Fine Fangs

by AmethystAce

First published

Life in a herbivore's world is difficult when you're a carnivore. Especially if your trying to hide it.

Jacob Feles was on his way home when he has a terrible accident and is thrown into a world that is not his own. A world where the dominant nation is run by herbivorous ponies. Now he must try to live his life in world that is not his own and a body that was not his original one.

Anthro tag is only for the main character. Story begins after "Lesson Zero" (S2 E3). The sex tag is only for some jokes.

Chapter 1

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I sighed. Tonight was a long night at the Burger-Hut. It was midnight and I was driving home after closing for the night. Despite working at a fast food place for a living, the pay wasn't bad due to me being a manager. In fact, being the head-manager of the building actually allowed me to live rather comfortably.

I was also the youngest manager in the company's history. I joined Burger-Hut's staff when I was sixteen and here I am, still working for the place at the age of twenty-five. I stayed because during my time there, the place grew on me. Nine years of hard work led me to the point of where I am now.

My home was in a wooded part of town where there were few neighbors. The house was rundown when I first bought it, but my grandfather had raised me well. He taught me early-on that the hands-on method is the best method, and how to turn the shoddiest of materials into durable works of art. I called him up and after a few short weeks, we made the home both livable, and beautiful. For five years, I have been proud to call this place home.

I was driving down the heavily wooded road that led to my street. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. It was the start of my week long fishing trip with my grandfather. I love my job, I just need a vacation every now and then.

As I was driving home, a black tabby cat fell from the overhead branches. Due to both our paths, it hit my windshield while I was going at forty miles an hour. I couldn't see, my windshield spidered and covered by the remains of the poor animal. I panicked and instinctively rose my hands to protect my face, even though I logically knew the windshield wouldn't shatter. My fear only rose as I felt my car leave the road. Before I knew it, I hit a tree and felt the unimaginable pain of a branch piercing my heart before ultimately feeling my body fail.


I gasped and pushed myself up off my back as consciousness rushed back to me. How am I alive? The crash... Somehow I survived. I put my hand over my heart to calm myself and noticed something odd. Fur? Looking down, I saw my work outfit. It was a pair of black pants with a purple shirt. Where the burger logo used to sit, was a hole where the branch pierced my chest. But through that hole wasn't a wound, but black and gray striped fur. This fur seemed to cover my arms and, by my guess, everything. I heard a rustle in the grass behind me, but along with the rustling, I also felt the grass with my... tail?

Turning my head around to look behind me, I saw that I did indeed have a tail. The tail looked like that of a black tabby's. Did... did me and that cat become one and the same?

No... let's not think about that. That route only leads to madness. The only way is forward. Standing up, I note that my legs, just like my arms, are still like those of a human. They feel more powerful though, like the actual legs of a cat. As I stretched to loosen myself up a bit and work out the kinks, I found that I was much more flexible. I had just as much flexibility, if not more, than a house cat. That seems pretty normal, considering I used to do gymnastics and the fact that I kind of am a cat now. Looking around, I noted that these trees don't look like the ones around my home-town. The air here even felt different. It felt saturated in something foreign. Something I never felt before.

Nothing bad, just different.

I noticed that I just passively more aware of my surroundings. My eyes allowed me to spot a mouse among the underbrush. I could smell and hear the creatures around me, some very familiar, while others completely foreign. Among the sounds, I heard a river nearby. Figuring that it was as good a direction as any, I began to walk to it.

When I got to the river, I was expecting a cloudy looking stream. What I got was actually crystal clear water that actually looked safe to drink, Which I was thankful for as I was getting thirsty. It also gave me a good look at myself.

I looked like a some furries OC. Except without all of the edginess. All jokes aside, I looked like an anthromorphic black and dark gray striped cat with blue eyes. I opened my mouth and found that my teeth were just like a cats. I assumed that meant I was now a carnivore instead of an omnivore. That might cause some problems in the future.

I'm trying not to think about the loss of my humanity, or the loss of everything I knew and loved; including my life. The best way to do that is to have a goal in mind. I'll find civilization, and maybe even from there find my way home. Right now, the best way for me to do that is to follow this river. But which way?

Almost as soon as I thought of that, I spotted something flowing downstream. Walking over, I picked up what appeared to be a little gray horse doll wearing spotted blue underwear. Whatever was in the air was absolutely saturating this doll. I felt a small... need, to own this doll. As I examined it, the urge grew stronger; as if this doll was more valuable than gold. My head began to hurt and I urged myself to resist it, telling myself that it was just a soggy doll that some little girl probably lost.

Just like that, the pain was gone. and so was the urge to own it. In fact, the doll just felt like a normal doll. Nothing odd, just a toy. Shrugging it off, I began to head upstream to where the toy came from. Sure, my appearance would most likely be startling to anyone that sees me. I'm hoping that returning this doll will show that I'm not bad though.

Without further ado, I began my quest for civilization.


The forest felt a little eerie, like something was always watching me. When ever I look behind me, I would just see nothing but trees and bushes. Not even my heightened senses told me that I was being hunted. There was just a sense of danger in the air. I was happy when the trees thinned and the forest ended. The river continued to run under a little bridge next to a house that looked like it was made of stone with a grass roof. The building was surrounded by trees and bird houses and animals.

There were so many! Animals of all sizes congregated around this house, as though they were all pets. Animals that normally would be unable to live together were here in perfect harmony. One looked out of place, however. It looked like butter yellow pony with long pink hair. What was even weirder was the fact that it had wings and the image of three butterflies on it's rear. It's features were out of proportion. It's head looked bigger than it should, same with the eyes. Rather than making it hideous, it instead made it look adorable. A man is never afraid to admit cuteness. It appeared to be entering the house.

I guess I should approach and look for the owner. Maybe they can give me some information about where I am.

Chapter 2

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I approached the house. I hope they don't freak out too badly from my appearance. I knock on the door and cautiously look around at the animals, not wanting to be suddenly seen as an intruder; especially by that bear. I was not keen on getting mauled today. Or ever.

The door was opened by that same pegasus. "Hello? Ho- EEEEEEE!" She cried out, slamming the door shut. I let out a sigh of agitation. My new tail even gives an instinctive flick of annoyance. I glance at the other animals, and they all seemed to be a bit disappointed. It was like they weren't surprised at the pegasus's reaction. I even saw the bear face... pawing? Would face-paw be the proper term?

I knock again. "Hey, uh, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just looking for directions, I'm a bit lost." I noticed how my normally somewhat deep voice was a little higher and had a more, cat like quality to it; if that makes any sense.

After a bit, I was about to leave when I heard the door get unlocked and saw it open. The timid yellow pegasus opened the door. Now that I was close to her, I was able to see that she came up a little past my stomach, almost to my chest. "I'm sorry, it was rude of me to slam the door like that. It's just that I've never seen anything like you, and being so close startled me." After apologizing, she offered to let me in. My keen eyes let me see that she was still a little scared of me, but she was willing to give me a chance.

I sat down on a little couch as she offered to get me something from her kitchen. While I was a little hungry, all the things she had were all plant based things. The very thought of eating anything plant-based made me feel a little sick to my stomach, further reinforcing the fact that I was now a carnivore. Seeing as she was a herbivore, and thus a prey species, I was not going to let her know that fact anytime soon.

While she was in the kitchen, I contemplated my situation. Just the things I've seen in my short time here let me know that I was no longer on Earth. Which meant that I had no way of getting home. Even if I did, I would be rejected as I already technically died in my world. There is also the minor fact that I was no longer human, and humans can't even get along with themselves. As much as it upset me, I had to make a new life here.

She came back with some tea, which I was able to still drink as tea is only a minor danger to cats and I wasn't completely a cat. I made a note to avoid dark chocolate, but try milk chocolate later.

"I guess I should introduce myself," I extend my hand toward her, "My name is Jacob Feles."

She seemed to understand my gesture as she put on of her front hooves into my outstretched hand and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Jacob. My name is Fluttershy." She put her hoof back on the floor. "If you don't mind, what brings you here?"

"There really isn't much to say, I just woke up in an unfamiliar forest in an unfamiliar land. I was hoping someone could give me some information on where I am." I explain with a shrug as I sip some tea.

Her brow rose at that. "Unfamiliar land? Surely you have heard of Equestria." That was the name of this place? I definitely was no longer on Earth.

I shook my head. "No, sorry, but I never heard of Equestria. I don't even remember where I was before waking up in the forest." I knew it was a lie, but she wouldn't believe that I was a trans-dimensional being.

"Oh you poor thing." She said as she gave me a half hug. I was surprised by the sudden contact, but her concern was comforting.

After the hug, I remembered something. "Oh, before I forget, is this your doll?" I offer the doll to her and she visibly shrinks away from it as if it was cursed. She then seems to regain her wits and look at the doll.

"Where did you find it?" She asked me, her eyes avoiding the doll.

"I found it floating down the river. It was the only thing that let me know to follow the river upstream. I guess finding it was a stroke of good luck, right." I offered it to her again. "So, is it yours?"

She shakes her head. "No, it belongs to my friend Twilight." She somehow grabs it with her hoof. "I'll have to give it to her next time I see her."

We just kept talking for the rest of the day, I even helped her with feeding her animals. I've heard of bears being able to survive on a pure vegetarian diet, but to see it for myself was an experience. No wonder he's so docile. He doesn't have to hunt for his food.

The sky began to get darker, indicating the beginning of the night. When I noticed, I thought about my options, as limited as they are. I could either tough it out in the Everfree forest, as Fluttershy told me it's called, or I could ask Fluttershy if I could sleep in her guest room for the night. I would hate to impose, but the former just sounds like a bad idea.

"So Fluttershy," she looked at me, "I would hate to be a burden, but I don't have a place to sleep and I was wondering if I could sleep in your guest room." I was fully expecting her to deny my request, as I was still a stranger. Which is why I was surprised when she gave her answer.

"That's fine Jacob, I would feel bad if I sent you off into the night without a place to sleep." I was happy about her decision. I thanked her profusely. It would be nice not having to sleep in a branch or something.


The bed was comfortable, but I was having trouble sleeping. Fluttershy had gone to sleep a good while ago, but I was still wide awake. Nothing was on my mind except for food, though. I haven't eaten since I had woken up here, and the thought of eating anything green didn't sit right with me. After one last grumble from my stomach, I decided to get up and walk around for a bit.

When I stepped outside to get a breath of fresh air, my nose caught the scent of an animal. My body and mind seemed to go into auto-pilot as I followed the scent into the forest.

Now that I was out here at night, the forest was noisy with animals, but I felt oddly at home among the trees. I instinctively matched my foot falls with the noises around until I found the source of the scent. The creature I was following was a fully mature red fox that's body alone was about a meter long. It seemed to be looking for some food, but has yet to notice me.

I automatically dropped on all fours as I crept closer. When I got close enough, I lunged out of the underbrush at the fox without a sound. As I practically flew towards it, long claws that were impossibly sharp extended from my fingers. The fox didn't even know what was going on before my claws dug into it's back and my teeth embedded themselves into the back of the neck. My body was completely going off of instinct and went straight for the kill.

The combined shock of the sudden attack and my teeth destroying the nerves in the spine quickly killed the animal. After the successful hunt, everything seemed to get quiet as I disemboweled the animal and began feasting on it's meat. I removed it's organs with my claws as they would just ruin the good pieces. I knew that I was probably going to feel very sick about tonight's actions tomorrow when I reflect back on them. For now however, there was only one thing on my mind.

Meat has never tasted so good!

Chapter 3 - End of Intro

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I groaned as I awoke. Did I fall out of bed? I was laying on my stomach in the middle of the guest room. Seeing how the bed was in the corner of the room, I guess I didn't fall out of it. I began to push myself up from the floor and felt that my shirt was stuck to it. With more effort, I got my shirt off the floor. And saw why it was stuck.

The front of my shirt and pants were caked in drying blood. How did that get... there...

I remembered last night. The hunting, killing, feasting. I feel that I should be sickened by this, but it seemed that my 'cat side' decided to be a bro and help me not feel bad about the hunting and eating.

I open the door and standing in the doorway was Fluttershy. We stared at each other for who knows how long until I decided to slowly wave, to which she responded to by fainting on the spot.

Well, shit. How am I going to explain this one?


I was in the kitchen making some tea with only a towel around myself. I had finished washing myself and my clothes. I couldn't wear them since they weren't dry. I decided that I couldn't tell her the truth. I didn't enjoy lying, but damn it, what alternative did I have? If I told the truth, then she would truly fear me. I didn't want to scare her with my presence. I certainly don't want to live in exile either.

I was almost finished when I heard Fluttershy waking up on the couch in the living room. Okay, game faces everyone.

I quickly finished and brought the tea into the living room. Fluttershy went stock still when she saw me. I decided to be the first to speak.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier, I can explain."

She sat there, motionlessly for a second before quietly replying. "Please do."

I set the tea on the table and sat down at it with my legs curled under me. "I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to go for a walk." And now, time for the 'fun' part. "While I was out, I thought 'maybe I left something behind in the forest. Something that would tell me why I was there."

I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was buying it thus far. "Did you find anything?"

"No." I sighed. "I'm afraid it was just a waste of time. I was on my way back when I tripped and fell. I fell into a bush and fell straight on to some... remains." She tensed, not liking what I was implying. "I thought that what ever left them might have still been around. So I ran, as fast as I could, and I didn't stop until I was in the guest room. I was so worn out that I just collapsed. I should have cleaned myself when I got here. I'm sorry."

Fluttershy gave me a small smile. She was still shaken, but not scared of me anymore. "I understand. I know what it's like to be scared. Most ponies don't like the sight of blood."

I rubbed the back of my head. "I'm happy you understand, but I think I should go clean up the 'mess' I left in the room"

I cleaned the dried blood that was left on the floor (not the most entertaining task), and just helped around the house while my clothes dried. Around noon, Fluttershy told me that she thought about it, and she decided that she would allow me to stay with her while I got comfortable and got back on my feet. I was beyond grateful for this and told her that I truly owed her for her kindness. I said that I would earn my place here and not mooch off of her.

While I worked with the animals, I got a strange sense that they knew the truth about last night. My new predatory senses were picking up fear from some of the animals, some of them outright avoiding me. The older and bigger ones didn't seem to fear me as much. They seemed to understand my actions. They still feared me, but less, like they knew they themselves were safe. I hope they will warm up to me eventually.

As the day went on, I found that I could still eat and enjoy baked goods. If I had to guess, I believe why I can eat them is because they are already partially processed; allowing my carnivore body to successfully digest it. I was a bit of a nerd in high school, laugh it up. I know that I can't sustain myself on bread, but at least I can stave off hunger and not appear like a flesh-eating monster to Fluttershy.

It will be difficult, but maybe, just maybe, I can make life here work. I asked Fluttershy about the nearby town and learned that it was called 'Ponyville'. It's a tight-knit community that was full of nice and interesting ponies. At least, that's what Fluttershy said. She said that she was running low on supplies, so I might be able to accompany her to the market tomorrow.

I wonder what interesting people and adventures will await me tomorrow.

Chapter 4

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Me and Fluttershy entered Ponyville market, and received a few odd looks from the ponies around us. Fluttershy didn't seem to enjoy the attention I was drawing, and to be honest, neither did I. Now, I wasn't shy or anything like that. It's just that with the amount of other beings looking at me questioningly, I was beginning to feel a bit awkward.

As Fluttershy purchased her goods, she suggested that I go and give Twilight her doll back. I still don't know the story behind this thing and why Fluttershy flinched when she first saw it. That's something I will have to figure out when I go and meet Twilight.

"Where does Twilight live? What does she look like?" I asked Fluttershy after taking the doll in hand.

"She's a purple unicorn that lives in the library near the center of town. It's in a large oak tree." She looked away before quickly looking back at me. "Oh, and when you get there, ask her if she has a book on remedies for animal illnesses. I lost my own copy a few days ago."

I nodded. "Alright, I'll be sure to ask her."

I told her that I would see her later and began going towards where I believed the center of town is. I was heading down a road when my ears uncontrollably swiveled behind me. It was annoying, but because of it, I was able to hear quiet shouting behind me. "Kitty!" Turning my head, I saw a pink pony with a darker pink mane making a mad dash toward me. "Kitty!"

My eyes went wide and without thinking, I began running away from her.

I didn't want to think of the consequences of getting caught. A quick look behind me confirmed that due to her equine nature she beat me in the speed department.

She may have been faster, but I was far more agile.

I ducked in between houses, surprised to hear her following me, calling out for me. After the first few turns, I lost my sense of direction. I still kept at it until I entered a park. There weren't many ponies around and, after looking behind me to find the pink mare not within line of sight, I scrambled up a moderately large tree.

I got on a nice bunch of branches and looked through the leaves to see if the pink menace mare was still after me. There was no way she could have followed me all the wa-

She emerged from the alley that I just came out of. How did she manage to follow me all the way? It would seem that I found the true apex predator.

She began looking around the park. She was dashing around, shouting 'Kitty'. She looked under everything, taking the phrase 'leave no stone unturned' literally. The pink mare was darting through bushes and even sticking her head into a pond. The terror eventually gave up and left the park. Once I saw her leave, I relaxed. A little too much.

I was almost knocked out of the the tree when my foot landed on a patch of fur. That fur being attached to the face of a cyan furred pegasus with a rainbow mane. My eyes widened.

"What the-" She yelped. Her gaze was now fully on me. "Oh, trying to fight me when I'm sleeping? I don't know what you are, but I'm going to wipe the floor with you!"

Before I could respond, she flared her wings and tackled me out of the tree. I was thrashing in her grip and managed to wiggle out of it. To prevent falling, I kept a hand on her and somehow managed to climb onto her back. This caused her to start bucking around in the air, trying to do barrel rolls, anything to try and throw me off.

In a desperate effort to stay on and not fall to the now far away ground, I wrapped my arms around her barrel. What I didn't realize was that getting on her back was throwing off her center of balance and my current position with my stomach on her back caused her wings to completely flare out and her head to abruptly rise with a heavy blush. In other words, we were now quickly losing air.

The now completely embarrassed pegasus was now flailing about while maintaining some kind of cross between a glide and a dive. Looking over her head, I saw that we were heading straight for a market stall with an orange pony wearing a stetson selling apples to a white unicorn with a long, curly purple mane.

Why is this my new life?

We plowed straight through the cart of apples next to the stall. I lost my grip shortly after crashing, tumbling across the ground. When I stopped my 'graceful' rolling, I was on my back groaning. I slowly sat up to survey the surrounding area. The apple farmer was turned around, gawking at the remains of their poor cart. I turned my head to where skittles horse crashed, and was greeted with a snapshot of the now VERY pissed pegasus in mid-flight toward my midriff.

Well fuck my life.

My diaphram and lungs got a taste of the rainbow as the wind was knocked from me and I was carried off yet again. I began putting up a fight, somehow managing to not drop the doll through all of this. Because I was actually fighting back, neither of us knew what direction she was flying. She was too livid to care and I was too preoccupied.

When I bothered looking behind me, I immediately braced myself and looked away from the fast approaching window that was attached to a giant tree. If the cart crash won't leave a mark, this certainly will.

The window shattered when it hit my back. I then fell onto a wooden floor as the rainbow maned pegasus wasn't expecting to hit a window and I watched as the flew headfirst into a bookshelf. I couldn't tell if the crack I heard was her skull or the shelf, but she finally seemed out cold.

Turning my head, I saw a purple unicorn and a little dragon sitting at a table. I assumed they were eating breakfast. They stared in absolute silence, their eyes moving between the window, Skittles over by the bookshelf, and me.

I shakily got to my feet and limped to the table. I then slowly lifted my arm and dropped the doll onto the table. They stared at the doll for a bit, their minds trying to process this mornings events as I slowly teetered backwards and fell on my back; unconscious before I even hit the ground.

Chapter 5

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A month has passed since I came here, and boy was it an eventful one. It started out rather rough, though. Quite a few ponies saw me and Rainbow fight and from there rumors spread like wild fire. They made up some pretty ridiculous ones I'll admit.

They ranged anywhere between a beast that snuck into town and tried to kill Rainbow Dash, to an alien that was trying to abduct it's first test subject. That last one came from a stallion with questionable sanity at best, so no one put much stock in it.

They weren't that kind about it though. I was told a few times that I simply didn't belong. One mare tried to get a guard to 'take care' of the 'monster'. Thankfully, the guard had a good head on his shoulders and told her no.

There was some good in the past month though. I no longer live with Fluttershy. After everypony cooled down a little, she helped me get a loan from the local bank and I bought a house/place of business.

It kind of reminds me of home.

It's was a moderate house with an old work area. The price was low due to three things.

1. It's outside of town and close-ish to the Everfree.

2. It was kind of run down due to lack of upkeep. Not too bad, but some stuff needed replacing.

3. It's old owner, Birch Craft, was killed by timberwolves on the property.

Timberwolves apparently don't like it when you trespass on their territory, which is exactly what the building of Ponyville did. The guards dealt with them for the most part, but the house simply was too far out for them to assist Birch in time. Normally I wouldn't like to live in an area that is prone to attacks from wooden, flesh eating golems, but I was told that there has been little to no timberwolf presence around Ponyville for about a month now.

Thanks to the skills my grandfather taught me, I was able to take up the mantle as Ponyville's new carpenter. I wasn't an expert by any means, but I was good enough to make a living off of it. Ponies actually came to me to have me fix things for them, but when I go out, I can see it in their eyes; I'm not liked. Conversations hush around me. Gazes are averted, and those that aren't held distrust and I could literally smell the fear in the air. I didn't like it, but I'm sure they will warm up to me eventually.

The Pink Terror Pinkie threw me a 'Welcome to Ponyville' Party at Sugarcube Corner about a week ago. Not many ponies showed, but I appreciated it none the less. It was a party to remember. I met the rest of Fluttershy's friends; Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. I also got to actually know Rainbow Dash.

Twilight asked me a few questions about me and my past, but when I told her I didn't remember much, she looked a little downcast. We still chatted about each other, I had to make up more lies about my predatory appearance. I told her it was an example of trickery, where a creature looks dangerous so that predators avoid it. Twilight actually took it as an acceptable answer. She gave me a gift at the party as well, a bestiary with information on all beast in Equestria and basic info on sapient creature. I told her that I would begin studying it when I got home, which seemed to please her.

Rarity was polite throughout the entire party. When we talked, she always seemed to know how to avoid the wrong questions, never bringing up my past. After learning that she was a seamstress, I took an immediate liking to her. I told her that I vaguely remember my grandmother being a seamstress, who taught me a thing or two about hand sewing. I also said that I don't remember much more than that. She told me to come by her shop the following day to get my measurements. I was immensely thankful as constant daily use and washing of my current clothes was not doing them any favors.

She made me realize how much I miss my grandparents. I hope they were able to cope with my death.

Pinkie was obviously the the hostess of the party, so of course she introduced herself to me. The spastic, hyperactive pony apologized for chasing me in a manner that only she is capable of; extremely fast talking, leaving me confused, then bringing me a dish of vanilla ice cream. I thanked her and ate some, only to find the taste to be... off. I could taste the fats, the salt, everything else but the sweetness. I would have been upset about this, as vanilla was my favorite ice cream, but the texture on my sandpapery tongue was simply amazing. When I heard Pinkie giggle, I realized that I had unconsciously closed my eyes and was actually purring.

Rainbow gave me the stink eye until Fluttershy told her to talk to me. She sighed, muttered something like 'let's get this over with', and made her way to me. I was the one to start talking first. "So, I know we got off on the wrong foot, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I should have watched where I was stepping."

She held her glare before dropping it. "Ya, I guess I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have reacted so badly." Rainbow then smirked, "I also shouldn't have beat you so bad."

I couldn't hold my grin back as I pointed and said, "Hey, It was me who was winning. In fact, I wasn't using one of my hands AND I wasn't unconscious for as long. So take that." I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at her.

She laughed at my antics. "Hey, ya seem like a pretty alright two legged... cat... thing." I gave a small chuckle at that. "Just, let's never bring up what happened during our fight." She said that last part with much less humor and a lot more seriousness. Her cheeks carried a rosy tint.

I raised an eyebrow, giving her my full attention. "Did something happen other than us beating the snot out of each other?" I inquired.

She just laughed and said, "That's the right mindset. I'm going to go enjoy the party, we should hang sometime. See ya!" and wandered off to go talk with Pinkie. They seemed to be talking about drinks, if their gestures are anything to go by.

Applejack was the last one to talk to me, and she wasn't smiling. "Jus' who are ya?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. It was clear she was apart of the majority, the ones who didn't trust me. For a people who preached acceptance, they sure do dislike outsiders.

"Your story jus' doesn't add up. Ya told Fluttershy ya didn't remember anythin', only to suddenly remember a bit about your life and your species. Now, Ah'm not attackin' ya or anythin', but Ah know whatcha said isn't tha truth. So, again, who are ya?" My eyes widened and my heart wrenched. She's just like my ol' man, simple in appearance and actions, but much smarter than appearance suggests.

Oh, and she also seemed to have caught on to me.

"I-" I started, unsure on how to respond to how easily she cut through my half baked story. Never could bake, always burned or undercooked anything I made.

Anyway, I was thankfully interrupted by Rainbow. "Hey AJ, we didn't finish our drinking contest from the last party. How about we see who can really out-drink the other?"

Applejack looked like she didn't want to end the conversation with me, but she also didn't want to leave Rainbow hanging. "Ah'll be there in a sec." She then looked back to me. "Don't think we're done here. Ah don't want ta be rotten, but Ah can't trust someone who lies about who they are." Then she trotted over to Rainbow. "Alright, ya lightweight. Let's see who can hold their cider."

The rest of the party was great, ending with Twilight stopping Applejack and Rainbow Dash before they gave themselves alcohol poisoning. Before we all left, I asked Twilight if she could help me for a second.

When I got the house, I could feel a nip in the air. Winter was on it's way and I had to prepare for it. So, I started building a rather sizable shed next to the house to store food so that I didn't have to hunt as much. Genius, isn't it? I gave myself a pat on the back for thinking about it.

I asked Twilight if she could enchant the building to act as a large freezer. On the following day, she came by and started lacing the building with runes. She tried to explain the concept of runes and magic to me, but stopped when she realized it was going way over my head. I didn't bother saying anything and was genuinely trying to listen, but I couldn't keep up. One awkward silence later, and I had a fully functional freezer. Despite saying I didn't have too, I paid Twilight for her services.

After she left, I put a lock on the door and put a sign on the door. The sign read 'Stay out of my shed!' After a job well done, I went back into my house, opened the bestiary to a random page, and began to read. Dreugh. Few aquatic creatures match the size, strength, or intelligence of the Dreugh. Although still fundamentally animals, Dreugh possess...

A lone timberwolf was hunting at the edge of the Everfree forest. It had tracked a jackalope to this area and began to search for it's late night meal. It stopped when the trail exited the forest and entered the settlement. Alpha said don't leave forest unless Alpha is with. Dangerous creature in pony den. It then ran off, both in search of new prey and in fear of attracting whatever predator was within the town.

Chapter 6

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My food supply was running low within my shed. It has seen much use since its construction, as I tended to keep it stocked with meat. As much as I liked to appear normal, eating plant based food was giving me indigestion something fierce. Pinkie was a little upset about not seeing me as much, but her attitude changed when I told her that I was changing my diet to something 'healthier'. It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth. Speaking of lies, I was wrong about Applejack warming up to me. While other ponies seemed to be more accepting of me, Applejack wasn't even giving me an inch.

I even saw her skulking around the aforementioned shed. I unfortunately had to scare her off by baring my, admittedly, rather impressive fangs and hissing. Fortunately, rumor spreading doesn't seem to be Applejack's thing. I just hope my attempt at keeping her at bay was successful.

Anyway, back to stocking the shed. I was hoping to take down something a little, bigger. Call it ambitious, but I saw a few boar in the Everfree, and damn do they grow 'em big! I don't know how big pigs got back home, let alone boar, but I'm pretty sure they don't grow to the size of cows. I've taken to calling them 'Razorbacks' due to the fact that they literally have thin razor sharp quills growing from their backs. I saw evidence of their sharpness when I saw an actual manticore back off after being on the receiving end of those blades. Said manticore was then run down by the pack using their short sword long tusks. That was a few weeks ago. After many successful hunts, I feel that I have built up the courage to take down one of these boar. Not one in it's prime though, that would be suicide. No, I've been tracking a pack of Razorbacks that were recently in a struggle with a pack of timberwolves.

Not sure why those things hunt, as I have yet to see anything remotely close to a stomach on them, let alone a digestive tract. I have my own theories, but no proof.

Anyway, I saw my mark amongst the other boar as it was lagging behind. Many of it's quills were gone as they broke off in the wolves and it was limping due to the large splinters in it's hind leg from an unlucky timberwolf bite. If I understand pack mentality, the other boar sense an unhealable wound and see that particular one as a liability to their own survival. If I attack, the others will most likely run off instead of defending.

When they stopped in a semi-thick area to eat some mushrooms that I was sure until now were poisonous, I decided to strike when my mark strayed away a bit.

I stalked close, lightly stepping around fallen leaves and debris. I won't be able to take it down in a single strike, so I decided to do a bit of hit and run. Bunching my legs, I pounced at it's side, my claws hooking into it's side and my teeth puncturing it's right shoulder. I didn't mention it before, but when I bite down on the creatures I'm hunting, I feel what I can only describe as some kind of energy flow into my fangs; making them pack a bigger punch then they should. As expected, the creature was surprised to be ambushed by an unknown attacker, so soon after the last ones to boot. As well, the others were also startled and ran off, not seeing any benefit to protecting their wounded pack member.

What was not expected was the sheer speed of recovery and the ferocity of it's retaliation.

The moment it seemed to register the pain, it began to violently thrash, ignoring it's wounds. It quickly threw it's weight around, throwing me off of it's back. It then immediately turned, bringing it's tusks to the side. Those tusks were not dull either. Their sharpness was comparable to the sharpness of their quills. A sharpness I became well acquainted with as the tusk cut through my shirt with ease and left a shallow gash down my chest. I had a feeling that I would have been eviscerated if I hadn't wounded it's right foreleg.

I landed on all fours. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, but at the same time, I was terrified. Did I bite off more than I could chew? I dodged to the side as it rushed forward, it's size belying it's speed. I needed to get on it's back to bite it in the spine, but there were too many quills and I'm willing to bet it would just roll over and grind my body into the dirt with it's sheer weight.

Wait a minute... I. Am. A Genius!

I pounced on it's side again, earning another angry squeal from the big oinker. Before it could begin thrashing, I climbed on it's back; keeping my stance wide as to not be gutted on the blades. It began jumping around and bucking, trying to either dislodge me or hit me on the blades. Just as I hoped, it stopped thrashing in favor of rolling over to try and kill me. As it threw itself on it's side in order to roll over, I leapt off; hissing as a blade shaved a bit of skin off my arm. With nothing to cushion them, I could hear the blades breaking and being pulled off as it ground them on the ground. It quickly got up as most of the blades were either in the ground or lodged in it's back, causing it to profusely bleed.

I was able to smell it's fear now. It decided it couldn't win this encounter. It turned and began to limp away, now feeling it's wounds. I wasn't letting it get away though. I've been anticipating and tracking this beast for too long to let it get away. I made one last pounce, landing squarely on it's back. It began to thrash again, but it was weak now; there was no strength left. With it's lack of strength and my added weight, it collapsed. There is no fight left. I delivered a crushing bite to it's spine, permanently ceasing it's struggle.

I inspected my kill. I then came to a realization. How the hell am I going to move this thing? I placed a hand on my chin. Maybe if I gut it, that might make it lighter? I then shook my head, dismissing the thought. No, that won't work. I lack my tools and it would still be too heavy. I then had a thought. Maybe if I-


I stood stock still as I heard the sound of a stick breaking. Now that I thought about it, I smelled something putrid in the air. A common sign that timberwolves were near. Damn it! How could I forget that a timberwolf NEVER stops tracking it's prey? I was too caught up in my own hunt, I was sure of it. I turned toward where the smell was originating from and alter my stance to make myself look bigger. I hissed as the first wooden wolf entered the clearing. They aren't even attempting to surround me, or use hit and run tactics. They see me bleeding, sense my fear, and see my frailty. They knew I ccouldn't kill them. They slowly approached, obviously looking to scare me off as to steal my kill. They stopped, and we stared into each others eyes (or what ever they have). The one in the lead got antsy and impatient. It knew that I was willing to put up a fight to keep MY kill. It howled and charged before its brothers could follow.

I got into a stance to lower my center of gravity. I was most likely going to leave here bleeding, but I was not leaving without a fight! I've seen timberwolves fight, due to my constant observations on the fauna, or in their case flora. While they would normally surround, one would rush in and bite at the target in order to wound. As I was a comparatively frail target, it would go straight for the throat. That is what I wanted it to do. My ploy worked as I made my throat an exposed, vulnerable target. the moment it leapt, I rushed forward and grabbed it from underneath with both arms. While the bloodthirsty plant would normally be heavy, I wasn't looking to carry it. As I grabbed it, I redirected it's forward momentum into downward momentum. Thus, due to the laws of physics became face smashing momentum. The timberwolves snout cracked against the ground, and I heard it's friends begin to engage. Then, without thinking about it, I bit down on the wolf's throat. I knew it wouldn't do much, as only fire can truly kill a timberwolf.

It tasted as awful as it smelled. In fact, it was worse. Imagine the taste of driftwood, raw fibers, and carrion all mixed into one. Absolutely disgusting! When I bit into the throat, releasing a burst of energy, I noticed the other wolves stopped approaching. When I stood back up, I saw the wolf in front of me, lying on the ground. One thing stood out, however. It was not moving. There was no glow in it's body.

I killed a timberwolf.

The other wolves began to bleed fear. What manner of creature could kill one of their members? Without fire! I turned to them, seeing that I had reduced them to a hunting party to five. One of them took a step a back as my eyes roamed over it. I took a step toward them and hissed. What came out was instead a triumphant roar. The wolves were gone before I could even contemplate my new found roar.

Satisfied with the result, I turned back to my thoughts. Anyway, maybe if I built a sled...

Elsewhere, while Jacob was busy dragging a shoddy, hastily built corpse sled through the Everfree.

"Honestly dear, I have no clue why you brought me to Jacob's homestead. He didn't invite us. He's not even here." Rarity said to Applejack. Rarity had been working on a blueprint for an outfit that she was sure would take the fashion industry by storm when Applejack came in and asked her to come with her. Rarity decide to go, despite her groundbreaking work. She has been working on the design for two years now, and every time she tries to work on it, something comes up. She is always interrupted. Rarity would have stopped working on the cursed project if she didn't have so much faith in it.

"That's jus' it, Rarity. Where is he going? Fer a good while, we ain't seen his hide in any restaurant. He doesn't even buy food in his groceries, for Celestia's sake! He doesn't even buy mah apples!" Applejack could feel it, something was not right here.

"Well, to be fair, you have not been the most... polite pony to Jacob." Rarity said, rolling her eyes as they walked onto Jacob's property.

Applejack scoffed. "That's aside tha point. Ah won't rant about how Ah feel about Jacob, 'cause ya heard it a hundred times already. But Ah need to know what he's hidin'. He's dangerous, Ah know he is!" Applejack then pointed her hoof at Jacob's shed. Though, to call it a shed would be like calling a whale a goldfish. It was a single story building that's size rivaled a small house. "Ah know Ah will find tha answer in there."

Rarity blanched. "B- but Applejack, that's trespassing! Jacob will never forgive us if we go in there."

"Ah know Rarity, but think about it!" Applejack sat down and threw her forelegs out in exasperation. "Nopony has a sign sayin' to keep out anywhere in Ponyville."

"Yes, well-"

Applejack got up and whispered. "Not only that, but he hissed at me earlier when Ah was lookin' at it."

Rarity's eye's widened. "Really?"

"Ah wouldn't lie. There is definitely somethin' that Jacob doesn't want known in that there shed."

"Well darling, you have definitely peaked my interest." Rarity approached the door. "Now, let me show you that Jacob is absolutely harmless." She lit her horn, and the inside of the lock began to glow as well. After a few seconds, the lock turned with an audible click. "There we go."

Applejack simply stared at Rarity. "Did ya jus' pick tha lock?"

"But of course, it was the simplest way in. I may not be able to teleport like Twilight, but my telekinetic precision is next to none." Rarity boasted. "Now let me show you that he is harmless." Rarity opened the door, and immediately slammed it shut. She then turned her head to face Applejack, her face a pale green, eyes filled with fear. She was muttering 'dear Celestia' under her breath. Applejack pushed past Rarity, not that she noticed, and opened the door to see inside herself. What she saw was an undecorated room with two tables and a tiled floor. One table had rows upon rows of knives and saws. The other was bare, but was heavily reinforced with metal, as if to bare quite a load. At the tables corners, there were grates on the floor, allowing drainage. In the back, however was a horrifying sight. Hanging from the ceiling, there were five massive, frost covered hooks. Applejack knew what those hooks were for, she had heard of a Griffon Meathook. Griffons were banned from entering Equestria, as while they could eat plants, they heavily leaned towards the carnivorous side and most often had no qualms with eating pony. She had heard tales of war where a pony soldier would be put on the hook as torture. These tales were not tall ones either. She had seen the scar on some veterans. Four of the hooks were perfectly clean, but one was in fact occupied. She had no clue what creature it had once been, but now it was just a frozen hunk of meat. There were shelves on both sides of the hooks, most bare, but some containing various fish.

Applejack was stunned. She was sick. She was angry. But most of all, she was scared. Nay, terrified. This was why he always ate so little. Why he always excused himself to the bathroom after meals. She didn't think it was possible, but he was a walking, thinking, full on, "C-ca-carnivore..." She slowly backed up. Wordlessly, Applejack and Rarity quickly exited the building, slammed the door, locked it, and ran as fast as they could.

Back to Jacob

I was exhausted. I had to haul the multi-hundred pound body back home, defend it all the while, and it was nightfall when I got back home. I had no way of getting the body on the table, let alone a hook. Though, the hook might strain under the beasts full weight. I needed a pulley, but I had no time to get the supplies to make one. So, I left the body on the sled in the freezer section. I removed the organs, but still needed to get it on the table for a full butchery. So, the now drained and disemboweled body was secured in the freezer and it was time to relax after a full day of hunting and hauling.

I took a shower and got into bed. A thought struck me before I fell asleep, however. I quickly got up, not even bothering to put my pants and shirt on, and went to my desk. I sat down, grabbed a few papers and a quill, and began to write. 'The Everfree Bestiary. By: Jacob Feles.'

Chapter 7

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Luna flew through the Dreamworld, an endless expanse filled with numerous stars. But more numerous, are the doors. Floating amongst the stars are a multitude of doors. Some reflecting the dreamer themselves, others reflecting the dream itself. One could lose their way in this realm, but not Luna. No, she had been doing this of over a millennia. She flew past the doors, patrolling for nightmares to cull, as was her duty as the guardian of the night. She approached an area where she felt a disturbance in the realm. When nightmares happen in the same location, they tend to group up; making it easier to find them.

Though the disturbance she felt was not due to the number of nightmares, but the scale of them. Luna sensed there was two of them. These two were absolutely terrified, and the nightmare was powerful. The two doors were side by side, one warped and rotting, the other bloodied and chipped. In the center of each door was a trio of apples and a trio of gemstones respectively. Luna immediately recognized them as two of the Element Bearers. She decided to help Applejack first then move to Rarity, as one was closer than the other.

Luna gently opened the weak door, as to not break it. She entered a dimly lit room, the smell of rot and viscera was thick in the air and immediately after entering, Luna could feel the slickness of both old and new blood on the floor. In the corner there was a table covered in rusty, sinister blades. On the other side of the room was a single, barbed, rusted meathook. Hanging from it was Applejack. She was just hanging there, limply. She was still alive, but all the fight was gone. In between the table and Applejack, was a door. Opting for subtly, Luna had entered silenced and invisible. Luna continued to stare at this scene for a while, until she heard steps on the other side of the door. Applejack seemed to 'awaken' at the sound, and began to struggle on the hook. Luna watched as the barbs tore away at her in her desperation to avoid whatever was on the other side of the door.

While Luna could watch for a while longer in order to see the source of the nightmare, she opted to help Applejack directly and change the dream to something a bit more pleasant. Unfortunately, the dream itself collapsed from such a drastic change; giving Applejack a dreamless sleep. Anything was better than a night terror. Luna sighed as she was safely ejected from the dream. While she could navigate the realm with no trouble, a millennium without practice altering dreams has done her no favors.

Luna entered Rarity's dream, only to see absolutely nothing. Well, that's not true. She could see blurred silhouettes, and she could see Rarity. Upon a large table was Rarity, most of her skin had been removed, however, and most of her organs had also been removed. Said organs were carried away and disposed of by the blurred silhouette. There was no detail, and all she could tell was that it was bipedal. Ponyville has had trouble with diamond dogs in the past, they must be the source! Not wanting to put Rarity through more mental pain, she banished the dream as she had Applejack's.

As Luna was ejected from the dream, dawn was approaching. She was about to exit the realm and alert the guards to go to Ponyville when she spotted something curious. Among the doors was a pure metal one. There was no handle and it was covered in intricate designs and what looked to be high tech locks. She could hear explosions on the other side and a male shouting, "For the Emperor!" She tried to enter, but she couldn't find a way to open the door. Before she could try anything else, the door disappeared as the dreamer awoke.


I woke up with the early morning sun shining through my window and into my eyes. My back was killing me, and remembering the previous night, it was no wonder. Hauling around a huge boar and falling asleep in a chair was NOT doing wonders for my back. Thankfully, that boar would provide me with food for a while, so there was no need to hunt for a while. What I needed was to get up and start my day.

I stretched and got up to start my morning routine. I left my notes on the desk as no one would disturb them there. I did, however grab some paper and write a to-do list for the day. I definitely needed a pulley or two for my shed and workshop. I looked at yesterdays shirt and noted that I need to get that fixed. I looked at my chest and arm, which I used the last of my bandages to patch up, so need to get more. So that means that I'll need to go buy some bandages from Ponyville Hospital, as they also act as a pharmacy, a stop by Rarity's to get my shirt fixed, always a pleasure to talk to Rarity, but where would I get a pulley system around here? I could stop by Dr. Hooves, but he's a bit, crazy. Ya, scratch that idea, not going to him. The only other place I could think of was to see if Applejack had any spares I could purchase. Damn it. I didn't like Applejack, and the feeling was mutual, albeit more serious on her end. Maybe if I made it clear it was purely for business, she might be able to act civil.

I did my normal routine, had a nice fish breakfast, and made my way out into town. I never really mentioned it, but ponies are skittish, but friendly creatures. Some waved to me as I passed, others said hello, both gestures I returned. I decided that I would get my bandages first, as those are more important than shirts or pulleys. Heh, sounds like a pony shop, Shirts and Pulleys. Might have just struck gold with that idea.

I entered Ponyville Hospital and walked up to the counter. "Hey Nurse Coldheart."

Nurse Coldheart, a light blue earthpony mare wearing a nurse cap atop a light purple mane, returned my gesture. "Hey Jacob. How can I help you today?" She sighed when she saw my bandaged arm. "You dumb ass. Did you cut yourself on another tool? You need to be more careful! Carpentry is a dangerous profession, as I thought you were aware."

I chuckled at her more crass language than I've seen most ponies use. "And you wonder why they put you in the front. Your bedside manner is terrible!"

"Hey now, I just tell it how it is. Seriously though, stop hurting yourself. I almost think you're doing on purpose."

"Eh, occupational hazards. You know how it is. Speaking of getting hurt-"

"Oh finally! I was wondering when you would come in for a medical examination. You have been living here for, what, six months? And you have no medical record!" Coldheart cried out.

"And I'm not getting one today either. You can't convince me either. I will die an enigma!"

"Sounds about right. Just, whenever you sick, just make sure you don't stay home and die just to spite me, okay?" Damn it, the puppy dog eyes.

I hiss and cover my eyes. "Enough, enough!"

Coldheart laughed. "That's what I thought. So, you here for your usual?"

"That's right, used the last of my bandages on this and my chest. As you said carpentry is dangerous work, and I need some more."

"Alright, that will be ten bits."

I purchased my goods and left, Coldheart calling out, "Don't get yourself killed, you masochist!"

I left to Rarity's place with a bit of a spring in my step. I don't care what happens, today's a good day!

Chapter 8

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A week passed and things went to shit REAL fast.

The day after my glorious hunt, I tried to get a pulley from Applejack, but for whatever reason, she had gone from hateful to fearful in a day. Instead, I had to deal with Big Mac, who saw me as the source of AJ's fear and charged me double for the pulleys and transport. I was pretty sure the damn things are defective as well, if the rope constantly getting caught and stuck is any indication. May have sabotaged them himself. Not to self, NEVER deal with the Apples. Or at least return the favor, in price but not quality. I did have a business to keep afloat, after all.

At least I got my goods from Sweet Apple Acres. When I went to Rarity's, she screamed, slammed the door, and locked it. After a full five minutes of yelling through the door about how unfriendly and unladylike this behavior was, I gave up and returned home. My day was pretty much ruined by that point. After all, Rarity was a good friend, or so I thought. I was probably overreacting, but damn it did it piss me off. I completed an order or two, completed a few more pages of the Everfree Bestiary; leaving an empty space every so often as to leave room for pictures, then went to sleep.

Things got worse in the next four days. Over those few days, all the work I put behind gaining the trust of the ponies crumbled. Rumors spread, glares returned and doors were barred. Conversations halted when I was near, the eyes of the ponies were fearful, but absolutely full of malice. I was unwanted here. Before they hushed, I heard three constants that made my blood boil. Rarity, Applejack, and shed. I didn't hear the rest of the rumors, but I knew they were malicious in their sickening nature. It didn't take a mathematician to add them together. I didn't hear from my other friends as I was unable to show my face around town. I hoped that if I lay low, the ponies would forget and I would be able to live life as usual. The only good from those four days was the free time it gave me to write more of the bestiary.

On the seventh day, I heard a crash outside my house. I didn't need to light a candle as my night vision was well good enough to see out my window. My window faced my shed and I saw a mob of ponies with torches and lit horns fleeing from my shed. In the moonlight, I could see that my shed door was broken. Those bastards defiled my property, trespassed, and pushed me away after I have been an active member of this community for six months!

I... I don't think I can continue my life here. It would only be a matter of time before they stormed this building or torched it. I liked it here. Hell, I loved living here in Ponyville! I loved being a part of this thriving community. I had friends, a job, a life! Then those two, those two pieces of shit had to ruin everything! I even trusted one of them. I trusted her to not invade my privacy. If I see the two of them again, I'll...

I couldn't think about those two for much longer, lest I set myself off. I quickly packed ups some of my things, wrote a note, and was about to leave, when my gaze fell onto my desk. I made quite a great amount of progress with the Everfree Bestiary. I couldn't let one of those bastards take my work and publish it as their own. If they don't want me, they won't have my work. I packed my papers, including extras, ink and quill, and left for the Everfree, tears in my eyes.

If they think me a beast, then a beast I will be!

One week later

Just as Jacob had predicted, the mob did return after they mustered the courage, and raided his home. Applejack led them in, but didn't partake in the wanton destruction of the home. She was searching for Jacob. She wanted to him out of this town. She couldn't stand the thought of him hunting some pony, or her family; especially after that sour deal Big Mac gave him. So while the mob was destroying his living room, Applejack searched the home. The more she searched, the more her heart fell. Jacob may have a fox head mounted above his fire place, but on the mantle were pictures of good times that Jacob had with his friends. In the halls, there were frames with all of Jacob's friends in some manner; including Applejack. There was a picture of Jacob and the other Element Bearers in a group hug at his 'Welcome to Ponyville' party. On and on, room after room, Applejack saw mementos of good times. Some were hunting trophies, which disgusted her, but then there were gifts from his friends. Be it picture or item, they were all well taken care of. He cared about them.

When Applejack entered his bedroom, it already looked ransacked. She then realized it wasn't looted, but Jacob packed in a rush. On his desk, there was no ink or guills, the papers that were left were all scattered on the floor.

All but one.

Applejack quickly read the paper, feeling the full weight of her guilt when she reread it. She had to get this to the others, and fast. Landsakes, I really bucked up this time.

Dear, well, someone I hope actually cares,

I don't know when you found this note, but it obviously shows you don't know how to mind your own damn business. I know it is stating the obvious, but you ponies finally ran me out of town. As of writing this, I don't know why I was betrayed. But I do know you don't care. All of you -Word was illegible as a tear stain smeared the ink.- are nothing but spiteful creatures. To think I could have trusted you people. So I left. You - a beast. Well, you got one. I left to the Everfree to live peacefully. Away from ponies. Don't follow me. I promise, I will not - anypony that enters my territory. With exceptions. Rarity, Applejack, I hope one of you are reading this, because if I see you, I WILL maim you. I'm not even joking. Applejack I will cut - in your legs then drag you back to Ponyville. You will be unable to walk for the rest of your - And Rarity, I will scar you. You will be so hideous that you will no be able to look in a mirror for the rest of your misera - king life. I will actively hunt you two down if I see any sign of you in my territory. You ru - my fu - life!

Goodbye to those that care, Jacob Feles.

Applejack looked up at the other Bearers. Everyone of them looked back at her, except for Rarity, who had fainted after hearing of Jacob's spite. "Ah think we bucked up."

Chapter 9

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Sunlight filtered through the trees as I made my way through the Everfree. I had gone deep into the Everfree forest. So deep, in fact, that I'm pretty sure no pony has been here before.


Snow had began to fall and it became much colder out. Though, I didn't mind the cold as much due to me having a bit more mass than when I arrived in this world. I never felt it worth noting, but my constant hunting for food and my diet being largely protein definitely has me seeing gains. I may not be a muscled behemoth, but I was far stronger than I was before I... well... died. And was... resurrected? Reincarnated? Probably shouldn't question it too much. Makes my head hurt thinking about it. Anyway, through a combination of mass, my winter coat growing in, and hides from previous hunts giving me a sense of decency, the cold wasn't much of a bother. Unfortunately, the clothes that Rarity gave me were not up to the task of actually living out in the wilds. So, I had to get a bit creative.

I still hate them, Rarity and Applejack. I won't ever forgive them. Hell, most of Ponyville is on that list. I won't, however, let the actions of some dictate an entire species. I most likely won't be returning to any pony town, however. I simply think that what ever the hell I am (still haven't thought of a name for it, and simply being anthropomorphic cat is a mouth full), and ponies are like oil and water. We simply don't mix. Any who, back to my travel.

My reason for traveling is two-fold. I'm simply used to staying on the move now. I don't know if guards are actively hunting me down, though I'm sure they forgot about me by now. Staying on the move also means that I don't over hunt any area of the forest, which is pretty nice. The other reason is that I am almost finished with my Everfree Bestiary! While I acknowledge that I likely won't be selling it to anyone now, it has become a great pass time and very valuable to have on hand for whenever I forget about a certain creature. My nomadic lifestyle has done wonders for the bestiary, allowing me to actively seek both new shelter and new entries into the book. Honestly, writing this book has been the main thing keeping me reasonably sane. Maybe I can write a book about the flora next, even though some flora did make into the bestiary, or maybe-

"HEY!" a thick Germanic female voice called out from above. Startled after not hearing a voice in, I honestly don't know how long, I looked up to see three griffons swoop into the clearing I was moving through.

They looked to be a small hunting party, likely looking for food. Landing, it seemed there were two females and one male. Both of the females were nearly identical, with silver-tipped white feathers and a spotted hide. The only difference I could see between the two was that one of them had a nasty scar across her throat. The male was younger looking, perhaps in his teens, with much darker feathers and much grayer fur. While they were a hunting party, they didn't try and pick me off from above, nor did they try and surround me. In fact, they actually seemed friendly.

"Never seen anything like you before. What brings you into this part of the woods Mr...?" The same griffon as before inquired.

In a somewhat gravelly tone, as it can be hard to speak if you haven't in a while, "Jacob Feles. I used to live in a pony village, working as a carpenter before getting ran out. Not sure how long ago that was."

The younger male looked surprised. "A pony village? How did they even let a predator like you in?" Before I could ask how he knew my diet, he continued. "The way you scanned us with you eyes, the way you adjusted your stance when we entered the clearing, you couldn't make your status as an apex predator more obvious."

"Allow us to introduce ourselves." The female from before began, grabbing the younger male with one arm, or is it still called the front leg when it comes to griffons? "This is our baby brother Tobias," Tobias groans in annoyance, "I'm Ines, and that is our sister Lydia." Lydia gave a wave. Ines then pointed to me. "And you, seem lost."

I don't know why, maybe it was me being away from civilization for a good while, but I just started laughing at that last statement. Like, a full on laugh, not some small chuckle. When I stopped, they seemed a little worried for my mental state. to be fair, so was I. "Sorry, I guess going a long time without any sapient interaction was starting to get to me. I assume you guys came from a town nearby, could you point me in the right direction?"

"Well, we were out hunting when we found you, so if you want, you can tag along with us. If not, then Benfurt is back that way." Tobias says, pointing a talon back the way they came.

"Yeah, I think I'll tag along if you don't mind. Could be fun and I REALLY don't want to get lost again."

Three hours later and the four of us are hauling back a white tail stag, doe, and fawn. We had tracked them for a while before finding them. When the siblings were going to engage, I believe I made a good impression on them by silently climbing into a nearby tree, only to pounce from the branches onto the stag, biting it in the same action, then jumping off the collapsing stag onto the doe. Tobias was in absolute awe at the perfect execution, asking me how I did it. Only be annoyed by my simple answer of 'experience'. Ines was impressed by the ferocity of my ambush, commenting how the last time she saw anything close was when their father was teaching her and Lydia to hunt. Lydia didn't voice it, as I don't think she physically can, but I could tell that she was a bit annoyed by the fact that I left them with only the fawn to hunt.

It honestly felt, nice. Not only to have intelligent interaction with other creatures again, but to also be able to enjoy both good company and a good hunt at the same time. I don't know. Ponies and I don't mix well. But griffons and whatever I am?

I think I found the right crowd to be in.

Chapter 10

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POV: Twilight Sparkle

It's been about two months since Applejack ran into the Everfree forest. There was no warning, and no one knows when exactly she left. She just packed up and left a note saying: An Apple's gotta right their wrongs. I tried casting a tracking spell, but it just fizzled out when it gets to the edge of the forest. I have casted it everyday, as if it would yield me different results, but it's always the same. It does tell me ONE thing though.

That she is still alive.

Pinkie's been putting on a face. She looks happy, but I can tell she is heartbroken by Applejack's decision to not tell us. Rarity has been a bit out of it as well. She is still completely scared of Jacob, but realized that she betrayed his trust as a friend. Fluttershy has been seen in town even less, but she actually showed anger toward Rarity and Applejack for what they did. I don't know what kind of magic is in that stare, and I'm not sure I want to know.

Me and my friends have tried to go in and find her, but we always either end up back where we started, or get pushed out by the local fauna. Rainbow even got hurt pretty bad by a manticore, but she will be fine with a few more days of bed rest, as long as she listens to the doctor.

I've even written to Princess Celestia about Applejack's disappearance. She sent a squad of Guard-ponies to comb through the Everfree biweekly (twice a week) to see if they can find a sign of her or Jacob. Though, I don't think they have anything good planned for Jacob. It's as if the Everfree itself is trying to hinder the search though, not even the platoon's tracker could find any sign.

I don't think ill of my friends, but how could Applejack be so... so... STUPID!

She ran headfirst into one of the most dangerous places in the known world, alone, likely unarmed, trying to find an apex predator in his nature habitat who probably VERY MUCH still wants to inflict bodily harm to her. If he doesn't want to be found, she likely won't find any trace of him; and if he finds her in his territory, he likely maul her!

I don't think what Applejack did was okay. She should have given Jacob a chance to explain himself. Even if he's a carnivore (which is still a bit scary), he's been nothing but kind to us and has been a functional member of our community. I won't forgive Jacob if he hurts her though. A peaceful resolution is needed, or it will only create a vicious cycle.

I worry for her, and as much as it pains me, as well as the rest of Ponyville to say it, the only thing we can do is wait until we find a sign of our friend.

I hate doing POV switches.

POV: Jacob

My guess at Tobias' age wasn't TOO far off, as he turned twenty one a week ago. Well, about the day they found me, actually. A runt he may be, but a smart runt he is. While his father, Heinrich, is a little upset that Tobias isn't going to continue the family trade as a blacksmith, he's still proud of his son for all the studying he does to be an alchemist. Heinrich swears that the oils he makes improves the quality of the metal ten-fold!

Speaking of Tobias' family, they welcomed me with open claws. They might have been apprehensive, if they didn't see the absolute feast we had brought with us. We brought in both multiple days worth of meat, but also Tobias' birthday dinner! Which I must say, Heinrich's wife, Gretta, is a fine cook. Not to speak badly of my own grandmother, but she doesn't have anything on Gretta's skill in the kitchen. Not to say my granny was a bad chef, but Gretta is a master of her art who'd make Gordon Ramsay blush with both her skill... and her language.

Instead of Tobias inheriting the family forge, Ines is the one who is learning to work metal instead. Strong lass like her is a perfect inheritor of the forge, once her dad passes of course. Lydia wishes (as she actually can't say) to make hunting her profession, as she already sees it as a way of life. She has learned how to leave hunt signs in trees and use hand signals. Tobias, as I already stated, is learning, and has already learned quite a bit of, alchemy. To him, if you aren't the fastest or the strongest, you gotta be the smartest. And he knows a potion or two to make you the fastest and the strongest.

I honestly find alchemy to be quite interesting, as it allows anyone, magic or not, to perform magical... stuff. Ya, I don't know a lot, but Tobias is starting to teach me; as he has noted my interest in the art. Says it's a bit odd, having the student be older than the teacher, but it works out fine. Being an alchemist is like being a doctor, an herbalist, a magician, a chemical engineer, and a nuclear engineer all at the same time!

Though, I'm not just laying about doing nothing with my time either. Despite the town already having a carpenter, Heinrich does appreciate having a carpenter on hand to help with whatever wood based things he needs. He allows me to use the guest room until I make enough money to get a home of my own. Might have it be in this town. Nice little community with a great proximity to the forest.

Today was looking like it would be a slow day for the forge, mostly Heinrich and Ines making nails, so Tobias thought it would be a good idea to get me familiar with the flora in our neck of the woods; pun completely intended. I agreed to it, mostly to refresh my knowledge and eventually compare notes with what's in my book. It's the only thing that I've kept secret from the family. They are kind people, but they will be able to see the book when it's been published like everyone else. This book will make me famous! But anyway, I decided to go out with Tobias on a bit of an herb gathering trip.

"And this is Dragonthorn. It can be easily distinguished by the fiery pattern of it's thorns and flowers. The ashen smell it gives off wards off most animals." Tobias said while harvest some of the plants... everything. At least, it looks like he's taking a bit of everything to my untrained eye.

I write this information down in my notes. I normally called this plant Fire Flower, but Dragonthorn sounds much better. I also won't have to worry if Nintendo will try to make me pay royalties cross-dimension! I'm sure they would love some genuine gold coins. "Is it safe to consume?" I ask, pausing in my note taking.

"Consume?" He laughs, as if he heard a good joke. Honestly, it sounded pretty cute. "That's the way old alchemists try new ingredients. While it works, some of those ingredients will also kill you! Modern alchemists like us enjoys much more sophisticated methods of testing, which I will teach you soon." His laugh winds down. "But to answer your question, no, it is not safe to consume. Dragonthorn is extremely hot when eaten, and not as in spicy. It will literally scorch your insides as it goes down. Leaves burns if you eat a small bit. Eat enough, and it'll cook you from the inside out. Quickly."

I wince and give a short laugh, as I resume recording notes. "I would hate to have been the poor bastard who tried that."

Tobias snorts in amusement. "I can imagine how that went." He then takes on an air of sophistication. "I, Sir Tobias of the Alchemist Guild, have found this beautiful flower and have chosen to consume it. With this experiment, I will further our craft! NOM!" He starts waving his hand in front of his mouth. "Oooo, it's got a bit of spice to it." Then he begins to flail around, as if on fire. "OH GREAT SHY ABOVE! I'M ON FIRE! FIRE!"

I can't continue my notes due to my laughter. "Tobias! Have you ever considered being a comedian as your calling? You might-" I pause, an odd scent in the air. I tilt my nose to the air. "Do you smell that?"

Tobias smells the air. "Blood... Either we are near some Bloodroot, or something is wounded. Doesn't smell like any blood I know though."

Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply. It takes a second for it to click, but I do recognize the smell in the air. "Pony." I say as I open my eyes. I've smelled pony blood when Rainbow Dash inevitably hurts herself and from my visits to Ponyville's Hospital. Often to take Rainbow to said hospital.

"What was that?"

"Pony, and from what I can tell, there's only one." Definitely pony blood I smell, but the owner's scent, while muted, is somewhat familiar. Always did smell someone before I saw them. Rainbow couldn't sneak up on me no matter how much she tried. Pinkie... we don't talk about the eldrich powers she wields. Those do override my impressive sense of smell.

After a second of contemplation, I pick out the underlying smell. "Apples...?" My eyes widen as I shove my notes in my pack and dart off in the direction of the scent, Tobias barely able to keep up.

"Woah, what's the hurry?" He calls out as we move.

"I smell a lot of blood in the air, and I think it's someone I know. Get a healing poultice ready."

"If it's how you describe it, we may need a miracle!"

A few seconds later, I confirm my suspicions. Laying in an opening in some tree roots, curled in fetal position and covered in enough blood to fill a tub, is Applejack.

Oh shit.

I hurry to her and check her vitals. She's breathing, but barely. Her fur matted, as if she hadn't bathed in a long time. How long was she out here? I can't tell what her wounds through all the blood.

Tobias is startled by my outburst. "Damn it! I'm supposed to hate you!" I yell out as I slam the side of my first against the tree. "I'm supposed to hate you and Rarity for what you did to me! So why can I only feel pity and..." I stop as a few tears roll down my cheeks as I stare at her broken form. After a few seconds, I turn my head to Tobias. "Tobias, I think I might be able to carry her without opening her wounds too much if you can fly ahead and ready your lab for a patient."

Tobias is taken aback by my request. "Jacob, there's no guarantee she'll survive the trip, let alone the operation."

"We have to try, damn it! If I let her die out here, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. And letting her die out here without even trying to aid her would be dishonorable." If there is one thing most Griffons in Benfurt have a soft spot for, it's honor. It pains me to manipulate Tobias using it, but time is of the essence.

Tobias' eyes widen at the word 'dishonorable', "Of course. I will let the family know and begin preparations immediately." He spreads his wings to take off. "Good luck. She'll need it." And with that, he's off the ground; flying as fast towards Benfurt as his wings will take him.

I sigh as I kneel down by Applejack. "Yes she will. Yes she will." I carefully scoop her up, and begin my trek back to town. I'm guessing it'll be twilight by the time I get back. Should miss most of the bad stuff.