> Transformers > by StrangeBehavior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I - Beginnings… > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Millions of years ago, there was a planet called Cybertron. On it lived the oldest known race of sentient lifeforms called the Cybertronians, metal robotic organisms whose origin was unknown. The Cybertronians lived in harmonious peace for millions of years, until a great civil war came to be waged on their planet, a period that came to be known as the Cybertronian Civil War. The war was fought over between two sides for complete control over their planet's supply of Energon, the fuel, ammunition, and lifeblood of all of Cybertron's lifeforms… Upon one side was the heroic Autobots, lead by their benevolent and kind leader, Optimus Prime… And on the other side was the evil Decepticons, lead by their malevolent and cruel leader, Megatron… Near the beginning of the war, in a bid to expand his armies further, Megatron sought control over a mysterious artifact simply known as the Cube of the Allspark, rumored to be able to not only create new life, but also produce limitless amounts of Energon. The Autobots fought valiantly to defend the cube, but they were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned by the Decepticons. But a beacon of hope came to the Autobots as seven glowing gems appeared and then a apparition of Prima himself, fended off the Decepticons, using the power contained within the Miracle Gems. The Autobots took their chance to send the mystical artifact far away from Megatron's grasp, and the apparition of Prima flew up and in a flash, disappeared, with the Cube and the Miracle gems… Later on in the war, inspired by his defeat at the hands of the mysterious bot, Megatron now wanted power like what he witnessed that day for his own, and he knew where to get it, in a substance called, Dark Energon. He and several ships full of Decepticons stormed onto the space station where the last remains of Dark Energon was stored. To increase his power further after claiming the space station, Megatron had sent his newest recruit, Starscream to an old Energon supply station that feeds the station more Energon for his newest plan of conquest, poisoning the core of their world in Dark Energon, so that it will make his power infinite. But thanks to the efforts of the recently titled Optimus Prime, and several Autobots, Megatron's plan failed and resulted in the core to shut down, halting production of Energon for an undetermined amount of time. The Autobots had fled their home of Cybertron, because as the core stopped making Energon, the planet will be unable to sustain or create new life, and become a barren lifeless wasteland. All but the last armies of Optimus Prime remained, to fight off Megatron and the Decepticons in preparation for their own departure. Eventually, after many Autobots and Decepticons have been lost, the remaining Cybertronians fled their planet too. But a fight between the two ships and their crews, the ARK and the NEMESIS, sent the Autobots and Decepticons drifting in stasis through a collapsing wormhole, never to be seen again… In another world, lies the peaceful country of Equestria, a magical land of ponies and magical creatures, ruled by two sisters who controlled the rising and setting of the sun and moon. The eldest used her magic to raise the sun and make way for the day, while the younger raised the moon, bringing about the night. After a long time, the younger sister became resentful, as the ponies slept through her beautiful nights, and played in the day her older sister brought forth. One day, the younger of the two rulers refused to lower the moon, and became the legendary dark entity, Nightmare Moon, the elder regretfully had to use their land's most powerful treasures, the mythical Elements of Harmony, on her sister, banishing her into the moon… A thousand years later, a young unicorn mare known as Twilight Sparkle had predicted that on the Summer Sun Celebration this year, Nightmare Moon with escape and shroud Equestria in eternal night. She informed her mentor, Princess Celestia, but was sent to supervise the location of where the Summer Sun Celebration will be held, a town called Ponyville. It was here where Nightmare Moon escaped and Twilight and five other ponies traveled to the Everfree Forest in search of the mystical artifacts that defeated Nightmare Moon before. Before long they found the physical Elements of Harmony, and realized they are the representatives of the elements. With the power of friendship, and the unseen boost from the Miracle Gems, Nightmare Moon was defeated and revealed to be Princess Luna, the sister of Celestia. After Luna was reformed, Celestia tasked Twilight and her friends to study the magic of friendship, and the six friends made significant progress, until an old foe of Celestia and Luna appeared. His name was Discord, the mischievous spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Initially stressed to the point of breaking the friendship of the six mares, Discord almost prevailed, but Twilight and her friends countered Discord's magic and encased him in stone. Twilight and her friends had faced hardship and foe over and over and won the battle each time, proving that teamwork and friendship will always prevail… However, in another dimension, lies the planet of Mobius. It was here where the mysterious Miracle Gems had settled, being found by an ancient civilization and returned to their original resting place, alongside their controller, the all powerful Master Emerald. It was only that the anger of a mighty being used the power inside the gems that they had come to be called, the Chaos Emeralds. For thousands of years, no one knew the origin of the Chaos Emeralds, but legends of their unbelievable power had reached the ears of a man named, Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Seeking their power to build an empire of his own image, Robotnik plunged the world into fear, seeking the gems that will make him invincible… Standing in his way is Sonic the Hedgehog, a blue hedgehog that can not only run faster than the speed of sound, but can draw out the true power of the Chaos Emeralds. Time and time again, Sonic had defeated Robotnik, and giving him a nickname, Dr. Eggman. Eggman, frustrated by his defeats became less obsessed with conquering the world, but became obsessed with defeating Sonic once and for all… Sonic made friends along the way and they together, put Dr. Eggman in his place, the frustrated scientist vowing revenge every time he has been defeated. Unknown to any of them, these worlds were connected by the mysterious Chaos Emeralds, meant to converge when the time is right… That time draws soon, and the lands of Equestria and Mobius will be pulled into a great conflict that began when their worlds were young, when the cosmic forces will now decide the end of the great battle waged millions of years ago… Our story of this epic journey begins one night in Equestria long ago, when a young king and the alicorn who will become Discord look up at the star-filled sky, and see a massive object, burning in their planet's atmosphere. The king said, "What was that, Councilor Chaos Rift?" Councilor Chaos Rift saw the object and answered, "I have no idea my king, but it is something we should investigate, yes? I sense the object will concern the prediction long ago about your two granddaughters of the sun and moon, for their futures." The object crashed into the mountains as the king said, "We need to bring only those who we can trust, I fear if we inform the kingdom…" Chaos Rift finished, "Someone will use whatever that object is to end our world as we know it? Understood, but should you queen be informed?" The king answered reluctantly, "No…She cannot know, we have no Idea what that thing is, it could be our end if something is done incorrectly, and besides…" The king's eyes followed the object as it crashed into a mountain range to the south, and finished, "She is in need of all the rest she can get, since she is carrying my heir to the throne." The two agreed and prepped a small party of those deemed worthy (a band of twelve ponies) and trekked to the mountain range where the mysterious object had crashed. It was almost dawn when the band of ponies had finally reached their destination, it was the very spot where the city of Canterlot will one day be built. Only the king, Chaos Rift, the captain of the royal guard who is an earth pony, the granddaughter of Commander Hurricane, and the unicorn blacksmith the king trusts completely, headed into the crater that was smoldering as a volcano. The blacksmith said to the other four, "Hmm…These mountains are made of a uniquely formed rock that is soft yet durable, it can absorb most of the stress of whatever made this crater…" Hurricane's granddaughter, named Low Twister sarcastically commented, "Wow, that is real interesting, who in the crack cares what these rocks are made of?" The captain named Iron Flank answered, "You should, your armor's metal is made from the same kind of rock, rookie…" Twister ducked her head low as Chaos Rift said to the three, "Stop talking, you'll lose your concentration on where it counts, your hooves on these steep ridges, I only have enough magic to save one of you, and I intend to save the king should it come to be." The king spoke to his four companions, "Shh! We're here…" The five ponies made it to the center of the crater, and they can already tell that whatever landed in there, it was huge and made of metal. The smoke from the impact fires made it hard to see clearly what the big metal thing was. But whatever it was, the ponies felt from it a feeling that can only be descrided as like being in the presence of an almighty god. The king called to Twister, "Low Twister, please blow away the smoke if you will be so kind…" Twister saluted and said, "Yes sir, your majesty!" Twister had created a powerful vacuum to die the fires then created a large tornado to clear away all the smoke that remained. The four others were protected by a magic barrier and when Twister had done her job, they got their first look at what the metal object was, a massive metal cube with heiroglyphs etched all over. The five stared at it, not believing their eyes, and not uttering a word until one of them spoke up… It was Chaos Rift as he asked outloud, "What in the name of Tartarus is that thing?" They turned around when they heard someone screaming and saw one of their companions dropping from a fall that will surely kill her. The king shouted, "Chaos Rift! Catch her quickly!" The alicorn did as he was told and levitated the unicorn to Twister to gently let her down. The sixth pony was the king's court magician, Twilight Cosmos, great-grandmother of Star Swirl the Bearded and many greats aunt to Twilight Sparkle. She had mustered the courage to come down with the others, but a piece of ledge she clung onto broke and fell the rest of the way down. The king asked, "Are you hurt Ms. Cosmos?" The unicorn shook her head meekly, saying she was fine but terrified after that fall (most likely took a few years of life away too). The king then said, "Your timing is impeccable as always, since you're here, could you identify the hieroglyphs on this metal cube?" Cosmos answered, "By your command, King Nova Storm…" After a half hour, Twilight Cosmos had finished inspecting the cube and said to the other five ponies, "I am truly sorry your majesty, I cannot understand any of the heiroglyphs, let alone read them. They are completely unknown to me, I apologize my king." Nova Storm inspected the cube then thought to touch the cube with his hoof. He did so that caused the other five to panic as they all said in disarray, "Your Majesty! What are you doing!?" "My king! Please don't!" "Majesty! No!!!" "King Storm! You can't touch it sir!" The cube then sparked and glowed in an otherworldly light, then an old voice spoke in a language they couldn't understand. Then the cube cracked with electricity, and in an instant, Nova Storm was hit by a lightning bolt fired by the cube, shocking the other ponies around him. They all shouted at the same time, "YOUR MAJESTY!!!" King Nova Storm slowly got up as Twister and Chaos Rift helped him up, with the councilor asking, "My king, are you hurt?" Nova Storm shook off the effects and said, "C-Chaos Rift, bury the entire mountain range on top of this thing, that is an order!" Twilight Cosmos asked, "B-b-bury the entire mountain range?! That's a little excessive isn't it?" The king simply replied, "I know what this thing is now, it is an artifact of a civilization far from our world, it will draw attention, it asked to be hidden till the time is right, by burying it under the mountains." The six got out of the crater and with the magic of Chaos Rift, King Nova Storm, and other unicorns, they collapsed the entire mountain range on top of the cube. Around six mountains worth of earth is now on top of it, blocking any and all energy signatures it could radiate, that was what Nova Storm want to happen. He turned to the five ponies brave enough to follow him to the alien artifact when they returned home and told them all calmly but sternly, "Understand this when I need you to trust me, absolutely no one is to go near those mountains. This artifact of the great beyond WILL draw the attention of what lies beneath those mountains, this object will either be the salvation or damnation of all pony-kind in the future, so I need you all to solumly promise to never reveal what lies beneath those mountains, I implore you to promise to never talk about the cube." The five ponies said at the same time, "We promise under your name, we will take our secret to our graves if necessary, king Nova Storm, grand ruler of the Empire of Equestria." Thousands of years had passed, and the time mentioned draws near, for in one week, everything will change… Everything WILL change… > II - Discovery... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the peaceful city of Canterlot, the current sovereign, Princess Celestia, was going about her day strolling around her halls of the castle. She was reading her most recent report from her student, on how successful they were in getting the Crystal Empire to host the Equestria Games. She chuckled that the crystal ponies will finally have some happiness after a thousand years of being trapped in the deceased King Sombra's spell. She sat on her throne, she felt a presence coming from it many times before, but recently in the past few weeks, this presence was getting stronger each and every day, only now can she feel this presence merits worry. With her mind in a slight state of worry, she got a shock when a voice suddenly spoke within her subconscious. It said, ".........To whoever rules...Equestria....I...am King......the seventh.....of Equestria....you receive this telepathic message.....you are of the Royal Lineage...head to the ancient castle of the Equestrian Empire.........g...g...gt..ha...DSS...sd...s...s...gghh...ad...v...x...cz...zx...c....x...zc...x...." Celestia heard silence until it continued, "............The fate of the entire universe is at stake...........for the safety of those you hold dear.....a..a.a.d.d.f.h..h..y..........please hurry......" Celestia had a look of horror on her face, she held that face until someone said, "Princess? Are you okay?" The alicorn jolted in surprise, but relaxed when it was just her secretary with her younger sister, Princess Luna. They had concerned looks on their faces as the sweat trickled down Celestia's brow. Luna said, "Dear sister, what is the matter? You looked like you have seen a thing known as a ghost..." Celestia said out of the blue to her secretary, "I want you to cancel all my appointments for the next two weeks. There is something I need to do..." The secretary stuttered in surprise, "W-w-w-w-w-what?! B-b-b-but-t-t-t you have important meeting with the Duke..." Celestia raised her hoof and said, "This new matter is greater than I had anticipated, it may have to do with the stories that my parents told me, about the six ponies that have found a strange object that crashed into a mountain. You know what I'm talking about Luna, remember those stories mother used to tell us when you got a turn to pick the story?" Luna said, "Sister, you as well as I know that story is but that alone, a story, a legend, a fabrication of a pony's mind..." She noticed her elder sister having a serious expression, then asked, "...Right????" Celestia explained, "I did too, but as of late, I fear that these 'stories' are not stories anymore...I fear that this matter could be graver than simply Equestria being in danger, I fear that this thing the six ponies found...and buried under thousands tons of earth...it could put the entire universe at stake..." Luna gasped as she thought, T-the whole universe?! Sister dear, what has thou think could put the universe in peril? Celestia decided to tell Luna, after dismissing her secretary, everything she had been going through, the voice, the presence under her throne, and the premonition she had for over a millennium. After an hour, Celestia and Luna headed for the ancient castle that the voice instructed to go to, but not before Celestia sent a message to her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle... Within a metal fortress, a lone man is tinkering away with his latest invention. This man is none other than the evil Dr. Eggman, in his latest bid to build the Eggman Empire, he smirked at his evil work, unaware of a certain blue hero coming to spoil his plans. The blue hero was Sonic the Hedgehog, and he had a wide grin plastered on his face, then a bleepy noise came from his wrist. he held it up to his mouth as a voice said, {"Blue Leader, this is Yellow Sky, do you read me, over."} Sonic spoke through the communicator, "This is Blue Leader, I read you. I'm waiting for Red Earth, Pink Quake, Black Storm, and GUN agents to get me in, so I can do what I do best..." Sonic then heard a voice say, "Well then Sonic, I guess your keys for that door had just arrived…" As the blue hedgehog turned, he smiled as he saw his friend/rival, Shadow the Hedgehog, with five GUN soldiers, to help him break into Eggman's fortress. One of the soldiers walked up as he said, "We're here to help you foil whatever Dr. Eggman is planning, by opening that door. After you stop him, leave his apprehension to us..." Sonic smiled as he responded, "Then do what you guys are here to do...so I can do what I'm here to do..." The GUN soldiers prepared to blow open the door, setting charges at the weak points of the massive metal door, they have to be careful but quick, because chances are high that Eggman's killer robots will try to stop them. Sonic and Shadow had predatory grins on their faces as they readied to hold off the robots, as soon as the robots were close enough, the two hedgehogs bolted and already destroyed a large number of Eggman's robots in a minute. The GUN agents managed to get the door open, and the two hedgehogs sped right through a barricade of Eggman's robots, the GUN agents following suit, with guns-a' blazin'. Sonic and Shadow went their separate ways to derail Eggman's latest scheme... Elsewhere, the maniacal doctor was stroking his mustache as he viewed the monitors, showing his foes demolishing his creations. He grinned as he said, "All according to plan...Those fools have humiliated me for the last time, now you blue pest..." He turned around and pressed a combination of buttons that opened a container, that held six, brilliant glowing gems. They were the legendary Chaos Emeralds, gems of an unknown origin, and give their beholder limitless power. Eggman chuckled evilly as he finished, "...Come here with my Chaos Emerald, for me to build the Eggman Empire..." His chuckle broke out into a maniacal laughter, but he was interrupted by one of his robots saying, "Uh, sir...? There's a problem with the Chaos Emeralds..." Dr. Eggman looked at his lackey and sternly asked, "What problem do the Chaos Emeralds have???" The robot shuddered as it said, "Uh...The energies the Chaos Emeralds have has always been stable, but lately-*BITTZ*-ly, their energy has dramatically shi-*KRIITT*-shifted to a dangerous instability, the sensors predict that if all seven emeralds get too close...Err...well..." "Well what? Speak now, or I'll turn you into scrap metal!" Eggman said impatiently. "W-well...the computers say that it will be catastrophic, on every angle of the word...sir..." the robot finished, flinching at the thought that Eggman will scrap him anyways. Eggman rubbed his chin, and thought of a deliciously wicked plan, he started to laugh evilly at the plan, at any angle, he would win in the end...He carried the container with the six Chaos Emeralds, to set his trap... ...For the blue hedgehog he calls his enemy... Back in the Equestria, a unicorn mare has trotted over to her five friends with a baby dragon eating a large ruby on her back. The unicorn is Twilight Sparkle, a descendant of one of the Six Ponies who have been said to have found something that fell from the heavens long ago. Her friends were also descendants of four other ponies, fate ensured that they all met and became the best of friends, or were the power of a greater being. Either way, Twilight, two pegasus named Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, another unicorn named Rarity, and two earth ponies named Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Twilight said to her friends, "Hello girls, glad we can take a day off after all that crazy business that's been happening in Ponyville lately..." Rarity added after putting down her teacup, "I agree Twilight, it is a good thing, to have some peace and quiet after all that happened, with having Discord reformed, and all that trouble with the Equestria Games Inspector, Ms. Harshwhinny." Applejack said, "Enough talkin', I'm starvin' here, let's just enjoy a day where the fate of Equestria isn't in the balance..." They all agreed as they sat down and ate their lunch, unaware of a power that will connect two dimensions together, and trigger a series of events that will decide the fate of not just Equestria, but the fate of the universe as well... Sonic had finally cornered his foe, who was groveling in front of the wreckage of a machine he used against the blue blur... "Please Sonic, I'm very sorry! I'm serious, I'll turn over a new leaf, I'll help people, just give me a chance..." Eggman begged his nemesis. Sonic sarcastically said, "Okay fatso, what trap do you have for me this time...If it is anything like what you did a long while ago, you're just luring me into a trap...I mean seriously egg-head, if you only played nice from the beginning, I wouldn't have to break all your fancy toys..." Sonic then heard a buzz-saw like sound coming from a closed door behind him, he smirked widely as he finished, "...And these guys wouldn't have to come and put you in the slammer..." When the door fell off its hinges, the GUN agents, Shadow, a yellow fox named Tails, a pink hedgehog with a dress named Amy Rose, and a red echidna named Knuckles came in and surrounded the mad scientist. Eggman smirked as he said, "He-he-he-he-he-hee! You think you've won?! Do I have a surprise for you!" The scientist pushed a button switch from his sleeve, and then a robotic arm grabbed the last Chaos Emerald from Sonic's grasp, then a force field appeared in front of Eggman after the emerald got past the tiny gap the field came from. Sonic, his friends, and the GUN agents cursed themselves as the most wanted man in the world has tricked them and now has the seven most powerful artifacts in the universe. A silver-furred hedgehog was running as fast as he could through the maze of Eggman's Base, thinking, No, no, no...I've got to find them, Sonic, Shadow, where are you? Unknown to everyone, the seven Chaos Emeralds started to glow, it was time, time to act now... Eggman fitted the Chaos Emeralds to a massive machine, and gloatted, "Gah-ha-ha-ha-haa! This new machine turns the energy of the Chaos Emeralds into a powerful laser, and what's more, if anything happens to me, this laser will become the equivalent of 14.9 billion atomic bombs, ripe for detonation, so if I were you, I'd stay put and not try anything stupid..." A female agent said on the communicator, "HQ...Hold back on the strike force, we've got a madman with a super bomb ready to blow...Repeat, hold back...!" Eggman cackled like the mad scientist he is, with everyone tense with fear and worrying that Eggman's former creation, E-123 Omega, will make things far worse than before. The Chaos Emeralds started to glow even brighter, and that was enough to catch the attention of everyone. "What's-huh?!" Eggman said as the mystical gems glowed even brighter. Shadow said with confusion, "What is going on with the Chaos Emeralds?" A computerized voice started to say, #"ENERGY LEVELS SKYROCKETING! BOMB DETONATION DEVICE DISABLED! WARNING! WARNING! CLEAR THE-E-E-E-*BITZ**CRIIKKK*..." Then it continued it several almost, ominous voices, "...Seek thee out, a savior of the stars..." "...A terrible force is on its way...if it is allowed to exist, will mean the end of everything..." "...Use thine might to help the savior battle this evil force, for if he looses this fight, all of creation..." "...will cease to exist..." The Chaos Emeralds glowed in an intense light that can be compared to a dwarf star, then the gems shook Eggman's base apart like it was in the middle of an earthquake. Lightning bolts coursed through the air screeching loudly as the electric energy super heated the air, turning it into a substance close to plasma. It was almost like the reality warping stones were destroying the planet. Dr. Eggman was clinging onto his Eggmobile, when Silver the Hedgehog finally arrived in the room, saying to Sonic, "There you guys are! There is big trouble with the future Sonic! Its warping and changing in a very..." He never got to finish as the energy the Chaos Emeralds were releasing suddenly exploded in a very blinding light and powerful shock waves that threw everyone within 40 miles of Eggman's base flying. Sonic's vision started to fade as the voices spoke to him, "...Seek thee out...the Prime..." Before Sonic was rendered unconscious, he used whatever strength he had left to reach his friends, the blue hedgehog's vision blacked out, but he was able to grab someone's arm, before he lost consciousness... The ponies (and dragon) finished their relaxing picnic, and were packing it all up, until Applejack said, "Whoa, did you guys feel that?" They looked back in confusion, except for Pinkie, who responded, "Yeah, me too! I was starting to get the shudders and then an itchy back, that combo means that something super exciting is going to happen soon…" Twilight asked Applejack, "Is what Pinkie said true? Is that what you're feeling?" Applejack answered, "No, not really, but I got a terrible foreboding feeling in me, that something really bad is about to happen…" They packed up their picnic and hanged out throughout the rest of the day, until they went to bed late into the night. -{Several hours later...}- Everyone was fast asleep, except for Twilight Sparkle, she was not able to fall asleep because of a strange feeling she had, she sensed a massive energy surge. That was enough to stir the unicorn to get out of bed and headed outside, to feel a massive earthquake, then see seven, brilliant lights shining high in the night sky. The seven lights then shot out in several directions as fast as lightning, then just vanish. Twilight wondered out loud, "What were those all about..." "Don't know Twilight...I've seen stranger things, but I have a feeling we're gonna have something really fun happen..." The purple unicorn shrieked in surprise when a second voice answered her question, she turned around and saw a familiar pink earth pony giggling as she said, "Ah, yourself Twilight, but that doesn't answer my question..." Twilight asked in a confused tone, "Question? You never asked me anything, Pinkie..." Pinkie realized what she said, then remembered, "Oh yeah, heh-heh..." Twilight shook her head in annoyance, then told Pinkie, "Whatever happened Pinkie, it seemed to have come from the Everfree Forest, we should get our friends and..." Pinkie said, "Sorry Twilight...'Fraid it is just you and me. I already went to our friend's homes and none of them were awake, what gives right?" Twilight sighed, then said, "In that case, let's go Pinkie...I have a terrible feeling that we should investigate before things get really bad..." Pinkie saluted, "Okie-dokie-lokie!" Twilight and Pinkie then headed out to the source of the energy surge, inside the Everfree Forest... ...Unaware, that it is the beginning of a massive adventure... -{A Few Minutes Earlier...}- Sonic awoke in the middle of a very dark forest, during night. He surveyed his surroundings as he rubbed his head, hissing in pain from a jolt of pain from a headache. Where am I? Sonic thought, Last thing I remember... He jumped in surprise when he felt a hand grasp his shoe, he faintly saw a silhouette of a person lying down, the moaning sounded like it came from a woman. He knelled down to get a better look, but the darkness of the forest made it very hard to see anything, but then... "Oh right...I do have a flashlight app on my phone..." Sonic said quietly, trying not to attract the attention of anything unfriendly, he's seen enough movies and played enough video games to know that darkness plus forest equals very nasty and unfriendly creatures. Sonic got his phone out and used the flashlight app to illuminate the forest, he saw who grabbed him and was relieved that the person was his friend, Amy Rose, pretty scratched up and out cold. The blue blur thought to survey their surroundings with his flashlight, while quietly saying to himself, "Good thing my phone is fully charged, and that Tails gave it a more powerful battery life...should last for days non-stop, until I need to recharge it...now, where are we...?" Sonic saw that he and Amy were definitely in a forest, a very wild and overgrown forest, the tree canopy was partially to blame why it was so dark, as only stars were visible through the few gaps between the tree branches. Sonic felt his quills stand on end, as the forest gave off a very uneasy feeling, like it was the same forest in that "Slender" game Sonic played a while back. It was very quiet, where the only sounds Sonic heard were crickets, his own breathing, and the occasional howling of a wolf. Sonic picked Amy up and carried her piggyback, as he walked quietly, using his phone's light to illuminate the path. Each bush rustle and slight noise making him flinch. He nervously said with a chuckle, "Heh-heh...Jeez Sonic, what's wrong with you? You've been in more dark and ominous places than this...yet you're as nervous as a sinner in a church..." He heard an extra-loud snap and thump, his muscles tensed up and turned sharply towards the direction of the sound. He heard a mechanical whirring and then saw two red eyes light up as he heard a mechanical stomp. His blood ran cold as he heard a gun-cocking sound and said, "Oh...great...Not this again..." Sonic readied himself, fearing the worst concerning that he had an unconscious girl on his back, and his leg started to cramp up... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The same can be said for Twilight Sparkle being somewhat afraid, but Pinkie Pie, being Pinkie Pie, was paying it no mind... "Calm down, Twilight..." Pinkie said, "...You are acting just as nervous as Fluttershy. But, Fluttershy is still more nervous than you are right now, 'cause come on, Hellooo! Fluttershy is Fluttershy, no pony can beat her in kindness, which is her element obviously, or in being super scared, she's afraid of absolutely everything for crying out loud. It's horrible and I'm very glad we're helping her deal with all her fears..." The earth pony stopped when Twilight looked annoyed by her rambling on, which Pinkie said, "Oops, sorry...I guess I still need to learn to not...well...you know..." Twilight chuckled a little as she said, "Yes, I know Pinkie...I underst..." *BOOOM!!!* The two ponies hugged each other tightly at the sudden and alien sound, then glanced over to their left to see a small, mushroom-shaped fireball start to dissipate. Only a second later, the explosion was followed by a sound they have not heard before, a loud, sharp, trilling that sounded mechanical in nature, which to us was the sound of a machine gun. They could barely see a flurry of lights that lined up with the machine gun sound perfectly, along with a faint, monotone voice that was too far away to hear clearly. Twilight and Pinkie looked at each other as the party pony said, "Suspicious! Time to investigate, Twilight!" Twilight merely chuckled as she said, "Okay Pinkie, but let's be cautious, alright?" The two of them silently crept up to the area where all the explosions and sounds are coming from, to see a large robot unleashing some kind of projectile weapon on a blue creature that zipped around at blinding speeds. The creature kept dodging the projectiles as they seem to be able to tear trees apart with little effort, Twilight watched this unfold, not sure either to jump in or let nature take its course, if they are simply predator and prey in this Celestia-forbid place... Sonic continued dodging the fire from the robot he was facing, which is ironically E-123 Omega, as small sparks were flying off of his metallic frame. Omega shouted, #"MUST ELIMINATE METAL SO-*CRRIKK*-SONIC!" Sonic shouted to the robot, "Come on Omega, I'm not that cheap, robotic copy of myself dude..." Twilight was shocked, They...they spoke! That means... Sonic jumped out of the way as Omega fired missiles right at him, exploding with tremendous force and setting many of the plants on fire, illuminating the area for Twilight and Pinkie. As Sonic landed, he grunted as he clutched his knee, he feared that he sprained it, but he had to find a way for him to shut down the rogue robot, and hopefully try to fix him. He leapt onto the robot's back as he said aloud, "Darn it! Where's his switch!" Sonic felt Omega grab his leg, then threw him down onto the ground, hard. Omega's auditory sensors picked up the sound of someone gasping, then turned to see Twilight and Pinkie looking right at him. He loaded his weapons as he said, #"ENEMIES SIGHTED! MUST DESTROY ALL EGGMAN ROBOTS!"# Pinkie and Twilight screamed as Omega opened fire on them, which was enough to catch the blue hedgehog's attention. Ignoring the pain, Sonic rushed faster than the bullets being fired, and managed to scoop the two ponies up and began running for cover. Twilight gasped as she said, "Wh-what?!" Sonic mused to himself, So, they speak huh? He tripped on the root of a tree, dropping both ponies out of his grasp and he winded up crashing to a stop... Twilight and Sonic groaned as they tried to recover from the tumble, both wide eyed as the imposing presence of Eggman's ex-creation aimed his cannons at the two... As Omega's cannons revved up, poised to fire, the last of the E-series robots suddenly turned off and went on standby mode. Sonic and Twilight were both about to ask what just happened, until they heard a voice say, "Okie-dokie-lokie, I found that switch the spiky thing said. Talk about putting it in a strange place though..." it was Pinkie Pie who shut Omega down, but they had no idea how or when... Sonic let out a sigh with relief, as he asked, "Are you two okay? Not hurt anywhere, right?" Twilight let out some a deep breath as she answered, "Yes, we're fine...uh...?" Sonic was about to introduce himself, but he collapsed in exhaustion, but did not lose consciousness as Pinkie and Twilight both walked up to him with worry. The blue blur chuckled weakly as he said, "I...I'm Sonic...The Hedgehog...pleased to meet you..." Twilight and Pinkie introduced themselves as Sonic then said, "I placed a friend of mine over there, by that big tree, she's unconscious and I need to get her and the big metalhead who tried to kill me to safety..." Twilight was confused as Pinkie rushed over to the tree Sonic was pointing at. She asked in a 'what are you thinking' tone, "Why do you want that big...thing...to come with you? When it TRIED TO KILL US!!!" Sonic answered, "Because he's a friend of mine, he was obviously damaged, and because of that...He simply mistook me for someone else, and from the sounds of it, he mistook you and Pinkie Pie for something else as well. When he's repaired, he won't be so hostile anymore..." Twilight wanted to know more, but she knew immediately that the Everfree Forest was not the kind of place to be for explanations. So, after Pinkie retrieved Amy Rose, Twilight levitated the motionless killer robot, and led Sonic out of the forest to the library in Ponyville, with Sonic 'slowly' following close behind...Things seemed to be moving along smoothly... However... Deep in the vastness of space near the pony's world, a large metal object floats in the emptiness, no signs of life, as debris fly effortlessly in zero gravity. This metal object is really a massive spacecraft, that looks like nothing more than the equivalent of a sunken ship still in one piece. Not even a single light was there in the dark ship, everything was unpleasantly quiet, aside from space wind… But suddenly…! A tiny light in the cockpit of the massive ship turned on, then another, then another, until the entire deck was alive with light and the sound of many machines turning on in the duration of a minute. A computerized voice activated and said as a few motors smoothly revved up, *"ENERGY SIGNATURE DETECTED! SYSTEMS AT 90% FUNCTIONALITY! ACTIVATING SAFETY PROTOCOLS! STASIS MODE DEACTIVATED!"* A very humanoid figure that was lying down on the floor of the cockpit suddenly stirred awake, as various red lights flickered all over the body. It groaned as its eyes lit up in a cyan light, it blinked for a brief moment as it realized the ship's computer was operational. It spoke with a male voice to the computer, "Access damage protocols, is the ship functional? Can it still fly?" The computer answered, *"ARK IS 70% FUNCTIONALITY! IT CAN FLY FOR ONLY SHORT DISTANCES FOR 40 MICROCYCLES ONCE! DAMAGE IS AT CRITICAL CAPACITIES! RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION...LAND ON THE PLANET NEARBY FOR REPAIRS!"* The figure then commanded, "Teletraan-1, compile a damage report at once, check all systems and tell me what works and what doesn't, and scan for survivors, and if operational, prep the medic ward for operation on the injured!" As the computer known as Teletraan-1 ran the diagnostics of the ship, a larger figure groaned as he crashed to the floor from a hole in the ceiling. The first figure recognized the larger one and rushed over to help him stand up. "Commander Prime! Are you alright sir?" the figure said to the larger one, making it clear he was a soldier. The larger being apparently named 'Prime' answered, "I...I'm fine, soldier...How long were we in stasis...?" The soldier reported, "Impossible to tell at the moment, but the ship sustained massive amounts of damage, Teletraan-1 suggests that we seek shelter on that planet, Planet-48105TPOH, for repairs. I already had it compile a damage report, scan the ship for survivors, and prep the medical bay in case...huh? Wait..." The soldier and 'Commander Prime' noticed a consistent blinking on one of the sensor's lights. They inspected the computer's instruments detecting a rather powerful energy signature, or signatures, that are greater than a Class-1 White Dwarf Star, one of the greatest sources of energy in the universe! 'Commander Prime' ordered, "Teletraan-1, identify the energy readings the sensors picked up." Teletraan-1 answered, *"ENERGY SIGNATURES UNKNOWN! THE PLANET'S SURFACE IS FILLED WITH RAW ENERGY SOURCES AND ORGANIC LIFE-FORMS! SCANS DETECTED A RECENT SURGE OF SPACIAL WARPS GREATER THAN SPACE BRIDGE TECHNOLOGY AND BLACK HOLE ENERGY OUTPUTS, SUGGESTING A SHIFT IN THE SPACE-TIME FIELD!" 'Commander Prime' then ordered, "Plot course for this planet, seek out a secluded landing area where we won't be spotted by the native inhabitants..." He turned to the soldier and said, "...I will help you with tending to the injured, but let us manually search the ship for survivors in case the instruments have been damaged in certain areas. We should bring a medical kit in case we need to perform an operation on the spot. Understood?" The soldier saluted as a few others of their kind awoke from stasis, "Yes Sir!" One of the beings that awoke, asked his commanding officer with a slight Australian accent, "Gah...O-Optimus...? What happened to us, after the Space Bridge closed on us..." Optimus looked at the soldier, then said, "Jetfire, I do not know...But the ARK has sustained a lot of damage, so it is in need of repairs..." Jetfire saluted and started to say, "Understood sir, I'll fly out and begin with the..." Optimus held up a hand, then said, "No soldier, I have a more crucial task for you...I need you to fly to that planet ahead, the sensors picked up enormous energy signatures, and identified organic life upon that planet...In case there is sentient life on this world, I need you to scout the planet and find a suitable area to land the ship for repairs, and to hide from the Decepticons should they be on that planet as well..." Jetfire asked, "But sir...They were destroyed...the unstable portal the Space Bridge created tore the NEMESIS apart..." Optimus looked at Jetfire, with regret in his eyes, "As was the ARK...Us standing here at this moment more than proves the Decepticons could have survived the same way we survived. Even if they did perish, I am not taking that risk, bring someone with you to help with your mission, that's an order..." Jetfire was quiet for a few moments, but eventually said, "Yes sir..." Jetfire ran out of the cockpit of the battered ship called the ARK, as Optimus silently stood there as he looked at the planet inch closer and closer for a minute, then headed for the medical bay to assist in treating the wounded... Meanwhile, many miner ponies along with some allied Diamond Dogs were digging up and around the recently rediscovered cave systems that lied beneath Canterlot. One Diamond Dog miner was digging at the wall when he spotted what at first glance was a blue glowing gemstone, and started digging even more as the glowing gem refused to budge. The miner pony manager looked at the greedy creature with a exhausted look, then turned away as he rolled his eyes, as he did, three seconds later, a tremendous explosion echoed and shook the entire mountain. He saw the Diamond Dog from earlier covered in smoke, and asked, "What in the name of Celestia happened?" The Diamond Dog explained, "Real sorry sir, I saw this really pretty gem that was glowing, I wanted to keep it for myself, so I began digging. It looked small when I first saw it, but as I kept digging, the gem got bigger, but it wouldn't budge, no it won't. Until it looked to be as big as those juicy watermelonses, I struck my claws on something metal, then sparks landed on my glowing gem, then, BOOM, that was it..." The pony let out a sigh, as he understood the basic gist of what the gem-crazed creature was saying. He and the other miners looked at where the explosion came from, and saw a massive hole, one that a fully-grown dragon could fit through. The unicorns among them cast light at the hole and where surprised to see that it was an untouched cavern heading downwards, one that experience and the Diamond Dogs can tell had not been touched by paws or hoofs for easily over 1200 years. He decided to investigate the cavern, and ordered, "Alright, Barker and I will inspect this cavern, no one enters until you get the OK from either of us...got it???" All the miners, ponies and Diamond Dogs alike, gave them their compliance as the manager of the ponies, and Barker who was in charge of the Diamond Dogs, went down into the huge cavern. After an hour of walking and seeing more of these exploding crystals and unusual deposits of some kind of metal ore, they reached the end of the cavern, where a giant slab of rock lied before them. Barker asked his co-manager, "Well, it looks like this is where our trip ends, buddy..." The pony looked at the wall and noted, "Hold it, there's something...different...about this wall..." He was talking that the many intricate, symmetrical carvings littered all over the end of the cavern, there presence is a true mystery, as it became clear that no one has ever set foot in the cavern, ever, and that the carvings looked too perfectly cut, yet they seemed to have been naturally formed. Barker looked closer and commented, "Oh yeah, I see your point...they look kinda alien, don't you think?" The manager then said, "That's the feeling I'm getting, we should inform Princess Celestia about this discovery right away..." As the two returned to the caves, the carvings faintly glowed, like the crystals around the cavern, then more of them formed and more of the strange deposits of metal ore formed as well, then the carvings ceased glowing. What the two natives didn't realize, was that on the other side of the cavern wall, was a cube-shaped metal object giving off tiny and faint surges of electricity.... ...and that the object was the size of a castle...