The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth

by Vishanti

First published

Enter an adventure of the sorcerer supreme of Earth and his adventures across dimensions with ponies

As the two alicorn sisters try to defend their ponies and other creatures from an unknown threat in their final stand. Their hope slowly dies as one by one their loved ones are taken by unknown entities. But at the last threads of hope, a Sorcerer that is not of this world is there to help.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro, Doctor Strange is owned by Marvel, Disney, Steve Ditko and Stan Lee. The only character I own are a few other made up characters. Please know that this is only for fun and entertainment only. Your discretion is advised.


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For many weeks there has been nothing but peace and tranquility, until these hulking gray creatures with a single red beaming eye came to this world out of nowhere. These monsters have swallowed their victims whole and taken over lands.

Because of this threat, many creatures such as griffons, zebras, minotaurs, and foreign ponies have all fled from their home lands to find sanctuary on the mainland of Equestria.

A week has passed, at it seems hope is slowly fading and dwindling.

"Get out of the way, we've got another coming through!" A griffon shouts.

Canterlot Castle's throne room was as grand as the day it was built. Tall, marble, white spires gave the illusion of balance, of holding the majestic ceiling high above the ones it protected from nature.

All of this was unfortunately ignored now with beds, monitors and the medical scent of a hospital thick in the air. Their technology is outdated on today's standards, but their magic makes it up for it.

Everycreature, not everypony, but everycreature was doing something. Be it pony, griffon, minotaur or zebra, everyone had their claws, hooves and talons full.

There were those in armor around the makeshift hospital, wielding spears and shields. Some had their horns alight, some flapped their strong wings to stay airborne, and some had their teeth bared in an eternal grimace around their weapon of choice.

All were sweating as silence overtook the grand chamber as the ground rumbled, watching nervously as a gray beast seemed to break through beneath the marble of the great throne door.

A figure approaches with it's large stature, its figure stoned and silent with each second that passed. Almost as if it were observing all of them with its red eye.

"Be brave, my stallions!" called a strong female voice, a commanding yet undoubtedly kind and motherly one. "Remember that you are the Royal Guards! Remember what you fight to protect, who you fight to keep safe!"

If one turned around they would find their muzzle nigh grazing the once luxurious coat of Princess Celestia herself. The Princess in question was but a shadow of what she used to look like.

Her coat was frazzled and covered in a thin sheen of dirt, of grime. Far from the beautiful appearance of elegance, but nonetheless one she cared little to have back. Her mane and tail was tied back in a messy ponytail, flowing slightly in the non-existent breeze.

She wore no armor, seeing little point given the enemy she faced now as she had before again and again. Her weapon of choice was simply her horn, her wings, her magic.

Foolish some would say given the being they were up against. But one look into those determined eyes was more than enough to shut them up.

"It is as my sister says!" cried another voice, a younger sounding one yet with all the authority her sister had, anger too. "The being we face has no mercy for who it chooses, it does not care for your family, for your loved ones, for your very life! Nay, it would play its victim like a fiddle! You must resist its appearance that scares you."

Like her alabaster sister, the dark blue colored mare was covered in dirt and looked utterly exhausted, nearly on the edge of passing out at a moment's notice. The fire in her eyes was dim, so unlike the blaze it had once been.

"Remember my little ponies," Celestia stepped in, voice taught with love and pride. "That you are our little ponies, but you are not foals! No matter what this creature does or thinks, you are in control! This is your life!"

Cheers and overly loud stomping followed the inspiring words from the two sisters, both looking upon their subjects with affection and strength. Until, "No…no!"

Silence overtook the chamber as a doctor, one overseeing a sickly looking elderly mare backed away wildly, knocking over chairs and objects in his path in utter panic. The reason for this rapidly became clear as the hulking gray beast began to approach him, step by step with loud thumps.

Quick as a flash the guard sprang into action, spear firmly held as they all surrounded and attacked the creature. The creature instantly retaliated, its form grabbing the offending weapons and crushing them on the spot, before reaching whacking its arm and throwing each offending stallion away forcefully, the sound of bones cracking causing many to wince in fear.

The Princesses looked at each other once and nodded, both their horns alighting instantly and firing at the gray beast, surrounding it in a bubble of absolute magic.

Which lasted about four seconds before it shattered into a million pieces, the two dropping to the floor from the backlash.

The poor stallion had already backed himself into a wall, sweating and crying as the being stopped in front of him, fear all but overtaking his senses as he too lashed out and cried.

Luna shook her head roughly and glanced up at the stallion, a pegasus of dark green coat and little mane to speak of. She glanced up and watched in horror as the still crying pony grabbed by the creature, letting out a shriek, his body quickly absorbed in its gray embrace before disappearing. Yet another fell to the creatures of the unknown.

The beast turned to the princesses, it's red glowing eye staring blankly before disappearing as well.

"No…not another one," she heard her sister mumble, distress clear within it. "Oh mother, why have you forsaken us?"

"Tis truly the darkest of times sister," Luna said quietly, the two helping the other up onto their shaky hooves. "Everyone within this lone chamber is all that is left of our once great world. And our spell, It was our strongest spell to date…and it did nothing. We failed our subjects again. We failed the world again."

"Do not say such things little sister," Celestia scolded lightly, nuzzling Luna softly. "We may be all that is left of Equis, but while there is still hope, there is always a way to defeat the coming darkness."

"The darkness you speak of came a long time ago Tia," Luna sighed bitterly, looking morosely at the broken stallions of their once grand royal guards. "We simply didn't see it until it was too late…and it cost everypony dearly."

"But we cannot let this get to us Luna, we are all that keep our subjects going, be it pony, griffon, minotaur and or zebra. We are all that keep them with hope in their hearts."

"And when one of us falls to those…those things? What then, does hope die? Has our fate been decided?" Luna asked.

Celestia either didn't know or simply chose not to answer… which for Luna was an answer. Sighing to herself sadly, the Lunar mare and her sister walked over to the wounded and did all they could to help, caring little for the blood on their once perfect bodies.

It was little over an hour later that it began…that the end came.

"Princess... Princess!" cried a loud, fearful female voice. Said voice instantly drew the attention of everyone in the room, each eye regarding the frightened mare with apprehension as they realized what she was looking through. Namely…a clear window.

Luna got there first, her eyes looking out into the abandoned city and widening with utter terror at what was nearing the castle.

"What is it Luna," Celestia asked, coming close and looking out of the window herself. "You look..."

Much like the one before, a hulking gray beast was floating swiftly towards the castle. Enough to cause distress in everyone for sure…but not the true reason behind the alicorn's fear. No, it was all the rest behind it that almost brought the mares to tears.

"We can teleport everyone out," Celestia suggested frantically and fearfully, her breathing shallow.

"Neither of us have enough energy left to teleport them anywhere but outside the castle," Luna replied, shooting her idea down. "And even if we could, they found us so easily, sister. Without us there to guide our subjects, to keep them from killing each other in fear…"

"Then what do we do?" Celestia pleaded for an answer, anything. "There's nothing we can do to keep these creatures out, our magic is useless." her voice broke, on the verge of crying.

Luna looked up at her uncharacteristically terrified sister and nuzzled her neck comfortingly, hoping against all hope that it'd help her own fear die down, if only a little.

"I think…I think this is it, Tia. The final stand," she said, finality heavy in her voice. "End of the line."

The younger mare could only watch and despair as her older sister fell apart, burying her wet muzzle against her neck so as to futilely stifle her tears.

Celestia had always been the stronger of the two magically, but the weakest emotionally. And as the creatures took more and more, her poor sister had barely been able to hide her depression. So it came to Luna to keep her hope alive…and yet with that final line said, hope died. And as their subjects witnessed their Princesses weep…their hope died with theirs.

The door was closed and locked with everything possible to them, but there were no fighters among them, and even then, what could they do?

Minutes passed and the great door shuddered as the thumping creatures attempted to penetrate its defenses and find their chosen victim. Both sisters wrapped a wing around the other, looking at the other once and nuzzling slowly, as if it were the last time. It was.

Their subjects found comfort in each other, strangers huddling and comforting strangers, tears and surprisingly laughs escaping a few.

And when the final shudder ceased and the door stopped shimmering, it was with little reservation that they all held another close.

"I love you, little Lulu." said Celestia.

"We love thee too, big sister." said Luna.

This was it.

This was the moment.

The door opened slowly, revealing the hoard of gray beasts as they gradually stomped in, many a gasp leaving someone as any particular one came in.

“By the Eye of Agamotto, bathe in it’s eternal light!” A light shined bright as it pierced through the many of the gray creatures. The gray forms let out a horrible deep groan before being completely dissipated by the light.

The light died down as it came from a gold rounded amulet with an eye, the eye closed shut.

Both the sisters and creatures looked to see what had happened, their sight was met with a tall bipedal creature in a blue tunic with a bat or trident symbol on it’s chest, and a flamboyant red cloak with yellow accents.

“Greetings and salutations, I am Doctor Strange and I am here to save you all.” It announced calmly and comforting.

Celestia and Luna were left stunned. They both and their royal guards have tried their hardest to take one down of those gray monsters and failed, but this creature killed many with ease.

“W-who are you?” Luna stuttered. The creature turned to her and raised a brow at her in confusion. “Did you not hear what I said? I am Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the Mystic Arts. I have entered your world to save you all from the clutches of the Dread Dormammu.” it said.

“Who?” Celestia stepped forward.

“Dormammu is the ruler of half of the Dark Dimension, he is an inter-dimensional conqueror who has been trying to take over my homeworld for millennia. But now he has his eyes on yours.” The so-called doctor explained.

Celestia was hesitant to believe the words of the creature. She knew nothing of this… stallion. She concluded it male by the masculine sound of it’s voice.

But if his words are true, then she needed information. “What can we do to stop this Dormammu? Will we be able to bring back our friends?” Celestia pleaded, hope rising within her that had been crushed, so did within Luna.

“Indeed, Dormammu keeps his prisoners in his Dark Dimension, thinking ways to torture them eternally, so I must move with great haste if I were to save them… But first.” He turned to see a few more of those gray beasts slowly making their way to them.

“I call upon the Flames of the Faltine.” He chanted as he lifted his arms and moved his yellow gloved hands to make strange signs before they were set ablaze in powerful mystic flames.

With his arms stretched outward pointing to the beasts. His hands shot out a stream of fire, burning away the monsters into nothing.

“I must erase them all first before I confront Dormammu.” Doctor Strange said before walking over to the alicorn sisters. “But first, is there anyone hurt? I am a doctor after all.”

Letting their savior take a look at their wounded and sick, he casts many healing spells to get them back on their hooves, claws, or talons.

The princess observed the unknown creature as he was as tall as her. His hairless sand colored skin with noticeable blotches of white spots down to his neck. The top of his head was the only place with hair as it is brown while his temples were white. His blue eyes that sort of bring a feeling of hope.

After the patients’ check up he greeted the princess by the throne room’s door.

“Once I deal with the Mindless Ones of Dormammu, I will save your people from him.” He declared. He turned and floated away down the halls, his cloak flowing like the soft wind.

“Wait!” Celestia cried out, Doctor Strange stopped and turned back with a raised brow.

“Let us come with you. We must help.” Celestia said. “No.” Doctor Strange responded.

“Why not?” Luna asked, offended and irritated. “Because you couldn't even slay one of the Mindless Ones that invaded your lands, how can you hope to save your citizens if you can’t protect the ones here?” He pointed out. Luna frowned and lowered her head, seeing the reason in his words.

“But I know I can’t leave you defenseless.” Doctor Strange then detached the amulet from his cloak, showing that the amulet had chains on it to use as a necklace. He passed it to Celestia.

“This is the Eye of Agamotto, use it to disintegrate the Mindless Ones. To activate it simply say: by the Eye of Agamotto, bathe in it’s eternal light.” The amulet opened its eyes and glowed softly before closing.

Celestia picked the amulet up in her magic levitation grasp in a yellow sparkling glow and placed it on her neck. “Thank you, Doctor Strange. Please bring back my little ponies.”

The doctor nodded before flying to fight off the incoming threats.

(To Be Continued)

Chapter 1: Enter The Dark Dimension

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The princess worked out how to properly use the amulet that she was given and erased all the gray monsters that have passed with her sister beside.

The sisters used the amulet to their advantage to finally fight back the beasts that they couldn’t touch, this was payback for all they have taken.

They shined the enchanted amulet’s light onto every Mindless One, while only a handful left, that they spotted while leading the refugees to somewhere safer than the Canterlot Castle.

Once they were out and onto the ruined streets of Canterlot. “Quickly, everyone. We must find safety somewhere else.” Celestia urged as the creatures from every country quickly ran with their friends and or families with their belongings.

“Sister,” Luna called. Her older sister turned to her. “Yes, Luna?”

“Who do you think was that creature? It looked like a hybrid of a minotaur and a monkey.” Luna said. Her sister thought about it. “I don’t know, sister. But we should be grateful because he has saved us, given us hope and a weapon to defend ourselves.” Luna nodded as they both continued to watch over their charges.

Meanwhile, with the being called Doctor Strange, he had searched through the land of Equestria to get rid of every minion of Dormammu.

“By the Bolt of Bedevilment!” Doctor Strange shot a powerful mystic beam at a Mindless One with it firing a red beam from its eye. Both were in a beam struggle only for a short moment when Doctor Strange overpowered it with ease.

Once he felt that there was no more on this plane, he casted a powerful spell that portaled his way to the Dark Dimension where Dormammu resides.

Doctor Strange flew through the indescribable landscape. The only thing to describe was that there were these giant, floating spheres with long, crooked bridges connecting them like chains, the sky was like random dark colored patches of fabric sewn together.

Doctor Strange flew down onto one of the spheres and looked around, searching before something caught the corner of his eye. He flew closer and spotted thousands upon thousands of caged creatures of ponies, minators, griffon, and zebras alike.

But before Doctor Strange could even attempt to rescue them, he heard a sinister laugh behind him. He turned and was struck by a magic orb of fire, causing him to fall onto one of the floating spheres.

“Doctor Strange, it is good to see my enemy’s grandchild.” Laughed Dormammu with a wicked glee. The caged creatures shriveled in fear at the sight of their captor.

Dormammu’s face was blackish orange with his eyes and mouth glowing to show facial expression of sinister glee, his head covered in fire and wasn’t affected by it. He wore a spiked collar and a dark warlord outfit.

Doctor Strange picked himself off the ground that is the sphere and stared at Dormammu with intense hatred. “Dormammu, let these prisoners go, they do not want to be part of your Dark Dimension.” Doctor Strange demanded, feeling a little wounded and fatigued from the surprise attack.

Dormammu just laughed as if he heard the greatest joke in the world. “And why would I do that?” He asked.

Doctor Strange hardened his glare as he chanted the Ruby Rings of Raggador, conjuring two red mandala shields, the size of dinner plates, as one hovered on both his hands. He posed in a defensive position, ready for or to attack.

Dormammu just hummed in response before blasting a powerful purple beam from his hand, forcing Doctor Strange to quickly change his defense size to a wall as he struggled to keep it up. His shield slowly cracking, Doctor Strange thought of a way to escape this. He quickly jumped out of the beam’s way as the shield broke.

Doctor Strange took this chance to fly away not before his leg was grabbed by Dormammu and was flung in the air, crashing into another sphere.

When Dormammu flew closer, Doctor Strange struggled to stand up straight, giving Dormammu a chance to bind his foe in mystic clamps.

The clamps felt tighter and heavier on his wrists and legs, he collapsed to his knees and couldn’t move a single inch.

Dormammu stands before him with a flaming blade in hand. “You are a foolish boy, trying to carry the mantle that you could not handle. You are as disappointing as your father when I blew his head off with his sash.” He chuckled darkly as he raised his blade, pointing it to Doctor Strange’s chest.

He struck down on the doctor only for the contact of the blade shattering Doctor Strange like glass. Suddenly, multiple Doctor Stranges flew around Dormammu all trying to get a drop on him.

Dormammu was confused, but nonetheless he destroyed them all one by one to find the real Doctor Strange. Meanwhile, the real Doctor Strange was hiding behind a sphere, watching the intense battle for a moment before flying off to save the prisoners.

“While the Images of Ikkon distract Dormammu, I must free and save the imprisoned creatures.” Thought Doctor Strange, flying his way back to the cages.

He landed on a small floating platform before running down a spiral of a red trail and entered a giant paper bended portal to where the prisoners were kept. Why the sudden new pathway? Because the Dark Dimension is chaotic and random in nature.

Flying up to a cage he tried to open but was shocked by a barrier spell that was placed by Dormammu. “I must move quickly if I want to free them from Dormammu’s wrath”. He used several lockpicking spells to counterspell the barrier that was put up on all the cages.

Back with Dormammu he shattered the Doctor Strange copies one by one with ease as they were fragile. He growled in anger when one of them actually hit him. He returned the pain by destroying it with a mystic fire. This allowed the rest a chance as they all jumped on him, trying to hold him down. But Dormammu’s strength was too great as he blasted them all away.

Most were gone but few survived and continued to fight back. This angered Dormammu even further of their persistence.

Having enough he used his control of the dark dimension to pierce through the copies with spikes that came from nowhere.

After destroying the final copies of Doctor Strange and yet having not found the real one, Dormammu’s body shakes in rage and fury, his flames growing bigger. “Strange!!!” He roared that echoed through the dimension.

Doctor Strange had heard it and quickly unlocked the last few cages. “Come, creatures! I will take you all home!” He shouted to the thousands of different creatures, all have listened to their savior.

He guided all of them back to the crack that was their only way back to Equestria. Sure, Doctor Strange could portal back to Equestria, but it was time consuming, and they didn't have much time as Dormammu was getting close to their location.

“Strange!” Dormammu’s voice echoed, causing everycreature to shiver in fear and their pace quickens.

“There is the exit, go towards it! I will cover you!” Doctor Strange ordered as he stopped his flight and turned back to face Dormammu alone, or so he thought.

“Need some help?” A cyan and rainbow colored pegasus flew to his side, startling him. “Who are you?” Doctor Strange asked. “The name’s Rainbow Dash, fastest flier of Equestria!” She said with overconfidence and arrogance, something Doctor Strange couldn’t unnoticed.

“And you?” She asked, pointing at him with her hoof. The doctor took the hoof and shook it. “Doctor Strange, Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the Mystic Arts.” he introduced.

“Nice to meet you.” He turned to see another pegasus, but colored soft yellow and pink. “My name’s Fluttershy.” She whispered shyly, her soft pink mane covering her face.

He raised a brow before he heard another voice. “Well it was mighty nice of ya to free us from that vermin.” A deep western accent came from an orange and blonde pony. “Name’s Applejack, nice ta meet ya, sugarcube.” She tipped her light brown cowboy hat in respect.

Next pony hopped followed by two unicorns. “Wowzies! I have never seen a pony like you before!” The pink and pinker pony said as she springed up too close for comfort. “My name’s Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie! What’s your favorite cake flavor? When is your birthday? Do you like chocolate?” She gasped. “Would you like a surprise “Thank-You-For-Saving-And-Welcome-To-Equestria!” party!?” She squealed as Doctor Strange looked on with confusion.

“Darling, you should give the gentlecolt some space, he already looks uncomfortable.” A British accent came from the pristine white and curled purple colored unicorn. “My name is Rarity, and I would like to apologize for my friend here, darling. She is always so excited to meet a new face.” She apologized on her friend’s behalf.

“It’s… it’s alright.” Doctor Strange said, unsure of himself if these are what ponies of Equis are like. “Thank you for saving us, doctor.” He turned to see the last creature that stayed, a three shaded purple unicorn stepped up to him with a kind smile. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and you have my gratitude for saving my friends.”

“You don’t need to thank me, it is my duty as the Sorcerer Supreme and my sworn oath as a doctor to help those in need.” He said. But before they could continue to chat, Dormammu’s giant form interrupted their conversation.

“You think you could escape me from my domain!? I won’t let it happen!” He declared as he smashed the platform they all stood on. Those with flight carried their friends and or allies to another platform.

Dormammu tried to stomp on them but was shielded by Doctor Strange’s Shield of the Seraphim spell with the help of Twilight and Rarity with their bubble shield magic.

Three sorcerers struggled to hold up their protection with noticeable cracks on it. “I suggest we get out of the way and think of a plan!” Doctor Strange grunted. “To distract him while we buy time for the creatures to return home!”

Rainbow Dash was quick to react in defense by grabbing and swinging a platform at Dormammu, to which it irritated him as it covered his face with debris. Taking the chance they all hid behind a large floating rock.

Dormammu swung his arm around swatting away the debris and looked back to find his prisoners missing. With a growl he swings his arms around to search for them.

“Why can’t we beat him here and now? With our Elements of Harmony we can surely beat him.” Rarity suggested. Doctor Strange looked at them weirdly. “I’m not sure what these Elements of Harmony are but you don’t understand, Dormammu is a god-like being in his domain. He’s invincible.” He warned.

“We have to try, we can’t beat him if we just stand here.” Twilight said. “Wa do ya reckon we shud do?” Applejack asked.

Twilight closed her eyes to think of a plan, but she didn’t know what to plan with their weird new environment, it was all chaotic. “Ooh! Why don't we throw cupcakes at him?!” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy shyly disagreed with a slow shake of her head.

“Perhaps I could offer a suggestion?” Twilight opened her eyes to see Doctor Strange was standing in front of her before kneeling down a little to her level.

“We need to get Dormammu away from the crack and get him to focus on me. Once he is far enough we can leave this dimension and close the crack from him ever getting out to Equestria.” Twilight thought of the plan and noticed some missing details.

“And how are we going to distract him?” She asked. Doctor Strange gave a smirk. “You leave that up to me, but first, you all need to get to the other side and I will telepathically communicate with you to see if you’re all on the other side. Once you are, I will join you, then I will need you to use whatever you got to push him back if he gets close to reaching Equestria. I will do my part to close the crack, got it?” He asked.

They were all hesitant of the plan, not wanting to abandon the doctor, but they didn’t see they had a choice. But then Rainbow Dash budges it. “Wait, why are you going alone? If you really are gonna come back, might as well have me escort you back, I can fly faster than you.” She suggested.

Doctor Strange hummed in thought, not sure if she really is fast or if she is just exaggerating. But he’s willing to take the chance, not really wanting to be left alone with Dormammu unless he has to. “Alright then, I’ll take your offer.” He nodded, with Rainbow Dash smirking in return.

“So does everyone know the plan?” Doctor Strange asked, just to be clear and thorough. All nodded. “Good,” He turned to see over the rock and saw Dormammu getting closer to finding them.

“Go! Go!” Doctor Strange urges the ponies to run while he and Rainbow Dash fly to get Dormammu’s attention.

“Hey, pumpkin head! Catch us if you can!” Rainbow Dash mocked. This angered Dormammu and chased after them. Doctor Strange with the help of the Cloak of Levitation and Rainbow Dash with her skilled use of her wings maneuvered through the Dark Dimension with twists and turns making Dormammu crash through his chaotic world. They traveled a long distance away from Dormammu’s grasp with close calls. Few times being jumpscared by Dormammu’s large burning head. They were even almost shot down by Mindless Ones or residents, followers, and disciples of Dormammu.

Once they believed they were far enough, Doctor Strange used his magic to communicate to Twilight with his mind.

“Twilight Sparkle,” A voice startled Twilight as she looked around to see who said her name. “Hello?” She asked, her friends looked at her weirdly. “It’s me, Doctor Strange.” The voice responded, making Twilight jolt in realization. “Oh, Doctor!”

“Are you and your friends back in Equestria?” Doctor Strange asked. Twilight nodded, “Yeah, what do we need to do?” She asked. Her friends continue to give a confused stare, unsure if their friend was okay.

“If you can, I need you all to prepare to push back Dormammu if he gets too close once we return. I will use a spell to seal the crack.” He explained. “Got it.” Twilight responded.

“You will not escape!” Dormammu shouted as he knew where the sorcerer and pegasus were going, back to Equestria.

“I think this is the part where you show me your speed.” Doctor Strange hinted. Rainbow Dash smirked in response. “Let me show you just how awesome I am.” Rainbow Dash grabbed under the doctor’s arms and flew faster than the wind barrier.

Both were getting close to their exit while Dormammu was catching up to them. “Rainbow Dash, once we get out join your friends and help them push back Dormammu to give me time to close the crack, got it?” Doctor Strange requested. “Got it!” Rainbow Dash replied.

Both stopped at the exit and hopped over to the other side, finally out of the Dark Dimension. Rainbow joined her friend's side doing a small cheer and some hugs here and there.

Twilight and her friends then worked their magic by using their Elements of Harmony. Their eyes glowed white and they all floated behind the doctor waiting for the signal.

“Please let this work.” He muttered. Doctor Strange conjured large, thick ropes to sew the crack of reality shut permanently. “Strange!” Dormammu shouted, nearing the crack either to escape the dimension he rules, or to capture the doctor. It matters not as Doctor Strange was quick to sew the crack.

Dormammu was getting closer and closer, each step stomping echoed to their ears. Doctor Strange knew he couldn't finish in time, that’s why his pony allies are at stand by for a reason.

“Now!” he shouted. Twilight and her friends used their elements to shoot out a swirling stream of a rainbow. It swirled around the doctor and hit Dormammu’s chest, pushing him back.

Dormammu gripped the edges of the crack. He glared directly into Doctor Strange’s eyes. “I will return! I swear! I will take over this dimension and it will be mine!!!” Dormammu declared his words before completely pushed back into his dimension forever.

With him out of the way, Doctor Strange finally sewed the crack shut permanently.

All breathed easily and cheered for their victory. Doctor Strange was content with his accomplishment.

With the world now finally at peace from Dormammu’s terror, all creatures went back to their homelands. Zebras back to Zebrica, Dragons back to the Dragon Lands, Griffons back to Griffonstone, Minotaurs back to their homeland. All went home with the world no longer in danger, all could sleep easy.

Back in Equestria, Doctor Strange stayed around to fix any damage that was caused by the Mindless Ones before he was summoned by the Princesses themselves.

In Canterlot, the throne room. “I wish to thank you for helping us in our troubled times, Doctor Strange.” Celestia said with her sister by her side, smiling with gratitude. A pink alicorn, named Princess Cadence, was there as well with her unicorn bodyguard, Shining Armor.

The good doctor stands before them on their thrones while Twilight and her friends stand beside him.

“You don’t need to thank me, your student and her friends helped in stopping Dormammu.” He said. His pony allies smiled at their new friend and he smiled in return.

“And pray tell, where is Dormammu?” Princess Luna asked, looking around for a cuffed prisoner but spotted no one.

“He is trapped back in his dimension. He can no longer access your world.” He explained. The moon princess hummed in disappointment, wishing to punish the one responsible for all the terrible things Dormammu has done.

“Well!” Princess Celestia clapped her hooves. “With the threat out of the way I would like to reward you for your bravery and heroism.” She said, as she was about to use her magic to bring out some sort of reward or gift, Doctor Strange intervened.

“That won’t be necessary, princess. It is my sworn oath to help those who could not help themselves.” He said. He then walked up to them and gave them a card. “Here is my card, you can summon me when you run into deep trouble.” He said as he walked away and conjured a portal to somewhere unknown.

“Wait, where are thou going?” Princess Luna asked. Doctor Strange turned his head, not stopping his pace. “I have other duties to perform, places to go, people to visit, all other things a doctor would do.” He said as he walked in the portal and turned his body to close the portal. “Goodbye, until we see eachother again.” And just like that, he was gone.

“Do thou think we will see him again?” Luna asked her sister. “I have a feeling we will.” Celestia smiled.

The End.

(To Be Continued In Another Chapter Starring NIGHTMARE!!!)

Chapter 2: Into The Nightmare Realm!

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Somewhere in the city of Canterlot, between darkness and dawn, a tortured noble tosses fitfully in his bed, vainly seeking peace that will not come.

“No! No!! Go away! Please -- Go away!” a noble shouts as he abruptly wakes up with sweat on his pristine white coat.

He breathed slowly, combing his blonde mane with his hoof in a failed attempt to calm himself from the trauma he had experienced. “W-what was that? Why didn’t aunt Luna save me from that nightmare?” The noble asked to nothing but air.

He picked himself up and turned on a lamp beside his bed. “I must tell her, only she can help me with my nightmares.”

In the Canterlot Castle, the doors to the throne room are opened by the Royal Guards to let the noble through. The noble walked in with dignity, but it can’t be said the same for his face as he was dead tired from the nightmare that he tried to forget.

Princess Luna sits alone on her throne, taking her night shift duty very seriously, waiting for any ponies to visit her for guidance, advice, or requests of her, even demands. But admittedly, this duty bored her. No one ever visited her ever, until now.

The noble stands before the Moon Princess’ throne. As excited she would’ve been for a visitor, she was disappointed when she saw who the noble was, Prince Blueblood.

With a sigh she put on a smile, although the smile looked either obviously fake or downright terrifying. “What can we do for thy, our nephew?” Luna strained.

Prince Blueblood started with a frown and small anger. “Why haven’t you saved me?” He questioned. Luna stared back confusedly with a raised brow. “Save thee from what?” She asked.

“From my nightmare!” He shrieked, his blood boiling for her aunt not knowing the big problem. Luna frowned on her nephew's rude behavior but let it slide, for her sister’s sake. But at the same time, more confused.

“We patrolled the dreams and have never spotted thy nightmare.” She stated.

Prince Blueblood frowned. “If so then why did I have a nightmare? You were supposed to get rid of every ponies nightmares, and yet you failed to do one simple task.” He jabbed. Luna’s eyebrow twitched at his nephew's rude comment but said nothing.

The prince babbled on about how the Moon Princess failed to perform her duty and went even as far as to say Luna should leave the job to somepony fit for it.

This hit the Moon Princess breaking point as she stood up from her throne seat and hardened her fierce glare at Blueblood’s direction. “Thou will respect us as such,”nephew”.” She said with distaste. “Now if thee is done with thy squabble, we suggest thou go to sleep so we will enter thy dreams.” She said, snorting before going to the corridors of the castle to lead Blueblood to an empty room.

Blueblood wanted to retort but knew better than to argue, so he did as he was told.

Blueblood went to sleep on the bed after commenting on how the mattress is low class to him. Luna stood nearby and used a spell to enter the Dreamscape.

The Dreamscape is a separate dimension connecting to every breathing sentient and sapient consciousness. A dimension made of calming shades of blue that goes beyond infinity in an endless void, with stars as the sky and soft light orbs acting as a pathway to all who walks the Dreamscape.

There would also be doors, doors that lead to the mind of the sleeper’s dreams. Ever since Luna’s return she has resumed her duty to patrol the ponies’ dreams and rid any nightmare she comes across.

But it seems tonight and the near morning, Luna must enter Blueblood’s dreams to see why she has never come across his nightmare.

She walked calmly to Blueblood’s door and entered. What sight lay before her eyes was shocking.

The dream in Blueblood’s mind was the true definition of nightmares, something not even she has ever seen before in her immortal life. Horrid descriptions were impossible to describe.

She got over her shock and marched on to see the source of this by finding Blueblood himself in this nightmare.

She flew over the floating landscape not wanting to touch the disgusting sight she saw around her.

After flying around floating lands and small trails she sees something far away. She flew closer to get a better look of the gray thing.

Upon closer inspection she saw a gray hooded cloaked figure wrapped in chains, their face featureless as it was obscured in the shadows of its hood.

She flies closer with caution, unknown if it was an enemy or friend. She lands on the small bit of floating land with a dead tree and gazes upon the stranger.

Staring at the stranger gives the princess a dreadful, guilty feeling. She has no idea why she feels it. She could also hear Blueblood screaming in fear, shouting the stranger in his dream to go away.

“Who art thee?” She asked. The stranger didn’t respond but Luna could feel the stranger stare deep into her eyes. The guilt feeling increased even more.

Luna fierce her eyes on the stranger and put on a defensive stance, readying for a possible attack. “We demand to know who art thee!” She shouts.

The stranger finally spoke. “I am the symbol of evil,” It said in its low groan of a voice. “The evil he has done. That is why I am chained so. If you do not believe, then ask your nephew.”

But before Luna could respond, suddenly, another form appeared. Far more menacing then the first.

The shadow from a small distance looked like a centaur, but the shadow turned to reveal a large, tall unicorn with a creature sitting on top of it with a cape. The sitting creature laughed evilly, the unicorn neighed.

Luna was unsure what to make of this. She couldn’t tell if the mysterious unicorn was held captive and manipulated by the creature sitting on it, to which it was similar to the creature Doctor Strange, or if the unicorn was the mastermind.

“Art thou the cause of this?” She asked the shadowed unicorn, the unicorn just snorted in response. “Dreamstalker doesn’t talk, little pony.” The shadowed rider said amusedly. Luna looked up from the steed to look at the caped figure

“Then who art thou, creature?” She asked with hostility. The rider chuckled, feeling amused as if the princess was a foal. “I am Nightmare! And you, little pony, are in my territory.” He said strictly with narrow eyes.

Luna looked on with hatred, not liking the creature that calls itself Nightmare, it reminds her too much of her other half, Nightmare Moon.

She shook off the thought and glared at Nightmare and his steed. “Whatever thou art, I can not allow thee to bring suffering onto this pony.” She said as her horn glowed. She tried to erase the nightmare, but for some reason, couldn’t.

She blinked. “What?” She looked around, everything was still the same, the nightmare dream was still the hellish landscape before. Nightmare laughed. “You can no longer control the dreams as I am a much higher form of power than you, faker.” He revealed.

Luna charged up her horn but felt nothing. She crossed her eyes and was shocked to see that her horn was gone! As so were her wings! “What’s wrong, little pony? You look like you had a nightmare!” He laughed.

It was one thing to fear monsters invade your home, but being helpless and losing control over the Dreamscape was another. Luna feels the same feeling of terror as she had before during the invasion.

With nothing to use to fight, Luna ran away as quickly as possible. She passed the gray cloaked stranger and over the floating lands.

Her heart pounded from her rush, she could feel the adrenaline pushing her on to find an escape. She could hear the echo of Nightmare’s laughter from far away, but she could also hear the clopping of hoofs.

Luna passed through large hills of skulls and a flowing black tar river, she could see the deserted floating landscape with dead trees or long bridges that extended far away with stone skull architecture.

She still hears the sound of clopping of hooves against the ground, the sound getting louder and louder that spells her doom and she was terrified of it. She has hoped for a savior, but none would come. She had hoped her sister would appear to save her, but she wasn’t. She was alone. But then again, was she truly alone? No, not when the nightmare hunts her down like a hunter to its prey, a wolf to its rabbit.

She never stopped running, but she could feel the exhaustion taking her, which should be impossible in the Dreamscape, maybe it was Nightmare who manipulated the dream to be realistic? It matters not when her life was on the line.

Her breathing ragged and shallow. When she felt she lost the creature as the noise of clopping was silent, she hid behind some cover of a large rock.

Her heart pounded so loud like drums, she could hear it in her ears. She could feel her head pounding from how hard her heart thumps. She tried to breathe easy as she knew she was safe. But was she?

Her eyes shrunk from the sound of clopping, the sound of Nightmare. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.” He sang slowly and darkly as he rode his steed slowly in Luna’s location.

Luna covered her mouth with her hoof to hide her breathing, the feeling of dread with her heart pounded. “Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.” He continued but his voice sounded closer.

He and his steed stood above Luna’s hiding place, she sat deadly still like stone, her coat stood on edge and her blood ran cold.

Nightmare inspected the far lands of the dream, searching for the Moon Princess. When he found nothing, he turned his steed to go somewhere in a different direction while singing. “When the blazing sun is gone. When he nothing shines upon. Then you show your little light. Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.”

With the sound of singing and hooves clopping gone, Luna allowed herself to breathe easy. She moved out of her hiding place before she was suddenly face to face with Dreamstalker.

She screams as Nightmare laughed in delight of her fear, knowing that this was just the start of her eternal nightmare.

Meanwhile, back in the awakening world, Celestia raised the sun but was confused that the moon was still high in the sky. She sighed, knowing that Luna probably forgot. So, to help her sister she decided to move the moon herself.

Ever since the event of Dormammu’s invasion, to which it was three weeks ago, Celestia has taken very care of the card that she was given by the mysterious creature who calls himself Doctor Strange.

She has treated the card as a powerful weapon, a holy relic, she even went as far as putting it on a pedestal in her room. She remembers briefly of meeting the mysterious doctor and was forever grateful for his help in their time of need. If it wasn’t for him, who knows what would've happened to her sister, friends, ponies and other creatures.

She walked down the corridors of her castle, expecting to pass by a sleepy Luna. She didn’t, so she assumed her little sister passed out on the throne. She giggled at the thought as two Royal Guards opened the doors for her to enter her throne room.

She was expecting to see a passed out alicorn but was surprised to find her missing. This was something new, something she isn’t aware of. “Just where could she be,” she wondered.

She tried to search for her in the lunchroom, nothing. The gardens, nothing. Her bedroom, nothing. Panic slowly rises within her, but she calms herself before she makes a scene. “Maybe she went to another room to sleep in,” she thought.

She checked the other rooms in the castle where she came across an opened door. She peaked in and saw her sister, Luna, laying on the ground and her nephew, Blueblood, laying on the bed.

She quickly rushed in and checked on her sister’s vitals frantically. She sighs in relief to know that her sister is well, but something troubles her as Luna has the look of terror on her face. She tried to wake her up but she didn’t budge. Her breath slowly became shallow when Luna wasn’t responding.

“Guards!” She shouted a demand for help. Her sister and nephew were immediately taken to the hospital and put on life support.

“Something was wrong, this has never happened before. So what was the cause of this?” She thought as she let the best doctors analyze the situation, concluding it was a coma.

Celestia wished she could enter Luna’s dreams, but wasn’t trained to do so as Luna was the only one who mastered the sleep walking spell, taught by Starswirl the Bearded, their old mentor.

She was thinking of calling the Elements of Harmony for help, but could they do it? She knew Twilight and her friends have never experienced a dream situation before, so it was up to her to figure out how to save her sister.

But just then, a thought came to her. She remembered the card.

She entered her room and picked up the card from its pedestal to her magic grasp. She first admired the sleek black card with gold accents; it also had a symbol of a circle and four long streaks. She read what the card said on the front and back.

Dr. Stephen Strange

Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts, Part-time Superhero, M.D., Ph.D

177A Bleecker St.


(If you cannot call me, then you must burn the card and I will be summoned)

Not knowing how to call the doctor, she did as the card suggested by lifting it onto a lit candle and watched it burn to smoke.

The smoke took shape into an orange fiery portal to the inside of a mansion. The first thing she saw was a red fabric before it turned out to be Doctor Strange’s back.

Doctor Strange turned to see the noise of an active portal and was surprised to see one of the alicorn princesses he saved three weeks ago. “Greetings and salutations, princess.” He welcomed her gracefully. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked as he stepped into Celestia’s room and the portal closed in on itself.

“I need your help.” She stated calmly, “Naturally, all who call or summon me are.” He responded. “Speak your mind and I’ll see what I can do.”

The sun princess explained the current situation of her sister and nephew, both in a coma and nopony knows the cause of it. Doctor Strange hummed in acknowledgement of the information he was given, pondering the problem in deep thought.

With that in mind he looked back to the princess. “Take me to your sister and nephew.” He demanded.

Both are now currently at the Canterlot Hospital as Doctor Strange stands in the middle of both patients. He examined both the blue alicorn and white unicorn with a mandala hovering above his finger tips, magically scanning both with a mystic glow before dying down and standing back.

“Just as I suspected. Obviously this isn’t a normal coma caused by natural causes, this is caused by a greater force that seeks qualms upon them.” He said. Celestia stands with other doctors and nurses, she looked on with worry as she stepped forward by his side.

“Is there anything you can do, doctor?” She pleaded, Doctor Strange nodded in response. “I’ll need space to perform a spell that will allow me to enter their dreams.” He said, surprising Celestia and other ponies. “You can do such a thing?” She asked.

Doctor Strange stared at her with an incredulous look. “Did you not read what the card says? I am the Master of the Mystic Arts! Such a feat is easily accomplished for a mere amateur of magic.” He said before sitting on the floor and crossed his legs. “Now leave me as I am in need of the sound of silence.” He said as he closed his eyes and meditated.

The ponies were left quite stunned at such rudeness of the strange creature, they really thought their princess was going to punish him for such behavior, but she did nothing. She is also quite stunned, never before has anyone treated her like this, like a normal pony instead of a highly respected goddess.

Doctor Strange slowly hovered off the ground, still in a leg crossed meditation pose and silent as his cloak flowed and waved in the air.

Doctor Strange concentrated his Astral Projection as his metaphysical spirit exited his physical body, drifting in the air and shocking the ponies who get to witness such display of magic.

His astral projection was of transparent white, similarly of a ghost, but yet not. Becoming intangible in this form he flew into the dream of Luna and was caught off guard at the sight.

The blue alicorn, Luna, was haunted by the guilt of her past mistakes as Nightmare Moon, the people she hurt, the damage she has caused. All the guilt returns to haunt her in her dreams in the form of shadows of her victims. It brings her mental agony, every dark reminder felt like a stab wound to her heart.

She cried and begged for forgiveness, promising that she had changed for the better. But the shadow ponies did not heed her words nor believe them as they continued to verbally abuse her, surrounding her.

Doctor Strange quickly exits the dream and re-enters his physical body, now knowing what to do and a goal in mind.

He knew this was the work of Nightmare, the Prince of the Nightmare Dimension. Doctor Strange is at a disadvantage when it comes to facing someone like Nightmare in their domain. But with the spell called “Mist of Hoggoth”, Doctor Strange will be safe from the clutches of Nightmare, as he will be unaffected by Nightmare’s control of dreams.

Doctor Strange lifted his arms outward in the air and performed hand signs like before, but different and with a different chant of a powerful spell. “I summon the Host of Hoggoth!” His voice echoed throughout the room as a light blue mist formed in front of him. “Lead me to the source of evil! Obey the words of Doctor Strange!”

The mist swirled into a portal that leads to the Dream Dimension, specifically, Luna’s.

Doctor Strange switches back to his astral projection and lands on top of a misty trail, made by the mist portal that leads to the Dream Dimension with his safety. If Doctor Strange were to step off the misty trail for just a moment, Nightmare would be able to take away his magic and he’ll be completely defenseless against his foe.

Doctor Strange walked where the misty trail guided to Luna’s, and possibly, Blueblood’s location.

He walked past some disturbing sights such as a giant fang mouth, or a demonic octopus. He gazed in the horror of the nightmarish world. He could feel the eerie presence of something or someone watching him, gazing from afar.

He stopped when he stood close to the cloak stranger that Luna met before. “Who are you?” The doctor asked as the stranger looked deep into the sorcerer’s eyes, giving the doctor that feeling of guilt. “I am the symbol of evil, the same evil Prince Blueblood has done!” He said. “I am chained here as his forever guilt.”

Doctor Strange took in the information as it reminded him of a strange tale of his servant and friend, Wong, telling him a similar story. But he continued on his journey where the misty trail leads him.

Almost near the end of the trail, the sorcerer could see a large, horned, demonic head, the size of a building with its eyes moving, staring into his soul. The place where the mouth would be was replaced with a large door.

The large door creaked open ever so slowly, giving the doctor the creeps. He entered the barely dark room as he saw his trail was split into three pathways. “Nightmare’s first trap. It seems he never learns from his past, but at the same time, he never knew what I had learned about him from his encounter with my grandfather.”

He stands on the edge of the three paths. He glanced at his amulet and instinctively knew what to do.

“By the Eye of Agamotto! Reveal the true path to me!” He commanded, and the amulet opened its eye, obeying its current master’s demands and shed some light onto the trails, the two fakes faded away by its light as the true path stayed.

Doctor Strange went on his way to Nightmare’s captives, knowing that he was closer than ever, if the trap wasn’t a clue.

“So, Doctor Strange, we meet again!” Suddenly, Nightmare appeared! The sorcerer froze at the voice as he looked up to see Nightmare on his loyal black horse with a large grin.

“So you finally reveal yourself. Tired of playing hide and seek, Nightmare?” The doctor quipped. Nightmare sneered. “I promise you, Doctor Strange, this shall be the last time we meet as you will be trapped in the Nightmare World, forever!” He declared.

“You cannot harm me as long as I am on the Path of Hoggoth, Nightmare. “ Doctor Strange said with a smirk, his confidence slowly growing overconfident. “So I see. But do not gloat too soon, for I shall find a way to drive you from your path!” Nightmare promised.

Doctor Strange ignored him and looked around to find the prisoned captives of the dreams. He spotted two of them, caged on a rocky platform just a quarter of a mile away. “I have captured their ethereal selves, as you can see. If you can reach them, they are free to go. But if you do not reach them, then their lives are forfeit!” Nightmare laughs.

He flies his horse above your path that leads to the captive sleepers with a sinister idea. “I cannot affect the path you have already trot on, but I can destroy the path which lies ahead - like this!” He threw a fiery orb at the path ahead of Doctor Strange, destroying the trail and leaving the sorcerer stumped at his current situation.

It may seem now it was hopeless to save the captives of the dreams, but Doctor Strange had an idea. “You forget, Nightmare. I am resourceful and can adapt to any situation.” He said as he untied his yellow enchanted sash from his hips.

He threw the enchanted sash as it magically extended and stretched across toward the platform where the captives were. The sash stiffens as hard as rock when it lands on the platform, giving the sorcerer a new path to walk on where Nightmare can’t interfere with.

“Damn you, Doctor Strange!” Nightmare cursed as Doctor Strange walked toward his goal.

Doctor Strange clashed with Luna’s nightmares as he punched the shadows and disintegrated them with the help of the Eye of Agamotto. He soothingly woke up both Luna and Blueblood.

“Wake up, your nightmare has ended. I will bring you home.” He assured them. Luna shivers from the mental tortures, but seeing Doctor Strange in her vision, she feels a sense of safety and security as she hugs him tightly. The doctor soothes her and rubbed her back.

Blueblood awakens from his own nightmare of guilt. He glances up at the doctor before him and jumps with a fright. “Who are you!?” He frightfully asked.

“Do not fear, I am here to help you return home.” Doctor Strange promised as he gave himself space from the Moon Princess’ hug.

Blueblood was still untrustful, but hearing of being able to go back home was good enough and he’ll take the chance. “W-well good! Take me home immediately!” He demanded.

With the whole conversation out of the way, he guided them onto the sash, standing aside to give them room to step on the sash. Not realizing that he stepped off the safety of Hoggoth.

“Hah! I caught you napping, Strange, just as I had hoped!” Nightmare says as he threw a lighting bolt under Doctor Strange’s feet, destroying the platform he stood on.

He tried to grab onto the sash, but was blocked by a wall of black cobwebs, made of a powerful magic material that was too strong for him to break through. Even in his Astral Projection, he couldn’t phase through it, he was trapped.

Doctor Strange heard the cries of Luna as he could only float down to another platform.

“At long last, Strange, you are my prisoner!” Nightmare said gleefully as he held a long, metallic, sharp wand. He summoned an orange, spiny spider as it crawled closer to Doctor Strange.

“The others are free to go, their fate does not matter as long as you are mine to destroy!” Nightmare said with victory. He pointed his wand at the orange, spiked spider. “This is the spiny beast, whose touch means death! He seems to want to meet you, Strange, to touch you! Or is it because of the mystic prod, which I command him?” He rhetorically asked with mock wonder.

Doctor Strange paused, unknowing which way to turn, unsure what move to make. The spiny beast crawled closer and closer with Deathstalker and Nightmare by its side with its big, blank, red eyes staring at him as the sorcerer could see his reflection.

But an idea came to him, but it must be timed perfectly. “At last I know what I must do! But I must not fail! There will be no second chance, so I must make it count!” He thought with a sweat on his eyebrow. His teeth and fists clenched and his eyes narrowed.

Doctor Strange was back into the corner edge of the platform with giant demonic tentacles sprouting to reach him for its meal, the pursuers inching closer every quarter of a microsecond.

When Nightmare, on his steed, Deathstalker, and the spiny beast were closer by sides. Doctor Strange made a mental command to the Eye of Agamotto to send a blinding light onto his foes, rendering them temporarily blind and surprised.

“My eyes! I can’t see!” Nightmare shouted as his steed reeled itself back with a loud neigh. Nightmare almost fell but swung his arms around to keep his balance by instinct, not knowing he accidentally killed his spiny beast by poking his rod-wand at it with a tap.

“My spiny beast!” Nightmare shrieked in horror upon his own actions. Doctor Strange used this chance while Nightmare was distracted and latched onto the sash and quickly climbed back into the misty trail’s safety.

With the small group consisting of an alicorn, unicorn, and human, all walked to the misty portal on their safe return, with Nightmare scowling as he followed them, knowing that he can’t do anything but watch.

“You will not have time to enjoy your triumph, Strange! We shall meet again, sooner than you think! And next time, victory will be mine!” Nightmare‘s shrill, vindictive cry follows them, ringing sharply in their ears.

With the group now in safe return, the once captives of Nightmare entered their physical bodies upon the doctor’s suggestion as he did too.

Luna and Blueblood awoke from their mystic comas and Luna was met with a tight hug of her beloved older sister, Celestia.

“Oh, it is good to see you, my dear sister!” Celestia cried out with glee upon her sister’s return from her almost eternal slumber. Luna hugged back tightly as well as she too cried, happy to return back to the land of the awakening.

Doctor Strange stood and watched, happy to see another job well done as the Sorcerer Supreme. But one thought lingers his mind as he was curious how this happened. “If you don’t mind me asking; how did this all even happen?” the mystic doctor asked.

Celestia and Luna turned to him as Celestia too had the same question. “Luna, what caused this problem?” Celestia asked, to which Luna was looking over Blueblood where he was confused why he was the center of attention with all the eyes on him.

“Our nephew came to us to talk about his nightmares. We entered his dreams and we met the beast who was more powerful than us in the Dreamscape.” Luna explained.

The mystic doctor now got all the information and pieced it together and knew what happened. He turned to the prince. “It seems your nightmares are caused by guilt, now explain to me the truth, and only the truth, to such as why were you consumed in guilt?” Doctor Strange asked as he cast a temporary truth spell to make Blueblood spill the beans.

“I-I was a fool!” The spell that was casted onto Blueblood changed his demeanor. “My dreams were caused by the ponies’ lives I ruined! Two Bit was the last of them, but he couldn’t prove it! I-I confess!” Blueblood gasped as he fell to his side on the hospital bed.

“It seems confessing your terrible deeds will be the only way you can ever sleep again.” Doctor Strange said as he turned to the princesses. He gave them a new card, the same as before. “In case you’ll ever need me when another interdimensional invader comes to your universe.” He said as he turned to leave.

But just as he was about to conjure a portal to leave, his whole body was surrounded by a blue and yellow glittering aura as he was lifted and pulled into the princesses’ hooves in a hug.

“Thank you for saving me.” Luna said as she hugged tighter. “Yes, thank you for rescuing my little sister.” Celestia said in her motherly, angelic voice. Together with their warm furred bodies and their angelic voice, it almost succumbed to the sorcerer to sleep, but he relented.

“You’re very much welcome, princesses.” He said as he drops his “mightier than thou” act with kindness as he hugs back as well.

But he pulls himself back, much to his dismay, as he has other duties to go back to. “Unfortunately, I must leave.” Doctor Strange said.

‘But what about your reward? Or payment?” Celestia asked. The doctor just smirked. “In my line of work as the Sorcerer Supreme, there is no payment involved.” Doctor Strange said as he quickly conjured a sparkly portal to return home to not be persuaded any further to stay, leaving the princesses, prince, doctors and nurses alone in the hospital room, to ponder when the mysterious, sorcerer doctor would return.

The End.

(To Be Continued)

Chapter 3: Swarm of The Century

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In another multiverse, a specific universe, separate from the mythical multiverse where sapient ponies exist, a lone Sorcerer Supreme lives in a mansion he calls the Sanctum Sanctorum, somewhere in New York, Greenwich Village.

Silently brooding as he continues his studies on ancient texts, in a dark room where the only source of light is from candles and a large, round window, with four curved streaks. It resembles the same symbol from the card Doctor Strange gave.

Doctor Strange meditates, hovering above the floor, while reading books and scrolls, that were floating to his view for him to read and absorb the knowledge from these ancient spells.

His thoughts drifted from when he visited a universe where mythical creatures exist and are sapient as human beings. He would be lying if he were to say that he wasn’t curious to explore the new world he only visited, twice.

But alas, he can’t. He still has his sole duty as the Sorcerer Supreme to defend Earth from mystical threats, such as the Dread Dormammu he had fought against.

But maybe, just maybe, he could visit for just a moment. After all, the world still has its superheroes to protect it in his absence. Even if there is a mystic threat, there are other sorcerers, wizards, and or warlocks allies that can deal with it. Maybe he can allow himself, just this once.

He levitated all objects that were hovering around him and set them all onto a table nearby before walking down a set of stairs to the main lobby of the sanctum.

“Bats!” He shouted, calling someone’s name. The owner of that name is a ghost of a basset hound, he phased through a wall to be in the room where his owner is.

“Yeah, doc?” He asked in clear English as he looked up to him. “I’m going on a trip to another universe from another multiverse, would you like to come?” Doctor Strange asked.

The ghost dog hummed in thought, quite curious of where his owner was going. “Sure, why not. But don’t you have a responsibility for your job as a Sorcerer Supreme?” He asked.

“I do, until I realized that the world has so many superheroes. I’m sure we can be gone in a short notice. Just a short walk.” Doctor Strange assured.

“Well… I do like walks!” Bats said excitedly, his tail wagging in the air.

Once all is set and he is ready, he conjures a flaming portal that leads to Equestria, specifically, a forest.

Doctor Strange stepped onto the grassy lands of nature in the deep woods while Bats flew in and the portal closed behind them.

He sniffed in the fresh, clean air that this world has. It had never occurred to him, but when it did, it amazes him that pollution ceases to exist in this world. The sky was beautiful and the scenery of the forest was just beyond other worldly amazing, even if it was a bit dark.

Doctor Strange and Bats strolls past the large, thick trees and a small river that was nearby. He used a spell to guide them close to civilization.

Though Bats can just fly, he chose to walk alongside the sorcerer with his little, transparent paws.

They passed through a pond with some frogs and spotted other creatures; such as bunnies, birds, and surprisingly, off in the far distance was a sleeping cosmic bear with an eight pointed star on its head.

“Oh, wow! Ain’t he a big fella.” Bats commented on the cosmic bear. Doctor Strange hummed in agreement.

Then later, a pack of wolves, made of wood instead of fur, howling to the sky on a rocky hill.

Doctor Strange was quite fascinated with all the mysterious creatures that reside in this particular dark woods. Maybe there was more than meets the eye.

They walked down a dirt trail that leads to the edge of the forests. In a short distance they saw a town built in a 16th century style, with roofs made of hay. All the houses are colored cream and purple.

Doctor Strange noticed a sign next to a gravel road where it leads to the town; “Ponyville”.

They couldn’t tell how to react or respond to the punned name. They just couldn't tell if this name was serious or an elaborate joke. Just who in their right mind would name a town after its own species?

Anyways, going over that bizarre confusion, they walked on the gravel trail where it led to the town.

The town was decorated in balloons, ribbons, cakes and food were displayed. It seemed like the residents of this town were setting up a celebration or a parade of some sorts.

The moment they stepped deep into pony territory, ponies were screaming and running around aimlessly, running from something. Doctor Strange’s natural action was to face whoever was the threat and defend those who couldn’t defend themselves.

When he ran to where the danger was, he was met with a scene of… flying blue, pink, yellow, purple and brown orbs?

“Holy moly…” Bats gawed at the sight.

These small creatures were fluffy with large green eyes, and large bug wings, and they were working as a swarm by eating anything they saw in sight. Any object that comes into contact with these creatures are immediately eaten away until there is nothing left.

The swarm ate objects such as barrels, chairs, tables, benches, street lamps, and now starting with the roof of a house. It was eating fast, almost instantaneously.

They also seem to produce asexually as they vomit fur balls, the said fur ball then morphed into one of these furry creatures.

Looking around Doctor Strange sees the same purple pony Doctor Strange met weeks ago during Dormammu’s attempt in taking over the mythical world. What was her name… Twilight?

Anyways, said Twilight was having a mental breakdown and a crisis moment with her mane all messy and a crazed look while muttering strange words about Princess Celestia coming to visit and everything is ruined. Then she started muttering random things such as building a new Ponyville, orders to her friend with a random plan.

Said friend, a rainbow and cyan pony, probably Rainbow Dash, was already having a hard time flying away from being swarmed by these… swarms. Twilight could be seen already deflating, already giving up and embracing the futile attempt of putting things in order.

Having seen enough of this strange scenery, Doctor Strange invoked the ancient powers of Morpheus and Valtorr to put these fluffy bugs asleep. “By the Mists of Morpheus and Vapors of Valtorr! Put these creatures into a deep slumber!”

His gloved hands magically produced yellow mists that surrounded all these creatures, all the creatures that were caught by the mist were fast asleep. Swarms of them fell to the ground with a puff with their fur helping soften their fall.

Twilight was left with a shock look at this sudden occurrence. A shadow looms over her and she turns to the one who was responsible for this.

“Doctor Strange?” she asked, surprised by his sudden appearance in Ponyville. “In the flesh.” He responded as his red cloak glided in the breezy air. Bats sort of stands beside his owner.

“I-I - How did you - I mean, uh.” She stuttered on her words, much to Doctor Strange’s amusement. “If you're asking what I am doing here, let's just say that I am here for a visit and a little bit of exploration.” He explained.

He looked over the damage of the town, many things were eaten by those strange creatures. “It seems you were pretty much busy with the pests, if i had not come, who knows what would’ve happened to the town.” He said. Twilight laughed sheepishly, a bit embarrassed of the situation.

The ponies came out of their hiding places and looked around the chaotic mess these creatures have made. All the hard work of their decorations for their Princess’ visit is ruined, they only have a few minutes before she arrives. Which isn’t enough time to clean and prepare.

Doctor Strange noticed their sad, glum and disappointed looks. He wasn’t going to do anything as it was not really his business to repair anyone’s mess, and it was also taxing on using invoked magic. He usually leaves the damages to Damage Control. But then again, this world probably doesn’t have a Damage Control team.

But Bats tugged his pants, giving him the pleading and begging puppy look. So begrudgingly, out of the kindness of his heart, and mostly reluctance, he used a spell to magically repair all the damage while levitating all the sleeping fuzzy creatures into a large pile.

When the damage was repaired, decorations in place and the food all fixed with no germs or bacteria, Twilight’s friends grouped together while their pink friend was searching for instruments, for some reason.

“Well, looks like ‘ere everything’s all fixed nice and dandy.” The orange and blonde pony, Applejack, said. Twilight sighed in relief, now taking in the relaxation that the parade was safely secured.

Rainbow Dash hovered over Doctor Strange’s shoulder. “Hey, thanks for the save, big guy.” She said as she tapped on his shoulder with gratitude.

“Yes, thank you darling, for saving my boutique.” The pristine white and purple pony, Rarity said, gesturing to her home, all cleaned and fixed.

“You should probably thank Bats here, as he persuaded me to fix everything.” He said, gesturing to his ghost dog. The pink and cream colored pony, Fluttershy, gasped as she got close into Bats’ personnel space, making Bats reel his head back a bit.

“What are you, little one?” Fluttershy asked in her confident, yet soft, voice as she moved her hoof to place it on Bats’ head to give him a pat, only for it to phase through his body.

Fluttershy gawked at the shocking revelation of Bat’s intangible form. Her friends joined in with surprised faces.

“What just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight’s head was filled with so many more questions than the rest. One of them was answered by the doctor.

“My friend, Bats, is a ghost.” He said casually. “G-g-ghost?” Rainbow Dash said frightfully, with Applejack joining her in a hug out of fear. “Yep, I sure am.” Bats said, surprising the ponies even more.

“That - that - that is so adorable! But also tragic!” Fluttershy gushed. She hugged the ghost dog, though sadly for her she couldn’t hug him, but she was still happy to find a talking dog.

“Woah, ain’t she a hugger.” Bats said, slowly stepping away to give himself some space from the overly happy pony.

Suddenly, all the fuzzy creatures that were supposed to be in deep slumber, awoke from the spell. This shocked the Sorcerer Supreme, he wasn’t expecting the spell to wear off so quickly, or the fuzzy creatures to easily resist it.

“How did they-!” Before he could ask, the fuzzy creatures were back on track by eating everything, the ponies were back screaming and running, it all fell into near chaos.

“I call on a Conjurer’s Sphere of Containment!” Doctor Strange chanted as a blue sphere trapped all the fuzzy creatures within, ceasing them from continuing eating.

Everypony stopped their panic again and were relieved of the situation being handled by their mysterious savior.

Although Doctor Strange is strong on the magic side, he can feel the persistence of the fur balls moving around, trying to break free from their imprisonment. He was losing his concentration with their pushes all at once, as if the hundreds, if not millions, have some sort of knowledge to split his concentration. He couldn’t focus it all at once at the same time.

Because of the swarm’s strength in numbers, Doctor Strange could feel the intensity of their force pressuring the sphere to break. Cracks slowly appear, the pressure on his mind slowly aches. “It’s too strong, I can’t hold it!”

The sphere breaks and chaos resumes. Doctor Strange collapses to his knees, feeling out of breath. “Doc, you okay?” Bats whimpered as he sat beside his owner licking his face, attempting to comfort him.

“I’m fine, Bats. I just merely underestimated the creatures of this world.” The sorcerer let out a breath. He slowly gets on his feet, a bit fatigued.

As Twilight and her friends, except the missing pink pony, worked on a plan to get rid of the swarm. Doctor Strange planned on incinerating the swarm, or at least destroying them. But what they didn’t know was that they were buying the pink pony extra time.

The said pink pony, Pinkie Pie, was playing a series of instruments made up of a banjo, an accordion, a sousaphone tuba, and a harmonica with intense and focused eyes.

She played all the instruments fluently while marching as if she was playing in a parade band. The ponies, ghost dog, and human were confused by her bizarre actions until they realized all the fuzzy creatures ceased their gluttony as they danced to the music.

As Pinkie passed them the rest of the creatures followed in line, bouncing on the ground in the rhythm of the music. Bewildered by the display, Twilight and her friends followed and the two otherworldly visitors joined.

Pinkie guided the creatures to the outskirts of Ponyville on the plain fields. In the distance, Twilight can see Princess Celestia’s carriage in the sky coming from Canterlot.

Twilight and her friends run past Pinkie, leaving her behind so they could meet their princess.

The carriage landed and the princess of the sun stepped off her carriage to meet her student. “Twilight, my prized pupil.”

Twilight and her friends bowed upon meeting their princess with high respect and obedience. Doctor Strange and Bats sort of stand to the side, unnoticed by the sun princess.

“So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.” Their moment of peace was interrupted with the sound of a dancing parade of cute, adorable creatures led by Pinkie.

“So, how was your trip?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Ah, what is this?” Celestia asked, surprised by the unexpected greeting of her visit. She giggled when one of the fuzzy creatures landed on top of her sing. “These creatures are adorable!”

You could hear Rainbow Dash muttering in a disagreement with a scowl. “They’re not that adorable.”

When she looked over the dancing parade, she was more surprised to see Doctor Strange. “Doctor?”

“Greetings and salutations, Princess.” He casually greeted the alicorn with a smile. Celestia smiled fondly. “Greetings to you too, Strange.”

“How’s your sister?” He asked.

“She’s doing great.” She answered.

“That’s great.” He said.

They all stood in silence during this awkward moment until the princess nearly forgot something. “Oh, I’m terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.” She said with gratitude and gratefulness.

“Parade?” Twilight questioned before realizing the opportunity to take credit for this sudden occurrence, as well as a good cover up to hide the incident in Ponyville. “Oh! Yes! The parade!” Twilight agreed wholeheartedly.

“Unfortunately, that parade is going to have to wait for another time.” Celestia said dejectedly. “I’m afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there’s been some sort of… “infestation”.”

“An infestation?” Twilight wondered, feigning innocence.

“Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town.” Celestia explained. “I’m sorry, Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.”

“Trouble?” Twilight chuckled. “What trouble?” Twilight asked, feigning ignorance.

“Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?” Celestia asked before she hopped back on her carriage. “My… report?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Haven’t you learned anything about friendship?” Celestia asked.

Twilight thought about it, her eyes landed on Pinkie who was still guiding the fur balls that she knew were called parasprites from a zebra-witch-doctor-friend.

Looking at her past actions of her treatment to Pinkie and seeing her mistake made her realize that she truly did learn something. “Actually, I have.”

“I’ve learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it.”

“It’s a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' ideas and perspectives… even when they don’t always seem to make sense.” Twilight’s friends gathered around her as if they were proud of her. They were immediately started when Pinkie bashed on her instruments a little too hard.

“I’m so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm impressed with your friends as well.” Celestia complemented. “It sounds like you’re all learning so much from each other.” She said with love and pride to her ponies, like a mother to their children.

Celestia glanced at the mysterious sorcerer before telling her Royal Guards to go with a nod. “Thank you, Princess.” Twilight said under her breath. She truly felt honored by her mentor’s words.

As the princess disappeared in the distance, Twilight and her friends, along with the visitors run to Pinkie as she is at the edge of the Everfree Forests.

Pinkie guided the fur balls into the forest from where Doctor Strange and Bats came from. When all was gone, she ceased her play and turned to her friends. “Hey! What happened to the princess?” She asked.

“Emergency in Fillydelphia.” Twilight answered with a smile. “Some sort of “infestation”.” Rainbow Dash hinted with a knowing smirk.

“Oh no! Have they got parasprites too!?” Pinkie asked, shocking her friends of her knowledge. “Well, have tuba, will travel!” Pinkie declared.

“I think the Princess can handle it.” Twilight said, stopping Pinkie from playing again. Doctor Strange could only snicker with just the thought of the sun princess struggling to maintain control over the situation.

“So you knew what those critters were all along, huh, Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked. “Well duh!” Pinkie said, as if it was obvious. “Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments?! I tried to tell you!” Pinkie said with frustration.

“We know, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said, standing by her friend’s side. “And we’re sorry we didn’t listen. And you’re a great friend… even if we don’t always understand you.” Twilight said sincerely. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash all apologize for their actions. Pinkie smiled, happy to have true friends.

“Awe! that's so sweet, right, Doc?” Bats said, off to the side with his owner. Doctor Strange hummed in agreement. “So it seems.” He said.

“Thanks, guys!” You’re all great friends, too… even if I don’t understand me.” Pinkie said.

“You save my reputation with Princess Celestia! And more importantly, you saved Ponyville!” Twilight said. You could swear you could see Doctor Strange rolling his eyes, but also nodding to admit she was technically right.

After the whole event of the visitor’s walk, both the sorcerer and ghost dog said their goodbyes before Twilight could try to experiment on the dog for science reasons.

The visitors portaled back inside the lobby of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

“Well, that was eventful.” Doctor Strange said as he mentally commanded his cloak off and set it in a display case, the cloak flew in and hovered inside.

Bats hopped onto a couch and laid on it, yawning. “G’night, Doc.” Bats said before dozing off.

The sorcerer chuckled, amused by his friend’s action. “Yeah, good night, Bats.” He whispered before going back to his studies.

When he entered the fourth floor, his thoughts drifted back to the small adventure he had in the mythical universe. He smiled fondly of it, wishing to go through another.

“Maybe next time, next week…”

The End.

(To Be Continued)

Chapter 4: Beyond The Purple Veil

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It was a normal day in Griffonstone, a small city built on a large, leafless tree and a gray castle on the very top, where almost all the griffons live in complete poverty.

The homes are made of hay and wood, some nearly broken down. The skies seem lifeless with its gray color, clouded with misty clouds.

It was the same normal day where griffons struggle to get by, to get any scrap for their survival. No griffon would help another unless it benefited themselves.

This was considered a normal day in Griffinstone, and it hasn’t changed since years ago. That is until today, the sky glowed in a sinister purple color.

Many griffons stopped their fighting or arguments and stared in awe or fear.

The purple sky swirled like a hurricane with a gaping hole in the center. Then something came from the gaping hole, it shot out like a shooting star while glowing a bright piercing purple light.

The light hit the ground near Griffonstone with a loud shake of the ground as if it was an earthquake.

The purple hurricane soon disappears, fading away and turning the sky back to its original gray color.

The griffons stand deadly still, not knowing what they had just witnessed. Those that were brave or stupid enough visited the crater site and were immediately astounded by what they saw, their greed growing at the sight of a beautiful purple gem.

One griffon picked it up before another tried to grab it, another tried to take it and a fight commenced. Their greed consumes their sense of reasoning.

Suddenly, the gem produced some purple mist. Any griffons that were too close to the gem’s purple mist suddenly vanished into nothing along with the mist.

The griffons care little for the lives of other fellow griffons as they try to take the gem for themselves. Some were shocked but continued on to take the gem. Others with enough intelligence decide to run or fly away, knowing that it was a losing battle against a group of griffons.

Meanwhile on Earth, at the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Sorcerer Supreme struggles to find something that was almost stolen, but now missing.

“Damn those demons of Denak! If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have lost the gem!” He swore as he searched every nook and cranny of the sanctum, opening every door to another dimension, to his overgrown infested jungle of a bedroom, even into the dark abyss of the dungeons. He has asked Bats the ghost dog, the tribal creatures that live in his bathroom and kitchen dimensional pipes, and even the talking-flirting coral snakes, and yet to no avail of any missing Purple Gem.

For you see; some demons from a hell dimension had somehow managed to escape to Earth’s dimension and it has been a hassle to get rid of them.

The little demon spawns have been throwing relics and mystic objects left and right while running and jumping around, meanwhile Doctor Strange was catching the thrown objects while trying to stop the demons from ever stepping foot on earth again.

At some point, the demons grabbed a sinister object; the Purple Gem. While Doctor Strange was busy putting things back in place, the demons conjured up a portal and threw the gem in. Doctor Strange was hoping that the portal led somewhere in the house, but so far it didn’t.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

After dealing with the demons, by throwing them away to another hell dimension, he enters the Chamber of Shadows, a room where only one of the many relics crafted by Agamotto, Earth’s first Sorcerer Supreme, is displayed in the center of the room: The Orb of Agamotto.

This particular relic works as a mystic surveillance around the whole world and beyond to other dimensions. Even as a gateway to them.

Using the Eye of Agamotto is sometimes, randomly risky. Now you may be wondering why, because there are times where Agamotto is bored or having a moodswing. If this happens at the exact same time while someone is using the orb, then Agamotto will transport them in his dimension to satisfy his boredom.

And for some strange reason, he can’t for the life of him figure out why Agamotto would sometimes take the form of a smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.

But anyways, the Orb of Agamotto is inside a wooden display case with three curved legs.

“By the Orb of Agamotto, reveal to me the location of the Purple Gem.” At Doctor Strange's command, the case covering rises from its enchanted Cask of Concealment and the crystal ball from within levitates.

The orb itself appears to be an exact replica of Earth. You may think it’s just a globe but if you look closely you could see the ocean’s tide waving and the clouds moving as if the globe is alive. And in some ways, yes, it sort of is.

The globe then morphs into a yellow light, all static-like. Sort of like changing channels.

But then the orb changed into colors, something that has never happened before. Doctor Strange worried for his safety whether or not he should conjure a barrier in case something were to happen.

But just then, the orb stopped and had the image of a location he had never seen before.

What lies within the image is a mountain with a dead tree that also has a city built into it. Doctor Strange feels a strange sense of familiarity as if he visited there before, but when?

He couldn’t exactly recall if he had ever been to this land. Maybe checking it out will clear some confusion.

“By the Omnipotent Oshtur! By the Hoary Host of Hoggoth! let the Orb of Agamotto take me to this place at once!” And as he commanded, the Orb transported Doctor Strange to the location he would later know as Griffonstone.

On the high hills outside of Griffonstone, a light shined before it turned into smoke. When the smoke faded away it revealed Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange looks around and sees the city he saw before, if the Orb of Agamotto shows that the Purple Gem was somewhere around there, then he will begin his search there.

With a mental command to his Cloak of Levitation, he flew up in the air and headed to the city on the tree.

After a short while, he gracefully landed on the entrance of the city, not wanting to intrude rudely, he knocked on the heavy gates. He was answered by a griffon in armor.

“What are you doing around here in these parts?” The griffon guard asked in his rough voice and rudeness laced within it. Not wanting to sound like a thief by asking if he could get back a gem that suddenly appeared in someone’s home. So he lied. “Greetings, I was just here for a visit to meet a friend of mine. Mind letting me in?” Doctor Strange asked kindly.

The griffon guard gave a look of glaring suspicion. “I never seen you around here before, how can I tell you ain’t lying?” He asked.

“Will this cover it?” Doctor Strange asked and he made a risky choice in bribing the guard with gold coins that he materialized from an illusion spell.

The griffon’s eyes sparkled and he yoinked the gold coins from his hands, bit one to check if it was real. When it felt real to him he scooted to a side to let the sorcerer in.

Doctor Strange didn’t take a moment of hesitation as he walked into the city gates, unbelieving that the guard took the offer. “Unbelievable, he was easy to bribe! He must be really poor if he would accept any gold, or really greedy.” Thought Doctor Strange.

With that aside, Doctor Strange walked through the streets of the city, trying to find the sinister feeling that is produced from the gem that only mystics can sense. He has also noticed the terrible state the city is in.

It reminded him of home when he was younger. The filthy streets, the unstable homes, the poverty of it all.

He saw the poor state and condition most griffons are in. How they scavenge anything for food or other needs, while others steal for greed. He wondered, if Wong had not found him, would he live like this too? He mustn't ponder any longer, he needs to find that Purple Gem.

If some of these griffons are greedy enough to steal jewelry or gold, it’s probably safe to assume someone must’ve got to it before him. If so, then he better move quickly or they might fall victim to the trap of the Purple Gem.

In the home of an eagle griffon, she placed down a sack next to her door. She reached in the sack and pulled the purple gem she had found from the outside walls of Griffonstone.

She placed it down on the only table she had and glanced at it before going back cooking with what she had for a small meal. “I bet I could make some pretty bits if I sell this.” She muttered.

In the streets of Griffonstone, Doctor Strange can feel he was getting close, he had to move quickly.

“By the Eye of Agamotto, reveal to me the exact location of the Purple Gem!” The amulet obeyed his wishes and it opened its eye, shedding a light of projection to the Purple Gem currently laying on a table with an eagle griffon nearby. The projection then zoomed out of a window to reveal the small house of the eagle griffon.

“Now I know, I have to hurry!” He made a mad dash as his cloak aided him to breeze through the air faster. His thought focused on saving the griffon before it was too late.

The eagle griffon ate her meal, taking glances at the Purple Gem that is sitting on her table. She picked it up and fondled it with her claws, looking at its beautiful shape as it shone.

But just then, the Purple Gem gave off a purple mist like it has before. The griffon’s eyebrow raised in confusion before her eyes widened in fear as the mist got bigger and completely surrounded her body.

Doctor Strange bursts in through the door but is too late as the Purple Gem has claimed its next victim.

Knowing what he had to do, he must allow himself to be taken by the Purple Gem if he wished to save the kidnapped griffon.

The Purple Gem produces its purple mist, Doctor Strange allows it to consume him, to transport him to where the victims are taken to.

Then, after the mystic purple mist has cleared, Doctor Strange finds himself in a different world, a different dimension. The landscape appears to be a deserted land with rocky hills.

Off in the far distance, he spots a line of griffons chained in cuffs and are being taken to somewhere. The line was guarded by multiple humanoid guards in red armor, carrying weapons with a similar design to kwan-dao.

The red guards kept a closer eye on the line of their new captives. “Move, slaves!” A red guard bellowed. “The all-powerful must not be kept waiting!” It growled. The griffons shook in terror as they did as their captors demanded.

But then, one of the red guard spots Doctor Strange. “Halt the procession!” the red guard ordered as it pointed at the cloaked sorcerer. “An intruder approaches! He must be made captive! After him!”

All red guards charged toward the sorcerer, unknowing to who they were messing with. Even in that occult dimension, the power of Doctor Strange is a force beyond description as he hurls back his attackers by merely raising his arms and reciting an enchanted incantation.

When all are fallen he moves to one that is close to him. “By the Roving Rings of Raggadorr, my will is your will. You will obey me.” With the manipulative hypnotizing spell complete, the red guard stood on the demands of Doctor Strange. “Take me to your ruler.” Doctor Strange ordered, and the red guard obeyed.

Doctor Strange was taken to what appears to be an empire built on two tall mountains that are connected through a natural rock bridge. There was a volcano in the back that produced purple ash in the air.

Doctor Strange entered the throne room and confronted the ruler of the red guards, their so-called all powerful.

The ruler appears to be a green bald man in red clothing with a two pointed collar and a large purple belt. He has a large mouth, or was it a wide grin? Hands with only three fingers.

“Who dares to enter my throne room?” The ruler asked.

“I dare.” Doctor Strange responded with fierce confidence in his voice.

“Who are you? And why do you look familiar?” The slave ruler asked.

“I am Doctor Strange, and I demand to know who you are as well?” Doctor Strange asked.

“Doctor Strange? He looks nothing like I remembered the last time we met. Has he perhaps gone shorter? Shaved his beard?” The ruler thought before standing from his throne. “I am Aggamon, and it seems you have forgotten it.”

Doctor Strange raised a brow. He wishes to question, but he could not delay any further as he had to save the enslaved captives. “I demand to challenge you for the freedom of the griffons. What do you say?” Doctor Strange said.

Aggamon grinned. “You may have been powerful since the last time we met, but I have grown stronger!” Aggamon releases an intense wave of magic power, rivaling Doctor Strange’s presence.

“So it seems, but can you prove it?” Doctor Strange challenged with his own grin.

“Guards! Make preparations for the arena!” Demanded Aggamon.

Minutes have passed and Doctor Strange watches the slaved griffons from the side with a glum look. The griffons have worked tirelessly and restlessly as they are whipped if they even try to stop to catch a breath. The Griffons are to be sent to the mines in search of jewels for Aggamon’s ever ending greed.

A red guard approached the cloaked sorcerer. “The arena has been set up, Aggamon awaits for you. Come with me.” The red guard said with a sneer look at the sorcerer.

Doctor Strange followed his escort as he was taken to an elevator down to the side of the arena.

Doctor Strange awaits as the gate to the arena opens for him to enter.

Doctor Strange was temporarily blinded by the sunlight as he entered the arena. The arena was packed with audiences, the crowd cheered for their leader with roars and excitement, while Doctor Strange was given words and curses of discouragement.

Aggamon raised his arms to embrace his followers before turning to his foe. “We will test who is superior in magic with skills of mystic prowess. Whoever falters or begs for the battle to stop will lose. If I win; you will be my slave. If you win; the griffons are yours. ” Aggamon explained.

“Whatever it takes to free the griffons from your control, I will do whatever it takes.” Doctor Strange accepted.

“Then let the battle begin!” Aggamon starts by hurling a bolt of fire at Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange reacted by jumping high in the air with the help of his cloak to dodge the bolt.

As Doctor Strange hovers in the air, Aggamon shoots bolts of orbs made of elements. Doctor Strange conjured multiple Ruby Rings of Raggadorr to block the bolts individually. The bolts of elements and mystic rings break like glass upon impact.

After that Doctor Strange releases a chain of lighting at Aggamon as Aggamon projects a shield barrier that absorbs the lighting.

Doctor Strange lands on the ground and uses the sand beneath them to form into multiple swords. The swords floated by his side in a circle as he made a mental command to fight for him.

The swords then were swung at Aggamon, who responded by blasting them away, blocking their attacks with mystic barriers.

Doctor Strange takes advantage of Aggamon’s distraction by throwing multiple Rings of Raggadorr like frisbees at Aggamon. Aggamon earth bended the ground to form a wall in front of him to block the rings while destroying the swords into dust.

Doctor Strange breaks through the wall and punches Aggamon with vigor. Aggamon managed to grab Doctor Strange’s wrists and threw him to the ground hard in a mini crater. Aggamon tempted to crush the sorcerer with his boot but Doctor Strange’s cloak dragged its wearer away in time from the powerful, head crushing kick.

The cloak twists and turns Doctor Strange in midair to put him back on his feet facing Aggamon. He swiped any sand off his cloak’s shoulder.

Doctor Strange then places his hands on the ground to unleash a devastating earthquake that makes Aggamon fall to the ground. Doctor Strange took this chance to throw a Ring of Raggadorr to Aggamon's chest. Aggamon was hit off his feet and crashed against the arena’s wall.

Aggamon groaned as he slumped from the wall. Doctor Strange stops his attack but keeps his guard up. “Had enough?” Doctor Strange quips.

Aggamon growled. “This isn’t finished unless I, Aggamon, say so!” He shouts as he stands up. He pulls out a device with two hand grips and points it at Doctor Strange.

“I will not fall!” The device drains Aggamon’s power and converts it to shoot out a powerful beam of light. Doctor Strange couldn’t move physically in time to conjure a shield spell, so with the speed of a thought he made a mental command to open the Eye of Agamotto. The eye opened and too shot out a beam of light, pushing back the beam that was meant to harm its master.

Both sorcerers were stuck in a beam struggle, pushing everything they have against each other to make one lose. They’ve been standing there for seconds, maybe even minutes. Sweat poured from their heads as they huff and puff in their continued struggle for victory. Their knees quiver to near collapse. They hunched as they both slowly kneel to the ground, feeling nearly drained and tired. But they dared not stop, they dare not pass out to rest.

Both finally collapsed to the ground on their bottoms after many hours as both of their magic is equally drained.

“Give it up, fool... I will win! …In fact! I believe I already have…” Aggamon slowly said, taking breaths between each word. He uses his arms to support himself in an attempt to get up but struggles to do so.

“It is you who should give up… I still have enough energy to hurl another spell at you…” Doctor Strange bluffed as he knew he was as tired as Aggamon. But he had to do whatever it takes to save the griffons.

Aggamon became paranoid, too afraid to call out his bluff. He did not want to take the chance of his possible death. “If what the Doctor says is true, then I will die! I mustn't let that happen!” Aggamon thought.

As Doctor Strange crosses his legs and sits to catch his breath in a cool matter, Aggamon glares with loathe and fear. So he did the one thing to save his very life. “Fine! I forfeit!” Aggamon shouts, admitting defeat.

As promised, all the griffons were finally set free back home to Griffonstone, and Doctor Strange was able to retrieve the Purple Gem by buying it off from the eagle griffon.

“Thanks for the gold bits, big guy.” The eagle griffon said as she played with the bag of gold coins in her hands by throwing it up in the air then catching it repeatedly.

“You’re very welcome, lady.” Doctor Strange said as he put the Purple Gem in his pocket below his yellow sash. “Uh, I prefer not to be called “lady”, I'm not that old.” The griffon groaned out as she tucked her bag under her wing, like a pocket.

Doctor Strange turns to her, tilting his head to the side. “Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you. What should I call you?” Doctor Strange asked. “Just call me Gilda.” Gilda said as she went back to her home.

Doctor Strange hummed, quite fascinated with the unorthodox his mystic adventures are going. But with that said, Doctor Strange portals home to his Sanctum. He has quite the story to tell to Bats.

The only thing he had left was a question in his head. “Who gave the demons enough power to enter Earth’s Dimension?” He thought.

In fact, now that he has thought about it, his thoughts ponder the events of Dormammu and Nightmare. He knew they were powerful in their own right, but not powerful enough to travel into another dimension, another universe, another multiverse, without help.

Someone has, or was, helping them, and the question is; who?

The End

(To Be Continued)

Chapter 5: Return of Silver Dagger

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In a dark gloomy castle, located in the town of Varf Mandra in Transylvania, a dark cloaked figure within works of sinister dark magic in a chamber of brick stone. littered with books and scrolls of forgotten texts, jars full of gross dead creatures and lit candles.

The cloaked figure stands in front of a pentagram, holding a book in both hands. The figure reads out loud chants of an ancient forgotten language, unknown to any but to the dark ancient masters.

“Chthon, magister tenebrarum, auctor magicae nigrae! Da mihi potestatem unius hominis mortuos reducere! For I command it!”

The pentagram ignites in flames as something sinister opens from within. A head of an unconscious figure is seen visible from within the void of black ink before falling onto the ground, revealing to be an old man in tight purple clothing, armed with mystic unholy daggers.

The flames died down and the cloaked figure walked over to the unconscious man, turning him over. The old man was bald from the scalp and bears a white mustache.

“You better be worth it.” The cloaked figure muttered as he carried the old man to somewhere else, for he had plans for the old man, known as Silver Dagger.

Meanwhile in New York, Greenwich Village, at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Doctor Strange has returned from grocery shopping, wearing modern and normal clothing; such as jeans, a brown jacket, and a red scarf for the chilly weather. Beside him was Bats, as ghostly transparent as ever.

“I hope you're proud of scaring the dog owners.” Strange remarked. “I just wanted to play with the other dogs at the park, they were having fun!” Bats whimpered.

The sorcerer sighed in understanding. “You should have told me that you wanted to play, I would have put on some illusion spell to make you look alive. You know how people are when they see something unnatural.” Strange scolded.

Bats lowered his head. “I’m sorry…”

Strange looked down at his friend, seeing Bats hang his head, dejected. He sighed as he caved in. “You know it’s fine, right? I’ll give you some chocolate, only if you promise to behave.” He stated.

Bats lifted his head immediately, his tail wiggling and his breathing heavy in excitement. “Sure!” Strange chuckled in response to his friend before placing his groceries on the kitchen counter.

Unknown to the both of them, a sinister force was at play in another world as Silver Dagger snuck into the Canterlot Castle gracefully at dawn. His footsteps were as silent as a cat with his boots against the checkered marble floors, inching closer to Celestia's personal library.

Two Royal Guards, clad in gold armor and armed with spears, were at present, standing guard beside the entrance of the library doors. Silver Dagger brought out two daggers between his fingers and threw them directly to their chests. The Royal Guards collapsed to the ground, making a loud sound of metal armor against the marble floors, Silver Dagger marched on inside the library.

Unknown to him, the sound was heard by another Royal Guard on patrol through the corridors of the castle. The Royal Guard investigated the sound and spotted two of her fellow guards down.

“Intruder! We have an intruder!” The Royal Guard alarmed, her voice echoed through the corridors, reaching to the ears of other guards.

Silver Dagger wandered through the library of what seemed to be endless shelves of books, pony statues with fabulous sculpted manes, but this was not his main reason to admire some books and statues, he came for something more.

Walking into the deep parts of the library, after passing a giant hourglass, a vault door presented itself. The door itself is old, ancient even. A very large round disk with a wheel.

Silver Dagger stepped in front of the vault door, his first attempt at opening the door, but the wheel would not budge. He put all his surprisingly muscle effort, and yet to no avail.

Silver Dagger grunted in annoyance. He thought for a moment, thinking of a way to enter the vault. Suddenly, he heard loud clops behind him. He turned to see a large squad of ponies in gold armor, pointing spears in his direction. One stepped forward.

“In the name of Princess Celestia, you are hereby arrested for breaking and entering in the Canterlot Castle and for the murderer of two ponies.”

The old man ignored the ponies blabbering of justice and instead started attacking the guards by throwing daggers at them, aiming the most vital parts to his guess, his enchanted daggers flying. “You unholy magic creatures are the creations of the devil! I will purge your disgusting kind from existence! In the name of god!” Silver Dagger shouted, attacking the Royal Guards, surprisingly showing agility despite his old age.

One tried to catch him from behind, but the ex-priest caught on, blocking the spear with his dagger and struck to the neck.

Two tried to get him from his side, Silver Dagger jumped as they both accidentally stabbed one another directly to the neck.

Silver Dagger landed swiftly between two guards, attacking them to their armor-less spots.

As the slaughter continued, one Royal Guard escaped, hiding behind a bookshelf away from the onslaught. “I-I must warn Princess Celestia! She will know h-how to deal with this! She must!” The pony thought as she sneaked off to the corridors to warn and plead for help.

Silver Dagger finished the last of the armored ponies, or so he thought, as he turned back to the vault door, pondering what he should do next. Fortunately for him, he let some of the Royal Guards live as he knew he would need information from them.

He walked toward two fallen and injured guards. “You, demon spawn.” He called, catching their fearful attention. “You will tell me now how to open the vault and perhaps you can be redeemed to the eyes of god.” He said.

The injured ponies looked at him as if the bipedal creature was insane. They looked at him with fear as dread told them of their doom. “W-we don’t know how to -- only the princesses know how to open the vault.” One guard confesses, the other glares at his fellow guard. “Why did you tell him!? Now he’ll go after the princess!” The other guard shouts before a dagger is stabbed between his eyes. The guard collapses as the only remaining one shrieks in horror.

“You have done well to tell me, perhaps there is salvation for a demon spawns like you.” Silver Dagger said with a cold smirk. He kneels down to the pony’s head level, directing eye to eye.

Silver Dagger’s eyes glowed a shimmer of gold light that hypnotized the pony who eyed it. “Your will is my will. You will obey me.” Silver Dagger spoke as the pony stood straight up obediently, without a care of his injuries. “You will take me to your princess.” Silver Dagger commanded, and the pony led his master down to the corridors.

But only a quarter deep in the corridors of the glistening castle’s walls, a new obstacle has appeared. The princess of the sun has arrived.

“What is the meaning of this?” Princess Celestia inquires as the alicron confronts Silver Dagger. Sided by the surviving female Royal Guard as well as backed up by more others.

Silver Dagger smirks maniacally as he points his dagger at her. “You must be the princess I've heard about. You will open the vault door at the library, or this guard of yours will pay the price of your disobedience.” He declares as he grabs his hypnotized victim and places the dagger close to his neck, so close that it threatens to cut and spill a drop of blood.

The princess glares as she has not moved, only staying still in fear of her guard’s life taken away. “What is it that you want from the vault?” she asks.

“Why, the book of infinite power!” He exclaims. Celestia looked shocked. “How did you know…?” She asks. Silver Dagger fumed irritable. “Do not play coy with me!” He shouts as he inched his dagger close to the guard’s neck. “I know you have it, and if you want your satanic follower to live, then you will obey my command!” He shouts.

Celestia glares, she could use a simple spell to take down this bipedal creature, but she knew she could not risk getting her pony hurt in the process, she could never forgive herself if that happened.

“Fine… I will open the vault.” She complies. Silver Dagger moves out the way to let the princess guide him, still holding the dagger firmly against the hypnotized guard’s neck. Celestia told her guards to stand down, to not engage with the intruder.

Princess Celestia walks past them as she heads toward the library. She passed the many shelves with books, statues of the old, the giant hourglass. Into the deep corners of the library she stops in front of the vault.

Her heart breaks at the sight of her fallen Royal Guards, who will not be forgotten of their sacrifice. Nor will it be in vain.

She stands in front, knowing that opening the vault could spell curtain doom if anyone acquires the forbidden trinkets and relics made by dark forces of the past. Of a nearly forgotten dark age.

“Well? Open the vault door!” Silver Dagger urges, clearly impatient. The alicorn princess lights her magic as her horn glows a sparkly yellow. The vault made churning noises of gears, the door slowly opened with a low grinding noise.

Silver Dagger gazed into the wonders of the insides of the vault. Objects of evil origin, books of dark magic, relics of malevolent power. But one stands out the most.

A book made of black hide of a dark alligator with a leather strap.

That one was what Silver Dagger seeks, or so he was told. Letting his guard down, Celestia strikes at the chance, shooting a beam of magic directly at Silver Dagger.

He couldn’t react in time as he was blasted away and hit against a bookshelf, causing it to fall and knock down another, and another, and another.

Silver Dagger groaned as he tried to get up, but his body was lifted by a visible force of the same sparkly yellow magic that radiates off of Celestia’s horn. He turns to Celestia as they both glare at each other.

“Guards!” she shouts, calling in her battalion. All surround Silver Dagger as they point spears at him. “Take it to the dungeons.” Celestia orders.

But before anypony could lay a hoof, Silver Dagger pops out a flash grenade and triggers it, causing a flash bang of light that temporarily blinded and deafened his captors. Celestia’s magic fizzled out, giving Silver Dagger a chance to get the book and escape.

As the alicorn princess and royal guards gained their bearings, regaining their eyesight and hearing, they attempted to chase after the intruder, now thief and murderer.

Many Royal Guards that were on patrol duty witnessed the running strange creature, they attempted to stop Silver Dagger but were met with death or an acrobatic display of skill as he dodged their attacks.

He jumped down a set of stairs as a pegasi tried to catch him, but missed by an inch. He front flipped from a guard who tried to tackle him. The whole castle was on high alert as the entire barracks of Royal Guards chased after the old man with his surprising stamina to keep up this long.

Just as Silver Dagger almost made it to his escape, his way out, somepony steps in. The Princess of the night.

“Halt thee, intruder!” Luna shouts with her royal canterlot voice that shakes the very room, causing Silver Dagger to grasp his ears. Her wings rise in an attempt to intimidate with her majestic and intimidating figure of a creature. “For thy have invaded our home, and thou shall be punished!”

Silver Dagger tried to turn away to find another escape route, but his way back was blocked off by Royal Guards. He furrows in frustration. He gripped the book tightly within his grasp beside his hip, readying his dagger at a moment's notice.

Luna charged her magic as her horn glowed a sparkly blue color. As she shot the beam towards Silver Dagger, the intruder backflipped as the beam passed his back mid air, the beam hit one of the Royal Guards in the back as they collapsed.

Silver Dagger landed to his feet, knowing he was outmatched he focused his eyes on a window of the hall.

Catching up to his plan Luna sends another beam to take him out, but Silver Dagger, as ever quick, ducked and slid under the beam and broke through the glass, falling out of the castle.

You may think he foolishly jumped to his death, but be amazed as he maneuvered his body to an angle to stab his dagger into a cloth banner, connected to the marble walls of the castle, to slow down his descent.

As he made it to the ground of the castle’s garden, multiple pegasus flew down to give chase.

Passing a fountain and a draconequus statue, Silver Dagger ran out of the garden’s entrance and into another set of corridors.

He ran quickly as the pegasus slowly reached him, he made a quick turn as one failed to grab him, he jumped over another as they tried to swoop him.

He jumped down another window, sliding against the wall and jumping onto the roof of a house, finally out of the grand Canterlot Castle.

Silver Dagger jumps down from the roof and runs into an alley, hiding behind some barrels and boxes, shrouding himself in his shadows from anyone’s eyes.

Royal Guards ran past him, not noticing him from the corner of their eyes.

In the moment of peace, Silver Dagger communicated to his master through telepathy, to report his findings. “I have retrieved the book as requested.”

Someone responds, and it is the voice of the cloaked figure. “Good! Excellent! You have done well in serving me, now I will send you back to me.”

Silver Dagger’s body glimmered a soft light, catching the eyes of Royal Guards, but before they could pursue, Silver Dagger was already gone.

Silver Dagger was magically transported back to his home universe on Earth, back in the dark castle of Transylvania.

“Have you truly retrieved the book?” The cloaked stranger asked. Silver Dagger smirks as he pulls out the book into his master’s sight. “Indeed I have!”

The cloaked stranger cackles before coughing hoarsely into his hand. He took a big breath before he took the book from Silver Dagger with his pale and wrinkly hands with long, uncut nails.

He raised the book above his head, despite the pain in his back. “Now with this book, I can regain my awesome power once more!” He cackles. “And once I do, Doctor Strange will be too weak, too beneath my power to face me!” He shouts in victory. Silver Dagger crosses his arms in response.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you know that book would bring us power? It was in another world.” Silver Dagger asks.

The cloaked stranger turned to face his reincarnated ally, replying. “Because, my henchman, during my youthful days of fighting the original Doctor Strange, I once stole the Book of the Vishanti.”

The cloaked stranger clenched his fist in pure rage at the thought of the book. “The blasted book would not grant me knowledge of power. It was somewhat sentient to decide what the reader was allowed to see of its infinite pages. But it has shown me one page that took my interest so long ago. I still remember it to this day.” Silver Dagger’s curiosity peaked on the page that was mentioned.

“And what secret knowledge was found on the page?” Asked the ex-priest.

The cloaked stranger smirked as his sinister smile was visible to the low lighting of his surrounding lit candles. He answers, “More possible knowledge throughout the multiverse and beyond! The omniverse!”

His smirked fell. “But I could not just visit this multiverse with ease; there was a wall of some kind, a barrier between multiverses. So I made a meeting with Dormammu, convincing him to aid me in seeking power from the hidden relics locked within the other multiverse. With our combined power, we both managed to break through the barrier, causing a crack in void and reality, small enough for Dormammu to slip in!” He growled, clutching his fist close to his face.

“Dormammu betrayed me and tried to retrieve the knowledge for himself, but unfortunately for him, Doctor Strange intervened, stopping Dormammu from taking what is rightfully mine!” He raised his fist high in the air.

He continues. “So then, I convinced Nightmare to invade the dreams of the creatures that reside there. Then, I captured some demons from a hell dimension to distract him. The more I take his attention to the other world, the more he lacks performing his duties.” He finished.

The cloaked stranger continued “I knew I could take advantage of Doctor Strange’s kindness and compassion to help anyone and anything, so I decided to divert his attention from his duties as Sorcerer Supreme, for his lack of performance would be his downfall!” The cloaked stranger cackles.

Back with the princesses, both waited in their thrones and their Royal Guards investigated the crime scene; asking for any witness, looking for clues, trying to find anything of the strange bipedal that bears a resemblance to their extradimensional visitor, Doctor Strange.

But then an idea hit one of them. “Wait, Luna. Don’t you think that creature resembles the doctor?” Celestia asked. Luna turned to her, confused. “What do thou ever mean, sister? He looks nothing like our dentist.” She replied.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Not that kind of doctor, I meant Doctor Strange.” She restated. Her younger sister expressed a look of realization. “Oh! We understand now, the answer is yes. That intruder does have similar traits of our savior.” Luna agreed, nodding.

“Indeed, the creature resembles the doctor; a hairless body, standing on two legs, and wearing strange clothing.” Celestia went on.

Luna thought for a moment. “Do thou think we should summon him?” Luna asked. Celestia pondered the idea. “I wouldn’t wish to bother him, but he may be the only chance we have at finding the murderer.”

She turned to a Royal Guard that was standing on guard duty. The Royal Guard was the same female pony that survived the attack, who was still in shock of the whole event, but wouldn’t let it get her down on the job. So when the princess of the sun called for her, she immediately responded.

“Yes, princess?” She asked. “Please bring me the black card from my room.” Celestia ordered. The Royal Guard nodded and ran off to get the card as requested.

Celestia lowered her head, fearing what the strange, old creature was doing with the old book. “I just hope Doctor Strange will help us in this situation.”

(To Be Continued)

Chapter 6: Outnumbered, Yet Not Outmatched

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Chapter 6: Outnumbered, Yet Not Outmatched
Doctor Strange was currently having lunch as he was eating a homemade grotesque sandwich. A combination of comic sludge, sliced alien-ish mushrooms, extradimensional tentacles, demonic fingers and blue cheese between two normal bread.

He hated it, but it is a diet required, sort of like recharging his magic batteries.

Suddenly, a swirling, sparking portal formed outside of his kitchen. Sighing, knowing it was someone about to attack him in his own home, or someone calling for help. He stuffed his mouth with the last remains of his sandwich before pushing back his chair and standing up.

He brushed off some crumbs on his shirt before using a spell for an instant switch of clothes to his sorcerer garments. With a whistle, his cloak of levitation flew in and placed itself to its master’s shoulders.

He stood in front, or back, of the portal. There really is no front or back either way. He looks through the portal and sees a familiar place; the Canterlot throne room.

Deciding it was a call for help, he steps into the throne room. He turned to see the two sisters sitting on their thrones.

“Anyone called a doctor?” he joked.

Both the princesses were happy to see their friend. “Greetings, doctor. Unfortunately, we do not have time for formalities. Time is of the essence.” Celestia said.

Doctor Strange walked closer to their thrones. “So, what is the problem?” He inquired. “An intruder has broken into our castle, murdered my little ponies, and escaped stealing a forbidden relic. We have summoned you to investigate in search of the creature.” Celestia explained.

The sorcerer blinked. “So you summoned me for some detective work?” he quipped. Before the princesses would take offense, he explains. “Look, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I gave you the card for world ending situations, not so I can be in your service.” He stated.

Even when he explained himself, the princesses didn’t take offense. “We understand, Doctor Strange. If it was any creature we were familiar with, we would not have summoned thee. But this creature resembles thee, if not to thy kind.” Luna said.

The sorcerer raised his brow in confusion. “My kind…?” He asked.

“The creature we confronted bears similarities to you; walks on two legs, only has facial hair, and a very short snout. It has as white mustache, wears purple clothing, and carries an arsenal of daggers.” Celestia described.

Doctor Strange pinched his chin in thought, thinking very deeply of what or who it could be. Although, the description does warely remind him of- “No, impossible. He should be dead, no way he could still be alive.” He thought, being reminded of an old foe.

He dropped his hand to his side, already accepting the job. “Alright, I will assist in this investigation. lead me to where the scene of the crime started.” He requested.

Both the princesses and the female guard led him to the library, where already he noticed a trail of blood within the corridors. As he enters the library, he is met with the aftermath of a massacre, a bloodbath.

His expression grimaces at the sight, it immensely disturbs him at the sight of crimson fluid spilled everywhere. Just seeing the bodies of fallen Royal Guards sends goosebumps crawling on his skin.

They all made their way through the maze-like library as they stopped at the front of the vault door. Celestia made her way to the front of the group.

“This is where the murderer seeked for, he came looking for a relic of dark power.” She said, as she opens the vault door, Doctor Strange can feel a breeze of dark magic and a sinister aura coming off of what lays within.

He also noticed something missing, a wooden pedestal stand that seemed empty.

“I’m guessing something from there was taken?” He asked, pointing to the pedestal where the book of dark power was taken. Luna nodded. “That is correct, Doctor Strange. The intruder broke in and has stolen a forbidden book that should not be in the hooves of any creature.”

Doctor Strange hums as he steps forward. “Perhaps my enchanted amulet will help.” He said as he places his index fingers and thumbs on the sides of the amulet, closing his eyes to concentrate on awakening his eye for a specific purpose.

“By the Eye of Agamotto, reveal to me what steps have been taken.” The eye opened from its slumber, producing a soft beam of light as it formed a light silhouette of a man. Although the silhouette of the man was present, its features were not. Only showing a silhouette that can be moved frame by frame. Sort of like a stop-motion.

The audiences, that is the princesses and royal guard watched the scene with awe of the power of the enchanted amulet.

Doctor Strange gazes on as he sees the silhouette steal a silhouette of the book and run out of the eye’s light, causing the silhouette to disappear. This made Doctor Strange move, tilting his body so the eye may continue to generate the cause of the scene.

As the silhouette moved down the halls, Doctor Strange followed. He watched as the silhouette performed acrobatic combat as it slaughtered silhouettes of ponies.

He kept on following as he continued to watch the silhouette run, until it jumped out of a broken window.

Doctor Strange flies down as he sees a stretched out cut on a cloth banner. He flew down onto a garden, followed by the princesses while the female royal guard was left behind.

Doctor Strange looks around and sees the beauty that is the garden, decorated with multiple marble statues of ponies holding an instrument, or a weapon, or a scroll. But one stands out from the rest. One that reminds the sorcerer of a few mythical stories from earth, a draconequus.

It stands with a body made of a lion's paw, a griffin's talon, a lizard tail, a reptile's leg, and a goat's leg. With the face of a horse that has two different horns, one is a deer antler and the other is something he doesn't recognise. It also has two wings of a different design, one a bat and the other a bird.

While it is an extraordinary piece of art, for some reason, he feels a strange feeling from it, almost as if it was alive somehow. He felt a sense of chaotic power from it.

His thoughts were interrupted as Princess Luna came into his field of vision. “Is there something wrong, Doctor Strange.” The blue alicron asked in worry and concern.

Doctor Strange shook it off. “Yes, I’m quite fine… just. It’s nothing.” He said, hinting that he doesn’t want to go further.

Luna nodded, stepping back to respect his space. Princess Celestia coughed. “Shall we continue on?” She asked. Doctor Strange nodded, pointing his light from the Eye of Agamotto to project the scene.

The silhouette was again running as it went into another corridor of the castle. The silhouette led the group as it jumped down from another window onto a hay roof of a house then hid into an alley behind some barrels and boxes. Coincidentally, they were also rejoined by the same female royal guard, who took the long route to get to them.

As the group watched the silhouette crouched to hide, it suddenly vanished. With that done, the eye closed to be back to it’s slumber.

“Is that it?” Luna asked. Doctor Strange nodded. “Yes, it seems that the Eye of Agamotto has come to a dead end. The murderer seems to have used some sort of teleportation spell to return where they came from, leaving me unable to trace them anymore.” He concluded.

“So, is there nothing you can do?” Celestia asked, a bit displeased and yet understanding. Doctor Strange felt a bit angry, feeling that Celestia was underestimating him. “Perhaps so, or perhaps not.”

Doctor Strange stretched out his hands, moving his fingers in hand signs as he chanted a spell incantation. “Mighty Oshtur, tower of towers! Without limit are thy powers! To yon fiendish ones, reveal them! From one location now, find them!”

As he spoke out these words, the sky darkens with clouds that threaten to rain. A lightning strike hits the ground in front of Doctor Strange, creating a spark of light, to which that light forms into a vortex, a gateway to where the murderer resides.

Doctor Strange turns to his crowd. “We must stay vigilant because we are about to enter enemy territory, who knows what danger we might run into.” He warns. The princesses nodded, acknowledging his warning for their safety.

“Then we must prepare.” Luna said, turning to the Royal Guard. “Guard, gather a battalion for us, for we may be in need of assistance.” She ordered. The Royal Guard bowed. “Of course, Princess Luna.” She says as she clops away to do as she was told.

Doctor Strange grumbles as he waits impatiently, evident of his foot tapping against the ground. “We do not have time! Perhaps I should scout ahead to check if there are any threats.” He suggested as he was about to go in. But he was stopped as Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Don’t do this, you mustn't go in alone. You must wait so we can prepare for any potential attack from the murderer.” She wisely said. “While I do believe you have the capabilities, proven by your actions against Dormammu and saving my little sister, I do not want you to risk yourself.” She said worriedly.

Doctor Strange ignored her words, shaking her hoof off him. “Don’t worry about me, I can handle this all on my own. In fact, I’ll take on this murderer myself.” He declared with a smirk. “I’ll be back before you know it!” He shouts as he flies into the vortex, completely oblivious of what lies ahead.

Celestia sighs in defeat. Luna stands next to her sister to be by her side. They both are worried about their alley, their new friend.

Meanwhile back on Earth at Pennsylvania, at the location where the dark castle is. The master mind, that is the cloaked stranger, raises his head as he senses something. “Someone dare approach my sanctum!” He shouts, catching the attention of Silver Dagger. “Who approaches? He asks.

“Doctor Strange! The fool has found our location! I am not strong enough to face him in this condition, we must prepare ourselves with an army!” He said.

The cloaked stranger went out the door of his chamber, stretching his hand out. “By the Vapors of Valtorr, let you stand from your post no more! Rise and awaken!”

A green vapor spread itself across the halls of the dark castle and possessed the many armor knight suits that were once a decoration of the castle, now animated to become a defensive army that stands ready and on guard.

Silver Dagger hides within the shadows as he watches the walking suits, armed with swords, shields, maces, crossbows and arrows.

They marched in formation in every perimeter of the castle, their master made sure they covered all ground to give his foe no room to breathe the moment Doctor Strange entered.

A moment of silence passes by until a vortex forms in the center of the castle’s courtyard.

The knights with crossbows aimed at the ready for the designated enemy their master has awakened them for.

As Doctor Strange exits the portal, flying into his deathtrap, the knights fire. Doctor Strange was prepared for this sort of outcome. Hr brought out his palm up front.

“By the Shield of the Seraphim, protect me from them!” He shouted as a large round barrier with a mandala design formed in a flash of light as it bounced off or broke the arrows.

As the launch of arrows finally stopped, Doctor Strange dropped his shield. “Is that all?” He asked with a smug look.

Knights with maces took action as they swung in his direction. Doctor Strange swiftly dodges, reliant on his cloak of levitation to pull his body as he focuses on spells to cast.

“By the Winds of Watoomb, ascend unto them to their doom!” A pressure of wind smashed the knights to the point they’re flat as a coin.

Next were the knights with swords as they attacked him in all directions. “By the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr, block their edges forever more!” Two miniature shields of the seraphim were forged from air above the fists of Doctor Strange as he used them to block their attacks, almost overwhelmed by the many swords attempting to strike him.

Doctor Strange swiftly changes one of his shields into the Sacred Sword of the Vishanti and blocks another sword with it before pushing it back.

He stabs into the knight suit, causing the green vapors to pour from the cut, leaving the armor alive no more as it collapses into nothing but pieces of armor.

Doctor Strange blocks another sword before disarming them with a flick of a wrist before cutting through the chained armor around the supposed neck, making the helm and the entire suit fall.

One knight tried to impale the sorcerer with a spear, but the spear was taken away by the cloak and instead used it to stab the knight itself.

Doctor Strange quickly fades away his weapons for he conjures another weapon he had in mind. “By Cyttorak’s Seventh Crimson Band, let this flaming whip ensnare their hand!” He chants as pulled out a whip made of Cyttorak’s crimson magic energy from his fingertips.

He pulled it back before whipping it fourth as it wrapped around a knight’s hand. He swung around and around until he threw it to a group like a bowling alley. He repeated this move again and again.

The fight stretched out long as the possessed knights tried but failed to take the sorcerer down, for Doctor Strange was a formidable foe against these low rank mindless minions.

As Doctor Strange quickly finishes off the last of the possessed knights, freeing the suits from the vapor spell.

“Now, where is the murder-!” He was caught off as he was almost struck with a dagger to the face, courtesy of his cloak, only being grazed by the side of his cheek. His eyes widened the moment his eyes lay upon the person he never thought he’d see.

Silver Dagger smirks as he spots the shock of fear on Doctor Strange’s expression. But his smirk falls as he notices Doctor Strange’s appearance. “Who are you?” He demanded.

“I’m Doctor Strange.” The sorcerer answered. “And you must be the murderer. But how can that be? I thought you were gone, either locked away in Agamotto’s weird realm of unreality, or at the very least, died of old age. How can you be here?” He asks as he stares amazed by Silver Dagger’s appearance, he even thought it was an illusion.

“Silence!” Silver Dagger growled out. “I do not need to explain myself. And enough with your lies, you are not who you say you are! The cloaked stranger was right about you!” He shouts, not realizing he called out his accomplice.

“Cloaked stranger? He’s not the mastermind here? So there is someone at play here.” Doctor Strange thought.

“I will wipe you away from existence, rid the world of all evil, in the name of the lord!” Silver Dagger decrees as brought out his daggers.

“I forgot, you were a delusional priest. A broken man that couldn’t accept the fact that someone took his role of being the head priest, a pope or something. Am I right?” Doctor Strange jabbed.

“Silence!” Silver Dagger screamed, now provoked as he lunged toward Doctor Strange, who quickly threw out a barrier to protect him. But the barrier didn’t last long as it began to have cracks from the dagger until it finally pierced through, causing the sorcerer to back away as it sliced through his tunic in a diagonal cut.

“Touched a nerve, did I?” Doctor Strange quipped, uncaring of the more danger he added himself in. Silver Dagger made many attempts to attack him but Doctor Strange dodges with only a few cuts on his tunic.

Doctor Strange knew from history that Silver Dagger’s weapon can counter magic, he levitated a sword and shield to his hands, guarding himself to at least defend and wait for the backup battalion to arrive.

Silver Dagger went for a strike, Doctor Strange managed to block it

Both pushed against each other in their sword lock, one trying to disarm the other. The sorcerer jumps back and strikes from above, the ex-priest blocks it and moves it aside to go for a stab, the sorcerer blocks and tries to swing for the arm. Again, the ex-priest blocks the attempt.

Silver Dagger brings out another dagger and goes for the jugular, but Doctor Strange immediately drops his shield and holds firm on the hand. Silver Dagger headbutts Doctor Strange, staggering him for a moment as Silver Dagger quickly unequips his dagger and shoots a blast of magic from his hand to disarm Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange jumps back to give himself space before aiming his hand at Silver Dagger with his thumb, index, and pinky out with middle fingers down. “By the Bolts of Bedevilment!”

A beam of mystic energy, fueled by anger, reached to it’s intended target, but Silver Dagger manages to deflect it off, causing it to destroy some parts of the ceiling as stone bricks tumble down in Doctor Strange’s direction.

Doctor Strange tried to fly away to safety, but wasn’t too quick on his feet as the stone bricks collapsed on him.

Doctor Strange groans from the pain of the sudden weight on his back almost crushing him. He tried to pull himself out of the pile of stone bricks but was unable to. He was about to use a spell when all of a sudden, Silver Dagger stabs his hand into the floor.

The sorcerer screamed in agony as tears threatened to fall. Silver Dagger laughs, full of enjoyment at his pain.

“You are truly foolish, “Doctor Strange”. I had hoped to see the real doctor one last time. But I will at least have the pleasure of ending his lineage.” He raises another dagger, aimed in Doctor Strange direction, and as he was about to plunge the blade a beam of yellow light hit away the dagger, causing Silver Dagger to grip his wrist in pain.

Silver Dagger turns to face the one who disarmed him. “Who dares?” He shouts for a demand of a name, but the answer was replied with a blue beam that hit Silver Dagger’s chest, blasting him away as his body hit against a stone wall, collapsing to the ground, seemingly knocked out.

Doctor Strange raises his head to see his savior, he was surprised and happy to see his new friends; Celestia and Luna, alongside the female royal guard and the battalion that was promised to come.

Celestia immediately removes the debris with her magic and teleports the blade out of Doctor Strange’s hand. “We need a medic!” She shouts. One royal guard heard and was on their way to get a medical team.

Celestia moves to Doctor Strange’s side, crouching. “Doctor, are you alright?” Celestia asked worryingly in a motherly tone. Doctor Strange smiled. “I’m doing fine and dandy,” he replied. He looked around the area as the battalion of royal guards surrounded the perimeter, he looked back up to the princess. “A bit late to the party, aren’t you?” He asked jokingly.

“Thy should have listened to my sister, Doctor Strange. She told you it was too dangerous to go in alone.” Luna scolds. It reminded him of his teachers scolding him. He always had a sense of ignoring any warnings.

“You’re right, sorry to disappoint you.” Doctor Strange said with a whole hearty chuckle, still holding his bleeding hand that coats his cut tunic and gloves in blood.

A Royal Guard steps up to Princess Luna to inform her. “Princess Luna, we have safely secured the perimeter.” He said. Luna nodded. “Excellent, have thy yet arrested the murderer?” She asked.

The Royal Guard shook his head. “Uh, no ma’am. We didn’t find the murderer, I am sorry to inform you.”

Doctor Strange heard their conversation, his eyes widened as he gasped. “No, no!” He tried to get up, but the pain on his back immediately pinned him down, discouraging him from trying. “It can’t be! I saw you two beat him, he should’ve been on that wall.” He pointed to where Silver Dagger lays.

Or used to lay as the spot Doctor Strange was pointing to, there was nobody there.

“No… no…” Doctor Strange said defeatedly, unable to comprehend that Silver Dagger somehow escaped.

“Don’t worry, Doctor. We will find him.” Celestia promised. Soon, a pair of medics with a stretcher came in to place Doctor Strange on. He tried to persist. “No, he’s not alone!” He warns.

“Silver Dagger is not working alone!” He shouts as he was taken back through the portal. He wished he could stay, but the pain from the bleeding made it kind of hard for him to concentrate.

And as the princesses and the Royal Guards investigate through the corridors of the castle, Silver Dagger hides among the trees outside the castle, along with the cloaked stranger, who observes the sight of his home being taken over.

He hated how weak he was in his condition, but soon he will find a way to gain back his power with the help of the book he got his hands on.

“So, what now?” Asked Silver Dagger. The cloaked strange mearley walks away before saying. “Now, we should rebuild your long lost team.”

Silver Dagger smirks at the mention of his team. “I will lead the Sword of the Lord, once again!”

(To Be Continued.)

Chapter 7: Sword of The Lord

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Doctor Strange was being taken to a hospital as the ponies in white coats led his stretcher through the dull halls so they could take him room to treat his hand.

Doctor Strange nearly chuckles, finding it ironic for having the title of doctor and yet he is being treated as a patient. His doctors took him to a white and pine green room.

They removed his blood coated glove to see a gaping cut wound on his hand. Doctor Strange can feel the numbness as Silver Dagger probably cut through his nerves.

Fortunately, the wound is not too big, so his hand will be healed back to norm.

The doctors added some disinfected before applying some bandages. A unicorn used a spell to x-ray to find anything broken around his body. So far, only a few cracks on the back of the rib cage that they could mend with ease.

Doctor Strange got up from the stretcher and stretched himself, then feeling back his hand. He turns to the doctors in the room. “Thank you for the help, doctors.” He said gratefully.

But before the doctors could stop him and suggest he stay for a full rest, Doctor Strange quickly flew away through a window nearby.

Doctor Strange looks over his tunic, or what remains of it. He groans, “Should have learned a repair spell at least.” He grumbles.

He gazes over the city from above, flying past any pegasus that looks at him weirdly. He flies down to an alley, the same one where he made a portal to Silver Dagger’s location.

The portal was still there, he also noticed two Royal Guards that stood guard by the portal. They both notice his arrival as they salute to him? He shook his head from the thought as he walked towards them.

“Good afternoon, gentle… men? Stallions? Colts?” He asks while confused what to call them, wondering if what he said is offensive or respectful. The Royal Guards didn’t react, just standing there as if unaware of his words. He finds their behavior odd but couldn’t judge how their military system works, or at least, he thinks their military system is how the Royal Guards behave, all motionless and expressionless to not let the enemy get to their emotions, from what he assumes.

“I’ll just pass through, if you don’t mind.” He said as he slowly walked past the odd ponies to enter the portal.

One step into the portal and he was already into the same grand room he once was in combat against Silver Dagger. Just the thought of Silver Dagger scares him. Silver Dagger was the only villain that almost ended his life, which he knew multiple tried, but Silver Dagger was much closer if it wasn’t for the princesses who saved him in time.

He scans around the large room, seeing a few Royal Guards, a hole on the ceiling from his last fight, and the many plates of armor lying around on the floor. He grins at the thought of easily mopping the floor with the empty suits.

Doctor Strange walks to a Royal Guard that was close, hoping this one wasn’t silent. And bless the eternal Vishanti it was the female Royal Guards that tagged along.

“Hello.” Doctor Strange greeted from behind, surprising the Royal Guard with a startle, especially at the sight of his dried blood glove and ripped tunic as she jumped. “Oh! Oh, hi, Mr. Strange.” She greeted him back.

The sorcerer’s eye twitches at the nickname but ignores it. “I was wondering if you know where the princesses are. I wish to continue to help alongside them.” He said. She nodded, “Sure, let me lead you to them.”

She then guided him through the corridors of the castle. Doctor Strange looks at the halls as if they were decorated with crimson drapes, small tables with lit wax candles, shelves with books that have English writings, and finally a portrait of a human family of four. One man standing in the back, a possibly wedded couple sitting while the woman held a baby in her arms. He looked at the bottom of the portrait and saw a small metal sign connected to the portrait reading; “The Krowler-Mordo Family”.

Both the sorcerer and Royal Guard stopped at the entrance of some study room. They spot the Princesses currently investigating any trails of the murderer.

Luna searched one side of the room while her sister, Celestia, searched the other as both didn’t notice Doctor Strange nor the female Royal Guard.

“Ahem.” Doctor Strange cleared his throat catching the attention of the royal alicorn sisters. Both the sisters turned to see Doctor Strange in his current condition. “Kept you waiting, huh?” he said with a grin.

“Doctor? What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be at a hospital currently resting.” Celestia said with Luna agreeing with her. “And miss out on all the fun? I think not.” Doctor Strange said, walking closer to the princesses.

“Besides, you’re gonna need my help in finding where Silver Dagger is. He isn’t anywhere where you think we are.” He said, confusing the ponies currently in the room.

“What do thou mean, Doctor Strange?” Luna asked.

“What I mean is, we’re not where you think we are, we are in my home world: Earth.” He explained. They all looked at him with a raised brow, confused. “Earth?” The Royal Guard repeated, sounding out the word unfamiliar to her.

Doctor Strange nodded. “Yes. The reason why I say this is because I found out that the items I found around here are earth related. The portrait of four humans, my kind, and the English writings on the books I found. I believe our writings are different, right?”

“I suppose so. If what you said is true, then where are we?” Celestia asks. Doctor Strange hums. “I never thought of that. Eye of Agamotto!” He sang as if calling out a long time friend.

The eye opens from its slumber, it then flies out of its resting chamber amulet and flies away, flying through halls until it stops at the hole at the ceiling. It flies through the hole and scans around the area. Once it does, it sends the information telepathically to its master.

Doctor Strange receives it well and informs the others. “Well, I am proud to announce to you that we are in Transylvania, a region of Romania.”

“Fascinating, a whole different world.” Luna says with a bit of excitement. “As fun as it sounds to explore a new world, we must search for the murderer.” Celestia said, completely killing her sister’s mood.

“Silver Dagger, his name is Silver Dagger.” Doctor Strange reminds Celestia. “Yes, the murderer that is named Silver Dagger. Thank you.” Celestia concedes.

“We still need to know where he is planning to go, is there anything you two found?” Doctor Strange asks. Celestia shakes her head, “No, we tried to search through these books but there is a language barrier as we cannot understand these writings.” Celestia explains as she lifts a book from a table with a levitation spell.

Doctor Strange takes the book and opens it, looking over the pages as he reads the contents of its horrible dark spells of resurrection of the dead with a heavy price and other unforgivable curses that would make even the bravest men’s skin crawl. Unfortunately, none of these pages says anything of Silver Dagger’s plan or the other “cloaked stranger” that Silver Dagger mentioned. These books are just ancient texts from a darker origin.

“No, sorry. Nothing here mentions anything about Silver Dagger, or the other person that he mentioned.” Doctor Strange said, putting the book down.

Luna thinks before she gets an idea. “Why not use thy enchanted amulet to locate this Silver Dagger like before?” She asks. Doctor Strange blinks, “Honestly, I never thought of that.” He admits blankly.

Somewhere in New York, a mundane rental warehouse that houses a cult of zealous fanatics, armed with machine guns and silver bullets, wearing black uniforms of a priest with a giant cross plastered onto their chest, all of which are discussing in their weekly meetings in their never ending “holy war” against the “sinners”, which were the werewolf biker gang known as Braineater.

As the folks talk about plans and strategies, Silver Dagger intrudes in from the shadows. “Silver Dagger?” One of the men spoke, all the men and women turned and were shocked to see their old leader.

“Is that you? I thought you were dead!” Another said. The whole cult were in disbelief as they witness their former leader right in front of them. Silver Dagger smirks. “I have returned to regain my squad once more!” He declares.

No one knew what to say, all except one. “Lies! You are not Silver Dagger! You are an imposter, and a work of the devil!” A man replies as he points his machine gun toward Silver Dagger. He pulled the trigger as Silver Dagger jumped behind some crates.

The silver bullets pierce through the wooden crates making Silver Dagger run to hide behind different crates. Silver Dagger pulls out a dagger and chucks it to the machine gun as it disarms the man holding it. He pounces the man before he could even react, placing another dagger to the man’s neck.

“Enough of this!” Silver Dagger scowls, standing up straight as he glares at the whole cult. “I have returned from the dead to reclaim my people, to once again lead the crusade in the name of the lord!” He announced.

The members of the Sword of the Lord didn’t know what to say or what to do. Until one older member of the cult steps forward. “Is what you say true? Will you really lead our people into glory once more?” the old man asks.

Silver Dagger smirks once again. “I swear it upon the lord’s name.” He said as he relaxed his shoulders, knowing he had easily regained leadership from his squad. “Though I am happy to be back, I brought a friend who will help us take out our number one enemy.” He said

“Who?” A female member asks. The Cloaked Strange walks away from the shadows as he steps next to Silver Dagger, revealing himself to Silver Dagger’s people. “Greetings…”

Back with Doctor Strange and the princesses, including the Royal Guard battalion. Doctor Strange has found a trail with the help of the Eye of Agamotto and discovered their location. They all are currently on top of the roof of the warehouse as the sorcerer and alicorns gaze from above, seeing through the glass windows where they can see the cult members in spot lights.

“And here I thought the cult died after fighting the braineaters. I suppose some members survived just like Jack Russel.” Doctor Strange commented. Celestia fell into a conundrum, “I’m sorry, what?” She asks.

Doctor Strange shook his head. “Nothing, just some news I read online years ago. Got any plan how we should handle this? Normally I just break in through the window for dramatic effect or appear from the shadows, but after my encounter with Silver Dagger, I suppose an individual stealth take down could be optional.” He said, open minded to any ideas.

“I believe the stealth option is a good idea, it would make things easier by reducing the chance of injuries of our Royal Guards, if they’re as skilled as Silver Dagger.” Luna said, liking the idea. “We’ll have the Royal Guards block any possible exits so no one escapes while you, my sister and I will personally take down any of these accomplices we come by.” Luna explained.

“Excellent idea, Luna.” Celestia praised. “Then we’re all set then. Order your guards into position.” Doctor Strange commanded.

The Royal Guards did as they were ordered, blocking any possible escape routes. The princesses had to use a spell to quiet their metal slippers on their hoofs as they wouldn’t want to attract attention with the sound of metal clapping against the hard floors. They didn’t use a teleportation spell for it would also attract attention with the whole sparkly noise and a flash of light, the only viable way to sneak inside would be by Strange’s portal as it creates less noise and has the brightness of a lava lamp.

As they step through they hide behind some crates, away from any cult member’s sight. The sorcerer and alicorn princesses snuck through the jungle of wooden crates and cardboard boxes, making sure they weren’t spotted by anyone. They all split up to cover more ground, getting close to any cult members from behind to take them out in a sleep spell.

Silver Dagger and the mysterious Cloaked Stranger can be seen visibly in light, planning to make use of the information they have gathered from the book they’ve stolen.

“What are they looking for?” Doctor Strange muttered under his breath, taking guesses of what use they have for a book. He passed by multiple cult members that he had managed to cast to a deep slumber, catching them before they could hit the floor and cause a ruckus.

There were only a few remaining cult members left, nothing they couldn't handle, except for maybe Silver Dagger. From Doctor Strange’s experience, he was magic proof from his enchanted daggers and armed with dark magic. He had to think of something, a way to beat Silver Dagger and the other accomplice he mentioned, the Cloaked Stranger.

As the sorcerer and princesses grouped together with the shadows to their advantage. They prepared to confront the last multiple members head on to put an end to this.

Doctor Strange conjured a few Ruby Rings of Raggador and flung them to knock them all out; he managed to take down a cult member or two. This alerted the few remaining as they quickly armed themselves and pointed their machine guns in Doctor Strange’s direction.

Doctor Strange formed a larger Ring of Raggador to block all silver bullets as the Sword of the Lord cult emptied their mags. The shield began to slowly crack from the silver bullets as they are made with the same material as Silver Dagger’s daggers. Dark magic that can counter magic.

With their mags empty, Doctor Strange spinned his whole body to give out a powerful throw of his shield, like what Captain America would do with a large circular object in hand. The shield hit all who weren’t quick witted as they were flown off and out cold. Those who were fast were able to duck under or move out of the way while quickly reloading.

The Princess intervened as they levitated their weapons out of their grasp and took them out with the butt of their machine guns against their heads.

Silver Dagger was enraged by his already taken out members of his grand cult. “Damn you all to hell! You may have taken my Sword of the Lord, but I will not fall so easily!” He swears as he throws a few daggers he had left.

Doctor Strange and the princesses dodged as best as they could, either sidestepping or ducking under. Silver Dagger pulled out a light grenade, pulled the pin and threw it down to their feet and hoofs.

The grenade triggered and flashed a blinding light and loud noise that hindered their senses and hearing. This gave Silver Dagger time to retreat behind some crates before opening one, he smiles sinisterly as he grabs exactly what he is looking for.

He arms himself with two machine guns. He aims them at the sorcerer and the princesses, who managed to quickly recover. He pulled the trigger and released a flurry of bullets that rained upon them.

The Princess protected themselves with a shield bubble as Doctor Strange protected himself with a mandala disk. Their respective shields began to crack as Silver Dagger skillfully reloaded to keep up barraging them with silver bullets relentlessly without falter.

Doctor Strange took the risk by getting closer to Silver Dagger, focusing on mystic shield to stay firm. Doctor Strange pushes on through, even when his allies discouraged him from risking his life.

Doctor Strange now stands in front of Silver Dagger, both glaring each other with hatred in their eyes.

Silver Dagger still kept up with firing, Doctor Strange now focuses on his amulet. He must do it quickly or the shield will break instantaneously.

“By the Eye of Agamotto! Let the blinding light freeze you!” The eye opens once more unleashing a beam of light as it blinds Silver Dagger in place, he finally stops firing as he drops his guns and places his hands on his eyes.

With this moment of advantage Doctor Strange drops his shield and blasts Silver Dagger back to crash into boxes of crates.

Doctor Strange slowly breathes, thinking it is over.

“It is… finally over.” He let out a breath, exhausted from the usage of magic for the shield, the sleep spells and transportation.

Suddenly, a dagger flew from the broken wooden crates and struck Doctor Strange by the shoulder, he let out a groan of pain as his body jolted back, falling to the ground.

“Doctor!” Celestia cried out. A sinister chuckle was heard from the broken crates. “You think I can be so easily defeated? How foolish can you be?” He rhetorically asks with a sneer. Silver Dagger steps in front of Doctor Strange, towering over him with a blade in hand. The princesses put on a stance, ready to fire a beam from their horns.

Silver Dagger swiftly picks up Doctor Strange by the tunic, placing his blade on Doctor Strange’s neck, threatening to take his life if the princesses so much as move.

The princesses were immobilized, unsure what to do. Before Silver Dagger could make any demands, Doctor Strange laughs, even with a dagger sticking out of his shoulder. Silver Dagger glares into Doctor Strange’s eyes. “What is so funny!?” He asks authoritatively. Doctor Strange sighed. “Oh, nothing much, it’s just that, you forgot my cloak.” He said with a smirk.

Silver Dagger raises his eyebrow with a look of confusion when all of a sudden, Doctor Strange’s cloak seems to arise with life as it ensnare both Silver Dagger hands and squeeze them tight, causing Silver Dagger to reel his head back in pain as his hands let go of the blade and Doctor Strange’s tunic.

With Doctor Strange free, he quickly uppercuts Silver Dagger with all the strength he could muster with his good arm with no dagger on shoulder.

With Silver Dagger knocked out cold, now it is finally over. Or was it? Unbeknownst to him or anypony, the cloaked stranger has escaped among the shadows, abandoning Silver Dagger.

The Royal Guards has searched the premises, finding nothing but the many knocked out cult members of the Sword of the Lord. All tied in ropes, a sufficient way to constrict them from moving if they ever wake.

Seeing no cloaked person that Silver Dagger spoke of, Doctor Strange assumes they must’ve run off, somehow escaped. Even with the mysterious accomplice vanished, the princesses were satisfied with Silver Dagger being taken to custody and the evil relic of a book retrieved.

Doctor Strange looked over the notes on the table the book was on. There were notes of a map of a location unrecognizable to him. Taking the notes in hand, he walks over to the ponies. “Looks like that’s everything, other than this mysterious accomplice of Silver Dagger.” He said, handing Celestia the notes. Celestia lifts them with her magic, seeing over them. “Thank you, doctor. We couldn't have tracked him down if it wasn’t for you.” She praises. Doctor Strange grins in response.

“We should also haft that wound taken care of, should we not?” Luna said, pointing her hoof to Doctor Strange’s shoulder wound. He glances at it. “Yes, I probably should.”

“Then let us return to Canterlot. We’ll have that treated.” Celestia said.

In a circular motion of his hand, Doctor Strange conjures his portal to the same street of Canterlot. Even the two Royal Guards are there too.

It may all be over, but the reviver of Silver Dagger is still out there. But there is one thing for certain; Doctor Strange will find who the cloaked person really is.

The End
(To Be Continued)

Chapter 8: Welcome to Ponyville... Again

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In the dungeons of Canterlot, Silver Dagger can be seen visibly sulking behind bars, crossing both his arms and legs as he sits silently in his own private cell. His followers of his cult too were imprisoned behind bars. All shouting to be free, screaming for their lord to save them.

In the throne room of Canterlot Castle, the two princesses and the sorcerer supreme of Earth can be found having a conversation about the whereabouts of the Cloaked Stranger. Going over the notes that have been taken of the dark book, finding contents of the drawn map unreadable as it does not belong to a known location on Earth or Equestria.

“What could this be, I wonder?” Celestia asks.

“A map to some treasure, perhaps?” Luna suggested, although unsure. Doctor Strange shook his head, refuting the idea as he crossed his arms.

“It can’t be! No way anyone would massacre many soldiers just for something trivial. There must be a deeper reason.” Doctor Strange said before turning to Celestia. “Didn’t you say Silver Dagger was finding a book for power?” Celestia nodded in confirmation. “Then whoever is this cloaked stranger, they’re obviously searching for some form of power. But the question is, what kind of power?” He asked.

A moment of silence filled the room as they were in deep thought of any possible answer, but they came up with nothing. Sighing in disappointment, Celestia believes they should take a break from brainstorming. “Perhaps Twilight will be of assistance? She shows remarkable skill in knowledge that even I overlook in my time.” Celestia thought.

“Perhaps we should put a pause in this affair. I must return to my duties as princess and Luna should rest for the night shift. You should probably return home, Doctor. You have fulfilled your task I have requested. You have my thanks.” She said gratefully.

Although this was a chance to go home and rest, like any average person after being stabbed, the sorcerer from earth was quite stubborn. When he starts a job, he sees it through, whether or not his job was supposed to investigate or not. If an evil foe still looms over both worlds of Earth and Equis, or in any dimension he comes across, wherever they are, there must always be Doctor Strange to combat it.

“Actually, I would like to stay.” He declared, surprising the princess. “Really? Why so?” Luna asks. “Because, even though my task as an investigator is over, my job as the sorcerer supreme isn’t. I will wait when both of you have time to resume the investigation and search for the Cloaked Stranger.”

Celestia thought about it, if he was going to stay, she might as well make his temporary stay not boring. For that, she got an idea. “Well, if you're going to wait. Then might I ask if you do one small favor for me?” Celestia asks with a hopeful smile while teleporting in a piece of paper and quill. She wrote something on it before flipping over to write something more in the back. She then rolled it up and tied it in a red ribbon. It hovered in front of the doctor, motioning him to take it, to which he did.

“Who do I have to send it to?” He asked, looking over the little scroll before placing it in his waist cloth.

“I would like you to take it to Twilight Sparkle. She currently lives in Ponyville’s public library. And since you said you expended so much magic that you’re unable to conjure portals at the moment, so I will send a Royal Guard to escort you to a train. Plus, I believe one of her friends will help you with your torn clothing problem.” She said, reminding him of his shredded tunic.

Doctor Strange looks over his tunic and sees her point. “Yes, I probably should see a tailor or a fashion designer of sorts.” He said.

“Then one of Twilight’s friends should be perfect to help you in that matter. I hope you will enjoy your stay in Equestria.” She said, and with a command of her authority, the same female Royal Guard from past events stands beside Doctor Strange, ready to escort the sorcerer to his destination.

“Well, alright then. I’ll be off.” He said, accepting her request. “Goodbye, dear friend!” Luna said with a wave of her hoof.

At the train station of Canterlot, Doctor Strange was given a free ride on board of the train, courtesy of Princess Celestia.

Doctor Strange was mesmerized by how colorful the train was, it almost made his ticket slip through his blood stained, gloved fingers until the female Royal Guard brought him from his trance.

Doctor Strange climbs aboard and finds a seat. He looks through his window and spots his escort. “All I have to do is step off on the first stop, right?” Doctor Strange asks the Royal Guard through the window. The Royal Guard nodded. “Yep, it’s very easy.” She replied.

“Thanks. Hey, I never got your name. You probably know me as Doctor Strange, what’s yours? If you don’t mind me asking?” He asks, intrigued by the nameless mare.

“Oh, it’s no biggie. My name is-!” Her voice was overheard as the train blow it’s horn loud, signaling the train about to move.

As the train starts rolling its wheels, Doctor Strange quickly tries to speak to the female Royal Guard one last time, but he was already a good distance away in a short amount of time.

He sits back down and sighs, his shoulders sagged. He was a bit disappointed he was unable to catch the mare’s name. He vows he will learn her name the next time they meet.

For now, he can enjoy the scenery of Equestria. “I wonder what this land has to give. I should’ve invited Bats along if I knew I would stay for a while longer. Maybe once my strength returned, I could.” He thought.

A few hours later, the train arrives at a stop at the Ponyville train station. He steps off board as he gazes at the town Ponyville once more, reminiscing the last time he visited. Only this time it was not in chaos. Remembering the last time he visited left a bad taste. It was not a good look for the sorcerer supreme as he was easily overwhelmed by a bunch of furballs.

Removing the memory out of his mind he walks through the lively streets of Ponyville. Many ponies glanced in his direction and were astonished to see their mysterious cloak hero that saved them from the clutches of Dormammu from the Dark Dimension.

Many of them wave to him in a friendly greeting way, others gasp in shock at his presence. Children, or in this case, foals, can be seen playing and chasing one another, some of them pass through his legs. His cloaks moved to form a small tunnel for the foals to move through.

He smiled at their playful gestures, and also responded a wave back to those waving at him.

After walking a bit, trying to find a sign of a library and asking the citizens in which direction is the library. The Sorcerer finds himself in front of a large tree with a door and glass windows. With a hanging lantern, a beehive, a wax candle connected to the front red door and a large sign next to the door with an image of an open book.

“Never would I ever think a pony can make a library out of a tree.” He mused in thought. He walked up to the door and let himself in.

The first thing he sees are the shelves with flower engravings that seem to be carved from inside the tree when it was hollowed out. There was also a table in the center of the room with a pony head statue, a ladder made of skinny logs and stairs that lead to the second floor of the library. He also noticed a yellow sun painted on the ceiling and blue flowers sitting on the windows.

Once again he was in a trance of the homey design of the library. It didn’t even look like a library, it looked more of a house with a library living room.

Suddenly, a small, at least as tall as his knees, purple dragon with a green belly and mohawk-like fin on its head with emerald eyes walked up to Doctor Strange with a toothy smile. “Hi, welcome to Golden Oak Library. How can I-!” The small dragon stopped mid phrase when he comprehended who entered the library, he gasped.

“A-are you D-D-D-Doctor Strange?” The little dragon stuttered as it pointed at the sorcerer. Doctor Strange was unsure how to respond, he had never interacted with a dragon before. So this was a first.

“Uh, greetings and salutations?” He said awkwardly with a little wave. The little dragon continued to gawk at the sorcerer. Doctor Strange was now worried if his presence broke the mind of a fragile…child? “He sounds like a child, but I could be wrong.” He thought from his hearing of the dragon’s voice.

Before Doctor Strange could make a move, a voice interrupted the little dragon’s shock and caught Doctor Strange’s attention. “Spike! Do you know where I put my book of Rockhoof and The Seven Labors?” Twilight asks and she climbs down the stairs to the main library room. She paused when she caught sight of both the sorcerer and the little dragon.

“Doctor Strange?” Twilight said in confusion. Doctor Strange smiled, relieved she indirectly took him out of the awkward moment with the little dragon, to which he assumes is named Spike.

“Twilight! It’s the hero that saved the world! The one you told me about!” Spike said with a squeal like a schoolgirl who saw her biggest idol on a poster.

“Hello, we've met during Dormammu’s attempt at taking over your world, remember?” He asked. Twilight nodded. “Of course! You saved the princesses and helped Equestria and other countries! How could I forget?” Twilight said with glee. Ever since she heard of Doctor Strange in saving the princesses from the Mindless Ones, the Sorcerer Supreme had unknowingly gained respect and favor from the sun princess’s pupil.

“But, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked, completely ignoring Spike who was still in shock of seeing his hero in Golden Oaks Library. Doctor Strange pulled out the scroll and gave it to Twilight, who was confused as to why Celestia sent it through a messenger instead of a transfer spell through Spike’s green fire breath. She used her magic to levitate it in front of her and opened it.

She read; “Dear Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil. As you have already noticed, Doctor Strange stands before you. He has decided to stay only for a temporary amount of time as we have unfinished business with an intruder and his fellow cult. We have left this investigation to a pause for I have my duties and so does Luna. I thought it would be best if I entrusted you to take care of the doctor as a guide to Equestria so he may enjoy his time here. I hope I do not intrude in your daily life. Your beloved teacher, Celestia.”

She paused, a feeling of pride swells within her. Her princess, her amazing teacher, has sent her a task she so graciously would accept in an instant. But she couldn't also forget there was a piece of detail about an intruder and some cult. As much as she would like to be part of this investigation, it was none of her business if Celestia herself didn’t include her. With that out of the way, she smiles as she turns to Doctor Strange.

“Well it looks like you have me to show you around town and properly introduce you to my friends.” She said, but then Spike noticed something on the back of the letter.

“Uh, Twilight. I think there’s more on the back.” He pointed out. Twilight turned the scroll and was surprised to see that there was more. It read; “P.S. Could you also take him to one of your friends first? Rarity, the one who is great with fashion design. The Doctor’s clothing, as you can see, has been damaged after an attack with the said intruder.”

Twilight took a look over the sorcerer’s garments and saw it was torn, even one of his gloves was stained in dried blood with a hole. She didn’t even notice he was in such a terrible state of clothing that it looked like he was mauled by timberwolves and lived to tell the tale.

“Oh, yeah we should see that’s taken care of.” She said, agreeing to Celestia’s suggestion. “Well then, no need to waste time. Follow me.” She said as Spike the dragon hopped on her back. She guides Doctor Strange out the door and walks through the streets of Ponyville once more.

While walking, Spike gleefully points at places to show Doctor Strange. “Oh, that’s the Town Square and Town Hall! Over there is the schoolhouse! Far away in that direction is the Hospital next to the retirement village!” And Spike went on and on as Twilight rolled her eyes, amused to see her assistant acting so childishly while Doctor Strange listened intently.

Right around the corner, they both stop right in front of a small, yet tall building. Surrounded by a few trees and tents, It’s a mixture of shades of pink, purple, blue and yellow in the shapes of diamonds and regal designs. It also had a yellow pony mannequin for a decor sign.

To the sorcerer, it looked like a real life size Barbie's castle play set, but to the citizens of Ponyville, it was the Carousel Boutique, the home of a fashion designer, Rarity.

Twilight casually walked in the house without so much a knock. Doctor Strange was in a state of bewilderment before following her lead.

The room was large to say the least. There were many pony mannequins, some with an interesting fashion of choice. Dark pink curtains also decorated and diamond shaped walls. There was also an area of a small stage to stand on with three mirrors standing by.

As Doctor Strange closed the door after he came through, a bell rang from the door upon closing. From that a voice was heard from another room. “Well hello there!” A familiar female British voice was heard.

Out came Rarity from the other room to greet them with grace and elegance in her steps. She came with a look of beauty in person, her baby blue eyelashes bringing out her sapphire-violet eyes. And her stylish, curly, refined, violet hair that would inspire hair designers to great lengths to copy its style.

Of course, these were the thoughts of a young boy; Spike, who seemed to be hypnotized as Doctor Strange can literally see his eyes in the shape of hearts and some popped in existence around the dragon’s head before popping away.

Doctor Strange speculated that it must be a thing of how this dimension’s laws of physics work. After all, he started to notice how bright his own figure seemed after thinking about it. It was quite rare to step into a dimension that would physically change one’s dimensional appearance.

But anyway, Rarity steps up to Twilight to formally greet her friend. “Oh, Twilight. What a lovely day it is to see you. And how is my Spiky wiky?” She gushed to Spike, as if treating the small dragon as a favorite infant. The said dragon in question nearly passed out, but still managed to stand up straight without falter.

“Hello Rarity, I came by wondering if you could help a new friend of ours.” Twilight said, pointing to Doctor Strange’s attire with her hoof. The moment Rarity laid her eyes upon the sorcerer’s damaged and torn tunic, she shrieks and nearly faints. “Oh, my!” She cried out. She dramatically lays the back of her hoof on her head in a display to horror for seeing something truly horrendous. Doctor Strange was puzzled by her reaction, unsure why she was making a scene and a big deal out of his attire.

“Oh, Darling! What in the name of Celestia are you wearing!?” She questions. Twilight and Spike wince at her voice, failing to realize the situation they put themselves in as they walked into a lion’s den, now unable to escape Rarity’s over exaggerated wrath.

“Uh, my tunic…?” He answered. Rarity sighed with emphasis. “No, no, no! This simply must not do!” Rarity said with fierce authority. She quickly went behind Doctor Strange and gently pushed him, taking him to stand on the platform area where the mirrors are.

As Doctor Strange steps on the platform, Rarity immediately takes off the cloak, with the cloak allowing her to remove it, and the tunic along with the yellow waist cloth and gloves to measure the sorcerer’s size.

Doctor Strange said nothing but stood frozen, not wanting to cause movement and frustrate the fashion designer.

As Rarity took the measurements, she went right to work in levitating a few fabrics of shades of blue. She levitated up the torn tunic to get an inspiration idea, while cringing at the sight. She grabs a pair of scissors and begins cutting the fabric to the exact measure. With the shapes done, she sows the fabric pieces together before folding it inside out. She also grabbed a piece of light brown leather and made it into a pouch and attached it to the enchanted waist cloth as a nice touch of detail.

Once done, she presented the new tunic and modified waist cloth to the sorcerer. “All finished, darling. I hope you’ll like the new aesthetics I have added to your attire.” She said,

Doctor Strange grabbed his new clothing and laced them on. He took a look at himself in the mirror and admired his new look. “This looks quite nice, I will admit.”

His new tunic was a darker shade of blue, more specifically an ultramarine blue with triangle trims, his chest symbol is now black as midnight and his yellow waist cloth sports a fancy pouch. His gloves, however, were still the same, just brand new as the old ones were thrown away, seeing how stitching it would ruin the look and the blood would be hard to remove.

“Ooh!” Twilight awed, amazed by the new fancy tunic. Spike was also in awe of the new look while Rarity smiles with closed eyes as she raises her head high with pride of her new work design. It was a challenge to her for it was a design she was not familiar with, but made it work with ease.

“Thank you for the new clothes, how much is it?” He asked as he placed a hand behind his back inside his cloak, ready to produce a bag of gold coins. But to his surprise, Rarity brushed it off. “Oh, no need! It’s all free for a dear friend.” She said,

“Wait, really?” Doctor Strange asked, dumbfounded, but accepted the free clothes.

“Now that that’s over with; Rarity, would you like to help me properly welcome Doctor Strange to Ponyville?” Twilight asked. “Oh, I would if I could! But unfortunately, I’m very busy because I need to be working on an order of thirteen dresses and eleven tailors.” Rarity said with a frown. Spike can be seen visibly upset.

“I hope you can understand.” Rarity said shamefully. But Twilight just smiles, not at all angry or sad. “That’s okay, maybe we can meet up at a later time.” She suggested. Rarity smiled, “Splendid.” She said,

With that, the trio left the Boutique to visit another friend close by.

Their next stop seems to be a bakery with a gingerbread house design and a pink cupcake at the top with three lit candles. From what Spike tells the good doctor is that this place is called Sugarcube Corner.

Interested, they walked in through another bell door, the bell was heard by something as a pink blur zipped in front of them that revealed to be Pinkie Pie. “Yippy! My turn!” She exclaimed.

“Your… turn?” Doctor Strange asked, confused by her words. He felt a tug from his cloak, he looked down to see Spike was the one who was tugging him to get his attention. “She says random things, it’s one of her quirks.” He explained. “You’ll get used to it.” He assured him.

Doctor Strange was unsure how to process this information before Pinkie went all up and personal in his face. “It’s very nice to meet you again!” She said as she kept bouncing off the ground with a boing sound, an ability that confuses the sorcerer, but wrote it off as some dimension influence.

“Hello, Pinkie. I was showing Doctor Strange around Ponyville as Princess Celestia requested, I was wondering if you like to tag along?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie hummed in thought, “Oh, I would really, really, really like to, but I gotta bake a cake for someone’s birthday!” She said, before she gasped. “Oh! I just remembered!” She shouts. I didn’t plan for your Welcome-to-Ponyville-and-thanks-for-saving-our-world party!” She exclaimed.

“So! In the meantime, while nothing bad is happening in Ponyville and after I’m done, I should plan your super, duper, amazingly, extravaganza party!” She said with glee. Before Doctor Strange could even refute, Pinkie zipped away into the kitchen.

“W-Well, that was an interesting conversation.” Doctor Strange commented. “Yeah, like I said; you’ll get used to it.” Spike said.

They then went on to another friend of Twilight, that was the plan before a streak of rainbow popped small clouds with a loud poof. The rainbow streak slowed as it became clear of who it was in the sky; Rainbow Dash.

She spotted Twilight and Spike in the distance, and something next to them. Perceiving them as a threat she zoomed down to Ponyville and charged towards it, unknown to her that it was Doctor Strange.

Said Doctor Strange saw this and quickly whispered a spell. “By the Shades of the Shadows, by the Wand of Watoomb! May no being touch me, may they pass through me!”

And on cue, Rainbow Dash phases through Doctor Strange as if he wasn’t there to begin with. With no physical object to stop Rainbow Dash from moving at her speed, and without thought of slowing down, she crashed almost through a wall of a building.

Twilight was shocked by both Doctor Strange’s spell and the fact that Rainbow Dash almost crashed into her guest.

Rainbow Dash was dazed as literal stars swirled around above her head. She struggled to get up back on her hooves, mumbling random things that no one heard. Once she was able to properly stand up, Twilight confronted her immediately.

“What in Equestria were you thinking!? You could’ve hurt yourself and somepony!” She scolded. Rainbow Dash, ever the prideful, talked back. “Hey, I was trying to save you!” She shouted.

“Save me from what? There was only Spike, Doctor Strange and I.” Twilight said, gesturing to others and herself. Rainbow Dash looked confused before realization hit her, making her bashful of her mistake. “Oh! Sorry about that, big guy. I didn’t realize it was you. You looked pretty weird from a distance.” She apologized.

“It’s fine, no harm done.” Doctor Strange accepted and forgave.

Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash talked about what Doctor Strange was doing, after Twilight finished explaining herself. “That’s cool, mind if I tag along?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight was a bit skeptical. “Don’t you have cloud duty?” She asked. Rainbow Dash waved it off in response, crossing her forehooves. “Psh, I’m already done with my shift. Besides, there’s no way I would miss out showing the big guy around. With no weird, adventure day, that is.” She said,

With that said, Rainbow Dash tagged along, hovering next to Twilight and Doctor Strange as they all head outside Ponyville and into the grass hills with endless apple trees and corn fields behind white fence. Doctor Strange was about to question where they were going until he saw a purple-ish red barn house with an apple at the top half a good mile away.

As they got closer and closer, Doctor Strange could see a chicken house, a well, and an orange barn house with a carrot behind the farm house.

They all entered the farm’s property where they stopped in front of the farm house’s door. Twilight knocked and they all waited. The door was answered only a moment or two by a small filly.

The filly in question has a yellow cream coat and a red mane with a pink bow. “Oh, Heya Twilight! Whatcha doin?” The little filly asked. “Hello, Apple Bloom. Is Applejack here?” Twilight asked.

“Yep! She’s buckin’ some trees, though, so she may be busy.” Apple Bloom said. She then noticed something standing beside Rainbow Dash. “Wus that?” She asked, pointing at Doctor Strange turned over his shoulder, seeing nothing but apple trees and corn. “Was what?” He asked, oblivious to where Apple Bloom’s actually pointing at.

“Oh, wait, I remember you! Yer that pony that saved us from those weird monsters!” Apple Bloom said. Doctor Strange smiled down at the little filly to show kindness and he slowly fell to one knee. “Yep, that was me. My name is Doctor Strange. Apple Bloom, was it?” He asked.

“Yup, that’s me.” She nodded eagerly. Rainbow Dash stepped in. “So, Applejack’s at the trees, right?” She asked. “Yep!” The filly responded.

“Great! Last one to Applejack is a rotten egg!” Rainbow Dash said before dashing to the apple trees, leaving behind some dust that blew to the unicorn, the dragon and the sorcerer. The three of them coughed as they were try to fan out the dust.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted, as if trying to catch the pegasi’s attention with an angry scolding tone. “Well, guess we better go after her now.” Spike said, with Doctor Strange agreeing.

They all went after the eager pegasus into the row and row of apple trees, following the dust trail Rainbow Dash has left behind.

After a few minutes of running and chasing, the trio stopped to see Rainbow Dash talking to Applejack, who was carrying a bucket load of apples on her back without strain.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack noticed their presence. “Oh, heya Twilight. Rainbow Dash told me about you showing this here Doctor Strange around Ponyville.” She turns to the sorcerer. “Great to see ya, doc. Even if our last weren’t too great.” Applejack said. Doctor Strange smiles kindly. “Even if my last visit wasn’t so great, it was an interesting visit nonetheless.” He said.

“Applejack, are you done with the apples? I was wondering if you would like to help me show Doctor Strange around Ponyville?” Twilight asked.

Applejack nodded, “Sure, I’d be happy to. Just let me take these apples back home.” Applejack then walked back home with her friends in tow.

After setting the apples back home, they are now in the woods on a trail that leads to a little natural bridge over a lake stream to a house with a green bush roof, surrounded by trees with bird houses on them.

Doctor Strange thought how cute it was and wondered who lived in this cottage. His question would soon be answered.

They all stood in front of the door while Twilight knocked. It took a minute before the door was answered slowly as a familiar light pink mane became visible. The shy pony peeked through the crack of the door with their familiar blue eyes. Upon seeing Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Spike, her demeanor changed to one of confidence.

“Oh, hey girls. What are you all doing here?” Fluttershy asks in almost a whisper as she opens the door all the way, she also notices Doctor Strange. “Oh, hello there, Mr. Strange.” She greeted him kindly.

Doctor Strange lighty waves. “Hello, Mrs. Fluttershy. It is a pleasure to meet you again.” He reacquainted.

“Fluttershy, would you like to come with us and show Doctor Strange around Ponyville?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy smiled. “Of course, Twilight. I’d be happy to.” She said,

“Great, now it’s just Rarity and Pinkie Pie left. Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash, ever hasty, flew back to Ponyville before Twilight could tell her. Twilight sighed in frustration. “Welp, looks like we better go after our friend.” Applejack stated the obvious.

“Hm, this reminds me; I think I got enough strength to pull a portal spell to bring my friend here. Let me try.” Doctor Strange stretched out his hands and made a circling motion with his right. A sparkling portal formed with a room of the Sanctum Sanctorum where the portal faces a couch with a ghost dog on it.

“Hey, Bats!” Doctor Strange called. Bats jolted as he turned to the portal. “Steven?”

“Come on! I’m here at Ponyville, there’s gonna be a party.” He swayed. Bat jumped through the portal and landed in his friend’s arms who hugged him.

“I was worried, man! You were gone for awhile.” Bats whimpered. Doctor Strange hugged him tight in an attempt to comfort him. “I know, I know. And I am truly sorry. I should have at least sent you a message that I was here and safe.”

“You better promise! I just don’t wanna lose another friend like last time...” Bat muttered, beyond the hearing of the pony's ear, only to the doctor. “I will… I will.” Doctor Strange promised, patting on the back of the basset hound.

“Now then, with all glooming aside. We have a party to visit.” Doctor Strange declared. Bats' mood lifted, his tail wagged as he lightly barked. “Will there be chocolate?” He asked eagerly. Doctor Strange nodded, even if he actually didn't know if there will be. Bats howled in excitement.

Fluttershy stepped in. “I’m sorry, are you going to feed him chocolate? Aren’t they bad for his health?” Fluttershy asked in shock. “Nah, he’s already dead. Chocolate won’t affect him at all.” Doctor Strange shrugged.

With that they all went out of their way to exit the forests and came back to Ponyville, but something was odd. Ponyville seemed empty, in fact; there was nopony! There was not a single sound, not even cricket or an echo. Just the cold wind blowing, and somehow a tumbleweed rolling.

“Where did everyone go?” Bats asked. “This place seems dead, deader than me!” Doctor Strange couldn’t agree more with Bats.

He turns his head to see behind his shoulder to the ponies and sees their expression of shock before they relax. They looked at among themselves, something mischievous going on as they all smirked. Doctor Strange felt concerned and decided to be on guard in case of any attacks.

“Hey, Twilight. Did you leave your lights on?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing towards the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight feigned a worried look. “We should probably check that out.” She suggested. Her tone went unnoticed to the sorcerer, who became more suspicious of the unicorn.

“Well come on, now. Let’s go have a look.” Applejack encouraged. They all went in front of the door with Doctor Strange taking the front position.

Doctor Strange grasped the doorknob, twisting it slowly before opening it all the way. What he finds inside shocked him.

“SURPRISE!!!” The pony residents shouted with glee, Rarity being one of them, and Pinkie Pie used a literal canon to blow confetti around the library. There were tables with cupcakes, a punch bowl and a really long cake with words that say; “Welcome to Ponyville & Thanks For Saving The World!”

Stunned, it took Pinkie to shake him out of it. “Do you like the surprise?! Well, do ya? Do ya?” Pinkie asked. Doctor Strange smiled. “Yes, I like it.” He answered.

Countless hours have been poured into the great and fantastic party as they all kept on dancing, and eating, and drinking and more dancing until the night came where they all went home. Of course, like good gentlecolts and mares they are, they cleaned up after themselves and left no crumbs or litter behind.

All that was left in the library was Doctor Strange, Bats, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Oh, and Spike.

“Well, that was an amazing party. Thank you all.” Doctor Strange said with utmost gratitude. Bats was currently sleeping beside him as they were on the floor. The ponies too were on the floor as well on their bellies as they made a group circle. “No need to thank us, it was Pinkie who set the party up.” Twilight said, with Pinkie nodding excitedly as a sound of bells can be heard from her. She always intrigued him by her weird antics.

“Well in that case, I thank you for that awesome party. I haven’t had this much fun since my graduation from my academy.” Doctor Strange said, his last comment catching Twilight’s interest.

“What kind of academy did you go to?” Twilight asked. Doctor Strange reminisces about his youth. “Eh, just an ordinary academy as you can expect. Of course if you count aliens and other interdimensional beings as ordinary. Along with sentient-sh books, doors to other deadly worlds and a magic school bus.” He said.

Rainbow Dash seemed excited as the prospect of aliens, maybe even fighting one. Twilight looked ecstatic of the concept of sentient-ish books. Rarity thought about what kind of clothing the students wore, such as uniforms. Fluttershy was curious about what aliens and interdimensional beings looked like and wondered if she could befriend them. Applejack and Pinkie just listened.

“So, how did you get into the academy? Did you have to go through some awesome test where you had to fight monsters?” Rainbow Dash eagerly asked.

Doctor Strange chuckles at the idea. “No, nothing of that sort. When a child awakens their magic, they are searched out by the professors of Strange Academy and then given a choice to learn the Mystic Arts properly, with the permission of their parents of course.” He explained.

“Why are the students searched out?” Applejack asked, suspicious of how this academy worked. “Well, in my world, magic is sort of like a dying language. There are only a few hundred of us humans that know how to use magic, compared to billions of humans that don’t know it, skeptic about the concept of magic.” He says, not realizing he shocked the ponies about the fact of a large number of humans that exist.

“B-Billions? There are b-b-billions of humans?” Rarity stuttered in disbelief. “How have we never heard about your kind? If there have been billions of your kind, how have we not interacted after all these years?” Twilight asked, her mind went into speculation if humans hid underground like the mythical creatures she read about, or if humans lived in floating mountains, her imagination was unlimited.

“No, both our species wouldn’t have met because we exist in different planes of reality, separate dimensions, parallel universes.” He answered. This confused the ponies, unable to understand. “What?” Rainbow Dash asked what everypony and the dragon thought.

“I guess your princess didn’t tell you where I came from, or I guess she too didn’t know where I came from. Let me explain; I’m not from your world, just like the Mindless One and Dormammu, I’m from another world. I’m basically an alien from your perspective.” He said. This fascinated and intrigued Twilight. “If you’re an alien, then how come we speak the same language? Why do you speak Ponish?” She asked.

“Why do you speak English?” He asked. This stunted the purple pony, unsure how to answer the question. There was just too much missing information for her to be able to come up with a proper answer. Doctor Strange chuckles. “I’m just pulling your leg. To be really honest, I used a translation spell that allows me to perceive every language I see and hear to suit what I know. This spell works both ways; from my perspective, I see and hear almost all languages in English. To you, you see and hear me speaking Ponish.”

Twilight awed at this information, a spell she never heard or thought about, a spell that can translate any language. How convenient, she thought.

“Hey, since we haven’t introduced ourselves properly, why not tell him our lives?” Fluttershy suggested. They all realized that and agreed and took turns.

Pinkie went first. “I was raised in a family that breaks rocks for a living. They never smile and always take work seriously. I wanted to make everyone smile, so I made it my life’s mission to bring joy and turn any frown upside down. I left home when I was old enough and worked at Sugarcube Corner. When I did my first party, I got my cutie mark!” Pinkie finished.

There was a word unfamiliar to Doctor Strange. “Cutie mark? What’s that?” He asked. They all stare at him strangely. “You don’t know what a cutie mark is?” She asked, a bit incredulous as most creatures know about cutie marks, even if they didn’t have one, from her knowledge. But then she remembered he was not from this world. “No, what is it?” He asked again. “Cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others.” Twilight answered. “Such as?” He asked again. “Y’know, like talent? Jobs?” Rainbow Dash added. “And a purpose in life, a life anyone can enjoy.” Applejack added. “I see. Quite fascinating.” Doctor Strange said, interested.

“Anyone want to go next?” Doctor Strange asked, back on track.

Fluttershy went next. “I once lived in a place called Cloudsville, I was bullied almost all my life for being a weak flier. But one day I was knocked off home and found myself surrounded by animals. I felt comfortable so I lived in the woods from then on. Sort of like a caretaker of animal life. From there I got my cutie mark.” Once Fluttershy finished, Rainbow Dash came next.

“As you’ve noticed, I’m the fastest and the coolest pony Equestria has ever seen! One day I was racing in Cloudsville in Fluttershy’s honor, and on that day I invented the Sonic Rainboom! And I also got my cutie mark there!” She boasted.

Rarity then went next. “I was out in the wilderness, searching for something. I found a very big stone with gems inside that was cracked from the sound of a very big boom sound. I received my cutie mark at that moment, then went on to pursue my future career as a fashion designer.” With her finished, Applejack went next.

“I was in Manehattan, I was visitin’ relatives until I saw somethin’ of a rainbow wave in Ponyville’s direction. When I got to Ponyville I felt the need to work at my family’s farm. I also got my cutie mark.” Applejack made her story short then let Twilight have a go.

“In Canterlot, I participated in a School for Gifted Unicorns, I had to go through an entrance exam. My test was to hatch a dragon egg. After a few attempts, I failed. But then a loud shock wave startled me and accidentally triggered my magic to an extreme where I changed things into random objects. I remember turning my teachers into plants, I hatched the egg and made the baby dragon so huge that its head popped out through the roof. I thought it would never stop until Princess Celestia arrived and put a stop to all of it. At that time, I really thought she was going to punish me, but she congratulated me on successfully hatching the egg and earning my cutie mark. Since then, I entered the School for Gifted Unicorns and was placed in special teachings by the princess herself.” Twilight finished and remembers fondly of her youth as a student. The lessons she learned, the training she received.

Doctor Strange was curious about these big booms and rainbow colors. He wondered if there was any particular connection to all six ponies. “That’s an interesting life story. I am thankful you all shared it with a stranger like me.”

“You're not a stranger, you're a friend of ours. Right girls?” Twilight asked. All the ponies and the baby dragon let out agreements. Doctor Strange smiles. “Thank you.”

“Since you told me your past life, it only seems fair if I told you mine.” He said. This confused everyone in the room. “But didn’t you already tell us?” Rarity asked. He shook his head. “I told you how I learned magic and what my academy is, not my life story.”

“The truth is; when I was eight years old, I was an orphan. No family and all that. I was minding my own business until a man in green clothing approached and invited me to a place of magic education. I, of course, didn’t believe him at first. But when he took me to the academy where I saw strange people that reminded me of the heroes I see on TV and podcasts, I started to believe. I took his offer and from that point on, my life changed to the greatest.” He said, gently petting Bats on the head.

“I pursued in my dreams to be able to earn the title of Sorcerer Supreme by entering a tournament of mystical combat against many sorcerers, wizards, mages, warlocks and many different types of spell casters and magic users. I’ve won and earned the Vishanti’s blessing and became what you see before you. I became the protector of my dimension’s reality from other mystical threats.” He finished

This made Twilight think, and it seemed Fluttershy spoke the same question she thought. “If you’re supposed to be a protector of your world’s reality, are we part of it?” Fluttershy asked. He shook his head “No, like I said, we are from completely different dimensions.” He answered.

“Then why did you come to our world and save us? Not that I don’t appreciate it or anything, but why did you go out of your way to help us?” Twilight asked. Doctor Strange deeply thought about his answer. “Because it’s good, because it’s right. I swore many oaths to become the man I am today; a sorcerer, a doctor. I wanted to be like my grandfather when I learned of my relation to him. To carry his legacy as a good man.” He said, feeling proud and sure of his life choices.

“Who was your grandfather?” Twilight asked. He looked at her and smiled. “The original Doctor Strange...”

(To Be Continued)

Chapter 9: Investigations of the Cloaked Stranger

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In the early night of twilight, Doctor Strange and his new friends continue to converse in matters of his life. “What was your grandfather like?” Twilight asked. Doctor Strange hesitated to answer. After giving it a thought, he decided he will, for he trusts these ponies after their kind act towards him.

“I never knew him, way before I existed, after the birth of my father, Stephen Strange Jr. From what I know after doing research at the academy, my grandfather disappeared shortly after the birth of his son.” The ponies were shocked to hear this. “Why did he disappear?” Pinkie asked.

The sorcerer shrugged. “No one knows why. Some say he died in another dimension, others say he abandoned his home world in fear of raising a child. His wife, Clea, my grandmother, was heartbroken by his mysterious disappearance, and so she decided to raise my father out of magic. But it was all in vain as Wong, the same man who introduced me to Strange Academy, invited my father to learn magic.” He said, chuckling at the irony.

“If you had a dad, how come you said you were an orphan?” Rainbow Dash asked. Doctor Strange felt less confident to say. “Well, that’s because my father was a ladies man. He dropped out of the academy before he even completed his training and used his new found power for celebrity purposes. He wasn't a terrible man, from what I know. He was just different from what you would normally expect from a hero.” His voice gains confidence. “But he was always helping people in any way he could, albeit not perfectly considering he used spells he never properly practiced... then he died in the hands of Dormammu when he was freed from his prison during an Ultimatum Event… during the dark times.” He said, his face went blank. This peeked everyone’s interest.

“Ultimatum Event? What is it?” Rarity asked. Doctor Strange’s face turns grim, as if reminded of a terrible memory. “A terrible day when a mad mutant caused a chain reaction, a dark day and age when a handful of heroes and millions of innocent lives were lost.” He said in a gloom-like state. “I was there, in an orphanage. I saw the thunderstorm a mile away and thought nothing of it until the massive wall of water came down on us all. And I survived… I was the only one.”

The ponies and dragon sympathized with him. “I am truly sorry for asking, doctor.” Rarity said. Doctor Strange painfully smiles, “It’s alright, you didn’t know. It was a long time ago.”

Applejack decides to ask something else to remove the tension. “So, why was your academy called Strange Academy, anyway?” This immediately changed the human’s mood. “It was named after my grandfather’s last name; Strange.”

“Wait, your last name is actually Strange?” Rainbow Dash asked, trying to stop herself from laughing. Doctor Strange could clearly see it and was unamused. He continued on with his story. “While my grandfather created the academy, he never took the role as principal or headmaster. His friend, Principle Voodoo, took the job. From what I was told, my grandfather already had too many responsibilities as Sorcerer Supreme, a surgeon and a part-time Avenger.” He said.

“Avenger? What is that?” Spike asked, intrigued by the title. Doctor Strange yet again explains. “An Avenger is a member of a team called Avengers. A team of superheroes that defend planet earth from villains, evil organizations, alien invasions and occasionally god-like entities. But those are rare.”

“So, kinda like us?” Rainbow Dash asks with a prideful smirk. Doctor Strange didn’t know how to answer her as he didn't know what kind of heroic feat they accomplished, other than pushing Dormammu back with their Elements of Harmony. So with a hesitant answer, he said “Yeah.”

Rarity spoke up. “You know, something has been bothering me for a while, and forgive me if I’m being bold, but I was wondering what are those white spots on your neck? And why do you have white hair on the sides of your head?” She pointed her hoof at the white blotches down his neck then to his hair.

“Well, I have a rare skin pigmentation, a very small one. It’s called vitiligo, a disorder that causes some parts of the skin to lose color. I have it on my neck, my chest and the sides of my hair. It kind of makes me resemble my grandfather, for he also has white hair on the sides, but that’s because of the stress he goes through as a neurosurgeon.”

“You grandfather’s a surgeon? That’s neat. Do you practice that stuff too?” Applejack asks. Doctor Strange made a so-so gesture. “I practice, but I never got a license for it. I haven’t perfected the skill just yet. But with enough practice and completing my online course, I should be able to get an official side job as a neurosurgeon.”

“But why do you want a side job? Isn't the Sorcerer Supreme job awesome enough?” Rainbow Dash asks, confused by the idea. The sorcerer explains. “That's because in my world, the Sorcerer Supreme isn’t the kind of job that pays. I don’t get paid for keeping the world safe, I still have to do taxes and pay house bills and stuff. I plan to get a real job so I can pay off those bills. Sure, I could use magic to print money, but with the current economic inflation back home, I’d just make it worse.”

“Um, excuse me.” Fluttershy softly spoke. “I have a question; how is it that your dog turned into a ghost?” She asked.

“Well, I didn’t exist at the time, but from what Bats told me, a god of mischief named Loki felt guilty for accidentally giving him a heart attack. So, he used some asgardian magic to bring his soul back from the dead in a spirit form. Or at least, that’s the gist of it, from my understanding.” Doctor Strange said. His story brought a look of fascination to his audience as they looked down to Bats with sympathy.

Doctor Strange notices their faces,he clears his throat. “It’s okay, he finds it fun to be a ghost. He takes advantage of phasing through doors.” He grumbled at the last last part.

“That’s cool. But how did you teach him how to talk? Wait! In your world are there dogs that talk like us!?” Pinkie asks, invading the human’s personal space. “Uh, no. My grandfather placed a spell on him, allowing Bats to communicate through human speech.”

Twilight looked at the clock and realized how late it was. “Well, it seems like we should be off to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.” She said, Some, mostly Pinkie, was bummed out but knew better than to argue. Before any of them could place their hoof on the doorknob to leave the library, Doctor Strange intervened.

“Please, allow me.” He said as he made a circle motion with his hand and conjured a portal to Fluttershy’s Cottage. The ponies were awed by the display of magic, especially Twilight. “That’s so useful!” Pinkie shouted. “That does seem pretty handy.” Applejack commented. Rainbow Dash seems to dislike the idea of easier travel. “Sounds kind of lame if you ask me. I prefer to fly to have the wind brush through my mane!” Rarity begs to differ. “Nonsense! This kind of magic would be revolutionary! Just think of what this could be used for if we ponies had this advancement in magic.” Rainbow Dash still stuck with her preference.

“Well, it’s not for anyone.” Doctor Strange said. Each ponies got a portal ride home, except for Rainbow Dash as Doctor Strange didn’t know where she lived and that Rainbow Dash herself wanted to fly home anyway.

With them, all that was left is Twilight, Spike, Doctor Strange and sleeping Bats. Twilight had provided Doctor Strange a bedroom to rest for the night.

Throughout the night, the sorcerer had dreams of passing through dimensions. You might think he is unprotected in his sleep and surely he would be attacked by Nightmare, Prince of the Dream dimension. But you may breathe easy, for he placed protection spells to prevent Nightmare from imprisoning him within his dreams. It’s how most sorcerers protect themselves from Nightmare’s clutches.

Within his dreams are of worlds beyond imagination, bizarre landscapes with colorful atmospheres. Creatures of different colors and in all shapes and sizes. He finds himself standing in a town with a castle as the center of it all. The town’s people were similar to humans, but looked more like elves. Wearing medieval-like clothings as some would be armed with swords and shields. One peaked his interest, a child in green training with an older man. Probably a parent training his child to defend himself.

His surroundings changed, he finds himself in a local park. He can see skyscrapers in the distance above the trees. Something walked past him, a golden yellow furred creature in the shape of a fox, standing on two legs. Humanoid animals, probably furries. There were also creatures not anthropomorphic. He can see two fighting. No, it looked more like sparring. Welding great power over elements, like magic. They were side by side with people like him, humans. Mostly children.

His surroundings changed again, the scenery of a desert with a few patches of grass. So much fog. He also sees creatures that roam. A shadow looms over him. Doctor Strange turns around to see a man in a blue cloak standing on a tall rock, holding a staff. The staff caught his attention, it’s made of wood with a metal ring at the top with a carved, transparent blue crystal inside, and two metal teardrop pieces hanging off by the side. Beside the man was a short humanoid dog with blue and black fur. The man’s face was familiar, very familiar. He’s seen it before, but where?

Then out of nowhere, the man threw a blue flame at him. Doctor Strange quickly ducks. “Hey, what was that for!?” He inquired. The man said nothing as he jumped down in front of the sorcerer, so too did the dog-man follow and land behind the sorcerer.

Surrounded, Doctor Strange was wary of what these two would do next. The dog-man made the first move as it went for a punch. Doctor Strange blocked the punch, the dog then went for a swipe of the legs, causing Doctor Strange to almost fall, but his cloak suspended him in air. Doctor Strange blasts a bolt of mystic energy at the creature, pushing the dog away.

Doctor Strange was then taken by surprise as he was hit by a blue flame from the back that came from behind. He falls to the ground, groaning from the hit. He turns and sees the man in the air about to strike him with the staff. He quickly rolls away, a moment away from being hit. He stands up and faces the duo.

Doctor Strange conjures two Rings of Raggadorr, two crimson disks with mystic symbols appear, one on the hand. The duo charges on and he deflect both of their attacks with swift movements. He kept up with his defenses before using the winds of Watoomb to blow them away at a safe distance.

“Who are you!? Why do you attack me?!” Doctor Strange questions the mysterious man. The man said nothing, instead he raised the staff. The staff’s crystal began to light up as the man spinned it. The sky darkens by thundering clouds and the natural winds blow unnaturally.

The man then struck the ground with the staff, causing the ground to split in two while also shaking as if an earthquake was taking place. Fear paralyzes the sorcerer, right as the cracks grow and stretch underneath him. They split and he fell into the dark depths. He tried to fly back up, but his cloak no longer lifted him. He falls and screams in terror.

Doctor Strange awakens in cold sweat, his breathing erratic. After calming down and taking deep breaths, he looked at his current surroundings and realized he wasn’t in the Sanctum, but in the Golden Oaks library. He searched for Bats and found him sleeping in a basket bed, a spare of Spike’s. He laid back down on his bed and pondered his dreams.

Was there a reason for these dreams? Possible predictions of the future? Visions into other worlds he has never seen before? Probably not. Dreams are just dreams, nothing more. But they could have meanings. Psychological studies have shown that dreams can have meanings, like a subtle message. Like, falling teeth that symbolizes loss or unattractiveness.

Nevertheless, it has come to a past. As he was about to sleep, a ray of yellow light hit his eye. He opened them and saw light coming from the window. He groans, realizing that the sun has risen. He quickly pulled the pillow to both sides of his face and tried to pretend the sun never existed.

Unfortunately, Bats awoke and seemed chipper as he bounced on Doctor Strange. He felt his breath slip from his lungs from Bats’ weight. He pushed Bats off his chest and glared, the basset hound smiles cheekily in response. “Come on! I want some breakfast.” Bats said as he jumped off the bed and phased through the door.

Doctor Strange let out a tedious sigh as he flipped over the blankets and got up from bed. He left the guest room and entered the only bathroom this hollowed tree had and washed his face in the sink.

He headed downstairs and saw Twilight, Spike and Bats waiting at the door. “Good morning, Doctor Strange.” Twilight greeted him. “Mornin!” Spike also greeted him. Doctor Strange greeted them as well as asked what they were having for breakfast. “We’re going to a diner called Hay Burger. Trust me, you’re gonna love the food there.” Spike said.

Doctor Strange chuckles at his child-like excitement.

They all left the library and headed to a wide building with a large board sign with a picture of a burger with nothing but lettuce and a drink.

They entered the building through the double doors. Doctor Strange sees the wooden round tables with barrels as seats. He thought of it as an odd design choice, but who was he to judge? He smells the aroma of hay, he glances at the customer’s food; it was like a regular burger but with no meat, instead it is replaced with hay, and the fries are horseshoe shaped. It made sense about hay as food, but he was baffled by the horseshoe shaped fries.

Twilight ordered for Bats and him as they sat down on a spot of empty barrels. He felt uncomfortable as his knees touched the table due to his size.

“So, how are you liking your stay so far?” Twilight asked. “It's good, I've enjoyed myself here in Ponyville. It’s a nice peaceful place.” He complimented the town. Spike chuckles. “So far, just wait until another friendship problem happens where Twilight and the others have to solve.” Spike informs, confusing the sorcerer and ghost dog. “what?”

Twilight laughs off nervously, feeling embarrassed. “Yeah, Ponyville doesn’t have long peaceful moments. Usually it’s when colts get into trouble, or an ursa bear comes around, or a simple argument that escalates. My friends and I are the ones that solve the issues.” She summarized.

This confuses the human. “And there aren’t police forces or guards that handle this kind of thing?” He asked. “Police forces? Uh, no. Ponyville doesn't really have any Royal Guards as there was no need since there is no crime, not until the return of Nightmare Moon.” She said,

“Whose Nightmare Moon?” Bats suddenly asked. Twilight grimly explains. “Nightmare Moon is a corrupt form of Princess Luna. A thousand years ago, Princess Luna was jealous of her older sister, Princess Celestia. She felt she was in her sister’s shadow, she bottled up her feelings until she couldn’t handle it anymore and tried to usurp her sister and make the night last forever. Both sisters fought until Princess Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to seal her on the moon for a thousand years. When the seal spell weakened, I found a book that told the upcoming prophecy. I tried to warn the princess, but she waved it off as if it wasn’t real. Nightmare Moon broke free, kidnapped the princess and hid in the old castle before Canterlot was made. My friends and I, before we were actual friends, headed there. Nightmare Moon tested our friendship with illusions and situations. But we pulled through and proved ourselves to possess the Elements of Harmony. We defeated Nightmare Moon, resulting in forming her back to her original self.” She said, as her tone became happy, reminiscent of the time she made actual friends.

Both Bats and Doctor Strange were amazed by the story, no doubt in believing it wasn’t true. Their food arrived and they ate. “Wow, this stuff is delicious!” While Bats gobbled down and inhaled the food, Strange was hesitant as he never thought he would eat hay. Taking the first bite, he found it okay. Even though it’s chewy and crunchy, it has an aftertaste of salad bread. While he still prefers a cheeseburger, he could get used to this.

After they finished, Doctor Strange believed it was time to go back to Canterlot and continue the investigation. “Bats, stay here until I return to pick you up.” He instructed. “You got it, boss.” They both thanked Twilight before Strange left through a portal

In Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was taking a break from her duties and was enjoying herself a nice cup of tea, until suddenly, a portal appeared. She almost spit out her tea until Doctor Strange exits the portal. Seeing how it was just her new ally, she calms down. “Good morning, Doctor. I see you have regained your strength. Have you come for the investigation?”

“Yeah, when do we start?” He asked. “After I finish my tea, we can interrogate the cul-!” All of a sudden, the same female Royal Guard bursts through the double doors, an alarmed look on her face. “Princess! Someone has released the prisoners and their rioting through the dungeons!” She informs her until she notices Doctor Strange in the room.

“Take me to the dungeons.” Doctor Strange ordered the female Royal Guard. She looked towards the sun princess, wondering if she should, to which the princess nodded in agreement. Doctor Strange and Princess Celestia are led to the lower levels of the castle where there is a room of Royal Guards that were blocking the entrance to the dungeons, barricading it with tables and anything large and heavy enough.

“Report.” Celestia demanded. One of the Royal Guards answers with a salute. “Three of our stallions are captured and held hostage. We have blocked the entrance to prevent any cult prisoners from escaping. We don’t know if the hostages are still alive.”

The princess looked grim as she tried to analyze the situation and move forward. He thought about negotiating with the prisoners to save her ponies, but Doctor Strange stepped up front. “Hold up, I got this.”

Doctor Strange then conjured several small portals that lead inside the dungeon. He made hand signs to perform a spell. “By the Vapors of Valtorr. May the Miasmic Mists of Morpheus now ruse in a vaporous -- enwrap you reach the Realm of Dream.”

Clouds of smoke appear from his hands as they move into the portals like snakes. Before the cult realized they were being attacked they all collapsed into a deep sleep. Silver Dagger saw this, he jumped onto the ceiling and expertly used his daggers he got back from the evidence room and stabbed them onto the ceiling, hanging onto it and away from the vipers.

The three hostages were unaffected by the spell, and were relieved that they were being rescued as a team of rescue Royal Guards un-barricaded the door, surrounding and taking the perimeter while also taking care of the hostages.

Doctor Strange walked over and counted the cult members. Finding one missing, he knew who it was. “Come out, Isaiah Curwen. You're outnumbered. Your good for nothing cult of an army has been defeated.” Doctor Strange taunted to lure him out.

A knife whisked past his face, almost directly cutting his face. He flinches as the blade stops when it is stabbed into the stone floor. Looking in the direction where it came from, he sees Silver Dagger lunging towards him. Quickly reacting, Doctor Strange smoothly falls on his back while grabbing Silver Dagger’s arms and kicking him to the air.

Silver Dagger rolled to the ground before he swiftly stood up. “Your reign of sin ends in the name of god, you heathen!” He screams as he charges Doctor Strange head on.

“Come on! I want all the smoke! Show me them hands!” Doctor Strange yells out as steps back away from the first strike, then the second, then the third. Silver Dagger thrust his blade, resulting in Doctor Strange grabbing his wrist. He then swept his leg, lifted the old man with his shoulder and flung him to the ground.

Silver Dagger kicked Doctor Strange away in the chest, giving himself room to recover. The cloak of levitation lifted its master into the air before he could hit the ground. Doctor Strange conjures an eldritch whip from the strings of Cyttorak between his fingers and whips it around Silver Dagger’s leg as he tries to take more daggers hanging from his chest. He pulled three out and threw them in Doctor Strange’s way. Doctor Strange quickly lets go of the whip and quickly conjures a trap of the Hoary Host of Hoggoth, which causes the blades to turn into green butterflies upon contact.

Silver Dagger jumped up and made an attempt to tackle down the sorcerer, to which he moved out of the way. Silver Dagger twists his body to turn around mid air and throws a dagger at him. The cloak of levitation catches the dagger with ease. “Thanks, cloak.” Doctor Strange said as he shot a beam of red light at Silver Dagger. Silver Dagger tries to deflect the beam but is hit in the chest.

Silver Dagger falls to the ground, he loses his grip on his blades as they clatter away. Doctor Strange approaches him with caution. “It’s over. Turn yourself in and give me the answers I need, or I'll give you nightmares for days.” He warns.

“You fool…” Silver Dagger mutters as Doctor Strange approaches him further. Out in the way of Doctor Strange’s eyes, Silver Dagger slowly slid a knife out of its holder from his leg. “Your devil magic will not deter me from the path of god, and neither will you!” He flung his knife directly to the Sorcerer Supreme’s head, and before the knife plunged into him, a beam of light blasted it away. They turn to see Princess Celestia stepping into the scene with her Royal Guards behind her back.

Before Silver Dagger could get up, Doctor Strange swiftly restrained him with the spell of Seven blue Rings of Raggadorr.

“Thank you for saving the hostages.” Princess Celestia said with gratitude. Doctor Strange nodded in response. They both look down on Silver Dagger, who struggles to break out of the unbreakable magic binds. “Should we continue with the investigation?” Doctor Strange asks with amusement. “Yes, I believe we should.” Celestia agreed.

Doctor Strange crouches to be direct with Silver Dagger. “Now, then. Tell me about your partner; the Cloaked Stranger, who are they? What are their inventions?” He questions. Silver Dagger merely laughs in response. “You think I’ll just give it up willingly? You can go ahead and ask my legion, but they won’t know, and I won’t tell.” He said with a grin.

“In that case, I have to do this the hard way.” Doctor Strange uses the Mist of Morpheus to put Silver Dagger to sleep. He stands up and walks away, the alicorn follows. “What are you going to do?” She asks.

Doctor Strange conjures up a portal to what appears to be a dimension full of capillary shaped landscapes, a jungle of neurons. The Mind Dimension. “I’m gonna search through his mind. I’ll be back.”

As he entered the portal, it closed behind him. He gazes at the atmosphere, the never ending void of neurons before spotting something in the distance. “There you are.”

He flies through the air as he closes the distance between himself and the figure he seeks. Silver Dagger’s form saw his pursuer, coming closer. “I will not reveal the master’s plan, this I decree!” In his mind he formed memory constructs of his cult, an entire army manifested within the Mind Dimension.

“These roadblocks will not save you.” Doctor Strange said as he easily blasted away the constructs. Silver Dagger ran from the oncoming elemental storm that is Doctor Strange as he brewed his spells, mowing down the almost never ending constructs with ease. Only hindering his approach.

“Running away will not prevent the inevitable. If you don’t give up the answers I seek, then I will erase every memory that makes you function as a normal man.” He threatens as he lists the functions he will remove. “Your ability to walk, to talk, to eat, to drink, to shower yourself, to pray to god until you're nothing but a human potato on a wheelchair.”

Just as he said this, the constructs froze, as if time had stopped. Doctor Strange lowered his arms, knowing he had won. He approached Silver Dagger, who made no attempt to flee but stood still. “Now will you tell me?” Doctor Strange asked.

Silver Dagger glared before he relented. A construct was formed, the Cloaked Stranger. His face hidden within the shadow of his hood. The construct lifted his hands to his hood and lifted it off, revealing the identity of the Cloaked Stranger.

Doctor Strange gawked as he stared in disbelief. And yet, somehow he sort of knew the moment he saw the family portrait in the abandoned castle. It was a guess, a feeling. But his intuition was correct.

As the Royal Guards placed the prisoners back into their cell, Princess Celestia observes with the growing concern of the human sorcerer. But just then, a portal formed beside her. Doctor Strange exits the portal with the look of a child who figured out a puzzle. “Silver Dagger has told me everything, and I know where the Cloaked Strange is heading.”

Back at the Princesses’ chamber, the two princesses have gathered with Doctor Strange to discuss their next clue. “So, what have you learned from Silver Dagger?” Luna asked, somewhat tired from being awoken for this. “Can I get a map of the entire world?” Doctor Strange requested. Princess Celestia teleported in a long rolled up paper and gave it to him.

“I learned that the map is not on Equestria, it’s beyond Equestria.” Doctor Strange stated as he unrolled the map onto a table. “The cloaked figure is looking for an ancient fountain that if one bathes in the waters it returns ones to its youth.” He explains, using the pointers from Silver Dagger and comparing the small map to the expanded map. He looked for any small area that resembles it.

“Wait, are you suggesting that there is this “fountain of youth” that the cloaked stranger wishes to seek out for immortality?” Celestia asks, doubtful of the idea of a magical fountain. But then again, strange things have happened before from her experience.

It only took a minute before Doctor Strange finally found it. “Yes, well. That is what Silver Dagger told me.” He said. “And why should we believe the words of a delusional human?” Luna asks. “Because I gave him a reason to speak the truth.” Doctor Strange said. He points to the area that was identical to the note. It was far behind Griffinstone, behind the mountains where there are many rivers next to Trotsylvania. “There, that is where we will find the man. If we go there, if I portal there, we can be ahead of him and prevent him from getting his youth.”

“It seems we now know what we must do.” Celestia stated. “Yes, we stop the evil doer and punish him for his actions! Huzzah!” Luna cheered, finally getting some action after all these thousand years.

“Then it’s settled, we prepare and do a little steak out.” Doctor Strange said.

All things have come together, plans have formed and are now in motion. Will Doctor Strange reveal the identity of the Cloaked Stranger? Have you figured it out by now on who it is? Find out for the next chapter in a month or more, and may the Vishanti smile upon you a good night/day!