might resemble something that the main characters would wear in the ‘Dusk’ series. Ever heard of it?” “HAVE I?!” She blurted out, before giving an awkward cough to vainly try to obscure her enthusiastic outburst, “Heh, well, yes, I’ve heard of it. It’s quite the popular series, after all. I can probably get to work on your commission right away, if you wish. Are there any special requests?” “Actually, one of my friends drew up some jewelry that we’d also like done. Do you know any place that could get it made for a reasonable price?” “Actually, I have the perfect individual in mind.” With that said, she walked over to the window she recently closed, only to open it up again, peering into the darkness on the other side. “Dumah, darling, I have a client for you.” Silence lingered for a moment, before she spoke again. “Dumah? Are you still here?” She waited for a response, but only got silence. It was then that she noticed the metal object he was working on previously sat at his bench, completed and ready for the requesting customer. The timing is poor, she mused, but it seems he took my request to heart finally. “Dumah?” Moonlight asked. Rarity turned to her, shutting the window once again. “Yes, that’s his name. I’ve been arguing with him about taking a day off for quite some time, and it seems he’s finally relented. Incidentally, that makes it clear that even I am not immune to hoof-in-mouth syndrome.” “Must be a hard worker. So, i suppose he won’t be in for the rest of the day?” “That’s very likely. I’ll be sure to tell him about your request, though.” “Oh, thank you very much!” she said with much elation. “Everyone is gonna be so happy about this. I’m so lucky that your assistant is such a wonderful... uhm... griffon, minotaur?...” She thought for a moment, and realized the description given, while lacking, implied Dumah was definitely not a pony. “What is he, if you don’t mind me asking?” “Oh, right. Believe it or not, but Dumah is actually an honest to Celestia vampire!” Moonlight’s eyes lit up like diamonds in the sun. “No way.” “I swear on my family and friends, it’s true. I’ve been around him enough to know.” “But, you don’t look like you’ve been bitten, or anything.” “Oh, he’s not the sort. He’s quite the noble gentle-creature, if I do say so myself. If it weren’t for his stubbornness and... dietary habits, I’d probably would have swooned for him. Alas, it’s not meant to be, but he is quite the dear friend.” Rarity smiled at the notion she’d come to terms with long ago, still somewhat bemused that she could have such a friendly relationship with such a monstrous figure. Never the less, the pattern seemed to affect pretty much her entire circle of friends, so her dreamy thoughts on the situation slowly cantered back to reality. However, upon the several seconds it took for her train of thought to come to an end, she soon recognized quite the fanciful look upon her client’s face. “Hello? Miss Candle?” “Sorry, was I spacing out?” she asked with a laugh. “With quite the smile, yes. Anything on your mind, darling?” “Oh, nothing but a filly’s daydream. I mean, how romantic would it be to be a vampony with someone so charming?” “Dear me. Don’t go and get some silly idea in your head, now. Dumah isn’t the sort to transform a young mare into his kind. At least, that seems to be the case. I certainly haven’t heard of anyone suddenly becoming nocturnal and desiring a... different diet.” “Has anyone ever asked?” Rarity paused herself and thought for a moment. “No, I don’t believe anyone has ever asked. I highly doubt he’d agree to it, though.” Moonlight gained a small, wistful smile upon her face as if she were considering something very foolish. Said look certainly didn’t go unnoticed in Rarity’s eyes, but she certainly hoped that it was just in her imagination. “Anyway,” Moonlight declared with a smile, “I’d best be going. I’ll be sure come to back and bring the jewelry designs. Thanks again for doing this for me.” “Oh, not at all, darling. I’m always happy to help a new client.” Moonlight gave a wave to Rarity as she trotted out the door, signaled by the shop’s bell jingling. Rarity gave one more smile before she turned to her back room. “Now, if I remember correctly, Ward Duller is properly introduced in chapter two. Question is, where did I put my copy of ‘Dusk’? I hope Sweetie Belle hasn’t stolen it again.” -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Dumah’s stroll through town was as uncomfortable as it was calming, which was saying quite a bit for the lumbering, giant biped among short, colorful quadrupeds. Being around so many living bodies that merrily went about the day without a second thought to his presence was perhaps the strangest sensation he’s ever encountered. Previously, he had either been around his own undead kind, among foes that wanted to slay him, or constantly striking terror in frightened human civilians. Well, he USED to strike fear, until his mutations made it difficult to leave his own territory, by which time his children had to take up the role. On the opposing end, not being seen with terror or dread put him in this strange sense of ease that he hasn’t felt since the time he and his other brothers were still but fledglings in Kain’s budding empire at the time. Granted, his actions and relative good will among the ponyfolk certainly helped matters. Keeping up morale among them during the time they were trapped behind a giant glass bowl only cemented his standing. Still, it was most definitely the stench of life and vitality all around him that made the moment so unusual. While he has adjusted to his new life to certain degrees, he would be remiss as to say that he had fully committed to it. Honestly, Rarity’s business offer and the shack attached to the Carousel Boutique was more or less just an elaborate way to confine and isolate himself without the need of a northern fortress. In his long life, most of it was spent within cold halls, tucked between mountainsides above the desolate wastes he once called home. Though, to call such a former place home now would be wrong. He had no real fondness of such a wasteland and was in a very small part relieved to have been freed. So, his heart was stuck between where he was and where he is, unable to fully settle and commit. He suspected, however, that he wasn’t alone in that regard. His train of thought was interrupted by a relatively unfamiliar voice to him. “Helloooooooo, Dumah!?” Dumah turned towards the source and met face to face with a pony he didn’t recognize. Granted, there have been new faces coming to the town on an almost daily basis, but none have ever called him out by name. He raised an eyebrow beneath his mask as he gazed down at the little pony. “Oh, wow, you’re much more... intense than I thought you’d be,” Moonlight uttered, “Hello! I’m Moonlight Candle. It’s an absolute honor to finally meet you.” “And yet you know my name already,” he responded with his trademark commanding voice. “And you sound as strong as you look too!” “I’m not exactly fond of flattery, Ms. Candle. How is that you have come to know my name?” “Right. Well, Rarity told me so much about you. I wanted to come and speak to you personally, but I realized I didn’t know what you looked like, so I asked around town and they pretty much pointed me in your direction.” “Very well. For what do I owe to this encounter, I suspect you have a specific topic in mind if you’ve sought me out in such a way. If it’s about metal works, I’d prefer it if you either discuss details with the Lady Rarity, or speak to me at my forge.” “No no, nothing like that... I mean, yes, I do have something that needs to be done, but-” “Then I shall return to my forge. Come,” he commanded as he turned to trek back to Carousel Boutique. “No, wait!” she shouted in desperation. Dumah stopped, and turned to his peculiar guest. She fidgeted a bit as he stood staring at her. “It’s not THAT important,” she managed to say. “We can always get to the costume accessories later, heh.” “Then, what is it that you wish to discuss?” “I have a request.” “One that I cannot fulfill at my forge, I suppose.” She realized that the request could be done there, but walking back would just wast time, so instead she cleared her throat and came out with it. “I, Moonlight Candle, humbly request that you make me a vampire!” There was quite the awkward silence that followed upon such a dark and lofty desire. Dumah couldn’t believe what he had just heard to the point that he was sure he was mistaken. “Begging your pardon, little creature, but I believe I may have misheard you. It was as if you had just asked that I transform you into one of my kin.” “Yes, that’s right.” Dumah was dumbfounded for only a moment, before he followed up with, “I highly advise you to reconsider.” “What’s to reconsider? I’d remain just like this forever, live in the splendor of the night with no fear or worry, never tire... andIcouldprobablyscoremyselfahotstallioneverylifetimeorso...” “Pardon?” “What, did I say that out loud? Nevermind that last bit.” Dumah just stared at the little pony for a moment, before silently turning and walking away. “Wait, wait, wait!” She shouted, “Where are you going?!” “Away from this ridiculous conversation.” “Aw, come on!” she called out, running back in front of him, blocking his immediate path, “Please!? Make me the first of your kin in this world.” “No.” “I bet it kinda gets lonely knowing you’re the only vampire alive outside of fiction, so why not? Sure up the numbers a bit. What do you have to lose?” “You assume too much, Ms. Candle,” Dumah stated, trying to go around, only to be stopped again and again. “Would you depart from my path? Your constant annoyance is only increasing my ire.” “Would you at least consider it? I’m begging here!” she exclaimed, while actually getting on her knees and begging. Dumah inwardly scoffed and sighed as he watched this pathetic display. It was such an insult to behave this way, and embarrassing to be near it. Not to mention how he felt about such a personal request. The whole thing just made him feel more than uneasy. My mood is ruined, and so is my day. I should probably just return to the forge... “Please?” she asked once again. This time, he let out a heavy sigh. “I will... consider it.” “GRREEEEEEAT!” She cheered, hugging him at the leg, but letting go before she was kicked off. “When can I expect an answer? It’d probably be during the evening, just in case you do say yes, hee hee.” “Uuugh...” I already regret this. “Come to the boutique tomorrow evening. We will talk then.” “Ooooh, nice and soon! Can’t wait!” Dumah rolled his eyes behind his mask and left the little mare, no longer hindered by her pestering. Moonlight herself clacked her hooves together in jubilation, already planning how she’d spend her first night after her new transformation. She’d most definitely need to make some arrangements to contact her friends and family to tell them the “good” news. The other item on the to-do list would be to update her wardrobe significantly. There’s no sense in becoming a new “child of the night” if it isn’t done in style. The outfits she would have Rarity make would do for now, but she’d definitely need something more dramatic in the near future. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- As the day marched towards the evening, Rarity busied herself with a customer that had taken a shining to her display outfits. The filly, lithe with a cream yellow coat and a deep red mane, fawned over the dresses with pure adoration, seemingly unable to choose a favorite. This was, all in all, a nice distraction from her commission, which she had made some progress on since Moonlight Candle’s departure earlier in the day. If only she could speak to Dumah about the accessories, but there was no telling when he’d return. No matter, after the customer’s leave, she’d simply return to her commission and wait for the tireless giant to make his presence known to her. “Oh, darling, I believe this ensemble would look positively LOVELY on you,” Rarity announced as she held up one of her more recent creations, utilizing the current season’s trending lace patterns. “It looks lovely without me,” Rarity’s current customer admitted, going starry eyed over the design. She ooed and awed at every perfectly stitched fabric and well placed decoration. “Oh nonsense. No garment is complete without its wearer. If you would like, I can have a custom fit version for you made for tomorrow.” “Really? That soon?!” Before Rarity could answer and finish her sales pitch, there was a tap on the door. Rarity, confused and a little put off balance from the interruption, looked past her present guest and spoke. “Darling, there is no need to knock. We are still open.” It was then that she heard Dumah speak from behind the door. “I have a difficult time passing through these accursed doors due to my size and I do not wish to deal with that nor the cramped space if I succeed, so I’m afraid entering is not an option. However, I have something urgent I need to discuss with you.” It was quite the uncommon situation: Dumah hardly ever initiated a conversation with ponyfolk, and when he had it was usually situated in his hut while working on his orders. For the great recluse to actually initiate a discussion while just outside her door was nothing short of a curiosity. What had bothered the vampire so much that he would suddenly desire to talk? Rarity then turned to her patiently waiting customer. “Uhm, I’m terribly sorry dear. It seems I have some urgent business to take care of at the moment. I’ve already taken the liberty to get your measurements while we were chatting earlier, so if you would like to come back tomorrow, we could do a fitting, just to make sure everything sits well on you. Sound good?” “Uhm... sure, I guess,” the customer answered. “By the way, who’s the stallion that wants to talk to you, if you mind me prying?” “Oh, just a good friend and business partner of mine,” she replied, trotting to the door. The two left the boutique to be greeted by Dumah’s looming form. The customer let out a small “eep”, intimidated by the size and apex predator vibe he had exuded. Without saying a word further, she left Rarity and her business partner alone before the shop, looking back only once out of morbid curiosity. “So, what is it that you need to discuss?” “I have a problem I never would have believed I would have to deal with,” Dumah admitted. “Oh? What would that be?” “I take that you spoke with a Ms. Moonlight Candle recently, correct?” “Oh yes, Ms. Candle. Lovely filly. Wants a recreation of some of the outfits and accessories in the “Dusk” book series... ooooh, dear,” she uttered, realizing the likely predicted topic of discussion was going to be, “She asked you, didn’t she?” “And I suspect she won’t take no for an answer,” Dumah added. Rarity clicked her tongue in annoyance, “I’m terribly sorry, Dumah. I did have a feeling she may have gotten a similar idea in her head, but I never would have thought she would go so far as to seek you out like that.” “She will be here tomorrow evening.” Rarity was taken aback. “Excuse me?” “To get her to leave me alone at the time of her demands, I told her I would consider it. It was not my brightest of decisions.” “Right. Well, what are you planning then?” “To scare her away from the idea.” “Dumah,” she started with a tone of caution, “I don’t think that would be a wise decision, either. She is a new client as well, having already placed an order, and will soon be requesting your services for the creation of some of the aforementioned accessories.” “Do you have any better ideas?” “Well, we could rationally explain to her how it would be a bad idea to go through with her request. I doubt it would take much to convince the filly to abandon this silly daydream.” Rarity then had a sudden realization upon an earlier conversation with Moonlight, and blushed red of embarrassment over the ultimate outcome, coming to terms that she was about to commit hoof-in-mouth syndrome once again. “Oh, who am I kidding? I tried to gently persuade her against the idea already, and she toddled off to ask you anyway.” Rarity sighed, shaking her head. “So, you have no further objections, then?” “No, but at least tell me what you plan to do, so I can at least modify your actions so that you don’t emotionally scar the poor child.” Dumah gave his own sigh as he crossed his arms. “If you must. I’ll retire to my quarters. Come to my hut when you wish to speak with me again over this situation.” “Very well then. I’ll be closing shop for the day in a moment, so I’ll just speak with you through our shared window, if that would be alright? in the meantime, before we discuss your plans, I’ll get to work on some of my orders.” “Fair enough.” With that, Dumah then turned away and stepped into his shack once more while Rarity returned to the boutique. Upon closing the door, she turned the open sign to closed and locked the door -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The following day came and went as life in Ponyville carried on like normal for most of its denizens. Everyone still out and about during the evening kept the the simple night life that the small town had to offer, which wasn’t very much nor was it too restricted. The odd restaurant remained open to cater to couples on a date night, the local theater played the latest Applewood flicks that drew in all sorts, and various clubs were open to let patrons dance the night away. Otherwise, most shops were closed with most ponies retiring to their homes, hoping to get a good nights rest in preparation for the next day. The only shop out of this loop was Carousel Boutique, which was only remaining open on the expectation that a specific customer would be paying a visit. Rarity herself sat inside, right next to the door, peeking out of the window to watch for her guest, only to see no one in the distance, where she collapsed back to her seat. This was not something she envisioned that she’d be doing on any given night, but considering she finished the first draft of the dress (in record time, due to the slow work day, she didn’t even have much else left to do. To be fair, that wasn’t the only reason, since she’d normally be working on something that struck her fancy into the long hours of the night, but the prospect presented by Ms. Candle, through Dumah’s words at least, made her feel just a tad uneasy. Rarity could just barely hear the hammers bang away on the other side of a nearby wall, which strangely gave her some form of comfort in this strange circumstance. She knew the plan of action and while she trusted Dumah full stop, she couldn’t help but feel this whole situation could get sour. She gave a sigh as she got back up and peeked out the window once again, scanning the waning evening light for the promised guest. It was then that she saw her guest come into view, leisurely making her way closer to the boutique, saddlepack across her back. I suppose it’s showtime, Rarity thought as she leaped off of her couch and unlocked the door and opened it wide. She greeted her customer as she always would and ushered her inside, where Ms. Moonlight Candle gladly trotted in, excited by the prospect of what was to come. So much so, that she forgot about her commission up until Rarity reminded her. “Oh, right!” Moonlight exclaimed, “With what’s been going on, I haven’t really been thinking about it much. I mean, I MAY need you to make more clothing for me in the future, as I’ll need a total wardrobe overhaul when I become a new denizen of the night.” She then struck a dramatic pose, which elicited a light shake from Rarity’s head. “Speaking of, where’s Dumah?” “Dumah will be available to speak with you, but before that, I’d just like to go over the dress.” She then lit up her horn and pulled the first draft dress out from the back to present it to her client. “I couldn’t find my copy of Dusk, so I had to go off by memory. So, what do you think?” Moonlight looked over the dress with a scrutinizing gaze, going over the details. “Wow, Rarity. I knew you were good, but I didn’t think you were THIS good. You did this by memory?” “Indeed. It was a bit difficult to get the stitching just right, not to mention the collar. Also,” she started, summoning her magic once again to bring forth another ponnequin, this time of male clothing. “I suppose that when one of your friends sees your dress, they may want a gentlestallion’s ensemble akin to Duller’s?” “I think they’ve said they already have their outfits, but I’ll be sure to keep that in mind because THAT looks SOOOO COOL.” Rarity chuckled, “Well, i certainly tried my best had to rack my brain and remember what he looked like. It’s not finished, though. I dare say that I may have forgotten some details, but I can’t for the life of me remember exactly what.” “Well, so far, it looks great,” she said with a confident smile. “Oh, by the way, before I forget, here are the designs for the accessories.” She then pulled a roll of parchment out of one of the saddlepack’s pockets and presented it to the fashionista. Rarity took it with gusto, opened it, and delighted in the illustrations of what was planned. “Oh, well thank you! I shall be discussing these accessory plans with Dumah about it very soon.” Moonlight fidgeted a little, wanting only to move onto her true objective.“Anyway, now that that’s talked about, I’d like to speak to Dumah about my transformation.” Rarity paused for a moment. She set the two ponnequins off to the side, along with the parchment, and cleared her throat a little, “Yes, well... Listen, as a good friend of Dumah’s and as a friend toward you as my client, I must politely ask you to reconsider.” “Pardon?” “It’s not that I don’t understand. The romantic nature of that life depicted in the books are ever so enticing, but,” she stopped in consideration of her next words carefully, “The reality is a lot less glamorous. Trust me, Darling.” “What do you mean?” Moonlight asked, her mood slightly shifting, “I mean, how would you know? You’re not a vampire.” “No,” Rarity answered, “No, I am not, and after some of Dumah’s stories, I don’t wish to be one. Please, reconsider this idea.” “But, it’s my dream!” Moonlight started, her tone becoming irritable, as if she had this conversation before. “I’m not just going to abandon it when I’ve been presented such an opportunity.” “Sometimes, Darling, we all have to make compromises in life, even in our dreams. Some of the time, it’s for your own good, as the consequences of some decisions can be steeper than we may understand.” “You sound just like my mother,” Moonlight bitterly commented. Rarity raised an eyebrow to that last statement, getting a small glimpse into the reason behind this desire and her gradual mood shift. She sighed. I can in no way convince this girl without hurting her feelings and possibly losing her as a client, she thought. “Dumah is in his forge right now. If you honestly wish to speak to him on the matter, I will not stop you.” “Good,” Moonlight stated curtly. “I’ll pick up the dress when this is all done.” It was then that she turned for the door and exited the building, somewhat slamming said door behind her. Rarity sat back on her haunches and gave another sigh. Whatever drove that filly made her pretty much non-negotiable to anyone else in that regard, and she suspected this wasn’t the first time Ms. Candle became curt when she was met with resistance with other ponies. She wondered if Dumah met a similar attitude shift, but as her client was about to meet with him again, she supposed it hadn’t yet occurred. She could eavesdrop on the conversation through the window if she really was curious enough over the encounter, but this situation needed to remain private. So Rarity resigned herself to the unknown result of this situation. She knows what Dumah will say and do if Rarity failed the attempt at dissuading the filly, but beyond that, Moonlight’s tenacious insistence may prove to be more than the sensible refusal. She just hoped that, no matter what, everyone could still walk away on amicable terms. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Moonlight Candle stepped into the shack, and quickly realized how dark it was inside. Sure, there were a few scant light sources to make sure that any potential customers wouldn’t trip over something while also being able to see possible merchandise, but that was the extent. That is, save for the sudden flashes of light that came from the far back, which was always accompanied by a loud bang of hammer against hot metal. She gazed about the secondary shop, seeing all sorts of works, such as mining tools, metal parts for furniture, decorative items, and even a shelf filled with dented bits of Royal Guard armor and weapons. She had heard gossip in Canterlot that the Solar and Lunar regimens had all undergone an overhaul in training as a response to that sudden attack by a strange bi-ped and a floating hospital room. If what she was seeing, then it was clear that was no mere rumor. Her eyes then turned back to Dumah, whom simply continued to work upon whatever object he was crafting or repairing at that time. She approached the counter that divided the shop from his work station, and cleared her throat. “So,” he began as he paused his work for a moment, “Rarity couldn’t convince you?” Moonlight Candle was slightly taken aback from his sudden question alluding to Rarity’s attempt to persuade her to give up her dream of becoming a vampire. She shook her head proudly, as if it were a hurdle she needed to clear before now, giving an accomplished smile. “No one is going to stop me from making this happen.” “And why is that?” Dumah asked. “Well, it’s an opportunity of a lifetime! I mean not many ponies get to say they get to live out something only possible in stories and fairytales.” “A ‘fairytale’ is the wrong word to describe it, Ms. Candle.” “Of course it is! To be able to live out something so different, mysterious, and alluring instead of just read about it? It would be SO romantic to be a vampony. You get to see the world in such a different perspective and even see more of it at the years go by. Even then, the aesthetic is just so charming and beautiful in its own way.” Dumah gave a heavy sigh as he turned towards Moonlight Candle, eyes glowing red in the dark. She wouldn’t say so, but seeing them shine such a crimson put her a bit on edge. For the first time, there was this sense of dread gnawing at the back of her head. However, she dispelled those thoughts and reminded herself that her dream was just a stones throw away, and it was now or never. Dumah, on the other hand, leaned forward and made sure Ms. Candle could feel his presence. “Ms. Candle,” he started, “The life of a vampire is not one to be trifled with.” “H-how come?” she asked innocently. “Do you even understand what a vampire does?” “Uhm,” she thought for a moment. The obvious answer was live forever, but deep in the pit of her being, she knew saying that would only make the real vampire before her tell her that she’s wrong. “Allow me to enlighten you.” He then pulled forth a crude cup and placed it between the two of them. Then, above it, he squeezed one hand as hard as he could, causing his claws to puncture his own palm and draw a small amount of blood, which dripped into the cup between them. “A vampire’s entire existence is centered around blood.” “I-I knew that.” “Did you now?” Dumah asked, somewhat mockingly. “Then, you must know that we consume it. For that, we prey on the living.” “Th-there are ways around that!” She argued. “Only if you wish to live a hollow eternity. No, to be a true vampire, one MUST feed. Blood is the essence of survival, of lust, of hunger, and of power. As a fledgeling, it will be an uncontrollable thirst. You will want it more than you need it.” “Th-that can’t be true. The Dusk series never-” “A fairytale has NO sway over reality!” Dumah barked, slamming his hand on the counter, and eliciting a jump from the little filly. “The life of a vampire is a life of bloodshed. A life surrounded by death and an unending desire for it, first out of want, then out of need. You will crave, agonize, and desire every last drop of another’s life, and until you take it, it will never truly go away. Your friends. Your Family. Everyone you ever cared for or cared for you will ultimately become nothing more than a potential meal.” Moonlight Candle stood there, starting to shiver from the growing fear. She shook her head, trying to deny the statements presented. Those words of his cut like barbs and brambles, stinging her heart and making her want to shrink. “Do you still not see? Then allow me to speak further.” Dumah announced. “When a mortal turns into one of us, the formerly living will have the splendors of life revoked. The pleasures of the living flesh are stripped, and become nothing more than regrets. To a fledgling, the suns mere light will burn you like fire. Water, even as scant and harmless as rain, is acid to our skin. Fire consumes our bodies quicker, and will NOT repair itself easily like cleaved flesh. After centuries, you will begin to change, and mutate. You will lose whatever beauty you had, and gain immunity to the environs. Some to sun. Some to water. I myself have become nigh impervious to even the sharpest of metals. However, by that time, you will no longer see them as splendors, and treat them as simply tools for survival.” “N-no. This is wrong!” she shouted, “Sunlight will burn me? Water will hurt me!? But vampires in-” “Do not be fooled by fiction crafted by those that do not know the truth,” Dumah continued, “There is nothing romantic in vampiric unlife. There is only hunger, power, survival, and death.” “What about you?” she asked, fidgeting, trying to find some sort of argument to stand on in desperation. Dumah seemed very different to her when she first met him. None of this frightening bloodlust or weakness to everyday life seemed to be a part of his existence. In fact, all accounts of him that she heard from Rarity did nothing but paint him in a good light. So, why did he seem like the exception to all of this nasty self-depreciation in regards to what he is as a creature? It was then that he picked up the cup that held a small amount of his blood off of the counter, and lifted it so he could exit his work station. Moonlight Candle stumbled back as she watched the now intimidating creature approach her slowly, still somewhat hunched over from the lower hanging ceiling. Tripping over one of the many things that lined the interior, she tumbled out of the entrance, stopping only as she laid face up just outside the forge and Carousel Boutique. Gazing up at the evening that darkened enough to reveal stars, her eyes were soon filled with the looming presence of Dumah, whom stood tall and fearsome. It was then that he gave a sigh and crouched down to around half his height, one hand held out to assist her, with the other still holding the cup. Nervous, but still clinging to that romanticism, she trusted Dumah and took his claw and allowed her to be pulled back to her hooves. She then released it and took a few steps back. “My life too is filled with the unending thirst. Though the hunger has evolved beyond blood, the lust remains. I have come back from death far too often, and have known the great agonies of our kind for longer than many. I have watched strange eons pass, among the living and the dead, taken many lives to sustain my own, and have gained nothing upon my blunders as a leader, father, and king. A vampire’s fate is death, and fading to be forgotten.” She just stood and watched Dumah speak, transfixed upon his somewhat sad confession. “My efforts, here and now, are to carve some sort of semblance of atonement, while I still can. My presence still creates fear and loathing, with the possibility of harm if I become careless, but I know my existence, especially in this realm, is on borrowed time and borrowed comfort. I can only just begin to do right for my own sake with this in mind. Once I am able to return to my land, I can finally rest with the dust from which I was destined to join.” Moonlight Candle just sat on her haunches, processing the lengthy and somewhat morosely idyllic speech. “So, ‘what about me’? I am as I warn you. What you’ve seen is but a sliver in my long state of being. Any romanticism you may gleam off of me, any gentle nature I present, its my toll in my own labors and dangers as I await my inevitable outcome. I am a vampire, destined in death, and all that I have construed to now applies to me.” He gave a sigh, and presented the cup. “This cup bares my blood. If you still wish to follow me into the life of a creature of the night, then drink.” Her eyes gazed towards the beaten cup he held. “Or, head my warnings, reject your dream... and live a happy and full life only a mortal soul is allowed.” She gazed back to Dumah, looking into the deep crimson light of his eyes. Despite the ominous color, there was something more behind them. Something she was sure about from the very beginning, even when she had done nothing but pester him about her wish. Her eyes looked back to the cup for a moment, before she gave a deep, shaky sigh. “You win...” she quietly uttered, pushing away the cup, eyes casting down to the grass beneath her. Dumah rose back to his full height and turned to his shack. However, before he left, he flicked the cup off to the side and cast the liquid within to the ground, staining the blades of grass. Once empty, Dumah retreated back into his shack, leaving the dream shattered pony to her own devices, whom simply watched him disappear from her in silence. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- “Was that REALLY necessary?” Rarity asked. For a moment, while sitting beside the window that divided the boutique and the forge, all Rarity could hear was the soft clicking of a small hammer striking cold metal. She cleared her throat as if to get his attention, only to be greeted with the sudden silence. “It was of the utmost necessity,” Dumah finally replied, “You had your chance to persuade her, and it failed. Telling her the grizzly truth of the nature surrounding my kind was the last chance. We discussed this.” “I know, I know. Still, I wish it wouldn’t have come to it. Scaring ponies in that way is a good way to scare them off for good.” “She returned to your boutique, didn’t she?” “Well, yes.” “Then I hardly see the problem.” The sound of soft, metallic clicking could be heard once again. “Oh, you can be so blunt sometimes.” “Brute force is oft needed when finesse fails.” Rarity sighed as she slumped against the chair. He was right, though. Sometimes, it tended to take a stern stance and harsh words to bring another away from a potentially disastrous mistake. It was honestly quite the humbling lesson; to know that kind words and gentle advice simply doesn’t influence some of the more headstrong individuals. She wondered if Fluttershy ever had to learn something along those lines, before she remembered the incident on Smokey Mountain. “Finished,” Dumah chimed, as the light hammering fell silent once again. There was a shuffling noise as his arm reached through the dividing window and held a charm. Rarity’s eyes sparkled as she rose back to attention upon instantly admiring the craft before her. Her horn lit up, and the magic that came from it gripped the accessory with gentle care as she scrutinized it, where upon Dumah’s hand retreated back into the darkness of the forge. She then realized something. “Wait, is this-” “For her order, yes. The walls in this shop to me are quite thin. I believe you have parchment that depicts the designs.” “Yes, I do, but the bigger question is, how did you produce this without even seeing them?” It was then Dumah’s arm came back through, this time with a book in the clutches of his claws. “I believe this is yours.” “My Dusk novel!” Her magic gripped the book and took it up, sliding the accessory up against the front cover. “Where did you find this?” “Your sister had pilfered it out of curiosity yesterday. I had taken the liberty of confronting her earlier today before she left for her lessons.” “Oh, I KNEW IT!” She squawked, eyes narrowing. “Punish her not, Lady Rarity,” Dumah demanded, “The situation was already dealt with and the book has returned to its rightful owner.” “I suppose,” she relented. “Returning to the jewelry I’ve crafted, please deliver a message in my stead to Ms. Candle once she returns.” “Oh, sure. What is it, Darling?” “There is no harm in fantasy, but let it remain fantasy.” “Fair enough.” “As for you, I cannot believe you read such SWILL!” Dumah barked from the darkness. Rarity gasped in faux outrage. “How DARE!” She then took a moment to think, and inspiration hit. “Fine, then. Maybe I should write my own novel, and highlight the truth of the matter!” “A writer now, are we? Do you even have the time with your orders and business?” Rarity ignored his mocking questions as her artistic endeavors began to take hold of her desire for creativity. “And I shall call it: Interview With a Vampire!” Dumah shook his head and returned to his work, and even though he wasn’t entirely sure if she was poking fun of the situation or being entirely honest, he couldn’t help but still be somewhat bemused at how strangely driven these ponies be. With the cursed knowledge of that wretched book still in his head, he pulled one of the works in progress he started earlier today and resumed their craft. He aimed to get the rest of the accessories done in a timely fashion, just so he could be rid of the story’s memories. > Bleeding Mascara > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm, cool night at Sweet Apple Acres. Wind passed between the leaves and buds of newly forming apple flowers, giving the orchard a serene and pleasant atmosphere to the general haunting nature of the night. Every single member of the Apple clan that watched over and worked this vast farm were all asleep, cozy under the covers and glow of the moonlight. All, save for the “honorary” member of the family, who laid upon a hay covered cart as he watched the stars. Applejack’s charge named Monsoon; a new assistant that held a rather colorful history and went about his business in a frank and, quite irritatingly, antagonistically cynical manner. A flexible, dark grey shell with maroon accents covered the just of the biped, with markings and small black number sequences that nopony could make sense of dotted various locations on his body. Pouches made of dark green fabric attached to a dark green belt lay next to him, along side twin black Sais. He gave a deep, artificial sigh as he traced the stars and added personal notes to his slowly growing data files. The information he retained from his old world was directly useless, save for specific articles and documents, but even the most useless of notes was easily made to act as bases and guidelines for research. It took a couple months, but with the efficiency of his cybernetics, he was able to understand the region’s written language. Not to mention that the spoken dialect was a dead ringer for the English language, which made the process of becoming literate in this colorful equine world all the easier. And so, armed with the basic knowledge of the world, he constructed a personal encyclopedia over the course of his stay, even having a properly translated atlas created and filed off somewhere in the geography section located in the folder named “hellhole”. His latest venture had him add to a document on constellations and star patterns, which would normally be for navigation purposes, but truthfully it was because he was bored. Being an assistant to a farmer wasn’t exactly an exiting, worthwhile, or even slightly entertaining venture for him. He felt no joy in harvesting the produce available across the toiled lands, nor did he care that much for the keepers themselves. To him, this was just a side job while he waited for the “benefactors” of the current world to find a solution for him in regards to being stuck here. Truth be told, since he was technically “dead” for all intents and purposes in the world he came from, he wasn’t entirely sure if he SHOULD go back. However, Monsoon supposed he’d cross that particular bridge when he finally got there. In the meantime, he had to play nice, which meant to tend to the farm considering who was hosting him. Even a mercenary like him knew where the lines were to be drawn in that regard, even if he didn’t particularly like it. It was then, in the center of his boredom that he heard something peculiar. Sitting up from the large cart he was lounging on, he gazed about the orchard, flicking through multiple visual sensors with every pass to try and see what was disturbing the peace. It soon became apparent that nothing that reached his eyes in any way clued him in on what he knew he heard, but something still seemed off. Suddenly, like a knife cutting through the night, he heard a shrill scream coming from one of the bedrooms of the Apple Family house. Followed by the sound of breaking glass. Monsoon himself rose from the cart, put his equipment back on, and raced to the source of the sound. It was then that he saw fleeing black forms that were swiftly carting away the small form of the youngest of the family. “APPLE BLOOM!” Applejack, the brilliant gamboge elder sister, shouted from the broken window. Her blond mane billowed in the cold night wind as her green eyes betrayed heartbreaking panic. Without hesitation, upon realizing the situation, Monsoon activated one of his electrolyte cell packs to give himself an extra boost, before he took off running after the foalnappers. It was clear that they anticipated pursuers, as they ducked through the trees and headed for the forest, splitting in multiple groups going in multiple directions. However, Monsoon was ready for such trickery. Turning on his thermal vision, he got a clear heat signature from Apple Bloom herself, and chased after the party that held her captive personally. They moved swiftly, ducking and darting between the foliage, doing everything in their power to lose their would be aggressor. However, with every turn, Monsoon followed. Every dodge, the cyborg mimicked. It became clear that he was operating on a level they wouldn’t be able to shake as they were. It was then that they rose up and broke through the canopy of the trees, taking to the skies on bug-like wings. It didn't take long before Monsoon realized who was behind this, and in a fit of fury, he leaped as high as he could, breaking through the trees, and chucked his Sai at the capture party. The fleeing forms scattered like roaches, including the one that held Apple Bloom in its clutches, but one of them was unfortunate enough to be pegged by the flying weapon, and went down like a sack of rocks. Monsoon watched as the little filly pathetically cried for help as she was carried off into the night as he too descended back down to the forest floor. For a moment, as the sounds of the foalnappers became more and more distant and the fauna became quiet within the foliage, Monsoon activated his body’s specific ability, and reached forward to grip his Sai with his magnetic force. It was then that he heard a pained cry, but as the Sai returned to him, it was bereft of a body, laced only with a strange ichor. He then turned on his thermoscopic visual program, and gazed about his immediate front, noticing the same fluids upon the ground and in the foliage as there was on the blade of his weapon. He followed the trail of droplets left behind until he saw a sizable enough splatter, indicating where it was removed. Beyond that, a trail of the same ichor could be seen, indicating the insectoid equine had fled. The cyborg sneered as he followed the path rather swiftly, keeping his eyes open while he followed the trail, only to notice the splatters become smaller and less frequent. It was obvious the creature was trying to desperately conceal its escape, but considering the result of the wound, it was very likely it wouldn’t get very far. Still, he kept on trekking through the forest, with the thermoscope at maximum sensitivity. However, despite his advanced tech, a disappearing trail was a disappearing trail, and he soon came to the final track. He scanned his surroundings, switching to night vision, trying to see if something else could be picked up through the shift in perspective. He moved slow, listening to the sounds around him in order to try to find any inconsistencies. It was then that he noticed that the sounds of the forest were all but absent. Birds were all but entirely mum, the wind was dead, and he could hardly hear any creak or chatter of insects. It was strange enough that he decided to try to do a sweep of the immediate area. As he did, he paid close attention to the wildlife and any abnormal movement in the leaves. Soon enough, he noticed a small rabbit sprint away from the corner of his eye, seemingly with a slight limp on its foreleg. Suspicious, he swapped back to his thermoscope, and noticed a big enough mark indicating a warm, open wound on the affected appendage. He gave chase, which didn’t go unnoticed by the small furry creature, whom then picked up in speed, desperately gritting through the pain. The mercenary, not wanting to drag this out any longer than need be, opened one of his pouches and produced a metal cord. Activating his magnetic abilities, he threw the cord before him, and manipulated it to cut through the air at high speeds before intercepting the little creature and attempt to coil around. The rabbit panicked and fell backward, before strange flames engulfed the body, revealing the blackened form of the injured changeling. With no time to spare, Monsoon made the cord wrap around the unfortunate deceiver, and made a point to jab one end of the cord against the wound to discourage a second fleeing attempt. The changeling was now entirely helpless and completely at his mercy, or lack thereof. Monsoon approached the pathetic creature, towering over his new captive with an intimidating glower that put the fear of God into the eyes. The cyborg reached down and gripped his new hostage by the head with one hand and held the creature at eye level. “Changelings,” Monsoon uttered in contempt, “I thought you lot retreated to the hovel you came from. Give me one good reason why i shouldn’t crush your skull right now?” Demonstrating, he gave the head a squeeze and pulled out another pained cry, before loosening to allow this thing to speak. “I-I was just following w-what Queen Chrysalis wanted. Honest!”, the little changeling weakly pleaded, terrified and at wits end. It tried to wiggle free from its restraint in vain, but the sharp pain of the cord tight around its body and one end jabbing the open sore kept it from any real success. Monsoon sneered. “We’ll be the judge of that.” “We?” -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- At the front porch of the Apple Family home, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith all sat outside, waiting for their lost little girl to be brought back to them. Their spirits rose when they saw Monsoon in the distance approach them, but plummeted just a quickly when they realized Apple Bloom was not with him. As soon as he was close enough, Applejack broke away from her family and was about to begin a tirade. Before she could, though, Monsoon chucked the injured changeling by the head into the dirt before them harshly, and made a point to pin its back leg with his foot. It wasn’t necessary, due to the metal cord still bound around the body, but Monsoon wasn’t in a particularly “necessary” or nice mood tonight. “J-jeez, not so rough,” it said pathetically. Applejack stormed up to the changeling and gripped it by the face with her hooves. “Where is Apple Bloom? What have ye done with mah sister?!” The changeling remained silent. “ANSWER ME!” she shouted as she shook the changeling’s head, before letting go and stepping away before she did something she’d regret. “Ah can’t believe this happened,” she sobbed, “I couldn’t protect her...” “It’s quite clear from the evidence,” Monsoon started, “That the great bug queen herself is behind this, and considering she didn’t attack anyone else, she must be specifically going after you. Or, at least, going after your loved ones.” “S-sorry about that.” it squeaked out. “YOU SHUT UP, YA VARMINT!” she shouted, emotions at their breaking point “Question is, where would they be located?” “Their hive, ah reckon,” Granny piped up, “Wouldn’t that friend o’ yers know where it might be?” Applejack successfully stifled sobs long enough to answer. “Ya mean Twah? I dunno. Maybe she could ask the Princesses if she don’t know herself.” It was then that Monsoon interjected. “Or, we could get it right from the horses mouth.” He looked down towards his captive. “That is, if you’d like to keep your wings?” The changeling shrank a little underneath the glare the cyborg was giving him. In truth and under less dire circumstances, as a changeling, it could shapeshift to try to get out of the trouble he was in right now, even with the injury. However, with how much pain it was in, and believing that the strange bi-ped would immediately exterminate it if provoked, the small creature resigned that an attempt would be foolish. If only it were braver and stronger like its brother. “P-please,” the changeling said, “I-I was just following orders! Please don’t hurt me anymore! I’ll tell you what you need if I absolutely have to.” Applejack approached the changeling again and grabbed the creature by the face. “Say that again, right to my face,” she uttered with venom. “I’ll tell you what you need, just don’t hurt me!” Applejack stared into the scared changeling’s eyes, and let go once again. “Then, tell us! Where are they keepin’ Apple Bloom. Where is yer bloomin’ hive?” “The hive is l-located to the south, but... I-i’ve never been very good with directions of the top of my head. I usually just follow the others...” “Useless bug,” Monsoon spat. He stood there for a moment, arms crossed, before he clicked his artificial tongue. “We’ll need HIS help in this, it seems.” “Ya mean-?” “Yes... that,” Monsoon shuddered. He wasn’t particularly fond of interacting with Twilight’s charge, for an absolutely massive list of reasons. However, if there was anyone that could fish those directions out of the little changeling’s head, it would be him. He removed his foot from the creature’s limb, before he reached down and picked up his captive, tucking it under one arm. As he began to walk off with the prisoner, Applejack called out. “Wait! Ah’m coming too!” “No, you are not.” Monsoon stated matter-of-factly. “YES AH AM!” she retorted, stomping her hoof hard enough to shake the farm, tears welling in her eyes in sorrow and rage. Monsoon turned to the little pony, and for the first time ever, Applejack saw something that made her resolve falter. Looking up at the cyborg, she felt something fundamentally menacing about the thing she let stay with her and her family. His stance, the air about him, his invisible stares through his helm. She knew he wasn’t right in the head, and entirely capable of extreme violence, but it was only now that she could actually FEEL his cold, hate filled intent that was powerful enough to make her choke a bit. Even the changeling, tucked under his arm seemed to shrink in abject fear, desperately squirming away from him as much as possible to no avail. “No,” he coldly replied, “You are not. You will stay right here, and let me handle this my way.” He turned his head towards the south. “I have a score to settle with the bitch.” The present ponies winced at the language, but not a single soul dared to speak up about it. “Besides,” he continued with the much more lighthearted, albeit callous, tone of his, “This whole fiasco was likely orchestrated to draw you out and keep you emotionally unstable, making you easy prey.” She couldn’t argue with the logic presented, and even though it made her heart and pride ache, she resigned. “You better bring back mah sister in on piece, ya hear?” Monsoon turned back around and began his trek towards the currently sleeping town. “YA HEAR!?” she shouted, making sure Monsoon heard her this time. Monsoon, however, never acknowledged the heartbroken plea, leaving behind the farm and its residents. Applejack collapsed to her hindquarters and began to sob as her family came to comfort her, and the mercenary disappeared into the night. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- It was late. Ponyville was always to quiet at this time, with the very rare exceptions. Perfect time to study or conduct research without being disturbed. Which is exactly what Twilight did, as she oftentimes had. This time, however, while she normally would be preoccupied with “the anomaly”, as it had been her top priority for the longest time, tonight she decided to look into the technology that powered Monsoon. Specifically, the substance used to quickly energize his body for more extreme abilities. Discord was kind enough to help supply the cyborg with exact duplicates of his original “power cells”, which made his need to spare the use of the makeshift formula he acquired during the Changeling invasion of the town moot. This also meant that she had access to the original chemicals, which allowed her to test and code the make-up. Considering it was powerful enough to charge a machine as advanced as Monsoon’s body, there was a huge number of possibilities in unlocking its secrets that could ripple the scientific society at large. As she was zoning into her research, inwardly drooling over the prospective ideas, the front door to the library slammed open, startling her enough to knock over an inkwell onto her papers. “OH NOOOOOOO!” she screamed in horror, before she angrily rose from her seat to berate whomever barged in at such a late hour like that. However, her rage instantly died when she saw the very center of her subject of research step inside, whom unceremoniously tossed a bound changeling a little further in. The bizarre combination, coupled with the implication of the latter made her pause grow into concern. “What’s going on,” she finally managed to ask, “What’s the meaning of this?” “I’m afraid we’ve had a kidnapping, orchestrated by our lovely queen of lies,” Monsoon spat, “And this stupid drone knows where they are, but apparently has poor navigational skills. It’s probably a lie to stall us, but-” “Who was taken!?” Twilight interrupted, now in a bit of a panic. Monsoon grunted in irritation, before he continued, “-But, I believe coming here would be the best way to chase after Apple Bloom’s captors.” “Apple Bloom!?” Twilight gasped, “Where’s Applejack?” “Jack is back at the orchard, as instructed. She’d only be a liability in this instance.” “A LIABILITY?!” she snapped, “That’s her SISTER that was foalnapped! If I was in her place, I wouldn’t just sit around because YOU told me to!” “No, you’d go off and get captured or killed yourself, thus shattering your little dynamic of superheroes you’ve got, which would allow them to come for the rest of you.” “How are you so sure!?” “They came in the middle of the night, remained stealthy up until the deed itself, and made their getaway at a moderate pace... until they noticed I was the one chasing them. It was a trap for Jack, but they didn’t expect me to go after them.” Twilight took a step back from retort, which consequently left her very little room to argue with. He was absolutely right. This was just a gambit. “I-It’s true,” squeaked the changeling, “When we noticed the pony wasn’t chasing after us, we tried everything we could to outrun, uhm, him. That’s when he-” the little shapeshifting creature winced from the twinge of pain coming from the wound, “-captured me.” “Where are they?” she demanded. “Th-The Ch-changling Hive, a-and I’ve already confirmed that!” “Where is it?!” “I-I-I don’t know off the top of my head! This is alot of undue pressure right n-now!” “UNDUE PRESSURE?!” “ENOUGH OF YOUR SQUABBLING!” shouted an all too familiar voice from upstairs, filtered by a gasmask. Everyone turned their heads towards the origin and watched as Psycho Mantis, a sickly slender bi-ped with an immense psychokinetic power, descended the steps like a ghost. “I thought staying in this god-forsaken library would at least give me some peace and quiet during the night. Would you kindly sew your mouths shut so I can return to that? Or, if you’d like to continue, I could always just make everyone in this room forgets how to talk.” Monsoon shivered a bit, still despising the presence of such a monster in his history, but steeled his resolve. “I’ve actually come looking for you.” “Me?” he responded. “And what do I owe the pleasure?” “A small crisis that might keep us here permanently if we don’t fix it. I need you to extract the information we need from that changeling down there, so you can tell us to where we need to go.” “Wh-what?” the changeling squeaked. Mantis sighed. “I suppose, if it will get me my respite.” He then approached the bound changeling, and gripped it by the head with both of his hands. Staring into the eyes of the changeling, its terrified face reflected upon the plastic sheen of the lenses, just barely able to recognize the eyes of an ice, cold killer. “Clever,” he uttered finally after a few minutes of staring. “Open your mind, Twilight. You’re going to take those two directly to the hive. And only those two.” “What!?” she exclaimed almost in protest. “I must agree with the purple one. What are you playing at, mentalist?” Monsoon spat. “The two of you need to reach your destination quickly, and the hive itself holds a little secret that would be very bad for anyone but you or I, as this creature seems to believe. Furthermore, sending more than just you and the captive would only feed them.” “What secret?” Twilight asked. “It wouldn’t be much of one if I told you, now would it?” Twilight scowled at the coy response, but huffed, knowing there was nothing she could do or say to have him share the information. “Fine. Where do i send them?” Mantis stared directly at Twilight, and a flash in her eyes signified a strong epiphany, which caused he to rub her temples. “Ugh, I’ll never get used to that.” She turned to Monsoon, whom pulled the changeling away from Mantis with his magnetic power and tucked it back under his arm. “Are you ready to go?” “I suppose,” Monsoon answered. “C-can we please talk about this?” the changeling pleaded, which fell on deaf ears. “Alright then,” Twilight began as her horn started to crackle with magical energy, “Stay safe.” “No promises,” Monsoon retorted. With a sudden flash of magic from Twilight, he and the changeling were suddenly gone, leaving Twilight and Mantis at the first floor of the library. Twilight just stared out the door that had yet to be closed since the Desperado’s intrusion, looking out into a now seemingly haunting night sky. There was no telling what would happen with that mad cyborg on the case, but one thing was for certain. He would get the job done. “If you’ll excuse me,” Mantis said, breaking the silence as he moved towards the kitchen, uncaring of the situation at hand, “I’m going to make myself some coffee.” Twilight inwardly growled, but relented, “I could honestly use a cup too...” -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- In a sudden burst of light, Monsoon and the small changeling appeared at what seemed to be the edge of a forest, overlooking a barren landscape of rocks and dead trees. In the distance was the likely cancer to this dying land: A twisted set of black spires that appeared as a still lick of flame, buzzing with activity. Monsoon smirked as he gazed down at his hostage, whom was busy shaking inside its bindings. Hazarding the dare, said changeling looked up towards the cyborg and gave a weak smile. “W-well,” the little thing began, “You’re here now, so I suppose you don’t need me. You could just let me go, and I’ll just be-” before he had a chance to finish and flee from the obvious danger, Monsoon simply dropped the thing, which landed with a painful thud. “Ah-haow...” it coughed out. Then, it felt the bindings loosen and uncoil from its body. Confused, it slowly stood back up, rubbing its wound gently. “I, uh... didn’t think you would, ya know... let me go.” “You aren’t free yet,” Monsoon announced, “You’re still my hostage in this little negotiation. If you try to run, I will skewer you down like a specimen to a bug collector.” The changeling winced, knowing how painful it was to be stuck with the object he’d likely use. “No, you’re going to lead me into this hive, and take me directly to your queen. If any of your kind fights me, I will retaliate.” “D-don’t hurt them, p-please...” “You’re in no position to make any requests. Now get moving,” he demanded as he gave the changeling a light kick, pushing it forward toward the barren land. Scared, but wanting this to be over with as little incident as possible, it moved forward as calmly as it could, hoping its kin would recognize the massive threat the cyborg was and avoid attacking. Though, considering many of the members were headstrong soldiers, it was doubtful. Sure enough, as they got to the perimeter of the hive’s outskirts, a platoon of changelings flew out of the spires, buzzing like angry hornets and darting down to the position of the intruder. The captive changeling closed its eyes and covered its ears just after the sais were drawn. Monsoon stepped forward to greet the hoard with an ear to ear grin before its helm slid down and clicked into place. Like a whirlwind, Monsoon moved with expert rhythm, smashing each attacker out of the way with enough force that knock out even the toughest individual in one strike. He was like a torrent of destruction, as changelings by the seconds fell to the ground, slammed into rocks, or collided with each other as the mad cyborg took that platoon apart. Not a single attacker landed a blow, and were simply left broken and defeated before his might. As the dust settled and the sounds of battle subsided, the captive changeling uncovered its ears and gazed about in shock. “SCAPE! TARSUS!! Oh gosh, PLEASE tell me you’re all alright!” Monsoon’s helm rose back up to where it was previously. “Don’t concern yourself, bug. They’ll get to keep their lives.” “Oh, thank you!” “They’ll live long enough to watch their Queen die,” he said with a sinister laugh. “... oh...” “Now, get up and take me to the front entrance. It’s time to end this charade.” “W-well... just wait a minute.” “Don’t tell me you don’t know where THAT is.” “N-no, that’s not it. The thing about our hives is that, well, they change, like us. Just wait a bit and,” just as he explained, a hole opened up before them, leading to the hive’s interior, “Well, that.” Monsoon raised a metaphorical eyebrow as he witnessed the hive literally open the front door for them. “Huh...” “I-It’ll close in about a few minutes, so w-we should probably get inside now, or risk looking for a new entrance later.” With that said, the two entered the domain of the changelings as the opening, as predicted, sealed itself behind them, likely to open up somewhere else. “Here I thought you’d be useless or, at the very most, uncooperative...” Monsoon stated with mistrust laced in his words. “I’d like an explanation.” “Oh, well, Queen Chrysalis taught us all at a very young age on how the hive works, so that we could learn to become capable brood for her. It’s necessary for every-” “Not that,” Monsoon spat, “It makes sense that the brood would learn how the hive layout appears and operates. That’s just efficiency in nature, and no different to ants or wasps and the like. No, what I wanna know is why you’re even bothering to being so cooperative. You’re my hostage, and would have very little desire to behave that way, outside of survival lest I decide you're life is no longer worth my patience.” “O-oh...” the changeling sighed, a little deflated. “W-well... I have my reasons...” “Do you now?” Monsoon sneered. “A-and one of them is that, well, you’re very well capable of probably tearing this place apart as much as you want, without much effort. I just... don’t want to involve the rest of my family in this, if possible.” “Family?” “Th-that’s the pony equivalent, right?” “And your Queen?” “I... n-no comment.” “Is she not your ‘family’ too? Then, I suppose you won’t shed a tear when I-” “I-I said no comment!” the changeling interrupted as best as he could. “Struck a nerve?” Monsoon asked mockingly. The changeling remained silent. Monsoon sighed as he tapped the changeling with his foot and pointed forward with his sai. “Fine, then take me to your Queen, and make it quick.” The hostage begrudgingly began trekking down the ever shifting halls and chambers of the labyrinth as Monsoon followed closely behind. Monsoon took the opportunity to swap between his various vision modes to survey his surroundings. Sure enough, he could detect faint electromagnetic distortions, however scant, all around the surfaces of the cave like structure. It was as if the hive itself were ever so gently pulsating. Monsoon mused at how different it was compared to the slimy, dark caverns that he experienced when he first met the Queen of Lies. He also wondered if the murals made deep in said caverns were some sort of ruse to help her convince the mercenary as he thought, or were real. The only way to find out would be to look for something similar within the walls of this forsaken, over-glorified termite mound, but now wasn’t the time to satiate his small curiosities. It didn’t take long for him to notice shadowy forms in the dark hovels, and shining eyes accompanying them, that seemed hard pressed to confront the cyborg. Good, he thought, it’ll make this whole thing easier. On the other hand, the little changeling that lead him through the winding paths of the hive shrunk and sweat under the gaze of its kin. For a race that relied predominantly on deception as its bread and butter for survival, among other things, it couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, as if it was betraying the entire hive by simply leading the cyborg through. Nerves were taking a massive hit with each glare from the darkness was met with its own anxiety clad eyes. All it really wanted to do in the moment was crawl into some deep, dark hole that no one cold find and just cease to exist to the world. At least, it would be a preferable alternative to what may come shortly after the incoming altercation. Finally, after many minutes of walking through tunnels, advancing through to the higher portions of the hive, the two arrived within what Monsoon suspected to be the most important chamber within the structure. There, at the back end, sat what seemed like a large black throne that appeared to befit edgy comic book villains. He chuckled to himself over the little musing, before he could hear the small, sweet-like voice of Apple Bloom, as she emerged from the darkness in a panic, racing towards the two. The changeling took a small step back as Monsoon eyed the small filly, whom skidded to a stop. “Oh, thank g-goodness yer here!” she exclaimed, eyes darting around in a panic. “I was s-so scared!” “It’s only natural,” Monsoon stated rather automatically, “Being abducted by creatures for some frighteningly unknown reason, never knowing if you’ll ever see your family again. It would scare any small child.” “Mmm-hmm,” she agreed with a slight whimper. “Before I take you home, could you indulge my curiosity for a bit?” “A-ah suppose,” she stuttered with her fear still prominent. “B-but, we should make it quick, before they catch us.” “I figured your captors would have had you secured somewhere so you wouldn’t be able to escape. How come you run free?” “U-uhm...” she fidgeted, “They did lock me up, but they didn’t do a very good job. I was able to wiggle free from the cell they put me in.” “You would be small enough to fit through just about anything, wouldn’t you?” “Hey, uh... Mister?” “Yes?” “Where’s mah sister? I thought she’d be here to rescue me, ‘n all.” “That’s a very easy question,” Monsoon replied with a grin, “We felt it would be the safer option if I came here by myself, with the hostage.” Apple Bloom watched Monsoon gesture behind him with the sole, nervous changeling shrinking more and more behind him, avoiding her eyes. “What were ya plannin’ ta do with ‘em?” “The plan was to use it as a negotiating chip to get the Queen of Fraud to cough you up, but seeing as you’re already here,” He gazed about the room, “I suppose that’s not necessary. I have you, so I can just leave with that.” “O-ok!” she exclaimed with vigor. “But!” Monsoon said as he raised one hand before him. “But?” Apple Bloom parroted with a grain of concern. “I have one more question, that maybe you could help me answer.” “Uhm, ok, I suppose...” “Where oh where,” Monsoon started, “Have all the changelings gone?” “Huh?” “I have a suspicion that where we are right now is quite the important chamber to the hive. If they operate like other like minded creatures, we should be absolutely swarmed by them by now, but only you have arrived from the shadows.” “H-heh, that is strange...” she said awkwardly. “Especially since it would make a lot of sense that any number of them should have been hunting you down.” “W-well, talkin’ about it ain’t gonna help. We should just try to git outta here as quick as possible and get me back home.” “Yes. We should.” It was then Monsoon drew his other sai, twirled the two of them in his hands, before he threw one at the little filly’s hooves. Said filly leaped back with a startled yelp before being engulfed in green flames and transforming into a changeling. “B-but, how?” the changeling sputtered. “Did you know that you changelings have a very interesting thermal signature? To a normal creature that can’t see beyond the light spectrum, you appear exactly as what you’ve turned yourself into. However, through viewing you through an infrared perception, suddenly, no matter what form you take, you appear just about invisible, save for a faint electromagnetic distortion. And suddenly, I knew you weren’t the missing apple.” “Oh, curses,” a familiar female voice commented from all around, “And here, I thought we’d actually be able to trick you, but I suppose that’s what we get for underestimating an alien construct.” “Ah, the Queen of Cowardice. It’s so lovely to hear your shrill voice once more... before I violently rip it from your throat.” “Empty threats are very unbecoming of you,” she snarled, “And you shall address me as Queen CHRYSALIS.” “I’ll address as I see fit, you moth eaten sock,” Monsoon snapped back, “So, instead of hiding in the shadows and continuing to prove my point, why not step out into the chamber and face me honestly?” Out of the various dark holes all around the chamber, hundreds of changelings crawled and scurried out to take up space around the walls, ceiling, and many around the floor of the chamber, keeping a very hefty distance away from Monsoon. They all hissed and bared their sharp teeth at the intruder and terrified hostage. It was then Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, descended down to the throne from her wings and made a show of her presence of authority. “There,” she said with a dark grin, “I’m not one to refuse a final request, even to my enemy and a traitor.” “Traitor?” the little changeling behind Monsoon asked. “Yes, Thorax, TRAITOR!” She barked, “You were part of the platoon to foalnap the little whelp to draw out the one element away from the safety of her friends, and you drag THIS nightmare back into my life? The only reason you’re still alive now is that I have to deal with THIS wretch first.” She gave a sigh, and ran her hoof through her greasy, dark cerulean mane. “Which shouldn’t be much of a problem.” She then began to laugh maniacally. Monsoon then started to laugh just as wickedly, which gave Chrysalis pause. “And, what’s so funny?” “I don’t think you remember how your last encounter went.” “Oh, I do, but the situation is changed. You’ve stepped into my home, and MY home has a little secret that cancels out ALL magic within the limits of the kingdom.” She then leapt off of her throne to the floor of the chamber and began to slowly approach the cyborg. “You lost before you even began this fight. Once I give the order, my entire Changeling empire will descend upon you, rip you apart piece by piece, and leave your head behind for me to do as I please. Maybe I’ll mount it next to the pod that carries that little filly, so that you both can be forever reminded that you failed, and she’ll never go home... not for real, at least.” It was then Monsoon busted out laughing even harder crazed, horrific, and ominous cackles that shook the Queen just a little. Why did he seem so confident? She snarled, before commanding, “My Children. Destroy these intruders!” Monsoon then stopped laughing. “On my mark!” Monsoon’s helm slid down with an audible click. “Ready?!” His body erupted with purple, electric energies, that seemed to cause his body pieces to shift ever so slightly. “SEIZE THEM!” It was then that every changeling under her command did everything in their power to jump the cyborg, hoping to dog-pile and tear him apart, just as they were ordered to. Before they could get close, Monsoon’s body parts suddenly shot away from where he was, scattering hard, and slamming into changelings at ludicrous speeds. Every single drone, soldier, or other subordinate under the Queen’s command was struck with an amazing force that could easily crack chitin. Each piece, upon striking one, sped over to a fresh opponent, and repeated the striking. It was like a hurricane of debris being flung to and fro, knocking each and every one of them away with ease, some right out of the air, others even before they attempted to move. All the while, the Queen stood back in silence as this chaotic display utterly ruined her army. Mixes of anger, confusion, despair, fear, and even a little bit of envy flooded her senses as she was utterly stunned, unable to really register this horror. On the other side, the one known as Thorax, the hostage now labeled traitor by its own mother, just laid submissive beneath the eye of the storm, which was the only thing keeping him away from the prying clutches of the rest of the changeling army. This madness only lasted a handful of seconds however, whereupon the last of the aggressive changelings were soundly downed moments before all of the pieces returned to their origin, easily reconnecting. Once whole, Monsoon flexed his fingers for a moment, before he casually wiped spittle and splotches of ichor from his body as if he were shooing away spiders. “H-how... HOW?!... HOOOOOOOOOOWWW?!” Queen Chrysalis screamed in fury. “What was it that you said before? That you had ‘a little secret that cancels out ALL magic within the limits of the kingdom’? Haven’t you forgotten? I’m not powered by magic.” “No. No, no no no no, that’s impossible. EVERYTHING in Equestria, even machines, are powered in some way by magic! You should be no different.” “I,” Monsoon started, magnetizing the previously planted sai to his hand before twirling both of them in anticipation, “Am NOT Equestrian.” Queen Chrysalis’ eye twitched as her pupils dilated and her brow furrowed. Her lips peeled back as she bore her sharp teeth in what seemed to be a growing, frothing rage. It was then, without the decorum and authority, she savagely lunged at Monsoon, screaming at the top of her lungs. Monsoon, rearing back and giving a sly, knowing smile, mirrored the now psychotic Queen, and easily tackled her out of the air due to his weight, propelling her through the chamber wall into a neighboring section of the hive. As they tumbled, she began flailing, kicking, scratching, and biting at the mechanical mercenary, trying to inflict as much pain and damage as she possibly could, to no real effect. She was entirely unprepared for how tough and sturdy the materials that comprised his frame were, but it would also be safe to say she didn’t care. Monsoon, on the other hand, was finding this pest’s attempts on injuring him to be somewhat pathetic, if a little sad. When he was in the right position, just before he rolled to a stop, he pitched her off of him. The throw was enough to get her a good distance away to allow him to get up, but not enough for the Queen to strike against a wall. Never the less, Chrysalis, still in a blind rage, managed to right herself, and race back up to Monsoon as fast as a viper strike and leaped at him again. This time, out of instinctual spite, she poured her changeling magic into her jaw, attempting to make it as physically powerful as a cragadile’s. The bite landed its mark and managed to sink into the arm enough to be locked. If this would had been flesh and blood, the bones would have been broken, and the skin and muscle already torn. Monsoon, however, swung his free fist at the offending shapeshifter, sucker-punching the side of her head enough to daze her and force her to loosen her grip, before violently swinging her off of him and into a wall. She hit with a hard crack, but still running on adrenaline and pure rage, she jumped at him again, hoping to land the jugular this time. Monsoon saw it coming, caught the changeling mid-flight, before launching her towards another wall. Before she could right herself and attack again, Monsoon lunged forward and stuck his sai in each of her foreleg holes, pinning her down. She continued to thrash and gnash like a savage animal as Monsoon gripped a large piece of broken wall. It was so large, that if swung hard enough, it could shatter like glass while severely smashing whatever it hit. He turned to the thrashing Queen, and began tensing himself like a spring, readying a crushing blow. It was just before Monsoon catapulted the loose structural piece at the pinned changeling that she managed to snap out of her psychotic breakdown and activate her horn for an impromptu shield. The move worked, but the force was enough to smash her through to the outside, which she fell through the air for a moment or two without control before opening her wings to stop her decent. Upon looking back up, she found that Monsoon had already dived after her. One thing was absolutely clear: he wasn’t going to stop. She summoned another shield out of reflex as he landed upon it, violently stabbing at it with his recovered sais, cackling madly. Her subsided rage had quickly become overwhelming confusion and despair. Why was this construct willing to go to such lengths just to end her? Her answer would have to wait, however, as survival was more important, and this thing was becoming dangerously close to piercing the barrier she placed between them with his constant, surprisingly powerful, strikes. In a spark of inspiration, while Monsoon was in the middle of bringing down one of his sais, Chrysalis harshly rolled to the side and dumped the cyborg off of of her. Free of the menace, she encased herself entirely with a new shield and began ascending back to the throne room, hoping to regroup somehow. However, Monsoon was far from finished, as magnetic energies pulsed around his body, and shot his legs down to the ground in pieces lined up vertically. Some of said pieces were manipulated to flip upside down at certain spots and juiced with his innate Lorentz Force, causing hard polar repulsion in his magnetic powers, creating impromptu giant slingshot. As the rest of his body descended, the electromagnetic force tethered to him slowed his decent until he just about touched the ground, only to shoot him upward like a bolt, where his leg pieces soon followed and recombined with his body. The force of the super jump was enough to reach the edge of the hole he made prior, just barely managing to grab it with his hand and pull himself back inside. Once back in, he sprinted back through the other hole in the wall he created, and reentered the throne room, where Chrysalis was upon the ceiling of, tearing down what seemed to be a glowing green pod. Monsoon was somewhat dumbfounded, less on the fact that he didn’t notice it the first time while inside, but more on what it contained. Apple Bloom was within, curled up, out like a light, most likely oblivious of everything going on. The queen noticed as her magic tightly gripped the pod. Giving the cyborg a glare, she pulled it back as high as possible and gave a toothy, evil smile. “This is what you were looking for in the first place, right? If you don’t surrender right now, I will destroy this pod and the whelp within.” “You’d really get rid of a source of food for you and your brood just to get me to stop?” Monsoon scoffed. “Ponies are a dime a dozen, construct. I can always foalnap another as I see fit. While this was an exercise in crippling that team of maggots lead by Twilight, I’m not inflexible. Getting rid of this child, one that the farming family most assuredly dearly loves, should do fine enough for the time being, despite the waste. Besides, that failure to keep her safe would be your fault, and that would be victory enough!” she exclaimed with a manic expression. “Now, I will command you one more time. Surrender, or resign her fate.” Monsoon clicked his tongue in annoyance as his confidence wavered, and as he gazed about to assess his options, noting that the rest of the changeling army was subdued, It was clear that, despite being dominated through direct combat, Chrysalis had gained an upper hand at this point through Monsoon's own negligence. His single minded goal of vengeance turned on him, forked over any advantages he had, and forced him to weigh his options. Judging by how far away she was from him, no matter how fast he could move, there was the slight possibility she could get away and enact her ultimatum. If he moved wrong, she could easily throw Apple Bloom’s case to any one of the spikes all around the throne room and risk piercing the filly. He might be able to stop it, but there was no telling if Chrysalis herself would take the opportunity to attack him while distracted, and while the damage he’d take would be minimal, it would be enough to throw him off and fail the rescue attempt. She could also easily fly outside and let gravity do the job, which would probably play out similarly. Before he could act, however, something swiftly moved from the corner of his eye and straight at the pod. Chrysalis had no time to move it out of the way as the form of a changeling, fangs bared, cut through the shell of the pod, breaking it open, and allowing the contents to spill out, including the unconscious Apple Bloom. “NO!” Chryasils screamed as she turned her attention to the changeling that committed such an act. “THORAX, YOU TRAITOROUS APHID! HOW DARE YOU!?” Monsoon acted fast, put away one of his sais, launched his now free hand from his body, grabbed the falling child, and pulled her back to him. He tucked her under his arm and put the other sai away, only to pull out a red phosphorus grenade. “I may have underestimated your ‘flexible’ nature, but don’t underestimate mine. I’ll be back for my proper revenge next time. Enjoy your life while you still have it.” He then pulled the pin, and booked it for the hole in the wall he had just came back from. Chrysalis, distracted from the fury of her subordinate betraying her directly now, only just caught the tail end of what Monsoon said, before the grenade was dropped. Her eyes grew wide in panic as she summoned what magic she could to gather her fallen children to try to flee the bomb she recognized the last time it was pulled. Just as the small explosive went off as intended, Monsoon with Apple Bloom under his arm and a single changeling leaped out of one side of the throne room while Chrysalis just barely made it out the other side with a large magic bubble filled with the unconscious bodies of the rest of her brood. Entirely too preoccupied with her kin collected and out-cold, she had no choice but to watch her foes flee the hive as she began to plan repairs from the collateral damage due to their skirmish, the regrouping of her subjects, and finally revenge against her maniacal nemesis. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Well past the outskirts of the hive, deep into the thicket of the forest, Monsoon placed the sleeping Apple Bloom down under a tree as he checked himself over and took note of his personal inventory. Everything, aside from an expended grenade, was accounted for, including his sais. He was slightly disappointed that he couldn’t kill her this time, but priorities needed to be tended to first. If anything were to happen to the little Apple, he’d suffer massive consequences, no matter what he’d do to the changelings afterwards. His pesticidal usurping of their queen could wait for now. At least with this show of force, he made it very clear that any aggression in his general vicinity would elicit a swift retaliation. “Uhm...” came the meek voice of the new tag-along and former hostage. “What?” Monsoon responded curtly without turning to face the little changeling. “I uh... You could have killed all of us, if you wanted... Why did you hold back?” Monsoon crossed his arms for a moment, before he answered. “Thorax, correct?” “Yes!” “If the Queen would have gotten to you at all, would she have followed through her threat to you as a traitor?” “... Most likely.” “Then... consider it just giving the condemned a final request.” He turned to Thorax. “You only get one.” “O-oh,” he responded sheepishly. Monsoon turned back to Apple Bloom, whom was stirring a little in her sleep, opting to pick her up more gently this time, getting ready to carry her home on foot from this point. Thorax tried to follow, but all it earned him was Monsoon’s sudden stop and drawing of his sai with his free hand. “Following me would be a GRAVE mistake. I WILL kill you, if you do.” “I-I can’t go back home...” “That’s not my problem.” Monsoon then put away his sai. “You’re a big changeling. You chose to thwart your Queen, and you can choose to go where ever you want.” Thorax fell silent as Monsoon began walking again. The little changeling watched for a moment before it uttered, “Th-thanks...”, which earned no response. Thorax’s eyes turned to the changeling hive for a moment, before said gaze changed further north. If exile was the only future available, then the frozen north would be the only place to be. Besides, Thorax had a lot to think about and consider in regards to the events that transpired between the changeling race and ponykind, and spending time as far away as possible from the kin would help settle his jumbled thoughts and ideals. He knew he’d miss his siblings, but perhaps one day, he could return in a bit more confidence. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- As the sun slowly began to peak over the horizon, after hours of trekking through the foliage, following the star patterns to gauge his position on this forsaken land, he finally found himself upon train tracks. Following them proved useful as he finally ended up upon a station that was still active, even all the way out in the sticks. Having managed to accidentally bring along enough bits for the ride home for the both of them with some change, Monsoon bought two tickets and waited for the train that would end this journey for real. It wasn’t until the train finally pulled into the station that Apple Bloom had finally woken up. Realizing she was far and away from the safety of her home with the strangely stoic Monsoon sitting nearby had her puzzled and a little scared. Barely remembering the bits and pieces of what happened between her abduction and now only fueled that, but that soon began to die as she saw Monsoon realize she was up and aware and give that awful grin. “Good,” he said, “You’re awake. That’ll make the rest of this trip much less awkward.” He flicked her the ticket he purchased and stood up. “Get on the train. You’re going home.” He then walked away, entering the car with a stunned engineer stepping back to let him through. Apple Bloom grabbed her ticket, and hopped off her seat, only to call after him, “Hey, wait! Monsoon! What happened?!” But the question fell before an uninterested and uncaring party, leaving her to board the train behind him and take her spot in the locomotive. Despite her burning curiosity, she knew better than to pester the imposing alien on the details, and simply surrendered herself to the train-ride homeward. The ride itself was long, uneventful, and filled with nothing but silence between them, aside from a scant few gawkers and gossipers that swiftly minded their own business once they knew they couldn’t get any answers from either individual to satisfy their curiosity. After hours of riding, and expending the rest of his currency on buying a few snacks for the little child to keep her a bit fed and preoccupied, Monsoon was glad to see the destination town in the horizon, knowing that his mission was over. > Hey Angel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm, clear night over the rolling, lush lands of Equestria. Light cloud cover gently floated across the sea of stars and the shining moon above, casting a tranquil scene in the sky. Many ponies slept soundly in their homes with hopes and dreams dancing in their heads, with the few actively enjoyed the night’s splendor. The peace was a relative normal for such a race. However, even in such a world, entities of darkness and disharmony lurked the shadows. Even in the longest lasting years of harmony, to the point where most ponyfolk would regale the tales of such twisted beings as mere legends and myths, their threat loomed in wait, biding time long enough for the perfect moment to strike. Shadow King Sombra, Chrysalis the Changeling Queen, Tirek the Magic Eater, Discord himself once upon a time, and (even more obscured by time) Grogar the Vile were among these ranks. But a world of such powerful evils wouldn’t be so harmonious if there weren’t counterbalances. In times of old, as legends go, after the unity of the three pony tribes and the founding of the land ponies called home, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stepped forth to become the leaders they needed to be to spearhead a prosperous future. Among their care, six heroes of the good folk of Equestria rose up as vanguards, lead by the incomparable Starswirl the Bearded, and kept the peace in the untamed and uncertain era they marched through. As the years went on, on one fateful day and with little warning, all six of them suddenly vanished. The mighty task they held fell upon the Two Sisters to burden, becoming more than just leaders. The forces of disharmony and chaos faced them, and all fell before their might and when their Alicorn strength wasn’t enough, soon surfaced the magical artifacts known as the Elements of Harmony to aid in their endeavors. Any creature, be it beast or dark master, that threatened the lives of the innocent were met with this unstoppable might. With all foes exhausted, when the world settled into its new order, complacency mingled with weariness beset by the hard lives of ponyfolk maintaining harmony, and the night became the time of silence and rest, much to the chagrin of its protector. Through no fault of her own, due to circumstance and jealousy of the day, Princess Luna fell to darkness, and became the final curse of the land. Determined but heartbroken, Princess Celestia faced her sibling and banished her to the moon, imprisoning her for one thousand years, utilizing the very elements they had both wielded to smite the evils of the land. And in those one thousand years, the world witnessed the longest era of tranquility along with the disappearance of the Elements of Harmony. However, all of that was in the past, and the tranquility of the world would see a strange new eon. The return of Luna and the Elements, and the rise of new bearers. Discord’s return and subsequent defeat at the hooves of said heroines. The union of the lost Crystal Princess and Captain of the Royal Guard, intercepted by an army of changelings, only to be thwarted by their love. The resurrection of a once lost empire along with the horrifying return of its cruel shadow tyrant, only for the mad king to meet his downfall by the power of a once thought missing artifact. Then, not long after, six strange beings, cast from realms far beyond equine knowledge or understanding, were thrust into the middle of such interesting times, tipping the scales back and forth. Creatures so far and beyond dreams and nightmares, that those who have encountered them have a newer perspective on the world around them. Through trials and tribulations, the world had adjusted to the new design and these six creatures had somehow seemingly fit in, despite their heavy contrast with such peaceful folk. Though, one such creature had a much easier time adjusting to the environs. Hailing from the meadows where virtue and tranquility are born through the powers of light, Adna was no stranger to such harmony. Despite the odd contradictions that challenged its originally ironclad perception of the universe, the angel came to view this world as home. Even when its own brethren appeared before it, the new loyalties forged withstood the tempting desire to be one among kin again. They had called it exile, but Adna knew better. This was a blessing in the guise of being declared an outcast and left alone in this world. A world in which the angel had only just begun to enjoy. A world in which that held a variety of secrets still beneath the surface. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- In the little town of Ponyville, right at the very edge of the limits, high off the ground for most ponyfolk, hovered the small collection of cloud constructed towers belonging to one pegasus; Rainbow Dash. It was certainly the least interesting sight compared to the long list of other abodes, but fit quite well with the owner’s personality regardless. On this calm and clear night, at the highest point of this small cloud spire perched Adna, a stark white, silk and gold clad, marble skinned, avian looking bi-ped, as it gazed across the horizons, almost transfixed on feint new sensations. Magic was no longer a cause for concern around the angel, as it had long since realized its nature here, but these new feelings identified two very poignant signatures. One was a feeling of the divine, seemingly placed deep in the heart of the forest nearby, a feeling in which the angel itself hadn’t felt since the short invasion of its kin. The other was a source of deep discomfort; an inky black distortion that was only feint by either being far too weak, or simply held back. Despite the angel’s attempts at being discrete, these two feelings transfixed its attention and caused it to lose any real awareness of its immediate surrounding. Further still, as mesmerizing as it was, it had caused the angel to make gentle, however rather loud, cooing sounds, like some dove calling out to others. These noises at the top of the home, though relatively ignored by the nearby town and its denizens, hadn’t gone unnoticed. Tossing and turning beneath the covers, the blue coated and rainbow maned owner stirred, scrunching her face in annoyance, trying to ignore the cooing a small distance above her. Exasperated sighs left her as her eyes begrudgingly creaked open, only to look upon the starry night sky just outside her window. This elicited a groan of irritation as she kicked off her covers and threw on her bathrobe to combat the crisp midnight air and left her room. Careful not to disturb her little pet tortoise Tank, whom miraculously managed to sleep soundly through the incessant cooing, Rainbow Dash exited the front of her abode and lazily flew up towards the top, yawning in displeasure. “Hey, dude,” she addressed tiredly, “It’s, like, not even sunrise yet. Could you give it a rest?” The angel flinched, as if startled by the encounter, before giving a relieved sigh. “If it please you, lady Dash, I humbly apologize.” “Yeah, yeah.” Adna scratched the back of its head. The silence lingered between the two for a few moments, creating a rather awkward atmosphere, only really separated by the midnight crickets’ chirping. It was clear to the pegasus that her newest, oddest friend was discomforted and preoccupied with something she didn't quite get. She also knew that despite the body language giving that away, the words would never leave that angel's beak. So, Rainbow Dash decided to take initiative and actually speak her mind. “Ok, it’s not really any of my business, I’m no good at problem solving with just my words, and you seem like a capable enough guy to handle his own issues anyway, but," she started, before giving a sigh and asked, "Do you mind telling me what you’re even doing or what’s bothering you?” The angel gazed at its charge before it for a moment, before turning its attention back out into the starry horizon. “As you will,” it started, “I feel two disturbances in the distance. Two very distinct energies that call out to the world around. One is a cry for help. One is a fie of vengeance.” “What in the hay?” Rainbow slowly reacted, perplexed. “Verily! The call for help is close. Beyond the forest yonder,” it stated, pointing off towards the south of town. “The Everfree Forest?” “As it may be, the energy I sense is brimming with warmth and hope, which be a far cry from its message.” Rainbow Dash took a moment to figure out what exactly the angel said, before finally muttering, “I don't think I quite get it but it sounds... actually kind of weird.” She pondered for a moment, considering her options, but curiosity pushed her in a different direction. “Wait, what about that other one? The ‘fie of vengence’ or whatever you said it was. Do you know where that is?” Also, she thought, what does fie even mean? “I cannot say where. The call within the forest is conflicting with it.” “So, if we wanna know where that is, we gotta check out the problem in Everfree first.” “With n'er a shadow of a doubt. Shall we procure assistance?” “Maybe,” she considered, before really pondering her options, “No, wait, I think that ain’t gonna happen.” “And the reasons?” “Well, Applejack will need to be up in the morning to do her chores on the farm, and I doubt that weird ninja guy will want to help on his own. Rarity isn’t even in Ponyville for the rest of the week while tall, dark, and scary would probably refuse to leave the boutique unattended. Fluttershy is exhausted after dealing with Discord and Bael’s recent session, so I’d rather not drag her into this right now...” “What of the studious one?” “That’ll be a no too. She’s gonna need to practice for her coronation ceremony, so she’s gonna need all the rest she can get. She is a brand new princess after all.” Rainbow’s face then turned sour. “Twilight also told me that she’d be spending time with the princesses to get to know Equestrian politics. Yuck.” “And the human mortal?” “OH, there is NO WAY I’ll let that creepo tag along without Twilight. Just being near him alone gives me the heebie-jeebies.” After Rainbow shivered from the thought, she considered her last option on the list of close friends. “And, honestly, I’d love Pinkie to tag along, but I don’t think she’d stay focused enough for this.” “That leaves us the other demon,” Adna uttered in disdain. “Actually, no, it doesn’t. He was helping Pinkie out with an experimental cake and, well, let’s just say he’ll be bed ridden for a bit. Besides, I don't think he can fly.” If the angel had any eyebrows, it would have raised one in intrigue. However, considering the result, the victim of said result, and the perpetrator in question, Adna decided to drop it. Besides, she made a solid point about said creature being unable to fly. “Then, without further consideration, let us depart." "Actually, can I ask you something first?" "You have my permission." "Why didn't you just go to check it out yourself? You're a capable... uh, angel." Adna stood silent for a moment. "I do not know how you or others would feel about my answer," the angel started, "but, when it comes to the world around us, I have made a personal vow to not interfere with matters that is not a direct threat to you or this world. Exiled and forced to remain here I may be, but I am still an outsider. Therefore, unless I absolutely must, I would rather not simply go off on my own and meddle in the affairs of this realm without native supervision. Simply so I do not end up doing what my brethren nearly have done in the past." "Oh, relax dude," the sporty pegasus said, "As far as I'm concerned, you're one of us. Besides, it's not like you're trying to put ponies in cages, or whatever. You just feel something strange going on, and want to investigate. That's just called being adventurous." "Fair enough. Still, I will not depart on my own any time soon. I would rather have someone that knows the world better than I." Adna then opened its wings. "Now, shall we?" "Hold on one sec, eh big guy?" Before Adna could question the young mare, she zipped back into her cloud castle, only to emerge seconds later, now bathrobe free. "Rarity would kill me if I went adventuring in the woods wearing that." And so the two took flight and headed for the Everfree Forest, intending on uncovering this strange phenomenon and lay to rest yet another secret this land had held. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Despite the weather over the forest acting entirely on its own accord, Adna and Rainbow Dash managed to soar through the clouds without too much resistance and arrived to the general destination. Rainbow Dash recognized where they were immediately, as the day she and the other element bearers, her dearest friends, all journeyed here for the very first time was etched deep into her soul, never to be forgotten. “Wait, the Castle of the Two Sisters?!” she exclaimed. “You know this place?” Adna responded. “Yeah. I don’t think I’d ever forget it. But, why here?” “I do not know, but this is where the call for help resides.” As they glided above the location, Rainbow Dash looked down past the rope bridge that connected the forest to the castle, and noticed the deep chasm below. “Huh, last time we were here, it was foggy as all get out. Wait, what’s that?” It was then she noticed a small cave that seemed to reside underneath the castle itself, where a dim light shone out of. Adna noticed it too, and followed the pegasus down to it, feeling the strange warm energy get stronger. They landed at the mouth of the cave and proceeded inside, almost drawn by the light itself. It was soothing, comforting even, yet there was a sense of desperation and sadness to it too. It was then, after a very short trek, they saw it. A large crystal like structure in the shape of a tree, with thin, sparse strands of crystal leaves dangling from the branches. Five hollowed out spots with the shape of missing gemstones surrounded a star-like shape at the center, above the trunk where images of the sun and moon could be seen. Its radiance was unquestioned, as it was the source of the message. Both Rainbow Dash and her charge stared at the crystalline tree in awe. “What is it?” Rainbow asked. “I do not know,” Adna answered, slowly approaching the tree, “But, it is beautiful.” The angel raised its hand and gently laid it upon its trunk. The crystal surface felt like touching the purest, gentlest water, which was a sensation it believed it would have only experienced back in heaven. There was something so much more than what could be seen or even felt as far as the angel was concerned, but the angel couldn't quite put together what it was. “Wait, what’s that?” she exclaimed, pointing towards the roots. Adna backed away from the tree, and noticed small cracks below where black tendrils with grey thorns seemed to slowly grow. Adna knelt down and reached for it, only for the strange black plant to wrap around its finger suddenly. Alarmed, it stood up and yanked its hand away, managing to snap off the tendril from its resting place. The piece wrapped around its finger then loosened its grip and fell to the ground. “Whatever that is, it is most definitely tipped in hostile magic.” It looked back to the tree, noticing that the light was fading ever so slightly. “It is also interfering with this crystal structure itself.” “What?” “I sense a large concentration of the same hostile magic deep below where we stand.” “What are we gonna do?" Rainbow pondered for a moment, before considering,"We might be interrupting something important, but maybe we aughta go and get Twilight-” “That will not be necessary,” the angel said, cutting off Rainbow Dash's suggestion. Gathering as much power as it could, Adna channeled a divine miracle to its hand and laid it once again upon the tree, before letting the warm energy seep into the crystalline surface. Sure enough, like a trees roots taking to water, it soaked up the divinity, and its shine became brighter. “Whoa,” Rainbow managed to utter in awe as the brightness of the trees light became noticeably more intense and majestic. “That should do for the time being, as the call for help has finally subsided, but this is only a temporary resolve. We will need to return for a more permanent solution.” “What did you even do?” “I gave it a metaphorical glass of water.” Rainbow paused for a minute. “Wait, that’s it?” “For now. I did say it was temporary.” “Right.” The two exited the cave, with only Rainbow Dash herself hazarding a glance back to the tree. Something was feeling a little strange to her, as if they weren’t supposed to find the tree or even the cave just yet. Never the less, what was done is done, and it seemed to have stopped the cry for help according to Adna. She resolved to talk to Twilight and the others later about what happened tonight when she had the time. After Rainbow made her mental note, she followed Adna's lead, in which they took flight high above the castle once again and hovered in the air for a moment, looking out into the horizon. “Now, where to?” Adna gazed about the sky, concentrating on the other disturbance in the ambient magic. The angel's senses pulled its vision towards the north east, a small distance away from the home of this world's two leaders. For a brief moment, Adna mused over the idea of the Princesses. While the angel had yet to meet them, their stories from past to present had intrigue and suggested that their abilities would be akin to a higher angel's, or perhaps even a Virtue. With consideration of the existence of more powerful beings akin to his own, especially if miracles could scientifically be measured and identified, as Twilight Sparkle had done prior, and with the discovery of that curious crystalline tree they had just found, it was clear that this world had far more to it than meets the eye. That maybe, perhaps, it held more connections to the realm of the divine than it had assumed. Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs in annoyance. "Hey, dude, do you know where it is yet? I've got a busy day, and I'd REALLY like to get some snoozing done before then, since you woke me up and all." "I apologize," Adna replied hastily, before pointing towards the north east, past the mountains of Canterlot. "That way?!" she exclaimed incredulously. The angel simply nodded. "In the direction of Fillydelphia, that way?!" The angel nodded again, despite not knowing what, let alone where, Fillydelphia was. Rainbow Dash sighed in defeat. "Looks like I'm not getting any real sleep tonight. Alright, let's go." She then sped past the angel. Adna paused for a moment before following after the athletic flyer. Rainbow, to her credit, slowed down enough to let her travel companion catch up, for obvious reasons. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- As the sky passed them by on their journey with the sun beginning to rise in the distance in wake of the morning, the two staved off boredom through the common art of conversation. While it mostly applied to small talk, it did help the two get to know each other more than they originally had. Truth be told, despite Adna's presence in her life up to now, she actually knew very little of the angel. If anything, Twilight seemed to have known more, implied by what Adna had said. In the end, she felt a little bad that she had let this situation slip between the cracks, but the current circumstances allowed her to rectify such a mistake. "Ok, how about this? What was your home like? You seem to like to mention it, calling it heaven. I mean, I guess heaven can be home, but to me I always figured it would be the perfect day. Like stunning an audience with a sick trick, speeding halfway across Equestria, only to stop on the fluffiest cloud, pull out the latest Daring Do book, and chillaxing until the sun sets. Know that I mean?" "Verily," Adna replied with slight hesitation, not entirely understanding the word 'chillaxing'. Regardless, it continued with, "I have long since known that mortals view Heaven as a concept, and thus have wildly different visions of it." "So, then, what's the place called Heaven like?" Adna's gaze steered towards the twinkling night sky. "Consider a vast sea of stars, set upon a warm golden glow, stretching across the cosmos and beyond. Imagine true peace to your body, mind, and soul, drifting through the tides. One could hear the gentle, calming voice of God and angel sing as one, as if they sing just for you. Even the scent of the air is crisp, divine, and relaxing. You're never left wanting, hungry, or discomforted, no matter how long you simply drift. Heaven, as I saw it, was purity; true beauty." Rainbow Dash was silent for a moment, letting the words sink in. "Wow... it sounds like an awesome place." "It does leave one in awe, yes." "But," she continued, "I don't think I could sit still for so long, no matter how pretty it may be. It might get boring after a while, ya know?" Adna chortled, "Aye, you would behave that way." "What can I say?" The angel sat in thought for a moment, considering everything. While it did sing its home its praises, it couldn't help but feel something of the contrary sitting deep within its heart. "That said," the angel confessed, "I have left that paradise behind. My home is indeed not any longer my own." Rainbow Dash's expression became solemn. She recalled that day quite well. It's doubtful that anyone could forget when the sky literally split open in a golden flash of light, and creatures like Adna came pouring into their world and attacked her friends. However, as fast as it all happened and how scared they were, it all ended in a similar flash, leaving everyone safe and sound, with Adna... She inwardly flinched, not wanting to remember the state of her friend that day. But, despite what had happened, it was clear they were all going to be alright, all because of the angel's willing sacrifice that day. "Hey, Adna?" "What is troubling you?" Before the conversation could continue, both Adna's and Rainbow's attention snapped towards the massive cliff-sides that towered over what seemed to be their destination. Upon closer focus, the two realized they were headed to the ruins of a long forgotten, long abandoned village. The sky, untended by pegasi for seemingly decades, if not centuries, lay in a constant overcast. The plants had withered and dried from neglect, giving the land a depressed, decayed appearance, with low, cold wind gently blowing through the land. It was as if these two had flown to a grave site. Rainbow Dash suddenly got chills upon laying her eyes on such a morose place. All of the life and vitality that Equestria normally had that would usually leave some comfort for her no matter where she went was just gone. "I-is... THIS the place?" Rainbow asked in trepidation. "Unfortunately," the angel replied. Its pacing began to slow while it lowered itself towards the cold, dead ground. Rainbow Dash followed closely, not wishing to stray too far. They both landed at the edge of the long silenced town, greeted by a sign that read: Hallow Shade. More like Hollow Shade, Rainbow thought grimly. The two began their slow trek through the town. Now finally within the borders of their destination, the derelict nature of the place finally began to sink in properly. It was one thing to simply see something so lifeless at a distance. It was entirely another to be right there and almost feel the crushingly sad atmosphere. It was here and now that Rainbow Dash suddenly believed she could actually feel the color grey. The grass they stepped upon bent and crackled beneath hoof and talon, kicking up dust with every pace. Eyes glanced towards ruined, broken house walls and caved-in rooftops, which represented many of the relatively intact homes, with other places laid as piles of rubble. Whatever trees that were in this town once before were dry, colorless, and leafless, creaking to the gust of wind that constantly emphasized the lonely, heartbreaking state of this former town. Now, Rainbow Dash had never heard of a place called "Hallow Shade" before in her life, despite it being seemingly so close to normal pony civilization. Equestria had many places that were hidden away from the rest of the world for one reason or another, so the idea of this abandoned town being lost to time didn't bother her. What did bother her, however, was that this wasn't some recently evacuated town due to a disaster, where news of it happening would have made it across most of modern Equestria. Nor was this some ancient society that was a frequent style of hot spot the likes of Daring Do would visit to uncover ancient artifacts. This was just a cold, dead town from long, long ago that, for whatever reason, no one knew about or cared to remember. Whatever happened here to leave this place the way it was for so long must have been something that nopony ever wished to speak of. She approached one of the more intact buildings, either out of curiosity or some strange desire to see something less depressing. The result was simply a dusty, old home, long abandoned and joyless. Dead grass poked through the crude ground floor, as if to mock her optimism. It was a sad sight to see; nothing like the exciting, interesting tombs and temples Daring Do would have seen, with carved scrawlings upon the walls or artifacts that told tales of the lost civilization and ponies. Strangely enough, even though this was so much less than she would have anticipated, there was something so much more going on here. Standing inside of this abandoned place, where ponies once lived, laughed, and loved, that felt bizarrely like what could have been her own home, she felt a deeper chill than she ever had, even compared to simply being within the borders of this village. Soon, in reasons she couldn't explain, let alone recognize, Rainbow Dash felt this grey, dead world start to close in on her, with the silence becoming more and more deafening. It was then that her instincts began to kick in, screaming at her to get out now, however something else told her to stay. The indecision froze her, shaking her until... "Lady Dash?" The voice of her charge ripped her away from everything going on before her, eliciting a gasp and snapping her attention towards the angel. She gave a heavy sigh after laying her eyes upon the brightened being. "I... I'm fine. Just zoned out there for a bit. Ya kinda spooked me there, big guy." "The behavior displayed by you did 'spook' me, as it were, so speak of thine self." Rainbow Dash gave a short, curt sigh from the word salad that it presented to her, but she still managed to catch the meaning. "Right, well, maybe this place is starting to give us both the heebie-jeebies. We oughta find that dark presence you mentioned fast before I'm stuck with some weird, sleep deprived night terrors tomorrow night." She then exited the standing ruins, cantering past the angel, whom looked into the grey shadows of the dead home, noticing something hiding from its gaze. The angel turned away and followed its charge. It was then that the angel picked up its pace and pointed toward the source of the disturbance; a well that sat in the middle of the town. "I think I've seen this from a horror film reel once," Rainbow Dash mused. "We must go down." "And meet the ghost that'll probably wanna do some creepy things to us? Yeah, and I'm a rubber chicken." "Verily, were you not the most courageous of your group, or is my memory betrayed?" She huffed, "I'm brave, not stupid. Sure, I have a habit of rushing into danger, especially if my friends are in trouble, but going down a spooky, evil well to find a spooky, evil 'thing' that likes to be spooky and evil just sounds... bad." Adna stared at the normally brazen pony at its side, somewhat bemused, but recognized the leaking emotions that betrayed her true thoughts. Whatever was going on in this town, whatever was down there, it was enough to stop her of all equines from throwing caution to the wind. That fact alone, however, simply made the angel that much more determined. "We shall tread softly," the angel announced, trying to reassure her. "I shalt be your guardian." "You know, I can take care of myself, dude," she shot back indignantly. "I know." "But," she followed up, trying to find the courage within her, "thanks anyway." There was a momentary pause as the two stared at each other before Rainbow Dash broke away from the gaze, clicking her tongue. "Alright, alright. Then lead the way, Mr. Guardian." The angel chuckled for a moment as it approached the source of the disturbance. With every step taken, the strange darkness of the town seemingly began to grow thicker, until it laid its hands upon the lip of the well. Looking down, Adna couldn't see a simple basin of water that a well should have, but a passage that seemingly opened into a large chasm, deep underground. The young mare approached beside the angel, now looking over the rim to try to see what was down there. "Well?" she asked, looking to her charge. "Perhaps once, but it is no longer." "What are you-" was what she managed to retort, before she realized what was said. "I didn't know you liked puns." "Wordplay is a mortal thing," Adna declared, "If I am to be here among them, I should partake in the activity now and again." The little pegasus gave a small chuckle as her attention turned to the well once again. The two stared down the passage for a while before Rainbow Dash broke the silence again. "I guess we've wasted enough time up here. We should get this over with." "Verily." Before Adna made a move to leap down into the well, he turned to Dash, "If you come before danger, do not hesitate to flee." "Bro, look who you're talkin' to." She curtly replied before beating the angel to the punch, vaulting over the well's wall and down the shaft. Adna soon followed her down into the darkness below, and before too long, the two opened up their wings to gently glide the rest of the way down the moment they felt the atmosphere expand. Strangely, the moment they exited the shaft, the darkness that was once present had suddenly faded. Even more peculiar was that this seemed to be possible despite the lack of fires or a light source of any kind. Being able to see where they were and exactly what they were looking at gave no comforts however. Adna and Rainbow Dash quickly realized what kind of a place they had just stepped into. Cold, grey, cracked pillars supported curved arches and arched ceilings, flanked by pockets of square, stone holes at the walls. Bits of rubble from the centuries, perhaps millenniums of decay, contrasted with a strangely pristine mural of a white alicorn with black eyes adorned the very head of the massive room. Surrounding the image was what looked like to be markings representing some sort of black smoke. The atmospheric doom this place held was stifling, and there was no question where they were. "Whoa. I've seen a few temples, but this-" Rainbow Dash uttered in rising dread. "This nay be a temple, Lady Dash," Adna interrupted, before pointing to to mural, "And THAT is our quarry." "Wait, that? A creepy picture of... is that an alicorn?" In a flash of light, Adna summoned its staff and swiftly approached the mural. With a fluid motion, the angel staked the staff into the stone ground with a loud clack, and proclaimed "1ORS! Noar prdzar!" In an instant, a brilliant shine akin to the sun exploded from the staff's head, bathing the immediate area in light. The pegasus reflexively covered her eyes from the sudden luminescence, hoping she didn't go blind due to the angel's action. Suddenly, not long after the angel cast its miracle, an ear splitting screech could be heard, and the light dissipated. Rainbow Dash recovered, eyes squinting and straining to adjust. "Hark, foul shadow!" Adna called out. "Come hither, take thine demise, and plague this grave e'er again." Shadow? Rainbow Dash gazed about the room, and soon saw it. Out from behind a pillar in the corner, strange glowing white patches that appeared as eyes glared out of the darkness. "Disgusting, harmonious thing of light!" the whole area seemed to hiss, "You are NOT welcome in this mausoleum!" The angel brandished its staff. "Thou art not welcome in this land of peace! Step forth, accept fate, and leave the dead in their rest." "Adna... what is that?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing at the strange thing in the dark. "CUR!" it screeched. Suddenly, a black, inky substance shot out of the shade, lunging at the pegasus. Both the angel and the pegasus weren't fast enough to react to the sudden attack, and soon the thing reached the Element of Loyalty. Rainbow Dash shrieked in surprise as tendrils of darkness began to wind around her, trying to overtake her form. Adna rushed to the little pony with great haste, already casting a miracle in its free hand in order to expel the darkness. However, the split decision cost Adna enough situational and environmental awareness that a black whip shot out of the inky, shadowy mass that held Rainbow Dash captive, and struck the angel. Knocked off balance and surprisingly injured, Adna hit the wall after being swatted away, beginning to realize that, while seemingly weak, it had more fight than it initially thought. Undeterred, Adna rose back to its feet, and readied the staff for attack, fearing that the worst outcome may pass. However, to the divine messenger's astonishment, Adna witnessed something rather peculiar. The shadow, that evil presence that tried to take hold of the angel's companion, was struggling. "Stupid pony," the dark entity hissed. "SUBMIT!" "Like -ugh- heck, I will!" Rainbow Dash declared, straining and fighting against the slowly failing hold. Seeing an opportunity, Adna prepared the expelling miracle once more and rushed towards the two, this time alert to any sudden counterattacks. Sure enough, more tendrils extended from the shadow to strike Adna back, but the angel was far more keen. Shifting to the left side let Adna dodge the first strike, and strafing to the right let the warrior of light evade the follow up. More came from the side, curving to try to lead the target that was the flighty angel, but efforts proved futile as it flowed effortlessly around them, taking measured, calculated movements. Pace by pace, circling around the foe and its hostage, Adna moved methodically ever closer, closing the gap that would hopefully ensure her freedom. "Just a little more." "YIELD TO ME, YOU WRETCH!" the shadow desperately demanded, beginning to lose its grip on the captive. "G-go... to... TARTARUS!" Rainbow Dash angrily exclaimed. "IT ENDS NOW!" Adna cried out, now within striking distance. The angel laid the command, "2Geh adrpan, affa hami!", right before it let its fist fly. Upon laying the light covered fist upon the shadow's surface, an ear splitting scream of agony could be heard resonate all around them. The inky substance of the shadow creature spiked and convulsed, just as Rainbow Dash finally ripped herself away from it. Adna, no longer concerned over the evil mass that plagued this room, rushed to the side of the Element of Loyalty, whom was relatively no worse for wear. The two then gazed towards the shadow entity as its screams began to peter out and its physical manifestation flaked away like ash from burning wood in a roaring fire. Soon, the crypt became quiet, with only Adna and Rainbow Dash remaining in the dim, macabre chamber. "That," Rainbow started, "was a bit touch-n-go, there." She dusted herself off. "Are you injured?" Adna asked. "Nah. That smack you gave it didn't get to me, thankfully." Adna, having become quiet, knelt down and looked over the pegasus for a moment. Rainbow Dash noticed the sudden focused attention, and gave a gentle nudge against its forearm with her forehoof. "Hey, I told you I can take care of myself." "You have," the angel replied. Rainbow Dash then let an accusatory, yet playful, look creep across her face. "AND, I said coming down here was a bad idea! Didn't I just say there was some creepy evil thing down here, not a few minutes ago?" She jabbed at the angel's chest. As the prideful pegasus chuckled a little over the situation, Adna simply placed its hand against where she jabbed it, looking down. Rainbow's small laughter quickly died out, as she noticed something bothering the angel. "Hey, uh, I didn't mean anything by it. I mean, we're fine now, and it wasn't nearly as-" "How did you fight it off?" Adna interrupted. "What?" "If that foul thing had attached itself to another, I'm sure they would have been lost," Adna stated grimly, "How did you fight it off, and so easily?" "What are you talking about? You got rid of it with that weird light-punch thing you did." "And you resisted it to the point of making it lose its hold upon you before I struck it," Adna interjected. Rainbow Dash thought about it for a moment. Her immediate reaction was to simply blurt out, 'Because I'm awesome', but something compelled her to explain further. "Well, I mean I couldn't let it talk smack about my friends." "Pardon?" "Oh, well, while it was trying to do... whatever to me, I could hear it whispering to me. Like, how I have 'so much potential' and how I was wasting it because my friends were holding me back. Or how they're just using me. Ya know, garbage classically spewed by villains like that." "Ah, I see," Adna nodded knowingly. "Hey, look at that," Rainbow Dash stated, pointing towards that ominous looking mural they saw. Adna turned around, and noticed it too. The strange black smoke-like markings and the black eyes on the mural were gone. The mural itself was still creepy as all get out, Rainbow thought, but that weird feeling of dread was mostly gone. Now, just a palpable silence lingered in the air, deathly still as a mausoleum should be. "These hallowed grounds are now clean," Adna declared. "Finally! Can we go home? I need my shut-eye, if I can get any," Rainbow groaned. "I've had enough excitement today, and you owe me If I get any bad dreams over this." Adna simply laughed, "Verily. I know a few prayers to vanquish night terrors." "Just don't punch me when you do it, bucko." Adna gazed about one last time, noting the grey, lonely chamber, making doubly sure that there was nothing further haunting this place. Any doubt or suspicion was met with calm and quiet. The disturbance was truly gone, and the world was once again at peace, for now. "Let us be off," the angel stated. "Yeah, good idea." The two opened their wings and took to the air, flying out of the mausoleum and through the well's shaft. Upon reaching the surface, they noticed something. It was faint, but as mist began to creep into the town, and while she could have been imagining it, Rainbow Dash could have sworn that she saw vague pony shapes down below. Shapes that seemed to stare up at the two for a few moments, perhaps even waving to them, before melting back into the mist. She shook her head, trying to forget the strangeness of it all. As the two climbed higher and higher into the sky, finally seeing Celestia's new dawn peeking over the horizon once again, a sense of peace began to wash over the pegasus. With a heavy sigh of relief, she looked back down to the town they were leaving behind, and noticed the morning light slowly seep into the town, finally cutting through the grey atmosphere around it. A strange sense nudged at her, making her muse that this was perhaps the first time Hallow Shade had been greeted by the light in who knows how long. As if that lost little town was now able to heal after all these years. "Lady Dash?" Adna called out, flying towards her. Rainbow snapped out of her train of thought, suddenly realizing that she had stopped in her tracks at some point. She shook her head lightly. "Sorry about that. I guess I spaced-out there. Let's go home." The angel gave a small chuckle and a nod, before the two continued on, homeward bound. The morning air was crisp and clean, and the light was soothing and warm, making the return flight much more relaxing. Despite the mood for the return home, something small was still bugging the little pony in regards to her friend. A lot had happened in mere moments during these excursions, and some that reminded her of Adna's otherworldly nature. Heaven was a place of pure peace and serenity, she recalled, so why were angels so... violent? "Adna?" "Aye, Lady Dash?" "Uhm... I don't know how to put this," she started, mulling over her thoughts carefully. Not wanting to say anything to offend the angel, she decided to ask a question in relation to what had happened. "So, uhm, out of curiosity, what would you have done if that... thing took over me? I mean, we did just prove it couldn't, but still; what if?" Adna gazed towards Rainbow Dash for a moment, before returning its attention to their path home, "Simple. I would have attempted to excise it from you." "Excise?" "To remove," Adna clarified, "All angels in the Kingdom of Heaven know the art or exorcism. When we are sent to the mortal realm, there are times where we may be required to expunge malicious presences, including demonic influences, from mortals, objects, or even entire locations." "Okay," Rainbow stated, trying to understand her friend a little better. "But, what if... you can't?" Adna became silent for a moment as the angel's gaze casted away from the little pegasus. "I beg your pardon, my Lady Dash, but I wish to answer with a question of my own." "Uhm... ok?" "Do you desire my honesty?" Rainbow Dash's face grimaced a little. The question was a no brainer. Of course she wanted an honest answer. Right? "Adna," She began, her tone becoming serious and straight forward. "What if you couldn't 'excise' me if I was taken over?" Adna remained silent for a little, looking to the morning light, then to the world of Equestria below them as they continued their flight, before its gaze returned to Dash. "I would have no other choice, Lady Dash." "No other choice for what?" "I would... have to destroy you." Dash stopped mid air, followed by Adna, whom looked entirely uncomfortable after saying what it said. The silence hung in the air, causing the tension to build. However, despite the answer and the following discomfort, the silence was broken by Dash herself, whom gave out a laugh. "Really?" she asked, between fits of giggles. "Prithee, tell me what jest I have told?" "I mean," she started, wiping a tear from her eye, slowing her laughter down, "Come on, dude, there's no way you could." "How DARE!" Adna barked with sudden anger, "Do you doubt my abilities, Maiden Dash, or do you not understand the full gravity of the words I have spoken?!" "Ok, whoa, chill out, dude," Rainbow Dash retorted, forehooves raised in caution. "Just keep calm, and let me explain." "Then, go on," it snapped, "Explain yourself." Sheesh, really touched a nerve there. Rainbow Dash took a breath, before she began to explain. "It's not that you can't. I don't doubt that you can kick all kinds of flank. What happened back at the Academy is something I'll never forget, after all." Adna's indignation began to subside as the angel patiently listened to Rainbow Dash. "But, there's no way you would willingly hurt any one of us. That's something ELSE I'd never forget that day. You fought tooth and nail for us, which left you in..." The little pony looked away for a moment, before giving a short sigh. "I never thought I'd see anyone in that kind of condition, Adna. Seeing you hurt like that, it showed me way more than I was honestly prepared to learn. About you, about us... about your fellow angels back in heaven. You'd never hurt us. I know that. Heck, you checked me over even when I told you I was fine. You care a lot about us." As the angel listened, the anger it had summoned had just as quickly dissipated, now realizing this wasn't a doubt of capability. It was simple fact of behavior. But then why, Adna thought, did it feel like there was this small feeling of discomfort overcasting her thoughts? "Maybe," she started, "I should stop beating around the bush." Adna listened intently as she continued. "You came from a world of pure peace. So why... are you all so violent?" Adna, upon hearing the real question, finally understood. "So, that is what this was all about." The angel directed its attention firmly to Rainbow Dash. "If you want peace, prepare for war." The pegasus gained a puzzled face, trying to mull over what Adna had said. She didn't have long to do so, as the angel continued to clarify. "There will always be darkness, malice, and evil in the realms of existence. There will always be forces that wish to tamper, corrupt, and destroy that which is good. Heaven, our home and the Kingdom of God, is just as targeted. We, messengers in His name and soldiers of light, ride forth to meet it, to defend the good in the universe, excise the corruption, and destroy the evil. We gladly place ourselves on the line to keep safe all that is righteous and pure." Rainbow Dash, having patiently listened to the angel, finally spoke once Adna finished. "Wow. That was... quite the speech, dude. But... I get it, I guess. I mean, me and the girls have to do the same to protect Equestria." She scratched the back of her head for a moment. "But, still... I don't think we're THAT intense." "Indeed not," the angel stated, "and I pray that you would never have to be." Rainbow Dash and Adna, whom had now come to a proper understanding, ended their conversation and continued their trek back to Ponyville. It had been a long journey, and some mysteries were left unsolved, but one thing was for certain: more was to come for them, in one form or another, and the two, proud, loyal fliers vowed to continue putting their best forward for the sake of their friends, new and old. Rainbow Dash, in particular, knew now without a shadow of a doubt that she could count on Adna, and perhaps one day could return the favor to the angel, as he had through their odyssey. > Scales of Justice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been quite the odd day for Twilight Sparkle. She was minding her own business, attending flight practice with Rainbow Dash, trying to get to grips on her abilities as a newly minted alicorn with brand new wings when Spike interrupted with an urgent message. It was a direct summons from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, inviting her to attend a dinner to discuss undisclosed matters. Despite the assumed seriousness of the letter, to say she was thrilled was an understatement. There was only one caveat, however. Due to the unique circumstances she was in, even among her friends, she would have to bring her charge along for the meeting. Mantis, the strange, bipedal creature that wore a skin tight black outfit and a orange lens gas-mask, was said charge under her care. Each of her close friends had been granted custody of their own extra-dimensional being, and each of them boasted terrifying powers and abilities that could easily compete with the best and brightest of any race. Or perhaps, it would be more apt to say they could match the most violent and diabolical villains they could ever encounter. Whatever one's viewpoint on them, it's clear they were something not to be trifled with. And Mantis was far and above the most dangerous, capable of ignoring laws of reality, nature, and magic entirely, manipulating the world around him with but a thought. However, on the day he attacked Canterlot with the floating hospital room he piloted all the way to the castle, the mentalist ended up accidentally forging a connection that left himself and the new alicorn inexplicably bound. Sharing memories and minds, due to a spell gone wrong, and creating new magic in the process. For all the danger he possessed, he now had an anchor that kept him from doing the very thing his mind constantly screamed at him to do. With that said, there was no doubt any cordial behavior he presented was merely an act. Empathy, for the most part, wasn't high up on his list, and thus any camaraderie with him was very much an uphill battle. Knowing this, it was quite daunting to even assume how he'd behave in Canterlot after being brought back there on more diplomatic terms. Would he be trusted enough to not pull some sort of action that could get everyone in the immediate vicinity in trouble? She sighed to herself, now sitting in a flying carriage drawn by Royal Guards, heading straight for the capital of Equestria: the epicenter of the land's harmony. The country below whizzed by innocuously, with lush greens blurring with all sorts of colors of nature and settlement. Twilight's eyes lifted towards the sky, gazing listlessly at the comparatively slower moving clouds that passed them by, almost trying to placate her boredom of the rather quiet and uneventful journey. She then let her eyes trail back inward to the seats she and her guest were riding. Mantis' thin frame sat silently before her, his eyes fixated on his, for a lack of a better term, warden, whom tried to pull her gaze away. The ride's boring nature turned awkward, as Twilight was still not used to seeing such a creature sitting before her, especially so stiffly. She gave a cough, and thought for a moment on what to say, but the mentalist beat her to the punch. "Returning to my scene of the crime." Twilight almost choked at the thought. It wasn't something she was too keen on bringing up so casually. "I suppose so," she gently responded, trying to deflect the topic entirely with such a nondescript agreement. "It'll be... interesting to be there for a proper visit," he added. "Mantis, please remember this is a meeting between the Princesses, which means we have to be on our best behavior," she warned. Mantis gave a half hearted laugh. "You should have said that towards a mirror." Twilight puffed at the response. It was no secret to him that she idolizes the Princesses, especially Celestia, even though she had become one herself. Sharing thoughts had made that clear enough. Even without some of Twilight's memories swimming in his head now, she was easy enough to read just by casual glance that even the dullest mind could pick up on it. After all, a stoic, poker-faced individual Twilight was not. "I will behave to the best of my abilities," he iterated, "Though, considering circumstances, I certainly hope this doesn't end up being a waste of my time." -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- "And that is why I propose we initiate a new oat tax," declared a young, white coated, blond maned gentlecolt. His expression was triumphant while his light brilliant arctic blue eyes gazed around the table, hoping to see a captive audience. "A preposterous idea," objected another, much older pony, "An oat tax would just prove to be more of a hassle than its worth. Not to mention that stocks in both the oat and hay industries would plummet if ponies become more hesitant to purchase it." "I agree. Funding this project in such a manner is asinine," a dapper looking stallion added, black mustache bouncing at every syllable. "The House of Commons would SURELY take umbrage over such a half-baked suggestion," a thinner, older gentlecoat, balder than a polished rock, interjected. "Who cares about the House of Commons?!" exclaimed the young gentlecolt. "They do nothing but complain about us nobles, especially with those that retain seats." "This all started with your idea for the new facility in the first place!" the black mustached lord argued. Back and forth, the nobles at the table bickered about budget and plans of its use in a loud, and ultimately pointless, manner. Both Mantis and Twilight's eyes shifted to and fro between each lord that spoke up, trying not to interject on matters unnecessarily. To the left of Twilight, Princess Celestia, the stark white alicorn with a flowing multi-pastel colored mane sat, calmly sipping her tea with a small stoic smile, with her sister, Princess Luna, the deep blue alicorn with a flowing mane of a moderate sapphire and a grayish persian blue that glittered with stars, sitting right next to her doing the same, but with a slight frown instead. What was intended as a small dinner meeting to discuss emergency plans ended up being a formal banquet upon the demand of the youngest member of the House of Lords; Prince Blueblood, the young white and blond unicorn stallion that sat with an air of self-superiority. Said demands included said budget discussion, as well as "evaluation" of Twilight's new social standing. "Then perhaps we should get the opinion of the newest member of the Crown," he suggested with a sly look upon his face, obviously up to something. "Certainly Princess Twilight Sparkle wouldn't object to this?" His words were said with a hint of animosity. Reactions were instant. The Lords at the table balked upon the suggestion, Twilight herself felt flabbergasted from suddenly being singled out, and Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow mid-sip. The silence was thick, but it only lasted a moment as Princess Luna's own thoughts on the matter pierced it easily. "How darest thee, Nephew, to place such responsibilities on one that is yet to learn them?!" "What better way to learn, dearest Aunt?" he smugly retorted, "If she is to be part of the Royal Family, then she should be educated on such matters, preferably sooner rather than later. It'll certainly help pull her away from... gallivanting about in some backwater town like some common mare." It was then that Twilight glanced over to her former mentor, and noticed her ever serene smile faltered ever so slightly, before returning to how it was. As offended as Twilight was for Blueblood's callous words about her and her friends, she couldn't imagine how the Solar Monarch felt. Surprisingly, it wasn't any of the Princesses that spoke up against the stinging comments from the noble, as Mantis stood up with a heavily filtered laugh through his mask. "Quite the statement coming from a noble that slings mud like a peasant toiling in filth, all while trying to curate favors from your superiors in an effort to accomplish your selfish, and utterly juvenile desire. Even more impressive is that you're willing to burn the public's own resources to see it through, when you know damn well that you, like most of the pathetic uppercrust that you've joined, have more than enough funds to launch this project ten times over. But this was never about the money in the first place, was it?" "What are you-?" Blueblood tried to interject, but Mantis continued, unshaken by the growing animosity coming from the prince. "It's all about power and control, with a little pettiness thrown in. You want to create a benefit where there is no need for one, let others take the fall for the compensation, and get around a personal gripe you have for a local establishment that already provides the service you request. It would honestly be an impressive motive if you weren't such a colossal fool." "How DARE YOU, you bipedal abomination!" "Mantis," Twilight pleaded, "That's enough." "How are you the fool, you ask? Why did you ever think this flight of fancy of yours would ever get off the ground? All of the nobles here disagree with your proposal. Celestia here would most likely shut you down as well, even if you decide to enact your plan "B" and rob from the treasury." Everyone gasped at the statement, before looking to the prince in shock. Blueblood's own face, despite already being as white as driven snow, seemed to have what little color remain drain from it. "Oops," Mantis said in faux-embarrassment, "Was nobody supposed to know about that?" "I-I would never do s-such a heinous action, especially to my own Aunt," he declared. "But you were willing to drag a fellow royal into the mud to try exercise a sense of superiority, even go so far as to plan to accuse her as a co-conspirator when the time was right. That's why you said she wouldn't 'object' to your idea." The nobles murmured among themselves. While they didn't appreciate the slander from the creature, they couldn't deny something seemed off about Prince Blueblood's behavior from the start of the meeting up to now. Twilight placed a hoof upon Mantis's own arm, about to plead once again to stop, but the mentalist had no intention of listening. She turned her attention to the two Matriarchs, hoping they could step in, but the two simply kept their eyes on their extra-dimensional guest, fully invested in what was going on now. "You knew Ms. Sparkle is new to Royal business, and therefor knew she would be less likely to object at face value. However, as I have stated, you are a fool. As a former student of your own aunt, and an accomplished academic in here own right, did you not consider the possibility that she could out your sordid schemes? Of course you did, because you know all she wants is to keep quiet until she's able to speak about matters that the Princesses themselves wish to address to her." "ENOUGH!" Luna suddenly barked in the Royal Canterlot Voice she and her sister were famous for. Everyone grew silent, even Mantis, who simply crossed his arms with a small chuckle. "We do not fully know what thou is planning, dear Nephew, but the proposal at its surface level has been denied by Royal Decree. Thine interjection of the original intention of this get-together between members of the throne has done naught but waste precious time. The dinner is concluded. Thou shalt take your leave, House of Lords." "B-but-" Blueblood floudered. "Oh be quiet, you silly boy," the thinner noble chastised, "We've already ired the crown enough to be subjected to the Voice. Do not push the issue for your sake as well." Prince Blueblood gritted his teeth and growled, having been shut down by a foul creature and his own aunt, with nothing to show for it. He rose from his seat in aggravation and made his way out of the banquet hall. The other lords, whom all at least gave a bow and small apology after rising from their seats, all followed the young noble soon after, leaving the royals and their guests alone. The tension in the air began to deflate as Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, only to shoot Mantis a glare. "What the HAY was that all about?" Twilight barked. "What Mantis did was very out of line," Celestia spoke in a calm, motherly tone, "But I suspect you had your reasons." Mantis was quiet for a moment. "I needed to end that farce," he stated simply. "Because we actually are short on time." "Oh, are you a telepath, as well?" Mantis asked jokingly. "Just long lived." The princess gave a sigh, "Indeed. If we would have let our nephew continue his foolish game, we would never be able to deal with the matter at hand." "Which is?" Twilight asked, before suddenly covering her mouth for blurting out of turn. Celestia giggled a little at her former student's wanting niceties, knowing she's still not used to seeing herself as an equal. "Tomorrow, myself and Princess Luna have official business in Saddle Arabia. We will be gone for three days, possibly four. And we need somepony we can trust to handle day court." Twilight froze in nervousness. "Y-you want me to run the castle?!" "No, no," Luna interjected, "We've already delegated the tasks to take care of the castle at large. Due to the recent... changes in Equestria, my return included, our tasks have become somewhat hectic. If we had half as much to do, we probably would have never bothered you with such a burden." Celestia continued off of her sister's clarification, "So, with this in mind, we ask you to assist us with this favor, by taking charge of Day Court and addressing the public with their thoughts and grievances. We have already arranged room and board for your stay here in the castle while you undertake this task for us." "I-I'm honored," Twilight uttered in surprise, "Thank you for putting this much trust in me! Oh, but what about raising the Sun and Moon?" "Oh, don't worry, we will have that covered even while away." Celestia continued. You aren't quite ready for that yet, my little pony. "Please," Luna then ushered, "Follow us to your room." With that, the group of four left the banquet hall, trailed by a few servants and guards that attended to serve their duties. Mantis paused for a moment, gazing back to the exit the nobles used. He hummed in curiosity for a moment, before continuing to follow his hosts towards their temporary lodgings. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The room Twilight and Mantis were granted was quite the extravagant location, seemingly reserved for important guests. Silk curtains draped over a tall, elegant window with an excellent view of the outside gardens. Symbols of the sun, moon, and stars printed in very reserved patterns, circling the room. The walls were a lovely shade of deep blue while the floor was a pristine white marble with a red velvet carpet laid out in key locations. Two beds, one with drapery, the other without, had fluffy white pillows and a deep purple bedding that invited comfort to its guests and users. There was even a washroom facility adjacent to the room they were stationed in for next few days. It was, at first glance, seemingly going to be a very comfortable weekend. Despite this, the two did wonder why they were given the same room, albeit with separate beds. Mantis asked as much before the two were left alone to their own devices. Turns out that, while Celestia believed Twilight to be a very capable mare and highly trustworthy, she still had some reservations against Mantis. The mentalist couldn't deny his impression on the Princess, especially considering his "formal" introduction. He did leave the Royal Guards in a state of chaos during his first ever visit, to say the absolute least. She was courteous enough to tell him the truth of the matter out of Twilight's earshot, to save the fledgling alicorn the anxiety, as well as lay down some ground rules. Finally, before being left alone, the two were granted official seals for their temporary position of running the court. The mentalist did query the reason why he was to receive one too, and Luna confessed that, against better judgement, Mantis does represent a very important position as an ambassador in his own right, and thus is granted similar privilege as his warden. It was certainly a very interesting circumstance. As the two princesses left to prepare to depart for their overnight diplomatic travel, Twilight and Mantis were left in their room to relax for the remainder of the evening. Court was postponed until the following afternoon, where Twilight would take over the duty, accompanied by Mantis as well as a few handlers and guards for added security. For the remainder of the night, they were given free access through the castle, but strongly urged to return to their room at a reasonable hour. With the few hours they had, Twilight decided to give Mantis a rather animated tour of the Palace. Nostalgia walked with her as she guided him down the luxurious halls, pointing out the mundane locations, quarters, and offices that they passed by, almost as if she was leading him to an area in the castle she had always wanted to show off. Sure enough, they approached a grand set of double doors that, when opened, lead the the castle's grand library, filled wall to wall with all sorts of books, tomes, and scrolls, from the common to the rare. "I haven't had a chance to read everything yet, so it still holds a very special place on my personal bucket list," Twilight confessed. Mantis had vague fragments of memories confirming this, though he could understand why she held such high regard even without said thoughts. Back when he was still living in a world that made more sense to him, as part of a special covert operations unit known as FOXHOUND, he had spent many, many afternoons occupying the archival libraries at the main headquarters. Sometimes it was for a mission, and he would need required research material. Other times it was simply to kill a few hours while he waited. If there was a pastime he held onto fondly, it was sitting down with a book and a cup of his favorite coffee. Looking at this library resurfaced those old, bittersweet memories. Out of curiosity, or perhaps a kindred sense of nostalgia, Mantis floated towards one of the higher shelves and gently plucked a book from its resting spot. "The Illusionist," Mantis read aloud. "Oh, I've read that one. It a tale of an earth pony stallion capable of performing magic. He used it to trick a noble of foul intent into giving up his position in the court by turning public favor against him." "I believe I've heard of something similar in my old world," he confessed, placing the book back in its proper location. "Part of a collection of short stories, if I recall." "The... Barnum Museum?" She thought out loud, the name so unfamiliar to her and yet so real. "Correct." "I'm still not used to the fact that I have some of your memories in my head." "You will get used to it eventually." Twilight hummed to herself in thought for a moment. "I suppose you had to go through that over and over again through your life." Mantis didn't respond, and instead floated over to a different section and plucked out a new book. The title read; Limiting Objects and Strengthening the Self. Thumbing through the contents, he noted that it seemed to be a text about utilizing certain objects to train the body and spirit. There was even a chapter dedicated to Unicorns utilizing magic dampening or cancelling rings to help suppress the desire to rely on magic while engaging in physical activities to help build a stronger physique. "Cancelling rings?" Mantis uttered. "Oh, yeah, those are for training and restraining purposes. A few can be found in a variety of gyms, including the one in the castle, and most law enforcement locations have one or two in case of... special circumstances." Her explanation started rather animated, but slowed to a timid clarification upon reaching a more dramatic part of the topic. "As in, dangerous individuals," Mantis suggested, "I suppose your world isn't always gumdrops and ice-cream." "We certainly try... but," Twilight looked away for a moment, "Nopony's perfect, and there will always be someone that wants to break the peace." Mantis scoffed, "Indeed." He then placed the book back upon its resting spot. "As much as I'd love to stay in the library," she started to say, almost wanting to do just that, "We should probably go. I have a lot more of the castle to show you." "If you insist," Mantis said, following Twilight out of the library. From there, they stopped by a variety of locations within the castle, including the ballroom, where Twilight reminisced about some of the fun times she had there, and eventually the kitchen, where she had caught Princess Celestia sneak in late at night to rob the cooler of a few cake slices. As the hours finally wound down to the end of the day, the two individuals returned to their room for the time being. It was going to be a full day tomorrow, and Twilight knew that they were going to need all the sleep they could get. Even Mantis knew it would be a good opportunity to enjoy the brief luxury while he had it. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Bright and early on the next day, after moving through the motions to get the morning rolling, Twilight and Mantis attended Day Court. Set within the throne room, the service was quite simple. Ponies near and far from all across the land would schedule to gain audience with the matriarchs of Equestria, either to rectify grievances, grant permissions, settle disputes, and, on rare occasion, pass judgements upon the criminally charged. Celestia once described the ordeal as a mother tending to the endless desires of the children, which she freely admits is as condescending as it sounded. However, it had been a function of the Crown in general for generations upon generations, and tending to the public's individual matters directly ended up working out far more than it would if it were handled by committee. So here, taking the center throne, Twilight Sparkle sat, flanked to her left by Mantis who sat in a chair of his own, whom crossed his left leg over the right, sipping a cup of coffee that, whenever empty, was replaced by a brand new, fresh cup. To either side of them stood a guard each, the one closest to Mantis eyeing the human with slight trepidation, remembering vividly the incident of his invasion. Before them, seated between the throne and the present party, was the court scribe, diligently recording the conversation between the crown and the guest, for legal and archival purposes. The proceedings ended up being relatively mundane, just as it was described to them prior. Most guests simply asked for favors, opinions, or decisions on relatively personal matters. Some still came today as part of the last leg of their process to get permission for a project or event, after having gone through proper channels in other corresponding bodies of the government. It was when the rarest occurrence of court duties, the judgement of the criminally charged, that Mantis finally spoke up after silently watching. Without turning to the acting Princess, he asked, "Does the crown handle all judgements against the prosecuted?" Twilight perked up from the genuine curiosity, "Actually, no. It's normally only for serious matters. Petty crimes are usually handled entirely by lower courts. All matters USED to be handled by the Crown, but due to the widening rule over Equestria, and subsequent population increases, it became necessary to create said lower courts to alleviate the excess strain." "And what of petty disputes? Why do your rulers insist on getting involved with those matters?" "A small dispute between ponies can be easily resolved by anyone, really, but it's just that some come to get a wise opinion from the crown itself. Legal matters, however, have to go through the proper processes first." "That doesn't answer my question," Mantis uttered in annoyance. "Can we please get on with the matter at hoof?" A pony with a fair light tan coat with a black slicked back mane and sharp suit said with irritation. "Guilty, five years." Mantis snapped back quickly. Twilight was too shocked to respond. "Wait, what?" The other pony, a thin and grayish unicorn with a light brown mane, balked. "Is that too harsh?" Mantis asked with a hint of condescension. "Yes, it's too harsh," Twilight shot at Mantis, "According to the summary, this pony is charged with minor theft." "Three counts," Mantis added, "With a count of destruction of property. And how many times have you been charged before that?" The convicted pony shrank under the haunting gaze of the mentalist, "O-only once." "In Canterlot. You've also been convicted in Trottingham as well, it seems." "How did you-" he exclaimed before he slapped his own mouth shut with his own hooves, but it was too late. The room gasped at the very, very guilty outburst. "So, you're a repeat offender, charged a total of three times thus far, and have other crimes under your haunches that you dare not speak of, lest you further be punished," Mantis chuckled to himself. There was always something fun about watching an individual squirm under the pressure of their own dirty laundry being aired out for all to see. "I could give a detailed report to your lawyer 'friend' here, as I'm sure he'd be VERY interested in what you've done in your little career." The convict looked to the lawyer, who glared back at him, before turning his gaze to the ground, "N-no... I get the point. I accept." Mantis smiled beneath his mask before he sat back in relaxation on his seat and took another sip of his coffee. Twilight glared at the mentalist. "What the HAY was all of that?" she whispered in a seething tone. "Doing my duty," he replied simply, "We have the same privileges, after all, and I'm VERY comfortable to utilize it when need be." "You can't just make a decision like that out of the blue." "Why not?" Mantis questioned, "He was clearly guilty, already convicted, and was going to serve time already. Might as well lump in the rest of his deeds." Twilight grit her teeth in frustration. "That's not how it works." "No, but this is more efficient." And more entertaining, he thought. "Mantis," Twilight started, "I demand that you refrain from acting on your own like that from this point forward until the Princesses come back. Do you accept?" She gave a sharp glare towards her ward, whom sat and stared at her in silence. Mantis thought for a bit. In truth, there really wasn't much she could do to stop him if he were to entirely disregard her. Sure, she was an Alicorn now, which puts her in the same realm as the two matriarchs that gave him a distant, but still very present, feeling of foreboding if he were to ever get on their bad side so brazenly. However, he could easily tell that, despite this fact, she was still very limited in power with no real clue about her own potential. The only truly effective thing she could do would be to contact said Lunar and Solar rulers to report on further misgivings he may bestow, which would put a stopper on his curiosities. "Well?" Twilight asked, "What is your answer?" He took a very deep, filtered breath, as he chose his words carefully. "I will refrain from acting out of turn." "Good." Twilight accepted the answer with a smile, turning back towards what would be the next guest, resuming her actions for day court. Mantis sipped his coffee again, deciding to pay close attention to how the proceedings functioned, knowing he'll need to know for what was to come. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Late into the night, floating through the relatively vacant halls of the castle, Mantis calmly observed his surroundings, keeping his eyes peeled for his target of the night. Every time he passed a member of the castle's staff, he made sure to flash them his personal clearance that was given to him and Twilight by the Princess herself. Some remained skeptical of the human's solo presence, especially deep into the darkest hours of the fading day, but all would ultimately let him by without further resistance. His first destination was the library. Upon reaching its doors, he quietly slipped inside and headed for the front desk. A small, elderly mare sat behind the counter, reading to entertain herself through the long, relatively boring shift. It only took a moment for her to notice that someone had approached the desk, but when she did, she gave a small gasp in surprise. In all honesty, despite hearing of Twilight and "Mantis", as she heard him being referred to as, she didn't quite know what to expect. Of all of the creatures she could guess, a strange, skinny bi-ped wearing a creepy gas mask was not one on the list. "O-oh, I apologize, deary," the old baby blue unicorn said, gently brushing back a loose strand of her greyish pink mane, "You gave me a bit of a fright. What can I do you for?" "I would like any texts regarding magic powered devices," Mantis stated. "Oh, yes, you'll find a few in the non-fiction area, between section .599 and .699. Failing that, you could find a few more in around section .900." "Thank you," he responded simply, turning away from the senior librarian and approaching the non-fiction wing of the Library. In truth, he could have just quickly read her mind and be done with it, but he felt something deep inside that told him to give the library its due respect. Which meant being pleasant with the supervisor of these archives and following protocols and courtesies. Whether that was due to fondness from his years back at his old home, or some lingering memories of his warden, it didn't matter. Besides, it would be best to play nice as to not arouse suspicion. Soon, he came across the location he was looking for, and the section he was told to search. He looked through each book that caught his interest, one at a time, leafing through the table of contents first, and checking the chapter that may have yielded the answer he sought. When one book didn't have an answer, he'd move on down to the next, and the one after, and the one after, until finally, after a fair few minutes of searching, he found what he was looking for. Carefully he read the text and kept a mental note as to what it looked like and how it worked, making sure he had all of the details right. The text in question was much more comprehensive than the one that only talked about the device being used as a training tool. Mantis smirked under his mask, and gently put the book back into its proper place. As he floated away, the librarian called out to him, "Were you able to find what you were looking for, deary?" "Oh yes," he gently replied, "Thank you very much for your help." With that, he slipped back out of the archives and entered the castle halls once again. With knowledge at his beck and call, he began looking for his next target location. It didn't take him very long to find, as he soon laid his eyes upon a facility he'd normally never bother to give the time of day: the gym. Slipping inside, he noticed that the room was quiet for the most part, save for a singular deep grey stallion training on a piece of equipment. From the looks of the armor off to the side, said pony was likely of the royal guard, and from a quick flip through his mind, he was intent on spending another hour here. Mantis couldn't wait that long. The mentalist approached the pony, whom soon noticed he was no longer alone and at first reacted in surprise, probably from believing no one else would be training at this hour. His surprise turned to disdain as he realized who it was. "You," the stallion said in a gruff voice, laced with venom, "Can't believe the Princess just let you run free. In the castle, no less." "I apologize if I'm making you... uncomfortable," Mantis said. "That's an understatement," he spat, "How 'bout you take your lanky flank outta here. Certainly make me less uncomfortable." "I'm afraid I can't. I have business here." "Here, really?" the stallion sneered, "You look like you could barely lift a twig. What could you possibly want in a gym?" "That's nothing you need to be concerned about." "A weird hairless monster, that throws around my brothers-in-arms with magicless magic no less, is telling me I don't need to be concerned." He slowly stood up. "What a joke. If you didn't have that seal of the Princess, I'd have tossed you out on suspicion of ill intent, let alone your prior actions... freak." "Charming," Mantis stated dryly, "And here, I thought most of your kind were more into peace, love, and tolerance." He grunted. "Regular ponyfolk, sure. Not the Guard. We protect the peace, not live in it. The world can be a dangerous place, and it takes us and those like us to stand on the front lines to defend against the monsters of the world, without you and your kind adding to the pile." Mantis frowned beneath his mask. He was done making small talk with such a cynical, meatheaded brute. Deciding to skip ahead, the telepath gave the guard a quick scan of his mind. A surprised look flashed upon his face for a brief moment beneath the mask, before it settled on a dry smirk. "You're going to need to leave now." "I have every right to be here, orange lens," the guard insisted. "I'm afraid it wasn't a request." As Mantis raised his hand towards the training guard, said stallion shifted to a defensive stance, ready for a fight, but something soon felt off. Before he realized what was going on, his vision blurred as his mind got hazy. "Wh-... what's-?" He faltered for a moment, almost dropping to a knee. "You will leave the gym." The guard stood back up in attention, but now with a dazed look in his eyes. "I think I'm done training for today," he muttered. "You will return to your quarters, forget I was ever here, and forget whatever else you were planning to do tonight." "I was all alone tonight." As the guard gathered his things and started to head out, Mantis stopped him for a moment. "... You will give me thirty bits." "Lunch money." The guard fished out the bits from his gear and left it nearby on a counter, where Mantis retrieved the shiny little coins, gently tossed them in his own hand for a moment with a chuckle, then slipped them into one of his pockets. With a creak of the door, the guard left wordlessly. Mantis then frowned for a moment, now being reminded of his time at FOXHOUND once again. He gave a small sigh, somewhat missing the long-gone days of playing that little game on a certain vulcan carrying colleague. Shaking his head of the thought, Mantis proceeded straight towards a locked cabinet. He chastised himself for a moment for not checking the guard for a key, but it ultimately didn't really matter. Checking the lock closely, he applied his abilities to the small device and it easily clicked. Wrenching the door open, he found a variety of training equipment. Weighted braces, restraints, pedometers, training dust, a first aid kit, and... "Bingo." Mantis reached in and retrieved one of the devices. This was exactly what he needed. With that, he exited the gym, careful to lock the cabinet once more before he left, and made a bee-line for the room he and Twilight were granted. Tomorrow was going to be a very fun day indeed. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The guards and attendants all stood at attention in the throne room, awaiting the arrival of the fledgling princess Twilight Sparkle and her companion Psycho Mantis. While the events of yesterday went rather smooth, the staff present couldn't help but feel on edge due to the mentalist's potential actions and the unknowns of his behavior. Considering that, they all collectively, but unknowingly, agreed he was about as volatile and random as Discord was whenever he visited, though they could never see the normally serious looking bi-ped pulling pranks or tricks. The door behind the throne swung open swiftly, catching everyone's attention. From the threshold floated Mantis, alone. Everyone's eyes grew wide as a sense of dread passed over them. "Uhm, Sir Mantis?" one of the handlers addressed with a shaky, cautious tone, "Where is Ms. Twilight Sparkle?" "Unfortunately, the Princess will not be attending this session. She's a bit... preoccupied. Currently locked in the bathroom. I suggest we leave her alone until she feels less... tied down." The silence was quite thick, but the staff all begrudgingly accepted the explanation. In reality, this wasn't exactly unheard of. While rare, even Princess Celestia herself, whom most ponyfolk see her as infallible and unflappable, was still susceptible to incidents that would confine one to the bathroom. It wasn't exactly a pretty notion, and one that would be kept relatively quiet among the current lot. "In her absence, I will be taking over court until she is ready to join us." Mantis then presented the seal both he and Twilight were given, "After all, I've been given the exact same privileges as the acting Princess was granted. I do solemnly swear to perform my duty to the best of my... ability." Everyone's hair at the back of their necks stood on end with that last word. It wasn't the tone in his voice, nor the already creepy filtered scratchiness that accompanied his words from the mask. No, everypony in that room felt a strange sense of 'wrongness' wash over them for a brief moment. Never the less, Mantis had legal rights to step in and there was very little they could do. All that was on their mind at that point as Mantis took his seat on his own chair beside the Princess' throne was whether they'd all regret Princess Celestia's decision to allow him such power alongside Twilight. "Bring in the first," commanded Mantis. Thus, the day proceeded... surprisingly well. Most ponies that had shown up for Day Court were of your standard fare, which allowed for quick shots of advice and guidance that all sounded normal, despite coming from Mantis. He almost seemed bored. It wasn't until the first legal dispute was ushered in where his interest piqued. Two ponies that were arguing about property lines and a tree. "If you would have moved that stars forsaken tree back a few paces from the fence, I wouldn't have had to do what I did!" The brown, rough and tumble looking stallion barked with irritation. "You straight up hacked its limbs, you dolt! If that tree dies, I swear I'll drag you back here myself to have you sued!" The female grey earth pony argued back, seething. "On what grounds?!" "Tree law, you absolute spoon!" "The court will now see the two of you," one of the handlers announced. The two approached, only to stop dead in their tracks when they noticed not only was the Princess not there, but instead a strange creature sat beside the throne, one leg overlapping the other, hands clasped as if in anticipation. For the briefest of moments, they looked at each other as if sharing the same puzzled thought, only to gaze back towards the throne. "Is, uhm..." the grey pony started. "You sure you can help us?" the brown one interjected. "Trust me," Mantis spoke, spooking the two with his heavily filtered voice, "I'm more than capable of sorting your squabble." The two looked at each other again, feeling somewhat incredulous. "Ooookay," the grey pony said, stepping forward. "Well, the problem here is that this brute hacked off a bunch of limbs from my prized plum tree, and I fear the damage may be severe enough that it might have put the tree itself at risk." "Oh, for the love of-" the brown stallion started with a huff. "I just cut off a few so it wouldn't litter everywhere in my yard. Besides, I asked you repeatedly to move it back, and you refused to listen." "Moving it would have placed it dead center in front of my window, ruining the view!" "Oh, you'll live," he mocked, "On the other hoof, I shouldn't have to be forced to take care of YOUR blasted tree and its constant defecation on my side of the fence. Do you know how often I step on over ripened and rotten fruit that was left behind? "Alright, enough," Mantis interjected, giving the two of them pause. "If I allow you to continue, the both of you will turn this into a shouting match, and I'm not in any mood for such trite." "So, are you going to make her move that stars forsaken tree?" The brown one asked. "Are you going to make this imbecile pay for the damages?" The grey one followed up. Mantis raised his hand before him. The two clammed up, believing they were wordlessly being told to be silent. Regardless of their assumption, Mantis took the moment of silence as a respite, and concentrated in reading their minds. He saw everything, including the layouts of their properties, before he motioned his hand as if he were lifting something up at first, pushing it backwards, then gently putting it down. The two ponies tilted their heads in confusion, wondering if this strange creature before him was once a mime or something equally absurd. After that, Mantis sat back. "The tree has been moved," Mantis said finally. "E-excuse me?" asked the grey mare, concern washing over her. "It now sits in your back yard, since moving it anywhere in the front yard was very much out of the questions in your eye. That said, the grass of the front yard is badly damaged from removal of the tree, so you will need to have that fixed. I doubt you're precious plant will die off, provided you care for it as soon as possible." He then looked at the other complaining pony. "As for you, I will be ordering you to pay for the damages." "Why should I-?" "You did violate tree law, as well as performed an act of vandalism, and those are crimes you need to pay for. So, you will both supply financial support for the restoration of your neighbor's yard as well as assist her until the job is complete. We will send a representative to see the task is handled within reason so one party doesn't extort the other." The brown stallion sputtered and tried to object, but the finality of the situation, plus the promise of a mediator to supervise the process, kept him relatively silent. He cantered off in a huff, exiting the throne room. The grey mare, who gave a meek thank you and small bow, followed suit, wanting to get home as soon as possible to see the extent of the damage. Mantis sat back in his seat, somewhat pleased with himself. Not for righting a wrong or settling matters between others, but for exercising his power without the threat of repercussion. At least, for now. However, the show wasn't quite over yet. While he still had the line-up before him to deal with, Mantis was more eager for a particular guest to finally show his face. With sudden commotion going on from behind the door, he realized he didn't have to wait much longer. The doors thrust open harshly as a particularly well kept and familiar unicorn stallion marched in, his icey blue eyes starring at Mantis with Ill intent. The handlers attempted to get in his way, but were thoroughly ignored. He couldn't quite ignore the guards though, whom stood in his path in a defensive formation. Regardless of the fact that all princesses, current and future, were absent at the time, they still had a job to do. Mantis was leading the court by legal rights, and thus was to be protected as if he held the same title as Celestia. "I'm so glad you could join us finally," Mantis said, letting his fingers tap against themselves. "Don't you DARE act pleasant with me, you-" Prince Blueblood stopped himself before he spouted something that could get him in trouble. "And why, exactly, are you upset?" "Why am-?" He balked, dumbfounded, "You MUST be joking!" Mantis chuckled a little beneath the mask, "Indeed, I am," he stated sweetly. "You scheming, lanky creature. I don't know how you set this charade up, but you will rue it in the end!" "I don't believe I know what you're referring to. Perhaps you could explain it to me in... simple terms." "Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?!" Watching the angry noble, Mantis quickly scanned his mind, hearing his outrage loud and clear. He also noticed that he seemed to paying less and less attention to those in attendance. He decided to have a little fun. "I would, actually." Mantis stated, "Why don't you tell us exactly... what I did." Despite the fact Mantis spoke in a relatively even toned, even pitch voice, the last three words seemed to reverberate among those who were within the immediate area. Everypony's head felt a little strange, almost wanting to say something, but kept quiet due to not having a reason to actually address Mantis. It was Blueblood's own voice that actually answered. "You ruined my plan to usurp control over the castle!" He bellowed, strangely confident. For a moment or two, at least. Then his face fell as the color seemed to drain from his complexion just like it had back during the banquet. He slammed his hooves into his mouth, realizing what he had just done while his eyes cast down to the marble floor in shock. He gazed back up, and noticed Mantis leaning forward, elbows against his crossed over leg, fingers intertwining with each other to form a sort of bridge that the chin of his mask rest upon. It was almost as if the strange creature was grinning. The pale feeling coming from the young Prince turned to rage as his face boiled to a red color. "Oh please," Mantis cooed, "Tell us more." "How DARE you MOCK ME!" Blueblood screamed, his voice cracking at the last few words. Then, the word vomit began. "It was I who was supposed to run the court, not you! I knew I should have told Iron Lance to not dawdle, but he insisted on "bulking up" that night so he could snuff out any resistance. You and that BRAT were supposed to be incapacitated, while I would step in to perform these duties and GET THAT BLASTED SPA FACILITY EXTENSION IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS!" His words echoed about the room as everyone else remained silent. As his anger subsided, he realized that not only did he say too much, but he most certainly would be charged with a list of conspiracy crimes, all because he couldn't control himself. He staggered back for a moment, mumbling and stuttering like a small child that knows he's in the biggest possible trouble. The silence was then broken by the sound of hands clapping, as everyone's attention was brought back towards Mantis, whom was giving off the sound, slowly and mockingly. "Oh, well done. Doesn't that feel so much better? To just let the truth be free?" Mantis then gave a menacing, heavy cackle, that made everyone's blood run cold. The doors behind the throne room then slammed open with enough force and sound to grab everyone's attention. There, standing in the archway, was a very irritated looking Twilight Sparkle. "MAAAAANTIIIIIIS!" She screamed out in anger, rivaling the Royal Canterlot Voice. Everyone winced but the mentalist, who merely shrugged. "I suppose the game is over." He then turned his full attention to his very angry warden. "You're a little early, but I'm so glad you can join us." "Don't you give me that," she seethed, "Do you know how hard it is to remove a magic restraining ring from your horn while you're hog tied and gagged in a cramped bathroom?!" "You did WHAT?!" one of the guards shouted. "Oh please, I was being courteous. It's not like I would have physically knocked you out or thrown you in some closet or cellar, where you would have less of a chance to escape. Not unlike what Blueblood had planned." "And what does THAT mean?" She barked. "Oh right, you probably didn't hear, but the young Prince here," Mantis started, gesturing to Prince Blueblood, "Was intending on performing a personal coup on the two of us to push an agenda of his. He even payed off one of the guards to do the dirty work. Imagine that." "And your response was to tie me up and throw me into the bathroom!?" "It couldn't be helped," he shrugged. "And then payed off the guard that stood at our door to NOT help me?!" "I gave him a reasonable excuse. I just told him that you'd be stuck in there for a little while, and that you weren't to be disturbed." "He told me that you told him I was, and I quote, 'physically ill and stuck in the bathroom'. He also told me you gave him twenty bits to not tell anypony and keep everyone away so I wouldn't be publicly embarrassed." "Well, that's the much more extended version of events, but yes." "You are in so much trouble." "Not before you deal with this conspirator and the rest of Day Court. It's time for the scales to hold even," Mantis gestured to the throne. "Come. Sit." She huffed, approaching the throne while staring daggers at her personal charge. The anger certainly hid the absolute embarrassment she had over the situation, which was a small mercy. The last thing she needed was to be seen feeling self-conscious and humiliated over this whole cavalcade of nonsense. She sat on the throne, and turned her attention to Prince Blueblood. "A-acting Princess, I can explain," he started with panic laced in his voice, but whatever he was about to say was immediately interrupted. "This 'brat' does not want to hear your explanation," Twilight stated coldly, "I have full authority to punish you for your crimes, but I think I'll let Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know of the situation, and they will handle you instead." "P-please don't tell my aunties!" he pleaded pathetically. "You're dismissed, Blueblood. Expect to be called to the throne at a later date." With that, the guards escorted the young noble out of the throne room, who simply had his head lowered and tucked his tail between his legs. As the doors shut behind them, the peace and quiet came back to the throne room, and Twilight gave a deep, heavy sigh, before her eyes shot back to Mantis with ire. "As for you," she started, but was interrupted by Mantis rising out of his own seat and holding one hand up to interject. "I know. I will return to the room, where I will remain confined for the rest of the day. It's only fair." Twilight frowned, narrowing her eyes at him. "And we're going to have a long chat about what you just pulled." Mantis shrugged again. "Before I leave... in this order: Yes, yes, no, the blue one, yes, guilty, no, yes, waste of time, yes, yes, no, not guilty but has cancer, yes, yes, and she should really speak to her mother." Twilight gave a profoundly puzzled look before Mantis floated to the exit of the throne room and left the Princess to be to her own devices. Shouting after him, Twilight ordered, "NO COFFEE FOR THE REST OF THE STAY!" just before the door shut behind the mentalist, but she felt deep down inside that her words did not reach. She shook her head for a moment before recomposing herself. Just as the doors to let the next attendant in opened, one of the handlers leaned towards Twilight and spoke. "All things considered, you're handling this just like Celestia would have." She raised an eyebrow for a moment, not quite believing such a compliment, but couldn't help but give a small smile anyway. She still didn't believe she was cut out for something like this, but she decided to remain as dignified as possible to meet these expectations. With her attention back to the court's proceedings, she readied herself for the rest of the evening. The next pony stepped forward, hat in hoof, and began to speak, "Princess, I had been having a disagreement with a friend of mine and had just been proven right. Though, I feel bad about it the whole thing even though I'm right. Should I apologize?" Twilight gave a small smile. She new the answer right away, and was a little gratefully surprised that Mantis knew it too. > Silent Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A thick blanket of snow covered the vast hills and valleys of Ponyville’s entire county, as it would the rest of the upper half of Equestria. Trees were coated white in place of the thick green they once sported, with the shallow river having frozen solid in response to the chill. The hearths of many-a-home were alight with warm fires, casting each house in a soft and inviting glow through the windows, even during the day. Scarves, boots, and hats were adorned, along with the odd jacket or two for those easily frigid. Winter had come once again, and the pegasi were all too thrilled to bring it forth in its plushest design. This year was going to be special, as after nearly half a year of habitation, Ponyville had been harboring six very special guests. However, despite everyone assuming that Hearth’s Warming was going to be far more interesting than it was previously, the days seemed to carry on rather normally. In fact, if one were to pay attention, any pony could easily see Pinkie Pie and Elvis, two of the unlikeliest and closest of friends, trotting on down to the little cottage that sat next to the Everfree forest, carrying a variety of packages. “Rosa, wouldn’t it be easier to invite everyone down to la panadería instead of going door to door?” Elvis asked, as he shuffled slightly in his lavish, purple, faux-fur coat, tailor made to his specifications. “I’m a demonio de fuego. I don’t do cold.” “Oh, relax, silly,” Pinkie replied cheerfully, “That’s why I got you that coat to wear!” “I do like the coat,” he grumbled, “and the boots are nice too, but that’s not the point!” He gave a short stomp with his well made boots that matched the coat perfectly in a tastefully masculine way. “You can tough it out. I know you can. You’re a big, strong demon that needs no-” “Don’t finish that joke,” he interrupted. As he sighed, he realized they were already right in front of the door to Fluttershy’s home. Pinkie knocked on the door, only for a small voice to call for them from the back of the cottage. The two shrugged, and cantered around to the back finding Fluttershy handing out small gifts to the animals that had remained active during the winter, and placing gifts near the hovels and homes of those hibernating. Behind her, eyes closed and with a small, smug smirk on its face rested Bael. Elvis clicked his tongue as he and Pinkie approached Fluttershy. “Oh, good afternoon, Pinkie, Elvis,” greeted the pegasus. “Heya Fluttershy!” Pinkie replied in kind. ”We’re here to drop off gifts! Are you gonna come to the party later?” “Hmm, maybe not this year. With all of the excitement that’s been happening, I’ve entirely forgot to finish the gifts for my parents and my brother.” “Oh! I almost forgot about him. How is he doing anyway?” “Zephyr is... Zephyr. I just hope he isn’t bothering mom and dad too much.” “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, chica, I really would like to finish up here so I can go home and celebrate Angra day with a bottle of tequilla!” he declared with an anxious gait. “Angra?” boomed the low, guttural, powerful voice of Bael as his eyes cracked open, “I haven’t heard that name in years.” “Eh, what’s it to you?” “I don’t concern myself with faerie tales,” Bael remarked with a huff, “I’m simply surprised anyone still believes in that thing.” “What did you just say, pendejo?” Elvis sneered as his hands clutched the gifts he was still holding a little tighter. “Who’s Angra?” Fluttershy asked innocently. “A fool that had his face beaten in by some human, or so the legend goes.” “The GOD HAND, not just some human! You better show some bloody respect, puta!” “I respect what’s real and not some little fiend’s bedtime nightmare.” Elvis was prepared to throw down the packages he had and tussle with the massive creature when Pinkie stepped in, blocking Elvis’ path and keeping him from destroying the gifts. “Ooookay, okay, I think we should be off,” Pinkie interjected, already pushing Elvis away from the frog and Fluttershy. “We have a lot of houses to see before we go home. I’ll see you later, Fluttershy!” She then pat Elvis on the back, giving him words of condolences and encouragement while Elvis muttered to himself about how Angra was real and that he and his cohorts were about to resurrect him before the God Hand came back to thwart their plans. As the two disappeared from Fluttershy’s view, she whirled around and gave the big toad a chastising glare. “That wasn’t very nice, Bael,” Fluttershy stated. “I have a policy of being honest when not hunting,” he retorted. “And just because you don’t believe in something, doesn’t mean you should make fun of those who do.” Bael raised an eyebrow. He then grunted and started closing his eyes. “Bael, are you listening to me?” “I am.” “And?” “I am not apologizing.” Fluttershy gave a sigh, and shook her head. She then thought for a moment, and spoke again. “It’s Hearth’s Warming Eve.” “As you have mentioned.” “I know you aren’t keen on celebrating the holidays but... do you mind sincerely apologizing to Elvis, please? As a gift for me?” “Is that the gift you want? My apology? To him and his childish thoughts?” She nodded. Bael sat in silence for a moment, before shuffling back into a comfortable position and closing his eyes. “Tomorrow.” “Tomorrow?” “Is that a problem?” Fluttershy flew up to the great beast’s side, and gave him a very gentle kiss on his ice-cold, slick and bumpy cheek as thanks. “You’re good underneath all that grump, you know that?” The demon muttered and grumbled as it wiped its face quickly of the spot she kissed and once again reshuffled itself into a resting position. “I’m gonna head back inside. I’ve some last minute things to take care of before tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything, ok?” Despite the lack of response, she felt he heard her. With nothing left to do or say outside, she headed back into her home to get ready for the rest of the evening and the entirety of tomorrow. Bael simply sat in the snow, alone in the cold and melancholy, enjoying the strange sensations of the winter wonderland that made him think of his home. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- As Pinkie and Elvis visited various houses, handing out a variety of gifts and wishing happy holidays, they soon came across the Carousel Boutique, where Dumah, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle were standing outside of. The two sisters were looking up in awe as Dumah, somehow in the possession of a rather large hunk of ice, had constructed a monument with a chisel and hammer, only to scratch out finer details with his own claws. It seemed like he was about to finish up, so the party pony and her sidekick in gift-delivery approached the trio. Rarity was the first to notice their presence. “Oh, Pinkie, Darling! Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve!” “Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you too! Whatchya guys doin’?” “Well, it was quite the long story, actually,” Rarity began, “I was trying to get Dumah here a gift for his first Hearth’s Warming Celebration, asking him all sorts of questions and what he would want or need, but he adamantly refused to cooperate practically all winter long. You KNOW how uncooperative he can be when it comes to his sense of chivalry and fairness. The whole ordeal cost me a couple months, pushing his gift down the list further and further until today, as I finally convinced him to tell, but he demanded that he make it even. So, at his request, I had Bael deliver a massive ice chunk to my door so he could carve something out of it. Honestly, he’s been at this all morning.” “And I’ve never seen anything like it,” Sweetie Bell added. Pinkie and Elvis looked up and got a good look at what exactly he was making. It was a massive statue of a bi-ped with cloven hands like his, silken long straight hair tied in a pony-tail, strange yet elegant armor minus a helm, smooth skin, square jaw, and what seemed to be a cape draped over his right arm. The figure in question was standing with the posture of a royal, with one hand resting on the pommel of a battle axe with the blade’s head sunk into the ground. Directly behind and above the figure was a strange symbol, with nine other symbols carved into it at various spots. Right at the figures shins were two more lumps of unchiselled ice, which he was working on at the moment. “Pendejo, I ain’t no artist, but that’s some buen trabajo,” Elvis declared. “I never considered you to be a man of culture,” replied Dumah in his deep, commanding voice. “I ain’t.” “There may be hope for you yet.” “Who is it?” Pinkie asked. “Me,” Dumah replied, “Centuries ago, before my brother’s execution, and the retreating of our clans to the further corners of our land.” “I think it’s absolutely lovely, Darling,” Rarity complimented, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were quite the looker back then.” “As vampires, we all flaunted impossible beauty before our lessers. It was a tactic of intimidation and domination.” Rarity became a little nervous. “O-oh... I see.” “But, those days are long gone. Even before now, when we first began to evolve and mutate, physical beauty was abandoned in favor of power. I have never seen what has become of my brothers, but I can only surmise that they have changed into something equally as monstrous as I... or worse.” “That’s depressing,” Sweetie Bell interjected. “Never the less, this temporary monument is here to show not who I was or to lament my past, but to to show how I feel within, to celebrate my history, and look forward to the future in this new, strange eon.” “And the two unfinished ice chunks?” Sweetie asked. “You’ll soon see.” “Anyway!” Pinkie interjected, “We’ve brought Hearth’s Warming gifts!” Pinkie then swiftly snatched away a couple of gifts that Elvis was holding from the middle of the stacks, surprisingly managing to avoid making them topple over, and gave them to her friend and little sister. Sweetie was about to open hers, when Rarity chastised her little sister. “For shame, Sweetie. Have you no patience?” “Aww, but Rarity. Can’t I just open one? Please?” “You can wait until this evening, can’t you?” “Awwwwwwwww,” both Sweetie and Pinkie whined. “Wh- Pinkie? Why are you complaining?” Rarity asked. “Because, I wanted to see the look on your faces when you open them!” “You do realize we’ll be seeing you later tonight, right?” “Oh yeeeeaaaah. I’ve been so busy today that I forgot about that. I’m such a knuckle-head,” she bemused, tapping her forehead with her hoof. “Speaking of, Fluttershy might not make it this time. She’s still a little busy with her gifts, and I’m too busy to help.” “Say no more, darling,” Rarity interjected, before turning to her little sister. “Sweetie, darling. Would you be a dear, and go help Fluttershy with what she needs done?” “Sure, but only if you let me open TWO gifts tonight.” “Oh you-!” Rarity huffed, “Very well, you cheeky child, but only TWO. The rest will wait until tomorrow.” “YAY! I’ll see you later then!” And with that, Sweetie was off like a racer competing for first. “And that’s my cue to take my own leave. I owe Applejack a visit before tonight.” She then turned to Dumah. “Darling, would you be so kind as to watch the shop for me? I shouldn’t be out for too long, but just in case.” “It is under my protection as always. I await your return.” “You’re such a gentlestallion. I’ll be back soon.” Turning to Pinkie and Elvis, “I’ll be seeing you two later tonight as well.” With a wave of her hoof, and the placing of a saddle pack on her back, Rarity was off, which had Elvis and Pinkie follow suit after sharing their goodbyes to Dumah. Alone with his project, he continued to chip and scratch away bits of ice until the form of a prominent curled mane started to come into view. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- “A little more to the left. No, the other left,” Applejack directed. As winters would go, it wasn’t a particularly eventful one for the Apples at Sweet Apple Acres. It was mostly business as usual. Granny Smith, the grand matriarch of the orchard and business, was preoccupied with prep work for the next day and a half, making enough grub to bring to the party later today, and a nice Apple style feast tomorrow. Applebloom herself was doing her best helping her grandmother with the preparations, taking notes and learning how to cook with the best of them. Big Macintosh, with a snow plow attached to his yoke, cleared away the walkway and nearby road to help ponies have easier access to the farm. Not that many would even need to travel these roads this late into the winter and this close to Hearth’s Warming. Most ponies tended to travel to and from the town around a week before then. Still, it was a chore more out of common courtesy rather than necessity. As for Applejack... “Ya need to hang the lights a little higher there, sugarcube,” the farmpony stated, before rubbing her injured elbow that was in a sling. Normally, she’d be the one dealing with Hearth’s Warming decorations, but her attempts this year earned her a fresh injury due to a freak accident. The injury itself was light, but it would keep her out of working condition for a few days. Never the less, the decorations needed to go up, so she enlisted the help of her charge: a cybernetic creature from another reality entirely, named after the heavy weather phenomenon, Monsoon. “High enough that you’d fall and break your leg if you were doing this yourself... oh wait,” he retorted with a cheeky grin. “Watch it, buster.” “I don’t even know why you’d go through with the trouble to decorate quite literally everything on the property,” he muttered as he hung up the the lights in the correct spot finally. To be fair, due to his natural height compared to ponies, he could easily reach what most others would need a ladder to help them with. This wasn’t even going into his powers allowing him to manipulate metals, no matter how small, with great dexterity. “Or, why you don’t want me to use Lorentz force to deal with this quicker.” “It’s tradition,” shouted Granny Smith from within the Apple Family home. “Of course,” he snarked, hanging up the next set. Applejack sighed. “Monsoon, normally Ah’d do it myself, but-” “-you’re stubborn, refuse progress, would rather do things that would cause you the most trouble, and said actions have made it so that you need outside help due to an accident caused by ‘tradition’.” “Do I hear sass?” Granny Smith interjected from within the home once again. “Sass is only gonna earn you pebbles in yer gift, sonny!” “You already have the advantage of bein’ so tall, so what’s the harm in doin’ it without yer fancy magnet thingy powers?” Applejack asked. Monsoon sighed, and continued to hang up the remaining lights. “Fine,” he said simply. “Yoo-hoo! Applejack, darling!” Rarity called, as she walked down the freshly made path. “Rare? What the hay are you doin’ here?” “Just wanted to visit a friend. You still coming to the soiree?” “’Bout the only thing I can do with the bum foreleg o’ mine.” “Oh, Applejack, you didn’t...” “’Fraid I have.” “Which is why I’m out here, dithering with these childish ornaments in her place,” Monsoon interjected. “Monsoon, I know you are quite cynical, but didn’t you celebrate something similar in your own world?” He clicked his artificial tongue before he returned to his task. Applejack gave a short laugh. “Don’t mind him. Granny just got done threatening to give him rocks for Hearth’s Warming if he keeps up the sass. I think he’s just trying to curb it.” Rarity giggled a little. “Well, I certainly hope that when you’re done with your chores that you’ll be joining the festivities as well, Monsoon.” Monsoon froze for a moment, before he continued working. “If he wants his gifts un-pebbled, he will,” Granny Smith once again interjected from inside the house, “An’ I better not hear that you’ve been broodin’ all party. Bad enough I had to deal with moody teenagers several times before in mah life. Don’t need a grown... whatever the tartarus you are, sulkin’ up the spirit ‘fore Applebloom’s turn in a few years time.” “Hey!” Applebloom exclaimed, a little offended at that last remark. “I’ll be as pleasant as possible,” Monsoon assured loud enough for the old mare to hear through strained, gritted teeth. “Oh, before I go,” Rarity said, reaching into her saddle pack, “I have something for you.” “Couldn’t wait for the party?” Applejack asked. “Had to beat you to the kick, so to speak. Go ahead. Open it.” Curiosity piqued, Applejack did as she was told and found inside was a hair clip made of an elegant gold with an apple shaped orange gemstone set in its center. “I was struck by inspiration while gem hunting, and with Dumah’s assistance, I was able to create this. I don’t have them all made, however. You’d be surprised how difficult it is to make one for Pinkie, or Twilight for that matter.” “Why... thanks Rare. It’s beautiful,” Applejack confessed. “You’ve really outdone yourself. Both of you.” “Aw, stop. I’m just being me. You know that,” she laughed, waving her hoof dismissively. “I certainly hope you like mah gift. I promise to bring it to the party later tonight.” “Indeed. I’ll be seeing you there, then. You too, Monsoon.” Monsoon barely gave out a grunt in acknowledgement as Rarity trotted along, ready to return to the Boutique for a little while before getting ready for the party. Applejack took off her hat, fastened the clip to her hair, before replacing the hat back on here head. It felt comfortable and nice having such a pretty little thing of her own that could function to keep loose hair out of her eyes on days that make a hat unnecessary. At least it wasn’t some overtly gaudy piece of jewelry that Rarity liked to troll Applejack with from time to time. “Alright Monsoon. Best ya hurry up so we can get ready for the party.” “I suppose if I must. I can’t keep your mare-friend waiting, after all.” “Like I haven’t heard THAT a thousand times.” “Damn, and I thought I was being original there. Oh well,” he lamented falsely, chuckling to himself anyway. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- At another part of the town’s limits in the late afternoon, hovering high in the sky above a mailbox, sat the rather impressive structure upon a mound of fluffy clouds. A cascading multi-colored waterfall decorated the side, giving the whole place a vivid and rich look. The owner of this extravagant home, however, wasn’t entirely a rich or extravagant individual, save for her boasting of various accomplishments, and more built the home herself from stray clouds as a display of her upfront and uncompromising nature. And, on this day before Hearth’s Warming, normal pony decorations were scarce, if not absent, but not for the lack of trying. It’s difficult to keep garland and lights fastened to clouds, even if they are top quality products from Cloudsdale itself. However, this year, she was lucky enough to be granted a guest of honor that was all too happy to add its own decor. Adna, an angel from another realm of existence, rose its staff into the air, which glowed brilliantly like the dawning sun, and created golden objects as light as the clouds themselves. Orbs, strings of garland, crosses, stars, little miniature of Dears and Decorations, along with little ponies in the style of cherubs. All the while it was humming unfamiliar songs while it drifted about the home, adding more bold, gold trinkets and festive features. It was then it soon heard the sound of the mailbox flap squeaking open before obviously being shut not a moment after. The angel looked down from the not-so-humble abode and spied a little grey pegasus with cross-eyes, decked out in mail-mare gear and a scarf. It glided down from on high and landed before the wall-eyed post-mare and gave a short bow. “Good eve to thee, and may I wish a Merry Christmas unto thine presence.” Adna spoke. “Christmas?” she asked, looking puzzled. “Indeed!... oh,” the angel realized, “My apologies. I have yet to fully remember that this realm, though similar, bares different names and terms, even for holy days. I lose that notion when lost in the moment, I’m afraid. Regardless, Happy Hearth’s Warming, and may the forces of evil become confused and disoriented on the path to your home.” Just before Adna was about to claim the piece of mail that was in the box and fly away, the little pegasus stopped it out of a burning curiosity. “Wait! What’s Christmas?” “Oh, thoust wish to know?” She nodded vigorously. “The history is long and complicated, but from the world myself and my brethren watched over, it was a day of celebration over the birth of their purest example of humanity’s good, and the wishing of peace across their lands.” “Ooooooooh,” she cooed, “And it has a fun name to say to boot! Christmas!” “Yes, indeed. Sadly, I do not have the time to indulge in speaking about it more. I am decorating the young Lady Dash’s home as a sign of gratitude and a gift in exchange for her ever patient hospitality, and I feel I’m running short on time before she returns.” “How do you make all of those gold things stay on clouds like that! Do you know magic?” “Miracles,” the angel corrected, only to remember a previous discussion it had with Twilight about the very topic, “But, yes, in a way, thou can consider it ‘magic’.” “I wish I could do magic. Maybe fix my eyes a li’l so I don’t run into so many things by accident.” Adna remained silent as this innocent mare looked up at it with those little golden orbs of hers. It gave a short breath, before it tussled her mane a small bit, pouring a little bit of its own divine power into her. She closed her eyes and giggled at the sensation of the good natured pat on the head and the tingling feeling she felt in her mane. “May thou never befall an accident this eve, and have a most blessed day tomorrow, little one.” “Ok. You have a good day too, mister! I hope to see you again!” And like that, she flew off, a bit more confidently this time, seemingly feeling the effects of Adna’s blessing without realizing it. Adna watched for a moment, before it turned to the mailbox and retrieved the mail that was slipped inside. In its hand, it held a letter. The letter was from Pinkie, addressed to Dash and itself. “HEY ADNA!” Called out a certain rainbow maned pegasus that sped towards his location like a missile in hot pursuit. She landed at its birdlike feet with a skidded stop, kicking up a little snow in the process. “Thou entrance needs a little more work, Lady Dash.” “Dude, I’ve told you like a billion times, you don’t need to call me ‘Lady’ all the time.” “Habits.” “So, what’s in the mail?” Adna simply handed the letter over, which she tore open and read the contents. It was an invitation, signed about a week ago, for the party this evening. “Aw CRUD! Our Invitation got lost in the mail! And I think I know why...” Dash was ready to rant, but she gave a sigh instead. “No, no. It’s not her fault. She tries her best, and at least the mail shows up in perfect condition... normally. I just wish it wasn’t so late, or lost for so long, so often” “If I may be so bold, I believe I have met the mare you are assuming the repeat offense belongs to.” “She’s a nice gal, ain’t she?” “Surprisingly more innocent than I would have guessed, yes.” “What did you two talk about?” “Hearth’s warming, mostly. She seemed to be a very busy mare, so I had to keep it short, and make it appear as if my own activities were far from over, at least in part.” “You did a good job on the decorating. I’d most certainly win most unique Hearth’s Warming Home decoration contest, if that were a thing.” “It would be a miracle if it would get that far, considering how festive the rest of thou little town invests itself in this holy day. However, as an angel, I am known to give miracles.” “Heeeey, are you trying to win some ‘good samaritan’ award or something?” The angel laughed a little at the notion, choosing only to return to the cloud house to assist Rainbow Dash in getting ready for the festivities. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- At the edge of the late Evening, the Hearth’s Warming Party at Sugar Cube Corner was in full swing, with the entire show being filled to the brim with a variety of ponies from town to join in the celebration. It was absolutely packed with merry souls; feasting on the many foods and holiday confectioneries, singing the variety of carols, and just chatting it up to pass the time. Among the beings in the bakery was Elvis, whom was assisting Pinkie and the Cakes handle the catering, and Monsoon, who sat slumped in the corner after answering a bunch of questions from the assortment of curious children. “I’m surprised Monsoon managed to last so long, the poor dear,” Rarity stated. “Even though the varment’s broodin’ n’ all,” Applejack mused. “Eh, I’ll let it go this time. He’s been a good sport up until now.” “That’s the Hearth’s Warming Spirit, Applejack.” “By the way, where’s that big ol’ green giant of yers?” “Dumah? Oh, he went back to his shack after he finished the sculptures, which I do believe Sweetie squealed over for a good five minutes straight. He got our likenesses down to the finest details. He then showed me the hammer and chisel he was using. Oh, Applejack, you should have seen them. Less than six months here, and they were already so battered and beaten. I’m surprised they were still capable of making something so wonderful for us.” “So, I suppose you got him a new set to use?” “Well, unfortunately, no. I’m afraid I didn’t have time to pick a set up for him. With all of the shopping I’ve done and the variety of other chores, not to mention the party-” “Does’t thou need assistance?” Adna asked as he walked by the two mares. “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash added, “Couldn’t help but overhear that you need a gift for Mr. Scaryface... as in Dumah.” “Quite,” deadpanned Rarity in response to Dash’s poor joke, “It’s not like I don’t know what he needs, but I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t think I’ll get him a decent set in time.” “Permit me to make a suggestion,” Adna requested. “Whatchya have in mind?” Applejack asked. With a golden glow, Adna created a ball of golden light in his hands, before molding and shaping the light into a hammer and chisel and handing the product to Rarity. She awed at the radiance of such objects, picking them up with her magic. “These are simply divine, darling,” she exclaimed, until she thought about it for a moment, “But, wouldn’t the light harm Dumah’s hands? I simply wouldn’t be able to allow him to use these if that were the case.” “I think I have an idea!” Pinkie shouted as she suddenly appeared. “Pinkie? How long were you there for?” Rainbow Dash wondered. “Long enough. Here, give ‘em here!” Curious to see what Pinkie had in mind, Rarity passed them over to her friend, which she took with gusto. She then reached into her mane and pulled out a roll of duct-tape, wound the handles with it, until the only hard light visible were the tool heads. “What a clever idea,” Rarity noted. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie.” “No problem. Now, if yule excuse me, I’ve got to get back to Fluttershy. She’s requested a special order for both Bael and Sweetie.” And with that, Pinkie hopped away from the group, back into the kitchen. “Again, Adna, thank you very much for helping me with this.” “Thou art most welcome, my lady.” “Say, know when Twi’s supposed to get here?” Applejack then asked. “Yeah, I haven’t seen Egghead all day. Where is she?” “Probably having a tough time getting Mantis to come out of the library. You know how anti-social he is,” Rarity answered. “It’s a shame really.” It was then that a new set of guests arrived. “Speak of the Devil,” Adna muttered. “Sorry we’re late, guys,” Twilight apologized, with Mantis and Spike in tow. “Happy Hearth’s Warming!” “Happy Hearth’s Warming!” everyone in the party seemed to answer at once. Twilight and Spike quickly joined the group and began chatting away and enjoying the atmosphere as Mantis gazed about the room, witnessing all of the happy, cheerful faces. It unnerved him a bit, to say the least. Mantis practically glided through the mass of ponies that lived it up in the festivities like a ghost. No one seemed to pay him any real mind, more concerned with having a good time than to worry about the mad psychic’s power and high likelihood of a violent mental breakdown. To be fair, they felt rather safe knowing that a demon, cyborg, and angel were nearby to help, along with the other Elements of Harmony if things were ever to break down further. Instead of such drama, however, Mantis simply glided past the current riff-raff, and ascended the stairs. Twilight noticed the lithe mentalist’s disappearance, and decided to follow after, climbing the stairs and looking into the possible rooms that he entered. The Twin’s room was empty save for themselves sleeping away, Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s room was entirely bare, which left only one option. Sure enough, Twilight reached Pinkie’s room, but found that Mantis had confined himself to the balcony, overlooking the town. He was gazing off into the distance, almost as if he were looking into the Winter Wonderland that stretched on into the night. “Mantis?” Twilight asked. The mentalist neither answered nor turned to face her, and simply remained still and continued to watch the snowy scenery. Carols could be heard in the distance, even with the party below holding loud and strong. “May I ask why you’re up here, and not joining everyone else?” “You should know why,” Mantis replied. Twilight remained silent, still cursed with his memories. There were many, many reasons why he chose to remain mostly anti-social. This time of the year, however, only ever made it magnify tenfold, or so it seemed to her. She had only known him for less than a year, but rare was the occasion where he’d willingly mingle with others during a holiday season, and Twilight knew it. She sighed, and watched the world with him. Snow soon began to fall to Equestria as the night carried on, painting the world in this oddly comfy setting. It felt like reading a holiday storybook to children while close to a burning fire within a hearth. "How..." Mantis began. “... nostalgic,” Twilight finished. Mantis glanced over to the little pony that watched after him. He too was cursed with memories, many of which were not his own, but he’d be remiss to confess that he had his favorites, lest he ruin the image that he built to keep others out of his head and heart. The time ticked away slowly as the two intellects just watched the world in silence, before Twilight made the first move, backing away from the balcony. As she finally granted his wish of solitude for the rest of the night, she turned to him once more. “Merry Christmas,” she uttered, right before she left to join the party downstairs. Without turning around, and without missing a beat, he replied. “Happy Hearth’s Warming...” -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- As the night came to a close, all creatures, native or extra-equestrian, settled into their peace. The demon of the frozen soil slept soundly as the snow and wind cradled him in a familiar embrace. The vampire of the mountains quietly hammered away at pieces of gold with his new tools, preparing them to be fitted with new jewelry. The fiend of fire lay upon his sofa with a bottle of his requested brand in hand while Pinkie laid passed out on a beaten couch with a punch bowl on her head. The angel atop the cloud castle watched over the town from high above and prayed for good will and fortune to all. The mechanical maniac sat upon the roof of the barn and watched the stars gently twinkle in the night. And finally, the world’s most powerful psychic looked out the window of his guest bedroom, with a cup of freshly brewed black coffee in hand, gazing upon the moon, and gave a small smile behind his mask. All was calm, all was bright. > Dying Land > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The profoundly frozen tundra winds whipped across the snowy lands, pushing the loose piles and shaping the dunes as the gale forces saw fit. The clouds were grey, but not too dark, as a blizzard had yet to be scheduled for the deep, cold north, and the air was as brisk as ever. A typical day in the vast, open lands of ice and snow. It was as calm as a frigid climate could be. Despite the peace, a foreboding rumble could be felt, even through the natural insulation of the churning snow in the air. It was low, as if something strong enough was pushing against something, exerting great effort to move it. Then, a swirling mass of black began to manifest from the frozen ground, slowly churning and forming some strange hole. Once it came to its complete shape, strange energies bubbled out of it like a cauldron overfilled and rolling with a boil. Not a moment after, something shot out of the inky black shape and landed in the snow with a soft crunch of the gathered tiny flakes of ice water breaking beneath the creature's clawed toes. Standing upright, the creature seemed to be as tall as a minotaur, but its build was much more svelte and alien, almost lizard like, with notable oddities. Its left arm, ended with a set of ice like claws, with its knuckles extending backward like spikes. Its right forearm seemed to be a massive log of ice. Strange growths, which had bright blue bio-luminescent spots evenly spaced along the length, starting at either side of its head lead backwards and surrounded more icicles acting like spines. A tail, normally attached to creatures at the bottom of the back, instead started at the top from the back of the head, and ran downwards smooth like a snake. The head was angular and thin, topped with an ice like helm that fitted against the thinly form, with two wing like spikes flanking either side of the creature's face, just above the glowing growths. Pauldrons made of ice, encasing the shoulders, brandished more ice-like spikes, adding to the intimidating form. Featuring a thin waist that supported an armored, angular chest, and sitting upon thick, ribbed, ice covered legs that had two spikes starting at the front of the knees and growing beside the thighs, the creature straightened itself out and gazed about its surroundings, This creature, unsurprisingly, was not native to the Equestrian magical wilds. It wasn't even a native of Tartarus. No, it was an inhabitant of "The Underworld", the vast kingdom of demons that once was commanded over by a demon king of seemingly god-like strength and ability, along with a variety of devils that boasted incredible power in their own right. Ever since the expulsion of the king, however, the normally organized chaos of the Underworld had become a total warzone due to the power vacuum left behind, which wasn't helped with the disappearance of other minor rulers and lords, and in some cases entire lineages of them. The demonic being that now stood on the tundra of Equestria's north was one that hailed from the part of the Underworld known only as the Frozen Soil, and it had come here on a mission of desperation. Lord Bael, the target of this demon's search, had disappeared, leaving a peculiar energy trail that led far and away from both the charted mortal realm and the Underworld. So far that such tunnels were both unstable and unknown. No other demon had attempted such an excursion so far away from the realm of humanity, and for good reason. Any wayward traveler using these paths may never be able to get back, especially with how difficult it was to even pass through the mortal barrier so far away. However, deep in the thoughts of the demon that now stood in Equestria's arctic snow, the risk was worth it, as Lord Bael must found at any cost. Picking up the energy signature of the demon lord the creature sought, it turned its attention to the north east and followed the trail. The demon could see a faint light in the distance, as if there was some sort of aqua colored dome just out of eyesight. Whatever strange location Bael was trapped in, it would find the answers and murder anyone that would get in the way. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- At the heart of the Crystal Empire, the city was animated with activity. A decent portion of crystal ponies, the denizens of the Empire, cantered to and fro as they made their preparations for an important, upcoming event. In honor of the city's return and the re-integration to the land of Equestria, the Crystal Empire was chosen to be the host of this year's Equestria Games, as recommended by the Solar and Lunar Princesses, and officially undertaken by Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza, the current Rulers of the Crystal Empire. The citizens, brimming with pride of such an honor, and desperately wanting to distance themselves from the dark memories of their captivity under King Sombra's rule, delighted in giving their all for the occasion. It was going to be a grand celebration for all of Equestria, and a chance for athletes far and wide across the land to test themselves among the best of the best, in flight, might, and magic. However, this wasn't the only reason for such jubilation. While grateful for the new and just rule under Shining Armor and Cadence, every citizen would be remiss to not admit their gratitude lies with another. So much so that the crystal ponies of the Empire had commissioned a statue featuring two individuals. One of which was a very familiar looking baby dragon, and the other... "This..." grumbled the great demon toad, who sat before the statue of Spike standing atop the statue of himself, the former holding the Crystal Heart, "Is a bit much." "Bael, be nice," Fluttershy had tutted, standing beside her charge. "I think it's sweet they see you in such a positive light." The former demon lord scoffed in irritation. Reverence was not a behavior he, admittedly, cared much for. Fear and obedience were more his forte, honestly. Considering his circumstances, however, he didn't have the luxury. "How were they even aware of my involvement against that mad tyrant?" "Someone must have told them," another, albeit scratchy, voice piped up from behind the two. While Bael didn't bother to try and look for the source, Fluttershy instantly whirled around to make pleasantries. "Oh, Rainbow Dash! When did you get here?" "A little while ago. Been a bit busy as part of the reserve unit and I'm actually here to fill in as a Wonderbolts rep," the rainbow maned pegasus exclaimed with a puff of pride. "Just had a few things to check out as a kind of inspection before the Wonderbolts make their decision to collaborate with the Games. I mean, they're probably going to join anyway, but rules are rules. Just finished going through the list, actually." "Oh, that sounds lovely," Fluttershy beamed with a soft smile, "What are your plans afterwards?" "Actually, I brought Adna along, hoping to give him a tour of this place. I mean, the Crystal Empire is ALL kinds of awesome!" "The pigeon is here?" Bael suddenly grunted indignantly. Rainbow Dash frowned from the comment, "Hey, not too cool there, dude. Adna's a chill guy." "Bael, I thought we talked about this," Fluttershy chastised once again. The great demon toad gave a sigh, but relinquished no apology. Fluttershy gave her own sigh, turning back to her dear friend, "Please, don't mind him, Rainbow. He's been grumpy for a little while now. It was quite the difficult morning, keeping ponies from crowding around him." Rainbow gazed back at the toad for a moment, and then towards the statue. She noted that, while it was clear the point of interest was Spike's likeness whom was shown balancing upon one of the higher spines of ice with a single foot, holding aloft the crystal heart, there was no denying that Bael took up quite a bit of space just below the little drake, He looked somewhat scary, but at the same time dignified. The Element of Loyalty was kind of impressed to say the least. "I mean," Rainbow started, "If I had a statue in my honor, I'd be playing it up for the crowd as much as they'd want. Keep 'em entertained and wanting more!" "I am not some side-show," the toad said in exasperation. "Clearly," another voice piped up from behind Rainbow Dash, "Though it puzzles me why these good creatures would even WANT to carve such an image of reverie for an abominable beast as thou." "Oh, hey Adna!" Rainbow exclaimed as she turned to face the angel. Fluttershy pursed her lips. While she had long since forgiven and appreciated Adna for its actions, services, and apologies up to now, she couldn't help but feel somewhat irked every time the angel decided to act petty towards beings like Bael. She held out hope that they'd one day get along, but until then she had more or less resigned herself to act as referee. "I had quite the bothersome day," Bael explained with a hint of irritation, "So, I'd greatly appreciate if you refrain from adding to it." Before the angel was able to interject to indulge in its petty behavior, Fluttershy cut Adna off with her own statement, "I'd actually like to second that request, Mister Adna," she said as sweetly as she normally would, "No one wants any unneeded trouble right now, and I'm sure you'd be better off having that tour with Rainbow." The angel fell silent for a moment, before giving a small shrug. Rainbow Dash kicked off the ground and floated up towards the creature's shoulder, giving it a light bump with her hoof. "Hey, come on," she teased, "Fluttershy's right. You'd be better off pallin' with me. There's gotta be something cool that caught your eye around here that I could take you to." Adna thought for a moment, before finally giving a short nod. With a quick wave, Rainbow Dash took to the skies as the angel followed, hoping to discuss with her the point of interest. Fluttershy watched them leave for a moment with a smile, before she turned back to the great toad with somewhat of an annoyed look. However, unlike other times that the demon had picked a verbal fight with others where he would gloat or mock the other party afterwards, this time he sat silent and clearly thinking about something more important. "Bael?" Fluttershy addressed, transforming the annoyance to concern. "What's wrong?" The great demon sat, staring at the statue that depicted himself just below the little drake that balanced upon a shard of ice jutting from his back. Paying more attention, the visage of the giant toad was of as he is now, rather than what he was. Of course they didn't know, for how could they? It was still a sorry state of affairs, regardless of current circumstances. He gave a disgruntled huff of disapproval, before he spoke again, "Undeserving." -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Rainbow Dash and Adna stood at the west edge of the Crystal Empire's boarders, where the Crystal Heart's defensive shield exists, stretching both north and southward, and continued to encircle the whole of the territory. It was quite possibly one of the more magnificent displays of magic that any individual could easily approach. It had the property of being able to screen all who cross the threshold, locking out those that have come to harm or subjugate the citizens within its limits. At least, that's how it was perceived. However ever since the incident with Bael many moons ago, it had been called into question just exactly how it did this. Scholars came from all over Equestria not only to rediscover this land once lost for a millennium, but also to help figure out why the shield, and subsequently the Crystal Heart, behaved in such a way. After learning of the incident itself, Adna vowed to pay the Empire a visit to investigate. Ever since it had that talk with Twilight about how magic in the world worked, it had taken the time to research the topic on its own terms to discover just how close magic relates to miracles, and vice versa. It didn't consume its thoughts, but it was also not going to let opportunities to discover the answers it sought simply slip away. Which is why the angel now, slowly walking a small length parallel to the magical forcefield, stared at it intensely. "Uh, dude, are you sure you wanna look at this all day? I mean, there are other, cooler things to go and check out here, like the coliseum, or the jousting tracks," Rainbow Dash suggested. "In due time, Lady Dash," the angel answered, "I wish to fathom this peculiarity." "What's there to know? It lets good stuff in, keeps bad stuff out." "What of the demon toad?" "Well, he's not BAD per se, but-" "But that creature was once possessed by a malicious phantasm, and still managed to pierce this wall," Adna finished for the little pegasus, "Further, from what Maiden Sparkle hath told me, said malicious entity crossed the threshold from a physical form it robbed from the demon." "So, Sombra basically piggy-backed off of Bael?" "But the how and why remain confounded." Adna opened its wings, and jumped through the shield, easily passing through, before jumping back in. It lightly shook off the snow that managed to catch to its body and feathers. "What was that?" "Attempted to be locked out. I imagined myself committing the sin of murder unjustified, and was still let in. This is troubling and perplexing." "Yeah, uh, I don't want something that wants to mess me up THAT bad waltzing right in." "So, is it ineffectual, or dost there be more to the puzzle? What pieces are missing?" Adna then reached out its hand to the barrier and phased it partially through, trying to feel it as if it were water from a waterfall. Now that the angel was paying close attention, the magic from the shield felt more like wisps of fire, but warm rather than burning hot, and a tingling sensation accompanied the feeling. Furthermore, it had a strange weight to it. It somewhat made some sense to the angel, as a plane of magic specifically erected to keep individuals out needed to have some force behind it. The same principle could be applied to how hard light worked, albeit with a much more solid density compared to this shield's more liquid like form. Before it could continue to ponder the query, something exploded through the shield directly overhead of them and landed upon the grass nearby. It was a strange, lizard-like bipedal creature that wore ice upon its form as if it were armor and weapons. It slowly stood up fully and surveyed it surroundings, as the grass below it began to freeze over. Adna summoned its staff and took flight, dropping back down a few paces in front of it, brandishing the weapon in defense. "Halt, demon," Adna stated. The creature took one step back, raising the right arm, which appeared to be a giant log of ice, and hissed. "An angel?!" the demon seethed in a harsh, scratchy feminine voice. "Whoa, hey, what's going on!?" Rainbow Dash called out, speeding to Adna's side. The demon in question glanced at her, which gave the pegasus a slight chill. "How did thou get through? What is thine intention!?" Adna demanded, reaffirming the strength of its staff. "It's none of your concern, creature!" The demon barked before bitterly mumbling, "Damned luck, after everything else." "Hey, hey, listen," Rainbow Dash interjected, "If you tell us what's up-" "STAY OUT OF THIS, MORTAL!" The demon screamed, slashing with her claws. Rainbow Dash shifted back, barely avoiding the attack. Adna then swiped its staff up to meet the claws and effectively parry it. The lizard-like monster jumped back on reflex and raised her right arm again, letting the chunk of ice act like a shield. "Alright, that does it, buddy," Rainbow Dash growled. "You're cruisin' for a brusin'!" "No, Allow me to handle the situation," Adna interjected. "Yeah, well, someone's gotta make sure you don't go to far against her. So, I ain't leaving you behind!" The angel sighed, "Very well. Non-lethal it is." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. Not what I meant, you birdbrain, but sure, that too. The demonic foe rushed forward, swiping with extended claws again, only to be blocked by Adna's staff. Rainbow Dash swiftly circled to the left side of the opponent and lunged, tackling her with as much force as she could muster. It was enough to put the demon off balance, but recovery was swift as she hopped back and regained a sense of balance, once again presenting the thick chunk of ice on the right arm as a shield. Irritated, she channeled magic down into her claws, leaped into the air, and aimed at the two interlopers. Sensing danger, Adna blocked Rainbow Dash with its body and pulled up a hard light force field. It was all in the nick of time, as the demon fired off her claws, spreading magic infused ice like a blast from a blunderbuss. The shot that hit the shield shattered and disappeared from view, but the portion that missed the target and hit the ground suddenly sprouted large shards of ice crystals. "Whoa, thanks, dude." Rainbow stated in appreciation. "Hark and stay focused," Adna replied, adjusting its stance. "Don't have to tell me twice." The icy devil landed on the ground and kept low in a crouch, eyeing the strange flying horse and the angel with annoyance. Honestly, the angel itself was perhaps the most jarring encounter out of the two, as for all intents and purposes, angels had long been kept away from the affairs of the Underworld, gated off from the mortal realms they had access to. At least, that's what was believed. In reality, only devils of a higher standing that have lived much, MUCH longer than her, such as Bael, would even know the full story as to why angels, while known of, were never seen while dealing with realms such as the Human world. It was honestly a bit much to consider, but the train of thought was derailed when she picked up the energy signature of the one she sought in the first place. Bael was very close by, which was a thankfully lucky turn of events. Gazing back to her two opponents, there was a bit of a begrudging understanding that they had the upper hand in this situation, and combat was looking less and less viable. There was one thing she could do, but it would be a risk that could backfire in a number of ways. Though, standing at odds with an angel and a surprisingly capable mortal was not exactly a great position to be in; no matter how one would look at it. So, the risk needed to be taken if there was to be any chance in reaching Lord Bael. The fight was a lost cause anyway. So, with a moment of concentration, she felt her body begin to transform and separate, until she turned into streams of ice, which shot past the two that stood in her path, and recombined behind them. The two whirled around as quickly as they could upon realizing what had happened, but by the time they could move, the demon shot off like a bullet, heading straight for the empire's city limits. She didn't realize, however, that the gamble for a head start would be easily thwarted by the peculiar multicolored pegasus, whom not only outpaced the attempt at escape, but doubled back to land a back pedaling shove. This was enough for the angel to catch up and deliver a running overhead swing, forcing the demon to block it. Damnit! she thought bitterly, how could this have happened to me! Pushing off the angel's staff, she swiped again with her claws, only to get quickly parried before the messenger of god stepped back to set up for another assault. Oh no, I'm not letting you breathe this time, she thought as she pointed her claws at her opponent, and began firing them off like crossbow bolts. The angel parried and stuck each bolt that came towards it, expertly defending itself while it took steps to inch closer. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash shot back towards the demonic foe, only to grab onto the very unprotected tail and yanked back. The effect was immediate, as the opponent was swiftly taken off balance. Seeing the opportunity, Adna performed a few false swipes from the left and the right, before delivering a swift smack with the flat of the staff's head to knock over the demon. She went down like a collapsing ice sculpture, and was soon quickly pinned by both the Element of Loyalty, whom held down her clawed left arm, and her charge, whom brandished its staff against her neck while stepping on the defensive ice on her right arm. "Alright, have you finally chillaxed?" Rainbow Dash asked, panting from the sudden work-out. The creature struggled, somewhat surprised at the strength of the mortal, not to mention the speed the pegasus displayed. "Either kill me or let me go!" she demanded angrily. "Give us thine intention," Adna stated. "Never to you, you hideous, holy boot licker," she spat. Suddenly, the three started to feel a rumble in the distance that approached closer and closer. Soon, they heard a familiar, albeit irritated voice. "What in the blasted seven circles is going on out here!?" "Lord Bael!" the demon exclaimed. "Lord Bael?" Rainbow Dash questioned. Adna, however, said nothing, and simply glanced towards his warden, whom caught his gaze. Then the angel lowered his weapon, as if it were a signal to the Lady Dash. With a nod, the two let the icy, reptilian demon go, feeling safer in the current situation now. She didn't quite understand why the angel and the mortal let her free, but she wasn't going to waste the moment. She scrambled back to her feet, only to rush up and drop to one knee in a deep bow before the great demon toad. "Lord Bael!" she exclaimed again, now in a more professional tone, "This humble Frost from your fourth battalion is now before you to report." Bael then had a concerned look on his face for a moment. "The fourth battalion? Then..." "The Kingdom of the Frozen Soil has fallen." "What?!" he replied in shock. "After you disappeared and the gate was closed, your brother Dagon gathered the rest of your kin to re-occupy the human location you captured and send a search party to look for you, believing you were still alive." "If you are here then-?" "I'm afraid my arrival here is not under Lord Dagon's orders. After they reoccupied the area, the Son of Sparda, Nemesis of the fallen Lord Mundus, had suddenly appeared, and dispatched your brother. While fighting, the rest of your siblings returned to the occupation point, only to be obliterated by the foul half-breed, with the gate taking colossal damage to the point of total destruction. Most of us retreated back to the Kingdom of Frozen Soil to defend the territory until your possible safe return, while few of our ranks attempted to intercept the crimson beast to halt its progress, but those that departed never returned." "This does not explain you and your current standing, Frost," Bael finally interjected. "We held onto the Kingdom as long as we could, but our forces were wiped out by the King of the Cerberus tribe, driving survivors out from the land." "That blasted pup," the ex-Demon Lord growled. "I am the only one that held onto hope, your Lordship," the Frost confessed, voice shaking a little, "You had to have been out there, somewhere. Your presence didn't end like your brothers. We need you!" Bael sat in silence, somewhat touched by the little Frost's devotion. However, a question remained. "How have you been able to gain access to this realm?" "It was no easy task, Lord Bael," the Frost stated, "It took a good amount of my strength to breach the barrier between the mortal realm from the demon realm, let alone find the correct location to perform this act. However, I'm sure with your immense power that you'll be able to pass through with no trouble!" Bael sighed at the declaration, realizing a fatal flaw. "Frost of the Fourth Battalion, do you not ask why I haven't left of my own accord?" Somewhat befuddled by such a simple question, the Frost then asked exactly that, "Why haven't you left, my Lord?" "It seems you do not know how the barriers work," the great toad began, "Strength is the exact reason why I cannot leave. Only gates or strong enough conduits allow demons of my caliber to cross over without a ritual or medium for summoning. Whatever that brought me here through the tunnel, whatever crossing of magic that has occurred from the gate I once guarded, it had sent me here. My strength now keeps me locked to this land, as all barriers will prevent me from leaving. You, however, are just weak enough to pass through, though not without some effort it appears." The little demon's head hung low, not only from the news that her lord was trapped, but that she's considered "weak" enough to be let through. It was all some kind of a sick joke she believed. "Never the less," Bael continued, "Due to a contract, I may yet have a way to leave." "A contract?" The Frost questioned, "With who?" "Th-that would be me," said Fluttershy, who peaked out from behind one of the larger ice crystals along Bael's back. Apparently she had accompanied him just in case. "What?! Another of those strange horse mortals!?" exclaimed the incredulous demon, "How dare you stand upon the glorious form of Lord Bael, and why would he EVER strike such a deal with you?!" Rainbow Dash snorted, stifling a laugh, barely able to contain the offending word, "G-glorious?" before she full on broke down into a fit of guffaws. The angel gave a light chuckle following Rainbow's inability to stay quiet, which caused the Frost to shoot a rather venomous glare at the two, thinking evil thoughts and wishing evil actions on them for the audacity. Bael cleared its throat, bringing the other demon's attention back to him and getting Adna and Rainbow to silence themselves. "She, and her kind, have assisted me and have promised to help in researching a method for my safe return home." "You'd stoop to accepting their help?!" the Frost hissed. "I would have been trapped, lost, or dead if it weren't for their intervention," Bael angrily replied with a stomp of his mighty foot. The Frost flinched, but remained bowing. "I-I apologize. I have spoken out of line," she stated calmly and contritely. Curiosity, however, returned to the demon, as it made it known to her patriarch, "Permit me to ask, my Lord." "Ask of what?" "What have happened to your feelers?" "Oh," the great demon toad sighed in annoyance, "My involuntary travel to this realm was not a painless one. Allow me to leave it at that." "And you can't grow them back?" "I can not. i must return to my home to have the possibility of doing so." The Frost nodded her head, accepting the answer. "This is a command from your Lord, Frost," Bael then stated with an air of authority, "Return to the Underworld, and seek out any that remain loyal to me. Bestow upon them the knowledge of my safety, and the promise of my return. Gather in secret, and sure up the numbers. When I am able to return, we will march back to our home, and retake the Kingdom of Frozen Soil. If I am, for whatever reason unable to return, then I cast you, my most devout of servants as leader in my stead." He then adjusted his gaze towards where Fluttershy sat. "Detach a crystal for me, and hand it to the Frost before us." Fluttershy silently nodded, and did exactly as she was asked, gently fluttering down to the now agitated reptilian demon. Fluttershy steeled her resolve trying not to be intimidated, and placed the crystal down before the demon, before returning to Bael's side. "Take this shard as proof of my survival, Frost, and go with my blessing to lead in my place if I am unable to come back." "My Lord," the Frost had started, retrieving the shard from Bael, holding it close, "I am too taxed to return as of now." "Stand," Bael commanded, and the Frost obeyed. He then slowly approached the demon, before raising one leg and extending a finger towards the dutiful soldier before him. Upon touching the Frost, she suddenly began to glow for the briefest of moments. The demon suddenly felt rejuvenated, and gazed up towards her master. "Do not squander my blessings. Now go," Bael ordered. With a quick, final bow, the Frost did as ordered. With a summon of dark magic that surrounded her through immense concentration, an inky black pool soon opened up below her feet, before she sunk into the darkness and disappeared. The small portal swiftly closed and vanished, leaving no trace, almost as if the Frost was never there in the first place. "That could have been messy," Rainbow Dash quipped. Bael then turned his attention to the two, and gave a slight bow. This surprised not only Rainbow Dash and Adna, but Fluttershy as well, knowing how difficult it was for him to behave contrite. "I must thank you for the mercy you have shown my subordinate," Bael stated, "I fear that she would have effectively slaughtered anyone that would have gotten to me if you hadn't intervened." "Aww, look, he does care," Rainbow cooed jokingly. "Do not mistake me, mortal," Bael growled, "A death of any of your kind, intentional or not, from me or my extensions would result in a detriment to my desires to return home. I am simply thanking you for showing mercy regardless of the danger." "How was something that dangerous able to get through the Empire's barrier?" Fluttershy asked. "I suspect," Adna answered, "it may have to do with the type of magic, not the intention as one would think." It then looked back towards the limits of the force-field. "Miss Sparkle once informed me that demonic beings carry chaos energies in their magic, and thus are less bound by the rules of the mortal realm." "Maybe that's how Sombra was able to get through last time," Fluttershy reasoned. "We should probably tell Princess Cadance and Shining Armor about this." "Verily," Adna agreed, "Let us do so, then." With that said, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Adna all began their trek back through the city. However, Fluttershy stopped for a moment and turned back to Bael. "Bael?" "I will return soon," The great toad replied, "Do not mind me." Fluttershy frowned slightly. She didn't want to leave the little frog alone in such a dour state, having been thrust a bunch of tragic information before him, but she felt that coddling him like she would other animals would just upset the demon more. She had learned today that he was far, FAR more than just some lost creature. To be fair, she kind of knew that already, but the events of today solidified the fact and made it indisputable. Perhaps this was why he was so against praise from others and believed himself "undeserving" of it. She sighed, wished him well, and followed the other two back to the city, leaving Bael to stare out across the grassy planes that ended abruptly at the edge of the magical barrier. It was calm and quiet, but now there was an air of assurance. As terrible as the news he got was, and knowing he was now the sole member of his clan, the soul of the Kingdom still stood as long as his followers lived. He was still Lord of the Frozen Soil. > White Night Fantasy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A hazy, snowy view of the forest was all that she could see while running desperately. The winds whipped about fresh, harsh powder, further obscuring the scenery. It was cold and unforgiving. The trees, blanketed in the white, heightened her fear as much as the snarling, gnashing sounds did, which were thankfully distant behind her. She couldn't even remember how she got here, let alone why, which made her all the more desiring to flee. Her wings refused to open, keeping her well and truly grounded as her hoofbeats kicked up snow behind her. Her breathing was heavy and panicked, tears threatening to stream down her face as the terror gripped her deafening, beating heart. The strange thing, which slowly crept into more horrifying territory, was the fact that no matter how hard she ran, the vicious sounds of whatever was chasing her never seemed to be too far off. Worse, it always seemed closer with every passing second. Then, an angry howl erupted behind her, causing her to let out a cry of fear. The moment her voice rang out, she felt her body begin to slow, neither from fatigue nor her own will, as if time itself was dropping to a crawl. She tried desperately to push further, harder, but it was in vain. Then, suddenly, as if time resumed its normal pace, her hoof hit a rock and caused her to trip and fall forward. She let out a terrified scream as the sensation of falling overtook her. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Fluttershy woke up with a start, breathing heavily, pawing at her face and hugging herself close. Her hooves touched against the wet streaks of her cheeks, realizing how much those visions had affected her. She gave a deep, labored, and shaky sigh of relief as the winter morning rays slowly seeped into her bedroom. The birds that had not left to get away from the season of snow and ice chirruped sweetly in their sing-song voices, giving the animal caretaker a moment of respite. There was then the sudden, booming grunt that emerged from behind her home, scaring the birds away, at least for the time being. Instead of startling her, as would most sudden and loud noises, she felt somewhat comforted, at least a little bit. It was quite strange, really. Once upon a time, she was just a meek, milquetoast pegasus that lived in a small cottage beside the Everfree Forest, tending to woodland critters and healing sick animals. It was a small, simple life that she had curated for herself the moment she realized her calling in the world. Though, while she was still a meek, milquetoast pegasus in a small cottage, she had also became a national heroine, a therapist for the Spirit of Chaos, and guardian of a particularly dangerous creature. To say that her life ran ahead of her would be an understatement. This didn't even go into the new pressures these titles and expectations granted with the responsibilities. She'd be lying if she didn't want to just go back to her simple life, maybe slowly work her way up to opening her dream animal sanctuary one day. She gave a sigh in resignation as she slipped out of bed, letting her hooves touch the cold of the floor. She shivered a tad, becoming a bit more awake than she had been, before she made he way to the bathroom. Fixing her mane and washing her face, she prepared to tackle the new day the best she could, reaffirming the tasks ahead of her in her mind. First item of the day was to check on the animals. Considering the season, many of them, had either left for warmer climates like the aforementioned birds or had entered hibernation to wait out the winter. While not ideal, it did mean there were less to tend to, freeing up more time in the day for other tasks. Especially... Her brush suddenly snagged on a particularly heavy knot, which elicited a slight yelp from her. Calmly, she slowly worked the brush, gently untangling the spot of contention, before she finished the process and the rest of her daily routine. Once done, she proceeded out into her living room, where a few of her house guests were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to greet their kindly hostess. She'd give them a warm, inviting smile as she wished each of them a good morning. Fluttershy then cantered towards the pantry and selected a variety of foods that were ready-made for her little critter friends, and dealt them out according to their diets. All the while Angel, the little white rabbit that remained her companion for quite some time, bounced at her flank, trying to get her attention. "Be patient," she gently cooed as she rose from the floor to reach the bird home near the ceiling to deliver their morning seeds, "Your breakfast takes time to make, and it would be best to feed the rest of our guests first." The little bunny simply crossed his arms and stamped his foot in irritation, before picking up one of his partially chewed carrot ends and threw it at the back of her head. She gave a yelp in surprise right before whipping around towards the rascal of a rodent. Before she could chastise Angel, however, the tiny twit had already sped away to another part of the house. Fluttershy gave a short sigh as she returned to her duties. She knew why he was acting up, but there wasn't much she could do. After all, limiting Angel's carrot eating was best for his health, especially after the stomachache he endured a few weeks ago. Never the less, the moment she finished tending to her other guests, she trotted over to the kitchen and fixed up a salad for angel with plenty of leafy greens, garnishing it very lightly with a few berries. It was then, once placed at Angel's favorite dining spot, she rang a small bell that read "ring in case Angel is hiding", before she made her way to the front door. Donning herself with the appropriate winter boots, scarf, and hat, she gave salutations to her guests before heading out the door. Once outside, she promptly trotted to the back of her home where an unusual, albeit recently ordinary, sight was presented to her. There, sleeping soundly in the thick blanket of snow was Bael, as surprisingly gargantuan as ever, with a variety of birds perched at the various ice crystals that lined the great demon toad's back. Said birds chirruped, but seemingly much quieter than before, as if to not pester the snoozing giant. She gave a giggle, realizing why she heard such a loud grunt. Smiling, she turned towards the Everfree Forest, and paused for a moment. Today was the day, she believed. She took a breath and began her trek into the forest, razor focused upon a very specific destination. It was quite odd, in hindsight. Before Twilight Sparkle, one of her closest and dearest friends these days, had come to Ponyville, there was an unspoken rule about the Everfree. With magic and nature so wild and untamed, none should ever dare to trot those trails. It was only recently that, while dangerous, Everfree Forest was still just that; a forest. A place that could be navigated given the caution and effort. Animals still lived within the confines and survive its hazards well enough, even with the variety of magical beasts that shared residence. So there was no real reason why a pony couldn't at least walk through. Further than that, there was one who dared to make a home deep in the thick of it. One that the ponies of Ponyville once feared as well. Somepony that was more well versed in the natural world than most modern earth ponies. Even Applejack had gone to her for advice when unusual circumstances presented itself in regards to the Sweet Apple Acres orchards. In no time at all, while her mind was wandering through the reminiscence and musings of the changes in life, she found herself before a very well built hut. Strange and expressive masks decorated the outside, meaning of which had been told to her and her friends many moons ago when curiosity finally prompted them. The smell of herbs and spices gently permeated the air surrounding the home, giving it a bizarrely welcoming feeling. Approaching the door, she gave it three gentle raps with her hoof, and waited. The sound of shuffling could be heard just before the door squeaked open. Before Fluttershy, now standing in the doorframe, was the striking visage of a striped black, white, and grey pony with a black and white styled mohawk, and a simple but eye catching spiraled sun as her cutie mark. She gave a warm smile upon seeing Fluttershy was the one knocking on her door, to which the meek pegasus gave one in kind. "Hello, Zecora," She greeted pleasantly. "My, my, it is dearest Fluttershy that graces my eyes," Zecora spoke in a smooth, deep, and comforting voice, "To what do I owe this particular surprise?" She then ushered Fluttershy into her home and shut the door behind them. Truth be told, and as embarrassing as it still is, there was once a time where this kindly mare was ostracized from town. Many excuses were made by a number of them, even today, but the simple fact of the matter was that she seemed different. In reality, she was just an Earth Pony, at the end of the day. Though, Twilight would learn from Zecora that, while fundamentally true, she is part of the Zebra tribe, an offshoot of Earth Pony built for untamed, wild magic wilderness. It's one of the reasons why she felt so at home in the Everfree, which she would confess the same to anyone who asked. "I believe Princess Luna already told you." "Ah, yes, the Princess of Dreams and of the Night. So, tell me, what has given you an awful fright?" Zecora, for many, many reasons, became quite the well respected and adored member of the community in Ponyville, despite living outside of town. Her knowledge of magical wildlife and wild magic was invaluable. Her wisdom and level-headed thinking was nigh flawless. At least, that's how Fluttershy saw it. It also helped that Zecora's tea making skills were second to none. Zecora then handed her a small mug with her specially made herbal tea. After all, visits to Zecora's home were never complete without a cup. "I-it's this reoccurring nightmare I've been having," Fluttershy stated before she sipped her tea. "I've heard as much from her highness the night before, but hopefully today we'll get to the problem's core." "Mmhmm," she hummed in agreement, "Anyway, It's about me, running through the Everfree. Everything is moving in slow motion, or at least it feels like it. It's snowing so much, I can hardly see. Every time I look back, I can hear the h-howls of something chasing me. A-and, I can see g-glowing red eyes in the h-haze." Zecora sat quietly, listening to Fluttershy's recounting, watching the pegasus' demeanor slowly degrade from her calm state. The kindly Zebra than gently interrupted Fluttershy, "Remember to take a sip when your mood takes a dip." "Oh, r-right." She blushed from the embarrassment of starting to lose her cool, right before she took a calming drink of her tea. The effect was almost instant, with the warm and soothing sensation allowing her mind to rest and her focus to realign. "Thank you." Zecora gave a slight nod, as she gestured for Fluttershy to continue. "So, the dream varies from night to night. Sometimes I'm just running away, feeling like I'm being chased, but nothing much changes. Sometimes the howling starts getting closer. Sometimes I trip and fall. That's the scariest one." Zecora nodded again, listening patiently. "I actually had that version of the dream last night." She shivered a bit before she took another sip of her tea, giving a relaxed sigh. "But sometimes... sometimes the dream doesn't end there." "If you wish for me to help you mend," Zecora started, "Perhaps you should tell me this further end?" "Right." She steeled herself for a moment, before she continued. "Well, sometimes, I feel like I'm losing whatever is chasing me for a bit. I keep running, because I don't know if I'm safe or not, but I eventually come to what seems like a clearing. I then stop, catch my breath, and try to look around. It's still hazy, but I think I see some sort of mound in front of me. The moment I notice that, I hear the howling again and see the red eyes behind me. I get scared, and my first reaction is climbing on top of the mound, just getting out of reach of... whatever was after me." Zecora watched Fluttershy place her now empty cup off to the side on a nearby stand as the pegasus later continues with her story. "Then, suddenly, I feel the mound below me shift, and lift a bit. Despite the shaking, I don't fall, and-" Zecora leaned in, awaiting the rest with baited anticipation. "That's when I woke up." "Hmm..." Zecora hums, pawing at her her chin for a moment. "Well, I can certainly say, Fluttershy dear, that that end isn't just mere." "What do you mean?" "Tell me something my beloved guest, how does that particular end affect your rest?" "Affect my rest?" Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. Looking back, there was a difference in mood on the mornings after that particular kind of end. "Well," she started, "I guess I feel... calm?" Zecora raised an eyebrow, sipping her tea before setting it off to the side on an adjacent stand. "How strange. What changed? It is the same dream you have had, so why were these endings not so bad?" Before Fluttershy could speak, Zecora piped up with a different question. "Would you be so kind as to tell when these dreams plagued your mental well?" Fluttershy thought for a moment. "I suppose it was a few weeks ago. I think after I... got lost in the Everfree." "Care to explain? Or, would you refrain?" Zecora asked, intrigued by the implication. "Oh, no, I don't mind. It was kinda silly, really." She gave a halfhearted laugh, before she began her tale. "Well, it was late at night, and Bael had been absent. He likes being alone sometimes. It was hard to get used to him just wandering off, but I knew he'd be fine. Still, you'd think it wouldn't be so easy to lose track of a big ol' froggy like him." She paused for a moment with a blush, before waving her hoof. "I'm getting off topic. Anyway, it was late at night, and I noticed that Elizabeak had gone missing from the coup. I don't know how that bird keeps getting out, but that hen had always been an escape artist. Luckily, it snowed earlier, so I was able to see her tracks lead into the forest." "Well, that was a lucky little flick. What happened while you sought your chick?" "So, I entered the forest," Fluttershy continued, "And kept my eyes glued to Elizabeak's tracks. I wasn't quite sure how far she had gone. Some days she takes a slow stroll. Other times, she speeds off like a roadrunner. All I knew was that I had to keep moving if I wanted to find her." Zecora wanted to say something in regards to the little hen, but decided to refrain on the off chance it derailed the story. Instead, she sipped her tea once again and continued to listen. "I think I was was around the path leading to your hut before I actually saw her. Before she could run, I called out to her and went up to collect her. Thankfully, she was alright, if a little cold. I chastised her for her silly behavior and was about to head home when..." Fluttershy shivered. "I spotted timberwolves." She took another sip of her tea, before realizing it was just about empty. "I'm so sorry, Zecroa, but may I bother you for another cup?" "Of course you may, my little pony. Tell your story, while I fetch more tea." "Thank you," She replied in courtesy, as she watched Zecora collect her cup and canter to the kettle. "Anyway, the moment I spotted the timberwolves, I picked up Elizabeak with my wings. I was hoping to grab her and sneak away, but she squawked, and alerted them. I didn't have much of a choice but to start running." "Ah, now I truly see. There is the source of the dream," she declared as she finished stirring her guests's cup. Zecora than placed it on the tray, and carefully carried the tray with her teeth over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy herself graciously took back her cup with another thank you, which invoked a small bow from Zecora as she put the tray away and sat back down. "I think I messed up, because I panicked when I started running, and lost the trail I was previously on. I could hear them give chase, all while it began to snow harshly in the forest, making it difficult to see where I was going. I ran as hard and as fast as I could with Elizabeak tucked beneath my wing. Poor thing was panicking harder than me. By the time I realized I needed to find a safe place, I also realized I was completely lost. With no trail to guide me, the sudden starting blizzard making it harder and harder to see, and the timberwolves hot on my tail, I had no way to focus on where to go. So, I just kept running blindly. I was running so hard, at one point, I almost tripped over a root." Zecora raised an eyebrow, seeing it all come together, which meant... "After running for so long, and the sound of the timberwolves getting fainter, I spotted what looked like a clearing. I thought that if I could get there, I'd be able to see over the canopy and maybe spot the shadow of a tower from the Castle of the Two Sisters, even through the snow. At least, if I could see it, then I'd know where to go where I'd be safe. So, I made a turn towards the clearing, and when I entered, I promptly slipped on the the ice below me." Zecora, while taking a sip, tried her hardest not to laugh at the sudden pratfall her unfortunate guest had just described, managing to keep herself under control and not choke on her drink. "I was able to hold onto Elizabeak and get back up quickly, but I realized that the ice wasn't just some random patch. The clearing I found was actually a lake." Fluttershy then took another sip, her behavior becoming decidedly more animated. "And, that's not all. At the other side of the frozen lake, from what I could just barely see, was a large mound. I couldn't spot anything else, even beyond the canopy, so I figured I should try the climb it. Maybe the difference in height would help me. It was a good thing too, since I started to hear the timberwolves again. So I raced over and climbed it as fast as I could, thankfully reaching the top without much of a fuss." "I feel this tale is soon coming to a conclusion. So, what exactly was the mound that ended this confusion?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow for a moment, before opting to finish her story first. "Well, when I got to the top, I found the timberwolves charging across the lake towards me. I couldn't tell if they'd be able to climb up after me, but I was at least a little out of their reach. I looked around, but noticed that there weren't any shadows of the castle through the snow, so I still didn't really know where I was. The timberwolves were at the bottom of the mound, getting ready to try and climb up, as I feared, so I had to make a choice fast. I could either run, and HOPE I could find somewhere familiar and safe, or I could try and fly with Elizabeak in my hooves. Considering the snow and how squirmy Elizabeak already was under my wing, there was no knowing how long I'd be able to hold onto her while I tried to fly." "Either run blind or risk her fall. That does indeed seem to be a tough call." "One I didn't have to make," Fluttershy replied. "The mound below be began to shake as I heard the sound of ice cracking. As the snow and ice fell away, along with the climbing timberwolves, I noticed something familiar. I was standing on top of Bael!" Zecora noticed Fluttershy's eyes light up upon that last statement, and gave a small smile, but said nothing to interrupt her. "I couldn't believe my luck in all of this. Bael was actually here! I figured THIS must have been where he disappears off to when he wants to be alone. It also turns out the timberwolves howling, growling, and climbing him made him wake up. He wasn't very happy about that, and with a mighty roar, he scared them off. I was so happy to see him, and so happy he saved me, I planted a hug right on top of him." She gave a deep sigh and a delighted smile. "He wasn't exactly very happy to notice I was on top of him, nor the reason I was kind of the reason why the timberwolves bugged him in the first place, but he agreed to help take me back to the cottage." "I can see the harsh experience you had. But, I suppose it wasn't all bad. After all, we've found some of these repeating dreams end right around when your dear friend came with the mend. You must cherish Bael quite well if you're this smitten. I can tell." Fluttershy choked on the tea she was sipping on for a moment, before she responded, "S-smitten?" Zecora laughed a little, "Perhaps it is not the best term. Though, there is one 'frog' that could help you confirm?" "Do you think the nightmares would stop if I talked to him?" "It is worth a shot, so, I don't see why not?" Fluttershy sat back against her seat, staring at her tea contemplatively. Zecora did say it might not be the correct term, but was it possible? She has been with Bael for quite a while now. He's helped her, given her advice, rescued her, kept her safe. Sure, he was surly and a curmudgeon and an actual demon at the end of the day, but there was a charm to it. Charm? she thought for a moment. Why was that the word she picked? Was this affection? Was it just admiration? Or, was it just an extension from her love of all animals, even though he has shown he's more than just that. Or, perhaps Zecora was just planting ideas into her head with that 'smitten' comment to mess with her a little. Still, she was right in that it might be best to talk to Bael, Fluttershy assured herself. With a final sip of her tea, draining the contents from her mug with a satisfied sigh, she placed it on the counter beside her seat. "Ok," she declared with renewed vigor and determination. "I'm going to talk to him. Thank you very much for listening to me." "You are most welcome, my lovely guest. I'll always be here to grant advice of my best. Thought, I have to let you know in part. I'm not sure if I could assist with matters of the heart." Fluttershy blushed with an embarrassed glare. "Please, stop teasing me, Zecora!" The wizened zebra laughed, "Fluttershy, do forgive my poor little joke. Don't let my musings hang on you like a yoke." Fluttershy shook her head and gave a polite wave goodbye, before exiting the hut and making her trek back to her cottage. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Bael was resting comfortably underneath a blanket of snow. The birds that had harassed him earlier that day had finally left him alone in the peace and quiet. Normally, if he wanted to be properly alone, he'd have shrouded himself in his icy haze and let the mist carry him to his spot he found in the forest nearby. However, he recently had decided it would be best to stick around the cottage for the time being. He wasn't entirely sure why, but something deep in his soul urged him to stay, at least for now. At least, until, whatever unfinished business was solved that kept him so close to the 'little canary'. "Bael?" called out the aforementioned 'canary'. His eyes opened slowly, a little irritable, as he steadily and gently readjusted himself, careful not to shift off the snow from his back. He then noticed that his warden was now standing before him. "Why do you disturb my slumber?" he asked, grouchy from the fact. "I'm sorry for waking you," she apologized, "But I need to ask you a few things." "What is it?" Fluttershy blushed a little, and seemed hesitant, but took a step forward as if to summon some courage. "I... wanted to know why you saved me." "Hmmm? Is that all?" he asked in slight indignation. He gave a snort, almost dismissive of what was asked, but decided to answer anyway. "You woke me up. Or, more accurately, whatever was chasing you woke me up. Purely circumstantial." "O-oh," Fluttershy deflated. There was an awkward silence between them. Then, the wind picked up a little and caused Fluttershy to shiver a bit. Bael, on reflex moved a little closer, still careful not to dump the snow that sat upon him, almost as if trying to block the wind. She looked up to the great Lord of Frozen Soil, and a new question popped into her head. "Uhm, why did you take me back home that day?" she asked. "That..." Bael started, before whatever answer he was about to give vanished at his tongue. Truth be told, he didn't really know. Not off the cuff, at least. He thought about it for a moment, but decided to come clean instead. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure." "I could have gone home on my own at that point. All you would have needed to do is point me in the right direction." Bael thought for a moment. It was true. He didn't have much of a reason. He just... felt like it. To be fair, many demons, including himself, have always done things on a whim. However, this time it seemed... different. It was then that Fluttershy spoke again. "Bael," she started, "I've been having a reoccurring nightmare about that day. Lost in the woods, in the snow, being chased, and being very afraid of what would happen. Sometimes, the nightmare would end in the middle of being chased. Sometimes I'd wake up after I trip over something." There was a quiver in her voice as she spoke, but that stopped when she said, "But, sometimes... sometimes that dream would end after I find a frozen lake in the middle of a clearing, and climb a mound of snow and ice at the far end of it. When I get those ends to the dream, I feel... safe, and calm. Just like when I found you in the forest that day, when you saved me from the timberwolves." Bael sat in silence for a moment, patiently listening to the little pony talk about what had been going on. It was then he realized why he had stayed near the cottage and what his soul wanted. Giving assistance to a mortal wasn't something a demon would normally do. However, for this little creature, he'd strongly consider it, though he'd be remiss to admit his slowly growing fondness. Fond? he thought to himself. Do I really have a favored connection and affection to this little thing? Gazing upon Fluttershy, he could feel something within her soul as well. A deepening warmth that he also noticed whenever the loud pink one stuck around the other devil trapped in this land. While they shared the feeling, it seemed those two were quite ignorant of it. Never the less, something needed to be rectified. It was affecting the both of them in some way. "I believe I can help you," Bael stated. "R-really?" Fluttershy asked excitedly, her heart skipping. "You must close your eyes, and stay calm. I do not do this often, but it may help." "Yes," she agreed, closing her eyes, before she asked out of curiosity, "What are you going to-?" "Stay silent," Bael ordered, eliciting an 'eep' out of Fluttershy. With his warden silent and her eyes closed, he closed his own eyes and reached deep within his soul to pull out his natural demonic power. Pushing it outward, he used his power to reach towards Fluttershy, into her mind and soul. With a little bit of effort, he found that moment in time, when she was lost in the woods and rescued by Bael, grabbed hold of it, and pulled it away. Then, he opened his eyes. Fluttershy, woozy for a moment, also opened her eyes, and began to look around. Confusion could be read upon her face, as she looked up and noticed Bael, eliciting a surprised yelp. "Oh, Bael! I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you something, but..." her face scrunched a little, "I can't seem to remember." "It probably wasn't very important," Bael stated flatly. "I hope not," she said with slight worry, "Oh! I should go check on Angel. Make sure he ate his salad. He's always such a handful." She looked back towards Bael. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep. I hope you have a good nap." "May you sleep well too." "Huh?" she questioned, before she let out a giggle, "I normally do already, but thank you anyway!" She then trotted away, leaving Bael behind in the gently falling snow. She was a good, warm soul, he admitted, but he had always preferred the cold. He readjusted himself and let his eyes relax and close. I'll have one last nap here, he thought as slumber took hold of him once again, as the deep urge in his soul slowly died out, snuffed by the winter chill. > Faster Than Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the northeast corner of Equestria's borders, just off of the coast and reaching into the Celestial Sea, sits the impressive island city of Manehatten. Ponies of all kinds hustled and bustled up and down the vast street that saw no rest. Strong, rigid, brick buildings towered overhead as glass windows shimmered from the peeking sun. Street lamps, though currently unlit, stood dutifully at the edge of side walks, ready to light the streets when the sun was no longer present. Posters and advertisements dotted walls, street level windows, and even lamps showing special city events, shop exclusives, or even lost items or pet notices. Dust and garbage dotted the gutters, streets, and alleyways, despite the presence of city appointed teams to combat this. It was a home both clean and dirty, filled with virtue and vice, but most of all, it was a city of opportunity. A city of purpose, even for the purposeless. At the top of the city's purpose was to seek new advancements in the standard of living for the rest of Equestria, endlessly researching the practical for the everyday pony. With it was the scientific and medicinal research, experimenting and attempting to perfect the dos and don'ts of Equestrian health and seeking answers to the dubious sides of nature itself. Magical beings Equestrians may be, but not everything could be solved with magic. At least, not yet. Though, it was a slow, arduous process when conducting research into ailments that afflict the average and not-so-average pony. Some illnesses and problems could be cured, but only on a temporary basis. Some were only treated and alleviated, but weren't entirely conquerable. And some yet were still difficult to even push back against, even with the top minds working day in and day out to fight such issues. Tragic as it may be, children were not entirely safe from such things. A heartbreaking shame it was, for little fillies and colts to be hospital-ridden as they fight their own internal battles that they could very well one day lose. For these reasons, certain programs were formulated to give these kids either a fighting chance, or at least something to give them hope for a brighter tomorrow. None was more prominent than the Granted Wishes Foundation where the children locked within hospital walls, fighting ailments not yet dented, were given their heart's deepest desire for the sake of bestowing a sense of hope in their little lives. This is why Rainbow Dash with a saddle-pack, and wearing her flying gear, was here in Manehatten while accompanied by Adna. The Wonderbolts were contacted by the Granted Wishes Foundation, where a young filly of the name Glitter Flash had requested to meet and greet a genuine Wonderbolt. Due to schedule complications and absent members of the team, Rainbow Dash was selected to take part as a representative. Adna, whom was bestowed the title of honorary Wonderbolt for its prior actions, had joined the Element of Loyalty as a secondary representative. While Rainbow Dash's presence was largely seen with some mild enthusiasm, the bizarre visage of Adna's form was met with awkward and uneasy stares. News of the fiasco at the Wonderbolt Academy wasn't elaborated very well, and the facts that managed to spread were some details of the perpetrators' visual appearances. Never the less, Dash's vouching for the angel had kept the trepidation to distant concerned looks, and allowed the two to pass through without issue. The only real issue was Adna's size compared to most ponies, which made getting through some doors an annoyance. Though the angel wasn't as tall as Elvis or Dumah, it wasn't easy for it to remain a bit unbothered by wings bumping into door frames, or other such occurrences. Never-the-less, the angel soldiered on without complaint, wishing to at least make sure this visit proceeded well. As they cantered through the Children's Ward, Adna could sense some of the weakening spirits of the children that were likely bed ridden from their ailments. It hurt its heart to feel little lives so deeply affected, but hoped they would make a recovery soon. The miracles it could bestow were minor at best, and temporary for all intents and purposes, so any help it could grant just wouldn't be enough, no matter how much the angel desired to try. Adna gave a sigh, which caught Rainbow's attention. "Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" she asked in concern. "Their fragile, little lives, Lady Dash," it stated with a sorrowful tone, "Such struggle rends at this heart of mine." Rainbow Dash gave a sigh, "Yeah, I know. Spitfire talked about personally representing the Wonderbolts for the Granted Wishes Foundation before, and while she says seeing those kids smile is always a major highlight, their problems make it hurt a little." She then gave a confident glance to her ward, and continued with, "Though, she always says it's worth it. Sometimes, it takes just a little bit of joy to be able to push through, ya know?" Adna gazed at its warden for a moment, before smiling inwardly. "Very well, then. Let us grant that little bit of joy." "That's the spirit," she then fished out a note from her saddle-pack, reading its contents. She then gazed at the doors for a moment, before she pointed with her wing tip. "Glitter Flash should be in there. Ready to put on your game face?" Adna tilted its head to the side, slightly confused. Rainbow then paused for a moment, realizing she's never seen an expression on the angel's 'face'. "Erm, what I mean is, ready to make this kid smile?" Adna granted a thumb up in approval as the two proceed to Glitter's door. The moment they opened it and stepped through, they were greeted by a warm room and a bundled filly, alone. Her face was sky blue, and the little bit of her mane that peeked out from the blankets was a very light violet. Her emerald colored eyes glimmered upon seeing Rainbow Dash at the door. "Y-you're here! A real Wonderbolt!" Glitter Flash exclaimed. "Heh-hey kid!" Rainbow Dash responded with enthusiasm, "Whazzup?!" The little filly giggled slightly, before giving a slight cough and a shiver. "I'm so glad you came! I've always wanted to meet a real Wonderbolt! Though, I'm sad that Spitfire isn't here." "Yeah," Rainbow Dash said, before her bravado slightly deflated and she rubbed the back of her head with her wing. "Sorry Spitfire couldn't make it. She and the rest of the team were wrapped up in a lot of other things. It is show season, after all," she explained, "Though, that isn't to say she isn't thinking of you. In fact..." Rummaging through her saddle-pack, she pulled out a small, purple gemstone that had an odd symbol at the top, and presented it to the small filly. Her eyes glittered as the stone sparkled. Before the little girl could even ask, Rainbow Dash began to explain, "A good friend of mine made this. It's called a 'recording stone'. She says it allows a pony to record a small message on it. Go ahead and take it!" Reaching out from under her bundle of blankets, she extended her hoof and accepted the little stone. Rainbow Dash very gently slid it into the outstretched hoof, and continued with, "Now, give the symbol a tap." Glitter looked at the pretty little stone briefly, before her other hoof extended out of the bundle and tapped the symbol, just as instructed. Just then, purple sparks of magic gently lit up around the carved spot, and a voice soon could be heard. "Hey there, little missy! Spitfire here," announced the voice from the stone, "Sorry I couldn't make it to visit you. It's been quite the hectic time for the main team at the Academy. I sincerely hope you don't mind that I sent one of my best students to come and visit you!" Rainbow Dash then blushed at the remark, embarrassed to be called that so brazenly by her idol and hero. "I hear you really want to be a Wonderbolt one day! That's great news, and we can always use new recruits. So, you concentrate on fighting that thing you have, and get better as soon as possible. Our doors will always be open to you, Glitter Flash. Remember that. I can't wait to meet you in person some day soon. I'm told I can't speak for very long with this rock, so I guess this is goodbye, for now. I'm rootin' for ya!" The stone's magic then faded and fizzled out. "That was Spitfire! That was really Spitfire!" She excitedly squealed, holding the stone with care and joy. "Yeah, and if you ever need to hear it again, all you need to do is just tap it on the symbol." "You mean... I can keep it?" "For sure!" Rainbow Dash answered in tenacious certainty. As the filly pulled the stone and her hooves back under her bundle of blankets, Rainbow Dash's bravado waned as the heat began to get to her. "Jeez. How can you take this heat, kid?" "I'm sorry," Glitter said, much meeker than before, "It's because of my Frostblight." "Frostblight?" Rainbow parroted. "Yeah..." she answered, a little more somber now, "They say it's a very rare disease. It slows me down, and slowly freezes me. They say if I'm not kept constantly heated, I could pass out from the cold and... never wake back up." "Oh... jeez..." Rainbow, with the reality of the situation finally sinking in, wavered slightly in her stature. Adna, sensing her dipping resolve, placed a hand upon her shoulder, causing the Wonderbolt to glance up at the angel. It was as if Adna was telling her not to lose heart, for the sake of Glitter. She smiled in appreciation, regaining some of her confidence back. Further, she felt a little cooler now, as if the heat of the room was no longer an issue. It was then that Glitter noticed the other being in the room, which gave her a concerned pause. "Uhm... who's that?" she asked, much more meekly this time around. "Oh, I'm sorry," Rainbow Dash apologized, "This is my buddy, Adna. He's here representing the Wonderbolts with me." "Wait... he's a Wonderbolt too?" She asked, incredulous. "Honorary," Adna clarified, "For my actions when the Academy was besieged." "I thought we weren't supposed to talk about it," Rainbow Dash whispered. "There's nothing wrong with this child knowing," the angel stated. She stared at the angel for a moment, puzzling over what she was told, before her eyes lit up, coming to an epiphany. "Wait, you mean THAT attack at the Academy?" "Huh? Do you already know about it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah! My friend was there when it happened! She told me all about how this weird, upside down face dragon came from the sky, and these strange bird creatures were attacking everyone, but one of them was fighting back. Then they all left, except for the one. You're that one?!" "I had done what I had thought was right," Adna expressed. "That's so COOL!" she squealed in admiration, before a small coughing fit halted her joy and a chill ran through her body. "S-sorry about that." "N-no worries, kid," Rainbow Dash said, before rummaging through the bag once again. "A-anyway, the stone isn't our only gift to you. We also got you this!" Rainbow Dash then pulled out and presented what seemed to be a filly sized flight suit as well as a badge with it. The badge had her name engraved upon it, noting her as an honorary member. "Spitfire had it commissioned for you," Rainbow Dash confessed. With a gasp of pure shock, awe, and joy, her hooves reached out towards the suit and badge, and graciously accepted them. Pulling them close, she gave the suit a tight hug, as if she were cuddling a dearly beloved stuffed toy. Tears streamed down her face, as she hiccuped and said tears froze against her cheeks. Annoyed at the sudden cold spots on her face, she wiped the ice crystals away, where they landed upon her bed and melted from the heat of the room. The annoyance didn't matter to the little filly, as her heart felt warm for the first time in a while, as she continued to hug that flight suit. "Thank you," was all she could utter, as she curled closer under her bundle of blankets. "Aw, jeez," Rainbow Dash said bashfully, "This is a bit too much. I'm gonna go get a drink real quick. I promise I'll be right back. Do either of you want anything?" The little filly and the angel declined the offer, as Adna stated, "I will remain and watch over her." "Alright, bud. Keep her safe until I get back." And, with that, she departed, leaving the two alone in the heated room. Silence prevailed in the air for some time, as the little filly continued to cuddle her suit. Eventually, however, curiosity overtook her, as her attention shifted towards the angel, as it gazed out of the window, watching the sun's rays dance in the outside world. "Uhm... Mr. Adna?" Glitter addressed the angel. "Yes, little one?" it answered. "What are you?" Adna paused for a moment, but decided it wasn't a topic worthy for the filly to know. "Nothing very important, in the grand scheme. You, however," it stated, "are worth knowing about. What bore this love for the Wonderbolts?" Glitter fidgeted under her blankets, as she thought about it for a moment. "A few years ago, before I got sick, I saw a Wonderbolts show with my ma and pa. I wanted to be like them. I wanted to fly as fast as they did. Faster, even! I wanted to be as amazing as they were in the skies. I took flying lessons, and worked hard every single day to get faster and fly higher." "You were very dedicated." Glitters face scrunched at that. "What's 'de-di-cate-ed'?" The angel laughed gently, "Ah, but you're yet still a learning child," It gave a mirthful sigh, "To be dedicated is to be focused on wanting to do something. No matter what." "Yeah," she agreed, "... I guess I was dedicated." The mood shifted back to a somber atmosphere as the heat continued to swelter. "But, what if," she started, "I won't be able to be dedicated again?" Adna paused, thinking about what she was implying. The question was quite heavy. Far more than a child should ever have to bare to ask. Yet, here it was, slapping its beak with the reality of the issue. Before the angel could give an answer, however, something began to feel off. It could feel dark energy surrounding the two of them in the room, which gave the former messenger of God cause for alarm. The little Glitter, though not aware of what it was, could also feel something was wrong, and gained a scared expression. "Mr. Adna?" she whimpered, gazing towards her guardian. Suddenly, almost with no further warning, a dome of darkness surrounded the two of them, and a violent sense of vertigo gripped the angel and sick child as they tumbled through nothingness. For a few moments, it felt as if they were being pulled somewhere. Just as either one of them were able to think that, light opened up before them, and the two were jettisoned out of the blackness and into a weightless, open space of deep purple clouds and floating buildings. All around them, it seemed like bits and pieces of Manehatten was just present all around in a chaotic fashion, where they too were now floating helpless. Adna, whom was used to such a feeling many, many eons ago, found its bearings, and gazed about its surroundings. "Glitter!" the angel called out, concerned for the little filly. Just then, Adna could hear the tiny sound of Glitter. Turning towards the source, it saw the child floating a fair distance away. The blankets were gone, likely scattered about, but she was still tightly holding the gifts she was given. It seemed as if the only other things taken to this strange realm were themselves, blankets, a couple pillows, and a small potted plant. Furniture and medical monitors were missing, thankfully. The idea of their presence gave the angel small worries of what would have happened if any of them came into contact with the frail, ill filly. The angel flew over to Glitter and found her shivering and whimpering, cold to the touch. Her eyes, previously shut tight, cracked open slightly as she looked to the angel. "M-Mr. Ad-d-dna?" Adna wasted no time. Conjuring the miracle energy within its body, it created a blanket made of warm light and bundled the filly with it, which subsided some of the shivering. The subsiding shiver turned to peaceful slumber, as if the sudden excitement exhausted the weakened child enough to pass out. At least, it hoped, this would mean she could save her strength for now. Sensing danger, however, it cast a spherical barrier around it while the child laid in its arm, hopefully to protect the two of them for whatever may come. Instantly, the feeling of dark magic tipped Adna off, but the angel's reaction wasn't enough. A hefty boot made of magic slammed into the hard light shield sphere and caused it and the two inside to rocket towards a nearby floating building. A scattering of flower pedals could be seen as the giant, phantom limb dissipated after the strike while they sailed away. The impact was enough to cause the sphere to embed into the side, though the shield itself held out well enough, despite how shaken the angel felt and a crack beginning to form at the surface. Looking towards where the attack came from, Adna noticed the assailant. "Well, well," the tall, slender woman wrapped in a black garb and adorned with gold and red ribbons spoke. "Didn't think I could find a little cockroach in this part of the 'in betwixt'." She gently nudged her glasses up, making sure they were in their proper place, and gave a wicked smile. It was a witch. Though, no ordinary one, by the looks of it, and the visage was oddly familiar. Though Adna knew it never has seen this one before, the features of this darkened magic user bore a striking similarity with one that separated Adna from Heaven in the first place. Anger and righteous fury welled up within it, causing its fist to clench hard, but the light shiver from Glitter all bundled up calmed the angel. This wasn't a time for holy vengeance or divine decree. The filly's safety was more important. Adna needed to flee. The angel dispelled the shield briefly to unstick itself from the building, only to resummon it once more. "Going somewhere?" she asked in a sultry and playful, but also a very mocking tone. "Oh, I love a good chase." Not wishing to humor her, Adna instead cast an enhancement miracle upon its wings, and suddenly sped off with amazing speed through the strange purple clouded realm. Its only objective was to find a way out. As Adna sped through, it could hear the witch, distantly behind, shout the name "RAGANA!". Suddenly, another giant boot made of darkness kicked out towards them. Adna dipped down, barely avoiding the attack, only to have to suddenly rise up as another one swiped at them from below. Then a blackened fist appeared from above, causing Adna to veer off to the side, getting close to one of the floating buildings. A second fist, appearing from the side aimed to collide with the spherical shield with earth shattering might, but Adna once again rose up and barely avoided the attack. The fist collided with the floating building and utterly shattered it like it was striking a sand castle while also scattering more flower pedals like the very first impact. Time slowed for Adna for a moment, as it began to understand something very critical. That last attack was FAR stronger than the strike it had when this chase began. If Adna were ever to get hit by one this time around, the hard light shield would most definitely fail. However, there was no more time to think, as another fist came from below, forcing Adna to swerve and barrel roll to avoid the danger. As it retained its barrings, Adna flew harder and faster, pushing its abilities to the limit. The floaty, frictionless environment certainly made it much easier to do so, making the angel feel it could fly faster than ever before. Despite this, the danger it felt was never very far behind. In fact, Adna felt a strong sense of foreboding, with something deep inside it screaming at it to make a hard turn. As the angel obeyed the internal command, it noticed at the corner of its vision a building flying towards to where they were just mere split seconds ago. The building collided into another large floating object and both shattered like planets destroyed by colossal meteors. No matter how fast Adna was moving, it seemed that the assailant was able to have objects and attacks move just a little faster. Such a thought then caused the angel to realize a horrifying revelation. The witch was just toying with them. That was the absolute worst case scenario for the angel. Best case was that Adna was wrong, and the witch's reaction speed wasn't nearly as powerful as her top speed, which is why she was still missing the attacks. Adna certainly hoped for the latter. Still, no sign of an exit could be seen as it moved through the strange realm, so Adna's options were becoming more and more limited as mere seconds marched onward, and the light shiver of Glitter was making the angel feel more concerned and desperate. Soon, it stopped flying. Running wasn't going to save them. The matriarch of this realm wasn't going to stop, regardless of the circumstances, and if she landed even one hit, lucky or calculated, it would be over for both of them. It was better to stand its ground. Summoning hard light to its free hand, Adna formed its signature staff and pointed it in the direction of where the attacker might be. Another fist, flying towards Adna directly this time, aimed to shatter the angel, but it managed to dodge the attack just in time, where it barely scraped the surface of the shield. Another boot formed overhead, forcing Adna to move to the side, only to move back when another fist appeared from below. Then another boot. Then another fist. Soon, it was a flurry of giant punches and kicks, aimed to utterly annihilate the angel, which it did its best to dodge and stay alive from. It wasn't long before the barrage of attacks ended, and Adna was left somewhat winded from the constant attacks, but kept its staff held aloft. "I should have known cockroaches were this dodgy," the witch remarked, appearing from behind one of the buildings, leaning against the bricked surface. Before she could say what she intended to say, she paused, and her gaze fixated more intently on the angel. "Hang on, that's strange. You're lacking a halo." Adna, remaining as calm as it could, kept the staff pointed towards its foe. "Also, what's that you're holding in your other arm?" the witch asked, finally noticing the bundle it was carrying. "Wait, I sense life. Don't tell me you have a hostage, now. Oh, ho ho ho, I didn't know you angels would stoop so low." "SILENCE, THOU HORRID CREATURE!" Adna outburst, clenching the staff harder. "Must have hit a nerve there," she said in a cheeky tone. It was then the sound of another voice could be heard coming from within the bundle Adna was holding. "Hey there, little missy! Spitfire here, Sorry I couldn't make it to visit you. It's been quite the hectic time for the main team at the Academy. I sincerely hope you don't mind that I sent one of my best students to come and visit you!" The witch tilted her head, puzzled by the new voice, which continued to speak. "I hear you really want to be a Wonderbolt one day! That's great news, and we can always use new recruits. So, you concentrate on fighting that thing you have, and get better as soon as possible. Our doors will always be open to you, Glitter Flash. Remember that. I can't wait to meet you in person some day soon. I'm told I can't speak for very long with this rock, so I guess this is goodbye, for now. I'm rootin' for ya!" Then, there was silence between the witch and angel for a few moments, as Adna remained holding its staff defensively. The awkward tension in the air remained for quite some time, before a weak, cold voice came from the bundle in Adna's arm. "M-Mr. Adna," Glitter spoke, shivering more, "W-wh-what's wr-wrong? Wh-what's g-g-going on?" "By my faith, stay warm, little poppet. I shall get you back home, come hell or high water." The little filly giggled weakly, "Why are you t-talking funny?" Adna, calming from the lightly jovial attitude from the small, but steadfast filly, felt its guard drop for a moment. However, panic rose back within it, causing its attention to fix back towards its foe, only for Adna to see the witch mere inches away from them and the sphere they were in. The witch, with a cheeky smile, kissed the tips of her two fingers, before gently poking the kissed tips against the shield. It then suddenly shattered, dispelled. Adna, too weak from dodging the attacks and flying at insane speeds, simply couldn't make a new one. Instead it kept the staff pointed, as if telling her to back off. "What even is that in your arm?" the witch inquired, "She sounds adorable!" "Get back, thou cursed wench!" Adna demanded. The sound of Glitter coughing and shivering more caused the angel to turn its attention away once again in deep concern. It was then the witch moved forward and snatched Glitter from Adna's weakening grip, eliciting a squeak of panic from Glitter. The angel was about to protest, but one look at the little filly had the witch exclaim in worry, interrupting Adna. "Oh, my dear child, what happened to you?!" Adna, weakly reaching, felt ashamed it wasn't able to properly protect the filly, and instead merely spoke. "She's afflicted with Frostblight. Please, if thou art have any decency, let us leave this realm. She will not survive here like this." The witch turned to the angel with a raised eyebrow. "Frostblight? I've never heard of an ailment like that, but," her gaze then shifted towards the shivering filly, "It does not seem incurable." With a slow wave of her fingers above the filly all cocooned in the warm blanket of light, she uttered something in Adna's native language that the angel didn't quite pick up on. However, what came next was nothing short of astounding. Strange blue energies lifted off of Glitter, as said filly gave a deep, almost relieved breath. The energies in question gathered into a solid, blue ball of what looked like ice, which permeated with strong magic. "There we are. One extracted illness." She then opened a small black portal, and placed the little magical ice ball inside of it, before closing said portal. "Save THAT for further research." She then turned to Adna, who remained stunned by the turn of events. "Forgive my previous rude behavior. I've been trying to fish out nasty little cockroaches that were infesting other worlds. I suppose your particular circumstances are a tad different from all of the other pigeons I've ensnared." Adna twitched in ire from both the belittling name and the implication for what the witch was doing prior, but did not act upon it. "Never-the-less," she stated, handing Glitter back to Adna, who protectively pulled the filly close and shrouded that side with one of its wings, "I'm aware of my personal faux-pas. You lot are very much about forgiveness and reconciliation, correct?" Before Adna could answer, she continued with. "Well, I sincerely apologize. I will take great caution next time before i go 'fishing' for more loathsome cockroaches." Adna remained stoic and stern in its stance, and spoke lowly with a growl, "You already apologized for that." "You're very mistaken," she said with a cheeky grin, "I apologized previously for attacking you without knowing details. I'm now apologizing for dragging you and the little one there into this plane betwixt in the first place." The angel relaxed a little, sensing no hint of deception, ulterior motive, or even sarcasm. This was pure sincerity. "Very well," it stated, "Do you know of where we may seek the exit?" "Right this way," she ushered, floating fast away from the Angel. Adna swiftly followed, as the party of three sailed through the strange emptiness around them, passing broken buildings and... other objects that seemed very unfamiliar to the land of Equestria, especially Manehatten. Taking another look, the buildings that were noticed at first were vastly outnumbered in the infinite, purple cloud sea by a multitude of islands, statues, pillars, ancient and futuristic buildings, as well as a large variety of smaller objects. How long has this witch been at this, Adna wondered. However, despite that question taking the forefront of Adna's thoughts, it was a different question that left the angel's beak. "What was that odd orb you collected? How did you cure the young child?" "Oh, I didn't cure her," she stated flatly, eyes focused forward as if she were looking out for something, "Not really, at least. I simply extracted the illness from her body. It was magical in nature, and currently, I have no idea how to eliminate it. So, instead, I just took it." "What of the filly's fate?" "Oh, the little one will be perfectly fine, as long as an external catalyst doesn't make her contract that 'Frostblight' again. As she isn't really 'cured', however, she has no immunities against it." She then stopped floating, and turned sharply towards Adna, causing the angel to come to an abrupt stop, much to its chagrin. "Here's hoping there are no repeat issues." With a flick of her wrist and a flourish of her garb, a black portal opened up beside her. "Last stop. Please, take all of your belongings before you enter the portal." Adna looked about, and noticed the pillows, blankets, and a flower pot floating about. The angel floated over to each item, collected it, and returned to the portal. It stopped for a moment, realizing that it sucked them in previously, which was why items from the room were jettisoned in with them. When Adna was about to ask why the portal wasn't doing that now, the look the witch gave suggested that the reason was her doing. An element of surprise, perhaps, Adna thought. Before advancing through the portal to leave, the angel had one more question it couldn't help but ask, "How art thou seemingly knowing of ailments and alleviations? Thy behavior-" Her two fingers gently touched against the tip of Adna's beak and interrupted its query, as if to shush the angel. "Let's just say I have a thing of playing nurse," she said with a low, sultry giggle. Her emphasis on the 'I' suggested something more secretive, as if she could recognize Adna's instant familiarity with what she is, but didn't want to elaborate. "Now, off you two pop. I still have work to be done, and I'm not used to 'catch and release' taking so much time." As the two passed through the portal, the witch called out to them one last time. "Now, behave yourself little one. You too, big boy." Before Adna could protest, the portal closed behind the two, and disappeared from sight. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The hospital was in a bit of an uproar after they had returned to the room. Perhaps even before, in all honesty. Their disappearance was well noticed, due to Glitter previously being hooked up to monitoring equipment. Once they were forcefully removed from the room from the portal's shenanigans, the leftover devices began blaring alarms, which put the various nurses and doctors into a tizzy. It wasn't just the absence of their critically conditioned patient that made them concerned, but the fact that a strange creature was with her AND that the two disappeared without any sign of leaving the room. It would have been declared an emergency, or perhaps a foalnapping, if it weren't for the fact that both Glitter and Adna both reappeared in the same room nearly a half hour later. It was a bizarre turn of events, made even more mind boggling when it was determined that Glitter Flash, after some testing, was shown to be symptom-free of the previously incurable Frostblight. The fact alone was an absolutely amazing, but both she and the angel refused to divulge how or why, with said angel stating it was the act of an outside force, refusing to elaborate further. Threats of interrogation, on the desire to learn the secret to be able to fight against such a rare ailment, were thwarted by Rainbow Dash, whom did have enough authority to pardon the angel and vouch for it. For all intents and purposes, the cure was by and large unattainable at present. Instead, the hospital staff decided to just accept it as the miracle it genuinely was, no matter the source or reason. When all was said and done, Rainbow Dash and Adna wrapped up their Granted Wishes visit with Glitter Flash, whom now had a brand new lease on life. The little filly even declared her intention of living up to her dreams, and train to become a bona fide Wonderbolt one day, even boasting she'll surpass Rainbow Dash's already impressive speed. Rainbow responded in kind with a playful taunt, hoping to actually see her try. As the two departed the room of the overjoyed filly, Adna's thoughts raced onward with concern. Powerful magic, including miracles, were able to rip open holes in reality. This fact was proven time and again before this angel. How easy was it to do such a thing, truly? Or, perhaps more terrifyingly, how many individuals out there were strong enough to do so? "Hey, dude, you alright?" Rainbow Dash asked her ward. "T'is no concern, Lady Dash," the angel responded, deciding to put those thoughts to rest. There was no use in dwelling on the what ifs. All Adna could really do was hope that these situations were rare, and that those that could perform such acts were few and far between, and hopefully benevolent. The concerned angel plainly wished to never need to move faster than light again. > Burning Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bedazzling lights stood proud and decadent, as far as the eye could see, in the flamboyant metropolis of Las Pegasus. It was an invigorating and truly jovial city of Equestria that was famous for being the everlasting party. More than that, the city itself was a double layered extravaganza. The top layer, high above the Applewood Mountains, rested the The Clouds; an extensive theme park-like layer that hosted an abundance of rides and family friendly games, affordable and constant shows and events, and the bulk of hotel accommodations of pure luxury and entertainment. It was definitely a popular vacation spot, especially among thrill seekers. The lower layer, below the shrouding darkness of The Clouds, was the Ground Floor, the extravagant city of constant night-life. This half of the city served four purposes. The first was to act as residential accommodations for the workers and entertainers of Las Pegasus whom kept the party going all city wide on both layers. The second was to act as commerce for all land based travelers and traders. The third was to establish a direct link to The Clouds from the rest of Equestria, as the center of the city held a grand lift that transported land-locked individuals to the upper half, if that was their destination. The fourth, final, but perhaps most important purpose was its own set of entertainment. Down in the ground level, here ponies could partake in a wide plethora of games of chance in their extravagant and well regulated buildings. Between games, one could go and visit one of the many grand event theaters, where high quality and rigorously scheduled shows, normally aimed at adult crowds, would play to patrons, for no small ticket fee, however. If stage performances were not to one's liking, special arena sports, competition, and concert events were held to thunderous applause and cheers. Said shows tended to be highly exclusive, and were well worth the steep cost to watch, whether they happened night after night, once in a lifetime appearance, or anything in between. Of course, from the legal gambling to the premium cost shows, the Ground Floor is where the majority of Las Pegasus' money and funding came from, which kept The Clouds so affordable. It was also where performers would see the better profits, which made it highly sought after by show-ponies and entertainers all across the land, while room was limited in schedule. Never-the-less, prospect to expand business, whether it be in The Clouds or The Ground Floor, was never a frowned upon idea. Indeed, it was this idea that prompted two friends to scout for openings to provide food services. Pinkie Pie and Elvis, at the behest of their bosses, the Cakes, were here to start a sales pitch for Sugar Cube Corner catering services. After a variety of baking experiments concocted between the endlessly energetic Pinkie and the sweet pastry gourmand Elvis, it was decided it would be best to try to share the results with the rest of Equestria, and what better place would there be to start than at the city of endless parties. Coming along with these two was Applejack, current proprietor and lead farmpony of Sweet Apple Acres, whom was there to assist in the sales pitch, along with acting as a business associate to advertise for the farm. After all, a variety of the apple based pastries used produce from Sweet Apple Acres. To round out the group was Rarity, who was mostly there as a tourist, after having found time in her busy schedule to actually have a day off, but also offered to act as an escort and advisor in assistance to both Pinkie and Applejack. Reaching the perpetually overcast Ground Floor of Las Pegasus, the quartet were captivated by the colorful and lively lights that danced along the cloudy ceiling in a rainbow of colors and patterns. To be fair, the source of these lights were equally mesmerizing, but the abstract visual warping of the cloudy ceiling just gave it an extra intriguing twist. The crown jewel of The Grounds, however, had to be 'The Colosseum at Salad's Palace', the grand theater hall that had hosted many, MANY extravagant and legendary performances over the decades, named after the famous monument to the aforementioned Romane emperor of yesteryear. It was also their true destination. Back in Ponyville, after extended baking recipe experiments, the Cakes, Pinkie, and Elvis had asked for advice on how they could start advertising the newer creation. It was Filthy Rich that suggested such a large and risky place to do business, expressing past successes, laced with warnings that it might be difficult without the correct connections. They knew what he was referring to, upon which he would then speak to the Apples of Sweet Apple Acres about the venture, now seeing a prime business opportunity of his own accord. Rarity was there at the time, and saw stars in her eyes upon learning of the location. "Oh, I am positively DELIGHTED I've been given such an opportunity to come here!" Rarity exclaimed, bewitched by the famous theater hall and tantalized by the promises inside. "We are here fer business, Rare," Applejack interjected, "Don't be draggin' us about too much, ya hear?" "Oh, pish-posh, darling," she waved off, "I'm a responsible Lady. Work before fun, and all that." "Oh, oh, oh! Can we please visit The Clouds later? I wanna get some serious partying going up there. Ya know, see how it stacks up to the stories!" Pinkie Pie excitedly exclaimed. "Eh, I'll pass on that, Rosa," Elvis grumbled, "No trabajo bien con alturas. Now, casinos, on the other hand..." he grinned with an evil chuckle. "After we finish the meetin'," Applejack reiterated. "Mr. Filthy Rich was kind enough ta set it up fer us, after all. Don't wanna waste it. We should probably hoof it to the meeting spot soon." "Oh, speaking of scheduling," Rarity started, as she fished through her dainty saddle-pack for a moment, producing four tickets, "I had just so happened to purchase tickets to the latest show at The Colosseum when I learned of this venture. I feel we should start off our playtime in Las Pegasus with some bedazzling, first class entertainment. Now, before you ask, I made sure to pick a time-slot that was reasonably after our business rendezvous." "Rare, I wish ya'd inform me about these things beforehoof," Applejack stated with slight irritation, before she gave a defeated sigh, "Well, I guess we've got our plans post business meetin'. We can all do our own thing after that, I suppose." "Oooh, this aughta be fun! What kind of show?!" Pinkie asked, elated. "T'is a surprise, darling," Rarity teased, "But I assure you, he's the best in Equestria. At least that's what I've been told by very reliable sources." She gave a playful wink as Applejack rolled her eyes and Pinkie sqee'd in excitement. Elvis gave a half hearted chuckle and a shake of his head. "Pequeños caballos tontos," he uttered as he followed the mares towards their appointment. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Deep in the heart of The Colosseum, behind curtains and away from prying eyes of tourists, guests, and onlookers alike, stage hands and performers of all kinds scrambled to and fro to finish final preparations for their performances, all while the current show was getting ready to wrap up its own act. It was here where a light, cornflower blue colored pony, wearing a deep purple and gold trimmed tuxedo, flipped through a clipboard of notes, while carrying a bizarre looking book in pale, light grayish orchid colored magic. He flipped strands of his light gray and pale, light grayish cornflower blue mane away from his eyes with his hoof as he continued to read, lazily skimming through the words with his moderate violet eyes. Honestly, he didn't know WHY he needed to read these insufferably long notes he had his intern jot down, but for the sake of outdoing that upstart he was willing to go through such agony. "Sir?" a diligent young stagehoof addressed, communication gear upon his head and his own clipboard suspended in magic before him, "What are you doing here? You're show doesn't start until an hour from now." "Oh, not another new hire," he grumbled lowly, but he turned with a sneer towards the young stallion, "I have a routine, and I'm VERY adamant about keeping it. I can't stand being alone in my room reviewing," he stops, flipping through the notes again, "excessively boring notes. Do you know who I am?" "J-Jack Pot?" he answered with trepidation. "That's SIR Jack Pot, Master of Prestidigitation and Illusionist Extraordinaire, to you!" He announced with a flourish of his cape. "I'm not some two-half-bit yokel that can conjure flowers or perform card tricks, and you'd be wise to remember that." He gave a sharp snort as he turned away and resumed his skimming, flashing his row of golden stars cutie mark as if he were presenting a prestigious title or badge of honor. "Uhm... S-Sir Jack Pot?" the stagehoof addressed. Jack Pot's eyebrow raised as he leered back at the young stallion, as if he was waiting for something else. Cluing in reluctantly, the stagehoof continued, "Uhm... M-master of Prestidigitation and Illusionist Extraordinaire." "Better," Jack Pot finally replied, "But you must properly address me if you wish to remain working in this city." He then closed his clipboard and turned towards his addressee. "IF you must know, I study better when I'm around the hustle and bustle of the common workers. The ants of show business are what allows the real stars to shine in these glorious stages. It helps me concentrate, knowing so many ponies out there work to shine that light on me. After all, I deserve it." "R-right," the stagehoof reluctantly agreed. He wasn't wrong that it was their job to highlight the performers, but couldn't really side with the idea of seeing them as nothing but that. "Uhm, if I may be so bold as to ask, what even is your act this evening? I've only been told to help with lighting and detailing, but I've noticed some odd... props." "Oh, yes, quite," he replied, "You see, word has been spreading that some upstart filly out in the boonies had made a name for herself. Rumors say that she had subjugated a horrific being from the bowels of Tartarus and now utilizes it in her shows. Outrageous, I say!" "That... does sound rather wild," the stagehoof agreed. "So, I've done a little sleuthing, and have managed to find a book that details that sort of thing. Found it in some backwater shop in Canterlot. With it, for tonight's presentation, I am going to actually SUMMON a creature and immediately tame it, therefor outdoing her for just finding one." "I uh," he started to say, before realizing that questioning the act could get him reprimanded again. This sounds like a bad idea, he thought with worry. "My name will go down in history for such a feat, and such a charlatan will be forgotten. Oh yes, it'll be such a sweet victory. 'Great and Powerful Trixie', my hindquarters." That's who did it? the stage hand internally exclaimed, Maybe the rumors about the Ursa Major are also true... Jack Pot turned back around and began flipping through his notes once again. "Now, away with you. I am quite busy with preparations and soaking in the toil of the common workers." The stagehoof turned away, now understanding who his boss was referring to when describing a showboating, narcissistic magician with a fragile ego. He began to canter off to go and check on the stage lighting, but caught a glimpse of something large tucked away a little further back. Approaching it, it seemed to be a rather large shape with an equally large tarp covering it. Lifting one of the free flaps, he peaked inside, and realized what it was. Backing away as thoughts began to swirl, he came to a worried notion, and only hoped that Sir Jack Pot knew what he was doing. Otherwise, this show would likely end in disaster. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- It had been several hours of negotiation with the management of The Colosseum, and the quartet were absolutely exhausted. Filthy Rich's recommendation and introduction certainly gained them access, but who would have thought the one being recommended would be so stubborn. To be fair, management of The Colosseum did clarify that the whole operation of this building, and others on The Ground Floor, was to ultimately drive up profits and present premium luxuries and entertainment to those that were willing to spend the cash. Baked goods and fresh farm produce, while nice, wasn't something they were exactly looking for. The suggestion of trying The Clouds to sell the presented goods was tossed about, but it turned out that all vendor slots were filled for the season, and the waiting list for opportunities at later years was excessively long. All hope for this trip would have been lost if it weren't for Rarity's own proposal. A free trial. All product they brought with them were to be sold at the upcoming Colosseum show as a catering stint, with all proceeds going directly to the Colosseum. If the apple produce, pastries, and baked goods sold well enough, then management would negotiate a contract for an official order. It was a bold move, and one that would cost both Applejack and the Cakes short term net losses, but the reward would mean so much more if it was a success. Sensing the gamble and tenacious spirits of these mares and strange chaperone, they allowed this stunt to be pulled, and arranged for all product presented to be injected into the catering for the next available show. However, the four were warned that if their goods failed to sell well enough, they were to resign their attempts at submitting business to The Ground Floor, and sign up as vendors in The Clouds. The terms were crystal clear. After that, while details were hammered out, a contract was drawn up, with a liability clause attached, just in case unforeseen circumstances interrupted the whole thing. Said clause was discussed rigorously, which costed them that much more time. Which brought the four of them to the Colosseum's grand theater room after all was said, signed, and done. An open space filled with the finest furniture one would believe Canterlot Castle itself had commissioned. One-thousand, three-hundred, and seventy-four seats in total with a variety of seating arrangements, each with their own table. Red, velvety cushions lined the chairs, and majestic, pure white table cloths decorated the exquisitely crafted tables. Simple but elegant flowers stood as modest centerpieces of each table, also acting as a light snack for hungrier patrons. The lights adorning the walls gave the hall a moody feel, making it feel as high class as it looked. At the far end was a massive stage, big enough that just about any performance could be done with room to spare. Red velvet curtains lined in gold kept the majority of it concealed as the next show was making final preparations for the evening's entertainment. As the patrons whom all bought tickets gathered in and found their seats, so too did Rarity, Applejack, Elvis, and Pinkie. Finding their table, they each took their seats, incidentally labeled seat six hundred and sixty-four to six hundred and sixty-seven. "Willikers," Applejack blurted in a hushed tone, "Didn't think this place would be so fancy." "Well, it is THE Colosseum of Salad's Palace, my dear Applejack," Rarity reiterated, "One of the FINEST entertainment venues in Las Pegasus, neigh, in all of Equestria!" "If ah knew it were like this, I'd've brought somthin' more formal." "Wait, you didn't bring anything?" Pinkie asked innocently. The others looked over to her and noticed she was wearing her show-mare dress she wore back in Appleloosa. The other two mares were gobsmacked, one for why she still has that outfit, and two on how she managed to change without no one noticing. She wasn't wearing it before they sat down, that was for sure. Elvis simply raised an eyebrow, wondering why classic burlesque outfits were available to ponies, and ultimately gave a thumbs up in approval. "Yeah, I know, I promise I won't sing and do the can-can this time. Pinkie promise." she declared, doing the variety of very practiced hoof gestures. "Back to the topic at hoof, don't worry too much about it, darling," Rarity reassured Applejack. "Las Pegasus is known more for its thrill seekers and flashier guests. Formal attire would just stick out like a sore knuckle." "An' she's not gonna stick out?" Applejack stated, pointing her hoof at the rather garish Pinkie, whom just smiled wide. "Honestly, no. Not this time," Rarity stated flatly. slightly unamused. "Ugh, this place is so backwards." "I dunno about your chicas, but I feel quite comfy. It's been a while since I've felt at home," Elvis stated, pulling out a cigar. "AAP UP UP!" Rarity exclaimed, snatching away the smokable from Elvis's fingers before he even had a chance to light it. "EH! What gives?!" "I'm sorry, Elvis dear, but smoking has been prohibited ever since a major fire years ago due to a frequent guest leaving behind little 'accidents'. It was so bad, that anyone with the name Smokey is questioned and searched at the gate." "Yeeesh," Elvis sneered, "Fine, fine. No smoking. Can I at least get a drink?" "Well," Pinkie started, "Menus are right here." She then pointed to the pamphlets before them, which Elvis immediately began to read. While he and Pinkie were engrossed in the selection, picking out some of their own pastries from the list, Rarity and Applejack began to talk. "So, our stuff will be served at this show?" Applejack asked, mostly in confirmation. "Yes, I believe so. Here's hoping our negotiations weren't for naught," Rarity then picked up her own menu and gave it a quick skim, "Impressive." "What?" "These menus are entirely up do date, with Sugar Cube Corner and Sweet Apple Acre products put on special." "Dang. That is impressive," Applejack stated with slight surprise, "Didn't we just finish talkin' to those managers less than an hour ago?" "I heard rumor that The Ground Floor establishments are ruthlessly efficient, but I really didn't expect this." Just then, the sound of announcer spoke out from a hidden speaker. "Mares and Gentlestallions. The stage performance will begin shortly. Please take your seats, and enjoy the show." "Oh, already?" Rarity exclaimed. "Ruthlessly efficient," Applejack parroted with a smirk. "Quiet you." As everyone in the theater sat down and took their orders, quietly chatting to themselves over the excitement of the show, the lights slowly began to dim. The sound of talking devolved to whispers for a moment, before altogether ceasing. Lights shone on the beautiful curtains of the stage as orchestral music slowly came to life and fog seeped out across the surface of the platform. It was then that curtains were slowly drawn back, showing a pitch black background with speckled stars peppered about. Soon, the stars began to move and swirl around in a hypnotic fashion, getting faster and faster. Then, uproarious and confident laughter could be heard all around the theater as an explosion of light and smoke caught everyone off guard. As the blinding flash dissipated, what stood on the stage was a lone stallion, adorned in a black cape filled with stars, a golden top hat with a deep purple band, sporting a deep purple tux with golden trim and purple bow tie. He gave a daring, confident smile, and he cackled again with a flourish, accompanied by sparks erupting from the ground. Everyone cheered. Everyone, except Rarity and Applejack, who squinted at the pony on stage. "Hey, Rare." "Yes, Applejack?" "Doesn't he seem sorta... familiar?" "Entirely," she answered, rubbing her hooves unconsciously. "Greetings my lovely, wonderful audience. For those of the uninitiated, I am the amazing, stupendous, and completely unparalleled magician, JACK POT! Master of Prestidigitation and Illusionist Extraordinaire!" There was another roar of the crowd in applause, before he continued, "And, I welcome you all to my show!" He gave a triumphant pose as more sparks shot off. The crowd was absolutely loving it, and he was clearly adoring the attention. "Well, at least the crowd actually likes him," Applejack pointed out. "Yes. Perhaps we're being too hasty in judgement," Rarity adds, "Heckling a magician without due cause led to a major debacle, after all." "Two," Applejack pointed out. "Yes, two," Rarity repeated with a slightly annoyed tone. As the crowds cheer began to die down, especially as he raised his hooves with a gesture suggesting to quieten down, he began to speak. "My dear guests. Tonight, I have quite the show planned for you. Normally, I'd simply treat you to my well known, famous, wonderful acts of enchanting incantations and bewitching allurement, which I'm very sure you all would be happy to gaze upon." He gave a light chuckle to himself as an organ slowly began to play and pick up in volume. "Oh yes, but my dear audience, I am an artist at heart, and I'm always seeking new and inspiring ideas for my show. Endlessly searching the corners of Equestria for these muses and secrets to inject into my ever evolving, ever loved performance." Murmurs danced about the hall between ponies as they wondered what he was on about. Once again, he raised his hooves, which had the curious equines all silence themselves as they continued to listen to his explanation. "Tonight, and for tonight only, I will be selecting a random patron from this very hall in order to assist me with my performance." Shocked and excited chatter rose back up among the crowd as a stage hand dressed in black wheeled out a black box with a golden, sparkled question mark presented at the front of it. "Within this box are the numbered seats of all one-thousand, three-hundred, and seventy-four seats. I shall reach in," he declares as he does just that, "And pull out the number of my random assistant." As he buries his foreleg deep within the box, swirling it about to mix the numbers within for extra assurance, the hidden orchestra begins to swell, with the organ still playing, now part of the tense music. After some time, he pulls out a slip of folded paper, and holds it aloft. "Behold! The number in which somepony in this very room will help shape destiny this very night!" Unfolding the paper, he reads the number out loud. "Number six hundred and sixty six!" "Heh," Elvis chuckled to himself, as his face was still buried in the menu, "Mi número favorito." Then, the spotlight shone upon him, causing Elvis and the girls to realize what just happened. "Espera, ¿qué mierda?!" Jack Pot, for all of his bravado, slightly faltered when he saw the 'lucky' participant. He wasn't expecting anything like that to show up at his show. Griffons, maybe. Minotaurs, perhaps. Not... whatever that was. However, he was a stallion of pride, and the number was already taken. Trying to replace it now would just make him look like an idiot. At least, that's how he saw it. Pinkie, with the most excited gasp and the biggest smile, placed both hooves on his arm and shouted, "OH MY GOSH! You got picked! That's SOOOO super lucky! I wish I got picked, but you're the one that got picked, and you get to be part of a big, once in a lifetime magic show that totally isn't like Trixie's but eerily kind of is in a way. I wonder what's up with that. Anyway, you should totally go up there!" "No, no no no no no," Elvis said, waving his hands in front of him, "I'm not really into dealin' with magicians and basura like that. Shanon I can tolerate... and those chicas in the top hats, too, but this is a bit too much for me. Esto no est bueno." "Number six sixty six! Your number has been selected and I doubt anyone here appreciates the delay." Soon, the entire audience began to jeer, demanding him to go up to the stage. Elvis stared at the grand theater platform for a moment with annoyance and embarrassment, before he heard the sound of the girls cut through the heckling. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity," Rarity stated with sparkles in her eyes, "Make history and do NOT regret it!" "Ah, what's the harm in tryin' this one thing out? Hey, if it'd make ya feel better, I'll order somethin' extra from the menu for ya, on mah bit!" Applejack assured with a wink and a smile. "I mean, hey, this could be a lot of fun! You never know until you go up there and give it a shot!" Pinkie chimed in, giving him a gentle tap against his shoulder with her hoof. Elvis glanced back and forth between the expecting girls at his sides and the crowd that continued to urge him on so the show could continue. "I'm waiting!" Jack Pot stated, tapping his hoof in irritation. Elvis gave a deep sigh. "Can't smoke, denied food, and dragged up on stage to probably embarrass myself. Dios maldito." He then shuffled away from his seat, walked around the table, and followed the path that led up to the stage as the whole audience cheered and the spotlight followed his movement. The orchestra swelled once again as Elvis got closer to the front of the hall. "I don't envy him at all," Applejack confessed. "I DO!" Pinkie exclaimed, "But I wasn't picked, so I just have to deal." She then whipped out a bowl of popcorn, eliciting strange looks from the other two. At the front of the hall, upon climbing the stairs at either side of the stage, and approaching Jack Pot, Elvis, gazed about, somewhat disturbed by the light, no longer able to see anyone out in the crowd. Jack himself just looked up at Elvis, realizing he was easily over twice his height, perhaps even three times, and just as wide. What was more alarming was his arms, decorated in large gold rings, were thick and muscular, denoting a likely impressive strength. That is a big... pony? he thought, I just hope he'll be useful. Jack Pot then gestured to somepony offstage, where a stagehoof quickly shot forth and produced a microphone, handing it off to the magician before disappearing from the stage once again. "Now, for the audience's curiosity, and my convenience, could you tell me your name, my good... stallion?" Jack Pot stated, still trying to figure out what he was. Never-the-less, he stuck out the microphone towards his new assistant. Leaning forward, the mostly unwilling participant spoke into the micorphone. "Uh... Elvis," the Deva stated flatly. "Elvis," Jack Pot repeated equally as flatly, "Interesting name." Never heard of a name like that, he thought. Can't even make a pun or joke out of it. This is going to be rough. "Give a round of applause for Elvis, folks!" The crowd once again erupted into cheers, hoofstomps, and hoofclops so thunderous that it drowned out the ambient music that still continued to play. Elvis himself gave a small, nervous wave. "Yo quiero ir," he quietly mumbled to himself, giving quite the bad, forced smile. "Now, Elvis, It seems like this is your first time, but don't be so nervous. Trust me, what I'm going to have you do is VERY simple. Through it, we are going to make HISTORY together!" "Si, si, I get ya," Elvis responded, waving him off. Jack Pot gave a snort of indignation. Regardless of his feelings and growing ire towards his new "assistant", the show must go on. With a wave of his hoof, the inky black backdrop with the speckling stars soon lifted like a second set of curtains, revealing a massive object beneath an equally large covering. Many stagehooves deep in the shadows began to move said object forward with great difficulty while Jack Pot beckoned it forth. In moments, the massive, shrouded object now stood between them, and Elvis couldn't help but whistle in approval and awe. "Looks like you like to go big, or go home," Elvis stated, scratching the beard upon his chin for a moment, before he gave the magician a thumbs up. "¡Lo apruebo! ¡Lo apruebo mucho!" Jack Pot took off his hat for a moment, and pulled out a set of hoof-cuffs. The very ones that the Royal Guard utilize when detaining a dangerous suspect. He looked at them, then at his rather large compatriot, before his horn glowed and cast a small size change spell upon the cuffs, making them just big enough. Once he did, he grabbed the cloth and yanked it off with all of his might, revealing a giant, thick cage of iron bars. Inside were a variety of object, meticulously placed, all within a strange, circular design on the wooden floor of the cage. Before Elvis could react, Jack Pot raced to Elvis's outstretched hand, clapped one of the cuffs upon his wrist, before clapping the other onto one of the bars. "EH!? What gives?!" Elvis shouted. "Do not panic, my assistant. This is just to make sure you stay, no matter how terrifying this may become!" Elvis growled, but the rising ire of the Deva did not dissuade the show-pony, for he made another flourish and spoke again. "My dear audience! It is time! For I, Jack Pot, Master of Prestidigitation and Illusionist Extraordinaire, shall conduct a miracle with lost magic!" The crowd began to murmer, uttering the last two words with skepticism and intrigue. What could he possibly mean by that? With no further delay, his horn glowed as he turned toward the cage and raised both hooves into the air. Then, he began to speak. "Torzu, c ialprg de umplif. Allar pugo ol od noan cafafam. Ozazam c ag parach, gohed. Aboapri, cacrg geh velucorsapax de ohio. Niiso, Goliath!3" Elvis, in the middle of the invocation, realized what was going on and attempted to stop it, but something on his cuffed wrist felt off. Soon, he saw the metal of the cuff begin to glow hot, and it wasn't even his own doing. Further, that wasn't the only thing heating up. Slowly but surely, starting from where the other cuff was clasped, the entire cage too began to glow red hot. As it did, a swirling disturbance in the air began to surround the object in the center, which he realized were offerings. There was no room for doubt. This was a devil summoning. Before he attempted to yank his hand free, he felt a not-so insignificant amount of his energy drain from him and seemingly enter the cage. It was enough energy that it made him take a knee for a moment, and be unable to wrench himself free the first time around. What ever amount was taken, he reasoned, would have been near fatal to any other pony. Perhaps even entirely deadly. Jack Pot was really willing to risk a pony to perform this 'trick'. Elvis could hear the crowd get excited from the events on stage, but he couldn't really know if they were even considering that what was going on was actually a bad thing. He felt the air distort, as if a very angry entity were pushing against the now fragile wall of existence. If he didn't do something now, then the crowd could very well be in trouble. Upon gathering up as much of his might as possible, as well as as much of his willpower as he could muster, he gave the cuff a mighty and very sudden pull. This caused it to break from the combination of his remaining strength and the growing heat that all but consumed the cage and hoof-cuffs. He tumbled back upon being freed, and suddenly landed upon his backside. Before he could even rise back up and start yelling at Jack Pot, it was too late. There was a heavy explosion of light as a great and powerful roar erupted from the stage. Jack pot himself was flung back and off the stage, crashing into one of the tables, eliciting a harsh scream of shock. Elvis shielded his eyes right before he attempted to get up, only for the force of the blast to also knock him away, landing back behind one of the curtains. As the dust settled and the glare faded, a heavy stomp was heard exiting the melted wreckage of the giant cage. The creature that emerged was massive and imposing. A bipedal beast easily reaching house sized heights shifted and stretched his thick muscles beneath his deep brown fur. Eyes that dotted all about his body shifted around, taking in as much visual information as possible about the new world the creature was in. The monster gave a scratch to the short but imposing horns upon his forehead. A wicked jaw opened as a relatively long tongue licked serrated, vicious teeth. Across the belly of the beast, a second, massive mouth opened up ever so slightly as if to stretch it in order to work out some discomfort. A low, guttural snarl seeped out from the creature's upper mouth, before it spoke. "What manner of joke is this?" a deep, distorted voice rumbled, "I perish in the mortal realm, and then get dragged into this new, strange one? I smell nothing but beasts of burden." The crowd collectively screamed and panicked, rushing out of the venue as fast as their little hooves and claws could carry them, leaving only a dazed Jack Pot and the three Element bearers that stared gobsmacked by the sudden horror. "Rare, go and git some Royal Guards up here. I dunno how effective they'll be at helpin', but they should at least be able to get a message out to Canterlot!" Not wasting a word or time, Rarity did just that, exiting the now mostly vacant and trashed theater hall, where as Pinkie and Applejack approached the front stage. The massive creature took notice, and seemingly almost gave a smile. "Approaching me? You are either brave, foolish, or mad." The monster gave a short, mocking laugh as it took another step closer, looming over Jack Pot. The magician, finally able to shake the stars from his eyes, suddenly became aware of the great shadow cast upon him. He was about to yell at whoever dared to stand over him without offering assistance, but he then saw the abomination he had summoned to their world. All he could do then was stare and whimper in outright fear. His words became incoherent, as all bravado left him in an instant. Pinkie, however, spoke up in response to the creature. "Nah, we aren't any of those. Just a couple of mares taking a casual trot," She giggled at her ineffective nonchalance. "Hey, Pardner," Applejack stated, trying to keep an even, negotiating tone, "Listen. Ya ain't the first one of you things to be brought here, but if ya keep calm, we'll try to help ya out. So, don't do anythin' rash." "Interesting. Livestock that can speak," the great creature growled, "Then, it isn't pointless to say. You, mortal whelps, stand before the mighty GOLIATH! Lay down your lives to me. I will make it as painless as possible." The whimpering of Jack Pot then caught Goliath's attention, as he decided a demonstration was in order. "If you don't..." the massive demon then raised his foot in the air, preparing a powerful stomp. Realizing the situation was going south, Pinkie sped forward, snatched Jack Pot, and darted away mere split seconds before Goliath's foot hit the ground, cracking the floor beneath. Taking the distraction opportunity, Applejack ran around off to the other side of the creature, looking for something to use. "Hoo, that was a close one!" Pinkie exclaimed as Jack Pot lay passed out on her back, saddle-pack style. "Hey, you big meanie. You can't just step on ponies without asking first. It's not very kosher. I mean, I get it. What happens in Las Pegasus stays in Las Pegasus, but-" "Oh, be SILENT!" Goliath roared as it stepped off the stage entirely and began to lumber towards the mare and her rescue. "Your voice irritates me!" Goliath pulled his fist back and was about to charge, but then a rope looped over one of his horns, and suddenly pulled back. His head jerked to the side, and soon noticed Applejack, firmly holding down the rope at the other end. "Pinkie! Git 'im outta here while ah 'ave his attention!" She commanded. Without another word, Pinkie sped off, leaving the venue with the unconscious Jack Pot. "It's just you 'n me now, pardner." "No, it's just me!" Goliath responded as he grabbed the rope from his horn and pulled back violently, causing Applejack to fly forward before she let go of the rope. Landing with a thud not a few paces away from the beast, she gave a cough from the harsh impact. Goliath then turned properly to the farm pony and stomped up closer to her dazed self, chuckling darkly. "I wonder how your bones differ to humans. Let's test that out." Goliath then raised his foot high, ready to stomp again. Aw, horseapples, Applejack thought in a panic as she covered herself with her hooves in vain and closed her eyes. However, the violent foot did not come down, as there was a sudden loud crash as if a variety of tables and chairs were being busted up. Applejack's eyes opened as she dared to take a peek, and saw Elvis taking a short stride forward, rotating his shoulder for a moment. "Mierda, eres un gran buey, ¿eh?," Elvis stated, before he turned his attention to Applejack. "You doin' alright, caballo?" "Eh, could be a little worse for wear," Applejack stated, rising back to her hooves. "Friend o' yers?" "Nah, never seen him before," Elvis confessed. "That is definitely a devil, though. You should get to a safe spot. I'll handle the cabrón." "But-?" There was a loud growl as the two saw Goliath violently rise to his feet, kicking broken furniture around like some sort of film reel monster having a temper tantrum. "We ain't got time to discuss this. Go." Elvis affirmed, cracking his knuckles as he stepped forward. Applejack gave a hesitant nod as she to began to run out of the hall. Goliath was about to attempt to cut her off, before Elvis shouted at him and gained his attention, "¡Eh! ¡Cabrón! Where're you goin' eh?!" "You must be the one that struck me!" Goliath accused, pointing one of his stubby claws at the Deva. "Your strength is noteworthy, but you're just a human. Quite the portly one, too." "'Ey, I worked HARD for this body o' mine, puta!" Elvis barked back snidely, giving his belly a slap. "How fortunate I am to find one, even in this stink of livestock. You'll be a delicious meal before I tear this realm apart!" "Yeah, no. Not here. We've done enough damage. El precio de la factura va ser ridículo." Elvis stated, before he pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation, remembering who started this mess. "Voya patear ese culo de mago if I ever see that puta again." "Quit talking, and DIE!" Goliath shouted, rushing towards Elvis with impressive speed. However, Elvis saw it coming. He ducked down, lined his trajectory to where the desert outside Las Pegasus would be, pulled his fist back, and gave a mighty uppercut that sent Goliath flying out of the venue, punching a massive hole through the ceiling. He winced at the thought of the cost to repair that, but decided the big angry demonic oaf needed to be dealt with first. Elvis then flexed his legs and jumped through the hole after him, and landed outside of the Colosseum. Gazing about, he tried to locate the new invader, suspecting he would be relatively near. Sure enough, He was several hundred paces away, just barely rising back to his feet right now just outside the city limits. Elvis took a stance, before launching himself like a cannonball towards the target, smashing Goliath in the stomach and tackling him further out into the San Palomino desert. Tumbling, Goliath managed to grit through the pain of the attack and throw Elvis off of him, who managed to land to a rolling stop. The two returned to their feet and faced each other, getting into fighting stances. "What in the nine circles are you?! No human is THIS strong." "Cabrón, I ain't human." Goliath tilted his head slightly, puzzled. "You clearly are!" He shouted back, before angrily picking up a large boulder, opening his giant torso mouth, and shoving it inside. It was now Elvis's turn to look confused, but before he could ask anything, Goliath's belly mouth spat out a giant, red hot boulder. Thinking quickly, he poured his energy into his hands, and caught the flaming projectile before driving it into the sandy ground, burying it to cool it off. Wafting and flicking his hands for a moment, Elvis muttered "Mierda, que arde," until his hands weren't burning anymore. Then, he took out his unlit cigar, placed the end against the smouldering boulder, and lit his smokable up before taking a deep drag. "Ah, much better," he sighed content just before he stomped the buried projectile. "H-how... did you catch that?" Goliath asked in shock. "I told you, puta. I AIN'T no human!" With a deep, mighty, guttural growl, darkened energy began to swirl about Elvis, engulfing him for a moment, before he became completely covered and obscured. His voice, which continued to ring out the entire time, dropped lower and lower in pitch as the size grew. It was then that the smell hit Goliath. "N-no... You're..." The darkened energies that obscured him suddenly burst away with an ejection of flame, revealing Elvis's true demonic form. Twice as tall as his human form, his hands were teethed crab-claws, spikes adorned his body, his pectorals became eyelids to large yellow eyes, his belly became a massive tooth-lined maw, and his head hosted a stack of three pairs of eyes, flanked and topped by four horns. Surrounding his head, which used to be large purple beads, were now a wreath of skulls missing their lower jaws. Small wings flapped uselessly at his back, almost in anticipation. He lifted his clawed foot up and inward, tapping the sole with one of his massive crab-claws, and spoke in his new, lower pitched voice. "Time to play, PENDEJO!" Goliath rushed forth in a desperate attempt to take the newly transformed Elvis down, but the Deva remained calm, simply opened his belly mouth wide, and lunged forward, managing to clamp down around the top. Goliath cried out in pain as Elvis chewed a few times, before tightening his bite pressure, leaning back to lift the demon, before viciously slamming him back down with a throw. Goliath, not wanting to give up yet, scrambled back to his feet once more and flailed about wild punches, trying to land a lucky shot in his fury, but Elvis hopped back, before launching forward in with an overhead hammer, slamming Goliath's skull. Then, while the devil was dazed, Elvis gave him a vicious left hook, then a right hook, and finished with a punishing punch to the solar plexus, causing him to heave harshly. Before Elvis let him fall, he swiftly grappled both of Goliath's arms with his own, clamped down on them in a toothy vice grip, opened his belly mouth once more, and began to breath as much fire as he could upon his foe. Goliath's cries of pain reverberated around the desert. Elvis then let the demon go and took a step back, allowing the beaten Goliath to fall to his hands and knees. "N-no..." Goliath pitifully lamented, "How? How are you so powerful?" "Cabrón, ya may have blazin’ muscle, but round here, it ain’t worth hell without a hunk o’ burnin’ love!” "What human drivel," Goliath spat back, "Where did you get this power? You CAN'T be of our kin! You HAVE to be human! You MUST have a contract. Or else... or else..." he trailed off, his voice trembling in what seems to be a terrible discovery. The sound of approaching ponies in armor could be heard clattering in the night, which drew both of their attention. Elvis gave a chuckle. "Guess play time is over." "Kill me," Goliath demanded. "Kill me now, traitor of our kind. I'd rather die that way than suffer at the feet of mortals." "ELVIS!" a familiar, jovial voice called out that made the Deva inwardly smile. Elvis turned back to the subdued aggressor. "Nah. That ain't how it works around here, tonto." With a deep sigh, the same energy that aided his transformation swirled about him once again long enough until he gained his normal, more human appearance. "Now, you be good while I greet your new masters," he stated, chuckling darkly. Goliath's eyes widened in horror as Elvis began to walk away. As he did, he heard the sound of something sharp violently digging into flesh. Elvis spun back around, and saw Goliath rip out his own heart before bursting into flames and turning to ash. With a disappointed and dejected sigh, he turned back towards the approaching group. The guards rushed beyond him, gathering about the smouldering pile of ash, now chatting among themselves in confusion. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie approached Elvis himself. "What in tarnation happened here?!" Applejack asked. "He... wasn't willing to play by the rules," Elvis responded with a melancholic air, "Let's just leave it at that, chica." He then turned to Pinkie, noticing that the one responsible wasn't there anymore. "'Ey, where'd that Jack Pot cabrón go?" "He's in a LOT of trouble," Rarity answered, "I don't think he'll be working on the Ground Floor any time soon." "Yeah," Applejack agreed, "Guess we should go and claim our insurance." "Insurance?" Elvis repeated. "Yes," Rarity chimed in, "It was part of the liability clause. Any and all products offered by party B, meaning us, that is damaged, destroyed, or otherwise interfered with by staff at any and all 'Salad's Palace' establishments is to, hereby, be covered for damaged through party A's insurance. Since Mr. Jack Pot over there is a staff member, and it was his fault in the first place, I'm fairly certain he's going to be paying back a lot of the Insurance that'll pay for the damaged goods. Didn't you read the contract." "Eh, I hate those things," Elvis confessed, before his stomach began to growl, "Well, I worked up an appetite. Why don't we go and find a gran fiesta and get some grub?" "I am feelin' a might bit famished myself," Applejack added. "That sounds super-duper awesome. Can we, Rarity?" Pinkie pleaded. "Alright. Food first. Then we'll deal with the insurance." Rarity said with a shake of her head. As Pinkie cheered, the farm pony and the fashionista started to make their way back into Las Pegasus, with Pinkie and Elvis trailing behind. He then remembered something that was said to him, and tapped Pinkie on the shoulder. She turned her attention to the Deva with a big smile. "Hey, what's up?" "You remember what you said earlier, before I went on stage?" Elvis asked. "Yeah?" "You were right, Rosa. This was fun," Elvis said sadly. > Crownless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been quite the strange turn of events for Equestria. Deep within the recesses of Everfree Forest, a potent danger brewed just beneath the soil, biding its time for the perfect moment. Or, it would have, if it weren't interrupted by a blessing bestowed from a wayward angel towards a very particular crystalline tree that was hidden below the Castle of the Two Sisters. Said disruption diminished what was below it enough to stave off its potential for growth for about... a couple weeks. When that time was finally spent, business as usual continued for the plant before It exploded across the Everfree and snaked its way towards Canterlot. Plunder Weeds, as it was identified by Discord, was the entity in question, which managed to overrun the center of the countryside, stretching south of the Everfree towards Appleloosa, northward to Canterlot, eastward beyond Rambling Rock Ridge, and west to White Tail Woods. It was quite the mess, and the weeds themselves nicked anything that wasn't nailed down. Everywhere you looked, objects, ponies, and even entire houses were snatched by these black tendrils with grey thorns. On top of their thieving nature, the weeds themselves were both incredibly difficult to deal with, and had a nasty habit of distorting unicorn magic and caused any spell to go haywire. Worse, their presence also spawned malicious black clouds which sported the same grey thorns, which had the terrible disposition of striking any wayward pegasus with magical lightning that got too close. While Twilight and her companions had been running around the immediate area, trying to solve the root cause of the issue, their charges had been tasked with suppressing the weeds and assisting citizens in this time of crisis. While these monsters had more than enough power to level entire countrysides if they saw fit, with their command over ice, fire, earth, magnetic, light, and psychic abilities, each time they managed to obliterate a single tendril, more would take the removed one's place. It was beginning to look like a sisyphusian task, with no real end in sight. Their efforts, however, halted the spread due to the amount of damage they constantly dumped on the wicked plant and spared a fair few ponies the grief, courtesy of those horrible, grabby weeds. On and on they fought, letting loose their great strength that amazed, bewildered, and terrified all those who watched, before suddenly, the weeds themselves stopped moving, right before they shook violently, and disintegrated from a rainbow-like wave coming from the Everfree Forest. In a matter of seconds, the vicious weeds and black clouds they spawned were purged from the land, leaving only the confused and distraught populous behind wondering what had happened, but thankful the nightmare was over. It was then the plot twist was revealed to the rest of the rescue crew when all was said and done. The center of this madness originated beneath what was known as the "Tree of Harmony", a crystalline tree that once housed the Elements of Harmony, the magical artifacts the six young mares had utilized in times of crisis. Much to their chagrin and annoyance, it had turned out that Discord haphazardly planted the damnable, kleptomaniacal, magic devouring seeds just before his initial defeat a thousand years ago. The seeds took root and began seeking the strongest source of magic available, which happened to be the aforementioned Tree of Harmony, but were halted by the suppressing powers it had that maintained the relative containment of the forest. In essence, the plunder weeds were being treated as merely another part of the Everfree's bizarre wildlife despite the contrary truth of the matter. Adna had expressed its minor amount of knowledge about said tree, confirmed by the girls themselves as Rainbow Dash explained their involvement with it a fair few moons ago. The extra-equestrian guests, however, weren't exactly thrilled to hear that their efforts were wasted due to the fact that this mess could have been solved much sooner. The angel merely apologized, claiming it simply forgot of the matter, and Rainbow Dash did the same. Aside from that, it turned out the Plunder Weeds had also managed to foalnap both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, which created looks of confusion and query among many of the monsters. As far as they could recall, or for what they could believe, they had thought that entities that were capable of raising the sun and moon, a feat regularly mocked and denied by Monsoon, must be creatures of godly power. If the weeds were able to take the two matriarchs so easily, while the darkened monsters were able to easily fight the plants off, then logically it puts the two Matriarchs' power into question. There was only one among the group, however, that had different doubts, and said doubts were not against the two Princesses, strangely enough. Never-the-less, for their efforts (perceived wasted or not), all twelve had been invited to Canterlot to attend a celebratory hero's banquette. The thought of a high class dinner had the darkened creatures remain silent for the time being as they accepted the invitation, with varying levels of appreciation and dignity. The meetup would be scheduled the following day, allowing everyone to prepare for the journey to the city. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- The next day began quite uneventfully with the twelve gathered together before the train-station. Bael was given his device to allow him to shrink by a marginal amount to be able to board a special cargo trolley with room to spare, to which Dumah had also boarded due to his own unorthodox size. The others, however, were able to more or less comfortably board a passenger cart, taking up most of the space of one half and, in some cases, slouching a little due to the significant height difference they had over most ponies. While the girls were comfortable enough to begin chatting with one another about a variety of subjects from recent plans and circumstances to future activities, jobs, and aspirations, their charges sat in relative silence. Honestly, it was better that way to some degree for the monsters on the train. Monsoon, while fascinated by Mantis as one of the legendary members of the covert military unit FOXHOUND, was also utterly terrified, especially given what had happened between them during their second official encounter. Adna was uncomfortable with the thought of sitting directly beside what was essentially an archfiend taking on a human form, and would rather keep its beak shut lest it ended up saying something it really desired to say and earning a predictable result. Elvis himself, diagonally across from his own creature of discontent, tried to keep some sense of civility despite disliking humans on the average. As for Mantis... It really hadn't been very long since he first arrived in this strange world full of talking livestock and mythical creatures, but he was oddly at peace with the idea. Perhaps it was Twilight's accidental influence that helped the notion to be much less outlandish. Perhaps it was his original epiphany about these equestrians, for lack of a more complete term, that made him see them not dissimilar to human beings. Such thoughts were oddly comforting and normal, despite the bizarre nature of the situation and despite his less than pleasant view on the concept of humanity. If anything, the strangest fact was that he was sitting directly across from two seemingly biblical creatures, one much less obvious than the other, while an example of humanity's technological advances sat next to him. The poetic irony wasn't lost on the mentalist, neither was the fact that this absurd physically present revelation would likely break the average human mind. Worse still were the hosts of the little tea party they were making their way towards. Truth be told, with the scant few interactions he had with the royals of this saccharine land, their presence made Mantis decidedly uncomfortable. What made him more nervous was the opinions that were made semi-public between the bitter rivals of the cyborg and the disguised devil. "I'm tellin' ya, cabron," Elvis said in a hushed tone, "After what happened with those malas hierbas estúpidas, I'm beginning to wonder about the trasero de sol real that carries the pigeon's colors." Adna's feathers ruffled from the indignation, but ultimately said nothing, where then Monsoon addressed Elvis' accusations. "For once, I agree. Jack had divulged some interesting information to me in regards towards our dear Solar Princess," he said with a hint of suspicion, "Including her defeat while facing Chrysalis." "The Bug!?" "The very same." Elvis sat back, crossing his arms in thought. The angel at his side, having kept quiet, was somewhat interested in what was and wasn't being said, despite how heretical it all seemed. First, it had heard of that fateful encounter between Chrysalis and Celestia from its keeper, Rainbow Dash, which confirmed the truth of the matter of the Solar Princess' defeat as far as it was aware. That information alone lent credence that Celestia never seemed to be as godly as the denizens made her out to be. Honestly, the leaders of this equine civilization, at least in its perception of them, appeared far more reserved, "down to earth", and vulnerable, so to speak. "I must agree as well," the angel finally spoke, "However, I have come to the belief that their sires dost not even wish to attempt to lay claim to these notions." "Nor deny them," Monsoon added. "One would take kindly to ask their Highnesses the honest opinion on the matter, let alone question how or why they've done naught but stayed their tongue." "Asking them directly?!" Elvis exclaimed, "Listen, I don't think they'd give us much trouble if they got offended and decided to get physical over it, but I'd rather not be the puta to piss off the ponis princesa." "Because they're the ones in charge of our final fates and ability to leave this land, correct?" Monsoon pointed out. "Si," Elvis replied, "Though, while I'm in no hurry to leave, I'd still rather not have any freedom taken from me because of a jodido comentario descuidado." "I doubt they'll doll out punishment more inane than being forced to play nice with the lollipop guild." "You really don't like it here, eh cabron?" "I've made that clear for some time now. It would have been nice and convenient for me if they hadn't figured out how to refuel my powercells and let my systems rot on the less effective replacement I was on, but..." "The Draconequus," Adna interjected. "Yes. That mismatched nightmare figured it out, and promptly had some made, at the suggestion of that yellow one." "Fluttershy," Elvis interjected this time. "Don't care," Monsoon retorted, earning a scowl from the portly devil. "Back to the topic at hand, I'm still curious about those two." "If direct queries are out," Adna stated, "Then perhaps we should speak to one that may have a better idea?" The angel then turned its gaze towards the silent Mantis, whom soon noticed it had gained the attention of the biblical fragment. Elvis and Monsoon followed suit, understanding the implication. Mantis scoffed, leaning back in his seat as the three kept an eye on the mentalist. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but despite the fact that I have had direct contact with both the Lunar and Solar princesses on multiple occasions, I'm afraid I have no answers." Monsoon was somewhat surprised at this announcement from the former FOXHOUND member. Before he could even speak, Mantis continued, "I'm afraid you'll have to ask the source, and I have a feeling they'd be happy to answer." The three then looked to each other, soon realizing plan A was their only option if they wished to satisfy their curiosity, especially since Mantis more or less confirmed questioning the targeted authority would at least be safe to do. "However," Mantis stated, gaining their attention once more, "Leave me out of it." Elvis was the one to laugh at the sudden demand. "What, afraid of a little caballo?" Mantis remained silent and stoic, either refusing to answer or once again having no answer. While the devil sought to wring a little entertainment out of poking some fun at the only natural human he's encountered since his duel with the God Hand, there was something somewhat unsettling about Mantis' lack of response. It was as cold as some of the most frigid regions of hell, which said quite a bit. Instead, Elvis gave another scoff as he too sat back at his seat as best he could, considering his size. "I guess we'll see what happens when we get there," Monsoon said, somewhat looking forward to this little tea party for the first time. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Arrival at Canterlot Castle went along rather smoothly, Twilight believed. Upon reaching the city limits, all guests were greeted by a friendly entourage of guards whom guided them to the palace proper, before being navigated through the many large hallways of the edifice, all towards the ballroom which had been temporarily converted into a banquet hall. Twilight had been given the reasoning behind it prior to their journey here, giggling at the truth of the matter. Fourteen VERY differently sized individuals would be attending, after all. It was quite the sight to see, though. The location only previously used for the Grand Galloping Gala (and once a private birthday party at the behest of the Princess) was now being used just to seat a formal meeting at a double wide table between the Royals, a group of small town mares, and outer-reality creatures. The term "absurd" really didn't cover what was right before her eyes. At the head of this table sat the two Princesses, for obvious reasons. To the left were Rarity and Fluttershy, each of them flanked with their charges, Dumah and Bael. To the right were Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, with Monsoon, Elvis, and Adna paired up with the mares. At the foot of the table, seated far across from the princesses, was the newly anointed Princess, Twilight Sparkle, and the mentalist she was tasked to keep under control. Aside from the variety of entities seated at the rather lengthy table, off to the side seemed to be another, thinner table that was reserved for the meals, deserts and snacks. Half of it was filled with the variety of Equestrian foods that most ponies delighted over, while the other half remained empty for the time being. Due to the rather unorthodox group presented, the half seemingly reserved for the other six guests were still in the preparation phase, as the new ingredients needed special chefs to handle the decidedly non-equine individuals. Elvis and Adna, however, decided to partake in a little of the other side, Elvis taking up the various confectioneries while Adna simply sampled berries and grapes in small portions. Otherwise, everyone was served a cup of tea to go with their conversations. While everyone seemed to chat between each other to varying degrees of success, Mantis simply sat in silence, watching with a small grin beneath his mask. Twilight couldn't help but feel a little uneasy for a moment, wondering what was actually going through the human's head. However, the chatting didn't last too long, as Monsoon broke away from his undesired conversation with Applejack and rose from his seat. The others soon quietened down as their attention was drawn to the cyborg. Even the Princesses relinquished their own conversation with each other to see what their extra-equestrian guest had to announce. "I do sincerely apologize for interrupting such... riveting conversations," Monsoon stated, with Applejack raising an eyebrow to the not so subtle sarcasm, "However, I'd like to direct a question to our lovely hostesses of the afternoon." "Monsoon, sit down," Applejack hissed in a hushed tone, "Y'ain't gonna start trouble, ya hear?" The former Desperado agent ignored his warden and continued, "You see, your Highness, some of us have been talking and we've come to a rather burning question after the recent events." "Con-sarnet, Monsoon. Ah'm warnin' ya!" Applejack growled, trying to stay hushed. "No no," the Princess of the Sun then interjected, giving a gentle wave and smile, "Let him speak. I'm curious as to what they've been talking about." Applejack gave a huff of irritation and concern, no longer capable of stopping the beehive kicker of a ward from Princess Celestia's unintentional command. Monsoon gave a toothy grin as he took a slight bow towards the two matriarchs. "Thank you, your Highness," he declared before continuing his line of question, "Some of us, myself included, have been somewhat puzzled over the two of you. According to anyone we've cared to interact with, it would seem one would be mistaken if you weren't seen as literal, physical gods among your kind." Celestia raised her eyebrow mid sip of her tea. The rest of the table, whatever hushed whispers were previously heard before, became dead silent. Applejack tilted her hat down to cover her face from the embarrassment. "So, what we'd like to know is if there's any truth to these rumors, and if so, why were the two of you captured so easily by overgrown houseplants?" "Monsoon!" Twilight shouted, stamping her hooves against the table as she rose from her seat suddenly, feeling indignant over the implied slander. "No, Twilight," Celestia reassured, "It's alright. He has the right to ask." "I apologize if this seems rude," Monsoon lied with a smile, his gaze turned to Twilight, "But considering our fates are in the... hooves of you and your leaders, I'd be a little concerned if the circumstances lay implications that their capabilities are blown out of proportion." Princess Luna nearly jumped out of her own seat from such gall but remained silent from a single touch of her sister's hoof on her shoulder. Biting her tongue, Luna let the cyborg say his peace, only expressing her discontent from her deep scowl while sipping her own tea. "How do you suppose we clear the confusion?" Celestia asked. "Your Majesty," Rarity finally interjected, "You don't need to entertain this ruffian's insulting insinuations. He has a habit of getting under one's skin, much like someone else we know." Ignoring the comparison to Discord's behavior, Monsoon instead answered Celestia's question, "I suggest a sparring match between us. The first to make the other forfeit wins." "Oh my," Celestia said with a rather forced gasp of surprise, "A contest between you and this old mare? I don't think that seems very fair..." She began sipping her tea again. "We could always allow a handi-" "... for you." She finished upon putting her tea back down. Everyone was silent for an awkward amount of time, no one really sure how to process what she had said. "Eh, beggin' your pardon, cabrona," Elvis said, "But, what was that supposed to mean?" "Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to be blunt." She then cleared her throat as she rose from her seat gracefully. "I hereby accept your challenge, Monsoon, but under one condition." She's actually going through with this? Monsoon thought, Maybe this'll be fun after all. "Alright. What are your terms?" "You are not to face me alone. Anyone else here in this room is permitted, nay, encouraged to participate at your side." "Quite the bold condition. Are you a sucker for punishment?" "We'll see whether there's a mirror before that statement soon enough." There was a moment of silence, before Elvis rose from his own seat. "I'll join in." Pinkie's eyes shot towards her dear friend in shock. "Sorry, Rosa. I'm curious, and I kinda agree with the cabron. No offense to the two of you," he declared, giving a light bow towards the Princesses. "None taken," Celestia replied. "I shall partake in this contest as well," Dumah announced, also rising from his seat. Rarity gave a shocked gasp as her attention locked towards the vampire. "Et tu, Dumah?!" she pleaded. Dumah ignored the remark, and continued with, "I do not know the motivations the human has for this, but i would be remiss as to deny the proposal's intriguing nature. Besides, I wish to test how I stack against this world's ruler. Consider it a former King's curiosity." Celestia gave a slight nod in acceptance to the vampire's reason. "I am not much for combat, even for sport, but the proposition intrigues me. I will join as well," Bael announced. "It'll be a good excuse to work a decent appetite as well." Adna then rose from its own seat, setting the berries it was snacking on back on the plate before it. Rainbow Dash's gaze shot to the angel. "You too, dude?" "I wish to test the rulers as well. The recent events doth be concerning, so perchance this shalt lay mine own doubts to rest." Twilight watched as each of them make their declaration, and then turned her attention to Mantis. Strangely, he simply sat back with arms crossed, attention firmly placed upon the events unfolding before him. Celestia, while taking another sip of her tea, gazed at the mentalist for the briefest of moments. There was silence that accompanied the lack of further rising action, which only broke when Celestia gave a small sigh. "Well, I suppose this will have to do, though it's still not remotely fair," she uttered while placing her tea back down. She turned to her sister and continued with, "Luna, would you be so kind as to let the guards know that the training grounds will need to be vacated? Oh, and apologize on my behalf for such inconveniences." Luna gave a short bow, rose from her own seat, set her horn alight with magic, and disappeared with a flash. With her sister off to conduct the courtesy call, Celestia left her seat and beckoned her would-be challengers to follow. As she did, she addressed their wardens. "Would any of you wish to come and watch the match?" Five of the six girls gave quick glances to each other for a moment, All of them shook their head in agreement. Rainbow Dash's gaze then locked onto Celestia's own. "Speaking for all of us," the sporty pegasus finally answered, "I think we'll sit this one out." Rainbow Dash, who'd normally be into seeing healthy competition, knew that whatever Monsoon was up to was anything but healthy. Celestia merely chuckled, understanding the indirect message, right before she directed her attention to Twilight. "My dearest Twilight, would you kindly assist me?" Twilight rose from her seat, followed by Psycho Mantis following suit, which surprised the newly minted Princess. "I thought you didn't want to join?" Twilight asked. "I don't," Mantis replied, "Though, I'd be lying if I'd say I'd rather stick with the current company present." His comment earned him a few annoyed and insulted glares from the other five mares. "The more the merrier," Celestia declared with a smile, "Come now, my dearest Twilight, We mustn't keep our guests waiting." Twilight and Monsoon approached the group, as the two Princesses lit their horns with magic. It only took a few moments, but soon, where eight once stood gathered, they were gone with a blinding flash. As the remaining five mares adjusted to now being left alone in the banquette hall, Rainbow Dash gave a light cough to catch the attention of her friends. "So... my bits'er on Celestia. Anyone else?" -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- At a site a healthy distance away from the city, a large coliseum sat in silence, having been freshly evacuated at the command of Celestia through Luna. Not a single member of the Royal Guard understood why, but they never-the-less complied with the demand, on the condition that at least two guards remain near the entrances and exits, for safety reasons. Seeing as there were only three of these, being the front, back and emergency exits, Luna figured this was a reasonable compromise. Training equipment had been cleared from the main arena, leaving the scarred but mostly intact floor free of random objects and debris. Indeed, many intense mock battles and competitions were once held in this edifice, with many fans coming to cheer on their beloved athletes in the stands or encourage their loved ones in heavy training exercises. But as the years went one and the upkeep for the grounds became too great in accordance to the House of Lords in comparison to other budgeted items, it had since been repurposed to act as a track and field exercise ground strictly for the Royal Guard. With the sound of magic fizzling in the center of the arena, followed by a blinding flash, the relative exclusivity and quiet retirement of the coliseum had come to and end for this auspicious day. The majority of the monsters that had followed shook the stars out of their eyes as they adjusted from the sudden spacial displacement. Only Monsoon, whom had been teleported on more than one occasion, managed to keep from being as dizzy as the others. "I still hate that, though." the cyborg bitterly seethed. "Something we can agree on, cabron," Elvis stated, "Eugh, that's twice today now. Ick." "Welcome to the coliseum, my dear guests," the Princess of the Sun announced, "I'd go into the history of this place, but I'm sure you'd really appreciate not going through a lecture." She gave a quick glance towards Twilight, just catching her ever studious little pony's sudden excitement deflate a tad. She didn't need to read minds to know why, which gave her the slightest ghost of a smirk in mirth. "How shall we commence this contest, Princess?" Dumah asked, finally able to shake the stars from his eyes. "Excellent question," she replied, "It would be wise to allow our spectators to take their seats. Twilight? Mantis? If you please." The two addressed gave a bow and a scoff respectively as they took to the air and floated towards the stands that surrounded the arena. "Aside from that, I believe it would be customary to give the two parties, which would be your team and myself, ten paces each from the center, where we are at." "To allow preparation room, correct?" Adna surmised. "Exactly. The rules of this engagement are relatively simple. You are to engage me in battle, and the winner is whomever is able to neutralize the opponent first via domination, submission, or surrender. You are permitted to utilize whatever methods necessary. All battle must remain in the arena. Twilight? Once we have taken our positions, I would like you to announce the start of this contest. Would you kindly do that for us, my dear?" "Of course!" Twilight beamed, feeling strangely excited for such a rare opportunity. While she wasn't exactly keen on Monsoon and the others take swings at her beloved and revered princess, this was still the perfect way to finally get to see what she's truly made of. As she gazed down to the arena below, she gave one more cursory glance towards Mantis, whom sat with elbows on knees and resting his chin upon the bridge of his fingers. Perhaps I'm not the only one, she thought. As the two parties began to take their paces, Monsoon piped up with one last question. "What's stopping any of use using lethal force?" he asked with a cheshire grin. "I did say any methods necessary, my dear," she responded with serene smile. "Otherwise, we're operating on gentlemares', or in your case, gentlecreatures', rules. I'd rather none of us actively try to kill each other." Monsoon's grin faltered upon the dismissive answer as they all had finally taken their positions. It was then that Bael finally spoke to the rest of the group. "It may be wise to formulate a plan if we are to work as a team." "Are you kidding?" the ex-mercenary sneered, "This stupid beast of burden has dug her own grave with her arrogance. Just do as you see fit for this match." Monsoon then pulled his sais from their holsters, gave them an experimental twirl, and took a guarding stance. With a variety of sighs of either resignation or irritation, the other monsters none the less took their own stances, ready for the contest to begin. Across from them, they could see the Princess herself having matched her own ten paces and turned to face the group of extra-dimensional beings. Her stance was not one of a warrior, but of regal grace. They could see her close her eyes gently and give a deep sigh, with a look of calm and tranquility on her face. "Is everyone ready?!" Twilight asked aloud. Before anyone could answer, Celestia raised her hoof, stopping Twilight from announcing the match to begin. She then removed her grieves, yolk, and crown from her form, and levitated them over towards the two guests in the stands. "Ah, that feels SO much better. Twilight, would you be a dear and look after those for me?" "Heh, afraid of getting your crown dirty, cabrona?" Elvis laughed. "Oh, perish the thought. I just want to make sure I stick to our rules," she answered in confidence. Then, something strange happened. It was feint, but it looked like, for a split second, her entire body had a golden glow. Everyone, except Monsoon, felt a cold chill run down their backs. "A-alright. Now, is everyone ready?" Twilight glanced between the two parties, all of whom gave a nod in confirmation. "Without further to do, then I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, by authority of Princess Celestia, declare this match BEGUN!" With a thunderous, roaring warcry, the creatures from beyond their lands charged forward, poised to end this as quickly as possible. Monsoon, whom moved much faster than the others, reached the Princess first and was thus the first to make a move. Leaping into the air, Monsoon poised to drive down his sais into her skull with manic glee. The growing elation however shattered as she swiftly and effortlessly side-stepped the attack, spun away from the Cyborg, and gave him a swift back kick to his side with enough force to shatter stone. Monsoon went flying from the counterattack, already falling to pieces, parts tumbling across the ground. The others then stopped in shock as they watched Monsoon pull himself back together. Their gaze focused back on the princess, whom simply posed as if a show-pony were to act the part of a ballerina, eyes closed with a gentle smile. Shaking out their stunned silence, the monsters resumed their charge with Elvis at the front of the pack. He lunged forward with a running, fire-infused right hook. She ducked the attack at the last second and delivered a punishing gut-punch with her left fore-hoof. As he tipped forward, she swirled and danced around his large frame, cutting between him and the others. Adna then lunged forward with its staff while Dumah went for a left straight punch. Celestia leaned back against the doubled over frame of Elvis and kicked one of her hooves up against the lunging staff, which caused it to fly up and deflect Dumah's attack. She then expanded her wings and gave a powerful flap, pushing her body to roll backwards off of Elvis' back before landing in front of the heaving heavy once more. She then rushed forward, body-checking the demon and using him as a plow to run over the angel and vampire. Just after she did so, she leaned down, forcing Elvis to tip forward atop Celestia's back, where she then launched him backwards before being served a back kick the instant he barely touched the ground. Bael, seeing an opportunity, leapt forward with his mouth open, intending on chew her up and spit her out, but she flared her wings once again, just in time, and vaulted over the massive frog demon, landing at his tail. Before Bael could get back up from the failed attack, she turned around, gripped the great demon toad's tail, flipped him once behind her, slamming him on his back, and then heaved forward, throwing him like an oversized ball and chain like an Olympic hammer-thrower. Bael's body flew in Monsoon's direction, whom was charging forward after he managed to recover, impeding the Desperado's initial intention. Monsoon's cybernetic body managed to help him see it coming, however, as he kick-slid underneath the flying demon's body, barely missing the attack. As soon as he was in the clear, Monsoon rose up at the end of the dodge and leapt into the air, readying another attack. Celestia blocked it with a swift upper cut, and tried to return fire, but Monsoon sparked with purple energies and dodged out of the way in pieces, before reforming on the ground, and racing back towards her. As she continued to defend against Monsoon's onslaught, Adna took to the skies, and began chanting prayers in its native tongue, calling upon miracles of light for its next move. Elvis finally recovered from his gut pain, and set his sights on the currently defensive Princess. He took a crane stance for a moment, before he shot forward like a canonball, head first. Celestia reacted, dodging with a pirouette to the right, before redirecting the trajectory towards the incoming Monsoon, whom was in the middle of another lunging attack. Unable to react on either end, Elvis collided with Monsoon, shattering the Cyborg's body, scattering his pieces about. Adna, desperate for an opportunity, dove down to smite its opponent, pulling its staff back, aiming for Celestia's head. The Princess of the Sun, however, flicked her head to the side, into the staff's trajectory, parrying the shaft with her horn, before she gave her wings a mighty flap, twirled in the air, flipped forward and delivered a punishing flying roundhouse kick to Adna's beak. Dumah, whom had recovered a while back, stayed on the sidelines, waiting for an opportune moment to retaliate. Honestly, however, Celestia was moving a bit too fast for his liking, and not at all like a normal horse ever would. While all of that was going on, Bael, after having finally recovered from being tossed like a child's dodgeball, rose to his correct height before he jumped back away from the brawl and pumped magic into the ice on his back, ready to launch. Celestia, upon landing on the ground, noticed the slight change in atmospheric temperature, and shot her gaze at Baels direction. Dumah saw the distracted princess, and decided the iron was hot. Heaving back, he slammed his fist into the ground, cracking the arena's tough rock and eliciting a seismic shake in the immediate vicinity. Celestia wobbled a bit from the earthquake, attention pulled away from Bael, whom fired his barrage of icicle projectiles. Crouching low to reduce the shifting of her stance, she launched herself towards Dumah with an almighty beat of her wings, deftly sliding and side shifting left and right, avoiding the incoming projectiles. Before Dumah could react, he found himself having his legs kicked out from beneath him, before Celestia jumped up and delivered a punishing ground pound to his chest. She then launched upward to the sky as high as she could go before diving down, hoof extended, towards the Master of Frozen Soil. Surprised, Bael jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding what was like a comet strike without an actual space-rock. However, before his webbed feat could even touch the ground, she sped beneath his falling frame and gave a punishing double hooved back-buck, launching the demon frog towards the rest of the monsters, where he tumbled over their battered bodies before coming to a stop just behind them. Celestia then rose to her full height slowly, giving a small, gentle smile as she looked towards her opponents. "Oh, is that all you have? I was sure you five had much more in you than that." She giggled a little, covering her mouth with her hoof. Monsoon, after finally recombining and rising back to his feet, seethed. Not just because he felt like he was getting smacked around like a set of bowling pins over and over, but more because of the fact that, for all intents and purposes, the Princess seemed to be enjoying this! To say this turn of events was humiliating was an understatement, and only now did he want nothing more than to take her down a peg as soon as possible. The other monsters soon rose back up from being downed, rubbing some of their injuries to try to quell, or at least numb, the pain. It was Bael, with a hint of venom and irritation in his voice, who spoke above the groans of discomfort. "I believe I said it may be wise to formulate a plan. Are you going to laugh at the suggestion now, human?" he growled, spitting out mouth bile laced with blood. Monsoon clicked his tongue as he noticed everyone's attention was firmly placed on him now. He gave an embittered sigh as he decided to swallow his pride this time around. He still may not believe the Princess of the Sun was anything more than some supercharged horse, but it was on him that he severely underestimated his opponent. The match thus far had proved that. It was kinda strange, though. The speed and strength she had was not well reflected on her form. "Do you boys need a minute? I'm all for letting you catch your breath before you try again," Celestia called out, still with that ever irritating, kindly smile. Monsoon grit his teeth at the obvious taunt, and turned backward towards Bael, "Since you suggested it in the first place, do you have any ideas on HOW we could 'work together'?" "I do, in fact, human," Bael spat. As the monsters gathered to listen in on the plan, while Princess Celestia waited patiently, checking her hooves and wing plumage, Twilight stared on in amazement from the stands. Whatever she knew about the Princess, or even assumed, had been more than just chucked out the window. She turned to Mantis, hoping that she wasn't the only one in such disbelief, only to find him in the exact same position he took when he sat down; elbows on knees, resting his chin on the bridges of his fingers. He was as calm as one could be, despite the scene before them. Before Twilight could address the mentalist, the action in the arena began again in earnest, with the guests of the world now working in a bit more coordination with each other than before. Some had taken to roles of support fire to help control the Princess' own movement, while others attempted to rush in and attempt to exploit their opponent. The craziest part of this chaos, however, was that despite their efforts both in trying to push back against Celestia and in keeping from succumbing to friendly fire, Celestia couldn't be touched. As if she were a rushing river going through tumbling rocks, the Princess of the Sun ducked, dipped, slid, bobbed, weaved, dove, jumped, and skated between, around, below, and above any attack thrown her way. Her reflexes were as unreal as the creatures that were doing everything they could to assail her. "Do you even SEE this?!" she squawked, finally able to address her charge for the first time since they were brought here. "What am I even looking at right now? And why are you so calm?! Did you know this was going to happen?" Mantis gave a deep, filtered sigh as he rose from how he sat and became more upright, turning slightly to the somewhat panicky Princess, "Contrary to your accusations, no. I did not know this would happen. I had my suspicions she and her sister were much more dangerous than they appear, but I don't have the means nor the knowledge to fully comprehend those feelings. I have no magic after all, and my rudimentary understanding due to your influence is still paltry compared to what is and isn't known. That said, considering she hasn't used a single spell, which at least has a visual cue, my conclusions now are so much more... concerning." "Concerning?" She asked, before turning her attention back to the contest, and noticed it. Celestia, while expertly dodging around everything they threw at her, also handled her combatants like how Rainbow Dash would handle the clouds, or how Rarity would handle fabrics and thread, or how Applejack would handle apple-bucking. Or perhaps it was a combination of those examples? There was a power, elegance, and precision coming from it that was both hard to believe and all too familiar. All while her horn remained entirely dormant. Even her wings, which she could easily use to fly and dart around quicker theoretically were only ever used to amplify a jump or push herself away from an incoming attack. There was no move they made, no effort they put in, no attack they threw that could catch her off guard, and it was actually starting to scare Twilight. Back at the arena, Celestia caught Monsoon reassembling after another failed flanking assault, gripping him as all of his pieces fit into place and threw his frame at Dumah, whom managed to catch the cyborg, sliding a little from the force of the impact. Before they could recover, Celestia rushed forward, leaped up, and delivered a punishing flying double hooved drop-kick, sending the two flying and bowling over Adna and Elvis. At the same time, Bael staggered, having run out of energy from firing so many ice missiles to try to hit, or even slow down, the princess. Between the incredible damage he sustained from the few direct interactions with the Princess and the sheer amount of demonic power he poured into the constant assault and cover-fire, he was close to giving up entirely. The others began rising to their feet, staggering a little while rubbing wounds, scrapes, and other injuries sustained. Celestia had backed off once again, taking her almost perfectly pristine stance at the other end of the arena, merely watching them at this point. The air was tense, and it was Monsoon, once again, who broke the silence, spinning around towards Bael. "That was an utter failure. I even wasted one of my electrolyte packs because of it." "It was worth more of a shot that just flailing around aimlessly," the toad barked back, "If you have a better suggestion, I am willing to listen, but we are all running out of power it seems." Monsoon gazed about at the other monsters, and finally noticed how beaten and tired they were. They all looked like how he felt right now, and for the first time he began to realize just how bad this whole situation was. Taking his attention away, and looking back at Celestia, he realized in dawning horror that, despite it not making a lick of sense compared to what he thought he knew, she was as powerful as the other ponies said. No, he thought, even more so. They were ants trying to fight a full grown hippo at that point. However, there was no going back. If any of them were even a little like himself, Monsoon knew that they wouldn't go down without a fight. It was do or die. "We don't have much left in us," Monsoon admitted out loud, catching the attention of the other monsters, whom all silently agreed, "But I don't think we should just roll over either." He turned back to the rest, and addressed them earnestly, "Shall we just charge for one last all out attack?" "It would never work," Adna confessed. "I doubt the caballo would let us get that close," Elvis added. "However, I do not wish to let my pride die here like some pathetic mouse to the wolf." Dumah stated. "As bothersome as it would be, I must agree," Bael said finally, "This would be our only course of action." Monsoon gave a smirk as he turned back to Celestia. It was strange. For a moment, upon looking to her visage once more, the former Desperado L.E. officer felt a familiar and haunting sensation. It was like he was back in front of World Marshall Headquarters, dueling to the death with Raiden; AKA Jack the Ripper. However, instead of the cloudy, mixed emotions of fear and defiance, he instead felt clear excitement. His artificial heart was racing. Nothing, not even Jack himself nor his own former employer back on Earth, compared to Celestia, and for the first time, he was excited to meet it rather than defy, cower, or follow it. "Then, on three, we rush her at once," He declared. The others nodded, preparing themselves for the final rush. "One." They breathed, giving them a moment of calm. "Two," They tensed, giving them an opportunity to perform. "Three!" They launched forward, aiming to put and end to this, one way or another. As the monsters charged forward in their final, desperate push, Celestia's eyes closed with absolute serenity. The thundering footfalls of the cyborg, vampire, angel, and the ice and fire devils would make one believe a stampede of thousands was taking place at this moment, swiftly closing the distance between them and their opponent. It was then, as her eyes flicked open with that same composed nature and her wings unfurled in dramatic flair, Celestia's horn glowed a brilliant gold before the energy rapidly expanded from her, coating everything in its glittery luster. It was then that the monsters that had been charging suddenly stopped moving entirely and skidded forward in frozen positions. With an upward flick of her horn following another spark of magic, the five contenders all began to float off the ground. Rising higher and higher above the coliseum grounds, the static figures of these extra-equestrians were rearranged by Celestia's magic, positioning them into the pattern of what seemed to be a four pointed star; Bael in the center. Adna above, Monsoon below, Dumah to the right, Elvis to the left. She then let another expanding bubble of magic to erupt from her, coating everything even more in that stunning golden light. Only Adna itself was used to such intensity, while the others winced as best they could while still frozen. Finally, Celestia's horn began to glow once again, as she drew a circle before her with her horn which crackled with powerful energies. The magic fed into the drawn circle before her as it began to fill and shine brighter and brighter, as if she were creating a star right before their eyes. Then, a low whirring sound could be heard, steadily increasing in pitch, as her eyes too began to glow, and the circle of energy before her pulsed and suddenly shot a spectacular beam of energy directly at her helpless targets. The force was so intense, that anything not currently nailed down to the ground was pushed away from the source, up to and including the large bits of earth and rock that had been upturned from the battle prior. The guards, Twilight, and Mantis all hid behind protective walls, trying desperately to wait out this storm. The magical attack hit proud and true and blasted the five monsters away. The beam of pure light magic, more powerful than any of them have ever seen or felt, had gone on for a moment or two, before it finally and rapidly shrunk down and dissipated, finally exhausting itself from the magical circle, which also disappeared not long after. As the intense light began to fade and all those present able to adjust their sight after the blinding show they were unlucky enough to witness, Celestia slowly began to canter forward to the five very singed opponents that laid before her. They all moved slowly, now free from whatever spell that had frozen them in place but seemingly in no small amount of injury. "Hmmm. Perhaps I should have used three protective barriers on you lot," Celestia mused with a gentle, knowing smile, "Or maybe I put too much magic in that last spell." She giggled a little, to which Monsoon slowly turned his head toward her and gave a very disapproving, and also painful, grimace. With another glow of her horn, she cast another spell over them and healed the fatigue of the monsters. Being such a bizarre assortment of creatures, there was no way to heal them directly. However, given the reports from Twilight, she knew that four of the five had regenerative properties, while Monsoon himself would merely need maintenance and repairs, something that Discord could handle. After she restored their strength so they could heal naturally, she cast a new spell and began repairing the arena they were in. The spell reversed the damage they had caused from the scuffle to the point that it could easily be re-occupied by guards-in-training once again. "Twilight, Mantis, I think our guests have forfeited. May I have my regalia?" The two addressed rose from their spots and came down to the arena. Twilight gladly returned the requested items, where upon Celestia placed them back on herself. She gave a shudder for a moment, noting how cold they were against her body, and turned back to the group. "The lot of you are permitted to stay here for the time being to recuperate. My sister will be around shortly to escort you back when you are ready." She gave a polite bow, before her eyes locked to Monsoon, "Consider it a courtesy. This whole ordeal was very entertaining. I haven't had so much fun exercising in years." She gave a giggle, and began to make her way to the exit. Twilight and Mantis followed, leaving behind the monsters to rest their aching bodies. The three remained silent for some time, until they began to pass through the exit tunnel that would lead out of the coliseum. It was then that Twilight, finally snapping out of her shock, addressed the Princess. "With all due respect, Princess Celestia," Twilight started, as calm as could be, before exploding with, "What in the ever-loving pony feathers was THAT?!" Celestia gave a short giggle. "Yes, I suppose it would be strange to see someone like me behave like that, wouldn't it? I'll have you know I've trained in the art of combat over the long period of time as Princess. Sometimes, it was necessary to be able to defend myself, or even lead the charge, if danger threatened my little ponies, especially when words alone were ineffective." "No, I get that, but I meant..." she started, before finally finding the words, "What you did, not how you did it! It was like watching a hundred Starswirls! A hundred Starswirls that could each bench-press a house!" Celestia stopped walking forward, causing Twilight and Mantis to stop as well. Her mood darkened ever so slightly as her smile wilted. She gave a small sigh, laced with some form of sorrow, or perhaps regret as she stared into the darkness of the tunnel. "Princess?" Twilight asked, before noticing the drop in mood and demeanor. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" "No, Twilight," Princess Celestia interrupted, "It's alright. After all that, you deserve to know." She then gazed to Mantis. "I had no intention of keeping it much of a secret anyway." She pawed at the yoke around her neck gently, before she spoke again. "Have you ever heard of the town of Brhoncomyniad?" "Bron-co-min-yad?" Twilight repeated slowly, before thinking it over. Her mind raced, trying to match the name to something, anything, that she may have researched in her spare time. Luckily, though somewhat obscure and minimal, she was able to recognize the name. "Wait, the legendary town that disappeared from the world five hundred years ago?" She gave a half-hearted laugh. "It's been that long? Time sure flies." She gave a sigh, and continued. "Once upon a time, there was a town, far south of the Everfree, where the Badlands now are." "The Badlands?" "The town's name was Brhoncomyniad. There was nothing very out of the ordinary about it. If anything, I could safely say that it was a very normal, prosperous town." "How could it be so prosperous in The Badlands?" Twilight asked. Celestia ignored the question and continued the story. "Their prosperity, however, did not shield them from danger. One day, somewhere south of the town, an Ursa Minor had gone missing from its mother." Twilight clammed up, realizing very quickly where the story was going. "The mother Ursa Major, in her distress, marched forward in a rampage, and began to destroy the once prosperous town. Ponies fled to the north to escape her wrath, hoping that the furious star-beast would soon calm down so they could return and rebuild." "So... the town ended up being destroyed by an Ursa Major?" Celestia shook her head. "It was when I then arrived on the scene. Due to my nature as an alicorn, gifted with an abundance of magic and never tiring, I was in the perfect position to defend my little ponies from trouble too much for just anypony to handle. I knew that I had to act as a true guardian to all in that great of a danger, just as I have before countless other times. And so, I engaged the Ursa, trying to quell its rage by giving it a more impenetrable target to tire itself out against." She then gave a deeper sigh. "I... made a mistake." Twilight listened intently, feeling those few hurt words leave the Princess' own lips. "It was rare I was able to push myself, so I indulged in my own strength. I ended up seeing a thrill to it, and lost myself completely to the moment, while I subdued the Ursa Major. However, in doing so... Myself and the Ursa Major had utterly annihilated the town itself, and the surrounding area. Those that had fled can recall only ever remember seeing a glowing light fighting the star-beast. It was then when I realized what I had done, how much damage I did, that I made the choice to construct these." It was then she took off her crown, and presented it to Twilight. "The regalia I wear are more than just symbols of my commitment to leading and protecting Equestria, but are also chains that bind myself down." "And how did you get so powerful?" Mantis asked, concern laced in his voice. "Mantis!" Twilight barked with a scowl, "I'm so sorry, Princess. I didn't know this was such a sensitive topic." "No, Twilight," Celestia said, "You must hear of this. Besides, this will happen to you one day too." Twilight froze. "W-what?" "You and Cadence both, I believe." Celestia returned the crown to her head. "Do you know about 'ambient magic', Twilight?" "Yes. It's the natural magic in the air itself that gives most living things attunment, resistance, and/or susceptibility to innate magic. A type of magic that just exists as a part of the world, constantly absorbed by everything around it." "I learned, on that day, what it means for powerfully attuned and susceptible creatures with innate magic to live long enough to absorb so much ambient magic. An Alicorn's power is the multiplied strength of the Earth Pony," Celestia states, pointing to her greaves, "the speed of the Pegasus Pony," she then points to her yolk, "and the magic of the Unicorn Pony," finally pointing to the crown. "What would happen if the multiplied power of all three lives long enough in Equestria, absorbing all of that magic?" Twilight gasped, realizing the result was exactly what she saw in the arena today. "But, what about Luna?" "Believe it or not, but Luna is actually more susceptible than I am," Celestia said with a giggle, before her face became dour again, "Although, she had been gone for nearly a thousand years up to recently, so she hadn't absorbed as much as I have. Perhaps that'll be a good thing for the time being" Twilight mulled over the new information, and the realization that came with it. "What you're saying is," Mantis then interjected, "That you are immensely powerful." "Not by choice," Celestia added, her brow furrowing indignantly from the mentalist's comment, "And definitely to very little benefit. As much I'd like to say to the contrary, I was barely holding back during Monsoon's little contest, and the damage could have been far, FAR worse if I wasn't careful. It takes years of dedication to be able to control that amount of power, and even then it's almost not enough. Hence, my special regalia." "Many would dream of such power," Mantis added, remembering how intoxicating it was when he was once literally the most powerful psychic in his world. Very few could ever match him, save for... "And it's a dream of naivete, Mantis," she stated with a slight huff. Mantis snapped out of his trip through the past as he shook his head, returning his attention back to the Princess. "Why did you agree to his contest, then? And, why would you then remove the one thing that definitely restrains you for it?" She gave a light chuckle. "I knew they could handle it. They are all stronger then they appear, as are you." "I'm not a fan of being flattered by a horse," Mantis spat. "Just take the compliment, you sourpuss," Twilight stated flatly, earning a glare from her charge. Mantis crossed his arms in irritation, but refused to entertain this asinine banter. Not that he wouldn't mind slinging a few insults their way just out of petty spite, but considering the thrashing he witnessed, he was in no mood to dance with a walking nuke. "With that out of the way," Celestia started, "What say we all return to the banquet? The rest of the food must be ready by now, and that little session we had certainly worked up my appetite." With that, she continued to trot forward into the light, with the psychic and the scholar trailing behind. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Back at the banquet hall, about a few minutes after everyone's return from the arena, all of the guests present, while looking somewhat worse for wear, indulged in the feast prepared for them. A variety of fish meats were available for the carnivores, while vegetarian friendly diets had been set for the girls. Rainbow Dash, whom had a small stack of bits beside her due to the bet she pressured the other girls to participate in, laughed and joked about the sore loss the monsters had against the Princess. The monsters, in turn, simply ignored the jokey braggart and ate in silence, including Adna, whom slowly and quietly pecked at his berries and grapes. Even Monsoon, whom initiated these events, had donned a newfound respect and fear for the solar matriarch and remained quiet while Applejack chewed him out for his behavior, threatening to have Granny Smith lecture him when they returned to the orchard. Some of the other girls were more polite about the circumstances, however. Rarity was more fixated on the damage done to Dumah's armor, whom assured her it would be repaired in due time when they returned to Ponyville. Pinkie asked a boundless amount of questions in rapid succession, to which Elvis tried to answer her with some gusto. Bael remained silent as he ate his large tray of fish, while Fluttershy gently, if albeit futilely, tended his injuries, which earned her own warning that her food was getting cold. As for Twilight and Mantis, where they sat quietly at the far end of the table, opposite of the two Princesses, the events of today had granted them some new insight that would likely sit with them for quite some time. For Twilight, it was recognizing the sheer weight of Celestia's burdens, responsibilities, and regrets that she carried for over a millennium. Even more so than what she was already aware of. For Mantis, it was the existential dread of the world he now inhabited and what It really meant for his survival, multiplied already by his own issues with the land of Harmony. Both of their worlds were flipped on their head, and now, in regards to the Princess, they could only see the awe and terror for when the day would come when Celestia would need to be crownless again.