> Fairy Tales > by Closer-To-The-Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch. 1 Give A Little Bit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Give A Little Bit It was a sunny day in Ponyville. The sky was dotted with a few clouds, most were small and easily drifting in the wind. In the library, Twilight Sparkle was cleaning the building with her small dragon assistant, Spike. The purple unicorn used her magic to stack the books neatly next to the dragon, to which Spike placed the book on the correct shelf using his small ladder. This was their normal Sunday routine, which would end with a gem as a treat for Spike, his favorite part. However, their ritual was interrupted by a knock at the front door. "Hmm? I wonder who that could be?" Twilight asked herself as she slowly made her way to the door to open it. Behind the door was a white unicorn with a stylish purple mane. She looked a little troubled and slightly stressed, "Oh, hello there, Rarity." "Hello, Twilight," she replied, her voice seemed to be concerned. "What brings you to the library today?" the purple mare asked with a warm smile to her friend. "I'm here concerning my business and, well, to make a long story short, do you think I can borrow Spike for a while?" the white unicorn seemed to have something on her mind. Twilight was puzzled, "I guess, but may I ask you for what?" Spike, who heard his name being called, climbed down from his ladder and made his way over to the talking ponies. He didn't like not being someplace else when he was being talked about. "The thing is that Sweetie Belle kind of….quit on me," Rarity admitted. "Quit?" This made Twilight more confused. "Yes. She said something about how helping me work was not helping her get her cutie mark and she left promptly after that. I understand she wants her cutie mark, the poor dear, but I'm in the middle of quite a big project, and I certainly could use the extra help, if you don't mind Spike," Rarity spoke the last part directly to Spike, whom she spotted as he was visible behind Twilight Sparkle. "Well, I don't see any problem with it, as long as you're okay with it, Spike," the purple unicorn turned to her faithful assistant. Spike, giving a small smile, spoke energetically, "Not at all! I'll be happy to help Rarity out!" Rarity gave a sigh of relief and a smile to them both, "Oh, thank goodness. Thank you so very much, Twilight. And double to you, Spike." Twilight gave a small smile and joked, "Just don't work him too hard, it's not easy to get such a great assistant, you know." "Don't worry, dahling," Rarity started as the two began toward her shop, "I'll take good care of him." Watching the two trot away, Twilight gave a small laugh, "I just hope Spike doesn't make too much of a fool of himself." Upon arriving at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity guided Spike up the staircase to her workroom. Inside the room, ponyquins were displayed throughout with different types of outfits on them. Spike was perplexed with what the outfits were for, especially since they looked nothing like the type of clothing Rarity would ever make. They seemed simple and mundane compared to the clothing she would design. "Now then, we have a number of outfits to work on to meet the deadline on time, Spike, so we shouldn't waste too much time dilly-dallying," Rarity spoke as she used her magic to place her red glasses on her face to read the design placed on the table. "Right," Spike agreed, "but, if I may ask Rarity, what are all these dresses for? I mean, they don't seem like the clothing I see you normally make." Rarity turned to look at the dragon and then quickly to the ponyquins wear the outfits where. She gave a soft chuckle before speaking, "Oh, these aren't for a client. These are for the upcoming festival!" "Festival? What festival?" Spike was becoming more confused with each second. "Oh, you must have been in Canterlot on official business when they announced it," Rarity remembered that Spike had return to Ponyville only a few days ago, "The town is holding a festival on Saturday. Of course, there will be games, food, and all of that fun stuff. But Mayor Mare asked if I could help out by making some costumes for the colts and fillies who will be performing a few plays." "Plays? Which ones?" the dragon asked. Using her magic, Rarity was rustling through the parchment that was lying on her desk, "Let me see….ah! Here we are! They will be doing 'The Tale of the Fishercolt and the Fish', 'Looking For A Mare', and 'Rumpelstallion' as well as a few others." A light went on in Spike's mind, "Oh, I know of those fairy tales! Twilight read those to me when I was still a baby. I really liked those stories." "Excellent, you can help me make some simply smashing outfits for the plays then!" Rarity was excited to see that Spike was more than happy to aid in making the clothing, "Let's begin!" -------------- Over the period of six days, the two worked diligently on the costumes for up to eight hours total in a day. Rarity admitted to Spike that she did feel guilty for working him hard on her project and promised to make it up to him. The dragon brushed it off and casually stated it was not a big deal for him. However, he did not decline the diamond the unicorn gave him at the end of each day. It was on Friday night that the two completed the final outfit. Exhausted but satisfied, the dragon and pony went down to Rarity's common area to relax with a cup of tea. "Thank you so very much, Spike," Rarity thanked the purple and green dragon as she brought out a tray with a tea kettle and a couple of cups, "I honestly don't think I could have gotten through this week with my sanity if it wasn't for your help." Placing the tray down with her magic on the coffee table, she poured tea into the two cups. Spike grabbed one of the cups and sat back down on the couch across from Rarity, "It was no big deal, Rarity!" The unicorn took a sip of the hot tea and shook her head, "Dahling, I honestly don't think you know how much of a life saver you are! You really are quite the helper." Spike took a few drinks of his tea and smiled warmly, "It's nothing, really! I just love to help my friends out, ya know? I'm sure you would do the same for me if I needed ya!" Spike saw Rarity's white cat, Opalescence, down at the foot of the couch. She hopped up on the couch and curled up in a ball in the spot next to the dragon. "Heh heh…yeah….well, of course, Spike!" the white unicorn's words were weak and not very reassuring as she bit her lip. She noticed Spike was petting Opalescence and not looking at her. While she honestly was thankful for having Spike help her, his statement took a jab at Rarity since she felt guilty about using him so much. Finishing his tea, Spike hopped down from the couch and placed the empty cup on the tray, "I think I should get going now. I'm sure Twilight is getting a bit worried." Rarity, who had hid the guilty look she had mere moments ago, gave a smile and stood up, "Alright then, dear." She trotted with Spike to the door and opened the door for him, "I shall see you tomorrow then." "Tomorrow?" Spike titled his head. "For the festival, of course! I do want to see our work being showcased on the stage!" "Oh, right! Yeah, totally!" Spike replied enthusiastically. "Take care, dear." "Bye-bye!" the dragon waved as he walked out side. Closing the door, Rarity sighed and saw her Opalescence sitting in front of her with a slightly annoyed look. "I know, Opal, I know. I don't mean to use the poor dragon so much, but he's such a big help to me and….oh dear. I really hope no pony thinks I'm exploiting the poor dahling. Really, I don't want to make it seem like that…." > Ch. 2 Limelight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Limelight Saturday morning arrived and Ponyville was lively and active as Celestia's sun rose over the land. Many ponies were hard at work to prep for the busy day. There were a number of ponies setting up different booths for activities for anypony who wished to try their luck at winning various prizes. There were other ponies that were cooking various tasty treats, which led to the air being filled with the air of the aroma of the food. At the Carousel Boutique, Rarity was prepping herself for the day. Using her magic, she placed all of the costumes that she and Spike had made into a truck neatly. "There, all neat and organized!" Rarity thought aloud. She was finally relieved to have the outfits neatly organized and ready to deliver to the stage. Using her magic again, she trotted out of her home with the case. Passing all of the vendors who were prepping for the day, an idea entered the unicorn's mind. She decided to make a detour. Setting the truck down carefully with her magic, she knocked on the door of the library. Her fellow unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, answered the door. Her mane was still a bit messy from her sleep. "Rarity?" the purple unicorn yawned, "What are you doing out? The festival doesn't start for some time." "I know, but I was wondering if Spike would like to join me with prepping for the plays. I figured since he worked so hard on them with me, he should watch our work in the limelight," Rarity explained. Twilight nodded, "I understand. But I'm not sure if Spike is even up this earl-" Twilight turned her head to see that a tired dragon was slowing making his way to the door, "I stand corrected." Spike was rubbing one of his eyes with his claw as he yawned loudly. Rarity gave a small smile to the sleepy dragon. "So what do you say, Spike?" Rarity asked, "Would you like to see our hard work on display?" With one more yawn, Spike replied excitedly and more awake, "Sure, lemme just get ready!" The dragon quickly dashed up stairs, leaving the two ponies at the door. "I wish I could motivate Spike like that," Twilight joked, in which both of them laughed. Spike returned downstairs quickly and the two bid Twilight farewell. Rarity was about to use her magic to levitate the trunk. "Oh, you don't have to do that, Rarity!" Spike insisted. The dragon picked up the chest of costumes to carry. "Are you sure, Spike?" Rarity seemed concerned for the small dragon to be caring such a big item, "I don't want you to push yourself, or anything." "Sure I'm sure! It's not a problem!" Spike said cheerfully as he carried the trunk, "So, where are we heading?" "To the town square, they will have the stage there," the unicorn informed him. "Right! Let's go!" the happy dragon said, carrying the trunk and moving quickly. Rarity was trotting behind him at a slower speed, watching Spike carry the chest of clothing. 'You really are quite the gentlecolt, Spike,' she thought to herself before shaking her head quickly, 'Wait, I have to keep myself in check here. He's just helping me out here! Though, I must admit, he is the best assistant I could ever ask for when it comes to anything….curses Rarity! Snap out of it and stop thinking such thoughts! Just relax and enjoy the day. The festival only comes once a year, after all.' Rarity was having some internal struggles with herself. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and continued trotting along. Spike, who had noticed the unicorn was behind him, stopped to ask a question, "Hey Rarity, are you alright?" Rarity gave a convincing smile to the dragon, "Yes, dear, I'm fine." The two arrived to the center of town where the stage was set. Going back stage, the two laid out all of costumes for the different plays that would be taking place. Getting done quite quickly and early, Rarity then had an idea. "Say Spike, would you like to go around and see the different booths? We do have quite a bit of time before the plays begin," Rarity felt that both of them could use something relaxing after a long week of creating the outfits. "Sounds fun!" Spike was excited. Rarity smiled as the two went back out to the square and explored the many booths that were spread out. The two went to the different food vendors and tried the various types of food that were being offered to the public. After experiencing the different sorts of cuisine, the two played a few of the carnival games that were set up. Spike had his eye on a large plushie at a ball toss game. Unfortunately, both he and Rarity failed to get enough points, but they both had fun playing it. The pony running the booth had some sympathy for the two and gave Spike a much small plush of the same one he had his eye on. It was then an announcement went out on the loudspeaker. "Attention everypony. The plays will begin on the main stage in fifteen minutes. Thank you," the voice boldly stated. "Come on, dahling, let's go get some good seats," the unicorn said, turning herself to start trotting to the stage area. "Alright!" Spike was quick to follow. The two arrived at the stage area and seated themselves in the second row, near the center. Both of them were eager to see the costumes be put to use. The seats quickly filled up as the curtain time drew closer. The crowd drew quiet as the curtain rose and the first play, 'Rumpelstallion', began. The audience watched happily as the small fillies and colts took the stage and began their acting. Spike over heard in the grey pegasus pony seated next to him happily comment that the unicorn filly who was playing the main female was her 'little muffin', to which she and the brown early pony seated on her other side, lean on each other and continue watching. The next play was a rendition of 'Looking For A Mare', in which Pipsqueak played the colt looking for a wife, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders played the three possible choices. It seemed like the four ponies took some liberties and reworked the script for their liking. A few other plays were performed and all were great successes with the audience. As all the ponies began to leave, Spike and Rarity stayed seated and waited for the crowd to die down before they decided to make their way out. "They was simply wonderful, wouldn't you say, dahling?" Rarity asked to Spike. "It was! I really enjoyed the Cutie Mark Crusader's play. It was very funny," Spike laughed to himself, remembering some of the funniest bits. Rarity smiled, "They sure were. And I must say, our outfits really looked smashing in the limelight, don't you agree?" "Yeah! You did a great job on those!" "But I couldn't have done it in the least without your help, Spike!" the unicorn insisted. Spike blushed slightly, "Oh come on, I was just doing small things. You designed the dresses and all that!" Rarity shook her head, "Don't be so modest! I never would have gotten it done without your help, Spike! In fact, allow me to show my gratitude to you." "How?" "Allow me to treat you to dinner tomorrow night. It's really the least I could do for such a wonderful helper, such as yourself." The dragon was a bit uneasy, "I don't know, Rarity. I mean, I'm grateful for the offer, but you really don't have to." "I insist, Spike," Rarity gave a warm smile to the purple dragon. "Alright. If you insist," he gave in to the unicorn's offer. He wouldn't admit it, but it was the smile that made him agree. "Wonderful!" the unicorn was joyful "I shall see you tomorrow then. I have to go back sure the crusaders don't damage their outfits." Rarity bid Spike farewell as she trotted away. 'Alright, I'm sure this will make up for how I've been….well….taking advantage of Spike's help. Then after which, I won't anymore. That will be it!' Rarity was feeling that she could finally be free from her guilt of using the dragon. Spike, who was still seated alone amongst the empty chairs, was frozen as one thought entered his mind, 'Did Rarity just ask me out?' > Ch. 3 Gratitude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Gratitude The next day, Rarity was working in her shop for the entire day. She had a few orders to catch back up on due to her making the costumes for the plays. The unicorn worked well throughout the day without a single problem. Humming happily to herself as she worked, she was interrupted by a knock at the door as the workday was drawing to a close. "Ah, that must be her now," Rarity spoke to herself as she trotted down the stairs to open the door. The front door was opened to a light blue pegasus pony with a colorful mane, "Hello there, Rainbow Dash! Do come on in, dahling." "Thanks, Rarity. So ya need me watch over Sweetie Belle for the evening?" Dash asked as she entered the Carousel Boutique. Rarity nodded, "Yes, I have something to take care of tonight." Rainbow Dash was puzzled, "What do ya need to do?" "Oh, well," Rarity began, "tonight I'm treating Spike to dinner." "Spike? Why so?" "Well, he's been so helpful to me lately and, well, I feel I should thank him for his hard work." "Helpful? You mean he's been helpin' ya around your shop?" Dash gave a puzzled look. Rarity was a bit hesitant to answer after seeing Dash's face, "Y-Yes…." "Not that it's my business or nothin', but has he been doin' a lot of work for ya?" Dash asked. "Y-Yes…." the unicorn repeated. "Um, Rarity, hate to say this I think you're using Spike a bit too much," the pegasus commented. Rarity sighed as she heard Dash's words. She knew her friend was right. "Yes, I admit. I really have been quite a mule to the poor dear. I thought that this might be a good way to repay him for all of his help, but now that you know that I have been taking advantage of him, I don't know." Rainbow Dash trotted up to her crestfallen friend, "Hey, relax Rarity. Spike wouldn't help ya if he didn't like ya. Besides, I think it's a start for ya to let how much you care for the little guy." Rarity raised her head up and gave a soft smile, "You're right. I really have to let Spike know how much of a great dragon he is. Thank you, Rainbow Dash." The pegasus smiled to her unicorn friend, "Of course, what are friends for? Now I'll watch after your sister, you go and enjoy your date," Dash gave a wink as she finished her sentence. Rarity blushed heavily at Rainbow Dash's comment, "Ra-Rainbow Dash! Th-This is not a date!" Dash laughed and placed a hoof on Rarity's back, trotting with her the front door, "I'm just messin' with ya, Rarity. Now just relax and have a good time." Rarity was still a little shaken with what her friend said, "R-Right. Anyway, thank you again." Rarity slowly started to walk outside of her home into the early evening. "No problem!" Dash bid Rarity farewell as the unicorn started toward the library. Taking Rainbow Dash's advice, Rarity calmed herself as she trotted to the library to pick up Spike. She felt comfortable by the time she reached the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the library's door. It was opened by her fellow unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. "Good evening, Twilight. Is Spike ready?" Rarity asked. Twilight smiled, "Yes, he's right here, Rarity." The purple unicorn moved to one side of the door to reveal a visibly nervous Spike. The dragon had a formal black coat on with a tie underneath. A fair amount of detail was given to his preparation, but he still had not planned on being as nervous as he was. His knees were shaking slightly as he raised his claw to wave to the white unicorn, "H-Hey, Rarity." Rarity looked at Spike and gave a warm smile to him, "You look charming, dear." This caused Spike to become quite flustered. Twilight gave a small chuckle to herself before turning to Rarity, "Please don't keep him out to late, Rarity, he still need his rest and all." Rarity gave a smiling nodded to Twilight before she turned her attention to her dragon companion, "Well, shall we away, Spike?" Spike was nervous as he nodded to the unicorn, "S-Sure am, Rarity." "Excellent, let us away then, dear." Rarity and Spike walked together out into the night. Spike was still obviously nervous as they walked, which Rarity found to be quite cute. After walking in silence for a while, Spike gathered enough courage to speak. "Um….Rarity?" "Yes, Spike?" "Can I ask you something?" "Of course." "Well….is this a date?" > Ch. 4 Call And Answer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Call And Answer The white unicorn froze at Spike's question. Her mind was trying to form an answer as quickly as possible, but nothing was coming to her. Tripping over her words, Rarity mumbled something that was almost impossible to understand. "What was that?" Spike asked, tilting his head to the side. "Well," Rarity started, "I….uh….well…." The unicorn looked at the purple dragon, whose eyes gave a hopeful look to her, "I….honestly don't know, dear." Spike raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" Rarity sighed, "About this being a date, I don't know, Spike." The tone of her voice was a bit depressed, knowing she gave an answer that Spike did not want to hear. "I….don't follow…." Spike admitted to being confused. Rarity looked upward to the partly clouded night sky. A few stars were visible and the waxing moon of Luna's was hiding behind a cloud. "Well, that's just it, I don't know if this is a date. I did insist I take you out for supper for all of the hard work you've done for me." "Yeah, doesn't that mean you asked me on a date?" Spike asked trying to piece the puzzle together. Rarity closed her eyes and looked down at her front hooves on the ground, "Not exactly…." Rarity paused before continuing, "To be completely honest with you dahling, I felt I should do this for you because I've think I've been taking advantage of you." Spike was perplexed, "Taking advantage of me?" "Yes, with you helping me around the boutique." "Oh…." Spike finally understood. A silence grew between them. Rarity looked down at her front hooves, moving her right hoof lightly against the ground beneath her while Spike rubbed his left claw against his right arm. Neither of them knew what to say. "I'm sorry, Spike…." Rarity managed to say. Her voice was very soft and full of sorrow. Spike didn't respond right away. However, when he did, he replied, "It's alright, Rarity. I'm just happy to help my friend is all." His voice sounded calm and his facial expression had a smile. While he seemed to be fine, it was apparent he was masking his true emotions. "Are you sure, dear?" Rarity was very concerned for the young dragon. "Yeah," he replied, still hiding his true feelings, "No big deal or anything." The unicorn wasn't completely convinced. The dragon changed the subject, "Actually, I'm feeling really tired. I think I'm going to go home early and sleep. Twilight said I shouldn't be out too late anyway." "Spike…." "Really, Rarity, I'm fine!" Spike's voice became slightly distorted as he replied, "No need to worry at all." "Okay…..shall I walk back with you then, dear?" the unicorn asked, trusting Spike's word. "Nah, I'll be fine. I'll see you later then, Rarity!" Spike called out as he turned around and headed back to the Ponyville library. "Buh-bye, Spike!" Rarity called back, worried for the dragon. Slowly walking back to the boutique, Rarity thought about her words to Spike. She felt completely horrible with her words. The only thing that she was pleased about the entire ordeal was that she was honest. Rarity knew that if she wasn't, she could never forgive herself for hurting Spike in that manner. 'Oh my, I feel just awful about all of this. I do care for Spike, he's such a wonderful dragon and all. I just feel….like such a mule for all of this. I do hope the poor dear is okay.' Back at the library, Spike had returned and told Twilight Sparkle that he was going to retire to bed early. Unbeknownst to everypony else, the purple dragon was in his bed, quietly weeping and hugging his pillow tightly until he fell asleep. > Ch. 5 Someday We'll Know > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Someday We'll Know A new day began in Ponyville with Celestia's sun rising into the sky. The light from the sun shown into Rarity's bedroom, waking the white unicorn that was upon her bed. Opening her tired eyes, Rarity stretched out her limbs and stood on the wooden floors. Her purple mane was not styled as it normally would be, as she had just woke up. Normally, she would be quick to attend to her mane as soon as she got up, yet something was peculiar. Rarity felt melancholic. Slowly trotting to her bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror as she drew closer. Looking at her reflection, she sighed loudly as a magically levitating brush to attend to her mane. Inside of her her head, she talked to herself, "Dear me, why am I just so down trotted today? I feel so….off." Rarity paused mid brush, and thought about the night before. "Oh goodness, I can only imagine how Spike must feel right now….goodness, Spike! I really should see him right now. I do hope the poor dragon is okay!" The white unicorn set down her brush and rushed down the stairs. Not caring about how her mane looked, Rarity rushed out the door of the Carousel Boutique and to the Ponyville library. As she galloped to see Spike, a number of different feelings rushed through the unicorn's body. She struggled to keep the emotions within herself as she hurried to the treehouse library. Finally, she arrived to the door of the library. Carefully knocking on the door, she waited patiently for an answer. Twilight Sparkle was quick to answer the door, "Oh, good morning, Rarity," she greeted the fellow unicorn, "Um, you do know your mane is very….unkempt?" Rarity was panting from her quick pace, "Don't worry about it, Twilight, it's fine." "O….kay…." Twilight was confused why the most fashionable pony in Ponyville would brush off her ruined mane, "so what can I do for you?" The white unicorn looked down and away from the purple pony, "Is Spike awake by chance?" Twilight Sparkle gave an odd look to her friend, "Um, I don't think he's awake yet." "I'm up, Twilight," a young male voice spoke. The two unicorns turned to see a small purple dragon with a blanket being held by one of his claws. He yawned as he walked toward the front door. "Oh, Spike," Rarity managed to say. She could tell he wasn't doing well, "can we go outside to speak?" "Yeah, sure," Spike said tiredly. Rarity and Spike stepped outside of the library. Rarity couldn't make eye contact with the dragon, she felt too guilty to do so. Spike was also averting his sight away from the unicorn. Both were silent and very extremely awkward. The dragon finally spoke in a hushed tone, "Rarity….I must confess to you….I really do like you. A lot." Spike's face was a cherry red as he looked away from the unicorn. Rarity looked at Spike, whose head was turned off in a different direction. Using her hoof, Rarity lifted Spike's chin up and moved his head to be positioned so the two were now looking into each other's eyes. Smiling, Rarity replied, "I know, dahling, and I really am fond of you as well. Really, I am." Spike looked into Rarity's eyes which was making him a bit nervous, "B-But what was it that you said last night? I mean, you said were taking advantage of me, remember?" "I-I know…." Rarity said looking downward with sorrow as she moved her hoof away from the dragon, "I never wanted to hurt you, Spike, honest." Spike was hesitant about replying, "So….does this mean we can be….you know….be a….couple?" His face became red again as he asked. Rarity looked down at her hooves, "I….I don't know, Spike," she sighed and her closed eyes, "I really do have feelings for you, really deary. It's just, I'm struggling with myself. I took advantage of you for so long, it certainly something that is completely unforgivable of me." Spike looked away, "O-Oh….okay then…." Rarity saw the dragon had become more depressed. Placing her hoof under his chin again, Rarity looked into Spike's eyes, "Spike, my dear, don't be sad." "But, I can't help it…." a small tear rolled down from one of Spike's eyes. Rarity tried her best to not have any tears form in her eyes as well, though she was failing, "Spike, while not all fairy tales have happy endings, most have silver linings." Spike had a few more tears fall down, "H-Huh?" Giving a small smile to Spike, the unicorn replied, "Don't be sad, Spike. You are a wonderful dragon, a wonderful assistant, and a very wonderful friend. This doesn't have to be an ending, you know." "What do you mean?" Spike used a claw to wipe a few tears from his eyes. "It's not that I don't love you Spike, it's me. I don't think I'm worthy for such a magnificent dragon as yourself. I abused our friendship so you could work for me. I know you keep stating that you don't mind, but I feel like it's something that's just inexcusable of me," Rarity gave a hug to Spike. A few tears from the unicorn rolled down her cheeks. Spike hugged Rarity backed, also having a few tears fall. The two took a few minutes to be in each other's embrace. "Rarity, thank you." "No, Spike, it is I who should be thanking you for everything you have done," Rarity spoke, her voice sounded as if she was about to cry. Spike took a deep breath before he asked one last question, "D-Do you think we will be together, Rarity?" "Someday, we'll know, Spike. But right now, all I care about is this moment with you." END > Epilogue: Fortress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: Fortress It was a warm day in Ponyville with one white unicorn inside her home. She was styling her beautiful purple mane with a brush, preparing for an occasion that she was both excited and anxious about. Looking at herself in the mirror, she gave a deep sigh and a nervous smile to herself. Rarity was hoping the sigh would relax her, but to no avail. A ringing of the doorbell, however, interrupted her thoughts. "Well, here it goes," she whispered to herself as she walked down the staircase to the door. Rarity paused at the door and took a deep breath. After what seemed to be an eternity, she finally opened the door to see a young purple dragon with a wicker basket. It was Spike. He looked extremely uncomfortable and shy, which showed in his voice, "H-Hey Rarity, are y-you ready?" Rarity smiled warmly to the young dragon, "Of course, dahling." Rarity stepped out of her home and stood next to Spike, "Shall we away, dear?" "Y-Yes," Spike struggled to utter. As they began to walk, Rarity turned to Spike, "So, what is the plan for our date, Spike?" "Well," Spike started, his voice less shaken, "I was thinking a picnic on the outside area of Ponyville." "Oh, that sounds just lovely!" Rarity mused. As they moved toward the outskirts of Ponyville, the two had some small talk. Spike talked about how Twilight was worrying about finishing a number of assignments for Princess Celestia and how Pinkie Pie was pestering her and making it hard for her to finish. Rarity then spoke about some of her current orders. Before either of them knew it, they were in the fields that surrounded Ponyville. Spike saw the spot he scouted out earlier that day, "There's the place!" Spike pointed out excitedly. It was a small hill with a couple small trees on the top that gave plenty of shade. When the two arrived to the trees, Spike took a blanket out of the basket he was carrying and laid it out for them to sit on. Rarity seated herself on the blanket and thanked him. Spike sat down himself and began to dig through the basket. He pulled out a couple cupcakes for Rarity and himself. He offered one to her, and they began to eat. After a while of more small talk and eating, Spike spoke, "Hey Rarity, thanks again for saying yes to this….well….date," his cheeks were flushed at the end of his statement. "Oh, Spike, it's me who should be thanking you," Rarity insisted. "Huh?" the dragon was puzzled. "Well, to be honest, after taking advantage of you, I'm surprised you even asked me on this picnic with you," Rarity looked down at the pattern of the blanket she was on top of. Spike paused before speaking, "But Rarity, I do mean it when I say that I helped you because I wanted to. I….really like you a lot." His cheeks were a slight pink. "I know, dear. I guess I was just not ready, if you will. When you were said that you liked me, I think I was just afraid of hurting you and being hurt myself. It was like had a built a fortress around my heart and I didn't want to even think about any feelings," Rarity continued to stare downward, not noticing that Spike was looking at her, "but after the ordeal, I realized that I just needed the right pony to open my heart up, or well I guess the right dragon." Finally looking up at Spike, Rarity smiled to him with a few tears in her eyes. Spike's cheeks turned a red at the unicorn's works and glace. It had left him speechless. "Thank you, Spike," Rarity stood up and hugged Spike with her front hooves, "You truly are a wonderful dragon and an amazing friend." Spike smiled and hugged her back, "Thank you, Rarity," after a short pause he asked her a question, "So, does this now make us a….you know….a couple?" Rarity gave a sly smile. She gave a kiss to the dragon on his cheek, which caused Spike's face to be turn a bright shade of red, "Does the that answer your question, dahling?" END