> The Music Box > by CrackedInkWell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For Pipsqueak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You don’t think it’s too soon, big bro?” Rumble asked as he paced about the floor. “I mean sure, we’ve known each other since we were kids and all. And that we’ve been dating for like what? Four, five years – but is he really ready for such a thing?” “Rum-” his brother, a charcoal black Pegasus who sat at his couch began, but was quickly interrupted. “You know how fragile he is and I’m worried if I scare him off.” “Hey Rumble?” “Maybe I should wait for another year? It’s such a huge thing to ask-” Before he could continue on with his rushing flow of worry, he felt his brother’s hoof turning his head towards him. “Okay, first of all, breathe.” Even though it did feel rather degrading that his big brother used the same type of tone that he would use when he that his fits as a little colt, (and as much as he hated to admit,) it did make him pause and do just that. “Look, I know that this is such a huge deal to you. And I gotta say, I’m rather proud of you for wanting to take on this big step in life.” “I know that,” the young stallion rubbed his foreleg. “But is this the right time? Sure, Pipsqueak has grown more mature since we started dating, but what I’m going to ask him is… Huge. Like, Celestia’s plot huge.” While his brother had a fit of laughter, he continued. “I mean, he’ll realize that I want to take what we have to the next level.” “Yeah, I can see how daunting this is for you. But to be honest, I'm surprised that such an adorable couple like you two didn’t do it earlier.” “Thunderlane,” his light gray brother whined. “I mean it. What you two have, it’s a gift. I mean, sure, I’ve had my fair share of dates too, but never to the level that you guys have. While I think I have a long way to go, you on the other hoof have something special that can’t be replaced.” “But… But what if he says no? Or that we end up like…” he trailed off. Rumble almost didn’t want to say it, but he and his brother knew who he was referring to. “Rum,” the darker Pegasus messed up his brother’s mane. “Don’t you think that Pip might be having these same doubts too? Chances are, he might be scared too, if not more than you would refuse the very thing you’re going to ask.” “You still haven’t answered my question.” “Think about it, even if he does, what’s the worst can you expect to happen? Things get awkward for a while, and that’s pretty much it. I think that it’s better to just take that leap of faith and give your coltfriend more credit than you give him. And besides,” he patted his head. “You two are nothing like them. You both do listen, and you know where your guy’s limits are. As I said, I'm surprised that it’s taken you this long to actually do it.” “Especially for what I have in mind?” Thunderlane shrugged, “I’ll give you this, it’s very original. If not a little costly. I mean, don’t you want me to chip in?” Rumble shook his head, “No. This is something that I must do alone. Sure, I may have got the important part, but the rest must be something that I can design to have it charged with meaning.” “So even if you got it, where are you planning to do it anyway?” His little brother gave a knowing smile. “Where it all really began.” The first thing that Rumble noticed as he walked into the shop was the crowded room of clocks, each muttering a tick-tock as he pushed open the door. On the outside, the building was modest that it had only a clock face hanging over its plain door. Inside, however, timepieces from plain wood to gilded masterpieces ticked on. Rumble had only been in this shop a few times in his life, yet the products from this little building didn’t have clocks from simple to complex. If it was made out of clockwork of some kind, it was most likely found here. From wound up toys that would hop around the floor, to elaborate automatons that can mimic magic tricks perfectly. However, with the bits in his saddlebag, he came in here for one purpose. As he went up to the desk that had a brass bell, he rang it with a hint of nervousness. About a minute later, an elderly stallion popped his head out that had a headgear in which held many lenses. “Yes? Can I help you?” “Oh… Uh sorry, I didn’t catch you in the middle of something, have I?” “Not really, I was about to begin something, but I can take a moment to see what you need help with.” Taking in a deep breath, the Pegasus began, “I’ve heard that you do commissions, right?” “I can if there are enough bits to compel me to do so. Why? Do you have something in mind?” He nodded, “Yeah actually.” Pulling out the heavy looking bag of bits and setting it on the ground, he said. “I was hoping that you could make a special music box for me.” The old head from behind the counter raised an eyebrow. “How special are we talking about?” “Like…” he trailed off, his face growing warm in the otherwise chilly shop. “Like you want to ask your special somepony to take the next big step in life.” “Oh! It’s that kind of thing.” “However,” Rumble added. “I was hoping that it’ll be done in a particular way. Something that I think will be a challenge to you. But I’m willing to pay for it, of course.” The old clockmaker leaned over with intrigue, “I’m listening.” And so, the young stallion described to him in great detail of the ideal music box that he had in mind. From the materials to its function, the old shop owner listened carefully and didn’t speak much apart from the occasional question. “This will be a challenge indeed,” said he. “Now it will take time on my part to design, gather the materials and putting it all together.” “I figured,” Rumble nodded understandably. “But how long do you think you’ll be done?” With a thoughtful hum, he answered, “If you can give me a month, it’ll be ready.” It had taken weeks on the clockmaker’s side to craft out exactly what Rumble had in mind. From the song to the shape of the box, he told the stallion in detail of what this expansive object should look like and its main function. And yet, the end result was marvelous to his eyes. The end result was a wooden box in which had a simple lid that was made out of dark wood. But the sides, however, had a checkered pattern of red maple and white pine that had a keyhole in the very front. To anypony else, it would look like a jewelry box, yet seemed insignificant. For Rumble, that was the idea. On that special day in early autumn, the Pegasus was tinkering with the box to see that it was all working perfectly before the big moment when suddenly, he heard a knock on the front door. ‘It’s okay Rumble,’ he thought as he trotted over. ‘You can do this.’ As expected, there behind the door was the stallion that he was anticipating. A short earth pony that resembled that of a walking pinto bean of having a white coat with light brown spots. He had a chocolate brown mane that matched his cheerful eyes and widening smile. “Rum,” he greeted him by giving him a hug. “How have you been?” he asked in his trademark Trottingham accent. The Pegasus hugged him back and giving him a kiss on the nose. “Hey, Pip. It’s really good to see you.” Breaking the hug, the smaller stallion inquired what they were going to do that night. “If you don’t mind, I have an errand to run and I hope that you might wanna come along with me.” “Oh, that’s no trouble at all. As long as I get to be with you, then it’s all then I could ever want.” “Would you hang on for a second? Let me get what I need to drop off and then we’ll go.” After slipping back to his room, he made sure that the box was set and that he had the lid lock with a golden key. Tucking it under his wing and lifting the box onto his back, he returned to the front door. “Come on Pip, I need to drop this off and then it’ll be your call to do whatever you want for the rest of the night.” While the smaller Earth Pony followed him at his side, he gave a confused look. “Whatever I want? Sorry, but didn’t I had my turn last week?” “Yes, you did. But I completely ran out of ideas on my turn.” Rumble lied, “I mean, with such an important delivery, I had my mind occupied on other things.” “Speaking of which, who is the box for?” The gray Pegasus gave a sly grin, “I can’t say just yet, but it’s for somepony important, for their eyes only.” “Being cryptic today, aren’t we?” “Don’t worry, once I’ve made this delivery, it’ll all become clear.” He then turned to him before adding. “And since we’re here, I thought that we might have a talk.” Pipsqueak’s face paled at those words. “Is something wrong?” “Oh don’t get me wrong, nothing’s wrong per-say. It’s just… I want to have a discussion with you that’s rather important to me.” “Um… okay? What do you want to talk about?” Rumble paused, his eyes lifted over his coltfriend’s head. Pip noticed this and turned his head over to what he was looking at. It was over towards a particular house that, to the untrained eye, looked like all the other thatched roofed homes in town. However, to the stallions, they both knew whose house it belongs to. “Pip, what do you think of my family?” “In general, or…?” Rumble nodded. “Alright… You have a really good brother and Wonderbolt. Your dad and step-mom are nice.” “And Cloud Tumble?” He shrugged, “If I had to be honest, your half-brother can have more than an overactive imagination for his own good. Like the first time, we unintentionally foalsat him that one time. However, I know he has a good heart.” “And… my real mom?” Pip looked at him puzzled, “What does she have to got to do with anything? I’ve told you in the past that the whole divorce thing doesn’t change how I see you or your dad. Yes, I know that your family is far from perfect, but once you’d get to know ‘em, they’re good ponies to be around. After all, they’re the first family outside of mine to fully accept me when I came out.” Rumble gave his coltfriend a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, Pip.” With that, the two of them continued on. As they walked through Ponyville, the sky was getting closer to twilight as the lampposts lit up, and the sky was painted in an orange-pink with the clouds in streaks of yellow and crimson. The stallions walked under trees, whose leaves were changing from green to pale yellow. It was still several weeks before the Run of the Leaves, but the air was turning chilly. While they continued on their walk, Pip asked, “So where exactly is this pony that you’re giving that box to? Or are you still going to be cryptic?” “Be patient, I swear that you’ll know soon enough.” “Cryptic then.” He rolled his eyes, “I don’t understand why you could just tell me. Is it for Princess Twilight? I mean if it were, then we should be going that way.” Rumble cocked an eyebrow, “Whoever said it was for Twilight?” “Well, you did say it’s for somepony important.” “It is, but it’s not for her.” Now the smaller pony was stumped, “Mayor Mare?” “Don’t even guess,” Rumble advised. “Because this box is for the last pony you’d expect.” “I still don’t understand why you’re telling me these riddles.” Pipsqueak mumbled. He then noticed that the path that they were walking on was a familiar one. Looking up ahead, it confirmed his suspicion. Up the road was the familiar bright red schoolhouse that looked like it could need a fresh coat of paint. While the main building was the same as they’ve remembered, the playground had changed significantly. Now with a new play-set of swings, slides and a toy fortress that loomed over the sandy moat. Once again, the Pegasus stopped. “Do you recall what this place was like when we were colts?” Pipsqueak chuckled, “How can I not? I remember how simple things were at the time back in Primary School. Yes, simple is a good word I think. Back when there was a couple of swings here, a sandbox there, and then there was you.” He bumped his flank against his. “If it weren’t for the Crusaders or Diamond Tiara with Silver Spoon, I dare say that you gave life to this place.” Rumble rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, I wouldn’t say that I’ve made that big of an impression.” “Are you kidding? As I recall, you were always fun to play with, in or outside the playground.” “It’s because I wasn’t Snip and Snails, wasn’t it?” “I didn’t say that. Just… at the start, we sort of clicked. Like pieces of a puzzle, you know? I’ve considered you to be a good, cool bloke to be around.” His coltfriend frowned at that statement. “You do know that I wasn’t always good. Remember that one summer when I basically took over that cutie mark day camp?” “Camp Blank Flank Forever. Yes I know, I was there.” The small stallion chuckled. “But after all of that, I do get why you did it. Although at the time, I thought it was something else.” Never heard this before, the taller stallion raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean, something else?” Pip shrugged, “I don’t know… After your big brother became a full-fledged Wonderbolt, I had this thought that you might have been jealous of him. Like, living in his shadow or what-not.” Noticing that his coltfriend’s expression hadn’t changed, he added. “I mean, I do remember how the other foals were like whenever Thunderlane showed up. They tend to overlook you, and yes, I’m guilty of that as well, but still.” “Okay, I get it,” Rumble put a hoof around his shoulder to pull him into a hug. “Eventually you want to get to know me better so that I wouldn’t be left out. Gotta say, especially what happened after that summer, I’m so glad that you were there when I needed it.” “Oi, I should be thanking you,” he said as the two of them moved on. “After all, even if you didn’t intend to, you did help me put two-and-two together.” The Pegasus smirked, “It’s because of the well-toned flank, isn’t it?” “N-No!” Pip’s face turned an embarrassing shade of pink. But as his coltfriend’s grin lingered on, he sighed, “Maybe a little…” While Rumble chuckled, he added. “Could you blame me? I was going through puberty, and I was confused with what I was feeling and-” Whatever the Earth Pony was going to say was cut off by a pair of lips on his. A moment later they parted, “Have I ever told you that I think it’s adorable when I get you flustered?” “Yes,” his coltfriend replied with a smile. Taking notice of how much darker the sky was becoming, Rumble decided to change the subject. “Have you heard that I’m planning on going to apply for the Wonderbolt Academy next spring?” “Oh yeah! Cloud Tumble did mention that.” “What? Since when?” “Don’t you recall? Last week when we were foalsitting him. Weren’t you in the room when…” he blinked. “Wait… That right, you weren’t. Sorry, I thought you were for a second there. Anyways, he told me that since you’ve been practicing more with flying that you were thinking of joining Thunderlane in the future.” “Of course, that would mean that I would have to be called away by a couple months at a time for boot camp. I don’t want to make you feel as if I’m planning on avoiding you. Because that’s the last thing I wanted to do.” He felt his coltfriend nuzzling him right under his muzzle. “It’s not that I don’t know how long the training will be. This is, after all, a dream of yours, and it wouldn’t be fair if I would be standing in the way of that. All I ask is to remember me, at least send me letters to let me know how things are going.” “But it would probably take years on my part.” “Rum,” Pipsqueak said in a serious tone. “For you, I’ll wait for all eternity if I’m guaranteed in seeing you again.” “Aww, Pip,” another kiss. “That’s really sweet to hear you say that. What exactly did I do to deserve you?” “For being yourself,” he responded with a smile. “Come on, we’re almost there dropping this box off.” The couple walked on, with the sky turning over to Luna’s domain. After the sun gave way to the light of the full moon, stars were painted over like how a skilled artist would with a brush on a velvet cloth. Tinny lights dotted overhead, with a pale blue light shining in a cool illuminance across the land. “We’re here,” Rumble suddenly stopped, giving Pipsqueak a moment to look around. At first, he was beyond confused as they stopped along the river, nearly within spitting distance from a stone bridge. They were just outside of the town’s limits and close to where Thunderlane lived. What’s more, there was not a single living thing in sight. “What? Here?” Pip looked around, “I don’t see anyone around.” “That’s not true,” his coltfriend said, turning around to face him. “The one I’m delivering to is right here.” “Where?” The answer came when Rumble took the wooden box off his back and set it at his hooves. Blinking, the smaller stallion inquired, “You mean to say that this thing was meant for me this whole time?” He nodded, “Then why didn’t you just give it to me when I was at your house?” “Because this gift won’t make any sense unless it’s in the right place, at the right time.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Pip, do you know where we are? This very spot where we’re standing I mean.” Another look around, “We’re just a little outside of town. Why?” “Do you know what day it is?” there was a pregnant pause before he added. “And what happened on this very spot?” “Mind jogging my memory for me? I don’t know you’re going on about.” His coltfriend frown, “Don’t you remember? Several years ago on this very day, when I told you of how mom left and… well, we came out – that happened right here. I don’t know about you, but in terms of how we saw each other, it was a turning point in our lives.” After he sat down on his hunches, Rumble said, “I remember saying that: ‘Things are never going to be the same again, but… I think I can handle that.’ Of course, I didn’t know that I would end up dating my best friend, but I’ve never regretted it.” Pipsqueak stared at him, “Rum, where are you going with this?” After taking a deep breath, he told him, “I’m giving you this box because this was the very spot in which, while we did have a fight, we walked out stronger than before. More than just friendship. On that day, things became… clear. Not just of who we are, but the fact that pony I want to fall in love with, has been by my side this whole time.” He took out the golden key out of from his wing. “So, with that being said, I think it’s time. Wind this up until you hear it click, then open the box.” Now curious as ever, the smaller stallion did take the key into his mouth to stick it into the keyhole. Twisting it, he heard the sound of something mechanical being wound up. As he was turning it, feeling the spring getting tighter, he wondered what in Equestria did he got for him. That was before he heard an audible “Click!” from the box. Letting go of the key, he lifted the lid open. “Oh wow…” he spoke in awe as he saw what was inside. While the outside of the box looked insignificant, the contents inside were truly remarkable. In the very center was what looked like the stone bridge with a tiny, tin like versions of themselves, facing each other. Underneath this bridge was a disk of stars that was glowing silver in the moonlight. And in the lid, surrounded in dark blue, the shining stain was a mirror in the shape of a crescent moon. Out from the box was the unmistakable sound of a plucking music box that played out a heartbreakingly beautiful, soft melody. Before he could say anything or notice that Rumble was bowing to him, he saw their miniature selves had moved. The tin Pegasus bowed to his replica and held out a hoof in which, through clever machinery, a thin piece of metal flipped over to what looked like a ring. Pip gasped, but it was not done yet. The disk of stars started to move in which they aligned to spell out words. WILL… YOU… MARRY… ME? The automatons finished when the tin Pegasus stood up, and his copy kissed him. Then, as the melody wound down, a rumble of grinding gears was heard in which, one of the outside pieces of the box fell opened to reveal a golden bracelet with a diamond on it. Stunned, Pipsqueak looked between him and the bracelet. “Oh Celestia… are you serious?” Rumble smiled and nodded. “Yes.” Tears formed in his eyes, “No joke?” “None. Pipsqueak, will you please marry me?” He was tackled by his coltfriend, “Pip! Wait!” But just like that, they both fell into the water again. As ice cold as it was, the stallions swam back up to the surface and clawed back onto land. Coughing a few times, he looked over to the earth pony, “I feel like we’ve been here before.” He laughed to himself before asking, “So… I take that as a yes then?” Pip laughed as he planted a lingering kiss on his lips. “Rumble, I love you, and yes, I do want to marry you. But do you know what I want to do right now?” “What?” A breath of wind sends an icy shiver to the still dripping stallions. “I want to go someplace warm. It’s bloody freezing right now.” Before a glowing hearth, two shivering stallions sat side by side, wrapped in an old quilt that had a funny smell. They lean up against one another, as they have taken shelter in Thunderlane's home. Rumble was grateful that his brother was indeed home and didn’t mind staying over until they were warm once more. Beside Pipsqueak was the music box. “You don’t think we’re going to get colds after what just happened?” Rumble inquired as he was still shaking. His fiancé sniffed, “Maybe.” After glancing at the gold bracelet around his hoof, he added. “Though I guess it’s a good thing, neither of us are planning on going anywhere.” Nuzzling his Pegasus again, he looked up to him in the eye. “Then again, I’m not complaining, mate.” Rumble reached out with a draped hoof to bring him closer. “Neither am I.” “To be honest, I’m surprised that you’ve gotten out of your way in making that thing. It must have cost you a pretty bit, didn’t it?” “Yes. But I knew that it was worth it. Yet, for you, I crafted out something unforgettable. Sure, you might call it a bit old fashion, but you can’t say that it didn’t blow you away.” “True. While I can’t think of a way to repay the favor, for now, I can safely say that I can tell how much effort in putting into asking if we should get hitched. Thanks to you, I’m the happiest stallion on the plant for it.” “That’s all I need to hear,” he said as the two watched the burning embers of the fire.