> Evening Crown > by Onyourleft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was in a few words, completely befuddled. One moment she had been enjoying an unadorned cup of coffee with her newest friend Twilight, and the next, she was being violently hauled into a carriage. Not just any carriage at that, a military transport carriage. Under normal circumstances, Rarity would have been caught in utter distress at the prospect of being kidnapped. But today was anything but straightforward. The terrifying masks, the sound of clinking chains, and the deathly cold temperature plunged the dramatic mare into a state of unconsciousness. Thus, freeing her from the ever-increasing terror. While the beautiful unicorn slept in the back, the two royal agents were having an interesting conversation. “You think it's for real this time?” The pegasus stallion questioned, sarcasm creeping into his tone. “Nah. We’ve chased this damn ghost for so long that I don’t even think she’s real.” The second stallion completed his statement with a ‘hmmph’ and shot the ground a resenting frown. “Well, I think we might have something this time. It's not every day that a powerful unicorn appears out of nowhere.”  “I’ll tell you one thing. If that mare is really ‘Her’, then I want a private interrogation.” The older earth pony directed this statement at his young companion, easily putting him in a state of unease.  “Loosen up kid. I’ve been working behind the scenes since before you were born. And I’ll tell ya, having stiff legs will make for one boring ass life.” The stallion leered, nudging his companion in a friendly manner. For a while, the two carried on in silence. The younger, shifting every few seconds the silence remained, obviously on edge. Their awkward moment was saved by a loud ‘BANG’ that originated from the carriage. “Heh, I guess that mares got a little fire in her. Most ponies can't wake up after a scare like that for another couple of hours… She just might be the real deal.” He took a moment to glance back. While there were no large holes in the armor, his sharp eyes detected movement from inside. The older stallion smiled to himself. It had been a long chase, and he wouldn’t be awfully surprised if this mare was another dead end. At least though, he could have a good show. It wasn't every day that his eyes were gifted with a beautiful mare such as her. Unfortunately, he would not be allowed the privilege of the interrogation. But oh yes, he would watch. Side Slash always put on a good show, and today was no day to miss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After what had felt like an eternity Rarity finally felt the carriage screech to a halt. She had originally curled up in the corner, allowing her fear and anxiety to rule her with an iron fist. But as the hours began to increase, her fear was replaced with a much more dangerous feeling, indignation. Rarity was not a warrior, and she most certainly did not agree with any form of filthy roughhousing. However, a lady must protect herself and her dignity. And in this moment of frustration, she was more than willing to strangle her captors. It was one thing to kidnap a divine mare like herself. But to keep her waiting, bound and sightless in the back of a rickety carriage? That was unacceptable. She could understand a criminal's desire for her. After all, what is there not to like? And she was the perfect model to play the damsel in distress. Even if it was less inspiring than she had imagined. Her first attempt at escape was simple negotiation. To her dismay, her captors would not speak a word to her, or each other for that matter. Second, she had searched her cage for a sharp object or possible tool to aid in removing her bonds. This also proved to be fruitless. Her prison was expertly designed and gave her access to nothing but smooth and cold iron. As a final attempt, she had screamed at the top of her lungs. After destroying her vocal cords she realized her stupid mistake. They had not bothered to gag her, this most likely meant that her favorite carriage was soundproof. Once this conclusion had been drawn, she had no other option but to sit silently and await her impending doom. She waited an exasperatingly long time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The door was flung wide open, and Rarity felt strong hooves grabbing her torso and less than delicately removing her from the carriage. Momentarily her panic returned in full force, but after a moment, she regained composure. There was no way she would allow them the pleasure of her fear. The walk was not as long as Rarity had assumed, so the shock of her inevitable fall was more than intended. Letting loose a yelp Rarity fell a fantastic meter before colliding with the ground. Before she could even recover, her bonds were removed, and her captors hastily exited the room. The white unicorn remained stunned on the ground for quite some time before realizing her partial freedom. Rarity vigorously tore the bag off of her head and allowed the sweet smell of fresh air to fill her nose, well, somewhat fresh. It only took Rarity one inhalation to detect the dank moisture permeating the room. On another day, Rarity might have wrinkled her nose in disgust, but she had no time for such frivolous things. Her sharp eyes swept around her new location, absorbing her surroundings and attempting to evaluate as best as she could. Rarity would not claim to be a detective, but she could not deny her natural knack for small details and problem-solving. The room was not much. Three light gray walls, most likely stone. One wall constructed of what appeared to be one-sided glass. And a single table accompanied by two metal chairs. From the few novels Rarity had read about government/police work, she could determine that she was indeed in an interrogation room. That realization opened up a whole new void of questions and theories about her situation. Luckily, Rarity was well raised and wrapped herself in composure once again. She had the sudden desire to use her horn, it had felt out of sorts since her abduction. Rarity moved the chair with a simple levitation spell. Or, would have, if not for the shiny ring around her horn. She elected to take a seat. There was no point in allowing herself to spiral. She raised her head high and tried as best as she could to straighten her mane. It was a mess, and that was a horror in itself. Luckily enough for her, the wait for answers was over. The glass wall shimmered as a lean unicorn mare strutted through. She walked directly to her seat, observing her papers all the while. Rarity was minorly offended at being ignored but did not show it. "So. Rarity is your name," said the mare as she shuffled the documents in her hooves. She set them down on the table and stared at them before continuing, "You live in Ponyville," she said, sounding surprised. The lime mare continued to stare at her papers, casually flipping through what Rarity had gathered to be her bio. “I beg your pardon, but I do believe that you have the wrong mare. I am a law-abiding citizen.” Rarity attempted to sound confident, but she was not trained to feign such emotions, and her captor saw right through. “So, you are not Rarity?” The unicorn raised an eyebrow while casually flicking her shortcut mane to the side. “Well, yes, I am Rarity.” Her eyes unconsciously rolled, she was not in the mood to play games. This day was just the worst. Side Slash internally grinned, the fun was about to begin. With a loud pound on the table, she shot up from her seat. “If you are Rarity, and you are innocent, then why are you here!!” She circled her prey, purposefully driving close behind. “My sources have confirmed that you have been in contact with a highly dangerous individual and failed to report this traitor to the authorities. Thus, making you a traitor as well.” At this point in her speech, she had returned to her starting point and glared daggers at the annoyingly gorgeous mare. “I-I don’t-- I really do believe that you have me mixed up with some other mare! I would never stoop so low as to aid a villainous traitor!” Her desperation was evident. She had not been expecting such a sudden rage from the previously calm interrogator. Their conversation had only lasted for a few seconds! To Rarity’s relief, her adversary visibly calmed. “Well, I was hoping for such a reaction. You Rarity are in fact, not the pony we are looking for.” She paused and gave her target what she hoped was an apologetic smile. “However, we do believe that you are unsuspectingly in contact with the dangerous thief known as Cassio Nebula or Nebuless.” Rarity observed as numerous pictures were placed in front of her. Most were blurry shots, only capturing a leg or hoof. But one presented a cloaked unicorn mare leaping over a wall while casting a rear shield spell. The figure was still vague, and the pony’s features were not visible, but Rarity still felt the strange feeling of recognition. The final picture was thrown atop the rest. It was an obvious picture of Twilight Sparkle. Her heart leapt into her throat, and butterflies took off in her stomach. She had only known the mare for a short amount of time, but she could not deny their true friendship. Or, was it all a lie? “Our spies heard about this Twilight Sparkle and did further research, we found nothing. Though we are skeptical of how obvious and open she is acting, the power level and physical build are similar…” Side Slash tilted her head to the side and looked down at her files.  “Rarity, can you tell us anything that might be of use? We do not want to accuse an innocent pony, but our suspicions are high. If you want to help your friend and yourself, you need to tell us everything you know.” She sat down, intently watching the white unicorn’s reaction.  “Oh, dear. I was not aware of these circumstances. And while I do not approve of your uncouth methods and actions, I do not wish for my friend to be falsely accused. She really is a gem, Twilight Sparkle would not harm a fly.” She spoke with confidence and more than slightly shattered Side Slash’s hope. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lights died in a flash. With a single concentrated pulse of massive power, the underground base was thrust into darkness. The emergency red lights came to life and served to only increase the growing fear. Celestial and Lunar agents ran around in organized hysteria, all attempting to reach the rear safe house while the guards rushed towards the front gate. The gate itself was nothing special. A small metal fence, reinforced with two sturdy wooden doors. It was simple and easy to hide, but also effective… to a fault. The platoon of well-trained soldiers formed an arch around the entrance, earth ponies in the front, followed by unicorns and hovering pegasi. Each ground troop bore a standard shield and broad sword, while the pegasi held silver spears and small crossbows. All in all, it was a formidable force. The loud boom of artillery spells against the gate was louder than the deepest thunder, and it shook the guards to their core. The smell of nervous sweat and armor polish was thick in the air, and all present felt as if they were constantly inhaling steam. While they stood regal and waiting, the doors began to crack. Readying their weapons and spells, they stared dead-eyed at the sliver of light breaking through. They trusted that they were ready, but their trust was misplaced. With an ear-splitting crack, the doors blew off their hinges, revealing a blinding white light that pulsed with power. The soldiers were momentarily stunned, but training kicked in. With a mighty roar, they charged into the blinding light. The few that got close would forever regret their decision. Bolts of lightning struck out from various locations, knocking the charging ponies off their hooves. Left and right, bodies hit the ground, steaming and crackling with remnant energy. For the platoon, the charge had been a mistake, but the bright light was only the start. In an instant, pure darkness returned. In the seconds that the light had appeared, the guards had allowed their eyes to adjust to the light, so now that it was dark. They were better off blind. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was dancing. It was a ballet and a battle at the same time. Her perfected night vision spell allowed her to watch as her adversaries blundered around in pure confusion. She had entertained concerns about her plan, fearing that a few seconds of light would not be enough for their eyes to adjust. As always though, her plan was perfect. With her dual enchanted blades unsheathed, she leapt to and fro, each strike dropping one or more enemies. For the time being, her job was easy, but gradually more soldiers could spot her approach and fight back. From their perspective, a cloaked demon was teleporting all around, killing them in darkness. So nopony could blame them for fighting so desperately, but it was an inconvenience to one Twilight. She blocked a pegasus spear with one blade, shifting it over her shoulder, while her second blade fell on her enemy's exposed wing. The pegasus fell with the momentum of their spear, revealing Twilight’s next foe. She leapt forward and engaged in direct combat, the sword and shield of the earth pony barely protecting them from Twilight's quick and precise strikes. A second guard joined his struggling friend, attempting to kill the beast from behind, they failed. Twilight backflipped over the blade, landed and shot a stun spell into the stallion's exposed stomach. Her original enemy tried to take advantage of the situation by launching an offensive, Twilight had foreseen this play and easily rolled beneath his charge. She turned and fired a strong lightning spell, anticipating a shield block. She was correct. As Twilight whirled around she realized that she was in fact alone. The final movement she caught was the prison sector’s door slamming shut. She sighed as she calculated the probability of high resistance. It was very likely, and she also had a sneaking suspicion that a certain old friend might coincidentally be in the way of her and her target. Twilight gave the room one last glance before heading for the next door. It was a standard high-security HoofLock119. She laughed at how easy this was going to be. If only battle technique followed a similar pattern she might be better at it. Twilight took a brief moment to reflect on her situation. Well, she made her decision quite some time ago, and there was no going back.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was freaking out, again. It had only been a few minutes since the blackout, but the scary red lights, running ponies and loud sounds did not help to ease her already spiked nerves. Though she was elated to be out of her cell, the prison sector safe room was not much better. Especially when the door had not yet closed. The technician had tried and failed to repair what he called to be ‘time damage’ on the old contraption. This left Rarity gazing down a long and eerie hallway lined with tense guards.  When she thought things couldn't get worse, they did. The single door between her and whatever danger was present opened wide. The figure that remained in the door, was terrifying. A unicorn mare, coated in slim armor and a masquerade mask consumed her vision. She seemed to radiate infinite power, and her smile betrayed nothing but confidence.  To her surprise the soldiers did not open fire, they instead trembled in place, electing to pretend not to exist instead of fighting back. The mare drew two short blades that glowed a deep violet, adding to the eerie red. At this point, a pegasus soldier realized that there were no commanders left, and took it upon herself to initiate the slaughter. “FIRE.” The battle cry broke the eerie silence and blew open the floodgates of hell. Rarity was an artist and no matter what the circumstances can appreciate a masterpiece when she uncovers one. This warrior was possibly the greatest masterpiece she had ever been granted the pleasure of seeing. She wove in and out with timeless grace. Her every move was precise and planned. The petrified and panicking soldiers never stood a chance. Though it was a small relief, Rarity could tell as the battle slowly progressed towards her that the warrior's blades did not in fact kill anypony. The magical enchantments that caused the glow acted as a stun spell upon contact. She smiled a little bit, that is interesting. Rarity realized that she was losing it. Too much had happened in too little time. With that final thought, she saw the final soldier crumple to the ground. Rarity was next in line, so she fainted. > Chapter 1: Backstreets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athena sat down on the ground, allowing plumes of dirt to fire up into the mid-summer breeze. She coughed and brushed the remains of dust off of her magenta coat. Her dark mane fell into her eyes, adding to the unicorn's general annoyance. She quickly adjusted her lips and poofed it out of the way. The ground was coarse and dry, per usual, but today that didn’t matter in the least. Athena was the first of the council to arrive. While she had come to expect this from her friends, her excitement was making her antsy. She began pawing at the ground, a small eager smile remaining on her face. Without realizing it, Athena began to doodle in the dirt. She drew families and houses, a castle, and some strange creatures that might have been birds. Her boredom drove on. Anypony who knew Athena was very aware of how mature she was for her age. Compared to the other orphans, she could hold her own quite well. Today though, she was one step away from losing it.  Behind the unicorn was the cause of her excitement. A life-changing, year making, Princess level find! Her glorious pile of treasure! Now, most ponies would find her ‘treasure’ lacking, but to an orphaned filly, this heap of garbage was monumental. Athena was bored of being bored, so she twirled on her bum till she was gazing upon her loot. She had counted and rechecked her pile a dozen times, but on the streets of Canterlot, one can never be too careful. She re-conjured her mental checklist, something she did often, and began filing the objects. 3 - Golden Bits 2 - Complete antiques 1 - Half-eaten hay burger 1 - Scrumptious, shining, delicious, mouthwatering, g r o u n d  s h a k i n g, complete, apple. As her mental check drew to a close, Athena recognized her slobbering mouth and hurriedly wiped it clean. Never before had she tasted such a fruit, or really any fruit for that matter, and she was ready to devour it! The thought of taking it for herself crossed her mind, but she immediately downed that idea. There was no way she could leave the others out on such a wondrous opportunity. Athena reluctantly turned away from the pile and allowed more positive thoughts to revive her spirit. Her mind wandered to Slim. While she hated Slim with all her being and wished nothing less than eternal damnation upon his head, she knew that he would be happy. When Slim was happy, she was happy. No matter how unfortunate this cycle was it wasn't going to change. He would take the bits and the antiques, but in return, they would hopefully receive at least a day’s worth of meals. The Badass Brigade was technically unofficial, but after a couple years of pulling cons together, Slim had to recognize them as a team. Just as Athena was ready to reminisce about the ‘pleasant’ past, Wagon strolled into the alleyway. The magenta filly was practically dancing at the sight of him. “Wagon! Come on, come on! I hit the jackpot today!” Athena bounced over to her earth pony friend and gave him a pleasant hug, something she would only do for Wagon and one other. Wagon smiled and returned the hug. He then pushed her off and blessed her head with an incredibly practiced noogie. Athena giggled as she batted his hoof away. “Look here! I found the antiques while scrounging the west side, and pulled the bits right out of Merc’s pocket! It was the smoothest performance of my career!” She grinned like a mad pony. Athena inhaled a deep breath and was prepared to reveal her incredible story when Alpha turned the corner. “Looks like I’m late to the party. Didn’t think you would both make it here, new location and all.” Alpha shifted his wings as he lowered his satchel to his side. He proceeded to nod at Wagon and drop his satchel next to Athena. “I got nothing today. So you both will need to pull up some slack.” Alpha slid down the left side wall, all the way to the ground and lay with his eyes closed. The adjacent lime colt seemed about ready to slap his friend across his arrogant face, but Athena put a hoof on his shoulder and shot him a pleading look. Wagon sighed as he set down his own bag, moving to free the contents onto the cracked ground. “You know Alpha, you should have more faith in the rest of the gang. They work just as hard as we do… Maybe they aren’t as successful… But we all contribute. There have been weeks so dry that every fry and morsel counts.” Athena gave a frustrated hrrmmph before settling down once again. She was way too used to his absurd behavior, but today was too promising to be spoiled by some self-absorbed pegasus.  She looked over at her long time friend. While he was a nuisance, he was the oldest and most successful thief. Without him, the whole operation would have failed years ago. His black shortcut mane blew slightly in the wind and seemed to flow in time with his rustling feathers, creating a sort of gentle wave. His cloudy grey coat which was speckled with dirt and gleamed grotesquely with grime disrupted the picture. Athena might have thought him cute if he had just…Nope. With over the top finality, Athena burned the picture of them together in her mind. The three socialized for a little while, talking casually about their findings. Alpha perked up after Athena revealed her stash, so typical of a teenage colt. The conversations trailed into a whisper as an unknown stallion jogged past the entrance. Such movements put them all at unease. Luckily, the rest of the team was on the way.  Within the span of a few minutes, the remaining members arrived. Each received a brief greeting and an unorthodox inspection of their goods before they took a seat in the cramped circle. In the end, they totaled a whopping six, with one MIA. Alpha and Rocket chatted loudly to one another, talking about impossible futures and the likes. Wagon stared at the moving clouds above, thinking something very Wagony I suppose, and Athena watched her two girlfriends inspect their own loot. The final to arrive, as always, was Dragon Fruit. The pegasus mare had a pleasant leafy green coat and a reddish purplish mane that was far longer than anypony present. She walked with grace and put forth an effortless smile that had helped to calm so many tantrums and end pointless brawls. Athena who had been getting bored, again, raised her head high and waved to her best friend. Wagon who had still been gazing blankly at the sky turned his head and nodded to the new arrival. The rest of the crew remained oblivious to Dragon Fruit’s approach until Alpha shouted, “It's about time! We’ve been waiting for hours!” Athena rolled her eyes, and Wagon raised a bushy eyebrow. “Well, I had a job to finish. We do want to eat this week, don’t we?” Her voice dripped with playful sarcasm and her tone silenced the aggressive colt. “Well, I do believe since Alpha is pouting, that I should call this meeting to order!” Athena took the reins, her patience running thin.  “So, let's pile it up and see what we got!” Rocket piped in, his squeaky voice matching his miniscule horn and body. The statement initiated a chaotic sequence of dumping bags and mad grabbing. Luckily, Alpha had recovered from the aggressive sarcasm and being the oldest, brought order down. A few minutes passed and all the loot was gathered, excluding one magnificent stash. No one spoke as Wagon and Dragon Fruit took stock of the contents. They were rudely interrupted when Athena shoved a glowing pile into the mix. The oohs and ahhs were nothing compared to the wide eyes of Dragon Fruit. Wagon hummed a low inner laugh as he observed the others' reactions. “Well…We sure are meeting our goal today!” Alpha was gracing the fillies and colts with a mischievous grin. They all responded likewise, and the hearts of the orphans soared. Little did they know that there was one last juicy surprise. The clamor died once again, and their eyes gradually were drawn to the imploding magenta filly, whose joy was so apparent that they all just had to know why. Using her magic, Athena lifted the holy apple over her head. It followed the single pink streak in her hair like a stairway to heaven and then descended to hover in the center of seven ravenous predators. The dirt that had once been a dry sandy brown was now dark and rich with life as the overflowing mouths of the children wet the ground. Using her prized knife, Athena cut the apple into seven identical pieces. The gang waited in revered silence as they were gifted with a slice of Apple. They said nothing as they savored each and every bite. No words were spoken. It was a moment they would all fondly remember. Once finished, each and every orphan went through an emotional rollercoaster. They were sad it was over and thirsted for more, but they were also grateful for one slice and ecstatic to have enjoyed such a prize. Meanwhile, Wagon shoved his slice at Athena. She gave him a quizzical look before forcing it back towards her friend. He shook his big head and then moved it back towards her. Athena sighed. “Look, Wagon. We share here to survive, and I want you to enjoy this. As a member of the Badass Brigade and as your friend, I order you to eat it! I know you are trying to be nice, but I really want you to have it.” She gave the lime colt a pleading smile, he gave her one right back. After a moment, he reluctantly broke the apple in half and offered it once more. Athena gave him a disapproving frown before she took the half, gobbling it down. The rest of the meeting went as usual. They gathered their supplies and loot, hearts raised, and headed back to tartarus. Or back home, to the orphanage. The trek wasn't long and luckily the streets were emptying with the dying sun. The longest shadows were just fading when the team reached their location. The orphanage was less than ‘not much’. It was a three-story building but only had one usable level. The building itself was a nasty and chaffed white that showed an obvious lack of care. The windows on the top two floors were either broken or hanging on by a thread, complementing the eroded walls.  The usable floor, or ground level, was far from legal as well. The door was thick and the only near-pristine portion of the pitiful building. The rest of the floor was the bare minimum. Windows were boarded up, and the walls were splattered with dirt and unidentifiable splotches of some other element. Alpha led the line, accompanied by Wagon, who was closely followed by Athena. They trudged in, remnants of smiles remaining with the fear of the coming misery. Alpha, Wagon, Athena, and Dragon Fruit walked in and headed for the seldom-used caretaker room. On this single day every week, Slim would be waiting. The rest of their troop headed towards the single and only other accessible room, the kitchen; or the living quarters, family room, dining room and every other room they didn’t have. Athena held steady and focused her mind on Wagon, working profusely to not tremble. Alpha held his head high and his arrogance seemed to double, which was an unrecognized blessing in times like this. The poor kids needed every bit of confidence they could muster. Dragon Fruit was practically hugging Wagon’s back leg, attempting to hide from the inevitable. Athena mentally facehooved, why had Fruity insisted upon joining them? So what if she was double digits now, it didn’t matter how old you are, Slim was always terrifying.  Alpha stopped in front of the door, causing the contents of his bags to shift and bang together. Dragon Fruit gnawed on her left wing, as Wagon put a comforting hoof over her shoulder. He flicked his light brown mane out of his own eyes and then stared daggers at the door. Athena saw the hesitation in Alpha, it was always the same. He looked back at her in defeat. She proceeded to knock on the door with her magic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slim heard a light and reluctant knock on his door. His previous frown flipped into a terrible and sinister smile. He used his hoof to grease back his jet black mane and rubbed his mustache before tapping on his desk twice. The children would be entering soon. He knew very well that it would be at least a minute before they would be able to conjure up enough courage to move the door, and he would relish every minute of their terrified silence. He glanced down at his golden watch, noting the time, though it didn’t truly matter. He adjusted his tie and suit as well. The few subordinates of his who were aware of this operation had questioned his appearance and devotion to such a less lucrative ring of activity. He had simply responded with the truth, he loved this job. Controlling and tormenting these filthy children, and forcing them to make him free money was a fantastic experience. His image was one of the most important factors here. The children had to fear him in earnest. They needed to hear the sound of his money-filled pockets and run for their dirty lives. He was an upper-crust noble and liked to think of himself as a very important pony. A pony who had to retain his image at all times. So this outlet was perfect to let off a little steam. No fillies or colts really died, those were rare occasions. Sleeping a night out on the streets or going without food is a true motivator. Of course, he had never killed any of the children himself. It had been natural causes, yes, natural is the word. Thoughts of a certain troublesome colt filled his mind. If he was ever going to get his hooves dirty it would have been for that worm. Alpha, he believed was what the colt called himself. Ugh, their stupid names for one another had been an intelligent move. Originally they were to remain nameless, or in severe circumstances, they were given numbers, but names? No. To give these children a sense of false meaning and belonging was just cruel. Slim knew better. Then Alpha had come along. Well, he wasn't the only trouble maker, that Brigade or whatever they call themselves were all trouble. They were by far the most successful group he had obtained in years though... Slim’s mind returned to the present and he reached again for his watch when the door creaked open. He wrinkled his nose, anticipating the foul odor of the orphans. Meanwhile, Alpha strutted up to Slim’s desk continuously balancing the many bags of payment. Behind him entered the rest of the crew, each carrying more of their hard-earned loot. One by one they set the bags down in front of the desk, each sweating in the shadow of their one true enemy. Once the payload had been deposited the crew took up the defensive position. Alpha sat in front of Dragon Fruit, and Wagon blocked the way to Athena. They all were close-knit and touching, hoping to draw strength from one another. Slim laughed to himself, it was always the same. He lifted himself out of his oversized chair and rounded his wooden desk. Slim then lowered himself to look at the heap of garbage before him. Did Slim need or want any of this? No, he didn’t. But he took it all anyway, as he always did. “Hmmmmm. I like what I see. You did good work, and you should be proud.” His grotesque smile chilled Dragon Fruit to the bone and she again hit herself for tagging along. “I did not expect such a turnout… So you will all be eating well this week. Two meals a day, in fact. I'm feeling in a generous mood.” He puffed out his chest as he rose from his previous position of observance. At this point, they were all supposed to hightail it out of his office and he would leave for the pawnshop. That didn’t happen, and Slim was not happy. “Uhhh, Sir, we would like to humbly ask… that in response to our good performance… That... that you feed everyone, Sir.” Alpha who had spoken in a quivering voice cowered as far as he could, avoiding eye contact with everypony and everything excluding the cold concrete floor. Slim was enjoying the pitiful performance, but this was a challenge. No matter how small, it was a challenge. Slim decided he would enjoy this, drag it out, no reason to cut this opportunity short. With a devilish grin, he advanced on the tiny Alpha. “Colt, you think you can tell me what to do? Hmmm? After I generously agreed to feed your little posse? What do you take me for?! A damn fool?!” With a final sneer, Slim struck Alpha across the face and sent him sprawling into the wall. Wagon jumped into action and pulled the exposed Dragon Fruit behind him. Alpha struggled to his hooves just to be struck again, and again, and again. He bled onto the cold floor as he cried out in pain. Athena cried while she hid behind Wagon, Dragon Fruit just curled up in the corner hooves over her ears. The beating lasted only a minute, but the damage was done. “Get out of my office you little thieves. Now!” Wagon hoisted the limp form of Alpha over his back and struggled out the door, following close behind the tear stricken fillies. Beatings such as that were not common, but also not unheard of. The jam-packed kitchen moved like a wave to receive the heroes. The older kids directing the younger ones on what to grab.  A larger earth pony parted the wave of children and took the limp form of Alpha onto his back, shooting a concerned glance in Athena’s direction. She in turn gave him a sad but reassuring smile. He turned and headed to an empty cot on the ground. As he set Alpha down, an organized swarm of medical equipment was brought before him. The earth pony sighed and then began his work. They truly had nothing, but they did the best they could. Once Alpha was bandaged, the orphans went to their ‘beds’. No pony spoke a word. Athena and Dragon Fruit shared a brief whisper with Bandi, who was the closest thing they had to a doctor. He didn’t know anything besides the heart chilling fact that Alpha was unconscious, and had received enough blows to remain that way. The final three broke up and headed their separate ways, each attempting to find comfort among their friends. Athena with her ruined mane and dirty coat cuddled close to Wagon and cried into him. No children should ever have to endure a tenth of what the orphans had to go through. Dragon Fruit drifted off by Alpha’s side a broken water bottle half-filled in her hoof. Bandi simply went to his corner of the room and drifted off in a nervous sleep.  Silence fell and the terrible dreams were brought to life. The orphans had struggled, just as they had done every day. Athena in her final thoughts whispered the same lines she did every night, “One day, I will make things different. For everypony.” > Chapter 2: The Singing Stone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wagon, we have a problem.” Dragon Fruit dropped her cheap binoculars and turned to face her large friend. “The security team appears to have finished their lunch break,” she peered down at a battered watch, “a whopping ten minutes early.” Wagon showed no signs of panic excluding a low and annoyed ‘hmm’. He then lifted his own binoculars and watched the four security guards enter the bank. “Athena is a natural-born thief, we both know that, but when a plan goes completely to Tartarus...” Fruity paused and nervously rubbed the back of her head. “Somepony will end up getting hurt.” Wagon gave a solemn nod as he continued to observe the front entrance. Dragon Fruit took this as an invitation to continue her rant. “She relies on her plans more than any of us do, and right now, she’s a sitting duck... I don't know what I would do if she got caught.” While Fruity shook in panic, Wagon rolled his eyes and resumed his job. While Wagon was worried for Athena, he knew there was no circumstance that would end with her caught. She had led the Brigade for four years, and done a great job. He glanced at his sheathed knife, praying that he wouldn’t have to use it. Never before had brute force been required, the Brigade was too skilled for that, but one can never be too sure. Wagon also adjusted the large burlap bag to his left, checking the contents one last time. Dragon Fruit habitually fidgeted with her stone necklace, twirling it around her hoof. Wagon was used to this mannerism by now, but no matter how hard he tried, that small reminder would bring the emotions right back. His eyes shed silent tears as the memories resurfaced. It had been over two years now, and it still stung like a thorn in his hoof. He couldn’t comprehend how Fruity dealt with it so well. Wagon suddenly remembered the present circumstances and resumed his vigilant observations. A couple of minutes passed, and there was nothing but blissful peace. The two thieves sat and waited for the signal. The kind spring breeze accompanied by the open sky coated the orphans in a sleepy daze. They had remained on the abandoned roof for well over two hours, and to say they were enjoying it would be a grand understatement. The feeling of fresh and free air was not something either of them were used to. Dragon Fruit, after her thirty-second panic attack, regained composure and took her place once again. She glanced at Wagon, hoping for some sort of update, but he remained glued to his task. She gave a deep sigh, everything would turn out fine. This wasn’t their first heist after all. Well, technically this was their first high-level robbery, but what's the difference? A cynical voice in her head roared to life, and Fruity was prepared to babble to Wagon when the explosion went off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Athena was in an immense amount of trouble. First off, her genius and extremely well-crafted plan was now a pile of rubble, never to be used again. Second, after pulling off the greatest improvised con in history, the security detail had returned. This left Athena trapped in a single exit vent, whose only opening was inside the vault. So, she was trapped with two bags of gold coins inside a cramped vent with no exit. The situation was just fantastic. Athena for what was likely the one-hundredth time that day gave a frustrated and muffled scream. She had watched in horror as the door to the vault was locked, and sealed tight. Her window had officially ended, and she was all alone. No doubt her partners in crime had realized this complication, but there was nothing they could do. Athena wiggled her midsection, allowing the bags of gold to fall into a more comfortable position. She then scooched forward till her eye was on the edge of the opening. She stopped to ponder how she had turned herself around, no matter, she would have time in prison to consider such trivial things. After a brief sweep of the white room, Athena deemed it ‘temporarily safe’. The vault was by no standard high-security. The bank was middle class, so its defenses were not for the lighthearted, but it was also not impossible to beat. Athena used her magic to silently lower her belt and stolen goods to the floor. She then gracefully descended from the ceiling, allowing her cloak to billow in the passing air. Her landing was softer than that of a predatory cat, only creating the lightest thud that carried no farther than a couple of echoing feet. Once her knife and gadgets were re-secured, Athena hastily grabbed the money and shot towards the door. There was no doubt in her mind that there would be guards on the other side, but the question remained, could she escape without them noticing? If her recon team was correct, the guard ponies were the stereotypical level of lazy. They left early for lunch and returned late. Their temporary replacements, who only worked for an hour day shift, would arrive ten minutes late. This created a roughly fifteen-minute strike zone, which was a generous amount. If only they could be consistent. Athena wasted no time in engaging the door. Her magenta aura surrounded the locks and gears, twisting and turning in an expert fashion that would impress any professional. She worked on an intricate level and was sweating by the minute mark. She had broken in using her prized, and incredibly old, lock picking kit. However, from the inside, she had no other option than Magical Override. This form of lockpicking was designed for the few and far in-between. Little to no unicorns had ever mastered the art. A lifetime passed in that moment. Beads of sticky sweat seeped through her mask. Each sizzled on contact with the cold and conditioned floor. The drop of a flower petal could have disrupted her delicate trance. Athena’s closed eyes and tight lips quivered with stress, she was close, but close would not be enough. With a final expert push, the final gear clicked into place. Athena opened up her eyes in a daze. Her magical reserves were now half drained, due to her previous endeavor. She touched the circular door and watched a sliver of light emerge from the side. Ever so carefully, Athena inched it open. Luckily for her, the hinges were brand new and deathly silent. A pony-head-sized gap was finally created, and Athena slipped her head right in. She peered left then right, judging spaces, time frames, and possible obstacles. She also identified the two tragically unprepared guards. The first was a pegasus mare, this meant running was not an option. The second was a half-asleep unicorn stallion, so her half depleted magic would not be enough for a scrappy duel. She had already expected such an outcome, but acknowledging it as the only option, was ever so depressing. The only way out was the extensive, sweltering hot, and insanely difficult, Fake Ace maneuver. Athena cursed Celestia for leaving her in this situation, but she quickly regretted it and apologized to the Sun Princess. She chose instead to thank her for providing Crime 101.  Many of the orphans held deep resentment and hatred towards the Diarchy, but Athena couldn’t bring herself to harbor such bitterness. While she found it hard to understand why she had such an awful life and others could live happily under the same ‘just’ rulers, she had to believe in somepony, right? The Fake Ace maneuver was simple in theory but hard to execute. A pony using a Fake Ace would stealthily create a distraction in one direction and then go the opposite way. The strategy was quite simple, but only an amateur would overlook the fact that this movement was designed for an ‘in-house’ escape. That simple and sad fact was the problem facing Athena. Fortunately, like always, she had a devious plan. After finalizing her vision, complete with diagrams, charts and the likes, she could execute the plan. The plan in question followed four simple steps. Step one, slip through the vault door without being noticed. Step two, make her way into the ceiling gap. Step three, create a distraction, or False Ace. Step four, waltz out the side door. At this point, Athena would have scrutinized her plan and re-done it a thousand times. Not today. She was on the clock, so the present was for action. Athena slid on her belly like a snake through the miniscule crevice, not creating a sound. She then leapt at a ninety-degree angle towards the backside of a stone pillar. She wrapped her cloak tight around her body, hoping it would conceal her movements. Athena held her breath as she stood on her hind legs against the cold surface, praying that the guard mirroring her would not move from their leisurely place. The unicorn guard, who was not asleep, stared at the carpet. He had done so every day for the past ten years, daydreaming about his retirement. He grumbled as his beautiful vision was trampled by an accountant. “Damn money pushers.” He whispered under his breath. Athena’s mane stood on end as an unknown pony walked by. She did everything in her power to prevent the cold sweat that was threatening to break on her forehead. The obstacle passed, and it was time for step two. The plan was to use her rope and climb the pillar up into the ceiling. This part of the act was easier said than done. The bank itself was unusually open. It had tall hallways and an extensive layout that gave the whole building a sort of noble feel. Ponies would often joke that there were birds living in the halls, they were just too high to see. Unfortunately, this made Athena's job that much harder. Using her magic, she gently flew the rope up towards the ceiling, concealing the brown line with the pillar. Once at the top, she tied it neatly around a support beam. Now, it was time to climb. Athena wasn’t afraid of heights. She had climbed countless walls and some buildings over the past few years, each more daunting than the last. But there was something about climbing straight up, in the middle of enemy territory, in broad daylight, that made it more terrifying. With a calming breath and a vigorous head shake, the ascension began. One hoof at a time, the purple unicorn made her way to the top. The guard below remained clueless to this heinous insult on his reputation. Once she reached the top, Athena efficiently took down the rope, opened the ceiling boards, and disappeared. Temporarily alone, she removed her thin mask. In the safety of darkness, she could breathe again, though she didn’t enjoy it very much. The cramped and dusty ceiling did not contain ideal breathing air. The dank and musty aroma was almost enough to knock somepony out. Athena coughed for a moment, waving her left hoof in front of her face. The dust settled, and Athena took ten seconds to refocus.  She looked down at her watch, and just like that, ten seconds over. Back to work. Step three, she would scurry through the rafters to the west side of the bank, there, she would drop one of her two homemade smoke bombs and control the public's attention. Athena wove in and out of the ancient boards, dancing through one section, and then tiptoeing through the next. After about a minute of expert maneuvering, she arrived at her destination. “Sorry about this. It’s nothing personal.” Athena muttered as she removed her smoke bomb. She pulled out the pin and shifted a board slightly to the side, creating an invisible gap. “Good luck cleaning this up!” She dropped it. Now at this point, any normal thief would have turned on their wheels and ran for the high heavens, but Athena wasn’t your average thief. As soon as the bomb hit, chaos reigned. The explosion was not large, but the thick cloud of smoke that seeped into the air seemed to cause quite some panic. Meanwhile, Athena had returned to the vault. The two disoriented guards shifted towards the commotion, and Athena waltzed right back in. She walked in with her two bags and strutted out with six. She had considered leaving with just the two, but what fun was that? Athena stealthy snuck through the disoriented crowd, clinging to the walls and intelligently avoiding the few obstacles still in her path. Before long, she had reached the east side and using her cloak to cover the money, danced out the side door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wagon stared wide-eyed as the west side windows were blown to bits. Smoke followed immediately after, shrouding the entire side of the building in a living black beast. It caught the colt off guard, that was for sure, but it only took him a moment to connect the dots. Fruity, who had leapt sky high at the boom, crowded close to her lime friend. “Do you think that was her? I really hope she is okay!” Her left wing whacked the annoyed colt in the face. He responded to the foolish comment and the unfortunate assault like he always did, a single bushy eyebrow. “Oh stop it! How am I supposed to know who set the bomb off… well... I guess she is the only logical answer.” Dragon Fruit fiddled with her necklace again, blushing at her own lack of common sense. Wagon gave her a forgiving smile before shuffling towards his burlap bag. He reached inside and carefully removed the contents. A load of cheap fireworks now lay before him.  Dragon Fruit analyzed the situation and knelt down to help. For the next few seconds, the two carefully set up their fireworks, lining them along the rooftop towards the main street. After the weapons were fully prepped, Wagon took his leave, quickly making his way down the fire-escape and into the alleyway. Fruity removed the lighter from its spot on her belt, and watched the bank, waiting for… there! On the far side of the building, an oversized mare wearing a cheap cloak was hobbling down the thin path. It wouldn’t take a Princess to figure out something was off with that mare, hence, the surprise firework show. Athena had been skeptical of using them as a distraction, but honestly, the surprise explosions would be more shocking than she anticipated. Fruity ran along the edge of the roof, lighting the fuses in rapid procession. The result was beautiful. Everypony who was not already in a state of panic or fleeing from the smoking bank joined with the fireworks. Not a single soul paid any attention to the jingling bag of pony that waddled over to an inconspicuous alleyway. The moment Athena arrived, Wagon took over the loot. He hurriedly hoisted the score onto his back and practically dragged the slumping form of Athena onto the far street. Dragon Fruit, after gathering her own supplies, joined the mad rush, or trudge, back to safety. They flashed smiles at one another, each relishing the moment of sweaty victory! Yet again the Badass Brigade would reign victorious. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A dilapidated rock stood regal and alone, proclaiming its strength among the green lively trees. Four names were carved into its surface, hastily crafted, but important nonetheless. Three of the names entered the small clearing, heavy laden with smiles and treasure alike.  The first to arrive was a leafy green pegasus mare, whose beautiful unkempt mane hung to her side. It’s dark and rich purply red, blending with the flowers and blooming trees. She glided over to the rock and daintily rested her hoof upon its surface. With her other hoof, she held a flower necklace, made of smooth marble. Dragon Fruit smiled sadly at the names before removing her hoof and settling in the shade. The second to approach was a burly lime colt. His shaggy short cut mane flew in the wind and mirrored his calm nature. The earth pony nodded at the rock, a million emotions shining in his light blue eyes. He then sat down to loosen his heavy luggage. Wagon gave the relaxing Fruity a kind and understanding smile, before continuing his work. The final to arrive was a stunning unicorn mare. Her purple coat and dark mane waved in time with her midnight cloak. Laying on her neck was a mask, and adorning her midsection was a sheathed dagger, accompanied by other dangerous contraptions. She approached the rock and placed a freshly picked flower on its top. Athena then joined her friends under the trees. Wagon, who had completely removed the six bags of gold, was inspecting the goods, eyes the size of planets. He lifted a pile of coins into the crisp air and watched in astonishment as they tumbled to the ground. Yep, they were smooth, cold, valuable, real, and very much theirs. Wagon had formed a goofy smile and inhaled the crispest and rich air he had in his entire life. The two mares giggled at his foalish joy, but they were both feeling the exact same. “They are real Wagon. All six bags worth. We’re rich!” Athena was on her hooves and dancing with Dragon Fruit. They swung back and forth till they were rolling on the ground in laughter. Wagon clapped to an unknown beat as he adored his best friends. They had suffered and fought for so long and they were finally going to be free! Tears of joy had bloomed in the corners of Fruity’s eyes, magnifying her deep brown irises. She rolled in the grass with her friend, not a care in the world. The three of them had considered running away a long time ago, but they were too pure for their cruel world. A decision had been made, from the beginning of their family, it was everypony or nopony. The other orphans deserved freedom as much as they did, and so the quest was born. For years they had stolen, knelt in the dirt, and fought for every last cent. They had cried in anguish and laughed in exultation. They had found joy, friendship, and family in one another. Even amidst such atrocious circumstances as living under Slim, they could find hope and happiness and they’d somehow keep fighting to the next day. Wagon was forced to his hooves by a laughing Athena, who began twirling him around. “C’mon, Wagon! Dance with me!” Wagon had playfully rolled his eyes and instantly given in. Who was he to deny such an offer? Meanwhile, Dragon Fruit lay upon the Singing Stone. Tracing her hoof along the grooves of Alpha’s name. She continued to cry, but no longer noticed. She allowed her mind to wander back to simpler days as she began to sing. Wagon and Athena stopped for a moment, pure shock written across their features. She had not sung a note since… that day. Yet here she was, her melodic voice ringing across the tall trees, and soaring with the wind. Athena, after a moment of reverent silence and quite a few tears, pulled Wagon back into a dance. They swayed together as their friend sang. Though they would not admit it till later, they could all feel his presence. Dancing, smiling, and singing without fear.  The first true party lasted until the sun had set. The three eventually hid their treasure and reluctantly left the clearing. They walked and laughed in rhythm with their rejoicing hearts, gradually fading into the distance. Behind, their names remained on the Singing Stone, carrying on the song of freedom, desperately hoping for a brighter future. > Chapter 3: Family First > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The stars had risen to their peak, and shined down upon the sleeping children, blessing them with beautiful and distant light. The huddled groups of orphans subconsciously smiled, rolling in the graceful visage that was the night.  Under the same sky, a single pen wove in the air, crafting a sickening signature. Enormous bags of filthy bits were dumped upon the ground, and Slim’s eyes seemed to swim in their abhorrent gleam.  A twisted grin crept onto his face and punctured his round cheeks. Slim’s mouth watered at the fortune before him, pure greed and unholy desire fueling the fire within. A hoof reached out and grabbed the parchment, dragging its souls into his vortex of a cloak. The stallion gave a blood-curdling chuckle and swept out of the room. Slim, once alone, dove upon the sacks of gold. He was finally free, and soon he would have his revenge as well. Meanwhile, the hooded stallion held his parchment close and began his trek home. The covetous halfwit had served his purpose, and once the deed was done, would return his money. He licked his parched lips, imagining the sweet sound of Slim’s dying squeal. The unicorn allowed himself another heartless laugh. Slim would never see it coming, and neither would the Diarchy. The figure glanced towards the direction of Canterlot Castle. His mind focused on his desire so vividly, that he felt like the crown was in his hooves. The glory, the power, the fame, it would all be his. Or ‘theirs’. Everypony was just a means to an end, and once he had what he wanted, none of them would be necessary anymore. But for the time being, he had to act in the best interest of the organization. Using dark magic, he conjured a portal and strutted through. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot stood silent and serene. The ponies slept in peace, unaware of the dark and impending future. Luna, the Princess Of Darkness, hovered above it all. Her ethereal mane shimmered with stars and glided behind her in the silent whispering wind. Her attuned cat-like eyes surveyed the city, searching for an enemy unbeknownst to all but her. In a wisp of shadow, a bat pony appeared. She was dressed in pitch-black armor that melted into her grey coat, providing the moonstruck mare with practical invisibility. She swooped down until she was level with Luna. “Your majesty, we found traces of dark magic around the Noble sector. Do you wish to investigate?” The mare stared emotionless at her goddess, ever thankful for her place at Luna’s side. “We shall. And If it is as we feared, then we must take bold action to ensure the kingdom's safety.” Luna gave a curt nod and then seemed to evaporate into thin air. The Captain, also known as Crescent Shock, followed Luna’s lead. By the ten minute mark, both had reappeared at their desired location. With another regal nod from Princess Luna, the Captain and her platoon launched into action. The reconnaissance took over two hours, an efficient time, and not a single innocent stirred. While her personal guard thoroughly examined the area, Luna took time to rearrange her ever-expanding puzzle of corruption. Equestria had remained safe and prosperous for well over two hundred years, making the sudden discovery ever so terrifying. Dark magic was alive. It was thriving in the shadows, and weakening her ponies from within. Celestia herself had been, and still remained, blind to this fact. Luna would not pretend to fully understand the circumstances or how serious the threat was. But what she was sure of, was that she would crush this enemy, with no mercy nor consideration. Luna opened her previously shut eyes and glanced at the last piece of the puzzle. One stallion, he was the key to understanding the truth.  Once this confounded mystery was solved, Luna could finally see the threat for what it really was, and therefore, properly address it. “Your Majesty, we have searched the area and identified our target,” a young, armored pegasus stallion stated. “We have our troops surrounding his estate. Do you have our orders?” He stayed completely still a salute frozen on his forehead. “No. Tell the platoon to back off. We must move with the utmost secrecy and tact. If we wish to catch the true villain, we will have to remain patient.” Luna paused and slowly rose from her seated position. Her gentle ascension was smooth and embodied perfection in every way. The night guard fought the urge to glance at his Princess, even after countless years of service, she still took his breath away. “At ease, soldier.” The stallion slumped from his previously rigid posture and stood at loose attention. “I want you to take these orders directly to the Captain. She will understand my orders in their entirety.” The pegasus gave a deep bow before flying off into the night. His departure, like all of Luna’s guard, was noiseless. Luna watched his flight till he had disappeared above the clouds. With a deep sigh, the Princess of the Night prepared for her own launch. She ruffled her feathers and released her folded wings. They spread out in a majestic arch, sweeping the cool night air beneath them. She lifted her head and immersed herself in the Moon’s powerful light. Her mane shimmered and crackled with distant stars, each glowing and beating in time with their creator's heart.  Luna smiled a deep and rich smile, its warm emotion consuming her face. She lived for the night and it lived for her. If only she could have more moments like this. The moment passed as a dark cloud blocked out the moon, bringing the alicorn back to reality. She gave her head a slight shake and then launched into the lively night sky. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Athena. Athena, please wake up. Athena, I’m scared!” A crying filly shook Athena’s right shoulder, whispering her desperate pleas.  “Alright, alright! I’m up now.” Athena yawned and rolled over to get a look at the filly. This was completely unnecessary because she knew all the children’s voices by heart, and this particular filly happened to do this quite often. “Rhyme, how about you and I go get some water and talk about it.” Athena gently used her magic to lift the small earth pony onto her back. No doubt, she had been plagued by a nightmare. While nightmares were common among the orphans, none had it worse than poor Rhyme. She was only seven and had consecutively woken up Athena for the past three years at least every other night. Sure, it was a lot of lost sleep. But Athena didn’t mind. She loved her family more than anything and was more than willing to give up her precious z’s to help any and all who needed her. “Okay. But it’s different this time.” Rhyme curled herself tightly around Athena’s torso and squeezed the life out of her. Athena didn’t seem to notice and continued her bleary-eyed trudge to the good ole rusty sink. On the way, she glanced through the last surviving window. Like always, Wagon sat on the curb of the street, listening to somepony. She squinted her eyes, it looked like Seven. Huh, she hadn’t expected him of all ponies. She reached the sink and casually filled up two glasses of water. The filly clinging to her back didn’t budge. “Rhyme. You can tell me about it.” “I know… but this time it was different.” The filly shook on Athena’s back, sending a chill up the unicorn’s spine.  It had been months since she had refused to speak. Athena internally groaned. So much progress down the drain. “I know you’re scared, but what have I told you before?” Athena carefully removed the orange filly, brushing her sea blue mane out of her moist eyes. “I know… don’t let the fear win.” Rhyme wiped her slightly teary face. “Yes. Do you remember how you beat the fear?” Athena gained a scholarly tone and gave the adorable filly an expectant look. “We remember what we have, and why nopony can take it away.” The filly seemed to begin her recovery with that statement. Her tone shifted from terrified to determined. “That’s right! No matter where we are, or what they do.” Athena took a deep breath and handed Rhyme a wooden cup of water. “We will always have each other. And that’s all that matters.”  Rhyme guzzled her water as she explained her nightmare. Athena nodded and added a supportive comment on occasion. After a couple of minutes, the routine was over, and the mission complete. Athena took Rhyme’s hoof and guided her back to the sleeping section of the kitchen. Like always, the little filly took her position next to Athena, cuddling close for warmth and the ever so needed comfort. The magenta mare stroked her friend's mane till she was sound asleep. The gentle rise of Rhyme’s chest confirmed Athena’s sneaking suspicion. With practiced finesse, she rose from her position and gently levitated the filly to her own cot. Once she had been tucked in and kissed lightly on the head, Athena took her leave. It only took her a matter of seconds to scan the room for any other stragglers. Her bright eyes swept over every nook and cranny, and all were accounted for. She was finally content, and stealthy exited the room. There was one pony still awaiting her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Fruit rested her head upon the broken windowsill, gazing longingly into the stunning night. It was clear and cool, just the way he liked it. She subconsciously twirled her marble flower, memories of Alpha flashing before her eyes. She missed him more than anything, that was a fact. His departure and final words still rung in her hollow head... “I have to do this. Not just for me, but for all of us.” Alpha shifted the bag on his back, attempting to free his wings from their uncomfortable position. “Slim has taken advantage of orphans for longer than we have been alive, and it has to stop.” The conviction and determination in his voice could be denied by none, he was a colt on a mission. “This evidence is more than enough to have him put away for good. And if I played this right, he won’t know I’ve left till it's too late.” “Alpha. We all understand why you are doing this. But we also agree that it’s too risky! If Slim finds out… who knows what he will do.” Athena’s voice of reason cut through Alpha’s speech.  He gave her a lopsided grin. “I am far too smart to get caught by that moron. Also, even if he does know, I'll pull a fast one! Back me up Wagon!” Alpha leaned on his friend’s shoulder, giving him the same confident smile. Wagon in response frowned and pushed his friend off. Before Alpha could lose his balance, Wagon grabbed him by the shoulders and held him in place. The friend’s eyes met, and more was said in that silence than any speech could have. Alpha was beginning to break when the final blow landed.  Dragon Fruit pulled him out of Wagon’s hold and wrapped him in a tearful embrace. “Please don’t go… we can’t lose you… I can’t lose you.” She cried into his silky mane, pleading for the impossible.  “Hey, don’t cry.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes and promised, “I told you I would come back, didn’t I?” Fruity gave a pitiful nod. “Then trust me. I know how dangerous this mission is, and I have worked very hard to make sure he doesn't know.” Dragon Fruit rested her head on his shoulder and continued to hold on. She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks, but she didn’t care.  After a full minute of depressing tears, from all of the four, Alpha stepped back. He reached into his bag and removed two beautiful marble necklaces. “Fruity. This is for you.” Alpha gently tied one around her neck, and then the second upon his own. Dragon Fruit after a blurry examination of the handcrafted flower, kissed Alpha on his lips. They both wished the kiss could have lasted forever, but it wouldn’t. Their love for one another was like that of a fairytale, and like so, could be so tragically broken. Next, Alpha removed a small knife from his bag. He silently handed it to Athena, lacking the strength to speak. Athena held it close to her heart, and proceeded to give her friend a short and fearful hug.  Last was Wagon, he received a battered scroll. The lime colt didn’t need to open it to know what it was. A single tear streamed down his face as he gave Alpha his own bone crushing hug. Alpha stepped back. His own face was wet with his own tears, accompanying those of his closest friends, his love, and his family. He knew if he delayed any longer that he would lose the will to leave. Alpha turned on the heel of his hooves and slowly trotted away. He was turned towards Canterlot Castle, but his heart remained behind him.  Alpha never returned. The tears would have flowed a year or so ago, but it had been so long that her eyes had no despair left to release. Dragon Fruit removed the memories from the forefront of her mind, and instead examined the twinkling stars. Every so often, she would glance down the street, hoping without reason, that a handsome pegasus would strut down its center. “Well, I didn’t expect to find you here.” Athena jabbed with playful sarcasm, drowning Fruity’s previous sadness.   “Oh. Look who finally decided to show up.” Dragon Fruit lazily turned from her window and gave her friend a playful poke. “Ow! You know, you should really treat your friends better. Or they might just leave you on the roof... by your lonesome.” Athena trotted past her friend and took her seat in the corner. “You know, I say it every time, but you don’t have to come up here with me,” Fruity stated.  Athena just rolled her eyes. “Just get over here. There are only a couple hours left till sunrise.”  The two friends sat and admired the stars, casually talking about life and their hopes for the future. Fruity was tempted to bring up the ominous subject of how they were going to use the money to escape, and hopefully, live out the rest of their lives. The night was still young, so Dragon Fruit flipped her red-purple mane out of her eyes and opened her mouth to speak… when she saw him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athena wasn’t sure why she was running into the woods, at night, with no explanation. But Dragon Fruit and Wagon seemed to have fire on their tails. She had never seen either of them run so fast. If Athena hadn’t been an athlete, there was no way in Tartarus that she could have caught up. Athena had finally regained enough oxygen to speak when she slammed right into a very strong and very green colt. “Wagon! What is going on?! I’ve been chasing both of you for ten minutes, and neither of you cared to stop and fill me in!” Athena breathed hard as she rounded on Wagon and Dragon Fruit. “Why don’t you both give me a damn good explanation or I’m going to….” Athena was abruptly stopped by Wagon’s hoof. She was prepared to release her frustrated wrath, when he turned her head. Athena joined her gaping friends, and stared unbelievingly at the distant form… of Alpha. Tears of joy were blossoming in Fruity’s eyes as she began to drift forward. Wagon and Athena who were too dazed to move, remained still, as if they were trapped in stone. Dragon Fruit had been waiting for so long, but she could recognize him anywhere. Her hoofsteps were loud, even when landing upon the thick grass and dewy moss. Not a creature moved. The form came closer and closer, and her hopes rose with every step. If she had been remotely aware of her surroundings, a great tragedy could have been avoided. Dragon Fruit took one step too far. In her heart, she had known that it wasn't him, but her hope was too strong. Her strangled and broken love was pulled out of the depths, and given a candle to light its way. But the candle burned out, and so did the vision of Alpha. Dragon Fruit’s hoof landed, and the trap was sprung. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Heh, foolish foal. She knows he’s gone but still follows.” Slim stood under a tree, smoking an overpriced cigar, and flaunting a new watch and suit. “The smartest and most successful thieves I have ever employed, yet, the most naïve and destined for self-destruction.” He chuckled at his own terrible attempt at poetic speech. His mob of thugs only laughed when Slim shot them a nasty glare. He glanced through the brush and watched as the green mare approached the trap. Any second now. “The others are in position?” Slim questioned. An athletic unicorn henchman nodded. “Good. I don’t want any screw ups… and you.” Slim motioned at a cloaked earth pony. “Double check the cages. These three are a handful, and my employer needs them alive.” Slim doused his cigar, and stomped it into the dirt. He checked his holster, and confirmed that his crossbow was indeed loaded. He only had to wait a second more for his final moment of triumph. The trap went off. In the blink of an eye, Dragon Fruit was lifted into the air, caught in a net. A large mob of thugs leapt out from the brush around Athena and Wagon, surrounding them. And finally, Slim strode out from his hiding place, flanked by more menacing henchmen. Athena and Wagon had quick reflexes, and were able to maneuver into a back to back defensive stance. Their resistance didn’t last long. “Oh dear, Athena. It appears your friend is in quite the predicament.” Slim held his crossbow up to the suspended Dragon Fruit’s neck. He shot his longtime enemy and subordinate a cruel smirk. “I would hate for something awful to happen to her.” Athena lowered her head in defeat and snuffed out her glowing horn. Wagon relaxed from his stance. Both in unison glared pure hatred at Slim. Never before had they wanted to murder somepony so much. Their collective anger could have fed the fires of Tartarus for a thousand years. In one swift motion, both Athena and Wagon were taken to the ground. The urge to struggle and fight were overpowering, but they were not willing to lose another. “Pity. I have always wanted to complete the set.” Slim reached within his expensive suit and brought forth a necklace, identical to Dragon Fruit’s. She stared blankly at the swinging flower, watching its motions in a state of pure shock. Then she lost it. With a primal screech that struck fear into all who heard it, Dragon Fruit flapped her wings and struck Slim through the net. The strike, while powerful, was hindered by the thick ropes. Slim stumbled back and touched his face, revealing a streak of crimson blood. Dragon Fruit continued to struggle, thrashing wildly at any who approached. Her eyes and painful cries screamed pure rage. A unicorn thug let loose a sloppy stun spell, dropping the struggling mare in an instant. Slim growled and attempted to dab the oozing mark on his face. “You. Will. Die for this.” Athena’s cold threat was almost more chilling than Dragon Fruit’s primal assault. Slim turned and snorted in disgust. “I would pity you and your friend’s sad existence. But some dogs are meant to be put down.” He motioned with his hoof to the dark north, and in response, cages appeared. Athena, who had been too caught up to analyze the situation, finally understood. The panic in her eye’s was enough to rekindle Slim’s joy. “Put them in chains, and lock 'em up tight.” He gave a careless wave of his hoof and turned away. Within the next few seconds, all of the orphans were burdened with an iron mask, hoove chains, and for Athena, an inhibitor ring. At this point, there was seemingly no escape. But Athena was enraged, and that is all that mattered. Something was off, and Slim knew it. He had been moments away from leaving the clearing and allowing his goons to finish the job, when he felt a cold and empty feeling arise in his stomach. Never before had he endured something so terrible. His eyes felt like they were being ripped out of their sockets and his body was releasing sweat in such amounts that his new suit was practically soaked. He slowly rotated and dropped his jaw at the terror before him. Athena was floating in the air, completely still, and surrounded by blazing magenta light. Bolts of black lightning and pure soul energy ripped throughout the clearing, pulverizing any that she struck. The wind howled and time froze in respect of this grand feat of magic. The cages and chains holding her friends were turned into ash, and flew off in the violent current. Slim squinted at the light and was finally able to meet his doom, nose to nose. Athena’s eyes were a brilliant white, brimmed with purple and black. They burned with heavenly intensity and seared into his very soul. Slim was dead, and he himself knew it. Athena grabbed him in levitation magic and brought him before her terrible might, and for the first time since her crazy evolution, she spoke. “You.”  Slim was shaking out of control and glanced around frantically for help, but there was no one left. His mercenaries lay stunned on the ground, dead or alive? He didn’t know. Athena glared down upon her mortal enemy. She saw what she wanted, fear, uncontrollable and out of check. She wanted to kill him… yes… that was it. Athena looked upon Slim. He deserved eternal damnation and nothing less. Nopony else was going to bring him to justice, so she had to do it herself. With an exhale of finality, Athena snapped Slim’s thick neck and threw his limp form to the side. His body skidded to a halt, laying motionless. The magenta unicorn lowered herself to the ground, keeping her eyes glued to his body. Sure enough, he never moved. Her second glance was to her friends. Wagon sat eyes wide, cradling the head of Dragon Fruit. Yes, she had finally done it. They were safe. Athena had a split second of calm, and then reality struck. She had… killed somepony. At that moment, the fire burned out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna didn’t know what to think. On the one hoof, she could intervene and save these poor children from that disgusting disgrace of a Noble, on the other, she could wait it out and potentially arrest her mysterious target. The Princess gave an audible groan as she watched the sad trap unfold. It had been obvious to her from the start that this Slim character was nothing but a pawn, but he was a terrible pawn at that. If Luna was to give in to her emotions, she would have killed Slim the instant his illusion had begun. The list was endless. Using children, working with dark mages, hiring thugs, slavery, it went on forever. Her righteous fury was an inch away from overpowering her better judgment. The children were in no real danger, but the torture they had to endure was driving a stake into Luna’s heart. She looked through her magic matrix again, checking and double checking. Her complex shield spells would protect the children from any serious injuries or deathly blows, but they could still be struck. Luna brought herself back to the present and refocused her enhanced eyes upon the clearing.  Everything was awful, which was unfortunately, exactly what she needed. “Come out coward. Show your repulsive face.” Luna muttered. Her night guards glanced her direction, it had been hundreds of years since her last true battle. So Luna was out for blood, and she wanted to bring the stars down upon these villains.  In a sudden flash of light, everything changed. The magenta unicorn had somehow created a Power Matrix, and was now releasing unstable and high power energy bolts. This feat of magical prowess was not only extremely rare, but was considered impossible for anypony who was not a grand mage. Luna for the first time in hundreds of years, was surprised. This was the worst possible scenario. Her target was not a simple dark magic user, he was a mage, and he had a plan. This young unicorn was using dark and light magic simultaneously, and somehow remaining in control. She was the goal, and somehow, her enemy had known of her power while the Diarchy did not. Fifteen seconds passed, and all the mercenaries were down. Luna had to act, but a sixth sense warned her otherwise. Luna motioned silently to her guards to surround the clearing, they acted instantly. She pressed the gem upon her crown, and was instantly covered in her enchanted armor. Her target would appear, of that, she was sure. Her wings formed a perfect v-shape behind her as she glided elegantly to the forest floor. Once on the ground, she joined her troops, awaiting the true battle. > Chapter 4: Final Strike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Take her,” commanded the dark mage, his words upbeat and overflowing with pure and sick joy. “Yes, my liege.” Responded a trembling soldier. He adjusted his sword and deathly black armor before motioning to the rest of his concealed troops. The dark unicorn risked a second glance at his master and felt his stomach churn at the sight. In all his years of service, he had never seen the mage so utterly delighted, and it chilled him to his own barren heart.  In a swift wave, the company began to creep forward, gradually closing in on their exposed and completely defenseless prey. Their force was small, but even one of their rank could have taken down any survivors. Silent and invisible among the trees and shadows, they continued to shift. If faced with any force but the one destined to bring them down, their victory would have been unquestionable. The unicorn captain glanced quickly to his left and right, confirming that they were in fact alone. He then provided a quick wave of his hoof, and the procession slithered in. The wind glided through the trees, parallel to the hungry horde, bringing with it the smell of sweat, armor, and blood. Canterlot trembled beneath the silent night, preparing itself for the final event. The small platoon approached the edge of the clearing, their triumph only moments away. They had all dreamt of this day when the illusion would lift and the first step to unstoppable victory would be at hand… but it would not be so. The final clouds cleared, and the glory of the moon was exposed in its heavenly glow. An atrocious battle that could have lasted hours only raged for a fantastic few minutes. The shadows surrounding the mage’s troops suddenly burst to life. Ponies and bat ponies alike dressed in Lunar armor materialized out of thin air, each letting loose a primal battle cry and drawing their finely sharpened weapons. Bodies hit the ground in rapid procession, and a carefully crafted plan was shattered into pieces. While the intense battle was thrown into its heat, Luna thoroughly searched for her only concern, Magus Tenebrarum. She had no doubt in her mind that he would appear. It was just a question of who would strike first, and Princess Luna was far too wise to allow such a cunning enemy to have the upper hoof. Her glorious wings flapped gently in the calm breeze, cutting through the moonlight and casting a mysterious, yet angelic, shadow. The night felt so calm, almost as if to insult the brawl occurring below. Luna turned her body in an acute ariel turn, and headed back towards the clearing. He had avoided or foreseen her ruse, that much was apparent. But for how long had he known? As she dipped low above the trees, gradually approaching the ground, she felt a deafening crack rip through the gentle breeze. She knew that cursed magic even from just the sound, and she didn’t have much time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “There you are, little one. I have searched far and wide for you, and my master will be most pleased with your capture.” A cloaked unicorn floated from the dark trees, gradually approaching the three battered children. Athena lay motionless, her horn dark and cracked along its side. Dragon Fruit lay next to her, also unconscious; leaving nobel Wagon to stand and fight. The mystic form laughed without pity, an ear wrenching sound, like that of a nail upon a chalkboard; and directed his gaze towards the insignificant child. “Dear colt, your loyalty is admirable. But you stand no chance against me.” The mage was only meters away, and closing fast. Wagon stayed in place, shielding his two indisposed friends. His manner never once betrayed his fear, Wagon only snorted at his approaching death, not willing to lose his only family.   “I, unfortunately, will require all of my power to deal with a certain pest, who will be arriving very soon. So, you will move, or I will kill you with one strike from my bare hoof.” The mage continued his march, never once swaying or altering his path. He was a stallion on a mission. A mission worth sacrificing everything. From beneath his billowing cape, the stallion’s horn began to shine, conjuring dark power from his very soul. His eyes were painted a deep red, matching the eerie glow of his horn. The gentle swaying grass that fell beneath his hooves, were reduced to smoldering ashes.  The mage’s existence was imbalance, and his soul more dark and cold than the deepest and most anathematized cave. An appalling smile formed on his dry lips once again, complimenting his horrific approach. Luna’s interference had been a reality shattering problem, but if he could procure his target, then all else would fall to be nothing. The sounds of clashing weaponry and desperate cries of agony set the mood, and the trees themselves seemed to inch away from the cloaked figure. Wagon was caught in a cold sweat, fear like he had never experienced threatening to destroy his resolve. He struggled to fight the despair, using everything he had and remained in place. The shivering colt whispered a prayer to Celestia and Luna, pleading for the help he had never received. Wagon would forever remember the next few moments as the most terrifying scene he had ever witnessed. A bright bullet pulverized the air and slammed into the oncoming mage, sending him at breakneck speed into a far tree, splintering it into thousands of smoldering pieces. Wagon only had a second to gape at the collapsing trunk before his eyes were drawn to his radiant savior. Princess Luna, Goddess of the Night, and ruler of all Equestria had arrived, iron-clad and in her full glory. Her mane was white and glowing as the moon, gliding violently in her magical aura. Her eyes glistened and burned with the fire and wisdom of a million stars, melting her enemies and drawing reality under her divine control. Luna’s armor was glistening without light, and felt strong without touch. Every jagged edge and smoothed face older than the mountains, and more valuable than any gem. Her helmet swam in her ethereal mane, its single gem pointed towards the heavens. She was a sight to behold, and few enemies had ever lived to remember her majesty. The Princess lit her horn, and lifted her experienced sword from its scabbard. She felt a pull towards the children, a primal urge pleading that she take care of them first. Luna filed that plea away, she had no time for such distractions. The children would only be safe when this abomination was eradicated.  The dark mage rose from his personal crater, and levitated himself from its deep center. He had taken too long, and now he would pay for it. Using a simple spell, he summoned his own enchanted armor, muscle memory latching it into place. His chances of winning or even surviving this encounter were slim to none, but his master wouldn’t accept defeat either way. His mind wandered to his inevitable successor. She would do well...or suffer the same fate. “Thou has broken the sacred laws upon which our kingdom was forged! So we shall dispose of you and your treacherous magic, and banish your soul to burn amidst the eternal flames!” Luna’s voice was like thunder, rumbling deep within everypony’s soul, and shaking the very ground upon which they stood. If not for her quickly cast silence shield, all of Canterlot would have awoken. Without waiting for her enemy to retaliate, Luna launched into battle. She unleashed a trifecta of powerful spells, each accompanied and concealed by a bolt of lightning. The dark mage threw up a shield matrix, but quickly left only an illusion, as he teleported for an offensive. The Princess in her wisdom, foresaw his attack and shot into the air, using her wings to her advantage. The mage, who had landed upon the far side of the field, let loose his own arsenal, each spell more daring than the last. Luna flew like a ballerina, dodging one with an elegant backflip, leading straight into a twirling dive. She had the ability to absorb his assaults, but she wisely elected to save her magical energy, preparing for her own counterattack. Once his original lineup ended and he had to plan a new assault, Luna took her turn. From her spotlight in the sky, she fired a wide and powerful entrapment spell, preventing her enemy from teleporting to safety. He attempted to counter it, but his magic was but a raindrop in Luna’s ocean. She landed in a roll, and broke free with her sword at the ready. She cast a final magic inhibitor spell before launching into close combat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wagon watched. He had no words, nor expressions, for the unearthly storm of power that had been unleashed. He stood deathly still in front of his two friends, stuck in time and space.  Wondering about what would happen was pointless. Wagon was traumatized and could not process anything, more or less contemplate the future. He remained a statue, mouth wide, and heart an iron trap. While the two beings fought, the woodland skirmish was drawing to a close.  Crescent Shock pulled her sword back, and watched calmly as her final enemy collapsed. It had been an intense battle. One that she and her team would have won no matter how it was fought, but still, a life-threatening battle was intense nonetheless. The bat pony twirled around and took stock of the situation. Their trap was executed to perfection, so casualties would hopefully be slim to none. Enemies were all downed, most likely dead, but the Second Wave would make sure. “Captain, all hostiles have been downed, and we await your orders.” A smaller earth pony recited. He had a few gashes and a couple nasty looking bruises, but nothing that wouldn’t heal over time. “Very good. Her Majesty is finishing up, so prepare the squadron for departure. The cleanup crew will be arriving, and you know how they feel about interference.” Crescent Shock gave the soldier a playful smile, hoping to put him at ease. He was the youngest of the guard, and fairly new, so she did what she could to help him out. In a colossal blast, the night drew to a close. The shockwave brought back serenity and peace to the night, and the fearful trees returned to their steady dance. Crescent Shock with a single nod had her troops moving out. Luna wanted to take care of this personally, so no interference could be tolerated. She was tempted to glimpse through the trees and towards the clearing, it had been far too long since she had seen her Queen in full glory… but she had protocols to follow, and an example to set. With a final sigh, she ruffled her leathery wings, adjusted her armor, and started the long trek home. It was just another annoying protocol. With a diverse squadron performing a stealth strike, they were not permitted to fly. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a wisp of glowing mane, and felt a brief pulse of lunar magic. She took a brief moment to question what was truly happening, and who was so important that a dark magician would sacrifice their life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna watched her enemy crumple in half, a steaming slice dividing the stallion in two. Their battle had been quite the spectacle, but Luna was never going to lose. If the children hadn’t been present, she could have decimated the entire forest and killed the mage in the process, but alas, the rain falls where it wills. She turned away from the corpse and strode calmly towards the statue that was Wagon. He trembled before her, and seemed to shrink with every step the Princess took. Luna mentally facehooved. How could she forget so easily? In a tranquil swell of magic, Luna was transformed into her leisure form. Gone were her white mane and fiery eyes. In their place, was a deep blue mare whose iris’s shone with nothing but compassion and eternal love. Wagon wasn’t sure what to think. He was terrified, but something about the Princess’s calm manner and gentle stride put him at ease. “Do not fear, young one, I will not harm you nor your innocent friends.” Luna approached Wagon until they were nose to nose. At that point, she lowered herself onto the grassy ground, radiating peace and the promise of safety. Wagon gave a nervous ‘hmm’ before loosening his tight muscles. “You have all undergone a terrible ordeal, and I cannot fathom your fear. But you are safe now, and no one will harm you anymore.” She quietly reached out her hoof, an invitation for the lime colt. Wagon glanced at her, then at the hoof, he nervously scrunched up his face, and attempted to analyze the situation. His mind swam with emotion and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't resist the beautiful, calm, and motherly Princess. He accepted her hoof and melted into her warm embrace. Luna tucked the colt underneath her wing, and gently stroked his mane. Silent tears trickled from his tightly shut eyes. He deserved so much better, Luna glanced at the two beaten and unconscious fillies before her, they all did. Luna felt a huge wave of guilt. How had this happened? A dark cult was problematic but could be expected at some point. But to see the terrible state of the orphans even before tonight… she closed her eyes. Another day, she would revisit these questions, but time was not on her side. After an exasperatingly long hug, Luna decided that it was time to move the children and tend to their wounds. Her healing magic could only do so much. “Alright, I need to move you and your friends to somewhere safe. They are very injured and I am sure you are far past tired.” Wagon weakly lifted his head and gave a solemn nod. “Very well, let us leave this place.” Luna ignited her horn and surrounded the group in her gentle light. The wind swirled, the trees swayed, and the stars twinkled in the sky, and just like that, they were gone. > Chapter 5: Of Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Will they be alright?” Whispered Crescent Shock, nodding towards the sleeping children. “They will pull through. Nopony is quite the same after an ordeal such as the one they have had to endure.” Luna glanced at the large princess-sized bed, a sad and motherly smile warming the room. The three orphans lay side by side, covered by thick blankets and surrounded in magical charms. They were safe. From a material point of view, they all appeared to be quite normal. Not a single cut nor bruise corrupting the perfect scene. But inside, the blade had struck deep. No magic could fix damage to the soul, it would simply take time and no little amount of care. Luna used her navy magic to adjust the blankets for the hundredth time, subconsciously stalling. Celestia had yet to be informed of the night's events… or really, the investigation at all. Luna visibly cringed as her mind wandered to that uncomfortable conversation. “You will have to face her sometime Lula, and you and I both know this explanation is far overdue.” Crescent Shock gave Princess Luna an expectant grin, amused at her seemingly childish fear. Luna closed the door gently with her hoof and turned around. “I suppose you’re right. I may have been a little secretive as of late.” The Princess sighed before trudging like a scolded puppy towards Celestia's private study. Servants rushed back and forth in the halls, silent and invisible, each carrying supplies towards the infirmary. Her guards had performed well, but no battle was left without its own cost. The casualties had been a lucky zero, but the injuries were severe. Dark magic was not a weapon to toy with. “You do realize that you had every right to execute this mission without her permission.” Crescent Shock, who had elected to follow Luna, was utterly befuddled by Luna’s transformation. One moment she was a holy goddess, capable of decimating mountains and slaying entire armies. The next, she was an apologetic puppy. Alas, Crescent loved her for it… though she would prefer Luna to have more dominance. “Yes, I am aware of this. But my sister and I have never kept secrets from one another… at least, nothing important. Yet I withheld this entire investigation.” Luna jabbed her hoof at the floor, avoiding her commander's analytical gaze. She sighed once more and resumed her downtrodden trudge. “Well, if you're going to go apologize, then I will go be more productive with my time.” Crescent abruptly turned and headed in the opposite direction. Luna turned and opened her mouth to retort, but nothing sharp came to mind. She snorted in mock frustration before rolling her eyes. That bat pony was something else. Luna continued forward, this would be a rough night indeed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “After he was dealt with, I consoled the child and then promptly brought them here for medical treatment.” Luna gasped for air as she finished her epic tale. It had been under a half-hour, and her entire operation covering months’ worth of time had all been revealed. Celestia was not moving, which was never a good sign. “Y-you mean to tell me that,” Celestia raised her eyebrows and leaned forward, “a covert operation tracking a dark magic cult was undertaken beneath my nose, and kept from me, for absolutely no reason besides stealing a battle for yourself?” Her mouth remained open in a face of disbelief. Luna gave a guilty half-laugh before shrugging and squeaking out, “Yes?”  “Oh dear Sun, give me strength.” Celestia dragged her hoof down her face in utter exasperation. Luckily it wasn't anger. The plump cushions and bookshelves would have caught ablaze if that unfortunate emotion had taken precedence. “I almost forgot to mention it, but the child who fought the slavers was somehow able to conjure a Power Matrix… and infuse it with arcane and elemental magic at the same time.” Luna hid behind one of her hooves, expecting the worst. What she got was tragically more terrifying. Celestia was white as snow. “D-did you just...” Celestia’s voice trailed off as her mind spun in circles. Luna, who had never seen her sister so perplexed, searched her own mind, hoping to find what she was obviously missing.  “What was she like?!” Celestia spurted out, a tinge of hope sneaking into her erratic undertone. Luna leaned back as her sister's power began to overflow, heating the room to over a hundred degrees. “W-well, she had a magenta coat and a darker navy mane, with a pink stripe in it, and—” Luna was cut off by a steaming hoof in the mouth. She quickly reeled back and spat it out, a confused and indignant mask covering her face. “Not what she looked like! How she acted!” Celestia was like a school child’s first try on a rollercoaster; utterly terrified, yet unbelievably excited. Luna’s questions were piling up, but she had a sneaking suspicion that now would not be the best time. She adjusted her cushion and used her magic to dim the room's light and drop the temperature. “Sister, I cannot fathom why such a detail would entail such anticipation. I have not seen you so intrigued or worried, for that matter, in over two hundred years...” Luna paused and calmed Celestia with gentle waves of cool magic. “Nevertheless, I understand why you would feel this way. I am truly sorry for keeping this mission from you, and I swear never to do this again.” Luna finished with a gentle nod at her sister and placed her uncovered hoof on her’s. Celestia continued to stare forward, her mouth moving silently. “Yes. I forgive you, dear sister. I was simply caught up in the moment.” Celestia slowly rose from the ground, her ethereal mane rising like a wave. “But if dark magic has returned, we must move quickly, or face dire consequences.” She strutted over to the door and used her golden aura to push it open. Then, without another word, left the room. Luna remained seated, attempting as best she could to understand what had just happened. The past half-hour ran through her head like a blaring train, but luckily, Luna was a fine conductor of her own mind. She set aside the distractions and filed through their conversation, pinpointing the lines of interest. Celestia had shown an unnerving amount of curiosity towards the unicorn orphan. Yes, she was powerful, she had held the same shock over Luna. But there were plenty of mages who could conjure a power matrix. But why? Celestia's present apprentice was only a couple years older than the orphan and could do the same. Luna shook her head and gave a sigh. She loved her sister, but sometimes she could be so cryptic and confusing. “Harmony, I need you,” Luna whispered to the vacant room, her horn softly humming alongside the chirping birds of the fading night. “Your majesty, you called?” Crescent Shock materialized from the shadows and quickly trotted to Luna’s side. In turn, the Princess gave her top commander a loving smile. “Indeed I did.” Luna paused and took a split second to lose herself in her thoughts once again. “It did not unfold as I expected it to.” Luna rose from her position and stretched her wings, bending her back like a cat. Harmony tilted her head in a questioning manner. It was a rare occasion for the Princess of the Night to be at a loss. Her wisdom and cunning mind was always two steps ahead, to see her in such a state of befuddlement was unnerving. “How so?” Crescent questioned, stepping closer to her Princess. Luna finished her stretches with a ruffle of her wings, and then promptly turned towards the balcony. Luna, who had raised her hoof to exit, placed it softly on the carpeted ground. “Do you remember my first lesson on shadow walking?” She averted her eyes from the window and laid their piercing gaze upon Harmony. The bat pony tightened her leathery wings to her body and, in military-style, repeated her mentor’s wise words. “To walk in a shadow is not to become it, it is to alter the shadow so it becomes you.” Luna smiled as her eyes twinkled with the simple joys of the past. “Apply this lesson to today, young one, and you shall know what troubles me.” Luna threw open the glass doors and seemingly floated into the open air. She inhaled the fresh and crisp scent of the wind, pure bliss covering her worry. “I want you to meet with Crystal Fota, you both will look deeper into the resurgence of dark magic. In the meantime, check all battalions and designated fortresses, we must be prepared for the worst.” Luna's glorious wings shot open with a crack, and her knees tensed as power pooled underneath her. “Wait! What about the children?” Crescent glided over to Luna, a concerned frown pointed in her direction. “Leave them to me. The situation unfolding in Canterlot will require the utmost delicacy and tact.” Crescent Shock’s confusion doubled to an exponential amount. Princess Luna was talking as if an Equestria-wide war was about to break out.  “Do not worry, we shall speak again very soon…” Luna’s starry mane seemed to shimmer and glisten with emotion, “Harmony. Be careful who you trust. This all began with a noble. And I assure you, they are far too clever to work alone.” It seemed like an awful time to leave, but Luna knew that every second counted. With a powerful burst of wind, the Princess shot off into the night. “Faust help us.” Harmony whispered under her breath. Then she took her own leave. Meeting with her best friend wouldn’t be terrible, right? She sighed and disappeared into the shadows. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athena awoke with a throbbing headache, the likes of which she had never experienced before. It felt like her horn was being ripped from her skull, and that her entire face was on fire; and just for good measure, her left eye would not stop twitching. For the second time that morning, Athena attempted to fix the eyelash that was rudely poking her eye, letting out an annoyed groan in the process. “Why are you so stuck?!” She growled. After another minute of struggling, she was victorious. Now that her eye was fixed, she decided that she better get to work. Athena sat up and— “Wah!” a pony-sized blur leapt from the bed, rolled onto the ground and placed her back against the corner of the room, scanning for possible enemies. How could she have been so oblivious? Athena examined the bed she had narrowly escaped, eyeing it suspiciously. It was definitely not her mat, that was for sure, so whose was it? And where was she? Waking up to a soft and squishy mattress and being covered by thick blankets that were warm to the touch was truly terrifying. To Athena, it was like suffocating and being trapped in a bag at the same time. After a few seconds to recover her breath, she was able to think, or at least, the best she could with a pounding headache. Like always, Athena constructed a mental list, hoping to determine her approximate area. First was sight, she was in a wealthy home. Decorated walls, enormous bed, luxurious furniture and numerous items of high value. The magenta unicorn paused on those in particular. On a normal day, she would have snatched any number of those in an instant, but her circumstances were not optimal for thievery.  Second was sound, of which there was none… definitely a spell or charm. Athena did appreciate the calm breeze of silence. But in this circumstance, it had the opposite effect of calming. Third was smell, and this gave a lot of information indeed. There was the obvious and overarching scent of ‘clean’, which was a new and powerful smell for her. Then there was the faded and wonderful nasal music of food. Her mouth unconsciously watered, but her discipline kicked in, and it was shut tight like a trap.  She attempted for step four, which was her own magical scan, but with her horn feeling more like an iron rod than a part of her head, she decided otherwise. The gears of her mind turned and began to click into place. She was indeed in a wealthy home, but it was almost too expensive to even belong to a noble. It was freshly cleaned, and for the first time, Athena realized that she was as well. Who owned this place? Why was she here? After another minute of hiding in the corner her curiosity got the better of her. Ever so carefully, Athena toured the room, tentatively examining the curious devices and objects. She was halfway around when she was stopped dead in her tracks. On top of an unusually tall table there lay a single oval mirror, next to it on the ground, a box mirror that towered over her head. Athena looked, and what she saw took her breath away. Her mane wasn’t a tangled mess of grease, it was brushed and clean, it even smelled nice! She tossed her mane back over her shoulder, slightly embarrassed at smelling it  in an open room. She moved on. Her coat was not a mix of dirty brown and faded purple, it was a vibrant magenta that glowed in the light of the sun. She initiated a short examination of her body before looking herself in the face… was that really her? Athena’s eyes were wide in surprise, showing off their purple tint. Her cheeks were rosy and pleasant, not drooping with insomnia, or marked with bruises. Even her horn looked better! There was no dirt in its spiraling grooves, and its end was no longer a deformed half circle, but scrubbed to a shiny point. And then the real shock came. She had a cutie mark. The previously defensive orphan was so lost in her own image that she didn’t hear the light rustle of the door handle. She stroked her mane with her hoof, in a sort of trance, feeling its silky flow run over her hoof. She kept glancing back at her cutie mark as well, a stunning six pointed star surrounded by smaller of its kind. Then, the fall of an iron hoof. Athena grabbed a pair of strange scissors off of the nearby dresser and leapt towards her corner. She landed in an awkward barrel roll before turning, thin scissors ready, towards her adversary. Her jaw dropped when she realized who it was. > Chapter 6: My Dearest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They were luscious, beautiful, jaw dropping and utterly fantastic. A single plate, a mountain of golden ovals, a sticky sweet river of syrup rolling lazily down the hills. Never before had Wagon beheld such a grand image. His tongue unconsciously licked at the air, desperately hoping to get a taste of heaven. While the lime colt drooled over the ground, stuck in the dining room doorway, Princess Celestia was trying desperately to control her laughter. The joyful pegasus filly, whose name she had discovered to be Dragon Fruit, was drowning in a bowl of assorted fruits. The only signs of life were the occasional squirt of juice that shot out from her general direction. Meanwhile, the adorable earth pony known only as Wagon, had still neglected to leave the doorway. “This food is for you dear one. Please help yourself to whatever you would like.” Princess Celestia dipped her head towards the long table, inviting him for the third time to join in. Wagon shook his head, as if breaking a trance, before creeping over to the glowing mound of pancakes. Celestia let out a sigh, these children were not like any she had met before… and she had met far too many children. Wagon cautiously approached the table, observing every angle and glancing back at Celestia every few seconds, still seeking some sort of approval that the princess didn't even know how to give. He tentatively reached for a fork before a green and red blur ambushed him from above. “Wagon! Wagon! Have you tried these weird star fruits? They are all pointy yet so soft and sweet inside!” Dragon Fruit stood above the stunned colt, offering him some of the strange fruit. Celestia watched the two interact, laughing wholeheartedly at their innocent joy. Not thirty minutes before, the two of them had been camping out in the castle gardens, brandishing sharpened twigs as weapons and threatening the poor castle staff who wandered by. It had been a good laugh for the guards, but they soon realized it would take a different type of pony to persuade the children to leave their hideout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Yes your majesty, it has been one hour and twenty two minutes since their escape. We were able to trace them into the castle gardens where they have constructed a ‘fortress’, or at least, that is what the gardeners observed it to be.” The unicorn lieutenant dropped his salute and turned towards the open doorway into the gardens. Princess Celestia, who was just a little bit confused, followed his lead. “You are meaning to tell me that two orphans were able to sneak out of the castle without being seen? Even after I placed extra guards at their door?” She gave the poor lieutenant a questioning eyebrow, and turned her head to receive his answer. The guard in turn, swallowed his pride and accepted her disappointment… mostly. “Well, you see your highness, they are just about young adults and used the windows to escape while the guards were mid-switch… so we can’t really be put to blame... but yes, that description is accurate.” It didn't take the beat red stallion long to realize his mistake. He started to mumble a nervous apology when a rustle in the trees caught their attention. “Stay here. Your services are no longer needed.” Celestia continued forward, each iron-hooved step sounding off her royal approach. The guard nodded and quickly stood at attention, relieved at his narrow escape. Meanwhile, Dragon Fruit and Wagon were having a panic attack. “What do we do Wagon?! The princess herself is headed straight for us!” She shot out her wings and glided down to the mossy floor, glancing at her stunned friend who was peering curiously through the brush. He hurriedly closed the gap and gave her a skittish ‘mmm’ before grabbing his sharpened stick. “No! We can’t threaten the Princess! Not only could she kill us both with but a thought, but we could be thrown in prison for life!” Her eyes darted back and forth in panic, and she grabbed the frightened colt by the shoulders and shook him violently while yelling, “What do we do?!” Princess Celestia approached the brush and could hear the indistinct sound of voices from within. She wasn't sure what to expect, but apparently these two were intelligent and possibly crazed… if what the gardeners said was to be trusted. Without a sound, she covered the entirety of the gardens in her magic, controlling every element if needed be. Once she had prepared herself and conjured a general plan, her golden waves parted the leaves. The first thing she noticed wasn't the two children, it was the sharp stick that was inches from her face. Celestia stared at its off-center point and raised her eyebrows in bestartlement. Once her eyes were able to uncross themselves, she got her first look at the infamous orphans. What greeted her was a growling light green colt, who was posing defensively in front of his friend, and a forest green pegasus filly, who held her own makeshift weapon behind the larger earth pony. Her original thought had been that at the sight of her, the children would calm down and smoothly exit their enclosure. She was so used to ponies who respected and worshipped her that the viscous façade caught her off guard. Any other pony would have fallen into a bow, yet these children wouldn't budge. Celestia quickly re-analyzed the situation and conjured up a short-term plan. Wagon watched through slitted eyes as the Princess knelt down, removing her crown and sandals. Her mane, which reminded him of flowery meadow, melted onto the floor, seeming to light up all that it touched. And her face, which projected nothing but care and wisdom, filled him with a strange feeling that he couldn't quite place.  Celestia lowered the spear with her hoof, ever so slowly, and gazed into the young colts eyes. She saw many emotions flashing by, and tried as best as she could to ease his stress. The trio sat for a minute, calmly breathing and feeling the small wisps of wind slip through the underbrush. The smell of flowers and fresh cut grass wafted through the air, and the orphans couldn't help but fall into the rhythm. The Princess surveyed the children as their heaving chests slowed to a gentle pulse, and their angry growls turned into whispers of breath. The time had come, but she had to be gentle. “You have nothing to fear children, please, drop your weapons.” While she was technically asking a question and her tone was soft and polite, it was a command. The colt with the shaggy mane immediately dropped his weapon, but remained a wall between her and the filly. The pegasus herself practically lost her hoof with the makeshift knife when it shook out of her grasp. “Thank you. Now, if you could tell me your names, that would be a start.” Celestia had this urge to scoop them up in an alicorn sized hug and destroy whoever had placed them in such fear… but some third sense named logic strangled the life out of that course of action. “I-Im Dragon Fruit, and this is W-Wagon.” To Celestia's surprise it was the filly who answered. After her response, she tucked her wings in close to her torso and edged out from behind her larger friend. “I know w-we caused s-some trouble, but w-we were really frightened.” The filly fidgeted nervously, glancing between Celestia and Wagon. The Princess, who had already fallen in love with the two adorable children, had to fix the situation as soon as possible or she might go with her instincts and snatch them up. “It’s alright to be afraid, you have gone through more than you ever should have; and waking up in a strange room I am sure didn’t help.” Celestia used her magic to very carefully pull the children forward, casting calming charms and persuasion spells at the same time. Her smile exuded warmth, and the aura of her power flowed like a shield around the trees, emanating calm. “You both look like you could use a meal, so how about we leave this dirty hollow and go to have some breakfast.” She knew it was a little abrupt, but her magical analysis had found that first, and leaving them time to reconsider would not be optimal. “And if you would like to talk or ask me any questions, then you may do so. I am here to protect you.” Celestia knelt down and extended her hoof. “You have nothing to fear.” Dragon Fruit stared at the Princess curiously, she was not what she had expected… but she felt a soft rustle against her chest as she moved, and remembered. She raised her trembling hoof and met the glowing warmth of the princess. With a motherly smile, Celestia guided the scared filly from her safe enclosure, dragging Wagon along. She had so many questions, but what mattered more was that the children felt safe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia’s thoughts were brought back to reality as her eyes took in the scene before her. The timid colt up to this point had refused to touch anything, and now he was only inches away from taking a bite. Wagon grasped the piece of fruit and pulled it up to his mouth, he paused, Celestia sighed, he had been so close... and ‘glup’. Within the next couple of minutes, seemingly all of the food disappeared. Princess Celestia adored the children as they ate and laughed, her heart a mix of regret and deep compassion. Thoughts ran through her head in a hurricane of emotions, but after a thousand years, such things left her under no true stress. The Princess frowned at that thought, not quite sure what to make of it. In a rather wise move, she placed these thoughts into a box and set them aside for later, she had more… Celestia glanced around the room, grimacing slightly at the terrible mess… pressing matters.  “Come now children, let's not destroy the dining hall. There are others who might like to use it.” Celestia rose from her seat by the door, her ethereal mane drawing a sunset across the room. “The food is meant to go into your stomach, not on the walls.” She strode regally towards the two orphans, who both grinned guiltily at their foalish behavior. Celestia gave a feminine chuckle before wrapping her golden magic around the nearby napkins. She raised them into the air and made quick work of the dripping mess. The napkins themselves flew back and forth like birds in the early morning, swooping around the vaulted ceiling and grazing the grassy carpet with lifelike grace. The two orphans watched with wide eyes and open mouths as the Princess brought the room back to its glimmering formality. She then lightly dabbed their faces, cleaning off the fruit juices and pancake remains, while they just continued to stare at her in disbelief. “Wow! That magic was amazing.” The pegasus filly ruffled her wings and glanced around the room, throwing her red mane behind her head in a practiced motion. Celestia let out a light laugh and took the final steps to reach the children. “Now that you have eaten, I do believe that a bath is in order.” As she spoke, Celestia guided the orphans with her hoof, lightly pushing them towards the northern door. A small group of servants stood waiting. She prepared her short goodbye until Wagon let out a dissatisfied ‘hmmm’. “Is there a problem little one?” Celestia turned to look down upon the lime colt observing his behaviors. Fortunately, she didn’t have to find an answer. “He doesn't trust ponies very much… you know, with everything we’ve been through.” Dragon Fruit responded, her tone solemn and lacking her previous childlike wonder. “Yes my dear, I understand. But these servants are the safest ponies you could ever be with, and I promise that I will be but one room away.” Wagon gave the princess a nervous glance and shifted from one hoof to the other. Celestia was about to reassure him further, when she saw a crystal guard standing in the southern doorway. Her mind whirled, and thousands of years worth of knowledge conjured up a simple solution. “You wouldn’t want Dragon Fruit to be alone would you?” She used her magic to move Wagon’s mane from his face, he looked up at her, his eyes flashing with strong fear and past loss; both of which were far too strong for one his age. Oh how she wished to take it away or even to return the fun of their breakfast; but alas, time was ticking by and she had a lot of pressing matters that required her attention.  Wagon gazed into the glistening and motherly eyes of the princess, his previous instincts of fight or flight diminishing. He had only known her for a short time, but an old friend's words rang true in his head. “Let me tell you something Wagon.” Alpha shifted closer, laying a brotherly hoof on his shoulder. “I used to live my life as a doubter... a poor colt who couldn’t tell right from wrong for a dime, and it was a miserable life.” He stretched his wings and glanced up into the open night sky, a beautiful sight from the rickety old roof. “The other orphans weren’t ponies to me. They were simply ‘others’ who I could use, or ‘others’ who could use me.” Alpha shook his head in sad reminiscence. “Back in those days, money was the only appeal and power the only means of true safety and happiness. But then I learned something, or more, I learned somepony, and everything changed.” Subconsciously, Alpha reached into his gray coat and fidgeted with his yarn necklace, his most valued possession. “We all have trust to place at one point or another, and I choose to put my trust in ponies, not in money or power… but don’t by a damn idiot either, you know what I mean!” Wagon shook with inner laughter and put his own hoof around his best friend. Wagon glanced over at Dragon Fruit, concentrating on her stunning marble necklace. If only Alpha could have seen how much it meant to her. With his decision firmly set in stone, Wagon opened his heart, even if only a little bit, and trusted she who had overlooked their peril.  To Celestia's great relief, Wagon gave a confident nod and stepped closer to Dragon Fruit. He was noble and strong, and she wouldn't forget that. “Very good. Now, don’t cause too much trouble. I will be back later today.” Celestia used her white wings to edge the two forward before turning towards the possibly fortunas and most likely terrible discussion that was soon to happen. She sighed, why did life have to be so complicated. These children were stuck inside a web of deceit that spanned a hundred of their lifetimes. If only she could have saved them sooner... The princess adjusted her sandals and crown, she had to look her best if this was going to work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You need something, don’t you?” Chuckled a deep voice from within the dark cell. “Unfortunately, I do.” Answered Celestia, her tone overflowing with disdain. She shifted uneasily on her wooden seat, alone in the darkness. “Will you ask nicely? Ha ha.” Growled the stallion, a dark and disgusting tongue licking his sharpened white fangs. “If that is all you require.” She deadpanned. Solar and Lunar magic surrounded the cell, so powerful that no mortal pony was allowed near. Even Celestia herself felt light headed whenever she made the terrible decision to enter. On days like today, she dreamt of when that miserable parasite would perish, even though it could never be by her own hooves.  Two eyes that were dark as a void peered out from between the bars, illuminated by a dim red glow from above. “Speak then. You know of what I cannot say.” These lines were repeated with the slightest air of victory and mirthful joy, Celestia herself cringed at its implication. She knew all too well what he spoke of. The heavy dust and stench of death clenched her throat, causing her to cough.  “The curse… can it be broken?” She held fear and curiosity in the forefront of her mind, a million different outcomes playing out before her. “Hmmm… not what I expected to hear, though it intrigues me greatly.” The dark grey stallion flicked his black mane over his shoulder and looked into the back wall, contemplating what could possibly bring up such an important, yet peculiar subject. “Answer the question.” Celestia slammed her hoof against the stone floor, letting a loud crack ring through the abandoned halls. “Yes my dear, it can be broken… and oh how I cannot wait to see what you do about it.” King Sombra licked his lips once again, staring at his prey. Celestia cringed at her prisoner, backing away slightly. “That is none of your concern. And we have nothing more to discuss.” Abruptly, she rose from her rickety chair and began to ascend the frosty staircase. “Your fear of me is nothing compared to your fear of her.” Sombra banged his head against the bars, causing them to tremble, and the magical barriers to flash into existence. Celestia paused, turning her head to give him a sad look of pity and regret. He snorted in anger. “One day I will be free. Not to rule, but to watch as your plans fall apart and your ponies suffer.” He tried as best he could to glare through the glowing walls, but it was to no avail, she had already left him.